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Code Js Code \! Code

J\]! Code Ils
of the of the of the of the of the
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test right
ans\\'et task ans\\'ct HUMANANATOMY'
B r33 C t67 C
65 B 99
A 168 D
66 c r00 D 134
Skeletalsystem,junctions system,
101 E 35 C r69 E
67 D
68 A 102 A 36 B r70 A muscularsystem
C A 171 C
69 D 103 .tt

D 38 C t72 D 1 . A f t e r c o l l i s i o no f t s ' o c a r sa d r i v e r 3. A casualty has a trauma of soft

70 C 104
105 39 B 173 n got deformation of the middle third of tissuesand parietal bones in the saggi-
71 B n

E 40 C t74 B the left crus, intensive pain, especially tal suture area with profuse bleeding.
aa C 106
C 4l E 175 C in attempt to move the left crus. Ends W h a t f o r m a t i o ni s p r o b a b l y i n j u r e d ?
73 B 107
A' A 176 D of the trihedral bone come out of the A. Sinus rectus.
74 D 108 D
43 C 177 E *'ound, hemorrhageis increasing.What B . S i n u sp e t r o s u ss u p e r i o r .
75 E 109 A
A 0 C 44 D t78 A bone can be injured? @ Sinur sagittalis superior.
C I 1 E 145 E t79 C @ riuiu. D. Sinus sagittalis inferior.
77 B. Fibula. E. Sinus transverses.
46 A 180 B
78 D I 2 B j
E 181 C C. Femur.
79 A 1 3 C 47
D. Patella. 4. A patient was admitted to an in-
C I 4 D 48 B r82 B
80 E. Talus. tensive thcrapy departmcnt u'ith heavy
D t
5 B 149 C 183 c poisoning.To provide holiatry it. is ne-
81 t

C 50 A 184 A
82 E I 6 took cessary to catheterize the patient and
2. Purulenceof orbit softtissues
7 D 51 C r85 E
placeafter an eye'strauma.Through inject medicines into subclavian vein.
83 C
52 D r86 D
d4 D 8 A u'hatanatomicalformationcan the pu- In what topographical place is it loca-
E 119 C 53 E 187 c rulentprocessspreadto the middlecra- lized?
120 B 154 A 188 nial fossa? A. Spatiuminterscalenum.
86 A
121 D 1.55 C 89 L
fhrough the superiororbital fis- @. Spatiumanterscalenum.
87 C @
156 D 190 D sure. C. Spatium retrosternocleidomastoi-
88 D 122 E
A 157 E 191 E B. Through the anterior ethmoidal deus.
89 E 123
c 158 A 92 C foramen. D.Spatium interaponeuroticum su-
90 B 124
D 159 c 193 D C. Through the posteriorethmoidal prasternale.
91 A t25
160 D 94 B foramen. E. Trigonumomotrapezoideum.
92 C 126 E
161 E 95 D.Through the inferior orbital fis-
93 D 127
A 196 B sure. 5. Little finger felon was complica-
94 B t28 B 162
197 C E. Through the zygomaticoorbital ted by the phlegmonof hand and fore-
c 129 C 163 C
95 foramen. arm. Purulentprocesshasspreadover:
130 D 164 D r98 D
96 E
E 165 E 199 E
97 A 131 I Right ans\\'ersare on pages 82-83.
132 B 166 A 200 A
98 C

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