QQ-P2-Strategic HRM 2

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Table of Contents

Introduction 3

LO1 Analysis of external and contextual developments 3

P1 Current trends influencing HR strategy of the organisation 3

P2 Influence of external and internal factors on HR practices 4

M1 Impact of external and contextual developments on the HR strategies 4

D1 Critical analysis of external and contextual developments applying theories and models 5

LO2 Application of theoretical and practical knowledge of HR development 6

P3 Application of strategic HRM development theories 6

M2 Relation of HR theory to organisational practice 6

D2 Relation of human resource theory to practice in a specific organisational example,

comparing and contrasting this with other possible organisational contexts 7

LO3 Change management models and HR strategies 8

P4 Change management models supporting HR strategies in organisational context 8

M3 Justification for the selected change management model and its effectiveness in HR
strategy support 9

D3 Benefits and drawbacks of implementing change management strategies 10

LO4 Contribution of HR strategies in sustainable business performance 10

P5 Monitoring and measuring HR outcomes 10

P6 Evaluation of effective HR management support in sustainable organisational growth 11

M4 Possible suggestions for HR development for sustainable performance and growth 11

D4 Critical evaluation of HR monitoring and evaluating techniques for performance and

growth 12

Conclusion 13

Reference List 14

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Premier Inn is the UK's biggest hotel chain that has a worldwide business. This global chain
has a range of brands currently operating about 800 hotels (Premier Inn Hotels, 2020). The key
aim of the business is to change the lives of consumers by delivering excellent services rather
than any other business. To run a multinational in the hospitality sector, on such a wide scale as
an HR allows the staff to be taken care of. Due to the direct effect that workers have on our
customer service it is very important to maintain the functioning of the human resource
department effectively. It is a struggle to survive itself in the competitive market in the present
situation, but it has been accomplished effectively in the last 7 to 8 decades. The strategic
human resource management of the Premier Inn has enabled the hotel chain to gain
competitive advantage over its business competitors and excel in its business. Through the
strategic HR management, the hotel chain has successfully identified the market gaps and used
it for improving its customer service.

LO1 Analysis of external and contextual developments

P1 Current trends influencing HR strategy of the organisation

Companies such as Premier Inn are currently engaged with their clients (Raina and Kalse
2018). In order to meet the needs as per the trends, the organisation captures and analyses
workers' data fields in a constructive way. It is possible to develop new learning opportunities by
increasing interest in the business and developing the skills. The workers are not only employed
for pay, they must also be remembered as per the trend, for the good of more workers along
with incentives. It has become a trend to use a biometric or digital device to detect employee
forgery. It is important to incorporate data analytics as a method to achieve a top-class
workforce. Working together with the creation of an organised management structure for the
workforce may comfortably take place between interdepartmental. The main trend is to respond
to generation Z needs (Top 13 of the new developments in the management of human
resources? 2020). Millennial trends are evolving rapidly, an organisation has to be flexible and
to be able to do so, and the people of this millennium will need to be youthful and quick to fulfil
the demands in a more successful manner.

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P2 Influence of external and internal factors on HR practices

Internal Factors

Many factors impact the HR approach between internal factors, such as the strategic goal in
relation to the company’s funding. New systems have an effect on organisational techniques.
For the arrival of a new product, the marketing approach varies.

External Factors

Also external influences, such as fast technological development, impact the acclimatisation by
an organisation to rapid changes. A government's policies are the biggest external influence.
Any corporation of a nation must comply without complying with labour laws; a corporation may
face legal action (Nankervis et al., 2019). In addition to the facts, a corporation still includes the
assistance of municipal authorities including hospitals, fire brigades and police cooperation. The
economic environment in which Premier Inn works also influences HR strategies. A luxury brand
hotel is often found in exotic locations and cities, with comparatively better financial conditions.

M1 Impact of external and contextual developments on the HR strategies

The human resources and management approach varies from that of human resources and
development. The HRD attempts to adapt to the changes. Due to its unpredictable and
uncertain external influences, the HR strategy has an effect on constant contact growth. As a
catalyst of globalisation, globalisation itself is directed at the development of a world economy
without frontiers. Either quality or expense is no longer the responsibility of the company; it is
competing in quality and cost. In globalisation, a state's economic environment plays an
important role. Political and economic freedom is also essential. This independence is vital for
the growth of every community and this growth needs to be discussed by HRD. The HRD has
been tailored to an agile framework by recent technical developments (Michael, 2019).
Technological rules can be complicated in terms of the full use of technology in production of
human capital. The misunderstanding of human contact with electronics is important. However,
it is clear that the technical prospects for human capital and growth remain critical. With the
growing population and diversity in a region, HRD needs to evolve to meet the needs of cross-
functional culture. Legislative conditions are another significant aspect of impact. Health and
safety standards are the provisions of the legislation, and they influence the entire of the
organisation (Strategy 2020). It is also important to establish a plan for recruiting highly qualified

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employees who can raise employability costs. These highly educated employees would then
understand and enforce the statutory needs by practising.

D1 Critical analysis of external and contextual developments applying theories and


Premier Inn is an entertainment international business. It is one of the UK's most important and
ever since its inception hotel chains; its ambition is to expand beyond the UK. Premier Inn thus
embraced globalisation even before it was introduced by the new hospitality industry. At an
early point, HR strategies had not become distinctive, but techniques needed to be introduced
as a multinational brand.

On the other hand, Premier Inn understood that political and economic independence are
important to be global. This can only be done if you first work in certain democratic countries
and then change the laws and regulations in other regimes. The government saw it as an
incentive to harbour their workers, but it had to create rigorous legislation that would protect its
own citizens. Then Premier Inn tailored the construction process to those changes. The policies
introduced under the legislative system are: adequate working time, including overtime, for
48hours a week. That does not go beyond. The 1970 Fair Salary Act prohibits income inequality
regardless of gender and race. The Disabilities and Prejudice Act allows for respectful care of
mentally ill patients and injured patients that can contribute to legal implications.

Technology has been influential in the advancement of civilization in modern years. The
restructuring of the company could result in economic crises. During economic receptions, the
HR must still look at the budget distributed to its workers (Armstrong, 2016). The business has
removed numerous obsolete procedures. HR has played a part in recruiting technically trained
professionals who are familiar with technology and also have used this technology as an agency
for their ageing personnel. This was an immense challenge because technology was for many a
new phenomenon in 2000. Thus the technologies formed the backbone of modern workers. The
staff of a business have to learn the cultural dimensions of their clients to work in a services
sector. Only a shift in the recruiting policy is necessary to do that. An organisation can recruit an
employee with a specific cultural context and train other employees to adapt to socio-cultural

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LO2 Application of theoretical and practical knowledge of HR development

P3 Application of strategic HRM development theories

Matching model

The matching model guarantees that the above five core HRM features are implemented very
successfully in order to meet the organisational objectives. It is important to determine the
function and commitment of appropriately chosen human resources using suitable techniques.
Some benefits must be given depending on evaluation outcomes and employee success. This
method is largely based on the organisation's HRD processes and services according to the
corresponding model (Armstrong and Taylor, 2020). The entire HRM is assumed to be a cyclical
mechanism in which all roles are interdependent, and therefore their importance is rather equal
to the organisational aims. The subsequent model aims to encapsulate and leverage all main
HRM functions more thoroughly. The philosophy stressed in this model can also be called
HRM’s descriptive theory.

The Universalistic theory

It is informed by the words "best practise" and "good value job practises," which may seem to
be somewhat superficial in their underlying conclusions or claims.

● A linear association occurs between activities or processes of human resources and

organisational efficiency.
● This is universal and effective best practice.
● This corporate performance is best assessed by financial metrics such as earnings,
market share and revenue.

Universal theory proponents claim that HRM maintains a universal practise. It is best practise to
be adopted by any organisation, and these supporters reject the application of society, the
environment, people's heterogeneity and behaviours (Armstrong and Taylor, 2020). It is also
easier to identify those supporters as Universalists than to use their philosophy as a 'universally
best practise theory or fundamental HRM theory.

M2 Relation of HR theory to organisational practice

Organizational Behaviour Theory

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The organisational behaviour analysis (OB) relates to HRM roles and lets one consider what
individuals perceive, experience, and do in corporate settings. This expertise allows HR and
preferably all workers to predict, understand and follow planning activities. The organisational
behaviour analysis encompasses fields of research aimed at enhancing work efficiency, growing
steady employment, encouraging innovation and promoting leadership (Bratton and Gold,
2017). Focusing on company behaviour illustrates that such activities affect the productivity and
discretion of managers and that the impact of multiple strategies on human resource
management can be considered and predicted.

Motivation Theory

Motivation is a means to cultivate a strong degree of enthusiasm for the fulfilment of those
human desires in order to accomplish corporate targets. Managers within corporations or
organisations have the main duty to ensure that staff fulfil their duties or positions correctly. In
order to do this, these HRMs must ensure that they have the right trained workers to recruit
(Nankervis et al., 2019). The worker must be properly inspired to increase the efficiency of the
workforce. At this stage, it is important to better understand human nature and how inspiration
can affect employee's performance. In order to accomplish this goal, it is necessary to mix the
right motivations with good management, as well as incentive for the results of employees.

Human Capital Theory

Human capital is an indication of the investment in itself, in other words its capabilities, which
ultimately improves its economic efficiency. Their philosophy is based on the premise that the
ingenuity of human capital contributes to a greater personal income. Supporting this idea,
educated individuals assume that they are prosperous entities that are educated and earn more
personal income than the majority of the population (Nankervis et al., 2019). "Theory of human
capital is expected to be strongly instrumental and even necessary in improving the population's
production potential.

D2 Relation of human resource theory to practice in a specific organisational example,

comparing and contrasting this with other possible organisational contexts

Premier Inn is collective and individual oriented. Here we will discuss the recruiting process for
Premier Inn and Other Business. Airtours is the leading company. Both businesses recognise
the position during the interview process and mention the general function of the work. Premier

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Inn now makes the standards and credentials of education transparent. The HR then declares
the internet media vacancy. This allows people who are technologically knowledgeable to hunt
for work. If the candidate's criterion applies to the HR parameters, the interview protocol is
performed. The key criteria is that the applicant must be decent and less qualified. They look for
experience and successes from the past. More HR workers are involved while the interview is
with front line management. If the interview is about people at a low stage, fewer people will be
interviewed. And written assessments can be done for fresher’s (Premier Inn Hotels, 2020).

Whilst Airtours' central distinction is that they recruit people with a strong knowledge of a venue.
You employ clever people on the street. Airtours also advertise online and offline jobs recruiting.
We can see clearly that Premier Inn needs high-tech users. There are various attraction
techniques. They also administered written tests to attract candidates with expertise in logic.
They decided to do that.

Another approach is to evaluate a Premier Inn employee's success evaluation relative to other
entities. They rely on a measuring device of 360 degrees. The ratings that the senior managers
and their staff benefit from help evaluate employee abilities and deficiencies. Airtours, however,
aims to achieve its overall efficiency. Thus, Premier Inn’s approach to boost any employee's
vulnerabilities is far more effective. But if there is some disagreement among the co-workers,
the biggest downside is.

LO3 Change management models and HR strategies

P4 Change management models supporting HR strategies in organisational context

As it is known, HR policies are rising quickly in the 21st century. Transformations are now an
integral part of our lives. In any company, especially a larger brand such as Premier Inn, which
retains its global footprint for many decades, they need agile workers that can respond to
changes. There would be more damage in the absence of a comprehensive and constructive
strategy. The following are the reasons why the HR approach needs a change management
model (Al Mamun and Hasan, 2017).

Firstly, the opposition of the workers must be overcome. The second aspect that is most critical
is to collaborate with workers who support this move. This reflects what workers think about the
future of the business. In order to incorporate the shift, the input from workers must be identified

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and evaluated. If the correspondence from the hierarchy stalls, there would be a failure to
improve the condition (Shamim et al., 2017).

Because change is the new standard in industry, the reform plan of an organisation must be
simple and straightforward to maintain itself in this environment. They allow the company to run
and retain the brand image.

M3 Justification for the selected change management model and its effectiveness in HR
strategy support

As an organisation, Premier Inn trusts in the effects of transition or reform. One can do this by:

● Ensure that the HR workers undergo change management training themselves. The
individuals who would ask workers to enforce the procedure are necessary to agree.

●As an organisation, Premier Inn insists that a safe space must exist to address the
negative effects that transition can have (HAREEBIN, 2020).

● Offering specialised management preparation and the division of qualifications were

part of their policy. This creative teaching is less immune to transition.

The effect on the stakeholders is evaluated as well.

● Loss is the main factor not understood by the company. The HR strategy of Premier
Inn and the Change Management Committee are about genuine mistakes. They
should analyse their workers and change the structure proactively.

●The technical developments must also be kept on board. Premier Inn’s main HR strategy is
to employ specialised technologies. This could ease the way ahead in which further
technological rollout would shift the workforce (Burke, 2016).

●Because any system reform is a tough operation, in which a persistent mind is required. It
is still worth praising for the willingness of those who are never against the transition and
who resolve it despite initial reluctance to work for the organisation. Premier Inn offers an
individual visibility, thanks to the type of various magazines in the hospitality industry.

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D3 Benefits and drawbacks of implementing change management strategies

As we have addressed, a structured approach is important to develop an agile workforce that is

ready to modify improvements. Only when the outcome itself is positive can a particular model
succeed. If a good transition occurs, the results will be as follows: the workers realise how
important it is. The method itself is painful, but as it emerges from inside, it becomes less
painful. The workers who endorse corporate practises are also rewarded. It also lets the
company explain its shareholders' trust in decision-making (Beijer et al., 2019).

However, improvements to the current structure can often fail from an enterprise. This is
primarily attributed to inappropriate and insufficient practises. The business could be destroyed
if the volume of resistance is not adequately handled.

Changes in a structure influence a greater degree and do not restrict the workforce. Illegal or
unethical alterations that do not benefit the worker result in mass dismissal. This is not ideal for
any company since it would also dissolve shareholder confidence. The owners conclude that
the company consists not of the CEO and CEO, but of its staff and clients (Diamantidis and
Chatzoglou, 2019).

This procedure transition often impacts consumers, as they are used to systems already in
operation. If there are dramatic changes, consumers may switch from a favourite brand to a
replacement brand. This is more detrimental to the business. Despite this, Premier Inn analyses
and attempts to overcome the least obstacle to a good transition (Advantage and Downside In
Change Management 2020). While not all improvements are accepted, an organisation must
also concentrate on the long result and reject mistakes which are impossible to resolve.

LO4 Contribution of HR strategies in sustainable business performance

P5 Monitoring and measuring HR outcomes

Talent and people are the core demands of every company. These exceptional individuals are
hired by HR. In creating organisations, HR usually plays an important function. We should
clearly review typical findings (Delery and Roumpi, 2017) and find out how an HR works.
Premier Inn specifically tracks the efficacy of HR. Premier Inn claims that no primary paradigm
will be appropriate for testing HR’s capabilities. You understand the priorities and not just the
metrics. The process consists of-

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●Adequate consumer level study.

●Visible shift on the presence of workers.

●Assess the rate of workplace absenteeism.

●See how effective an employee is and how he / she struggles.

●It is influenced by the turnover rate in the company. Premier Inn is a well-known brand that
has numerous influences (How to Measure HR’s Performance, 2020).

P6 Evaluation of effective HR management support in sustainable organisational growth

● We addressed the critical principle that HR plays in hiring, tracking and assessing
employee performance. An productive human capital and production team can have
sustainable growth and success through:
● Hiring young, professional people who are fit to work in Premier Inn and retain the brand
● Workers work well if sufficient compensations are rewarded. A strong HR structure can
be described as a starting point for salary, insurance, sick days and luxury incentives.
● In addition, if any changes to how change successfully is introduced depends totally on
HR as the HR operates along with the change management team (How to assess HH
Effectiveness: Identifying HR KPIs that matter most, 2020).
● Premier Inn looks closely at the legal question of jobs since it is a multinational brand
and regulations in various countries are various. It is necessary to decide what the laws
of two separate countries mean and to effectively comply with the laws on workers so
that they do not break the regulations. This establishes confidence in the local authority
that helps to keep business habitable.

M4 Possible suggestions for HR development for sustainable performance and growth

In order to improve an individual, HR must have a good understanding of the Maslow’s Rule of
Inspiration. Premier Inn’s development strategies will support sustainable growth and efficiency.
An individual serves not just for the pay check. There are other reasons that inspire every
employee in today's environment with an often rising workload on individuals. This amount of
work will also lead to ineffective contact with management, inability to recognise and address

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the demands of customers (Ahammad et al., 2020). Implementation of the following
implementation strategies will lead to the overall growth of UN organisations.

Efficiency and assessment: Introduction of an employer ranking and evaluation system through
way of 360-degree retrofits methods may help inspire workers by confidential queries. This
offers senior management an incentive to come up with an action plan to fix the vulnerabilities
and to find ways to solve the vulnerabilities. This helps the workers to make decisions and raise
(https:/www.accaglobal.com, 2020).

Training services for employees: one of the HR's toughest jobs. The main approaches HR from
Premier Inn employs for the development of their employees ' abilities include instructor-based
teaching and staff training. The basic training for teachers is normally carried out by the HR
learning and development staff. During recruitment for staff, Premier Inn headquarters
administrators and co-workers perform the field training to conform to the atmosphere primarily
(Boon et al., 2018).

An employee must therefore build a potential course in the industry through careful career
preparation for the employee. They use strategies to ensure the staff's well-being. Every
mentally fit employee would of course be eager to work and not be missing. It also helps to
foster bones with friends and to share. Finally, an individual deserves recognition in the area in
which he works through the annual journal publications in which he is rewarded for his hard

D4 Critical evaluation of HR monitoring and evaluating techniques for performance and


Evaluating how effective HR activities benefit the organisation’s growth is important. We need to
include crucial success metrics in order to assess the HR in Premier Inn.

●In married international hotels, the absenteeism rate is usually poor, and the company's
overall expenses for absence are greatly reduced.

● The Premier Inn employee commitment report offers relevant statistics about an
employee's acceptable degree. This tends to ensure low turnover for Premier Inn.
Due to unhappiness with every transition, turnover could increase.

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● Assessment of individual workers' productivity rates is much higher than they are
driven to work (Guest, 2017).

●The quality of work of the workforce can also be calculated by means of an employee
participation index, which also represents the competitiveness and increased
customer service.

●A whole career path for the employee is a rigid policy of the HR at Premier Inn. The
number of internal promotions allow staff to rapidly evaluate and the organisation
keeps its workers (Obeidat et al., 2016).

●The referral method is an integral component of the service sector. If a client is pleased
with the services given to them, so another prospective client can be referred. It also
refers to staff who advertise their services or assign them to another prospective
client. A net promoter score is obtained (HR Primary Success Indicators: An
Improved Example Clarification 2020).

●The turnover of workers leads is usually minimal since they are rewarded internally and
are encouraged to work. In contrast to industry expectations, both nominal offsets
and incentives in Premier Inn are high.

●The level of work is high as well as recruiting outstanding and skilled organisational
applicants from all prestigious colleges by compassing and hijacking.

●The running costs handled collectively by the HR / Finance team are considerably
smaller than those created by the additional work of the workers.

As it can be seen, Premier Inn’s successful HRM practices contributed to long-term support in
the hospitality industry. So long as the employee does their best, a brand is so fine. The HR
activity of recognising Maslow’s law of inspiration helped not only workers effectively, but
corporations as a whole.

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