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*Unit of Environmental Science & Technologies, School of Chemical Engineering,
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), 9, Heroon Polytechniou Street,
157 73, Zographou Campus

Publeshed as an oral presentation at the Twelfth International Waste Management

and Landfill Symposium (Sardinia 2009) organised by the IWWG (International
Waste Working Group), at Santa Margherita di Pula, Italy from October 5th to 9th

SUMMARY: The content of this study is the development and solving of a dynamic simulation
model regarding home scale aerobic processes and based on its results, the design of a
bioreactor. Model’s mathematical expressions are divided in five (5) groups. These groups are
refered to kinetics reactions, mass and energy conservation, volumetric equations and indicators
expressing the quality standards of the end product. The solution of the model was based in the
formation and analysis of alternative scenarios studying the influence of solids retention time, air
flow rate and thermal support on the biodegradation rate and especially, on the percentage
decline of biodegradable volatile solids between feeding material and end product. Then, the
model’s results were utilized in order to point out certain quantitative and qualitative
characteristics for the design of a home scale bioreactor. The design was addressed to the
development of a system capable for indoor operation. This system will be using as feedstock
amounts of household food waste that produced at source on a daily basis.


The divertion of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste from conventional means of
disposal is the main scope of all the applied technologies related to aerobic biodegradation
processes, including home composting. Moreover, the growth of food waste quantities that
produced daily in urban areas has led to intensive researches regarding control and adjustment of
all the parameters affecting composting processes. In relation to this field, the development of
simulation models constitutes the main framework for the design and implementation of large
scale facilities regarding industrial composting technologies.
The main philosophy behind the development of a model that simulates aerobic processes is
targeting in the minimization of the time needed for the transformation of organic waste into a
useful end product called compost. This purpose can be accomplished by identifying, analyzing,
controlling and adjusting those parameters that configures the decomposition rate. Among these,
the most critical are process’ temperature, substrate moisture content and the oxygen volume
percentage regarding the aerial phase inside the porosity of the organic pile. These parameters
are stand as the main state variables of all simulation models. They determine not only the time
length of the process but also, the quality standards for the end product. The results that emerged
by solving model’s equations are consisting a conceptual framework for the selection of certain
features regarding the design, implementation and sustainable operation of enclosed composting
systems. This paper’s scope is the expantion of this approach for home scale applications.



2.1 Kinetics of aerobic processes

The rate of decomposition is expressed by the equation of first – order substrate degradation
kinetics. Using this approach, the decomposition of organic molecules is focused on the
biodegradable volatile solids (bvs) fraction (Mason, 2006). This fraction can be calculated by
multiplying the amounts of wet mass with solids fraction, volatile solids fraction and the
biodegradability coefficient. The decomposition rate is describes as:

 k d  mbvs , where

mbvs - Flow of biodegradable volatile solids fraction in bioreactor at time ‘ t ’.

k d - Decomposition rate in days1 .

The parameters affecting the composting process are limiting the decomposition rate. These
parameters are expressing the effect of volume availability, temperature, solids content, free air
space (FAS) and oxygen concentration in pile’s porosity (Keener et al., 2003). They simulated as
factors that corrected the decomposition rate value. Thus, the actual value of decomposition rate
is determined as:

k d  k m ax  kV  kT  kW  k FAS  kO2 , where

k m ax - Maximum rate constant in days1 at environmental temperature.

2.1.1 Volume availability correction

The volume availability correction factor is correlated with the capacity of bioreactor’s chamber.
This capacity refers to the section where the composting process can take place. The factor is
expressing the volume that is available for the accumulation of processed material wet mass.
This correction factor is substantial only in indoor operated home scale bioreactors where
chamber’s capacity is usually less than 150 litres. It expresses the rate limitation as for the
incapability of thermofillic conditions growth due to the relativelty small volume of processed
material pile.
The factor of volume availability correction is calculated as:


kV  1  e RC:N
, where
RC:N - C:N ratio
Vav - Volume availability in litres.

2.1.2 Temperature correction

The correction factor that expresses the effect of temperature in decomposition rate is depending
on temperature’s variations inside the bioreactor. The following approach is based on the
‘Arrhenius equation’ that correlated the relationship between temperature and the rate of a
chemical reaction (Schulze, 1958). This factor is calculated as:

kT  1,066 T 20  1,21T 60 , where

T - Substrate average temperature in oC .

The constants of the above formula are based on respirometric studies related to mesophillic
cultures commonly found in substrates degradation with solids content above 15% (wet basis).

2.1.3 Solids content correction

The correction factor that expresses the effect of solids content in decomposition rate is
depending on substrate’s moisture variations during the aerobic decomposition phases. The
effect of solids content is simulated using an empirical logarithmic function expressed as

kW  17, 6841 S 7 , 0622
, where
e 1

S - Percentage of substrate solids content (wet basis).

The constants of the solids content correction are based in experimental studies measuring
oxygen consumption rates for substrates resembling food waste characteristics (Jeris and Regan,

2.1.4 Free Air Space correction

Free Air Space (FAS) is expressing the volume percentage of the aerial phase as part of the
porosity that formulated among the substrate particles. The other part is assumed to be the liquid
phase. FAS value depends on particles’ average size, substrate density and solids content (wet
basis). The FAS correction is calculated using a logarithmic function expressed as (Haug, 1993):

k FAS  23, 675FAS 3, 4945
e 1

FAS is correlated with the variations in substrate density and solids content during the aerobic
processes. Density’s dependence from solids content is determined as:

 ds   H O
 ws  2
, where
S   H 2O  1  S    ds
 ds - Substrate density (dry basis).

A solid geometry assumption was used for the correlation between FAS and solids content. This
assumption states that the porosity is included in a three phase matrix consisted of solid, liquid
and aerial phase (FAS). The porosity’s volume is the space between solid particles. Each particle
is simulated as a sphere that is escribed in a cube. Both the cube and sphere are assumed to have
constant volumes. As for the liquid phase, is simulated as a cocentric sphere in the exterior of
each particle. Based on this assumption, the reduction in FAS is equivalent to the increasing of
the liquid phase’s volume. The excess moisture is leading to FAS limitation. On the contrary, the
increasing of FAS leads to the dehumidification of the substrate. This is expressed as a
proportional incease of the aerial phase volume. FAS correlation with solids content is given as:

FAS  0,6335  S  0,248  , where

FAS is calculated as a percentage in total substrate volume. For S  24,8% the porosity is
completely filled with water so FAS  0 . When S  1 substrate is totally dehydrated and FAS
reaches its maximum value ( FAS  47,64% ).

2.1.5 Oxygen concentration correction

The effect of oxygen concentration is refered to the amounts of molecular oxygen that can be
utilized by microorganisms. Bacteria and fungi are captured the oxygen in order to perform their
metabolism activities. The capture can be fulfilled only within the diffusion of the oxygen from
the aerial to liquid phase. Then, the microorganisms that dwelled in particles’ surfaces are
consuming the oxygen through enzymes salivation. The oxygen concentration correction is given
by the following expression:

kO2  , where
K O2  V%O2

V%O2 - Volume percentage of oxygen in FAS

K %O2 - Factor indicating the threshold of severe oxygen limitation in FAS.

Oxygen concentration is strictly correlated with FAS volume and solids content. When the
concentration is too low ( V% O2  K % O2 ), the consumption of oxygen is limited and anaerobic
condition started to occur (Tollner et al., 1997).

2.2 Balance equations

The simulation model is applied to a continuous feeding system with forced aeration. Thus, the
equations regarding mass and energy balances are calculating solid, liquid and aerial mass flows.
For this reason, bioreactor’s chamber is assumed to be a thermodynamic system of non-steady
states. This system is concidered as a discrete stage and all flows are calculated as inputs and
outputs of the aformentioned stage. Mass and energy balances are including all components
related to solid, liquid and aerial flows between stage’s input and output for a certain period of
time called retention time.

2.2.1 Mass balance

The equation regarding mass balance states that all mass flows at stage’s input will be equal to
stage’s output respective flows. The mass balance equation is expressed as:

mdw,i  mair  mwv ,i  mH 2O ,i  mdw,O  mgas  mwv ,o  mH 2O ,o  mH 2O ,L , where

mdw,i , mdw,o - Solid phase in input and output

m air , mwv ,i - Aerial phase regarding inlet dry air and the contained water vapour
m gas , mwv ,o - Aerial phase regarding out dry gas and the contained water vapour
m H 2O ,i , mH 2O ,o - Liquid phase regarding moisture of input and output wet mass flows
mH 2O ,L - Liquid phase regarding the amounts of produced leachates.

As for the solid phase, the output mass flow of biodegradable volatile solids refers to the end
product and calculated as follows (Haug, 1993):

mbvs,i kgr
mbvs,o  , in where
1  kd  tR day

k d - Decomposition rate
t R - Retention time in days .

As for the aerial phase, the inlet dry air and the contained water vapour are expressed as follows:

pair  Vair  M air pwv ,i  Vair  M H2O kgr

mair  and mwv ,i  , in where
R  Tenv R  Tenv day

p air , p wv ,i - Partial pressure of dry air and input water vapour

M air , M H 2O - Molecular weights for dry air and water respectively
R - Universal gas constant
Tenv - Environmental temperature
Vair - Total volume of the inlet air (wet basis).

The output gas and the contained water vapour are expressed by the following equations:

p  pwv ,o   Vgas  M gas pwv ,o  Vgas  M H 2O kgr

mgas  and mwv ,o 
, in where
R  Tout R  Tout day

p env , p wv ,o - Absolute environmental pressure and output water vapour partial pressure
M gas - Gas molecular weight assuming that M gas  M air
Tout - Average substrate temperature for at time t R
V gas - Total volume of the output gas (wet basis).

All calculations regarding output mass flows of the aerial phase are based in the assumption that
a prototype food waste molecule can be modeled by the formula Ca H bOc N d . Then, based on the
oxidation reaction of biodegradable volatile solids, mass flows of dry gas and output water
vapour can be calculated by using stoichiometry (Keener et al., 2003). The oxidation reaction is
expressed as follows:

b  3 d
2a  c
2 b  3 d
Ca H bOc N d   O2  a  CO2   H 2O  d  NH 3
2 2

Stoichiometric calculations based on the oxidation reaction can calculate mass flows of all gas
components ( CO2 and NH 3 ) including the amounts of produced leachate. According to the
oxidation reaction, leachate is assumed to have relative characteristics with water. Thus, the
amount of leachates are determined as:

mH 2O , L  mH 2O ,st  mbvs , in where

mH 2O ,st - Mass flow of stoiciometricly produced water

mbvs - Change in biodegradable volatile solids between stage’s input and output.

2.2.2 Energy balance

The equation regarding energy balance states that all mass flows at stage’s input will be equal to
stage’s output respective flows. All components are refered to thermal energy flows. The energy
balance equation is expressed as:

H ds ,i  H W ,i  H air  H wv ,i  H bio  H sup  H ds ,o  H W ,o  H gas  H wv ,o  H vap , in where

H ds ,i , H ds ,o - Input and output solids

H air , H gas - Inlet air and output gas (dry basis)
H wv ,i , H wv ,o - Water vapour input and output
H W ,i , H W ,o - Liquid phase input and output
H bio - Biologically produced heat
H sup - Thermal support
H vap - Latent heat.

Thermal energy flows refered to solid, aerial and liquid phase are calculated by using the
following formula (Haug, 1993):

H  m  c  T  T0  , in

m - Mass flow regarding each component

c - Specific heat of each component
T0 - Reference temperature
T - Environmental temperature for input energy flows and average substrate temperature for
output energy flows

Biologically produced heat referes to the energy that produced by micoorganisms’s consumption
of organic matter. It is determined as:

H bio  hC  mbvs , in where

hC - Substrate’s heat of combustion.

Latent heat referes to thermal losses due to the transition of water from the liquid to the aerial
phase (vapourisation) (Tollner et al., 1997). It is expressed by the following equation:

H vap  mwv ,o  mwv ,i   h  h  , in


h  h - Enthalpy change from liquid to vapour in temperature Tout .

Thermal support refers to the heating energy that is supplied to the substrate in order to uphold
average substrate’s temperature to a desired level. Heating energy supply is accomblished by the
use of thermal plates. These plates are incorporated in the interior of chamber’s side walls. The
supporting thermal flow is given as:

H sup  q  H pl , in where

q - Number of active thermal plates

H pl - Wattage of a single thermal plate.

2.3 Volumetric equations

Volumetric equations are focused on calculation of the capacity of the section where composting
processes will take place. This section is part of system’s chamber. Thus, composting section
volume is determined as:

100 Vws ,i  Vws ,o 

VBR    t R , in lt where
75 2

Vws ,i , Vws ,o - Volume of input and output solids (wet basis) for retention time t R .

In the above equation, the constant ‘ ’ refered to the maximum filling of composting section
due to constuctive limitations. The determination of composting section’s volume is a critical
parameter for the desing procedure as it will give a clear indication for the bioreactor’s external

2.4 End product quality indicators

Measuring the quality standards of the end product is based in the calculation of two indicators.
The first indicator is of mathematical significance and refers to the percentage decline of
biodegradable volatile solids between feeding material and end product. It expressed as:

m%,bvs  100 
mbvs,i  mbvs,o 

The second indicator refers to the specific oxygen uptake rate for the end product. This indicator
can also be measured experimentally and expresses the level of maturity as for the
characterization of the end product to be matured or immatured compost. It is given by the
following equation:

mO2 ,1hour  106 mgrO2

RO2 ,S  , in where
mbvs,i  mnbvs,i kgrVS  h

mO2 ,1hour - Hourly oxygen consumption during oxidation reactions in
mbvs,i  mnbvs,i - Mass flow of volatile solids for the feeding material.


3.1 Validation of parameters

During the feeding procedure, quantitative and qualitative characteristics related to solid, liquid
and aerial phase at stage’s input are expressed as coefficients and/or as constant parameter
values. These values are expressing:
 Environmental parameters such as temperature, absolute pressure, relative humidity,
molecular weights, specific heats, etc. These values are refered to the environmental
conditions outside system’s thermodynamic boundary.
 Physical and chemical characteristics of food waste amounts. These characteristics are
expressed as values of moisture content in environmental conditions, dry mass density, heat
of combustion, C:N ratio, atomic proportion in food waste molecule, etc. Other values are
including coefficients related to food waste chemical content such as volatility and
biodegradability coefficients.
 Input variables are refered to values that are modulated according to the applied scenario for
solving the model. The value of an input variable is specified at the beginning of the solving
procedure and remains constant during process simulation. Input variables are expressing
information regarding quanitative data of the feeding procedure and certain control
parameters. As for the feeding procedure, these data are refered to average food waste
production per capita, number of household habitants, etc. As for the control parameters, the
relative data are refered to aeration rates, thermal energy flows etc. Moreover, a critical
input variable is refered to the value selection of retention time.
As for the validation of data, coefficient and parameter values were selected from several
sources including:
 Experimental data resulted from an EU ‘Life – Environment’ research Project titled
‘Promotion and Implementation of High Quality Compost from Biodegradable Household
Waste Separated at Source’ (UEST, 2006). This research was carried out from the Unit of
Environmental Science and Technology (School of Chemical Engineering, National
Technical University of Athens). Relevant data where also taken from other experimental
studies that used amounts of food waste as processed material (Papadopoulos et al., 2009).
 Literature studies regarding aerobic processes in large scale bioreactors using mixtures
contained food waste quantities.
 Assumptions based in value selection techniques regarding development of simulation
models for similar applications.

3.2 Solving procedure

The solving of the model took place by using proper software and a high-level technical
computing language for developing the source code that contains all five groups of equations.
The solving procedure is taking place several times according to the followed scenario. This
procedure is accomblished in six (6) discrete steps that are including:
 Import of all data refered to initial conditions including input variables according to the
selected scenario.
 Calculations regarding all mass an energy flows related to feeding procedure including the
addition of air and heating support. The respective equations are refered to stage’s input.
 Iteration loops for the calculation of all mass and thermal energy flows in stage’s output.
These loops are designed to iterate for discrete and seriate values of volume availability,
temperature, percentage of solids content and volume percentage of oxygen in FAS.
 Iteration loop for the solving of the energy balance. The solution of the equation is refered to
a set of values that came up during the program’s closure. The energy balance, in most
cases, has an acceptable solution for several sets of values based in predefined deviation
 Selection of a dicrete set of values. All sets of values are evaluated as for their deviation
level. The set that has the smallest (or not at all) deviation between input and output of all
energy flows is selected to be the final solution (see Table 2). These values are described as
‘solution set’.
 Calculations of volumetric data and quality indicators. Based on the selected set of values,
the program is calculating bioreactor’s volume. Also, is pointing out the end product quality
standards by calculating certain indicators (see Table 2).


The design of a prototype bioreactor is based on the results regarding the comparative evaluation
of all home composters that are available in worldwide market. The evaluation procedure
indicated certain features that will lead to the design of an optimized system for indoor
operation. Moreover, the development and solving of the aforementioned simulation model
pointed out not only volumetric characteristics related to system’s capacity but also indicated the
technical parameters of certain electomechanical micro-devices. These micro-devices are
incorporated to the system and used for the control and adjustment of aeration and temperature
inside the bioreactor’s chamber.
The designed bioreactor is a continuous feeding system capable for operating indoors. It is
divided in three (3) main sections. In each section they took place certain activities. These
sections are:
 Waste reception section
 Composting section and
 End product harvesting section.

4.1 Waste reception

The waste reception section is placed at the upper part of the system (see Figure 1). The
activities that take place at this section are including:
 Feeding. The daily produced amounts of food waste are inserted to the waste reception
section by manual opening of the lid. The feedstock is accumulated upon a rectangular
shaped tumpled plate that is resembled as the section’s floor. After the insertion of the waste
inside the system, the user is closing the lid.
 Food waste rejection to composting section. The manual turning of the tumpled plate leads
to the rejection of ‘fresh’ waste into the composting sector. After that the user restores the
tumpled plate in its initial position by manual turning.
 Odour control. The odours are captured from a deodorize filter that is placed on the lid’s
The capacity of this section is approximately 4 litres. It has enough space for the accumulation of
food waste amounts that produced daily from a 4 people family.

4.2 Composting
The composting section is placed at the middle part of the system (see Figure 1). The activities
that take place at this section are including:
 Combined and simultaneous activities of agitating, chopping and screening of the processed
material. The manual turning of the agitator creates a homogeneous mix increasing pile’s
porosity and therefore FAS. The eight prismatic shaped cutters that are placed on agitator’s
spindle have triangular intersection for combining agitation and chopping at the same time.
As the agitator is turning, particles of processed material that are accumulated at the lower
layers of the pile are forced to pass through the screen. Screen’s surface is configured in
order to facilitate the transition of the particles from the composting to the harvesting
 Thermal energy supply for supporting the biological produced heat. In the interior of
composting section and in opposite side walls are incorporated the two thermal plates. The
plates are incubated in orthogonal cases for avoiding direct contact with the processed
material. Due to their operation, amounts of thermal energy are spreaded inside composting
section supporting the biological produced heat and eliminating thermal losses.
 Aeration of the processed material. In the upper part of composting sector and through one
of the side wall is incorporated a fan for the aeration activity. Due to its operation, amounts
of air are entering the composting section providing oxygen inside pile’s porosity. For
further acceleration of composting process, it is suggested for the fan to be operated right
after the agitation activity.
The capacity of composting section is approximately 120 litres. This value is based on the results
that excluded during model’s solving. Thus, this capacity is adequate for a 4 people family and
for a maximum retention time of 45 days.

4.3 Harvesting
The harvesting section is placed at the lower part of the system (see Figure 1). The activiries that
take place at this section are including:
 Collection of the end product. When the processed material particles are passing through the
screen, they are accumulating in a drawer shaped collector. In this drawer, the end product is
formulating a pile ready to be harvested. The drawer can be pulled out manually through a
removable door. The user is harvesting the end product by emptying the drawer. Then, the
drawer is reentried in the harvesting section. The user is closing the door in order to restart
the harvesting activity.
 Leachate control. The produced leachates are passing through the screen and at first place
they are accumulating inside the end product drawer. Then via holes at the bottom of the
drawer, they are falling into a funnel shaped leachate collector. At the lower part of the
leachates collector is incorporated a faucet. By opening this faucet, the user can harvest the
leachates amounts by emptying the collector.
 Odour control. The odours are captured from two deodorize filters that are placed on the
opposite side walls of the chamber at the harvesting section.
The total capacity of the drawer allows the harvesting of approximately 25 litres of end product
every 45 days. Also, in a period of 15 days, the user can collect about 5 litres of leachates.

Figure 1: Home Scale Bioractor (perspective and perspective cut views)

4.4 Material & device selection

The demands for indoor operation and acceleration of composting processes require the use of
electro-mechanical micro-devices. These components are:
 Fan with 2 Watt nominal wattage for the provision of needed air. The minimum air supply
must be not less than 8lt/sec and the rotator must not exceed the 3600 rpm. This micro-
device can be operated by using a 6 Volt battery.
 A pair of thermal plates for heating energy supply. Each of the plates must have an
adjustable wattage ranged between 2 and 8 Watt. Thermal cables must have a cross section
of 5mm and bend length must not exceed 5mm. Maximum external dimensions of each plate
must not exceed the 180mm. Both plates can be operated by using a 6 Volt battery.
 A pair of ball bearings for the effective turning of the agitator.
 A faucet for the collection of leachates.
 Active carbon as the deodorize medium. This material will be the content of all filter cups.
As for the selected constructional materials, they presented in Table 1. Also, in Table 1 are
reported all the components consisting the whole system.

Table 1: Material selection for each component

Section Component Selected Material

Chamber (upper part) HDPE
Hinge on Lid & Chamber Stainless Steel
Waste Reception Hinges Pin Stainless Steel
O-Rings (on Lid & on Plate) EPDM
Filter Cup & Lid HDPE
Tumpled Plate HDPE
Chamber (middle part) HDPE
Fan Cover HDPE
Agitator’s Spindle Stainless Steel
Agitator’s Cutters (8) Stainless Steel
Agitator’s Shaft (2) Stainless Steel
Agitator’s Shaft Pin (2) Stainless Steel
Agitator’s Handler (2) HDPE
Thermal Plate Cover (2) Stainless Steel
Thermal Plate Gasket (2) EPDM
Inner & Outer Flanges (2) Stainless Steel
O-Rings (2 on Inner & 2 on Outer Flanges) EPDM
Screen HDPE
Chamber (middle part) HDPE
End Product Collector HDPE
Harvesting Section Door HDPE
Filter Cup & Lid (2) HDPE
Base Stainless Steel

HDPM: High Density Polyethylene

EPDM: Ethylene Propylene Dienel Monomer (rubber)
Stainless Steel: AISI-SAE 304


Simulation model was solved by forming two main scenarios. The first scenario assumed forced
aeration of the processed material without thermal support of the biological produced heat. The
concept of the second scenario was differentiated as for the provision of thermal energy to the
composting sector. In both scenarios the model was solved for different amounts of air supply
and for different values of retention time. The volume of air supply was a discrete value with a
maximum range between 3 and 57lt/day with and an increasing step of 2lt/day. In proportion, the
retention time was set by discrete values ranged between 20 and 50 days and an increasing step
of 5 days.
The results are presented in tables and diagrams for every discrete value of retention time. For
a certain retention time, they are displayed all sets of values that consist final solutions of the
energy balance equation. Every solution set is refered to a certain value of the provided air flow
( Vair ). The respective diagram is expressing the fluctuation of certain parameters in dependence
with air flow values. Table 2 and Figure 2 are indicative for the model’s results regarding the
second scenario.

Table 2: Model’s Set of Values (Retention Time: 40 days, Thermal Support: 8 Watt)

Vair dSout dHt Sout Tout VPO2 Dmbvs VBR dRO2C RO2Cout
(lt/day) (%) - (%) (o C) (%) (%) (lt) (%)
1 - - - - - - - - -
3 0,00065 0,00002 0,27935 61,35 12,96764 37,74929 117,09365 27,33 1450,06
5 0,00006 0,00001 0,32294 59,82 13,99032 49,30066 109,45525 38,70 1223,15
7 0,00021 0,00003 0,35421 57,03 14,99874 55,28345 105,59110 44,98 1097,85
9 0,00064 0,00005 0,38064 54,62 15,74027 59,43281 102,97797 49,59 1005,91
11 0,00014 0,00001 0,40386 52,61 16,30181 62,58100 101,04215 53,13 935,24
13 0,00018 0,00001 0,42582 50,98 16,73436 65,22129 99,45411 56,16 874,65
15 0,00091 0,00003 0,44810 49,75 17,07258 67,64427 98,03317 59,04 817,26
17 0,00080 0,00002 0,47320 49,00 17,33613 70,12603 96,61830 62,07 756,75
19 0,00086 0,00001 0,51286 49,56 17,50990 73,73652 94,67109 66,55 667,42
21 0,03669 0,00007 0,47331 47,18 17,87303 71,33603 96,28042 59,80 802,08
23 0,08678 0,00008 0,38322 41,72 18,43638 61,44224 102,24765 33,33 1330,28
25 - - - - - - - - -
27 - - - - - - - - -

2nd Scenario (8 Watt): tR=40days

Tout (oC) Sout (%) Δm(bvs) (%) O2 (%)

75 20
Change in bvs Mass Flow (Δm)

Solids Content (S)

Oxygen Volume (Ο2)

Temperature (T)


15 10

5 8
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27

Volume of Supplied Air (lt/day)

Figure 2: Model’s Results (Retention Time: 40 days, Thermal Support: 8 Watt)

In Table 2, the second and third column is refered to predefined deviation levels. A set of
value is acceptable when both constrains are fulfilled:
 Difference between input and output energy flows is less than 0,0001 ( dHt  104 ).
 Difference between loop’s and calculated value of output solids content is less than 0,001
( dSout  103 ).
The next four (4) columns are expressing the most significant of the model’s results. The
fluctuations of these values are presented in diagram (see Figure 2). In particular, the percentage
decline between input and output mass flow of biodegradable volatile solids ( m%,bvs ) is an
indicator that express the optimum set of value as for the quality of the end product. According
to Table 2, for a retention time of 40 days and for the provision of 8 Watt (691,2kJ/day) thermal
support, the optimum air flow (19lt/day) is leading to the maximum decline of biodegradable
volatile solids (73,74%). This set of values is indicating the ‘optimum operarion point’ for the
designed bioreactor.
The eighth column expresses the volume of accumulated processed material for different
values of air flow. Maximum volume (117lt) occurred for an air flow of 3lt/day. However, this
solution set is acceptable because of the sufficient capacity of the designed composting section
(120lt). The last two (2) columns are presenting the percentage decline in specific oxygen uptake
rate between input and output ( dRO2 ,C ) and the absolute oxygen uptake rate of the end product
( RO2 ,C ,out ).
In respect to the second scenario, for a 40 days retention time and 8 Watt thermal support, the
energy balance can be solved for air flows ranged between 3 and 23lt/day. However, for air
flows of 21 and 23 lt/day (red coloured values, see Table 2) the constrain reffered to ‘ dSout ’ is
not fulfilled. Thus, these sets of values are not acceptable as solution sets.
The fluctuations of the most critical parameters regarding the whole process are shown in the
diagram presented in Figure 2. These fluctuations are expressing system’s behaviour for a 40
days retention time, 8 Watt (691,2kJ/day) thermal support and for seriate values of air flow.
As for the parameters variations, the increase in supplied air flow leads to temperature
decline. However, near the optimum operation point, the temperature seems to stabilize. The
percentage of solids content has an almost linear increase that is proportional to air flow supply.
At the optimum operation point, solids content reaches its maximum value. The percentage of
oxygen volume of the aerial phase inside the composting section is increasing for seriate values
of air flow. This is reasonable because of the incremental oxygen amounts that are inserting the
composting section during fan’s operation.
By observing model’s results as shown in diagram (see Figure 2) it is emerged that maximum
decline in biodegradable volatile solids is not occurred at maximum temperature. For air flows
near the optimum operation point, temperature is slightly increasing (see Table 2) while solids
content reaches its maximum value.


The scope of this study was the development and solving of a simulation model regarding
aerobic biodegradation processes for home scale applications. For this reason the equations
refered to kinetic reactions were taking into concideration the accumulation of small volumes of
organic material. The parameter’s validation was refered to the daily produced amounts of food
waste. Model’s results during solving procedure were utilized in order to point out certain
technical and operational characteristics for the design of a prototype home scale bioreactor.
Also, demands for indoor operation have led to the selection of certain features. These features
are a pair of thermal plates for the support of the biological produced heat and a fan for the
establishment of forced aeration conditions.
The solution of the model was accomplished by forming two scenarios based on forced
aeration conditions and thermal energy support. The solution procedure was aiming in the
finding of the optimum operation point for dicrete values regarding retention time, energy
support and air flow rates. Model’s results concerning temperature, solids content, percentage
decline in biodegradable volatile solids and volume percentage of oxygen in FAS were analyzed
in order to blueprint the behaviour of the system.
As for the first scenario, the study was focused on system’s behaviour for the increasing
values of retention time under forced aeration conditions. The decline in biodegradable volatile
solids seemed to be indepentent of the retention time due to the fact the this model was
developed for a continuous feeding system were ‘fresh’ and processed material are mixed in a
daily basis. The values of m%,bvs were slightly larger than 60%. For seriate increase in retention
time values, the optimum operation points were detected for proportional increased of air flow
rates and for decreasing temperatures. Solids content was slightly larger than 50% regardless of
the retention time, while the volume percentage of oxygen in FAS was inceasing. Temperature
and volume percentage of oxygen in FAS regarding opimum operation points were ranged from
35 to 48 oC and from 18,1 to 19,6% respectively.
As for the second scenario, the study was focused on system’s behaviour for increasing values
in retention time, forced aeration conditions and thermal support. The decline in biodegradable
volatile solid was still independent of the retention time. The values of m%,bvs were larger in
comparison to the first scenario. The decline of mbvs between input and out has reached the value
of 83% for 16 Watt thermal support. In general, thermal support effects on system’s behaviour
are including an increase in temperature and a decrease in both solids content and volume
percentage of oxygen in FAS. Thus, the excess thermal energy upgrades the quality of the end
In conclusion, model’s results indicated that under certain conditions regarding forced
aeration and thermal support of the biological produced heat the percentage decline in
biodegradable volatile solids can be larger than 80% after a period of 45 days. However, for this
decline in mbvs , the output oxygen uptake rate was not less than 450mgrO2/kgrVS*h indicating
that the end product can be characterized as immature compost that needs to be cured. As for the
design of a prototype home scale bioreactor, all of the model’s results can be considered as
operation points of the composting section.


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