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Actividad 15

Currently, in Peru there are 47 indigenous languages, four are spoken in the Andean
area and 43 in the Amazon area. The languages with the largest number of speakers are
Quechua, Aymara, Ashaninka and Awajún. It is important to note that 13 out of every
100 Peruvians speak an indigenous language.
Indigenous languages continually face the problem of extinction, even when they
constitute intangible cultural heritage of the original peoples of Peru. In the last four
centuries, at least 35 languages have disappeared, and today, three languages are in
danger and 18 in serious danger of disappearing
Currently, in Peru there are 47 indigenous languages, four are spoken in the Andean
area and 43 in the Amazon area. The languages with the largest number of speakers are
Quechua, Aymara, Ashaninka and Awajún. It is important to note that 13 out of every
100 Peruvians speak an indigenous language.
The causes that add up the most are those that have to do with their levels of poverty, of
social exclusion; also due to political conflicts, lack of legal and efficient recognition of
indigenous rights
In my community absolutely nothing is done to prevent the disappearance of languages,
since they do not take it as something important.

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