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CH- 2.

More Features of windows 10

I. Fill in the blanks:

1. The fi rst screen that appears with lots of graphical icons, is called desktop

2. Start is an icon displayed at the bottom left corner of the screen.

3. The login screen asks you to enter a username and password
4. Windows 10 is a GUI OS.

II. State whether the following statements are True or False.

1. Shut down means turning off the computer system. True

2. Windows 10 is not a GUI–based operating system. False
3. Four–headed arrow is used for moving pictures and toolbars. True
4. A computer provides features for protection from strangers. True

III. Match the following.

1. This PC →

2. Recycle Bin →

3. Network →

4. Control Panel →

IV. Answer the following

1. What is an operating system?

Ans. An operating system is an important system software which is the first to
get loaded in the main memory when a computer starts.

2. Describe any two components of the Windows 10 desktop.

Ans. The two component of the Windows 10 desktop are:
a. DESKTOP BACKGROUND- We can set pictures or solid colours for the
desktop background. The background image on the desktop is called
b. TASKBAR- The horizontal bar located at the bottom of the desktop is
called the taskbar. It contains the start button, search box, task view
button, shortcuts to applications, and notification area.
3. What is taskbar? Write steps to hide it.
Ans. The horizontal bar located at the bottom of the desktop is called the
taskbar. It contains the start button, search box, task view button, shortcuts to
applications, and notification area. When you open program or files, their icons
appear on the taskbar from where you can easily switch among different
programs by selecting them.

The steps to hide the taskbar are:-

a. Right-click on the empty area of the taskbar.
b. Click taskbar setting.
c. Toggle automatically hides the taskbar option in desktop mode to on.


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