Krok 1 Anatomy 6

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il B


the lossof skin sensitivityof this zone A. Until 50 Years. O Nliaat.. possibility of malignant cells metastasis.
B. Until 25 Years. B. Superior. To avoid mistakesa surgeon must know
after falling on buttocksduring rvalk-
C. Until 30 Years. C. Inferior. the order of the root anatomic structures
ing on ice.The functionof which nen'e
D.Until 40 vears. D.Common. of the right lung from top to bottom.
wasiniu red?
@Ischiadic. @ untit 16years.
E. Supreme. @ Bronchus,artery,
B. Artery, bronchus,veins.
B. Posteriorcutaneousnerveof thigh.
61. As a result of a fall the anterior 6 6 . D u r i n g t h e r i g h t - s i d el o b e c t o m y C. Artery, veins,bronchus.
C. Tibial.
fontanelleof a child wasinju red-What a surgeonreachedthe right lung root in D. Vcins, artery, blonchus.
D. Commonperoneal.
t1.'peof cranial bonesunion has been order to pick out and processits compo- E. Bronchus,artery, nerves.
E . I n f c r i o rg l u t e a l .
in iu red? nents. Point the order of lung root com-
-ponents from top to bottom. 69. A patient has got a complication
60. X-rayexamination of pelvisshou's @. Syndesmosis.
B. Synchondrosis. Bronchus, pulmonarv artcry, pulmo- after rhinitis. X-ray examinationshorved
that all three partsof the hi p bone are @
by gaps,rvhichcorrespclnd C. Synostosis. narY .''einS' p u s a c c u m u l a t i o ni n t h e m a x i l l a r y s i n u s
D. Diarthrosis. B. Pulmonaryartery, bronchus,pulmo- on the left. To u-hat nasal meatusdoes
to a cartilage,not seenin Lheroentgen-
E. Symphisis. nary veins. the pus release?
ogram.What age is it tYPicalof?
C. Pulmonaryvein, pulmonaryartery, A. Right nasopharyngcal.
bronchus. B. Right inferiornasal.
Respiratory system D. Bronchus,pulmonaryarterl', phre- C . R i g h t s u p e r i o rn a s a l .
nic nerve. D . R i e h t c o m m o nn a s a l .
pulmonary middle nasal.
62. A patient u'asadmittedto a hos- D.Superior lingular and inferior lin- E. Phrenicnerve,bronchus, @ l"it
of the thorax g ul a r . arterv and vein.
pital with a knife s'ound
70. A patient has a tumor in the su-
on the right and pneumothorax. Percus- @ Lateral and medial.
inferior right 67. Acute inflammatorl' process of perior nasal mealusregion. Which func-
sion has shos'n that the
64. A patient complains of headache the nasolacrimal duct mucosaof a 28- tion can be affected?
lung border rose to the III rib level.
Where is it located normallY? and heavy breathing. X-ray examination year-old patient has beendiagnosed.In- @ of smell.
confirmed the diagnosis frontitis (in- fluerrza rvas followed by l0-days' dis- B. Of salivation.
@ vl riu. charge from the nose. From u'hat part C. Of taste.
B. VII rib. flammationof the frontal sinus). In rvhat
nasalmeaLusmay purulent discharge be of the nasal cavity could the infection D. Of hearing.
C. VIII rib.
observeddu ring the examination of the get into the nasolacrimalduct? E. Of su'allou'ing.
D.lX rib.
nasal cavitY? A. Vestibule of nose.
E. V rib.
A. Common. B. Middle nasal meatus. 71. During woodn'ork a u'orker acci-
C. Suoerior nasal meatus. d e n t a l l y i n h a l e da b u l b n e a r l y 0 . 5 c m i n
63. A 37-year-oldpatienthassuffered B. Superior.
@. tnferior nasal meatus. diameter ri'hich caused strong cough.
f r o m p u l m o n a r v t u b e r c u l o s i ss i n c e C. Inferior.
E. Frontal sinus. Which part of respiratory tracts felt ir-
childhood.Amputationof the middle @uiaat.. ritating influence?
lobe of the right lung has been Per- E. Abo'te the superiornasalconcha.
68. A patient has a right-side pulmo- A. Trachea.
formed. Which segmentshave been
amputated? 65. Du ring examinationan otolaryn- nectomy performed becauseof the carci- E . L a r y n x u n d e rt h e v o c a l l i g a m e n ( s .
A. Posteriorand anterior. gologistdiagnosedthe inflammationof noma of lung. After the dissectionof the @ I-u.yn" abovethe vocal ligaments.
mediastinalpleu ra pulmonarl'veinsmust D. Right principal bronchus.
B. Superior and anterior. the maxillarysinus.In l'hat nasalmea-
show Pus? be ligated first of all to decrease the E. Left principal bronchus.
C. Medial basaland lateralbasal. tus did the rhinoscoPY

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