Special Piccolo Fingering S

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Specia ince the first_of these piccolo columns in December, 1988, many performing techniques have been discussed, but some of the most important techniques have con GGemed the special fingerings chac im rove inconation and ineseate flexi ity. Because the piccolo is conical and tapers toward the cork end, che necural scale and ch tendencies of each ‘note differ from those of che fluse- Fee ‘ssamgle, mest piccales cannoc even, play GHAE withoue adding 2-3-4 of the right hand. Other problematic notes on the piccola seem almos ine surmouncable. Formerly, when = note fwos unresgonsive ot out of nine. the perforner vas considered fauley and. fens to practice moe and perhaps to develop more talent. Wikh shese ost dated idezs aside and by understanding the differences in the two insturnents, fany good fluce player can also play the piccolo well. The contcal piccolo bors, Which isslightly faced in some models, produces B2, C3, C43, and especially DB thar are quite flac. The basis flute Fingering: do noe werk well on these notes, so differenc primary fingerings fave tobe found chat will produce the ‘best sound with the best inconacion. The ease of fingering i haccly 4 eon sideration becouse tone quality and in- Jom Gigpo, picesloix with che Sane Laais Sympicrey Onckes, taches cc Webster Unvensey, guns matter elater shrough cue che United States, and i eons ing edi of Flute Tall. He also sewes oon the Picola Comite of the Nasional Flue Assocation. Piccolo Fingerings by Jan Gippo ee ee ee Finger Chart | Reading lef wp right the fingers on the hand are T1234 1234. The shumb BY ig indicaged TP and the fist ill key symbol is nd the second rill key sym- bel is ocThe graph will keep = space for every key: TH 234 ues 13 123-6 slightlystam prefered ja 123 L234 veyshep ler a at aghe 125 vverg 2h less == 123, lees slightly sharp no: clear “ Tide 4. der not clear 11 Sa 4“ slightlyfiac clear | T1_3 12 4 alightlysharp prefered | Tuleaesieed lets a ‘ced in rapid poe ppp verthae good 123 1 34 sap goad 123 i less sharp preferred. | Taleese ed eememely used in rapid pastes cD T 23 2 4 sheep ye | aie ena 234 ft Fiidom ied | el Ei L34 shay prefecred. = ieee 34 ged used in rapid assagea D T 2341 4 slighdysham cher = T 23 23 slightly Mac T 134 2 4 weyshem — becareful T 134 254 alighcyshap prefered, but difficule ghcly sharp very clear very flat used in rapid | } pangs } good very clear fae ured in eapid | fe passages a fae i 4 dew soft areaels Lie 4 veyclear sof sharp seey ingesting for D? lavales ling “efeband. and rghecband fourth sages while depresing all chery sl though thi is avkoran, che sourd ly good. Inthe thied uc octave almost ver) note invales eres fingerings to Produce « good sound fuse wich pitch being a secondary consseration. In fase passages come of these fingerings are impottibla ta play, zo mort slaves 3 1 4 verpshars — ingonation 3 1 9 4 shetpicler soft sustaining 4 weryfcc ued in rapid ese 41 $ pood picch 2 2 _ 4 lightp fac good general use 3 at) ans Bass passages 3-23 sharpfclearee soft suscxining 3 23) uncle sof blending 3 23 stighay fae good sofeareack 5234 slightlpaerp prefered 234 23 dowlery usable sharp very flee limited use fee Tieced se sharp ae powible : slighely fae good fox sustaining soft verpflae might he useful very goed mest often used pitch veryflae hard co-play, inapesctical very sharp impractical sharp bard a ply in mane used for ensame ble aning verysharp good for sn aeack 30d sunsining | verysharp might be wseful slighdy fe regular Gngering Slightly ae good for fs &= playing =r be sere food Sotsining Ti o3 1 34 werysharp might be usefull ip eet geod pitch sustaining So ene slighelysherp hard armack good = for loud playin 5 nm S30 diene ieee | Te . ee te played T-L7. When wold this noce is very flat and does not round Seed bux when pared ati scent The same peicciple applies when slaying the piecoley especially for C3, C5, and D3. The basic fa finger: ings for theee notes te wally akernace fingerings on the piccolo and should be reserved for fhsr parcages because sihdent than the sumounding noces: ‘Therslorg, the pray reco inger ing for C3 should be 1-23 1-3-4 bee ‘cause the sound is beautiful, she pitch fs god, and blends wall shoe inscumens. For similar reasons the (CF3 primary fingering should be 2+} 2+ 34 and che pray fingenng foe DS thouldbe T25-429-4 Beene wing the flute fingering for D3 has histori- cally plagued procolo payers this new eras Gees ak: “Tor help master these better piccolo fingerings, burrs opallout the hea joint of the piccolo beoween % to % inch. Do noc play wich it in all the eaten oe ken oleae, age ectine mort piecolos ‘ill not play the B3 without pulling our che headjoint slightly. Check che end cori. position as well, making sure the Line ac the end of che cleaning rod is zight in the center of the hole. Many young players ty to te the piezo ty af juscing che end cork, bur chis only cx- acerbares the problem of intonztion. ‘The proper fingerings produce bores ae Afver mascering the primary finger ings on the pieeale. use the fingering chart to help on pesky passages that sall for siteenace fingerings. Consult the accompanying revised. comected, snd expended fingering chavs or natives, bur remember that piccolos more then flutes have indivicual quires and some fingerings do noe work at wellas others, Experiment and shen use oniy chase char mece the crix teria of good sound. pitch, snd blend Two notsble fingeninar on this net share include Laurie Sokoloff's Tehai- owsky’s Fourth F3: TH 4 1-294;and a new fingering fox BJ-T3 ° (See exam- ple 14.} Some players prefer fingering DST i-3¢ 2-4, depending on ins sent reponse, Most variations in fir gerings derive fom che new cut-away Freadjoines, buc with = licie practice, pationea, snd 5 good tuner i i possi ble to find fingerings ther make pic colo playing fun, musical, and beaut ful Classical Masic Resource Tntemet’s World Wide Web sill feature BMG. Classics record tabels sssparcof its first dedicated resource for slasical music, BMG. Clasics ine cludes che record lnbels RCA. Vietwr Red Seal, RCA. Viewse Gold Seal, Living Stereo, deussche harmonia mundi, and Caalyst. The World Wide Web is online through che Internet (www clasicalsnuscorn) JULYIAUGUST 1905 / FLUTE TALK 31

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