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Journal of Cleaner Production 10 (2002) 215–223

Sustainable development and the challenge of innovation

Frans A. Vollenbroek
Department of Strategy, The Ministry of Environment, PO Box 30945, 2500 GX The Hague, The Netherlands

Accepted 30 August 2001


Innovation does not automatically lead to societal progress, as is implicitly assumed in technology push-oriented policies. This
assumption is an inheritance of the Enlightenment; i.e., the belief that science will automatically lead to a better quality of life.
The strive for sustainable development needs an approach towards innovation that can be characterised as society pull: the society
has to decide which (balance of) economical, ecological and social goals are to be met. Society pull can be organised by developing
shared perspectives for the future, which are inspiring for public and private policy-makers and investors. In this paper this is
worked out as transition management: a process approach directing innovation towards sustainable development. A crucial aspect
of transition management is that innovation is no longer driven by the past, but attracted by the future.  2002 Elsevier Science
Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Innovation; Sustainable development; Transition management

1. Introduction should not only result in economic strength, but also in

a better quality of the environment. After all, the quality
Technological developments and innovation play a of life does not depend only on the availability of money
key role in the growth of Western economies. In the past and the opportunity of buying goods and services, but
a variety of technologies enabled the production of crops also — if not primarily — on the safety and healthful-
with a decreasing number of workers in agriculture, thus ness of the living environment.
freeing human resources to be used for a tremendous This raises the fundamental question whether econ-
growth in industrial activities, a strong increase of pros- omic growth and improvement of the environmental
perity, and radical changes in social structures. In the quality can be combined. In the White Paper on the
future, information and communication technology Economy and the Environment [1] the Dutch govern-
(ICT), nano-technology and genomics are likewise ment has answered this question positively, although the
expected to have great impact on economic and social paper emphasises that the direction in which the econ-
structures. Because technology and innovation play a omy grows should be changed: the environmental burden
key role, most governments have developed subsidy per unit of gross national product must be reduced con-
schemes to stimulate research and development (R&D) siderably. In this, technology can play a crucial role,
within companies and through public–private partner- according to the White Paper, which was confirmed by
ships. These subsidies are legitimated by the argument a technology foresight study by TNO [2,3]. In order to
of market failure: the costs of R&D are to be paid by implement this vision, the programme EET (Economy,
only a few actors, while the benefits of R&D are spread Ecology, Technology) was developed in which economi-
over many actors and eventually over the society as a cal and ecological objectives meet in one subsidy
whole. These benefits are expressed in terms of competi- scheme.1 Although this scheme is very successful, it is
tiveness, economic growth and increasing prosperity.
Although this reasoning is still valid in many countries,
there is an increasing consciousness that innovation 1
EET is a joint programme of three Dutch ministries stimulating
innovation, co-operation and knowledge building, with the object of
ecological and economical benefits. Recently the publication Breaking
E-mail address: (F.A. through sustainability was issued, highlighting some aspects of the
Vollenbroek). programme (available via

0959-6526/02/$ - see front matter  2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 5 9 - 6 5 2 6 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 4 8 - 8
216 F.A. Vollenbroek / Journal of Cleaner Production 10 (2002) 215–223

not expected to be sufficient to reach the ultimate goal: understood as a consequence of a cultural transition from
substitution of current technologies by new environmen- a traditional sacral society to a modern economic
tally benign technologies or product–service combi- society. In the traditional society the desires of individ-
nations. In order to reach this goal, policy coherence uals are restricted by religious laws and/or diverted to
between economic, science, technology and industry rites: desires are in fact considered as a potential threat
policy is needed, thus contributing to the formation of for the stability of society [5]. In the modern economic
an innovation system that is directed towards sustainable society, this view has changed into its reverse: desires of
development and which creates opportunities for pro- individuals are considered as a driving force for learning,
ducers and consumers. development and innovation, which is believed eventu-
This paper reflects some of the work that has been ally to improve the quality of people’s lives. In fact,
done in the course of preparation of the fourth Dutch Francis Bacon described this belief in his book entitled
National Environmental Policy Plan (NEPP-4), with the The New Atlantis (1627), which is a technological uto-
focus on technology and innovation. First, the role of pia. Since then technology and innovation have been
innovation in historical perspective is examined, includ- anchored deeply in our culture.
ing the relation between innovation and quality of life.
Then the concept of sustainable development is dis- 2.2. Innovation and the quality of life
cussed, including the finality of world resources, the
need for system innovations and the concept of tran- Francis Bacon believed strongly that by using natural
sitions. Subsequently transition management is exam- science the distress of his time could be relieved. In his
ined more closely, including the relation between current book he mentioned several scientific achievements that
environmental policies and transition management. The would help people to build a better life. Interestingly
paper ends with an epilogue. Bacon was inspired religiously: he believed that the Fall
of man not only caused loss of innocence, but also loss
of sovereignty over nature. His idea was that man had
2. The role of innovation in historical perspective the duty to recover sovereignty by developing and using
science as an instrument. One important aspect Bacon
Innovation — the successful introduction of an inven- did not write about is the process or mechanisms that
tion in society — resulted in a steady increase in the should lead to this better life. It was Adam Smith who
prosperity of Western societies during the 20th century. filled this gap in his book The Wealth of Nations (1776),
This tempted many countries to a positive attitude in which he described economical price mechanisms.
towards innovation, Japan being the most pronounced Like Bacon, Adam Smith showed a strong belief in the
example. This does not mean, however, that innovation power of his concept: the invisible hand of the price
is — and has been — always regarded positively. There mechanism would lead inevitably to paradise. In 1848,
are many examples of social tensions that were caused however, Marx observed in his Manifesto that the
by the introduction of new technologies or machines, (capitalistic) system was collapsing and causes misery
mainly because workers were fired or had to learn new for whole nations. Looking back, Marx seems to have
skills. Looking back further in history, there is evidence been wrong: capitalism is the winning paradigm. This
that authorities even restricted the introduction of new may be true, but we should not forget the many insti-
technologies. Thus a 16th century English court ordered tutional changes that were required to create mechanisms
the destruction of machines for knitting stockings since that were able to (re)distribute the benefits of technologi-
these were undermining the stability of the society [4]. cal progress and innovation among a majority of people.
This changing attitude towards innovation started with Moreover, these mechanisms are still not effective to
the Enlightenment: science instead of myths and the prevent distress in Third World countries, to prevent
Bible became the most important source of truth. The environmental deterioration, and to prevent the existence
concept of truth should be understood here as knowledge of some disadvantaged people in an otherwise affluent
that was effective in providing explanations for natural society.
events such as thunder and lightning and in providing Learning from history, we may say that, more than
technology that was suitable to handle these phenomena. ever, there is a need to develop a vision of the coherence
An example of this is the lightning conductor on between technology development, innovation, the work-
churches, which was recognised to be more effective in ing of institutions and societal progress. In fact, the pub-
fire prevention than praying! lic debate in the 1970s about the role of new technology
in societies (in The Netherlands the focus was mainly
2.1. Cultural transition on nuclear energy) was a first step to such a system
approach, giving rise to a variety of technology assess-
The changing attitude of people and institutions ment methodologies. In the 1980s, companies were also
towards innovation throughout the ages can thus be confronted with the fact that the technology push
F.A. Vollenbroek / Journal of Cleaner Production 10 (2002) 215–223 217

approach was no longer successful: the influence of non- 3.1. Key resources
governmental organisations (NGOs) increased strongly,
consumers became more critical and governments This discussion makes clear that resource stocks are
required commitment to environmental goals. rather fluid and management of these resources is diffi-
cult. Apparently, a higher level of aggregation is
required to analyse resources. In researching this prob-
lem within a project in the Ministry of Environment,
three so-called key resources were identified: energy,
3. Sustainable development and innovation space and biodiversity [6]. The basic idea behind this
concept is that these three key resources are always
required to maintain and built natural and industrial eco-
The World Commission on Environment and Devel- systems, respectively. In other words: these resources are
opment (1987) has defined sustainable development as always part of the fulfilment of human needs (see Table
“ensuring the needs of the present generation without 1). Obviously, the three key resources are not inde-
compromising the ability of future generations to meet pendent. In one way or another, space is required to cap-
their own needs”. Although this definition is powerful ture the 70 W/m2 of sunlight that hits the earth’s surface
and appeals strongly to the responsibility of the present to make it accessible to consumers and industry. More-
generation, it is not obvious how to work it out. The over, any decision about agricultural use, industrial
concept of ‘needs’ is especially problematic, because of settlements or urban planning has an impact on the qual-
various reasons. First, we do not know the needs of ity of space and thus on biodiversity. The concept of key
future generations. Obviously they need food, shelter, resources may therefore be used to structure the possible
clothing and transportation, but what resources do they effects of decisions that are to be taken in the future and
need to meet these functions? Should we save some of thus help public and private policy-makers to optimise
our natural gas reserves and other resources? Assuming their decisions concerning innovation and investments.
that future economies will be built on new emerging
(energy) technologies, fossil fuels might even be 3.2. Environmental quality and innovation
superfluous in the future. Second, needs have the tend-
ency to grow. New technologies give rise to new needs, Sustainable development relates to economical, eco-
as is exemplified by the mobile telephone: in one decade logical and social developments. Possibilities to co-
people revealed a unrestrained need to communicate at optimise these developments depend strongly on the
any time and at all places. In fact this illustrates that availability of technologies, innovation strategies, and
needs are social constructions and may thus be unlimi- the institutional conditions that are set by government
ted. This discussion makes clear that the present gener- policies. In The Netherlands, the environmental policies
ation should develop knowledge, which can be used by that were developed in the last decades resulted in a sig-
next generations to construct and meet their needs, rather nificant improvement of the quality of the environment,
than focusing on saving some non-renewable resources. while at the same time the economy has grown. This
One might thus say that knowledge is a virtual and achievement is mainly due to improvement of existing
vital resource. technologies and/or using end-of-pipe technologies. In
It is obvious that physical resources will also play a order to combine economic growth in the next decades
crucial role, but since we cannot predict the way next and the improvement of environmental quality,
generations fulfil their needs, it is difficult to manage incremental improvements are not expected to be suf-
particular resources. Moreover, it is extremely difficult ficient. Thus system changes are required, which will
to ascertain the magnitude of the reserves of a particular enable the fulfilment of needs in an entirely new manner.
resource. Economics plays an important role here, since This can be visualised as shown in Fig. 1.
when scarcity threatens certain known deposits, search The Dutch programme for Sustainable Technology
for new reserves and new technologies will start. Pre- Development, which has recently completed its five-year
viously unviable reserves will become attractive, either term and is now in a dissemination phase, estimated the
because a higher price is paid on the market or because required improvement in eco-efficiency to be a factor of
new technologies are developed enabling mining of low at least 20 [7]. The programme also demonstrated that
concentration deposits. Another factor that makes such achievements are possible by using future visions
resource management complex is substitution. If copper to derive the R&D agenda of today. Another important
becomes scarce, the price mechanism will drive users to element of the programme is the co-evolution of tech-
other materials such as polymers. Replacement may also nology, structure and culture. This means that not only
occur because of other reasons such as performance. technology should be considered as a driver for inno-
Thus glass fibre replaces copper wiring because telecom- vation, but also societal needs and goals must also be
munication through glass fibres is more effective. factored in. Obviously this means that public policy-
218 F.A. Vollenbroek / Journal of Cleaner Production 10 (2002) 215–223

Table 1
The key resources: energy, space and biodiversity

Both natural and industrial (eco)systems require energy to drive conversion processes. In natural ecosystems, sunlight is used to convert CO2
and nutrients into plants, which serve as an energy source for all other organisms. The industrial system requires energy for mining,
purification, manufacturing, transport, etc. Closing material cycles in industry in order to create industrial ecosystems does not change this,
since recycling requires energy as well. Crucial is the fact that energy itself can not be recycled, as is taught by the second law of
thermodynamics. This means that natural and industrial ecosystems will always require an external source of energy (i.e., the sun). Price
mechanisms or technological developments and/or substitution effects cannot change this. Energy may thus be regarded as a key resource.
It is obvious that space is required for all human activities: housing, agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, etc. Some countries do not
have enough space to match all these functions, which means that space is needed abroad. The Netherlands, for example, uses 15 million
hectares of agricultural land in other countries, whereas 2 million hectares are used within The Netherlands. Since more land is needed to
manage the water from the big rivers and since people wish more space for living and development of natural areas, even more agricultural
land has to be ‘hired’ in other countries. This development may even accelerate in the future if The Netherlands shifts their energy supply
from fossil fuels to renewable sources such as wind and biomass. Thus the space which is required for the total energy demand of the Dutch
economy amounts to 400 km×400 km, which is much more than the surface of the country as a whole. Large-scale import of biomass is thus
necessary. If the energy is generated by wind parks (on the sea) then 180 km×180 km is needed, which is a considerable part of the North
Sea area. If energy is generated directly from sunlight (using photovoltaic silicon devices) 100 km×100 km is required, which is much more
than the sum of all roof surfaces in The Netherlands, but much less than the area biomass production requires. Moreover, photovoltaic
systems may be placed in regions outside The Netherlands with poor soil quality and a deficit of water (a desert for instance), whereas
biomass production requires fertile soil, water and a modest temperature. It is obvious that this resource-based analysis does not match with
economics: energy derived from biomass is less expensive than energy from photovolaics. The reason for this is, however, that the economic
price of space does not reflect the value of it as a public good.
Living organisms support industrial and natural ecosystems. They deliver food, renewable feedstock and they contributes to the system
dynamics of natural ecosystems: a tree can only survive by virtue of its symbiosis with the many species of mycorrhiza in the root zone.
Moreover, humans can survive only because of the many species of bacteria in the large intestine, which help with digestive processes. In
fact, the diversity of organisms is crucial, rather than the quantity. In other words: biodiversity is the third key resource.

object of creating shared perspectives of the future

and/or agreement on the transition agenda. An example
of a transition is shown in Fig. 2 [9]. The shared perspec-
tive in this transition is to create an energy supply system
that does not contribute to an increase in CO2 concen-
tration in the atmosphere. The various technologies are
examples of possible solutions, but the question of which
solutions are to be developed and scaled to large oper-
ational units, depends on the opportunities that are seen
by the market parties in relation to (intentionally) chang-
ing institutional arrangements (regulation, fiscal meas-
ures, subsidy schemes, etc.). These aspects are all part
Fig. 1. Improvement of existing technologies is not sufficient to meet
the environmental goals.

makers should be able to create conditions which are

attractive enough for private parties to co-operate. On
the other hand, private parties should be prepared to
commit to public goals.
The required system innovations can also be described
as transitions, which refer to a set of simultaneously
changing parameters: technology, structure, culture and
intentions [8]. One important characteristic of transitions
is that many actors and a variety of factors are usually
involved, which give the impression that the develop-
ment as a whole is an autonomous one. Managing tran-
sitions may thus be practically impossible unless a multi-
actor communication process can be organised, with the Fig. 2. Transition from a fossil to a CO2-neutral energy supply.
F.A. Vollenbroek / Journal of Cleaner Production 10 (2002) 215–223 219

of the transition agenda and should be negotiated with 4. A closer look at transition management
the parties involved.
Transitions are not a new phenomenon. Many tran-
3.3. Variation and selection sitions have occurred in the past, such as the transition
from sailing ships to steamships. More recently the tran-
The evolutionary approach of technological develop- sition from coal to natural gas occurred in The Nether-
ment and innovation, in which variation and selection lands, which led to the closure of coal mines in the
are the main characteristics, can easily be combined with southern province of Limburg. The striving towards sus-
the transition concept. This is visualised in Fig. 3. The tainable development raises the question whether tran-
figure shows the transition from a dynamic equilibrium sitions can be managed in such a way that economical,
A to a new equilibrium B. In the initiation phase, vari- ecological and social goals are met in one concerted pro-
ation and learning are essential to explore and develop cess. In order to explore the possibilities of transition
new possibilities. In the acceleration phase, learning management, the Ministry of Environment committed a
about up-scaling (technological problems, economy-of- research project on this subject in the course of the
scale effects, etc.), public acceptance and institutional NMP-4 process [11]. Thus it was found that managing
requirements is important. Based on this learning, transitions requires in the first place a thorough analysis
decisions are to be made by the private parties, eventu- of the actors involved. This analysis should make
ally resulting in the stabilisation phase. explicit the perspectives of the various actors, on which
The role of the government is pluralistic and follows one transition objective is based. The transition objective
from market deficiency. First, the management of the should be described in such a manner that it is con-
transition process should be organised by the govern- sidered as a shared perspective. Moreover the transition
ment, since driving forces for private parties are lacking. objective should be reachable via various transition
This does not mean that the government is the (only) paths, which makes it attractive for various actors. In
transition manager. On the contrary: the initiative from managing transitions, the following principles seem to
the government should have the objective of forming a be important:
transition team. This team may consist of high-level
officials from leading companies, scientific institutions, 앫 long-term goals are leading for short-term policies;
consumer organisations, etc.2 앫 thinking in terms of multi-domain, multi-actor and
Second, the government should match its various poli- multi-level is required;
cies with the transition requirements. Thus technology 앫 learning processes should be organised;
policies may be directed to generate new options in the 앫 improvement and system change should be com-
initiation phase, strategic niche management [10] may bined; and
be applied to stimulate private parties to invest in learn- 앫 a large number of options should be kept open.
ing and tax schemes and other institutional arrangements
may be adjusted to stimulate the selection process. The aim of transition management is to motivate the
various actors (companies, universities, technological
institutions, NGOs) to commit and contribute to the tran-
sition agenda. This generates synergy and may speed up
the transition process considerably. Obviously this com-
mitment will only be given if the private parties see busi-
ness opportunities.

4.1. Transition management and environmental policy

The concept of transition management fits well in the

environmental policy development, at least in The
Netherlands. Fig. 4 illustrates this; the vertical axis
shows the degree of government control, the horizontal
axis the degree of co-operation between business and
Fig. 3. Variation and selection are important elements of a transition. government.
Beginning with a market-driven situation in the 1970s,
environmental problems became apparent. Due to public
awareness and political pressure, strict environmental
In The Netherlands this way of organising a transition may match regulation was enforced. This command and control
perfectly with the Dutch ‘poldermodel’, although this model may not mechanism was effective, since a lot of measures were
create enough drive for innovations. This aspect is to be investigated. taken in a short period of time. On the other hand, it
220 F.A. Vollenbroek / Journal of Cleaner Production 10 (2002) 215–223

Fig. 4. Environmental policy cycle. This figure is a modified version of a figure in Kuijjer [12].

resulted mainly in the development and implementation are considered to be necessary by the transition partners.
of end-of-pipe technologies. In order to make further Eventually this process may lead to a new market-driven
improvements, the Dutch government started in 1990 to situation, in which there is a great deal of policy coher-
formulate environmental targets and objectives for vari- ence and prices that stimulate environmentally benign
ous sectors (target groups) and started negotiations with innovation.
these sectors about time scales, technology subsidy A more detailed overview of the similarities and dif-
schemes, distributions of costs, etc. The results of these ferences between the target group policy and transition
co-operative actions were described in covenants. Essen- management is shown in Table 2. Fig. 4 and Table 2
tial is that industry is largely left free in determining the may suggest that transition management makes the target
means to reach the targets, thus stimulating environmen- group policy superfluous, but this is not the case. In fact,
tal innovation. Nevertheless innovation is focused on the target group policy is a short-term policy, which is
optimisation within existing systems, one reason being part of the transition agenda. This is visualised in Fig.
the relatively short time horizon of the covenant agree- 5. The figure shows that the current policy is based on
ments (5–10 years). An evaluation in the course of prep- forecasting or foresight methodologies over a period of
aration of NEPP-4 revealed that there are persisting 10 years. In the best case it anticipates on technologies
environmental problems, such as CO2 and NOx emis- that are under development, but in essence it is following
sions, emissions from agricultural activities, loss of scientific and technological developments. Transition
biodiversity, etc., which cannot be solved with the cur- management includes the formation of a transition
rent policy approach and perhaps not with existing agenda based on long-term targets, thus stimulating
actors.3 These problems can only be solved by system environmentally benign technologies. The challenge
innovations, which enable the fulfilment of needs in an here is to combine the long-term agenda with the earlier
entirely new manner. Transition management has the agreed short-term actions in such a way that synergy
objective to stimulate this type of innovation, thus being arises.
the logical next step following on the target group pol-
icy. Transition management is also characterised by a 4.2. Transition management and the Dutch
close co-operation between industry and government. poldermodel
The role of the government, however, changes from con-
troller to partner in a transition. As a partner the govern-
The culture of consultation and consensus building is
ment should initiate institutional changes and develop
deeply rooted in The Netherlands. This is often called
new instruments, such as tax and subsidy schemes, that
the poldermodel. This model has been functioning for
the economy for a long time and the target group policy
Ashford [13] argues that dominant technologies are unlikely to was the start of the ‘green poldermodel’. Although this
displace themselves and that new entrants are needed to bring about model seems to be useful for transition management pur-
the required sustainable changes. poses as well, there is a serious problem to face. This
F.A. Vollenbroek / Journal of Cleaner Production 10 (2002) 215–223 221

Table 2
Characteristics of target group policy and transition management

Target group policy Transition management

1. Actors involved 1. Sectors 1. Stakeholders

2. Target 2. Target 2. Target
앫 formulation 앫 environmental objectives 앫 sustainable development
앫 qualitative or quantitative 앫 quantitative 앫 qualitative and quantitative
앫 time horizon 앫 2010 앫 2001–2030
3. Type of innovation 3. Optimisation 3. System innovations
4. Monitoring 4. Emission reductions 4. Process parameters
5. Government actions 5. Negotiate and control 5. Establish right conditions
6. Primary action of business 6. Implementation 6. Development
7. Planning 7. Forecasting, technology following 7. Backcasting, technology forcing

leading companies (or new entrants) and the pioneers of

the middle group, the transition arena may be different
from the polder arena. It is difficult to say how severe
this problem is. Thinking in terms of the various phases
of transitions (see Fig. 3), it may be possible to create
changing coalitions during the transition process. NGOs
may be able to play a very important role here since they
can generate rewards for companies that are willing to
Fig. 5. The current (target group) policy and transition management. commit to public goals. Moreover, the government can
develop instruments, such as insurances for first movers,
revolving funds for pioneers and tax schemes that make
problem is visualised in Fig. 6: on the left there is a polluting technologies expensive and clean technologies
group of companies that are not active at all if innovation cheaper. The latter may generate a mechanism that cata-
is concerned and thus tend to be backwards to new lyses the creative destruction principle as described by
developments. In the middle there is a large group of Schumpeter, i.e., investments in new (environmentally
reactive companies. The majority of these companies act benign) technologies are financed by taxing the older
in the sense of ‘business as usual’ and are not willing polluting technologies.
to take the lead in new developments. At the right there
is a relatively small group of leading companies (perhaps 4.3. Transition management, the production of
new companies or entrants are required) that are innov- knowledge and the role of universities
ative and may be willing to take the lead in sustainable
entrepreneurship. As is shown in the figure the polderm- Technological developments in the second half of the
odel is typically centred around the left part, where the 20th century appear to be quite manageable as is shown
speed of innovation is probably determined by the slow- by the industrial research facilities and big projects such
est movers. Since transition management relies on the as the first-man-on-the-moon project. Another well-

Fig. 6. The ‘poldermodel’ and the ‘transition model’.

222 F.A. Vollenbroek / Journal of Cleaner Production 10 (2002) 215–223

known example of research planning is silicon tech- tal burden per unit of prosperity must be minimised. This
nology: Moore’s law, which says that each new requires a thorough rethink of the way we fulfil our
microchip contains twice as much capacity as its prede- needs. Developing shared perspectives for the future,
cessor and each microchip being released within 18–24 from which transition agendas can be derived, may
months of the previous one, is a good example of a man- facilitate this process. Referring to the technological uto-
made law. In other words, the various companies pia of Francis Bacon, transition management may help
involved match their investments in R&D and new pro- to articulate and monitor societal goals in time (after all,
duction facilities in order to make Moore’s law come targets are moving in time) and help policy-makers in
true (the costs of capital equipment to build semiconduc- government, universities and companies to match their
tors appears to double every four years). The companies agendas with these goals.
involved act like this because they are convinced that An important aspect is that new knowledge and new
their competitors will do the same. Thus Moore’s law technologies tend to give rise to ‘new’ needs. Permanent
has been functioning as a ‘shared perspective for the societal debates are therefore necessary to find out which
future’ for more than two decades. Transition manage- needs are to be met and which will and can not (the
ment may use the same mechanism to stimulate system concept of key resources may be helpful here). In fact,
innovations in the field of energy supply, transport (air this means that the technology push tradition has to be
and ground) and food production. replaced by a society pull mechanism. An example of a
Planning of fundamental research is much more peril- need that may emerge in the next decades is space tour-
ous since serendipity plays an important role. Moreover, ism. The question to be answered here is whether we
the creativity of scientists may become in danger if there want to establish this need — it is under construction
is not enough freedom in fundamental research. There- already — and if so, what (ecological) price we are pre-
fore universities should not be controlled by government pared to pay.
too much. On the other hand, universities should develop The challenge of innovation is therefore also a chal-
a vision on the concept of sustainable development and lenge for mankind: homo faber should work closely
the way they can contribute to this goal. The building together with homo volens. In other words: technology
of students with multidisciplinary skills and attitudes should follow people and not the other way around.
reflecting commitment to societal goals are important
aspects of this contribution.

5. Epilogue The author wishes to thank the following persons for

valuable contributions and/or discussions: Ineke Baas,
History has shown that technological developments Maurits Butter, Leendert van Damme, Ronald Fredriksz,
and innovation do not lead automatically to prosperity Koos de Groot, Paulien van der Hoeven, Annelieke
and a better quality of life for all. Nevertheless, at the Kwak, Mark Overman, Paul Pilgram, Elsbeth Roelofs, Jan
end of the 1960s, most people in Western economies Ros, Paul Tops, Silvie Warmerdam and Rob Weterings.
seemed to benefit from technological progress. One
could even imagine that the prophecy of Keynes — that
in the year 2030 scarcity would not exist any more — References
would came true [14]. This prophecy was based on the
calculation that from 1930 to 2030 the productivity of [1] Policy Document on Environment and Economy, Ministry of
man would increase by a factor of seven, which would Environment, Den Haag, 1998.
be sufficient to abandon scarcity completely. This [2] Vollenbroek FA, Weterings RAPM, Butter M. Technology
options for sustainable development. In: OECD Proceedings of
increase in productivity would change the 21st century the Budapest Workshop: Technology Foresight and Sustainable
man into a superman compared with his grandfather. Development, 11 December 1998.
Obviously this superman was helped by machines, pow- [3] Weterings, RAPM, Kuijper, J, Smeets E, Arnokkée GJ, Minne
ered by (fossil) fuel, which seemed to be inexhaustible B. 81 options, technology for sustainable development. Report
at that time. The 1973 oil crisis and The Club of Rome by TNO/STB, Delft, 1997.
[4] Heilbroner RL. The worldly philosophers. New York: Simon and
made clear that oil and other resources, respectively, are Schuster, 1986.
not infinite. Moreover, at the end of the 20th century it [5] Tijmes P. Sacraliteit en schaarste. De dubbele huishouding van de
became clear that the regenerative power of nature is mimese. In: Girard R, editor. Het labyrint van verlangen. Agora:
also limited, thus frustrating the economic growth opti- Pelckmans, 1996 [in Dutch].
mism. The challenge of innovation is to deal with these [6] Keys for sustainable development: energy, biodiversity and
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