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Learning Plans in the

Context of the 21st

At the end of the module, you should be able to:

• discuss the role of technology for teaching

and learning languages in the light of the K to
12 Curriculum Framework;
• review the K to 12 Curriculum Guide focusing
on the development of 21st century skills in
language education;
• review learning plans in language teaching
from various sources that integrated ICTs in the
teaching learning process;
• plan activities integrating ICTs that will
facilitate the development of the 21st century
skills required in the curriculum guide; and
• brainstorm about digital citizenship and relate
this to the development of 21st century skills
among learners.


The basic education curriculum of the country was enhanced with the
implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum. The K to 12 Program
covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary
education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School
[SHS]) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong
learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills
development, employment, and entrepreneurship.

The implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum is expected to contribute to

the country’s development in various forms because it is believe as necessary for
implementation to increase the quality of our education which is critical to our
progress as a nation.

One of the features of the K to 12 curriculum is the requirement to equipped

every graduate with the following skills:
• Information, media, and technology skills;
• Learning and innovation skills;
• Effective communication skills; and
• Life and career skills.
The development of these skills can be done with the aid of technologies for
teaching and learning which is the focus of this course. It aims to present some
activities that will prepare pre-service teachers to integrate ICTs in the teaching
learning processes for the various fields of specialization. It aims to help pre-service
and in-service teachers to expand the boundaries of their creativity and the
creativity of their students beyond the four walls of the classrooms. It aims to allow
teachers to discover the power of computer technologies to serve as teaching
tools that will motivate, captivate, and mobilize them to master their contents and
perform standards for greater learning.


Unit 1: The K to 12 Curriculum Framework


• Discuss the salient features of the K to 12 Curriculum requiring ICT-

pedagogy integration skills
• Analyze the learning competencies of every year level according to the
field of specialization
• Evaluate some units in the curriculum guide with focus on the
development of 21st century skills


My Techy Teacher

"Excellence can only be achieved when great respect is placed on learning,

teamed with patience and effort. Because of the changing times in which we
live, we must constantly strive to improve ourselves through life-long education. It
is invaluable for us to know how to utilize technology for our continued success in
learning." - Lawson (2003).

Activity 1: Recalling Technology-Based Learning Experiences

Recall how your teachers in your field of specialization used information and
communication technologies to help you understand some concepts in your

Identify the specific lesson and learning objectives of your teacher. Were you able
to understand the lesson and demonstrate the learning objectives with the
teacher’s integration of ICTs? Why?

If you are to enhance the ICT used by your teacher, how will you do it? Will you
use the same ICT or will you modify how it was integrated?


Write your answers in the box below.

My Technology-Based Learning Experience


Activity 2: Self-Assessment on ICT- Pedagogy Integration Skills

Answer the assessment tool below to know your level of preparedness in

integrating ICT in teaching. Check on the box that best describes your skill level.
Use the boxes under the "Before" column to enter your skill level before
proceeding to the activities in this module. You answer the "After" column after
finishing Module 5.


(Intel Teach to the Future Program)

No Some
Operating System and General Knowledge Knowledge/ Comfortable Able to Train
Skills (1) Need Help (2) Doing (3) Others (4)
Before After Before After Before After Before After
Currently use Microsoft
Windows 98 or higher
Start an application program
Create folders for storing files
Select a document or file in a
specified folder or location on
the computer
Save files with a different name
using "Save as"
Find a document or file on a
hard disk and CD-ROM
Copy, cut, and paste text
Resize and move graphics
Install and navigate contents of
Import and export files between
Import and export files between
Compress and uncompress files
using a file archiving program
No Some
Knowledge Knowledge/ Comfortable Able to Train
Word Processing (1) Need Help (2) Doing (3) Others (4)
Before After Before After Before After Before After
Create simple documents (e.g.,
letters, reports)


Modify an existing document

by changing font, page layout
and footers
Enhance a document by
adding a watermark and an
automatic date field

Insert clipart into a document

Insert text or graphics from
another source (file, CD-ROM,
Create, edit and format tables
in a document
Perform spelling and grammar
Save a document in other file
formats (e.g., lower version of
Word, text file, web page)
Create special-purpose forms
for filling up on the screen or by
Create templates and copy
these templates to another
Use font styles in a template to
create or format a document
Create a chart from a table in
the documents or by entering

Format the type, titles, axes and

gridlines, data source, data
labels, legend, color, etc. of a
chart in a document

Merge documents
Write equations and expressions
using Microsoft Equation
Add diagrams (e.g.,
organizational chart, cycle,
radial, pyramid, Venn, target)
to a document
Create shapes, patterns and
Use Microsoft Word 2000 or later


No Some
Knowledge Knowledge/ Comfortable Able to Train
Presentation (1) Need Help (2) Doing (3) Others (4)
Before After Before After Before After Before After
Create a storyboard to plan the
content and flow of a
Create a slide show using a
presentation software
Enhance a presentation by
changing fint types, adding
graphics, design and slide
Animate text and objects in a
Add movie clips to a slide
Apply a motion path to an
object as part of the animation
sequence in a slide
Create hyperlinks to another
slide, a file, a web site
Add a chart to a slide, format it
and animate how it is shown
Enhance a presentation by
inserting a sound file, adding
music from a CD, and
recording a sound or voice
Run a program within a
multimedia presentation
Set actions to objects in a
multimedia presentation
Set up a show to run
Save a presentation in different
formats (e.g., show, web page,
or to run on another computer)
Embed a file into a slide and set
it to open when the
presentation is viewed
Use Microsoft PowerPoint 2000
or later version
No Some
Knowledge Knowledge/ Comfortable Able to Train
Publication (1) Need Help (2) Doing (3) Others (4)
Before After Before After Before After Before After


Create a storyboard to plan the

content and layout of a
brochure, newsletter or other
Customize the design, page
layout, color and font schemes,
and other elements of a
Enter, edit and manipulate text
and text frames to add and
connect content
Add and change graphics and
Use drop caps to enhance a
Save a publication for editing in
another computer or for
commercial printing
Save a publication as web
pages or for commercial
Use Microsoft Publisher 2000 or
later version
No Some
Knowledge Knowledge/ Comfortable Able to Train
Electronic Spreadsheet (1) Need Help (2) Doing (3) Others (4)
Before After Before After Before After Before After
Create a table by entering text,
numbers and formulas using a
spreadsheet software
Perform arithmetic operations
on tabulated data
Use built-in functions in
Create a "look-up" table to
automatically return a value
from an array
Create charts and graphs
Export a table or graph into
another document (e.g.,
presentation, publications, web
Use Microsoft Excel 2000 or later



No Some
Knowledge Knowledge/Ne Comfortable Able to Train
Multimedia Encyclopedia (1) ed Help (2) Doing (3) Others (4)
Before After Before After Before After Before After
Install and navigate contents of
a multimedia encyclopedia
Gather resources from a
multimedia encyclopedia
Copy text/image and paste it
into another file or other
Microsoft application
Add resources to the
multimedia encyclopedia
Favorites folder
Use Microsoft Encarta 2002 or
later version
No Some
Knowledge Knowledge/ Comfortable Able to Train
Web Site Development (1) Need Help (2) Doing (3) Others (4)
Before After Before After Before After Before After
Create a storyboard to plan the
content, design and page lay-
out of a web site
Customize a web site's design,
colors, fonts, navigation bar,
background, page lay-out and
other features
Include a form (e.g.,
comments, survey) on a
Enhance a web page by
adding text frames, graphics,
tables, charts and other objects
Create hyperlinks to another
page, a web site, an email
address, or to a file (e.g., Word
documents, Excel worksheet or
chart, PowerPoint
presentation/show/web page)
Upload files to a web hosting
Use Microsoft Publisher 2000 or
later version
Use Microsoft FrontPage 2000 or
later version



No Some
Knowledge Knowledge/ Comfortable Able to Train
Internet/Electronic Mail (1) Need Help (2) Doing (3) Others (4)
Before After Before After Before After Before After
Use a web browser to locate
and navigate a resource on the
Use search-refining techniques
such as Boolean logic and
enclosing phrases in quotation
marks when conducting an
internet search
Apply copyright Laws and the
Fair Use Guidelines when saving
files (e.g., graphics, sounds,
movies, documents) from the
Evaluate a web site
Read and send email
Attach a file to an email
Read and download an email
Use Microsoft Internet Explorer
8.0 or later version
No Some
Knowledge Knowledge/ Comfortable Able to Train
Peripherals (1) Need Help (2) Doing (3) Others (4)
Before After Before After Before After Before After
Set up a computer system for
work by connecting peripherals
and cables to terminals and
Use a printer and print on
different sizes of paper (e.g., A4,
Use a scanner and save images
in a variety of formats
Take pictures with a digital
camera, download to a
computer, and use those
images in documents, web
pages, presentations, etc.
Use a CD writer
Set up and use an LCD or DLP



Part II. Teaching Practices and Technology Integration

How well prepared are you to do the following activities with your

Not at all Somewhat Moderately Very well

prepared prepared prepared prepared
Before After Before After Before After Before After
a. Implement methods
teaching that emphasize
independent work by students
b. Implement methods of
teaching that develop higher-
order thinking skills among
c. Apply the Project-Based
Learning Approach to the
course/subject you teach
d. Apply the Inquiry Approach
to the course/subject you
Integrate educational
technology into the
course/subject you teach
f. Illustrate the effective use of
technology in your own
g. Support students in using
technology in their schoolwork
h. Evaluate technology-based
work that your students
i. Utilize authentic assessment
procedures and tools to
evaluate student learning
j. Develop and use a rubric to
assess student product and


Activity 3. Congratulations for accomplishing the survey. After identifying your skill
levels in the different areas of the survey tool, you already know your strength and
the areas that you need to improve along the process. You must note that in the
course learning outcomes, there is a need for you to engage various
technological tools in developing student support materials and teacher
management documents. In the table below, write in the second column 10)


priority skills identified in the survey that you believe you can manage to learn on
your own to be able to train others and describe in the third column how will you
do it. After which, write another ten (10) skills that you believe you will need my
assistance as your facilitator or the assistance of other people who may help you
and specify the specific assistance that you will be needing.

A. Areas for improvement that I can manage to learn on my own

ICT-Pedagogy Skills What I will do to be able to train others on
how to do it



B. Areas for improvement where I will need to ask for the assistance of my course
ICT-Pedagogy Skills Specific help or assistance that I will be



Make sure you are going to work on the skills you were able to write in the two
tables. Do not hesitate to communicate to me your answers in the second table
in case the people around you or your classmates cannot provide you the
assistance you need.



Salient Features of the K to 12 Curriculum

The implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum of the Department of Education

paved the way to enhance the Teacher Education Curriculum of the Commission
on Higher Education (CHED). The salient features of the K to 12 Curriculum has
been thoroughly considered to ensure that all the courses in the teacher
education program will meet the demands of the 21st century classrooms. One of
the considerations is the need to implement the following salient features of the
curriculum through integrating technologies for teaching and learning. The use of
technologies is done in the different levels of learning and in teaching the various
fields of specialization.

1. Strengthening Early Childhood Education (Universal Kindergarten)

With the Universal Kindergarten program of the Department, every Filipino

child is expected to have access to early childhood education. This access
can be facilitated through using technological tools that are readily
available to the school and for the teachers to use.

The use of technology in Kindergarten by various schools is very evident in

teaching them the alphabet, numbers, shapes, and colors through games,
songs, and dances, in their Mother Tongue.

2. Making the Curriculum Relevant to Learners (Contextualization and


Research shows that learners will value a curriculum that is relevant to the
world they are into. Students are often heard saying, “Do I need to know
these to live a meaningful life?” “How will I use this lesson in the actual
workplace?” “What is the relevance of this to me?” and so on. The answer
to the question of relevance is vital to help the teachers think of some ways
by which they will be able to let their students realize that their daily lessons
are of good use to their personal well-being and to their professional
preparation. Sara Bernard (2010) stressed that students need to have
personal connection to a lesson material which can be done through


engaging them emotionally or through connecting the information that

they already know. This she calls as “Give It Context, and Make it Count.”

Briggs (2014) shared some few tips for making learning engaging and
personally relevant as cited by Willis, Faeth, and Immordino-Yang:

• Use suspense and keep it fresh - Drop hints about a new learning unit
before you reveal what it might be, leave gaping pauses in your
speech, change seating arrangements, and put up new and
relevant posters or displays; all this can activate emotional signals
and keep student interest piqued.

• Make it student directed - Give students a choice of assignments on

a particular topic, or ask them to design one of their own. "When
students are involved in designing the lesson, they better understand
the goal of the lesson and become more emotionally invested in and
attached to the learning outcomes."

• Connect it to their lives and what they already know - Taking the time
to brainstorm about what students already know and would like to
learn about a topic helps them to create goals. This also helps
teachers see the best points of departure for new ideas. Making
cross-curricular connections also helps solidify those neural loops.

• Provide utility value - Utility value provides relevance first by piquing

students telling them the content is important to their future goals; it
then continues by showing or explaining how the content fits into
their plans for the future. This helps students realize the content is not
just interesting but also worth knowing.

• Build relatedness - Relatedness, on the other hand, answers the

question, “What this have to do with me?” It is an inherent need
students have to feel close to the significant people in their lives,
including teachers. Relatedness is seen by many as having non-
academic and academic sides.

To be able to do the tips recommended by various experts and to allow

students to realize the value of their curriculum, technological tools can be
engaged. 21st century learners are expected to be demonstrating 21st
century competencies such as collaboration, digital literacy, critical
thinking, and problem solving that for them to be able to thrive in this world
(Rich, 2014). Contextualizing the curriculum of the students for meaningful
learning poses challenges on enhancing pedagogical skills but even
technological skills.


3. Building Proficiency (Mother-tongue Based Multilingual Education)

To be able to promote the child’s dominant language and to use it as a

language of instruction, technological tools are highly encouraged to be
maximized. Currently, a lot of teachers and schools are into developing
learning materials to be able to implement the MTB-MLE program properly
especially that there is a dearth of printed and e-materials in the mother
tongue of the students. Mother Tongue is used in instruction and learning
materials of other learning areas. The learners retain their ethnic identity,
culture, heritage and values. Children learn better and are more active in
class and learn a second language even faster when they are first taught
in a language they understand.

4. Ensuring Integrated and Seamless Learning (Spiral Progression)

Learning basic concepts to more complex and sophisticated version of the

general concepts entail TPACK: Technological knowledge, content
knowledge, and pedagogical knowledge. Rediscovering concepts
previously presented to the succeeding grades will be fully supported if all
the areas of specialization will be aided by technologies for teaching and
learning. This will further strengthen retention and enhances mastery of
topics and skills as they are revisited and consolidated time and again. This
also allows learners to learn topics and skills appropriate to their
developmental and cognitive skills.

5. Gearing Up for the Future

The K to 12 Curriculum ensures college readiness through aligning the core

and applied courses to the College Readiness Standards (CRS) and new
General Education (GE) Curriculum. Hence, the K to 12 Curriculum focused
on developing appropriate Specialization Subjects for the Academic,
Sports, Arts and Design, and Technical Vocational Livelihood Tracks. All of
these specialization have to be supported by educational for better

6. Nurturing the Holistically Developed Filipino (College and Livelihood

Readiness, 21st Century Skills)

To nurture holistically developed Filipino, every K to 12 graduate is expected

to be ready to go into different paths - may it be further education,


employment, or entrepreneurship. Every graduate is expected to be

equipped with: information, media and technology skills, learning and
innovation skills, effective communication skills, and life and career skills. This
may happen with the proper implementation of the curriculum and with
the facilitation of excellent teachers. For teachers to maintain excellent
performance, they need full support teachers and one of the support they
need is technological support.

More inputs about the salient features of the K to 12 curriculum are presented in
through the reading materials in Appendix A of this Module. Read these materials
to learn more about K to 12 curriculum and the integration of ICT in its

Article A: Developing Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Standards for K to 12 Curriculum by Armin L. Bonifacio.

Article B: Policy and Standards on the Basic K to 12 Basic Education Program of

DepEd Order No. 21. s. 2019.


Understanding the Technology for Teaching and Learning in Language

Education Course in the Context of the K to 12 Curriculum

To be able to translate your understanding of the salient features of the K to 12

curriculum and its information and communication technology (ICT) requirements
to teaching your field of specialization, do the following activities.

Activity 1: Introducing the Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 Course

The Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 Course aims to help you use the
power of computer technologies in your field of specialization to spark student


imagination and ultimately lead to moving, motivating, and supporting students

toward meaningful learning.

To be able to explain further the ICT requirements of the K to 12 curriculum

particularly in language education, explain how you can best use computer
technologies to enhance language learning, provide an answer to this question
by writing your answer in the box provided:

How can technology be used most effectively in implementing the K to 12

Curriculum for Language Education?


Activity 2: Setting My Goals for this Course

It must be noted that course objectives can be achieved with proper setting of
goals. Therefore, there is a need to ground this course with curricular and
research-based goals and objectives. Throughout this course, you will be tasked
to use various technological resources and tools that can help you create your
plans and materials, improve your instruction, and enhance your future students’

Collaborate with anybody around you and think about what you must do to be
able to make the most out of this course. Answer the following questions:

1. How will I use the information that I got from the reading materials in
teaching languages?

2. How will I develop learning plans for my language classes to make sure that
available technologies for teaching and learning will be put to use for
meaningful learning?


3. How will I ensure my goals in this course will be achieved?


You as a future teacher will play a very important role not only inside the
classroom as a classroom teacher but also in the facilitation of student learning,
designing implementing, and evaluating the curriculum. In the Philippines, the
teachers are expected to actively engaged themselves as curriculum designers
to ensure that the K to 12 Curriculum will be delivered at its best to fully equipped
the students of its intended learning outcomes.

Teachers make decisions about how they will implement the curriculum of their
specific field of specialization. They decide on how they must structure the
activities of their lessons and manage students’ responses and ideas. Hence, the
decision of teachers is very important to have an impact in the students’ learning
experiences in class. The following are points to consider in identifying and
understanding teachers’ roles as curriculum designers:

• Without doubt, the most important person in the curriculum

implementation process is the teacher. With their knowledge,
experiences and competencies, teachers are central to any
curriculum development effort. Better teachers support better
learning because they are most knowledgeable about the practice


of teaching and are responsible for introducing the curriculum in the

classroom (Alsubaie, 2016).

• Curriculum is the planned interaction of pupils with instructional

content, materials, resources, and processes for evaluating the
attainment of educational objectives –Jadhav and Patankar (2013).

• Curriculum is content, but when contextualized, it comes alive for

students. The role of teachers in the curriculum process is to help
students develop an engaged relationship with the content. Active
learning will increase the focus and retention of the curriculum,
resulting in an exciting learning environment. Teachers build lessons
that include simulations, experiments, case studies and activities to
deliver curriculum. This interactive approach intertwines curriculum
and practical experiences that immerse students in learning. The
curriculum process provides opportunity for teachers to be creative
and put their unique stamp on the classroom experience (Meier,

• Teachers, on their part, have practical knowledge based on their

daily work with students.' This knowledge is useful to curriculum
committees because teachers can assess whether the ideas being
developed will work in the classroom (Young, 1988).

Activity 1: Considering my Role as Curriculum Designer

With the points of reference provided about the K to 12 curriculum, study further
how your field of specialization, English or Filipino, was designed. In reviewing the
curriculum, you are asked to thoughtfully consider your role as a curriculum
designer. Go over the Curriculum Guide for English or Filipino (attached as
Appendix B) and focus on analyzing its general features, focus, and its general
contents and performance standards and learning competencies. Write your
brief observation of each part by filling up the table below.

Language Specialization: _________________________

Areas of Analysis Description
General Features



Content Standards

Performance Standards


Integrating Technologies for Teaching and Learning

After having an in-depth understanding of the general nature, focus, and non-
negotiable standards set in the curriculum guide of your field of specialization,
think of how you can integrate ICT in attaining it identified standards and
competencies. Think of how you can use some technological resources and tools
that can help you deliver it to raise the level of excellence in facilitating your
lessons. After which, answer the following questions. Write your answers in the


boxes provided after each question. Your answers will be evaluated using this

Criteria Unsatisfactory Needs Satisfactory Outstanding

Content and Content is - Content is not - Content is - Content is
Development incomplete. comprehensive accurate and comprehensive,
- Major points and /or persuasive. accurate, and
are not clear. persuasive. - Major points persuasive.
-Specific - Major points are are stated. - Major points are
examples are addressed, but - Responses are stated clearly and
not used. not well adequate and are well
supported. address topic. supported.
- Responses are - Content is - Responses are
inadequate or do clear. excellent, timely
not address topic. -Specific and address
-Specific examples examples are topic.
do not support used. - Content is clear.
topic. -Specific
examples are
Organization - Organization Structure of the - Structure is -Structure of the
and Structure and structure paper is not easy mostly clear paper is clear and
detract from to follow. and easy to easy to follow.
the message. - Transitions need follow. - Transitions are
- Writing is improvement. - Transitions are logical and
disjointed and - Conclusion is present. maintain the flow
lacks transition missing, or if - Conclusion is of thought
of thoughts. provided, does logical. throughout the
not flow from the paper.
body of the - Conclusion is
paper. logical and flows
from the body of
the paper.
Grammar, Paper contains Paper contains Rules of Rules of grammar,
Punctuation, numerous few grammatical, grammar, usage, and
and Spelling grammatical, punctuation and usage, and punctuation are
punctuation, spelling errors. punctuation are followed; spelling
and spelling followed with is correct.
errors. minor errors.
Spelling is


1. How will technological tools for teaching and learning languages promote
the salient features of the English/Filipino Language K to 12 Curriculum?


2. What are the 21st century skills that are highly required to be developed by
your field of specialization? Identify and them in terms of the identified
standards and competencies of your curriculum guide.


Unit 2: ICT-Pedagogy Integration in Language

Learning Plans

• Discuss some essential points to consider when integrating any ICT in

facilitating language education.
• Present learning plans that integrated ICT in the learning procedures to be
able to attain the learning objectives or learning outcomes.
• Plan for some activities that will help develop digital citizenship and relate
this to the development of 21st century skills among learners


Growing Up with Technology

Activity 1: Recalling ICT-integrated Language Learning Experience

For this activity, how you were exposed to learning a language using any form of
technology will be reminisced. Ask your parents or anybody at home who can
recall how you were able to acquire your language skills (speaking, listening,
reading, and writing) aided by technologies. Ask them if you were expose to
technological tools or not. If yes, let them describe how the said technologies
were able to help you. If not, think of how could the available technologies of
your time have help you to acquire language skills better. Write your recollection
in your journal to be included in your portfolio.



Integrating Technology in Instruction

Teaching has always been a challenging profession since knowledge has been
precipitously expanding and essential skills have been incessantly increasing and
changing. With the unescapable presence of these challenges that must be
faced by teachers, there is a need to engage educational technologies to assist
them in the teaching learning process. Engaging educational technologies in
teaching have theories, principles and philosophical foundations. Understanding
these will help you successfully integrate technologies to allow your students to
demonstrate the intended learning outcomes of your field of specialization.

Various educators and researchers provided the following concepts and

principles about integrating technology in instruction:

1. John Pisapia (1994)

Integrating technology with teaching means the use of learning

technologies to introduce, reinforce, supplement and extend skills. For
example, if a teacher merely tells a student to read a book without any
preparation for follow up activities that put the book in pedagogical
context, the book is not integrated. In the same way, if the teacher uses the
computer to reward children by allowing them to play a game, the
computer is not integrated.

On the other hand, integrating technology into curricula can mean

different things: 1) computer science courses, computer-assisted
instruction, and/or computer enhanced or enriched instruction, 2)
matching software with basic skill competencies, and 3) keyboarding with
word processing followed up with presentation tools.

2. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

Effective integration of technology is achieved when students are able to

select technology tools to help them obtain information in a timely manner,
analyze and synthesize the information, and present it professionally. The


technology should become an integral part of how the classroom functions

-- as accessible as all other classroom tools.

3. Margaret Lloyd (2005)

ICT integration encompasses an integral part of broader curriculum reforms
which includes both infra-structural as well as pedagogical considerations
that are changing not only how learning occurred, but what is learnt.

4. Qiyun Wang and Huay Lit Woo (2007)

Integrating Information and Communication (ICT) into teaching and
learning is a growing area that has attracted many educators’ efforts in
recent years. Based on the scope of content covered, ICT integration can
happen in three different areas: curriculum, topic, and lesson.

5. Bernard Bahati (2010)

The process of integrating ICT in teaching and learning has to be done at

both pedagogical and technological levels with much emphasis put on
pedagogy: ICT integration into teaching and learning has to be
underpinned by sound pedagogical principles.

6. UNESCO (2005)

ICT integration is not merely mastering the hardware and software skills.
Teachers need to realize how to organize the classroom to structure the
learning tasks so that ICT resources become automatic and natural
response to the requirements for learning environments in the same way as
teachers use markers and whiteboards in the classroom.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Before you can successfully integrate ICTs in your language instruction, there is a
need to have a good grasp of what Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) is all about. Specifically, there is a need also to determine what are the ICTs
that are available for language education. The following are the definitions of
various literatures of what ICT is:

1. Moursund (2005)

ICT includes all the full range of computer hardware, computer software,
and telecommunications facilities. Thus, it includes computer devices
ranging from handheld calculators to multimillion worth super computers. It
includes the full range of display and projections devices used to view


computer output. It includes the local area networks and wide area
network that will allow computer systems in people to communicate with
each other. It includes digital cameras, computer games, CDs, DVDs, cell
telephones, telecommunication satellites, and fiber optics. It includes
computerized machinery and computerized robots.

2. Tinio (2009)

ICT is a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to

communicate, create, disseminate, store, and manage information. These
technologies include hardware devices, software applications, internet
connectivity, broadcasting technologies, and telephony.

3. UNESCO (2020)

It is a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to transmit, store,

create, share or exchange information. These technological tools and
resources include computers, the Internet (website, blogs and emails), live
broadcasting technologies (radio, television and webcasting), recorded
broadcasting technologies (podcasting, audio and video players and
storage devices) and telephony (fixed or mobile, satellite, visio/video-
conferencing, etc.)

UNESCO defines it also as a scientific, technological, and engineering

discipline and management technique used and handling information, its
application, and association with social, economic, and cultural matters.

4. Ratheeswari (2018)

Information communication technologies (ICT) influence every aspect of

human life. They play salient roles in work places, business, education, and
entertainment. Moreover, many people recognize ICTs as catalysts for
change; change in working conditions, handling and exchanging
information, teaching methods, learning approaches, scientific research,
and in accessing information communication technologies. In this digital
era, ICT is important in the classroom for giving students opportunities to
learn and apply the required 21st century skills. ICT improves teaching and
learning and its importance for teachers in performing their role of creators
of pedagogical environments. ICT helps of a teacher to present his
teaching attractively and able to learn for the learners at any level of
educational programmes.


Using ICT Integration Frameworks in Language Education Learning Plans

There are a lot of concepts provided by experts relevant to integrating

technology in instruction apart from the above citations. These concepts are very
helpful to clarify lingering issues on how technologies are properly integrated in
the teaching-learning process. It must be noted that there are possible instances
when technologies are used in the classroom but the way these are used does
not promote learning and does not help facilitate the attainment of the intended
learning outcomes set for a class. Anent this, there is a need, therefore, to
enlighten you on the principles on how educational technologies will contribute
to the facilitation of the teaching-learning process. For this purpose, the following
framework may serve as a guide in integrating ICTs in developing learning plans
or lesson plans in the different subjects particularly in developing learning plans or
lesson plans in language education.

A. Conversational Framework of Laurillard (2002)

The teaching-learning process poses very complex tasks to allow learners to

understand their lessons and master the skills they are expected to demonstrate.
Thus, it will be reassuring if teachers will explore on engaging various media to
support various learning activities in classrooms. This is how the Conversational
Framework (Laurillard, 2002) may support. The framework postulates a way of
presenting teaching and learning in terms of events. These are five (5) key
teaching and learning events in the framework which are identified as:
a. acquisition;
b. discovery;
c. dialogue;
d. practice; and
e. creation.

Vis-à-vis the five events are specific teaching action or strategies, learning actions
or experience, related media form, examples of non-computer based activity,
and examples of computer-based activity.

Teaching Teaching Learning Related Media Examples of Examples of

and Action or Action or Form Non Computer-Based
Learning Strategy Experience Computer- Activity
Event Based
Acquisition show, attending, Narrative: TV, video, Lecture notes
demonstrate, apprehending, Linear film, online, streaming
describe, listening presentational. lectures, videos of
explain Usually same books, other lectures, DVD,
‘text’ acquired print multimedia
simultaneously publications including digital
by many people video, audio


clips, and
Discovery create or set investigating, Interactive: Libraries, CD based, DVD,
up or find out exploring, Non-linear galleries, or Web
or guide browsing, presentational, museums resources
through searching searchable, including
discovery filterable etc. hypertext,
spaces and but no enhanced
resources feedback hypermedia,
resources. Also
Dialogue Set up, frame, Discussing, Communicative: Seminar, Email, discussion,
moderate, collaborating, Conversation tutorials, forums, blogs
lead, facilitate reflecting, with other conferences
discussions arguing, students,
analyzing, lecturer or self
Practice Model Experimenting, Adaptive: Laboratory, Drill and
practicing Feedback, field trip, practice, tutorial
learner control simulation, programmes,
role play simulations,
Creation Facilitating Articulating, Productive: Essay, Simple existing
experimenting, Learner control object, tools, as well as
making, animation, especially
synthesizing model created

Teaching and Learning Events and Associated Media Forms (Czerniewicz &
Brown (2005) adapted from Laurillard (2002)

The Laurillard’s Conversational Framework (LCF) is relevant in the field of language

education since this field requires appropriate and complex use of various
technologies. As the framework can clearly present how the way teaching events
in language classrooms can be thoroughly related to their language learning
events, it will be of use guide to language teachers who need to systematically
match their teaching styles to the learning needs of their students. By this, the
integration of ICT and pedagogy will done in a comprehensive and meaningful

The usefulness of LCF in language education was analyze in a study that was
conducted by Abeer Aidh Alshwiah in 2016. The study investigated and
evaluated the effectiveness LCF in developing the writing component of foreign
language learners’ (FLLs’) communicative competence in a blended learning
(BL) context, as compared to a face-to-face (F2F) context. The FLLs in the study


comprised three intact classes from a foundation course at a Saudi university. The
three skills addressed consisted of the use of the past tense to describe past
events and form wh-questions, as part of grammatical competence, and writing
a letter of complaint, as part of sociolinguistic competence.

To evaluate the effectiveness of LCF, a mixed-methods approach was used. The

quasi- experimental design was applied by measuring learners’ development in
the three aforementioned skills. The corresponding test results were then
compared with those of a control group. Moreover, the benefits of LCF were
examined by gathering the learners’ perceptions of the intervention and
analysing their engagement with the teacher, peers, tasks and language.

The study revealed that LCF was more effective in the BL than in the F2F context,
in terms of developing the learners’ skill in forming wh-questions. However, both
contexts almost equally developed the learners’ skills in using the past tense and
writing a letter of complaint. Moreover, interviews with volunteers from the two
experimental groups, observing their engagement, and analysing their
conversations revealed positive perceptions amongst learners with an
intermediate level of English language proficiency. On the other hand, two
different factors affected their perceptions of the intervention: language
proficiency and the willingness of peers to collaborate. Another factor affecting
perceptions of BL was a lack of familiarity with the technology applied. It is
therefore recommended to overcome this barrier and thus encourage the use of
BL, given its effectiveness for the development of more writing skills in the present
study, in comparison to an F2F approach.

B. Three Fundamental Elements of ICT Integration by Wang (2008)

Wang in 2008 posited that integration of ICT is consist of three fundamental

elements. These are pedagogy, social interaction, and technology. These
elements are diagrammatically represented by Wang by this figure.

with content


with people

Social Technology

The ICT Integration Framework of Wang can be fully maximized in developing

learning plans for language learning. In language learning context, pedagogy
often refers to the language teaching strategies or techniques that language
teachers use to deliver their lessons and to allow their learners demonstrate the
curricular language competencies. The pedagogical element in language
learning is very important as it primarily reflects the arts of teaching a teacher will
employ in the learning process.

The pedagogical design a language teacher will use needs to include proper
selection of appropriate content and language learning activities. In the design,
the teacher needs to look into how the available technological resources will help
provide scaffolds that will assist their language learners during the learning
processes. Language teachers need to note that in developing learning plans
that embeds the pedagogical design, it is crucial for the teacher to look into the
learning environment and ensure that this environment will provide help to fulfill
the needs and objectives of the language class with learners of diverse
experiences and backgrounds. The learning plans should also involve the
appropriate use of learning resources and activities that support learners’
learning, and allow teachers to facilitate learning.

Social interaction activities as one of the elements in the framework are crucial in
language learning. With social interaction, learners will naturally acquire a
language and develop language knowledge and skills that are important for
them to live and work in various communities. In the various learning events, the
language teacher may use computers which may allow their learners to interact
and demonstrate the language skills and competencies required from them. The
teacher and the learners may use computers to connect and learn through the
computers that are now connected world-wide. With the advent of computer
mediated communication (CMC), planned social interaction activities that aim
to enhance language learning becomes more convenient and flexible.
Language learners may maximize computers individually but they may also
collaboratively use it with other learners. As noted by Uribe, Klein, & Sullivan (2003),
computer-supported collaborative learning has shown positive effects on
students’ performance.

To fully and meaningfully engage the learners in the teaching learning process,
the social design of the ICT-based learning environment needs to deliver a secure
and comfortable space. This will allow the learners to willingly share their thoughts
and ideas and will also facilitate communication between and among each

The third element of the framework is the technological component that

generally uses computers to support various learning activities. Through the use of


computers, various teaching modes may happen. Interaction does not solely
happen in a face-to-face environment but it may already happen online. In order
for any online interaction activities in language classroom to be effective, there is
a need to consider the availability of the facilities it require and easy access. The
human–computer interface design is also critical because this will define the utility
and of the technology-based learning environment. It must be noted that in
language learning, the ease of learning in the interface design is essential. It
needs to motivate the learners to fully participate.

In the 21st century classrooms, the three components: pedagogy, social

interaction, and technology, are needed in a ICT-based learning environment.
Due to the advent of educational technologies which are fundamental
requirements in ICT-pedagogy integration, the challenge among learning
institutions is to provide support for the integration to happen.

C. Categories for Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in

Teacher Training

There are a lot of researches that will prove that the integration of ICTs can fully
transform classroom instruction. Haddad in 2003 states that the teachers’ use of
ICT supports the development of higher order thinking skills (HOTS) and promotes
collaboration. This is the reason why it is recognized that trainings in ICT pedagogy
integration is promoted.

For a successful ICT-pegadogy integration training to take place, it will help if a

training framework will be used as a guide. Jung (2005) was able to organize
various ICT teacher training efforts into four categories. This is presented in this
Core Technology

ICT as main content ICT as core delivery

focus technology

Learning How to Use ICT Learning VIA ICT

ICT as facilitating or
ICT as part of content
or methods

Complementary Technology

D. UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers

Having a society that is increasingly based on information and knowledge

and with the ubiquity of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
for instruction, UNESCO was able to develop ICT Competence Framework
for Teachers (UNESCO, 2018).

ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (UNESCO, 2018)

This framework which is a part of a range of initiatives by the UN and its

specialized agencies including UNESCO aims to promote educational
reform and sustainable economic development anchored on the


principles and objectives of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG),

Education for All (EFA), the UN Literacy Decade (UNLD), and the Decade
of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD). As shown by the
framework, the teachers have six aspect of work: understanding ICT in
education, curriculum and assessment pedagogy, application of digital
skills, organization and administration, and teacher professional learning.
Across the six aspects of work are the three approaches to teaching based
on human capacity development – knowledge acquisition, knowledge
deepening, and knowledge creation.

The framework also specifically aims to equip teachers to be able to do

their roles of achieving the following societal goals:
• build work forces that have information and communications
technology (ICT) skills and are reflective, creative and adept at
problem-solving in order to generate knowledge;
• enable people to be knowledge able and resourceful so they are
able to make informed choices, manage their lives effectively and
realize their potential;
• encourage all members of society irrespective of gender, language,
age, background, location and differing abilities to participate fully
in society and influence the decisions that affect their lives; and
• foster cross cultural understanding, tolerance and the peaceful
resolution of conflict.

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) through its Policies, Standards, and
Guidelines (PSGs) requires the integration of ICTs in language teaching and
learning. Hence, the ICT Competency Framework for Teachers is very useful to
support the standards as it will serve as a guide to assist the teachers to
successfully integrate ICT into the language classroom. Through the framework,
the language teachers may structure their learning environment in new ways,
merge new technology and pedagogy, develop socially active classrooms, and
encourage co-operative interactions, collaborative learning and group work.



Reading ICT Integrated Learning Plans in English and Filipino

Read the following examples of Learning Plans for language teaching.

These sample learning plans may help you develop your own learning plans
integrating ICT to attain your learning outcomes. After reading the learning plans,
answer the series of activities that follows it.

Learning Plan 1

Reporter’s Notebook
By Heather Ann F. Pulido and Melody C. Bao-in

Targeted Philippine Basic Education Curriculum Competencies

ENGLISH 8, Fourth Grading, Reporter’s Notebook (Junior Edition), 12 days

Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West Asian literature
as an expression of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow in
various text types; reality, fantasy, and opinion in listening and viewing
materials; word decoding strategies; and use of information sources,
active/passive constructions, direct/reported speech, perfect tenses, and
logical connectors in journalistic writing.

Performance Standard
The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of journalistic texts,
the contents of which may be used in composing and delivering a
memorized oral speech featuring use of properly acknowledged
information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion,
and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.

Learning Competencies
• Use active and passive construction in journalistic context.
• Use past and perfect tenses in journalistic writing.
• Use direct and reported speech in journalistic writing.
• Use appropriate logical connectors for emphasis.


Unit Summary:

In this unit, the students will act like junior reporters as they learn the proper use of
logical connectors, active and passive voices, past and perfect tenses, as well as
direct and reported speech in journalistic writing. The teacher will utilize
interactive PowerPoint presentations, sample printed and online articles as well as
related web pages and videos in explaining the grammatical structure and
journalistic content of news, opinion, and feature stories. Based on the discussed
concepts, the students will create their own journalistic articles. The students will
then collaborate and make a newspaper spread through MS Publisher. They will
be evaluated by their group members, by other groups and by the teacher. This
will be the students’ final output for English in the 4th quarter. It will be assessed
using journalistic standards for content and organization and related grammar
rules. Ultimately, students will appreciate the role of journalism in keeping the
society informed and in forwarding significant changes.

Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes:

Week 1

Day 1:
Through an introductory PowerPoint lecture presentation on the concepts of
journalism, the students will be able to:
a. recognize the basic concepts of journalism and news, opinion, and feature
b. describe the personal significance of reading news, opinion, and feature
articles to their daily life by making a creative output (poem, essay, or
poster); and
c. determine, through enumeration, the distinct qualities of the given samples
of news, opinion, and feature articles.

Day 2:
By analyzing samples of journalistic articles, the students will be able to:
a. recognize the essential journalistic content and proper grammatical
structure of news, opinion, and feature stories;
b. compare the content and structure of news articles with the two other
journalistic texts through a diagram; and
c. assemble given journalistic content into a properly structured news spread
that will serve as a model for their long-term project using MS Publisher.

Day 3:
Through an interactive discussion about the past and perfect tenses, the students
will be able to:


a. identify how to apply past and past perfect tenses in making clear and
meaningful sentences;
b. discuss the functions of past and past perfect tenses in writing a journalistic
article by a brainstorming session; and
c. conform to the rules of past and past perfect tenses in rewriting sentences
from news, opinion, or feature articles.

Day 4:
Through an interactive discussion about the active and passive voices, the
students will be able to:
a. discern the use of active and passive voices in making clear and
meaningful sentences;
b. differentiate the function of active and passive voices through a creative
dialogue; and
c. revise sentences according to the rules of being active and passive voice
in journalistic writing.

Day 5:
Through an interactive discussion about direct and reported speech, the students
will be able to:
a. a. determine the proper use of direct and reported speech in writing clear
and meaningful sentences;
b. explain the difference between direct and reported speech as used in
journalistic articles through a graded recitation; and
c. convert direct speech to indirect speech and vice versa through a writing

Week 2

Day 6:
Through a PowerPoint lecture presentation about logical connectors, the students
will be able to:
a. determine the proper use of logical connectors in writing clear and
meaningful paragraphs;
b. explain the different uses of each logical connector as used in journalistic
articles through a graded recitation; and
c. match the clauses with the correct logical connectors through an
interactive classroom activity.

Day 7:
By outlining the basic structure of a news article using a PowerPoint presentation,
the students will be able to:
a. distinguish the steps in writing a primary lead, secondary lead and
background in a news article;


b. discuss with others after reviewing online news articles to identify the
qualities of a good news lead and background; and
c. create a news story about a significant current event using a variety of print
and non-print resources.

Day 8:
Through watching videos detailing the basics of opinion and feature writing
articles, the students will be able to:
a. identify the essential content and basic structure of opinion and feature
b. illustrate how feature and opinion articles help forward changes in society
through a creative output (poem or comic strip); and
c. review the content and structure of sample opinion and feature articles.

Day 9:
Through choosing a video about the pros and cons of an issue posted on a
relevant YouTube channel, the students will be able to:
a. recognize the structure and content of opinion articles;
b. relate the issue tackled in the video to their personal lives through a short
c. compose their own opinion articles by reacting to the video they watched.

Day 10:
By browsing web pages that post “human interest” writing (e.g. Humans of New
York), the students will be able to:
a. point out different angles of human interest that are essential to feature
b. share their favorite anecdotes from the web pages that they browsed and
explain why they chose them; and
c. use a human interest angle to write a feature article about a person inside
the classroom that they find interesting.

Day 11 :
By compiling their individual outputs (news, opinion, feature articles), the students
will be able to:
a. distinguish the importance of journalism to keeping citizens informed about
the changes happening in society by making a creative and informative
news spread;
b. join others in exploring the effective use of MS Publisher to create news
spreads out of their journalistic works; and
c. construct a news spread that contains the group’s compiled journalistic
work using MS Publisher while following standards of lay-outing, journalistic
content and grammar.


Day 12:
After collaborating with others in creating and showcasing a news spread that
contains their news, opinion, and feature articles, the students will be able to:
a. apply the comments from other groups that are helpful to improving the
journalistic content and grammatical structure of their group's news
b. share relevant insights with their group members in objectively evaluating
the news spread of other groups; and
c. apply concepts of grammar (direct and indirect speech, logical
connectors, past and past perfect tenses, active and passive voice),
journalistic writing, and proper citation of sources in critiquing the news
spreads of other groups.

Daily Procedures

Day 1
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Let students do the “Make What You Know” activity.
3. Start with the introductory lecture on journalism and news, feature, and
opinion articles.
a. Ask the students what is journalism.
b. Ask the students, “What is the purpose of journalism?”(List the answer of
the students on the board.)
c. Supplement the students’ answers with this insight:
“The principles and purpose of journalism are defined by something more
basic: the function news plays in the lives of people.”- Bill Kovach and Tom
d. Let the students write the different types of articles. Ask the students to
bring out their newspaper.
e. Present the different types of newspaper.
f. Ask the students for insights about why we need to read the news.
4. Introduce the activity “There’s a Difference Among the Three.”
a. The students will create a table about the three types of articles.
b. b. Using the sample articles, the student will enumerate the distinct
qualities of the given samples of news, opinion, and feature articles.
c. The students will list the qualities in the said table.
d. Five minutes before the time, ask the students to pass their paper.

Day 2
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Introduce the game “Put it Back Together.”
a. Let the students be grouped into seven members each.


b. Give each group one set of articles containing the three types (news,
feature, editorial/opinion). The cutouts of the given articles must be
jumbled but separated according to type.
c. Instruct the class to rearrange the disorganized articles in two minutes.
d. Ask some of the students to read their output in front of the class.
3. Proceed to the basic discussion about the journalistic content of news,
opinion, and feature articles.
4. Let students remain in their groups as they explore the functions and
features of MS Publisher in relation to assembling articles.
a. Ask the groups to open their laptops. Click to MS Publisher.
b. Choose a layout of newspaper template. (If the Internet is available,
The students are allowed to pick a template from the web).
c. Ask the students to search for sample articles from the internet (2
news articles, 1 opinion article and 1 feature article).
d. Instruct the students to paste the content of the given articles in the
Layout of their newspaper spread (8.5 inches x 14 inches). Add that
this newspaper spread will serve as a model for their long-term
e. Five minutes before the time, ask the students to save their output.
Instruct them to send their work in your account in Google docs or
Schoology before the class ends. (If the internet is unavailable, tell
the students they can send the file before 9 pm through e-mail).
Day 3
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Introduce the activity “What’s Wrong with the Sentence?”
a. Prepare the PowerPoint Presentation of the activity.
b. Show the slides.
c. Ask the students to compare the pictures to the sentences by asking
“What’s wrong with the sentences?”
d. Ask the students on how they will convert the sentences
e. Present the answers
3. Proceed to the discussion about past and past perfect sentences and their
importance in journalistic writing.
a. Ask the class why verb tenses are important in writing sentences and
on why is it also important in news writing.
b. Use the hand out to review on verb tenses.
c. Inform the class that the most common tenses used in news writing
are past tenses and past perfect tense. Explain these through the
given examples.
d. d. Through the handout, ask the class to give their own examples.
e. Why are reporters fond of using past and past perfect tenses? (Let
the student share their answer in front of class).
4. Let students answer an exercise about tenses.
a. Prepare a hard copy of an exercise from


b. Instruct the students to read the instructions. Remind the students to write
their names and the date on the paper.
c. Call for the students to pass their paper a few minutes before the bell
Day 4
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Introduce the students to the activity “The Suspicious Suitcase”
a. Give the students a handout about passive and active voices.
b. Present the given paragraph.
c. Ask the student to convert the sentences in the paragraph to an active
voice. Their answers should be written in a ½ crosswise.
d. Request one of the students to read their output in front of the class.
e. Ask the class what happened to the tone of the story. Did it become
more engaging? Interesting?
3. Let students collaborate in order to create dialogues incorporating the
active and passive voice.
a. The students will group themselves into five groups.
b. Using their hand outs, the two students will create a two person dialogue
(for two minutes) using active and passive voices.
c. They will present their output in front of the class.
4. Present the lesson about active and passive voices and their relation to
journalistic writing.
a. Present the power point presentation. Give a review on voices.
b. Explain the functions of active and passive voices. Give examples.
c. Explain how to apply active and passive voices in writing a news article.
Give examples.
d. Explain how to change a sentence from the active voice to the passive
voice. Give examples.
e. Let the students explain how does active voice gives an interesting news
story and how will the passive voice be applied.
5. Let students answer the activity “Modified Active or Passive Voice”.
a. Prepare the following headlines in a manila paper :
• Toronto named ‘most youthful’ city in world
• Two baby baboons on display at Brooklyn zoo
• Taylor Swift had just won top prize at American Music Awards
• Scottish government revealed their independence plan
• World's first solar power plane takes flight in Hawaii
• Obama was elected president for second term
• Mothers asks nearly 300 questions a day
b. Instruct the students to write the sentences in a one whole sheet of
paper. Leave three spaces after each sentence.
c. Explain to the students that one of the headlines presented are in
the active voice and some are in the passive voice. Some of the
headlines will stay the same while others headlines will remain the same.


If they will rewrite a sentence, they should write (in one sentence) why
they should convert the headline to active or passive voice.
d. Call for the students to pass their paper a few minutes before the bell
Day 5
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Introduce the activity “What Did They Just Say?”
a. Show the video clip: Kurbaan - Classroom Debate Scene - Vivek
Oberoi (2 minutes and 47 seconds long).
b. Repeat the video. Ask the students to take down the important lines on
a scrap paper.
c. Instruct the students to rewrite their chosen lines and compile it to a
paragraph. Present their output in a ½ crosswise.
d. Ask the students to pass their papers after 10 minutes.
3. Proceed to the discussion about direct and indirect speech and their
relation to journalistic writing.
a. Ask the class about why they converted the lines in the video.
b. Start the PowerPoint presentation. Ask what is direct and reported
speech. These are two ways to report what someone says or thinks.
c. Give the functions of direct and reported speech. Give examples.
d. Explain how to apply direct and reported speech in writing a news
article. Ask the students to convert the given examples.
e. Do you think knowing direct and reported speech will help you in news
writing ? How?
4. Introduce the activity “Tell Me About Yourself.”
a. The class will group themselves in pairs.
b. One of the two should interview the other. The content of their interview
should focus on one trait about the person. (Crushes, Hobbies, Talents,
Family). The interview consists of only five questions. They will write their
answers in the upper half of the one whole sheet of paper.
c. After five minutes, the two students will exchange places. The person
who was interviewed will now interview his/her partner.
d. After five minutes, the two students will now paraphrase the answers into
a sentence, thus converting direct speech to indirect speech (or vice
versa) whenever necessary. The students will compile it into a
e. Call for the students to pass their paper a minute before the bell rings.

Day 6
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Let students engage in the activity “Add What is Missing”
a. Present copies of the article.
b. Instruct the class to fill the blanks to complete the article.


c. After 10 minutes, ask the class to past their papers. Ask what are the
words are missing in the article. Let them discuss.
3. Use an interactive PowerPoint presentation called “The Missing Link.”
a. Explain that a particular journalist needs their help to finish his news
article. Introduce the character of the PowerPoint presentation. Then
give the definition of the lesson.
b. As you fill the blanks in the article, give the different types of logical
connectors. Show examples.
c. After the class helps the character finish the article, ask them what is the
importance of logical connectors.
4. Introduce the activity “Can You Help His Friends?”
a. The PowerPoint presentation will provide an exercise for the students to
apply logical connectors in opinion and feature articles.
b. The students will fill in the blanks with the appropriate logical connector.
c. The students will then use their answers to rewrite the given article in an
intermediate paper.
d. Call for the students to pass their paper a few minutes before the bell

5. Introduce to the class their assignment. Instruct the students to gather

information about a newsworthy recent event in their school. For example,
a student who has won an award in an inter-school competition or a
program in school that will be held next week. The information can be
gathered by interviewing knowledgeable authorities or consulting other
reliable sources (e.g. the school website).
6. Give the instructions for the class’ online quiz.
a. Instruct the students to log in to Edmodo after classes.
b. Ask the students to download the file: Logical Connectors Quiz.doc.
c. The students will then answer the questions of the given quiz.
d. Instruct the class to submit their outputs to the teacher’s Edmodo
account before 9 p.m. on Day 7.

Day 7-8
1. Start with a prayer to be led by one of the students.
2. Use a PowerPoint presentation to discuss the lesson about news writing. The
first slides will flash a few headlines. Ask the students what they know or what
they can deduce about these headlines.
a. 'AlDub' rice paddy art hopes to attract millennials to farming
b. Duterte ties Poe in latest Pulse Asia poll
c. Talk about the basic structure of a news article. Include samples of
newspaper articles from print publications and online news sites in the
presentation. The discussion will take 15 minutes.


d. At the end of the lecture presentation, instruct the students to make

personalized diagrams that outline the basic structure of a news article
on their notebooks.
e. After five minutes, flash samples of diagrams that describe the structure
of news articles for students to compare and refine their outputs if
f. Ask the students what kind of news lead makes them want to read the
entire article and what they think are the qualities that make up a good
news article background. Allow students to discuss with their seatmates
about their answers. After a few minutes, ask some of them to share their
responses briefly.
g. Using their homework from Day six, instruct the students to work
individually on a news article about a significant issue within their school
through Microsoft Word.
h. Tell students to properly cite their sources in the news article (e.g. printed
materials or knowledgeable authorities).
i. Remind students of their final project, a newspaper spread comprised
of four pages. Inform the students of their groups, composed of 5
members each. All writing outputs will be uploaded to Google Drive
through a folder that will be accessed by the teacher and the groups.
j. Distribute the rubrics for the newspaper spread for students’ reference
in conceptualizing and designing their newspaper spreads as well as for
future evaluation of other groups’ works. Groups can start compiling
their works and designing their newspaper spread starting today.
3. Look for lecture videos on YouTube detailing the basics of opinion and
feature articles. Show these videos to the class. The videos will take about
5 minutes each.
• Opinion writing:
• Feature writing:
4. Give a skeleton structure of an outline for the two videos in which the basic
content and structure of opinion and feature articles are identified.
a. Type of Article
b. Essential Content of the Article
c. Parts of the Article and Description
d. Additional Tips
5. Tell students to fill in the outlines on their notebooks.
6. Distribute samples of opinion and feature articles. Each student will have
one sample of each.
7. From these articles and the videos they previously watched, ask students to
review the content and structure of opinion and feature articles by creating
mnemonic devices.
8. According to their individual preference, the students can make a short
poem or comic strip that illustrates how feature and opinion articles help


forward changes in society. They will be given the rest of the hour to
complete this on a short coupon bond.

Day 9
1. Start with a prayer to be led by one of the students.
2. Ask students if they are on social media and ask which sites they frequently
3. Pose the question, “Do you think social media is good or bad for you as an
adolescent?” Ask students to raise their hands to show their opinion. Count
votes for Good and Bad.
4. Let students watch a video about the Pros and Cons of social media.
The Pros and Cons of Social Networking & Adolescents:
5. Once again, ask the question, “Do you think social media is good or bad
for you as an adolescent?” Ask students to raise their hands to show their
opinion. Note the difference in the number of students who voted for Good
and Bad before and after watching the video. Ask them how watching the
video affected their opinions.
6. Ask the students to work by pairs and concisely answer the following
questions on an intermediate pad:
a. What was the video about? Answer in 1-2 sentences.
b. How was the video structured in terms of:
• The introduction
• Presenting the Pros
• Presenting the Cons
• Conclusion
c. How is the structure of the video similar to the structure of an opinion
article, as discussed previously?
d. How is the topic of the video related to your personal life and
experiences? Answer in 4 to 6 sentences.
7. Let students explore YouTube for videos that talk about the pros and cons
of one of the following topics:
a. Technology in the classroom
b. School Uniforms
c. K to12 Curriculum in the Philippines
8. Tell students to write an opinion article reacting to the video they watched.
Through the article, they will make a stand on the issue they chose and
justify it by logical analysis and citing reliable sources. Allow them to use the
internet to search for credible sources. They will be given the rest of the hour
to complete this on Microsoft Word.
9. For their assignment, ask students to conduct a short interview with a person
in the classroom that they find interesting. Encourage them to choose
someone they are not really close to but would like to know better. The
interview will be used to make a basic personality sketch (e.g. personal


details such as the interviewee’s birthdate, educational background,

information about parents and siblings).

Day 10
1. Start with a prayer to be led by one of the students.
2. Compile and flash literary pieces from the website
in a PowerPoint presentation. Ask students how they felt after reading the
3. Ask the students, “How were those passages able to appeal to you?”
4. Recommend some websites and pages that post “human interest writing”
(e.g. Humans of New York) and let students explore the internet for 10
minutes to read through more samples.
5. Ask the students which anecdotes they liked the most. Let them explain
why they chose them as their favorite.
6. Present a blank sample of a word web about the different human interest
angles in feature writing.
7. Let students complete their own word web on Microsoft Word. Afterwards,
tell them to briefly answer the question, “Why are human interest angles
important in feature writing?”
8. Tell students to bring out their homework (basic personality sketch). They will
use an appropriate human interest angle to write a feature article about
the person they interviewed.
9. Allow students to approach the person they chose as subject in order to
ask follow-up questions for their article.
10. After completing the necessary information, the students will be tasked to
finish their feature articles on Microsoft Word.
11. Assign the completion and revision of all the students’ journalistic articles as
their homework. Another assignment is to bring soft copies of all the articles
(news, opinion, and feature) that they made.

Day 11
1. Start with a prayer to be led by one of the students.
2. Instruct students to imagine a world where there are no journalists and
media (radio, TV, etc).
3. Using colored chalk, students will write their ideas (words or phrases) on the
blackboard in the form of graffiti.
4. Present a short lecture about news spreads as a form of journalistic
publication including a sample layout of a news spread. This lesson serves
as a refresher of what was learned from the previous week (Day 2).
5. Instruct students to sit with their group members as they finish compiling the
soft copies of their articles. Remind the students to participate actively
because they will be evaluated by their peers using the given rubric.


6. Allow groups to explore the effective use of Microsoft Publisher in making a

newspaper spread. Students will submit their final output via Google Drive
before 12 midnight of that day.
7. Before leaving the room, tell students to submit their peer evaluations by

Day 12
1. Start with a prayer to be led by one student.
2. Make a slideshow preview of all the outputs submitted yesterday.
3. Review the rubrics given for evaluating newspaper spreads. Assign groups
to exchange their newspaper spreads for checking (e.g. Group 1 and 2, 3
and 4, and so on).
4. Let students within each group sit together as they rate the newspaper
spreads of the group assigned to them. They must write comments when
they rate the outputs of the other group. They will do this for 30 minutes.
5. Groups will exchange their written comments with each other. Each group
will decide which comments to accept in order to improve their output.
6. Instruct students to make final revisions of their output using MS Publisher.
7. At the end of the period, ask students to upload their finalized output using
the appropriate folder in Google Drive. These will be rated by the teacher.
The final project will be worth 100 points, 50 points from the Peer Evaluation,
and 50 points from the teacher (using the same rubric).

Pre-requisite Skills
• Basic research skills
• Basic knowledge in formal grammar
• Exposure to journalism (specifically news, feature and opinion articles)
• Basic knowledge in using MS Publisher

Materials and Resources Required for the Unit

Technology-Hardware Required for the Unit

• Desktop or laptops
• Smartphones Iphones
• Internet connection
• Digital Camera
• Printer

Technology – Software Required for the Unit

• Database/Spreadsheet
• Web browser
• Word processing
• Desktop publisher
• Web page Development


• Presentation

Printed Materials
• Newspaper, Opinion, and Feature Articles
• Dictionary / Thesaurus
• Grammar guidebook or printed grammar guidelines
• Textbook about Journalistic Writing
• A Hand-out of the Lesson

• Intermediate paper
• Coupon bond
• Writing materials
*Most activities are done using computers and the internet

Accommodation for Differentiated Instruction

Students with Special Learning Needs:

• Provide notes from class discussions for review or remediation.
• Offer supplementary examples/explanations and other reading materials or
• Offer short after-class instruction for specific concepts or
lessons that the students say they do not fully understand.
• Prepare alternative activities that are developmentally appropriate to the

Students with Visual Impairment:

• Prepare speakers whenever videos are to be played. Make sure the contents of
videos are understandable even with audio ONLY.
• Convert the given videos to an audio format.
• Prepare braille plates for every handout/printed activity (if this is preferred by the
• Prepare soft copies for the quizzes and handouts (if this is preferred by the student)
• Search for a SPED instructor or someone who has knowledge in braille to assist you
in reading braille plates.

Students with Hearing Impairment:

• Add subtitles to the videos used in class.
• Prepare printed transcriptions for audio-related media.
• Learn basic sign language.
• Search for a SPED instructor or someone who knows sign language to assist you in
communicating with the students.

Students who are Gifted:

• Provide additional materials or resources (print and online) for further reading.


• Prepare an alternative or additional activity that is developmentally appropriate

for the gifted student.
• Accommodate questions to the best of your ability.
• Refer the student to a knowledgeable person or a reliable book/website for
questions you cannot answer.

Student Assessment

Formative Assesment:

• Make What You Know

Based on the articles on their reading assignment, the students will create
a short essay or poem on the importance of news. The students must
include the name of the newspaper. Their score will be based on their
citations and explanation based on the articles. There will be a deduction
of points if the student didn’t include the name of the newspaper.

• Put it Back Together.

The students are grouped into seven members each. Each group will be
given one set of articles containing the three types (news, feature, editorial
/opinion). The cut-outs of the given articles must be jumbled but separated
according to type. The class will have to rearrange the disorganized articles
in two minutes. Their output will be graded according to how the articles
are arranged.

• What’s Wrong with the Sentence?

Show a PowerPoint Presentation with three pictures and three sentences.
Ask the students to compare the pictures to the sentences. Through a
graded recitation, the students will be graded on how they will convert the

• The Suspicious Suitcase

Present the paragraph: The Suspicious Suitcase. Ask the student to convert
the sentences in the paragraph to an active voice. Their answers should be
written in a ½ crosswise. One point is given for each sentence that will be
converted correctly.

• What Did They Just Say?

Show the video clip: Kurbaan - Classroom Debate Scene - Vivek Oberoi (2
minutes and 47 seconds long) to the class. Ask the students to take down
the important lines on a scrap paper. The students will have to rewrite their
chosen lines and compile it to a paragraph. Their output will be presented


in a ½ crosswise. The paragraph will be scored according to how the

students organized the lines into a paragraph.

• Add What is Missing

Before the discussion, present copies of the article:"The Virtual Jewelry
Exhibit". Instruct the class to fill the blanks to complete the article. One point
will be given for each item. A graded recitation will be held when the class
will be asked to tell what are the words are missing in the article.

• After The Video

The students will give a skeleton structure of an outline for the two videos in
which the basic content and structure of opinion and feature articles are
identified. From these articles and the videos they previously watched, ask
students to review the content and structure of opinion and feature articles
by creating mnemonic devices. Each mnemonic device will be scored in
accordance to the structure of the opinion and feature articles.

Summative Assessment:

• There’s a Difference Among the Three

(Using the sample articles, the student will enumerate the distinct qualities
of the given samples of news, opinion, and feature articles through a table.
The score of the activity will come to how many qualities can the student
enumerate in the table.)

• Put it Back Together 2

Let the students remain in their groups. Each group will choose a layout of
newspaper template in MS Publisher in relation to assembling articles. The
students will then search for sample articles from the internet (2 news
articles, 1 opinion article and 1 feature article) and create a Layout of their
newspaper spread (8.5 inches x 14 inches). Their output will be sent to
Google docs or Schoology. The Layout will be graded in terms of its
organization, number of articles, and teamwork. Comments will be given
as to improve their output.

• Venn Diagram
Using MS Word, create a Venn diagram that enumerates the journalistic
content and grammatical structure of news, opinion, and feature stories.
The students will print their output and then submit it next meeting. The
qualities given must be based on the given activity of their discussion. This
will serve as a basis of their score.


• Exercise: Past and Past Perfect

Prepare a hard copy of an exercise from The
students will answer the exercise by filling the correct verb in the brackets.
The results of this exercise will be added to their grade.

• Modified Active or Passive Voice

Prepare the seven headlines in a manila paper. Explain to the students that
one of the headlines below are in the active voice and some are in the
passive voice. Some of the headlines will stay the same while others
headlines will remain the same. If they will rewrite a sentence, they should
write (in one sentence) why they should convert the headline to active or
passive voice. Their answers will be written in a one whole sheet of paper.
Leave three spaces after each sentence. Three points will be given for each

• Tell Me About Yourself

The class will group themselves in pairs. One of the two should interview the
other. The interview consists of only five questions. After five minutes, the
two students will exchange places. The person who was interviewed will
now interview his/her partner. After another five minutes, the two students
will now paraphrase the answers into a sentence, thus converting direct
speech to indirect speech (or vice versa) whenever necessary. The students
will compile it into a paragraph. The students will be scored based on the
completeness, organization, and grammar of their paragraph. Comments
will be given in their output.

• Can You Help His Friends?

The PowerPoint presentation will provide an exercise wherein the students
fill in the blanks with the appropriate logical connector. The students will
then rewrite the given article in an intermediate paper. One point will be
given for each item.

• Quiz: Logical Connectors

Ask the students to download the file: Logical Connectors Quiz.doc. from
their accounts in Edmodo. The students will then answer the questions of
the given quiz. Instruct the class to submit their outputs to the teacher’s
Edmodo account before 9 p.m. on Day 7. T

• Diagram
Use a PowerPoint presentation to discuss the lesson about news writing. At
the end of the lecture presentation, instruct the students to make
personalized diagrams that outline the basic structure of a news article on
their notebooks. After five minutes, flash samples of diagrams that describe


the structure of news articles for students to compare and refine their
outputs if needed.

• News Spread
Using their homework from Day Six, instruct the students to work individually
on a news article about a significant issue within their school through
Microsoft Word. Rubrics will be given for the newspaper spread for students’
reference in conceptualizing and designing their newspaper spreads as
well as for future evaluation of other groups’ works.

• Opinion and Feature Art

According to their individual preference, the students can make a short
poem or comic strip that illustrates how feature and opinion articles help
forward changes in society in a short coupon bond. Their output will be
graded based on their creativity and relevance to the theme.

• Pros and Cons of Social Media

Let students watch a video about the Pros and Cons of social media. Ask
the students to work by pairs and concisely answer the given questions on
an intermediate pad. The students will use this as a basis for their opinion
article. Through the article, they will make a stand on the issue they chose
and justify it by logical analysis and citing reliable sources. The article will be
graded according to content, grammar, organization, facts and
information, as well as their citations.

• The Interview
The students will have to conduct a short interview with a person in the
classroom that they find interesting. The interview will be used to make a
basic personality sketch (e.g. personal details such as the interviewee’s
birthdate, educational background, information about parents and
siblings). The scores will be based on the interview sheet and the answers of
the interviewee.

• Human Interest
Recommend the class some websites and pages that post “human interest
writing” (e.g. Humans of New York) and let students explore the internet for
10 minutes to read through more samples. Present a blank sample of a word
web about the different human interest angles in feature writing. Tell
students to bring out their homework (basic personality sketch). They will use
an appropriate human interest angle to write a feature article about the
person they interviewed. After completing the necessary information, the
students will be tasked to finish their feature articles on Microsoft Word.
Assign the completion and revision of all the students’ journalistic articles as


their homework. Another assignment is to bring soft copies of all the articles
(news, opinion, and feature) that they made.

• News Spread (Day 11)

Instruct students to sit with their group members as they finish compiling the
soft copies of their articles. Allow groups to explore the effective use of
Microsoft Publisher in making a newspaper spread. Students will submit their
final output via Google Drive before 12 midnight of that day. Before leaving
the room, the students will be evaluated by their peers using the given
rubric. A separate rubric is provided for the spread sheet.

Learning Plan 2

Panitikang Mediterranean

Targeted Philippine Basic Education Curriculum Competencies

Philippine Secondary High School K to12 Curriculum for Filipino
1. Naipahahayag ang mahahalagang kaisipan sa napakinggang
2. Nasusuri ang nilalaman, elemento, at kakanyahan, ng binasang sanaysay
gamit ang mga ibinigay na tanong.
3. Naibabahagi ang sariling reaksiyon sa ilang mahahalagang ideyang
nakapaloob sa binasang parabula.
4. Naibibigay ang sariling interpretasyon kung bakit ang mga suliranin ay
ipinararanas ng may-akda sa pangunahing tauhan ng epiko.
5. Napatutunayang ang mga nangyayari sa maikling kuwento ay maaaring
mangyari sa tunay na buhay.
6. Nailalarawan ang kultura ng mga tauhan na masasalamin sa ilang
kabanata ng nobela.

Mga Layuning Pampag-aaral

Araw 1: Kasaysayan ng Mitolohiya at Mga diyos at diyosa ng Rome

Sa pamamagitan ng pagpapanood ng isang maikling dokumentaryo tunkol sa
Mitolohiyang Rome, ang mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang:
1. naiisa-isa ang mga tauhan sa napanood na dokumentaryo;
2. natutukoy ang mga kaakit-akit na katangian ng mga diyos at diyosa na
maaari nilang maisabuhay; at
3. nakasusulat ng sariling mitolohiya batay sa paksa ng akdang binasa.

Araw 2: Cupid at Psyche at Gamit ng Pandiwa


Sa tulong ng Power Point Presentation tungkol sa Cupid at Psyche at gamit ng

pandiwa, ang mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang:
1. nakapagbibigay ng halimbawa ng gamit ng pandiwa batay sa akdang
Cupid at Psyche;
2. nabibigyang halaga ang tamang gamit ng pandiwa sa pagsusulat ng
sariling pangungusap; at
3. naiguguhit ang sariling paglalarawan sa mga nangyari sa akdang Cupid
at Psyche.

Araw 3: Elemento ng Sanaysay at Ang Alegorya ng Yungib

Gamit ang pangkatang brain storming patungkol sa mga elemento ng
sanaysay at ang Alegorya ng Yungib, ang mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang:
1. naitatala ang mga elemento ng sanaysay batay sa akdang Alegorya ng
2. nailalahad ang aral na ipinapahatid ng sanaysay; at
3. nakagagawa ng sariling sanaysay na kinapapalooban ng lahat ng
elemento ng sanaysay.

Araw 4: Ang Ningning at ang Liwanag at Ekspresiyong Ginagamit sa

Pagpapahayag ng Pananaw
Sa pamamagitan ng komics strip tungkol sa Ningning at Liwanag, ang mga
mag-aaral ay inaasahang:
1. natutukoy ang mga salitang nagpapakita ng ekspresyon sa
pagpapahayag ng pananaw mula sa akdang Ningning at Liwanag;
2. naipahahayag ang mga mahahalagang mensahe na ipinaparating ng
akda; at
3. nakaguguhit ng sariling komics strip patungkol sa pangarap na nais

Araw 5: Ang Tusong Katiwala at Mga Piling Pang-ugnay sa Pagsasalaysay

Sa tulong ng pagbabahagian tungkol sa akdang Tusong Katiwala, ang mga
mag-aaral ay inaasang:
1. naibibigay ang mga piling pang-ugnay sa pagsasalaysay na nabasa
mula sa akda;
2. naibabahagi ang mga aral sa buhay na natutunan sa parabula;at
3. nakasusulat ng slogan na naglalarawan sa parabulang nabasa.

Araw 6: Mensahe ng Butil ng Kape at Mga ginagamit sa Pagsusunod-sunod ng

mga Pangyayari
Sa tulong ng sabayang pagbigkas tungkol sa akdang Mensahe ng Butil ng
kape, ang mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang:
1. naibibigay ang mga katangian ng tauhan sa akda;
2. nailalahad ang mga kabutihang asal na napulot sa akda na maaaring
maisabuhay; at


3. nakasusulat ng sariling akda batay sa mga ginagamit sa pagsusunod-

sunod ng mga pangyayari.

Araw 7: Kasaysayan ng Epiko at Epiko ni Galgamesh

Gamit ang grapikong representasyon na tumutukoy sa kasaysayan ng epiko at
Epiko ni Galgamesh, ang mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang:
1. napangangalanan ang mga tauhan sa epiko;
2. nailalahad ang kahalagahan ng pag-alam sa kasaysayan ng epiko sap
ag-papaunlad ng kanilang buhay; at
3. nakabubuo ng malikhaing timeline na naglalarawan sap ag-unlad ng

Araw 8: Mga Pananda ng Mabisang Paglalahad at Tuwaang

Sa pamamagitan ng PowerPoint Presentation tungkol sa mabisang paglalahad
ng pagiging , ang mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang:
1. naibabahagi ang mga pananda ng mabisang paglalahad mula sa
akdang Tuwaang;
2. nakapagbabahagi ng mga magagandang asal na natutunan sa akda;
3. nakasusulat ng isang tula na naglalaman ng mga pananda ng mabisang

Araw 9: Ang Kuwintas at Kultura ng France: Kaugalian at Tradisyon

Gamit ang mabisang talakayan ukol sa Ang Kuwintas at kultura ng France, ang
mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang:
1. naibibigay ang mga naging tunggalian sa akdang Ang Kuwintas;
2. natutukoy ang mga kaakit-akit na kaangian ng mga tauhan sa maikling
kuwentong napakinggan; at
3. nailalarawan ang kultura ng France sa pamamagitan ng isang pinta.

Araw 10: Anapora at Katapora

Sa pamamagitan ng graphic orgaanizer tungkol sa anaphora at katapora, ang
mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang:
1. nailalahad ang pagkakaiba ng anapora at katapora;
2. naibabahagi ang mahahalagang tungkulin ng anapora at katapora sa
kanilang buhay bilang mga mag-aaral; at
3. nakasusulat ng mga pangungusap na batay sa anapora at katapora.

Araw 11: Ang Kuba ng Notre Dame at Mga Dapat Tandaan sa Pagsusulat ng
Gamit ang pangkatang pag-uulat tungkol sa Ang Kuba ng Notre Dame at mga
dapat tandaan sa pagsulat ng nobela, ang mga mag-aaral inaasahang:
1. naiisa-isa ang mga dapat tandaan sa pagsulat ng nobela;


2. naibabahagi ang kakintalang naiiwan ng akdang Kuba ng Notre Dame

sa kanila; at
3. naisasadula ang isang pangyayari sa nobela na may pagkakatulad sa
tunay na buhay.

Araw 12: Dekada ‘70

Sa tulong ng gawaing radio drama ng akdang Dekada ’70, ang mga mag-
aaral ay inaasahang:
1. naiisa-isa ang mga tagpuan at tunggalian sa kuwento;
2. naipahahayag ang mga mabubuting katangiang Pilipino na
masasalamin sa akda; at
3. nakasusulat ng isang pagsusuri tungkol sa nobelang napanood.

Araw 13: Panunood

Sa pamamagitan ng pagpapanuod ng nabuong video, ang mga mag-aaral
ay inaasahang:
1. nasusuri ang nilalaman ng nalikhang obra ng mga mag-aaral;
2. nakapaglalahad ng komento na maaaring positibo at negatibo; at
3. nakapagbibigay ng mungkahi para sa ikabubuti ng proyekto.


Ang mga sumusunod ang mga detalye na isasagawa para sa ikatatamo ng

mga natukoy na layunin ng pag-aaral.

Araw 1: Kasaysayan ng Mitolohiya at Mga diyos at diyosa ng Rome

1. Ang mga mag-aaral ay manonood ng isang maikling dokumentaryo
tungkol sa kaligirang pangkasaysayan ng mitolohiya.
2. Ipapakilala ng guro ang pangunahing paksa na matatalakay at ang
mga sub-topics na nakapaloob dito:
• Kasaysayan ng mitolohiya
• Mga diyos at diyosa ng Rome
• Cupid at Psyche (akdang pampanitikan)
• Gamit ng Pandiwa
3. Ang mga mag-aaral ay magbabahagi ng kanilang mga mahahalagang
kaisipan mula sa kanilang napakinggan.
4. Ipapakita ng guro ang isang powerpoint presentation na tumatalakay sa
mga diyos at diyosa ng Rome.
5. Iuugnay ng mga mag-aaral ang mga katangian ng mga diyos at diyosa
sa kanilang tunay na buhay at tunay na lipunan.
6. Pipili ang mga mag-aaral ng isang diyos o diyosa at kanila itong bibigyan
ng buhay sa pamamagitan ng monologo.

Araw 2: Cupid at Psyche at Gamit ng Pandiwa


1. Ipakikilala ng guro ang isang akda na ang Cupid at Psyche sa

pamamgitan ng isang powerpoint presentation.
2. IIsa-isahin ng mga mag-aaral ang mga tauhan ng akda at ang kanilang
mga katangian at mga ginampanan.
3. Tutukuyin ng mga mag-aaral ang mga mahahalagang pangyayari na
nangyari sa pangunahing tauhan sa kuwento.
• Ang pagkakakilala niya kay Zephyr
• Ang pakakakilala niya kay Cupid.
• Ang kanyang nagawang kasalanan sa asawa.
• Ang mga naging parusa ni Venus sa kaniya.
4. Ipapaliwanag ang Mga Gami ng Pandiwa.
• Aksiyon
• Karanasan
• Pangyayari
5. Magbibigay ng halimbawa ang mga mag-aaral batay sa akda.
• Ginawa ni Psyche ang lahat upang maipaglaban ang kaniyang
pagmamahal kay Cupid.
• Labis na nanibugho si Venus sa Kagandahan ni Psyche.
• PAtuloy na naglakbay si Psyche at pinilit na makuha ang panig ng
mga diyos.

Araw 3: Elemento ng Sanaysay at Ang Alegora ng Yungib

1. Papangkatin ang mga mag-aaral sa lima.
2. Magkakaroon ang mga ito ng pangkatang brain storming tungkol sa
mga mahahalagang kaisipang kanilang nakuha sa sanaysay na Ang
Alegorya ng Yungib.
3. Pagkatapos ng sampung minute ay ibabahagi nila ito sa klase.
4. Magkakaroon ng mas malaliman pang talakayan tungkol sa Alegorya ng
5. Ilalahad ng guro ang mga elemento ng sanaysay.
• Tema
• Anyo at Estruktura
• Kaisipan
• Wika at Istilo
• Larawan ng Buhay
• Damdamin
• Himig
6. Tutukuyin ng mga mag-aaral ang mga elemento ng sanaysay sa
Alegorya ng Yungib at isusulat ito sa isang buong papel.

Araw 4: Ang Ningning at ang Liwanag at Ekspresiyong Ginagamit sa

Pagpapahayag ng Pananaw
1. Ibabahagi ng guro ang kopya ng komics strip sa mga mag-aaral.
2. Babasahin ito ng mga mag-aaral ang akda sa loob ng sampung minuto.


3. Ibabahagi ng mga mag-aaral ang kanilang mga naintindihan sa akda.

4. Magkakaroon ang mga mag-aaral ng isang larong pinamagatang
“Lights Camera Action” kung saan may i-aarte silang ilang bahagi ng
• Liwanag
• Ningning
• Liwanag at Ningning
5. Tatalakayin ang Ekspresiyong Ginagamit sa Pagpapahayag ng Pananaw
batay sa Akdang binasa.
6. Sumulat ng mga halimbawa batay sa akdang natalakay.

Araw 5: Ang Tusong Katiwala at Mga Piling Pang-ugnay sa Pagsasalaysay.

1. Tatanungin ng guro ang mga mag-aaral ng ilang katanungan.
• Naranasan mo na bang magtiwala?
• Naranasan mo na bang maloko matapos magtiwala?
• Matapos ng lahat ng panlilinlang na ginawa sa iyo, magtitiwala ka
pa bang muli?
2. Bibigyang kahulugan ng guro kung ano ng aba ang Parabula.
3. Magbabahagi ang ilang mga mag-aaral ng mga parabulang kanilang
4. Tatalakayin ng guro ang Parabulang ang Tusong Katiwala sa
pamamagitan ng dugtungang pag-kukuwento ng mga mag-aaral.
5. Ipapakilala ang konsepto ng Mga Piling Pang-ugnay sa Pagsasalaysay
6. Magbibigay ang guro ng mga halimbawa batay sa mga naging
pagbabahagi ng mga mag-aaral.
7. Bubuo ng tig-isang halimbawa ng mga piling pang-ugnay sa
pagsasalaysay ang mga mag-aaral batay sa akda.

Araw 6: Mensahe ng Butil ng Kape at Mga ginagamit sa Pagsusunod-sunod ng

mga Pangyayari
1. Maglalahad ang mga mag-aaral ng mga mensahe ng kanilang mga
magulang na kanilang babaunin habang buhay.
• Mag-aral ng mabuti upang buhay ay mapabuti.
• Maging masipag at matiyaga sa lahat ng pagkakataon.
• Huwag kalimutang igalang ang iba at huwag maging maramot.
2. Magkakaroon ng isang sabayang pagbigkas ang mag-aaral tungkol sa
Mensahe ng Butil ng Kape.
3. Tatalakayin ang parabula ng guro.
4. Bubuo ng sariling mensahe ang mga mag-aaral at ibabahagi ito sa klase.
• Hindi lahat ng bagay na mahirap abutin ay mahirap talaga, minsan
kailangan mo lang pagtiyagaan.
• Kung nadapa, matutong bumangon. Mahirap kayang manatili sa
sahig forever.


5. Ipapaliwanag ang mga Ginagamit sa Pagsusunod-sunod ng mga

• At, saka, pati, maliban, bukod sa, tuloy, bunga nito.
6. Muling isasalaysay ng mga mag-aaral ang Mensahe ng Butil ng Kape
gamit ang mga hudyat na pagsusunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari.
7. Ipapaalala ang kanilang pinal na proyekto at kung kalian ito ipapasa at

Araw 7: Kasaysayan ng Epiko at Epiko ni Galgamesh

1. Gamit ang grapikong representasyon, ipaliliwanag nang guro ang
kasaysayan ng epiko.
2. Ilalahad ng guro ang mga tauhan sa Epiko ni Galgamesh.
• Anu
• Ea
• Enkido
• Enlil
• Gilgamesh
3. Ikukwento ng mga mag-aaral ang buod ng Epiko sa pamamagitan ng
dugtungang paglalahad.
4. Itatanghal ng mga mag-aaral ang katangian ng tauhan sa kuwentong
kanilang nabunot.

Araw 8: Mga Pananda ng Mabisang Paglalahad at Tuwaang

1. Ipapakilala ang bagong paksa sa pamamagitan ng powerpoint
2. Babasahin ng limang mag-aaral ang buod ng Tuwaang na may
3. Tatalakayin ng guro ang mga pananda ng mabisang paglalahad.
• Sa panahon- noon, sumunod, nang, pagkatapos
• Sanhi at bunga- resulta ng, kung gayon, dulot nito, samakatuwid
• Paghahambing- higit pa rito, di tulad ng, sa kabilng dako
• Paliwanag- bilang karagdagan, halimbawa nito, dagdag pa ditto,
kabilang dito
4. Tutukuyin ng mag-aaral ang mga pananda ng mabisang paglalahad sa
epikong Tuwaang.

Araw 9: Ang Kuwintas at Kultura ng France: Kaugalian at Tradisyon

1. Magbabahagi ang mga mag-aaral ng kultura ng Pilipinas na kanilang
• CAR- Kanyaw
• Hindi pagkawala ng kanin sa hapag kainan
• Pagdadasal bago kumain
• Mainit na pagtanggap


2. Talakayin ang kultura ng France kasama na ang kanilang kaugalian at

• Wika-French
• Relihiyon- Katoliko
• Male dominated culture
• “chauvinism”
3. Ipanood ang Maikling Kuwentong Ang Kuwintas.
4. Tutukuyin ng mga mag-aaral ang mga katangian at gampanin ng mga
tauhan sa kuwento.
• Mathilde
• George Ramponneau
• Madam Foresteir
• Asawa ni Mathilde
5. Pangkatin ang klase sa lima at bawat isa ay mabibigyan ng bahagi ng
buod ng kuwento.
6. Ilahad ang buod sa pamamagitan ng malikhaing pagtatanghal ng mga

Araw 10: Anapora at Katapora

1. Ipapakilala ng guro ang Anapora at Katapora sa pamamagitan ng isang
graphic organizer.
2. Maglalahad ng sariling halimbawa ang guro.
• Karamihan sa mga tao ay ikinakabit ang kulturang Pranses sa Paris. Ito
ang sentro ng moda, pagluluto, sining at arkitektura.
• Ang France ay una nang tinawag na Rhineland. Noong panahon ng
iron age at Roman era, ito tinawag na Gaul.
3. Magbabahgi ang mga mag-aaral ng sarili nilang halimbawa sa Anapora
at Katapora batay sa Ang Kuwintas.
• Sila ay supistikado kung manamit. Mahilig din sila sa masasarap na
pagkain at alak. Ang mga taga-France ay masayahin at mahilig
dumalo sa mga kasiyahan.
• Si Mathilde ay supistikadang manumit, siya ay mahilig sa mga

Araw 11: Ang Kuba ng Notre Dame at Mga Dapat Tandaan sa Pagsusulat ng
1. Magbabahagi ang mga mag-aaral ng mga dapat tandaan sa pag-
• Maging masipag
• Maging matiyaga
• Huwag liliban sa klase
• Huwag mahuhuli sa klase
2. Iuugnay ng guro ang mga naging kasagutan ng mga mag-aaral sa Mga
dapat Tandaan sa Pagsusulat ng Nobela.


• Ang mga tauhan ay kusang gumagalaw at hindi pinapagalaw ng

• Mga masasaklaw na simulain ng pagsasalaysay
3. Mahahati ang klase sa tatlong pangkat.
4. Ang unang pangkat ay mag-uulat ng mga tauhan, tagpuan at
damdamin ng Nobelang Ang Kuba ng Notre Dame.
5. Ang ikalawang pangkat ay ang buod ng nobela.
6. Ang huli ay ang himig, tono at mga mensaheng nakapaloob sa nobela.

Araw 12: Dekada ‘70

1. Iparirinig ng guro ang isang radyo drama tungkol sa Dekada ’70.
2. Tutukuyin ng mga mag-aaral ang mga mahahalagang pangyayari sa
• Martial Law/batas militar
• Rallies/ mga welgang naganap
• Pagtira ni Evelyn sa abroad
• Pagbalik ni Alma sa mga masasayang alala ng kanyang pagkabata.
• Salvage Crisis
3. Tatalakayin ang Kuwento sa pamamagitan ng pagtukoy ng mga mag-
aaral sa mga tauhan.
• Alma
• Jason
• Evelyn
• Bartolome
• Em
• Amanda
• Gani
4. Dugtungang ilalahad ng mga mag-aaral ang buod ng kuwento sa
pamamagitan ng spin the bottle. Bubuo ng isang malaking bilog ang
mga mag-aaral at may i-iikot na bote sa gitna, kung kanino ito tututok ay
siya ang magku-kuwento.
5. Susulat ang mga mag-aaral ng isang maikling kuwento na ang tema ay
may pagkakahawig sa Dekada ’70.
6. Itatanghal ito ng mga mag-aaral sa pamamagitan ng radio drama na
may kasamang sound effects at background music.

Araw 13: Panonood

1. Ipapanood ang mga nalikhang obra ng mga mag-aaral
2. Magbibigay ang mga tagapanood ng kanilang komento maaaring
positibo at negatibo.
3. Magbibigay ang guro ng kaniyang sariling komento at mungkahi para sa
ikabubuti ng proyekto.

Mga kasanayang Kinakailangan


• Kasanayan sa pagbasa
• Kasanayan sa pagsasalita
• Kasanayan sa gramatika
• Kasanayan sa pagsulat
• Kasanayan sa pakikinig
• Kasanayan sa panonood

Mga Kinakailangang Teknolohiya

• Camera
• Computer(s)
• Digital Camera
• Internet Connection
• Printer
• Projection System

Mga Kinakailangang Sanggunian

• Mga kopya ng akda sa bawat anyo ng panitikan(mitolohiya,
parabula,sanaysay, epiko, maikling kuwento, at nobela)

Akomodasyon para sa mga Mag-aaral na may Natatanging Pangangailangan

Mga mag-aaral na nahihirapan sa pagkatuto

• Magbigay ng mga gawain na maaaring makapagpadali sa kanilang
• Magtuturo batay sa kinalakihan ng bata o batay sa mga gustong-gusto
niyang gawin upang sa ganon ay mas madali siyang makakunekta sa

Mga Mag-aaral na Gifted

• Maghanda ng mga pangkatang gawain na maaari silang maging
pinuno na gagabay at tutulong sa kanilang mga ibang kamag-aral.

Mga may Kapansanan sa Paningin

• Gumamit ng mga mga dokumentaryong panradyo at mga kuwentong
• Gumamit ng mga libong nakabraile

Mga may Kapansanan sa Pandinig

• Gumamit ng mga panooring may subtitle.
• Magpatulong sa mga may kaalaman sa sign language


Activity 1: Analyzing the Salient Parts of the Learning Plan

Identify and describe the common parts of the two learning plans that you read
and write your observations below.

Essential Parts of a Learning Plan


Activity 2: Learning from the Learning Plans

By the help of the following questions, share your own recommendations and
observations on how you may use and enhance the two learning plans.

Guide Questions Learning Plan 1 Learning Plan 2

Reporter’s Notebook Panitikang
Are the learning
objectives aligned with
the targeted basic
education curriculum
competencies? Why do
you say so?

Is the plan of technology

integration supportive of
the attainment of the
learning competencies
and learning objectives?

How do you plan to use

the learning plan in
teaching language
lessons in the future?

If you are to improve the

plan for the
accommodation for
differentiated instruction,
how would you develop
What significant
principles in ICT
integration do you think
is highly recommended
in developing a learning
plan in language
teaching and learning?



Answer the following questions in your weekly journal for the purpose of
deepening your understanding on how ICT integration in language teaching will
become successful.

1. Teachers also works as curricularist. Anent this role, how do you intend to make
your ICT integration more responsive and relevant?

2. What is unique with ICT integration in language teaching that must be

thoroughly considered when developing a learning plan?


Improving Learning Plans

Activity 1: Read the following learning plans. After which, think of a way by which
you may improve it guided by the principles of ICT integration in language

We Filipinos are Mild Drinkers

Targeted Philippine Basic Education Curriculum Competencies

(Grade 10, English, Second Grading, World Literature including Philippine
Literature, 5 days)

Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literatures and other
text types serve as vehicles of expressing and resolving conflicts among
individuals or groups; also how to use strategies in critical reading, listening,


and viewing, and affirmation and negation markers to deliver impromptu

and extemporaneous speeches.

Performance Standard:
The learner proficiently delivers an argumentative speech emphasizing
how to resolve conflicts among individuals or groups.
• Read closely to get the author’s purpose
• Read closely to get explicitly and implicitly stated information
• Detect bias and prejudice in the material viewed
• Determine unsupported generalizations and exaggerations
• Use words and expressions that affirm or negate
• Compose an argumentative essay
• Demonstrate confidence and ease of delivery
• Use previous experiences as scaffold to the message
conveyed by a material viewed

Learning Plan Summary

This learning plan aims to find cultural symbolisms used in a story and
deduce the meaning of the symbolisms to understand the deeper meaning
of the narrations. The students will first view a video and read the story, “We
Filipinos are Mild Drinkers” By Alejandro R. Roces. After the film viewing,
Students then, will find the symbolisms used in the story and deduce the
meaning of the symbolisms they found to get the deeper meaning of this
short story. After which, the students will identify some gaps and/or points
to improve from the video then, according to their arguments, create a
video commentary of five members. This project will be done in other time
than class hours.

To deliver a thought provoking and captivating commentary, guidelines on

writing and speaking will be emphasized. Before the video commentary
video making starts, the students will be informed that the final outputs will
be checked through the use of a rubric given to them prior to starting the
project. This would include concept, script/ storyboard, content and
organization, quality, teamwork and timeliness. Also, a rubric for peer
evaluation will be distributed to students for them to grade their own group
mates according to their contributions, problem-solving, attitude, focus on
the task and working with others. This will be done to ensure the validity and
reliability of the credits that will be given to students, and also for the equal
distribution of scores according to each student’s performance and
contribution in this project.

The integration of the principles of delivering argumentative speech used

in the commentary will be graded with a rubric as well. The criteria would
be persuasive effect through the proper use of energy and voice,


characterization; development of rich and well-grounded content through

providing rich treatment of the topic, examples and theories to support
position; and appropriate use of technology to enhance the delivery of
the arguments in the commentary.

Activity 2: Guided by the standards and the principles of ICT integration and
lesson planning principles taught in your previous classes, develop the daily
objectives of this learning plan. Write daily objectives in the table below. If the
space will not be enough, use additional short bond papers.

Days Daily Objectives/Learning Outcomes

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Activity 3: Read the following learning plans and develop the learning procedures
with some plans for accommodating students with special learning needs. Write


your daily objectives using short bond papers and submit it as scheduled in your
study schedule.

Shaping Life’s Purpose through an Everyday Discovery

Targeted Philippine Basic Education Curriculum Competencies

GRADE 9, English, First Grading, Elements of Poetry

Curriculum-Framing Questions

Essential Questions
• How does literature keep one’s identity?

Unit Questions
• Why do we still read Anglo American writers’ literary works?
• How relevant are Anglo American literary pieces relevant to peoples
• How do literary pieces reflect our contemporary situation?

Content Questions
• What are the uses of Ellipsis, Slash, Capitalization and Interjection?
• What are the uses of Ellipsis, Slash, Capitalization and Interjection?
• What are the different elements of poetry?
• What are the divisions of poetry?
• What is the difference of poetry from prose?
• When are we going to apply word order and word formation (clipping,
blending, acronymy, compounding, folk etymology, etc.) in a literary

Unit Summary
In this unit, you will compare and contrast the different types of poetry, know the
elements of poetry, apply the uses of word order and word formation in daily
conversation, and the proper usage of ellipsis, slash, capitalization and
interjection. Moreover, you will be able to explore the divisions of poetry and the
difference of prose from poetry. But more than just activating your intellectual
ability, you are led to participate in a speech choir using verbal and non-verbal
strategies (hand, face, and body), enabling you to listen with understanding,
speak precisely and assuredly, and write coherently and clearly.

Learning will not be fun if there’s no spice. Technology is one of those, indeed.
Some of the activities are creating a poem and they will dramatize it using a


movie maker and describing themselves through a poem with the aid of Microsoft
word. These will enhance the learners ‘creativity, teamwork, resourcefulness, etc.
Moreover, the students will record their speech choir (poetry recital) using verbal
and non-verbal strategies. Also, some of the quizzes will be answered through the
use of different online venues like Edmodo and Schoology. Multimedia materials
will be maximized and will be used appropriately in the listening and viewing
activities such as watching a video clip to support the existing information
gathered during the discussions.

Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes

Day 1:
By means of sentence analysis, the students should be able to:
a. determine the uses of ellipsis, slash, interjection and capitalization to
convey meaning;
b. display the efforts and sacrifices of a father by writing back a letter; and
c. compose a poem using ellipsis, slash, interjection and capitalization.

Day 2:
Providing the activity ‘Pictionary’, the students should be able to:
a. interpret set of pictures to form word meanings;
b. discuss solutions to a common problem by their previous experiences; and
c. arrange the inverted sentences to normal word order by

Day 3:
Providing the activity Be My Tour Guide, the students should be able to:
a. select the word formation used in the problem;
b. share suggestions based on experiences; and
c. write suggestions in helping the lost man.

Day 4:
Through a poem, the students should be able to:
a. distinguish the different features of literature;
b. verbalize the role of their mothers in their lives through a speech choir; and
c. illustrate the role of their mothers in their lives.

Day 5:
By means of poem analysis, the students should be able to:
a. summarize a poem through a poem analysis;
b. display willingness to accept forgiveness by their promises; and
c. design lists of poets and their poems in a given fan.


Days Daily Procedures

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5



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