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Part 1: Gibson
Speed Control of
Compressors with
intelligent Frequency
Design considerations and experience

The control of suction pressure 1.1 Introduction compressor connected in parallel with
by varying the speed of refrigera- several fixed speed compressors, see
With speed control refrigeration Fig. 1.1.
tion compressors provides many compressors are operated outside the
advantages. The following abbreviations will be used
normal area of operation defined and
in this article:
If the installation is designed cor- specified by the manufacturer. It is
rectly then important considera- therefore very important to take certain
tions such as improved quality of electrical and refrigeration technology VsC: Variable-speed Compressor
stored goods, energy saving, im- restraints into consideration. FsC: Fixed speed Compressor
proved performance at light re- This article will investigate compressor FI: Frequency Inverter
frigeration loads and increased packs with a "master" variable-speed In the systems which are described here,
working life can be easily

Figure 1.1:
system with a
(VsC) and two
Dr. J.P. Gibson Frequency
KIMO Refrigeration HVAC Ltd., Fürth Inverter (FI)

Based on publication in © KI Luft- und Kältetechnik 1/2003 1


speed. The mode of operation is de-

scribed, for example, in [1].
This concept is based on the use of
intelligent FIs. These FI types can handle
the open-loop and closed-loop control
tasks in the compressor pack. The main
function of the intelligent FI is to maintain
Figure 1.2: the suction pressure constant by con-
Mode of tinually adapting the speed of the VsC.
operation of a As soon as the refrigeration power of the
compressor VsC is no longer sufficient, an FsC is
bank with switched-in, see Fig. 1.2. The system
closed-loop automatically adjusts itself to the refrig-
speed eration power required. A typical system
controlled utilizing this technology is shown in Fig.
master 1.3.
compressor It is in principle possible to use two or
more VsCs in a refrigeration circuit.
However, in practice, such systems do
not provide any significant benefits so
that these systems will not be considered
in this article.

1.2 Advantages
The following essential advantages are
obtained by continually adapting the
power of a compressor pack by control-
ling the speed of a VsC:
• Improved cooling quality by maintain-
ing a constant suction pressure* (refer
to Fig. 1.3)
• Wider range of operation of the refrig-
eration power+ (refer to Fig. 1.5)
• Increased power by increasing the
speed of the VsC+ (refer to Fig. 1.7)
• Energy saving*
• Longer compressor lifetime +
Figure 1.3: • Better possibilities of providing moni-
Typical toring, remote setting and diagnostics+
bank with 1.3 Closed-loop control range of
intelligent the refrigeration power
inverter The comparison of a compressor pack
with the following units is shown in Fig.
− 3 / 4 x FsC (conventional multi-stage
− VsC (using a master compressor regu-
lated using an FI) + 2 x FsCs.
At almost all operating points it is possi-
ble to provide the required refrigeration
power without having to frequently switch
the compressors on or off. This provides
the following decisive benefits:
• Fluctuation of the suction pressure,
caused by switching on or off a FsC
are minimized, refer to Fig. 1.4.
• The starting frequency of the compres-
sors is significantly reduced, the life-

* This will be explained in considerable

Figure 1.4: Measured characteristics in a real refrigeration system in detail in this article
operation with closed-loop suction pressure control using intelligent +
This will be explained in more detail in
frequency inverters in comparison to operation with a conventional this article
an electronic pack
FI iswith multi-stage
used to vary control
2 Based on publication in © KI Luft- und Kältetechnik 1/2003

When precisely evaluating the permissi-

ble minimum speed of a certain com-
pressor, the following questions/issues
must to be taken into consideration:
Figure 1.5: • Is the lubrication system able to fulfil
Comparison of a the required lubrication requirements ?
compressor • Is the oil transport in the refrigeration
bank with: circuit sufficient for a reduced volume
− 3 / 4 x FsC flow ?
(conventional • Is the cooling of the motor winding of a
multi-step semi-hermetic VsC adequate
In order to evaluate the winding cooling
− VsC + 2 x FsCs of a semi-hermetic VsC at reduced
(FI controlled speed, detailed measurements were
master carried-out with typical compressors. The
compressor) evaluation of the measurement results of
a mid-range compressor is shown in Fig.
130 260% The increase in the winding temperature
120 240% (twind) due to the reduced volume flow
110 220% at low speed/frequency can be clearly
twind [°C] seen.
100 200%
Measures to ensure adequate winding
90 180%
Temperatur(e) [°C]

fmech [%] cooling are described in the following

80 160% section.
70 140% Vol [%] In the meantime, important manufactur-
60 120% ers specify the minimum speed for VsC
Pe [%] operation of their reciprocating compres-
50 100%
sors in the range 20 ... 25 Hz. Very often
40 80% Qo/Pe
lower speed limits can be implemented
30 60% (COP) [%]
on request when the refrigeration-related
20 40% operating points are known. These lower
10 20% minimum speeds turn out to be
0 0% extremely advantageous.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 1.5 Minimum refrigeration power
Frequenz/ Frequency [Hz] of a compressor pack
The minimum power of a compressor
Figure 1.6: Measurements made on a typical semi-hermetic reciprocating bank is of particular importance, espe-
compressor, Operating data: R404A, to = -10 °C, tc = +40 °C, toh = 25 °C cially for supermarkets. In winter opera-
tion with the display cases and freezers
covered, the refrigeration power which is
time and service/maintenance intervals • Using VsCs with the highest possible required is relatively low. If the refrigera-
of the compressors is appropriately in- maximum speed/frequency. tion system is over dimensioned com-
creased pared with the required refrigeration
The associated problems will be dis-
power, then, even when the VsC is
• The evaporating temperature in the cussed in more detail in the following
operated at the minimum
system can be reduced sections.
speed/frequency, the low refrigeration
• The similar control quality can be power required can only be achieved by
achieved using a lower number of lar- 1.4 Minimum speed/frequency of frequent on/off switching of the master
ger compressors. (This minimizes the a VsC compressor.
installation costs.) This situation can be resolved by using a
Several years ago it was extremely diffi-
A control range of 0 ... 100 % would be cult to obtain technical application data VsC combined with capacity control
an optimum, but approximately 15 ... 100 at various speed/frequency points from (cylinder-bank off loading). However this
% with a three compressor pack can be compressor manufacturers. This is un- requires a close coordination with the
cost-effectively realized. In practice, the derstandable as the complex measure- compressor manufacturer and is not
control range can be positively influ- ments required to type-test a compressor possible with all compressors. Also a
enced by the following design features: are generally carried-out at 50 or 60 Hz. very careful design of the refrigeration
• Using three or more compressors in Data which was available for operation at circuit in connection with oil transport is
the compressor pack other speeds were conservative general required.
• Using a VsC with a low minimum data which were applicable for all com-
speed/frequency pressors in a particular range of types.

Based on publication in © KI Luft- und Kältetechnik 1/2003 3


higher than at 50 Hz in spite of the − Frame size with large motor (motor 1) -
magnetic field-weakening of the motor also for operation with a higher evapo-
These measurements and tests contra- ration temperature
dict the statement, which is often made The refrigeration-related performance
that operation in magnetic field-weaken- data of a typical semi-hermetic compres-
ing above 50 Hz can be problematical. It sor, with different motor sizes, is sche-
is incorrect to compare the thermal matically shown in Fig. 1.8.
behaviour of a semi-hermetic When a compressor is operated with
compressor motor with the thermal speed/frequency control, this represents
behaviour of an industrial motor. an increased thermal load of the motor in
It is important to carefully evaluate the the limits operating range. At a lower
Figure 1.7: Increased refrigeration maximum permissible upper speed, the volume flow of refrigerant is
power when operating a speed/frequency for the following rea- lower and at high speed, the current is
compressor at 60 Hz using a sons: higher due to the magnetic field weak-
frequency inverter • The increased refrigeration power ening. These potential problems can be
provides the necessary reserves in usually completely resolved by using the
1.6 Maximum speed/frequency of order to guarantee operation at the compressor version with the larger
a VsC (increased power) peak refrigeration power (especially in motor. This can be explained as follows:
It makes considerable sense to use an FI summer) without having to overdimen- • At the critical operating points, the
to increase the maximum speed. Almost sion the compressors in the bank electric power Pe drawn by the smaller
all of the compressors are mechanically • It is especially important to avoid over- motor (M2) is significantly greater than
designed for operation on 60 Hz electri- dimensioning the compressor bank, that of the larger motor (M1), see Fig.
cal supplies. The refrigeration power of a especially for operation in the partial 1.9.
compressor can be easily increased by load area (refer to the previous sec- • The larger motor (M1) has a larger
approx. 20% - see Fig. 1.7. tion). internal surface for cooling with refrig-
With some compressors and with some erant (suction gas cooling).
manufacturers it is often possible to 1.7 Selecting the VsC • At the specified operating point (see
increase the speed even further. The Positive experience has been gained Fig. 1.9), the larger motor (M1) has a
manufacturer must be contacted on a using the following compressor types: lower loading which means that the
case-for-case basis, specifying the winding temperature increase is sig-
installation data. Operation up to 65 Hz − Semi-hermetic reciprocating compres- nificantly lower.
(approx. 30 % increase) or even up to 70 sors
The starting phase of a VsC is of deci-
Hz (approx. 40 % increase) is often − Screw compressors sive significance for disturbance-free
possible. The application limits generally − Fully hermetic reciprocating compres- operation of the refrigeration system.
lie in the area of thermal and flow-related sors from several manufacturers This especially applies to small com-
stressing in the discharge area of the − Scroll compressors from several pressors with two cylinders which require
compressor. manufacturers a high starting torque. According to pub-
The measurement results of a semi- − Open and membrane type compres- lished information[2], torque reserves of
hermetic compressor with a 400 V, 50 sors. 60 % are required for starting.
Hz motor winding are shown in Fig. 1.6. In the field, the compressors must be
The following should be noted: The reciprocating compressor, which is
well-established worldwide, will now be able to start at high evaporation pres-
• The speed (Fmech) above 50 Hz in- discussed in more detail. sures. This means that it is not sufficient
creases slightly lower than proportional to just consider a particular operating
Almost every manufacturer offers two point. Example: If the power is inter-
with the electrical frequency due to the
motor versions for every mechanical rupted for several minutes, the evapora-
decreasing magnetic flux in the motor
frame size: tion pressure rapidly increases, the con-
(magnetic field weakening)
− Frame size with small motor (motor 2) densation pressure is still high – and the
• The refrigeration-related power (Qo)
for operation with restricted suction required starting torque is now quite
also increases slightly lower than pro-
pressure or limited evaporation tem- significant.
portional (approx. 30 % increased
power at 70 Hz compared with opera-
tion at 50 Hz)
• The temperature of the winding
(Twind) for operation at 60 Hz is lower
than that for operation at 50 Hz due to
the higher volume flow. However, this
is a characteristic of the compressor
being tested and cannot be used to
make a general statement
• For the compressor being tested, the
temperature at 70 Hz is insignificantly

Figure 1.8: Selecting the compressor

4 Based on publication in © KI Luft- und Kältetechnik 1/2003



0,80 R404A/30-M2
0,70 R404A/50-M2
Pe [pu]

0,60 R134a/60-M1
0,50 R134a/30-M2


0,00 2,00 4,00 6,00 8,00 10,00
Pressure / Druck Po [bara]

Figure 1.9: Relative electric power consumption Pe [pu] of a compressor as a function of the suction pressure Po when
using motors M2 (small) and M1 (large) at a condensing temperature of 30, 40, and 50 °C

If the compressor was not able to start, It is necessary to use what first appears three FsCs. An external compressor
then the motor winding does not have an to be an over-dimensioned FI in order to pack step-controller is not required and
opportunity to cool down, the winding ensure reliable operation. This means is also not permissible (otherwise there
temperature and therefore the winding that the FI is mainly dimensioned to would be competing with the integrated
resistance significantly increase at each achieve the correct starting torque. suction pressure controller). The mini-
start attempt. This generally ends in the There is nothing worse than a mum running and switch-off times,
motor being tripped by its thermal ther- compressor that cannot start. This specified by the various compressor
mistor monitoring. The motor winding is means that it does not make sense to manufacturers, are taken into account in
significantly stressed. dimension an FI according to the rated the software. A block diagram of the
The authors of this article recommend operating point as is generally the case closed-loop control and common system
that this technology is ONLY applied for for fan and pump drives. control are shown in Fig. 1.10.
compressors with larger motors. The This new technology can only be widely In order to increase the system availabil-
additional costs for the compressor com- used if the necessary rated power of the ity, a high-pressure limiter control func-
pared with the aggravation associated FI has been clearly defined. The authors tion is optionally available. This is
with starting problems is negligible. have drawn-up so-called compressor extremely useful in the following cases:
"Cross Reference Lists" [3] for this pur- • When the condensing power for high
1.8 Selecting the rated power of pose. refrigeration power is not sufficient in
the FIs The required FIs for all common com- summer
pressors summarized in the form of a • There is dirt or obstructions in the
The following criteria should be taken data base taking into account experience
into consideration: condenser
gained in the field with "problematical
• Required starting torque depending on • One or more condenser fans have
the compressor design and/or the failed
number of cylinders, refer for example 1.9 Closed-loop control related • The evaporator has ice build-up when
to [2] aspects used in the heat pump mode
• Possible measures to reduce the start- • Noise abatement restrictions only
ing torque, e.g.: The integrated closed-loop suction pres- allow the condenser, depending on the
sure control ensures that the speed of time of day, to be used at reduced
− Start unloading arrangement (sole- the VsC is set corresponding to the
noid valve between the pressure and speed
actual refrigeration requirement. An FsC
suction sides of the compressor
is only switched in if the refrigeration When a limit pressure is exceeded,
opened during starting) the speed of the VsC is
power of the VsC is no longer sufficient.
− Pressure limiter in the suction gas The integrated refrigeration software of automatically reduced.
line or at the evaporator the FrigoPack system can control up to

Based on publication in © KI Luft- und Kältetechnik 1/2003 5


For approximately 5 years now, several

experienced companies have increas-
ingly used this technology with consider-
able success. In the meantime, there are
over one thousand refrigeration and
climate control systems operational in
Germany and worldwide equipped with
KIMO FIs and which operate to the com-
plete satisfaction of their users.
There is now a very close cooperation
between leading compressor manufac-
turers and the proponents of this tech-
nology. This means that there are com-
mon efforts to carry-out the necessary
training measures to widely establish this
This use of this new technology requires
a lot more system philosophy than with
previous conventional technologies. The
advantages of this new technology can
only be achieved by correctly designing
and installing the refrigeration, control
Figure 1.10: Block diagram of the closed-loop control system and electrical systems. This is the rea-
son that system partners and distribu-
1.10 Concept of the combined In summary, there are several precau- tors, with the right level of technical ex-
compressor and condenser tions which must be given careful con- perience and knowhow, play an impor-
sideration. There is a need to train re- tant role.
frigeration technicians and installers in
It makes sense to integrate the con- electrical engineering "knowhow", espe- 1.14 Summary and a look to the
denser control into the closed-loop cially as far as EMC is concerned. future
compressor control making use of the
existing signal from the high-pressure FI technology is an essential component
1.12 Remote diagnostics and
sensor. This arrangement has the fol- of state-of-the-art refrigeration technol-
remote optimization ogy. Users who are both open and inter-
lowing advantages:
A refrigeration system can be remotely ested will soon get up to speed regarding
• Only one pressure sensor is required
supported when using an intelligent FI the requirements placed on the system
for the high pressure
with its new remote diagnostics and planning and implementation.
• The high-pressure limit and the con- remote optimization functionality. In this Experience and supplements to conven-
denser pressure setpoint can be set case, two technologies come to the tional refrigeration technology will be
together in the setup menu of the forefront: discussed in the following articles.
compressor control software
• The use of a fieldbus system such as
• The condenser monitoring can be ®
LonWorks , which allows data to be
integrated in the compressor control 1.15 Literature
remotely transferred via a modem or
through the Internet. These systems [1] Arndt, A. Jantsch, U.: Digitale Regelung
1.11 Aspects of the electrical are especially suitable to integrate the von VRF-Multisplit. KI Luft- und
installation Kältetechnik 38 (2002) 10, S. 468
refrigeration system monitoring
[2] Hendriks, M, R: Leistungsregelung von
The use of state-of-the-art electronic FIs • The use of web-server based systems Hubkolben- und Schraubenverdichtern.
brings with it new demands and require- to monitor the compressor bank and, if Kälte Klima aktuell, 21 (2002) 6, S. 36-43
ments on the compressor installation. required, the condenser. [3] KIMO Refrigeration HVAC Ltd:
The present situation is comparable with The LonWorks® fieldbus system is espe- Compressor Cross Reference Lists
the general introduction of variable- cially interesting for future refrigeration (available on enquiry)
speed frequency inverters for driving systems as all leading manufacturers of 1.16 Key words
pumps and fans approximately 8 years refrigeration-related components and
ago. Here are two important examples: Refrigeration
control systems operate together to
® Compressor
• The wiring of the electrical enclosure define a global LonMark standard. This
work is well-progressed. The new tech- Frequency Inverter
and the installation must be carefully
conducted in accordance with EMC nology of closed-loop speed control Control
recommendations compressors has already been taken Compressor Pack
into account in this standard. Energy
• The best closed-loop control only
functions correctly if the suction and
high pressure sensor signals are 1.13 Experience
available as noise-free actual values at The first attempts to use this technology
the controller input. It is important to go back over 10 years.
use only high-quality and high- Back then, the FIs which were available
reliability pressure sensors were very expensive, prone to faults and
• Special EMC measures are necessary only had, to some extent, the necessary
so that the FIs do not disturb the control functionality.
signals from the pressure transducers

6 Based on publication in © KI Luft- und Kältetechnik 1/2003

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