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Names Roll numbers
1. Mohsin ali BSF 1703154


Reading Academic text:
Based on the course described
below and the existing literature, I defined academic
reading as purposeful and critical reading of a range of
length academic text for completing the study of specific
major subject areas. Academic reading is extended
reading of a range of text varying in length.
Casual reading across genres, from books and magazines
to newspapers and blog, is something student should
encourage to do in their free time because it can be both
educational and fun. In colleges However, instructors
generally expect student to read resources that have
particular value in the context of a course .
 Children who read often and widely get
better at it. ...
 Reading exercises our brain. ...
 Reading improves concentration. ...
 Reading teaches children about the world
around them. ...
 Reading improves vocabulary and language
skills. ...
 Reading develops a child's imagination. ...
 Reading helps children to develop empathy.
 Reading is a fun

why is academic reading beneficial?

 Information comes from reputable sources:
Web sites and blogs can be a source of insight
and information, but not all are useful as
academic resources. They may be written by
people or companies whose main purpose is to
share an opinion or sell you something.
Academic sources such as textbooks and
scholarly journal articles, on the other hand, are
usually written by experts in the field and have
to pass stringent peer review requirements in
order to get published.

 Learn how to form arguments: In most

college classes except for creating writing,
when instructors ask you to write a paper,
they expect it to be argumentative in style.
This means that the goal of the paper is to
research a topic and develop an argument
about it using evidence and facts to support
your position. Since many college reading
assignments (especially journal articles) are
written in a similar style, you’ll gain
experience studying their strategies and
learning to emulate them.

 Exposure to different viewpoints: One

purpose of assigned academic readings is
to give students exposure to different
viewpoints and ideas. For example, in an
ethics class, you might be asked to read a
series of articles written by medical
professionals and religious leaders who are
pro-life or pro-choice and consider the
validity of their arguments. Such experience
can help you wrestle with ideas and
beliefs in new ways and develop a better
understanding of how others’ views differ
from your own.
Reading purpose
• to explore current issues
• to get a general idea of what the
book, article or
chapter is all about
• to gain a detailed understanding of
the content
• to find the answer to a specific
• to gather information/evidence

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