Haris Fajar 2201418112 - SMA Kelas Xi Lesson Plan 3.5 4.5

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Name : Haris Fajar

SRN : 2201418112

English Education D


KD 3.5 AND 4.5

School Name : SMA N 2 Konoha

Subjects : English

Class / Semester : XI / I

Subject matter : Asking and Giving Information

Time Allocation : 1 Meeting (2x30 Minute)

Kompetensi Dasar
KD 3.5 KD 4.5
Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan
unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang dan meminta informasi terkait
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian tanpa
informasi terkait keadaan /tindakan/ perlu menyebutkan pelakunya dalam teks
kegiatan/ kejadian tanpa perlu menyebutkan ilmiah, dengan memperhatikan fungsi
pelakunya dalam teks ilmiah, sesuai dengan sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur yang benar dan sesuai konteks
kebahasaan passive voice)

After following the online learning process, students are expected to be able to:
1. Implementing the application of social functions, text structure, and elements of
oral and written language, and knowing giving and asking for general information
in a situation / action / activity / events without the need to mention the
perpetrator in a scientific text, in accordance with the context of its use.
2. Written transactional interactions about asking and giving information with
simplicity in a situation / action / activity / events without the need to mention the
perpetrator in a scientific text, in accordance with the context of its use.
B. Learning Media, Tools, Resources
 Media: WhatsApp group, Power Point, Google Meet / ZOOM, notebooks, and
assessment sheets.
 Equipment / Materials: Internet, dan Hand Phone Android/laptop.
 Learning Resources: Kemendikbud, Revised 2016 and YouTube
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpYg8F3GVkM )

C. Learning Stages/Activities
 Teachers greet students through Zoom Meeting.
 The teacher motivates students to be enthusiastic about taking part in learning
during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
 The teacher provides instructions for describing learning materials to students.
Main Activities
Building Students understand and record learning materials about Asking and
Knowledge of Giving Information by watching videos from Youtube. (Literacy)
Students can answer and give questions about the material that has
been delivered to increase understanding of the material to be

Modelling of Students pay attention to the material about Asking and Giving
Text Information and the use of sentences contained in the PowerPoint
provided, as well as read and pay attention to the teacher's
explanation of text structure, language elements, and social functions.

Students take notes in a notebook regarding the teacher's explanation

of text structure, linguistic elements, and social functions.

Joint Students identify things that have not been understood about the
Construction of Asking and Giving Information material. (Critical Thinking)
Students apply the use of Asking and Giving Information regarding
events that have occurred of passive voice, and together fill in
random sentences so that they become good sentences together.
Independent Students answer simple and short questions about past tense material
Construction of in a sentence orally. (Communication)
Students get individual assignments to compile random sentences in
the form of Past Tense and compose them into good sentences,
collected via WhatsApp Group
- The teacher instructs students to make convertation sentences related to providing
relatedAsking and Giving, according to the context of its use correctly.
- The teacher reminds students to learn the material to be discussed at the next
- Teacher closes online learning activities through Zoom Meeting with greetings
and prayers.

D. Learning Materials

Social Function
Memberi dan meminta Informasi menggunakan passive voice.

Text Structure
Samsul : Ita, do you want to go somewhere, wearing that dress and heels? (Ita, apa
kamu mau pergi ke suatu tempat, memakai gaun dan sepatu hak tinggi begitu?)

Samsul : We were invited to the wedding of Galih and Ratna this evening, Kai. How
come you’re not even ready yet? (Kita kan diundang ke pesta pernikahan Galih dan
Ratna sore ini, Kai. Kok kamu malah belum siap-siap?)

Samsul : Oh my God, I’m really forget that we were invited there. Okay, I will get
ready now and we will go immediately. (Ya ampun, aku lupa banget kalau kita
diundang kesana. Oke, aku akan segera siap-siap sekarang dan kita akan langsung

Linguistic Elements

 Using the 3nd form verb (Verb-3)

 Using the verb to be (is, was, had been, has been)

E. Asessment

A. Make a dialogue with your peers about giving and asking for information
(minimum 5 conversations)

Example :
Mia: Ray, you look different today. Why you didn’t wear your usual glasses?
(Ray, kamu terlihat berbeda hari ini. Kenapa kamu nggak pakai kacamata kamu
yang biasa?)

Ray: My usual glasses is being repaired in the optic. I broke the lenses yesterday.
(Kacamataku yang biasa sedang diperbaiki di optik. Aku merusakkan lensanya

Mia: I hope the repair goes well and you can use your usual glasses again, Ray.
(Aku harap perbaikannya berjalan lancar dan kamu bisa menggunakan kacamata
biasa kamu lagi, Ray.)

Ray: Thank you, I hope so. This glasses is really uncomfortable and I want to
wear my usual glasses again. (Terima kasih, aku juga berharap begitu. Kacamata
ini benar-benar tidak nyaman dan aku mau memakai kacamataku yang biasa lagi.)


B. Find the dialogue about giving and asking information and underline passive
voice in the sentences.


Skill Assessment
Total Aspect Description Skor
Skor = 10 + (20x2) Provide detailed information related to
inquiring and providing information
Contains a few misinformation related to
inquiring and providing information about the 3
Contains many misinformation related to
asking and giving information about the 2
material conveyed.
Does not contain information related to
asking and providing information about the 1
material in the classroom at all.
Social functions, text structure, and linguistic
elements are well implemented
There are few errors in implementing social
functions, text structure, and linguistic 3
There are many mistakes in implementing
social functions, text structure, and linguistic 2
It does not pay attention to social functions,
text structure, and linguistic elements
Grammar errors are minimal 4
There is a grammar error but it still doesn't
affect the meaning of the sentence
There are many grammar mistakes and affect
the meaning of sentences
Not paying attention to grammar at all 1
Effective word selection and correct spelling 4
The word choice and spelling are slightly
wrong but still do not affect the meaning of 3
the sentence
Vocabulary The choice of words and spelling is wrong
and affects the meaning of the sentence
Completely wrong choice of words and
spelling so that the meaning of the sentence 1
cannot be understood
Proper use of punctuation and capitalization 4
Proper use of punctuation and capitalization 3
There are many misuse of punctuation and
Technical 2
Sentences are dominated by misuse of
punctuation and capitalization
Skor Maxsimum @ soal = 5 x 4 = 20
= 10 +40
= 50

Score Maximum

Total score x 2

50 x 2 = 100

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