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Relationship Between Hydrophobicity and Emulsifying

Properties of Some Plant Proteins

S. Nakai, L. Ho, N. Helbig, A. Kato* and M. A. Tung
Department of Food Science
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia V6T lW5

Abstract initial slope (So) of the fluorescence intensity when a

Significant positIve correlations were observed between hydrophobic probe cis-parinaric acid (PnA) was
bound dodecylsulfate or linoleate and dispersibility of surfactant titrated with proteins (Kato and Nakai, 1979). Good
treated soy, sunflower and rape seed proteins, suggesting that the
bound suriactants played an important role in solubilization of correlations of So were found with interfacial tension
these proteins. Dispersibility was also highly correlated with and emulsifying activity of model proteins.
effective hydrophobicity of the proteins as measured fluorometri- We have been investigating the solubilization of
caliy. The effective hydrophobicity thus determined for soy, rapeseed, soy and sunflower protein isolates using
sunflower and rapeseed proteins treated with surfactants and B.
subtilis proteinase for solubilization revealed good correlations
surfactant and proteinase treatments (Nakai et al.,
with surface tension, interfacial tension and emulsifying activity of 1980). The treatments with sodium dodecylsulfate
the ptoteins, indicating the importance of protein hydrophobicity (SDS) and potassium linoleate were effective. For
when used as emulsifiers. example, potassium linoleate at a level of 8-10% of
Resume protein increased the dispersibility of rapeseed
On a observe des correlations significativement positives entre protein isolate from 55% to about 90% when the
le dodecylsulfate ou le linoleate lie et la dispersibilite des mixture was treated at 65°C, pH 10 for 15 min. The
proteines de soja, de tournesol et de colza traitees aux agents treatments were equally effective for soy and sun-
tensio-actifs. Ceci suggere que ces derniers jouent un role
important dans la solubilisation des proteines. La dispersibilite fut flower proteins. These proteins which were variously
aussi en correlation etroite avec l'hydrophobicite vraie des treated were used for investigation of relationships
proteines telie que mesuree par fluorometrie. Cette hydro- between hydrophobicity and emulsifying properties
phobicite determinee en rapport avec la solubilisation pour les of proteins.
proteines de soja, de tournesol et de colza traitees aux agents
tensio-actifs et pour la proteinase de B. subt;lis donna de bonnes This paper describes the results of determinations
correlations avec la tension superficielie, la tension interfaciale et of So, surface tension, interfacial tension, dispersibil-
l'activite emulsifiante des proteines. Cette correlation met en ity, emulsifying activity and protein bound SDS and
relief l'importance de l'hydrophobicite des proteines dans leurs linoleate. Efforts were made to correlate these
proprietes emulsifiantes.
property values in an attempt to elucidate the
Introduction solubilization mechanism of surfactants and emulsi-
When proteins are used as emulsifiers, the protein fying activity of proteins.
molecules migrate from the bulk phase to the
oil/water interface due to their amphiphilic nature. Materials and Methods
This surface adsorption lowers the interfacial tension cis-Parinaric acid was purchased from Molecular
and hence reduces the mechanical energy required Probe, Roseville, MN. Corn oil was from Fisher
to form an emulsion. The more hydrophobic the Scientific Co., Fair Lawn, NJ. Rapeseed meals were
protein, the higher the protein concentration at the by-products of oil extraction from rapeseed (Bras-
mterface, and hence, the lower the interfacial sica campestris var. Span and var. Tower), courtesy
tension. This relationship was reported previously of Canbra Foods, Lethbridge, Alberta. Soy protein
(Keshavarz and Nakai, 1979), using hydrophobic isolate (Promine D) and sunflower protein concen-
chromatography and hydrophobic partition to evalu- trate were the products of Central Soya Co. ,
ate "effective hydrophobicity" of model proteins. Chicago, IL and Dr. F. Sosulski, Department of
Later, a simpler fluorometric method was developed Crop Science, University of Saskatchewan, Saska-
for determination of effective hydrophobicity as the toon, respectively. Bacillus subtilis protease (Enzeco
·Present address: Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Yamaguchi University. bacterial protease concentrate) was a gift from
Yamaguchi, Japan. Enzyme Development Corp., Keyport, NJ.

Copyright <0 1980 Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology

Effective Hydrophobicity lino le ate determination were extracted from protein
According to the method of Kato and Nakai samples by the procedure of Folch et al. (1957), as
(1979) ethanolic solutions of PnA (0.0036 M) were follows: protein sample, 0.1 g, was homogenized
purged with nitrogen and equimolar butylated hy- with 15 ml of 2: 1 chloroform-methanol mixture, then
droxytoluene (BHT) was added as an antioxidant. filtered. To 10 ml of the filtrate, 2 ml of water was
Ten /-LI of PnA solution was added to 2 ml of protein mixed and centrifuged for 30 min at 100 xg. The
solution in 0.001 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 separated water phase was discarded. The washing
containing 0.002% SDS. The PnA-protein conjugate was repeated three more times using 1-2 ml of the
solutions were excited at 325 nm and the fluores- upper phase of 8:4:3 chloroform-methanol-water
cence intensity was measured at 420 nm in an mixture. The lipid-containing solvent layer was
Aminco-Bowman Spectrophotofluorometer, No. directly used for linoleate determination.
4-8202. The initial slope (So, relative fluorescence
intensity!% protein) calculated from the fluores- Curve Fitting
cence intensity vs. protein concentration plot was Data transformations suggested by Mullen and
used as an index of the effective hydrophobicity of Stanley (1979) were applied using programs written
proteins. for a Monroe 1880 calculator and PL2 plotter manu-
factured by Monroe, Orange, NJ. Significance of the
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient r
Surface and Interfacial Tensions
was assessed in the usual manner (Spence et al.,
Using a Fisher Surface Tensiomat Model 21, the
surface tension was measured for 0.2% protein
solution in 0.01 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, 5 min Results and Discussion
after preparation of the protein solutions. Interfacial Relationships of Bound Surfactants with
tension was measured at the 0.2% protein solution!
Dispersibility of Protein
corn oil interface, 5 min after preparation of the The results of determinations of bound linoleate
interface. Tension readings steadily decreased fol- and SDS are shown in Table 1. The major portion of
lowing the preparation of protein solutions but linoleate added for the solubilization treatment is
stabilized after 5 min. bound to the proteins while only about half of SDS is
bound to the same proteins.
Emulsifying Activity Index The relationships of dispersibility of the solubil-
Emulsifying activity index (EAI) was determined ized sunflower protein concentrates with bound
according to the turbidimetric technique of Pearce surfactants and So are significant and indicated in
and Kinsella (1978). To prepare emulsions, 2 ml of Figures 1 and 2. The dispersibility is improved with
corn oil and 6 ml of 0.5% protein solution in 0.01 M increased bound linoleate or SDS and a larger
phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, were mixed and homoge- quantity of linoleate than SDS has to be bound for
nized in a Omnimixer with the micro-attachment obtaining the same improved dispersibility. High
(Ivan Sorvall, Norwalk, eN) at the lowest speed values of protein dispersibility are associated with
setting for 1 min at 20°C.
high indices of the effective hydrophobicity. Similar
significant relationships are observed for soy protein
Protein Solubilization isolate (Figures 3 and 4) and for rape seed protein
Ten percent suspensions of rapeseed, sunflower
isolate (Figure 5). The different shape of the
and soy protein isolates were treated with 0, 1,2,3,
regression lines for rapeseed protein is probably due
4 and 5% SDS vs. protein and 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10%
to lower dispersibilities attained in this particular
potassium linoleate according to the method de-
example and not due to species difference. Since So
scribed by Nakai et al. (1980). The mixtures of
was calculated based on a relative value of fluores-
protein isolate and surfactant were heated for 10 min
cence intensity, the comparison of the values of So
at 65°C after adjusting to pH 10, then freeze-dried
between figures in unwarranted.
after blending at pH 8.2. For proteinase treatment,
B. subtilis protease, 2.5% vs. protein, was added to
each protein suspension at pH 8.2, the mixture was Table 1. Bound surfactant content of plant proteins solubilized
by surfactant treatment (%).
incubated for 10 min each at 35°C, 45°C and 55°C
successively and pasteurized at 65°C for 30 min, then Added Sunflower protein Soy protein Rapeseed protein
freeze-dried. surfactants concentrate isolate isolate
Bound Surfactants 0 0.4 0.4
The treated and control plant protein samples 2 2.2 1.4
were dialyzed exhaustively against phosphate buffer, 4 4.8 2.1
6 5.4 4.5
pH 8.2, I = 0.005, at 5°C and freeze-dried. The 8 6.8 6.0
concentrations of dodecylsulfate and linoleate in the 10 9.4 8.3
dialysate as well as in the undialyzed and dialyzed SDS
protein samples were determined by the method of 1 0.7 0.8 0.7
Reynolds and Tanford (1970) and by the procedure 3 1.4 2.1 1.3
5 2.3 3.1 2.1
of Pro ss er et al. (1977), respectively. Lipids for

24/Nakai, Ho, Helbig, Kato and Tung Can. Inst. Food Sci. Technol. I. Vol. 13, No. 1. January 1980
,.____________--------------------~5 60 __-----------------------------------,



2.5 III
t) 500
.. C
ID Z en
o ::l z
a. o w
o ID
a: W
> U
J: <I:
Fig. 5. Relationships of hydrophobicity and amount of bound HYDROPHOBICITV (So)
dodecylsulfate t,) dispersi~ility of/:reseed pr~tein ~o?­
ccntrate. RegreSSiOn equahons, So - 3314 x DlsperslbIi-
Fig. 6. Relationship between hydrophobicity and surface tension
ity + 5423: (r = 0.98~,'6g < 0.01); B~und SDS = (0.12 x of plant proteins. Regression equation, Surface tension =
DlsperslbIltty - 5.87) . - 0.2, (r - 0.988, P < 0.01).
e-, So; 0---, bound SDS -0.0383 x So + 67.664, (r = 0.851, p < 0.01).
. , Rapeseed protein; ., soy protein; .... , sunflower
protein. 1, untreated; 2 and 3, treated with linoleate and
proteins through hydrophobic interactions must be proteinase, respectively.
superseding the increased protein hydrophobicity
gained from surfactant binding. That the So in-
creased with bound surfactants can be interpreted as
a more intensive reaction of PnA with hydrophobic
sites on the surface of protein molecules or the sites
exposed as a result of interactions of surfactants with
proteins. The hydrophobic sites themselves must
have been extended due to the surfactants bound to
the protein molecules. E

Relationships of Effective Hydrophobicity with c
Surfactant Properties of Plant Proteins 'C
Figures 6, 7 and 8 show the relations of surface Z 8
tension, interfacial tension and EAI to So of all o
soy, sunflower and rape seed protein isolates en .3 -,~.!....
treated with linoleate and proteinase. All correla- z
w -2
tion coefficients are significant. Data of SDS- I-
treated samples were excluded from these figures ..J
since the effects of unbound SDS in the samples <I:
- 6
on surface tension, interfacial tension and EAI U
may not be ignored. Each dot in the figures repre- <I:
sents the average value of three determinations for a::
sample of different proteins treated differently I-
with linoleate or proteinase. Broader scattering of Z
Figures 6 to 8 than Figures 1 to 5 may be due to
the combination of all three different proteins in 4L---~--------~------~~----~7.
400 600 800 1000
each figure compared to data for single protein in HYDROPHOBI Cl TV (So)
one figure in the case of Figures 1 to 5. The So
appears to be closely correlated with all of these Fig. 7. Relationship between hydrophobicity and interfacial ten-
surfactant properties. A general correlation be- sion of plant proteins. Regression equation, Interfacial
tween emulsification capacity and protein solubility tension -4.9 = (0.0000744 x So + 0.01893t027, (r =
0.735, p < 0.05).
was discussed by Crenwelge et al. (1974). How- . , Rapeseed protein; . , soy protein; .... , sunflower
ever, "effective hydrophobicity" seems to be more protein. 1, untreated; 2 and 3, treated with linoleate and
directly correlated with emulsification capacity. proteinase, respectively.

26/Nakai, Ho, Helbig, Kato and Tung Can. Inst. Food Sci. Technol. J. Vo!. 13, No. 1, January 1980
surfactant treatment was more advantageous than
proteinase treatment for soy, sunflower and rape-
{ seed proteins due to an additional benefit of
emulsification activity improvement.
>< It is evident that the good correlation of protein
o effective hydrophobicity with surfactant properties
:z observed for model proteins by Kato and Nakai
., (1979) also holds true for some plant proteins. These
I- results indicate that hydrophobicity may be an
::: 120 .3
important property in elucidating the mechanism of
l- protein functions in food processing.
:z Acknowledgement
>- Research for this paper was conducted according to
the terms of contract no. OSU78-00061 for Agriculture
..J Canada .
~ .3
20 ~0~!0----------6-0~0-----------8~0-0---------1-0'00 Bigelow, C. C. 1967. On the average hydrophobicity of proteins and the relation
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Fig. 8. Relationship between hydrophobicity and emulsifying comparison of the emulsification capacities of some protein concentrates. 1. Food
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(EAI-1O)07 = 0.049 x So - 6.546, (r = 0.812, P < 0.01). and purification of total lipides from animal tissues. J. BioI. Chem. 226: 497 .
• , Rapeseed protein; . , soy protein; ,A, sunflower Kata, A. and Nakai, S. 1979. Hydrophobicity determined by a fluorescence probe
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As shown in Figure 8, when the EAI was Mullen, K. and Stanley. D. W. 1979. Data transformations in statistical analysis. Can.
measured for the proteinase treated soy, sunflower Inst. Food Sci. Technol. J. 12: 98.
Nakai, S., Ho. 1.., Tung, M. A. and Quinn, 1. R. 1980. Solubilization of rapeseed, soy
and rapeseed protein isolates used in the solubiliza- and sunflower protein isolates by surfactant and proteinase treatments. Can Inst.
tion work of Nakai et al. (1979), the values were Food Sci. Technol. 1. 13:14.
generally lower than those for the surfactant-treated Pearce, K. N. and Kinsella. J. E. 1978. Emulsifying properties of proteins: evaluation of
a turbidimetric technique. 1. Agr. Food Chem. 26: 716.
samples, although they tended to be inconsistent; So Prosser, A. R .• Sheppard. A. J. and Hubbard. W. D. 1977. Modification of Canadian
did not markedly change by partial hydrolysis of Food and Drug Directorate lipoxidase method for polyunsaturated fatty acid
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Reynolds. 1. A. and Tanford, C. 1970. Binding of dodecylsulfate to proteins at high
improved from 55% to 95% by the proteinase binding ratios. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 66: 1002.
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correlation of emulsification capacity with hydro-
phobicity than with solubility. Thus solubilization by Received May 22. 1979

1. Inst. Can. Sci. Technol. Aliment. Vol. 13, No. 1, Janvier 1980 Nakai, Ho, Helbig, Kato and Tung/27

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