Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

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HANOI 2017
This thesis is completed at the

Supervisor: 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Minh Truong

2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Doan Thi Chin

Reviewer 1: …………………………………………….

Reviewer 2: …………………………………………….

Reviewer 3: …………………………………………….

The thesis will be defended in front of Thesis Committee

at Academy level, at the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

The thesis can be found at the National Library and the Library
of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Pol


1. The necessary of the thesis

In Ho Chi Minh Ideology, there is a creative, unique and consistent
diplomacy method that has greatly contributed to the achievements in
Vietnam’s diplomacy in the last 80 years. It can be concluded that under the
command of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh the
diplomacy has increasingly developed along with the evolution of the whole
country, significantly contributing to achievements of Vietnam. Together with
the development of the country, diplomacy has been more and more advanced
and developed, becoming an important part in the overall power of the country
so as to implement “a prosperous people, a strong nation, an equitable,
democratic and civilized society”
Maintaining and developing traditions in foreign affairs to build and
protect the country, the Communist Party of Vietnam has applied Ho Chi
Minh’s diplomacy method to set the guidelines and command the foreign
affairs to create peaceful, sustainable and advantageous atmosphere to develop
the country’s economy, culture, society etc. In the recent situation, doing
researches on Ho Chi Minh ideology in general and on Ho Chi Minh’s
diplomacy method in particular is still regarded as an important mission of the
Communist Party of Vietnam. However, the result of applying them retains
some certain drawbacks which need to be improved in the new era.
In this stage of evolution, Vietnam is stimulating industrialization,
modernization and international integration, together with tactical planning to
the cause of current national construction and defense in the era that there are
unexpected upheavals around the world. In the Asia-Pacific region, in recent
years, issues on sovereignty disputes over the East Sea among countries in the
region in general and between China and Vietnam in particular are under threat.
Also, hostile forces insist on carrying out the tactic “peaceful evolution” to do
harms to our political system and overthrow the government. In fact, what is
really important is protecting the sacred sovereignty of the country and
diplomacy has been and is one of the most important fronts.
Thus, doing researches and creatively applying Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy
method, which have meanings in both scientific and practical aspects, are the
foundation for the Communist Party to make use of foreign resources,

combining with our country’s potentials to make progress in the cause of

national construction and defense. For all the reasons above, the author chose
“Applying Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method to the cause of current national
construction and defense at present” as the doctoral thesis
2. Purposes and tasks of the thesis
2.1. Purposes of the research
This doctoral thesis is aimed to apply Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method
to set the foreign policy guidelines of the Communist Party of Vietnam in
current times, meeting the demands of the cause of national construction and
2.2. Tasks of the research
- Explaining basic concepts in the thesis;
- Giving detailed information about Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method;
- Giving information about the process of the Communist Party of
Vietnam applying Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method in the last 30 years of the
reform process (1986 - 2016);
- Assessing the achievements and experience that the Communist Party
have had while implementing the methods in the reform process;
- Analyzing the current development tendencies of the world and the
region, assessing the achievements and arising problems of the national
construction and defense based on Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method;
- Proposing the idea that the Communist Party should continue creatively
applying Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method to set and implement guidelines
and command foreign affairs to cope with problems in the process of national
construction and defense.
3. Subjects and scope of the research
3.1. Subjects of the research
Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method; applying Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy
method to the cause of national construction and defense.
3.2. Scope of the research
- Content: the thesis focuses on researching on some of Ho Chi Minh’s
diplomacy method. Meanwhile, it also researches on how the Communist Party
has applied it in the process of Vietnamese revolution, especially in the reform

- Time: The entire process of establishment and development of Ho Chi

Minh’s diplomacy method between 1945 - 1969; how the Communist Party has
applied it, especially since 1986.
4. The rationale and research methods
Based on methodology of Marxist-Leninist philosophy, the author applies
the general methods, interdisciplinary methods and disciplinary methods as
follows: combining logical methods with historical methods; and other methods
such as analysis, synthesis; statistics, quantitative, qualitative, comparative law,
textbooks, behavior studies, interviews.
5. New scientific and practical contributions of the thesis
- The thesis further clarify the content of Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy
method and the applying of the Communist Party to implement foreign affairs
in the process of national construction and defense;
- Proposing the idea that the Communist Party should continue creatively
applying Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method to cope with problems in the
process of national construction and defense.
6. The scientific and practical meanings of the thesis
- Being references for research institutes, graduate and postgraduate
institutes whose major are political science, social sciences and humanities.
- Applying to hold seminars for graduates and postgraduates for those
who are majoring in Ho Chi Minh studies of Department of Ho Chi Minh
Ideology at the Academy of Journalism and Propaganda.
7. Structure of the thesis
Apart from the Opening and Conclusion, the thesis consists of 4 chapters
and 9 lessons, presenting the research and references.

Chapter 1


Since 1990s, researches on Ho Chi Minh Ideology in general and on Ho
Chi Minh’s diplomacy method have been promoted and, therefore, a lot of
achievements have been gained. In fact, foreign affairs are the concern of many
individuals and organizations. Researching on “applying Ho Chi Minh’s
diplomacy method to the cause of national construction and defense”, the
author encountered the following typical scientific works:
Firstly, those related to Ho Chi Minh Ideology and Ho Chi Minh’s
diplomacy method
Secondly, those related to applying Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method to
the cause of national construction and defense
1.2.1. Aforementioned problems
The scientific works that this thesis has analyzed and mentioned a few of
aspects which postgraduates intended to research on such as definition of
diplomacy, foreign affairs, diplomatic methods, Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy
method; those researching on a few of diplomatic methods (but insufficient);
problems related to how the Communist Party has applied the methods in each
period of evolution to set foreign policies and diplomatic methods; future
diplomatic methods.
- None of the above scientific works has been deeply researched and
systematically clarified about Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method in order to
apply to the cause of national construction and defense. Recently, there have
been complex situations with underlying upheavals in the world and in the
region, especially issues on sovereignty disputes over the East Sea, which
directly influence the cause of national construction and defense. Therefore,
applying Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method to the cause of current national
construction and defense - the research the author intends to present with the
view to further contributing to the results that previous scientific works have

achieved. The research will be practical in both theory and practicality about
foreign affairs
1.2.2. Unsolved problems clarified in the thesis
From the overall about the thesis, the researcher focuses on the
following issues:
- Content of Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method which are: “with
immutability, change”; “win step by step”; “add you less enemies”; taking
advantage of conflicts within enemies in foreign fight; predicting situations and
taking chances, “heart foreign policy”, combining political fight, military and
diplomacy,” just hit and talk”, maximizing the potential power; making use of
foreign resources, combining national strength with the power of the times to beat
the enemy.
- How the Communist Party applied and creatively develop Ho Chi Minh’s
diplomacy method in the reform era, including:
+ The Communist Party applying Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method to set
guidelines and diplomatic methods in the era of globalization and integration.
+ The Communist Party analyzing and assessing the achievements and
experience from the foreign policies in the reform process.
- Continuing to enhance the effectiveness in foreign affairs according to Ho
Chi Minh’s diplomacy method in the cause of current national construction and

Summary of chapter 1

Upon commanding the Vietnamese revolution, in terms of diplomacy,

president Ho Chi Minh gained a lot of precious achievements. Ho Chi Minh’s
diplomacy method were an important part of Ho Chi Minh Ideology in
Vietnamese revolution, being a system of ideologies about foreign relations,
foreign policies and diplomatic methods of the Communist Party and our nation,
being the positive results of applying and creatively developing Marxist-Leninist
Philosophy and foreign relation science into Vietnam’s situation. Ideologies about
diplomacy contains methods, styles and art of diplomacy, being a “torch” to light
up the way to foreign affairs of the Communist Party and our nation in the era.
Noticing the importance of Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method in the cause
of current national construction and defense, the author chose it to research. After

analyzing other scientific works of different researchers, the author concluded that
there were a considerable number of scientific works about Ho Chi Minh’s
diplomacy method. Some books mentioned Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method and
the applying of them in the current reform process. However, it can be seen that
there have not been any scientific works that fully described and researched on
applying Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method to the cause of current national
construction and defense. Meawhile, there are complex situations with underlying
unpredictable upheavals which have direct impact on the cause of current national
construction and defense.
To sum up, the author has made a lot of efforts to collect materials and
assess related scientific works. This is what defines the research scope and is an
important source of information for postgraduate to conduct, learn and develop the
research, completing the thesis.

Chapter 2


2.1.1. Definition of diplomacy
Foreign affairs and diplomacy are two different definitions though they have
close relations to each other. Foreign affairs are all the targets, missions,
guidelines, priciples, mottos and solutions that a nation implements in the relation
with other countries or other entities in the international community in order to
serve the benefits of the nation.
Along with foreign affairs, diplomacy is a wide field to research, whose
definition proposed by scientists long ago, and there are now many ways of
knowing what “diplomacy” is.
As a result, there are definitions of diplomacy. From the aforementioned
perspectives, there can be some conclusions about diplomacy: it is the activities of
a nation in foreign affairs, the most important tool to implement a nation’s
diplomatic methods; it is all the specific offices of foreign affairs at national and
international level as well as officers who are responsible for national foreign
affairs; it is the job of diplomats; it is a science and an art, most importantly the
modern business negotiation; and it has class attributes

2.1.2. Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method

It is possible to state that: Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method are an
inportant part of Ho Chi Minh ideology of diplomacy, including a system of
different manners and procedures of coping with important issues in foreign
relations so as to successfully achieve targets and political missions of Vietnamese
Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method are inconsistent with his viewpoint in the
actions of foreign relations, but they rely on that to suitably find the solution to
certain situations. To get a purpose in diplomacy, methods are needed. Ho Chi
Minh’s diplomacy method are a typical part in Ho Chi Minh ideology of diplomacy,
contributing to the identity of Vietnam’s diplomacy in Ho Chi Minh times.
2.2.1. With immutability, change
“With immutability, change” is not only a motto but also a method which
has principles in Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy. This method comes from Eastern
philosophical thinking “constant change, change the variable”, or take the
unchanged to react to the changes happening later. Ho Chi Minh harmoniously
combined Eastern philosophy and Marxist materialist dialectics. The
“unchanged” thing in Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method is the benefit of the
nation, the purpose of national liberation, reunification of the nation, the thinking
of revolution of the nation, forwarding socialism under the command of the
Communist Party. This is the thread through the Red Fox the whole struggle on
different fronts, especially in foreign fight in Ho Chi Minh times.
The diplomatic method “With immutability, change” is the one that Ho Chi
Minh used flexibly and successfully in many situations and events which are
related to the methodology in his actions of foreign relations, contributing to the
fact that Vietnamese diplomacy is more advanced and developed to change the
battle and make the whole battle inclined to be better for us. “With immutability,
change” is not only a working motto but also the nature of Ho Chi Minh dialectic
which helps handle any problem flexibly and effectively.
2.2.2. “Win step by step”
Winning step by step is one of the methods that the Communist Party of
Vietnam implemented in the revolution, as well as the method and art in Ho Chi
Minh’s diplomacy. This method was most clearly exposed when rising to
power, liberating the nation and defending the Motherland.

This foreign policy wass a suitably creative one when against a mighty
power with skilled army in enormous numbers equipped with advanced
weapons. Clearly understanding of this method and taking good chances led to
the fact that the enemy was weakened, and eventually the invaders lost all their
desires. That was a success in the command of strategies and tactics “Knowing
people knows me”. In each period of revolution, to beat the enemy’s intentions
and means, the Communist Party, based on objective, scientific assessment and
analysis to set the goals and missions suitably. As the command, the whole
community and the army continuously fought against the enemy, taking good
chances of beating the strategies of the enemy. The experience, especially the
Ho Chi Minh’s art of diplomacy was of great value throughout the revolution.
2.2.3. “Add you less enemies”
Ho Chi Minh would lead the revolution of Vietnam to the direction of the
world’s, taking the most advantage of the situation, promoting the harmonious
foreign relations, making independence, which is the basic diplomacy principle
of Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy, the priority. This method is only implemented
with the exact conflicts. From that revolutionists can identify their missions and
the main forces of the revolution. This method can be considered to have the
following contents:
- To be successful with this method, revolutionists should know how to
take the most advantage of conflicts within the enemy, which Ho Chi Minh had
taken serious actions about.
- When using this method, revolutionists had to know how to
compromise and not to be aggressive in order to maintain the potentials and
make more allies.
- To “add you less enemies”, Ho Chi Minh clearly differentiated between
peace-lovers and aggressive reactionists, and noticed conflicts in the enemy’s
ruling class.
- To “add you less enemies”, Ho Chi Minh was ready to forgive traitors
2.2.4. Taking advantage of conflicts within the enemy
This method was one of the most important one in Ho Chi Minh’s
diplomacy. He learned the viewpoints of conflicts and taking advantage of
those within the enemy from outstanding Marxist-Leninist philosophy people
and creatively applied and developed it in national foreign affairs.

This was not only a strategy but also the art in diplomatic fight. Also, this
was of great creativity of Ho Chi Minh that brought a great victory for the
revolution of Vietnam.
2.2.5. Predicting situations and taking chances
This was a method that showed Ho Chi Minh’s ability to predict the
situations and foresee the development tendency of them. Not every diplomatist
acquired this. This method focused on four things:
- Perfect and systematic assessment of the world and our nation, of
ourselves and the enemy, the dialectic relations among related and influencing
factors towards the revolution of Vietnam and both side diplomacies.
- Analysis of the emergence of new powers, of conflicts among central
powers and their counterparts to predict the direction of foreign relations and
Vietnam’s diplomacy.
- Analysis of which side had the advantage and the direction of the
situation to predict the possibilities, the moments and the chances of the
revolution and establish the foreign relations.
- Activeness in prepare forces to take chances to beat the enemy. Along
with the precise prediction of revolution chances, President Ho Chi Minh was
always active in preparing forces, taking advantage of foreign situations,
dealing with difficulties step by step, overcoming challenges to make the battle
easier for us, contributing the the victory of the revolution.
This method took advantage of the situations and minimized the
difficulties of them to implement foreign affairs to beat the enemy with “taking
the lead in terms of strategic thinking and diplomatic guidelines.
2.2.6. “Heart” diplomatic method
In the history of national construction and defense, Vietnamese people the
long tradition of diplomacy. we often had to fight against might invaders which
needed a lot of diplomatic methods including “heart” one. This method is
applied in all times. Taking advantage of, convincing and conquering the
enemy are the goals of this method
Combining traditions with advances, President Ho Chi Minh creatively
applied and brought “heart” diplomatic method to a new level to achieve the
goals and missions of the revolution. The basis of this method was the nature of
kindness and the shared humanity of the advanced forces.

“Heart” meant touching people’s hearts, a unique traditional diplomatic

method of Vietnam that Ho Chi Minh inherited, applied and developed in
modern Vietnam’s diplomacy. Previously, it was successfully used against
invaders. Using “heart” to conquer people by rightness, love and morality.
This was used as a diplomatic method towards the enemy and advanced
- Supporters of Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh planned to create sincere relations
“being both friends and brothers” and pure intentions of foreign relations.
- Based on humanism, this method was aimed to find similar factors to
stimulate the support of other countries, clearly differentiate between friends
and the enemy, between peace-lovers and reactionists to make the enemy
secluded and summon various forces over the world.
- The enemy and opponents: Ho Chi Minh made them proud as well as
presented convincing viewpoints to wake their kindness up.
This method showed its effectiveness in diplomatic fight in the revolution
of Vietnam. Using this method, one can make the enemy secluded and summon
more friends and advanced forces that support Vietnam war against invaders.
This made the enemy worried and impatient, showing the rightness and
humanism of the revolution, government and Vietnamese people.
2.2.7. Combining political fight, military and diplomacy,” just hit and
talk”, maximizing the potential power
This was one of the typical method in the war of national liberation.
According to Ho Chi Minh, this was the very sign of the fact that diplomacy must
be mighty with creatively applying to the revolution of Vietnam and that it had
become an important viewpoint of Vietnam’s diplomacy since its establishment.
In the combination with military, politics and diplomacy, negotiations decided the
winner on the battlefield, but the winner of the negotiations restrained the
activities of the enemy on the battlefield; negotiations did not prevent the battle,
but made the victory more glorious.
This method was an art and a unique command of Ho Chi Minh Ideology.
In each historical period, President Ho Chi Minh and the Communist Party applied
the method flexibly and creatively into different situations. Gradually, President
Ho Chi Minh and the Communist Party reached the peak of art of combining
military fight with political and diplomatic fight. President Ho Chi Minh
contributed to the theory of the revolution of Vietnam a unique art of war
command to get the victory

2.2.8. Making use of foreign resources, combining national strength

with the power of the times to beat the enemy
Ho Chi Minh’s international activities are an important part in his revolution
career, which were attached to the goal to liberate the country and positively
contributed to human liberation. Ho Chi Minh made every effort to lead the
revolution of Vietnam to the direction of the revolution of the world, find allies in
countries, even in the country that was ruling his and make use of the support of
other countries to the revolution of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh significantly
contributed to the revolution of the world, finding the true way of liberating
Vietnamese people and other dependencies. Foreign support and the act of
combining the nation power with that of the times were early developed in Ho Chi
Minh. It could be said that the method helped Vietnam get more support from
other countries. Socialist countries did everything they could to help us. People
from over the world, even Americans always assisted and encouraged us to win
peace. That was a great victory of diplomatic methods of Ho Chi Minh and the
Communist Party about combining the national power with that of the times.

Summary of chapter 2

Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method are a important content of Ho Chi Minh

Ideology, contributing to the establishment of the modern diplomacy of Vietnam.
Researching them is an extremely important mission. The methods contribute to
the guidelines and policies of the Communist Party and our nation in
implementing revolution missions in diplomatic field through historical periods
and especially meaningful in current times.

Chapter 3


3.1.1. International context
The reform progress was implemented when: firstly, there were a crisis
and a collapse of socialist countries in Eastern Europe and Soviet. Secondly,

“cold war” ended peaceful cooperation became the primary tendency in foreign
relations. Thirdly, there were a substantial development of science and
technology and the introduction of knowledge economy. Fourthly, the tendency
of globalization and regionalization vastly developed, influencing the
economies and societies all over the world.
Besides, humanity has been facing big problems and in order to cope with
them, there had to be co-operations of all the countries in the world. They were
the fact that the ecosystem was being seriously polluted; epidemics, population
boom, poverty and increasing wealth gap, crimes, terrorism and counter-
terrorism. These required not only an effort of a nation but also the endeavor
and combination of all the countries in the world for the future of humanity.
3.1.2. Domestic context
In the reform process of the country, Vietnam’s economy and society had
outstanding features as follows: firstly, Vietnam escaped from socio-economic
crisis and moved to the era of promoting national industrialization and
modernization. Secondly, national politics stayed stable, the leadership of the
Communist Party was maintained. Thirdly, the reactionary forces inside and
outside the country constantly plotted against the revolution, and our country
became one of the focal points of hostile forces.
It could be affirmed that, in the reform era, the Communist Party thoroughly
grasped and applied Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method in international and
domestic conditions with mixed effects, both advantages and difficulties, both
opportunities and challenges. In fact, these opportunities and challenges were only
relative. Overcoming the challenges will create the chances, but if the chances are
not well taken, we will have to face difficulties and challenges. That requires a
clear leadership of the Communist Party, exploring, innovating, overcoming
challenges, taking good chances, bringing the country up.
BETWEEN 1986 - 2016
3.2.1. Building independent foreign policies, autonomy and international
These policies are implemented for the sake of national interest.
Independence, self-reliance and international integration have a close relationship
with one another in ensuring national interest. The purpose of independence and

self-reliance has always been an important basis for the planning and
implementation of Vietnam's foreign policies. However, Vietnam's foreign
policies always regard international unity as the most important principle. It can be
seen that one of the reasons for the success of the revolution of Vietnam is to
establish a proper relation between maintaining independence and self-reliance
with the enhancement of international integration. Proper handling of this relation
plays an important part in the process of national construction and defense.
Independence and self-reliance are an intrinsic requirement of every nation,
and it becomes one of the most fundamental principles in the organization and
operation of the state, both domestically and internationally. International
integration demonstrates the participation of nations in the process of globalization
as a historical trend in the modern world. Independence, self-reliance and
international integration are all objective, reflecting the inevitability of the nation
and people in the present time. On the other hand, maintaining independence, self-
reliance and international integration are part of the activities of the state, so their
success depends primarily on the social system, the ruling party and the
government in each country. Meanwhile, maintaining independence, self-reliance
and activeness, active international integration the right way of doing things,
guaranteed by the objectivity of itself. However, the results of those actions will
be determined by the thinking, strategies, tactics, solutions... of the leadership, the
state and the whole society.
Since the launch of the reform process, the relation between maintaining
independence, self-reliance and activeness and active international integration of
Vietnam has been effectively implemented, contributing to the great
achievements, having significant historical meaning of the country. In the current
revolutionary period, we need to continue to promote the results achieved; to grasp
changes in time in the context of deepening international integration. At the same
time, it is necessary to avoid two misconceptions: firstly, that independence and
self-reliance are constant truths with unchanged content, incompatible with
international integration, resulting in self-seclusion; secondly, that in the era of
globalization and international integration, it is not necessary and impossible to
maintain or consolidate national independence, self-reliance and national
sovereignty. Therefore, rapid integration at any cost leads to the underpreciation of
national interest as long as there are benefits for the individuals or departments.

3.2.2. Expanding regional and international foreign relations, bilateral

and multilateral
With the view of "adding you less enemies", in the face of changes in the
world situation, the Communist Party has grasped and implemented the process of
reform in foreign thinking, with new adjustments and orientations suitable with
new conditions and situations, meeting the increasingly urgent demands and
requirements of the construction and development of the country. The foreign
policies are built based on the principles of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh
Ideology and the reality of Vietnam's revolution.
Our Communist Party has set out the policy of creating favorable conditions
for the building of socialism and defending the Motherland, creating a stable place
to focus on building the economy, combining the strength of the nation with the
power of the times, while actively contributing to the cause of socialism
construction and defense and to the struggle of the world for peace, national
independence, democracy and social advances. The way of independence, self-
reliance and multilateralisation policy, diversification of international relations has
been the thread throughout Vietnam's achievements in foreign affairs in recent
years. With the inheritance and development of the 12th Congress, consistent
implementation of this foreign policy is a prerequisite for fulfilling the task of
maintaining a peaceful environment favorable for promoting industrialization and
modernization. flower; firmly defending national independence, sovereignty, unity
and territorial integrity; raising the status of the country; contributing actively to
the struggle for peace, national independence, democracy and social progress in
the world
3.2.3. The foreign policy serving the benefits of the nation and the people
Adopting the viewpoint of " with immutability, change " in the Ho Chi
Minh diplomacy method, in the cause of national construction and defense, the
highest benefit of the nation, which is also the highest benefit of the working class
is to successfully build socialism in Vietnam and to firmly defend the socialist
Motherland; making efforts to develop the economy, make the nation rich and
strong and maintain independence and unification. This is the constant goal of the
Vietnamese revolution, so the foreign affairs must serve these legitimate benefits
of the nation and also to carry out international responsibilities. Moving to a new
stage, the identification of national interest in foreign affairs is a regular and
particularly important political activity. The national interest themselves include

strategic objectives, sometimes even tools for achieving international pursued

goals for the nation. The national interest of a country will govern its principles,
motto, foreign policy, and diplomatic activity.
The Communist Party of Vietnam - the leader of the Vietnamese revolution,
has always been the subject of Vietnam's national interest. During the national
democratic revolution, the Communist Party took national independence and
reunification was the ultimate goal.
The Communist Party's perception of national interest in Vietnam has
shown continuity and consistency throughout the 30 years of reform. Adhering to
the objective of developing and innovating thinking about security objectives is at
the core of Vietnam's national interests at this stage. this has received great support
of people and international friends. Successes in the process of industrialization,
modernization and foreign affairs have shown that the Communist Party's
perceptions of national interest are fundamental. So far, the decisions reflecting the
Communist Party's thinking about national interests remain intact.
The determination of national interests must be based on national and
international practice and Ho Chi Minh's ideology of diplomacy and Ho Chi
Minh’s diplomacy method. In other words, "Ho Chi Minh Ideology and methods
of diplomacy" have become mainstream in the system of views and values of the
Communist Party's foreign relations in the present time. Ho Chi Minh's basic
notion of national interest is that national independence is linked to socialism.
Serving the fundamental rights of the people along with international unity is
central to Ho Chi Minh ideology and diplomacy. In addition, Ho Chi Minh's
notion of socialism in Vietnam, which emphasizes the happiness of the people, the
prosperity of the nation, the humanism, humanitarianism, has become a unique
value in the revolutionary goal of Vietnam. Applying Ho Chi Minh Ideology on
the determination of Vietnam's national interests in the current period, the
Communist Party should attach importance to the cause of national prosperity and
happiness for the people, in addition to the traditional goals being national
independence and socialism.
3.2.4. Combining the strength of the nation with the power of the
times, to bring into play the combined strength in order to well perform
the cause of national construction and defense
The combination of national strength with the power of the times being
the use of the view of promoting the synergy in the Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy

method has a great theoretical significance and practicality. And the strength of
the country is constantly being strengthened to create a favorable premise to
take advantage of the power of the times and combine it with the strength of the
nation. The power of the times involves new content as described above.
Therefore, the combination of national power with the power of the times in the
new stage takes place in different ways and stages with new methods.
Combining national strength and the power of the times is one of the most
important lessons of our Communist Party in the leadership of the Vietnamese
revolution. In order to take advantage of the power of the times to supplement
and support the development potential in the country, it is necessary to take
advantage of all forms of forces gathering and exploitation of interdependence
and mutual bonds of interests to “add you less enemies”, to limit the aggression
and to defeat all the plots of the external forces that destabilize and weaken our
country. To establish a flexible foreign policy and policy that is capable of
adapting to the complex evolution of the situation, we have to study the
Ideology and methods of Ho Chi Minh: being fully aware of the times we are
living in is the only way to grasp the characteristics and development trends of
the times, predicting the future. In other words, the foreign affairs must well
function to inform, study and forecast the situation of the region and the world
in order to promptly advise our Communist Party on new policies and
guidelines when the situation changes.
IN THE 1986 - 2016 PERIOD
3.3.1. Some accomplishments
Implementing Resolution No. 13 of the Politburo, the Resolution of the
6th Plenum of the Party Central Committee, the Resolution of the 3rd Plenum
of the Party Central Committee, the Resolutions of the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th
and 12th The Communist Party's and State's foreign affairs have been expanded
ever since, with great diversification, bringing Vietnam rapidly integrating into
the region and the world with the following principal contents:
Firstly, solving the Cambodian problem, normalizing and take new steps
in developing relations with China, the US, Southeast Asian countries and other
countries, and joining ASEAN.

Secondly, improving and strengthen relations with Asia and the Pacific,
participating in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) with a
view to strengthening economic and political ties, joining the Asia-Europe
Cooperation Forum (ASEM), enhancing mutual understanding, expanding
relations with the European Union (EU).
Third, maintaining ties with traditional friends, reflecting the international
spirit of the Communist Party's foreign policy.
Fourth, normalizing relations with international and regional financial
Fifth, implementing the foreign policy of diversification and
multilateralisation has helped Vietnam make full use of official development
assistance, attract foreign investment capital, expand overseas markets,
technology and advanced management experience, active integration into the
world economy and the region.
3.3.2. Some limitations
Firstly, in some areas, the thinking innovation is slow, unable to meet the
development requirements in the country and the world.
Secondly, in many cases, we have underestimated our partners, especially
the United States, China and Cambodia. Foreign affairs are lacking in depth,
especially in building trust and promoting socio-economic development
Third, staffing is not on a strategic level. Basic research and strategic
forecasting are weak.
Fourth, the views and perceptions of new world fluctuations, in some
places and sometimes, have not kept up with the situation, thus limiting the
ability to implement necessary policies and steps to improve relations with
some major countries.
Fifth, cooperative relations with other countries, especially in major
countries, have not been deep and do not have solid, stable and long-term
Sixth, the foundation for sustainable economic development is not solid,
the environment for investment attraction is not attractive.
Seventh, the handling of some domestic issues needs to be more
comprehensive in terms of international response and impact, in order to limit
the use of diplomatic power by diplomats outside of the country.

3.3.3. Some lessons learned

Based on Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method, from the very rich and
exciting reality in the planning and implementation of the path of opening and
integration in the reform period, some precious and practical lessons which are
very important to the cause of national construction and defense today as well
as in the next stage, can be learned. These lessons are summarized in the main
contents as follows:
Firstly, ensuring genuine national interests and combining genuine
patriotism with proletarian internationalism.
Secondly, maintaining independence, self-reliance, promoting
diversification and multilateralisation of foreign relations.
Thirdly, mastering two aspects of cooperation and struggle in
international relations. The two aspects of the cooperation and struggle help us
overcome the tendencies that occur in the process of exchanges, cooperation.
Fourthly, participating in regional cooperation, and expanding relations
with all countries. Joining and strengthening cooperation with other countries in
the region, expanding bilateral and multilateral cooperation are in line with the
trend of strong regional integration in the world.
Fifthly, being consistent in principle and being flexibly tactical in
guidelines, under the motto: "constant change, change the variable ".
Sixthly, in every situation, it is necessary to properly handle the relations
with major countries, as it is a factor that affects security and development.

Summary of Chapter 3

In the cause of national construction and defense during the reform

process in the past 30 years (1986-2016), the country has made great
achievements, joining in the deepening integration into the world economy and
international economic system. In applying the Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy
method, Vietnamese diplomacy has achieved great success. The Communist
Party and State have properly assessed the situation in the country and the
development trend of the world, thereby renewing their thinking and perception
on the basis of studying, mastering and applying Ho Chi Minh's Ideology on
diplomacy in general and Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method in particular to set
out the right policy in foreign affairs whose main content is to open and

integrate. It is important to formulate proper policies and guidelines on

integration that promote the expansion of international cooperation, which is
the main theme of international economic cooperation. However, besides the
successes, diplomacy in Vietnam has limitations in the use of diplomacy.
Starting from that situation, the Communist Party of Vietnam draws some
lessons learned from the leadership process, implementing the foreign policy in
the reform process. This is also the basis for the Communist Party of Vietnam
continues to apply Ho Chi Minh diplomacy method in the new era - the period
of promoting the task of building and defending the Motherland.

Chapter 4


4.1.1. Factors affecting the current situation
Firstly, the revolution of science - technology, knowledge economy,
globalization and international economic integration have developed both width
and depth in all fields of social life.
Secondly, the world military-political situation is complicated.
Thirdly, South East Asia has increased cooperation, but is being used,
influenced and divided by some major countries, which leads to conflicts in the
US policy towards Southeast Asia and Vietnam
Fourthly, our country is conducting socialist-oriented reforms that are
increasingly developed, but still face many difficulties and challenges.
4.1.2. Mission requirements set for diplomacy in the new era
Faced with great challenges, the Vietnamese revolution now poses two
important and urgent requirements for Vietnam's diplomacy to achieve the
following objectives: Firstly: Achieving the objectives of security, contributing
to the defense of the Motherland; secondly: solving the economic difficulties to
bring the country out of the socio-economic crisis, comprehensively developing
the country, affirming the position of Vietnam in the international arena.

First: On the implementation of security objectives, contributing to

national defense, although the risk of global war and local war between
Vietnam and other countries is not considerable, our country is experiencing
extreme challenges in the defense of national sovereignty and territorial
Second: On the goal of developing the country and strengthening
Vietnam's position in the world. Vietnam has emerged from a poorer state and
is completing its industrialization, so it requires a lot of foreign resources.
In order to successfully implement the comprehensive diplomatic strategy
as determined, Vietnamese diplomacy must exploit the strengths, principles and
valuable experience that it has acquired after more than 70 years of fighting and
maturing, especially in the 30 years of implementing the reform process and
also apply Ho Chi Minh's Ideology and diplomacy method to diplomatic
activities at the present time and in the new revolutionary period.
4.2.1. Applying Ho Chi Minh's diplomacy method in grasping the
situation in the world and in the country and implementing the forecasting
In the complex context of international relations today, it is necessary to
creatively apply Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method in general to serve the cause
of the national construction, development and defense. On the basis of the
stated objectives, Vietnamese diplomacy must be objectively and scientifically
aware of the new movements in international relations at present, in order to
formulate guidelines, policies and proper, appropriate and effective diplomacy
methods to grasp the situation in the world and in the country and to implement
the forecasting.
4.2.2. Applying Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method in building the
diplomacy strategy
Building the diplomacy strategy is an extremely important task in
addressing international issues. In this task, it is necessary to apply Ho Chi
Minh’s diplomacy method, with a farsighted vision, Vietnamese diplomacy
must fully grasp the nature of the movement of international relations in order
to build foreign strategies in the process of globalization nowadays

4.2.3. Applying Ho Chi Minh's diplomacy method in contributing to

broadening international integration, promoting socio-economic development
and other fields
The Communist Party has to maintain and promote its foreign policy of
independence, sovereignty, openness, multilateralization, diversification of
international relations and respect the fundamental principles of international
relations, which are the respect for independence, sovereignty, non-interference
in each other's internal affairs and mutual benefit. The Communist Party's
foreign policy must combine the strength of the nation with the power of the
times, to create the combined strength of the Vietnamese revolution.
International cooperation in socio-economic development must first be
based on the principle of respect for national sovereignty of the nation, not
interfering in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit,
eliminating the imposition or coercion in economic relations by the influence of
military, political or security-order relations.
4.2.4. Applying Ho Chi Minh's diplomacy method in territorial
defense and resolution of disputes over sovereignty in the East Sea
In the current international integration trend, in order to develop and
implement the strategic goal of "long-term stability of the national frontier", it
is important to continue to implement Ho Chi Minh's Ideology and diplomacy
methods to build the border of peace, friendliness and sustainability,
contributing to creating a stable environment for the cause of socio-economic
development of the country, firmly defending territorial sovereignty. This is
also an important condition and solution to thoroughly deal with all risks of
conflict in border and sea areas.
Upholding the spirit of peace-loving, Vietnam desires and resolves to
resolve disputes and conflicts between countries related to the East Sea issue
by peaceful means. Disputed issues in the East Sea will soon be resolved for
the benefit of peoples, for peace, stability and development in the region and
in the world.
4.2.5. Applying Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method in improving the
effectiveness of diplomacy in the new situation
In order to improve diplomacy effectiveness in the new situation
according to Ho Chi Minh's Ideology and diplomacy method, the following
basic issues should be properly implemented: Firstly, the foreign relations of

the Communist Party, the State diplomacy and foreign affairs having to be
smoothly and harmoniously combined, supporting each other to promote the
synergy of Vietnam in the international arena. Secondly, closely coordinating
the pillars of political, economic, cultural and security diplomacy in a
comprehensive, effective manner, actively contributing to the cause of national
independence, sovereignty, peaceful and stable, making full use of resources
for national development and raise Vietnam's position in the international arena.
Thirdly, renovating and improving the effectiveness and quality of training and
fostering of diplomats.

Summary of Chapter 4

Each period of development of the country has specific goals and tasks.
In the new stage, the goal of the country is to ensure a peaceful environment,
stability, sovereignty and territorial integrity, accelerating industrialization,
independence, self-reliance, multilateralisation and diversification of foreign
relations, actively integrating into all aspects of international life, gradually
building a democratic, fair and civilized society. In other words, they are two
tasks: ensuring national security and national development, affirming Vietnam's
position in the international arena.
When we identify the factors that affect the development of diplomatic
relations in Vietnam, it can be seen that beside the favorable conditions, the
new situation also demands the tasks and requirements for diplomatic affairs.
Therefore, it is necessary to continue applying Ho Chi Minh's diplomacy
method to solve current national and international problems, contributing to
political stabilization, economic development, culture and society, opening up
the new development of the country, firmly forwarding socialism.


1. In the cause of national construction and reform, Vietnamese

diplomacy has contributed to the great achievements and historical significance
of the nation. The Communist Party of Vietnam has applied Ho Chi Minh's
Ideology and diplomacy method to set up a foreign policy of independence,
sovereignty, peace, cooperation and development; be open, multilateral,

diversified in diplomacy; be active in integrating into the international

economy, thus breaking the embargo of hostile forces; build cooperative
relations in various fields, based on the principles of international relations and
cooperation, which are universally accepted by the international community,
significantly contributing to the success of the cause of the revolution and
development of the country.
2. In Ho Chi Minh's system of methods, there are many methods in which
the author chooses the following methods to study the value of them in
revolutionary practice, applied by Ho Chi Minh and the Communist Party of
Vietnam, contributing to the success of the Vietnam revolution. They are:
“With immutability, change”; “Win step by step”; “Add you less enemies”;
Taking advantage of conflicts within the enemy; Predicting situations and
taking chances; “Heart” diplomatic method; Combining political fight, military
and diplomacy,” just hit and talk”, maximizing the potential power; Making use
of foreign resources, combining national strength with the power of the times to
beat the enemy.
3. Ho Chi Minh's diplomacy method is an important theoretical basis for
the Communist Party and State to plan foreign policies, especially in the reform
process. With bravery and wisdom, our Communist Party has established the
independent, autonomous, open, diversified and multilateral foreign policy with
the spirit that Vietnam is ready to be a friend and reliable partner of all
countries in the world. The proper guidelines and foreign policies have
contributed to the great achievements of the reform process, bringing the
country the new force and position to in the 21st century. In addition to the
successes, diplomacy has limitations in the use of diplomacy. From that
situation, the Communist Party of Vietnam draws some lessons learned from
the leadership process, implementing the foreign policy in the reform process.
This is also the basis for the Communist Party of Vietnam to continue to apply
Ho Chi Minh diplomacy method in the new era - the period of promoting the
cause of national construction and defense.
4. In the current international context, the trend of peace, stability,
integration and development is predominant. However, the world situation has
been and continues to be complicated and there are unpredictable changes in
many fields of politics, society, economy and culture. Therefore, the protection
of national interests, the territorial sovereignty, borders, sea and islands of the

country are becoming a hot issue. The Communist Party's diplomacy, the state
diplomacy and foreign affairs must be adjusted in time to meet development
needs and become suitable with international practice, ensuring the
maintenance of national independence, national sovereignty, preservation of
cultural identity and environmental protection on the principle of equality and
mutual benefit among nations.
It can be seen that besides the favorable factors, there are many domestic
and international challenges and difficulties, the requirements set for the Party's
diplomacy, state diplomacy and foreign affairs are new strategies and tactics
that respond promptly to the demands of the revolution in the context of
increasingly global integration and globalization. Studying the Ho Chi Minh
Ideology and Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method to apply them in practice in
order to increase multilateral diplomatic relations and expand international
relations and cooperation effectively is a big issue which are urgent and
complex, but significant both theoretical and practical.
Based on Ho Chi Minh Ideology and diplomacy method, from lessons
learned in the history of Vietnamese diplomacy and the practice of diplomacy
in the world, foreign policy and diplomatic strategy must be planned from now
to 2020, with a vision to 2030 and beyond, in order to arouse the potentials and
strengths of the nation and the world, promoting all resources (internal and
external) in the cause of national construction and defense. With the spirit of
independence and self-reliance, active integration and expanding international
cooperation, Vietnam is ready to be a friend and a reliable partner of the
international community, gradually building and developing a sustainable
Vietnam, implementing “a prosperous people, a strong nation, an equitable,
democratic and civilized society”

1. Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy (2014), "The Foreign Policy of the Communist
Party of Vietnam in the Light of Ho Chi Minh's Diplomacy",
Journal of Political Theory and Communications, 5, p.15-18.
2. Tran Minh Truong, Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy (2014), "Applying Ho Chi
Minh’s diplomacy art to the struggle for East sea sovereignty in the
new situation". (1), p. 28-34.
3. Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy (2015), "Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method in
the cause of current national construction and defense", Journal of
Political Theory and Communications, (2), p. 28-31.
4. Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy (2015), "Applying Ho Chi Minh's diplomacy
style and art in the struggle to protect East sea sovereignty",
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5. Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy, Nguyen Tung Lam, (2016), "Humanistic
values in Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy", Journal of Party History,
(305), p. 22-26.
6. Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy (2016), “" With immutability, change "by Ho
Chi Minh - View from the Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy of
Vietnam," Journal of Education Theory, (4) p. -25.
7. Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy (2017), "The viewpoint of “diplomacy must be
real "- Special features of Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy method,"
Journal of Education, (257), p.3- 5; 45.

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