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8, Saboo Siddik Road, Byculla, Mumbai – 400 008.

This is to certify that,

Name Roll No.

Saurabh Jadhav 1120321

Sharmeen Kapadia 1120325
Hozefa Sadriwala 1120344
Zeshan Sayed 1120349

Of Final Year (B.E. Semester VIII) degree course in Computer Engineering, have completed the specified
project report on,


As a partial fulfillment of the project work in a satisfactory manner as per the rules of the curriculum laid
by the University of Mumbai, during the Academic Semester January 2016 – June 2016.

---------------------- ------------------------
Internal Guide External Guide

---------------------- ------------------------
Internal Examiner External Examiner

-------------------------- ----------------------
Head of Department Principal

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree


Bachelor of Engineering


Saurabh Jadhav 1120321

Sharmeen Kapadia 1120325
Hozefa Sadriwala 1120344
Zeshan Sayed 1120349


Dr. Zainab Pirani

Computer Engineering Department


Project Report Approval for B. E.

This project report entitled ANDROID BASED APPLICATION FOR

PROFIT ORGANISATION by Saurabh Jadhav, Sharmeen Kapadia, Hozefa
Sadriwala and Zeshan Sayed is approved for the degree of Computer








We declare that this written submission represents our ideas in our own words and
where others' ideas or words have been included, we have adequately cited and referenced
the original sources. We also declare that we have adhered to all principles of academic
honesty and integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any
idea/data/fact/source in our submission. We understand that any violation of the above will
be cause for disciplinary action by the Institute and can also evoke penal action from the
sources which have thus not been properly cited or from whom proper permission has not
been taken when needed.

1. ----------------------------------

2. ----------------------------------

3. ----------------------------------

Sharmeen Kapadia 21
Saurabh Jhadhav 25
Hozefa Sadriwala 44
Zeshan Sayed 49


We have put forth the idea of globalizing and socializing a Non-profit organization. The birth of the idea
to make an Android based Application was due to undesirable and unconvincing outcomes in spite of very
large members. The main features of the application is to make easy and attractive GUI(Graphical User
Interface), allowing users to express their views regarding the events , helping the users to reach an event
with the help of Global Positioning System, recording and analyzing feedback, sharing the thoughts,
appealing to the society about the awareness, posting notifications to the users. The main objective is to make
the end user enlighten about the organization’s future and current planned events at a single click.
LIST OF FIGURES Figure Name Page no
1. Questionnaire 9
2. Block Diagram 20
3. System Flow Diagram 21
4. Entity-Relationship Diagram 22
5. Data Flow Diagram 23
6. Login 24
7. Register 24
8. Home Page 24
9. Events List 24
10. Events Description 25
11. Live Poll 25
12. Feedback 25
13. Social Media 25
14. About Us 26
15. Contact 26
16. Login(Back End) 27
17. Event Details 27
18. Events Gallery 28
19. Events Sponsors 28
20. Send Notifications 29
21. Testing Strategy 37
22. Flow Layout 40
23. Cyclomatic Complexity Graph 41
24. Gnatt Chart 47
25. Task Distribution 49
26. User Friendliness 51
27. GPS 51
28. Scalability 52
29. Efficiency 52
30. Evaluation 53

LIST OF TABLES Table Name Page no
1. Test case description. 32
2. Black box testing for PMT 36-37
1. Project Overview

The birth of the idea to make an Android based Application was due to undesirable and unconvinc ing
outcomes in spite of very large members. People found it difficult to keep follow up with the constant updates
and for the members too it was hectic and tedious job to make sure that all its end users are edified with the
everyday events, seminars, etc. In this project, we have put forth the idea of globalizing and socializing the
Organization and this idea can only be efficiently implemented using smart phones[1]. The primary motto is
making the end users enlighten about the club’s future and current planned events at a single click. This
makes a lot easier for both the members and end users to manage and access everything as they would know
each and every detail they intend to know. The main features of the application is making the easy and
attractive GUI(Graphical User Interface), allowing users to express their views regarding the events , helping
the users to reach an event with the help of navigation, analyzing feedback, sharing the thoughts, appealing
to the society about the awareness, posting notifications to the users.
2.1 Introduction and Motivation
Non-Profit Organization stands for “Rotary in Action”. It was officially inaugurated by Rotary
International President Luther Hodges in January 1968, which means Non-Profit Organization Movement is
celebrating its 47th Year. Non-Profit Organization Club of North Charlotte, chartered on 13th March 1968
at North California was the first club. The decision to adopt the program came at a time when student protests
worldwide were of growing concern to Rotarians. Non-Profit Organization originally began as a Rota ry
International youth programme. Today it continues to experience its phenomenal growth. There are currently
more than 7,500 Non-Profit Organization Clubs spread over 155 countries, with an estimated membership of
more than 173,000 members. The program continues to grow making it a true global movement with motto
of ‘Self Development through Service and Fellowship’ [2].

Our disinterest is to develop an application which will integrate several technologies in order to make
members and events more amicable and fathom to the society. Social Service is one field in which the
technology and the advancements in the technology have not been utilized to the full extent. So our main
goal is to uplift and implement these advancements in our project.

Furthermore, by proliferating this social application through a medium of smart phone will ultimate ly
lead the society with a better result. Smart phones, today have become the basic need of every person, and
every individual uses it more frequently in the form of Android Application. . The main purpose of
implementing this project on an android based platform is because of the following advantages:-

1. Open source

2. Considerably low investments

3. Easy adoptions

4. Easy integration.[3]

Thus by using Android Application as a medium to reach the people of the society, the members, to help,
to communicate, to share, to authenticate, to know the different welfare practices, to participate in the events,
to act as a protagonist to the helpless.

The main components of this application are GPS, Database, User Interface, Social media Integratio n
and Push notification. Once the user has installed the apk file of the application in the respected smart phone
the first step will be authentication where in the application will prompt for distinct user’s information, this
information will be stored in the application database and will be used further for acknowledgment
.Following this registration process a username and password will be provided to the applicant through which
the person will be able to login the application as a authentic user to the system created. Now, the user is over
to number of queries like request for directions, if some event is currently in process nearby. Secondly the
user can request for any indispensable report regarding events and feedback of the events. The user can also
get information about event details or about any precedent event in the past. The user gets this informa tio n
in the form of notifications, directions, schedules or media files and uses it to according to the query provided.
User involvement is further increased by Live polling and feedback about the anecdote. Users will also be
allowed to publicize about the club and anecdote on Social media platform.

Considering all our efforts are put in the right direction we can predict that the proposed Application will
give a boost to social awareness and recognition to all the Non-profit organization such as Non-Profit
Organization Club.

2.2 Aim & Objectives

The aims and objectives of the system that has been proposed for the said project is as follows:
2.2.1 Aim
The project is designed to acknowledge every single person of the society who is keen to indulge into
the social awareness through Android Application. The aim is to develop an interactive Android Applicatio n
which will involve human involvement through feedback, polling, social media integration, assistive GPs.
This system also allows the end users to contribute considerably to the society through any smart-
phone/Tablet etc., with Android OS, upon a GUI (Graphical User Interface) based touch screen operation.

2.2.2 Objectives
 To connect several users in order to create an inter and intra rotaraction bonding.

 To spread awareness about the different events and anecdote’s to accrue a better result.

 To guide the user to the desired destination of the anecdote.

 To amalgamate feedback of the activities and acknowledge users about it.

 To create a amiable social environment to bolster up the users anticipation toward the awareness

 To ameliorate, integrate and publicize on social media network .

 To captivate more sponsors in order to raise more funds for the club.
2.3 Scope

The scope of this project is given below:

It is a discern need of the society to have a platform that is easily accessible and available which was not
present before. Considering the need of the hour, “Android base application for pacifying user interactio n
and involvement of non-profit organization” technique provides an exact satisfaction of requirements as
provided to us by the feedback operations.
3. Problem Statement

The current state of social awareness among today's society is at its nadir. People are unaware of the
interesting and innovating camps and events held around them because of their busy schedule. Various
associations try to connect as much people as possible but are still lacking in their achievements. Their efforts
are not the ones to be blamed, as their isn’t much publicity about the acts so the outcome is unsatisfactory. It
obviously affects the clubs organization as the members feel disheartened and disinterested because of low
response in spite of pouring too many efforts. Low participation creates another problem. Then if you want
to socialize, it involves a hectic process which the members tend to ignore. Thus from above we conclude
that the problem is that the members are exerting efforts in wrong direction. We should do something that
will make the activities of the club ubiquitous.

The solution to this problem, android development, is a wide platform to upgrade those activities to a
whole new global level. For instance, if an application is made using android development kit it can be
installed on any smart phone and thus the user gets connected to the club within a fraction of second. The
end user is then constantly updated followed by the notifications.

Looking on the brighter side, creation and widespread implementation of such application can bring a
dramatic change in the working of the club. Immediate views can be placed.
4. Requirement Analysis

System feasibility:
The objective of the system feasibility study is to find out whether an information system can be
implemented and to suggest possible alternative solutions. Here by examining and scrutinizing the
different aspects of the application system we have accrued that if all the components of the system are
viable according to the requirements provided by the Google forms and by integrating and synchronizing it
with the technical aspects the system is feasible and reconcilable with the society.
Secondly, since the application developed is actuated with reference to the Google forms, each and
every requirements and feedback is agglomerated acutely the developed application should definitely
benefit the users requirements. Furthermore, the system contains various important nodes the query fired
will trigger the integrated component respectively. For example, suppose a user fires a query regarding the
destination of the event :in this case, the GPS component of the system will be put into use.
Based on feasibility issues of the system, we have bifurcated the feasibility into 3 parts:-
 Operational feasibility
 Technical feasibility
 Economic feasibility[16]

Operational feasibility:-
According to the need of the hour, there is a dire exigency of a legal application that will provide an
impeccable ambience to integrate a system on vacillating requirements. The only issue which will be raised
in this system is social acceptability and penetrated threats somewhere.

Technical feasibility:-
The given application based system is feasible and thoroughly circumspect within the technical
limits, as it can be implemented or installed on smart phones described in the hardware system. With the
help of minimum resources according to the need the developed system, the implementation is well
scheduled and is working according to the timeline chart.

Economic feasibility:-
The proposed system is economically viable and pragmatic and forms an exemplar for a system that
is within the low cost constraint. In this system the only cost related components are due to the certification
required at the google playstore to launch it. As soon as the cost of the certification is identified the analyst
studies and forms a cost and benefits. This process is called cost analysis.

Attributes recorded:-
In this proposed system, the actuatory requirements are amalgamated based on the proliferated Google
forms which includes:-
 Name
 Email id
 Contact no.
 Do they need a Android App or not?
 If yes then why?(reason) also with which features?[17]

By gathering requirements from the Google forms distinct components and different features have been
included. This technique of requirement gathering has given us a vague idea of the output of the probable
system. The attributes recorded helps us to strengthen our main objectives and ostracizes the erratic,
unnecessary and superfluous, extraneous requirements.

This method of collecting requirements is by interviewing the respected official from the
organization for which the application is being proposed. Here by, we have interviewed Mr. Rotaractor
Rohan Dalmia and gleaned the exact overview, user interface and the services that has to be provided after
the design phase. After interviewing the official we gathered the following details which forms a cardinal
premises for the proposed android application.
 The following are the requirements gathered after the interview:-
 Basic information about the rotaract club
 About us (RCMDT and rotaractors)
 About the office bearers
 About the sponsors of the rotaract club
 About precedent projects(old completed projects)
 About upcoming projects.
 About the schedule of the events.
 About the GPS system proposed in the system which will lead the rotaractor towards the
 Social media integration for publishing.
 Hyperlinks to actual resources.
5. Project Design
The Project Design process consists of the following key steps: Conduct or use analyses, evaluations, or
critical assessments, including a mandatory Sustainability Analysis.
5.1 Proposed System

Fig5.1. Block Diagram

User Registration: - It verifies that only the registered members have access to the application. Verification
is done via username and password. New members are provided with registration to sign up [13].

Live polls and voting:-Help to get a quick, live response from the audience for an event or poll. The results
are tabulated in real time and displayed in the app.

Feedback Analysis: - The application also allows the members to provide feedback on the various events,
activities and new programs that the club may initiate. The feedback provides organizers an overview of
the success or failure of that particular program. This allows a better analysis of the current activities and
planning for future ones if there is space for improvement.
GPS:-This feature allows the members to reach the club or any other destination of the club’s events via the
global positioning system. It locates the current location of the user and facilitates with directions to the

Social Media Integration:-Helps to promote awareness and participation for events and activities by
providing connection with social networking sites like Facebook, twitter and Instagram. It helps the club to
earn recognition worldwide.
5.2 Flowchart

Fig5.2. Flow Chart

Flow diagram is a collective term for a diagram representing a flow or set of dynamic relations hips
in a system. The term flow diagram is also used as synonym of the flowchart, and sometimes as counterpart
of the flowchart.

Flow diagrams are used to structure and order a complex system, or to reveal the underlying structure
of the elements and their interaction.

5.3 Entity Relationship Diagram

Fig5.3. ER model
In software engineering, an entity–relationship model (ER model) is a data model for describing the data or
information aspects of a business domain or its process requirements, in an abstract way that lends itself to ultimately
being implemented in a database such as a relational database. The main components of ER models are entities (things)
and the relationships that can exist among them.

5.4 Data Flow Diagram is an online application that allows users to create diagrams right from the browser. It
provides functionality similar to that of a diagram drawing desktop application and even integrates with
Google Drive to save all work.
Fig5.4. DFD Diagram
6. Android Implementation

Fig6.1. Login

Login:-Login allows the user to access the android application through a unique username and password. If
the user is not registered i.e. new user then the user will have to register through an option provided.

Fig6.2 Register

Register:-Registration process asks for certain user inputs namely username, mobile number, email id,
password. After filling the following fields the user will be registered and can access the android
Fig6.3 Home Page

Home page displays all the facilities of the android application that can be accessed by the user through
proper authorization. From the home page the user can navigate through all the features of the android
application. If the user wishes to logout from the application it is possible only through the home page.

Fig6.4 Events List Fig6.5 Event Details

Events display the list of events into three categories: Ongoing, Upcoming and Past Events. Selecting any
of the above option navigates the user to the selected event details page. The event details page displays the
details along with the gallery, sponsor name and GPS .
Fig6.6 Live Poll and Voting

Live Poll and Voting allows the authentic user to cast a vote by answering questions about the ongoing events
only. Depending upon the ratings given by the user a graphical rating will be displayed.

Fig6.7 Feedback

Feedback consists of numerous questions which the user is expected to answer. Based on the answers an
average feedback is generated and the result is displayed in form of graphical ratings.
Fig6.8 Social Media

Social Media consists of all the social media applications linked to the Organization’s respective applicatio n
page. The user can use any one of the desired application to navigate to the links.

Fig6.9 About Us

About Us page displays the basic information about the Organization and its members in brief.
Fig6.10 Contact Us

Contact Us displays the contact information of the Organization which includes email id, mobile number,

Fig6.11 GPS

Global Positioning System guides the user to the desired location of the event if the user is unaware of the
event destination.
6.1 Database Implementation

Event Details Table

Table Structure:

With Details:
Sponsors Details Table

Table Structure:

With Details:
Live Poll and Voting Details Table

Table Structure:

With Details:
Feedback Details Table

Table Structure:

With Details:
User Registration Details Table:

Table Structure:

With Details:
6.1 Back End Implementation

Fig6.1.1 Login Page

Fig6.1.2 Event Details

Fig6.1.3 Events Gallery

Fig6.1.4 Sponsors
Fig6.1.5 Send Notification
7. Technologies Used

7.1 Introduction to PHP

PHP is a recursive acronym for Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP is a server-side scripting langua ge
designed for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP scripts are
widely used in command-line scripting, writing desktop application and server-side scripting. PHP code
is interpreted by a web server with a PHP processor module, which generates the resulting web page. PHP
commands can be embedded directly into an HTML source document rather than calling an external file to
process data. PHP can be deployed on most web servers and also as a standalone shell on almost
every operating system and platform, free of charge.


 PHP is open source and cross-platform. Therefore, enables operations across various operating
system like LINUX, UNIX, MAC OS X, RISC OS or Windows platforms.

 PHP often enables people to create dynamic website and it can be easily embedded into HTML.

 PHP has multiple extensions and is extremely scalable. Stability, flexibility and speed are the
chief qualities that attracts user.

 PHP communicates with a wide variety of protocols, including HTTP, IMAP, POP3, SNMP,
LDAP, DNS etc.

 PHP authenticate users against login credentials stored in flat files, databases, and even
Microsoft’s Active Directory. It also provides access control facility and HTTP-based

 One of the strongest and most significant features in PHP is its support for a wide range of
databases including Hive, MySQL, MS-Access, DB2, ODBC, MSSQL, Oracle, SQLite, Sybase


Android Studio 2.0 is the fastest way to build high quality, performant apps for the Android platform,
including phones and tablets, Android Auto, Android Wear, and Android TV. As the official IDE from
Google, Android Studio includes everything you need to build an app, including a code editor, code analysis
tools, emulators and more. Android Studio is built in coordination with the Android platform and supports
all of the latest and greatest.

 A flexible Gradle-based build system

 Build variants and multiple APK file generation

 Code templates to help you build common app features

 A rich layout editor with support for drag and drop theme editing

 Lint tools to catch performance, usability, version compatibility, and other problems

Android Studio 2.0 includes the following new features

 Instant Run

 Android Emulator
 Cloud Test Lab Integration.

 App Indexing Code Generation [18]


phpMyAdmin is a free and open source tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration
of MySQL with the use of a web browser. It can perform various tasks such as creating, modifying or
deleting databases, tables, fields or rows; executing SQL statements; or managing users and permissions.

Features provided by the program include

 Web interface
 MySQL and MariaDB database management
 Import data from CSV and SQL
 Export data to various formats: CSV, SQL, XML, PDF (via the TCPDF library), ISO/IEC
26300 – Open Document Text and Spreadsheet, Word, Excel, LaTeX and others
 Administering multiple servers
 Creating PDF graphics of the database layout
 Creating complex queries using Query-by-Example (QBE)
 Searching globally in a database or a subset of it
 Transforming stored data into any format using a set of predefined functions, like
displaying BLOB-data as image or download-link
 Live charts to monitor MySQL server activity like connections, processes, CPU/Memory
usage, etc.
 Working with different operating systems. [19]
7.4 HTML

HTML or Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language used to create web pages.
The purpose of a web browser is to read HTML documents and compose them into visible or audible web
pages. The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses the tags to interpret the content of the page.
HTML describes the structure of a website semantically along with cues for presentation, making it a markup
language rather than a programming language.

HTML elements form the building blocks of all websites. HTML allows images and objects to be
embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It provides a means to create structured documents by
denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items. It can
embed scripts written in languages such as JavaScript which affect the behavior of HTML web pages.[20]

8.1 Testing Strategy

Software testing is the process of identifying defects, where a defect is any variance between actual and
expected results. It can also provide an objective, independent view of the software to allow the business to
appreciate and understand the risks of software implementation.

Defect can be caused by a flaw in the application software or by a flaw in the application specificatio n.
For example, unexpected (incorrect) results can be from errors made during the construction phase, or from
an algorithm incorrectly defined in the specification. Testing is commonly assumed to mean executing
software and finding errors. This type of testing is known as dynamic testing, and while valid, it is not the
most effective way of testing. Static testing, the review, inspection and validation of development
requirements, is the most effective and cost efficient way of testing. A structured approach to testing should
use both dynamic and static testing techniques.

Testing Principles:

 All tests should be traceable to customer requirements.

 Tests should be planned long before testing begins,
 The Pareto principle can be applied to software testing; 80% of all errors uncovered during testing
will likely be traceable to 20% of all program modules.
 Testing should begin “in the small” and progress towards testing “in the large”.
 To be most effective, testing should be conducted by an independent third party.

A testing strategy provides a process that describes for the developer, quality analysts and the customer
the steps conducted as part of testing. The testing strategy includes:

 Test Planning
 Test Case Design
 Test Execution
 Data Collection
 Effective Evaluation.
Fig 8.1.1 Testing Strategies

1. Unit Testing

Unit testing emphasizes the verification effort on the smallest unit of software design i.e.; a software
component or module. Unit testing is a dynamic method for verification, where program is actually compiled
and executed. Unit testing is performed in parallel with the coding phase. Unit testing tests units or modules
not the whole software.

We have tested each view/module of the application individually. As the modules were built up testing
was carried out simultaneously, tracking out each and every kind of input and checking the corresponding
output until module is working correctly.

2. Integration Testing

In integration testing a system consisting of different modules is tested for problems arising from
component interaction. Integration testing should be developed from the system specification. Firstly, a
minimum configuration must be integrated and tested.

In our project we have done integration testing in a bottom up fashion i.e. in this project we have
started construction and testing with atomic modules. After unit testing the modules are integrated one by
one and then tested the system for problems arising from component interaction.
3. Validation Testing

It provides final assurances that software meets all functional, behavioural & performance requirement. Black
box testing techniques are used here.

There are two main components

 Validation test criteria (no. in place of no. & char in place of char)

 Configuration review (to ensure the completeness of s/w configuration.)

8.2 White Box Testing

White Box Testing (also known as Clear Box Testing, Open Box Testing, Glass Box Testing,
Transparent Box Testing, Code-Based Testing or Structural Testing) is a software testing method in which
the internal structure/design/implementation of the item being tested is known to the tester. The tester chooses
inputs to exercise paths through the code and determines the appropriate outputs. Programming know-how
and the implementation knowledge is essential. White box testing is testing beyond the user interface and
into the nitty-gritty of a system. It is a Procedure to derive and/or select test cases based on an analysis of the
internal structure of a component or system.

This method is named so because the software program, in the eyes of the tester, is like a white/transpar ent
box; inside which one clearly sees. For example a tester, usually a developer as well, studies the
implementation code of a certain field on a webpage, determines all legal (valid and invalid) and illegal inputs
and verifies the outputs against the expected outcomes, which is also determined by studying the
implementation code.

White Box Testing method is applicable to the following levels of software testing:

 Unit Testing: For testing paths within a unit

 Integration Testing: For testing paths between units
 System Testing: For testing paths between subsystems

Advantages of White Box Testing:

 Testing can be commenced at an earlier stage. One need not wait for the GUI to be available.

 Testing is more thorough, with the possibility of covering most paths.[21]

Evaluating Cyclomatic Complexity Of Our Project:

 Cyclomatic complexity (or conditional complexity) is a software metric (measurement) that directly
measures the number of linearly independent paths through a program's source code. Cyclomatic
complexity is computed using the control flow graph of the program: the nodes of
the graph correspond to indivisible groups of commands of a program, and a directed edge connects
two nodes if the second command might be executed immediately after the first command.
Cyclomatic complexity may also be applied to individual functio ns,
modules, methods or classes within a program.
 The cyclomatic complexity of a section of source code is the count of the number of linear ly
independent paths through the source code. For instance, if the source code contained no decision
points such as IF statements or FOR loops, the complexity would be 1, since there is only a single
path through the code. If the code had a single IF statement containing a single condition there would
be two paths through the code, one path where the IF statement is evaluated as TRUE and one path
where the IF statement is evaluated as FALSE.

 Mathematically, the cyclomatic complexity of a structured program is defined with reference to the
control flow graph of the program, a directed graph containing the basic blocks of the program, with
an edge between two basic blocks if con0trol may pass from the first to the second. The complexity
M is then defined as:

 M = E − N + 2P

o where

 E = the number of edges of the graph

 N = the number of nodes of the graph

 P = the number of connected components (exit nodes).

 An alternative formulation is to use a graph in which each exit point is connected back to the entry
point. In this case, the graph is said to be strongly connected, and the cyclomatic complexity of the
program is equal to the cyclomatic number of its graph (also known as the first Betti number), which
is defined as:

 M=E−N+P

 This may be seen as calculating the number of linearly independent cycles that exist in the graph, i.e.
those cycles that do not contain other cycles within themselves. Note that because each exit point
loops back to the entry point, there is at least one such cycle for each exit point.
 For a single program (or subroutine or method), P is always equal to 1. Cyclomatic complexity may,
however, be applied to several such programs or subprograms at the same time (e.g., to all of the
methods in a class), and in these cases P will be equal to the number of programs in question, as each
subprogram will appear as a disconnected subset of the graph.

 Cyclomatic complexity may be extended to a program with multiple exit points; in this case it is equal

 π-s+2

 where π is the number of decision points in the program, and s is the number of exit points.

 Complexity is computed in one of the three ways :

 - The number of regions of the flow graph correspond to the Cyclomatic complexity.
 - Cyclomatic complexity, V(G) , for a flow graph , G , is defined as V(G) = E (N + 2) where E is the
number of flow graph edges , N is the number
 of flow graph nodes.
 - Cyclomatic complexity, V(G) , for a flow graph G , is also defined as V(G) = P + 1 where P is the
number of predicate nodes contained in the flowgraph G.
 - Cyclomatic Complexity can also be defined as V(G) = number of closed loops + 1[22]

Fig 8.2.1 Flow layout

Fig 8.2.2 Cyclomatic Complexity Graph

Cyclomatic Complexity

No. of nodes: 27

No. of edges: 41

Table for Test Cases

Test case Input Expected result Output

1-2 User provides Successful login in the Home Page displayed
username and application,
password navigating to the next
1-2-3-4 Selection of an Event The user will be Depending on the
directed to the details user’s selected event
of the event type any of the following
selected. page will be

1.Ongoing Event Page

2.Upcoming Event
3.Past Event Page
1-2-3-4-10 Selection of the Displaying pictures Picture Gallery
Gallery option which are uploaded in
the gallery
1-2-3-4-11-16 Selection of the GPS To know about the Destination marked
option destination on Google on Google Maps
1-2-3-4-12-15 Selection of the Displaying sponsors Sponsor’s picture
Sponsors option pictures which are Gallery
uploaded for the
particular event
1-2-3-5-7-18 Give appropriate Displaying the rating Average of overall
rating for an Ongoing given by the user on a ratings calculated and
event graphical component displayed
1-2-3-6-20-21 User’s input for all the Feedback analysis on Average of overall
questions asked for a the overall feedback feedback calculated
particular event given by the user in a and displayed.
graphical form
1-2-3-7-23 Selection of any one User will be Respective Social
Social Media platform redirected to the Media page (Eg. If the
official account of the user selects Facebook
organization i.e. for option then thee
selected platform Facebook page will be

Table 8.2.3 Test case description

8.3 Black Box Testing

Black Box Testing, also known as Behavioral Testing, is a software testing method in which the interna l
structure/design/implementation of the item being tested is not known to the tester. These tests can be
functional or non-functional, though usually functional. This method is named so because the software
program, in the eyes of the tester, is like a black box; inside which one cannot see. It is a procedure to derive
and/or select test cases based on an analysis of the specification, either functional or non-functional, of a
component or system without reference to its internal structure.

This method of attempts to find errors in the following categories:

 Incorrect or missing functions

 Interface errors

 Errors in data structures or external database access

 Behavior or performance errors

 Initialization and termination errors

Black Box testing method is applicable to all levels of the software testing process: Unit Testing,
Integration Testing, System Testing and Acceptance Testing. The higher the level, and hence the bigger and
more complex the box, the more black box testing method comes into use. Tests are designed to answer the
following questions:

 How is functional validity tested?

 How is system behavior and performance tested?

 What classes of input will make good test cases?

 Is the system particularly sensitive to certain input values?

 How are the boundaries of a data class isolated?

 What data rates and data volume can the system tolerate?

 What effect will specific combinations of data have on system operation?

By applying black-box techniques, we derive a set of test cases that satisfy the following Criteria (1) test
cases that reduce, by a count that is greater than one, the number of additional test cases that must be designed
to achieve reasonable testing and (2) test cases that tell us something about the presence or absence of classes
of errors, rather than an error associated only with the specific test at hand.[23]

8.3.1 Black Box Testing Techniques Equivalence Partitioning

Equivalence partitioning is a black-box testing method that divides the input domain of program into classes
of data from which test cases can be derived. An ideal test case single- handedly uncovers a class of errors
(e.g., incorrect processing of all character data) that might otherwise require many cases to be executed before
the general error is observed. Equivalence partitioning strives to define a test case that uncovers classes of
errors, thereby reducing the total number of test cases that must be developed.

Test case design for equivalence partitioning is based on an evaluation of equivalence classes for an input
condition. Using concepts introduced in the preceding section, if a set of objects can be linked by
relationships that are symmetric, transitive, and reflexive, an equivalence class is present. An equivale nce
class represents set of valid or invalid states for input conditions. Typically, an input condition is either a
specific numeric value, a range of values, a set of related values, or a Boolean condition.

Equivalence classes may be defined according to the following guidelines:

1. If an input condition specifies a range, one valid and two invalid equivalence classes are defined.

2. If an input condition requires a specific value, one valid and two invalid equivalence classes are defined.

3. If an input condition specifies a member of a set, one valid and one invalid equivalence class are defined.

4. If an input condition is Boolean, one valid and one invalid class are defined.

As an example, consider data maintained as part of an automated banking application. The user can access
the bank using a personal computer, provide a six-digit password, and follow with a series of typed
commands that trigger various banking functions. Boundary Value Analysis

Boundary value analysis leads to a selection of test cases that exercise bounding values. Boundary value
analysis is a test case design technique that complements equivalence partitioning. Rather than selecting any
element of an equivalence class, BVA leads to the selection of test cases at the "edges" of the class.

Guidelines for BVA are similar in many respects to those provided for equivalence partitioning:

1. If an input condition specifies a range bounded by values a and b, test cases should be designed with values
a and b and just above and just below and b.

2. If an input condition specifies a number of values, test cases should be developed that exercise the
minimum and maximum numbers. Values just above and below minimum and maximum are also tested.

3. Apply guidelines 1 and 2 to output conditions. For example, assume that a temperature vs. pressure table
is required as output from an engineering analysis program. Test cases should be designed to create an output
report that produces the maximum (and minimum) allowable number of table entries.
Black Box Testing Advantages:

 Tests are done from a user’s point of view and will help in exposing discrepancies in the

 Tester need not know programming languages or how the software has been implemented

 Tests can be conducted by a body independent from the developers, allowing for an objective
perspective and the avoidance of developer-bias.

 Test cases can be designed as soon as the specifications are completed.

Sr. Actual Test Result

Test Case Name Test Case Description Expected Test Result

Logs in when values are Navigates to Home Page

Validating and Check the login page by
valid and displays if valid data entered else
1 verifying Admin Login entering various valid
message box when displays an error
page and invalid values
values invalid
Testing add dialog Operations are
box for Make sure the module Appropriate dialog boxes performed successfully if
2 adding/deleting/upd doesn’t accept illegal or are displayed In case of proper data is entered
ating the Event empty values. errors else errors are displayed
Message displaying Dialogue box appears on
Testing add dialog Make sure that the
“Record screen displaying
box for module accepts the
Added/Updated/Deleted Operations executed
3 adding/deleting/upd entries when valid and
” appears and the successfully
ating the Event makes appropriate
changes can be seen
Gallery Details changes
using view
Message displaying Dialogue box appears on
Testing add dialog Make sure that the
“Record screen displaying
box for module accepts the
Added/Updated/Deleted Operations executed
4 adding/deleting/upd entries when valid and
” appears and the successfully
ating the Event makes appropriate
changes can be seen
Sponsors Details changes
using view
Logs in when values are Logins when entered
Validating and Check the login screen
valid and displays appropriate data else
5 verifying Login by entering various valid
message box when shows an error
Screen on App and invalid values
values invalid
Message displaying all Dialogue box appears on
the events added into screen displaying
Testing add dialog Make sure that the
the database with giving Operations executed
6 box for displaying All module displays
details about ongoing, successfully
Events Details appropriate details
upcoming and past
Testing add dialog
box for displaying the Make sure that the Message displaying Displaying ratings based
7 Live Poll and module displays average ratings about
on the given feedback
Feedback Analysis appropriate details the events

Table 8.3.2 Black box testing for User

9. Project Timeline

Fig 9.1 Gantt chart showing Implementation plan

10. Task Distribution
06/10/15 9/12/15

Studying the Codi ng


3/6/15 13/10/15

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6

Formulation of Requirement
Coding & Coding & Coding & Coding & Coding & Coding &
team members Analysis Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit
Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing
3/7/15 20/10/15

Allotment of Synopsis
guide Preparation Integration
3/8/15 27/10/15

Report to Approval from

guide guide System Black
Testing 30/3/16 Book
17/8/15 on

Gathering Modules
Information discussion

15/9/15 17/11/15 Report to

Preliminary Modules
documentatio division
n 11/4/16

22/9/15 18/12/15 Black book

Identify goals , Final modules
objectives selection

29/9/15 19/11/15 Project

approval and
Selecting Report to submission
process model guide

Fig 10.1 Task Distribution Diagram

11. Result and Discussion

11.1 User Friendliness:

Fig11.1 User Friendliness

Every android application needs a good user interface for its application which makes the user more
involved and makes the application more famous. A good user interface defines how well the user can use
it without any difficulties. Our user interface is 4 which is quite good.

11.2 Global Positioning System:

Fig11.2 GPS

Every application requires a highlight of the application. To see how effective a specific technology
is we asked the question of effectiveness of the GPS technology. On an average we got a score of 4,so the
GPS technology we used in our application is effective.
11.3 Scalability

Fig11.3 Scalability

Scalability refers to the extendibility of the features and how long will it serve the purpose. It also
concerns with the ability of the system to handle the growing amount of workload or pressure, like the
increasing amount of users at one point of time. The score received was on average of 4 units which can
be said that the application is good.

11.4 Efficiency

Fig11.4 Efficiency

Feedback of an event tells how did the event fair from a user’s prospective. Feedback Analysis
sums the user’s feedback rating and shoes the overall rating about the event. This will be helpful in
interpreting the success of an event. The average score of the Feedback Analysis is 4 which tells us that this
feature has been proved efficient in the application.

11.5 Evaluation

Fig11.5 Evaluation

Every android application has a particular lifespan after which users prefer using another and an
improved version of a similar technology. The above question requests users to state how often they can
use the application and how comfortable it would be for them to use it during the course of the day.
Considering these constraints, the developers have created the application for maximum possible ease in
using it. Given the test results, the application is very comfortable for a daylong use and that no
improvements have been requested by the users.

12.1 Conclusion

We have successfully completed the implementation for the application called “RCMDT” through
balanced understanding between team members. We had completed designing and planning for the
application in the last semester. The coding and testing parts of the application were completed in this
semester. We have acutely studied and analyzed the features and functions which are included in the
application. We are focusing on creating awareness, publicizing and increasing user involvement in the
organization activities. This application will facilitate the organization to promote their programs on a global
platform. It will also help to ameliorate social services. Also authored two papers out of which one is
published in IEEE Xplore Digtial Library and second one in IJIR Fynology Publications.

12.2 Future Work

The proposed system once put in to action will change the current situation of lack of communica tio n
and will give an exact required service which is fathom to the user. If the response is satisfactory and the
application is socially accepted overall, we are planning to provide a new online donation subset to this
system which will ameliorate and enhanced the anticipation of the user towards the system. In near future we
can start developing the same application to support other Mobile Operating System like iOS and Windows.
Also we can create a new UI which attracts more users and the interaction and awareness can be achieved

[1] on 12 OCTOBER 2015)

[2] on 12 OCTOBER 2015)
[3] on 12 OCTOBER 2015)
[4] on 12 OCTOBER 2015)
[5] (Retrieved on 12 OCTOBER 2015)
[6] Jianye Liu and Jiankun Yu.” Research on Development of Android Applications”. 2011 Fourth International Conference on
Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems. 1-3 Nov. 2011. pp. 69 – 72
[7] Padmanabhan Krishnan, Sergej Hafner and Andreas Zeiser.” Applying Security Assurance Techniques to a Mobile Phone
Application: An Initial Approach”. 2011 Fourth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation
Workshops. 21-25 March 2011. pp.545 – 552
[8] Fiawoo, S.Y. and Sowah, R.A. “Design and development of an Android application to process and display summarised
corporate data, 2012 IEEE 4th International Conference ”. Adaptive Science & Technology (ICAST) on 25-27 Oct 2012. pp.86 –
[9] Pratik K. Agrawal and Dr. Abrar S. Alvi .“Textual Feedback Analysis : Review”. 2015 International Conference on
Computing Communication Control and Automation. 26-27 Feb. 2015. pp.457 – 460
[10] Hind Abdalsalam Abdallah Dafallah.]” Design and implementation of an accurate real time GPS tracking system”.2014
Third International Conference on e-Technologies and Networks for Development (ICeND). April 29 2014-May 1 2014. pp.183
- 188
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[13] Smartphone Based User Verification Leveraging Gait Recognition for Mobile Healthcare Systems, 2013 IEEE International
Conference on Sensing, Communications and Networking (SECON)
[14] The Waterfall Model in Large-Scale Development. Kai Petersen1,2, Claes Wohlin1, and Dejan Baca1,2 1 Blekinge Institute
of Technology, Box 520, SE-37225 Ronneby, Sweden
[15] on 12 OCTOBER 2015)
[16] Palvia, P. and Palvia, S. "The Feasibility Study in Information Systems: An Analysis of Criteria and Contents," Information
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[23] (Retrieved on 11th April 2016)
Certificate and published paper
2nd IEEE International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICETECH), 17 th & 18th March 2016, Coimbatore, TN, India .


Er. Zainab Pirani
Computer Department
Mumbai, India m

Saurabh Jadhav Zeshan Sayed

Computer Department Computer Department
Mum ba i, India Mum ba i, India
saura bh m j2 2@ g m a il. c om zsze sha n 78 6 @ gm ail.c o m

Sharmeen Kapadia Hozefa Sadriwala

Computer Department Computer Department
Mum ba i, India Mum ba i, India
sharm e e n ka p ad ia 9@ g m a il. c om hsadriw ala 8 @ g m ail.c o m


Abstract— In this paper, we have put forth the idea of globalizing
and socializing a Non-profit organization. The birth of the idea to make People in today’s world are willing to contribute to the society.
an Android based Application was due to undesirable and But the problem is that they are unable to dedicate time fro m
unconvincing outcomes in spite of very large members. The main their personal schedule. So we came up with an idea of
features of the application is to make easy and attractive providing the services right in their pockets. As web application
GUI(Graphical User Interface), allowing users to express their views has its own disadvantages we thought of creating an Android
regarding the events , helping the users to reach an event with the help Application to overcome them. The importance of using
of Global Positioning System, recording and analyzing feedback, Android is discussed later.
sharing the thoughts, appealing to the society about the awareness,
posting notifications to the users. The main objective is to make the Our aim is to develop an application which will integrate
end user enlighten about the organization’s future and current planned 978-1-4673-9916-6/ 16/$31.00 ©SAURABH JADHAV
events at a single click.
several technologies in order to make NGO events
Keywords—Graphical User Interface(GUI) ,Global Positioning more amicable and fathom to the society. Social
System(GPS), Android Application, Non- Profit Organization Service is one field in which the technology and the
advancements in the technology have not been utilized
to the full extent. So our main goal is to uplift and
implement these advancements in our project. Social
services are prone to receive a boost by using a user
friendly and constantly updated application.

Furthermore, by proliferating this social application through a

medium of smart phone will ultimately lead the society with a
better result. Smart phones today, have become the basic need
of every person, and every individual uses it more frequently in
the form of Android Application. The main purpose of
implementing this project on an android based platform is
because of the following advantages:-

1. Open source
2. Considerably low investments
3. Easy adoptions
4. Easy integration. [2]

Thus by using Android Application as a medium we wish to

reach the people of the society to help, to communicate, to
share, to authenticate, to know the different welfare practices,
to participate in the events of the NGOs, to act as a protagonist
to the helpless.
2nd IEEE International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICETECH), 17 th & 18th March 2016, Coimbatore, TN, India .

application is the component reusability. One component once

The main components of this application are GPS, Database, constructed can be used for another module construction if
User Interface, Social media Integration and Push notification. permitted. The four main components which can be used
Once the user has installed the apk file of the application in the frequently in every android applications are as follows:-
respected smart phone the first step will be authentication where
in the application will prompt for dis tinct user’s information . Activity
Following this registration process a username and password Service
will be provided to the applicant through which the person will Content providers
be able to login the application as a authentic user to the system Broadcast receivers
created. Now, the user is over to number of queries like request
for directions, if some event is currently in process nearby. Thus we can say that android is the best platform in accordance
Secondly the user can request for any indispensable report with the environment as it is readily adaptable, it is open source
regarding events and feedback of the events. The user can also and its powerful function makes it the best operating system for
get information about event details or about any precedent event smart phones [4].
in the past. The user gets this information in the form of
notifications, directions, schedules or media files and uses it to The existing system is a web based application in which user
according to the query provided. User involvement is further has to login every time he/she needs to access the event
increased by Live polling and feedback about the anecdote. information, also the various role based authorization process
Users will also be allowed to publicize about the club and for both admin and users are quite a bit intricate. Thus the
anecdote on Social media platform. following paper studied gives us and exact implication of the
processes required. The following are the basic objective of it:-
Considering all our efforts are put in the right direction we can
predict that the proposed Application will give a boost to social Any user can attempt to register or login as
awareness and recognition to all the Non-profit organization. administrator (Login).
Only an authenticated administrator can create or
delete an account (Create/Delete).
We have studied the existing and established theory and The administrator can change a user’s password
research work based on our project. It covers the development (Change Password)
of ideas and discussion of significant work done in the Only an authenticated administrator can change the
concerned field till date. policy setting of any user (Change Policy)
Only an authenticated administrator can launch the
Non-profit organization focuses mainly on the age group secure dialer via the security manager.[5]
from 18-30. The main aim is to help the community ,develop
leadership qualities in the youth and have fun . This Feedback is the data about the user’s perception and
experiences. As the android application is displaying various
organization manages their activities independently. [3] events organized and implemented by the organization, the
feedback part also becomes a must. The members must know
the response to a particular event, allow the users to express
Before entering the core of developing the android application,
the main task is to understand the actual framework of the their views. This would eventually be helpful to the
organization as to know what went wrong or what their strong
android application framework as it is the cardinal part that is
going to be frequently used. The android framework consists of point is. The feedback mostly consists of two types:-
the following:-
Live polling and voting
Views Textual feedback
Contents The latter one, textual feedback will be written by the user in
detail rather than just rating the particular event. The followin g
Resource manager
paper gives us the opportunity to review textual feedback and
Notification manager
study what does it actually means. The main advantage of this
Activity manager textual feedback is that members can view the reviews for
The android framework is running on a java virtual machine events.[6].
called as Dalvik Virtual machine. For any unknown person who wants to attend the event can
make use of the GPS function provided in the application. This
An android application running is an instance of dalvik virtual
application in collaboration with the maps will provide the
machine. The most important advantage of the android intended directions to the user thus helping him/her to reach the
event without any problem.
2nd IEEE International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICETECH), 17th & 18th March 2016, Coimbatore, TN, India .

The following drawbacks have been discovered in these

This function has successfully studied and implemented in the systems:-
IEEE paper on the GPS. The GPS receiver receives the location
coordinates from the satellite in NMEA format. The
microcontroller processes these location information according 1. Rotaract Club of Caduceus [8]:
to the algorithm stored in it and thus notifies the GSM modem
with the latitude and longitude.
It is a web based application and not an android
We are further planning to use this mapping function to a application so its interface is more convenient to be
greater extent by mapping the location of the attended events in used on a computer rather than on a mobile phone.
the user’s map with some sort of indication representing that the It has less user involvement compared to an android
user has already attended some or other event here [7]. application.
III. EXIST ING SYST EM It does not support GPS, live polls & voting and user
feedback analysis.
The existing systems that are contemporarily present in the
It is not as efficient as the proposed system when
rotaract ambience have been reviewed. compared overall.
User has to login every time he/she needs to access the
Following are the list of some of the similar Non-profit
event information. This slows down Availability
organizations that we have reviewed:-

1. Rotaract Club of Cadaceus:- 2. Rotoract Club Bombay Uptown [9]:

The system has following features:-

It provides information about the club bearers. It does not support locating and directing users to a
particular location via the GPS.
It gives complete information about past and future
It fails to notify its members before any upcoming
It has hyperlinks of other social media on its page.
It does not support sponsors with advertisements.
2. Rotaract Club of Mumbai Uptown:- The application has been abandoned and is no longer
in use.
The system consists of the following features:- It lacks to facilitate live polls & voting.
It is not as efficient as the proposed system when
It provides complete information on the club and its compared overall.
3. Islam Gymkhana [10]:
It has a direct link with its respective website and
Facebook page. Drawbacks:-
It gives information about the club bearers. It
The current system is thoroughly web base system. The
enables the users to give their feedback.
web application does not provides wide range of
3. Islam Gymkhana:- information like GPS mapping, event polling etc.
User has to login every time he/she needs to access
The system has following features:- the event information. This slows down Availability. The
various role based authorization process for both
This web application is successful in implementing a admin and users are quite a bit intricate.
user friendly interface. The web site is static.
It provides a detailed insight to the events. It also It is not as efficient as the proposed system when
provides the members with the facilities of recreation compared overall.
and sports. Even non-members can access the website and thus
It also maintains a gallery which is constantly updated there is no account of the involvement of members.
with the recent events and activities pictures.
It thus manages to draw a considerable amount of
public attention towards their events.
2nd IEEE International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICETECH), 17 th & 18th March 2016, Coimbatore, TN, India .

IV. BLOCK DIAGRAM Helps to promote awareness and participation for events and
activities by providing connection with social networking sites
like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It helps the
organization to earn recognition worldwide.
1. Login:-

This is the first step every user has to go through. If the user
already has an account he/she just needs to sign in. The
application also provides the facility of using the user’s
Facebook or Google account to sign in. If the user is new
then he/she can register through email.

Fig1: Block Diagram

The Block Diagram consists of the following processes:-

User Verification: -
It verifies that only the registered members have access to the
application. Verification is done via member id and password.
Fig2: Login Page
Live polls and voting:-
2. Home:-
Help to get a quick, live response from the audience for
an event or poll. The results are tabulated in real time and
The home page will be displayed immediately after the user
displayed in the app.
logins and it gives an overview of all the features and services
Feedback Analysis: - provided in the application.
The application also allows the members to provide feedback on
the various events, activities and new programs that the
organization may initiate. The feedback provides organizers an
overview of the success or failure of that particular program. This
allows a better analysis of the current activities and planning for
future ones if there is space for improvement.

Banner Ads:-
Gives the organization’s partners the exposure they deserve
through in-app banners. A single tap on these ads takes the
member to the respective partner’s website.

This feature allows the members to reach the organization or
any other destination of the organization’s events via the
global positioning system. It locates the current location of the
user and facilitates with directions to the destination.

Social Media Integration:- Fig3: Home Page

2nd IEEE International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICETECH), 17 th & 18th March 2016, Coimbatore, TN, India .

3. Events:- 5. Social Media:-

The above mentioned feature provides a plausible way of
The Events tab is responsible for displaying the on-going and sharing the information, photos, etc. about the events that took
future events. It not only highlights the event’s name, image place before or the ones that are going to be held in near future.
and description but also provides an option of guiding the user This feature allows the user to choose the desired platform for
to the event’s destination with the help of GPS. sharing the information which includes Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, Youtube, etc.

Fig4: Events

4. Global Positioning System: Fig6: Social Media

Global Positioning System takes the input of the user’s current For instance, consider clicking on the facebook icon of the
location and guides the user to the desired destination of the screenshot, it will lead the user to the facebook page as shown
event in the below screenshot.

Fig5: GPS Fig7: Facebook page

2nd IEEE International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICETECH), 17 th & 18th March 2016, Coimbatore, TN, India .

6. Gallery:-
8. Feedback Analysis:-
The gallery will include all the photos of the events held till the Feedback Analysis constitutes the information in the graph
date. It is the job of the Administrator to make sure that the form representing the comparison between three events on the
gallery is constantly updated. basis of various questions.

Fig8: Gallery Fig10: Feedback Analysis

7. Feedback:-
9. Livepolls and Voting:-
This is another important feature which allows the user to
express their views and opinions on the events they attended. Livepolls and Voting facility allows the end user to rate the
The analysis is done based on answers to some basic questions ongoing event which captivates more interest resulting into
mentioned in the screenshot below. more number of participations.

Fig9: Feedback
Fig11: Livepoll & Voting
2nd IEEE International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICETECH), 17 th & 18th March 2016, Coimbatore, TN, India .

10. About us:-

About us emphasizes on displaying limited but necessary

information about the organization to make sure that the end
users recognize it as a genuine and a sophisticated organization.

Fig13: Graph of Efficiency

2. User Friendliness:-User friendliness is the degree of

ease and flexibility a system provides the user in
order to facilitate the use of the application.

Fig12: About Us


The survey is in the form of graphs developed from reviews via

forms based on the overall idea, design and features of the
proposed system.

The parameters considered for the survey review are as

follows:- Fig14: Graph of User Friendly GUI

1. Efficiency: - Effectiveness decides if the 3. Security: - Security ensures that only

application is crisp with output achieved in authorized users and authentic users access the
reference to the requirements specified in the system. Degrees of security of the various
initial stage. When the system is ineffective, the systems have been analyzed and compared.
system is out of control and it needs a majo r
Android Application for Non-Profit Organization 2016

Fig15: Graph of Security

We would like to thank the faculty of M.H Saboo Siddik College of Engineering for their constant support and
guidance to help us achieve each and every task associated with this project. Special thanks to Er. Zainab Pirani to
guide us through each and every stage and motivate us.

[1] heMovement(Retrieved on
12 OCT OBER 2015)
[2] on 12 OCT OBER 2015)
[3] -clubs(Retrieved on 12 OCTOBER 2015)
[4] Jianye Liu and Jiankun Yu.” Research on Development of Android Applications”. 2011 Fourth International Conference on Intelligent
Networks and Intelligent Systems. 1-3 Nov. 2011. pp. 69 – 72
[5] Padmanabhan Krishnan, Sergej Hafner and Andreas Zeiser.” Applying Security Assurance T echniques to a Mobile Phone
Application: An Initial Approach”. 2011 Fourth International Conference on Software T esting, Verification and Validation Workshops. 21-
25 March 2011. pp.545 – 552
[6] Fiawoo, S.Y. and Sowah, R.A. “Design and development of an Android application to process and display summarised corporate data, 2012
IEEE 4th International Conference ”. Adaptive Science & T echnology (ICAST ) on 25 -27 Oct 2012. pp.86 – 91
[7] Hind Abdalsalam Abdallah Dafallah.]” Design and implementation of an accurate real time GPS tracking system”.2014 Third Inter national
Conference on e-T echnologies and Networks for Development (ICeND). April 29 2014-May 1 2014. pp.183 - 188
[8] on 12 OCT OBER 2015)
[9] da(Retrieved on 12 OCT OBER 2015)M. Young, T he T echnical
Writer’s Handbook. Mill Valley, CA: University Science, 1989.
[10] (Retrieved on 25 th DECEMBER 2015)

Android Application for Non-Profit Organization 2016

Android Application to Intensify User’s

Involvement for a Non-Profit
Er.Zainab Pirani1, Hozefa Sadriwala2, Zeshan Sayed3, Saurbah
Jadhav4,Sharmeen Kapadia5
1 Assistant Professor, M. H. Saboo Siddik College of Engineering, University of Mumbai.
2,3,4,5 Students, M. H. Saboo Siddik College of Engineering, University of Mumbai, India.

Abstract: The main aim of the paper is to develop an Android Based Application for a Non -Profit Organization. The
application emphasizes on consolidating or combining the current technology with the application by providing
features such as Global Positioning System, Live Polling and Voting and Feedback Analysis. Besides this, the
application tries to bridge the gap of communication between the members by feature like social media integration.
In short, the application will not only make the organization gregarious but also more productive.

1. Introduction

Today's world uses technology to a great extent. Various types of smart devices are available for variety of works.
Our project makes use of one of these smart device (smart phone) to overcome the drawbacks of the Non-Profit
Organization and to uplift and implement these technology advancements.
Using Android as a platform has its own advantages like open source, easy integration, etc. Furthermore, Social
Service is a field where the technology is not utilized to the mark. Thus representing the Organization through a smart
phone will ultimately result into the betterment of the society. The Organization aims at publicizing the events, guiding
the route to the locations, socializing the events, recording the respo nse and analyzing it. So as our project.
The pivotal components of the project are GPS, Social Media Integration, User Friendly Interface, Feedback and
Feedback Analysis, Gallery, Push Notification and Live Poll and Voting. After installing the applicatio n the user will
be first asked to login as a process of authentication. The user can login either with Facebook or with Google. The
user can now access the homepage and all the displayed features and also information about the past and future events,
sponsors name, schedules, locations, etc. The user gets this information in the form of media files, directions,
notifications. Gallery contains all the media files of the past and the ongoing events. It is the duty of the administrator
to constantly update the gallery. GPS focuses on guiding the user to the location of the event. Live Poll and Voting
encourages human involvement. Graphical User Interface plays a huge role by providing the entire features on one
screen i.e making good use of navigation. Image s ensibility is well handled in case of Social Media Integration. Facility
of publicizing about the ongoing or past events is also provided to the user. Feedback and Feedback Analysis allows
the members to gain knowledge about the pros and cons of the event s.

Thus, overall the project has only one motive of making the organization well known and successful. Considering
if all the efforts are put in right direction, it will surely lead to fruitful result.

Non-Profit Organization in the project aims at betterment of the society, developing leadership
qualities and other social activities. The Organization mostly focuses on the people from age group 18-30.
The goal can be achieved by consolidating the current technology with the application to develop the

Android Application for Non-Profit Organization 2016

desired features.
After analyzing and surveying numerous existing systems along with their related IEEE papers, it can be
concluded that the existing systems lacked in variety of features. The survey thus highlights how these
drawbacks can be overcome. The basic to Android Application lies in its Android framework which is
considered to be the most pivotal part. The advantage of Android platform makes it more compatible and
feasible with the operating system of smart phones. [2]
The proposed application overcomes the drawback of authorization of existing web based systems by
providing a User verification process. The application considered here is one that controls the
communications of the user. It permits communications only to users who are on a white list. Any call or
message to or from users not on the white list is not granted.
There are two subsystems in this application. The first aspect in it is the security manager while the
second aspect is the secure dialer. Only the administrator has access to invoke the security manager. The
role of the security manager is to manage the policies for accessing the phone settings related to sending
or receiving SMSs and calls. This is done via the white-lists that are associated with each user. Each user
has a list of the numbers that can be allowed to be called or messaged. Similarly there is a list of numbers
from whom calls or messages can be received also. The administrator has the right to create or delete an
account, change the password of all users. She/He can also add or delete numbers from a user’s white-
list. The secure dialer is an application which allows the user to call or send message to any number. The
implementation has databases (based on SQLLite) to store the policy for the users, also the white-lists for
each user and the common information. The implementation has various files for authentication of the
administrator and users.
1) The Security here is entirely based on confidentiality and also on the strength of the password.
2) Does not provide strong identity check only based on the password.
3) Using password authentication stores passwords and usernames in a database so as to authenticate
users. [6]
Following the User verification, the user can now access all the features of the application including
GPS. The Application with the help of maps will guide the unknown user to the desired event location.
The concept of time difference of arrival is implemented in GPS using precise positions of satellites and
on-board atomic clocks so as to generate navigation messages which are continuously broadcasted from
each of the GPS satellites. These messages are then received and processed by users all over and
anywhere in the world to determine their positions and time to an accuracy level within a few meters and
nanoseconds respectively.
Each GPS satellite on board computer and navigation message generator knows its own orbital location
and system time very accurately. A global network of monitor stations also keeps a track of these
parameters. Corrections are uploaded to each satellite almost daily by the world wide operational and
control system. The upload includes the orbit position projections for each satellite in the constellation
and based on sophisticated models and corrections to on-board satellite clocks. The messages received
Android Application for Non-Profit Organization 2016

and processed by users in any place are used to navigate to any particular location with easy directions
and even voice navigation to facilitate users while they drive to the location. This makes travelling for the
user to any location trouble-free as well as also saves their time.
1) The GPS completely depends on receiving satellite signals from radio and it is thus also prone to radio
intervening, failure of satellites.
2) GPS can land a travelling user in problem over blocked roads.
3) There may be accuracy and also security issues in case of cellular devices being tracked by other cellular
Another intuitive feature is Feedback System with Analysis. Audience response system (Feedback)
allows the audience to respond to multiple choice questions via an electronic device. All answers are
instantly presented, in chart form, then reviewed and discussed by the instructor and the class [4]. After
audience chooses responses the results are instantly collected, summarized and presented in visual
format, usually a histogram. With feedback from the audience various conclusions can be drawn. Such as,
the effectiveness of the session or event, if similar future endeavor’s would be appreciated or not, rating
the event and more. The audience can respond to the feedback questions without being judged by
anyone. Anonymity allows the audience to be active members in the events taking place and helps in
increasing participation. It is reported that audiences are more engaged and interested in events that give
importance to their views and suggestions. It also improves the quality and quantity of discussion among
the audience present. In addition, the majority of audience reported that the technology was easy to use.
1) There have been critical technological issues reported when remote devices did not function properly
or the signal was not received by the instructor’s computer. This was a particularly stressful experience
when the audience was being evaluated.



 Contemporarily, there is no android based application for involving several users of the organization to the
cliché. The only way to get informed about the events of the organization is by using web application or get
notified by messages

 There is no other path to get socialized for the welfare practices which is based on android platform where
in the users feel more complaisant.

 The current state of the organization does not allow them to get thoroughly involved in the anecdote due to
lack of communication. Thus there has to be an alternative panacea to provide the users a captivating mediu m
which will not only socialize them but also help the indigents.

Android Application for Non-Profit Organization 2016

3.2 Future Scope

 The proposed system once put in to action will change the current situation of lack of communication and
will give an exact required service which is fathom to the user.

The Application which has been built for the Non-Profit Organization comes with several technologies
in one application which will increase the interest level of the end user and will be proved to be more
useful than the other existing systems. The application is built with a view of increasing the human
involvement in the organization in which the user friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) plays an
important role.
The application focuses on Login, Events, GPS navigation, Feedback and Feedback Analy sis, Live poll &
voting, Social Media. Each feature is developed in the best level of interest for the user as well as the
Brief description about all the features is given below:-
1) Login- This feature authenticates the user who wants to use the application. If the user is an already
existing user then he/she can get the access of the application by simple entering their email id, password
and clicking on the Login button. A new user has to register first by entering the required details and then
they will get an access to the application. The user can also register and get access of the application using
an alternate way which is that he/she can register with their already existing Facebook or Google
2) Navigation using GPS– The user can obtain details of the location of any event organized by the non-
profit organization which is fed by the administrator before the commencement of the event. This will
help the user to get to the location faster as traffic and weather conditi ons, etc. are prompted by the
navigation system. The navigation will be supported by Google Maps.[3]
3) Events- This feature of the application will give details about all the events which will be occurring on
a daily/weekly basis. The admin will have to update the events on a daily basis. It will consist of an image
(regarding the outline of the event) along with a small description and the purpose of the event provided
by the organization.
4) Feedback & Feedback Analysis-Feedback is the form in the application which will be consisting of
several questions which will be input to the end user. The questions will be on rating the events on a scale
of 1-5 which the user has attended and also some general questions for the future scope of improvement.
Feedback Analysis is generated from the user’s response in the feedback form. The data is collected is
summarizes and presented in a visual format. Visual interpretation is easier for the user and also for the
organization’s office bearer to conclude how successful the event turned out to be.
5) Live poll & Voting- This feature is used only at the time of execution of the event. This feature takes
quick response from the user about how successful the event is, summarizes user response and shows
the outcome in a Graphical meter. This creates a buzz about the events and helps to publicize the event

Android Application for Non-Profit Organization 2016

6) Social Media-This feature allows the user to visit the official forums of the organization. When the user
clicks on the Facebook tab, he/she gets redirected to the official account of the organization and can
connect to the organization on that platform. Likewise user can connect with the organization on different
social networking platforms.
Benefits of using Android Application for a Non-Profit Organization:-
1) The application has been developed on an android platf orm hence it can be installed on all the
phones/tablets having basic features.
2) The application helps to spread awareness and publicize about the Non-profit organization (NGO).
3) The application is with combined feature of GPS, Social Media, Live poll & voting, Events, Gallery and
many more. This proves to be a multi functioning application which helps to increase the user involvement
with the Non-profit organization (NGO).
4) Feedback Analysis gives the user easy way to make conclusions about the events he/she has attended.
It also gives the information to the user who has not attended the event.

Fig1. Flow Diagram

Login:- On this activity we allow only the authorized people surpass the organization’s data. The main
idea of this page is to provide security and authentication, so that we can keep a track on all the users,
which are accessing the application.

Android Application for Non-Profit Organization 2016

Fig2. Login

Feedback & Feedback Analysis:- In this stage we obtain the requisite feedback from the people about
the event occurred ,where several questioner is allowed to be embellished and this information is used
to make about how successful the event has occurred.

Fig3. Feedback & Feedback Analysis

On submitting the feedback form, the application shows the graphical analysis from the received

GPS:- This feature helps the user to reach the location where the particular event is happening. With
integrating GPS and specifying the source and destination, users can reach to the respective events more

Android Application for Non-Profit Organization 2016

Fig4. GPS & Maps

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6.1 Effectiveness of Feedback Analysis:

The feedback response analysis has been compared to the existing model which records feedback
through the signal received in the central system and then evaluates it. Whereas the proposed application
accepts feedback and evaluates it in the application itself to display the analysis and also a graphical
comparison between the events. This will be more efficient for the user as it will be quick and the accuracy
will be high as it will not depend on the signals.

Fig 5. Effectiveness Graph

6.2 Security:

The security has been compared to the existing models, which implies that the system is secure enough
for users to use ina carefree manner since no login credentials have been exposed. Thus the system is safe
to use and has strong security.

Android Application for Non-Profit Organization 2016

Fig6. Security Graph

6.3 GPS:

The GPS (Global Positioning System) is an accurate system which is directly connected through the
satellites. It accurately directs the user to the desired destination showing all possible routes available to
reach the goal in least time.

Fig7. GPS Graph

We would like to thank the faculty of M.H Saboo Siddik College of Engineering for their constant support and
guidance to help us achieve each and every task associated with this project. Special thanks to Er. Zainab Pirani
toguide us through each and every stage and motivate us.

[1] Padmanabhan Krishnan,Sergej Hafner and Andreas Zeiser, ” Applying Security Assurance Techniques to a M obile Phone
Application: An Initial Approach” 2011 Fourth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation
Workshops, 21-25 M arch 2011 Pg.545-552.
[2] Jianye Liu and Jiankun Yu, “Research on Development of Android Applications”, 2011 Fourth International Conference on
Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems, 1-3 Nov. 2011 pg. 69 – 72.
[3] Jules G. M cNeff, “The Global Positioning System”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON M ICROWAVE THEORY AND
TECHNIQUES, VOL. 50, NO. 3, M ARCH 2002 645.
[4] Robin H. Kay and Ann LeSage “Examining the benefits and challenges of using Audience Response Systems” 2000 University
of Ontario Institute of Technology, Faculty of Education, Pg 820-822.

Android Application for Non-Profit Organization 2016

Android Application for Non-Profit Organization 2016


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