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SPEAKING PART 1............................................................................................................................... 3

1. Farm ............................................................................................................................................ 3
2. Rest ............................................................................................................................................. 3
3. Tree ............................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Maths........................................................................................................................................... 3
5. Museum....................................................................................................................................... 4
6. TV program................................................................................................................................. 4
7. Singing ........................................................................................................................................ 4
8. Morning....................................................................................................................................... 4
9. Reading ....................................................................................................................................... 4
10. Scenery ........................................................................................................................................ 5
11. Happiness .................................................................................................................................... 5
12. Names .......................................................................................................................................... 5
13. New Year .................................................................................................................................... 5
SPEAKING PART 2 + 3 ........................................................................................................................ 6
Đề mẫu số 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Đề mẫu số 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Đề mẫu số 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Đề mẫu số 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Đề mẫu số 5 ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Đề mẫu số 6 ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Đề mẫu số 7 ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Đề mẫu số 8 ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Đề mẫu số 9 ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Đề mẫu số 10 .................................................................................................................................... 11
Đề mẫu số 11 .................................................................................................................................... 12
Đề mẫu số 12 .................................................................................................................................... 12
Đề mẫu số 13 .................................................................................................................................... 13
Đề mẫu số 14 .................................................................................................................................... 13
Đề mẫu số 15 .................................................................................................................................... 14
Đề mẫu số 16 .................................................................................................................................... 14
Đề mẫu số 17 .................................................................................................................................... 15
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Đề mẫu số 18 .................................................................................................................................... 15
Đề mẫu số 19 .................................................................................................................................... 16
Một số đề Part 3 khác............................................................................................................................ 17
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1. Farm

 Do you think farming is important?

 Have you ever visited a farm?

2. Rest

 How often do you take a rest?

 Do you take a nap when you are taking your rest?
 How do you feel after taking a nap?

3. Tree

 Do you like trees?

 Would you like to live in a place that has lots of trees?
 Do you think places with trees attract more visitors than places with few
 Do you like to go to a forest?
 Is there a forest near your hometown?
 Where can one find trees of forest in your country?
 Did you ever climb trees when you were a child?
 Have you ever planted a tree?

4. Maths

 Do you think mathematics is important?

 Do you think it’s difficult to learn mathematics well?
 Are girls generally good at mathematics?
 Do you often use a calculator?
 When do you start to learn math?
 Some people think that math isn’t needed in our life. What do you think?
 Who taught you math?
 How do schools teach math in Vietnam
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5. Museum

 Do you like visiting museums and art galleries?

 Do you often visit museums?
 When was the last time you visited a museum?
 What did you learn from visiting museums and art galleries?
 Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown?
 Do you think museums are important?

6. TV program

 What types of TV programs do you like?

 What benefits can people get from watching foreign TV programs?
 In your country is it possible for you to watch any TV programs in English?

7. Singing

 Do you often sing?

 When do you like to sing?
 Is it difficult to sing well?
 Do you want to be a singer?
 What kinds of music do you like to sing?

8. Morning

 What is your morning routine?

 Is breakfast important?

9. Reading

 Do you like reading?

 What books do you like to read?
 What book did you read recently?
 What did you learn?
 Why do parents make children read books at an early age?
 What was your favourite book as a child?
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 Should reading be a compulsory activity for children at school?


 What can you see from the windows where you live?
 Is there good scenery in cities?
 Is there goof scenery in your hometown?
 Do you like to take pictures of good scenery?
 When you travel, do you like to live in hotels with scenic views?


 How would you define happiness?

 What kinds of things make people in your country happy?
 Do you think money can make people happy?
 Are people in your country happier now than they were 30 years ago?
 Why do some people say happiness never lasts long?
 What do you do when you feel unhappy?


 Is it difficult for you to remember people’s names?

 How do you remember people’s names?
 How do you feel if someone can not remember your name?
 Do you often forget people’s names?

13.New Year

 How do you celebrate New Year?

 What do people do on New Year's Day?
 Do you have any ceremonies to celebrate the New Year in your country?
 Why do people think New Year is a beginning?
 What was the most memorable New year celebration you have
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Đề mẫu số 1
Part 2:

Describe a time when it was important to tell your friend the truth
You should say:

 Who your friend is

 What the truth was
 What your friend’s reaction was
And explain why it was important to tell the truth
Part 3:

 What sorts of people famous in your country?

 How do people become famous?
 Are there any differences between people who were famous a few years ago and
the people who are famous today?
 Do you think famous people ever have a negative influence on ordinary people?
 What qualities do famous people have in common?
 Through what kind of media can they be famous?

Đề mẫu số 2
Part 2:

Describe a time when you saw a wild animal

You should say:

 What animal it was

 When you saw it
 Where you saw it
And explain how you felt when you saw it

Part 3:

 Do animals cause more problems in the countryside than in cities?

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 How are pets now different from those in the past?

 Is there any difference between the way animals were used for work in the past
and nowadays?
 Why do people like to keep pets?
 Do you keep a pet?
 Are zoos good places for wild animals?
 What animals shouldn’t be in zoos?
 Do you support experimentation on animals?/ Do you agree that animals should
not be used in experiments?
 Why do you think wild animals should be protected?

Đề mẫu số 3
Part 2:

Describe your favorite weather

You should say:

 What kind of weather it is

 What you usually do during this weather
 How this weather affects your mood
And explain why you like this type of weather

Part 3:

 Does weather affect your mood?

 Does weather have any impact on people’s daily activities?
 Where can people get weather reports?
 How do weather reports affect people’s life?/Why are people interested in the
 What do people do on rainy days and sunny days?
 Has climate change affected your country?
 What do you wear when it’s cold outside?
 Why do people need to wear thick clothes when it’s cold outside?
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Đề mẫu số 4
Part 2:

Describe a short journey that you often take but dislike

You should say:

 where you go
 how often you do this
 when you do this

And explain why you dislike it

Part 3:

 What kind of transportation that people in your country often use for
 Do you think that decrease the use of transportation is a good measure to
protect the environment?
Đề mẫu số 5
Part 2:

Describe an ideal job you’d like to do in the future

You should say:

 What it is
 How you can get this job
 What kinds of work you would do for the job

And explain why you want to have it

Part 3:

 What do most people consider when finding/accepting a job?

 What is more important? Job satisfaction or a high salary?
 What kinds of job do people in your country prefer?
 Do you think we need less physical work due to technology development?
 Do you think robots will take over man’s jobs in the future?
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 What kinds of jobs are most likely to be taken over by robots?

Đề mẫu số 6
Part 2:

Describe a time when you gave advice to others

You should say:

 Who you gave advice to

 What the situation was
 What advice you gave
And what the result was

Part 3:

 In general, what kind of people is most suitable for giving advice to others?
 When somebody gives you some advice, do you usually follow this advice or do
you usually insist on your own opinion?
 Do you prefer advice from your family or your friends?
 Who do young people turn to for advice?
 Which do you think is better, advice from young people or advice from older
 Why do so many young people not accepted the advice of older people?

Đề mẫu số 7
Part 2:

Describe a polite person you know

You should say:

 Who this person is

 How you know this person
 What the person looks like

And explain why you think this person is polite

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Part 3:

 How do people show politeness in your country?/ What’s the standard of being
 Are people today as polite as people were in the past?
 Is there a country that is particularly polite?
 Do you think politeness is different in different countries and parts of the world?
 Are there any differences between urban and rural people concerning politeness?
 Are people more polite with non-family members than they are with their

Đề mẫu số 8
Part 2:

Describe a famous person you are interested in

You should say:

 Who this person is

 What this person was like before his/her became famous
 How you know this person

And explain why you think this person is interesting

Part 3:

 What sorts of people famous in your country?

 How do people become famous?
 Are there any differences between people who were famous a few years ago and
the people who are famous today?
 Do you think famous people ever have a negative influence on ordinary people?
 What qualities do famous people have in common?
 Through what kind of media can they be famous?
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Đề mẫu số 9
Part 2:

Describe a time you needed to use your imagination

You should say:

 What you did using imagination

 When it was
 Whether it was easy or difficult

And explain how you felt

Part 3:

 What kind of jobs require imagination?

 Which requires more imagination, reading or watching cartoons?
 What games require children to use imagination?
 Should young children use and develop imagination?
 How can teachers encourage children to use imagination?
 What is the relationship between imagination and creativity?

Đề mẫu số 10
Part 2:

Describe a toy that you liked when you were a child

You should say:

 What the toy was

 Who gave it to you
 How you used this toy
And explain how you felt when you got this toy

Part 3:

 What toys are popular with boys and girls in your country now?
 Do you think advertising that targets children should be banned?
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 How do ads influence children?

 Do you see the fact that children are targeted by many companies as potential
consumers spoils their childhood?

Đề mẫu số 11
Part 2:

Describe a thing you bought and felt pleased about

You should say:

 What it was
 Where you bought it
 How it was used

And explain why it made you happy

Part 3:

 What are some other things that people keep in their family for a long time?
 In your culture, what sorts of things do people pass down from generation to
 Which do you think are better, old things or new things?

Đề mẫu số 12
Part 2:

Describe an occasion when you ate something for the first time

You should say:

 What food it was

 When it happened
 Where you ate it
And explain how you felt about it

Part 3:

 What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?

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 Do you like to try new food?

 What are young people’s opinions about new food?
 Do you like to cook at home?
 More and more people are unwilling to cook. Why is this happening?
 Is it expensive to eat out in your country?

Đề mẫu số 13
Part 2:

Describe an interesting conversation that you had with someone

You should say:

 Who this person was

 Where the conversation took place
 What you talked about

And explain why you found the conversation interesting.

Part 3:

 Are communication skills important at work?

 What topics do young people talk about?

Đề mẫu số 14
Part 2:

Describe a home that you visited and liked, but don’t want to live in

You should say:

 Where it was
 What it looked like
 Why you visited it

And explain why you don’t want to live there

Part 3:

 Do most people in your country live in a flat or a house?

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 What are the reasons for choosing a place to live in?

 In your country, when people visit other people in their homes, do they usually
bring a gift?
 Do you like to invite your friends to your home?
 How will you entertain friends in your home?
 Why do some people prefer not to entertain guests at home?

Đề mẫu số 15
Part 2:

Describe an occasion when you got lost

You should say:

 Where it was
 What happened
 How you felt

And explain how you found your way

Part 3:

 Do you prefer electronic or paper maps?

 Why are there some people who never get lost?
 Do you often get lost?
 What can people do not get lost?

Đề mẫu số 16
Part 2:

Describe a time when you encourage someone to do something that they didn’t want to

You should say:

 Who this person is

 What you encourage them to do
 How this person reacted
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And explain why you encourage this person to do it

Part 3:

 What are some of the ways people can help each others in the community?
Which is the most important?
 Why do you think some people like to help other people?
 Some people say that people help others in the community more now than they
did in the past. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Đề mẫu số 17
Part 2:

Describe a time when you were bored

You should say:

 Where it was
 Who you were with
 What you did
And explain why you were bored

Part 3:

 Are there jobs that you find boring?

 Do you think all the boring jobs will be done by robots in the future?
 Why do people say that it’s good to feel bored sometimes? What do you think?
 Do you agree that it is impossible to feel bored in our today’s world?

Đề mẫu số 18
Part 2:

Describe a time when your computer broke down

You should say:

 What the problem was

 What you were doing
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 When it was

And explain what you did about it

Part 3:

 Should parents limit the amount of time that children spend using computers?
 What impact may robots have on employment and the way people work in the
 Do you think technology has always had positive effects on people’s lives?
 What do people use computers for?
 Should students be allowed to use computers?
 Should students be allowed to use computers at school?
 What do you think of people who are addicted to playing computer games?

Đề mẫu số 19
Part 2:

Describe your favourite part in your city or town

You should say:

 What this place is

 How often you go there
And explain why it is your favorite part of the city

Part 3:

 Do you think city dwellers should be consulted about the changes that should be
made to their city?
 What are the purposes of public places in towns and cities?
 What interesting public places are there in your hometown?
 Can you name public places in which people like to spend their free time?
 Do you think there should be more free public places?
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Một số đề Part 3 khác

1. What is the difference between watching sports events at home and at the
2. What kind of people are good at teaching?
3. Is it popular to ride bicycles in your country?
4. Do people in your country often travel by bike?
5. How often do you ride a bike?
6. Do you think a bicycle is very convenient for people to use?
7. Will you teach your children to ride a bicycle?
8. Do you think that children should learn the skills of riding a bike since
9. Is it difficult to learn to ride a bicycle?
10. When was the last time you used your bicycle?
11. Do the rating of hotels influence people’s choice?
12. What can influence people’s choices of hotels?
13. Why do you think women like to buy bags?
14. Is a backpack pratical in life?
15. Why are some people willing to buy expensive bags?

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