St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church & School: Thirteenth Sunday After Trinity August 28th-29th, 2021

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Paul Evangelical
Church & School

Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity

August 28th–29th, 2021

Rev. Thomas E. Fast SPL Church Office Brian Kube, Principal

203 Lake Park Blvd. 211 Budd St.  Fairmont, MN 56031 915 Highland Ave.
Res. 235-3485 Ph. 507-238-9491  Fax 507-235-6226 Marci Barfknecht 507-238-9492, Ext. 106
Rev. Anthony T. Bertram SPL School Office
148 Homewood Dr. Michael Kutch, Director of Music 201 Oxford  238-9492
Res. 235-8389 Eileen Boesch
Find us online at
Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz ~ We can resist temptation by using the
“power tools” God provides: His word and the shield of faith.
(Ephesians 6:10-17)
Sundays on: KSUM - 11 am  WCCO - 6 am  KBEW - 8:30 am
LARGE PRINT BULLETINS with today’s order of service
and hymns are available on the ushers’ cabinets (or ask an
usher for assistance). Used copies should be returned to
your usher or the ushers’ cabinets after the service.
THIS MONTH’S BIBLE REFERENCES are sponsored by Leo and Pauline Mau
in honor of Leo’s 102nd birthday on August 14th.
OUR SUNDAY BROADCAST at 10:00 a.m. over KSUM is sponsored by
Angela and John Preuss in thankfulness to God for Betty Lemke’s 96th
birthday on September 10th. Cost is $40, payable to St. Paul LWML. Contact
the church office to reserve at or 238-9491, ext.
THE LORD’S SUPPER is being celebrated in our service today. In love we ask
anyone who is not a communicant member in good standing of an LCMS
congregation to speak with the pastor before attending the Lord’s Supper.
Attendance/communion registration forms are available in the pews. Complete
the Member or Visitor side of the form and put it in the collection plate when it
is passed by you. Check the box next to your name if you are communing.
IN OUR PRAYERS: hospitalized—Avis Wagner, Oda Keske (Esther Lund’s
sister), Rev. Tony Sikora (Michael Kutch’s former pastor), Daniel Vandever;
ill— Kathleen Pino (cousin of Elaine Lieder), Larissa Hillmer, Bob
Huemoeller, Braden Kumm, Blaine Griese (Jill Griese’s stepson), Joyce Kabe,
Heidi Swanson (Tyler Garrison’s sister), Gerald Meyer; undergoing tests—
Angela Leiding (Dennis & Marianne Hagen’s daughter); having/recovering
from surgery—Kristylin Bishop, Don Dahlke, Lee Ann Backstrom, Kenneth
Matthews, Scott Thomas (Lorraine’s son), Lori Evans (Lee Ann Backstrom’s
daughter); recovering—Al Wohlrabe, Darlain Anacker, Martin Meixell, Mert
& Theo Miller, Richard Schultz, Oliver Meyer, Roger Fritz. For Corey and
Erin Simpson at the birth of a child, Bodie Scott; For the family of Mary
Thomas at her death; For St. Paul Lutheran School and Martin Luther High
School as they begin a new academic year.

Page 2
St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church & School
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
211 Budd Street, Fairmont, MN  507-238-9491

Divine Service Setting One

Confession and Absolution — 151
Hymn of Invocation: By Grace I’m Saved LSB 566
Service of the Word — Page 152
Introit: Ps. 70:2b, 4a, 5b; antiphon: Ps. 70:1–2a

P: Have regard for the covenant, | [O Lord];*

let not the downtrodden turn | back in shame.
Arise, O God, de- | fend your cause;*
do not forget the clamor | of your foes.
C: O God, why do you cast us off for- | ever?*
Why does your anger smoke against the sheep of your | pasture?
P: Remember your congre- | gation,*
which you have pur- | chased of old,
C: which you have redeemed to be the tribe of your | heritage!*
Remember Mount Zion, where | you have dwelt.
P: Do not forget the life of your poor for- | ever.*
Let the poor and needy | praise your name.
ALL: Glory be to the Father and | to the Son*
and to the Holy | Spirit;
as it was in the be- | ginning,*
is now, and will be forever. | Amen.
P: Have regard for the covenant, | [O Lord];*
let not the downtrodden turn | back in shame.
Arise, O God, de- | fend your cause;*
do not forget the clamor | of your foes.
Kyrie: Page 152
Gloria in Excelsis: Page 154
Salutation and Collect of the Day: Page 156

Page 3
Old Testament Reading: 2 Chronicles 28:8—15
The men of Israel took captive 200,000 of their relatives, women, sons, and
daughters. They also took much spoil from them and brought the spoil to
Samaria. But a prophet of the Lord was there, whose name was Oded, and he
went out to meet the army that came to Samaria and said to them, “Behold,
because the Lord, the God of your fathers, was angry with Judah, he gave
them into your hand, but you have killed them in a rage that has reached up to
heaven. And now you intend to subjugate the people of Judah and Jerusalem,
male and female, as your slaves. Have you not sins of your own against the
Lord your God? Now hear me, and send back the captives from your relatives
whom you have taken, for the fierce wrath of the Lord is upon you.”
Certain chiefs also of the men of Ephraim, Azariah the son of Johanan,
Berechiah the son of Meshillemoth, Jehizkiah the son of Shallum, and Amasa
the son of Hadlai, stood up against those who were coming from the war and
said to them, “You shall not bring the captives in here, for you propose to bring
upon us guilt against the Lord in addition to our present sins and guilt. For our
guilt is already great, and there is fierce wrath against Israel.” So the armed
men left the captives and the spoil before the princes and all the assembly. And
the men who have been mentioned by name rose and took the captives, and
with the spoil they clothed all who were naked among them. They clothed
them, gave them sandals, provided them with food and drink, and anointed
them, and carrying all the feeble among them on donkeys, they brought them to
their kinsfolk at Jericho, the city of palm trees. Then they returned to Samaria.
P This is the Word of the Lord.
C Thanks be to God.
Epistle: Galatians 3:15—22
To give a human example, brothers: even with a man-made covenant, no one
annuls it or adds to it once it has been ratified. Now the promises were made to
Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, “And to offsprings,” referring to
many, but referring to one, “And to your offspring,” who is Christ. This is what
I mean: the law, which came 430 years afterward, does not annul a covenant
previously ratified by God, so as to make the promise void. For if the
inheritance comes by the law, it no longer comes by promise; but God gave it
to Abraham by a promise.
Why then the law? It was added because of transgressions, until the
offspring should come to whom the promise had been made, and it was put in
place through angels by an intermediary. Now an intermediary implies more
than one, but God is one.
Is the law then contrary to the promises of God? Certainly not! For if a law
had been given that could give life, then righteousness would indeed be by the
law. But the Scripture imprisoned everything under sin, so that the promise by
faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.

P This is the Word of the Lord.

C Thanks be to God.

Page 4
Alleluia and Verse: Page 156

Holy Gospel: Luke 10:23—37

P The Holy Gospel according to Luke, the 19th chapter

C Glory to you, O, Lord.

Turning to the disciples [Jesus] said privately, “Blessed are the eyes that see
what you see! For I tell you that many prophets and kings desired to see what
you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”
And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what
shall I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What is written in the Law?
How do you read it?” And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all
your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” And he said to him, “You have
answered correctly; do this, and you will live.”
But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
Jesus replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell
among robbers, who stripped him and beat him and departed, leaving him half
dead. Now by chance a priest was going down that road, and when he saw him
he passed by on the other side. So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place
and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he journeyed,
came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion. He went to
him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him on his
own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him. And the next day
he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, ‘Take care of
him, and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back.’
Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell
among the robbers?” He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” And Jesus
said to him, “You go, and do likewise.”

P This is the Gospel of the Lord.

C Praise to You, O Christ.

Hymn of the Day: Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me LSB 683
Nicene Creed: Page 158
Prayer of the Church
Offertory— What Shall I Render to the Lord: Page 159

Page 5
Service of the Sacrament — Page 160
Distribution Hymns:
Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus LSB 685
Fruitful Trees, the Spirit’s Sowing LSB 691

Post-Communion Canticle (Thank the Lord): Page 164
Post-Communion Collect: Page 166
Benediction: Page 166

Preacher & Liturgist: Pastor Fast

Music Director: Michael Kutch
2021 KSUM RADIO BROADCASTS Cost—$40, payable to St. Paul LWML.
Contact the church office to reserve at or 238-9491, ext.
101. Check your calendars as all remaining openings will be for 2022!
TUESDAY MEN’S BIBLE STUDY: 6:30 AM Optional breakfast at McDonald’s. Bible
study topic: “Anger and Bitterness” begins at 6:45 and will be done by 7:30. Next week’s
topic is “Depression and Discouragement”.
AUGUST TUESDAY COFFEE HOUR: 8:30– 10:00 a.m., St. John’s Lutheran
Church, Sherburn, MN
CALENDARS & NEWSLETTERS are available at the Welcome Center.
Volunteers—please check to see if you are scheduled during the month. The newsletter
is also available online at
MINUTES from the Council of Deacons meeting are available today at the Welcome
SUNDAY AUGUST 29TH, FROM 11AM– 3PM, at the Fairmont Yacht Club,
there will be a Back to SPL School Beach Bash. All are welcome to join us for a pulled
pork lunch! The pool will be open to our guests and we will also have yard games.
Come for some food, fun and fellowship to help kick off the school year! Spread the
SAVE THE DATE for our upcoming Gala Event on Friday, November 5th, 2021, at
Interlaken Golf Club. There will be great food and drinks, games, silent and live
auctions, all beginning at 5pm. For more information, call Jan Rieland at 507-236-1763
or Kathy Eyerly at 507-230-0402(cell) or 507-238-1802 (land).
CLARA CIRCLE WILL PLAN TO meet Wed. Sept. 8th at 1:30 p.m. in the
Fellowship Room.

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A HEARTFELT THANKS TO ALL that helped at the stand and also in the Church
Basement during the Martin County Fair and before. You all made our 72nd year at the
fair successful!! A detailed report will be presented at a later date. Again Thank you!
Greg and Nancy Gellert
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 12TH, 11:45 AM– 12:15 PM, Pastor Fast will hold an
orientation for parents of his 8th grade catechism classes in the Fellowship room.
FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR ARE FROM the family of Jan and Bill Bremer, In
memory of Jan's mother's, Bernice Lehmann.
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 19TH, 5PM– 7PM, There will be a cake walk event in
the Church Basement and gym.
“LUTHERAN LIFE” MAGAZINES, are free of charge and are located at the
Welcome center, online at, or download app at
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 2021—1 PM: Interlaken Golf Club, Fairmont, MN
$35.00 per person to golf. Includes a cart for every 2 people. Dinner following at the
Ranch restaurant at 6:15 p.m. A sign-up sheet will be posted by Pastor Bertram’s office.
Contact Rob True (807-276-4651) or Ben Rosol (507-236-6357).
ISSUES ETC. UPCOMING TOPICS: 8/29—Daily Worship In The Old Testament—
Dr. Robert Macina; 9/05—Lutheran Worship Myths—Pastor Sean Daenzer. Listener
Questions, Rev. Peter Bender. Sundays on KSUM at 9 a.m.; or listen on demand at
SEPTEMBER USHERS: 9/4-5—9:00 a.m.— Available September Ushers; 8:00 a.m.
— Dylan Kallenmeyn, Joe Kellemeyn, Doug Abel, Tadd Abel, Charles Maday, Jackson
Utemark, Jim Utermark, Chuck Williams. 10:30 a.m.— Kent MIlbrandt, Jon Eversman,
Jeff Eversman, Nicholas Eversman, Dan Driscoll, John Johnson, Jacob Taylor, Tom Taylor.
ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN LAYMAN LEAGUE will resume monthly meetings on
Saturday, October 2nd. Meetings will again be held at McDonald’s with optional
breakfast at 8:30, followed by business matters and should be done by 9:30 a.m.
Please contact Marty Krause if any questions (238-1185).
NEXT SUNDAY, the LWML Mite Box will be in the Welcome Center. Please empty
your mite box into the large mite box and continue saving your coins for the mission of
our district and international projects.
REMINDER: WHEN WRITING CHECKS for any of the offering envelopes, please
make the check payable to St. Paul Lutheran Church and list the designation in the
Memo line. We will then pass designated donations to the appropriate organizations
(LCMS Global Missions, MLHS, Endowment Funds, etc.). Thank you!

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ON SEPTEMBER 12TH AT 9:15AM– 10:10AM Join us for the Sunday School
Roundup at SPL’s playground in order to sign up for the year. There will be a short
scavenger hunt. Come and go for some fun and to get signed up!
A MESSAGE ABOUT LWML: The LWML monthly get-together is scheduled
for Thursday, September 2nd at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Basement. All ladies of St.
Paul Lutheran are invited to come and participate in a Bible study. You will also hear
from our Blue Earth Zone Alternate Delegate Julie Ebert about the National Convention
and the National and District LWML Mite mission projects. The hostess/devotion/topic
for September is M-A-L Circle. Remember to enter the building via the elevator door
and/or the south door by Pastor Bertram’s office. Lutheran Women’s Missionary
League, as the official women’s auxiliary of the LCMS, encourages and equips women
to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global
missions. Each woman of the LCMS is a part of the LWML.
SPONSER A HYMNAL: In 2nd grade at St. Paul Lutheran School, students receive
their very own hymnal that stays with them throughout their education at SPL. If you
would like to sponsor a child's hymnal, please see or email Michael Kutch
at Hymnals are $27 each, and there are 14 2nd grade
students this year. Thank you!
ADULT BELL CHOIR WILL RESUME on Wednesday, September 8th at 6:00 pm
in the balcony. Additional ringers are needed to fill positions! If you are interested or
have questions about ringing in the bell choir, please see or email Michael Kutch.
MIXED CHOIR WILL BEGIN this fall on Wednesday, September 8th at 7:00pm in
the music room. Choir members are needed! If you are interested or have questions
about joining choir, please see or email Michael Kutch at
MAIN STREET LIVING CHOIR is looking for singers to come sing in the Main
Street Living Choir! We hope to meet in September (things could change so we will
keep you posted). As of right now, we have to decide if we will meet on a Friday
afternoon (September 24) or Saturday morning/ afternoon (September 25). If anyone is
interested in singing with us, here’s the plan. We will meet ahead fo time for a little bit to
rehearse and warm up (hymns will be sent to you ahead of time). You’re welcome to
bring your own hymnal (LSB) or we have plenty to share! Wear black pants and a white
top. Recording will take a couple of hours so if you need a stool or chair, let me know
ahead of time. Check out Main Street Living here to get as feel for what we are doing:
CREST ANNOUNCES: Caregivers are so special as they take care of a loved one
24/7, sometimes put their own health at risk! CREST is hosting a 6 week class,
“Powerful Tools for Caregivers,” that can help caregivers find time for themselves, stave
off burnout, and still take care of their care partner. This class meets Tuesday mornings
September 14th– October 19th, 9:30 a.m.– 11a.m. at CREST offices, 820 Winnebago
Ave, Fairmont. Suggested donation of $10.00 is requested to help defray costs of the
guidebook. Register by calling CREST at 235-3833.

Page 8
MLHS Fall/Winter Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Recycle old music instruments for MLHS. The MLHS Music Dept. will turn your
trash into music! Contact Phil Schult at 436-5249 or drop them off at the MLHS office.
Support the MLHS music program by recycling your used cell phones, smart
phones, ink jet cartridges, and iPads. Just bring them to MLHS. For details, contact
Phil Schult at or call 436-524.
“This is Most Certainly Brew” Gourmet Coffee is available at MLHS or in the
SPL church office. Phone 436-5249 for more info.
MLHS Schedule 2021-2022
August 24........................................ First Day of 2021-2022 school year
September 26, 4 pm ....................... PTL Meeting w/Food Truck
October 16 ...................................... Rummage Sale Set up begins
October 21-23................................. Fall Rummage & Bake Sale
October 24, 1 pm ............................ Delegate Meeting
October 25 ...................................... Grandparents Day & NHS Induction
October 29 ...................................... 7th & 8th Grade Step UP Day
Nov 1 .............................................. Red Cross Blood Drive
Nov 5, 12:30 & 7 pm ....................... Drama Production at Fairmont Opera House
Nov 6, 7 pm .................................... Drama Production at Fairmont Opera House
Nov 13,5pm .................................... Mission Possible Benefit KNIGHT w/Comedian Will McDaniel
Nov 14 ............................................ MLHS Sunday in Association Churches
Nov 28, 4pm ................................... PTL w/Sign Painting
Dec 11, 7pm ................................... Christmas Concert at Fairmont Opera House

Jan 15, 9:15 am .............................. Generation to Generation Antique Auction

Jan 23-29 ........................................ Lutheran Schools Week
Jan 23, 1-3 pm................................ Winter Carnival for Families
Jan 25, 9 am ................................... History Day for Elementary Students
Jan 25, 12 noon .............................. History Day for High School Students
Jan 30, 4pm .................................... PTL w/Guest Speaker
Feb 25............................................. 5th & 6th Grade Step UP Day
March 12 ......................................... Fine Arts & Science Festival
March 15 5:30 pm........................... 8th Grade Registration & Family Getting to Know You Knight
March 19, 7 pm............................... ML Saturday KNIGHT Live Appreciation
March 20, 1 pm............................... Delegate Meeting
March 20, 11am– 1pm.................... Soup & Sandwich Luncheon for STA
March 20, 2 pm............................... PTL/Gardening Projects
March 26 ......................................... Rummage Sale Setup begins
March 31-April 1-2 .......................... Spring Rummage & Bake Sale
April 23, 4:30 pm ............................ Oh! What a KNIGHT Dinner Auction
April 25............................................ Red Cross Blood Drive
April 30............................................ Prom
May 7, 7 pm .................................... Spring POPS Concert
May 22, 4 pm .................................. Recognition & Awards Night & PTL Elections
May 29, 2 pm .................................. 2022 Graduation and Commencement
June 18, 1 pm ................................. Play It Again Golf Benefit at Rose Lake
June 26, 11 am– 1pm ..................... Pork Loin Benefit Dinner
June 26, 1:15pm ............................. Delegate Meeting

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Page 10
The Congregation at Prayer
A Guide for Daily Meditation and Prayer for This Week
Pray and confess out loud as much from the order of meditation and prayer as you are able,
or as your family size and ages dictate. Learn by heart the catechism and Hymn of the Week.

INVOCATION: “In the Name of the Father T: deliverance against temptation; the
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Let all addicted and despairing; the tortured
say, “AMEN!” and oppressed; and those struggling
CONFESS the Apostles’ Creed. with besetting sins.
PRAY the Psalm of the Week: Psalm 1 W: marriage and family, living together
READ from Small Catechism— under the grace of Christ according to
(Pre+) You shall have no other gods. (1st+) the Word of God; those adults who
What does this mean? We should fear, love must rear their children alone; and
and trust in God above all things. (Pre+) You godly schools, especially St. Paul
shall not misuse the name of the Lord your Lutheran and Martin Luther.
God. (2nd+) What does this mean? We Th: the church and her pastors; for
should fear and love God so that we do not missionaries; fruitful and salutary use of
curse, swear, use satanic arts, lie or deceive the blessed sacrament of the Lord’s
by His name, but call upon it in every body and blood.
trouble, pray, praise, and give thanks F: the preaching of the cross of our Lord
READ from God’s Word: Jesus Christ; its spread throughout the
M: Daniel 3: 1-28 whole world and our community; the
T: Daniel 6: 1-23 persecuted.
W: Matthew 26: 36-46 S: faithfulness to the end; the dying; the
Th: Matthew 26: 69-75 revival of those who are withering in the
F: Ephesians 3: 1-21 faith or have fallen away; receptive
Sa: 2 Chronicles 28: 8-15 hearts for worship and study on the
Su: Luke 10:23-37 Lord’s Day.
THE COLLECT OF THE WEEK: Almighty OUR PRAYERS at St. Paul’s (see
and merciful God, Give us an increase in bulletin).
your faith, hope, and charity; make us love PRAY the Lord’s Prayer.
what You have commanded; through Jesus PRAY Luther’s Morning or Evening
Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and Prayer from the Small Catechism.
reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one SPEAK OR SING the Hymn of the Week:
God, now and forever. LSB 791
Pray for… All people that on earth do dwell,
S: the joy of the resurrection among us; Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice.
true and godly worship throughout the Him serve with mirth, His praise forthtell;
world; and the faithful preaching and Come ye before Him and rejoice.
hearing of God’s Word. 2
M: faith to live in the promises of Holy Know that the Lord is God indeed;
Baptism; your calling and daily work; Without our aid He did us make.
the unemployed; the salvation and well- We are His folk, He doth us feed,
being of our neighbors; for government; And for His sheep He doth us take.
and for peace.

Page 11
LAST WEEK’S ATTENDANCE: Amount Needed Monthly for Budget ........$102,615
Last Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Svc: 49 Amount Needed Weekly for Budget ..........$23,680
Last Sunday, 9:00 a.m. Svc: 174 July 30 2021 Deficit .......................................$0.00
July Children’s Noisy Offering ......................$14.04
MEMORIALS: Church Endowment Funds: $135.00—Curtis Meyer, $10.00— Kathy
Raine, $20.00—Bernice Lehmann; School Endowment—$110.00—Curtis Meyer;
Undesignated—$150.00—Evelyn Burmeister.
(Subject to change)

Sunday: 8:00 a.m. ABC w/Facebook Live

9:00 a.m. Worship Service
10:00 a.m. Worship Service broadcast on KSUM

Monday: SPL School begins (no busing 8/30– 9/2)

8:25a.m. Opening Chapel

Tuesday: 6:45 a.m. Men’s Bible Study—McDonald’s

8:25 a.m. School Chapel
2:00 p.m. Charity Club, Darlain Anacker’s house

Wednesday: 8:25 a.m. School Chapel

1:00 p.m. Goldfinch
5:30 p.m. School board, FR
6:00 p.m. Trustee’s, ChB
6:15 p.m. Parish Ministries, ChB

Thursday: 8:25 a.m. School Chapel

10:00 a.m. Messenger Deadline
7:00 p.m. LWML, ChB

Friday: No school

Saturday: 12:00 p.m. Worship Service on local cable access channel 12

5:30 p.m. Worship Service

Next Sunday: 8:00 a.m. ABC w/Facebook Live

9:00 a.m. Worship Service
10:00 a.m. Worship Service broadcast on KSUM

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