Subject Instruction

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1. Order os class activities:

1.1 Team presentation
1.2 Lecture
1.3 Q&A
1.4 Break time
1.5 Team activities to prepare next presentation
2. Prerequisite for the final exam/ assessment:
- Attend class regularly, at least 80% of the total hours of the subject.
- The class monitor will help the teacher with checking student attendance,
declare at the end of the course and report to the teacher.
3. Some rules:
- Latecomers are not allowed to enter the class. Early arrival of at least 5
minutes is strongly recommended.
- No foods or drinks are allowed in class, except pure drinking water.
- High concentration on class activities is required. No use of laptops or
mobile phones irrelevant to class activities in allowed.
4. Subject evaluation: 100% final assignment.
Bonus: class attendance and activities, team presentation, individual
5. Instruction on team presentation:
- One day before the presentation date, the class mionitor will inform the
class of the chosen teams to give presentation after random choice and make
sure that all teams will have opportunities to present.
- Before each team member presents, please tell his/her name so that the
teacher can note the evaluation.
- Presentation must be in ppt files with the minimum font size of 28. Names
of presenters are on top right of slides.
- There is one topic each morning/ afternoon.
- Each team presentation will last for 20 minutes for maximum with the
involvement of all members in that team.
- There must be examples, illustrations, video clips… in group presentations to
make them more attractive and persuasive. Presentation with theoretical
answers alone will not be accepted.

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