Aspiring Cyclist and The Domineering CEO

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Начинающий велосипедист и властный генеральный директор

隔窗 云雾

Статус в COO
77 глав (Завершено)

Ух ты! Начинающий велосипедист влюбляется в властного генерального


Властный генеральный директор: Чувак, ты играешь с огнем!

Начинающий велосипедист: Вот и все! Это дух! Давай! Ты можешь это сделать!

Властный генеральный директор: ???

Вдохновляющая (глупая) увлеченная (возмутительно сладкая) история о

мечтательном велосипедисте влюбляется в властного генерального директора.

Властный генеральный директор, который является аккуратным уродом,

участвует в шоу талантов айдолов, чтобы ухаживать за своей маленькой
возлюбленной, велосипедистом с одним умом - велотрек
1. There is a Moron in My Room
Translator: Sissy That Walk

Cycling was a beautiful sports where people fought against the wind with
sweat, blood and tears. The first cyclist who breasted the tape would roar with
his head held up high, while the rest of the contenders would only sigh in the

Sky was the limit in his eyes.

“Kuang Ye!”

“Ah!!!! Kuang Ye!!! Go go go!!!”

“Lead us to the top! You’ve got this! Kuang Ye!”

“You are our hero, Kuang Ye!”

Kuang Ye, the newly signed genius cyclist in Attacking Shaft Club, who was a
one-track-minded man — the biking track.

He was about to win this 45 km cycling competition!

He couldn’t hear anything except for his own heartbeat, he closed his eyes
briefly to feel the wind, he would see the destination when he opened his
eyes, but something he was not expecting came to his sight when he opened
his eyes — a pair of dark eyes!



A pair of dark eyes!

Kuang Ye was speechless for a solid five seconds seeing this face, well, to be
fair, it was a pretty face, but it was so close to Kuang Ye that Kuang Ye
couldn’t function normally.

Wait, what?

Where was the destination? Where was his sky? Where was his title?
Dead silence!

Mountain, track, audience, other contenders and his bike, all gone. What
came to his sight was a dim room, a king size bed and a strange man who
was cuddling him!

The man was topless, he was looking Kuang Ye up and down with a pair of
inquiring eyes.

Kuang Ye frowned, he felt cold, that was odd. He sweated profusely riding the
45 km track under the scorching sun, how come he felt cold now? He pushed
away the stranger, well, he knew why now, because he was topless, too.

All right, here was the situation, he guessed he was the first one who who
breasted the tape, but somehow he entered a man’s room, and they both lost
their shirts in the wind?

All jokes aside, what was going on?

The man spoke angrily when Kuang Ye was trying to figure out what
happened, “enjoying your view?”


Seeing how indifferent Kuang Ye was, the man’s voice got more angry, “Man,
you know you are playing with fire, yeah?”


Kuang Ye couldn’t decode what this stranger was talking about, he tried to be
a good contender/audience, he clenched his fists and went, “You can do it!
Come on! Be our hero!” All of his fellow cyclists in the club heard the same
pep talk from him, and they made it to the National Competition, he valued
this brotherhood and good energy.

He subconsciously gave this stranger a pet talk even though he had no idea
what he was up to.

Shan Xiao was choked! The CEO of Billion Consortium, young and good-
looking, Shan Xiao surely knew he was a hot catch! Men and women threw
themselves at him like a school of silver carps moving down a stream,
however, our CEO Shan Xiao was such a neat freak that he actually refused
to get intimate with anyone.

Yep, anyone!
However, who would buy that he refused to get intimate with anyone was
because he was a huge neat freak? People would rather spill the tea of
President Shan was impotent!

Beautiful men and women would knock on his door and invite themselves in to
his room, and they would stare at each other fully clad for the whole night.
The “visitors” got the recourse they yearned for (i.e. money and network) so
they would kindly kept the secret thus President Shan kept his name.

But this day! This “visitor”!

This little boy who was participating in an idol talent show knocked on his door
and seduced President Shan! And our domineering President Shan actually
was intrigued by this boy!

Shan Xiao squinted his eyes and decided to have some fun with this boy
when the boy suddenly blinked his sparkling eyes at him and said, “You can
do it! Come on! Be our hero!”

He turned out to be a moron!

Kids these days! Even morons could participate in talent shows!

“Get out of my bed!”

“Oh, okay.” Kuang Ye rolled to the side and jumped out of the bed, he didn’t
mind much about his top, but he looked for his bike anxiously, “Hey, have you
seen my bike? I was riding it just now, but I can’t find it now.”

‘Hmm, did it fall under the bed? Hmm, let me find out.’ with that in mind,
Kuang Ye lifted the bed, yep, he lifted the bed single-handedly.

What the actual fuxx?

President Shan frowned seeing Kuang Ye lifting the bed and looking up and
down, that hand, that hand was on President Shan’s neck a minute ago, hmm,

President Shan walked to the door and called his secretary, “Secretary Feng,
come take this morin away.”

So what it was three a.m.? President Shan could do whatever he fancied at

any time, he could throw a man into the ocean, but what had the fish done
wrong to deserve such a disturbance at such an ungodly hour?

Ten minutes later.

There came a rhythmic sound of high heels kissing the floor, a tall girl in a chic
black dress with full on makeup showed up at the door, she nodded at Shan
Xiao, “President Shan, I’m here.”

No questions asked, no inquiries included, this girl was like a robot that was
programmed to finish a job.

President Shan had fired numerous secretaries, Feng Qianqian finally made
him smile. Beautiful, competent, sophisticated, knowing when to shut up,
discreet in speech! She won’t ask any question that wasn’t her business, she
won’t poke and pry the slightest when she wasn’t invited to.

Secretary Feng was still perfect this night, however, it was President Shan
who couldn’t zip his own mouth.

“Pay more attention next time, how can you pick this moron tonight? Send his
company some fish oil tablets produced by us to his company, it looks like his
CEO needs to have some brain, recruiting a moron like this into his company
and becoming a trainee for idol, his CEO must be a moron too.”

“Yes, President Shan.”

With that Secretary Feng took Kuang Ye away from Shan Xiao’s room, and
Shan Xiao banged his door to show how dissatisfied he was, then he opened
a creak and ordered Feng Qianqian, “Call me a cleaning lady to clean my

Feng Qianqian soon called the cleaning team and then she left the building
with Kuang Ye who was completely at a loss. Feng Qianqian managed to
keep a poker face until they were ten meters away from Shan Xiao’s mansion.

‘God god god, I’ve seen it, I’ve seen it! Topless! A fuxxing six-pack! Oh
yummy! Wait! No, Qianqia stop, he is President Shan! Well, isn’t President
Shan a tsundere little bitxx? Doesn’t he claim that he has never get intimate
with anyone because he is such a neat freak? Look who just took off his top?
This boy Kuang Ye, way to go! I’m sure President Shan panicked because his
heart had never flipped like this before, awww, isn’t that cute?’ thought Feng
Qianqian profusely.

“Miss? Miss?” Kuang Ye called Feng Qianqian, trying to get a clue what was
going on.


“Where are we going? I need to finish mu competition.” said Kuang Ye, he

didn’t know why this competition took him longer than he had expected.
Feng Qianqian looked at him and comforted him, “Don’t worry, I will send you
back to your competition.”

“Really? Great! Thank you so much!” beamed Kuang Ye.

An hour later… …

Seeing the flashy “Dancing 666” logo on the wall, Kuang Ye turned around

and looked at Feng Qianqian, “What competition is this?”

Wasn’t he attending the National Cycling Competition? Why was the training
center painted in pink?

Feng Qianqian raised her eyebrows, “The idol talent show? Have you
forgotten already?”

2. My Talent is Cycling
Translator: Sissy That Walk

Kuang Ye followed Feng Qianqian to a dormitory and before he could raise

any more question Feng Qianqian’s retiring figure was all he could see.

It was pitch dark in the dormitory, Kuang Ye didn’t want to wake up others in
the room so he decided to ask for help tomorrow morning, with that in mind
groped his way to an empty bed.

Someone whispered, “humph, you are back early?”

Hearing that, Kuang Ye looked around and figured that someone was
probably talking to him so he answered, “yeah.”

Little did Kuang Ye expect that someone would sneer at him, “You are such a


Kuang Ye did some thinking, he figured he didn’t know that someone, it was
impossible that someone was swearing at him, he was sure that someone
was talking in sleep.

Yep, time for sleep.

Wangzi Xingchen was still waiting for Kuang Ye to talk back when he heard
Kuang Ye’s snore, and that threw Wangzi Xingchen into a flare!

He thought Kuang Ye didn’t deserve to be in Grade 2 for he was not good at

singing or dancing at all, and now Kuang Ye was snoring, Wangzi Xingchen
went mad jealous why this Kuang Ye had so many fans.

6:30 a.m. in the morning, an alarm bell rang across the whole Dancing 666
training center. Kuang Ye woke up at the first rang, he sprang up from the bed
and shouted, “There’s a fire? Don’t panic, everybody stay down, let’s find the

With that he darted away, but the others were just putting on clothes casually,
it seemed like no one was in a rush or anything and they looked at Kuang Ye
with a frown in unison.

“People, let’s run, we can make it!” urged Kuang Ye.

“What’s the matter with you? That’s morning alarm of the center!” said a boy
with a shiny diamond ear stud full of disgust in his voice.

Three seconds later, the boy raised his head and looked at Kuang Ye with an
inquiring look, “Aren’t you the one who —”

People were whispering in twos and threes.

“Right? Isn’t he the one?”

“Yeah, just last night.”

“Why is he back in the dormitory now?”

“Tut tut, looks like sugar daddy wasn’t satisfied, haha.”

“You guys better watch your mouth, do you have evidence?”

“Hell to the yeah, this boy better behave himself, we loathe unfair competition
in any form!”

“Hey, you, which company are you in?”

“Rumor monger is not welcome in this show, Kuang Ye asked for one night
leave due to family issue!”

Kuang Ye was at a loss seeing the scene which was technically created by
him, and all of a sudden a staff member grabbed hold of his wrist and
complained, “Kuang Ye, what are you doing here in a daze? Time to get your
makeup done.” all the working staff were busy in disorderly haste, which left
Kuang Ye no chance to ask for help.

Therefore, Kuang Ye’s face was painted with some delicate makeup and he
was dragged to a stage and joined other good-looking competitors, there was
a PD running around and giving orders to the crew and the competitors.

“This episode is so crucial, guys, kids in Grade one please don’t feel
discouraged, remember, this is the chance to redeem yourself and win a ticket
to Grade two. Kids in Grade two focus on impressing the judge panel and
make it to the Grade three, I have faith in you! As for kids in Grade three, don’t
get too cocky, you have eyes on you from everyone! This is not the time to get
comfortable, no one knows who is able to have a grand debut yet,

Everyone looked so stimulated, “Yes, sir!”

Kuang Ye didn’t know what he put himself in, but he somehow felt touched by
the scene.

Idol, talent show, those concepts were alien to him. Cycling workout and
competitions filled his life pretty much to the full, his dream was to stand on all
the medal podiums of all large-scale cycling events.

There was a podium in this Dancing 666 training center, but that one was not
what he was thinking about.

It baffled Kuang Ye that why people would thought he was a candidate for this
talent show, but just now he was genuinely touched by this group of boys, he
guessed there was something mutual for people who were chasing dreams.
Thus he took hold of the hands of both boys who were sitting next to him, he
told the two boys in a firm tone, “you can do this, believe in your dream!”

Bai Jiachun withdrew his hand.

And so did Wangzi Xingchen.

The two muttered “pervert” in unison.

Kuang Ye took that with a light heart, he just valued any dream chaser. And
he was now looking for a chance to leave this stage and go back to his
Attacking Shaft Club so he could continue to chase his own dream.
The show started a national audition and at this point everyone was pretty
talented, the recording went on smoothly, the judge panel was happy to see
the candidates delivering singing, dancing, instruments playing, martial arts,

Every candidate was giving it all, however, the director sat by the monitor
heaved a sigh, “there’s something missing.”

The director stroked his bald head and frowned, “we need something original,
something that people have never seen on a talent show, our show needs to
become the most searched hashtags! Li, Li, anything interesting from the
rehearsal yesterday?”

“Bai Jiachun, the boy from Xingyi Company showed some jujitsu moves.”


“Kid looks pretty good.”

“Let me think,” said the director pressed his forehead, soon he shook his
head, “it’s not that different to be honest, and by the way, has the one who
was called by President Shan performed yet?”

“Not yet.”


Kuang Ye was cued to the stage the next second.

The host showed a meaningful smile and asked Kuang Ye what he was going
to perform, Kuang Ye sang a song at the rehearsal the day before, it wrecked
havoc! But judging from the smile, it looked like the host had also heard the
hearsay about Kuang Ye and Shan Xiao.

“Perform?” asked Kuang Ye with confusion, “can I have a bike? I will do some

bike stunts.”

Everyone in presence was surprised.

Wait what? Bike stunts? That was not what you said at the rehearsal!

The host panicked, and he darted a look at the PD looking for help.

The whole audience went uproar though, they didn’t mind some good bike
stunts, they liked to see how kids try to outshine the others.
The PD asked for help from the director, that question amused the director, he
was so thrilled that he ordered the staff members to get Kuang Ye a bike

Three minutes later, Kuang Ye was holding a bike in hand. All cameras were
on him, everyone was ready to see what this boy had up his sleeve.

Kuang Ye looked at this bike like he was admiring a national treasure, he felt
so great when his hands were put on the handlebar.

He missed his own bike so much, but he would do some stunts with this bike,
no problem!

Kuang Ye smiled when he sat on the bike, he did some circles on the stage in
a flash, then leaped from the stage to the front row of the audience seats.

The director was delighted, ‘wow, he is actually pretty good.’

The other competitors pouted, ‘well, I wish his singing were as good as his

The audience was like, ‘give us more, we need to see more.’

But before they realized it, Kuang Ye had exited the recording studio.

The host tried his best on stage to make the audience think this exiting was
part of the performance until he literally repeated himself for the third time.

The staff members all went out to look for Kuang Ye, but the security
said, “Yeah, I’ve seen him riding a bike and left, boy, isn’t he fast? I almost
didn’t recognize him, I guarantee you he must be miles away now!”

The director was stupefied, “Well, I guess the show will become the most
searched hashtag now!”

3. I Just Want to Ride

Translator: Sissy That Walk

#Dancing 666 Kuang Ye#

#Kuang Ye performance#

#Dancing 666 Grade Two#

#Dancing 666 hype or victim#

As the director had predicted, their show had become the most searched
hashtag the next day.

At a press conference, the director claimed one more time that he and the
whole crew were also looking for Kuang Ye, they had no idea what happened
to Kuang Ye and they hoped Kuang Ye could soon return and finish the
competition because he had seen potential from this young man.

Reporter A: Do you think Kuang Ye is running away because of some unfair


Director: No way, we have everything in our show but unfair game!

With that the director stormed off, and he shook his head in the
meantime, ‘Kuang Ye is the one who is playing an unfair game!’

Kuang Ye now was getting some rest under a bridge.

Why he slept under the bridge was because he didn’t have any money on
him, he had never been to this city and he didn’t have a phone!

However, our boy Kuang Ye soon mingled with other homeless men and he
learned this city he was in now was called Billion City because it was home to
the multinational company — Billion Consortium.

“Multinational?” asked Kuang Ye in awe. He worshiped champion since he

was a child, it looked like this Billion Consortium was a champion in business
circles. The CEO of Billion Consortium must be truly awesome.

The homeless person tapped Kuang Ye on the shoulder, “Of course President

Shan is truly awesome, you just come to our city, I’m sure you will hear more
and more about President Shan. You said you just came from the countryside,
but your outfit looks quite nice, and your hair is so shiny.. …”

Kuang Ye made a self introduction last night, but no on had heard Kuang Ye’s
city so they assumed Kuang Ye came from a countryside that no one had
heard of. Right after the homeless person criticized Kuang Ye’s hair and outfit,
the screen on the building across the river lit, it was Kuang Ye who was doing
bike stunts on stage with some narration went like “Kuang Ye, the candidate
of Dancing 666 ran away from the recording studio, the whole crew were at a
loss and they hope Kuang Ye could go back soon”.

The group of homeless people looked at screen and they looked at Kuang Ye,
soon they shot glares at Kuang Ye. They shared food with Kuang Ye last
night, and it turned out this boy was in show business!
Ah! This boy must be having some rebellious moments because he was too

Therefore Kuang Ye was driven off from the bridge base, so he went on his
trip of finding Attacking Shaft Club, after asking hundreds of people about the
whereabouts of Attacking Shaft, Kuang Ye had to admit that he was in a
completely different space now, there was no Attacking Shaft there was no his

Kuang Ye felt so defeated, he looked at the traffic and was lost in thought.

After as long as three seconds, Kuang Ye’s eyes sparkled again, “No! I

shouldn’t lose faith like this! No! I can start my own club and start training
myself! Nothing is going stop me from cycling and chasing my dream! The
present is now!”

An auntie who was riding a bike stopped next to Kuang Ye and looked like
she wanted to talk to Kuang Ye. Seeing that, Kuang Ye felt so
encouraged, “Auntie, you also like cycling yeah?”

The Auntie frowned and shot a mini speech, “Young man, I assume you are
not color-blinded, yeah? Look at the traffic lights, please make a choice, you
are either going or not, don’t stand in people’s way, that’s all! Come on, come
with me, I will educate you with some basic traffic rules.”

Thirty minutes later Kuang Ye was told he was free to go, hearing that, Kuang
Ye rode his bake and disappeared like a throwing dart.

Then he began to look for cycling clubs, he found three in total, they weren’t
necessarily big clubs but they all looked pretty legit and homy.

However, Kuang Ye was rejected by all of the three clubs it went like this:


“Kuang Ye.”

“How long have you been cycling?”

“Five years.”

“Have you attended any professional competition? Have you joined any club

“Yes, I’ve won five gold medals in total. And my former club is Attacking Shaft
in Chongyan City.”
“Five gold medals? Hmm, how come I’ve never heard of your name?
Chongyan City? Attacking Shaft Club? Quit lying, there are no places like that!
Mr. Kuang, I’ve checked again in the system, there is no club called Attacking

“I’m not lying, I can show you what I got.”

“That’s fine, show me your certificates if that’s okay.”

“What certificate?”

“Any certificate with your name and the events on.”

Kuang Ye didn’t have money or phone on him, let alone certificates. But he
didn’t take no for an answer, he would look at the staff member and said
firmly, “Please believe in me, I will work hard every single day!”

The staff member would show Kuang Ye the video clip of the director of
Dancing 666 spoke in high volume that he and the whole crew were waiting
for 666 to be back home!

“Mr. Kuang, I think you fit that show better.”

Yep, Kuang Ye considered he had a fruitless day.

Well, he was not exactly correct.

A new trending topic went ablaze in the evening.

#Kuang Ye was spotted on the street talking to multiple people#

Kuang Ye had been heatedly discussed ever since he ran away from the
recording studio, Dancing 666 won a lot of attention and viewers thanks to
Kuang Ye.

Kuang Ye won a lot of fans as well as haters of course, the fans would post
Kuang Ye’s photos and be like “Lol, this boy is a truly gem” while the hater be
accusing Kuang Ye of creating hype and paying ghost posters for himself. Any
attention was good attention in show business, Kuang Ye made quite a few
headlines on the news.

Numerous young people had recognized Kuang Ye on the street.

They wished they could get a photo and a signature but Kuang Ye would
disappear before they could say anything to him.
“Trust me, I’ve shared bread with him, I’ve talked to him, he is a bit nuts.” said
the homeless person with a firm tone.

To return to our President Shan.

He was in a daze in his office, he felt so lonely what he had not found himself
a rival in business, so he decided to turn on his laptop and kill some time by
playing some online poker. But ha gasped at a pop-up ad, it was Kuang Ye’s

“Holy moly! What’s going on, Secretary Feng, didn’t you send him back?”

“Yeah, I sent him back last night, but he ran away this morning, the whole
crew are looking for him.” said Feng Qianqian with indifference.

“See, I told you he was a moron.” President Shan shook his head, but soon he
narrowed his eyes and muttered, “Hmm, why is this boy putting on such a
show? Is he trying to get my attention?”

Feng Qianqian kept mute, but she laughed hysterically in her heart, ‘I don’t
know about that, but I do know he has already had your attention before he
made this scene.’

4. Man, You’ve Got My Attention

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Grand Glamour Entertainment Co. was the company that had signed Kuang
Ye and sent him to Dancing 666 show, at the moment Kuang Ye’s manager
Jia Hong was having a briefing with the CEO, “Any attention is good attention,
boss! Look at the chart, we’ve never had such a popular trainee, as long as
we apply some strategy, Kuang Ye will dominate the social media!”

“Of course I know any attention is good attention in show business,” the CEO
of Grand Glamour produced a hankerchief from his pocket and wiped the
sweat beads on his forehead, “The thing is he has offended President Shan!
The President Shan!”

“Well —” hesitated Jia Hong, everyone knew President Shan was the actual
ruler of Billion City, hmm, if they insisted on working with Kuang Ye, chances
were the whole company would sink with Kuang Ye, probably all of us will
pack our broke ass off and sleep under the bridge.
How sad, just when they thought they were about to finally have a break, and
they had to step back! Jia Hong gritted his teeth and took a deep
breath, “President Shan didn’t actually say anything, he just sent Kuang Ye
back, right?”

The CEO shook his head, he couldn’t afford to bet his life and his company on
Kuang Ye, it was President Shan who they were talking about! “Bench him,
that’s the only way out.” said the CEO with a frown on his forehead.

Jia Hong’s shoulders drooped, he had worked with a lot of trainees but none
of them had really attracted any attention,, how he wish he could talk to
President Shan and find out what he was really thinking about.

Knock knock.

“Boss, you’ve got a phone call, it is Secretary Feng from Billion Consortium.”

Hearing that, the CEO sprang from their chairs and went to pick up the phone

A few seconds later, he ran back to the meeting room and ordered, “Jia, go go

“Go where?”

“Go find Kuang Ye!”

“What did Secretary Feng say?” Jia Hong’s eyes sparkled.

“Just go find him now, I will tell you later.”

Kuang Ye would not hard to find at all, Jia Hong arranged eighteen people in
six cars and went on the mission. They combed the whole city and found the
boy who was sitting by the gate of a cycling club, it looked kind of sad.

Seeing the way Kuang Ye looked and the crowds of people and paparazzi
standing not afar, Jia Hong threw himself at Kuang Ye, “My son!”

Opps, someone was too carried away.

“Little Ye, come, let’s go home.”

Kuang Ye looked at Jia Hong with those big innocent puppy eyes, “Sir, you
are also looking for a photo and signature?”

Jia Hong’s heart sank, ‘what’s wrong with the boy?’ then he looked at Kuang
Ye up and down, he figured the best way was to coax Kuang Ye to go with
him, so Jia Hong put on a bright smile, “You have so many chances to sign
and take photos with your fans, but now let’s go back to Grand Glamour first.”

“No, I’m not going anywhere but a cycling club.” was the answer.

Cycling? Goddamn cycling!

Kuang Ye was a rather material kid, he would only land his eyes on those
fancy sports cars, what’s going on now?

‘Ah! Kid must be creating an image! He wants to appear as more

approachable for his fans!’ thought Jia Hong.

With that in mind, Jia Hong played along happily, he guaranteed Kuang Ye
that he would find as many bicycles as Kuang Ye wanted, and he would find
Kuang Ye the best cycling club. And it worked out well, Kuang Ye left with Jia

However, instead of reaching out for cycling clubs, Kuang Ye was seated at
the meeting room and was forced to listen to Jia Hong and the CEO’s speech.

‘President Shan’ kept popping out in their speeches.

“The President Shan you are talking about, who is he? He sounds
awesome.” asked Kuang Ye.

“Awesome? Awesome doesn’t even begin to describe him, he is truly the

president of the presidents, he could produce clouds with one turn of the hand
and rain with another, and he could launch another Sun into the space if he
wants to.”

‘Hmm, launching Sun seems a bit irresponsible, what about global

warming?’ thought Kuang Ye, he somehow found people in this city was
obsessed with this President Shan that they made themselves look silly.
Kuang Ye told himself in the heart that he should keep a clear head and keep
chasing his dream.

“Oh, have fun launching another Sun, see you guys around.”

Jia Hong screamed, “Wait, where are you going? Didn’t you hear that
President Shan is looking for you?”

“Me? Why? I don’t know him!”

Jia Hong and the CEO exchanged a look, they were fairly sure at this point
Kuang Ye had truly went mental, ‘Alas, who knew what had President Shan
done to Kuang Ye that night? Poor boy now couldn’t recall anyone or

Jia Hong coaxed him, “Here is the thing, President Shan is looking for you
because you are such a great cyclist.”

“Really? President Shan likes cycling too?” Kuang Ye beamed, “All right then,

I will go see him.”

What a gullible child.

President Shan sent a troop of sports car to pick up Kuang Ye, well, he would
like to send a helicopter until he learned that Grand Glamour didn’t have a
parking apron.

“Secretary Feng, go look for a building for Grand Glamour, with parking apron
please.” said Shan Xiao, playing the bubbles in his bathtub, after a short
pause, “And make sure you guys bathe him before he comes upstairs to me.”

Shan Xiao was convinced that Kuang Ye made this scene to capture his
attention, and it worked, Shan Xiao now was intrigued to find out what tricks
Kuang Ye was going to play.

Kuang Ye was bathed three times and was told to go upstairs, and what met
his eyes was an erotic scene, a gorgeous man in a bathrobe standing by the
bathroom door with his arms crossed, that was a velvety bathrobe with a deep
plunge design, Kuang Ye looked away.

The man did not, he kept staring at Kuang Ye with his unfathomable dark
eyes. A meaningful smile flashed across his face, hmm, Shan Xiao tried to
seduce Kuang Ye.

Kuang Ye had completely missed the point why the man smiled like that, he
thought probably the man was having a toothache.

‘Wait, isn’t this man from the other night? Looks like I do know him, I
accidentally had torn his shirt off, well, I owe him a shirt I guess.’ thought
Kuang Ye, ‘I need to pay him back. With what though? I don’t have any
money at the moment, but I’m happy to work for him till he is satisfied.’

Shan Xiao opened his mouth when Kuang Ye’s mind was running wild, “Man,
you’ve got my attention. What do you want, car or house or a grand debut,
you name it, today I’m in a good mood I can give you whatever you want.”

“Really?” asked Kuang Ye in excitement, he had dreamed this moment since

he entered this space, “Do you have a nice bicycle? Can I have a nice

There was one item that President Shan didn’t own — a bicycle!

5. Custom-made Bikes
Translator: Sissy That Walk

President Shan’s face darkened, no way would he be defeated by this

request. Humph, he didn’t think Kuang Ye meant what he just said, again
Kuang Ye was just saying stuff to impress him. And he insisted that he was
just playing along with Kuang Ye by not calling Kuang Ye out.

Hence the next second, showered in Kuang Ye’s fiery stare, Shan Xiao dialed
Secretary Feng’s number and asked Secretary Feng to purchase him the
most luxurious bike available and unavailable on the market alike, he
demanded that bike ASAP.

“Make it two, is that okay?” Kuang Ye whispered this in Shan Xiao’s ear. He

hoped to ride bikes together with this President Shan now that he learned
President Shan was also a bike lover.

Shan Xiao corrected himself on the phone, “Wait, make it two.”

Kuang Ye was thrilled hearing that, “You are such a wonderful friend.”

Three hours later, the almighty Secretary Feng came to the mansion with two
shiny bikes, what came to her sight was Kuang Ye hanging on Shan Xiao like
a koala bear when she opened the door.

“What took you so long?” said Shan Xiao with impatience written all over his
face, he was so used to get all his orders satisfied within three minutes, it
bordered on hurting his pride that Secretary Feng brought him the bikes after
three hours.

What? You said three minutes couldn’t be technically correct, well, think twice.

Secretary Feng presented the two the bikes and make a short
introduction, “President Shan, Mr. Kuang, we’ve gathered eight high fashion
designers and craftsmen in the last three hours and made this happen just for
President Shan, Jean Paaul Gaultier himself draws the sketch for the bike
(T/N, yeah I’ve put an extra a in Paaul, you know, copyright issue.). as you
can see, the bike is made purely by gold, the chain is made by diamond, the
brakes and gears are crafted by curio gems, we bought an air route after it’s
all done, and that costs two hours fifty nine minute and thirty seconds. Please
have a look, President Shan.”

President Shan was dazzled by the sparkle of the diamonds and gems, “Good
job, Secretary Feng, I’m giving you a subsidiary corporation as a reward.”

Secretary Feng put on a polite smile, “President Shan, you’ve rewarded me

twenty three subsidiary corporations already, I honestly don’t want to bite
more than I can chew.”

Secretary Feng managed to look calm on her face while there was s storm
roaring in her heart, ‘Look at those two just look at them, Kuang Ye is still
clinging on President Shan like he is part of President Shan’s body, humph,
such a double-standard President Shan he is! Doesn’t he claim he is such a
neat freak that he can’t bear any physical contact with anyone? Tut tut, it
looks like I need to call Kuang Ye Mrs. Kuang in no time!’

Shan Xiao had no absolutely clue what was going on in his secretary’s mind
for he was trying to impress Kuang Ye, “Man, look, I’ve got you the bike you
asked me for, you are welcome.”

‘Don’t get too touched, just embrace the moment, little boy.’

Kuang Ye jumped down from Shan Xiao’s body, he stared at the two gold
bikes, then he touched the brakes, after that he turned back and looked at
Shan Xiao in the eye.

Shan Xiao felt so encouraged by the look, he held his chest up higher
subconsciously, ‘come on man, say some nice words I guess you gotta give
credit where credit is due.’

“… … President Shan, but how are we going to ride these bikes?” Gold,

diamonds, gems, this like was almost fives times heavier than his old bike,
how could he beat his competitors in any event riding such a heavy ass bike!

Kuang Ye was shaken to the core, this whole city lacked some basic
knowledge of cycling, it was insane.

Shan Xiao was stupefied too, little did he expect Kuang Ye asked for a bike so
he could literally ride it.

Shan Xiao was forced to listen to Kuang Ye giving him the whole cycling
lesson 101 for about two hours, and it ended up with Shan Xiao asking Feng
Qianqian to get two more actual bikes.

Shan Xiao couldn’t believe he had actually sat his ass down and listened to
those boring cycling facts for a solid two hours, wait, for real, why did he do
that? He could have told Kuang Ye to shut up and get the fuxx of his mansion,
but he didn’t~

Shan Xiao was on the verge of collapse when Feng Qianqian came back with
two shiny new bikes because Kuang Ye was still not finished, now he was on
the chapter of what water bottles should a professional cyclist use in a

Seeing two new bikes, Kuang Ye sprang from the seat and threw himself at
the bikes, he smelt the bikes like they were fountains of youth, “Oh my, look at
the structure and feel the weight, it’s a ten through and through!”

Shan Xiao let out a sigh of relief in secret, ‘great, hope the bikes could spare
me from the cycling class.’

Kuang Ye turned around and tapped Shan Xiao on his shoulder in

excitement, “Thank you so much bro, I will definitely pay you back after I win
my next gold medal, I’m sure we will have sponsorship soon!”

“We? We as in you and who else?” asked President Shan curiously.

Hearing that, Kuang Ye gave Shan Xiao an ear-to-ear smile, “We as in you

and me, duh. Haven’t we agreed we will ride together? Come on now, let’s get
started now.”


Shan Xiao didn’t know this boy was kidding or not, why would President Shan
need to step on those pedals? Could he pay someone else to do it for him?

This was too much for President Shan, he couldn’t take it. “Secretary Feng,
get him out of my mansion, along with his bikes! Now!”

Feng Qianqian pressed her forehead in frustration.

However, she pulled herself together and stuck to her “the perfect

secretary” image by carrying out President Shan’s order.

Kuang Ye, who was thrown out from his “teammate”’s place, felt disheartened
for three seconds, then he figured it all out. He was sure this
new “teammate” he was having was one of those teammates, who would say
he didn’t fancy some training but he would work his ass of when no one was
around. Aww, kind of cute.

Kuang Ye was more determined to train with Shan Xiao and win the
In the mansion, Shan Xiao suddenly felt a chill wend down his spine and he

Feng Qianqian asked him in the most serious manner, “President Shan,

everything is ready, are you taking a bath now or later?”

“I’ve taken three baths today.”

“But I noticed Kuang Ye was clinging on you for two minutes and fifty eight
seconds, have you forgotten about that?”


Shan Xiao did not feel any discomfort when Kuang Ye hugged him
whatsoever, he was glad in secret that he was no longer a neat freak and he
was dying to see whether it was right or not, so he signaled Feng Qianqian to
come to his side and touched her hand.

The next second, a shriek rang in Shan Xiao’s mansion! Shan Xiao darted into
his bathroom and jumped into his tub full of bubbles, ‘Why! Good lord, why it
has to be that moron!’

6. President Shan Ain’t Happy About This

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Hmm, something unexpected might happen any time.

Jia Hong and the CEO of Grand Glamour were on cloud nice celebrating
Kuang Ye had won President Shan’s heart and President Shan was willing to
buy them a new building, and they had such an ambitious vision for Grand

However, Kuang Ye came back to them after like five hours.

Thirty two fancy sports car parked in front of Grand Glamour, Kuang Ye was
holding a bike in each of his hand, coaxing a driver, “Hey buddy do you mind
me driving me to the closest biking club?”

The driver tried so hard to put on a poker face, no one had ever asked him
like this during the past “picking up and delivering” errands. He and the other
drivers would only take orders from President Shan himself.
Jia Hong, who had just heard of the news, staggered to the front gate of  and
caught hold of Kuang Ye’s shoulders, “Ye! Mr. Kuang, Boss. Kuang, what the
hell is going on? Why are you being returned, again? Why are you holding two

“President Shan gave the bikes to me.” was the answer.

“Oh? Was President Shan nice to you?”

“Yes, I suppose. He is a nice person, but he lacks some common sense I

have to say, he bought me two gold bikes, geez, rookie mistake. However,
I’ve taught him some basic knowledge about cycling already, and we agreed
to ride together.”

Jia Hong was dumbfounded, he had no clue what Kuang Ye was talking
about, so, was President Shan satisfied with this moron or not? He didn’t want
to risk anything, so he granted Kuang Ye’s request of riding in their building.

Kuang Ye was like a bomb in everyone’s eyes, the thing was he might be
exploded like a pinata if President Shan was happy.

The new building that President Shan promised was now laying the
foundations, Jia Hong and his boss didn’t dare to go check for they were so
worried that what if President Shan had halted the project, so they decided to
pretend the project was in full swing.

The second episode of Dancing 666 now broadcast this day, audience rating
soared due to Kuang Ye from last episode, they’ve even attracted quite a few
overseas audience.

People turned on TV just to see what drama was in store in this episode, but
our President Shan had not turned on TV yet. He was fidgeting a lot
though, “This poker game is boring, they are all boring games! Call all the
managers of subsidiary corporations now, Secretary Feng, I’d like to hear their
report on their work updates!”

Feng Qianqian was speechless.

The stock market would have a shakeout if all the managers of subsidiary
corporations were spotted reporting updates to President Shan at the same

Secretary Feng took a deep breath and decided she needed to show her work
ethics, “Boss, do you want me to turn on the TV?”

“Haha” there came a dry laugh.

“Who wants to watch TV? I know I don’t.” denied President Shan.

Feng Qianqian turned on the TV regardless and she asked an assistant to get
President Shan some snacks. Our President Shan meant to criticize Secretary
Feng for taking the liberty to turn on the TV, yet he was distracted by the
show, “Go tell the producers, I’m watching their show, they gotta make sure
they give me a good show, otherwise I will shut their TV station down.”

The whole crew sneezed in unison, it was the universe who was sending them
a friendly reminder.

The second episode finished, and tons of criticism inundate the producers!

“We are waiting for Kuang Ye for the whole episode!”

“Where is Kuang Ye, we need to see Kuang Ye!”

President Shan’s office was in dead silence, he stood up from his chair and
paced around, “What a stupid show is that!”

Secretary Feng kept quiet.

“Where is the moron?”


“You, Secretary Feng, go inform the moron’s manager that they need to make
sure the moron focus on the show, all right? Now that he had decided to
attend the show, he’d better freaking deliver it!”

Secretary Feng answered, “Yes, President Shan. No problem President


Jia Hong and his boss were both terrified when they got another phone call
from Secretary Feng.

“No new building for us?”

“That’s not the case.”

“Kuang Ye needs to be benched?”

“That’s not the case.”

“President Shan wants Kuang Ye to go to his office?”

“That’s not the case.”

“What’s the case?”

“President Shan suddenly takes a liking on talent shows, especially the ones
with some unique contenders, if you know what I’m saying, and we need to
make sure he will have a good show to watch.”

Breaking news! A CEO like Shan Xiao liked to watch idol talent show, such a
different taste for his status.

‘Especially the ones with some unique contenders’, hmm, did it mean
President Shan would like to see 666 to continue the show?

Jia Hong’s boss pounded the table in vexation, “Where is Kuang Ye?”

Jia Hong pointed outside the window and looked away, he felt embarrassed.

Kuang Ye had asked every security guard to ride together with him ever since
he was returned by Shan Xiao, it came to a point all the security guards were
avoiding him because they couldn’t keep up with him.

“Boss, trust me, Kuang Ye used to be lazy and inactive, who knows what has
happened to him, he has become such an energetic boy!” said Jia Hong
almost in tears. Cycling was all Kuang Ye cared for at the moment, he had
zero interest in continuing the show, which was fine, but after the phone call
from Secretary Feng, that was not fine any more.

“Life is so hard!” exclaimed Jia Hong and his boss.

But Jia Hong, who was determined to become the best manager in show
business, was not defeated by this situation. He was confident that he could
change Kuang Ye’s mind!

“Ye, listen to me, no club will take you if you cannot show them your
certificates, let alone attending professorial competitions, am I right?” asked
Jia Hong in earnest.

“However, you can start your own club, how great is that! And of course you
need start-up capital to get everything on the right track in the beginning,
yeah? The good news is the winner of Dancing 666 will win a reward and
three million yuan.”

And that was how it was done!

The third episode of Dancing 666 was about to get more audience rating
because Kuang Ye would be back! The director made a bold decision just for
Kuang Ye, the show would be live instead of recorded broadcasting since the
third episode.
What? That was too risky? No, losing Kuang Ye would be too risky!

7. Princess Bai
Translator: Sissy That Walk

All the participants of the show Dancing 666 were living in dormitories
arranged by the crew and were cut off from any contact with outside world, but
Kuang Ye was the exception, he ran away in front of the camera.

Jia Hong’s plan walked, now Kuang Ye came back with his two bikes. He
waved at his roommates, “Hey everyone, good to see you guys again.”


Anyone else would definitely take the hint that he was ignored by others, but
our Kuang Ye preferred to think the silence treatment was due to his volume,
so he assumed his position with arms akimbo, “Morning, everyone!”

Wangzi Xingchen took off his headphone, “Yeah yeah yeah, we hear ya, why
are you yelling? Are you so desperate to let everyone see that you are back,
desperate to show off the strings you’ve pulled?”

Bai Jiachun, who was sitting by his table, turned around and pouted, “I know,
right? However, it’s easy to crawl to President Shan’s bed for one night, I’m
afraid it’s not easy to crawl to his bed every single night. Watch out, you may
be reduced to laughing stock one day.”

The other roommates sneered, a tall guy elbowed Kuang Ye out of his way
with hostility, however he ended up falling on the ground.

“Ouch! Jesus on a cracker! Kuang Ye, are you wearing a metal jacket or
something?” cried out the tall boy, he felt like he just bumped into a metal
shield instead of a human body.

Kuang Ye bent down and looked at Mr. Tall guy, with a touch of
disappointment in the tone, “Buddy, why are you like this?”

“What? What am I like?” retorted Mr. Tall guy, with a guilty conscience, “You

are standing in my way, I haven’t done anything.”

Kuang Ye picked up Mr. Tall guy’s arm and went “tut tut tut, man, when was
the last time that you went to a gym? Look at you! Falling on the ground!”
Mr. Tall guy went red in embarrassment, ‘Is Kuang Ye mocking me? That’s
ridiculous! I go to gym regularly, I’m lean and fit, I even have got a six pack!
How dare he to just say shit like I don’t work out? Is he implying that I’m

With that in mind, Mr. Tall guy went mad, he picked himself up from the
ground, “Hey, Kuang Ye, a battle, you and me, are you in?”

“Battle? What battle?” Kuang Ye murmured, he looked around trying to get an

explanation from the roommates, then his eyes landed on Bai Jiachun who
looked the most friendly and approachable.

“Do you want a competition with him?” said Bai Jiachun.

This dormitory housed kids of Grade Two, Zhao Xiuyu, the Mr. Tall guy was
good at dancing, he had got the best potential to make it to Grade Three.
Kuang Ye was infamously know for dancing with two left feet, so everyone
was hoping Kuang Ye would take the bait and make a fool of himself.

Bai Jiachun was a sweet pea inside, but he didn’t want to get involved so he
wasn’t planning to remind Kuang Ye to think twice and not act rashly.

Kuang Ye’s eyes sparkled when he heard the word “competition”.

“Man, you like a good competition, yeah? That’s so great!” Kuang Ye felt Zhao
Xiuyu’s arms and nodded in approval, “You’ve actually got some strong
biceps, but cycling is a bit different from other sports, you need to have strong
thighs as well. But that’s okay, as long as you are motivated and willing to
learn, I can train you later. Don’t worry, enthusiasm is the key!”

With that Kuang Ye went to the balcony and carried two bikes to the dorm.

You could hear crickets in the dorm.

Like everyone else, Zhao Xiuyu was utterly speechless. They were in a show
called Dancing 666, by “battle” of course everyone assumed it was a dance
battle, why on earth would Kuang Ye thought they were going to have a
cycling battle?

‘Is he showing off again? Is this about him became a sensation online and I’m
not?’ thought Zhao Xiuyu resentfully.

The annoying thing was Zhao Xiuyu could not come up with one good talk to
defend himself, because it was true that the show became popular due to
Kuang Ye, technically all the participants had gained more fans thanks to
Kuang Ye, they were all enjoying the reflected glory of Kuang Ye.
Hence Zhao Xiuyu didn’t say anything, he looked away and walked to the
bathroom. Wangzi Xingchen out his headphone back on and opened a packet
of facial mask.

Bai Jiachun didn’t appreciate the way Kuang Ye mocked everyone, he just
said, “The trick gets old, you better learn something new before the audience
get bored, am I right, Kuang Ye?”

Kuang Ye walked to Bai Jiachun and caught hold of his hand, nodding, “You
are absolutely right, my friend, come on now, let’s train together!”

Bai Jiachun swore he thought Kuang Ye meant dancing and singing training,
so he nodded gently.

And ten minutes later —

Bai Jiachun was crammed with cycling knowledge and he was actually riding
laps with Kuang Ye.

“Kuang Ye, I can’t, I give up… …”

Bai Jiachun, a delicately pretty boy with flawless fair skin gained lots of fans
with his sweet smile and gentle talks, was called “Princess Bai” by his fans.

He wore sunblock even in winter, he liked his white fair skin, and now he
riding bikes with Kuang Ye under the scorching sun. Bai Jiachun was on the
verge of wailing, he didn’t want to get a tan at all, he thought he would lose his
fans if he didn’t keep his look in a certain way.

Bai Jiachun now was slowing down, Kuang Ye, who was always more than
happy to become a cheerleader on the track, encouraged Bai Jiachun, “Hey
bro, you can do this, think about victory, think about our team!”

“Victory, victory my ass, this isn’t a competition!”

“Well, it is a competition, everyday we are going through a competition against

ourselves of yesterday, aren’t we?”

“Oh my God, that’s some chicken soup you are feeding me.” Bai Jiachun
laughed, Bai Jiachun found Kuang Ye in front of him a genuinely innocent
boy. Bai Jiachun didn’t understand why Kuang Ye came to participate the
show if he wasn’t keen, why he fawned on President Shan, and why he acted
like nothing had happened after everyone knew he crawled to President
Shan’s bed, why he was so obsessed with cycling! So many question marks
in his mind!

“Kuang Ye, can I ask you a question? You can choose to not answer though.”

Seeing Bai Jiachun was really done today, Kuang Ye didn’t have the heart to
pressure him, it was their first training after all. He was now carefully wiping
the twp bikes under the shade.

“Why are you coming back to the show?”

“I want to have my own cycling team, but I don’t have the money, and my
manager told me I will earn a three million contract if I win this thing.”

Bai Jiachun was stupefied for a few seconds then he gave way to roars of
laughter, he knew this Kuang Ye must have some abnormal reason, but to
start his own cycling team was just too hilarious.

Bai Jiachun took a few breaths and tried to stifle his laughter, he pressed
Kuang Ye on his shoulder, “Yo, don’t underestimate us, it’s not easy to win the
contract, we have a lot of strong competitors in the show.”

Kuang Ye nodded, “Yeah, I know that, underestimating your competitors will

only backfire on yourself. But, are you pressing my shoulder or are you tickling
me? Haha, your hand is soft like a little girl’s, haha… …”

8. Let Me Be Your Light

Translator: Sissy That Walk

The next day was the day they went on live for their third episode themed
as “creative choreography”, all competitors need to show their choreography
that went well with the shows theme song “Let Me Be Your Light”. Winner of
this episode would secure himself a center spot in the group, and his
choreography would be applied in their official music video.

It was a hard challenge, but the stakes were high, the winner will not only be
the choreographer for the entire music video, he will also be strutting his stuff
in the center of the stage, all other participants will basically be the

All the participants would kill for that opportunity to make others wall flower
except Kuang Ye. Bai Jiachun dragged him to the dancing studio to train and
watch others, he sat in the back row and exclaimed the whole
time, “wow”, “amazing”, “so great”!
Zhao Xiuyu rolled his eyes, he deliberately did a death drop in front of Kuang
Ye when it was his turn.

“Woe, Zhao Xiuyu, that’s amazing! One more please!” applauded Kuang Ye.

Zhao Xiuyu meant to impress Kuang Ye anyways, he did a backward

somersault and a death drop. Kuang Ye clapped his hands and exclaimed,
Zhao Xiuyu felt good, so he went on and on… …

He didn’t realize it until he did the tenth death drop, ‘wait, what am I doing?
Kuang Ye didn’t pay me! Why am I taking orders from him? What is he taking
me for? A fool!?’

Zhao Xiuyu picked himself up from the floor, he glared at Kuang Ye, “Kuang
Ye, just wait and see, I will win this challenge!”

Kuang Ye was so touched by Zhao Xiuyu’s fighting will, he felt fire from Zhao
Xiuyu’ eyes, that was he had been missing on the cycling track! A surge of
emotions was rising in Kuang Ye’s heart, he respected a fierce competitor! He
thought he might be able to invite Zhao Xiuyu to his cycling club too, it was
okay that Zhao Xiuyu had no experience, enthusiasm and fighting will were
way more important than experience.

Kuang Ye couldn’t help but think even if he couldn’t win the competition, he
could convince the actual winner joining him, thus he would have the starting
capital too!

With that in mind, Kuang Ye sprang up from the floor and started to do some
maths, “One mil for the training center, one mil for the gears and equipment,
oh wait, if we are having a big team, one mil is far from enough, hmm, I’ll put
one and half mil, the rest of the money … …”

Seeing Kuang Ye murmuring and doodling on the floor, the other competitors
were curious, “Kuang Ye, are you doing maths?”

“Yeah, the winner will gain a contract with three million yuan, right? I’m
thinking about how to spend that money.”


‘Damn! That’s outrageous! This competition is so rigged, this is just the third
episode, Kuang Ye is already thinking how to spend the prize!’ everyone

Bai Jiachun walked to Kuang Ye and tapped him on the shoulder, “What are
you doing? We will be on stage tomorrow.”
“Hi,” smiled Kuang Ye, “I’ve heard that song, so upbeat, perfect for dancing.”

‘Hmm, is he saying he is all set and ready to slay on the stage? Odd, I didn’t
see him train at all, when did he get all his choreography ready?’ Bai Jiachun
was in doubt but he was kind of happy for Kuang Ye.

With that Kuang Ye went to practise on his moves, Wangzi Xingchen stared at
him and asked, “Hey princess, are you friends with that moron?”

“What? Who? What are you talking about? I just went to intimidate him, you

“Anyways, you better keep away from him.”

“I know.”

The participants danced till late night in the studio, Zhao Xiuyu danced till the
next morning and went directly to the makeup artist after a quick shower.

The director was of course beaming seeing how hard working the kids were,
this episode was going to be live, he wanted everyone to have a good show.

‘God bless Dancing 666. President Shan bless Dancing 666.’ whispered the

“Achoo!” President Shan sneezed in front of the TV.

“Secretary Feng, turn on the TV now.”

Feng Qianqian produced ten remoters from the drawer.

Yep, ten remoters.

He asked Secretary Feng to get him an IMAX screen after last episode, and
ten screens of different sizes on the walls and ceilings.

The TV industry was thrilled, and the investors all thought President Shan was
going to have some breakthrough movement in TV industry, so they pumped
so much capital in the industry.

Sometimes Secretary Feng felt like President Shan was blessed with the God
of Wealth for he could always get the unintentional positive outcomes.

Ten screens were turned on at the same time, Dancing 666 was on!

The first participant went to the stage after the host made a brief introduction
of the theme of this episode. Shan Xiao spotted Kuang Ye grinning and talking
to the one sitting next to him, while the other just nodded gently and smiled
shyly, yep that was Princess Bai.

Shan Xiao threw the chips in hand on the floor, “You silly boy, why are you
talking to your competitor?”

Audience in front of the TV and online viewers all noticed Kuang Ye and Bai
Jiachun’s interactions — Kuang Ye was the one who did all the talking while
Bai Jiachun just covered his mouth and smiled.

The comments and bullet screen online were all like “Kuang Ye and Bai
Jiachun must be close friends, aren’t they?” “Look at Kuang Ye and Bai
Jiachun, so cute.” “I ship the two cuties.”

The PD soon asked the crew to make a special online episode of how the
participants train in the center, of course Kuang Ye and Bai Jiachun would be
the stars of that special.

Soon there emerged a group, they created amazing fan art for Kuang Ye and
Bai Jiachun, fan fictions, manga, and memes.

“Cute Jiaye!”

“More like Yejia!”

“Anyway, I ship the two!”

Thank God Shan Xiao couldn’t predict the future.

And up next was Bai Jiachun’s turn, our President Shan frowned seeing his
performance, “hmm, such basic performance!”

The PD stared at the monitor the whole time, hoping the princess would finish
his performance smoothly because next was Kuang Ye’s turn, they couldn’t
afford to have two “road kills” in a row. The PD’s prayers worked, Bai Jiachun
finished his performance with a round of applause, it was not like phenomenal
but it was pretty okay.

And the host called Kuang Ye’s name the next second, “Kuang Ye, we have
missed you, the fans are thrilled about your comeback, we are dying to see
your performance!”

Kuang Ye bowed to the audience, “Thank you everyone. I like our theme song
so much, nice melody and great lyrics! Hopefully you will enjoy my little show.”

“Awesome, we can’t wait.”

DJ cued the track, Kuang Ye started moving with the rhythm. He reached out
his arms in the sky and drew two circles.

“Let me be your light, shining down on you, you know we’ll make it through,
don’t let them take you down my love… …”

Kuang Ye moved his body in the music, he looked so committed to the music
and his moves strong, his smiles contagious.

“Isn’t isn’t sports aerobics?”

Oh yeah, Kuang Ye was dancing a set of sports aerobics on stage, the funny
thing was the number matched the sports aerobics to the bits!

That was jaw dropping, wasn’t it?

9. Be My Baby Bear
Translator: Sissy That Walk

The whole audience were taken aback watching Kuang Ye performing a set of
sports aerobics on a talent show, it took them a solid few seconds to clap their
hands after Kuang Ye finished his number.

“Great! How great is the kid!” the Director was almost in tears, he was not
touched or inspired by Kuang Ye’s performance, he had already pictured the
trending discussion on social media! Meanwhile he wished he could pat
himself on the shoulder and praised himself for deciding to make the show go
live, an edited version of Kuang Ye performing a set of sports aerobics on
stage, that was so original!

Well, the interesting part was oddly enough, Kuang Ye’s performance
matched the song so well that even the artist of the song started to wonder
about what had inspired him to write the song, was it for kids who chased their
dreams in show business or was it for people who were dying to lose a few

However, no one was as shocked as our dear President Shan who was sitting
in front of ten gigantic screens.

Think about it, the audience were stupefied just watching the performance on
their seats, imagine how speechless our President Shan, who watched the
performance on ten screens set on different angles and one of the screens
was an IMAX, were going to be.
President Shan sat in front of the IMAX screen, motionless, speechless, trying
to digest what he had just seen.

After a little while he asked Secretary Feng to turned off the rest of screen.

“Secretary Feng, why did you pick him for me? What have you seen in
him?” asked Shan Xiao curiously, never had Secretary Feng picked an
oddball like Kuang Ye, she always had a good taste, especially on picking
dates for Shan Xiao.

Feng Qianqian took a glimpse at Shan Xiao and reminded him, “Mind you
President Shan, you picked Kuang Ye by all by yourself. You happened to see
him smiling at your direction when he was walking on the street, somehow
you were hypnotized and thought he was smiling at you and he would hurt
himself if you don’t make him one of your harem.”

“Oh? I’ve said such things?” President Shan wanted to reject at first, but come
on, what was the point, that sounded like a textbook pickup line that he would
say. Deep down, he believed everyone would fall in love with him at first sight.

With that being said, somehow he felt a bit shy this time, so he changed the
subject by pointing at the right corner on the screen, “What does that number

“That is how many votes each participant has got. The winner will be Baby
Bear of the Night.”

“What bear?”

“Basically Baby Bear of the Night means the winner of the night with the most
votes, it’s like a lingo in fandom.” explained Secretary Feng.

President Shan stared at the number on the screen, only to find Kuang Ye
was not taking the lead by much, that Bai boy was only a few votes behind,
and a boy named Zhao Xiuyu also caused a sensation online, boy did twenty
death drops in his performance.

Yep, more death drops than he showed to Kuang Ye in the training center —
what a flexible kid!

Hmm, President Shan frowned, his moron should be way ahead of everyone,
what was the big fuss of twenty death drops, this was not Cirque du Soleil
audition. As for that Bai Jiachun boy, he just played all cute and wiggled
around, he didn’t even do a death drop! And those two looked like they were
going to come from behind the next second.
President Shan lifted a hand and said, “Go vote for him, I don’t care what you
do and how much money you spend, I want him to be Baby Bear of the Night,
did I say that correctly?”

Secretary Feng nodded in great poise, while butterflies were flying around in
her stomach, she was so happy that she has been shipping the right couple

The staff members who were calculating votes were overcome with bitter
sweet feelings, actually they were playing it up, neither Zhao Xiuyu nor Bai
Jiachun posed any threat, Kuang Ye had secured himself absolute attention
with his uniqueness and nerve. His votes surpassed the votes of the rest of
the competitors combined together.

However, Baby Bear of the Night would be capturing the center position and
be in charge of the choreography. Imagine sixty six boy dancing sports
aerobics on a talent show for a boy band, wasn’t that a bit derailing?

The working staff had been hoping to rig Zhao Xiuyu and Bai Jiachun’s votes
to avoid Kuang Ye end up being the Baby Bear of the Night. Little did they
expect Kuang Ye’s wild performance would be so unprecedent that he ended
up holding a safe lead. Not only his fans were voting for him, some spectators
who were amused also were willing to vote for him and see what more tricks
he had up his sleeves.

Well, the working staff were deeply troubled, they felt like they were walking
on thin ice.

It was not that easy to rig the votes any more with so many fans staring at the
charts, they saw anything suspicious they would tag the official account and
ask for an explanation, long gone were the days the fans couldn’t do anything
for their idols.

Therefore, they dared not go to far on Bai Jiachun and Zhao Xiuyu’s votes,
thank God they could use Jiaye and Yejia to distract the fans, and Zhao
Xiuyu’s death drops were indeed impressive.

When the working staff were weighing the situation, Kuang Ye’s votes
increased exponentially.

Literally, exponentially.

Seeing the numbers sky rocketing, the tech team was asked to double check
about the data, and they came with an answer, “Boss, the votes are all legit.
They all came from Billion Consortium, wow, looks like we’ve got fund to do
ten thousand episodes!” then they wrote some lines of code, “Well, the only
votes that are not legit are Bai Jiachun and Zhao Xiuyu’s.”

Who could turn the tables at this point?

No one.

Kuang Ye was announced Baby Bear of the Night, the host’s lips twitched
when he congratulated Kuang Ye on the stage, the audience however, roared
out their approval.

Kuang Ye beamed, “Thanks, everyone, I designed this set of sports aerobics

for cycling, remember, a healthy body is fundamental, please let’s get healthy

“Wow, such positive energy. Thank you so much fans for supporting and
voting for our show, please stay tuned.” said the host passionately, “May our
sixty six trainees be showered with flowers and applause on this journey!”

“I beg to differ, we need to keep a cool head and get ready to blaze a
trail!” exclaimed Baby Bear of the Night.

10. Convincing Bai Jiachun

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Dancing 666 became the trending topic unsurprisingly, Kuang Ye boy didn’t
disappoint the audience.

Bloggers, influencers, KOLs all jumped on the bandwagon of performing

sports aerobics, dank memes emerged in endlessly every single minute.
Fandom of course was set ablaze, dank memes of Jiaye oe Yejia dominated
the forum!

The working staff and trainees in Dancing 666 training center were enjoying
this sweet misery brought by Kuang Ye. Sixty five trainees stood in lines
watching Kuang Ye breaking down the movements, well, that was not what
they signed up for, too bad, they had to learn if they wanted to continue their
journey in the show.

Rules were the rules, Kuang Ye won that episode so everyone had to learn
his “choreography”. The working staff were knew it very well that they needed
to rely on Kuang Ye for their bonus and perks, so they encouraged other
trainees to listen to Kuang Ye and learn from him.
The audience had seen all kinds of idols, cute ones, gorgeous ones,
handsome ones, sexy ones, but it was hard to pinpoint Kuang ye into a certain
category, Kuang Ye was just Kuang Ye, and people loved him for who he
was, that was enough!

Therefore the staff members and the PDs all voted to set Kuang Ye free, they
won’t meddle in the choreography and the music video making, Kuang Ye
would be in charge of them.

It was a sports aerobics featured music video, could it be more train wreck?

But not all the trainees were happy about how favored Kuang Ye was by the
audience and the working staff.

All the other sixty five trainees came to the show dreaming to have an
opportunity to have a grand debut, they had been working hard for that way
before they even attended the audition. They trained hard and worked out
hard, being on a diet was what they did on a daily basis, they posted food on
social media but they actually lived on salad without dressing.

Camera added ten pounds, they were all working hard to fight that dreadful
non-existant ten pounds. Looking fat was a sin in show business, they all
wanted to look like a stick on camera, poor boys.

As for skin care, OMG, they grew up in China where pale was highly touted.
The boys would drank lemon water to start their day and apply and reapply
sunblock during the day, they dreaded the sun more then the vampires did,
alas, I wish the boys would have some healthy aesthetics.

But look at them now, dancing sports aerobics under the sun, and to think
they were going to shoot their first music video featuring that moron Kuang
Ye, they wanted to cry.

The camera crew were shooting their practising for a special edition of their
life off the stage, some trainees still couldn’t help complain, “Kuang Ye
deliberately decided not to practise indoors, I see through him, he just wanted
us to get tanned so he could stand out and get more fans.”

Seeing the camera crew, Bai Jiachun suppressed his complaints and patted
the other trainee’s shoulder, “Come on now, look at Ye, he is working so hard
under the sun trying to do breakdowns for us, let’s try to understand each
other.” with that he winked at the camera and felt glad that he saw the camera
before he exploded.

“What are you doing, whispering to each other?” Kuang Ye turned around and
looked at the trainees, “Guys, listen, I know you all miss indoors and air cons,
but getting some sun, getting some Vitamin D only does your body good.
During the past few days, I’ve noticed you guys would only eat salads, that’s
not enough, I know you all want to look good for the camera, but please take
care of yourselves. I will write down a few recipes, all healthy ingredients I
promise, you can enjoy an actual meal without worrying gaining on weight.
Come now, let’s do one more breakdown.”

The trainees looked at each other, they had to say what Kuang Ye said was
actually pretty touching, he was the only one that said please eat healthy
besides their parents. And Kuang Ye looked very convincing, he looked very
fit and energetic, he was by no means pale, but his skin was flawless and that
tan only make him stand out more.

Hmm, they had never found Kuang Ye so attractive before, no wonder so

many fans liked Kuang Ye so much! Kuang Ye not only had a good look, he
also appeared a very caring and loving figure, the way he told them to not skip
meals was very … touching!

With that in mind, the trainees played along and followed Kuang Ye’s
instructions, it was not hard or challenging for them due to their dancing
backgrounds, but soon they found it was not easy to hit the moves like Kuang
Ye, Kuang Ye’s strength was what made the sports aerobics appealing.

Zhao Xiuyu who was not happy about not being able to win that episode
practised the moves in secret, he recorded his own movements and found all
his moves were correct, but his performance was giving the audience a blood
surge like Kuang Ye’s did.

How could that be possible! His dancing ability was what he boasted about
since day one he participated this competition, and he felt devastated that his
performance was not as great as Kuang Ye’s.

Zhao Xiuyu turned off his camera and looked outside the window, what came
to his sight was Kuang Ye who was riding his bike, Zhao Xiuyu was deeply
confused, “Is it true there are people who are just favored by God?”

Seeing how focused Kuang Ye was, somehow Zhao Xiuyu found Kuang Ye
less annoying, he even found Kuang Ye rather charming and attractive the
way he was committed to something that he was passionate about.

Kuang Ye came back to the dorm after his practise, seeing Bai Jiachun who
was listening to music, he rushed towards Bai Jiachun and asked, “Bai, have
you thought about it? Come on now, join my cycling team!”

Bai Jiachun rolled his eyes and pounded Kuang Ye, “Dude, you know you are
on a talent show for idols, yeah? Singing, dancing and acting should be your
passion, not cycling.”
“Why not?” Bai Jiachun’s pounding was no difference than tickling to Kuang
Ye, “an idol surely can have a hobby, if not a passion besides singing,
dancing and acting.”

“Can an idol’s dream be winning awards in cycling?”

“Of course!” Kuang Ye put his hand on Bai Jiachun’s shoulder and continued
advertising, “Picture it, teammates, training, audience, sweats, efforts,
cheering and applause… … you are not competing against anyone else, you
are competing against yourself! The moment you make a spurt at the finishing
line, trust me, you will understand one saying — sky is the limit! Oh my God,
I’m going back to training!”

Bai Jiachun was a bit convinced and the next second he saw Kuang Ye
launching himself out of the dorm like he was a throwing dart.

The camera that was newly installed in the dorm recorded it all… …

11. To Start the Day with a Bang

Translator: Sissy That Walk

“Qianqian, I’m so nervous, what does President Shan like and dislike? Will he
fire me if I accidentally offend him?” Wang Wei, the new assistant asked Feng
Qianqian in fear and trembling.

Feng Qianqian replied with great poise, “I’m the one who has hired you, he is
in no position to fire you.” Feng Qianqian said a little prayer in her heart, she
hoped President Shan and this new assistant would get along well, she could
not recall how many assistant were scared away by President Shan.

Hearing what Feng Qianqian just said, Wang Wei looked at Feng Qianqian’s
back in awe, “Wow, I’m your fan, Boss Qian.”

‘Secretary Feng definitely lives up to her name, no wonder people say

President Shan relies heavily on her, I have so much to learn from this
bosslady.’ thought Wang Wei.

No matter how much Feng Qianqian had comforted Wang Wei, Wang Wei’s
heart was still pounding as Feng Qianqian took her to meet Shan Xiao for the
first time, Shan Xiao was the founder and owner of Billion Consortium, a
legendary CEO, a golden bachelor in every girl’s dream… …
A wave of tension swept through Wang Wei for she did not know what to
expect from President Shan.

Seeing that, Feng Qianqian’s lips twitched, she tried to comfort Wang
Wei, “Don’t get scared, he is a human being as well. Just watch your mouth,
don’t be nosy, don’t ask questions irrelevant to your job. Try your best to
deliver what he asks you to do, but feel free t turn him down if it’s too much.
That’s all.”

“What? How can anyone turn him down? That’s President Shan!” asked Wang
Wei with disbelief.

Wang Wei kept her smile in place with some effort, and soon they arrived at
President Shan’s office, it was painted in dazzling gold, as expected. Wang
Wei took a deep breath and gave Feng Qianqian an unflinching
stare, “Qianqian, wish me luck.”

Feng Qianqian had no clue why Wang Wei gave her an unflinching stare like
she was about to open the door to Unknown, hmm, kids these days, so
dramatic. Wait, President Shan was dramatic already, Feng Qianqian thought
she better keep Wang Wei away from President Shan, what if they
encouraged each other to be a drama queen.

Feng Qianqian saw Wang Wei withdrawing from Shan Xiao’s office when she
was about to turn around and leave.

“Wang Wei, what’s going on?”

“Qianqian, are you sure this is President Shan’s office?”

“What do you mean?”

“There is a man jumping around doing sports aerobics in the office, he is

exclaiming for himself! Who is he?”

Feng Qianqian remained unmoved, she took a glimpse at Wang Wei and
sighed in her heart, “That is President Shan.”

Shan Xiao had been in such a good mood recently, he was happy for Kuang
Ye that he made the Baby Bear of the Night. Shan Xiao found himself two
more hobbies, one was sports aerobics and one was lurking in fandom.

President Shan swore he was trying to mock Kuang Ye when he doing the
sports aerobics for the first time, but soon he was addicted to it, yep, such a
slap in the face.
It had occurred to President Shan that he could ask Dancing 666 to send
Kuang Ye to his house and teach him, but he didn’t want anyone to know he
was hooked on Kuang Ye’s performance, what if Kuang Ye got cocky after he
heard about that?

President Shan could always find an alternative.

He made full use of the IMAX screen in his office, it almost felt like Kuang Ye
was teaching him in the office. Shan Xiao also asked Secretary Feng to
decorate some stage lighting in his office, but Secretary Feng turned him
down, “I don’t allow my boss to have such outrageous aesthetics.

President Shan decided to be the bigger person and met Feng Qianqian
halfway, he purchased colorful candles and decorated the whole office with
them, he even showed off to his subordinates, “Guys, look, I’m turning my
office to a stage, it goes well with the song from Dancing 666, Let Me Be Your

The subordinated look at each other in speechless despair and they withdrew
Shan Xiao’s office in unison.

Shan Xiao took a personal offense by that, “What a tasteless bunch!”

Shan Xiao asked Feng Qianqian to inform all the employees in the company
to do the sports aerobics every morning that Kuang Ye performed in the show,
he would set himself an example to everyone else in the company.

Therefore, Wang Wei had seen that first thing on her first day, poor girl.

Hearing Feng Qianqian’s explanation, Wang Wei was still in recover, she
concluded, “Qianqian, give me one minute, I’mma go wash my eyes.”

Secretary Feng sighed, ‘hang in there, kid, this is your first day.’

Feng Qianqian waited and waited, Wang Wei still didn’t came out from the
bathroom. Feng Qianqian decided to face her own fate, she walked into Shan
Xiao’s office and greeted Shan Xiao, she did a morning briefing to Shan Xiao
and subtly she asked the cleaning ladies to clean the mess and open the
window for some fresh air.

“Guys, let’s start the day with a bang, just like President Shan said, let’s finish
the sports aerobics before we start the day, shall we?” said Feng Qianqian in
the conference video call, stifling laughter.

“President Shan, can you please sit by your table and pretend you are
working hard?” whispered Feng Qianqian at Shan Xiao’s ear.
Wang Wei managed to pull herself together from what she had just seen,
seeing Feng Qianqian giving orders like floating clouds and flowing water —so
naturally and smoothly, Wang Wei was once again in awe. No wonder
Secretary Feng was the one who had been relied on by President Shan, this
woman was a legend.

Seeing the stranger in the office, Shan Xiao raise his head and
asked, “Secretary Feng, who is this person in my office?”

“A new assistant that I just hired, Wang Wei.”

Wang Wei’s heart was beating faster and faster, ‘What would President Shan
say? Did I make a good first impression? Will he give me a hard time? Oh my
God, I will do whatever to survive the first day! Yes, I will.” Wang Wei gave
herself a pep talk in the heart.

“Oh”, Shan Xiao answered with indifference then he turned off his
laptop, “Secretary Feng, reward the new girl a subsidiary corporation.”

Wang Wei’s jaw dropped then she fainted on the spot, yep, Wang Wei started
her day with a bang, literally.

The cleaning ladies carried her out after they were done with cleaning, while
Feng Qianqian continued her briefing. It looked like President Shan was in a
good mood today, Feng Qianqian was glad Shan Xiao didn’t give her any duty
on a whim, yet.

And that didn’t last very long, our President Shan suddenly narrowed his eyes
and asked Feng Qianqian, “What the hell is Yejia, and what the hell is Jiaye?”

“The most popular CP in fandom, Kuang Ye and Bai Jiachun. Yejia and Jiaye,
as the name implied, are based on how the fans think who is top who is
bottom. Not only are they the hottest couple voted by fan, even the show is
promoting them.” broadcast Feng Qianqian with no emotion in her voice like a

Shan Xiao clicked a video just posted by Dancing 666 account on Weibo, it
was a special edition called “Us off Stage” featured by Kuang Ye and Bai
Jiachun. The cover was topless Kuang Ye resting his arm on Bai Jiachun’s
shoulder, both were beaming.

The video was definitely edited for queer-baiting, the video recorded how the
two talked each other up in front of the camera, how they encouraged each
other in the studio, how they talked about other hobbies and dreams… …
such fluffy lovey dovey.
The fans who were shipping them were like, “I told you so!” “Thank you so
much, editors!” “Gimme gimme more!”

Shan Xiao knocked on the table, “Secretary Feng, buy out them!”

“President Shan, human trafficking is illegal.” Feng Qianqian pressed her


12. Shanye
Translator: Sissy That Walk


Shan Xiao cleared his throat and put on a poker face, “Secretary Feng, of
course I know human trafficking is illegal, I meant to buy out the trending
topics online not those people, these Jiaye or Yejia whatsoever nonsense,
and I want to see Shanye!”

Feng Qianqian let out a sigh of relief, ‘Ah~ trending topics online, easy.’

Fans who shipped Kuang Ye and Bai Jiachun soon witnessed something that
had never happened in fandom history, all of the pink fluffy posts of the two
went 404, even the hashtags of Jiaye and Yejia were replaced by Shanye.

Jiaye Forever: Peeps, what’s going on? Tech glitch?

Princess Bai Cutie: Hey sis, I’m about to ask the same question!

Loving Yejia: What the actual eff? Poor Princess Bai!

Wild Princess: Like seriously, why all the comments and posts about Princess
Bai got deleted? The point is who is this Shan? I assume he is one of the
trainees who wants more attention, yeah?

Yeyeyeye: Exactly! This is utterly outrageous, no one is going to replace Bai!

The comments by Wild Princess and Yeyeyeye soon got tons of likes, the
fans soon started an earthshaking initiative looking for this Trainee named

They didn’t find anyone named Shan on the trainee list, even the nicknames.
“Hmm, who is so lucky to have the same family name as President
Shan?” someone left a comment half jokingly. Suddenly dead silence reigned
the whole fandom forum.

Someone replied with a meme: Relax sis, it’s just tech glitch.

Some die hard fans were courageous enough to defend their dreams:
Princess Bai and Ye is an item, no one could separate them, even President

President Shan on the other hand was smirking in front of his laptop, ‘hmm,
Shanye sounds so much more catchy than Jiaye, doesn’t it?’

He asked Feng Qianqian to play Let Me Be Your Light on all the speakers in
his office while he browsed the comments, the more he browsed the more
furious he turned.

“Secretary Feng, where are the memes of me and that moron? I want a video
with him, too!” demanded President Shan, ‘Damn it, I want whatever that
Princess Bai is having with him! Fair competition!’

Those fans didn’t know about me and him, ‘what could I do to make an


Shan Xiao was in deep thought for a while and made a decision, “Secretary
Feng, reward all the fans a gold coin, an actual gold coin.”

“What size?”


Feng Qianqian took a deep breath and stepped forward, she turned off Shan
Xiao’s laptop and looked at him in the eye, “President Shan, the fans are
shipping Jiaye or Yejia is because they had the chance to watch the two
interact with each other in the camera, they perform together they practise
together, and they live in the same dormitory. But President Shan, you and
Kuang Ye have never showed up in public together, you know what I mean?”

Shan Xiao pouted, “But we spent a night together, and he visited me at my

house!” Shan Xiao decided to provide more material, “He hugged me, and you
saw that!”

“Have the fans seen that?”

Shan Xiao drew a lesson from this bitter experience, he decided to show up in
person on the finale night of the show, he’d like to make a point that Shanye is
the ultimate CP. ‘Bai Jiachun would surely chicken out once he saw
me.’ thought Shan Xiao with an ear to ear smile on the face.

‘Kuang Ye would feel touched to see me as well, but of course I’m not doing
this to make him feel touched, I’m doing this because I have my reputation to
look after.’

“One more thing Secretary Feng, do you know they have something called
Focus Cam? Apparently it’s an important indicator of their popularity, oh geez
they are so boring, their fans are boring too, the fans are so young, they need
to focus on their study and work!”

Feng Qianqian tried so hard to not roll her eyes in front of Shan Xiao, ‘You are
one to talk, President Shan! Look at yourself, licking screens and getting
jealous over a trainee… …’ Secretary Feng went on and on in her heart.

Shan Xiao quit beating around the bush, “How about this, you go ask our
employees to watch those Focus Cam videos, you know, every view counts.
Remember, only watch Kuang Ye’s. It’s mandatory.”


The music video featured Kuang Ye’s “choreography” hit the market before

the finale night, Kuang Ye stood in the center position, beaming. They were all
in 80s style tracksuits and wore colorful hair band, hmm, very eye-catching.

The fans enjoyed this music video so much, the concept and style was just so
unique and original, and those were all Kuang Ye’s ideas, they loved Kuang
Ye even more.

The other trainees who had been mocking him behind his back were starting
to admire Kuang Ye, they all wanted to get to know Kuang Ye more and be
friends with him. They even grew some interest in cycling hearing Kuang Ye’s
lectures every single day, a lot of them figured they were willing to give cycling
a shot, why not?

“Damn it!” Zhao Xiuyu was the only one who still had second thought about
Kuang Ye, it baffled him why everyone looked at Kuang Ye with starry eyes
like when cats smelt catnip. Why all of a sudden everyone else had turned
coat, didn’t we used to hate Kuang Ye?

“Zhao, come have a look, I’m so proud of you!” exclaimed Kuang Ye when

Zhao Xiuyu was racking his brain, he pointed at the screen and said, “I’m
watching the music video now, look at your muscles and yours skin under the
sunlight, I’m so proud of you. See, hard work pays off!”
‘Wait, what? Why am I cringing? Is he hitting on me?’ this thought flashed
across Zhao Xiuyu’s mind and soon he shook his head, he knew that was not
the matter. Kuang Ye was jut praising him genuinely.

Zhao Xiuyu actually knew everyone was becoming Kuang Ye’s fan, Kuang Ye
was a person with heart of gold. But he was firm in speech even though he
was soft in heart, “Thanks. But I will give my all on finale, please don’t get too
comfortable yet, Kuang Ye.”

“Of course, this is a competition!” said Kuang Ye in approval. Kuang Ye didn’t

want to win the first place of the competition, he just wanted to have an
opportunity to win a debut contract thus he could have the money to start his
own cycling club.

His new teammate President Shan was waiting to join him, he needed to work

13. The Finale Night (1)

Translator: Sissy That Walk

The grand finale night was on amid great atmosphere, Dancing 666 and
Kuang Ye would made the trending topic every single day and their theme
song Let Me Be Your Light topped the chart.

Six trainees would be selected as boy band members this night, they would
present a new definition of idols to the young generation — that was the
original plan anyways. They were not sure about it any more as Kuang Ye
getting more and more attention.

With that being said, they all felt very grateful to Kuang Ye, it was Kuang Ye
who made their show a household name, all the other trainees got more views
and likes online as well. They all would have more opportunities no matter
whether they could debut or not.

This grand finale made the history of talent show, the tickets were sold out
within two seconds, the fans even broke the internet by frequently checking.

The fandom forum was in miserable and gloomy atmosphere, all the posts
seemed to be complaints about how they wished to get the tickets, it was so
odd that no one seemed to have get the tickets, but the official account indeed
said the tickets were sold out. Probably the fans who had got the tickets were
too considerate to show off online.
The Director and several PDs organized the final rehearsal on stage and
asked the audience to enter the venue, they needed to give a short speech to
the audience before the show went live to better maintain order.

Several minutes after they told the staff member to ask the audience to enter
the venue… …

Crickets sound.

No audience??? That was impossible! The tickets were sold out and there
were fans begging for more tickets! What the hell was going on?

The Director realized there were some audience in the venue, and they were
only sitting in the first row and the last row as if they were avoiding the middle
area on purpose.

“Director, President Shan… President Shan is coming here tonight!” a staff

member stammered.

The Director of course knew about this way ahead of them and he had
already reserved a VIP Section for President Shan, “Yeah, does that have
anything to do with this?”

The staff member was at a loss for words, she stammered out
anyways, “President Shan said he wasn’t going to sit in the VIP Section and
he said he only wanted to sit in the middle, but he doesn’t like to sit near
anyone so he bought all the seats except the first row and the last row.”

That was the truth! The truth why no one seemed to be able to get the tickets.

The director was speechless, like he was literally could not think of anything to
say. He could not show the slightest displeasure, he had to do the opposite
when he saw President Shan later, he gotta act like he was so honored that
President Shan came to the show himself.

The show started at eight p.m. sharp.

Sixty six trainee made their entrance one by one and they all looked
confused, ‘Where are the audience? Where are the applause?’

They were expecting a grand finale this night, considering they had each got
so many new followers on social media. But the actual scene was quite at
odds with what they had expected.

Then they saw there was one person sitting in the middle like he was guarding
for his idol, all the trainees felt touched and they all wished the black figure in
the middle were here to support himself.
Zhao Xiuyu was standing right next to Kuang Ye and he tapped Kuang Ye on
the shoulder, “Ye, don’t you find it odd? Where are the audience?”

Kuang Ye shrugged, it seemed like he wasn’t bothered by this at all, he didn’t

care about this in the first place. Winning a contract was all he could think
about, he was determined to give his all this night.

He turned around and encouraged Zhao Xiuyu, “Don’t worry, the fans are
probably busy, as we have agreed, let’s give the fans our best tonight!”

Then he took a glimpse at the black figure sitting in the middle, he signaled
Zhao Xiuyu to look at the black figure and said, “Look at that fan, he was
sitting there all by himself, he must really like us, we should feel grateful and
deliver our best performance tonight!”

It was just he found the black figure quite familiar… … but he wasn’t sure.

Soon he put it all behind, he decided he shouldn’t get distracted by anything,

anyone! Nothing would come between him and his cycling club!

The fans who didn’t get the tickets were watching the show on TV, they were
infuriated when they noticed there were so many empty seats in the venue.
Why would they make a statement that all the tickets were sold out when it
was not the case, how could they lie to the fans blatantly!

The fans decided to give the PDs a piece of their mind, soon the comment
section under their official Weibo account was inundated by comments like “I
need an apology”, “Dancing 666 out of business”, “Please retire, director!”

There were also fans noticed the black figure sitting in the middle, “Is that
President Shan?”

“What President Shan?”

“Billion Consortium!”


“Who are you? Where are you from? How come you don’t know who he is!”

“I’m from the North Pole.”

“Hi, nice to meet you. President Shan soon will launch a sun at North Pole,
good luck.”

“Oh my God, that is President Shan!”

“Guys, this is so touching, take a guess, who is he here rooting for?”

“It must be Princess Bai, no need to guess.”

“Lol, sis, I don’t think so, not everyone likes princess, what if he likes queen?”

“Queen as in Kuang Ye?”

“Why not?”

“Lol, this is getting more and more interesting!”

“All jokes aside, guys, do you remember Shanye in fandom?”


It couldn’t be true, right?

As the fans were posting and commenting online, the show was taking place
in an orderly way.

Online votes were attracting fans on all platforms, six trainee who got most
votes would win the contract and make a debut.

The boys were very passionate about this before they even applied for this,
these days they only got more passionate as they listened to Kuang Ye’s pep
talk every single day, the zealous dream chasers all presented their best

The fans who were commenting online were distracted by the performance as
well, they put away their phones and enjoyed the performance, their ardent
performance was just so touching!

However, some comments about Kuang Ye captures the fans’ attention, “Look

at all the trainees, they all have been working so hard for their dream, they
could do vocal, they could rap, and they could dance, but Kuang Ye, among
all of them, is taking the lead? I don’t think this is fair for other trainees, if he
wins the contract, it means someone else’s dream would be squashed!”

14. The Finale Night (2)

Translator: Sissy That Walk
The fan who posted that aggressive post had been checking on her comment
section, she was expecting some hate comment from Kuang Ye’s fans, but
somehow, all the comments were like echoing her, “Yeah, now that we think
about it, is Kuang Ye really an idol? Can he really be an idol?”

“I’m Kuang Ye’s fan, I love him to bits, but yeah, you are right~”

“Well, Ye kind of showed us his specialty, which is cycling stunt, me

personally like him very much”

“Haha, I just fall for him since that cycling stunt episode, I’ve been binge
watching his Focus Cam videos and special edition of Off the Stage, he has
certain charisma that no one could resist”

“I agree, I just can’t help smiling watching his video”


So basically the fans loved Kuang Ye for who he was, he was always so
positive and loved to share, he always encouraged other trainees to give it all
on the stage and he was very creative, look at the music video!

The fan who posted that aggressive post was dumbfounded, she meant to stir
the pot by saying that, but little did she expect Kuang Ye’s fans were exactly
like Kuang Ye, they were all about peace and love (and cycling).

She was so sure that any other trainee’s fans would throw her some shade
and hate on her, but look at Kuang Ye’s fans, they were so honest, they
admitted Kuang Ye was not the typecasting idol material, but he had got his
own charisma that the fans like. No lying, no shade, no hate. Even the poster
would like to keep up with Kuang Ye’s fans and got to know him more.

Like idol like fan.

To return to the show, it was Kuang Ye’s turn now.

Kuang Ye took the mic from the host and marched to the stage under the
gaze of the fans in front of the TV, everyone was expecting a surprise,
including the working crew on the spot.

They allowed Kuang Ye to not take part in the rehearsal because they figured
it would only do the audience rating good if no one knew what Kuang Ye was
going to perform. Little did they expect Kuang Ye took the mic and looked like
he was going to sing.

Oh boy, everyone knew he couldn’t carry a tune!

Everyone gasped, they were dying for audience ratings but they didn’t want
the boy to make a fool of himself for they all had grown fondness for him.

The boy assumed his position, the boy bowed to the audience, the boy turned
around and signaled the band to start, the boy opened his mouth… …

Wait, not bad~ better and better~

It was a song that no one had heard of before, but the melody was so catchy,
the lyrics were simple yet contagious, and Kuang Ye was delivering it, both
the emotions and the vocal.

Let’s be honest, live singing was not as easy as it looked like, it required both
talent and practice. But Kuang Ye tonight turned it out, he impressed
everyone, he slapped the haters who called him talentless on the face with his

Thanks to all the cycling experience during the past few year, Kuang Ye
rocked his vocal!

The song went like this

“Hiya, honey,

Hi, You!

You want to go for a ride?

Sure thing

Jump in

I’m a cyclist in a cycling club

Life on the track, it’s fantastic

You can ride with me, train me everywhere

Imagination, life is your creation

Come on, honey, let’s go party!”


It was so catchy, the audience in front of the TV couldn’t help but join him at
the second verse, they were clapping and jumping, how they wished they
could applauding for him in the venue!
All of a sudden a beam of light emerged off the stage.

The gaffer looked around trying to find who was messing with him, it turned
out to be Secretary Feng. She was directing her own gaffer, “Left left, no, too
much, yeah, that looks perfect, President Shan is right there!”

Secretary Feng was carrying out President Shan’s instructions to the letter,
President Shan said he wanted to make a flashy entrance.

Soon President Shan regretted his life choice, he was about to go blind when
the spotlight hit him, he thought he brimmed with tears, then he turned around
and wiped his eyes before anyone saw it.

The director and PDs played along, they signaled the camera crew to follow
suit, wow the next second everyone saw President Shan wiping his eyes.

“Oh my God, it really is President Shan!”

“He is crying???”

“Wow, President Shan is such a sensitive man, I can’t believe it!”

“Yeah, a man with a soft heart, awww!”

“Sis, you are missing the point, he is crying for Kuang Ye!”

“Oh my, I’m jumping ship!”

“Me too, from now on it’s Shanye!”

President Shan had no idea how wild the fans had gone, he soon straightened
his suit and put on a poker face, then he started clapping.

The fans were like, “President Shan, thanks for trying, but I’m afraid Kuang Ye
can’t hear your applause, your applause can’t reach the stage.”

Little did the fans know President Shan asked Secretary Feng to install
loudspeaker around him, haha, Kuang Ye heard his clapping and Kuang Ye
looked at his direction!

President Shan felt very encouraged, ‘see, everyone, screw Jiaye! Shanye is

what you should support! Jump ship before it’s too late!’

Kuang Ye now was sure it was his bro President Shan who was sitting in the
middle and clapping for him, he felt so touched, ‘aww, look at my new
teammate, he can’t wait to join my cycling club, he is just awesome!’
Kuang Ye couldn’t help but yell, “President Shan, thank you so much for
supporting me tonight, I will support you for the rest of your life after tonight!”

‘Don’t worry, I will not only support you I will also support our other


Dead silence.

Everyone was like “what did he say”, “what have I heard?”

It was nothing strange that Kuang Ye came out in the show, what was strange
was he said he was going to support President Shan, the President Shan?!

15. You Mischievous Darling

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Kuang Ye was absolutely stupefied.

He, the king of Billion City who spoke eight languages, managed his business
empire by himself since he was a teenager, a master in tasting bubble tea,
was offered to be a sugar baby!

What was going on with the world!

This was such an original pick-up line that Shan Xiao couldn’t resist, this boy
Kuang Ye was so different from anybody else, Shan Xiao was hooked. He
had to say he was kind of smitten now, so he replied gently, “You, you are
such a mischievous darling.”

The two exchanged a look and giggled.

Others went nuts.

What just happened? Was that real or just a hallucination?

The host was quite a seasoned MC who had a rather good opinion of himself,
but even an experienced host who had been in show business for well over a
decade now was at a loss for words. Train wreck didn’t even begin to describe
what just happened, it was tsunami.
The host walked back on the stage, hoping somehow he could power through
the show and call it a day. Then he would apply to work in the backroom the
next day, he could not take it any longer.

Well, the backroom staff were not in less shock than the host on the stage.

Let’s be fair, the most overwhelmed ones were Jiaye and Yejia fans, they just
didn’t know how to cope with this, they always thought it was a matter of who
was the top and who was the bottom, little did they expect there was someone
else in the picture. They would browse fandom listlessly, looking for their
friends who were also in shock, occasionally they would see a Shanye fan
who was exclaiming and celebrating, they would throw a tantrum at them and
left, refusing to accept the fact that Jiaye or Yejia no longer exist, or worse, it
had never existed.

Dancing 666, Kuang Ye, Shan Xiao and Shanye dominated the trending topic
on social media.

When it came to the time to reveal the result, everyone was holding their
breath wishing their ‘baby bear’ would win the opportunity to debut and take
off in show business. Unsurprisingly, Kuang Ye was the chart topper, Bai
Jiachun,Zhao Xiuyu and Wangzi Xingchen were the second, third and the
fourth, the fifth and the sixth were not on the same level with them on votes.

As the results were revealed, the theme song were ringing in the venue,
colorful confetti flying around everywhere, the host managed to pull himself
together amid the mixed emotions and flying confetti, “Thanks to our great
fans across the world, and congratulations, our sixty trainees, what a journey
for all of you, in this summer, we witness your hard work and your growth, we
are so proud of you, each and every single of you! You are the greatest dream
chasers! And congratulations to you, Kuang Ye, you won the most fan votes,
how awesome, is there anything you’s like to say to our fans?” with that the
host pointed at the audience habitually, then he realized there was only one
audience tonight, so his hand halted in the middle of the air, then he pulled his
hand back, pretending he was going to straighten her collar.

Kuang Ye who was beaming, took the mic with that ear to ear big smile, you
could tell he was really savoring this moment.

“Thanks to everyone!” exclaimed the boy.

“This is the first time that I have visited this beautiful city, I’m overwhelmed by
the generous support and love that I’m receiving. I’m fully aware that cycling is
not a big thing, but trust me, you will find fun if you really insist. Now that I’ve
got a contract and the start-up capital to start my own cycling club, me and my
teammates will do our best to win the world champion, that’s the only way I
can repay your support. Today is such a great day for me, not only have I get
a contract but also I have got myself several teammates, I literally cannot ask
for more. I promise all my fans, I will work my ass off to prove you are doing a
right thing by supporting me and my teammates. Last but not least, I’m in
some urgent need to rent a training ground, please contact me if you have the
resource, thank you so much!”

That was an uplifting speech, except they were at a finale of a talent show for
a boy band not st a ribbon-cutting ceremony of a cycling club!

The audience in front of the TV couldn’t help but take a glimpse at the logo on
the right corner on the screen, they were not on a sports channel. The logo
said entertainment, the stage was flashy Dancing 666 style, the trainees were
standing on the stage, enjoying their finale, plus there was Shan Xiao who
was sitting in the audience area staring at Kuang Ye. Yeah, they were
watching the right channel, but somehow they thought they accidentally
pressed the wrong button and were watching some sports channel.

The host put on a dry smile and took back the mic, “Thank you so much
Kuang Ye for your wonderful speech, from now on, our boys will work even
harder to present our fans perfect performance. I am so honored to be part of
this, again, it’s time to say goodbye, but it’s also time for a new start, I’m
excited for our boys, see you soon, dear fans, see you soon!”

“Last but not least, let’s ask Kuang Ye to name our group to mark the
beginning of a new era for the boys!”

Kuang Ye always boasted that he was great at giving names, and he had
some experience on that, like his old cycling club, Attacking Shaft was named
by him.

“How about Flash on the Wing?”

The host narrowed his eyes and asked, “Pardon?”

“Flash on the Wing, how about that?”

‘That’s too comic book, but this is real life, come on, Kuang Ye, please be
serious.’ screamed the host in his heart, but he saw Shan Xiao was clapping
his hands in the audience area.

The host started to question himself, probably it was a thing that only the
younger generation would get, well, it was a wrap everybody, I need a glass of
wine, or a bottle to be accurate.

Dancing 666 ended in a satisfactory way, probably?

The whole crew got promoted due to the great audience ratings of the show,
Flash on the Wing became the talk of the town, our President Shan finally
smiled seeing the hashtag Shanye dominating fandom while Kuang Ye was
waiting for his money.

If you had watched enough drama or read enough novels, now was the
perfect timing to set a anti-climax to the plot, there was always a ‘but’.

Jia Honghong walked to Kuang Ye, step by step, bringing the anti-climax to
him, “Kuang Ye, congratulations on winning, that’s awesome. The investor
just called us, you have your money, three million yuan, don’t worry. But here
is the thing, according to the contract, you need to work for the investor for
two years, you need to work on the schedule they make for you and your
teammates, but it’s only going to be two years. As soon as the contract
finishes, you are able to do whatever you want to do.”

“What? But I want to start my own cycling club.”

“That’s great, and you can do it, in two years though.”

Two years?

No, Kuang Ye found that hard to accept! It meant he had to miss two world
championships? Plus, he had zero interest in singing, dancing or acting,
cycling was his fate! Kuang Ye’s face darkened.

Seeing that, Jia Honghong coaxed, “Little Ye you see, let me break it down to
you, I get it you want to start your own cycling club right now, but your team
members, the other five members of Flash on the wing’s dream was to have
the opportunity to shine in show business, they worked so hard for this
opportunity, let’s be supportive!”

“I am being supportive!” Kuang Ye retorted, “They are all on board, they all

can’t wait to cycle! Bai has already contacted a few people for our training

Bai Jiachun, Zhao Xiuyu, Wangzi Xingchen and the other two boys were all
convinced by Kuang Ye, they all determined to become a great cyclist!

Jia Honghong now was petrified.

Wait, did Kuang Ye just say he had convinced all his team members
to ‘convert to’ sports? Didn’t they want to be idols just a month ago?
16. Even Stalking Fans Cannot Find Him
Translator: Sissy That Walk

Kuang Ye was depressed.

That was very rare for the boy who always beaming and in high spirits, all the
negativity couldn’t survive his internal organs for three seconds. His way of
processing negativity was to do a lap of cycling, if it didn’t help, do a second

But now he was told he could only be able to start his cycling club in two


He sat at the gate of Grand Glamour, listlessly. He was fondling with a new
stop watch that Bai Jiachun just bought for him, it was the most advanced
version on the market, the two were so happy when they found this stop
watch which almost weighed nothing.

Jia Honghong was on tenterhooks seeing Kuang Ye so crestfallen, this Little

Ye was an unpredictable one, who knew what he would do next, Jia
Honghong figured he better go comfort him now before Kuang Ye ran away.

“Ye, how exciting that President Shan went to see your finale.” Jia Honghong
said casually, “Is he a close friend of yours? How come you’ve never
mentioned this before?”

President Shan had never supported anyone like this before, going to see a
show was not exactly a big deal, but booking the whole venue and crying out?
Hmm, it was not that simple.

“Yeah right, I almost forgot about him.” sighed Kuang Ye, “I feel so sorry for
President Shan that I have disappointed him like this.”

President Shan loved cycling so much, he must be disappointed in me

knowing I couldn’t cycling with him until two years later.

Jia Honghong’s eyes were wide open when he heard Kuang Ye said he felt
sorry for President Shan, then his mind went blank and he didn’t hear the
whole sentence.

‘What? Kuang Ye felt sorry for President Shan, see, there IS some story
behind this. Otherwise why is he saying he feels sorry for President Shan,
what can it possibly be?’ Jia Honghong’s mind went wild.
Jia Honghong got carried away, Kuang Ye had already left before he came to

Kuang Ye now was riding his bike, wandering around in the city, his heart
went to Shan Xiao when he was on this bike, he touched this bike that Shan
Xiao gave him and he felt emotional.

Kuang Ye didn’t know what to do, should he tell Shan Xiao the truth, but he
didn’t have the heart to see Shan Xiao’s sad face. Should he just pretend
nothing had happened, but that was no difference than lying, which he didn’t
have the heart to do either.

Hmm, as Kuang Ye wandered around, he found there was several cars were
always by his side, there were also some young people taking photos of him.

Kuang Ye didn’t want to be in their way, he step up and disappeared.

The stalking fans were dumbfounded in the car.

What just happened?

They were a professional team of stalking fans, over the past years, they had
been stalking celebrities and taking photos, they could even be able to get the
celebrities’ hotel room number and home address, but now, they felt their
confidence built over the years was crumbled by Kuang Ye the cyclist.

They lost Kuang Ye who was riding a bike!

Kuang Ye now set another record, ‘even the stalking fans cannot find
me’ record.

Kuang Ye, however, was just being polite. He thought the people were
visitors, they didn’t know the way, and they were taking photos of the streets,
not him. So he sped up to get out of their way.

As he was riding, he saw a skyscraper with the logo “Billion Consortium” on it.

“Billion Consortium”, that sounded familiar.

Of course it sounded familiar, it was Shan Xiao’s company. Shan Xiao bought
the whole street to build his empire, and the citizens in the city all knew Shan
Xiao didn’t like to see people wander around on his street, but Kuang Ye had
no idea about that, so he was curious why he was the only one on the street.

Soon he recalled “Billion Consortium” was his good friend Shan Xiao’s

Kuang Ye was still going through a battle in his heart, should he pay a visit in
Shan Xiao’s office and tell him the bad news.

Shan Xiao’s security team had already saw Kuang Ye who was clenching his
fists by the building, the security team was at a loss too.

“Guys, look, this is the guy who made President Shan cry!”

“But he is here without invitation, should we drive him away?”

“Are you kidding me? Do you want to get fired? Go inform Secretary Feng,

“Guys, look, look, he turned around and was about to leave!”

“What? Wait! Go block all the exits!”

In Shan Xiao’s office.

“What? He is here looking for me? Haha, I know it! No one can resist me. But
he did impress me a lot, he waited for so long, I gotta give him some credit for
that. Secretary Feng, is my hair okay today? How about my shoes? Wait, why
am I asking these questions? I’m doing him a favor by just allowing him in, go
tell them bring him to my office.”

Secretary Feng’s lips twitched, ‘President Shan, feel free to bounce around,

don’t suppress your laughter, life is short.’

However… …

“President Shan, he is leaving!”

President Shan was shocked, ‘how could he treat me like this, I’ve been
waiting for this moment for so long, and now you are leaving without even
coming up and say hi?! Not acceptable!’

“Stop him! Go stop him! Wait, I will go downstairs and stop him
myself!” exasperated Shan Xiao.


“Man, where do you think you are going?” said Shan Xiao, sitting in his car,
rolling down his car window.

Seeing Shan Xiao’s face, Kuang Ye felt so guilty, he lowered his head and
said, “I’m sorry, President Shan.”
“Hmm, I hope you are fully aware of your mistake and you will work on it.
Don’t try to escape from me any more, you are my —, forget it, wait, why the
long face? All right, that was a bit harsh, I will stop.”

“Sorry, President Shan, I cannot invite you to join my cycling team now.”

“What?” that was not Shan Xiao was expecting to hear.

17. I Need to Know Your Body

Translator: Sissy That Walk

“He walked to the office, to the office!”

“Oh my, did he really?”

“He is the first person who has walked into President Shan’s office except for
Secretary Feng and Secretary Feng’s secretary!”

Several staff worked in Billion Consortium gathered around by the elevator

and whispered at each other, hmm, gossip united people together.

The cleaning lady rolled her eyes and laughed at them in the heart, ‘well, me
and my friend go to President Shan’s office several times a day, for work, but
we have been there multiple times. This is not a competition, but if it is, I’m

Secretary Feng now withdrew from the office, everyone was wondering why
they hadn’t heard her heels knocking on the ground… …

“Secretary Feng… we are on the way to the Lounge Room for some tea, we
are going back now.”

“Yeah, we are just walking past by, see you later.”

Secretary Feng looked collected and poised, she walked towards them
elegantly, still managed to muffle the sound of her heels knocking on the
ground. Next second, she looked at her coworkers and jumped, “Guys, it’s

The gossip crowd exclaimed in unison.

President Shan now was pacing around Kuang Ye, he asked Kuang
Ye, “Would you like a drink? Tea? Coffee? Or bubble tea? I recommend
bubble tea! We have our own pearls, they are huge!”

Kuang Ye replied, “Can I have a Pocari Sweat please?” Kuang Ye had always

been drinking Pocari Sweat like all the other athletes for ‘Pocari Sweat is
quickly absorbed by the body as it is a solution that approximates the
electrolyte concentration in the human body. It is the perfect beverage for
those that have been perspiring while playing sports, working, or taking a hot
bath.’ (T/N: I swear it’s not AD)

President Shan didn’t know what it was, it was ‘I don’t want house or cars, can
I have a bike please’ all over again.

However, President Shan had almighty Secretary Feng, soon Secretary Feng
sent people to get a whole box of Pocari Sweat for Kuang Ye.

“So… to what do I owe the honor of your visit?” President Shan asked while
he thought he knew the answer, ‘I know you have missed me, Kuang Ye.’

Kuang Ye didn’t know how to start, he buried his head deep thus he missed
President Shan’s look on his face. He murmured what Jia Honghong told him
about he had to work for the investor for two years first thus he had to delay
his own cycling club.

President Shan beamed.

“That’s no big deal, come on now, don’t dwell on this, smile.” Shan Xiao
leaned towards Kuang Ye and put a finger on Kuang Ye’s chin, “You think I
will be mad at you, is that why you are visiting me? Don’t worry, I don’t blame

Kuang Ye’s eyes sparkled, “Really? You don’t blame me? President Shan,
you are the best.” Kuang Ye’s heart was melting, he came here to apologize
to President Shan, but President Shan ended up comforting him, that was so

Yeah, President Shan was such a good bro, the best.

Kuang Ye got a bit carried away, he pushed Shan Xiao on the shoulder, with a
bang Shan Xiao flew to the wall, “How very dare you to hit me!”

“Haha, I’m so happy, thank you President Shan.” only good brothers would do
this to each other. ‘Hmm, it looks like President Shan is a little bit weak, he
needs some tailored workout.’ thought Kuang Ye, with that he walked towards
President Shan and started to feel President Shan’s arms.
You need to know a person’s body to make a tailor a workout plan for him.

“What are you—” President Shan tried so hard to keep a poker face, he was
wild with joy when Kuang Ye touched his arms.

‘I know it, no one could resist me, but this Kuang Ye boy is so different, he is
making the first move now, geez, he is just touching me like this in broad
daylight? Tut tut tut…’

“Kuang Ye, go sit down.”

Kuang Ye was about to feel President Shan’s thighs when President Shan
stopped him, well, he figured he was a guest here, he better listen to
President Shan.

“What were you talking about just now? The investor Haoji Co. Doesn’t wants
you to work for them for two years, you have to postpone your plan for two
year? Don’t worry, you can do your thing tomorrow, you can ride whatever
bikes you like.”

“But there is a contract.”

“It’s okay, Haoji Co. Is one of my subsidiary corporation, so technically I have

your contract.”


Not yet, but soon it was going to be.

“Secretary Feng, go inform that Haoji Co. Flash on the Wing is mine, I need
their contracts.”

President Shan was confident Secretary Feng knew what he was really asking
for, he wanted Secretary Feng to buy out that company thus Kuang Ye’s
contract would naturally be in his hand.

Secretary Feng of course knew what her boss was talking about, so did
everyone else in Billion Consortium.

How could they tolerate their President Shan’s Baby Bear’s contract in
someone else’s hands!

Feng Qianqian hurried off to Haoji with her finance team, and on that very
afternoon, Haoji became Billion Haoji.
Kuang Ye was running around in Shan Xiao’s office when he finally heard the
news, he told Shan Xiao before he took his leave, “President Shan, we are
going to hold an Orientation tomorrow, please come join us.”

“Orientation? What orientation?”

“We are going to introduce the team members, and come up with a plan of our
future plans, what our short-term and long-term goals are, there are many
things to discuss, please come.”

President Shan thought Kuang Ye was just making excuses to see him all the
time for he considered all those matters Kuang Ye mentioned to be rather
trivial, President Shan figured he shouldn’t spoil his Baby Bear too much.

He was President Shan after all, he needed to establish authority.

Shan Xiao replied, “I will be busy tomorrow, plus I trust you on all those
matters. Did you say team mates? You’ve already found new team

Kuang Ye nodded then he shook his head, “Not necessarily new members,

just Bai and Wangzi, right, I need to get them some new bikes, they are
elementary learners.”

Bai? Bai Jiachun? Jia in Jiaye?

President Shan sprang up from his chair, he thumped on the table, “No!”

“Ah? But advanced would be so hard for them, they are elementary learners.”

“No, I’ve changed my mind, I will go to your Orientation tomorrow!” said

President Shan solemnly.

‘Don’t you dare to have any other CP topic! Hmm, I need to go keep an eye
on that Bai Jiachun!’

18. Billion City Cycling Competition

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Two weeks had passed since the grand finale night, all the fans were waiting
for their
Next move, everyone was discussing whether it was going to be a variety
show or album release. However, their official account just kept silent after the
finale night.

There were some observant fans had noticed Haoji Co. Had rebranded
themselves as Billion Haoji Co. This change had made a big splash within the
fan base, they were wondering what could that possibly imply.

Shanye fans were exclaiming and going around spreading the news, ‘it is
called Billion Haoji Co. Well hello, the name says it all, doesn’t it? It must be
President Shan who has merged the company just for his Ye, such a touching
love story.’

Jiaye and Yejia fans agreed they should put aside their differences for now
and crop Shanye fans’ feathers, they retorted, “Quit daydreaming! Is it
possible that for a man like President Shan to like a person for over 24 hours?
Use your brain!”

Seeing such provoking comments, President Shan’s fans, Kuang Ye’s fans,
Bai Jiachun’s fans all joined this battle, they were eager to defend their idol,
hence there was a funny phenomenon, Flash on the Wing had not done
anything but they were dominating trending topic every single day after the
finale night. Other groups were working their ass off trying to draw some
attention, but they could hardly find their own names in trending, sigh, life
wasn’t fair.

Amid the ferment expectations of all the fans, Flash on the Wing’s official
account finally posted for the first time after two weeks’ silence: Hi dearest
fans, the boys are going to attend the Billion City Cycling Competition in
August, let’s wish the our boys the best luck.

The fans sitting in front of the screens rubbed their eyes and took another look
at the post, they rubber their eyes again, and took another look at the post…

‘Say what now? Aren’t their boys a boy group? As in idols? Isn’t this going to
their first event after their big night? They are not going to a talk show, they
are not going to release a single, they are not doing a commercial, they are
going to attend the Billion City Cycling Competition, huh?’

That night the eye hospital in Billion City was so busy receiving calls from the
fans, the fans all wanted to book an appointment as soon as possible for they
thought they couldn’t see their screens clearly.

The fans were not the only ones who were in a daze, the other two members
of Flash on the Wing Zhou Chong and Chu Yangbo who ranked the fifth and
the sixth were also feeling foggy.
Zhou Chong and Chu Yangbo both got along well with Kuang Ye in the
competition and they enjoyed Kuang Ye’s little aerobics number, and they
knew how much Kuang Ye loved cycling, but little did they expect cycling was
going to be their cardinal task as well. It was like one day when they woke up,
they were informed that their contract had transferred to Billion Consortium,
which they supposed to be a good thing, a corporation with deep pockets like
Billion Consortium could support their career better, what they didn’t expect
was the next day they were told they were going to attend a cycling

The two logged on Weibo and the most popular hashtag Cycling Boys Flash
on the Wing, well, what was done was done, they guessed they were cycling
boys now just like Kuang Ye.

“What are you doing? It’s almost Orientation meeting time.” Bai Jiachun
knocked on the door.

Zhou Chong and Chu Yangbo sprang up from the seats and grabbed Bai
Jiachun like he were a life-saving straw, “Princess Bai, tell us, is it true that we
are going to attend the Billion City Cycling Competition?”

“Please tell me it’s just rumor, our official account got hacked and that is just a
prank, I’m so ready to record our first single, I’ve been practicing my vocal,
check this out, mimimi, mamama~”

Bai Jiachun put his hands on Zhou Chong and Chu Yangbo’s head, “Kids, it’s
not rumor. We are going to attend the Billion City Cycling Competition. I’m so

It looked Kuang Ye had trained Bai Jiachun well, Bai Jiachun’s eyes were
sparkling when he talked about cycling.

He was so sick and tired the image his company made for him, like he had to
be soft spoken, innocent looking, pale skin, rosy lips… … which was a far cry
from what he truly was!

Bai Jiachun actually was very outspoken and straightforward, he was having
such a hard time in front of the camera, smiling all the time when he actually
wanted to roll his eyes and be bitter. He was stuck in that image, when
everyone else in the company told him the image was why his fans liked him,
he felt so insecure but he dared not to be his true self.

He liked cycling, for he could be himself when he was riding on the track, and
the more he cycled, the less he cared about his image.

Hearing what Bai Jiachun just said, Zhou Chong and Chu Yangbo exchanged
a look and lowered the their heads.
In the meeting room… …

Kuang Ye was setting up a whiteboard while all the other members were
sitting in a circle, waiting. Zhao Xiuyu looked around and asked Kuang Ye
when shall they start.

Kuang Ye looked at the boys and replied, “Let’s wait for one more person.”


Who could it be???

Zhao Xiuyu pouted, he thought it was someone who pulled strings and joined
their group, and he found it unfair for they had worked so hard to fight for a
spot in this group, but this person could just walk in the room and announce
he is the new member!

Thirty two fancy sports car parked in front of the building now, President Shan
got off the car and walked into the building like a proud rooster with his head
held up high, while Secretary Feng walked behind him and wore an
expression like ‘I’m with stupid’.

“President Shan!” Kuang Ye exclaimed when Shan Xiao showed up at the

door, he walked towards Shan Xiao with a bright smile, couldn’t wait to share
the great news about attending the cycling competition with his first teammate.

Seeing Kuang Ye’s smile, Shan Xiao almost jumped for joy, ‘hmm, look how
happy he is, he must have been missing me so much! Well, I might as well
just give him some presents considering how much he adores me.’

He definitely didn’t prepare these gifts, he absolutely didn’t ask people to look
around for the best ones for the past few days 😉

President Shan lifted his hand, dozens of the latest mountain bikes and all-
terrain bikes emerged at the door, it looked magnificent!

Well, if you take a closer look you would find those bikes didn’t just emerge
from nowhere, they were carried by some bodyguards in black.

“Here, I brought some bikes for the team, it’s just I have a lot of bikes in my
bikes.” Shan Xiao smiled at Kuang Ye and narrowed his eyes, “except for that
Bai, I didn’t bring one for him!”
19. Loving Teammates
Translator: Sissy That Walk

Seeing President Shan in the flesh was definitely a jaw-dropping moment for
everyone except Bai Jiachun. Bai Jiachun refused to take this bullshixx,
sharp-tongued as Bai Jiachun, he retorted, “Hahaha, I’m not planning on
taking your present anyways, President Shan, I sow nothing, I reap
nothing.” then he took a glimpse at Kuang Ye, “Ye, you better think twice
before you accept these presents, after dinner comes the reckoning! You are
an airhead, you cannot win if someone plays mind game with you.”

Shan Xiao frowned, Kuang Ye sometimes was a dumb dumb, but he was the
only one who could make fun of Kuang Ye, how could this Princess call
Kuang Ye an airhead! He could not accept this! Shan Xiao turned
around, “Secretary Feng, go find me this boy’s contract, he is no longer one of
our employees.”

Kuang Ye had stepped forward before Feng Qianqian nodded, he took hold of
Shan Xiao and Bai Jiachun’s hands and put them together, he looked at the
two cordially, “Who are we? We are loving teammates, no fighting, we are a
loving team where everyone’s dream could flourish.”

Bai Jiachun looked sideways, ‘I refuse.’

Shan Xiao pouted, ‘I refuse.’

Kuang Ye, however, didn’t take the hint, he continued to help his new
teammates, “How about this, let’s go ride a few laps, say, twenty? This is what
we used to do in my old cycling club, whenever we have a fight, we will ride a
few laps then we will go to a bath house to have a sauna. Trust me, it will help
us to put aside prejudices and work better as a team, with that being said, why
are you two rubbing each other the wrong way, have you guys met before?”

Bai Jiachun was also confused, why would Shan Xiao be so unfriendly to him
since this was their first meeting, but he didn’t want to go to a bathing house
with this group.

Shan Xiao now started to feel guilty for the reason why he was so hostile
against Princess, but he of course wouldn’t say it to anyone. He couldn’t bear
it if one more person knew the fact that he was making such a scene just
because he was jealousy.

The two saw eye to eye on this, they shook their heads in unison. Kuang Ye
didn’t want to waste this opportunity to bond with the team, he double checked
with the teammates, “Are you sure? Any discord in the team is forbidden. And
trust me, you will feel much better after a hot sauna, it will create great vibes
for us.”

“Wait.” Bai Jiachun chimed in, it just dawned on him there was something
interesting in what Kuang Ye just said, “Wait, Ye, did you say President Shan
would be our new teammate?”

‘I must have heard it wrong, the Almighty President Shan is joining us? That’s

With that in mind, he took a look at Kuang Ye then he shot a look at Shan
Xiao, then he realized it was what it looked like. He was transfixed, ‘Who
could expect President Shan to have such bizarre taste? Ye is something
else, Ye was so well built that he could literally break one’s heart, literally.’

Kuang Ye had no idea what wild thoughts were running in Bai Jiachun’s mind,
he replied, “Yes, President Shan is such a good buddy, so supportive the
whole time. Have I mentioned that he was the first one who said he was going
to join me, way earlier than anyone of you here. I remember we were in bed
that day… …”

Shan Xiao covered Kuang Ye’s mouth before he said anything PG and he
changed the subject, “Ye, go check out the new bikes I’ve got you, you will
love them.”

“Yeah, right, I was too carried way just now.” Kuang Ye realized there was a
troop of top gear bikes was waiting for his inspecting. Bai Jiachun, Wangzi
Xingchen, Zhao Xiuyu, Zhou Chong and Chu Yangbo were petrified on the
spot, ‘Kuang Ye and President Shan were in bed? They were discussing
cycling in bed? Should we… should we be happy for them?’

‘Well, everyone has their own preference and their own little thing in the
bedroom, we should respect that, but… … seriously, President Shan was
willing to discuss cycling with Ye in bed, should we be worried for Ye?’

Kuang Ye was the only one whose mind wasn’t running wild in this whole
room, he was checking those brand new bikes like he was in love with them,
there was a variety of bikes that were friendly to beginners and advanced
cyclists alike.

Kuang Ye felt so touched, he grabbed Shan Xiao’s hands and exuding

tenderness and love through eyes, Shan Xiao almost blushed.

Shan Xiao tried so much to pull himself together and said, “Don’t mention it,
it’s my pleasure.” while he was screaming in his heart, “Come on, Ye, let me
hear your tribute to me.”
Kuang Ye nodded and squeezed Shan Xiao’s hands, “No words can express
my thanks to your great kindness. You know what, I will attend more
competitions and make the best use of the bikes you got us!”

‘Hello? Excuse me? To make the best of the bikes? What about me? Don’t
you want to make the best of me?’ Shan Xiao was screaming in his heart,
thank God Kuang Ye continued, “Don’t worry, I won’t disappoint you, I will win
as many prizes as I can to repay you.”

Well, President Shan wasn’t in need of anything, especially money.

Kuang Ye chaired the Orientation Meeting amid this interesting atmosphere,

he decided they would keep the name ‘Flash on the Wing’,and they would
train hard for the cycling competition in August, and he would be the team
captain while Shan Xiao and Bai Jiachun would be the vice captains, last but
not least they would start training the day after.

“Guys, even though we don’t have money to rent any training center, I’ve
made a deal with Green Swift Cycling Club, they are willing to share their
training center with us. I know, they are very lovely and helpful.”

Feng Qianqian’s lips twitched, she didn’t know whether Green Swift were
lovely and helpful, but she did know they offered Green Swift a price that they
couldn’t say no.

Why not buy out that cycling club, you may ask. Well, President Shan didn’t
like the location or the decoration that much to be honest, he was merely
looking for a makeshift, he would ditch them once he found a good one.

“All right guys, that’s all I need to say, let’s work hard together!” Kuang Ye
beamed, he couldn’t wait to go back to his old life when training and
competition was everything.

He deemed this day as an official start as his new life, he was excited!

Among the rest of the team, Bai Jiachun was pretty keen since Kuang Ye
convinced him in Dancing 666, Zhao Xiuyu and Wangzi Xingchen were
interested as well, poor Zhou Chong and Chu Yangbo had no idea what they
were doing.

They were counting on their next activity could be releasing a single after this
cycling competition, aww, such naive kids.

Shan Xiao wasn’t happy about Bai Jiachun could also be a vice captain like
him, plus, there were seven of them in the whole team, what was the point of
having a team captain and two vice captains?
‘Wait, why am I a vice captain of a cycling team? Aren’t I a president? Wait,
I’m the president of Billion Consortium! Ah~ Kuang Ye is just creating an
excuse to see me every single day, I see the little trick he is playing, kind of

Kuang Ye walked towards Shan Xiao when Shan Xiao was going off into wild
flights of fancy, “President Shan, we are not in the best condition yet, it looks
like you have to share a bed with me tonight.”

‘What? He is asking me to share a bed with him, hmm, he just cannot wait any
longer, can he?’ Shan Xiao beamed.

He was smiling the whole time until he finally lied down on that shabby little
bed, ‘Wait, why am I sharing one bed with someone else when I have a big

20. Let Me Take You to Shower

Translator: Sissy That Walk

“President Shan, why are you still wearing your clothes in bed, aren’t you
feeling hot?” Kuang Ye perched on the bedside, drying his hair with a towel.
He felt it quite odd that Shan Xiao was lying in bed with his shirt and suit on,
mind you this was midsummer, he wished he could walk around naked.

President Shan, however, had his own very reasons. Of course he felt this
cramped room very stuffy and humid, but it was too late for him to change his

Look! Look at the greasy walls!

Look! Look at the rough tiles on the floor!

Smell! Piles of boys’ shoes were lying by the door!

A neat freak like Shan Xiao wished he could ask Feng Qianqian to arrange all
the cleaning ladies to come clean and disinfect this place thoroughly.

Kuang Ye was still staring at Shan Xiao and asked with concern, “President
Shan, let me take you to the shower, personal hygiene is important.”

Shan Xiao was shocked, he was a neat freak and that was why he refused to
set foot in that bathroom. Shan Xiao closed his eyes and screamed in the
heart, ‘Somebody please save me! I’m afraid Kuang Ye is the only clean item
in this place!’

Wait, a thought struck Shan Xiao, a dangerous one, was he just thinking
Kuang Ye who lived in this cramped dirty room was the only clean item? That
was not reasonable, but somehow he just found the boy who was sitting by
the bedside quite pleasant to the eye.

‘Am I all right? Where am I? What am I doing in this place? Why did I agree to
share one bed with Kuang Ye?’ Shan Xiao’s heart was in a turmoil, distraught
as a pulley swinging up and down.

Seeing his teammate’s expressions, Kuang Ye leaned over and asked, “I

know this is your first night here, are you all right?”

Shan Xiao glared at him, ‘Don’t ask me no questions, just feel my emotions,

let my emotions tell you the answer.’

Kuang Ye felt Shan Xiao’s emotions, he picked Shan Xiao up from the bed
and rattled on, “Haha, I got it, you need some company, don’t you? It’s all
right, I’ve got your back, let me take you to the shower.”

Kuang Ye had always believed in keeping anyone in need company, let alone
this was his teammate.

Shan Xiao’s brain was still digesting what Kuang Ye just said when Kuang Ye
was helping him to undress, Shan Xiao was shocked! Little did he expect
Kuang Ye would be so ‘proactive’, ‘he wants to take a shower with me on the
first night I stay here, geez!’

‘No, I cannot let him call the shots.’

Shan Xiao countered, “No, I’m fine, I didn’t bring any PJ.” Of course he didn’t
bring anything with him, the plan was just dropping the bikes and walking off,
he was going to take Kuang Ye back to his mansion if anything.

Kuang Ye shook his head and replied, “Just wear mine, it’s no big deal.” with
that he dragged Shan Xiao to the bathroom.

Bang, the door was closed, and the water started running.

For the first time in his life, Shan Xiao felt fear, he mumbled, “Secretary
Feng… Secretary Feng… come help…”

Kuang Ye sighed, he grabbed a loofah and said, “President Shan, Secretary

Feng is a girl, how can she rub your back for you? It’s okay, I’m here.”
Shan Xiao was indeed crying for help, but the reason he was crying was
because Kuang Ye rubbed his back too hard with that loofah! It was purely
painful! It wasn’t until now did Shan Xiao realize “let me take you to the
shower” literally meant let me help you to rub your back with the loofah,
nothing else.

Twenty minutes later… …

Kuang Ye was done, and Shan Xiao was put back to the bed wearing Kuang
Ye’s lounge wear.

Lying in a strange bed, Shan Xiao was baffled, ‘how could I end up sleeping in
such a cramped room and sharing a bed with this moron? I was just intrigued
by this moron, and one thing led to the other, I’m joining his cycling club and
I’m sleeping in his bed?’

Our President Shan had a long day after all, he fell asleep before he came up
with an answer, it was some deep sleep too.

He was waken up by the assembling whistle the next morning at 5:30, he

walked out of the room to see what was going on, it was Kuang Ye who was
waving a small flag and exclaimed, “Morning, my dear teammates, come on
now, get up. We will start our training today, let’s do a 10k warm up run, our
destination is Green Swift Cycling Club.”

Bai Jiachun who just walked out from the other room, he saw Shan Xiao and
blurted out, “Good morning, Kim Kardashian, is Kanye’s T-shirt comfy?”


“I mean, good morning, Shan Xiao, is Kuang Ye’s T-shirt comfy?”


Shan Xiao was too shy to share the ‘rubbing your back for you’ experience so
he decided to keep silent.

Seeing the silent Shan Xiao with some dark circles under his eyes and the
energetic Kuang Ye, Bai Jiachun’s eyes sparkled, he clasped a hand over his
mouth to suppress how surprised he was. Even though Shan Xiao provoked
him yesterday, Shan Xiao didn’t hold a grudge, he gave Shan Xiao a thumb
up and said, “Good job, you!”

Shan Xiao knew what Bai Jiachun was talking about by the way he looked,
Shan Xiao was in a dilemma, ‘should I explain what happened last night?’
Our Princess however had already walked to Kuang Ye and asked, “Are we
going to use Green Swift’s bikes today if we are running there?”

Kuang Ye replied, “Yeah right, it almost slipped out of my mind that President

Shan had given us so many bikes already, hmm, come on now, everyone pick
a bike, be it a mountain bike, a BMX, or an all-terrain one, pick one you like. I
assume everyone knows how to ride a bike, yeah?”

Bai Jiachun, Zhao Xiuyu, Wangzi Xingchen, Zhou Chong and Chu Yangbo
nodded in unison, which meant Shan Xiao didn’t. Everyone turned around and
looked at our President Shan.

“So what I don’t know how to ride a bike?” Shan Xiao retorted, “I can fly an
airplane, I can drive a yacht!”

“But you can’t ride a bike, haha.” Bai Jiachun laughed

Hmm, KO.

21. Shanye on a Bike

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Shan Xiao was mad.

Shan Xiao didn’t give a damn about his ability to ride a bike or not, riding bikes
was for common folks like Bai Jiachun, all Shan Xiao cared about was his
private planes and yachts. But he couldn’t take the sneer, especially when is
was from Bai Jiachun. Even Kuang Ye didn’t laugh at him just now, he was
worried whether his perfect image was shattered in Kuang Ye’s heart already,
Kuang Ye took riding so seriously after all.

However, Shan Xiao was over thinking, this had made him more sincere and
supportive in Kuang Ye’s heart. Kuang Ye walked to Shan Xiao and grabbed
Shan Xiao’s hand and exuded tenderness and love through the eyes.

‘Who could expect President Shan would love cycling that much, he had given
great support to me and my cycling club when he didn’t even ride!’

Thinking about that, Kuang Ye’s eyes almost brimmed with tears.

Shan Xiao had received tenderness and love through Kuang Ye’s stare, he
couldn’t help but curl his lips, ‘look at this boy, he is showing me love and
support when someone else is laughing at me. See? So what I don’t know
how to ride bikes? So what you guys all do? Look who is getting all the love!’

Shan Xiao grabbed Kuang Ye’s hand as well, and he threw Bai Jiachun a
provoking stare.


Bai Jiachun felt so wronged, what had he done to deserve to be spoon fed
such a mouthful of dog food?

Bai Jiachun rolled his eyes and thought, ‘Yeah yeah yeah, I got it you guys
are a loving couple, aww, so cute~ all right now, move on okay? Ye, you are a
changed person now, cycling isn’t your all any more!’

“Guys, are we still going to Green Swift today?” Bai Jiachun asked, he was
worried for the team.

Click. A paparazzo was hiding from afar.

Kuang Ye withdrew his hand and made some arrangements, “Bai, you take
the boys to Green Swift, I will stay and teach President Shan to ride.”

Kuang Ye believed hard work paid off! He felt sorry for Shan Xiao, Shan Xiao
loved cycling so much but he could only watch them riding, therefore, Kuang
Ye felt obliged to teach Shan Xiao and help him to really be part of the team.

Kuang Ye was confident in his teaching skills, he was best one in his former
Cycling Club after all.

Kuang Ye pressed Shan Xiao’s shoulder and promised him, “President Shan,

don’t worry, I’ve got your back. Everyone loved cycling deserves a chance to
fight against wind with sweat, blood and tears in the field, don’t you worry
about a thing, I will try my best to teach you.”

With that Kuang Ye dragged Shan Xiao to the bikes, Kuang Ye checked all of
them and mumbled, “No, these won’t do, we need the basic ones for a
beginner like you, stay here, I will be back soon.”

Three minutes later… …

What came to Shan Xiao’s sight was Kuang Ye carrying a girl’s bike walking
towards him — the bike was retro style, it was pink and pretty, there was a
basket in the front and there were some bow knots on the handlebar.

Shan Xiao asked with disbelief, “You are asking me to ride this bike?”
‘Well actually, there are two openings in my project of launching a sun in the
North Pole, should I sent Kuang Ye over if he really asks me to ride this bike?’

Kuang Ye, who had no idea Shan Xiao was thinking about moving him to the
North Pole replied, “Sorry I didn’t find a kid’s bike, you should learn from that
actually. This bike is the best I can do, come on now, let’s give it a shot, don’t
worry thought, I will support you from behind.”

This was why Kuang Ye didn’t approve any of the bikes that Shan Xiao
brought, those were all professional bikes with no extra parts, Kuang Ye
couldn’t give Shan Xiao any support or push if Shan Xiao was going to ride
those ones. But Shan Xiao was still in shock, he thought this was a prank.

“Kuang Ye, you listen to me, you listen to me carefully, I, Shan Xiao, I swear
no way will I touch that pink bike!”

Kuang Ye narrowed his eyes and found what Shan Xiao said made
sense. ‘President Shan must have had tried multiple times during the past
considering how much he loved cycling, but is didn’t work out for him. Today I
just asked him to try this bike out of nowhere, of course this brought those bad
experiences back to his mind, I should appease him and rebuild his trust.’

“President Shan, I will show you how it’s done, you just watch me for a few
minutes, all right?”

Professional cyclist, young genius, a passionate boy who looked like he was
walking out from a comic book, mounted this pink bike and darted out like a
pink flash!

Seeing that, our President Shan no longer found the pink bike off-putting.

Technically, this was the first time that Kuang Ye showed his skills in front of
Shan Xiao, the stunts Kuang Ye showed in Dancing 666 didn’t count. Shan
Xiao just watched the thirty seconds video clip, the clip didn’t capture Kuang
Ye’s ability at all. Watching Kuang Ye riding in person, Shan Xiao understood
why Kuang Ye wanted to start his own cycling club and attend all the
professional competitions, this kid was a different person when he was riding,
sincere expression, strong muscle, perfect figure! People couldn’t take their
eyes off him!

Shan Xiao also understood why Bai Jiachun and Wangzi Xingchen became
Kuang Ye’s biggest supporters, Shan Xiao felt like anyone who had watched
Kuang Ye riding would jump on board easily like Kuang Ye had cast a spell on
them. The spell was the charm of cycling, the beauty of competitive sports,
the contagiousness of giving it all on the field.
Anyways, how the story went was a lot pf people had witnessed President
Shan who wore an ill fitting T-shirt was riding a pink bike, to be accurate,
practising riding a pink bike. There was a man who was supporting him from
behind, the two would looked at each other and exchanged a pleasantly, a
clear, ringing laugh.

Click click click. The paparazzo was wild with joy, every second could make
the headline!

President Shan and a young budding idol, hmm, they surely had some unique

Fandom and social media were set ablaze. Jiaye Forum were dominated by
the pictures where Kuang Ye stared at Shan Xiao tenderly and held his hands
tightly, while the latter looked confused, and Bai Jiachun at the corner of the
photo looked sideways in dismay.

There were some pot stirrers drew an arrow at Shan Xiao’s eyes, and the
arrow aimed directly at Bai Jiachun, they added the caption ‘Shocking! It is
him who President Shan really loves!’

In Shanye Forum, photos of the two rode the pink bike went viral, especially
the one where Kuang Ye wrapped his arms around Shan Xiao’s waist.

The truth: Kuang Ye was helping Shan Xiao to keep balance.

What the fans had seen: the loving couple were having fun riding the same
bike, probably they were doing a Titanic pose.

22. Happy Snails

Translator: Sissy That Walk

The other members of Flash on the Wing had arrived Green Swift Cycling
Club at six o’clock in the morning, they had not seen their team captain and
President Shan till sunset. Kuang Ye came to their sight riding a pink bike
while President Shan sat on the back seat sheepishly.

If you close your eyes, you can probably try to think this as a beautiful loving

However, the truth was Shan Xiao’s legs were too long for such a cute little
bike, his legs were curling with efforts and he was pouting like a balloonfish.
“What is going on? Baby-walker?” asked our Princess Bai.

“Bai~ I borrowed this from a young girl, it’s good for a beginner like President
Shan.” answered Kuang Ye, he alighted from the bike and supported Shan
Xiao to jump from the back seat, “Here, watch out, don’t worry, this is just our
first time. I’m sure we will get better and better once we are used to each

Hearing that, so many question marks running around in Bai Jiachun’s mind.

Shan Xiao dismounted from the back seat, he massaged his sore butt subtly
and refused, “No, I’m good, this is not for me.”

Shan Xiao was in such a great mood when Kuang Ye started to instruct him,
Kuang Ye would support him and push him from behind, they would throw
some banters and laughed together, until…

Two hours later, he wanted to take a break while Kuang Ye asked him to
continue practising.

Four hours later, he wanted to take a break while Kuang Ye asked him to
continue practising.

Six hours later, he wanted to take a break while Kuang Ye asked him to
continue practising… …

What? That was not a date? That was really a training session?

Never had Shan Xiao been trained like this, he had barely walked in his life,
his butt and thighs were screaming for help shortly after they started. Soon he
found Kuang Ye’s smile scared for he somehow couldn’t resist Kuang Ye’s

“Come on, keep going!”

“Sure!” while he really wanted to say “screw you”!

Just imagine, after six hours straight training and you really couldn’t pedal one
more second, but your trainer was still beaming at you, “Come on, you can do
it! I have faith in you!”


Poor President Shan didn’t know how he survived this training, he was pretty
much in a daze after the ‘touching and laughing’ phase.
He didn’t came to himself until he heard Bai Jiachun’s sneer, therefore, he
rejected Kuang Ye immediately when Kuang Ye asked him to work on it.

Kuang Ye thought Shan Xiao was just feeling embarrassed and Shan Xiao
wasn’t really rejecting him, “President Shan, as I said, don’t worry, hard work
pays off. People are different, cycling is easy once you’ve got the knack.”


Shan Xiao was speechless.

Seeing their team captain, all the other members started to ride towards them
while they couldn’t hide the curiosity in the eyes when they saw the pink bike.

Shan Xiao called Feng Qianqian on the sly, he asked Feng Qianqian come
save him, as soon as possible! And Kuang Ye found Shan Xiao a chair, “Just
stay here and wait for me, I will go check how our teammates doing.”

Yeah, Kuang Ye had spent all day instructing Shan Xiao, he hadn’t inspected
his teammates yet. But Kuang Ye was pretty optimistic about the situation, all
the other teammates knew how to ride bikes and they went to gym all the
time, they were trained dancers with great stamina.

“Bai, how are you guys doing?” Bai Jiachun picked a road bike for himself,
Wangzi Xingchen and Zhao Xiuyu picked mountain bikes, while Zhou Chong
and Chu Yangbo also picked road bikes.

It didn’t make any difference what bikes they had picked as they were in the
training center. Kuang Ye asked the five of them to gather around and show
him what they had got.

The boys had been practising and adapting themselves to the professional
bikes the whole day, professional bikes were too light, they felt like they were
riding on the cloud in the beginning, it did take them a while to work perfectly
with their new bikes.

The boys felt glad that Shan Xiao flung himself into Kuang Ye and bought
them time, no wonder he was President Shan! Such a hero!

The hero at the moment grimaced in pain sitting on the chair — his butt and
thighs were killing him.

The boys darted out and tried their best to impress Kuang Ye, they all looked
like they were having fun doing the lap, and Bai Jiachun was the first one that
had came back to the starting point. Bai Jiachun blew his bangs with a smile
and winked at Kuang Ye, looking for praise.
However, Bai Jiachun had a sinking feeling when his eyes met Kuang Ye’s
eyes, Kuang Ye looked so grave and stiffened.

‘Why? What have I done? Am I not fast enough? Of course I’m fast enough…
I guess’, thought Bai Jiachun.

Shan Xiao gloated, taking pleasure in other’s misfortune, ‘Haha, guys, it’s your
turn now! Hello, my fellow sufferers, welcome aboard!’

“You guys are so… weak!” screamed Kuang Ye in dismay.

Little did Kuang Ye expect his teammates would be so slow, sure he got it
they were not professional cyclists, but they looked so fit and well built, who
could… who could expect that they rode like a bunch of happy snails?!

From where he came from, basically everyone could defeat them, even an
eighty-year-old grandma! Cycling was a big part of people’s life in his

Kuang Ye took a few deep breaths and looked at his teammates, “But that’s
all right, I’m here. I will draw up a workout plan for us and make sure we will
be way better than today as soon as possible.”

The boys looked at each other with disbelief, “Are we that bad? We have a lot
of fans, okay? Way better? Which way are you talking about?”

Shan Xiao rubbernecked to see what was going on, somehow he felt glad that
the boys were about to go through what had happened to him, probably

23. Three Meals a Day

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Shan Xiao was perching on the chair in an uncouth way, and he would
massage his butt occasionally when Feng Qianqian arrived.

“President Shan, are you all right?” two bodyguards walked towards Shan
Xiao and supported him to stand up, seeing Shan Xiao like this, Feng
Qianqian couldn’t help but have a head canon on what happened between
Kuang Ye and Shan Xiao last night. Feng Qianqian found it amazing that
Kuang Ye could win President Shan’s heart and the two would have such a
heated night that President Shan would call her to come save him.
You never know.

Shan Xiao had no idea what his gorgeous secretary was thinking in her mind,
he looked around carefully and signaled the bodyguards to support him to
leave the scene. The group made a noiseless escape like a bunch of thieves,
Shan Xiao came to himself after he flung himself into his sofa in his office, he
kept shaking his head thinking about how things had turned out.

Seeing her boss shaking his head like that, Feng Qianqian dialed a
number, “Doctor Lin, please come check President Shan.”

“Secretary Feng, I’m fine! I’m just having second thoughts about my IQ.”

“On that case,” Feng Qianqian looked at Shan Xiao, “Please don’t.”

“You think I’m fine, yeah?”

“… Sure.” Finely low.

President Shan trusted and relied on Secretary Feng a lot, hearing what
Secretary Feng said, President Shan fully rejuvenated, “Secretary Feng!
Organize me a nice dinner, invite all the idols and influencers! All the A-list
celebrities! All the eye-candies!”

Secretary Feng rose to her feet, “Is it going to be a themed dinner?”


“Excuse me?”

“No! Not specifically a themed one, just some buffet dinner!” Shan Xiao
pressed his forehead, he couldn’t believe he just blurted out ‘bicycle’. Poor kid
was scarred by the training session with Kuang Ye this morning.

Shan Xiao sprang up from the sofa and walked to the bathroom, he wanted to
have a good bubble bath to relax. Bathroom, sweet bathroom.

The cleaning lady collected the T-shirt that Shan Xiao put in the laundry
basket and was about to withdraw, Feng Qianqian caught a glimpse of the T-
shirt and stopped the cleaning lady… …

“President Shan, what are we going to do with Mr. Kuang’s T-shirt?” asked

Feng Qianqian, trying her best to sound she was talking business.

“Oh right, I almost forgot I was wearing his T-shirt.” Shan Xiao paused
briefly, “Return it to him… and buy him some more.”
Secretary Feng nodded at the cleaning lady, how she wished there was
someone else there to discuss this sweet gesture with her!

‘Oh my God, what had they done last night? President Shan has never wore
someone else’s clothes before, how heated were they last night? And
President Shan just asked me too get Kuang Ye some more clothes, soooo
sweet! Oh my, should I start an account and record how sweet the two are!’


To return to Green Swift Cycling Club.

Kuang Ye was so busy discussing with his teammates that he didn’t realize
Shan Xiao had gone until now.

“Where is President Shan? Guys, have you seen President Shan?” screamed

Kuang Ye.

“Relax, he just left, he said he had some business meetings to attend.” replied

Bai Jiachun. Bai Jiachun was a bit worried for himself after he heard how
Shan Xiao shared what had happened to him in the training session with
Kuang Ye.

Hearing that, Kuang Ye was a bit disappointed, ‘he left without saying

goodbye to me?’ but on a second thought, Kuang Ye figured Shan Xiao was
just being considerate, he didn’t say goodbye because he didn’t want to
interrupt Kuang Ye’s training. Plus, for a beginner like Shan Xiao, he had
trained hard enough already, probably he was a bit self conscious that he still
couldn’t ride a bike. Thinking of that, the disappointment in Kuang Ye’s heart
became understanding.

With that in mind, Kuang Ye decided he better first make a workout plan for
Flash on the Wing before he contacted Shan Xiao.

Kuang Ye wielded the pen energetically on a notebook, he told the

boys, “These are all basic strength training, now we are focusing on the
cycling competition in August, but don’t worry, we will have more professional
training after August. Come have a look.”

Zhao Xiuyu twitched his lips and went forward to look at the workout plan, with
a scream Zhao Xiuyu fainted. Thank God, Wangzi Xingchen who was
standing behind him caught hold of him promptly.


4:50 am             get-up time

5:00-6:00 am         five laps in the training center (cycling)

6:10-6:30 am         breakfast, high protein diet

6:50-11:00 am        cycling for 40k

11:10-11:30 am       lunch, high protein diet

11:40-12:30 pm       rest

12:40-17:40 pm       cycling for 40k

17:50-18:20 pm       dinner, high protein diet

19:00-21:00 pm       cycling for 20k

21:10-21:40 pm       stretching and aerobics

22:00-4:50 am        sleeping


Was that basic and elementary workout? Kuang Ye must have had some
misunderstanding about basic and elementary!

Zhao Xiuyu now slowly came to himself, he thought Kuang Ye must be

revenging him for what he had done to Kuang Ye in the dancing studio, Zhao
Xiuyu looked at Kuang Ye with innocent puppy eyes and implored, “Please
spare my life! Boss Ye!”

Kuang Ye was dumbfounded.

Bai Jiachun cleared his throat and said bravely, “Ye, don’t you think this is a
bit much?”

“No, not at all.”

Wangzi Xingchen was still supporting Zhao Xiuyu with his arms, he also
asked, “Do we have to eat all three meals a day? Even dinner? We are idols,
we are obliged to look good for our fans, aren’t we?”

“Of course we need to eat, we are going to train hard from tomorrow, we need
fuel to burn, we need protein! High protein! You guys have been eating like
rabbits, just some salads won’t do! Trust me, if you eat like me and train like
me, you will make progress!”
Zhao Xiuyu and the rest of the boys finally understood why even President
Shan escaped on the sly.

An invitation was sent to Kuang Ye’s hand amid the wails of despair, it was
the invitation to Shan Xiao’s dinner party.

Of course Secretary Feng was behind this arrangement, “Idols? A-list

celebrities? Eye-candies? Kuang Ye of course is one of them!”

24. A Lucullian Banquet

Translator: Sissy That Walk

‘Great news! President Shan of Billion Consortium is throwing an extravagant

banquet! We may get to have some close contact with him if luck is on our

Everyone in show business was excitedly going round telling everyone that
Shan Xiao was hosting a dinner party, this had also triggered a competition
among the celebrities, they called their managers thirty times a day, desperate
to get the invitations.

An actress Zhuang Qingchun whose image had always been innocent and
angelic flew into a fury when her manager told her she was not on the
invitation list, she ripped the dress that she purchased for the party, leaving
her fans stupefied.

The banquet was taking place in Billion Castle located on Billion Mountain, the
place was worthy of the name, it was a huge castle where you would easily
spend thirty minutes walking from the gate to the hall.

It said the dinner started at 7:30 p.m. on the invitation, Secretary Feng double
checked the whole arrangements and schedule with the staff teams at 6:00
p.m and arranged a booth for President Shan on the third floor where he could
take in everything in a glance. Secretary Feng even had prepared President
Shan a set of telescopes to help him see all the eye candies that he wanted to

President Shan meant it when he said he wanted some eye candies, he was
overcompensating himself for what he had gone through when he spent a
night with Kuang Ye on that cramped bed and a whole day learning bicycles.
However, he wasn’t planning to get intimate with anyone that night due to the
fact he was such a neat freak that he couldn’t even bear standing close to
“Secretary Feng, have you told them to take a bath before they come?” Shan
Xiao asked with concern, how he wished he could have a viable way to check
when was the last time anyone had bathed.

Secretary Feng shook her head heatedly, “Please rest assured that they will
show up all dolled up even though I haven’t phrased specifically with those

‘Boss, are you kidding me, I literally cannot go around and tell people hey
make you yo take a bath before you set foot on the castle, that’s so silly! But
don’t you worry about a thing, this is such a rare opportunity to get close to
you, I’m sure our hall will smell like a perfume manufacture.’

Secretary Feng was also attempted to see people’s reactions when they were
told to bathe themselves before they come, but she suppressed that desire.

President Shan was not comforted by what Feng Qianqian just said, he was
fidgeting, he couldn’t pinpoint what was bothering him, but he was bothered
by something.

Shan Xiao started to second guess himself on throwing the party, he didn’t
like people but he had asked Feng Qianqian to invite a lot of people! He
stared to ask himself why was he doing this to himself, was he just trying to
distract himself from Kuang Ye?

‘Stop! Stop thinking about that Kuang Ye boy! Shan Xiao! You can do so
much better! Tonight is the night! Go get wild! Go find yourself a couple of

Shan Xiao tried so hard to construct his inner order that was on the verge of
collapse, he asked Feng Qianqian with concern, “Secretary Feng, I’m so
hungry, can I have something to eat?”

Secretary Feng was in shock, ‘what’s going on with him now?’

“President Shan, this is your property, you can do anything you want, eat
anything you wanna eat.”

“Yeah right, this is my castle!”


At 7:20 p.m.

A Bentley parked at the gate of the castle, a gorgeous face reveled as the
window opened and he handed an invitation to the bodyguards by the
gate, “Di Qiming, this is my invitation.”
Di Qiming, God’s favored one, debuted when he was three years old, he was
an actor, a singer, a dancer, a producer, a director, he had done it all and he
was still doing it all! He deemed himself inferior to no one except Shan Xiao in
this whole world.

Di Qiming, unlike other celebrities, was not particularly thrilled when he got the
invitation. He thought there was no one else deserved Shan Xiao except

Di Qiming came here tonight on a mission, he was determined to teach

everyone a lesson. ‘Surely everyone will be dwarfed when they see me and
President Shan stand together, we are both gorgeous, we are both
competent, we both have great taste… … look at them, all silly looking and
lousy dressers!’

‘Wait! Is that person riding a bike? Gees, he can’t even afford a driver? Does
he really have an invitation? Kids these days, biting off more than one can

Di Qiming gloated over the guy who was wearing active ware and bike shorts,
waiting for him to be evicted — the boy fumbled in his pocket for the invitation,
he really had an invitation! To make it worse, the boy’s invitation was
decorated by golden embroidery and his invitation was just decorated by silver

‘This was outrageous!’ fumed Di Qiming.

“Hey buddy, did you forget to pull your parking brake? You are sliding
down!” asked our bike boy Kuang Ye.

It was a little bit too late when Kuang Ye reminded Di Qiming, the car had
already slid all the way downhill, but the man in the car screamed
provokingly, “Don’t get cocky, wait for me, I will be back soon!”

Kuang Ye turned to the bodyguards, “Is he going to be all right? Shall we do

something to help him?”

“Don’t worry Mr. Kuang, please get in, dinner is starting soon, please leave it
to us.” comforted the bodyguards while their minds were running wild, ‘Are
you kidding, Mr. Kuang? You join us and save Di Qiming? What if you get
hurt? President Shan surely will get mad and the next thing is we lose our

The bodyguards were wrong, President Shan won’t get mad for he had no
idea Kuang Ye was coming to this dinner.
Now it was 7:30 p.m, the party started on time. Exquisite food, expensive
champagne, gorgeous actors and idols who kept peeking at the booth on the
third floor, contending in beauty and fascination.

That was President Shan’s booth! It was so close yet so far, how they wished
they could just fly to the third floor using Lightness Skill like martial arts
cultivators in costume drama.

“Hey, didn’t you just finish a costume drama? Come on now, fly for us!”

“Well, I will fly for you if you can give me an action choreographer and a wire
team! Speaking of flying, I heard you are good at acrobatics, why don’t you
show us what you’ve got?”

“I wish I could, but it’s too high.”

“Hey you two, why are you so obsessed with the idea of going to President
Shan, this is his party, won’t he come downstairs?”

“No, he won’t.” the two answered in unison.

Shan Xiao who was looking at the hall from his booth listlessly sprang up from
his chair, “Kuang uang ang ng g Ye? What is he doing here? Is he an eye

25. I’m Not Jealous, No!

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Hearing that, Secretary Feng looked away and pretended she hadn’t heard
anything. Well, in her defense, she wasn’t disobeying President Shan by
inviting Kuang Ye, Kuang Ye was the most popular idol at the moment and to
be fair quite an eye candy. So she was just doing her job by inviting Kuang

President Shan had already come up with a head canon, ‘I knew it! Kuang Ye
heard the news that I’m throwing a party tonight, he shows up uninvited
because he misses me so much that he doesn’t care, he fears I may meet
some one new and he is here on a stakeout. Take that, Princess Bai!’

Thinking of that, a goofy smile bloomed on Shan Xiao’s face. But he was
determined that he wasn’t going to just give Kuang Ye a warm welcome, he
figured he needed to be aloof in the beginning to make sure Kuang Ye learn
his lesson.
‘Hmm, I will be aloof till… … Tomorrow morning!’

“Secretary Feng, pass me that telescope, let me see how sorry he was

Shan Xiao set up the telescope only to see Kuang Ye’s beaming smile from
the lense, Kuang Ye was waving at Shan Xiao’s direction, “President Shan,
I’m here, come on now, come downstairs and join us, what are you doing over
there by yourself?”

The beaming smile was exactly the same as when Kuang Ye trained Shan
Xiao that morning, Shan Xiao was so terrified by that smile that he slumped
down on his chair. Suddenly there came vague pain from his butt, our
President Shan massaged his butt subtly

Secretary Feng who had observer it all exclaimed in her heart, ‘OMG, it looks
like they’ve had such an unforgettable night together, look at President Shan,
was that conditioned reflex he just had?’

Feng Qianqian leaned towards Shan Xiao and asked considerably, “President

Shan, would you like me show Mr. Kuang around?”

‘You know, so you can breathe normally?’

President Shan whose breath returned back to normal now shook his
head, “No, I need to see him all night!”

‘Who knows what stunts he is capable to pull, I need to keep an eye on him all
the time, for safety reasons.’

In the hall.

Kuang Ye already stood out a lot by his unique attire, to make it worse, he
wasn’t planning to stay low-key in the first place, he directly waved at
President Shan and shouted at the top of his volume that he was waiting for
President Shan to come downstairs, what a bold move!

—Even though everyone presented tonight was all drooling over President
Shan, Kuang Ye’s bold behaviour wasn’t appreciated.

“Hold on”, someone had recognized Kuang Ye and walked towards Kuang
Ye, “aren’t you the one who has won Dancing 666? Flash on the Wing?
Kuang Ye?”

‘Geez, this guy is a force to be reckon with! He and President Shan go way
back, everyone has seen the finale night episode, President Shan went to the
show to support this guy and President Shan even cried for him! No wonder
he has the balls to just wear some active ware!’

“Yeah, it’s me, I’m Kuang Ye, nice to meet you.” Kuang Ye shook hands with
that someone, thinking President Shan’s friends were my friends, I must be
nice to President Shan’s friends.

Other people had also recognized Kuang Ye one after another, they
surrounded Kuang Ye in the circle and bombarded him with a lot of questions.

“Hi, Mr. Kuang, are you President Shan’s close friend?” asked a young actor,
with a tinge of jealousy in the tone.

How could the actor expect Kuang Ye to smell the acid jealousy, Kuang Ye
answered in all honesty, “Kind of yeah, I guess. We don’t know each other for
a long time, but we bonded really well, he slept on my bed last night.”

Gasps. You could cut the tension with a knife in the hall.

‘Tut tut tut, listen, he isn’t beating around the bush any giving that shy shit, I’m
not his match.’ the actor withdrew.

A young idol took the baton and asked, “Ye, do you mind me calling you Ye?
As we all know, President Shan has had a lot of… how do I put this… let’s
say, ‘friends with benefits’ or ‘bed partners’, as a matter of fact, I believe there
are a lot in this hall at this very moment, what do you think of that?”

Those ‘friends with benefits’ and ‘bed partners’ tried so hard not to defend

themselves, “President Shan didn’t even touch me the whole night, and we’ve
signed confidentiality contract that we won’t tell what happened to anyone.”

Kuang Ye on the other hand was a bit stupefied, “What’s there to think of? I
suppose we are all goof friends here, if you want some company, go ahead I
guess. I used to train with over ten people together, and we all sleep together,
it helps us to bond.”


Hearing that, everyone realized why President Shan had landed his eyes on
this air head, such a generous lover! I love you but I give you all the freedom
you like. Notes taken.

“How shameless!” it was Di Qiming, “That’s not the way to have a relationship,

you have had your little moments with President Shan, but look at President
Shan now, has he talked to you,or has he even looked at you the whole
With that a group of waiters holding trays of delicacies surrounded Kuang Ye
and said in unison, “President Shan sent us to greet you, Mr. Kuang.”

Feng Qianqian walked towards Kuang Ye and said cheerfully, “Mr. Kuang,

come have a taste, and please let me know which ones you fancy, all the
ingredients are shipped through Billion Consortium’s air courses.”

Kuang Ye and Feng Qianqian had met a couple of times so far, Kuang Ye
replied casually, “This is so much food, how can I finish all of them, come on,
everyone, please have some. Wow, such nice sashimi, President Shan, come
here, this sashimi is very good source of protein, it’s good for our training!”

It was such a slap in Di Qiming’s face, Di Qiming stamped his foot in

frustration, ‘Why is President Shan treating this air head so well? I’m sure this
is just a fling, President Shan has never met such a character in his life, this is
still very fresh, it’s okay, it’s okay, he who laughs the last laughs the best.’

Di Qiming started to hear the exclaim and gasps when his mind ran wild, he
turned around to have a look only to see President Shan walking down!

President Shan was fidgeting already when he was sitting upstairs and
noticed how popular Kuang Ye was, everyone seemed to be interested in him
and asking him questions, what a social butterfly!

No, not on my watch!

‘What? Am I being jealous? I’m not jealous, no! I’m just being my-

26. President Shan Needs Cuddle (1)

Translator: Sissy That Walk

“Excuse me miss, please take a step back, back, back, back… …”

“Excuse me sir, please take a step back, back, back, back… …”

“Where do you want me to go? I’m literally at the door!” fumed the dolled up
pretty faces.

The bodyguards emerged from nowhere had evicted everyone except Kuang
Ye out of the hall.
“Sorry, President Shan doesn’t like to be surrounded by people.” apologized
the bodyguards.

“How about that guy? What is he doing over there?” they pointed at Kuang Ye
who was standing in the center, looking all innocent.

“He… he is too special.” said the bodyguards, ‘he definitely holds a special

position in President Shan’s heart.’

The rest thought ‘yeah, I know, I can tell he is a bit special too, it’s pretty
obvious, isn’t it?’

President Shan now was walking towards Kuang Ye, ‘What a mischievous

little darling you are! Being all friendly and welcoming, mingling with everyone,
and now I have to leave my booth where I belong and walk in the hall where
all the common people hang out, I’m going through all these trouble just for

President Shan asked Kuang Ye, “Do you know where you have done

‘You should be staring at me the whole night, me me me, just me, no one

Kuang Ye blinked his eyes, he had no idea what President Shan was talking
about. He lowered his head and thought it over, “ah, I’m sorry.”

“Good, knowing is half the battle.”

“I shouldn’t have been just strict to Bai and other teammates and let you go
with a loose rein, you are also one of our teammates, we are in this together.
I’m sorry I’ve hurt your feelings by giving you double standard.”


So many question marks were running around in Shan Xiao’s mind like a
headless chicken, our endearing Shan Xiao was merely looking for some
attention, by no means he was referring to training!

Kuang Ye, however, had taken it seriously. He pointed at the food and
said, “You know what President Shan, let’s pack these food for our
teammates, and you go with me, let’s train, just you and me!”

With that, Kuang Ye patted on President Shan’s shoulder.

President Shan flushed crimson when his eyes met Kuang Ye’s eyes, sweat
beads were oozing from his forehead and he started to stammer, “No…
Secretary Feng… no!”

Our President Shan collapsed.

Secretary Feng didn’t believe what she was seeing, ‘President Shan is faking
a faint to avoid some bicycle training? Look at that face, it’s so real! But
President Shan has been saying he’s feeling so hot, hmm, suspicious!’

Kuang Ye, the genius athlete, grabbed Shan Xiao when he rolled his eyes and
was about to slump, “President Shan, are you okay? Wait, why are you so


‘Look at that Kuang Ye! He is getting all handsy on President Shan on front of
so many people! How very dare he!’

Di Qiming, out of all people, fumed the most. ‘No way I’m going to let this
happen, President Shan has no idea Kuang Ye is touching him and taking
advantage of him, I need to help President Shan out.’

With that he tried to sneak into the hall, but he was tackled by the bodyguards
the second he set foot on the hall. Di Qiming blurted out, “You guys are
terrible at your job, you are President Shan’s bodyguards, look at President
Shan now, some guy is touching him all over!”

The bodyguards exchanged a look subtly, he couldn’t help but defend his
image, “You are being touched all over! If you are not, don’t worry, I will make
sure you will get touched all over soon by your nightmare!”

‘Am I being threatened? Am I being threatened by President Shan? What

should I do to make up for it? Should I shut up?’

Kuang Ye felt Shan Xiao’s forehead and frowned, “President Shan, you are
having a fever, right? No wonder you are so hot, you are sick, President

“Sis Feng, where is President Shan’s bedroom? He needs rest.” Kuang Ye

carried Shan Xiao in his arms and walked upstairs with vigorous strides.

Feng Qianqian panicked a bit, little did she think about Shan Xiao was sick,
considering he had always been making decisions on a whim, so she didn’t
even think about the possibility when she was given all of the silly orders.

“Yes, Mr. Kuang, on the fifth floor, the lift is this way.”
“That’s all right, I can run faster.”

Kuang Ye was right, he did arrive at the fifth floor earlier than Feng Qianqian
who took the lift. Kuang Ye out Shan Xiao gently on the bed, waiting for the

“Hmm, 38.6 degrees, not too bad, have some electuary first and make sure he
gets enough rest.” said the doctor in a comforting tone.

Feng Qianqian who had been pacing back and forth asked, “This doesn’t
make any sense, doctor, why did President Shan suddenly get sick? He
looked fine the whole day, in high spirits, giving orders to me about the dinner

“It looks like he is overtired, there’s also some inflammation. Did he engage in
strenuous exercise today and take a cold shower right after that? But don’t
worry, it’s not that severe, please make sure he gets enough rest.”



‘Strenuous exercise?’

Feng Qianqian’s heart was beating faster and faster as the doctor named the
reasons of this fever, she looked at President Shan who was lying in bed like
a beautiful angel and Kuang Ye who was perching at President Shan’s bed,
worried sick.

‘Overtired from the strenuous exercise in bed that might cause

inflammation?’ everything made sense now!

“Ah~ doctor, thank you for coming, see you later.”

“I need to make sure President Shan take this electuary before I go.”

“Don’t worry doctor, Mr. Kuang will help President Shan, right? Mr. Kuang?”

Kuang Ye nodded promptly, sure thing, as the team captain, no way would he
sit back and watch his teammate suffer. He would take good care of President
Shan until he got better.

Kuang Ye tried to support Shan Xiao to lean on the pillows and take the
electuary as Feng Qianqian walked the doctor out, “President Shan, come
take this electuary before you go to sleep.”
President Shan refused, President Shan pouted, why couldn’t take some
tablets? Electuary was so bitter! Even Kuang Ye’s cuddle didn’t make it better,
President Shan didn’t need Kuang Ye’s cuddle, scratch that, President Shan
needed Kuang Ye’s cuddle.

27. President Shan Needs Cuddle (2)

Translator: Sissy That Walk

“Sorry about the inconvenience my distinguished guests, President Shan is

fine. The dinner must go on, please enjoy.” Secretary Feng made the
announcement in the hall and asked the waiters to serve more food and

The guests failed to act normal after seeing President Shan was carried away
by Kuang Ye like a princess in fairy tales, President Shan was the princess
and Kuang Ye was the prince?

They were so annoyed that they couldn’t share this with anyone who wasn’t
here for fear of being blocked by Billion Consortium. You saw the most
shocking news, but you had to keep it all too yourself, that was the most
frustrating feeling in the world! They couldn’t help but whisper at each other
and compared notes on their opinions about the episode that had just on.

Several minutes later, Secretary Feng walked in the hall and tapped the
young actor who just asked Kuang Ye was he President Shan’s close
friend, “Hi, sir, President Shan wants to see you upstairs.”

Hearing that, the young actor’s face turned from moping to jubilant within a
blink of an eye, he followed Secretary Feng to the lift, all beaming.

That set the hall ablaze even more, people started to discuss this more
openly, some were confused and some were jealous, “Wow, I don’t know
President Shan likes sandwiches, didn’t he just get sick?”

“That’s none of your concern, I’m sure President Shan has his way.”

“Probably it is Kuang Ye’s idea, haven’t you guys heard him saying he used to
sleep with over ten people, tut tut… …” commented a guy in a harsh tone and
wished President Shan would invite him soon.

The young actor, Xiao Ruizhi felt like he was on cloud nine when the servants
standing by President Shan’s bedroom door opened the door for him and
signaled him to go in.
‘I know President Shan has spotted me already, I know it! I know it! I will
definitely grasp this precious opportunity and impress President Shan!’

Xiao Ruizhi’s heart raced as he walked in the bedroom, however, what met
his eyes was President Shan struggling on the big bed, and it looked like
Kuang Ye was trying to kiss President Shan against President Shan’s will?


‘Oh my, President Shan likes this kind of play!’

“President… President Shan? I can do it, too?” suggested Xiao Ruizhi

cautiously, he was confident he could do the job and ravish a kiss on
President Shan.

“Who are you?” asked Shan Xiao, he was fighting Kuang Ye for not taking the
electuary that he didn’t even notice there came a stranger guy in his room.

Shan Xiao narrowed his eyes and pointed at Xiao Ruizhi, “Ah, I know who you
are, come over.”

Xiao Ruizhi was wild with joy, ‘Oh my, President Shan knows who I
am!’ except President Shan didn’t know his name. He trotted towards Shan
Xiao’s bed and said, “Kuang Ye, I can take it over from here, you may excuse
yourself now.”

Shan Xiao glared at this man and asked, “Just say it, how much money do
you want? How much money do you want if I ask you to stop showing any
interest in Kuang Ye? Five million?”

Xiao Ruizhi was transfixed. ‘Say what now, did I black out just now? Why
would President Shan think I have the mildest interest in Kuang Ye?’

Seeing how hesitant Xiao Ruizhi was, President Shan was more
annoyed, “Ten million? Fifteen million? Just give me a number and leave this
man alone!”

“No, President Shan, I don’t want any money, wish… wish you and Kuang Ye
all the happiness.” with that Xiao Ruizhi withdrew the room in a daze.

What happened next was all the people who had talked to Kuang Ye were
summoned up to Shan Xiao’s room and had the same conversation, all of
them went through the same journey in the heart like Xiao Ruizhi. Especially
Di Qiming, he had no idea why on earth would President Shan thought he was
into Kuang Ye, Di Qiming was so confused that he started to suspect the way
he communicated with people.
Other guests who were not summoned up were even more confused, seeing
people walked in President Shan’s bedroom and walked out in three minutes,
hmm, three minutes, what was going on?

The guests who were summoned up all went on a drinking spree after they
were told off. ‘Why would President Shan think I was interested in Kuang
Ye?’ this question probably would haunt them for the rest of their lives.

In the bedroom.

Kuang Ye coaxed Shan Xiao, “I see you’ve talked to everyone on your list,
come on now, be a good boy and take this medicine. We will beat the disease
and kick its ass!”

President Shan’s Achilles heel was he was afraid of taking medicine, tablets
were okay, but electuary was not!

President Shan buried himself under the blanket and protested, “I’m not going
to take that bitter electuary, but you are welcome to.”

“All right, I will take it.” was the answer.

Shan Xiao was surprised, he removed the blanket from his face and took a
peek, Kuang Ye took a mouthful of the electuary and threw himself at him! On
the lips!


Shan Xiao was stiffened and Kuang Ye had his way, Kuang Ye fed Shan Xiao
mouth to mouth! Seeing it worked, Kuang Ye fed the rest of the electuary to
Shan Xiao using the same trick.

After that, Kuang Ye also rolled into Shan Xiao’s blanket and snuggled Shan
Xiao, “this is good for diaphoresis, come on now, close your eyes and have a
good night sleep.”

Shan Xiao who was snuggled tightly wanted to establish some authority in
front of Kuang Ye, but he was having such a hard time keeping his eyes open,
soon he fell asleep in Kuang Ye’s arms.

28. This isn’t Your Concert

Translator: Sissy That Walk
President Shan had an endless dream that night, in the dream he was lying
on a volcano, it was so hot and hard, he couldn’t climb out the volcano no
matter how much he tossed and turned.

Finally he woke up in the morning, first thing he did was grab Kuang Ye’s
shoulder and confront him, “Kuang Ye, why are you doing this to me?”

Shan Xiao remembered it vividly how Kuang Ye fed him the bit electuary, and
somehow he thought Shan Xiao was taking advantage of him. With that being
said, his other hand was still travelling on Kuang Ye’s abs, having a good

Kuang Ye woke up at five o’clock in the morning, an old habit since he joined
his old Cycling Club, but he didn’t have the heart to wake up his teammate
who had a fever last night, so he just kept his eyes closed.

Knowing Shan Xiao awake now, Kuang Ye grinned and he put his hand on
Shan Xiao’s forehead, “Great, the fever is gone, I told you the electuary would

‘Electuary? Mouth-to-mouth?’ Shan Xiao blushed a little.

Shan Xiao thought Kuang Ye was reminding him their cute moment last night,
he pretended he was unhappy about being taken advantage of, “Kuang Ye,
don’t play all cute on me, behave yourself.”

Secretary Feng and the doctor were walking in when Shan Xiao was
educating Kuang Ye to behave himself, Secretary Feng was amazed by how
coy Shan Xiao was, ‘man, quit speaking contrary to your thought, give me a

The doctor checked Shan Xiao thoroughly and announced the good news that
the fever was gone and no more speak contrary to one’s thought for President

Hearing that, Shan Xiao was wild with joy for about a second, then the joy was
replaced by sweeping disappointment, ‘does this mean there’s no more

Kuang Ye, hearing Shan Xiao was all right now, had already put on his
clothes and charged to the door, “President Shan, I’m going to training now
that you are all better, see you around!”

Shan Xiao was petrified, “Is Kuang Ye … is Kuang Ye ditching me?

The chef knocked on the door and asked, “Shan Xiao, breakfast is ready. I
made two serves for you and Mr. Kuang, what shall I … what shall I do about
Mr. Kuang’s serve now?”

Shan Xiao lowered his head, ‘Oh, how great, now even my chef knows Kuang
Ye dumped me, this is so harsh, I’m never getting out of my bed again.’

Feng Qianqian was also in shock, ‘Wow, I know Kuang Ye is something else,

but leaving President Shan in bed without turning back, this is next level!’

“President Shan, are we still delivering the food you prepared for Mr. Kuang to
his residence? Mr. Kuang mentioned he would like to share the food with his



“Cook a new batch”, Shan Xiao lifted a finger, “make sure he eats the most
fresh meal.”

Feng Qianqian nodded repeatedly in approval, ‘President Shan is for real this

time, how touching!’

To return to Kuang Ye.

Kuang Ye rode back to the training center, he hoped he wasn’t too late for the
morning 40k cycling session. To his surprise, the training center was packed
with people, especially the along track. Thousands of young boys and girls
were clamoring and exclaiming.

“Princess Bai—”



Kuang Ye’s five teammates were standing in the middle, the young boys and
girls were reaching their hands to them. Poor boys looked like little lambs,
desperately need help.

Bai Jiachun was shaking his head and busy defending himself, “No, please
trust me, I have no idea where Kuang Ye is, and I’m not his boyfriend, I was
never his boyfriend! We are just friends!”

“What? Friends? Friends with benefits?” the fans surrounding them started to

make irresponsible remarks.
It all started from yesterday…

The boys had a small meeting among themselves after Kuang Ye made the
training plan, they decided to quit together, but Kuang Ye was already on his
way to Shan Xiao’s dinner party when they finished their meeting.

Thinking about the fact that Shan Xiao had their contracts in hand, and he
listened to Kuang Ye about everything anything, the boys wept in despair.

“I regret my life choices, I really do.” said Zhao Xiuyu, “I shouldn’t have

attended Dancing 666 in the first place, and I shouldn’t have confronted Ye in
the dancing studio, and I shouldn’t have become friends with Ye, one thing
leads to another, look where I am now, I’m in this Cycling Club and I’m here

“Mom, where are you? Please come save your son!” Shrieked Wangzi
Xingchen, “I worked so hard yesterday, and Kuang Ye called me a happy

Chu Yangbo turned to live streaming, he wanted to consult the fans what he
should do next. Chu Yangbo had clearly underestimated the fans’ ability and
commitment, anything about ‘Flash on the Wing’ was basically a magnet for
the fans. Soon Chu Yangbo’s live became trending, the fans analyzed the
background of Chu Yangbo’s video, it looked like xxx training center, and it
looked like there was no security or bodyguards around them!

All that translated to a perfect opportunity to see Flash on the Wing in person!

That was why Kuang Ye was seeing what he was seeing now.

A fan who didn’t elbow her way into the inner circles turned her head in
frustration only to find Kuang Ye was standing afar, “Oh my God, it’s Kuang
Ye! Kuang Ye is here! Kuang Ye!”

Hearing that, Bai Jiachun, Wangzi Xingchen, Zhao Xiuyu, Zhou Chong and
Chu Yangbo heaved a sigh of relief in unison, ‘great, it’s your turn to get this
treatment, Kuang Ye!’

The news that Kuang Ye was back set the fans ablaze, they quit asking the
boys embarrassing questions and turned around to look for Kuang Ye.

Kuang Ye, to everyone’s surprise, managed to maintain orders among the

fans, “Good morning kids, are you guys here to support us? You guys are the
best, come on now, let me see your hands, wave for me, let’s divide to two
teams and watch how hard we work, shall we?”

The boys were speechless, ‘do you think you are holding a concert, Ye?’
29. Shanye Cycling Club
Translator: Sissy That Walk

The concert ended up as Flash on the Wing boys being saved by President
Shan’s bodyguards who were running a food delivery errand for them.

Bai Jiachun, Zhao Xiuyu, Zhou Chong and Chu Yangbo were loud in their
thanks while Kuang Ye kept turning his head and blowing kisses to the fans.

President Shan heard about this from the bodyguards, our President Shan
frowned and complained, “Which company is managing them? So

Feng Qianqian raised her eyebrows and reminded Shan Xiao, “It’s us at the
moment, it used to be Haoji, but we’ve bought out the company. Their
contracts are in your drawer, remember?”

Shan Xiao’s recollection of this episode came back, he decided it was time
that he should do something, he should protect the boys (Kuang Ye himself)
from being harassed.

Kuang Ye and his teammates now were pigging out on the food Shan Xiao’s
bodyguards just delivered for them, but they were interrupted by some
uninvited friends.

Those uninvited grabbed their hands and tried to carry them away, Kuang
Ye’s heart sank when he was dragged away. ‘Those people must be thieves,
and they are coveting for my bikes. Well, I don’t blame them, who wouldn’t fall
in love with those shiny bikes? They are fast, they are pretty! However, they
are presents from President Shan, you can rob me, but you cannot take away
those precious gifts!’

Kuang Ye rose up in resistance, he knocked his head on those people, poor

guys had to scream, “Mr. Kuang, please calm down. We are sent by President

Kuang Ye didn’t hear them quite clearly when they said we were sent by
President Shan because he was too busy struggling, he misheard them as
they had already taken President Shan. Kuang Ye was furious, ‘President
Shan had just recovered from a fever, how dare you to do anything to
him!’ Kuang Ye fumed, “Enough! Take me to him!”

The guys felt so wronged, ‘why are we being yelled at?’

Soon they arrived at the destination, Kuang Ye fell in love with this place
immediately. There was a spacious training track, perfect for cycling training.
What stood behind the training track were new buildings, a dormitory building,
a recreational building and a canteen. This whole place was located by
mountains, so it was also perfect for mountain cycling training.

Kuang Ye became starry eyed and asked, “Which Cycling Club is this, this is
a Cycling Club, right?”

How he wished he could grab his bike and ride a few laps right now, ‘wait,
bikes, wait, what am I doing here with these men, yeah right, President Shan!’

“Where is President Shan? Take me to him right now!” exclaimed Kuang Ye.

“I’m right here, I cannot believe how much you miss me already, we just met
this morning, didn’t we?” Shan Xiao’s voice rang before those men could

Shan Xiao walked to Kuang Ye and opened his arms, “Look, Kuang Ye, this is
all yours now. I built this just for you!”

“Say what now?”

“Ahem, I mean, this is a Cycling Training Center that I built… that I build not
for you, that I built before we even met. I’m just so busy all the time, and you
like cycling so much, so you can have it now.” Shan Xiao downplayed it while
took peeks at Kuang Ye when he said this, ‘come on man, come on and throw
yourself at me, tell me how touched you are, tell me how much you love me,
and I promise you to spend more time with you if you ask for it.’

Kuang Ye was still digesting the news, petrified.

‘What? Are you untouched? Hmm, you are not an easy one to please, aren’t
you? Or are you playing hard to get now? Whatever, I have one more surprise
for you.’

“And one more thing, I’ve also named this Cycling Club after our names, yeah,
Shanye Cycling Club. You and all your teammates can start training here,
consider it as a gift, and you are welcome.” said Kuang Ye, trying so hard to
keep a straight face.

How Kuang Ye interpreted the news — President Shan had built this Training
Center long ago, President Shan had been collecting bikes, President Shan
had even registered a Cycling Club.

Kuang Ye was so touched by how much President Shan loved cycling, this
was all because of passion!
Kuang Ye stepped forward and took hold of Shan Xiao’s hands, exuding
tenderness and love through eyes. Kuang Ye said, “President Shan, I
understand, I know what you are thinking… don’t worry, I’ve got your back, I
will do anything to help you learn cycling, I’ll consider it as my mission! Don’t
you worry about a thing, I know this has been a long-cherished of yours, I will
make it happen for you.”

Shan Xiao petrified, again. It baffled him that why Kuang Ye kept thinking he
was doing this because he wished he could ride bikes!

Kuang Ye now had already turned around and apologized to those men who
had taken him here, “I’m so sorry brother, I thought you guys were thieves
who were trying to steal my bikes, so sorry that I have scratched your hands
and bite your arms… … I am deeply sorry.”

With that Kuang Ye turned around and trotted to Shan Xiao, “President Shan,
do you want to sit on my rear seat? This is such a perfect track, come on now,
let’s go for a ride.”

Shan Xiao blushed like a little girl, of course he’d like to go for a ride with
Kuang Ye.

Kuang Ye asked Feng Qianqian to record the time for them, Kuang Ye used
this as a fun activity to challenge himself.

Feng Qianqian nodded her head with a meaningful smile, ‘Shanye on a bike

again, how cute!’

30. Kuang Mountain

Translator: Sissy That Walk

On Weibo.

Ye let’s get married already: Guys, it’s true. I have touched Kuang Ye’s abs
when he divided us into two teams, I was standing right next to him.

Sitting on Ye’s bike seat: Really? Jelly! I wasn’t that lucky, but I’m happy I get
to see him in person. But what are they doing their, without managers without
even security? Isn’t that a little bit too dangerous?

Kissy on Ye’s cheek: Spoiling the fans, that’s what they are doing. We’ve
definitely made the right decision, loving them instead of others.
Princess Bai’s Knight: Haha, I know right? I’ve touched Bai’s cute little face,
such flawless skin I’m telling you all. And you know what, he said he and Ye
are friends with benefits, I ship them, I ship them forever.

Shanye Rules: Lol, No! I was there when someone asks Bai Jiachun is he and
Kuang Ye in love or something, Bai Jiachun answered they were just friends
and they had never been a couple, and some fans just chose to misinterpret
Bai Jiachun and refuse to see the truth that Kuang Ye and Shan Xiao are an

Dear baby President Shan: Well said sister! What were you guys doing
yesterday anyway? Are so proud of yourselves for interrupting and making
that scene? Thank God President Shan has sent his bodyguards to save the
boys, President Shan is the true hero here!

More and more fans had been sneaked in Green Swift Cycling Club, hoping to
see the Flash on the Wing boys, especially Kuang Ye. But the boys had never
showed up at Green Swift any more since that day, and the fans failed to find
their idols’ whereabouts since that day too.

Of course they were no longer easy to track, they had been training and
residing in the place that President Shan built for Kuang Ye.

But the fans were easy to please, they kept coming to Green Swift anyway
and they would check this place on social media and discussed with other
fans what was new in the training center.

The owner of Green Swift weren’t so happy about this, he lent this center to
the boys for a couple of days and now his own members couldn’t train without
being interrupted or even harassed.

‘Wait, am I smelling a conspiracy? The Flash on the Wing are attending Billion
City Cycling Competition in April, and they are sweeping away the obstacle for
themselves? And wait, my boys didn’t even sign up for that competition
because it’s amateur prone. So no, no conspiracy? But when can my boys
start their regular training, alas!’

One thing we could be sure about was the Flash on the Wing boys are having
a harder time than the owner of Green Swift.

They were already overwhelmed by the training plan that Kuang Ye made for
them, and now Shan Xiao had built Kuang Ye a training center, which fueled
Kuang Ye’s passion to the extreme. Kuang Ye did his best to make sure all
the boys execute the training plan to the letter, including President Shan.

Our idol boys all turned to macho strong manly man under Kuang Ye’s iron
fist, hmm, not exactly what they had signed up for.
They listened to what Kuang Ye told them in training, they only ate what
Kuang Ye allowed them to eat, you would hope they were making
improvements by leaps and bounds, right?

But they were not, everyone was struggling, especially President Shan.

Poor President Shan lifted a rock only to drop it on one’s own feet, he was just
building this training center and registering a Cycling Club to get laid, but…
but look where he was right now. Trapped in the center he built himself.

Several days ago, he was having this imagination that Kuang Ye would throw
himself at him and never leave him, but the next second he was told he had to
attend the closed training and prepare for the Cycling Competition in August!

Kuang Ye was so touched by Shan Xiao’s gift that he promised Shan Xiao
that he would see to it that Shan Xiao master cycling.

“God… why… has it to be… me!” President Shan slumped down on the

ground like a suffering heroine and exclaimed, he was just so tired from the
hell-like training.

Unfortunately Kuang Ye wasn’t a typical hero in the novels, instead of walking

to his heroine and whispering at his ear, he marched to Shan Xiao and
said, “Come on President Shan, you can do it, I’ve promised you we are going
to win lots and lots of competitions in the future, we have to train hard!”

Here we go again, Kuang Ye’s eyes sparkled when he said this to Shan Xiao,
Shan Xiao just want to slap his own face when he almost fell for those
sparkling eyes again.

Bai Jiachun on the other hand was taking so much pleasure in Shan Xiao’s
misfortune, he gloated and looked at Shan Xiao who was lying on the ground
and he gloated again. He was suffering himself, but at least he was doing
better than Shan Xiao.

‘Shan Xiao, out of everyone you totally deserve this! You are the one who has
built this training center, you are the one who has bought out our old
company, you are the one who is wooing Kuang Ye, tut tut tut, I guess life is
fair sometimes, welcome to our team, President Shan!’ thought Bai Jiachun.

“Ye, why not try something else out with President Shan? Have you seen the
beautiful mountain over there? Probably President Shan would do better in
uphill, speaking of the mountain, what’s the name of the
mountain?” suggested Bai Jiachun cheerfully.

“Yeah right, uphill could be fun, we can add a little variety to our training, right,
President Shan? And what’s the mountain’s name over there?”
Shan Xiao rejuvenated when he heard what Bai Jiachun suggested, “I bought
this mountain for Kuang Ye, of course its name is Kuang Mountain, duh.”

“Ah~ how sweet, do you like the name, Ye?” asked Bai Jiachun.

“Kuang Mountain, what a beautiful coincidence, it’s got my family

name!” exclaimed Kuang Ye.

President Shan looked at Bai Jiachun provokingly like a proud rooster, “You

heard that, Princess Bai? Kuang Ye likes it!”

Bai Jiachun who was stuffed with dog food picked up his bike from the ground
and fled from the lovey dovey scene.

Soon it was the Billion City Cycling Competition Day.

The fans prepared some LED board and glow sticks, waiting along the track.
But the organizing committee members confiscated their supplies and
replaced it with some bottled water.

The fans were like, ‘thank you for the water I guess?’

31. Billion City Cycling Competition

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Billion City Cycling Competition, as you could tell by the name, it was open to
anyone in Billion City. In other words, you could just sign up for the
competition just for fun, professional and amateur alike.

With that being said, our Flash on the Wing boys still stood out the most
among all the competitors. The boys were fully geared in their professional
cycling ware, their T-shirts and shorts fit them snugly, emphasizing how
muscular they had got. Each boy took a color-theme, fully geared from head
to toe, shiny helmets, same colored gloves and cleated shoes.

Well, Kuang Ye was the only one who wore professional cycling cleated

The other boys were intimidated by the shoes seeing how Kuang Ye’s locked
with the pedals, they were terrified by the possibility that they couldn’t save
themselves in time if they fell down from the bikes, but their shoes would still
be locked on the pedals.
Emm, no thank you.

They tried to persuade Kuang Ye to quit the idea too, they were worried for
Kuang Ye’s pretty face.

Kuang Ye shook his head and said, “This is all learning experience, as

professional cyclists, you gotta be prepared for all the possible injuries. Fear is
your worst enemy, don’t let it get to you.”

The boys shrugged, well, they tried. Kuang Ye was something else, they
learned that every single day.

Kuang Ye patted their shoulders and comforted them considerably, “It’s all

right boys, this is our first competition, I won’t force you to wear the cleated
shoes even though researches say those shoes will help you guys a great

— ‘Ah, you will force us from next time, gotcha!’

Seeing the boys’ face, Kuang Ye smiled and said, “I know you are all a bit
nervous, this is our first competition after all, but there’s no need to worry, let’s
just treat this as a learning opportunity. Our aim is to thrive amid stumbling
and falling.”

‘What the what now? Thrive? Stumble and fall? Did I hear those words in the
same sentence?’ frowned Zhao Xiuyu.

‘Hmm, I don’t know about the thrive part, team captain! But I’m sure we won’t
just stumble and fall, look over there, I see at least three competitors who are
in their seventies, for sure I won’t be the last, hopefully.’ thought Wangzi

‘Thrive? For us beginners? As in try to win? I beg to differ, team captain, there
are professionals who have been doing this as a career in this competition, all
right? Quite an ambitious goal you have, I have to say.’ murmured Bai

‘Mom, I wanna go home! I gotta some serious thinking to do after this

competition, do I have to do this?’ Zhou Chong pouted.

Kuang Ye was looking around anxiously, “Guys, have you see President


Kuang Ye had been looking forward to taking part in this competition with his
good buddy President Shan since he knew about this competition, this was a
great way to show President Shan team spirit!
Bai Jiachun was so speechless, “Ye, he wasn’t there when we got changed,
trust me, he won’t show up!”

‘Are you kidding me, Ye, there’s no way that President Shan will really come
and ride with us, it was a minor miracle when you convince him to train with
us. Just wake up and don’t get your hopes high.’

“Ye, as your buddy since Dancing 666, I know you are living in a pink bubble
and all, just don’t bogged down deeper and deeper in the little pink world he
made for you, he is different from us, I don’t want you to get hurt.” said Bai
Jiachun sincerely.

Kuang Ye patted Bai Jiachun on the shoulder, “Bai, don’t be afraid of getting

hurt, real men have scars, you know, they are like medals!”

Bai Jiachun and the other boys shook their head and went to the track to
warm up, leaving Kuang Ye waiting for Shan Xiao.

Kuang Ye was upset about Shan Xiao’s chickening out, but soon he found
excuses for his buddy, “It’s all right, he is a president in a huge company, I
guess he sees this competition from a different perspective and he doesn’t
feel comfortable joining us when he isn’t fully prepared, it’s all right. All he
needs is a little more time and training, no need to be upset with him, I’m sure
he’s giving himself a hard time already.”

Meanwhile on the other side of the track… …

“Secretary Feng, what is this?” asked Shan Xiao.

“President Shan, this is the most advanced smart wheelchair on the market,
it’s up to 500km per hour on drive mode, it’s a beast.” explained Feng

“Secretary Feng, as intelligent as me, of course I can tell this is a wheelchair.

I’m asking why am I seeing it here?”

“President Shan, I know you are having a hard time on cycling, but this
wheelchair will help you to impress Mr. Kuang and win this competition if you
want to.”

‘Winning? Impress Kuang Ye? Being showered by his tenderness and

exclaiming?’ Shan Xiao’ thoughts flew to a happy place, it took him a while to
ask Feng Qianqian the question, “Secretary Feng, what do you mean you
think I’m having a hard time cycling, tell you what, you are wrong, I’m
invincible on everything and anything.”
Feng Qianqian looked sideways and pretended she was distracted by
something else and didn’t hear him.

Shan Xiao was torn, he wanted to use this wheelchair but he didn’t want to be
a laughing stock. Shan Xiao thought for a while and whispered something at
Feng Qianqian’s ear… …

However, no one followed up with that episode for the competition was about
to start.

The fans went crazy when they saw Flash on the Wing boys on the track, they
exclaimed “Ye” and “Princess Bai”, occasionally you could hear “Zhao
Xiuyu” and “Wangzi Xingchen”, as for Zhou Chong and Chu Yangbo, well,
let’s just say they still had a long way to go.

Kuang Ye was so happy that there were so many people supporting this
cycling competition, it brought him back to the old days when he trained with
his teammates in Attacking Shaft and attended to professional competitions,
those good old days, so precious!

“People in Billion City really love cycling, how great is this!” Kuang Ye said to
a middle-aged man next to him, while the man found it baffling that there were
like ten people came watch the competition last year, how come it became a
popular game within one year.

An interesting scene was taking place, Shanye fans and Jiaye fans were
standing opposite, oops, this was about to get more interesting.

32. Never Fear, Kuang Ye is Here

Translator: Sissy That Walk

The fans were having a competition of their own before the cycling
competition took place.

“Jiaye is way earlier then that stupid Shanye, they have been together since
they were both nobody, they are real!” a Jiaya fan provoked the Shanye fan
standing across the tracks, waving the water bottle in hand.

“Haha, quit daydreaming, sister. You seem to have forgotten how President
Shan went to the finale night and showed his support, and now you are telling
me Shanye isn’t real?” countered a Shanye fan.
“I ain’t your sister, sister! The thing is where is your President Shan now, and
look who is standing right next to Ye right now, don’t you get it?”

It escalated real fast, a fan threw the water bottle in hand to the other camp,
soon other fans followed suit. It was a bit out of control, yeah, just a bit.

Both the participants and the organizers were at a loss, there were literally just
ten people who came to watch last year, they had no idea why cycling
became so popular in Billion City within just one year. They were not exactly
very experienced in dealing with troublesome fans, they had to give them
a “quit it or leave the scene” threat after several futile civil mediation.

Kuang Ye, on the other hand, was giving his boys a pep talk, “Never fear, your
team captain is here. The best way to deal with fear is to confront it and tame
it… …”

“Speak human language please.” said Zhao Xiuyu with jealousy, how he

wished he had so many fans who came support him.

“Oh, I mean just follow me, boys.” shrugged Kuang Ye.

Sounded like a plan until — the referee blew the whistle.

Kuang Ye darted out like a rocket!

The rest of the boys and the other competitors tried to keep up with Kuang Ye,
but it was of no avail. Soon enough Kuang Ye’s receding figure lost in their

Zhao Xiuyu was so mad, ‘You guys just try to follow me, well, we need a
chance to follow you in the first place!’

Bai Jiachun thought, ‘Hmm, I think now I know what Ye means when he says
our aim is to thrive amid stumbling and falling, we can stumble and fall and he
can thrive.’

The boys were still confident that they would be at least secure the middle
seats until several senior people surpassed them effortlessly, one
grandmother even asked them could she do matchmaking for them when she
rode past them.

The boys were petrified, they had trained hard.

“Guys, how lame are we! No offence to anyone, but why are we chasing a
bunch of grandmas and we are still failing?” exclaimed Zhou Chong.
Well, the boys shouldn’t beat themselves too hard, the grandmas who just
rode past them obviously had been riding for a long time and they were no
strangers to riding competitions. Appearances could be deceptive.

There was no one around when Kuang Ye remembered to turn back and
check on his boys, it almost felt like he was the only one on the track. The
fans who tried to chase him also were nowhere to be seen, they had no
experience in chasing an idol who rode a bike, this was also a learning
experience for the fans too.

The working staff were following Kuang Ye on a car, little did they expect
there would be such a strong competitor in the game this year, they had to put
aside the snacks they had prepared and follow Kuang Ye.

“Who… who is this guy? Which club is he from?” asked a staff

member, “There used to be professional cyclists taking part in our game in the
past years, but they tended to treat this lightly and give other participants the
opportunity to shine, geez, who is this Mr. Give-it-all Guy?”

“No idea… maybe he is a new guy from some club?”

“I haven’t heard the news that any club has signed someone new… wait a
second, wait a second, why do I find him so familiar? Isn’t he from Dancing
666? Isn’t he the ‘Let me be your light’ guy?”

The other staff members also hummed the song out.

They knew there were some idols had signed up for the competition, but little
did they expect this ‘some idol’ was actually a strong competitor.

“Guys, tell me I’m dreaming, tell me this is a dream.”

“Yeah, no way would an idol be such a strong competitor, right? And look over
there, is that an alien approaching?”

Kuang Ye felt lonely all by himself on the track, he was hoping at least one of
him boys would be able to keep up.

He also wished for some competition, that was what motivated him,
competition in the arena.

There was no teammate, no audience, no competitor. Kuang Ye could only

hear his heartbeat and his breaths, Kuang Ye felt so lonely.

Kuang Ye thought to himself, ‘Where is President Shan at the moment? Is he

supporting for us somewhere? Will he attend our next competition? I hope he
Kuang Ye laughed at himself the next second, he felt like he missed his new
friend too much for he could hear President Shan’s voice right next to him.
Seriously, it felt like he could see President Shan if he turned his head right


That alien was no other than President Shan.

President Shan was riding a bike.

He was almost as fast as Kuang Ye.

If you squint your eyes real hard, you could almost pretend there wasn’t a
wheelchair in front of Kuang Ye’s bike.

“Hey, you, are you touched?” asked President Shan, he blew his bangs and
looked proud, ‘Man, feel my charisma and grovel!’

Kuang Ye was of course touched, his new friend showed up right at the
moment when he wished for some company.

Well, there was something more in the perfect picture.

Feng Qianqian was driving a wheelchair which was attached to Shan Xiao’s

“President Shan, what are you doing?”asked Kuang Ye, confused as fuxx.

“What am I doing? I’m taking part of this competition with you, duh.” Answered
Shan Xiao with a straight face. “You can take the title and I can be the runner

Kuang Ye wished to speak something but he stopped on a second thought, he

knew how much Shan Xiao wanted to take part in the game and win
something for his passion on cycling, but this was obviously a foul play.

“But President Shan, I know how much you want this, and it’s really touching
how mush you love cycling and how passionate you are on winning our first
competition, but… but you are disqualified because this is a foul play, you are
not riding the bike by yourself technically, Secretary Feng is helping you out.”
33. I Love My Club
Translator: Sissy That Walk

President Shan pouted, so what he was being a trailblazer? Who dared to

disqualify him?

Well, he guessed he didn’t care about the disqualification after all, he didn’t
care whether he could get a medal or not, the thing was Kuang Ye knew he
was the only one who tried to and actually did keep up with him on the track.

“Secretary Feng, tell Kuang Ye where his teammates are.” Shan Xiao


Feng Qianqian who was wishing the ground could open a huge creak and
swallow her in answered with indifference, “Mr. Kuang, your teammates rank
the 523rd, 524th, 525th, 526th and 527th.”

Well, there were 527 participants all together.

Kuang Ye reached his goal to thrive amid the stumbling and falling, all of his
teammates were actually stumbling and falling and he was thriving.

Kuang Ye looked up at the sky and sighed, he made his mind that there would
be more training coming!

Shan Xiao was too busy snickering to realize what was in store for him.

Kuang Ye still focused on riding, which upset Shan Xiao a great deal. ‘We are
alone on the track, isn’t there anything you want to say to me? Like those
trendy idol drama? I’m expecting some pink bubble here.’

‘Well I know we are not exactly all by ourselves alone, there are Secretary
Feng, my bodyguards and the working staff in the car, but don’t mind them,
they are just, you know, nobody.’ Shan Xiao screamed in his heart.

Shan Xiao kept giving orders to Feng Qianqian trying to show his better side
and best angle to Kuang Ye, he had always thought his left face was the
better side, so he kept making sure he was showing his left side to Kuang Ye.

Shan Xiao felt proud of himself for playing along with Kuang Ye’s trick, he was
confident that Kuang Ye was playing hard to get, and he was more than
happy to play along.

Shan Xiao felt like he was a grown man who cared to be considerate to his
partner now.
“Tell me how happy you are to see me on the track, I promised you I would
participate the competition with you and here I am, I’m a man of my
word.” Shan Xiao held his head high, ready to get praised.

Shan Xiao knew it was entirely possible that Kuang Ye would stammer as this
was a huge surprise, Shan Xiao understood.

However, it looked like Kuang Ye hadn’t heard what Shan Xiao just said, he
squinted his eyes and turned his head back, “Shush, President Shan, have
you heard something?”

Shan Xiao nodded, “Yeah I suppose.”

— The shattering noise of my heart.

Kuang Ye continued in excitement, “There’s someone catching up, sounds

like a professional, so steady, oh my, isn’t this a nice surprise? Beautiful!”

‘Beautiful my ass! Who is interrupting me? A bastard I’m sure!’

Shan Xiao was in great shock when there was someone who took over him
and replaced him on keeping up with Kuang Ye.

‘This bastard, this is such a precious opportunity, I think I am slowly breaking

down Kuang Ye’s shell and he was about to become affectionate, and you
bastard, you just threw all my efforts out of the window, how very dare you!
Who sent you!’

Kuang Ye on the other hand was utterly surprised.

This was a rivalry! This was the rivalry he was hoping for! He looked at the
man with sparkling eyes, Shan Xiao turned green with envy, Kuang Ye looked
so much happier right now than when he introduced Kuang Mountain to
Kuang Ye!

A sense of crisis swept our President Shan, his heart sank.

The man looked even slightly taller than Kuang Ye, he was wearing
professional active ware as well, there was such a nice shimmering tan on his
skin. You could tell he had super long legs from the frequency he stepped the
pedal, that was an athletic man.

The man smiled at Kuang Ye, “Hey buddy, are you new here? Nice work, I
haven’t seen you around before, which club are you in?”
Kuang Ye looked the man up and down with appreciation, he specifically took
a close look at the man’s triceps and thighs — this was a professional cyclist,
he had got all the muscle for it!

In Shan Xiao’s eyes, however, he thought Kuang Ye was undressing the man
in his mind, and that had thrown him in a rage, ‘Man, what are you doing?
Eyes on me, number one rule! I’m so much more attractive than this Mr.
Muscle Man, all right? Wake up and eyes on me!’

“I’m from Attacking Shaft… no, I’m from Shanye Cycling Club.” Kuang Ye
blurted out his old club and corrected himself when he saw Shan Xiao’s

‘Yeah, I should be more careful from now on, President Shan registered a
Cycling Club under our names and I keep forgetting that, that’s a bit
disrespectful, I should be more aware.’ thought Kuang Ye.

Shan Xiao had no idea how Kuang Ye was interpreting his expression, Shan
Xiao didn’t give a damx about which club Kuang Ye said in front of people,
what bugged him was the way Kuang Ye looked at that man’s body.

“Shanye Cycling Club? Is it new? I’ve never heard of it. My name is Xiang
Qianjin, nice to meet you.” Xiang Qianjin secured the place next to Kuang Ye,
blocking Shan Xiao perfectly.

Shan Xiao felt the urge to find an assassin, right now!

Kuang Ye and Xiang Qianjin totally hit it off, Kuang Ye asked, “Have you
attended any professional competition around here? I’m new to the city, I don’t
know much about the game around here.”

Kuang Ye felt so happy he had met a professional cyclist, for he had never
forgotten his mission was to win championships together with his teammates,
this was such a great opportunity to ask some questions and get some help.

Xiang Qianjin got excited too, he signed up this game for fun in the beginning
then he saw Kuang Ye, so he got motivated and stepped up his game, he
could tell Kuang Ye was a professional too.

He looked at Kuang Ye and said, “I’ve never heard of your club, you deserve
a well-known club like mine, do you want to be my teammate?”

Shan Xiao was about to explode at this point, “Secretary Feng, contact an

assassin for me!”

“President Shan, I get it you are upset, but we are good citizens.”
Shan Xiao cursed that Xiang Qianjin in the heart in every language he spoke.

While Kuang Ye was still talking enchantingly with Xiang Qianjin, “Thank you
so much for the invitation, but I’m okay, I love my club.”

34. Setting the Wolf to Keep the Sheep

Translator: Sissy That Walk

The competition drew to a successful close, with Kuang Ye winning the gold
medal, Xiang Qianjin and a sixty year old man ranking the second and the
third. The sixty year old man was the defending champion, his family were
confident he would retain championship title so they made him a crown to
surprise him, well, it looked like they could wish him good luck next year.

Kuang Ye’s teammates had been in the bottom five from the start and they
secured their positions till the end.

And our President Shan, he shouldn’t be on the ranking for he asked Feng
Qianqian to drive him with a wheelchair, that was courting for disqualification.
But this matter brooked no intervention, this city was named after President
Shan’s company after all.

The organizers presented Shan Xiao an award for him contribution — of

showing up— to this competition, because their desire for survival told them to
do so. And they arranged Shan Xiao to stand right next to Kuang Ye at the
awards ceremony for they dared not to ask President Shan to stand below

Xiang Qianjin was so confused, he thought he was going to be the one

standing next to Kuang Ye. He would very muck like to have a more serious
conversation with Kuang Ye, he was confident he could convince Kuang Ye to
join his club.

The fans who were watching the ceremony got so excited when they saw it
was Shan Xiao who stood right next to Kuang Ye on the medals podium.

‘Take that, Jiaye fans. Open your eyes, who is standing next to Kuang Ye
now? Look at them, such a cute couple. Where’s your Princess Bai now? Oh I
know, in the bottom where he belongs! And where is President Shan? On the
medals podium together with Kuang Ye where he belongs!’

Jiaye fans looked so crestfallen. They started to question how authoritative

Shan Xiao’s special award was, what they were trying to convey was Bai
Jiachun wasn’t winning at the competition, but at least he was a better rider
than Shan Xiao who turned to a wheelchair.

Kuang Ye was thrilled to see there were so many people supporting this
cycling competition, he would love to see more people take to cycling in this

There was some more drama in the ceremony, Shan Xiao refused to shake
hands and take the medal from the organizers because he was such a neat
freak, he signaled the organizers to reward the ‘Special Contribution
Award’ medal to Kuang Ye.

That set Shanye fans ablaze!

This was Flash on the Wing boys’ first activity after their big finale night, of
course it had attracted paparazzi and entertainment media.

The editors tried their best to get hits by giving shocking headlines, such
as ‘Breaking news! President Shan shows up at a cycling completion in a
creative way, this is all for… …’

‘Bad Blood among Flash on the Wing? The truth about the cycling

‘A love triangle between Kuang Ye and two men! Poor President Shan!’

‘Is Kuang Ye really as innocent as he looks like, or is he an angelic bitch?’

‘Who is the actual winner at the cycling competition?’


The newspaper had taken a sports game as a vanity fair, and Kuang Ye was
the most controversial figure among them all.

People were dying to find out Kuang Ye’s relationship with President Shan,
did President Shan really ask his secretary to drive him on a wheelchair to
impress Kuang Ye? What had President Shan seen in this man? Would this
love affair just be a fling or was President Shan really in love with this
mysterious Kuang Ye?

There were also some fans commented, “Are the Flash on the Wing boys
really going to become cyclists? Isn’t Dancing 666 a talent show for boy
band? I thought they wanted to be idols… …”

To return to President Shan.

Our President Shan was printing pictures of himself and Kuang Ye in his
office, beaming.

“Secretary Feng, this one, I like this one.” he pointed at the screen where he
and Kuang Ye were smiling on the podium, hmm, ‘we look so good together,
don’t we?’

“This one looks nice too, I want this one.” he clicked the mouse and exclaimed
at one where he waved his hand at Kuang Ye on the track.

However, Feng Qianqian was also in the picture.

Seeing herself in the picture, Feng Qianqian’s lips twitched. She had to come
up with a great excuse to dissuade Shan Xiao from printing this one.

“President Shan, I like this one too, look at you and Mr. Kuang, you look so
good together. And look at me, silly me on the left corner, don’t let me be an
eye sore, let’s do some editing and cut me.”

Shan Xiao shook his head in disapproval, “Secretary Feng, you’ve worked so

hard for me, you deserve to show in the pictures, I couldn’t have done this
without your help, think this as a gift.”

‘Geez, what a horrible gift! I don’t want to be in your pictures, boss!’

Feng Qianqian took a few breath, waiting for her breaths to return to normal,
she suppressed her desire to slap some sense into Shan Xiao, “President
Shan, thank you so much for your kindness. The thing is, you see, this is an
interesting angle, it looks like Mr. Kuang is looking at me if you tilt your head
to the left a little, so we have to cut me!”

Shan Xiao squinted his eyes and did what Feng Qianqian told him, “yeah, it
looks like he is smiling at you even,” exclaimed Shan Xiao, “very observant,
Secretary Feng! Let me reward you with one more subsidiary corporation, you
are doing your job brilliantly! And Secretary Feng, go find me what Kuang Ye
is doing.”

Feng Qianqian heaved a sigh of relief and went to make phone calls, she
looked livid when she came back.

“President Shan, Mr. Kuang is with Xiang Qianjin right now.”

“Who? Xiang Qianjin?”

“Yes, President Shan. Xiang Qianjin is a professional cyclist at Royal Cycling

Club, he is the guy who has blocked you in the competition, he is looking for
teammates and he has invited Mr. Kuang to join his club.”
Shan Xiao’s face darkened.

“Secretary Feng, go buy out that stupid Royal Cycling Club.” ordered

President Shan.

Feng Qianqian thought for a little while and reminded her boss, “President
Shan, if we buy out Royal and merge it with Shanye Cycling Club, aren’t we
creating opportunities for him and Mr. Kuang, they get to spend as much time
together as they want. That’s no difference than setting the wolf to keep the

Shan Xiao nodded his head repeatedly in approval, “Call Kuang Ye, just say…
just tell him that I’m riding my bike and I need his help.”

Ouch, President Shan, great commitment to woo Kuang Ye.

35. A Sweet Burden

Translator: Sissy That Walk

The message Feng Qianqian got was Kuang Ye was now with Xiang Qianjin,
to be accurate, it was Xiang Qianjin who reached out to and invited Kuang Ye
over to his club.

Even though Kuang Ye put his foot down and said no to Xiang Qianjin’s
invitation to Royal Cycling Club, Xiang Qianjin decided to give it another shot
for Kuang Ye was such a great cyclist with huge potential. Xiang Qianjin made
up his mind right after Billion City Cycling Competition that he would convince
Kuang Ye to pay a visit to his club in person.

Xiang Qianjin was confident he could change Kuang Ye’s mind once he made
a visit to Royal Cycling Club in person, for they boasted the most abundant
capital, the most advanced equipment, the most professional facilities and
working staff.

Even the chefs in the canteens were poached from Michelin-starred

restaurants, to put everything in a nutshell, it was every cyclist’s dream club.

In Xiang Qianjin’s eyes, Royal Cycling Club was absolutely the best club in
Billion City in theory. Why in theory, not in reality? We had to talk about the
key point on the criteria list — the cyclists themselves.

The cyclists were also the best players in the game, they basically dominated
all the domestic competitions, be it speed or stamina, cooperation or
independent skills, the cyclist in Royal Cycling Club were definitely a force to
be reckon with, they were the ones who had set the records and broken the
records in all the domestic competitions.

However, it almost felt like they were cursed once they took part in
international competitions.

The cyclists would either be too sick to move, or too emotional to compete. An
ankle sprain, a diarrhea, a splitting headache, you name it.

Sometimes when they were lucky, everyone was in perfect health, their bikes
would fail them, brakes failures, handle bars failures, helmets failures, misery
loved company.

It was not uncommon for cyclists to meet equipment failures in competitions,

but the thing was the other players wouldn’t stop and wait for you to repair the
parts and get back on track. Therefore, it would be hard for them to catch up
with their competitors, let alone winning.

Sadly, Royal Cycling Club was the best club in theory. They have dominated
domestic Cycling Competition for a really lone time now, but they had never
won any titles internationally.

Xiang Qianjin was one of the ace players in Royal Cycling Club, winning world
champions had been a long-cherished wish of his since the day he started
riding. He had been looking for potential cyclists to join Royal Cycling Club
and become his teammates, he knew some fresh blood was what Royal
Cycling Club needed, they had all it took to win a world class competition, it
was just luck was never on their side, some fresh blood might just be the cure.

Xiang Qianjin was wild with joy when he met Kuang Ye at Billion City
Competition for he was just taking part of it for fun, never had he expected he
would meet such a strong cyclist on an amateur competition.

What a nice surprise, you may call it love at first sight if you prefer.

Xiang Qianjin did some research on this Kuang Ye, to his surprise, this Kuang
Ye was no professional cyclist, and that was fine, there were a lot of dark
horses who were not doing sports as profession.

This Kuang Ye was an idol! And he just made his grand debut on a show
called Dancing 666, and he won the show, he was the Baby Bear! He also
had directed a music video called ‘Let Me Be Your Light’, he did the
choreography and set the internet ablaze, everyone loved him. And that was
not the end of this Cinderella story, Kuang Ye was having multiple loving
affairs, two stood out the most among all of them, one was with his teammate
Bai Jiachun in Flash on the Wing since they were in the show Dancing 666
and one was with President Shan who was taking charge of Billion

Xiang Qianjin rubbed his eyes again and again, found this hard to believe, he
was sure this was someone else who happened to also named Kuang Ye’s
profile until he saw the photos attached, Kuang Ye’s photos, Shanye’s photos
and Jiaye’s photos. This was for sure the same person he had met and talked
to at Billion City Cycling Competition, same face, same goofy smile, it had to
be him.

Xiang Qianjin held his jaw which was on the verge of dropping on the floor,
well, facts were facts, he had learn to accept them.

Xiang Qianjin clicked Dancing 666 link on the page, he watched Kuang Ye’s
clips, then he completely lost it, Kuang Ye was such a treasure boy, is there
anything that he couldn’t do? Normally Xiang Qianjin wouldn’t give boy bands
a second look, but he loved Kuang Ye’s performance in the show, it was so
original and so much fun to watch!

Xiang Qianjin clapped his hands when he clicked the clip where Kuang Ye
asked for a bike from the host and ran away from the studio after he did some
bike stunts, ‘Bravo! Promoting cycling in your own way, I see what you did
there! Good job, brother!’

Xiang Qianjin clicked one more video, one more video, and one more… …

“Let me be your light, shining down on you, you know we’ll make it through,
don’t let them take you down my love… …”

This is what the coach in Royal Cycling Club saw when he met his boys the
next day, they were singing this song while they were doing warm up

The coach petrified, he wanted to comfort his boys that is was all right that
they were still on their way to conquer world-class competitions, please don’t
join any cult!

Xiang Qianjin however, was having so much fun doing his warm up exercised
singing Kuang Ye’s song. And he was more confident that he was able to
poach Kuang Ye after watching all the clips from Dancing 666, he was sure
Kuang Ye was passionate about cycling, no passionate cyclist could resist
Royal Cycling Club!

Xiang Qianjin had a faint recollection that Kuang Ye said he joined some club
called Shanye, ‘Kuang Ye must really need some place to train, poor boy, got
conned and joined some little known club, that’s all right, I can help you
out.’ thought Xiang Qianjin.
Royal Cycling Club was waving hands at you, Kuang Ye boy.

With that in mind, Xiang Qianjin contacted Kuang Ye and invited him over.

Kuang Ye of course came to Royal Cycling Club with pleasure, he had seen
Xiang Qianjin as a strong competitor since that day, for sure he would like to
see Xiang Qianjin’s club. The best way to win was to know yourself as well as
the enemy.

However, Kuang Ye found Xiang Qianjin a bit over friendly after they met and
Xiang Qianjin seemed to be showing off quite a lot.

“Kuang Ye, see, we are using fingerprint lock at the gate, how secure it that!”

“Yeah, looks legit. But we have over one hundred security guards at my club,
security isn’t my concern.” replied Kuang Ye.

“Kuang Ye, see, this is our training field, isn’t this just amazing? Tracks, uphill,
downhill, obstacle, we’ve got everything. Do you like it here?”

“It looks all right, we have a mountain in my club though.”

Xiang Qianjin frowned, he thought Kuang Ye was lying, how could a club
afford to buy a mountain for their cyclists.

Xiang Qianjin decided to pull out the big guns — the canteen!

“Kuang Ye, do you like the food in out canteen? The chefs are all from
Michelin-starred restaurants.”

“They taste all right, we have more options at our canteen though, our chefs
are from different countries, you know, sometimes it’s a sweet burden to me,
it’s so hard to resist all those yummy food to keep fit all the time.”

36. Scary Punishments

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Xiang Qianjin was utterly speechless.

Xiang Qianjin thought Kuang Ye was trying to satisfy his vanity when his club
wasn’t as perfect as he described, he just didn’t want to be dwarfed by Royal
Cycling Club.
Xiang Qianjin decided to quit beating around the bush and take a more
straightforward approach, he clenched his fists and looked at Kuang Ye’s
eyes, “Kuang Ye, I know how much you love cycling, I know how much you
want a better future for your team, trust me, I’ve been there. Let’s say, your
club is as perfect as you said, but do you have a perfect team to go to the top
with you?”

“Come on now, everyone had seen Flash on the Wing, they couldn’t even
fight grandmas, no offence, we love grandmas. But if you want to be standing
on top with your teammates on world-class competitions, you need some new
teammates, my friend.”

‘Well, Royal Cycling Club haven’t won any world-class competitions ourselves
yet, but we are the best club in theory.’ thought Xiang Qianjin with guilty.

“Kuang Ye, my friend, come join Royal Cycling Club. We can ride together, we
can fight together, we can win anything together, don’t you reckon?” with that
Xiang Qianjin showed a radiant smile, he reached out to Kuang Ye, waiting for
Kuang Ye’s response.

If we were living in an anime world, there must be some upbeat background

music ringing around them, and Kuang Ye was holding Xiang Qianjin’s hands
tightly, they would stare at each other and nodded.

However, it was a different kind of music had interrupted them, Kuang Ye’s
phone rang.

“Sorry Xiang Qianjin, I gotta take this.”

“Hi, President Shan, Me? I’m in Royal Cycling Club. No! My new friend is
working here, and he is so nice to give me this tour, it looks all right here.
What? You want to practise now? Sure, of course, anytime! I’ll be back soon!
No problem at all, see you soon.”

Kuang Ye caught hold of Xiang Qianjin’s hand after he hang up the phone, he
knew he better say some comforting words to his new friend, “My friend, your
club is amazing, the thing is I love my teammates, they are the best and we’ve
made a promise to each other that we are going to win every game together.
Thank you so much for your offer, I’ll see you around.”

“Wait—” Xiang Qianjin exclaimed and he clutched his head, shaking his head.

Kuang Ye found this a bit too dramatic.

Xiang Qianjin continued, “Royal Cycling Club won’t have a future if you decide
to turn me down! Please think! I can wait!”
“Aren’t you the best club in the city?” asked Kuang Ye, confused as fuxx.

Kuang Ye had waited long enough to ask this question, wasn’t it supposed to
be cyclists begging them to join their club, not the other way around?

Maybe Xiang Qianjin had seen something in Kuang Ye, but this was a bit too

Geez, for once Kuang Ye deemed something as too much.

Xiang Qianjin still looked dazed, he thought for a while and decided to tell
Kuang Ye everything about Royal Cycling Club.

“Ah~ I see~”

Kuang Ye patted on Xiang Qianjin’s shoulder, “Why are you so obsessed with

convincing other people to join you? You can totally join some other club
yourself, if you love your teammates too much to do that, why not bring them
with you, or some of them? Just to change things up a bit, why not?”

With that Kuang Ye left, leaving Xiang Qianjin petrified on the spot,
murmuring “Yeah, why not? Why not just change things up a bit? That makes
perfect sense!”

In Shanye Cycling Club.

Shan Xiao pretended he was practising riding while he kept looking

around, “Secretary Feng, where is he? Have he contact you? Is he delayed
somewhere? He promised me he would be back soon on the phone, he lied to
me, how could he lie to me! Send some people to Royal Cycling Club and
fetch him, I need to see him right now!”

Feng Qianqian managed to keep a straight face and reminded Shan

Xiao, “President Shan, it’s just been three minutes since you called, it’s
literally impossible for him to be back right now considering how far Royal
Cycling Club is, right?”

“Yeah! Thank you for the reminder, Secretary Feng.” Shan Xiao stopped
pretending riding, “Send him a helicopter, right now!”


“President Shan, That’s not what I mean! It’s not reasonable to send Mr.
Kuang a helicopter because he was just several kilometers away, Kuang Ye
will be overwhelmed, I’m not sure whether it’s a good idea.”

Shan Xiao nodded, ‘Yeah, I don’t want him to get overwhelmed.’

Feng Qianqian suppressed the desire to mock her boss, trying hard to keep a
straight face.

One minute later.

“Secretary Feng, where is he? Is he at least around? As a punishment, his

night snacks are canceled tonight. Well, half of his night snack.”

Wow, how scary.

A faint smile flashed on Feng Qianqian’s face, but soon she successfully
suppressed it.

Two minutes later.

“Oh my God, Secretary Feng, tell me where he is. The longer it takes for him
to come back, the more punishment he should be expecting, I hope he knows

Feng Qianqian’s heart was melting seeing her boss in love, being able to
function without his Kuang Ye.

Tut tut tut, thinking about all the fan fictions she had read on fandom, all the
other domineering CEOs and their lovers were just so creative in punishing
each other, look at her President Shan, such a vanilla boy, the best
punishment he could come up with was cutting back on Kuang Ye’s night
snacks, and he wasn’t even  saying that in a sexual way.

Kuang Ye was back when Shan Xiao asked Feng Qianqian for the hundredth
times where he was, “President Shan, Secretary Feng, I’m back. Wow, look at
President Shan, you are practising already? Such a good boy!”

President Shan was happy that he got praised, all the dissatisfaction in his
mind due to Kuang Ye’s late arrival had disappeared the second he saw
Kuang Ye’s face.

Kuang Ye walked to Shan Xiao and checked his bike for him the they started
training of the day, “President Shan, let’s do a few laps here to start with, then
I will take you to do some uphill training, all right?”

Three hours later… …

Even Shan Xiao himself was surprised that he didn’t quit halfway, he was
actually having such a good time riding with Kuang Ye.

Feng Qianqian exclaimed once again in her heart, ‘Hmm, President Shan,

such great commitment in wooing Kuang Ye.’
37. Tough Love
Translator: Sissy That Walk

Super competent Feng Qianqian thought nothing she could handle anything
after years working for Shan Xiao, she was confident she could manage to
look professional at work.

However, she was utterly shocked when she saw Kuang Ye riding a bike
carrying Shan Xiao on the backseat.

Shan Xiao looked so pale, no, pale didn’t even begin to describe half of it.
Shan Xiao almost looked like he was lingering on in a steadily worsening
condition, Feng Qianqian hurried to Kuang Ye, desperate to find out what
happened to the poor boy.

‘The things the poor boy would do got love’, Feng Qianqian sighed in her

A sweet bitterness kicked in.

Shan Xiao was soaking in sweat, his head, his shoulders, even his hair was
drooping. You could tell he was trying to say something when he saw Feng
Qianqian, but he couldn’t utter any word.

Poor boy was even covered in mud.

A shiver of panic trembled in Feng Qianqian’s stomach, she called the

medical team before she took a few deep breaths, charging towards Shan
Xiao and asked with concern, “President Shan, are you all right? Do you want
me to call Lawyer Wang to bring your will here to see you just in case
anything should occur.”

Lawyer Wang was Shan Xiao’s private lawyer and was trusted with Shan
Xiao’s will.

Hearing that, Shan Xiao looked like he was trying to reply but he simply wasn’t
able to, he rested his head in Kuang Ye’s chest, lips moving up and down, but
there was no audible sound.

“Ba… …ba…”

Feng Qianqian asked in speculation, “You need your bag, President Shan? I

will bring your bag to you right now!”
“No… ba… …. ba…”

“Bai Jiachun! Are you looking for Bai Jiachun, Princess Bai?” asked Feng
Qianqian in shock, ‘President Shan, don’t think about your rival in love now,
Kuang Ye is with you now, don’t worry. Look at yourself, you romantic boy.’

Shan Xiao looked more crestfallen, he couldn’t believe Feng Qianqian couldn’t
figure out what he was asking for considering the time they had spent
together, the cases they had worked on and solved.

Shan Xiao shook his head in desperation.

“What is it, President Shan, baking? Battling? Baseball?”

“Baseball! Baseball my ass! Bath! I need a bath! Or a shower, anything will

do!” our President Shan finally cried out and shot a glare at Feng
Qianqian. “Right now, I need a bath. Look at me, and the stench of sweat and
mud is hanging in the air, can’t you smell that?”

Kuang Ye looked at Shan Xiao who was still resting his head on his shoulder,
he tried to comfort Shan Xiao and made Feng Qianqian feel better, “Seretary
Feng, it’s all right. Your President Shan now is kind of grouchy, it’s my fault.
I’ve trained him a bit harder than usual, don’t worry, I will take care of him.”

There were showering section in the training center, but the very suggestion
of taking a bath or a shower in a public area crept Shan Xiao out, he refused
to set foot in a public showering room.

Kuang Ye took Shan Xiao back to his bedroom like a hero.

Shan Xiao spent a lot of money in this training center, Kuang Ye had an
independent bathroom in his dormitory, a quite spacious one, which was even
larger than the bedroom.

Well, don’t laugh at the design, ourPresident Shan liked it that way.

Feng Qianqian nodded, she knew Shan Xiao would love this arrangement,
taking a shower in Kuang Ye’s bathroom, Shan Xiao would have a good time,
Feng Qianqian smiled.

They went to Kuang Ye’s dormitory together and Kuang Ye carried Shan Xiao
too the bathroom right away.

Thirty seconds later, Feng Qianqian heard water running in the bathroom.

She was wild with joy, ‘Oh my God, Kuang Ye is in the bathroom too, are
they… are they taking a shower together?’
They! Are! Showering! Together!

Thinking about that, Feng Qianqian couldn’t help but feel happy for her
boss, ‘hmm, a blessing in disguise, boss. Enjoy. I’m so happy for you, you
romantic boy.’

Lawyer Wang dashed into Kuang Ye’s dormitory when Feng Qianqian was
busy picturing the two boys showering together, “Seretary Feng, I’m here!
Where’s President Shan? Is he all right now? What happened to him?”

“Good to see you again, Lawyer Wang.” Feng Qianqian raised her head and
said hi to Lawyer Wang, “False alarm, don’t worry, President Shan is fine.”

‘Haha, but I think President Shan will soon ask you to draft a document of
distribution of property, I’m sure Kuang Ye will join the family soon!’ thought
Feng Qianqian.

With that Feng Qianqian put some clean shirts and pants at the bathroom
door, she then told Kuang Ye about this considerately.

Kuang Ye dressed Shan Xiao and walked him out, then Kuang Ye went back
to the bathroom again, soon people heard water running and Kuang Ye’s

‘What’s going on? Didn’t they shower together.’ Feng Qianqian was so



Feng Qianqian looked Shan Xiao up and down, “President Shan, are you all
right? Feeling better?”

Shan Xiao panted, “Not really, my thighs are hurting like hexx.”

‘Are you sure it’s just your thighs?’ thought Feng Qianqian secretly.

“Should I call a massagist for you?” asked Feng Qianqian gently.

Shan Xiao rubbed his inner thigh.

Feng Qianqian gasped.

Feng Qianqian was sure.

Feng Qianqian was sure she was sure now.

She blamed herself for not seeing Kuang Ye was a top, her boss was a

Shan Xiao who had no idea what his secretary was thinking, was rubbing his
thighs and blaming himself for being blinded by lust and offering to train
cycling with Kuang Ye.

Look at him now, sore all over and looking miserable.

It was all pretty cute in the beginning, Kuang Ye instructed him on his posture
and giving him several suggestions on paddling and Shan Xiao learned so
fast that Kuang Ye suggested training riding uphill.

That was pure torture! Shan Xiao’s thighs rubbed against the bike like two
magnets, but Kuang Ye refused to let Shan Xiao stop and have a rest.

“Tough love” was what Kuang Ye said to him.

Meanwhile Feng Qianqian was thinking about editing the chapters she
published in fandom forum, she was sure she got it all wrong before, Kuang
Ye was the top, not her boss.

Shan Xiao grovelled on the bed, murmuring, “I’m so dumb. Why do I have to

like Kuang Ye? Isn’t he a moron? Why do I have to say I want to train cycling
with him? Why do I have to practise uphill riding? Why do I have to get tough
love from him?”

“No! This has to be changed!” exclaimed Shan Xiao.

“Seretary Feng, go arrange me some idols for tonight!” Shan Xiao made up

his mind, he needed to move on from Kuang Ye and have fun and take
charge of his own life!

38. Time Has Changed

Translator: Sissy That Walk

“Consider it done, President Shan.” replied Feng Qianqian, “Is there any

specific requirement?”

‘Specific requirement?’

‘Yeah of course I should have specific requirements, I’m President Shan!’

“Yeah, yeah, I do. Good looking of course, pretty face and lively, he can sing
and dance, he once has been a talent show, and I want him to know Kuang
Ye, so I can show Kuang Ye that he is not my only one, you know, I think
Kuang Ye has gotten haughty because he thinks I’m in love with him. I need
to make a point that he isn’t my all, I want him to realize his mistake and
repent! That’s all!” the more specific Shan Xiao got, the more certain he was
sure who he was talking about, “I know! Go talk to that Princess Bai! Bai
Jiachun, his teammate! Or that Zhao Xiuyu, Wangzi Xingchen will do too. Go
go go, Seretary Feng.”

“No problem, President Shan.” Feng Qianqian hung up the phone with a

meaningful smile, normal people would be worried for Kuang Ye, but not our
Seretary Feng. Seretary Feng had seen through Shan Xiao, he was just trying
to make Kuang Ye jealous.

Feng Qianqian went to the training center and talked to Bai Jiachun who was
practising, Feng Qianqian came straight to the point, she told Bai Jiachun that
President Shan has changed his taste, and President Shan was thinking
about have some fun with him in the bedroom, and she suggested Bai
Jiachun that he should take this rare opportunity.

“Have some fun with me in the bedroom? Changed his taste? What about
Kuang Ye?” asked Bai Jiachun with concern.

Feng Qianqian smiled, “So, what do you say, Mr. Bai? Keen? Don’t worry,
President Shan will pave way for you in show business as long as you say
yes, he knows you must have your ambitious dream in show business
considering you were in Dancing 666. President Shan promised he will do
whatever he can to help you. Plus, just between you and me, President Shan
is pretty vanilla, he isn’t into that kinky stuff, so don’t worry.”

Feng Qianqian described this as some innocent fun.

However, Bai Jiachun hesitated, he had to admit if Feng Qianqian had

approached him when he was taking part in Dancing 666, chances were he
would say yes.

“Thank you Seretary Feng, but the thing is I’m not interested in show business
at the moment.” Bai Jiachun replied, “Please say thank you to President Shan
as well, you know what, I’m having so much fun in this training center he built
for Kuang Ye, I want to do this as a career with Kuang Ye. Plus, Kuang Ye is
my buddy, never will I ever hurt my buddy.”

Feng Qianqian wanted to clap hands for Bai Jiachun when she heard
that, ‘You go Princess Bai! I’ve always thought you as a spoiled child, but look
at you now, protecting your best friend like a mama bear!’
Deep down, Feng Qianqian also felt sorry for her boss, her boss used to have
anything his way, but not today, not with Bai Jiachun.

Feng Qianqian encouraged Bai Jiachun on riding and said goodbye to him,
then she went to talk to Wangzi Xingchen.

Feng Qianqian didn’t even recognize Wangzi Xingchen when she saw him
squatting on the floor and maintaining his wheels. Wangzi Xingchen looked
like a totally different person, much more tanned and so toned up.

“You are Wangzi Xingchen, right?” asked Feng Qianqian with disbelief.

Wangzi Xingchen raised his head and touched his ear, “Yeah, what can I do
for you Seretary Feng?”

Feng Qianqian told Wangzi Xingchen why she was here and waiting for
Wangzi Xingchen’s reply.

“What? President Shan is interested in me? Isn’t he in bed now due to Kuang
Ye? You know, form all the practising?” Wangzi Xingchen winked when he
said practising.

Feng Qianqian pretended she hadn’t grasped the undertone.

“Anyways, thank you Seretary Feng, but I’m gonna say no. I’m pretty straight,
and I don’t need money or resources. Plus Kuang Ye is my mate.” with that he
took a few glimpse at Feng Qianqian, “Seretary Feng, why are you still
working for that President Shan? He… he looks bizarre, doesn’t he? Are you
working for him for money?”

“Yeah, I used to be very poor.” answered Feng Qianqian briefly.

Wangzi Xingchen nodded, yeah, he was in no position to judge.

“But I have a question too, Wangzi Xingchen.” Feng Qianqian looked at him in

the eye, “Why did you take part in Dancing 666 if you have money and
resource? And why are you here maintaining you wheels, covering your hand
in oils and stuff?”

Feng Qianqian was expecting an answer like ‘I like the stages’, ‘I love being
the center of attention’, ‘I love singing’ etc.

“Ha, finally someone asks me this question. I just love competing with others
on stage, it’s so much fun, isn’t it? And recently I’ve taken to riding, thanks to
Kuang Ye.”

Feng Qianqian nodded and left him alone.

It was Zhao Xiuyu’s turn now. The boy who made him famous by doing death
drops on stage.

“Seretary Feng, why are you asking me this? I don’t like shortcuts!” exclaimed
Zhao Xiuyu, “We need to work hard for our dreams, on stage and in real life
alike! Please tell your boss that I don’t take shortcuts!”

With that Zhao Xiuyu jumped on his bike and darted away, leaving Feng
Qianqian petrified on the spot.

Well, it looked like Kuang Ye had infected all of his teammates.

Shan Xiao had a mini breakdown when Feng Qianqian reported him what had
happened to her in the training center.

“What? Why? How is that even possible? All of his teammates said no to me?
To me? No! Seretary Feng, aren’t I the center of the universe? How dare that
reject me? Are they out of their minds?” shouted Shan Xiao, shaking his head
in disapproval.

“Seretary Feng, I need a doctor.”

“Are you feeling all right, boss?”

“I think I’m sick.”

“Symptoms please.”

“I’m no longer the center of the universe.”

“… All right, I’ll call a psychiatrist for you.”

With that Feng Qianqian left Shan Xiao’s office.

Shan Xiao started to think what had happened to him, then he came to an
conclusion, his life had changed since the night Kuang Ye landed on his
bed. ‘This is all Kuang Ye’s fault!’

Knock knock.

It was Feng Qianqian, “Boss, Mr. Kuang just called, he wants to know are you
going to practise today?”


“Seretary Feng, come back.” Shan Xiao rose to his feet, “You go to the center
for me, you have a mission though. Keep an eye on him and report every
single little detail to me, you know.”

“Yes boss.”

“And ask him whether he is satisfied with the center and which parts need
improvement. Make it subtle though.”

“Consider it done.”

“But I’m not going to practise with him!”


Shan Xiao hoped Kuang Ye would look for him desperately when Kuang Ye
found out he wasn’t going to practise with him.

39. To Rescue the Beauty

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Shan Xiao was not the only one who was wondering what was going on, the
fans of Flash on the Wing had been walking around and asking for inside
information about the boys since the finale night.

They were happy that they got to see the boys at Billion City Cycling
Competition, but what was their next move! The boys dominated the
headlines for a while after the competition, but no one knew what to expect
from them.

Some people said the boys were just taking cycling as a unique approach to
attract new fans, but little did they expect Kuang Ye really got the gold medal!
And what was more dramatic was Kuang Ye was the only medalist, the rest of
the boys were all at the bottom.

The fans were at loss again after the cycling competition, no updates about
the boys’ next move. They were expecting to see them recording albums,
appearing on talk shows, shooting commercials, getting ready to audition for
big budget dramas and movies. To their surprise, their official account once
again went dormant after the competition. All the boys were nowhere to be
The fans were worried, how could they allow the boys to be treated like this,
they had not forgotten the boys were voted by them, were chosen by them!
Plus show business was tough business and people tended to forget easily,
how come their company were still waiting for opportunities! They should
create opportunities for the boys! Plus, they were dying to see some Shanye
and Jiaye, all the photos in fandom forum were old now.

The fans started to flood the comment section on the official account of Flash
on the Wing, asking for updates and urging their company to invest on them
rather than free ranging them.

The boys’ company, Billion Haoji’s manager was torn with anxiety, he was an
experienced manager who had promoted several bands and stars, he was
dying to create some hype for the boys as well.

He decided to report this to his boss, Shan Xiao, “President Shan, it’s been a
while since the finale night, it’s good they took part in the cycling competition,
and we can tell they have a great fan base from the audience on site and the
discussion on social media. But we need to give more to the fans, how do I
put this, we need to maintain their attention, they have high hopes on our
boys, otherwise they will run away with other boys. I understand you’d like to
protect the boys and keep low profile, but can we at least let the fans know
where the boys are?”

Shan Xiao, who thought he was in a unilateral cold war with Kuang Ye
said, “Sure, they are welcome to the training center, but they can only look
from afar! I know they can be very crazy.”


Flash on the Wing’s official Weibo account posted the boys’ schedule of the
next week.

Monday, Shanye Cycling Club, training.

Tuesday, Shanye Cycling Club, training.

Wednesday, Shanye Cycling Club, training.

The fans were like riding on a roller-coaster when they saw the notification of
the new post, they were glad that the their voice was heard and they had a
way to know the boys’ updates, but… … it was hard to not frown seeing this
schedule, weren’t they a boy band? Idols who were supposed to go on stage,
singing and dancing?

How could they possibly be idols when everything they did was riding stupid
bikes! Such an irresponsible company!
This was outrageous!

All the fans were furious except Shanye fans, they were wild with joy when
they saw the name of the Cycling Club, Shanye was real! This must be true
love! They were an item! Shanye, shanye, so catchy!

The other fans weren’t satisfied with the schedule at all, they reached an
agreement that they were going to pay a visit to this Shanye Cycling Club and
make this a protest against Billion Haoji, the boys needed better management
and various training, not just cycling, at the moment they needed singing and
dancing lessons more!

“We need to protect our baby bears, we are all they have got!” exclaimed the
fans online.

Fans swarmed into Shanye Cycling Club the next day after the account
posted the boys’ schedule, they held little banners like “Princess Bai, never
fear we are here”, “Little Xiuyu, love and support go to you”, “Baby bear
Wangzi Xingchen, best singer”, “Bright star Zhou Chong”, “Chu Yangbo,
macho macho Chu Yangbo”, “Billion Haoji step up your game”, “Billion Haoji
grow a pair” supporting the boys and condemn their company.

Among them, Jiaye fans were the most furious ones, how dare they just
named the cycling club Shanye, what about Jiaye!

Feng Qianqian reported this to Shan Xiao, “President Shan, what should we


“See? This is why I prefer keeping low profile, I know the fans could get super
protective and super crazy, I’ve realized that since last time they surrounded
the boys at Green Swift. Call the security, they better deliver! I’m counting on
them. Keep an eye for me, Seretary Feng, let me know the second you see
that Xiang Qianjin boy. Nobody comes near to Kuang Ye.”

Well, Xiang Qianjin wasn’t there and he wasn’t planning on going at all.

But in Shan Xiao’s eyes, Xiang Qianjin was definitely level one warning, code

More and more fans joined the pretest, it almost got out of control. President
Shan asked everyone in the company to drop whatever they were doing and
join the security team.

Therefore, what met the fans’ eyes when they arrived at the cycling club
wasn’t the spacious training track or the Kuang Mountain, it was men in black,
hundreds of men in black, if not thousands.
The fans got defensive, they didn’t appreciate the way the security presented
themselves, they wondered, ‘Are the boys forced to ride bikes? By those men
in black?’

The fans started to exclaim their slogan “Flash boys, let us be your wing!”

The boys who were training inside heard that and didn’t pay much attention,
they looked quite bothered by the noise.

The security team leader turned to Feng Qianqian.

Feng Qianqian called Shan Xiao, “President Shan, it’s getting a bit out of
control here, the fans look like they are ready to barge in.”

Shan Xiao replied with impatience, “Seretary Feng, are you serious, you are
calling me because you are afraid? Well, don’t be, the club is my private
property, feel free to… wait wait, let me think.”

Shan Xiao came up with a brilliant idea, well, he thought is was brilliant

He didn’t mind put on a show like “the hero rescues the beauty”, of course he
was the hero and Kuang Ye was the beauty.

“Seretary Feng, just wait for me, I’ll be there soon. You can let several fans in
after I get there, and that’s gonna be my cue, I will make a brilliant
appearance from there.”

“Sure, President Shan.”

What Feng Qianqian failed to ask was “define several, how many is several?”

40. To Make a Brilliant Appearance

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Feng Qianqian and Shan Xiao had both underestimated the fans, especially
the ones standing in front rows, holding the banners and chanting the slogans.
Those fans were definitely on a mission, they wanted to see the boys and they
wanted to give Billion Haoji a piece of their mind.

The security pretended they stumbled and let a few fans in on Feng
Qianqian’s signal, however, it was hard to just keep the number in “several”,
the fans overwhelmed the security once they spotted the stumble and they
swarmed into the club.

The security were petrified on the spot, ‘What has just happened?’ ‘Where are
the fans?’ ‘Am I getting fired soon?’

Wait, the fans went in?!

The security followed the fans, making vigorous efforts to turn the situation,
they loved being employed after all.

It was such a chaos in the club, screaming fans and dark-faced security.

Luckily Bai Jiachun and Zhao Xiuyu had experienced this before, the two
looked rather poised and collected when they saw fans running towards them
and surrounded them, they didn’t run away from the fans.

Well, it would only create more chaos if they started to run.

“Princess Bai, we are here, never fear. Don’t you worry about a thing, we will
protect you.”

“Ye, where is Kuang Ye? Is he hurt? Is that why he isn’t training together with
you guys? Such a cruel company, my poor Ye baby!”

“Little Xiuyu, look at me, mommy is here, and mommy will do whatever to
protect you!”

Hearing that Wangzi Xingchen made a “tut tut” noise, he looked Zhao Xiuyu
up and down, “Haha, you heard that Zhao? You have a mommy here.”

Zhao Xiuyu countered, “And what makes you think you don’t have mommy
fans? You are not an idol if you don’t have mommy fans, at least not a
successful idol!”

With that, someone screamed, “Wangzi Xingchen, mommy loves you, you

Baby Bear!”

Wangzi Xingchen sat bolt straight.

“Geez, what’s going on? Is this a surprise fan meeting? But how come we
have no clue that we are holding a fan meeting in the cycling club? Does this
make sense? This is such a chaos!” said Wangzi Xingchen in frustration.

It never rains but it pours.

Suddenly Wangzi Xingchen felt someone squeezed his butt, someone took
advantage of the disorder and squeezed his butt!

Wangzi Xingchen wasn’t the only one who was harassed that way, Zhou
Chong screamed out and told the fans who were throwing themselves at
himself. Zhao Xiuyu and Chu Yangbo were cornered by some fans, in
desperate need of help.

The security were a bit overcautious, they didn’t want to harm the fans, they
just tried to play safe and told the fans off verbally. There were even some
fans tried to take selfies with the security, probably they knew they couldn’t
elbow into the inner circle and selfie with the boys, so they tried to selfie with
the bodyguards, as a souvenir?

Kuang Ye’s fans were still looking for him amid the chaos, “Can anybody
please tell us where Kuang Ye is? Is he all right? Or is he really hurt?”

Yeah, where had Kuang Ye gone?

Kuang Ye went to practise uphill riding and now he just walked into the center,
the majority of fans changed their directions the second some fan
screamed “He is here! Kuang Ye is here!”

Bai Jiachun and the rest of the boys heaved a sigh of relief in unison, then
they took a glimpse at Kuang Ye with sympathy, ‘poor Ye, you are doomed.
Prepare to be eaten alive.’

The bodyguards surrounded Kuang Ye, looking determined, ‘You want to get

close to Kuang Ye? Not on my watch!’

The fans got the bodyguards completely wrong, they thought Kuang Ye was
bullied by the bodyguards, “Ye, don’t worry, I know you are suffering a lot in
this company, don’t worry, we’ve got your back!”

“No more riding, Ye, I promise you you will soon be back on stage where you
belong, singing and dancing!”

“Ye baby, mommy is here, we will sue your company unless they come up
with a good project for you!”

“What are you guys talking about?” Kuang Ye withdrew his hand, he was
giving the fans high-five, “Wait, did I hear someone say no more riding?

Kuang Ye’s voice was shrill and penetrating, everyone stopped whatever they
were doing and looked at him.
Kuang Ye looked around and asked, “Aren’t you guys here to cheer us up? To
encourage us to practise more? Why would anyone say no more riding?
That’s crazy talk!”

The fans looked at each other in speechless despair, ‘Ye really likes riding?
His company didn’t force him? How about the Billion City Cycling
Competition? He attended that on his own initiative?’

‘Isn’t show business his passion? Why is he so mad when we comment

negatively on riding?’

‘What on earth is going on?’

Some fan asked with great care, “Ye, can you please tell us, are you riding
and taking part in riding competitions of your own accord?”

“Of course!” Kuang Ye found the question a but bizarre, “Why do you ask

that? Isn’t that obvious? I am a professional cyclist, cycling has always been
my passion. Me and my Flash on the Wing boys are determined to train hard
and fight for the opportunities to take part in world class competitions. Me and
my boys are passionate about cycling!”

Bai Jiachun, Wangzi Xingchen, Zhao Xiuyu, Zhou Chong and Chu Yangbo
who finally were able to breathe normally, free from the fans containment,
looked at each other and looked at Kuang Ye with a smile, ‘Well, we weren’t
that passionate about this in the beginning, but we are now thanks to you, Ye!’

Kuang Ye now was already delivering an inspiring speech about how he fell in
love with cycling since he was a kid, and how he and the boys formed a
sincere brotherhood through cycling, how he and President Shan formed a
friendship through cycling… …

Soon the fans turned starry-eyed, “Such a great speech! Competitive sports

rules! Cycling rules!”

What met Shan Xiao’s eyes when he finally arrived was fans holding hands
and staring at Kuang Ye who was delivering a speech, everything looked so
warm and touching.

The “making a brilliant appearance” and “the hero saves the beauty” plan

aborted, because no one even noticed he was here.

In his mind, he would save Kuang Ye from a chaos,Kuang Ye would brimmed

with tears and kiss him on the cheek., worshiping him like a savior since this

None of that would come true then.

The fans started to exclaim “Kuang Ye go go go! Flashy boys charge charge!”

Shan Xiao pressed his forehead and asked Feng Qianqian, “What flashy

“The boys from Flash on the Wing, Flashy boys.”

41. Here Comes Xiang Qianjin

Translator: Sissy That Walk

“Secretary Feng, care to fill me in? What on earth is going on?” Shanxiao

pressed his forehead.

Feng Qianqian replied while her eyes were still glued on Kuang Ye and the
fans, “Our security team meant to let a few fans in just like what you told them
to, but the fans burst open our line and swarmed in, one thing lead to another,
somehow they listened to Mr. Kuang’s speech and started to surround Mr.
Kuang in the middle, enchanting their cute little slogans and exclaiming for
Flash on the Wings.”

“That explains… well, not a lot, why are the fans all so love and peace?
Shouldn’t they be exclaiming and crying even, or throw themselves to their
idols and get all handsy? I’ve watched some on TV.” Shanxiao looked so

Feng Qianqian flashed a meaningful smile, “You missed a good show, boss,

the fans were all crazy before you came, but our Kuang Ye, our Kuang Ye
delivered such an inspiring speech and had totally won their hearts, hence the
love and peace scene in front of you. Kuang Ye is like a charismatic leader, a
miracle worker.”

Yeah oddly enough, anyone who had contacted with Kuang Ye seemed to
have fallen in love with him in some way, but no one could explain how and

Shanxiao pouted, he was counting on this brilliant plan to make an

appearance and save Kuang Ye from the chaos, he almost pictured the way
Kuang Ye got all touched and clingy, but it looked like Kuang Ye was doing
great without him. Shanxiao was at a loss, he had always had what he wanted
since he was a little boy, he couldn’t take this hard cold fact that sometimes
things would go contrary to his wishes.
The good thing was it wasn’t long before someone tapped Shanxiao on his
shoulder and asked, “Hey bro, is this Shanye Cycling Club? Do you know
where I can see Kuang Ye?”

It had been years since anyone tapped him on the shoulder or any stranger
came anywhere him, there were always bodyguards around him to make sure
no one would disturb him. But this day our President Shan asked everyone to
leave him alone because he needed to save his Kuang Ye, thus a stranger
had the chance to stand near him and tapped him on the shoulder.

Shanxiao shuddered the second someone landed a finger at him, he sprang

to his feet and turned back to see who this audacious guy is.

It was him! Xiang Qianjin!

“Hey, it’s you! I know you!” Xiang Qianjin looked surprised too, he

remembered this guy who showed up on a wheelchair and won a ‘Special
Contribution’ medal in the cycling competition. President Shan, the man who
basically owned this city.

“Don’t act like I’m a friend!” Shanxiao didn’t like Xiang Qianjin for obvious
reasons, and now this man dared to tap him on the shoulder and talk to him
like they were friends or something, Shanxiao looked down at Xiang Qianjin
and said, “And don’t come so close to me, or tap me on my shoulder, I gotta
tell you the last person who came to me uninvited is now in Siberia, feeding

Xiang Qianjin become speechless because of astonishment, he had heard of

President Shan, and he had seen President Shan’s pictures on TV and
newspapers, President Shan always looked sharp and professional, little did
he expect the man who owned their city would talk like a middle school little

Well, Xiang Qianjin did see President Shan try to cheat on a cycling
competition and felt more at ease at this point.

Seeing Xiang Qianjin’s reaction, Shanxiao was overjoyed, ‘Haha, I know it, I

still got it. Look at this man, intimidated by me to such a point that he dares
not to look at me or talk back. No way would Kuang Ye fall for this guy,
especially when he has a thing with me already.’

Xiang Qianjin coughed and replied when Shanxiao’s mind was running
wild, “President Shan, there’s no penguin in Siberia.”

Shanxiao narrowed his eyes, ‘challenge accepted. I gotta teach you a lesson,

Shanxiao cast a sideways glimpse at Feng Qianqian, Feng Qianqian took the
hint and produced an iPad from her handbag and showed Xiang Qianjin a
video, “Don’t be so sure, young man. True there weren’t penguins in Siberia,
but President Shan says let there be cute penguins in Siberia, and here you
are, here is a video that our employees feeding penguins there.”

“Cool…” Xiang Qianjin smiled, “It’s a lovely video, please enjoy. Can you

please tell me where I can find Kuang Ye? I’m looking for him.”

‘This is outrageous!’ Shanxiao was mad, ‘How dare you ask me and my

Secretary Feng to take you to Kuang Ye, and was he laughing at me just now,
flashing me a smile and ask me to enjoy my video? Or is he trying to impress
me like this?’

“Man, don’t expect I will spare any attention to you, you are not my
type.” Shanxiao lifted a finger and showed Xiang Qianjin the exit, signaling
him to get lost.

Xiang Qianjin was so confused, and he decided to go past him and walked in.

That sent Shanxiao’s heart pounding, ‘Is he… is he ignoring me?’

“Are you out of your mind, I’ve told you Kuang Ye isn’t going to leave Shanye
Cycling Club, not for money, not for fame, not for love! He is with me! I
mean… he loves Shanye Cycling Club, he treats this club like his own bay!”

‘What the what now?’

Xiang Qianjin’s eyes were wide open, ‘What have I just heard? He is with me?
What? Are they a couple?’ but soon Xiang Qianjin shrugged, ‘This is none of
my business, I just appreciate his cycling.’

“I know, I’m not here to poach him, and he reminded me that I can leave my
old club and find myself a better club, so I ended my contract with Royal, and
I’m ready to join Shanye.”

“To join Shanye!”

This was the first time that Shanxiao didn’t like to hear their name together,
not from Xiang Qianjin’s mouth, he felt like soon there would be a space
between Shan and Ye if Xiang Qianjin joined them.

“No, you are not!” Shanxiao shouted.

Feng Qianqian chimed in, “Kuang Ye is the owner of Shanye, boss.”

Xiang Qianjin suddenly felt sorry for Kuang Ye and felt obliged to join his club,
he didn’t want Kuang Ye to face Shanxiao by himself.

Two days later, in Shanxiao’s office.

“Secretary Feng, has Kuang Ye asked about me today?” Shanxiao asked,

trying so hard to control his voice.

“Yeah, Mr. Kuang asked whether you are coming training about five times.”

“No, not until he apologizes.”

Feng Qianqian was so speechless, Kuang Ye had zero idea about this ‘I
should apologize — kiss and make up — to make President Shan happy’,
poor Shanxiao was still counting on that.

“Is Xiang Qianjin still in the club? Have you told him that no way I would take

“Yeah, but he says that’s okay, he is just enjoying training with Mr. Kuang.
And Mr. Kuang likes it too, they train together, talking and joking all day.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Shanxiao murmured.

42. Are You Going or Not

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Kuang Ye indeed had no idea why President Shan didn’t come training with
him, he was busy training with Xiang Qianjin, he felt more motivated at this
point, new club, and a competent teammate,, everything was just perfect!

He wasn’t saying or implying his teammates from Flash on the Wings were
incompetent, it was just Xiang Qianjin knew what he was talking about and
could actually train with him instead of trying to catch up.

Diamond cut diamond.

Kuang Ye had waited for a match for so long, he used to slow himself down to
ride with his teammates,and now he was finally able to give it all on the track
with Xiang Qianjin.

Listen to the wind, it was clapping for you!

Look at the blue sky, it was waving at you!

Smell the flower, wait, it was mixed with odor, hmm, not as pleasant as he

It was Xiang Qianjin, sweaty boy.

Kuang Ye used to like the sweat odor, he thought that was a symbol of hard
work, but training with Shanxiao had somehow exerted a subtle influence on
him, he would frown at someone else’s odor on the track.

Shanxiao smelt pleasant no matter how hard he trained.

Speaking of Shanxiao, Kuang Ye felt sorry for him, different kind of sorry than
Shanxiao expected. Kuang Ye felt sorry that Shanxiao loved cycling so much
but his physical fitness always failed him, he felt sorry that Shanxiao couldn’t
come training with him. Kuang Ye felt sorry that there wasn’t anything else he
could do to help Shanxiao feel better.

With that in mind, Kuang Ye decided to train harder to repay Shanxiao’s

kindness and support. He hoped Shanxiao would feel better and come back to
the training field soon.

Shanxiao kept pacing back and forth in his office, he wanted to go see Kuang
Ye so bad, he didn’t know how much longer he could hold.

Shanxiao missed the days when things were nice and simple, no one dared to
play any games with him, even the biggest movie stars would do whatever he
says. They would sign a contract before they got to see Shanxiao in person,
they would promise they would obey President Shan and not tell anyone
about the affair, and in re turn Shanxiao would give them what they wanted,
be it money or fame, it was always the two.

But look at this man! Our President Shan had already given him fame and the
opportunity to shine in show business, but those were not good enough for
him. All he ever wanted was some stupid cycling champion!

And the way they met each other, the man just barged in his room and invited
himself to his bed.

The man invited himself in and made himself at home!

The thing was Shanxiao couldn’t find any sanction he could impose on Kuang

No album recording? Kuang Ye wasn’t interested in singing in the first place.

No dance stage? Kuang Ye could make a track his own dancing studio with
his signature aerobics exercise.

No acting in a play? Well, Kuang Ye’s own life was the best drama already, no
script would impress him anyway.

Shanxiao scratched his ears and cheeks in frustration, he would get excited
every time he came up with a new plan and the next second he would lower
his head for he knew it won’t affect Kuang Ye.

The only feasible way was to stop him from riding bicycles, but even though
he took Shanye Cycling Club back, there were so many more clubs more than
willing to take Kuang Ye after he won the gold medal in the cycling
competition in August. Just like that Xiang Qianjin guy and Royal Cycling
Club, they had long been eyeing covetously on Kuang Ye.

The more Shanxiao thought, the more frustrated he got. Suddenly his eyes
sparkled, he wanted to ban the sports completely, he wanted to make bicycles
disappear, not just on the field, but also in everyday life!

You may feel like our President Shan was asking for the moon, but he was
pretty confident and he would love to give it a try, see how far he could
execute it. Plus he had Secretary Feng, the almighty Secretary Feng who
could always execute his wild plans from sending people to Siberia to building
a cycling club in a month, there was nothing that Secretary Feng couldn’t pull


Feng Qianqian looked at Shanxiao in the eye and asked ‘huh?’

Shanxiao played all cute on Feng Qianqian and explained again, Feng
Qianqian stared at Shanxiao and shook her head firmly, “No way, don’t count
on that.”

“Secretary Feng, please, pretty please, just give it a try, I know you are the
best, there’s nothing… …” Shanxiao refused to give up on the only feasible

“Stop! A no is a no! I need to talk some sense to you , boss.” Feng Qianqian

put her foot down and looked determined.

Seeing that, Shanxiao felt his world was collapsing right in front of him, Feng
Qianqian was the only person who could make it happen but now she was
refusing to help him and she was trying to change his mind, Feng Qianqian
had never turned him down!
“Secretary Feng, you are a changed person.” Shanxiao’s heart sank, his voice
trembled, “You’ve worked for me for a long time and you always get me,
you’ve never disappointed me, but this time you turned me down without even
giving it a try, this is heartbreaking, tell me, tell me what happened. Ah I see,
you are asking for a raise, aren’t you? No problem at all.”

He produced a pile of document from his drawer and murmured, “Let me look

for a new subsidiary corporation that you can play with… …”

“No, President Shan, you need to know one important thing, money is not
everything!” with that being said, Feng Qianqian drew out a contract and put it
in her handbag and said, “President Shan, I think you are missing the whole
point. You think you should punish Mr. Kuang for playing mind games with
you, but as an onlooker, I need to tell you Mr. Kuang has been nothing but
honest with you since the first day, and you, you are the one who has tried to
play mind games with him, but where does that lead you? Not a happy place,
huh? And now Mr. Kuang is having such a good time training with Xiang
Qianjin, I think he will be too busy to think about you if you still want to play
games instead of actually showing up in front of him.”

“Too busy to think about me? No way! That’s impossible!” Shanxiao shook his
head, “He is with Xiang Qianjin all the time? Laughing and talking?”

Feng Qianqian heaved a sigh, “They are training together, eating together, …



Shanxiao was so torn, he didn’t want to admit being defeated but he certainly
couldn’t bear to think Kuang Ye and Xiang Qianjin spend time together.

“All right, I will go see him!” Shanxiao pounded the table.

43. You Make me Proud

Translator: Sissy That Walk

President Shan finally moved his ass and went to the training field, what
welcomed him was Kuang Ye’s grin and constant inquiry about his health,
well, both Kuang Ye’s and Xiang Qianjin’s, the two were basically inseparable
now, they were like each other’s shadow.

However, our President Shan didn’t appreciate Xiang Qianjin’s kindness, he

wished he could launch Xiang Qianjin to outer space.
But wait, Shanxiao decided to focus on leaving good impression on Kuang Ye
first, priorities! And this cold war going on between him and Kuang Ye that
Kuang Ye had no idea about should be suspended, but one day it would
resume, depending on how well Kuang Ye behaved himself.

Shanxiao didn’t spare a look at Xiang Qianjin, he cleared his throat and
looked at Kuang Ye, “You missed me?”

Kuang Ye’s eyes sparkled, he walked to Shanxiao and grabbed his hands, “Of
course! President Shan finally you are back, I was going to ask Feng Qianqian
about your health again, I want to visit you and cheer you up in person. Finally
you are back now.”

Shanxiao’s sudden proximity sent Kuang Ye’s heart in palpitation, he was so

relieved, he was sure he was just beating himself up by imagining this man
was leaving him for another man. This sounded so right, not only had Kuang
Ye missed Shanxiao but also he wanted to visited Shanxiao in person.

Shanxiao was mad with joy, and everything in the training field became
pleasing to the eye as he heard Kuang Ye said he missed him. The sky was
so blue, the breeze with so lovely, even Xiang Qianjin became less
obnoxious. However, Shanxiao told himself to not forgive Kuang Ye this
easily, he put on a poker face and said, “You mischievous little darling, I know
you must have missed me so much, see, I’m here, I’m back now, are you
feeling better already?”

Hearing that, Xiang Qianjin who was drinking water spat it all out in
surprise, ‘Gee, how old is this President Shan? Why does he keep talking like
a middle school boy who has watched too much anime?’

President Shan frowned, he cast a glimpse at Xiang Qianjin and said, “Please

watch your manners in this cycling club.”

While Kuang Ye was used to Shanxiao’s style, he looked all the same and
replied, “Yeah, President Shan, I’ve been thinking a lot about you these days,
I know this has been hard for you, but we still can make it happen, I know how
passionate you are about cycling, as I said before, I will do whatever I can to
power through this together with you and I was thinking about talking to
Secretary Feng about you and your health. But look at you, already back on
the training field, you make me so proud!”

‘This has been hard for me? Oh man, hard doesn’t even begin to describe the
half of it, all right? But wait, he wants to talk to Feng Qianqian about me, haha,
I know he wants to find out whether I’m still mad at him, I know it. Well, I was,
but I can’t stay mad at you for too long, little darling, you. But you shouldn’t be
haughty like this because of my love and indulgence any more, yeah, but this
is progress already, I will give you credit for that.’ another head canon was
launched in Shanxiao’s mind.

Kuang Ye was still holding Shanxiao’s hand, he was still in high

spirits, “President Shan, hard work and sweat will never betray anyone, we
will become the best team ever!”

Shanxiao’s face darkened as Kuang Ye kept mentioning cycling and team

again, and he kept pouting, giving Kuang Ye no reply.

Xiang Qianjin couldn’t help but tap Kuang Ye’s shoulder, “Ye, I’ve had some
brief encounter with this President Shan, is he a bit cuckoo… …” with that
Xiang Qianjin pointed his finger at his head and made a twirl.

Kuang Ye laughed and shook his head, “Qianjin, he is not, but I do see where
you are coming from. President Shan is just too passionate about cycling and
he is having a hard time catching up on training, so sometimes he says funny
stuff. But don’t worry, we can all help President Shan to get better together, he
likes me and support me because I’m a good cyclist, I’m sure he will show you
the same support considering how great you are.”

Xiang Qianjin’s lips twitched, it dawned on him that probably President Shan
wasn’t the only one who was a bit cuckoo in this club, Kuang Ye who was
saying this nonsense might be also be a bit cuckoo.

‘Show me the same support? Are you kidding me? Even a blind man could
feel how hostile President Shan is against me.’ Xiang Qianjin sighed.

Xiang Qianjin thought about leaving Shanye Cycling Club, but the equipment
and the cafeteria were all waving at him and shouted ‘stay!’ ‘stay!’

Plus Kuang Ye was the best cyclist he had seen for a long time, and they
shared the same goal — world championship! Yeah, Xiang Qianjin decided to

Shanxiao had his emotional struggle as well, on one hand he didn’t like to get
all sweaty on the tracks, but on the other hand he knew Xiang Qianjin and
Kuang Ye bonded well, he knew it was time he had stepped in.

President Shan clenched his fists and forced a smile, “Yeah, I love cycling,
please train me!”

“How great, everyone has their own training timetable, give me some time and
I will make you a tailored one as well.” with that Kuang Ye produced a training
log from his little pouch, he leafed through a few pages and raised his
head, “President Shan, we need a team manager who can do the timekeeping
for us.”
Shanxiao who was in a daze didn’t hear what Kuang Ye just said, while Feng
Qianqian who was standing next to him caught Kuang Ye’s attention, “Hey,
Secretary Feng, are you busy at the moment? Can you help us to do the
timekeeping and stuff?”

“Thank you so much, but I kind of have a job already.” Feng Qianqian didn’t
see that coming, but soon she squinted her eyes and said, “But of course I
can help out for now, please show me what I can do, Mr. Kuang.”

‘Ha, I can keep an eye on you boys all the time and collect materials for my
fan fiction, why not?’ Feng Qianqian beamed.

44. Shanxiao’s Plan

Translator: Sissy That Walk

President Shan firmly believed that the best way to cool down this thing going
on between Kuang Ye and Xiang Qianjin was to show up in front of Kuang Ye
often, the more the better.

‘He will realize he was the luckiest boy whenever our eyes met, I’m sure. He
will realize what a kind and generous man I really am when he sees how
forgiving I am, see, I didn’t say anything harsh to him, one day, one day he will
realize.’ Shanxiao made up his mind that he would softened Kuang Ye’s heart
by his kindness and forgiveness. And the way to achieve that was to show up
in front of Kuang Ye 24/7.

Therefore —

Shanxiao would somehow pace back and forth in the equipment room when
Kuang Ye was there maintaining his bikes. Shanxiao would sit right next to
Kuang Ye, sipping tea, when Kuang Ye was reading the news. Shanxiao
would even appear in the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror fixing his
hair when Kuang Ye answered nature’s calling.

Shanxiao was dead serious about carrying out the plan — to show up in front
of Kuang Ye 24/7.

And Shanxiao’s plan worked. Kuang Ye knew what Shanxiao was thinking,
always coming near him and putting on that innocent smile. Kuang Ye looked
at Shanxiao in the eye and took a deep breath, “President Shan, I know
what’s in your mind, I know what you are doing here. But please relax, your
tailored training plan will be ready in no time, and Secretary Feng is learning
all the basics about being a team manager for us, I promise you that your
training will be back on track in no time.”

‘What the what now? How would you possibly interpret this as a crying out for
training?’ Shanxiao was petrified on the spot.

Feng Qianqian mastered all she needed to know about this new duty, now
she changed her designer blazer and pants to designer tracksuit, holding a
timer and a training log in hand, looking like a boss lady, ready to slay.

Seeing that, Shanxiao’s face darkened, ‘Secretary Feng is supposed to be my

wingman, but look at her now, rocking her new gear like Serena Williams, has
she forgotten her job already? Oh my God, I’m counting on her, she is my
brain. Please God, don’t take Secretary Feng away from me!’

Kuang Ye blew his whistle and that brought Shanxiao back to reality, time to
warm up. Bai Jiachun, Wangzi Xingchen and the rest of the boys were training
in the gym, sticking to their own timetable, therefore Shanxiao was the only
one who was trained by Kuang Ye and Xiang Qianjin. Wow, a PT session,
and it was two-on-one. Good luck, Shanxiao.

Well, Shanxiao was able to ride a bike in theory, he could travel some
distance using a bike, it was just he would make some unnecessary twists
and turns on the way, you know, some zigzag shape of turns and such.

“President Shan, you can just ride a lap after the warm up, Secretary Feng will
record the time for you, me and Xiang Qianjin will observe you and give you
some suggestions, and we will work on that.” Kuang Ye turned to Shanxiao,
suddenly he realized there was a slight problem, “President Shan, why are
you still in a suit?”

Kuang Ye shook his head and walked to him, “It’s all right, let’s go back to my
dorm, I have so many tracksuits you can borrow. The good thing is we have
similar height and built, I’m sure it will work just fine.”

‘Well, you are definitely more toned up than me, but I guess we are the same
height and stuff.’ Shanxiao rolled his eyes.

That wasn’t the issue here, the suit Shanxiao was wearing was tailored made
in Italy, it was Haute Couture. Shanxiao’s heart was bleeding when Kuang Ye
stripped him violently, ‘My suit! Please don’t wrinkle it!’

The suit wasn’t the issue either. How could President Shan be reduced to
wear someone else’s tracksuit. It was out of the question. Hello? Neat freak
he was.
Shanxiao was brought back to reality when Kuang Ye tried to stuff him into the
tracksuit, it was so ticklish.

“Hahaha, Kuang Ye, stop, it tickles.” Shanxiao couldn’t help but cringe.

“Are you all right, President Shan?” Kuang Ye had no idea why would this be
such a time-consuming process, he didn’t slow down on his hands
though, “There you go, it fits you well, let’s ask Secretary Feng to get yours
back to you after training, all right, just wear mine for now.”

Shanxiao clenched his fists and cried out for help in his heart, ‘Secretary
Feng! Secretary Feng! Take me away from this man, he forced me to wear his
old tracksuit, his stinky tracksuit!’

With that he tried to take it off for multiple times while Kuang Ye would stop
him and put it back on for him every time.

Xiang Qianjin who was waiting for them outside put on a meaningful smile
after he heard these abnormal noises came from Kuang Ye’s dorm, some
heated debate about whether Shanxiao should keep his clothes on.

After several rounds of debate, Shanxiao found himself actually quite

comfortable in Kuang Ye’s tracksuit, he even quite dig the fragrance of the
softener on the clothes.

And he had a faint recollection that this wasn’t the first time that he wore
Kuang Ye’s clothes, he had a sleepover in this very dorm not long ago, and he
had worn Kuang Ye’s pajamas that night as well.

And he slept just fine wearing Kuang Ye’s pajamas and sleeping right next to
Kuang Ye. Hmm, strange indeed, Shanxiao thought Kuang Ye must have cast
a spell on him.

With that, Kuang Ye brought Shanxiao to the field and asked him to assume
his position on the bike, Kuang Ye pushed him out as Feng Qianqian blew the

Shanxiao started to zigzag again.

“Good start, it’s all right, you are doing better than last time already!” Kuang
Ye started to braise chicken soup for the soul already.

Shanxiao struggled to not lose his balance.

“Just breathe”, Kuang Ye continued, “Really feel the handlebar, communicate

with the handlebar and let it lead you.”
“Communicate how? It’s not like this thing is very talktive!” Shanxiao wanted
to cry.

‘This is all Xiang Qianjin’s fault! One day, one day I will kick his ass and make
him pay!’

45. Promises
Translator: Sissy That Walk

Xiang Qianjin looked Shan Xiao up and down with disbelief, he used to think
this legendary President Shan was a bit cuckoo, and now he thought this poor
President Shan also suffered severe limb incoordination. ‘Alas, it must be
pressure, the pressure that you have to always be perfect in public, the
pressure that you must guard your business empire!’ thought Xiang Qianjin.

“Kuang Ye, is… is this President Shan also one of our regular players?” Xiang
Qianjin asked while he prayed in the heart, ‘God, please no. This must be a
hobby of his, he is just seized by a whim, he is just so loaded that he had no
idea how to spend his money, no way can he make it, yeah, he is just here to
have some fun rather than training with us.’

“Of course he is.” Kuang Ye’s answer brought Xiang Qianjin back to

reality, “President Shan is the one who has always been there for me, he is
the one who has established this cycling club for our team, and we’ve
promised each other that we will attend world championships and stand on
the highest prize-awarding platforms together! So yeah, of course he is one of
our regular players.”

Xiang Qianjin nodded, while his heart was in a turmoil, he started to think
whether this decision of joining Shanye Cycling Club was an act on impulse.

‘Kuang Ye just said the goal was to attend world championships and stand on
the highest prize-awarding platforms together as a team, so he was talking
about relay race, Tour de Xianghu Lake is the most authoritative event around
the globe, Kuang Ye must be talking about this one.’ Xiang Qianjin was deep
in thought.

Tour de Xianghu Lake consisted of three parts, cycling around the Xianghu
Lake — climbing cycling — obstacle race.

‘From what I have observed these days, Kuang Ye and the rest of the team
are all quite talented and hard working, probably we can make it happen
together, but now that we have this President Shan, things are completely
different, it’s a relay race, for God’s sake, no way can we do this! It’s going to
be a disaster!’

“Kuang Ye, can I quit now?” Xiang Qianjin murmured while pressing his

Shan Xiao somehow had captured Xiang Qianjin’s murmur, his face lit up, he
sat up straight and replied, “Of course you can, please go now. I’ve never said
you can join my club.”

‘Haha, off you go now, go far, go fast!’ thought Shan Xiao.

Kuang Ye, on the other hand, shook his head and looked at Xiang
Qianjin, “Hey bro, how can you do this to me? Have you forgotten all the
efforts you’ve made for cycling? All the hard work and all the sweat? Have you
forgotten the talk we had, the promises and the dreams? Aren’t they

President Shan turned his head abruptly and asked, “Promises? Dreams?

You two made promises to each other? Behind my back? Without letting me

Kuang Ye was too occupied changing Xiang Qianjin’s mind, he went on

talking to Xiang Qianjin rather than answering Shan Xiao, “Qianjin, we are
both athletes yeah? We both have been cycling since we were little boys, trust
me, I know you the best. Giving up is never the option, keep practising and
carry on is our only option!”

“Kuang Ye, explain to me, what promises, what dreams?” Shan Xiao chimed

“Qianjin, just close your eyes and think, over ten years hard work and training,
the taste of victory, the accomplishment of overcoming, and now you are
telling me you want to quit? No, I don’t think so —”

“Tell me everything about those promises!” Shan Xiao shouted.

Xiang Qianjin felt so guilty listening to Kuang Ye’s speech, then a wave of
passion swept through his body, he was more determined to stay and practise
harder with Kuang Ye.

‘How could I blame my teammate Shan Xiao for this! I should be a man and
shoulder my responsibility, I should help Shan Xiao more! I shouldn’t have
blamed Shan Xiao, I’m such a lousy person! Thank God Kuang Ye didn’t
judge me! Only losers refuse to reflect on themselves and always tend to
blame others!’ Xiang Qianjin felt so guilty.
And Xiang Qianjin thought he knew why Kuang Ye looked for Shan Xiao as
their teammate, it was a trial! A trial for his strength, mindset and disposition!
You can only call yourself a winner when you can win the world championship
together with Shan Xiao!

Xiang Qianjin gazed at Kuang Ye with probing intensity into his eyes, “Ye! I
get you now! I will never say quitting again! I will take this great opportunity
and grow! Just like I’ve promised you, I won’t flinch from facing up to any trail,
let alone an incompetent teammate!”

The incompetent teammate himself pouted, “Ah~ this is your promise~ that’s

all right, nothing alarming there.”

Shan Xiao still hated Xiang Qianjin even though this promise turned out to be
a misunderstanding.

Wait, why everything was retreating! And next second Kuang Ye shouted in
delight, “President Shan! You are cycling now! Congratulations!”

Kuang Ye and Xiang Qianjin hugged each other in excitement for Shan Xiao
had made significant progress, he wasn’t zigzaging or swaying, he was
cycling steadily!

President Shan was caught off guard, “What? Yes, I AM cycling now, look at
me!” with that President Shan got over excited and missed the pedal,
President Shan fell from the bike.

Feng Qianqian took a photo of Shan Xiao fell sprawling on the floor and
ignored him, she knew her boss was waiting for Kuang Ye to rescue him
instead of her.

Kuang Ye rushed to him, but he checked the bike first before he picked Shan
Xiao up form the ground and asked him, “Are you all right, President Shan?”

Shan Xiao blushed crimson, it was humiliating enough that he fell from the
bike in front of so many people, and now he was picked up by Kuang Ye.

“President Shan, this is normal, all beginners will fall. But you see, you know
how to communicate with your bike now, you made it listen to you!
Congratulations, hard work pays off! We can ride together in no time! This is
such great news!”

Shan Xiao forced a smile, “Yeah, yeah, I’m happy too.”

“Great, let’s keep practising.” Kuang Ye returned the bike to Shan Xiao.

46. This Must be a Conspiracy
Translator: Sissy That Walk

Shan Xiao was waiting for some lovey dovey moments after he fell, he
couldn’t believe Kuang Ye asked him to go back to training right after he fell.
And somehow he joined shouting slogans with Kuang Ye.

Kuang Ye, “Climbing Cycling!”

Shan Xiao, “Climbing Cycling!”

Kuang Ye, “Tour de Xianghu Lake!”

Shan Xiao, “Tour de Xianghu Lake!”

Kuang Ye, “Obstacle Race!”

Shan Xiao, “Obstacle Race!”

Kuang Ye, “World Championship!”

Shan Xiao, “World Championship!”

Shan Xiao’s face lit up as response, he was lost in the moment. No one had
seen this side of President Shan — friendly, warm, passionate — not even
Secretary Feng.

Secretary Feng stared at her boss who was riding on the track, with Kuang Ye
and Xiang Qianjin flanked by his both sides, Secretary Feng waved her hands
like a proud soccer mom, she even wiped a few tears on her cheeks.

‘Aww, look at President Shan, he is all grown up now, making new friends and
riding together with them instead of throwing a tantrum!’

Bai Jiachun, Zhao Xiuyu and Wangzi Xingchen were surprised to see this
scene when they returned from the gym, this almmost looked too harmonious
to be true. Bai Jiachun rubbed his eyes and asked, “Who is that man riding in
the middle? President Shan? Someone please tell me!”

President Shan was still zigzaging and blaming the handlebar the last time
when Bai Jiachun met him, no wonder Bai Jiachun couldn’t believe his eyes.

“What happened? Why is President Shan punching above his weight? Has he
bought himself some new legs? Or a new brain?” Bai Jiachun exclaimed.
Wangzi Xingchen tapped Bai Jiachun’s shoulder and said, “Relax! Kuang Ye
has been giving him one-on-one session for so long, it’s time he should stop
zigzaning now!”

“Wangzi, we shouldn’t talk about President Shan like this behind his back, he
is our boss after all.” Chu Yangbo murmured, he was an introvert boy who
didn’t have as many fans as his other teammates, so he thought he should
take the boss’s side to win himself some favors.

“Yeah, right, I keep forgetting President Shan is our boss now.” Wangzi

Xingchen stuck out his tongue.

Well, you cannot blame Wangzi Xingchen for forgetting about it. It wasn’t hard
to tell Shan Xiao had other intentions than being their boss, plus Shan Xiao
was showing his goofy side on a daily basis, it was hard to really treat him as
the boss.

On the plus side, the other teammates all felt more motivated seeing how hard
working Shan Xiao had become, they felt even the underdog was trying to
make a change, they too should work harder.

The others looked at each other and clenched their fists, “Guys, we should
learn from President Shan, let’s go practising!”

The next second there were five more bikes joining Kuang Ye, Shan Xiao and
Xiang Qianjin on the track. At that moment, no more Princess Bai or Zhao
Xiuyu the death drop boy or Flash on the Wing from Dancing 666 who were
determined to record albums and star in movies, all you could see was eight
boys who were making joint efforts to train harder for world championships!

The fans came to watch them in the afternoon.

They became more well organized since Kuang Ye had given them an open
speech that day, now they stood outside the track patiently and waved the
banners in an orderly way.

One interesting chance you could notice was there were more banners on
encouraging them to train harder as a team, it looked like they had accepted
the fact that the boys had become athletes rather than boy band idols.

The fans crammed a lot of competitive sports knowledge, especially cycling

since that day they listened to Kuang Ye’s inspiring lecture. They were well
aware things like which cycling clubs are the most competitive ones in the city,
in the province and in the country, which team had won the world
championships in the previous ten years, etc.
Paparazzi disguised themselves and sneaked into the club, trying to take
some dramatic and controversial pictures like fights or discords among the
teammates. To their surprise, they could only see the boys supporting each
other and training hard together.

They were so disappointed that they got nothing after waiting for a whole
afternoon! How could they have any coverage if they didn’t have any drama in
the team!

The paparazzi shook their heads, starting to worry about the boys, ‘Soon you
guys will become a has-been in show business if you don’t know how to
validate your existence or create some hyper for yourself! There’s a copycat
show called Jumping 888 is recording intensely at the moment, you boys
really need to play by the unspoken rules in show business!’

With that being said, the paparazzi didn’t feel like leaving them, they found it
pretty touching that the boys were training so hard and supporting each other!

To return to Shan Xiao. He slumped with a thud to the ground after riding for
thirty kilometers, then he started to ask himself, ‘Wait, what am I doing? Why
am I so liable to listen to whatever Kuang Ye tells me, I’m President Shan!
Everyone should listen to me, not the other way around!’

Shan Xiao was so burned out, he gulped down a bottle of water while Kuang
Ye tapped him on the shoulder and encouraged him, “President Shan, you are
doing so great! Come on now, we can do another thirty kilometers today! I
have faith in you!”

Shan Xiao was tantalized by Kuang Ye’s voice, he squinted his eyes and took
a closer look at Kuang Ye, ‘Ah, what a pretty face, he is shining under the
sunlight!’ Shan Xiao’s heart was pounding, this had never happened to him
before, Shan Xiao panicked, ‘Am I really falling for this moron?!’

‘Why my heart is beating so fast! Stop! This is a set up!’

‘Shan Xiao must be sent by one of my business rivals! They sent him to me to
seduce me and make me make stupid decisions! They want to take this
opportunity to defeat me!’ Shan Xiao’s mind ran wild again. And he felt so glad
that he had realized this was a set up before it was too late.

47. A Gold House

Translator: Sissy That Walk
President Shan ignored Kuang Ye’s warm and friendly smile, he walked to his
bike and jumped on the seat, with that he darted to his Secretary Feng.

President Shan couldn’t wait to find out who Kuang Ye really was, how come
he just landed on his bed at one night out of nowhere, who sent Kuang Ye to
him, and what their plan was! He also made up his mind that if Kuang Ye
refused to cooperate with him, he was going to lock Kuang Ye in a dark room
and threw the key away, and he won’t go softhearted even if Kuang Ye turned
to waterworks.

President Shan’s smile got bigger and bigger as he approached Feng

Qianqian, he knew Feng Qianqian was the only one who could be trusted with
this ‘finding out who is the spy’ mission, “Secretary Feng, I need you to —”

Feng Qianqian interrupted him before he could finish the sentence, she waved
the timer in hand and jumped for joy, “President Shan! Great news! Three
minutes and twenty seconds! That is almost impossible for a beginner like
you! But you made it, I know it, I know you are able to do anything as long as
you made up your mind! Do you know what this means? It means it’s
becoming a real possibility for us to win World Championships! All of them!
Good job, buddy! I need to tell this great news to Kuang Ye and other

‘What? A real possibility for us to win World Championships! Do I need to do

anything to win? I’m sure they will present the gold medal respectfully with
both hands to me as long as I sponsor them! But that’s not the point now, my
Secretary Feng is now calling me buddy instead of President Shan! Hmm, this
doesn’t bode well for me!’

Shan Xiao now took a closer look at his Secretary Feng, she was now
jumping and exclaiming like a teenage girl who saw Justin Biber, no trace of
composure and elegance could be seen.

Shan Xiao’s heart was in a turmoil seeing how thrilled Secretary Feng
was, ‘Oh my God, this is all Kuang Ye’s doing, Secretary Feng is the most
trustworthy person in this whole world, she used to be a woman with iron
resolution and utmost elegance, look at her now! Kuang Ye indeed is a
dangerous man!’

Shan Xiao pressed his forehead and was lost in thought, ‘Can I trust anyone
at the moment? Kuang Ye has been to my building, my office, he has met a
lot of my employees, can I trust them any more? I know Secretary Feng is
taking Kuang Ye’s side for sure, with that being the case, Secretary Feng’s
secretaries cannot be trusted either. Who else has Kuang Ye met before?
Cleaning ladies! Securities! Chefs in the canteen?’
A shiver of panic trembled in Shan Xiao’s stomach, ‘I know my securities are
no longer with me! I should have noticed something last time when they failed
me when I told them to let a few fans in so I can rescue Kuang Ye, but they let
all the fans flood in the club and told me it was impossible to stop them! How
silly of me! But that’s all right, better late than never!’

Shan Xiao took a few deep breaths and tried to think straight, ‘It looks like I an
only attend to the matter personally, well, it’s time that I strutted my stuff and
show people I’m not just a blockhead rich kid.’

Well, reality check! Shan Xiao inherited Billion Consortium from his parents
(some magazine says he is a self-made billionaire to kiss his ass), he spoke
eight languages (nothing except I’m hungry), he had (bought) a doctorate, he
(Secretary Feng and other employees) managed the business well… …

Shan Xiao’s heart sank as he went through all his achievements in the mind,
he started to question himself, ‘What can I do? What have I done? I just
learned to cycle, thanks to Kuang Ye, that spy Kuang Ye. But that’s fine, I
have always been a smart kid, I have faith in me, I will find out who sent
Kuang Ye!’

Shan Xiao left the club, panting with rage, ‘Why am I walking? Why didn’t I call
a driver? This is all Kuang Ye’s fault, I cannot trust anyone and I cannot even
think straight, I will lock him in a dark room and throw away the key as a

However, it was easier said than done, the trouble was he couldn’t come up
with any plans other than asking Secretary Feng to do it for him. To make it
worse, he didn’t know any of his employees other than the cleaning ladies.

Shan Xiao decided to call it a day without any solid evidence saying Kuang Ye
was indeed a spy and he had long had designs on Billion Consortium, Shan
Xiao just couldn’t wait to carry out his ‘locking him in a dark room’ plan.


“President Shan wants to see me?” Kuang Ye got a phone call, “All right, I will
be right there.”

Kuang Ye thought President Shan was getting emotional about his progress
and wanted to talk to the team leader, so he said yes on the phone happily,
psychological counseling was part of the team leader’s responsibility after all.

Soon he was brought to a sparkling golden house, “Gee, what an unusual

color!” Kuang Ye exclaimed.
President Shan opened the door and snorted, “Have you see a magnificent
house like this before? I’m afraid not. This is real gold!”

“A gold house?” Kuang Ye asked with concern, “Have you got the quality

inspection document? Is this an unapproved construction project? President
Shan, you need to be extra careful with this, I know you like to be different, but
this concerns your safety after all!”

“That’s not the point, this is not actually a gold house, it’s just gold foil
decoration, all right? Come on in, you!” Shan Xiao’s face reddened as Kuang
Ye called him out.

‘Come on in, you, time for your punishment!’

48. I Will Teach You to Behave

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Kuang Ye looked around as he walked in, that was such a bizarre experience,
the walls were all glittering golden sheen, hmm, the owner of this house surely
had some unusual taste. Our President Shan normally would give the visitors
a grand tour of this house, but he didn’t forget his mission this day, today was
all about punishment, nothing else.

The grand tour could wait, our President Shan wanted to focus on this
Punishment Project for now.

Shan Xiao took Kuang Ye to a door and flashed a meaningful smile at him, he
opened the door and said, “Please get in, you brave boy.”

Anyone with a sober mind would hesitate under that circumstance, the whole
thing was just weird. But obviously our male lead Kuang Ye tended to take the
unconventional paths, just imagine what he would do when he heard ‘come
on, you brave boy’, yep, of course he would do it, happily.

You don’t need to ask him twice.

Our President Shan snickered, he followed Kuang Ye and closed the door.

The room was pitch dark. Our President Shan was a very literal person, when
he said he had a gold house, it was indeed a house painted and decorated
with shiny gold or golden material, when he said he was going to lock Kuang
Ye in a dark room , he literally meant a pitch dark room.
Kuang Ye soon raised a good question, “Where’s the light, President Shan?
Also, can you open the window later please? It’s a bit stuffy in this room, fresh
air is good for you.”

“Light? Window? Stop day dreaming! I can tell you are afraid now, don’t play
with fire if you cannot bear the consequence.” it sounded like Shan Xiao
deliberately tried to sound more intimidating, but his voice was too high-
pitched for the effect of that kind, so it ended up with a comedy effect.

“I’m afraid? Of what?” Kuang Ye was so confused, he didn’t know what was

there to be afraid of.

Shan Xiao was choked, he soon regained composure and decided to get real
with this commercial espionage, this little spy, “Of what? Of me! I’m about to
punish you so hard like you deserve it!”

“Wake up and confess it all before you regret it, I’m well-prepared for you!”

Kuang Ye was getting worried as Shan Xiao tried to threaten him, ‘Is

President Shan having a fever? Why does he keep babbling? Confess what?
Let me regret what? I don’t do things that make me regret!’ thought Kuang Ye.

“President Shan, are you sick?” Kuang Ye blurted out, he was genuinely

worried about his teammate Shan Xiao, Shan Xiao would be able to figure
that out from the furrowed eyebrows on Kuang Ye’s face if there were lighting
in the room.

But too bad there was no lighting in the dark room.

Our President Shan didn’t interpret Kuang Ye’s concern in a good way, ‘Is he
mocking me? Is he trying to make me feel bad? All right, that does it! I will
show him who is the boss here, I need to let him know who he is talking to! I
will teach you how to behave.’

Hmm, normally you would associate it with somewhat of a torture chamber 50

shades of grey kind of setting, but no, not for our President Shan.

All he needed was a golden chair designed by Jean Paaul Gaultier (T/N, yeah
I’ve put an extra a in Paaul, you know, copyright issue.) along with a fierce
gaze and a poker face.

President Shan now was fumbling around in the dark walking to the golden
chair, so he could get in the Domineering CEO character and perform the art
of punishment, in his imagination, he would flash an evil smile at Kuang Ye
and make him beg for mercy.
President Shan insisted on emphasizing he would still look handsome even
though when he flashed an evil smile.

However, things went contrary to Shan Xiao’s wishes, it wasn’t a smooth

journey to his golden chair, he fell in the dark and somehow fell on Kuang Ye
and grabbed something… something not proper to describe.

Oh wait, never mind, it was just Kuang Ye’s thigh.

Kuang Ye fumbled in the dark trying to support Shan Xiao, “President Shan,

what are you doing? You know what you need right now? Rest! Plenty of rest!
Do you want me to call your doctor?”

“I’m not sick!” Shan Xiao said with frustration.

Shan Xiao decided to lay all his cards on the table, “Listen up, you little spy! I
don’t care who sent you to me or how much you are getting paid, you know
what, I will pay you double, no triple!”


“Just name a price! What do you want? Money? Fame? Property? Anything!”

Kuang Ye had absolutely no clue what Shan Xiao was talking about, but he
just thought Shan Xiao was babbling and in order to calm Shan Xiao down,
Kuang Ye said, “Well said!”

Shan Xiao was a bit shocked, he knew Kuang Ye was a straightforward

person, but little did he expect Kuang Ye would admit it without at least trying
to deny it at first, but he was glad to hear Kuang Ye’s reply.

“There you go, I will give you whatever you want.” Shan Xiao chuckled, “You
know what you should do now?” Shan Xiao asked with excitement, ‘Tell me
you will thoroughly rectify your errors and work for me!’ thought our President

“Of course!” Kuang Ye replied loud and clear, ‘It’s always been my dream to

win the world championship, you know it too. Thank you so much for going
through all these trouble and remind me what my dream is, you are such a
good friend!’ thought Kuang Ye.

Shan Xiao was thrilled to hear it, he finally fumbled his way to his chair and
turned on the light.

What came to Kuang Ye’s sight was Shan Xiao slumping down on the chair
with an innocent smile, looking like a ball of sunshine. He was nowhere near
to strike Kuang Ye as intimidating.
Shan Xiao thought to himself, ‘Well, even though this project didn’t exactly go
through as I have expected, but I will call it a success. He admits he is a spy
and says he will redeem himself and work for me in the future.’

49. The one with the Excavator

Translator: Sissy That Walk

The delight of getting success should be shared and celebrated.

Our President Shan held a meeting with the board of directors for the first time
in high spirits. Everyone thought they were in trouble, a meeting? That had
never existed in Billion Consortium history, it always had been one person,
namely Shan Xiao, alone had the say.  Our President Shan announced the
great news that he had resolved the biggest crisis in Billion Consortium
history, people looked at each other in speechless despair, well, if President
Shan said he had saved everyone’s ass, then he had saved everyone’s ass, if
President Shan said he had made a great contribution to world peace, then he
deserved to win a Nobel Peace Prize, it was as simple as that.

As for what this biggest crisis in Billion Consortium history was, people didn’t
bother to ask, they had skipped the Q&A session and directly went to the
process of praising President Shan.

President Shan was disappointed that no one was interested in the details.

Why! How come no one was interested to find out what he had done or what
the crisis was.

President Shan scratched his ears and cheeks in embarrassment, how he

wished he could just pound the table and give them a speech about how he
performed a show of The Taming of the Spy and how resourceful how smart
how marvellous he was! However, he had been living in the Domineering
CEO persona for years now, all he could allow himself to do was just sit in the
chair and listen to the praises the board members heaped.

Well, our President Shan soon regained composure and announced the
launch of a new project.

“All of our subsidiary corporations should be part of this new project!” Shan

Xiao looked blissful.

“President Shan… all the subsidiary corporations? Are you sure?” someone

raised his head and looked he wasn’t buying this project.
“Yes, why? Do you have a problem with it? You don’t think it’s a good
idea?” President Shan glared at the person who was having second thought,
ant that look chilled people to the bone.

The cleaning lady who just entered the room walked to the thermostat in a
huff, “Jesus Christ! Who has set the temperature at 10 degree, aren’t you
guys feeling cold? What’s going on here?”


In Billion Consortium, cleaning ladies enjoyed absolute power. President Shan

valued cleaning ladies’ work the most, he knew he would die without their
hard work — unless Kuang Ye was around.

Ahem ahem, let’s go back to the topic.

Our President Shan put on a smile and asked the person who ain’t feeling
President Shan’s project, “What’s holing you back? You know you can talk to
me, any suggestion is welcome, we all have one goal here, which is to make
Billion Consortium greater. You know, you can even share it with all of our
colleagues even though you have something to say about me.”

The person now turned red and white by turns in an agony of embarrassment
and fear, he regretted his life choice, and he kept kicking himself in the
heart, ‘Why do you have to say it out loud?!’

“President Shan, no, I don’t see any problem.” his voice trembled but he tried
so hard to act like nothing had happened, “I was trying to say there was an
excavator production line in one of our subsidiary corporations, I don’t know
whether it’s a good idea to involve that line in this great project.”

Shan Xiao had no idea there was an excavator production line in his
companies, but that was no problem, his great project was compatible with

“I appreciate your concern, but I don’t think there’s a problem, as I said, all of
our subsidiary corporations should be part of this new project!” Shan Xiao
raised his arms and shouted.

The next day.

“Great news, great news, in celebration of President Shan and his teammate
Kuang Ye’s friendship, the excavators of Billion Consortium now is on sale, 25
percent off! 25 percent off! This the greatest deal in history, please have a
look in case you regret it!” the commercial went viral on national TV and social
Excavators was replaced by laptops, properties, cosmetics and everything
else that in Billion Consortium’s business empire.

At first people were confused why a commercial about excavators would be

on national TV, wasn’t that a niche market?

However, soon they forgot about excavators and went shopping happily, they
didn’t need excavators, but they needed laptops, properties and cosmetics.

To a certain degree, this was a great market campaign, the bigger picture was
it boosted domestic demand and consumption and the most obvious benefit
was Billion Consortium’s stock prices had skyrocketed.

And the fans who shipped Shanye rejoiced with wild excitement, ‘in
celebration of President Shan and his teammate Kuang Ye’s friendship’, lol,
friendship, wink wink.

That was the most creative way of PDA, wasn’t it? A bit pricy, but President
Shan didn’t care.

On that very night, tons of new fans who shipped Shanye flocked into Weibo
and post about Shanya, new fanfiction, new collages, new audio clip, edited
video clips, it was a carnival for Shanye fans.

Other CP fans turned green with envy seeing Shan Xiao showing his affection
to Kuang Ye in public, that was like stuffing dog food to all the fans.

However, it was a beautiful misunderstanding, Shan Xiao had hit a lucky hit.

Even though everyone knew how Shan Xiao felt about Kuang Ye, the ‘in
celebration of President Shan and his teammate Kuang Ye’s friendship’ part in
that commercial was referring to how Shan Xiao had found out Kuang Ye’s
hidden identity as a spy and they had made up, becoming friends again.

That wasn’t an intentional PDA campaign.

50. Show Business is Some Business

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Kuang Ye and the other boys didn’t bother about what was happening in the
outside world, they were busy training in the Cycling Club. He had not
watched any of the commercials and video clips went vial on social media.
“What? Wish me and President Shan all the happiness in the world? That’s
sweet, but we are pretty happy already.” Kuang Ye exclaimed when he saw
the banners the fans made for them, “Thank you, you are sweet, but can you
please add my teammates’ name on the banner? We are together, me,
President Shan, Little Bai, Wangzi, Little Zhao, Little Zhou, Little Chu, we are
all very happy.”

The fans who were holding the banners were petrified, ‘We are together? Isn’t
it supposed to be Shanye only? They are having an open relationship? With
other teammates? Show business is some business!’

The fans who shipped Shanye wished they had not heard what Kuang Ye had
just said, however, the other fans had posted it online before they even left the
club. It became trending within a few minutes, all the fans were shocked.

Bai Jiachun complained gently, “Hey, Kuang Ye, why do you call Xiang
Qianjin Bro Xiang and you call me Little Bai? I don’t think he is older than me,
plus Little Bai sounds like a puppy name.”

Well, Bai Jiachun got a point, there were a lot of puppies named Little Bai.

Wait a minute, even Bai Jiachun had missed the point there, how Kuang Ye
had addressed you wasn’t the point at the moment, haven’t you heard how
Kuang Ye had described his relationship with you guys?

Xiang Qianjin who just finished his morning training session now was running
towards them and he heard Bai Jiachun’s complaint, he smiled at the team
and said, “I think I am older than you, Little Bai, I’m twenty four years old now,
and how old are you? Eighteen?”

Xiang Qianjin was right, Bai Jiachun was just eighteen this year, but he didn’t
want to be Little Bai.

Bai Jiachun pouted and thought, ‘Age is just a number, I am eighteen years

old, but I am a mature eighteen year old. Plus, it’s important to enter show
business when you are young, look at all the boys bands, they are even
younger than me.’

‘Wait! Boy bands, talent show, idols, wow, I feel those words are so far away
from me. How time flies! I’ve been riding bicycles everyday since my debut
night, geez, feels like I live in a different world now.’ Bai Jiachun exclaimed in
the heart.

But Bai Jiachun felt happy that he didn’t need to live in that fake Princess Bai
persona for anyone now, he hated to fool the fans, he didn’t like to be
portrayed as some fussy princess.
And he didn’t lose any fans since he changed his occupation, he had got more
fans since he had changed occupation.

Wait, where was he just now, yeah, right, in an argument with Kuang Ye. Bai
Jiachun put on a mean face and said, “Do not call me Little Bai, I’m serious.”

“All right Big Bai, no problem Big Bai.”

Bai Jiachun regretted his life choice, ‘Big Bai sounds even more like a dog.’

Let’s take a look at our President Shan for a minute.

President Shan saw the trending topic online when he was enjoying a hot tub

Secretary Feng was at the Cycling Club enjoying being a manager for the
team, he had to ask Wang Wei who had fainted right in front of him as a
substitute before Secretary Feng came back.

Wang Wei now was no longer an intern secretary, she was Manager Wang
thanks to President Shan who had given her a subsidiary corporation on her
first day. However, Wang Wei was very cautious in front of Shan Xiao no
matter she was Intern Little Wang or Manager Wang.

“What the heck is this? Stupid trending topics! Someone is spending money to
rig this?” our President Shan didn’t like what he was seeing.

Seeing that, Wang Wei who had never waited on Shan Xiao was even more
scared, and she admired Secretary Feng even more.

Wang Wei was shy and embarrassed waiting on Shan Xiao having a hot tub
bath, which was fair enough. But Shan Xiao didn’t have any ulterior intention,
he saw his sectaries as sectaries, not as male sectaries or female sectaries.

Wang Wei had been texting Secretary Feng for help like crazy, Secretary
Feng always gave her responses promptly.

“Don’t worry, President Shan is not happy seeing the trending topic, he isn’t
happy to see how people interpret his relationship with Kuang Ye. Go take
care of it. It’s fine.”

Wang Wei gasped when she saw the posts under that trending topic and she
blurted out “I did not see this coming, how wild’, people were saying Kuang Ye
was banging his whole team for he and President Shan had an open
Wang Wei shipped Shanye as well, not as hardcore as other fans though. She
had been busy reading all the financial reports about her company even since
Secretary Feng told her that she needed a substitute and had neglected what
was going on in Shanye fandom, to her surprise, that was not what President
Shan interested in.

“President Shan, what do you need me to do?” Wang Wei asked with

concern, she was worried for Kuang Ye, she had no idea what President Shan
would do in this towering rage.

“What did you say just now? How wild?” Shan Xiao was upset when he heard

He was sad that he was no longer the center of the universe, people were
getting excited seeing Kuang Ye’s scandal with other people. That wasn’t
good, he had to make a point soon that Kuang Ye was his.

‘Wait, why it feels like me and Kuang Ye are really in a relationship and I’m
getting jealous? And it feels like I’m trying everything to court him?’

51. Crew Members, Good Luck

Translator: Sissy That Walk

That ain’t a good feeling, our President Shan didn’t approve.

Shan Xiao kept tossing and turning on that night, he just couldn’t fall asleep.
He would sigh and groan, he would frown and smirk in turns, thinking about
how he and Kuang Ye met each other, how he watched Kuang Ye’s
performance on the grand finale of Dancing 666, how he built Shanye Cycling
Club for Kuang Ye, how Kuang Ye trained him patiently, how Kuang Ye
always cheered him up… …

The more he thought about it, the more he felt like he had grown quite fond of
Kuang Ye, that little spy Kuang Ye, no, the ex little spy Kuang Ye.

Shan Xiao couldn’t stop beating himself up, he couldn’t believe he had
actually had feelings for Kuang Ye, he hadn’t had this feeling for his entire life.
It had always been people grow feelings for him, never the other way around.
And he had never believed in ‘six billion people in the world,six billion souls,
but all I need is you’ type of relationship.

Kuang Ye for sure was something else, Shan Xiao had never met anyone like
Kuang Ye, all he had in mind was his dream, was training and winning world
championship. All Shan Xiao’s tricks had failed in front of Kuang Ye, Kuang
Ye didn’t give a damn for money, fame or any other material stuff.

But Shan Xiao was addicted to that Kuang Ye.

“God, please have mercy, please save me!” Shan Xiao buried his face in his
pillow and sighed, and he had admitted in his heart for the first time that he
had true feelings for Kuang Ye.

Not an awful lot of true feelings though, just a reasonable amount which was
enough to make him jealous and lose sleep at night.

But no way would Shan Xiao admit in front of others, especially Kuang Ye
himself. ‘What if he laughs at me and tell everyone else? What if they all join
him and laugh at my feelings? That’s terrible, I don’t want to be laughed at, I
will guard my secret to death!’ Shan Xiao clenched his fist and told himself
that he needed to protect this secret.

There would be a tricky problem looming large if Kuang Ye insisted on

guarding his secret — other people would made moves on Kuang Ye and
Kuang Ye had every reason to not turn them down.


Shan Xiao couldn’t help thinking about what Kuang Ye had said to the
fans, “Don’t just wish me and President Shan the happiness, our teammates
are all together, please add my teammates’ names.’

Shan Xiao had some head cannon going on in his mind, it went like
this, ‘Kuang Ye marries into my Family, and he seduces my brother-in-law, my
cousins, and it goes all over the news… …’

Wait, Shan Xiao was the only child in the family, he didn’t have any brother or

With that being said, Shan Xiao’s point was on one hand he was going to
guard his secret and on the other hand, he would make sure no one else
make moves on Kuang Ye.

But how? Shan Xiao was lost in thought, it looked like Shan Xiao wouldn’t get
any sleep this night.

To return to Kuang Ye.

Our Kuang Ye now wasn’t alone, his manager Jia Hong was with him and
they were gazing at each other in speechless dismay.
Yep, Jia Hong, that aspiring manager who wished to fulfill his potential and
helped Kuang Ye to rise to fame in show business.

However, poor Jia Hong’s hopes were dashed, he didn’t get the chance to
realize his aspirations after Kuang Ye finished Dancing 666. And all this was
thanks to Shan Xiao who had transferred the boys’ contract to Billion
Consortium, Jia Hong had to watch his dream breaking into pieces.

Even though Kuang Ye had kindly transferred Jia Hong’s contract to Billion
Consortium as well, the fact was Jia Hong had nothing to do and no one to
manage since the very debut night.

Seeing the boys practising cycling day and night and forsaking singing and
dancing which they were supposed to do, Jia Hong dared not to speak up.
Sometimes he couldn’t even watch the boys’ training, his pretty boys now
were all toned up and tanned, it looked like they could take him down in a
heartbeat, there were no idols like that all over the world.

It grieved Jia Hong that his boys turned into athletes, and the worst part was
he didn’t even have the chance to have a heart-to-heart talk with his boys.
Why, you may ask. Because President Shan was always around and Jia
Hong dared not to be rash in Shan Xiao’s presence.

But this day he didn’t see Shan Xiao and Secretary Feng was busy learning to
became the best team manager in the business so he sneaked up on Kuang
Ye and tried to have a heart-to-heart talk with Kuang Ye.

“A variety show? What variety show?” Kuang Ye asked in surprise, he didn’t

understand why Jia Hong would suggested going to record a variety show.

Jia Hong beamed with joy seeing Kuang Ye didn’t reject immediately, “It’s a
really good show with great fan base, it’s called Tonight Show, guests get to
play games and promote their new works, and there’s talkshow session too.
It’s a really good opportunity for you and the boys to communicate with the
fans too.”

“Talkshow and games?” Kuang Ye looked rather confused, “But we are busy

training, I know we are making progress already, but that’s far from enough if
we aim to win world championships, I just made a new training schedule for
the boys, so probably we won’t have the time… …”

Jia Hong was choked, he couldn’t believe Kuang Ye was turning this down, he
had pulled a lot of strings to get the boys this opportunity and Kuang Ye didn’t
even want it!

Jia Hong took a deep breath and tried to coax Kuang Ye, “Ye, I know you and
the boys are working so hard, but as I told you earlier, people go to that show
to promote their new work, like new album, new movies, so you can promote
cycling, you know, more fans will give cycling a try, why not?”

Kuang Ye’s face lit up, “You do have a point!”

“Of course!” Jia Hong kept his smile in place with some effort and he felt sorry
for the producer of the show, ‘Crew members, good luck!’ he exclaimed in his

52. Who Are You

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Bai Jiachun felt strange when he sat in the backstage of a studio for the first
time after his debut night, there were makeup artists greeted him and they did
his makeup carefully.

And this all happened after he thought he was done in show business and idol
career, all sorts of feelings well up in his mind. The other boys were feeling
the same way.

Life could be so humorous!

They sat quietly in front of the mirrors watching the makeup artists doll them
up and blow their hair, it felt like they had only done this in their last life.

Well, they were not wrong, idol life and cyclists life were two different lives.

“Mr. Bai, you have such delicate skin, this cherry blossom cream lipstick is
perfect for your skin tone, women love it, men love it!” the makeup artist
straight out lied through her teeth.

Well, she didn’t lie because she wanted to have a good laugh at Bai Jiachun,
it was just she had heard Bai Jiachun had delicate pale skin, and was
called ‘Princess Bai’. But to her surprise, Bai Jiachun’s was very tanned and
all the shade she prepared wasn’t exactly the right shade, but thank God, Bai
Jiachun was a handsome boy and he was able to pull anything off.

“Wait, what?” Bai Jiachun looked shocked he thought he must have misheard

it, “Men love it?”

The makeup artist nodded, “Yeah, men love it too! It’s so popular on the
market. Haven’t you heart of the saying? Idols need to expand their fan base
now, it’s no longer about how many girl fans you have, you need to attract boy

With that the makeup artist finished putting on foundation for Bai Jiachun, she
took a look at Bai Jiachun’s face and exclaimed in her heart, ‘Such amazing
skin! A nice tan can never hurt anyone!’

It took Bai Jiachun a long time to digest what he just heard, ‘Is it because I
haven’t been in show business for some time now? How come I’ve never
heard of that? Is that some new KPI I need to meet, to attract more boy fans?’

‘Here I come, boy fans, please support me!’

Bai Jiachun looked at himself in the mirror, all dolled up and bling bling, today
he was Idol Bai Jiachun instead of Cyclist Bai Jiachun.

He looked around and found his other teammates were having a good time
getting makeup done except Kuang Ye.

Kuang Ye used to run away and avoid getting makeup done when he was in
Dancing 666, and never had he had experience like today that a group of
makeup artists and stylists surround him and doll him up. Kuang Ye looked
like he wanted to be anywhere in the world but this room right now.

“Do you want to try this shade or are you happy with the shade on your face

“Sure.” Kuang Ye had no idea what was going on, but he felt he was being
rude if he kept saying ‘pardon?’

“Do you want to try to do your hair in a mullet today?”


“Do you want bushy eyebrows?”


“Do you want any accessories?”


“Wait, where is the foundation I mixed for him? I need it right now, it’s perfect
for his skin tone!”


Amid all the gabbling, Kuang Ye tried so hard to make eye contact with Jia
Hong, “Jia, when does the recording start?”

Kuang Ye tried so hard to not laugh, it tickled him so much that so many
people were touching his face.

A voice rang from outside before Jia Hong could open his mouth, a tall figure
flashed into the room and took a seat, it was Di Qiming who had met Kuang
Ye at the dinner organized by Shan Xiao, he sneered at Kuang Ye, “I know
this is very exciting for you, you poor peasant who has never been on a good
show like this.”

That harsh remark had thrown the whole room into dead silence.

Bai Jiachun frowned and was ready to throw some shade back at the
stranger, but before he could do that, Kuang Ye asked sincerely, “Who are

The sincere tone combined with the pure innocence on Kuang Ye’s face was
deadly to Di Qiming.

Di Qiming foamed with rage, how he wished he could slap some sense into
Kuang Ye.

Di Qiming was also one of the guests of the show this day.

He had been holding a grudge against Kuang Ye since that night when Shan
Xiao told him off due to Kuang Ye, and he was thrilled when he found Kuang
Ye was also a guest this day, he was ready to settle a score with Kuang Ye.

He once thought he was the only one who was good enough for Shan Xiao in
the entire world, he was dismayed and devastated when he found out Kuang
Ye had already won Shan Xiao’s heart!

Di Qiming comforted himself that Shan Xiao only liked Kuang Ye because he
had never seen anyone so bizarre as Kuang Ye in show business, and it was
just a matter of time before Shan Xiao got tired of Kuang Ye and all he
needed to do was wait patiently.

However, as time went by, it seemed like Shan Xiao had grown more fond of
Kuang Ye, and Shan Xiao even made a PDA show in commercials, Di Qiming
was pissed off.
As luck would have it, Di Qiming got the invitation for recording this show and
his manager told him Flash on the Wing were also invited, so he took the
invitation with heartfelt delight.

Di Qiming told himself he would eclipse Kuang Ye and his whole team on the
show and make Shan Xiao regret for his choice.

He had been pacing around impatiently in his room, wanting to provoke

Kuang Ye on the show when he walked past Kuang Ye’s room and overheard
Kuang Ye asked Jia Hong that question. So Di Qiming invited himself in and
threw some shade at Kuang Ye, little did he expect Kuang Ye K.Oed him by
asking, ‘Who are you?’

53. Family My Ass

Translator: Sissy That Walk

The staff members looked at each other in speechless despair, they had no
idea what was going on.

But they did know they couldn’t take side. Di Qiming, who had been in show
business since he was three years old and still win awards every year. Kuang
Ye, a starlet on the rise, and he had got an affair with President Shan, the
President Shan.

They had never heard the two bore grudge against each other, now they
wished they had done more research about them and avoid the drama.

Luckily they were all in backstage now, if fans had seen this car crash live,
they would flock into their official accounts on all of their social media
platforms and make them apologize. Based on the popularity of Kuang Ye and
Di Qiming, there could be a million reposts easily, and #XXX is over party
would be trending for days. Well, any discussion was good discussion in show

An idea struck a young makeup artist, she sneaked out and told this to a
cameraman about this and she asked the cameramen to sneak in the room
and recorded this on the sly, you know, those behind-the-scene tidbit.

“Gotcha!” the cameraman was pretty seasoned in show business too, he got

the point right away. The next second he put on a cap and sneaked into the
room, put his camera at a corner and started to record.
All that monkey business hadn’t escape Jia Hong, but Jia Hong figured this
might be good for Kuang Ye, Di Qiming was the initiator after all and Kuang
Ye was the victim. Therefore, Jia Hong turned a blind eye to what the
cameramen did, hoping this would attract more fans for Kuang Ye.

Di Qiming’s assistant knew his boss wound not take this very well and he was
ready to talk back, but Di Qiming blurted out before his assistant could open
his mouth, “Who am I? You don’t know? Tell you what? Call me daddy! And
you know what, this sugar daddy ain’t got any sugar for you!”


Dead silence.

People were shocked, they didn’t see that coming, such childish name calling

Kuang Ye was confused and shocked at the same time.

Well, as you know, the Male Lead in a lot of fictions were orphan or
abandoned since a very young age, our Male Lead Kuang Ye was the latter,
so he subconsciously blurted out, “Who is my mother then?”


Dead silence.

People were starting to question themselves, ‘Was that not a name calling

game? Is Di Qiming really Kuang Ye’s father? Listen to Kuang Ye, how
sincere is he! Wait, how old is Di Qiming? How old is Kuang Ye?’

Breaking news!

People gazed at Di Qiming with probing intensity into his eyes, waiting for an
answer, waiting to find out who Kuang Ye’s mother was!

The atmosphere was so intense and sincere that Di Qiming started to

research his memory, ‘Do I really have a son? Am I a scumbag? Have I
abandoned my wife and my child?’

“No! I’m not even thirty years old, how can I have a son like you?” Di Qiming

All this was recorded on camera and it had ‘accidentally’ got leaked and went
viral online, articles like ‘Genius Child Star Abandoned His Family? New
Starlet Looking for Father!’ and ‘Flash News About Flash on the Wing’ made

Ye is My Baby: Guys, have you heard of it? Ye is Di Qiming’s son!

Dancing Ye is Dancing in My Heart: Are you nuts? That’s obviously an edited

clip! Do you know how old is Ye now? No way he is Di Qiming’s son! Plus, I
don’t like that Di Qiming that much, he better not be Kuang Ye’s father.

Prince Qiming: Please watch your mouth! What do you mean ‘Di Qiming
better not be Kuang Ye’s father?’ Tell you what, Di Qiming is way too good for
your Kuang Ye, you know what, talk to Di Qiming after your Kuang Ye
survives show business for a decade!

Shanye Makes Me Proud: Guys, please calm down, I’m sure there’s some
misunderstanding going on, the only way to find out is to watch the Tonight

Ming Forever: Exactly! I’m sure the show is making all this up, and the entire
point is them trying to attract more viewers, this is called creating hype. Guys,
please, I’m sure there’s no beef between Kuang Ye and Di Qiming, it’s the

I Love Bubble Tea: Who are these people? What’s going on? Why am I
seeing this?

Ye is My Baby: Hey Bubble Tea, the young handsome man in the video is

called Kuang Ye, he is a starlet in the making, please support him 🙂

Prince Qiming: LOL, don’t embarrass yourself, handsome young man? You

mean Di Qiming, yeah? Because the only handsome young man I see in that
video clip is Di Qiming!

Shanye Makes Me Proud: Guys, please stop. Haven’t you watched the video?
I don’t think they are fooling around? The way Di Qiming looks at Kuang Ye, it
looks like he wants to eat Kuang Ye alive or something, and look at the way
Kuang Ye looks at Di Qiming, it is so sincere.


As the young makeup artist had expected, the show attracted more attention
online, all the fans were waiting for the show to be on.

The producer was thrilled seeing the data online, everyone was talking about
the video clip and the show. Surely there would be some criticism about how
the crew played people’s hearts afterwards, but as the saying went ‘Any
attention is good attention in show business’, the producer didn’t care what
kind of hype it was about, as long as it could attract more viewers for the

To return to Di Qiming and Kuang Ye.

Di Qiming couldn’t believe he lost again, and Kuang Ye kept saying, “Mr. Di,
the joke you just made wasn’t funny, it’s actually heartbreaking for a person
like me who has been hoping to meet his parents.”

Di Qiming looked sulky, “Yeah yeah yeah, I’m sorry for my poor joke, it’s not
as funny as your joke, say what? You throw yourself on President Shan and
you have been riding his coattails since day one, and say what, you say your
whole team and President Shan are like a family, family my ass!”

54. Inhibited Space

Translator: Sissy That Walk

‘Throw yourself on President Shan? Riding his coattails? The whole team is
like a family?’

Kuang Ye, our Male Lead, didn’t get the point right away, he thought there
was nothing wrong of being close as a family with teammates.

But everyone else in the room decoded what Di Qiming was trying to say, the
whole cycling team was like President Shan’s harem and Kuang Ye was the

Holy moly! Everyone gasped, that was breaking news!

The staff members knew no way could they leak this video out for obvious
reasons, they didn’t want to ruffle President Shan’s features. It was such a
shame for people who work in show business to keep a huge secret like this

This would definitely got more hits and reposts than ‘It is alleged that Di
Qiming is Kuang Ye’s father.’ However, the staff members were well aware
that no one was able to bear the consequence once the video got leaked.

And what was more, the staff members knew they should try to mollify Di
Qiming in case he was seized with a sudden impulse and disclose more
sensational revelations about President Shan. Driven by the desire to survive,
the staff members exchanged a look tacitly and were ready to ask Di Qiming
to go back to his own dressing room diplomatically.
A plan may would never not be able to keep up with changes, a voice rang at
the door of this dressing room when two makeup artists were about to
approach Di Qiming and volunteered to do his makeup in his dressing
room, “Di Qiming, how very dare you! You don’t know half of the things, how
could you run your mouth like a little bitxx!”

You could tell there were all sorts of emotions welling up in the tone, anger,
disappointment, grief, sadness, shame, and even a touch of delight.

Here came another guest, and the staff members wished they could have
some popcorn on the table for you could tell this guest was ready to gave rise
to a round of climax.

Everyone turned around to see who this guest was, and why there were so
many emotions in his tone, who could it be? Someone who had a past with Di
Qiming? Or one of Kuang Ye’s cray fan?

To everyone’s surprise, it was a good-looking young man charging in the


“Isn’t that Xiao Ruizhi?”

“Yeah, it’s Xiao Ruizhi!”

“Yeah! The young movie star who has just won Best Newcomer Film Award!”

“Oh yeah, does he have any new movies to promote recently? I’m pretty sure
I’ve just watched two of his movies two months ago? Is he also a guest

As a matter of face, the crew didn’t invite Xiao Ruizhi.

However, Xiao Ruizhi volunteered to be on the show once he heard Kuang Ye

would be a guest.

The crew were overjoyed when they heard Xiao Ruizhi was willing to come to
the show for free, free publicity! Why not?

As for why Xiao Ruizhi was willing to come to the show for free, the crew
members didn’t bother to ask.

Kuang Ye, Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi each stood on a spot, forming a
Inhibited Space in an equilateral triangle shape. It looked like they were
communicating through telepathy in that triangle Inhibited Space, if felt weird.
Di Qiming wasn’t happy that his lecture was interrupted by this uninvited
guest, and it looked like this uninvited guest was on Kuang Ye’s side, Di
Qiming rolled his eyes at Xiao Ruizhi and asked, “Who am I speaking to?”

Well, actually Di Qiming knew who Xiao Ruizhi was. He just thought Kuang
Ye’s ‘I don’t remember who you are’ move was such a brilliant move, so he
stole this move and applied it on Xiao Ruizhi, hopefully this would upset Xiao
Ruizhi. Plus Di Qiming didn’t think Xiao Ruizhi a big star or a force to be
reckon with, just a young actor who had filmed several films by pure luck.

Geez, it turned out Kuang Ye wasn’t the only one in this room who did not
play by the conventional wisdom.

Xiao Ruizhi wasn’t riled up or upset, he just gazed at Di Qiming for a few
seconds like he was massaging Di Qiming with hie eyes, and then he averted
his gaze and sighed, “It doesn’t matter who I am. What matters is you should
always remember who you are and who you have loved.”

Di Qiming gasped.

To be accurate, everyone in the room gasped except Kuang Ye.

‘What telenovela is this! Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi used to date? Or it is

Kuang Ye and Xiao Ruizhi used to date? Or they used to have a love triangle
before? Someone please tell me, has Kuang Ye broken both Di Qiming and
Xiao Ruizhi’s hearts for President Shan?’ the staff members wondered.

But soon they denied that thought, ‘No way! Life is dramatic indeed, but it
cannot be that dramatic, hehe, yeah, hehe. Even the most brilliant
screenwriter won’t write such a twisted plot, no, there isn’t love triangle!’

“I do remember who I am and people who I love and have loved! But if you
mean people who I love romantically, no, not at the moment! Don’t you ever
try to cook up a love story about me and try to spread it around! Tell you what,
I’ve been in this business for well over twenty years now, I’ve seen all those
cheap moves, you know what, if you keep cooking up stories about me, my
people will talk to your people!” Di Qiming stamped with fury, “I’m the most
eligible golden bachelor in town! Stop your nonsense already!”

Xiao Ruizhi lowered his head and sighed, “It looks like you have indeed
forgotten about that night, the night we spent in President Shan’s mansion?”

‘Too much information!’ the onlookers couldn’t help exclaiming in their hearts!

And Di Qiming was forced to recall the night… that horrible horrible night!
55. The Five Stages of Grief
Translator: Sissy That Walk

“Of… of course not, it’s impossible to forget that night, every guest should
remember how arrogant Kuang Ye was on that night. But why did you ask? Is
it relevant?” Di Qiming didn’t want to have the faintest recollection of that
night, he didn’t like the way Xiao Ruizhi brought it up, it was like touching his
tender spot.

Hearing that, Xiao Ruizhi looked even more broody, “I only want to tell you the
truth, my friend. I know President Shan asked you to see him in his room,
yeah? It happened to me too, I believe he said the exact same thing to both of
us, no, to everyone he has asked to see him. Does that ring a bell? Do you
get my point now?”

‘President Shan asked to see you in his room!’

‘It happened to me too!’

‘He said the exact same thing to everyone who has been to his room!’

Now the staff members kind of wished they weren’t in the room, they didn’t
want to hear such breaking news about President Shan, the desire to survive
now was burning.

Di Qiming narrowed his eyes and recalled what happened in President Shan’s
room: Domineering President Shan, Caring Kuang Ye who was taking care of
President Shan who was a bit under the whether, and checks President Shan
threw at him along with cold hard orders of leaving Kuang Ye alone.

Di Qiming thought Kuang Ye was behind the scene, Kuang Ye asked

President Shan to put on that show to let everyone know he was the only one
who President Shan cared about. But Di Qiming didn’t know why Xiao Ruizhi
kept bringing it up, was it because Xiao Ruizhi was still mad?

Di Qiming thought for a while and then he carefully asked, “Did… did you for
get to take the check? Is that why you are so mad?”

Xiao Ruizhi stamped with fury, “The check? You think this is about money,
don’t you? How petty are you, Di Qiming? Is it all you can think about?” Xiao
Ruizhi rolled up his sleeves, it looked like he was about to beat Di Qiming
up, “Have you forgotten what President Shan said when he threw those
checks at us?”
The hidden cameraman pressed his forehead, ‘Geez, what have I dragged
myself into?’

“Didn’t he asked us how much money do we need to leave Kuang Ye alone?

What’s wrong with that?” Di Qiming’s voice got lower and lower as he recalled
what Shan Xiao said to them.

Let’s get this straight, straight as in in a reasonable way.


Di Qiming got the invitation from Billion Consortium, he was so thrilled and all
dolled up, ready to slay the whole gathering. However, Shan Xiao didn’t even
walk downstairs until Kuang Ye showed up. And this part of the story was
where Di Qiming got really pissed off, everyone (including the caterers) well
dressed up except Kuang Ye, Kuang Ye showed up in active ware and
sneakers and Shan Xiao danced to Kuang Ye’s tune, and somehow Kuang Ye
carried Shan Xiao in his arms all the way to Shan Xiao’s bedroom on the top
floor with everyone’s eyes fixed on them.

And something even more provoking took place just when you thought it was
over, Di Qiming still quivered with indignation till this day… …

President Shan started to call people to meet him in his bedroom, Di Qiming
thought President Shan was just inviting people to have a private party until
President Shan asked him how much money he needed if he was asked to
leave Kuang Ye.

And President Shan kept throwing checks at him.

Di Qiming scratched his ears and cheeks with a giant question mark in his
mind, he had no idea where this question came from, he wouldn’t make a
move on Kuang Ye in a million years, but Kuang Ye’s tone was so firm as if he
had caught them red-handed.

Di Qiming narrowed his eyes and thought this over, all of a sudden, he
thought he knew what Xiao Ruizhi was talking about, “No, no way! That’s
impossible!” Di Qiming screamed.

Di Qiming looked Kuang Ye up and down, no, Kuang Ye was not his type from
hair to toe.

“It feel so wrong and so right at the same time, something is not adding up,
but something is making perfect sense… …”
Di Qiming’s eyes kept travelling from Kuang Ye to Xiao Ruizhi back and forth,
he looked at Xiao Ruizhi’s eyes and said, “Please tell me it’s not what I am
thinking, please tell me I’m wrong.”

Xiao Ruizhi lifted up his eyes and sighed, “I think you know what the answer
is, my friend.”

Xiao Ruizhi knew exactly what Di Qiming was feeling, Xiao Ruizhi had gone
through the same journey, it was a whole lot like five stages of grief, you
would deny it first, ‘No, no way I have dated that bumpkin’, and the second
stage was you would feel angry about yourself, ‘no no no, I’m such an idiot, I
regret my life choices’, thirdly, you would have a little bargaining in your
mind, ‘no, there must be some understanding, I’m sure it was a one time
thing, God, please! I will do more charity if you erase that past’, fourthly, you
would feel depressed, and those stages would finally lead to the final stage —

“Di Qiming, why do you think President Shan would throw checks at us?” Xiao
Ruizhi roared.

Yep, Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi thought the truth must be they both had a
history with Kuang Ye but somehow they both had forgotten about it!

A wave of guilt swept through Di Qiming and he walked to Kuang Ye, “I’m

so… I’m so sorry, how could I say those things to you, can you please forgive
me, Little Ye?”

Kuang Ye was like ???

“Little Ye, how can I do this to you!” Di Qiming walked with a stagger, and he
almost fell on the ground, Kuang Ye supported him on time, Di Qiming nestled
in Kuang Ye’s chest and said, “Oh, Little Ye, thank you so much, you have
such strong arms.”

56. The Tonight Show

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Hearing that, Kuang Ye beamed, “Thank you, would you like to train with us?
Getting some exercise done is good for you.”

‘Exercise? As in Sexercise?’ Di Qiming thought and somehow he wasn’t

against the idea.
“Guys, correct me if I’m wrong.” Bai Jiachun interrupted this lovey-dovey
moment, “So, Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi both have dated Kuang Ye, and
President Shan bribed you two to leave Kuang Ye so he can date Kuang Ye?”

Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi nodded with a bright smile.

As a matter of fact, both Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi knew the same
conversation happened between President Shan and a lot of other guests that
night, it meant Kuang Ye had dated a lot more people than just them two. The
two thought for a while and fought back the impulse to explain there were
people who was in love with Kuang Ye.

Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi replied in unison, “Yes, is there a problem?”

Bai Jiachun shook his head for he couldn’t be bothered.

Bai Jiachun turned around and asked Kuang Ye, “What about you? Do you
think you have a past with them? As in romantic relationships”

“Romantic relationships?” Kuang Ye looked so confused, “I don’t know, I don’t

think I know them to be honest.”

Bai Jiachun shrugged and cast a glimpse at Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi, the
message the glimpse conveyed was ‘I think you guys are tripping, yo!’

Bai Jiachun rolled his eyes, ‘Geez, those two are drama queens through and
through, I know everyone in the business all wishes to cooperate with Kuang
Ye, but the length those two are willing to go!’

However, Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi failed to understand Bai Jiachun’s

glimpse, they looked at Kuang Ye and said, “We know, it must be President
Shan, he must have erased your memory, it’s fine, we can help you, we will
get your memory back!”

It looked like Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi were too committed to realize there
was nothing logical in this love story.

Bai Jiachun didn’t even have the heart to watch, he kept his dry smile in place
with great effort.

However, the staff members felt so touched, a young girl wiped her tears and
said, “This is so touching, I want this The Notebook kind of love too!”

Other staff members nodded repeatedly in approval.

Bai Jiachun wished he could slap some senses into these young girls, but he
didn’t want to make the headlines so he watched this with his fists clenched
like a hammer.

‘Well, on the plus side, this love story triangle is better than a brawl in the
backstage’, Bai Jiachun tried to comfort himself.

The host and the audience all had watched the clips leaked, they were so
excited to see the guests.

You would expect Kuang Ye to sit with his teammates, but Di Qiming and Xiao
Ruizhi took the seats near Kuang Ye like predators right after Kuang Ye took
his seat. Seeing that, the host’s face lit up, he knew this episode would create
a record.

The other members of Flash on the Wing were like, ‘Smile, you are on TV
now, let everything go, Zen! Zen! Zen! Don’t create drama over some stupid

But the audience were in an uproar seeing Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi being
so active around Kuang Ye, some audience even whistled.

It took the host quite some time to maintain order, and it came to the talkshow
session after exchanging formalities. The host asked the guests what their
new works were about and when could the audience see their new works.

The host asked Di Qiming first, they all knew Di Qiming just finished a big
budget movie and people were curious to know what it was about.

“Thank you so much for asking, but frankly today I’m here for Little Ye, I
believe this his first time to be a talkshow, I’m so happy for him and he has
been working so hard for this work, I believe you will love it too.”

Xiao Ruizhi was not resigned to playing second fiddle, he chimed in

promptly, “Exactly! I’ve been rooting for Little Ye since Dancing 666, I’m so
excited to see what he has prepared for us, I’m sure it’s marvellous!”

The host joined them and showed his interest in Kuang Ye’s ‘new work’.

The audience were curious to find out what could this ‘new work’ be, an
album? A movie? Their own show?

Hmm, probably not a whole album, the whole team had just one song ‘Let Me
Be Your Light’, so a movie?
Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi kept talking about how much they appreciated
Kuang Ye’s hard work and talent since Dancing 666, which made Kuang Ye’s
face red as a tomato.

The host had never seen such supportive guests, according to the rundown,
Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi were both here to prompt their new movies, but
now all they kept saying was Kuang Ye.

All eyes on Kuang Ye now, everyone was dying to find out how epic Kuang
Ye’s new work was!

Kuang Ye smiled at the audience and scratched his head, “Thank you all for
the support. My team will attend several national cycling races to accumulate
some experience, and our final goal was of course to attend and win the world
championship. And the good news is if you are interested in cycling, you can
join Shanye Cycling Club.”

You could hear crickets chirping in the studio.

After God-knows how long, the host recovered his composure and darted a
few glances at Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi, “Is this what you are talking about?
Cycling events?”

But Kuang Ye beamed like a flower blooming in spring, ‘Manager Jia, have

you seen that? Are you proud of me? I have taken full advantage of this show
and promoted our club, hopefully there will be a lot of aspiring cyclists apply to

57. Make It Rain

Translator: Sissy That Walk

‘Isn’t this awkward?’

‘God, please help me!’

‘What have I done to deserve this?’

‘Thank God this is not live, breathe, breathe, no matter what silly things Kuang
Ye has said, we can edit it. Phew, think positive, think positive, this is no big
deal.’ the host exclaimed in his heart, wishing this were a dream.

Our dear host finally understood why he hadn’t seen the host of Dancing 666
after the show, people who had worked with that host said he had gone to
India for some spiritual practise courses due to the experience of hosting
Dancing 666, he used to laugh at those hearsay but now he started to believe

At the moment he just wanted to get this done and over with so he could go to
his counseling and do the damage control as soon as possible, he didn’t want
to go all the way to India to heal his heart.



Someone in the audience started to clap, soon other audience joined him and
started to applaud together although most of the audience were as confused
as the host and had absolutely no idea why they were applauding.

Seeing that, the host heaved a sigh of relief, he clapped as well and spoke
highly of Kuang Ye’s enthusiasm about the cycling events. He changed the
subject amid the Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi’s loving and caring looks.

Normally the host would spend a long time talking about the guests’ new work
promotion for that was why the guests were on the show, but not this time,
this show would become a sports show if Kuang Ye went on like this.

With that in mind, our dear guest rose to his feet and clapped his hands, “All
right, let’s make some noise for our guest Kuang Ye, let’s wish him a speedy
success. And now it’s time for our signature game, Charades Plus, yep, a little
Charades Plus never hurts anyone, here is how we play it… …”

Charades Plus was the most popular game on Tonight Show, it was classic
Charades mixed with whispering, here was how Charades Plus worked: The
players will divide into teams before playing, players from each team take
turns pantomiming for their teammates, and the players can whisper to the
player next to him plus pantomiming for the rest of the whole team. The first
team to guess the word or phrase gets a point.

It wasn’t a complicated game, but it was so much fun to watch the celebrities
play, because what usually happened was they would come up with such
different answers that would evoke laughter, the way the players whispered to
the player who sat next to him could be hilarious too, because once a small
mistake was made, it would develop like a snow ball when it was the last
player’s turn to guess.

They had Flash on the Wing plus Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi this day, eight
players together, perfect for two teams.
However, Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi each grabbed one of Kuang Ye’s arms
as soon as the host said they were about to play Charades Plus. Neither of
those two was willing to let go of Kuang Ye, therefore they created a hilarious
scene on the stage, the three of them held arms and walked on the stage like
a giant crab.

Seeing that, the host made a joke, “Haha, it looked like the three of them are
getting ready for the punishment, come on boys, we are playing in two teams,
four players each team. We need one more player in Team Crab.”

The rest of the boys looked at one another blankly in dismay, they refused to
be in Team Crab. Bai Jiachun averted his gaze for fear his teammates would
sacrifice him, Zhao Xiuyu did the same thing, he bent down pretending he was
doing his show laces. Poor Zhou Chong and Chu Yangbo had to bite the
bullet, Zhou Chong clenched his fist and said, “Aiya, let’s solve it like a real
man, how about rock paper and scissors!”

“Sounds good to me!” Chu Yangbo nodded.

With that, Chu Yangbo threw a rock and Zhou Chong threw scissors.

Chu Yangbo was so happy that he won, he didn’t want to be in Team Crab!
But Zhou Chong narrowed his eyes and blurted out, “Ha, congratulations, you
won, the winner gets to be in Team Crab!” with that he took a step back and
stood right next to Bai Jiachun.

Chu Yangbo frowned and regretted why they hadn’t make it clear that the
loser had to join Team Crab instead of the winner.

But there was not much he could do at the moment, Chu Yangbo had to walk
to Team Crab with looking back repeatedly every step he had taken, wishing
he didn’t have to join the three crazy ones.

As luck would have it, the door of the studio was pushed open at that moment.

And the next second, what came to your sight was a man with two rainmaker
money gun stride in the studio, he fiddled with the money gun and made it rain
in the studio!

The crew members gazed at each other in speechless despair, ‘Is… is this on

the rundown? Who is this person?’

Soon there were more people swarming in the studio, ah~ it was President
Shan and his bodyguards.

“President Shan?” a crew member mumbled, ‘What are you doing in our

Good question.

President Shan was mad when he saw the rumour of Kuang Ye being with
some other men online, he decided he needed to be around and made a
point, Kuang Ye belonged to the one and only Domineering CEO — President
Shan himself!

After five minutes’ thinking and hesitation, our President Shan had this all
figured out, he brought a team of bodyguards with him and charged in the
studio, he also brought two rainmaker money gun with him, he thought he
better make it rain wherever he went, you know, just to make the point that he
was able to do it.

58. A Rat’s Nest (1)

Translator: Sissy That Walk

‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.’

It was the most glorious moment of Tonight Show, it was the most ridiculous
episode of Tonight Show.

Once again, the crew members and the host were glad this show was not a
live show, otherwise there was nothing they could do about the damage
control part when President Shan marched in their studio holding two
Rainmaker money gun and covered their floor with cash.

That would make President Shan a laughing stock on TV history.

“People, what are you all doing? Here, have some cash!” President Shan was
so confused when he saw no one could be bothered to exclaim or pick up the
cash on the floor.

That was no small amount of cash either, all the cash came in one hundred.
But the audience didn’t play along, President Shan expected they should be
cheering and clapping for him on seeing so much cash.

President Shan stopped and started to question himself, ‘Wait, something

went wrong today, is it my hair? Is it my outfit?’

Well, the truth was everyone was simply in shock, they had no idea what they
should do to fit in for President Shan was some new level crazy.
However, there was one person who was willing to give President Shan the
due attention. Kuang Ye gently broke free from Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi on
stage, he walked to Shan Xiao with a big smile on his face.

Seeing that, Shan Xiao’s heart started to race.

Shan Xiao blushed, ‘Oh, what is he doing? He knows I’m a huge sucker for
those PDA! Oh well, oh well, it looks like he knows he has done something
wrong by having those moments with other people and he is trying to redeem
himself, aww, cute, I forgive you already. I’m a big manly man with a big heart.
All right, I forgive you.’

Kuang Ye cupped Shan Xiao’s face before he could say anything, “I’m so glad
you are here, President Shan, but littering is bad.”

Whispers in a subdued voice rose one after another.

‘Is that President Shan?’

‘What is he doing here?’

‘Isn’t he in a relationship with Kuang Ye?’

‘Oh my, this is getting interesting, what will Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi do?’

‘Fight, fight… …’

“Littering?” Shan Xiao couldn’t believe what he had just heard.

“Yeah, look at the floor, this is not good, especially when we are on TV, we
need to set a good example for the young kids out there. Come on now, let’s
take care of this mess.” Kuang Ye explained while pointing on the floor.

‘Mess? A mess worth about five hundred thousand? I won’t call that a mess.’

Our President Shan pouted, once again he realized his Kuang Ye was nothing
like those material beings he had seen before, but he sighed the next second
because money was all he had, he knew how shallow and superficial he was,
he had no idea how to impress Kuang Ye when Kuang Ye wasn’t interested in
material stuff.

Kuang Ye had already rolled up his sleeve and bent down when Shan Xiao
was sulking.

The cameramen looked at each other in speechless despair, ‘What shall we

do now? Shall we keep recording?’
The director said, “Of course, this is gold material, how often do you see this
on TV?”

Shan Xiao joined Kuang Ye, Shan Xiao’s bodyguards dared not to take the
liberty and join their boss for they weren’t sure whether this was some
romantic event that their boss had designed.

So the bodyguards decided to not take any risk, they just sat idly by when
their boss dived in.

Kuang Ye grabbed Shan Xiao’s hand and walked to the stage after they were
done ‘taking care of the mess’, “Hi, everybody, this is President Shan, my
good friend.”

“Yeah, surprise, everybody, I’m also a guest today.” Shan Xiao swept the
studio and shouted.

The director panicked, ‘Gee, we don’t usually call people who come without
being invited guests, but… but… I love my job too much to disobey you, all
right, you are one of our guests today as well.’

With that in mind, the director did a thumbs up gesture standing by the stage
and the host nodded on receiving that signal.

Seeing that, Shan Xiao signaled his bodyguard who was holding the cash to
give the cash to the director, ‘You are doing your job well, you deserve this
cash prize.’

After that, Shan Xiao glared at Bai Jiachun. Even though Bai Jiachun wasn’t
the one who made the headlines with Kuang Ye this time, Shan Xiao just
glared at Bai Jiachun out of habit.

Shan Xiao cast a few glimpse at Kuang Ye, gently blaming Kuang Ye for the
ability of looking like a perfect match with anyone who was standing next to

Kuang Ye noticed his friend’s ardent glimpses, he beamed at Shan

Xiao, “President Shan, I’m so glad you are a guest too, come on now, we are
about to play a fun game called Charades Plus, perfect timing, please join us.”

‘Join us? Us who? I only want to join you, not those people who are standing
next to you.’ Shan Xiao pouted, he looked Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi up and
down with disgust.

Seeing that, Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi felt so offended, they were the one
who had suffered the great loss! Shan Xiao paid them money for stealing
Kuang Ye, they thought Shan Xiao must have done something shady,
otherwise why was he so guilty and offered them money.

Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi looked at each other, they had decided they were
not going to back down this time, they were willing to defy President Shan for
their loved one! No backing down this time!

“Mr. Di, Mr. Xiao, please take a few steps back, the fans want to see some
Shanye moments.” the director ordered.

Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi exchanged a look, they lowered their head and did
what they were told to.

59. A Rat’s Nest (2)

Translator: Sissy That Walk

The crew decided they had to keep calm and carry on, the reasons were

First and foremost, it would be very costly if they erased the old tape and
started all over. Secondly, all the guests (who were invited) all had a tight
schedule, they weren’t sure whether they would be free to reschedule the
recording. Last but not the least, they had already ‘accidentally leaked’ a few
clips of behind-the-scene tidbit, the fans would attack them if they weren’t able
to finish this episode on time.

I say a little prayer for the crew, especially the host.

The host now had to look for a perfect excuse for this ‘uninvited
guest’ showing up in the middle of this episode, he also had to smooth the
whole episode’s operation.

“Haha, attention, everyone.” the host cleared his throat and acted this was
completely under control, “That’s right, everyone, we have invited a
mysterious guest for out game Charade Plus, I’m sure everyone in our city
has heard of his name, he is the CEO of all the CEOs, he is the CEO of Billion
Consortium, his name is Shan Xiao, let’s make some noise for President

Shan Xiao was standing in the center on the stage, looking at everyone
disdainfully out of the corner of his eyes, but the audience dared not to say
The lighting engineer gave Shan Xiao the spotlight on the stage, but our
President Shan didn’t even interact with the camera like he was supposed to.

The host had never worked with a guest who wasn’t able to play along with
him in his whole career, but what could he do about President Shan, nothing
but obeying.

The script supervisor whispered at the director’s ear, “Oh gee, good call,
director, now I understand why you said no starting over. I was having second
thought about your decision just now, but seeing the way President Shan is, I
understand all your good intentions now. It’s impossible to ask this President
Shan to play along, he won’t cooperate with us.”

The director was still in a state of shock, his heart was still fluttering with fear,
he took a deep breath and replied, “Exactly, I’m sure he won’t play along no
matter now nicely we ask him, I mean, beg him! Plus, it’s extra money if we
start all over, gee, why bother, right? We better focus on something that is
more likely to be manageable, how can we make sure our audience don’t
rattle on to the tabloids, because you know it and I know it, President Shan
will be mad at us if he sees anything that he isn’t happy with.”

Well, it all depended on luck how this episode would turn out.

But on a second thought, this was the first time that President Shan showed
up on a variety show, surely he would attract viewers and hits no matter what
he would do. With that in mind, the director felt much better, he tapped the
crew members’ shoulders and encouraged them to hang in there because
they had already witnessed history. They should give themselves a round of
applause no matter how this episode actually turned out.

However, the host on stage didn’t feel that happiness, he felt so alone and
helpless all by himself on the stage, he just tried to make eye contact with
Shan Xiao and said, “Welcome to the show, President Shan, would you like to
say a quick hi and make a brief self-introduction about yourself?”

Shan Xiao rolled his eyes, “Tell me you are joking, self-introduction? Me?”

“Hahaha, of course I am joking, game time! Pick a team, President Shan, let’s
wait and see which team President Shan will pick, where’s my drum rolls?” the
host tried to use humor.

But the answer was pretty obvious, Kuang Ye was the only reason that why
Shan Xiao was here, Shan Xiao just walked directly to Kuang Ye.

Seeing that, Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi stepped forward and resumed the
position before Shan Xiao showed up, the two took hold of Kuang Ye’s arms
and guarded him like he were their queen, they even showed a cold smile.
‘Hmm, not this time President Shan! You think you can buy love and stop us
from loving who we should love, well, you are wrong, you could only do it
because we lost our memory last time! Bring it on, we won’t back down!’

“President Shan, we know you want to be in Kuang Ye’s team, but we are not
budging either!” shouted Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi.

The host laughed, “Wow, this is an intense start for the game, it looks like both
Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi want to win badly, hmm, and they both think Kuang
Ye will be their lucky charm.”

‘Geez, look at their facial expressions, aren’t they taking this game a little bit
too seriously? Hopefully, our crew members will be able to make this a bit
light-hearted and humorous, probably add some silly music.’ the host said a
little prayer in his heart.

Shan Xiao took off his sunglasses and said, “Remove your filthy hands from
Ye, now.”

Shan Xiao rolled his eyes, thinking so little of Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi, ‘How
childish, both of you! It looks very primary school for me, grabbing Ye’s arms
and claiming he is mine, he is mine. Well, too bad, that’s not how it works.’

Di Qiming rebuked, “Mind your language, President Shan, I ain’t filthy, I

shower everyday.”

“Is that something worth bragging? Do you have any idea how many times I
take my shower per day? Seven, sometimes eight!” Shan Xiao countered.

The host make some more fake laugh, “Our President Shan is taking this
game very seriously, I can’t wait to see how well he plays, hmm, how about Di
Qiming, Xiao Ruizhi, Kuang Ye and President Shan be a team and I will join
the other team, so each team will have five players. All right then, shall we

Hearing that, Di Qiming, Xiao Ruizhi and Shan Xiao frowned in unison, they
didn’t want to be in the same team with their rival in love.

60. Loving You is Easy Coz You are Beautiful

Translator: Sissy That Walk

The game finally started amid this general turmoil. They have divided into two
teams, Team A: Wangzi Xingchen, Zhao Xiuyu, Zhou Chong, Chu Yangbo
and the host, Team B: Kuang Ye, Shan Xiao, Di Qiming, Xiao Ruizhi and Bai

Bai Jiachun had no interest in playing this game at all, but now he had to just
to make up the numbers, so he stood on the very edge of the stage trying to
not snap out.

‘I am so wrong, I should have stopped Kuang Ye from coming to the show,

look at this mess, both Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi think they have had a past
with Kuang Ye, some sort of larger than life past. And they somehow suffered
a memory loss and forgot all about it, and what now, they are fighting for
Kuang Ye, their enemy is here too, President Shan! God please have mercy, I
can’t even watch!’

The Stage Assistant presented each team a piece of paper, Wangzi Xingchen
and Bai Jiachun became the first player in each team.

Wangzi Xingchen had a look of the paper and whispered at Zhao Xiuyu who
was the second player in their team, Zhao Xiuyu nodded and whispered to
Zhou Chong who was standing next to him, everything went on smoothly.

While on the other hand, the other team was the very opposite of ‘going on
smoothly’. They didn’t even manage to stand in a straight line, as you could
imagine, Di Qiming, Xiao Ruizhi and Shan Xiao vied with each other to
become the person who got to stand closer to Kuang Ye. hmm, how do we
put this, have you watched Animal World on BBC? It was kind of like Kuang
Ye was the only female lion on this plain and Di Qiming, Xiao Ruizhi, Kuang
Ye were three male lions and they were fighting for the right to mate with the
female lion. So the three male lions had surrounded the female lion in the
center, and Bai Jiachun stood outside of the center, frowning.

Our poor Princess Bai who was used to be the center of attention since he
was a little boy, good-looking, rich and popular, and now he wasn’t even
included in their little circle.

The Stage Assistant dared not to intrude into the little circle, so she passed
the paper to Bai Jiachun and fled from the stage.

However, the three male lions were so passionate about this game that they
started to fight to be the first player of the game, Di Qiming reached out his
arm trying to block Shan Xiao and Xiao Ruizhi bent down, trying to make his
way to Bai Jiachun and his paper. But both of them had underestimated how
tall our President Shan was, President Shan turned left and charged towards
Bai Jiachun with his super long legs, the next second our President Shan
managed to traverse Di Qiming and stand behind Bai Jiachun.
Shan Xiao had hesitated and vacillated , but he braved the turmoil going on in
his heart and stood behind Bai Jiachun, aiming to be the first player in their

Just when he thought he had that in his pocket, a figure had flied past him like
a flash, ‘Oh, such a beautiful figure, like a strong summer breeze, please take
me away with you~’

Of course that figure was Kuang Ye.

Kuang Ye snatched the piece of paper from Bai Jiachun and took a look, he
then whispered at Shan Xiao’s ear.

Our President Shan soon blushed as red as a tomato, he felt like he was on
cloud nine and an angel was stroking his face with the softest feature.

But the audience had heard Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi’s hearts breaking into
a million pieces.

Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi stared at Kuang Ye and the way President Shan
tantalized Kuang Ye, they couldn’t believe it! Xiao Ruizhi reached out his arm
in pain, “Ye, oh no! Ye! He is the reason why we cannot be together, and you
are whispering at his ear….”

Di Qiming looked shocked as well, “Ye, you are doing this for us, right? You
are just doing this to get more information from him, you are sacrificing
yourself and trying to realize your goal in roundabout way… …”

Hearing that, Shan Xiao rolled his eyes, “Sacrificing you ass!” with that he
grabbed Kuang Ye’s hand and said, “Ha, now that you’ve said something that
sweet, I decide to forgive your past misdeeds, you know what, we are still
Shanye as long as you can thoroughly rectify your errors.”

“Excuse me?” Kuang Ye was so confused, ‘Have I got this game all wrong? Is

this supposed to be a role play game? Why don’t I understand a single word
everybody is saying?’

“President Shan”, Kuang Ye still looked so confused, “It’s time to say what you
have heard, come on now, we need to win!”

Shan Xiao’s lips suddenly twitched, “So… so you were just playing the

“Isn’t that why we made such a scene fighting for the piece of paper in Bai’s
hands?” Kuang Ye explained, “I thought we are making it more intense to add
more fun to the game.”
Bai Jiachun pressed his forehead, ‘Ye, it looks like you are the only one who
is in the game mood in our team, the rest of our teammates are all in a
Casanova mood.’

The host gnashed his teeth and stood up, “All right, guys, now it’s time to
reveal the final answer.”

Chu Yangbo took a deep breath and said, “What I heard is No more empty
belly because I cooked you tofu.”

Hearing that, Shan Xiao laughed hysterically, “That’s such nonsense, haha,

you team is done, the right answer is Loving you is easy coz you are
beautiful!” Shan Xiao beamed with smile, he genuinely believed that was what
Kuang Ye said to him.


The host tried so hard to keep a straight face, but he failed, he failed

Di Qiming took a look at the paper in Kuang Ye’s hand and he burst into
laughter, yep, our President Shan had made a fool of himself. No wonder he
blushed like a little girl, he thought Kuang Ye was expressing love when
Kuang Ye really said was what Zhou Chong said, ‘No more empty belly coz I
cooked you tofu.’

61. Pur Pur Pur

Translator: Sissy That Walk

This episode of Tonight Show got the most reviews, but soon people started
to write negative comments about this episode for multiple reasons. For
starters, the editing seemed a little messy, you could tell the guests didn’t get
to finish what they were trying to say, the editing seemed very rushed and
amateur. No one could tell what the guests were saying.

Secondly, a lot of the audience were intrigued by the teasers where they
promised to disclose more details of Di Qiming and Kuang Ye’s complicated
past, but they got nothing they were promised that they would get. In the
whole episode, Di Qiming had glued his eyes on Kuang Ye, it didn’t look like
they had a complicated past, it looked like they had a very lovey-dovey
present. And for the fans who were excited to know more about Di Qiming’s
new films received nothing but disappointment as well, some cycling events
was all they had heard.

Di Qiming’s Knight: What’s going on with the editing? I thought Di Qiming

came to the show to promote his new films, and I’m dying to find out more
information about his work, but what did I get? Some nonsense about cycling?

Loving Di Qiming Forever: Is it just me or Di Qiming keeps exuding

tenderness and love through his eyes when he looks at Kuang Ye?

I Love Drama: What the hexx? Isn’t this fraud? I watched the teaser, and I
was so ready for some good old drama about Di Qiming and Kuang Ye, it
looked like Di Qiming had a lot to say about their past, but what do I get in the
official episode? Nothing! Bye Tonight show!


Xiao Ruizhi’s fans were pretty upset too, it baffled them why Xiao Ruizhi was
as quiet as a mouse for the whole episode, all he did was staring at Kuang Ye
and rolling his eyes at Di Qiming.


Xiao Ruizhi’s Biggest Supporter: This is such a nice surprise that Xiao Ruizhi
is on the show, but wait… I mean he is physically on the show, but why can’t I
see him?

Babe Xiao Ruizhi: Why Xiao Ruizhi seems to be hostile against other guests
on the show? And why does he keep staring at Kuang Ye?


Thirdly, why President Shan would appear in this show!

Well, the Shanye fans tried to answer that question online, “Guys, President
Shan is the mystery guest, of course they didn’t disclose President Shan
would be on the show, which part of ‘mystery guest’ you don’t understand!
President Shan is Ye’s biggest supporter, this is Kuang Ye’s first variety show,
of course President Shan will be there to support him.”

There are also comments like ‘Why the host looks like he is so scared all the
time?’ ‘Why the audience looks like they didn’t want to be there?’ ‘Why
President Shan showed up with Rainmaker money guns? Is that supposed to
be funny?’

The crew decided to keep the scene where Shan Xiao made a brilliant
appearance with his money guns, the director convinced the other crew
members, ‘hey, why not? If you want more views, you gotta have some
controversial content in the show! Plus, we will add some humorous
introduction for President Shan, so the fans can see a different side of this
inaccessible President Shan, fans will love that!’

Well, it seemed like the director had made the right decision, President Shan’s
fans liked this side of him.

President Shan’s wify: Haha, make it rain, I can’t believe this domineering
CEO would make an entrance like this, I like it when a man doesn’t take
himself too seriously and is willing to have some fun by making himself a fool.

Shanye Forever: Aren’t they cute? President Shan is willing to make himself
the laughing stock just for Kuang Ye. He shows support for Kuang Ye in the
best way — actually being there for him.

Enough about the negative comments, let’s take a moment and talk about the
positive ones.

The fans laughed out loud in Charade Plus, and the laughter reached its peak
when Shan Xiao said ‘Loving you is easy coz you are beautiful.’

Public opinion seemed to be polarized on this episode. Di Qiming and Xiao

Ruizhi’s fans absolutely hated it, they thought this episode didn’t do their idols
justice. And Shanye fans loved it, they captured so many sweet moments
from the show, they had more materials to post on fandom and write more
fanfiction about Shanye.

And the funny thing was none of the guests seemed to be bothered by the
editing. Di Qiming and Xiao Ruizhi used to care editing so much, but not this
time, the two were convinced that they needed to fight for Kuang Ye’s love,
and the biggest obstacle at the moment was Shan Xiao, so they needed to
come up with a thorough plan and they didn’t mind teaming up with each other
when necessary, therefore they didn’t have time to confront the crew of
Tonight Show and discuss about the editing.

Kuang Ye couldn’t care less either, all he ever wanted on the show was to talk
more about cycling events, he was happy that he talked about his plan was to
win world championship. And somehow Kuang Ye was grateful to Jia Hong for
pushing him to be on the show, because it indeed was a good way to raise
some awareness.

Kuang Ye took his team back to the training center after the recording, now
they needed to train even harder to make up for the time they had missed,
Shan Xiao followed them to have ‘the talk’ with Kuang Ye.

“You… do you have something to say to me?” Shan Xiao cupped Kuang Ye’s
“Yeah? I guess so.” Kuang Ye pouted, he wasn’t trying to be cute or anything,
it’s just Shan Xiao cupped his face.

“What? What do you wanna say to me?” Shan Xiao was stoked.

“Pur pur pur.”

62. The Feeling is Mutual

Translator: Sissy That Walk


Shan Xiao had never thought about having a kitten or a puppy until now.
Seeing Kuang Ye’s cute face, Shan Xiao couldn’t help but wonder how nice it
was going to be if he could have a pet with Kuang Ye together.

The way Kuang Ye pouted his red rosy lips was so cute that Shan Xiao
leaned closer and closer to him… …

Kuang Ye cupped Shan Xiao’s face to stop him from leaning any closer,
however, Zhao Xiuyu who walked past them had totally interpreted them in
the wrong way. What Zhao Xiuyu saw was a lovey-dovey couple exuding
tenderness and love through their eyes, and it looked like they were about to
kiss each other… …

“Why are you stopping me?” our President Shan was shocked, this was the
first time that he took the initiative to kiss someone, but that someone was not
appreciating it.

“Pur pur pur… …”, Kuang Ye stammered, but he couldn’t say anything when
Shan Xiao was still cupping his face.

Shan Xiao withdrew his hands, “There, what do you have in mind, I’m all

‘You don’t need to play all cutesy on me, making pur pur noises like a kitten.
You know I can’t stay mad at you, with that being said, sometimes you do
need some punishment and discipline. I will leave you hanging for a little while
and take you home at night, you know, I can’t take you back home in broad
daylight considering I have to take time to manage my empire. Yeah, tonight,
we will get down to our own business at night.’ Shan Xiao snickered, indulging
himself with some wild thoughts.
‘But hold on, what’s going on in my business empire recently? Geez, I really
need Secretary Feng and her morning briefings, I cannot even function
without her.’ Shan Xiao thought in hindsight.

“President Shan, please don’t worry.” Kuang Ye looked at Shan Xiao in the

eye, “I know exactly how you think of me, tell you what, the feeling is mutual.”

Hearing that, Shan Xiao was ravished with joy, he knew he had recently had
purchased a kite making company, he wanted to celebrate this moment by
flying a thousand of kites right now.

Shan Xiao fought back the impulse to laugh hysterically, “Good, it’s good that
you know and it feels good to know the feelings are mutual, good.” said Shan
Xiao with a poker face.

“Great, let’s go training now, gotta make up for the time we have
missed.” Kuang Ye gave Shan Xiao a high five.


Shan Xiao was so confused, ‘Didn’t he just say the feeling was mutual? Why
did he just say let’s go training? Isn’t he supposed to say let’s go get a room
and you know, get down to business?’

This didn’t bode well.

It suddenly struck Shan Xiao that ‘the mutual feeling’ that he and Kuang Ye

talked about was not the same feeling, the more Shan Xiao thought about it,
the more negative Shan Xiao was about this ‘mutual feeling’.

However, our President Shan dared not to pursue this question any further by
asking ‘Can you be more specific about this mutual feeling? Because I don’t
think we are talking about the same thing.’

All he did was nodding and following Kuang Ye to the cycling track in their

Feng Qianqian now was doing timekeeping for the team, she was wearing a
cap and a set of sweat suit, but she was rocking this new look.

“Bai Jiachun! Good job today! You broke your own record on the thirty second
lap, such great progress! Xiang Qianjin, keep doing what you are doing,
setting the bar really high for our team! Wangzi Xingchen, I can’t believe you
almost kept up with Xiang Qianjin in your last lap! Amazing, we are doing
amazing!” Feng Qianqian was so happy for the team’s progress.
The longer she worked as a team manager for the boys, the more she
enjoyed it.

Thinking about her past life, everything was just so easy and so perfect, all the
challenged she had ever met was Shan Xiao’s unreasonable requests, the
thing was all of those challenges could be solved by money. But now, being a
team manager, she had to keep an eye on each of her team members and
knew every member’s ability and potential, she felt she was part of the team,
this was the first time that she ever felt she belonged somewhere, she felt she
was helping herself and helping others to get better.

Sometimes she just wanted to call Shan Xiao and resigned as his secretary,
she just loved this simple lifestyle, she enjoyed the team’s atmosphere, she
loved it when the team set a goal and smashed the goal!

Probably that was why she felt so guilty when she saw Shan Xiao and Kuang
Ye just now, Shan Xiao looked so sulky standing right next to Kuang Ye, but
Feng Qianqian was sure this had nothing to do with her, it must be one of the
moments when Shan Xiao found it so hard to communicate with Kuang Ye but
he dared not to point out where had gone astray.

The next second, Kuang Ye shouted, “Secretary Feng! We are back! Thank

you so much for taking charge when we weren’t around. I’ve seen the training
plans you’ve just made for each of us, the charts you’ve made are so specific
and seeing the numbers and how much progress we have made is just so
inspiring! Our whole team owes you a big thank you!” Kuang Ye beamed at
Feng Qianqian.

Feng Qianqian smiled, “You are flattering me, this is all team efforts.” said
Feng Qianqian modestly.

“Secretary Feng, do you think —” Shan Xiao sneaked out of the team and
stood next to Feng Qianqian, wanting to discuss his concerns with Feng

Feeling more guilty than ever, Feng Qianqian denied it before Shan Xiao
could finish his question, “No, I don’t think so, not at all.”

Shan Xiao pouted, because what he wanted to ask was “Secretary Feng, do

you think me and Kuang Ye will work it out?”

63. Are We Ready to Rock

Translator: Sissy That Walk
Time flew in Shanye Cycling Club, the boys trained extra hard when they were
fighting shoulder to shoulder. Shan Xiao even dreamed about training every
night, he made noticeable progress every single day.

Sweating, panting, exclaiming, exhausting… … was all Shan Xiao had been
feeling since he came back this time. Strangely enough, he began to enjoy
days like this, so simple and so rewarding, he could see the tangible results
every single day and enjoyed the encouragement from the teammates, Shan
Xiao enjoyed it deep down.

Sometimes Shan Xiao wished he could leave, but just sometimes when he
found the training plan made by Kuang Ye and Feng Qianqian too harsh for
human beings. The whole team would be so exhausted that they didn’t bother
to care anything else, training and winning was their only goal.

Our dear Princess Bai now was taking a break, lying down like a starfish
under the shade of the utility room, it was such a hot day, but Kuang Ye
insisted they should all go hard-core and get used to all kinds of extreme
weathers for a lot of events were held in summer. Bai Jiachun dared not to
disobey the team captain, all he could do was to curse the damn weather
while he was fanning himself.

“Team, please stay hydrated!” Feng Qianqian’s voice rang from the track.

Bai Jiachun closed his eyes and reached out his arm like he were using his
arm to vacuum the floor, trying to get a bottle water, but luck was not on his
side today, he only got an empty box. Geez, movement was hard.

“Oh no, they didn’t save me any.” Bai Jiachun pouted.

Funny he wasn’t thirsty until he heard Feng Qianqian asked them to stay
hydrated, the body was as rebellious as the owner, he was getting more and
more thirsty as he found there was no water left.

A man’s figure flashed across his mind, ‘It must be him! He drinks water like a
camel! I’ve seen him gulping down one liter of water within a few seconds,, it
must be him!’

‘Hmm, speaking of him, he has always been giving me all kinds of

instructions, so annoying, wait, that sounds very ungrateful, I did make a lot of
progress thanks to him, let me rephrase myself, no, that’s not annoying, that’s
actually very helpful.’

All of a sudden, someone walked towards Bai Jiachun, he poured water from
his head up, “It’s so hot today isn’t it? How are you doing over here, Bai?”
Xiang Qianjin beamed at Bai Jiachun, and Bai Jiachun’s heart started
racing, ‘Geez, why did he do that? Look at him, look at his wet shirt, look at
those abs, is he… is he trying to seduce me or what?’

Xiang Qianjin waited for a long time for Bai Jiachun’s reply, but he was
distracted by Bai Jiachun’s feverish stare, then he handed his water to Bai
Jiachun, “Ah, I see, you are looking for water, aren’t you?”

“You are damn right I am looking for water, I’m dying of thirst here!” with that
Bai Jiachun grabbed the water bottle from Xiang Qianjin and he kept blaming
himself for being so rude, ‘What am I doing? Normally I’m not like this, but I…
I just don’t want him to know I was just thinking about him, will he be mad at
me because of my attitude? Wait, why do I care so much, em, duh, because
we are teammates!’

Bai Jiachun’s mind went wild again, and he failed to keep his emotions tightly
reined in.

“Qianjin, great, you are here, I brought the forms, come have a look.” Kuang
Ye waved his hand at Xiang Qianjin, he was riding a pink bike with Shan Xiao
sitting at the backseat, cute.

Hearing Kuang Ye’s calling, Xiang Qianjin turned around and with vigorous
strides he charged towards Kuang Ye.

Bai Jiachun pouted again, he couldn’t help but blame his team captain, ‘Ye,
what do you think you are doing? I was trying to have a conversation with him,
and you just have to take him away from me with your stupid form! Are we
bros or not? Have you seen me stealing President Shan from you when you
two are together? Come on dude, read the air! And tat Xiang Qianjin, you are
no better, can’t you just pick me up from the floor and together we can go
check those forms, gee, it looks like I’ve got a lot of work to do!’

But the next second Bai Jiachun found a problem, ‘Why am I trying so hard to
spend time with Xiang Qianjin? Wake up, Bai Jiachun! Xiang Qianjin is just
like Kuang Ye, cycling is all they care, don’t do this to yourself, look at
President Shan, do you want to go through what President Shan is going
through, OMG, I gotta stop!’

Bai Jiachun gulped down the water that Xiang Qianjin gave him, ‘That was
because of dehydration, I wasn’t being my usual self, I was being delusional!
Training, I gotta focus on training and forget about all this! Forms, forms, Ye
has brought the forms! I gotta checks those out!’

Kuang Ye had brought the forms for three events, Speed Road Cycling, Jinyin
Island Cycling, Sky Mountain Climbing Cycling.
Among the three, Speed Road Cycling and Sky Mountain Climbing Cycling
were individual events while Jinyin Island Cycling was a team event.

Kuang Ye had selected these three events carefully, the three events were
perfect for the team to have a fundamental knowledge of what awaited them
in the professional cycling arena.

Cycling was different from other games, the players needed to attend as many
events as possible so they could get used to different kinds of road conditions,
weather conditions and team cooperation.

“Guys, we need to be mentally and physically prepared for the three events,
we will thrive more as we attend different kinds events, are we ready to rock?”

“To rock?” the teammates looked confused.

“Yes! Are you ready to rock the events we are about to attend?”

“Yeah, we… we suppose…”

64. It’s All About Winning

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Kuang Ye was stoked, he was really stoked about the events that he and his
team were going to attend.

He had attended many events in his time and space, but never had he
attended any cycling events of professional level since he somehow
transmigrated to Billion City.

Billion City Cycling Competition? Nah, that was an event for amateurs, Kuang
Ye attended it just for fun, he didn’t even count it as a proper event.

But the three events he selected for the team was on a complete different
level, the events would attract players from all across the globe, all the players
were a force to be reckon with.

Kuang Ye couldn’t even fall asleep that night, he kept tossing and turning like
a little boy who was going for a spring outing day with his parents. Gee, he
missed that feeling, giving it all on the track!
He missed the feeling when he could be the first cyclist who breasted the
tape, he would roar with his head held up high as a celebration, while the rest
of the contenders would only sigh in the wind.

It was a shame that his friend President Shan didn’t share the same bed with
him, President Shan sneaked out of the club after dinner, he also brought
Secretary Feng with him, saying there was some work emergency.

‘If President Shan is here with me tonight, we can talk about our feelings and
encourage each other about the events we are about to attend, hopefully he
won’t laugh at me when he heard my heart pounding noise. But this is so
exciting, a thousand days we train hard and that is all for one day’s battle. I
think we are ready, we are more than ready, I believe in hard work, intensity of
training that we have going through will lead us to winning!’ Kuang Ye’s mind
ran wild, how he wished his beast friend his biggest supporter Shan Xiao were
here with him tonight, he wondered how Shan Xiao felt.

Speaking of Shan Xiao, this guy sneaked out of the club and went back to his
office —not to deal with some work emergency of course!

“Achoo, achoo, achoo!” our President Shan sneezed three times straight, ‘Oh

gee, someone is missing me a lot, I wonder who it is — haha, of course I
know it’s Kuang Ye! Chill, Kuang Ye, it’s just one night.’

Feng Qianqian stood by Shan Xiao who was doing his shady business, for
several times she had swallowed back the words on the tip of her tongue, she
genuinely believed what her boss doing was shady and shameful, Kuang Ye
and the rest of the team would be pissed of if they found out the truth…
especially Kuang Ye, this was no difference than throwing all his efforts into
the eastward flowing stream — all the hard work would come to naught! That
was unfair to the team who had been working so hard.

But our President Shan would listen to no one, even our almighty Secretary
Feng who had been his anchor for the past few years.

Feng Qianqian decided to train Shan Xiao even harder, she wanted to worn
Shan Xiao out every single day so he had no energy to think about those

‘Hehe, President Shan worn out, sharing a bed with Kuang Ye every night,
hehe, this is gold material for my fanfiction. Oh wait, speaking of my fanfiction,
it’s been so long since my last update on the forum, I feel sorry for the fans
who would check in every day, I promise I will keep updating as soon as I can
actually sit down and type!’
The Flash on the Wing boys had made great headway since they had joined
Shanye Cycling Club, not just on cycling ability, they had completely changed
their life goals and priorities.

One noticeable thing was none of them would get up and put on makeup first,
or spend an hour picking an outfit.

The other one was none of them was on a diet, Zhao Xiuyu who used to have
a cucumber as a meal now was eating three meals a day, he would even
have a protein shake with some snacks after his night training.

Wangzi Xingchen and Bai Jiachun were the same, they were eating healthy
and training hard. Probably they were more gifted than their teammates, they
amazed Kuang Ye and Xiang Qianjin every day because they were doing as
great as a lot of professional cyclists.

Even themselves were pretty amazed, ‘I guess God does favor me, I won the
genetic lottery, I sing, I dance, and it turns out I’m athletic too, I would love me

Well, the only thing they were worried about was probably they would lose the
fans who loved them when they were in Dancing 666, when they were pale
and soft-spoken.

They were worried over nothing, they had actually got more fans, each of their
teammates had got more fans now and they would realize that when they
arrived at their first competition event — Speed Road Cycling. The site was
tightly packed with fans who came support them.

Kuang Ye gave his teammates a pep talk in the club, “Guys, are we ready?
We are attending our first official competition today, a seventy kilometers
course. The challenge is all of our competitors are professional cyclists, but
don’t worry, we are as great as them now, if not better! Guys, have faith in
yourselves, the difference between the impossible and the possible lies in
your determination!”

Xiang Qianjin clapped his hands and repeated the key words, “Courage!
Determination! Victory! Yes we can! Yes we can!”

Chu Yangbo raised his hand hesitantly, “Ye, a quick question though, does
this mean it doesn’t matter what our ranking is today, I mean this is our first
professional competition, yeah?”

“Of course it matters!” Kuang Ye came straight to the point without the

slightest hesitation, “Our goal is to win!”
Chu Yangbo gasped, he thought they were here to accumulate experience
and learn from other professional cyclists, he had no idea how competitive
and determined his team captain was.

“Wait.” Kuang Ye looked around and said that.

Chu Yangbo’s eyes sparkled, ‘Is Ye changing his mind, is he about to

announce he doesn’t care about winning or losing?’

“Where are President Shan and Secretary Feng?” Kuang Ye asked.

Hearing that, Chu Yangbo’s eyes dimmed again.

65. The Concert

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Talk of the devil and he would appear.

Feng Qianqian waved her hand and said, “I’m here, sorry for keep you guys
waiting, are we good to go now?”

The team nodded.

“All right then, get in the car, buckle up and let’s go!” Feng Qianqian sounded
more high-pitched than usual, “I’ve got everything we need in the trunk, food,
water, spare parts, etc.” She was trying to distract everyone from noticing the
obvious problem here — where the heck was Shan Xiao!

“Secretary Feng, thank you so much for driving us to the site, but have you
seen President Shan?”

“Ah, haha, President Shan went there by himself, he will meet you guys

“That’s the spirit! President Shan went there first to check on the course,
smart thinking, let’s ask him what he thinks about the site when we meet him
later.” Kuang Ye looked he was so proud of Shan Xiao.

Feng Qianqian sighed in her heart, ‘Poor Kuang Ye, that’s not why he went
there first, you will find out later.’

“But guys, let’s cycle to the site today, nice warming up exercise, what do you
The boys jumped on their bikes, looking sharp and ready to slay.

Seeing his teammates, Kuang Ye felt so blissful and he caught himself

humming ‘We will rock you’, soon his teammates joined him, they started to
chorus ‘Buddy, you’re a young man, hard man. Shouting in the street, gonna
take on the world someday

You got blood on your face, you big disgrace. Waving your banner all over the

We will, we will rock you, sing it!’

It sounded dumb, but actually the boys made quite an inspiring scene.

The boys were all idols, they loved to sing, soon they added a few more songs
to their playlist, ‘Give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me
higher. See the champions, take the field now, unify us,make us feel
proud.’ and ‘Cause it makes me that much stronger, Makes me work a little bit
harder, It makes me that much wiser,So thanks for making me a fighter.’

In the age of information explosion, anything would make headlines, soon the
video of The Flash on the Wing boys singing on the road went viral online.

It caused an uproar online.

“Is this a teaser for their concert? But why their official account says they are
attending some Speed Road Cycling event today? Can someone please tell
me what’s going on?

“I’m dying to find out, too! Have they changed their schedule last minute? I
don’t want to miss their concert! My boys!”

“I’m in Kuang Ye’s fan club, a lot of fans have already gone to the Speed
Road Cycling site to support him and the boys, what should I do?”

“Sis, call them, tag them online, DM them, just let them know what’s going on,
I’m sure they don’t want to miss their concert!”

“But, guys, does anyone have any idea where are they holding their concert?”

“Gee, isn’t this chaotic? I blame their company, they should make a more
clear plan for them instead of changing their schedule very last minute!”

“I know, right? They really should change their managers and teams.”

“Sis, watch our language, no way the boys have a say in their career
decisions, because their boss is President Shan!”
“Oh my, I keep forgetting about that, well, in that case, all I can do is to say a
little prayer for them.”

“I asked so many people, no one knew what the heck is going on. Apparently
this is not an actual concert, or a teaser for their concert, they just felt like
singing on the way to Speed Road Cycling site.”


The boys had arrived at the site while thousands of fans were discussing
where they could get the concert tickets.

The organizers had already set up everything, cameras, drones, depots along
the course.

The course was seventy kilometers long, so it was important for the players to
have enough supplies in time.

Kuang Ye was so grateful that he had Feng Qianqian in their team, there were
seven depots along the course, Feng Qianqian needed to put stuff at each
depot for the boys, it was a challenging job.

“Secretary Feng, I’m so sorry, I have miscalculated, I have totally forgotten

about depots and supplies, I cannot make you work like a dog for us.” Kuang
Ye said sincerely.

Feng Qianqian didn’t know how she should feel over such considerate
remark, she tapped on Kuang Ye’s shoulder, “Don’t worry, I’ve arranged a few
people in advance, this is no problem at all.”

Hearing that, Kuang Ye beamed, “What are we gonna do without you,

Secretary Feng, you are the best.”

Feng Qianqian smiled and felt guilty when she heard ‘you are the best’,
because she was hiding something that Shan Xiao had done from Kuang Ye
and she felt so guilty.

Speaking of Shan Xiao, he said he would meet them at the site, but he was
nowhere to be seen now.

Kuang Ye and Feng Qianqian both looked around, and then a familiar voice
rang, “Ha, you are finally here, do you have any idea how long I have been
waiting for?”

“President Shan, come over here, you are in the staff members’ way!” Kuang
Ye waved at Shan Xiao and shot him a warning look, with that Shan Xiao
walked towards them with his head held up high.
“Guys, everyone is here now, let’s do warm-up exercise first, it’s important for
events like this, otherwise we tend to get injuries easily.”

Shan Xiao took notes in his mind that Kuang Ye had yelled at him in public
this day and he decided to let Kuang Ye go and focus on the event first, but
he would settle scores with Kuang Ye at night.

66. A Pink Heart

Translator: Sissy That Walk

President Shan felt so proud of himself for being so broad-minded, he cast a

glimpse at Kuang Ye who was leading the team in warm-up exercise, then he
joined the team, together they did 8 forward arm circles, 8 backward arm
circles, 8 walk-outs, 12 deep reverse lunge to knee raise, 12 deep reverse
lunge to knee raise and 15 squats with a 10-rep pulse at the end.

Kuang Ye took Shan Xiao aside and asked Shan Xiao to get changed after
the warm up exercise. No one knew what Kuang Ye had said to Shan Xiao,
Shan Xiao came back beaming with smiles like a happy puppy. Feng
Qianqian gave Kuang Ye a thumbs-up in secret, ‘good job, Kuang Ye, you are
the only one who can tame our President Shan!’

There were seventeen teams participating in the contest, including big clubs
like Green Swift Cycling Club who had ‘invited’ Kuang Ye to train with them,
Xiang Qianjin’s former employer Royal Cycling Club, and established names
like Black Stone Cycling Club, Sharp Cycling Club.

It was a big event in cycling circles. About one hundred bikes parked at the
starting line, and the participants were all wearing uniforms in different colors
and designs, Kuang Ye was so stoked to see such a grand cycling event, he
kept looking around and jumping for joy, he was so excited to see so many
cyclists gathering around for one shared goal, he was like a bunny fell into a
hole full of carrots.

It had been so long since he was surrounded by so many aspiring fellow

cyclists, so he couldn’t wait too just jump on his bike and compete with them
fully and delightfully.

“Ye!” Bai Jiachun tapped Kuang Ye on his shoulder, “Why do you keep

rubbing your hands, I get it you are excited to finally lead us in participating in
a big event like this, just please keep your cool, my dear team captain, OMG,
is your face twitching?”
Bai Jiachun got so worried, he started to massage Kuang Ye on his
shoulder, “Please calm down, here, a little massage will help you.”

Hearing that, Xiang Qianjin turned around and walked to them, “Bai, allow me,
I’m a better masseur than you, wait for your turn here, I will massage you after

Shan Xiao emerged out of nowhere before Xiang Qianjin could even land his
hands on Kuang Ye’s shoulder, Shan Xiao grabbed Xiang Qianjin’s wrists and
said, “You are not touching him without touching me first!”

Wait, that sounded a bit odd, but whatever, you know what Shan Xiao meant.

Xiang Qianjin was dumbfounded, he couldn’t believe what he had just

heard, ‘President Shan is asking me to massage him first? For the past
months, I thought he hated me, but look at him now, asking me to give him a

Shan Xiao stood between Kuang Ye and Xiang Qianjin the next second, he
grabbed Xiang Qianjin’s hands and put them on his own shoulders then he
put his hands on Kuang Ye’s shoulders to make it look more natural.

He gently rubbed Kuang Ye’s shoulders and back, “You are a little bit tense,
team captain, you gotta learn to relax, you know, you can’t take on all things
for us.”

But is suddenly occurred to him that he shouldn’t be babbling on like this if he

wanted to appear as the domineering president, so he quickly zipped his lips.

What Shan Xiao failed to realize was long gone were the days that people
saw him as the domineering president, the things he had done after he met
Kuang Ye had copletely changed people’s opinion about him.

“I’m sure you are feeling better now, you are the first person who is privileged
enough to get a massage from me, of course you are feeling better
now.” Shan Xiao stopped the moves on his hands to save some face for
himself, ‘I better not spoil him by giving him everything he asks for, I need to
stop before he thinks he can take advantage of me.’

“Yeah, thank you so much, President Shan, I’m definitely feeling way
better!” Kuang Ye didn’t get the implication at all.

Shan Xiao showed an ear-to-ear grin hearing that, he was so happy that
Kuang Ye liked his massage, “No worries, just something I’d like to do for my
team captain before a contest.”
But deep down Shan Xiao was wild with joy, ‘Haha, I can massage you
anytime you want.’

Xiang Qianjin who was still massaging Shan Xiao in a daze asked Shan
Xiao, “How do you like my massage, President Shan?”

Shan Xiao nodded and walked away, leaving Xiang Qianjin stupefied.

Bai Jiachun shoulder bumped Xiang Qianjin and said, “Man, can you read the
air please? You have such pretty eyes, yet they are so useless!”

‘What air? How can someone read air? Wait, I have pretty eyes, hehe.’

The staff members now were writing and drawing on the track, they were
drawing logos of the big clubs or the famous cyclists names who attended this

President Shan took a few glimpse on the track and asked a staff
member, “Hey, what are these characters and logos on the track?”

The staff member explained they were logos of the established clubs and
famous cyclists’ names.

“Where are our logo and our names?” Shan Xiao was displeased.

“I don’t know, we only write down famous people’s names, you know, they are
kind of like celebrities in cycling circles.” the staff member rolled his eyes.

Hearing that, Shan Xiao went to make several phone calls.

And three minutes later, the staff members got a message that they should
draw Shanye Cycling Club’s logo and put a little heart between Kuang Ye and
Shan Xiao’s name on the track. A pink heart.

Shan Xiao was thrilled seeing his name and Kuang Ye’s name snuggling
together on the track, he pointed at it and asked Kuang Ye to have a look as
well, Kuang Ye smiled politely and asked Shan Xiao, “Are you ready,
President Shan? We are about to start!”

Shan Xiao was expecting a bigger reaction than a polite smile, but he was
used to it, so he nodded and said, ‘You betcha!’
67. Shan Xiao Taking the Lead
Translator: Sissy That Walk

Finally the contest had started!

All the players darted themselves out like shooting arrows — you would think.
But they didn’t, they dealt with it pretty well, they would even check on the
their fellow players who were riding on their side and flashed each other a big

Our President Shan was the only exception. He darted out at his full speed,
soon enough he took the lead, for a second there he even thought he had
asked Secretary Feng to bribe all the other contestants to let him outshine, but
he searched his memory and he was sure that was not the deal.

So our President Shan was genuinely happy about his progress, he must be a
genius, ‘Look at those so-called professional cyclists who are trying to hard to
catch up with me, tut tut tut, go find some occupation that suit you! Haha!’

Well, as a matter of fact, holding back your strength in the beginning was a
tacit strategy for professional cyclists. Speed Road Cycling Event they were
attending today was a course of seventy kilometers long, so holding back
strength was key to success. This was just the difference between a sprint
and a marathon, only sprinters would give it all from the second they heard
the whistle, marathon runners on the other hand all had their own pace, their
speed was like a curve, they wouldn’t give all cards away in the beginning.

The Royal Cycling Club was asked by the organizers to lead the first three
kilometers, and even them weren’t as fast as Shan Xiao.

At this point the participants all looked at Shan Xiao’s retiring figure funny,
they had no idea who this guy was and what he was trying to do, ‘Poor guy,
must be his first time to attend any cycling event, but you go, you go as quick
as you want, see you soon though… …’

A leaf was waft along by the breeze and it landed on Shan Xiao’s
shoulder, ‘Oh hello, little friend, I will take you to the crown, hahaha.’

But Kuang Ye showed up from behind and he persuaded Shan

Xiao, “President Shan, I’m sorry you’ve missed our morning meeting today,
we’ve talked about it we need to hold back our strength, I will tell you at which
point we need to speed up and give it all, come on now, slow down and our
team will join us soon.”

“What? You guys have this plan and you forgot to mention it to me until now!
Is this why everyone else is looking at me funny? Is this why all of our
members are taking their time? Is this like some tacit rule in cycling? Be a
turtle in the beginning and laughing at the bunny who is stupidly taking the
lead?” Shan Xiao felt so betrayed and so embarrassed.

“Well, the short answer is yes and yes. But I can explain, we had our morning
meeting right after we got up, and you weren’t there, and after I saw you
before it started I got so carried away by the atmosphere and forgot about it,
please forgive me.” Kuang Ye defended himself.

“Well, well, all right then.” with that Shan Xiao slowed down and soon the rest
of the team caught up with them.

It was interesting to see how well Royal Cycling Club would do this year, they
had lost their ace Xiang Qianjin after all, Kuang Ye paid some extra attention
to them.

The team captain from Royal Cycling Club had cycled past the sign of ‘Three’,
and he was welcomed by so many fans’ cheering and clapping, and also
water guns.

The guy was surprised to see so many fans this year, it turned out besides the
cycling fans, Flash on the Wing’s fans were there too. They were holding
banners and boards, some fans were holding water guns and they weren’t shy
about using them to the cyclists.

A cycling fan finally asked them curiously, “Hey, is this some kind of trendy
way of supporting the club you dig? And look at the bottled water you guys
have prepared!”

“Haha? A trendy way to show support? I guess, but we’ve learned this from
Billion City Cycling Competition, isn’t this a rule in cycling circles?” a fan

“What? I don’t think so, I’ve been following cycling events for years now, I’ve
never seen fans using water guns.”

“But last time when we were at Billion City Cycling Competition, the staff
members told us to splash water on the participants, they even provided us
the water.” the fan looked so confused.

Well, that was actually some marketing gimmick, a water company had
sponsored Billion City Cycling Competition so they came up with that stunt.
The innocent fans thought splashing water and using water guns to show
support was like an unspoken rule in cycling circles, gee, thank God, it wasn’t
too late to stop.
Kuang Ye had led his team to the sign ‘Three’ and he nodded at them with a
big smile.

‘Yes, people! It’s game time now, I hope you are ready!’

He took the center position thus he could be the one to lead out the dead wind
and the rest of the boys took the positions on either side of him, Kuang Ye
was like a mama bear protecting his baby bears by being the one who had to
lead out the dead wind so the rest of team wouldn’t be affected by wind too

Kuang Ye and Xiang Qianjin regulated their breaths and pace accordingly,
soon more and more participants were lagging behind. Kuang Ye was utterly
surprised, ‘Are they really all professional cyclists? Or is this a trick? They are
holding back their strength? But that’s impossible, they aren’t supposed to
hold back at this point!’

Seeing how confused Kuang Ye was, our dear President Shan flashed a
meaningful look… …

68. Come on, Bobo

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Kuang Ye and Xiang Qianjin led the whole team in a great way, the distance
between them and Royal Cycling Club who were in front of them was getting
smaller and smaller, and they were cycling side by side with each other in
several seconds.

Two participants from Royal Cycling Club recognized the man who was
leading a new team, “Captain!” exclaimed them.

Xiang Qianjin nodded to them shyly, his old teammates had no idea their team
captain was working for an unknown cycling club and leading a different team

Bai Jiachun got excited, he would like to see how this was going to turn out,
he would love to see some drama.

But after moments of silence, Xiang Qianjin said, “We are all here because of
passion, some of you guys are my old friends, some of you are my new
friends, the best way to keep our friendship is to play this game fair and
However, Xiang Qianjin’s old friends lowered their heads with a guilty look on
hearing ‘let’s play this game fair and square!’

Xiang Qianjin didn’t have time to process that, he just kept his eyes on the
road and kept regulating his breaths to set a good example for Flash on the

And next second Xiang Qianjin’s old teammates began to lag behind one by

It broke Xiang Qianjin’s hear to see his friends who he fought shoulder to
shoulder with now are lagging behind, he knew how much hard work they had
put, he knew how much sacrifice they had made to become a professional
cyclist, he knew how hard this was for them to watch their dream breaking into

But hold on, Xiang Qianjin realized something weren’t quite adding up now.
He knew how great his old teammates were, he knew their strength, ‘Have
they been slacking off since I quit? I’m feeling so sorry, I guess it can be very
disheartening to be abandoned by the team captain and several weeks later,
they see their team captain leading a new team. I hope they get better soon,
they worked too hard to be backward and have no urge to make progress! But
I don’t want to blame myself for choosing Kuang Ye over them, Kuang Ye gets
me, and I get him, we shared the same passion and the same goal, I think I
still will make the same choice if I could turn back time.’

Xiang Qianjin turned his head to see how his old friends doing, to his surprise,
not only was the Royal Cycling Club lagging behind but the other fifteen teams
were struggling.

Green Swift, Black Stone and Sharp were all pretty competent teams, no way
should they be so far behind!

Xiang Qianjin frowned, this was really weird.

Xiang Qianjin cast a glimpse at Kuang Ye who was thinking about the same
thing, Kuang Ye had studies the other sixteen teams’ performance and their
progress and this was nowhere near their real strength.

“Xiang, you find it odd too?” Kuang Ye asked.

Hearing that, Shan Xiao’s lips twitched but he kept silent.

“Yeah! What are they up to? Is this some sort of strategy? But it doesn’t make
any sense, they shouldn’t be holding back at this point, at least not all sixteen
of them, right?” Xiang Qianjin expressed his concern.
“That’s exactly what I’m thinking, something is going on!” Kuang Ye shook his

And now they arrived at a depot where Feng Qianqian was already waiting for
them with some protein bars, Kuang Ye made faces at Feng Qianqian the
second he saw her.

Feng Qianqian had decoded Kuang Ye’s facial expressions thanks to the tacit
understanding that they had for working together for years, but Feng Qianqian
didn’t really want to send any message back so she chose to ignore him.

Five minutes later, Kuang Ye and Xiang Qianjin finally had heard people
catching up!

Kuang Ye’s eyes sparkled, “Here they come, here they come people! Isn’t that
like music to ears?”

Could it be Royal, Green Swift, Black Stone, Sharp or a dark horse?

Xiang Qianjin was so torn right now, how he wished it was Royal who was
catching up, but on the other hand he wasn’t entirely sure whether Shanye
could take Royal, he chose to not turn his head and check which team it was.

Bai Jiachun said in a low voice by Xiang Qianjin’s side, “Chill, big guy, it’s
Green Swift, you can breathe now.”

‘Isn’t Bai Jiachun a sweet pea through and through? He took a look for
me!’ Xiang Qianjin was so touched, ‘Hmm, I will massage him more after we
get back home, and I will make sure he will always have a bottled water ready
whenever he is taking a break.’

Soon enough, Zhou Chong and Chu Yangbo were surpassed by Green Swift,
Chu Yangbo kept asking for help like the Green Swift had taken him hostage.

Hearing Chu Yangbo’s crying for herlp, Kuang Ye turned back and waved at
his teammate, “You can do this, bobo, unleash the beast in your heart, the key
is to never lose faith!”

Chu Yangbo found the way Kuang Ye addressed him so distracting, ‘Bobo!

My childhood dog’s name is Bobo, aww, now you are making me think about
my childhood doggo, gee, it’s not going to be pretty when I get emotional!’

Kuang Ye on the other hand was stoked to see some good competition, he
had discarded all of his suspicion as Green Swift catching up.

He was the first one who had breasted the tape, Xiang Qianjin was the
second, that wasn’t surprising, Bai Jiachun and Shan Xiao the third, well, that
was reasonable considering how hard Bai Jiachun and Shan Xiao had been

Wangzi Xingchen and Zhao Xiuyu took the fourth place at the same time,
hmm, sometimes luck would play a role in big games like this.

But it was utterly jaw-dropping to see Zhou Chong and Chu Yangbo took the
fifth and the sixth place, this meant every member, even the weak link in the
team had outperformed other professional teams who had been doing this
professionally for years.

Both Kuang Ye and Xiang Qianjin had frowned.

69. The Celebration Party

Translator: Sissy That Walk

The entire crowd at the finishing line exclaimed and shouted for joy, the whole
place resonated with the sound of cheering.

The boys jumped for joy and hugged each other with excitement, this was so
inspiring, a bunch of young and inexperienced boys had defeated other
renowned cycling clubs and breasted the tape with the team! How exciting!

In the great spirit of ‘work hard, play harder’, our President Shan decided to
throw a celebration party that night. He made a few calls and sent eight
private planes to Europe for DJs, chefs, bakers and party planners for him and
the boy, well, let’s be completely honest, he planned the party mainly for him
and Kuang Ye.

Kuang Ye was so glad that all of his teammates had made it, even Zhou
Chong and Chu Yangbo, no offence, but it was a minor miracle to see Zhou
Chong and Chu Yangbo at the finishing line before other cyclists from those
established clubs. However, Kuang Ye decided to not over-think on this big
win, he decided to listen to Shan Xiao and enjoy the night, soaking the joy of
their first big win as a team together.

The party was a huge success, open bars and make-your-own sundae bars,
chocolate fountains and balloon castles, it was great.

However, Kuang Ye wasn’t interested in getting any alcohol in his stomach,

he was drawn to the dessert bars, Brown Sugar Pavlova with Caramelised
Peaches, Chocolate Fudge Layer Cake, Dark Chocolate Ganache Tart,
Blueberry Lavender Mini Cheesecakes, Kuang Ye wanted to have them all! It
had been so long since Kuang Ye landed his finger on any dessert or any ‘real
food’ due to his strict training schedule and dietary program. But Kuang Ye
ended up sniffing them instead of diving in as much as he would love to, well,
this was a tough choice, but Kuang Ye loved cycling more than anything, so
he just lingered in the dessert area, trying to sniff as much as he could.

Xiang Qianjin was a bit tipsy from the craft beer that the party planners
brought from Germany, he rested his head on Bai Jiachun’s shoulder and he
was murmuring about how happy he was for their team’s success and how he
looked forward too attending the next contest together with Bai Jiachun.

Bai Jiachun had no idea why Xiang Qianjin kept following him around like a
puppy recently, but strangely enough, he didn’t mind it at all. Like tonight, Bai
Jiachun noticed Xiang Qianjin and Kuang Ye were together comparing notes
about the event in the beginning of the party and he had been ill at ease
without Xiang Qianjin following him around, he only started to enjoy the party
after Xiang Qianjin walked towards him and made jokes to amuse him.

Bai Jiachun had a few beers with Xiang Qianjin, suddenly Xiang Qianjin
rested his head on Bai Jiachun’s shoulder and Bai Jiachun tried to avoid the
intimacy in the beginning, but he didn’t have the heart to see Bai Jiachun
resting his head on the hard cold wall, so he sat closer to Xiang Qianjin and
gave Xiang Qianjin his shoulder.

Feng Qianqian sat in the corner of the venue, she… she was feeling so guilty
for what Shan Xiao had asked her to do, she didn’t have the confidence to talk
to the boys without feeling guilty, so she chose to get herself a drink and sit in
the corner. Feng Qianqian checked her phone several times, mostly to reply
to the fans on fandom who had been waiting for her fan fiction about Kuang
Ye and Shan Xiao, Feng Qianqian used to update daily online, but she had
been so occupied since she had become the team manager, it had been a
while since her last update, so she had to appease her fans from now and

Zhao Xiuyu made a rookie mistake that night, he tried to avoid alcohol as well,
but he fell for the name ‘Long Island Ice Tea’, therefore, half an hour after the
party had started, Zhao Xiuyu ended up dominating the karaoke bar by
performing Khoomei. Everyone was impressed by this boy, Zhao Xiuyu liked
to entertain, so he started to do death drops while performing Khoomei, well,
that was an odd combination, but the audience seemed to enjoy it very much.

Wangzi Xingchen, normally the quiet one in the group had shown his true
colors that night, he performed several heavy metal songs and got all emo.

Zhou Chong and Chu Yangbo were like two happy squirrels at the party,
Kuang Ye had stopped them from eating any ‘real food’ since they had joined
Shanye Cycling Club as well, so the two had been jumping from one food
section to the other, trying to stuff themselves as much as possible, you would
think they were doing a Mukbang if you didn’t know better.

Everyone at the party ended up having a good time.

The boys made headlines the next day, they made a point that they were
being serious when they said they would focus on training and attending
cycling contests.

With that being said, there were doubts about their win. How come they could
defeat all the other professional teams on their very first try! Especially Kuang
Ye’s team had just got one professional cyclist — Xiang Qianjin, yep, Kuang
Ye wasn’t counted as a professional in this time and space for no one had
ever heard of him in cycling before.

You might argue it was because they had been training hard, well, the other
teams had been training as hard as well. However, Kuang Ye and his boys
proved themselves by winning so many contests after this win.

Jinyin Island Cycling Contest, Sky Mountain Climbing Cycling Contest, BMX

Cycling Contest, Kuang Ye’s team had won them all!

Pride welled up in the fans’ hearts as they won one contest after another, they
spared no effort to explain the boys deserved all the wins because they had
been training hard and they happened to be very talented in cycling, they
wanted the public to stop being jealous and start to appreciate the boys’ hard

Everything went on so great that team captain Kuang Ye himself started to

doubt those games, he knew his teammates very well, no way could they win
all the professional games, ‘beginners’ luck’ didn’t work every time!

What was more suspicious was President Shan had already made phone
calls and planned the next celebration party even before the next contest.

70. The Truth


Translator: Sissy That Walk

Shan Xiao’s behavior indeed was suspicious, he sounded like he had got the
game in his hands on the phone. Kuang Ye narrowed his eyes and thought
about Shan Xiao’s behaviors during the past a few days, he found Shan Xiao
very suspicious, the tone, the meaningful smiles on his face, the arrogance…

With that in mind, Kuang Ye walked to Shan Xiao and stared at him for a
while, which rendered Shan Xiao blushed crimson, ‘OMG, OMG, is this finally
happening? Is Kuang Ye having an awakening? What am I gonna do? I can’t
function properly now, geez, heart, stop pounding like crazy!’

“President Shan, have you lied to me?” Kuang Ye’s voice was tight and
controlled, he tried to sound intimidating.

Shan Xiao was caught off-guard, he had no idea why Kuang Ye would ask
him a question like this, but he told himself to act normal and have faith in
his ‘flawless campaigning’, so he took a deep breath and replied in in bold and
straightforward terms, “What are you talking about? Why would I, the most
respected figure in Billion City, lie to you, a normal handsome guy who takes
interest in nothing but cycling? What can I possibly get from lying to a nobody
like you? Such a wild thought, you and your crazy little brain, hehehe.”

Kuang Ye leaned forward and gazed at Shan Xiao with probing intensity into
his eyes, “Is that so, President Shan? Are you sure you haven’t added
anything unspeakable drugs?”

Shan Xiao was shocked, ‘Drugs? That’s what Kuang Ye is thinking? Isn’t that
the most ridiculous joke I’ve ever heard? But he’s so cute and innocent, given
all the money and resources I have, he still thinks I’ve put drugs in our drinks.’

Shan Xiao puffed up his chest and replied, “Ha, it looks like you still don’t
know the man standing right in front of you, my name is Shan Xiao, people
call me President Shan, the owner of Billion Consortium (he has inherited the
company from his parents, but some magazine says he is a self-made
billionaire to kiss his ass), I speak eight languages (nothing except I’m
hungry), I have (bought) a doctorate, and I (Secretary Feng and other
employees) manage my business in a perfect state, and you think I’ve
drugged us to achieve those wins, can you be more realistic?”

“Ha! There, just tell me what realistic measures have you taken?” Kuang Ye
grasped the gist.

Shan Xiao turned red and white by turns in an agony of embarrassment, he

couldn’t believe he had just given himself away like that, and what was more
unbelievable was Kuang Ye actually had caught the point.
But Shan Xiao told himself that no way could he admit that he had pulled a
few strings and done some campaigning for the wins, he just forced a dry
smile and cleared his throat, “Hehe, no, what makes you think that way?”

“Everything you said made me think that way.” Kuang Ye looked dead

serious, he stared at Shan Xiao, waiting for him to be speak the truth.

No one had spoken to Shan Xiao like that before and of course he
snapped, “How dare you talk to me like this? No one, no one has ever
questioned me before, you know what, you will lose your next contest as a

Oops! Shan Xiao couldn’t believe he had blurted out like that, he covered his
mouth with his right hand, wishing that were a dream.

“I hear you, finally you’ve admitted we are winning because of you.” Kuang Ye

replied in a cold voice.

Shan Xiao decided he should at least keep his cool when he was busted, so
he took a deep breath and countered, “So what? Yeah I have pulled a few
strings, but I did that for you and for the team.”

With that Kuang Ye leaned closer and closer to Shan Xiao, which startled
Shan Xiao a bit, he asked, “What are you doing? Are you trying to harm me?
You need to chill out, Kuang Ye, I know what you are capable of, I still haven’t
forgotten how you single-handedly lifted my bed on the night when we first
met each other, so please chill out!”

Luckily, Kuang Ye didn’t want to harm Shan Xiao, he put his hands on Shan
Xiao’s shoulders and spoke in a grave tone and with sincerity, “President
Shan, we can’t do this, you need to make a confession!”

“Confession? What confession? You want me to tell everyone that I love


Kuang Ye was shocked, but he figured his friend must be babbling

considering how scared he must be.

“President Shan, you need to tell me what exactly you have done! Why do we
keep winning?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Shan Xiao averted his gaze.

“Very good, I’m going to ask Secretary Feng then.”

“Wait, come back, I will tell you now!”

Shan Xiao disappeared on the night before Speed Road Cycling Contest
saying he had to go back to his office for some unfinished business, it turned
out he dragged Feng Qianqian out of the cycling club and pressured her to
come up with a plan to secure a win for Kuang Ye and the team.

“President Shan, I really don’t think this is a good idea, we both know how
passionate Kuang Ye is about cycling, I don’t think he will appreciate a win
like this.” Feng Qianqian frowned.

“Aiya, I know how hard he and the boys have been training for this, I just want
to cheer him up, I hate to see him being sad.” Shan Xiao’s voice turned soft
thinking about Kuang Ye.

“All right, what do you have in mind then?”

“Unlimited budget! That’s what I have in my mind. Organizers of the contests,

other clubs, not just the established ones, every team participating in the
contests, they need to make it look convincing, Kuang Ye is a smart cookie.
Hahaha, who am I kidding, he is dumb, but still, we need to make the wins
look convincing.”

‘Hope you can still crack a joke when you get busted, boss.’ Feng Qianqian

71. A Mistake

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Shan Xiao confessed what he had done on that night, but he had the cheek to
say, “There, I said it, you are welcome, as I said, I did that to make you and
our teammates happy.”

Before Kuang Ye could say anything, Shan Xiao added, “I do have a question
to ask you, which part has aroused your suspicion, you know, this is such a
flawless plan after all.”

Hearing that, Kuang Ye who was still mad at Shan Xiao burst into laughter, ‘A
flawless plan? Which part has gone wrong?’
“President Shan, I do appreciate how much you care for me and our
teammates, but by no means is your plan flawless, I’m not surprised that me
and Xiang Qianjin could lead the team, but no way could Zhou Chong and
Chu Yangbo breast the tape before Xiang Qianjin’s former teammates! You
know their strength, right?”

Well, to be honest, Shan Xiao didn’t know Zhou Chong and Chu Yangbo’s
strength, he had barely spared a look at them, he was busy glaring Bai
Jiachun when he first entered the club, then he had been busy glaring at
Xiang Qianjin since Xiang Qianjin had joined them.

‘Geez, it looks like even the wise are not always free from error, tut tut tut, I
should have asked those two to move, move overseas! I’m sure everything
will make sense if they were not in the team, but I don’t want to beat myself up
over two invisible persons, it could happen to anyone. Which country should I
move them to though?’ Shan Xiao tried to comfort himself.

Kuang Ye’s voice rang when Shan Xiao’s mind ran wild again, “President
Shan, let me guess, you are thinking about disqualifying Zhou Chong and Chu
Yangbo for the following contests, aren’t you?”

Shan Xiao put on a big fawning smile, “No, what are you talking about? They
are our loving teammates, they suck, but we need to win as a team, I know,
you’ve mentioned that for about a thousand times.”

‘Disqualifying Zhou Chong and Chu Yangbo for the following contests, aww,
Kuang Ye is so innocent.’

“Good, I’m glad at least you care for our teammates. But wait a second, that’s
not the point now, we are talking about why did you bribe the organizers and
other teams, not who is the weak link in the team!” Kuang Ye
humphed, “Sportsmanship! Do you know what that is, President Shan? It
refers to virtues such as fairness, self-control, courage, and persistence, your
behavior is the contrary of sportsmanship!”

Kuang Ye’s voice turned louder and his face turned red as he talked about
sportsmanship, this was the first time that Shan Xiao had seen Kuang Ye like

Kuang Ye had been a ball of sunshine since Shan Xiao had met him, Shan
Xiao was scared, he knew this time he had screwed up, big time.

But for a man who always had things his way since he was born, he didn’t
think it was a big deal to bribe some people to get what he wanted.

“Why are you yelling at me? Frankly, I know I screwed up, but how about
other people, those organizers and other clubs?”
“What about them?” Kuang Ye had subconsciously grasped Shan Xiao harder
on the shoulder, “You need to realize this, President Shan, everyone in the
city is afraid of you, yeah, they have taken your money, but do you know why
did they do that? Because they were too afraid to say no, they might end up
being homeless if they dare to disobey you, President Shan!”

“Ouch ouch ouch!” Shan Xiao groaned in pain.

It wasn’t until when Kuang Ye heard Shan Xiao’s groan did he realize that he
had grasped Shan Xiao’s shoulder to hard, Kuang Ye loosened his hand
apologized promptly, “I’m so sorry, President Shan, I didn’t mean to hurt you.
Do you want to apologize to the organizers and other cycling clubs? I will go
with you.”

“But they were so happy when the got the money, the organizers and the
other cyclists were all thrilled to receive such a large amount of money. You
may say they’ve only taken the money because they are intimidated by me,
but from what I’ve seen, I’m afraid you are wrong, money can make people
happy.” Shan Xiao countered.

Kuang Ye’s face darkened, he couldn’t believe what he had just heard, “What
do you mean? Even the cyclists themselves? They were happy to receive
your money?” Kuang Ye gasped for breath, his chest heaving.

Shan Xiao now regretted his life choice, he knew how much Kuang Ye
cherished cycling and sport, he didn’t want to tarnish Kuang Ye’s dream.

“I mean, you are right, what else could they do? I basically rule the whole city,
like you said, no way could they disobey me or turn me down.” Shan Xiao
tried to explain, “And… and I’ve done some good things for them, I promised
to renovate their clubs and upgrade their equipment as well. You know, so…
so we can make progress together.”

Kuang Ye took a deep breath, “President Shan, let me get this straight, do you
honestly think you can do anything with money? You can buy titles with
money, you can manipulate games with money?”

“I don’t think so, I just know so.” Shan Xiao blurted out.

Kuang Ye suddenly realized this man standing in front of him was so different
from him, and probably their encounter was a mistake!
72. Look at Me in The Eye

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Kuang Ye started to look Shan Xiao up and down, he had to admit that this
man was indeed very different from any man he had met in both his lives.

Shan Xiao was very handsome, chiseled features and dark eyes, but of
course that wasn’t the point. The point was Shan Xiao was so headstrong on
things he believed that no one could change his mind. And he didn’t see that
because everyone started to obey him since he was a boy, he had taken
everyone else’s compromise for granted already.

However, our Kuang Ye was always in for a battle, especially when

his ‘opponent’ was somewhat invincible like Shan Xiao. Kuang Ye had seen
Shan Xiao as his biggest challenge in his both lives, but he wasn’t going to
take no for an answer, he was ready to take the challenge and convince Shan

With that in mind, Kuang Ye felt so inspired and so ready to have a fierce
battle of tongue with this man standing right in front of him.

At this point Kuang Ye wasn’t mad at all, he just felt he had to win this verbal
battle and changed the way how Shan Xiao saw the world. This felt so new
and so familiar at the same time, all of his friends and teammates were people
like him who firmly believe in hard work and fairness in sports, so never had
he met anyone who was so different from him. But this was so familiar at the
same time, this difference was a battle in essence, he was always up for a
battle, the stronger the ‘opponent’ was, the more motivated Kuang Ye was.

Especially thinking all Shan Xiao had done for him and the team, Kuang Ye
felt more obliged to help Shan Xiao.

Kuang Ye reached out his hands to Shan Xiao, “President Shan, look at me in

the eye.”

That caught Shan Xiao off guard, ‘Aren’t we in the middle of a fight? Why is he
making me look at him… in the eye…’ struggled Shan Xiao, but soon
enough, ‘I know what he is talking about! This is like a honey-trap! He knows
no way can he convince me, so he took the alternative way — ensnaring me
using his good look! What has he taken me for? A weak-minded good-for-
nothing? No, I’m going to avert my gaze, I won’t fall for your trap!’

With that in mind, Shan Xiao turned away with a humph.

“President Shan, come on now, look at me in the eye!” Kuang Ye demanded
again, with that he cupped Shan Xiao’s chin and turned his face towards

Shan Xiao gave up, he decided to play along and see what Kuang Ye had got
up his sleeve.

Shan Xiao had seen numerous beautiful people in show business, but never
has seen such a pair of eyes, so dark and so sparkly, it looked like they could
talk to you and see through your heart.

“All right, all right”, Shan Xiao cleared his throat, trying to hide the fact that he
got nervous staring at Kuang Ye’s eyes, “I did what you said, I’ve looked at
you in the eye, what do you want to say, if you want to apologize, just go
ahead I’m listening.”

“What? No! I want to ask you, President Shan, do you really think you can buy
anything you want in the world?”

“Kuang Ye, I don’t think so, I know so. Listen, the only reason you are unsure
about this is because you are poor, you haven’t had a good taste of money
yet, trust me, I will help you on that.” Shan Xiao believed he could change
Kuang Ye’s mind in a heartbeat.

Kuang Ye smiled, a cold smile maybe, but Shan Xiao interpreted as a happy
smile. Kuang Ye continued, “I don’t blame you on having that thought
considering the way you were brought up, yeah, you can always have things
your way in Billion City, how about in other places? You think you can buy
world championship titles?”

“Of course, as long as I find the right people to pay. Oh wait, let me rephrase
myself, as long as I ask Secretary Feng to find me the right people to pay.
Easy.” Shan Xiao replied.

Kuang Ye was just trying to educate that Shan Xiao might be able to have his
way temporarily in Billion City, but no way could that be a long-term policy if
he wanted to attend world-scale cycling events. However, Kuang Ye had
underestimated Shan Xiao on his determination to cut corners.

In Shan Xiao’s mind, world championship titles were no difference

than ‘Speed Road Cycling Contest’, ‘Jinyin Island Cycling Contest’ or ‘Sky
Mountain Climbing Cycling Contest’, well, there might be a difference, he
needed to pay more money to win.

Kuang Ye now had realized he couldn’t rely on traditional ways to convince

his friend, he had to think smart, he had to adopt a perspective that his friend
was willing to see from.
Thinking about the past a few month he had spent with Shan Xiao, Kuang Ye
realized his friend was amenable to friendly persuasion but not to compulsion,
so he needed to appear as soft and gentle rather than headstrong and

With that in mind, Kuang Ye grabbed Shan Xiao’s hands and put them on his
chest, “But President Shan, don’t you think you can achieve your goal using
your strength instead of your money? Wouldn’t you like to make a point that
you are able to do something on your own, as Shan Xiao, not as President
Shan? Don’t you want to take challenges together with me? Don’t you want to
conquer mountains and lakes together with me? Championships, titles,
medals, trust me, they are better when we win them after we give it all on the

Hearing that, Shan Xiao narrowed his eyes, starting to imagine how he and
Kuang Ye fight shoulder by shoulder, and he was looking forward to it!

“Kuang Ye, you are right! I do want to win as Shan Xiao, as myself! Together
with you! We can conquer any events! Mountains and lakes alike! We can do
this fair and square!” Shan Xiao exclaimed.

73. This is Kuang Ye’s Fault


Translator: Sissy That Walk

Inside Story: Boy Band Wins Professional Cycling events!

Who is the Man Behind Flash on the Wing Boys?

The Cycling Organizers Have Something to Say! Exclusive Interviews!

The Falling of Established Cycling Clubs: Coincidence or Manipulation?


Headlines like the above ones went viral online after Kuang Ye had convinced
Shan Xiao to win their future games fair and square.

Some of the articles were completely made up for hits and views, but there
were some had revealed the fact Shan Xiao was the man who should be
responsible for Flash on the Wing’s wins, several wins in a row in the past a
few weeks.

Some articles looked so plausible with every detail vividly described, they had
raised an uproar online, people started to dig more details about the bribing
scandal, however, they had all avoided mentioning the name Shan Xiao or
President Shan for fear of his influence in the whole city.

Therefore, Flash on the Wing, Kuang Ye, and Shanye became hot topics
instead of the initiator of evil Shan Xiao.

“This is horrible! Getting wins by bribing! A lot of youngsters look up to them,

they ave definitely set a bad example for our young generation!”

“There are so many details in the articles, I don’t understand why there are
still so many fans who refuse to accept the truth.”

“I just feel sorry for all the other teams who have actually trained hard and
given their all for cycling, what have they got in the end? An rigged
competition and a broken dream!”

The fans couldn’t believe it even though they knew the wins their idols had got
seemed to be rather questionable at this point, they defended their idols in the
front line on social media.

“I’m sure there’s some misunderstanding here, we all know Kuang Ye from
Dancing 666, and we all know how he cherishes cycling as a sport, he refuses
to record any variety shows, but he is willing to go on Tonight Show because
the producer agrees to let him talk about his plans on cycling events! I don’t
believe a guy like him would do such a thing to tarnish cycling!”

“Agreed! Honestly, we need more evidence before we blame them, don’t we?
I understand why there are so many doubts and question marks about their
wins at this point, but let’s not point fingers at anyone before we have more
evidence. Has their manager said anything yet? Has anyone contact their
manager yet? Why not start from him?”

“I understand why people feel sorry for other teams, but there is how bribing
works, the briber bribes you and you agree to do things the briber tells you as
an exchange! People are so busy accusing Flash on the Wing for being the
bribes, which still is an unsettled question, but no one cares to point that out!”


Different opinions came out in an unending flow, but the name Kuang Ye was
mentioned quite a lot in a bad way, there was no lack of personal abuse
among them.
“My second cousin’s colleague’s neighbour works for President Shan, he once
told me, well, he told his neighbor, then his neighbor told the colleague, then
the colleague told my cousin that Kuang Ye is one scheming man, he knocked
President Shan’s door when he was still recording Dancing 666 back then,
and you know what, President Shan slammed the door in his face! So this
bribing scandal must have everything to do with him!”

“I believe every word of your story! Guys, do you still remember President
Shan once shot a commercial about excavators? To celebrate his friendship
with Kuang Ye! Kuang Ye must have controlled President Shan’s mind!”


President Shan, on the other hand, had no idea that both Kuang Ye’s name
and his own names were frequently mentioned online due to some shady
business he had done. He had been training in the cycling club with the boys
at full blast, he had completely changed his mind about contests and how they
should win!

“Guys, what are you doing? Come on now, enough with the break, let’s join
our team captain and do one more lap! And I’m your vice team captain, you
need to listen to me!” Shan Xiao waved at Bai Jiachun and Xiang Qianjin who
were bantering in the shade, well, it was Bai Jiachun who mainly did the
bantering, Xiang Qianjin just looked at him affectionately.

Bai Jiachun’s upper lip twitched on seeing how Shan Xiao behaved, but Xiang
Qianjin waved back and sprang to his feet, “Bai, come on now, let’s join the
team now. It looks like I owe President Shan an apology, I always thought he
wasn’t trying hard enough, but look at him now! He is basically a role model

“Wait!” Bai Jiachun narrowed his eyes and pointed out, “Since when has he
become our vice team captain? You are the most qualified vice team captain if
it really is necessary to have a vice team captain for a team of eight people.”

“Haha, I don’t care about stuff like that, as long as he feels more motivated if
we call him vice team captain, I’m more than happy to call him the vice team
captain.” Xiang Qianjin grinned.

Feng Qianqian who had read the news in the rest area had been waiting for
them to finish training, she handed her phone to Shan Xiao and briefly talked
about what had happened online.

Shan Xiao gasped on seeing the comments how Kuang Ye must have
controlled him and made him do things he didn’t feel like doing.
“Why is everyone blaming Kuang Ye? He has just found out what I have done
recently! He has nothing to do with this!” Shan Xiao looked frustrated.

But Kuang Ye didn’t look as bothered by the comments online, he said, “Well I

guess I should be held accountable as well, I didn’t realize what you are
thinking and I failed to stop you from doing it when you were planning it, and it
took me a few days to confront you and find out the truth.”

“Well, you do have a point.” Shan Xiao said brazenly, “We only have one way
out now, let’s explain to everyone on one of those live streaming thingy.”

74. Matching Suits

Translator: Sissy That Walk


President Shan, the man who owned Billion City, the Prince Charming in both
men and women’s heart was going to explain what he had done and
apologize for what he had done to his friends, to the organizers, to the other
teams in the past a few contests via live streaming!

All the live streaming platforms had been calling Feng Qianqian like crazy, of
course they would kill to have Shan Xiao doing his first live streaming on their
platform, that would be the best advertising they anyone would think of.

Everyone in the office building was nervous for they had no idea what
sensational remarks their boss would make in live streaming, but they were
rest assured a bit when they saw how calm and collected Secretary Feng was
when she asked people to decorate Kuang Ye’s office thus to make the
lighting more flattering and they way she comforted other live streaming
platforms that she had turned down.

Secretary Feng’s existence could just soothe their nerves.

‘President Shan isn’t reliable, but luckily we have Secretary Feng! She will
lead us to blaze a way through all manner of obstacles!’ all the colleagues felt
that way tacitly.

The man of the hour — President Shan — had no idea his employees had
been worried for him, he always thought he was the strongest pillar of his
business empire, well, too bad, Secretary Feng was the pillar if there was one.
At the moment he was picking outfit for the live streaming with Kuang Ye, “Ye,
what do you think? I know I look great in everything, but please weigh in, I
need as many suggestions as possible. Secretary Feng told me there are
going to be a lot of audience, I can’t believe I’ve waited this long to have my
first live streaming show, I should have done this way earlier, you know, to
communicate with the fans.”

Shan Xiao walked around in his walk-in closet that was as big as a park,
having a hard time picking the right outfit.

“I know! A special occasion like tonight requires a special outfit! How about
this suit made of disco ball!” Shan Xiao exclaimed and tried on the suit
dripping gold and silver silk thread.

Kuang Ye had no idea what was to thrill about an apology live streaming, he
frowned on seeing the bright suit, but he didn’t want to hurt his friend’s
feelings, “Wow, I mean wow, look at you! You do look great in this suit, but
there’s just a tiny concern, I don’t think the fans will be able to see your face,
you know, the disco ball material will be too flashy. Isn’t that a shame for your
fans who have been waiting for so long to finally have the opportunity to see

Shan Xiao found what Kuang Ye said make perfect sense, “That’s so true!
Then how about this one, I will wear this one in black, I’ve also bought a
second one in different color from the designer because I love the design too
much. Here, I will wear the black one, and you can wear the white one.”

The two looked more like a couple after they put on the matching suits.

Feng Qianqian tried so hard to suppress the desire to shout out loud, “You
two make such a cute couple in matching suits! So adorable!”

Feng Qianqian knew she had a long night awaited her, so she didn’t allow
herself to be seized with a sudden impulse.

Shan Xiao and Kuang Ye walked into his office together to get ready for the
live streaming in an hour or so, Kuang Ye straightened Shan Xiao’s collar and
said, “You look so handsome in your suit.”

Shan Xiao just expressed his honest opinion, because Kuang Ye looked like a
high fashion model in the designer suit. However, the people who were in the
office all giggled in their hearts, ‘Are they going to make the announcement
that they are together after President Shan makes his apology or what?’

The time had come, Feng Qianqian did the final adjustment on the camera
and Shan Xiao had started his first live streaming for the first time.
However, the platform had a breakdown due to the number of audience, but
our Secretary Feng had seen it coming and she had already arranged their
own team to restart it.

Therefore, Shan Xiao was back on the screen after five seconds.

Comments bombarded the screen:

“President Shan looks so handsome tonight!”

“I can’t believe President Shan would like to communicate with us via live


Shan Xiao ignored the comments and jumped right to the point, “Guys, there a
a few things I’d like to address tonight. Firstly, I’ve seen people making rumors
online saying Kuang Ye is manipulating me, that’s nonsense! Well, he indeed
showed up in my room when he was recording Dancing 666, but I didn’t slam
the door in his face, I asked him to leave because he broke my bed!”

A new wave of comments started to bombard the screen:

“What? What have you done on the first night? Hahaha, President Shan is so

“Have you guys been together since then?”


Shan Xiao continued, “There are also people say it’s so strange that I’ve shot
a commercial for excavator to celebrate me and Kuang Ye’s friendship. Well,
it’s not strange, what’s strange is I can’t believe you guys are being selectively
blind, all products in Billion Consortium was on sale, but you just pointed out
excavators, because you think it’s strange!”

“And also, it’s me who has bribed the organizers and the other cycling teams,
Kuang Ye had no idea it happened until days after the contests. Kuang Ye
criticized me harshly and he has changed my mind, I won’t bribe anyone in
the following contests. Anyways, don’t blame Ye any more, if you have
something to say, I’m right here!”

Shanye fans exclaimed on hearing that, ‘Love statement! How cute!’

Kuang Ye popped up in the screen when Shan Xiao was lost in thought what
else he wanted to say, Kuang Ye waved at the camera and started to
apologize, “Hi, everyone, President Shan meant to apologize to the organizers
and other teams and out fans as well, it’s my fault that I didn’t keep an eye on
him. Anyways, we will face everything together in the future.”

Shanye fans cried with joy, “Matching suits! Look, they are wearing matching
suits! And they will face everything together in the future! Love statement!
Cuteness overload!”

75. I Love a Mountain Bike

Translator: Sissy That Walk

It didn’t matter how Shan Xiao had ended the live streaming that night any
more, it didn’t matter what Shan Xiao had said after Kuang Ye took over any
more, what mattered was the fans jumped for joy after watching their ‘love
statement’, their interactions were just too much to handle.

Topics like “President Shan Live Streaming”, “Shanye Matching Suits”, Flash

on the Wings”, “Shanye Cycling Club”, “Speed Road Cycling Contests” soon
made it on the most searched hashtags on social media. Once again, Shanye
had dominated social media, the public couldn’t resist themselves from hitting
those trending topics about this couple, soon enough everyone was talking
about the shady deal of President Shan bribing some cycling events for the
one he loved, but he came to his senses and made an apology to the public
after the one he loved had educated him.

Soon enough, Shan Xiao became a cute spoony who tried to make his lover
happy and the public had happily forgiven him.

More and more people shipped this cute couple — Shanye, this whole thing
turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

“Peeps, I’m new here, I declare that I will ship Shanye from this very moment.
So here is the deal, I just watched their live streaming, I fell in love with their
matching suits the second I saw them, but I don’t know much about fashion,
so I’m here to ask does anyone know which designer were they wearing, and
approximately how much are they?” a new fan posted on Fandom.

“Welcome, newbie! Jump on the bandwagon! Always good to see more fans
who ship our Shanye. From the little bit I know, I don’t think you will be able to
see anything like that on the market, so the fabric is from President Shan’s
own line, the line just produces fabric and supplies fabric for himself, cotton,
silk, velvet, chiffon, baize, charmeuse, lace, yep, even lace, you name it! Point
is, he only wore stuff that made from his own line, and he is personal friends
with fashion gurus all over the world. The matching suits they wore in the live
streaming, I would bet money on Alexander Lang. (T/N: I know, Lang should
be Wang, but you know, copyright issue.) As for the cost, hmm, I would say
friendship is priceless.”

“Wow! Are you the scientist who invented the microscope? Is your real name
Antonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek? Lol, good job, thanks for educating us.”

“I hope they do more live streaming in the future, you know, it’s been so long
since we have such good vibes in Fandom, the old fans are educating the
new fans, the new fans are asking recommendations for their videos and
fanfictions, this is so nice!”

“Exactly! I love those fanfictions about Shanye!”


Billion Consortium dropped another bombshell in their official account while

everyone was still hitting the trending topics about Shanye’s live streaming:
Our CEO, Mr. Shan Xiao decided to join Shanye Cycling Club and pursue a
cyclist career together with Mr. Kuang Ye and The Flash on the Wing. The
eight of them will fight shoulder to shoulder and conquer mountains and lakes,
let’s send our best wishes to President Shan!

Xiang Qianjin and Wangzi Xingchen exchanged a look and said, “Isn’t he

already our vice team captain? He’s already attended so many contests with
us, what’s the big fuss now?”

Bai Jiachun shot them a glimpse and explained, “Silly! Both of you! He just
make it official that he will always be on Ye’s side and he is willing to give up
anything for Ye and Ye’s dream, and this time he will play the game fair and
square. Tut tut tut, what a romantic man.”

“Ah? So this is President Shan being romantic?” Xiang Qianjin exclaimed like

a light broke in upon him.

Bai Jiachun shook his head, ‘What a blockhead, how are you going to have a
romantic relationship? I’m worried about you, man.’

The reporters soon found out Shanye Cycling Club was established by Shan
Xiao just for Kuang Ye, Shan Xiao did everything he could to provide the best
environment for Kuang Ye to support him to chase his dream.

Shan Xiao went back to the training center after he had made the official
announcement that he would prepare for the next professional cycling events
with his teammates, and this time he didn’t even think of slacking!

“There is no traffic on the extra mile!”

“The will to win is not nearly so important as the will to prepare to win!”

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity!”

“World Championship! World Championship! World Championship!”

The boys started their morning training amid the loud shouting of inspiring
slogans, it was Shan Xiao’s idea to shout a few slogans before they started
their day, he found it very useful in setting the tone for the day.

With that being said, our romantic boy Shan Xiao didn’t forget what drove him
on the track, he would steal a glance at Kuang Ye from now and then as a
reward. He would jog right next to Kuang Ye and tried very hard not to fall
behind. He would dine at the same table with Kuang Ye in the cafeteria and
compare notes with Kuang Ye about their diet… …

The other teammates had been so considerate and supportive as well, they
would try to create more opportunities for them to spend time alone, and they
would grin at Shan Xiao whenever he got the chance to sit right next to Kuang

This day at lunch, Shan Xiao asked Kuang Ye, “Hey you, can you tell me
what’s your type?”

The cafeteria just went dead silence after Shan Xiao asked that question, the
other boys tried so hard not to even breathe, they were dying to find out the
answers as well.

“Hmm, me personally love a mountain bike.” Kuang Ye grinned.

“I mean… I mean… more of a human being, yeah, you know, what do you like
in a human being?”

Hearing that, Feng Qianqian gasped, she had no idea what answer was
waiting for her boss.

76. What a Shame

Translator: Sissy That Walk

The rest of the boys had clearly heard the conversation as well, you could tell
from their facial expressions, they grabbed each other’s hands and tried not to
grimace too much.
Kuang Ye thought for a while and answered carefully, he chose his words with
great care, “Hmm, human beings… human beings… I’ve never really thought
about that before, I guess I like a man who is going to stand by my side when
I win the world championship.”

‘Should I return to what I do the best? Should I buy the world championship
and elbow other boys away when we are stand on the prize-awarding
platform?’ Shan Xiao touched his chin and lost in thought.

Their teammates clearly had seen through Shan Xiao’s heart when he was
calculating in his heart and they started to shoot him warning glances in
unison, ‘President Shan! Don’t ruin it! Kuang Ye will unfriend you if you dare to
go back to your monkey business! Don’t do that, we have faith in you!’

Luckily, Shan Xiao had received those friendly reminder successfully, he

suddenly came back to his senses and beat himself up in his mind, ‘Shame on
you, Shan Xiao! You vowed solemnly the other day when Kuang Ye educated
you about sportsmanship and how sacred it is, where’s your motivation,
where’s your drive! You need to win his heart in the way he loves the best, not
money! Speaking of money, it’s going to be a lot easier if he loves money like
any other normal people, oh well, I’ve made a promise so I better keep it I

Shan Xiao stared at Kuang Ye with his eyes exuding tenderness and love and
he reached out his hand to Kuang Ye, “Kuang Ye, I hear you. You know what,
I will make you feel impressed!”

Kuang Ye grabbed Shan Xiao’s water bottle and said, “I have faith in you,
you’re doing so great this time ever since you came back. I will make a protein
shake for you, it will be nice and cold, vanilla flavor.”

Shan Xiao felt a bit disheartened that Kuang Ye grabbed his water bottle
instead of holding his hand, but still he put on a smile and said, “Thank you,
team captain, I like vanilla flavor.”

The other teammates felt so proud of Shan Xiao, they beamed with smiles on
seeing how Shan Xiao handled this and they started to think it was just a
matter of time before Kuang Ye realized how Shan Xiao actually felt about

After lunch, Kuang Ye and Shan Xiao showed up in the gym at the same time,
the other teammates’ eyes kept travelling back and forth from Kuang Ye and
Shan Xiao, somehow they found their team captain and their vice team
captain started to look alike in a lot of ways, the way they smiled, they way
they walked, even the way they carried their water bottles were a heck lot
Shan Xiao cleared his throat and said, “Hi team, I know I’ve made an online
apology announcement, but I still owe you guys an apology, I’m so sorry for
what I’ve done, that was so immature and so wrong of me. But don’t worry
now, I swear I won’t make the same mistake ever again, and I won’t
disappoint our team captain and you guys any more. I know I used to slack off
a lot, but I’ve thoroughly reformed myself, I promise I will train as hard as our
team captain, please keep an eye on me and help me, I would really
appreciate any positive suggestions from my teammates.”

Everyone stood transfixed to the ground on hearing that, ‘What happened to

President Shan? Has Kuang Ye ripped out President Shan’s heart and
replaced it with a puppy’s? This is too good to be true!’

Bai Jiachun looked around and raised his hand with his brows furrowing, Shan
Xiao didn’t see that coming and he didn’t like what he was seeing, so he shot
Bai Jiachun a warning look, signaling Bai Jiachun to quit it.

However, it was too late. Kuang Ye had already saw Bai Jiachun and
said, “Bai, do you have something to ask?”

“Actually, yeah. President Shan, or should I address you vice team captain,
what’s wrong with you? What have you got up in your sleeve?”

“Say what now?” Shan Xiao rolled his eyes and then he turned to Feng
Qianqian, “Secretary Feng, I want him disappear now! Check our Penguin
Project, Bai Jiachun strikes me as an animal-lover, and I’m sure out project
can use an extra hand or two!”

Feng Qianqian put on a poker face and replied, “President Shan, our team
captain has just praised Bai in the morning, I don’t think our team captain will
be happy about what you just said.”

“Bai Jiachun! Train as hard as you can while you are here, mark my word, I
will kick you out as soon as you slack off!” Shan Xiao made a supposedly-to-
be-fierce face at Bai Jiachun, “And for now, I forgive you, come on now, time
to train!”

Kuang Ye pulled Shan Xiao aside and whispered at his ear, “Good job on
motivating Bai just now, next time work on your intimidating look, you looked
like a puppy wants to have a treat just now.”

Xiang Qianjin walked to them and asked, “Why are you guys whispering?
Please tell me as well.”

“Xiang Qianjin, you said it yourself, we are whispering, when you whisper, you
say something very quietly so that other people cannot hear what you are
saying. In this case, you are some other people, understood?” Shan Xiao

Xiang Qianjin pouted and walked away, Bai Jiachun comforted him and gave
him a hug.

As days went by, Shan Xiao had changed Kuang Ye’s bike to one that
matched with his, two golden shiny bikes.

The boys attended a world-class event after six months hard training, they
were confident that they would win this fair and square.

The organizers’ facial expressions were a bit complicated when they saw

Shan Xiao, so Kuang Ye stood up for his friend, “Please don’t worry,
President Shan has started anew!”

The organizers looked blankly into each other’s faces, ‘Dang it! We just
missed the opportunity to make a fortune! Such a shame that President Shan
wants to play a fair game this time!’

77. World Championship

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Everything felt so familiar yet so new at the same time at the new track!

They were attending the Tour de Xianghu Lake Contest, the most
authoritative event in cycling. Kuang Ye and the boys attended the preliminary
contest and intermediary contest three months ago, their hard work paid off
and they had proved to the public that they could win the contests fair and

The fans once again showed up in the game to cheer them, they knew what
this contest meant for the boys, especially for Kuang Ye. Therefore, even
more fans swarmed into the competition area and showed support for them.

And the boys could really use some extra cheering and support for this
contest, because they were going to compete with professional cyclists from
all over the world.

The fans had faith in the boys, and the boys had proved themselves during
the past three months that they were good enough to have a head-to-head
battle with the best cyclists. Needless to say, Kuang Ye was thrilled about this
opportunity for this had been his only dream for years. Shan Xiao cherished
this opportunity as much as Kuang Ye, ‘I like a man who is going to stand by
my side when I win the world championship’ had motivated him every time he
wanted to give up, now finally he was here with Kuang Ye charging at the
finishing tape of Kuang Ye’s dream contest, he told himself that no way could
he blow it.

The contest started after the whistle, everything was in good order and well
arranged. Usually the contest took three days and nights to finish, The Flash
on the Wing boys took the lead for the first day and they changed their pace
on the second day, they didn’t mind other teams surpassing them on the
second day, because they knew what mattered the most was the second night
and the third day.

On the second night, there were more than half of contestants had quit it due
to injury or breakdown of their bikes, it was indeed a long and hard ride for
even the best cyclists.

The remaining contestants were the best among the best, not only they were
physically strong and professional, but also they were strong-willed and knew
their goal. But luckily, Kuang Ye was no stranger to resilience and persistence

Kuang Ye was so focused, he couldn’t hearing anything except his heartbeat,

not the cheering from the crowds, not the sneer from other contestants, his
heartbeat was all he could hear.

For all the years in his cycling career, he had injured and failed, but never had
he given up, and that was all because he wanted to prove to his childhood
coach that he could do it as long as he set his mind on it.

He was pretty bad when he first started it and no one believed in him,
especially his first coach when he was a boy, but Kuang Ye was born with
unyielding spirit, he would practice two more hours then his teammates every
day, and one day his performance had won himself a ticket to the national
team. He had taught people who didn’t believe him a lesson at a young age
and that was why he had faith in his teammates as well, because he was
proof that hard work paid off.

‘Oh no, oh no, oh no, I’m dying, I’m literally dying.’ Shan Xiao cursed this
bloody contest in his heart. The other teammates didn’t understand why Shan
Xiao would still work so hard for this, because the organizers changed the
rules this year, the whole team would receive the medal as long as one
member of the team breasted the finishing line first. But our President Shan
insisted he would love to be the one who could breast the finishing line
together with Kuang Ye, otherwise he wasn’t exactly qualified as the person
who deserved to stand by Kuang Ye’s side when he was receiving the flower
and applause on the prize-awarding platform.
Time to take a look at the rest of the team, Zhou Chong and Chu Yangbo
were the first two to fall behind, which wasn’t surprising considering their
performance record. Zhao Xiuyu and Wangzi Xingchen gave up on the
second night, which was already their personal best and they were quite
proud of it.

Bai Jiachun, Xiang Qianjin, Shan Xiao and Kuang Ye made it through the
second night, and Bai Jiachun was shocked to see Shan Xiao who was still on
the track because he was about to give up too, he couldn’t believe Shan Xiao
had outperformed him.

Well, neither could Shan Xiao! But the voice in Shan Xiao’s mind kept him
going, he just stared at Kuang Ye’s back and told himself that back was his
goal, he just needed to keep up with that back, and everything else on the
track had nothing to do with him. And it worked, so far he was doing great,
they took the lead again.

Now all eyes were on Kuang Ye, Shan Xiao and Xiang Qianjin, however,
Xiang Qianjin fell from his bike and lost the upper hand due to a squirrel which
emerged on the road out of nowhere.

Kuang Ye and Shan Xiao rode side by side amid the gasps and stares, all of a
sudden Kuang Ye reached out his hand to Shan Xiao, “President Shan, the
finishing line is just a few kilometers away, are you ready to breast the tape
together with me?”

Hearing that, Shan Xiao grinned and sped up like he just had a protein bar.

“Congratulations! The winner of the Tour de Xianghu Lake Contest Shanye

Cycling Club thanks to Kuang Ye and Shan Xiao!” the announcement rang in
the whole track.

Tears brimmed in Shan Xiao’s eyes when he jumped on the prize-awarding

platform together with Kuang Ye, ‘Is now a good timing? Can I tell him that I
love him now?’

On the other hand, Kuang Ye beamed with smiles and all of a sudden he
grabbed Shan Xiao’s hand and waved at the crowd, he shouted out
loud, “President Shan, thank you so much for doing this with me, my darling!”

“What did you just call me?” Shan Xiao was shocked.

“My darling, you are my darling. Haven’t we agreed that we will be together
after we win the world championship?” Kuang Ye winked at Shan Xiao.

“When did that happen?”

“Ha, you asked me what my type is, well, my type is you! And I believe that we
can win the world championship together, so yeah, here we are, my darling!”

Shan Xiao burst into laughter, it turned out Kuang Ye knew how Shan Xiao felt
about him all along and he just used his own strategy to motivate Shan Xiao
to win world championship together.

The end.

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