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н r ли йско rо sвь1ка
fрамматика а

1 Plurals of CountaЫe and UncountaЫe 15 Conditionals ........................................... 108
Nouns ......................................................... 3 Мой шаг вперед 5 .................................. 114
2 Personal pronouns / 'Ве' / 'Have (got)' /
' ап' ........................................................... 8 16 Yes/No Questions -Wh- Questions ...... 117
3 Possessives / Demonstratives ................. 15 17 Passive ................................................... 123
Мой шаг вперед 1 .................................... 21 18 The lnfinitive / -ing form / Тoo-Enough .... 127
Мой шаг вперед 6 .................................. 132
4 Articles ...................................................... 24
5 Expressing Quantity ................................. 29 19 Relative Pronouns .................................. 135
6 lndefinite Pronouns .................................. 34 20 Adjectives -Adverbs - Comparisons .... 139
Мой шаг вперед 2 .................................... 37 Мой шаг вперед 7 .................................. 149

7 Present Simple ......................................... 40 Revision

8 Present Continuous ................................. 47 Повторение 1 (Units 1-3) ....................... 152
9 Prepositions of Place - Movement - Повторение 2 (Units 1-6) ....................... 155
Time .......................................................... 55 Повторение 3 (Units 1-9) ....................... 158
Мой шаг вперед 3 .................................... 61 Повторение 4 (Units 1-12) ..................... 161
Повторение 5 (Units 1-15) ..................... 164
1О PastSimple .............................................. 64 Повторение 6 (Units 1-18) ..................... 167
11 Present Perfect ......................................... 72 Повторение 7 (Units 1-20) ..................... 170
12 Past Continuous ....................................... 81
Мой шаг вперед 4 .................................... 87 Список грамматических терминов .......... 173
Фонетическая таблица ............................ 174
13 The Future ('Ве going to' / W
' ill' / S
' hall') .... 90 .
14 Modal Verbs ............................................. 98 НЕПРАВИЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ . . ........ ......... ....... 175
some a some
a a some a
an an an some
a lot of
a lot much
many many

a lot of much
sometimes goes shopping on
Saturdays. She often has lunch with friends. She never gets up early on
Saturdays. She usually helps her Mum on Saturdays. She rarely drinks tea on Satur..
rarely tidy my room on Saturdays. I sometimes go shopping on Saturdays. I often
help my Mum on Saturdays. I never get up early on Saturdays. I always drink tea on

Is Dad washing the car?

No, he isn't. He is watering the plants

Are the boys drinking lemonade?

Are the girls sitting under the tree? No, they aren't. They are sitting on
No, they aren't. They are drinking lemonade the tree.
are you
am trying
am going
is working
am going
are you doing need
a studying
Do you want understand



On in
At at
Do Ethan and Jamie wash the dishes
on Thursdays evenings? No they don't.
They never wash the dishes

Does Lily read comics on Thursdays

evenings? Yes, she does
Does Lifi go to the library on Thurs- She often reads comics
days evenings? No, she doesn't
She never goes to the library Do Ethan and Jamie play computer
games on Thursdays evenings?
Do Ethan and Jamie read comics on Yes, they do. The often play c.g
Thursdays evenings? Yes, they do
The sometimes read comics Does Lily wash the dishes on Thursdays
evenings? Yes, she does. She
sometimes washes the dishes
Мой шаг вперед 5 (Разделы 13-15)
Впиши в пропуски правильные формы wi/1 или Ье going to.
Alec: What are you doing?
Layla: l'm writing my New Year's resolutions.
Alec: Really? Well, l've already made mine. 1 1) , • дt:r.1 .gQj(lfJ ta .. learn to drive.
Layla: That's great! 1 2) , .... ,will , , .... , , , , .. give you some lessons if you like. Have you got а саг?
Alec: No, but 1 3) - , .. will , ,. .. , . __ , .. , , ,. , start saving now and I expect 1 4) . . . . will
. , . ,,, . " , . , " .
buy one in the summer.
am, going
Layla: 1 5) , ........ . , " .•• to,,. . ,, ,, start /earning Spanish and, if I сап, 1 6) will
go to Spain next year.
. , _, . , . . . . . . . any of your friends соте with you?
Alec: 7) .... , Will
Layla: No, 1 8) ......•.. will , . . . . . . . . рrоЬаЫу go alone.
ф Заполни пропуски, употребив данные в скобках глаголы в нужном времени.
1 lf you ....m.J>:<. . (mix) Ыuе and yellow, you 6 lf Мг Pemberton has time, he . ,will
.. . .gt7t ... (get) green. (call) you.
2 lf John doesn't study hard, he ,'ll. , fail, . , . , .. , 7 lf you ..... are
, , . , . , , , .. , (Ье) cold, close the
(fail) his exams. window.
3 lf Andy , had , ....... , , . (have) lots of money, 8 lf Karen knew you were ill, she would visit " � ,: i .а • :: � 11: ..

he would travel all over the world. (visit) you.

were (Ье) you, 1 would see а doctor.
4 lf 1 ......... don't
9 lf they ..... stop , , . (not/stop) talking,
, .......
5 lf you need help, please ............ (let) the teacher will Ье angry.
me know. 10 lf you heat ice, it , . , melts
. , . , ..... (melt).
Выбери правильный вариант и обведи его.
1 Lisa (started)/ has started learning Chinese 8 This weekend I will visit / am going to visit а
when she�/ was being ten. friend in Cambridge. l've already booked а
2 1 am going to learn / will learn French in ' ticket.
September. ' 9 1 haven't seen / didn't see Harriet for two days.
3 Amir is eating / eats а Ьig breakfast every 10 Michael has been / went to Sweden twice.
morning. 11 You'/1 never guess what happened / has
4 Lucy usually goes / went cycling at the happened to Tanya last night.
weekend. 12 At the moment, John is typing / types his
5 Keisha was in the bedroom when the phone essay оп the computer.
has rang / rang. 13 Peter was walking / has walked down the
6 1 promise 1'11 call / am going to call you. street when he was meeting / met Tim.
7 At eight o'clock yesterday morning, Paul and 14 l'm so hungry; 1'11 make / am making а
Charlotte had / were having breakfast. sandwich.
Мой шаг вперед 5
Дополни беседу мода льными глаголами must, mustn't, have to или
don't have to.
Mother: Jane, you 1) , . , mцs.t,,. tidy your room while l'm out.
Sara: But Mum, 1 want to watch ТV.
Mother: You сап watch ТV later.
Sara: Do 1 2) , , , . , , ,have
, , , , . to
, , , .. , , , , .. , , wash the dishes, too?
Mother: No, and you 3) don't have wash the windows but you 4) , . , must
с. " , , , , • , , .. , , , , , , , , ,

dust the furniture. Don't forget!

Sara: Do you want me to water the plants?
Mother: No, it rained yesterday, so you 5) , . , .don't , ... , , have
,,. to, , , , water them.
Sara: ОК, Mum. Will you bring me some chocolate?
Mother: 1 will but you 6) , , . ,mustn't , . ,. , , , . • . , eat it all at once or you'II Ье sick.

Выбери правильный вариант и обведи его.

1 А firefighter(has to) could wear а uniform. 5 You must / may wear а seat belt when driving.
2 Сап / Should I take photos in the museum? 6 Shall / Must I get you а glass of water?
3 You don't have to / shouldn't go to the 7 You mustn't / don't have to Ье rude to your
bakery. We have lots of bread. teachers.
4 l'm not sure what I am going to do this 8 You сап/ should study harder if you want to
afternoon. 1 may / must go for а walk. pass your exams.

Заполни пропуски, употребив данные в скобках глаголы в нужном времени.

Hi Anna,
How 1) ".f31/:CI . (Ье) you? 1 know 1 2) .. , hadn't ... "' ,, wroten
., . , , ... "" (not/write) to you for
а long time but I have been away оп holiday. Му parents and 1 3) . " . , ,went , , .. , , , ., . . (go)
оп а safari last month! We 4) .• , , ,planned , . , . , .. , , . , . , , (plan) to go last year but we couldn't
make it in the end. Our safari holiday 5) , , . , . ,was , , , , ..... , . , . . , , (Ье) in South Africa. We
6) saw
. . . . . .... , , . , . (see) some amazing wild animals but it was quite dangerous.
One day, 1 7) was taking (take) photos of elephants when 1 8) , . .heard ,.
(hear) а lion really close to me. Luckily, it didn't see me but I was really scared.
Next year, we 9) • ,are
. going . , , to
.. ,go, , (go) to France. 1 am sure we 10) , will have
(have) а great time. Well, that's all my news. What's new with you? Write soon.


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