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BR-45 (1)/64 ADMIRALTY MANUAL OF NAVIGATION VOL. 1 Cone (Chapter Cte ¥ coupe VE cope X Caper Xt ChaperX1 chapter XIV, Contents Pasion an Distan ot Earths Safe Admiay Char and Publis “The Ships Psion and Track Fang by Observation o Teresi ics "The Gyo-Campase “dean Til Same Navigation ae Rule of he Rod “ u CHAPTER I Position and Direction on the Earth's Surface aoa the at fing te poston of sip at en, and condating her Sree ete pace Tt put of tags which cancer withthe a rm rs SnTatnceone of eens bods i fly ek ah im Yume “The min purpose of Youre i 0 Orbe poe, which nthe a of conde RP the nebo of anges, gt as rks and shal, Se ale Plage cls ors tpi of chat, Sain Ditections a ar undiso of acl nao agaton wit = bY, Base reek te ao aide Bo fs inorder to apprecte tein ad TENE in umledgat the Earthsnd the ite of meant conceal ‘1, The Earth: Ober sore Fie th, Obtarveetiyabore ‘he Eas ‘he Nach Pie ‘THe EARTH Anlough the arth it ota pet apr, it maybe considered 0 for de ‘pipes of nuigtion se the err mich veut fom shi mpi ae tk nie The depres fom the spel uape ae expe in tue “Tom Pours of se Bat Ta Fig. ta, Pad Pare the eee ofthe Eat ais of tation, and sre ead the “ole Earn 190 West ‘Te drton owas which the Earth roti lle eas the opposite om ano Sour ‘The topes ave dtingished arity. The anh, when vowed frm aoe the Noth Pole (P), rts in an anicloknoe Section Ci 10 ‘Aertel the North Ple may be gare that le woh ies tee fan observer os fing eat The pote pol ele he South Pol (), 1 omicath dzetion cel a gt ange othe es-mest ston 1 gus PP it proted would very ney the ae diectontsa own he Fle Sao Plat ‘he Gsear Cn A sphee i formed by rating ce about dameter. Any section of « anise by plane mut therioe be scl IF he plane ye tha tbe ‘ae ofthe sphere he teting mtn he Ine tte tine fn oon 4 reat cle importa bonne ges the moe {he shots tek betwen nyo lacs whth hoon soe te gta ele {ech the oaret approach ta ener Ene which can be re ae sae sapere esa the ph en iy noo wee norte Fars sac 1 the plage doc not pas though the centre f the apr, te section i Jon thal dese (Fe 9. ‘Tar Equeron “The pret cece mina betwee the poles known the ‘oun’ Every int on the equate there 96" from the pe (Pe Meas “These are sarge ics joining the pet, and are perpen the quator tn Fig PAP? i one mint Pa'P i anther a theca ie slike Ear Latiade and Longtade ‘To find the positon of any pin it a plane, sii ohn it shortest For hs ream, omg Sayeed sng he shaver are 40, and ee AWE ning on whether the ple ca ~, Poston “he poton of plc canter drt nts of ade rah of Se Thomas’ Church toner, Prema for example, i inte 59 deareee ‘fine ay scone on of the sn, tnd in hoi t Cope, nit to seen eu Cree "The postion corded ts ruts Drarmmsct oF Laces The “ince of Meta’ emnen tno places Band Tin Fig. 4 io the erence between the Its of F and That the length FMF along the ‘erin tough Pct ff bythe paral of bide through aT. eho te pie ar onthe sae side of the eqstr sd hve the ame ame ‘nah enn Fig athe difecne foe by subtracting te se oT the sale one, iene bode of F 1E Tes on the ne ofthe equator oppose to F, and the sw places have testa a(n Fg) he ic of ae he “Ti expeion ‘frre ofa’ i hed wheter he iad have the same names or nt ays reed os the dela, hwvton which Fo. Poa “Th rule for fning he at may be summa th Same names tract, inden tind tere owing north or oath, Ta Fig be ald [emoving south andthe dlt would be me S I Fig she woul be ‘ong nh, ste ic wold be mated Tar cmp» ship staming fram Portemowth (3°48) w Git (96 2X} enter ade by 1°48, boo she here satin, Sn Thee From Fatsnouth gs sar jean A ship staing fam Suva FG G8" 28) 4 Hopaab (2° 18°N) would ange belie By 39°27 Tecsu she bevel steno ooh Tae From See wey, ‘To Hoonae IN Seat (opie net ad) 9° 27S “The ‘ference of longitude’ between 149 places F and T (Fig. ie the sieeoce between the ong of P and P= that ithe length BD et off Slog the equator by the meridians through and or te ang a he pe jge% Pormeecor Larne ‘tween te meridians ofthe two pers cones writen ‘ng 1 apa tat sae ra bls for Sing {fe mga for ing he Sa namely Same name rat, ppt name od For example, ship sing Som Sandy Hook, New York (722), 02 the Bibep Hock Light athe Sein (627) woud change het forse by (sys Beeae hehesl ie moving et. Ts From Sindy Hook 42 ‘To Bip Rock OW, ing (ome nai tact) GF 33 A sip gaming fm Mak (43) 6 Gar (52°) shan br lomptde by to's sna she bel moving ee. Th se hg tenner) ig 988 Shou ism excel" alana a nesemay the lowing comple il ee Suppose ht a nino wih o ke i ip om Spey 5 #5 E) ppm : toa (gy S240) Cy By ls he Sng 30" oy he trou go ba othe Greenich meridia and hen rat, reeding west Ihe tine tin pace te woul ovuay go the shore way, which ext, ‘The number ssn ows tle mats be sae or 360° itn 8 an fe mabe reed Ts ‘oe From Syy ast ax, ‘Tolonohie ew, ong opie names ade) 9° 06 ye ong wat When postnne are dened by thir ttade and longi, seein, the estion af one lace else ro anther sta be ety iene «at at Sore UNITS OF MEASUREMENT Angular Distances between Two Paces Since iis agreed to coder the Eartha ahr, he dtc bomen places ‘the Ents rsace convenient apred anplar mesure "The length ofthe grest-ciel are Pin Fig. fren (= angle CT), Ring the ais ofthe sere and he sage FET being ewe ‘dans Because Rectan the length FT ie ppoti ote sf sos RO fo enh cay lr tr a He “he tt conten uit for memuring Shee op te Eats ure i therfore ted onan agli the tt ef tance selected 9 eg often ave whch subtende a gle of one mite atthe sete af Linear Measurement of Longitude Tan be sen fom Fig, hatte dite othe Ears are beeen any {wo meridian ret tthe equtr snd dinsnshes univ ul ose the pol here al he meriane met, Te hi i's det Ttngtade onthe src of the Enh there tre sn ccna with Inte ad canoe beaten aba Standard measre of nth Fane the simace onthe Eat’ ute representing 30 dese of lie aide SEPNT yeah eat len, when atte sno 7 So sail es ath er de ew pet deel de ai ‘Eoin beeen 3 pear bo depen south apron the ae 36 tha besnean dogo an o dees orth ony he comenin of alt ina nen pp Ide hen he sad oni of eruement sf scab el he aust ose ule Asa represent nut of ong oly the Gunter. The naa os mle st the leah of amie of 3te ‘ttmured slong aridon but he eth ie om tat gS fs the ‘hun o bots 608 ett the ple sig tthe ireglar spo the cy, nit thor swab for praca! ont which rm be costae Ie Sppeoimste mean sue ie hrf ake a Bo fetch alae st Ine andthe tr il’ in navigation refrt atie Exespt om charts where the syd A Ts now adopted, this ii bays Which aso the apmiol fers mnt of ae Ths 168 eae i ke. (The syn} pls lore the decimal pi not tic te ia gure seg 19" Sand ot 108m orer ene that 30 ere ‘nae inthe potion the dina poe) Ii or empl, the angle FCT in Fig 56°25, he let of the wat sinless PP msn ov ag5 im anal menaremen, 0098 63) 35°5 te called otf uel sta thou the war 4 Gatco fet ‘ve hoses wad Becoming Bato simpy, seaming sk “he to at tie rom tr od mts of Sd » sp pent Licht mater by enn of ale, ce ofstoured rg edn knots, (Tec etyspced song tes and he mare of kote pt oa over the Tera daring « sven ners of tine (esrered by 2 sings) ied the ‘Sips apelin nea alee per hour “Tm Srarore Miz om Lao Mu "Tin an aris ui ieroncd by Quon Habe , who dese tha it wart be 8 fron of 4 perches of 16} fet ~ making 80 fet tall, "The namical mile being 6 ft nd the sute mile 520 te, 7 ates rile ae apronetly ea fo 8 uate mle, Me crt, £3 satel ‘les areca #5 tat ule. ASCE SNE RE ed alan The ie mee aa cea ele besa ao ea ea Msconmmsrs tote = fect oughly 29 yards, 120 thos rocates (a es or se me or oughly 00 urs ‘ie oo ee = ego obs) = Sen ile thee TIES le per hor (The tae fa mur of seed ai) COURSE AND BEARING Direction efor mvt cin take hip from, say. Scapa Flow to Berge, be us fie cin te econ in teh Berge is fo Sepa Fl, tat by ‘ecing inte dito Ne ay ave t Berge. Ditecion its een bythe nto the bosaogtvardewhich A prone amiog ora Val i orng I thor ently Iie, “The stl dcone are Nort, Sout, East, and Wet essing The rigor ofa ship jn mi-oen the orzo i cil dean abut the ‘hip ascent sad there's ning 9 dating oe piston tha ire fom inater ode o proceed na pute ison ti therfore near to eer toynme dati ine fed deeton Te sgl betes thi ata ln to the descian in whch i eqied wo rowed cab the ening th pin toward weap prose “True Bearing "The mnt comesient dau ia he merida hoo the ship's passion, becasne {hee she mortvscuch ne: Resnge mented fom ta atm ae Keown a re being In ign Fe mean hgh Fs he etn oft fo The eet ik ig Ft Tes the deton of T. The ane PP OT css yh laren of he Ears uc raved by FP may ‘be consdeed it sn spp err ol be nrdced te prt Sle sera strat ens ig 7 oy ev iter in Figs Sand 85,3 wold oes oben" ror FU Fi. or and Ba ere doc wih off bea coe Poston of Close Objects ‘being 29 7 es Gr etn phe, andes e8 So ls from aes “Tre Couns . ‘The iretion in which ship moves in wae i the diet of he fer aan. The ange bee ths reap ean te ee ts theme er sure. ‘THE compass ‘he oagtonl compas i a iseuent tit ee the meer aun ne {hom whith caus and beings cam he eau. "Thete ae ee ed compan gyroompas, ei om td re-megese compan The GyroCompass ‘This ostramet, which i ected ia Chapter VIN, i set epi ‘sinning wha or execpt ais of which sma to pit springy tue nerth, Thus, in the ayo-campas the mvigatorhs tr nett abe slide he eso of thet north by pting slong the te mon Being ken wih s gyroncapac ae there bear, unde cleas ‘ered tin thie Eure sure Ta enue et te don, the autre sf the pro-cmpase repeater, wah slch beat te take, svete loki fom otf aon oF Grio-Coseas Fora number of reson the gyo-uepue wil tsps pin exe 1 the toe orth I yates drs o anon iets a i ‘mein and doe othe compas wil bes aa “ho os The ‘thas of ing seer ofthe yo empath reaper the gyro being ofan objet sor, ese hain a be 7g then can be seen nF. tea thatthe yo teasing gs sis Fike ayo bearing oy sn Poh the ovens to obtain the rue being «ero ero igh must be raced frm the gy Sang. ad gy eur ke tt be afd egy baring. The wine {Gan ay be uel to denne Gyro dT opus eure x Wess "The Magnetic Compass “This natramet, wich x dexcsbed in Chapter IN, may be consider a bar magnet fretynipended inthe honor pane Heng thon overated, {on and ster with one end pining approximately tte nor tw A, {irl pint foe ue woriy beac the Eas geographic te ple “The dren aimed bythe compas etl, when ast wy y the sing through line of ttl force termed the magnetic merisine. “Thus ‘Eich ctl sid oe nth taprtc mr” Owing othe rely The Gyro-Magoctic Compass ‘his nnroment, wich deed in Chapter X, wes 2 magi apt 0 Veriton ‘il se "arin at he place "Varo ist 0 be uly fhe dive ofthe agi och is to the ext ofthe ve meridian aid wey He othe me. Tr espe In dpe sd mites of 2 Tn Fig. he earaion F wad abou 20° wt Ak ™ 4 In prs, the svgator nn the vvintinnciterfom the miata hare nich bes asing orm spec "aogoni chat om eich place gol manatee are ped by whats known seen lines An inne ‘i rprduced in Chapter TX, On ednay shat the sasiation oie for {eae ya tee wth nate of any ama change wach undersng. ‘The varitio in he Salento exp, igen on Adoiaey Chart No. 394 a being 35 Win tgs ad deceng sh analy. To hereto ads 28 (ogo) km which ven 795, ‘Grduaton of Magnetic Compas Cards Magic card wd ob vied i fs gua by thecal Nan En So, Wen Ea ont fre ded ht ‘Zp pr the aon mu ng ed pitch po as inne Stes Noch, North by Ew, rth No En, Sn ae "Theve wee he ‘Ey pt ntl cand Int dy aap wa nomal ered {ook ur pot oral patra stem super th tore scant card as aed in des to ty, Noth Sai Ea and Wer A pe can So eo nl Sew cone Modi copa cts ved ram 030° ‘Scie rnc some tae no longer ay reno or ing Steer cong ler ge Magnetic Beating Dy ‘magni earing” i mean the angle bawen he dzcion ofthe place ot ‘iets suet an he mage mein at the ple felch ini. the magne bear of fom Fite sole tween the rot [FP and he magnets mein through Magna bearing were cay dstinuihed from tue beatings when the amet were Sacred wih eference tothe eal pnts Inthe few He ‘oth are nw ie i thre Ege, and 4 fapntc beings edn ‘bythe saris ME (or magoetich. In Fig. 12 the magnetic tearing of 7 from (Ghat inthe angle AFT) boat 06M, wherean the ae bering (he ale BET) a abut eT dferenceDewecn thes two angles the eatin, "Thermage hesng of pao oebnt these =o ere the dfn the ang beeen the magnese mean andthe dco! te pace ot ‘her meme cole foo 36" frm masnete nh fa magnetic compan i yt nou te pace of a et lene the compan nelle t deaf tetas, the ale wee, the mate meriin sl the recon in wih the ele aay ponte "The deco i ich the comput sly pine i know a compas ‘ort to dngih tf gor th and fae nah 1 sompus orth {esan th et ofthe mignee min the dvaann fa fo Weer west said De weal Coase Beas By ‘compas bi he ante fetsen the icin af compa north and the ction of the ple wr abject quien. Compuns eing figure, fom 9° tr 360, meu clckuie from cope north, flr Ute sl (ar cmp “Thus, Fig the comp ting of 7 from Fite ale between the ret eele AY athe diet in wlth orth ese en of th compass Eaiming. Ae shown mre ear a Fig 13h the smpashetingf om Qe aale CHT) m shut Se Chesca the mic arin ibe angle MET} saben tg Ss th oe hing he ange PPT} 9 aout ons The stsle MEC enh den about 10 ash andthe nee PP he ‘aration bt 25). Testud be brs nen that hanes ig on bad ship he obtain» conan bearing, she mut coe foe ba {sition od stain starve ste ave being Th deed Ine ht fore od at the neo tesa rym svat in reason oi nd esr tne the shi sere curee tha ron and ste wl change pon rely the comps cn and 20 teil aac o repel he nee hy dierent macs he detonate ‘ange for every arson fc Dewuon Tame ‘The actual amount of his devin fo any directo ofthe ships bead cn ‘found by ‘ving shi The devin cn be ree Yeesae), DY cing perhaent mages dso crestor the in se dnctbed ‘5 Chapter TX Its not posible hoever, crest the se devin in he ‘ay: and the amounts which remain ane shwn conse ne fa of ae fe DEVIATION TABLE rot i) | Benin ae i Be ae ae ve "he norma metho of areciog tcp iby singing th ship so succote sole of 24 and the devin tle soul mae ot for Ue ‘eral ‘The deviton or aden ofthe ship's head png Hewes any tof the Iuadings ge i the abe canbe found by snp sepa the deviation rected fr 240°C. the tbl ns ha t's beneen Ee ‘deviation for W SW) and be dein for Wes) te scl si pata 27E Devmiow Conse he above deviation ble i azage in the fom of x rp the devon being pte srt he mpasdncon othe hipaa devon eae Convey, i dein ble for evry tem eget equi i an be sma fen the denon cae . “Th deviation curve ha tight advantage eth evita in habe evition for any erode ean #f the ai ead cn be fod Dy inepecton ‘The Ships Course through il wie “lbe Sects dat a he areata ne a bet oumtangl ithe ange bear that dict and th deston of te, Img, or cng aot Te eutomary,hawevt 0 sped af the coe. {glee corte Ath bar been si thou he earn, wie ho a2 tle, may esl be ald sb ee our. Tut Cova iste angle bermean the distin of tr north and the sip’ (Gren ine, ated cocks sr to 3 (gle PPB in Fig) [Maonerc Core is the ange between the name meridian an te hip fereand-ft ine, mesured acne fon © 100" fom magnetic Path (dope MPa Fg 1s) Contras Covas is he angle betwen the detion of empae nach andthe ‘hi foreandaf ines mesmred ck fom et fom capa north (nels Chin Bs) ‘correction of Courses and Bestngs In practic, he navi i faced withthe problem of Baa, foes, the tro bearing when be at aan the compas esting a of Sing the compa ‘hue when he has woke sth trv eure He mt, therfore, spite cesar cress for arin sn deiston ‘Phe fst of thn il Fo the cat for heya a guna, The secon i ound re he eo le x crn forthe compas diction ofthe i's had ii ese 2 eatin St tind when conecting x compen tring. The compet bening oa ert tay be 20). but if the compan reon fhe sp ead 73°C en the deveion ape a 305°C mast be taken out fo 72°C “To Fino nr Tro Coon om re Cosas Cove In Fig. 16, Pte diction ofthe ships Re the compas ou the angle CF; the wos ours she ale MEE andthe toe eoure i the ing PR "in Fig a he agntc cours than he cpa cue by the amt sf the neste sevaioand het cou ils tan the magpie cose by {Ee nnne of the wey varaton Thee to nd the te cour, the Fig, 6b the magnetic cure rene than the compa courte by the amet fhe ester vito, a he ve eure gree tate aac ‘Se emety devon ad varaton unt added tthe compas our, ip ie the magic eur reser ta the Compas core by the snout ofthe eaeriy devin, nthe te sure lw than the ale ‘Sse by the amt ef the eet vaon Therefore, finde ‘hua, the canter drain mat be added tthe compas oe athe ‘Se no retin fas een pled om the ste of the angle CFB beyond ‘the fc tat mead fom cmp srt, the le fo canvertng ak ‘nua into re one theo sage al. Consider eat davinion snd varaion at ius and etry dition and ‘ariton ea 0d a them tor sua the rom the compe ete teoreding For pp hi action, compar our alae meat fam ang betwee and" om compa math sxampLes 1 Aisin 220°: by maga compas, Hor ition table hoes ‘athe dein and theca ss Bat tcc arto for I pong hat hr a oe Comps are ao. 2% Asai, pos the pis Hoang 315°C. by mantic compan Hr iti bless hat the Seaton 5 We ad the hat th hat ‘rat E Compass ane ag. Wes deviaion o tery vation ee ‘To Fo nt Cone Cou ron Tae Course ration and dein mt be comsiered a pnt, abd eatery ait {id deviainn sv peat The howevtr, weal compo, Before the ‘igntr an Bod his compas cure he tat now the sevnion But be ‘not take is Seviton nae know his compas corse. He therefore ‘dhe ot an approximate deviation for his mage cur, and eceay, {trond and are ccrsc one when eb found wha ella sponte A nesgatr hs ered nt is trv coe a 20. Th arto i 22°, Whet eure mat ester comp? “Tre ane =e Westerly vation Magnetic couse 2. nd it he ners the devon leon page 15 fr da eos is en thatthe “pprosnate devon ie 31 Magnetic couse (at bore) 220°, Eeyore af Compas oure 2086. Ite now enter the devon able with thi aprosnute compa course Be cbtins 4 deviaion of oq, and 4 more accuse compan ce would be [6™6C,But since Me wuld ell te quertermater wo ee othe neat deter Sle 16°C: would mot be neenary 1 Woe shout oneteth aa dete “ate mp iy ae ein ea be eu mae “To Lav om Conta Coon on Bean 0 re Cant Ai lars have wate Seow cmp "oe! pinto Sas, When thereto cece igs he ner og epee copay tad di ins te mgr aps shown Se Fy Some salle dar ‘etn te mone! hve a nao te san (Ont ert te ofthe maga oe wt the asin, the fern sours sod te a hg. 2 Before he can ue ths magnetic re fr ying off + sumgse cous, the aviator sus sppy both the devnton athe change of waaton, "This c te done cmvenient in one ep by combining te deston with the cange of ‘artim and then aplsing the ela nerf the magne on, exameue 1190 the coupe baring of a bet 257°C. the dvi 3° nd the arto fom he hart 2° 955 lng wally “The hange in varason during § yer 0, ich by be tae at aproe F The eres be ap tothe rng ston echt tears EW. PFE, oc 24 ~hat tomy, compass oth 3 to the went of Iragoeie oth Tie maybe en sb acount by placing the pall ret (th wich the tering ida) on the magnetic ees the eto af 157'Cy and then engi antl throgh A atc, er 0 pa ‘oom magnetic north compass not tthe wot of tthe movement mas te'noictuckeiae: The reding to the mage rat ae he jawed get cure) ith SAM, "To ehek thi apply tel fr corrsting course an eaig Compe bearing ‘Westerly vision Mago eng ary change in iio Magnet eving adjusted ocare gE yet hi metodo applying a je distin the ump oun or bearing sad then xing the magne news the nites te ble of inking eleultions an paper, base he hs merely to ad seca 0 Seva! quanttes and slew ha paral rule by tat sot. The eve tobe led eas flows » be combined deviation and chage of on evry the es mst be sleped wt ce, ate, socks “Should ee ele to Kno the compat cure to ser ede ose along erin line othe char, the ane prosiure mus be revcd, By ‘hte te paral eer slong his ine ad rungs te eset gee ‘Course mult be apie the deviation coreted fr any change of wuiion. sxamene Suppor the in 19 i repied 0 tr re hich, oe of the Imagerie re 85°: ond tat the dation Ean the etton EPI 1955, deeanin 0 oma What he op cur? ‘The change of sition n§ yer again 50%. Th er ob aged othe smugness therlore 3°. Tat compat nor a yf ef mapa ‘orth the compas rig set han he tations oe pall let mas fe wdewed that amount slit, thrchy sing athe magnet sve reading of of" “Thc hs by rae Magociccours by art 8, tery change ain = Magnets core co Mt asters deinion Compa couse eure (Note tht in this example he rae appl iv he sete of the one ed inte ‘ample on past 20 since ne ae tae eoscrng Sgn to True) To Tate thee somersins, + small Compe Canputnan Diy Pater No (5 nsuppi os ssn in ic Aid Jo Memny.—"Vose rls say be remeber by the flowing wo swenon COMPASS TO TRUE ADD EAST CADET ‘To Cnuce nue Devas Suppose that a compas eating taken ofan sje the eve beng of ii tran. Then i he var essa the devia cx be {hd omar with shu sad fom the devs ble cue “heb of he Sun or pe abe fond mde wih oe explana in Volume IL Suppo ar yeh a shen in Pig to te con tering a th tune moment hing 295°C snd he raraion a" Toe Troe eting of Sam apo? Wesey ution 7 Magoetctesng of Sun 242M. (Compass Bearing of Su 235% Devition Pa nd therefore ously Relative Resrings Beans of objets tegen given, 0 with fence othe tu, magnetic 1 compas nr butt the fren ne ofthe ship hey thes ld tse pee ang te teense hs lies to port or to satboard. ‘These are known a “relative bearings’. "° i ‘ ee ; Io Fig, the being of 1 Gree 3, tt of Y, Red 40, If he hip eta seaming ey he het beep of so abbot Yee ‘ero eel eu boo te aed 26 and 4 one : = Be Fo, 2, Rate essing ‘The expen ‘onthe bow, onthe Bean, and ‘nthe quae, witout any scl our of eres pn esa epee 4a Pot $F oT pins" oF 9 posto He Wp ha CHAPTER II Admiralty Charts and Publications “Tw Honootvitc Ofc of the Admiay wi rte in 179, sky for {he palacton sf msigaoal carts I twenty Se eparnens oe tech! branches ding within addon tothe Adin ers ake mater a Sting Det, Tide Tab, Lit of Lit, Nose te Marmas, “Amachod othe Chart Branch ae aver naal aan an experienced soneiog an sseting tier Thi dst ito ay the daily we yc ‘raphe lfrraton whch comes thru crepancy mon and ‘her charac The py pric atone asta rene that equi snapanedment by Noten eo Mies stdin sen oF chars a gr, wth maybe raped ft th loving egos (@) Nevigntonal carts, which the abips ack pote (6) Nitin, wich ano Be wed fr ping the i's (9 Diagrams. (Paige, NAVIGATIONAL CHARTS (Charts drawn on the Mercator Projection Aline onthe Ears eutace which etal he mre and pall tthe ‘me angle cle "rhar ite therefore ve places a te Eas ‘acted ya huni ina the aip tere songs Ee thers, Of the ipsa il remain the ume thas the posege Ths dc, is aterm bythe ange frm the eran whe hum Hg, mee ‘eka rar 2 "09607498 ced she uses The Mom le elf, ‘iene of theca» On he Has uric ns um ie of is ship by dnwing ara ne betwen i argos hs Sean Mine apd then mes the tendy corse he a set rt ve ee {Be Mer th pn wt) oa hm th bce (hun es (or stone Fai pen a nt es on te (0) the ange beencen thn hum ie on anh ad chart, are uaed Tesoro ha (6 the eget, which shu ie a wel a re cl arp on {ie Sara swt es (athe deo ade ape hc paral ke eur, Qe dann win nce tte shar Spee ie Et resi henge ata () Ran nee te dr ot epost he Sir ane (0 fete hen (lost Hos hess rn a the oun "Torin dtc, bong gs ce. wd appear ce a2 2 “The Mera potion tm a te grrr bat mata cay contrat al he condone so a sb leat Merete Poin of he North Ane Osan ‘Seutox 4 Macon Crane ‘Sine the equate ie down on the chr at «sight eof define Bath ised ty that kagh ad cotta ten, On tbe Ea, howerer the mendan comers, and thai dacs on 2 Mero cha il be Increasingly sore ian casvet ction proportional the te from the equator it tthe plete sae woul be nite (E32 Tn onder to prs the rest taper thet (0h popes clad chomp the pal of nde whch eel aated 0 he Fat rc Fi 2, anb ineeasngy spaced tats he oles the Mero nie ditaron Steps in Volume ie rene by the scat ofthe Iatkade'On's Merror shar Grsend G75‘) for exami pens 98 ond as Af ath eur hough the Le ale te ies rod a Gretlnd (The scat of 7" i 3) Tha the varying lade see, whi {ven the distri of Osanna Sesto wl ane vac ces Iisa int on ne Ths le ere knw te go entre i tin dt Svinte samen and heir ts ou poe cea acne oo the margin at random. No tu shoud now be ce. t pone to oe te Tongue va for earring diner, ecepe th sesso ht 1000 ee, tht ho es tha ae-ahll iek ‘one mie (A fll derition of hx projsion, which ea tte gown projet it Bren in Vtume 1) "The char eden on tse, toshing the Eat to pit anally he central pot af the chart which ws knw se “erent pin “Lines ae div fom the etre fe Earth though pin the Eats surface, dt thy eae the Bat surface the that nce (0 ees ives appear sig iene ct and hb nev epeae Sins (0) etn era ss omen he pols (6) parallels of latitude are curves; ™ (6) forer spn ont lar sy fam the ange pit he poner eh he dt, © sramni nla ne the inert at met sss we ua era snd pe. Tun etl roa ongitude is read from the border, ' : 7 rp + he “The pcetion ed or: (o) reeel suing chats {8} Fie char oo he darn near the ple of « Merstr projection Fenders deine ethod qe une. (oro a eh S09 ett eer "These plane ze pei form of yoroni chr, the mall se ofthe Barth concreting red at "Thelnude td loge the elation pe’ o sme prominent objet in given under he tide; and on an unraduated plan ce poston of any set pm cn be aid awn by ntng i irene of tude ad lagi from the burton spo these dference being mesure on the spurte nea lade and Jogrude shown on the pln ‘The frm of graduation wed on a omni chart ferent from thet an Merete chart (This ference can eteen an Adaty Char gy, which bes standard patter of border, fraduains an cles) "To Consravcr 4 Seats of Lenore os Pa 1s seal of longitude isnot pve, it canbe fund frm the flowing From the 10 an the sale of title drow ie making angle wth it whic eal she ide ofthe ple 4a th ea sow i. 24 From cach division on the see fIitude drop «perenne to hi ne ‘The itenectons of thee perpeniclrs mith the line mack the we of longue Distortion of Chart ‘The oii work of hart ay be iher ngraned o 3 copper plato dren Int oe an enamel tine pate To ete cas thes trate to tae ‘rng pit fom niche chars re pit yea pve Chars are ale o sgt dsrton at ertain tage inthe proces af tee uci Any dination may be oered by checking the dineeons of the ‘tigi! plat, soa tone Coma ofthe ear Tia gen messed dace th lof darn cely decrees a the seas incense an wil ave he lee ft on lrg chars Moree, the ial plas of rge-sale cart ro brspht up die bore the pas of Stallarale cars For hse ramon, and ther reasons wich wi Re sven Iie, he ler hart ela a ays wed (The proses of reproducing cir i decid in Ve re 1) Information sbowa om Charts [Nene ofr Cu "This ssw in the cight-hand tom comer aed (nce 19 a nthe lt and tp or ‘True oT Cue, - This shown nthe most covet pase, 0 tat no sential navigational inroads Dare oF Sta or st Car, = Thi given ander te tle ‘Dargo Pemtcarion, Thi shown std the bottom maria of the bart, n't ide te bled ashe Admit, oh May, a6, Dare of New Eomont.- Wena chart i sovted thrushowt and modernized {nape ew tn plished, he date af he pew eon being show th Nw ato,ad Jamar, 195t "This prised on the vght of the ori date of publication, Al age and smal cofrecton otis are atte some tine ear ale ope te ‘ha sre cancel snd replaced Dar o Lance Consacrions,- When a char x eareted (0 revit though ‘au Fm import information to cmpreersve 0 pst a haa By hand he ate an which thre Soret ae mae hom the che {hig a he eof pabiaion: the twenty mated wis ew ian Se, so a te th Lar cations, rh Ferry, 1961 All mat correction otitis aa the ate ine ert lol xpies the chart seca and ped Dareor Stat Connscross (a) When a dar is carece fom information promulgated in Adri or ‘et Nouces to Marzers ater tan Temporary te Pekmiary~ bel), {he yer if ot ae sown, andthe uber the soe aera i he etm efchand come fhe casts Smal oats, 196 = 908 ‘Chars jn stock atthe Hy togeapi Spl Estabshent a the Admicity (Ghart Depots ae cael by han from sch norton. When cee 2 ship or estmen, therfore, the che aed to be caret ony fr beguen ice aetng the (©) Pie to 1954 hen a car wa crac fom jformpatin which was onsteel of no impertance fom the anda of sles wh therfore tot promulgated in Adair or es Note o Morey the Year ito svealy shown, an the dat ofthe eves were entre ote {har i oe fw map therm khan corse eo he ae and in sequence withthe aan refered the pressing puasaps cs ‘Shall eect 1952-30 Sal caret 1952-(V13) “These indate tht the char seve sine corto on th May 1952 and ‘ath June 19, eect, sch wl appear on te pti "Tn seh cats copes of tech eld by ships and eae were at sual else, tug in exceptional enn whe ew compan ere Severed ew copie of the chars mat be spp Te sould be patalaly ‘ote hat he shone Of the eaetone repre by see rate aes rom chr des notin away inate for raison. (© Sine 1954 in order tht mee stent may be given to New Eon, Large Cares and eoeectons by Note o Maines forte reson ‘he mang of minor erections o chat pte to (5) ha een dined Teormation of m0 tmpoance to sae and tment ravi ted reeorde for nls in the ext New Bont Lage Caren: ot [romulgnton in iter Nossa 9 Marines shoul change of unos ater ‘he importance ofthe infomation. Tn copequeee the sal eesti dle ‘closed in ecanps doe ot ape eran #953 on mvs has (@) The date of Femporty and Primary aotze in ioe in penll lelow the permanent analcoreon otto a (7) and) 16g. (Chane in tock st the Hydrographic Suppis Eaabshment and Adaivaky ‘Chit Depts ae ot cote fram thease when chars seve fom one tae sure they Wl cfore het be coves el om (@) When i cesar 0 Sring the cmp rey fa chat uptodate a new copy printed ad the date of modenstion preted hnovlogealy ‘th the notation ofthe sal erection th 2) Dare or Parson. This is shown in he right-hand tp corner thu: 135.6 ‘which nds that the chart wan pit on the 1th ay of tor terion of Pune. ~The type of plate med sine by leer 2t the ‘etm right-hand corner the chat Dinaneions ort Cui inchs, between tein ines of he gato, are shown in brakes inthe ttm righthand crnes "hey ae wt ot ‘hecking the dimerins of he shart shoul asian be sopese Sey Sccurate hr requed “ry proof'maybe demanded, The obtaed ye ‘iret printing procs snd fe het tron but fo esos gen Jn Vahome IH pr sth for ems Seat oF ma Cue (s) The ature eso bens he ie (0) On some largeacale chart + scale in appropriate uns is shown, 10 rupplenwat or 0 replace the normal laude Sale by which ian ate feared nore to make he tae of thi ele heed Seo Tate nd Distance’ ‘Staxano Ansari No Seibel on Admits cart ae chown on ‘Chars sts, wh skp in she Fol (Hs) canting lacey cas tnd age, Execs fon thi car ar epredacd in ig 2s ‘Tux Urs ero rom Dervis are sued in bold leering below te tie of he sr, On men chats, saudings under lve atone ae five infers {nd fe: Depi ae gen tow Chare Dar, ub wsly apposite to ‘Mean Tow Water Springs "Thin somes tat See wil nvr be las water Lndeoenth the sip than chan, so hes & marino ety rove ‘Undertned figure om banks “em 4 dente the mame ff he Dk Ss stove Char Datu iespetve ofthe unt wel for sounding Figures sown thos neato atom a 25 ft’ (he he thom is he ui wed on he hat oso). Pi ecomplt information ily Inert in charts when more dt eno srl Faron Ls. On mnt chars ail soundings of and below, certain dep are eat by ine ferent characters, tht te rig wil knw ate ifs eck eos ta line, ew in than ncnean dep Dea he ‘erent ftom ies ze sown on Chr $1 Huss are given in fet sbove Mean High Water Spring. The gh of sll lands ave howe in braces coe hee the sj toch they elo Thi to wid eafarion withthe wundinen “rows Isvomaaion for vais ports onthe chat sprite ina tale ina sata postion the char “oss Sr om (9) At fran sl ean wheter in we ein ste ing shes ft wr sn the ne tt san, spe na at eve et on he an re ob pc wale ‘Sutin for which te tration he (0) iisrion ay eho by mt i em soon etn spew sce dorcel Ree ‘SoS uowon nai Gap Colours Used on Chars Ligh, radio beacons and sometines ial ream ‘damend ar distinguish bya magenta veri to aitte eniaton ‘nome tarts ses of ten bom erin Spare iting by a lve rsh or by a blue wah ine lowing the sppeapent ftom Ene Th tes reas Ext rae Admin Chit son (Caplin f mbt and abbreviations hn on he cas su! by the ceo Dep ca 4 CuAPTER 11-ADMIRALTY CHARTS AND PUNLICKTIONS aioe Tides and Currents 000 Regen RALEETS TRS | Pl. Funct ram Ady Chart 48 Comte) ‘To Describe» Patcaar Copy ofa Chast When deciing x parce copy of chart, tte (0) the nober of the chat (ute (3) dn of poco; 1g dt of he a ew sion; (G) dt of he la re corti (6) amie (ode) be at tal ertion ‘To Distinguish a Wel Surveyed Chast Bear in mind thefts pis: (he me hd my mas (soundings hood be coe tge an gu, wth no Wat spaces (© fathom sed courtier she shown, {there shoud be plenty of ctu bnew sd ter del {@)alltbe eourtine shouldbe cmp ith ste ne nding ack norma, Degree of Reliance ‘Tae ages of las be patos ht pends he care he igi survey acon the compltens ofthe rears eaten chan Moreover te umber of sounds ich canbe shove sey greedy the eae ofthe chart Asse of ope inch tothe le forcast tach ecunding to occupy am sre tepeenting # ste of sts! gre Eve ‘the cloves sounding may no detect abu segs ofthe THe enshson “The Un of Chas Navigational Ae, nll inte ite: tin to each value of Suing Deny boa be cal mi In thie {he folowing ode: Hint to Remember when Using Charts (@) Amys ue the rence chart, bene (0) any evr ae reed tsi (3) ithe casino, tae eos Wl ave he en ee {3} more dea is show, {the plate om which the tages cha ede is ected before the pnts of alse chat (0) Tansee postions fom one cht to ater by beating and dance ftom pat cman oth ca, dc by ate snd engage Ths ‘Sino neemry cet ei sake nd srs he radios ca te swear (Alay ata fx 200 ple afer he si’: poson as bec teateed fom ne chart oot (@) Almay the nese orgs bea: (0) here wl be es ete af estorton, an the evs ation wil be toed (2). err wl be aed ifthe cart wedi reve on the game {e) Remember the change of ato printed on ach compas 106 (G_Neep oy one shat othe ct tale to woud Be eto of ering ita af the see of chart est the ne (Mk cern whvther he Unite aed or soundgs on the chart ate (hen caring ane bythe tae eae menue roughly the sae nun om ac eof the cia Lae te ak eine eared (The wart ofthe cha ca beat be preserved al slate il Be ost ica pool ands veer st wed I wet eth i ond ‘Pl wo plc towels the frat of the areblewhen weg the ‘hare and to ene ging eget THE ARRANGEMENT OF CHARTS ura eat equi ship a exbltmene are nora suppl i feozrpel quence ot are mbes arauged geographically a ove she wor nat ite stand Ad ly hae la se soy es (Chretien uch uated Sa NP ie tsp the Hougaph Sapp: unin i's}, Baael othe tie exch abe (G) "The fol Le. whit sows the flo and rial none, the date of ‘cignal ste fom the Hdropaphic Supies Exablahret,subseest (dete of ia fom Chart Dep, an the tame of hip and esas te which ied: On he fsa netted he pu the at Ne ‘Meri for whichis nae amended, 1G) The fii’ eich sha the murs and tle ofthe shart contin! {in the foi, and the tes of the appropriate volumes of Sng Diet ao {sty Ligts wtih re aensialy suppied wih te fol. Alun et lak i the fb Tt Tor the iserion of the cose ames ofthe chess ranein the fl, nonin siatenconjction ‘ih the Ide NP lem 13 the extn of hare he oy hd tet Duplicate ft is oe supped and pe ager aback ensle, Cnhe ack of exh char 4 chore ate an which x pine the Ca er an tes pce stale ta the Soo Mamie he serial ure {ihe fla andthe enmce uber fhe shar in be is oe 2) Te bred fo ich conti lesion car fom one ve ore fac, are ncn rina pro for psa hush Ue otecs coveted bythe ep lo, feading ent the noe portant hartovrs in thove see, aa for mt the regu of Kop Elect Malton "Tse ein are insted by tl eves on ene Cha ‘ogi and are mumbred bette 19019 Tn ht es he ‘abiged foo! nar comespond othe ‘compete fl’ umber, fg, Fol of the ardged tenon of Foo 5 (q) Lace nd ee fs vide Yor lal evn th vit of dock. yd port, for speil reuienents or cance by he stove Thee fre numbered tothe joo sand oud fal of tach har a ‘rec art and Con anf Lara Intech, ‘Sr Hour’ Crane ‘Asef snl cen chars i suppl n watepol wallet for wen 2 ships bt, Thi le son cots ime Ging ort dase fed Sarno aber Yaorrss’s Cuants ‘Small cnc ae being produced in convenient fo ache Hydrographic Supplies Handbook (se) ‘This book a now eton of which i able for ne to tne) cortaoa infra teaing to the uppy_ sod coeton uf Admin bar and publican, cionomeer snd mstchn The soe ior comet (3) Genel nformaton, etn lit of Chart nd Chronometer Depts (0) Chars: remarks ont arangenent a comet, (©) Navignonalpubcason Remar Sting Datos, List of ight, Aimy Lit of Rado Sent tnd Tie Tab (@) Notices to Maer, thi tertngement and covets (6) Outs of chars and plac: iformaton siting hi xp pk, (f Air claves and maps: reference to the up. (@) Closomcters and watches seme eri py eplacsment and epi. (0) epost of char ati (0) in ofc and ap fli, an ee contents of ceria ones. () Lats of suigtional publeatons, with their seo ue (h) Eeablstmest af cronrter and wiches 40) Index Chart X51, showing epprosnate iis of Admiethy Chart fae, ‘Chart Correction Log and Folio Index (NP lem 1333) As the umber of char sve no chat ie sega area the Chart {Carscin Lg and Folio ner enumerts the oon iv shh yar at ‘maybe foun and pone spe fr the ieson ote sunene sete {nd for loging the Noes to Miner shat afl wh hat Catalogue of Admiralty Chars and Other Hydrographic Publications Dar) ‘This aaloge, pushed sonal, is spp 0 mj sip. ota it of ielaneots charts ah gaa, of tarpon carts ange * Se aho Ques Ration and Admit asratn.

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