Actividad 10 Ingles

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Profesor mi audio soy el alumno Alim Said Cubas Gonzales

The issue of the school uniform is controversial and there are detractors
and people who are in favor. Some of the advantages of wearing the
school uniform are the following:

• Improves student performance. The school uniform helps students to be

more focused in class, because it creates a more formal atmosphere, so
their performance improves as well as their grades.

• Contributes to equality. With the uniform, all the students dress the
same, so the different origins or economic levels are not noticed. This is
especially important in schools where there are boys and girls from very
different backgrounds.

• Increases self-esteem. The fact that all the boys and girls in a school
dress the same encourages self-confidence and strengthens their self-
esteem because a sense of belonging is generated.

• Create a sense of belonging. The school uniform can make students feel
proud of the school in which they study because the uniform creates a strong
sense of belonging to the group.
We cannot forget, in addition, that quality education is one of the objectives of
sustainable development. Quality education means that all people have access
to an inclusive and equitable education. The school uniform can help to achieve
this goal, facilitating equality between students in schools.
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