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Elements of Algebraic Topology James R. Munkre: Sprig Eos Rid WM Ct Wai 1 Cane Cg a De tage Adi Ney Pain Com Contents* Preface wi Chapter 1 Homology Groups of Simpiicia! Complex 1 St Simpices 2 {2 Simpicsal Complerer and Simplisil Mapu 7 S2 Absa Simpl Composer 15 $4 Review of Abelian Groupe 20 $5. Homology Groups 26 $6 Homology Groupe of Surfaces 33 $7 Zerodimesionl Homoogy 41 $8 The Homwlony of Cone 3 9 Relate Homology 47 $10, Homology with Arbitrary Cotsen “BIL The Computatitty of Homolgy Groupe 53 §12. Homomorphisms Induced by Simplcial Mape 62 $13, Chain Completes and Acyelie Carers 71 Chapter 2. Topological variance of the Homology Groups 79 ‘14, Simpical Approximations £0 S15. BayoentreSubvisin 83 sie wn sie 59 0 sa “m2 Chapter 3. Reietive Homology an the 6 a oe ps 26 a 108 ‘The Simpliia Approximation Theorem 89 ‘The Algor of Subdivon 95 TopogicalImariance ofthe Homology Groups 100 Homamorphisms Indaceé by Hemtapc Maps 103 Review of Quaint Space 117 Application: Mape of Spheres 116 ‘Application: The Leichetz Fedo Thivem 121 berg: Steenrod Axl 129 ‘The Exset Homology Sequence 129 The Zigzag Lemma 136 MayerVielors Sequencer 142 “The Elenterg Steenrod Aons 148 ‘The Axons fr Sip Theary 149 (Categorias and Functor 154 Chapter 4 Singular Homology Theory 161 9 0 a oy 3 ou 635 1936 a be be fn ‘The Singular Homolgy Groupe 162 ‘he Axion fee Singuar Theory 168 xeon in Sigur Homology 175 Aye Medel 183 Mayer Vitors Sequcces 186 “The lomorpism Betnen Simpl and Singular Homsogy 190 Appleton: Loa! Homology Groupe and Manilds 196 ‘Aplieatoe: The Jordan Curse Theorem 202 More on Quaint Spice 208 OW Complexes 214 The Homology of CW Completes 222 Application: Projesive Spc and Lens Spaces 231 Chapter 5 Cohomology 245 sa be sa He us “The Hom Functor 245 Simpl! Cohoragy Groupe 251 Relative Osomsogy 257 Coomolgy Theory 262 The Cobssalogy of Fee Chain Competes 270 os “7 se o chapter 0 i ‘chapter se = se ss 56 = 6 iso ‘co “er Chapter 8 bu se sa sot ws 566 io oo 100 70 A 2 a 4 Chin guises in eee Chain Complenes 299 “The Cobomolgy af CW Complexe. 261 ‘Cup Produc 285 Cohomology Rigs of Surfaces 292 © Homology with Coetcionts 290 Tenor rods 299 Homology with Arbitrary Caeicets 307 7. MometoaicalAigobra 318 The Est Functor 314 ‘The Univeral Coeiciet Theerem for Coboalogy 320 “onion Padus 327 ‘The Universal Cotiint Theorem for Homslogy 332 ter Universal Cocicient Theorems 334 Tensor Products of Chain Compleee 338 The Kuseth Theorem 341 The Elesberg-Zier Theorem 350 The Kanneth Theorem for Cotomology 252 Applisaton: The Cobonlogy Ring a Product Space 360 ity in Manitoids 367 ‘The Jin of Two Canpenes 366 Homology Maniflés 374 ‘The Dual Block Complex 377 incre Duaiy 382 Cop Protas 388 {Second Proof of Reincaré Duality 394 ‘Aplction Cohomolony Rings of Manifeds 399 Application: Homotopy Clacton of Les Spacer 408 Licetz Duality 14 Alerander Dulty 24 Natt” Version of Leicet sd Alexander Duality 426 Cech Catomtogy 433 Alexander Pontyagin Duality 445 phy a7 449 Preface ‘This bok is intended ata ext fora fis year graduate coke in algebra topos t pent the hi material of mology and cob theory ‘i tans ho wil go on in topology dilerental pvmetry, Le ros hamoloi ages, tbe subjects peregaate or er ark. or ter sa eas, sou be pact of heir general bacgroud, long with gerade nd complex anal. ‘Genetic tivation and applications re treed throught The siac aspects ofthe abject ae lnauced pedal afer th grow hs ‘ee nd wih specie exapis, “The ook eins witha eaten! ofthe simpli moog group, the tot cnet f te Basle theres Mer pron ofthc tpl v. inne nd veiation of the Eenbrg Steenrod exions, thesis bolony ‘woups are iniodued a ther ater generation CW complexes appease 4 ful computations! oo. This tse “core” materi rounded oe With treatment of eohomolgy groups andthe cbocogy rg Ther re wo ational chptes. Theis del wi ml alge ‘ra, nelding the nivel cootcet toes ad the Kune there. esi deal with aniflisspecicaly the dealt tore atte wih {he mes of Pica, Leics, Alexandr, sod Pityogn, Cee coho gy nroduced to study the tof thee ‘Te bok dss nt tet Hoop theory: odo z0 woul have made ie ‘nwt, There iva throoph and eeaable elementary traanen ofthe a mental group in'Masseys Book [Mal for peal omoropy thet. the reader may const the exelent wea by Whitehed, for whish the pest tex sae! preparation [Wal Procoquntes ie assume the stent has some backgroud in bth ner tpaagy and lec, In topology we sume flay wih connunes faction sd Cost acon: and sonecedes it geera!toplogis spc, lon with tes faton sions up tough the Tite extension teen for nara paces. Se ‘ens witout this tockrouad shoud be repre to se independent sid; any standard took in topology wil ute (DI), (W), (Ms) [kor ample). Eten with this background the stent might nt know enh "hou quoient space oraur pro therelare we vem ths toi whe He ted ri (20 nd 3), 'AS far as algebra concerned, cose dealing with groups, factor ‘ups, ad homomerphisns, sng with ase fects abut ngh feds and ‘ector spaces, wll ste. No parteaaly deep theorems wl be poste, We "ove the bai ets as eed, dling wih et sums nd Get pod "as in §5 ad pong the andaentl theorem fly eeerated nla soups How the book i organized veryooe who teaches cure algerac topology asa diese opinion segaring the appropiate cls of tps. Ihave stemped to orgie the ‘oka fila posible, io enable the instructor ofllow his o her ow reference this matter Thess caper coe he ase “ar” nia Imeaioned caver. Certain sections sare wih sei treo Prt o e sc eae and ca thus be oiled potpne! without a oti. The two clap, cn homologs algebra sly respec ave inde pendent of one anther: ether or bth maybe covered The isrctor who wishes to do so ca abreitethe treatment of plc! tonolegy by omiting Chater 2 Wit his aprech he pale ariance ofthe sinpial Baraloey group i ewe nse va spi !npratnations asin Chapter 2, bt ar consequence othe omer be "een simpli! sed sina theory (39), ‘When the bok used fo 4 trosemter cout, one can reasonably apc o cove it ins ete, This the pT amuly felom when I fac the inten graduate cote at MIT: thi allows enouph tame Io tet the rcs thorugh. The exerci themselves vary from rie to calen Ing The more cl ones ae marked with sxe but none ie uneaon TE the took soe ufo &enesemester course, same ebices wi Ive o be made abou whe materi! to cver One pole slabs coms of he fis four hayes in thei emirery. Another cues of the ft Sve chap tere nth no oval astern sets ome ‘Atel ponte rylabon whch ome Chaper 2, cons f the Fawn Chapter 1 {Chapter 3 (oni 527) {Chapter & ert 15 Before G1 ad §20 before $37) Chapters Sand & Ie cine alls, the tractor cam ine material fon Chapter 7 or he iat four section of Chapter 8 (The later sees of Chapter # een on oeited material) ‘Anyone who teach slate ology bas had may asain o refer | the late books by Hite and Wafe (H-W] sod by Spanier (S}. 1am 20 ‘eeplon: certainly the reader wil recogie thir iauence trent the esate Terie abt CW competes rom George Whitsheg he et teat of dusty la maniede ig ted op lectures by Norman Stes. Fry ‘ny stents at MIT, Ileaoed what {ktow about motion of dein, Ode ftps, pace of pesentation and abit of errs. "To Min Vila Wiley go my tank a ying the signal tof lestare rote on whch the book bse ial, cll my det to my pare, who abraye encouraged me to foto my ow pathy thought a fa rom whee it began To he wih hove {nd remembrance, thi tok eddies Homology Groups of a Simplicial Complex {A fundamental probiem of ploy is that of determining, fortwo spaces, hater or mt they are homeomesphic To show two space a marge, te wows t contract» continuous bijective ap mith sono ee, "tapping one spe tothe eter. To show tw spaces ae ot hosemorph ‘ofes showing thst uch map oer mt eis Te do tat is fen hae, The ‘sual may of procedig ito Gnd sme teploial propery (some gery invariant under homeomorphism) tat Satis by one apce bat nt the ‘er. Tor example the eased nit die ie cannot be henemorpc wih the plate Rt, tease the cloned ici commpact and the planes nots Nor ean the fel line R be bomeomorpic with Re ecaae dig «ot fons leaves donated space remaining, wil dleting «pst fm Ro dos not ‘Such cmenary popes do ct cary aoe very fainting omer ‘morphism problems, Ciaufing all compact sures 4p to bameonorpaam, {ortnstanoe, demands more sophisticated topsapea! invariants than thee sacs te problem of showing ha, genes R a Rae oooh itr ‘Algtraictopslogy ait inthe stamps by such mathematicians | ‘ince and Beto construct such oplosea imarant Ponce nroced ‘eran groop cle the fuente eoupo toplist by ‘tnitin a toploieal nearian” One can sm lati ent a ember fama spaces, sucha he sphere tora, and Klin ate, be uae {al pou tht are diferent, o these spaces eaneat be boneomarphi (Ml {Cheer nat one ca las i cmp races wing the anaenta oup (Ma Caper 8. Bei onthe ater Rand, ast with cach se certain aguence of lias group led its Aomolog group, thc wast oa aio st that homeomoepicsaces ba tomorpiehamalogy groups, although it was ‘ently proved tre. Ths groupe ean also be ual to tackle homeo phism problems one advantage they poses ha they ae fen csr oo poten he fundamental grap. ‘We shal begin our dcunsn of alba topology by saying the homo ‘ogy groups Later we sll dat wth aber tpl oases such 0 {8 comely a he somo) ig sr several diferent maj of doing bool goep alo hich lead othe sme ress or spacer that neta ace" The to we sal ‘onsen deta re the mpi a he tnguarpoupe We tgin wth he Siplical homelogy groups wich eame int htoralh Roth concepaly and soapy thy ar cote ad doveoearh, Thy re eed weve aly for partis "ate spaces (pla), snd it har work a rove tbl tpaaial vara After hat ne sale the snglr ae (gy eu, which were ntodued es pneation othe singh groups ‘Thy al irr a sedate om he een {hat they a topological narat- Faber they sce much mor ome sient fr teu purpnes than the ipa rope They ate tts sed iy computable asthe simpli groupe, but they apee with The simpli sabe poops when bot are ded [Nid way of defning omcogy group for arbitrary spaces x de to Cech, The Cth homology they i ll nat samltly stat. bat Ces catiomology theory bath inpertant an wel wil apes nea the endo his book siMpLices Bele ening simpli! homology groupe, we mst cus the ls of paces Fee which the are dened ich theca fal poled. A palhedon nt ‘pce that can be bul fom sacs “baing bcs” a ne septs angle ‘ered, ad thi higher densa analages, by “lng thu ogee long tes aso this sation we bal con thn ase ing Nok There, we al se them to onstuc polbara Fi ned iy i ha my of en pce Givens ay of points of thst sald toe gamete Indepenet i or ny (ea eas, the oon & =o me Sian Inply that mm == = = Tris cet bt aoe pit set amas gouty independent. Simple « atin, slasbraabows that in general lg. geometry independent i and ny ihe vers, eines independent inthe seme of orinry linea algebra. Thus tno dt {inet pos in RS ora geometrically independent et sr do tre non cline mt, fur non-coplanar pints, and ‘Ginen «geometry independent se f pins fy) we deine she ‘olin P spanned by thet otto consi of al pois x of Roach that. or some sealers with 24 — 1 Since there geometry indpendet, te ar unigusy determined ys, Note ht each it ans he lane ‘The plane Pcan sho be described the set of al pints sch that eat Sue—ay for some sate ty. in his Form we peak f Pas the ple toe, ral othe vests a" ‘Wis elementary to check that if lay... is pomevlly independent, andi ies ose the lane tha these pats span tem gyal = ‘neal independent ‘At aie ransormation of Ris ap hai compostion of ral: Le map the form Ts) = + + p for xed p), an nosing as ‘tanfomatines ian afin ransortuton, i ameter he dee tes tat peer gata Sndependet stand that Tetris the ‘ane P spanned jay. oa0 the plane spaaed by Ta. ‘Now the tasstion F(a) —-x~ oy ais ont the vei subspace of RY having apy, a8 Ds if we flow Ty 9 inca trans foxmaton of caeying a — ays ay ~ 10 te uit ass vse sit RY, we obtain an fn nsorntion$ of Reach tat Se) = id Sa) = ir #2. The map Scare Pea the plane Rex 0 tte Sint cortinses in Ri i this lr why We ell Ps plane of Gimeno ink Deftones fy] Ben gsomevicly independent seta RY. We ene te simples Spnse by a. t0 be the st al pointe of RY tay where ond 1, = 0 for al |. The muerte asguly determin y a they ate fale he barycentecorinats af he pit «with espe Ean a os nein ni et le ly; & ie amas (lo ih = eat then sepment ning an, Sim be spl ‘pny a oa tag og ar re re Sra mae Hl ealera,+ Adal Test jing and soca ns yh andayhee hed aE “Tons poi thn eget ont snp. Ses Figure 1.1 Cn SS be abe a a ae semen igo pte af tnt tg Sie pea hws tt 3g eta, i SS Let us it sme base properties of simplices The poo ate elementary sed ar gly eft seer ‘Throughout, let Phe he mlan termined bythe point of the poet cally incepeden et ayy a lt be the sips spnaod by hes Peis et) be the bryant coon of they ate deters ‘ied nigel) bythe condtins| ‘The flowing poperies hl (1) The bergen coordinates 1) of § with respect 10 ys re contrac factions of (2) eat the ion ofl ine segments joining at points of the sms les s spanned by eyo Tw sack ine ingen nese ony the pata Real ow that sabe of RY do conn if for ech py | ins of 4 te line Seren Joan them les 1G) oh a compact comet in wich equals the Imersecton of all comex sts In contain yd (€) Giver a smples there i ie and only one geomtrclly indepen ln sof pln spain “The ona tht span ae calle the vert of the amb ni called the dentin f'n simplex spanned y sue aga i filed face a tn partial he face of spanned by tc the ‘ice opotte a The fces af diferent rom isl ae cle th proper ac of: thet uno scaled te boundary of a dented Bis. The ter of ¢ [dened bythe equation Its = ¢ — Bd te te Int be sometne called open simplex ‘Sine Be consis of al pins x of such that test oe the bay eat eoodiates fs) eo, Its coast of thane pine af «fr which ‘a) = O for alt Ifo th gen eter ena one face Ff ‘ch that re Tats, fr ttt be te face of apne by ton for which Ha) patie (6) Ine i comes and oper inthe plane Fits laa se Further ‘more, lots eau the anon of ol open ie segments Jig eo pos of Tous wheres the foc of oppose ‘tun real reso standard notation. ie in Rand ‘en the nom o Is ied by the sustion oo ‘he unt al isthe se fal pas oF Roe wich I = 04 the nt shete "is thet of pints for whch Usk = 1, The wperhemapere Ee 125" conte fal ons af Sor which, = Orie the ower be Sete Ecos of thane pit for which, = 0 ‘With thse definitions, Bisa gvepint sace, gals the ile (ctthand'si the wpa apace 11) Toe all Br the wkd ‘centre a he opin and "the unit le (6) Therese homecmarphsn of with th unl Ball tha tres Bde me the un phere 5 "We lene propetis(1)-(5) exerci, and prove (6), I at, me tall rove a seongr rer, which wl be uf tou ater, Rec hat i» eR ray emanating from the tof al points | the frm wp, where pied pint af R*~ Dand fangs oer the non reat rel emma 11, Let U bea hounded, comes, pen set RY et w U (6) Fach ray emanating fom w iersecie BAU — TU tm preciey (0) There is homecmorphiom of U with B carying BU oto S* Proof (a) Given ry J emanting fe wt interection with Us conver, bande, nd open in Hence cons ofall nso the for wp, where 1 ranges over» halfpen inter (0a). hoo iterate Die the pit 8» op ‘Suppose incersoas Uti anathe point ty y. The einen | and yon the ay Inde, sine y= 0 + bp fr tae Ba we have ra (-owsy. whee # = 2/8 We ewe thi equation in the orm wa G—mia~a, ‘Then me coo «sequence y, of pans of Usuvering oy and we define wen (= 9/0 = 0. ‘See Figure 12. The equencew converges tow, 9 that wy © U foe samen, Bat ‘Bensince x= te, + = te port x Delonge aU Benure Ur cme, This fact contac ur cht os for conenene. The equation fx) = x/Ll dees 2 map fof RY ~ Bento" By) franc toa tection of Bd Sine Bd Is comput, this restrition Is hmeseorphin Ietg:S*-!— Ba beltsimerse Extend toa bjcton G20 ty ting 4 tap the ne seem! joining tote eit w of Sine nt he ie segment joing O10 (4). Formally, we define amma or» icematie, Coin OI bond for Tp(al shen whenever O| =, we hve lata) = @)1 2B. EXERCISES 1. Yessy popes (0-2) fale in Ite ae tnsormain| tothe pi ah Dh 2 ery ope 6 9 flows: (0) Siow tn tev a's» ayy ten Hn ome open ie Ih contined (sae 5 =} (©) Show tnt ies mn apes pment nth by showing ht it Arar deiesyeemdoctch ier rey ee ‘Gani property (2) allows: Let be ney Lt be he ft pnd ry eh hi fa pe y (6) Siow thats he union ot ae ee aig pio ito {and the i gets rt no t= ao pr (Showa ats hein oral ops espe iing pa of It (6) Sow aa a By iene BOL me as oe, 10) Show by nampe that Una tbe meas $2. SIMPLICIAL COMPLEXES AND SIMPLICIAL MAPS. ‘Complexes in a” Detsion. A simpli compos is Ri collin of nies in RY (1) Every fae of simples of Ki in (2) The imerscton of any two siplensof Ki feof enc of them. sample 1. The colton Kite i gt), ing 2s ad ‘fn, a inpcal emi The elton hy cng of wo emer eben Sg ih oss ipa ci oe The following lemma is sometines wef! in veriying that clon of simpli simpisalconie Na amma 21, 4 collection of simplices is a smplical complex if and ‘only te flowing hold 0) Boy feof empl of Ki tn (2) very pa of dts simplices of K have dixon interior of Resume Kinga pe Ge opis tnd + of, we shy tht if th imrios have postin com, hen ¢ = DP ASTIPE nee proper fae oe ex weld ang fo Bd, ich it Seno, Therefore, ¢= A similar argument shows tht #— “To prore the contri, assume (1) ad (2). Wesow that ie set 0 + is nonempy, then it sei he face of that panne bythe nese Boovbyole thal leis Fito i cotaines ino r because #176 0 ‘ex and nti 8b. To prove the revere inason app = ¢ 2 ‘Then Ins Tot, for some aces ofr and some face #0 7. floes from (2) tha shone the vets of «itn raat by dein thy ave eemets of e bet ys bg. Then 4 Tae of, 0 Ghat xe was 1 fotlons rom tiem thai i sips, then the election eos Ing andi poper faces es spi omen Condition (1 immedi nd condition (2) ols Beas for cch pn x ¢ tees excl oe fae $ meni the Ls inp complex ints ov sight cled subcomplex (fr One sabcompler of Kis the lection oll mpi of Kf deme st ts pet ical the pheeon 0K ad is desotedK"-Te oats ofthe cl (tion Kare alld te eros Defeion Let [XI he suse of RY bat isthe union of the sips | Giving each simple its natural opleay at a sebepace of R, we then topo: ‘Beek by dsariog subset of I] tobe closed in| and ely C4 2 ‘ae ino foreach sn say to sce ht thi dees 3 topo o for thi cilecton of sess clned oder alte unis sd arty lets "ine The sce [A ale the endering apace of K, te pape 3 space ta i the poltope asim complex wil be alle pale ‘cram (Wem tat sme topologists resee this em forthe plone f Jie spl corp) Tn generate topaogy oI] is ine arg) tan the topsiogy linker: iy ape oR Ac mi ee oo he 21 AIR for some cloned st Bin RY Then 8 Pl infor ach SoH Ikl = As close nthe topology of I denon "Te wo tpalope ar diferent in pene (See Exanges2 and 3) How vex if Kft, they are the same. For appone Ki Site and ced Ik{ Then 4 wis ll ian Rens coe in Bos the on Falely ny so AP the et alo Cn in Ease eK hsm sion al em mh [ijt torn = ponte integer sg hal ce of te wl “Tou Klcn cmp shose unin pce en ab bt ma epg ‘Stopce Fetch ste Pte ifn aca kat in uample Let Kb the alesion af np she tpn Whig erica ih Sees 2 Taek KT Sepia comple Te nocion oI wi he oen ree ae tag} lee ch hens eo i en > Sing pit I ot cna he pk II ders eR howe bere ht pao she gi a i pie ‘We prove some elementary toplogial proper of plyede, Lown 22. Lisa subcomple of K, then i loved subspace of (uk tnparclarif0e K then ta closed subypoce of Proof Suppose iscleed in | 1 ica simplex of Khem «FI tbe sion of those ces sof tat Blog to Sine 4 sed I, eae 1400s closed ind Nene aed in. Since A i the ie ain st {hese clin. We somude that edn Coney if Bs close in [then Bed in foreach © © K, and in arc foreach L Hence #9 Ud] coed i (E emma 23. A apf MK|X tonne if and only if fe com sinuous foreach Proof. 1E,Fis continous si fla sns «ea sbepaceofK. Convery, suppoc ach map fle i conianus If Cea ded se af then) a= ley NC), ich i cosl ine by eatin af flo: Thus JMC) i ‘oe ini by Setition. Defnion, (24 space andi isa cllestion of mbpces of whose noni th opolgy of an tobe coerent with te election € po, ide sets closed in fan oly st-4 0 Ciscand a ClareachCe 6 I ‘sequent wo requir that Ue open in iad aly U7 Cope in or le partis, the toplony of KI is eherent wih the slleton of sub spaces fore 2 “The analogue of Lema 2 holds fr coherent oplaie in genera JX Y is cominaoas if aed only st] 1C cota foreach Cee mp Detiton 1s point ofthe poem Ik thea +s intern ope Say ane simplex of, howe verter ae ny) ena. Thee were 1, > 0 foreach and 24 = 1 oan atitay vertex of K, we dine Ue barycentie corm) of x wth ripest f0.0 y sein 0 20 © ‘spot nea the eres sy sod 4 (3) = loo, ae fad, the function(s euatiuous whe retried Yo fe simplex of Kies eerie ental zor egal the Baer Soorinate of x with respec tothe vertex vfs nthe sense former dena “Therefore 3) is conraous on A by Lemma 29 emma 24, [kl Hanson Pro. Gives # thre i at ast one vet © auch that 15) # ‘nb Chooe betwen these two sumer then the esl) eed (TRG) are the require dint open sen emma 25. 17K finite thon Il 1 compat, Comers, a wbse A of KI compact, then A © I for some fate nbeompler Ke Ke Pron IK, then I] i ate sion of compact subspaces and ese compact. Now spose i compact an aes fa li be pope of any ite subcomplx ef K. Choose pant, 49 Im whenever this et 'saoempy Then the set B~ i sift, Fsthrnore ee set of slo, sic its intersection with any simple fie Bing ned and i et, has no iit pin, conteay #0 the fat tat ee nk setae ‘mpet space ha a ini oi 2 te Conn Sin a “Tree pacar subspaces of [kate oer stfu when studying laa properties o IK We mentan them here Defntion. If is «vetex of ; the na fv in, denied by Sto, oF sometines by SUX, the union of he nero hse snp tht hvew asa verter. is Coste deasted Sto eal the coed arnt She union a al simpli o hang # av a vres an nthe plop of Subsamples of KTheset Siu ~ Ste ical the Wak oe Rnd deste Tv Se Figure 23 CaS peta The et ts open in ince const f al pints x of II such tha 1) 0: complenent isthe unlon a al sipice of K ht do at have 13 vent its the plop of» abcomplx of KT set Uke ale te Drlyope of suteomple of fits the iteration of Sit andthe some ‘1S. The sets Sto apd Si. are easy son tobe path come thst Lie ed pot be coneted, however, Defndon_A simpli! comple Ki std to be lal tei each vee ‘ex of K belongs oly to fly many simplios of K, Seid ferent, a com ‘ex Ki oly nite and oly each ln star Ste he plyoe ot Ie subeompen9 K emma 26. ‘Thecomplex Ki cal ate f and ony ifthe pace IK locally compact Proof. Suppose is ely Sait. Given x © Iii in St for some vecitvafK Since Sie compact st Il locally compact. We lene te Converse at an exercise Cl Now me intruce the oon of « “imptiial map of ene complex into aa 27, Lt Kad he compen f:R— 1 map Sup at hone arts caf Kanne fe pols fad ic) anv ofp of Tne ended ‘emis mapa hh = Sse ‘We cll he ia) spa map induc by the etx apf Prof. Note that hough the verse (sof) of Late ml nee scary tnt sil they spn a simplex ro by hypothe When we tet ters” in the expen fora) lt that he eben are oaeptve ath su 1 ths gs) point of. Hens mage the fine «spanned By, ---y, continual to the sles whan ale Seis). JO “Themap gs connuous ats map of no aden at a ap fe no |W. Then by Lemme 23, cotinuous a's map fiat IO We rusk that the composite of snl spe i silica Suppne ‘elk id and iad are spin aps BY tino, x = (tere the are dict vertices of © R) tes) ~ Sot) ‘Now thi sume formula woul hold even if he, mee no inst, 0 ong a legs) the vertex sto spon of K Fr exp, apps were 50 forall and 34, 1 ad upon hat 6 and he vertins Teste ate din Wee Pen ere ee Ht) Ae #10 wb ngte + os baat) = Sarto, Applying hs emack tothe reset cate, we note tat eventhough te vertiss {H).o= (9) of Lar pot reese iss, the allowing forma ol ats) ~ MBH g60)) = BMG ‘Thee hs gs splicil map, a mes, Lemons 24, Suppose fk — that the verter 1 0 Sunt correspondence such wi OF K spon a simpler of if ond only Sleds ifl0) 99H ingles of L Then the induced simpliciel map {SIK) [d's domeomorphim. ‘Tee map gs lle simpli bomeumbrphism, or a Komorphisn, 0 wil Proof Tach simple of is mapped yg ont a simples + of L ofthe samme Gens to: We need only show tat he nee map hs = ned Uyrthe verte creapondene J" theives ofthe map ge —7. And for Hat ve wee that if Bi then ee) = 24) by defo whence bigte)) = hEHsle)) = BPO) =e 0 CCooiary29._ 12° denote th complex comistig of n simplex and dus faer f Kft comples thon Ki lomonphi foe sbcomples of 3° fjotame Prof Let b---by be the vetoes of K: Chase aay to be geo neal ngoendct pont in RY a et 3° conto the Ns ey ‘an along With ts faces, The vere up J.) = a dace an somorphisn GFK witha subeomples of" ‘Genera simpli! comple (ar insece tha sip compen mus le ln Ro some puts 2 lation onthe cardinality of K and onthe dimen f the mcs of Uk bean abiary inde st, and et dente the Jip of R wih uct An element of Bi &Taneton fom 0 , oily eae in rane stain by 3), The prodet Rf course vet sace Wie ‘nl componente ston and lipitin by slr. Let E dente the subet Bf cooing ofall pit, sue that x.~ Ofte al bat ely many als of Then sto a vec pace ener Smpoent-wite ation and mlipiction af scale I, the map of Jo ‘Ruvbone aie 1 the eden and Oo al ter lees of J then the se lave Jl inate for (Ie a, of cou bas for R") ‘We lB generalized eulian Space ad ipsapiz I bythe mati I= al mass phen verthing we hae done fr complees in RY generalizes o complexe io 1 The apace Es he union of seria f sitions ubepces— ramel he subspace spanned by te subset ofthe bs eae J Each ‘ech sbepce fe juste py of RY fr some NC Any Site ae la ah of points of ie nsec » steps: they are independent the singin they Span isn the sume subspace: Frtermore the meric for Bie he wal {apology of exch such eabpace, Therefore, ay ie collin of pie in ‘ein tn copy of RY for some N. All hat we are rely ding tf alow ful to de! wth competes for which te taal cllcton of singles not be eden ito ay on R™ Cncepiuly sy sea are om ted to ork in han in bt a pane it hser no ely a al ‘We let 10 you to check chat or et i Tor compensa. We shal ue the eu fely henceforth ‘Latur make one urbe comment If & 4 complex in RY then exch Spl of Kas dimension at mont NO the ter han, Kia compl in there ne be no upper baund onthe dimension ofthe slic oR We ‘eine the dimension of K, denoted din Ko be the largest mension of 3 simplex oF Kit such exis aterm, mony tht K bit nine dienson EXERCISES 1 Le be singicl comle ete © K, When at pe in? When ie cena (a) Show day ht he pbs of Empl 3 aly oma (0) Shown oer spn tt aly nee spc ‘Sey cama 4 So sp el a ah Ig M\ tla sinpcal map cringe eo of nt the eso heck tht the rex Legs 21-24 ap wih chang came Pion simpy pace by thot 7. tet te acme Show ha lentil nd aly sy te ti “Penton ay) = Weta) — 249 ‘a mei forthe apy of Ste beagle 9K 1. Late camps. Show ha oma (Hla C4 in a8 fa fol conimoas exend fap bye 4 le te ‘ie here 9 Le. ea agen Shon dh nf an ie Fics Gennes ae a 1M. Stow tht calcio al sip in fh farm (n+ 1s 1 fo 2 ute neering ih ba eth cena ee he ‘me a §9. ABSTRACT SIMPLICIAL COMPLEXES 1 paste spostying«pabteron Xb sing alton of simplices whose tion int avery convenient way of deting with specs plyese, One ‘queily gets mere in deals of ana geometry: me o spely a the ipies aodto ake sre the ner nly when he hou Is ich ‘sir spec Xb meme ofan “abt spi complen” oon We Detsion. An abstract mpl complex i sleton# offsite nw empty ss sh that ITA a elment of Fs vey anempy sie of The element af ical smpexof £its imemsion ison es han the number ois eens Ech nosey sutet of ele fae of “The dimension of #5 the largest imennn of one oi splices ot fe i there no sch larg iension ‘The terest Vf # theron of the ‘neon eeent of we hall make no dstinc tween he verter oF fad the Ose ol 4 A subeaiecton a that isl «cmp called 2 abcompleno ‘Two absirat comple: and T ace si o be mop i there «| bier orepandeacef apring the vertex staf # tate vertex se of T sch ta lege sede if and ont Iftadees-fladhe 7 Detnlon. Ife sinplici onpe, et be he vere set Let be the collet of allsutset ly. yy of Vth tht the ert ay san imps of K. The cles i called he vertex seme of & The clletion Xi parca example of an abstract simpli ome. Wis inc the ruil example abe fellonng tearm shows ‘Theor 3.1. (2) Every aburatcomples Bt iomorphe fo the vores scheme of ome snp comples (©) Two simpal eomplere are Inert maroc f and nly if thie eres schomes are somorphi as abtrac simpli complexe. Proof. Pat () flows a once from Leta 28. Ta prove (0), We pro oda allows Given a nde st J tbe te clleton al spon a 1 spanned by fe subsets of the sadard ba Ie for BI ey foo hata ba silica comple I» and aze tm simplices of & then the ombined vertu set geometrically independent and sane sanpen of 0 We Stal cal &° an “inteimersonl siplex= [Now le bea abstract comple with verte et ¥; Chowan inex st Jorge casa tat here an insta fans f-7—J. (Choose Fe Pit ‘you wish) We sel subeampon K of 8 by the conden tat Tor each (absrat) simpler fay.-..04€ 8, the (geometric) simplex spanned by ‘oa. .fla) sto bein kw inediate that Kiva simpli comple st 1 omorphie to te vertex shee of Ki the regu corependenee tetwoen th verre Definon If se sat snl complex isomorphic wih the ‘vertex scheme ofthe simp! comps K, we cll Kagem eaeaton of {Flt uniquely determined oleae womens ‘ets larate how abt complenes ca be wet psy ptr singh compres sample 1 Supe we wish oat np compe K wht ang {sci omeanorpc Yo he einer Ie ere acne thee ie) pra in 0 the pt Fi oh {Teg cnr ian pam P32 Ths di ease ts thing ot we ae eros ie Uteubiractcnple# wine wren emitter ef amd toe sopon te thew afd bh ued ea eh ech ven new ht ney tc Ofc srt ape aero ‘teens whee othe come K pre eaters ete psy te ‘sve cm (one orp), Tat hcp Ka gue tomer relation wes Let 2"— Rete map tha ani oa ese of Lhe creo spd cok Tin ven i I~ Be eh tv fateh a ee tt ‘oud an pute th it eo a ae uample2 Now ips bin cope Las bingo erties anit fr tee he sme ome Lv ifn eves Sin Figure. Js abbr: thru dates rnin sta canes Te “SS ne sini ae a st. Let Ke ent of befor te Teresa Ks the tes fe sae esgic Iipg linia aig to each ero the ening bel vr IS Aging uotnt maine tse hl dpa ty hth io or ihe To ci tae wl ‘tna can be pueda Wath air pes neato Fig vamp 2 The rn chen snd she uti sec fom et fey mating he ict cred a Vig I ewan Sop, See omer became he ns eo tap of Lot he gamete ean fh dngram ce nt prec he Toten oat forte feat Soe gn me he qe ernst pt op ipr o ] LS smog aces we eS hy Emeric cae ein [+ ea We now deride more cael the proces indicted ia preceding exam ples: Given» inte compen labeling ofthe eres of ss serve Sanction mapping the vertex st of to st (ald the st fle). Corre ‘ponding his iabeing sn sttract omen # bow yertorae te lbs {nd whee spies cna of al set ofthe frm Ute fl where Uys aspen of Lat Ke 2 geomsteresheon of 5 Ten te ‘trex mip o£" onto A dered from extends oa suretve spl ap 1E-|0 ~IKl Wesay that Ks the comple ded rom the balled comple Sed ne alg the ataciated pstiog map Because i compet ant IK Hasidor,g op clad est hed seth loved quaint map. Ofcourse g can in genera pa snpex ‘Lantos simplex of Kf twerdaension For nts igh clap al ‘fLioasinge pot Weare mare nterere nats wha des nt oct ‘We are partly interested In stations sna 1 hoe fo the preceding cxample We pow sate a lemma ging iodine oder which te general “posting map” behave The thse tour examples, Fit nena defn Detniton Ii comple a subeampes Lf Le sido be al sb complex of eoided each spl ofL whose vrs belong to Ls blongs to For example th bounay ofthe ectangle pre in Figures fa subeompien of bu the oundary ofthe etangle pictured Figure 3.61 emma 2. Let Le comple: let fe a Labeling of ite vers: et :ILIR be the ssciared pasting map. Le Ly bea fll ubsomples of Svopose shar whenever vend w ae verte of king he ve la (0) wand w belong tL (2) Siv end ware dist Thon dim (0) = dims for all «© L Furthermore ifs) ~ al), then fend; mua be dijo! simplices belonging “The pot say anise tan ererie, tthe mal apliatios ofthis lena [sa pier repin in the lane oR dal te ound the ein EXERCISES se and rom he apr by (9 Sho hme i ro om yen + (©) Show iat he ted wpe of Fe 39 determines compen K ‘hme pce Bae oP Prares9 (©) esr he pace een by hn ome fie 310, 2. Dowie hese dei y heal cmlsin gues 311-316 at ool # wht vr the lens oS and whe sins ae hee sgl beso ‘Surprcsaen heparan a) pecn ye lng 54. REVIEW OF ABELIAN GROUPS 1 his section, we review some ses fom ashe that we sal eng — specie facts aout abelian group, ‘We mite abelian groups adv. Then 0 denotes the neu lens, and ~x denotes the ave Inese of gt mst pie neg hen ip ‘ente the mia sum gg and (ne denen) ‘We dese the erp a ntepe by 7 the rats by Q, and the eames | sumter by Momomorphime 1Ef:0~ 11 ea homomorphism, the heros the subgroup f-X0) of| G. tbe image o/s the subgroup (6) fH, a the kere offs gute ro H//(G), We deste these groups by Ler fend nf a cok epee {ney The maps monomorphism iad only ifthe heel of frases es « alte trv group. And is an epimorphism iad nly if he ckere of ‘Fase: in tis ese, fines a emorphim Geer =H rf eles af @ such that each ge san be wien ugly sta sit at eater, with na intepe. Usigueness imps that each slement has init ode that gy eeeratr an infinite yee mgr of More geeraly if ech g« @ can be ween a ite sum g ~ 2a, a ote en em hat ay | an tcl, if he eg) Bate, ne ty that @ tel severed, Gi free and ha obs cossing fw clement, fete iti aay tose tat vey tas for G consis of psn melee Far the poop {6/26 coms of al eet ofthe frm ag) +26, were, a: ths fat mp that the group G/20 consis of preci * ‘eos. The numberof elements i bas for cle thera of This toe more general ha iG basanites any two bases fr @ have the ame cada, We sll ot tae ts fee "Acacia property af fee abelian prop the allowing: 1G has ats le) then any eneon fom the set] abelian erp I extends tues to homomorplit 6 ot ‘One pci may of consrcting free sel proups the allowing: Given set S, we dine te fee abelian prowpG gemrated by 5 to be test sl fancins gS sch that g(a) 0 for ety italy mts values of we 1 t0 sch fects by aig theives Given xe Stren hare. tet fanetion @, for ined by sting fo i yes, womft FTE ‘The functions t,x €S) frm a bai for Gor each funtion 6 € canbe riven uigely 3 Ste um co where n= @(2) andthe surmaton extends over ll x fr which (3) 0 ‘We fen aise notation and len the slament x § with is charotertc function, With hs ation the geet lament of G canbe writen engl 81 inte “formal ner combination” of he elements ofthe et. 1 Gis a abun gronp am cement fof has at onder if ng = 0 for ‘sme pve igo Thott of al semen nt rer nb wah FoF call te tn sagrep. If Fran, oe oy 6 nose ‘tee abla grep i wecevary tone sat arco rit ema ony ily many conc then the rab of keen in ld he rer a FIT has i nen aes esa Pes Cede bat ot teen. Intoral rst sume Sipe isan bin pop nd ape (8 cleion oa ous 6 inden 8 sone east Sep a sae stingy a tte tum p= Bp, aha pret ee ‘Then Gis si tb th imal det tm of ie pro ec 6~8,,6, Hie calson 6 ite sy 1 = sim in he fom @ = 8 IF ach © be writen a ates ¢ = Zu st vceuy pty nt any hat © he am a proche Sean Ge sein een G, Fs 3 oe rh a ees ‘tap mea 1G =, hn hymn ret f and onl eqn 0 = implies at f= Ofor ech Thin eras and ge a i no( Sa) we lo writ this diet 1s mater = 6,4 Gye san et ad ety 0,0 he remo fe ton op ton. Inf ee wh tein ie dnt nm otc tee a iil sme este 5" cone se ie ‘ystic subgroups, thea G isa free abelian group, = HG de ta tea ifr each hs tne smi fhe cbetn Pony ie ee Shee tomes soe esa wt olen hts Gi re sem ao 4. tbe an abelian roup1F0 she dirt sum ofthe soups then thr ar omemern of WG Gand ‘ach the J the eo homanerplim ia #8 athe tent home- morphism (fa — B. : 166, a ie so Comersely suppose (6) 1 6 family of abi groups and there are omamorphions jy and ra above. Then jit monamerpham: Parthermore {fhe groups j(0.) pencate G then Gis the diet som Proof Suppose G = @6,..We define tobe the inchsion oman pam To dee n, wrteg~ Sg, where 6G, foreach and let ta) © {Uniqueness of the representation off show ryt welded homo phi, ‘Consider th converse, Because «jn the Mei je injsive (and, issurjete). tbe groups .(,) genes, every leet of Gea ew fen a8» Hite sum 2.9, by potest To show thi epeenation i elu supose Ele.) = Bla Apiing pe 86 tht y= eis extemal ect sume alc tea ade ly ting Th et wot 10, 6th rap whose mde eh Gan prof of tess ead we pap open cnc en Tbe ea ‘tsa ste boop of te dic ru! srt fa pe). Soc tnt g~ 0, forall but ly many ver of (ee Oy hs lene of) Tie group mations sh cal te est et prac repr “he etn beeen ner a exert seed fo lon Spe te exe dact su he pope 1 Ten fr ech Fre dete ny: -y to be rection ot the kT: And we ne Ji°G,= 6 ty eng Wary the cere © 6, tbs fe Ce) where 2. <0, fora aint om fod ge ='g Then nyefoe Of Gand rsa the ny I flu tat € gi he ral Geet sum ef the Eroup 6: = /s(),whre Gr momo to, "ha be etn firma andere st ums ae cs lated ‘Toe iene a ily neo ation. For this sn, we any ‘bene 6=08...06, mt 6-86, to dente citer nt or external rect sums ying onthe cote to make lear which meant ingest importat), With aon, oe a Fr insane expen the fst that i ose sean of rank 3 merely yy G=zezer. 116, isa sbroupof 6, wesey tat Gs det smmand in Gi there i ‘a sahpoup Gy af sath that G ~ 6, 8 Gy In ths asi Te subgro of Toe = 12 then the sn H+ edit, and frtermore, GGG mem, 24 Homo met Snel Cone In pneu i 6 = 6,8 Gy, thee 6/0, = 6, Ofcounsan ca have G60; ito allonng that G ~ 6, 6 tha i, may bea subgroup of © without beng a diet sontaad ce Insane, he aber Wf the neers so et smmandn 2 fa zane, fr ame sb Gf 2. But hen Gs snorphio 2/2, wich sa go ‘of finite order, while mo subgroup of Z has nite anden : = nen el dt pop 2) of ego al ing Sy Zim isco with care ge" mE adalat ‘belon groupe ‘Bere are stay two theorems that are portato. The fist sa {tefem stow seberoap offer alan groupe We atch asap Them 2. Lat ba re shton group. Rs soup then Ruabon fresno. Fs he has oe Ire tere iba peor F od eS wn si a fo ©) lili than dere all The neers ..ts are ues determined by and lhogh te base ‘An immediate cooly ofthis theorem i th allowing: ‘iorem43(Thefandamental therm ley ena bang ‘et G i a inl pried ablon pnp, Lat THs ene la) There afte abn subgroup Hof G having ine rank Pec chat {0 There ae fe eyie soups Ty.-..Ty, where T, has oder > 1 such thang and ae T-7.9...07, (©) The numbers 8 ad 4, dre uniquely determined by 6 Th mb iil het mb of he es fae adh ein cts of 6 Nata ss a ee Hove C/T =H The rahe he beep Han hee Aen Tare uniquely determined, but the subgroeps themselves arg non ne Ps Proof. Let Sb a ne set of generates fr: et be the fre abe ‘an arp on the set $.The map crying eich 0 el extends tos Bom ‘morphs carrying ono: Let Re the ere hs homoorpis Thea [itt 6. Choe bss fr # and ea in Toren 42. Then F-Re..-0F, NEOs OU BR. 8.-OF, ‘We campus the goin soup allows: FIR EEO @F INE) BF) “Thos theres a omer POAEIy®.- OT) OS--.82, “Te ovon subgroup T of G must be mapped to the group 2, @ Ditcdyfsince any nomorphiom preserves ors sabpoupe. Puts a) and 0) Of the thcrem fa, Pet se tthe eran This there shows that ay Stel geerted abelian group can be veiuen ata nt diet sum of ele goupe that Gx Le... 6202/,0.--O2)4. wih > Land 1 4-Thi erento in sme ese 2 “canon {al Fr for 6 Theres another such canal Frm, dred follow Rec ist theft hat fm and are relatively pit pkey the Zim 97 jn = Zin fam that any Ht eee group ean be writen iret sm of eytic srups whoe orders re power of prins, These 82 the lls tht for ny Hel gonerated group 0. GmZe..82)6(2/a,9:.-07/a) here each omer of prime, This is anther anol form for 6, sine {he umber are unguly determined by G (p toa rerrangenet). a We ‘hal see The umber ar eal the lin factors of EXERCISES 1. Stow that i Gi ately geen din pep ey bee fine gentc, (This rea er nt ha arson aelun poe) 2) Show that ite, thes @ roe, (0) Show tat Gi sly pened tithe ii (©) Stow tht he sve group of ama Qs oe bt i el aed aed ee tt 1) Show can nary ein tn 2m not a (0) eA 2/0 ep a ct nm ke pra ne (9 Wow )se7/497/307/9 92/9, sod ern cute f 6 Hee Asay ara sad he on 4 (e Letp be pin: by. Be mei nee Sho tt Ga iprecciprs... oc hen he gs ae unity emi Wy Gooner te ina the haamerom f=" tht milton Som tha snd determine hy Ped el (ep epg squte dict me, Geen) 1 fie iret a ron te frm whe =O «Mey at en i i a es es hy detent by Pa 55. HOMOLOGY Groups [Now we are reidy to define dhe homology groups Fit we mut dss the 90- tion of arentnson™ Defnton. Let «bea single (site serie o abstrac). Dee two ering of vere se 0 begun fey ifr from one anahe y= ven ermatton I dime > 0, the orderings ofthe vert of © ‘At etd simplex spe top with an retain of epi. at independent, me shal we the sya to dente the simples they spun an we shal we the syn leet) to denote the oriented simple onsiting of th simple oad the gua Tose eas of the parca ting (0 iy Ope ‘Occasionally, who the contest mae the meaning clr we may ase | single eter such an eto denae either aspx oto dranedsplek. amp Me sn pret ome by ving cet! sme ee neve athe Hp yrs af te ‘Seton ramet avy, Yowean check hat oop ted ste ei {sted Oy te ne Scena aro, An tw nie cscs deen ‘old insane te oppo ered ge Sr sated taper yee] pared by ding se a the ar Tae sam a hie le hand se ‘eather fhe ist and me tas ram ty ae | ots tvard ou‘ sheah a ey ty ad ech he oer te Seeing ha a igh Ae a hoc ser nt ot nto of ean ages wih he Pee 5 Defaion Let K bes simpli smpes. A pst on Kt From the se foisted psi of Kathe integer sch ht (1) le) = ~e(e)if and ar opposite oiatation fe ame sil. (2) ce) ~0 forall but Hinitly many vente psimption & ‘We add pin by ding thir ales: the rsaing rou it deste CK) nds cal he ro of rete chain KI p< Dae p> ci Kt (GK) dente te ial rep eis an ret simplex, the eomentary enc coresuaing tothe Sanction ine follows eo) =, drone st cnt the psig of Kin soe rary ashe i ret {oobains Ba Coroiary 52. Any function f fom the erinted spices of K to on atelian group G extends umguly fo a hommorphian CAR) = G,proded {hat fe) =f) forall ornted pimple». Detion, We now defies homamerhism 8G (K-26 00) called the Boundary operator IF 6 ~ [y+ 1 a8 ereted spl with p>. we dete Caplin td = SEDI be edna rere the symbol, mens thatthe vertex st be deleted from the aay. ‘Since (4) i he vil group fr f= 0, the opera ee eal Rome mop for p= 0 We must check tha 3 & welled and that (<2) ~ 2p, For hie purpose, slices to sow tat the rghand sie of) changed sign fe ‘xchange two aac! vrs in the ey Tey =] Soe compare he ‘tpresions for Bees tpQya seat) aM lessees Foc 4,) +1 the Qh tems i thee two exresion der precisely by a sign the ms de dena except that 6 0d 8. have be interchange What sont the Hh terms for f= j and ¢—J-4 1? Um the Sst expesion, Mb nti atyaar od FDI ent ntjene sh In the second expression one has COM gente ntatye ed FW py itstpeas od ‘Comparing, one ses these to exresins difer by ig, ample 2 olen sm i} =~ 2am Suen = bad =f + Few lentil ~ Ba 1b ~ toe + fp} ~ eee ample 8 Comier the ‘tai Ben) pct Ree $2. 1f yu ‘path oper 3th cai Jo er hing ent an ‘snap te nal pit f ane age aw he pit ther se Yor tn shst that slr cnction scr eno son Siecseers

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