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Chapter 2

This is what happened If we don’t do it
carefully & accordingly!

Accident is disastrous.
WCK is the key of accidents prevention.

Drilling/W.O. & W.I. Differences
Drilling/Workover – Well Control (Double Barrier Protection) WELL INTERVENTION
(Triple Barrier Protection)
Drilling or Workover requires to have 2 Independent Tested
Barriers at all times. PRI BARRIER
Annular BOP
(Double Barrier Protection)
Well Intervention – Pressure Control (Triple Barrier Protection) Ram BOP SEC BARRIER
Annular BOP
Well Intervention requires to have 3 Independent Tested
Barriers through out the entire operations.
Either 1 of the barrier has failed immediate action must be
taken to re-instate barrier & return the well to Triple Barrier


Formation Fluids Formation Fluids

Essential topics in Principles & Procedures;

1. Barrier 6. U-tube Concept

2. Pressure 7. Gas Migration

3. Kick 8. Well Killing

4. Leak 9. Fundamental Calculation

5. Blowout 10. Common Challenges


Barrier Theory
IWCF Barrier Definition:
Barrier is any device, fluid or substance that prevents the flow of well fluids.

• Barriers are designed to provide SAFE means of entering & exiting a

live well with equipments or tools while remaining in control of the
well at all times.

• Device that separates well pressure & surface facilities.

• Well Intervention personnel are mandatory to have good knowledge

on “Barrier”.

• Successful rate of W.I. operations depend very much on integrity of

these “Barrier” & “Personnel Competencies”.
Jail Door

Barrier Types
Barrier is the prime element of well control.

Barriers are categorized into two types:

1. Mechanical Type

2. Hydrostatic Type

Mechanical Barrier
Mechanically operated barrier.
• It may be described as individual barrier but in reality includes all
barriers between itself & the next barrier in line. These systems including
all associated barriers are commonly referred to as “Barrier Envelopes”.

Mechanical Barrier e.g.:

◦ Casing ◦ Completion String ◦ Tubing Hanger ◦ Xmas Tree
◦ DHSV ◦ Cement Plug ◦ BOP ◦ Stripper etc.

Mechanical Barriers are sub-divided into two types:

1. Closed Type
2. Closable Type

Closed Type Barrier
Held close through out the WI periods thus containing well pressure at all time.
• Generally used as ‘Primary Barrier’ in WI operations.
• The barrier integrity should be ‘Leak Tight’.
Stuffing Box Stripper Stripper
GIH Check Valve Check Valve
Barrier Envelopes Barrier Envelopes Barrier Envelopes


Wireline Plugs Bridge Plugs
Cement Plugs Ice Plugs

Closable Type Barrier
Held open to allow well entry but available & ready to be closed at any time on
• Generally used as ‘Secondary Barrier’ in WI operations.
• Acceptable API leakage rate of Closable Barrier integrity is 400 cc/min or
900 scf/hr with exception of DHSV used in well completion.
• However, if it is used as ‘Primary Barrier’, the barrier integrity should be
‘Leak Tight’.
Ram BOP Annular BOP Xmas Tree
• SSSV is acceptable as barrier during normal operation if it’s tested in
accordance with test criteria given in Barrier Integrity (slide 17), however,
if it is to be used for well plugging i.e. for Xmas tree removal, it has to be
leak tight (Closed Type Barrier).
Barrier Envelope Xmas Tree Casing
It is a group of individual mechanical barriers forming a Closed Barrier

1. SB is part of Lubricator Assembly Envelope
• SB, Lubricator, BOP, Riser & Wellhead

2. Wellhead is part of Xmas Tree Casing Envelope

• Xmas Tree, Wellhead Spools, Hangers &

Lubricator Assembly Envelope
Hydrostatic Barrier
A liquid with hydrostatic pressure  than formation pressure.
• A liquid can only be confirmed as barrier after diligent monitoring of a well
over a period of specified time, to ensure any thermal
expansion/contraction effects have ceased & its fluid level/condition (i.e.
weight) can be monitored continuously.
• Barrier overbalance should be ± 200 psi & may be adjusted to counter
high losses in wells which can’t support this differential especially when
using solid free brines.
• Hydrostatic barrier is only use in WI if situation warrants.


Kill fluids Completion Brine
Sea Water Fresh Water

Barrier Classification
In conjunction with IWCF principles, barriers are classified into three:
1. Primary Barrier

2. Secondary Barrier

3. Tertiary Barrier

It’s mandatory to equip surface stack with these three barriers in Well
Intervention operations.

Primary Barrier
1st line of defense from a live well & it has to be a ‘Leak Tight’.
• Any leakage during operations or likely to leak, operations has to be
suspended & well pressure to be isolated.
• Leaked primary barrier has to be redressed with immediate effect.
• Primary Barrier for WI is generally a Closed Type Barrier.
• However, Closable Type Barrier can also be used as Primary Barrier
provided it’s “Leak Tight”.
Stuffing Box Grease Injection Head

Blind Ram BOP Braidedline & Inverted Rams BOP with

Braidedline packed with grease.
Stripper Annular BOP
Pipe Ram With CT Blind Ram With No CT
Secondary Barrier
Back up Primary Barrier if it being compromised & provides 2nd line of defense
from well pressure.
• Generally it is a Closable Type Barrier.


Blind Ram BOP Braidedline Ram BOP
Annular BOP Pipe Ram BOP With Tubing
Blind Ram BOP With No Tubing

Tertiary Barrier
Back up barrier as final line of defense if all barriers are being compromised &
has the ability to cut pipe & seal at the same time.
• It must also has a side kill port.
• It’s an independent Closable Type Barrier.
• It’s to be positioned immediately above the Xmas Tree.
• Shear blade has to be tested prior RU on the 1st time.


Shear & Seal BOP

Barrier Integrity
“Barrier Integrity is to provide proper working of barrier according to its

Barriers are PCEs & critical to well control principles  all barriers are to be;
• Pressure Tested (API 6A = Specification for Wellhead & Xmas Tree Equipment)
• Function Tested (NACE MR-01-75 = Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic
Material for Oilfield Equipment)
All PCE must conform to API 6A & NACE MR-01-75 standard.
Mechanical Barrier Tested from flow direction
Closed Type Barrier Leak Tight
Closable Type Barrier API leakage criteria of 400 cc/min or 900 scf/hr
Overbalanced of ± 200 psi with diligently monitored
Hydrostatic Barrier for a specified period of time to ensure thermal
expansion & contraction effect has ceased.
Pressure Testing
Pressure Tests are to provide proper operation of barriers at Working Pressure (WP).
WP are generally categorized into 3 groups pressure regimes:
1. 3000 psi
2. 5000 psi Special equipment is manufactured with 15k psi & 20k psi.
3. 10000 psi

To ensure proper operation of barriers at WP, barriers are tested at maximum pressure
> or equal to WP defined as Test Pressure (TP).

TP is recommended by manufacturer & often stipulated by industry standard.

• 3k psi & 5k psi WP rating, TP is multiply by 2
• > 10k psi WP rating, TP is multiply by 1.5
• TP must be carried out periodically as stipulated by company policy.

Working Pressure
On-site Pressure Test
• According to the PCE WP rating & apply 500 psi incrementally.
• PT medium must be a mixture of 60:40 ratio by volume of fresh
water & glycol respectively.
(This would prevents “Emulsion” formation in oil wells or “Hydrates”
formation in gas well if it would be discharged into wells)

• Bleed off through production process venting system.
• If not possible, bleed off with extreme care, ensure no personnel &
source of ignition down wind.
• De-pressurizing must be a Controlled Operation.
• PATIENCE is the virtue of this operation & NO ACCELERATION is
permitted. Ensure that equipment is earthed properly to prevent
ignition by static electricity.
Pressure Testing Sequence (WL)
RU on Xmas Tree P/Testing BOP Open Master Valve
Lubricator & BOP Open BOP Open Swab Valve

Xmas Tree Monitor
Above BOP
Isolation Press Open
Apply Close Equal
Close SV Press Ram Valve
Close WV
Open SSV Open
Open MV SV
Close MV

Pull T/String
All Way Up
Equipment Pressure Rating
It’s important to ensure the PCE pressure & material rating are
compatible to the reservoir fluids.
• Failure to meet this criteria will lead to disaster (blowout).

Pressure Rating
Refer to this WL surface stack, the yellow PCE indicate for 5000 psi
rating & blue PCE is 3000 psi rating.
• What is the overall pressure rating of the stack?
• 5000 psi or 3000 psi
• Answer is 3000 psi

Material Rating
• Sweet service – carbon steel
• Sour service – SUPA 70 or SUPA 75

Definition of Common Terms
Term Definition
Leak Tight No observable flow or no pressure change
Fail Safe A device returns to close position on loss of control function
Fail To Test Failure of a barrier to meet test criteria
Fail To Close Inability of a device to move to close position
Positive Plug Hold pressure from above & below
Overbalanced Greater pressure than pressure below it
Underbalanced Lesser pressure than pressure below it
Inflow Test Bleed pressure from above & monitor pressure build up
Slam Test Sudden close of DHSV while flowing & monitor pressure build-up

1 Barrier - end

Function Test
Function Tests are to provide proper operation of the equipment before it is
use for operational requirements.

All barriers need to be function tested.

Type of Function Tests;

• Stump Test
• BOP Test
• Cutting Test
• Internal Barrier Test
• Flow Check

2 Pressure

Definition of Pressure;
Force per unit area
Definition of Formation Pressure;
Pore space pressure

3 Type of Formation Pressure:

1. Normal Pressure (hydrostatic pressure)
2. Abnormal Pressure (> normal pressure or overpressure)

3. Subnormal Pressure (< normal pressure)

2 Pressure

Normal Pressure
In normal formation pressure, the fluids is connected to the surface.

• The formation pressure is due to hydrostatic pressure of fluids

• Usually PG is 0.465 psi/ft

• In Middle East 0.468 psi/ft is considered normal

2 Pressure

Abnormal Pressure
Frequently, barrier or seal rock interrupts the connection of formation fluids &
fluids below this barrier must support part of rock’s weight above & the
pressure is called “Abnormal Pressure or Geo-Pressure”.

• Due to formation compaction, water squeezing from surrounding

clays/shale, thermal expansion, earth movements.

• Since rock is heavier than water, formation pressure can exceed HP.

• Formation pressure  HP is considered “Abnormal Pressured or


• Abnormal pressure is generally range from 0.465 – 1.000 psi/ft.

2 Pressure

Origin of Formation Pressure

Sedimentation and Subsidence Process

Ocean or
River Bed

Normal Pressure Zone

Seal or Caprock

Pressured Zone

Permeable Formation

2 Pressure

Subnormal Pressure
Formation pressure less than normal formation pressure is considered
“Subnormal Pressure”.

• Incompact formation (e.g. Loss circulation zones).

• This condition occurs in depleted reservoirs or in older reservoir.

• Subnormal PG is normally less than 0.465 psi/ft.

2 Pressure

Overburden Pressure
Pressure exerted by rock strata on a formation of interest is called “Overburden

• Subsurface rock’s density usually average between 18 – 22 ppg.

• Thus, an average overburden PG would be average of 1 psi/ft.

2 Pressure

Bottom Hole Pressure (BHP)

The sum of all column’s hydrostatic pressures being exerted at the bottom of a
fluid columns.

DIFFERENTIAL PRESURE is the difference between BHP & Formation Pressure.

• Positive pressure means BHP  FP = “Overbalance”
• Negative pressure means BHP  FP = “Underbalance”


2 Pressure

Formation Fracture Pressure

Pressure at which a formation will fracture
Excessive pressures in a well can cause formation fracture & loss fluids in
• Granite formation is very strong so Fracture Pressure is high.
• Limestone formation is relatively weak & can fracture easily.
• Fracture Pressure is generally expressed in PG (psi/ft) or Density (ppg).
• Fracture Pressure usually increase in depth.

Formation fracture pressure is determined by leak Off Test.

Deep subsurface rocks are exposed to high Overburden Pressure & can be easily
• Reservoir found immediately below this compacted rock are loosely
compacted (highly porous & permeable) & Fracture Pressure is usually low.

2 Pressure Drill Pipe

Leak Off Test Annular BOP

Test performed by applying incremental pressures from BOP

surface to close wellbore/casing system until it can be

seen that mud is being injected into formation.
Leak-Off Test Procedure:
• Drill 10’ – 15’ rat Hole.
• Pull Bit inside casing.
• Condition mud until good homogenous weight. Test Mud

• Close annular BOP.

• Pump mud incrementally with no return.
Fracture Pressure
Surface Pressure

Surface Leak Off Pressure

Casing Shoe

10’ – 15’ Rat Hole

Volume Pumped
2 Pressure

Maximum Allowable Surface Pressure

Maximum Allowable Surface Pressure (MASP) can be determined when the Leak
Off Test data is available.

MASP = Fracture Pressure  HP of Wellbore Fluid

MASP is only valid when the fluid in the wellbore is still the same used during LOT.
If the fluid density in the well change, then MASP has to be re-calculated.

During well killing pump pressure must not exceed MASP.

Formula to calculate MASP during starting to kill & at finish point;

MASP Start = Fracture Pressure  Tubing BHP
MASP Finish = Fracture Pressure  Kill Fluid HP

2 Pressure
Higher Pressure

Circulating Pressure
Zero Pressure
Pressure generated by fluid pump & exerted on tubing string,
BHA, annulus & back to surface.
P = P + FP + FP + FPAnnulus
Pump Surface Tubing BHA

• Pressure generated by the pump is expanded to overcome

the friction losses between kill fluid & what ever it is in
contact with. Friction Loss in
Tbg, BHA & Ann

• The pressure will be higher at the pump discharge point &

gradually reduce to zero at the fluid return line.

Other factors influencing Friction Loss are;

• Velocity • Thermal properties
• Density of substance • Movement direction
2 Pressure - end

Other Important Pressures

Hydrostatic Pressure
• Pressure exerted by column of fluid.
Pressure Gradient
• Rate of fluid pressure per given unit depth.
Slow Pump Pressure
• A reduce circulating pump pressure without friction created along the
Human Pressure
It is the most critical pressure associated with well control.
• Blowouts are prevented by people who are able to work quickly &
decisively under stress.
• Untrained personnel may be incapable of handling their responsibility
when problems on work site endanger their security.
• Only Alert, Trained & Calm personnel can handle human pressure. 35
3 Kick

An influx of formation pressure into wellbore



3 Kick

Kick Theory

Mud Hydrostatic Falls

Formation Pressure Remains


Mud Hydrostatic Remains

Formation Pressure Rises

3 Kick

Kick Theory
• It only happened in dead well where hydrostatic pressure overcomes the
formation pressure.

• Indication of reduced hydrostatic pressure at the bottom of wellbore.

• Indication of formation surges

• In well intervention, kick does not exists but leak, yes.

3 Kick

Kick Prevention
Two essential kick prevention are;
1. Identify kick signs.
2. Use correct well service practices & competent personnel.

What is Kick Sign?

Changes of well data from normal characteristics.

Kick sign indicates the well is getting closer to being “Under Balanced” &
safety margin Is getting lesser.

Major Kick Warning Signs:

• R.O.P. Changes
Less Overbalance or Softer Rock
• Hole Condition
Squeezing Rock or Torque/Drag
• Mud Data
Gas, Cutting, Temperature, Chlorides, Shale Property etc. 39
3 Kick

Kick Signs
Possible kick signs are;
• Increased background gas or connection gas
• Drilling break
• Increase in flowline mud temperature
• Increased mud chloride content
• Increased drill torque/drag
• Increased cutting no & size
• Increased return flow rate/pit gain
• Decreasing shale density
• Decreased pump pressure/increased SPM
• Excessive flow from well when tripping
• Flow from well with pumps off
3 Kick - end

Kick Causation
Possible causation of kicks are;

• Improper fill up or displacement during trips

• Inconsistence of mud properties

• Negligence

• Incompetence personnel etc.

4 Leak

W.I. Pressure Control

“W.I. Pressure Control” implies more than either “leak” or “blowout” control.

Leakages generally lead to blowouts & therefore preventing leakages is the

utmost critical elements W.I. Pressure Control.

Leak controls is critical, however;

• Our priority is to prevent from occurring.
• Some leakages will happen inevitably.
• Conscious effort towards minimization of these events is imperative.
• An understanding of leakage & blowout causation is essential.
• All W.I. personnel must be on constant lookout for potentially bad situations.
• Early recognition of “leakage signs” contributes to successful well control.

4 Leak

Leak Theory
Define Leak
“A leak is the entry of small amount of formation fluids into atmosphere”
Define Blowout
“Blowout is uncontrollable of well fluids into atmosphere”

Leak is due to:

1. Barrier fails
2. Well pressure suddenly exceed barrier rating

Blowout is due to:

• Severe barrier leakages

4 Leak

Leak & Blowout


4 Leak

Handling Leakage
Steps in handling a leak to prevent it becoming a BLOWOUT.
1. Detect leak

2. Stop operation & close two barriers

3. Redress & re-instate leaked barrier

4. Resume operation & monitor leak

5. If leak still warrants, inform PIC or kill well with appropriate method

4 Leak

W.I. Pressure Control

Step 1:

Function & Pressure Tests

Triple Barriers Start W.I.

Step 2:
Stop Operations Close 2 Barriers &
Detect Leak
Redress Barrier

Step 3:
Re-instate Barriers Resume Operation Monitor Leak

Step 4:
Inform PIC or Kill Well
Leak Warrants Monitor Well

4 Leak

Leakage Signs
Possible signs of leakages are;
• Worn-off stripper & stuffing box rubber elements

• Abrupt pumping of stripper or GIH

• Well fluids spray in atmosphere from stripper, GIH or flanges.

• Considerable amount of well fluids on cable drum or tubing spool

• Inconsistence support stand for Injector Head etc.

4 Leak

Causes of Leak
Possible causation of leakages are;
• Use worn-off stripper & stuffing box rubber elements.
• Improper flanges torque.
• Incorrect ring gasket for flanges or O-rings or improper thread connections.
• Re-use of ring gasket for flange connections.

• Incorrect pressure & material rating for PCE.

• Fail to function tests & pressure tests PCE.

• Ignorance & incompetence personnel.

• Fail to understand well capabilities etc.

4 Leak - end

Leakage Prevention
Possible prevention that can be exercised in well intervention operations
• Redress stripper & stuffing box elements before RIH.
• Use tandem or back-up stripper/stuffing box.

• Use correct ring gasket for correct flange or O-ring size.

• NEVER re-use ring gasket for other flange connection.

• Pressure test surface stacks before expose to well pressure.

• Use suitable pressure & material rating for well to be worked on.

• Check & double checks all connections.

• Understand well pressures, condition & effluents etc.

5 Blowout

“Uncontrollable of formation fluids at surface”



5 Blowout - end

• Blowout is hazardous to people, property & environment,

• Cost of Blowout is hard to predict.

• Pollution challenges

• Regulatory reporting

• Bad publicity

• Public endangerment

• Loss or damage of property

6 U-Tube Concept

U-Tube Concept
“Two fluids column will have same BHP if they are identical in density.”
Fluid in both sides are filled with 9 ppg fluid.

Coiled Tubing Side

Coiled Tubing Side

Annulus Side

Annulus Side

Annulus Side
1000 ft 1000 ft

BHP 468 psi BHP 468 psi
6 U-Tube Concept

U-Tube Concept
“Heavier fluid in CT will force lighter fluid in annulus to flow.”
12 ppg 12 ppg

Fill in with heavier fluid

Fill in with heavier fluid

Lighter mud will be drained off to

12 ppg 12 ppg
balance each other sides in a static

Coiled Tubing Side

Annulus Side

Annulus Side
Coiled Tubing Side

Annulus Side


Monitor BHP with drill
pipe or tubing gauge.
9 ppg 9 ppg
Maintain a constant BHP
by adjusting the CHOKE.

6 U-Tube Concept - end

U-Tube Concept
Shut-In Well
SITHP 31 psi

200 ft 12 ppg
If heavier fluid is added in side 1 & side 2 fluid
cannot escape. BHP will balance with extra
pressure created on surface.
Coiled Tubing Side

Annulus Side

Coiled Tubing Annulus

800 ft
BHP = 499 psi BHP = 468 psi + 31 psi

9 ppg 9 ppg

BHP 499 psi Balanced

BHP 499 psi

7 Gas Migration

Gas Migration
Gas that enter wellbore rises up to surface is referred to as “gas migration”.

Gas migration is noted by equal increase in SITHP & SICHP.

• Pressure in gas bubble is distributed in all directions outward.
• HP of liquid is directed downward.
•  pressure in column with gas bubble will increase both above & below
gas bubble.
• It is this property that results increase in surface pressure & downhole
• The trapped gas form in ‘bubble” will tend to rise to surface because gas is
lighter than liquid.

Consequences of gas migration;

• Formation may break. • Hydrate formation in choke.
• Casing or tubing may burst . • Fire hazard etc.

7 Gas Migration

Gas Migration
It is important to maintain BHP constant during gas migration to prevent formation
fracture or other consequences.
Therefore, certain amount of volume is required to be bled-off thru annulus choke.
SPI 500 psi
Legend; Pit Gain 5 bbl
Volume to be bled
Volume = Volume of gas to be bled-off
FP = Formation Pressure Choke

SPI = Surface Pressure Increase

The formula to find the volume to be bled-off is;

Volume = FP  Pit Gain  FP  SPI]  Pit Gain
V = 4000  5  4000  500]  5
= 0.71 bbl
Formation Pressure
4000 psi
7 Gas Migration

Gas Law or Boyle’s Law

“Boyle’s law states, gas volume at constant temperature varies inversely with
measured pressure.”
• When pressure in gas bubble is double, then its volume is reduced to half.
• If pressure in gas bubble is halved, then bubble will expand to double its former
Gas law or Boyle’s Law:
P₁  V₁ = P₂  V₂
Gas is confined under pressure 5000 psi (P₁) & volume is 20 bbl (V₁). This gas is
brought to surface where the pressure is 15 psi (P₂).What is the expanded gas
volume at surface (V₂)?

 Gas Law is, V₂ = (P₁  V₁)  P₂

= (5000  20)  15
= 6666.67 bbl 57
7 Gas Migration - end


SITHP 0 psi SITHP 1700 psi SITHP 3400 psi

Gas Bubble
Pressure 3400 psi

Kill Fluid HP
3400 psi

FP 3400 psi FP 3400 psi FP 3400 psi

BHP 3400 psi BHP 5100 psi BHP 6400 psi
8 Well Killing

Well Killing
A well sometimes requires to be killed for workover or safety reason.

“Well killing is to replace well fluids with workover fluids to keep BHP slightly 
formation pressure.”

Factors influencing kill procedures;

• Tubing & casing integrity
• Ability to circulate kill fluids in the annulus
• Formation pressure
• Completion & formation parameters

Each well to be killed must be assessed individually to determine the most effective
kill procedure to be implemented.

8 Well Killing

Kill Method
In production well, tubing is normally full with well fluids & tubing/casing annulus
full with packer fluids unlike drilling well full of drilling fluids.

Production kill methods may not be the same as the common drilling or W.O.
methods. The commonly methods used in production are;
• Reverse Circulation

• Forward Circulation

• Bullheading

• Lubricate & Bleed

“It is always preferred if possible to isolate formation from kill fluid by setting WL
plug as deep as possible below packer.”
8 Well Killing

Reverse Circulation
Fluids pump thru casing into well & return into tubing.
• Used for all types of wells except high pressure well & low
pressure reservoir.
• Safest & simplest method utilize “U-Tube” effects.
• Fluids flows thru Xmas Tree & production facilities.
• Pump pressure is required to equalize across SSD & friction
losses during kill fluids balancing.
• Requires circulation point.
• WL plug prevent packer fluids into formation before kill
fluids enter tubing.
• During circulation maintain ± 200 psi  SITHP till kill fluid
enter tubing & gradually reduce surface pressure.
• Easier to maintain oil & gas above kill fluids & less problems
establishing clean kill fluids.
• Heavy losses with lighter fluids or extra heavy fluids is
8 Well Killing

Reverse Circulation Kill Chart

Additional ± 200 psi THP

Tubing Surface Pressure

New Kill Fluid @ SSD

Tubing Volume Tubing & Annulus Volume

Maintained ± 200 psi Surface Pressure

Gradually Reduce Surface
Oil @ Surface

Barrels Pumped

8 Well Killing

CT/Snubbing Forward Circulation

Fluids pump thru CT/Snubbing & return through tubing.

• Used whenever not possible to establish

communication & not desirable to bullheadActually it
is reverse circulation procedure.
• Fluids flows thru Xmas Tree & production facilities.
• Back pressure in THP is to be maintained to control
BHP influx.
• WL plug prevent kill fluids contaminate into formation
where ever possible.
• .

8 Well Killing

Forward Circulation
Fluids pump thru tubing & return through casing.

NOT recommended as it involves ↑circulating pressures &

disposal of formation fluids thru tubing spools outlets.
• High circulation pressure in casing.
• Oil & gas will mix with packer fluids due to gravitation &
requires special handling equipment.
• WL plug prevent kill fluids contaminate into formation
where ever possible.

8 Well Killing

Forward Circulation Kill Chart

Tubing Volume

Shape Of
Tubing Surface Pressure

Line Will Vary With Hydrocarbon


Well Volume

Observable Constant THP


Barrels Pumped

8 Well Killing

CT/Snubbing Reverse Circulation

Fluids pump thru tubing & return through CT/Snubbing.

• Used where ever not possible to establish

communication casing/tubing.
• Actually it is forward circulation procedure
• Oil & gas will pass thru CT spool & requires special
handling equipment.
• No check valve installed on CT string end.
• WL plug prevent kill fluids contaminate into formation
where ever possible.

8 Well Killing

Bullheading (Squeeze)
Pump kill fluids thru tubing & force it into formation without
fracturing formation.

• Used on well without circulation device, smaller tubing &

higher permeability reservoir.
• Requires higher pressure pump to drive kill fluids faster
than “Free Fall” to prevent kill fluids contamination in the
• NOT possible for low pressure reservoir as this would
fracture formation.
• It is time consuming in low permeability reservoir or larger
completion tubing
• In high GOR wells it is difficult to kill.

8 Well Killing

Bullheading Kill Chart

Tubing Burst Limit
Tubing Surface Pressure

Formation Fracture Pressure

Tubing Volume

Kill Fluids Pressure

Barrels Pumped

8 Well Killing

Lubricate & Bleed

Varying amounts of kill fluids is pumped into formation & bleed off
pressure after each batch is pumped. The process is done alternately
until well is dead.
• Used in high GOR or gas wells.
• Repeatedly pump each kill fluids batch (½ of tbg cap not  10 bbl)
for 3-5 min. (Reduced kill fluid if bled off gas is excessive.)
• Observe THP (constant) for ½ - 1 hr after ea batch & ensure THP
does not go  200 psi before next batching.
• Bleed off at high rate immediately after batching, THP drop could
be equal to pumped kill fluids HP. If bleeding off is not done
quickly, kill fluid HP will cause losses of kill fluids & the faster THP
is reduced smaller loss will be.
• If well is deemed dead, observe well for considerable period of
time before starting any further work.
• If low fluid level, add lighter kill fluid & make it full.
• If well could die due to excessive gas or kill fluids bled off, wait for
well to settle & repeat procedures until it’s dead. 69
8 Well Killing

Lubricate & Bleed Kill Chart

Maximum Allowable Surface Pressure

½ Tbg Cap 3-5”

( 10 bbl)

Bleed Off Immediately & Observe THP ½ -1 hr

Tubing Surface Pressure

(NOT ↑  200 psi)

Tubing Volume

Minimum Surface Pressure

To Prevent Influx

Barrels Pumped

8 Well Killing

Well Preparation
Several precautions must be exercised before well killing operations.
• Well & reservoir information.
• Tubing & casing information.
• Shut-In well in advance to stabilize BHP.
• Inspect & service Xmas Tree.
• Valves are tested to API criteria.
• Check DHSV is to be opened or retrieved.
• Check for pumping equipment are in placed.
• Check for H₂S existence in well.
• Isolate well control from external control systems.
• Isolate flow-lines with double barriers & depressurize (Exceptional to flow
H₂S thru production system).
• Mitigation plans.
• Two ways effective communications etc.

8 Well Killing

Pump Requirements
1. Pump MIXING
2. Surface Pump Lines
3. Choke Manifold
4. Isolation Valves
5. Pressure Gauges
6. Fluid Disposal System PUMPING
7. Mixing Tanks
8. Pit Tanks (if necessary)
9. Fluid
10. Chemicals etc


8 Well Killing - end

Formation Damage
Typical formation damage during WI are;
• Pore space plug by kill fluids.
• Permeability reduction by poor kill fluid.
• Sand face/cement break down during acid stimulation.
• Clay swelling from incompatible fluids.

• Isolate formation & kill fluids by using mechanical plug if possible .
• Use solid free fluids.
• Fluid selection & fluids compatibility.
• Use filtered & clean fluids.
• Stringent field mixing procedures to prevent contamination of fluids.

9 Fundamental Calculation

Fundamental of Fluids & Pressure

Basic laws of physics concerning liquids & gas.
• Liquids are not compressible

• Gases are compressible

Liquids Gas

• Liquids & gases are both FLUIDS

• Pressure in FLUIDS is transmitted equally in all directions.

9 Fundamental Calculation

Fresh Water Facts

Fresh water weighs the same unit volume anywhere in the world.
• It’s a “Universal Fluid”.
• Used as “Standard Fluid” to compare with other fluids.

Fresh Water has the value of:

• PG = 0.433 psi/ft
• SG = 1
• API = 10
• Density = 62.4 lb/ft³
• Density = 8.33 ppg
• Volume = 7.48 gal/ft³

9 Fundamental Calculation

Unit of Measurement
Unit of measurement is important in our day-to-day activities in oil & gas industry.
We need to use the correct unit of measurements in our calculation or we will
get wrong results.

In the world of calculations we have various systems in order to simplify

confusions & they are:
• Imperial System
• SI (System International)
• Metric
In our operational activities in oil & gas industries, we generally use an API
systems, a mixture of Imperial System & Metric.

9 Fundamental Calculation

Sometimes we may need to calculate the area of a circle (WL, CT & Tubing) in
order to calculate the force required to overcome the well pressure.

Formula to find area of circle;

1 Formula =   Radius²

2 Formula =   Diameter²
It is important to standardized the UOM before computing the equation.

9 Fundamental Calculation

Force is required to convert the length of WL stem or tubing equivalent to overcome well
Formula to find force;
Force (ftlb) = Area (in²) x Pressure (psi)

Calculate the length of 1⅞” WL stem required to overcome 2525 psi SITHP using
0.125” WL neglecting friction on stuffing box.
Area of 0.125” WL = (  Diameter² ) ÷ 4
= (3.14 x 0.125²) ÷ 4 = 0.01227 in²
Force = 0.01227 x 2525 = 30.9 ftlb
Weight of 1⅞” WL stem per foot = (Diameter² x 8) ÷ 3
= (1.875² x 8) ÷ 3 = 9.4 lb/ft
Therefore 1⅞ stem length required = 30.9 ÷ 9.4 = 3.3 ft
Force (ftlb)

Force can be determined if two values are given using the triangular   concept.
Area (psi)  Pressure(psi) 78
9 Fundamental Calculation

Formula to find volume of cylinder:  = ²²/₇ (Circumference ÷ Diameter
1 Volume =   Radius²  MD or 3.14

2 Volume =   Diameter²  MD
UOM for volume is ft³ or bbl (to convert ft³ to bbl, multiply by 0.1781).
3 Volume (bbl) = Tubular Capacity (bbl/ft) x TVD (ft)


Volume calculation in the field, the term used must be understood.

• Surf to EOT = From surface to EOT (tubing)
• Bottoms Up = From EOT to surface (casing)
• Full Circulation = From surface to surface (tubing & casing)

9 Fundamental Calculation


“Capacity is the volume of fluids contained within one Tubing Capacity

foot of a tubular length.”

1 ft
Annular Capacity
“Annular Capacity is the volume of fluids contained
within one foot of two tubular length.”

1 ft

Side View
Unit of measurement for Capacity is bbl/ft.

Annular Capacity

Top View
9 Fundamental Calculation

Tubing Capacity

• Tubing Cap (bbl/ft) = ID² (in)  1029.4

or   (ID” 12)²  4  1 ft  0.1781
• Tubing Total Vol (bbl) = Tubing Cap (bbl/ft)  Tubing MD (ft)
or   (ID” 12)²  4  MD ft  0.1781

ID (ins)

MD (ft)

The constant 1029 .4 is used to obtain capacity in bbl/ft.

9 Fundamental Calculation

Annular Capacity
• Annular Cap (bbl/ft) = (ID² − OD²)  1029.4
or   (ID” 12)² − (OD” 12)²]  4  1 ft  0.1781
• Annular Total Vol (bbl) = Annular Cap (bbl/ft)  Annular MD (ft)
or   (ID” 12)² − (OD” 12)²]  4  MD ft  0.1781

ID (ins)

OD (ins) MD (ft)

The constant 1029.4 is used to obtain capacity in bbl/ft.

9 Fundamental Calculation

Pumping Stroke
Formula to find number of pumping strokes; LEGEND:
Stroke = Tubular Volume (bbl) ÷ TPO (bbl/strk) TPO = True Pump Output

How many strokes are required to fill-up 5000 ft MD of 3½” tubing with
tubing capacity of 0.00869 bbl/ft & TPO of 0.00037 bbl/strk?

Stroke = (0.00869 x 5000) ÷ 0.00037

= 43.45 bbl ÷ 0.00037 bbl/strk
= 117.4

9 Fundamental Calculation

Pumping Time (minute)

Formula to find pumping duration in minute;
Pump Time (min) = Tubular Volume (bbl) ÷ Pump Speed (bbl/min)

How many minutes are required to fill-up 6700 ft MD of 4½” tubing with
tubing capacity of 0.01547 bbl/ft & pump speed of 0.75565 bbl/min?

Pump Time (min) = (0.01547 x 6700) ÷ 0.75565

= 10.36 bbl ÷ 0.75565
= 11.14

9 Fundamental Calculation

Tubing Displacement
Formula to find tubing displacement;
Tubing Displacement (bbl/ft) = Tubing Weight Per Foot (lbs) ÷ 2750 (constant)

Find the tubing displacement for 2⅞”, 6.4 ppf tubing? Tubing Displacement

Tubing Displacement (bbl/ft) = 6.4 ÷ 2750

= 0.00233

9 Fundamental Calculation

Close End Displacement

Close End Displacement (bbl/ft) = Tubing Displacement + Tubing Capacity
Tubing Capacity

Tubing Displacement


Close End Displacement

• 3½” , 9.2 ppf Tubing Capacity = 0.00869 bbl/ft
• 3½” Tubing Displacement = 0.00345 bbl/ft
Therefore 3½” Tubing CED = 0.00869 bbl/ft + 0.00345 bbl/ft
= 0.01214 bbl/ft

9 Fundamental Calculation

Fluid Density
“Weight of fluid per unit volume”

Density of fluids are important in getting downhole pressure.

Unit of measurements (Imperial System) for density are:

• ppg (Pound Per Gallon) 1 gal

lbs Scale

1 ft³
• lb/ft³ (Pound Per Cubic Foot)
lbs Scale

• gal/ft³ (Gallon Per Cubic Foot)

1 ft³

gal Scale

9 Fundamental Calculation

Constant of 0.052
0.052 is always use for calculation between PG (psi/ft) & Density (ppg).
Conversion Tips:
How is this 0.052 constant being derived? Density to Gradient (DenGue) is MULTIPLY
Gradient to Density (GreeDy) is DIVIDE

UOM of density per volume & per depth for PG (psi/ft) & Density (ppg) is always the
same, that is lb & the difference is UOM per depth (ft) & per volume (gal).
Therefore, this difference can be used as constant, 1 ft  1 gal.
BUT it can’t be done because UOM is not same,

Since 1 ft = 12 in & 1 gal = 231 in³,

 Constant = 12  231 = 0.051948051 rounded to two decimal point = 0.052
 All calculations involving PG (psi/ft) & Density (ppg), 0.052 constant is used.

When using 0.052 constant to convert from PG to Density or Density to PG, you must
know either to multiply or divide by the constant.

9 Fundamental Calculation

1. Density (ppg) = PG (psi/ft)  0.052
2. Density (ppg) = Density (lb/ft³)  Density (gal/ft³)
3. Density (ppg) = SG  Water Density (ppg)
1. Find density of fluid in ppg with 0.853 psi/ft.
Density (ppg) = 0.853  0.052 = 16.4 ppg
2. Find density of salt water in ppg where its density 8.98 gal/ft³ & 74.9
lb/ft³ densities.
Density (ppg) = 74.9  8.98 = 8.34 ppg
3. Find density in ppg of completion fluid with SG 1.3.
Density (ppg) = 1.3  8.33 = 10.83 ppg

9 Fundamental Calculation

“Force Per Unit Area”
Pressure = Force  Area
Unit of measurement for pressure is psi.

Using the triangular format, Force & Area can be determined provided two values
are given.
Force = Pressure  Area
Area = Force  Pressure (lbs/ft³)

 
(psi) (ins²)

9 Fundamental Calculation

Pressure Gradient 1 ft
“Rate of fluid pressure per given unit depth”
Formula: Pressure = Force  Area
1 ft 62.4 lbs/ ft³
Formula 1: PG (psi/ft) = Force (lb/ft³)  Area (in²)
e.g.; Find PG in psi/ft of fresh water. 1 ft

PG in psi/ft = 62.4 lb/ft³ ÷ 144 in²

= 0.433 psi/ft 1 ft² = 144 ins²

Formula 2: PG (psi/ft) = Density (ppg) x 0.052 (constant)

1 ft
e.g.; Find PG in psi/ft of 8.75 ppg.
PG in psi/ft = 8.75 x 0.052 = 0.455 psi/ft
Formula 3: PG (psi/ft) = Fluid SG x Water PG (psi/ft)
0.433 psi/ft
e.g.; Find PG in psi/ft of 1.3 SG Brine
PG in psi/ft = 1.3 x 0.433 = 0.563 psi/ft
PG can be determined if two values are given using the triangular concept.
e.g.; Find PG in psi/ft of fluid column with HP of 2148.3 HP (psi) psi &
fluid column TVD of 5580 ft.  
PG in psi/ft = HP 2148.3 psi ÷ TVD 5580 ft
PG (psi/ft) TVD(ft) 91
= 0.385 psi/ft
9 Fundamental Calculation

Specific Gravity
“Ratio of fluid compare to fresh water.”
It’s necessary to convert SG to find HP.
• SG does not have unit of measurement, it’s only value of comparison.
• To find SG from any given value, simply divide the given value by fresh water
value, provided that the “Unit of Measurement (UOM)” is the same.

• Find the SG of mud with density of 9.25 ppg.
SG = 9.25 ppg  8.33 ppg = 1.1
• Find the SG of 0.465 psi/ft brine PG.
SG = 0.465 psi/ft  0.433 psi/ft = 1.07
• Find the SG of oil with density of 58.5 lbs/ft³.
SG = 58.5 lbs/ft³  62.4 lbs/ft³ = 0.94

9 Fundamental Calculation

API Gravity
API Gravity is a value assigned by American Petroleum Institute to express relative
wt of fluids at base temperature of 60 F.
• Water had been assigned the value of 10 API Gravity.

To convert API gravity to SG, the following formula is used.

SG = 141.5 ÷ (131.5 + API)
Find the SG of 30 API oil
SG = 141.5 ÷ (131.5 + 30)
= 141.5 ÷ 161.5
= 0.875

9 Fundamental Calculation

Hydrostatic Pressure
When calculating HP, the depth to be considered is only the True Vertical Depth
(TVD) not the Measured Depth (MD).

What is the difference between TVD & MD? SITHP 0 psi SITHP 0 psi
• TVD is measured from well bottom straight up to surface.

• MD is actual length of depth to reach well bottom.


If both wells were filled up with 0.524 psi/ft mud.

HP of both wells = 0.524 psi/ft x 10000 ft Mud 0.524 psi/ft in
= 5240 psi. both well


Shape does not effect HP, only TVD

& Density.
TD @ 12000 ft MD &
TD @ 10000 ft TVD 10000 ft TVD
HP in both wells
is 5240 psi

9 Fundamental Calculation

Liquid Hydrostatic Pressure

“Pressure exerted by column of liquid.”

Formula to find Liquid HP:

HP (psi) = PG (psi/ft)  TVD (ft)
Salt Water 0.465 psi/ft
750 ft
1. Find HP of 0.465 psi/ft salt water at 750 ft.
HP = 0.465 psi  750 ft = 348.75 psi

2. Find HP of 7.25 ppg oil at 1250 ft.

HP is 348.75 psi
HP = 1250 ft  7.25 ppg  0.052 = 471.25 psi

Liquid HP can be determined if two values are given using the triangular concept.
3. Find HP in psi of fluid column with PG of 0.453 psi/ft & fluid
column TVD of 9780 ft.
HP (psi)
HP in psi = PG 0.453 psi/ft x TVD 9780 ft
= 4430 psi  
PG (psi/ft)  TVD (ft) 95
9 Fundamental Calculation

Gas Hydrostatic Pressure SITHP 350 psi

“Pressure exerted by column of gas.”

During prolong SI of oil well, gas will break out under static conditions &
form a “gas cap” in tubing. Hydrostatic effects of this gas cap must
be considered when calculating HP further down the well.

Formula to find gas HP:

Gas HP = SITHP (psi)  GCF 0.6 Gravity Gas

To find GCF, refer to “Gas Correction Factor Table ” & find GCF value of 0.6
gravity at 7500 ft.

 Gas HP = 350 psi x 1.169

= 409.15 psi

Gas HP @ 7500 ft = 409.15 psi

Gas Well
9 Fundamental Calculation

Gas Correction Factor

Gas Gravity
Well Depth (ft)
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
3000 1.064 1.075 1.087 1.098
3500 1.075 1.089 1.102 1.115
4000 1.087 1.102 1.117 1.133
4500 1.098 1.115 1.133 1.151
5000 1.110 1.129 1.149 1.169
5500 1.121 1.143 1.165 1.187
6000 1.133 1.157 1.181 1.206
6500 1.145 1.171 1.197 1.224
7000 1.157 1.185 1.214 1.244
7500 1.169 1.204 1.232 1.264
8000 1.181 1.214 1.248 1.282
8500 1.193 1.239 1.266 1.304
9000 1.206 1.244 1.282 1.324
9500 1.218 1.259 1.302 1.345
10 000 1.232 1.275 1.320 1.366
10 500 1.244 1.289 1.338 1.388
11 000 1.257 1.306 1.357 1.410
11 500 1.270 1.322 1.376 1.433
12 000 1.282 1.338 1.395 1.455
12 500 1.297 1.354 1.415 1.477
13 000 1.311 1.371 1.434 1.500
13 500 1.324 1.388 1.455 1.523
14 000 1.338 1.405 1.475 1.548
14 500 1.352 1.422 1.495 1.573
15 000 1.366 1.438 1.515 1.596 97
9 Fundamental Calculation

Bottom Hole Pressure SITHP

The sum of all column’s hydrostatic pressures being exerted at the bottom
of a fluid columns.

If you need to find Total BHP & there may be more than 1 fluid column in
the tubing, simply add HP of each fluid column together with same unit Oil

of measurement (UOM).
BHP (psi) = Gas HP (psi)  Oil HP (psi)  Mud HP (psi)



9 Fundamental Calculation

Kill Fluid
Formula: 1500 psi SITHP

1. O/B Kill Fluid PG = (Formation + O/B)  TVD

2. O/B Kill Fluid Density = (Formation + O/B)  TVD]  0.052
0 psi SICHP
3. O/B SG of Kill Fluid = (Formation + O/B)  TVD  0.433

4. Kill Fluid PG = Formation  TVD 83.5 lbs/ft³

Packer Fluid

Kill Fluid Density = (Formation  TVD)  0.052

0.9 Gravity Gas
5. (1.187 GCF)

Fluid Level
6. Kill Fluid SG = (Formation  TVD)  0.433 5500’

NOTE: Always use top perforation for TVD NOT bottom perforation.
SSD 8925’
200 psi O/B PG = (Formation Pressure + Overbalance)  TVD
Packer 8935’
= (4275 + 200)  9000
= 0.4972 psi/ft Perforation TVD : Top 9000 & Bottom 9250’
EOT 8985’

32 API Oil

Round Up = 0.498 psi/ft Formation Pressure 4275 psi
Formation Fracture Gradient 0.483 psi/ft
(Kill fluid is safer to be rounded up).
9 Fundamental Calculation

Initial MASP = Formation Fracture Pressure ̶ Tubing HP
Final MASP = Formation Fracture Pressure ̶ Kill Fluid HP
e.g.; Find the MASP with formation fracture PG of 0.496 psi/ft, formation PG
0.465 psi/ft, top perforation of 9567 ft TVD/MD, 350 psi SITHP, 0.8 SG gas
filled to 4500 ft, 37⁰ API oil, kill fluid with 200 psi overbalanced, tubing
capacity is 0.00579 bbl/ft & pumping stroke is 0.178 bbl/strk.

Initial MASP = 4745 ̶ [(1.133 x 350) + [(141.5 ÷ (131.5 + 37)) x 0.433 x 5067]
= 4745 ̶ *396.6 + 1821) = 2527.4 psi = 2526 psi (round down)
Final MASP = 4745 ̶ [(0.465 x 9567) + 200)]
= 4745 ̶ 4648.6 = 96.4 psi = 96 psi
Tbg Volume = 0.00579 x 9567 = 55.4 bbl
Stroke = 55.4 ÷ 0.178 = 311 strokes
Pressure Decline Schedule;
Strk 0 31.1 62.2 93.3 124.4 155.5 186.6 217.7 248.8 279.9 311
MASP 2526 2283 2040 1797 1554 1311 1068 825 582 339 96
ADP 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 243


Exercise # 1 Strk = Vol

Min = Vol
Cap = ID²
Ann Cap =
÷ Pump Speed
÷ Constant
(ID² - OD²) ÷ Constant
1. Calculate the tubing & annular capacity (bbl/ft). Tbg Disp = ppf ÷ Constant
CETD = Tbg Disp + Tbg Cap
Tubing Capacity = 2.992² ÷ 1029 .4 = 0.00870 bbl/ft
Annular Capacity = [8.921² - (3.5² + 3.5²)] ÷ 1029.4 = 0.05351 bbl/ft
2. Calculate the volume (bbl) in tubing & annular at EOT.
Tubing Volume = 0.00870 x 9125 x 2 = 158.8 bbl Capacity: 1029.4
Tubing Displacement: 2750
Annular Volume = 0.05353 x 9125 = 488.5 bbl
3. How many strokes & minutes required to pump bottoms-up?
Stroke, Bottoms-Up = 488.5 ÷ 0.00553 = 88 336 strokes DUAL COMPLETION WELL
3½”, 9.2 ppf (2.992” ID) Tubing
Minutes, Bottoms-Up = 488.5 ÷ 1.35350 = 361 minutes
4. Calculate the tubing displacement (bbl/ft).
Tubing Displacement = 9.2 ÷ 2750 = 0.00335 bbl/ft
9⅝”, 36 ppf (8.921” ID) Casing
5. Calculate the close end tubing displacement (bbl/ft). TPO: 0.00553 bbl/strk
Pump Speed: 1.35350 bbl/min
Close End Tubing Displacement = (0.00335 + 0.00870) x 2 EOT: 8920 ft TVD & 9125 ft MD

= 0.02410 bbl/ft

9 Fundamental Calculation

Exercise # 2 Density
= PG ÷ Constant
= lb’ft³ ÷ gal/ft³
= SG x Water Density
1. Find density (ppg) of given completion fluid PG 0.468 psi/ft. Area =   Radius²
Force = Pressure x Area
Density = 0.468 ÷ 0.052 = 9 ppg
Density: 0.052
2. Find density (ppg) of given oil density in 48.7 lb/ft³ & 5.83 gal/ft³.
Density = 48.7 ÷ 5.83 = 8.35 ppg

3. Find density (ppg) of 1.32 SG mud.

Density = 1.32 x 8.33 = 10 ppg
4. Calculate the area of 1¼” Coiled Tubing
Area of 1¼ CT = (3.14 x 1.25²) ÷ 4 = 1.22656 in²

5. Calculate force required for 0.125” WL to overcome 1325 psi SITHP.

Area of 0.125 WL = (3.14 x 0.125²) ÷ 4 = 0.01227 in²
Force required for 0.125 WL = 0.01227 x 1325 = 16.25 lb

IMASP = Frac Press - Tbg HP
FMASP = Frac Press - Kill Fluid HP
Vol = Tbg Cap x MD
Strk = Tbg Vol ÷ TPO Exercise # 3
SITHP 1500 psi
1. Find 150 psi O/B kill fluid Pressure Gradient .
Kill Fluid PG = (4001 + 150) ÷ 8250 = 0.503 psi/ft
2. What are the Initial & Final MASP for the above?
Initial MASP = (0.512 x 8250) - [(1.089 x 1500) + (7.5 x 0.052 x 4750)]
= 738 psi
Final MASP = (0.512 x 8250) - (0.503 x 8250) = 74 psi Gas Gravity 0.7
(GCF 1.089)
3. Prepare the Pressure Decline Schedule FL 3500 ft
Tubing Volume = 0.00579 x 8250 = 48 bbl
Oil Density 7.5 ppg
Stroke = 48 ÷ 0.02318 = 2071 strokes
Strk 0 207.1 414.2 621.3 828.4 1035.5 1242.6 1449.7 1656.8 1863.9 2071
MASP 738 671.6 605.2 538.8 472.4 406 339.6 273.2 206.8 140.4 74
ADP 66.4 66.4 66.4 66.4 66.4 66.4 66.4 66.4 66.4 66.4

Perforation TVD/MD : Top 8250 & Bottom 8270’

Formation Pressure 4001 psi
Formation Fracture Gradient 0.512 psi/ft
Exercise # 4
Calculate the following with the given data :

1. Bottom Hole Pressure (BHP)

BHP = Formation Gradient x TVD
= 0.5720 psi/ft x 6500 ft Gas Gradient
= 3718 psi 0.0707 psi/ft

2. Maximum Surface Pressure (MSP)

MSP = (Formation Gradient – Gas gradient) x TVD
= (0.5720 psi/ft – 0.0707 psi/ft) x 6500 ft
= 0.5013 psi/ft x 6500 ft
Formation Gradient
= 3258 psi 0.5720 psi/ft

6500 ft.(TVD) 13200 ft (MD)

Exercise # 5
Kill Fluid Preparation
If 100 bbls of 11.7 ppg CaCl were mixed with 200 bbls of 10.0 ppg CaCl, what
would the density in ppg of the workover fluid be?

100 bbl x 11.7 ppg CaCl = 1170 ppg

200 bbl x 10.0 ppg CaCl = 2000 ppg
(1170 ppg + 2000 ppg) (3170 ppg)
 Workover Fluid Density = =
(100 bbl + 200 bbl) (300 bbl)
= 10.57 ppg

Exercise # 6 SITHP 2,000 psi

1 What is the HP at the SSD after the reverse circulation?

Formula = Kill Fluid PG x SSD
= 0.5082 x 7500 SICHP 0 psi
= 3811.5 psi Kill Fluid PG
0.5082 psi/ft
2 What is the THP at the start of the pumping operation?
Brine PG
Formula = SITHP 0.49 psi/ft
= 2000 psi Gas PG
0.12 psi/ft
FL 4200 ft (MD/TVD)
3 What is the expected THP when gas in the tubing Oil PG
has just been displaced? 0.35 psi/ft
Formula = (SITHP) – (Brine PG – Gas PG) x FL SSD 7500 ft (MD/TVD)
= 2000 – 0.37 x 4200 = 446 psi Pkr 7550 ft (MD/TVD)

4 How much kill fluid needs to be pumped Top Perforation

7800 ft (MD/TVD)
down the annulus to displace the gas in
FP 3764 psi
the tubing?
Formula = Tbg Cap x Gas Depth Tbg Cap: 0.0083 bbl/ft
= 0.0083 x 4200 = 34.86 bbl Csg Cap: 0.0371 bbl/ft
Ann Cap: 0.0083 bbl/ft 107
Exercise # 6 SITHP 2,000 psi

5 What is the expected THP when oil in the tubing has just been
Formula = THP gas displaced – (Brine PG – Oil PG) x (SSD – FL)
SICHP 0 psi
= 446 – (0.49 – 0.35) x (7500 – 4200)Kill Fluid PG
= 446 – 0.14 x 3300 = 16 psi (0 psi) 0.5082 psi/ft
Brine PG
6 What is the expected THP when the kill fluid 0.49 psi/ft
reaches the SSD on the annulus side? Gas PG
Formula = FP – Oil HP + Brine HP 0.12 psi/ft
FL 4200 ft (MD/TVD)
= 3764 – (0.35 x 300) + (0.49 x 7500) Oil PG
0.35 psi/ft
= 3764 – 105 + 3675 = – 16 psi (0 psi)
SSD 7500 ft (MD/TVD)
7 What is the expected THP at the end of the operation? Pkr 7550 ft (MD/TVD)

Formula = FP – Kill Fluid HP Top Perforation

7800 ft (MD/TVD)
= 3764 – 3964
FP 3764 psi
= – 200 psi (0 psi)
Tbg Cap: 0.0083 bbl/ft
Csg Cap: 0.0371 bbl/ft
Ann Cap: 0.0083 bbl/ft
Exercise # 6 SITHP 2,000 psi

8 Calculate the Hydrostatic pressure of the kill fluid in the

annulus when it reaches the SSD.
Formula = Kill Fluid PG x SSD SICHP 0 psi
Kill Fluid PG
= 0.52 x 7500 = 3900 psi 0.5082 psi/ft

9 Calculate the pressure (in the static condition) Brine PG

0.49 psi/ft
at the SSD when the tubing is full of brine .
Gas PG
Formula = FP – Brine PG x (Top Perforation – SSD)0.12 psi/ft
FL 4200 ft (MD/TVD)
= 3764 – 0.35 x 300) Oil PG
0.35 psi/ft
= 3764 – 147 = 3617 psi
SSD 7500 ft (MD/TVD)

10 Calculate the hydrostatic pressure at SSD Pkr 7550 ft (MD/TVD)

after the reverse circulation has been Top Perforation

completed. 7800 ft (MD/TVD)

Formula = Kill Fluid PG x SSD FP 3764 psi

= 0.5082 x 7500 = 3811.5 psi Tbg Cap: 0.0083 bbl/ft

Csg Cap: 0.0371 bbl/ft
Ann Cap: 0.0083 bbl/ft 109
End of Chapter 2

Any Question?


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