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6/30/2020 Using Groovy Expression to set a Primary Key with a Sequence Number | JDev & ADF Goodies

JDev & ADF Goodies

Tips & Tricks for JDeveloper and ADF

Using Groovy Expression to set a Primary Key

with a Sequence Number
Posted on 2. September 2011

Just set up a workspace for JDeveloper to show how to use a Groovy expression to set the primary
key of an entity object. Chris Muir blogged about this back in 2009 here ADF BC: Using Groovy to fetch
sequence numbers for EO/VO attribute default values. There exists a white paper Introduction to Groovy Support
in JDeveloper and Oracle ADF 11g which covers Groovy support in JDeveloper.
So, I don’t cover the basic here but only show how to use this in a sample application. The application uses the
HR schema and allows you to insert a new employee. The workspace which you can download (see at the end of
this blog) is build using JDeveloper
I use the EMPLOYEES_SEQ defined in the HR schema to set the PK of the new employee, EMPLOYEE_ID to
the next available sequence number.

— Employee Sequence

Now weThis
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uses Employee EO from to
By continuing the model
use layer. Double
this website, click
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theirthe Employees EO to open the
To find out properties inspector
more, including how tofor the EO
control and select
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see here: ‘Attribute’ section.

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6/30/2020 Using Groovy Expression to set a Primary Key with a Sequence Number | JDev & ADF Goodies

— Employees Attributes

Now select the EmployeeId in the attributes to get to the attributes properties.

— EmployeeId Properties

Here we can add a default value as literal, expression or as SQL. We select the ‘Expression’ radio button and
click on hte pencel on the right side of the input field.

— Edit Expression Editor

Here we enter the Groovy expression to get the next sequence number

1 (new oracle.jbo.server.SequenceImpl("EMPLOYEES_SEQ",adf.object.getDBTransaction())).ge

After submitting the dialog with OK you should set the ‘Refresh Expression Value’ to ‘true’ and the ‘Updatable’
LOV to ‘While New’.

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6/30/2020 Using Groovy Expression to set a Primary Key with a Sequence Number | JDev & ADF Goodies

— Finished Dialog

A word of caution here: JDev saves the setting for the refresh condition in the xml file, but the next time
you open the dialog again the ‘Refresh Expression Value’ value is gone! I’ll file a bug for this later.
This wraps up the the model layer of the app. You can test your work with the Application Module Tester. When
you create a new record you’ll see that the EmployeeId is set to the next sequence number.

— Oracle ADF Model Tester

The ViewController project is pretty simple. It consists of an ADF form with with navigation buttons and a button
to call a bounded task flow to create the new employee.

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— Task Flows 3/6
6/30/2020 Using Groovy Expression to set a Primary Key with a Sequence Number | JDev & ADF Goodies

The bounded task flow first calls the CreateInsert operation to create a new record which is then displayed in the
form. As you notice, the EmployeeId is an af:outputText element, so that you can’t change it.

— Running Application

The workspace for JDeveloper can be downloaded from here: Workspace
After downloading the file, remove the suffix ‘.doc’ and rename it to ‘’, as the file is a Zip file.


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Pratik Soni
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on 27. February 2012 at 14:14 said: 4/6
6/30/2020 Using Groovy Expression to set a Primary Key with a Sequence Number | JDev & ADF Goodies

This worked for me thanks..

on 26. March 2012 at 20:20 said:

I am getting the following error:
<ADF: Adding the following JSF error message: startup failed,
1: expecting anything but ''\n''; got it anyway @ line 1, column expecting anything but ''\n''; got it anyway @ line 1,
column 81.

I have given the groovy exp as (new


and on my AMImpl I have the following code

ViewObjectImpl spidbatchvo = getSPIDbatchRefVO1();

ViewObjectImpl spidresultvo = getSearchSPIDVO1();
Iterator itr = spidlkup.iterator();
Iterator itr1=priority.iterator();
while(itr.hasNext() && itr1.hasNext()){
BigDecimal spid = (BigDecimal);
String Prio=(String);
Row r = spidbatchvo.createRow();
r.setAttribute("SpidLkupSk", spid);
r.setAttribute("VacSurveyBatchSk", batchId);
r.setAttribute("CreatedBy", userName);//user name
r.setAttribute("CreatedDt", ((DBTransactionImpl)getDBTransaction()).getCurrentDbTime());
// r.setAttribute("UpdatedBy", "TestUser");
// r.setAttribute("UpdatedDt", ((DBTransactionImpl)getDBTransaction()).getCurrentDbTime());
r.setAttribute("DeleteFlag", 1);

I am getting the above mentioned exception at the line:

Row r = spidbatchvo.createRow();

Any pointers ?

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Timo Hahn cookies, see here: Cookie Policy
on 27. March 2012 at 22:22 said:
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6/30/2020 Using Groovy Expression to set a Primary Key with a Sequence Number | JDev & ADF Goodies

Sorry, never seen this. You better open a thread in on the OTN forum and give all details about
your environment in the thread.


on 11. July 2013 at 08:08 said:

Hi, for those who are encountering this problem, it may be caused by an unnecessary “” character
in your Groovy Expression.

Nigel Thomas
on 19. September 2013 at 14:14 said:

Hi Timo,

I am trying to give the groovy expression into the default Value of the EO by selecting Expression Radio
button. But it is not accepting the value. Like , even after entering the value and pressing OK, the field
remains empty. Somehow after adding the expressionand tabbing out the field contains the expression.
But I cannot set the refresh Expression Value to true because it is disabled.
I am using Jdeveloper 12c.

Timo Hahn
on 20. September 2013 at 00:00 said:

There is a bug logged for this in jdev 12c at which

describes a workaround too.

on 11. April 2017 at 10:10 said:

how can i do the same to use the sequence in SQL Server.?

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