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Nursing Practice Today

Volume 7, No 2, April 2020, pp. 81-83

Tehran University of Medical Sciences


COVID-19 epidemic: Hospital-level response

Mohammad Eghbali1,2, Reza Negarandeh3*, Razieh Froutan4,5
Department of Nursing, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Student Research Committee, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Nursing and Midwifery Care Research Center, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
Nursing and Midwifery Care Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

COVID-19 is a serious threat to public been on precautionary measures to control
health, worldwide (1, 2). This new viral and prevent infection such as staying home
disease is the third coronavirus epidemic in during illness and performing respiratory
the 21st century, following Severe Acute and hand hygiene exercises (1).
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle- Despite all the individual and public
East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) (3, 4). health precautions and measures, the disease
Due to the spread of the disease, the World affects a large number of people in different
Health Organization used the word countries and some of them should refer to
pandemic for the disease on March 11th the hospitals. Patients with symptoms such
2020(5). as fever, dry coughs and respiratory distress
The new coronavirus epidemic first and those with more severe forms of the
began in Wuhan, China in December 2019. illness are usually hospitalized for further
Since it is highly contagious, many countries treatment. Moreover, the disease has a high
are involved now (2). As of February 23rd, mortality rate of between 3 and 15% (2).
2020, it is reported that 76936 cases were The World Health Organization has
infected in China and 1875 outside China (1, released guidelines on how countries should
6). prepare to deal with the COVID-19. These
The new coronavirus epidemic has preparations include monitoring patients,
probably begun through contacts between testing samples, infection control at health
humans and animals or as a result of any centers, maintaining necessary and
contacts at seafood market in Wuhan, China appropriate resources, and communicating
(3). The major transmission method is with the public about the virus (7).
through respiration; however, it is unclear It is clear that the implementation of
why the virus is so easily transmitted among these measures is, to a great extent, the
individuals (1). responsibility of the health sector and
Symptoms of this virus include fever, especially nurses. Nurses are considered as
coughs and respiratory distress. The one of the key components in managing
symptoms of the new corona virus will hospitals and the health care system in Iran
appear within 2 to 14 days after infection. and around the world. However, health care
Preliminary data have shown that the elderly personnel, especially nurses who care for
and people with special health conditions or suspected or patients with confirmed
a weaker immune system are more likely to coronavirus at the hospitals are at risk of
be infected with severe illness (1). Various infection and the related challenges and
methods have been proposed to protect consequences (3, 6). These individuals may
against the virus, but more emphasis has have the fear of transmitting the virus to
their family, friends, or coworkers (6). In
addition, recent studies on Severe Acute
* Corresponding Author: Reza Negarandeh, Nursing and Midwifery
Care Research Center, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Tehran Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) have shown
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Email:
that health care personnel have experienced

Please cite this article as: Eghbali M, Negarandeh R, Froutan R. COVID-19 epidemic: Hospital-level response. Nursing Practice Today. 2020;
COVID-19 epidemic: Hospital-level response

problems such as anxiety, depression, fear assigned to visit patients who were
and hopelessness (8). suspected to COVID-19. A follow-up call
In this letter, we describe the actions center was also set up for patients who did
taken by the nursing system of the hospitals not need to be hospitalized and were
in the cities in Iran in response to the receiving care at home. Patients who were
COVID-19 epidemic. admitted to home stay were contacted on a
daily basis and home care nursing teams
Human resources management were provided if needed. In addition,
outpatient centers were established in
Initially and in the early stages, nursing
collaboration with the Red Crescent
managers and supervisors contacted
community and volunteer forces. Moreover,
universities in order to prevent students from
there were restrictions or prohibitions on
taking part in clinical settings and to cancel
visiting wards where patients infected by
their practicum. They also prohibited nurses
COVID-19 were admitted.
with diseases such as diabetes, hypertension,
and cancer. And, in general, they granted Facilities and resources management
hospital leave to the nurses with high risk of
infection or those with any member of in Due to the limitations and the possibility
their family who is prone to the disease. of higher hospitalization in the coming days
Volunteer forces were then used to make up of the epidemic, attempts were made to
for the shortage of staff. It is also decided to make the best use of the available resources
provide nurses with hospital-related and facilities. To do so, it was sought to
accommodation so that they would not be in utilize the resources and facilities and the
touch with the environment and that the experts in crisis management in coordination
proper nutritional diet was used to with other hospitals. It was also sought to
strengthen their immune system. Besides, organize donations to fund required
nurses’ problems were identified by forming equipment such as personal protection kits,
on-line and virtual groups and efforts were masks, gloves and disinfectants. In addition,
made to resolve them. In case of infection, due to the lack of adequate equipment and
those nurses would be excluded from the facilities for the treatment of critically ill
treatment team and replaced by others. patients, specialized hospitals such as
psychiatric or gynecological hospitals should
Personnel training be excluded from the coronavirus care cycle.
Because of the increasing number of
In order to raise awareness and patients, it was decided to coordinate with
knowledge of health professionals, other institutions in order to build field
especially nurses, they were provided by on- hospitals.
line trainings on how to protect and prevent
from coronavirus. In addition, related on- Conclusion
line trainings were also designed and
provided for other members of the In epidemics, health personnel, especially
community. nurses, are at the forefront of the fight
against the disease. Nurses should take care
Patient management of people who are experiencing severe forms
of the disease and should do so for long
Initially, in order to be able to use all the hours using protective equipment.
capacity of hospitals, the managers tried to Therefore, in addition to providing adequate
discharge patients who were in better protective equipment, they may need
condition or to admit them to other hospitals implementation of public health measures in
or centers. They also closed the operating a way to help reduce the number of new
rooms and did not accept elective patients. infected cases and reduce the burden placed
In order to prevent patients from referring to on the health care team. Hence, public
the hospitals, separate clinical centers were education and compliance with health

82 Nursing Practice Today. 2020;7(2):81-83

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