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Profesor soy el alumno alim said cubas Gonzales, aquí mi audio

What do you think people can do to preserve our native languages?

Parents who have inherited a native language must have time to pass it on to
their children and relatives. Intergenerational transmission is the main engine so
that a language does not die. Families and communities must generate
adequate spaces for the revitalization of the native language through activities
of the culture or people.

Likewise, public and private entities that provide public services must develop
actions such as having personnel to communicate orally and in writing in the
native languages, provide customer service in languages, have interpreters or
translators services, implement policies linguistics for the use, preservation,
development, recovery, promotion and dissemination of indigenous languages.
What if the natives disappeared?
If a native disappears, there will be much less teaching to speak an indigenous
language, in such a way that the language will also be lost, since he did not
share it with the new generation.
Do you know any kind of mother tongue? How is? Who talks about it?
If I know a language that is Quechua, it is a language that was spoken by the
Incas and was spread throughout the Tahuantinsuyo empire. It is spoken by
people from a very community even though there are very few and many of
them are elderly over 80 years old.
What can you do to preserve a mother tongue?
That the person who knows how to speak this language teaches people and
thus continue to speak this language, because of them they are the only people
who speak, many teachers do not speak it that is why this language is not
taught in schools, in such a way that the only way to preserve them are from the

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