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May 15, 2021, 5 o’clock in the Afternoon

@ Sagun’s Residence
INTRODUCTION: This afternoon, we are gathered here to witness the transformation of a young
girl into a fine beautiful lady. We are very lucky for we are chosen to be here and be part of this
momentous occasion in the debutant's life. An 18th birthday marks almost the steps from youth to
young adult, with all its relative responsibilities. Let us all celebrate as our girl becomes a full-bloomed
lady today, as our dear Michaela turns 18. Good afternoon everyone! Welcome to a debut party of
pastel colors in celebration of a wonderful life for a girl who is now turning into a fine lady. All of you
who are here this afternoon have watched her grow over the years into a wonderful person she is now.
A lady of good heart, character and ambition.

At this point, let us all welcome and acknowledge the ever supportive and loving family of our
debutant. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my distinct honor to present to you the family of our celebrant,
the Sagun family, to start with let us all welcome:

 MS. KYLA SAGUN- the debutant’s little sister

 MS. CHRISTINE KATE SAGUN- the debutant’s older sister
 MR. EZEQUIL ACE SAGUN- the debutant’s older brother,
 MR. & MRS. MICHAEL AND WINNIE SAGUN- our very proud and loving parents

Entrance of the Family

Today is a celebration of adulthood and a thanksgiving of the life God has given to our lovely celebrant.
In a land not so far away, there was once a little girl with a beauty of an angel. Born on 29th day April,
year 2003, this girl is the daughter among the children of Mr. Michael and Mrs. Winnie Sagun. She
grew up with so much love and kindness. She is loved by everybody for her beauty inside and out.
Indeed, she has all grown up and what a sight she has become. Let us all stand Ladies and gentlemen,
as I introduce to you the main highlight of this celebration. Let us all welcome our dazzling and lovely
debutant, she is no other than, MS. MICHAELA SAGUN! Please give her a resounding round of

Beside our beautiful debutant is her ever supportive and loving brother, Mr Ezequil Ace Sagun. Let us
also give him a round of applause!

Grand Entrance of Debutant

HOST: Wow, very blooming and lovely, indeed! You look so stunning with your dress. Saan nga ba
siya nagmana? Kay Mommy ba? Or kay Daddy? Or baka both? Anyway,
HOST: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, my name is Jerald Lorio, and I am your host for this
event. At this moment, I’d like to request everybody to please remain from standing for our opening
prayer to be led by Edemarie Mirasol. Please all rise!

Opening Prayer

You may now be seated.

Evidently, before tonight, Ella has had happy years in a very happy home. That’s why, the love of a
family will always be God’s greatest blessing. Sabi nga nila, in life we can have several friends,
classmates, and social circles, but there is only one family who is always willing and ready to welcome
us no matter what.

Ladies and gentlemen, at this point, to answer the question kung saan nga ba talaga nagmana si Ella,
here’s Mommy Winnie Sagun to welcome all of us to their lovely daughter’s 18th birthday
celebration. Let’s give her a big, big round of applause!

Welcome Remarks – Mommy Winnie

Thank you very much Mommy Winnie for your very welcoming remarks. Now you know kung bakit
maganda si Ella it is because napakaganda rin ng kaniyang Ina.

HOST: Moving on, they say, memories are ways to hold on to the things that we love, and to the things
that we don’t want to lose. Sabi nga nila: “What we remember from childhood, we remember forever.”
This afternoon, we have 18 selected people who will give their treasures and at the same time, share
with us her unforgettable memory with our lovely debutant. I think, everybody is ready for our 18
Treasures. By the way, may I request the persons who will give their treasures to please prepare
yourselves based on the order that you see on the invitation. For us to have an easy and smooth flow.

*Host to call names one by one and maybe do ad-libs after every story.


1. ANNA NADINE GONZALES – classmate and friend

2. SHEENA MAE FAUSTO- childhood friend
5. KRISTINE COMIA- childhood friend and classmate
6. FIONA ROCHELLE BORRAS- childhood friend and classmate
8. MARIA RENEE ROSE SAN DIEGO- childhood friend
9. MISSY CHRISTEL CORTEZ- childhood bestfriend
11. MARION BEL CASTAÑEDA- bestfriend
12. ZAIRAH KATRINA REYES- * bestfriend
13. ASHLEY MEDILLO- childhood bestfriend
16. RONA GALE REFAMA- childhood bestfriend
17. KARYL GIANNA DILANCO- bestfriend

HOST: Thank you very much and once again let’s call our 18 Treasures to proceed on stage for the
pictorial. There you have it ladies and gentlemen our lovely 18 Treasures. One again, let’s give them
a big hand!

At this point, before we proceed with the next segment of our program, let’s have first a Dance
Intermission Number to be given to us by MJ Aquino, Francis Ibanez, Charlotte Bonsol and Irish
Gayle San Dagon. Let’s offer them a resounding round of applause!

HOST: Thank you very much for that energetic and jaw-dropping performance. Thank you also for
sharing your talents with us tonight. Once again. Let’s us give them a round of applause please!

At this point, let’s move now with the 18 Blue Bills.


1. TEHRESA AMOR BONSOL- mother of Charlotte

2. MARITES NAGUIT- *Pampanga relative
3. DIANE SANTOS- *Pampanga relative
4. MORENA SANTOS- *Pampanga relative
5. WILMA ALBERTO- *Pampanga relative
6. LILET OCAMPO- *Pampanga relative
7. RIZA ANGELES- *Pampanga relative
8. CHERYLL LUNA LAGDAMEN- *Pampanga relative
9. JOSELYN NALUS- *Pampanga relative
10. RONEL REFAMA- * friend
11. JOTON DILANCO- family’s friend
12. PETER SAGUN- Tito (Father’s side)
13. RODA SAGUN- * relative
14. EROL JORDAN- Tito (Mother’s side)
15. FREDO STA. TERESA- Family’s friend
16. WENDY ALIPIO- * relative
17. NEGZ ROYALES- * relative
18. WINNIE SAGUN- Very supportive and lovely mother

First set of Ice Breaker

HOST: At this point, before we proceed with the next part of our program, let’s have first an ice breaker.
All of you who are here tonight are closest to Ella. Sabi nga nila, friendship is a million little things.
This time, I’d like to ask Ella’s dear friends this question: “What is that one word that best describes
our debutant, and why?”

*Host to adliv
HOST: Alright! Now, to entertain us with some music, let us all welcome our band members, Karyl
Giana Dilanco, James Robert Rasonable, John Rey Samoy, Edrick Jose Mirasol and Emmanuel Base.

Band Intermission Number

Change Outfit

HOST: It seems like our gorgeous debutant really enjoying tonight. From the shared memories to a
game trivia, Ella has shared a part of her growing years with all of us. At sabi nga nila, “Where there
is great love, there are always wishes.” Because birthdays are always new beginnings, new endeavors
with new set of goals, sending birthday messages and wishes is a tradition especially in our country,
where we give high value to family ties and relationship. Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, I present to
you these 18 Candles for our debutant. These are the people close to the heart of our celebrant, and
whom she listens and confides to for inspiring words and friendly advices. Starting off with a little girl
dearest to Ella’s heart, representing the candle that will be a source of light for all the well-wishers for
our dear Ella… let’s give it up for.


1. KYLA SAGUN- little sister

2. DIANNE AUBREY BALANE- friend and schoolmate
3. KISHA JANE CHAVEZ- friend and schoolmate
4. ALEXANDRA PABLO- friend and schoolmate
5. FRANCIS IBAÑEZ- friend and schoolmate
6. CLARENCE HERNANDEZ- friend and schoolmate
7. HANNAH MARIE AGA- friend and schoolmate
8. EDIMARIE COMPUESTO- friend and schoolmate
9. AGATHA COMPUESTO- older friend
10. MENARD CALLORA- older friend
11. GINO BARRA- older friend
12. AIMY RABIMBE- older friend
13. JOMELIZA SAGUN- Tita (Father’s side)
14. JENIFER JORDAN- Tita (Father’s side)
15. KATHLEEN AGPAY- - friend and schoolmate
16. CLARK CALISURA- friend and schoolmate
17. JAHVEH EÑOSA- older friend

HOST: Many ancient cultures believed that smoke carried their prayers to the heavens. So, at the count
of three, members of the 18 Candles, let’s say “May all our wishes come true” and blow our candles
together. 1, 2, and 3…

Everybody blows the candle

Second Set of Ice Breaker

Prior to proceeding to the net part of our program, let us now first some interesting facts about our


Like a pretty flower that attracts bees and butterflies, Ella will be surrounded by 18 equally handsome
gentlemen who will represent the debutant’s 18 roses. This flowers equates the traditional 18 roses
during debuts. But before that, as requested by our debutant, let’s have a twist, please listen carefully,
the 18 roses will give their short message right after they dance with the celebrant.

Moving on, the father and daughter dance is probably one of the most loved traditions in any Filipino
debut celebration. This signifies the daughter’s first step to womanhood and the father’s acceptance of
this period in his daughter’s life. I think the band is now ready. . . music please


Father and Daughter Dance

2. PRINSE KYLE SUNGA- cousin (Father side)

3. CARL JUSTINE SUNGA- cousin (Father side)
4. MICHAEL LORIO- very close friend
5. DAVE RON MARK BORRE- bestfriend
6. XANDER APOLINAR- friend and clasmate
8. EMMANUEL BASE- friend
10. JORIS GUIRUELA- childhood crush
12. JOMEL MATOCIÑOS- friend and schoolmate
13. IVANN KUART GONZALES- childhood friend
14. EDRICK MIRASOL- childhood friend

HOST: The last dance is of course reserved to the forever most handsome and one of the most loving
guy in her life. To dance with our debutant, Ella’s 18th Roses, ladies and gentlemen, let us all welcome
her one and only brother, he is no other than…


End of Dance

HOST: Let me share another good-to-know trivia to everyone on how birthday cakes and candles came
about as a tradition during birthdays. Some believe that the tradition of birthday candles began in
Ancient Greece. Putting candles on a cake was a special way to pay tribute to the Greek moon goddess,
Artemis. They baked round cakes to symbolize the moon. Candles were added to represent the reflected
moonlight. Today’s tradition of making wishes before blowing out the birthday candles may have
started with that belief. Enough, of all those did-you-know trivia because at this part of the program,
our lovely and stunning Ella will blow the candles on her birthday cake. And to complete that
customary practice, let us all stand and sing joyfully a song I am very sure everybody is familiar with,
the happy birthday song!

Debutant makes a wish and blows the candles.

HOST: Tonight’s celebration tells me that the best demonstration of gratitude in response to a
wonderful experience like this one can be contained in an overwhelming thank you. Maraming salamat
po for making me a part of this memorable occasion. And if there’s one person here tonight who is
more than grateful to see all of you, that would be our beloved celebrant, Ella. I’m giving the floor to
our dear debutant to give her message for all of us.

Thank you message from Ella

HOST: The night is young, and so are we, diba? Are you ready to party? We have just actually started.
Again, thank you for having me here to celebrate with all of you. Isang malakas na “Happy birthday,
Ella! naman diyan. At the count of three…1, 2, 3, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELLA! Our debutant is not
just a pretty face but also a very talented lady. This is your host, Jerald Lorio, now signing off! Thank
you very much everyone! Enjoy the rest of the night! To get the party started, throw your hands up in
the air for with the Band!

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