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GED0101 – CASE



1. Purpose

To avoid authorization on legalizing divorce in the Philippines with such appeal to the
Divorce Advocates of the Philippines (DAP) in the Bill introduced by the congress.

2. Background

Every year, there is an increase of problems rising from marriages that pushes the idea to
every Filipino to have divorce in our country, just like in the other country. The passage of
House Bill 7303, titled “An Act Instituting Absolute Divorce and Dissolution of Marriage in the
Philippine,” (The ASEAN Post Team, 2018) and advocacies supporting divorce in the
Philippines. With such bill that will lead every married couple to give authority to end such
relationship and could start a new one because of conflicts and struggles during their married
life. Furthermore, The Philippines, with a population estimated to comprise 80.6 percent Roman
Catholics in 2010, is the only country in the world aside from Vatican City which has yet to
legalize divorce.

3. Discussion

Divorce is not the answer to the growing violence against women and children. Most
divorce advocates give emphasis on the growing children and women abuse. This could not be a
solution for these problems. In fact, it extends to the growing problem of immorality and
sexually related diseases and problems such as unwanted pregnancies and sexually related
diseases. Furthermore, these problems are a threat to women, children and even family. But
why? Simply because people were given the so-called choice and chance to change while the
fact is, it is where the so-called “rights” is abused. It is where many people make use of the right
and abuse it for their own self-centered selfish quest for happiness and will only bring them to
the same situation again and again and again. That’s why you will see people divorced not just
once, nor twice, but multiple times.
It gives a wider path to domestic problems. As mentioned earlier this right has proven to be
easily abused. And we are not actually giving people a solution to their problems, but a chance to
repeat the same mistakes. Divorce is like a medicine, but an unrecommended one.

It gives a wider path for immorality and marital infidelity. This not so much “in” nowadays. It’s
something that most people don’t want to talk about except those that are of the religious sectors
and religious people. Philippines have a steep moral degradation and that is why most of these
divorce proponents put forward a shallow solution for various problems.

Did we not learn from the US? Did the stats of violence against women and children dropped
using divorce law? We talk much about the positive things that we can get from the divorce law,
while the negative effects far outweigh the positive. Many people would choose divorce for them
to have a send chance, to be happier, to choose another, etc. which is a self-centered reason.
There is no any solid advantages of divorce bill than being self-centered and selfish reasons.
What about your family? What about your children? That’s what family is for… Divorce is not
only anti-Filipino but is anti-Family and anti-marriages. It simply opens a wide range of
disadvantages over the family.

But here’s the list of what they are not talking about:

1. One out of every two marriages ends in divorce.

2. In 1991, only 50.8% of American children were living with a mother and a father. The
numbers have worsened since that study.

3. Approximately 4% of American children are living only with their father.

4. Most children who are raised in a two-parent home will never be poor during
childhood. By contrast, most children who spend time in a single-parent home will experience

5. Children from female-headed homes are five times as likely to be poor as children in
two-parent families.

6. Four times as many divorced women with children fell under the poverty line than
married women with children.
7. Children from disrupted marriages experience greater risk of injury, asthma,
headaches, and speech defects than children from intact families.

8. Suicide rates for children of divorce are measurably higher than for children from
intact families.

4. Conclusion

Divorce is NOT a TRUE medicine nor a solution to the growing domestic problems. It is just
like illegal drugs which may have a little benefit of easing the pain of the patient. But in most
cases, it is an addictive medicine that can kill and destroy life and relationships.

And finally, let me state this as Filipino as possible:

It is NOT TRUE that you will be happy with second chance. It is NOT TRUE that you will gain
your happiness back when your marriage fails, and divorce is the solution. The only solution for
marital problems is to adhere what the word of God says…. “Wives submit to your husbands.
Husbands love your wife as you love yourselves…” (Ephesians 5:22-33). This is where you gain
happiness and fullness of marital life and your family.

5. Action Recommended

Fear of God and teach morality more. If we have the fear of God and we understand what
morality means, then we understand the real answer to the growing problems related to violence
against women and children. People of the Philippines should realize the danger of abiding with
the Divorce Bill.


[ CITATION Gus201 \l 13321 ]

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