3 Introducao-Geoquimica

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Geologia Econômica Profa. Lydia Maria Lobato - Dept.


Classificação geoquímica

Composição geoquímica da Terra

& rochas
Geologia Econômica Profa. Lydia Maria Lobato - Dept. Geologia

Composição Química
da Crosta

• Oxigênio (O) 46,6%

• Silício (Si) 27 7%
• Alumínio (Al) 8,1%
• Ferro (Fe) 5,0%
• Cálcio (Ca) 3,6%
• Sódio (Na) 2,8%
• Potássio (K) 2,6%
• Magnésio
g ((Mg)
g) 2,1%
, %
• Todos outros 1,5%
• TOTAL: 100,0%
Geologia Econômica Profa. Lydia Maria Lobato - Dept. Geologia

Classificação geoquímica
dos elementos
Geologia Econômica Profa. Lydia Maria Lobato - Dept. Geologia

• Lithophile - elements that combine with oxygen, dominantly in oxide and

silicate minerals;
• Chalcophile combine with sulfur, dominantly in sulfide minerals;
• Siderophile occur as native metals or alloys;
• Atmophile form elemental gases.
Geologia Econômica Profa. Lydia Maria Lobato - Dept. Geologia

The Goldschmidt Classification,

Classification, developed by Viktor M. Goldschmidt,
Goldschmidt, is a geochemical
classification groups chemical elements according to their preferred host phases into:

Siderophile (Fe loving): The metals near iron in the periodic table (i (i.e.
e the transition metals)
that exhibit metallic bonding (iron loving)
Au,, C, Co
Au Co,, Fe
Fe,, Ge
Ge,, Ir
Ir,, Mo
Mo,, Ni
Ni,, Os
Os,, P, Pd
Pd,, Pt
Pt,, Re
Re,, Rh
Rh,, Ru
Ru,, Sn

Lithophile (silicate loving): elements which form ionic bonds generally have filled outer electron
shells. They typically bond to oxygen in silicates and oxides ()
Al,, At B, Ba
Al Ba,, Be
Be,, Br,
Br, Ca
Ca,, Cl
Cl,, Cr,
Cr, Cs
Cs,, F, I, Hf,
Hf, K, Li
Li,, Mg,
g, Mn
Mn,, Na
Na,, Nb
Nb,, O, Rb
Rb,, Sc
Sc,, Si
Sr,, Ta
Ta,, Th
Ti,, U, V, Y, Zr
Ti Zr,, W, Lanthanides

Chalcophile (sulphur loving) : elements that bond to S, Se, Te, Sb, and As. The bonds are
predominantly covalent in character AgAg,, As
As,, Bi
Bi,, Cd
Cd,, Cu
Cu,, Ga
Ga,, Hg
Hg,, In
In,, Pb
Pb,, Po
Po,, S, Sb
Sb,, Se
Se,, Te
Tl,, Zn

Athmophile (gas loving) : noble gases and covalently bonded gaseous molecules. The atoms
and molecules are bonded by weak Van der Waals forces and so these elements remain
gaseous at room temperature
H, N, noble
bl gases
Geologia Econômica Profa. Lydia Maria Lobato - Dept. Geologia

Element Wt % Oxide Atom %

O 60.8
Si 59.3 21.2 Abundance of the elements
Al 15.3 6.4
Fe 7.5 2.2
in the Earth
Earth’ss crust
Ca 6.9 2.6
Mg 4.5 2.4
Na 2.8 1.9

Major elements: usually greater than 1%

SiO2 Al2O3 FeO* MgO CaO Na2O K2O H2O
Minor elements: usually 0.1 - 1%
TiO2 MnO P2O5 CO2
Trace elements: usually < 0.1%
everything else
Geologia Econômica Profa. Lydia Maria Lobato - Dept. Geologia

Trace elements are subdivided according to their 
relative affinity for crystalline minerals and melt:
Incompatible elements
Incompatible elements: those whose ions are not easily accomodated in the structures of the 
elements: those whose ions are not easily accomodated in the structures of the 
elements: : those whose ions are not easily accomodated in the structures of the
principal igneous or metamorphic minerals, and they favour the melt in preference to 
coexisting mineral crystals. They are progressively more enriched in the diminishing amount 
of residual liquid, whose disordered structure accepts them more readily.
Goldschmidt (1937) attributed this behaviour to having too large an ionic radius
or too high an ionic charge to reside in the compact, highly ordered structure of most
t hi h i i h t id i th t hi hl d d t t f t
mineral crystals; such ions are more easily accommodated in the relatively disordered 
structure of the coexisting melt. Rb, Ba, La and U are good examples.
structure of the coexisting melt. Rb, Ba, La and U are good examples.
Ki > 1 (coeficiente de partição)

Compatible elements are preferentially incorporated into one or more crystallizing minerals 
Compatible elements are preferentially incorporated into one or more crystallizing minerals 
relative to the melt; for example, nickel is preferentially taken up by olivine.
Ki < 1 (coeficiente
fi i t de ti ã )
d partição
Geologia Econômica Profa. Lydia Maria Lobato - Dept. Geologia
Geologia Econômica Profa. Lydia Maria Lobato - Dept. Geologia
Geologia Econômica Profa. Lydia Maria Lobato - Dept. Geologia

Less than 15 oxides occur in quantities

of > 0.5% in crustal rocks
Geologia Econômica Profa. Lydia Maria Lobato - Dept. Geologia

Concentrations of some important

p elements in
the Earth´s crust
Geologia Econômica Profa. Lydia Maria Lobato - Dept. Geologia

Variação na
â de
metais em rochas
ígneas (ppm ou g/t)
Geologia Econômica Profa. Lydia Maria Lobato - Dept. Geologia

Média da
â de
metais em rochas
ígneas (ppm ou g/t)

Valor máximo

Valor mínimo

Valor ~ mínimo

< Limite detecção

Geologia Econômica Profa. Lydia Maria Lobato - Dept. Geologia

Alkali vs. Silica diagram for Hawaiian volcanics:

Seems to be two distinct groupings: alkaline and subalkaline

Total alkalis
vs. silica
diagram for
the alkaline
and sub
alkaline rocks
of Hawaii.
(1968). GSA
Memoir 116
Geologia Econômica Profa. Lydia Maria Lobato - Dept. Geologia

AFM diagram: can further subdivide the subalkaline magma

series into a tholeiitic and a calc
calc--alkaline series

AFM diagram showing the distinction

between selected tholeiitic rocks from
Iceland, the Mid-
Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the Columbia
River Basalts, and Hawaii (solid circles) plus
the calc-
calc-alkaline rocks of the Cascade
volcanics (open circles). From Irving and
Baragar (1971). After Irvine and Baragar
(1971). Can. J. Earth Sci., 8, 523-
Geologia Econômica Profa. Lydia Maria Lobato - Dept. Geologia

de metais
na crosta
Geologia Econômica Profa. Lydia Maria Lobato - Dept. Geologia
Geologia Econômica Profa. Lydia Maria Lobato - Dept. Geologia

Concentrações necessárias
de metais, em relação à
média crustal, para haver
i t
interesse econômico
ô i d dos

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