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Most of the customs that are related to my community are usually to

meet between people, smile, share moments with friends or families, but
due to this situation these customs or traditions were not planned,
however there are many that are still in force.

Among them is "The day of Santa Rosa de Lima", celebrated on August

30 every year, in which they venerate and continue, but now each one
does it in their homes away from the people, for something Santa Rosa
de Lima He taught us to have a life of prayer, penance and mercy, so as
not to lose faith and continue with our lives no matter what happens.

The other activity that we follow is "The Lord of Miracles", held

throughout the month of October,
the Lord of Miracles or also called
Lord of Tremors is one of the
greatest symbols of resistance to
adversity, in his history he tells us
that the image was painted by a
black on a wall, after a strong
earthquake where there were a
large number of deaths and
injuries, as well as a destroyed
house, the wall where it was painted did not fall.

The truth is there is no explanation for this strange event, but from there
it became a miracle and later worshiped in Lima, but because of this
situation we can only face the situation and resist like the image, not fall
and continue living.

Finally, "The festivity of San Martin de Porres", the first mulatto saint of
America, also known as the saint of the broom, is a symbol of humility.

Humility teaches us to think about others, without telling them

something or wanting something in return, humility is not only reflected
in the Lima soil where we help each other among neighbors if someone
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needs something, as happened in a fire in the house of some Neighbors

just when the forties started, together we rebuilt his house, we donated
various things they need and others just in case.

In my conclusions I place that traditions or customs help us to think

about various aspects, of course depending on what it is, in which I put it
helps us to mature, think about others to face what comes in these
times, and that our community can change those selfish thoughts for the
good of all.

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