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of a 35- B. Sodawater. 235. Energy wastesof a 40-year-old mal is irritated. How doesit influence
228. During the examination
year-oldwoman there was the increase c. Milk. miner is more than 5000 kcal per day. the secretionof the sublingvalsalivary
of the indcxesof basicexchange.The D.Naturaljuices. What componentin his food ration is it gland?
E. Kvass. necessary lo increasefor the renewalof A. Much viscidsalivasecreted.
surplusof which of the followinghor-
such energy wastes? B. Little liquid salivasecreted.
moAcsprobablycausedthis state?
230. By the methodof indirectcalo- A. Vitamins. C. Salivais not secreted.
($, Triiodothyronine.
rimetry the decrease of indexesof basal B. Liquid. D. Much liquid salivasecreted.
B. SomaLotropin.
C. Insulin. metabolism of a 30-year-oldmanby 30% C. Proteins. @ litttc viicid salivasecretetl.
was determined.The decreaseconcen- D. Carbohvdrates.
D. Cortisol.
E. Glucagon. tration of rvlrat hormonesin blood plas- @ nutt. 239. The contentof rn'hatprocluctsis
ma can be the reasonfor it? it advisableto increasein the food ra-
236. In Ancient India a personsus- tion of a personwith reducedsecretory
229. The workersof hot u'orkshoPs @ t.iioduthyronine,tetraiodothyro-
losea lot of nine. pectedof committinga crime was of- function of the stomach?
of metallurgicalenterprises
B. Thyrocalcitonin,parathormoue. feredto swallowa handfulof dry rice. A. Sweet.
waterwith srveat.What drink is it nece-
ssaryto take for optimumcompensation C. Glucocorticoids. Criminalscould not swallow the rice @ eroth.
D. Catecholarnine. because of decreased salivation.What C. Salt.
for this state?
E. Somatoliberin,somatostatin. processis the reasonfor such state? D. Milk.
f,{t Wut"r u'ith somesalt added.
A. Inhibition of the sympathadrenal E. t-ard.
B. Activation of the parasympathetic 240. Lean solution of hydrochloric
Digestive system nucleusof the facial nerve. acid was introducedinto the duodenunr
C. Decrease of blood circulationsa- of an animalthrougha probe.The con-
23t.During a sharpexPerimentan 233. 150 ml of meatbroth u'asintro- tent of what hormonewill be increased
livary glands.
a n i m a l ' sc h o r d at y m p a n iw a s e l e c t r i - ducedthrougha probeinto the gastric
D.Activationof the parasympatheticas a resultof it?
callf irritated. Hou' doesit influencc cavity of an experimentalanimal.The
in nuclcusof theglossopharyrtgeal ncrve. A. Gastrin.
the secretionof the parotid salivary contentof rvhat matterwill increase ($l Activation of the sympalhoadre- E. Cholecyslokinin pancreozymin.
gland? its bloodquickly?
nal system. @ Secretin.
A. Salivais not secreted. A. Insulin.
D. Glucagon.
B. Little liouid salivasecreted. B. Somatostatin.
237. Lperi pheralpart of chordatym- E. Neurotensin.
@ t'tuch liquid salivasecreted. @ Gastrin. pani of an experimentalanimal is irri-
D.Little viscid salivasecreted. D. Glucagon.
tated. How doesit influencethe secre- 24I. A patienthasgot a chronicneu-
E. Much viscidsalivasecreted. E. Neurotensin.
tion of parotidsalivarygland? ritis of the trigeminus.Which of the di-
a stu- Qy'Much liquid salivasecreted. gestiveprocesses is considerably
232. A part of a patient's pancreas 234. During an cxamination
was ablated.What productsis it neces- dent's mouth is dry. The increasedrea- B. Little liquid salivasecreted. @ Mastication.
reflexes the mechanism C. Saliva is not secreted. B. Salivation.
sarvfor him to limit in his foodration? lizationof what
causingthe developmentof this state? D. Little viscid saliva secreted. C. Formationof taste feeling.
A. Fruit.
A. UnconditionalsymPathetic- E. Much viscid salivasecreted. D.Swallowing.
B. Boiledvegetables.
B. Unconditionalparasympathetic. E. Formationof saliva.
C. Dairy produce.
proteins(beans, C. ConditionalParasYmPathetic. 238. A peripheralpart of sympathe-
D. Vegetables rich in
tic fiberswhichinnervatethe sublingval 242. 150 gr of meat broth wasintro-
sov). @. ConditionalsymPathctic. salivarygland of an experimenlalani- duced into the gastric cavity of an ex-
nut meat, beef tea. E. Unconditionalmetasympathetic.

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