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1.1 This Schedule established the scope of the work to be performed by

CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Contract, and describes or references in
Attachment I of this Schedule “B”, the technical requirements that
CONTRACTOR shall satisfy or adhere to in accomplishing the work.
1.2 Because of the technical nature of the documents referenced in this Schedule
“B”, these documents have not been translated into Arabic. Both the
CONTRACTOR and the COMPANY agree to be bound by the English text.


CONTRACTOR shall complete all WORK specified in this CONTRACT by Twenty

four (24) Gregorian Months from CONTRACT Effective Date. Separable
portions of the WORK specified in Attachment II to this Schedule “B” shall be
completed by the dates specified therein (“Critical Milestone Dates”).


3.1 COMPANY – Supplied Materials

COMPANY shall furnish only the following materials to be incorporated in the

PROJECT or used in the WORK:

3.1.1 Plant Number Tags, 6.35 cm X 2.54 cm or 4.445 cm X 1.112 CM, for
each individual item of equipment and independent components to be
tagged. Normally the COMPANY Plant Number Tags are made of
brass, however COMPANY may issue Plant Tags made from other
material in cases where brass tags are not suitable for a particular
type of equipment.

3.2 COMPANY – Supplied Tools and Equipment

COMPANY shall furnish only the following tools and equipment:

- NONE -


TK Date of Issue: January 2009 Supersedes: April 2004 *Denotes Change


CONTRACTOR shall perform the detailed engineering and design, procurement,

supply and deliver all the materials/equipment to WORK SITE, construction,
dismantling, installation, testing, commissioning and put into service the
U/G CABLE CIRCUITS – PART 1, IN RIYADH. The detailed scope of work is as
indicated the Scope of Work and Technical Specifications, DED-UGCRP1-01.


The WORK shall include but not necessarily limited to, the following:

5.1 Replacement of Existing 33 KV U/G Cable circuit by New 2-

3CX240mm2 XLPE U/G Cable circuit – (8007-7097)

CONTRACTOR shall replace the existing 33 kV U/G cable circuit by New XLPE
U/G Cable circuit. Complete design, Supply and installation of One (01) new
33KV underground cable circuits, each circuit consisting of 2-3CX240MM²,
XLPE, copper cable + Fiber Optic Cable, to be laid between S/S # 8007 and
S/S # 7097, complete with all required, insulated joints, earthing, and other
accessories in accordance with COMPANY Standard Code & Specifications as
shown in cable route drawing Appendix I - List of Attached Conceptual and
Reference Drawing.
Approximate Route Length of Cable Circuit = 8.345Km

5.2 Replacement of Existing 33 KV U/G Cable circuit by New 2-

3CX240mm2 XLPE U/G Cable circuit – (8007-7077)A

CONTRACTOR shall replace the existing 33 kV U/G cable circuit by New XLPE
U/G Cable circuit. Complete design, Supply and installation of One (01) new
33KV underground cable circuits, each circuit consisting of 2-3CX240MM²,
XLPE, copper cable + Fiber Optic Cable, to be laid between S/S # 8007 and
S/S # 7077, complete with all required, insulated joints, earthing, and other
accessories in accordance with COMPANY Standard Code & Specifications as
shown in cable route drawing Appendix I - List of Attached Conceptual and
Reference Drawing.
Approximate Route Length of Cable Circuit = 5.590Km

5.3 Replacement of Existing 33 KV U/G Cable circuit by New 2-

3CX240mm2 XLPE U/G Cable circuit – (7035-7036)

CONTRACTOR shall replace the existing 33 kV U/G cable circuit by New XLPE
U/G Cable circuit. Complete design, Supply and installation of One (01) new
33KV underground cable circuits, each circuit consisting of 2-3CX240MM²,
XLPE, copper cable + Fiber Optic Cable, to be laid between S/S # 7035 and
S/S # 7036, complete with all required, insulated joints, earthing, and other
accessories in accordance with COMPANY Standard Code & Specifications as
shown in cable route drawing Appendix I - List of Attached Conceptual and
Reference Drawing.
Approximate Route Length of Cable Circuit = 5.590Km


TK Date of Issue: January 2009 Supersedes: April 2004 *Denotes Change

5.4 Replacement of Existing 33 KV U/G Cable circuit by New 2-
3CX240mm2 XLPE U/G Cable circuit – (8091-7029)A

CONTRACTOR shall replace the existing 33 kV U/G cable circuit by New XLPE
U/G Cable circuit. Complete design, Supply and installation of One (01) new
33KV underground cable circuits, each circuit consisting of 2-3CX240MM²,
XLPE, copper cable + Fiber Optic Cable, to be laid between S/S # 8091 and
S/S # 7029, complete with all required, insulated joints, earthing, and other
accessories in accordance with COMPANY Standard Code & Specifications as
shown in cable route drawing Appendix I - List of Attached Conceptual and
Reference Drawing.
Approximate Route Length of Cable Circuit = 3.013Km

5.5 Replacement of Existing 33 KV U/G Cable circuit by New 2-

3CX240mm2 XLPE U/G Cable circuit – (7222-7029)

CONTRACTOR shall replace the existing 33 kV U/G cable circuit by New XLPE
U/G Cable circuit. Complete design, Supply and installation of One (01) new
33KV underground cable circuits, each circuit consisting of 2-3CX240MM²,
XLPE, copper cable + Fiber Optic Cable, to be laid between S/S # 7222 and
S/S # 7029, complete with all required, insulated joints, earthing, and other
accessories in accordance with COMPANY Standard Code & Specifications as
shown in cable route drawing Appendix I - List of Attached Conceptual and
Reference Drawing.
Approximate Route Length of Cable Circuit = 2.371Km

5.6 Replacement of Existing 33 KV U/G Cable circuit by New 2-

3CX240mm2 XLPE U/G Cable circuit – (7083-7231)

CONTRACTOR shall replace the existing 33 kV U/G cable circuit by New XLPE
U/G Cable circuit. Complete design, Supply and installation of One (01) new
33KV underground cable circuits, each circuit consisting of 2-3CX240MM²,
XLPE, copper cable + Fiber Optic Cable, to be laid between S/S # 7083 and
S/S # 7231, complete with all required, insulated joints, earthing, and other
accessories in accordance with COMPANY Standard Code & Specifications as
shown in cable route drawing Appendix I - List of Attached Conceptual and
Reference Drawing.
Approximate Route Length of Cable Circuit = 3.644Km

5.7 Replacement of Existing 33 KV U/G Cable circuit by New 2-

3CX240mm2 XLPE U/G Cable circuit – (7172-7019)

CONTRACTOR shall replace the existing 33 kV U/G cable circuit by New XLPE
U/G Cable circuit. Complete design, Supply and installation of One (01) new
33KV underground cable circuits, each circuit consisting of 2-3CX240MM²,
XLPE, copper cable + Fiber Optic Cable, to be laid between S/S # 7172 and
S/S # 7019, complete with all required, insulated joints, earthing, and other
accessories in accordance with COMPANY Standard Code & Specifications as
shown in cable route drawing Appendix I - List of Attached Conceptual and
Reference Drawing.
Approximate Route Length of Cable Circuit = 7.882Km


TK Date of Issue: January 2009 Supersedes: April 2004 *Denotes Change

5.8 Replacement of Existing 33 KV U/G Cable circuit by New 2-
3CX240mm2 XLPE U/G Cable circuit – (7054-7067)

CONTRACTOR shall replace the existing 33 kV U/G cable circuit by New XLPE
U/G Cable circuit. Complete design, Supply and installation of One (01) new
33KV underground cable circuits, each circuit consisting of 2-3CX240MM²,
XLPE, copper cable + Fiber Optic Cable, to be laid between S/S # 7054 and
S/S # 7067, complete with all required, insulated joints, earthing, and other
accessories in accordance with COMPANY Standard Code & Specifications as
shown in cable route drawing Appendix I - List of Attached Conceptual and
Reference Drawing.
Approximate Route Length of Cable Circuit = 1.42Km

5.09 Complete design, supply and installation of 33 KV indoor XLPE cable

terminations (cable Sealing end) at S/S 8007, 7097, 7077, 7035, 7036,
8091, 7029, 7222, 7083, 7231, 7172, 7019, 7054 and 7067, in accordance
with COMPANY Standard Code & Specifications.

5.10 All the new equipment to be installed under this PROJECT shall be provided
with grounding conductors and connected with the grounding grid.

5.11 Material tests and documentation of the results.

5.12 All required WORK, materials and accessories in all above items shall be
provided and performed by the CONTRACTOR .

5.13 The cable outer jacket shall be flame retardant inside the substation, which
may be achieved by painting as per COMPANY Standard TES-H-107.01. The
supply of the paint shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR

5.14 PVC conduits and fittings shall be provided in all underground concrete duct
banks. The PVC conduits and fittings shall be designed, manufactured and
tested in accordance with the COMPANY'S Materials Standard Specification

5.15 Sub duct on hand hole and inside the building shall be corrugated, flexible
and fire retardant (2 Hours UL rating) with 25mm outside diameter. Subduct
installation shall be in accordance with TCS-T-111. 08.

5.16 Sub duct on the underground duct banks and direct buried conduit in
trenches shall be rigid with 32mm outside diameter and made from HDPE
piping compound, its inner wall must be smooth. It must comply with STC
specification MAT 2301 and pulling length must not exceed 450 meters.

5.17 The duct sealing units for conduit fittings shall be in accordance with
COMPANY'S Materials Standard Specification 23-TMSS-02.

5.18 Unless otherwise indicated, the size of the PVC Conduit for fiber optic cable
and Power cable shall be 100 mm inner diameter and 200 mm inner diameter
respectively or double the diameter of respective Cables.


TK Date of Issue: January 2009 Supersedes: April 2004 *Denotes Change

5.19 Dismantling and removal work

CONTRACTOR shall dismantle and remove all the cables associated with the
33kv SWGR at 33kv S/S’s (8007, 7097, 7077, 7035, 7036, 8091, 7029,
7222, 7083, 7231, 7172, 7019, 7054 and 7067)
In case of the cable route for the new cable in the same trenches of the old
cable, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to dismantle the old power
cable and return back to SEC Store.
All dismantled materials shall be packed in proper way and handed over to
SEC store.


A. Survey for the complete route of the proposed 33kV circuits shown in
Appendix I - List of Attached Conceptual and Reference Drawing.

B. Preparation of cable trenches for direct buried 33kV power cables

installation, including but not limited to excavation, laying of cables, back
filling and reinstatement of surfaces (unpaved and asphalt paved), as per
COMPANY Standard Codes & Specifications.
C. Design and construction of communication Hand holes and communication
duct banks and installation of Hand hole accessories, conduit/duct and
sub-duct (HDPE, fire rated) required for the installation of underground
Fiber Optic cables, as per COMPANY Standard Codes & Specifications.

D. The power cables’ elevation shall be maintained according to final

elevation of future road(s). Any required backfilling or leveling of existing
area shall be done by CONTRACTOR .

E. CONTRACTOR shall satisfy all the conditions listed in the approvals. All
WORK shall be coordinated with the concerned local authority for their full

F. Design and installation of horizontal directional drilling and concrete

encased duct banks as required at road crossings, as per COMPANY
Standard Codes & Specifications.

G. Design and Supply and installation of 33kv Cable Tray at S/S 8007, 7097,
7077, 7035, 7036, 8091, 7029, 7222, 7083, 7231, 7172, 7019, 7054 and
7067 as per COMPANY Standard Codes & Specifications.

H. Design and Construct of 33kv Cable opening at (Basement / Trenches) of

S/S 8007, 7097, 7077, 7035, 7036, 8091, 7029, 7222, 7083, 7231,
7172, 7019, 7054 and 7067 as per COMPANY Standard Codes &


Detailed Scope of Work of Fiber Cable Requirements refer Appendix IV of

SOW/TS of this DED-UGCRP1-01.


TK Date of Issue: January 2009 Supersedes: April 2004 *Denotes Change


6.1 Start-Up Spare Parts

6.1.1 "Start-Up Spare Parts” are defined as spare parts or components,

which may be required during testing and commissioning up to
Preliminary Acceptance of the PROJECT at the WORK SITE.

6.1.2 CONTRACTOR shall provide all Start-Up Spare Parts required during
testing and commissioning up to Preliminary Acceptance of the
PROJECT, pursuant to Paragraph 6.1 of Schedule “A” of this
CONTRACT. The compensation payable to CONTRACTOR for the
provision of all these items is included in the CONTRACT Price set forth
in Paragraph 1.1 of Schedule "C" and specifically included in the
relevant equipment/material price components indicated in Pricing
Attachment to Schedule "C".

6.1.3 CONTRACTOR shall deliver the Start-up-Spare parts together with the
materials and equipment for the PROJECT.

6.1.4 Prior to equipment delivery, CONTRACTOR shall provide the list of

manufacturers, type, model and quantity of all Start-Up Spare Parts
that will be delivered to the PROJECT WORK SITE for review by the
COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE. However, the review by the COMPANY
REPRESENTATIVE shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of its obligation to
provide whatever type and quantity of Start-Up Spare Parts that may
actually be required during testing and commissioning up to
Preliminary Acceptance of the PROJECT.

6.1.5 Prior to the start of testing and commissioning, CONTRACTOR shall

ensure that it has at the WORK SITE sufficient quantity of all Start-Up
Spare Parts that may be required during testing and commissioning up
to Preliminary Acceptance of the PROJECT.

6.1.6 CONTRACTOR shall turnover to COMPANY all unused Start-Up Spare

Parts for the PROJECT upon Preliminary Acceptance of the PROJECT.

6.2 Operational Spare Parts

Not Required in this CONTRACT.

6.3 Special Equipment And/or Tools

Not Required in this CONTRACT.

6.4 COMPANY Personnel Training

Not Required in this CONTRACT.


TK Date of Issue: January 2009 Supersedes: April 2004 *Denotes Change

6.5 Project Management Team

6.5.1 Project Management Team

CONTRACTOR shall provide one [1] Project Management Team throughout

the duration of this CONTRACT.

6.5.2 Construction Staff

CONTRACTOR shall provide a complete Construction Staff as per SITE

Requirements for this CONTRACT.

6.6 Other Requirements

6.6.1 Site Office for Exclusive use by COMPANY

CONTRACTOR shall provide an equipped site office for exclusive use

by COMPANY as described in paragraph 2.12 of the Scope of Work and
Technical Specifications, DED-UGCRP1-01.


Not required


This Schedule “B” includes all of the documents listed below which are hereby
made part of this contract.

7.1 Technical Specification

The Technical Specification defines the technical scope of the WORK to be

performed by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Contract. It defines the
standards, codes, and regulations to be applied throughout the contract
duration. It also defines the basic design criteria for the PROJECT.

7.2 Technical Proposal, Commercial Proposal and Clarifications

7.2.1 Technical Proposal, Commercial Proposal, and Clarification Letters

The CONTRACTOR ’s Technical proposal dated and the

Commercial Proposal dated ; as clarified by the clarification
correspondence listed below and by the minutes of the Bid
Clarification meetings, are made part of this Contract and may not
be changed except by a Change Order or an AMENDMENT.

The Technical Proposal is a supplement to the Technical



TK Date of Issue: January 2009 Supersedes: April 2004 *Denotes Change

If there is a conflict between the provisions of the Clarification
correspondence and the Technical Proposal, Technical
Specification, the Commercial Proposal, or the Scope of Work, the
clarifications shall govern. Except for the Technical Proposal,
Technical Specification, Commercial Proposal, and the Scope of
Work, the clarification correspondences do not govern over any
other part of the Contract. The Clarification Correspondences are
part of this Contract, and may not be altered except by a Change
Order or and AMENDMENT.

The Technical Proposal and Commercial Proposal shall not govern

over the Technical Specification, Scope of Work or any other part
of this Contract.


A. COMPANY Correspondence (s)

- Correspondence No. (Date)

- Correspondence No. (Date)
- Correspondence No. (Date)
- Correspondence No. (Date)

B. CONTRACTOR ’s Correspondence (s)

- Correspondence No. (Date)

- Correspondence No. (Date)
- Correspondence No. (Date)
- Correspondence No. (Date)

C. CONTRACTOR ’s Replies in Response to COMPANY

Clarification Correspondence (s).

- Correspondence No. (Date)

- Correspondence No. (Date)
- Correspondence No. (Date)
- Correspondence No. (Date)

7.2.2 Minutes of Bid Clarification Meetings (“The Minutes”)

The Minutes of the Bid Clarification Meetings dated , and

signed both by CONTRACTOR and COMPANY; describe
modifications and clarifications of the Technical Proposal and
clarifications of the Commercial Proposal agreed to between the
parties. If there is a conflict between the provisions of the Minutes
and the Technical Proposal, Technical Specification, Commercial


TK Date of Issue: January 2009 Supersedes: April 2004 *Denotes Change

Proposal, or the Scope of Work, the Minutes shall govern. Except
for the Technical Proposal, Technical Specification, Commercial
Proposal, and the Scope of Work, the Minutes do not govern over
any other part of the Contract. The Minutes are part of this
Contract, and may not be altered except by a Change Order or and

7.3 Instructions to Bidders, Clarifications, Minutes of Meetings, and

Addenda to Bid Documents

This Schedule “B” includes the Instructions to Bidders for Commercial

Proposal (Form CD 013A), Instructions to Bidders for Technical Proposal,
and the clarifications and addenda to the bid documents, which was
issued to CONTRACTOR during the preparation of its Commercial and
Technical Proposals for this contract, and is part of this contract.

7.4.1 Pre Bid Clarification Issued to Bidders

Reference Title Date

7.4.2 Addenda
Reference Title Date

End of Schedule “B”


TK Date of Issue: January 2009 Supersedes: April 2004 *Denotes Change

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