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Nombre Cantidad Precio Nombre

Eiganjo Castle 1 8.49 Cinder Glade
Ghost Quarter 4 5.56 Forest
Horizon Canopy 3 183.18 Mountain
Tectonic Edge 4 6.12 Stomping Ground
Mutavault 1 10.33 Valakut, the Molten Pinnnacle
Plains 10 0 Windswept Heath
Lands(23) Wooded Foothills
Blade Splicer 4 9.2 Lands(26)
Flickerwisp 4 13.96 Courser of Kruphix
Kor Skyfisher 1 0.23 Primeval Titan
Leonin Arbiter 4 14 Sakura-Tribe Elder
Restoration Angel 3 21.45 Creatures(10)
Serra Avenger 3 6.48 Anger of the Gods
Thalia, Guardin of Thraben 4 31.96 Explore
Thraben Inspector 4 2.84 Lightning Bolt
Creatures(27) Scapeshift
Path to Exile 4 46.4 Search for Tomorrow
Instants(4) Summoner's Pact
Aether Vial 4 153.56 Instans & Sorceries(20)
Honor of the Pure 2 3.98 Khalni Heart Expedition
Others(6) Others(4)
TOTAL Maindeck 60 517.74 TOTAL Maindeck
Sideboard Sideboard
Burenton Forge-Tender 3 2.82 Anger of the Gods
Grafdigger's Cage 1 10.68 Defense Grid
Leonin Relic-Warder 2 0.38 Crumble to Dust
Oblivion Ring 2 1.1 Nature's Claim
Rest in peace 2 10.6 Brindle Boar
Stony Silence 3 24.21 Reclamation Sage
Sunlance 2 0.38 Sudden Shock
TOTAL Sideboard 15 50.17 TOTAL Sideboard
TOTAL Deck+Side 75 567.91 TOTAL Deck+Side
Cantidad Precio
3 12.39
2 0
7 0
4 57.52
4 32.36
2 31.08
4 81.08

2 6.08
4 36.96
4 2.32

3 10.56
4 1.96
3 6.99
4 147.72
4 2.24
1 14.3

4 1.04

60 444.6

1 3.52
3 18.54
2 0.56
2 1.14
4 0.56
3 0.85
2 4.72
15 29.89
75 474.49

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