Hira Saleem Ca634630 Lesson Plan 1

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ROLL NO CA634630



Topic: Structure and Function of Brain: The Human Nervous System

Grade: VIII
Date: Aug 03, 2021
Time: 40 minutes
Competency: Life Science
Standard: Students might be able to understand among the shape, traits and
basic needs of living matters, the procedure of lifestyles, and will
also inspect the variety of life and how residing matters have
interaction with every different and their environment.
Benchmark: Explain the additives of the human anxious device; describe the
structure and functioning of brain.
Concepts: 1. Structure of human mind
2. Function of different parts of mind
Prior Knowledge: 1. Parts of human frame
2. Stimuli and reaction
3. Structure and function of neuron
4. Five senses
Students Learning Outcomes: After this session you'll be able to:
1. Label exclusive elements of brain.
2. Explain the functions of those components of brain.
Motivation: Close your eyes and visualize:
(1) The color of meals you took as your breakfast;
(2) The smell, the flavor, and the sound and voices you skilled at the
same time as taking food.
Q. Which part of your frame keep/ sign up records which you
examine in the course of your breakfast? (Mind or Brain)
Q. What is the distinction between mind and the brain?
Presentation: Nervous System

You recognize that making a call on a cellular phone is easy. The cell
phone device permits you to communicate the data. Same is the
case with our -sub system of our frame that's appearing this
function. One device operates by means of passing messages along
nerve known as anxious machine. The different machine works
through generating messages (e.g. Hormones). The human nervous
system is divided into parts.
(1) The CNS; which include mind and spinal wire
(2) The PNS; the nerves that join the brain and the spinal cord with
rest of body parts.


The Brain, Spinal twine, and nerves are made of special cells (nerve
cells) known as neurons. The predominant work of neurons is to pass
nerve messages which are they paintings like a medium (twine in the
smartphone, air for cellular phone). There are 3 styles of neurons:
• Sensory neurons bring nerve impulses messages from experience
organs to the brain and spinal cord.
• Motor neurons bring impulses from the brain and spinal cord to
muscle groups and glands.
• Associate neurons join the sensory neurons with motor neurons.


The brain is enclosed in a robust bony container known as skull. The

mind is one in every of the biggest and most complex organs in the
human body. It is made from greater than a hundred billion nerves
that talk in trillions of connections called synapses. The brain is split
into three unique regions that manipulate specific capabilities:
1: Fore brain

It includes cerebrum and is the biggest a part of the mind. Its floor is
wrinkled and folded. It performs many capabilities.

1. Abstract concept strategies

2. Problem solving
3. Attention
4. Creative thought
5. Intellect
6. Judgment
7. Coordination of movements
8. Sense of smell
9. Muscle movements
10. Skilled moves
11. Libido (sexual urges)
12. Vision
13. Reading

Right Hemisphere (the representational hemisphere)

• The proper hemisphere controls the left side of the frame

• Temporal and spatial relationships
• Analyzing nonverbal statistics
• Communicating emotion

Left Hemisphere (the categorical hemisphere)

• The left hemisphere controls the right facet of the frame Produce
and recognize language

2: Mid brain

It is hidden beneath the cerebrum and control competencies e.G.,

eyes and ear.

3: Hind brain

it includes cerebellum and medulla oblongata.

The cerebellum

It is situated behind the mid-mind. It controls the posture of the

frame and balances. It coordinates motion of different frame

The medulla oblongata

It connects the brain with spinal cord. It controls the respiration,
digestion, heartbeat fee, etc.

The brain is made up of many specialized regions that work


• The cortex is the outermost layer of brain cells. All voluntary

actions begin in the cortex.

• The brain stem is among the spinal twine and the relaxation of the
mind. Basic functions like respiration and sleep are managed right

• The cerebellum is at the base The cerebellum is answerable for

coordination and stability.

The brain is likewise divided into numerous lobes:

• The frontal lobes are chargeable for trouble fixing and judgment
and motor feature.

• The parietal lobes control sensation, handwriting, and frame


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