Interstellar Favorite Superstar

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Межзвездная любимая суперзвезда

沈 青
Статус в COO
134 главы (завершено)


Вступив в межзвездную эру, Су Тан написал романы, стал знаменитостью,

принимал пищу и принимал пищу и стал доминировать в кругу межзвездных

До одного дня, сильнейший / страдающий анорексией / холодным воздержанием

император звездной империи не ел свою изысканную еду -

И! Стал! Толстый!

Император: «Хорошо, выйди за него замуж, и я накажу его лично».

Су Тан, «? ? »

Chapter 1: Rebirth Interstellar

Interstellar 3857.
“Boy, get up!” Su Tan was in a dream and was suddenly awakened by someone, and
immediately opened his eyes to wake up.

As soon as he opened them, he saw the colorful ceiling with magnificent colors, the
spiral patterns and bright colors were obviously not his home, and he was stunned
for a moment when he saw it.

Su Tan sat upright. His sight followed the body from the gorgeous ceiling, and he
swept through the clean and neatly-looking furniture, the cramped room, and
finally fell on a metal robot standing next to his bed.

“Hey, today is your adult day. You can’t be late for school! Get up ~” 

The metal-colored robot has only a few large pieces of rough plastic casing, which is
not beautiful, but the vitality of the voice is full of enthusiasm.

It gave Su Tan a back palm, almost beat him down, raised his metal fingers and
shook threateningly, “Don’t let me call you a third time!”

After speaking, he turned and quickly walked out of the room, humming the song
and went downstairs, and soon the smell of yellow fried eggs permeated the room.

Sitting on the bed, Su Tan paused for a while, looking at an electronic watch facing
the bed, it took a long time for him to return to his senses.

What a ghost!

The electronic watch clearly stated-

Interstellar June 1, 3857.

Su Tan took a deep breath, buried himself in the pillow, and sniffed the fresh
sunshine that was different from the past. For a time, his heart was so complicated
and unspeakable.

He remembered clearly that he was an ordinary student of Huaxia. ‘Why did you

suddenly cross the earth to the interstellar era as soon as you opened your eyes?’

Su Tan frowned, not knowing what was happening in the middle of it, and he
seemed unbelieving to the reality in front of him.
He was confused, and suddenly heard that the door was slammed open, and then a
murderous voice killed him.

“The third time! This is the third time! How long is your laziness ?!” Then, a spatula
with a buttery aroma fluttered.

Su Tan jumped up from the bed suddenly, although his head was still confused, but
it did not prevent him from seeing the situation in front of him and hurried to get

“Getting up, getting up, getting up! Don’t worry!” 

The robot stood with his arms coldly standing at the door and watched him jump
out of bed, quickly change clothes, wash, and tidy up the bed. He did all of this in
just five minutes, stood back to myself, and just hummed.

“So hard-working, what did you do early?”

Su Tan, “= =”

How can all the mother be the same in all the world? What he said was exactly the
same as his previous mom [laughing and crying] …

Sitting down at the dining table, the robot was so busy and he brought the
steaming breakfast.

The fragrant yellow fried eggs, crispy and sweet slices of bread, accompanied by a
large pot full of stew, were banged heavily on the table.

Su Tan meal.

… It was too rich.

The robot pushed the meat bowl in front of him, urging loudly, “Eat more, and see if
you are thin because you don’t eat meat.”

Su Tan, “…” 

Seeing that he didn’t respond, the robot couldn’t bear it. He choked up finely. “Well,
today is your adulthood. It’s not easy for Dad to raise you so much with poop and
urine. It’s too easy for you to be so skinny and difficult to marry on our Guiliya
planet. How can you find a good person in the future?”

Su Tan, “???”

The words were so informative that he had to take it easy. Su Tan recalled the key
information in those words, sorted them out, raised his eyes and looked at the
robot sitting opposite himself, holding a stain-resistant hot-stained glove, his mouth
was frizzy, and his face was full of anxiety.


Su Tan was silent for a moment. Strangely, he could see the mood in his face made
of metal and plastic.

Obviously, this was not his skill as a human being. And-Dad? ?

Su Tan was even a little smiley, looked at the robot in front of him in wonder, raised
his eyebrows, and shouted, “Dad?” 

The robot’s snoring stopped suddenly, and he looked up at him hastily. “What did
you call me?”

Su Tan thought for a while, “Aren’t you my dad?”

Upon hearing his thoughts, the robot burst into tears. It looked at Su Tan hard,
suddenly got up and ran into the kitchen.

Su Tan wondered what it was going to do and had to lower his head to drink milk
first. Suddenly-


Another pot of bigger and more piled stews fell from the sky, rubbing his nose
sharply and being taken to the table.

The milk Su Tan was drinking almost spurted out.

The robot coughed and tried to conceal the excitement and surge of emotion in his
heart. Standing in front of him, he said boldly, “Eat more, rest assured, dad will keep
you fat!”
Su Tan just wanted to laugh and cry.

When he was washing in the bathroom just now, he had already looked at his
appearance in the mirror. Although he had now turned into an alien, his
appearance was still biased towards the Chinese, with dark hair and black eyes, fair
skin, delicate features, and clear looks. He is only a teenager and looks young.

But such a figure is the most ordinary, but why does the robot dad want to make
him fat?

Su Tan thought, and asked his doubts.

Robot hurriedly explained, ”It’s good to be fat. Our planet Rosaria is the beauty of
being fat!  The fatter you are, the more blessed you are, and the more beautiful you

It glanced at Su Tan’s slender and thin body, with some unspeakable

disappointment. “But you, you can’t raise weight no matter how you try.”

“Today is your adulthood. You can find someone to marry after you reach
adulthood. The children of other people’s homes have already picked the right
people. Only you are too thin and no one has been asking. Why can’t you be in a
hurry?” When it came to this, it couldn’t help but be anxious.

Su Tan almost cried when he heard these words. He waved his hands again and
again, “No, I’m not in a hurry to find someone .” 

When he think of raising himself to be fat, like a little piglet, and marrying to
another family, he could only think of that picture as Cola.

Robot didn’t understand. But seeing that the time to go to school was late, it had to
swallow all the worries into the stomach first, and rushed Su Tan to eat breakfast
and go to school.

It wasn’t until the child was hurrying to catch the shuttle bus from Guilia Middle
School, that the robot slowly packed the dishes and bowls, carried a sewing basket
to the neighbor’s house next door.

As soon as he entered the house, the neighbor’s home had already been brewed
with fragrant hot tea, and several people who were close to each other sat together
chatting and doing housework.
The only difference is that there are people inside, and there are robots like Su
Tan’s Dad Su Ning.

Su Tan’s dad had a sharp nose. He smelled the tea immediately after entering the
door for a second. “Oh, is this the new tea this year, we’re enjoying it!”

The owner of the family smiled back at him. “No matter how good the tea is, can
you drink it?”

With the development of the interstellar era, robots can be almost similar to
humans, with a resemblance rate of 99.9%. Even with the emergence of various
interstellar life, robots are also accepted as a class of independent intelligent life.

But after all, they are different from humans. For example, humans can eat, drink,
and enjoy food, but robots can only look forward to smelling.

The robot Su Ning was accustomed to joking, and was not annoyed at this time.
With a smiled, he found a seat that he usually sat in, put down the needlework
basket he brought, and said, “I can’t drink it, but our family can drink it. Help me
pack some when I leave!”

In this small village, who did not know that Su Ning loved his son the most. The host
also smiled and nodded.

Others couldn’t help but cared about Su Ning’s care for Su Tan. As soon as
conversation was opened, the hostess of each family talked about today’s

It is a special holiday for the inhabitants of the planet Guiliya. When the children of
each family reach the age of eighteen, they can participate in the annual adult day
on June 1st, representing the child’s formal adulthood.

After the day of adulthood, all the children of the family can leave the wings of the
family’s shelter, and find they like to start a family. And parents, in addition to being
gratified, will inevitably recall the hard work of raising their children for eighteen

Immediately, someone said to the robot Su Ning, “When you brought little Su Tan
back, I thought that, it was a small doll, but he is your son.”

Recalling that picture, everyone at the scene couldn’t help but thought back. A
robot brought back a son. It became a hot event in the village.
Even after so many years, the robot Su Ning still straightened his waist and
straightforwardly insisted, “He is! My son!” His voice was full of pride.

Hearing it, everyone in the room laughed.

How could a robot give birth to a son?

At that time, everyone in the village knew it well, guessing that Sunan must have
picked it up from somewhere and brought it back as his son to raise.

After all, such a small baby, wrapped in a bun, still couldn’t speak, but a pair of
black lacquered eyes were clear and bright, holding Su Ning’s cold metal reinforced
steel fingers, he refused to let go. That soft and sweet look made everyone’s heart

The people drank tea and gathered together in a lively crowd to do housework. It
just so happened that an interstellar news was being broadcast on TV. The owner
turned up the sound and showed it to everyone.

Starnet Link broadcasted, “In the 18th year of the disappearance of the giant Gu
family’s youngest son, the Gu family was heartbroken, and they renew the100
million Starcoin reward for finding him again.”

“100 million!!!” 

All of a sudden, all the housewives in the room were sensationalized. They let go of
their work and looked at the TV enviously.

“If only we could get this billion StarCoins, we would send our children to the
Central Starfield to learn.”

Although the life of the planet Guiliya is peaceful, it is only a third-level agricultural
planet. It is well-known for abundance of agricultural resources and lack of artistic
flavor. Many people still retain the farming habits and traditional concepts of the
ancient agricultural society.

Therefore, for a small planet like theirs in the countryside, if they can send their
children to study in the Central Starfield, it will be no less than being admitted to
Tsinghua University in Beijing.
At the moment, someone teased, “Su Ning, your family Atan also happened to be
picked up. It’s better to take it to the Gu family to try it. Maybe he is their child!” 

The robot Su Ning waved his fist, in the hands of reinforced metal, there is a tiny
threaded needle, “What are you talking about? He’s my son!” 

On the school bus —

Su Tan was squinting, his eyes were half-closed, thinking about his current situation
and future direction, ignoring the noise and laughter around him.

However, just as he closed his eyes, a sneer of laughter and malice sounded not far
from him.

“Oh, the robot’s son …”

“It looks like a humanoid dog!”

“Well! He’s so thin. Nothing like us from Guiliya planet. Maybe the core is also a
‘dummy’.” The speaker deliberately made a few in the crowd to openly ripped,
causing everyone around to laugh.

Then, the person who caused the topic became more energetic, weighed a paper
ball in his hand, and suddenly threw it directly at Su Tan.

Although the paper ball was not heavy, the sudden sound of breaking air made Su
Tan frown lightly and opened his eyes.

A pair of dark and quiet eyes looked at the group of people far away, without saying
a word, but the pressure was so high.

It wasn’t until the paper ball flew in front of Su Tan that he tilted his head and let
the paper ball fly over his hair, hit the back of the chair, and fell suddenly.

Looking at his black eyes and quiet look, the person who threw the paper ball
suddenly felt guilty, pretentiously asked, “You, what are you looking at?”

Obviously their figures were several times taller than Su Tan and looked like sturdy
and strong, but somehow, being looked at by Su Tan calmly, they had a lack of
confidence in their hearts.

Su Tan looked at him, thought for a while, and said, “Today is my adulthood.”
“I see.”

He raised his lips slightly, staring at each other, “How about it? Want to marry into
our house?”

The other party, ”…”

Fall, waste, and escape.

Too terrifying! A skinny man like him wants to marry him! Who gave him
courage? Help me ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

Chapter 2: Initiation Rites

“The skinny guy wants to marry me!!”


All the students who were aggressive looked in horror at Sutan, who was sitting in
the last row of the bus. Before the bus stopped in front of the school, they
frantically ran away.

Su Tan, “…”

His charm was really too great.

Su Tan couldn’t help but smile, picking up the schoolbag sewn by the robot Dad on
his shoulders, and stepped off the bus where he was the only student left in the

Entering the school along the tree-lined boulevard, Su Tan found that this
interstellar school was completely different from the high school he had attended.

There were large fields on both sides of the tree-lined avenue, planted with many
crops and experimental fields, and some large mechas and high-tech agricultural
equipment were looming behind the teaching building. It was specifically aimed at
developing students’ farming ability of the agricultural planet of Guiliya.

At this time, the students were all gathered on the big playground.  In a hustle and
bustle, they stood and chatted together.
Obviously, today’s adult day ceremony would be held here.

Thanks to Mr. Robot ’s morning gossip, Su Tan finally understood how important
this festival was to the residents of the planet Guiliya. It was just like China’s college

Students who have completed today’s maturity ceremony can officially graduate
from school, leave the family, enter the society, and even find the loved ones to
form a small independent family and live the life they want.

And what kind of life would he have in the future?

Su Tan recalled and found that his previous memory of this body was almost zero.
No matter whether it was farming or operating high-tech machinery and mecha, he
had never learned it.

In this way, if he wanted to find a normal job on the planet Guiliya like other people,
it would be very difficult.

Su Tan was not in a hurry. He lifted his eyes and swept across the playground, and
found that many people were crowding in groups, quietly looking at him and

He raised his lips, not humble or hyperactive, and smiled directly at those crowds,
and saw the burst of screams sounded for a while. The crowd gathered was
terrified. The strong and tall bodies were like chicks, shivering into a ball.

Su Tan suddenly raised his eyebrows, some could not help but be able to bear it.

“What’s wrong?!” A serious rage came from afar, apparently the unusual screaming
here caught the teacher’s attention.

He saw a tall, solemn and tall man who hurriedly separated from the crowd and
come over. His stern eyes quickly swept across the students who were holding
together in fear.

At the moment, everyone blushed. Eddie, the strong boy who had previously
provoked Su Tan on the bus, immediately jumped out and pointed straight at Su

“He, he looked at us just now!”

“He looked at me today!”

“He also said he would marry me home!”

Eddie was full of humiliation and fright, anxious to bury his tall figure behind the
teacher, and let the teacher protect him.

Su Tan, “…” 

This was so much drama.

He couldn’t think that his joke would unexpectedly exceeded his expectations,
making the other party thought this so great a threat and scared to such an extent.

If that didn’t scare them, he could make horror movies, which had guaranteed
power to shock people in Guiliya Planet.

Su Tan stepped forward. The teacher frowned at him, with a solemn face, he asked,
“Do you like Eddie?”

 After hearing this question, Eddie’s face turned white.

Su Tan chuckled and replied, “No.”

Eddie’s heart finally fell back in his stomach. It was like a roller coaster ride. He still
had lingering fear.

However, Su Tan’s words had not been finished yet. He continued: “How can the
word ‘like’ be enough to express my feelings? It is obviously love!”

His tone of warmth and sincerity shook everyone’s hearts.

He saw Eddie, who was hiding behind the teacher, fainted with a bang.

Suddenly, the scene was a mess.

Su Tan smiled and admitted frankly, “I’m kidding.” 

The teacher frowned and finally restored the order at the scene, woke Eddie back,
and calmly urged everyone, “Today’s inaugural ceremony is attended by important
guests. Don’t make any trouble again. Do you all hear?”

The students responded lazily.

The teacher’s complexion became more tense. His sharp eyes fell on Su Tan’s body
in particular. He didn’t say much, and directly directed the students to line up in two
neat rows and go forward together.

Above the podium in the forefront of the playground, a large subtitle “Warmly
welcome General Cyrus Licock to the 3857 Class Adults Ceremony” had been
printed on the electronic screen.

There were many younger students watching the ceremony on both sides of the
stage. At this time, their faces were full of surprises, and it was difficult to hide their

Su Tan stood at the end of the line, and heard a junior student beside him
screaming excitedly.

“General Cyrus! General Cyrus is coming today! Is it true? My idol is coming to our
school ~”

The classmate beside him was dragged by his neckline and looked helpless, but
inevitably turned his head up at the entrance of the platform. “Is he here? Where is
it? How can I not see? If I knew General Cyrus was coming, I would bring my camera
and recorder today!”

The classmate’s tone was rather mournful and regretful, but Su Tan also learned
the glorious deeds of General Cyrus from the words of the two.

The star field where the planet Guiliya is located belongs to the Leibang
Empire. The ten generals at the highest level of the Leibang Empire are in charge of
the empire’s major star domains and military, respectively. It can be said that they
are the officials of the Empire.

Above the ten generals, the Leibang clan actually controls the supreme power of
the empire.

Leibang family is quite mysterious, originating in a hidden star field hundreds of

millions of light years away. Although there are not many offspring, each family
member has a strong physique and impeccable power, and is almost the strongest
in the galaxy.

The outside world did not know much about them. On the contrary, the image of
the top ten generals of the empire is clear and deeply rooted in the hearts of the

General Cyrus, who attended the today’s adult ceremony at Guiliya Planet School, is
one of the best. Young and promising, personable, and handsome, he had entered
the top ten generals at his youngest age. Amazingly, he had become an idol
worshipped by young people throughout the Empire.

Upon learning that he was coming, all the students went crazy.

Even if the teachers tried hard to suppress and appease, they could not control the
students when they saw Cyrus’ handsome military uniform appeared on the

In a hurry, the frantic cheers almost broke through the campus.

“Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyrus!” 

The screams and cheers were endless. Cyrus raised his green hat, and a pair of long
phoenix eyes lifted up. The handsome face smiled slightly and looked very

He nodded concisely and, under the guidance of the principal, sat down in the most
central seat of the podium.

The enthusiastic cheer continued for ten minutes, and almost everyone shouted
their voices, and then gradually became quiet.

The principal spoke into the microphone and exclaimed, “Today, our adult
ceremony is fortunate to have invited General Cyrus to come! Graduates, please
come to the stage in turn for an adult ceremony!”

Immediately, the students in Su Tan’s queue were a little excited. The leader in
front stepped on the stage lightly, and received the graduation certificate from the
principal under General Cyrus’s personal watch. He immediately had a dreamy
expression. He was so excited that he couldn’t help himself.
Especially Eddie, the big man, was so nervous that he almost fainted again. He
looked at Cyrus with a flushed face. After a few reminders from the headmaster, he
finally woke up from his daze. With a flushed face, he realized what he had done,
hurriedly stepped down, and almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

When it was his turn for the student before Sutan, he was standing close to the
podium, and it was clear that the principal was encouraging the former classmate.

“All grades, full marks in the farming and mecha courses, and the actual course
scores are good, so we must work hard in the future.”

The student was so excited that he received the graduation certificate from the
principal, bowed him in fierce manner, and ran towards Cyrus next to him.

“I–” Looking at General Cyrus in a pale green military uniform and epaulets full of
glory, his face flushed. Full of admiration and worship, he suddenly vowed, “I will
work hard to join your legion!”

Cyrus heard the words, smiled, and nodded slightly, “OK, I am waiting for you.”

At that moment, the student’s eyes were shining with dazzling light, took a deep
breath in excitement, and ran off the stage in front of the loud cheers of the

Cyrus’s statement made the audience boil for a while, and all the students in the
audience continued to cheer, hoping that one day they could join his army and
become a member of glory.

No one even noticed that, the last one, Su Tan stepped onto the podium with ease
and firmness.

The headmaster sent the last certificate in his hand and looked at the D-grade
scores in the upper row. He couldn’t say anything encouraging. He could only sigh
and said perfunctorily, “Continue working hard.”

Su Tan nodded. At the moment when he received the certificate, he never thought
that General Cyrus next to him was watching him calmly. He said unexpectedly,
“Are you also a Guiliya?”

Su Tan nodded, “Yes.”

Cyrus’s handsome, quiet eyes stared straight at him, as if he was curious about his
thin, slender figure that was different from that of a tall, strong, Gorilla.

His eyes looked around Su Tan’s body a few times, and finally fell on his black hair
and black eyes.

Cyrus chuckled and asked the principal, “He is really a native of Guiliya?”

Upon hearing his inquiry, the headmaster looked a little embarrassed, and his
forehead unknowingly sweated. Of course, for the well-known Su Tan, he certainly
knew his(Su Tan) family background, but speaking of such “inferior students” in
front of the distinguished General Cyrus, it seemed that he was discrediting his

The principal smiled ugly, and replied in a low voice: “Yes, he was brought up by a
robot. This year is exactly 18 years old, and he can participate in the ceremony.” 

After hearing this answer, Cyrus’s eyes returned again. Seeing the man’s thin but
straight back with a straightforward temperament, his eyes were deep for a

Cyrus nodded slightly and said, “It’s hard.” 

He (principle) didn’t know if it was being said to the school or to Su Tan himself. The
principal relieved greatly and hurriedly winked Su Tan to go back. He also stopped
being upset in front of the general.

Su Tan, holding is diploma, easily stepped off the stage and put it in a bright and
colorful schoolbag made of colorful cloth stitched together.

He thought to himself that if he took the certificate home, his father would be

Sure enough, the robot Dad saw his graduation certificate with tears in his eyes
that night, and was so crazy that he made several meals and rich stews for him.

Early in the morning, Su Tan struggled with the stew-filled plates in front of him,
and he happened to see an urgent news broadcast on the TV.
“Interstellar: The 18-year-old son of the Gu family disappeared! It is on a remote
little planet in the imperial countryside! The black hair and dark eyes, the
handsome appearance, are similar to the Gu family head. Currently, the Gu family
head and his wife are rushing to meet in person.”

The robot daddy was humming, and happily came out of the kitchen carrying a
large pot of newly baked barbecue pies. Seeing this news, he could not help but

Just then, the door of the house was knocked suddenly.


The steel-reinforced arm of the robot Su Ning suddenly stiffened, and somehow
lost his strength, holding a tray full of pies and falling straight to the ground.

He turned his head to look at Su Tan with painstaking effort, his lips wriggled
several times, and then he resolved with pain, ”I’ll open the door!”

Chapter 3: Dad’s Golden Finger 

The robot Su Ning opened the door with difficulty, but did not expect that Sutan’s
teacher was standing outside the door.

“Mr. Kerry?”

Su Ning paused for a moment and looked behind him (Mr. Kerry) in disbelief. Once
he was convinced that there were no other figures, his sinking heart was greatly

“I thought—” He took a long sigh of relief. The metal and plastic face made a few
beeps, and then burst into a smile.

“Please come in quickly!” said the robot Su Ning. He smiled openly, stepped aside
from the doorway, and warmly invited Teacher Kerry to enter the room.

Mr. Kerry nodded. With serious face, he stepped into the room. He glanced around
the room, and fell on the colorful decorative paintings and carefully planted wild
flowers and plants. Although it was a little messy, but the atmosphere was quite
homey and showed how the host loves to decorate.
In a hurry, the tasks he was carrying today were even more heavily weighed down
in his heart, and some of them could not be explained easily.

Su Tan just picked up the barbecue pie that fell on the floor, cleaned the floor, and
saw the teacher Kerry that he had seen yesterday was greeted by his father and sat
down on the sofa.

He raised his eyebrows, wondering what he (Mr. Kerry) was doing. Su Tan brought a
cup of hot tea from the kitchen and handed it to Kerry.

Robot Su Ning greeted enthusiastically, “Mr. Kerry, have you eaten yet? We are
having breakfast. Would you like to have some food together?”

Kerry refused in a low voice, sipped a hot tea, and frowned. When he looked up at
the father and son on the opposite side, his face was solemn and dignify.

“I am here today to convey a bad news to you.”

Su Ning froze, and the metal shell on his face became tense again. 

“What news?”

Kerry was a little embarrassed and sighed deeply before telling the news. “After
research by the school, Su Tan did not meet the requirements for graduates. His
graduation certificate should be withdrawn and returned to the school for remedial

As soon as he said that, the room was silent for a while.

The sound of boiling water sizzled on the kitchen stove, but the room here was so
quiet you could even hear a pin drop, almost deadly silent.

Su Tan frowned. He looked frankly and directly at Kerry, and asked in a firm tone,
“The other day, Mr. Principal gave me a diploma in front of the teachers and
students of the school and in the presence of General Cyrus.

Now, tell me that this certificate is going to be withdrawn? “

Isn’t this a joke? !!

If you don’t want to send it, don’t send it in the morning. Why do you need to spend
more time to send it and work hard to recover it?
By this question, Kerry’s face was also a little disgusted, and apparently he did not
agree with this approach of the school. He took a deep breath and simply speak the
truth, explaining to Su Tan, “Just because General Cyrus is here, the headmaster
thinks you have lost the school’s face and is not in favor of allowing you to graduate

After hearing this, Su Tan raised his eyebrows. His handsome face couldn’t help but
get angry.

He just wanted to fight according to reason. He never thought that the robot dad
would stand up one step ahead of himself, and suddenly burst into anger and
exclaimed, “How can there be such a principal? Don’t think that our robots have no
human rights! I want to protest to the government! Petition to Guiliya
Administration Hall! Get justice for my son! “

Seeing his angry metal reinforced joints rattle, Teacher Kerry couldn’t help but get
up, and hurriedly discouraged, ”Don’t be stupid! Su Tan’s academic performance is
indeed bad, and it may not be possible to win a lawsuit in court. If I lose my face
with the school, I’m afraid Su Tan’s diploma will not be available. ”

Under Teacher Kerry’s appeasement, Su Ning’s raging anger was forcibly

suppressed, but he was even more unhappy for his son.

“What’s wrong with Sutan? Why do you want to withdraw your graduation
certificate? Are you bullying at our house?”

Teacher Kerry was so blocked that he couldn’t say anything, because the truth was
just like what it said.

A robot with a large child has no power, no financial resources, and no background.
Such a family is naturally a bullying soft persimmon in the eyes of the principal.

Losing face in the presence of General Cyrus, the principal could easily divert his
anger and find the outlet from this weak family.

Mr. Kerry looked at them deeply, sympathy beyond words.

“I’m sorry.” Kerry lowered his head, avoiding their eyes, and apologized in a hurry.
“Now that things have been decided, you might as well think about what to do
The robot Su Ning was heart broken and stared straight at Kerry. There was
nowhere to vent his anger.

Nowadays, although robots have also been accepted as a category in the

interstellar race and become equal to human beings, in the eyes of many people,
robots are still low, created by humans, and can be oppressed and used at will.

This concept is more popular and commonplace in the upper classes.

In order to avoid this sort of stigmatization and hostility, Su Ning chose to live on
the remote country side of Guiliya Planet.

Later, he picked up Su Tan during the interstellar trip. The kid was soft and cute,
can talk and laugh, and the little son who grew up with him brought all the sparks
and fun of life to him. He never regretted the hardship of raising Su Tan.

However, he couldn’t stand other people to bully his son while despising them.

The robot took a deep breath and flatly said, “I’m not going to give up like that!”

Kerry was stunned by his decisive and tough tone, and he felt that the school was in
big trouble.

He was just about to persuade a few more words, but Su Tan, who stood beside
him, suddenly spoke. “I can go back to study for another year.”

Kerry was relieved and immediately supported, “Yes, all schools in Guiliya do not
charge tuition fees, and you have not found a suitable job at present. It is very
beneficial for your future to return to school to study for another year.”

What he said was another mess, and he couldn’t hide the nature of Su Tan being
oppressed by the school.

Su Tan glanced at him calmly, and put forward the conditions he wanted. He said,
“It’s okay to read one more year, but I must have the right to choose the course and
the class time. It is up to me to decide what course to take and when to take it.”

Su Tan glanced at him calmly, and put forward the conditions he wanted. He said,
“It’s okay to read one more year, but I must have the right to choose the course and
the class time. It is up to me to decide what course to take and when to take it.”
His idea wasn’t a helpless compromise. Su Tan has just passed through the
interstellar era. There was no systematic concept of the history, technology, skills,
and survival methods of this future high-tech era. Of course, it would be better to
learn systematically through the school curriculum.

He needs to learn new knowledge of this era, and then find his own positioning and
define the future development direction.

Su Tan clearly thought, and at this time, he was extra firm and decisive to raise the
request to Kerry.

Kerry groaned for a second, watching Su Tan’s clear black eyes, knowing that this
was the best solution at present. Not only can it appease the Su family to prevent
Su Ning from going to the Chamber, but it can also satisfy the principal ’s wish to
delay Sutan ’s graduation for one year, but it is Sutan ’s request for some autonomy
in course selection, which does not hinder the ultimate goal.

He took a deep breath and nodded and promised, “Okay, I promise you. You
choose all the lessons.”

Su Tan nodded. The two reached an agreement and Su Tan decided to return to
school next week.

When Kerry walked out of Su’s house door, he saw that the thick and heavy house
door rubbed his heels unceremoniously and threw it up, making a bang.

He couldn’t help laughing, and hurried back to the school to report to the principal.

After listening to the progress of the matter, the principal was very satisfied. When
Kerry went out, he turned and hurriedly called General Cyrus’ personal phone.

The two of them have deep roots and were graduates of military training in the
same period. But at that time, Cyrus was already a full-blown military wizard, and
he was just a trainee from a small remote country in the countryside. After the first
period of training, he was hurried back to the small planet of Guiliya.

When he heard a while ago that General Cyrus’ warship was passing by Guiliya, the
headmaster carefully dialed a phone number that he hadn’t dared to call for a long
time and issued an invitation to visit.

Unexpectedly, Cyrus actually came.

However, an unqualified Su Tan messed up everything. After the graduation
ceremony that day, Cyrus didn’t even stay to eat his carefully prepared banquet,
and hurriedly took the battleship and left.

Immediately, the headmaster was sincerely terrified, and he could not help but
angry and implicated Su Tan as the culprit.

He exhaled the dull sullen gas in his chest. After hearing the news that Su Tan had
accede to repeat for one year, he finally raised his courage and dialed the phone to
General Cyrus.


A soft voice sounded. “Hello?” 

The principal raised his spirit for a moment, and the corner of his mouth couldn’t
help laughing and apologizing again and again, “General Cyrus, I’m sorry, the
graduation ceremony that day made you unhappy. You can rest assured that I have
dealt with unqualified graduates — ”


Hanging up the phone, Cyrus raised his lips and smiled at a familiar black-haired
and black-eyed boy in front of him. “This has been dealt with here. The Gu family
and his wife will arrive soon, and everything else depends on you.”

The raised face of the young man Zheng Zhengjian’s head was similar to that of
Sutan, except that those dark eyes revealed a bit of ambitious spirit.

“I will, General.”

In Su’s study —— 

The robot Su Ning was tinkering with an old desktop computer, old model and a
slightly yellowed plastic casing, apparently of many years old.

Su Tan looked at it, but was quite familiar, recalling memories of modern
The robot’s dad’s metal-reinforced fingers crackled on the keyboard, his ten fingers
quickly couldn’t see its movement, and a series of codes were quickly typed on the
computer screen.

Su Tan was a little curious, “What are you doing?”

Su Ning didn’t evade him either. He skillfully tapped on the keyboard, and at the
same time he could easily distract himself and said, “Crossing the wall.”

Su Tan, “… crossing the wall?”

‘How does this term look like popular words referring to the firewall and the
internet in China?’

Sure enough, the robot Su Ning explained, “Crossing the wall is to use the old-
fashioned computer tools to access the interstellar network. Nowadays, most
families use the light brain to surf the Internet. This old computer that has not been
bound is completely abandoned. So, this leaves a gap in the interstellar network.”

He finally stopped typing his fingers on the keyboard and pressed the Enter key. He
saw that the code on the screen flashed quickly, line after line, almost unreadable.

The robot Su Ning couldn’t help getting a little proud, “Well, this is your dad’s
housekeeping skills.”

He touched Su Tan’s head and said firmly: “Wait and see, Dad revenge for you.”

The code was entered and a brand new network interworking world unfolded in
front of Sutan. Their little old computer was an obsolete and forgotten code in the
vast vast network, and they leisurely shuttled through the network. All The secrets
were clear to them.

Su Tan opened his eyes wide and looked sideways at the strange and ugly face of
the robot’s metal-plastic shell.

It was holding a hazelnut-flavored molar rod, looking at the computer screen

quietly and intently.

Su Tan looked at him, and suddenly he didn’t know what to do. He suddenly felt a
little stunned, as if the alien heart from Huaxia that was out of step with the
interstellar, was suddenly shaken by the “swish”.
Then a strange and deep emotion flowed into his bones.

Su Tan suddenly laughed and hugged the robot Su Ning tightly. “Dad, you are

The robot’s body was stiff, and the fingers of the metal reinforcements were stuck
on the keyboard for a long time, like a stone statue.

Suddenly, the head of his metal-plastic casing suddenly burst into heat, and the
body’s temperature became hot.

“Ah, you child!” 

The robot Su Ning pulled away from Su Tan, and quickly drew a hazelnut-flavored
molar stock from a plate next to it and stuffed it into his son’s mouth. He ran
sideways to the side.

Su Tan’s arms suddenly emptied, and he was puzzled as he looked at his father’s

“What’s wrong?” 

The robot Su Ning’s metal arm swiftly removed the metal cover on his chest, and
gently combed the sparkling circuit inside skillfully.

He was a little shy, and still kept blowing his heat on his head, and snorted, “It’s all
your fault. It’s a short circuit! (╯ ^ ╰) ╮!”

Su Tan, ‘Hahahahahahahaha, my dad is so cute!’

Chapter 4: Heirs of the Empire 

Entering the network, and the robot Su Ning searched for the black history of the
school principal from the vast network world.

Its metal fingers hit the keyboard, one by one, the principal chatted on the Internet,
watching pornographic films, and complained about superiors’ dislike of
subordinates, all pouring out of the search box like a stream of water, showing no
doubt in front of him and Su Tan.
The robot Su Ning held his molar rod, and edited a screenshot of the principal’s □□
into a long post and posted it on the largest interstellar forum.

“The true face of the principal of 818 Guiliya Middle School ~ Is this moral loss or
lack of humanity?”

The screenshots were uploaded one after another. The facts were clear and the
evidence was conclusive. A lot of onlookers were triggered in a short time.

Su Ning cheerfully watched as the post gathered a lot of popularity. In the end, it
even attracted the attention of the Star Education Association, and solemnly issued
a stance of “once verified and seriously accountable.” Suddenly he could not help
but look back at Su Tan with a smile.

“Son, Dad helped you get revenge!” 

The robot voice was elated. From his plastic and metal face, Su Tan accurately
realized his happy mood, and could not help bending his lips.

“Dad, what?”

He saw the hot air coming from the top of the robot father’s head. This time
without waiting for his line to short circuit again, he pretended to be calm and
coughed, covered the ventilated hot brain, and ran out quickly.

On the way to the kitchen, the robot Su Ning only felt his chest bouncing, like an
erratic current flowing from body to body, causing a small electric spark.

He touched his heart with metal reinforced fingers, a little puzzled.

‘Hey, obviously there is no short circuit? Why does it feel so wonderful and


Su Ning went to the kitchen to prepare dinner and left the old-fashioned desktop
computer to Su Tan. Taking this opportunity, Su Tan boarded the Star Network and
landed on Star Alliance’s largest network communication platform.

He found that shopping, healthcare, travel, and tourism in this world were more
convenient and efficient.
An interstellar passenger coach that can depart anytime and anywhere allows
Guiliyas to easily cross light years and travel to another planet, as long as they can
afford interstellar currency.

Under such a developed science and technology background, only one industry is
particularly vulnerable to Guiliya.

That’s online fiction.

Guiliya is a remote agricultural planet in the countryside. It has rich land resources
and a well-developed human body, but the average cultural level is not high, and
the literary atmosphere is even lacking.

This planet has been evaluated as a “literary desert” by a famous contemporary

interstellar writer.

It is conceivable that Guliya lacks literary flavor. This shortcoming is naturally

reflected on the interstellar’s most popular novel website, and none of the top ten
novel authors of the year is from the Guliya Galaxy.

Even since the establishment of the “Fan Xing” novel website, there have never
been any authors of Gulia novels. This is a disgrace to all residents of Guliya.

They don’t need the “Nobel” literary prize, but the “Star” must win!

However, the whole Guliya people have worked hard for hundreds of years, but still
nothing. The best they had ever achieved was when a talented young Guillaume
broke into the 10548th place in the list of authors.

The total number of registered authors of “Star” is 30 million.

This achievement is enough to make all Guiliyas proud.

But this shortcoming in writing was an advantage for Su Tan.

The internet novels he developed in the era of the earth were highly developed. All
kinds of novels about the cultivation of immortals, grave robbing, urbanism,
fantasy, and cross-theme novels were overwhelmingly numerous and countless.
At the moment, this “starry” novel website, which was hard to conquer by the
Guiliya, was like a big golden pit to him.

Su Tan decided to dig out his first bucket of gold in “Stars”, then took a large
amount of interstellar coins and took his dad to travel around the interstellar space
to enjoy the happy life of traveling around.

Su Tan looked intently to the “Fengxing” Novel Network, and his quiet eyes quickly
browsed on the concise and lively webpage, which was lined with various themes
and lists.

Among them, most popular is a category of retro subjects.

Su Tan looked at the largest banner ad bar on the homepage of the novel’s website.
The big slogan was “Return to Earth”.

He opened the feature column without hesitation. Oncoming was a full-page high-
resolution background image of aqua blue earth. The familiar five continents and
the four oceans reappeared in front of him. Su Tan was stunned.

He stared, and even on the map, he could find traces of the winding and
magnificent Yangtze River and the Yellow River. The lush and prosperous country
where he lived for twenty years has become a distant memory in the minds of
interstellar people thousands of years later.

Looking at it, Su Tan couldn’t help getting tears well up in his eyes. He blinked,
quietly blinking away the wetness in his eyes, and concentrated on reading the
introduction of the novel topic.

After reading the whole article, Su Tan realized that this was clearly a novel type of
manuscript. The theme of the solicitation for this issue is “Ancient Earth.”

All novels related to “Ancient Earth” can be submitted to the website. After a unified
review, the website will select the ten best “Ancient Earth” novels for public display
on the special advertising space on the homepage of the website.

This is definitely the best way for a newcomer to advertise for free.

Su Tan could not help feeling a little excited. ‘When it comes to “Ancient Earth”, who
in the entire interstellar world knows that era better than him.’
His crossing was born with an advantage, re-exposing an ancient civilization that
had long been missing to the world.

But where did he start?

Su Tan browsed some of the “Ancient Earth” novels that have been submitted, and
found that they are basically the subject of cultivation. It is entirely based on the
author’s imagination to depict how people on the earth were eavesdropping,
refining imperial beasts, and starting the Fairy War. In essence, the War of the Devil
still cannot escape the shadow of the interstellar wars nowadays.

In some details, it is even more bizarre and absurd. For example, the human monks
in their pen can already fly a spacecraft into space, and fight a life-and-death battle
with rabbits and butcher warriors on the moon.

Su Tan, ‘… meow meow? ? ?’

He couldn’t help but be forbearing. From the perspective of the Earth people, it is
quite interesting. It is just a big brain and rich imagination.

However, in the eyes of discerning StarCraft readers, these other kinds of

cultivation immortal text are old wine in new bottles and dog meat on the head of
sheep. There is no difference between the Star Wars texts on the Bad Streets, and
and it is even less interesting to read it.

Below a lot of texts, authors have been scolded.

Su Tan thought about it and found that “Ancient Earth” has too much to write for

Every year, the black college entrance examination season in June, and tons of
three-year college entrance examination simulation, the green and beautiful
campus time, think of the sweet and sour taste.

Huaxia’s splendid 5,000-year history, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties,
each dynasty alone has countless stories and history.

Take the literary masterpieces that have been overwhelmingly popular, the
interesting adventures of the masters and apprentices of The Journey to the West,
the prosperity and decline of the family and nobles in the Dream of the Red
Mansions, the intertwined vengeance of the Earl of Monte Cristo, and even the fire
of online novels …
Too much could be written. Only by finding a good entry point and main line could
he connect the whole story together.

Su Tan pondered, opened a new blank document on the computer, and began to
record some of his inspirations and ideas. When he wrote the word “crossing”, he
suddenly hesitated, and quickly thought of one type of theme that once set a novel
website ablaze –

Quick wear.

The protagonist travels to many different worlds, completes the tasks issued by the
system, and finally accumulate enough task points to return to the real world.

Isn’t this style suitable for the theme of “Ancient Earth”?

Su Tan had an idea and was ready to use the “quick wear” mode to challenge the
theme of “Ancient Earth”.

However, it is not enough to have a novel writing mode. For online novels, the most
important thing is to set up people + plots, highlighting the exciting points, creating
a sense of immersion and ups and downs for readers.

And how is the sense of substitution created? What do people in the interstellar age
want to see in the ancient earth era?

Su Tan thought of this, and suddenly found that he had found a perfect template
and entry point.

The best sense of substitution should be from the perspective of ordinary

interstellar people, and set the protagonist of the novel as an ordinary interstellar
boy. As an accident passed through the era of the earth, which has long since
disappeared, he has seen everything in that era.

The protagonist’s target can then be positioned to prevent the demise of the
earth. Through the protagonist’s traversal in various dynasties and worlds, he did
his best to save the earth from the fate of dying again.

Su Tan cleared his thoughts, and quickly ran a series of words on the document
with his fingers.

He set up a mission progress system for the main character, reflecting the score of
each completed mission in the percentage of saving the earth.
At the same time, he set up the framework of each world smoothly, and created
many insidious villains. Through the ingenuity of the protagonist, he counterattack
and beat the villains one by one.

In this lively and rhythmic storyline, the image of a meticulous, double-commercial

hero is just right.

Su Tan’s fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard for a series of large blocks of text,
basically setting up the outline frame of this quick-wearing text.

He stopped writing, read it carefully from beginning to end, and modified several
conflicting bugs by hand, making the logic and plot of the whole novel impeccable.

Although it took a lot of time to make the outline, Su Tan, who had previous
experience, knew very well that there is an old saying, it is called sharpening the

The more detailed the outline is, the faster he will start when he officially starts
coding, and the plots and personalities before and after the text will be less likely to

He looked up at the time in the lower right corner of the computer, and found that
it was already evening.

Su Tan relaxed his stiff fingers and saw with satisfaction that there were already
20,000-word outlines in the document. He kept the documents, turned off the
computer, and went downstairs.

The robotic dad saw him and greeted, “Come and wash your hands and eat!”

Su Tan walked over with a smile, helping Su Ning bring out the dishes in the
kitchen, and filled the whole table full.

He couldn’t help but be surprised, “It’s so rich, Dad, we two can’t finish it.” 

The robot Su Ning moved the plate full of big meat stew to him. The rich and
creamy sauce stained the meat very deliciously, and the tangy flavor of the meat
aroma was mixed with fresh fruit aromas which instantly opened the appetite of Su
Tan, who wrote the novel all afternoon.
Su Ning found the remote control and turned on the TV.

On the TV, the daily newsletter of the planet Guiliya was being broadcast. They saw
the principal of Sutan Middle School suddenly appear on the TV screen, with a look
of shame and grief, and was pressed by two soldiers with guns into small aircraft.

“The principal of Guiliya Middle School officially received the prosecution

investigation and was put in jail by the police department.” 

The robotic dad turned back and commented with a smile, “Today is a good day
and it is worth celebrating.”

Su Tan, “…awesome my dad!”

“Insert an interstellar newsletter alert: the giant Gu Family child heir went missing
for eighteen years and finally returned to the giants.” 

On the TV, a video of the returning Gu’s younger son appeared.

He looked up at the camera, and slightly shyly pursed his lips and smiled. His black
hair and black eyes were so handsome that he looked a bit like Su Tan.

Television continued to broadcast reports, releasing explosive news that shocked

All Stars— “According to informed sources, Gu’s missing younger son, Gu Han, and
Hayden Longman had already been contracted when they were born.”

Hayden Longman, Heir to the Empire.

Chapter 5: First Meeting 

The marriage contract between the lost and recovered son of the Gu family and the
heir of the empire, Hayden Longman, became the talk of all the Guiliya people on
the street in a short time.

Many people are envious, and feel that the Star Empire was about to welcome a
dark horse of the First Lady, and ascend to the throne of the Lord of Empires.

Such a remote little planet civilian, transformed into a grand master’s identity, and
then about to marry into the royal family story, with some legendary dog blood
color, everyone could not help but marvel.
But these things were too far away from them after all.

These days, the most talked about by the Guiliyas was the just arrested headmaster
of the high school.

With the intervention of the Police Department, one crime after another was
revealed. This respectable high school principal, not only once complained online to
vilify his superiors and subordinates, but also secretly took bribes from many
parties, which was related to the corruption of his post.

When it was established, it became the object of cursing by all Guiliyas, and they
put pressure on the government to let him receive severe punishment.

At the same time, Su Tan found that his robot Dad’s mood was clear for many days.
Every day, he went out with a hot teapot full of energy and vitality. He voluntarily
ran to the front of the Guiliya Hall to join the fun and pour free tea for the
protesting crowd which win the favor of many people.

In the face of strong evidence and protests from the public, the Chamber of
Commerce had to compromise public opinion, and together with the Star
Education Association made a heavy punishment decision.

Upon hearing this news, the robot Su Ning was overjoyed, and happily brought the
empty teapot home, too late to take care of a pot of vegetables, fruit, chicken, and
noodles with porridge cooked on the stove. He ran to the upstairs Su Tan’s
bedroom in just three steps and two steps. He suddenly opened his door.

“Son, the principal is sentenced !!!”

After his words, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then slowly realized that his son
was sitting in front of the old-fashioned desktop computer, looking at him
helplessly and expressively.

Suddenly, Su Ning asked, “What are you doing?”

He walked over, his eyes narrowed slightly. The computer had been buried in the
storeroom at home, and had been piled up as waste.

It wasn’t until that day in order to reveal the true face the principal for punishing,
that he pulled it out of the dust pile and pressed the old buzzing box.
This was both an old and outdated item, and it also represented some loopholes
and taboos that could not be made public under the current regulations.

If possible, Su Ning did not want to expose his son to such a dangerous existence.

He was very worried that the practice of brushing the code in front of Su Tan to
hack the network a few days ago would lead him to another dark stray road.

Su Ning stepped over, his steps were a little heavy, and his feet made of metal
reinforcements fell on the floor, making a heavy sound.

Su Tan did not shy away. His eyes were clear. He calmly looked at him and
answered, ”I want to write a novel.” 

After hearing this answer, the robot was stuck for a moment. The face made of
metal and plastic did not respond for a long time, and then his face was full of
blankness and surprise.

Until seeing Su Tan’s serious and focused look, the robot suddenly stunned.
Obviously, there was some struggle and worry. He knew clearly that none of the
Guiliyas succeeded in writing a novel.

“How do you remember writing a novel?” Su Ning asked in confusion. He was also
convinced that this item would never be listed as a career guide for students in

Seeing the worried and caring expression of the robot’s father, Su Tan couldn’t help
laughing, stepped forward and hugged his father’s body.

Obviously everything he touched under his hands was all the cold steel and metal
pieces, but Su Tan’s embrace was so warm and powerful, greatly enclosing the rigid
body of the robot Su Ning into his arms.

“I like to write novels.” Su Tan, being with family members and relatives, had a soft
voice, but unexpectedly had a firm and determined power. 

“You just let me try it, and it will be successful.”

Under the warm arms, the robot Su Ning only felt that the lines in his heart were
bursting with sparks, blooming like fireworks.
His body was stiff. His expression was stiff. Even the fingertips made of steel bars
seemed to be stimulated by a palpitating current, which was a little numb to stiff.

‘This is not normal … but what do I like?’

The rushes of heat could not help steaming from the robot’s metal brain.

He looked at Su Tan, coughed vigorously twice, suppressed the abnormal heat on

the brain, and said quietly, “Well, Dad supports you. Big deal—” 

Suddenly, the robot Su Ning’s face glowed with redness again.

“Big deal, I’ll support you.”

Su Ning hugged Su Tan tightly. For a moment, his strength ran out of control with
emotional excitement, and slammed Su Tan into his arms with a bang.

Su Tan’s cuffs were tight. His lungs were almost squeezed out. However, he clearly
felt the robot’s cold metal casing chest exuding a slight hot temperature.

After a while, his heart was indescribably warm.

Su Ning agreed with his whimsical idea that his son wanted to write a novel. After
getting up early in the morning, he rushed Su Tan into the room, carefully prepared
delicious meals for three meals a day, and fully support him to concentrate on

Driven by the robot’s father, Su Tan became more and more focused on the
code. His outline had been completely drafted, and it had been written 50,000
words, which was full and detailed.

At the beginning of the formal writing of the text, the speed of the code word was
even faster and sharper. His hands and fingers typed on the keyboard quickly, and
a large section of text appeared in the document.

At such a speed, in just five days, Su Tan had saved a hundred thousand words of

He made the end of Chapter 30, exhaled softly, and rubbed his stiff
fingers. Although mentally exhausted, he was very satisfy in his heart.
Su Tan, took advantage of the relaxation, landed on the “Fengxing” novel
website. The “Return to Earth” feature had soared a lot of popularity, and more
than 1,000 novels had been submitted and listed on the inside pages of the topic
for public.

He glanced at the top of the topic and found that there were only ten days left
before the deadline for submission, and that the serial number of the article should
be no less than 50,000 words when submitting.

Su Tan was determined that with his current archive, it was more than enough to
meet the word count requirement. However, the cut-off word count is only a basic
requirement. Whether it can be ranked on the top ten recommended novels in the
end depends on the quality of the article, and on the popularity and popularity of
the novel, which has a crucial relationship with the quality of the novel.

Even if the cut-off count is reached, if the text is not good-looking and unpopular,
then it will eventually be reduced to a novel at the bottom of the street, watching
other novels shine brightly.

Since Su Tan wrote, he had to write the best.

His eyes stared intently for a moment on the blue earth background, opened his
novel document, returned to the top row of the beginning, and began to polish the
second time.

After the second modification was completed, he opened the “Fengxing” homepage
and clicked “Login” to officially start registering the author account.

Here, the author account of each person is directly connected to Starcraft personal
information, and the real-name system verification is performed automatically, and
the possibility of being stolen will never occur.

But it also made the threshold of registered authors very low. A large number of
short-lived authors came to test the water. After rushing to write a chapter or two,
they were hit by a handful of brutal clicks and data, and no more interest to

Compared with the huge base of 30 million authors, professional authors who can
stay in full time are few and far between.

“Pen name?”
Su Tan looked at the author registration page options, and paused when he met
the first box.

In his mind, he suddenly remembered a pot of fragrant stew piled up on the table
every morning, lunch, and dinner. The robot daddy always feared that he would not
be full, and he put many pieces in his plate every time. He watched him eating with
a smile.

Obviously it was a small detail, recalling it, but it was especially warm.

The corner of Su Tan’s lips couldn’t help rising, and he steadily typed a few words
on the keyboard.

“Enter pen name: brush braised meat every day” 

After registering for the author’s account, Su Tan directly clicked to publish the new
article, and checked the attribute and type of the article. He simply and ruthlessly
created a novel name full of hot elements for his novel.

—”Dominate the Earth Era [Quick Wear]”.

He put all the saved manuscripts in the author’s backstage, set up to publish two
chapters a day, and then shut down the computer neatly. Then he picked up his
school bag and went out.

According to the agreement with the school, he was going to take an interstellar
history class this afternoon to learn the development history of interstellar and the
modern political environment.

When he came to the classroom, there were very few people taking this course.
When Su Tan entered the classroom, he raised his eyes and unexpectedly saw big
block head Eddie who he had dealt with previously. He was shrinking in the back
corner of the classroom. He also looked back at him with consternation.

Su Tan ticked the corner of his mouth, raised his eyebrows, blinked meaningfully at
Eddie, then turned sharply and sat in the first row of seats.

Sure enough, he heard from the back —

A body as heavy as a hill, slipped off the seat, fell to the ground, and made a loud

Su Tan pursed his lips with a smile, calmly took out his own textbooks, and waited
for the teacher to come to the class.

Kerry walked in from the door with the lesson plan, frowning at the chaos in the
back of the classroom. Eddie still fell pale on the ground with sweat, his face
panicked and frightened.

Kerry lay down the lesson plan on the podium, with a serious face, and asked in a
deep voice, “Eddie, what are you doing?”

Eddie struggled to lift his bulky body from the ground, hurriedly handed over his
textbooks, and slipped through the back door of the classroom …

Mr. Kerry, “…”

His forehead jumped blue, struggling to suppress his anger, opened the lesson
plans and the light curtain on the wall, and explained the modern history of
interstellar to the only student in the room, Su Tan. Inevitably, the Langman family,
the ruling power of the empire, was introduced.

“The origins of the Longman family are quite legendary. During the interstellar
melee period, it struck out from a distant star field, and used powerful force and
absolute strength to unify all galaxies and established the Canglan Empire.” 

“Thousands of years of development have made the empire huge and stable. Now,
the next heir to the empire is–“

“Haiden Longman.”

Teacher Kerry clicked the screen and turned to the next page.

He saw that there was a black silhouette in the middle of the screen, making people
unable to see Hayden Longman’s true appearance.

Su Tan was a little surprised. Looking at Teacher Kerry, he asked curiously,

“Teacher, what does the Crown Prince look like?”
Kerry shook his head with a bitter smile, but could not answer. 

“Sorry, so far the royal family hasn’t made it public.”

Su Tan was surprised, and suddenly he lost his mind. He couldn’t help but chuckled
in his heart.

Perhaps His Royal Highness was the same as himself, relying on his face to eat,
relying on his appearance to play a horror movie: -D.

After class, he picked up his schoolbag, said goodbye to Teacher Kerry, and step by
step, facing the beautiful sunset, walked towards his home.

Five kilometers of space-

“Wing damaged! Urgent landing! Your Royal Highness, please prepare for landing!”

In Su Tan’s slightly wide eyes, he saw a black spot in the sky getting bigger and
bigger, and finally it was so large that it smashed the ground at the speed of a
cannonball, behind it was a long trail of burning air.


Su Tan, “… Just run quickly Ahhhhh!”

Chapter 6: Cousin
Under the gorgeous sunset, Su Tan sweated on his forehead, shortness of breath,
and ran fast and hard in the open fields.

But even if he ran fast, he never ran over the smashed aircraft, only to feel that the
air around him was suddenly squeezed into deformation, and then “sniffed”, a hot
and hot air stream passed by his side as fast as possible.

The blazing air passed over the right side, and the falling fire ignited his schoolbag
instantly, burning a raging fire.

Su Tan was stunned, watching the colorful cloth stitching schoolbag sewn for
himself by the robot’s dad burned into a ball of fire. Immediately loosening his
hands, he immediately threw the schoolbag to the ground, buried it in the ground,
stepped on it, and tried to put out the fire.
However, the schoolbag had long been burned into a broken and scorched black

Su Tan, ‘… There is also an interstellar history assignment in the bag.’



After an earth-shattering loud noise, an unfamiliar aircraft slammed heavily on the

open field, bringing in countless dust and air currents, and stroke towards Su Tan
like a sandstorm, making him unable to hide.

Ten minutes later, everything was settled. The door of the upward-facing aircraft
was suddenly pushed open from the inside, and the dust falling on the outer shell
of the door was lifted, floating in the beautiful afterglow of the sunset.

Su Tan looked itchy, and could not help but coughed, and a small amount of dust
sprayed out of his mouth.

Su Tan, “…”

He tightened his brows. His face was heavy. After waiting for a long time, no one
came out of the aircraft. He frowned suddenly.

He noticed that the metal shell of the aircraft was smooth and concise, with some
secret patterns and patterns sprayed on. Recalling that Mr. Kerry mentioned in
class, such icons generally represent private family aircraft.

Somehow it would suddenly fall here.

The people inside did not come out for a long time, and he was afraid that most of
them were seriously injured.

Su Tan thought about it, but he couldn’t turn a blind eye in the end. He just walked
over and checked the situation.

The aircraft slammed heavily into the field, and most of it was deeply buried under
the soil, forming a huge pit around it.

Su Tan stepped on the soft soil, climbed the mound, and looked down calmly and
He did not expect, but it happened to be a pair of dark and deep eyes, a face with a
clear outline, extremely beautiful, but without the slightest femininity, instead
revealed the charm of mature men.

Hayden was lying on his back in the wide open cockpit, although an arm was pulled
unnaturally on the back of the chair, twisting a strange arc, and even his face was a
little too pale.

But he raised his hands and cast his feet still calmly, stretched his body lazily, and
looked up at the sunset of the sky comfortably.

Such magnificent scenery could not help but admire.

Until a gray-faced child with a dark face and black paint, holding a ball of black paint
and smelling scorching things, appeared suddenly beside his cockpit door.

Hayden looked for a while, recognizing that this was just a young boy in the
countryside, and suddenly his lips were slightly raised, and he laughed slightly.

“Hi, kid, is there any smoke?”

Su Tan closed his lips and stared at him. “Are you still alive?”

Hayden tried to move his body and gave a long sigh, finding that his ribs had
broken two ribs.

He raised his eyebrows. His deep eyes were calm. It seemed that he did not take
these fatal injuries to his heart at all.

Hayden smiled easily and said, “It’s not bad.”

Su Tan, ‘Apparently, he looked like he’s going to get up and hang up.’

He raised his eyes and looked around, and found that there were no figures in the
surrounding fields and it was quiet. So he simply bowed his head and said to
Hayden, “You wait for a while, I’ll find someone to help you.”

Unexpectedly, before he jumped off the aircraft, he suddenly heard the man say,
“No need to find someone. “
Su Tan’s footsteps paused. He looked at Hayden in surprise and saw him smile
calmly and confidently. His voice was low and magnetic, and the ending was
dragging a bit lazily, but somehow, it made people felt a strong confidence.

Hayden looked at him. “If you can lift me up, I don’t think it’s necessary to find

Su Tan paused, without a word of promise.

Although he had the intention to save this stranger, after all, he did not know his
identity and origin, and did not want to approach him and put himself in a
dangerous situation.

Seeing that he was aware of his alertness and hesitation, Hayden used another
intact hand to pull out a document from the cockpit seat box with his back hand.
With a little force, he easily threw it into Su Tan’s arms.

“Open it. I’m Major General Hayden Browning of the Imperial Ocean Marine Corps.
Now I’m on a confidential mission and can’t be found.”

Su Tan reached out to open the document, which contained a photo of the person
with military uniform and a few brief information. The photo was also stamped with
the Imperial Ocean Marine Corps stamp.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, sharply recognized the person in the photo, and the
man lying in the broken cockpit in front of him, finally admitting that they were the
same person.

“Haiden?” He groaned for a moment, suddenly thinking, “Your name is the same as
that of the Crown Prince.”

Hayden raised his lips lightly . “This is my honor.” 

Su Tan gave a light sigh. He did not expect that the army here also liked to be proud
of its relationship with leaders. It was simply another form of political worship.

After confirming the identity of the other party, Su Tan immediately relieved
himself, jumped into the cockpit, and used all his strength to lift person up and
down, and then went out of the cockpit together.

Standing on the soft ground again, Su Tan slightly exuded a thin layer of sweat on
his forehead, and his fingers were loosened.
He glanced over Hayden, and found that the other person was paler in addition to
his complexion. The other man was very free to move. Even standing side by side,
the seriously injured man stood more calmly than himself.

Su Tan could not help but be envious.

Out of the cockpit, Hayden pulled out a small item and pressed it. He saw the huge
battleship aircraft suddenly collapsed, as if folded in the refraction of the light of
the air, it was suddenly stowed into the pendant, and disappeared in an instant.

Only a large pit was left on the ground.

Su Tan looked intently, and the surprise in his heart was beyond words. Life in
Guiliya was calm and peaceful, rising from the sun, and dying at sunset. Even if
there was a robot in his family, he knew that he was in the interstellar era, but he
never felt much different from the earth.

Sometimes it even created the illusion that it was still on the earth.

However, at this time, Hayden’s practice of putting away the battleship aircraft
made Su Tan deeply realize that it was really in another world.

Hayden stood beside Su Tan, looking at the gray-faced child with his eyes widened
and quiet eyes, staring wrongly at his necklace, and couldn’t help smiling.

As soon as he reached out, a necklace with a sparkling spar pendant suddenly fell
in front of Su Tan’s eyes, swinging leisurely in the air, making Su Tan’s sight

Hayden tempted, “Want it?”

Su Tan returned to his mind, woke up, and looked up at him quietly.

He found that the tall man in front of him was a full head taller than himself, and in
the contrast of the mature body of the man, he was like a stunted bean sprout.

Hayden raised his eyebrows, his eyes deep and confused, and said to him, “The
second condition is that if you can help me find a place to heal my wounds, I will
send you the same space necklace.”

“Space necklace?”
Su Tan repeated slowly. His gaze fell back on Hayden’s necklace.

Was there such an operation? ? ?

It completely broke his cognition of being a terrestrial person, and did not expect
that the interstellar era had such an anti-sky and convenient existence.

Su Tan pondered for a while, and found that few of the Guiliya people around him
saw this kind of thing. Even the robot dad never mentioned it, showing that this
kind of space necklace was rare and precious.

Hayden bowed his head, and his jaw lifted a nice arc. “How about it, promise?”

Su Tan raised his eyes and looked at him. A young boy’s face was bleak, covered
with dust, but a pair of dark-painted eyes were unexpectedly calm. There was no
such joy, excitement, and temptation as ordinary children.

He stared at the tall, mature man in front of him and asked, word by word,  “What if
I don’t promise you?”

He never relaxed his vigilance or thought that the injured man was a cowardly

Even if he was a soldier, in the face of the bloody and secret task, Hayden naturally
did not allow others to save him. So naturally he would not easily let go of himself
who found him from beginning to end.

If he did not agree with his conditions, how would he be treated?

Su Tan’s expression became serious, his lips were tightened and he stared at the
man in front of him tightly.

Hayden looked at him and smiled suddenly.

Suddenly he caught the eyes of this small earth boy who was embrassed, pressed
most of his weight on the body, and slightly raised his lips and smiled, “Well, maybe,
I will seduce you with two space necklaces?”

Su Tan, “…”
There was a moment in his heart that he felt he was almost squeezed by the heavy

“Wait, I haven’t agreed yet!” He began to struggle. “You can continue to seduce me
with two space necklaces–“

Hayden embraced his shoulders, looking cheerful and lazy, dragging his steps
towards the field, “Well, in which direction is your house?”

Su Tan stretched his finger in one direction. “Left. Wait, wait, we haven’t negotiated

In the evening, two figures, one tall and one short, sat side by side together. At the
Su family’s table, the robot Su Ning, who was sitting opposite them, looked dignified
and asked hesitantly.

“… Are you his cousin?”

Hayden enjoyed the delicious and crispy stew on the plate. The meat was
overflowing, the sauce was rich, and the multi-layered flavors were mixed together.
The slight fruit aroma and meat aroma were just right, so he couldn’t help it.

Even though he ate extremely fast, the movement of holding a knife and fork was
still elegant and calm. He cut off a piece of meat neatly, and filled it with sauce, and
sent it to the mouth.

Upon hearing Su Ning’s question, Hayden had a relaxed and determined tone, and
nodded in response, “Yes, I’m Su Tan’s cousin.” 

On hearing that, Su Ning’s metal face became tighter, staring at Hayden with a
serious and silent expression.

“… Wait, there’s a question. You obviously picked it up. Where’s my cousin?”

Su Tan, ‘…? !! !! !!’

Chapter 7: Little Wife

Su Tan looked at the robot Dad, “I picked it up?”
Su Ning was a little nervous, his big metal head was a little stiff, and he answered
dryly, “It’s obvious, isn’t it?”

Su Tan, “Well.”

He accepted the matter with ease, without any emotion. After all, he had passed
through the interstellar, and it was no surprise that he had some lonely life

Wasn’t this standard for the traversal?

However, Su Tan’s unexpected sedation and reaction made the robot Su Ning even
more nervous.

Its metal reinforcing steel neck was stiff, and it turned to look at Su Tan hardly, and
said foolishly, “Even if you are not my own, then I am your father!”

Hearing his (Su Ning’s) slightly tense tone, Su Tan couldn’t help chuckling, “Of
course it is!”

The robot Su Ning took a big breath, and finally a heart fell back to the bottom of
the heart. The stiffness all over the body finally cleared the neurons. The metal
joints of the limbs crackled slightly.

Su Ning didn’t care, he turned his head and looked at Hayden with a grim

“Sir, you came to our house fraudulently, didn’t you? It’s not easy to cheat us.”

Su Ning looked solemnly, staring at Hayden severely, and his solemn and rapid
speaking speed was totally questioning.

Suddenly, “click”. He grabbed one of his arms, twisted it, and waved the iron arm of
the metal reinforcement almost to Hayden’s jaw, and asked with a mighty force,
“Say, what galaxy are you scammer running away from?”

Hayden, “…”

Su Tan was anxious to watch this shocking scene. “Dad, put your arms away.”

The robot Su Ning publicly revealed his unique skill. He watched as if he was
shocked by the man of unknown origin in front of him. He couldn’t help but be
complacent. He comforted Su Tan and said, “It’s all right, Dad is Guiliya. The robot
competes first! “

Su Tan admired, ‘My dad is amazing.’

Hayden calmly clung to the knife and fork. A large chunk of stew on the plate had
been wiped out by him, and there was almost no sauce left. The whole plate was
bright and light.

He lifted his eyes and looked steadily at the wary robot Su Ning, his eyes faintly
smiling. “Well, you guessed it wrong. I am indeed Su Tan’s cousin. Don’t you see the
similarities in the appearance of the two of us?” 

Upon hearing his resolute words, Su Ning blinked for a moment, and his eyes fell
on Hayden’s deep eyes.

As deep as the sea, the waves were not frightened, like the most rough waves
hidden under a tranquil sea.

Especially the black eyes, which were rare in this racially complex interstellar era,
were similar to Su Tan.

The robot Su Ning froze for a moment, seemingly remembering some memories,
and slowly opened his mouth and asked, “Do you know where Su Tan was picked

Hayden’s eyes deepened for a moment. He glanced at Su Tan’s face, and resolutely
said his answer, “By the water.” 

In a short time, the fingertips of Su Ning’s metal reinforcements were numb. His
chaotic thoughts could not find an exit for a while. Although he had thought about
it countless times in his heart, he never thought that the family of Su Tan would find
the door in such an ordinary and quiet evening.

An unstable electric current flowed suddenly in his heart, and a bitter radian
grinned hard on the face of the metal plastic, “Do you … want to take him?”

Hayden raised an eyebrow, “Of course not “

He laughed suddenly, and set down the knife and fork in his hand with satisfaction.
“I can’t bear to have your good cooking.”

Hayden promised, “Be assured, I will only stay here for a while.”

In the evening, Su Tan took the medicine and walked to Hayden’s bedroom. This
was a small and tight attic room on the top of the building. It was used to store
miscellaneous things. The old-fashioned desktop computer was left here.

However, now under the careful arrangement of Su Ning, it had been cleaned up
neatly. A small, comfortable single bed was placed, and several new mattresses
were thickly covered.

It could be seen that Su Ning was grateful to Hayden, his cousin.

When Su Tan came into the door with his wounds and a small home-use
therapeutic device, Hayden was lying on his back comfortably, with an enviable pair
of long legs resting on an iron shelf bed frame of a single bed, thinking quietly with
a relaxed expression.

Su Tan opened the small home treatment device and put it on Hayden’s chest to
treat him for fractured injury.

He became more curious about the quiet and mysterious man before him. “How do
you know I was picked up by the water?”

Hayden scratched the corners of his lips lightly, stretched his limbs more relaxed,
and made more room for the therapy device.

“I guess.”

Su Tan, “…”

Hayden glanced at him, lazily letting the therapeutic device across his arm to treat
the misplaced broken arm. “Obviously, your name has a historical origin.”

Tan, waterside.

When he first heard the name, Hayden had guessed that the family purposely
called an ancient earth word as a child’s name, which probably had a profound
Unsurprisingly, he guessed it.

His eyes were so deep that he smiled and evaluated, “Your dad loves you very

Su Tan nodded and responded seriously, “I know.” 

The therapeutic instrument hummed. Su Tan quietly closed the door for Hayden
and returned to his room.

This day was particularly busy, until late at this time, Su Tan finally had time to turn
on the computer, log on to the Stars website, and check the publication of his

At this time, his novels had more than fifty collections. Although the number of
collections was not too much, considering that he had just posted a day, he thought
that the data was already very good.

Especially the comments under the text were much more than he imagined. There
were more than 40 comments alone.

“This subject matter is so interesting, fast wear? See you for the first time!”

“The author greatly cheers, I will wait for the update.”

“Can the earth still play like this? Great, my author!”

It could be seen that his novel was just right for many people.

Su Tan replied to the book review and glanced at the “Return to the Earth” essay
topic. He found that the submitted novels had explosively increased in one day, a
full row of 27 pages, and the total number of novel submissions had already
exceeded 300.

This was not yet the deadline. He was afraid there would be a lot of blowouts on
the day of the deadline.

Su Tan thought for a while, knowing how the data was not under his control. He
simply set the publication time for the subsequent archives, then closed the novel
page neatly, and began to invest in a new round of code words.
It was unexpected, at this time, Hayden, who was relaxing on the iron shelf bed in
the attic upstairs, was brushing his mobile phone and portable brain.

The late night of Guiliya here was quiet and peaceful. Quiet moonlight spilled in
from the window of the attic, and the outside was slient, quiet and peaceful.

In addition to an old-fashioned TV in Su Tan’s home, there was no other way to

entertain, making Hayden, whose wound was being treated, lazy and bored.

As a result, he boarded the portable optical brain of the mobile phone and casually
entered the interstellar network to browse messages.

On the major news portals, it seemed that Gu Han, the younger son who was
recovered and lost by the tycoon Gu, the history of the genteel Gu’s family, and the
history of this young master who returned from the rural backcountry, covered the

Hayden glanced casually, quite boring, and immediately turned off the news feed,
and went to his novel website.

However, after reading a few daily-fiction novels, the therapy device on his arm was
still buzzing, letting him know that it was still not done.

Hayden glanced over the list, and suddenly his eyes were caught by the article
name in one of the latest updates.

“Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]?”

Hayden grinned as he stroked this sentence.

The Longman family had always been said to be the one in control, and it was no
exaggeration to say that it was dominating the interstellar world.

But dominate the earth?

What kind of people would be dominated by those ancient times?

After a while, his heart was aroused, and he clicked into it to take a look at the
Unexpectedly, he could not stop at this look, and smoothly read the first chapter,
and was deeply attracted to it. Even the buzzing sound of the ear treatment device
was ignored.

However, he just saw the second chapter at the end, and clicked on the next
chapter, but it suddenly said, “It’s the end of the article, do you want to collect it?”

Hayden, ‘… so short? ? ?’

He was seeing the attraction, and he had a suspense in his heart. He never
imagined that there would only be two chapters in this article.

It was terrible!

He quickly clicked the collection button, flipped the page and entered the first page
of the article, and found that the novel had just been published today, and the
author was a small novelist whose income was zero and could not be newer.

The plot, the idea, the essay were all like a newcomer. Wonderful and novel ideas,
high and turbulent plots, humorous and interesting writing style, a few young
people from the early interstellar to the ancient earth era vividly outlined.

The interstellar young man’s sunny and cheerful attributes, coupled with the carry-
on system to watch the liveliness was not too big, and the tempting temperament
that he wanted to do things every day, so that all the reader’s attention was drawn
in, and he fell in love with this pair of earthy and interesting people.

Although it was only two short chapters, Hayden was certain that as long as the
author kept updating it, this must be a big text.

He glanced at the empty thunder column of the newly opened book, and a dark
smile flowed between his dark eyes, raising his lips and smashing several deep-
water torpedoes.

Under the text, commented lightly, “Come on.”

Then he went to the front page to see other novels. In contrast, it was a bit boring.

This book was not novel enough.

That book was not interesting enough.

He randomly opened another book, and even hit a mine. It was a primary school
student’s writing. Hayden raised his eyebrows and relaxed and speculated that this
should be the taste of the little earth boy downstairs.

Thinking of that picture, all of a sudden smiled.

At this moment, the communicator in the lower right corner of his light brain
jumped frantically.

Hayden turned on, and saw his guard butler Oleson look anxious and anxiously
shouted at him from the other side of the communicator, “His Royal Highness,
where are you!!! Why did you disappear halfway through?”

Hayden replied briefly: “There was a problem with the spacecraft and it forced a

Olesen was frightened by the news, anxiously, and resolutely said, “Where are you
now? I’ll pick you up right away!”

Upon hearing this, Hayden glanced up at this small and tight attic room. Although it
was small and shabby, it felt comfortable and relaxed. 

He chuckled and said calmly to Oleson, “No, I don’t plan to go back for the time

His whereabouts had always been secret. Most of the time he didn’t even take the
guards, and only a few people knew where he was and where he was going.

However, today when passing by the planet Guiliya, suddenly the well-maintained
aircraft broke down, lost all power and protection measures from a high altitude,
and fell straight to the ground.

This could not help but made him think more about whether it was an accident or
someone intentionally did it.

Now that he was staying at Su Tan’s house, it was better to hide his whereabouts
for a while, and watch the changes, so as to pick out the master and conspiracy
behind him.
Hayden looked up at Oles, the old butler who had grown up with him for a long
time, and said in a deep voice, “Don’t leak my news.”

Oles  suddenly said , “This, this–” 

He suddenly remembered an important invitation that had just been delivered to

him and hurriedly reported, “But the young Master Gu returned, and invited you to
attend the introductory dinner specially. If you don’t attend, I’m afraid—”

After hearing this, Hayden raised his eyebrows, and said playfully, “Then I can’t go

A smile arose from the corner of his lips, “I don’t want to have an unfamiliar … little

It was said that Gu’s little slender son happened to be his fiancee who had been
missing for many years.

Chapter 8: Food 
Getting up early the next day, and the robot Su Ning hurried to serve more than
three times the usual breakfast on the table. Standing at the entrance of the stairs,
he shouted Su Tan downstairs.

“It’s late for school! What are you grinding?” Su Ning held a rolling pin with a metal-
reinforced hand and banged on the handrails of the stairs several times, only to see
Su Tan’s room door hurriedly opened, and a thin-skinned young boy carrying a
school bag come down hurriedly.

“Come here!” 

Su Tan was still thinking about the novel data that he had just checked out, and
Wen’s collection doubled overnight.

Su Tan couldn’t help but be surprised, and found that the source of the soaring
collection came from someone who cast ten consecutive deep-water torpedoes in
his own writing. He directly hit his novel into the dynamic torpedo list on the
homepage, which caused a lot of attention.
Many people heard the news and started this novel with curiosity, but did not
expect it to be a new article with just two chapters just released, but it has dozens
of + collections and praises.

This data was simply too bad for a newcomer without any foundation!

With half envy, many new readers opened the first chapter of the novel, but they
did not expect that they would be immersed for while, out of control.

When they saw the end of the text all the time, they suddenly realized that they
were so addicted to it that they couldn’t pull it out of the plot for a long
time. However …

‘What about the text? Text too!’

‘When I was looking up, why was the text gone? ? ?’

As a result, more people rushed to the bottom of the article and urged for more!

“The author is too short to see enough! I strongly demand ten more changes every

“Fifteen-year-old book fans said that it has been difficult to find such an appetizing
article for a long time, it is so good to see it! Give the author a big confession, better
than the heart.”

“Wow, the author is still a newcomer, and secretly reared it up, while no one found
out that I contracted the author first!”


After a night of excitement, “Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]” had 114
collections, 82 Comments. It instantly jumped a lot in the position on the Xinwen

Such drastic changes immediately attracted the attention of the caring

people. Immediately, an unknown questioning post appeared in the author’s forum
area of the “Fengxing” novel website.

“Some newcomers are too arrogant now. On the first day of writing, I took my
family and friends to smash ten deep-water torpedoes in a row. Insanely brushed
the data one hundred times the newcomers of the same period!”
As soon as this post came out, the author’s forum that always hated copycat
copying immediately exploded, and countless diving accounts with unknown truths

Fish that laughs: “True or false? Such a rough brush?”

A galaxy girl 300 million light years away: “Oh, there is a picture above. Without a
hammer hanging, who knows if it is black?”

Druiser battleship my love: “… I seem to know which one the landlord is talking
about. “

The poster did not mess around, just threw a screenshot, there were only two new
chapters and a bunch of lively data. In particular, the ten deep-water torpedoes on
the thunderbolt list made all the people who read the post speechless.

Dawn: “Blind.”

Star Fortress: “… Rich Man.”

Light Star Carrying Handle: “Now is the era of the game of rich players of Starcoin,
the upstairs are calm.”

Chocolate flavor Bubble Fu: “This annoying newcomer is this kind of person who
pulls the fictional website to a lower and lower level. It is recommended that the
website be checked carefully, and dealt with seriously. Don’t be soft. Otherwise,
there will definitely be more people in the future. There are all kinds of learning.
Whoever writes depends on writing, who can write well? “

The enthusiasm of controversy caused the post to become a hot post on the
homepage of the author’s forum, which caused more people to watch as if

Just when the two factions, “Is it possible to bring their friends and relatives” and
“Data is too fake”, were arguing, a small voice suddenly appeared weakly at the end
of the post.

Arctic Meow: “I happened to read the article you said. Although the author is a
newcomer, it is really well written. The two chapters are thoroughly brushed down
and are not enough to read.”
This weak voice immediately made the post’s quarrel stun.

Then they never thought that more voices of the same kind came out bravely.

Soft Cute Dolphin: “I also watched it! Not much to say, just one word, good-looking!”

Dark Night Rose: “Some people don’t want to be too sour. They can’t eat grapes and
say sour grapes. The newcomer author just writes well, what are we willing to
collect? When it comes to data brushing, please give evidence. Otherwise don’t take
the rhythm. Thank you.”

Fat Angel Star: “I also agree with +1. As a fifteen-year-old veteran reader, this book
is really good-looking. The concept of fast-wearing is very novel and ingenious. The
bright and honest protagonist and the system that wants to do things anytime and
anywhere are very contrasting. The life on earth is also very wonderful and real. It is
really a good book. People who have not read the text, don’t buckle dirty hats on
the novel at random, please read it later. “

These unexpected praises made the voices that had previously questioned the
opposition a little bit of time.

Did this novel really look so good, so the data was so good?

Many people closed their mouths with suspicion and did not continue to lash out.

Many people happily discussed in the post what the next chapter of the novel will
be written about, and what kind of things will the interstellar young boy encounter
on the earth.

When the owner of the original post saw this scene, the wave of doubts simmered.
The situation that had been most strongly opposed in the past reversed instantly.
He couldn’t help biting his lips, and directly and ruthlessly submitted the report of
Su Tan’s essay to the card verification center.

The reason for reporting was to bring the data with friends and relatives.

Just as he was anxiously waiting for the official verification results to come out, a big
news was suddenly posted in the post.

Dried deep-sea fish: “I’m gone !!! Do you know what I found in ‘Control’ just now?
The reader who voted for ten deep-sea torpedoes turned out to be Smoke Father!
The most coveted reader of Fanxing Novel!!!”
North Pole Meow: “…”

Dark Rose: “…”

Star Fortress: “…”

Soft Cute Dolphin: “No! The author is largely mine! Don’t you want to grab the
author, QAQ!”

Everyone who saw this post was silent. The reader “Smoke Scar” was a long and
magical existence on the Fanxing Novel Network. He broke through the sky and
never gave up to throw money. It was common to see ten or hundreds of

Therefore, every author he fosters was fascinated and happy. His deeds were even
talked about by many netizens, and he was simply called “Smoke Father”.

Tyrant father, who didn’t love?

Therefore, when someone found out that the person who thundered for Su Tan’s
novel was the “Smoke Father”, naturally all the doubts disappeared.

What’s wrong with such a tyrant who did not want to lose money? Wouldn’t it be
great to just hold him in the throne!

Not to mention—

The last line of the post.

Smoke Scar: “Well, I voted, either relatives or friends, just like it. What’s wrong?”

When Su Tan got up early in the morning, he found that his profile data was
skyrocketing. When he finally found this post following the source, the post was
already a frenzy of taking a group photo and asking for a signature contact.

Soft Cute Dolphin: “Smoke father, don’t go! Do you still have a warship to send
missiles to sell cute chat accessories?”

Star Fortress: “… Upstairs, can you have a bit of discipline? Just now you said you
want to hold the author tightly and don’t grab it. “
Light Star Carrying Handle: “What can we do [spared our hands]? Of course, dad,
just be happy ~”

Seeing this, Su Tan was full of surprise and silence. ‘I really was … I met a group of
little angels.’

And when he wrote only two chapters, he was brave enough to stand up and
defend him, speak for him, and clarify his doubts.

He came forward and moved each other in such a way that he couldn’t help moving
his heart. And also —

Su Tan’s eyes fell on the old computer screen, the strange name.

“Smoke Scar.”

He took a deep breath, opened the author’s management background neatly, and
added two more chapters in the deposit box at once. In the author’s message, he
thanked all the little angels for their love and maintenance and Smoke Father’s
appreciation. He agreed to continue to update two chapters as usual this evening.

After a while, the text was a cheering sound of joy and encouragement.

Su Tan was satisfied, just as the robot daddy shouted from downstairs, he turned
off the computer and picked up his schoolbag to go downstairs.


He quickly walked to the bottom of the stairs, and Su Tan hugged the robot Su Ning
quickly and enthusiastically, making it unbearable for a moment. Before the anger
on his face had subsided, a hot, hot air rose from the face of his quietly metal and
plastic composition.

“Ah, you—” Su Ning swallowed all the complaints at the mouth for a moment, and
unconsciously replaced it with a soft snorting sound. 

“How good is it to get up five minutes early? I don’t have to be so busy.” 

Su Tan chuckled without retorting, put down his schoolbag, and sat down at the
dining table.
The robot Su Ning still held a rolling pin in his hand and remembered the short
cakes spreading in his pot. He suddenly screamed, and hurriedly turned and ran to
the kitchen.

Unexpectedly, when his eyes turned and swept across the table, three pots of stew
and freshly baked buns were three times more than usual, only one pot was left.
The other two pots were already cleaned up.

Su Ning, “…”

He looked up in shock at the two people sitting at the table, and saw Hayden, with a
coy look on his face, pushing the remaining pot of barbecue in front of Su Tan.

Su Ning took a deep breath, rushed into the kitchen, determined to bake at least
ten times more shortbread, so that this big stomach king could eat.

This morning, when the robot Su Ning sent Su Tan to go out to school, it stood at
the door of the house and quietly said to Su Tan, “I see that you cousin is really like
a native of Guiliya.”

Su Tan couldn’t help but smile. Comparing Hayden’s tall and long body, it was a far
cry from the sturdy physique of Guiliya who were fat. 

He asked with a smile, “Where is it like?”

Su Ning glanced up at the fine weather outside, and sighed in a tangled sigh, “The
meal is too much, our family will not be able to support it …”

Chapter 9: Braised Pork

Hayden’s meal was so large that it surprises the Su Tan’s family. However, what
surprised Su Tan even more was that Hayden was more than that.

He repaired small household dishwashers, fertilized and cared for flower plants in
the home, and even suggested color matching for the cloth cloth bags sewn by the
robot Su Ning.

This all-round look made the robot dad couldn’t help sighing, and privately said to
Su Tan, “If Hayden is not too thin, he would be a good husband candidate.”

Su Tan, “…”
Obviously, in the eyes of people in Guiliya planet, Hayden’s long and tall figure was
not enough to meet the standards of health and fatness.

Su Tan hugged Dad tightly and laughed, “Dad, you think too much.”

He took the wrench to the backyard. The lush woods covered a private small
starship hidden in the middle. At this time, the right side the engine was completely
disassembled, and a tall man was bowing his head to repair the damage.

Su Tan handed the wrench over and asked curiously, “Can you fix it?” Just looking at
the shape, the broken engine was completely smashed into a slump.

Hayden took the wrench. His mouth was holding a spicy local cigarette, specialty of
Guiliya. He squinted at Su Tan with a smile. “Bet?”

Su Tan couldn’t help laughing. “Success, bet on gambling. But, big cousin, you still
owe me a space necklace. What do you want to gamble on this time?”

Hayden’s lips smiled leisurely. Although he fell out of interstellar space because of
the accident of the spacecraft, there were a lot of good things around him. He
grabbed a bracelet from his arms and snapped it on Su Tan’s wrist.

Su Tan was a little surprised. He lowered his head and saw that the bracelet clasped
on his wrist was shining and studded with precious stones, which almost dazzled to
the light under the sun.

For a moment, he looked up and explained to Hayden, “Just laughing and joking,
this is too expensive.” Then, he hurriedly squeezed his wrists and wanted to take
the bracelet off.

However, Hayden raised his hand to stop his movement, and a piece of cigarette
caught between his fingertips. The cigarette butt burned out a long section of soot,
shaking it a few times in the air, and then fell on the gem bracelet in the sight of Su

Su Tan, “… violently!”

Hayden extinguished the smoke, and continued to repair the starship with ease,
and laughed, “Take it away. This is a gift from others, for nothing.”

Suddenly, Su Tan felt like he had discovered some extraordinary secret. He frowned
slightly and asked, “Where exactly is your army?”
You must not only learn to repair the starship, but also take care of the flowers and
plants and still receiving gifts? It was just business corruption.

The smile on Hayden’s lips was even worse, and his tone was lazy. “Well, now the
army also needs all-round talents.”

Su Tan admired from the bottom of his heart.

He watched Hayden knock down comfortably and skillfully, cleaning up the broken
pieces of the hood one by one, revealing the inner core device, and a row of
complicated and delicate parts suddenly appeared in front of him.

Such a complicated device, not to mention how difficult it was to repair it, he was
afraid that even the first step by step intact disassembly was very difficult.

Su Tan proposed, “Are you looking for Dad to help?”

As for machinery, Su Ning knew ten times more than him.

But Hayden shook his head and raised his eyebrow with a smile. “This is a bet
between the two of us. You can rest assured that I can fix it.”

Su Tan, “… you come on.”

He helped Hayden spend the whole morning. Although the sophisticated and
complicated parts and circuit structure made him dizzy, it was not a problem to
help handing a wrench beside him.

Busy in the morning, the engine had just been removed less than one-tenth.
Hayden regrettably retracted the starship back into space necklace and took Su Tan
back to his house.

Su Tan was sweating from the hot sun. He returned home and took a shower
before returning to his room to turn on the computer. He landed on the Fengxing
Novel Network and unexpectedly found that the number climbed again for
“Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear].” The number of collections rose to 382.

This far exceeded his expectations. For a new article that had just been published
without any list and recommendation, this result was already outstanding.
He logged in to the author’s backstage and saw that there were a lot of comments
under his book, and there was always a reminder icon for a text message flashing
at the top of the web page.

Su Tan clicked open and found that it was the website editor Hoshino to sign a
contract with himself.

Sign up?

Su Tan searched the Internet and found that Fanxing’s signing contract was very
fair. The website and the author split the earnings in half. The editor was fully
responsible for the corresponding matters of the author.

He added Hoshino correspondence number, and he saw a response from the other
side in just one second. He quickly passed Su Tan’s application. The high efficiency
made Su Tan think that the other party was waiting at the other end of the network
all the time.

Hoshino didn’t say much. He introduced himself succinctly and briefly, and directly
gave him two files. One was the signing process guide and the other was signing
the contract.

Su Tan read it carefully before filling in his relevant information. He signed his
electronic signature at the end of the contract and sent it back to the editor.

Hoshino reviewed the contract and found that Su Tan was a person from the planet
Guiliya. Hoshino was very surprised.

“Are you from Guiliya?”

Su Tan typed on the keyboard, “Hmm.”

Hoshino’s words returned quickly, “Well, you must be a gene mutation. For so many
years, Guiliya has not produced a big novelist.”

His confession was almost straightforward, but the next second, he saw a few
words appearing on the screen, “but you must be famous.”

Su Tan could not help but raise his lips. He smiled and thanked the other person for
their trust.
Hoshino worked neatly. After finishing all the signing procedures, the only
remaining item was video authentication.

Fortunately, Su’s old computer still had a camera function. Su Tan immediately
passed the video invitation sent by Hoshino. Somewhat unexpectedly discovered
that a very beautiful royal sister appeared on the computer screen.

An all-black leather skirt completely wrapped her good figure, with an excellent cut
that inadvertently exposed fair skin, coupled with hot red lips and domineering
eyes, the queen’s temperament could be felt through the screen.

When Hoshino saw Su Tan over the camera, she was shocked for a moment, and
raised her eyebrows directly and asked, “Little cute, come and tell your sister, are
you a minor?”

Su Tan, “No, I have already completed the annual ceremony.”

Hoshino did not believe it, and said firmly, ”Don’t lie. Your figure is like a ten year-
old pupil among the Guiliya people.”

Su Tan, ‘…… cut to the heart.’

Hoshino didn’t deliberately make things difficult for him. She found a signing
contract and pointed it out to him. “Minors can sign a contract, but they must have
the consent of a guardian.”

She looked at him with a soft soothing smile on her red lips, “Hurry up, call your

Su Tan, “…”

No matter how he explained, Hoshino didn’t believe it. Without any choice, he had
to call up the dad who was busy making small meatloaf with an apron downstairs.

The robot Su Ning stood in front of the computer camera, struggling to straighten
his metal shell chest, and looked like a dignified head of a family. He spoke
cautiously and steadily, “I’m Su Tan’s father.” 

At the other end of the network, Hoshino kept silent.

She glanced over Su Ning’s flour apron in front of her, moved to the rolling pin on
the fingers of its steel bars, and looked at Su Tan. Her face was helpless and funny.
“Stop it, kid.” She raised her red lips, but her exquisite eyebrows revealed her
eyes. “Finding a home robot to replace parents, I used it in the third grade of
elementary school.”

Su Tan, ‘Meow meow?’

Hoshino chuckled and said directly: “So, go and call your parents and don’t waste
your sister’s time.”

Su Tan, “… He is really my dad.”

Robot Su Ning, “I am his dad !!”

The two men spoke in unison, glanced at each other, and found each other’s eyes a
little speechless.

In the end, it was Su Ning who reported the two interstellar ID numbers. After
Hoshino’s verification, they finally verified their identities and finalized the signing
of the contract.

Hoshino was very sorry. She did not expect that Su Tan and the Guiliya people in
her impression were so different. She even mistook Su Ning for a home
robot. Simply, Sun Ning didn’t blame her. After accepting her apology, he went
downstairs and rushed back to the kitchen.

Hoshino urged him, “Work hard to save manuscripts. Work harder and harder.
Raise a fixed readership first, and then leave it to me.” 

Her explanation was crisp and clear, without any trace of muddled water, could not
help people feel relieved.

In the next few days, Su Tan planned his time, while taking some school courses in
a planned way, and attentively started the code word plan.

The deposit of his new book, “Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]” had reached
200,000 words. There were only three days left until the deadline for the
submission of the final “Ancient Earth” topic.

Contributions had begun to heat up completely, and the number of submissions in

the last three days showed a blowout trend, which suddenly increased several
times. Until the last day, it gradually became saturated and stabilized at 1,200

Among them, many just touched the ancient earth and played a rubbish to submit.
This required a long review period of the website to screen and finally select the
best ten ancient earth-themed novels for public display on the website homepage.

The scheduled review and publicity time will be two weeks later.

By this time, Su Tan was in no hurry. According to his schedule, he went to school in

an orderly manner to study courses of interest, and when he was free, he helped
Hayden repair the starship, leaving him only three hours a day to concentrate on
his code.

Under such circumstances, his codeword speed was getting faster and faster, and
often he could stably save 20,000 words a day.

On the one hand, it was due to the detailed syllabus and outline of the novel, so
that he could know the clear novel context and plot direction anytime, anywhere.
On the other hand, it was also because as the plot advances, he became more
familiar with the style and control of the novel.

Whenever he touched the keyboard, his thoughts poured out of his head like a
stream of colleagues, and they were smoothly and neatly recorded in the file.

When the deposit reached 300,000 characters, that evening, Su Tan returned from
the school, habitually turned on the computer, logged on to the website, and found
that there was another message in his mailbox. Open it, it was the editor’s

Hoshino:”Quickly apply for the list !!!”

Sister Yu’s irritable tone almost came out through the screen. Su Tan took a quick
look at the web link attached to Hoshino’s message, and found that only the last
five minutes were left before the application deadline for the website list.

If the author did not apply, it was regarded as an initiative to abstain. Even if the
editor was interested, she could not help the author to win the list. That was why
Hoshino was so anxious.
Su Tan no longer hesitated, decisively wrote the name of his work at the end of the
application list, watching the application list was locked after a minute. Hoshino
sent a message for his tardiness, “You are finally online …”

Su Tan was a little sorry, and spent the whole afternoon studying the rules of the
website, especially going to the author forum to learn a lot of related routines and
newcomer precautions.

Halfway through, he unexpectedly discovered that his novel was hooked to the
forum post title.

“Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear] — which great god’s vest is this?” 

Discussion in the post was lively.

“I think it’s big A! Strong nostalgic and realistic style. The characters are excellent
and fun. It is definitely a small vest that big A secretly opened.”

“Don’t guess blindly upstairs. Big A has a cub. If he has the energy to open the vest
at this time, I will give you both knees. I think it’s a big vest named ‘Barbecue Steak
□ Stick Meat’. Don’t you feel that this is a bit similar to the mystery of the author of
‘Dominate’: ‘Brushed braised meat every day’? “

“!!! Upstairs makes a lot of sense! I believe it!”

“I also believe +1”

For a while, Su Tan was mistaken for another author by spreading rumors. The post
had been covered for hundreds of floors, and all of them were talking about
awesomeness. It was so stupid and naive to think that this name won’t be
recognized by readers.

Under the world of mouth, “Barbecue Steak □ Stick Meat” had to come out to dispel
rumors, personally appeared in the post, the message clarified, “It really is not me
… I have not eaten braised pork. I really want to eat.”

After seeing her reply, there was another small high tide in the reply amount in the
post, but the style of painting became more and more distorted.

“The meat is really delicious.”

“I also want to know what kind of braised pork is it. Sweet? Sour? Spicy? Salty?
Hey ~”

“Boiled pork greatly seeks ways to openly satisfy our heart of eating How about it? “


Su Tan couldn’t help looking at these comments, but he did not expect that a plate
of China’s most common braised pork would set off a fiery climax in the interstellar

Thanked to the fact that they hadn’t seen fried liver and lobster crayfish, China’s
countless great foods would definitely conquer the stomachs of these interstellar

Even his editor Hoshino quietly knocked at him, “… what is braised pork?”

Su Tan replied steadily, “Then I will make braised pork tonight as a reader’s benefit.”

Hoshino returned quickly, “Okay!”

He had only been writing for twenty days, the number of words had reached
100,000 words. The collection had passed five hundred. The comments had also
exceeded four hundred, all relying on the support and love of readers.

So, he closed the webpage and went downstairs to enter the kitchen, explaining his
thoughts to his father.

The robot Su Ning couldn’t help but feel a little surprised, but he gave up the
kitchen and looked suspiciously at the movement of Su Tan.

Su Ning watched the sharp blade waving in Su Tan’s hand. His heart touched his
throat, and he couldn’t help saying, “Son, should I do it for you?”

Su Tan smiled slightly, very determined and calm. “Dad, don’t worry.”

Huaxia’s braised pork was selected from the best pork belly. Guiliya had a wild boar
and had the texture similar to pork belly. So Su Tan chose this type of meat.
He now put the whole piece of meat in the boiling hot water, blanched it for a few
seconds. Then removed it and rinsed it in cold water until it was cool, cut the meat
into square pieces, and dried it again to cool and drain.

Seeing this, Su Ning looked suspiciously at the white piece of meat. In the end, even
if he did not think it would be tasty, he did not crack down on the enthusiasm of Su
Tan. Instead, he enthusiastically encouraged, “Son, you are awesome! It’s beautiful.”

Su Tan couldn’t help but smile. He put oil in the cold pan, and put the spices to stir
up the fragrance. He then immediately poured the Su Ning’s pure and clean meat
pieces into the pan and stir-fried.

Suddenly, the hot and spicy bottom of the pot came into contact with the pieces of
meat, inspiring a strong aroma. The oil of the pieces of meat was scooped out little
by little. Su Tan seized the opportunity and took advantage of other sauces. Stir-fry
evenly to color the pieces.

All of a sudden, a violent aroma swept through the kitchen.

Hayden stepped out of the shower and stopped quietly at the kitchen door. The
robot Su Ning found him, moved to the side, and moved a seat for him. He couldn’t
help but exclaimed to Hayden, ”Look, my son cooks super-class ~ great!”

Hayden raised the corners of his lips. Smelling the scent, he agreed, ”Um.”

Su Ning glanced at him side by side, suddenly cleared his throat, coughed and said,
“Su Tan is already an adult. He is cute and filial, and his cooking skills are great … “

He thought about a lot of the benefits of Su Tan, and finally returned to the
topic. “… So, Su Tan’s big cousin, do you have a suitable friend to introduce to Su

Hayden leaned against the door frame. “Introduction?”

Su Ning coughed, prompting, “Subject.” 

He had no hope of Su Tan finding a partner on the planet Guiliya, but he did not
mind about the unexpected star son-in-law!

The robot’s dad’s eyes were so bright that he looked at Hayden and proposed, “At
least it can’t be worse than you!”
Looking for a good family man like Hayden.

Heiden listened to his conditions, seriously thought about it, and shook his head,
“I’m afraid it can’t be done.”

He smiled, said confidently and calmly, “No one can be better than me.”

Chapter 10: Elegant Stain

Su Tan brought the fragrant braised pork to the table. Each piece of braised pork
was only the size of a cube, but it was rich in flavor. The color was magnificent, and
the aroma was overflowing. People could not help but increase in appetite.

He took a good picture and uploaded it to his author’s Weibo account.  in In just
two minutes, it immediately attracted many people to watch.

“Great braised pork!!! Please sent detailed methods, I really want to eat QAQ”

“It looks delicious +1”

“I want to be a big neighbor of the author. This kind of food is not boring for a
lifetime ~”


Su Tan chuckled as he brushed through the comments. He saw a hot conversation

and mournful voice under his Weibo, and he couldn’t help but narrow his lips. He
sorted out the detailed materials and methods, and uploaded it to Weibo with a
small video, recorded when he made braised pork.

However, he did not expect that it caused more enthusiastic comments and

“What did I see!!! The decoration and furnishings of the author’s home are exotic. I
really like this rich and colorful hue!”
“Agree upstairs +1. Full of life. It feels like living at home. I feel so happy living in the
author’s house ~ “

“My favorite is the colorful fabric stitching of the curtain. The colors are jumping, full
of life and vitality, which is in line with the natural taste of our author!”


The topic shifted from Su Tan’s cooking skills to his home furnishings. Even a lot of
passers-by instantly felt good about Su Tan because of good cooking skills and
colorful home decorations.

He couldn’t help but smile. When he went back down to the dining table, he saw
Hayden sitting at the dining table. In his hand was a bowl of crystal rice filled with
braised broth, as if he was treating something delicate, his face was solemn and

He didn’t even hear the footsteps as he walked by.

A spoonful of rich and fragrant soup was poured on the crystal-clear rice, the
speciality of the planet Guiliya. After a bite, the full broth was soaked in the rice, the
taste was soft and glutinous. The rich aroma of meat exploded in the mouth with a
sweet aroma. Every bite was the ultimate enjoyment.

Hayden couldn’t help squinting his eyes slightly, his narrow eyes converging all the
sharp edges. A cozy and joyful mood could not help but permeate from the bottom
of his heart, like this sweet and soft glutinous braised pork that melts in the mouth,
ironing all the moods.

In the end, the rich soup aroma lingered on the lips and teeth, and a bit of
sweetness echoed in his mouth. He couldn’t help licking the corner of his mouth,
but unexpectedly found that a whole bowl of rice had bottomed out.

Hayden burst into laughter.

He looked up at the Su Tan sitting opposite him, and saw the slender and skinny
figure of Su Tan. At this time, he was sitting squarely at the dining table, holding the
chopsticks in one hand, holding the bowl in the other hand, and eating bite by bite

He couldn’t help but made Hayden look a few more times.

Seemed to be special … well-behaved?

Unconsciously, he remembered a rare breed of puppet cat that was inherited from
the ancient earth era. Contrary to this innocent and serious young man in front of
him, somehow he was a little soft-hearted, and wanted to touch him with a handful
of fur.

Hayden smiled.

Su Tan, who was concentrating on the familiar braised pork, looked up at him,
chopsticks paused, and put the last piece of braised pork in Hayden’s bowl.

“Hurry up,” Su Tan urged, “I’ll make it for you tomorrow.”

If he made full table with all kinds of flavors, wouldn’t eating be fun for Hayden
every day?

Su Tan couldn’t help spreading his eyes and cheering.

Looking at his crystallized eyes, Hayden’s fingers moved even more violently. He
resisted his urge to get his hair down, quickly ate the last bite of braised pork, and
calmly replied, “It’s all right.”

After dinner, the family drank hot tea around the dinning table and relaxed for a
while. After chatting for a while, they dispersed and returned to their room.

Hayden returned to the small bedroom on the top floor of the attic. He leisurely put
a pair of long legs on the back of a wooden chair. Leaning on the bedside, he
brushed the portable light brain of the mobile phone comfortably.

As soon as he opened the communicator, a series of messages popped up.

“Your Highness, when will you come back [crying] [crying] [crying] ~” 

“I can’t carry it!! You didn’t know that you missed the return dinner of Gu’s younger
son today. How stinky the family’s face was, almost driven me out!”

“His Royal Highness? Your Highness ????”

The piecemeal communication information could be traced back to two weeks ago.
You could see how honest and faithful guard housekeeper Oleson collapsed.

Even as soon as he was online, a new message jumped up in the communicator


“Your Highness!!! Don’t pretend to be dead. I see you online!”

Hayden curled his lips and replied calmly, “Olesen, what about your will power?” 

Olesen, “… exploded with your aircraft engine / (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~” 

All of a sudden, Olesen seized the opportunity to report all recent changes in the
Empire Capital to Hayden.

“The return of Gu Family’s younger son, Gu Han, immediately caused an

undercurrent in the upper layers of the imperial capital. At that time, the
interstellar prophet said personally that this young son of Gu family had an
excellent life style, and the person who would life with him will add glory to the
person’s life. So His Majesty agreed on this family matter for you early.”

Hayden knew long ago about this prophecy. That was not even a secret in the
upper class of the Empire.

At this time, he was just wearing a pair of long legs, leaning freely on the bedside,
and calmly evaluated, “Pseudoscience.” 

“Oleson, now is interstellar 3857, not the ancient earth era 2017. Do you still believe
in such superstitious prophecy?”

Hayden was indifferent, as if he was talking about one of the most common Weibo
hot topics.

Now, butler Oleson was caught for a moment. He knew very well that in the eyes of
the Longman family, the rulers of the empire, everything respected strength. The
so-called words and gossip were equivalent to boring and empty words in their

However, the imperial royal family could not tolerate such rumors.

Olesen sorted out the wording and advised Hayden in an orderly manner, “Your
Royal Highness, you know that His Majesty does not really care about the truth of
this prophecy, but you will never allow anyone to take advantage of the muddy
water to fish and wait for chaos. The empire has been calm for too long, and some
greedy people hiding in the dark can’t wait to mess up.”

The last sentence was settled, and the channels on both sides of the communicator
were silent for a while.

Hayden narrowed his eyes, suddenly folded his long legs on the back of the chair,
stood up, and walked to the small window in the attic.

It was quite and serene outside the window. In the leisurely night, clumps of all
kinds of splendid flowers and plants were exuding a faint rich aroma under the
moonlight, and occasionally insects and birds calls sounded. People could not help
feeling calm and relaxed.

Hayden said calmly, “I know.”

His expression didn’t change much, but his eyes narrowed. His voice was steady
and calm.

“The undercurrents of the imperial capital, or the calm seas, will not change my

On the other side of the communicator, Olesen listened tightly. He couldn’t help
holding his breath, as if knowing how much Hayden’s next sentence would have on
the empire’s future.

He listened tensely to Hayden in his heart —

“I won’t marry a glorious and perfect young wife in the prophecy,” Hayden said
solemnly and firmly, “I will only marry someone I like.”

He looked down at the window. At the moment in the small garden downstairs
there was a slender, thin figure carrying a small night light to walk around in a circle
for digestion. It was a little interesting in the quiet and peaceful night.

Hayden couldn’t help bending his lip corners, his voice relaxed, and he finally
confessed his thoughts to Oleson. “If this can’t be done, what’s the point of my
inheritance of the empire? When a grievance is wronged and succumbed to power
and destiny?”

He chuckled, “Sorry, I can’t do it.”

Olesen’s breathing was strained that he was almost speechless. He wanted to go
out now and run around the Capital City for ten laps, holding a loudspeaker to
broadcast Hayden’s words just now.

Look, this was our Highness Longman, the future heir of the Empire! It was just like
looking at power like dung, holding the coveted power of many people as a spicy
chicken! It was so unruly! So chic!

Olesen burst into tears at the bottom of his heart, suffocating for a long while, and
finally uttered a few words from his throat. “… Your Highness, I hope you find your
love and realize your wish as soon as possible.”

Hayden raised his eyebrows. His handsome face was deep and clear under the

“Of course, I will never allow the greedy youngsters to take over the real power of
the empire. Oleson, remember the little fleas who jumped off the maggots these
days, wait for me to come back, and then calculate the total account with them

Listening to Hayden’s order, Olesen’s heart, which was fluttering midair, fell back to
the bottom of his heart. He was excited, and responded solemnly, “Yes!”

 The communicator was hung up, and the slender figure was gone in the small
garden downstairs. Hayden shook his head, grinned, put away the portable light
brain, and began his evening entertainment as usual.

He landed on the Fanxing novel website, and began to follow up a novel that he
was currently pursuing — “Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]”.

In the comment section of today’s book, unexpectedly, the novel was not discussed,
but a word was frequently discussed, “braised pork”.

Hayden raised his eyebrows in confusion, followed the Weibo account given by the
readers and fans, and touched on the Weibo of the author of “Dominate” “Brushed
Braised Meat Everyday”.

At his sight, he suddenly saw the latest updated food picture on the top of Weibo.

Large chunks of rich braised pork were stacked in the center of the plate. The
amber-colored magnificent soup was rich and beautiful in color, and it was covered
every inch with square piece of meat. It seemed that people couldn’t help but want
to taste it.

Hayden’s gaze settled on the familiar photo of braised pork, and the beautiful and
colorful kitchen furnishings in the photo. He could not help but chuckled.

He smiled in his dark, dim eyes, and dialed another account in the communicator

Su Tan was tapping at the keyboard quickly in front of the computer, and a series of
successive novels flowed from his fingertips.

Just then, a sudden sound of music rang from his wrist, breaking the peace in the

Su Tan was startled, staring in horror at the glittering bracelet with precious stones
on his wrist. How could it be expected that the sound of music would suddenly
sound from here?

The pleasant sound of music didn’t stop, the melody diffused in the room.

After Su Tan was slightly surprised, he hurriedly touched the bracelet tentatively.
When he touched one of the brightest big stones on the bracelet, suddenly the
sound of music in his ears stopped, and then a low magnetic voice suddenly

“I want to hear the bedtime story.”

Su Tan, “Meow meow???”

He was suddenly confused, unable to grasp Hayden’s thoughts, wondering what

the big cousin wanted to do.

Might be too long to leave home and miss his mother?

Su Tan gave a small cough, put down the smile in his heart, and calmed down,
“Well, what do you want to hear?”

Hayden over the communicator was pleasant. “You can say whatever you want.”

Su Tan searched in his head, and for a while, he couldn’t help thinking of a filthy
bedtime story. He smiled and said clearly: “In the past, there was a little white
rabbit who lived with a big wolf who always likes to be a grandmother … Every
night, the big wolf always likes to go out on purpose. Pretend to be home like a
grandmother, and then say to the little white rabbit, ‘Little rabbit obediently, open
the door, open it quickly. I want to come in … “

He smiled, his voice was clear, but but it was easy to seduce the tainted lyrics calmly
and charmingly. The last prolonged ending made people think of infinity.

Just then, Su Tan’s bedroom door was knocked three times. Immediately, a steady
magnetic voice came from the other end of the communicator, “Little rabbit, open
the door.”

Su Tan, ‘… want to pretend to kill QAQ’

Chapter 11: Burst

Su Tan opened the door of the room a gap, and his head poked out, looking out at
Hayden with a good look from the door and asked.

“Big cousin, is there something wrong?”

Hayden was tall and straight, looking down at the slender figure with a furry head,
and a smile on his lips. 

“Well, let’s see if the little rabbit is good or bad.” 

After a while, Su Tan couldn’t help flushing his cheeks.

Obviously, he was the first one to hold himself up. How did he feel that he was
killed by the other party?

Su Tan gave a slight cough, and tried hard to resist the transpiration of the heat on
his face. Pretending that nothing had happened, he replied without changing his
face, “I am good.” 

Let me go, cousin!

The arc of Hayden’s lip angle evoked a deeper smile. He handed a glass of water in
his hand to Su Tan and said in a warm voice, “Drinking this and sleeping again will
help digestion.”

Su Tan heard the words. He immediately reached out to take the drinking cup,
looking at the white cup filled with warm water. There were a few soaked grass
leaves inside. The heat rose from the cup, bringing out a slightly bitter grassy

He was a little surprised and looked up at Hayden. “How do you know that I can’t
digest it?” 

A bowl of braised pork with fragrant rice completely evoked his homesickness,
so he didn’t pay attention and ate too much. He could only go to the small garden
to circulate to digest.

Was it seen by the big cousin?

Hayden just smiled and didn’t answer. He suddenly stretched his hands across the
air and touched Su Tan’s head, rubbing his soft black hair into a mess. He then
retracted his hand, and said, “Hurry up and rest early, good night.”

Su Tan was tangled with fur. He stood by the door of the room, watching Hayden
with his hands in his pockets, walking upstairs briskly with a pair of long legs, and
disappeared from his sight.

… the big cousin was suddenly so gentle.

He returned to the room and drank Hayden’s brewed tea. However, he did not
expect the bitter tea smell to turn into a full mouthful of fragrance.

A while after drinking a sip of warm tea, the feeling of fullness in the stomach

 In the communicator, Su Tan typed a few words seriously, “Thank you, big cousin.” 

The other party didn’t reply, and he might fall asleep when he wanted to come.

He continued his previous work with the trend, organized the coded novel
chapters, uploaded them to the background of the novel network author, and put
them into the deposit box one by one.
With the hot topic of “braised pork”, the comments under his article rose again.

Many people were discussing “What kind of food in the star field”, “I really want a
bite”, “Go buy meat tomorrow!”, “I hope that the author will describe the cuisine of
the ancient earth in the novels.” Various book reviews were very lively. Su Tan
couldn’t help laughing, showing a smile.

He finished coding every day, and the biggest fun was to log in to the author’s
background to read the data and brush comments. While watching his article under
the cover of obscurity, while watching more and more readers bubbling and
chatting with messages, Su Tan’s heart was filled with satisfaction.

It was like seeing a small tree planted by himself grow into a big tree. Attracting
more and more lively and cute birds to stop and stay on the branches generally
made people feel pleasant and happy.

Su Tan went to the book review area for a while, read each comment seriously, and
responded one by one. Especially when he saw a reader asking about braised pork,
he answered it carefully, and even the total number of words in the review was
more than the number of words he updated today.

Suddenly, many readers were in a hurry.

Soft Cute Dolphin: “Go code quickly. Don’t waste time. We will help you to

North Pole Meow: “Yes! We will help you reply. You write quickly. We need to see
more [rolling].”

Fat Angel Star: “Agree with everyone upstairs, 1000000. Don’t worry, everyone, I’m
experimenting with braised pork, and I’m ready to share it with everyone.”

Dark Rose: “Wait.”


On the front page of torpedo list, there was a flashing message that dropped the
deep-sea torpedo * 99.

Smoke Scar:”Take a break early. Good night.”

North Pole Meow: “Smoke father!!! Excited ah ah ah ah, the last time I took a close
up photo with my dad!!!”

Soft Cute Dolphin: “Go upstairs! Don’t grab. Good night, Smoke father. We will help
you to be optimistic about braised pork.”

Dark Night Rose: “Well, I will brush a torpedo.”

Soon, readers of Su Tan turned the home page into torpedo board, Behind the
Smoke Scar, the long list of little angel names followed.

Without exception, all mines were cast to Su Tan.

Such a magnificent posture, in a short time, made the entire novel website

All online authors were enviously looking at the home page of the screen that has
been swiped. Many readers were shocked by this amazing phenomenon. When
they saw the name of the novel “Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]”, they could
not help being curious.

What kind of article was this?

Why attracted so many mines and concerns?

Unexpectedly, the first chapter of this point was out of hand, and many readers
who were attracted could not help being trapped.

Fiction Killer: “It is good … Man!!!”

Robin’s Paradise: “Why is it so short???? It’s gone after a swipe, and I’m out of the pit
after finishing! The author greatly sought to add more!”

Some professional readers also commented, “The characters are pretty good. It’s
cute, cute, and fun. With the fast-paced plot and the goal of saving the ancient
Earth’s abandoned endings, they are very contrasting. The text is very good. Cheers
for the author.” 

Seeing all kinds of encouragement comments, Su Tan smiled. In response to the

numerous comments that asked him to rush to code, a warmth rose in his heart,
and he replied carefully under the comments, “You can rest assured, I have a draft.”
After sending it out, he thought about it and added two more words.

— “Many: -D” 

After a while, the comment area exploded.

Arctic Meow: “How much is ‘a lot’ ?!”

Soft Cute Dolphin: “Big, don’t sell cute hatred, knock on the blackboard. Make a
point, we are waiting to see it!”

Dark Rose: “Hurry up.”

Even his website editor, Hoshino, was suddenly blasted out from the dive in the
middle of the night.  She touched the line directly to ask him, “How much do you

Su Tan glanced at the author’s background and his computer files, and estimated a
number in his heart. He replied back to the editor, “30.”

Hoshino stunned, then praised, “30 chapters? Almost 100,000 words. It is already
very good. You can prepare to burst out after entering V.”

However, Su Tan’s answer completely made her silent and startled.

“No,” Su Tan corrected. “It’s 300,000 words saved.”

Hoshino, “………” 

The first time she saw such a conscious and diligent author. When she first signed
Su Tan, she felt that he was a seedling. The first half of the novel was ups and
downs, the character was full of aura, and had the potential for fire.

But considering that Su Tan was a newcomer after all, and she had seen too many
outstanding newcomers in a flash and disappeared quickly. Therefore, Hoshino was
not in a hurry, and he was going to slowly polish Su Tan, and gradually cultivate him
from a newcomer to a great writer.

However, it was unexpected that the speed of Su Tan’s fire was faster than she
imagined, as if there was a divine help.
In such a situation, it was simply wasteful not to make good use of the current hot

Hoshino took a deep breath, lit a cigarette, and the smoky smoke slowly exhaled
from his red lips, taking away all the irritating emotions and fluctuations in her

With deep thought, she formally wrote a large paragraph of text in the
communicator, setting a new goal for Su Tan.

“Do you know the new list?”

Su Tan nodded. In these days, he had thoroughly researched the website list and all
the rules, and of course, he knew the most powerful newcomer list of newcomer

This list was the best list for newcomers. The top ten can go straight to the

He only ranked 34th.

It was not that the text was not good enough, but the top ten topics were all hot
topics, such as interstellar love, zerg wars, mech armies, and so on. The ancient
earth theme selected by Su Tan could only be regarded as a niche compared with
the mainstream hot theme.

Su Tan’s eyes moved to the first place on the new homepage list. It was found that
this article was based on the heir of the empire Heiden Longman and Gu’s missing
son Gu Han as the prototype. The author wrote interstellar love essay full of deep
live, integrated interstellar, giants, court, conspiracy, love, war … the hot elements
as one, attracting the attention of countless people.

He read two chapters. He was a little bit interested, and couldn’t help but want to
recommend to Hayden, who had the same name as His Royal Highness Crown
Prince. The novel link was sent to the other party’s communicator.

Su Tan thought that his big cousin would love it :).

Hoshino listed the benefits of the new rankings to Su Tan one by one, and finally
said categorically, “If you have the ability, I suggest that you save the draft to
redefine the new list on the front page and increase your exposure.”
Of course, this approach was both beneficial and harmless. The most important
thing was to have sufficient manuscripts to support and prevent a large number of
words from being processed.

Su Tan made up his mind and quickly said to Hoshino, “Okay.”


Early the next morning, Hayden turned on the light brain as usual, brushed Weibo,
brushed the novel, and communicator. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the
Fanxing Fiction Network, he found that “Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]”
suddenly added ten chapters.

In the last word of the author, the author also responded concisely and brightly.

Braised Pork Everyday: “Thank you for your support. Thank you Dad and the little
angels. I am very grateful to send ten chapters and more.”

Hayden couldn’t help but twitch his lips and watched his name appear under Su
Tan’s post. He was so relieved to see it.

However, the addition of the ten chapters was finished more quickly, leaving him
still a little bit interested. He couldn’t help focusing on the message that kept
jumping in the lower right corner of the light brain. He opened it, and was surprised
to find that it was a novel recommended by Su Tan.

Hayden opened with a little curiosity. He did not expect to be shocked by the name
of the protagonist who suddenly appeared in the first chapter of the text.

Immediately, the hot story behind him made him unable to bear silence.

“On his magnificent and spacious emperor bed, His Royal Highness grasped a
strand of black silky hair, forcing the slender and thin black-haired, dark eyed young
boy under his body to lift his neck. The black, clear eyes flashed with tears and
grasped. He cried even more with this fierce and entangled action.

Hayden tenderly dropped a kiss, and placed a dew-covered lily flower on the bud of
the boy who was slowly blooming under him … “

Hayden, “…”
He slammed the communicator off and got up to open the attic window. With the
fresh morning air blowing in, he wiped out the disturbed and cloudy breath in his

As he was preparing to go downstairs, he unexpectedly saw in front of his door a

neatly placed dew-covered lily that had just been removed from a branch.

Hayden, “…”

His somber eyes suddenly deepened, picking up the lily. The delicate and delicate
floral fragrance permeated the tip of the nose. The green and beautiful was like

Hayden took a deep breath and felt that he had not experienced the powerful
reason of estrus for thousands of years, and there were some signs of cracking.

Now, he really wanted to catch someone who was innocent and ingenious, and
shamefully tuned / taught that someone.

Chapter 12: Explosive Desire

Holding a freshly stained lily flower, Hayden found a vase, put the lilies in it, and
placed it on his bedside. The soothing fragrance was quietly emitted indoors.

He stared at it for a while and then he went downstairs. When he reached the
bottom of the stairs, all the fluctuating emotions had converged.

Hearing his steady footsteps, Su Tan, who was sitting at the dining table brushing
the news, looked up slightly. A pair of quiet and moist black eyes quietly looked at
Hayden’s face. However, it was unexpected to find that Hayden’s expression was
very calm, and there was no different with any other day.

With a faint smile on his face, Hayden gently greeted to the father and son of the Su
family, “Morning.”

Su Tan, “Morning.”
His dark eyes were slightly doubtful. Didn’t the big cousin have time to read that

If he saw it …

Heh, it certainly wouldn’t be so casual.

Su Tan put down the newspaper and chatted with Hayden, “Did you sleep well last

Hayden’s eyes lightened, and he answered, “Okay.” 

Suddenly, he lowered his voice slightly, causing Su Tan to lean over to him.
Listening only to Hayden’s low voice said “Except for a bunny–“


The robot Su Ning brought a large pot of fragrant, soft and glutinous rice porridge
to the table and made a dull bang on the table. The two of them were suddenly

Looking at Hayden’s pair of eyes with deep smiles, Su Tan couldn’t help with red
ears and his cheeks turned slightly red.

He coughed, raised his eyes and looked in front of him, and then smelled the
fragrance of fresh rice porridge.

The robot daddy warmly filled two bowls of porridge for each of them. The metal
reinforced fingers were not afraid of being hot, and they quickly passed the two
bowls in front of them.

“Hurry up and eat!” 

Su Ning, wrapped around with a small floral apron, sat at the table with a smile,
urging, “This year’s new rice is the most delicious.”

“And these little pies stuffed with berries are sweet and sour and delicious. I bake a
full stove. Son, you can bring some for the teachers and friends from the school

Thin and warm voice of Su Ning flew through his ears.

Its large pair of metal rebars constantly smoothed the small floral apron in front of
him, which was stained with the stains of the kitchen, but he didn’t care, and looked
at Su Tan with a narrow look.

To such a robot Dad, Su Tan’s heart could not help flowing a warmth, as if warmed
by the warm porridge.

He couldn’t help but reach out and hugged the robot, Su Ning, “Thank you, Dad.”

Su Ning’s body was stiff. He just felt the steaming heat rising from the top of his
metal brain. Suddenly, the thorax was like a current flowing through the chest,
sparkling one after another.

The robot tightly hugged Su Tan, and couldn’t help expressing a happy smile on his
face. “Heavy” pressed Su Tan hard on his chest, and then jumped up from his
seat. “I’ll help you put the pie in a basket!”

Su Ning smiled, humming a song all the way into the kitchen.

Su Tan couldn’t help smiling, rubbed his sour touched nose, and lowered his head
seriously to drink the porridge that Dad cooked.

However, as soon as the robot’s father was excited, the amount of preparation was
somewhat unexpected.

Su Tan looked at a basket full of small berry pies like a hill, and sighed silently, ‘Is
this something … too exaggerated?’

He weighed his words carefully and couldn’t bear to hurt Su Ning’s kindness, and he
declined to say, “Dad, this is too much.”

Su Ning had already planned everything, and lifted up a beautifully dyed flower
cloth on the top of the basket. He pointed out: “No more, no more, I’ll help you
figure it out. These are for Mr. Kerry, and some are for your classmates.” 

A fist of love and care made Su Tan unable to refuse. He promised aloud, lifted a
basket larger than his schoolbag, and his arm was a bit laborious.
As soon as he exerted his strength, the big hand holding the basket with both
hands moved a step. Suddenly a strong big hand came from behind him, easily
took the basket from his hand, and strode toward the door.

Su Tan was stunned.

He saw that Hayden’s tall and long figure calmly passed over him, and while walking
towards the door, he calmly said to the robot Su Ning, “I will send him to the door.”

Su Ning nodded comfortably, and looked at the two brothers and friends with
relief. He responded to Hayden with a smile, “Well, you have worked hard.” 

Seeing Hayden saluting to him, he calmly took the basket out. Su Ning turned his
head and praised Su Tan, “Your big cousin is really good.” 

Suddenly, Su Tan couldn’t help laughing and crying, along with his father, “Yeah.”

Outside the door, the school bus was coming far away. Su Tan was waiting side by
side with Hayden at the door. Suddenly, he felt his ass pinched.

Su Tan, ‘! !! !!’

He suddenly turned his head, unable to hide his consternation in his black eyes,
and stared straight at Hayden. However, he saw that Hayden’s face was calm, and
the expression on his face was not fluctuated or strange, as if nothing had

Although the previous moment did not have any meaning, but-

Su Tan’s cheeks could not help crimsoning.

“What are you doing?” Su Tan lowered his voice and breathed a little unsteadily
toward the school bus that was getting closer, questioning Hayden.

Hayden smiled, and his lips rose with a beautiful arc. Obviously, he looked like a
handsome and upright gentleman, but the words he spoke were very simple and
rude to the explosion. “I want / do / you.”

Suddenly, this sentence stopped Su Tan, looking at the elegant and quiet man who
talked indecently. He was speechless, and only a fair-skinned face turned red.
Seeing that the school bus had begun to slow down, getting closer and closer to the
door of his home, Su Tan coughed hard, trying to reduce the heat on his face.

He took the basket calmly from Hayden, watching the school bus was about to stop,
and walked towards it.

As he passed Hayden, the young man’s clear voice dropped for a moment, and he
whispered in his ear,: “Then you can try the following position, my skills are good.”

In the end, the sound was slightly raised. The indescribable seductiveness and
charm, with a little clean and refreshing little provocation, made Hayden’s heart

It was like being scratched by a kitten, itching was a bit uncomfortable.

Hayden’s dreadful eyes were stained with a smile, his arms rested leisurely against
the door. Raising his jaw, he watched Su Tan carried the big basket to the school
bus. In his heart, he slowly attacked a strong possessive desire —

He really want to hold this sultry little boy with dark eyes firmly on the big bed, let
him know … what was the perfect technique.

Hayden’s dark eyes were deep for a moment. He thought cheerfully in his heart
that Su Tan would definitely fall in love with that feeling.


As soon as Su Tan set foot in Guiliya School shuttle, he saw that everyone on the
bus was crowding to one side at the moment. The furry heads were all next to each
other, lying on the window and looking up.

Hearing the footsteps of getting on the bus, the crowd, that was laughing and
joking, immediately became trembling, hurriedly spreading their heads together,
pretending not to squint.

Seeing this scene, Su Tan raised his eyebrows.

He greeted the driver calmly and politely, “Good morning, sir.” 

The driver nodded his greetings.

He walked back down the aisle of the carriage, and everyone who touched his gaze
ducked his head to avoid the past.

But after he passed by, Su Tan clearly felt that those curious eyes had quietly
returned to himself.

Immediately, a whispered discussion sounded behind him.

Su Tan took it easy and took the basket calmly to find an empty seat to sit down, as
if he did not see the big figure with a stiff hand and feet and a dull face next to it.

Eddie stared and watched Su Tan unhurriedly placing a large basket with him under
the seat. He opened the beautiful tie-dyed floral cloth, and took out bake the
fragrant pie one after another from the basket, smiled and handed it to the people
around him.

At the beginning of time, the sweet and fragrant smell filled the compartment.

All those who received the berry pie were a bit surprised, with unexpected mistakes
and consternations on their faces, apparently not expecting this to happen.

Because, in the school on weekdays, Su Tan did not interact with the crowd.

This was not because Su Tan’s personality was lonely and unsuitable. On the
contrary, in the eyes of everyone, he was polite. Although he didn’t talk much, he
had a gentle attitude. However, he was different from the average Guiliya’s body
and appearance, and was destined to make him gradually left the circle of people
of the same age.

It was like a little dwarf mixed into the kingdom of giants, born different.

When Eddie frowned, he suddenly saw Su Tan turning back, holding the steaming
pie with a smile and saying to him, “Newly baked berry pie, try it?” 

After a while, Eddie was at a loss. Unsure of what to do, he didn’t even dare to
reach out and pick up the fragrant pies that were handed to him.

“No, I don’t— ” 
He waved his big hand in a panic. When he just wanted to refuse, but didn’t even
want to refuse, he just opened his mouth, and saw the dark-haired handsome boy
on the other side frowned, and said to him sincerely, “My dad did it with his own
hands. Please don’t refuse, okay?”

The boy’s voice was clear, not stubborn, and with a clean and sincere request, he
immediately made him reluctant to say refusal.

Eddie stubbed for a long time. His face flushed. He eventually lost to Su Tan’s clear
bright sincere eyes and reached out to take over the berry pie.

Seeing Su Tan turned to the next person, he felt a big sigh of relief in his heart. His
palms were clenched with sweat. Looking at the hot pie in the palm of his hand, it
still had the warmth of the fire. His eyes were complicated, and the taste was
beyond words.

He was estranged and isolated by his classmates on weekdays. How could Su Tan
still be so indifferent and light?

He could still share the food made by his family with a smile and a clean smile, as if
he had never been harmed by alienation and accidents.

Eddie’s heart felt a complex and unspeakable taste in his heart. After a long time,
he finally picked up the pie, and took a bite hesitantly.


A sweet and mellow berry aroma exploded in the mouth. The sweet and sour pulp
was roasted and completely transformed into a soft and beautiful pulp juice.
Wrapped in a soft, waxy, roasted dough made from fresh wheat flour, each bite in
the scented dough was a wonderful treat.

Eddie narrowed his eyes almost unconsciously and ate up a slap pie with pleasure.

Then, looking at the empty palm, he began to recall the wonderful taste of staying
in his mouth.

Eddy, ‘… What QAQ are you doing??’

Su Tan finished sharing the pie to a classmate of the car and the driver. There were
still a lot in the basket, and he returned to his seat and sat down again.
Eddie froze for a while, finally couldn’t help curiosity in his heart. 

He asked, “Who is the man who was just at the door?”

Su Tan calmly uttered out Hayden’s fake identity. 

“My cousin.”

However, this answer did not satisfy Eddie. He opened his eyes wide and pointed
directly with a serious expression. 

“I saw him pinch your butt. Share it!!”

Su Tan, “…”

He coughed and responded with a smile, “Your eyes are so good.”

At the moment, Eddie was proud of himself. 

“That’s it! But–” 

He turned sharply, hesitantly questioning, “Your cousin likes to pinch you ass ????”

No matter what, he thought it was strange. He looked suspiciously at Su Tan who

was unexpectedly calm.

Su Tan smiled, “Well, a way for brothers to show their intimacy. Would you like…
Should I pinch you?”

Eddie, “…”

[Scared] Stop your stupid behavior! !! !!

Chapter 13: One red in the end 

Food was the best medium.

The attitude of the train of students, who shared the berry pie carefully baked by
the robot Su Ning, towards Su Tan seemed to be much closer.

When they got off the school bus, many people thanked Su Tan with shyness and
gratitude, and were kind and friendly.

Only big block head Eddie jumped out of the car with a fart / strand, and ran away
in a hurry before Su Tan stopped him.

At the end of the course, Su Tan did not see him. He couldn’t help but smile,
thinking that the other party was probably miserable.

When he returned home from the end of the course, he took a bath, and then went
back to the computer. He combed the outline and the main line, and began to
devote himself to the manuscript.

It wasn’t until the daily 20,000-word task was finished that he relaxed his fingers,
took a sigh of relief, and brushed up the novel data on the Internet.

Unexpectedly, the data this time showed an explosive growth, which greatly
exceeded his expectations.

Collection 1597, comments 956, countless mines. Overnight, the data suddenly

skyrocketed. The courage and excitement of adding ten chapters at a time had
caused a great deal of discussion topic among the author and readers.

Soft Cute Dolphin, “Short ~ why brushing is gone? Not enough to see!!!”

Arctic Meow, “The author is big. Dare you to come to more ten chapters?! I will give
you all the money for the next star year.!”

Dark Night Rose, “Wait more. [throw mine] [throw mine] [throw mine] “


Su Tan was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the readers, but felt that his heart
was full of sweet warmth, like eating a berry cookies made by Dad, sweet and sour,
delicious and tasty, made people don’t want to stop

His position on the new list jumped from 43 to 27, which attracted the attention of
many authors on the list.
Especially in the author’s forum, countless new discussion posts were opened in
time, focusing on the hot spots on Su Tan.

“Awful! The newcomer who can casually publish ten chapters must be a tentacle
monster from the Octopus galaxy!”

“About to catch up with me — Help ah ah ah ah ah ah!”

“Waiting to witness the rise of the Great God [eat melon] ~ “

“Am I the only one who is curious about how many archives he has?? Will it
continue to change?”

As soon as this question came out, many authors were shocked immediately and
responded subconsciously in the posts. 


“No 1″

“No 10 million light years”

“Unless he is crazy!!!”

Adding ten chapters at one time was called stimulation. Adding ten chapters in a
row was simply playing heartbeat bungee jumping. Therefore, many people
believed that he would never choose to do so.

Before it was on the shelves, it just broke out so fiercely. Didn’t you want to stay

However, for Su Tan, since he was going to write, he must go all out to pursue the
situation with great momentum, and he will not be left behind.

He logged in to the author’s backstage, divided the 20,000-words into chapters, and
placed them in the deposit box. After that, he got up and walked to the bathroom,
taking a quick shower.

When he returned to the computer while waiting to dry, a video call invitation
sounded. Su Tan took a look and found that it was the editor Hoshino.
He pressed the connect button.

He saw a huge wave of curly hair. Although the expression was exhausted,
Hoshino’s makeup was still exquisite, she straightened up and said directly to him,
”Great, let me help you-“

When she looked up, her delicate eyebrows settled on Su Tan’s body, and her
words stopped abruptly.

Su Tan couldn’t help but wonder, “What are you doing for me?” 

The editor Hoshino took a deep breath. She looked at the young man in the video
call lens. His temperament was fresh and clean, and his black eyes were bright and

The dripping hair was obviously a sign that the owner had just taken a bath, but
under the water vapor, his lips were red and white, and his eyebrows were
picturesque. It was like a beautiful landscape painting that suddenly raises the
black and white degree, more and more set off its own beauty.

Although Hoshino had seen a lot of men and women with outstanding looks, she
was still surprised by Su Tan’s instant appearance.

Even her eyes couldn’t help but rest on Su Tan’s dripping soft black hair. She
watched a drop of water drop along the hair ends, dripping on the slightly open
white skin in front of Su Tan.

However, the water dropped across the white skin like jade and porcelain, slowly
slipped into the depths of the yukata, and disappeared from the sight of people,
but it was left to countless reveries and brilliant.

Hoshino exhaled, trying to calm down the turbulent mood, and murmured
subconsciously, “… you are so offensive.”

Su Tan, “? ? ?”

He glanced down at his chest placket. Although he was wearing a bathrobe, he was

orderly, neat and tidy, and there was no place to stand out. He was more serious
than he used to fold his sleeves to eat barbecue. How could he associate with
provocative crimes?

Su Tan silently asked, “… editor, are you looking for me?” 

After hearing his question, Hoshino converged, grabbed a pencil on the table,
turned it a few times around her head. Suddenly, a slightly messy long hair was
pulled up.

While looking for coffee, she casually asked, “Ready to update?”

Sure enough, the teenager across the camera nodded with confidence, and replied,

Holding 300,000 characters archives, Su Tan is going to sturdy again and fight this
tough battle to the end.

After hearing his answer, Hoshino sighed, only to find that the author under her
was too worrying.

Usually, she had a lot of lazy cancer procrastination writers who quickly caught up
with the list under her life and death. There were also often blacklists, but the most
lacking was a hard-working type writer like Su Tan.

Without a little whip, you could take the initiative to save a 300,000-characters
archive. Who was such a hard-working author?

Hoshino found boiling water, brewed a thick cup of bitter coffee, and took a sip.
The coffee with a slightly bitter aroma suddenly rolled down the throat, ironing the
exhausted lungs, and let her refreshed.

She twitched her lips slightly at Su Tan and laughed, “The next list is coming out,
and you are on the front page of the Scarlet Letter List.”

Just now, she just finished the new ranking list. After a morning kill and fight by all
the editors in the editorial department, she fought her countless lip-to-mouth
battles and finally won many good lists for the next list.

Among them, she strove for public opinion, and recommended Su Tan’s novels on
the front page of the Scarlet Letter.

This list had excellent exposure. Generally speaking, new articles with better data
would have the opportunity to be selected, but the second one was the one who
could make the top page of the Scarlet Letter.

She proposed that Su Tan, the newcomer, be featured on the front page, and was
immediately met with strong resistance from other editors.
However, she tried hard to get a consensus, and her subordinates did not have the
great writer of the same period, so she recommended Su Tan to the top. After
fierce game and competition, she finally won this list for Su Tan.

Hoshino bowed her head. The aroma of coffee permeated the nose, even though it
was bitter, but it smelled soothing at this time.

She told Su Tan the time and update requirements for the list, and told with a
smile, “This list is good. Come on and update. Don’t let me down.”

What she did not say was that if Su Tan’s performance on the list did not meet the
expectations of the editors, she was afraid that she will be completely defeated in
the next round.

Su Tan sharply responded, “Okay.”

He landed on the novel’s management page, set the update time, refreshed ten
chapters again, and sent the ten chapters out in one go.

He saw that the author’s forum post, which had been discussing the frequency of
his update just now, was topped on the forum homepage.

In the post, someone posted his updated message first, “Dominate the Earth Age
[Quick Wear] is updated again! Ten chapters!!!”

Suddenly, the author’s forum, which had always been dormant, was blown up.
Many people amazingly rushed to his article. They found that not only did he
update the ten chapters in a hurry, but also the reader’s comment area had
become an ocean of joy and ecstasy.

“Brush ten chapters every day. I’ve enjoyed smoking marijuana!”

“I like authors who are so crisp and bold. Great, I will power you in the future!”

“I think the author is going crazy, but I like what he does, I also want to go crazy
too!!! “

“Great, I really want to hook you up ah ah ah ah ah ah-“

As the readers responded enthusiastically, more scatter comments and thunders

poured in. In an instant, the book review area was flooded.
And the most dazzling one was obviously-

Smoke scar, ”Take it away. We don’t make an appointment.” 

The website’s homepage thunder list is full of redness, “Smoke scar gives the
author ‘Brushed Braised Meat Everyday’ and gives them a deep-water torpedo *

The bright large characters brushed everyone’s eyes. A series of huge investments
pitches completely drowned his comment area completely.

“Hugging … hugging? I really want to know what’s going on.”

“Dad Smoke! What are you doing? Stop now. The author is largely ours!”

Su Tan was surprised. A little flattered in his heart.

It seemed that he was … bred up by local readers [happy]?

To such a little angel who loved himself very much, Su Tan was sweet and replied
seriously in the comments, ”Thank you for your support. Kiss and hug high ~”

As the author, for the readers who were generous, he could only thank the readers

However, the style of Smoke Scars had always been concise and indifferent. Except
for bubbling when thunder strikes, it rarely appeared in reviews.

Su Tan brushed the novel’s web page several times, but didn’t wait for the other
party’s response. He couldn’t help but ran to the author’s backstage to see if the
website was pumping.

Just then, his door was knocked suddenly.

“Knock, knock, knock.”

Hayden was standing outside Su Tan’s bedroom door, listening to the sound of light
and hasty footsteps coming from inside. He couldn’t help but raised the corners of
his lips.
The moment the door opened, he lifted his eyes, a pair of subtlety mysterious and
quiet eyes looked at the young man who was about to come out.

What he didn’t expect, however, was that he stopped at the other side.

Black and soft hair, with fair skin, a few drops of water fall from the hair, a fresh
and refreshing youthful temperament.

Along the low drops of water, Hayden’s eyes moved downward. He saw that the
white yukata reached the teenager’s knees, covering the teenager’s slender body
intact, with only a pair of thin and powerful calves □□ outside.

A pair of feet and arches stretched. The skin was fair. The toes were a bit cuddly.
They stepped bare foot on the carpet with gorgeous patterns, suddenly brought a
little bit of shyness and brightness.

It was like a white jade that fell into the splendid heap. People’s hearts could not
bear the desire for treasure and destruction.

Hayden’s dark eyes were deep and he didn’t speak. Tall and long body stood
upright in front of Su Tan, just covering the other side completely under his

Hayden suddenly opened his arms and stepped forward to hug the boy’s slim
body. Suddenly, they held those white toes off the ground.

Suddenly lifted by the embrace of a large, warm, and adult male, Su Tan was
surprised, “Big cousin, what are you doing?!”

Hayden’s voice was low, and he calmly replied, “Don’t get cold.”

He chuckled and answered silently, ‘Hold high.’

Chapter 14: Miss 

“Big cousin …”
Su Tan silently watched Hayden’s powerful arms embrace him, preventing his toes
from touching the ground. It wasn’t until he reached the bed that Hayden finally
released his arm.

Hayden stood in front of him. His dark and drowsy eyes looked down from a height,
and narrowed his eyes on his face, with a gentle smile on his face.

Hayden, “Don’t call me a big cousin.”

Su Tan was a little puzzled, “Isn’t this what you proposed?” 

Since the beginning of meeting Hayden, the two had reached a consensus, and he
would pretend to be his cousin. Why didn’t you call it like that?

Su Tan looked at him puzzled, “What’s that for you?”

Hayden’s voice was low, and his steady voice was flowing in the air, but it had an
extraordinary power, as if granting glory.

He spoke slowly and decisively, “You can call my name directly.”

Su Tan froze.

Then he thought about it and shook his head sharply.

Seeing his unexpected response, Hayden’s lips were slightly pursed, and his
eyebrows were slightly raised.

Without waiting for him to ask the reason, Su Tan suddenly chuckled a little
embarrassedly and replied concisely, “No, no, this name makes me mentally

He took out the light brain terminal and landed on Fanxing Novel Network. From
the novels of Haohai Ruyan, he selected the top one on the front page of the new

He clicked to open. The novel automatically jumped to the latest chapter.

Su Tan was a little hesitant but could not help but handed it to Hayden, motioning
him to see.

He saw—
“’Your Royal Highness, please-‘

On the silver tidy Starship cockpit console, a young man with dark hair and dark eyes
was pinned in the driver’s seat. His white slender legs slipped weakly and lay on the cold
leather seat. His body fitted snugly with another handsome, cool man in military

The dark eyes of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Hayden narrowed and stared quietly
at the boy in his arms.

The boy closed his eyes slightly, and his long eyelashes fell like white wings on his white
cheeks, shivering weakly.

Suddenly, the young man gasped in a painful and sweet breath, and a bright  scarlet
color appeared in the corner of his  eyes …” 

Su Tan tried hard to hold back his smile. Looking at his big cousin Hayden’s
expressionless face, the fingers holding the light brain suddenly tightened a bit.

He coughed and couldn’t help but explained with a smile, “Big cousin, now you
understand. I really can’t call your name normally.”

When he shouted the name Hayden, the pictures in his mind automatically jumped
to these little yellow texts. It was too discordant: -D.

Hayden took a deep breath and suddenly felt that there was an inexplicable heat
rising from the bottom of his heart. It seemed to burn all of his blood and internal
organs, and his dark eyes turned into the sea instantly.

He still returned the light brain to the teenager with black hair and dark eyes in
front of him as usual. Seeing the other person’s bright and sunny smile blooming in
front of himself without any concealment, a pair of black and white clear eyes
glittering against the smile.

Immediately, Hayden closed his eyes slightly for a moment, only feeling that the
desire in his heart was raging. He wanted to hold the other person in the wide bed,
and …

Hayden’s heart suddenly cut off his strange thought. When he opened his eyes
again, his dark eyes had been suppressed with a strong self-control force and
turned into an ancient well.

He reached out and touched the boy with moist soft hair. He smiled gently,  “You
can call me anything.”

The slender and powerful fingers passed through Su Tan’s hair. There was no
meaning whatsoever. No one had ever noticed that Hayden’s fingers had a
momentary pause and reluctance.

Suddenly, he stood and walked towards the door of the bedroom. He calmly and
concernedly said, “Wipe your hair and sleep—”

Hayden stood by the door, his eyes quietly watching the teenager still sitting on the
big bed unresponsive. He curved his lips slightly and said goodbye in a low voice,
“Good night.”

“Click.” The door was closed gently.

Su Tan was baffled.

What was your big cousin doing tonight? ? ?

It was a quiet night. Moonlight spilled in obliquely through the window at the end of
the corridor, and fell on the dark and quaint floor of Su’s house.

Hayden walked step by step quietly and steadily towards the small attic on the top
of the building.

He clearly remembered that only 98 steps were needed from here to the entrance
of the attic. This familiar route almost allowed him to walk calmly with his eyes

But tonight, Hayden clearly felt the difference.

He narrowed his eyes. He found that the steps under his feet were still solid, but he
seemed to be covered with sticky glue. Every step was so heavy.

Hayden walked up the attic calmly. The narrow room was small and cozy. He
opened the attic window. The cool night breeze blew in, letting him stand in the
window and take a deep breath, let the cool wind take away the hot temperature.
After a while, he felt that the unusual restlessness in his heart had finally calmed
down. He just stood at the window leisurely and opened the portable light brain to
log in to the Fanxing novel website as usual.

This time, instead of clicking directly into his update list as usual, he checked the
latest updated chapters of his collection of books, but instead quietly fell on a book
on the homepage of the website.

Then the ghost sent him away.

“The boy’s black hair was soaked with sweat. It ran softly against the white cheeks,
unable to hide the redness and addiction in the corners of his  eyes. 

His graceful spine, like the shoulder blade of a butterfly, was completely exposed in His
Royal Highness’s sight. The fair skin like porcelain and jade had a faint luster, slender
and beautiful. The fragile neck rested on the man’s straight and neat military jacket.

Tears  appeared at the corners of the  teenager’s eyes, and slowly opened a pair of foggy,
black and clear eyes, praying softly.

‘Your Royal Highness,  please—  ‘ “ 

“Pop!” Hayden suddenly closed the interface of the novel. A pair of dark eyes
surged and closed his eyes tightly. But in front of him, a picture couldn’t stop

A black-haired boy leaned in his arms and asked with a smile, treating him severely.

And he looked up at his black, clear, smiling eyes, clearly belonging to the familiar
and slender young man whom he had just seen.

Su Tan.

Hayden took a deep breath and meditated on the name in his heart. Gradually, he
felt ripples in his calm heart.

With a bright smile, a straight back, a slender body, hair dripping with water, and a
fair-skinned toe, the beautiful teenager hovered in his mind over and over again.

Hayden sighed, and found that his proud self-control was crumbling.

But he still felt— 

As sweet as syrup.

He moved his finger slightly, stood in front of the quiet and serene night scene of
the window, reached out the cigarette case, and lit a cigarette. The smoky smoke
filled his sight instantly, covering his slightly dark red eyes.

Just then, the communicator sounded.

Hayden glanced down and calmly pressed the on button.

“Your Royal Highness-” On the other side of the communicator, the Royal Guards
housekeeper Olesen just shouted, and sensitively realized that something was

He looked alarmed. His condition tense, and shouted, “Your Royal Highness, your

Hayden glanced at him calmly. Through the fumes of smoke, in the dark night,
there was a faint dark red flowing deep in his deep eyes as if some kind of
repressive force was brewing and roaring.

Olesen took a breath, and suddenly remembered rumors of the Longman

family. The Longman family had superior talents and strong strength, which could
be called the best in the interstellar. But only the estrus period once every few
decades was when they were most vulnerable.

The dark eyes in the communicator video reminded him of this rumor.

Olesen looked serious, and asked directly, “Your Royal Highness, what have you

Hayden stared at him, his expression still cold and rational. He concealed the
existence of the boy, and replied lightly, “I just read a little yellow essay.”

Olesen, “…” 

In a moment, the expression of the loyal Royal Guard butler who was loyal and
brave was cracked. He was stupefied for a long while before he said, “I didn’t expect
… you are so pure.”
Upon hearing that, Hayden raised an eyebrow. “Why am I impure in your heart?” 

Olesen silently coughed, hurriedly turned the topic, and reported the latest news of
the imperial capital to Hayden.

Over the past month, Hayden’s long absence had caused a lingering anxiety among
the wealthy Gu family. Several times he wanted to re-open his marriage contract
with the lost young master Gu Han in public. But all were held back by the royal
family for the time being.

Such an attitude obviously makes intentional people had different ideas. Secretly

contributing to the flames, Gu Han became the hottest and most popular marriage
candidate in the current imperial capital. It was rumored that people who lined up
outside Gu’s door every day and wanted to meet with Gu Han for an afternoon tea
had long queues.

Olesen cautioned cautiously, “You Royal Highness, if you don’t come back, I’m afraid
you’ll be put on a green hat.”

However, Hayden’s face didn’t have the slightest emotion of anger.

He raised his lips and chuckled, “So, if I don’t want to be green, I have to find a
candidate first.”

He thought to himself, “Isn’t 521 deepwater torpedoes enough? Do you want to

invest more?”

 The author has something to say:

Olesen: ! !! !! I knew it! If you don’t go home at night and refuse to go home, you
obviously already have a cat outside!

Chapter 15: Provoking Crime

Su Tan burst more the next day—

“27th in the new list.”

Smoke Scar: “You ask how deep I love you, the mine represents my heart [mine] *
1314520 “

The third day of explosion—

“The 22nd in the new list.”

Smoke Scar:  “I crossed the mountains, climbed the iron net, and lurked just to hit
you with a mine! [Landmine] * 666666 “The

The fourth day of explosion —

“No. 18 in the Newcomer List.”

Smoke Scar: “Cute! Pay attention to your body [Deepwater torpedo] * 999″

… … 

The tenth day of explosion —

“No. 11 in the Newcomer List.”

As of this day, Su Tan’s position on the newcomer list had risen to 11th
place. Seeing his position, he was only one step away from entering the homepage

And the number of words he broke in the past ten days had reached a terrible
300,000 words. With such a huge and intensive update amount, everyone inside
and outside the site had been shocked in a short time.

Not only were many unfamiliar readers attracted by his diligence and hard work,
but many novel writers were also impressed by his hand speed and tenacity.

10 days, 100 chapters, 300,000 words.

This shocking data had become an unprecedented achievement for the

website. Even hard-working authors, compared with Su Tan’s big-handed writing,
were even worse.

Today, the author’s forum had been completely screened by topics related to him.
Love Quietly: “Terrible …… god-like hand speed.”

Big Codeword Devil: “I wanted to give my ID to him. ‘Braised Pork’ is simply the
most inspirational newcomer.”

Everyday I am Cultivating: “Going on like this, it will be a matter of time before

‘Domination’ hits the newcomer list on homepage. Great!”

Crazy Dragon: “Hey, what’s this? Except for the blogger’s attention, what is the point
of his novel?”

The words of the “Crazy Dragon” immediately drew refusal from everyone.

The Liars of the Libra Constellation: “I am most annoyed by this sour argument
upstairs. If you can make more than ten chapters for ten consecutive days, you do
it. Don’t hide behind the keyboard and put a black gun!”

Laser Wings:”I agree with +1. Regardless of the text, on the perseverance and hard
work of Braised Pork, I am completely convinced. Can you do it?”

Su Su Su Su I: “The novel is beautiful! The results are good! Shouldn’t eat grapes like
this sour grapes? An industrious author like Braised Pork deserves a lifetime of

The Crazy Dragon who was pouring ice beer in front of the computer, saw this
sentence and the wine poured into his mouth almost sprayed out. The whole
person’s face was dark. “Deserve to be famous all his life? Then I deserve not to be
famous all my life? Want to do something, I’m still afraid of you?”

He was just too bored to brush posts. Seeing the forum full of screen topics,
“Dominate the Earth’s Age [Quick Wear]” and the author Brushed Braised Meat
Everyday, he couldn’t help but wonder.

Like Su Tan, he was a new author who had just registered with Fanxing
Novel. However, he was not a pure newcomer, but an old man who had repeatedly
cut numbers and changed many websites and author vests.

However, the figures of each text were not satisfactory. He thought that he was just
missing an opportunity.
Therefore, the Crazy Dragon who was desperate for this new article, put his last
chance on this new article. If he was unsuccessful, he would simply withdraw from
the online literary world and gave up this job.

Fortunately, he had a good momentum of writing this time. Pinpointing the most

popular Star Wars theme at the moment, he created a human soldier who was
greedy for life and stubborn, lurked to the Zerg army as an attractive selling point.
The focus was on the loser’s counterattack and beating the hegemony.

It had to be said that the selection and style of this category had just caught the
appetite of many readers. Not long after the beginning, with the style of the little
white stallion Huang Bao, the data of the novel soared day by day.

One month after writing, his novel “Fake Zerg Soldiers” had suddenly reached the
10th place on the list of new authors and entered the homepage.

At that time, the Crazy Dragon was determined that his book must be on fire. As
the data soared day by day, his self-confidence also soared.

But just now, it was killed out of the way.

The Dominate the Earth Age [quickly wear], with an unprecedented dark horse
posture, made a siege from an ancient earth novel and entered the sight of

Later, it was through continuous explosions and money-saving deposits, that it won
the hottest topical degree, and attracted all the authors and readers of Fanxing

In a hurry, everyone was hotly discussing “Domination”. Everyone was guessing that
it would be a matter of time before the “Domination” dominated the counterattack
on the new homepage. Everyone was joking that the number 10th author of the
newcomer list was going to be rudely squeezed out of the homepage list by

And the Crazy Dragon was just the unlucky egg that was about to be squeezed out
of the list by the bursting chrysanthemum!

How could he not be bored with the full screen of “Domination” and Braised Pork?

Immediately, the Crazy Dragon banged heavily on the table and dropped the beer
bottle, ignoring the liquor that was spilled by his angry and rough actions.
He quickly dragged the keyboard, ten fingers as hard as a machine gun, slammed a
long paragraph on the keyboard, cracked the gun to all the netizens who
questioned him satirically.

Crazy Dragon: “Hey, where’s the dog leg? How much does your master give you to
make you work so hard in the forum to say good things about him?”

He tapped on the keyboard fiercely, tearing back the netizens who had previously
hit him one by one. His tone was arrogance and contemptible.

Crazy Dragon: “Keep your eyes wide open and see, which of the first few novels on
the real new list is no better than ‘Domination’. ‘Domination’ is overblown. In fact,
that’s what happened.”

He did not name his surname, cleverly concealed his novel and author name to
prevent netizens from finding his own text.

However, this kind of desire to conceal it made many people guess his motive.

The Liars of the Libra Constellation: “The tone of the upstairs is a bit strange, either
die-hard or black!”

Everyday Cultivation: “I notice that too! This “Crazy Dragon” is simply an author on
the list and resent that ‘Domination’ blocked his way. “

My big cousin is really a perverted little mushroom: “I’m sure! I guess he is the tenth
one at the end of the newcomer list! It is his favorite thing in his text to add ‘ze’ to
every sentence.”

Suddenly seeing here, the Crazy Dragon’s heart suddenly made a big alarm. His
fingers trembled and quickly returned to his novel page. He clicked a chapter at
random, and was surprised to find that he really had the habit of adding mood
words in my novels.

Crazy Dragon glanced casually and found that it was full of “ze”, “rub”, “sink” and
“(#) ′) convex” …

Suddenly, his eyes were black suddenly and his head was blank.

Crazy Dragon bit his teeth tightly and swiped back to the post page again. A large
screenshot appeared in front of him.
My big cousin is really a perverted little mushroom: “Evidence of strength! I took
a screenshot! [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]” 

After a while, the post was in uproar.

Every floor that followed was responding quickly in shock.

The Liars of the Libra Constellation: “Lying down! I said why this ‘Crazy Dragon’
jumped out so fast. It turned out to be the author who is about to be blasted out of
the list by ‘Domination’.”

Everyday I am Cultivating: “New Year’s play [Bad laugh].”

Big Codeword Devil King: “The Crazy Dragons is big … ha ha ha ha ha, wax your IQ.”

Looking at the comments one after the other, the Crazy Dragon’s face was all
completely black like the bottom of the pot. He always wrote texts at will. He
occasionally swore in the text, which was more in line with the style of the yellow
storm little white stallion. He had won the favor of many male readers, so he had
never faced this problem.

On the contrary, he felt that such a mantra was a special adult man charm.

Unexpectedly, today this turned out to be a gap in revealing one’s identity. At the
start of the time, Crazy Dragon clenched the keyboard in his hand tightly, anxiously
smashing through the screen, hitting everyone in the opposite direction. In
particular, the “my big cousin is really a perverted little mushroom,” who first
revealed his identity, simply revealed his old man thoroughly.

Crazy Dragon looked angry. Even though he was angry, he knew very well that if he
couldn’t handle the things in today’s post, he would be completely finished in the
author circle.

This event must be his black history!

The mad dragon dragged the beer bottle on his hand severely, sulking a large sip of
beer, but he didn’t care about the liquid spilled in the sudden rude action, and let
the bubbling beer liquid spilled on himself on his front placket.
He took a deep breath, struggling to suppress his anger, and replied cautiously in
the post.

Crazy Dragon: “Hey, you guys just have that IQ too? Really thought I was the author
of the ‘Fake Zerg Soldiers’? Stop talking nonsense! In my eyes, this book is also a
spicy chicken!”

In order to wash himself at all costs, he even tried to discredit his novel.

Crazy Dragon looked at these words that he had typed on the screen. He felt pain
in his heart. A pair of gloomy eyes suppressed redness and frustration.

As soon as this word came out, the building wind in the post suddenly
changed. Obviously, this trick worked.

Every day I am Cultivating: “Hey? Mishap ????”

Big Codeword Devil: “Lying trough. So much air. What daring to say everything is
spicy chicken in your eyes.”

Folding Winged Spirit: “I am a fan of ‘Fake’. Fortunately, it is not my home. The

annoying lord who is arrogant and proud!”

The Crazy Dragon breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this act of discrediting

himself finally worked, and directed everyone’s attention from the ‘Fake Zerg

Anyway, the “Crazy Dragon” ID in the forum is just an anonymous vest. As long as it
was not linked to his author number, which affected the development of the novel,
who cared to what extent this anonymous vest was ridiculed by the public.

Crazy Dragon sneered from the bottom of his heart, and prepared himself to no
longer appear in this post, and let the post sink.

However, he did not expect that when he was about to close the post, suddenly a
new picture appeared in the latest reply.

My big cousin is really a perverted little mushroom: “Master … Don’t quibble

anymore! Your network IP address has revealed your true identity! A region with
the author of ‘Fake Zerg Soldiers’! One IP! A gateway number! You … scold yourself
spicy chicken? ? ? [Cover face]”
Suddenly, this reply re-exploded the post.

“My big cousin is really a perverted little mushroom” quickly posted the pictures of
the two people’s verified IP addresses, and the results of the comparison proved
that the author of “Crazy Dragon” and “Fake Zerg Soldiers” was the same person.

In a moment, all the floors were-

The Liars of the Libra Constellation: “…”

Everyday I am cultivating: “…”

Big Codeword Devil: “… this is called a true warrior.”

Crazy Dragon’s eyes were dark. In rage, he bursted the tightly packed beer bottle,
twisted and lumped it into a ball, and threw it hard on the computer screen.

Immediately afterwards, the screen was black …


In Su Tan’s bedroom.

Su Tan was standing behind the computer desk, admiringly watching the robot Dad
crackle, and the metal rebar fingers quickly and easily found the IP of the “Crazy
Dragon” in the computer network, and saved the concise screenshot of the

Then, he leisurely uploaded it to the post, and posted the new evidence of the
concealed author of the Crazy Dragon at the beginning, and completely exposed

Su Tan thanked the robot Su Ning with a smile: “Dad, thank you for your help.” 

The robot Su Ning was making dinner. He was suddenly invited by Su Tan in the
middle. The small floral apron on his body was still stained with flour and a rolling
pin stuck in his pocket.
He raised his hand with confidence and said with a smile, “It’s okay, son! Someone
will come to bully you again, and your dad will take out all the ugly things he has
done since he was a kid, and help you get revenge!” 

What he did best is cyber hacking.

Su Tan smile.

However, Su Ning was curious, “Why is your forum name called ‘My big cousin is
really a perverted little mushroom’? How did Hayden cousin say?”

Su Tan gave a cough without explaining the real reason. He just chuckled and
responded, “Well, the big cousin’s meal is particularly abnormal.” 

In a short while, the robot Su Ning was very interested in this reason, nodded in
agreement, and hurried downstairs to continue to make their own dinner.

Su Tan looked at the “Crazy Dragon” whose author number was burned out in the
post. He (Crazy Dragon) was ridiculed by the crowd and couldn’t stand up again. He
shook his head and smiled. He quit his anonymous forum trumpet with hidden IP. 

He pushed out the door and prepared to go downstairs to help his dad prepare
dinner, but he never expected to encounter Hayden with his long legs walking
along in the corridor.

He didn’t know where he went just now.

Hayden walked calmly to him. A pair of quiet eyes stared at him quietly. He
suddenly asked, “How am I perverted?”

Su Tan, “…”

Did he hear his conversation with Dad outside the door?

Immediately, Su Tan gave a slight cough. Blushing with a smile on his face, he
replied, “Big cousin, you are so tall and handsome. So handsome. Why is it not

He had a sincere look and a bright smile. “It’s just a crime!”

Chapter 16: Want to bully him and cry
In order to warm his heart and comfort his perverted big cousin, Su Tan prepared
to enter the kitchen to make a plate of food.

The delicacies that were being carefully cooked were baking in the oven on fire, and
a scorching hot pepper aroma was sprayed out, occupying the entire kitchen in an

The robot Su Ning shrank at the door, his metal reinforced fingers clenched his
nose tightly, struggling his neck to look into the kitchen, and shouted at Su Tan,
“Son, what are you doing?”

Su Tan was standing by the oven. However, he was not ill, but replied with a smile,
”This is a gourmet dish, spicy chicken wings.”

This was the best late-night snack across Huaxia for late summer night. It was best
matched with a cold beer. The delicious and spicy flavors had conquered the
stomach of many Chinese people.

In a short time, Su Ning closed his plastic metal nose in shock and opened his eyes
in disbelief.

He stomped his feet and glanced at a pile of red and grated paprika on the kitchen
table. The spicy and pungent color made the scalp tingle when he looked at it, let
alone the hot smell that suddenly hit the air. By comparison, it was just a little witch
seeing a big witch.

Suddenly, Su Ning coughed, full of sympathy in his eyes.



He patted sympathetically on Hayden’s shoulder.

The robot Su Ning left the kitchen and returned to the small and cozy living room.
He sat down on a lounge chair in front of the TV and came up with a needlework
basket from the coffee table next to it.
Then, his metal fingers took a large bunch of wool and sweater pins flexibly and
skillfully, and began to weave a colorful tapestry.

The old small TV that had been used for more than 20 years was playing in front of
it. Su Ning hummed the song. Occasionally, he raised his eyes from the tapestry,
and took a moment to look at each one, but also entertained himself.

“Interstellar Express: At 10 am today, Gu Han, the youngest son who had been
missing for eighteen years, collapsed before taking the entrance examination due
to physical discomfort. He was urgently admitted to the hospital.”

A sudden breaking news report aroused Su Ning’s curiousity.

It shuttled its fingers in the sweater needles and knitted its fingers like a fly, without
any care.

Su Ning looked up at the TV. A small shaking frame appeared in the small screen
frame. From the sneak shot across the dense crowd, he saw that a slender figure
was rushed to the hospital on an ambulance stretcher.

“It is reported that Little Master Gu Han has no major problems for the time being
and is undergoing detailed examination in the hospital.” 

On the TV screen, half of the figure lying with closed eyes was leaked from the
crowd. The black soft hair and fair skin were couldn’t help but made Su Ning’s
movements froze.

This was not Su Tan.

The robot Su Ning whispered quietly in his heart. He then lowered his head and
vigorously corrected the wrong stitch, and continued to weave the tapestry

Although the young master of the Gu family had a similar appearance to Su Tan,
but in Su Ning’s mind, he never felt that Su Tan was worse than the young master
of the Gu family.

Ordinary people and celebrities could still hit their faces. What was the big deal? His
son was the best.
He lowered his head and continued to weave tapestries carefully, only listening to
the voice broadcasted by the TV station still echoed quietly in the small space of the
living room, “According to the public information, the young master Gu Han is 18
years old. He has a beautiful appearance, excellent academics, a wide range of
hobbies, and has expertise in the fields of music, art, literature … “

Su Ning wove tapestries skillfully, and inexplicably fought with this great young
master who ate and drunk, and swiped the screens of light brain every day. He
shouted silently, ‘My son is still a famous online novel writer ╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮!’

“Since Master Gu’s admission to the hospital, His legendary finance, His Highness
Langdon, has not appeared. The rumors that the relationship between the two are
cold and strange are almost confirmed …” 

The robot Su Ning stopped and watched the woven small tapestries under his
hands with satisfaction. The ironing pins, bright colors and gorgeous patterns,
would surely look good on Su Tan’s bed.

He smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, touched the remote control next to him to
turn off the TV, and thought silently-although his son was not like a stranger’s
finance, but had a decathlon cousin far away .

It really didn’t work, so he invited Hayden, his big cousin, to become a son-in-law

The robot Sun Ning just bent his mouth and smiled brightly. He saw that Su Tan
was holding a plate of red and hot food hurriedly coming out of the kitchen.
Hayden followed him behind, half protecting his body, afraid of his instability and
hurting himself.

The arc of the corner of Su Ning’s mouth rose quickly, and he lowered the tapestry
and stood up.

“The food is ready?” He asked at a distance from the table.

But he never thought that Su Tan was holding his lips tightly and breathing.

Guiliya’s peppers were much hotter than he thought. He didn’t feel it when it was
chopped and milled at first. However, after being heated at high temperature, the
spicy degree suddenly increased several times.
Just standing in front of the hot and spicy chicken wings that just came out of the
oven, Su Tan felt a hot heat coming forward with a pungent spicy energy, irritating
his senses.

Hearing the robot’s dad’s question, he just wanted to answer verbally. He felt the
hot breath coming from his face into his breath, suddenly he was coughing again
and again.

Su Tan couldn’t resist the pungent hotness and violent stimulus. He turned
hurriedly, trying to run aside for a while, but unexpectedly ran into a generous

The sight in front of his eyes was blurred, and the tear mist stimulated by the
pepper blindfolded his vision, but he looked up faintly to see a tall, long figure.

Then, a familiar and steady voice sounded above his head. A pair of warm and
powerful hands suddenly lifted him into the air. “I take him out to calm down.”

Su Tan was too late to feel. He suddenly fell into a generous and warm embrace,
stepping out of the door step by step in sturdy and fast step.

It wasn’t until the gate and entered the small garden in the backyard that the
lingering night breeze brought the fresh air and exhausted the lingering hotness on
his face. Su Tan finally let out a breath.

“Cough!” He coughed slightly, only feeling that the breath he exhaled was spicy.

Su Tan, “… well.”

Struck down by the perverted spicy chicken wings made by himself, Su Tan was a
little bit crying.

The burning hotness was still tingling in his eyes, leaving him unable to open his
eyes. He pursed his lips, and suddenly realized that there was no sound around
him. Only a slow and steady breath reminded him that there was a person beside

“Big cousin?” He asked, squinting his eyes and turning his head.

Unexpectedly, without waiting for Hayden’s answer, Su Tan suddenly felt a cool
water dripping from the air.
The cool water dripped on his face, and along with the night breeze took away the
heat of his cheeks and breathing. Su Tan couldn’t help letting out a comfortable and
long sigh.

He didn’t know that, in Hayden’s vision, the slender boy closed his eyes, the black
soft hair was scattered in his arms, and cool drops of water dripped on the boy’s
fair cheeks. Provoked the other person to unconsciously leaned up halfway to his
own head, good eyebrow stretched and his eyes were picturesque.

Trusting and relaxing, Hayden couldn’t help holding his breath.

He stood still, clasping the boy’s waist with one hand and getting water on the
other, but reached out to Su Tan’s neck calmly to help him unlock the collar.

Hayden asked gently, “Are you better?”

Su Tan’s breathing suddenly slackened. The obstacle around his neck to hold his
breath was lifted. He could not help breathing a long breath.

“Huh!” He nodded, eyes closed with a smile and curved eyes, indescribably well-

Hayden looked at the scene, his breath stopped for a moment. Later, he just felt
that the hot heat suddenly spread from the internal organs.

His eyes were somber and calm, the expression on his face was unshakable, but his
slender fingers seemed to be burning hot, and gently fell beside the button that
was loosened around Su Tan’s neck.

Then, the temperature-carrying fingers ran across the slender, half-raised neck,
gently stroked up along the fair skin.

Su Tan was startled and asked with a narrowed eye, “Big cousin?”

Until the warm and powerful fingers scratched the beautiful and small throat knot,
Su Tan couldn’t help the ears getting hot, biting his lips tightly and suppressing tight
breathing, and opened his eyes suddenly.

The corners of his eyes were reddish. The black eyes were covered with a layer of
wet water mist. The corners of the bright red eyes had a strange beauty.
Su Tan stared straight at Hayden, but he saw the other person’s face calm and
normal, only a pair of dark and drowsy eyes bottomed out, and landed on his face.

Su Tan’s cheeks were crimson, and he and Hayden were sitting in a quiet and
serene small garden. Dad carefully picked up the cultivated corolla, which was lush
and vigorous, and the quiet floral aroma was exuding in the air.

The dark night was falling and surrounded the two people’s figures just right, hiding
among the flowers and trees.

At this time, Su Tan found himself sitting on Hayden’s thigh, almost half leaning in
his arms, half of his body relaxed and sunk in the arm of the other. The intimate
and relaxed posture almost made his face burned immediately.

Su Tan’s eyelashes trembled slightly. He coughed hard, trying to suppress the

hotness from burning to the boiling heat on his face.

He thanked him, “Thank you, big cousin.” 

Speaking, he wanted to ignore the ambiguous atmosphere at this time and stand
up from Hayden’s arms.

But unexpectedly, Hayden’s fingers snapped around his waist suddenly. Dark eyes
suddenly appeared hint of dark red from the deepest, he want him — — 

Holding him tightly, watching the white and slender boy hot and emotional in his
eyes …

Hayden stood still, suppressing his violent thoughts. His slender fingers gently fell
on the young man’s face, and quickly ran across the fair cheeks, and only stopped
when he reached the forehead.

Suddenly, a flick of a finger landed on his forehead.

Hayden calmly said, “Look if you can make it next time.”

Su Tan was burst into tears.

‘I’m also desperate, okay QAQ?’

Chapter 17: Male god

In the quiet night, the lingering breeze blew from afar, gently passing over the top
of the corolla grove, and falling on Su Tan’s body.

His cheeks were hot, his forehead was blushing red, and the corners of his eyes
were red looking up at Hayden, who hugged him tightly.

Just looking at the big cousin’s narrowed eyes, he educated himself seriously “The
next time I make such a mess, I’ll–“

Seeing his hand held up high and a flick of his finger was about to fall back again,
Su Tan jumped out of Hayden’s arms immediately.

However, before he jumped off Hayden’s knee, he hadn’t stood on the ground of
the small cobbled garden floor, and suddenly felt that Hayden’s palm had changed

A heavy, slightly punitive warning palm fell on his butt.

However, what he said was not severe punishment. Instead, Hayden said calmly, “-
kiss you.”

Su Tan: … 

Suddenly he was stunned for a moment. Although it didn’t hurt, the unique and
strange feeling almost made Su Tan’s body burning hot.

He opened his eyes and looked at Hayden with a little erratic expression,. He saw
the tall man sitting squarely in the middle of the lush corolla bushes, and there was
a small pool of water flowing neatly and cleanly next to it.

His long legs were resting on the ground casually with calm attitude. His expression
on his face was not shocked. Only a pair of dim dark eyes were calm and profound
in the quiet darkness.
Looking at it from the outside, this man was obviously the most sloppy fan of a
gentleman, but he can often speak simple and rough and rude, just as he did just

It was as if he didn’t say anything, but his big cousin’s calm and rude appearance
couldn’t help but stopped his heartbeat suddenly.

Su Tan took a deep breath. Only feeling that the flushing heat on his face could not
disappear for a long time.

He raised his eyes suddenly. His black eyes were clear and bright. When he looked
at people, people could not help being attracted to it.

He chuckled, and bending the corners of his lips, clean and beautiful eyebrows
raised slightly. Indescribably seductive and clean voice responded with a smile,
“Well, I’m so scared :-D”

In a short while, Hayden’s eyes deepened.

He looked at Su Tan. Suddenly leaning towards him and approaching the past, he
tried to implement his punishment by actual actions. It was unexpected, just then,
that there was a heavy slamming noise in the quiet little garden.

Immediately, Hayden moved. Before he had time to take action, the dark-haired
boy on the opposite side looked back in surprise, looking up to find the source of
the sound.

Seeing this, Hayden’s dark eyes narrowed for a moment, but he gave up this
educational opportunity for the time being, protected the teenager behind him, and
quickly walked over to look.

It was not far from the two people that a strong, large figure was planted on his
back in the crown of the trees, overwhelming the flowers and trees carefully
cultivated by the robot’s father.

Su Tan looked startled. Frowning to see the big classmate Eddie who had fallen
down in the bushes. He scrambled up to his feet, standing flushed in front of

“Eddie?” Su Tan wondered, “Why are you here?” 

It was unusual to think about when he smashed into his garden late at night.

However, as soon as his words were asked, Eddie in front of him was extremely
distressed. He couldn’t find the words to explain, and could not stop a flushed of

Eddie rummaged, and replied, “I … when I was passing home, I smelled a violent
stimulating odor, thinking that your house was peppered by someone □□, so come
and see … I didn’t expect to see the two of you just now … “

Speaking of this, his gaze became even more shocked. Shocked and incredible, he
looked back and forth across the faces of Su Tan and Hayden. Apparently the
intimate and obscure actions of the two just now were all watched by him.

Even though Su Tan’s expression on his face was calm, he couldn’t help but feel a
little shy.

He coughed and responded generously, “You’re wrong.”

Immediately after that, Eddie’s eyes widened, “Impossible! I saw you two–“

Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly blocked by the smiling Su Tan,

grabbing his shoulders and taking him into the house.

Su Tan laughed, “Let’s go and taste the food I just made.”

Eddie, ‘@ #% # ¥ & *!’

Su Tan, whose thin body was wrapped in quilt, brought big block head Eddie into
the house. Before he had time to look at the colorful, beautifully decorated living
room, Su Tan suddenly gave him a seat at the dining table.

Then, a plate of reddish-red food that was shockingly red came into his eyes.

The robot Su Ning was busy opening all the doors and windows to ventilate. At this
time, the hot and exciting breath in the room has been blown away by the wind. Su
Ning hurried out of the kitchen, carrying the cool and sweet grape juice taken from
the cellar and put it on the table.
“This is it?” He (Su Ning) stood curiously at the dining table, looking at Eddie, who
was dumbfounded at “cuisine”.

Su Tan chuckled and introduced, “Dad, this is my classmate.”

He enthusiastically pushed a dish of abnormal chicken wings to Eddie, inviting, “This

is my chicken wings. Don’t hesitate to eat more.”

Immediately, the hot scent came on his face, shaking Eddie back suddenly, almost
falling off the stool.

He rose up, eagerly waiting for the door. “I, I’m leaving first !!!” 

However, his body just lifted a little, and his butt had not left the seat, he was
suddenly pushed back down by Hayden, who just passed by calmly, and fell back
heavily to the chair.

Eddy: QAQ

He was trapped on the seat with tears in his eyes, watching Su Tan divide the red
chicken wings covered with a layer of chili sauce into a small plate and handed it to

Su Tan and Hayden also sat down at the other side of the table. In front of
everyone, there was such a spicy and perverted food.

However, what shocked Eddie even more was that Su Tan had the courage to pick
up a chicken wing and took a bite, and then his black beautiful eyes narrowed

The hot and red sauce touched his light-colored lips. In a short time, his lips were
stained with bright colors. Su Tan opened his eyes wide.

He nodded with a chuckle, and said firmly, “It’s really delicious.”

Eddie, the big man, didn’t believe it.

He pushed the plate away from himself in front of him. He refused to touch it. He
frowned tightly and looked at Hayden closely behind him. The expression on his
face was calm and solemn, but he was still very supportive and took a bite.
Unexpectedly, Hayden raised his eyebrows, and the expression on his face was
unexpected enjoyment.

Immediately afterwards, the second and third mouths … Hayden continued to eat
happily without seeing the slightest difficulty and compulsion. Soothing eyebrows
and pleasing movements were clearly enjoying this dish that looked so spicy and

This scene made Eddie’s heart even more suspicious.

‘Is it … it’s really delicious?’

He hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn’t resist the temptations of Su Tan
and Hayden. His heart was flat, his head was stubborn and he lifted up a chicken
wing with a fork. The perverted spicy chicken wings were put into his mouth.

Immediately, a hot breath burst in the mouth.

Eddie’s forehead was numb for a moment. The pungent scent of pepper

penetrated his taste buds in an intrusive manner, threatening to plunder all his
senses with a tough gesture.

Spicy, almost his first thought.

At the moment, Eddie sweated in his head and regretted it. However, he did not
expect that under the extreme spicy stimulus, A savory and strong taste was
suddenly raised. It suddenly emerged from the hot breath, with the rich and rich
aroma of chicken gravy, and stirred in his mouth.

The delicious and rich chicken tasted soft and tender. Almost every bite bursted out
the gravy. The aroma was overflowing. Combined with the hot and deep bone
marrow sauce, they complemented each other, attracting people to involuntarily
want to eat one bite after another.

Some even wanted to stop.

For a time, Eddie only felt that the taste in his mouth was so hot and violent and
beautiful, extremely exciting, and extremely hooking.

When he finally got rid of his whole-hearted tasting, he suddenly realized that he
just met Su Tan and looked forward to his eyes.
Eddie’s head was blank. He didn’t want to admit that it was unexpectedly delicious
when it looked a little perverted, but somehow he actually blurted out and said,
“Are there any?”

Eddie, ‘… I obviously don’t want to like it.’

Su Tan smiled and said “Yes!” Then he put a plate of abnormal spicy chicken wings
in front of him enthusiastically.

Suddenly, he was tangled and immersed in this special cuisine. Matched with the
cool and refreshing home-made grape juice taken by the robot Su Ning from the
cellar, there was no match or phase.

Everyone was inattentive. Unexpectedly Eddie was holding the grape juice, and
dried out half of the dish full of abnormal spicy chicken wings, even shaking the
body sitting on the chair.

The robot Su Ning angrily said “Oops” and hurriedly took the brewed grape juice
bottle from Eddie, saying, “This grape juice has been brewed for a long time. There
are degrees. Drinking so much must be drunk!”

Su Tan, who unknowingly drunk three refreshing cup of grape juice, licked his lips,
and put down the empty glass with nostalgia, only feeling that his mouth was dry.

He sat quietly in his seat. His black eyes were flowing with light, squinting
slightly. Although he didn’t speak, he was quiet and abnormal.

The robot Su Ning had a headache and reluctantly poured a glass of cool white for
each of them and handed over to them.

Su Tan obediently drank.

Su Ning, “…”

Taking advantage of his son’s great opportunity to get drunk, Su Ning remembered
the old saying of “spit out the truth after drinking”, could not help but have a
narrow heart, and asked curiously, “Who do you like best?”

Hearing this sentence, with his long legs leaning on the ground to relax, Hayden
couldn’t help but bow his head. His eyes fell on Su Tan’s face.
Su Ning was looking forward to his answer.

‘Dad! Do you still need to ask? My son’s favorite must be Dad! :)’

However, Su Tan was sitting there, his eyes darkened with sparkling water.

He stared at Su Ning with a burning gaze, suddenly smiled, and replied without
thinking, “Chen Weiting!” 

The robot Su Ning suddenly felt a little stuck. He tried to search his memory and
interstellar characters in his mind, but he didn’t find the slightest impression of the
name. Could it be a classmate at Su Tan School?

Hayden asked in a deep voice, “Who is Chen Weiting?”

Su Tan tilted his head, looked at the serious cousin Hayden, and replied with a
smile, “Chen Weiting is taller than you, handsomer than you, um … is my male god.”

Hayden’s face was dark.

He seemed to feel that a prairie was green on his head.

Chapter 18: Counterattack on Home

For drunk people, there was no reason to speak.

Su Tan didn’t know how he was so coquettish that he refused to go to bed willingly,
and then he was thrown into the bed by his cousin, Hayden.

He just felt that when he woke up early the next morning, he had a headache and
was dizzy, as if he had drank numerous aging wines, and he could not find his

He sat up slowly from the bed, watching the scorching sun outside the window
covering the sky. The hot, dry wind was blowing into the room with the fluttering
curtain. It was already noon.
It wasn’t until he got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a hot bath and
refreshed that he finally cleared up his chaotic thoughts.

Su Tan wiped the water droplets from his hair while sitting at the computer desk.

He turned on the computer, logged in to the Fanxing novel website, and entered
the author’s backstage. His fingers wiping his hair with a towel. He raised his
eyebrows inconceivably.

The collection of “Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]” skyrocketed to 3,000,
surpassing the tenth “Fake Zerg Soldier” in the list of new author novels, and
replaced it as the last member of the new list on the front page.

Su Tan chuckled, not surprised by the result.

Ten consecutive chapters in ten consecutive days. Such a large volume of saved
archives had accumulated a loyal reader and fan base for him. The number of
articles and comments has soared. Overnight, “Dominate” was pushed to the front
page, faster than he thought.

However, at the same time, suddenly a lot of strange comments with negative
scores appeared in his article.

Jian Wufeng: “I can’t read the first chapter. Can such junk texts still be on the front

Smelly and salty fish can also stand up: “Alas, the data is rising so fast. I thought it
was a good novel. I didn’t expect it to be even worse than ‘Fake Zombie Soldier’. It is
suggested that the author should really learn how to write cool text in Counterfeit,
and the difference is not a little bit.”

The enchanting little meow: “The comments upstairs are so bad … so that I have no
desire to open up. Looked.”

This negative comment came fiercely. Not just one and two, but suddenly hundreds
of articles were written under Su Tan’s writing.

Although the reader IDs were different, Su Tan found that they all had one thing in
common: These reader IDs were new ones that had just been registered, and all of
them were lost in Chapter 1. They had never even read the novel.
Such consistent behavior made Su Tan’s brows involuntarily slightly frowned. He
knew that he was deliberately targeted.

At present, the most likely person was the “Crazy Dragon” who was unveiled by him
in the forum yesterday-the previous tenth new author “Feilong Zai Tian”.

Su Tan was not eager or impatient. Click-through had now fallen to the eleventh
dragon on the novel page.

As soon as it was opened, the first line of the article “Fake Zerg Minions” was
strikingly red with a large line of dazzling fonts.

“Please click for the collection and ask for comments-I am not willing to be blasted
by someone with a big face, and eagerly ask for the support of the rivers and lakes,
send me back to the homepage!”

This line of bold and red fonts obviously aroused the blood of many old fans of
“Fake” novels.

Many fans didn’t know what happened in the author’s forum yesterday. Naturally,
they also didn’t know how their beloved author greatly smeared another opponent
in the forum under the anonymous vest of ‘Crazy Dragon’. In the end, the vest was
exposed and ridiculed by everyone in the author forum.

In the eyes of fans, ‘Crazy Dragon’ seemed to be the author of the vulgar and funny
writing. Suddenly, a hard-to-find homepage position was squeezed out by a
newcomer who was picked up at a speed that was too strange, and naturally they
were unhappy.

After a while, a vocal support sounded from the “Fake” article.

Tomato Farm: “Has launched a family and friends to contribute twenty collections.
Cherry up, we will always support you!”

Kill one person a thousand miles: “A rare good appetite! I’m sorry for old dragon’s
efforts on update these days. I have called friends to come for support. Old dragon
stand up!”

Smelly and salty fish can also turn over: “Big, you are the best in my heart. The little
newcomer next to you is too fast to catch up, and the discerning person knows that
there is dark / curtain. You can rest assured that evil is not right. Even if the whole
world is hacking you, we stand by you!”

Su Tan browsed these comments one by one, instead of being angry, he felt a

Someone would never give up.

In order to catch up with his tenth place, Su Tan found that “Fake Zerg Minions” also
worked hard to add five more.

The five chapters were updated and released. The time gap between the two novels
had been narrowed a lot.

Coupled with the many supportive comments under the article “Fake”, and more
and more unfamiliar losses in Su Tan’s novels, it was only a matter of time for
“Fake” to catch up with “Dominate”.

However, how could Su Tan just let himself be suppressed.

He took a screenshot of the negative comments and then directly dialed the video
call of the editor Hoshino and submitted the evidence to her.

“Editor,” in the video shot, the teenager smiled warmly, without the slightest anxiety
and irritability on his face. Instead he had a clear voice and calmly introduced the
matter from beginning to end. “Now, there are a lot of strangers in my post. Can
you help me deal with it?”

If the usual author encountered such a situation that people splashed dirty water,
the author would have been aggressively looking for an editor for severe
punishment or cried for her in a panic. But Hoshino rarely saw a quiet and rational
person like Su Tan.

Even if the request was handled, his tone was polite and gentle, like a clear spring
flowing, which made people could not help feeling good.

Hoshino sighed under her heart. She felt that Su Tan was a craftable material. She
opened the screenshot of the picture sent in the communication column, and
found that the other party not only intercepted malicious comments, but also
carefully marked in circle of the same reader name appearing in the two articles,
and let her see the connections at a glance.

Immediately, Hoshino’s delicately arched eyebrows sank, and her face involuntarily
became serious.

Her words were crisp, clear, and direct, “Leave it to me, and I’ll go and talk to the
team leader.” 

The video cut off. Su Tan knew that Hoshino must be holding the evidence to go to
the other party’s editor and the leader of the editing team to negotiate. However,
even if there was such evidence, he was afraid that the punishment would not be
too heavy. At most would be to delete as many malicious comments as possible
and warn “Feilong Zai Tian” to restrain the readers’ behavior under the article.

After all, these things were done “voluntarily” by fans and had little to do with the
author himself.

Su Tan would not let it go.

He clicked on the article page of “Fake Zerg Soldiers” and found that the flying
dragon had just updated the sixth update one minute ago. The sudden increase of
multiple additions in one day obviously put his readers into a frenzy of joy. One
after another encouraged flying dragons to make more changes in the sky, with the
surge of updates to suppress Su Tan.

Smelly and salty fish can also stand up: “Dragon brother, come on! Five more
chapters, and properly press a piece of stinky meat so that it can’t stand up. Called
ya mad!”

Kill one person a thousand miles, “Old dragon, continue to make changes. Data can
catch up. “

Millions of brothers, “Ten more today. I will smash a hundred deep-water

torpedoes for you. I promise!”

A variety of motivational words flowed endlessly, and the comments under “Fake”
are even more enthusiastic. Many loyal readers simply did nothing on this day.
Waiting firmly for the article, he would like to witness first-hand the counterattack
of “Feilong Zai Tian” and the “Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]” had been
Such enthusiasm and expectations naturally put great pressure on “Feilong Zai

Su Tan carefully noted that the interval between each chapter of “Feilong Zai Tian”
was getting longer and longer.

At the beginning, he could make another chapter in an hour.

Now, two hours and three minutes had passed since the last update.

“Feilong Zai Tian” had been coding continuously for more than eight hours. Even if
it was an iron man, at this time it must be dizzy and numb with sore fingers and
writing was getting more and more difficult.

Obviously, he didn’t keep the manuscript in his hand, and could only brave the time
and energy to write chapter by chapter.

For Su Tan, the most important thing was to keep the manuscript.

Su Tan glanced at the time. Although there was still two hours to update as his
usual habits, he did not hesitate to make a decision.

He directly modified the release time of the manuscript. Until now, he had
published the ten chapters directly.

Brushed braised meat every day, “I successfully went to the front page. Thank you
for your support, and added ten more chapters.”

His words were concise and lively, but instantly burst into the enthusiastic
comments under the article.

Soft cute dolphin, “Add more?! Let’s update ten chapters daily. Great?”

Su Tan raised his lips slightly and replied in the comments, “Update as usual,

In a short time, text thoroughly went carnivals.

Come on, Asi, “Happy! I like this big and powerful, successful passers-by.”
Arctic Meow:, “Awesome, awesome! What to do, big, I seem to love you a little more
every day [Proud]? “

Dark Night Rose, “Handsome! “


Suddenly, Su Tan smiled at these enthusiastic comments.

He was not afraid of it at all.

However, two hours later, after suffering a lot of hard work and dizziness, he finally
managed to squeeze out a new chapter. “Feilong Zai Tian” just published and
without having enough time to drink a sip, he was shocked to find that there was a
sudden downturn in the discussion.

Smelly and salty fish can also stand up, “Big, when will you update? Ten chapters
have been added next door. Ten chapters are normal, and 20 chapters have been
updated! !! !! [Annoyance]”

Kill one person a thousand miles, “Sigh, old dragon’s hand is slower and losses.”

Tomato Farm, “Lying down! Dragon brother’s article was hung up in the report
center. It was reported that Dragon brother hired marines for malicious losses,
tempting readers to collect points!”

Seeing this, Feilong Zai Tian was stunned. Following the words of the reader, he
quickly entered the reporting center. He found that his own text was clear and
upright first place in the list. The report evidence and the details of the store
transactions were clearly listed. 

Below, three minutes ago, the website made a decision.

The “Fake Zerg Soldier” was issued a yellow card for three months, cleared 426
invalid collections, and banned from all lists during the period.”

Feilong Zai Tian’s head fainted, as if he was hit with a heavy axe. For a moment, he
blanked out.

His throat was blocked. With trembling fingers, he hurried to find the hired Marine
shop. He suddenly found that the other party had been dealt with.
Immediately, Feilong Zai Tians’s blood surged overhead.

He squeezed his fingers tightly, and entered the page of his novel with difficulty,
and found that an eye-catching yellow card had been hung on his novel quickly.

The original passionate book review area was deadly silent at this time.

There was only one comment, which was directly linked to the first article.

Smoke scar, “Happy?”

Chapter 19: Tit-for-tat

New list author was issued a yellow card!

This result, regardless of the author, was no less than a devastating blow.

The first book of the newcomer was issued a yellow card, and could not be placed
on any artificial list. Basically, this new article was considered obsolete. Even if you
insisted on updating with perseverance, but without any exposure, you could only
doom this book to slowly disappear into the reader’s field of vision.

What’s more-

For the part of the author, his pen name was more important than a
book. Therefore, many authors made great efforts to manage their pseudonyms
and wanted to accumulate a group of loyal readers, so as to lay the foundation for
their future novels.

And issuing a yellow card was tantamount to a fierce punch in the pen name
“Feilong Zai Tian”.

The mercenary sailor was defeated, discredited the authors on the same list,
instigated fans to belittled the black water under the author’s article, and was
stamped by factual evidence to enter the yellow card list. Every move showed how
ingenious and inferior the author was.
No matter how good the novel was, such authors were the object of disgust in the
eyes of most readers.

What’s more, “Feilong Zai Tian” was originally a newcomer who had not been
registered for a long time. How stable could he be if he only had a fan base that he
had accumulated for more than a month?

In a short time, a large number of fans announced the removal.

Some of them left quietly and deleted “Fake Zerg Minions” from their
collection. Some of the anger was unrevealable, and ran to the “Fake” article and
typed hundreds of words to vent his anger, deceived and misled, and left. Some
also hesitantly came to the article of Su Tan’s novel “Dominate the Earth Age [Quick
Wear]” and carefully apologized.

Kill one person a thousand miles, “I’m sorry. I did not expect that Feilong would use
such a poor method to hire the sailors to deal with the authors on the same list. It’s
too much to look down on. I said to you so many unreasonable things, I’m sorry.”

Jian Wu Feng: “I don’t know what to say. I completely peeled off the old dragon, eh. I
hope that the braised pork will continue to refuel, and your hard work is well

Smelly and salty fish can also stand up: “Sorry.”

No one had mentioned it, but at this moment everyone knew that the pen name
“Feilong Zai Tian” had completely smelled.

Su Tan watched the comment area under his article return to normal, and a variety
of hot discussion book reviews followed. These apology posts were brushed down,
just like a flash in the pan, and never appeared again.

Su Tan watched quietly and closed the webpage.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

And all he can do was cleanse himself and stick to his heart. Others who came to
the door to cause trouble, he would naturally not be afraid of it. So he would fight
one by one until he hit the other party.
But as a result, he became more and more curious about the tyrant reader “Smog
Scar”who had defended him from the beginning.

In the end, what was it that made the other person so fond of it?

Su Tan had some smiles and couldn’t find the answer after thinking about it. After
shutting down the computer and taking care of himself, he pushed open the door
and went downstairs.

The lively living room downstairs was quiet today without a sound.

The hot summer afternoon wind blew in from the half-open window, and the hot
air flow swirled around the room. The dry and hot air was strangely comfortable.

Su Tan looked around and found that the robot Su Ning could not be found
anywhere inside or outside the house.

As long as he was at home, dad always stayed at home. Where did he go today?

He went to the kitchen refrigerator, poured himself a glass of ice water, and drank
it. The whole summer heat was gone. Even the dizzy head because of the hangover
was awakened by the cold water for a while.

When he had just dropped the glass, the door at home was suddenly pushed open,
and two distinct figures came in one after the other.

Su Tan looked up curiously, “Dad, big cousin, where have you been?” 

The robot Su Ning’s metal-reinforced fingers, looking down for a shoe, suddenly

stiffened a bit, and looked up at Su Tan, “Son, you’re awake?”

Su Tan nodded, “Yes.”

He smiled warmly, his face was clean and clear, but he had a rare refreshing and
clean temperament, which made people involuntarily relax and care. “I didn’t see
you when I woke up. Did you go out together?” 

After hearing his question, Su Ning lowered his head, and his metal fingers
hurriedly pulled off the shoe on the left, and then he stretched out his hands to the
right. Then he suddenly realized the shoe on his right foot had already been taken

He suddenly got stuck. When he looked up with a pair of shoes, he couldn’t hold
back the question in his heart, and immediately slipped out of his mouth. “We just
went to the neighbors’ homes to find out. There was no one named Chen Weiting in
the whole of Guiliya.”

Su Tan, “…”

He couldn’t laugh or cry.

However, dad’s metal-plastic face shell was serious and frowning, apparently
haunted by this problem all day and all night. He didn’t close his eyes all night. All
he thought was, ‘hey, his son has finally grown up / has he like someone / do I have
to prepare a dowry? / I don’t know if the man’s family is far away, can he often
come back to visit his dad / will he become a grandfather and hold a soft little
grandson in one year? ……

Countless thoughtful and tangled questions, all filled his heart. So early in the
morning, before the rising sun rose completely, the robot Su Ning was busy
preparing to go out, and wanted to go to the neighbors who knew him all around to
hear the news, so he knew who this “Chen Weiting” was.

But unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the door of the room, he was shocked to
see a tall, long figure leaning against the corridor in the dim morning light, and he
didn’t know how long he had stood standing.

But at the moment when the door rang softly, Hayden narrowed his eyes and
opened them, his eyes were dark and quiet.

He opened his mouth and asked, “Who is Chen Weiting?”

Su Ning, “…”

Looking at the older cousin who was more worried about his son than him, the
robot Su Ning groaned, thinking that his son would never have to worry about
being bullied when he married his in-laws. If there was such a big cousin who paid
all his attention to his younger brother, what else did he worry about?

Simply, stepping on the morning dew and mist, he led Hayden into the neighbor’s
house to find the truth.
However, he did not expect that all morning, when asked, no one knew who Chen
Weiting was.

Looking at the son who stretched in front of him, Su Ning was even more tangled
up. “No one knows who Chen Weiting is. Only the distant nephew in the old house
next door called Chen and so on, but-he has never been to the planet Guiliya. How
did you meet?”

Su Tan could not help but get up.

He had no memory of being drunk last night. He didn’t know how his dad and big
cousin learned the name Chen Weiting from his own mouth, but obviously they
were all misunderstood.

He explained with a smile, “Dad, this is one of my favorite male gods in the past,
diligent and motivated, not the people here.” 

The robot Su Ning got stuck for a moment, and finally looked at Su Tan’s earnest
and sincere eyes and gave up the topic.

He put down his shoes, put on a pair of furry flower-shaped slippers at home, and
rushed to the kitchen, saying, “I’ll cook first, just a moment!”

Su Tan nodded, smiled, and said he was in no hurry. He looked up at the big cousin
who was silent before the door, a little surprised, “Big cousin, did you follow my dad
to the neighbor’s house?”

Hayden, “…”

He calmly responded, “I’ll get to know the customs.”

Su Tan listened, and nodded with a smile. He watched Hayden turn around upstairs
before entering the kitchen to help his father.

He saw that the robot Su Ning was wearing rubber gloves. His hands were wet with
water, and he was washing vegetables under the faucet. When he saw him, he
beckoned him.

His careful appearance made Su Tan curious and walked over. “Dad, what’s the
The robot Su Ning probed and saw Hayden out of the door. He lowered his voice
and whispered in his ear to encourage him, “Dad supports you.”

Su Tan, ‘? ? ?’

Seeing his face full of doubts, Su Ning opened a smile on his face with a smirk, and
whispered, “Whether you like Chen Weiting or whoever you like, go after him!”

He patted Su Tan’s shoulders vigorously, and wholeheartedly supported, “Dad is

always on your side. Don’t worry about your big cousin.”

Su Tan froze, then couldn’t help laughing.

He hugged Su Ning. He didn’t mind the little floral apron on his body, and how
strange it was to step on that pair of furry flower-shaped slippers on a cold metal

For a while, Su Tan only felt that his heart was as warm as a hot stove.

He definitely nodded and responded, “Dad, thank you, I will always support you.” 

For a while, the robot Suning, with rubber gloves and a metal hand with water in his
hand, did not know where to put his hands, but his eyes were as bright as countless

Su Tan could not help but think, ‘Go beyond the stars to pursue the male god? I’m
afraid it will be next life. I hope that I can regenerate my little niece like Chen and
many more. Then I’m satisfied :-D.’

At this moment, in the bedroom in the attic, Hayden looked sore and dialed the
telephone number of the guard housekeeper Olesen.

As soon as the opposite party was connected, he asked directly, “How’s it going?” 

After a while, Oleson spoke out his findings. “In the Empire’s name registry, there
are 13,259 people called ‘Chen Weiting’.”

Hayden looked down and pondered.

Looking at the detailed list of messages sent by Olesen, he exhaled deeply.

There were too many enemies, why not—

He simply changed his name.

Chapter 20: Genius writer 

“Fake Zerg Soldiers” was fined a yellow card, and plummeted from the list of new
authors. Su Tan also rose by two places on the list with a strong update volume and
rising readers’ support, becoming  seventh on the new homepage list.

At this time, the results of the call for manuscripts on the topic of ancient earth
finally came out.

In the conference room of the Fanxing Novel website, the huge conference room
was now full of dozens of computers. Each editor and specially invited experts were
buried in the computer in front of them, reviewing the submitted novels one by one
in detail.

On the table in front of them was cluttered with large boxes of unopened and
unpacked coffee pots, cookies, snacks and snacks for late night meals, various pen
charger communication tools, and so on.

Obviously, this group of people had been busy here for many days.

While everyone was immersed in their work, a surprise laugh came to mind during
the conference elections.

“Good text, this novel is awesome!”

A burst of hearty laughter broke the peace in the room, and caused the editors and
experts buried in front of the display to look up, looking at the origin of the laughter
with some surprise.

They were surprised to find that the person who laughed was, actually an
obsessive, ancient earth literature expert known for her seriousness, Mei Wangshu

“Professor Mei, what novel are you reading?” Someone asked curiously
Mei Wangshu had always been serious. Over fifty years of age, there were already
some marks on her face. But the neat, short ears, the slightly fine-grained eyes, and
the serious and simple dress fully demonstrated the style of a dedicated scholar.

But her face was stretched, and she couldn’t hide her smile.

“A good article.”

A novel page was unfolding on the computer screen in front of her. The title was
concise and straightforward, and even the copywriting was simple and
straightforward. A few strokes outlined the atmosphere of the ancient earth,
making her feel like she had seen those paper literary novels that had been lost to
history in the past.

She exhaled deeply, looking at the novel intently, and recommended the name to
everyone, “Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]”

This simple and straightforward name came out of her mouth, and time couldn’t
help but make people irresistible.

After all, such a straightforward topic was designed to cater to the tastes of Internet
readers. However, Professor Mei said it out with a consistent and serious tone,
which made people laugh a little more, and no one was without a smile.

Immediately, someone joked, “Professor Mei, how good is this novel?”

Mei Wangshu was so calm, but introduced methodically. She pondered a little, and
opened her mouth to ask a series of questions. “Do you know how the earth

This topic had been discussed a long time ago, and the doomsday novels had also
been the enduring hot topic of novel websites.

For the cause of the end of the earth, some people speculated that aliens invaded,
some said that it was a virus outbreak, and some people imagined that it was
caused by an asteroid impacting the earth and exploding.

There was no final answer to the topic, which had resulted in many types and topics
of novels.

In this ancient earth manuscript novel, the doomsday theme was obviously the
most numerous of them.
For a while, everyone could not help but raise their interest. Could it be that this
“Dominate of the Earth Age [Quick Wear]” put forward novel and unique judgments
on the cause of the demise of the ancient earth?

However, Professor Mei didn’t finish her words. Before anyone answered, she
continued to ask, “Do you know what the earth looks like in 2017?” This sentence
completely stopped everyone. Although the development and changes of the
ancient earth had been described in interstellar history, but after all, it was only a
few faint strokes, and no one was able to retell the style of social history at that

Nowadays, suddenly asked by Professor Mei, everyone was a little dumb. They
didn’t know which aspect to answer, and it seemed that they couldn’t answer

Professor Mei Shulang’s calm eyes glanced at all the people recollecting in the
room. There was a rush of emotion in her heart, and she continued to ask
questions word by word.

“Apart from the modern society in 2017, do you know what China, the Republic of
China looked like? What kind of dynasty was the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing
Dynasties? How magnificent was the beginning of the Tang Dynasty? How did the
oldest primitive people on earth evolve little by little? “

This series of questions smashed down, and suddenly everyone was dumbfounded
and unable to answer.

Everyone looked at each other.

Someone tentatively asked, “Professor Mei, after all, we are not professional
scholars studying the ancient earth culture.”

This sentence was obviously a step down for all of them.

However, they saw Professor Mei also shook her head and smiled frankly,
admitting frankly, “Although I am an expert on ancient earth culture, I cannot
answer these questions completely. After all, that era has passed so long …”

She sighed.
After hearing this answer, everyone was even more dumb, and did not know what
medicine was sold in Professor Mei’s gourd.

They saw Professor Mei’s jaw slightly lifted. Although her expression was serious,
her bright eyes could not conceal the joy and excitement in her heart.

She pointed at her computer screen, took a deep breath, and affirmed forcefully,
“But I see the real life of the ancient earth in this novel.”

“I saw the 21st century technology and convenience of the earth, I saw the glorious
appearance of the Tang Dynasty, saw a ship full of people set off from the
European continent sailing to a new continent and country, and saw that ancient
humans slowly learned how to use the tools to control the flames and entered the
age of civilization.

Professor Mei’s words came together in one go, but the excitement in her heart was
more and more magnificent.

“Not only here, but in this “Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]”, there is also full
of endless imagination. There are times when ancient oriental poetry and poetry
were flourishing, and there are also dark ages of medieval Western vampire blood
and the resistance of Holy See… so many worlds. Each one is rich and gorgeous,
with an incredibly detailed description. Everyone who reads the novel will return to
the lost planet.”

Professor Mei took a deep breath and looked up firmly at everyone, she decided
absolutely, “This is the best ancient earth novel I have ever read.”

Her words fell to the ground, but it was a long silence and incredible.


Professor Mei suddenly spoke and changed what she just said, “No, this may not be
a novel.”

The editors and scholars present were shocked and did not understand what she
meant by this.

They saw Professor Mei standing there with her back straight, with a look of solemn
expression on her serious face for a moment, and she muttered to herself,
“Perhaps, that world is real.” 
As soon as this sentence came out, the astonishment and doubt in everyone’s heart
immediately rose to the highest point.

Famous experts and scholars who had always been known for serious research
acknowledge that the world created in a novel was real. So how immersive was this
novel that made a professional and calm scholar had a strong sense of

All of a sudden, everyone had no intention of focusing on the novel page they were
viewing. They all couldn’t help but rush to the novel that Professor Mei just

“Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]”.

The name was concise and rude. Such a name might be sought after by readers in
online literature, but in the eyes of many experts and scholars, it was destined to
lack some serious and straightforward style.

However, as soon as the page of the first chapter of the novel was opened,
everyone was attracted to the whole body for a while. Even the doubts hidden in
their hearts were forgotten for the time being. They were completely attracted to
the story.

A few moments later, there were a few soft sighs in the quiet conference room.

These sighs were not like deliberate comments or words, but rather murmurs from
the unconsciousness.

Many people’s eyes were attracted to the plot of the novel, but in their mouths they
couldn’t help but follow the ups and downs of the plot and the gorgeous world
drawn by the author. They exclaimed, “The ancient Tang dynasty was such a
powerful nation to congratulate. Is the prosperity strong?”

“The modern 21 world already has such convenient transportation and

communication methods. Are the so-called Taobao, high-speed rail, bike sharing
the prototype that extend to the interstellar social tools? “

“This protagonist is really interesting. A sunny and healthy teenager coupled with a
funny and lively system, it has caused countless storms in the ancient earth era.
Completely different ideas have created many jokes in different worlds and
dynasties. Well, it’s really funny … “
Many people were reading. They laughed and mumbled evaluation, suddenly did
not realize the passage of time.

When the night fell, the lights above the conference room were suddenly
illuminated. The silent glare interrupted everyone’s appreciation.

At this time, many talents found that—

“Hey, why is it dark?”

“Why did I sit for so long and my neck was sore ?” 

“All afternoon! I just didn’t do anything. I just read this novel. What’s more hateful is
that the author has only updated more than 400,000 words and hasn’t been listed.
This drizzle is not enough to see! “

Various heated discussions rang. Many editors and experts and professors could
not hide the light and admiration in each other’s eyes. Although they didn’t say
much words of beauty, the witty jokes and tacit understanding between each other
set the tone for this “Dominating the Earth Age [Quick Wear]”.

This was a good book.

——It was worth the best recommendation.

The staff sent them a reserved dinner. In order to pay tribute to the experts and
editors who were staying in the conference room to review the manuscripts, the
website deliberately ordered exquisite and hearty dinner.

But tonight, everyone’s topic was destined to revolve around another theme.

Some scholars who had a good relationship with Professor Mei whispered,
“Professor Mei, you have dug a good seed today.”

For these old-fashioned school professors, it was not just a novel, but a glimpse of
leopard. The potential and talent of the author of this book had been discovered.
This sentence from the mouth of the specially-appointed expert, added a little high

In a moment, all editors paid attention.

Someone recalled the author, “This book seems to be written by a newcomer?”

“Newcomer?” The old expert didn’t notice this, and it sounded more interesting at
this time.

Naturally, the editors didn’t seem to be blocked by these experts and professors,
and didn’t ask common things. Many people were impressed by Su Tan’s sudden
rise of forces a while ago, and some people watched the author’s forums
“Domination” and “Crazy Dragon”. It was a matter of quarreling, so at this point it
was all right.

“Yes, newcomer, he just signing a contract less than a month ago.”

As soon as the news was spoken, everyone was surprised. No matter from the style
of writing, from the idea and story structure, or from the character creation and
imagination, “Brush Braised Meat Everyday” was not like a fledgling newcomer
writer. On the contrary, it was easy to navigate between the worlds, the land
jumped from the flourishing Tang Dynasty to modern science and technology, and
then shuttled back to the Republic of China.

Such powerful control was definitely not a newcomer.

Professor Mei looked up, solemnly, and bluntly said, “If he is really a newcomer-“

“He is a genius.”

“He will become famous!”

At this time, Su Tan, who did not know that he had just been geniused, was
reviewing the book review area and found countless mines smashing head-on.

Smoke scar: “Text is very loving. Rocket launcher!”

Smoke scar: “You ask me how much I love you, mines represent my heart ~”
Smoke scar: “High-five admiration. This article should only exist in heaven. It’s rare
to see this on earth, and non-shallow water bombs are not enough to blow out our

Smoke scar: “A deep-water torpedo. It represents my true love that will never

Looking at all kinds of praises, Su Tan couldn’t help but blush.

Wasn’t it just careful, he would give it to me ~

Su Tan, ‘It feels good to be raised by a big brother :-D’

Chapter 21: Super big red envelope 

In the early morning of the next day, all the editors and experts participating in the
review of the Fanxing Novel Website gathered.

They were either experienced editors with extensive experience in the industry, or
highly respected professors of literature at various interstellar universities or
colleges, or they were specialized in the study of ancient earth culture and
literature. The weight of each station was quite reasonable.

What was more, for the recommendation meeting for the final review, the editor-in-
chief of the Fanxing Novel website, Brewer, personally attended and presided over
the meeting, and sat in the top of the meeting room.

He carefully examined the list submitted by the review team in front of him, which
listed the review results and author names of the top ten ancient earth-themed

Brewer looked seriously and attentively, and swiped down from the first part.

Every article from top to bottom did not exceed his expectations.
The works of the great gods were complete. The style was stable, and the readers’
praise was very high, and it was enduring on the annual ranking of novel websites.

These novels had been listed, and Brewer already knew them.

However, when his eyes suddenly fell on the name of a somewhat strange novel, he
suddenly stopped, and his nib stopped there.

He glanced at the author’s name and, as expected, a newcomer with no memory in

his impression. Immediately, Brewer’s brows frowned slightly.

“Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]?”

As soon as he asked, Zhao Mengsheng, the editor in charge of the daily

coordination of these reviews, immediately responded, “Yes, editor-in-chief, after
the unanimous approval of the review team, it is strongly recommended to
recommend this newcomer and new book to the list.”

Brewer’s amber eyes were quiet and calm behind the gold-rimmed glasses. He had
been in the position of editor-in-chief for many years, with rich experience, sharp
eyes, and uniqueness. Just when he was in the position of new editor alone, he dug
up and signed many new writers who later become famous. So there was not much
disagreement on newcomers and old people.

It was just that-

Brewer’s eyes deepened, and he pondered, “The list is public, and the most
important thing is to convince the public. Can this newcomer and new book hold up
the place?”

No wonder he had doubts.

It wasn’t that he did not want to recommend new people and new books. However,
the selection of the top ten feature novels had gilded each of the novels on the list,
arousing more rigorous review and criticism from readers.

The works of great gods often had a reputation and a large fan base, and there was
not much dispute.

However, when Little Pink’s book was on the list, it was easy to cause huge
controversy, and even caused a torrid battle between the author and readers,
which overshadowed a top ten selection event.
Therefore, the website was always cautious and dared not take risks easily.

Brewer tapped his finger lightly on the table. His nib accurately landed around the
name of “Dominate”, but his mood was gloomy.

When he was in deep thought, Professor Mei suddenly stood up and insisted on
expressing her opinions impartially and objectively. “This is a rare good novel.”

As the only expert and scholar hired in the field of ancient earth literature, the
words she spoke were full of weight, so that Brewer could not help glancing at her.

Brewer’s contemplation suddenly stopped. He raised his eyes and looked at all the
people sitting in the conference room. Although there was no words in the calm
sight, the silent atmosphere of the Crow and Birds was extremely stressful.

He asked calmly, “Does anyone else have any opinions?”

No one spole.

A senior editor sitting at the conference table said, “In terms of writing and ideas,
it’s good enough to be unconventional. But—”

His words instantly caught everyone’s attention in the conference room.

The older editor cautiously raised his doubts, “Can this article go for a long time?”

He reminded, “This is a new article by a newcomer, not long in words, a beautiful

start, a refreshing effort, but how long can this aura and energy sustain? Will it end
up in the halfway, leaving more pits and disappointing readers?”

He concluded, “We chose a good novel, not just a good beginning.”

Putting more than 400,000 words in Huaxia might be enough to support the full
text count of a novel, but in the interstellar era, such word counts were just the
beginning, and even the standard was not enough.

Such an extremely beautiful novel at the beginning could really have enough
penpower and perseverance to be outstanding from the beginning to the end and
conquer all readers’ reputations thoroughly?
Asking this question immediately silenced everyone in the conference room.

No one dared to pack tickets.

The works of the Great God still couldn’t guarantee the books were excellent and
the ending was perfect. How could a small newcomer who just signed a contract?

The room fell into silence for a while. Even Professor Mei, who initially supported Su
Tan at the beginning, regretted that the number of characters in “Dominate” was
too short, and the ambitious length had not yet been fully developed.

She firmly believed that as long as the author was given time, the ancient earth
world structured and restored by “Dominate” would be far more exciting than she

Professor Mei firmly said, “With this beginning, I would like to personally
recommend this novel.” 

As soon as this sentence came out, all the people in the conference room were
shocked, and looked at Professor Mei inconceivably.

It should be known that solemn and serious expert professors such as Professor
Mei had always sat high on the altar in academia, and had been invited to
participate in the review of online novels.

Professor Mei was actually willing to write a recommendation for an online novel,
and such a move surprised everyone.

It was like a university professor writing a recommendation for elementary school


This was the top honor.

The conference room was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. Everyone’s
breathing was tense and excited. They did not expect that this novel would have
cast such a profuse eye on Professor Mei.

The chief editor Brewer coughed. The pen tip in his hand fell lightly on the paper on
the table, making a soft sound, which caused everyone to look up.

In a short time, Brewer took control of the whole situation.

He said lowly and forcefully, “Professor Mei’s recommendation, I believe in her

His eyes were steady and calm. This sentence obviously gave Professor Mei a great
deal of face.

“I also believe in your unanimous judgment.”

Brewer put his hands together and put it on the table, pressing his finger against
the list of ten outstanding works of the ancient earth that were screened and
judged by the judging panel for a month.

He looked up at everyone and decided with a final voice, “That being the case, the
list of outstanding works on this topic has been finalized. Hard work for everyone.” 

Brewer’s modest and caring tone immediately made all editors, experts and,
professors who had been busy for more than a month finally breathe a sigh of
relief and laughed relaxedly.

This selection finally met expectations and came up with satisfactory results.

“Editor Zhao, the results of the selection will be published today.” Brewer reminded,
“Arrange a homepage featured recommendation, put ten outstanding works on the
homepage bulletin board for two weeks, and launch a focused publicity.”

The editor-in-chief Zhao Mengsheng, who was in charge of the review of the topic,
immediately smiled and nodded in agreement. “Okay, I’ll get ready.”

“It is good. Thanks everyone. Meeting close.”

An hour later, the homepage layout changed suddenly. The original frame of the
large-scale ancient earth feature novel solicitation bulletin was amazingly replaced
with the ten best ancient earth theme novels that just released.

Immediately, it caused a huge discussion in the author’s forum. A new post was
released to the world in a few minutes.

“Let’s go and tell, the results of the ancient earth novel selection are out!!!” 

For a while, numerous diving authors were blasted out, rushed to the front page to
watch, and then came back to post and express their feelings.
The bees also parachute: “Hi Zizi, my goddess is on the list! Sure enough, the
goddess is the best!”

Snail crawling: “Although I know that my little transparency is not possible, but the
moment I saw that I was not on the list, I still felt like a knife cut. / (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~”

Jazz Star: “… A newcomer has been ranked in the top ten, only I found it?”

Unexpectedly, when this sentence came out, it caused a lot of heated discussion.

The bees also parachute: “Laughing and crying. Is the village upstairs just connected
to the Internet? This newcomer has a strong momentum, breaking ten chapters
every day, and went directly to the homepage to be promoted.”

He also ridiculed and disbelieved, “The newcomer’s book is gaining momentum, so

many old authors and great gods can be suppressed below? This hype is too

No delay from today: “The editor wanted to hit someone ~ This was reviewed by the
editorial team. I believe the editor’s vision!”

Zuo Humming: “The master said my heart! I also feel a bit strange. This new book is
so outrageous, directly … is this the best book ever? I think the truth is that the
website wants to create new artificial potential. The result made old authors more

In a short time, the discussion in the post had diverged from the website’s
continuous training of newcomers in recent years, and spread directly to the stars
of Fanxing novel network. It was said that the great gods were frequently taken
away by the outside station.

Everyone felt that the rise of new people on the website must be the focus of the

Therefore, facing a new book interspersed with the scenes of the great works of the
great gods, the emotions in their hearts were more and more complicated.

Compared with the authors, readers’ emotions were more intense and direct.
Under the book review area of “Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]”, the biggest
controversy in history had emerged.

The Milky Way’s Cowboys: “Ten best!!! Our family is big! Proud!”

Soft cute dolphin: “Moved to cry. You don’t know how much our family has worked
hard and finally got something ~”

Dark Night Rose: “Great! — Add more? ”

Su Tan refreshed the twenty chapters to cheer his supporters. He wanted to share
this award-winning good news with Abba, and by the way, he finally withdraw the
manuscript gift that he had accumulated a full month.

Thanked to the frequent rewards of such readers as Smoke Scar, the novel that he
had just published for a month had not been on the shelves, and had made
considerable gains.

Now, of course, prepared gifts for Dad and big cousin.

In the kitchen downstairs, the robot Su Ning was busy developing new dishes. A
small, old radio was placed on the wide open window sill, and cheerful music was
played out through the rough sound.

The robot Su Ning hummed in high spirits.

Unexpectedly, while he was laundering under the faucet with rubber gloves and
washing vegetables, suddenly a large hard-cover version of the book jumped into
his sight.

Su Ning turned back and saw that Su Tan passed the gift in front of him with a
bright smile, “Dad, I got the first draft fee and bought a gift for you.” 

At the moment, the robot Su Ning was a little stuck. Incredulously staring at his
smiling son, his eyes moved to the thick and exquisite books he held in his hands
and a large box placed on the ground next to him, which contained a set of
intelligent kitchenware.

For a while, he was surprised and moved that he could not say anything.

Hayden just happened to walk into the kitchen and learned that Su Tan worked
hard and made a lot of money, and bought a gift for him.

Su Tan handed a thick red envelope to his big cousin, and proclaimed with a smile,
“I will be able to support my family in the future!” 

Hayden smiled suddenly.

He smiled, “Okay, I’ll rely on you to support me in the future.”

Chapter 22: Stunned

After receiving a big red envelope from Su Tan, Hayden opened it at night when he
returned to the bedroom and found that there was a thick stack of interstellar

At first glance, he knew for sure that he was afraid that Su Tan raised all his first
month manuscripts fees and divided them into two halves for Su Ning and him,
leaving nothing to himself.

Under the dim and warm lamp, Hayden held the smallest red envelope in his life,
but he couldn’t help but bend his lips, as if he had received the happiest gift.

Su Tan, who returned to the bedroom, just took a shower, turned on the computer,
and clicked to open the novel document.

He was in a particularly good mood today.

The novel was rated as one of the top ten outstanding novels on the subject of
ancient earth, and was hung on the promotion page of the novel’s homepage.
There was a two-week recommendation period.

The first draft fee was withdrawn, and gifts were bought for Dad. A red envelope
was given to the big cousin, and their happiness was shared with the two.
Then, he tasted a whole table of food made by the robot Su Ning vigorously using
the newly received smart kitchenware and cooking book, which increased his
appetite and couldn’t help eating.

Su Tan wiped the water on her hair, and at the same time, he could not help
recalling the Xiaoshi tea that his big cousin had sent him, and he now missed it.

He raised the corners of his lips, focused his meditation, lowered his heart, focused
his fingers on the keyboard intently, and then began to code intently.

“Dominating the Earth Age [Quick Wear]” had published more than 400,000 words,
near the 500,000-word shelves node, so the plot of the novel should also be
arranged in a timely fashion.

As of now, the protagonist of this novel had quickly worn through three worlds,
namely modern, Tang Dynasty, and the Republic of China. Each world had attracted
great attention and heated discussion from readers.

Some people were attracted by the immersive ancient earth life that he portrays,
others were attracted by the ups and downs, and the magnificent historical events,
and some voices tested whether the world depicted by Su Tan was true or false,
and how much of it fit the lost ancient earth.

Under such a huge heated discussion, Su Tan decided to add a fire to show out a
world with the most Chinese characteristics and show it to the readers. That is-


Immortality is avenue into immortals. Since ancient times, it had been the goal of all
generations. As a result, countless myths and novels had been derived. Even in
Huaxia’s online novels from 2000 onwards, Cultivation had always been a hot topic
that had been enduring.

The floods, the mortals, the cults, the classical immortals, and so on … countless
novel genres had emerged.

For interstellars, such a wild imagination that completely broke their inherent ideas
would even cause great debate and comment.

Su Tan was certain that once the fairy tale world came out, it would surely attract all
readers’ curiosity and wonder.
The story he was about to write was an ordinary boy who came from the
interstellar. By chance, he was accepted by an immortal as a disciple. As a result, a
vast and magnificent world of cultivation slowly appeared in front of him.

The idea in Su Tan’s heart had already taken shape, and it had been organized into
an outline. At this time, according to the context and main line of the outline, he
wrote it in detail, only to feel smooth.

Ten fingers tapped on the keyboard as quickly as the clouds flowed, and the plot of
the novel flowed from the fingertips and landed on the computer screen.

“Two years in Hongli, Qingyun Mountain in Jingzhou.

Cheng Juan woke up with his eyes open and found himself in a small horse
carriage. The worn and small carriages head to head, squeeing a dozen children.
The breath between each other was moist and hot, mixed with the smell of
livestock straw. It did not smell too good.

Cheng Juan was stunned, the carriage suddenly stopped, and the curtain was lifted.

‘Qingyunmen arrived! Get off!’

With a urgency, a child in the carriage was hurriedly kicked out of the carriage, and

A vast and steep mountain range suddenly appeared in front of everyone’s eyes,
covering an area of tens of miles. There were more than a dozen large and small
peaks around it, like a star-shaped moon, and a large central peak, a steep stone-
step stairs that could not be seen the end, extended from their feet all the way to
the depths of cloudy peak.

All children were taken aback by this magnificent sight. What made them even
more surprised was that the white fairy came flying with flying swords from the
peaks of the blue sky——”  

Chapter 23: Stunned 

As soon as this chapter’s novel was released, the commentary area under the time
article was detonated.

Arctic Meow: “Meow Meow Meow? What is Cultivation? !! !! How do I feel that my

brain is not enough?”

Clearly Rising Special Forest: “Still this kind of operation? ?? Inexplicable!”

Soft cute dolphin: “The author is big. Please explain in detail! What exactly is
Immortal? Is it the same as our mech training? How can people fly in the air with a
thin sword without fuel? Does not conform to the principles of mechanics! And how
did the fairy live to 500 years old? Find a way! I have to learn too!”


In this chapter, the comment had turned five times faster than usual. Even some
who did not usually show up and just like to read articles had also come out, raising
questions one after another with astonishment.

Regardless of whether readers liked Immortal World or not, the attention was
properly pulled.

Su Tan smiled and brushed the comments, watching the readers’ curiosity fell into
the world of Immortal. Flying to the sky without fuel, taking pills to live forever,
borrowing another five hundred years from heaven, and so on, grasped the heart
completely and couldn’t help smiling.

But when he suddenly brushed up a comment buried in many comments, his eyes

The dregs came to blast me: “Oh, too fake. In order to attract people’s attention, the
author doesn’t even need the lower limit, and wrote such a fake world. Do you dare
to pat your chest and say that the ancient earth really has this era?”

Su Tan’s eyes sank.

Immortals had always been a legend in China for a long time, from the five hundred
boys and girls from Qin Shihuang to seek immortality, to the prosperity of
Buddhism and Taoism in different dynasties, to the Shaolin Wudang Qingcheng
Emei and other schools.
Although these various types could not directly prove the existence of Cultivation, it
was undeniable that such claims had a long history and had deep historical origins
and cultural foundations.

As an authentic Huaxia person, Su Tan had an endless sense of closeness with

Immortal novels.

This was laid out from the comic books of Shan Hai Jing and Gu Zhi novels he read
when he was a child. It was phantom of Shu Shan Qi Xia Xia and Gu Long Jin Yong
Liang Yusheng who peeked out from the desk in the middle school period. Why?
Could you easily deny Immortal?

Su Tan took a deep breath and looked at the questioning and ridiculing post. He
had received a lot of popular followers and built a tall building.

He thought about it, and typed a line firmly in the reply to the post-

“It’s all discovered by you :-D”

The comment area was silent for a few seconds, and then a large number of
comments burst out suddenly.

Especially the person who had previously questioned and taunted him, it was
crackling back quickly.

The dregs came to blast me: “Oh, admit it! You finally admit what garbage you

Su Tan raised his eyebrows, not expecting that the other party would have to go too
far. From the commentary to the level of personal attack, he could see that the
other party was not a simple reader.

After confirming that this “small dregs” was not an ally, Su Tan calmed down and
replied calmly: “Well, then you hit me [a lovely smile]?”

Seeing this cute counterattack, “small dregs” was immediately trembling with anger

and quarreled with him angrily in the comment area.

The dregs came to blast me: “If you are in front of me, I must strangle you! Trash!”
This time, Su Tan did not continue to argue with him. He simply ignored the
provocative and insulting comments, and reposted a new post, explaining to the
readers: “Cultivation has existed since ancient times, and runs through from
beginning to end in ancient Chinese civiliation. The ancients once had poems: No
Bodhi tree, nor stand mirror. There was nothing, and there is no cause for dust. I
would like to encourage everyone.”

Readers who support this comment had posted posts.

Soft cute dolphin: “Big, we all understand, always support, whatever you write!”

Arctic Meow: “The owner next door is too arrogant. Why can’t he say no? Give

Dark Night Rose: “Good-looking, add more! “

Su Tan chuckled and replied in unison, “Thank you for your understanding, hope for
harmonious comments. Don’t take it seriously. If you like it, add more flowers, and
if you don’t like it- ” 

He raised his eyebrows in distress and wrote with a smile, “I can’t help it. See you
next time.” After

After a while, the comment became happy.

Soft cute dolphin: “Great, do you want to be so entangled? I thought you would say
that you don’t like it, just hit the bricks and slap people [laughing and crying]!”

The Arctic Meow: “‘I can’t help it’. Hahahaha, feeling distress and helplessness.”

Dark Night Rose: “Domineering! People who don’t like it

— — no chicks :). “

Looking at the comments, Su Tan couldn’t help smiling. He thought, readers were
so cute. Should he add more?
While under consideration, suddenly a deep-water torpedo appeared in the
commentary of the novel.

Smoke scar: “I like it.”

Su Tan stared for a moment , staring at the straightforward encouragement.

However –

Smoke scar: “I like it!”

Smoke scar: “I like it!!”

Smoke scar: “I like it!!!”

Smoke scar: “I like it is enough.”

Su Tan’s heartbeat trembled, and his heart fluttered.

Chapter 24: Do you like my service? 

Smoke Scar: “I like it enough.”

Looking at this sentence, Su Tan’s heart beat violently. It was undeniable that he
was touched by this sentence.

He took a deep breath, saved the written manuscripts to the background one by
one, and set them to be released on time. Then, turned off the computer and went

Lying in bed, the cool night breeze slowly blew in from the window, blowing away
the sultry heat of a room. Su Tan thought quietly. Suddenly, he jumped out of bed,
turned on his portable light brain, logged in to the communicator, and sent a
message to his cousin’s account.

Su Tan: “Sleeping?” 
There was a quick reply.

“Not yet. What’s wrong?” Hayden asked.

Su Tan glanced at the time and found that it was twelve o’clock in the morning. It
was quiet outside. Only an insect chirping occasionally sounded in the garden

Other than that, not a sound to be heard.

He breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he was in a hurry, but fortunately did not
disturb his cousin’s rest.

Late in the night, he became more interested in chatting and asked curiously, ”So
what are you doing now?”

Hayden turned off the novel page and replied calmly, “I miss you.”

Su Tan, “…”

This low, magnetic voice was ears piercingly beautiful, It bursted like thunder in his
ears, causing Su Tan’s heart to tremble. He couldn’t help but breathe nervously,
feeling that he had received a double strike.

Smoke Scar: “I like it enough.”

Big cousin: “Miss you.”

Su Tan: Suddenly shy (ω)

He took a deep breath quietly, pressed down his chest with excited emotions, and
said with a smile to Hayden, “I do not miss you–” 

His voice was abrupt, and the slightly raised tail suddenly stretched. He smiled
and said, “–I just miss you in the novel.”

In a short time, listening to the young boy’s clear and clean voice, Hayden couldn’t
help following his words. He recalled a certain fan-fiction about two or three things
that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the black-haired boy had to say.

Immediately, Hayden’s eyes turned deep.

He was holding the communicator with one hand, his long legs were randomly
arched, and fell to the bed. Although the expression on his face was not surprised,
there was a smile in his eyes.

He calmly said, “I miss you in the novel too.” 

The slender waist of a black-haired boy, soft black hair wet with sweat, and a pair of
crimson eyes … all reminded him of that dark-haired teenager beside him.

Hayden’s eyes drooped, but suddenly he heard a light laughter from the quiet
channel at the other end of the communicator.

The light laughter was low and sweet, revealing the youthful and clean
temperament, just like a feather lightly scratching the heart of a person.

“Big cousin, you must not have read that novel recently.” Su Tan responded with a
smile in his voice.

Hearing that, Hayden raised his eyebrows. Recently, he did not read the novel
again. So what new operation appeared?

Immediately, his curiosity was involuntarily hooked.

After Su Tan smiled and wished his cousin a good night’s dream, after hanging up
the communication, in the quiet night, Hayden withdrew from the communicator
and landed on the novel.

It was late at night, but the fiction website was still lively. Many night owls party
infested and commented on their favorite novels.

In particular, “His Royal Highness, You Gently Touch” headed by the new list.
Although the name was crude and straightforward, and had a strong style of Mary
Su’s novels, it still won the love of many readers with its easy-to-understand little
white style, firmly occupying the first position.

Hayden’s eyes glanced on the new list, and saw Su Tan’s novel “Dominate the Earth
Age [Quick Wear]” rose by two more, and now had reached the fifth place. He
couldn’t help smiling from the corner of his lips, thinking that he didn’t live up to the
hard work of a little fool who was breaking ten chapters every day.
From the favorite novel, the eyes were moving back to the first one. Hayden’s eyes
paused, and there was a sudden headache. He couldn’t help crying and laughing,
and he didn’t like to read the style of Mary Su. If Su Tan strongly recommended it,
the protagonist of the novel had the same name as himself——

He opened the novel.

A large group of enthusiastic comments suddenly came into view.

Black Nine-tailed Fox: “Lying down! Good sense! This reversal is simply-praise praise
praise praise!!!”

Star Monster: “This chapter is exploding! His Royal Highness finally fell into the pit ~
sprinkled flowers ~ celebrate together ~ “


The turbulent comments were burst into countless articles, squeezing the book
review area under the novel.

Hayden raised his eyebrows, not knowing what kind of plot was written in the
novel, which caused such a big frenzy of debate.

Especially when his eyes glanced through the book review area and fell on one of
the cute and explosive comments, his eyes stopped.

My big cousin is really a perverted little mushroom: “Great job! Quickly push down!”

Hayden looked at this comment and became more curious about the plot in the

He clicked on the latest updated chapter, and a line of intriguing words came into
his eyes.


Chapter 25: Do you like my service?

A whip’s crisp sound rang in the silent room. The tip of the pliable whip glowing
with black light with undetectable barbs cut through the man’s shirt tied to a soft
chair by the window.

The man’s upper body is tightly bound by ropes, but a pair of long legs were still
slantingly stretched out, resting on the carpet with low and elegant patterns.

His face was so calm that he didn’t seem to notice that his expensive satin shirt was
cut and torn. A large piece of bronze skin and a little red mark leaked from the
broken place. 

The black-haired teenager held a long whip. His back was straight. He stood in front
of the soft chair.

‘His Royal Highness, do you like this??’

The imperial crown prince Haiden was quiet and silent. His deep eyes stared at the
past. He calmly looked at the dark-haired teenager who used to be soft and
obedient under him.

Today, with his trust, he bound himself here.

Hayden found that the other’s eyes were as black as the ink that could not be
melted, but there was a paranoid and blackness between his eyebrows.

“What about this?” 

The teenager asked aloud, with one end of the whip lightly touching his wound,
lifting the corner of the damaged shirt.

“Still like this?” 

A piece of broken clothing fell to the ground. The teenager’s slender fingers slowly
reached out under Hayden’s body—

‘I also like to treat you so cruelly,’ the young man’s low and ambiguous voice
sounded in Hayden’s ear, ‘Please enjoy my serving, Your Highness.’

…… “

The novel came to an abrupt halt. Hayden closed the novel’s web page calmly. He
clearly understood the reason for the outbreak.
The soft and well-behaved little bunny suddenly blackened, and tied up with lashes.
He fiercely pushed down the Imperial Highness Crown Prince high above. This kind
of plot seemed to be a craze for everyone. 

No wonder, the amount of comments under the text suddenly burst into a small

Hayden analyzed calmly, but the scenes and pictures described in the novel just
lingered in his mind.  

A dark-haired teenager leaned close to himself, breathing with a little heat on his
neck with clean and fresh breath. He leaned close to his ear, his voice low
magnetically and said charmingly, “Big cousin, do you like this?”

Hayden turned off the light brain and the table lamp. In the quiet darkness, the
night wind blew in from the window, bringing a cool breath. 

He suddenly felt his breath heat up.

Hayden leaned back on the bed quietly. Looking at the dark ceiling, he only felt that
it was the face of young man downstairs, with a smile on his face, but he could
always hit the bottom of his heart and hovered in his mind.

He exhaled a breath, and only felt that——

Why did he also feel that this blackened / bundled / reversed picture was

Hayden, ‘Terrible …’

Early the next morning, Su Tan was refreshed. He woke up early in the morning and
took the opportunity to write a chapter of the novel. Cheng Juan, the protagonist of
the novel that happened to be in the world of Immortal, was accepted as a disciple
of Xian Men. He accidentally found out that he had no spirit roots during the reiki
test. There was no fluctuation in any attributes of the gold, wood, water, fire, and
earth. That was a mortal with no reiki.

At this moment, he immediately aroused the ridicule and contempt of the disciples
of Xian Men, and bluntly blasted him out of Xian Men.
Cheng Juan was not reconciled, and finally worked hard to get Shimen, an immortal
sword which was the last detection item.

Under the distrustful eyes of everyone, he secretly opened the cheating method
with the fast-wearing system, quietly transformed an immortal sword into the built-
in starting system, injected interstellar energy, and then under his control, the fairy
sword carried him aloft.

In the astonishment of everyone in Xian Men, he quickly flew to the sky. He almost
burst out of the atmosphere ——

Writing here, Su Tan couldn’t help but smiled and saved the article in the author’s
back-end manuscript box and set it for publication.

Sure enough, as soon as it was published, it immediately attracted enthusiastic

responses from readers.

Soft Cute Dolphin, “Big, I also want the Immortal Sword! Seeking the same type in

God Douding, “A good wind-riding mount. I really want to ride out to enjoy it ~”

Dark Night Rose: “Cough, I will reserve one thousands first.”


Looking at these various comments, Su Tan couldn’t help but endure. He did not
expect that the Chinese Immortal novels had such great charm, which aroused the
enthusiastic discussion of readers.

Such enthusiastic support was enough for him to ignore some discordant

Leader Chai, “Author, you can blow it hard, scorn!”

Starry sky is full of money: “Agree upstairs. Write text without even the brain, and
even common sense is lost. How did such novels be selected into the top ten
excellent classified novels?”

Furious counter-attack: “It ’s a brainless fan! Random nonsense, no evidence, no

respect for history … You are really awesome author.”
Such a pungent word was obviously directed at him. Su Tan was calm in his heart,
knowing that since he was rated as one of the ten best ancient earth novels and
recommended on the homepage, negative derogatory comments like this came
one after another, and he could not delete them.

What’s more, these people didn’t think about reading the text seriously from the
beginning. It was purely for the sake of darkness.

Su Tan’s face was quiet, and he was just about to reply a powerful counterattack.
Just at this moment, a new comment suddenly jumped out.

Smoke Scar: “See Weibo.”

Su Tan was shocked and opened his Weibo account.

He saw-

@Smoke Scar: “You are the best!”

Su Tan’s heart was quietly sweetened. He was not able to repay the other party’s
straight and sincere support. He had to repost the photo of the braised meat he
had made earlier and thanked, ”Thank you Smoke Dad for your support and give
you braised pork ヾ () ~ [Picture]”

When Hayden saw this Weibo, his eyes suddenly stunned, slightly moved upward,
and fell on the owner of Weibo’s owner’s name-“Brushed braised meat everyday.”

‘Eat “braised meat”?’

Suddenly, he chuckled and looked forward to it.

‘Remember your words ——’

‘Sooner or later, I will eat you.’

Chapter 26: Gourmet feeding

Early the next morning, Su Tan unexpectedly got up late.
The moment he opened his eyes, his consciousness fell into a dream like a

Half a dream and half awake, he just felt that a tall and long figure was tightly
pressed against his body. His breath was hot, the hair was entangled, and his
familiar and hazy breath made him hot.

Subconsciously, he reached out and grabbed the man’s back—

However, at this moment, Su Tan woke up suddenly. His heart beat like a rhythmic
drumbeat, and almost jumped out of his chest.

Su Tan, “…” 

It must be that he stayed up too late last night, even dreaming of small wet scene?

He sat quietly on the bed, calmed his rapid breathing, and looked up at the window.
He saw the sun outside was hot and dazzling. The dry and hot wind blew through
the gauze curtain lifted by the window, and the scorching heat went away.

Su Tan found out that his hair was wet and sweating.

He shook his head and smiled, preparing to get out of bed and take a cold shower.

But unexpectedly, the bedroom door was suddenly knocked three times, and then
pushed open.

Su Tan was stunned. He saw a long and tall figure coming in the doorway.

Hayden leaned against the door and looked at him. The expression on his face was
gentle and calm. His eyebrows were slightly amused, and asked, “It’s almost noon.
Can’t you get up?”

His figure coincided with the silent and long figure in his dream.

Su Tan suddenly whispered in the bottom of his heart——

‘This is really terrible!’

He couldn’t help crying and laughing. He nodded to his big cousin and answered,
“I’ll go downstairs immediately.”
Hearing that, instead of leaving in a hurry, Hayden stood at the door and watched
Su Tan hurriedly jumped out of the bed and walked quickly towards the bathroom.

The teenager only wore a soft white pajamas. His back was wet with sweat, and the
fabric was tightly attached to the back. The soft fabric revealed the beautiful shape
of the shoulder blades.

Hayden’s eyes deepened. His eyes watched as the dark-haired teenager walked into
the bathroom in a hurry, until the other person’s figure disappeared and the
humming water flow sounded. He chuckled and turned downstairs.

He thought to himself that he must have braised pork stew made by his cousin
today :).

When Su Tan went downstairs, the robot dad was busy cooking in the kitchen, and
he went to help when he saw it.

It happened that the big cousin passed by and said, “I still want to eat the braised
pork you made last time.”

Su Tan, ‘Still want to eat?’

He looked at Hayden’s warm eyes and smiled in his heart, thinking about the great
Chinese food. Even his big cousin was convinced. It really deserved its reputation.

Immediately, Su Tan nodded with a smile and agreed, “Okay.” 

A bowl of braised pork was not difficult to make, but it took a lot of time and
energy. Taking advantage of the waiting time, Su Tan was ready to make a new
dish-sauce grilled steak.

A whole piece of beef ribs was pierced with holes, covered with a thick layer of
prepared sauce and marinated to taste, then simmered on the fire.

Immediately, the flame wrapped the steak. The dark thick sauce spread a strange
fragrance, which attracted the robots Su Ning and Hayden to visit the kitchen door.

Looking at Su Tan’s slender figure standing in front of the oven, his back could not
tell the seriousness.
The robot Su Ning couldn’t help saying, “I really want to eat it.” 

It was not that Guiliya didn’t have grilled steak, but it was rare to be able to achieve
such a scent and full of meat.

Su Ning silently remembered the stew he had made every day and Su Tan’s petite
appetite. He suddenly felt that he had discovered the truth.

No wonder the son was not fat. It turned out that it was not good to make by
himself / (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~

Thinking of this, he reacted swiftly, stepping on a pair of fluffy little floral slippers
“click and click” to rush upstairs. Two minutes later, he was holding down a big old

Although the style was old, it did not hinder the function of the camera at all.

With a snap, Su Ning put the tripod on the kitchen door. He turned on video
function, and then aimed at Su Tan who was standing in front of the small fire.

A thin and slender figure occupied a large part of the center of the frame, but the
lens recorded his every move.

Su Tan stared at the flame intently, turning it over when the steak was grilled
properly on one side. The steak with a thick layer of sauce on the other side
suddenly crackled, and the oil drops fell in the flames. A bright spark burst into the

A strong roasted beef scent filled the whole room.

Su Ning looked at the camera lens firmly, watching his son carefully brush the steak
sauce, repeatedly turning over and baking, and then served the grilled steak off the
table. He was filled with pride.

He decided that he must learn all of his son’s menus, made a big table every day,
and then—fatten him!

As soon as Su Tan put the freshly grilled steak on the table, the robot Su Ning
immediately pointed the camera closely at the product and recorded the 360-
degree panoramic view of the finished product from all angles.
He saw under the lens that a thick steak was half-finger thick. The surface was
covered with a layer of dark and thick sauce, which almost turned black under the
heat of the flames. It looked like a dark dish, as if the surface was scorched in

However, the breath of Su Ning and his cousin were full of overbearing and strong
roasting aroma, which entered the entire lung from the tip of the nose.

The robot Su Ning was full of expectation. While holding the camera, he tilted his
head and said to the two of them, “Let’s eat?”

Su Tan nodded with a smile. The black and clear eyes looked at Hayden sideway,
and with a smile, he invited him to taste it first.

Hayden sat down at the dining table. A whole half-arm steak came into view. The
thick steak had a lot of weight. The effect was very shocking when it came into view.

Chapter 27: Gourmet feeding 

The oversized steak, the surface lacquered black with a whole layer of sauce, the
rich roasted aroma, all of them simply and violently directly hit the people’s sight,
making people unable to bear the roughness, giving birth to feeling of big pleasure.

This was especially true for Hayden.

He took a deep breath and looked at the whole steak with a large chopping board
in front of him. He could not help raising the corners of his lips, and felt that the
exquisite and small foods of the emperor in the past were like a play.

How could there be the wanton domineering and easy-going?

He chuckled under his heart, raised his knife and fork, and cautiously and
expectantly cut the first knife on a large steak.

Later, as the blade passed, the gravy of meat was squeezed out. The rich flavour of
the meat spread in the living room.

Seeing this scene, Hayden’s eyes lighted up. A deep appreciation flew through the
eyes. He clearly felt that the knife under his hands cut through the steaks smoothly
and effortlessly. Without any effort, it could be seen that the beef was tender and

However, what made him more admired was eating the first bite. The scorching
steak was still with the remaining temperature of the roast. The roasted aroma
perfectly blended with the deliciousness of the beef itself, reflecting each other and
inspiring the deliciousness.

The slightly hot gravy exploded between the lips and teeth, swept the entire mouth
with fiery temperature and gravy essence.

Hayden had no doubt that this was a delicious feast.

His eyes narrowed slightly, sitting happily at the table, feeling that it would be
better to have a glass of wine made by robot Su Ning at this time.

“Delicious?” Su Tan asked with a smile.

Hayden nodded without thinking.

After waiting for the end, he suddenly realized that a large piece of sauce grilled
steak had been cleared off the plate in front of him. There was not even a little
sauce left. And a large bowl of braised pork on the side was already left aside by

Suddenly, he could not help laughing.

“It’s delicious.” He nodded decisively. His deep eyes seemed to be scorched with
heat, and he had a bit of heat and thirst.

Hayden calmly smiled and said, “If the meat is more tender …” 

For example, if you changed to a soft and delicious young boy, every inch of it
would have a taste of the marrow and made people not want to stop.

However, Su Tan did not know what he was thinking, and simply reflected, ‘Is the
meat he marinated still not delicious enough?’

This grilled steak was a delicious meal, which made everyone happy.

The delicious steak was fragrant, rich in gravy, tender and juicy. Every bite was the
ultimate enjoyment, and everyone unknowingly ate it.
In the end, Su Tan and his cousin actually killed a whole pair of beef ribs. As a last
resort, the two of them were driven out of the house by the robot Su Ning, so they
had to go out for a walk and eat under the hot sun.

Looking at the empty table, Su Ning shook his head and smiled, put on waterproof
gloves, and began to clean up the aftermath.

He just edited a small gourmet video of Su Tan grilling steak on the upper floor. He
subtracted all the front shots of his son, leaving only the back of the focus on the
stove, smooth and serious movements, and the full deliciousness when it was
finally released.

The robot Su Ning specially selected a magnificent folk tune in his usual favorite,
slowly humming the complicated genre, which was most suitable for this set of
roasting barbecue movements.

It matched together with satisfaction, and was posted on their daily family warm
small Weibo, and seriously wrote a blog post.

“My son’s food is better than me [proud].”

Between the words, there was a lot of inadvertent display.

But he didn’t know. This microblog trumpet, which usually only paid attention to
the hair loops and weaving enthusiasts, had aroused enthusiastic attention at once.

In the past, there were only three or two comments on Weibo, and suddenly this
food video Weibo skyrocketed by twenty or thirty.

Su Ning opened it in wonder and surprise, and saw that it was full of—

“Wow! What kind of food is this! The surface is dark and scorched. How can you get
so much gravy after cutting it? Ask for a recipe!!!”

“I want it too! A whole piece of grilled ribs almost scared me when I saw it in the
video. I like this rugged style! This is definitely a welfare for meat lovers!”

“Ning Zi, it’s amazing that you have such a good cook! It’s so good to have such a
good little boy-how about marrying our house?”

Seeing this, the robot Su Ning jumped up from the seat, staring at the last sentence
on the screen in shock.

He looked down anxiously, and suddenly found the comments raging.

“Get married!”

“The wedding ceremony is ready. The Royal Palace Hukou, the high-rise panoramic

wedding room, and home starship are all complete, as long as people come with
cooking skills ~”

“If you want to marry, marry our family. My son is tall and burly. He works hard to
make money to support the family, and he is definitely worthy of your son! “


Even, there were more than one such comment.

In an instant, the robot Su Ning seemed to feel that his chest was hot, and the
circuit sparks under the chest of the metal shell almost came out.

——In the future, his son did not have to worry about not being able to find his wife
[Happy Spreading Flowers]!

He didn’t know that at this time, Hayden and Su Tan, who were staring at the 39-
degree hot walk, also talked about this topic.

The two strolled under the shade of the trees near the fields. They walked to the
place where Hayden’s initial starship accidentally fell from space.

A huge deep pit still stayed in the distance. The mound beside it had been
hardened by the hot sun. Several skinny children were not afraid of the sun, and
they climbed up and down playfully.

Seeing this scene, Su Tan couldn’t help thinking of a starship he hadn’t seen in a
long time. He stopped and asked, “Big cousin, is your spaceship repaired?” 

Hayden pursed his lips, his eyes deep, “Fixed already.” 

“Do you want to go home with me? “

Su Tan looked stunned and unmoved.

Hayden warmly coaxed, “My house is big. The house is also beautiful. The back
garden is also large. If you want to take a walk, the whole mountain will do.”

Su Tan, ‘… Awesome, catch a big landlord alive!’

Chapter 28: Confession

“Do you want to go home with me?”

With deep eyes on Hayden, Su Tan thought for a while. Then suddenly looked up
and asked, “Big cousin, aren’t you a soldier on a special mission? Do you want to-let
me join the army with you?”

Hayden, “…”

For a time, the two were silent, looking at each other.

Hayden stood up, his eyes drooped, and fell slightly on Su Tan’s face. He found that
under the bright hot sun, the young black painted eyes were extremely bright and
smiling. There was a slight playfulness between his eyes.

Obviously, he asked deliberately.

At the moment, Hayden couldn’t help but shake his head and laugh with a sigh,
knowing that the identity of the interstellar soldier he had fabricated to Su Tan
could no longer be hidden.

But –

Hayden raised his eyebrows, and asked with a smile, “Do you want to join the army?
Well, I want to order you to be my bodyguard.”

He thought of a slender and tall teenager dressed in a well-fitting pale green

uniform. The standard belt tightly bound the slender waist and outlined a beautiful
figure. The brim pressed against the soft black hair, and a pair of black, clear eyes
reflected against the military badge … Hayden couldn’t help but feel happy and
whispered in his heart, wanting to see the picture in person.
He felt that this proposal could be put on the agenda.

Unexpectedly, Su Tan standing opposite him denied this idea.

“That wouldn’t work.” Su Tan’s tone was clear. He smiled and shook his head, but
his face was full of seriousness and integrity. “I still have to study hard.”

Hayden, “? ? ?”

Listening to this sentence that was too serious, Hayden couldn’t help but laugh. He
snapped his fingers on the teenager’s forehead. “Find another good excuse?”

This reason was really making people cry.

Su Tan thought for a while. His eyes were clear. He smiled and asked him, “Then the
cook in your house is delicious for me?”

Hayden, “… No.”

He couldn’t deny that even if the food in the Imperial City was refined and perfect, it
was not as good as the few dishes prepared by the young boy in front of him.

When he thought of leaving, those foods would have to go away with him. Hayden
frowned, and loosened his smile. He finally gave up, “Never mind. I still don’t leave.”

Su Tan, “Meow meow meow? ?”

He looked upright and stood upright in front of him. He just happened to cover his
big cousin with his own figure to cover the burning sun. He just felt that his words
stayed in his mouth and he couldn’t say anything.

Su Tan looked at him for a while, and suddenly smiled lightly, and said seriously,
“Big cousin, what do you want to eat? I will do it for you tonight!”

Facing his concentrated and serous look, Heyden’s heart was inexplicably softened.
He couldn’t help reaching out and rubbing his soft black hair.


Hayden smiled softly, but he thought to himself—

He really wanted to “eat”, but unfortunately couldn’t tell him :).

The two stood against the sun and walked home together. Just as they approached
the range of Su’s house, they saw the robot’s dad was waiting at the door of the
house. The small floral apron in front of him was reinforced by his fingers. There
was a wrinkle, but his face was hard to hide the excitement.

At the sight of Su Tan and Hayden, he jumped down the stairs and ran across the
two quickly. “Son, you are back!”

He excitedly rushed to Su Tan, without realizing that his favorite furry slippers
stepped on the dirt.

Su Tan asked curiously, “What’s wrong?” 

The robot Su Ning looked at him with a smile, and asked happily, “What are you
going to do for dinner?”

Su Tan couldn’t help smiling when he heard this. Looking at the dazzling dad, and
then looking at the big cousin who was also looking forward to the food, he felt that
the great Chinese food had completely conquered the two people.

He bowed his head and thought for a moment, thinking that he had eaten a grilled
steak lunch at noon, and could be lighter at night. At the moment, he decided to
make a fresh vegetable soup.

Big cousin went to the pond to catch the fresh fish, the size of the palm. The frying
and roasting stew were delicious. However, Su Tan would clean the fish bones first,
clean the pot, and slowly simmer the soup with vegetables.

He slapped the big fish slices with two knives. After the fish soup was simmered, he
increased the heat and cooked it into the soup.

The fresh and tender fish fillets were very thin and light. He could turned off the fire
almost immediately. After a few seconds of scaling, the fish fillets had turned white,
revealing a beautiful color.

When it was served on the table, the scent of fresh fish soup flew out of the half-
covered casserole and entered the nose of the person.

Hayden’s eyes lit up. He didn’t know when he had set up cutlery for the three of
them, and sat in front of the dining table.
The robot’s dad’s camera followed Su Tan all the way and recorded his cooking
process with a smile on his face.

It wasn’t until the lid of the casserole was lifted that the water vapor came out with
the fresh flavor of the fish soup. After the water vapor disappeared, they saw a light
and delicious fish soup appearing in everyone’s eyes.

The fish soup was clear, and the fresh white fish fillets were thin and small. Each
piece was fresh and tender, and could be scattered with just a pinch.

This fish, although small in size, had a delicious taste, soft and tender meat, and few
fish thorns. It was almost melted in the mouth when eaten in one bite. It looked like
a delicious fish soup melting between the lips and teeth.

Only by tasting carefully could you taste the soft and tender taste.

Chapter 29: Confession 

The delicious fish fillet was paired with the vegetables that had been boiled for a
long time and dipped in the flavor of the fish soup. Not only was the color bright, it
was also beautiful, but it also added a delicious and vegetable sweetness, which
made people drink one bite after another. Let people drunk it bit by bit, couldn’t
bear to let go.

This bowl of fresh fish soup suddenly made everyone wonder!

“Awesome soup ~ Seeking recipe.”

“The blogger has a real conscience. There is a new video. I envy your family for
having such a good son who can cook.”

“A Ning’s family, how did you think about the matter I proposed to introduce your
son to our family last time? Don’t hesitate anymore, where is your family? Let the
our children of our family raise their relatives tomorrow!”

“My family also has a nephew!”

“Don’t you just consider the freshman Wang Kao of the Godduxing University?”

“What are the conditions? Let’s talk, we’ll leave it to you!”


Su Ning, a robot who uploaded the video clips of his son’s cooking videos to Weibo,
was delighted by the increasing number of comments.

He coughed and smiled and replied uniformly under Weibo, “Don’t worry. Take
your time. If you want to apply for a blind date, please register first ~”

It must be rigorously screened for his son to good relations :-D.

After feeding his big cousin and dad with a pot of delicious fish soup, the time was
already in the evening, and the evening fell slowly.

Su Tan went back to the room and found that he spent a whole day on two big
meals, but he didn’t have time to pay attention to his novel.

All of a sudden, he turned on his computer and landed on the Fanxing Novel
website. He found that his novel data changed dramatically overnight.

Collection 5376, comment 4298, in just one day, the novel data had skyrocketed
several times.

Su Tan took a deep breath, suppressed the turmoil in his heart, and carefully
looked for the source of the data explosion.

His updates were still awesome. The ten chapters update had been released readily
last night. The flashing emails in the station reminded him that the editor arranged
a new list — the crossover chart — for him. There was no conflict with the top ten
ancient earth publicity list on the home page. Even more had added publicity on the
platform to attract readers.

Turning to the new list, Su Tan found that he had suddenly risen to the second
place on the list of the new home page, only one step away from the first place.

Calculated in this way, his novel had already had three different list blessings, 2
homepages, 1 crossover big picture, such exposure was almost scary. Almost
everyone who clicked on the Fanxing novel website could see his article name,
causing the data to explode.

Su Tan was delighted in his heart, lightly checked his manuscripts, and then entered
the novel book review area to brush readers’ comments.
Suddenly, he found that almost all readers were mentioning one thing-

Soft Cute Dolphin: “Big! Have you seen Weibo? Have an academic giant tweeted you

Arctic meow: “Lying trough! Academic masterpiece! The research scholar Daniel in
our school likes your novel. I took a special course by Professor Mei in the second
half of the semester. Can I go and talk with my teacher to see the writing
experience: -D?”

Dark Night Rose: “Great !!!”

Su Tan was so confused when he landed on his Weibo, only to find that the number
of soaring comments @number was compatible with the novel comments. It was
just overwhelming.

The original source was that a professional and solemn academic Weibo wrote a
blog post specifically for his novel.

@ Ancient earth research researcher Mei Wangshu: “I saw the best novel this year.”

Weibo was very long. The comments were delicate and gentle. There was no tone
of preaching or pointing. On the other hand, the novel “Dominate the earth age
[Quick Wear]” was full of recommendations.

“What it said is not false. I have only read one novel this year, but I can safely say
that ‘Dominate’ is the best. Because it completely outlines an ancient earth era. It is
depicted with endless imagination and detailed descriptions. The life scenes of the
ancient earth age became fuller, leading the reader through them. As the name
suggests, to appreciate the elegance and beauty of each era.

The chic and fancy of the Immortal, the prosperity of ancient times, the modern
convenience, and unimpeded flow … … This novel is not only a work with amazing
imagination, but also a work that is infinitely close to the real age of ancient earth.

I am amazed by the erudition of the author’s braised pork, and I am glad that the
author can write such a good work, which will drive more readers to understand
the ancient earth age.
Good text.

I will continue to catch up. Come on!”

Looking at these warm and encouraging words, Su Tan sat in front of the computer,
feeling emotional for a long time.

Since the opening of his novel, he had faced countless doubts and pressure. There
were serious testimonies, intentional stabs, and some who were dissatisfied with
his data rising too fast on the trumpet to score negative reviews, and so on.

Su Tan had long been accustomed to quiet code words, and strove to write the text
well, dedicating to the readers for more exciting chapters.

However, at this moment, when he suddenly saw this warmly supportive long
Weibo, his heart could not help being touched.

He was very moved. He slowly responded under the long Weibo. He expressed his
earnestness for the first time, “Thank you, Teacher Mei. Your love is the greatest
support for me. I will work hard to write good. Shy heart ~ “

But it was unexpected, a minute later, a new Weibo popped out, @he.

Smoke scar: “Heartache.”

—— The other party did not want to speak and gave you a like.

Chapter 30: Bet

Smoke Scar, “Heartache.”

As soon as dad spoke, Su Tan could not help but endure. He thought about it and
replied under this Weibo, “Love you [shy.jpg].”

In a short time, there was a enthusiastic response under Weibo.

“Fancy dog abuse ~”

“I’m heartbroken too. Come and touch my careful liver!”

“Huh, sell it twice in a day. How big is your conscience?”

“Ah ah ah ah, I really want to write a small sweet text by the author to Smoke Scar.
It must be sweet.”


Su Tan brushed his comments and couldn’t help smiling, replying one by one
seriously, “Love you more than a big heart.”

Obviously, the occasional sale of cute one had made countless readers delighted,
and felt that their favorite author suddenly got a lot closer.

Professor Mei’s warm support was a powerful voice as a professional channel,

which had contained many negative voices that questioned the random era of
random conjectures that questioned the ‘Dominate the Earth Age [fast wear]’.

Even the editor Hoshino suggested that he update and gain popularity to prepare
for the launch.

Su Tan promised that in order to thank Professor Mei Wangshu for her support and
the love of readers, he readily adjusted the one-day update to 20 chapters, allowing
readers to see it at once.

The story of the novel’s marching into the world of Immortal also kicked off with a
magnificent atmosphere. With the protagonist Cheng Yun accidentally falling off the
cliff, he secretly obtained the secret treasure. Later, he came to prominence in the
Xianmen Dabi, rapid promotion to a high post.

Although such plots were full of routines, it was undeniable that the readers were
extremely stunned and witnessed an ordinary teenager counterattack the
superior. At the moment, everyone shouted freely.

Arctic Meow, “It’s so cool! It’s not enough to watch!”

Soft Cute Dolphin, “Greatly. our hearts are so painful today. Can you be more
comforting [smiles]?”

Smoke Scar, “Beautiful.”

Su Tan smiled and swiped the book reviews. He was about to turn off the webpage
and began to concentrate on writing the daily tasks of today’s codewords,
preparing for the novel’s release.

But it was unexpected. At this time, an anonymous post suddenly appeared in the
star author forum, which was full of maliciousness from the name alone.

“Big news! A newcomer or a group fight?! Ten chapters a day. Do you think the
author you love is just ‘one person’?” 

In the post, the landlord’s words were unusually calm. From the analysis of Su Tan’s
time when he started writing novels, the evidence from various aspects had been
revealed and there must be more than one author of the novel “Dominate”.

Landlord, “‘Dominate’ has been changing for more than 20 days in a row, with ten
chapters updated every day. Sometimes twenty chapters updated. With such a
speed of the sky, who can do it?

The gods on the list can’t do it. Professional writers can’t do it, but a newcomer can!
Can’t help but doubt, is this really written by one person?

As we all know, various web studios are now well developed. There are a lot of
writer in the forum under the name of continuation, and there are also people who
openly publish tasks to solicit their men. It is normal for an article to be drafted,
polished, consolidated and uploaded by the division of labor in the studio.

I am afraid this is the way to write ‘Dominate’!” 

The post said that it was true and reasonable, and even pulled out the completely
different styles of different fast-wearing worlds in the novel as an example,
attracting the attention of countless forum diving accounts.

Su Tan frowned slightly, looking back at the account vest “a just old bird” dressed in
by the landlord, and found that he had no impression of the other party.

Obviously, this time Black came to him again.

Su Tan thought a little, and suddenly, he couldn’t help but sigh, a little
helpless. Since he wrote the novel, various doubts and speculations had not
stopped. Even though he came forward to clarify, but doubts continued wave after
This time, he wanted to respond generously and respond readily.

Su Tan’s eyes were quiet, and he directly landed on the author’s forum with his pen
name, and changed the usual default vest to his own author’s name.

Then, he opened a new post directly.

“No need to doubt. I have 300,000 manuscripts! One hundred chapters are burst
every day, you can also do it ~ Don’t believe it, let’s try it?” 

As soon as the new post was published, it was hung next to the hottest questioning
post . Two completely contradictory, full-bodied topics immediately aroused the
attention of the big wave people.

“1L: Catch a big one alive! Waiting hard to wait for more. Seek more!”

“2L: Holy cow! Three hundred thousand manuscripts are stored. Ha ha ha, enough
for me to write a year of QAQ”

“3L: Seeking the psychological shadow area of the original poster landlord … and
more than 300,000 manuscripts saved? Light the candle.”

“4L: Curious what is the hand speed of Braised Meat?”


The new post instantly brushed the floor, and the original post’s owner was
naturally unwilling to be outdone. He rushed into the building with a “just old bird”
vest and directly provoked, “If you save the manuscript, you can prove that you are
not a studio group? What logic?”

Looking at this somewhat arrogant question, Su Tan smiled and did not have an
angry look on his face. He calmly put his fingers on the keyboard and replied,
“Come to PK.” 

He was neither humble nor strong and his tone was firm, but he suddenly dropped
a bomb in the post, which shocked the blood of countless people.

Many diving accounts have appeared in support ——

“PPPPPP! Seek onlookers!” 

“Lying trough! Braised Meat is really straightforward. It is not common for authors
with such a real disposition these years. Advise the original landlord to stand up
and fight like a man!

“Help @ 一 just old bird, what about people?” 

The crowd’s outcry was so enthusiastic. This frank and straightforward attitude
made many people feel free and easy. Suddenly turned their mood to Su Tan, there
was a lot of goodwill in their hearts.

Chapter 31: Bet

As a result, more and more people called out the original poster to come out to
fight. The pressure of the enthusiastic onlookers finally made the anonymous
account unable to breathe. Obviously, the bloodiness was also inspired. The head
was full of blood and directly responded, “PK is PK “” 

With such a hot attention, he couldn’t admit defeat.

Besides, officially, he was confident that his code skills for nearly ten years were not
necessarily lost to Su Tan. Even if he lost —— 

He was wearing a vest anyway. Who knew who he was?

Looking at the other party’s answer, Su Tan chuckled, unsurprisingly. He directly

struck and wrote, “Okay, at eight o’clock tonight. The mango live broadcast
platform. See you there.” 

The other party almost returned in seconds, “Okay!” 

It could be seen that the other party was not thinking about it at all, and the result
of this game was not taken into consideration. Either the other party was too
arrogant, or the other party was too confident.

Su Tan smiled leisurely and proposed, “Why not add a little more bet?” 

As soon as his words were published, it immediately caused huge discussion.

145L: “Reward for Interstellar Coins?”

146L: “I want to raise the Braised Meat!”

147L: “Talking about money hurts my feelings … Is it still too late for me to raise

Suddenly, a new reply appeared.

166L: “A reward of 100 million!”

Immediately, the entire post was shocked, and even the reply was shocked. A few
minutes later, the explosive excitement swept upstairs quickly.

167L: “Smoke Dad, is it you :)?”

168L: “Daddy Smoke will not go bankrupt this time? Smash all of his family on the
beauty [laughing crying].”

169L: “Suck! Wait for the result.”

Looking at the pie that suddenly broke down, the entire author’s forum exploded in
an instant. It even spread ten times, ten times and hundreds, quickly spread
throughout the entire Fanxing novel website, attracting countless readers and
authors to push around.

The fingers of “a just old bird” trembled with excitement, “Smoke scar is big, and
you can do it!”

As the most trench reader of Fanxing Fiction Network, Smoke Scar rewarded
without mercy, spending countless interplanetary coins.

But taking out 100 million was unprecedented, horrifying, and the moment when “a
just old bird” heard it, he almost thought he was kidding.

However, the hot atmosphere in the post suddenly reminded him. He pressed the
keyboard hurriedly, wanting to give this one hundred million reward to smash
He didn’t believe that the name of Smoke Scar for so many years would be used as
a play, really not fulfilling the promise of a reward of 100 million?

If the Smoke Scar regretted his reward, then he hit two birds with one stone. Two
birds at the same time to pull down the “Braised Meat” and his most iron-heavy
local tyrant reader. It was worth it!

“A just old bird” was calculated to perfection in all his heart. Suddenly his heart was
full, and he said sternly in the post, “At eight o’clock in the evening, please brothers
and sisters to witness the PK game, waiting for everyone to come!”

This tone was almost sure that he would win.

Su Tan looked at it, thought a little, and replied with a light smile, “Old bird is big.
Since you doubt my ability to change ten chapters in a day, then in this game, we
are limited to 30,000 characters in ten chapter novels. You can’t leave midway. You
can’t change people. You can’t copy, and whoever finishes first will count as the

His proposal instantly increased the difficulty of the game by a factor.

Everyone, even the “a just old bird”, originally thought to compete on the hand
speed between them for an hour and whoever quicker wins. However, he did not
expect that Su Tan would directly upgrade the hourly race to a long-distance race,
which would increase the difficulty countless times in an instant.

And such a difficult competition was obviously beautiful and exciting, and attracted
the attention of many onlookers.

293L: “Promise him!”

294L: “Promise 1”

295L: “Promise 1000000000”


“Old Bird” clutched his mobile phone, sweating on his forehead, but he did not
expect this game to develop into such a difficult situation.
He questioned the original intention of “Braised Meat” as the Gunners’ team
number, that was, he didn’t believe that someone could do a 30,000 per day
without interruption, and naturally he couldn’t do it himself.

But the competition conditions proposed by the Braised Meat in front of him were
precisely PK quick codes of 30,000 characters, so the number of such large
codewords had exceeded his usual limit.

And once ——

“A just old bird” gritted his teeth. With a stubborn mouth, he agreed, “Okay, it’s
more than thirty thousand words.” Big deal, he fought.

Su Tan made his bet, “I hope you can take off your vest by the end of the game.”

Immediately, the “old bird” suffocated and hurriedly stood up and scrambled to
find his outline of the novel.

The outline of the novel was not found, but he suddenly discovered that the time
had come to 7:38 in the evening. The official live broadcast was only less than 20
minutes away from 8 o’clock.

Twenty minutes without any preparation and buffer time.

Immediately, the “old bird” could only hurriedly prepare.

On the contrary, it was Su Tan, who stood up calmly, borrowed his father’s camera
to be set up. The lens was aimed at his computer desk to ensure that the live
broadcast would continue as usual.

There were still 20 minutes before the official start of the game, but he could relax
and prepare for it.

He was determined in his heart. When he stood up and moved his limbs to prepare
for the start of the match, the bedroom door was suddenly knocked.

“Please come in.”

He saw that Hayden appeared at the door.

Su Tan was a little puzzled, “Big cousin, are you okay?”

Hayden’s expression was gentle and he slightly raised the corner of his lips. “Do you
need to rub your shoulders?”

Su Tan’s face was dumbfounded, “… ah?”

Hayden chuckled and closed the door with a click. He walked towards him step by

Chapter 32: Tease me in front of

100,000 people
“Should your shoulders be sore?”

A small, warm yellow table lamp shined in the bedroom, exuding a warm luster.

Sue Tan watched Hayden walking towards him step by step. His expression was
calm and his pace was calm. He rolled up his cuffs casually with one hand and
looked tenderly at him, “Lie down.”  

Su Tan, ‘Meow meow meow? ?’

He was a little surprised, but he turned slowly, and subconsciously refused his
cousin’s request.

However, the other party obviously did not give him the opportunity to refuse.

A gentle and powerful hand pushed him down on the bed without question, and
then in Su Tan’s shocked emotion, his slender and powerful ten fingers kneaded on
his shoulder.

Su Tan almost jumped up from the bed when the skin was touched.

This feeling was really … too close.

The thin clothes almost brought a burning sensation to the skin through the
temperature of the fingers. With moderate pressure, from the shoulder arm to the
neck and back to the back, each one was ironed on his skin like a hot stove. A
tingling and itchy feeling came out.
Su Tan’s cheeks flushed instantly.

He coughed and tried hard to make no difference. He asked Hayden quietly, “Big
cousin, what are you doing?”

Hayden’s movements were gentle, and he slightly increased his strength on several
important parts. He pressed hard and suddenly found that his body had a
momentary stiffness, and then the hot air came out through the shirt.

He raised the corner of his lips, chuckled, and followed the steps to keep pressing
his muscles quietly, helping Su Tan relax and prepare for the writing competition.

Of course, regarding Su Tan’s inquiry, he never revealed his readership.

Hayden slightly raised his lips, and his calm voice contained an undetectable
smile. He calmly replied, “I have recently learned a new set of finger exercises, and
try it on you.”

Su Tan, “…” 

The hobby of Big Cousin was really strange.

Suddenly, he was a little crying and laughing, just thinking of getting up, but his
back could be held firmly by a force.

Haideng warmly said: “Don’t move.” 

The gentle and powerful fingers continued to swim down from the shoulders, with
a slight force just right, so Su Tan could not help but narrowed his eyes

He was enjoying it comfortably, and suddenly a light smile came from his ear and

“Do you like it?”

Su Tan nodded, and his ink-painted eyes calmly expressed some comfort and

“But– ” 
Hayden looked at him, and the teenager raised his eyebrows with a smile, and said
to him with a slight smile.

“Take me again-I’ll eat you up.” 

The boy’s tone was clear. His voice was clear and clean, but his tone was
unspeakably serious.

Suddenly, it was like a heavy punch thrust straight into Hayden’s heart, causing his
emotions to suddenly burst, as if slowly seeing a sea of flowers in the bottom of his

Su Tan got up and got out of bed, took his big cousin to the door, squeezed his
waist, smiled and said, “Thank you for massaging my shoulder. It tired you ~”

Later, Hayden watched the grinning teenager wave to him and closed the door.

Hayden was invited to the corridor: “…”

He couldn’t help but shook his head and smiled. He walked upstairs to the small
loft with a comfortable pace. Hayden flipped out the portable light brain, opened
the notebook of the record page, and wrote: “7.5, then I will eat you up if you touch
me again.”

A few lines above were awesome recordings of Su Tan’s bits and pieces.

“Kiss and hug high!”

“Then you can try the following, my skills are very good: -D.”

“What do you want for dinner? I will make it for you!”


The deep eyes follow the traces of the record, turning one by one. Hayden couldn’t
help but raise a smile, only felt full of relaxation and joy. He opened the mango live
broadcast platform with satisfaction. Su Tan’s code word PK competition was about
to start.

In the live broadcast room, millions of people had skyrocketed. Countless

anecdotes of the author and netizens of this Fanxing novel reader betting on the PK
competition had come to watch and almost squeezed the live broadcast room.
The “A Just Old Bird” live broadcast room next door was also in full swing. Although
it was not overcrowded like Su Tan, “Old Bird” liked to chat and stirred up the

Before the official game started, he had already exposed his face in front of the
camera and chatted lively with netizens. By the way, he smeared Su Tan and
insisted that he was a group battle. Today he didn’t know which one would be sent.
He proposed that netizens should compare the content of the today’s codewords
and the style of the novel, so as not to let the scammers tricked like the past.

His words were mixed, but the words directly questioned obviously disturbed the
perception of many people. The chaotic rhythm caused many netizens who did not
know the truth to make a wrong impression. They fell to him before the start of the

Walking hormone: “How big is the braised prok? Two minutes before eight, why
doesn’t he appear [anxious]?”

Straight hair: “There is no figure in front of the camera. Don’t be afraid. Run away
without a fight?”

Small white bones of the solar system: “Don’t guess upstairs. It is estimated that
there is an urgent matter to deal with. He will be there in a moment.”

Ga Being Cui: “Jie Jie Jie. There are 59 seconds left. If you do not come again, you will


Su Tan brought back a cup of hot tea and placed it next to the computer desk,
making a soft bang. Unexpectedly, so many barricades popped up in the live
broadcast room he had already opened.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, very quietly, sitting calmly in front of the computer.

In the huge lens, there was only one computer desk, one computer, one chair, a
glass of water, and a sudden appearance of thin back. Clean and neat, but it makes
people feel comfortable.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was even more exciting.

Little Whale: “Finally, come here ~ Sprinkle flowers, come on!”

Wang Xingren who loves peppers very much: “Very young! Looking at the back, it
looks like a little boy. So cute, what to do? My aunt’s heart is overflowing [shy] “

Da Fei Jian: “The old book fans come to support it. Why do you only show your
back? Ah, ah, ah, I really want to see the front!” 

Moran: “I want to see the front +100000000″

Chapter 33: Tease me in front of

100,000 people
Watching these barrage fluttering in front of him, Su Tan chuckled, bent his lips,
and entered the live broadcast room of “A Just Old Bird”. He calmly wrote, “I’m

In one sentence, the barrage of lively chat in the other party’s live broadcast room
froze for a moment, which just happened to make room for him to type.

Su Tan tapped his fingers and bluntly wrote publicly in the live broadcast room,
“Tonight’s goal: 30,000 words. Whoever writes first will win.”

He reiterated the goal of the game and publicized it to the netizens who didn’t
know the truth.

Then, he directly asked “A Just Old Bird”, “Is there any doubts?”

Such a high-profile public shout obviously put great pressure on the “old bird”.

Su Tan easily found that the other party’s jaw in the live camera had tightened
unconsciously. The muscles on the side of his jaw tightened for a moment.

If in doubt, rose it now.

If you didn’t mention it now, did not be disappointed once the game started.

The reason was very simple. Su Tan gave the other side enough time to consider,
waiting patiently for his reply.

He even took a leisurely sip of hot tea and hydrated his throat. It was not until 20
seconds before 8 o’clock that Su Tan smiled and continued to ask, “Have you
thought about it? If you haven’t thought about it, why don’t we make another

As soon as these words were spoken, a huge storm arose among the netizens who
were watching.

Grandpa: “Lying! What is it! It’s a man. Just a word, do it!”

Little Lucky: “The newcomer is forced … I think this condition is very fair. What is
this bird hesitating? Is there any inside story that I don’t know about?”

The World In Hand: “Little cuteness upstairs was sprayed by you with a smile Now!
‘Big Bird’? Hahahahaha”

Goddess is the main attack: “To sum up —— Big Bird is an arrogant and arrogant
professional black. The appraisal is completed.” 

Various barrage came turbulently, all because of the momentary hesitation of “A

just old bird”.

Immediately, everyone could clearly see that the “old bird” breathing in the camera
suddenly hurried a bit, responding passively under all the pressure, suffocating and
helplessly agreed, “Well, I have no doubts.”

Su Tan’s lips raised. Looking at the pointer at eight o’clock, he calmly said, “Let’s

The the local tyrant reader, Smoke Scar, appeared in time, adding another fierce
fire. “A reward of 100 million is valid tonight.”

His voice just fell. He saw the expression of “old bird” on the screen. He couldn’t
hide his excitement. He quickly wrote on the keyboard and pressed hard on the
keyboard to make a loud noise. A long paragraph of big words flew like water.

Although he hadn’t looked closely at the content of the codewords, but looking at
this posture, it was fierce and ferocious.

All of a sudden, it shocked the onlookers and netizens.

Su Tan glanced at it, shutting down the web page casually, and opening a blank
computer document.

However, he was not as anxious as the “old bird”. He glanced at the outline slightly,
then raised his arm and put it on the keyboard. The old keyboard had been worn so
that almost no characters could be seen, but Su Tan used it very smoothly.

He took a deep breath and calmly began to write the first word.

“After the comparison of Xianmen, the up-and-coming Cheng Jun has became a
new generation of leading figures. He was personally received by the head of the
team and rewarded him for entering Penglai’s secret realm.

It was on this day that he finally went down the mountain and saw a young man in
a red suit with a straightforward personality and a mad horse.

‘Brother,’ the teenager smiled brightly. His eyes flickered, ‘Tired or not, can I help
you squeeze your shoulders?’”

Su Tan wrote it all in one breath, devoted himself to it all in, until he came to a
sudden stop. Only then did he find that his fingers were sore and tingling,
unconsciously tense, and his fingertips were as painful as needles. 

He saw the barrage frame narrowed in the corner and found that it was full of

Ink dyeing: “Take a break. The number of words is far more than the ‘old bird.’ Don’t

Arctic Meow: “Hugging big, I feel so hard ~”

Smoke Scar: “I want to pinch your shoulders.” “

Seeing this comment, Su Tan couldn’t help raising his lips. He thought that this local
tyrant reader and big cousin were like-minded and had the same interests. They
could open a chat group to exchange tips on pinching shoulders.

He glanced at the number of words in his own code, which had reached 29999,
which was only one word away from the target of 30,000 words, and he was about
to win.
But “A just old bird” was still struggling around 18,000. The state of the code word
was no longer rapid, but it was difficult to write every word.

His fingers lingered on the keyboard for a long time. Suddenly scratching his head
like squeezing toothpaste, he couldn’t squeezed it out.

The content of the novel on the screen could no longer be read seriously.

In the comment room of “Old Bird”, there was already a voice of complaint.

Kaixing ship sells sweet potatoes: “What the hell is it?? Continuous nonsense. The
sentence is not understandable. Can you be sincere? Don’t be so perfunctory?”

A man-eating flower: “… from quantity to quality, they were completely beaten. I

don’t know if the braised pork is a studio, but you must be a black five-point slag!”

Gentleman Sauce: “Very good writing next door! Really, Birdie, you should use
snacks to write your own articles. Don’t keep staring at people’s data and rubbing
conspiracy theory. People are much better than you wrote. “

Facts spoke louder than words.

One night’s PK lasted more than five hours. The time had already passed twelve
o’clock in the morning, but the number of onlookers in Su Tan’s live broadcast room
did not decrease but supported enthusiastically.

He chuckled, sipped his tea, thought about it, and simply opened another

On the blank document, a line was typed to show everyone on the screen.

“Thank you all. 

The bird is working very hard. Let’s wait for him :).

Now, I will send you a small benefit ~”

As soon as the word “benefit” appeared, it immediately caused a climax of heated

“Benefit!!! What kind of benefit [excited]?”

Su Tan thought about it, raised his lips, and said politely, “Thank you for your
continuous support. Today, I will use the name of the smoke scar to write a short
easy for the benefit of everyone. I hope you like it. “

“Smoke Dad, is it okay :-D?”

 In the barrage, the sky was completely blown up.

Goddess is the main attack: “Hahahaha, the author is going to do big things ~”

Colabao:”Looking forward to (☆ ▽ ☆)!”

Shoushoutianxia: “@ Smoke Dad, come back to say something?”

Hayden, who was broadcasting live on the small loft, “………”

‘I look cute and offend you?’

He shook his head and smiled.

Hayden pursed his lips. His deep eyes narrowed. He replied comfortably in the

Smoke Scar, “All right.”

His voice just fell, and readers and netizens had no time to cheer, and he saw
another sentence followed.

Smoke Scar: “The other protagonist must be you.”

He raised his lips, smiled brightly, and calmly left a message: “Let’s do things
together? :)”

Chapter 34: Sweet and Sultry 

“Benefit short essay, okay.”
“The other protagonist must be you.”

“Let’s do things together? :)”

Looking at the words left on the screen by the Smoke Scars, Su Tan was a little
dumb and couldn’t help laughing. Suddenly he found that he was defeated by the
other party.

He originally wanted to use Smoke Scars as a prototype to write a short essay on

benefits, but unexpectedly put himself in the routine.


Su Tan looked at the barrage on the screen and found that the colorful text
brushed quickly, which was dazzling.

Little Whale: “A short essay about local tyrant reader and cute author, I want
to read it !” “

Colabao: “Write it fast. Wait for the update [ 好 巧.jpg]” 

Goddess is the main attack: “Yoooooooooooooo ~” 

Seeing the enthusiastic calls of readers and netizens in the live broadcast room, the
heat rose again and again. Under such a warm situation, he was naturally not good
at pouring cold water.

So, Su Tan dedicated himself to entertain everyone.

He rolled up the cuffs, the white shirt sleeves were neatly rolled up, and the back
was more and more beautiful and handsome, with a fresh youthful temperament.

However, the text flowing on the screen as soon as the pen was dropped was
unexpectedly hot and straightforward.

“The Smoke Scar in a military uniform came back. The dark green figure walked
through the corridor. The black army boots landed silently on the clean ground and
hurried into the cabin. 

As soon as the door was pushed open, he saw a thin figure in a white shirt lying on
a small, clean bed. The neckline of the shirt was slightly ripped open, revealing a
little fair skin.
And its owner knew nothing, lying quietly with his eyes closed, his cheeks full of
abnormal heat .

Hearing the sound of the door, his long, drooping eyelashes struggled a bit, and
shuddered a few times before finally opening his eyes slowly.

A pair of misty black eyes were a bit out of focus, and looked forward blankly for a
while, before finally landing on the Smoke Scar.

“General ……” Suddenly, the young man returned to his consciousness and dragged
his body struggling to sit up, but his arm strength was almost empty, and his soft,
collapsed body was dangerously tipped to the side.

The smoke scar deepened and stepped forward, holding the slender figure into his

He saw the teenager’s breathing was hot, his nose was full of tight and abnormal
heat, but his body was as cold as an iceberg, and even the skin under the shirt was
tight and cold.

All of these points to a reality.

He has a fever.

Smoke Scar sighed in the bottom of his heart. However, his cold face was quiet, and
he circled him calmly and forcefully. With deep voice, he asked, “You are sick.”

His tone was calm, as if he was only stating a fact.

But what he said from his mouth made the young man ashamed. The heat on his
face almost burned. His eyelashes flicked tremblingly for several times with shaky
look on his face.

He lowered his head and tried to apologize: “I’m sorry, I … I didn’t do it on purpose.”

Due to illness, the clear and clean voice was a bit dull at this time, but it was a little
more magnetically enchanting. It seemed that the kitten scratched in the heart of
the Smoke Scar.
He looked down at the embarrassed young man, injected him with a therapeutic
agent, and then in the eyes of the young man who were both embarrassed and
uneasy, he suddenly said flatly, ‘Well, if you leave your post for no reason and leave
your post without permission, then punish yourself.’

The teenager’s eyes were a little surprised. He looked up at him subconsciously, so

that Smoke Scar could almost see his reflection in the clear black eyes.

Dark green, straight military uniform, and a cold face.

He squeezed the corners of his lips and reached for the misty, wet eyes.

The sound of ‘Su Su’ sounded, and a white shirt was thrown underground.

The teenager was slightly surprised by the sound of “Ah”, his low and clean voice
echoed in the small cabin, making people feel that the temperature in the room
was gradually rising.

Smoke Scar sighed slightly and stepped forward to embrace the cold and naked
slender body of the teenager, whispering, ‘Is it cold? I will warm you up.’

Gentle and powerful fingers covered the cold and trembling skin, and a series of
heat was scratched on it.

The dark green military uniform was dragged to the ground, but a tall and tall figure
firmly enveloped the teenager in his arms.


As he wrote here, the following plot just happened to meet the expectations of all
readers. They saw the sick teenager warm up little by little by the general’s bland
but gentle movements. His fair skin was gradually stained with crimson. Even those
black eyes were reddened. Weak and powerless, he tried to cooperate with the
general’s actions. All the readers and netizens who watched the live broadcast
online yelled.

Arctic meow:  “Ah ah ah ah ah! Don’t stop, I have to look behind! !”

Wolves: “Why is it gone [crying]? Smoke Dad will cry.”

At the right time, Hayden appeared.

Smoke Scars: “Not enough to see …”

Suddenly, his appearance brought up a series of enthusiasm. All netizens have

@he, asked about feelings.

Ma Tuan’er: “Big, what is it like being stunned by the author?”

Having seen this question, Hayden chuckled and replied calmly, “Very good.” 

Immediately, he saw that the barrage of the live broadcast room was all painted.
“? ? ?”

He chuckled and raised his lips. He then continue calmly but firmly, “Well, you can
try it next time.”

Hayden’s thoughts turned around. He was going to write it down in his diary book.
Later … he could slowly experiment on a little boy.

His dark eyes grew deeper and deeper, but the quiet eyes raised a little
anticipation. The screenshots of the live broadcast were saved, and the mood was
cheerful and relaxed.

Chapter 35: Sweet and Sultry

Su Tan in the live broadcast room saved the benefits short essay and changed it to
another codeword pK file.

He glanced at the time and found that three o’clock in the morning had passed. The
night was still and silent.

Only the live room was still hot.

This game was not over yet. His pK bet “A just old bird” had been extremely difficult
to catch up, and finally squeezed the word count to more than 28,000 words.
Seeing that he would take advantage of Su Tan’s opportunity to open a short essay
on benefits, he surpassed him in one fell swoop to win the championship.

However, Su Tan chuckled and switched back to his contest document page.
Word Count: “29999”

Under the readers’ attention and enthusiasm, he finally wrote the last word, easily
ending the game.

—— “End.” 

Word Count: “30000”

This move made the anxious and suffocating “old bird” almost mad and spit out old

He finally caught up with difficulty, but at the last moment, he was easily crushed by
Su Tan, beating his last hope.

Suddenly, the “old bird” was like a mourning test, and he thumped his keyboard
with a slap of anxiety. He actually took the things in the room and slammed his
hands, grabbed an ashtray and threw it out fiercely. There was a loud, loud noise.

Such a move even made many netizens who watched his live broadcast room
frown, and brushed the barrage with some disgust.

Orange-flavoured Soda: “Gee, can’t you afford to lose this way?”

Gentleman Sauce: “Did the ashtray provoke you? Why hold the ashtray to vent?
Can’t watch anymore. Abandoned.”

Little Whale: “From the two live broadcast rooms, it seems that the braised meat is
much more powdered. #Bird Big You owe Braised Meat an apology #! “


After the game settled, the “old bird” was sullen and unconvinced, and cynically
opened his mouth to argue for himself.

A just old bird: “This game was unfair from the start! Who knows where the braised
meat is from the gunman? How can I win this amateur and professional match?
Even if the braised meat wins, it still doesn’t prove that his novel was not made by
the studio group!”
His words were a little bit turbulent and messy, but what he said was plausible,
blindly trying to draw everyone’s focus to the fairness of the game and suspicion of
braised meat.

But did not expect—

Orange-flavored soda: “Better than the middle finger. Why didn’t you say it before
the game started? People asked if you had any doubts. You didn’t say it yourself.
After losing, you started to find excuses and reasons. Yes, I just watch! Do not! Get

Fishing on the Milky Way: “Are you crazy?! When in doubt, don’t compare, don’t
beep. Isn’t it too bad to throw black water and smear the braised meat?”

Little Whale: ” Well, no matter what you say, I have been braised with braised meat
circle. The writing is good and fast. He also give benefits. He was forced to
participate in the competition and have no complaint. No matter how much you
say, it won’t change our attitude ~ “


Almost instantly, “old bird” was mocked by all the crowd.

At this moment, “a just old bird” sullenly wanted to vomit blood. His eyes were
vultures. He shut the live room directly with annoyance. Suddenly everything
disappeared on the screen.

The netizens who were left behind were even more surprised.

Gentleman Sauce: “How about people? Just run away? Is the apology eaten by the

Little Whale: “This is too irresponsible, I feel like he came to black people on

Orange-flavored soda: “Speechless o__o” … “

Su Tan, who won the victory, smiled. Under the computer screen, he type the next
line seriously.
“Thank you for your support! good night. “

Speaking, he turned his back to the camera, raised his fingers to a “V”. Then under
the reluctance of the majority of readers and netizens, he left the live broadcast

It was almost the early morning of the next day. Looking out from the window, the
horizon was a little white, and the soft morning light dispelled the faint mist and the
night. The early morning was coming.

Su Tan stood up, moved his stiff and sour limbs, and stood at the window.

He was glad in his heart that, fortunately, his big cousin had massaged finger
exercises beforehand, so as not to make his muscles tight and stiff like a stone.

But even in this way, the stretched bones and muscles pulled apart during the
activity brought a slight soreness, which made him unable to help moaning.

Su Tan wiped off the thin sweat on his forehead, went to bed, carefully covered the
quilt, and began to catch up on sleep.

 However, he did not know that in this codeword pK game, the attention surged

Readers who didn’t go online last night heard this news one step later, only to feel
full of regret about missing a big show, and became more curious about the
braised meat and the “old bird”.

Among them, “Brushed Braised Meat Everyday” really got into battle and with his
strength circle powder. His novel “Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]”
skyrocketed a wave of heat.

As for the other parties, “a just old bird” had always hidden behind anonymous
vest. Even after the live broadcast was started, only a small half of the side face
could be seen in the video screen at that time, so that people could not see his true

Who was he?

Why should he specialize in blacking “braised meat”?

Suddenly, just as Su Tan was sleeping and making up for sleep, the endlessly
interested netizens started a vigorous skin-panning exercise.

Colabao: “It is estimated that ‘Lao Niao’ is the author of the same list with Braised
Meat? Are you deliberately coming to black people?”

Fishing on the Milky Way:  “Braised Meat now has three lists: new rankings,
crossover big charts, and the recommended list of ancient earth special novels on
the homepage. I don’t know which list is jealous, resulting in innocent being
hacked? “

Chapter 36: Sweet and Sultry

Moran: “As a reminder, the crossover big charts and the ancient earth novel
recommendation list are edited artificial lists. There should be no trouble for
someone to find the author without looking for the editor. Only the new
leaderboard is a natural leaderboard, and anyone can get on with the points. Could
it be that the new list has suppressed someone’s position?”

Colabao: “But there is only one person on the new list who is above Su Tan … “

All kinds of speculations and discussions.

Everyone couldn’t help but look between the hot first and second places on the first
page of the new list.

After a soaring interest in the pK game, Su Tan’s novel collection had risen to a
horrible 15,000 overnight, leapfrogging the first place with similar data and firmly
occupying the top of the new list.

Readers of the awe-inspiring book review area flocked to the second place, “His
Royal Highness, You Tap.”

Just then, a post appeared quietly in the forum area of the author of Fanxing

“What if you win?! Is it disgusting to take flesh eyeballs? Will take such a heresy.
Don’t you blush braised meat? !!!”
The headline of the post’s heading was so violent that it immediately caught
everyone’s attention.

1L: “Big bird, are you?”

2L: “Don’t hide your head and show your tail. Hey, we can see your real body at a
glance even if we put on our double eyelids.”

3L: “Black face?? Why are people sick? You should be hacked if you have talent and
you have the ability to write! Not to mention anything else, if you can burst into ten
chapters every day like braised meat, I’ll be happy!”


Looking at the comments quickly brushed up, almost every one stepped on his face
and hit his face. “A just old bird” was immediately furious. He he just saw the
speculation about his identity in the next post. Suddenly, the spirit flashed, and an
evil idea came into his heart.

Regardless of the group mocking in the post, he directly crackled the keyboard and
replied, “Write meat? Sorry, braised meat is not worthy of my shoes. You can see it

As soon as this remark came out, the reply in the post was still for a while, and then
a few seconds later, everyone rushed and caught his appearance and commented.

Colabao: “I seem to have found something terrible …”

Gentleman Sauce: “This IQ … no one is. Focus on the list, there is only one author
who is good at writing meat and happens to be pressed down with the braised
meat on the list.”

Goddess is the main attack: “Anxious for the other party’s IQ, ha ha ha ha ha.”

However, looking at the speculation of everyone, “old bird” was not panic, pursed
his mouth proudly, found a cigarette from the chaotic desktop into his mouth, and
said happily and maliciously,”My IQ? Your IQ is not enough. Just use it as a gun.”

The post’s wind direction was skewed, and many people who watched the diving
were exploded. It has been determined that “old bird” was the author of the new
list, “silly hair”. He was good at scoring and writing, and had just fallen to the top of
the newly-added first.
The motive was there. The vest accidentally leaked information during the speech.
It just simply confirmed his identity.

Suddenly, group mocking object of all netizens were led to “silly hair”.

“Old Bird” spared no effort to intersperse in various posts, and became more and
more muddy, smashing his “false identity”.

“Laozi’s meat is fragrant and beautiful. What is braised meat?”

“Salute anyway. I suggest braised meat learn my first book.”

“Don’t guess, I’m not a dumb guy at all!”

The more he says this, the more the authors of the forum diving believe that he
was “silly.”

At ten o’clock in the morning, the languid newcomer author Luo Jiajia finally went
online with the dark circles on his eyes. When he opened the Fanxing novels author
forum, he saw all eyes hanging on his own post.

“The old bird has lost the vest. It turned out to be the first dumb in the new list!!!”

“So maliciously discrediting the authors of the same list, and concealing their
identity, biting to death and refusing to admit that they are stupid, it is simply an
annual drama, all acting!”

“Touching for the braised tiger. It is really bad luck to encounter such a sunspot.
Writing is not easy ~ ” 

Immediately, Luo Jiajia’s eyes widened in shock, dumbfounded and unable to


It wasn’t until a few minutes later that he reacted suddenly, rushing towards the
keyboard with a wailing voice and posting in a hurry.

“I’m dumb !!!!!! Who is discrediting me QAQ!” 

As soon as this post came out, the forum that had been frying for a long time was
completely boiled.
1L: “Really fake?”

2L: “Will it not be regretted, a new round of whitewashing?”

Luo Jiajia felt very wronged and trembling his finger to reply, “I am injustice … the
old bird is not me at all. I also watched the pK game last night. Why was someone
using my identity today? @A just old bird, come out soon! Have the ability to face
the challenge!”

However, what was even more surprising was that since he appeared the vest of “A
Just Old Bird” was completely silent and disappeared, making Luo Jiajia think that
he could not find anyone in the face of confrontation.

In this way, the true and false identity of the two people completely made many
readers and authors who watched the posts endlessly look at the flowers and
distinguish which one was true and which was false.

For a time, various claims of “washing white”, “shameless”, and “new plot” had
emerged. Each had been analyzed and testified by many people.

Luo Jiajia even suffocated, tears in his heart and uttered chaos in his post, “Just use
my identity. Even said that writing meat is disgusting? !!! Lying trough, writing meat
is the happiest and most glorious!!”

He had always been proud of his fleshy style of writing, Even if someone trampled
on the author’s name and smeared, even if he was still hacked, he couldn’t bear it!

Chapter 37: Sweet and Sultry 

At the thought of this, Luo Jiajia almost couldn’t help his little violent temper, and
lifted up to want to beat the “old bird”.

Seeing that there was no proof, he directly swore in the post, “Old bird, don’t tell me
if you have the ability! Urgently call the administrator, check IP. Prove me innocent!
My innocent quilt defiled, you can’t ignore it / (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~ “

Such funny and humorous words suddenly caused a lot of melon-seeking

people who read the post to be suspicious and asked for a thorough investigation
of IP to solve this bad smear problem.
In fact, the act of deliberately pretending to be another author and stepping on
another author was too bad. People would be outrage if you didn’t pull it out.

Suddenly, there was a lot of wind and water in the forum, and various tall buildings
were built high and fast.

And such an abnormal situation had apparently already attracted the attention of
the Fanxing novel website.

The administrator appeared in Luo Jiajia’s post in a timely manner and replied
succinctly, “Checking, please be patient and wait for the result.” 

The official intervention finally let Luo Jiajia, who was wronged and shocked early in
the morning, settled in his heart and replied calmly, “Be patient and wait for the

After a while, as expected, the administrator officially appeared in the red vest and
gave the results of the official query.

Administrator: “Silly Hair” first landed today at 10:23:06 am. After comparison, it is
inconsistent with the landing of ‘a just old bird’ IP.”

A dazed and frightened heart finally found his way back, and expressed his
depressed mood in the post, describing in detail. “Beg the site to severely punish!
Such a person deserves to be sealed for 10,000 years. Don’t come out and hurt
people again. I was scared to tear in the morning.  Well, I happily watched the
braised meat pk competition last night. Brain filled up a bunch of 100,000 words of
sweet essays for him and Smoke Dad. So, I did n’t sleep all night and wrote it.
Unexpectedly, The little black house was hung by QAQ.”

He was about to feel wronged.

But the diving readers in the forum exploded in a flash.

Colabao: “Focus on the key point. What is the 100,000 words small sweet text? Is it
the style of stew that you are best at?”

Me, Me, Me:”I didn’t watch enough yesterday, but I still have benefits today. I am
happy to spread flowers ~ Don’t hide them in secret. Take them out and share
Gentleman sauce: “Blessed by misfortune! Being so troubled by the old bird, two
lovely authors have been harvested. All are collected and pressed to update. “

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the post was heated up.

Silly hair’s mood was also very good. He was preparing to be lively sweet text
theater. Unexpectedly, at this time, the owner of the small theater suddenly

Smoke scar: “A hundred words, can you sell?”

Seeing this post, the hair was suddenly stunned, and his heart beat like thunder. He
thought about it for a long while, and clenched his teeth, “Sell!”

Rich was the uncle!

He happily collected the money, leaving a disappointed reader.

When Su Tan woke up, he found that his own Weibo bursted into the table.

There was “Big, you did a beautiful job last night! The pk game looks good to me,
and my blood is boiling!”

There were also “Big, that big bird is doing things again. He discredited you in the
forum under the guise of others. He will be banned by the website after it is

And, “Big, I would like to report! Smoke Dad bought a copy of him and your little
Huang Wen privately and hid it himself! It’s inhumane! Go and beat him!”

Looking at this last private message, Su Tan couldn’t help but smiled and raised his
lips. Directly on his Weibo @, he wrote, “@Smoke Scar, come and explain ~”

Soon, the other party replied.

Smoke Scar: “We can study together :).”

For this serious reason, Su Tan couldn’t help but smile.

What was more, Smoke Scar followed immediately and said, “Last night’s reward.”
with a screenshot of a large red envelope.

In the comments on Weibo, they were all boiling immediately.

“One hundred million! Great fortune!”

“Smoke Dad is large tight. One hundred million won’t blink!”

“Great lead!”

In a passionate voice, Su Tan unexpectedly refused. “@ Smoke Scar, thank you for
your generosity and support last night. This is your fee for showing up in the novel
last night. Don’t mention it: -D.”

His attitude of being neither humble nor overbearing immediately made more

people feel positive.

The editor also knocked on him at the right time, “The novel is hot and ready to be
on the shelf today.”

Su Tan took a deep breath and agreed readily, ”Okay!”

He had sufficient manuscripts and had been preparing for a long time. Although it
was short notice, he still did not panic. At 12 o’clock noon, the new chapter officially
entered V.

One chapter was a big fat chapter of 30,000 words, which sincerely made all
readers ecstatic.

And the author said something, he directly smiled and asked, “Enter V burst, thank
you for your support. How much do you want to see?”

In the comments, countless enthusiastic replies rushed out in no time.

“Come again for 30,000?”

“I don’t see enough of it!”

“I like such a big deal! Give me a dozen more!”

Su Tan couldn’t help but looked at the readers’ enthusiastic comments. Thinking a
little, he simply bursted out two big fat chapters. The number of words updated in
one day reached 100,000 words in horror, and he took the first place on the list of
updates that day.

Such a frank approach immediately hit the readers’ appetite and caused the
purchase of the novel to skyrocket.

At 2 pm, the first order is 3000.

At 3 pm, the first order is 4000.

At 6 pm, the first order is 6600.

At 8 p.m., the sales of the first V chapter of “Dominate” had already attracted the
attention of all the authors of the Fanxing novels. Everyone speculated whether it
would explode by ten in the morning.

It was not uncommon for a novel to order 10,000 in a novel online. Many authors
could achieve it with a good list and a long text.

Chapter 38: Sweet and Sultry 

What was more, Su Tan was also a newly-launched newcomer author, whose fan
base was not as strong as the great god. Would his novel set a new record? All
authors and readers were secretly expecting.

At 10 o’clock in the evening, Su Tan landed on the backstage of the author and saw
that the sales of the novel had reached 8800.

There were two hours left until 12 o’clock.

He took a deep breath and continued to concentrate on codewords without any

trouble. Waiting for more than 11 o’clock, once he opened the author’s background
again. Seeing that the number of subscriptions had reached nine hundred and
eighty-eight, it was destined to break ten thousand, suddenly he couldn’t help
feeling good.

Even though he tried to be calm, the corner of his mouth could not help but smile.
And he understood that all of this depended on the reader’s support.

Su Tan logged in to Weibo and specially recorded a small video, which was posted,
“Thank you for your support. What is it [Video]?”

However, after the video is turned on, the lens was always reflected lowly on the
simple and warm floor polished by dark colors over time. Readers couldn’t help but
feel anxious. Many people opened the barrage. “Oh, the lens is skewed. Let’s move
up a little bit!”

However, at the end of the lens, the footsteps came calmly and slowly. The angle of
the lens was slightly adjusted, but but it was not raised to the normal height
according to the ideas of all readers. They could only faintly see a figure sitting not
far in front of the camera.

Immediately, a refreshing and clean voice sounded, and in an instant let many
netizens and fans who were in front of the video involuntarily stop and quiet down.

“Hello everyone, I am the author of “Dominate The Earth Age [Quick Wear]’ Brushed
Braised Meat Everyday.”

Although the voice of the teenager was not as energetic and full of enthusiasm as
the average peer, the clear voice seemed to flow through like a clear spring on a
hot summer day. It was refreshing, and the humble and polite tone couldn’t help
but make people feel good.

“Lying trough, juvenile voice!”

“The big voice is so nice! Meng crying! What to do? I feel my ears are almost
pregnant, so you are responsible!”

“Don’t the Braised Meat Conference use a voice changer to hide its identity?”

“I already knew the author’s voice is so nice … Great, I still have time to express my
confession QAQ? “

The barrage in the broadcast room surged across, and a lot of people were crying
and howling. Many people hurriedly knocked their friends online and could not
miss this once-in-a-lifetime moment.

Someone even urged-

“Large, how much more do you say? [Good luck]” 

“Observe the teachings ~ everything you say is right!”

“I’m late! / (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~ Brothers and sisters, ask for the resources recorded in the
previous screen! Thank you for your good life!”

Looking at the barrage that had been brushed so fast, Su Tan couldn’t help but bent
his lips and chuckled.

Unexpectedly, his clear and clean laughter caused everyone to shout against the

Su Tan smiled and placated, “Thank you for your support. Don’t praise me specially.
I will be proud.”

What’s more, he knew his situation. In audio equipment, the voice was suddenly
amplified, so the advantages and strengths of the sound would be amplified
numerous times, overcoming the flaws and ordinary, but in daily life, it was
absolutely impossible to go to such a point of the sky.

“Great, you can be proud of this voice! The best juvenile tone I’ve ever heard!”

“Clean and refreshing, transparent and practicable, I don’t get tired of listening. It’s
worth recording as a wake-up ringtone.”

“Big, do you really know your talents? “

Su Tan chuckled and quipped meanly, ” I know. In reality, no one has ever said that
my voice sounds good. On our planet, I have always been a type that I have never
been able to marry.”

Suddenly, everything on the barrage turned into–



“Ask which planet is it?”

Su Tan lowered his head and smiled, not preparing to disclose his details. Only said,
“Sorry, this is a secret.”

Suddenly, the wailing on the barrage continued, all of which were “seeking
publicity”, “seeking encounters” and “seeking face”, making Su Tan even more

He soothed the emotions of his fans and began to speak seriously about his

“Thank you for your continuous support and attention. Since the beginning of
‘Dominate’, it has won the love of countless book friends. I am very grateful.”

His voice was cordial and genuine. Readers and fans couldn’t help but recall this
dreamy month.

An unknown new book, from a few small readers silently squatting to keep
updated, to attract more and more people’s attention, the atmosphere of the book
review area was gradually warm and lively.

On the top of the list, the essay was recommended. During the period, countless
people encountered doubts and pressures. However, Su Tan beautifully relied on
his excellent novel strength and powerful update ability to strongly suppressed all
doubts and ridicules.

It was really a dark horse that had swept away the gloomy trend of the ancient
earth theme. A newcomer brought a cold theme with a book and became the most
unexpectedly powerful dark horse this year.

Such novels and authors were enough to make them proud.

“Great, you are great! Come on, we will always support you!”

A warm cry of warmth and encouragement, all of which were encouragement and
support to him, made Su Tan’s heart warm.

He took a deep breath and bowed sincerely and humbly. Even though everyone on
the side of the lens could not see him, he still bent down deeply. He expressed his
gratitude to these little angles who had always supported and encouraged him.

A thousand words, only one sentence.

“Thank you.”

There was also warmth in the live broadcast room.

“Hahahaha, I caught a glance, black hair! The author’s big hair is black.”

“You’re welcome, we spoil you!”

Su Tan raised his eyebrows, picked up the paper prepared by the seat, and quickly
walked to the camera before.

“Below, it’s benefits time.”

Chapter 39: Sweet and Sultry

Su Tan said with a smile. There was a sharp and lively smile suddenly appeared in
the voice of young boy. People couldn’t help but put all their attention on him.

He held the paper in front of the camera. They saw that a simple stick figure was
drawn on a piece of white paper. A villain composed of simple lines was holding a
large bouquet of flowers on his knees. Although the lines were concise, the lively
expression on the face of the villain was even more vivid.

Squinting to the left with a smirking look suddenly made all the people who saw it
could not help but stand up.

There was a text next to it, “Thank you, send you a flower ~” 

The interesting text was accompanied by lively and fun character stick figures. In a
short time the live broadcast room was a sea of joy.

“Ha ha ha ha ha, the writer’s big meeting to play ~”

“The painting is great. I carefully looked at it ten times. Every time I read it, I would
give out a barbell-like laughter. My roommate already thought I was crazy [laughter
crying] ].”

“This painting is poisonous and so magical that it can’t stop!”

Su Tan smiled and replaced the paper to the next page. They saw that in the center
of the next piece of white paper, a child with a pair of thick and curvy eyebrows,
was thinking hard on the table with both hands on his cheeks.

The immature face with scowling eyebrows, and frowning face made many people

Several big bubbles popped beside the child’s head.

“Want to send benefits …”

“Give more?” 

“Selling cute =  ̄ω ̄ =?”

“Shooting red envelopes?”

Interesting words, coupled with the face of the villain frowning and thinking, made
people unspeakably funny, and couldn’t help laughing. .

“Everything must be done!”

“Author, don’t kill the picture! Ah, ah, ah, I was brainwashed by this picture!”

“Otherwise … You’re selling a lot of cute stuff and sending us a red envelope with a
hundred chapters?”

“Upstairs 66666666”

Su Tan smirked and turned the page to a sheet. This time the picture was replaced
with a determined villain holding a fist.

Text: “I have decided!”

He quickly turned to the next page. “Add twenty more chapters!!!” 

The live room froze for a moment, and immediately there was a shout of cheers.
“It’s really awesome!”

“Happy to wait for the update ~”

“Finally, I can watch it all at once and give it a big praise!”

However, before the readers and fans were happy, they saw that the paper on the
screen turned to the next page. “One hundred red envelopes!”

In an instant, there was an uproar in the live broadcast room, which was more
sensational than before.

Although many readers were not weak at reading the texts and rewards, when they
met the author and gave them red envelopes, they were even more surprised, and
they were all sharpened and ready to start grabbing.

“And also– ” 

Su Tan turned to the next page. This time, there were only two words unexpectedly
on the white paper, but he hung up everyone’s appetite.

“What else?”

“Quickly reveal the answer! Anxious ~”

Su Tan did not deliberately hang the rhythm, and simply turned to the end.
However, the last piece was not paper, but a plate of food that he personally
brought to the camera from the side.

He smiled and said, “This is a plate of three cups of chicken I made. The method is
very simple. I will post the detailed steps on Weibo. And the benefit is that it will be
immediately from the subscription number under the ‘Baking’ article. I extracted
three readers and mailed a copy of my three cups of chicken by Star Express. I
hope you will like it. Thank you.”

As his clear voice fell, everyone’s eyes could not help but fell to a plate of food in
the center of the screen.

Although you couldn’t smell it through the screen, the rich color and rich sauce
were still unbearably salivating, and your appetite was wide open.

“Late night tragedy, abused by food!”

“Now I’m going to rush to find nutritional supplements, don’t stop me~”

“Hopefully good luck will come to me, please!”

In the hot conferences and discussions of countless friends, Su Tan’s video of

thanks came to an end. At this time, it was past twelve o’clock, but he didn’t feel
tired at all. He just felt that his mental state was full of joy.

Clicking on the author’s backstage, the total number of subscriptions accumulated

within 24 hours had exceeded the 10,000 mark, setting the fastest record ever.

Throughout the entire website, it was not difficult to subscribe more than 10,000.
There were many great gods and even a small pink book that could do it.

But that was usually after a period of time after V, the list exposure was enough to

The first chapter of the new book had been booked for 10,000 within 24 hours.
Such data was rare in the entire Fanxing Novel Network, not to mention the first
newcomer like Su Tan who wrote the book.

It was simply against the sky!

Su Tan was agitated and sent out all the twenty chapters of the manuscript in the
manuscript box as promise for the benefit of the fans. In the comments below, the
top 100 were selected and sent out red envelopes, that each contained twenty star

Although there were not many twenty star coins, it was enough to support an
ordinary reader to read a full month of novels with ease and leisurely. For every
reader received, they were always happy and grateful.

He bent the corner of his lips, turned off the web page, and was about to wash up
earlier to go to bed. But suddenly, at this moment, his room door was suddenly

Su Tan was a little surprised.

Who would come in the middle of the night?

He opened the door and unexpectedly saw a tall, long figure standing at the
door. Hayden looked at him leisurely, looking down at him with his eyes down, a
little smile in his dark eyes.

“I smelled the scent.”

He opened his eyes casually, his eyes crossed the top of Su Tan’s head, and fell far
into a plate on the table not far behind him, evoking a smile on the corner of his

“Don’t invite me to share it together?”

Chapter 40: Touching Belly Every Day

The three cups of chicken with soft and tender meat and a delicious taste, Hayden’s
eyes immediately squinted with enjoyment.

Su Tan never thought that one day, he would sit on the floor with his big cousin late
at night, watching each other as if sitting in front of the five-star supreme food.

In an instant, they looked at each other in a good mood.

Hayden stopped the chopsticks and watched the bright-eyed youngster gazing at
him. He immediately moved the chopsticks holding the chicken and send it to the
teenager’s mouth.

He asked calmly, “What do you see me doing?”

Su Tan subconsciously chewed the chicken in his mouth. The sauce was rich. The
chicken was tender. The tender chicken was simmered with sweet and delicious
sauce. With a bite, it felt like a burst of pulp, and the taste was very delicious.

He admired with joy, but the eyes looking at Hayden were dark and bright. Under
the quiet night and the light of a warm little table lamp, the black eyes were stained
with a smile of humor.

“Big cousin, are you gaining weight?” 

As soon as his words fell, Hayden’s movement stopped suddenly. His expression

helpless and gentle.
Unexpectedly, Su Tan was interested in caring, and said directly, “I feel it.”

As he said, his slender ten fingers reached out in a playful way to reach his

Hayden’s eyes deepened. Without evasion, he let him touch him calmly.

Through the thin clothes, slender ten fingers touched the skin. The cool fingertips
could not help making Hayden feel a sore itch, as if the kitten’s claws had been
plucked in the bottom of his heart.

Su Tan commented with a smile, “Without eight abdominal muscles, bad review!”

Hearing this, Heiden couldn’t help but grab that hand. The thick and warm big hand
gathered the slender fingers and brushed the fingertips slightly covered with the
thin cocoons. The heat of the palm ironed the cool fingertips.

Hayden’s deep eyes stared at him closely. His low-magnetic voice was a bit dull. It
was obviously a calm opening, but it made Su Tan suddenly felt a trace of danger.

He looked at Su Tan and slowly said, “Then we can do some exercise.”

In the boy’s surprised and puzzled eyes, he bent his lips. “Exercise together.”


Didn’t know what fell on the ground, Su Tan sitting cross-legged on the floor at
random, suddenly changed his posture. He was firmly pressed under him. A tall
and long figure enveloped him from above.

Su Tan didn’t have a bit of precaution. When he landed, his head was still ignorant.
He just felt that his hands were firmly controlled by the other party in one palm,
while the other warm big palm had already stumbled in from under his pajamas.

The warm palm touched his waist and abdomen, bringing the scorching and scaling
temperature almost instantaneously. Su Tan, like a little rabbit pinched three
inches, jumped up in shock.

“Wait, wait a minute!”

Su Tan was sore and itchy, struggling hard, but each one was resolved by the gentle
and strong action of the other party.

The warm big palm circle patrolled the white and soft abdomen. The movement
was serious and focused like Su Tan did previously, ironing the cool belly bit by bit.

However, this strange touch couldn’t help making Su Tan’s heart tickle, as if the
most secret place was occupied by people invading the circle.

The other party even said seriously, “Well, there is no abdominal muscles, but I like

Su Tan: QAQ

The corners his eyes were red. His black eyes were stained with a layer of water
mist. He almost felt that his belly was hot like a stove under the palm of the other
party, but the thoughts were soft and turned into a pool of water. He could not
think normally.

‘I really want my cousin to touch my belly every day.’

Su Tan suddenly looked back, and found himself having a strange thought.

He looked at his big cousin softly and quietly and begging obediently, “I was wrong.
Please let go of me.”

Hayden chuckled softly, and his murky eyes landed on his face. In a low voice, he
said seriously, “OK, let me check if there is a baby. Let go of you.”

Su Tan: Meow meow? ? ?

He looked up at Hayden in surprise and found that his expression was focused and
serious, but what he said was if he was publishing a certain news message.

If the object to be inspected was himself, Su Tan almost believed it to be true.

Hayden touched his waist and belly softly and intently, and asked in a flat voice,
“Want to have a baby?”

Su Tan: “…No!!!!!!”

His desperately struggling attitude couldn’t help making Hayden chuckle out loud.
Hayden thought for a moment, sighed softly, and agreed, “Also, you are too

That serious tone made Su Tan easily see the pity of his eyes from it.

The other party considered this idea seriously. If it wasn’t that he was too young,

Su Tan struggled suddenly. Struggling under the palm of his big cousin, he pushed
the person out of the door, and closed the door with a snap.

Until he was left alone, the anti-quiet declaration made him clearly feel his
throbbing heart.

Su Tan: …No, he has to be quiet.

The next second, he climbed into bed and pulled the quilt over his head.

It was terrible, how could he be bewildered by this idea himself?

When he woke up the next day, Su Tan felt his night dream chaos, and his thoughts
became a mess. He sat on the bed with the quilt for a long time, only to recover his
thoughts bit by bit, turned over and got out of bed, and cleaned.

When he went downstairs, his face was as usual.

Dad the robot brought a hearty breakfast from the kitchen. His cousin Hayden read
the newspaper calmly at the dining table. Hearing his footsteps, he bent his lips
slightly and gave him a deep and quiet smile.

Su Tan just felt that his little belly was hot again.

His cheeks were reddish, and the hot heat was calmly suppressed, and his big
cousin greeted him as usual.


Hayden: “Morning~”

Then, Su Tan sipped his lips and sat down at the dining table, enjoying breakfast
Temporarily avoid dangerous topics, dangerous thoughts, dangerous big cousins.

Su Tan drew the focus in his heart.

After having breakfast, Su Tan went upstairs and turned on the computer to
organize his novel outline and save manuscripts. After a night, yesterday’s first
order volume rally of 10,000 gradually slowed down, and it was somewhat
saturated towards 12,000.

For this result, Su Tan had been very satisfied.

He calmly continued his daily codeword plan, and the amount of updates was not
reduced but increased, which made readers shouting and enjoying. More readers
looking forward to what he would write in the next world.

Words such as Xianxia, Feijian, Xiuxian, and meditation had become popular online
vocabulary and could be seen everywhere in his reader comment area and Weibo.

Chapter 41: Touching Belly Every Day 

Words such as Xianxia, Feijian, Xiuxian, and meditation had become popular online
vocabulary and could be seen everywhere in his reader comment area and Weibo.

Soft Cute Dolphin: “I was still training immortals at 1am last night, I didn’t expect to
get the author’s big thanks video, listen to soft and cute boy voice growl ~”

Arctic Meow: “Ask for an address upstairs!”

Soft Cute Dolphin: “Guiding Weibo.”

Amusing Gem: “Become a fan successfully. Do you have any benefits today?”

Last night, Su Tan personally promised three benefits in the video. Naturally, it was
sent to all readers in a hurry today.

It was said that adding more red envelopes were quite common. Many authors
would send them to readers. But the three cups of chicken that Su Tan made by
himself had caused many people to look forward to it deeply.
Even food lovers who never read his novels deliberately became fans of his readers
for this food.

Su Tan, as he said, selected three of the readers who subscribed to “Dominate the
Earth Age [Quick Wear]”, and packed the three cups of chicken in vacuum and
delivered them through Star Express.

Although the cost of express delivery across the planet was expensive, it was
extremely efficient. Eight hours later, a reader closest to him received the air parcel

Cute Soft Dolphin: “Went to university in the Alpha Galaxy in order to wait for the
package. I deliberately skipped the dinner and did not eat it. I’m expecting the
courier to deliver the package to my hand.

However, a delicious food was received, and a large carton was installed.

“Soft Cute Dolphin” held the heavy package, and could not bear the joy in her heart.
She flew back to the dormitory and carefully placed the package in the center of the
table, rushed directly to the computer, and set up the live broadcast lens that had
been prepared. She shouted excitedly in the reader group of “Dominate” which was
established spontaneously by reader fans.

Soft Cute Dolphin: “Here! The delicious food of braised pork has finally received
[tears burst into tears]! Now the live streaming is out of the box!”

Immediately, her voice burst into a lot of online readers.

Amusing Gem: “Envy! Why didn’t I get it, this is a broken luck/(ㄒ o ㄒ)/~~”

Goddess is the main attack: “The same envy 1. Oops, no, Dolphin smash you and
wait for a while. I go find a good a small snack of watermelon and peanuts. You
unpack the box again.”

Arctic Meow: “I have ordered takeaway, wait.”


The group was lively. Everyone was looking for snacks while looking forward to
watching the live broadcast opened in the group. Watching the “Soft Cute Dolphin”
adjust the lens focal length, holding a large box into the lens.
The “Soft Cute Dolphin” looked beautiful and lovely. The surrounding environment
was a university dormitory, which was quite neat and clean.

For the first time, she appeared publicly under the live camera. There was a little
shyness face on her face, but she couldn’t hide her excitement between her
eyebrows. She waved the knife in her hand excitedly and waved to the camera.

Soft Cute Dolphin: “I’m going to open the box~(╮▽≦)/~!”

Everyone said, ”Come on!”

“Soft Cute Dolphin” took a deep breath, looked at the box solemnly, and paddled at
the first knife at the seal.

When the sealing tape was completely cut off, the lid of the carton was opened. The
“Soft Cute Dolphin” couldn’t help but be excited.

She looked intently and reached in, and then-

pulled out a scrap of newspaper from the inside.

Soft Cute Dolphin:? ? ? Black question mark face.

Not to mention her blank face, the netizens in the readers also froze.

Arctic Meow: “Wrong mailing?”

Amusing Gem: “Yeah! Is it the person who won the prize that I am [excited]!”

Goddess is the main attack: “Touch again.”

“Soft Cute Dolphin”, under the enthusiastic suggestions of netizens, simply

stretched her head and glanced into the box, and then successively took out one
after another group of newspapers, filling the table with large and small.

Everyone in the group: “…”

Amusing Gem: “Ignore.jpg. What do you do with so many paper balls? Does Star
Express need paper balls?”
Fishing on the Milky Way: “It should… not needed.”

Goddess is the main attack: “Maybe it’s a lot of hard work, and want to encourage
dolphin to study hard and read more newspapers?” 

As soon as she heard this, the “Soft Cute Dolphins” suddenly became red-eyed, and
everyone felt reasonable.

“Soft Cute Dolphin” emptied the newspaper group in the carton, put the newspaper
group one by one in a safe place, and then took out the last thing in the box.

A small vacuum-packed box full of three cups of chicken.

Seeing the opening of the box lid, all the readers were excited.

Fishing on the Milky Way: “Lying trough! Great conscience, so much!”

Amusing Gem: “Could you finish eating dolphins? Give me some. I will post the

Goddess is the main attack: “Envy QAQ”


“Soft Cute Dolphin” looked at a small box full of three cups of chicken, and the
mood was thrilled and moved. She thought that the author’s benefit was to send a
dish to try it out. She never thought that the weight would be so large.

Immediately, the “Soft Cute Dolphin” couldn’t help but smile. She smiled and said
slowly towards the live camera, “Thank you so much.”

She brought the cute cutlery that she bought specially. She carefully pulled out
three cups of chicken, took some in the tray and put it in the microwave to heat it

A minute later, a “ding” sounded, and everyone in the reader group looked forward
to it.

The steaming three cups of chicken were taken out of the microwave oven. The
melted broth was densely wrapped on the chicken nuggets, showing a crystal
amber color with a layer of beautiful sauce hung like honey.
“Soft Cute Dolphin” looked forward to it with joy, looked at the three cups of
chicken in front of her, and said to the camera, ”I smelled the scent, and the scent is
particularly sufficient.”

Immediately, there was envious voices in front of the camera.

In the eyes of everyone, the “Soft Cute Dolphin” tasted the first bite with
anticipation. Immediately, she could not help revealing a happy look on her face. All
her mind was captured by the wonderful and rich flavor.

Even the live readers in front of the camera had forgotten everything.

Amusing Gem: “Dolphin smash. Talk. Tell us what it tastes like?”

Fishing on the Milky Way: “I feel that the dolphin has become addicted and unable
to extricate herself…”

Goddess is the main attack: “I really want to eat.”


“Soft Cute Dolphin” didn’t pay attention to the sound of howling wolves in the
group, eating food while enjoying it, and drinking cola with beer and hot rice with
soup. It was totally a rhythm of eating.

After she finished one and a half of the three cups of chicken, and finally satisfied
with food and drink, only then she suddenly remembered the readership she was
broadcasting live and ran back to the computer in shame.

Soft Cute Dolphin: “I’m sorry. It’s so delicious. I forgot everyone.”

Everyone in the group had no choice but to order take-out, and salivated the
remaining three cups of chicken.

Chapter 42: Touching Belly Every Day 

Everyone in the group had no choice but to order take-out, and salivated the
remaining three cups of chicken.
That night, the “Soft Cute Dolphin” who received the food deliberately smashed the
deep-water torpedo to Su Tan. She was amazed by the three cups of chicken that
were fresh and delicious.

At the same time, this situation was also staged in the other two lucky readers who
received the food.

The Dark Night Rose:  “Very delicious.”

Dumb hair: “Great, I went out for a trip. When I came back, I got a box of three cups
of chicken and was divided up by my family! Didn’t leave me a bite! He also said it
was delicious, and asked me where I bought it? Am I biological [crying]?”

Earlier, because “Dumb Hair” was thought to be “a just old bird” and later exposed
as a face-smashing thing, it became famous among Su Tan’s readers.

So when “Dumb Hair” appeared, all the comments made fun of him.

Arctic Meow: “Come up with 100,000-words of sweet text. I will make it for you!”

Soft Cute Dolphin: “Want to eat? I still have this~”

Dumb Hair: “You bad people!”

Su Tan couldn’t help but greet him, comforting him with the next chance. With the
explosion of words and the explosion of word counts, the immortal world was
almost at the end, and he began to conceive a new world.

Looking at the book review area to discuss the topic of various foods
enthusiastically, he couldn’t help but move. For the next world, he wanted to open a
special food world.

In the age of the ancient earth, the era with the most Chinese food was the 21st
century modernity before his rebirth.

Meaty steamed buns, Lanzhou ramen with tangy red oil and bright noodles, sticky
bean paste filled with sticky rice balls, fresh and delicious boiled and spicy boiled
fish… countless delicacies. Each one made people linger, and conquered the
stomachs of many Chinese people.

Su Tan remembered that a piece of “Hua Xia on the Tip of the Tongue” triggered
countless people’s enthusiasm and recollection.
Therefore, in the next new world, he intended to completely open the door of
Chinese cuisine for the interstellar people.

When he thought of a bite of crispy biscuits served with a refreshing and delicious
noodle, and then poured a spoonful of red oil, the spicy oil was bright, fragrant and
delicious. In the hot summer, it could best line the Chinese spleen and
stomach. Immediately, Su Tan moved his index finger and couldn’t help turning off
the computer. He went downstairs to the kitchen to prepare noodle.

The robot Su Ning, holding the vegetable basket and entering the door, just put on
the fluffy little floral slippers. As soon as he saw his movements, his eyes lit up
immediately. He ran upstairs, and took off the camera to shoot quickly.

Su Tan’s hobby for Dad was quite easy.

Smiling at the camera and beckoning, Su Tan continued his hand in an orderly
manner, washing the dough little by little with clean water, kneading out the starch,
and then simmering it in a thin iron pan. In just a few seconds, a white, clear, thin
cicada-like noodle was completed.

He processed it according to the recipe. In a short time, he folded a stack of dough

neatly and spread it on the panel, then rolled it up one by one, and raised the knife
with his hand, and the sharp tip of the knife crossed the noodle, one by one slender
cold noodle was cut.

“What’s the son doing?” Su Ning looked full of surprise, struggling to remember his

Unexpectedly, he didn’t know when Hayden stood beside him. Hearing his

question, he watched silently with him.

Su Tan’s slender and thin back was busy and neat in the kitchen.

Mixed the cold noodle with juice, mixed well, cut the cucumber into filaments, and
put it in, immediately adding a bit of refreshing feeling to the whole dish.

As it happened, the biscuits were baked. Su Tan turned around with a smile and
greeted Hayden to help him to the table.

Unsurprisingly, the big cousin was still the first one to try new things.
“Taste it quickly. Is it delicious?” The robot Su Ning squatted with the camera on his
side. The look of expectation was more anxious than Hayden.

Hayden said, looking down at noodle and biscuits in front of him. From the
appearance alone, the style was quite weird. He was convinced that he had never
seen this food. But the refreshing noodle attracted his attention.

The white and thin cicada-like cool noodle was interspersed with slender and
refreshing cucumber shreds, and a spoonful of bright and bright chili oil was
poured on it. The color combination was simple and comfortable, and the cool
feeling that emerged from it was a sweep of the summer heat.

Hayden picked up the chopsticks and took a sip in anticipation. The refreshing cool
feeling filled the entire mouth. The chewy texture of noodle with cucumber shreds
was very pleasant.

When he ate more, the spicy chili oil’s spicy flavor gradually gained strength, and
the spicy taste slowly stimulated the taste buds and brought out a thin sweat.

At this time, eating a slap-sized, crispy and delicious biscuits was simply delicious.

Looking at Hayden’s elegant and fast movements, the robot Su Ning couldn’t help
but his eyes were all bright. He went upstairs to edit the video. Only Su Tan and his
cousin were eating satisfactorily at the dining table.

When the two were drinking hot tea comfortably after the meal, they suddenly saw
the robot dad with a happy face downstairs.

He smiled to Su Tan and said, “Son, dad has created a new chat group. You add
them in.”

Su Tan nodded as he should.

As soon as they entered the group, a warm welcome immediately appeared.

“The son of Aning’s family is finally here!”

“Welcome~Sprinkle flowers~”

The enthusiasm of the people in the group made Su Tan bend his lips with a
smile. He replied: “Hello.”
His appearance immediately made the comments in the group warmer.

“Oh, this kid is so polite!”

“Cute and cute, and he will make good dishes. @My male god braised pork, son
come out soon! Don’t fight the king!”

“Well, this picture of my boy. Tall, handsome, and filial. It’s the one who knows the
cold and the heat the most. Son of Aning family, you should consider [Photo]”

“There are three suites in our house!” 

“Aning’s son, let’s take a photo~”

The comments responded enthusiastically, but Su Tan felt: …It seemed a bit

Looking at the expression on his face was a bit dazed and funny. He glanced at the
big cousin beside him. He smiled and said, “Big cousin, borrow a photo to use it?”

Hayden’s eyes narrowed. He put down the tea cup, came behind him with long legs,
and glanced into the communicator chat group.


Hayden: ! !

His brow furrowed tightly.

Hayden pursed his lips without opening, and quietly took the phone. His fingers fell
sharply and suddenly hugged Su Tan’s shoulders, bringing the two close together.

Then, took a picture, and uploaded it, all in one go.

He saw that a photo caused an uproar.

“Oh, hey, the son of Aning’s family is so handsome. Is the little boy next to you your
brother? It looks like he is not yet a teenager. It happens that the aunt’s family has
two sons. You brothers are married together!”

Hayden looked, his face green.

Chapter 43: The Bathroom 
“Have a house and a car! A prestigious school degree! Our two sons are so
handsome, and Su Ning son and younger brother should think about it~”

“Our family doesn’t have anything. Just rich [gas]!”

“Don’t say anything, just go to the picture! If you see it, I will ask the two boys to
propose marriage soon!”

Looking at the enthusiastic chat group, Hayden’s expression on his face was a bit
cold, and his eyes were dark.

‘Come to propose to Su Tan and him?’

Suddenly, with a move of Hayden’s finger, his slender and powerful fingertips
“snapped” and pressed the ungroup button. The chat group, which was scrolling
enthusiastically, disappeared from his vision.

In an instant, the phone returned to silence.

Hayden calmly handed the portable light brain back to Su Tan. In the other’s
confused and surprised eyes, he calmly explained, “Aren’t you saying that you want
to study hard now? Good, don’t divide your mind. These chores have delayed your

His voice was deep and strong, and he didn’t feel ill. What he said didn’t have the
meaning of admonishing or preaching, but it seemed that he was sincerely
considering Su Tan.

Immediately, Su Tan was relieved with some surprise, and even felt that what the
other party said made sense.


‘I believe it. You are evil!’

He glanced at his big cousin with a smile, and when he saw the other person’s as
usual calm and indifferent look, he raised his eyebrows even more and suppressed
his smile.

How come he hadn’t seen his big cousin do it before with such a serious and
persuasive way of persuading him to study?

Su Tan couldn’t help but laugh. He didn’t reveal this point, watching Hayden explain
to the robot father again in a calm and firm tone.

“Su Tan is still young. Don’t worry about these things. It will be long in the future.”
Hayden’s tone was calm, but his quiet voice contained a firm and powerful force,
which made people involuntarily convinced.

However, on this topic, the robot Su Ning was very worried. It tightly twisted a pair
of metal steel fingers in front of him, obviously feeling very nervous and
worried. “But the young people of Guilia have found suitable people to associate
with at this age.”

He opened this chat group, hoping to create more opportunities for Su Tan to
contact with his peers.

After all, in Guilia, with a thin body like Su Tan, no one knew better how difficult it
was to find a suitable person.

Hearing the words of the robot Su Ning, Hayden said calmly, “Leave this to me.”

“The risk of online chat is too great. If Su Tan is married to another star region a few
light years away, can you really rest assured?” He methodically listed several cases
of interstellar marriage fraud that had just been broadcast on TV recently to further
dispel Su Ning’s ideas.

With deep eyes, Hayden looked at the tangled and dim robot Su Ning in front of
him. With a calm tone, he directly promised, “Su Tan’s marriage, please leave it to

“I will definitely find him the best husband.”

His clear and powerful voice, as solid as a rock, utterly defeated all the worries and
worries in Su Ning’s heart.
Immediately, the robot Su Ning looked at him in a bit of silence, and opened his
mouth for a long time.

It was not until he saw the expression of commitment on Hayden that he was
convinced that the other party was really not just talking about it.

In an instant, Su Ning’s heart couldn’t help but feel moved and hot, and sparks
appeared in his chest as if electric current was rushing.

Robot Dad’s chest was hot, and he thanked him very touched, “Su Tan’s eldest
cousin, you’re so kind. Then I’ll leave it to you.”

Hayden’s deep eyes flashed with bright light, and he nodded and promised, “Don’t

Su Tan on the side: …

‘Don’t you really need to ask my opinion [laughs and cries]?’

After all, a network affair became invisible, and with the promise of a calm
decathlon cousin Hayden, the robot Su Ning’s worries were completely wiped out.

He happily boarded the chat group, and explained to the friends in the group that
his son had a home. Then he remembered many neighbors were still anxiously
talking about the child’s marriage a few days ago. So he volunteered to help both

Unexpectedly, this move unexpectedly made up several pairs. The young people
chatted and exchanged privately, and this group suddenly evolved into the best
friendship group for Guilia and Alien Territory, helping many people to their fated

The life of the robot Su Ning was prosperous. Su Tan’s new text data was also

Since he officially launched the first chapter of Gourmet World, the reviews in the
novel book review section had completely exploded.

The soft and cute dolphin: “It’s called the chicken? The hobo of the ancient earth
was originally called “Jiaohuazi.” This name is so interesting.”
Arctic Meow: “Help me focus on the key points, no thanks—‘A whole chicken is
wrapped in tender lotus leaves, covered with a layer of yellow mud, and simmered
in a fire lit by straw. After the yellow mud is roasted and the chicken is fully cooked,
take the chicken out of the fire, crack the mud shell, and open the lotus leaf. The
chicken is golden in color, oily and shiny, and delicious. People can’t bear to suck
their fingers.’”

Dark Night Rose: “Hungry.”

This unique flavor chicken immediately maxed out the comment area. It had even
become a hot topic on Weibo.

In particular, the method of cooking the chicken was simple and convenient, and
every family could do it. Many people who read novels couldn’t help but practice it
immediately at home, and they were immediately caught by the huge delicacy.

Cokebo: “I begged my mother to do it yesterday, and the fragrance spread all over
the street!!”

Fishing in the Milky Way: “I, I, I went to the restaurant to order this dish, and the
boss almost shot me out. Unexpectedly, when I made it and cracked the mud shell
and opened the lotus leaf, the whole restaurant was a sensation! Now the boss
comes to our house every day. He was crying at the door and begging to buy the
copyright of this dish with me, hahahahaha. Great, I helped give your Weibo
account to the boss and let him chat with you privately.”

Soft and Cute Dolphin: “I gained 5 catties after eating for five days, licking my
fingers, not enough QAQ.”

Looking at these comments, Su Tan couldn’t help but chuckled. He didn’t expect the
charm of Huaxia’s food to be so great.

He carefully saved the codewords and introduced another Chinese delicacy-crayfish

in the next chapter of the food world.

Hot summer nights, food stalls, and the cold beer with various flavors of crayfish
could comfort the stomachs of Chinese people.

In this world, Su Tan found many wild crayfish growing in ponds, and they were
regarded as aquatic insects by the Guilians. In other star regions, this unremarkable
delicacy had never been discovered, and there had never been a time to cook it on
the table.

Seeing the large numbers of fat crayfish in the pond, Su Tan couldn’t help moving
his index finger.

He took a piece of cotton thread, a piece of fat, and then took a small bucket, sitting
on a bench by the pond and waiting patiently. After a while, a bucket full of fresh
and plump crayfish was hung.

Only one hour has passed.

Su Tan was satisfied, regretting that the bucket he brought was too small.

He was about to pack his utensils and take the crayfish home. Unexpectedly, a
familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him.

“What are you doing?”

Eddie, the big guy, happened to pass by with medicine. He suffered from

heatstroke in the past few days and lost his appetite. He had no appetite at all
when he saw delicious food. He lost two catties from hunger, so he had to go the
hospital to see a doctor and prescribe some medicine.

Chapter 44: The Bathroom 

Unexpectedly, on the way back, he saw Su Tan sitting quietly beside the water pool
from a distance, wearing a big straw hat and carrying a small plastic bucket. He
didn’t know what he (Su Tan) was doing, and his curiosity was immediately aroused.
He couldn’t help but step up to talk.

Eddie looked at Su Tan suspiciously. He watched Su Tan turn around and smiled. Su
Tan raised the small bucket beside him to show him, and openly said, “Preparing to
make a delicacy.” 

“Good food?” Seeing the barrel full of lively and climbing crayfishes inside, Eddie
was so stunned that he blurted out and shouted in surprise, “How can this kind of
bugs be eaten?!”
Seeing Su Tan’s eyebrows stretched and calmly settled, Eddie’s face wrinkled. He
twisted his eyebrows tightly. Thinking he didn’t know this, he immediately squatted
and explained in a hurry, “No one can eat this kind of bug! Don’t be stupid! If you
want to eat fish, I will help you catch it.”

Eddie’s face was flushed. His big body was sturdy and huge. The expression on his
face was ashamed and could not bear to pierce Su Tan’s whimsy, but the caring
hidden in his tone had obviously showed that this previous hostility had been gone
for a long time.

Su Tan smiled in his heart, wondering when the relationship between himself and
him would get better. As if it started from sharing the berry pie made by Dad and a
meal of abnormal spicy chicken wings?

At the moment, he couldn’t help but raised his lips with a smile. His black eyes
looked at the other seriously, and said firmly, “This crayfish is really delicious.”

Eddie was full of disbelief. He stopped talking. He finally endured the desire to
refute, and couldn’t bear to break his fantasy.

Looking at him, Su Tan smiled and invited, “Don’t you come to our house to taste it

Eddie, “…Huh?”

#Really don’t want to eat bugs#, #Will I hurt his heart if I refuse?#, #Bet on life to be
a guest#… Immediately, all kinds of thoughts rushed in Eddie’s mind, making it
difficult for him to choose.

Seeing that Su Tan had finished speaking, he had already picked up the bench, and
the bucket, and started to walk towards home. Eddie couldn’t bear it anymore.

“Hey, wait for me! I’ll go!”

Su Tan took Eddie back home. He took out the toothbrush in the shocked look of
the other party, brushed each crayfish cleanly, and rinsed it with water several

Then, one pot made water crayfish, another pot made spicy crayfish with various
As soon as the hot, spicy and delicious flavor came out, it immediately attracted the
attention of the big guy Eddie. He couldn’t even sit in the dining room, and couldn’t
help running to the kitchen door and looking up.

The spicy stir-fried taste in the air deeply stimulated Eddie’s stomach and couldn’t
help but remind him of the abnormal spicy chicken wings he ate last time. The spicy
and refreshing taste made his scalp numb, but he couldn’t stop it. Couldn’t stop no
matter what.

Suddenly, Eddie’s heart seemed to have returned to the tangled moment before
eating the abnormal spicy chicken wings.

Wanted to eat but afraid.

Eddie watched the two pots of crayfish pass in front of him. The spicy and
stimulating taste rushed into the tip of his nose. He couldn’t help but make his
saliva gurgling. Then, it was put on the dining table.

The tall and long Hayden was already sitting at the table.

He moved carefully and ran over, taking advantage of Su Tan’s absence in the
kitchen, and whispered to Hayden, “This is a bug!”

Eddie gesticulated his hands and feet, for fear that the big cousin from the other
galaxy would not know their native species. He stubbornly explained, “It’s wild by
the water. Big Cousin-can you eat it?” 

The last sentence was the focus of the inquiry.

Hayden glanced at him calmly, the expression on his face as steady as before,
without any change due to his words.

He opened the mouth and said, “Can’t.” 

As soon as the voice fell, Eddie was taken aback for a moment, and half of the
sentence that had not been finished was stuck in his mouth, looking at the red and
spicy crayfish with unspeakable disappointment.

Did Su Tan’s big cousin understand routines? At this time, he must say yes. He need
him(Hayden) to give him(Eddie) courage QAQ!
Eddie looked at Hayden accusingly, his sturdy body twisted full of grievances.

Hayden was not surprised. In the direct line of sight of the opponent, he took a
clear water crayfish. Although it was the first time to eat this strange shelled animal,
his movements were not slow and fast. He was still elegant and calm, peeling the
shell accurately and sending it into the mouth.

The moment he tasted it, he couldn’t help but squinted his eyes with enjoyment.

The shelled crayfish had a pale pink flesh, which looked nothing special, but the
moment it was delivered to the mouth, he could taste the sweetness full of flavor.

The meat quality of the crayfish was not as soft and tender as he had imagined.
Instead, it was slightly elastic. The elastic crayfish meat had a wonderful taste when
chewing, which gave him a sense of satisfaction.

Eddie asked in a low voice, “Is it delicious?”

Hayden’s half-closed eyelashes drooped, restraining all his emotions. After tasting

one quietly, he thought about it, and replied with a chuckle, “It’s not delicious.”

However, his hand dragged the whole pot of crayfish in front of him.

Eddie, “…” ‘Brother, can lies be more sincere?’

Under the stimulation of Hayden, Eddie completely put the entanglement in his
mind behind him. With the spirit of heroic dedication on the battlefield, he
hurriedly shelled the spicy crayfish. It took a long time to pick out a small piece of
crooked and incomplete shrimp meat. Smelling the sweet and spicy aroma, he
closed his eyes and slammed it into his mouth.


Spicy! Numbing! Fragrant and enjoyable! It’s delicious!

Eddie was panting and letting out his tongue. He couldn’t help but stretch out his
hand to take a crayfish with red eyes. It was so spicy that he was sweating, but his
heart was so happy and refreshing that he couldn’t stop.

When Su Tan was carrying a large ice beer to the table, he found that Eddie, who
was a big man, was flushed and sweating profusely.
And the big cousin Hayden on the side was very comfortable, slightly squinting his
happy eyes, and almost put a cat in front of him, let him wag his tail.

Su Tan couldn’t help but smiled and raised the corners of his lips. He poured the
wheat beer made by Dad among the two. This home-brewed wheat beer was
slightly dark in color, almost black when poured into a transparent mug, with rich
foam and strong aroma.

It tasted slightly astringent and slightly bitter, but the rich fermented aroma and
cold and refreshing taste were perfect for pairing with crayfish.

Eddie just took a sip, and his eyes suddenly brightened. The spicy and stimulating
taste, coupled with the iced wheat beer, it relieved the spiciness just right. A
wonderful and harmonious fragrance was formed in the mouth, which roamed the
taste buds.

Eddie couldn’t help but exclaimed, “It’s so delicious!”

He couldn’t help but pour a whole glass of cold beer, sweating happily, and feeling

When he put down the cup again, he was surprised to find that the crayfish in front
of him was gone…

Eddie’s eyes widened and saw that the crayfish in front of him was empty. The last
crayfish was peeled off by Hayden’s cousin and was being fed into Su Tan’s mouth.

Eddie: ‘This is bullying me, no brother, right [cry]?’

He got up in tears and rushed to the door, hurried out, and shouted, “I’ll get some
more crayfish!”

Su Tan watched him walking away with the biggest basin in his house.

Su Tan, ‘…Warrior.’

When Eddie came back with a pot of crayfish in the dark, his face was full of
excitement, waiting for Su Tan’s help to make delicious crayfish.

The robot dad couldn’t bear Su Tan’s hard work. After watching the lesson once, he
cooked a pot for Eddie himself, let him eat it to satisfaction. He then took the
remaining live crayfish and the recipe home.
Chapter 45: The Bathroom
Before going out, Su Tan handed Eddie the medicine that almost left at his home,
and asked, “Are you sick?”

Looking at the appetite, there was no trace at all.

Eddie the big guy grinned in embarrassment. He took the medicine bag he had just
brought from the hospital, and replied with some shame, “I’ve recovered from the
crayfish you made.”

Su Tan, “…”

Even Hayden, who was standing not far away, couldn’t help but raise his eyes and
glance at him.

Eddie the big guy still smiled stupidly, without realizing that he had said a

Su Tan couldn’t help but raised his lips, and urged with a chuckle, “Then you go
home, goodbye.”

Eddie hurriedly left.

Before leaving, looking at the medicine bag in his hand, he suddenly remembered
something. He casually said to the robot Su Ning, “Uncle Ning, Doctor Shu from the
hospital wants you to visit him tomorrow!”

He waved his hand, carrying two bags full of crayfish, walked home into the night.

Su Tan turned around and asked Su Ning, “Dad, what did the doctor asking you to

However, Su Ning didn’t care about this matter at all. He waved the metal steel bar
fingers, without seeing the slightest abnormality, and responded briskly, “The
annual routine physical examination. I will go there tomorrow.”

Su Tan was relieved.

Returning to the living room from the gate, Su Tan looked at a neat table of crayfish
shells, and suddenly realized that he had forgotten to take pictures. Immediately,
he couldn’t help but shook his head and laughed. So he simply picked up the
portable optical brain and took a photo of a crayfish shell, and went upstairs to
publish it with his novel.

Brush braised Meat Everyday: “Novel and delicious crayfish [photo].”

As soon as Weibo was posted, it immediately caused a huge heated discussion.

Jiu Mushroom: “Did I read it wrong? Can crayfish be eaten?!!!”

This Weibo was praised and ranked first in the comment.

In the impression of interstellar people, crayfish was just an ordinary aquatic

creature. Few people caught it specifically, let alone used it for cooking and tasting.

Therefore, as soon as Su Tan’s photo was published, it immediately spurred heated

discussions. But in this photo, they still couldn’t see what the cooked crayfish meat
looked like. They could only see a table full of empty crayfish shells. The visual
effect was quite shocking.

Su Tan chuckled and replied, “Eatable and delicious.”

By the way, enthusiastic readers pointed the way to his novel. Many netizens
clicked in and took a look, and they were immediately attracted by the delicious and
spicy description inside.

Soft Cute Dolphin: “’Fresh, sweet and plump crayfish with icy wheat beer, the
slightly bitter aroma of wine will melt the spicy taste, and the delicious and elastic
flesh fills the whole mouth’ —— Great, you put poison again late at night!”

Gentleman sauce: “The author wanted to trick me into digging crayfish again. I just
had difficulty going up the mountain to dig a bucket of yellow mud and come

Fishing in the Milky Way: “I just gnawed a chicken and became hungry. You are
responsible for my weight!”
Even the tyrant reader Smoke Dad was blown out and dropped a series of deep-
water torpedoes.

Smoke scar: “Very good, food control.”

Su Tan looked at this comment and couldn’t help but smile, thinking that smoke
scar should be born in China. That was the real welfare world of food control.

He would finish the update and take a shower in the bathroom. It was hot in the
summer, and after the end of the day, he sweated a lot. What was more, he spent a
lot of time in the kitchen in order to make delicious crayfish, and his body inevitably
got a spicy and hot smell.

Therefore, Su Tan took this bath very seriously.

Unexpectedly, halfway through the wash, the light in the bathroom suddenly went
dark, and the whole bathroom fell into darkness

Su Tan was startled and glanced out the window, only to see that it was also pitch
black outside. He could not see his fingers when he reached out, and the night was
as black as ink.

Obviously, the entire village was out of power. Only the stars in the night sky shone
more and more, and the stars fell on the night, shining quietly on the earth.

Su Tan was a little helpless. So he had to keep taking a bath in the dark in the small
and dark bathroom. The rushing water flowed down, washing the foam on his

The shower gel bought by Robot Dad had a fresh, grassy smell, and the foam was
very dense. Su Tan didn’t know if the washing was not clean as he could only feel in
the dark. He could only close his eyes slightly, raise his face, and let the water flow
from the top of his head.

While cleaning, suddenly there was a knock on the door of the bathroom.

“Su Tan?”

Big cousin Hayden’s voice sounded amidst the sound of water.

Su Tan was shocked. Knowing that the old bathroom door lock was not working
well, he immediately reached out to get the bath towel, but unexpectedly the
darkness affected his vision, making him unable to see the situation in the

As soon as his body moved, his feet slipped, caught off guard by stepping on the
foam on the ground, and slipped heavily to the ground.


Su Tan couldn’t help letting out a muffled hum.

Hayden’s steps just about to leave suddenly stopped, and then returned quickly,
knocking on the door and asking, “What’s the matter? You fell down?”

His tone could not hide anxiety.

Su Tan was lying on the ground, feeling that his back was about to explode, and his
tail was aching.

In the darkness, he couldn’t see his injuries, but as soon as his body moved, a huge
pain struck him.

The cool water poured down from a high place, making him feel like a wet little

“I’m okay.” Su Tan reluctantly said, a bit weak in his clear and clean voice, and he
was a little unintelligible in the sound of the rushing water.

Hayden took a deep breath, couldn’t bear the anxiety in his heart, and asked in a
deep voice, “Can you get up?”

Su Tan tried it and found that the pain was coming, and he couldn’t move at all with
his own strength.

He simply gave up and answered honestly, “…can’t.”

“You come in and help me, big cousin.”

Hayden opened the door and walked in. The small and tight bathroom was dark,
and filled with water. The water was still pouring down from a high place. Hayden
didn’t care that the water wet his clothes.
He did not step rashly, half squatting down, his deep eyes discerning Su Tan’s figure
in the darkness.

Hayden said in a deep voice, “I’ll help you stand up.” 

As he said, his slender and powerful fingers stretched out, unexpectedly touching a
smooth and soft skin in the dark.

Immediately, Hayden paused his fingers.

Su Tan, “…You made a mistake.” His voice was quiet and he tried his best to be as

Hayden retracted his long, scorching fingertips, and put them in another place.

Su Tan, “…still got it wrong.”

With tears streaming down his face, Su Tan felt a numbness in his ribs. He felt a
little trembling after being ironed by the hot fingertips.

‘You are simply being punished!’

Hayden’s calm voice sounded in the darkness, “I’m sorry It’s too dark to see clearly.”

Su Tan felt helpless, but also felt that fortunately, the room was dark, hiding the
heat and crimson on his face.

Otherwise… he was not sure who he was sorry.

After the eldest cousin’s third attempt, he finally found his waist accurately, half-
held him, and helped him sit up.

Su Tan’s numbness and pain in his back only subsided a little, and his eyes
widened. In the dark, he could only vaguely see the outline of his big cousin
standing opposite him, and found that the temperature in the small bathroom
suddenly rose, and a rush of heat came.

Staying longer, he was afraid his fingertips would lose strength.

Su Tan took the initiative to stretch out his hand, trying to get his cousin’s arm and
stand up with his strength. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stretched out his finger, he
suddenly touched the wrong direction in the dark.
Under the cold fingertips with water vapor, he touched a hot place unexpectedly.

In an instant, the temperature in the bathroom rose suddenly.

Su Tan gave a light cough, and apologized in an obedient way, “I’m sorry. I was

A pair of black and quiet eyes were curled up in the darkness. He explained
seriously, “It’s too dark. I can’t see it.”

Hayden:… ….

‘You are right.’

Better than… One wrong in the end?

Chapter 46: Kiss and Hug

In the quiet darkness, the temperature in the bathroom rose steadily.

The water vapor was permeated. The scorching heat pounced on people’s faces
wet, making it difficult to distinguish whether it was the heat of the water vapor or
the scorching heat between each other’s breath, making the temperature seem to
melt and diffuse between the two people.

Su Tan retracted his hot fingertips, feeling that his whole body was red, as if he was

But he didn’t expect that as soon as his fingers withdrew a little bit, he was
suddenly grasped by a slender and strong palm, and the hot and broad palm
almost ironed his fingertips.

Su Tan was startled and found a tall and long figure in the darkness slowly
squatting down, approaching his face.

The breath between each other almost blended, and the feeling of fiery heat flowed
between the two people.
Suddenly, Su Tan felt that his throat was a little dry, like a fish lacking water lying
under the scorching sun, almost enveloped by the familiar but unfamiliar mature
aura of the other party.

In the darkness, Hayden spoke calmly, with a slight dullness in his low-magnetic
voice, which was soft and pleasant to speak.

“Have you seen the ‘Little Sweet Man’ shared with me recently?”

When reminded by the other party’s words, Su Tan suddenly remembered which
article it was. Originally because Hayden had the same name as the heir to the
empire, he jokingly shared the newly promoted “His Royal Highness, You Tap” with
his big cousin.

The article was famous for its beautiful writing, with ups and downs in the plot, full
of meat, and detailed description of the two or three things that the heir of the
empire Hayden and the black-haired boy had to say in their bed.

At this time, when the big cousin brought up this novel, Su Tan couldn’t help but his
cheeks were hot.

He wouldn’t say that he had been chasing after the change.

Su Tan was a little dazed, and asked in a cleverly questioned voice, “No, so?”

But he didn’t want to, Hayden chuckled in the dark. His low voice becoming more
magnetic and sweet. “It’s okay. I’ll take you to study together.”

Su Tan, ‘Meow meow? ? ?’

‘Is this an open hooliganism?!’

He raised his black eyes. His eyebrows were blowing like spring breeze, without any

He had always been a good student:-D.

Su Tan stretched his eyebrows and responded with a smile, “Cousin, are you sure
you have learned it? Why don’t I teach you!”

Hearing his clean and clear young voice with a smile, although Hayden couldn’t see
it, he could imagine how happy and sly the expression on the other party’s face was
at this time, just like the puppet cat he raised. After a flick, he will be the most cute
and clever.

Suddenly, Hayden felt that he was gradually unable to suppres the feeling of
wanting to imprison the young man into his arms.

Obviously…he wanted to wait for him to grow up.

When the young boy’s slender figure became tall and handsome, when his
astringent brows and eyes became more gentle and transparent, and when he
finally clarified his mind and made a lifelong decision, he wanted to lock this young
man firmly by his side for the rest of his life.

Hayden sighed softly from the bottom of his heart, feeling that time was too long.

But ——

Thinking of the overwhelming chat and dating groups, and the comments on Weibo
and the book review area all over the world confessing “I love you so much”, he
couldn’t help but feel a headache when he thought about it.

Su Tan, who had not grown up, was already so attractive?

What should he do when he grow up?

In the darkness, Hayden used the few starlight outside the window to quietly
outline the silhouette of Su Tan half sitting in front of him, and suddenly wanted to
hide him and never wanted to be seen again.

“Big cousin,” Su Tan’s clear and clean voice suddenly sounded in the darkness. “My
legs fell a little numb, can you help me up first?”

Hayden, “…”

All the charming atmosphere was broken in an instant.

Hayden couldn’t help laughing at the moment, and wanted to kiss Su Tan fiercely
and gave him an impressive punishment.

“Yes.” Hayden spoke calmly, and asked quietly, “You kiss me.”
Su Tan: ‘Big cousin, your heart is a bit wild lately.’

He thought for a while. Taking advantage of the darkness, the three fingers — the
middle finger, index finger, and thumb — were put together and the wet fingertips
dipped in the water vapor poked over. He passed across the side of the big cousin’s

He smiled slowly and said, “Okay.”

Hayden, “…”

He couldn’t help but shook his head and laughed, and took a deep breath. He didn’t
know if he should hug the person back to the bed and punish him severely, or
“educate” him here.

Just as Hayden calmly prepared to continue his next move, unexpectedly, suddenly,
the bathroom lights brightened.

The bright and dazzling light suddenly dazzled into the eyes of the two of them,
causing Su Tan to close his eyes and avoid it temporarily.

Hayden’s faint eyes deepened. He looked at the young man’s skin as white as jade
under the bright light. He was naked and completely exposed in his line of sight.
Under the scorching heat of the water vapor, the whole body was covered with a
faint pink. The colors were pretty and beautiful. People couldn’t help but collect

Suddenly, a warm palm covered Su Tan’s closed eyes, helping him to block the
dazzling light.

Su Tan felt warm in his heart. Before he could thank him, he suddenly felt that a hot
object fell on his lips.

Gentle and intricate, it made people throb.

Chapter 47: Kiss and Hug 

Su Tan’s long eyelashes trembled lightly, his lightly closed eyes rubbed against his
palm, and the scorching temperature almost melted his eyelids.
Then, the tender kiss deepened a little. The tightly entwined contact almost
consumed the oxygen in Su Tan’s mouth, and suddenly recalled those descriptions
in the novel in his mind.

“In the rippling bath, a tall figure firmly imprisoned the other, and the two people’s
intimate gestures almost merged into one. 

The soft black hair of the teenager was stroked by a firm and powerful hand.
Unable to refuse, the young man raised his neck. The pale lips were incorporated
into his lips. He sucked and entangled meticulously and gently.

His Royal Highness Hayden, the heir of the Empire, looked down. The dark eyes
were dark and deep. There was no expression on the stern face, but there was an
indescribable gentleness and pampering in the action.

If anyone saw this scene, he was afraid they will be shocked and incredulous…”

Thinking of the description in the novel, Su Tan’s thoughts were involuntarily

distorted. The drooping long eyelashes trembled more intensely in the palm of the
big cousin’s hand, and couldn’t help but want to laugh.

In the article, he was in the bathtub, but he and his eldest cousin were on the floor.
His lower body was still numb to the ground…

It could be called a disabled spirit and indulged in beauty.

Big cousin wouldn’t think he touched porcelain on purpose?

Su Tan smiled. His breathing suddenly chaotic, and Hayden, who was on the
opposite side, was also quite helpless, so he had to withdraw from his lips

Hayden let go of the hand covering his eyelids. With a helpless look on his face, he
said in his ear with a little dull and low voice, “Sooner or later… I will eat you.”

The voice was low and powerful, like a powerful ringing of the bell, banging in Su
Tan’s heart, causing his ears to move.

Su Tan raised his eyebrows and smiled. He raised his eyes and looked back at
Hayden. He chuckled and provocatively said, “Come on, I’ll wait for you.”
This calm and smiling attitude made Hayden’s eyes deep, and he couldn’t bear the
scorching heat in his heart.

However, at this moment ——

The sound of “Papa Papa” footsteps soundedand the voice came from the corridor
before the robot Suning entered the door. “Son, how are you? I went to the power
supply center just now, and finally called. Don’t be afraid!”

It suddenly broke into the half-covered door, and was surprised to find that there
were two people in the small bathroom of Su Tan’s room. One was wrapping a bath
towel around the other, holding him up, and walking calmly to the bed.

In a short time, the robot Su Ning’s mind was stuck and did not react. It
subconsciously followed Hayden’s footsteps to the bed, watching him calmly and
forcefully place Su Tan in the quilt.

Su Ning reacted late, watching the abnormal behavior of the two, and finally found
something wrong. He immediately asked anxiously, “What’s the matter?”

Su Tan put the quilt on and moved his body tentatively. He found that although the
pain was painful, he no longer had the sharp pain of the initial fall.

He moved carefully, believing that his muscle was strained.

“It’s okay,” Su Tan said with a smile to appease his father, “I fell while taking a bath.
My eldest cousin helped me up.” 

The robot Su Ning couldn’t see his injury, and was even more anxious. “Come with
me to the hospital tomorrow.”

Su Tan was not in a hurry, and calmly said, “Well, if it still hurts tomorrow morning, I
will go with you.” 

The robot Su Ning was relieved, but that night he refused to let him get out of bed
and code words again. He firmly guarded the side of the bed and waited for him to
fall asleep before leaving on tiptoe.

It thought, how can it rest assured that it had raised a little child.
In the early morning of the next day, Su Ning deliberately stayed in the kitchen early
in the morning, earnestly boiled a pot of rice porridge with congee oil, and served it
upstairs with a few dishes, directly onto Su Tan’s bed.

“Hurry up!” The robot Su Ning waved his spatula, eagerly urging, and brought
another plate of freshly baked egg rolls from downstairs.

The yellow egg rolls were fresh and delicious. They melted in the mouth. The soft
egg skin was wrapped with chopped sausages, which added a bright color, so that
the aroma of the egg rolls and the sausages complement each other, and the
appetite was greatly increased.

It was the most comfortable and delicious to eat with soft glutinous rice porridge.

The robot Su Ning watched with a smile as Su Tan finished eating. Then left with the
dinner plate, and took a small family therapy instrument to further examine Su
Tan’s injuries.

“The back muscle is strained. Do not need to seek medical treatment for the time
being. Please rest.”

As soon as the diagnosis result came out, Su Ning finally let out a sigh of relief, but
still prevented Su Tan from getting out of bed, and asked him, “Rest! Speaking of
resting, lie down, don’t move! I will ask for leave for you at school.”

Su Tan looked helpless, but under his father’s strong order, he had to obey his

Seeing his obedient attitude, the robot Su Ning finally felt relieved. After thinking
about it, he said to him, “I’ll find your big cousin to come and look after you. You are

Su Tan, ‘…Wait, big cousin is here?’

Then he would really “take care of” me, but it might be-kiss and hug?

Chapter 48: Like you 

Before leaving, the robot Su Ning went downstairs to find Hayden. Wandering
around, he finally found him in the small garden.
Hayden was pulling his shirt sleeves, refreshingly plucking a bunch of blooming
flowers and putting them in a vase filled with water.

Su Ning couldn’t help feeling a little strange, and looked at him questioningly, “What
are you doing picking flowers?”

Hearing this, Hayden still acted calmly. He calmly smiled and replied, “Give it to Su

The robot Su Ning:? ? ?

He was at a loss for a moment, wondering if he was going to update and download
the latest programs and information software. Why didn’t he understand the
relationship between sending flowers and Su Tan.

Was it… to visit the patient?

Su Ning coughed lightly, nodded and moved, “His eldest cousin, you are so kind.
Thank you for your concern for Ah Tan.”

Hayden held the vase. His eyes were deep and his lips were bent. He said warmly,
“You’re welcome.”

At the moment, the robot Su Ning told him about asking him to help take care of Su
Tan. Unsurprisingly, Hayden immediately nodded and agreed.

He walked upstairs holding a vase of flowers in full bloom. The moment he was
about to step out of the garden, he suddenly heard a soft voice from behind him.

“In the future, I will trouble you to take care of Ah Tan.”

Hayden turned his head slightly unexpectedly, and saw that in the bright sunshine,
the robot Abba looked sincere and cordial. He even looked at him with some
earnest expectation, making him unable to refuse his request.

That scene moved Hayden involuntarily.

If the robot had no feelings, then he had never seen anyone who loved his son
more than Su Ning.

Hayden took a deep breath and made a calm promise, “I will, don’t worry.” 
The robot Su Ning watched Hayden walk upstairs, quietly packed up the things at
home, and went out to the hospital.

When he arrived at the hospital, he swiped his personal information number,

registered, applied for an appointment, and performed routine checkups. When the
checkup finally came to the robot treatment area corridor to listen to the doctor’s
inspection opinions, the robot Su Ning suddenly stopped. Looking at the empty
corridor for a long time, he took a long time to take a step.

It just so happened that Dr. Shu came out of the office and saw his figure standing
quietly in the corridor with his head down. His eyes curled, and he raised his voice
to greet him to come in.

“Su Ning, here!”

Hearing this familiar voice, the robot Su Ning’s body trembled, and simply gave up
the struggle and walked into his office in response to Dr. Shu’s shout.

The door was closed gently.

Su Ning lowered his plastic skull, sitting on one side of the desk, and slightly noticed
that a tall and upright figure was sitting on the other side of the desk, not as sturdy
as the average Guiliya.

In fact, Shu Heng was not an out-and-out local Guiliya. His home was thousands of
light years away. A chance opportunity brought him to the small agricultural planet
of Guiliya, and then he stayed there. Here, voluntarily assigned to the sparse
robotic therapy department.

And Su Ning was the robot he had been responsible for.

“How are you doing?” With a smile, Shu Hengwen poured a cup of hot tea for the
robot Su Ning and placed it in front of him.

Although the robot could not drink the ironed tea, the fresh and good smell still
made Su Ning involuntarily relax a little tight nerve.

“Very good.”

Dr. Shu continued to chat in a relaxed manner, “Where is Su Tan?” 

Su Ning’s metal fingers clung to the hot teacup, raised his head and looked at Shu
Heng seriously, as if thinking of something, the expression on his face became
happy for a while.

“Su Tan is great. He has learned how to cook, and he can cook particularly delicious
dishes. Many people like it.”

Especially the last sentence, his tone was accentuated by him, and his firm tone was
for fear that Shu Heng would not believe it.

Sure enough, Shu Heng couldn’t help but smile.

He knew more than that. Recently, he saw food videos and enthusiastic comments
on Su Ning Weibo, and he knew how popular Su Tan was on the Internet.

Shu Heng bent his lips and nodded in agreement, ”Su Tan is a good boy.”

Upon hearing these words, the robot Su Ning nodded, can no longer be proud,

“That–” Shu Heng’s voice suddenly stretched, turning the front of the conversation
to the business. His gentle eyes were a little positive behind the gold-rimmed
glasses, “Did you tell Su Tan about your situation?” 

The robot Su Ning immediately became dumb, closed his mouth tightly, and

refused to say another word.

Shu Heng had already received his inspection results from the computer, which
were the same as previous inspection results, even… worse and worse.

He did not criticize Su Ning’s sudden silence, and warmly reminded, “The outer shell
is severely worn, the joints are aging, the heart drive is overwhelmed, and there are
often problems with excessive heart current and sparks. You should have noticed it

Shu Heng darkened his eyes. Looking at it, he said gently, ”In your generation of
SKg3746 robot, you have a relatively long lifespan. It is very rare to be able to
survive without major repair surgery. But after all, the effective period of use has
passed several years. I still recommend that you perform full body repair as soon
as possible.” 
The so-called full body repair referred to robotic major repair surgery. From the
heart drive, to every joint component, and then to the outer shell, all were rebuilt,
which was no less difficult than rebuilding a new robot.

More importantly, expensive.

Chapter 49: Like you

The so-called full body repair referred to robotic major repair surgery. From the
heart drive, to every joint component, and then to the outer shell, all were rebuilt,
which was no less difficult than rebuilding a new robot.

More importantly, expensive.

Expensive to a price that an ordinary Guiliya family couldn’t save for three

Thinking of this, the robot Su Ning couldn’t help squeezing his metal fingers,
showing no expression on his face.

“I saved a sum of money,” he said suddenly, squatting, “Not too much. It can be
enough for Ah Tan to go to college.”

Shu Hengwen looked at him peacefully, waiting for him to continue.

On the contrary, Su Ning didn’t have the courage to look at him, and his voice
became smaller and smaller, “This money can’t be moved. It’s not enough for me to
perform surgery.”

In fact, it was too far from the standard deviation of “enough” surgery.

The robot Su Ning worked hard to lift a smile, cheered up his enthusiasm, thanked
to Shu Heng, and said sincerely, “Dr. Shu, I know you kindly suggested me to do the
operation, but I’m sorry, I might disappoint you.”

Speaking of this, Su Ning put down all the worries and heaviness, raised a bright
smile and asked, “Please continue to keep this matter secret for me, and help me
inject the heart-drive medicine. I want to live longer.”
His eyes were calm and looked at Shu Heng sincerely. The attitude of earnest
request made it impossible for people to refuse.

Shu Heng nodded.

But both he and the robot Su Ning know that this was just a delay.

A robot that did not perform major repairs on schedule was no less than installing
an untimely bomb in its body. It was impossible to say that the heart would stop
beating when it woke up in the morning, or the arm could not be connected to the
current to raise it again.

Such a situation might appear more and more frequently.

Once the circuit was short-circuited, Su Ning could open the chest cover and sort
out for himself. But what if the next time he couldn’t even lift his fingertips?

Who could save him?

Seeing that Dr. Shu agreed to his request, the robot Su Ning had a relaxed
expression, smiling happily, without taking these dangers to heart.

While accepting Shu Heng to open his chest and inject medicine into its heart drive,
he was in a good mood and said to Dr. Shu, “My only goal now is to see our family A
Tan find a good person. After I leave, someone can take good care of him.”

Shu Heng gently manipulated the injection needle and asked with a smile, “Oh? Did
you find a suitable candidate?” 

The robot Su Ning shook his head dejectedly, “No.”

“However,” he remembered the steady and reliable decathlon Hayden, and

immediately couldn’t help raising his voice, regaining his spirit, and happily
introduced, “Our family A Tan has found a cousin who is very nice. His marriage is
covered. I believe him!”

Such a wholehearted trust made Shu Heng glance over at him, feeling very rare.

Behind the gold-rimmed glasses, a pair of quiet and gentle eyes looked at Su Ning,
and asked, “Why do you trust him?” 
The robot Su Ning thought for a while and couldn’t find a reason, but from
Hayden’s words and deeds, he just thought he was really good.

“He is good to our family A Tan.” Su Ning said after a long while, thinking back
seriously, and concluded, “Really good.”

Very good~(╮▽≦)/~!

Listening to Su Ning’s cheerful and trusting tone, Shu Heng involuntarily curled his
lips along with his emotions.

He injected the medicine slowly, minimizing discomfort, moving gently and


Until the injection was completed, Su Ning sat quietly in the consulting room for a
while, feeling the potent medicine melted into his heart, like adding a kinetic fuel
booster to the starship engine. After a few minutes, he was a little slow. The stable
heart became beating vigorously again.

The robot Su Ning slightly moved his metal steel finger, and then carefully moved
his arms and legs, and found that there was no problem with jumping, hugging,
lifting, and then suddenly smiled.

“Thank you Dr. Shu!”

Su Ning said with enthusiasm, and finally completed the annual routine physical
examination. The burden on his body seemed to be taken off instantly. At this
moment, he just wanted to rush home quickly.

‘Cook good food for my son!’

Su Ning shook his fist in his heart.

He happily packed its belongings, swiped his personal information card to pay for
the treatment, and was about to leave home.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when he walked out of the door of the treatment
room, he suddenly heard a gentle voice from behind.

“Do you want to do full body repair surgery for free?” 

The robot Su Ning was taken aback, and couldn’t help clenching the metal fingers of
the doorknob as he looked back blankly.

He saw that Shu Heng had a handsome face. A pair of light-colored eyes behind the
gold-rimmed glasses were gentle and quiet. He curled his lips and suggested, “I
have a proposal.”

In Su Ning’s astonished sight, Shu Heng slowly expressed his thoughts.

“You know, I am very interested in robotics research, but unfortunately I have never
obtained an exclusive research object.”

“If you agree to receive free surgery, I hope you can become my exclusive robot.”

Shu Heng said seriously and looked at him sincerely.

However, Su Ning had already become a mess in his consciousness, and was
shocked by this sudden news.

He subconsciously said, “But I want to take care of Ah Tan -“

Shu Hengwen promised,: “You can go to university after A Tan. You also have free
time at home, you can come to me.” 

The robot Su Ning still didn’t understand, and looked up at Doctor Shu in
confusion. “Why are you treating me so well?”

Shu Heng’s lips curled slightly without answering.

‘It might be because…like him?’


“Want to accept my offer?”

Chapter 50: Seriously Sell Cute

Looking at the robot Su Ning gently, Shu Heng’s eyes were calm and peaceful. He
couldn’t remember when he started, and he had a good feeling for this enthusiastic
and strong robot.

Perhaps it was the first time he sat in his own consulting room and greeted him
enthusiastically and happily?

Perhaps it was that after learning that the operation was imperative, he asked
himself to inject the medicine with his eyes firmly and earnestly, and to live hard for
his son?

Perhaps it was standing blankly in the corridor, like a lonely and abandoned little
beast, and was led to the office at a loss by him?

Shu Heng’s eyes were gentle and did not put any pressure on Su Ning. He only said,
“A potion lasts for a full year. You can think about it.”

He hoped that when he saw him again, he could promise to become his exclusive

After coming out of the hospital, Su Ning looked at the scorching sun outside. The
hot sun made his metal shell a little hot, beating like a heart disorder.

He squeezed his fingers, and suddenly couldn’t help but couldn’t hold back its big
smile. He turned his head and waved vigorously at Shu Heng who was standing by
the window upstairs, and walked toward home in a hearty mood.

“Thank you, Dr. Shu.”

He silently thanked him sincerely, feeling a hope filled his heart.

Back home, the robot Su Ning climbed upstairs to look at Su Tan enthusiastically,
and was very satisfied to see him lying on the bed all the time. He was even more
grateful to the big cousin who is guarding him.

He said on the spot that he would cook a delicious meal for the two.

However, as soon as the bedroom door was closed, the previously interrupted topic
continued to restart.

“Telling a story?”
Hayden’s voice was calm, his eyes cast a deep look at Su Tan, and he asked.

Immediately, Su Tan’s face couldn’t help but burst into tears. Well, continue to tell
the story of the little white rabbit and the big bad wolf?

Yes, he was afraid the big cousin would throw him down in the next second.

Su Tan bent his lips, and with a turn of his thoughts, he spoke about the food he
had conceived steadily.

“Big cousin, do you know what a sweetheart cake is?”

Hai Deng’s eyes deepened, and a dim light flashed across his eyes. “Sweetheart

Su Tan nodded with a smile, expecting that the other party would not know, so he
introduced this traditional and delicious dessert.

The puff pastry wrapped the delicious winter melon puree to make round flat cake.
The skin was cut with a knife, brushed with egg liquid, sprinkled with sesame seeds,
and baked in the oven. After ten minutes, the crispy, delicious, sweet but not greasy
sweetheart cake will be out of the oven.

The method was simple to say, but the story behind it was changed by Su Tan into
the Interstellar Age.

“According to legend, the sweetheart cake was originally made by a small resident
of Guiliya to take care of his sick wife. The wife fell ill in bed and lost her appetite.
The man made this dessert specially for her, which moved the sick wife very much.”

Speaking of this, Su Tan smiled and curled his lips, his dark eyes stained with a

Hayden’s eyes were deep and he looked at him softly. “Want to eat it?”

Su Tan nodded hurriedly.

Hayden’s warm and generous palms stroked his head, watching the black soft hair
tickling his palms. His smile couldn’t help but was helpless and indulgence, and he
agreed warmly, ”Okay, I will do it for you.”
When his eldest cousin left the room, Su Tan, who was lying on the bed, quietly
listened to the footsteps drifting away, and immediately searched for the portable
optical brain and logged onto the Fanxing Novel website.

As soon as he opened the page of his novel, he saw countless comment sections
flashed through, and the book review area was full of excitement.

Orange soda: “much faster, not enough!”

Fishing in the Milky Way: “Called the chicken. Spicy Crayfish… Great, how much food
do you have to take out? I can already predict my weight QAQ” 

The wasteland mining planet miner: “Great, I decided to follow this article for the
sake of food! I like the author who puts poison like this late at night! This is the
favorite food article I have ever read, and there is no one!”

The comment area of the book reviews exploded. Almost all of them were deeply
attracted by the gourmet world of “Domination”.

The data of the novel had increased by 5,000 collections in one breath. With a force
of destruction, it firmly occupy the first place in the newly promoted list.

Even the dumb hair who was topped in second place was unexpectedly cut off.

The first comment in the book review area was hung with a request.

Dai Mao: “I’m sorry readers. Yesterday, I accidentally indulged in the food article on
the big braised pork next door. I was so hungry when I read the article in the
evening. Make it for myself with contentment. Sure enough — delicious! Licking
fingers! It’s so delicious! Push it hard, everyone go and make it _(:з ゝ∠)_! “

This interesting request made them stay awkward. Mao’s readers were a little

surprised. Not to mention the very different styles of Mao and Braised Pork. One
was fragrant and the other was cool. Just talking about the fierce competition
between the two for the first place on the new list, many readers thought that the
two authors were endlessly hostile, but they didn’t expect —

‘Hey, it seems to be harmonious?’

Chapter 51: Seriously Sell Cute
Following the recommendation of Duan Mao, many readers who had not read
“Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]” before had started this novel with some

However, after looking at it, many people fell into it in a flash and couldn’t help

Five hours later, at exactly noon, the new readers turned to the spicy and delicious
crayfish mentioned in the last chapter, and immediately felt the hunger of their
stomachs growling.

Click on the next chapter-

Unexpectedly, a prompt appeared on the novel webpage: “It’s the last page!”

Immediately, many new readers were full of enthusiasm and couldn’t help but
anxiously rushed to the article to comment.

Jelly beans: “How can the author stay here! It’s not addictive to watch!”

Haidian, I want to give birth to monkeys for you: “I didn’t realize that I sat holding
Guangmin for five hours and indulged in reading articles. It’s terrible… It’s so big, I
also want to update comfort.”

Di Meixing Boy: “First throw a thunder. I will search the nearest pond to catch

Mind Shooter: “Let’s make an appointment together upstairs!”


Many readers were greeted by the delicious crayfish in “The Dominate” and rushed
to the nearest ponds, rivers and lakes to catch the crayfish. They did not expect that
when they arrived with a bucket, the pond was already overcrowded.

The hustle and bustle of the noisy crowd is all over the sky. There was not even a
single footing left. There were almost more people than crayfish.
Many people were shocked and stunned, and hurriedly pulled over the people
around them in a confusion and asked, “Are you also a fan of “Dominate”? Why are
you catching crayfish here?”

An aunt who was busy taking a family of old and young children to catch crayfish,
listened to his silly questioning, couldn’t help smiling openly, and laughed, “I haven’t
read any novels. It’s from this morning’s morning news. The food recommended by
the host!”

Asked other people. Either they were book fans, or through popular Weibo, TV
tweets, food videos… learned about the delicious crayfish, and they came to try it

Crayfish, which were usually not amazing, grew by the pond, and few people cared
about it. Now, it had become a hot delicacy.

More importantly, wild! free! Just fish! How could it make people uneasy?

The belated readers were dumbfounded. Looking at the crowds at the side of the
pond, they were stunned to see people pulling the net from the south to the north
of the pond to scoop out all the crayfish.

Then, the readers holding the empty barrels almost wanted to cry.

Returning home disappointedly, “Di Meixing Boy” boarded the Fanxing Novel Forum
and couldn’t bear disappointment and posted, “The crayfish in the three ponds
around my house have been cleaned up, and none of them are left [Crying] !
Uncles, aunts, and little sisters, be merciful and keep one for me anyway!” 

As soon as his post was posted, it immediately evoked numerous responses.

“1L: Me too…(ㄒ o ㄒ)/~~”

“2L: The original poster left me in another world, but it was just one night late to
read the novel. Why did I miss the peerless delicious crayfish [Heartache]?”

“3L: I’m eating. Delicious~”

“4L: Hold upstairs and don’t run. Do you still lack a dishwasher?”

When Su Tan finished his daily tasks and came back to see this wailing post, he
couldn’t help but smile. Unexpectedly, there were so many hidden foodies in

He thought about it for a moment, and the readers who couldn’t bear not eating
the crayfish were too disappointed, and simply updated a new chapter.

In this chapter, the object of food suddenly becomes roast duck.

Roasted stewed duck was not uncommon in all galaxies. However, the roast duck
carefully roasted on the fruit wood was unheard of.

Not to mention slicing, brushing with sweet noodle sauce, adding refreshing
cucumber shreds and green onions, and being rolled into a thin lotus leaf cake to
enjoy together, clear and greasy taste with full of fragrance, people couldn’t help
but move their index fingers after reading the description.

Immediately, the “Di Meixing Boy” who had brushed the new chapter for the first
time quickly rushed out of the house with comments.

“I’m going to buy a duck la la la la la la la~”

In a short time, the crayfish that hadn’t eaten was forgotten. This time, he would
definitely grab the duck!

Su Tan chuckled and turned off the comments, went downstairs to check the
progress of his cousin.

With the assistance of the therapy device and lying in bed, the injury on his back
has been more than half healed. Sometimes when he walked downstairs, he would
occasionally feel a slight pulling pain, but it was not strong.

Su Tan calmly walked down the stairs step by step and turned into the kitchen.

From a distance, I heard the voice in the kitchen—

“Wait, the water has been added, add some flour!” The robot Abba raised his voice
to stop him.
Unexpectedly, his voice just fell, and after less than ten seconds, his voice suddenly
rose a few degrees and came out again anxiously.

“More noodles! Stop it now!!”

Big cousin Hayden had been silent over there. He could guess his depression even
if he wanted to.

Not to mention Hayden, even the robot Su Ning felt dazed at the idea of him
suddenly entering the kitchen to make pie.

Seeing the awkward dough mixed up in front of him, Su Ning struggled for a while,
then whispered and suggested, “Should I do it?”

In order to comfort his cousin not to be sad, Su Ning’s voice was full of vitality and
comforting him, “It doesn’t matter. The first time cooking is like this. If you want to
improve your culinary skills in the future, you can participate in a culinary intensive
training class~”

He encouraged with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Hayden’s eyes deepened. He spoke calmly, and asked seriously,

“Where can I sign up?”

Robot Dad, “…”

‘Are you serious about selling cute? ? ?’

Chapter 52: Little Cute

“Spend money for a cooking training class?” 

The robot Su Ning thought for a while, and felt it was a waste. It was better to let Su
Tan help. He coughed softly, and whispered to Hayden suggesting, “You can let Ah
Tan teach you.”

“Patience guidance, free tuition, and guarantee to learn the skill.” Su Ning was very
confident in his son’s abilities and vowed to praise.
Su Tan, who happened to walk into the kitchen, couldn’t help blushing when he
heard these words.

Hearing his footsteps, Hayden raised his head and saw Su Tan. He raised his
eyebrows with a smile, his eyes deep. “Please point me, Xiao Tan… Teacher.”

His deep, magnetic voice immediately made Su Tan’s heart pounding, and his face
was still calm.

With a light “um”, he walked over calmly, stood in front of the panel, and looked at
the messy dough in the basin. It was as hard as a stone, obviously more flour was

Su Tan swept the excess flour aside, and said seriously to Hayden, ”If you add too
much flour, add a little more water.”

He stood firmly beside the basin, helped scoop up a bowl of water, added a little to
the basin, and let Hayden knead the dough again.

This time, the wet dough was soaked in water, and the surface was even more
slippery. The hands were not slippery, and Hayden’s fingers were soon covered
with it.

He was rather helpless, pursing his lips, but still calm, heeding Su Tan’s instructions,
mixing the dough bit by bit. But the unskilled movements were obviously a bit
awkward and difficult.

Su Tan watched by the side, couldn’t help the smile on his lips. He smiled and said,
“Well, try harder and don’t stop.”

“It’s great. It lasts for five minutes. I’m sure you can get a good, fat dough.” 

“Let me take another look–“

Hayden looked helplessly, seeing Su Tan’s sly smile. He clearly instructed him how
to cook food, but this sounded like a joke.

Due to Dad’s presence, Hayden curled his lips, and said in a low voice between the
two in a slightly inaudible voice, “It’s hard to pinch without you.”

Su Tan raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

Suddenly, Hayden stretched out his flour-stained fingers and quickly stroked his
cheeks. Su Tan couldn’t help squinting his eyes with the itchy touch.

He knew that there must be a white mark on his face at this time. Looking at the
eldest cousin’s curving eyes, he knew how happy the other person was.

Su Tan couldn’t help laughing or crying.

When did the big cousin become so naughty?

But he didn’t want this scene to fall into the sight of the robot Su Ning. In an instant,
his eyes lit up, sprinting upstairs and holding the camera down, recording this
moment with a happy “click”.

Su Tan was a little puzzled, “Dad?”

Su Ning held up the camera and said, “It’s rare that you two brothers are so close to
each other. Take this picture— ” 

The robot Dad’s inspiration flashed, remembering a great reason for recording, and
said with a smile. “It can be a testimony of your friendship!”

Su Tan: …laughing and crying.

Very good, this was very strong.

He was in a smile. Seeing his elder cousin making food was really embarrassed, he
simply took over, kneaded the dough, and then rolled out the dough in different
proportions, combined with a small piece of ghee. He wrapped them together,
rolled them out, and bunned them with sesame lard and white sugar.

Ten minutes later, a whole plate of neat and tidy small wife’s cakes appeared in
front of several people.

Then, he used a knife to make two cuts on the surface of each slap-sized wife pie,
used a brush to moisten the egg liquid evenly on the pie, and sprinkled with
sesame seeds.

A plate of wife’s cakes was ready for baking.

The robot Su Ning couldn’t help but ask curiously, “Hey, isn’t this the same as berry

Except for the extra ghee and the strange winter melon wrapped in it, it looked very
similar to the berry tart that he usually specialized in.

Su Tan pursed his lips and chuckled. He did not directly explain the difference
between the traditional Chinese desserts and Western pies. Instead, he dangled Su
Ning’s curiosity and said with a smile, “Dad, you’ll know it when it’s baked.” 

Wife’s cakes were sent to the oven to bake. It didn’t take too long to bake in the
oven. After eight minutes, the room began to be filled with a strong baking
fragrance, which lingered in the whole room.

The eldest cousin was unexpectedly not too hot, and patiently waited by the stove.
He waited for the baking to be completed, and took out a large plate of wife’s cake
with his own hands wearing insulated gloves.

The baked wife’s cakes had even more aroma. The color was bright yellow and
bright. The palm-sized cakes were steaming hot. The aroma was strong and
attractive. No one could resist the charm of such desserts.

The only minor trouble was that Su Tan grilled too much.

The initial dough was adjusted by the big cousin, adding water and noodles, then
adding water and adding noodles. In the end, the weight was several times more
than what Su Tan had expected, so it was all baked into wife’s cakes.

At this time, it was removed from the baking tray, and it was a large basket full of

Seeing this magnificent sight, Su Tan couldn’t help being amused. When he was
dealing with a headache, he was caught off guard by a fragrant wife which was
suddenly handed to him.

“Wife’s cake.” Hayden smiled. His low-magnetic voice shifted especially between the
first two words, his eyes waiting for him to take a bite.

Um, wife’s cake, cake for wife:).

Su Tan looked at him with a focused look, and couldn’t help laughing for a while. He
didn’t expect the big cousin to make this idea and waited by the stove deliberately
to endure the heat.

Chapter 53: Little Cute

Um, wife’s cake, cake for wife:).

Su Tan looked at him with a focused look, and couldn’t help laughing for a while. He
didn’t expect the big cousin to make this idea and waited by the stove deliberately
to endure the heat.

Immediately, Su Tan couldn’t help but smile.

He neatly took a bite with Hayden’s hand. The crispy and delicious wife’s cake was
very crispy. The crispy skin was overlapped layer by layer, and the scum was
dropped after a bite. With the sweet and soft winter melon paste, the sweetness
was just right, as if it could melt into people’s hearts, whether it was served with tea
or eaten like this. It was just right.

Su Tan smiled and curled his eyes, urging his big cousin, “Quickly taste it.” 

Hearing his words, Hayden’s eyes deepened. He did not get a new wife’s cake.
However, he took a bite of this cake and ate it elegantly and slowly.

Su Tan could clearly see that he calmly ate the part he had just bitten. His
movements slowed down and gracefully, and suddenly he brought some silky

It wasn’t until a whole slap-sized wife’s cake was finished that Hayden smiled and
licked his lips back to the taste, “It’s delicious.” 

For a moment, Su Tan couldn’t help his cheeks turning red.

He always felt that his big cousin was teasing him all the time [laughed and cried]… 

The hot wife’s cake was newly baked. They couldn’t finish it at home. So the robot
Su Ning thought for a while, took out a small basket, picked up some hot wives’
cakes, put the cakes in the basket, covered them with a tie-dyed flower cloth, and
said to the two seriously, “I’ll go to Dr. Shu’s house to send some.”
Su Tan looked up slightly in surprise and suggested, “I will go for you, Dad.”

It was easy to take a trip, so Dad didn’t have be tired.

Unexpectedly, Su Ning refused with a full smile, carrying a basket and changing
shoes to go out. “It’s okay, I’ll just go!” 

After going out, he walked a short distance along the peaceful and quiet street in
the afternoon, and turned around to another street, which was the hospital where
Su Ning had just been checked.

He seriously pressed the elevator and went upstairs. Unexpectedly, he did not find
Shu Heng in the office. On the contrary, from the colleague in the hospital, Shu
Heng actually took leave and moved home today.

The robot Su Ning was taken aback. He hurriedly inquired about Dr. Shu’s new
home, and found Shu Heng’s new home at the new address given by his colleague.
He was surprised to find that Shu Heng’s new home was next door to his home.

The wall was next to the wall, and the garden was next to the garden. Standing in
front of his own entrance hall, he could see the next door on tiptoe without a

It was just that he didn’t pay attention when he went out. He went in the other
opposite direction, and didn’t realize that it had already changed its owner.

Su Ning’s heart was unspeakably surprised. When he walked into the garden of Shu
Heng’s new home, the door to the yard and the front door of the house were open.
There were a lot of things in the yard, most of which were filled with a pile of
cardboard boxes with their lids open. A stack of professional books.

“Doctor Shu?” 

The robot Su Ning stopped at the door of the house. Without the invitation of the
owner, he did not rush in, and shouted cautiously.

In a short while, he saw Shu Heng coming out in casual clothes with his shirt sleeves
rolled up.
Taking off his white coat, his gentle temperament became more prominent. A pair
of gentle and peaceful eyes raised a smile behind the gold-rimmed glasses.

Shu Heng was still holding a book in his hands, and he was obviously busy tidying
up his new home.

Shu Heng was a little pleased, and asked it with a gentle smile, “Why are you here?” 

The robot Su Ning still didn’t react. It was a little weird to watch him suddenly move
to his house next door. Hearing Shu Heng’s question, he subconsciously raised the
basket in his hand to him.

“I have newly baked wife’s cakes at home. I will give it to you.” A basket full of wife’s
cakes was covered with clean and tidy dyed cloth. It was still steaming when it was
opened, and a rich and strong baking aroma came over.

Obviously, the other party enthusiastically sent him the cake as soon as it was out.

It was very rare to see this intention alone.

Shu Heng’s eyes were soft. He was holding the heavy basket that Su Ning handed
over. He felt very gentle in his heart, like a small hot ironing stove being suddenly
put into his heart, melting his heart.

He smiled politely and thanked him, “Thank you, Aning.”

However, the robot Su Ning suddenly heard this sincere gratitude, and couldn’t
help but feel a little embarrassed, as if billowing heat was coming from the top of
his head.

“You’re welcome,” he waved his hand hurriedly, and replied shyly, “I should thank
you, Dr. Shu. I will consider your proposal. Thank you for giving me free treatment.”

He knew how rare it was, so it was more valuable.

“However, why did you move next to our house?” Su Ning was very curious.

The old house next door had been vacant for more than ten years. The original
owner had moved to an alien system a few years earlier and never came
back. Therefore, the house had been vacant over the years, and he had never
heard of resale or lease.
He didn’t know when, Dr. Shu actually moved here.

Listening to his questioning, Shu Heng smiled gently, curled his lips and said, “Well,
it just so happens that the original house expires. We will be neighbors in the
future. Will you welcome me?”

Su Ning nodded firmly and enthusiastically replied, “Of course welcome!”

Shu Heng bent his eyes and was in a good mood.

Very good, his plan successfully took the first step.

Chapter 54: Local Tyrant 

After eating a small plate of fragrant wife cakes, Su Tan rubbed his stomach, pK off
his elder cousin, and put the “wife” hat on top of the other party’s head contentedly,
drinking tea and digesting happily.

Hayden shook his head and laughed, but his acceptance of sweets was limited.
Although he liked it, he couldn’t pack it into his stomach as boldly as Su Tan. He
could only rank behind Su Tan in this respect.

No matter what—

Seeing Su Tan smiling and bending his eyes, he was in a good mood, so he almost
called him “wife” directly, and his cheerful and living expression could not be

Hayden was helpless and spoiled, thinking:

‘He is happy if he is happy :).’

Just when the two of them each held a cup of hot tea and sat at the dining table to
have a nap, suddenly, a violent figure burst into the door of Su’s house.

Su Tan put down his tea cup and looked at the man who rushed in with some
surprise. He didn’t expect it to be Eddie.
Eddie the big guy was flushed with the sun, holding a duck that he just bought, and
standing there panting, a little embarrassed.

But the expression on his face was unconcealed with excitement. Regardless of the
blush on his face, he grabbed Su Tan’s hand and said excitedly, ”Will you make roast

Su Tan: Ah? ? ?

Eddie’s forehead was hot from the sun, and his mouth was dry. Before Su Tan had
just brought him a glass of ice water, he couldn’t help but grab it and pour it
down. In an instant, the cold water extinguished the heat in the whole body, and
finally took a breath.

Before Su Tan asked, he talked about the cause and effect. “I fell in love with an
author on Fanxing Novels Network, Braised Pork! The one who created the spicy
crayfish you made a few days ago! I didn’t expect you to be a reader fan~”

Eddie’s tone was enthusiastic. Almost rushed over to hold his hand and shook
vigorously. Obviously, the fact that he was also a fan of his favorite novel suddenly
brought the two people closer together.

Su Tan couldn’t help but bend his lips, feeling that there was a big

He was not yet ready to expose his authorship in reality, and he did not want to
discuss the content of his novels in front of acquaintances, and felt particularly shy.

What was more, with the presence of his big cousin, he had to chuckled and
acquiesced to this incident for the time being, and replied briskly, “Yes, I also like
Braised Pork.”

Hearing his reply , Eddie’s eyes instantly lit up, and he praised in an excited and
messy manner, “Me too! The Braised Pork is so cute and hardworking. I like this
kind of conscientious author the most!”

Su Tan smiled, “Yes, conscience card! Use for a lifetime!”

Eddie was touched by what he said. He only felt that every sentence was poked into
his heart, and he suddenly felt a sense of sympathy, like a lonely person holding a
mobile phone and writing novels late at night. On the way, a like-minded friend
finally appeared.
Immediately, he felt an incomparable fit with the other party, and it couldn’t  be
more heartwarming.

Inexplicably wanted to cry.

Eddie rubbed his eyes red and nodded vigorously and said, “In the latest chapter, a
new delicacy has been developed-roast duck!”

When he said this, he couldn’t help but raised the duck in his hand excitedly. He
waved his hand and said, “I remember your cooking skills are very good, so I
especially came to study with you.”

Su Tan curled his lips.

How could the little angel’s wish be dissatisfied?

He took the duck in Eddie’s hand, smiled and took it to the kitchen amidst the
obvious surprise of the other party’s clenched fists and soft shouts.

The duck had just been bought from a butcher shop. The meat was very fresh. It
was a duck that had just been reared for less than two months. It was just right fat
and thin, and had a moderate size.

Su Tan cleaned the duck. The duck body was watered with caramel boiling water
and scalded for three to four times in a row. Then the duck was dried and cooled
thoroughly in the shade. This step took a lot of time and required patience.

When a guest was at home, Su Tan didn’t go upstairs and went back to the
bedroom. He chilled a pot of refreshing fruit tea, poured a glass for Eddie, and
thoughtfully helped him turn on the TV.

Although the style of Su’s TV was a bit old, it was not a problem to watch the news
and watch soap operas.

However, Eddie unexpectedly didn’t even bother to watch TV. His eyes were chasing
behind him brightly, followed when he went to the garden, followed when he went
to the kitchen, and followed even to the bathroom, almost wanting to go hand in
hand with him.
Eddie’s interest rushed to his head, unable to suppress the excitement of seeing
fellow readers and friends. He eagerly wanted to take him to have a good chat
about the big Braised Pork book, and share his insights and experiences.

“Su Tan, have you seen the world of immortal heroes in ‘Dominate’? Elated for
enmity, walk in the sky, live forever! Ouch, so passionate!”

“Kachakacha”, Eddie eagerly leaned over Su Tan, touching the fragrant wife cake
and eating nonstop.

“There is also a flying sword! A sword flies over the rivers! I heard that the same
aircraft is already available on the interstellar Taobao website, but  the price is too
expensive! I do not know when I can buy with my pocket money?”

“By the way, there is food! I always want to empty my pocket money…”

Eddie looked depressed, tilted his head depressed, and prepared to lean on the
shoulders of his little partner for comfort.

However, he didn’t expect that his head would be stopped by a firm and powerful
hand before he leaned firmly.

“Biu~”, he put on Su Tan’s shoulders, blocking Eddie’s furry and steaming head.

Eddie was taken aback.

Hey? ? ?

He turned his head in surprise. He found that a lean and tall figure stood behind
him and Su Tan who were sitting on the sofa side by side. He didn’t know when he
appeared there. 

Suddenly, Eddie couldn’t help feeling hairy in his heart.

But Hayden’s faint eyes were low, and the smile on his face was gentle and calm. He
raised his lips and said, “Are you discussing ‘Dominate the Earth Age’? Well, I
happen to be a fan too.”
Chapter 55: Local Tyrant 
Suddenly, Eddie couldn’t help feeling hairy in his heart.

But Hayden’s faint eyes were low, and the smile on his face was gentle and calm. He
raised his lips and said, “Are you discussing ‘Dominate the Earth Age’? Well, I
happen to be a fan too.”

Immediately, the two people sitting on the sofa looked back at him in

Eddie was shocked and looked at the lean and tall cousin in disbelief. He didn’t
expect that there would be a good friend hidden in this house.

Thinking about Su Ning, the only robot left, Eddie couldn’t guess for a moment. No,
Su Ning also read braised pork, right? ! ! !

He was shocked by this sudden fact for a while before finally regaining his voice. He
looked at Hayden incredulously, and asked bluntly, “Report your ID!”

Seeing Eddie and Su Tan’s expectant gazes, Hayden couldn’t help but smile in his
heart. After thinking for a moment, he frankly said his reader number.

“Smoke Scar.”

“Dad Smoke?!!!”

Eddie was full of madness, and countless 666666 brushed in his heart, only to feel
that he was in a trance for a while.

Even Su Tan’s eyes widened as black as ink for an instant, and he couldn’t stop
taking a deep breath in astonishment.

“Smoke Scar” was a well-known reader account on the Fanxing novel website. He
was bold and unrestrained when he rewarded. It was common for him to brush
hundreds of deep-water torpedoes one after another when he encountered articles
that he liked.


he was the tyrant gold master under Su Tan’s text!

Su Tan dumbfounded. Thinking of the so many replies to “Smoke Scar” in Weibo
and book reviews that he “hold up and hug each other”, “Muah”, and “Heart-to-
Heart”, he was suddenly shy. He felt that the Dimensional Wall was broken.

At the moment, he decided to hold his waistcoat tightly and must not fall in front of
his big cousin.

If he knew that he treated him every day, he couldn’t let him die proudly?

Su Tan took a deep breath.

After being hit by heavy news from cousin Hayden, Eddie was dumbfounded for a
long time before finally regaining his sanity. He tried to resist his urge to add
friends with each other and warmly invited, “Big cousin, sit down and chat~”

Hayden straddled his legs and jumped to the front of the sofa. He happened to be
sitting between Su Tan and Eddie.

Eddie was not annoyed, but moved his hips with joy to make room for him. He
looked at Hayden with enthusiasm and novelty, and eagerly wanted to
communicate with the local tyrants.

Hayden raised the corners of his lips. His eyes were calm and stretched. After
separating the two people with satisfaction, he glanced sideways at Su Tan who was
silent. He found that the other party was trying to silently disguise himself as a
drape on the sofa. It was best to be completely forgotten by the two as a small

Seeing this scene, Hayden couldn’t help raising his lips, and replied calmly, “I don’t
have much experience. I just like it.”

This reason was very reasonable.

However, his next sentence was even more contaminated with a smile.

“It seems he likes me quite a lot.” Hayden spoke calmly and confidently. His low and
magnetic voice falling in Su Tan’s ears was no less than thunder, making him no
longer able to disguise his red cheeks and ear tips. He quickly jumped up from the
sofa, hurried to the kitchen, and said without looking back, ”I’m going to roast the
Seeing his back who fled in embarrassment, Hayden curled his lips with a chuckle.

Su Tan slid into the kitchen with red ears, put the ventilated duck into the soup
tightly, poured it over with sugar and water, and hung it into the hot oven to bake.

In the oven, the branches of fruit trees were specially selected. The unique
fragrance and sweet taste of fruit trees added a special flavor to the roast duck.

After the fruit wood was roasted for 30 minutes, the roast duck was removed from
the oven. It was brushed with a layer of honey and sesame oil to increase the gloss
and taste of the skin, and it could be served.

The freshly baked roast duck had a bright red color, a bright skin, a rich and mellow
flavor of roasted fruit wood, and a tangy aroma with the fragrance of fruit wood,
which made people fascinated.

In the expectant eyes of Hayden and Eddie, Su Tan now sliced the duck skin. The
crispy and delicious duck skin had a special taste, and it was most delicious with a
small plate of sugar.

A plate of appetizers made Eddie’s eyes sparkle.

Then, there were slices of duck meat. Each piece of duck meat was even and
uniform. The slices were with the strips of meat on each piece, which was tender
and delicious, fat but not greasy. Served with lotus leaf cake, sweet noodle sauce,
refreshing cucumber shreds and green onion shreds, it matched very well.

One bite of a roast duck roll made people wanted to stop but could not stop.

Eddie was very satisfied with his meal, and didn’t even notice that Su Tan used the
duck rack under the slice to cook a pot of light duck soup on the stove.

The light and delicious duck soup, although there was no big piece of meat in it, the
refreshing taste made people linger. After eating a belly full of roast duck rolls, and
then came to such a bowl of duck soup, Eddie felt that he had become immortal!

He reluctantly left the Su family with a rewarding harvest. Before leaving, he

grabbed the hands of Su Tan and his eldest cousin, and enthusiastically urged them
to strengthen communication and often carry out offline food sharing activities.

The enthusiastic attitude made Su Tan smile.

Seeing Eddie walking away, and when only him and Hayden were left at the door of
the house, Su Tan gave a light cough, curled his lips, and said to his eldest cousin’s
latest identity that was just revealed, “Smoke scar, I’ll go upstairs.” 

He slipped away as he said.

Going upstairs to the bedroom and turning on the computer, he saw that the
comments under his own article were still hot. The enthusiasm continued to grow.
It was all attracted by the roast duck that Su Tan had just written.

Su Tan smiled and responded to readers’ detailed questions about roast duck.
When he refreshed it, he suddenly found that thunder suddenly swept his book
review area.

Smoke Scar: “I want to eat. [Deepwater torpedo*999]”

Su Tan:! ! ! Big cousin, you are burning money QAQ! Stop sending money to the

Chapter 56: The Great God Chat

Looking at the 999 deep-water torpedoes in the comment area, Su Tan felt
distressed for his cousin’s wallet.

Half of the self-support, half of the website, how about the bank deposit of the big

At the moment, he simply replied politely, “Smoke Dad Yan is great. Thank you for
your support. I have received it. So much thunder is too extravagant. Why don’t you
buy a bag for your family?”

Seeing this sentence, Su Tan read it silently in his heart. Once again, did it feel a bit
too straightforward? Would it hurt the big cousin’s love?

After thinking about it, he added a lovely word at the end of the reply.

“Mwah ~”
Thinking about it, “Smoke Scar” could also understand his kindness after seeing this

Sure enough, when Hayden saw this reply, his deep gaze suddenly stopped, and he
fell silently on the “Mwah”.

He couldn’t help bending his lips.

Um, you could buy one hundred thousand bags, but pay for this “Mwah” first?

His eyes deepened, desperate to see the real scene of the black-haired boy taking
the initiative to himself with a smile.

Could look forward to it.

After more than a month of explosive changes, “Dominate the Earth Age [Quick
Pass]” finally expired and was on the new list. From this moment on, Su Tan also
officially broke away from the category of newcomers and began to join the
monthly list.

For many newcomer authors, this was a huge hurdle.

Without the best exposure platform on the home page, all the benefits and
privileges of newcomers disappeared without a trace, just like falling from the cloud
in an instant.

And the fierce battle of the monthly rankings was accumulating many great gods
and small gods, purple, red and pink. The fierce competition was tens of millions of
times more difficult than the new rankings.

In such a fierce battle, how to break a new blood path for newcomer authors who
had not yet started writing and whose fan base was unstable had become the
biggest problem.

Up to now, Su Tan’s novel “Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]” has accumulated
more than 600,000 characters, and the collection was close to 50,000, and the
comments were even more indistinguishable than collecting together.

Such data could be said to be very dazzling in the new list, directly dominating the
new raking list.

But in the monthly list-

Su Tan’s quiet eyes swept from bottom to top of the monthly ranking, and finally
stopped at the first place in the monthly ranking.

“Wu Shuang”.

“In Interstellar 927, Jin Wu Shuang, the strongest marshal of the empire, was
framed and trapped in the Zerg Star Territory. He disappeared without a trace with
the most mysterious and powerful warlord fleet in the entire empire.

One year later, in the remote Alpha Star Field, the most star infamous pirate area in
interstellar, a chic flower shop quietly opened.”

Just looking at this copy, there were countless messages hidden.

The silky and twisted conspiracies were entangled behind the scenes. Obviously,
the author had a great deal of work, and his style was also a refreshing revenge.

Su Tan glanced at the data in “Wu Shuang”, a little dumbfounded to see that the
other party’s collection had surpassed one million, far above all other novels.

The author of “Wu Shuang” was even the veteran god Mao Yao of Fanxing Novel

Mao Yao had written articles for more than ten years and had accumulated a lot of
loyal book fans. The real support for each of his new book was terrifying.

Whether it was spreading flowers, leaving comments, subscribing, or giving

rewards, they were never soft. It could even be said that as long as the Mao Yao
wrote, they would chase.

This “Wu Shuang” novel was not too many words, only 2 million words, but the
collection brought by the great god’s appeal had far placed this novel on the top of
the monthly ranking.

Su Tan looked at the hot data of “Wu Shuang” and was a little surprised. However, a
hearty and courageous spirit was more and more stirred in his heart, and he
suddenly set a new goal for himself.

‘Try to climb the monthly ranking, and then-

PK with the great god.’

He methodically analyzed the data of “Wu Shuang”, and clearly knew that the other
party’s explosive collection was not solely due to hard work, but the charm of the
great god.

However, the advantage of “The Dominate” was that it had written novel content on
cold themes such as the ancient earth, and harvested a group of little angels who
loved cold themes. At the time of the cut off, it happened that there was no great
god in the same period. With the support of readers, he was fortunate enough to
reach the top of the list, and subsequent explosions detonated the novel data and
began to double.

However, after entering the monthly ranking competition, such an explosive

approach was only the icing on the cake and could not bring data soaring as before.

Looked at the monthly announcement under “Wu Shuang”, “Qingshui Ru Ge”, “Yao
Yue”, “Qian Qian Qian”, “Shen Keng Xiao Nengshou”, etc., were all popular little deep

Although not as stable as the Mao Yao, the author of “Wu Shuang”, they were all
gaining momentum and had a bright future. As long as they could continue to
maintain their standards, they could surely become a god in time.

In contrast, what he lacked most now was popularity.

Su Tan pondered quietly, thinking about where to start, which could add a new
attraction to his novel.

Just as he was meditating using a pen to draw a circle on the paper, and recording
some ideas and thoughts, editor Hoshino’s communication invitation suddenly lit

Su Tan clicked to connect.

The video call lighted up, editor Hoshino smiled, obviously in a good mood. She
didn’t talk nonsense either. With a few words of greeting, she directly said to Su
Tan, “Will you participate in the next month’s event?”

Su Tan was a little puzzled.

For a moment, Hoshino was a little dumb, her delicately drawn eyebrows were
slightly raised, and she looked at him in surprise.

“Didn’t pay attention to the text messages in the station?” She directly sent a web
address to Su Tan.

He opened it, and it said, “October 1-5, Ten Thousand Get More Benefits.”

Chapter 57: The Great God Chat

“Didn’t pay attention to the text messages in the station?” She directly sent a web
address to Su Tan.

He opened it, and it said, “October 1-5, Ten Thousand Get More Benefits.”

Su Tan looked carefully and found that this was an activity initiated by the website.
During October 1-5, if updated for five consecutive days over ten thousand words,
the website would arrange a special list to be displayed in rotation on the
homepage platform.

This was obviously a good bonus for hardworking authors.

Su Tan nodded immediately and said happily, “I will participate.” 

The daily update was also tens of thousands of words even if you didn’t participate.
Why not?

Su Tan’s refreshing attitude made the editor Hoshino stretched her eyebrows and
felt relieved. However, she was a little surprised at the lag in Su Tan’s news.

She remembered that although Su Tan’s data was good, he was a new author who
had just signed a contract. She was afraid that he was still not familiar with the
various hidden rules and benefits of the website.

Simply, she sent out an author exchange group to Su Tan and smiled at him, “My
author chat group, join in. When I am not online or you don’t understand, you can
communicate more with other authors.”
Su Tan immediately replied, ”Okay.”

As soon as Su Tan joined the Hoshino 3.0 group, he discovered that there were not
many people in it, only forty or fifty people.

After five minutes into the group, there was still no one talking in the group. Most
of the heads of the people were dark, and the other two were also busy.

Su Tan thought for a while, and chuckled. After all, he greeted everyone seriously.

Brush Braised Pork Every Day: “Hello everyone [clever.jpg].”

He words were sent for 3 seconds, and the group immediately responded.

Qian Qian Qian: “Welcome newcomers~ the young ones come out soon. Line up for

“Qian Qian Qian” one @everyone blasted out the people who were diving.

Yao Yue: “Welcome.”

Qingshui Ru Ge: “Waving a small handkerchief to welcome.”

Shen Keng Xiao Nengshou (Pit Expert Little God): “Hug the newcomer. First burst
into the group!”

Looking at this rule, Su Tan couldn’t help but smile. His fingers were ready to send
out the photo taken by his cousin earlier, all as a look for himself.

But unexpectedly, as soon as the “Shen Keng Xiao Nengshou” showed up, he was
suddenly caught by the editor Hoshino, and directly ordered him in the chat group:
“God Keng, go to the writing! If you dare to keep pitting today, I will Chop off your
two paws on the keyboard!”

Pit Expert Little God: “Queen Queen/(ㄒ o ㄒ)/~~”

Immediately, “Shen Keng Xiao Nengshou” burst into tears, waving a small
handkerchief and silently went offline.
Su Tan couldn’t help smiling, and searched for the author number of “Shen Keng”
on Fanxing Novels website, and found that the other party had dug 132 holes in
one fell swoop in three years.

However, very few had successfully filled the pits, only a handful of nine.

Under the other 123 pits, each pit reader prepared to hack someone with a blade,
gearing up to rush to the “Shen Keng Xiao Nengshou” house, shaking his shoulders
to ask to fill the pit.

In this way, the author who had such a big brain and the delayed lazy cancer, the
editor Hoshino had to beat him from time to time, waving a small whip to spur him
to update.

“Shen King” went offline again, but the other authors in the group were quite
curious about Su Tan. Editor Hoshino briefly introduced a few sentences and went
to work on her own.

The pink and purple gods in the group suddenly exploded and recalled who Su Tan

Yao Yue: “Braised Pork?! Especially like to write about gourmet food, that Braised
Pork? I made a spicy crayfish. It is so fragrant [happiness], and now I can still enjoy
the taste.”

Qingshui Ru Ge: “The update is extremely fierce, newcomers who frequently

updates ten chapters and twenty chapters? How do you train your hand speed, just
give me half of it.”

Qian Qian Qian: “The newcomer’s clip broke ten thousand characters? Strong! The
first few books of my newcomer period are still struggling on the end of the V_(:з ゝ

The discussion in the group was lively. Su Tan was a little embarrassed when he
was teased, and said modestly in a good manner, “Well, I still need to learn more
from the big guys in the future.”

This calm compliment immediately pierced the hearts of many big gods and small
“Qian Qian Qian” was in a good mood, and immediately waved his hand boldly, “Big
guy covers you!”

“How is the performance of the new book? Have you been on the monthly list?”
Qian Qian Qian asked.

The top 20 of the monthly rankings entered the homepage, and the top 100 could
be found by clicking on the query.

Speaking of it was a bit silly. Su Tan gave a light cough, and responded calmly, ”At
98, at the bottom of the list.”

By the way, it was accompanied by a hand-painted emoticon pack of “I don’t want

to fall to the ground to die”. The interesting patterns immediately caused “Qian
Qian Qian” to laugh.

He proudly said, “Don’t be afraid. I’ll give you a post.”

Qingshui Ru Ge: “Come on, I can pair as I just opened the new book on the clip.
Help you hang up the copy.”

Yao Yue: “Make delicious food and bribe me. My sister will give you a big push too!”

Shen Keng Xiao Nengshou: “Is it enough for three consecutive chapters…”

Seeing the enthusiasm in the group that suddenly responded, Su Tan only felt
warm in his heart, and couldn’t bear the surprise.

Brushed Braised Pork Every Day: ‘Thank you everyone. Please accept my respect.”

He called up the simple drawing software that came with the chat group, and
suddenly drew a shy little person holding a big red heart and handing out the word
“Heart to you”. 

In a short time, cute emoticon turned many authors over to become Moe fans.

Qian Qian Qian: “666666666666″

Yao Yue: “It’s cute. Take the picture!”

Qingshui Ru Ge: “I receive it carefully. Hide it~”

There was a lot of happiness in the group. At this moment, a dim account suddenly
lit up and appeared in the group chat.

Smoke Scar:  “……………………”


When Su Yan's account appeared, Su Tan paused in surprise and

hurriedly looked at the members of the chat group.

I saw a lot of pink and purple authors of the great gods and little gods,
who hid a scar of a local tyrant reader, I do n't know how he got into
this group.

But suddenly appearing out of thin air, Su Tan suddenly appeared an

illusion of grabbing a bag.

The big cousin of the tyrant reader saw that he and his other writers
were selling cute fancy styles. Will the loyal little angels be jealous?

Su Tan gave a cough, and quickly drew a red-painted love on the

drawing board of the chat group ten times larger than before, sending
it with a finger.

"Brushed braised meat every day: Tobacco Dad is here too! Rub your
face [give a big heart big heart]"

This trick made up for it in a matter of seconds. Su Tan looked at the

chat group happily, thinking that his big cousin looked at the plus
heart, and he would definitely not regain his energy.
Sure enough, the smoke scar returned quickly.

"Smoke scar: pinch fart."

Su Tan: "..."

What the **** is pinch?

Still this kind of operation? ? ?

Su Tan couldn't help crying and laughing immediately. He felt like he

was standing in front of his cousin.

Suddenly, his cheeks turned red, and he couldn't help feeling shame.

Fortunately, the big cousin didn't know his true identity.

Su Tan thought with a smile in his heart, watching the lifeless "smoke
scar" appeared in the chat group, which brought a huge shock to
everyone in the group.

"Qianqianqian: ... I always thought it was a fake name."

"Yueyue: If I remember correctly, Jia Qun hasn't said a word in five

"Qingshui Ruge: Editor, come out and explain! When did you quietly
move such a golden thigh into our group? It was a violent thing to
waste opportunities for so many years without holding a thigh!"


Hayden's lips are slightly hooked, he only focuses on reading the text,
and has little time and interest to disperse his energy to the author

Therefore, even if it was invited by the editor in the early years to join
the groups of authors of various gods, it was always taciturn, blocked
directly, and did not participate in group chat.

If he hadn't read the news occasionally today and saw the appearance
of Su Tan, otherwise he would still not show up.

But just didn't expect, in this short time away, than heart? Bye

Sutan is simply a full-fledged model of selling cute buns.


Hayden took a deep breath and calmly and calmly replied in the
group: "Hello everyone, thank you for taking care of our cute little
family, thank you for your vote."

Modest words could not see his undulating emotions at all.

Everyone in the group was shocked by the gentle attitude of the local

"Money Money Money: Dog Food ..."

"Yueyue: No, you're welcome."

"Shenkeng Little Expert: Why am I bubbling? What's wrong with me?

A bowl of dog food is so stuffed. I also want to be called a cute QAQ."

This is the real god.

Everyone in the author's chat group was full of vigor, and they gave
Su Tan a sunny recommendation in his copy and chapters. However,
everyone who used the word tacitly used the same word.

"Qianqianqian: Little cute newcomer's article, I hope everyone

supports it!"

"Yueyue: The little cute who will make good food, Wen Wentian
Meng Meng Meng is also delicious. I have already collected it, and I
will send it to everyone."

"Sweet water is like a song: The cuteness of the smoke scar family is
important, don't you hurry and come to see it first?"

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian: I've been in pits recently, because ... I'm

fascinated by this little cute book! It looks so good! I can't see enough!
I will be addicted at a glance! Obediently squat the corner]. If it is not
filled-go to see the cute article, I must be there ~ "

The recommendations of the Great God Little God Pink immediately

shocked their readers.

"White cat: Great first tweet, curious."

"Yellow Crown Xingbo: Little cute? Yueyue is so cute again, she wants
to trick me into obsessing and humming, so I'll take a hard look at it."

"Dark pudding: God pit !!! You are finally online, don't run, watch me
not chop you! I dare recommend new articles, watch me not killing
the past!"

For a time, a large number of readers' tour groups rushed to the text
of Su Tan's novel, and curiously examined the novel.

Ancient earth? The cold subject matter in their impressions has always
liked fewer people.

"Domination of the Earth"? Although the name is domineering, and it

is often seen on the minefield and explosive list, many readers still
only stay at the stage where they have not heard the name.

Wear it fast? This subject matter is novel. The main character travels
back and forth to different worlds, and immediately evokes the desire
of many people to read the text.
Looking at the comments under the article again, readers who have
been recommended find that the book review area of the novel is
extremely hot and enthusiastic.

"Kolabao: The roast duck experiment was successful! Happy friends,

new friends, come and eat roast duck together!"


"Fishing on the Milky Way: I climbed five mountains to touch the

crayfish, and my mother said that I have this perseverance, and I was
admitted to the Imperial University [laughing and crying]. Her elderly
may not know how strong the perseverance is!"

"Soft adorable deep dolphin: In the experimental week, every day we

cultivated in the middle of the night, we need to hold my hands up
and hold me high to help me stand up."


In the hot comment area, it is rare for ordinary authors to torture

negative points. Even if there is an accidental zero point saying that it
is "abandoning the article and tired of reading", there are also
enthusiastic readers to help explain under the comments.

Such a harmonious atmosphere can't help but make the newly-

recommended readers feel a little dumbfounded, and it has created a
strong curiosity about the novel Dominate.

With hope and speculation, open this novel.


"White cat: Whoops, dear friends, who has a detailed approach to

roast duck, share it, good people live a safe life."

"Yellow crown star native: It's much better! Everyday Amway food,
we can't eat [crying]."

"Dark little pudding: Good-looking, update diligently, the author is

too conscientious. By the way: who sees our family pit is very big,
please tell me, I'll take people back to fill the pit!"

Only one day later, Su Tan's novel collection soared from 50,000 to

The next day, the collection exceeded 150,000.

On the third day, it has risen to 200,000.

The rapid growth speed makes Su Tan can't help but feel excited. In
the author chat group, I would like to thank every author who helped
me recommend it, and I especially recommend readers to read these
large articles under his own articles.

Before the start of the 11th long holiday, Su Tan rubbed his little belly
that was fattened by his father, and woke up early in the morning to
start preparing for daily coding.
For five consecutive days, there are tens of thousands of tasks per day,
which is not much compared to his ten chapters every day, but Su
Tan's archives are not much.

Recently, due to a bathroom injury, Dad and his big cousin watched
him rest in bed, preventing him from touching the computer.

Therefore, Su Tan can only take advantage of the opportunity to go to

bed early in the morning or late, secretly write a little bit, but also
have to guard against the big cousin rounds.

Under such a frustration, the 300,000 archives almost exhausted QAQ.

Su Tan's injury was fully healed. In the early morning, taking

advantage of the early morning light, he turned on the computer
neatly, and dabbed softly.

Since the rest of the past few days, the gourmet world in the "Era of
Domination of the Earth [Quick Wear]" has introduced a number of
ways called flower chicken, crayfish, roast duck, squirrel mandarin
fish, sweet and sour tenderloin, sauerkraut beef stew, pork ribs and
corn soup. Different cuisines are also interspersed with a variety of
delicious and delicious desserts such as mung bean cake, pea yellow,
donkey roll, etc., making his readers shout happiness.

Chinese cuisine has conquered the stomachs of readers thoroughly.

In the final chapter, Su Tan took a deep breath and decided to launch
the essence of Chinese cuisine—the full seat of the Han Dynasty.
There are 108 dishes in Manhan, fried and marinated, sweet and salty,
exquisite dishes. Each dish is selected from the essence of traditional
Chinese cuisine, and is a feast for the ancient palace.

Su Tan was determined to launch the full Han table in the final
chapter of the gourmet world. It was precisely because he could not
bear the loss of Chinese cuisine in the torrent of history, and then
disappeared in the memory of the interstellar.

Therefore, he wanted to use this method to fully record the world he

had lived and experienced, even if it was in the text and presented in
the form of a novel.

As long as he is still there, Huaxia in his writing will never disappear.

The full menu in Manhan is exquisite and courteous. Before entering

the table, serve four fresh fruits, four dried fruits, four fruits and four
preserves, and then serve cold dishes, hot dishes, large dishes, and
desserts in order.

Among them, there is no shortage of mountains and sea food,

treasures of the world.

Sutan focuses on describing the eight treasure wild ducks.

Babao wild duck is made by processing the fat wild duck. The duck
belly is filled with eight treasures, such as fresh ginkgo, red dates,
shiitake mushrooms, ham, pine nuts, and glutinous rice, which are
tightly sealed and cooked.
Several other dishes, he also described in detail in the novel,
presented in complete and tidy, and then clicked to publish, the
overweight word count was immediately discovered by readers who
woke up in the morning and accidentally brushed the novel.

"Dark little pudding: 50,000 words in one chapter! @ 神 坑 小 手 手 ,

揪 耳 , 你 来 学 学 大 烧肉 大大 啊!"

"Kolabao: The author is big, you always want to empty my wallet ...
But I like it !!!"

"White cat: author of conscience, give you a thunder."

Su Tan raised his lips to turn off the computer, and went downstairs
to unexpectedly see that the robotic dad was standing in the kitchen
with a tall and upright man who was a little stranger. The man's
eyebrows were moist, and when he looked at Suning, his face was soft
and relaxed. Get close.

At the time, Su Tan couldn't help being curious.

"Abba," he called, and smiled and nodded to Shu Heng, "Who is this?"

Immediately, Suning introduced it enthusiastically. "This is Dr. Shu,

who has just moved to our door recently. I saw a rib and corn soup in
the novel. Dr. Shu happens to do it, come and help!"

Su Tan couldn't help smiling, and felt that the doctor was kind.
However, Suning's words fell into Eddie's ears holding a pile of
ingredients filled with Han's full meal and came to his feet in surprise.

Eddie screamed, "Uncle Su, you are also a fan of" Dominate? ""

The robot Suning glanced at Su Tan with a smile and nodded


After a while, Eddie couldn't help but almost danced, and suddenly
felt that his friends were everywhere. Before he could put down the
big bag and small bag of ingredients, he rushed to Suning with
excitement and asked, "Uncle Su, what is your reader number?"

The robot Suning thought about it and said the forum trumpet that
had been abandoned by Su Tan, which was used by it later to read the

"My big cousin is really a perverted little mushroom."

Eddie :? ? ?

Su Tan: "..."

Shu Heng frowned, looked at Suning next to him, and looked up at

Hayden, the only big cousin at home.

Big cousin: Pervert?

OK, I don't seem to do anything, I'm sorry for this title :).
My big cousin is really a perverted little mushroom.

Eddie touched the name and was held for a long while, reacting
slowly and admiringly, "Uncle Su, your reader number is really

"Yeah, right!" The robot Suning smiled, and "the son is the best of
everything" contented, cheerful and happy, could not help but Dr.
Shu looked at him carefully for a few times.

Eddie jot down the reader number with joy, put it behind his head,
excitedly pulled Su Tan and started to study new dishes together.

He opened the novel in his mind with enthusiasm, and went directly
to the last chapter of the "Era of Domination of the Earth [Quick

Huge Eddie swiftly turned his finger over the novel page and pointed
to one of them.

The four big characters suddenly jumped into the sight of Sutan.

"Full seat at Manhan?" He looked at Eddie with a slight smile.

I couldn't hide the excitement on Eddie's face, pointing at the various
food descriptions on the mobile phone and saying, "Yes, the Manchu
in the ancient earth era, 108 dishes! Can you make it?"

Faced with his anticipation, Su Tan couldn't help shaking his head
and laughing.

"I'm afraid I can't," he responded earnestly, his expression focused

and sincere. Although he is the author who wrote the full Manhan
table, he didn't really see the real Manhan table before his rebirth.
Everything was obtained from novels and materials.

Therefore, it is just imaginary to want to complete these 108 dishes.

What's more, after all, the interstellar is different from the ancient
earth. Many precious wild game, mountain and sea food have long
been lost in the sea, and it is difficult to find them again.

Looking at Eddie's disappointment, Su Tan sighed in his heart,

thinking a little, and came up with a compromise idea.

"However, you can try some of these dishes." As soon as Su Tan

opened his mouth, he saw Eddie's eyes light up for a moment, it was
as if the fireworks in his eyes were lit for a moment. Bright, lit up the
light of Greek wings.

Su Tan frowned with a smile, and said firmly: "Although 108 dishes
are difficult to copy, I can make a few of them."
Even though he didn't reach the expected goal, Eddie felt satisfied. He
nodded and listened to everything. He asked with anticipation: "How

Su Tan's mind quickly crossed the menu of the Manhan dinner, and
selected a few of the most popular dishes and reported them. "Oil
prawns, colorful beef tenderloin, eight treasure wild ducks."

The Eight Treasure Wild Duck is also a dish described in the thick and
heavy color in the novel "Balance", which immediately made Eddie
can't help it, like a little tail followed Sutan into the kitchen.

Su Tan felt that Waner did not stop the other party from obsessing
with food. He allowed him to follow him and walk to the stove

On the stove set by the small fire, a pot of corn ribs soup was boiling
and effervescent. The sweetness of corn's fruit and the rich aroma of
pork ribs blended together, diffused in the kitchen, and Eddie, who
was behind Su Tan, couldn't bear it. With a quick look, I walked

"Pork rib corn soup!" He shouted in surprise.

Dr. Shu, standing in front of the stove, had a gentle eyebrow, a gentle
temperament exuding all over his body, and his eyes focused on the
serious and focused appearance of a pot of soup, which made people
feel uncomfortable.

Hearing Eddie's surprise cry, Shu Heng turned back slowly and
glanced at each other gently.
"It will be all right," he laughed warmly. "Drink a bowl of soup in the
morning to nourish the stomach."

Eddie nodded in agreement, not to mention the fact that he had

previously eaten at his home.

He thought beautifully that the ribs and corn soup and the full Han
dinner were another happy day.

The rich and tangy aroma filled the kitchen, making Eddie restless,
and frequently probed the soup like a fish bone hanging in front of a
kitten that could not eat.

When Su Tan saw this, he simply gave him a basket of lotus ginkgo
and asked him to take it to the living room.

After Eddie left, the kitchen finally calmed down.

Su Tan, while picking vegetables and preparing ingredients for the

entire Han dinner, couldn't help looking at Dr. Shu in front of the

He found that although Shu Heng was the same age as Abba, he
could not see the slightest sense of age between his face and eyes.
Instead, there was a kind of gentleness on his body. He had
experienced smoothness and indifference over the years.
It's like jade. Although it's not stunning at first glance, it's calm and

Even if the other person stood patiently in front of the stove holding
the spoon upright, there was no sense of disobedience, but instead he
was like being born there to cook delicate food for his family.

Seems to be aware of his own eyes, Shu Wenwen raised his head
gently, and smiled at him warmly: "Your dad said that your back has
been strained, and you have rested for many days. I specifically asked
me to make rib soup for you. Calcium. "

He had a gentle voice, a calm tone, and thoughtfully explained the

doubts in Su Tan's heart. By the way, his eyes were raised and he
seriously said to him, "Aning is really good for you."


Speaking from the outside population, this is even more moving.

Su Tan nodded warmly.

"By the way," Shu Wenwen's modest eyes, his eyes behind Phnom
Penh's glasses are especially calm and quiet, and he chatted softly like
a chat, "Aning has a good relationship with your big cousin?"

After hearing this, Su Tan nodded surely.

Can it be bad? His life-long events were entrusted to his big cousin by
his dad [lay flat].

Shu Heng thoughtfully, his voice was soft, "How is that a good idea?"

He gave a gentle glance at Sutan, fearing that the thin and slender
young man didn't understand his meaning, the corners of his lips
were slightly bent, and he explained with a calm smile: "Your dad's
reader name is strange, I'm a little curious. "

The truth makes sense, but--

Su Tan's hand stopped, and he seriously looked at Dr. Shu, the next-
door neighbor who seemed to be taken home by his dad. "It's very
good. Dad has always felt that his big cousin is the best model

To find him, he had to move closer to Hayden.

Hearing this sentence, Shu Heng's lips froze slightly, the eyes behind
the gold-rimmed glasses narrowed, shook his head with a smile, and
did not continue the topic.

He turned off the soup pot, took it off the stove, brought it to the table,
and smiled a few people to come over to drink soup.

A bowl of fragrant ribs and corn soup per person, even the robot
Suning was pulled by Shu Heng to sit down and placed a bowl in
front of it.
After a while, the rich corn flavor and the rich meat flavor of the ribs
blend together, making people's appetite open. After taking a sip, the
warm and slightly hot soup is light and delicious, which is very
suitable for summer drinking. It makes everyone at the table feel very
refreshing and full of fragrance.

Then take the ribs and corn from the soup, and cut into pieces of corn
to absorb the rich flavor of the pork rib soup. With each bite, it seemed
to feel that the essence of pork rib soup was going to burst from the
corn kernels, and turned into a sweet and delicious soup in the


And the carefully-stewed pork ribs are melted at the mouth, and the
meat is soft and tender enough to remove the bones effortlessly.

The crowd at the table bowed their heads to drink, and Shu Heng
occasionally drank a few sips of soup, smiling softly with Suning, a
sweater-making robot beside him, chatting and talking.

When a pot full of ribs and corn soup entered the stomachs of
everyone, and was drunk completely, Shu Heng stood up and set off
to go to the hospital for duty.

Immediately, everyone who had tasted his cooking was reluctant to

him, and got up to take him to the door.
With a humbly dissatisfaction, Shu Heng couldn't help but be escorted
to the door of Su's house, surrounded by the crowd.

He stood still and stood there calmly, saying goodbye to everyone.

When Hayden just raised his hand and waved his farewell to Dr. Shu,
he was caught off guard and was suddenly caught in the other's
slightly surprised eyes.


Shu Heng's eyebrows were lightly wrinkled, with a look of care, far
from the crowd, and asking Hayden standing in the last row, "Have
your arm been injured recently?"

As soon as he said this, all the people at the scene turned back in
shock, and their horrified eyes focused on Hayden's arm.

The sleeves pulled up slightly revealed the forearms below Hayden's

elbows completely. Looking closely, the skin was smooth and free of
scars and anomalies. Where does it look like he was hurt?

Even Hayden himself looked deeper when he heard Dr. Shu's


He stood upright and arbitrarily, letting Su Tan grab his arm and look
at it, and quietly patted the other arm behind the other side for a little
It was indeed injured here.

His aircraft engine unexpectedly broke down, fell from space, and
almost hit the ground without any driving buffer.

At that time, it was Sutan who found him injured.

At that time, his arms had been severely injured. After resting at
Sutan's home and the diagnosis and treatment of a small therapeutic
device, and in conjunction with his strong self-healing power, the
injury was almost half the better. From the appearance alone,
everything looked No abnormalities, no problems in daily life.

But only Hayden knew that the worst injuries hadn't healed at all.

And how did Dr. Shu know about this?

Shu Heng stood a few steps away, with a look of concern, and Wen
Sheng explained: "I used to study serious injuries with my mentor, so
I have a certain understanding of it. As soon as you raised your arm, I
noticed There was something wrong. "

Shu Heng stared at Hayden quietly, and asked, "Are you bones
unhealed, and there are some ants gnawing pain in cloudy and

Hayden pursed his lips, silent.

Seeing his appearance, Shu Heng took a deep sigh and carefully
advised the robot Su Ning, who was stunned, "He needs to be
hospitalized urgently."

"If the injury is allowed to continue, I am afraid there will be


"Aning, I know you don't want to, but-this matter can't be delayed."

Shu Heng's serious and professional tone seemed to hit the robot
Suning's heart with a blow, making it momentarily dumb and open,
but he couldn't say anything.

Su Tan took a deep breath and clenched his dad's metal fingers
tightly. Zhanran decided: "Okay, Dr. Shu, your big cousin will take
care of you, and we will clean him up for hospitalization."

Hayden: ... I believe in your evil!

He frowned, even though his injuries had not healed yet, but he knew
what he meant most, and he didn't joke with his own body.

Rose is a third-level agricultural planet with simple treatment

conditions. He can use his powerful strength to temporarily seal the
injury and wait for his return to the capital to be treated.

This emergency treatment method has also been tried before, and has
no effect on future healing.

Hayden's eyes were drowsy, raised suddenly, facing the quiet and
gentle eyes of Shu Heng's pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and the eyes of
the two men confronted each other in mid-air.

Until Shu Heng bent the corner of his lips indescribably and released
goodwill to him, Hayden suddenly figured out the joints.

In this case, he didn't have any objection. He simply stretched his

arms, grabbing the dark-haired young man who was worried about
him, and said with a slight smile on his lips.

He glanced at Su Tan side by side. "A Tan has to go with me, just to
check the back injury in detail, not to leave hidden dangers."

When the robot Suning heard it, he immediately nodded approvingly.

Su Tan: Meow meow? ? ?

With a look of confusion, he couldn't figure out how the situation

suddenly turned abruptly, and the fate of going to hospital together
was also arranged in an instant.

What about dad? Leave it alone at home?

Sutan was puzzled. He suddenly watched Dad pack up a large bag of

diligently and drove him and Hayden out of the house. He got into
Dr. Shu's car in an instant and was taken all the way to the hospital.
Double ward.

After the examination, his body was correct, and he was still admitted
to hospital for observation.

This can not help but make Sutan confused.

By night, Hayden came out of the consulting room and finally

returned to the ward belonging to two people. The door of the ward
was closed, and the bright and clean room gave a feeling of tightness
and privacy.

Su Tan's heart suddenly jumped a hint of danger.

He looked at his big cousin with deep eyes and slightly raised lips,
and said with a smile, "Hospital."

These two words came out of his low magnetic voice, don't have a
different taste.

Hayden stood by the bed, staring down at the sutan in the hospital
bed, obediently and conscientiously wearing patient clothes, sitting
quietly on the white bed, making people have a desire to get rid of it.

He tickled his lips and said quietly, "Would you like to hold your
arms high?"

Sutan: ...
——I'm still young, don't lie to me.


At night, the son was away from home for the first time and was
admitted to the hospital. The robot Suning was in Su's living room,
full of worries, let alone worry.

Dr. Shu accompany him beside him, Wen Sheng comforted: "It doesn't
matter. Before going to work, I went to the ward to see Su Tan. He is
in good condition and has a nurse to take care of it. Just rest assured."

The robot Suning clutched Dr. Shu's hand tightly and said with a
distressed tone: "Atan has been in the hospital overnight, but I have
not taken care of him."

Shu Wenwen patted Suning's hand softly, knowing that silent

companionship was the best comfort at this time.

He smiled gently and relieved: "What will happen to Sutan after


After a while, Suning was a little bit stuck, staring blankly at him
without knowing how to answer, and his words seemed to be stuck in
his heart, and he couldn't say a word.
At the sight of him, Shu Heng couldn't help but embrace his shoulder
gently. "It doesn't matter, and I'm with you. Let's be together."

In such a gentle way, time will warm into the heart of a person.

The robot Su Ning looked at Shu Heng, couldn't help but hold his
hand tightly, nodded very moved and said, "Huh!"

Shu Heng's eyes were soft and moist.

But it was unexpected that Suning's next compliment was--

"Doctor Shu, you are a good neighbor of Rose."

Shu Heng: ...

He sighed sadly in his heart.

Plan failed, start again.

Su Ning, the robot Suning is worried about, is now in a hot situation.

"Big cousin ..."

The corners of his eyes were red, and there was a wet mist in the black
eyes, and the large patient suit slid halfway obliquely, exposing a
large area of fair skin on the back.
Beautiful and fragile butterfly bones are clearly visible.

The central air conditioner in the ward was blowing slowly indoors,
and Su Tan's exposed skin trembled a little bit coldly, and the young
man who looked weak was thin and thin.

Just then, a pair of hot and powerful palms touched.

The hot temperature, when it touched some cold skin, immediately

produced a wonderful chemical reaction, making Sutan's fingertips

His ears were sharp and red, and he was lying on a white, narrow
bed, and felt the hot palm of his big cousin passing over his spine,
rubbing into his body with warm oil little by little in.

Su Tan stuffed her head in the pillow, dared not to lift her head, and
her fingertips trembled slightly inaudibly and whispered, "Yes, big
cousin, you can stop, I'm much better."

Hayden, who was busy massaging the back of Su Tan, was unable to
stop. He kneaded and pressed.

His voice was calm and he strictly followed the doctor's advice: "For
the medicinal effect to work, it must be completely rubbed into the

Su Tan: "..."
Isn't Dr. Shu a western doctor? When did I learn the Chinese medicine
massage and gave it to my big cousin?

It's just ... the punishment for him.

Su Tan clenched her lips silently, trying not to make a sound. But this
is very difficult for him now.

Each inch of skin touched by the palm of the burning palm on the
back brings a burning sensation, as if it had been ironed by the stove.

"I can come by myself." Su Tan tried to argue reasonably.

The big cousin was leisurely, and he bent his lips knowing that he
could not persecute him too much. "Okay, you do it yourself."

Suddenly the scorching palms were evacuated, and Su Tian's promise

made him feel a little stunned, but he did not respond for a while.

Instead, Hayden tickled the corners of his lips, and suddenly chuckled
a kiss on his fair-skinned spine, and patted the boy's fart to make
people rise.

At that moment, Su Tan was shocked in the place a little bit lost, and
suddenly felt the place where the kiss was falling behind him, like the
blood boiled in time, ironing and burning.
"Hurry up." Hayden helped him pull up his shirt, and lifted Sutan's
slender waist to support him.

I want to take it down, but--

Hayden's deep eyes were low, facing the quiet black eyes of Sutan,
and immediately saw those black and bright eyes with a moment of
shame and confusion.

The corners of Su Tan's lips froze, and his cheeks couldn't help but
glowed red. He coughed, and joked seriously: "The technique is
unprofessional. I ask a doctor for assistance."

Hayden smiled, letting his paw threaten slightly.

"OK, I will try to get a doctor's license."

Su Tan: ..................

you win! !!

Fortunately, with the firm rejection of Su Tan, the big cousin's hugs
and highs still remained within a reasonable range.

But he was huddled in his own narrow bed, holding his arm around
Su Tan, and refused to let go.
The breathing of the two people blended, and the scorching
atmosphere permeated each other. Su Tan reluctantly watched the
time passing by little by little, approaching late at night.

But Hayden still refused to let go of himself, as if all the careless

actions at home and with Abba were released, and they were
deliberately exposed in this strange and secret ward.


Looking at the big cousin holding one's waist with one hand, playing
with black soft hair in one hand, the tall and long body just put him
into his arms, and fit tightly to the chest, so that the two can clearly
hear Heartbeat of each other.


He just doesn't sleep!

Even with Su Tan suddenly being put into a scorching and familiar
embrace, he couldn't sleep peacefully.

Always want to do something ==

This idea is dangerous.

Su Tan took a deep breath and felt that the smell of Hayden's mature
man was filled between his noses, and his heartbeat couldn't be
He seriously suggested, "It's late and the patient should rest."

Hayden smiled and raised his lips. "I'm not sleepy."

Su Tan: "..." He looked at the deep eyes of the other person's teasing,
and really couldn't say anything for a while.

Throughout the ward, the real patient is really only the big cousin. He
was here to accompany.

Now the patient said that he was not sleepy, Su Tan only felt--

How can it be willful?

He spoke bluntly, admonishing: "Be good, go to bed quickly, it is the

capital to keep good."

Hearding the words of the patient, Hayden couldn't help but evoke
the corners of his lips, his deep eyes smiling.

He said "um" quietly.

Su Tan thought he had agreed, and immediately pushed for it, but
found that he hadn't pushed the opponent's steady and powerful

Suddenly, Su Tan looked up at him doubtfully.

I saw, the big cousin looked at himself calmly, his eyes were clearly
smiling and smiling. That for granted look was clearly saying--

Since you want me to sleep, what about my bedtime?

Sutan: ...

He raised his eyebrows, and found that the big cousin was clearly
delayed, and none of them would definitely move an inch.

Immediately, there was a stalemate between the two for two minutes.

In the end, Su Tan reluctantly gave up his struggle, leaned closer to

the other side, and quickly passed a kiss.

This kiss was like a dragonfly drenching water, brushing Hayden's

lips, and instantly made his eyes dark, narrowed his eyes and looked
at the helpless kiss youngster.

Without waiting for the other party's action to retreat, suddenly

Hayden stretched out his arm, holding Su Tan's head firmly, his
breath deepening the kiss.

Then, entangled, intimate, inextricable. All the senses seemed to melt

into hot water, and the water vapor filled the two people, almost
blurring Su Tan's consciousness and thoughts.
He passively endured the kiss, and then didn't know when he
suddenly looked back and found that he was holding the big cousin's
shoulders with both hands, holding his body quite strongly, and
indulging in the happiness made by the other party, unable to
extricate himself. .

In addition, there is a faint anti-visit trend, and he arrogantly plunders

the big cousin's lips. Instead, Hayden tenderly and laissez-fairely
moves his lips, occasionally passing his lips, taking care of his every

Sutan turned back.

Suddenly, his face turned red, his breathing was sloppy, and he
pulled away from his kiss, suddenly pulling the distance between

He silently shyly looked at Shanghai Deng's line of sight, and only felt
that-it was terrible, he was so attacked.

"Big cousin, I'll be nice to you in the future." Su Tan spoke openly and
promised firmly.

"It doesn't hurt to be my wife."

Hearing his vigorous ambitions, Hayden couldn't help laughing, and

calmly agreed, "Okay."
His eyes were focused and he looked at Sutan, only feeling gentle in
his heart, and one day, he would unbelievably let go of his boundaries
for a dark-haired boy.

Even if it makes him happy.

Hayden raised his eyebrows, his eyes stretched and gentle, "Come, lift
up ~"

Su Tan: "..."

He watched Hayden sitting calmly and comfortably on the side of the

bed, staring brightly and looking forward to waiting for this "old
attack" to hug people to another bed.

Sutan's scalp is numb, and he can only fight his old waist, try to step
forward, and then-

hold! Do not! move!

Shame on QAQ.

In desperation, Su Tan had to obediently cover the quilt for the big
cousin and slap the horns. He ran to the other bed drowsily and
pulled up the quilt, and said muffled from the quilt: "Good night . "

Looking at the boyfriend who failed to hide in the sutan under the
duvet, Hayden's eyes were happy, and Jun could not help but
chuckled and answered, "Good night, have a good dream."
That night--

Su Tan really had a good dream ...


"Husband, kiss and hug high!" A tall, uncarried figure sat in front of
himself, and stretched out his arm to him.

"Husband, I want to eat Liangpi Ramen Xiaolongbao!" A food-

controlling big-stomach king man sat at the table and smiled at him
and ordered countless meals.

"Husband, the sewer is broken--"

"Husband, it's time to pay water, electricity, property and baby's

kindergarten tuition!"

"Well, what about my pocket money? Isn't it good to support me?"


In his sleep, Su Tan was suddenly awakened, his breathing was short,
and some shocked half-sat up. His half-squinted eyes had not found
the focus and direction.
I just feel scared.

What is the picture when being a husband? ? ? Feeling 50,000 tons of

starship aircraft carrier on your body, will you be crushed?

For a moment, Su Tan could not help but doubt life.

Old attack? ... wife?

Choose the latter decisively.

His eyelashes trembled, and as soon as he cleared his mind from a

nightmare, he suddenly saw a gentle and generous hand in front of

With a wave, he suddenly awakened his consciousness.

Dr. Shu stood in front of the bed, stared at him gently, and asked,
"What are you thinking?"

Su Tan raised his eyes and scanned the ward. He suddenly found that
the big cousin was no longer there. The robot father came with a large
box of insulated barrels. At this time, he was busy and seriously
opened the barrel lid and poured hot steam out of it Hot porridge.

Su Tan gave a slight cough, and replied with a smile to Dr. Shu:
"Thinking about the big things in life."
After hearing the words, Shu Wenhe's eyes only looked at him one
more time with concern, without asking much thoughtfully.

In time, the robot Suning also poured the porridge, holding a large
bowl of noodles, and filled a bowl full of porridge in front of him.

"Son, hurry up for breakfast." Suning placed the porridge bowl on the
small table in the bed in front of Su Tan, and stared at his son with hot
eyes, not enough to see.

Obviously it has not been seen for a night, but Suning feels like he has
been boiled for a year, full of thoughts.

"How did you sleep last night?" The robotic dad asked with concern,
and sent Su Tan to say that he was not ready to pack his bags and take
his son home.

Su Tan thought for a while, drank his porridge fingers, and looked at
Shu Heng standing aside. "Dr. Shu, can I go home?"

Yesterday, the doctor's diagnosis was that he had recovered

completely, and staying in the hospital for one more day was just for
the sake of stability.

Now that he is perfectly well, there is no need to waste money to

continue to be hospitalized. not to mention--
Su Tan glanced across the empty bed, thinking to himself, living with
his big cousin here, he would definitely continue to have

Hearing Su Tan's inquiries, the robot Suning also looked forward to

Shu Heng with anticipation. The look of expectation was clearly the
vision of wanting to take his son home early.

Shu Wenwen's gentle eyes, smiling for a moment behind the frame,
passed a faint smile, simply agreed to the wishes of the father and son,
and nodded in agreement: "Okay, I'll go to Atan for discharge
procedures soon. "

As soon as his voice fell, the robot Su Ning immediately rejoiced and
happy, waved his hands enthusiastically, and said directly: "No need,
you go, I help Atan!"

He said that he did not wait for Shu Heng to speak, and rushed out of
the ward with great enthusiasm, happily busy going through the
hospitalization procedure for Sutan.

Twenty minutes later, it was done in full swing, and came back
happily. "Okay, son, let's go home!"

Shu Heng smiled and shook her head helplessly, and said to him, "In
fact, don't worry."

Su Ningsheng felt that the issue of discharge was even more

important. However, this matter is not anxious. What else should be
So it explained carefully: "I'm in a hurry."

Shu Heng faced his serious and obsessive attention, and was quite
helpless. Wen Yan took the two men down to the hospital building,
and by the way said to Hayden, he was going to go home.

Passing by the huge transparent glass window of the consultation

room, Hayden lay flat on a large consultation bed in a relaxed
posture, and a large precision treatment instrument was suspended
above his arm to provide him with in-depth care and treatment.

Most of this work has already been done.

Although he was admitted to the hospital, Dr. Shu knew that

Hayden's arm was seriously injured, but upon closer inspection, he
found that the wound that had been severely wounded a few months
ago was amazingly resilient.

The frustrated bones have gradually healed together, and Hayden's

strong self-healing ability has effectively promoted the wound's

Even if this special consultation is not used to speed up the process,

the wound will slowly heal in the protracted period.

Such a powerful self-healing power is quite rare in the entire empire.

If you want to come, only those genealogists who are born with
outstanding gene endowments, or even the best in the army, have this

And Shu Heng sifted through the outstanding children of a few

magnificent families that he had seen before, and none of them could
be linked to Hayden's appearance.

Su Heng looked at the generous "Haiden" on the medical record, and

suddenly he became curious.

Who is this big cousin of the Sutan family?

Hayden, lying on the treatment bed, was dazzled, waiting quietly for
the effect of the treatment instrument.

Although this large therapeutic instrument is not the latest model of

Didu, the treatment effect is okay.

Therefore, taking this opportunity, Hayden simply accepted the

diagnosis and treatment, and promoted that he had recovered most of
his injuries as soon as possible.

After two days, the results were good.

Hayden's eyes were quietly thinking, and suddenly he heard two

subtle knocks on the glass window of the consulting room.

He opened his eyes suddenly, turned his head, and unexpectedly met
Su Tan's smiling face.
Then, looking at Su Tan raising his eyebrow with a smile, he lifted his
packed luggage and waved goodbye to him.

Immediately, Hayden knew that Sutan was going to be discharged

from hospital earlier.

The expression on his face was not shocked, there was no slight wave,
his eyes calmly and calmly looked at Su Tan's smiling face.

But in the eyes of Youyan, there was a clear meaning.

Su Tan chuckled and waved at the immovable cousin lying in the

clinic, turned and smiled at Abba and Dr. Shu: "Okay, let's go."

With that said, he picked up his luggage and was going to take the
elevator down with them.

However, as soon as they moved, they had not reached the elevator
door, and suddenly there were footsteps catching up behind them.

All three were shocked. Looking back, Hayden had suddenly forcibly
interrupted the diagnosis and treatment process, and calmly caught

Su Tan couldn't help but look at it, looking at the big cousin's arm that
had just been treated with the radiation from the treatment, it turned
red, and he hadn't done any daily cooling and repair.
However, Hayden did not care about it, and calmly put down the
cuffs he rolled up, covering the arm for treating the wound.

He raised his lips and said with a smile, "I'm going home with you."

Su Tan: "..."

Robot Dad: "..."

Shu Wenhe's complexion became serious, and he rebuked: "Prank!"


That night, Hayden hugged Sutan happily, letting the two fit tightly,
lying in the same small, warm quilt, indescribably cozy and happy.

Su Tan was quite helpless, and simply gave up and let the big cousin
kiss and hug him.

Such a powerful "wife", he really can't beat QAQ!

Suddenly he felt a hot object poking behind him, and moved his body
immediately, and said, "Your light brain is in your pocket? Take it a
little and poke me."

As soon as the voice fell, I noticed that the big cousin's breathing was
suddenly disturbed.
The thing was still tenaciously poking behind him, Su Tan raised his
voice slightly, and taught his big cousin, "Don't play, take it away, it's
uncomfortable to poke."

Suddenly, just listening to Hayden's low laugh, his breath drove his
chest to resonate on his back.

Su Tan couldn't help but feel a little confused, wondering what he was
laughing at?

Then he heard Hayden open his voice in a low voice, "Well, you call it
and see if it promises?"


"You call it and see if it doesn't agree?"

Suddenly listening to the low magnetic words in his ears, with a

slightly inaudible smile, Su Tan suddenly understood.

His cheeks suddenly turned red, and his dark eyes were staring at
Hayden, only for a moment he felt a little dumbfounded.

The place in the back behind me became hot and hot for a while.

"Don't dare." Su Tan chuckled, his clear and clear voice was strong,
"How dare I make my wife tired?"
The light of Hayden's eyes was dark, and the dark currents surged in
the dark eyes.

I saw Sutan, which was half-heeled in Hayden's arms, suddenly

flipped over, turned up sharply, and pressed Hayden firmly under

His movements were unexpectedly swift, causing the position

between the two people to turn sharply in an instant, and turned into
a stance of supremacy.

Su Tan clutched the collar of his big cousin, and a pair of black eyes
with smiles looked down at the long man who was under him,
whispered in his ear and chuckled: "Well, ask me Bom, see if it
promises? "

His move is obviously the same as the big cousin.

If the question and answer do not agree, it is not necessary to ask "old
attack" first.

Hayden narrowed his eyes and looked at Su Tan sitting on his waist,
grasping his neckline, his eyes were full of joy and slyness, and the
vitality made him unable to itch, like being scratched by a kitten It felt
crisp and itchy.

This feeling makes people fascinated.

When he stood, Hayden's eyes narrowed. He chuckled, and suddenly
his slender fingers touched the part of the young man's body, and the
low-dumb voice made him confused and coddled.

"Xiaotan, do you want to play games with your brother?"

"Guarantee sweet and cute ~"

"Don't speak, that's the default."

Before Su Tan refused, Hayden had finished speaking with a smile.

Su Tan: "..."

Soiled to no friends.

For a moment, Su Tan felt his cheeks blushing red and couldn't hold

He gave a slight cough, and Qing Qing's voice replied earnestly and
earnestly: "I'm sorry, it's still small and can't understand what you're

Our Xiaotan is a cute and soft baby. We must cover our ears and not
be fooled by our big cousin.

Hayden shaved, his smile deep, "Well, what about welfare?"

He is not forcing a strong and exhausting temper, but the benefits of
substitution must be indispensable.

Sutan was stuck, looking down from a height, Hayden leaning on the
bed in a comfortable and relaxed manner. Obviously he was under his
body, but his body stretched calmly, holding the big palm of his waist,
and the expression of handsome smile seemed to be everything in his

Looking at Hayden's deep and deep eyes, Su Tan knew that he would
not pay any welfare. The big cousin would definitely--

Teach yourself how to be human.

Sutan looked helpless and confessed his fate. Suddenly, his body
moved, he held his big cousin on the bed, and then ... kissed him!

The entangled lips and teeth were energetic, proactive and strong, and
wanted to actively compete for ownership.

But this time, Hayden refused.

He firmly held Su Tan's thin waist with one palm, and relaxedly
leaned his body against the head of the bed on the other side,
supporting Su Tan's weight with his arm.

The lowered eyes concealed the pleasure of the eyes, but the lips
entangled with Su Tan were inextricably separated, and gently
brushed from the softness of the other side, making Su Tan deeper
and more intimate.
It's just like......

Put a well-behaved and fried kitten into his territory, and then trap it
in his own world.

Until the cheeks became hot, breathing was messy, and his forehead
was slightly sweaty, obviously in the air-conditioned and air-
conditioned room, but his body was sweating as if he was sweating
like the sun burned, and Su Tan retreated in a panic.

He tried to smooth his hot and messy breath, panting heavily, as if to

fill the lungs being pumped with oxygen.

During a fierce breath, the eyes unexpectedly saw the big cousin
leaning on the bed opposite and looking at him calmly and calmly. In
addition to being held by his zoubaba into a ball of collar, his whole
body calmly calmed down with himself. Very different.

Immediately, Su Tan jealously wanted to stretch his claws, fiercely

disturbed, and made up two more swords.

Su Tan took a few deep breaths, desperately pressed down the

scorching hot breath, and said to Hayden, "Sleep."

Upon hearing his words, Hayden's deep eyes were raised, and he
smiled as Su Tan climbed up to another bed with red ears and
covered with a quilt.
The man's low magnetic voice fluttered behind him.

"Not enough benefits ~"

"Get up, ... don't promise!"

"Xiaotan must not have fallen asleep."


Su Tan covered her head with a quilt, but felt that her ears were hot
and her heartbeat thundered.

——I ca n't do this "old attack". How can I meet his QAQ when he
meets his unhappy wife?

After a night of chaos in the chaos, Hayden's body was completely

healed and he returned home with Su Tan.


Robot Dad brought specially prepared dishes, two of which were

contributed by next door neighbor Dr. Shu. Naturally, Shu Heng was
also invited to sit at the dining table.

"Dr. Shu, where is the pepper?" The robot Su Ning suddenly poked
out his head from the kitchen, glanced straight across the living room,
landed on Shu Heng's head, and asked with a spatula.
Shu Heng, who was standing together with Su Tan, immediately
stopped talking, and gently and patiently informed: "In the collection
box of the first small drawer on the right side of the cabinet."

Upon hearing this, Suning immediately shouted in annoyance, "Yes! I

remembered it!" After speaking, it hurriedly disappeared again,
holding a spatula to look for it.

Seeing his busy appearance, Shu Heng's face looked calm and gentle.

Su Tan gave him a strange and puzzling glance at him, wondering

when these days when he was not at home, Shu Heng knew
everything at home.

Shu Heng's face was mild and he continued the previous topic.

"... I met Teacher Kerry today and he said you haven't been to school
for a long time."

Hearing this, Su Tan couldn't help feeling a little surprised. Although

Mr. Kerry promised on behalf of the school that he could take courses
and lessons freely, the number of times he often went to school for
writing and coding was very few.

Since I first learned some interstellar history and common sense

through the school, I have basically not participated in the rest of the
school's courses.
At this point, Dr. Shu still raised his voice and kept calm and quiet,
without any accusation. Instead, he kindly persuaded: "There are
some courses in the school that are worth listening to, and they are
also very important for you to enter your favorite university and
major in the future. It 's helpful and it lays a good foundation. "

Listening to the other party's warm advice, Su Tan nodded and said
gratefully, "Thank you Dr. Shu, I will return to school as soon as

Shu Heng's quiet and warm eyes raised slightly behind Phnom Penh
glasses, and said to him with a smile: "By the way, Mr. Kerry
mentioned that there was a recent literary contest. Aning said that you
like novels and you can consider signing up."

Suddenly, Su Tan's interest aroused this topic.

"Literature contest?"

He asked curiously. Rosewood literature and art has always been

famous for its underdevelopment. Few historical and literary scholars
or poets and scholars have appeared in the past. Even in the field of
online novels, few Roses have achieved outstanding results.

But the more it is, the more the Rosewood government is supporting
and complementing the shortcomings. Therefore, for the first time, a
essay competition was launched on a large scale in the entire star area
to encourage people of all ages and professions. participate.

As one of the enrollment sites, Guilia Middle School is naturally not

far behind and actively organizes student participation.
Shu Heng explained the causes and consequences one by one to Su
Tan. Looking at the young man's increasingly bright black eyes, he
knew that the news had won the favor of the other party.

He smiled and narrowed his eyes, and finally concluded: "For the
specific situation, you can ask Teacher Kerry, he is the organizer of the
application for this time."

Su Tan's heart was agitated, and her interest grew, and she nodded
refreshingly, "Okay, I'll go to him tomorrow."

In the early morning of the next day, after Su Tan updated the
"Domination of the Earth Age [Quick Wear]" as usual, he set off on the
bus to school.

At the school, Mr. Kerry's office was already crowded with crowds of
students, and half of the corridor was blocked by students who came
to register.

Everyone held an entry form, excited and excited, and talked loudly
with each other in front of and behind each other to discuss this
literary contest.

"The senior Myron senior is here to sign up! He is the best student in
our school!"

"The champion doesn't have to be lost. Eddie-Eddie, do you come to

sign up?"
A loud question crossed the entire corridor and landed next to Su Tan.

He heard a shy, sighing sound in his ear, "Yes!"

Immediately, the hallway burst into laughter.

The big Eddie blushed, and his thick fingers held the small entry
form. His literature and writing training classes have the lowest scores
in the whole school, and everyone knows that, but for his own goals,
he stood still.

Su Tan bent her lips and asked curiously, "Why do you want to

Upon hearing his question, Eddie immediately flashed his eyes,

happily lowered his voice, and couldn't hide the excitement and
excitement in his tone: "I want to write a confession for braised pork! "

Su Tan: "... Ah?"

He couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, persuaded in a tone:

"He doesn't like such a high profile."

Eddie refused to dismiss the idea and gave him an inexplicable

glance, "You are not big, how do you know?"

"The braised pork is very good-looking and diligent. It is my favorite


"Taking advantage of this literary contest, I have the opportunity to

confess to him and tell the world that I love him!"

"And hug me every day on Weibo, which is low-key?"

Eddie's words stopped and looked suspiciously at Su Tan.

Su Tan laughed absurdly, feeling that the other party said so well, he
couldn't even refute.


Su Tan thought for a while, and asked, "Can you see the braised pork
in the literary contest?"

This literary competition was held locally by Rosewood. It had limited

influence and did not extend beyond the planet. Therefore, even if
Eddie posted a manuscript, he couldn't see the "braised meat" that he
loved to a large extent.

However, after listening to his questioning, Eddie relaxed his tone

and responded: "I can @author 大 的 on Weibo, rest assured!"
For such a warm and positive little angel, Su Tan couldn't help
smiling. What can he do?

I have to encourage it.

"Come on!"

The students in the busy and congested half-corridor finally

dispersed, and Su Tan went into the registration room and saw
Teacher Kerry busy sorting out the registration form.

When he saw him, Kerry was surprised, a smile appeared on his face,
and beckoned him, "Come to sign up?"

Su Tan nodded and answered yes.

Immediately, Mr. Kerry gave him a registration form, which clearly

stated the rules of the competition. Su Tan looked down and read
carefully from top to bottom.

The theme of this literary contest is "gifts", which is a gift for the
National Day of Rosaria on October 10.

Focusing on the theme of "gift", regardless of subject matter, type, or

style, everyone can submit contributions to the organizer's website.
The number of favorite votes through the Internet, the highest winner
is the final champion.
This way of selection guarantees to the maximum the taste of the

Su Tan looked at the word "gift" and could not help thinking of the
most prestigious world classic novel "The Gift of Maggie". O Henry
described the kindness and love between a young and impoverished
couple in a unique style. The unexpected suspense and twist at the
end made the plot ups and downs, and produced an unparalleled
charm among all readers in the world.

And this time the "gift" for the National Day is obviously not enough
to set the story background between a young couple. It also needs
positive energy to reflect certain national conditions and loyalty.

Su Tan filled out the registration form and handed it back to Mr.
Kerry. In his mind, there was a flash of light, and a novel story frame
slowly emerged.

He said goodbye to Teacher Kerry with a smile, went home

expectantly, turned on the computer, and wrote the story.

Sutan's state of intent made Su Tan completely immersed in, and the
smooth text poured out on the screen in large sections. Two hours
later, a contribution novel was released.

The full text is even less than 10,000 words, with a lively rhythm and
short dexterity.

From the beginning, Su Tan reviewed it again, revised some typos

and redundant descriptive paragraphs, and firmly controlled the
number of words in the article to within 8,000 words. He went
directly to the literary contest submission website and clicked to

Suddenly, an unknown short story was quietly published.

University student Anton signed up for this literary competition. In

order to be fully prepared, after officially getting the theme of the
competition, he did not rush to start drafting and started writing.
Instead, he deliberately logged in to the competition website in
advance to learn about other submissions. works.

The theme of the competition, "gifts", is easy to say and has a wide
range. However, regardless of the genre requirements, countless
people have a headache and cannot choose the form of expression.

In addition to the beginning of the essay, there are not many works
published on the competition website at this time. Looking away,
there are only a few sparse and hundreds of articles.

Anton casually opened an article and saw a hymn. This poem is neat
and neat, and the words of beauty are not sprinkled out like money.
The rich wheat ears are likened to the gift of Rose, and the rich life of
the people is attributed to the gifts of the heyday of peace, full of
praise. Endlessly.

Although very relevant to the subject, Anton inexplicably can't stand

it anymore, and feels too boring and chanting.

He glanced at the author's information, and it turned out that he was

certified as a first-level author of the Guilia Writers Association.
Opening a few more articles, Anton found that most of the submitted
papers were of this type of meritorious deeds, with occasional
ephemeral but slightly difficult and obscure essays. Various
metaphors and metaphors made him read as a college student of the
literature department. Quite laborious.

After half an hour, Anton felt disappointed.

Is Rosewood's literature really barren to this point? Can't even get a

decent work?

Anton was in a low mood, and hovered his mouse casually until a
slightly strange and inexplicable title of the work crossed his eyes.



He hesitated, and for a while, he felt that this topic had a unique style,
especially in the blockbuster "Tomorrow", "Gift of the Earth", and
"Gift of the Motherland".

Anton tentatively opened "Elf", and when he first saw the genre of the
submission, it was even brighter.

"Short story?" Anton couldn't help laughing, "Fun."

The most attractive literary works to readers are, of course, novels.

But how about it?

With an expectation, Anton browsed intently from the first word in

the first line, and unexpectedly found that the hero of the novel was a
grumpy old man.

[The old Hande in Como town has a bad temper and a bad temper.
He lives alone on crutches, and refuses to help anyone lonely and
hard. When he met a guy who laughed at his broken leg, he raised his
fist and unceremoniously stabbed him.

Everyone in the neighbourhood knows that, although it is pitiful for

his disability, in private he quietly tells the children to stay away from
him and not to be hurt by the old Hand, who has no name and is

Old Hand was coldly estranged from the crowd, and closed the door
lonely, the black old door did not seem to be open to outsiders.

until one day--

He suddenly found a flower at the door.

The next day was a few cooked eggs.

The third day was a small and delicious cake.

Every day, a mysterious gift always appeared at his door, and the cold
and hard heart of Old Hand gradually melted. He began to look for
the owner of these gifts.

After observing carefully, he found that every day a group of children

would rush to the doorstep of their own home, and would only play
after being downstairs for a while. From the perspective of the
window, Old Hand regretfully couldn't see what they did, only to
notice that every time the children dispersed, something would
always appear at the door.

Freshly baked cookies, hand-carved wooden toys, a crooked little clay

figure ...]

Seeing this, Anton has almost determined that the people who give
gifts to Old Hand are these children. Regardless of their parents'
dissuasion and warning, they sent various small gifts to the grumpy
old man Hand, with a very warm theme.


Anton thought the novel was unique and smirked, almost foreseeing
the end of the novel.

Scanning at a glance and ten lines, the rest was naturally as he

expected. Old Hand was touched by the children's warm gestures,
and gradually opened his heart. He opened the door and awkwardly
treated the children with hot tea and his only small meatloaf, which
eliminated the gap between him and the residents of Como Town. .
The direction of the story gradually develops in a warm direction.

Anton has no expectation for the ending, but seeing here, he has made
a judgment that this is a good novel.

He glanced casually towards the end of the last two hundred words,
trying to quickly finish the expected ending.

However, when his gaze fell to a certain point, he suddenly closed his
eyes, and then his eyes opened uncontrollably.

["No?" Old Hand yelled in amazement, and suddenly got up from the
dining table, he couldn't even think of a crutch falling to the side.
"Aren't you guys giving me gifts at the door every day?"

The children who were eating the little patties were startled by his
shock, and answered babblely, "No, not us."

Old Hand's heart was covered with fog.

He put on the most formal military uniform with medals on the

bottom of the cupboard, and stayed awake all night. He personally
moved a chair and sat inside the house.

Waited for a night, until the morning, the door was gently placed and

Old Hand suddenly opened the door and saw—

"Hand?" The bag caught outside the door was a retired small military
robot. His best assistant assistant in the past was standing in the early
morning sunlight with a shy smile and a crooked head.

"How are you doing recently?"】

Seeing this unexpected ending, Anton's breathing suddenly stagnate,

his eyes widened, and he couldn't return to his mind for a long time.

After a full ten minutes, he slowly reacted. For a moment, his heart
was filled with indescribable touch and sourness, thick and heavy like
a shock of a bell, hitting the deepest softness in his heart.


A retired veteran, a broken leg, a lonely and alienated life, a hard

heart wrapped in a soft heart ... and a small, shabby little robot that
has been caring about him silently.

Countless clues and foreshadowings were suddenly connected by the

final ending, and a vivid picture appeared in front of him.

Anton couldn't help wondering what happened to Old Hand and the
little robot during those years of battle.

As soon as his thoughts started, he suddenly laughed bitterly,

clenching the corners of his lips bitterly, and seeing the distant past of
war from the old Hand's crutches.
What else to ask?

Reality has already given the answer.

An Dong was deeply touched. The admiration and touch in his heart
almost captured his whole heart, making him speechless.

After almost sucking his nose, he quickly embarked on Weibo,

reposted the novel, and @ his countless friends and classmates.

"The most heartwarming novel with tears, push and push !!! @

In addition to him, countless people who saw this novel

spontaneously advertised and recommended it to their relatives and

"When I followed the literary contest, I accidentally got a novel, which

made me cry in class."

"" Pokemon ", the best work of this literary contest! No one!"

"I originally thought this was an ordinary warm text, but when I saw
the abrupt reversal of the end, I knew how big a trap the author had
carefully planned. Didn't it just require my care? I'll give you
everything for you Give you!"

Numerous positive reviews came in madness, and people who have
seen this work on Weibo have been attracted by curiosity for a
moment, and they clicked forward links to look at it, only to find a
three-level agricultural country small planet There is such a good
work hidden in the literary competition.

The old man with a bad temper at the beginning was not flattering
and cute. However, at the end, when the identity of Old Hand was
finally revealed, and he learned that he was a veteran who was
wounded and retired with a medal on his chest, the reader's
unlovable and unpleasant time all turned into respect and
admiration .


And the little robot who has been guarding and caring about Old
Hand in no time has made many people burst into tears.

Such a peculiar story cut-in point did not preach how great the retired
veterans were from the front, but after reading the novel, everyone's
heart filled with emotion and admiration.

"Call on veterans, please worship me."

"My grandpa is also a veteran veteran. After I watched" Pokemon ", I

was in tears, and I will go home to see grandpa tonight!"
"Little elf-the little robot really is the elf who brings hope and future to
Old Hand. I never realized that I still lived in such a simple and kind
group beside me."

"A little robot near our house is! Every time I see me, I try to stuff me
with shyness!"


The countless praises and praises accumulated together, and a

powerful force broke out, allowing more people to flood into the
website of the literary contest, and one after another spontaneously
and automatically voted for "Little Elf".

By the halfway of the game, the number of votes for "Little Elf" had
exploded to over 10 million, far ahead of all the texts.

This time, even rose rose up and down.

The local evening news broadcast of Rosewood deliberately devoted a

full ten minutes to broadcast the grand occasion of this literary

At this time, at the table of the Su family, the robot's father was
working hard to serve pots of potful dishes. Braised pork, eight
treasure ducks, called flower chickens ... are all delicious foods
previously made by Sutan.
With a bang, a large pot of fresh and sweet crayfish was brought to
the table again, and the robot Suning was raising his sleeves and
wearing a small floral apron full of enthusiasm.

In front of the few people at the table, his voice worried and
distressed and said, "Eat more, you have all lost weight recently."

Su Tan:... laugh and cry.

Hayden, who is enjoying the food elegantly, peeled off a crayfish and
handed it to Su Tan's lips, teasing teasingly: "Come, eat more."

Sutan :! !! !!

Big cousin is too blatant! Aren't you afraid that Abba finds anomalies?

He was startled, glaring at Hayden with a stunned glance, looking in

the direction of Abba.

I saw that the robot Suning was chatting with Dr. Shu and said with a
good temper: "Hey? The first time you eat crayfish, you won't peel it?
It's okay, I'll help you."

Having said that, he sat down as Dr. Shu and picked up a crayfish
softly to help him peel it off. His expression was serious and utterly
absent-minded, and he didn't even notice his own situation.
Instead, Hayden raised a smile, handed the crawfish in the air to Su
Tan's mouth, touched his lips lightly, and chuckled, "Hurry up."

A gentle, petting smile is a clear foul.

Sutan could not help but have a headache. She bit her mouth open
and bite, and the sweet and fatty crayfish meat filled the mouth for a
long time, which is very satisfying.

The texture of the slightly elastic teeth and the delicious taste make
people intoxicated.

Su Tan just sat down contentedly, and saw another peeled crayfish
handed to him. The movement was smooth and natural as if he knew
his mind.

Eat again, feed again, eat again-

Until the end, when Hayden piled up neatly arranged crayfish shells
in front of him, Su Tan rubbed his belly and rushed the last crawfish
handed in, grabbing it directly into his cousin's mouth.

Hayden's eyes were soft with a smile, and he listened to the words of
his "wife" and ate the last crayfish. The soft tongue tip across Sutan's
fingers that were too late to be retrieved.

Immediately, Su Tan glanced at him in amazement and quickly

retracted his fingertips, only to feel that the place touched was hot.
He tried to suppress the hot air on his face, turning his head to see the
robot Abba and Dr. Shu holding hot tea and looking to this side.

Immediately, he held on silently, his heart beating like thunder,

guessing that Dad would not see the scene just now?

Sure enough, the robot Suning held a hot tea cup and smiled at Dr.
Shu, who was calm and gentle around him, and said, "Look, their
brothers have a great relationship."

Shu Heng smiled and nodded, and Wen Run's eyes behind the glasses
of Phnom Penh looked at the two of them from a distance, with a hint
of fun, and agreed with Suning in a agreeable voice: "Yeah, the feeling
is so good."

Su Tan breathed a sigh of relief, and could not help but stand up.

Yes, their brotherhood is stronger than iron.

Just then, a news broadcast on TV suddenly broadcast a piece of

news. "The Rosewood Daily News: The recently-opened Rosewood
Literary Star Contest has been well-documented, and tens of
thousands of outstanding works have emerged."

This hot topic attracted the attention of several people at the table in a
hurry, and looked at it with hot tea.

Dr. Shu said with a smile: "Su Tan, listen to Mr. Kerry, have you
entered the competition?"
Su Tan nodded and admitted with a smile: "Yes."

As soon as he heard him, the robot daddy couldn't help wondering.

"What is your name?"

Su Tan didn't hide it, she just smiled and said the name of her novel.
"Called" Pokemon. "

"Well, I know!" Suning remembered in his heart, thinking that when

he went back online, he would rush to Wenxia to support his son's
work. Even if there is no award, in his heart, his son is the best!

The news broadcast continued: "In this literary star contest, a short
story" Little Elf "swept the entire Weibo with a warm theme and
unexpected ending."

Su Tan was surprised for a while that Guillah's local official news
program actually named and praised her work.

The robot Suning was even more stunned, then quickly excited. "Son,
it's your novel!"

It grabbed Dr. Shu's arm nearest him with excitement, not even
noticing that the tea cup was crooked and spilled.

In the news, praise was praised, and the evaluation was praised for
several minutes in a row: "This novel is exquisite, ingenious, and
started with an ordinary and ordinary little person, but it reflects the
silent dedication and selflessness of the entire veteran group. . The
small robot that appeared at the turn of the end of the article was also
the tears of hundreds of millions of readers and was hailed as the
most tender and cute little robot in history. "

The words in the TV news were still in the ear, Su Tan suddenly
laughed, and did not expect that his novel would have entered the
eyes of the official media, and received such a high degree of
recognition and appreciation.

When he was thinking about the news tonight, when he didn't know
how many Roses would be seen, he suddenly saw the robot daddy
turn his head suddenly and looked at him deeply, his whole body
burning hot and moving. It was hot, and the plastic brain was still
bubbling hot.

Su Tan suddenly smiled, knowing that Abba must have taken the
little robot in the novel as its prototype, and wrote it into the text

But that's right.

Without Abba, perhaps the "little robot" character at the end of his
novel would be replaced by an old comrade in arms fighting side by
side, a military dog who has been silently accompanying each other
for many years, or other settings.

But because of his warmth and sincerity, Su Tan turned the "little
robot" into a kind and simple and beautiful "elf" prototype.
The robot Suning slammed with utter thump, and the uncontrollable
force tightly held Su Tan full of arms. His voice moved to tears and
promised: "Son, Abba will live with you forever!"

Su Tan was painfully squeezed, but clearly touched the other's hot
and sincere chest. He responded with a smile and earnestly: "OK."

Hayden :? ? ? ? ?

Dr. Shu: "............"


"A lifetime together."

Hearing Su Tan 's answer, the robot Suning embraced his son
passionately, and began to fantasize about himself going to school
with him, watching him find the job and the person he likes, and
growing up with him together.

However, it had not had time to imagine the picture of a few good
grandchildren being held in his left and right hands in the future, and
then suddenly heard a gentle interruption coming from his side.

"Atan," Shu Heng held a hot tea cup, with a warm and comfortable
expression, and asked with a smile, "What are the prizes for this
literary contest?"
After being praised by Rosewood's official TV station, Shu Heng felt
that Su Tan's novel had a bright future. It has been recognized that it
can take such a long time to introduce the content and grand occasion
of the novel in the Rosewood News broadcast.

Su Tan thought about it and recalled the entry form that was filled out
at the beginning, "the 100,000 Starcoin bonus and honor trophy."

This reward is nothing short of generous.

Even the robot Suning was instantly attracted to the attention, looking
at Sutan intently, with pride and trust in his eyes, and it celebrated
with a banner and flowers.

Sutan couldn't help smiling.

However, this essay contest is of great significance, and it is very

important to both the Rosewood official and all sectors of society.

His novels have a huge number of votes on the Internet and are far
ahead, but what kind of person is behind the "author" of "Pokemon"?
Since its establishment, it has won enthusiastic attention and
speculation from all walks of life.

The news broadcast by Rosewood's official TV station even

contributed to the controversy and pushed this national conjecture to
a climax.

Anton enthusiastically posts on the Internet and participates in topic

discussions. Since he watched "Pokemon", he has completely become
the first wave of loyal fans of "Pokemon", and proactively and actively
recommend it to friends, family, friends, and friends.

At this time, guessing the identity of the "elf" has a deeper experience.

"Ambala: Judging from the concise and refined writing style, the
author is likely to be an elder with rich experience in life, so he can
write such a short and concise article."

His sincere speculations won the approval of many people


"Qing Qingzi's: I agree with @ 安 巴 拉 . Everyone sees that the

protagonist of the novel, Old Hand, is a stubborn vicious veteran.
Such a character setting is mature enough and unique in style."

"Little glutinous rice dumplings: when will the author be able to stand
up? I want to know [expect]."


As online discussions raged, Rosewood Middle School finally couldn't

sit still. Each student's registration information is archived and backed
up in the school, so "Little Elf" is very hot, and the game organizer
immediately inquired Su Tan through layers of accounts.

Immediately, the entire Gulia School School Committee was a

sensation, and went to Sutan's home to pay his respects.
The new principal Bain came to the door in person, smiled and took
the hot tea poured by the robot Suning, took a sip, and immediately
sighed the sweetness of the tea.

Su Ning was so flattered that no one had ever praised its tea so much,
and suddenly his head was steaming hot, and his cheeks were red.

"You're welcome." He shrugged, pinching the edge of the little floral

apron, thankfully.

Bain had gray hair and had already retired to the second line, but after
the former principal had been swiftly stunned, he had to be re-elected
to urgently take over as the principal of Guillia Middle School.

He looked at Suning with a kind smile and sincerely praised him for
having a good son, saying that Suning was full of pride and pride.

This finally turned the topic to business. Bainwin said, "After

participating in" Little Elf ", it won the love of countless people inside
and outside the planet, and our school is honored. Are there any
difficulties for you? The school will definitely Do your best to care. "

As soon as his voice fell, Suning, a robot next to him, was surprised
that the school would offer to solve the problem.

Suddenly, it remembered one thing, the time of smile and shyness

became very serious, and the face was solemn.

"My son hasn't graduated yet!" It reminded solemnly, "After I got the
diploma, I accepted it because of" unqualified ", and renewed it for
another year. There is nothing else in our family's difficulties, just this
one ! "

As soon as this word came out, Baine couldn't help sighing, knowing
that this was a mess left by the former principal.

Before he came, he had a plan. At this time, the robot Suning

promised rudely: "This is a school error, and we will immediately
correct it."

He took out a graduation certificate and looked straight at the robot

Suning, who had never let Sutan go downstairs to deal with his group
of people, and asked, "Is Sutan in?"

The robot Suning ran upstairs happily, struggling to lighten his feet
when he reached the corridor, stomped his heels, and knocked on the
door of Sutan's bedroom.

The door opened in response.

Sure enough, Su Tan was sitting at the computer desk, rubbing his
sore fingers, and stood up with a smile to welcome his father.

Suning couldn't hide his excitement, whispered to his ear and said to
him, "Principal Bain is here, downstairs."

Su Tan nodded quietly, but did not panic and calm down.
However, the good news Suning wanted to tell him was more than
that. He smiled at his son with a smile: "He also brought your

Hearing that, Su Tan raised an eyebrow and smiled: "Principal Bain

really knows fun!"

After being in office for so long, Su Tan also went to school to take a
lot of courses, but the new headmaster never showed up, and Ruo
Ruochang knew nothing about this old incident that once caused a

Until the popularity of "Pokemon" skyrocketed, the principal Bain

also stepped forward in time and took the initiative to kindly re-issue
his graduation certificate in order to stop his mouth and let him say a
few words in front of the media. Good words.

This approach is understandable. Although utilitarian, but what

belongs to him, why not take it out?

Su Tan chuckled and said to Suning easily: "I'll see him downstairs."

As he walked down the stairs, Principal Bain, with grey hair and a
stomach, stood with his hands in front of a tapestry hanging on the
wall of the living room. The bright and bold color scheme and the
intricate patterns were obviously from Suning's handwriting.

Hearing the footsteps, Bain turned his head with a smile on his face,
and sighed very close to Su Tan naturally: "Is this made by your dad?
The craftsmanship is so good."
"Thank you for your compliment." Su Tan thanked him humblely,
without seeing the usual shyness or shame of the teenager.

Bain quietly sighed in his heart, and did not say much, and returned
the original graduation certificate to Su Tan. "The school is sorry for
you, I hope it's not too late to correct it."

Su Tan took the thick piece of paper with his name and the school seal
of Guilia Middle School brilliantly written on it, and let him stare
silently for a few seconds, then raised his head, dark eyes Already

"You know, I wasted a year repeating it?"

"How sad and worried are my family for this?"

"How much laughter do your classmates and neighbors have at


The following sentence was obviously nonsense.

Thanks to Abba's berry cookies and delicious meals, neighbours and

students love him too late.

Not to mention, how popular it is for Abba to carry a small basket of

sewing baskets to neighbors every afternoon. Suning's hands, but
there is the largest alien dating chat group in the whole of Guilia,
pulling countless red lines for the people of Guilia.
He did so just for his own sake.

Sutan's black eyes were staring straight at President Bain. "Do you
think all this can be made up?"

Bain with gray hair was silent for a moment, silent. For a long time, he
replied solemnly, "I will give you a satisfactory answer."

He knew Su Tan had been wronged. He has been dyed in education

for most of his life, and is ashamed of his predecessor.

Nowadays, such a talented writing seed has finally emerged in the

school, and he became famous in the literary contest. He certainly will
not let mistakes go on and on, and continue to extend.

In the next few days, on the Voting List of Literary Star website, the
number of votes for "Little Elf" skyrocketed to 20 million, which is
extremely rare for a small planet with a population of only 30 million.
It is almost already locked in literature Contest winner.

Gradually, Su Tan, the author behind The Elf, was also dug up by the

Several local posts immediately became popular on Rose's local


"Qing Qingzi: The author of" Little Elf "is a middle school student !!!"
"Xiao Nuozi: When I first saw the news, I thought I was listening. The
author was younger than me and wrote better than me. Suddenly I
was a bit ashamed."

"Ambala: Whoever he is, what he writes well is an absolute fact."


There was a lot of heated discussion on the Internet. At this moment,

someone suddenly exposed the inside information in the post:
"Actually, Su Tan is not as good as you think ... he was repeated at

As soon as the news came out, it immediately detonated all the


"Feng Yin: Repeat ?! This ..."

"The King of Trash: Disillusionment."

"Qing Qingzi's eclectic: Genius is eclectic, why do you have to see the
shortcomings of others? Just to say one point, can you write such a
good novel as others?"

"Ambala: Agree upstairs, we need to be tolerant of geniuses with

special field expertise."
Suddenly, Su Tan's age and identity caused great criticism. A genius
boy, repeating his repetition, and his rebellious situation almost made
everyone love and hate him.

Numerous media came to his door to interview him, but were

declined by Su Tan.

On the cusp, Guelia Middle School stepped forward, and Bain

personally stood in front of the camera, under great pressure to clarify
the reputation of Su Tan.

"He is a good student."

Principal Bain calmly and forcefully said, and immediately caused the
mystery to the hearts of countless viewers watching the TV. Anton, a
loyal supporter of Sutan, couldn't help but clenched his palms quietly,
waiting for President Bain's next words.

"Su Tan's relegation was completely an unfair treatment. It stemmed

from the personal behavior of the previous school principal. Our
school attaches great importance to this matter and has rehabilitated
the matter and awarded him a diploma."

"This is a mistake of our school and has nothing to do with Sutan, let
alone his stigma. Here, on behalf of the school, I apologize to Sutan
and to everyone."

My gray hair, calm attitude, and solemn tone all shocked people in
front of the TV.
"Cultivating a talented and talented student is not easy. I hope
everyone can take more care and expect more."

President Bain's sincere words have undeniably cleared up many

people's doubts.

Later, he even heard him say, "In order to make up for mistakes and
praise excellence, Guelia Middle School specially opened a special
high-quality scholarship for Sutan, awarded 100,000 yuan, and
supported and encouraged Sutan to write with confidence and create
a better chapter."

100,000 interstellar coins!

Enhancing the prize money of the literary competition, a total of

200,000 yuan, can directly make Su Tan into the ranks of Xiaofu, so
that many viewers in front of the TV envy. Online forum posts
skyrocketed in an instant.

"Small glutinous rice dumplings: how to solve your worries, only


"Qing Qingzi's: Other people can make money at home. I only spend
money at home. My mother wants to hit someone."

"Zhenbao: I made 200,000 in one night ... I'm going to write an article
too !!!"

Su Tan's topic has become very hot, but he himself is very low-key,
and has not appeared in any TV programs and media from beginning
to end. The modest and low-key attitude has made many people feel
good, and even think that this young man has a promising future.

Under such circumstances, the call for Su Tan to create new novels has
become stronger. Many people shouted to Sutan through various
channels such as Weibo, forums, and television interviews. Sutan
looked at it, and some of them couldn't help laughing and crying.

Published in the "Fighting Earth Age [Quick Wear]" published on the

star novel network, it has entered a period of renewal.

The end of the food world, many readers are still reluctant, nostalgic
for the variety of food appearing in the text, I saw the author
suddenly opened the next world-campus.

What is the most representative on campus?

College entrance examination, of course!

The three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulation,

the hot summer of black June, countless stacks of test book books, and
the youthful campus era have aroused the interest and enthusiastic
comments of a large number of readers.

"Kolabao:" A three-year college entrance examination and five-year

simulation "? Xuezhu raised his hand and felt that I needed this
artifact [laughing and crying ...]"
"Fishing on the Milky Way: The high school students of the ancient
earth are so miserable, I don't want to laugh, but-ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha."

"Soft cute deep dolphin: The upstairs laughed too arrogantly, and sent
the blade! The little salted fish who just experienced applying to the
university said, can it be difficult to apply now for the University of
the Capital? The author has greatly updated the world of the campus
and made me Recalling the fear of college entrance exams. "

The emergence of the campus world has evoked the memories and
youth of countless people, and the number of "Balance" collections has
climbed to 300,000, which is still a long way from the 1 million
amazing collection of "Wushuang" on the monthly list.

Su Tan was not in a hurry, while patiently increasing the amount of

novel updates, he began to make changes online. On the other hand,
he suddenly posted a hot topic on Weibo.

"@ 天 天 都 刷 烧 烧 肉 : What you miss most in the school days is


A long space, and time spent arousing the conjecture and enthusiasm
of Weibo fans. Even readers who weren't the masters of the game
were attracted by this warm and nostalgic topic, leaving comments
under the topic.

"Warm and warm to the sun: Uh ... it's a hot chicken cake sold in a
snack street in front of the school!"
"Xiao Wangbo: The laughter and screams of coquettishness of the
entire school building when the self-study suddenly cut off during the
evening self-study, it was so happy."

"Dark Night Rose: Tears, remembering those little friends who have
been with their respective horizons for three years and have never

"Kolabao: Good Ji You holding hands together in the toilet."

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: There is a school grass male god! I met him
a few days ago and found that he turned into a widened and enlarged
plus version of QAQ. Time, you quickly return my male **** !!"


The campus topic was instantly ranked as the top spot on Weibo.
Many netizens who usually dived out also expressed their feelings
and memories, which caused a big comparison of campus life in
different eras. There were laughter and tearful answers. Many people
felt the same, and couldn't help but wet their eyes in laughter for a

The huge amount of comments and retweets made this Weibo topic
directly reach the top, and at this time, the original blogger Su Tan,
who also posted the topic, also appeared to participate.

His response was concise and straightforward, leaving only a few

"First love."

"What you miss most about the school days is _________ first love."

As soon as this answer appeared, for a while, the reply under the
topic was silent for several minutes.

Afterwards, the silent praise of "First Love" skyrocketed in an instant,

and was quickly jacked up at an extraordinary speed. In just half an
hour, he climbed to the top of the topic comment.

These two simple and powerful words seem to open the memory
valves of the hearts of many netizens in an instant, countless innocent
and beautiful memories, mixed with sour and sweet sweetness,
heartfelt memories of profound feelings coming.

"Gentleman Sauce: I wrote a box of confession love letters, and I still

have them ... unfortunately I didn't have the courage to send them
out. Otherwise, I would already be a **** child."

"Warm and warm to the sun: Whoever, you once said that if you were
30 years old and you were unmarried, I would not marry, you would
marry me. Now dare you!"

"A salty fish: a single dog without a first love, should I hug myself and

"Soft adorable dolphin: Come upstairs, come and cry with you!"

The memories of the first love immediately opened up the dusty

campus memories of many people, and many people couldn't help

Just logged on Weibo 's mobile phone, Hayden, when he saw this
topic, his eyes casually skimmed through the comments and
comments. For him, the memories of the campus were mecha training,
**** and boring.

Therefore, his sight was only hurried, and he did not take it seriously.

But when Hayden saw the reply that was topped the most, his deep
eyes were stunned, his gaze was fixed on the two words "first love",
and he was about to pull this cocoon like a scalpel. Anatomy of two

He slowly typed one by one and asked, "First love? With whom !?"

The thought of Su Tan smiling brightly at others in school, his bright

and clear eyes looked at each other with joy and love ...

Thinking of this scene alone, Hayden's eyes were dim, and he

immediately stood up and stood up.

He went downstairs and walked into the living room, seeing the two
furry heads on the sofa close together, discussing intimately.
Hayden stepped forward, suddenly speeding up, and striding over.

Eddie had a warm tone and threw the written manuscript into Su
Tan's hands with excitement. This was a work he had scrapped
countless sheets of paper and spent a whole night on the brain.

"Su Tan, what do you think of me? Would you remember me if you
read it a lot?" Eddie blushed and said a little bit shamefully.

Su Tan holding the manuscript, at first glance at the topic of the

manuscript, he could not help but immediately.

"Braised pork is big, I want to confess to you! !! !! 》

Looking at the content again, it was so hot and straightforward that he

couldn't help a smile on his face.

"Rain! I can't destroy my love for you!

mine! Unbreakable flames! "

Su Tan:... laugh and cry.

He coughed and said, "I don't think it's easy enough to be rude and

As the author of the popular novel Elf, Su Tan naturally convinced

Eddie looked at him with a burning gaze, and asked with a look of
anticipation: "How can I change it?"

Su Tan bent her lip corner, raised a pen and smiled and said a tick in
the manuscript. She swiped a few strokes and returned it to Eddie.

I couldn't help seeing Eddie's time, holding the manuscript in surprise

and joy, holding it tightly in her arms like a baby.

"Su Tan, you are so good!" Eddie thanked with excitement, "The
article is so great, the braised pork will definitely see my love for

Su Tan smiled and nodded in agreement: "Huh!"

Hayden: "..."

He walked to the two of them, with a smile on his lips, and kindly
reminded Eddie: "There is only one hour left for the registration
deadline for the literary contest. Don't you go home and submit?"

As soon as the voice came down, Eddie was like burning his tail, and
he jumped up from the sofa with a bang and rushed out of the door in
a panic.

In a moment, his big figure disappeared.

Sutan couldn't help but be dumb.


Turning his head, he suddenly met the cousin's eyes, looked at him
deeply, and stretched out his hands to hold Su Tan into his arms.

Su Tan suddenly fell into a embrace, suddenly sitting on a warm and

powerful thigh.

Just hearing Hayden sighed lightly, the complex and deep sigh made
his heart bewildered for a moment.

"I think from now on, I need to educate you."

Sutan :? ?

"What happened to me?" Su Tan looked stunned.

Hayden raised an eyebrow. "You don't even know?"

Suddenly, he was laughed at.



The wind in the late summer was a bit hot, and it was rolled in from
the attic window with the residual hot temperature during the day,
and it hit the human body with a nearly burning heat.

On the narrow bed, Su Tan was imprisoned tightly in a small but hot
arms, and the surrounding air was fiery like iron.

One second before, he and Hayden were talking in the living room
downstairs. Suddenly, the big cousin froze and carried him directly
upstairs, pressing tightly on the bed and unable to move.

Su Tan: QAQ ... What am I doing wrong?

He was stunned again, and by this time he gradually realized that he

was wrong and smelled a sense of danger.

Su Tan looked up at his big cousin obediently, his dark eyes looked at
him cleanly and cleanly, "Cousin, can you get up? You are too heavy,
so I can't breathe. Oh."

This cute and cute gesture will soften anyone who looks at it.

It seems that Hayden has deep eyes, and the dark eyes are as deep as
a pond. Even when I heard Su Tan's words, it only fluctuated for a
moment, and then disappeared into the deep.
"Really?" Hayden responded calmly. "I'll check it for you."

Speaking, his slender and powerful fingers suddenly pierced into

Sutan's clothes, and when he pulled down sharply, Sutan's shirt collar
was opened, exposing a fair white skin.

Su Tan: Meow meow?


Su Tan was thin and slender, but he was well-proportioned

throughout his body. He didn't seem to be slender, but the clear
clavicle that was slightly exposed had a chic and green beauty, which
made Hayden's heart slightly itch.

The wide, scorching palms were attached, and the long fingers gently
stroked the clavicle exposed in the air. The numbness immediately
swept Sutan's body.

Obviously an ordinary action, but it suddenly brought out a bit of


The slender fingers even swept down along the neckline, and a piece
of hot skin passed over the delicate and soft skin of Sutan, which
suddenly made him feel a tingling itch.
A slightly smaller palm immediately stretched out, grasping his hand
in his clothes tightly, Su Tan groaned and shouted to Hayden:
"Don't ...!"

There was already a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, and his black
eyes were covered with a mist of water. The mist was a bit pitiful
when looking at people.

Like some little beasts, when they were strangely touched to a soft
place, they could only cry poorly with tears and ask for forgiveness.


This is far from enough.

Hayden looked down at Sutan, circled the boy in his arms, and
watched his eyes glow with water.

Suddenly, his other hand restrained the young man's waist, and the
hot palm touched the soft waist, and immediately felt like a stove
touching it, making the waist skin feel weak and weak from space.

For a time, the boy's body could not help but arched, and even his
toes curled up, and the whole body was covered with a beautiful hot
Hayden's voice sounded in a calm and timely manner, "Do you know
what's wrong with you?"

Su Tan bit his tongue and answered hard, clenching her fingers.
"Know, know."

Hayden's tone was calm, and his fingers traversed gently, and
Shanshan tempted, "What's wrong?"

Su Tan trembled immediately, and the captive wanted to cry.

He thought over and over, because he was ashamed of his big cousin
because he focused on the code ...?

Su Tan took a breath, and the hot air rushed into his lungs, clearing
his muddy head.

The young man's voice was always clear and hoarse, and he said that
his mistake was horrifying.

"Wife dissipates, let's buy and buy." Su Tan's eyes were serious, and
he apologized with sincerity. "I shouldn't leave you alone this time,
can I get a bonus for you to buy bags?
Hayden: "..."

The point is completely missed.

Su Tan's sincere and sincere tone made him inexplicable.

Hayden took a deep breath, his somber eyes darkened, and caught a
word in his words. "Wife?"

Su Tan nodded obediently.

It wasn't the first time he called, and his wife should have adapted to
her new identity.

But when he saw him, Hayden chuckled a little, and suddenly stroked
Sutan's chest lovingly with his fingertips, causing him to bow his
waist and shake his body slightly.

Hayden asked in a serious voice: "Calling my wife, are you walking

other cats outside?"

Sutan :! !!
"I didn't!" He flushed his cheeks, wondering whether he was ashamed
or angry, staring animatedly at the watery black eyes and refuting

Clearly not persuasive.

Hayden asked indifferently, "What is Eddie and you about?"

Su Tan quickly retorted: "We are classmates!"

On hearing that, Hayden raised an eyebrow and asked a person's

name calmly. "Suning?"

Suddenly, Su Tan's eyes widened, and his dark eyes were clearly
rebuking refusal.

What's up with Dad?

"What about Dr. Shu?" Hayden stared at him.

Su Tan looked stunned. He and Dr. Shu only met on three sides, and
the words they said did not add up to ten sentences. When did you
meet Dr. Shu? ?

It's just wrong!

He woke up with his wrath, "I've beaten you up!"


Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room was silent. His echo echoed in
the room, and a huge echo rang in Su Tan's own ears, making him
unable to bear a sigh, his face slowly turning red.

Hayden cleared his cough, calmed his tone with a bit of temperature,
and replied firmly and forcefully: "Just remember."

Su Tan: "..."

He put down the tucked-up shirt neatly, returned to its original shape,
and raised his lips with a smile.

At the bedside, Hayden paused, thinking of something, looking at

him seriously, adding a sentence.

"Be responsible."

Su Tan: "........................"
Then, he saw the big cousin walking up and leaving calmly, walked
out of the room, and thoughtfully closed the door for him.

Suddenly, Su Tan looked stunned.

So he left?

Leave yourself stung to breathing instability and red eyes, just! go! It's
up! ?

Sutan: QAQ

Get Fired and Don't Extinguish the Fire-This cousin's punishment is

too vicious!

After the hot air from the window became more and more irritable, he
disturbed the bed of his big cousin and immediately slipped back to
his room.

Su Tan took a cold shower in the bathroom, wiped the water on her
hair, turned on the computer, and went to Weibo as usual, and found
that the number of his comments skyrocketed.

Most of them are responses to hot topics on campus, and many

netizens sympathize with his "first love" answer.
One of them is a question raised to himself, praised by netizens and
topped in the comments.

"@ 烟 巾: First love? Who are you with?"

Su Tan watched, and couldn't help laughing. This is just one of his
topic answers. He never expected that it would attract the attention of
local tyrant readers, and aroused the curiosity of many netizens and

It's obviously not going to ignore the past.

Su Tan thought for a while, smiling with a smile and replying: "Of
course it is with the right hand."

As soon as his reply was sent out, it immediately triggered a lot of

ridicule and jokes by readers.

"The Arctic Meow: It's so dirty [covering face]. It turns out you're so

"Kolabao: What do you mean ?? Why don't I understand it, who can
explain it upstairs?"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: The author has spoken countless people's
voices-without me without me without me! Really!"

"Soft cute dolphin: I'm still young and can't understand what you're
talking about ..."

"Gentleman's Sauce: Someone confessed to you !!! [link]"

Su Tan clicked into it and found that this link points to the official
website of the Rose of Literature Contest, which has neatly arranged
numerous submission articles, and each has a voting window below
it, showing Rose Leah readers voted.

He wrote the short story "Pokemon" high, ranking first with 25 million
votes, and leaving other contributions far behind.

However, a manuscript with a cut-off time was unexpectedly

emerged, followed closely by "Little Elf", and stood out in a dark
horse posture to enter the front row.

The title of this manuscript is, "Braised pork is big, I want to tell you! !!
!! ".
Seeing this topic, Su Tan could not help but immediately rise up.

He just read this manuscript this afternoon, and it was the one that
Eddie had brought to him to help revise it. Su Tan bent her lip
corners, and filled her name with anticipation.

Like him, there is Anton from the Department of Literature at

Rosewood University.

Originally, I saw an article leapfrogging a large number of works at a

rapid pace, and directly jumped to the top of the literary contest
rankings. Anton was still a little bit unbelievable. He even doubted
that the data of this article was brushed.

Anton frowned, and looked at the article name carefully.

"Braised pork is big?" He hesitated, and a strange emotion rose in his


He recently chased a novel "Earth Domination of the Earth [Quick

Wear]" novel on the Star Novel Network. The ups and downs of the
plot, bright and vivid characters, interesting settings and the
restoration of ancient earth life are all attracted. With his curiosity, he
rightfully became a fan of this novel.

The author of this novel happens to be called "Brushed braised meat

every day."
Is it ... The object of submission to the "Grilled Pork" in the Rosewood
Literary Contest is to refer to her favorite novel writer "Burned Pork
every day"?

Immediately, although Andong didn't confirm it in his heart, he

started a wonderful fate, like in the silent universe, two people with
the same hobbies met and found a conscience.

He took a deep breath, facing the confession letter that suddenly

appeared in the literary contest, immediately raised a strong interest
and curiosity, full of anticipation to write the name of the place.

I saw that there was only one word in it--

"What ~"

Looking at this big and concise word, Anton was shocked. After a few
minutes, I returned to God, but couldn't help but laughed funny and
tacitly, and felt that there was nothing more appropriate than this

A big confession to your favorite author should have been so simple

and straightforward.

A "me" just threw it over and revealed his fiery heart to the author.
Immediately, Anton couldn't help laughing, feeling inexplicably
comfortable and happy.

Go to Weibo and directly take the link to "Brush the braised meat
every day" to confess.

"@ 安巴拉: Braised pork is big, isn't it?"

Under Sutan's Weibo, Qi Qi was confessed to brush the screen.

"Kolabao: Great, isn't it?"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: What ~"

"Dark Rose: What ~"


A long line of neat confession blew up his Weibo comments.

Su Tan thought, if the big cousin saw so many confession, I don't

know how many thousand years old vinegar jars have to be knocked
Fortunately, he did not know his author number [Witty].


"If the teriyaki is big, I want to tell you !!!"

"This confession is so fresh and vulgar, straight to my appetite!"

"I just went to the website of this literary contest and was shocked! I
found another beautiful novel by accident!"

An enthusiastic confession of braised pork was swept up online, and

now all netizens' attention was directed to the unknown local
competition of the Rose of Stars Literary Contest.

Countless readers and fans of "Braised Roasted Meat Every Day" are
well known to click on the website, check out the popular confession
of braised meat published in literary competitions, and unexpectedly
harvest another even better work-"Little Elf" .

"Pokemon"? I remember a wave of fire on the Internet a while ago! "

"I remember that I was so touched when I read the repost, I was
directly pierced by Heartwarming, but I didn't expect to find the
original text here."
"My cousin, cousin, and cousin have recommended it to me, and there
was another time when the teacher specifically mentioned it in the
classroom, pushing and pushing!"

All of a sudden, "Pokemon" burst into flames, and a large number of

netizens who watched it with great interest shouted in the hope of
seeing more and more exciting novels like Pokemon.

With such great attention, the entire literature, like the desert rose,
rose to the forefront. For the first time, the local residents of Guilia
raised their chests proudly and strongly called for the elf author to
open a new book. Qi Qi looked forward to the name of Su Tan, and
raised his eyebrows in front of the interstellar.

In such a situation, as soon as Rosewood and other competitions were

over, Sutan was awarded the prize and trophy for the Literary Star

Fergies, the chairman of the Roselle Literature Committee, and Baine,

the principal of Rosedale Middle School, came to him and presented
him with trophies and prizes. They wanted to hold a solemn and
solemn award ceremony, which was declined politely by Su Tan.

The literary contest also showed good faith. Chairman Fergus came to
the door personally and said eagerly and kindly: "The readers are
looking forward to your more and better works, and we are also
looking forward to it."

Such great expectations are tantamount to great pressure.

It fell on the shoulder of a middle school student in Sutan, and it
seemed a little hard to bear.

Of course, the Rosewood Literature Committee knows the difficulties.

In order to support the growth of Sutan, Chairman Fergus has
devoted a lot of resources and promised: "We will do our best to
create a good creative environment for you and strongly support you
New works are coming out. "

The robot Suning glanced at Su Tan anxiously, fearing that the

pressure on him was too great.

But Su Tan thought for a moment, but agreed. "Exactly, I recently

came up with an idea to prepare a novel."

As soon as he spoke, it immediately aroused the great interest of

Chairman Fergus. "What subject?"

Su Tan rolled her lips and said with a chuckle, "Children's literature."

This answer made everyone stunned on the spot. Fergus and Principal
Bain looked at each other silently, not surprisingly seeing the doubt
and heavyness in each other's eyes.

Children's literature has always been a difficult and difficult field. It is

often more difficult for an author to write a work that touches the
heart of a child than to please an adult.
Su Tan, a teenager, wants to challenge this subject, not to mention that
it is very different from his previous "Little Elf" style. He can only
imagine the difficulty of creation.

"Children's literature?" President Fergus groaned, looking at the calm

and erect Sutan, instead of rushing to attack his enthusiasm, he gently
suggested from another aspect, "There is a book" The Children's Story
of Gulia " Magazines, serials suitable for children's stories, I can help
you contact the magazine. When are you going to start publishing? "

Su Tan smiled and thanked, "The serialization will begin next week."

"This novel," he chuckled, his tone calm and calm, "very Rosellian."

Very Rosewood?

This evaluation immediately evoked the curiosity of Chairman

Fergus. He personally greeted the magazine of "Children's Story of
Guglielia" and waited for Sutan's first submission with expectations
and doubts. What kind of children's literature would he write?

Five days later, a submission was quietly sent to the mailbox of

Children Magazine.

With the development of the interstellar era, various intelligent light

brains have quickly enriched the lives of countless people, and
children's periodicals and literature have gradually faded.
As the oldest local children's literature magazine, Rosewood
Children's Story has become the only remaining fruit in Rosewood's
literary journals.

Even so, with unique support resources and childhood memories

shared by generations of Roses, the Children's magazine has
inevitably declined.

As of last month, their monthly sales have fallen to an all-time low:

3,000 volumes.

There was no one in front of the magazine.

Noisy hot summer, here is extra quiet, without a trace of anger. Even
inside the magazine, it was shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere.


"The" Star Glory "game has launched a new event reward, and the
children must be crazy again!"

As old editor David browsed online news, he suddenly found that a

hot news from a game company crowded all the headlines of the
website and immediately complained angrily.

This is not to blame him for being too hostile to games. It is because
for "Children" magazines, now they are no longer competing with
magazines and journals in the same industry, but with major game
companies, video websites, and animation. The latter's dazzling
scenes and great appeal, Qi Qi firmly grasped the children's love and

Take an 8-year-old child, who is still watching fairy tales? They are all
busy playing the game!

David has been with Children Magazine for more than 30 years, and
he watched with painfulness little by little the thick and wide children
's story periodicals. The subsequent sluggish sales have made many
children 's literature The author resigned and left the industry

Nowadays, children's magazines have not only lacked a readership,

but also lacked good works.

David annoyedly turned off the colorful and hot game website
interface. Five minutes before work, as usual, opened the magazine
submission mailbox and glanced casually.

If, as usual, there are still no new contributions, he can be off work.

However, after this careless look, David was suddenly shocked at the
computer desk.

In the mailbox, there was a quietly lying submission, which had just
been sent, and it had not been opened yet.

After a while, David couldn't tell what it was like. He just felt that the
taste was mixed, incredible and astringent, so he shook his hands for a
while, and couldn't say anything.
David twitched his finger and opened the new manuscript.

"Unlucky Amy?"

Looking at the first line of the manuscript, Davidmer thought it very


According to ordinary people's thinking, children's literature has

always been positive and positive, and it likes to shape characters
with glorious images. But this manuscript did the opposite.



An unlucky child story protagonist, what will happen to be unlucky?

In a short time, a strange feeling rose in David's heart, a pair of

vicissitudes of eyes opened, his eyes stared at the manuscript. There
was a deep interest in his heart, and he continued to look at it quickly.

The protagonist Amy is an ordinary child in the countryside of

Rosewood. He is only six years old and lives in a large manor. In
addition to his parents who are busy with various things on the farm
manor, there is also a long-time helper old John The bad-tempered
big-headed white goose, and a group of farmed animals, a vast farm.
Amy has a lively personality and an ancient spirit, but she is too
naughty, and often plunges herself into difficulties, falling countless

For example, this time, he fell asleep in the closet of the storeroom
because of his mischief. When I woke up, I found myself locked in a
storage room.

Amy froze, hurriedly pushing the locked gates and calling several
times, but no one passed quietly around him, and suddenly he was
despairing and turned his head down--

It was found that the cabinets in the storage room were filled with
countless foods that were not easily available on weekdays.

The meat is stuffed with sausages, chunks of cheese, sweet berry

sauce, baskets of freshly baked bread ...

Amy is happy!

Seeing this, the first chapter of the manuscript has come to an end,
and David's thoughts suddenly absent from the story, and he finds
that he is interested.

The interesting story, a wonderful transition from "bad luck" to

"unexpected joy", and the lively and protagonist of the hero, no matter
which item made David intuitively judge this is a good story.
Moreover, judging from his thirty years of editing experience and
vision, this is definitely a rare and interesting work that will definitely
be sold.

Immediately, regardless of the time off work, David had jumped up

from his seat suddenly, rushed into the editor's room in a hurry, and
shouted with fists excitedly: "I found A good article! "

The editor raised his eyebrows in suspicion.

In order to review and study the only manuscript submitted in the

past six months, the editor-in-chief specially brought together a few
and few editors and held a small working meeting.


He stared at the editors in the conference room, all of whom were old.
He couldn't help sighing, knowing that these people had been staying
in Children's Magazine for ten years, all because of their true love for
children's literature. favorite.

But they didn't know that the lackluster monthly sales were about to
bring this magazine to bankruptcy.

The editor took a deep breath, and the expression on his face was very
calm. Zhangkou said, "Today, David has found a good manuscript, so
I specially invited everyone to study it together."

He did not make nonsense, nodded directly to David, and let him
send the printed manuscript to several people.
All of a sudden, there was silence in the conference room of the
magazine, and everyone looked down quietly and quickly to review
the manuscript.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that an old editor who finished
reading quickly looked up. The expression on his face was very
complicated, excited, and more puzzled, and he groaned, "I
understand what David meant, and this submission is really

Fresh, lively and fun. This is undoubtedly the first impression of the
old editor.

As soon as his voice fell, another slightly younger editing interface

immediately replied: "I think it's great, novel and interesting, lively,
and the strokes are not immature, very simple and bright. If I were a
reader, I would definitely I like this novel. "

She was sure, and immediately won the approval of others.

"I'm tired of watching the children's version of the Star Wars fairy tale.
Suddenly I saw this one, and it made people's eyes shine. I never
thought that the rural life of Guilia was the biggest theme of children's
literature. I also vote for it! "

The meeting room was filled with praise all at once.

Only the old editor who spoke first was suddenly hesitant. He has
been in Children's Magazine for many years. He has witnessed the
rise and decline of children's literature with his own eyes. Many years
of experience have given him a rich vision and can make a judgment
on a brand-new work.

Holding the manuscript of "Unlucky Amy", he whispered and asked,

"Don't you think it's too old-fashioned?"

In this latest manuscript, "Unlucky Amy", it completely removes all

the hot elements of the interstellar era, such as intelligent light brain,
game animation and so on. The novel is permeated with a strong rural
style, just like an oil painting of the past, with a calm and calm
description of the customs and customs of the countryside of Guilia.

Can such a rustic and old-fashioned style really attract children who
love Star Wars, cool games or hot animation?

The old editor had some doubts, so he simply expressed his doubts
and discussed them at a working meeting.

Sure enough, his words immediately silenced the atmosphere in the

conference room.

No one has confidence.

Over the years, these editors have watched the magazines under the
impact of interstellar intelligent games, videos, and animations.

Only fan stories with games or popular animations can regain the
children's hearts a little bit, and any other form of work is powerless.
The editors have experienced a big fight with hope, and reached a
stage of despair and despair. Now they have completely broken their
confidence. No one dare to say that this "Unlucky Amy" will pass.
Country nostalgia has come back.

Only David, who first found the manuscript, frowned, and asked the
old editor directly: "Do not choose this manuscript. Do we choose Star
Wars Zerg, and children will like it?"

The magazine is not without thinking about transformation, striving

to change the creative theme, serializing works closer to the tastes of

However, even the hottest games and animated Star Wars Zergs have
had little effect moving to children's literature magazines.

David's words immediately shocked the editors and suddenly came to

his senses.

David strongly recommended: "I think such an excellent work, we can

take a chance."

As soon as his words fell, the approval sounded immediately, and

even the old editor who raised doubts did not refute him.

Seeing this scene, the editor-in-chief tapped the table of the conference
table gently, his eyes glanced over the patent leather mottled, and the
old conference table had begun to fall off.
He calmly summed up his sayings: "In fact, this work was actually
entrusted to me by Chairman Fergus."

As the editor-in-chief, all editors at the table now looked up a little

stupidly, looking at him inconceivably.

Fergus is the chairman of the Rosewood Literature Committee and

has a high reputation in the local literature field. The "Magdalene
Literary Stories" magazine, which has failed to pay for several times
and is about to close, is struggling to persevere with the support of
Chairman Fergus.

Therefore, Fergus has a special status in the eyes of everyone in the


Who the **** is the author of "Unlucky Amy" so that Fergus, the high-
ranking chairman, can personally entrust him?

For a while, the editors were filled with fog and quietly guessed in
their hearts.

The editor-in-chief had no appetite, and directly told Su Tan's name.

"The author of this children's novel is Su Tan, the first famous rookie
writer of the Rose Star Literature Contest.

"That middle school student?" David blurted out.

The editor nodded in confirmation.

All of a sudden, all the editors in the conference room were shocked
to silence.

Middle school students, children's literature, novel and interesting

novels. They alone surprised them.

The editor's eyes swept through everyone in the conference room, and
the silent eyes were a little heavy. He said slowly, "Chairman Fergus
arranges this work for our magazine, because the subject matter of the
submission exactly matches our type Are both the subject of children's
literature. "

No one was surprised at this point, knowing it.

However, as the editor-in-chief continued, he felt heavily like a

boulder in the hearts of all editors.

"Second, because-this is our last chance."

A well-known and enthusiastic newcomer and author of a high-

quality children's literature work, if it still cannot change the decline
of Children's Magazine, I am afraid that their magazine is really no
longer necessary.

This is the last opportunity for Children Magazine, and it is also the
most challenging one for Sutan.
After the urgent typesetting and printing, a new issue of Rosewood
Children's Story was released on schedule and sent to major
supermarkets, shops, and outlets.

This issue of Children has conservatively printed only 3,000 copies,

which is exactly the sum of magazine sales last month.

When it came to the world, it was quietly without a wave, quietly like
the release of countless previous monthly magazines, old-fashioned
and persistently waiting for the favorite readers to buy home.

In addition to Su Tan receiving the magazine sample sent by the

magazine as early as the day before, the new Weibo account with his
real name verified was opened on Weibo. Official announcement.

"October issue has been published. This monthly issue features novel
stories, lively and full of fun, I hope readers like it."

The calm Weibo style has to say that it has won Sutan's great looks.
What's more, this magazine seems to know his low-key style, so he
did not try to pull his name as a hype magazine new issue.

This makes Sutan feel warm.

He smiled and reposted with a verified Weibo account. "Su Tan: The
new novel has been serialized, I like you. @ 瑰 利亚 儿童 故事"

As soon as this Weibo was issued, it immediately drowned in the

massive information world of Weibo. Su Tan was not anxious, shut
down the webpage in an orderly manner, and continued to code his
second chapter.

"Unlucky Amy" is a light and clear children's literary work. This does
not mean that you don't need to spend your time. Instead, you need to
spend ten to one hundred times on the tone and style of the novel.
They can also understand.

Therefore, Su Tan spent a lot of thoughts on conceiving the overall

situation and outline of the novel.

At this point, the speed is much slower compared to "Dominate".

He wrote the second and third chapters of "Unlucky Amy" carefully

and carefully, and then revised and polished it. He sent it to the
magazine's submission mailbox and continued to complete the
writing of "Control".

After making the hegemony in the campus world, the overall

explosion point was much less. Instead, he spent his pen and ink on
the warm and bland youthful and memorable campus life, which
created a strong nostalgic atmosphere for readers and made many The
reader laughed, cried, and recalled, and suddenly remembered his
time on campus.

This tearful writing method has raised the topic of the entire novel of
"Dominate" for a while, and the hot topic of "campus" on Weibo has
remained high, and even the number of like comments has
skyrocketed than the data of Su Tan's novels. want more.

This makes Su Tan can't help but smile.

He impatiently continued to write about campus life, while throwing
a big breaking point in his pen-campus bullying.

The protagonist of "Domination" suddenly encountered campus

bullying! The suffocated commander who was famous for the distance
of the school blocked the entrance to the school than the bad student,
and openly asked him to treat himself.

The act is terrible!

Unsurprisingly, such a plot will surely arouse the empathy of readers,

one after another against the dregs of campus bullying.

Su Tan writes vividly, and the code speed is refreshing and fast. I just
feel that the bad student in his pen is full of badness, and the
handsome student is a big cousin, and is torn down by the protagonist
in the novel. Sing conquer.

For a moment, I felt that my heart was calm and very refreshing.

He uploaded the coded novel chapters to the author's backstage and

clicked Publish.

Not long after, the comments in the latest chapter surged.

He smiled and looked away, one by one, his eyes suddenly fell on one
of the eye-catching comments.
"Smoke scar: Come, let's talk to the school gate!"

Su Tan: ... Big cousin reads books so well, and loves cosplay?

He chuckled and replied in a daring voice: "Dad Yan, did you want to
sing to conquer me at the school entrance: -D?"


Go to the school gate to chat and conquer?

Su Tan looked at his comments with a happy look. He thought that

even if the smoke scar looked at and wanted to hit someone, he
couldn't come across the countless light-year network cable to slap

Who makes two people just netizens!

Su Tan closed the webpage with a chuckle, imagining with a smile

how the big cousin who read this review would get angry.

When he stepped downstairs and walked to the living room, he

accidentally encountered the robot Suning who was about to rush out.

Su Ning was carrying an empty basket, wearing a straw hat and a

sunscreen mask on his head, armed as if to secretly do something
Su Tan asked curiously: "Aba, where are you going?"

Hearing his words, the robot Suning's body was stiff, and the body
changing shoes almost crooked. He tried to hold the shoe cabinet
aside before trying to stand firmly.

"I'm going out." His face was a little hot and blushing, and he slightly
concealed the past, his voice muffled behind the mask was a little dull,
"Well, yes-Dr. Shu is looking for me."

Hearing this answer, Su Tan was surprised for two seconds, and
waved with a smile: "Okay, good-bye."

Seeing his attitude as usual, the robot Suning suddenly took a sigh of
relief, changed the shoes crookedly, and hurriedly prepared to walk
towards the door.

Just before it was about to go out, Su Tan, who was standing in the
living room pouring water, smirked quickly, and his bright eyes filled
with a smile of Waner, joking distantly: "Aba, you are going out on a
date Right? "

Suddenly, Suning's hand holding the straw hat was crooked, her face
was red and her ears could not say anything, she turned and fled.

Until he left the courtyard of Su's courtyard and saw Shu Heng
waiting there, the heat on his face remained unabated, hurriedly
running all the way and panicking, making Shu Heng smile.

Su Ning gasped and stopped in front of Shu Heng.

Shu Wenwen and smiled and asked, "What's wrong?" As he said, he
stretched out his slender fingers, and naturally straightened Suning's
hat, and then put it upright.

Immediately, when he saw his gentle and natural behavior, Suning

was stunned, looked up at his jaw blankly, and slumped in place.

Shu Heng couldn't help bending his lip corner, and took the basket in
his arm freely. He never disliked the large hand-woven basket and a
colorful and unrestrained tie-dyed fabric covered with it. What a
disproportionate dress.

This made Suning look awful.

It opened its mouth and sounded like it was blocked by a cotton ball,
so dumb that it couldn't speak.

Involuntarily, the robot Suning was ashamed, and the brain shell
burst into hot steam.

Coincidentally, with a casual look up, Suning suddenly noticed that a

large Eddie was standing upright not far from the other side of the
street, and looked at it with a look of astonishment in shock, unable to

A pair of Suning eyes, Eddie suddenly came to his senses from shock,
but was even more shy than the party concerned, trying to reduce his
sense of existence with a sullen head, running quickly past two
people, hurriedly Ran to the Su family.
Just as he ran across the road and was about to reach the two of them,
Eddie blinked at Dr. Shu's back suddenly, a big thumb.

That straightforward encouragement immediately made the robot

Suning ashamed. "......wait wait wait."

His cheeks were hot, and his metal fingers were hot, as if he was
boiling all over his body.

At this time, Suning was dull and knew that he must have been
misunderstood by several people, and now he was blushing and
wanted to explain, but as soon as he went away, Eddie ran away.

Looking silently at the quiet courtyard, Suning: "..."

Shu Wenwen laughed, seemingly unaware, and gently said to it:

"Let's go," The Rosewood Children's Story "has been officially sold."

Speaking of business, Suning's hot and confused thoughts finally

came to his senses. It nodded hard, with a look of excitement and
pride, dragging the basket in Shu Heng's hand and saying, "Well, let's

They walked to the nearest convenience store and magazine sales

point, and the magazine racks at the door were full. Most of them
were filled with various covers such as Starship World, Entertainment
News Express, Fashion, Cover Girl and other types of magazines.
A poster of the beautiful girl in a sunny beach swimsuit was greatly
posted above the magazine rack.

Suning ran quickly and was disappointed not to find the "Children's

It wasn't until the entire magazine rack was rummaged that it finally
flipped through five corners of the magazine rack from the corner of
the magazine rack. Looking at the publication date, it found that it
was the latest issue that arrived, and it was so arbitrarily tucked into
the corner.

You can see how unpopular this magazine is.

The robot Suning was disappointed. He looked up and saw Dr. Shu,
and unexpectedly found that his eyes were still gentle and indifferent,
calmly, and immediately, Suning couldn't help being touched by Shu
Wenwen and Shu Lang's attitude.


It renewed its spirit, took out five "Children" upright, and placed them
securely under the shelf, which will not disturb the store's magazine
display, and can be seen at a glance. Buried.

The two ordered drinks and sat together under the umbrella outside
the convenience store and waited—guarding them.

Suning, wearing a straw hat and a large mask, shielded himself

tightly, watching the scorching sun outside the parasol and the few
pedestrians on the road, like an ant on a hot pot, striving to resist the
anxious Tong Shuheng Whispered: "How many people would you
say would buy Children?"

As a loyal fan of Su Tan, Suning is looking forward to seeing the sale

of "Children" magazine as soon as it hits the market.

However, reality is more cruel than it was supposed to be.

Two hours later, Starship World sold 7 books, Entertainment News

Express sold 12 books, and Cover Girl sold 35 books. However, the
sales volume of "Kelia Children's Story" is-0.

The cold reality couldn't help disappointing Suning.

Just when it was about to give up and bought all the "Children" home,
suddenly, a middle-aged man holding a child stopped in front of the
magazine rack, looking from top to bottom, passing countless
beautiful covers. The magazine ended up on the bottom "Children".

After a while, the robot Suning "slammed" and sat back in his seat, but
his heart bounced into his throat.

Will he buy it?

"Dad, let's quickly enter the convenience store. The latest light brain
game is on sale!" The boy, seven or eight years old, was so anxious
that he tugged the middle-aged man's clothing by force, and finally
couldn't hold back the anxiety and took the lead Father, rushed into
the convenience store.
Coward, a middle-aged man standing in front of the magazine rack,
was inexplicably attracted to the cover of "The Children's Story of

"The latest work by the author of" Pokemon ", lively and interesting"
Unlucky Amy "is officially serialized from this issue!"

"Elf?" Coward shocked, remembering the short story that deeply

touched him a few days ago. The story of warm tears made him can't
help thinking of his father, a retired veteran, like an old man in the
novel. Germany is stubborn and lonely.

However, after watching "Pokemon", he deeply thought about the fact

that he had never really touched his father, those years of service, and
the deep love hidden behind that stubborn personality.

One night after reading the novel, he drove alone over three hundred
miles back to his hometown late at night, and had a full-time talk with
his father for the first time in forty years.


Much better.

Early the next morning, although the old father rushed home with his
face bluffed, he enjoyed the little meatloaf and hot bitter tea made by
his father. From the rear-view mirror, the old and still straight body
In, I saw unexpected softness and tenderness.
Since then, Coward has put "Pokemon" first in his mind.

And now, is the author of "Pokemon" about to release a new novel?

Or children's literature?

At the beginning of the time, Coward had a strong interest in his

heart. He glanced through the "Children" catalogue, and just had a
quick glance down the page to "Unlucky Amy", and suddenly heard
the son's shout from the convenience store.

"Dad, come on !!!"

Coward reluctantly, had no choice but to look forward to it, hurriedly

holding a copy of the "Children's Story" into the store to check out.

Under the umbrella not far away, the robot Suning clenched his fists
with excitement and couldn't bear the excitement.

"Sold a copy!" It unconsciously clenched Shu Heng's arm tightly, and

smiled proudly and narrowed his eyes.

Shu Heng looked at it, and was in a good mood, smiling lightly, "Can
you rest assured?"

Suning: "Huh!"

In order to wait for this moment, it is worth the wait.

The robot Suning continued to wait under the umbrella with Dr. Shu
in a good mood. However, this time, instead of waiting for the new
purchaser of Children, many acquaintances had come.

"Hey, Suning? What are you doing here? There are new discounts at
the convenience store today?"

"Dr. Shu is here too. I heard you moved into a neighborhood?"

"Drink tea together? Aning, are you and Dr. Shu on a date? You guys
make an appointment, I'll go first [laughing]!"

Robot Suning: "... No, no-you misunderstood!"

It was too late to explain, and all the acquaintances passing by had a
smile of "we understand" smiling.

Su Ning stayed for a second and turned to Shu Heng to explain

carefully: "They misunderstood."

Shu Heng smiled softly and answered softly. "It does not matter, I do
not mind."

Hearing this answer, Suning finally felt relieved and happy at the
bottom of her heart--

Fortunately, Dr. Shu did not misunderstand.


It was getting late, and the robot Suning waited for a while.
Unexpectedly, he saw Eddie hurriedly holding a shopping list.

Eddie didn't see the two at all, ran in like a gust of wind, and stopped
when the big bag came out carrying the ingredients and passed the
magazine rack.

Then, grabbed the remaining four "Kelia Children's Stories" and went
in to checkout.

Seeing this scene, the robot Suning couldn't help but stand up
suddenly. I took all of them and did n't have any left? !!

Immediately, it shouted, "Eddie!"

Eddie hurriedly holding the magazine to enter the door to check out,
suddenly heard the shout, stopped suddenly, turned around, and saw
Suning and Dr. Shu sitting together under the umbrella.

"Uncle Su, Dr. Shu." Eddie greeted him honestly.

Suning pointed to a stack of Children's magazines in his hands. "What

do you buy so many books for?"

Eddie glanced down, but what he said was even more surprising. "Big
cousin asked me to buy it, so I bought as much as I could."
Robot Suning: ... It's like I think!

He coughed and asked Eddie politely, "Can you leave me a copy?"

Eddie immediately nodded, and obediently passed over, saying

smoothly: "Su Tan is cooking at home, don't you go back for dinner?"

Before Suning answered, Eddie responded violently. Looking at Dr.

Shu with a gentle smile on the side and Suning, who was sitting very
close together, they were clearly dating, what did they ask them to go
back for?

Suddenly, Eddie panicked and refused: "No, there is nothing

delicious, you don't have to go back."

After speaking, I felt that the transition was a bit stiff, and even his
face was hot and red. Eddie smirked hard at the two of them, and ran
away without a word.

Robot Suning: "..."

It was a little puzzled and weird, and turned around to look at Shu
Heng, "Are you hungry?"

Shu Heng looked at it with a smile, suddenly extended his arm, took
off three masks and straw hats on his head in three layers of
camouflage and straw hats, exposing Suning's sultry hot head. He
said warmly, "The magazines are all sold out. You don't have to
continue pretending. Is it hot?"

Suning nodded subconsciously.

Holding it, Shu Heng went to the convenience store to buy popsicles,
and then put the cool popsicles on Suning's brain to cool it down.

The cold comfort immediately made Suning's eyes bent in a good

mood. Coincidentally heard the rolling recommendation broadcast
report in the convenience store: "Special offer today, half price for
meat products-"

Su Ning opened her eyes and looked up at the meat counter on the
other side with a burning gaze, exclaiming excitedly to Shu Heng:
"Half price! When you rarely encounter such good luck, Dr. Shu, you
must not miss it! "

Shu Heng chuckled her lips, and wondered more and more about
what Su Ning was thinking every day in this brain shell, which made
people curiously attracted. He raised his lips and responded, "Okay,
buy them together."

Carrying a large shopping bag, Eddy rushed back to the door of Su's
house and ran directly into the kitchen, but unexpectedly saw his big
cousin, Hayden, standing behind Su Tan. The tall and erect figure
almost turned Su Tan The small figure circled in his arms, extended
his arms to help him take off the kitchenware in the locker above his
head, and stretched and petted.
All of a sudden, Eddie's footsteps rested at the door, and suddenly felt
that the world was full of malicious QAQs on single dogs like him.


"It was bought back." Eddie snorted and placed the big bag on the
table, and the probe glanced forward at the semi-finished product in
front of Su Tan.

A whole piece of white dough was light and lightweight under

Sutan's hands, and was kneaded into long strips, tinctures, lightly
dipping flour, and rolled into thin, small round dough pieces.

"Is this 'Dumpling' like this?" Eddie looked at each face, wrinkled with
doubt and confusion.

Good-looking is good-looking, is ... too light and tasteless?

After hearing Eddie's question, Su Tan smiled, his fingers moved

quickly, rolled his face smoothly, and laughed: "Of course not."

He opened the bag that Eddie brought back, took out the same
ingredients from the inside like beef, pork, celery, shiitake
mushrooms, carrots, etc., and busy, adjusted two different fillings-beef
celery and pork shiitake , One by one into dumplings.

Watching his relaxed and dumpling-like dumpling movement, he

immediately grasped Eddie's curiosity and tentatively asked, "Can I
try it?"
Su Tan bent her lips and smiled. She showed Eddie in slow motion,
and then pointed out the essentials. The simple steps immediately
made Eddie yell, and she dared to get the first dumpling skin.

Eddie firmly remembered what Su Tan said, spread the dumpling

skin flat in his palm, put a little stuffing on it, try to lighten the
strength of the hand, and pinch with thick fingers-

A crooked dumpling is made.

After a while, looking at the small and ugly baba in his palm, he was
the first dumpling he had wrapped himself. With excitement and
excitement that Eddie couldn't tell, Baba rushed to Su Tan to offer
treasure. "I did it !!!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, he saw Su Tan pointing at

Hayden. Many dumplings were already on the chopping board in
front of Hayden. It was crooked and crooked, obliquely upside down,
either the stuffing was squeezed out, or it was too hard to squeeze the
skin of the dumplings. I tried it several times in a row, and the
dumplings that were wrapped did not look good on their own.

Immediately, Eddie's heart couldn't help feeling a deep sense of pride.

Big cousin also looked helpless, shook his head and smiled at Sutan
beside him, "Can you teach me alone?"

Then, Eddie saw Su Tan walk over and held Hayden's hand to teach
on the spot.
The slender fingertips of the two people were immediately scooped
with white flour, and the intimate action made Eddie, who was
standing alone, cool down.

Dog abuse crit mAX ...

A man who is as smart as he is, has no chance in life to have a


Only people like "big cousin" like big cousin can take the opportunity
to stage a show of love and abuse of dogs.

Huge Eddie looked down at the lonely dumpling in front of him, only
to feel his tears flow into his heart.

Blame, just blame yourself for being too good.

When the dumplings were completely wrapped and cooked and

served on the table, Eddie's plump dumplings suddenly opened his
eyes in surprise, especially when he saw a few crooked plates in front
of himself The familiar dumplings were clearly wrapped from his
hands, and he couldn't help feeling excited.

He couldn't wait to clamp a dumpling into his mouth, and then

looked forward to a bite--

Unsurprisingly, the hot steam hit my mouth.

Eddie blushed a face, opened his mouth with tears and murmurs, and
then tasted the painful tongue tip. The delicious gravy mixed with the
rich scent of shiitake mushroom immediately burst into the mouth.

The thin crust is not as light and tasteless as he expected, but it is full
of strong wheat aroma, complemented by the hot and delicious meat
filling, which has an unexpected harmony and deliciousness.

At this moment, Eddie was attracted by this deliciousness, and the

chopsticks under his hands couldn't stop, one after another stuffing
the white plump and steaming dumplings into his mouth.

Until eating a full stomach, Eddie reluctantly bid farewell to leave.

Su Tan stood at the gate, waved him with a smile and waved him
away. As soon as he turned around, he bumped into the big cousin
standing behind him.

Hayden looked at his portable light brain, and on the screen was a
page of a star novel website.

"My favorite braised pork greatly made me go to the school gate to

sing conquest." He frowned slightly, puzzled, and looked up at Su
Tan. "How do you sing? Do you know?"

The smile on Hayden's lips rose indiscriminately, and the deep eyes
were as quiet as the sea, hiding a smile and a light.
Su Tan: "..."

He gave a cough, thoughtfully and thoughtfully, and replied, "I won't


Hayden shrugged in disappointment and said helplessly, "There is no


Su Tan watched as he replied under his own comment on "Dominate"-

"Smoke scar: I won't, you teach me :)?"

Afterwards, the readers spontaneously brushed up a row of


Su Tan was silent and couldn't laugh or cry.

Go back to the room, log in to Weibo, and switch from "brushing

braised meat every day" to "Sutan", he saw that this small account has
obviously not been found by readers, and the number of fans has only
risen by a few.

Once opened, the two or three fans who rose were all selling things

Su Tan shook his head with a slight smile, and entered "Unlucky
Amy" and "Roselia Children's Story" under the Weibo search box. This
magazine, which has just been published today, still shows no
improvement, and there is not much topical interest. Even few people
reposted comments.

However, he was not in a hurry, and according to his daily outline

code plan, he continued to advance the plot of "Domination of the
Earth Age [Quick Wear]" published online.

The protagonist Cheng Yan, who was coldly rejected by the bad
student Zou He on the school gate, officially began the anti-killing

He went home from school without class, and was still the most polite
and polite learner in the school, but when he got out of the classroom,
the whole body's momentum changed suddenly, and when he shot,
he immediately turned the big guy It was blocked in the bathroom.

Then, step by step closer to each other ...

Su Tan suddenly stopped here and thought about it. ——What else
can I do, of course I will go back!

He smiled, and at his fingertips quickly ran a series of smooth and fast
plots on the keyboard, and continued to write:

"Cheng Ye gently looked down at the big guy and asked with a smile:'
Want to get into college? '

Zou He froze immediately.

He's heard too many "Want to find death", "Want to mess things up",
"Want to fight?" Just because no one asked him if he wanted to go to
college. In everyone's mind, he is destined to be a poor student who
can't get to the bottom of the university.

He exhaled deeply, his black eyes lifted up and stared at Cheng Yan
without blinking, his deep cold eyes stared at the scalp.

Cheng Ye was not afraid, and smiled calmly: '300 yuan an hour, I will
help you make up the lesson. '"

Su Tan wrote here, can not help but can not help but some can not
help but upload the coded chapters to the background of Fanxing
Novel Network author.

A few minutes after the chapter was issued, the enthusiastic world
rushed to the surface.

"Soft cute dolphin: we don't understand the world of fighter ..."

"The Arctic Meow: Hahahahaha, Brother Zou is about to vomit blood.

He is clearly lacking in love and has been seized by the male
protagonist. Is it another form of probation?"

"Dark Rose: Education of Love."

Brushing on these comments, Su Tan couldn't help smiling and
chatted with the readers a bit. Seeing that it was too late and
approaching the middle of the night, he hurriedly rushed the Xiuxian
Party to bed instead of staying up late.

The readers hugged each other and said goodbye to him. Su Tan also
turned off the computer and officially prepared to take a bath and

Coward's home, just a few streets away, is having a difficult scene.

Coward's son, Buddy, is eight years old and just entered the second
grade of Guilia Elementary School, but was addicted to a game-"Star


Buddy was obsessed with it all at once. Not only did he grab the light
brain to play non-stop every day after going home from school, he
didn't even give up before going to bed at night. In one game, he saw
that time had been delayed to close to the early morning.

Coward was a little bit angry now, forcibly confiscating the light
brain, throwing the struggling screaming Buddy into bed, watching
him fall asleep in person.

Such a tough move undoubtedly made Buddy angry and anxious,

screaming and yelling a few times, seeing that Coward's attitude as
hard as iceberg would not turn around, he gradually gave up the
resistance, in his eyes Gradually floated to the water vapor.
The stubborn and angry look made Coward couldn't help but feel a
pain in his heart.

I don't know if my once stubborn self, like Buddy, was angry in front
of his father?

What did his father do at the time?

Coward's thoughts were suddenly remembered back to decades ago,

remembering the late nights with the warm yellow lights of the quiet
low table lamps, there was always a tall and erect figure sitting on his
bedside, holding a copy Children's Story Magazine explained to him
clumsily and comfortably.

For a moment, Coward suddenly remembered a "Guralia Children's

Story" that he had just bought at the entrance of a convenience store in
the evening. The bedside storybooks of the Giradians from generation
to generation brought many Full of childhood memories.

Later, although the children's magazine gradually declined with the

development of the times, the memory and weight of "Children" in
the hearts of all Roses were incomparable.

And this newly-purchased "Kelia Children's Story", there are also the
latest serial novels by the author of "Little Elf".

In a short time, Coward raised his spirits, quickly got up and went
downstairs, and took this "child" from the corner of the shopping bag.
When he went upstairs and returned to his son Buddy's room, he
found that the other side was looking at the door with anger and
frustration. When he saw his figure hurriedly twisted his neck in the
other direction, he deliberately did not look at Kovo Germany.

The flipped emotion made Coward couldn't help pinching the corners
of his lips and smiling a little.

He followed the front page of the catalog, opened the magazine, and
found the page in which the author of The Elf wrote his latest
masterpiece. He took a deep breath and read it calmly.

"Unlucky Amy."

Suddenly hearing this strange name, Buddy wrinkled her childish

face and said loudly, "Fairy tale? Too old-fashioned, I'm not a three or
two year old child."

Now, how can his classmates read fairy tale books? All are playing
games passionately. Coward wanted to appease him with this trick,
and he must have thought wrong.

Buddy questioned loudly, and his face was still sternly facing his
father Coward, but his ears were raised involuntarily.
Koward Wen smiled and continued to speak slowly. "There is a small
town of Woka in the southwestern countryside of Guilia. The town of
Woka is simple and friendly, and its neighbors are friendly. There is
only one unlucky egg, Amy, that makes people like headaches.

As soon as this unusual opening was spoken, Buddy's curiosity was

immediately aroused.
Makes a headache? Naughty? Unlucky? Isn't that what you mean?

Buddy has always been very self-aware, knowing how many times his
mother complained to Coward behind her mischief. Therefore, I
immediately felt the sympathy for this "Amy" who appeared in the

It's like hearing another story of your own.

Following the cheerful and lively style of writing in the novel,

Coward continued to read.

When he heard that Amy was asleep in the storeroom because of

playing tiredness, Buddy couldn't help laughing, breaking the quiet
and Coward reading in the room.

As soon as Coward's voice stopped, Buddy seemed to feel a

concerned gaze on his back of the head, he immediately clenched his
fist remorsefully, shook his ears red, and fixed his head tightly at the
angle facing away I dare not see my father.

Coward laughed helplessly and continued reading.

"Amy desperate, turned her head down-and found that the cupboards
in the storeroom were filled with countless foods that were not easily
available on weekdays.
The meat is stuffed with sausages, chunks of cheese, sweet berry
sauce, baskets of freshly baked bread ...

Amy laughed happily instantly! "

Thinking of this, Coward's voice stopped again, and the childhood in

his heart was completely hooked by the novel. It seemed as if he had
returned to his childhood in the country, carefree, and ran back and
forth in the barn. Channeling, always like to secretly go to the
storeroom to find food. The memories of that time were simply
precious and beautiful.

Coward sighed with emotion and closed the pages of the magazine,
but he suddenly heard an anxious questioning.

"Dad, then? Did Amy have those foods?"

Coward stunned and looked up to see his son Buddy completely

throw away the anger and unhappiness just now, wondering when he
had turned his head back, staring anxiously at him and asking, even
himself I didn't know my body was sitting up halfway from the bed.

Now Coward couldn't help laughing.

He flipped through the pages and catalogues of Children's magazine

and determined that the unfortunate Amy in this journal had only one
chapter in this story, so he reassured: "There is only this chapter at
present, and the next issue of the magazine will reveal Development,
answer your question. "
In time, Buddy was disappointed. "......Oh."

He lay back on the bed again, and Coward touched his head
affectionately, turning off the small lamp near the bed for him, and
was preparing to close the door and leave.

Unexpectedly, at the moment he closed the door, he suddenly heard

his son Buddy say: "I will have a delicious grilled sausage tomorrow
morning! And a big piece of cheese, and ... what else is coming?"

Buddy's voice was lively. "I want to eat!"

At the moment, Coward couldn't help but pursed his lips with a smile
and nodded in agreement.

The next day, Buddy, who had long forgotten about the sullenness of
being deprived of light brains, unexpectedly got up from bed early in
the morning and sat down at the table for breakfast.

The fried sausage is full of meat and has a strong aroma. It is stuffed
into the mouth with a fork and a mouthful. The mouth is suddenly
filled with salty sausage meat and the rich and rich gravy that is
grilled. Feel the unspeakable satisfaction and comfort.

Except for sausages, fresh and soft bread, sweet and delicious jam,
warm and fragrant milk, all satisfying Buddy, and his temperament
was unexpectedly good. He promised Coward to play light for only
three hours today. brain--
As long as you can have such a delicious breakfast every day, see the
next issue and the next issue and the countless issues of "Unlucky

This was completely beyond Coward's surprise, and he smiled at

work with a good mood and talked about it as a chat.

Unexpected, but attracted a lot of attention and attention.

"Is it so amazing?"

"Children's story? My little unlucky guy is addicted to games every

day and doesn't let go. No, I have to buy a magazine and tell him

"The Rose Story for Children—I remember that my grandfather

watched it when he was a kid, and there were a lot of" Children
"magazines that his grandfather had rotten when he was young.

Some are screaming, others are curious about the author of "Unlucky

"Su Tan? Was the author of that" Little Elf "in a big fire? I never
imagined he would go back and start a children's story. Just
screaming at this author on Weibo and other stars for us Rose, I want
to support it again! "

Coward did not expect that his casual joke would attract such a lot of
And this situation gradually spread from all parts of Rose.

On Weibo, Weixia Children's official Weixia has soared countless

attention and comments. Under the latest Weibo, which was
published in the new issue, it was full of enthusiastic comments for a

"Old horse:" Children "has always been my childhood memory, so

although the quality of the magazine has deteriorated in recent years,
and the story is boring, I still subscribe to this journal for my
childhood memories. Until yesterday, I saw" Unlucky "Amy",
sincerely found a good novel that can make people smile and recall
their childhood, I hope the editorial department will publish a lot of
good stories like this. "

"Little Fox's mother: Last night, my son listened to" Unlucky Amy
"and immediately fell in love! May I ask the editorial department, is"
Unlucky Amy "a serial chapter in each issue? The child ca n't read
enough. Now Asking the following plot every day, can the editorial
department publish more as appropriate? Please .—— A wish from
the mother of a 6-year-old child. "


"Night under the silver light: The author of" Pokemon "came to write
a children's story? !!! When I saw the cover of" Children ", I was
almost stunned and thought it was the same name. I never thought
that when I opened the story, I was really Attracted instantly. The
author Su Tan is awesome! "

Many people followed the Weibo of "Children" magazine and found

Sutan's Weibo account. They commented on him and hoped to see
more and better works.

More and more enthusiastic comments and calls gradually became

like snowballs.

One week after the publication of the new issue, Rosewood Children's
Story was sold out at all Rosewood outlets. Seeing this, the magazine
agency added 3,000 volumes, and it was still sold out after 5 days.

On the Internet, on Weibo, and on forums, topics such as "Can't Buy"

Children's Magazine! "," Unlucky Amy "," New Works by the Elf "and
other topics have gradually been screened.

How can a children's literature magazine have such charm? Many

netizens are curious, guessing and questioning are coming at the same

"Nilo: A chapter in children's literature novels has caused a monthly

sales of a magazine bankrupted to 6,000 copies? Is this wave of
marketing too fake?"

"Potato stewed nanmu: It may be new and good-looking. After all, the
author is too famous and has performed well in the literary star
competition a while ago."
"Meow a cat: I queued up to buy this magazine, and" Unlucky Amy
"didn't disappoint me."

"Non-existent lover: I eat this Amway!"

"Children" magazine's hot sale, not only attracted the attention of the
majority of netizens, but also attracted the attention of the rose literary
circle. The chairman of the Literary Committee, Fergus, intended to
use the media to speak out in support of encouraging the creation of

"Guilia Evening News": Beautiful and quiet country life, genial

writing style, lively and dynamic characters, and interesting storyline
make "Unlucky Amy" a well-deserved work. "

As soon as the official media spoke out, the sales of "Children"

magazine continued to soar and doubled, and the total monthly sales
reached 10,000 copies.

In the past, the entire staff of the editorial department of Children

Magazine couldn't even imagine it.

Now, their small courtyard of the former Monaco Roque has become
the busiest place.

Editor David is busy holding a new signing contract to the editor for
review, and the protagonist of the proposed contract is Su Tan.

The editor-in-chief seriously checked every sentence in the contract,

paused at the end of the signing salary, and remembered the
magazine sales rising in January, directly adding a zero to the original

Seeing his action, David was shocked at the moment, and suddenly he
paid more attention to Su Tan.

Until the contract was revised again, the two men went out with a
brand-new revised contract and full sincerity, and went to the place
agreed with Su Tan.

This time, "Roselia Children's Story" magazine wanted to sign Sutan

as a fixed long-term contract writer.

They agreed on a place in a small, characteristic city of Rose, just in

recent days a food festival opened here.

Along the way, the traffic was crowded and overcrowded. The editor
David and the editor-in-chief of the magazine bureau struggled to
squeeze out of the traffic flow, and the stuck point reached the agreed
place, and a long line of umbrellas outside the cafe was already full of

Tourists who come to participate in the food festival, bring a family of

young people out to hang out with their locals, lovers dating under
the bright sun, and so on.

Editor David hurriedly glanced over the crowded heads, searching for
the target he had met.
Unfortunately, Su Tan's photos have never been exposed on the
Internet, and he himself is very low-key and has not been on any
program media or interviewed. Therefore, David, who has always
been connected through the Internet and communicators, is quite
unfamiliar with his appearance. .

David only knew in general that the goal he was looking for should be
a teenager who had just graduated from high school. He was young,
cheerful, and had a clear voice in the communication ...

He glanced over the pedestrian's head and fell on a few young people
of the same age, with some hesitation. However, those people and the
family and friends who laughed wildly did not fit his feelings.

Suddenly, David's eyes were suddenly attracted by two people


On the table in front of a dark-haired boy, there was a large table of

food, a large skewer of vegetables and beef grilling a strong flavor of
kebabs, a large cup of sweet and delicious freshly squeezed juice, and
a sweet mouth-filled bun filled with jam. ... Everything is delicious at
the food festival.

At this moment, the teenager was smiling, biting a string of kebabs

with a big mouth, laughing and chatting with a tall, long man around
him, eating the barbecue in a casual and calm manner, even when the
cheeks were stained with sauce do not know.

The man beside him leaned forward, licking the sauce on his cheek
with a gentle lip.
From David's perspective, he clearly saw the young man blink for a
moment, and then the slightly curved black eyes fluttered up,
revealing a smile of frank delight, before the man withdrew his body,
he pressed firmly on the other's shoulders , Willingly kissed back in
the past.

Immediately, the sweet atmosphere echoed around the two, forming a

very pleasing picture.

Yo, sweet dog food ...

Editor David coughed at the bottom of his heart, turned his eyes
away, opened the portable light brain on his wrist, and started to dial
Sutan's communicator.

After a while, the teenager's gentle, clear voice, with a slight smile,
rang from the communicator.

"Editor David, are you here?"

Dazed for a moment, he suddenly realized that the sound seemed

close to him. He looked up subconsciously, and suddenly saw that a
pair of young people whom he had called dog food met his gaze and
beckoned with a bright smile.

After a while, David couldn't help laughing and waved, and said to
the editor, "It's them."

A few minutes later, the four sat together, introduced each other's
identities, and officially started talking about business.
David took the contract out, handed it to Su Tan, and calmly said,
"This time I came to you to sign the contract, our magazine has shown
full sincerity."

Su Tan opened the contract and looked down from the first word.
When his eyes touched the remuneration stipulated in the contract, he
suddenly stopped.

He found that this version of the formal contract had an extra zero
than the other party had previously communicated with him in the
communicator, and sincerity was clearly beyond doubt. It's just this
signing time limit-

Immediately, a pair of dark eyes lifted up quietly, looking towards the

editor-in-chief who had not yet spoken, and said humblely and
humblely: "This contract is fine, but I can only sign a book," Unlucky
Amy "."

As soon as this condition came out, the look of the editor David and
the editor was a little heavy.

They had anticipated this situation before they came, and most
periodicals and magazines basically signed works, and rarely signed

But all of the children's magazines in Guilia saw clearly that the only
reason for the sales of Children's Magazine was because of Sutan.
Without Su Tan, their magazines would never be able to turn around
and counterattack, and get rid of the predicament of a nearly
suspended publication.
Therefore, the magazine agency Yiyi and Sutan can establish a long-
term and stable feed relationship, the longer the better.

Obviously, what Su Tan just said has completely blocked the

expectations of the magazine.

Seeing the two's lost faces, Su Tan explained with a slight smile, Wen
Yan: "I'm not sure what the subject of the next book will be, and I'll
never want to write children's literature again, so I'm afraid I can't
sign a long-term contract with you. But "Unlucky Amy" really wanted
to write a long one, I guess-"

Su Tan sketched it out in his mind, roughly estimated a period of

time, and said frankly to the two: "The serialization will not be less
than three years. I think this time is enough to be equal to the signing
time on your contract."

On the contract, the signing period specified by itself is also a three-

year contract.

This statement has undeniably comforted the editors David and the

What's more, Su Tan Rumu's attitude is quite favorable.

The editor-in-chief and David glanced at each other, made up their

minds, and said, "Okay. Wish us a happy cooperation!"
Su Tan held his hands out, "cooperative cooperation."

While editing David to reprint the contract, Su Tan took another look
at a colorful cotton candy in the hands of passers-by.

The colorful color, the strange and imaginative peculiar shape

disturbed by the strong wind, and the licking of marshmallows with
the mouthful of passersby, made his heart itch, and turned his head to
look at the big cousin, eyes crystal Jingliang looks like it is filled with

Hayden couldn't resist the good-looking and highly-anticipated look

of his kitten, and when he looked at himself, he felt that he wanted
everything for him, and gave him the whole world.

Shaking his head and chuckling, Hayden stood up, touched his head,
and walked in the direction of selling marshmallows, buying sugar for

Seeing the intimate interaction between the two, the editor

unconsciously bent his lips and chatted with a smile: "I also have a

Hearing this, Su Tan looked at him doubtfully.

The editor-in-chief smile was mild. "It's about the same size as you.
After you have a boyfriend, there will never be anyone else in the eye

Su Tan: "..."
He isn't. The world in his eyes is obviously interstellar.

Su Tan chuckled a little, and narrowed his eyes, Waner replied

helplessly: "No way, he is so sticky."

Looking at the other side's determination and energy, the editor was
silent for a moment.

... who is sticking to anyone?


The colorful marshmallow stalls were crowded in front of the crowd,

all of them were children who were envious of marshmallows.

In a group of low altitudes, a tall and tall man inexplicably appeared,

which suddenly made some people irresistible.

A group of children stood with a smile on Hayden's back and forth,

and couldn't help turning his head back and looking at him

Hayden looked helpless, and was suddenly poked behind him. He

turned, his eyes lowered, and saw a small man looking up at him
head-on. "Brother, how old are you, and you are also buying cotton
Hayden raised his lips and quipped warmly, "as big as you."

Suddenly, I saw the child's eyes widened in shock, and his eyes
rounded in wonder. "So, then you look a little worried."

Upon hearing this, Hayden immediately shook his head and laughed.
He squatted down, aligning his eyes with the little heads behind the
head to probe his head, and asked with a smile: "Want to eat cotton

Immediately, as soon as the smoky little head nodded in unison.

Hayden smiled, snapped his fingers, "OK, buy!"

With that said, he stepped to the forefront of the marshmallow stall,

and said directly to the stall owner who was busy turning to
marshmallows, "Buy one for each child, I pay."

As soon as his words fell, the stall owner forgot the movement in his
hand and looked up at him in amazement. And the long line behind
the team, there was a sound of excitement, screaming and cheering.

Hayden generously and directly paid a sum of interstellar coins,

listening to the young and excited voices of the children, and the stall
owner who had just made a large business on the other side couldn't
help it.

Looking at him, Hayden raised his lips and chuckled, "Can you get
me one first?"
Ten minutes later, he took a uniquely shaped marshmallow, and
returned to the crowd under the crowd, and returned to the umbrella
he had left before.

The editor and editor-in-chief of Rosewood Children's Story magazine

has left, except that Su Tan is keeping his eyes on the contract after the
formal signing, staring brightly at the huge amount of manuscript
compensation written in black and white. Refused to move away.

It wasn't until Hayden sat down beside him that Su Tan raised his
head with a smile and a happy face.

He coughed and tried to calm down, and asked, "Has it been this

During the conversation, he looked up at the large marshmallow

handed by Hayden, and was immediately shocked.

"This?" Su Tan turned his head to look at his big cousin in surprise,
and took another look at the marshmallows, and for a moment it was
a bit of a smile.

Marshmallow is clearly made like the big cousin!

On the layers of colorful marshmallows, he used superb techniques to

completely outline Hayden's features, almost the same as his own
Such a special marshmallow has greatly exceeded the expectations of
Su Tan.

For a moment, he couldn't help smiling, his clear voice with a smile
and ridicule, asked loudly: "Want me to eat 'you'?"

The rising ending immediately made Hayden's eyes deep, and he

calmly bowed his head calmly.

"Don't like it?" The big cousin's voice was a little dumb and deep, and
his sober eyes fell straight on his face, asking slowly.

Hearing that, Su Tan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Suddenly, he opened his head and bit a large piece of cotton candy,
which happened to be Hayden's ear. The colorful fluffy
marshmallows are trapped in the pale lips, turned into a pool of sweet
sugar water, and disappeared between the lips and teeth.

Su Tan could not help squinting his eyes, and was so pleased by the
sweet taste. He licked his lips, and there was still a sweet smell of
honey on his lips, which made him laugh a little, and stared at
Hayden with a burning gaze: "It's delicious."

Hayden: ... tempting.

He had a headache, but was helpless to laugh, watching Su Tan eat

the various parts of marshmallow bit by bit, and evaluated from time
to time--
"Eyes are blueberry-scented, attentively!"

"Hahaha, cantaloupe's nose, the store's ideas are great."

"And these red lips ..." Su Tan actually kissed Marshmallow with a
smile under Hayden's eyes and kissed him, then said, "I do n't want to
eat, I have to take it home to collect family heirloom."

Instantly, Hayden took a deep breath and felt the blood boiling in his
heart, like disturbing all reason and calmness by a furry kitten claw.

He chuckled, not knowing what to do with the sultry Sutan. He could

only obey his own heart, and stood up, biting the last big red lipstick
on the marshmallow. Then, Su Tan was caught off guard and kissed
him by marshmallow.

The hot kiss was as hot as a stove, and the temperature between the
two people's lips and teeth entangled with each other. With the hot
and hot breath, the marshmallow was melted away almost instantly,
and the silky sugar was moistened. A sweet and sweet syrup was
formed in his mouth, and then he entered every inch of each other's
mouth in the entanglement.

Sweet, hot, honey-like wonderful taste, almost intoxicating.

Su Tan was even fainted by the burning temperature and the
increasingly tight breathing, only feeling that the senses around him
seemed to disappear completely, leaving only the gentle and delicate
touch in his heart for a long time Linger.

Suddenly, Su Tan opened his eyes, and slightly obsessed with dark
eyes looked at Hayden, and found that he was hanging a pair of quiet
and quiet eyes close to him. Although there were not many
expressions on his face, the gentleness and tenderness of his eyes It is

This gave Su Tan a little boost to his heart's excitement. He could not
bear the joy and kissed the other side fiercely. I wonder if it was like
fighting for the upper hand in the siege strategy, or was he just
wanting to proclaim his territory.

After a long time, Su Tan finally got rid of the haze of consciousness
and found that his cheeks were hot.

Hayden, who was just opposite him, had his eyes gently pecked at his
lips, thinking about it, and remembering with a smile: "Strawberry
flavor, praise."

Suddenly, Sutan's cheeks became hot and hot, thinking—

Big cousin is really ... sweet fried.

Returning from the food festival, Sutan packed up a lot of local

specialty foods in large bags and packed them with tables.
Seeing this scene, the robot Suning had to call Dr. Shu, who was next
door neighbor, to solve the food brought back by Su Tan.

Although it ca n't eat it ... but it 's fun to see Dr. Shu eat it!

Su Ning smiled for Shu Heng to bring in cool and refreshing fruit tea,
which he placed by his side, sitting beside himself, watching Shu
Heng eating food while stretching his woolen hair, not disappointing
a bit of boredom.

After the official signing of "Guilia Children's Story" with Sutan, the
magazine announced the good news on its official Weibo, which
immediately triggered a new wave of enthusiasm.

Both the media and readers have a great deal of interest.

Because the formal signing represents a guarantee of stable update,

the author of "Little Elf" Su Tan wants to formally enter the field of
children's literature, not just test the water for a ticket.

For readers who love him, some rejoice, and some can't help but feel a
little bit lamented, hoping that he can create more mature works to
appreciate, rather than just a children's literature work.


The latter's voice even swept up on the Internet, forming a growing

wave of momentum, which made readers who had previously fallen
in love with "Unlucky Amy" weak and discouraged and utterly
Moreover, a topic of "Please Su Tan see our voice" has quietly
increased on the Internet, and all of it is strongly supported by him to
create more and more mature works. Don't waste your talent on fairy
tales. .

This is clearly a prejudice and a deeply caring concern.

After all, as one of the most talented newcomer authors of Rosewood

recently, any Rosewood person would like to see him walk out of
Rosewood at an early date, and have a bright day in the interstellar
literary world.

And all of these need to come up with excellent works.

Su Tan understood the eager thoughts of netizens and couldn't bear to

hurt their hearts with cold words, so after thinking about it, he posted
a new Weibo on his Weibo.

"Su Tan: [A fairy tale is also a story for adults-to every one who grows

This topic jumped into the eyes of his netizens, and many people were
silently caught in silence.

Fairy tales are also written for adults?

With the years of trial and error, many people have been polished
down by the reality, lost their innocence, become sophisticated and
stubborn. This is reality, but many people are reluctant to reveal it.

In Sutan 's Weibo, gentle and calm language and words are like a
sharp knife, calmly and tenderly reveal the hard shells that adults are
most accustomed to disguising, reaching them with gentle but firm
words. Heart.

"Busy and tired you, how many nights have you not kept by your
child's bed to read a story for him?"

In Weibo, this bland question has poked the hearts of countless


If you think about it, many parents have complained many times that
their children are addicted to playing games or watching cartoons go
crazy, but they rarely spend time with them, let alone read a bedside
story together and watch the children with their own eyes. Smiley fell


Now, many silent parents are deeply introspected.

The words in Weibo, however, don't stop there. One by one, the
rhetorical questions are quiet and powerful.
"Sophisticated and slick you, ignore too many young moons, haven't
calmed down, read a fairy tale carefully, and have the courage to
regain the kindness and innocence hidden in your heart?"

Many netizens who saw this Weibo were shocked, and it seemed that
his words hit the soft underbelly in their hearts.

They tried their best to dissuade Su Tan from writing fairy tales,
mostly due to inner doubt and disbelief. Since entering the society,
those beautiful, kind and innocent fairy tales seem to have completely
left them. All that remains is **** reality lessons and step by step
experience with a swollen nose and a bruised face.

fairy tale?

In the eyes of many adults, it really reduced to something that was

estranged from the distance and never dared to touch it.

They were afraid ... their hard-hearted hearts that had been tempered
long ago were vulnerable to the fairy tale.

The brushstrokes from Su Tanjiu did not have any critical meaning,
but like a gentle and gentle stream, they elaborated their thoughts in
an orderly manner and led everyone to realize.

"This time, I want to write a fairy tale, not only for the children, but
also for you."
"The first book we came into contact with was a fairy tale. I hope you
can calm down and regain your trust and courage in this" Unlucky
Amy "and regain kindness and innocence."

"I will work hard to write this children's work, I hope you like it.-

A long Weibo, like a family book, whispered, it was sincere. There

were hardly any outright sensational words in it, but each sentence
was stamped just right on the human heart, making people
involuntarily fall into reflection with his words.

Until the end of the full Weibo, many of the people who had the
strongest previous voices could not help but remain silent for a while.

They were persuaded thoroughly and refuted.

Just like Sutan Weibo said, they have no courage to connect and open
a fairy tale. How can they face the eyes that children expect and the
disturbing reality?


All they need is to read carefully.

After the publication of Su Tan's Weibo, the "Roselia Children's Story"

magazine immediately retweeted it, and stood in a clear and
supportive manner, and strengthened him to the end.
Surprisingly, more than one has done so. Fergus, Chairman of the
Roselle Literature Committee, Bain, the principal of Roselle Middle
School, various local official media, and even many experts and
experts in Roseley's outstanding fields who he didn't know, silently
supported him by clicking forward. , To be his strongest backing.

Su Tan could not help but be moved.

After thanking everyone one by one, he worked hard and prepared to

reward everyone's trust and support with excellent works.

In this situation, the next month's issue of Rosewood Children's Story

is officially released.

This time, the "Children" magazine still did not take a huge publicity,
and directly printed the 30,000 volumes directly, and sold them to all
major sales points.

What's unexpected is that the magazine agency did n't use it, and all
the major sales points were moved by Sutan 's Weibo. They
spontaneously placed the new issue of "Children" magazine on the
newspaper shelf / bookcase / store. Position, take the initiative to
make silent publicity for this magazine.

Then, under the distress of the magazine and the attention of major
media, the first print of 30,000 copies of "Children" magazine was sold
out within three days.

All points of sale are out of stock!

Many readers who are late and late can't buy it everywhere.

"Children" magazine had a price for a while, and it became the hottest
topic at the moment.

Even among the children, they compared each other in class and said,
"Dad came home early from work at the latest, and read" Unlucky
Amy "for me. Dad is so stupid that it 's not interesting to say anything
[proud]! "

"Have you watched Amy's second chapter? Hahaha, I saw it! Grandpa
bought it for me throughout the city, it's great!"

"Games? Well, I ca n't beat the game. What's wrong with you? Do you
have the latest issue of Roses Children's Story at home?"

Such a climate and the silent change among children are obviously
welcomed by schools, parents and all walks of life.

A bedside story created an opportunity for children to communicate

with their parents, and to draw their attention completely out of their
addicted games. It is simply a multi-purpose and fun.

At the moment, "Roselia Children's Story" and "Unlucky Amy" are

completely out of steam.

The second publication of 20,000 volumes was still wiped out a short
time later. This time, there were many more adults among the readers.
The third additional print of 10,000 volumes will meet the needs of the
local readers of Rosewood.

It is the first time that overseas readers on Weibo have turned up the
sky. They are curious about this children 's story that has been written
for many days. They have urged the magazine to issue special
overseas magazines so that readers of foreign galaxies can also
appreciate .

This kind of development is in full swing, and it has greatly exceeded

everyone's expectations.

A locally produced and sold children's literature magazine for a third-

level agricultural planet, which sold and sold 60,000 copies in one
month, which is incredible in other galaxies.

As paper newspapers and journals are on the verge of decline, various

electronic journals, novel websites, literary information, and video
games have long since emerged. Instead, the scope of publishing of
paper newspapers and journals has been reduced. Only fiery military
magazines or celebrity pictorial girls seeking eyeball excitement have
room for survival.

The remaining paper-based publications were almost withered.

Therefore, when the news of the Rosewood Children's Story magazine

sold 60,000 copies in January through various channels, almost all
galaxies shook.

"60,000 volumes? Isn't there any water for data falsification?"

"It's absolutely impossible! Let alone a children's literature magazine.
Even the hottest entertainment and military publications, there are as
many of them as possible on a small planet."

"Suddenly curious, what exactly was the novel that drove the
magazine's sales with a children's story?"


Hot discussions on the Internet have immediately made the official

literature committee of Rosea see the opportunities and prospects.
With their strong support, almost money, people, things, and backups
were in place immediately. Within a few days, a complete and
standardized online electronic publication sales website was seen, and
it was officially sold to all the stars.

So for a while, reading and reading this magical novel has become a
pastime beyond the curiosity of countless interstellars. Countless
people flocked to the electronic publication website, and clicked to
open these two issues of "Unlucky Amy" and read them patiently.

With countless children 's bedsides and night lights, with the courage
and longing of countless adults to regain fairy tales, and with the
curiosity of the crowds watching from across the galaxy, the second
chapter, "Unlucky Amy" quietly pulled The curtain began.

In the first chapter, Amy, who was accidentally locked in the storage
room, turned around in surprise and found countless delicious food
on the cabinets and shelves. Now she forgot about the sadness that
was abandoned in the storage room and was happy. Rushed forward
and swelled in large chunks.

This way of writing undoubtedly made many children grin and

laugh, but Liang Jingjing's eyes were full of envy. I couldn't help
quietly asking the parents to read it again, detailing what Amy had
eaten Gourmet.

Parents were stunned by the soft and longing cry of their children.
They really raised their voices and described the pictures in the novel
in detail.

"The smoked roasted chicken drumsticks and sausages are hung on

the top of the shelf. The blackened appearance is not amazing, but it
exudes a strong aroma, like the smell of firewood and straw smoke,
creeping into Amy's nose. .Bite a bite, the rich and strong aroma
immediately enters the internal organs, and the salty taste makes
people want to stop. "

"... the fresh and delicious bread is soft and fat, piled in a basket,
covered with a tie-dyed flower cloth, and the bright and bright color is
slightly indistinct in the gradually dark sight, but it does not prevent
fresh baking The aroma of wheat poured into Amy's breath. "


"Every breath takes him back to the steaming and hot stove in the
manor's kitchen, and the hot bread just taken out of the stove always
fills the kitchen with aroma and must be let Mom put a big chunk into
his mouth, and Amy ran out happily. "
Large sections of gourmet descriptions, demure and pleasant, are full
of slow-paced, comfortable and quiet Guerlain country style, as if
here, the rhythm of life has been infinitely slowed down.

This soothing and serene style of writing made many adults fall into
it, involuntarily following the pictures and scenes outlined in the
novel, easing the pressure on the whole body and being washed away
by the mind.

The carefree small manor in which Amy is located makes many locals
of Rosewood can't help recalling her childhood, running in the vast
fields, and the rich wheat ears hang low beside him. Large fields of
relaxing and comfortable scenery are buried deep in memory.

At this point, it was completely excavated.

The memories of parents recalled that they could not help anxious the
children by the bed, and asked anxiously: "What's next?"

Along the plot of the novel, Amy, who was locked in a remote storage
room and immersed in the food world, didn't notice that the family
members had been crying anxiously to find him.

Even more, many villagers and their neighbors spontaneously held

the lights and joined them.

At this time, people only realized how anxious and worried they were
when they lost this little naughty guy who likes naughty.
Even the old George, who had always been the most severely
reprimanded by Amy, worriedly dragged the steps of his old age,
anxiously searching for Amy's trail.

And all this, Amy, locked tightly in the storeroom, was unaware. He
filled his belly beautifully, happily enjoyed countless rare foods, and
just felt extremely comfortable and happy.

Even in the darkened part of the storeroom, he was not in a hurry.

Amid the bright moonlight outside, Amy tried to climb up to the pile
of wine boxes at the door and peered down through the small top

After a while, I saw a small figure, staggering and holding a flashlight,

running towards himself.


Immediately, Amy was excited.

"Hey, here!" He yelled sharply, and immediately saw the little figure
slamming his feet, turning his head around in confusion.

Amy beckoned and used her voice to guide the person to the window.

Through the clear moonlight, the two can see each other clearly.
A boy with his head on his head trying to lie down on the floating
window, and a small robot with a round head and a round brain
standing outside the door, which looks almost indistinguishable from

Amy greeted enthusiastically, suddenly— "Wait!"

He quickly climbed down the ladder with his hands and feet flexibly,
hugged a large smoked chicken leg and returned to the window, and
said brightly, "Do you want to eat chicken legs?"

The story came to an end. As soon as the parents stopped talking, the
children couldn't wait to ask. "and then?"

Parents couldn't help being laughed at. "That's all. You should sleep."

Many children were caught up in bed, reluctantly, and closed their

eyes and went to sleep.

On the Internet and Weibo, a variety of post-reading comments came.

"South of Starfield: Good-looking. The country's natural and idyllic

style makes me feel very comfortable and relaxed. It is really a
effortless, soothing and relaxing novel."

"Little Fox's mother: My son keeps asking me, if he was lost, would I
look for him everywhere like Amy's mother? Silly child [laughs and
"Silver night: the lines are filled with a quiet and comfortable country
style. This is the memory of many adults at Rosewood. It reminds me
of the countryside and those carefree childhoods."

"Xiao Meng: Only me, do you think the last plot is unreasonable? The
robot obviously cannot eat! This is obviously a BUg!"

"South of Starfield: Upstairs, I think this is an interesting setting, and

you have fallen into the misunderstanding of the rational thinking of
adults. In the eyes of a child, how can there be nothing? Their wild
thinking is beyond yours Imagine. Besides, isn't it just right for small
robots to include tolerance and equality without special treatment? "

"Potato stew with potatoes: I find that the author really loves robots."


The last comment has aroused the likes of countless people. In the
literary competition, the retired old military robots in "Little Elf" are
still fresh in memory, and in this latest children's literature of Sutan, a
small robot appears in such an important scene of the second,
everyone. Unexpectedly, the role of the small robot must be very

So, Su Tan really loves robots?

"Guilia Morning News" recently reported this interesting speculation

on the Internet. Nortel ridiculed Su Tan's goodwill and officially
attracted attention to the hot sales of "Children" magazine.
The host spoke happily with the relevant situation and data:
"According to the latest statistics, the new issue of" Children
"magazine has sold 60,000 copies, and the online electronic version
has sold 7,623 copies overnight. Such a hot sales Let us congratulate
Children Magazine and thank the author Su Tan for bringing us such
an excellent work. "

Abba, the robot at the table, suddenly looked up and glorified,

proudly raising his small chest for his son.

Sutan couldn't help smiling.

The news continues to broadcast: "In the second chapter of" Unlucky
Amy ", the little robot who played only one side at the end caused a
huge debate. Many children are curious about this little robot. Adult
netizens are even more speculative The author has a true love for
robots, and especially prefers to describe this type of character in the
novel. "

As soon as the host's words landed on the television, Su Tan noticed

that the robot's father's face was hot and hot, and his face was moved.

Hayden, at the table, raised his eyebrows. "I want an appearance

character too."

After hearing what he said, Su Tan thought for a moment, and

suddenly chuckled, and asked sincerely and innocently: "The food-
controlling big stomach king Wang Bottomless dwells on Amy's
house, eats, drinks, and can't go: -D? "

Hayden: "..."
He smiled and calmly suggested: "It can be a fiance from a young


While Hayden was actively making suggestions for his new role in
"Unlucky Amy", Su Tan smiled slightly and bent his lips and
refused. .

"Fiance? The beauty you want."

Hayden also suggested: "You can also use green plums. The gentle
brother next door teaches you homework, and then you get closer."

Su Tan shook his head with a smile: "Impossible, Amy's young friend
Zhu Ma is obviously a small robot."

Hayden's voice was low and dumb, serious, and wicked: "I want to be
your father!"

The sitting robot Suning: !! !! !!

"Cough." It couldn't help but cough, and immediately interrupted the

heated dispute between Su Tan and his big cousin. Only two eyes
were still intently falling on each other's faces with hidden threats. .
Suning said unexpectedly: "Atan, if you assign a new role, don't forget
Dr. Shu."

Su Tan turned his head slightly in surprise, and saw Su Ning's smiling
eyes looking at herself.

Dad's explanation was very upright and bright. "The last Literary Star
Contest was Dr. Shu's first hearing about the competition and
encouraged you to participate."

The robot Suning said earnestly to Su Tan: "Repay Dr. Shu well."

Su Tan nodded.

When designing the plot below, naturally two people, Shu Heng and
Big Cousin, joined in. "Unlucky Amy" was originally a children's
novel. No matter how you add people, you don't have to worry about
destroying the overall structure of the novel.

But, how can this be added?

Dr. Shu is simple. He can star in a village doctor, the best friend of the
Amy family, and naturally appears in Amy's life.

And Hayden?

Thinking of the fiance that his big cousin urged to serve, Su Tan
suddenly couldn't help but get upset. He suddenly thought about a
good idea—
It happens that the novel's main character, Amy's, still lacks a long-
term worker, and her big cousin will definitely like it :).

"Unlucky Amy" sparked the enthusiasm of children's magazine sales,

and the rush of sales in a short time pushed the "Kelia Children's
Story" to the throne, becoming the deserved sales champion of the

The speed of this rapid uplift can't help making many magazines hot.
Among them, "Entertainment Express" is the most popular and
jealous of the market share seized by "Children".

Nowadays, "Children" has been placed in the middle and most

prominent position on the magazine racks of major sales points, and
other magazines have conceded.

But "Children", after all, has been around for too short a time, and has
little impact on readers and fans of "Starship World".

Although "Cover Girl", who has a bright cover on the cover, was
involved, "Cover Girl" quickly gave a response, and it cost a lot of
money to bring in a star-studded and pure female star to shoot a
large-scale Group swimsuit photos, immediately re-grasped a lot of
readers' hearts firmly.

Only the other one, "Yuwen Express", which was originally sold well,
was greatly affected. What's even worse is that they haven't had any
big and sensational news in the near future, which made the
Entertainment News Magazine want to do nothing with content.
Without news, they are unemployed.

"Entertainment News Express" magazine up and down, a heavy one.

The editor-in-chief of the magazine Arlot deliberately convened a
meeting to require all journalists, editors, and staff to attend the
meeting. One is indispensable.

On the eve of entering the conference hall, many people smelled the
omen of the future of the storm. They all calmed their faces and lost
the thoughts of chatting and chatting in the past. Each of them nodded
hurriedly to colleagues who were passing by. .

The wide and bright magazine conference room was crowded with
people for a while, but the editor-in-chief Arlo was late.

Offstage, there was a sniffing whisper quietly.

"How terrible is Children's Magazine?" A lagging staff member

whispered in surprise to a colleague next to her.

Hearing the other person's voice was pushed down strongly, he made
a figure with his hand, and quickly whispered, "Thirty percent of our
sales have been seized. What do you think?"

All of a sudden, the staff who had previously asked this question
opened their mouths in shock and looked shocked.
Thirty percent of sales are almost equivalent to one-fifth of their
monthly income in a magazine agency. No wonder the editor-in-chief
is so anxious.

In the middle of a whisper, the door of the conference room was

suddenly pushed open. A cold-faced middle-aged man hurried in and
sat down at the top of the conference table.

Immediately, there was no sound in the entire conference room, and

the voice of chat was automatically closed, and all eyes were fixed on
the man sitting at one end of the conference table.

This is the editor-in-chief Arlo, who is in charge of the decisive power

of the entertainment news magazine.

Arlo looked solemnly, his cold eyes glanced at everyone in the

conference room, and Shen Sheng said, "This month's sales are down,
I'm afraid everyone knows it."

His voice fell to the ground, but there was a quiet needle in the
conference room, and no one dared to look up to answer his words.


As editor-in-chief of Entertainment News Express, Arlo has led this

magazine through countless dangers and plights.

Some exposed the black-stained accused, others exposed the hidden

marriage and clamored outside for the purpose of being jumped off
by the parties and said that they would unite the entire entertainment
circle to block them, and there were moments when they were
discredited by other magazines to fight back to the ground.

Arlo has never been scared, and never before has he encountered such
an embarrassing and disgusting situation-

Their entertainment news magazine was grabbed market share by a

fairy tale journal.

And this is the other party's unconsciousness, without the slightest

setting and targeting, the consequences of the unexpected rise of
"Children" magazine.

With such an inexplicable feeling of defeat without war, how could

Arlo, the editor-in-chief of Entertainment News Express, be


He will not give up.

Arlo said directly, "Next, we have a tough battle to fight." The sales
battle has always been your life.

He swept over everyone's face of astonishment or heavy or

unconfident and doubtful, and suddenly asked by name: "Xiao Xue,
what about the superstar Mo Hong's news?"
The entertainment reporter Xiao Xue, who was sitting at the
conference table, was caught off guard by a sudden name, but he
didn't respond in a daze. He subconsciously responded to his
question and said, "I haven't got anything yet ... Follow me. For a
week, nothing unusual was found. "

This answer obviously made Arlo very dissatisfied, his eyebrows

tightened tightly.

He was so cold and stubborn that he made Xiao Xue's face flushed
and dumbfounded in a hurry, with his head down and guilty.

The editor-in-chief Arlo turned his attention to another middle-aged

man beside Xiao Xue. "What about the new star interview invitation,
who is scheduled for the next issue?"

The middle-aged man had a firm eye, and was clearly prepared and
prepared. He answered calmly and powerfully to the editor: "The
latest Miss Rose beauty pageant has been set, and she will come to our
exclusive interview tomorrow."

Arlo was only slightly satisfied, and his tight face was finally not so

He took a deep breath, and his frowning brows still refused to relax.
Shen Mei solemnly instructed: "Tomorrow first release the news and
tidbits of the interview on the Internet to create heat. Follow-up
follow-up, do not decrease the heat, keep firing To the official
publication. "

The middle-aged man nodded and took down.

Arlo looked at people in a conference room full of veterans who had
followed him for decades, as well as young and newcomers who had
joined them. The length of their stay in the magazine was different,
but at the moment they were all formed. Grasshopper on a rope.

He said in a deep voice: "Get up! Speed up and prepare separately. I

will see a sample of the new issue tomorrow. Next month, we must
get back the first!"

After the meeting, everyone hurriedly walked outwards to prepare

their own tasks. Only the editor-in-chief Arlo took a step back and left
a senior journalist Marin.

After everyone left, the editor-in-chief Arlo whispered: "Go and check
on the newcomer author Su Tan, I don't believe there is no news on

Marin knew it and nodded arrogantly to Arlo.

Although "Entertainment News Express" is an entertainment

magazine, at the beginning, this magazine started with paparazzi
secretly taking photos and was best at capturing the secret news and
breaking news of secretly photographed stars.

In their lens, there are no flawless stars, and there are no flawless
objects. As long as it is a person, there must be weaknesses and
weaknesses that can be exposed.
As a senior entertainment journalist, Marin certainly knows the truth,
but this time, the subject he stared at became a newcomer.

Su Tan didn't even realize that he had become the target of someone's
secret spying.

As usual, he focused on his own writing. "Unlucky Amy" developed

in an orderly and chaotic manner according to a predetermined
outline, and "Era of Domination of the Earth [Quick Wear]" has
sparked a new one in the campus world. Wave boom.

The protagonist Cheng Zhi of "Domination" began the daily routine of

the bad student Zou He, a variety of novel and interesting tricks that
made readers laugh.


"Soft cute dolphin: Cheng Xueba personally took the needle to wake
up the sleepy Zou, and laughed and cried."

"North Pole Meow: Memorizing the wrong text and shit? How could
there be such an evil punishment method? Hahahahaha, I like it!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Zou He, who can't remember the words,
was personally guarded by Cheng Xueba to use his body to draw
words a hundred times, and his shame is explosive. New skills have
been learned, and experiments will be performed on my friends

The novel and interesting one-on-one private teaching and tuning
method immediately ignited a great discussion enthusiasm among
readers. In particular, many students and teachers at school came here
to enjoy these novels with laughter.

For a while, topics such as "unlocking new teaching techniques",

"study counseling for Xueba", "study of slags being tuned" and so on
became popular on Weibo, which greatly attracted the attention of the
student group.

Under the Weibo of "Brushed braised meat every day", many new
readers swarmed in in an instant.

Su Tan smiled and launched the second topic in a timely manner.

"@ 天天 都 刷 烧 烧肉: What is the experience of eating in the school

cafeteria every day?"

As soon as this topic came out, the student party 's desire to vomit
was immediately exploded. Even if it was usually diving less
bubbling, it couldn't help being blasted out by this topic, and
uploaded photos of their school lunches.

"Kolabao: A seaweed soup with no seaweed, a bowl of dry rice and

cabbage stew is all our school's lunch. It is really hard for the school to
keep healthy for our body, great! "

"Xiaoxiao Muyu: Upstairs, I'm worse than you. Green lettuce salad
with cold bread and mashed potatoes. It's cold in the summer and it's
not hot. I almost thought I lived in the era of primitive people without
flames. ... "

"Di Meixing Juvenile: Our school [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]." The

picture is a large piece of seafood with delicious meat, and all kinds of
expensive and fatty fish, shrimp, crab, and shellfish are all placed in a
buffet style. Enjoy at the table.

Immediately after the picture was issued, a lot of people were


"Kolabao: Come upstairs! You have the ability to name it. Which
school are you from? I—I'm going to change school !!!"


Watching these happy and noisy topics reply, Su Tan couldn't help
bending his lips. Even many working parties have been aroused and
joined the topic one after another, exposing a variety of rich meals
from companies in various places in the comments.

There are directly invited five-star chefs to specialize in cooking, there

are also various snacks in the company cafeteria, and a variety of
exquisite lunches and endless tea rooms are always necessary coffee
and fruit refreshments, so many students Looking at the enthusiasm,
longing for the welfare of the company.

But in 12 hours, the hot topic in the school cafeteria quickly became
the Weibo homepage.
A large number of attentions flooded into the "sweet braised meat
every day" Weibo, and by the way, the data of the book "Domination
of the Earth Age [Quick Wear]" skyrocketed, the collection directly
exceeded 420,000, rose to 13th on the monthly list, and left the moon
"Wushuang" at the top of the list is getting closer.

This explosive growth in popularity has not only shocked the entire
Star Fiction Network, but has also shocked everyone in the Great God
Author Group.

"Invitation to the Moon: Flesh is too angry!"

"Qingshui Ruge: It feels like I'm witnessing the rise of a new great ****
[waiting for melon]."

"Qianqianqian: Hurry up and burst! While the situation is good, jump

to the top!"

Looking at these sincere encouragements, Su Tan was warm in his

heart, and he thanked him one by one and replied, "Okay, I am about
to make a change."

He made sure that everyone in the group shouted.

Qian Qianqian asked: "How is your list this week?" A good list is
absolutely crucial to the effect of the novel's rising income data. It
plays a key role.
Therefore, Qian Qianqian's words reminded Su Tan. As it happens
today, Su Tan logged in to the author's backstage and found that a
new email was received in the station's short message box.

"Notice of listing: This week your article was strongly promoted on

the homepage. There is no one of the best list! Please try your best to
update, how much can be, don't waste the list opportunity, come on!"

Su Tan took a breath, his eyes cleared. He took a deep breath, tried to
calm down the turbulent mood, returned to the communicator, and
saw everyone in the author group discussing the list and asking what
his list was.

He simply responded with two words, "Strong push."

After a while, the group was boiling.

Even for the authors of big gods, little gods, pink and red, there is
only one chance for a book to be promoted. The strong push list is the
list they most expect each time they write. Whether it is increasing
collections or doubling earnings, there are unparalleled strong driving

So when I heard Su Tan's novel was pushed, the author group became

"Money money money: the best list! Don't waste time chatting, hurry
up and code! Every minute in this week is calculated by Starcoin!"
"Yueyue: Although it's a little early, but the editor is really true to you,
don't disappoint, and work hard to update."

"Shuishui Ruge: Is this cute for the first time, can you? It's more and
less, don't keep the manuscript! Seize this opportunity, and the
income will increase by three or five times. No problem!"

Even the "Small Pit Master" who has been silently diving also bubbled
up. "Envy ... If only I could get the average hand speed, I would be
fine QAQ."

At last--

"Smoke scars: Come on."

Encouraged by the popular science, Su Tan just realized how rare this
list is.

He thanked everyone, turned off the communicator, got up and

moved for a few minutes, then sat back in front of the computer and
began to concentrate on the code.

Live up to a super good list, the only thing he can do is to explode and
explode. Su Tan had a firm mind and focused all his attention on the
computer screen. He fluently and quickly tapped large sections of
words on the keyboard.

The smooth plot almost poured out like a tap that opened the gate.
After more than two hours, he completed the first 4D update with
great ease, and directly reviewed it quickly, and sent it to the novel
online update.

At the same time, in the author's words, he said straightforwardly:

"Burst-how much you want to see, I will write."

The straightforward and powerful words immediately detonated his

book review area.

"Soft cute dolphin: Really? !!! Big, I want to see a hundred chapters!"

"Gentleman's sauce: 100 chapters is not enough, 10,000 chapters!"

"Kolabao: The author is big, will each chapter be as fat as this chapter?
Can't lower the standard [happy]."

"Dark Night Rose: I like such a bold author! [雷] [雷] [雷]"


Su Tan was too late to read the comments, and immediately invested
in the second round of code words. This time, his plot took a big step,
setting a small climax.

Under the guidance of Xue Ba Cheng Yan, the bad student Zou He's
performance improved significantly in a quiz, jumping 30 places,
becoming the top ten in the class.
This nearly rapid progress made all students and teachers
immediately doubtful and speculated that he was plagiarizing.

How could Zou He, who had a bad temper, snapped this plagiarized
hat? Immediately angered, I was too lazy to explain and prepared to
leave school.

But it was unexpected that at this stall where everyone scolded

accusations and betrayals, Cheng Wenyi, an outstanding student who
was always well-informed and knowledgeable, came forward
unexpectedly, pulled Zou He directly and strongly, and strode to the
school director. He asked for the school to apologize for unfounded

As soon as such a domineering move was written, not only was Su

Tan's heart full of arrogance, it also made many readers and fans

"Soft cute dolphin: second, check in!"

"Kolabao: Cheng Ye's domineering, his boyfriend is bursting."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: It's another 4D fat chapter. The author has
a real conscience, and obediently waits for the third change."

"Dark Night Rose: Throw Thunder support."

Three hours later, the third 4D character was officially refreshed in the
expectations and attention of readers.


Sitting at a computer desk, Su Tan wrote from the morning until the
dark, 7 hours of 30,000 words of dedicated code words, made him
exhausted, and his eyes became sour and dry.

He wasn't the author of hand speed, but his full attention allowed him
to focus on the code and diligently make up for hand speed.

At this time, night fell, and Su Tan stood up from the computer desk,
rested for a while and continued to fight.

Then, four more ... five more ... six more!

At two o'clock in the morning, Su Tan fully updated the 60,000-

character update before stopping. I had time to log in to the author's
backstage to see the comments.

"Gentleman's Sauce: 60,000 words! Blast!"

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: Give the hard-working one a big 101
points, and don't be afraid of you being proud of one more point."

"The ant hole under the Nanmu: I breathed a sigh of six chapters and
a big fat chapter after reading it, it was so cool! Big, a wave is coming
"Smoke scars: They look good and rest early."


Looking at the last comment with a distinctly different style of

painting, Su Tan couldn't help bending his lips, and felt that his big
cousin was very careful in chasing a text.

Great for an author who you do n't know, but also care about the
other person 's early break-

Alas, you need to train.

He shut down the webpage with a smile, ready to go out and rest. I
never thought that at this moment, a message came from the cell
phone communicator.

"Haiden: Haven't the lights off yet?"

Su Tan chuckled, and quickly replied: "Um." In the next sentence, he

was going to tell him that he was about to go to bed. I didn't expect
that the message from his big cousin would come one step ahead.

"Haiden: Exactly, I will go downstairs to tell you a bedtime story.

Which fairy tale do you like :)?"

Su Tan: "..."
Thinking of the filthy version of the "rabbit" that the two had talked
about before, Su Tan's exhausted spirit was overwhelmed.

"I'm asleep!" He said goodbye quickly, goodbye, and completely

dispelled the idea of his big cousin. "See you tomorrow."

This escaped the line faster than the rabbit, which made the loft
Shanghai Deng happily evoke the corners of his lips.

By the day he grabbed the tail of the "rabbit" ...

Hayden thought that he must "play" together.


"Entertainment News Express" specially sent a senior entertainment

reporter Marin waiting outside the courtyard of the Su family, waiting
for a sneak shot to capture the black material of Sutan.

Unexpectedly, on the first day of squatting, Marin stayed outside and

waited until two o'clock in the morning to see that the lights in Sutan's
room went out, but the person had not left the house all day.

Marlin, who has a long history, has long been experienced. He waited
for an hour more impatiently, seeing that the quiet and quiet Su
family did not make any noise, and after all the family fell asleep, they
carefully started the car and left.
In the early morning of the next day, Marin deliberately changed
another car and went back and forth to the vicinity of Su's house. He
chose a concealed and open-view location and continued to observe

However, on this day, Su Tan still did not go out, not even walking
downstairs in the courtyard.

Immediately, Marin had a little doubt. He kept on squatting quietly.

He used to take pictures of stars who had lived in the past more
briefly than Su Tan. Often, such people are careful and like to go out
under the cover of the middle of the night.

Therefore, Marin put up with patience, and waited until 1 a.m. and
Sutan's room went out before leaving work.

The third day was still in vain.

For three days, Sutan had not gone out. Had it not been for Marin
who had dug out the address of Su's home and the general
appearance of Su Tan from the dark line that he had bought, he would
have to suspect that he was squatting in the wrong place.

but now--

He found that Su Tan didn't go out, didn't go downstairs, didn't walk

around, he just had no friends at home.
In the early morning of the fourth day, Marin, a senior reporter who
went to the squat near Su's home early, endured the last patience and
waited for the whole morning. Through the high-precision telescope,
it can be clearly seen that Sutan's door is still closed. Out.

Only in the small garden full of flowers in the courtyard, a robot was
proudly watering flowers.

Marin thought for a moment, and decided to get dressed up and get
out of the car.


The robot Suning is busy watering and fertilizing in the small garden
in front of the door. The nearest weather is near the end of summer,
and the hot and scorching sun in the sky is still hot, so Suning
regularly waters it twice a day in the morning and evening. It is a
yard. Greenery flowers are particularly prosperous.

He was busy with his head down, and suddenly he heard a hello, and
then he looked up. I saw a strange man with a smile standing outside
the big iron gate.

Immediately, the robot Suning was a little surprised, stepped forward

and asked, "Hello, do you need any help?"

Marin's tone was kind and his big smile made people involuntarily
trust. He introduced: "I am an investigator of the Rosewood
Vegetation Conservation Association to investigate the growth of
summer vegetation in various regions."
He took out the document from the neat pocket of his suit and
showed it for a few seconds in front of the robot Suning, shaking
Suning with a dazzle, before taking it seriously, he took it back.

Marin smiled mildly. "Could you please answer a few questions with

Suning hasn't responded yet. "...?"

Its big head looked at Marin innocently and kindly, and Marin was a
little confused by the time.

Wouldn't it be silly?

Marin took a deep breath and smiled even more kindly. Seeing
Suning's watering scene in the garden several times in the past few
days, he started from his favorite topic: "I see that you have planted a
lot of plants in your home, and you like to plant flowers ?"

Suning nodded, "Yes."

Marin took out his notebook and made a careful record. He wrote a
few pens in his notebook and continued to laugh casually: "You can
see that you are taking good care of it. I don't know how many people
are in your family, usually Tough to take care of so many plants? "

The robot Suning answered earnestly: "It's easy, without effort."

Marin: "..."

"Then your family support you in planting flowers?" He asked again,

trying to guide the topic to Su Tan.

There was a smile on Sun Ning's face. "stand by!"

Hearing its concise and confident answer, Marin couldn't help but be
a little dumb, drew a few strokes on the book with a pen nib in his
hand, and finally decided to give up the circle, and asked directly: "I
do n't know if your family has What interests? "

Hearing that, the robot Suning thought about it seriously and replied,
"Weight loss."

The family is all skinny, which is too unqualified for the robust and
beautiful Rose.

Marin: "........."

He struggled to continue asking, "Can you let me in and take a picture

of the garden?"

Before he finished speaking, the ringtone of the communicator in the

room suddenly sounded, interrupting the conversation between the
two people, the robot Suning glanced at him with a regret, and turned
away quickly without any care.
Until he left, it didn't remember to let Marin step into the door of his
house, and he didn't notice how complicated the look on the face of
the "Melia Vegetation Conservation Investigator" was left behind. .


Suning ran into the living room, grabbed the masterpiece of the
ringtone, and pressed the connect button.

"Hey?" Before he even breathed, he suddenly heard a familiar voice

from the other end of the communicator.

"Who was you talking to just now?" Dr. Shu asked in a soft voice.

The robot Suning blinked for a moment, his eyes bent with a smile,
and answered frankly: "An investigator of the Vegetation Protection

Shu Heng at the communicator suddenly laughed softly, but the

gentle laughter sounded a lot easier than before. "Okay, I'm relieved."

He said kindly and temptingly, "Since Atan's novel is on fire,

traffickers who traffic in small robots are particularly numerous."

The robot Suning was taken aback. "!!!really?"

I wasn't expecting such a madness that even robots were trafficked.

It happened that Su Tan, who was downstairs, heard the conversation
between the two people, and suddenly felt that he had a heavy and
oversized pot on his back ==.

Shu Heng's tone was firm and he smiled gently, "Yes. So if there is a
strange stranger coming to talk to you, be sure to tell me, I will help
you solve it."

Su Ning immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and agreed

in a hurry, and sincerely thanked the communicator outside: "Dr. Shu,
you are so kind."

Sutan: ...

He poured a glass of cold water and poured himself into a shock,

watching his father and Dr. Shu talk happily, shaking his head and
laughing, and then turned to go upstairs again to start his own code
burst mode.

For three consecutive days, the 60,000-character Dafei Chapter was

exploded, and the comment area under Su Tanwen broke out

In the novel website, it is not that there is no diligent author, but there
is no such diligent author.

The daily update amount of 60,000 words is almost equal to the

update amount of many authors for a week, which shocked the entire
novel website.
"Reincarnation: Will the author's hand ... refer to it?"


"Anxia I: Crazy! I'm a fan!"

"Interstellar story and wine: Such a diligent writer must support it. I
hope that my beloved can also burst out every day like braised pork,
then my life will be complete."

Under the double burst of strong push and explosion, in a short time,
"Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]" quickly became a well-
deserved hot headline on the star novel website.

The data of this novel is growing at a speed almost visible to the

naked eye. Often, many readers refresh the webpage inadvertently,
and they suddenly find that the collection volume has surged sharply.

"Lying on the side of the road to eat sunflower seeds: Just refreshed a
bit, and within one minute, the" Domination "collection suddenly
increased by 300! Everyone tell me, is there something wrong with my

"Nine thousand years old: I also noticed that I almost thought I

remembered it wrong."

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: My friends online make a bubble and let
me see your hands ~"
"Kolabao: Waving the claws."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Hey ~"

"Anxia I: New powder, please be familiar."


On the fifth day of the list, the number of "Dominate" collections

increased by 100,000 a day, and completely broke through the 900,000
mark under the watchful eyes of everyone. There is only one step
away from the 10,000 collection of great works "Wushuang".

For a while, not only the fans of "Domination" looked forward with
enthusiasm, but the fans of "Warriors" suddenly felt a great sense of
threat, and they left comments in the article to discuss this matter
worryingly and discuss the author It takes a few more chapters to get
out of danger.

But the author of "Wushuang" Cat Demon is a lazy temper. In his own
text, he replied lazily, "You guess, I will lose by adding a chapter."

This sentiment suddenly burst into popularity.

Even when Su Tan watched it, he couldn't help but raise a smile, and
thought the other party was very interesting.
It has to be said that the style of the cat demon does not act according
to chapters has won the appetite of countless readers, and
immediately consolidated and drove a large number of fan traffic.


The confrontation between the two veteran gods and the newcomer
writers suddenly heated up, and your catching-up and rising
collection has become a major event of the star novel network. Even
many readers and writers who haven't seen these two novels have
come here in admiration, and have been circled by a diligent and rash

Such a benign situation is naturally enjoyed by fiction websites, and

even readers on both sides have no gunpowder smell, which is
harmonious and interesting.

The two authors themselves are even more unconcerned.

For the cat demon, since money can't seduce him to add more, then
other things are more unlikely to interfere with his own writing

And for Sutan--

He smiled and raised his lips, brushing a popular post on the author's
forum of the website, and saw that he must have been very annoyed,
and had to rack his brains to overwhelm the cat demon.
The high-rise buildings following this post have been approved by the
clan, as if they can represent the ideas in his heart.

Suddenly, Su Tan couldn't help but think, as long as he had enough

money to earn it, was it the first place?

His back-office revenue has already accumulated 4 million interstellar

coins. Among them, one is a share of the revenue to the website, and
he can get 2 million.

If you can take out these gains, you can buy as many cocoa
marshmallows as your big cousin!

In the last two days of the strong push list, Su Tan still kept his
explosive situation in an orderly manner. In the cheers of the readers,
he insisted on updating the 60,000-character Dafei Chapter to the
end. .

At the same time, because of staying up late for several days and
sitting long, Su Tan felt more and more exhausted, like a long-distance
traveler, physically and mentally exhausted, struggling to maintain
his state by holding his breath.

As a result, he was getting less and less when he left the room, and for
a little while, he clenched his eyes in the room and rested for a while.

This allowed Shen to stay in a simplified state, and let Marin, a

reporter for Entertainment News Express, squatting outside Su's door,
finally be unable to bear the silence. Seeing that the time for the next
issue of "Entertainment News Express" is getting closer and closer,
leaving him less time to discover the hidden news in Sutan, it is
simply impossible to catch a long line like the star black material
before. fish.


What he lacks most now is time.

After answering the urging phone call from the editor-in-chief of the
magazine, Marin clenched his fists and drew his heart down. He
made up his mind and prepared to leave Su's silent and strange main
place for the time being and take the initiative to attack the
surrounding people. Start, search for any history and rumors of Sutan.

As long as he can find one, he can deal with the editor of Arlo.

Yu Ji Marin disguised himself again, thinking that he had been to

Sutan's house last time and had a conversation with the robot Suning,
and if he went there again, it would be easy to expose his feet.

Therefore, Marin simply used the excuse previously used to

"investigate the growth and protection of Gulia's vegetation," and in
turn heard from the neighbors around the Su family.

On the first stop, I found the closest neighbor next to the Su family,
the Shu Heng family.

According to Marin's expectation, the family lived closest to the Sutan

family, only separated by a fence and a garden. Presumably, they
knew the situation of the Su family clearly. Starting from here, a
breakthrough was bound to be found.
He knocked on the door of Shu Heng's house with confidence, and
unexpectedly saw a gentle and elegant man with rimmed glasses
opening the door.

Through several consecutive squatting points and inquiries, Marin has

already figured out the identity of the other party. From the mouth of
several passersby neighbors, he learned that this is a good doctor with
a spleen temperature and good people. He needs to know the news
from his mouth, and thinks it will be more talkative.

Right now, Marin's face was full of smiles, and his attitude was so
harmonious that people felt like a spring breeze. "Hello, I'm an
investigator of the Rosewood Vegetation Conservation Association.
Can you please help me with a related questionnaire?"

After hearing his self-introduction, Shu Heng raised his eyebrows,

and the light-colored eyes behind the gold-rimmed glasses frowned
slightly, showing a mild and friendly smile in a very cooperative
manner, and nodded in agreement: "OK, come in."


As soon as his voice fell, Marin's heart relaxed greatly, and he couldn't
help but sigh in secret.

Sure enough, Dr. Shu was a good-natured man.

Marin entered the door of the Shu family with confidence and quickly
preset a few questions confidently in his heart. Among them, there
were many pitfalls of speech, and almost all of them could detect and
hear the secrets of the Su family.

After waiting for a mild attitude of Shu Heng to bring him a cup of
hot tea, Marin cheered up, raised his body and thanked him for taking
it, took a sip, and the hot tea soup relieved his physical and mental

Marin was now full-faced.


Looking at the dumb Marin, Shu Heng took his time, and his slender
fingers snapped the document on the table, while holding a tea cup,
he sipped comfortably With steaming tea inside.

Although it is a cup of tea, it is full of fragrant, fragrant aroma, tender

green tea leaves stretched in the turquoise tea water, showing a good-
looking posture.

This packet of tea was delivered by Suning.

Thinking of the simple and interesting figure next door, Shu Heng felt
tender for a moment.

Putting down the tea cup, facing the guise of "investigation" in front of
him, the strange man approaching the Su family with a ghost in his
heart, Shu Wenhe's eyes gradually rose into a cold look.
At the sight of Marin, his heart was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan,
and his forehead sweated.

He pressed down the tension in his heart, and spoke calmly and
persuadedly, "Dr. Shu, you are a smart man. I wonder if there is a
business that you want to hear from me?"

Wen Yan, Shu Heng raised his eyebrows and looked at him far away.

This act of refusal didn't make Marin's heart settle a lot. He took a
deep breath and quickly expressed his calculations in one go.

In order to show sincerity, he happily took the lead in presenting his

true purpose.

"I am a private reporter. After learning that the new author Su Tan
won the championship in the Rose of Stars Literature, I was curious
about this rising teenager and wanted to learn more about his growth
experience and Reality. "Marin said sternly, while looking straight at
Shu Heng," this is what many readers want to know. "

This sounding reason, however, did not convince Shu Heng. On the
contrary, he saw a smile, and his quiet eyes were still sharply looking
at Marin, "So, you follow and peek at Su's house?"

No matter how whitewashed, this is also illegal.

Of course, Marin knew that after Dr. Shu had pierced this layer of veil,
he admitted it frankly. "I did something wrong."
"However, we can cooperate." Marin glanced at Shu Heng and slowly
stated his ultimate purpose. "I pay, and hope to learn more and more
truthful information from your mouth."

Looking at Shu Heng, Marin was so confident that he even took out a
blank check and let him ask for a price.

He already had 70% to 80% certainty in his heart.

Because according to previous experience, observant and intelligent

people like Shu Heng, find themselves, nothing more than to use this
as a threat to get a lot of money. Who cares about neighbors who have
no kinship?

As long as the money is in place, everything is fine.

Marin looked at Shu Heng with a clear eye, without any worries that
the other party would not agree to this condition. He was already
quietly thinking about the question that he would need to prove to
Shu Heng later.

Unexpectedly, after a few minutes of silence, Shu Heng suddenly

chuckled unexpectedly.

"Your conditions are tempting." After the glasses of Phnom Penh, Shu
Heng's eyes were warm and secure.
"However, I'm afraid we don't have much time for conversation." He
lowered his head casually and glanced at the watch, speaking with a

This inexplicable remark was quite strange, which made Marin feel a
little stunned for a moment, and frowned involuntarily.

Shu Heng said easily: "One minute left, the staff of the Security
Agency is coming."

As soon as the words fell, Marin's look suddenly changed, and he

never expected that the other party would be so ruthless. Most of the
time he saw his identity, and he called the police when he poured hot
tea for himself in the kitchen.

The speed of the police at the Guilia Police Department has always
been strict, and it will not exceed ten minutes.

The Dr. Shu deliberately and patiently talked to himself for so long,
but in order to delay time.

Immediately, the nerves on Marin's entire body suddenly tightened,

the sweat from the forehead was too late to wipe, and the feelings of
the five senses suddenly magnified countless times, as if the sirens
from far and near were heard.

At the moment, he was angry, his eyes were like a sharp knife, and he
scraped Shu Heng, who was still sitting on the armrest seat calmly. He
would no longer care about any sophistry and confusion, and rushed
The streets are as quiet and peaceful as when they first arrived. This is
the most ordinary town in Rosewood. The gardens of every family are
full of flowers and trees, and the air is filled with a sense of leisure
and safety.

At this moment, Marin had no trace of appreciation, and even his eyes
were stunned and he did not glance at both sides, rushing out of Dr.
Shu's house in a panic.

There was a warning sound near the end of the street, and the nerves
in his body were tense and frightened.

Marin had a headache, and racked his brains to quickly calculate the
follow-up and possible results, rushing straight to himself in a car not
far from Sutan's home.

As long as he can escape from this place and not be caught by the
scene, he has methods and lawyers to help him elute the crime.

What's more, he is backed by Entertainment News Magazine.

Investigating a reporter belonging to Entertainment News Express
without any reason, the magazine agency was able to thoroughly
make a fool of the police department's reputation.


But if caught--
Marin sank in his heart, knowing that if the people got everything, the
editor Arlo could not save him.

In a moment, he almost took out the speed of sprinting, his eyes were
hot, and he bit his back alveolar and rushed to his parking place.

There were only a few sparse pedestrians on the street, and on the
road in front of which he escaped, there was only a tall man with a
bag walking comfortably, which was obviously not nosy.

As for the increasingly louder siren sounding behind him, Marin

estimated the distance, and it was expected that the other party would
have at least half a street to drive over.

As long as he crosses the road from the entrance of Sutan's house and
reaches the other side, he can escape completely by car, and Marin's
clenched heart can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

This is really ... too embarrassing!

He is a veteran entertainer, when is it like being stunned like a dog

right now?

Marin's heart was simmering, and his anger was mixed with angry
anger. Seeing the door of Sutan's house close at hand, the anger could
not converge, and he spit out, and rushed to the half-covered place.
Tiemen kicked him hard.


For a moment, Marin was so relieved at the bottom of his heart that he
ignored the pain on his feet and turned to run away easily.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned his head, he suddenly saw a tall,

long man standing coldly behind him.

Marin froze, his face darkened, and his unseen anger and anger could
not be masked in his gloomy eyes. He stared angrily at the other side,
and wanted to leave the strange man.

Unexpectedly, before his feet had time to take a step, he was suddenly
taken off and flew straight across half the road, hitting him **** the
side of the road.

There was a loud bang, and Marin's eyes were dark and his body was
in great pain. He felt that his bones had to be dismantled, and all the
internal organs and internal organs of the body had been moved, and
he had no strength to lift his fingers.

Suddenly, his eyes turned black, his vision was blurred by pain, and
he saw a tall, long figure walking towards him unhurriedly.

Marin gritted his teeth, stared angrily at the man, and couldn't help
cursing: "You have a problem!"
Big cousin Hayden stared at him without fear, watching him
struggling in front of his eyes, trying to get up with his arms several
times, and entering the compartment, but he could not reach the
bottom with weak limbs.

He said quietly, "Oh, who told you to bully our door."

Hearing this sentence, Marin startled: "You ..."

Where did this person come from?

After squatting for seven days, he had never seen this person go in
and out of the Su family! Just like that Sutan is really the owner of the
family squatting!

Hearing the sirens, a police car drove forward, Hayden waved and
beckoned, "Police officer, there is a troublesome incident."

The police car heard the sound and came to a halt.

Suddenly, Marin looked desperate.

Hayden calmly watched Shu Heng hand over a forged document and
a recording of the purchase to the police, and then the middle-aged
man with a shameful face was carried on a stretcher and taken away,
and his deep eyes looked calmly.
Shu Heng was in a good mood, watching the police car leaving with
him gently, and said to him, "We always have special means to protect
the people we like."

This sentence, without pointing, seems to explain the reason for his
involvement in Marin.

Naturally, he didn't open his mouth.

The "big cousin" of the Su family appeared here at such an opportune

moment that he luckily ran into Marin, who fled in desperate ways. I
don't know how much luck there is, and how much preparation he

Even when Shu Heng had just asked Marin to step into his house and
pour hot tea in the kitchen, he saw Hayden coming out neatly from
Su's house through the outward window of the kitchen and unloaded
the car parked on the side of the road. The car's engine, then calmly
raised his eyes, looked at himself from a distance, and stepped away.

Therefore, Shu Heng was able to chat with Marin quietly, revealing
his true colors step by step, informing him of the upcoming news of
the Security Agency, forcing him to run away, and then hit the other
link in a ring, and received the most Bad punishment.

This means and design, tacit cooperation between the two men,
completed a counterattack.

What both people do is to protect their loved ones for a common

The police car disappeared into the field of vision, Dr. Shu breathed a
sigh of relief, looked sideways at Hayden, and the mild eyes behind
the rimmed glasses brought a slight scrutiny and concern.

"Atan's fame is getting bigger and bigger. I'm afraid there will only be
a lot of similar things in the future. Can you protect him?"

Hayden said nothing, his deep eyes calmly looked back at him.

Shu Wenwen smiled and waved his hands, but did not see any
irritation and provocation, but bent his lips, and Wen Sheng
suggested: "We are all family members, and if we have any
difficulties, I will do my best to help."

Hayden: ... I will call your dad after that?


Outside the Su family, Shu Heng and Hayden reached a consensus

and shared their experiences with each other before entering the Su

At this moment, the robot Suning was busy making pickles by the
shady pool in the back garden.

The hot summer was about to pass. It exchanged delicious pickled

vegetable recipes from its neighbors, pulled out a bunch of freshly
grown vegetables from its own home, and prepared for the
experiment. It was busy and hot by the shade of the pool for hours.
Find out what happened outside the door.

Until the two large jars were full of pickles, covered with lids and
pressed on stones, Suning entered the house with a large basket of
fresh vegetables, and was surprised to see that Shu Heng was
standing in his own kitchen. Here, the action is naturally preparing

Immediately, it stopped. "Dr. Shu, why are you here?"

The robot Suning tried hard to think back and was convinced that it
did not invite Dr. Shu to come today. Otherwise, the hot tea has been
cooked for a long time.

Shu Heng calmly adjusted the heat of the stew on the stove, smiling
gently at Suning, who was standing at the door of the kitchen with a

Just listen, Hayden, who passed by behind them, explained plainly:

"Dr. Shu was invited by me."

He raised his eyes and Shu Heng looked at each other in a tacit
manner, and nodded briefly to Suning, holding the water glass

Instead, Suning left: "Oh! That's it."

Shu Wenwen smiled, raised his spoon, and beckoned to it: "Come and
see how my soup is doing?"
The gentle tone sounded like a fox in sheep's clothing.

Hayden, who came upstairs with a water glass, stopped when he

reached the door of Sutan. He raised his hand and knocked on the
door, and saw a messy head popping up. Sutan's face was obvious.
Hasty and tired.

"Something? Can you wait a moment, I'm a bit busy."

Hayden glanced at him, his gaze glanced past the blue under his eyes,
and said quietly, "Drink this glass of water."

Su Tan was a little dumb, took the water cup in his hand, and found
that the glass of water was just the right temperature, and the light
and warm water flowing through his throat made him feel
uncomfortably comfortable.

Drinking in one breath, the fatigue was cleared a bit.

Under the attention of his big cousin, he drank it cleanly and thanked
him sincerely: "Thank you."

The big cousin took the empty glass and stood outside the door, still
motionless, watching his silent eyes with deep concern.

Suddenly, Su Tan was moved by his small but heart-warming gesture.

He thought about it, suddenly raised his hands with a slight smile,
put it in his heart, and said to his big cousin: "Beyond the heart ~"

Hayden froze, and before he could react, he saw the furry head
waving and waving goodbye, and the door closed suddenly.


Unhappy-didn't watch enough.

Returning to the room, Su Tan gently rubbed his painful wrist and
fingertips, and returned to the computer.

In the past week, in order to make his novels appear on the top page,
he has updated 60,000 words every day, making readers under the
article extremely enjoyable.

Behind the scenes, however, it was a huge loss of mind. Because of

staying up late and tired, all of them began to faintly strike.

Su Tan took a deep breath, rubbed his wrist, and continued to fight.
Today's task has only 10,000 words left, and it is the last period of the
list. He decided to take this opportunity to make it to the end.

With his efforts, the campus world in the "Era of Domination of the
Earth [Quick Wear]" is coming to an end. Zou He, a well-known
gangster and bad student in the old school, was sent out by his family
after the end of the senior year, and Xueba Cheng Yan, as everyone
expected, was admitted to the best university in China, and began his
perfect career as a school hegemony.
The staggered high school of two people seemed to be corrected by
life into two parallel lines that they didn't want to intersect, each
gradually drifting away.

Until one year later, Cheng Ye took a well-paid tutoring part-time job,
came to the villa where he agreed to teach, and suddenly saw—

"Come, give me one!"

Cheng Yan couldn't help laughing.

"The campus world, it's over."

When the pages of the book slipped down and the words appeared in
sight, many readers' hearts were closely mentioned, and they could
not tell what it was like.

"Soft cute dolphin: Big, why stop here? I want to see the follow-up!"

"Kolabao: Agree upstairs 1, didn't see enough, please ask for more,
add more."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Why did I finally feel a sense of loss, as if
falling in love, hemp! The author is big, you return my tears!"

All kinds of comments can't help but make people laugh. However,
Su Tan felt that the end of this small world just stopped at the right
place. One more point was too greasy, and the circle of the story was
missing and it was not complete, so it feels better no more, no less.

He seriously replied to some comments and asked in his post: "What

do you want to see in the next world?"


Immediately, this question aroused readers' desire to comment, and

they rushed to Zhanlou to reply.

"Soft cute dolphin: delicious food! Eat all over the world!"

"Mavericks: Work? Cheng Cheng, wearing a straight suit, wearing

gold-rimmed glasses, is sitting at the negotiating table-it feels good.

"Dark Night Rose: Anything, I will eat it if you write."

Various and varied answers came out one after another, and some
even wanted to look at the ancient earth 's military look and waved to
and fro from the top floor.

He thought about it, and within the last ten thousand words of today,
he opened a new door to the world-the orcs.
The orcs are based on the mighty force and the humanoid and beast
shape switching freely, but the world of life is anciently similar to the
era of slave society clan tribe.

This is unimaginable in a highly developed interstellar space.

Here, the interstellar relationship no longer exists, let alone imagine

that the weak sub-orcs can only depend on the class society where the
orcs survive.

Su Tan resolutely wrote that if such an orc world with great contrast
to reality is written, it will certainly cause great debate and attention.

And the protagonist Cheng Yi in his novel just happened to be a weak

Asian orc. As soon as he entered this world, he suddenly found that
he was a slave, a warmer, and a companion to Xinghui, the most
powerful orc warrior in the tribe. And two little tiger beasts.

At that moment, his heart was broken.

Looking at the baby who is waiting to be fed for milk, what can he do,
he is also desperate for QAQ ...

Large and large plots pour out from under the fingers, Su Tan's
thoughts are smooth, and he quickly and completely plots the plot
outlined in his mind. By the end of the first chapter of the orc world,
he has already written 12,000. I word.

Su Tan slightly modified it and posted it to the novel website,

completing the last update of the list this week.
Display time on the computer, it's already ten o'clock in the evening,
he missed dinner perfectly, and these days, in order not to disturb his
full code, the robot dad also thoughtfully keeps delicious warm food
on the stove. Waiting for when he is busy before going down to


Su Tan apologized for his father's concern, and was about to get up
and go downstairs. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stood up and moved
a little, Su Ma's legs almost lost strength and fell.

Suddenly, Su Tan hurriedly supported the back of the seat before he

could barely stabilize his body. His feet were already in pain like
acupuncture, reminding him that he had been sitting for too long.

For a moment, he couldn't help bending his lip with a bitter smile,
knowing that after this update broke out, he would take a good rest.

Simply, the gains from this week's outbreak are huge. The number of
"Balance" collections has soared to 1.2 million, which is
indistinguishable from "Wushuang", and his novel income has greatly

On the seventh day, "Domination" counterattacked the last place on

the homepage gold list and shocked many people.
The homepage gold list is the most valuable list of Fanxing Novel. It
represents the ranking of the best-selling novels on the website. It only
has ten positions, but it has great appeal to countless authors.

All the works on the list are the works of great gods. Rarely can we
see newcomers and new books counterattack.

However, "Controlling the hegemony" is a pure newcomer and new

book, which can rely on strength and diligence to counterattack the
gold list, now makes many people envy and feel inspirational.

Even the author forum has deliberately opened discussion posts.

"1L: Seeing this article grow up with my own eyes, inspirational."

"2L: This article is on the homepage push list. How many times the list
has doubled and added, I need not say, everyone understands."

"3L: Upstairs, without mentioning the list, the amount of author's

braised pork updates is beyond our reach. There is always a reason
for success."

"4L: Suddenly we feel that our newcomer has hope again ..."

"5L: It 's easy to keep on the list, and you can stay a few days while
watching" Dominate "."

All kinds of analysis are quite reasonable, and Su Tan also knew that
he was purely a coincidence this time. The double attention brought
by the strong push list and the large-scale explosion has caused an
explosive effect and attracted many admired readers to look at the
text. Therefore, his overall collection of texts is not more than that of
the gold list. It was unexpectedly high.

The next list may not have such a good effect.


Su Tan holding the back of the chair, while experiencing the feeling of
numbness in her legs, she thought with imagination that it was
enough to have a small amount of money. She could buy a bag for his
dad and give pocket money to his big cousin.

And Dr. Shu, let Abba decide what gifts to buy.

Su Tan was about to shut down the webpage and rest. I didn't expect
to scan the comment area at last and found that my book review area
was bombed by a large landmine array.

"Soft adorable deep dolphin: It's great, hard work, more than the heart
[deep sea torpedo]."

"Kolabao: Hugging big, these days are too addictive and too flaming
[deep sea torpedo]."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: So diligent, push! [Deep sea torpedo]"

"Gentleman Sauce: Well, line up with me downstairs, than V [Deep
Sea Torpedo]."

"Dark Rose: V. [Deep Sea Torpedo]"


"Smoke scar: Are you happy? [Deep sea torpedo * 10000]"

Looking at the neat and spontaneous mine-throwing encouragement

of many readers, Su Tan could not help but feel suddenly warmed up
in his heart, and heated up in his eyes.

He was poked at the soft bottom of the center, and moved his corners
of his lips. Looking at the last 10,000 deep-water torpedoes, I couldn't
help but chuckled and said silently, "Prodigal."


How to do? I like it very much. Do you have to give a big big one


But before the next day, Su Tan, who was shutting down her
computer and preparing to go downstairs, suddenly encountered
Hayden in the corridor.
At this point, his legs were still sore, and rubbing his legs, he walked
downstairs with difficulty. When I went down the stairs, I couldn't
help holding my heart up. Each step was painful like walking on the
tip of a knife. It was the bitter fruit of sitting and staying up all night
for a week.

Unexpectedly, he met his big cousin in the corridor. Afterwards,

Hayden didn't say a word in silence, warm arms hugged him directly,
and stepped back to his room calmly.

Su Tan could not help but blink for a moment.

It wasn't until Suddenly placed on the small bed by his opponent that
his slender and powerful fingers bowed his leg easily, and Su Tan
reacted unexpectedly.

"... Ah!" He stopped in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, the big cousin moved quickly and easily. He quickly

rolled his trouser legs to his thighs, and then hit him on the **** in
Sutan across the clothes.

"Don't make a noise." His deep voice was full of magnetism, and he
could not help moving his ears slightly.

Sutan blushed inexplicably.

But after feeling the sound of opening the bottle, a pair of hot palms
rubbed the medicinal oil, touched his leg, and massaged him

In a short time, Su Tan was a moment, and suddenly felt a gentle and
scented action, little by little, soothing the hemp on his legs.

He rolled his head, and quietly lay on the bed obediently, holding his
arm back and seeing the tender look of his big cousin's eyes, soft in his
heart, suddenly reached out and touched the opponent's head.

Hayden's actions made him look up and look at him. The dark eyes
were smiling and joking, and said calmly, "The man's head cannot be

Su Tan wondered, "Why?"

Hayden chuckled, and raised his lips: "You must marry and go home."

Su Tan laughed abruptly, thinking about it, and shouted frankly:



After the care of his big cousin, Su Tan slept well all night and never
noticed what happened to Marin. It wasn't until the next morning that
he saw TV news at the dining table.
"Guilia reported in the morning: It was reported that a private privacy
case was captured yesterday. A reporter from a well-known
entertainment news magazine, Ma Moumou, illegally photographed
equipment and forged documents against the new writers" Little Elf
"and" Unlucky Amy " 》 The creator's address was monitored for
sneak shots. He was spotted by the neighbor when he came to the
neighbour's home to detect the news, and the report was arrested. The
case is currently being processed. "

On the camera, the scenery around Sutan's house was swept away,
and he looked at the captured Marin. At the same time, a few people
were at the table.

Sutan :? ? ?

Robot Suning: "I know this person! He ... isn't he an investigator of the
Vegetation Conservation Association? Wrong, a trafficker?" But on
TV, he became a candid reporter for a magazine agency that was
arrested and jailed?

His head suddenly became stuck and fell into confusion, and he
turned to Dr. Shu subconsciously and asked him for help.

With a gentle smile, Shu Heng summed up quietly: "I told you that
people outside are separated by belly, and there are too many bad

At the beginning of the time, the robot Suning couldn't help feeling
good, and followed Dr. Shu's words and nodded his head with
Sutan: ...

He turned to look at the cousin who was having a good meal and
asked, "What happened?"

Hayden was dining with a knife and fork, enjoying an elegant layer of

The soft crust is burnt golden-yellow, thin and small, rounded and
layered. In the middle of each layer is filled with blueberry sauce, and
the top layer is topped with local specialty honey.

Large pieces of flesh, rich jam, and fresh and delicious cookies, each
bite is sweet to the heart, which can not help but love.

Hayden calmly, when he heard Su Tan's questioning, he easily replied

in a soft tone: "Did you say them? Haven't you already met?"

Su Tan: "......... I didn't ask this." He didn't know if he should laugh

and cry, but he was still happy. He looked at his father who had made
a big red face with the words of his big cousin, and ran away with his
hot and hot face , Can not help but grin with a lip and cough, bringing
the problem back to the focus of his attention.

"What happened to that reporter in TV news?" Su Tan looked at the

screen news room. A host and a legal expert were discussing the
applicable legal provisions and sentencing, but the doubts in his heart
were undiminished.
Why did you suddenly get caught up by an entertainment magazine
and arranged a paparazzi reporter to take a picture near his home?
How could that reporter be arrested while inquiring about the
neighbors around him?

The mysteries followed one after another, leaving a heavy mist in his

Hayden was calm and quiet. He thought about it and said with a
smile, "Maybe he is not very lucky."

Unfortunately, I met myself and Dr. Shu.


Su Tan is inexplicably confused, and I don't know how big a stir this
incident caused.

At this time, the inside of the magazine "Entertainment Express",

which saw the news on the other side, was cold and the atmosphere
was extremely bad.

The editor-in-chief of "Entertainment Express" Arlo suddenly turned

off the TV with a slamming of his brows, his face full of gloom.

The assistant stood aside, silently snoring silently, and did not dare to
offend the editor at the mold.
Arlo exhaled with a cold, hard face, and said in a deep voice, "How is
Marin now? Did the lawyer see him?"

Right now, the most important thing is to seal the mouth of the
captured journalist Marin. He should not be allowed to say anything
he shouldn't say in front of the police, and put a black layer on himself
and the magazine.

Hearing his questioning, the assistant nodded immediately. As soon

as he learned that Marin was arrested, the magazine agency
immediately launched an emergency plan, and sent a strong lawyer to
go forward in the name of Marin's personal lawyer. The Police
Agency asked about the situation and applied for a meeting.

These routines have always been familiar.

However, all of the contents of Entertainment News Express did not

expect that this time, the sound of Marin spying on the newcomer
writer Su Tan passed out, which caused huge criticism and resistance
from top to bottom.

Down to ordinary readers, netizens and residents of Rosewood, they

hate such behaviors, and feel that this has deeply disturbed the
growth of the authors with the most potential in their minds, and
must not tolerate laissez-faire.

The voices of netizens' opposition were particularly violent, and once

caught off guard, the dark history of the past sneak shot of the star
**** scandal of "Entertainment News Express" was once again brought
to light, and the scorn and disgust were heavy for a while.
And on the other side--

The assistant spoke in a heavy and difficult mood, his low voice
seemed to be blocked by a heavy rock, extremely heavy and hard.
"Just now, the Rosewood Literary Committee called a telephone call,
severely condemned our behavior, and ordered us to take
precautions, so as not to disturb the writer's creation and real life."


Although it was only a verbal warning phone call, such a harsh tone
obviously clearly showed the other party's attitude.

"Entertainment News Express" from the top to the bottom, is


As a result, Arlo, the editor-in-chief of the battle-fighting, was

somewhat unbearable.

His table even contains a copy of the previous issue of Rosewood

Children's Story, a humble cover drawing, a superficial and thin print,
and an easy-to-understand children's story. What magic has attracted
society? All walks of life, from top to bottom?

Arlo was dull, staring at the thin little children's publication with an
ugly expression, remembering the sudden phone call of boss, the
supreme power boss of the magazine late last night, and he couldn't
help feeling heavy.
He calmly commanded: "Call the editorial department and the
propaganda department at once and make a comprehensive revision."

The assistant couldn't see through his thoughts and asked carefully:
"You mean--"

Just listening, Arlo laughed with a mocking laugh, and opened the
"Children's Story of Gulia" casually, his eyes fell on the name of Su
Tan on the title page.

"To this day, we can only overthrow our ideas and promote them

As soon as this word came out, his assistant looked blank in a


"Entertainment News Express" has always been known for exposing

celebrity scandals. A few decades ago, senior journalists who had
been smart and capable had been able to obtain the first scandal
information of many celebrities through sneak shots, squatting
positions, and proximity. Exposure on the Internet has won the
attention of many netizens.

Therefore, this entertainment-oriented magazine came into being.

However, with the development of these years, the editor-in-chief of
the magazine Arlo has been committed to whitewashing the
magazine, from a single vicious exposure of star scandal scandal, and
gradually turned to the formal entertainment news platform
development channels.
Decades of hard work have yielded great results, and even many
newly popular stars have eliminated the jealousy and preparedness
for the Entertainment News Express and began to be willing to accept
interviews and positive exposure from this magazine.

This is undoubtedly a good start for the development prospects of


However, this incident in Marin almost put an end to their efforts in

previous years.

As the opposition of the people in Rose became stronger and stronger,

they spontaneously debunked the bad behavior of "Entertainment
News Express" on the Internet, forums, Weibo and other places.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, "Entertainment News Express" was

under tremendous pressure and posted a huge poster photo on its
official Weibo.

There was only one big sentence above--

"We want to know more about you than you!"

A word born from the sky and a slender black silhouette of a teenager
greatly occupied the center of the poster. The contrasting red and
black fonts attracted a lot of attention.

"Meng Meng Xiao Qi: Meow Meow ???? What do you mean,
"Plant soil in the Qingming period: Does this 'ta' mean what I think in
my heart? Is it referring to Sutan Da?"

"I have been working very hard: the people eating melon are waiting
and want to see what waves this magazine can bring out."

"Pokemon" and "Unlucky Amy" was written by Su Tan, which was

publicized long ago when the winner of the Literary Star Contest was

Everyone knows that Su Tan is a talented newcomer, and everyone is

curious about what he looks like to write such an excellent work.

But curiosity turned to curiosity, except for a few enthusiastic

discussions in online forums, netizens kept tacitly following the
author's wishes, and did not continue to dig into his identity.

"Entertainment News Express" broke this bottom line, letting netizens

and readers carefully trampled and maintained the boundary of
warmth is trampled, so their opposition is so loud.

At this time, "Entertainment News Express" suddenly changed its

tone, with the headline "We want to know more about ta" than you.

Many people have opened the official long Weibo draft published by
"Entertainment News Express", I saw-
"Since the excellent short story" Little Elf "came out, our"
Entertainment ", like ordinary readers, couldn't help but fall in love
with Su Tan, a well-conceived author, concise writing, and good-
looking stories. Know him a little bit, and get closer to him. So, a
journalist of our magazine, with hope and excitement, embarked on a
journey to visit Sutan's big hometown. "

Since then, it has been full of praises, from the simple folk customs of
the town where Sutan lived, to the beautiful and delicate scenery, and
the life is soothing and leisurely. It is really as described in "Unlucky
Amy". A comfortable and oily countryside.

In such an atmosphere, "Entertainment News Express" praised Sutan's

hometown for his beautiful words.

It was not until the end of this explanatory draft that there was a
slight mention of the apology and forgiveness for the Marin incident.
"Perhaps our colleague's admiration was so overwhelming that he
made mistakes he should not make in the operation, which caused
trouble for the author Su Tanda and his family and neighbors. In this
regard, we are sincerely sorry, please @ 苏 itan can greatly forgive and
accept our sincere apologies, and we are willing to compensate in
various ways. "

Seeing the end of the draft, many netizens were stunned by the time.

"Meng Meng's Xiao Qi: Still this kind of operation ?????"

"Always worked hard: This routine ... is a bit sincere."

"Plant soil in Qingming: It's not clear what the truth is, but from this
draft alone, it seems that journalists and fans who like Sutan are
impulsive and have done bad things with good intentions?"

For a while, there were divergent opinions on the Internet. Some

people believe, some people don't believe it, and some people are
doubtful, but they have restored the previous downturn.

Even Su Tan watched, "Hey?"

He couldn't see through the true and false of the draft of

"Entertainment News Express", but also felt that the opponent's black
and white skills were very powerful, and the wrongdoings were
thoroughly sounded and justified.

As the central character affected by this incident, more and more

people on the Internet @ 他, Su Tan thought about it, but did not try to
avoid it, but stood up and responded frankly on his Weibo: "Like, I
really like it. I do n't like it, and I really do n't like it. "

The words in the mist made many netizens scratch their heads and
speculated that he really thanked everyone for their love and did not
like the behavior that disturbed his normal life world too much.

Before everyone guessed, I saw that the next sentence appeared on

Sutan's Weibo.

"Distance produces beauty. May we all be treated tenderly by this

As soon as this sentence was published, it immediately touched the
hearts of countless netizens and readers.

"Meng Meng Xiao Qi: May you be treated tenderly by this world."

"I have been working very hard: Big, you write your work well, and
we will always support you silently."

"Plant soil in Qingming: Receive!"


Looking at these highly supportive and encouraging comments, Su

Tan could not help but feel warm. For him, these readers who have
always supported him are the little angels who really warm their

He thought for a moment, opened the drawing software that came

with the computer, and simply sketched a few strokes. He used a few
lines to draw a little robot that looked like a dad. Wrote "Let's hug ~",
and then posted the picture via Weibo.

At the time, the comments were a surprise cry.

"Corn tower: Huan? Little robot?"

"Meng Meng's Xiaoqi: Menghua! Is this the little robot in" Pokemon
"or" Unlucky Amy "? Big, please explain."
"Plant some soil in Qingming: Screenshots were taken as avatars,
knock cute!"

Su Tan couldn't help but smile. He turned off Weibo, adjusted his
thinking, followed the outline of "Unlucky Amy", wrote five chapters
backwards, and revised it and sent it to "Maria Children's Story"

No matter how the Marin incident on the Internet is fermenting, a

new issue date of the magazine is coming soon. This time, many
magazines have tacitly adjusted the publication date, and sooner or
later, they deliberately misled the publication time of their own
magazines with "Children".

By the 5th day of the month, there were only two magazines officially
published in the world— "Roselia Children's Story" and
"Entertainment News Express".

The sales points of major magazines do not have to be entangled, and

the two magazines are displayed one by one and left and right

Among them, "Children" still has a concise and attractive drawing as

the cover, and uses rich and colorful fonts to greatly write "" Unlucky
Amy "hot series!"

On the other hand, "Entertainment News Express", which was

supposed to go to the entertainment industry to reveal the news and
lace insider style, has changed the previous style. On the cover, a very
popular young little meat was invited with a smile. With a short story
of "The Elf", my mind was curiously evolving along with the wild
story, and extended a big headline-"Where is the hometown of the

Comparing the hatchback style, it shocked many people.

"Entertainment News Express" suddenly changed its face completely,

and embarked on the path of positive energy in the sun. Regardless of
how obedient and clever the cover, even the contents of the magazine
were refreshing and refreshing. "Inside the insider" and other eye-
catching false information.

On the contrary, warmth and comfort have increased many travel

notes and travel photos to visit the hometown of the "elf", using
beautiful scenery and delicious food to seduce the reader's attention.

This completely revamped magazine almost looked at the past, and it

almost made readers almost mistakenly think that they saw a travel

Many readers who came in line to purchase the magazines of

Rosewood Children's Story were involuntarily attracted by the
"Entertainment News Express", which was also placed on the
magazine rack, and took the magazine curiously and in surprise. The
shop owner asked, "Boss, this is the previous" Entertainment News "?"

"Is it wrong to print the name of the magazine, how could it be like

"Isn't they sending reporters to sneak in on the author's home?" Now

it's ... behaving? "
Many people are inexplicable, but have been brought back by the
newly revised "Entertainment News Express". Take it to see the
beautiful scenery of the "elf" hometown and the introduction of all
kinds of Guelia specialties. Immediately stumbled again.

It's too dedicated to sell well!

What they didn't know was that at the same time, "Entertainment
News Express" urgently held a top-to-bottom working meeting. It was
reported that the new boss of the new magazine agency was coming
to the meeting. Everyone in the conference room couldn't help feeling
a little uneasy. .

From the birth of "Children" magazine to the sudden decline in sales

of "Entertainment News", Marin was detained and attacked, and the
magazine agency was immediately involved in a dangerous situation.
Many employees of the magazine agency were worried. He resigned
and found an outlet for himself early and turned away.

In the entertainment industry, they have no shortage of rice to eat. As

long as the entertainment industry is still on fire and stardom is still
there, there is naturally a place for them.

But I didn't expect that the magazine's termination of this group of

people was very happy. With little retention, they simply cancelled
the contract and left it.

Subsequently, "Entertainment News Express" ushered in the largest

revision since its establishment. It completely removed the previously
published entertainment news and sneak shots of inside information
and other sections, removing all negative, bad and obscure things,
leaving only With a limited number of star blockbusters and interview
channels, it can be said that the Entertainment News Express has been
completely changed from the inside to the outside.

Such a method of cutting the grass and rooting out makes many
magazine employees feel as if they are walking in the foggy forest. For
a while, they can't find the orientation and direction, and they don't
understand why the editor-in-chief Arlo did it.


Arlo sitting at the bottom of the conference table, his fingers gently
scratched the table, immediately attracted everyone's attention in the
conference room.

He calmly introduced, "Let's welcome-the new boss-"

"Nicholas Chen Weiting."


"Nicholas Chen Weiting?"

Almost everyone in the conference room of "Yuwen Express"

magazine looked to the door of the conference room in astonishment,
and saw a tall, long man walked in calmly.
He has a deep outline, a tall and straight figure, and a pair of dark
eyes that are calm and stunned. Although he didn't speak, he glanced
over at a glance. There was great coercion in the peace, which made
many people in the conference room feel right A shock.

Who is this person?

The editor-in-chief Arlo first took the lead and calmly introduced the
identity of the new boss to everyone. His solemn look completely
covered all the complex emotions in his heart.

"From today, Mr. Nicholas is officially appointed as our new owner

of" Entertainment News "magazine, everyone is welcome!"

As soon as Arlo's voice fell, everyone in the conference room looked at

each other, wondering what expression to put on.

For most of them, after encountering a sudden comprehensive

revision of the magazine, they suddenly heard the news that their
bosses suddenly changed their horses, which was no less than sunny

In this way, the previous large-scale magazine revisions and

cancellations can be understood.

The crowd was silent for a while. Under the leadership of Arlo, the
applause slowly rang in the conference room.

Seeing this unwelcome welcome scene, Hayden was unwavering,

dark eyes glanced over every disturbed face in the conference room,
slightly raised his lips, and stood upright at the meeting. The top of
the table.

"I'm your new boss."

His voice was low and he said the first sentence calmly.


"I hope we can cooperate happily."

Hayden's words were concise and powerful, but it sounded like a

slam alarm to everyone's heart, reminding them that the magazine has

Sure enough, next, the new boss carried out drastic reforms. The first
thing to happen was the magazine style of Entertainment News.

The original mode of candid photography, exposure, and spread of

entertainment trail news was completely changed, and it was
completely changed to the direction of positive sunlight and positive

When such a new style was proposed, some people couldn't help but
question: "This is not our style."

"Entertainment News Express" started from the scandal of sneaking

photos of stars and first-hand information. Therefore, many elderly
people in magazines are good at speculation and sneak shots, leaving
them as their living skills. They later worked in magazines. How does
Li stand?

All of a sudden, a lot of people in the magazines felt indifferent,

forming a silent and huge force in silence, and they all looked at the
new boss silently and repellently.

Even the editor-in-chief of the magazine, Allo, stood silently, not

waiting to stop, but waiting for the answer from the new boss.

But I saw that under such eyes, Hayden had no pressure at all. He
bent his lips and calmly replied, "If you are not good at it, then change
to someone who is good at it."

After hearing this sharp answer, everyone couldn't help shaking.

The editor-in-chief Arlo took a deep breath and calmly said, "The rash
change of the style of the magazine is likely to be a devastating blow."

"Yuwen Express" has won a wave of fans' love with spicy news in the
past. Now, once the style is changed, it is likely that the characteristics
of the magazine will be wiped out, thus losing these loyal fans who
subscribe to the journal.

So Arlo's worry is not unreasonable.

However, Hayden took a leisurely look at him and asked, "Are you
counting today's magazine sales?"
Hearing this sudden question, Arlo could not help but frown, and
then frowned.

On the first day of the new magazine's sales every month, the
magazine company has a special network system that is responsible
for counting the sales volume of each sales point and tracking the
sales situation in real time.

At this point, Arlo nodded toward his assistant, who immediately

rushed out of the meeting room door and ran back to the venue with
the newly printed sales situation.

The moment he entered the door, Arlo noticed that the look on his
assistant's face was strange, like surprise and joy, and mixed with
dreaming incredibleness.

"The sales results are coming out!"

The assistant's shout immediately attracted everyone's attention in the

conference room, and they raised a lot of hope to him.

Faced with so many anticipation, serious and heavy eyes, the

assistant's lips squirmed a few times, and suddenly he couldn't help
but grin loudly.

"Thirty thousand volumes!"

"The new issue of Entertainment News Express sold 30,000 copies!"

As soon as this was said, there was an uproar in the entire conference
room, and the noise and rumors began to flow.

"how is this possible?!"

"On the first day of the magazine's publication, it sold 30,000 copies?
Did you read it wrong and added an extra zero?"

"We don't have any explosive content in this issue. I wrote 30,000
copies of the travel food that wrote" Little Elf "?"


There was a huge uproar in the conference room, and many people
looked at the assistant in shock, trying to make sure that he did not
read it wrong. Many people still had incredible faces until their
assistants stuffed the latest printed sales results under their noses.

On the first day, 30,000 copies were sold, which almost broke their
magazine's best single-day sales performance, and accumulated to the
end of the month. It is conceivable that subsequent sales will only

But how is a magazine that is completely different from the previous

"Entertainment News Express" without half-detonation and explosive
news selling so hot?

All of a sudden, everyone was speechless, as if their worldview had

been broken overnight.
Many people were shocked, but their eyes were completely confused
and confused, and they didn't know what to evaluate.

On the contrary, the assistant who was the first to hear the news,
finally calmed down from the excitement slightly, and based on the
information that he just called and checked in real time, he explained:
"Listen to the major sales points," Entertainment "Wen Express"
magazine is selling very well. Most of the buyers are fans of Sutan.
They are coming for the novel and interesting "Little Elf" hometown.

Speaking of which, even the assistant himself felt a little unbelievable.

For a moment, his tone could not help but become awkward. After a
pause, he gathered the courage to say the following quickly.

"Many readers have responded, hoping that we can have more

content such as" Little Elf "Travels ... They are looking forward to it."

There was a silence in the conference room, and everyone's words

printed on the reader fell into deep reflection.

They persisted in exposure to entertainment news for so long, but

they were not as popular as a light-hearted novel about traveling
around. This recognition almost made everyone silent.

Suddenly, a sound of tapping on the table suddenly sounded, and

everyone broke away from the silent and complicated thoughts and
looked at the head of the conference table.
There, Hayden looked calm and relaxed, raised his lips and said,
"Reality, the best proof has been given."

After setting up the magazine's follow-up style, he stood up and

prepared to leave. However, the editor's Arlo slightly heard a heavy
and anxious voice from behind.

"Do you want to keep" Entertainment News "hot with" Children "?"

The style of the magazine was changed to the type of positive energy
with sunlight upwards. With the hottest "Elf" and "Unlucky Amy", the
related peripheral topics were produced. Although it could scrub the
negative image of "Entertainment" in the past, it attracted many
people The purchasing power of Sutan fans.

But they are not the first after all.

The magazine that really made "Unlucky Amy" a hit is "Ruglia

Children's Story". This is followed by the behind-the-scenes story and
the surrounding practices. It is undoubtedly "Children" who eats meat
and drinks soup, like a strain Like silk flowers, she closely follows
"Children" for survival.

This kind of willingness to play a role in supporting the "Children"

way of living, making the editor Arlo from the bottom of his heart can
not accept.

He stared deeply at Hayden, his solemn and solemn in his cold eyes.

Unexpectedly, Hayden laughed suddenly.

"No, we are not dependent on Children."

Hearing his words, the editor-in-chief Arlo tightened his brows

involuntarily, wondering what he meant.

Just listening, Hayden said frankly, "I only want one person from
beginning to end-Sutan."

Arlo's eyes shook.

Hayden: "Accompany a talented newcomer author, walk along, and

help him grow up to become the most popular writer in the
interstellar, leaving a strong stroke in the history of interstellar, isn't it
better than taking a few photos of the stars and exposing them? The
scandal is even more shocking? "

Hearing that, Arlo suddenly took a breath in his heart, and suddenly
felt that the other party was slowly unveiling a larger goal in front of

Hayden raised his lips and bewildered, "Want to do something big

together :)?"

He returned to Su's house from the magazine, and saw Su Tan and
Abba around a magazine spread out on the dining table, curiously
looking through the pages.
The robot Suning still wore a large straw hat to go out, and with his
thin body, he managed to snap up this magazine from the crowd. At
this time, his face was blank but strange. "The Rosewood Children's
Story is sold out. They're all robbing this magazine. Don't know

Seeing the name of the magazine cover, Su Tan couldn't help but find
it interesting. "Entertainment Express?"

He laughed and found out that this squat spot had shot his own
magazine cover, and it was written, "Where is the hometown of" Little
Elf "?"

Looking at the inside page, I praised the "Little Elf" I wrote. I visited
many small and quiet towns of Quilia and found the town that best
fits the residence of Old Hand A place of temperament, with beautiful
scenery and many delicious foods, one by one restores the scenes in
"Little Elf".

The magazine apparently completely changed its position and became

its own ... loyal fan?

Su Tan couldn't help smiling, and told his dad and his big cousin who
came in, "It's fun."

Hayden raised his eyebrows slightly, rubbed a hand on Su Tan's head,

and moved upstairs.

Looking at him in a suit and leather shoes and a gentle gentleman, Su

Tan couldn't help but ask, "Cousin, where have you been?"
Hayden's smiling voice passed down the stairs.

"Talked about a billion-dollar business!"

Su Tan: ... Am I cheating?


The unexpected selling of "Entertainment Express" not only surprised

Su Tan, but also shocked many netizens.

Many people heard the news and rushed to the official Weibo post of
the Entertainment News.

"Little Cotton Jacket: When I stood in front of the book stand, I was so
aggressive, I felt like I read a fake magazine ..."

"Heavy heart: Guanwei, hand in the detailed address of the

hometown of" Little Elf "! I will take my luggage to travel tomorrow!"

"Saving money to buy dog food: I originally turned the" entertainment

"with a group of ridicule, but I didn't expect it to look good."

"Capital Su Su Su Su Su: The revision is good! The former star lace,

scandal broke, candid photos are too embarrassing, I like the small
and fresh and beautiful style now! By the way, the cover is warm and
sunny My little brother is my male **** [good job]! "

The comments on the official Weibo post of "Entertainment News

Express" are diverse, and it is surprising that most of them are
praised, and they are all very happy about the revision of the
magazine, especially for Sutan's "Elf". Want to know the background
tidbits behind the story.

The visit to a "elf" hometown on "Entertainment" put this kind of love

house and black peak.

At the same time that more and more new readers have emerged,
questionable comments have also appeared on the official Weibo,
most of them are unclear about the direction of the future publications
of Entertainment News Express. It is suspected that this is only a
magazine agency. In order to solve the crisis of Marin's squatting
sneak shots and ease the hype of relations with Sutan.

"A piece of paper at dusk: Please come out of the magazine official!
Explain positively that we will continue to publish the contents of
sneak shots? If 'Yes', then I can only give up, this behavior is too bad! "

As soon as this comment came out, they got a lot of praise from
netizens. In a short time, they topped the first place under Weibo

Everyone waited with concern for the magazine's response. In

particular, readers who have been featured in the new circle of the
magazine "The Hometown of the Elves" are even more heart-
If such a "elf" topic is only a short-lived flash, or in the same magazine
as the entertainment scandal, it will undoubtedly chill many readers.

Therefore, what they want now is both a statement and a promise.

"Yuwen Express" official Weibo suddenly appeared in the comments

without waiting for a while, and enthusiastically replied: "Great guys,
we have a good QAQ."

All netizens :! !! !!

Under the comments of Weibo, a lot of diving reader comments were

immediately exploded, and Qiqi verified the meaning of this sentence.

However, I did not expect that the follow-up "Entertainment News

Express" was kept secret and responded succinctly: "Please look
forward to our next issue, and we will definitely not disappoint

For a moment, the curiosity of all netizens couldn't help being


At the same time, the sales of "Roselia Children's Story", which was
sold on the same day, was so popular that there was a shortage of
supply everywhere. The 80,000 copies of "Children" originally printed
on the first day of the magazine were sold out almost immediately
and sold out by readers rushing from all directions.
But for two hours, all the sales outlets scrambled to call Children's
Magazine. There was only one requirement--

Restock! !!

Right now, Rosewood Children's Story has truly regained its esteem
that was well known from decades ago. Among them, the favorite of
parents, children and readers is naturally the novel "Unlucky Amy".

That night, almost all parents deliberately pushed the busy work at
hand and rushed home together, before the children fell asleep, and
whispered the latest serialization of the novel for the children who lay
quietly on the bed.

"The little robot dad looked up at the dark-colored storage room, and
the top skylight was being snatched away by a gap, and then a small
hand quickly stretched out, and suddenly threw it down. The whole
big smoked chicken leg.

Da Da could not escape, and was just hit the top of his head.

I saw behind the small fan and gray skylight glass, a furry head
grinned and revealed a big smile to himself, white teeth were
particularly clear in the dark.

Suddenly, the little robot stumbled two legs and stepped back, then ...
turned and ran!

Amy, who was locked in the storeroom, was aggressive. "

When the story heard this, almost all the children jumped out of the
bed in protest, shouting with fists: "How can a little robot do this ?!"

Without a word, Amy, who had been locked in the storeroom,

escaped, and in their eyes, it was almost like a coward's style.

The swollen faces of the children, and the resounding retorts, made
parents cried and laughed.

Many parents couldn't help turning on the camera or light brain

shooting scenes and recorded this scene, sharing it on Weibo to tease
this interesting scene together.

After a short time, #accompany the child to watch "Unlucky Aimi" #

has become a hot topic on Weibo.

All kinds of videos of children from all over Guilia who were angry
with Amy were posted on the Internet. The immature face and the
angry words contrasted with each other, and the scene of the little
tittle muttering and talking to Amy even sprouted a lot My heart.

The topic has soared, attracting more and more families to watch
stories together. Even if they have not bought a first-hand magazine
just published, many parents also choose to buy the online electronic
version, and then take their children to read aloud.

Fortunately, the subsequent development of the story did not

disappoint the children. After leaving the lonely Amy running away,
the little robot took a few minutes later and brought back a large
number of anxious looking for Amy's family.

At the moment when the door to the storeroom was finally opened,
Amy's mother finally rushed to hold him tightly in her arms, and--

Slammed Amy's ass!

Desperate, Amy saw the little robot in the arms of her mother
obediently behind them, holding a large smoked and roasted chicken
leg in her arms, and looked up at her with a smile.

After the first part of the story was told, many children were caught
up in bed by their parents and they fell asleep in their dreams.

However, on Weibo on the Internet, there was no enthusiasm for

"Unlucky Amy", and many readers who first saw the story
spontaneously took care of themselves.

"Baiyun Meow: Good-looking, warm and sweet, although I'm no

longer a little pot friend."

"Hill: It's a cure, it's fun, I hope the author can keep writing."

"Eat the apple: Not enough! One chapter in each issue is not fun, I
hope the author and the" Children "magazine will add more!"

Such praise and immense popularity once occupied the hot topic list
of Weibo, which attracted more attention from alien galaxy netizens.

Even the readers of Fanxing are no different.

They clicked along the hot topic and found a children's story with a
strange name. They were still children's story works created by the
Gueliya people who have always been known as the "literary desert."

Once again, the endless enthusiasm for this work is endless, and it
can't help attracting attention.


Many readers of "Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]" talked up

this work.

"Soft cute dolphin: After reading the comments, I suddenly wanted to

see ..."

"Kolabao:" Unlucky Amy "? I watched it! Really push it! Sweet,
delicious and delicious!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Seriously upstairs? A children's literary

work written by Roses, how can it be so unsafe?"

"Kolabao: Whoever sees who knows!"

Even the smoke scar was enthusiastically forwarded, and his
appearance immediately exploded the comments under Weibo.

and so--

When Sutan appeared on the backstage of the author of the star novel
website on this day, in order to thank the readers who have been
supporting and encouraging themselves these days, he specially
added twenty chapters to the novel "Control the Earth Age [Quick

Unexpectedly, as soon as the twenty-chapter update was issued, the

comments under the article immediately responded extraordinarily
turbulent and surging.

It was almost a refresh, and the number of comments after the chapter
jumped to a thousand.

Su Tan couldn't help but be a little surprised. He opened his own book
review area to check it, but the words in the book review area made
him confused.

"Soft cute dolphin: plus twenty chapters, it must be jealous!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: How can I live without a little green?"

"Kolabao: Tiger touches big, although Dad has new love, but we are
always on your side."
"Gentleman's sauce: Don't be sad, we'll help you straighten (smile) the
crooked green hat on your head."

Looking at these comments, Su Tan couldn't help but suddenly,

thinking that it was definitely a big cousin who was engaged in
things, posted his own author's Weibo, and surely saw Yan Dad's
latest Weibo.

"Dad: My wife's text, good-looking, highly recommended! @ 苏 谭"

Su Tan: ... madam, meow meow? ? ?

After a while, he shook his head and laughed. The network writer has
always turned the good writer into a "madam", but the word used on
himself is inexplicably shameful.

Su Tan thought that he must revive Fu Gang.

He went upstairs and knocked on the door of his big cousin. When he
pushed in, he was surprised to find Hayden was changing his clothes.

The straight white shirt and dark suit lay flat on the bed. At this time,
the big cousin just undressed, exposing a large area of good-looking
abdominal muscles, strong muscles and smooth lines, which almost
stopped Su Tan's breathing.

With a slight cough, he let down the hot air pressure on his face and
asked with a small smile, "Mrs. Do you need any help?"
A lovely smile.



The young boy's clear voice sounded in the small attic room, like a
clear spring flowing, but it made Hayden feel hot.

"Will it catch a cold like this?" Su Tan seemed slightly distressed and
said doubtfully.

Before Hayden answered, he suddenly chuckled, and went on with a

firm look. "I help you warm again."

Hayden: "..."

He took a deep breath and stared down at the young man standing in
front of himself, only feeling cried and laughed for a while.

Hayden said calmly, "Can you speak without looking at my abs?"

Su Tan's fingertips stroking his abs suddenly stopped, then he quickly

touched two hands, his eyes were serious and frank, "No."

He smiled, "Who told you to seduce me?"

Hayden: ...

He suddenly shook his head and laughed, and his slender and
powerful arms suddenly held Su Tan up to the window. The narrow
and tight space almost put Su Tan in his arms.

Suddenly, a large abdomen and the burning heat that are close at
hand make Sutan almost a mature man with a big cousin between his
nose and can't help but blushing.

Hayden chuckled, calmly, and said in a low voice: "Look and see,
today is not enough to keep you away."

Sutan :? ? ? I thought I didn't dare :-D?

Touch it!

Just as Su Tan touched his hands happily, Dr. Shu, who happened to
be downstairs, accompanied Dr. Su Ning to walk near the door with
the robot.

The hot sun dazzled the brain of people, and before crossing the road,
Suning said to Shu Heng, "It's too hot."

By the way, it looked up at the sun by the way, without thinking, and
suddenly caught a glimpse of the open window in the small attic
upstairs, sticking it close and tall.
After a while, Suning couldn't help laughing, nodding his head and
saying to Dr. Shu, "their two brothers have a good relationship."

Shu Wenhe's eyes glanced up, then he reluctantly shook his head and
laughed without comment.

However, Suning laughed and looked very relieved. He stood

downstairs and started to call Su Tan.

However, he did not expect that before he had time to shout, he

suddenly saw his son suddenly slammed Hayden on the wall, and
then comfortably stretched out his hand—

Robot Suning :! !! !!

"The two of them ..." Its dry explanation fell into his throat and he
couldn't make up.

Suddenly, Shu Wenwen smiled softly and sighed, "The relationship is

so good."

Then, as usual, he turned to Suning easily and leisurely: "Let's go, it's
time to make dinner."

Su Ning looked stunned and followed Dr. Shu into the door
That night, Su Tan unexpectedly found that the dinner was
extraordinarily rich. Dad was sitting at the dining table, holding a hot
book "The Children's Story of Guglielia".

The best-selling "Guilia Children's Story" has brought a wave of

children's literature. Many of the classic children's literary works of
Gulia have been turned out by readers for nostalgia, and more people
are looking forward to the birth of new and excellent works. .

But these should not be bothering to Dad. Looking at Dad who has
been turning its beloved "Children" magazine for a long time, Su Tan
couldn't help wondering what was going on?

After he waited for dinner, he saw Dr. Shu raising a smile, and gently
asked his cousin to go next door to help repair the faucet in the
garden. Hayden naturally responded, and the two greeted him and
left together.

For a time, only Sutan and Abba were left at home, and the two of
them were sitting at the dining table holding hot tea, looking at each

"Abba," Su Tan said suddenly, set the tea cup on the table, and made a
slight bump, which surprised the robot Suning slightly.

Su Tan's tone was serious, his eyes focused intently, and his black
eyes were safe and quiet. "I have something to tell you."

Su Ning's heart suddenly raised. "Why, what?"

The restaurant is only two people and the atmosphere is a bit too

But I saw that Su Tan was bending his lips suddenly in the tangled
eyes of the robot Suning. "I have known about you and Dr. Shu. Don't
worry about my disapproval."

He deliberately opened his arms, hug Abba firmly in his arms, and
laughed loudly.

As far as he wanted to be, it would be possible for Suning to struggle

to such an extent that it was nothing more than Dr. He Shu. How
could he not agree?

As soon as Su Tan's words came to an end, the robot Su Ning

suddenly blushed, his head was scalding hot, and there was a blast of
hot air, which almost exploded.

All of a sudden he jumped up from the dining table and was so

ashamed that he couldn't even refute the words.

In the end, it blushed, turned and threw a sentence to escape.

"Remember to pull the curtains later!"

Sutan :?

He had some smiles. I do n't know if there is any shyness between

Abba and Dr. Shu, but I feel that time is like water. By the time of next
month, Dr. Shu has changed from a good neighbor next door to the Su
family who can easily enter and leave. Out of general.
Eat three meals a day together, drink tea and chat from time to time.
Occasionally, some difficult and difficult heavy work, Dr. Shu will
also take the initiative to help out, and treat Sutan as his own home.

Even when the next issue of Rosewood Children's Literature was first
sold, she carefully and patiently accompanied the robot Suning to line
up to buy.

This time, in addition to "Children", the magazines that are also on the
magazine sales shelf still have the latest "Entertainment News

The large poster cover of "Entertainment News" was completely

replaced by an outside shooting. A young smile with a sweet smile
relaxed and stood in a Rose Country Country House with large wild
and lush flower fields. Splendid, accompanied by the clear blue sky
and warm country-style courtyard furnishings, is full of a sense of
leisure and leisure, making people who read this big picture
involuntarily feel at ease.

Many readers who bought "Children" magazine were attracted by the

unexpected cover of "Entertainment News Express" and stopped in.

What's more, the headline of "Entertainment" is a simple statement,

but it evokes the curiosity of many people.

"My neighbor is Amy!"

In a short time, this interesting topic has aroused the enthusiasm of
many readers. Many people have commented online after reading the

"Potato Stew: Entertainment News Express uses first-person identity

to describe the daily life of the rural town and Amy's family, which is
both fun and novel."

"Qian Mimi: I was attracted by the large-scale landscape pictures! I

never discovered that Rose has so many beautiful places."

"Heart of Watermelon: Is it just me who thinks" Entertainment "must

be a deep love for Sutan? Even these two issues changed their style,
praised Sutan greatly with sugar, praises and declaration I have
blushed. "Yuwen" must be a true love for Sutan! "


As soon as this comment was issued, it immediately won the approval

of many netizens. It is because the style positioning of "Entertainment
News Express" changes too fast and too suddenly, which makes
people involuntarily delve into the reasons while being surprised.

The most obvious is obviously Su Tan, who has been praised and
confessed several times in magazines.


Even the official Weibo of "Entertainment News Express" also bubbled

up and praised: "True Love 1."
At the time, the response on the Internet became hotter.

As soon as the box was opened, "Entertainment" official Wei Wei

could not help but whispered quietly: "Our new boss particularly likes
Sutan greatly."

Several "special" add up, people can't help but smile. Moreover, Guan
Wei continued to confess shamefully, "Me too!"

For a while, Su Tan could not help but bear it. I can't figure out what
charm I have, which can successfully attract the enemy into a true love

This legend particularly likes his new owner of Entertainment News

Express, which is even more interesting.

The online discussions on this are also endless.

"Struggling snail: Who is the new boss? Don't kill the name! I want
to ... include him in our fellow readers."

"Snowravsky: Well, the boss of the local tyrant buys Heixin Magazine
for the adorable author of Mengmeng, then transforms the training,
and takes the opportunity to make a big confession-I have already
made up 100,000 words in my heart. "

"Gold: Don't go upstairs! So sweet!"

"Wolf Hairy Grassland: Does anyone know who the new boss of
Entertainment News Express is? Suddenly curious."

The endless stream of speculation and jokes has added a lot of

enthusiasm to "Entertainment News Express", which has led to better
and better sales of magazines. Although it is more popular than the
popular "Roselia Children's Story", which sells 500,000 copies a
month, the sudden increase in sales has made "Entertainment News
Express" a lot higher than many magazines in the same period.

This rapid advance made peers unable to bear and love and hate. At
the moment, some people couldn't help being jealous and broke the
inside information of "Entertainment News Express" on the Internet.

"An insider in the industry: Chen Weiting, the new owner of

Entertainment News Express."

Seeing this comment, Su Tan froze.

Meow meow meow?

Coincidentally, a new invitation was sent to his Weibo private

message. "Hello, I'm a staff member of Entertainment News. May I ask
if you have time to accept our exclusive interview?"

The tone of the invitation to work was very polite, and Su Tan raised
his eyebrows.

He thought about it, and responded directly: "Yes, I hope you and my
new boss can interview and meet in person."
In the magazine "Entertainment News" on the other side of Weibo, the
staff turned around and said to the new boss, "Boss, Su Tan wants to
see you in person."

Hayden: ...

See light die.

(⊙v⊙) Well, we do n't meet, we are still good friends.


"Our boss is shy."

Looking at the sentence that "Entertainment Express Express" sent to

him in a private message on Weibo, Su Tan suddenly became clear.


What I think is not the same as the new boss of the radon magazine
company who has rumors of money.

The staff of "Entertainment News Express" also seemed a little

stunned, and explained blatantly: "Well, a bit shy, taciturn, like to
hold 'love' in my heart, don't like to say things, but only face the
person I like Only then ... "
The other party was missing a word, and a long list of personal
character analysis and introductions were sent out, explaining in a

Su Tan could not help laughing.

... what do these words have to do with him?

He thought for a while, and smiled back, "I'm also shy [shake hands]!"

"Entertainment News Express" immediately became silent, shocked

by his sudden sentence, unable to speak.

Su Tan teased sarcastically: "So, if you are interviewed by your boss,

you won't be embarrassed and you will change someone else-I will
hide shyly."

He deliberately added a cute shy expression after the sentence, and

then smiled and saw the other side was quiet for a while.

In the "Entertainment News" magazine, the staff in front of the

computer turned back with shame and looked inquiringly at the new
boss standing behind him. "Boss, it seems that the author Su Tan is not
slack, he just wants to meet you."

All of a sudden, everyone in the magazine looked at Hayden.

For Entertainment News Express, this opportunity is quite rare. Since
Marin sneak shot Sutan's arrest, "Entertainment" has been deeply
entangled in the whirlpool of public opinion.

Since then, although the style has gradually restored some readers'
favor, for Yu Wenwen, the most fundamental way to turn around is to
reach a settlement with Su Tan.

This time, Su Tan is happy to be interviewed by them, and there is no

better chance to prove it.

Just need to sacrifice a little face value of the boss, anyway, can not
really be a boss!

Everyone in the magazine looked forward to Hayden's eyes, waiting

for the new boss to speak, and then pulled out the most powerful
interview for their "Entertainment News Express".

At this time, Hayden, standing in front of the computer, looked at the

shy soft cute expression in the chat box on Weibo, and raised his lip
corners, thinking of a young boy with a smile on his face.

He smiled and said, "Yes."

"You can meet, he and Chen Weiting."

In a short time, there was a great joy in the magazine.

When the staff in charge of Weibo contact told Sutan the good news,
Sutan couldn't help but blink for a moment, then laughed.

Chen Weiting? Couldn't it be the real Buddha?

For a moment, he couldn't help wondering.

The next day, Su Tan got up early to write the novel, and posted it to
the Star Fiction website early in the morning. His novels have reached
2 million words, one by one, the novel and interesting ancient earth
world, which has firmly accumulated a large number of readers for

From Xianxia, to the campus, to the orc world of martial arts, each
world's wild imagination and unusually beautiful background world
have made many readers addicted.

not to mention--

The author is diligent!

When Shen Linlin got up from her bed with a look of sleepiness, her
first thing was to touch her cell phone and paint a novel. These days,
in order to catch up with an important thesis assignment, she stays up
all night and stays up all night, squeezing all the time up.

The boys in the same group were very irresponsible, throwing all the
homework to her, so tired that she suffered every day and stayed up
with dark circles to catch up with the progress, and for the beloved
novel, she could only take a minute to pinch her eyes.
Unexpectedly, it was just the effort to get up early with a toothbrush,
and Shen Linlin was surprised to see that "The Age of Domination of
the Earth [Quick Wear]" refreshed five chapters in a row.

At the moment, Shen Linlin almost shouted in surprise. Too late to

open the latest updated chapter, Shen Linlin took the lead in the
comments and grabbed the sofa, praising: "Great conscience! Is this an
early benefit? [开心 转圈圈]"

Sure enough, this point has very few readers online, making her lucky
to grab the front row.

Shen Linlin saw that her comment appeared in the first position of the
new chapter, and then she turned back to read the text with

Unexpectedly, this look fascinated.

The protagonist Cheng Yi, who is fast enough to wear to the orc
world, is an unusually weak and slender Asian orc, but with a
powerful interstellar portable system, he has become a powerful
Asian Orc with a powerful force, which shocked everyone in the
entire tribe.

"Click!" Cheng Yi broke the branch with his bare hands, carried a
heavy stack of branches in his back basket, and lifted it effortlessly,
and saw the many Asian orcs with him couldn't help but be surprised.
He turned to look at the Asian orc who was sweating on his forehead
with a small twig, and asked cheerfully, "May I help you?"


The Asian orcs gazed together, staring at the handsome, brash little
boys striding over, reaching out easily through their heads, folding
their fingers, breaking the branches, and throwing them comfortably
Into their back basket.

The easy and refreshing movements, the warm sunlight falling

through the branches, illuminated Cheng Jun's side face, which was
handsome and beautiful. At the moment, many Asian orcs could not
help but blushed and blushed.

When they returned to the village, many orcs who had just returned
from hunting and found out in amazement that they had one of their
biggest rivals.

"Cheng Ye, this fur cape is soft and warm, for you!"

"You try this pot of stew, I put wild dried vegetables, small potatoes
and sweet potatoes according to the recipe you taught me ..."

"Yeah, your two tiger babies have grown up again, hug and play with
our little cubs."

In the village, the faces of all the orcs were dark,

Seeing this, Shen Linlin couldn't help laughing, and felt that the
characters in the braised pork were really unusual, and she made her
wanting unwillingly.

Thinking of all the thesis assignments thrown to her, she immediately

gave birth to infinite pride. Like the protagonist Cheng Ying in the
novel, she happily slaps her face and stuns an irresponsible boy.

Shen Linlin took a deep breath, and could not help but rushed up a
blood, and asked in the commentary of the novel: "Great, if a student
throws all the work for you alone, and you want to share the work
results together, you What will happen? "

After this comment was posted, Shen Linlin herself was a little dumb,
thinking that this time is not necessarily online at all, why ask?

She couldn't help but regret it. She just wanted to close the webpage,
but she suddenly saw the latest reply.

"Brushed braised meat every day: no matter what, keep the New

In a hurry, Shen Linlin felt a rush of heat in her heart, as if she had a
huge backing and anger behind her. With her enthusiasm, she wrote
all her homework papers that she had stayed up all night. One's name
was sent to the professor's mailbox.

Until the deadline for the operation was approaching, and the
communicator rang the phone of the boys in the same group in a
panic, Shen Linlin hurriedly shot the other party back, watching the
other person's ashamed face crying and begging for mercy.
She was so anxious at the bottom of her heart that she thought-listen
to the words, yes!

I don't know Sutan, whose novel and a comment inspired readers to

rise. At this time, she is changing her formal clothes and is going to
meet with the new owner of the magazine "Entertainment News".

Su Tan's mood was agitated because he was about to see his male god.

When he got downstairs in the morning, he was dressed in a

handsome white shirt and suit pants. He heard that he announced in a
good mood that he would go out to meet the male **** today, and the
robot daddy patted it silently and sympathetically Big cousin on the

Hayden just pursed his lips and asked calmly, "Would you like me to
send you?"

Su Tan Waner quippedly refused: "No need, what do I do when my

male **** sees jealous?"


He didn't say anything. He calmly watched Sutan eat breakfast in a

good mood, then took the task of sending him to the car, and
accompanied Sutan to the Star Shuttle Station.
When the bus arrived and Su Tan was about to leave the bus, the big
cousin started to speak with a low voice, and said to Su Tan ears:
"Sooner or later, I will take off your white shirt in front of your male
god. "

Listening to this faint dangerous and bewildering words, Su Tan

raised his eyebrows lightly, his expression on his face was not afraid
of anti-smiling, and he smiled brightly and said, "Well, I am waiting
for you."

My male **** dares to tolerate you being so presumptuous, only to

blame :-D!

Su Tan calmly got into the car, beckoned to the big cousin who was
standing upright and standing on the side of the street lightly, and left
with a smile.

Arriving in Linshi on the interstellar bus, the sun was shining at noon.
Su Tan jumped off the bus, specifically found a flower shop, bought a
large bouquet of flowers, and went to the magazine "Entertainment

Although wearing the Sutan in the interstellar era, I already knew in

the bottom of my heart that Chen and so on were about to meet, and
he would never be the male goddess loved by fans in China. But a
similar name still warmed his heart, as if he had found his fellow
people in the lonely journey, and was warmed up.

Holding the flowers, he walked into the magazine building of

"Entertainment News Express". Even if he could see Chen with the
same name and so on, he would not be a visit today.
The little girl at the reception of the magazine suddenly saw a dark-
haired young boy carrying a large bouquet of flowers and came into
the door, asking curiously: "Excuse me, are you-"

Su Tan smiled freshly and replied, "I'm Su Tan."

After a while, the girl at the front desk stood up in surprise

immediately. She had long been told that Su Tan, a well-known and
important author today, would come to the magazine for an
interview, but never thought that Su Tan himself was so young and
handsome, thin and slender like a teenager.

Almost now, she was a little surprised to speak, and hurriedly led him
into the magazine.

Through the various departments of the magazine, along with the

shocking eyes of countless people, Su Tan was led to a spacious and
bright talk room.

The girl at the front desk smiled and asked him to take a seat. "Wait a
minute, our boss will be here soon."

Su Tan nodded.

When I went out, I ordered a scented coffee and put it at Sutan's table.
The girl at the front desk took a curious look at the flowers in his hand
and asked in kind: "This bouquet needs me-?"
The thoughtful words of the other side made Su Tan's lips crease and

"Thank you, no need." He thanked him, and what he said later was
even more irritating.

When I saw the young man's smile on his face, he looked ridiculously
seriously: "This is my body, I would be shy without this bunch of

Hayden pushed the door and heard the words: "..."

Su Tan heard the sound of the door, looked up subconsciously, and

was caught off guard by the big cousin entering the door. Before he
came over, he heard the girl at the front desk shouting respectfully:

Sutan: ...

Hayden nodded, and the girl at the front desk quietly went out,
closing the door thoughtfully, leaving the quiet space for two people.

For a while, Su Tan felt that the quiet atmosphere was a little too
trembling, making him unable to bear his breath for a moment.

Magazine new boss = Chen Weiting = big cousin?

Su Tan: ......... Wait, what have I said that I shouldn't say? QAQ
Big cousin, don't cherish resentment.


In the reception room of "Entertainment News" magazine, Su Tan

looked at his suit straight and sat calmly in Hayden facing him, saying
in surprise No words.

How could he not have guessed that his big cousin turned out to be
the new owner of the magazine, and that he also purposely used the
same name as the male god?

Suddenly, Su Tan raised his lips, his thoughts moved quickly,

remembering the countless flags he had set out before he went out, he
couldn't help but want to dig a hole to bury himself.

He thought for a moment, and then laughed suddenly: "Big cousin,

you are so surprised!"

The boy's clear, clear voice was bright and cheerful, and Hayden
raised his eyebrows in a single sentence, quietly expecting what he
would say next.

Su Tan smiled brightly, and her black eyes were bright and clear. He
praised earnestly and frankly: "Decathlon, with a high face value,
bought the entire magazine with arrogance and domineering. It is just
the male **** in my mind-"
Before he could finish speaking, Hayden was immediately amused.
He raised his eyebrows and asked, "I am your male god? What about
your bunch of flowers?"

Looking at the splendid blooming flowers in his arms, Su Tan only felt
like a hot yam, and it was hot in his hands.

He coughed, smiled, and nodded, "Of course it was for the male god. I
want to tell him that although I appreciate his appreciation for me, I
am already a tall and handsome man who bombed the heavenly man.
Friends of people! "

The clear-cut voice of the young man, but Hayden had not known
him for a long time, knew his character long ago, had to be persuaded
by his fallacy.

Immediately, Hayden couldn't help lowering his head and smirking,

and his cool face raised a good-looking smile. Even the dark eyes
seemed to be full of stars, and Shu spread a lot.

He lifted the corners of his lips, and the deep magnetic sound was
very nice, and said directly, "Come here."

Domineering and straightforward words can't help making people


Sutan nodded curtly and said quickly: "Hi, okay!"

He smiled, and immediately passed a large bouquet in his arms into

the arms of his big cousin. "Give you a bouquet of flowers, male god."
The words were soft and cute, and they were going to poke people's

Hayden couldn't help but betray his confession, and hugged the other
person directly into his arms. The low laughter caused the chest to
shake slightly. "So formal to meet the male god?"

A slender hand was put on Su Tan's collar, and with the movement of
his fingers, the uppermost collar buckle was gently put aside,
revealing a small white delicate neck.

Sudden by the gentle gesture of the other side, Su Tan's face

immediately became hot. He tried to sit upright, but found that he
was not upright in the posture of being held in the arms of his big
cousin at this time.

He blanched his cheeks and said to Hayden positively: "Quickly

button up, I'm a little cold."

On hearing that, Hayden was not stubborn, and his slender and
powerful fingers slid down the thin and thin chest for a few minutes,
and untiedly unlocked the second button.

His low voice almost fell to Su Tan's ear, his fiery breath was intimate.
"Well, I help you warm up."

Su Tan: "... no, no need--"

The third one.

The boy's slightly struggling hands were tightly closed by one of his
big palms, tied behind his back, and he could only passively lean
back, lying in Hayden's arms.

The hot breath spread through the neat and sophisticated suits,
apparently the rare professional elite side of the big cousin, but Su Tan
involuntarily reddened his face, and his heart seemed to be burnt.

What's more, the neat and bright reception room, huge floor-to-ceiling
windows, cool leather sofas in leather, and a completely unfamiliar
environment made Su Tan a little ashamed.

"Hey, don't don't--don't be here--"

The fourth ... the fifth ...

In the chirping sound, Su Tan's refreshing and fit white shirt with a
youthful temperament was unlocked little by little.

The cool air blew in, in stark contrast to the hot chest behind him.

Suddenly, Su Tan struggled with shame and refusal, but was caught
off guard by a hot and tender kiss covering his head and trying to say

The fiery breath entangled between the two, and the gentle kiss
seemed to have a magic charm, which could not help but intoxicate.
Su Tan's consciousness gradually faded, indulged in the cousin of his
big cousin, and he didn't realize that his last shirt shirt had been
unbuttoned, and a large white skin like jade was exposed in Hayden's
low-looking sight.

Hayden's eyes were deep, and his slightly condensed eyes poured out
all the pampering and tenderness. In the breathing exchange room, he
stopped moving, and his voice was slowly asked, "Do you like a male
**** like this to you?" ? "

Sutan: QAQ

"... No." His water-filled eyes glowed with tide, and the corners of his
eyes glowed with beautiful scarlet colors. "What is a male god, can
you eat it?"

The boy looked at him with a raised eyebrow, and his clear voice was
a little seductive and smiled. He said, "I only like to play hooligan's
big cousin."

Immediately, Hayden's eyes deepened.

He chuckled suddenly, his slender fingers sliding down his fair skin,
"Is that so?"

Sutan :! !! !!
"Wait," he bit his itch from the tip of his finger, and his heart was
swiftly and numbly stopped. "We talk well, you're a reasoner."

Just listen, the big cousin laughed pleasantly, and his deep voice could
not speak comfortably. "That would not work, I would just play

Su Tan was sobbing.

Just at this moment, people from the magazine "Entertainment News"

were rushing outside, waiting to know what the boss in the reception
room had talked with the new writer Su Tan, but the door was closed
for a long time.

In a short time, many people have no intention of doing things, and

they can't help but pull the girl at the front desk and ask.

"That man is really Sutan?" Asked the anxious editor, curiously.

Seeing the girl at the front desk nodded with certain force, they all
began to mute.

"It looks too young."

"The teenager's face in vain is just as thin as a firewood stick."

"Yeah, we haven't grown tall like our eight-year-old nephew ..."

Many editors present have seen the works of Su Tan. Compared with
his slender and slender design, his succinct and interesting style of
writing and imaginative ideas compared with his slender and thin
figure. At the same time, he could not help but arouse the hearts of
many people. Suddenly gave birth to a feeling of pity and pity.

A thin and slender body, carrying great talents and talents, without
any background and backing, he embarked on the road of novel
creation hard. When he managed to achieve a little success, he was
also sent by his own magazine. Sneak shots ... Suddenly, many
people's feelings of guilt surged.

The editor-in-chief Arlo regretted, coughed, and broke the silence in

the first room. Shen said, "Hurry up, are you ready for the next issue
of the magazine?"

The next issue of "Entertainment News Express" still focuses on the

topic of Sutan, and it has derived countless novel details and stories. It
can be said that it is a best publicity magazine tailored for Sutan.

Such a style and thinking not only did not make the people under the
magazine feel dissatisfied, but the huge magazine sales and word-of-
mouth gains have made them taste sweet. Under the guidance of the
new owner Hayden, it was even more raging to build The goal of the
best literary writers in the history of Rose is unprecedented.

At this time, the editor-in-chief Arlo reminded that everyone

immediately turned their pity and love for Su Tan into work
motivation, and enthusiastically put into work.
When the door of the living room finally opened, the staff members
who were immersed in their busy work suddenly returned to their
hearts, watching in amazement at the tall and long boss's movements,
gently holding out a young boy, the boy was refreshing and white
Outside his shirt, he was also clinging to his boss's expensive and
exquisite suit jacket.

The familiarity and naturalness between the two are not like the first
time they met.

At the moment, many people in the magazines were stunned, and

then they became confused.

Hayden calmly said, "This is your boss lady."

Everyone :? ? ? !! !! !! ............

Almost everyone was shocked to hear this explosive news, and looked
dumbfounded at the two.

I saw that Su Tan's cheeks were red, and she coughed, refuting, "What
did you say?"

This abrupt turn of events made people even more confused.

Immediately, many people looked at the new boss who was beaten on
the spot again.

But when I saw the boss who always said that no one was not
anxious, his face was not shocked, and he even had a laissez-faire
attitude, and let the young boy who contradicted him say it.
Su Tan curled her lips, and smiled at everyone with surprise or doubt,
with a clear voice and said, "Hello everyone, I'm Chen Weiting's old

Hayden: "..."

He laughed abruptly, listening to this name that was not his own, and
for the first time felt that he had dug a big hole for himself.

Chen Weiting's old attack?

Well, Baozhun let your "male god" teach you how to be a person.

One afternoon was spent in the large parlor's living room. When he
left in the evening, Su Tan found that he had no time to be
interviewed at all. Suddenly he felt a little guilty and made an
appointment with his cousin for the next interview .

Unexpectedly, Hayden rubbed his head with a smile, he didn't care

about these things, and comforted him without using it casually. In
this interview, he helped Su Tan solve it.

Suddenly, Su Tan was warmed by the big cousin's intimate actions.

After leaving the magazine, everyone went home with the big cousin.

Unexpectedly, he saw his exclusive interview in the latest issue of

"Entertainment News Express" released a month later. But compared
to the formal interview, his interview was a bit more casual and
relaxed. Looking at it from the beginning, it was like an encyclopedia
of hobbies.

Several of these issues are even more striking.

"Favorite?-Big cousin."

"People most admired?-Big cousin."

"The person who has the most influence on you?-Big cousin."

"Want to spend time with each other?-Big cousin."


Eddie, reading the content of the "Interview with Entertainment News

Express", turned flushed and looked at Su Tan awkwardly,
wondering what to say.

It took a long time before he jumped out. "Your favorite can be

tempered a little bit, and it will soon overflow the magazine."

Su Tan shook his head and laughed. He did not expect that Hayden
said that the treatment method should be this way. He simply swore
his sovereignty in the large court.

Under his Weibo, many readers were curious.

"Ambala: Who is your big cousin ????"

"Jiang Xiaoyu: I really envy the big cousin, so much loved by Daxin."

"Meng Meng Shao Lang: A big cousin, there seems to be a lot of

stories behind him, quickly hand the microphone to Su Tan!"


Seeing these comments, Su Tan couldn't help smiling. He looked at

the calm and joyful Hayden, and even felt that it was terrible for men
to fight for favor, and he was generally not tolerated with the orcs
who loved to compete with the protagonist Cheng in his novel

Under the tide of his big cousin, Su Tan's reputation has risen to a
higher level. His children's story "Unfortunate Amy" is even more
popular, and it will soon spread throughout the Rose.


This children's novel is not only a bedside story that many children
must read before going to bed, but also a novel and interesting
country story style that has firmly attracted the attention of many

This is a fairy tale dedicated to Rosewood. The large rural scenery, the
manor house full of rustic atmosphere, and the chickens jumping in a
pile of animals all have caused huge things in this small rural planet.
Resonance, leading many readers to recall their childhood in the

Therefore, this novel gradually exploded into a huge vitality, popular

and attractive.

Even the two main characters in the story, the ghostly Amy and the
soft and cute little robot Da Da, have become children's new favorite.

Even with the robot Abba Suning, he has recently become a favorite
among the children in town.

"Da da, da da--"

Suning was coming out of the supermarket, dragging a basket full of

various household and foods, and walking along the road.
Unexpectedly, he suddenly heard a staggering running sound coming
from behind him, and it stopped immediately. Footsteps.

Looking back, I saw a little boy, two or three years old, with a big
round head and a big brain, running towards him in panting, his face
glowing with excitement. "Da da!"

He stood still, handed a flower in his hand to the robot Suning, and
his round and dumb face could not conceal joy and happiness.

Su Ning took a moment, and a sudden surge of emotion mixed in his

heart, rubbed his cold metal fingertips carefully, then stretched out
carefully, took over the flowers.
Suddenly, the little boy narrowed his eyes with a happy smile,
"Tongtong" hugged it tightly, then ran away blushing and shy away.

Suning stood on the side of the road, until the other side completely
disappeared the corner of the street, and then moved his eyes back
with emotion.

Then, he looked down at the flower in his hand, which was clenched
tightly and pulled his head, and beat hard in his chest, like a bright
firework, so that it could hardly hear the surroundings. the sound of.

I don't know how long after that, a familiar and joyful "Aba-"
suddenly came from afar, and finally slowly pulled back its

The robot Suning slightly moved his finger and held the flower tightly
in his hand for a few seconds before turning to look at the boy who
was running towards him with a smile.

The hot summer day passed, the weather was getting colder, and it
turned to late autumn. The roadside was covered with a large pile of
withered yellow leaves, but the black-haired boy who ran forward
was becoming more fresh and handsome. Qingjun's good-looking
temperament, coupled with a dark blue trench coat and the thick
white scarf woven by himself between the neck, is beautiful.

Su Tan ran over with a smile and took the large basket in his hand.
The heavy weight was heavy, which made him jokingly: "Ab, how can
you buy so many things?"
"I want to make more delicious food for you today." Suning looked
calmly, with a little bit of seriousness.

Su Tan didn't agree, and holding the basket, he went home with his
dad and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. But this time, the robot
Suning refused to stand firm and kicked Sutan out. He
conscientiously prepared a large table and served it full.

On the table, the rich dinner included both the stew that Abba would
do best every day, as well as the freshwater shrimp, flower chicken,
and eight treasure duck that I learned later ...

The variety and variety of dishes can't help but let Sutan recall what a
good day it is today. After thinking about it, I didn't think of the
answer. Su Tan raised a smile, pulled Abba to the table and sat down
to share his good news.

"I got the manuscript fee." Su Tan started, and broke a heavy news.

At the end of the quarter, "Roselia Children's Story" settled a generous

manuscript fee, and he also withdrew the revenue of the online star
novel site by the way. Although he paid a large amount of taxes, the
remaining revenue also Quite considerable, Su Tan went to the bank
to get an old account card, and deposited all the payment fees, and
frankly gave it to Abba.

"A dad, it's all for you."

Su Tan bent her lip corner, but she was extremely serious and focused,
and handed a thin card to Suning.


After a short time, Suning was stunned. Immediately, a touch of

sourness and astringency poured out of its heart, and he hurriedly
waved and refused: "No, I don't want it, you keep it."

Su Tan smiled brightly and said bluntly, "I have it. You don't have to
worry about it, Dad."

These are deliberately saved up to give Dad money for dowry.

He could not refuse to accept his father and gave the other two gifts to
his big cousin and Dr. Shu. One is "Guide to Home Robot Care" and
one is "How to Become a Qualified Magazine Manager" specially
given to Hayden.

Although the two gifts were light, Su Tan and Hayden naturally
accepted them from the title of the book.

Looking at a table full of delicious food, Sutan's relaxed and happy

smiley face, and the pleasant and harmonious atmosphere in the
restaurant, the robot Suning paused to say something, but eventually
did not say it.

After eating the perfect dinner, the crowd dispersed, and Su Tan
finished his dishes and went back to the room to fight the code, and
finally he calmed downstairs.
Sun Ning still wore a small floral apron and did not take off, but
walked into the small garden with dim lights outside the door to sit
down. The quiet atmosphere around him was a bit cold.

It carefully touched the card in his pocket, as if the cold metal

fingertips were hot.

"What are you thinking?"

Dr. Shu stepped out and sat down beside it.

There was a faint sound on Su Ning's face, his voice was low, and he
slowly answered, "I just wanted to tell Atan."

Since the beginning of autumn, it has found that its condition is

getting worse, its response is slow, and the beating of the heart driver
is getting slower and slower, just like an old machine that gradually
loses its power and is about to extinguish the fire.

Only then did Su Ning find that the potent medicine that originally
thought it could last for a year was no longer able to support it, and
now there was not much time left for it.

To this end, today it deliberately made a large table of hearty dishes,

but when it comes to its lips, the most critical thing is still inexplicable.

How could it tell his son to leave for a while and then watch him sad?
Sitting in the quiet and dark little garden, Sun Ning lowered his head,
feeling low to the valley. He dullly held the account card in his
pocket, thinking about how to return the money to his son, and then
said the matter.

Shu Heng looked down at Suning, gentle pity that could not be said in
his eyes. "I can't wait any longer, and I can't guarantee the
consequences if your body has an unexpected condition next time," he
said warmly.

Of course Suning knows this, but--

"How can I tell Atan?" Suning's eyes were red and clear, but there was
no tears, but the confused expression was heartbreaking.

It was unwilling to tell Sutan such a cruel truth. As a robot who has
not undergone surgery at a severe age, it knows exactly how much
risk the surgery will face.

If you never come back ...

It hopes that his son will never know the truth and be sad for himself.

However, whether he went to work in an alien galaxy or traveled for

several months, Su Ning rolled his weights in his heart, thinking that
these reasons were inappropriate, and I'm afraid he would be seen by
Su Tan.

so what should I do now?

The robot Suning sat alone on the stone steps of the small black
garden, his face was blank and pitiful, like a beast lost in the dark,
how could he find no way out and no direction.

Seeing this scene, Shu Heng sighed and suddenly leaned forward,
hugging Suning firmly with a warm and generous embrace. His voice
was low and mild. "Don't worry, I have a way."

Suning lifted his head from his arms and looked at him expectantly:
"What is it?"

Su Heng smiled suddenly, the gentle eyes shed the light behind the
gold rim glasses, and gently touched his head, saying softly, "Shall we
go on a honeymoon trip?"

Robot Suning: "... ah ?!"

"You going on a honeymoon?"

The next morning, when Su Tan, who was sitting at the dining table,
heard the news, the hand holding chopsticks suddenly stunned and
looked up in surprise at the two people sitting side by side.

The robot's dad was hot and flushed, unable to speak with shame.
Instead, Dr. Shu patted his back calmly under the table, calmly
responding to Su Tan's surprised questioning.

"Yes," Shu Heng nodded and admitted.

Suddenly, Su Tan was shocked and happy, and thought for a while,
and smiled, "Last night, for this reason, Dad made a table full of
dishes for this reason?"

When Su Ning heard it, he shook his head subconsciously, and then
suddenly came over and nodded hurriedly.

This inconsistent movement made Su Tan mistakenly think it was shy.

He smiled wryly, "Abba, is there any embarrassment to say? I support

He smiled casually and asked, "Since you are going on a honeymoon,

when will you hold your wedding ceremony?"

Hearing this sentence, the robot Su Ning held silently, opened his
mouth, and did not know how to answer.

For it, the honeymoon trip was an excuse reached between it and Dr.
Shu. It was originally fake. How could there be a wedding ceremony?

Seeing that Abba didn't answer for a long time, Su Tan was also
puzzled, looked at the two people in perplexity, and asked, "Will not
be held?"

Facing his son's doubtful eyes, the robot Suning became more
nervous, and his metal fingers were tightened tightly, for fear that Su
Tan could see the problem.
He hesitated slightly: "I ..."

However, before Yuanba explained it, he was suddenly warmly held

by a thick and powerful palm.

Suddenly, Su Ning looked up along that arm, and saw Dr. Shu
smiling warmly, calmly, and resolutely replying, "We will have a
wedding next week."

This time was earlier than Su Tan imagined. Can't do it-

"Have you registered for a permit?"

On hearing that, Shu Heng bent his lips, and Junlang's gentle face
couldn't stop the soft smile. He said firmly, "Go today."

Suning :! !! !!

"......wait wait wait--"

It stunned in its place with blankness in its head, blank and confused
eyes could not help sweeping to Shu Heng's face, silently asking why
things had evolved to this point.

Obviously, it 's a honeymoon trip. How can it be registered in a blink

of an eye?

All of a sudden, the brain of Suning, the robot, was a bit stuck.
I saw Shu Wenwen holding his finger gently, and suddenly left the
table, took out a small box from the pocket of his clothes, opened it,
and kneeled down in front of himself on one knee, and then-

He looked at himself intently and earnestly. "will you marry me?"

Suning: "..."

He squeezed his apron tightly, his face stunned and at a loss.

— Is this too realistic?

Looking at his helpless look, Shu Wenwen smiled and said to Su Tan
Wen: "Can you give us a word of time?"

Su Tan walked aside understandingly.

Shu Heng clenched Suning's fingers and smiled softly and calmly,
"This is a fake anyway, so don't be burdened."

The robot Suning nodded.

Shu Heng: "If you don't agree, Su Tan will doubt it."

Hearing this sentence, Suning nodded strongly.

When Sutan returned a minute later, he saw that his dad had a large
shiny diamond ring on his hand.

Su Tan stretched his eyes and raised a smile, couldn't help but step
forward and hugged Suning. "Great, Dad!"

The robot Suning was coy and happy.

The son finally believed that it could smoothly leave with Dr. Shu for

Suddenly, there was a festive atmosphere inside and outside Su's

house. Su Tan's face was full of smiles and he couldn't help it.

Just when the big cousin was passing by, Su Tan happily raised his
voice and blurted out to Hayden: "Aba is going on a honeymoon trip,
let's go together!"

Suning: ".................."

It tried to stop: "No, no."

However, Su Tan, immersed in joy, hugged his father, only if it was


On the other side, Hayden, who was smashed from the sky by
"Honeymoon Travel", suddenly took a deep breath, and then rushed
out of Su's door.
——Where is the nearest ring store?

Maps, navigation, compasses too! !! !!


Haiden rushed out of the Su family's gate and ran a full circle around
the town. He didn't find a ring shop.

He couldn't help releasing the starship from the space necklace, drove
the starship to another big city, and bought the most expensive,
largest, and most shiny diamond ring in the city, and returned to
Sutan with satisfaction.

In the living room of the Su family, Su Tan was still smiling and
happy, holding the light brain directly to start searching for many
precautions to prepare for the marriage, and Dr. Suning and Shu were
long gone.

Hayden took a deep breath, calmed his tense heartbeat, and stepped
forward towards Sutan.

He raised his eyes and looked at Su Tan intently: "I have a baby to
show you."

Su Tan: "..."

Are you tarnished?

"Don't watch!" Su Tanshun replied, thinking who doesn't have a big
baby yet? Maybe the big cousin can't keep up with his own :-D.

Unexpectedly, hearing his rebuff, Hayden's eyes were dark, and he

suddenly picked him up and hugged him directly into the garden

The autumn leaves are yellow, and many shrubs in the small garden
are lushly turned into dark green. Although there are no blooming
flowers, they do not appear to wither, but they can not help but calm

Su Tan was carried down top-to-bottom, and when An An steadily

rested on a small stool hidden in the bushes, he still didn't return to
his senses.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Garden play?

Big cousin is too low!

Hayden didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, and a slightly
nervous deep gaze suddenly smiled when he met Su Tan's blinking

Sutan is even more confused, unable to grasp the clue. He tried to

calmly reason: "We have something to say well-"
Suddenly, Hayden took out a small square box from his suit jacket,
familiar in size and style, just like he had seen with Dr. Shu this

Suddenly, Su Tan stood up abruptly, but might as well be held down

by the big cousin's firm and strong hand.

Su Tan: "..."

Hayden took a deep breath, the obvious tightness and smile in his low
voice, and said softly magnetically: "I know this ring is prepared too
hastily, and the diamond is not big enough ..."

Su Tan silently looked at the ring that was shining in the sun, almost
flashing his eyes, and pursed his lips, not knowing what to say.

Forget it, don't discuss the size of the diamond with the big cousin.

Just listening, Hayden chuckled suddenly, his tone slowly lowered,

and his solemn voice was extremely serious. "But I decided to make
this decision long ago."

Sutan trembled.

"will you marry me?"

In the quiet and peaceful small garden, Su Tan stared down at his big
cousin who was kneeling on one side opposite him. The handsome
and familiar man now looked at himself calmly, waiting for his

If he nodded, Su Tan had no doubt that the next second the man
would stretch himself to wear a large diamond ring.


Su Tan suddenly reached forward, and some cold fingertips touched

Hayden's handsome and handsome face, trembling with the hot
temperature of the other party.

His dark eyes were bright and clear, and he smiled and said, "I believe
in your heart. But who are you?"

"Hayden Longman?"

"Nicholas Chen Weiting?"

"Or someone else?"

After getting along for half a year, he never doubted how tender and
cowardly his big cousin had to him. But who is he?

Who was the man who suddenly fell from the sky in a starship and
was picked up by himself and relied on himself?
He once said that he is a soldier, and he also has the supreme wealth
to spend freely on the novel website, and he can even buy a magazine
that has hacked him into a propaganda position exclusive to him.

He is his own big cousin, but he has never been his real big cousin.

Who is such a man with such a decathlon, high quality and gold, high
legs and long face?

Su Tan looked at Hayden seriously, and touched his fingertips gently

on his face, but he had never been more serious and focused.

He waits for his answer.

Hayden's deep eyes fixedly looked at Su Tan, suddenly shook his

head and laughed, frankly: "This is my mistake."

He raised his lips and replied calmly: "My name is Hayden Longman.
This has never lied to you."

Su Tan's heart was stagnant, and suddenly there was a little ripple.

"As for my identity--"

He watched Hayden suddenly leaned close to himself, firmly and

undeniably wearing the ring on Su Tan's left ring finger.

He leaned forward towards himself, and a low magnetic voice

sounded slowly in Su Tan's ear. "I am your fiance."
A tender kiss fell on the tip of his ear.

"——Little wife."

Su Tan's heart shuddered, and she was startled. "and many more,--"

Looking at his own hand, which was automatically locked as soon as

he was brought on, a large diamond ring that couldn't be thrown off,
Su Tan couldn't stop and said, "I haven't promised you yet, how can I
become your fiancee ??? "

Hayden smiled and touched his head. "Don't make a noise, be good."

Su Tan jumped up, grabbed his collar, and said angrily, "Don't try to
diverge from the subject, and you haven't explained exactly who you
are. Haven't been on the blacklist, have you had black history, before I
've made a few boyfriends, and who else is in the family. Would they
like me?


Hayden tenderly let Su Tan flutter into his arms, watching the hot
redness of the tip of the ear that was kissed by him, happy and

"Like it," he lowered his head and pecked again, teasing. "Now, I can
finally show you a big baby."
Su Tan was red-faced.

"Look, I'm better than you, okay! Man!"

In the small garden, the two laughed and smashed into a ball, while
the robot Dr. Suning next to Dr. Shu's house was a little depressed at
the moment, and took a cup of hot tea that Shu Heng handed to him.
stand up.

"What to do?" It held the tea cup tightly, the hot cup wall hot its metal
fingertips, and the expression on his face was a little depressed, "Atan
said he would go with us?"

This operation, you must not bring Sutan, so it was discussed with Dr.
Shu to use the excuse of honeymoon travel.

But he did not expect that although Su Tan believed this excuse, but
because he was too happy, he decided to go with them.

When the time comes to board the spacecraft, isn't that about to reveal
the stuffing?

Suning never thought of this result.

Sitting at the opposite side of it, Shu Heng had a gentle and calm look,
comforting with a light smile: "It doesn't matter."

The robot Suning apologized, "Dr. Shu, sorry."

Dr. Shu kindly performed a drama for himself, but he still hasn't
achieved the result he wants. I feel sorry for Dr. Shu when he wants to
come to it.

Shu Heng raised his lips, "You're welcome."

He lifted his eyes and glanced at the light brain between his wrists,
estimated the time, and got up and said, "Let's go, let's go to register
and get the card first."

In a short time, Suning was stuck in place because of this sentence.


It didn't seem to be able to respond. He was holding the hot tea cup
on the sofa, watching Shu Heng change into a formal dress, took the
car key, and prepared to wait for him to go out together.


"Dr. Shu!" The robot Suning explained carefully, "the reason was
unsuccessful, we don't need to get married."

What they should do is to come up with a new reason to trick Atan

into leaving for a while.

However, Shu Heng, who was standing next to the door and changing
shoes, had a soft smile and said softly, "Since Su Tan has heard our
promise of marriage, do you have the patience to let A Tan down?"
Hearing this sentence, Suning was silent for a moment, holding on to
the hot tea cup and struggling. "I can't bother you."

Shu Heng walked in front of him, crouched down, took off the tea cup
in his hand, and gathered the hot metal fingertips into his own hand,
raised his eyes, and faced his eyes with hot eyes. "This is not a

"I am willing, willing to perform surgery for you free of charge,

willing to accompany you to aliens, and willing to help you cheat
Atan, all are voluntary."

He touched Suning's hot eyes, where no tears could come out, but the
burning touch made people feel aching in the bottom of his heart, as if
he saw a crystal tear drop.

"Do you remember the surgery contract you signed with me?" Shu
Heng's eyes were deep and narrow behind Phnom Penh glasses. "I'm
sorry, I'm actually a very selfish person. I've given so much
willingness, and I want you to countless Time with time. "

"Are you willing to accept this unequal contract?"

According to some words, the temperature in the plain language is

mild, but it is like a small hot stove in the chest cavity, which makes
the robot Suning feel hot.

It suddenly spoke, shaking its head firmly in a tone: "No, you are not
selfish at all."
"You are the best person, Dr. Shu." Suning said extremely earnestly.

Shu Heng couldn't help laughing, thinking that Suning might not
understand the meaning of the contract at all.


There is still a long time to come.

He has taught it one by one for those things it does n't understand, it
wo n't, and it never understood.

As long as it's around you.

He stood up and helped Suning to help him change out shoes, put on
his favorite big straw hat, and said with a light smile, "Okay, let's go
to register."


That night, Su's screen was swept up by a series of good news. Su Tan
watched Shu Heng specially show the marriage registration form to
several people. Since then, the personal information number bundled
together has marked the information column of the husband's status,
and he can't help but hugged his father.

The robot Suning was shocked to speechlessness by his son's huge

shiny diamond ring, and his face was shocked, happy and half
Looking at Hayden dumb, he didn't know what to call him for a

son in law? Daughter-in-law? Or follow the habit of calling his son

called Xiao Deng?

Immediately, Suning struggled with headaches.

Instead, Shu Heng smiled tacitly, raised a toast and Hayden, and
silently congratulated each other.

Even Sutan couldn't help but be happy and happy, and moved out the
good wine he made in his cellar, and drank a few glasses. I didn't
expect this drink, and I was completely drunk.

By the time he woke up the next day, he had three shots.

Su Tan lay on the quilt. He didn't know who had been changed into a
soft and close-fitting cotton pajamas. He was softly wrapped in the
quilt, which was unspeakable and comfortable.

He still had some headaches, and tried to open his eyes, looking at the
sun hanging high outside the curtain, and felt that he was drinking
too crazy last night.

While being rolled up in the quilt to reflect on life, the door was
suddenly pushed open, and a quiet footstep came.
Before Su Tan could open his eyes again in the future, he was
suddenly squeezed by a warm and strong hand to pinch his nose, and
then half-hugged him and poured a hot and bitter potion into his

All of a sudden, the astringent and bitter mix of strange smelling

medicines went straight down the throat, and the unexplainable spicy
taste immediately irritated his scalp, and the whole drowsy head was

Su Tan coughed a few times, frowning and asked, "What is this?"

Hayden's deep laughter sounded. "Hanging medicine."

Su Tan raised his head and buried himself in the quilt.


Unexpectedly, this hangover medicine has a magical effect. In a short

time, Sutan will be able to successfully take a shower, refreshed, and


As he walked down the stairs, his face couldn't help but smile, while
looking at the necessary matters for weddings and honeymoon trips,
he was surprised to see that Hayden was standing in the kitchen, and
focused on cooking porridge .
At the moment, Su Tan couldn't help laughing. "Why are you cooking,

Big cousin has limited cooking skills. On weekdays at home, Suning

has always been fully responsible for three meals a day at home. For
it, it is also the greatest pleasure to bring a family with warm and
delicious food.

Why is the big cousin standing in the kitchen today to perform


Su Tan smiled in his heart, but he did not expect Hayden to respond
swiftly: "They have gone on their honeymoon."

Suddenly, Su Tan was stunned, and the smile on his lips had not yet
converged. Then he quickly responded to his words and hurriedly
asked in amazement: "You mean Abba and Dr. Shu have gone? Didn't
they say they would have a wedding next week? "

How could it be to leave early in the morning?

Sutan was shocked.

However, Hayden, who had cooked a pot of fragrant hot porridge,

calmly lowered the pan from the upper part of the stove, and quipped
with a smile: "Maybe it is too happy and anxious."

Su Tan: "..."
Obviously throw away the two big light bulbs of yourself and your
big cousin!

He turned on the light brain, mounted the communicator, and

brushed his message on his dad's communication number.

On the other side, the robot Suning, who has boarded the interstellar
long-distance spacecraft and left the planet Rose, sits in a spacious and
comfortable room, staring at the vast starry sky outside the round
transparent glass, thinking quietly.

Suddenly, a buzz sounded from the old-fashioned light brain on his

hand. Suning opened it and it was a communication from his son.

"Su Tan: Have a good honeymoon, dad! I am waiting for you to come
back with Dr. Shu [laughing]."

Immediately, his chest seemed to be overheated, and he couldn't help

but smile.

Coincidentally, the door rang, and Suning turned back and saw that
Dr. Shu came in tall and straight, holding a processed document, and
said with a gentle smile, "Go out today too early, take a break."


The robot Sun Ning pursed his lips and glanced quietly at the large
double bed in the cabin. He quickly regained his sight, and his cheeks
couldn't help getting hot.
Shu Heng was very calm, helped Suning to bed, covered him with a
quilt, and took a good rest. Then he took a professional medical book
and opened it on the armchair not far from the bed.

After the glasses in Phnom Penh, the serious and focused look could
not help but let Suning look again.

It covered the quilt obediently and did not dare to move, and
whispered, "Dr. Shu, where are we going?"

Shu Heng lifted his eyes, looked at him with a smile, and comforted
gently: "Emperor Capital."

At Su's house, Su Tan, who was drinking porridge, stopped the

porridge spoon while listening to the calm introduction of his big

"Emperor Star?" He asked.

"Yes." Hayden was very calm. Since putting on a diamond ring for Su
Tan in the small garden yesterday, he has wanted to hold out his
situation and the situation, so that there will not be a hint of
concealment and mustard between the two people.

"You know my name, Hayden Longman."

Su Tan waved his hand and continued to drink his porridge. "Well, I
know." The focused look was like the supreme deliciousness in the
porridge bowl.

Immediately, Hayden couldn't help bending his lips, and a sudden

teasing thought came to his mind.

His soft, low-pitched voice calmly said, "Same name as His Royal
Highness the Crown Prince."

Su Tan's heart trembled, and she was in distress. Without piercing this
window paper, we are still good friends! Why do you have to dig
deep into the family background of your big cousin?

According to yesterday's big cousin, his real name is Hayden

Longman, who broke through the sky and the decathlon almost
reminded Su Tan of an object of suspicion.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Hayden Longman, who has
never been seen in the legend and only heard of his name.

Then he checked it online and found that His Royal Highness the
Crown Prince was not only mysterious, but he did not disclose his
identity and appearance information, but he could still see the clues
from the secret communication posts of several major forums. His big
cousin, who relies on himself, has a faint similarity.


At that time, Su Tan's head couldn't help but hurt a little.

Although it was not confirmed who the Crown Prince was in the end,
Su Tan knew that person was the big cousin.

Suddenly, he silently regretted the act of questioning the identity of

his big cousin.

Is it necessary to listen to each other and say, # 我 和 皇 王 皇 拉 过手

#, # 我 和 王 皇皇 皇 下 下 开 #, # 我 天天 扑 王王皇 皇 下 下 么 哒 #?

It's so shameful.

What's more, he also personally took the big cousin to see His Royal
Highness the little Huang Wen!

Su Tan gave a cough, his face calmed, and asked with a chuckle,
"What is the same name? There are 1,000 and 10,000 people with the
same name as my male **** Chen."

Hayden: "..."

Based on your query results, this is really true.

But Su Tan's eyes were raised with a smile, and he didn't want to
think deeply about it.

He bent his lips and methodically continued: "It's nothing, but

fortunately my family is good, which magazine I want to buy, which
magazine I want to buy, and which website I want to buy."
Sutan: ...

He earnestly looked up from the porridge bowl and looked at

Hayden. "Cousin, are you showing off your wealth in front of me?
This is a bad habit, and you still have to plan carefully."

Hayden couldn't help but whisper, and said pettiously, "Okay, I will
listen to you."

Su Tan: QAQ # Always feel like I'm bringing the future of bad empire

He took a deep breath, drank the warm porridge of porridge, and

dared not to look at his big cousin again, rushing upstairs, stunned for
three chapters in one breath.

Then when I was free, I just felt tears in my heart.

——It's terrible!

After calming down for a while, he boarded the Star Fiction Literature
website and was surprised to see that he had received the latest
message in his short message box. Click to open, it is actually a system
reminder to remind yourself to be on the list.

"Congratulations on your work" Domination of the Earth Age [Quick
Wear] "on the first page of the gold list, please continue to work hard."

Looking at this reminder, Su Tan was surprised for a moment, totally

unaware of what happened. Recently, because "Unlucky Amy" is
getting better and its sales are booming, "Maggie Children's
Literature" magazine has proposed a plan for additional publication,
which is based on the monthly publication. Young children are
anxious to see the follow-up story.

Such a move, of course, Su Tan supports, but the amount of updates

he undertakes every month is even greater.

Naturally, he shared some of the energy in the update of the web

article and put it in the full-saving manuscript "Unlucky Amy". He
didn't realize anything happened on the Internet.

Su Tan suspiciously turned off the text message reminder on the

station and entered the homepage of Fanxing Novels. Sure enough,
she saw her novel name on the prominent gold list at the top.

Although he was ranked last, this was enough to represent his

strength, and he couldn't help feeling agitated.

It has been updated steadily for 5 consecutive months, 3.5 million

words, and the collection has reached 2.8 million. Each piece of data is
steadily played, step by step, and almost all the lists on the website
have been rotated. "It's coming to an end.
Su Tan knew clearly that there was no special reason for his novels to
have stable data, and it is impossible to suddenly burst out on the
gold list. There must be some reason he didn't know.

He simply entered the page of his novel, updated the latest three
chapters in one breath, and entered his book review area. He noticed
that a lot of strange reader numbers had been flowing into the book
review area that was always lively.

"Small light bulb: Touch it according to Changan's great

recommendation. Look good. It really is highly recommended!"

"A new wall was built: my male **** recommended this article grandly
under the text, and I took a curious look and it was really good and

"Meng Meng's Shrimp: Chang'an Sightseeing Group 1. Wenwen is so

fat and cleverly conceived. The first time I saw it, I was scared by the
author's big brain, praise!"


Many of these new readers mentioned the name "Chang'an". Hearing

this ancient name, Su Tan could not help but develop a sense of
intimacy, but did not know which great **** it was.

He browsed the gold list and found the name on the gold list, and
immediately became curious.
Simply, he landed on the communicator, knocked on the author's chat
group, and asked directly in the group: "Who is Changan?"

In a word, many authors of diving codes immediately burst out.

"Money Money Money: !!! Are you kidding me?"

"Clear water is like a song: ... Chang'an is greatly my heart. The first
article that took me into the circle is Chang's" Longmeng. "

"Yueyue: Little cute, basically already in a state of writing and not

writing, but the divinity is still undiminished, and it is still the oldest
top gods of Why, why do you suddenly ask him? ? "

Su Tan shook his head and laughed, typing a line in the chat box: "It
seems that I was tweeted by him."

After a while, the group was silent.

"Money, money:......"

"Shuishui Ruge: ..."

"Invite the month: ..."

Even the "Small Pit Little Master" who worked hard to fill in the pits
silently stood up. "Envy! I also want to be greatly tweeted by
Su Tan couldn't help but rise up. Although he has n't been here for a
long time and hasn't experienced the time of Chang'an Great God, but
from the words of these great gods in the group, the purple gods, the
author also knows how rare the other is.

He smiled and drew an emoticon in the chat board's doodle board

and sent it out.


Immediately, many authors were blasted out and wanted to send him

Now that the chat box is open, many authors in the chat group can't
help but recall the grand situation of Chang'an when he wrote the
article and everything about him, which made Sutan entertaining.

"Qianqianqian: It is said that Changan is also a big bull in reality, a

senior school bully, and an outstanding professional ability."

The little fan of "Qingshui Ru Ge" knows this in more detail. "I
remember that Chang'an is also studying the direction of ancient earth
culture. Perhaps for this reason, he recommended your article."

Su Tan knew that non-Chinese people could not understand the

meaning of the word "Chang'an" in their minds. It can be seen that the
great **** Changan has some research on the ancient earth culture.
This made Su Tan in the distant interstellar, suddenly developed a
sense of intimacy.

He seriously asked in the group: "Do you have his contact


Everyone shook their heads. "Chang'an" hadn't written a text for ten
years. Except for the occasional bubble that appeared under the text
for a year and a half, few people knew his whereabouts.

Only "Qingshui Ruge" reminded him: "Changan's big Weibo is still

open. You can go to Weibo to personally trust him."

Su Tan thanked him, came out of the author group, and posted on
Weibo. Under the account of "every day brushing braised pork",
naturally, many of them are well-known tourist groups from
Chang'an Weibo, and they leave a lively message on his Weibo to
make him smile.

As a matter of course, he touched it in the past, and also successfully

found the "Changan" Weibo.

At first sight, the other person's head was a pair of words "Chang'an"
written on a large red letterhead. The glyphs were as if they were
going to cut through paper, which made Su Tan's heart swell.

He did not hesitate to click to follow the other person, open the
private message channel, think a bit, write a stream of gratitude
words, thank the other person to tweet for himself.
At the end of the paragraph, he thought about it and added a
sentence. "If Chang'an is here, it is worth the heyday."

However, it was not expected that the other party's private message
actually came back and poked over.

"Pow you."

Sutan couldn't help smiling.

"Chang'an: Recently, there was an ancient earth cultural exchange

conference in Diduxing. Would you like to hear it?"


"Ancient Earth Culture Exchange Meeting?"

Looking at the invitation from "Chang'an", Su Tan was interested.

I saw "Chang'an" introduce in detail: "Yes. With the decline of the

ancient earth culture, this exchange meeting is no longer the grand
occasion of previous years, but the participants are those who really
like the ancient earth culture."

"This exchange meeting was initiated by Professor Mei Wangshu who

wrote and recommended to you."
His enthusiastic invitation made Su Tan can't help bending his lips
and typing a line in the WeChat private message chat box. "Thank you
for your invitation, I will consider it carefully."

Chang'an: "OK."

With the recommendation of the "Changan" god, Su Tan's novels

ranked last on the homepage gold list, which is quite rare in the
author's thousands of star novel websites. But he knew that his
position was not safe, and he could fall at any time.

Immediately, I felt that I had renewed my strength, accelerated my

progress, and was ready to sprint towards the end of the novel.

The 3.5-million-word length is nothing more than a medium-length

novel for the interstellar online novel, which is far from being a long

But such a long number of words is enough for Sutan to describe

more than twenty worlds, large and small, each of which has a tight
rhythm, a smooth plot, and a lively, full-featured era of different

Some orc worlds, Greek myths and other myths in the later period
have even deviated from the real category and embarked on the scope
of derivation and fantasy.

Sutan wrote here, and felt that it was time for the ancient earth to
wear quickly.
And in the last world, he returned to the most original and the most
subject type written by other ancient earth novels-the last days.

Why did the ancient earth perish?

For interstellars, this unsolved riddle is a hot topic that can never be
talked about. There are alien meteorite impacts, planet explosions,
environmental damage pollution, etc.

All kinds of sayings have promoted many doomsday novels, which

have become the enduring popular classification of ancient earth

Writing the last days is no longer new.

When Su Tan smashed the last fast-wearing world preview in the "Era
of Domination of the Earth [Quick Wear]", the comment area under
the text turned into a sad ocean.

"Soft adorable dolphin: It's over so soon? Not enough!"

"Kolabao: I haven't seen enough 1. There are already many people

writing in the last days. I don't know what braised pork can be

"Nine-tailed meow: I can't help but make a bubble. It feels like the last
world is nothing new, isn't it that the writing is weak?"

As soon as the topic came out, all kinds of skeptical arguments were
rushing up. Many readers like the novel Dominate, because they are
attracted by all kinds of novel and interesting worlds.

They never thought that the last world of "Domination" would go

back to the usual doomsday routine, and suddenly their interest was
greatly diminished, thinking that Sutan was in the water. Many more
people bluntly subscribe to give up the last world.

Facing the questioning from the big wave, Su Tan was unhurried. He
set the last world as the end, for his own reasons. He simply turned
off the comment and did not explain it. He wrote the last world in one
fell swoop, and then posted on the author's background to update it.

Many readers clicked into the latest updated chapter in a mood of

doubt and want to see.

Shen Linlin is one of them.

Since seeing the orc world last time, her heart has been aroused great
courage, and in reality she hurriedly sulked and pushed all her essay
assignments to her male classmate. Finally she was relieved. Since
then, Shen Linlin has become a loyal fan of "Domination of the Earth
[Quick Wear]".

Change daily, Zhang Zhang sprinkles flowers, and regularly mines

for braised pork. Even she touched into the private reader group
spontaneously formed by the readers of "Domination" and
communicated with a group of fellow readers for cultural experience.
Therefore, when "Brushed braised meat every day" greatly foretells
the end of "Domination" and the last world is the end, Shen Linlin
hesitated for a few minutes.

end? Isn't it just shouting and killing, escaping madly, exposing

humanity, and flying each other before the disaster?

Shen Linlin had no intention to click into and read the doomsday
essays. It is really unacceptable to a world where humanity is exposed
in a desperate background and there is no mercy and reason to kill
each other for a bite of food.

Therefore, she has always been grateful for such subjects. But this
time, it was an article written by the author I liked. Shen Linlin
hesitated for a while, but finally, in support of the author's great idea,
she clicked to subscribe and entered the last doomsday world.

At the beginning of the new world, it really was a tense atmosphere.

"The latest emergency news has been broadcast recently.

Temperatures around the world have skyrocketed recently. The
average temperature in October is still high, and the outdoor
temperature generally exceeds 45 degrees Celsius. Recently, the
world's top climatologists have gathered in New York to discuss
countermeasures ..."

News broadcasts are endless on TV. "Recently, many people have
fallen ill for no reason, have fallen into a coma, and have been sent to
the doctor. I hope the general public will reduce their outings and pay
attention to heatstroke prevention."

On the latest news screen, the appearances of patients who had been
sent to the hospital for medical treatment were all gray and ugly, as if
there was no trace of anger, but the inconspicuous parts of their faces
were covered with gray spots.

No one noticed this detail, and even the doctors who were rushed to
the hospital did not find out the specific cause, so they had to be
temporarily placed in the intensive care unit to continue observation
and treatment.

But the hero Cheng Cheng, who was standing in front of the TV set,
looked tense. He frowned tightly, and knew in his heart that the last
days were coming.

When the end of the world comes, what should we do? Collect
supplies, plan routes, look for teammates, and escape to a safe place

To all readers' expectations, the protagonist Cheng Yi in the novel

Dominated the Hegemony did not follow the usual end-of-life

With so many worlds going down, Cheng Ye has already seen the
environmental damage accumulated subtly and bit by bit from
generation to generation. Contaminated rivers and lakes, waste
garbage everywhere, high smoke clouds and flue gas pipes and
chemical plants make this blue planet overwhelmed and

Therefore, Cheng Cheng was silent when he saw the last quick-wear
mission "Save the Earth" released to himself by the system.

How to save?

It has not been saved for the first five thousand years, and the rapid
development of modernity in the last three hundred years has not
reminded me of care about it. What happened to make him turn the

Cheng Yan smiled bitterly and remained silent.

When Shen Linlin saw this, her heart trembled suddenly, as if she felt
the helpless helplessness and weakness of the protagonist of the
novel, and she held her heart severely.


The feeling was like watching a planet annihilate in front of her, and
her inability and weakness made her sad.

In the novel, Cheng Ye still did not give up the last chance, and took
the interstellar portable system to heal the patients showing the early
symptoms of zombies, posted a warning reminder post on the
Internet to warn everyone, and wrote a special proposal to the
government department in person.
However, everything was in vain after all, and Cheng Yi inevitably
watched the earth rapidly grow old, like a car that lost control of the
steering wheel and was on a runaway track.

The temperature was extremely hot and quickly cooled down to the
extreme cold. The crop particles in the fields were not harvested. More
people were sickened in large areas of the city, and the sudden attack
of some zombies suddenly appeared in various places.

All of this indicates that inevitable eschatology and no retreat in the

last days.

Seeing that the building was about to fall, a disaster was coming,
Cheng Ye anxiously recalled what he had learned about the ancient
earth, which had only a small amount of history, the earth was
destroyed, the historical fault became a legend ... what about the rest?

He suddenly found himself in a misunderstanding.

The earth is over and the great interstellar era begins. The wheel of
history will never stop, and it will turn forward. Someone has to step
out of the earth and lead old humans to the new starry sky and world.

He stands at this point of time, both past and future.

Cheng Yan raised his eyebrows suddenly and said with a chuckle to
the portable space system that accompanies him along the way: "What
is our goal?"
The electronic sound of the system is cute and subconsciously
answers: "Stars and seas!"

Cheng Yan smiled.

At the end of the chapter, Shen Linlin was still thinking about it. She
seemed to see a grand blueprint slowly unfolding in front of herself,
completely forgetting that she did not eat the subject of doomsday at

She subconsciously clicked on the next page, but never thought that
she would see a web page prompt-"It's the last page of this article, do
you want to exit?"


Shen Linlin froze, how could she never have thought that this whole
novel would end like this? !!

She rushed to the comment area in amazement, and saw that the top
sticky comment came from the author's final comment.

"Braised pork every day: At this point, this article is officially over.
Thank you for your support, and we will see you in the next book."

Suddenly, Shen Linlin was speechless in shock.

She held her cell phone stunned, but she never expected that
"Domination" ended so crisply. At the end of the whole novel, she
opened the frame of the end, and summarized all the clues and
foreshadowings of almost all the world Uncovered, and then broke
out in an impenetrable situation, eventually finding a way to survive.

Ancient Earth, to the interstellar.

The ambitious blueprint has just opened a small corner. Shen Linlin
can almost imagine that the protagonist in the text Cheng Xi will take
advantage of the incomparable interstellar advantage to lead the
artificial man-made spacecraft of the earth, select the star map, and
open a new star sea journey.

That scene is sure to make people excited.


It was at this time that the author stopped abruptly, putting a rest on
the whole novel.

Shen Linlin's breath that she just raised almost fell into her throat, and
she couldn't help rushing to the comment area under the article, and
eagerly commented. "Big, it's over? !!! Come out and see I won't kill

There are not a few readers with the same ideas as her, and the
comment area under the article is already a mournful comment.
"Soft cute dolphin: Same question! Crying blind eyes! Big, why did it
end so soon, caught off guard!"

"Gentleman's sauce: With a look of embarrassment ... I'm waiting to

see Cheng Xueba lead the Earth people to fly out of the solar system to
open up the domineering journey of the new star domain. I didn't
expect it to end like this?"

"Dark Rose: Blade!"


Seeing a large number of comments coming in, Su Tan couldn't help

smiling. "Hegemony" ends at this point, which is a plan he had
conceived long ago. He didn't feel obtrusive, but just right.


This is an ancient earth novel, and the ending should end when
leaving the planet.

Su Tan explained a few words in the text with a smile. Although the
readers accepted it, they were still a little bit interested, and the
sudden appearance of the smoke scar made all the readers' voices a

"Smoke scar: It's going to be scarce again ..."

"Soft cute dolphin: hold on to smoke father [cry]."

"Kolabao: When does the author open up a new pit and wait for the

"Fishing on the Milky Way: What is the theme of the new article? It is
also good to write a separate book with the ancient earth people to
open up the original planet and get rich and want to see it."

Su Tan raised a smile. Xinwen had no plans yet, and was going to rest
for a while.

The task of updating "Unlucky Amy" is arduous. He has not

considered whether to go to the ancient earth cultural exchange
conference proposed by Changan. Although Dad is not at home, he
should not neglect to save food and food in winter ... In short, many
Things are imminent.

But first--

Su Tan pressed his big cousin on the seat of the restaurant, and a pot
of mutton soup was booing on the stove in the kitchen. The delicious
flavor permeated the whole kitchen and refreshed the mind.

In the cold winter and late winter, it is best to drink such a cup of
mutton soup to maintain the stomach. Therefore, he deliberately
bought a whole piece of fresh lamb chops, and asked the shop owner
to chop apricots into small pieces, boil them in a clear water pot, and
simmer slowly on a low heat to make a creamy white soup and
sprinkle a small amount Goji berries and parsley are served, and they
are so delicious that they can almost swallow their tongues.
Su Tan refused to let his big cousin get up, and with a smile, he
carried boiling mutton cups that had just come down from the stove
and put them in front of Hayden.

Lifting the lid tightly closed, the transpirational heat wrapped in a

delicious breath rushed towards the face, stunned the bright smile of
the dark-haired boy on the opposite side, making Hayden can't help

"Drink quickly." Su Tan hurried with a chuckle, "Isn't your arm injury
just right? The mutton is the most nourishing, and you will not suffer
for a winter if you make up your energy."

This is an old recipe learned from grandma's hands in the previous

years of Sutan. The simple and delicious mutton soup is almost
original, without any additional ingredients, but it is most delicious
and fragrant.

In autumn and winter, grandma always cooks a large pot of hot

mutton soup, fills a bowl for everyone in the family, and then spends
the winter and winter with energy.

At this point in the interstellar space, although far away from his
family, Su Tan remembered the home-made deliciousness left in his
memory. At this time, it naturally applied to the big cousin's body.

Hayden looked at Qing Jun's frowning eyes, his fingers moved

slightly, and he suddenly touched his furry head. "Tired?"
Su Tan stunned, and suddenly smiled, feeling that it would be endless
to boil three pots.

Sheep soup is delicious and nutritious. When it is just out of the pot, it
is full of aroma, and the delicious flavor permeates through the
window. It doesn't take long to attract an appetizer.

The cold wind was lingering outside, and Eddie, a big man, was
dressed thinly and hurried all the way. A large number of sweat
beads burst out on his forehead. When he rushed into the gate of Su's
house, he forgot his own intention and was mutton soup I was
attracted by the deliciousness.

He looked at Sutan eagerly, like a large pet dog slobbering at the flesh
and bones, causing Sutan to bend his lip corners and also filled him
with a bowl.

Until a large bowl of delicious lamb soup was finished, the tender and
delicious lamb chops were eaten cleanly, and even the last drop of
lamb soup was in his stomach, Eddie finally reluctantly put down his
hand Bowl, remembered the business.

"Braised pork has been greatly choked!" He said in a word, and was

In front of Su Tan and Hayden, who are also loyal fans of the
"Brushed Braised Meat Every Day", Eddie naturally has nothing to
hide, and directly opens the light brain to find the post posted on the
fan novel author forum 掐 人 Come out, and shine in front of two

"What about some newcomers with a big fire? It's not that the
inspiration has dried up and the outline has been cut. The ugly words
are at the front, and the next book of a certain meat must be

The title of the post was very stingy, and the author's name of Sutan
was directly named after the name and surname. The building was
even more disdainful.

Opening the post building, Su Tan found that the main building was
actually a screenshot of the uploaded chat group. A few words in the
title of the post came from a speech with the ID "Gongzi Fusu" in the

"The son of Fu Su: The first essay of a certain meat was really big,
novel and interesting, and attracted a lot of readers. But in the later
period, the old problems that ordinary newcomers are prone to come
out, it is difficult to control the long story and the writing power is
insufficient It 's a shame. Unfortunately, Chang'an greatly
recommended it and helped him directly to the gold list. It is really a
waste! "

"Fu Su: So, the newcomer still concentrates on cultivation, obediently,

hone his writing with snacks. If the next book of this meat is still in
this style, it is estimated that it will repeat the same mistakes. Hold the
thigh of this tyrant every day, hold that big **** Recommend, I just
want to see if the next book without the blessing of the gods will not
even know my mother. "
"Fu Su Fuzi: Kindly remind everyone to be a low-key person."

As soon as this building came out, the entire forum exploded.

Although most of the authors in the author forum are signed by
Fanxing, the literati is not such a method of holding high
and low, sour and jealous, and immediately aroused the disgust of
many authors.

"1L: The sour gas in the screenshot is about to come out of the screen.
Which great **** is this' Gongzi Fusu '? He has the ability to be real."

"2L:' Be a low-key person ', leave it to yourself."

"3L: This' boy 'is a showman, is n't it? It 's a shameful name. Do others
use it for your own judgment? It 's viciously cursing other authors for
the next novel. It 's really red-eyed and crazy! "


"4L: I've seen the novel" Managing the Bully ". It's far from being as
unbearable as the screenshot says. It's well conceived, the plot is great,
and the rhythm has never been obstructed. Although the ending is
unexpected, it is just right to think carefully. Which big vest is 'Gongzi
Fusu'? Speaking out, I will detour all your articles in the future. "

"5L: If you speak in a group, you can cover up like this without
speaking? To be honest, people who can't see others well like this are
basically street vendors."
"6L: I seriously doubt that braised pork has blocked someone's list,
and only then has such red eye disease been targeted."


The post's rebuttal was terrible, and the post's owner just quietly took
a head, and explained a little bit about the beginning and end of the
group's talk about the recent fires of "Domination" and "Gongzi Fusu",
and they were stunned, afraid to expose Your identity in the group.

But just a few screenshots of the speech are intensified and continue to
ferment. A master followed the vest named "Fu Su Fu Su" and directly
picked up the other person's communication number and Weibo.
Another person who knew indirectly came out and broke the news for
a while.

When Su Tan checked the post, all sorts of rumors about "Gongzi
Fusu" were piled up to the ground, completely removing his identity.

It seems that this son Fu Su is not an unknown member, but a large

painter, who is good at aesthetic style and has a large number of fans.

After Fan Xing wrote the novel, fans followed him and supported the
purchase, so Wen's data has always been good, causing his self-
confidence to burst.

But according to his profile on Weibo, the favorite person is

"Chang'an" greatly. The latest Weibo post was a cute sell, fancy
confession, and wanted to go to the ancient earth cultural exchange
with Changan, but never received a response from Changan.
After a while, Su Tan knew it and knew which point he was offended

The favorite great **** appeared and recommended an unknown little

newcomer, but he didn't care for himself. Isn't this "Fu Su Fu" a
psychological imbalance?

Coincidentally, his author 's chat group is also discussing Su Tan 's
novels, all kinds of envy and praise words, immediately let the son Fu
Su blow up, can not hold back the indignation and was caught on the
Internet .


Later, I saw that the post was pinned on the author's forum
homepage, and all kinds of information about him were picked up by
netizens. "Gongzi Fusu" can no longer be ignored.

He almost red-eyed, rushed into his fan base, and cried.

"Fu Su: Who am I hiring to mess with? I just made a few comments in
another group and was hung out 10,000 people! Now the newcomers
are so powerful? I ca n't eat any day.

As soon as he showed up, the fans didn't know the cause and effect,
they were anxious to protect themselves. "What's wrong with you?"
The son Fu Su stopped talking and didn't want to mention it. But he
couldn't stand the anxiety and comfort of the fans. He finally
reluctantly released a forum website. His tone was difficult to hide
and said sadly: "Forget it, you go and see for yourself."

Eddie was indignantly launching Su Tan and his big cousin to reply
together, helping the braised pork greatly, and saw a sudden wave of
strangers surge in the post, all of them rushing up with a uniform
vest. condemn.

"Little boy of my son's family: Did our son invite you to provoke you?
What's wrong with the comments? You are not qualified to draw
shoes because of your qualifications. You are worthy of you!"

"Slaves of the son's family: Let's see which groups of vicious authors
are spraying their hands and feet, and sure enough, there are many
people who are right and wrong. Take away our soft and kind people
and don't bother to deal with your group of street goods."

"Golden belt of the son's family: I think our family's evaluation is very
fair. What terrible writings are written in braised pork, but also in the
ancient earth era, how can there be a sense of archaism? It is still the
best writing in Fusu. Well, the ancient style is strong, and every word
is carefully crafted. A little newcomer was objectively pointed out by
his predecessors, so he was irritable and clamoring for a big identity?
You wake up, when will you write your own text? Write down to the
extent that Fu Su is big!

Looking at the violent inquiries from this big wave, and the bad
comments that broke into a large section of his own text, Su Tan
couldn't help being laughed at.

What did he say from beginning to end?

... is simply touching porcelain.

Su Tan looked calm, and clicked into the author's column of "Gongzi
Fu Su", and found that the other party had begun to update a new
article, the ancient style of rivers and lakes, one week later.

To this end, the other party specially painted a pair of bamboo forest
sword shadows, full of ancient style long pictures, bold splashing
colors and unique style of painting, but it is particularly sucking

Su Tan couldn't help but smile, and finally knew how the fans of
"Gongzi's Family" came.

From the point of view of painting, the other party is indeed quite
powerful, and the extremely beautiful style of painting has firmly
attracted a large number of fans, and even accumulated nearly 20,000
pre-collections for the unopened new article.

This is a rare achievement for the extremely cold archaic theme.

In any case, stepping on one's own footsteps is a bit excessive.

Seeing the fans have turned their backs on themselves, "Gongzi Fu Su"
was late and finally appeared in the post.

A mouth, but a gentle and gentle manner.

"Fu Su, the son: What I said in a private group, never thought I would
be hung up in the court, and thank the fans for being honest. I always
only do things, not people. Good is good, good is bad, I do n't It's
against your heart to say good things, and that's all there is to say. "

As soon as the Lord came forward, he took the time to increase the
popularity of the post.

Su Tan chuckled, then went to the bathroom to make excuses, landed

on his personal brain, opened the post, and solemnly appeared on his
own account number.

"Burned pork every day: OK, since things are not right, we will use
fiction to judge them. Next Monday, Gufeng Channel will wait for

This challenge manifesto brought posts to a climax almost


"436L: Crazy! Challenge the book!"

"437L: Use the data pK on the front, that's okay! It's inexplicable, and
it's a straight circle of braised pork."

"438L: I also think that this form is good, and the text is good and bad,
no matter who said it, it is better to get it in front of the reader for
judgment. Which book is good, can it be clear at a glance?"

"439L-Gongzi's little girl: Of course, we are the best at Fusu!"

"440L: ........."

"441L: ............"

"Fu Su, the son of the son: See you on the list."

Looking at the other person's affirmative answer, Su Tan bent his lips
slightly and replied briskly--


Son Fusu: ... elegant and elegant, ca n't be mad, mad, mad, ah ah ah
ah, want to hit someone! !! !!


When Su Tan came out of the bathroom, Eddie, who was sitting next
to the sofa, suddenly stood up, squinting his brain, anxious and
As soon as he saw him, Eddie rushed forward. "What to do, the
braised pork has bet against that Fusu greatly, and you have to write
the ancient style! It has never been written, can you do it? What if the
next book is really written? That is not to be laughed at ? "

He was worried, and even more indignant at the "Fu Su". But it was
unexpected, he suddenly heard Su Tan chuckled, and said firmly, "He
won't flutter."

Hearing this, Eddie froze, "How do you know?"

Su Tan Waner, sincerely answered, "I have confidence, I believe


After a while, Eddie was blushed by his words.

How can you doubt the great strength? Not as high as Sutan 's

He left silently in shame, and when he got home, he immediately

rushed to Weibo to confess "Brushed braised meat every day" and
told him that he would support him to the end.

Supporting voices like this are not uncommon, forming a huge force
gathered under Sutan's Weibo. This new article challenge shocked the
entire novel website.
"Gongzi Fusu" commented that Su Tan's new book must flutter was
high up in the first line of the author's forum homepage, which caused
many people to watch.

The "Gongzijia" fan group, who helped a lot to support the stand,
greatly surprised many famous authors and readers. Many people
were shocked by the whitewashing shorts and unreasonable

Writing this novel still has this kind of operation?

Posts linked next to the author's forum are directly named. "Travelling
with a fan group? Great, my Su."

The capitalized and bold title can't help but make people smile, but it
is even seen by fans of the "Gongzi Family", which has triggered a
new round of standoffs. The rude and disdainful words directly
disgusted many people and only felt that they had been Stird a cloud
of smoke, and could not help standing on the side of Sutan.

But this pK match is a competition between novels.

Although "Gongzi Fusu" was a half-way monk from the painting

circle, there have also been several ancient novels and novels, mostly
chic rivers and lakes novels, with a charm of ancient style and ancient
charm, accompanied by the illustrations he painted, and accumulated
a large number of loyal Reader fans. Therefore, he wrote the ancient
style, no one doubts the achievement.

But "every day I brush braised pork"-

He has written ancient earth novels, but he has never written ancient
style novels!

The difference between the ancient style and the ancient earth is huge,
and it is even more difficult for newcomers. The upset theme has
almost never entered the public view.

If it weren't for the challenge pK this time, I am afraid that even many
old readers who have been writing for several years do not know
what type of ancient style is.

This type of novel has always been self-encrusted in the enclosure,

and it has only been spread in a small circle. It is almost a fringe
subject on the Star Fiction website.

Therefore, an author who turns around from painting circles like

"Gongzi Fusu" can also be called "Big God" under the fans' drums.

In contrast, "brushed braised meat every day" naturally suffers

greatly. What will his new article look like?

Many people are quite curious, but did not expect Su Tan to give up a
copy without much consideration.

"Jinge Iron Horse, please be happy!

1283 Governor Lake Entertainment Weekly—

Wudang Zhang's sword was lost.

Last night, the head of the flying hawks was strangled to death by a
hoe, and I would like to invite all heroes from the rivers and lakes to
go to the condolences on the second day of next month to send the old
brother the last trip!

Emei sent older female disciples into groups. This year's Mid-Autumn
Festival set up a chrysanthemum feast on the top of Emei, and invited
handsome knights to come and look around! "

As soon as this copy was released, it immediately attracted countless

eyes. Contrast the novel name "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly", a
novel modern word and ancient words like "Jianghu" match together,
and suddenly there is a wonderful conflict and chemical reaction.

Many readers were in front of them, leaving comments in the text.

"Soft cute dolphin: come here to report! Great, the new copy is so
interesting, I feel that Jianghu Entertainment Weekly is the big poster
booklet of our neighborhood committee, hahaha so cute!"

"Tianzhinan: came over from the forum post, and unexpectedly found
a novel and interesting article. When did the author write the article
and wanted to see it?"

"I explained my sturdy life: This is a river ???? The author should not
lie to me that I haven't read a lot. I haven't read any ancient novels. It
feels completely subverted. I like such novels that don't follow the
usual path. They have been collected and updated!

Almost instantaneously, Su Tan saw the collection of new articles

rising from the author's background. He chuckled and advertised
himself in the finished "Domination of the Earth [Quick Wear]". After
a while, he saw that the collection grew faster.

Just one hour after the copywriting, the collection of "Jianghu

Entertainment Weekly" has surpassed 50,000, far more than the 20,000
collection of "Love in Rivers and Lakes" by "Fu Su".

This kind of data is simply against the sky for an ancient novel that
only has copywriting and has not yet started to update a chapter.

Immediately, the author's forum set off a storm.

This time, under the restraint of "Gongzi Fusu", fans of "Gongzi

Family" knew that they did not rush to the comment area under Su
Tanwen, but they posted posts in the forum without any hesitation.

"The data is too fake! Can you order your face with a piece of stinky
meat, so as not to stain our ancient circle!"

Poor tone, just pointing at Su Tan's nose and scolding.

In the post building, there were a lot of fans 'ID numbers in the"
Gongzijia ", saying that the" braised pork "was brushed, just brushed.
Otherwise, how could the results be so good, the collection for one
hour is much larger than theirs. The year's pre-collection pits have
risen more.

As soon as this said, many diving parties in the forum couldn't help

"==: Yes, your family is the most powerful, you can admire me!"

"My sister-in-law's family: Just know upstairs."

"==: ..."

"==: To be fair, the end of the last article of braised pork has a
collection of nearly 3 million, and brought it to Xinwen for an hour
and it increased by 50,000. I think it 's less. It is probably because of
the subject matter, and many people are not interested. "

"Gongzi's dressing mirror: You are the brain powder of braised pork.
Is this fake data coming to whitewash? I! No! Phase! Believe!"

"==: ........."

"==: ........."

Countless pairs of eyelids lined up silently, and the expression of

silence kept the fans of "Gongzijia" a little bored and couldn't help
tearing it up. "The boring man upstairs is annoying. I don't like to see
you. Don't come to our son's building to stir the muddy water."
The other party did not know that the double eyelid is a tradition of
the author's forum. It is used by many people who want to reply
anonymously to leave messages in silent vests, not just one person.

Immediately, the unreasonable words made countless anonymous

authors and readers in the forum unable to bear a teasing thought,
and responded with a smile: "==: Yes, we are one person."

"==: Show you my avatar."

"==: Nami Star is a clone!"

"==: Galactic clone!"

"==: Emperor Du Xing's clone!"

"==: Friends let Jean, give us a place for the big guy!"

"==: The formation has been destroyed upstairs ..."

Looking at the tidy uniforms and quick brush screen replies, the fans
of "Gongzijia" felt inexplicable and angry for a while, suspecting that
they had been teased and played, and could not help remembering
the anger on "braised meat".

But they didn't want to, they haven't found the "braised pork" under
the article, but the other party appeared on their own initiative, and
said cheerfully in the post: "Doubt me to bring out evidence, and do
not accept people with empty teeth."
His appearance made the fans of "Gongzijia" immediately find the
object of venting, and rushed over to reply in anger.

"Little girl of the son's family: What evidence is needed, such fake data
is the best evidence."

"The bedside table of the son's house: the son of Fu Su has always
been generous and gentle, but we can't see him being bullied by

"Slave of the son's house: Clown jumping!"


Suddenly, Su Tan was laughed at.

Before starting to refute each other, a figure appeared in the post.

"Smoke scar: Are these words talking about yourself? There are
people behind our house :)"

Immediately, I saw a large number of "Cigarette Dad's Leg Pendants",

"Cigarette Dad's Ashtray", "Cigarette Dad's Fortune Treasury", "Cigar
Dad's Son", "Braised Pork and Cigar Dad" in the post. "Send child
Chizuru" and other IDs appeared.

The words of straight back to support directly slammed the fan

group's slam back, and immediately the group of fans frowned, their
faces full of anger, only to be unable to crawl along the network and
scratch the faces of these people.

Su Tan couldn't help but get up, he took a deep breath and formally
replied in an orderly manner: "This post is no longer commented,
please start your own performance out of nothing. I just want 'Gongzi
Fusu' to ask a big thing —— "

He said a word, but it made all the people who read the post can't
help getting nervous, knowing that the next words must be a big

Sure enough, "Braised Pork" spoke directly, and tortured directly:

"The son of Fu Suda, I rummaged through all the subscriber readers of
my novel" Domination "and never found your figure in it from
beginning to end. . Excuse me, through what channels have you read
my articles? "

As soon as this word came out, it caused an uproar immediately.

For the author and the reader of the dive, it is no less than a deep-
water bomb that has blown countless people out of the water.

As everyone knows, the highly developed interstellar network

guarantees that no authoritative figure will be found in the webpage
and any search bar except the starred novel network that the author
signed for the first time, which greatly guarantees that the author's
copyright is not harmed.
Only the readers' communication group established in the private
sector can produce pirated novels with private editions, but such
behaviors are ashamed by many authors and readers.

Therefore, when Su Tan directly and generously questioned "the son

of Fu Su" watching pirated articles, many people were blown out.

"==: See pirated text?"

"==: It's a big show!"

"==: The painter should not be short of money. Is it too expensive to

see pirated articles?"

"Maza of the son's family: You, your blood spurt!"

Fans burst into tears and anger, but they did not see "Gongzi Fusu"
responding for a long time, and they became more and more skeptical
of the truth, and even the fans couldn't help feeling a little bit chilled.

Su Tan didn't know if the other party was deliberately evading, or he

was thinking about countermeasures urgently. Instead, he relaxedly
started the outline of the new text.

This "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly", as the name suggests, is a

breakaway article that is contrary to the orthodox ancient style. It uses
a novel and interesting rivers and lakes entertainment magazine as an
entry point to describe the fun and life in rivers and lakes.
Rather than an ancient style, it is better to use modern entertainment
thinking to reveal the interesting collection of stories about the ancient
world of heroes. Su Tan didn't plan to write long, but he still took the
outline seriously.

When he quickly wrote the main outline of the new text, he returned
to the post and found that "Gongzi Fusu" finally appeared and
explained, with only a few words.

"The son of Fu Su: The Qing dynasty clears itself."

Suddenly, the fans couldn't help but feel bad about their own home.

"Slaves of the son's family: son, let's go, don't waste your words to
explain to these people."

"Little Begonia from the son's family: It makes me want to cry in a big
way, and I feel greatly wronged."

Su Tan: ... terrific, this reverses the black and white effort.

He knew that no matter how sad the other side's explanation was, it
was not as puzzling as this cloud and light wind.

What's more, the son's idea of helping soda, I am afraid that I dare not
dare to make public the background of the income one by one, so I
dare to stand up and cleanse myself.
However, Sutan is a mere smiler and simply stated: "Fusu Da, if you
think that I am wrong, you can directly go to the subscription record
instead of going around like that. Well, I am low-level and do n't
understand :-D. "

In a word, the onlookers who were hesitant about what the truth was
immediately became clear.

Seeing the piracy sewage spilled on anyone like this, they must throw
out their subscription records in anger and prove their innocence. It is
necessary that the other party be silent before the iron certificate and
come out to apologize. Why bother to say so ambiguous?

Although the words "the self-cleaning of the Qing Dynasty" by

"Gongzi Fusu" are clever, there are also a lot of bright eyes, and they
can see the cover behind them.

At the moment, many onlookers are clear in their hearts. I am afraid

that this Fusu has really read the pirated text.

Seeing pirated texts also revealed that the author's poor writing level
was low. Such acts were recalled from beginning to end, almost
making everyone's sense of "Gongzi Fu Su" suddenly worsened.

Only the fan group of the "Gongzijia" also regarded the Fusu as
unheard of and tried to protect Fusu. They thought that the authors'
forums were all indifferent and could not tolerate such greatness.

Such words made all the people who watched the whole course too
lazy to reply.
Su Tan also simply closed the post, thinking a bit, logging on his
Weibo, while sending a new notice, while contacting "Chang'an" in a
private message, directly responding to the other party's previous
invitation: "Ancient Earth Culture When will the exchanges start? "

Chang'an returned quickly. "A week later. You finally decided to

come. I'll send you an invitation."

With that said, an electronic invitation letter was immediately sent to

Sutan 's private letter mailbox, which was full of glitter, and the cover
was gilded with clouds and water patterns. Click Open, which is the
same as the "Changan" headshot with a chic and casual font. Become a
family, and write the time, place and content of the meeting

As long as you save this e-invitation letter, you can pass the on-site
verification and enter the conference venue.

What's more, this invitation is not only a voucher for admission, it

also represents the organizer's recognition of the donor.

Su Tan chuckled, communicated with Chang'an on some issues of the

exchange meeting, and finally asked him, "Can I get this invitation

"Chang'an" replied heartily, "Of course I can, my Weibo has been

The two chat for a while, and Qi Qi is looking forward to the meeting
at the Imperial Capital.

With the permission of "Chang'an", Sutan will generously post a new

Weibo. "A week later, the capital will meet. [Invitation]"

Although he didn't say anything clearly, readers who followed his

Weibo sharply saw the clue in the gold font on the cover of the
invitation photo.

"Soft cute dolphin: Great, my big!"

"Kolabao: With a stunned face ... Braised pork has been able to
participate in such high academic exchanges [laughing and crying]

"Dark Rose: I am also in the Imperial City!"


All kinds of "coupling encounters" have been constantly evolving,

making Sutan smile.

He closed the webpage, but was a little bit embarrassed. The big
cousin still doesn't know he is "brushing braised meat every day",
how can I tell him that he will go to Diduxing to participate in the
exchange meeting?
Su Tan came downstairs, preparing to make a delicious dinner before
considering this headache.

Unexpectedly, when he came to the kitchen, he unexpectedly found

Hayden standing upright in the kitchen, standing relaxed and
standing in front of the stove.

"Big cousin?" Su Tan approached curiously, asking, "What are you


Hayden smiled. "Cook the soup."

On the stove with a small fire, he was boiling and boiling a small pot
of steaming pork rib soup. Hayden scooped a spoonful and blew it
gently, and brought it to Sutan's mouth.

Su Tan drank it, and was surprised to find that the light soup had
unexpectedly delicious taste. Suddenly, he couldn't help but startled.
"Where did you learn?"

Hayden slightly raised his lips and replied calmly, "Learn from my

Su Tan: "????? A dad?"

He was a little dumb and moved, unaware that Hayden was not
referring to the robot Suning, but another person.
A pot of steaming pork rib soup came to the table, and the two
enjoyed it quietly and comfortably. Until the belly drank a whole pot
of pork rib soup, Su Tan smiled and mentioned the thing that
bothered him.

"This week, I want to go to Diduxing."

The young man's clear and clean laughter was pleasant and pleasant,
so refreshing that he could not help but want to agree to all his

Hayden lifted his eyes and looked at him, his eyes raised slightly, and
suddenly smiled, "Exactly, I also want to go to the Imperial Capital."

Su Tan froze, and never expected this answer. He couldn't help asking
curiously, "What are you going to do?"

But he saw that his big cousin curled his lips, smiled bluntly, and
bluntly said, "My favorite teriyaki meat is going to go to the ancient
capital cultural exchange meeting in Didu.

Su Tan: "..."

Is this revenge? This must be revenge! Simply cut two knives and I
got QAQ


I heard that Su Tan and Hayden were going to the capital to meet the
author's male god, and Eddie, a big man, immediately ignited his
inner excitement.

However, he couldn't agree with his family. In the end, he could only
watch with tears watching the two set foot on the interplanetary flight
to the Imperial Capital, and gave a box to the "red pork" big
confession trust to Sutan.

When Su Tan waved goodbye to Eddie, carrying a suitcase and his big
cousin into the booked room, he found that it was actually a double
bed room. In the large room, there was a wide, soft and comfortable
double bed in the center.

Suddenly, Su Tan wanted to check out and change rooms.

But helplessly, the tickets for the interstellar flights were very tight,
and the full rooms were full, and only Sutan could return to the room
in tears.

As soon as the door was opened, the big cousin was wiping the water
droplets from his hair and came out of the bathroom in the guest
room. The fluffy white towels only surrounded the lower body. Tan's

Hayden naturally asked, "Are you going to take a bath?"

On one side, I shuffled my hair a few times at will. Su Tan stood by

the door, holding the door handle in his hand, and saw a drop of
water fall from the hair end, dripping on the tight and strong body.
Falling down towards the skin.
Su Tan: ... is he still not human if he doesn't rush at this time?

After waiting for half an hour, Sutan, who was addicted to the big
cousin's good-looking and touching abs, did not find himself
surrounded by a double bed, surrounded by warm and powerful

There are still six more days like this, better than V.

The huge interstellar long-distance passenger ship is not as big as Su

Tan imagined. It only took two hours to move up and down, and it
turned all the places on the starship.

The rest is the endless quiet starry sky outside the window, making
people feel remote and peaceful.

With nothing to do, everyone on the starship naturally found their

own entertainment methods, some watched novels and videos, and
some gathered in the ground floor restaurant to play cards and drink
and chat.

Su Tan was always tied to his big cousin. He thought he would not
have a separate time to write a text. He did not expect Hayden to go
out every day to relax, giving him a large blank time to hurry up the

"Unlucky Amy" has sufficient manuscripts, and he is not worried, but

a week later, the new article "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" will also
start to be updated, and how many can be saved is very important.
So, compared with the outline, Su Tan earnestly began to concentrate
on the code.

Compared to the fast-wearing and compact style of "Balance", the

style of "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" is different. It does not write
the swords and swords of the world of lakes and lakes from the front,
and the clothes are angry, but it unexpectedly uses a fun and
entertaining entertainment. In the form of 818 weekly magazine, the
sides vividly and interestingly describe the incidents in the rivers and

This way of writing is more relaxed and enjoyable, like a little fun
weekly magazine that makes people smile and is readily available, but
it is a test of the author's pen power.

How to write chapters and novels is novel and interesting, how to

write the ancient heroes of ancient times with chic and deliberate
writing with modern humorous strokes, and how to poke the reader's
appetite and cuteness are all meticulous and time-tested for Su Tan.

At this time, if there is a real reader who can see it first, just tell
yourself how it feels.

At this time, Su Tan hoped that his big cousin knew his authorship.
Unfortunately, ...

Because of the new pK challenge book by Su Tan and his son Fu Su, it
attracted immense popularity for the new "Jianghu Entertainment
Weekly". The collection rushed to half a million, which completely
opened up the relationship with The distance between them makes
"Gongzi Fusu" hate his teeth.

What made him even more uncomfortable was that at the moment
when the "Grilled Meat" Weibo showed the invitation letter of the
Ancient Earth Cultural Exchange, "Gongzi Fusu" could no longer
control his emotions, and the whole person was blown up. .

Needless to say, the invitation letter is naturally from the big hand of
"Chang'an", how can he not make him red eyes!

For a while, "Gongzi Fusu" was so annoyed that he had not eaten for
two days, lying straight on the bed with sour and red eyes, without
even thinking about the new code.

Apparently the invitation should be his.

However, Su Tan on the interstellar flight is progressing rapidly in the

process of depositing papers. The consecutive weekly interstellar
journey has brought him a lot of free time, and Su Tan kept his code in
the guest room.

With this full attention, Su Tan sat for three hours and saved a deposit
of 20,000 words.

He relaxed his sore fingers and uploaded the archives one by one to
the background of the author of the star novel website, and then let
the hot old small laptop shut down and rest.

Suddenly he was idle before he reacted. Where did the big cousin go?
Su Tan simply got up and went out, looking for someone.

He came out of the starship guest room and wandered around the
large hallway. He saw many doors wide open, and there was a lively
noise or a loud television sound, which added a few to the starship.
Partially warm atmosphere.

It wasn't until walking to the bottom of the starship's living service

area that Su Tan saw a big cousin in front of a quiet window where no
one passed by.

He just wanted to yell loudly, but suddenly saw that Hayden was
talking to people on the phone. When he stopped his voice, he smiled
and approached the past quietly.

The brisk footsteps made Hayden notice him from afar, beckoned to
him, raised the young man who was looking for him in his arms
firmly, and continued to talk to the communicator. Royal Guard
Housekeeper Oleson talked.

"You're coming back next week ?!" Olesen heard the news at first, and
almost couldn't sit still, and wanted to rush to the airport to pick him

Hayden nodded his head, directly resting his chin on Su Tan's head,
and a heavy body suddenly fell heavily on the young man, making Su
Tan unable to shake.

A smile appeared in Hayden's deep eyes. "Correct."

Olesen was shocked and delighted. In the half year Hayden hadn't
shown up, the situation in the Imperial City had suddenly turned

Hearing his deep voice, Olesen suddenly looked, his face grim. "Yes,
Your Highness."

The solemn and respectful tone came out of the communicator, and
Su Tan, who was firmly held down by his big cousin, could not help
moving his ears quietly, and for a while couldn't help but associate it
with something else.

He chuckled, reaching out and touching the big cousin's belly across
the clothes.

Hayden: "..."

His eyes narrowed, and he was helpless and spoiled. He simply asked
the communicator to say "other things to go back to", and he hung up
the communication and held the boy with a wild, bald head in his

"Do you want to experience the taste of a starship?"

The big cousin's low-dumb voice was almost inaudible, with a hint of
danger in the voice, making people tremble.
Su Tan cleverly raised his hands to show innocence. "I came to eat
with you."

Looking at Su Tan's smiling eyes, Hayden couldn't help but raise his
lips, and nodded in agreement: "Yes, enjoy the dessert before the

Suddenly, a fiery tender kiss fell down.

On the day when the imperial capital was about to drop off the
starship, Sutan finally ushered in the long-lost freedom.

Almost all the days on the starship these days were holding hands
high, making him sweet and troubled every day.

He obviously likes to spend every minute and second with his big
cousin, but it is greatly crowded up the time of the code word,
resulting in the following six days, he only wrote a total of scattered
and less than Ten thousand words.

Su Tan could not help but sigh silently in her heart, her beauty was
misleading. He finally ushered in his greatest enemy, his big cousin.

He carried the suitcase and Hayden one by one down the exit channel
of the starship, smelling the fresh and refreshing air coming from far
away, and he couldn't help feeling good.

It was unexpected, just then, Hayden stopped in the middle of the

This strange action made Su Tan curious. He looked out at the exit of
the aisle not far ahead and asked with a slight smile, "What's wrong?"

However, before he had finished speaking, he suddenly paused

suddenly, staring dumbly at the outside and having been cleared.
Only a short distance from the exit is waiting for a neat and tidy army
at the exit. Pale green military uniforms, straight and tidy figures,
bright and bright epaulets, and special embroidery on the chest are
completely consistent. Especially outstanding in the sun.

Su Tan knew the other's identity almost without asking.

"Come to pick you up." He chuckled suddenly, and there was no

timidity or semi-eccentric emotion in his clear voice, but it was crisp
and clean, just like Hayden when he first met him.

Hayden looked back, looking at the boy standing behind him, one
step away.

His thin and slender figure has long been taller and taller than when
he first saw him. Although he is not as tall as a horse, he has well-
balanced limbs, a tall figure, and a pair of lacquered eyes. With a
smile, accompanied by the fair and sorrowful facial features, there
was a little more clean and handsome temperament.

Su Tan stood still and waved with a smile: "Come on, they are waiting
for you."
His voice smiled, but people stood far away from him, without
moving a step.

The meaning is obvious.

Immediately, Hayden's dark eyes narrowed. He said calmly and

undeniably, "Let's go together."

During the conversation, Su Tan could not be refused at all, so he

suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled it hard, pulling the
juvenile's slender and upright body, and the hot palm clenched his
hand tightly.

Ten fingers clasped and entangled tightly.

As soon as Su Tan didn't respond, he was hurriedly pulled out by his

big cousin, and strode straight towards the exit of the passage.

The faint lights of the starship gradually faded away, the oncoming
sunlight became more and more dazzling and bright, and the wider
and brighter field of vision seemed to slowly open a stage curtain,
leaving only firm and powerful footsteps echoing in the ear side.

Each big step led his footsteps, like a calm and vigorous drum beat in
Su Tan's heart, making his breathing stagnate, as if he felt the
powerful beating sound.

"Big cousin--" Su Tan suddenly felt his voice tense, and suddenly
dragged Hayden's hand.
Hayden looked back at him.

Su Tan smiled suddenly, her face turned into a beautiful scarlet color,
her black and white eyes were a little shy and a little crying. "I didn't
wash my hair today."

I had known that there was such a huge pick-up ceremony. He said
that he didn't roll with his big cousin on the double bed Lai Pi this
morning, delaying his shampooing, bathing and dressing.

It was so early in the morning and day and night that it caused me
to ... just go out and make my first appearance in front of my wife's

For the first time, Su Tan tangled his own image.

With serious words, Hayden couldn't help shaking his head and
smirking, and his handsome and deep face raised a smiling smile.

He suddenly said, "I have a way."

Suddenly determined, Su Tan couldn't help wondering, looking at his

big cousin with hope. "any solution?"

I saw Hayden suddenly loosening the suitcase in his hand, leaning

forward, holding him in his arms, holding his palm slightly on his
back, so that Su Tan's face was right on his shoulder. , Blocked the
After a series of clouds and flowing movements, Su Tan was still in a
stunned state, and suddenly found that his feet had left the ground.


Before he could react to the room for struggle, he was clasped in his
arms by his big cousin, striding out of the starship exit channel, and
the bright sun nodded from his head at noon and fell on two people.

Early in the morning, the Royal Guards housekeeper Olesen, who was
waiting at the port where the starship was called, looked so solemn.
At the moment when he saw Hayden walking down the starship, he
couldn't stop excited and rejoicing, and walked quickly .

"His Royal Highness!"

Unexpectedly, before reaching near, he saw sharply a group of objects

in Hayden's arms.

Looking at the figure, he was clearly a slender young man.

All of a sudden, Olesen paused in amazement. All the words of happy

welcoming were blocked in his throat.

It wasn't until Hayden walked in front of him that Olesen finally

crushed the shock, struggling to retrieve his voice and gently asked,
"His Royal Highness, is this?"
Hayden raised his lips and responded calmly: "Souvenirs for this

Hearing this unexpected answer, Oleson suddenly speechless.

"what did you say???"

Su Tan, who was strapped to his shoulder, looked at the long, straight
neck in front of him, and his teeth seemed to be itchy.

A bite of strength, immediately made Hayden feel carefully that his

skin was bitten by his teeth. Maybe it would be grinded. After a while,
a tingling sensation gradually emerged from there and hit the whole

Hayden's dark eyes slowly deepened, and he suddenly laughed

lightly. No emotion could be heard in the inaudible laughter, but the
inexplicable low magnetic pleasantness.

He whispered to the steward Oleson with a gentle temper, and

complained, "Look, this gift is all good, it's just a little too sticky."

Olison: "..."

Am I forced to eat dog food?

Really enough!
The steward Olesen looked so solemnly, and said solemnly, "His
Royal Highness, the car is already waiting outside, Your Majesty is
waiting for you in the palace."

Su Tan's ears trembled, and his heart suddenly became tense. He got
into the car with his big cousin under the eyes of everyone, and felt
that he was looked back and forth by countless curious eyes, almost
turning his face red.

When the car drove from the port of call to the downtown area of
Didu Xing, Su Tan throbbed like a drum, biting his ear and signing a
series of unequal treaties, and finally tempted him to relax. Stopped in
a quiet part of the city and jumped out of the car.

He watched a long line of low-key and elegant streamlined teams

leave, only to be relieved, thinking he was lucky that Abba didn't
come with them, otherwise ...

Su Tan shook his head and smiled bitterly, dragging his large suitcase
fatefully, and walked to the hotel that was booked not far away.

This hotel is of a rather high standard. The booked rooms are large
and comfortable. A large bed is placed squarely in the middle of the
master bedroom.

He lowered his suitcase, and immediately took a hot bath in order to

clear the ground. He washed away the tiredness of Star Trek, and then
came out of the bathroom, only to find that there were several
unconnected calls in his optical brain communicator.
Su Tan, wiping her hair with a towel, randomly turned on the
widescreen TV on the wall, and began to look down at the

One is the picture sent by Abba. The robot Suning was sitting in a
flowery garden with a big straw hat, and smiled so much that Su Tan
couldn't help but smile. He quickly replied with his fingers and
wished him a happy honeymoon.

The other one came from the great **** "Chang'an" and asked with
concern whether he had reached the capital of the capital. The "Earth
Earth Cultural Exchange Conference" the next day opened at 9 am.

Su Tan thanked him sincerely and agreed to see him the next day.

The next few unsuccessful communication messages came from my

big cousin. All of them were "I miss you", "I miss you for 1 minute", "I
miss you for 1 hour" ...

The spoiled tone of coquettishness made Sutan unable to bear smile,

and his lips curled into a smile.

He was about to reply to a few jokes, but he couldn't think of it. The
hottest news broadcast on TV suddenly caught his attention.

"According to the first-hand news of the strength of this station, two

hours ago, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haideng officially
returned today and went to the giants Gu's house for the first time. It
is reported that Gu Han, the youngest son of the giants Gu Han and
His Highness, who were fortunately recovered after 18 years There is
a contractual marriage contract that refers to the marriage on the
abdomen. This time, most of the visits are to discuss the
engagement ... "

The host's voice in the television news was eager and excited to pass
on this important news to all audiences. It is conceivable that once the
incident spread, it would cause much shock and concern in the

But Su Tan, who looked at the TV screen, looked a little colder, and
was finally severely beaten by this cruel reality.

The vague impression in his long memory was finally revealed,

reminding him slowly of the news that he did not know when he had
read it. At that time, these news lace news he just passed as a joke,
never mind.

But at this time--

Su Tan took a deep breath, held the communicator tightly, typed a

line slowly, and issued.

"Break up."

When his eyes narrowed and his heart was cold and sad, the voice in
the TV news not far away suddenly exclaimed, "Now an urgent news

The sound of almost sharply flipping the roof made Su Tan frown and
looked up.
I saw the shock and excitement of the host on the TV, and even some
of them could not control his high voice and emotion: "Just a minute
ago! A sudden announcement was made on the Weibo of Xiaomen Gu
Han, a grandson of the family, Announcing that I have voluntarily
given up my engagement with the Crown Prince !!! "

Hearing this, Su Tan immediately looked at the TV screen, his mind

was blank.

All I heard was a buzzing vibration from the communicator in my

hand, and a new message was received.

"Haiden: Open the door."


The hotel's door was suddenly closed. A tall, long man walked in with
a calm face, watching the lowered head standing silently and
ashamed by the door. Juvenile, dark eyes almost suppressed the
resentful anger.

Before Hayden spoke, Su Tan admitted with shame, "I was wrong."

Even if the big cousin had an unknown long-distance marriage

contract, once the emperor entered Gu's house for the first time, Gu's
family announced the termination of the marriage within a few
minutes, and the fool knew what he had done inside.

He shouldn't doubt the big cousin.

Su Tan confessed his mistake seriously, and did not dare to lift his
head to Hayden with almost shame. Naturally, he did not see a dim
light in the cousin's deep eyes.

"You're wrong?" His deep voice was dull, and he felt awkward in Su
Tan's ears.

However, Su Tan admits that he was extraordinarily crisp when he

made a mistake, and nodded unequivocally. "wrong."

He made up his mind and never doubted his big cousin again. He
must apologize and admit wrong, no matter what punishment ...

Unexpectedly, all this has not been said to begin to practice, Su Tan
suddenly heard the cold voice of the big cousin, "OK, break up and
break up."

Suddenly, Su Tan's heart fell to the bottom of the valley suddenly, and
he couldn't believe his head suddenly raised, looking at him. When
his eyes touched Haideng's ancient well without a trace of
temperature, he felt uncomfortable in his heart .

It's like suddenly being pulled out of the bathtub, all the emotions and
feelings in my heart are emptied and cleaned up.

"I'm wrong." Su Tan's eyes were slightly moist, and he frankly looked
at Hayden, his regretful glance was almost straightforward, "Don't be
He even rushed to his big cousin.

If it was before, or even yesterday's pleasant and sweet Starship trip,

the cousin smiled at himself, and his big cousin would surely bend his
lips and hug and lift up.

But at this time--

Su Tan stumbled into his arms, only to find Hayden did not respond
at all, instead he let his eyes narrow, his face cold and let him act, his
arms were not even raised for half a minute.

Holding his big cousin's generous and warm chest tightly, Su Tan
noticed for the first time that the two were so close, but his heart was
so far away.

After a while, his eyes became sour.

Su Tan didn't say a word, but Qing Jun's clean eyebrows were
suddenly ruthless, giving birth to a somewhat endless posture.

Since the big cousin was holding his hands together and didn't
respond, he simply pushed Hayden to the bed, suddenly pushed him
down on the bed, and began to pick up his coat with no eyes.

Seiko's thick long black coat, straight white shirt ... One piece of
clothing was taken off and scattered randomly on the ground. Hayden
straightened his hips, still motionless, and didn't even half-shift his

Almost like an abandoned beast, he kissed Hayden's lips and

hurriedly sought the other's response.

However, the cold lips of the other party remained undisturbed, as if

silently refusing his approach.

At the moment, the pain in Sutan's heart spread like peeling off
cocoons, making the five internal organs and six maggots fall into the
ice cellar.

"Big cousin", he suddenly fell into Hayden's arms, Bai Qingqingjun's

face was full of shame embarrassment and red tide, but he felt cold
and astringent.

Suddenly he couldn't help covering his face, and bowed his name.

Suddenly, a gentle kiss fell on top of his hair.

Su Tan was shocked. He hurriedly looked up at his head, but saw that
the expression of his big cousin was still cold, like the kiss just now
was just an illusion.

He stood still, his slender fingers tremblingly touched Hayden's face.

"I was really wrong."

Almost as he spoke, a tear suddenly fell from his eyes and fell on
Hayden's chest, like a hot water that stung him.

Hayden's somber eyes deepened, and suddenly his body flipped,

pressing Su Tan, who was half-dropped and half-sold on his body,
under the body, firmly controlled between his body and the bed.

The boy's reddish eyes, wet eyes covered with water vapor, and a
fragile look, hit his heart almost fiercely.

Hayden stared at him deeply without saying a word.

Suddenly, he fell down, burning a bitter kiss, and kissed the boy's lips
hard, which was not the same as the coldness that was completely

At this time, it was like a fierce beast, and it swallowed its prey firmly
under its lips.

But for Su Tan at this time, such punishment was not only disgusting,
but he was like a thirsty fish, eager to get proof from his big cousin.

Su Tan recklessly recklessly, and entangled with his lips and tongue,
trying to get a more eager response. It wasn't until the other person's
hot breath burned him that he really felt the temperature and
strength, and finally he let go of his heart.
The long tangled kiss stopped, Su Tan raised his eyes to see Hayden,
and the black eyes exuded endless light and glory, and asked him,
"Not angry?"

Hayden's expression remained motionless, extremely cold, and there

was almost no fluctuation, but he looked at him lightly.

"not angry."

Sutan :? ? ?

He frowned inexplicably. Suddenly, a hot, slender hand reached out

and lifted his shirt off.

Immediately, Su Tan was a little stunned. Before he could react, he

was suddenly wrapped in a embrace tightly, and then he was
completely eaten and dried up, and fell into the tide of the tide.

When conscious, he remembered asking himself, "Don't you say break

up?" What are you doing now?

Another low voice answered calmly in the ear. "Yes, break up."

Su Tan: "..."

Is this really exciting qaq.

Late at night, the night fell quietly out of the window, Hayden looked
at the young man who was sleeping in a quilt, and the corners of his
eyes were obviously flushed, which added a bright and angry
expression to the fair-skinned face.

Suddenly he reached out his finger and touched the boy's forehead,
loosening the tightly wrapped quilt a little to allow him to breathe.

Sure enough, Su Tan squinted comfortably, squinting his eyes, and

continued to fall asleep holding the quilt.

Hayden got up and got out of bed, his footsteps quietly, picked up the
scattered clothes, and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window. Outside
the window, the night scene was bustling and quiet, and the colorful
aircraft shuttled through the air, turning into a streamer that stroked
the night sky.

He turned on the light brain, and the mute communicator was almost
knocked out.

First and foremost was Oleyson, his guard's housekeeper. He sent

dozens of voice messages in a row and asked him with great shock:
"His Royal Highness, what have you done? !!! Now all the families
and the media will soon give my communicator to Exploded! How do
I know what you said when you entered the Gu family and what
agreement was reached? "

Oleson's tone was anxious and confused. Through the message,

Hayden could almost see his usual solemn and solemn face violently.

Hayden couldn't help but twitch his lips, calmly typed a line, and
replied: "don't care."
Alison, on the other side of the communicator, was almost crushed by
the last sense of reason, his heart was full of ".........".

He lifted his voice in a difficult voice: "What are you going to do?"

Gu family's inexplicable remarriage, the news has been circulating

throughout the entire Emperor Star, fermenting out to the outer
galaxy at the speed of light.

Olesen could almost imagine how shocking and disturbing this

sudden explosive news would be to the Empire.

This is no less than dropping a deep-water bomb in the upper circle of

the imperial capital, breaking all the balances that have been formed
with tacit understanding.

The divorce is small, but what to do after the divorce?

Hayden was calm, his low eyes narrowed down on the window, and
the clear and bright window reflected the cocoon-like boy who slept
peacefully on the bed.

He shook his head with a chuckle and said firmly, "It's not me who
retires, but the Gu family should be anxious."

Olison: "........."
For a long time, the old guard housekeeper who had been slain from
the interstellar battlefield through storms and winds finally recovered
his sanity and said seriously: "... I will sue your Majesty."

Soaring! I can't care about you, I can only sue the parents!

"OK." Hayden responded with a smile.

Hanging up the phone, Hayden went to the bathroom to take a

shower, and returned to the bed with his body full of water vapor. Su
Tan was still tired and covered his head with a big sleep, and his face
was buried in the quilt.

Hayden stood by the bed, rubbing the drops of water on his hair, and
looked down for a moment. Suddenly, he stopped, bent over and
kissed the other person's pale scarlet lips, and kissed tenderly and

I saw that the sleeping boy was half awake by his movements,
subconsciously avoiding his head, and whispered quietly: "No, not
coming ..."

After a while, Hayden smiled and raised an eyebrow, and couldn't

help but deepen the kiss.

But I saw that Su Tan frowned tightly and completely at the same
time, she was squinting in her sleep, but raised her fist, and said
categorically: "We have broken up!"

How can there be a guilty apology with tears in the eyes just now?
Immediately, Hayden was very angry and funny. He reached out and
twisted Su Tan's face. The fair skin like jade under his fingers made
him unable to bear much effort. The warm and warm touch made him
more and more addicted.

Twisting and twisting, slender fingers could not help but probe into
the quilt.


Sutan was awakened staggered, and the whole body was burning hot
as if it had melted into a pool of hot water.

In the dark, he looked up at his big cousin Junlang's jaw and profile,
and suddenly his face became hot and blushed.

This breakup ... well worth it!

Su Tan: I like it!


Su Tan was exhausted. Before going to bed, the consciousness of

drowsiness gradually came. He struggled and complained softly with
his big cousin: "I have a business tomorrow. Then. "
Just listening, the big cousin's deep voice chuckled and opened his
mouth. "What are you doing? I'll see the male **** tomorrow."

Su Tan: "..."

Simple cousin, how can you tell him the truth tomorrow?

Tangled, he fell into a deep sleep.

In the early morning of the next morning, Sutan was still awake with
a quilt, and Hayden stood up and stared at him quietly for a while,
printed a kiss on his forehead, and left.

When Sutan woke up, he felt comfortable in the bed for a while, then
finally woke up.

He looked into the room and found that no big cousin could be seen
in the room. Only the warm breakfast was placed on the table. His
body was fresh and refreshing. The time to get up to the exchange
meeting was just right.

Su Tan could not help but be curious, while walking to the venue,
while sending a message to his big cousin, asking: "Aren't you saying
that you will go to the exchange today to see the male god?"

"Haiden: I've seen it already :)."

Sutan :? ? ?
He was a little confused, wondering when the big cousin had seen it. I
don't have time to think about it now, and hurried to the scene of the
exchange meeting.

The site of the ancient earth cultural exchange was not far from this
hotel. Sutan walked for ten minutes and went outside the venue.

The wide and stretched banner stands at the entrance of the

exhibition. It is actually handwritten calligraphy. The elegant font is
matched with a red background. It is inexplicable and gracious.

Su Tan admired his head, recognizing that the calligraphy on this

banner is exactly the same as the font of the "Chang'an" avatar,
presumably it is the writing of this great god.

The splash of ink and calligraphy can't help making people feel

Unfortunately, there are few admirers in the interstellar era. With the
decline of the ancient earth culture and the rare heritage, the ancient
earth's ancient books, books, paintings and other civilizations passed
down from the long river of history are very scarce.

Many items that only exist in the world are stored in the hands of
some big families, which causes ordinary people to have even less

According to the feelings of "Chang'an" when he communicated with

Su Tan on Weibo, he learned that the ancient earth cultural exchange
conference held every year is now slowly degrading into a small circle
of communication activities. Few, not to mention ordinary people, say
that academic circles are still willing to study with intent.

Su Tan walked into the gate of the Convention and Exhibition Center,
and the atmosphere was warm in the conference hall at this time.
Several older scholars and professors were in groups of three or five,
chatting and exchanging information with each other.

Many young people were also in the venue, each of them gathered in
a good relationship with each other and greeted each other with a
smile on their faces.

Su Tan couldn't help but feel lucky. It was a time to come by himself.
He looked up and looked for the figure of "Chang'an" in the crowd.

After a short while, I saw a young man standing upright and striding
towards himself, and from a distance he saw the smile on the other's
face. It was not too warm, but it just made people feel kind.

"you are--"

Before the other party spoke, Su Tan quickly greeted him and
introduced with a smile: "Chang'an is big, just call me Su Tan."

"Chang'an" raised his lips and looked at each other's slender and
straight body. Although he was young enough to surprise himself, his
calm and generous temperament made him feel inexplicable. It's as
easy and effortless as it was when you met online.
Immediately, "Chang'an" also smiled and instructed: "Hello, I'm Ji

"Brother Ji." Su Tan shouted honestly.

Ji Changan smiled, and found a copy of the schedule of the meeting

for Su Tan from the meeting site, and asked him to read the meeting

After a while, under the guidance of Changan, he entered a small

discussion and exchange meeting room. He deliberately picked up a
back seat and sat down. He saw a lot of young people seated around
him. Familiar with.

A few minutes later, the door of the conference room was suddenly
opened. Several older scholars and professors rushed in and sat at the
main conference table of the round table in the center of the seminar


The voice of an old elder sounded, and the meeting room quickly
became quiet.

In the large conference room, there are only forty or fifty people, most
of them are very old professors and experts and scholars, and some of
the young people attending the conference are students brought by
the professors.
Every year the ancient earth culture exchange meeting does not
prohibit outsiders from entering, but the declining ancient earth
culture can attract very few ordinary people. Gradually developed
into recent years, it has completely reduced to a gathering of academic


Zhou Fengren, who is sitting high on the conference table's main seat,
is over seventy years old. At this moment, he quietly lifted his eyes
and watched the old folks who were getting old by the conference
table, and he was very booing.

He spoke in a low voice and, according to the habits of previous years,

raised the topic of this year's communication as usual. "In the past
year, what are the results of your research, let's exchange views."

Hearing such a serious and solemn topic, Su Tan immediately took

out a small book and pen from his backpack, carefully opened it, and
prepared to make a record.

Unexpectedly, the professors were polite first, and the young people
smiled and talked about the experience first. The gentle tone was
obviously quite fond of these young disciples, and the atmosphere of
the whole exchange meeting was quite relaxed and pleasant.

When the young disciples shook off a group, and then started talking,
they were not serious at all.

"My novel serialized on the Internet last year, the subscription ratio
has dropped to 2000: 1, and it turned into a dog."
A young student began, with a blank face and a heart in his face,
wondering what went wrong with his novel.

However, as soon as his words fell, another young man raised his
hand immediately, "I was rejected by the website ten times!"

"No little angel, no more than double digits."

"300,000 words, 5 receipts, the only comment is that the reader said
that I could not understand my article ..."

In a short time, the entire exchange meeting became a miserable


Sutan couldn't help smiling.

"This year, I also opened a new book on the Star Fiction website." A
big student stood up and talked, a little embarrassed on his face, as if
a bit embarrassed. "Not so good."

Immediately, other people encouraged one after another: "Don't

worry, speak out and listen and let the brothers and sisters have fun."
Someone joked and immediately won the applause.

Even the elders and professors at the main conference table were quite
forgiving and indulged in the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the
Zhou Fengren smiled generously and mildly: "Xiao Tang, you are
good or bad, talk about it."


A young man who had stood up before had a sense of confidence, and
answered with a lip, "The novel has been published for more than half
a year, the number of words has exceeded 1.2 million, and the
collection has been 500."

Su Tan was surprised when he heard this unexpected answer.

This result can never be said well on the star novel website, it can
even be said to be the type of data.

However, the people present heard that the time was uproaring and
the audience was boiling up.

The man sitting next to him immediately patted him on the shoulder
and almost beat the other side upside down, but shouted with envy
and excitement in his mouth: "Big God! I don't see that you have this
talent, and it's so uninteresting to achieve such a good result silently!
This year's award must be yours! "

The audience immediately became lively.

At one of the tragic conferences, with the injection of this cardiotonic

agent, a good start was finally made.
However, compared with the excitement of young people, in the
hearts of several older professors and scholars on the stage, it is in
their hearts. They looked at each other with a bitter smile, and found
the astringency and silence in each other's eyes.

Zhou Fengren, who sat at the top of the exchange meeting, chuckled,
but encouraged the young students with relief: "You all work very
hard, it's good."

It is not easy to promote the ancient earth culture, and it has always
been a common topic. The scholars and professors sitting at the
meeting table Gao a little sighed, but more helpless.

Xu Zhaofeng, a very old professor next to him, was also sighed with a
glance at the disappointment in the eyes of the students he brought.

It was a pity that none of his disciples had a talent for writing, and all
of them made him return at the annual ancient earth cultural
exchange conference.

If only the face is dumb, then every session of the ancient earth
cultural exchange will give a rare baby as a reward to the younger
generation of disciples, often making him eager.

According to what he heard, this year President Zhou Fengren took a

great deal of effort to come up with a copy of an ancient book that was
hardly passed down through the years and collected as a reward for
this year.

Although it is only a copy, it was originally well-preserved in the

Empire Library, but this is already a great honor.
Fortunately, he finally has the hole cards this year.

He coughed heavily and saw that his actions had attracted the
attention of everyone in the venue. Then he said slowly: "I recently
accepted a student."

This abrupt sentence immediately caught the attention of everyone in

the venue. Xu Zhaofeng's tone was bland, as if it was just a trivial
matter, but there was some pride and confidence that was difficult to

"Coincidentally, he is also writing novels recently." Xu Zhaofeng said

lightly, and everyone made everyone curious.

"I don't know who it is?" Zhou Fengren asked with a kind voice and a
kind smile.

Xu Zhaofeng nodded arrogantly, introduced a handsome student who

followed him to the crowd, and introduced: "This is it."

In his words, he immediately attracted everyone's attention. He

couldn't help looking at the handsome and gentle boy, and
unexpectedly found that the opposite side was Rong Junlang, and his
lips were slightly gentle. Temperament, a little bit of curiosity in the
hearts of those who saw it.

Xie Qinglin raised her lip corner and said with a loud smile, "Hello
teachers, my name is Xie Qinglin, and the author on the Internet is
This gentle and rude name made the professors feel good, but there
were those who liked the den on the Star Fiction website on a
weekday, and heard his name, suddenly a flash of light, a thigh,
immediately recognized his identity come out.

"The son of Fu Su? Aren't you the big painter who recently bet on
ancient subjects on the Internet?"

A word of excitement immediately drew the attention of the entire

venue. All the young people couldn't help but stand up and looked
forward to that place.

Many people stunned.

"Where is this new student? No recent college admissions!"

"Brought foreign aid?"

"This foreign aid can also hit us, and get beaten up by the big new
book of braised pork on the Internet."

"You also read the new book of braised pork !!! The copywriting has
sprung up, it's so much fun!"

"Wait for a big post ~"

Suddenly the argument made Xie Qinglin's face stiff.

Ji Changan smiled with a curved lips and said, "Coincidentally,

today's rookie author braised pork also arrived."

Su Tan: Suddenly shy

The first time I met with the little angels, no big cousin, great!


"Are the braised pork also coming?"

As soon as Ji Changan's words came out, the people who participated

in the meeting suddenly became shocked and confused. They all
bowed their heads and looked around the venue. The only two eyes
were Xie Qinglin and Su Tan sitting in the corner.

And just now Xie Qinglin said that he was the son of Fu Su, so of
course the rest is--

Seeing that he couldn't hide it anymore, Su Tan gave a cough, stood

up, looked at everyone's eyes humblely, and said directly: "Hello
everyone, I am braised pork."
At the start of the meeting, the venue was in an uproar. All the young
students cheered up with excitement and excitement. This lively
appearance even made many old professors and scholars curious.

It was Professor Xu Zhaofeng, the teacher of "Fu Su". He looked a little

cold, looked at Su Tan coldly, and asked indifferently: "Who is braised
pork? Why haven't I heard it?"

As soon as I said it, I poured a basin of cold water on the atmosphere

that had just been heated up, and everyone couldn't help looking at

Xu Zhaofeng is a highly respected scholar in the ancient earth

academia. He was specially invited as a visiting professor at Tedo
University, and his words were full of weight.

Seeing the other side's expression was not taken seriously, Ji Changan
reluctantly explained with patience: "Xu Lao, braised pork is a new
and popular novel author on the Internet. He wrote a book" The Age
of Dominating the Earth [Quick Wear] "in the stars The novel website
has accumulated more than 3 million collections, and the results are
very outstanding. "

As soon as this result was spoken, people in the entire conference

room couldn't help but be shocked.

Over the years of exchange meetings, the students' performance has

never improved. Even the old antique scholars who are farthest away
from the Internet, also know that a newcomer has acquired a
collection of 3 million on the star novel website with the unpopular
theme of ancient earth culture. How hard it is.
Such a beautiful achievement can be said to be an unprecedented
historical breakthrough.

Only Xu Zhaofeng's face was uncorrupted, his eyebrows frowned,

and he quickly glanced at Xie Qinglin. There was no emotion in his
heavy eyes.

He originally thought that he had dug the treasure, and accidentally

obtained a good-style ancient author such as Xie Qinglin through
Weibo 's self-recommended method, but he did not expect that his
newly recruited student would be overshadowed by the comparison
of "braised pork".

However, he still had some doubts in his mind, and he couldn't

believe that a young boy like Su Tan, with a clean temperament and
looking nothing special, would have achieved such good results.

Even other old scholars who usually don't pay much attention to the
Internet are also a little surprised and can't help asking: "Small season,
what are you talking about?"

Ji Changan Wen laughed, and nodded in affirmative response: "Yes, in

the first half of the year, Fanxing Novel Network did a selection of the
top ten outstanding novels on the topic of ancient earth. The novel is
this book "The Age of Dominating the Earth [Quick Wear]" written by
braised meat. "

Having said that, Ji Changan raised a smile and could not help but
praise him a few more words. "This book has a novel subject matter, a
smooth rhythm, and a full set of people. What is even more rare is the
imagination, which connects dozens of worlds in the ancient earth era
through a short novel, which has greatly attracted readers. Attention
and curiosity is a good work. At that time, Professor Mei Wangshu
was invited to be a judge, and Professor Mei should be the clearest. "

For a moment, everyone in the conference room couldn't help but

follow his words and looked at a female professor sitting at the
conference table.

The female professor is almost middle-aged, but the simple and quiet
temperament still makes people feel good. She nodded and admitted
frankly: "Domination is indeed a good novel worth reading, and I
personally recommend this book."

All of a sudden, there was a commotion in the conference room.

Professor Mei has always been known for being rigorous and solemn.
He has strict academic requirements. He usually reviews and re-
examines the thesis of his students and disciples. Needless to say, it is
the first time to write a recommendation for an online novel that does
not wait for the elegant palace.

Nowadays, many scholars who have never seen this novel can't help
but get excited.

Even Professor Zhou Fengren, who was sitting at the exchange

meeting, shook his head and smiled. "It seems that I have to go back
and take a good look. It can be regarded as a recommendation by
Professor Mei, which is enough to show its level."
The people laughed and praised and laughed. He heard some
inscrutable taunts in Xu Zhaofeng's ears. He held back his anger and
gave Xie Qinglin a cold look.

For a moment, Xie Qinglin's heart became rigid and he couldn't help
fighting a cold war. He took a deep breath, but was prepared for it,
took out a few paintings, and unfolded in front of the crowd.


Xie Qinglin turned his lips and raised his voice: "In addition to writing
novels, my main specialty is actually painting."

He smiled slightly shyly, as if a junior was arrogant in front of the

elder, a little shy and nervous. "These paintings are the pictures of my
latest ancient novel" Love in Rivers and Lakes. "I dare to ask your
teachers for advice."

As soon as this remark came out, many scholars and professors

couldn't help but be curious, got up and left the table for the first time
in the exchange meeting, and watched the illustrations.

The brush strokes are bold, the colors are bold, the green cyan
bamboo forest is intertwined with black everywhere, forming an
urgent atmosphere of killing. Only at the end of the footpath deep in
the bamboo forest, can we see a fast horse carrying a man and a
woman walking at night Flying out, galloping.

Looking at this picture, it has quite an ancient style and charm, which
made scholars and professors applaud.
Although the professional examination of the school, this picture is
not professional and superb, but even more rare is-

How can none of their students draw?

Many professors couldn't help but stare at their disciples after looking
at the pictures. The expression of hate for iron and steel made many
young students feel helpless and guilty. They only sneaked around to
Su Tan and asked quietly: Great, can you sign it? "

"I want it too! The book and pen are ready!"

"Sign this-I wish the dog a new fire! Please be blessed greatly!"

Suddenly, a large variety of notebooks were crowded in front of Su

Tan, which made him laugh.

"Okay," he agreed quickly.

After carefully signing each copy, the contented students held the
notebooks and scattered them, and suddenly found that the teachers
who were full of conference tables had long wondered when they
would return to their seats. Everyone on the side.

At the beginning of time, the students were like quails around their
necks. They instantly scratched their heads and brains, and bowed
their heads in unison to admit their mistakes.
At a glance, Su Tan stood obediently at the end of the crowd.

...... Don't admit it, bow your heads.


Looking at the appearance of these young disciples, Professor Zhou

Fengren, headed by him, couldn't help shaking his head and
laughing. These old guys usually bury themselves in academic
research on a weekday, and have a hard time, deliberating silently in
an unpopular academic heap.

Fortunately, there are such a group of lively and interesting students

around them, only to add a touch of glory to the lonely and bitter
research career.

Therefore, most of these old guys are quite indulgent and pampered
to the students, and they have developed a lively and funny character.

Professor Zhou Fengren shook his head with a smile on his face, not
too much blame. He whispered: "Fusu and braised pork are well-
known authors on the Internet. They are brilliant. Although they
entered our ancient earth cultural exchange meeting for the first time,
you should take the opportunity to learn more from them."

Today, he deliberately instructed Ji Changan to invite Su Tan. He also

wanted to give his students a positive incentive to stimulate their
healthy competition and potential.
After hearing Professor Zhou's words, many students stared at Sutan
with a smile, but they did not sneer at Xie Qinglin. Many people have
already heard of the exposed post and tearing-out battle on the forum
of Fanxing Novel, so they are very reluctant to his senses. These cold
attitudes make Xie Qinglin clenched his fist quietly, and his eyes are
cold. Come down.

When Xie Qinglin looked at Su Tan from afar, her eyes were
provocative and dissatisfied, and she glanced past the painting in
front of her, with a little faint pride.

He raised his eyebrows at Sutan with a slight mockery, determined

that the other party could not compare himself to painting.

Seeing this, Su Tan narrowed his eyes slightly, suddenly chuckled

slightly, raised his voice and mentioned to Professor Zhou Fengren
actively: "Professor, you are ridiculous. Today is exactly the date
when the ancient style new article between me and Fusu was
launched I wonder if I have the pleasure to ask you to be a witness? "

The boy's clean voice was clear and gentle, with a bit of crispness and
crispness, and fell into the ears of everyone very pleasantly.


The people present couldn't help turning back, looking at him in

amazement, wondering what he wanted to witness.

I saw that Su Tan was not arrogant or impatient, and he was calm and
calm. Even when facing the scrutiny and skepticism of everyone, he
responded calmly and calmly.
"New text and new weather." Su Tan said calmly, eyes clear, "Well,
take the new text contest between the two of us as a gimmick,
throwing bricks and attracting jade to attract the attention of the
whole people to the ancient culture."

"I would like to be a stepping stone. Would you like to give us this
opportunity to be a witness in it?"

When Su Tan threw a sound, it was like hitting a heavy bell on the
hearts of everyone present. All of a sudden, everyone was speechless
in amazement.

He never expected that he would take the initiative to put forward

this proposal. It was simply putting the two articles under the most
severe and hot eyes of the people to be tortured. It was definitely a
challenge to the SSSS level of difficulty.

However, after careful consideration, many scholars and professors at

the scene felt that the mood was surging and felt that this idea was
just right.

In the vast interstellar network, if the influence of one person is

"braised pork" or "gongzi fusu", the result of the two people colliding
with each other and pK is definitely eye-catching and dazzling like a
comet hitting the earth It will certainly bring great attention to the
ancient earth culture and greatly promote the spread and inheritance
of ancient earth culture.
This is the reason why they still clenched their teeth every year and
adhered to the ancient earth cultural exchange meeting with a small
number of participants. Many professors now have a hot heart.

They did not rush to speak, Qi Qi looked at Professor Zhou Fengren,

the leader of the ancient geochemistry, with hope and support in their

Zhou Fengren, however, remained calm and contemplative for a

while. He rarely found a word. Instead, he asked Xie Qinglin for the
temperature and place to ask for opinions: "Xiao Xie, what is your


Xie Qinglin trembled in the bottom of his heart, cold as if he had fallen
into the snow and ice, and frosted. He knows the data of Su Tan and
his new articles again. However, during the week's warm-up time, the
collection between the two articles has opened more than half a

His 40,000, Sutan's 570,000.

The gap in the middle is almost equal to the nature, and it is difficult
to cross.

But right now, he has no choice. Xie Qinglin carefully noticed that the
teacher Professor Xu Zhaofeng's gaze toward himself seemed to be
very dissatisfied with his hesitation and hesitation.
Further dragging on, not only will not leave a good impression on the
scholars and professors in the ancient earth culture circle, I am afraid
that even this newly recognized teacher will be lost.

Suddenly, Xie Qinglin bit her lip tightly, and her heart was ruthlessly
swept away. She simply let go of everything, and flatly responded to
Professor Zhou Fengren: "I promise."

Seeing a word from him, the atmosphere of the entire exchange

meeting was completely boiling, as festive as it was, Xie Qinglin
clenched his fingers and looked at the joy and expectation of so many
calm scholars and professors. Furious.

He didn't believe it. With this opportunity, he will lose to Sutan?

No matter how bad he is, he has a larger group of loyal fans than
Sutan, and he doesn't believe he will be defeated!

That evening, on the eve of the first chapter of "The Love of Rivers
and Lakes" and "The Entertainment Weekly of Rivers and Lakes"
being officially released, a major message was suddenly issued on an
official Weibo of the "Earth and Earth Cultural Exchange Conference".

"@ 古 全球 文化 交会: Daoguang Jianying, Fighting the Sword End of

the World! Who has the fastest sword? Who has the tenderest feeling?
Who has the most traces of Tianya's uninhibited and happy life? The
ancient earth cultural exchange officially issued the first prize of
Jianghu Order: Hunt for the best-looking novels in the rivers and
lakes, with a reward of 10,000 yuan! Gifts to ancient books! "
This official blog has very few followers, and when it was sent out, it
immediately disappeared into the massive message on Weibo without
blowing a wave.

But what made the situation abruptly changed, but it was the retweet
recommendation from the oldest **** of Fanxing Novel.

"@ 长安: same as 1."

It was almost the moment when Changan was more blogging, and his
Weibo was immediately intercepted by the countless readers and fans,
and all comments were almost paralyzed.

"Gray shoes: lying down! The old age series, old age scammers!"

"Girl and the exploding star: I almost thought I was dazzled, but I saw
a big appearance, tears ..."

"The star author invited the moon: When I heard the news that was
much more extensive, I quickly rolled in and finally caught up with
the scene. Excited! I'm still not there, raise your hand!"

"Awkward fish: I'm also scarce, big, please ask for help!"


As soon as the ancient **** "Chang'an" came out, he immediately

brought the atmosphere of the "Ancient Earth Cultural Exchange
Meeting" Weibo, which aroused the atmosphere, and aroused the
attention of many star novel readers.

As it happens, Sutan officially released the first chapter of "Jianghu

Entertainment Weekly" and updated it.

He boarded Weibo and saw this Weibo, which was reposted by

"Chang'an", immediately chuckled, and replied clearly on the Weibo
of the rewards of rivers and lakes: "" Jianghu Entertainment Weekly
"registration! First kill ! "

Unexpectedly, Xie Qinglin, who was a little late, was also very
domineering, and responded directly: "This reward, I want it! @ 新 文
《江湖 情深》"

As soon as "Gongzi Fusu" appeared, the fan group of Gongzi's family

immediately flocked.

"Gongzi's dressing mirror: Su exploded when I saw the domineering

side of our son for the first time."

"My sister-in-law's house: It's the best! It's the best!"

"The bench of the son-in-law's house: Once our son-in-law's shot,

what else is there [proud]? Some meat will quickly retreat, while our
son-in-law is good-hearted, we will keep your last face.

Looking at these fan groups who came with the aura of light, Su Tan
couldn't help but smile, he chuckled, thinking that who hasn't had a
lot of strength to back up this year?

Big cousin came forward, one top two.

He calmly and calmly commented under Weibo @ 烟 羞。

A few minutes later, an account appeared suddenly.

"Who is @ 我?

-Hayden Longman "


"Who is @ 我?

-Hayden Longman "

Seeing His Royal Highness Crown Prince appearing suddenly, all

netizens were bombed.

"Shimizu Ruo Ruo: High Imitation Number?"

"What's the main attack? Sure! His Royal Highness the Crown Prince,
how can it appear on the Internet casually?"
"Tuanzi: Your Royal Highness, someone pretended to be you and
caught a fake one!"


Netizens laughed and laughed in a relaxed and pleasant tone. No one

believed that this number was actually the queen of Crown Prince

Fans of "Gongzijia" even pointed at the "Braised Pork" Weibo

comment, and they laughed at the crowd.

"The candlestick of the son's house: Well, look, what fake products are
given to a meat platform?"

"My son-in-law's family: Our son is the best!"

"The Luo Luo brocade of the son 's family: Laughing, the little
grasshoppers of the braised butcher family do n't bounce, and it 's not
like that if you want to stir up the fans. Make a fake trumpet and
make a big V? Fusu with our family Greatly side by side, all dirty
son's reputation! "

There was a lot of ridicule in the comments, all kinds of crazy ridicule
and ridicule came to his face, just like a rush of mountains and rivers.

When the fans of "Gongzijia" sneered together, they did not expect
that the account of "Haiden Longman", which was considered a fake
name by everyone, suddenly put on the Weibo-certified big V logo
and officially opened.

"Hayden Longman: Don't doubt it, it's me, calling for my beloved."

At the time, Weibo commented like it was suddenly choked, and all of
the ridicule and laughter were silent and silent.

Until a few minutes later, all talents gradually came back from shock
and misunderstanding, staring closely at this simple and
straightforward sentence and the official mark of certification behind
the name, full of incredibleness and admiration.

"Shimizu Ruoruo: ... Am I dreaming?"

"What's the general attack: Ah ah ah! Real Highness Hayden? !!! Crazy
group photo! I first saw the Royal V!"

"Soft cute dolphin: Your Highness is also a big fan of braised pork?
Me too! Raise your claws! [Shame to sell cute ~]"

"Kolabao: Huh? Didn't I understand it alone? It's obvious that the

meat is the smoker's father @, how could it be His Royal Highness
suddenly appeared? Father smoke?"

"Dark Rose: Little fool, Dad is the Crown Prince."

"Kolabao: ... !!! Called His Highness' father for so long, then I am also
the heir of the empire? [Happy]?"
"Fishing on the Milky Way: Upstairs 66666666"


As Hayden appeared, all kinds of comments were extremely popular,

and numerous onlookers from the crowd flocked to it. He almost
crowded out the Weibo account of the "Ancient Earth Cultural
Exchange Conference", and the click retweet volume suddenly
skyrocketed. This has brought a lot of attention to Su Tan and this
ancient style novel.

Many people are enthusiastic about His Royal Highness the Crown
Prince who likes newcomer authors braised meat online novels.

After a while, # 殿下 为 红烧肉 打 call # took the first place on Weibo's

hot headlines, with 200 billion likes, and far more than 10,000 times
the number of retweets on Weibo.

Such a grand occasion immediately sensationalized the entire

network. Not only the national sensation, but also many
entertainment circles, net red circles, rich circles, and other big Vs, and
even shoes, socks, discount coupons, refrigerators, air conditioners,
and color TV purifiers, all came out of enthusiasm. The Crown
Prince's Weibo.

"International Supermodel Aier: Take a picture with His Royal

Highness, happy than V!"
"Gu Fangzhi after the filming of the 683th Starry Sky Awards: I just
finished filming the night show, I didn't expect to see His Royal
Highness The Most Mysterious Crown Prince appeared on Weibo
with his own eyes, surprise! Quietly, I am also a big fan of braised

"President of Universal City International Capital Star: Before I clicked

in, I was still thinking about what everyone was blindly excited about.
I did n't sleep in the middle of the night, but I did n't expect that —
The Crown Prince !!! It turned out to be His Royal Highness !! ! "

"20% off shopping vouchers: Seeing His Royal Highness stand on a

large platform for braised pork, I suddenly supplemented my 100,000-
character domineering native reader readers and weak and clever
little writers with little sweet text :)."

"A beautiful interstellar air purifier: upstairs, your mind is dirty and
needs to be purified."


Countless reprints of the big V have thoroughly heated up the topic.

Even the upper empire was shaken, causing a stir.

Imperial Crown Prince Hayden has always been low-key, and rarely
appeared in front of the public. His positive reports and disclosures
did not appear on public media websites. Even his appearance was
faintly a mystery, only in the media 's silhouette. A blurry dark
silhouette was placed.
No one expected that he would actively show up on Weibo, and
openly stated that his favorite author was "Brushing braised meat
every day."

This approach of humiliation made the fans who had been so proud
of "Gongzijia" completely discouraged and did not dare to show up


However, just now, on Weibo, the ridiculous words of Hayden and

braised pork were ridiculed by netizens who commented and placed
them on the top of the comment.

"Xiao Yan: Um, fake trumpet? Little grasshopper? Fans of the son,
now does it hurt?"

Fans of the son's family swallowed their patience, watching these

comments almost bit the small handkerchief, and under the huge
wave of Weibo ridicule, they could only help each other to withdraw
the private Weibo of the "son of Fu Su", crying and distressing their
son. After being wronged, they were powerless to protect.

Xie Qinglin, who had just been anxious and finished working on the
publication of new articles and illustrations, suddenly saw these
comments, and almost turned black and angry.

The entire Weibo interface, due to the appearance of His Royal

Highness Crown Prince Hayden, has completely turned into an ocean
of carnival for all. Only his Weibo, like a weak boat, was wrapped in a
surging tide and was about to turn over.
Xie Qinglin's eyes were anxious, and he tried his best to bite his teeth
to calm down the fluctuating mood.

He hasn't lost yet. Whether he can win the pK victory of Jianghu

Novels of the Ancient Earth Cultural Exchange Conference will
ultimately depend on the text.

After looking at the illustrations drawn by himself staying up late, Xie

Qinglin felt an endless spirit in his heart.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the first chapters of "Love in Rivers and
Lakes" and "Weekly Lakes Entertainment Weekly" were officially
released at the same time.

Many netizens who were attracted by the popular Weibo did not even
have to look carefully at the subject matter, so they subconsciously
entered the first chapter of the new article.

"His crown prince's favorite novel?" Luo Qiankun is a veteran game

fan. He even played interstellar glory for a whole day, and finally
stopped before going to sleep, randomly opened Weibo and was
ready to sleep.

Unexpectedly, I was caught curiosity by the hottest news on Weibo at

a glance.

Along the Weibo address, he smoothly touched the novel called "His
Royal Highness the Crown Prince helped call", looking at the strange
name of "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly", he really did not agree with

Luo Qiankun shouted lazily to his college-mate's bedtime-loving

novelist, who likes to read novels: "No. 3, Jianghu novels, are they

The old third did not lift his head, holding an optical brain obsessively
watching the first **** Zerg war essay in history, and replied directly:
"Jianghu novels? Old and old, cold and obscure, never have a good
one ! "

Hearing this answer, Luo Qiankun was still interested, and he became
more and more curious about this river and lake novel that the Crown
Prince of the Empire loved.

It was all right before going to bed. He was half-lying in bed, clicking
into the novel page of Jianghu Entertainment Weekly, and glanced

"Jinge Iron Horse, please be happy!

1283 issue of "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" headline:

Wudang Zhang's sword was lost.

Last night, the head of the Flying Eagles was strangled to death by a
hoe, and I would like to invite all heroes from the rivers and lakes to
go to the condolences on the second day of next month to send my
brother the last trip!
Emei sent older female disciples into groups. This year's Mid-Autumn
Festival set up a chrysanthemum feast on the top of Emei, and invited
handsome knights to come and look around! "

Open a little, a compelling copywriting came straight to the eye, and

Luo Qiankun couldn't help but dazzle his tiredness.

"Is there such a way of writing?" He was surprised in his tone, and
suddenly felt a little surprised.

The antique background setting, combined with the novel and

interesting modern expression, creates a huge contrast and conflict in
time, which makes people feel interesting and fun.

Every piece of "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" news looks like the

eye-catching headline of online news, and somehow caught the eye,
which aroused his curiosity.

Luo Qiankun sat up straight, and seriously looked at the text of the
next chapter.

At the beginning of the novel, a clear-cut Wudang young disciple goes

down the mountain to search for the sword as the entrance, and
officially kicks off the rivers and lakes.

Throwing a sword is a big event, and sending a young Wudang
disciple, Zhang Maoer, down the mountain to look for a sword is an
important event entrusted to him by the teacher.

Therefore, Zhang Maoer worked hard and did not dare to relax in the
slightest, but he never grew up in Wudang Mountain, but he did not
expect that there were more scammers.

As soon as I was down the mountain, I was tricked into luggage, stole
silver, and even the next piece of dry food left on my chest gave a
poor elderly man and little grandson begging blindly at the roadside.

When he turned his head, Zhang Maoer watched the poor begging
grandma stand up and pack her head. He took his grandson through
the crowded downtown and went home. When he encountered cheap
and cheap vegetables on the road, he could rush quickly The first
wave in the past, eyes bright and sharp did not look like a blind

Zhang Maoer: "..."

He wanted to come, it was not surprising that the simple and honest
master Bo was deceived and lost his sword.

Seeing this, Luo Qiankun couldn't help but laugh and thought this
novel was very interesting. Although there were no major conflicts
and happy fighting plots, the essay came out and told a story of rivers
and lakes. Inexplicable.
Luo Qiankun could not tell what was good, but in his heart he felt that
the novel was extremely smooth, and it was effortless to follow the
author's pen.

What made him even more surprised was that the hypocrisy concept
was not elaborated in the novel, but in the first chapter, the deadly
and unpaying style was implemented.

He watched Wu Mao disciple Zhang Maoer going down the mountain

all the way to be pitted and cheated. He finally encountered a farmer
who kindly accepted him for the night, and thoughtfully took out his
thick quilt and meals to let him stay overnight.

Zhang Maoer was so touched in his heart that he finally met a good
man. The good man that Master said was good is indeed true.

He had rested in his sleep with the peace of mind, but he fainted in
the middle of the night without thinking about it. He rolled a sack and
put it on a wobbly carriage, and fell into an unprecedented pit.


When he woke up, the room was full of red and bright red ribbons
and candles in the sight of him-

A courageous and uninhibited young master, Wen Gongyu, provoked

his chin.

"Well, you are my bride?"

Zhang Maoer was startled, confused and confused what was going
on. He countered subconsciously: "I'm a man!"

Wen Gongyu couldn't help laughing, "Just so, me too."

The next day, a large and eye-catching title was printed on the cover
of the new issue of "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly"-

"The little disciple in Wudang went down the mountain to find the
sword and was deceived by money!"

The rivers and lakes made a sensation.

Zhang Maoer: My innocent QAQ!

"Innocence? Didn't two people happen?" Luo Qiankun hurriedly

flipped through the next chapter, but didn't want to be gone!

Immediately, he wanted to fall. Unexpectedly, after being deeply

appetite, the author even broke the chapter here, which is simply

He couldn't help but rushed to the novel comment area, and

commented: "The author is faster !!!! Broke here, I want to cut people!"

After posting it, he refreshed the comment area and found that the
number of people who shared his thoughts was endless.
"Soft cute dolphin: Hey? Cheating money and cheating? I feel a lot of

"Kolabao: I laughed to death! I didn't expect to write about the ancient

style greatly. I was so angry and stunned that Wudang was a younger
brother. He laughed!"

"Big Joe: An old-fashioned novel that doesn't follow the usual path.
I've never seen this style before, it's so novel. Great work, better than


Luo Qiankun's heart had a great sense of identity for time, and he was
anxious to see the next chapter update.

He glanced at the novel and Weibo comments, and naturally noticed

another novel on the same period, which made Luo Qiankun's
intention of watching the "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" go in.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I opened the comment area, the screen was

full of positive comments.

"The son-in-law of the son-in-law's family: the son-in-law's ancient

style, gentle atmosphere, the rivers and lakes first!"

"Little Begonia of the son's family: Such delicate writings are

unknowingly brought in. Only our family greatly owns [pride]."
"The chestnut cake of Gongzi's family: The writing is very beautiful.
After reading the first sentence, I feel that the gongzi wrote very
carefully, and I look forward to the next wonderful."

"Gongzi's handkerchief: Fu Su Dawen, don't you bear it?"

Luo Qiankun: ... Suddenly I didn't want to watch.

This wave of comments brushed him off. However, the illustrations

on the copywriting are not bad. With a sense of old-fashioned style,
Luo Qiankun reluctantly gave a glance at the novel.

Never thought--

"In front of the cliff, Lin Xiaoer, who was wearing a phoenix crown,
was pale, her face tender and white like a petal was full of confusion
and fear.

Suddenly, a fast horse rushed forward, and immediately the man's

cold and sullen eyes looked at her arrogantly, staring directly at her
bright lips, and his eyes darkened for a moment.

He jumped off the horse and held the little woman tightly in his arms,
arrogantly, 'woman, you ca n't escape. '"

Luo Qiankun: ... is this a river?

He had an inexplicable headache, and looked back at the comments,
but all of them were "greatly written great", "ah ah ah ah the male lead
is too domineering", "woman, you can't escape".

At the beginning of the time, Luo Qiankun felt that Tian Lei was
rolling, panicking like eating sweetener 30 years ago. In comparison, I
just felt that the "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" that I just watched
was really a conscience, and hurriedly brushed a wave of reminders
and comments.

Unexpectedly, after such a short time, "Jianghu Entertainment

Weekly" has already become a sea of thunder.

"Fried mango crisps: novel and interesting text, the author cheers!"

"Dark Rose: Even More! [Throw Thunder]"

"Smoke scar: Good-looking. [Deepwater torpedo] * 999"


"Soft cute dolphin: front row! Take a photo with your highness!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Squeeze in a crowd, and I will take a

group photo."

Seeing the appearance of the smoke scar, Su Tan couldn't help but
smile, and thanked him in the comments.
By the way, in reality, he also sent a message to Hayden to ridicule:
"The braised pork is greatly happy today."

Fast back there. "what happened?"

Su Tan laughed: "You drive a big size to greatly cheer! Super moving,
super fiery."

Hayden: "..."

Just listen, on the communicator side, Su Tan smiled, and smiled in a

clean and clear voice, asking: "Do you like me or big?"

Big cousin: "........."

He asked calmly, "What if you like it big?"

Su Tan did not hesitate to think, and answered with a chuckle, "I want
to fight him!"

Big cousin: ... well, please start your show.


"Go to the duel, I'll wait for you."

Looking at Hayden's reply with a smile in the communicator, Su Tan
was speechless. After a while, some of them could not laugh or cry.

Is it really okay for your big cousin to be so provocative?

He gave a cough, and turned sharply, and said with a smile: "No, it's
also my goddess, it's too late to love him."

Hayden shook his head and laughed.

Waking up the next day, Su Tan went to Fanxing Novel Network as

soon as possible to check his data.

Unexpectedly, driven by the popularity of Weibo V, the data of

"Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" was hot, and the number of
overnight collections was far more than 5 million, which is faster than
Sutan's previous novel "The Age of Dominating the Earth [Quick
Wear]" 》 The total collection is even more.

He couldn't help but be a little surprised, and opened the book review
and Weibo comments, and found that the topic of # Highness for Red
Roast Meat Call # has continued to rise, and many Weibo Vs who
have not caught up with the late-night heat have reposted comments
after getting up early, and continue to add Chai raised his salary with
a new salary and took a group photo with His Royal Highness the
Crown Prince.

"The Comet Award for Best Actor Mickey Dodgson: After reading the
first chapter of the novel, it is very attractive and has been collected
and pursued."
"Imperial Star Chart: The article recommended by His Royal
Highness, have you read this morning?"

"This morning's headline: Hug Your Highness's Thighs, Follow the

Hottest Novel!"

Even the front page headlines of many media have used this topic as a
hot topic for the new day, and published all-round releases on all
major newspapers and Internet TVs. At the moment, the topic's
popularity has suddenly spread from Weibo, and it has truly become
a household name, Popular news known to everyone.

An old novel about the cold subject that was just published a day ago,
it was completely mad.

On the other hand, the "Famous Sons and Daughters" of "Father-in-

law Helping the Soviet Union" was defeated simply and neatly.

Xie Qinglin stayed at the computer all night and turned red. He
watched Su Tan's novels climb sharply. Every soaring second, the
skyrocketing collections were renovated and skyrocketed, leaving him
far behind. Makes his heart anxious and angry.

The only comfort is that his illustrations have generally won the favor
of many readers. Although the collection of Wen Tun is not as
horrible as that of "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly", it has also
doubled several times, far from the ancient novels of the same period.
The ground stepped underneath.
This made him finally feel a little comfort.

Xie Qinglin's eyes were red, and he froze angrily at the string in his

He looked at his readers, and there was a commotion and anxiety.

"Gongzi's flowerpot: I'm so mad, watching some meat climb over our
heads and exploding!"

"Begonia of the son's family: There is no way to get angry, but to

grumble and grumble. His Royal Highness Crown Prince, some meat
@ 出, is too heavy, who can steal the other's limelight?"

"Gongzi's domino: @ 公子 助 苏, greatly, do you know any other big-

name friends in the circle to help you stand?"


The words of the fans reminded Xie Qinglin. He usually mixes his
hand circles and knows that as many painters as possible are only
known on the Internet, but if he wants to move out and fight with His
Royal Highness the Crown Prince, he is hitting a stone with his eggs.

Only his newly-recognized teacher, Professor Xu Zhaofeng, is an old

expert in the ancient earth culture circle. Although his reputation on
the Internet is not prominent, he is serious enough to be able to move
out of the field to overwhelm his identity. If he had his
recommendation, how could Xie Qinglin not be as passive as before.
Xie Qinglin took a deep breath and rubbed his red and sour eyes,
struggling to lift his spirit, and found Xu Zhaofeng.

Xu Zhaofeng was hard-spoken, and he was still open to his proposal

and refused to reveal his slightest attitude.

Xie Qinglin had no choice but to be almost begging. He mentioned

that his essay data was too bad from the other side, and also made
Professor Xu Zhaofeng, who was a teacher, dull, and Xu Zhaofeng
calmed down and agreed.

"Teacher, I like my readers and fans a lot, but the braised pork relied
on the popularity of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to drop the
data severely. If you can play, you will definitely improve a lot."

Xie Qinglin humbled her tone and hugged Xu Zhaofeng little by little,
which finally made him feel uncomfortable, and her tone softened.

"It's okay to write a recommendation, only once, not the next


In words, the relationship between the two is clearly distinguished.

Xie Qinglin's eyes were hazy, his heart was tightly clenched, his face
embarrassed biting his lips. In front of the communicator, he could
only smile and thank the other party.
When the other party hung up the communication, the gloom on his
face was almost overwhelming.

He gasped for a few short breaths, suppressed the full of anger, and
finally felt relieved.


He has not lost.

Xu Zhaofeng's recommendation was posted in a low profile on his

personal Weibo. Due to the recent attention of the ancient earth
culture circle to the rewards of rivers and lakes, many experts and
professors in the ancient earth culture circle silently praised and
forwarded Xu Zhaofeng's Weibo to encourage and support it.

Xie Qinglin appeared quickly, Wen Run smiled and expressed

support, with a humble and respectful attitude. "Thank you for your
recommendation. Your teaching has benefited me a lot. I hope to have
the opportunity to learn more from you and other seniors."

When this Weibo came out, it was almost instantaneous. Fans of

"Gongzijia" couldn't help but feel like a shot of a strong heartbeat.

"Gonghua's flowers: It's great, I know so many scholars!"

"The slaves of the son's family: our son is just awesome. He directly
worshipped the academic faculty as a teacher. His profession is low-
"Gongzi's dressing mirror: Only I noticed that many big v in ancient
cultural circles silently forwarded it? What does this mean?-The son
has been recognized by the entire academic community."

"Gardener's gardener: Yes, even if some meat will be hyped to attract

people's hearts? It's better than our family's one hundred thousandth
in the minds of scholars!"


Fans of "Gongzijia" were arrogant for a moment, as if suddenly

endlessly infused with the recommendation of professors. The
previous state of humiliation of the steamed buns and brains was
suppressed by braised pork and disappeared.

At the beginning of the time, they made a comeback again, appearing

on Weibo in large numbers, touting "Fu Su" as a new generation of
ancient earth culture successors who the professors agreed.

All the old professors who supported the reposting of Weibo in good
faith at the time were a little surprised.

When did Xie Qinglin become the successor of ancient culture? ? ?

Their students haven't taken over yet!

What made all the old professors even caught off guard was that their
Weibos were also captured by the fans of "Gongzijia".

"Gongzi's flowerpot: Teachers, our son-in-law has bothered you. The

son works hard and is low-key and humble. I hope that the teachers
will take good care of us, and our fans are grateful."

"The makeup mirror of the son's house: having our son as a student is
really a blessing [envy] that teachers have repaired in their last lives."

"The little peony of the son's family: I hope the teachers can take good
care of Fusu Da. This simple and kind big is worth everyone's care.
Please please."

All old professors: "..."

They can't help but have a headache. These "Gongzijia" fans all look
like this, and rightfully ran to their own group of old guys' Weibo,
and blatantly asked to take good care of the big Xie Qinglin they like.

This is simply-I was touched by someone!

The old professors all had headaches. Seeing that their microblogs
were confused and suffocated, they were so angry that they directly
commented, and deleted the microblogs that had been forwarded for
Xu Zhaofeng and "Fu Su Fu Su". Quietly left himself the last silence.

Fans of "Gongzijia" don't understand, and they are rolling around

with complacency, proactively proclaiming that they are the official
insiders of the official ancient earth cultural circle under the official

Such a high reputation, immediately attracted a lot of netizens who

did not know the truth, were curious, and gave a new wave of
"Dongzi Fu Su" 's new book "Love in Rivers and Lakes" a solid wave
of attention.

Quietly improving situation, so many fans of "Gongzijia" can't help


At this moment, the account of "Fu Su Fu Su" suddenly appeared on

Weibo, announcing that at 8 o'clock tonight on Weibo live broadcast,
invited netizens and fans to gather together.

As soon as the news came out, the entire web literary circle was a

Most of the writers have a bad image, and it is common to

occasionally write a text without showing up in the live broadcast, but
there are few who dare to appear on the scene.

Especially the writers who don't look good are quite self-aware. It
doesn't matter if you don't look good, but rashly appearing will only
disillusion the readers and fans who have high expectations in the
eyes of God, disappointed and lose the text.

If it is so laborious and unpleasant, many authors choose to write

honestly, update diligently, and win readers' favorite with fast and
high-quality works.
Like "Gongzi Fusu", generously proclaiming that he would take the
initiative to appear on the live broadcast to attract popularity for the
new book, which immediately shocked the entire online literary circle.

Even his first famous painter circle was very curious. What does "Fu
Su" look like? Only gave him the courage to actively reveal his true

Everyone's curiosity hung up.

When Su Tan learned, the news that "Fu Su is about to broadcast

live !!!" has spread throughout the entire network, many people are
lying on their feet waiting for his live broadcast to begin.

Such a high degree of attention was actually a subdued suppression of

Su Tan's heat, and later took the dungeon to stand firmly in the front
row of the latest attention.

Fans of "Gongzijia" are ecstatic, as if the carnival has been started, and
Qi Qi looks forward to the start of the live broadcast.

"Boiled pork" has been fried on Weibo, and many readers are rushing
to make moves.

"Soft cute dolphin: Great, let's get some welfare too?"

"Kolabao: Watching the fans playing the gongs and drums, happy to
be happy, big, you also come to the live broadcast to ensure that the
popularity can be explosive!"

Su Tan: "..."

He couldn't help but smile, and suddenly got a joke, he sent a new
Weibo and asked: "Live at night, you guess what I want to broadcast:

After a while, Weibo commented enthusiastically.

"Kolabao: Drive !!!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Drive 1,000,000!"

"Dark Night Rose: Old Car? Check in."

Hayden, who was seeing this Weibo, was suddenly silent.


——Come, lie beside me :).


Before the time of the live broadcast, "Gongzi Fusu" and "Braised
Pork" preheated the Weibo live broadcast room.

The fan base of "Gongzijia" is particularly lively.

"Little girl-in-law of the son-in-law's house: Ten minutes left !! Full of

anticipation, we will see the true face of the son-in-law!"

"The morning glory of the son's house: Open the squat point!
Obediently wait for the son to start broadcasting."

"Gongzi's bench: the front row is sprinkled with flower seeds and
peanuts, and everyone sits in a row."

Speaking, Xie Qinglin's lens suddenly opened, and then a handsome

and gentle face appeared on the screen.

Suddenly shocked by a handsome and clean face, the fans of

"Gongzijia" immediately burst into a huge surprise.

Even before the live broadcast began, the fans comforted each other in
private and the big value was not important. What they liked was his
talent. Even if the appearance of the son was unsatisfactory, they had
to maintain it together.

But it is undeniable that all fans have a faint hope in their hearts.
Who doesn't want the authors he likes to be big, handsome, good-
looking, high-value and talented?

They never thought that what they expected would come true!

"Little girl-in-law of the son-in-law's house: Ah-ah-ah-ah, son-in-

law !!!"

"The palate of Gongzi's family: How could there be such a beautiful

person? Crying, beauty is prosperous."

"The brocade brocade of the father-in-law's family: gentleman

gentleman, gentle and gentle as a jade, the father-in-law is still
wearing ancient costume, it really looks like he came from ancient
times, and was hit with 10,000 happy cries in his heart."


Countless barrage burst the screen in an instant. Many online fans

were excited, and a large number of netizens were also attracted. It
was quite strange to see Xie Qinglin's white clothes and ancient

Even, Xie Qinglin brought a long hair cover, and the black and
straight black hair was sprinkled behind him, and only a soft satin
headband was used to slightly bundle it, which was even more
comfortable and unrestrained.

"Hello everyone, my name is Fu Su."

He smiled slightly at the camera, and Jun Lang's eyebrows were
immediately stained with a gentle smile, accompanied by a white coat
that floated handsomely, which made people feel excited.

The fans in the live room were immediately howled by Meng.

Seeing almost bursting the screen, he swarmed past the countless

barrage and popularity that couldn't be seen clearly, and Xie Qinglin's
smile was even worse.

He ticked off his lips, warmed up in an orderly manner, introduced

endorsements for his new book, "Love in Rivers and Lakes," and fans
in the live broadcast also took the initiative to enthusiastically and
favor his novels to other newcomers.

For a while, the atmosphere at the scene was enthusiastic.

Xie Qinglin watched a series of "My Son Marry Me!", "Beginning with
Yan, and finally Talent", "I want to contract a big Yan" on the screen,
and smiled at ease, reassuringly.

He is confident that even if Su Tan also opened a live broadcast room,

he is definitely not as popular as himself.

Similarly, this self-confidence was also passed on to fans.

"The flower arrangement of the son's house: the son is so handsome!

Some meat in the next house does not dare to show his face, but he
can't see people with sound alone. How can our family be so tall and
have long legs and high face value?"

"Kirin's arm of the son's family: lying down! Some meat has sang! It's
shameless, but it's so popular with this method! No, I'm going to
shoot bricks!"

"Slave in the son's house: Wait, I'll go too!"

"White Jade of the Prince's House: Take me one."


Looking at the fans' full maintenance and enthusiasm in the public

screen, Xie Qinglin could not help but smile, but his heart was very
useful and appetite.

He waited for the fans to mess up each other's live broadcast room,
and then returned with victory to continue his exclusive live
broadcast here.

But never thought--

The fans were fierce and full of morale to find fault, and pulled away
most of the bricks and horses, leaving him to wait for half an hour, but
still did not return.

There were only a few diving trumpets in the broadcast room, and
there were not even a few speakers on the public screen. It was
completely different from the previous turbulent barrage, which made
Xie Qinglin's heart feel agitated.

"My new book," Love in Rivers and Lakes, "will draw 10 free
illustrations for free, drawn by myself. Xie Qinglin smiled and tried to
suppress the anxiety in her heart, speaking loudly to the microphone.

Qingrun's voice is nice and pleasing. If the fans usually fall into the
ears of the fans, the wolf must call "the ears are pregnant".

But right now, he said in a sentence, not even a water splash, the
public screen was still deserted.

After a while, Xie Qinglin's brows couldn't help wrinkling. He fixed

the camera page calmly, and then used the computer web page to log
into another braised meat live broadcast room.


As soon as I entered, I was amazed at the screen by the surging,

colorful barrage.

"The vest of the son's house: Great! Great singing!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at all since it is so

"The lotus pond of the son's family: the voice was sobbing, the
roommates were attracted by the loud voice, and they were all
"Slave of the son's family: 6666666 juvenile voice, soft and cute,
domineering, **** and charming, come again!

"Soft cute dolphin: The uppercase is nice, great! But there seems to be
some strange species mixed upstairs [a look of force] ..."

Xie Qinglin who saw this scene: "..."

The bitterness and consternation he couldn't say, his eyebrows

frowned tightly, and the warm eyes lightened for a while.

I saw that there was no figure in the live broadcast, but it was facing a
large and comfortable hotel room, and the teenager's clear voice was
raised with a smile.

"Thank you all for your love. It's late. I will sing" Sleeping Song "in the
end and wish everyone a good dream."

As soon as the voice fell, a series of "don't end" and "want to continue
listening" were quickly flashed on the public screen.

Su Tan smiled slightly, took a deep breath, calmed down, and opened
the accompaniment of "Sleeping Song".

The soothing and serene music immediately made everyone's hearts

calm down.
Su Tan's voice was low, and he began to hum with a soothing low
voice. The teenager's clear voice was lowered a little, but it became
more and more light and pleasant.

"Baby, baby, sleep with you at night ~"

A simple and catchy serene melody hummed from the boy's voice
over and over again.

This is a bedtime song for the local parents of Rosewood to soothe

children to sleep. It is peaceful and stretched. The beautiful and
simple melody is combined with Su Tan's voice, which makes people
feel that it has a great magical appeal, just like a breeze. Slowly blown
into the bottom of my heart.

The smirk ending of Sutan slightly aroused, and in the freshness and
purity, it evoked a taste of **** and bewildering, which made all the
people in the live broadcast can't help but feel itchy, as if the cat's paw
was stunned. The land fiddles inadvertently.


Careless and numb.

With a small number of barrage on all public screens, hundreds of

millions of viewers in the live broadcast room couldn't help but hold
their breath together and immerse themselves in this moment.
Until the end of the song, Su Tan said to the camera with a smile:
"Well, today's live broadcast is officially over. Ten minutes later,"
Jianghu Entertainment Weekly "began to change."

After a while, netizens were shocked and delighted, and reluctantly

relentlessly encore.

Su Tan said goodbye and closed the live room.

On the other side, Xie Qinglin's heart is full of miscellaneous flavors.

He did not expect that a young boy such as Su Tan who is very young
and young, did not open a live camera, but he has such great charm in
singing. But on the other hand, his heart was jealous again.

Xie Qinglin didn't say anything, calmly turned back to her live room
page, smiling gently at the camera.

At the end of the live broadcast over there, his fans returned slowly
and in large quantities, and his heart was embarrassed and bitter for a

Wait until the other party's live broadcast is over. Is this still to shoot
bricks? It's simply adding bricks to each other!

But these words, Xie Qinglin was unable to complain to the fans. He
knows deeply that his biggest reliance is on these loyal "Gongzijia"

If he doesn't agree with one's temper and angers the little angel away,
I am afraid that his popularity will really plummet.
Therefore, even though he was afflicted and depressed, he still
pretended to be indifferent, and still said to the camera with a smile.

"Did you see the costume on my body?" He smiled and raised the
corners of his lips, his gentle temperament was quite seductive, he
stood up to the camera and showed a complete circle of white clothes,
then he smiled and continued. Said, "This is the character of the hero
in the new book."

As soon as his words fell, he finally brought up the spirit of the

audience and won a rare response.

Xie Qinglin calmed down a bit, and decided to choose an antique song
to sing for the audience.


The prelude sounded, and he deliberately learned Su Tan's previous

approach, trying to keep his voice down, and immediately the moist
voice had a dull tone, reverberating in the ears and feeling full of

Coupled with Xie Qinglin's face value and costumes, it is contrasting.

Sure enough, his live broadcast barrage burst into flames. Xie Qinglin
was pleased and satisfied to see the fans enthusiastically discuss.
"The flower arrangement of the son-in-law's house: the son's voice is
so hooking."

"Gongzi's bench: It's awesome, and it's a fight with the sound of a
certain meat just now. One is clean and sultry, and the other is full of
offensive sounds. I like it!"

"The lotus pond in the son's house: ladies and sisters upstairs, who
has the recording of the singing of the meat treasure just now? Please

"Mu Mu's Family: Same as 1."

"Slave of the son's family: I have it! The full version! Sisters leave their
addresses, I'll send it to you [happy]!"

Immediately, the entire screen became a sea of joy, and the topic
suddenly disappeared.

Xie Qinglin looked dumb, feeling even worse.

Meat treasure? ? ?

God **** "treasure"!

Are you out of favor? ...

He was in a very bad mood, but in front of the magnified lens, he

could only be treated as an unaware person. He tried his best to resist
the acidity and jealousy that he couldn't stop, and continued to laugh
with a bitter smile in his heart.

At the end of the song, the fans of "Gongzijia" applauded him with
applause. Xie Qinglin looked at it with some perfunctory meaning.

He took the water glass and took a sip of water, suddenly it seemed to
be a bit hot, while drinking water with a smile, while slowly
tightening the tight collar with slender fingers.

The white collar was fiddled with a little arc, revealing the fair skin

Xie Qinglin was stable and knew how much such a move attracted
and impacted fans, so he was not in a hurry, and seemed to delay the
action unintentionally.

According to his wishes, whenever this killing trick is used, the fans
must all be weeping and crying, completely convinced by his charm.


Therefore, Xie Qinglin had a good intention in his mind. He just

intentionally or unintentionally pulled the collar a little bit wide. He
was waiting with anticipation when he was waiting on the screen to
brush the raging barrage of fans.

"Little Begonia in the son's house: The meat treasure is updated !!!
Fifty chapters !!!"
Suddenly, the entire live broadcast room was sensational.

"My daughter-in-law's house: Chapter 50 ?! He's crazy! This explosion

is even more explosive? I haven't read a lot and have never seen such
an operation."

"The palate of Gongzi's family: crazy, I haven't seen it before ... but
somehow, why?"

"Gongzi's dressing mirror: Boy, you should explode [impatiently]!"

"Military Brocade of the Prince's Family: More than 1000000000"


Xie Qinglin's heart was shocked and dumb, the smile on her face
suddenly stiffened, and the hand fiddled with the collar was stiff in
the air, which was a little strange.

However, he was stiff and remorseful in front of the rush of pressure

on the screen asking him to explode.

How can he keep it?

These days have been busy, in order to compete with Su Tan for his
popularity, he has been struggling, flustered and upset moods ups
and downs, how can you calm down and write well?
Being able to keep a daily change is already the limit.

But I never thought that the other person's "braised pork" was so
fierce, and he directly dumped the fifty chapters to save the
manuscript, and severely beat himself.

At the moment, Xie Qinglin was facing a lot of barrage violently

asking for more barrage, some of them could not come to Taiwan.

He smiled softly and fascinated, soothing his fans with a hooky voice:
"Can't do more, but-all night tonight, I'm all yours."

Fans of "Gongzijia" brushed up the barrage frequently with


"My sister-in-law's house: All night? Happy!"

"The candlestick of the son's family: Listening to what the son just
said, I seem to want something crooked and blush."

"The lotus pond in the son's house: The update of the meat treasure
has been opened, and the singing will continue to be greatly
continued. [Extremely enjoyable]"


Xie Qinglin: "..."

Where the camera couldn't see, he clenched his palms fiercely, angry
and annoyed but helpless.

He had to follow the anger in his heart and continue to sing according
to the fans.

On the other side, Su Tan, who had just burst out, was so relaxed that
watching his novel chapter suddenly added a full 50 chapters, a
wonderful sense of satisfaction was raised in his heart.

It's like seeing the baby you raised, and it grows into a towering tree
in an instant.

Although the interplanetary journey and the accumulated

manuscripts accumulated over the past few days were exhausted in
one breath, Su Tan still felt contented.

He chuckled his lips with a chuckle, and reserved himself a generous

meal through the hotel room phone, and then began to pack his

After the ancient earth cultural exchange meeting was completed, he

wanted to come back, and he should go home.

His stuff was always neat, and he didn't have much luggage with him.

Soon after the box was packed, I suddenly heard the ringing of the
door of the guest room, Su Tan suddenly came to the spirit, happily
and excitedly walked towards the door, thinking that it must be his
own feast.

"Come here, come--"

He looked forward to opening the door full of surprises, but it was the
big cousin standing at the door.

Su Tan was surprised for a moment, then raised a smile and greeted
Hayden into the room.

Turning his head, he saw his half-lit computer screen, and suddenly
his heart moved slightly. Su Tan smiled and walked into the room. He
walked briskly to the computer, preparing to close the webpage.

However, the big-legged cousin was one step ahead of him.

"What is this?" Hayden stared at the computer screen, staring at Su

Tan's heart.

He calmly responded, "I was just reading a novel."

Speaking, before the big cousin had looked carefully, he wanted to

knock down the screen with a click, however, a steady and strong
hand blocked in front of him.

Hayden's deep questioning sounded slowly. "Login account-brush

braised meat every day?"
Su Tan: "..."

My eyes are stunned!

Seeing that he couldn't conceal it, he could only helplessly cough, his
smile was well-behaved and serious, and he honestly acknowledged:
"I, I didn't mean it."

Hayden was silent, looking down at him. No choppy emotions could

be seen in the lowered eyes, but the jokes and smiles flashed in his

He suddenly said lowly, "liar liar."

Sutan: ...

Hayden raised his hand and took off the cufflinks on the cuffs. The
neat and elegant dress jacket was safely pulled off to the side of the
chair, and the white shirt buttons were untied one by one.

Youyan's deep eyes fixedly fell on the young man, like a dormant
beast about to play with prey, making Sutan feel a little dangerous in
his heart.

He silently watched the other party walk calmly and firmly towards
himself. Each step was lazy and careless, as if moving unconsciously,
as if he had already achieved his goal.
The low-dumb magnetic sound sounded in Sutan's ear. "Cheat me for
so long, how can you say that I should punish you?"

When Su Tan was thrown on the bed, he still looked stunned, and
suddenly thought of the plot in a small sweet text. According to the
Xiaotianwen routine, the next step is of course--

The teenager cleared his voice with a clean ending, as if ignorant.

"Fuck me?"

Hayden lifted the corners of his lips and a burning kiss fell.

"Okay, no problem!"


Scorching temperature, heating up in the guest room, almost ironing

around two people like the temperature melts.

Sutan was immersed in the ultimate and beautiful pleasure, and his
black forehead was wet with a sweat.

For some reason, the big cousin's movements today were a little extra
careless and indulgent. The slight increase of the intensity made him
inexplicably, but he was numb and faintly unbearable.
It seems that the whole person's mind is under the control of the other
person, and he wants to cry happily.

"Wait, wait--" Su Tan's body arched, and the delicate and beautiful
butterfly bone was trembling slightly touched by the other's gentle
and powerful fingers, and the whole person was very hot from the
inside to the outside.

Uncontrollably, he slightly exaggerated the corners of his crimson

eyes, and couldn't help but fell into the ultimate pleasure inexplicably,
overflowing a little tears and being licked by a tender kiss.

"Which do you like best?" A low magnetic voice asked in his ear.

Su Tan's consciousness was hazy, and he subconsciously answered--


Hayden raised his eyebrows, shook his head and laughed, cozily
thinking that he would finally get Su Tan's favorite person back from
his male god.


A dull, magnetic voice sounded slightly against Su Tan's ear. "Do you
like your wife?"

Su Tan was inexplicably shameful, and his face turned red.

He nodded slightly, and smiled happily and cheerfully: "I also want
my wife to enjoy it, okay?"

Hearing this, Hayden raised his eyebrows, and suddenly his arms
were forced, and suddenly the boy who was on the bed turned over to

He relaxed and unfolded all the movements, and there was a playful
smile in the dark eyes, and he calmly agreed, "Okay."

Su Tan was slightly surprised. Happiness came too suddenly. How

could he never have realized that his wish was fulfilled so quickly.

Immediately, he was surprised and delighted, full of enthusiasm, and

kissed his big cousin's face vigorously, but he didn't notice the joke of
the other side.

"Oh, wife, rest assured, I will work hard!"

Hayden nodded quietly and looked at him indulgently.

However, until the next morning, when Su Tan was lying on the bed
like a salted fish, and it was difficult to roll over, his heart burst into

I'm still too naive ...

Big cousin is just a whim! !! !!

He got up hard, and let the big cousin wash himself in vain, change to
clean and comfortable clothes, and then fed warm and delicious rice
porridge and meals to his mouth, and then gave up the struggle and
went directly to the sea Deng Qingxiao laughed, under the sight of
joking, turned on the computer and logged in to the star novel

Unexpectedly, his data suddenly exploded several times overnight.

The collection of new books has reached a horrible 10 million, and the
numbers are rising steadily, and constantly increasing, Su Tan can not
help but take a deep breath.

He's a little confused. What's the charm of the explosion and the live


On the other side, Xie Qinglin, who had been broadcasting until the
next morning, had just finished broadcasting.

The fans who accompanied him for one night waved their hands to

"My sister-in-law's family: Distressed, my son is going to bed soon,

take a good rest!"

"Gongzi's dressing mirror: I really like the son's singing voice, I don't
hear enough."
"The morning glory of the son-in-law's family: After listening all
night, we went to sleep. I wish the son a good dream."

Looking at the enthusiastic response of the fan barrage, XQ finally felt

a little relaxed, the tension was suddenly relaxed, and the dull and
uncomfortable throat was a little comforting.

For a full twelve hours, he talked and sang. From time to time, he had
to satisfy the desire of fans to sing and listen to songs. When the night
was still quiet, he had to work hard to say something ambiguous,
intriguing, and hug fans not to sleep All night, he was exhausted.

Until the morning, Xie Qinglin's spirit was exhausted to the extreme.
Her eyes were red, and she was red with blood. She looked tired and
decadent. It was like a string that stretched to the extreme and
trembled. Can't bear the slightest burden.

He drank a bit of warm water, and the warm water flowed through
the dry and dull throat, but it had a deep tingling sensation, which
was very uncomfortable. Over the night, his throat was almost
completely dumb.

Simply, Xie Qinglin drank the remaining warm water in the cup, took
off the sultry long hair hood and costume, took a shower, and went to
bed exhausted.

Before going to bed, he brushed the novel data with his portable light
brain as usual.
Unexpectedly, "The Love in Rivers and Lakes" was published only a
few days ago, and the collection rose to 600,000, which is already his
best record in history. This achievement can be proud of the entire
Fengxing Channel of Gufeng Channel.

However, Xie Qinglin opened the "Lake and Lake Entertainment

Weekly" and silently found that the other party's data had climbed to
10 million, and he could be lifted to the dust without any effort.


Immediately, the pride and joy that had just risen in Xie Qinglin's
heart was crushed and eliminated.

His face was plain and indignant.

In terms of explosive numbers, although he can't compare to braised

pork, he still has the support of teachers, and he has fans ...

He clenched his fists tightly, his red bloodshot eyes staying up late
were a bit dull and unbearable.

However, when he glanced casually through the comment area of

"Brushed braised meat every day", he suddenly found that-

"The morning glory of the son's family: when I came in, I suddenly
brushed up the fifty chapter update, and almost thought my light
brain was broken, full of surprises. I just stayed up all night and
decided not to sleep and started chasing more!"
"Little girl-in-law of the son's family: It's awesome! Somewhat
distressed, it feels so hard, go to rest, why?"

"Gongzi's dressing mirror: hug meat treasure, domineering the

world's first. PS: Su Feng's young boy's voice broke the old man's
heart last night, shyly confronting meat treasure than heart."

Xie Qinglin: "..."

He was expressionless and looked at the fans who had just urged
themselves to "go to sleep", "take a good rest", and "going to sleep" in
the live broadcast room, and turned to the enemy's article to express
their enthusiasm. Than Xinxin, his heart seemed to be inserted
thousands of knives in an instant.

It turns out that fans enthusiastically persuade themselves to take a

rest early, which is why.

He was full of grief, only feeling that he was like the abandoned front
room in the novel. After being cobbled up by the fans with affection,
he watched his fans happily fly out of the house and put into the arms
of others.

Xie Qinglin's indifferent expression was a little faint.

... Despair and heartbreak.

After sitting in the room for a long time, Xie Qinglin finally moved.
He pondered for a long time, determined that he could not give up,
far from being completely defeated and bowing his head.

He thought about it and posted on his Weibo. A few good-looking

illustrations attracted a lot of attention for him. Qi Qi left a message in
his post, waiting for him to send prizes for illustration benefits.

Xie Qinglin did not care about this for the time being, he clicked
directly into the teacher's professor Xu Zhaofeng's Weibo. No
popularity, at least he wants to retain his fame.

The works recommended by Xu Zhaofeng, the leader of the ancient

earth culture, and the academics who jointly forwarded the
recommendations, are a little deterrent.

If it works well, it may not be impossible to take the line that focuses
on orthodoxy.

After thinking about the joints, Xie Qinglin suddenly raised a bit of
excitement in his tired spirit, looking for Professor Xu Zhaofeng to
write a recommended Weibo for himself, and wanted to take a good
screenshot and speculate.

Unexpectedly, he clicked into Xu Zhaofeng's Weibo and looked

around, but couldn't find it.

In the moment, Xie Qinglin was a little strange. He simply typed the
keywords related to the query into the search box, but found that-
"This Weibo content has been deleted."

"You are not the friend that the other person is following. You cannot
view more information. Please confirm before searching."

Looking at these messages that the Weibo system prompts on the

screen, Xie Qinglin described them withered and despondent.

"Impossible ..." He bit his lower lip and stared at the screen in
disbelief, mumbling to himself.

A few minutes later, he hurriedly searched the microblogs of other

professors and scholars in the ancient geochemistry field, and saw
that the one microblog that had been reposted by Professor Xu
Zhaofeng to himself was deleted early.

His teacher Xu Zhaofeng obviously did even better, pulling himself

out completely without saying a word.

Immediately, Xie Qinglin shook the hand of Light Brain and shivered

His face was bleak, and Junlang Qingrun's face now looked desperate,
as if he had overwhelmed the last straw, and his whole heart fell to
the bottom of the valley.

Xie Qinglin held the light brain and fell down on the bed. It was full of
sun outside and shining brightly through the window. However, he
felt that he was cold and could not help fighting chills.

Suddenly, Suddenly, the light brain "ding", Weibo private letter

received the latest news.

Xie Qinglin frosted all over his face, and subconsciously opened this
private letter, but actually saw a strange letter.

"Want to pack? Want to publish? Want fire? I have a way to help you.
— Boris, agent of Haorui Entertainment Agency."

A simple sentence, it just directly exposed the dilemma and

difficulties he is facing.

Xie Qinglin knows that this well-known Haorui entertainment

company has always been a model of star-eating in the entertainment

Newcomers created through their packaging often become popular

overnight, but are deeply constrained by the extremely harsh
brokerage contract. They have struggled for decades and have to
drain all the oil and water to painfully get out of the contract.

But right now, Xie Qinglin took a deep breath, and her cold heart sank
heartily, knowing that she had no other way out.

Either he became the king and defeated the king, or he was stepped
on the soles of his feet with braised pork.
His self-esteem never allowed the latter option.

Xie Qinglin was ruthless, trembling with his fingers and replying in a
private message on Weibo: "When will I meet? I want to talk to you in

I don't know that Xie Qinglin has taken another way of Sutan. At this
time, he is busy writing code, trying to update, and returning to

He drove his big cousin out of the house to do his own business, and
settled down in the room to write a new chapter and publish it.

"The 1296 issue of" Jianghu Entertainment Weekly ": Wudang disciple
Zhang Maoer seeks his sword on Emei, just as the head teacher of
Emei was too silent, and he was forced to take over the position of the
head. The Ju conference has a heavy responsibility, and all parties
have responded enthusiastically.

Wudang School: Maur's nephew is good, young and promising


Qingcheng School: Brother, for the sake of many years of friendship

between teachers and teachers, how many more invitations to give us?

Martyr: Look at the luck of others ... envy, jealousy, remorse, plus
Nanhai God Nimen: Unhappy, why don't we have a handsome soft
and cute little brother in charge.

Wen Gongyu, the master of the Wen family, chuckled: Hey, I finally
found you, escape the cat ~ "

A series of plump and interesting plots made readers screamed. This

"Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" is not a traditional orthodox text in
the traditional sense. There is no bitter revenge stalk and no ups and
downs of love stories, but a novel and interesting "downhill hunting
sword" quotes connected the whole story. .

One after another, the interesting stories are like nine consecutive
stories. They are exciting and humorous, which makes all readers
smile and look at them.

Even the netizens who were attracted by the live broadcast the
previous night instantly ignited the pursuit of writing. They were
fascinated by the interesting and smiling plot, and they threw thunder
to ask the author to add more voices.

Among them, even the most famous local tyrant reader Yan Xia.

"Smoke scar: Mody. [Deepwater torpedo] * 10000"

"Soft cute dolphin: Hold your Highness' thigh, is it really good for you
to show affectionately so boldly? Single dogs kicked over a bowl of
dog food angrily!"
"Kolabao: same kick over 1. Throw mines for the author, and raise
them ... to raise you for a minute [laughs and cry]."

"Little Di Meixing: Hey, I have caught His Royal Highness Crown

Prince and went to work to fish, secretly reading the novel. Raise my
paw to report!"

As soon as this comment came out, a "66666666" was immediately

replied downstairs.

Many readers have been joking about the smoke scar, and they
laughed hilariously. Even the author Su Tan chuckled and responded
with a "1" on the top floor behind him. The parties who did not want
to be joked would respond again.

"Smoke scar: You hit me :)"

All of a sudden, everyone burst into laughter and had an

unprecedented favor for this humorous, hilarious Crown Prince. For a
few days in a row, the topic of # 被 海登 殿下 圈 粉 # has been on the
Weibo hot spot.

The double praise has not only surprised the media, but also shook
the upper circle of the Imperial Capital in silence.


No one had thought of it. When the mysterious and low-key Hayden
Longman came out, he won more than 80% of the praise on the
interstellar network public opinion.
This data is still incomplete.

The real praise rate is far more than that.

At the moment, many wealthy families are in a complicated mood

and surging undercurrents, and the writer, who is said to have been
publicly expressed on the Internet, loves to cook braised meat every

At a private party, Xie Qinglin, who had just signed a contract with
Haorui Entertainment Brokerage Company, was led into the meeting
room by his agent Boris in a low-key manner, and found that it was a
small high-end private party with luxurious decoration and elegant
atmosphere. Everyone held a wine glass. The atmosphere of threes
and twos gathered peacefully for a chat.

Boris whispered to him: "Today is the birthday of the entertainment

giant Gu Hongjun. I'll take you to meet the people in the circle first.
Bye by the mountain and leave a good impression. You must be clever
and smart, don't mess up . "

The other party's serious and harsh tone made Xie Qinglin look wary,
and a heart lifted suddenly.

He lowered his eyebrows and nodded in response, "Yes."

The humble attitude made Boris's face look a lot better. He took a
glass of wine from the waiter's tray, raised a smile, and took Xie
Qinglin to greet his old friends.
Although the reputation of Haorui Entertainment is poor, its wrist is
real and powerful. The hype has produced a lot of hot meat and
flowers. Although it has not won the awards of the heavyweight film
emperor film festival, but by virtue of its The flow artist's ability to
attract gold is first-rate.

Therefore, most people in the entertainment industry are willing to

give Boris a bit of noodles and greet each other with a friendly cup.

Boris was smiling all the way, with a warm and friendly attitude, and
took Xie Qinglin to go around most of the venue until he saw the
premier overlord movie and television wheel in the star entertainment
circle-Gu Hongjun, the head of Gu's film industry, finally had Free.

Immediately, he quickly passed Xie Qinglin in his hand and greeted

him with a smile on his face: "Gu Lao, I am late today. I will send you
a gift and wish you a happy birthday."


He was eager, congratulating him as if he had treated the other person

as his elder, took out the carefully prepared gift, and sent it upright,
only to see a black-haired boy next to Gu Hongjun reaching out to
pick it up.

Boris was somewhat surprised. He looked up at the dark-haired boy

with delicate clothes and a straight waist. When he looked at him,
Junxiu's face was slightly crimson, and he seemed to be restrained and
easily shy. However, such a gentle personality is deeply loved by the
Watching Gu Hongjun speak warmly and quietly with the young man
standing behind him, Boris was dumb in his heart, constantly looking
at the other person's black hair and dark eyes, and found that the
handsome and handsome appearance was somewhat similar to Gu

Then think of the big giant Gu's family behind Gu Hongjun ...

At the moment, an idea suddenly popped into his mind, and

gradually became clear about the identity of the other party.

"You are—" Boris inadvertently used honorifics, asking kindly and

expectantly, "Gu Han's little master, Gu Han?"

After hearing the words, Gu Han raised his eyes and smiled at him,
smiled and nodded, signaled that he was.

Immediately, Boris couldn't help shaking his heart. This young master
Gu Jia, who was found fiercely eighteen years later and signed a
marriage contract with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince,
suddenly retired, has already become the new favorite of all the
imperialist media.

Even though he actively retired, the topic on the other side has not
diminished, and he is still an official member recognized by Gu
Shihaomen. There are only a lot of family members who have been
pursuing the family recently, leaving all the media curious about Gu
Han, a newly-emerged young master. .
Helpless, he was low-key, only a few times were captured, and the
rest of the opportunity to appear in front of the public is very small,
resulting in Boris actually seeing him for the first time.

After a while, he smiled and shouted that he had a fate, and his heart
decided to draw a good relationship with this Master Gu's. In the
future, where can I benefit if I am not sure?


Boris smiled brightly, and kindly, instead of warmly, praised Gu

Han's low-key culture and graceful manner in front of Gu Hongjun.
The silent praise and touting made the expression of several people
relaxed and happy.

Seeing that the atmosphere was harmonious and pleasant, Boris

finally took the opportunity to stop just right, and smiled and
introduced: "Gu Lao, I have recently signed a new boy. Although he is
not outstanding, but also wants to discuss A congratulation, I brought
it to you today to congratulate you. "

As soon as the words came down, he looked back at Xie Qinglin,

thinking that the other party would go forward to wish his life for Gu
Hongjun along his own paved steps.

However, he never thought that Xie Qinglin looked at Gu Han with

shock and horror, and his eyes were full of mistakes and disbelief.

The clumsy look of the clogs, how can there be a little bit of cleverness
when he promised himself?
Immediately, Boris couldn't help feeling irritable. He gave Xie Qinglin
a stern glance at the invisible place behind him. It was not until he
saw Xie Qinglin turned back in shock in a sudden, and a deep
dissatisfaction rose in his heart.

Sure enough, mud can't help the wall.

His face was a little embarrassed, and he felt lost in front of Gu

Hongjun, the president of the long-established Gu's film industry. He
hurriedly turned around and rounded the scene with enthusiasm.

Fortunately, Xie Qinglin finally woke up late, apologized in a hurry,

and sincerely and sincerely wished Gu Hongjun a longevity, he did
not make the scene too ugly.

After finishing a few words of respectful birthday, seeing someone

else say hello to Gu Lao, Boris consciously stayed in front of Gu Lao,
and then took Xie Qinglin to quit.

Until the two got out of the main line of sight of the banquet hall and
went to a hidden balcony for a short break, Boris's dissatisfaction
erupted suddenly. They tried to lower the voice and spoke coldly and
severely to Xie Qinglin. Are you clever? What did you say in front of
Gu Lao? The wooden clog is just like a wooden man! "


Boris had a stern tone, full of ridicule and blame, which made Xie
Qinglin feel shocked and sensitively detected the dissatisfaction and
coldness of the other party. If the explanation is not good, I'm afraid I
will be refrigerated from now on.

Xie Qinglin's heart tightened, his lips wriggled a few times, and he
didn't know how to say it. His mind remained in the shocked scene
when he saw Gu Jiaxiao Ye Gu Han just now.

Gu Han's appearance clearly has a striking similarity to the "braised

pork" I saw at the ancient earth cultural exchange meeting that day.

Although Xie Qinglin had seen Gu Han's appearance in the news, he

only glanced at it at a glance.

When I saw Su Tan's black hair and black eyes, I just felt a little
familiar, and never really doubted the appearance of Master Gu's
young master.

After all, what's so good about a giant and a network writer?

Even if he looks similar, he will only sneer, thinking that some

passers-by are really lucky, and hit the face with the star, and will not
want to go to many places.

But the moment he actually saw Gu Han, the memory of "braised

pork" in his heart suddenly coincided with Gu Han's face in front of
him, only to feel that he couldn't speak.

This ... it's not too much to say that it comes out of a mold!
Xie Qinglin exhaled deeply, and whispered to Boris, who was full of
irritability in his eyebrows, and hurriedly explained, "I know a man
who looks like Master Gu Gu."

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Boris was a little weird, staring at him
with an astonishment, asking questioningly, "Really?"

Obviously, he did not believe his tone, thinking that this was an
excuse Xie Qinglin made up to deal with himself.

Right now, Xie Qinglin sank fiercely in his heart, nodded hard, simply
entrusted all things to the situation, tried to explain the cause and
effect of things, and restored his image in the eyes of Boris.

"Really. I saw the other side at the ancient earth cultural exchange
meeting a while ago, and it is very similar to the little master of the Gu

The epilogue of his discourse, which focused on the word "very",

intensified his efforts and caught Boris's attention.


Boris frowned, thinking about the connection, and asked, "Who is it?"

Xie Qinglin took a deep breath, and gritted his teeth and replied,
"Every day I brush braised pork, the writer who has been publicly
confessed by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince recently."
Even when he said this himself, he felt a little weird.

Gu Han, the young master who returned to the Gu family for 18

years, was exposed in the media first, and then there were rumors of a
marriage contract with Crown Prince Hayden Longman. After the
braised pork novels were written to participate in the ancient earth
cultural exchange meeting, Hayden's confession was even more

So who do they look like?

Does His Highness Hayden Longman know this coincidence?

A series of questions and mysteries struck Xie Qinglin's mind, making

him feel like a mess.

However, Boris thought a bit, and consciously discovered the key, so

it is not uncommon for the top-level things to be reproduced in the
entertainment industry.

He glanced at Xie Qinglin with a scornful look, wondering that this

man was lost to braised pork and left behind. The levels and methods
were too far apart.

But at the moment, since he signed Xie Qinglin, he can only make the
best use of the hype and push the stewed pork to push Xie Qinglin to
the top. Even if the mud is muddy, he must push him to the wall.

In a few days, when Sutan packed his luggage and left his big cousin
to return to Rose, a new burst of news suddenly appeared on Weibo,
and it was instantly and vigorously stir-fried by many media and
marketing accounts. , Fire has spread throughout the interstellar

"The crown prince Hayden Longman retired and the Gu family loved
the newcomer network author's truth-a newcomer writer was so
deliberate that he was plasticized into a master Gu's version, and
turned into the upper body, firmly holding the crown prince's heart!"

There was an uproar in public opinion, and the empire was shocked.

The news broke this story, and he described it as a **** little wild cat
with a bed machine that seduced the charm of the Crown Prince.

Readers and fans under his Weibo account have completely irritated
with the marketing account.

"Soft cute dolphin: Impossible! It's so cute, don't smear him!"

"Kolabao: Come up with the evidence, you do n't have to pay for
making rumors with empty mouth! I 'm so mad, I want to use a
Gatling gun to turn all your hot chicken marketing numbers.

The unanimous marketing number is unrelenting and has a firm tone.

"Gossip entertainment is concentrated: it was actually a genius young

author who you think Qingjun is clean and cute, okay? Do you think
that smoke scars so pet him, why do n't they softly throw thousands
of lightnings on him Holding and even revealing his identity as the
crown prince's platform? It's because he was confused by stewed
pork! I swear, they must have been 'together'! "

Seeing these rhetorical remarks, Su Tan could not help but shook his
head and laughed.

This is what you found :-D?

He texted his big cousin unhurriedly. "It is said that you have been
fascinated by my disorientation, indulgence, indulgence,
infatuation ..."

The message over there returned quickly.

"Don't make trouble." Hayden's words were helpless and spoiled. "I'm
explaining this to my dad."

Su Tan: ..................

Who's dad? !! !!


"My dad."

Hayden's voice was humorous and sneer, making Su Tan anxious all
day after hanging up the communicator, feeling terrible.
No matter which old father knows that the two of them are set for life,
they have to fry.

Su Tan's tears flowed into her heart. She simply put this tricky matter
behind her head and continued to browse the Internet for information.

The rumors of braised pork being smoked by local tyrant readers kept
rising, fermenting, and spreading throughout the network in an

Previously, those arrogant rewards and public identities were praised,

and all kinds of extraordinary actions were like the time to find the
root. After being analyzed by major media and marketing accounts,
they were deeply digged. Connection.

At present, various gossip posts, truth posts, disclosure posts, and

informed posts are emerging on the Internet in an endless stream.
"Every day we cook braised meat", Crown Prince Hayden Longman,
Gu Jiaxiao Ye Gu Han Qi Qi are all involved. As soon as the center of
public opinion swirled, the reputation of several people was
immediately devastated.

"Mo Xiaohu: With a stubborn look, coordinating with plastic

surgery ?? I feel like I will never believe in love again."

"Riding a donkey on a horse and traveling across the stars: it's off ... I
didn't expect that the Crown Prince of the Empire was so dregs, which
made people chill."
"Little girl-in-law of the son's family: black and white upside down!
Make rumors and trouble! I'm so angry that I want to hit someone!"

Even Su Tan's article was frequently swept away by netizens who

swarmed into the crowd.

The public opinion is gradually getting out of control. Instead, the son
of Fu Su, the author of the pK ancient style rivers and lakes novels
that once worked with braised meat, slowly picked up. It coincided
with his timely and low-key withdrawal of the new ancient style
illustrations. Passers-by quietly changed his senses.

"Passers-by watching the big event: I suddenly found out that the
author was quite low-key and wrote in peace, not as a demon. It is
much better than a certain author who speculates next door."

"Seventh day: This author has a high value and is very versatile. He is
proficient in singing, writing, and drawing. He likes such low-key

"Flying Bunny: You can rely on the value, but it depends on the talent!
Fusuda I have also been powdered, do you really not consider
entering the entertainment industry by the value? I want to see the
costumes on TV."

Yishui's praise came suddenly and quickly, and many passers-by

encouraged one another to support "Gongzi Fusu" to enter the
entertainment industry to develop and warm up.

Taking advantage of this great opportunity, Xie Qinglin also came out
and recorded a sincere video of gratitude, announcing to everyone
that he was signed by Haorui Entertainment and officially entered the
entertainment industry.

Suddenly, his Weibo fan followers and novel data climbed steadily,
and the number of jumps soared several times. The rapid growth of
the data made Xie Qinglin frightened.

In the past, although he also has fans, trying to win collectible tickets,
but never imagined that buying a large number of sailors directly
pushed his data to the peak.

Almost in a blink of an eye, the collection of "Love in Rivers and

Lakes" has broken through 3 million, soaring five times, and at the
same time faintly impacting higher collections.

Xie Qinglin's heart was touched and touched by such an easy act of
backhand covering the sky.

On the contrary, Boris, the agent who planned all of this, was calm
and sneered at him: "What is this? Buying water soldiers, enthusiasm,
and speculation are too common in the entertainment industry. Don't
be strange."

He stared at Xie Qinglin with a deep gaze, with a warning and

dangerous instructions in his tone: "Do your own thing well, and
don't disappoint the good platform provided by the company."

Xie Qinglin immediately alerted the police, obediently and obediently

obeyed and agreed.
All he can do is continue to circle the fans and consolidate the heat.

As long as the hot topic of "Braised Pork" being raised by the Crown
Prince of the Empire does not fall, his popularity of passersby will
continue to rise.

However, because this matter is too implicated, an improper

treatment will spread widely, so the three parties involved in the
incident did not come forward to clarify, so many netizens could not
help but frequently @ 三人, asking them all Come forward and give an

In the end, the Gu family couldn't sit still, and Gu Han's Weibo sent
an ambiguous message.

"Gu Han: I didn't know what happened until I saw the news. If I had
told this truth long ago, I would like the beauty of an adult, not to ...

The words were tolerant, but extremely grieved, and the

embarrassment and sourness of the parties were fully demonstrated.

Immediately, this semantically deep and ambiguous word quickly

made many passersby instantly make up a genuine fiance with
Xiaosan, forcing the original match to retire, forcing himself to bear all
the bitter fruit dramas, and now all netizens shocked anger.

"Flying Rabbit: Suddenly I feel that Master Gu 's family is so pathetic

that he was abandoned and found out for 18 years. He lived a day
that originally belonged to his happy life, but encountered such a bad
thing. He also owed to his family Well, I have refrained from saying
anything. If I encountered such a thing, I would have scolded the
street for a long time! "

"Mu Zibai: A divorce drama, people eating melon expressed shock."

"Falling spoons: stand by the family this time! Why do honest people
have to suffer and tolerate? Indignation! Brush braised meat every
day, come out and kneel and apologize!"

Looking at Weibo's comments, many people were upset for him, and
Gu Han responded with a bitter smile: "Forget it, what's the point of
saying these now, they're just happy."

This indignant appearance immediately drew a lot of fans, making

netizens admire him for holding up and letting go. He was even more
distressed by his sudden move to retire under power.

And the direction of public opinion went down sharply, and went
down to Gu Han and Xie Qinglin, degrading the "braised pork" to the

Seeing that he had been fully carried with the labels of scourge of the
country, the people, the evil spirits, the power of the mind, Su Tan
couldn't help laughing, but his eyes calmed down.

He smiled and calmly typed a line under his Weibo and published it.

"Brushed braised meat every day: if I had the ability you said, I would
have been crown prince of the Empire :-D."
His sudden appearance again detonated the frenzy of public opinion.

"Soft cute dolphin: Big, pinch your face, so big."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Hahahahahahaha I believe. The author of

the Chapter 50 update one day was so big that he was hollowed out
long ago and had to work overtime to serve His Royal Highness the
Crown Prince? You think people are ironclad! Xiaobian, do n't
investigate It's too ridiculous, bad review! "

"Kolabao: I, and I still call the smoke scar dad every day. Is that why I
also have to check the gene to see if I am actually the heir of the

"Dark Night Rose: You go on. I lose if I remove the powder."


Looking at these comments in support of himself, Su Tan couldn't

help smiling. Although he still believes and doubts half after this
sentence, he finally solved the current impasse.

Just when Sutan was about to shut down Weibo and start coding with
peace of mind, unexpectedly, the long-awaited prince of the empire's
large Weibo suddenly made a noise.

"Haiden Longman: Prince, my dad is calling you home for dinner. @

天天 都 刷 烧 烧肉"
Suddenly, Su Tan was shocked, and all the netizens who were joking
and ridiculing were even caught off guard and were shocked by Qi

"Soft cute dolphin: Mrs. and Prince?"

"Kolabao: Greatly what did you say before? Would you like to go back
and make a good confession and come back again [laughing and

"Flying bunny: **** slag **** slag! Blatantly shouting from the air, is it
too arrogant? Really think that passers-by have no justice?"

Instantly, countless skyrocketing comments raged.

I saw--

Hayden did not stop, and responded calmly: "Just explain one thing,
my fiancee has never been one, and has not changed. Whoever really
copied the facelift and cosplayed with the upper cosplay, alas, you
should be very clear in your mind. @ 顾 涵"

"Now, it's time to unravel the mystery."

He left a sentence that shook up the entire Internet public opinion,

then quietly left, and countless suspicions and speculations suddenly
turned up.
"Flying Bunny: Is this whitewashed?"

"Autumn leaves: aggressive face. What does that mean? Who

cosplayed who? Why suddenly I have a hunch, the whole thing is
going to be reversed?"

"Muzi Bai: It feels like a real drama is about to kick off !! Explosion,


Numerous heated discussions, Su Tan looked at the sentence on the

screen of the big cousin Weibo, can not help but a little confused.

On the other side, Gu Han, who was smiling and accepting the
comfort messages of relatives and friends, saw his Weibo sent by
Hayden, his face suddenly froze, and his hand holding the light brain
tightened uneasily.

At the beginning, when Hayden came to the Gu family to meet him,

he had clearly identified his identity. At that time, Gu Han suddenly
took the initiative to speak, and applied for a divorce.

Sure enough, the Langman family did not mention this again. It was
deemed that it had not happened. His Royal Highness looked stern,
but also made it clear that he would not interfere in Gu's private

Gu Han cautiously lurked in the giant Gu's house.

Without this layer of marriage as a guarantee, his life is getting
harder. Although it is in the name of the young master Gu family,
after all, he has drifted away from the family for eighteen years. The
internal connections and connections are completely groundless. Only
patience, and strive to win the elders' hearts by being obedient and

Even Hayden had divorced him, and he had no right to refuse. I can
only wish to be lucky. His Highness even retired, but as long as his
identity is not revealed and the Gu family does not find the real "Gu
Han", he still has the value of existence and can still occupy the nest.

Therefore, even after the divorce, relying on the identity of the Gu

family, he still has many pursuers in the upper society, of which Alec
Cain, the young master of the Cain family, is the most.

The two are inseparable and sweet together, almost to the point where
they can talk about marriage, and no accident can happen at this last

Gu Han's mind sank, his eyes suddenly sharpened.

I saw--

A familiar communication bell rang suddenly, breaking the silence in

the room.

Gu Han looked down and breathed a sudden short breath, struggling

to suppress the cold mood. When the phone was connected, the tone
of time suddenly contained a sense of confusion and helplessness, and
he panicked and responded to it. Shouted over the phone: "Alec-"

The anxious Alec Kane on the communicator suddenly felt a pain in

his heart when he heard him sound like a messy poor beast
abandoned in the jungle. He was suddenly stabbed in a soft poking
voice, and immediately asked if the words were soft. Go on.

"You ..." He took a deep breath, suppressed all kinds of complex

emotions, and tried to calmly ask, "What does His Highness say on


On the other side of the communicator, it was silent for a few seconds,
so that Alec's heart fell into the ice cellar for a while, and he couldn't
help but guess, could Gu Gu's identity really be hidden?

When he was desperate in silence, he suddenly heard a faint and

confused voice on the other end of the communicator murmured, and
Qingrun's voice touched people's hearts in a low voice.

"I don't know." Gu Han's voice was low and stunned, just like a kitten
who accidentally broke into the confusing and treacherous high
society, which made people feel distressed.

His tone was at a loss, not knowing what he had done, but deep guilt
and self-blame. "I really don't know. Since returning to Gu's family,
my father and mother have been very kind to me. I never thought
why His Royal Highness said this. He accused me of this ..."
Suddenly Gu Han's voice sank, almost inaudible, and only with a
breathless breath, Alec keenly grasped the weeping and tears
emerging from his voice.

"Probably, it is His Royal Highness that person too much."

In a word, all the suspicions and speculations of Alec were transferred

to Hayden Longman and the mysterious newcomer.

He groaned for a moment and asked in a deep voice, "What does

Uncle Gu think about this?"

According to his thinking, judging from his words and deeds these
days, Gu Fu was really good to his son, who had been retrieved after
many years, not as a fake. His Royal Highness broke this news at this
time, it is very likely to hide people's eyes and protect their beloved

After hearing Alec's questioning, Gu Han suddenly stopped her tears,

her voice softened and said, "I'm going to find my father now."

Hearing that Alec's heart suddenly softened. He was determined in

his heart, soothing Gu Han's voice: "Don't worry, Uncle Gu will
definitely give you an answer."

Thinking of the sweet time when the two were together, Alec softened
for a moment, restrained and gently comforted: "I'm on your side
Hearing this sentence, Gu Han's grievance and discomfort seemed to
be truly relaxed. He whispered and asked in a newsletter: "Will you
come to take me to see the flowers that weekend?"

This is an itinerary that the two have agreed on.

With only a few thoughts, Alec Kane responded, "Of course."

Hanging up the communicator, Gu Han's eyes with tears calmed

down, just now the timid tears converged and cleared.

Although his "fiance" has been appeased for the time being, he
watched the internet buzz with Hayden's words, the news push of
various news media platforms suddenly exploded, and they were
listed as the first-class event to the whole empire. Pushing up and
down, he clearly understood that this matter is absolutely impossible
to hide from the past.

Gu Han took a deep breath and planned everything in her heart

before standing up and going downstairs to Gu Fu's study.

The big Gu family's old house is quiet.

Gu's wind and rain for hundreds of years, through storms and storms,
with deep roots, has become an important family of empires.
However, behind the nobleman's gate, there are countless hazes and
history. Eighteen years ago, when there was a mistake, this giant was
no longer the loyal and loyal giant.

Gu Han's eyes quickly flickered with a taunt of ridicule, standing in

front of Gu's study, converging, and knocking respectfully three

Hearing the rushing footsteps inside, all the emotions on his face
converged cleanly, leaving only a trace of blankness and inferiority.

When he saw someone, he opened his mouth and screamed softly.


Gu Qin nodded slightly, and said nothing, let the door open and let
him in.

Gu Han lowered his head and raised his eyebrows into the room,
glanced quietly, and unsurprisingly, he found that all the ruling
people in the Gu family were there.

Behind the thick and large desk is his father Gu Hongxuan. On the
side of the armchair, several uncles and uncles who were in charge of
Gu's different industries were also present.

Even Gu Hongjun, who had just celebrated his birthday at a private

banquet some time ago, was also there, with a serious expression,
staring coldly at the delicate marble on the ground as if he had not
seen him. After a while, Gu Han's breathing became slightly tense.


"Father, uncle." He greeted him politely, with a gentle tone and a

respectful attitude, making it impossible to pick out any reason.

At the moment, the first few people sitting on the top looked
complicated, and the gaze staring at him fell sharply and vigilantly on
him like a substantial sharp blade, allowing Gu Han's straight back to
quietly exude some cold sweat, blown by the cold air in the study.
However, my body was numb.

His heart sank, but his face was at a loss, as if a child who had been
bullied outside couldn't help crying for ideas from his parents, and
the whole man was a little confused and at a loss.

Before Gu 's father spoke, Gu Han 's voice asked a little anxiously and
actively: "Father, His Royal Highness said something on Weibo just
now, do n't you see it? What 's going on? "

Compared to his panic, Gu Fu was extraordinarily calm, and looked

at him silently. The remote distance of one south and one north
seemed to separate the two.
He was silent for a long time, then looked at him deeply, and slowly
said, "Just now, a few of your uncles were discussing this matter, I'm
afraid we are mistaken for your identity."

As he said, he shook his head, his eyes a little disappointed and


However, this sentence suddenly cooled Gu Han's blood, and he

stood there straight, with a mild and pale face, and his straight back
seemed to be overwhelmed. Slightly.

"I ..." Gu Han's voice choked, as if choked by the sudden emotion, and
as if he didn't know what to say.

He couldn't help but feel wronged, and looked up at Gu Hongying

behind the desk.

So far, so strange.

Gu Hongxuan sighed, and has just discussed his arrangements with a

few people, and at this time said gently to appease: "You can rest
assured that the Gu family will not treat you badly. We will send you
to Collin Star University to prepare for you A generous amount of
money to ensure you have nothing to worry about. You will set off
tomorrow. "
Hearing his calm and calm voice, Gu Han's hands clenched tightly,
knowing that Colin Star was a galaxy on the edge of the empire,
sparsely populated, deserted and lonely. The Gu family said it was
nice and provided funds for him to go to college there, but he wanted
to send him far away and never return to the capital.


Even though he knew that he was just a pawn, when he heard the
other person's almost ruthlessness, and abandoned the way to dispose
of himself without any use of value, Gu Han's heart stung.

When he was taken home by the retrospective, the Gu family tacitly

offered no meaning. Using his similar appearance to Gu Hongyu, he
created the illusion of a young son who had disappeared for 18 years
to return, thereby re-citing the Crown Prince to the Langman family.
About marriage.

At this time, apparently the Gu family saw him being retired by the
crown prince and questioning his identity in public, revealing that he
had found the true "Gu Han", so that his calm and decisive Gu family
repented again, and prepared to abandon himself mercilessly for the
Little Master of the Gu Family gave way.

Gu Han, who fully understood the key points, stared down, looking
at the magnificent and luxurious low-key marble floor, and remained
silent for a long time.
With the gradual loss of patience, his tears suddenly fell down and
fell **** the marble floor.

The Gu family members present were all together. I saw Gu Han

looking up, and the tender and well-behaved face was covered with
tears. He shook his voice slightly, fearing and aggrieved, and said to
his father Gu, "But just now Alec has told me that he will always be on
my side, and he also said he would come to see me on the weekend,
me, me Can't go. "

Gu Han bit her lower lip, her body trembling slightly, she was afraid,
and she seemed to have enough courage to fight against several
people. I don't want to leave here for my beloved.

As soon as he said it, the few people sitting on top of each other
looked at each other silently and tacitly. Although they didn't say
anything, they knew each other's views instantly.

Gu Gu pondered for a while, sighed deeply, and said remorsefully,

"We are not thinking about it. Of course, good boy, you don't have to
leave in a hurry, even if you are not my biological son, we have
Friendship and fate are still there. Go back to rest, you will always be
the youngest son of our family. "


These remarks suddenly turned abruptly, making people surprised.

However, Gu Hongzhang did not explain anything, and asked his
elder son Gu Qin to send him back to the room instead of mentioning
that he should leave.

Apparently, Alec Kane's deep affection for him exceeded the

expectations of the Gu family. If so, leaving him to marry the Kane
family is really effortless and beneficial.

Gu family thought, Gu Han was clear, until his bedroom door was
closed gently, he suddenly took a sigh of relief, and found that his
back was completely wet with cold sweat.

But at this time, he lay down on the bed with all his strength, letting
the wet shirt on the back stick to his body uncomfortably, his eyes
slightly scornful and calm.

He lay down for a while, suddenly took out his brain, and sent a text
message to an unfamiliar communication number. However, he
searched the Internet for "brushed pork every day".

What kind of person is this "Gu Han", the original owner who was
dominated by his own guest and dove occupied the nest?

Gu Han's dark eyes rose deep.

At this moment, Su Tan, who was looking at the computer screen of
Shanghai's Weibo on the computer screen, was in a complex mood
and blank.

He didn't know why the big cousin would expose Gu Han so sharply
and eloquently, but the meaning of the words was clearly that he had
a great relationship and inextricable connection with Gu Xiao, the
young master Gu Han.

What is the connection between them?

Su Tan's heart was so tight that he couldn't help pulling out his brain
and texting the robot's father's communication account. However, as
soon as I spoke, I didn't know what to say.

"Aba ..."

He thought for a few times, and finally deleted these words.

Do n't want to ask, do n't ask, do n't ask.

Su Tan took a deep breath, Ling Ling's air filled his lungs, a little bit
sour, but he was very careful to delete all the questions one by one.

If Abba knew, he would have told him long ago. But it didn't know it,
so why didn't he bother him with his honeymoon vacation?
Thinking of this, Su Tan's mood suddenly calmed down.
Coincidentally, at this time the door rang, and he went to open the
door, and saw the figure of his big cousin without exception.

Hayden stepped into the guest room, his footwork was steady and
strong, calmly and peacefully, he stepped forward with a chuckle, and
held him securely in his arms. "Surprised?"

Su Tan nodded, and his heart was a bit sour and confused.

It wasn't until his voice sounded that Su Tan found that his voice was
a little low, and it was difficult to ask.

Hayden folded his warm arms, sighed, and held him firmly in his
arms. With a wry smile, he rubbed Su Tan's hair and said, "It's all my

Sutan :? ? ?

He looked stunned and looked up at his big cousin in puzzlement.

Hayden looked at him, his voice calmly revealing everything he

knew. "Actually, you are the real youngest son of the Gu family."
"Fiancée who signed a marriage contract with me."

Su Tan: "..."

He suddenly responded, "Wait, what the Gu family didn't know, how

do you know?"

When he wanted to come, if the Gu family knew his identity long ago,
he would never find a fake to be a substitute and leave him alone.

Looking for it, at least it's true.

But now, obviously under the guilty confusion, the Gu family

obviously found the wrong person, and how did the big cousin know
the errors and his own life?

Upon hearing his question, Hayden chuckled, his low voice caught a
playful smile, and calmly replied, "Because I am lucky."

In his eyes, it seemed as if he remembered that the starship had

broken down, fell on the planet Rose, and was picked up by a young
boy who was as thin as a black ball in an open field, and brought him
Thinking back to all the bits and pieces, his heart was tender as water.
Hayden nodded with a smile, repeating solemnly and earnestly:
"Super luck."


Su Tan could not help but blushed.

......It's enough.

Ten thousand careful ones, is it enough (ω)?


The family history of Gu Gu made Sutan extremely surprised.

However, the Gu family's next move surprised Su Tan even more.

In the news of the Star City, he made a headline, and Gu Hongyu, the
owner of the Gu family, came forward to confirm that the younger
son of the Gu family who disappeared was not just one, but twins
with similar looks.

Gu Han, who they found not long ago, is one of them. On the other
hand, Gu's whereabouts are still unknown, and Gu Shi will eagerly
search for it. He will never give up the last glimmer of hope.
As soon as this word came out, it caused an uproar immediately, and
the public opinion in the empire was uproar.

"Autumn leaves: twins ?! I wonder what I know!"

"Kolabao: I and I also know [shocked]. Isn't the marketing number

revealing that braised pork is very similar to Gu Han's younger son,
Gu Han, and almost the same as the reprinted model? Is it--"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Giants are more dog-blooded than fiction!
Is it another little lost twin master?"

"Right Night Rose: ... speechless."

Hot discussions on the Internet were almost instantaneous, and the

whole people were able to break through the obvious coincidence and
truth. They all recognized that Gu Han and the newcomer author of
Fanxing had braised pork every day as a new brother.

The development of this explosive event has engulfed the whole

empire into a large dog blood that has never been shaken.

When Su Tan was led by his big cousin and walked into a quiet and
peaceful residence, he carefully noticed that many beautiful flowers
were planted in the garden at the door, obviously he was well cared
Hayden held his hand warmly and forcefully, worried about his
nervousness, and smiled as he introduced in his ears, soothing: "This
is a sunflower planted by the mother, which she has always taken care
of herself."

Su Tan took a deep breath and nodded in the coquettish and smiling
eyes of his big cousin.

"Don't be nervous." Hayden appeased, watching Su Tan nodded

earnestly and suddenly, the words suddenly turned, lowered the low
magnetic voice and began to tease him. "Why nervous? Where did the
little wildcat rub his fist and rub his paw last night?"

Su Tan: "..."

He coughed slightly, pressed down the swift heat from his face,
pursed his lips and glanced at his big cousin to signal that the other
party was serious. Today is the business.

Hayden turned obediently and led the way.

But he never thought that the moment he turned and pushed the
door, his **** was suddenly severely beaten by the young man behind
him, and he was punished thinly.

Within a moment, Hayden stood up, gazing at the sight in the living
room, grasping the disobedient little paw with precision, and
gathered it tightly in his palm.
When he looked sideways, he found that Sutan's eyes were stained
with a pleasant smile, making a pair of bright and clear eyes more
attractive, could not help being infected by the other person's smile.

Wait until the two of them come together, standing side by side with
Bernard Longman and Hayden's mother Martha. In the presence of
Ghana, Bernard Longman and his wife sighed and sighed, only to find
that the two were in harmony and complement each other.

"Meeting for the first time." Bernard Longman extended his hand and
was enthusiastically held by Su Tan.

He thought about it, and shouted in Hayden's expectant and narrow

eyes: "Dad, mom!"

With a swift sound, Bernard Longman and his wife suddenly became
indifferent, somewhat surprised.

I saw Su Tan smile brightly, and smiled frankly and frankly: "Please
rest assured, give me your son, I will treat him well."

Bernard Longman: "..."

He couldn't help smiling, and he couldn't help crying. He looked at

Hayden, who was standing with his hands on his side, and saw that
his son's face also had a headache and a doting smile, which was an
unprecedented stretch and relaxation.

At the moment, he sighed softly, and never objected to the marriage

agreement between the two children.
Instead, Hayden's mother, Martha, didn't care that her son was the
party to be married, and her smile raised her eyebrows. She hugged
Sutan kindly and enthusiastically, and responded with a smile and
assuredly "Good boy, he will give it to you later. If there is anything,
you will take us to discipline him."

Hearing this sentence, Su Tan's eyes brightened, and a loud voice was

The whole family immediately laughed into a ball.

The next lunch was intimate and harmonious. Knowing that Su Tan
grew up in Rosewood, Martha curiously asked Roselia's customs and
customs, and listened to Sutan's interesting introduction. She couldn't
help but be curious and laughed and said bluntly. Have the
opportunity to travel there.

However, Bernard Longman was calm and low-key, and his dignified
behavior was steady and powerful, but he did not feel any distance
and rustiness in Su Tan. The moment he relaxed and joked, he almost
forgot that sitting in front of him was the leader of the Empire.

Su Tan's attitude of being approachable and taking good care of

herself convinced Su Tan.


Hayden praised him even more, and sincere words of praise made Su
Tan's face red and red.
"Although Atan is young, he is a big online novel writer. His novels
are well received by readers and are all the rage."

"Especially the old professors and scholars in the ancient

geochemistry field have praised his ancient novels."

"Well, in Rose, he also participated in the entire literary contest of the

planet and won the first prize. He also created a popular and well-
known children's literature, and won the praise of countless Rose
children and adults. Followers like it, and sales have broken new
highs. "

Every compliment from the big cousin was sincere, sincere and full of
pride, and speaking out made Su Tan can't help but feel a little
ashamed and burned his cheeks.

He hurriedly waved and responded with a humble attitude: "It's too

good, I need to work hard."

It was this humble, modest and peaceful attitude that made Bernard
Longman and his wife quite fond.

Bernard Longman praised him for the first time, feeling that he was so
young and had worked so hard that his achievements were

Su Tan's face was even more crimson, and Bernard Longman and
Martha couldn't help smiling. Hayden proposed in time to take Su
Tan to the garden and was immediately recognized by the two with a

It wasn't until Sutan stepped out of the room that the cool wind blew
on his cheeks, dissipating the heat of transpiration, and Su Tan's
nervous heart gradually relaxed.

Hayden smiled brightly, poking out a dangling wall, and smiling at

him, "This is our garden."

Sutan was suddenly opened, and the line of sight suddenly widened,
and I saw a vast and beautiful mountain range, with dense greenery,
and a large lake not far away, surrounded by the mountains quietly
and peacefully, beautiful and peaceful.

His heart was shocked and deeply shocked, and suddenly he thought
of Hayden's jokes when he was in Rose, unrealistic.

Compared to their own small garden, the back garden of their home is
actually an endless mountain, which is just a magnificent landlord!

Marrying this little wife is really worth it!

Su Tan thought with a chuckle, Waner joked for a while, happily

followed Hayden, and began patrolling at the foot of the mountain.

By the time they finally returned from their excitement, the sky was a
little darker, and the night slowly came.
The clothes of both of them have been completely stained by the mist
in the mountains. The wet ones seem to be able to spit out the water,
but the expression on their faces is completely refreshing.

However, the Royal Guard butler Olesen, who was waiting in front of
the garden gate, looked serious. When he saw the two returning, he
stepped forward with a low eyebrow and reported in a low voice: "Gu
Gujia, the head of the Gu family, and Gu Qing, the young master
Come and visit. "

Hearing this sentence, Su Tan looked convergent.

I only listened to Oleson asking: "I know that you are also here today,
and the other party made a request to see you. Your Majesty asked me
to ask a word, I wonder if you want to see them?"

Obviously, this is in accordance with his opinion.

Su Tan thought about it and felt that evasion could not solve the
problem. Even though he had no feelings for the Gu family, he would
say things upright and upright after all.

He nodded quietly: "Okay, trouble you."

Immediately, Olesen led the way politely and took him to the
reception room where Gu's family was located. Hayden shook his
fingers warmly, passing strength to him, and tacitly stopped with
Oleson outside the gate of the living room door.

Su Tan took a deep breath and entered.

Unexpectedly, when entering the door, it was a small quiet garden, an
upright man was waiting in the garden. Hearing the sound of his
footsteps, the other person's dark eyes immediately looked, and his
gaze fell on him.

Looking at the familiar dark hair and dark eyes, the calm and
handsome face, a little similar to his own appearance, Su Tan was
shocked, and also passed through the cousin information provided by
his big cousin to the faint answer.

"You are?" Before he asked, he heard a low voice fall beside him.

"Don't look back at home." This sudden sentence shocked Su Tan's

heart, and he looked up at the man for unknown reasons.

I saw that Gu Qin raised his finger suddenly, and the cold leather
gloves touched his face. It was cold and short-lived, but in a short
moment, his fingers were restrained and quickly gathered back.
Nothing was explained. Shen "No matter what he said, don't come
back. Gu's family is a swamp, and sooner or later will fall into the

Listening to his words, Su Tan was inexplicably shocked, his heart

seemed to be deeply touched.

Gu Qin looked at him deeply, and the corners of his pale lips
suddenly raised slightly, and said softly, "Obey, brother."

Su Tan looked at him silently.

I saw him quickly turn around, the dark and dark cloak, like the thick
ink that can't be melted, gradually sink into the night.

And the not-so-distant parlor living room exuded bright lights, like a
silent and silent stage in this dark night, just waiting for him to come
on stage.

Su Tan took a deep breath, letting the wind gradually blow into the
wet clothes, bringing a chilly chill.

Suddenly, he strode over.

Wolf Lake Tiger Cave, he always has to be insightful: -D.


In the sitting room, as soon as Su Tan stepped in, he saw a man

talking with Bernard Longman, suddenly looking up at himself.

Gu Hongxuan's dark, deep pond eyes were calm and far-reaching.

When he looked at him, ripples clearly appeared, and a little surprise

He involuntarily stood up and walked two steps towards Sutan, only

to suddenly remember His Majesty Langman, who suddenly
interrupted the conversation and was forgotten behind him.
Gu Hongyi stepped in a footstep, and couldn't help laughing, looking
back at Bernard Longman with regret.

Bernard got up in time and calmly said, "You guys have a good talk,
I'll avoid it first."

Upon hearing this, Gu Hongxuan sent him away, gratefully thanking

him: "Your Majesty, I have made you bother. I did not expect that Her
Majesty and His Highness were so destined to be recovered by His
Highness. This is really-"

Gu Hongyi smiled, half sighed, and half surprised, "as if doomed in

the midst."

Regarding his words, Bernard Longman just bent his lips, and didn't
talk about anything, but when passing by Su Tan, Wen Yan urged:
"Oleson is waiting at the door. He can. "

Su Tan nodded slightly, his heart was slightly warm, knowing that it
was Her Majesty's special consideration for himself.

This attitude of caring for juniors even deepened Gu Hongyu's dark

eyes for a moment, and smiled and sent Bernard away.

When only the three of them were left in the living room of the
meeting, Gu Hongxuan raised his eyes and looked at Sutan seriously.
The appearance that was very consistent with Gu's family made him
unable to bear heart joy, straight: "After 18 years, I arrived late and
finally found you. "
Su Tan, however, looked at the joy in his eyes that did not seem to be
fake, very quiet and calm.

Fortunately, there were some doubts and fluctuations in his eyes, but
he did not see the feelings of disgust and hatred, which made Gu
Hongxuan's heart a little relaxed.

He spoke kindly and mildly, and said with emotion: "In these years,
your mother has become a mystery because of your disappearance,
and his body has gradually deteriorated and his spirits have
deteriorated. It was only when Gu Han was recovered that he was a
little excited, but still worried. I ca n't stop talking about you all the
time. If she knew you were found, she would be happy. "

"Mother?" Su Tan froze, slightly puzzled.

Looking at his strange blank eyes, Gu Hongxuan also knew that he

still knew nothing about Gu's family. But he couldn't wait any longer,
and wanted to bring Sutan to look back at his family now, so that he
would return to the Gu family.

He sighed and urged, "You know what happened to your mother

when you go home."

Gu Hongxian raised his eyes slightly and glanced at the eldest son Gu
Qin who was standing steadily, and introduced Su Tan with a smile:
"Yes, you have a twin brother Gu Han, who just visited home
recently. Say it , He has a lot to do with you. "

Gu Hongyi shook his head with a smile, "Although Han Er failed to

be fortunate to associate with His Highness Hayden, but
unexpectedly had a good relationship with Alec, the eldest son of the
Kane family, I am afraid that I will be able to marry it in a few days.
And you-- "

Looking down at Su Tan, Gu Hongying's black eyes were broad and

gentle, as if looking at a junior with infinite expectations, he yelled at
him: "The marriage between you and Your Highness is simply a
spouse. Now. "

In words, it is clear that the marriage is a trust.

After hearing this, Su Tan raised his eyes and looked at Gu Hongyu,
and found that the elder brother Gu Qin who stood behind him, his
handsome face was frosty and frowned, and shook his head in an
inaudible manner.

Su Tan was silent for a moment, facing Gu Hongying's anticipation,

suddenly chuckled, and asked neatly, "Have you misunderstood?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Gu Hongyi looked at him with a

moment of glance. "... what do you mean?"

Seeing the other side's wide and gentle expression gradually became
serious, Su Tan said quietly, and deliberately caused him to disagree.
"His Highness has never liked me."

As soon as his words came out, Gu Hongxi's look shook, and there
was a slight fluctuation in the deep black eyes.
"It's impossible." Gu Hongxun spoke slowly and contemplatively. He
didn't know anything about Hayden Longman's speech on the
Internet, and even carefully considered the word and sentence, to
figure out the true intentions of His Royal Highness.

Therefore, he had already been convinced in advance that Hayden

Longman had a deep affection for Su Tan, and even allowed him, who
has always been low-key, to voluntarily disclose his identity on the
Internet. The exception was Su Tan 's novel platform, and he did so
openly several times. Confess your love.

Such an unusual and extraordinary move made Gu Hongxun

determine that Hayden Longman and Su Tan had different feelings.

But in front of him, Su Tan said that His Highness never liked him,
what was the picture?

Gu Hongxuan's gaze fell tightly on Su Tan's face. He wanted to find

the slightest clue and strangeness in the expression of the other side,
but found nothing flawed.


Su Tan raised his eyebrows lightly, without heart or lungs, and said to
him directly: "Well, I am actually just a stand-in. Every day, my
Highness is used as a shield for my beloved, attacked by netizens
across the empire, suspected, abused, insulted, It's boring! Father,
you're here just right, save me the trouble! "

His eyes were burning, looking at Gu Hongyu as if he had seen the

last straw for help, staring at the other side for help.
This attitude of authenticity did not seem to be fake, and immediately
shocked Gu Hongyu's heart, and his suspicion shook again. He
grabbed a few key words from Su Tan's words and immediately
asked: "Stand-in? Your Highness?

Gu Hongyu's eyes were deep and his eyes were pressing, like a huge
pressure, and he pressed to Sutan tightly. "Who are you talking
about? Why doesn't Your Highness disclose your lover directly, but
uses you as a shield?"

His voice was cold and solemn, without a trace of emotion, almost to
the point of harshness, pointed out the problems in a pinch, and
refused to let go of a flaw.

Unexpectedly, Su Tan suddenly blushed, ashamed and annoyed, as if

receiving a great grievance and insult, shouting angrily: "Who else can
there be? A good robot, my dad!"

As soon as his voice fell, the entire large parlor was startled, silent.

Gu Hongzhang couldn't help shuddering, watching Su Tan hide his

anger and sorrow, gritted his teeth and suppressed his voice and said
angrily, "Incendence! Incest! Man-machine love! You say he is an
imperial crown prince. Dare to make it public? "

"I had to hold my adoptive son and force Abba to yield to him. But
my stepfather took the robot Abba and fled the galaxy overnight,
allowing His Royal Highness to have all his anger on me. He would
rather humiliate his reputation, but also The binding punishment
insulted me, and made the robot daddy who escaped to the ends of
the earth embarrassed and miserable! "

Su Tan took a deep breath, and a pair of black-and-white eyes burst

into red and tears, and looked straight at Gu Hongying, "Why don't
you come to me earlier?"

Gu Hongxi was shocked in his words for a long time, and stood
silently in his place, eyes squinting and wondering what he was
thinking deeply.

Gu Qin, who was standing behind him, stared at him with regretful
and distressed eyes, and refused to look away from Su Tan's face.

Suddenly, Su Tan blinked quickly and quickly while Gu Hongxu

lowered his head, and there was a naughty smile in his eyes.

Gu Qin: "..."

He tightened his fingers with leather gloves and suddenly released

them very quickly, as if his heart was relieved from the tightness, an
indescribable briskness and a smile burst out. .

Well, this is his brother.

-Excellent acting skills!

Seeing Gu Hongxu thinking about the pros and cons and the truth
and falsehood, he was not comforted by his anger and aggrieved, and
Su Tan couldn't bear a little irony.

He remained calm, suddenly like five million ecstasy in the sky, his
face beamed cheerfully: "Father, you're here! What is your Royal
Highness Crown Prince, I'm Gu's son! Just right Grand master! The
money in my family can't be spent in my life! As I slam my face in
revenge for those who look down on me and bullied me, anyway,
Gu's family supports me! "

He had a big tone, full of ambition, bold and wild, and chanted
without converging at all: "The Crown Prince does not dare to
provoke us to the family, and never dares to insult me for pleasure!"

He was enthusiastically called by his "fathers", and lived in the

country buns that were so proud of his ascension. It was so real, as if
he couldn't hold Gu Hongyu's thigh now, and lay down in Jinshan to
live in a mansion.

Do n't worry about how Gu Hongzhang tried to take him home, Su

Tan immediately rushed to go outside, "Gu's car is outside? Let 's go,
father, I will be in this devil's cave for a second There is no way to
stay! Let's go now! "

With that said, he dared to push Gu Hongzhang aggressively and

walked outward.

Gu Hongzhang was stunned by his abrupt movement, and was silent.

Unexpectedly, Su Tan was defeated in an instant, but it was Tulla who
pushed out the entrance of the living room.
Seeing that the night was dark and the wind was lingering, Gu Hongji
suddenly felt shocked by the cold wind and suddenly woke up.


He stared down at La La Tu, unbridled, and wanted to look back on

Su Tan, who was the young master, and his eyes suddenly became

Suddenly, he shakes his hand and yells in a low voice, "Stop!"

Sutan :? ? ?

He looked up at Gu Hongxuan, only to see the other person's face was

somber and expressionless. The previous gentleness and generosity
disappeared in an instant. At this time, the tightened eyebrows had a
faint aversion to him.

Gu Hongxuan lowered his voice, reprimanding relentlessly: "Look at

what you look like? How can Gu Jiazi be a little graceful!"

Su Tan pursed his lips tightly and looked straight at him, as if

rebellious and unconvinced.

After a while, Gu Hongxi had a headache and took a deep breath, and
put down the chaos and boredom in his heart for a while, leaving only
a hurried sentence: "This matter, I will seriously consider it with Your
Majesty, and I will not tolerate you Wanton. "
"After all—" Gu Hongyu stared at him with a dim and dim light.
Although his face was very similar to himself, his temperament was
very different from that of the Gu family. He has been out in the wild
for many years, and even found him as a fake substitute. Han is not as
good. How can he enter the gate of Gu's house and take on a heavy

Gu Hongxuan stared coldly, Gu Jing looked at him wavelessly, and

simply ordered: "Your relationship with Your Highness has been
announced to the public. Regardless of whether you like it or not, you
must care about the royal face and the reputation of the Gu family."

Su Tan's brows frowned and jumped up and asked: "You want to

push me into the fire pit ?!"

According to what he said just now, Gu Hongyu, the "father", knew

very well that he was just a toy that Heiden had perverted and

Even so, Gu Hongxun was forced to respond to this political marriage

and a marvelous marriage. One of them must be so cold-hearted that
he must chill Sutan.

I saw that Gu Hongying heard his accusation, and there was no

fluctuation in his expression, but he responded with a cold voice.
"You should be honored."

Su Tan: ... hehe.

Gu Hongxuan said coldly, "I will discuss this matter with His Royal
Highness. You can step down first."

Su Tan gave him an angry look, rushed out of the door, and jumped
out happily outside the invisible place of the other party.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the small garden, he chased out a

long, tall figure. A cold finger with leather gloves, naughty and
pleasingly pinched Sutan's finger.

Su Tan turned her head in surprise, and saw that Gu Qin said
nothing. With the cover of her large cloak, she quietly shoved
something into her palm.

When he was led by the waiter to the small lounge for a while to rest,
Gu Qin calmly said to the Royal Guards housekeeper Olesen, who
was standing outside the garden door of the living room: Is His Royal
Highness free? "

Olesen was somber and agreed to ask.

Within a few minutes, Hayden came and went straight in to meet Gu

Hongyu. Unexpectedly, everything went into the subject, and Gu
Hongyu suddenly asked: "I don't know, Your Highness, what do you
think of Sutan?"

His words were half suspicion and half temptation, and the profound
tone suddenly made Hayden can't help but twitch his lips.
He thought about it and responded frankly. "lovely."

Gu Hongyu: "..."

Hearing this unexpected answer, Gu Hongxuan's brows frowned

tightly, staring at the corner of his raised lips with a little suspicion.
"Cute? You mean--"

Hayden glanced at him carelessly, and said something plausible with

a smile. "Well, cute wants to make him cry."

Completely absurd, unlike inheriting the words of a population from

an orthodox empire, so that Gu Hongyi tightened the string in his
heart for a while, wondering tremblingly wondering which one to

He didn't fully believe in the words of Su Tan, but Hayden Longman,

who was showing his private disposition in front of him, made Gu
Hongxuan mistaken.

He paused for a while before slowly speaking, "Do you like the family
who adopted Sutan?"

The secret of man-machine love in Sutankou said that he could not

openly resort to Hayden. If it was true, he might annoy the other
Gu Hongyi could only ask ambiguously in another way, paying close
attention to Hayden's look.

I saw Hayden's dark eyes faint for a moment, but his jaw was raised,
his tone was dull. "What the **** do you want to ask?"

"What does this have to do with you?"

"I like or don't like--" Suddenly Hayden sneered, his tone suddenly

His voice was low and dull, and he said casually, "You want to take
Sutan? Okay."

His unrestrained response made Gu Hongyu even more startled. He

didn't know what he was going to do, so he asked, "What do you

Hayden gave Gu Hongyu a cold look without any meaning, and

replied briefly and concisely: "Apart from the counterfeit goods that
coax outsiders, you can change another son into the Longman family."

His eyes inadvertently glanced at Gu Qin who was standing calmly

and silently on the side. Immediately, Gu Hongxuan was shocked and
responded flatly: "No, of course not! I never thought of taking Su Tan

With these words out, there is no room for remorse. But for Gu
Hongzhang, a carefully taught successor to the Gu family and a
young son who was completely unfamiliar with a bad personality for
eighteen years, his balance had already fallen aside.

Gu Hongxuan sighed deeply in his heart. He finally gave up Su Tan

with determination and did not mention that he would return to Gu
family. He only said firmly: "Since you love Su Tan, then our Gu
family He will never take love, he will always be yours. "

Later, he saw his eyes frown slightly, and hesitated and said
worriedly: "Just your majesty?"

Hayden glanced at him calmly and unmoved, but under his heart was
already very pleasant. "His Majesty will not object to a marriage with

After hearing this sentence, Gu Hongji moved slightly. Although it

was not complete tonight, for him he was relieved, and it was the best
result he could get.

This long-settling marriage was finally finalized, Gu Hongxuan

relaxed, and went to see Sutan before leaving.

Looking at Su Tan, who was resigned to him and wary of fear, Gu

Hongxuan's face calmed down and reassured and reassured, "Just
now, I shouldn't be so harsh on you."

Hearing this sentence, Su Tan's eyes were reddish, and he refused to

speak with his head down.
Gu Hongyi sighed, but felt helpless and pitiful. Shen Sheng calmed
and said, "I know that you are not happy here, but your Highness is
actually obsessed with you, but just doesn't show it."

Su Tan: "..." I believe in your evil!

Seeing Su Tan's suspicious disbelief, Gu Hongyi thought about it and

moved out of Hayden's original words, comforting him: "His Royal
Highness also said that he likes your cuteness the most."

Sutan: ...

Fine, this is a big cousin.

Su Tan's eyes were reddish, and he asked him with confidence, "What
about the Gu family? My family of wealthy, Jinshan Yinshan Gu
family? Don't make a noise, I have to go back and inherit the family

Gu Hongyu was dumbfounded by what he said.

How could he give birth to such a wealthy son!


Looking at Su Tan, he made up his mind to review his family's

inheritance and take back his identity as the young master of the Gu
family and live a life in Jinshan and Yinshan. Stop headache.
Before coming, he hoped that Su Tan's temperament was as gentle as
that of Gu Han, so that he could be brought home smoothly and
smoothly by himself.

but now--

Gu Hongzhang frowned, and said quietly, "Heir to the family

business? Gu family business, what will you do?"

Su Tan's voice was crunchy, and he immediately raised his head and
replied, "I can learn!"

Gu Hongyi's forehead was wrinkled, and he was stigmatized by his

impolite rogue. He made his debut: "What do you learn, your brother
has followed me for so many years!"

Hearing that, Su Tan covered his surprised mouth, and looked at Gu

Qin, who was standing behind Gu Hongxun. He used his eyes to tease
and tease: Brother, it turns out you are such a big brother ...

Gu Qin: "..."

He couldn't help shaking his head, an extremely light smile appeared

on the corner of his lips, and was fleeting.

However, even if Gu Hongxuan gave up his thoughts in one breath,

Su Tan was still full of confidence and vowedly said, "Father, I can!
You have to believe in my talent! You give me a little trust, I return
you to heaven! "

After a while, Gu Hongxi had a headache.

Sutan was very calm, and smiled and bent his eyes and shouted at
him, "Daddy, you can't cancel my inheritance, I'm also the young
master of the Gu family."

At the moment, Gu Hongyi was blocked and he felt a pain in his

heart. If Hayden Longman had to tie up the cheap son, he would
really like to ignore it and let him go his own way.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Hongxu tried to suppress the irritability and

impatience at the bottom of his heart. He took a deep look at Su Tan
and only said a deep voice. "Listen to Your Highness. When your
scenery marries into the Longman family, the Gu family will not let
you suffer."

Having said that, he put up his anger and left with his negative hand,
without looking at Sutan again.

Only before the elder brother Gu Qin left, he glanced back and
glanced at him, and saw the younger brother who hadn't seen each
other for years, smiling at him and comparing with V.

Immediately, Gu Qin pursed his lips and left with a smile.

Su Tan was watching them leave, and finally the tension in his heart
was relaxed. He lowered his head and took out what Brother Gu had
previously given himself, and in the bright light, it was a recording

Right now, he was a little surprised.

Su Tan pressed the play button and listened only to Gu Qin's low,
magnetic sound, which poured out from the recording pen.

His words were concise and direct, and the situation of Gu family was
introduced in the most concise manner. Su Tan listened, but couldn't
help but feel sorrowful.

"Sorry, Atan, it took me so many years to find you."

"Gu's family is rotten and rotten, and it is already a wolf cave that
cannibalize .... Father dazzled for years ago, and the rest are not good.
If you can, don't come back. . "

"I will transfer the Gu family's estate to your name. I hope you will
have no worries in this life and be happy and happy."

Gu Qin's calm and soothing tone warmed Su Tan's heart little by little,
as if ironed by a warm little stove.

"Brother." Su Tan held the recording pen, Chang Shu breathed a sigh
of relief.

But in his heart was unprecedented clarity and firmness.

Gu Family——

Now that he was dazzled by power, he wanted to make them fly and
beat them upside down.

On the next day, Gu Hongyu was in the study, discussing with

several big brothers of the Gu family about how to deal with the
media and announce the marriage of the Crown Prince and Su Tan.

Unsettled and not yet discussed, I saw the steward hurried in with a
bad look, hesitating, frowning and reporting: "Little Master ... is here."

Gu Hongyu's words were suddenly interrupted, he looked at him

questioningly, and asked calmly: "Gu Han? What's wrong with him?"

But the housekeeper's face was a little embarrassed, and his forehead,
which had always been calm, even slightly sweated. "It's Master

Suddenly, the people present were all trembling.

"Sutan ?!" Gu Hongxuan's face sank, his expression tense, and the rest
of the people present were also stunned, not knowing why Sutan

Gu Hongjun, who is in charge of Gu's film industry, glanced at Gu

Hongyu who was sitting behind Gao's desk, and thought quietly for a
few minutes, and said, "Hongye, did you invite him?"
Gu Hongxun slowly shook his head.

Upon hearing this, Gu Hongjun was a little surprised. "Then none of

us invited him. Did he come by himself?"

For Su Tan, the Gu family had only heard of it on the Internet, and
only Gu Fu and Gu Qin had seen him. Therefore, if it wasn't for the
invitation of Gu Father, Su Tan would come uninvited today.

Such an unexpected behavior is almost rude to Gu's general giants.

Even if Su Tan was the young master who had disappeared for many
years, but without the official introduction of the owner, he rashly
approached the Gu family, inevitably his name was not correct, which
made people look down on it.


What's more, nowadays, Su Tan's identity as the young master of the

Gu family has not been officially announced.

Immediately, Gu Hongzhang's face was tightened, his thin lips curled

into a straight line, his face was expressionless, but he was definitely
not happy.

He asked the housekeeper directly, "What is he here for?"

Hearing this questioning, the housekeeper lowered his eyes, solemnly

and respectfully. If you don't pay attention to the sweat on his
forehead, it really makes people think that nothing is different.
The steward tried to suppress all the turbulent emotions in his heart,
and tried to calmly answer, "Little Master said ... he came to stroll."

At the moment, everyone was suddenly silent, and there was an

embarrassing silence in the study.

This made the steward more and more convulsed, almost dared not to
say a word, looked down respectfully and humbly to the ground, for
fear that Gu Hongxuan would spread his anger to him.

"Walk around?" Gu Hongyin's voice was dark and indifferent, but he


Suddenly, he straightened up from behind his desk, and said in a low

voice, "Just say I'm not at home, and it's inconvenient to receive

Unexpectedly, his voice had just fallen, but the steward's face was
pale immediately, and his voice was difficult to answer: "But he has
come in."

The steward was choking with breath, and did not dare to look up to
see the owner's face, his head pressed down and stared at his feet.
"Little Master came with the Royal Guard, and we dare not stop him.
He said, let us not worry about them, he just came to see how big the
family business he would inherit in the future."

In a word, there was a moment of silence in the study, and the look of
several people present suddenly became subtle.
Although family interests are paramount, Gu Hongjun, who is
present, is the same as his father's elder or elder, and has a decisive
right to speak in Gu Jiadai's family business.

Fortunes are bad, and in the past they were unable to take the position
of homeowner, but in the field, who is not secretly thinking about
Gu's profound heritage and the industry accumulated over the years.

Today, Gu's youngest son dares to daring to inherit Gu's property. Is

this ignorant or fearless, or is Gu Hongxuan's abacus in the same

The atmosphere of the previous peaceful conversation in the study

room disappeared. Several uncles and elders each sat in their seats,
silent, or drinking tea in silence. However, the quiet and indifferent
atmosphere clearly shows the thinking and carefreeness of several

Gu Hongjun, the helm of Gu's film industry, suddenly laughed

inexplicably, and teased softly: "Hongye, your little son is frank."

For a while, Gu Hongxuan had a headache.

He waved his hands, got up and pulled his legs out, and complained
angrily and helplessly: "It's bad, it's not a big deal, you sit for a while,
I'll take a look."

In an instant, he hurried out of the door.

As soon as he walked to the porch, Gu Hongyu saw Su Tan violently
carrying a large group of people, standing on the edge of the garden
and looking at the scenery. He smiled with a grumpy smile and
sighed twice, and asked the Gu family who was standing by.

"Half the hill over there is also Gu's?"

If the next man was chilly, he just dared not answer to the royal
guards who were full of solemnity around him, and answered the
words cautiously and cautiously. "Correct."

Immediately, Su Tan's smile was even more satisfied.

"Very good." He nodded, and smiled to Olesen aside, "It can be used
to plant land in the future, waste is too wasteful."

Royal Guards housekeeper Oleson responded respectfully and took

out a small book to memorize it carefully and put it on the important

A solemn attitude is nothing to do. The Gu family who followed him

looked at each other, and his heart was tense.

I saw that Su Tan turned around again, and suddenly saw the Gu
family's old and low-key Gu family's house, which had gone through
many years of ups and downs, and his eyes were brightened.
He stepped up a few steps, stepped forward and looked at it for a
while, and then smiled suddenly: "Hey, this house is good! The place
is large and spacious, and there are many rooms, it will be no problem
to change to a hotel in the future!"


He turned back with a smile and looked at the small hill in the
distance, with a cheerful expression: "Isn't it a fashionable farmhouse
now? We open a hotel in front and engage in an eco-farm tour in the
back. The business must be hot."

He said with full confidence, Olesen did not refute it at all, but praised
it sincerely: "You have such a good idea, I didn't expect it."

Hearing that Su Tan's chin was raised and his smile was pleasant and
somewhat proud, like a kitty triumphantly winning a war, he sent his
tail behind.

He gave a slight cough, tried to converge a bit, and smiled at Olesen

with a tacit understanding: "You are too good, I just worry about my

Speaking of this, Su Tan sighed sighing and said with great distress:
"My father is very old. As a young son who has been concerned about
him for many years, I naturally cannot bear the fact that my father is
tired and tired of trivial matters. I have to work hard to think about it
One thing is to share the father's responsibility and take over the
inheritance right in charge of the family business. "
With a sigh of excitement, he said forcefully: "As a son, it's just such a
thoughtful little jacket."

His words were eloquent, and Oleson praised him in a timely manner
and admired a few words. He shaped Su Tan's time into a good son
who really loved his father, and could not bear the pain of his old
father who was fighting **** the front line of the family business. To

However, these words fell into Gu Hongyu's ears in the distance, it

was like hitting his heart with a heavy hammer.

The housekeeper of the Gu family quickly glanced at the dark hair of

his owner, his straight body, showing no oldness, and felt only a stun
in his heart. If he lowered his head, he would not dare to blend in
with it.

I saw that Gu Hongchen's face sank fiercely, he closed his eyes and
closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, his eyes were calm.
Lang stepped forward to say hello to Alaisen, and said, "Children
make you worry, please sit inside . "


Olesen did not have a shy intention, but said solemnly and rigorously:
"You don't need to be polite. The protagonist today is Master Su."

Su Tan raised his hand and yelled at Gu Hongying with a smile:

"Father, I'm going in! I haven't seen the treasures and precious
paintings in the house!"
His face was full of joy, and without waiting for Gu Hongyu to lead
the way, he stepped into the door of Gu's house vigorously.

Gu Hongying, who saw him jumping and cheering back, almost

hardened his eyes and breathed out of his heart.

However, Su Tan was indifferent and turned the old house of Gu's
house up and down and left and right with satisfaction. Finally, he
entered the forbidden area where Gu's family had always solemnly
refused outsiders to enter--Gu Hongyu's study.

There was a room full of strange men of some ages in the study, and
he didn't say anything when he came in, but each looked up and
looked at him without expression.

"Yo, what about a tea party?" Su Tan glanced at him with a smile and
beckoned with a temper, "You go on, I'll look at the rest of the family's
industry and not bother you."

As he said, he closed the door for them with good intentions, leaving
only a room of miserable eyes.

Seeing that the study door was closed, the other party really didn't
mean to come in again, and a respected grandparent sitting at the
desk made a sudden noise, and said it with an obscure tone. "...
What's going on."

Gu Hongjun of Gu's Pictures also groaned and said with a bitter

smile, "I'm not afraid of being a fake, I'm afraid of being so stupid.
With a trace of blood, people's hearts are not enough to swallow the
elephant. The stormy Gu family can not stand such consultations.
Grinded. "

"No!" As soon as the box was opened, the complaints and grumbles in
the study were opened, and someone whispered, "Moreover, he is
going to marry the Longman family. Don't marry in the end.
Swallowed by the Longman family. "

In a word, everyone in the study fell into contemplation.

After a long period of silence, the elder who spoke first calmly and
determinedly said, "Well, let's divide the right of inheritance first."


His word came out and immediately made everyone's hearts tremble.

Gu Chongyan, the oldest and the oldest in the Gu family, directly

analyzed: "Hong's two youngest sons, one greedy for money, and one
for the truth, and then uncertain about the right of inheritance, I am
afraid that our Gu family will be distracted by these two people."

After hearing this, everyone in the Gu family agreed to nod in silence.

Gu Chongyan continued with peace and stability. "Over the years, I

have only seen Gu Qin as having a good qualification and a great job.
I might as well give Gu Qin the inheritance right early, and save some
people's thoughts and plans."
There was a moment of silence in the study, and the needle could be

Gu Hongjun gave a cough and tried ambiguously. "Is this too

anxious? Hongye is middle-aged and young, so why should he decide
his heir so early?"

Everyone has their own thoughts. Among the remaining branches

they led, there were many young children, but they did not have Gu
Qin's eye-catching and outstanding performance in these years, and
they were able to take the shot to make Gu Gu's impressive

Therefore, there is really no better candidate than Gu Qin.

However, even if this was the case, Gu's hearts were still dissatisfied.
They determined in their hearts that the time for their sons and
daughters to grow up, may not exceed Gu Qin over time.

Now, the Gu family has to determine the heirs early, but it can
completely cut off the opportunities of other children.

Everyone complained indignation, and some people couldn't help

rushing to ask questions. "How can such an important matter
concerning the future of the entire family of the family be decided
Gu Chongyan raised his eyelid slightly and glanced at him, "Oh, not
in a hurry? Then you wait for the little master outside the door, and
take the Royal Guard to sweep up and down the old house."

As soon as this word came out, everyone looked extremely


Downstairs at this time, Sutan was wandering in a treasure room on

the second floor. The elegant and neat room was neatly arranged with
rows of multiple cells, which were filled with carefully cultivated
precious flowers and plants, and many delicate Furnishings.


The statue of Jin Chancan's beasts, a hollow vase full of precious

stones, and a whole jade carving with very good green heads are
obviously the beloved collectibles of the owner.

Somehow, Su Tan found this place, and He opened the door with a
Royal Guard.

At this time, in Gu Hongxuan's angry and furious eyes, he saw his

little son who had not appeared in face for eighteen years and
disturbed the family at the first appearance. He smiled and bent his
eyes and ordered Oleson to put the shelf away. All the stuff on it was
put away.

"This ruby vase is festive, Olesen, take it! Let's go back and take a
"This big jade carving is cool and cool. It is comfortable in summer
and you can take it away."

"and also......"

Before he said anything, he suddenly heard an angry shout from Gu

Hongyu. "Sutan !!"

Su Tan turned her head with a smile, put one of the things in her hand
into Gu Hongying's arms steadily, and smiled warmly and comforted:
"Father, rest assured, this is your beloved, I will not take it. "

The one that was placed in the arms of Gu Hongxuan in the arms of
Shen was a pot of the least valuable flower.

All of a sudden, Gu Hongyan's face was as black as water, staring at

him, but Su Tan was not afraid, but cared thoughtfully: "Father, I have
drifted for many years and finally returned to Gu's house. You can
rest after so many years of exertion."

His tone was very considerate and caring, like a boxing heart caring
for his father's young son, and said to the Royal Guard butler Olesen,
"Is there a departure for the Star Tours tomorrow? Give my old father
a name I pay for it! "

Gu Hongyu: "..."

His eyes were red with irritation, and he had an inconvenience in

front of Olesen, but his face was so embarrassing and embarrassing
that he couldn't hold back his emotions. He took a deep breath, and
greeted Oleson: "Sorry, I Speak with Sutan. "

Hearing that, Alaisen stopped thoughtfully, watching Gu Hongxuan

take Su Tan to his study.

Before leaving, just listening to Su Tan's unforgettable voice, the voice

immediately penetrated the corridor and shouted lively: "Oleson,
don't forget those on the left shelf, pack them all together and take
them away in a while ! "

The study door was slammed shut with a bang, making a loud noise.

The people in the room looked in astonishment at the two who

hurried in the door.

Gu Hongshen's face was sinking like water, and all his emotions could
no longer be covered. A deep anger appeared between his eyebrows,
and he looked geologically towards Sutan. "What on earth do you

Su Tan did not hesitate to think clearly, "Heir to the family business!"

After listening to this sentence, Gu Hongxuan was frustrated and

contemptuous. "dream."

Hearing this, Su Tan smiled suddenly.

"Father," he glanced at Gu Hongyu behind his distant desk, his eyes
calmly passing the crowd present, "And, uncles and uncles."

"It's me who will marry into the Longman family."

"I'm the one who suffers, is afraid, and is like a tiger."

"The person who will become the chief of the empire with His
Highness in the future will still be me."

He raised his eyebrows, the smile on his face was clean, and asked
frankly: "Instead of joining hands with My Highness and my family to
take home the business of the family, it would be better for you to
send it to me now."

He bent his lip corner and promised very earnestly and purely: "You
can rest assured that I will end your retirement and enjoy my old age."

Suddenly, all the people in Gu's family were shocked to their place,
and they all looked up at him in disbelief.

Gu Hongyi suddenly asked: "His Royal Highness joins you?"

Su Tan smiled, "Otherwise, why do you think he sent the Royal Guard
to come with me?"


Looking at the people in Gu Jiaman's study, he looked somber and
embarrassed. Gu Hongyi's face grew darker and harder, and he was
almost gloomy enough to drip water. Su Tan was relaxed. He laughed
comfortably and asked, "Don't you agree?"

He has only one condition, inheriting the Gu family.

However, for everyone in the Gu family, this is simply impossible.

Upon hearing his calm tone, it was apparent that by joining hands
with the imperial crown prince, Hayden Longman, and treating the
property owned by the Gu family as something in his pocket, Gu
Hongyi's face became even worse.

With a low voice, he slowly said, "What if you don't agree?"

Sutan :? ? ?

Seeing the atmosphere at the scene was tense, it was triggered

immediately. Su Tan, however, simply added fuel to the fire and
asked directly, "Father, do you still recognize my son?"

"In the end, do you still feel bad for my youngest and most bumpy, so
it was so hard to get home again?"

"Everyone said that the tiger poison does not eat food. You have
expressed your silence in front of the elders today, wouldn't your
conscience hurt?"
Everyone: "..."

Gu Hongying covered his heart, and he felt that all his internal
organs, liver, and gallbladder were severely affected by tremor.

How could there be such a cunning son?

Relying on what he looks like, he is clearly like a child who is crying

and screaming at the parents' clothes without sugar!

At the moment, Gu Hongyin just felt that he was so heartbroken that

he couldn't speak.

He frowned tightly, his face cold, and rebuked, "Did you talk to the
elders like this?"

The cold tone came from the head, but Sutan didn't have the slightest
fear or shame. Instead, he raised his head and said frankly, "Well,
aren't you my dad!"

That tone is taken for granted, I want to make people beat.

Gu Hongxuan has a terrible headache.

Su Tan said with pride: "You don't want to give me this business, who
do you want? My cheap brother?"

Speaking of this, Su Tanyu touched it, seemingly remembered

someone, his black eyes were full of disdain.
At this moment, Gu Hongxuan and all the people present were
shocked, and his face was tightly gazed towards Su Tan. The silent
look did not know what he was thinking about.

However, several people in the Gu family strained their strings. I do

n't know if Su Tan was from His Highness Langman or elsewhere. He
heard Gu Han 's inside information, but now one more person knows
that there is an additional time bomb. On top of everyone.

At present, several very old and respected elders of the Gu family

looked at each other silently and silently, and they knew each other's
thoughts at this time. There can be no further delay for the playful 1.

Immediately, Gu Chongyan, the oldest, suddenly opened his mouth

from silence, with a calm and resolute tone, as if it contained immense
power, as firm as a rock, and cannot be overthrown.

He slowly said, "Sutan's nephew, Gu's heir, has already decided."

Su Tan looked slightly, watching them in disbelief. His brows were

frowned, and his face was a little bit shocked and unbelievable.
"Willn't it be my cheap twin brother?"

But seeing Gu Chongyan sighed deeply and shook his head firmly:
"Of course not, it is your elder brother Gu Qin."

"Gu Qin?" Su Tan quietly said the name softly.

I saw, Gu Chongyan nodded, and responded with affirmation and
affirmation, "Gu Qin is determined, talented, and resolute. He has
followed your father in family affairs for many years and already has
his own capital. As heir, it is Gu Jiashang Up and down has long been
the default. "

Gu Chongyan said, looking at Su Tan's look suddenly unbelieving,

full of doubts and doubts, other Gu family members pondered for a
moment, and gave a loud voice of support.

Gu Hongjun of Gu's Films nodded curtly: "Yes, your elder brother is

the heir of the Gu family, which is already known to the parents and
cannot be changed."

Others followed, "The family business of Gu has long assumed that it

will be handed over to Gu Qin in the future. Little nephew, you give

Gu Hongyin aside was silent.

He looked at the numerous Gu family present in the presence with

astounding arrogance, and he killed his eldest son, Gu Qin, who was
Gu Gu's long-established heir, and each spoke for Gu Qin.

However, no one knew better than him that the heir of the Gu family
had never been decided!

Everyone in the Gu family has a lot of misgivings, especially these

side branches that are in the sole possession of the Gu family, and
they even hate to pull the heir to their own. Therefore, the topic of the
heir has been disputed several times, and they simply broke up. She
was put on the shelf and no one mentioned it again.

Even if Gu Qin's achievements are notable, not only in the army, but
also in assisting his father to handle family affairs in an orderly
manner, becoming the leader of the next generation of the Gu family,
but still being ignored by all the elders of the Gu family. Nothing has
been said for him.

As a result, Gu Qin still does not have any status or right to speak in
family affairs, and he still followed Gu Hongyu.


Gu Hongkun couldn't be more clear about this.

Therefore, his heart was even more suspicious at this moment. This
group of Gu family members who are usually silent and do not speak,
today, how can they all agree in unison that 4 is the heir?

Gu Hongxu was startled and took a deep breath, but his face was still.
He clenched his hands quietly, and made a stern stroke in his heart,
knowing that now is definitely the best time to finalize Gu Qin as the
true successor of the Gu family, and he must not miss it.

After waiting for the other Gu family to persuade Su Tan, he

immediately spoke and said flatly, "Atan, what else is there to fight
with your dear brother? Support your elder brother and do his left
arm and right arm well in the future. "
In one sentence, he completely finalized all the conclusions and did
not allow anyone to reverse them.

not to mention--

Gu Hongxuan reminded calmly: "Your marriage has been settled with

Your Highness, and assist Your Highness. Your elder brother will
always be your strongest backing at the Gu family."

In this sentence, time is like the same alarm bell that strikes everyone's
heart severely, reminding everyone who has spoken out of the Gu
family who is in power, Gu Qin has a younger brother, Su Tan, who is
married to the Longman family The status of the Gu family will also
never change.

Suddenly, I don't know how many people were dissatisfied, but no

one in the silent study retorted.

Su Tan thought for a moment, was extremely wronged, and

whispered with red eyes: "What about me? Brother has everything,
but I have nothing?"

Gu Hongyu: "..."

If he was not his own son, Gu Hongxuan would have a headache and
wanted to roll out Su Tan directly.

He tried to suppress his anger, and said in a deep voice, "Isn't it

enough that you just ran up and down and scoured so many things at
Immediately, Su Tan was a joy, and his face was raining and sunny,
raising a smile.

"Father, it just hurts me!" He stood up stupidly, and didn't waste his
words to say more, and lifted his feet briskly and went out.


He smiled and said bluntly: "Father and uncle and uncles have a good
rest, and the family's responsibility will be left to the older brother. I
can go directly to the older brother if there is any problem, and ensure
that it will not cause you trouble."

In a word, countless people were blocked.

Looking at his energetic and happy expression, Gu Hongyan's tightly

clenched lips couldn't help but scream, and couldn't swear.

He watched Su Tan walk out of the door with a smile, and yelled to
Olesen to take the Royal Guard with him, and the bag went home.

At the moment, his heart seemed to have been hit hard with a
hammer, and he was a lot older.

Gu Hongxian's face was pale and white, and it took a while to finally
take a sigh of relief, and he smiled a little at the Gu's authorities who
were shocked in the same room.
"Atan is so awkward, we old people can't stand tossing." He shook his
head and sighed, but said a word to the hearts of everyone.

Unexpectedly, Gu Hongxuan turned his head, but said directly,

"These things will be left to Gu Qin."

Everyone looked silent, and none of them said anything, but the heirs
that he had said to Su Tan just now were still sternly heard. At this
time, no one had the face flatly overthrown. Heart to heart silent.

Seeing this scene, Gu Hongxi was tortured by Su Tan for several days
of old and arduous heart, finally ushered in a little comfort, and
conquered complex calculations.

And Su Tan, who was going out with Olesen's big bag, couldn't
imagine meeting Gu Han at the gate of Gu's house.

The two men's footsteps immediately stopped and stopped at each

other. Gu Han glanced at him quickly, then lowered his eyes in a low-
key manner, and gave way to invite him to go first.

Unexpectedly, Su Tan didn't leave in a hurry, but suddenly bent his

lips, leaned forward and carefully observed his appearance, and
asked Gu Han: "Second Brother?"

Gu Han was surprised, but a little shyness appeared on her face, and
some murmured in a helpless way, as though she was at a loss for the
first time when she saw her brother, but she couldn't hide her slight
But listening, Su Tan suddenly gave a slight chuckle, and said lightly
and jokingly: "I don't think ... we look like each other at all, are we
really brothers? Why should we do a genetic test?"


Suddenly, Gu Han's hand under his sleeve tightened tightly, and his
heart sank, knowing that Su Tan was never as good as his face.

He glanced at him quickly, apparently a young man with a clean and

clear temperament, similar to himself, but with clear eyes between his
black and white eyes, with a smile.

Gu Han's heart was immediately squeezed. He pursed his lips,

somewhat disappointed and dumb, and whispered, "What are you
talking about?"

Su Tan smiled, "You know."

After that, he nodded and took Olesen with the Royal Guard to leave,
his steps were easy and bright.

Only when Gu will pass by Gu Han, he suddenly laughed loudly:

"Add a friend on Weibo and play together later."

Gu Han looked indifferent, watching Su Tan calmly put on a team of

low-key and elegant and noble Longman family exclusive cars, then
The bottom of his heart was grasped fiercely for a moment, full of
ridiculous, I do not know what the young Master Gu Family who did
not follow the rules of the card really meant.

Standing at the door, Gu Han hesitated for a moment, then opened

the light brain and added the attention of Sutan's Weibo friends.

Under the Weibo of "Braised Pork Every Day", it is still popular. The
previous outbreak of the ancient style novels has attracted a lot of
attention from readers and netizens.

The recent incident of the Crown Prince and the Gu family pushed the
newcomer authors of the star novel website "Brushing Braised Meat
Every Day".

Gu Han was entangled in public opinion, and could not bear all kinds
of suspicions. She turned off the comment reply permission early.

He browsed Sutan's Weibo, but was shocked to find that the other
party did not turn off the comment, but instead commented as a

Under his Weibo, he has been crowded with a large number of tourist
groups, and all kinds of ridiculous speculations, such as "informers",
"insiders", "his crown prince sent a small good friend", "Gu family" A
nephew's nephew's nephew's nephew's neighbour "came forward one
after another and vowed to tell all kinds of inside information, which
made the whole thing more confused and messy.

Even if that's the case, Sutan 's latest Weibo was a joke, asking tourism
groups, passers-by groups, Haitian party, Tianhai cp fan, etc., to take
part in his new book Jianghu Entertainment Weekly, freely and
frankly. Admirable.

How can he be so good?

Taking a deep breath, Gu Han's emotions in the bottom of her heart

were so complicated that she passed through countless thoughts and
finally pressed them down.

He glanced down at Weibo, which had been severely closed, without

any emotion on his face, and walked into the door of Gu's house.


As soon as he entered the gate of Gu's house, he was immediately

pinched, his footsteps were firmly fixed at the gate, and his eyes were

I saw that Gu Jia's old house, which was originally decorated with
low-key elegance and rich family heritage, was ransacked.

There were a few nails left alone on the wall, and the famous
paintings originally hung out of sight. The low-key exquisite artworks
and luxurious and artistic decorative wall hangings all around the
living room were all cleaned up and empty, even the living room
raised ceilings. Countless shiny eighteen-story giant crystal
chandeliers have also been removed, and now only empty ceilings are

Gu Han stood silently at the gate of Gu's house, his footsteps were
firmly fixed there, he couldn't move a step, he almost thought he had
gone wrong.

Gu's family ... Why was it suddenly evacuated in a day!

He frowned, looking at the panic-stricken Gu family, only to see the

head of his throat froze, his hands and feet cramped with a dumb
voice and shouted, "It was made by Master Sutan!"

Gu Han: "..."

As soon as the door of the study was opened, several of Gu's most
important elders in charge rushed out from the study, and walked
down the wide and gentle stairs while whispering.

Gu Hongxu, who was walking at the end, still held a light brain in his
hand, and pointed to the above with the most respected Gu
Chongyan, whispering something.

However, I just walked halfway to the angle where I could see the
whole picture of the living room. Suddenly, the head of the man
suddenly stepped on the stairs and nailed it to the stairs.

The next few people looked up subconsciously, and the time was
shaken in place.

At the end, Gu Hongyu's face turned dark instantly, and he couldn't

hold back the anger in his heart any longer, and raged angrily, "Is it
Sutan ?!"

His gush of anger made the Gu family snoring, lowering his head in
fear, and dare not answer.

Only a subordinate who had previously made a voice, hurriedly

whispered in a whispered voice, "Little Master not only took the
person, but used the space necklace to take away the living room
furnishings, and--"

His voice suddenly embarrassed, and hesitated bitterly and bitterly:

"He has taken away the pots and pans from the kitchen, and even the
broth with two pots of stew on it!"

Everyone: "........."

Gu Hongzhang was burning in anger, and thumped the light brain in

his hand with a bang.

Gu Han stood at the door with her eyes downcast and obediently low-
key. Suddenly, she felt that the portable light brain in her hand
trembled slightly, and a Weibo reminder sounded.
He glanced quietly, and saw—

"Brushed braised meat every day: thank you guys for rewarding: -D."

Su Tan ransacked the Gu family 's old house, but all decorations, art
paintings, time-honored memorials, or worthless pots and pans are all
packed together with space necklaces. go.

Easy to move in one step.

He chuckled and posted a thank you microblog on the Internet, which

left the readers confused and confused, but the Gu family could only
care about the reputation and could not bear to eat the secret loss.

The most obvious is that a news broke that day.

"Emperor's gossip entertainment wind direction station: I heard that

tonight's giant Gu family ordered a large quantity of take-out,
urgently looking for five-star hotels to deliver meals, and also bought
a large number of tableware, kitchenware, pots and knives in a
private tableware custom shop. Say, what does the Gu family mean? "

The comments under the gossip marketing number suddenly became

"Little white shoes: Is the Gu family going to enter the catering
industry? The giants have also fallen to this point?"

"Lemongrass under the sky: Hahahahaha, I think it is very likely that

the chef suddenly left his job, leaving Gu's family up and down
hundreds of mouths for a night :)?"

"Little Kyoko: Poison? Internal cleaning? Family clashes? I feel like

there is a big play behind it."


For a while, there were all kinds of speculations, and all kinds of
bizarre speculations were spreading wildly. Netizens were quite
analytical in their heads.

Su Tan looked at him and couldn't help but watch Gu Gu fell into the
turbulent public opinion vortex and storm. He hurriedly used the
power to press the hot search and bought the original marketing
information to delete Weibo and disappear.

However, the interest and enthusiasm of netizens has not diminished,

but the unavoidable response attitude of the Gu family has even
evoked curiosity and the desire to inquire about the truth.

Seeing that only Gu Han was on the upper and lower sides of Gu's
public, but still could not evaluate it, they rushed to Qiwei to
comment on this Weibo, which is said to be the young master Gu 's
"Brushed braised meat every day", Qi Qi @ He wanted to know the

Su Tan chuckled and watched his Weibo, and there were waves of
sightseeing groups coming and going.

Just in the middle of the night, Su Tan thought about it, and joked a
new Weibo post: "Curious about which takeaway from Gu's family? Is
it delicious?"

His sudden appearance suddenly aroused heated discussion among


"Soft cute dolphin: catch a big wild! Don't sell cute soon!"

"Kolabao: Today I had spicy crayfish, glutinous rice dumplings, fresh

fruit cakes, two large pots of braised pork, a whole bowl of melon and
sugar ..."

"Glutinous rice dumplings: I heard that they are going to eat me

upstairs, so terrible!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Curious 1. I don't know if the takeaways

of the giants are all five-star giant seafood lobster packages,
hungry ..."
"Little apricot: Check in for the tour group. Don't hook your appetite
late at night. I can't help but order a takeout!"

The response on the Internet is extremely enthusiastic. The best topic

late at night is to discuss gourmet food. Adding the label of "Brand
Takeaway" is even more eye-catching.

It didn't take long for Sutan 's Weibo to completely become a

gathering place for late-night sun food. In the comments, a variety of
delicious meals from different star domains were released one after
another, attracting many people to tears Can only order takeaway.

Not only that, but these days, netizens who have been curious about
Hayden Longman, Gu Han, Su Tan, and the young master Gu family
finally squatted down and waited for the party to appear. They
immediately caught Su Tan and rushed to him. Asked with curiosity.

"Traveling the entire world of Starcraft: @ 天 天 都 打 烧 烧 肉 ,

Microphone! Lightman !!! Come on! Please tell your story! Are you
really another young master who lost his family for 18 years?"

"Super invincible monster: 100000000000 for the truth!"

"Yuexia Yue: True or false, the inside story has been suspended for so
many days, and the blogger should give an explanation to the people
who eat melon."
For a while, the sound of seeking truth and facts was endless, and
numerous netizens who dived were blasted out, hoping that the
parties could stand out generously and simply give a dusty result.

Immediately, there was a cry.

Among them, the most striking is the rumored looks of Gu Han and
Su Tan, who were tacitly regarded by the wealthy Gu family as the
twins who were missing. This plot of dog blood flipping makes all
netizens panic and want to know a final answer together.

Seeing his own Weibo, the heated discussions have become one, and
with the high attention of more and more netizens, he has already
loomed a huge momentum.

Su Tan thought for a while, simply didn't evade, and frankly wrote a
new line and posted a new Weibo.

"Braised pork every day: I have a dad, the best dad in the world. As
for the Gu family: -D, I am also curious about the results of the genetic

In a word, time will push the enthusiasm of netizens to a climax.

They are working tirelessly to carefully scrutinize every word from
this Weibo "Brushed braised meat every day", trying to analyze the
truth behind it.

"Traveling around the world: The blogger means-has nothing to do

with the Gu family?"

"Yuexia Liu: Why do I think so, isn't it best to mention his dad? Isn't
this referring to the Gu family?"

"Xiaozi: Upstairs, you still have no use to talk about it. I hope that the
blogger or Gu family will directly go to the genetic test results to face!"

The direction of the discussion was instantly turned to genetic

identification. In the interstellar era, the personal information number
code was born from each person, and everyone followed the picture,
which could not only record the unique number of each interstellar
resident, but also recorded the original genetic information.

This has greatly ensured that the loss of population in the interstellar
era has greatly decreased to almost zero.

Whenever infants in a certain family are lost, the Star Guardian

Agency can immediately contact many star domains, check the
personal information codes and genetic information of infants and
young children, and then transfer them to the major starry sky or
intercept them at the Star Terminal.
For a giant like the Gu family, the child disappeared for eighteen
years without any information. It was simply unreasonable, and even
during the eighteen years it became an unsolved case in the entire
interplanetary, which caused shock and concern for everyone in the

Many experts have analyzed that the personal information of the

missing young child of the Gu family was stripped, and the original
data recorded in the population information database was completely
erased. This can not help but guess how powerful the anger behind
the Gu family can be. at this point.

Until the eighteen years since then, searching for a person in the entire
interstellar countless starfield and explosive population is tantamount
to searching for a needle in a haystack, which is almost equivalent to a
slim chance.

Even if the Gu family offered a high-priced reward, there was no

result. The helpless thing was naturally the loss of the original genetic
information of the young master Gu family.

Now, Su Tan put forward on Weibo in public that, depending on the

results of genetic identification, it is undoubtedly a shot of all heart-
warming netizens.

"Traveling the entire world of Starcraft: Strong support for genetic

identification! Guessing enough to guess, please ask the wealthy Gu
family to directly direct the results of gene comparison on the

"Little Kyoko: I also want to see 1. The giants are deep and there is no
clear evidence. Who knows what will be moved behind them?"

"Autumn Moon is boundless: just under the witness of the whole

people, let 's make a public genetic identification and let the majority
of netizens testify publicly. And the twin master who previously
brought home the home, do it at once! Otherwise, Gu 's family will
come up with a statement, also Enough to see! Don't wait three
months before another triplet emerges. "


Netizens have heated discussions, and the focus of attention has

suddenly diverged from the genetic identification. Qiqi is curious as
to what "brushed braised meat every day" looks like.

After all, it is famous in the previous leaks that he and Gu Han, the
young master Gu Han who had just disappeared for eighteen years,
have similarities of seven or eight points, which makes people doubt
the identity of the two.

It is not uncommon for Gu Han's photos to have been circulated on

media and television earlier. Looking at it, it was a handsome,
somewhat ashamed black-eyed boy with dark eyes.
What about "Brushed braised meat every day"?

What does he look like? For a while, it became a curiosity and doubt
for many people.

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: I have live broadcasted a lot before, but
unfortunately didn't show up. However, the young man's voice! It's
clean and nice, so cute!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: I was crying with a loud voice, and the
writing was super beautiful, and I was especially good at cooking,
even if it was not the little master of the Gu family, but also versatile."

"My son's sister-in-law's family: I was smashed by the meat treasure

circle, because his voice in Weibo live broadcast was so nice! Singing
songs to sell cute pets, arrogance and charm are all stress-free, and it's
almost changeable.

"Gongzi's dressing mirror: I'm particularly curious about what meat

treasure looks like? Do you have a mold with Master Gu Xiao? Meat
treasure comes out!"

Looking at his enthusiasm and enthusiasm in his Weibo, the number

of his own reminders burst out early, and he couldn't count them all.
Su Tan thought about it and simply responded quickly.
"Every day I cook braised pork: You don't have to guess. I lose [smile
and cry] for the burst photos. PS: I don't look like Gu Han, really."

His words made countless netizens curious. Gu Han's photos were

searched on the Internet, and "Brushed braised meat every day" even
said publicly that he was not like Gu Han? What's that twin?

Many netizens couldn't help wondering that they were quietly

discussing and saw an account with a big V appear suddenly.

"Haiden Longman: You are the cutest :). @ 天天 都 刷 烧 烧肉"

In a short time, the entire network was boiling.

"Soft adorable dolphin: Feed your dog food when you appear next to
your high school. Kick it over!"

"Kolabao: You are the cutest and the lovely and the lovely ... big, have
you seen it? Help the father of cigarettes to make the point bolder !!!"

"Dark Rose: Torture."

"Little Begonia in the son's house: hugging the younger sister upstairs,
hugging the fat himself feels a little distressed, and suddenly feels that
this bowl of dog food is awful, this is a mocking QAQ for single dogs
like me."


Sutan couldn't help laughing.

However, at the moment when his remarks on Weibo let Gu Han see
it, his palms immediately clenched, and his heart was very cold. He
never imagined that Su Tan would tell the facts directly on the
Internet in such a carefree manner, apparently relying on it, and he
was not afraid.

Immediately, he bit his lower lip tightly, his complexion gradually

becoming more complex.

His face was embarrassed. At this time, Gu Hongying's look in the

study was even darker and ugly. His normal and gentle temperament
was completely swept away, as if he was suddenly immersed in
anger. Fear is scary.

"How dare he? How dare he!"

Gu Hongyi looked at the new Weibo on the computer Weibo,

"Brushing braised meat every day," and was furious, unable to
restrain his anger from bursting out.
His face was cold, he just picked up Xinguangnao in one hand, dialed
the communication number for Sutan, and the direct communication
bell rang for a long time. Then he picked it up slowly, completely
relaxed and comfortable.

At present, Gu Hongyi's anger is even higher.

Suddenly angrily, he reprimanded the communicator and said, "You

are crazy! Sending such a microblog is to make the entire Gu family
fall into the middle of the water and become the laughing stock of the
whole empire?"

His tone came quickly and swiftly, mixed with the fury of Thunder,
and scowling at Su Tan's face.

But it was-nothing.

Su Tan's ending was light, and he said calmly, "Father, I'm helping

Gu Hongyu: "..."

When he heard this, he was completely laughed. "Help me? What

have you done for me? You are clearly messing with me!"
However, Su Tan was in a hurry and said earnestly: "Father, you
believe me, it's time to do a genetic identification. Our family has a
cheap twin baby, and they laughed outside. Father, I can't bear it
anymore See you blinded. "

Suddenly, Gu Hongzhang was dumb.

He couldn't spread the explanation, and Gu Han was led to look back
on the family, which was already the default result of weighing the
advantages and disadvantages of the family. In order to continue the
marriage with the Longman family at first, and later to continue the
cooperation with the Kane family, they could not give up Gu Han.

Even if he is a fake.

However, although the authorities at the upper level of the Gu family

knew it well, he still had some scruples about Sutan and did not speak

Even in the study, when Su Tan first faintly made this cheap brother's
statement, the Gu family only silently interrupted the past, and
urgently settled the matter to the heir who identified the Gu family.

Gu Hongxuan's eyes lightened, and his voice was coldly warned:

"This is not your business."
Just listen, at the other end of the communicator, Su Tan suddenly
snorted, and immediately made Gu Hongyan angry.

To this day, he has finally found out that he and Su Tan, the missing
son who has not returned for 18 years, are wrong.

At the moment, his heart was also cold, and he sharply reprimanded:
"Your Weibo has been deleted. Don't engage in these fearless things

Su Tan replied briskly: "Do not delete!"

All of a sudden, Gu Hongxi was burned with anger.

He suddenly laughed a few times in a cold voice, his tone hardened

suddenly, thinking of his old Gu's old house that had been looted
downstairs, and his mood was even worse.

Especially his beloved Duobaoge Game Room, he completely

removed the shelves, leaving only an empty room with a pot of
insignificant blue grass in the center. .

At that moment, Gu Hongxi really realized what it was to call a wolf

into the room.
His voice suddenly chilled, and he asked the communicator with
anger, "What do you want?"

Come to think of it, Su Tan is not willing to fall by the side of

inheritance, not only to evacuate the old house of Gu family, but also
to do things through the Internet.

He can afford this kind of game, but the Gu family, who has gone
through hundreds of years of ups and downs, cannot afford to lose his

Gu Hongzhang sank a bit in his heart, took a deep breath, stared at

the communicator tightly, waiting for Su Tan's lion to make a big

Unexpectedly, there was a chuckle on the other side of the


Immediately, Su Tan sounded loudly and briskly, with a full smile,

and said very earnestly: "Father, do you still care about so many
things? Isn't everything left to your brother? I will report directly to
Brother! "

The teenager's voice was pleasant and relaxed, but Gu Hongxu's ears
were as heart-piercing as acupuncture.

Su Tan urged enthusiastically: "Hurry up and prepare your luggage.

I'll sign you up for interplanetary travel, travel around one hundred
galaxies, and take a ten-year easy vacation. We will allow you to
easily offload the burden and have fun! "
After a while, Gu Hongyi's face was extremely ugly.

Before he got his sensible speech back from angry anger, Su Tan
simply hung up the communication, completely letting his anger go
nowhere and plunged into anger.

Su Tan, who hung up the communication, was extremely happy. He

simply sent a newsletter to his big cousin, teasing: "Does the soup in
the Gu family taste good? Is the content in the space necklace great?"

Seeing this message, Hayden raised a smile on his lips.

"Take it away," he replied helplessly and petulantly. "The house isn't

broken ..."

Just talking about these things of the Gu family, he really didn't pay
attention. However, after Su Tan borrowed his space necklace, Zhang
Luo took Olesen to clean up and down the Gu family's old house, and
packed them into the space necklace.

Before leaving the car, Su Tan simply didn't need it, and waved his
hand to let the Royal Guard housekeeper Olesen arrive in front of

When receiving the space necklace, Hayden couldn't help shaking his
head and grinning.
At this time, in the communicator, naturally, a gentle smile urged Su
Tan to take it away. Unexpectedly, Su Tan responded rashly.

"Can you help me deal with it?" The boy's voice was clear and sweet,
and passed to Hayden's ears through the communicator, extremely
sweet and clear. At this moment, with a faint smile, he said seriously.

Hearding this, Hayden froze slightly, and then laughed dumbly. "Sell
it?" He asked in a low voice, slowly.

Su Tan was extremely calm and nodded vigorously. "Ok!"

The big cousin raised his lips with a smile, and didn't ask why, just
responded. "it is good".

The Gu family has many things, including calligraphy, paintings, and

art, gold furnishings, kitchenware, pots, pans, and other pots. There
are many other pieces that are fragmentary and useful.

Hayden had no doubt that when he went to Gu's house that day, if he
could, Su Tan would even remove Gu's marble floor and take it away.

At this time, it is not laborious to handle. With the name of the

Longman family, Olesen is accustomed to handling these matters. He
has tacitly contacted the other auction houses several times at the
bottom of the auction house, and has changed hands to clean things
up and replaced them with a large amount of funds. According to
Hayden's order, he was transferred to Sutan's account.
Su Tan's sudden surge in huge sums of money caused Su Tan to be

He laughed and looked at it for a while, and simply sold all the huge
money that Gu family sold and realized. All of them were entered into
the robot's Abba's account, leaving a message to his communicator,
"Aba, this is how many years I have taken care of me Maintenance,
what ?! "

Su Tan glanced contentedly, turned off the communicator, and waited


I do n't know which interstellar honeymoon holy place I saw, thinking

that it must be happy and shocked and crazy.

Hopefully, Dr. Shu will soothe it.

Su Tan turned off the communicator, thought about it, and took out
the manuscript fees of Fanxing's novel website. After paying a huge
amount of taxes and fees, the remaining income was also

He wrapped up a big red envelope without hesitation, and sent it to

his big cousin, explaining quickly: "The money of Gu's family was
given to Abba as the support for me for so many years. I want my
wife's money Earn. This is the first home use, wife, just spend it! "

His breathless words made Hayden smile.

The big cousin thought about it, and replied with a chuckle: "Thank
you guys for rewarding, do you need to pay the debts in person:)?


Looking at a large amount of homes received in the communicator,

Hayden couldn't help but raise his lips. He happily thought that there
was no recent household expenses. Since Su Tan is so hard, he has to
work hard to pay for him.

Simply, he stepped into the night and brought a lot of food to the

Sutan surprise: "Supper!"

A large piece of grilled steak filled with sauce, the rich smoked aroma
and black pepper sauce are matched together, the aroma is striking,
people's eyes are bright, can't help but want to enjoy it.

The slightly wrinkled small tomatoes were roasted, and each bite was
sweet and soft, making Sutan extremely comfortable. He stopped
eating reluctantly until he was full and full.

Hayden curled his lips. "You're full?"

Su Tan nodded.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got up, he suddenly saw his big cousin

stepped on his long legs and walked towards himself. The smile on
his face grew softer, and his low magnetic voice said in his ear: "Well,
let me Repay the debt. "

Sutan :! !! !!

Unexpectedly, he was suddenly hugged by his big cousin. When the

whole man was stung to the bed, he still didn't return.

He couldn't help but widen his eyes, and when he wanted to say
something, he saw a warm and powerful hand covering his eyes, and
then the burning kiss fell down.

Su Tan was involuntarily indulged in it, unable to extricate himself.

Until the next morning, when he got up from the bed with his sore
waist, he just felt that--

Where is this debt repayment? Obviously to collect debt.


He got up hard, and quickly ate the warm and delicious breakfast that
his big cousin had left for himself. His soreness and fatigue had finally
subsided, and he turned on the computer and checked his new article.

For a while, due to the Gu family's affairs, although Su Tan's energy

was involved, the update speed of the novel was not slow, and the
20,000-word Dafei Chapter update was delivered on time and with
quality and quantity.
Unexpectedly, the appetites of the little angels were raised.

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: Big, please burst! One hundred chapters!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Obviously every day is a big fat chapter,
but after reading it, it is not enough."

"Gongzi's dressing mirror: from the bottom of my heart, I hope that

some wealthy people will not admit their relatives casually. Once
Roubao became a master Gu family who is not bad, will he simply
write off?"

"Kolabao: The idea upstairs is terrible ..."

"Gentleman's sauce: Terrible 1, think of it this way, I hope the author

can continue to write in a safe and stable manner. Don't be trapped by
the blood of a giant dog and continue to live a quiet and warm little

"Dark Night Rose: After many years, the best protection is not to
disturb the other person's life."


Looking at these enthusiastic comments, Su Tan couldn't help feeling

warm, and found that the biggest gain since he wrote the article was
to get such a group of intimate and cute little angels.
He thought for a while and smiled and responded in the comments: "I
will keep writing until-80 years old! Wearing reading glasses and
writing for everyone!"

As soon as this comment was issued, there were many readers who
responded to the ridicule enthusiastically.

"Soft cute dolphin: Then, then I have to find a good grandson and
read a novel to me [laughing and crying]."

"Kolabao: Okay, okay, then a group of us will gather together under

the text and spend our 60th anniversary together."

"Little Begonia in the son's family: Meat treasure, I will bring you an
old boy and a fifth-generation family to cheer you on! Let my reader
number be a heirloom [proud]!"

In the enthusiastic comments, some readers also kindly reminded Su

Tan to pay attention to the data of another river and lake next door,
without saying a word.

Su Tan saw the inexplicable, clicked into the new article "Father-in-
law Fu", and suddenly found that the data of his novel "Love in Rivers
and Lakes" soared to an unbelievable level, and he has steadily
surpassed himself and gave himself firmly After pressing it, the total
collection has leapt to 19.8 million, even if it is in the whole station of
Fanxing Novel.

Seeing this data, Su Tan frowned slightly, and released it very quickly,
and gently tapped into the comment area under the article. After a
while, when he saw the hot comments in a row, he couldn't help

"Gu Suyun: The big new book is breathtaking, and the literary
accomplishments are profound. Even the candidate for the interstellar
literature award is not inferior."

"Floating up and down for another year: good text! It is indeed from
the hands of the ancient style great **** writer, the heritage of the
ancient geochemistry, and the new star of the entertainment industry.

"Xiu Hai: The big book is poisonous. It is not enough to brush it over
and over ten times.

"Su Su's Xiaobai: n brush, look forward to Su Su's new film and enter
the entertainment circle as soon as possible!"

"Suo Su's Nuo Nuo: I heard that Su Su is going to make a TV series. It

seems to be called" The Lonely King's 101 Escape Marriage Young
Coup. "It's very interesting to listen to the name. Please pay attention
to it."


"Xiao Tao of Su Su's family: I've followed. Thank you for the
recommendation upstairs."

"Su Su's oranges: Amway, it's funny. I didn't expect Su Su to take such
a role. Those who haven't seen it will regret it."
"The dust of the Susu family: Oh, the little brothers upstairs said so
attractively, no more, I must pay attention to it!"


Su Tan: "..."

Yes, this wave of publicity is very strong!

He couldn't help but bend his lips, and Ren Jun could not help. With
so many enthusiastic messages, the data of "Love in Rivers and Lakes"
has been rising steadily, overwhelming Su Tan, and has completely
advanced to become the number one leader in the monthly list of
ancient novels.

The pK reward contest for the ancient style rivers and lakes novels
previously proposed by the "Ancient Earth Cultural Exchange
Conference" was completely reversed for a while, and "Fu Su" later
came to the top and firmly sought the victory of the pK competition.

In a hurry, # 大 神 古风 写 者 #, # 老古 古 全球 文化 研究者 #, # 颜 值 最
的 小 说 故 事 #, #Entertainment circle with the highest cultural
standard of small fresh meat #, # 全 星 极 is best for young men who
play the image of ancient style All kinds of titles of actor # have been
put together on Xie Qinglin's body, making his fame red as never

The skyrocketing popularity of Weibo 's hot traffic, even the hot
second-line power actor under the body, shocked people to shock.
Up and down the empire, no one knows where he came from, but
everyone knows-the son of Fu Suhuo!

On the authors' forum of Fanxing Novel Network, he posted a whole

post on the homepage.

"A certain high-profile playwright author-can you not put gold on

your face! I will be embarrassed for you by hot search and data fake!"

Posts floor is not much talked about, in the main building directly
hang people in one go.

"The landlord: Some painter circles have greatly rewritten the writers
and the entertainment circle. Obviously rich, rich, talented, and
talented, they can paint. Why do you want to be a self-destructing
reputation to become the Marine Party? It has skyrocketed 30 times,
and inflation hasn't been so fast. Fake passers-by have seen it
awkward. "


"1L: Lou, did you not see any comment under Dawen, the style of
painting [laughing and crying]-the emperor's literary world did not
blow like this ..."

"2L: You are all too naive. This is the usual routine of entertainment
marketing. You can set people and data to brush fans. Old men can be
packed into wonderful young girls."
"3L: You're not talking about the big one I like? Right? Su Su?"

"4L: That's him."

"Suo Su's Nuo Nuo: A group of red eye diseases upstairs! It should be
your life to hit the streets."

"5L: @ 公子 家 's fans, come out soon, someone grabs your lines!"


"Little Begonia of the Meat Po Family: Aggressive .jpg. I've been

refreshed, look at my new vest: -D."

Suddenly, the post was covered with high buildings and torn into
pieces. Countless fans of the "Su Su Family" rushed to the scene in an
instant and quarreled with the people in the author's forum.

Behind one of these accounts, Ding Li was buried in a small, tight

room, and the computer desk was cluttered with all kinds of fast-food
trash and packaging too late to clean up, giving off an unpleasant
smell. Smell.

However, Ding Li couldn't care less. His eyes were staring at the
screen, and he saw a sudden flash of information in the chat group of
the communicator, and the owner of a "water base camp" suddenly
issued a new announcement.
"Horui's new job-Star Forum! Trumpet! Go online in five minutes,
send out a Starcoin, and it's settled! Sign up for me online now!"

In a short time, Ding Li got excited, and quickly signed up in the

group, directly logged in to the many vest accounts registered on the
Fanxing Novel Network, and rushed to the post.

"Little Ding from the Su Su family: Hey, the jealousy in the forum
should really be cured. Su Da wrote well and was handsome. Just
after getting a little fame, he was discredited by the wall, and your
morals are too low. Come on, show me your novel, let me see what
masterpieces are all? "


His fingers crackled on the keyboard, and a series of words burst out

Too late to see the other party 's response in the post, quickly log out
and log in to another trumpet, change the number and continue to

"Su Su's Nuo Nuo: What did the landlord hang without a hammer? To
be honest, I like the novel" Love in Rivers and Lakes "! Our classmates
also like it! Su Da's novel is an ancient style river and lake novel
Supreme! "

"Begonia of the Meat Po Family: Say I'm dissatisfied, but Meat Po's"
Wuhu Entertainment Weekly "looks better."
"Suo Su's Nuo Nuo: Is it stupid upstairs? Compared with the statistics,
the number of reviews, the specific popularity, what can the" Jianghu
Entertainment Weekly "compare to Su Da's novels? They are not
worth mentioning!"

"Begonia of the meat treasure family: Hey, I'm so mad! Isn't it bad to
say that?"


Fans of the "Su Su Family" rushed in, with a strong and arrogant
attitude. Similar messages skyrocketed instantly, and they were
suddenly inserted indiscriminately, mixing up the normal comments
of the post. Crumbled.

In addition, various abuses and personal attacks continued to smash

the original post landlord's body in succession, making him in a
mighty and mighty manner, like a leafy boat, and could not make any
rebuttal sound.

Seeing that the scolding war was about to usher in victory, Ding Li
couldn't help but be full of rhythm, rubbing his sore fingers that hit
the keyboard, and proudly prepared to go to the "Water Army" to
receive compensation.

However, before he had time to log out of the account, he saw an

account wearing a red vest suddenly appeared.

"Smoke scar: Some people in this building are fine."

As soon as this word came out, everyone was shocked, and the diving
parties in the Stars Novel Network forum were blown out.

"3245L: Dad! Why did you put on a red vest ???? Fanxing Novel
Network has hired you ?!"

"3246L: Bold! How dare you hire our Crown Prince to work as a black
worker ... Where is the place to hire someone to register? I want to

"Begonia's little beggar: There are fine points? I know it! No wonder I
can't quarrel with them, I'm so tired."


"Red vest version workers stray: this post 134, 162, 221, 239, 457 ...
3218 and other buildings are the same Ip, in violation of the forum
real-name system regulations, as a title treatment. PS: Tobacco father
is a forum special edition.

"3248L: stunned."

"3249L: The engraver blocked the 1256 accounts in a haughty manner,

which is terrific. It seems that some star writers are solid in buying

Seeing that Dahong Chime was forcibly banned from logging out of
the account, Ding Li sank fiercely, and the finger holding the mouse
couldn't help but snoring.
The interstellar era is very strict with the real-name system
management, strictly requiring that each person only have one
account on the Internet.

Only naval forces or powerful hackers like them will privately use
some of the dead Star Resident accounts to register, and re-register for
application trumpet through the network's rule loopholes to hide
network identity.

So for Ding Li, every trumpet is hard-won, and being banned is

tantamount to a huge loss.

The Star Fiction Network blocked him more than a dozen trumpet,
and immediately made Ding Li red eyes, and smashed the keyboard

At the moment, the only thing I can do is rush to the chat group of the
"Water Army Base Camp" and eagerly ask for losses and claims.

"Ding Ding: All my numbers are blocked [want to kill]!"

"Martian Monk: Same as 1. Lord, you come out, tell us what to do

with our loss?"

"Spitting star drowned you: We have been careful before, we have

never been able to find out the account IP problem, how did you
suddenly find it by Fanxing Novel Network?"
"Spitting Mania: His Royal Highness has shot, haha, what else can I

"Ding Ding: Ten thousand unlucky."

The owner of the "Water Base Camp" turned his head back and did
not show up. After hurriedly negotiating with the task issuer, he
finally returned with the message and said to the crowd in the group:
"The above said, we can only compensate everyone Hundred Star
Coins, the reward for the completion of the task is not included. "


There were four or five hundred people whine in the group. Upon
hearing this, they all exploded.

"Spittle drowns you: send me a meal."

"Spurt Mania: When an account Lao Tzu acquired it, there were more
than one hundred Starcoins. Such compensation is not enough to plug
the teeth."

"Martian Monk: Rich is really an uncle, so embarrassed, I already

knew what navy to hire?"

The owner explained emphatically: "After all, the account number is

not blocked by the brokerage company, it depends on Haorui, and the
other party does not agree."
"Martian: Get out!"

Ding Li held his mouse tightly, full of indignation. These dozens of

small vests are his capital for making money. He usually picks up
tasks and earns rewards on Weibo, forums, and the Internet, but all of
them rely on these dozens of personal accounts.

Once this was closed, he lost his wife and lost his troops, completely
smashing the guy who ate.

When he thought of it, Ding Li's eyes went red, and he looked at the
pitiful hundred interstellar coins sent by the owner, and his heart was
so angry.

Simply frustrated, he ran to the forum of Fanxing Novel Angrily, and

posted another publicly posted post with the only account left.

"The son Fusu! Do n't buy a sailor if you do n't have money! After you
closed the account, you turned your face and did n't recognize
anyone, and sent a hundred interstellar coins to send people. I 'm
really sorry for the rare ancient man you have seen for 400 million
years. 'S name! "

With a vigorous headline, it suddenly opened a prelude to hang


Authors and readers in countless forums flocked to the post with

enthusiasm, waiting to see the big show.

Hayden suddenly grabbed the front row.

"Smoke scar: Sofa.' Ancient man with a rare appearance in 400 million
years '? Come, I 'll give you a thousand interstellar coins and tell your

"Little Begonia in Roubao: Burning!"

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: Hearing the news, rushing to the line just
now, and finally rushed to the live broadcast. Sit in line and wait to
see the big show :)."

"3L: My stomach hurts with a smile. The title of this 400 million-year-
old man will not be the hot topic of the next hype by a star writer?"


"4L: The truth is upstairs."

"5L: Hahahahahahaha ..."

Watching the dazzling "One Thousand Starcoins" dangle in front of

his eyes, Ding Li's head suddenly fainted, and he couldn't help licking
his dry lips. He has been busy all day, dazzlingly picking up tasks,
leaving messages, and earning no more than two hundred Starcoins.

one thousand? It's simply an effortless effort!

not to mention--
In the chat group of "Water Base Camp", the owner yelled angrily:
"Who has posted in the Star Forum? Hurry up and apply for deletion.
Don't annoy Haorui, the leader of the leader, after he weighed it, he
will be blocked. No mission! "

Numerous reprimanding comments about harsh confession were sent

one after another from the chat group, which was annoying.

Groups were bustling with gags, and many people stated that they
were not them.

Ding Li's heart was fiery and irritable, but the hand holding the
mouse couldn't help it for two minutes. The owner's words are true.
Although Haorui is an entertainment brokerage company, it is
accustomed to hiring sailors to hype up newcomers. On weekdays, it
always publishes many tasks and feeds a lot of sailors like him.

If Haorui found his post account and blocked him in the line, I am
afraid that task groups like the "Water Base Camp" would never dare
to post a mission to him.

Thinking of this, Ding Li couldn't help hesitating.

However, he did not expect that the forum post he directly linked to
Fu Su suddenly refreshed the latest reply.

"Smoke scar: ten thousand?"

Suddenly, Ding Li was frightened, and one heart couldn't help but
choked fiercely.

He clasped the mouse for a second and saw that in the post—

"Smoke scar: twenty thousand?"

"Don't pick my vest: I said! I know all the inside information! Give me
the money directly."

In a short time, Ding Li was so angry that he couldn't help thinking

about it and rushed to reply quickly.

"Lord: Don't grab it upstairs, smoke father, I will talk to you from start
to finish."

Almost at the time of Ding Li's reply, all the Weibo gossip marketing
numbers exploded, unexpectedly tacitly synchronizing and
retransmitting the messages posted on the multi-star novel website
"Blasting Post".

"Gossip Concentration Base Camp: Buying a Squad Army?

Speculation? The enthusiasm of a young prince who is popular in
some emerging traffic is going to be confused."

"The emperor's gossip circle: posted by the navy, and broke the inside
story of the newcomer male star 'Gongzi Fusu', which made fans
reverse unexpectedly."
"Today's Entertainment Express: The little prince in the ancient style is
actually' an ancient style beautiful man rare in 400 million years '? The
super-line film emperor Lai Jinyuan who played" Eternal Emperor "is
about to laugh, so where should he be put?

Suddenly, the son of Fu Su went on a hot search again, but this time it
was exposed to negative news by many marketing accounts. Various
shocking inside information surprised many netizens and passers-by,
and many new fans were even more Have powdered.

When Xie Qinglin knew the news, he was carrying numerous

precious and valuable gifts to the home of Professor Xu Zhaofeng, a
scholar of ancient geochemistry, and personally and respectfully
delivered the gifts to the door.

"Teacher," he was respectful and humble, with a gentle and natural

smile on his face, and could not see the anger of the friend who had
been blacked out by the other party. "This is a little bit of the students'
mind, please take it down."

Professor Xu Zhaofeng glanced at him lightly, and there was no

emotion in his eyes, but his eyes looked at the expensive gift boxes,
apparently with sincerity and care.

At the moment, Xu Zhaofeng couldn't help but move a little, but he

didn't stop him anymore, so Xie Qinglin was asked to enter.

Xie Qinglin's smile immediately raised a few points. After entering the
door humbly and politely, she did a good job as a student, and did not
mention the unpleasantness between herself and Xu Zhaofeng.
Instead, he chatted and laughed a few words about his recent works
and work. He quietly talked about the ancient TV series he was about
to shoot. He kindly asked Xu Zhaofeng for advice and bluntly hoped
that he would not discredit Xu Zhaofeng's face.

At this point, Xu Zhaofeng naturally knew what he meant here.

Nothing more than want to use his position in the ancient

geochemistry field, add a few chips to Xie Qinglin, to open up his
path and reputation in the entertainment industry.

It's not hard to understand, even Xu Zhaofeng was a bit surprised by

Xie Qinglin's later development. How could he never imagine that he
was slammed under the new data of "Boiled Braised Pork Every Day",
and sometimes he ran for a day. ?

It's really making things happen.

Nowadays, Xie Qinglin's popularity in the entertainment circle and

the Internet is even heard by Xu Zhaofeng, who has always been
concerned about gossip, and his cold heart can not help but warm up
a bit.

After all, the ancient wind and lake novel pK contest proposed by the
Ancient Earth Cultural Exchange Conference is nearing completion.
The best works are selected and prizes awarded. By the way, the
annual young newcomer award is also awarded. It is rumored to be a
replica of ancient books. How can I keep Professor Xu Zhaofeng from
getting hot?
With a clear cough, he lowered his tea cup with a faint look, and
asked bluntly, "How's the novel writing?"

Seeing the other party actively asking about his novel's progress, Xie
Qinglin could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and Wen Run
smiled and introduced: "The data is very good, the collection is almost
20 million."

Upon hearing this, Xu Zhaofeng felt a shock in his heart, and quickly
raised his eyes to look at him. "Oh?"

He pondered for a moment, his tone was kind, and his lips slightly
smiled and said, "The pK bounty contest of the exchange meeting is
nearing the end. This year's prizes are good. If you have the ability,
you should also fight for it. It is also a glory for me . "

Xie Qinglin said in a loud voice that the two talked warmly and the
atmosphere was kind.

When Xie Qinglin sat in Professor Xu Zhaofeng's house for an hour,

and finally got ready to get up and leave, she never expected to push
the door, but met Tao Xiangyang, another student from Xu Zhaofeng
who hurried to her.

At the moment, Tao Xiangyang was stunned, looking at Xie Qinglin

with a smile and a gentle face.

Professor Xu Zhaofeng gave him one more glance and asked casually:
"What's wrong, don't you know? This is your brother Xie Qinglin,
who is quite famous on the Internet recently."
Unexpectedly, Tao Xiangyang was listening to Xu Zhaofeng's familiar
and friendly tone. He couldn't help but rushed to the teacher's ear and
whispered, "Public opinion just exploded on the Internet ... It has been
skinned by all the media and marketing numbers ... A large number of
netizens and novel readers are arguing to drive him out of the
entertainment circle ... "

One step away, even if Tao Xiangyang's voice was lowered, it was
clearly transmitted to the ears of the two people present, which caused
Professor Xu Zhaofeng and Xie Qinglin to shake together.

Almost instantaneously, Xu Zhaofeng's face calmed down, staring at

Tao Xiangyang with perseverance: "Really?"

Tao Xiangyang nodded, took his backhand light brain, and asked him
to read the news.

Immediately, Xu Zhaofeng's look suddenly changed. The gentle and

friendly smile had disappeared completely. He was full of anger and
indignation at Xie Qinglin's face, as if he had been humiliated by the
other party. He said angrily: "Don't come again, and I won't tell you
later We know each other and be a teacher to you-I'm not worthy. "

With a bang, he closed the Xu family's door fiercely in front of Xie


Xie Qinglin's face was pale and embarrassed. He clenched his fingers
almost tightly, and stunned his palm, and then looked at the door of
Xu's house coldly, and hurriedly turned away.
However, the public opinion on the Internet came quickly and
quickly. When Haorui Entertainment Economics Co., Ltd. suddenly
wanted to step in, all the negative black materials were overwhelming
and vigorous.

A post by the Marines completely unveiled the inside story of the

"Gongzi Fusu" fire.

A newcomer without a strong foundation, with the help of buying

traffic, hiring sailors, and enthusiasm, has become a rising fire traffic
niche in just one or two weeks. There is no one behind the scenes, and
there are Powerful deterrent endorsement advertisements can become
popular overnight just by relying on data fraud.

This method and hype method have made many netizens shocking.

Previously, all kinds of high-hat # 古 地 文化 传 传人 #, # 古风 大 神 写

手 #, # 古风 美男 # rare in 400 million years, have all become laughable

"Traveling around the world: Are there any big guys in the ancient
earth culture circle to clarify? Are these titles true or false?"

"Crazy laurel plant on the moon: fake."

"One world: I feel the same. The heirs of ancient earth culture have
brushed braised meat every day, and there is a great **** of Chang'an.
Which one's work is not better than the hype?"
"Wilderness galaxy farming: I saw Changan Dadai mentioned above,
tearful eyes. The only novel that Changan Dawei has recommended,
but only the old book of braised meat" Earth Domination of the Earth
[Quick Wear] ", I have not seen Changan recommend others, The
meaning is clear. "

"Uncle under the BlackBerry: Annoying hype, can't you write well?"

"I want to pick the stars: I only suspect now ... how many of the so
many popular traffic stars launched by Haorui are speculations?"

"Meiya: I was trembling with fear from upstairs. Many of my little

brothers I like are from Haorui's family. Don't be able to stop

For a time, many small fresh meat and popular naughty fans were all
at risk, especially those under the Haorui Entertainment company.

Overnight, the title of speculation and falsification was almost marked

on the head of Haorui Entertainment, putting all the stars of the
company in danger.

Seeing Xie Qinglin fell down, smelling a series of popular cash cows,
Haorui Entertainment immediately trembled with heartache.
Previously, I wanted to pull Xie Qinglin's thoughts away in a hurry,
but the hero broke his wrist and was forced to give up Xie Qinglin.
When Xie Qinglin received the agent's new TV series role has been
hurriedly replaced and left him silent for the order of the storm, he
was desperate.

He trembled his lips, could not help holding his hand severely, and
questioned, "In the beginning, you took the initiative to sign me to
pack me."

Agent Boris now regrets this decision, and if time is running back, he
will definitely not make this decision again.

Who would have thought that the company had vigorously hyped up
the traffic to launch Xie Qinglin for so long. Instead of setting off a
little splash, His Royal Highness himself took the sailor with him to
smash the skin together and completely suppressed him to the end.

In such a situation, he was weak at last, and also damaged the

reputation of a group of little fire stars under his hands, and Boris was
extremely heartbroken.

At the moment, he simply lost his mind, and casually persuaded Xie
Qinglin a few words before snapping off the communicator.

After a while, Xie Qinglin's heart was cold and cold, as if immersed in
the ice cellar, without any numbness.

He opened Weibo and saw the overwhelming scolding, his heart

trembling awkwardly.
Then click on the Xinwen novel page, and a red card with a warning
warning is hung on the top of the novel page. The data of Xinwen
shrank sharply in an instant, and it received 2 million from the 20
million collection plunge, almost It seemed to crush Xie Qinglin's last
straw, and he couldn't help spasmodically blocking his throat.

His reputation is completely over.

With a face, Xie Qinglin slumped in front of the computer without

expression, until the room gradually turned from rich to deep black,
before he finally moved, and his dry voice was completely hoarse and
unable to speak.

With cold eyes, he opened Weibo and sent a private letter to the
person he was most jealous and wanted to suppress.

"Fu Su: You won."

"Fu Su: Are you happy?"

After receiving this Weibo private message, Su Tan raised his

eyebrows, not knowing where the other party was so hostile to
himself, and even attributed all the reasons for his failure to him.

Su Tan shook his head helplessly and replied with a chuckle: "Well,
happy, thank you."

Xie Qinglin: "........."

Pull black, delete number, rivers and lakes do not see each other.

Seeing that "Fu Su Fu Su" never appeared again, Su Tan couldn't help
but look back at his big cousin and asked, "When did you become a
special copywriter at the Star Forum?"


Hayden was happily brushing the communicator, watching the Royal

Guards housekeeper Oleson driving the trumpet skillfully and paying
a large sum of sponsorship fees to the major marketing accounts, and
after finishing processing, he replied to himself A "V".

In a short time, he couldn't help but raise his lips, and calmly said to
Su Tan: "Just sponsored."

Su Tan: "..."

Very good, this is a big cousin.

He couldn't help shaking his head and laughed, and continued to look
back at the code words, put the new update on the author's backstage,
watching his total number of words in the novel will soon exceed the
400,000 mark, and will soon reach the mark of the shelves, his heart is
infinitely satisfied.

On the shelves, it means that you can make money to support your
Unexpectedly, he had just been happy for a while, and suddenly
heard Hayden's slightly distressed and teasing voice sounded:
"Master, you've given up my home."

Sutan :! !! !!

He was so shocked that he had just given a large sum of money. How
could he spend it cleanly in such a blink of an eye?

It 's not so fast to eat gold every day!

He was horrified and turned back to look at his big cousin, "Why run

Hayden's dark eyes were smiling, nodded surely, and explained

methodically one by one: "Buy sponsorship, buy publicity, buy
cooperation ..."

Listening to his words, Su Tan just felt tears streaming into the river.

He just said that he was happy with the son of Fu Su, wasn't he just
happy? Every day he listened to the sound of burning money QAQ.

Su Tan thought for a while and felt that the burden on his shoulders
was heavier. He cheered up: "I will give it to you at home early next

As she said, she blushed silently in shame.

Compared to his wife's speed of burning money, he ... has to work
harder to make money to support his family.

Hearing that, Hayden couldn't help but twitch his lips and laughed
and agreed: "Okay."

Talking, Langbu walked towards him. "Then I'll prepay the next home

Su Tan shyly: "... no, no need."

A low magnetic voice sounded in his ear. "Don't be shy, we owe first,
and slowly return."

On the next day, Su Tan was sour, and when he got up early in the
morning, he unexpectedly received a communication call from
Chang'an. The other party invited him to a small collection exchange.

This collection exchange meeting is a small exchange banquet for the

upper society and major circles. At the meeting, several major families
and circles will put out some collectibles in small auctions and
exchanges in a timely manner.

At that time, several experts and professors of the ancient earth

cultural exchange meeting will also attend the meeting. They want to
take this opportunity to officially award him the prizes for the contest
of essays of ancient novels, so he specifically ordered Changan to
invite Sutan.
Regarding the value of the other party, Su Tan responded with a frank
smile, and promised to attend the meeting.

Although the collection exchange was private, Su Tan officially

changed his formal clothes. The dark blue velvet suit lined him, and
he looked young and handsome. A pair of black lacquered eyes are
bright, clean, and shining.

When he walked into the door of the exchange meeting, he attracted a

lot of attention and lingered on him.

Gu Hongxuan, who was one step ahead of the scene, tightened his
eyebrows and stared at him with a deep glance, wondering how he
was invited in.

Su Tan just stood at the door for a while, and saw Ji Changan greeted
with a smile and hurriedly said to him: "The teachers arranged the
award ceremony after the exchange meeting, don't hurry, this
collection exchange heard There are many good things that are worth
seeing. "

Upon hearing what the other party said, Su Tan Dang even aroused

At the collection exchange meeting, the collections exchanged by each

major family will be kept confidential by the organizer in advance,
and only during the exhibition auction will they be publicly displayed
for the first time.
Therefore, not only Sutan, but many of the powerful leaders present
were also interested in the annual event this year, gathering together
in pairs and gossip.

Naturally, some people asked Gu Hongyu, the head of the Gu family,

who was in the limelight, "Lao Gu, what good things are you going to
come up with today?"

With a smile on his face, Gu Hongxi listened to the words and

suddenly felt a sense of depression. All the collections in Gu's old
house were searched by Sutan's unwieldy little son.

He had no choice but to rush out a collection from the Gu family's safe
urgently, but his heart was really fierce.

But at the moment, no emotion can be exposed in front of people. Gu

Hongjiu smiled mildly, and said with a low-key atmosphere: "A
gadget, a calligraphy and painting passed down from the ancestors,
can only be used to show ugliness."

The words of fell, but others immediately sounded envy.

"Hey, you—" The Feng family owner beside him shook his head and
smiled. "The calligraphy and paintings passed down from the
ancestors are the gems of the ancient earth era, right? It is almost a
rare treasure that can be seen until now." Which one is said to be
ugly? As soon as you take it out, it will certainly be beautiful. "

People around laughed and ridiculed, but Gu Hongyu's heart was

relieved a lot.
On the bright side, there is a collection exchange meeting, in fact, it is
also the strength and covertness of various major families.

Because of this, what is the average upstart? Without a few babies

with old heads at the bottom of the box, they dare not call themselves
a big family with deep roots.

Gu Hongxuan was a little bit upset, but talked low-keyly to the

crowd, and saw the opening of the collection exchange soon. The
crowd entered each other with humility, and the exchange officially

The first collection is--

"Gemstone-glazed vase."

"Ruby, large and small, scattered all over the vase are evenly spread
throughout the vase, shining and dazzling, and the elegant red color
echoes the festive meaning in ancient earth culture, adding a good
omen to the owner of the vase. Collection Owner, the Fung family.
Starting price, 10 billion. "

Gu Hongyu :! !! !!

His eyes were cracked, and his eyes were red. He looked at the rare
collection that had been securely collected in the Gu family's old
house on the auction floor.
"The second one-an 18-story luxury low-key crystal chandelier.
Elegant and rich crystal chandelier is rare and worthy of possession."

Gu Hongyu: "..."

It's Gu's old house again. It was originally hung in the living room of
Gu's old house. Countless guests came and went, met everyone, not to
mention he used to be proud to show off to other house guests with a
low profile. At this time-

Gu Hongxi almost felt the pain in his face, and looked at him with
countless ridicules and teasing eyes.

His heart was full and his fingers were trembling. For the first time,
the lord's face above him was stomped in the bottom of his feet, but he
could only sit face to face with his face blank.

I saw the light brain in my wrist tremble slightly, and a

communication message came.

Gu Hongyi opened his face coldly, and saw—

"Su Tan: Father, I'm short of money again! When can I go home again:

Gu Hongzhang slammed his hand and hacked the entire account.


"The ninth collection-tourmaline jade jade carving, carved from a

single piece of jasper, rare, rare, can be a masterpiece of collection.
Now start bidding-"

At the exchange meeting of the collection, a large green jade jade

carving attracted the attention of countless people.

While everyone was amazed, the owner of the Feng family suddenly
laughed unclearly, and easily smiled at Gu Hongyu in tone: "Lao Gu, I
remember that there is a similar jade in your house. When I went to
you last year, And took it out with me-- "

The other party's tone was casual, stopped the topic in a timely
manner, and didn't say any more, but the unsatisfied meaning was
like a sharp slap, hitting Gu Hongying's face fiercely, making him
extremely embarrassed.

Incidentally, this is still his own evil!

Gu Hongxuan's throat was choked for a moment, and countless

words were blocked in his throat and could not be uttered.

In the end, he could barely raise the corner of his mouth, and almost
vomited blood in his heart.

"Bid 23 billion!"

"Four billions!"
"This collection is owned by the Hancock family."

The auction hammer gave out a percussive sound, and an envious

warm applause sounded in time in the huge auction hall.

The guests in front of each other laughed and chatted--

"The Hancock family is really low-key on weekdays. They don't see

that they have such a wealth of money. They have quietly bought a
pricey collection."

"Isn't it? Compared to some giants with swollen faces and fat people,
they are more low-key and humble ...

The other side sighed infinitely, and the words spoken immediately
resonated with the companions around them, smirking slightly: "I
didn't expect that some old-fashioned families are now reduced to
such a level. It seems to appear on the front page of entertainment
news every day The headlines are extremely beautiful, but I do n't
know how many ancestral possessions were secretly sold in the back.
If they are known by the deceased ancestors, I am afraid to jump out
of the coffin and hit someone. "

"That said, you, you, ha ha ha. Anyway, there are two good sons, and
it is enough to sell the son to marry a wealthy man!"

At the venue, guests around the place laughed in groups of three or

five. Numerous subtle jokes, mixed with the glances from time to
time, fell on Gu Hongyi's face, completely making him look blue,
without a face. Stay in your seat.

He clenched his fists tightly, his body was tight under a solemn
formal suit, and his formidable anger was flowing through his limbs
and five skeletons with intense breathing and heartbeat. He just felt
that his always calm and rational mind was almost painful. As if a
nuclear | bomb is about to detonate.

Gu Hongxian took a deep breath, and thoughtfully stood up to leave

the seat. Unexpectedly, the Feng family owner beside him carefully
noticed this, and suddenly smiled at him and calmed him, "Don't
worry, look at the stage , Your collection is coming out. "

After hearing this, Gu Hongyi endured and endured, and finally tried
to press his anger and emotions, and took the overall situation as the
priority, and sat down first.

"The tenth collection, a masterpiece of the ancient earth era, a long-

axis landscape painting from the Gu family."

As soon as the host's voice fell, two staff members on the stage, one
left and one right, carefully raised their hands with white gloves and
respectfully unfolded the landscape paintings. The long scrolls were
quite eye-catching. The landscape maps of the times are rare and well-
preserved, and are carefully and properly kept.

Take it out at this time, naturally sensational audience, there was an

uproar on and off the stage.
Gu Hongzhang was finally regained a little face, and his expression
looked better.

Feng Runze, the owner of Feng's next to him, looked up at the large
screen and the high-definition display, showing the details of the
landscape paintings in full detail. Can't help but yearn.

Feng Runze watched it carefully for a while, and finally he breathed a

sigh of relief, and smiled and said to Gu Hong: "Lao Gu, you are not
kind, so good baby, but never showed me, never Is it Tibetan? "

The other person's laughter and admiration made Gu Hongying also

raise his lips slightly and nodded slightly, "I also want to exchange the
treasures passed down from my ancestors."

This collection exchange meeting is not only a place for the upper
circle to show their family and strength, but also a small gathering for
the exchange of feelings among several major families.

Therefore, because of the hard-to-find authenticity of the ancient

earth's landscape paintings, Gu Hongyi was able to earn enough face
in front of several major families, and his face quietly became clear.

Su Tan, who was sitting under the stage, saw this painting, and his
eyes brightened in a hurry. The scholars and professors of the ancient
geochemistry community not far from the front row of him and
Chang'an's seat were even more excited, and almost couldn't bear to
stand up from the seat.

"A true story thousands of years ago!"

"Now, no such well-preserved scroll can be seen in the Imperial
Museum, hey!"


"It is such a pity that such treasures with great historical research
value are only used for private collections and exchanges among the
wealthy families."

Scholars and professors sighed and sighed so much that Su Tan could
not help but smile.

He thought for a moment, and directly picked up Guangnao to send a

message to Gu Father. Unexpectedly, when the message was sent to
the system, he was prompted "You are not a friend of the other party."

Su Tan: "..."

He shook his head and laughed. He simply left Gu Hongyu aside and
sent a message directly to his elder brother Gu Qin, "Brother, I saw an
ancient earth landscape painting at the auction today, which was sold
by Lao Gu"

He typed heartbrokenly: "... this prodigal QAQ!"

Looking at the auction table, this landscape painting sold an

unprecedented 100 billion yuan in sky price, and was eventually
included in the Feng family.
Gu Qin's correspondence returned quickly. "Are you at a collection

Su Tan: "Huh!"

Gu Qin raised his lips and smiled quickly with a long finger and
replied: "It doesn't matter, there is still in the safe."

Su Tan: "Really [happy]?"

Seeing the cheering expression in the communicator, Gu Qin could

almost imagine that Ah Tan smiled and stood happily in front of

At the moment, his mood improved, and he readily promised, "Yes,

it's all yours. I'll send someone out of the safe and give it to you

Su Tan: "Brother! Pro Brother !!! Hug your thigh !!!"

Gu Qin couldn't help laughing.

After chatting the news, Su Tan looked away in good mood to see Gu
Hongxu's face turned dark. I don't know what Feng Runze, Feng
Runze, said next to him. It was a rare complexion. A little glory and
Coincidentally, the auction ended with the praise and satisfaction of
many guests, and everyone stepped forward.

Su Tan and Chang'an walked out of the crowd together. Just when
they were at the entrance of the stairs, they heard that the Feng family
owner was standing side by side with Gu Hongyu, and laughed
mercifully, "Lao Gu, our long-time friend. If you have any difficulties,
you can ask me for help. The auction price of this painting is 100
billion yuan, and it will be taken as our Feng family to help you
through the difficulties. "


Immediately after that, he patted his shoulder kindly and turned


The taunting and ridiculous eyes of the people around him almost
crushed Gu's nerves.

He clenched his fists tightly, his face was ironed, and suddenly he saw
a familiar figure in the crowd passing by frankly, and the anger in his
heart suddenly rushed up.

However, Su Tan did not avoid it, without any shame and shame.
When he saw him, his dark eyes suddenly lighted up, raising joy and
joy, and rushed to this side.

As soon as he said a word, Gu Hongxuan felt a terrible headache. He
instantly thought of the scene of his ransacking at Gu's house, and the
vows that he would come tomorrow, and now he almost turned black
and had a headache. .

Gu Hongzheng was angry, numb a face blankly, and looked at him

coldly, his gloomy eyes could almost quench the ice.

Before Su Tan rushed through the crowd, Gu Hongyi turned his legs
and left in a hurry.

Can't afford it, can he still hide?

For the first time, Gu Hongxu felt that his mood was so bad and
extremely bad.

The rest Su Tan stood in the crowd, stopped, suddenly raised his lips
and laughed slightly at his back.

"Chang'an is big, where are the teachers?" He turned his head with a
smile and asked Ji Changan, led by the other party, to a small banquet
room at the venue.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a lot of scholars who had met at
the ancient earth cultural exchange meeting.

Professor Zhou Fengren, the chairman of the exchange meeting, even

smiled and kindly asked him to stand in the center of the banquet
living room, standing side by side with himself, and said calmly:
"Since the essay writing of the ancient style rivers and lakes, your"
Jianghu Entertainment Weekly "has received great attention And
readers' love, the final selection is a well-deserved champion. "

His comments have been endorsed by many scholars.

Professor Mei Wangshu, who wrote a recommendation for his

previous novel, laughed arrogantly: "The novel is beautiful, and I am
also your loyal reader."

The other old professor next to her was gray-haired and emaciated.
Although she was wearing a reading glasses, the smile on her face
was very kind. "Although I was busy with a research topic and had no
time to look at it recently, both of the two apprentices I took looked
crazy, and I had to stay up late at two o'clock in the morning to finish
reading the novel and sleep contentedly."

The interestingness of his speech caused many professors to laugh

with empathy.

"So is my student, who claims to be big tap water every day. Whoops,
I'm so sad hahahaha!"

"Don't talk about students, my own little grandson who always likes
heavy metal rock trendy punk has also changed his mind. One day, he
chased me and asked me if I knew the teriyaki meat greatly, and let
me help him update."

"A pocket signature, I'm ready, Xiao Su must sign me after the award
is given, otherwise I can't make it home!"
All kinds of humorous words and sloppy eyes could not help but give
Su Tan some blush, a slight cough, and strongly suppressed the heat
on his face. He thanked you generously and humbly and said, "Thank
you Teacher's encouragement. "

Professor Zhou Fengren also patted his shoulder with admiration,

saying: "The reward for this ancient essay competition for novels is
20,000 interstellar coins and trophies."

His words had just come to an end, and Ji Changan, who had already
been prepared, laughed, took the prize, and personally handed it to
Professor Zhou Fengren. Witnessed by many scholars and professors,
Professor Zhou Fengren presented it to Su Tan himself.

Su Tan thanked him, moved it to take it, and thanked everyone.

However, I did not expect that this was not the end. After Professor
Zhou Fengren finished the award, he said with a gentle smile and
said, "This time the essay competition has received a lot of enthusiasm
and strong voices. Attention, re-entering the ancient earth culture into
the world 's vision. "

There was some emotion in his aged voice, and many professors and
scholars thought the same about him.

The paleo-earth culture researchers who are present are basically over
half a year old, and many people are as old as themselves, relying
entirely on their passion and hobbies to stay in this unpopular field. I
don't know how many years I haven't seen netizens from all over the
empire talk about the ancient earth culture so enthusiastically.

Not to mention, an ancient Fengjiang novel can actually collect nearly

20 million collections on the novel's portal website, which is well-
deserved to be called the best achievement in the history of ancient

and so--

Professor Zhou Fengren's old eyes looked up at Sutan with hope,

Lang said with a smile: "After studying with many scholars and
professors at the conference, I decided to give you this year's
conference youth award."

This remark was really beyond the expectations of Su Tan.

He couldn't help but be a little surprised, and surprised and

unexpectedly saw Professor Mei Wangshu holding out a box carved
from boxwood, carved out of a book, and wrapping it with silk.

She handed it to Professor Zhou Fengren, and Professor Zhou

Fengren solemnly handed it to Sutan.

Suddenly, Su Tan was holding a small box and suddenly felt a heavy
weight in her heart.

"Professor Zhou--" He was mixed with emotions, and moved and

unexpected. If he wanted to be grateful for a moment, he blocked his
throat and looked at Zhou Fengren with a smile.
Professor Zhou Fengren, on the other hand, expressed his generosity,
and Wen Sheng explained: "This is a replica of the ancient books of
the ancient earth. The original books are kept intact in the Imperial
Capital Library."

Pampering is just a copy, but Su Tan also learned from it the rareness
of it.

A long scroll of ancient earth landscape paintings that Gu Hongxi

brought out for exchange can sell for 100 billion yuan. It is conceivable
how precious and rare ancient paintings and ancient paintings
handed down from the ancient and vast ancient earth period can be
regarded as completely rare. Historical relics are no exaggeration.

But at this time, the Ancient Earth Cultural Exchange Conference can
present such a rare rare copy of an ancient book to him, which shows
the affirmation and recognition of him.


Professor Zhou Fengren laughed warmly: "I hope that one day, you
can continue to carry forward the ancient earth culture and spread it

This solemn and solemn charge made Su Tan feel a heavy weight in
his heart, like a grand burden to the elders in his own hands.

His eyes were a little firm, and he just wanted to say something.
Unexpectedly, Professor Zhou Fengren took the lead in speaking,
smiling and expressing comfort: "Don't be under pressure. If you can't
pass on the inheritance, I hope you can write more good-looking
books. Fiction, let us old guys have more pastimes. "

Hearing this, Su Tan couldn't help bending his lips and nodded

With the closing of this collection exchange, the official Weibo of the
"Earth Earth Cultural Exchange" solemnly and low-keyly announced
the news that the champion would be "boiled pork every day". This
result was shared by all netizens. Not surprisingly, enthusiastically
sprinkled flowers under the comments of Weibo to celebrate the
"Braised Pork" championship.

"Kolabao: When is the prize awarded? It depends on the scene photos!

Xiaobian come out soon!"

"Soft cute dolphin: surprise! It has been officially recognized by the

official seal, happy to sprinkle flowers."

"Begonia from the meat treasure family: Hahahahaha I can do it with

meat! Strength faction! Champion fan! Meat treasure, not even
tonight? Want to see the soft and cute Wudang disciples and the
unruly Wen family big and small.

"Dark Rose: Well deserved."


All sorts of comments spread flowers, making Su Tan can't help but
raise his lips.
He solemnly picked up a copy of the ancient book donated by
Professor Zhou Fengren, opened the exquisite book cover covered by
oil film, and saw a few elegant writing brushes on it. After a while, his
heart was touched suddenly.

""Three Hundred Tang Poems"."

Su Tan's eyes were slightly hot, and he couldn't help whispering,

unable to tell the complex and irritating mood in his heart.

As far back as Huaxia, three hundred Tang poems are the most
common in every household. Yeah, an enlightenment read by babies.
In the interstellar era, this became a rare and rare ancient book.


This made him feel downcast and mixed.

Su Tan took a deep breath, turned the first page calmly, and surely
saw the first "He Wo" that was so familiar that he could no longer be
familiar with it. Now he saw that he felt a bit of time and space.

He read it carefully until the familiar Tang poems passed by one by

one, and when he saw the last page, he regained the box solemnly and
Time unknowingly passed. When he returned to Weibo again, he saw
that the Weibo of the "Ancient Earth Cultural Exchange Meeting" had
been retweeted more than ten million times.

Su Tan could not help but bend his lips, he simply turned over one by
one to look at the Weibo before the "Exchange Meeting."

To his surprise, the "Earth Earth Cultural Exchange" used to post

Weibo at a low frequency, with one every two or three days. Most of
them are about the major research results of scholars, experts, and
professors. Small cultural knowledge, but judging from the number of
likes and reposts, there are few viewers.

The number of comments under each Weibo is even rarer to a few

digits, which is almost equivalent to a stand-alone question and

Even at the very beginning, the official Weibo of the "Earth Earth
Cultural Exchange Conference" was devoted to publishing some
beautiful Tang poems or appreciation of ancient writings, but without
exception, they were all sinking in the sea. It was a pity that it caused
a little response.

Sutan watched each Weibo one by one. Until the end, the last one was
published to announce that he had won the title of Gu Fengjianghu
Novel Essay Writer. Only then did he see that the number of
comments and reposts exceeded all previous historical data.

An interesting reply under Weibo attracted his attention.

"Everyday?" Su Tan silently thought of these two words, and
suddenly came up with an idea, chuckled, landed on his Weibo, typed
a line of words briskly, and clicked to post.

"Brushed braised meat every day: come and play a game together, fill
in the blanks for the questions. 1. I am in ancient __________?"

All of a sudden, readers on his Weibo squat point returned quickly.

Go. "Brother, I brought a new space necklace today!"

The steward listening to this conversation was shocked and stunned.


He, would he make a small report to the owner?

Forget it, the young master is the master of the Gu family.

The steward took a deep breath, suddenly caught up, and smiled
warmly, "Little Master, go slowly, look at your feet, I will show you
the way!"

"Soft cute dolphin: oh, this game is fun! If I were-I was an officer in
ancient times!"

"Kolabao: I want to be a cook and taste the ancient food, ha ha ha ha

"Xiaobao's little girl: I'm going to turn around and be a lady! But I've
broken myself, and hurry up for a while :)"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: What is said upstairs is too unproductive.

I want to be an emperor."


For a time, he had a lively discussion under his Weibo. Many netizens
have been attracted to participate in replying to the topic, and they
have dug out a lot of rare occupations and laughable answers.

"Peony's Paeonia: Continue Planting Flowers?"

"A struggling cat: I was a schoolmaster in ancient times."

"Di Meixing Juvenile: Eunuch, **** (don't laugh at me, I just want to be
crazy and addicted)."

Su Tan smiled, and continued to write and publish the second Weibo:
"2. You used to be a school domineerer in ancient times.
Congratulations on starting the school domineering mode of imperial
examinations, randomly dropping a cute and cute little schoolboy, a
group of friends from the same classmates at Qingshan College, A
gray-haired old master. Today is the day of the college quiz. You got
the quiz. The first question is __________? "

As soon as the second question was raised, the netizens under his
Weibo exploded immediately, laughing and cursing hilariously.
"Kolabao: Exam ?! I hate exams all my life!"

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: I have managed to escape the painful years
of high school, why do I still have to be so ruthless for me to

"Fishing on the Milky Way: I was stunned. Hahahaha, is this the

beginning of a difficult life mode?"

"Robe's Dressing Mirror: The first question, is it supposed to dictate


"Begonia's Begonia: Upstairs, maybe writing!"


All kinds of speculations have made people interested, and their ideas
have been continuously expanded, attracting more and more attention
and enthusiasm.

After a while, the number of comments broke through three million.

This is extremely rare for a single Weibo.

The official Weibo of the "Ancient Earth Cultural Exchange Meeting"

also carefully took note of the grand situation of Sutan Weibo, and
simply took advantage of the popularity of the winner of the ancient
Fengjiang novel novel winner Weibo, and forwarded Sutan's
interesting quiz Once out, stamped to help expand.

"Ancient Earth Culture Exchange Conference: Come and come,

everyone will watch it! Braised meat big # 我 在 古 当 学 霸 #Daily."

"Chang'an: Interesting topic, pay attention."

"Mei Wangshu, a professor at Imperial University: Please take the

topic of the ancient earth culture class actively to participate in this
topic, and hand in your experience before the next class."

"Chang'an: ... Professor Mei, you must have been a master [laughing
and crying] in ancient times."

Countless leaders in the ancient earth culture circle have come

forward to help forward, making Sutan 's Weibo lively next time, and
the comments are repeated.

Su Tan issued a third question in a timely manner.

"Burned pork every day: 3. The first question in the college quiz: Is
this husband handsome?"

When this problem came out, it immediately caused a laugh and

scolding, and the funny and humorous words made the netizens
shout about the collapse of the painting.
But what was unexpected was that the popularity of the comments
skyrocketed sharply, and the lively academy life in the next few
questions completely overturned the stereotypes of Internet users in
the ancient times.

They filled in the blanks and choices from various questions, and
watched the soft cute little schoolboy lost his way in the academy. The
meals in the canteen were spit out by the students in the academy,
and they could only secretly roast the chicken in Houshan. There were
many spring days and warm spring tours The handsome young man
is in full bloom, drinking wine in the peach blossom forest, and before
the college quiz, everyone is up all night, reading at night, and
grinding guns.

All kinds of interesting daily warm little chronicles of ancient school

tyrants make many people smile and know. Rather than "the history
of the development of Xueba", it is better to say "the ancient students
challenged the imperial examination daily".


Until the end, many netizens looked at "braised meat" and wrote the
last Weibo question.

"Every day I brush braised pork: 32. On the hall of Jinyu, I will
become famous all over the world, and I will travel to Changan with
fresh clothes. Your choice will be _____________"

This last question can't help letting all the netizens involved in the
previous issues follow their hearts, as if they were really involved in
another era and experienced the ups and downs of an ancient student.
From the green onion career in the academy, to the close friendship
and juvenile chronicle among his classmates, he took the little book
boy all the way across China and rushed to the imperial capital

Come out of the list again, enter the gold medal, and travel to
Chang'an. Life is like a gap in front of the white horse, and years have
passed by in a hurry.

Many netizens are filled with emotions, thinking in their hearts that
they have become the new champions at that time. Will they join the
grand exhibition or will they stick to the vows made by their young
people and friends in the same class and travel together to travel the

The dilemma is in front of everyone, making it difficult for them to

choose. Su Tan's lively and tumultuous Weibo, for the first time, fell

At this time, it was suddenly seen a person appeared Weibo


"Hayden Longman: Marry you."

"——Jin Ye missed his life at first sight."

The sudden appearance of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince

made a climax on Weibo in a while.
"Soft adorable dolphin: marry marry!"

"Kolabao: Do you want to marry He Yan? Father Dad, do I need

another Queen Mother?"

"Little Begonia of the Roubao Family: The Emperor's Attacks."


The comments on Weibo became lively, and this topic was directly
moved to the popular homepage. The popularity soared numerous
times and became the topic of popular comments on the entire Empire

On the other side, Gu Hongxi, who saw this topic, was even more
heartbroken. Su Tan's looting of Gu's old house was sold out, leaving
him lost face at the collection exchange.

The reputation of the Gu family has continued to fall in the high

society of the imperial capital, and it has become the object of many
people's secret ridicule.

On this day, Gu Hongzhang has received numerous phone calls from

the heads of families who are familiar and unfamiliar. Could he laugh
at whether he is in distress and can ask for help from the major
families instead of selling his ancestors in the face family property.
The taunting and caring tone of the needles in the cotton wool made
Gu Hongxuan dazed, and he could only stiffen the tone and rejected
the past coldly.

How can he say that this is a good thing the little son he just prepared
to take home?

To say this, it will not only endure the ridicule and coquettish
laughter of the people, but also damage the reputation of the
Langman family who is about to marry.

I am afraid that the marriage with His Royal Highness the Crown
Prince will hang.

Gu Hongzhang's anger was sorrowful and he had nowhere to vent.

The whole day's call of comfort and care almost made him irrational,
and he wished to catch Su Tan in front of himself and reprimanded

It was not until late at night that the teasing and caring telephones of
the major families finally rested. He didn't need to be numb with a
face and cared for the deafness of the communicator as if he was

At this moment, his anger can no longer be suppressed, a anger

burned, opened the communicator, released Su Tan from the blacklist,
the anger hit the world.

"The communication you dialed could not be reached. The other party
has blacklisted you."

Gu Hongyu: "..."

Soaring! !! !!

He was so angry that he couldn't control himself anymore for his

gentle and elegant temperament in the reviews of foreigners. He
threw Xinguang brain fiercely and gasped sharply for several breaths.
Then he finally calmed down a bit. His son Gu Qin called to the study.


Gu Qin walked stably and powerfully. Although it was late at night,

there was no trace of fatigue and drowsiness all over his body. Even
the clothes on his body were also formal wear when he was out, and
only the shirt's cuffs were slightly rolled up and rolled neatly into his

Gu Hongxuan looked at the elder son who had always been assured
and proud of himself, and his anger was finally reduced by a few

For a day, he was exhausted and had no concern for the chills. He
only commanded: "The marriage between Gu Han and Su Tan, you
should prepare as soon as possible."
Keeping these two time bombs in the Gu family, Gu Hongzhen is
really weak. I don't know when it will ignite himself. It is better to be
sent out early and marry the other two families as soon as possible.

As long as the marriage is 10%, all the risks and risks are passed on to
the other party.

Gu Hongyi's plan was clear in his mind. At this time, he said to Gu

Qin that he was naturally cold, apparently, he had no patience to both
Gu Han and Su Tan, and frowned directly, "Don't drag, as soon as

Gu Qin's eyes narrowed for a moment, and he asked calmly and

objectively, "Father, how to prepare the dowry for the two of them?"

Although Su Tan has not yet admitted to the Gu family, but Gu Han is
already a stubborn young master of the Gu family. Regardless of
marrying or marrying, things that go out naturally cannot be

As soon as I thought about it, Gu Hongyi also suddenly remembered

the illustriousness of the Longman and Kane families. Marrying his
youngest son was tantamount to a huge political investment and
marriage. Increasing the stakes obviously allowed the other family to
see the Gu family. Sincerity, so as to join forces in many powers in the

This is especially important for the Gu family who is stuck in the mire
at this time.
Gu Hongzhang was silent for a moment, gritted his teeth and said,
"Double as usual."

Gu Qin calmly responded. "Yes."

After returning to the room, he thought for a while in silence, tapped

his finger on the desktop, paused, and sent a communication message
to an account. "What else do you want from the family?"

When Su Tan received it, he was crazy.

He was very proud to face the big cousin next to him and shook the
optical brain communicator in his hand with a smile. "Look, this is my

Hayden: "..."

Su Tan curled his lips and joked to him, "Which looks like you a fake'
big cousin'—what have you done in our house for half a year? "

Hayden was smirked by his questioning, turning over the proud

young man with black eyes and shining. With a simple grunt, he
removed the light-brain communicator in Sutan's hand and rolled it

Looking down at Sutan, Hayden raised his eyebrows and said in a

low voice, "What have I done? I have planted flowers, I have cooked, I
have repaired mechas, I have opened a magazine. By the way, I have
also been boss."
His voice was low and magnetic, and fell in Su Tan's ears, only to feel
it tingling.

At this moment, Su Tan's heart suddenly started to joke, "What else?

My brother gave me an unlimited cash machine!"

Gu's old house, let him choose.

The boy's clean and clear voice grinned, the jokes and complacency in
his words were clear, and he looked straight at Hayden.

After a while, Hayden laughed helplessly and coddled.

"and also?"

His dark eyes stared at him scorchingly, and suddenly he bit his ears
and said in a low voice, "There are still a few things ... I help you

Sutan :! !! !!

"wait wait wait."

The cotton clothes were peeled off, and the heat suddenly fermented
When Su Tan was wrapped in mellowness and immersed in
tenderness and beauty, he still worked hard to think, why does the
big cousin always not follow the routine?

What should I do if my wife is too spoiled?

He ... He had to work a bit harder for QAQ.

When he woke up the next morning, Su Tan opened his eyes in the
morning light with difficulty, and even his fingers faintly felt
powerless, and he tried to get up from the bed with tears of laughter.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his body moved, he suddenly noticed a

heavy pendant chain hanging on his chest, shining brightly.

Immediately, he was startled, looked up earnestly, and saw a delicate

necklace with a large gem pendant at the bottom, bright in color,
bright in color and exquisite.

If that was the case, it wouldn't surprise him so much. He left a

message on a note beside him--

"Returns of Rosewood :)"

Looking at this line of words, Su Tan's thoughts suddenly

remembered, reminded of when he first met Hayden in Rose.

At that time, in order to find a place to recuperate, the big cousin

offered to live in Sutan, and the promised return was a space necklace.
The two reached an agreement, and Su Tan quickly retrieved Hayden,
who was lying in the ruins of the aircraft.

Unexpectedly, the big cousin always remembered this.

Today, a shiny space necklace was hung around his neck.

Suddenly, Su Tan was uplifted and happy.

Not to mention back pain and numbness in his fingertips, even if he

stayed for another three days and three nights, he was full of vitality.

He looked at the space necklace hanging heavily around his neck, and
he was in a good mood now. After packing, he waited for the car sent
by the elder brother Gu Qin, and got up straight to the old house of
Gu family.

As soon as I entered the door, I met Gu Hongying who was going out.
Immediately, the other's face was sinking, his eyebrows were frowned
and ugly, and Shen asked him, "What are you doing?"

Su Tan was in a good mood and said with a smile: "Father, don't
worry, I am not here to see you today."

His words came out, but Gu Hongxuan's brows did not relax at all,
and he wrinkled more and more tightly.
He looked at Su Tan coldly and solemnly, not believing that he came
with good intentions. Wouldn't it be great if you didn't stir up Gu's
house? impossible!

Sure enough, Su Tan smiled, bending his lips and said: "I'm looking
for brother, you can do something if you have something to do."

Upon hearing this, Gu Hongxuan immediately sank, and asked

angrily, "What do you want your brother to do?"

Sutan walked in and waved. "Don't worry about it, don't you want to
go out? Hurry up, don't delay."

Seeing that the smile on his face was undiminished, he stepped back
into the door of Gu's old house leisurely and re-entered, and Gu
Hongxi immediately raised his vigilance.

But what happened right now was rather urgent. It was a formal
meeting with the Kane family to discuss the marriage of the two

But Sutan--

Gu Hongying's heart was raised tightly.

He frowned tightly, watching his eldest son Gu Qin go downstairs to

the door, and hurriedly whispered: "Looking at Su Tan, don't let him
act arrogantly in the Gu family."
Gu Qin promised to be neat and tidy, making Gu Hongxu, who had
always been assured, settled a lot.

Seeing that the agreed time was coming, Gu Hongyu had to look at Su
Tan with a cold eye, warning, turned around and got into the car
under the **** of the housekeeper, leaving with a taut heart.

Watching his car exit Gu's door and disappeared at the corner.

Gu Qin pursed her lips and smiled, and her long, warm fingers
touched the soft black hair above Sutan's head, and said, "What do
you want? I'll take you to the safe."

Su Tan nodded happily and followed his steps to the hidden storage
room of the Gu family underground.


Su Tan happily installed a baby in a safe again, and returned home

with a full load, leaving Gu's home.

When Gu Hongxi came back at night, he got out of the car

exhaustedly and walked into the living room of Gu's old house. Even
though he was tired all over, his face was in a good mood.

He took off his coat and handed it to the respectful steward at the
side, asking casually, "What did Sutan do today?"
The housekeeper gave a slight pause, respectfully replied, "After two
turns, I looked at the hill and looked at the ground, and left."

As soon as he heard this, Gu Hongchen's face sank and he snorted

angrily in a moment. "What a bad idea again!"

The housekeeper snorted and lowered his head.

He thought silently, sir, you haven't seen the safe at home, otherwise--

Full of surprises!

Thinking of Su Tan, Gu Hongxuan had a severe headache and simply

returned to the room to rest.

When he got up the next day, he was holding a tea cup, looking out
the window to take care of the beautiful garden, and suddenly asked
the housekeeper, "Yes, I remember that there was a golden owl statue

Jin Chancan's statue, meticulous and vivid, is extremely emulated

with real owls, and is set in a garden full of flowers. It has always
been one of the indispensable landscapes.

This morning, Gu Hongkun did not see this owl statue by accident.

Hearing his questioning, the housekeeper coughed and replied calmly

and calmly: "Mr. Gu, the statue was sent for cleaning."
On hearing that, Gu Hongyan frowned, but said nothing more.

After finishing the breakfast, Gu Han, who drank at the table in time,
immediately put down the knife and fork in front of Gu Hongyue,
and quietly and humbly followed Gu Hongyue to get up and send
him away.

Unexpectedly, Gu Hongyi said to him unexpectedly: "Yesterday, I met

the Kane family."

Gu Han's heart lifted immediately.

His current glory and shame can be said to be pinned on the Kane
family. If Alec Kane could marry him into the Kane family, he would
surely become a magnificent and prestigious magnate.

But if the Kane family did not choose him, Gu Han could almost have
thought that his useless abandoned son would also be abandoned by
the Gu family.

Gu Han's breathing was tight, and she bowed her head softly. She
showed her weakness to Gu Hongzhang, leaving her father alone.

Looking at his submissive and well-behaved appearance, Gu

Hongxuan was satisfied with a bit, and directly instructed: "After
three days, Alec's grandfather, Chester Kane, held a birthday party at
Kane Manor. Come with me then. "

Upon hearing this, Gu Han's heart moved slightly, and the lifted heart
was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief and relax. He knew that
what Gu's words meant was that he had negotiated with the Kane
family and finalized the marriage.

And letting him show up on such a formal occasion is undoubtedly

preparing to disclose the marriage of the two.

This can't help but make Gu Han calm.

Seeing this scene, Gu Qin froze the corners of his lips and said calmly,
"Father, I'll get ready for the gift."

Gu Hong bowed his head, and felt assured about his eldest son.

Looking at the low-key and ingenious Gu Han, his eyes deepened,

and his heart was determined that as long as Gu Han and Su Tan
could bother the trouble, the Gu family would surely be restored to
peace and peace, and even higher.

On the other side, Su Tan, who learned that the Kane family was
gathering, was busy updating the code. "Jianghu Entertainment
Weekly" is nearing the shelves, and he is quickly depositing the
manuscript to fight for another explosion.

The enthusiasm for the champion of the ancient style novels has not
diminished for a long time, which has brought great attention to his
new essay. And the "Q & A on the braised meat every day" Weibo on
the previous "I am in ancient XXX" interesting question and answer,
has developed into a series of topics, lively occupied the Weibo
headlines for several days.
This wave of fever has spread from the Internet to novel sites, and
even new prediction posts have appeared in the starry novel forums.

"What's the hottest topic in the next wave? Ancient style?"

Popular keywords immediately caught the attention of many forum

authors and readers, and one after another posted guesses.

"Landlord: I want to see the fire, I post it as an oath."

"1L: Impossible, isn't the landlord deliberately irritating, isn't the

ancient style a well-known old cold pit?"

"2L: Upstairs, most of you haven't been on Weibo recently. The' I 'm in
Ancient Times 'series on Weibo has exploded and has become a new
hot weather vane."

"3L: The newcomer Xiao Mengwen's" I Keep a Baby in Ancient Times

"has been updated with three chapters and recommended to Loulou."

"4L: Headache. Xiao Mengxin upstairs, advertising is not so messy ..."

Posts were hotly debated in the building, and I was amazed at Sutan's
Jianghu Entertainment Weekly. Taking a book to ignite a subject, or
the subject of a thousand years of cold pits, is not simply due to luck.

Many readers who have read the novel "Jianghu Entertainment

Weekly" admire this ancient style novel.
There is only one point of dissatisfaction--

"Soft cute dolphin: big, knock on the bowl, wait for updates."

"Kurabo: Wait for Update 1."

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: I have brushed the old text of
the meat treasure again, come back to see, why hasn't it been greatly
updated [big cry]?"

"Dark Night Rose: @ 烟 巾."

The readers couldn't help but have a look at @ 海登 的 看 文 小号, and

wanted to urge the Crown Prince, who was stamped with genuine
stamps, to help urge the change.

What was unexpected was that His Royal Highness had actually

"Smoke scar: It's conveyed."

Immediately, many readers and fans under the squat article were
surprised and happy.

"Kolabao: Hold Dad's thigh, little microphone of conscience!"

"Little Begonia from the Roubao Family: Taking photos with a close
range, happy."
Looking at these interesting comments, Hayden bent his lips and
teased Su Tan in the communicator: "Big, the little angels are calling
you to update. Is the code tired, I take a dessert to see you?"

Sutan who saw this message: "..."

If you let him come over, I'm afraid I have no time code tonight.

Su Tan shook his head and laughed, thinking about it, and ten fingers
quickly sneered in the chat box of the communicator and said, "Good,
play by yourself."

When he dropped the communicator, he refreshedly updated ten

chapters in the author's background to add more to the reader.

It will be here in three days. On the eve of the Kane family lunch, the
elder brother Gu Qin specially invited someone to customize a dress
specifically for Su Tan. The emerald green velvet dress is dignified
and fits well. When it is worn on Sutan, it is a bit more innocent and
energetic, with the juvenile fair skin and a pair of black and white
eyes clear.

When Gu Qin brought Su Tan to the front porch of the Gu family, he

attracted countless attention.

Not long after arriving, Gu Hongying, who was smiling at the door
with a smile, had a pleasant look on his face, and his eyes were cold
for a moment.
He frowned tightly, interrupted the shivering with the people around
him, apologized slightly, and hurriedly walked towards them.

Seeing no one around, Gu Hongyu tried to lower his voice, angrily

reprimanded his elder son directly: "How did you bring him?"

His eyes only glanced at Su Tan with a quick glance, apparently he

didn't want to bother with him.

In the face of Gu Hongji's questioning, Gu Qinjunlang's complexion

was calm and indifferent.

Before he answered, Gu Hongxian suddenly heard a clear, clear voice

sounded with joy and surprise.

"This is the old house of the second brother-in-law's house? Bigger

than ours!"

After a while, Gu Hongxi had a headache.

He sank, sulking in anger, "You give me some convergence!"

Su Tan paused, but nodded surely.

Gu Hongzhang: ... with great effort.

Seeing more and more guests getting started, the three of the Gu
family stood here side by side and looked side by side, curious, and
immediately couldn't blame him any more.

Just listening, Gu Qin was not stubborn, and calmly replied, "Atan just
looked back at his family, and he can't see people all his life ... Today's
occasion is just right, let him show his face in front of your elders ...
not to mention, I heard that His Highness is coming today. "

Although these words make sense, Gu Hongxuan looked at Sutan

with bright eyes and a pleasant look, how could he feel that this was a
mixed devil, and today I don't know what trouble it caused.

Suddenly he had a splitting headache.

Gu Qin initiatively signaled: "Father, give it to me tonight."

Gu Hongzhang was helpless, and he could not drive people out of the
banquet at Kane's house, so he stared at Su Tan with a stern tone,
"You are not too young, you are a bit of a sense, don't give your big
brother trouble."

"Huh!" Su Tan agreed, rejoicing.

But somehow, Gu Hongxu, who has always experienced countless

winds and waves, couldn't settle in his heart, and simply left with his
As soon as Gu's father left, Gu Qin's calm and straightened expression
immediately relaxed, and bowed his head to Su Tan with a small
smile and asked, "Want to eat or eat with your brother?"


Such high-level banquets are generally ties between several family

acquaintances. As Gu Hongxuan, warmly and gently swimming
between old friends, it is not only a relationship, but also an exchange
of news.

Su Tan, who was new to Gu's family, naturally didn't know many

Su Tan said to Gu Qin with a smile: "Brother, you don't need to worry
about me. I go shopping in the garden. The weather outside is
particularly good."

Gu Qin glanced up at the outdoors, but she found that the weather
outside was very good, the sky was blue, and the blue sky and white
clouds reflected a large area of lush forests and mountains not far
away, which made people feel comfortable.

Under the porch, most of the older guests are in a quaint mood. Most
of the young people have already walked outside to the open-air
luncheon venue.

Gu Qin narrowed his lips slightly, and did not stop Su Tan's desire to
visit the garden, and told him seriously: "Okay, call me for
Su Tan nodded with a smile and turned towards the garden.

Although he was a man, he was comfortable, walking in the neatly

managed garden of the Kane family, but he saw a different view.
Neat, exquisite, and beautiful, but it's full of vigor and enthusiasm
without the small garden in Rosewood's home.

He still remembered that the flowers and bushes were all dug up by
the robot Abba Suning from the fields and wilderness, and each plant
was carefully fertilized and digging soil to take care of it.

Therefore, the flowers and plants and shrubs in their own small
garden are exceptionally vibrant, full of flowers and plants.

Thinking of this, Su Tan suddenly found himself homesick.

For the whole thing of the Gu family-

Suddenly, he bent his lips, determined to be sharp and clear, and cut
off with one stroke.

When Sutan came out along the garden path, it happened that all
kinds of gourmet buffets had been put on the table at the open-air
banquet, accompanied by exquisite tableware, shiny decorations and
utensils wiped by gold glitter, and people could not help but appetite.

When Gu Hongxuan and several homeowners came along from the

porch of the old house, they saw the wide green lawn from a distance,
and Sutan was particularly prominent among a group of young


The smile on his face was calm and calm, and his manners were
generous and comfortable. Although he was not as good as other
giant children's friends and friends, and surrounded by a large group
of people, he stood alone and calmly stood in the shade, and his
temperament became more and more public.

Several homeowners who went with them all saw and laughed at Gu
Hongyu with a low voice: "The black boy under the tree is your
younger son, Gu?"

As soon as the box was opened, the presence of the big brother
naturally a little bit more gossip, feeling of Su Tan's temperament:
"Compared to Gu Han, this little son looks more like you."

Hearing this, Gu Hongxian's expression was stiff, and he didn't want

to mention all the practicalities of this young son, and Shengsheng
made him old for several years.

Another person was also envious: "Speaking of which, you are also a
blessed. One son is about to marry the Kane family, and the other has
a great affinity with His Royal Highness."

As soon as these marriages were revealed, which one was not the
envy of the clan patriarchs present.
The Crown Prince alone is worthy of ten times the political
investment they made in their usual marriage.

In the eyes of everyone, Gu Hongyi's face looked much better, and he

smiled politely and modestly: "It's a blessing for the children."

Listening to his answer, everyone laughed and laughed.

Gu Hongyu suddenly noticed that Sutan, which was standing in the

green shade in the distance, suddenly moved. He got up and walked
towards the golden statue placed on the lawn. It was a gold statue of a
beast such as an eagle, tiger, lion, leopard and so on. , Jin Chancan's
row was set off, the momentum was amazing.

In a short time, Su Tan's eyes lit up, and he walked quickly along this
row of golden animal statues.

At the moment, Gu Hongxi couldn't help but have a headache, his

heart shuddered, and he was afraid that Su Tan would move the Kane
family's gold decorations in public.

Fortunately, in his worries, Su Tan was a bit decisive, but he just

walked down the statue one by one with love, and gradually walked
away from the door of the Kane family, out of everyone's sight.


Gu Hongxuan's heart, which was always hanging, suddenly relaxed,

only to notice that his fingers were not tight when he did not know
when, and the cold sweat of his hand was squeezed tightly.
At noon in the sun, Gu Hongyi sincerely hoped that Sutan would
never return.

When approaching the door of the Kane family, Su Tan took his foot
and prepared to return.

Unexpectedly, a loud noise attracted his attention.

The doorsteps of the Kane family have always been stern and guarded
directly by soldiers under the Kane Corps. Today is the day of the
Kane family 's birthday, and no mess will be allowed.

But I never imagined that today there was a commotion at the door.

One man, one woman and two ordinary people, even some
impoverished, suddenly appeared at the solemn front door of the
Kane family, screaming loudly to enter and look for someone.

Of course the guards were not allowed, and the two sides quarreled.

Seeing such a chaotic scene, instead of shirk, Su Tan developed a little

curiosity, approached a few steps, and stared at them.

He found that one of the men had black hair and dark eyes, but the
mottled and white hair had been polished by the years. His blue eyes
and waxy complexion made the whole person's temperament dull.
A middle-aged woman next to him stared at Su Tan nervously and
vigilantly, a pair of twinkling eyes could not help sweeping towards
Su Tan's face, and a little fear and greed appeared in his eyes.

"We're going to find the young master of the Gu family!" The middle-
aged woman said with a strong rural accent, her expression excited.

However, the guard at the door was so solemn and unacceptable.

"There is no invitation to enter, please turn around and leave."

The middle-aged woman was unconcerned and did not know where
she was born with such courage and courage, and yelled directly at
the guards: "What do you know, I am the young master of the Gu
family! This is his uncle!"

As she spoke, she yanked the dark-haired man next to her, shouting at
the guard's tone.

If you are full of confidence, the guards guarding the door of the Kane
family can't help but look at him both more, and the look becomes

However, no matter what Gu's family, today's Kane family is full of

guests with noble status and must not be disturbed.

Thinking of this, the guard's face rose solemnly and refused coldly:
"Sorry, you can't enter. If you are making another noise, I can only use
force to ask you to leave."
The stubborn words made the middle-aged woman frighten a bit, but
in the next second, the anger in her heart suddenly rose.

She looked unwillingly into it, and suddenly glanced at Sutan, which
was not far away, her eyes suddenly glowed, and she couldn't help
but inquired loudly: "Little Master Gu family ?!"

Everyone at the gate looked back.

I saw Su Tan standing not far from the door, looking at the two men,
and seriously answering, "You recognize the wrong person."

The middle-aged woman was anxious as soon as he heard him. "I

won't admit it! You forgot, I was your uncle, and I took care of you as
a child! I won't admit it!"

The words immediately made everyone on the scene stand in stun.

Su Tan was muffled by the opponent's renouncement of general


"I'm really not!" After that, he suddenly turned around and left in a
hurry, and his rapid pace seemed to flee.

At this moment, the middle-aged woman's eyes instantly became

excited, and she yelled at the janitor who blocked her: "Look, he is!
What else is there to doubt, he is!"
Suddenly, Su Tan's unusual behavior made the gatekeepers unable to
bear the doubts and fog.

Difficult to do-Su Tan's identity is really different?

For Gu's family, this is tantamount to shocking the curtain.

Immediately, a team of door guards of the Kane family were shocked

in their hearts and their expressions became complicated.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, two low-key and elegant cars drove

back and forth, and two tall and long men stepped out of the car and
came to the door of the Kane family.

It happened that I saw a scene of Su Tan Cangjie leaving.

"What's going on?" A handsome, personable man in a military

uniform asked in a deep voice.

He lifted up the pale green hat slightly, and when a pair of narrow
phoenix eyes looked at the crowd, it seemed that Ling Han's cold
wind was blowing, which made people awed.

The guards of the Kane family immediately recognized that this was
actually the youngest promising General Cyrus among the top ten
generals of the empire. At that moment, he revered solemnly with a
respectful tone.

"Civilians are in trouble, and we will deal with it immediately."

Such concise and perfunctory remarks obviously made the middle-
aged woman who was hard to come to be dissatisfied, and
immediately retorted: "You also saw that, the young master who fled
in was my nephew! What's the matter, relatives can't come to see
nephews? "

The middle-aged woman was full of anger. Although she was a little
afraid of Cyrus in a military uniform, she remembered the family
situation of Gu Jia that she saw on TV news. She thought of her
poverty and struggle in a family of food and clothing. She couldn't
afford an interstellar ferry ticket in her lifetime, and God was destined
to let her come to find relatives.

The only pro-nephew, who had been feeding for two days, was sent to
the orphanage but never treated him. Now Fei Huang Tengda said
that he was about to marry a wealthy man, how could he not keep her
eyes hot?

After many difficulties, only two tickets were obtained to cross more
than half of the interstellar space, and they were found from a small
planet in the wild in the remote countryside. The middle-aged woman
was thinking of breaking the boat and wanting to stay here.

What's more, she glanced quietly at the grand and grand manor of the
Kane family, thinking that her little nephew had become the master of
this, and wouldn't it all belong to her in the future?

In a short time, her blood boiled up, and her heart gave birth to
infinite energy.
"Today, you won't let us in, I'm just consuming here, and I don't
believe they won't come out!" Shouted the middle-aged woman,
screaming that she couldn't get the people inside out.

At that moment, General Cyrus' handsome brows frowned, looking at

the voice that was already running away, and hesitated slowly,

Just listen, a cold voice beside him suddenly sounded.

"My young wife."

Instantly, the scene was awkwardly silent.

Even the guards of the Kane family bowed their heads and murmured
quietly. They all knew that a younger son who had disappeared for
eighteen years was a fiancée publicly acknowledged by His Royal
Highness Crown Prince. He almost held people in the palm of his
hand and publicly appeared on the Internet as his platform.

At this time, His Royal Highness had seen such an embarrassing scene
with his own eyes. It was almost a loss of face in the face of the
imperial royal family. How could it not cause the Crown Prince's

His Royal Highness will never allow such fisheyes to be mixed up!

Hearing Hayden's words, there was a hint of doubt in Cyrus' low

vision. He was very knowledgeable about Gu's affairs, and even Gu
Han was a nail sent by him. He strongly occupied the original Master
Gu's young master. Position, complete the marriage with the
Longman family instead.

Later, although he failed to succeed, Gu Han retreated, and marrying

into the Kane family with outstanding military power and great
power in the army did not disappoint him after all.

Before getting out of the car, he thought that the problem would be
Gu Han. He secretly planned hundreds of ways to block the middle-
aged couple who admits their relatives outside the door of the Kane
family, and quietly dealt with it. Will disrupt your plan.

However, after getting out of the car, he never thought that the
problem would be Sutan, which was acquiesced by the whole empire
as the real young master of the Gu family.

That being the case--

Cyrus's heart was silent for a moment, his thoughts flew quickly, he
looked up suddenly, and said comfortably and comfortably, "This is
yet to be verified."

Having said that, Cyrus did not accidentally see Hayden's face
suddenly cold, his eyes as if quenching the cold mang, his blade

His tone was cold, and he directly ordered: "I will witness it myself
when they enter."
It was said that the guards of the Kane family were hesitant at once,
but when they were looking at the sight of General Cyrus, they found
that the other party was not blocked, as if there was a faint support for

At present, the guards did not dare to reject His Royal Highness's
order. They could only look at the middle-aged couple who were
excited and full of excitement, and walked inwardly with His Royal

Looking at the golden animal statues on both sides of the green tree-
lined forest road, the liver of the middle-aged woman trembled, the
expression on her face was difficult to conceal the excitement and
excitement, her eyes greedily lingered on a golden statue, and could
not bear to leave.

The middle-aged man next to her was much calmer, but her fingers
trembled slightly between the inconspicuous points until she saw the
large and solemnly occupied Kane family house showing in front of
the two of them. Qi Qi shouted in shock.

Hayden looked cold, and looked at the two with an expressionless

expression, and for a while, they could not help saying a word.

However, the middle-aged woman couldn't help but ask the guards
around him again and again, "This is the owner of your house? Who
will our nephew marry?"

A series of questions, the guards were annoyed, all the way to the end
with a serious face, refused to answer.
This attitude immediately made the middle-aged woman unhappy. If
it weren't for the Kane family, she could have cursed. But now, when
the big things are ahead, she glanced fiercely at the guards, and then
she tried to press the excited mood and decided to finish the task of
admitting her relatives.

As long as you recognize your little nephew and own this huge estate
and family business, is it a matter of saying who you want to open or
denigrate in the future?

Why should she care about the tongue with these soldiers?

The middle-aged woman's calculations were so good that she got into
the routine of confessing her relatives, but she couldn't care less about
anything else.

She hurriedly pulled her flinching husband and tried to follow

Hayden behind her. She refused to step down, for fear that the other
person would drag the two and ignore him, but she was more anxious
than Hayden for a while.

Not long after, she walked to a large courtyard with the footsteps of
the other person. The wide green lawn and the crowd filled the crowd
were all in front of her, and she was immediately stunned and
stopped suddenly. Ground.

"this is--?"

She was full of doubts, but when she saw the tall, long man in front of
him looking cold, she glanced coldly at the guards, and commanded
directly: "Bring them to the main table, I will personally interrogate

The middle-aged woman immediately panicked.

Although she did not have good intentions and came to recognize her
relatives, she was not stupid. I didn't know that there was such a
solemn and solemn banquet today.

Originally, it was only intended to intimidate the nephew and the

wealthy men who are now married, and they did not dare to destroy
their reputation at will, leaking such scandals, and only gave
themselves a lot of money to pass themselves off.

But she never thought about revealing the identity of her nephew in
front of the public.

No one knows better than her. The young Master Gu's family, who
had been lonely and lonely, had his parents died, and had been
sending people under his fence for a long time, how could he not be
the biological blood of Gu's family!

But how can such things be exposed publicly? What good will it be to
her if she gets upset?

Immediately, the middle-aged woman was a little panicked. She

hurriedly waved her hands, pulled her silent husband and hurriedly
wanted to step back, lowered her voice and said quickly and
hurriedly: "We, we can't disturb the nobles. When the banquet is over,
don't worry. "
Right now, she had always been sharp-skinned, and her mouth was a
little bit dry, her head was blocked in her throat, and she couldn't
clearly explain why. The more she worried, the more she couldn't

So, she could only hold her husband's lapel in a hurry, stepping back
step by step.

But never thought that a cold figure was behind them.

The handsome face of Cyrus in a military uniform was cold, and

looking up from under the pale green hat looked at the two of them,
which meant a bit of a warning of danger, and he straightly said: "You
do n't want to expose the young master Gu Jia Who is it? It is now. "

As soon as his voice fell, several guards of the Kane family copied
from the four loaves and squeezed them tightly in the middle, forcing
her to walk towards the center of the beautiful and bright banquet.

The middle-aged woman's face turned pale for a long time, and
Douda's sweat gushed from her forehead. Before walking to the main
table of the chiefs of several families, she softened her legs.

She lifted her head hard and looked into the distance. The sun at noon
darkened her eyes, and there was a burst of cheering from the vague
crowd, as if a tall and handsome man was in the sight of everyone.
Next, I proposed to another person, and there were many crowds of
crowds standing and watching.
The middle-aged woman blinked hard, her fingers clenched quietly
under her heart, and she felt pain in her palms.

It wasn't until she heard a cold voice that she knew she was riding a
tiger and had no way out.

The appearance of His Royal Highness the Crown suddenly broke the
banality of the banquet. The guests at the banquet looked at him. The
patriarchs of several large families raised smiles on their faces and
prepared to greet each other kindly.

Unexpectedly, when they saw a group of people behind Hayden, the

crowd's smiles suddenly stopped, their voices slammed into their
throats, and the large lawn quietly quiet.

Even the enthusiastic cheering of Alek Kane kneeling down to Gu

Han to marry him, received the influence of this side, and suddenly
stopped, many of the young children who watched the giants turned
their heads to this place. It seems.

While watching a middle-aged couple dressed in shabby clothes

pressed to the center of the scene, everyone suddenly stopped, not
knowing what His Royal Highness was doing.

But it seemed that Hayden's cold and ruthless complexion seemed to

be more embarrassing than everyone else, and could not help but
surprise everyone at the banquet.

No one noticed. At this moment, only Gu Han's face turned pale.

He breathed nervously and choked with suffocation. The eldest son of
the Cain family, Alek Cain, who was kneeling in front of him with a
ring in front of him, thought he was interrupted to marry him. He first
looked at what the Crown Prince had ordered, but did not know that
Gu Han was afraid of the two strangers brought by Hayden at this

"Her Highness, are you?"

Alec Kane's father stood up immediately, questioning his intentions in

confusion. Unexpectedly, after hearing his question, His Royal
Highness's face did not get any better, but became even colder.

His eyes glanced at the guests and landed directly on the face of Gu
Hong's head, Gu Hongxuan, and his voice asked coldly: "Gu Gu, don't
you intend to explain to me?"

Gu Hongzhang looked stunned.

When he was called by his name, he was still at a loss, completely

unaware of what was happening, and his meditative eyes fell tightly
on the two middle-aged, impoverished couples who were brought in,
and walked quickly, He asked in a low voice, "Who are you?"

It was said that although the middle-aged woman had never seen
him, she had seen Gu Hongying's face on TV several times and was
impressed with the same dark hair and dark eyes as his husband.
What's more, her eyes quickly glanced at Su Tan, who was standing
alone, suddenly sinking, knowing that this was the head of the Gu

The truth she was sullen in her heart could tell to the Gu family, to the
young nephew, to the Kane family, but how could she speak out in
front of so many people in the presence of so many people?

This point of interest, she can still see.

Immediately, her face was stiff, her body stiffened and stood still,
facing the countless scrutiny of interrogation, facing Gu Hongying's
tightly wrinkled eyes, facing Hayden's cold sight, all words were
blocked In his throat, he couldn't say anything.

In the end, I could only try to evade my efforts, lower my head, and
panic and waved, "No, nothing-"

Standing in the crowd, Gu Han's heart tightly mentioned in his throat,

unable to move.

However, before the middle-aged woman's words were finished, she

suddenly heard a clear, uncomfortable voice in the crowd next to her.
"Don't worry about her, I heard what she said just outside the door, I

In the horrified eyes of everyone, Su Tan's eyes were red, and his face
embarrassedly exclaimed, "She said, I'm not the young master of the
Gu family!"

At the scene, everyone shuddered and looked at him in disbelief.

Although it has not been made public, various rumors on the Internet
and the Crown Prince's open statement have made clear. Today, the
practice of Gu Gu, the great master of the Gu family, personally led Su
Tan to join the Kane family. Gu's another 18-year-old son was

Nowadays, some people come to the public to correct me. Su Tan is

not the young master of the Gu family, wouldn't it be said that the Gu
family recognized the wrong person?

How could such a low-level mistake be made?

All of a sudden, many of the guests present looked different and

whispered in silence.

Only, Gu Han breathed a sigh of relief, then raised her heart tightly.

His eyebrows were frowning and bewildered, and he was convinced

that the two were uncles and uncles he hadn't seen in years. Although
it has not been contacted for many years, how can he not forget the
faces that the two men despised and oppressed themselves in
childhood, and they cannot be forgotten.

But now, how could they say that Su Tan was not the young master of
the Gu family, and came to recognize her?

Immediately, Gu Han's heart was filled with heavy fog, and he

couldn't help looking at General Cyrus, secretly wondering if this was
his plan?
Facing this middle-aged couple, Gu Hongyi's face was extremely
ugly. He glared at the sudden and inexplicable scene, wondering
where the two actors came from.

"Who said you weren't the son of Gu's family?" Gu Hongyi said
unexpectedly, violently refuting.

Immediately, the middle-aged couple was silent, looked at him in

amazement, and suddenly saw a reason from his cold expression.

Gu Hongxuan sneered: "This year, scammers can openly lie to a

family like Gu's family? I don't know how bold you are?"

The middle-aged woman's voice was stunned, and she immediately

realized that he was going to swindle the two of them as a scammer
and completely veto such a thing.

If he is really allowed to do so, I am afraid that not only has he failed,

but he has to be thrown into jail by these cold-blooded and ruthless

Immediately, the middle-aged woman was alerted in the heart, and

gave a stern blow, shouting hastily and refuting: "You can't just
arrange the charges for us! That's our nephew! Don't believe it, you
can do it Check the gene alignment and verify! "

She shouldn't have said this, but now she didn't say it, she was going
to be bitten by others, and she couldn't eat it.
Right now, the middle-aged woman can't even care about everything,
and she utters the truth in a breath.

Unexpectedly, this sentence was an uproar when it came out.

"Dear nephew? His Royal Highness's fiancee is not the biological son
of Gu's family?"

"I've been watching this twin's argument for a long time. Why haven't
I heard that the Gu family gave birth to a pair of twins eighteen years
ago? I didn't even mention it in the search during the eighteen years.
When the marriage with the royal family was close at hand, did this
suddenly come out? Alas, I ca n't stand it! "

"No, maybe it was the young Master Gu family who had previously
admitted to go home with His Royal Highness. The marriage was
frustrated, and the family had decided to recognize another son. The
marriage between the Langman family would continue. This thought
is really ... eh. "

For a while, all kinds of whispering sound pressures on the scene

could not be suppressed, and Gu Hongyin almost felt that his back
was burnt and scorned. In the decades of Gu Jia's career, he has never
been so embarrassed.

In the moment, they regretted the arrogant two people who were
Sutan's relatives.
He squeezed his eyebrows tightly, knowing that the hat must not be
smashed by the other party at this time, otherwise Gu's reputation
would be ruined.

Immediately, Gu Hongzhang asked coldly to the two of them: "You

said that Su Tan is your nephew, but you made it clear when he got
along with you? Where did he grow up? How did he go to school? ? "

He was so unbelieving that he could not find weakness in the

opponent's words.

Unexpectedly, he questioned, and the shabby middle-aged couple

was stunned. "Sutan?"

The middle-aged woman lost her voice in surprise.

"The little Master Gu we are looking for is obviously called Gu Han."

In a hurry, the scene shook.


"Did you find me?"

Su Tan, who was standing aside, immediately closed the misty tears,
and his face was still full of surprise and sorrow.
He glanced at Hayden in a hurry, but suddenly, running under the
beckoning signal of the opponent.

All the people at the banquet were stunned, and I saw His Royal
Highness, who was still cold, just now, his eyes softened suddenly,
and the little boy hugging his arms kept comforting each other.

Just listen, the boy's clear and aggrieved voice said: "It scared me to
death, I thought it was coming to me."

Everyone: "..."

Standing on the side, Gu Qin couldn't help shaking his head and
laughing, and squinted his lips slightly, thinking that the two had to
play a full set. The plot suddenly flipped halfway through, turning it
into a show of love.

On hearing that, Hayden raised the corners of his lips, his eyes
narrowed and softened. When he raised his head again, the middle-
aged couple who looked not far away looked a little colder and calmly
and powerfully.

"He's not Gu Han, you recognize the wrong person."

Unexpectedly, the other side was also stunned, and then it felt like a
tremor, and found that he had just recognized the wrong person.

"Isn't it Gu Han?" The middle-aged woman anxiously widened her

eyes, looked at Su Tan back and forth, and looked at his black hair,
black eyes, and handsome appearance. It was clear that her young
nephew had similar characteristics.

Before coming, she also deliberately searched the news on the

Internet, looked carefully and looked at it, and realized that the young
nephew's appearance is now ready, and determined to recognize

Unexpectedly, as soon as the interplanetary flight, she and her

husband met a kind person, and they were brought to the range of the
Kane family all the way. Looking at the tall and majestic Cain Manor,
her heart was a little happy and greedy at the moment, and she was
determined to get into trouble and mix in to find someone.

At that time, as soon as she looked up, she suddenly saw Sutan
flashing across the door.

In a short time, she didn't have time to think too much. Seeing Su Tan
panicking, Yagu denied denial of fleeing, he must be his little nephew
when he was identified.

Unexpectedly, this hasty glance was wrong.

Immediately, the middle-aged woman could not help but widen her
eyes with shock, and she was incredible. "Why aren't you Gu Han?
Your long score clearly looks like him!"

Hearing this shocked questioning, Su Tan looked up from his big

cousin's arms, how could there be a little pitiful person who had been
approached to forcibly recognize his relative?
He raised his voice, looked at the two of them, thought for a while,
and seemed to think of something, and said frankly, "Yes, I have a
twin brother."

As soon as he turned back, he found a pale Gu Han in the crowd, then

bent his eyes, and stretched his fingers in that direction.

"It's over there!"

All of a sudden, everyone at the Kane family banquet scene

subconsciously looked in the direction he was pointing at, only to see
Gu Han standing next to Alec Kane, his face was white and his blood
was black, his black eyes were like Soaked in water, sinking.

Alec Kane frowned, holding a proposal ring that hadn't been sent out,
and Jun Lang's gritty face tightened.

He stared at Gu Han, who was standing next to him, and found that
he was about to marry his fiancee, the young master of the Gu family,
Gu Han's body was stiff, as if the whole person had been frozen by
ice, and he was stiff .

"Gu Han--"

Alec looked at him coldly, questioning and questioning, and now

made Gu Han's heart cold.
Gu Han fell tightly in a heart, took a deep breath, made the same
mistaken look, looked up at him hurriedly and helplessly, and asked
for help earnestly, "I don't know them!"

Speaking of these words, it was unexpected to see Alec's eyes moved

slightly, but he had not dispelled the sinus.

Immediately, Gu Han turned pale, panicked, and looked helplessly at

the many guests at the banquet. His body shook involuntarily, like a
beast that was suddenly hostile and difficult, and stabbed him
heavily. heart of.

"Really, I really don't know them." He clenched his lower lip, and a
red tide of grief and anger appeared on his pale face, with
incomparable grievances and embarrassment, which made people
unable to bear pity.

Seeing this look of him, even Alec, standing indifferently beside him,
could not help but tremble in his heart, and was touched by his
wounded expression.

Many people present were silent. Although he didn't say anything

again, the look of skepticism in his eyebrows was lingering, and Gu
Han's eyes looked very complicated.

The middle-aged woman who stood alone in the middle of the

banquet jumped suddenly and suddenly realized that she had just
said something wrong.

She desperately suppressed her heartbeat and looked at another

bright, delicate and low-key dark-haired boy standing in the crowd,
finally seeing his appearance, the impression in her heart, and what
she saw on TV news People, right.

In this comparison, she looks exactly like the teenager she had
mistakenly thought, but the temperament of the two is definitely

The middle-aged woman swallowed and swallowed, and blinked a

little at Gu Han, who was even more lonely and lonely, and gradually
determined that this was her true nephew.

When he was a child, this person would always be grieved and sold
miserably, and made him look like the whole world has hurt him. I
was so embarrassed that she took care of her for half a year, and she
carried the insult of abusive and harsh nephew in the pointer of her
neighbor. He watched as he was rescued by a social worker and sent
to the orphanage, forbidding her to visit.

But since then, you have a deep mind and are used to acting?

Thinking of this, the middle-aged woman's eyes flashed and her heart

But at this time--

Seeing a banquet in the Kane family, the atmosphere was cold and
falling apart, and General Cyrus, who came with Hayden, suddenly
opened his mouth and eased: "These two are of unknown origin and
speculation. Today, Kane was totally disturbed. The general's
longevity. "
His quiet and polite eyes were raised from under the pale green hat,
and he proposed, "Well, let these two men take me for the time being,
and find out their identities, as well as surrender to Master Gu's little

This statement is obviously a solution to Gu Han's siege.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Hongxi glanced at the middle-aged couple

with a glaring expression. The cold eyes left the middle-aged woman's
mind blank.

"It's okay, I'm in trouble, General Cyrus," said Gu Hong, apologizing

and apologizing to the highly respected Chester Kane of the Caine
family. "General Kane, disturbed your birthday party. The Gu family
must send an apology to apologize. "

His face was sinking like water, but for the two people who suddenly
appeared at the venue and claimed to be Uncle Gu Hanyu, they were
completely disappointed, and warned in a cold voice: "My Gu Shushu
was so imposing that it was not the first place Once, we will never
condone such acts that tarnish the reputation of the Gu family. "

In a word, the middle-aged couple who came from afar to find

relatives became a party that smeared and polluted the water, and
made the middle-aged woman's heart beat a cold war. Panic, his eyes

If I was led like this, I would like to see what she and her family
would experience.

Not to mention confession, I am afraid that even my father and

mother will be tortured into ulterior motives.

The middle-aged woman's complexion was pale, her hands and feet
were frozen coldly on the ground, and she was frightened in a split
second, and she was forced into a cold sweat by the hot sun at noon.

"I, who I am not from!" The middle-aged woman got up quickly,

raised her voice and hurriedly screamed, "I am Gu Han's kiss!"

Her mind was blank, and many words jumped out of her mouth in a
panic and without much thought, eager to elute for herself.

"Don't believe it, check the genetics now!"

In a word, the whole banquet was suddenly quiet, Gu Han's fingers

clenched involuntarily, but he never regretted it so much.

He has escaped from his original uncle and uncle for many years.
Since he was young, he has lived in the welfare home in a stable and
stable way. These years have been cut off without any news. He has
already made him think that these two loved ones who hate himself
and hate him infinitely. Forgetting yourself behind, there is no longer
any implication.

Later, an encounter made him meet General Cyrus, and then carefully
planned and entered the Gu family. How could I never have thought
that there would still be a day when the uncles of these two men came
to visit you!

Backcountry and debt-ridden, how can they afford to afford expensive

interstellar flights?

How can you have the ability to find the door of the Kane family and
openly identify yourself?

Gu Han's heart was tightly stern, and her eyes, dark like a pond, were
hollow and looked down to the ground.

He knew in his heart that all his hole cards had been lost, and the only
thing he could rely on at the moment was Gu Hongyi and General

One will do his best to cover the face of the Gu family, covering up the
facts of his life, and the other--

Gu Han gasped for a few short breaths, and her heart gripped tightly,
looking eagerly at General Cyrus' back, hoping he could save himself.


Even the fiancee of his own name and the young master of the Kane
family couldn't rely on him.

Sure enough, Gu Hongying's face suddenly fell coldly when he heard

the middle-aged woman clamoring for a genetic test, and resentfully
rebuked, "What is your identity? A casual person You can ask the Gu
family to cooperate with you for genetic identification. Do you think
the Gu family's face is deceiving? "

General Cyrus was also laughed at by this whimsical word, shaking

his head and laughing: "Now these people ... really don't see the coffin
without tears, I really think that in front of so many wealthy guests, I
can still be confused and talk nonsense. What the hell? "

He turned to Patriarch Kane and said quietly, "I'll take people away."

With a wave of his hand, several guards next to him greeted him,
holding the pale and flustered middle-aged couple tightly under
control, and seeing that they would be taken away and dealt with

The middle-aged woman was held back by the cold laser gun and
forced to take a step forward, her hairs suddenly exploded in fear,
stupidly in place.

"no no--"

She heard a calm, calm voice suddenly before her spikes came out.

Hayden glanced at her and the middle-aged man, and said, "Do a
genetic identification, and find out the truth now."

Cyrus looked up at him, and Jun Lang's face was a little inquiring.
"Your Highness, do you mean?"
I saw that the color under the Prince's Hall was not shocked, but in
the eyes of Youyan it was extremely cold.

"The reputation of the Gu family cannot be discredited by innocence.

Today, I and the major families of the family who are present are
witnesses to personally preside for the Gu family."

He glanced calmly at the middle-aged couple who were pale and

stunned. "If they make false accusations, I will put them in prison

The ground-breaking words stunned everyone who was present at the

time, and there was a lot of association in their hearts. Someone
whispered and whispered.

"His Royal Highness, is this to preside over the Gu family?"

"It is estimated that there is no room for sand in my eyes. When I

heard that my fiancée had come in for questioning with a fake card,
His Highness's face was as cold as ice, and I must have been

"Not? If the young Master Gu's identity is different and he marries

into the Kane family, it will not only discredit the Kain family, but
also make the Imperial Royal family who married another young
Master Gu's face dull."

"Well, the water is deep inside!"


The people at the scene whispered incessantly, but the parties

involved were even more embarrassed.

Gu Hongxian's face was iron-blue, and he was made a dilemma by the

order of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. How to use for genetic

He did it already! Gu Han is not his biological son at all!

In a short time, Gu Hongyu fell down severely in his heart, and

slowly gave birth to a bit of regret. How did he faint at first and
agreed to this Taodai Li Zhuang's idea, at this moment when he
married the Kane family, Suddenly revealed?

As long as the genetic identification is done, I am afraid that the

marriage will not be achieved, but it will be the same as the Kane
family, and it will become a feud.

Gu Hongxun's face was calm, and his heart was tight.

I just wanted to stop and say something, just listened to Hayden and
said, "General Kane, you have a lifetime and a great achievement, and
you don't want to see the taint of fame."

He sighed and watched Alec Kane and Gu Han standing side by side.
If he looked like a pair of people, he gently persuaded Chester Kane
and said, "Early clarification, also To protect the reputation of the
Kane family. "

These words made everyone in the Kane family startled and thought.

Chester Kane, who has been in charge of the Kane Corps for many
years, although over ninety years old, has been affected by years of
appearance, but a pair of generous and powerful eyes is still
determined, almost instantly, decided "Then, according to His Royal
Highness, do genetic identification now."

The joint decision of the two supreme leaders at the banquet scene
made it impossible for everyone to refute.

Simply, genetic identification in this era is very convenient. The

middle-aged woman watched as the guards took the blood of his own
man. The mood in her heart couldn't be more complicated, and she
couldn't help looking up at Gu Han, who was not far away.

Unexpectedly, it happened to meet the other person's dark eyes, and

the middle-aged woman's heart trembled fiercely, her eyes dodging

However, she saw Gu Han's dark eyes as if she could not hide, and
stared straight at her, as if she was silently reprimanding. Why did
she appear again after so many years? Openly revealing your

The middle-aged woman's heart froze violently, and suddenly she

was sober with a blank head that was scared by the scene just now,
gradually seeing the current situation.
She ... She was just thinking about taking this handle in private,
extorting money from Gu Han or the Gu family and the Kane family,
and sealing the money.

But now, publicly revealing the identity of her nephew to the public is
good for her?

Could it be that these cannibals who don't spit out their bones will
still be upset and defend their nephew who is posing as a magnificent
young master?

At that moment, she really lost her head.

At the beginning of the time, the middle-aged woman had numb

hands and feet, and suddenly came clear in Gu Han's gloomy and
dark eyes, screaming eagerly, wanting to pounce.

"No-I'm not doing genetic testing anymore, what I said just now is

Her sharp wailing sound cut through the banquet and attracted
everyone's attention. However, the entire body fluttered was stopped
by the guards, so she could only watch the guards take Gu Han's

Suddenly, her whole body collapsed and slumped.

Gu Hongying stood awkwardly, his face inevitably showing a little
anxiety and anxiety.

This has come to an end and has long been out of his control.

This genetic identification, from the well-known Gu family, to the

low-key humility Gu Han who has always been afraid to resist, and
then to those who later acknowledged the extortion of money, did not
want to do, nor should.

Even if someone had already shouted on Weibo and asked the Gu

family to come up with the genetic identification results to clarify the
truth and wrong of the twin fetuses, the truth of the matter, the Gu
family has always kept a blind eye and held their identity and ignored

When the Gu family does not speak, no one can force this genetic

Gu Hongxu sank, but never thought he would capsize here. The

grand event of the Kane family, the eve of the family's eldest son, Alec
Kane, proposed to Gu Gu, the young master Gu Han, that a wealthy
marriage was at his fingertips, and victory was in his hands-it was
here that the ship overturned in the gutter!

How can this not make Gu Hongxuan's heart simmer?

He knew in his heart that as long as the results of today's genetic

identification came out, the reputation of the Gu family would be
completely imprinted with the scandal.
At the moment, he hurriedly hurriedly and quietly ordered the Gu
family to go with him. If it is possible to replace the key conclusions at
the end of the final appraisal results, I am afraid there is still room for

This move reminded Hayden.

He commanded directly to the Royal Guards housekeeper aside:

"Oleson, you follow along."

The Kane family also sent a person and followed.

Suddenly, Gu Hongxuan's heart fell to the bottom, and he clenched

his hands tightly. He knew that with the participation of these big
families, even the last chance to recover was completely lost.

Gu Jia's elaborate plans and long-term plans were completely


Gu Hongxuan closed his eyes and concealed the redness and

unwillingness at the bottom of the eyes.

I never thought that at that moment, a clear voice would sound

suddenly, and loudly said, "Father, give me a genetic test. My brother
and I are twins, maybe I am also a fake son!"

Su Tan Qingjun's face had a serious and sincere look, and his smile
was like a spring breeze, all looking like Gu Hongyin.
Immediately, Gu Hongyi could not help but glanced at him fiercely,
and was suddenly sneered at anger, sneer: "Okay, you do!"

——I wish you were not the son of Gu family.

How can it be so irritating!

Sutan: -D.

He beckoned joyfully to let the guards come, took blood from him,
and asked the middle-aged couple next to him. "Are your nephews
also twins?"

The middle-aged woman was dazed by his questions, and dared to

continue talking.

No one knows better than her, Gu Han is an only child. There were no
relatives. Only after their parents died, they could only stay in their
homes for a few years.

Su Tan, however, did not know, and asked quite curiously: "You don't
know this? So what do you come to know?"

The middle-aged woman lowered her head, did not dare to speak,
and clasped her hands tightly, apparently struggling deeply. She had
just figured out the possible consequences of this genetic
identification, and her heart was almost collapsed.
Sutan also asked curiously.

"What did your family do before?"

"If my brother and I are really your nephews, do I need to go back to

the country with you to raise sheep?"

"What other family members are there?"

His words fell into Gu Hongxuan's ears, and he was disappointed. He

couldn't bear it anymore, and whispered directly to his eldest son, Gu
Qin: "Stop him."

Gu Qin pursed his lips, seized the smile on the corners of his lips, and
said, "Okay."

He was wearing a dark green dress and black boots concisely, and the
whole man was bright and calm. As I walked by, I heard Su Tan
opened the box and smiled with a good temper, asking how much
output there was in the middle-aged woman's home from several
acres of land, making people smile.


As soon as Gu Qin's deep and powerful voice sounded, Su Tan raised

his eyes and looked at him.

I saw, Brother Gu's gentle tone, and asked gently: "Hungry or not?
Would you like to eat something?"
Su Tan replied quickly: "Yes!"

Later, led by Gu Qin to the dining table, the Cain family lunch was
really rich and exquisite, and countless flowing food was
continuously delivered to the buffet table.

Gao Peng full of guests did not appreciate the taste of food, but
instead gathered together in groups of three, interested in the hot
topic of Gu family recognition.

Only the parties involved in the incident were the most embarrassing.

Su Tan satisfactorily enjoyed the perfect meal. Hayden and his elder
brother sat beside him, holding hot tea, and chatting leisurely.

Raising my eyes, not far away, I saw Gu Han alone left out of the
crowd, and the crowd that had previously surrounded him and Alec
Kane congratulations on the proposal completely dispersed,
extremely cold.

Gu Han was expressionless, pale, and her soft and humble eyebrows
had no emotion at all. She just bowed her head and looked at the light
brain in her hands, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly, he glanced far away towards the lively lawn of the

luncheon, took an unusually quiet glance, and walked towards the
remote small garden next to him. After a while, the figure
disappeared into the shadow of the bushes.
Seeing this scene, Su Tan's heart moved slightly. He stood up and said
leisurely to the big cousin and his brother, "I'm going to the small

Unexpectedly, Gu Qin got up, his movements were gentle but he

pressed him down firmly and gave it to Hayden to take care of him.

"I went to see."

Talking, the dark green military uniform stepped down long legs and
entered the Cain family garden and disappeared.

Su Tan: ... brother!

Compared to Brother Gu's gentle pampering, Su Tan looked at

Hayden beside him, suddenly lowered his voice and asked, "How
much did it cost to find someone this time?"

Long before today's middle-aged couple came to admit their relatives,

Su Tan and his big cousin already knew each other's existence.

Although they did not send people to make contact with the poor and
bitter middle-aged couple, they unearthed Gu Han's loved ones from
the remote and remote countryside small galaxy, and led the other
party to accidentally obtain two travel interstellar flight tickets, step
by step. Silently guided them to the Imperial Capital, and eventually
found the door of the Kane family, which took countless hours and
At this time, Su Tan asked Xiang's cousin, naturally, in his silent
mind, whether his own manuscript was enough to pay.

Just listening, Hayden raised his eyebrows and replied with a smile:
"It took a lot."

Su Tan: "... how much?" Will not let him go bankrupt? ? ?

The big cousin chuckled, and his deep eyes smiled. Seeing that no one
else was around, he lowered his voice and clearly analyzed Su Tan's
method: "Gu Han's life is hidden and deliberately covered up.
Previous identity records made it difficult to find the only loved ones
and had to use some special channels. "

These words are easy to say, but all of them are not simple at all. For
example, these special means are not what he said. The clever and
clueless Gu family all secretly found out the unclear clues, so that the
Langman family in charge of the empire got the truth, enough to see
the difficulty.

Hayden calmly told him with a smile: "These special channels cannot
be bought with money."

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, he saw the little boy sitting
opposite him suddenly frowning. Hayden couldn't help but raise a
smile on the corner of his lips, jokingly relieved.

Su Tan took a deep breath and thought about the manuscript fees and
household expenses that had been emptied by his big cousin, and the
huge price-seeking consultant fee that he was about to owe. He just
felt himself burdened.

He cheered up and said, "I will work hard to make money."

Hearding this, Hayden bent his lips involuntarily, comforting his

voice easily: "Not in a hurry, you can pay your debts slowly."

His gloomy eyes were deep, as if thinking of something interesting,

raising his eyebrows with a low magnetic voice, "Starting tonight?"

Su Tan: Can I refuse QAQ?

On the wide green lawn, all guests were looking forward to the results
of the genetic identification of Gu's family. On the other side, Gu Han
hurriedly walked into the small garden of Kane's family, hurriedly
walking, looking alert.

His pace was so fast that he had been invited to Kane Manor several
times when he was in love with Alec earlier, and was very familiar
with this beautiful garden.

At this time, Gu Han looked cold, and almost bypassed the crowded
place without thinking, and took the remote path. After winding
around and crossing countless intersections, I finally met a person
who was looking forward to me at a sudden and cheerful exit behind
a flower wall.


Gu Han's tone fluctuated slightly, and he quickly walked over,

standing respectfully and ashamedly in front of Cyrus in a pale green
military uniform.

For the first time in his pale face, there was a redness of shame and
guilt. "Sorry, I failed."

Gu Han bowed her head deeply, ashamed, and scared to look at

General Cyrus' disappointed face.

Obviously the other party is only ten years older than himself, but in
front of that man, he always can't help but humble himself, and he
can't bear to look up.

For this man who unearthed himself from the lonely and deserted
small planet welfare home in the countryside, Gu Han had countlessly
rejoiced that he had a face very similar to Gu's family, only to attract
General Cyrus's eyes to him Body.

And now is the time to wake up.

He has been publicly revealed, and has no use value anymore. How
will General Cyrus deal with himself?

As soon as he thought about it, Gu Han's heart froze fiercely, and his
black eyes gave birth to infinite struggle and confusion.
He just asked--

Cyrus looked up at him. Jun Lang's face was cold, and there were
almost no emotions in a pair of long phoenix eyes, and he said quietly:
"Get in the car first, I will take you away."

When he entered the Cain Manor, the car he drove was low-key and
parked not far behind him. It happened to be behind the Cain family's
old house, and only a step away from the remote exit of the small

The scheme of the counterfeit Gu family's youngest son has

completely failed, waiting for the genetic identification results to come
out, but it is a final blow to the final incident.

Can't wait until then, Cyrus must make arrangements for Gu Han

Hiding in your own car, it's best to find an excuse to send Kane Manor
in advance. The guards of the Kane family did not dare to search and
inspect his car.

If this is not the case, if the result of genetic identification is

announced and Gu Han's identity is completely declared, Narus will
be assured that Gu Hongxi will surely put all the blame on Gu Han,
and instead act as a victim of deception. Posture elutes the
responsibilities on the giant Gu family.
If he waits until that moment, in the name of protecting the family's
reputation and severe punishment, he will withhold Gu Han to
torture his confession. I am afraid that he has no legitimate reason to
keep Cyrus, but will expose his chief risk.

and so--

Cyrus sank, his eyes narrowed, and calmly commanded: "Get in the
car and leave, and talk about other things later."

After hearing this sentence, Gu Han's voice was blocked, and she
finally obeyed the command softly and walked towards the car

However, at this moment, a steady and erect figure suddenly emerged

from the corner of the garden. The almost silent footsteps made
people caught off guard. A deep and powerful voice said, "Where are
you going?"

Gu Han turned back suddenly, and saw Master Gu Qin's sudden

appearance, appearing in front of him and General Cyrus.

After a while, his voice suddenly seemed to be choked by people,

disappeared cleanly and did not dare to speak.

He clearly observed several times, carefully throwing everyone

behind him!
Cyrus lifted his eyes, and a pair of warning eyes lifted from under the
pale green brim, dangerously hinting at Gu Han, beckoning him to get
in the car as soon as possible, not to have more right and wrong.

Gu Han met his gaze and immediately caught his voice, and his steps
suddenly accelerated, almost running towards the door, until he
really got into the elegant and noble streamlined car, and his tight
body suddenly became soft. , Fell on the cold leather chair, chilling all

He opened his eyes hard and looked out through the dark window,
only to see General Cyrus standing in front of Master Gu's Master,
blocking his way severely, and letting Gu Qin's face It was quite cold.

"Why did you do this?"

Gu Qin's eyes were like ink, and he stared tightly at Cyrus's face,
finding the clue from the other's expression.

The Gu family has always been innocent and innocent with Cyrus,
without any slightest worries, and there are no conflicts and
inconsistencies in political opinions. He wonders why the youngest
general, Cyrus, in the flourishing empire, has shot Dealing with the
Gu family?

Facing his intense questioning and questioning eyes, Cyrus was very
calm, even with a slight smile on his handsome face, looking like a
spring breeze.

This gesture made Gu Qin's heart tighten involuntarily.

Looking at Gu Qin in a dark green suit and quietness, Cyrus suddenly
chuckled and said meaningfully: "The enemies of the Gu family are
more than you think."

At first hearing this, Gu Qinjun's brows frowned.

Just listen, Cyrus left a sentence, prompting in a long voice: "Did you
never doubt, why did your brother disappear unexpectedly 18 years
Gu Qin's eyes calmed down, staring at Cyrus walking towards the

That calmness, not Xubuji, even if it has just failed a calculation for the
Gu family, but he just can't help it.

A counterfeit goods that an imperial ten general wants to maintain,

even if made public, he cannot stop people on the spot.

Gu Qin's fingers moved slightly, his face was quiet, but he suddenly
opened his mouth, lowering his voice to the quietly back voice.

"If you have the skills, you will break the Gu family."


He was at ease, thinking that Gu's valuables had long been secretly
given to Atan.
There is only one decaying giant rotten shell, don't bother!

This sentence, Gu Qin said calmly, not as provocative, but more like
mentioning a trivial little thing, so Cyrus raised his eyebrows and
looked back at him.

I saw that Gu Qin did not wait for his response at all, and turned his
head towards the road.

Cyrus' narrow long eyes narrowed, his expression deepened for a

moment, and he suddenly laughed, as if attracted by the other party's
careless announcement.

He opened the door and got into the car. His erect body landed on the
cold leather chair, but the look on his face was not angry, but he
smiled slightly.

In Gu Han's breath-holding breath, he only heard the man suddenly

commented for no reason.


At the beginning of time, Gu Han's heart sank suddenly.

After pressing for a while, he couldn't help but whispered, reminding

him, "General, Gu Dasuo has deep thoughts--"

Before he finished speaking, he saw General Cyrus glanced at him

calmly, and Gu Han's voice suddenly extinguished.
In the quiet carriage, the driver smoothly exited the gate of Kane
Manor, and Gu Han, who was sitting in the car and escaped from the
tiger's mouth, was relieved.

He glanced carefully at Cyrus sitting quietly beside him, only to see

the other side squinted his eyes slightly. I wondered what he was

Gu Han was right in his heart, when he didn't know how General
Cyrus would kill himself, he just heard a calm and rational voice and
suddenly broke the peace in the compartment.


Cyrus lifted his voice and let Gu Han's heart tighten.

He tried to suppress the tight breath, and his heart broke and he made
up his mind. As long as the general is willing to put himself beside
him, no matter what tasks he is assigned, he will do his best to
complete it.

What he didn't expect was that Cyrus's next words almost fell his
heart into the ice cellar, chilling.

Cyrus calmly commanded: "Tomorrow, go to Alec Kane and take the

initiative to pay him. After that, you will follow him."

Gu Han's body shivered. "General?"

But when they met the indifferent gaze of the other party, he
squeaked and closed his voice. At this time, he was exposed as a fake,
and he took the initiative to find the deceived Alec Kane to pay for
mercy? Definitely will be severely humiliated.

In what capacity will he follow Alec in the future?

plaything? Who vented your anger? Canary insulting in bed? After

all, it is no longer possible to climb to the position of young lady of the
Kane family.

When thinking of the future, Gu Han's heart was frozen, and his
whole body's blood was freezing cold.

Alec Kane?

He smiled hard and reluctantly, and promised weakly under the calm
and coercive eyes of Cyrus.

In the Cain Manor, many guests who suddenly received an urgent

order from the military department left and regretfully left the family
feast of Chester Cain.

There are only Gu family and Hayden,

Stay inside the estate.

This military order did not know who gave the order, but in the end it
left a face for the veteran family of the Gu family, and did not publicly
disclose the ownership of the young master Gu family.

After a while, when the guards and people from several major
families sent back the genetic identification results, they saw that the
banquet that had just been lively at this moment was deserted, and
only a few people were present on the large green lawn.

Suddenly, the person who went to the appraisal felt the result of the
gene identification in his hand, just like the hot yam, and it was very

Royal Guards housekeeper Olesen, who went with him, replied, "The
result is out."

As soon as his words fell, everyone who was waiting for a long time
at the luncheon raised their spirits and looked at him together.

As the steward of the Imperial Royal Guard, his words were naturally

Facing everyone's attention, Olesen was calm and powerful, and

answered directly and concisely: "Master Gu Han, indeed, has a
kinship with these two strangers. Master Sutan, it has nothing to do
with it."

Almost instantly, everyone in the audience had the answer.

These two shabby, poor, and greedy eyes are certainly not relatives of
the Gu family, and those who are related to Gu Han are proof of what
the middle-aged woman had said before.

Gu Han is false.

As soon as the final conclusion was reached, everyone's complexion

became complicated.

The members of the Kane family did not say that they were
embarrassed. Even Alec Kane, who was full of heart to prepare to
marry him with Gu Han, was even more difficult to hide his anger.
His complexion prepared the ring box vigorously. Throwing it on the
table, his fists slammed firmly on the table.

There was a bit of anger in Chester Kane's old face, and he directly
asked Gu Hongyu, the head of the Gu family, "Gu family, how are
you going to explain this?"

Gu Hongxuan's expression was tense, and he couldn't let go in

frustration: "Impossible!"

"I did the genetic identification, he is obviously the son of the Gu


As soon as this word came out, the whole audience was uproar.

Everyone looked at Gu Hongxi in shock, and saw that Gu Hongxi's

Tieqing's face was no less than the insulted anger of the Kane family,
as if he had received great grievances.
Right now, Chester Kane's old, cloudy eyes narrowed, and he looked
at him tightly.

Gu Hongzhang's expression was indignant and agitated, as if he had

been deceived, and he suddenly awakened from the unbelievable and
resolutely stated: "The identification of the Gu family must have been

His angry and furious voice silenced the large lawn lunch at Cain

Seeing the unusually angry look of the Gu family owner, many people
present were skeptical.

Is it really like Gu Hongyu said, someone secretly used the means

behind the Gu family to make the unsuspecting Gu family mistakenly
believe that Gu Han is a real son?


In the manor of the Kane family, Gu Hongyu's face was embarrassed

and he was suddenly demolished by Su Tan. If he continued to argue,
he could not continue.

He tightened his eyebrows and said in a somber tone: "Check! I need

to check thoroughly when I get home!"
Everyone was dumb, until then, suddenly someone noticed Gu Han's
whereabouts, and asked: "What about Gu Han?"

The members of the Kane family immediately frowned. They had no

good opinion of this person who deceived them and tried to marry
the Kane family.

Immediately, someone went to search around, but Gu Han was not

found in Kane Manor, and the guards guarding the front door
certainly said that he had not seen him leave alone.

Man has disappeared in Kane Manor without knowing it?

At the moment, not to mention this surprised his Gu family. Alec

Kane suddenly stood up and inspected Gu Han's whereabouts with a
dull look.

After a lot of investigation, I can only suspect that Gu Han was in a

car and left when many guests of the banquet just left.

This conclusion obviously makes Alec Kane frown, and his face is
even more unpleasant.

Gu Hongzhang was also in anger, apologizing to General Chester

Kane repeatedly, and hurriedly took his eldest son Gu Qin away.
Before leaving, they parted ways with Hayden at the door of the Kane

Su Tan was standing next to his big cousin, looking at Gu Hongyu,

and suddenly remembered something, and asked curiously: "Father,
why did the genetic identification just now not directly compare with
you, how can this prove that I am the Gu family? ? "

Upon hearing this, Gu Hongyu was in a worse mood, glanced at him

angrily, and left without a word.

What else could be the reason?

He can't afford to lose that person!

Gu Hongxuan got on the car angrily and drove away from this old
Kane family house that made his face shameless today. His cold face
almost dripped water.

Instead, Su Tan, who had been glanced coldly, stood in front of the
porch of Kane's house, watching Gu Fu leave, his face was a little

In fact, his question is not unreasonable. How did the Gu family

identify themselves as the youngest son who had disappeared for 18

Is it--

Really looking at the face?

Su Tan couldn't help smiling, with a happy heart.

The elder brother Gu Qin beside him touched his head and gently
whispered, "You must be my brother, you have already done the
genetic identification."

Genetic identification in this era is very developed. Although the

results of blood identification are the most accurate, no matter
whether hair or other means, you can verify whether there is a kinship
between two people.

As soon as the Gu family learned that Su Tan existed, they secretly

identified the genes.

if not--

Gu Qin froze the corners of his lips, with a smile in his lowered gentle
eyes, and said to him, "Father won't let you take so many things from
the old house."

After a while, listening to his words, Su Tan knew it.

At that time, Gu 's old house was a concession to his inability to enjoy
the inheritance of the family business, but Gu 's father tolerated him to
take away such beloved collections and treasures. He lost a
compensation of eighteen years.

No wonder the Gu family asks him anything!

Gu Han, the other fake son, did not move at all.

Su Tan finally understood, facing his elder brother, his eyes were
clear, and he smiled and asked, "Do I still need to review my family in
the future?"

He is not eager to care for the family's property. Since the inheritance
is his brother's, he will not rob him.

However, the giants are deep, and Gu Han's affairs have come to an
end, but the Gu family, the Kane family, and the black hands behind
Gu Han are far from complete.

To Su Tan, it is completely like another world, extremely strange and


After seeing Gu Hongyu, he made it clear in the bottom of his heart

that his elder brother was a pro elder brother, but his father couldn't
keep up with the robot dad.

Compared with the elder brother, Gu's father is almost like a free call

Su Tan's eyes were calm, a pair of black eyes were clear and clean, but
with trust, he looked straight at Gu Qin.

Almost instantly, Gu Qin shared his heart and understood Su Tan's

thoughts from his eyes.

He squeezed the corner of his lips, and his long fingers gently fell on
Su Tan's head. He said calmly and forcefully, "Do what you want, and
the family has me."
He surrendered Sutan to Hayden in peace, and before he got into the
car, he smiled at him and said, "There is no pocket money. Remember
to call your brother."

Su Tan watched his elder brother leave by car.

Looking back at Hayden next to him, his ridiculous gaze was clearly
saying-look at my brother, giving money is not easy. Look at you
again, it will only cost you money!

Suddenly, Hayden couldn't help laughing at him.

As he embraced Sutan and walked towards his car, he calmly and

quietly said in his ear, "Yes, how much debt do you owe me? When
will it be paid?"

Standing time, Su Tan: "..."

Don't retaliate against QAQ tonight!

However, after all, his thoughts were still under the scourge of big
cousin's punishment, and he could not break into the army, and
almost melted in the hot temperature of the other party.

Under the hot palm of his big cousin, his consciousness was almost
blurred, and he still remembered to finally say vaguely before falling
asleep, "I'm going home."
In the middle of the night, I felt only the other's hand, and a deep
sight seemed to fall tightly on his face.

Just listening, Hayden's low-dumb magnetic voice sounded in his ear:

"You don't care about Gu Han?"

Su Tan chuckled, and said frankly and briskly, "He has taken over the
nest, and now he has been revealed. He has been kicked out of the Gu
family. Neither the elder brother nor the Kane family will let him go.
Let alone-"

His voice seemed to remember something, and suddenly he was full

of sorrow. "I paid the sky bill!"

According to the big cousin's own algorithm just now, the debt owed
would not be fully paid off until 300 years after his death ...

No matter how you think, you are losing yourself.

Hearding this, Hayden was in the dark, and he couldn't help but
evoke the corners of his lips, but his voice was calm and calm, like a
quietly blooming flower in the dark, slightly bewildering him: "You
can ask me--"

A fiery breath brushed over his ears, almost making Su Tan's heart
numb and his fingertips trembling.

"Please?" The boy's clean voice with a little muteness, but it was
extraordinarily attractive.
For a moment, he touched Hayden's heart and raised his eyebrows
quietly waiting for the young man's request.

However, I did not expect that after a few seconds, I heard Su Tan's
decisive refusal. "No, am I so boneless?"

He was so grumpy and stubborn that Hayden couldn't help laughing.

"That's good." He bowed his head suddenly, a gentle lip fell between
Su Tan's neck, and gently struck the other person's throat, and saw the
juvenile trembling and shuddering.

Hayden smiled and whispered, "I want to see how hard you are."

——This time, even if you are so cute to cry, I will not spare you :).


The dark night blocked Su Tan's sight, allowing him to gradually fill
the eyes with water vapor in the hot to near-scorching temperature,
and the mist was half open for a while, and immersed in the big
cousin. In the arms.


When he woke up the next morning, he didn't get up at all, as if his

fingertips were completely evacuated, and there wasn't even a lift of
Not to mention the sluggish body all over the body.

Su Tan: QAQ I was wrong.

He had to lie on a large, soft bed, holding a portable light-brain brush

to open Weibo.

Although the events of the Kane family were not disclosed yesterday,
the Weibos of Gu Han and the Gu family were suddenly silent.

Even the major media marketing accounts that have always been
active also carefully closed their mouths, and took a brief introduction
to the birthday feast of the empire veteran General Chester Kane who
should have been reported and promoted. Festive atmosphere.

Such an unusual atmosphere has to make people who are interested

find something strange.

As for the guests of the major families who left early yesterday, the
result of the genetic identification of Cain Manor was not a secret, and
it spread quickly and quickly across the major families.

The establishment of the time has become a thorough scandal of the

Gu family.

Retrieving a fake and inferior fake son, and also wishing to marry the
Kane family, such an act is almost equivalent to a stain in the eyes of
the upper class society of the imperial capital.
Suddenly, Gu Hongye, the head of the Gu family, was heavily
burdened with an infamy.

He dealt with the mess left over by Gu Han with an anxious amount,
and when he returned to the old house of Gu's old house with a tired
and depressed expression, he found that waiting for his own suffering
was more than that.

In his study, which was secretive and he was not allowed to enter, he
was filled with people.

Immediately, his hand standing at the door of the study holding the
handle was a frown, and his brows frowned suddenly.

"What are you doing?"

Gu Hongyi glanced at the past, and found that not only were Gu
Hongjun and Gu Gujun who were close friends in the study, but even
Gu Chongyan, a highly regarded and important elder, and the leader
of other branches and various industries. Be present together.

Such a complete scene can only appear at the family meeting at the
end of each year.

And at this time--

Gu Hongyi's heart sank, and his body suddenly tightened.

Sure enough, just listening to Gu Chongyan, who was the longest in
the audience, coughed, and suddenly said, "Hong Hong, today we
have something to announce."

Gu Hongyi's eyebrows swept away, and he noticed that Gu Qin was

among the crowd. Suddenly, he realized that the parents of Gu were

He snorted, and sneered teasingly: "Hongmen feast?"

This relentless sentence immediately made everyone's faces look at

me. But for the benefit of the whole family, some words have to be

Many of the Gu's older people at the helm watched their noses and
mouths, staring at each other's eyes, silently listening to the oldest Gu
Chongyan solemnly saying, "Hong Hong, now the Gu family is in
danger On the verge of collapse, not to mention the reputation of the
outside has fallen to the extreme, and the Kane family is also hostile.
We must make an account. "

The implication of these words is naturally to let Gu Hongxuan quit

the position of homeowner.

But how can he be willing?

Not to mention that he is young and strong, this is the case of Gu Han.
Earlier, when they got the news that a remote galaxy had a person
who looked very similar to the Gu family, they had done a secret
check beforehand. Who in the Gu family did not know that Gu Han
was false?
But his idea was answered by everyone in silence.

Why is there something wrong with him now?

Gu Hongxian's face was cold, looking at everyone's gloomy eyes with

endless irony and ridicule, so that everyone could not help but hide
his eyes from his eyes.

The situation suddenly stalemate.

Surprisingly, the first person to break the deadlock was not the elders
and rulers in the Gu family who were silently present, but Gu Qin
who stood aside.

He is straight and dressed in a dark military uniform with a calm

expression on his face, not humble, and calmly said, "Father, you have
worked hard for so many years and you should take a good rest. I
have booked a flight ticket for Star Trek for you , I will take you to the
Hunting Star Field tomorrow. "

The cloud hunting star field, known for its beautiful scenery and
spring seasons, is a rare place for tourism and recreation throughout
the empire, and it is also sought after by the elderly for many years.

The only thing that is not good is that this star field is quite remote
from the Imperial City. Even if there is a convenient interstellar
spacecraft, it will take at least one month to arrive. It can be said that it
is completely out of the scope of the Imperial City's power circle.
Going there is almost the same as retiring early and staying away
from the center of power.

Upon hearing this, Gu Hongzhang's face became furious. "Gu Qin!"

He asked himself that he had always believed in his eldest son, and
many things had not been concealed from him. In order to make his
successor's position even more paved, only the secrets involving his
missing son who had been missing for eighteen years were not
disclosed to him.

Gu Qin has always been calm and low-key, and has executed many of
his orders. There has always been no major gap or conflict between
the two.

Therefore, Gu Hongzhang never expected that at this time he

proposed to let him retreat from the position of homeowner and stay
away from the imperial capital. He was his eldest son who had always
been regarded as a confidant.

Immediately, his face turned blue and he felt betrayed.

However, Gu Qin, who was glaring at him, was calm, methodical, and
did not even fluctuate in tone. He said calmly and calmly, "Father, I
have asked the housekeeper to pack your luggage. Tonight, take a
good rest . "

After waiting for Gu Hongji to be furious and angry, he slightly gave

a greeting to the parents who invited Gu, and got up and left calmly.
The door of the study was closed gently, blocking a series of anger
from Gu Hongyu behind him.

The Gu's housekeeper who was waiting at the door of the study
immediately greeted him respectfully and asked Gu Qin,
"Homeowner, your luggage is ready. What else do you need?"

The voice of "homeowner" was extremely natural and respectful, as if

it were born to be so ordinary.

Gu Qin listened, and could not help but narrow his eyes and laughed,
feeling that this person was very knowledgeable. He looked down
and thought, and instructed: "In my father's Dobbger's room, there is
a pot of beloved bluegrass, bring him."

Speaking of this, he could not help pursing his lips slightly and
raising a smile, "That was left by Atan for his father."

Housekeeper: "... Yes."

He respectfully agreed, as he stepped forward to find the pot of
precious bluegrass and brought it to his father's luggage for the
hunting galaxy recuperation, but on the other side was hesitant, Gu
Qin valued Su Tan so much. This brother, would you like to send
something to meet yourself?

In the early morning of the second day, Gu Hongzhang was awake all
night, and his face was tired and tired, and suddenly he was much
older. He stood in his bedroom and looked down from the large floor-
to-ceiling window, facing the small manicured garden of the Gu
One of his favorite golden owl statues did not return from
maintenance and appeared in his sight. In that place, it was replaced
by a refreshing and refreshing float with beautiful flowers. It was
beautiful and beautiful, but Gu Hongyi's mind sank suddenly.

I don't know when, under the eyes of the Gu family, they have
changed so much silently and silently.

He didn't know it.

Go down to the garden to set up this little thing, and go up to the

event that your own homeowner was suddenly forced back. No one
from the beginning to the end asked him for his opinion.

At the beginning of the time, Gu Hongyi's hands could not help but
clenched tightly, and his tired, red eyes became a little more gloomy.

He was angry and depressed, and suddenly saw several Su Zheng

cold military vehicles stopping at the door of Gu's old house from the
window. Then, a group of soldiers killed the grim soldiers in a silent
underground car and drove down into Gu's old house.

Looking at this scene, Gu Hongxuan couldn't believe it, how could the
shock between the eyebrows be suppressed, and his fingers could not
help shaking slightly.

He couldn't believe that Gu Qin was prepared to use his power in the
army to force himself to leave by force, flatly rejecting nothing and
leaving no feelings for himself.
All these years ...

This item was regarded as the eldest son of his followers and
subordinates, and finally plumped, calmly and decisively preparing
to shoot at himself.

For a while, Gu Hongxun's mood was incomprehensible and



"Well." The door was knocked.

At the same time, Gu Hongjun, the helm of Gu's Pictures, who was
sitting in his mansion, drank tea, and groaned Gu Yansheng, who
asked him, "Is Gu Hongzhen really left on the interstellar flight?

When he got up early, Gu Yansheng sent someone to inquire. At this

time, he had already learned the first-hand news, and his expression
was equally astonishing. "Yes, my people saw it with their own eyes."

He paused for a long time, never concealing any secrets, and revealed
the news of his subordinates' return. "It is said that it was His
Majesty's army who personally sent him to the starship and escorted
him to hunt the cloud galaxy."

As soon as these words were spoken, both of them were a little dumb,
each holding a tea cup for a long time without a sip.
"This is really—" Gu Hongjun shook his head and laughed, sighing,
his voice sighing, "I didn't see it, Gu Dashao usually kept a low profile
and was a ruthless character."

As soon as this was said, Gu Yansheng beside him couldn't help but
sigh, and couldn't hide the anger in his heart. "His power in the army
did not expect it to be so big."

After graduating from Imperial Military Academy, Gu Qin joined the

Imperial Army directly. At that time, although the Gu family was a
giant who had been rooted for hundreds of years, it had little
involvement in the army. No one in the family joined the army, but it
gradually developed a wide range of business and other fields.

Therefore, most of the Gu family's resolute choice to join the army, Gu

family is often puzzled.

The authorities of the various branches watched coldly for a while. Gu

Qin, who was determined to have no strength and foundation in the
army, must be extremely difficult, and he also gave up his attention

Later, although it was gradually learned from rumors of major

families that Gu Qin's excellent performance in the army, talented
Zoran, but still only thought that he was a somewhat talented young

On the contrary, Gu Qin followed Gu Hongxun's various affairs of the

Gu family. He was sharp and decisive, and was even more impressed
and quite impressed. Watching him faintly became a leading figure in
the young generation of Gu family.

Unexpectedly, Gu Qin, who was low-key in all matters of the army,

quietly made a noise in the army. With such a large voice, he could
independently mobilize and control an army of his own.

This made the Gu family who suddenly heard the news shocked.

They are completely blinded by Gu Qinping's low-key illusion.

When thinking about this, many Gu's branches and industry leaders
could not help but sweat.

Many people meditate silently, haven't offended Gu Dashou? In

addition to the old incident of Gu Family's extinction 18 years ago and
the incident in which Gu Han replaced the Reviewer ...

Gu Yansheng and Gu Hongjun stared at each other silently, each

seeing the bitterness and helplessness in each other's eyes, drinking
tea in silence, and suddenly a rush of footsteps came from afar, and
Gu Hongjun suddenly looked up.

I saw my steward's face was embarrassed, and he felt helpless against

a group of aggressive soldiers who broke in, and hurriedly explained,
"Mr. Gu, I can't stop it."

Gu Hongjun's eyebrows sank tightly, and the hand holding the tea
cup was involuntarily lowered, and he banged on the table with a soft
sound, apparently in a very good mood.
"You are?"

A soldier headed by the soldier spoke coldly and told: "Mr. Gu,
General Gu invited you to hunt for the Clouds, and the car is outside."

Suddenly, Gu Hongjun, Gu's film industry's pivotal entertainment

leader in the world of entertainment, looked ugly, and his face was

"Which General Gu?"

His voice was furious, and the answer had slowly come to his heart.

Sure enough, the army of soldiers stood side by side, concealing sharp
edges, and imposing. He didn't answer the question and said directly:
"Please leave."

Gu Hongjun laughed angrily and looked at the person coldly, but

refused to move. No, the opponent refused to give him a minute of
delay and took him away.

Gu Yansheng was frightened when he saw this scene, and found that
the other party didn't care about himself, so he immediately fled home
without the thought of drinking tea.

He hurriedly dialed communications to other Gu family members,

never thinking that this scene would be staged among many Gu's
branches and industries.
Many of the big brothers who used to call the wind and rain in the
study of Gu's old house in the past, who took charge of the fate of the
Gu family in one sentence, were all sent by Gu Qin to the same
interstellar flight, and sent to the completely lost homeowner Gu
Hongyu Cloud hunting galaxies recuperate.

When he put down the phone, Gu Yansheng shook his heart, his body
was cold and excited, and he knew very clearly that--

The Gu family changed the sky completely!

This sudden scene of the Gu family was heard by many well-known

imperial capitals.

Many homeowners initially dismissed Gu Qin, a low-key and steady

master of the Gu family. Even if he was established as the successor of
the Gu family, he just thought that the other party was as tender as his
children and grandchildren. There was still a long way to go before he
took over the house. Long distance.

Even if it is excellent in the younger generation, it is slightly more

handsome than the younger nephew. In the eyes of these powerful
family celebrities, they are not comparable.

But unexpectedly, the situation in the Gu family suddenly changed

overnight. For the first time, the upper circles of the empire really saw
Gu Qin's mind and methods.

Low-key, fortitude, decisive and neat.

Almost indifferently, he seized Gu Hongxun's most embarrassing
moment, and forced the other party's owner back with the support of
many elders of the Gu family.

Later, he turned around and took a deep thought, ready to hold

young and inexperienced Gu Qin, and continued to control the elders
of Gu Family Power. They sent out the imperial power circle and
escorted them to a remote galaxy for recuperation and retirement.

This straightforward behavior and unscrupulous disengagement of

wrists have shocked the hearts of many wealthy family heads.

As soon as he shot, the Thunder was decisive.

Looking at the entire circle of power of the Imperial Capital, it is

difficult to underestimate.

Suddenly, the Gu family's news spread, and even rumors and

speculations on the Internet's Weibo.

By the time Sutan learned the news, Gu's affairs had been settled. Gu's
father and many elders who were very deep in the city and had a lot
of plans had already been sent away by Gu Qin. Only a few left. Gu
Qin, a timid cat and a dog, did not deal with it anymore, but instead
methodically arranged his own manpower in each family industry.

Gu's younger generation has always been close to his juniors, and
Gu's capable and capable subordinates, each of whom has been
separately inserted into Gu's pillars and industries. There is no
outsider expected that the situation of soldiers and horses will be
chaotic, but they are step by step, stable as a rock .

With such a **** sacrifice, he released his power with a glass of wine,
took over the means of taking charge of the entire Gu family, and
completely let Gu Qin be displayed in front of the power center of the
Imperial Capital.

Even Su Tan suddenly found that the Gu family had become different
after it suddenly changed.

He looked at the decorative ornaments specially sent in front of him.

The ring inlaid with white jade and gold was exquisitely abnormal. It
was wrapped tightly and properly in a satin box, and it was valuable
at first sight.

"This is from the housekeeper of the Gu family?"

Su Tan was surprised, thinking about it for a moment, convinced that

his elder brother had not mentioned anything to send him recently.

I saw that the staff at the front desk of the hotel lowered their eyes and
looked down respectfully and answered, "Yes."

Since being told by the Royal Guards to take good care of this guest,
Su Tan's hotel up and down respected him with courtesy and
courtesy, and treated him as the most honorable guest.

Seeing this, Su Tan raised his eyebrows, wondering what the steward
meant. Could it be that he had come to respect himself?
He couldn't help bending his lips, thanked the hotel staff, picked up
the phone and dialed the elder brother of the Gu family to
communicate: "brother, I received a thick object."

He did not pretend to be mysterious, and honestly and frankly said,

"It was brought to me by the housekeeper."

On the other side of the communicator, Gu Qin heard his face calm
and said softly, "Just take it down."

He happened to be looking at Gu's industry and asked Su Tan by the

way: "What does Gu's industry want? Entertainment? Film and
television? Starship manufacturing?"

Sutan :! !! !!

He was shocked at the bottom of his heart and couldn't return to God.

Brother is moving things to himself every day, aren't you afraid to

evacuate the Gu family?

Su Tan desperately suppressed the turbulent mood and flatly refused:

"No, I don't want these vulgar things, I just want a big brother."

Hearing this sentence, Gu Qin couldn't help pressing his lips, and
Junlang's calm face showed a smile, and said, "Well, it's all for you."

Su Tan: "..."
--what did I do? I hugged a golden mountain.


Gu Qin's decision was quick and stable, and before the 1 refused, he
hung up the phone.

Even though he was happy, he didn't have the heart to bear with the
eldest brother who had just taken over the Gu family. After thinking
about it, he directly left a message for Gu Qin.

"Brother, you help me keep these industries, I believe in your ability,

come on!"

After the newsletter, he landed on Weibo and found that there were
endless rumors and various rumors about the Gu family on Weibo.

Although no official news has appeared in the official media and

channels, some private forums and Weibo have quietly built high-rise
buildings and are curious about the inside story of the giants.

Some malicious speculations even raised it to the Gu family.

"I ate two tons of peaches: Alas, the giant dogs are fighting with each
"The other side of my life: I have been taken up by Gu Jiaxin's young
and old enthusiasts! I have the strength, the emotional quotient, and
the decisive decisive hand, but I don't know what the face value is?"

"One meter of sunshine all over the city: upstairs, don't be too fanciful,
you can't think of the grandma in the giants. Otherwise, you really
think that the original Gu family owners and elders were willing to
leave? Anyone with a good eye knows that they are Exiled! "


The various speculations on the Internet are endless, making people

look at the flowers in a fog, dazzling, many netizens and passers-by
who do not know the inside, are even more impatient for this drama
of Gu family.

For a while, various new "home guilty" statements made by the new
owner Gu Qin, ruthless rumors, and devil's heart speculation made
passers-by shudder, completely describing Gu Qin as a big devil.

After reading these increasingly bizarre speculations and comments,

Su Tan's heart sank slightly, and he couldn't help raising his


He boarded his own Weibo, briskly and steadily typed a line, and
posted a new meager saying: "Laughing and crying, in fact, it was the
elderly who chartered out together—the beach! Sunshine! Hot! Travel!
When this Weibo was issued, it immediately caught the attention of
many people. Many people immediately thought of the Gu family's
affairs and the current situation, and took the seats to answer the

"Soft cute dolphin: Big, where is the best trip? Please recommend!"

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: come to us, it has been snowing
with goose feathers, three meters deep, thieves are exciting!"

"Kolabao: I want to go to the ancient earth in" Domination "and travel

through many time and space and the world. It feels so interesting."

"One meter of sunshine allure: Is this the story of the Gu family? The
truth is as simple as that?"

"Dark Rose: Understood."


Looking at the completely distorted Weibo comments and messages,

he has turned to netizens and fans to discuss enthusiastically where
the travel sacred place is the most worth visiting, and it belongs to the
top ten worst pit spots.

Solving everyone's speculation, he began to pack his luggage with

peace of mind, ready to embark on a journey back to Rose.
But there is only one big | trouble--

Su Tan looked at Hayden, who had packed the 132nd box in his room,
and couldn't help but keep silent.

He finally asked, curiously, "What are you doing?"

The big cousin who just pushed 133 packing boxes into the living
room of the hotel suite, raised his head, raised his lips. He answered
calmly and calmly, and the low temperature was extremely mild.

Su Tan: "..."

Hearing his words, he could not help jumping. "133 cases of

luggage ????"

Are you planning to start a moving company?

Looking at his dark and clean eyes was full of surprise, Hayden
couldn't help laughing, straightened up from the trunk, crossed his
long legs, and easily jumped over the tidy trunk, and walked directly
Came to him.

Then, a pair of warm and hot hands touched the top of Su Tan's head
and vultures twice, rubbing the juvenile's soft black hair into a mess.

Hayden's low magnetic voice was clearly smiling and joyful, saying,
"Well, it's so easy to go home, and move things back to my in-laws."
Su Tan: "..."

Listening to this incredibly natural and sultry sentence, his cheek

suddenly couldn't bear the heat, and it gradually spread a scarlet

He gave a cough, tried to suppress the heat on his face, and praised
his cousin with affirmation: "Good attitude, keep working hard."

Hayden smiled.

Sutan had not set off yet, and the suitcases were full of a room inside
and outside the hotel suite. There was almost no place to go. Sutan
had no choice but to open a suite next door to store items.

Unexpectedly, within a few days his ticket for the spaceship was
booked, and his elder brother Gu Qin began to deliver things.

When the Royal Guards housekeeper Olesen delivered the 269th box
of luggage, he watched Gu's housekeeper look excited and handed a
box of fresh and lobster king crab, unique to the Imperial Capital, to
him in Sutan .


Gu's housekeeper smiled, proud and proud. "The owner specifically

instructed me to bring you God's specialty products for fear that you
will not have enough to eat."
Su Tan was moved: "Thank you, brother."

In a short time, I saw that Gu's butler's tail could almost rise to the
sky. He said with joy and satisfaction: "Little Master, now you know
who is the best for you? Homeowner! Only the homeowner! The best
is not a brother!"

With a solemn and solemn expression, Olesen calmly opened the

269th suitcase he brought with him and displayed it in front of him. A
set of exquisite golden tableware that was immediately shiny and
shiny was attractive. The sight of the two.

Olesen calmly and quietly introduced, "Your Majesty ordered me to

bring the tableware for you, please take it away."

His Majesty?

Although he was unnamed, the few people present reacted

immediately referring to the highest power in the empire.

At this moment, Su Tan hurriedly stood up in amazement, took it

with both hands respectfully, and thanked her, "Thank Your Majesty."

Holding a box of prawns, lobsters and king crabs on the side, the
butler of Gu's house had no choice but to take a deep breath and
watched his own things compare with each other, and then—the
water was thrown away by the lobster.
I'm so angry!

He smiled hard, watching Su Tan thank the two again and again, and
politely sent them out.

Coincidentally, the housekeeper Gu and Alesen took the same

elevator and pressed the button to the first floor of the hotel. Inside
the big bright elevator, there was a certain silence.

The housekeeper Gu quietly glanced through the brightly-reflected

elevator door and glanced at the solemn and solemn Olesen with a
straight back, the complex taste beyond his heart.

Unexpectedly, Oleson took the lead and talked with him: "This is my
79th time here."

Gu housekeeper :? ? ?

He glanced at Oleson inexplicably quickly, wondering what he meant.

All I saw was Oleson's methodical and unhurried continuation: "A

total of 269 boxes have been delivered."

"Expect 135 cases."

Speaking of which, this man, who had always been serious and calm,
suddenly shook his head helplessly and laughed. "His Majesty and
His Royal Highness are really too fond of Master Su."

Gu's housekeeper: "..."

The elevator rings and the door opens. Olesen stepped out calmly,
and Wen said goodbye, "Goodbye, I'm busy getting the 270th box."

Gu's housekeeper: "........."

He watched the man tickle his lips and turned away. For a while, I
just felt the overwhelming war in my heart!

No matter how petting, can you pet our family? The Gu family
dismantled to the young master, and they did not relent.

The Gu housekeeper immediately burst into the flames of fire, and

immediately wanted to rush back to the house and prepare 270 boxes-
no, 27,000 boxes! Send! I'm desperate to overtake the peer who is
competing with myself for the young master's favor!

Who is not the clan of the family?

Su Tan didn't know the inside story, only felt that even opening three
hotel suites couldn't fit Olesen and Gu's housekeeper. When he was
racing many suitcases one by one, he finally waited for the Imperial
Capital to go to the starry space of Rose. flight.
In a hurry, he watched his big cousin help him put everything into
three extra-large storage space necklaces and embarked on the return
journey together.

He is finally going home.

Su Tan posted a dynamic post on Weibo, "Brushed braised meat every

day: go home: -D."

Not to mention how excited the readers are, even the majority of
netizens are very shocked.

"Soft cute dolphin: What about the Gu family? What about the giants?
Just give up? Great, it turns out that you are so jealous of gold, it's
worthy of me."

"Xi Baobao's little girl: Yes, our Roubao is such a clear stream, don't
take money to measure him."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: The throne of the emperor and the prince
of the empire, too ?? Braised pork, do you know that you lost a river?"


All kinds of jokes and comments on the Internet are enthusiastic, and
even attracted the attention of many media. When he was busy for
half a month and had 500 boxes of spirits, the housekeeper Gu took
away to the young master, and finally freed from the busy. When I
saw this Weibo--

As precious as dirt? Don't judge him by money?

Gu's housekeeper: ...... Is the 500 box I just gave off a fake box?

And the other side of the Royal Guards housekeeper Olesen was

Netizens are so naive, what to abandon the throne of the imperial

princely concubine is clearly to have run away the heirs of the empire.

He could only smile and beckon to encourage Sahua to say that

everything went well [sad].

Su Tan 's Weibo continued to be discussed. Unexpectedly, "Chang'an"

learned that he was leaving the imperial capital, and suddenly talked
to him privately, inviting him into a chat group of "Ancient Earth

"Chang'an: Welcome newcomer. @ 一个 人"

Suddenly as soon as he entered the group, Su Tan suddenly saw a pile

of warm welcome cheering out.

"Flame Loli Laser Cannon: Where is this young master from?"

"Adolescents with a dry shelf: Guangming Ding is still a new disciple
of a beautiful girl? Wucao, wouldn't it be Boss Zhou?"

"A Liangliang Liangliang Liangliang: The upstairs are calm, don't

scare the younger brother! Hmm, younger brother, take a photo?"

"Silent is gold:-"


The crowd was very lively, and the lively and funny words made Su
Tan could not help but understand the identity of this group of people

Disciples of the old scholars and professors at the "Earth Earth

Cultural Exchange Conference"? Teenagers who inherited the ancient
earth culture?

He could not help raising his lips.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the group became hotter, Ji Changan

had to come forward to preside over justice.

"Chang'an: Fu'er ... you have to let the little teacher say something."

"Queens: Oh!"

"Burning loli laser cannon: Say!"

"A Liang Liang Liang Liang Liang Liang: Good!"

"Silent is gold: ..."

"Chang'an: ........."

Seeing this scene, Su Tan couldn't help bending his lips immediately,
typing his fingers lightly on the keyboard.

"Meat meat meat meat meat: Hello everyone [goodness]."

All of a sudden, the group was curious about this new little brother
and joked.

"The boy of the dry rack: Hahahahahaha, this name-pork belly?"

"Lolite laser cannon: Speaking of which, I'm hungry again. I'm

fighting with my teacher underground, unhappy."

"A Liangliang Liangliangliangliang: We are obviously cultural relics

protection workers! The rescue of earth culture! Upstairs, can you say
the point of justice?"

"Meng Meng Er Niang: Whisper, my favorite author's name has the

word 'meat' in it."

"Flame loli laser cannon: Er Niang, you're hitting it-too good."

"Meng Meng Er Niang: Thank you for your compliments

Everyone: "..."

Looking at the chat record that was quickly brushed, Ji Changan

couldn't help but have a headache. He couldn't help but smile and
talked to Su Tandan: "Although they are a bit unreliable, they are
people who really like the ancient earth culture. Want to join us?"

Looking at this sentence, Su Tan was a little surprised.

Ji Changan's words are gentle and powerful. Although they are

persuasion, they contain the warmth of the pulse, and said to him: "I
know that you have just graduated from high school and have half a
year to apply for college. This time can be used to think carefully
Which university and major to go to. If you are interested, consider
the major of ancient earth culture, whether it is Teacher Mei or
Professor Zhou, they are willing to accept you as a disciple. "

Listening to this, Su Tan couldn't help wondering. He asked, "What is

the ancient earth profession now?"

Ji Changan replied frankly and with joy. "Look at the books, brush
your treasures, and exchange your research results. If any interstellar
site is excavated, the teachers will take us to explore. If there is
something like an ancient earth culture suddenly circulating in the
world, professors are often hired to identify it . "
He laughed: "It's about the inheritance and dissemination of ancient
culture, and you've done a good job of this."

This compliment made Su Tan blush.

His face was hot, and he was moved by the words of "Chang'an". It
was originally thought that the ancient earth culture was an
unpopular academic field, and it was unexpectedly so colorful in the
other's mouth.

There is also a friend in the chat group who quickly brushed the "999"
message, and he couldn't help bending his lips.

"Brother Ji, let me think about it." Su Tan smiled and thanked
Chang'an again and again and said frankly and sincerely.

Ji Changan Wen agreed with a smile and said, "Not in a hurry, there
are still six months, think carefully."

The group was very lively. Su Tan looked around for a while and
found that the members of the "Ancient Earth Youth" group were
quite familiar. They talked and talked with each other and didn't care
about it.

He smiled for a while, and watched as the crowd began to talk about
"Why aren't the Jianghu Entertainment Weekly updated yet?" "I
couldn't help laughing, fortunately," Chang'an "had largely not
disclosed his identity in the group.
At that moment, he quietly shut down the chat group, calm down,
and began to concentrate on coding.

In these days of Emperor Xingxing, due to the Gu family's affairs, the

update speed of his novels has slowed down unknowingly. Although
I still insist on doing more every day, there is no frequent burst of
blood when the first book "Dominate" is made, which makes readers
who are accustomed to the bigger and fatter chapters are not suitable.

On this return trip, Su Tan decided to settle down completely and

concentrate on updating the manuscript with code words, breaking
out for the readers.

With his full attention, he quickly wrote a series of smooth text on his
laptop keyboard with his ten fingers. As it happens, the storyline of
Jianghu Entertainment Weekly encountered a big high tide.

Zhang Mao'er, a young disciple of Wudang who was looking for a

sword down the mountain, suddenly heard a rumor that a peerless
sword appeared in Mingjian Villa. According to legend, it was very
similar to Master Wudang's sword. Enter quietly with a famous post
and want to find out.

Unexpectedly, at the banquet, it was rumored that this unparalleled

sword was most loved by the owner of the famous Jianshanzhuang,
hanging in his bedroom day and night to appreciate it, and he refused
to easily see it.

If you want to see the whole picture of the sword, you can only
venture into the bedroom of the owner at night.

Zhang Maoer was a little uneasy, but to verify the truth, he could only
sneak into the guarded dormitory while he was drinking at the

As soon as he looked up, he saw the sword hanging on the wall inside
the bedroom mantle, low-key and eye-catching, and his eyes lit up

The well-wrapped scabbard made him unable to see the specific

appearance of the sword from a distance.

Zhang Maoer hesitated for a moment, quietly sighed, and stepped

forward to examine the situation of the sword. Unexpectedly, there
was still a person sitting behind the bed mantle.


"why you?!"

The plot of the novel happens to stop here.

An Mingliang, a junior in ancient earth culture at Didu University,

suddenly turned down a page, and did not expect that the star novel
website directly reminded him that "the last page has been reached."

In the moment, his heart was tickling, and he rolled the quilt and
wanted to know the plot behind it.
Who would Zhang Maoer see so surprised? acquaintance? People you
know? Or are there other unexpected roles?

All these unknowns stopped just right at the key point, leaving his
heart unresolved for a while, only feeling full of curiosity was hooked.

However, the author's "Brushed braised meat every day" even adds to
this hateful chapter.

Immediately, An Mingliang couldn't help the sorrow in his heart, and

rushed to the novel book review area to comment furiously.

"Dry boy: Big, do you dare to update more? Empty my wallet !!!"

"Kolabao: The little brother upstairs has spoken my heart, stuck here, I
really want to send a large blade."

"Begonia's Little Begonia: accidentally brushed up a chapter update

and just wanted to be happy, and the result is-meat treasure, you
come out quickly! See I won't kill you!"

Readers and fans have groaned, feeling that this Cavern makes people
feel troubled and anxious. Many people have guessed that the
accidental appearance in the novel should be Wen Jiada Wengong,
who has a bad relationship with the protagonist Zhang Maoer. Jade, it
is also speculated that it is most likely Zhang Maoer's uncle.
There are all kinds of speculations, "the biggest devil in the rivers and
lakes", "the undercover of the famous Jianshanzhuang kitchen No. 2
Xiaoming", "a dummy", and even "the author's traversal into the novel
| body" Come out, people can't help laughing.

At the time of writing, the comments under the article were all in full
swing, and the sound of sending blades to the author was endless.

An Mingliang looked at it, but felt that he had a heart in his heart.
When he returned to the group of teachers and brothers in his daily
communication, he couldn't help but talk.

"Dry boy: Meat's latest chapter makes people want to go crazy, how
can they break here like this? There is no JJ!"

Hearing the words, the group was silent.

Only "Meng Meng's Er Niang" bubbled up in surprise: "Well, the meat

has been updated? I'll see [happy]."

remaining people--

"Flame loli laser cannon: No young JJ? Too cruel."

"A Liang Liang Liang Liang Liang: Your family knows it will cry, ha
ha ha ha ha ha."

Seeing that the ridicule in the group was getting more and more
biased, Ji Changan laughed and wondered what Su Tan would feel
when he saw it. He simply coughed and stopped the talk to say: "Your
paper is finished? @ 乾 架 的 少年"

"Queens: ... no, no."

Ji Chang'an couldn't help but smile, "Chang'an: Not yet?"

An Mingliang was so downcast that he was crying and went offline,

and was forced by his brother to rush to the paper.

On the other side, Su Tan did not know what kind of tragedy
happened in the chat group. At this time, he was busy catching up
with the next chapter update. Hand speed is fast, and the update of
Chapter 2 will be uploaded to the website after one hour.

The readers under the article "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" just

immersed in the atmosphere of the chapter break and the tide of the
previous chapter. Suddenly, they saw the update of the next chapter
coming suddenly, which was unexpected.

At the moment, a "Update !!!" immediately attracted many readers to


I saw, the plot of this chapter is even more vivid.

In the owner's bedroom of Mingjian Villa, Zhang Maoer, a young

Wudang disciple sneaking in, accidentally saw an unexpected figure
—Wen Gongyu who could not escape with his evil fate.
At that moment, he jammed his case and stood on the large soft bed

"why you?!"

What made him even more unexpected was that Wen Gongyu was
the hidden owner of the famous Jianshanzhuang. It was here that he
waited for the rabbit and caught him.


"Dry boy: The plot is broken again! Collapse !!!"

"Soft cute dolphin: It's naughty again, why is it so ecstatic QAQ?"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: I just got fascinated. I prepared snacks,

peanuts, nuts, and nuts. I didn't expect this chapter to be updated
again, and I was caught alive by the plot on the tail.


The second chapter breaks the reader's curiosity completely, directly

involved in the plot of the novel, and anxiously wanted to know the
subsequent plot development.

An Mingliang sat in front of the computer and couldn't write a one-

word essay at all, full of plots from the novel just now, and now—
The author of "Jianghu" braised pork in his heart, not only is there no
young JJ, he is also the most capable young man.

He scratched his head and hurriedly brushed the novel several times.
Finally, after waiting for more than half an hour, he lived up to
expectations and waited for a new chapter update.

Wen Gongyu captured Zhang Maoer, and tortured him gently all
night. When he got up the next morning, Zhang Maoer hurried out of
the famous sword villa.

The journey down the mountain was quite difficult, but fortunately,
he learned another news halfway through the accident. The most
famous drunken house in the rivers and lakes was the place where the
uncle visited, where he was drunk with his friends. Did you lose your
sabre at that time?

Zhang Maoer hurried to Zuixianlou, and on the way, he heard all

kinds of legends about the appearance of the owner of the Zuixianlou,
who was astounded by nature and had a great temperament.

When Zhang Maoer finally rushed to meet the landlord--

The comments under the article are completely crazy.

"Boyboy: Meat is big! I want to meet you too!"

"Soft cute dolphin: the big text is very magical [laughs and cry]."
"The Mirror of the Meat Po Family: Suddenly, some of the older
brothers and sisters upstairs, hahahahaha, I took three chapters to
watch it together, there was no pressure at all. Great, beautiful job!"

"Dark Rose: ..."

Su Tan wrote and uploaded, chapter by chapter, speed is not slow,

almost every hour after a chapter will be published in the author's
backstage, and then devoted to the whole code, without knowing
what happened in the book review area.

After he finally wrote that the protagonist Zhang Maoer heard various
rumors, he went to the owner of the famous sword mountain village,
the drunk fairy landlord, the head of the sect, the low-key lonely
swordsman lonely wind on the rivers and lakes, and so on. It was
unexpectedly found that behind all these identities there was a single
person-Wen Gongyu.

In a short time, a game of guessing games was formally staged.

Several big plots were written down, and Su Tan just felt that he was
invigorating. The interesting characters and the plot of finding the
truth to each other progress progressively, forming a wonderful
chemical reaction in the novel, which makes people irresistible.

With a smile, Su Tan rubbed his sore fingertips, watching the full
update of the ten chapters, and his satisfaction was beyond words.

He finally stopped the code and opened the book review area.
I saw--

"The boy with a dry shelf: a chapter-breaking crazy monster, seduced

me to brush my mobile phone for a day, and I didn't write a one-word
essay, and I definitely didn't have a small JJ / (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~"

"Soft cute dolphin: 1."

"Kolabao: 2."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: 100000000"

Under the comments, there was a long line of silence, which made Su
Tan laugh unconsciously. As he was preparing to reply happily, he
suddenly saw a new comment come out.

"Smoke scar: cough, let me verify it for you, don't walk away—"

"Boyboy: Lightman !!!!!!"

Su Tan: "..."

"Well," the door of the starship guest bedroom was suddenly

knocked. "Are you there?"

A man pushed in the door.

Su Tan: Scared (ω)


"Kolabao: how about His Royal Highness ?????"

"The meat girl's sister-in-law: I said a good live broadcast, I was cut off

"Boyboy: Huh, they don't have little JJ together."

After waiting for a long time, without seeing the "smoke scars"
returning to report on the follow-up situation, readers under the
article "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" looked forward to it,
anxiously waiting. This is the reason why the two parties cannot be

It was not until ten hours later that "smoke scars" appeared again.

"Smoke: The punch is complete :)."

"Soft cute dolphin: ... dog food."

"Kolabao: 1"

"Teenagers: 2"
After being inexplicably stuffed with a bowl of dog food, An
Mingliang indignantly landed in the "Ancient Earth Boys" chat group
and chanted directly in the group.

"Dry boy: Braised pork is a big bitter hand. Why do you need to send
dog food with your husband every day?"

Seeing that each of the group was busy, no one ignored him. Only the
newcomer's "flesh flesh flesh" appeared, sending out a string of "...",
An Mingliang flashed in front of his eyes and held each other

"Youth boy: Pork belly, right?"

Su Tan brushed the light-brain communicator, slightly bent the

corners of his lips, and quickly typed a line.

"Meat flesh flesh flesh: yes yes yes."

After a while, An Mingliang was in a happy mood, and felt that the
new younger brother had an affair with himself.

"Boyboy: Really good ~"

He just wanted to continue the "broiled pork" deeds to the younger

student's popular science, but suddenly he saw a curious question in
the chat group.
"Meat meat meat meat meat: Brother, are you writing a thesis?

An Mingliang froze, and his gaze followed the other party's words,
and he couldn't help but glanced at the blank document on the
computer in front of him.

I saw, the envy and admiration of the younger brother came after

"Brother, is it really difficult to write a thesis?"

"You must have studied particularly well."

"I want to learn from you too."

An Mingliang even turned the tip of his ears red, and instantly felt
that his image in the eyes of the young master was extremely

How could he be addicted to fiction every day?

Obviously, he should be a model of learning essays and be a role

model for young masters.

The door of the dormitory was suddenly opened, and a tall, burly,
carefree boy walked in late at night, and was surprised to see An
Mingliang burying himself in his desk and writing a dissertation
He: This is ... it's raining in the sky?

This situation made him incredible, until he got to the chat group and
finally found out why.

"Adolescents of dry shelf: Little master, my thesis is entitled" The

reproduction and faults of ancient earth culture ". Since the
disappearance of the ancient earth, a large number of ancient earth
civilizations have been lost and buried in the former star field, only a
small part Rare items have been preserved and passed down by major
families, and some of the spacecraft that flew from the ancient earth to
the galaxy fell into the vast sky at that time, and the spacecraft
remains buried some precious cultural relics. So, this time my thesis It
is to start with the rich and colorful ancient earth culture and study
the changes of the entire history of ancient earth literature ... "

"Meat flesh flesh flesh: Brother you are great!"

The roommate deeply felt that the simple and cute little master was
deceived. Obviously, the bright everyday life is--

"It looks good! Ten chapters are not enough, and another thousand

"This novel thief 666666"

"Why not update? Not yet? Spicy chicken writers come out and see if I
don't hack you!"
"Ah, ah, ah, I'm due tomorrow! What have I done in the past two
months? Why didn't I write a word? Is it too late to go to the
professor's door and kneel?"

Boy: I may see a fake roommate.

Su Tan teased his brother, and after successfully persuading him to

study hard, he calmly continued to code. Unexpectedly, he received a
notice from the editor and told him to prepare a new book for V.

This time it was very hasty, but it was expected.

The full text of "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" has nearly 500,000,

and the collection volume has reached more than 23 million. Many
readers and authors of the star novel website are waiting for the entry
of this book. How terrible it is.

For this reason, almost as soon as Su Tan posted the announcement of

entering V, the Star Forum immediately opened a post, guessing
whether his subscription can break the history.

"Curiously asked:" Jianghu "is about to enter V, how much will be the
first order?"

"The landlord: It is purely personal curiosity. If you want to guess,

you can guess how many subscriptions there will be in this collection.
Reasonable discussion, don't tear it down."
"1L: Wait for the Great God to analyze."

"2L: Ask the same."

"3L: Guiding homepage gold list. Compare the data of the first place
on the gold list with" Jianghu "to find out."


"4L: Braised Pork Newcomer's second novel. It is very inspirational to

get this result."

"5L: I think this data has moisture. The subject matter of the ancient
style is so cold. This book is basically ignited by the enthusiasm of the
Longman family and Gu family. Many netizens who don't read novels
come to watch and collect it. .How many netizens will read the article
after it is actually on the shelves, but not necessarily. "

"It's still 5L: And ... I remember another ancient Fengjiang novel that
competed with" Jianghu "at that time was blasted by the military?"
Well, "Jianghu" is not necessarily clean. "

"7L: God is annoyed by people upstairs. There is a hammer on the

hammer, but no hammer guessing? You don't need to cost to make a
rumor, right?"


"1943L: So, the first order is expected to exceed 10 million?"

From the forum building, immediately attracted a large number of
authors to watch, but readers and fans under Su Tanwen still
enthusiastically chatted in the book review area.

"Soft cute dolphin: Do you want to explode more or less when you
enter V? Do you have 100,000 words [expecting]?"

"Kolabao: 100,000 words are not enough. One million words!"

"Dark Night Rose: More and less, how many thunder I hit."

"Sister of the Po Family: The young lady upstairs is domineering."


Compared to the various speculations in the forum on the first edition

of "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly", in the book review area, it is all
about rushing into the V to make it more explosive.

Su Tan couldn't help but bend his lip with a smile. The readers didn't
know that this book was about to burst out quickly. "Jianghu
Entertainment Weekly" was originally a bland and warm little cute
article, lively, fun, and fun. There is only one storyline, "Sword
Searching", from beginning to end.

In addition, most of them are narrative styles that show the fun and
excitement. They show off the heroes title, gagging, eating and
drinking, and lively and interesting side. They are no exception to
ordinary people.

On the contrary, without the halo of Gao Leng swordsman, heroes,

and high hopes, many people have shown unusually clumsy and
unconventional things in their lives, and all kinds of fun scenes can
not help but make readers laugh.


Su Tan thought that he had thoroughly analyzed the cause and effect
of "Xunjian", and it was almost the end time.

Below this, three days later, Jianghu Entertainment Weekly was

officially launched.

It was one and a half o'clock on the day of launch, and the editorial
department of Fanxing Novels found that the number of online
readers and authors today is extremely large, almost three times as

Late into the night, many accounts turned out to be

uncharacteristically unconnected, like a New Year's carnival night.

The editorial department was suddenly shocked, and someone

immediately joked: "Non-year and non-holiday, the website traffic
tonight is hot?"
Unexpectedly, as soon as his words came out, the colleague next door
who stayed up late overnight with him, looked up from his busy
schedule and smiled, "There is a new book in V tonight."

After a while, the previous editor was a little confused. While looking
for coffee from the messy table, he touched the cup and asked
casually, "Which **** is it?"

He quickly recalled the new articles on his channel, but he couldn't

remember any recent God's new book to be put on the shelves, and he
couldn't help but be surprised.

Which new book can attract three times the number of online users of
a novel site in the same period?

Unexpectedly, I was surprised to learn that--

"Jianghu Entertainment Weekly."

Immediately, the previous editor who was looking for espresso

slammed, holding the coffee hand and stalled in the air. "Ancient
Chinese novel? Braised pork?"

He responded quickly and thought of the author of the book almost


Although the frequency is different, but I also know a lot about this
fire novel. When the Crown Prince appeared on the Internet Weibo,
he also went forward to watch it with interest, seeing the book by
himself. The subject matter of the cold is hot, and the data is big.
Only recently, for the latest list of charts, he spent several nights in a
row, without the time and energy to pay attention to the movements
after the "Jianghu", unexpectedly, the new book that entered the V
today is this one.


Right now, the editor was a little sneered, and smiled with emotion: "I
didn't expect ... as soon as it hits the shelves, it will attract three times
the number of people online, I am afraid that God is rare."

"Who said no?"

The chat between the two editors immediately aroused the curiosity
of many editors. Seeing that the post on the forum that guessed the
revenue was ranked high on the top, the editors of the entire editorial
department were completely out of work and simply Qi Qi puts down
the work at hand, chats and laughs awaiting the arrival of zero.

How many first editions of Jianghu Entertainment Weekly will there


Everyone estimated a number in their hearts and waited for the

verification after zero.

With such expectations, I saw that the time had passed 23:59, and I
finally waited until 0:00.
At the moment, all the editors in the editorial department holding
coffee cups for gossiping and involuntarily stopped and agreed to
look at the data background of the star novel website.

I saw--

"0:01, Jianghu Entertainment Weekly subscriptions: ————"

All of a sudden, all the editors were stunned, staring at the "————"
line in the background of the statistics and statistics, full of wonder.

It took a few seconds before someone finally responded with a quick


"The website is stuck ?!"

As soon as this word came out, the entire editorial department was

The technology in the interstellar era is very developed, and the star
novel website is heavily invested. The best server and algorithm
software have been purchased, and it is almost impossible for a
website card to appear. apart from--

Too many accounts at the same time flock to the same node at the
same time, it is very likely that the node will overload and crash.

At this point, almost all editors are shocked.

how is this possible?

Immediately, some editors on the scene quickly sent a newsletter to

the website's technical department for verification. Sure enough, I
heard a reply from the website card for a few minutes, and now it has
been urgently repaired.


As time goes on, the shock of all editors' hearts is beyond words.
Refreshing the statistics and statistics background of Fanxing Novel
Network, I saw that the number of novel subscriptions became
popular across the board, and nearly doubled with the soaring data.
Such a powerful purchasing power was amazing.

Not to mention, some editors were immediately curious: "The appeal

of fans is so strong?"

Although "every day brushes braised pork" is a novel explosion, after

all, it is just a newcomer who has just written two books. The fan base
and appeal are still a little different from those of the old-fashioned
gods on the star novel website.

In the eyes of editors, the author who is so fast-paced, red is red, but
the most likely to be unstable.

But it was unexpected. Tonight's popular first order data completely

overthrew editors' perceptions. One person who was in front of the
computer now opened the book review area of "Jianghu
Entertainment Weekly" to browse.
I saw that the book review of the new V chapter has filled the entire

"Soft cute dolphin: Report!"

"Kolabao: Come and report together."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: I wish a big new book fire."

"Begonia of the meat treasure family: meat treasure, what do you


"Dark Night Rose: [Ray] [雷] [雷] [雷] —— Do you dare to empty my


The enthusiasm of book reviews is endless, and it is constantly

increasing rapidly. Even the "pure passers-by onlookers netizens will
not subscribe", once speculated in the forum post building, has been
completely overthrown, and a large number of articles have been
flooded into the articles of Jianghu.

And as time goes on the shelves, the popularity of data is getting more
and more fermented.
Almost instantaneously, "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly"
counterattacked on the thousand-character revenue ranking of the star
novel website.

Compared to the homepage gold list, although this list cannot witness
the total gold absorption capacity of a novel, it can best measure
whether the novel's thousand-word gain can withstand the test.


As soon as "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" appeared on the list, not

to mention the sensation of squatting in the forum, even the many
editors in the editing room shook up.


"The potential is good, there is absolutely no problem in maintaining

the gold list on the front page."
"Is this Hoshino's contracted author? It's such a good tone that she
picked up a baby."

The editors talked a lot, and the fatigue caused by staying up all night
and all night was suddenly wiped out.

Having such a newcomer and author with great potential is

undoubtedly like digging a treasure trove, making them jealous of
Sutan's editor Hoshino.
When Hoshino reported his work from the editor's office and came
out with the editor, he saw a room full of editors gathered together,
envious of her smile.

Immediately, she was a little surprised, she heard a colleague smiled

and said with a smile: "The first booking of" Jianghu Entertainment
Weekly "is bursting, and you have to invite dinner!"

Hoshino was startled, and countless surprises rushed up from his


"Exploded?" She quickly walked towards the nearest computer,

quickly and swiftly landed on the website's data statistics backstage,
and anxiously wanted to see the first booked number of "Jianghu".

I didn't expect that, even though she had expected a surprise in her
heart, when she suddenly touched the number of subscriptions, she
couldn't help shaking for a moment.

Later, a pride of joy slowly swept up from the limbs and bones.

"10 minutes? Five million?"

She stared unbelievably at the computer screen and muttered these

numbers, even the editor-in-chief who had been infecting literary
websites for many years and had seen countless storms.

Better data than that, yes.

But this year, when it was launched in ten minutes, it subscribed to
more than 5 million. There is no better data than this.

At the moment, the editor's deep eyes can't help passing a glimmer of
color. With a little thought, he made a decisive decision and asked all
editors directly: "Are you ready for tomorrow's homepage list?"

The homepage list has always been free of words and lengths. It only
looks at the benefits of novels, and is discussed by the editors and


Therefore, upon hearing this, all editors shook their heads in silence,
and many people remembered that they had not completed a lot of
work and immediately quietly prepared to return to their seats to
continue the ranking.

Just listen, the editor-in-chief gave a decisive decision: "Tomorrow's

homepage push, that's it!"

"Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" went crazy as soon as it hit the

shelves, and the hot sales even exceeded Sutan's own accident.

After seeing the rumors of support and encouragement in the book

review area, he couldn't help but be a little moved. What can be
rewarded is double the update.
Simply, he was ready to continue adding more. These days, I have
saved thirty chapters and saved the draft. I just sent it out when I put
it into V. At this time, I can only write and code when it breaks.

In these twenty chapters, the plot of the novel is advancing rapidly,

and it has been written that the protagonist Zhang Maoer released the
sword-seeking revelation published in the "Jianghu Entertainment
Weekly" weekly news.

He followed the information provided by the other party, and

suddenly received a sword exactly like his uncle, paid a lot of
rewards, and took the sword back to the mountain in a good mood.

However, what I didn't expect is that this sword is really a sword that
can be faked and faked.

The weight, appearance, shape, and feel are almost exactly the same.
Only the uncle carefully observed that a slight sharp scratch was left
on the sword more than a decade ago, and it did not appear on the
sword, allowing him to see through.

Zhang Mao'er was a little stunned, and then he was so sad that he
wanted to recover the large bounty paid by Baihuahua. Suddenly he
could not find anyone, so he had to go down the mountain again and
embark on the sword hunting journey.

But this time, his downhill suddenly encountered the biggest crisis.

"Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" No. 2127: Wudang disciple Zhang

Maoer descends from the mountain, carrying a sword that is unique
in the world, the first in the world, unparalleled in the world! "

At the moment, the entire Wuhu sword idiots of the rivers and lakes
are sensational, and Qiqi goes out to fight with him.

Zhang Maoer: Can I refuse? ? ?

"Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" No. 2128: Wudang's head rumors

through the air-Maoer, Wudang's reputation will be on you. [加油] "

Zhang Maoer: ... Thank you for trusting QAQ.

The first invitational battle-

An Mingliang was brushing here, but I saw it was gone again. After a
while, he was a little stunned.

"Dry boy: What's next?"

In the book review area, there are a lot of people who are as
aggressive as he is, but not addicted to seeing them, and shouted

Live up to the expectations, Su Tan glanced up and replied with a

smile: "All night tonight! Fight fast! One hour more chapter, are you
afraid of :-D?"
An Mingliang: "..."

Before he had time to comment, he saw that the comments in the book
review area were flying fast.

"Soft cute dolphin: afraid of death! How can you be so cute [laughing
and crying]?"

"Robe's bench: Robe grew up eating cute?"

"Dark Night Rose: My wallet says-be bold!"

Su Tan raised his eyebrows and continued to code with a smile.

Amorous swordsman merciless sword. In his novel, Zhang Maoer, the

protagonist in the novel, received many martial arts challenges such
as homeless swordsman, high cold sword fairy, and domineering

The rhythm of the following chapters is extremely fast. Almost every

chapter describes a strange man in rivers and lakes. Through time,
through the perspective of the protagonist Zhang Maoer, he has seen
countless strange people and many rivers and lakes.

Each chapter is so addictive and delightful.

It wasn't until Su Tan's writings that when the "Sword of Swords" also
came to the couple to fight against them, Zhang Maoer finally couldn't
bear it, and hurriedly concealed his whereabouts and disappeared
into the arena.

This time--

The hearts of all readers were raised. An Mingliang strained his

breath nervously. He didn't have any thoughts to brush up other
news and Weibo. He stayed firmly under the novel and waited
intently for the next chapter of the novel to be updated.

Has the hero Zhang Maoer disappeared and disappeared? Or will it

come back up again?

The most critical issue of the entire novel was placed in front of An
Mingliang, and his mind struggled for a while. His heart was stuck in
his throat and he was anxious to know the follow-up story.

Readers of this idea are not a minority.

Finally, I stayed up all night to catch up with the editor of the star
novel website, and finally I was able to breathe a sigh of relief and
chat and joke at will.

Naturally, many editors are still thinking about the data of "Jianghu",
and check the statistics background together. I saw that the number of
subscriptions for "Jianghu" exploded to 20 million, almost 1: 1 with
the collection.

This kind of data can't help but surprise many professional editors.
When time drowsiness and exhaustion disappear, they will disappear.
"This booking is too scary?"

The more basic the text, the more difficult it is to reach an astonishing
number of 1: 1.

Therefore, many editors present were totally surprised and couldn't

help checking the data carefully. After looking at it, everyone finally
knew that the data was correct.

Immediately, someone remembered it, and hurriedly returned to the

homepage of Fanxing's novel website to check the thousand-character
income list and the gold list on the front page. Sure enough, I saw the
novel "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly".

The first day of listing on the gold list, such data throughout the
history of the star novel website is rare, non-God can not do it.

And Sutan?

Some editors shook their heads with a smile and said with emotion:
"The next author conference, we must invite braised pork."

After staying up all night, it was only in the early morning that
Sutan's sore fingers stopped slowly. He moved almost overnight,
sitting in a chair with a stiff body, looking up at the computer
document page, but very satisfied.

The subsequent plots have basically been written.

The protagonist Zhang Maoer disappeared in the rivers and lakes for
a long time, and in the 2129 issue of "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly",
no accidental revelation was issued.

"Wudang disciple Zhang Maoer, your teacher called you home, please
answer when you hear it!"

At this time, Zhang Maoer, who was walking lightly in the small
town, just felt very comfortable right now, like a fish. Without
invitation battles and slaughter, his body suddenly eased a lot, and he
continued his journey of hunting swords.

The remote little town here was officially the last clue where he was
told. Zhang Maoer searched for a whole day without getting useful
information from a family in the town.

He was disappointed in his heart. When he stepped out of the county

town, he suddenly didn't want to hear the city walls and some gray-
faced little boys playing a hero game with wooden sword sticks.

One of the little round-faced boys was particularly proud, raising his
small **** proudly, and waving a grey sword in his hands.

"My family's burning stick is easy to use? You can't burn it in the fire!"

The baby's proud and proud tone couldn't help making people laugh.
Zhang Maoer glanced casually, glanced over the grey sword-shaped
object, and suddenly stopped.
After a short pause, he suddenly laughed.

"Uncle's sword, found."

Half a year later, a proud little baby with a round face like a little ****
appeared on the homepage of "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly". The
immature words and rounded cheeks made people smile.

"My master is Wudang Zhang Maoer! Are you afraid ?!"

Su Tan was calm and calm, and steadily laid down the word
"finished" and released an update.

He chuckled, thinking that readers would be shocked to see these two


He shut down his computer and webpage for a while, and got up
from the chair that had been sitting all night, but he felt that his joints
were not stiff, and there was no soreness.

He brushed Weibo while crawling to the bed.

I saw--

"Haiden Longman: Still not sleeping [Frown]? Staying up late hurts

the body more, you know? Don't you fear I'll make a round?"
"Gu Qin: Cha!"

Su Tan: "..." Brother, what happened to you, are you still my pro-


"Staying up all night?"

Hayden asked calmly, closed the hatch of the starship's guest room,
and walked towards him step by step.

Su Tan: "... I was wrong."

He confessed his mistakes, his tone was sincere, and his dark eyes
were apologetic and bright.

Hearing that, Hayden raised his eyebrows and looked down to notice
that his pale and tired face and the blackness under his eyes just felt
that there was no way to take him.

It's simply knowingly committed!

At the beginning of the time, he could not help but hold the things in
his hand and said directly to Su Tan: "Go to bed."

Sutan :! !! !!
So rude? !!

He couldn't help raising his eyes and looked at his big cousin for a
few times, and found that the other person seemed to come in a hurry
just after taking a shower, and he simply put on a light-colored soft
casual outfit.

An unsaturated vapor moistened the soft and thin casual clothes, and
almost affixed to the body, looming a perfectly thin figure.

Hayden walked over to the bed, glanced at the flat bed that hadn't
moved all night, raised his eyebrows to Su Tan, and said, "Come

At that moment, Su Tan walked over with a smile and lay down.

Taking a closer look, he saw that the large abs outlined by the big
cousin's semi-drenched clothes was more charming, almost
unbearable, especially missed the feel before.

Seeing the bright and expectant look of Su Tan's black eyes, Hayden
couldn't help but twitch his lips slightly.

He said, "Close your eyes."

After hearing this, Su Tan clicked and closed, "OK!"

Hayden: "..."
He couldn't help shaking his head and smirking. In front of the boy
who was full of expectations, he reached out and suddenly turned the
other person over, turned his back on Su Tan's shirt.

Forced to face down, Su Tan, her eyes closed tightly, could not help
but quietly and fiercely in her heart, she squeezed her fingers tightly,

Really exciting to play with big cousin :-D.

But it was unexpected, the next second, a large block of liquid with a
strange fragrance | the body suddenly fell on his back, and the cold
touch immediately made the naked | exposed spine slightly tight,
shaking for a moment.

Su Tan suddenly opened her eyes, surprised "Ya", raised her neck in
pain, and looked back.

"what is this???"

I saw the big cousin 's smile on his lips was obvious. He stretched out
his warm palm to spread the oil and looked at him profoundly: "This
is the massage oil that relieves tiredness. Stay up all night like this
Tired, what are you thinking about? "

Su Tan: "..."
A rush of enthusiasm spread to his cheek, and he looked at Hayden
Noir with a joke, and he felt ashamed just now.

He blushed and turned his head to sullen his head in the pillow, and
said in a low tone, "The editor said clearly, there is more to eat in three
thousand days."

Upon hearing this, he was calmly pressing on Hayden's thin back, and
slowly pressed Hayden, he couldn't help being amused, and he
couldn't help but be patient.

He raised the corners of his lips, and smiled in his low magnetic voice,
and said, "When you update only three thousand a day, I guarantee
that you can eat meat every day."

Su Tan: ...... Three thousand a day? My readers will chase you with a
blue fire Gatling gun-da da da da da!

After a comfortable massage, the stiff body and the exhaustion of the
body gradually dissipated, and Su Tan had already fallen into his
sleep peacefully and comfortably.

Hayden flipped him on his stomach and adjusted it to a more

comfortable position, and saw that he really rolled into the dream
with the quilt.

He couldn't help but look at it for a while, and according to his sleepy
state of sleep, as soon as he left the door of the starship, he suddenly
saw his brother Gu Qin's communication card stuck.
"Gu Qin: Atan is asleep?"

As soon as Hayden moved his finger, he simply posted the photo just
taken, and saw that he had appreciated it for a while, before telling
him a few words and breaking the communication.

Sutan didn't wake up slowly until she fell asleep in the morning until
three in the afternoon. She felt thirsty throat and swollen eyes. She
had no energy because she slept too much all over the body. .

He got up hard, took a shower quickly, and then stepped out of the
bathroom on the water vapor to find clean and comfortable clothes.

As soon as he changed his clothes, when he raised his hand, he

smelled a faint, strange fragrance, faint, but lingering around him.

Immediately, Su Tan frowned slightly. Obviously he didn't use any

bath liquid when he just took a shower. Where did the fragrance come

But the faint scent, the deeper it smelled, with the indescribable scent
of incense, people could not help but want to inquire about the source.

Hayden sniffed for a few more seconds, and some of the familiar
fragrance suddenly recollected his thoughts and thought of the

This is clearly the big cousin spilling on himself in the morning!

Right now, he was a little bit crying, and when he saw the newly-
changed clean clothes, he was unknowingly contaminated by this
subtle fragrance, so he took it off and went back to the bathroom and
rinsed twice.


But it was unexpected that the aroma of the essential oil had already
infiltrated the skin, not only could not be washed away, but gradually
changed into a strange and peaceful fragrant incense with the
extension of time.

Su Tan almost wrinkled her skin, and she couldn't help but
complained to her cousin in tears.

"Sutan: What fake oil did you buy? !!!"

I never thought that the communication would return quickly.

"Haiden: Your brother bought it."

Suddenly, Su Tan looked at this newsletter, and was a little bit stuck,
and his heart rose a little inconceivably.

But I saw that my cousin hadn't finished speaking yet, and responded
with a slight smile.

"Haiden: There's a whole box, don't waste it :)."

Sutan: QAQ

Brother broke his heart for him.

But why ... he doesn't feel like he will get better in the future?

In the constant temperature and warmth of the starship cabin, Su Tan

wrapped a layer of shirt, and added an extra coat, and tried to cover
up the scent of his body, before finally stepping out of the door to the
service area restaurant on the lower level of the starship.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, there were a lot of tourists hanging

out in the corridors and floors, and even the small bar in front of the
restaurant in the service area was full of enthusiasm.

Many customers gathered and watched the live broadcast of the game
on the big-screen TV, and then they drank frothy beer in a lively
hustle and bustle and judged the game.

Su Tan glanced from a distance, walked into the empty restaurant,

and sat down to call the waiter to order.

Hungry in his stomach, he was busy all night and missed the whole
day, almost hungry before his stomach. So, I ordered countless dishes
immediately, and then watched with satisfaction as the table in front
of me was stuffed with a variety of delicacies.

By the way, I sent a message to my big cousin. "I'm eating ... meat."
Can't eat meat, naturally there is food to cure.

He smiled, took a photo of a table full of food, and posted a new



"Brushed braised meat every day: gourmet / cured / sold alone


Sure enough, as soon as this Weibo was issued, his Weibo rushed into
countless comments as soon as it was launched.

"Soft cute dolphin: You come out greatly! See I won't kill you! Why
did it end in a day? It's not fun to watch!"

"Kolabao: Same face 懵 1. I was so happy when I saw the new article
on the shelves. I thought about it and saw it again. I didn't expect ... I
hugged the fat man in my heart."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: The Most Abhorrent Case in the History
of Fanxing Novel."

"Dark Night Rose: Deliberately doing something."


The rushing comments made Su Tan raise his eyebrows and smiled in
his heart.
Unexpectedly, even outside stations and on the Internet have heard
about this tragedy. Many netizens and readers and authors of other
novel sites have come to his article to watch.

A new post appeared unexpectedly next to the high-rise building that

speculated that the "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" first booked

"The first bizarre book in history!" Jianghu "ended on the first day of
the shelves, also! Yes! Who! Dare ?!"

Posting less than eight hours, it is amazingly built up high-rise


"1L:" Last night, I saw the end of the book with my own eyes, and my
mood was complicated ... I feel that the author is crazy, this move is
definitely a record that has never been achieved before the
establishment of the star novel website.

"2L: What about the end? Fan Xing has never stipulated that the new
book cannot be completed on the first day of the shelves. It can only
be said that the author is a true warrior."

"3L: It's true that the story is upstairs. Regardless of the end or not,"
Jianghu "was on the gold list as soon as it was put on the shelves,
which is an undisputed fact."

"4L: As a big reader, I want to cry now ..."

"5L: Isn't it Jiang Jiang's job? It's a rush?"

"6L: The tone upstairs is sour. After reading this book, I sincerely say
that the plot behind it is very full and refreshing. There is no trace of
hydrology, and it's not bad at all."


"7L: Hanhai Fiction netizens report, come and watch. Quietly envy, if I
have the speed of braised pork, I also want to end the day."


Posts continued to be tall, and Su Tan smiled and bent his lips. As
long as the word "finished" was written, he knew that there would be
such a dispute. But unprecedentedly, this unexpected approach has
also brought great attention to this novel of Jianghu Entertainment

Moreover, the novel's ranking on the homepage gold list quietly rose
two places.

It can be seen that the sudden end has attracted many shocked

The editor Hoshino also found him in due course.

As soon as the communication video was opened, Hoshino rubbed his
forehead slightly, staring silently at the teenager on the other side of
the communication lens.

Energetic and in a good mood, there is a table full of food in front of

you, which makes people envious.

However, she stayed up all night to make the list all night, compared
with fatigue.

She went straight in, opened the door and saw the mountain road:
"The first thing--"

Su Tan raised his curiosity slightly.

Hoshino said calmly: "You are on the top page and pushed."

In a moment, I saw the young boy with dark eyes bent over the lens,
and the smile on his face shone, showing a happy mood.

At the moment, it made her next words more difficult, and said to him
with a bitter smile: "Given the special circumstances you have already
concluded, there are no word count requirements for this list."

In the past, the top page of the homepage was not completed without
finishing the article, but it is not a long long article with a long list of
words. It has never encountered the situation that it will be finished as
soon as it is put on the shelf.
This is the first time for a ground breaking.

Fortunately, the editor-in-chief of Fanxing Novel's website was

determined and determined, and did not change the original tweet
idea, and pushed "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" to the position of
the strong push on the homepage, so that Hoshino took a breath to
relax .

As expected by the editor-in-chief, just three hours on the list,

"Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" not only did not fall out of the gold
list, but instead gained huge profits, which made the industry regret
that this book was too short.

If there are hundreds of millions of long texts, I am afraid that it will

create unprecedented huge profits.

Although Hoshino had regrets in her heart, she did not say anything
when she looked at Sutan in a happy mood.

Instead, she asked, "What subject is the next new book going to
write?" While the old book was on fire, it was a good time to start the
next book.

Unexpectedly, Su Tan shook his head and said frankly, "I haven't
figured it out yet."

After hearing that, the editor Hoshino couldn't help but be a little
surprised. She thought about it and analyzed it concisely: "The hot
topics of the recent website fires are still Star Wars, Firewood
Counterattacks, and the strongest individual soldiers."
Sure enough, the face of the teenager on the other side of the video
was calm and calm, without any slight fluctuation.

Editor Hoshino can't help but have a headache. The author of his own
is young, fast and talented, but both books have chosen cold topics
such as ancient earth and ancient style rivers without exception, and
they have nothing to do with hot topics.

Although this way of writing is easy to circle, from the mainstream

point of view, it also belongs to the category of swords that go too far.

Although she can persuade, as an editor, she is not allowed to

interfere too much with the author's creation.

At the moment, she was slightly contemplative and put forward a

suggestion to Su Tan: "You can go to the author group and talk with
other authors to help broaden your thinking."

Su Tan nodded and thanked her with thanks.

I have to say that the editor's proposal just made him lose his mind,
cut off the communication and found the "Great God Author Chat
Group" from the communicator, and clicked to enter.

After a while, I found that the message records in the group have not
been updated for a long time.
Although there are as many as forty or fifty members in the group, the
group has been silent for a long time. Presumably the big gods, the
small gods, the pink and the fuchsias, are busy with their own codes.

He typed a line and carefully greeted and greeted, "Boss, is anyone


His words instantly exploded countless diving authors.

"Qianqianqian: I'm a little out of breath."

"Yueyue: I'm a wasteman. How did you end it in one night? Give me
half the speed, OK?"

"Shuishui as a song: Little cute, I am reading your novel, and I am so

addicted. Today's update has not been written, it is all your pot."

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian: Recently Xinwen flutters the street, I am

doubting life / (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~"


The diving authors in the group showed up, and all kinds of jokes
made Su Tan couldn't help raising a smile. In particular, when he saw
the last "Small Pit Master", he comforted him warmly.

"Brushed braised meat every day: don't be discouraged, I don't know

what the subject of the new article should be [distressed]."
After listening to this sentence, the writers in the group helped him
and the "Little Pit Master" to come up with ideas.

"Qianqianqian: God's pit, the data is not finished as soon as possible,

write a new article to prepare the next."

"Invitation to the Moon: The recent fire is still about the Star Wars
theme, and the hot theme is written."

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian" was a bit embarrassed, and replied in a tangled

manner: "The interstellar routine is too flooded. Of the ten articles on
the list, nine are all, I feel that the reader will get tired of it."

This sentence speaks to the opinions of many authors in the group.

The hot subject matter, the tiredness of the reader, and the author's
writing are also difficult. It is more difficult than the cold subject
matter to grasp the new ideas and attract the reader's bright points
from the crowded routine.

However, the authors in the group are after all the big gods of the star
novel website. They are not newcomers who can't touch the threshold
when writing first articles. They have their own methods for how to
grasp the subject matter.

At this time, it was not shared privately in the group.

"Yueyue: Dumbass! You grab a new point on the routine and catch the
reader's attention."

"Qingshui Ruge: Inviting Yue is right, he must have his own novel
and clever ideas. For example, interstellar themes, writing war is also
about writing, but who comes to be the protagonist, his identity is
different from other novels. What is special? Are places to think about.


All kinds of experience talks in the group are continuous and lively.

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian: I'm still a little shy."

Everyone: "..."

This is not to blame him. Recently, in order to calm down the anger of
readers, the "Small Pit Master" has been anxious to fill in the long-
standing pit texts one by one. Many thoughts that could not be
remembered at that time, could not catch up with the ideas, it was
naturally extremely difficult to write, and tossed a lot of his energy.

At the moment, the thinking of writing articles is a bit occluded, and it

is difficult to get rid of the dilemma of filling pits. It was not until
recently that he published a new essay that he suddenly found that
his novel could not keep up with readers' tastes.
He worked hard to sort out his thoughts, soliciting opinions from
everyone in the group: "The next thing I am going to write about the
interstellar theme, the initial thought is that the protagonist is a recruit
who has just graduated from the military academy. Eventually he was
promoted to general. "

This idea is clear, but in the eyes of many authors in the group, it is a
bit bland.

"Invitation to the Moon: Nothing."

"Shuishui Ruge: Nothing new."

"Money money money: catch a big piece."

After a straightforward evaluation, the "Shenkeng Xiaoxian" was

struck with grief.

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian: I am also very desperate. This is a thought that I

have only come up with for a whole week."

Looking at his words, the group could not help but comfort him and
encouraged him not to give up.

Su Tan looked at the messages brushed in the chat group, but was
inspired by the words of the crowd, thinking a little, laying down a
line, and inquiring: "I don't know if I understand? Right? Starcraft
could change it like this— "
"Every day I use braised pork: I replaced the newly recruited soldiers
with veterans who have been serving for many years. Because of a
sudden empire war, they were re-enlisted on the front line. However,
this recruit has just been drawn from various regions and regions. The
veterans fled and were forced to form a new squad. The players had
very different tempers and constant friction, and many people started
to laugh at the protagonist's veteran's old age and weakness, which
could only hinder him. "


The writing of his ideas here has aroused the interest of authors in
many groups, and the basic conflicts and unique human settings of
the novel have been completely structured.

At the moment, many people have developed a deep curiosity, and

they have tacitly suspended the chat and talked quietly and expecting
Su Tan to continue.

Su Tan's thinking became clearer and he continued to write: "This

messy squad initially encountered great difficulties on the battlefield,
almost in a desperate situation of nine deaths, but did not expect that
the low-key veteran suddenly shot. With a strong experience, he led
the team out of the predicament and completely convinced everyone
with their strength. "

He curled his lips with a smile, "This is my thought, I don't know,

right? Is it useful for you? @ 神 坑 小 能手"

Speaking of which, the "Small Pit Master" was sentimental. With his
words, the inspiration rekindled instantly, and crackled quickly:
"Useful and useful! I have already thought about what should be
written in the future. After gathering the hearts of the veterans all the
way With the squad on the battlefield, killed the Quartet, completed
numerous difficult and dangerous tasks, and won the attention of
everyone in the empire with incredible merits and achievements.
Eventually they became the Marshal of the Empire. It's burning! It's
exploding !!! "

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian" was so excited that the fingers holding the

keyboard were shaking slightly, as if a whole voluminous novel
unfolded in front of himself.

Even everyone else in the group has always been well received.

"Qian Qian Qian: Interesting! I want to see!"

"Yueyue: The setting of this veteran is unusual. It feels very special.

Simply set it as the" king of single soldiers "with white hair and white
age, and write a history of the return of the veteran king."


"Sweet water is like a song: I feel **** when I listen to the main line. I
dare to guarantee that there is absolutely no such article in the current
novel. Shenkeng, you have written it, and it is the only part of the
veteran's battle for interstellar. I am optimistic about you, come on!"

With all kinds of encouragement, "Shenkeng Xiaoxian" was excited

and ashamed, and asked Su Tan seriously and somewhat regretfully:
"Root treasure, can I really write? This person is your creativity."
In his mind, the veteran's only unmanned person was proposed by Su
Tan, and naturally belonged to him alone. I feel guilty about writing it

Unexpectedly, Su Tan had a very good temper, with a big wave of his
hand, he smiled cheerfully.

"Brushed braised meat every day: rest assured to use it, I have the
exclusive license to you."

With this sentence, "Shenkeng Xiaokang" can be regarded as a big

peace of mind, and the entangled heart can finally breathe a sigh of

He asked: "So what do you write in your new article? When are you
going to open it? I'll go and thunder it for you."

Su Tan answered with a calm smile: "I think again."

With the new ideas, the "Small Pit Master" has been busy
overthrowing and rewriting the outline, and plans to improve the
outline system as soon as possible, and then write a new article.

The other authors also dispersed one after another, and their
respective dives began to busy coding their daily routines. Only the
lightly-filled Sutan just finished and enjoyed the whole table in front
of them.
Crispy and delicious fish fillets, rich and delicious mushroom soup, a
whole beef rib steak with thick meat and thick thickness, plus a
variety of fresh vegetables, slightly roasted chicken and delicious The
salad dressing stirred him up.

Sutan was hungry in his stomach. At this time, he first took a big
mouthful of smoked chicken vegetable salad. The slightly fragrant
acetic acid salad dressing just opened his appetite and made his index
finger move. A piece of grilled steak covered with rich black pepper
sauce was started.

When he was concentrating on eating and enjoying, Su Tan looked up

inadvertently, but the waiter not far away looked at him with a look
of astonishment, and then he couldn't help laughing.

Seeing his ridiculous glance looking at him, the waiter couldn't help
but flushed, sent a glass of lemonade with embarrassment, and
apologized aloud: "I'm sorry."

Sutan was eating comfortably, and at this moment was in a good

mood, and he did not care about it kindly. "It's ok."

The waiter was relieved, remembering the business, and said to Su

Tan, "Your bill has just been helped by a gentleman."

Sutan :? ? ?

Big cousin came so fast?

However, the waiter stretched out his hand, and at the dining table
not far away did not know when a strange man came. Su Tan, who
was eating just now, did not notice.

At this moment, he raised his eyes curiously, and saw that the man
was almost middle-aged, and his face had a few traces of his age. His
tight jaw seemed slightly harsh, but his neatly dressed formal dress
was meticulous, obviously He is a very demanding person who treats

Why does this person pay for himself?

In the moment, Su Tan was puzzled. He asked the waiter, "Excuse me,
did he say anything?"

The waiter answered with a smile: "He said, he is your fan."

Hearing this, Su Tan was startled and couldn't help but startled.

Regardless of the author of the online novel "Boiled braised meat

every day" or the real name "Su Tan" of his magazine novel published
on the planet Rose, he is convinced that he has never publicly exposed
any information about appearances in the media or on the Internet.
How did that strange man know who he was?

Su Tan's dark eyes looked at each other, and saw that the middle-aged
man was calm, not humble, or even a trace of surprise when he saw
the favorite author, but he calmly greeted him slightly, sitting on the
other side And didn't come to bother.
Obviously, this person is not malicious.

This gave Su Tan a lot of goodwill. Thinking about it, maybe his
appearance similar to that of Gu Han made the person guess and
figure out his identity.


Or maybe--

Su Tan glanced down at the table full of the food that was killed by
himself. He couldn't help wondering if the other party also paid
attention to his Weibo and carefully observed from the similar food
and environment.

Just as Hayden found out earlier that he "brought braised meat every
day", he saw Su's kitchen and furnishings in his Weibo photos and
learned his identity.

Thinking of this, Su Tan didn't know if he should laugh or be upset.

Suddenly found that with the attention of fans, the risk of falling off
his horse suddenly increased, including Weibo photos must be

In his heart, he was very grateful for the other party's help in checking
out, and personally wrote a note to the waiter to take it with him.

"Thank you for your kindness and wish you a pleasant journey."
The middle-aged man looked at this hand-written thank-you letter for
a long time, and could not help but squint his lips slightly.

Unexpectedly, Hayden, who happened to be here, saw this scene.

"I want to eat meat, too." As soon as he sat down, he faced Sutan Road
frankly, the gloomy eyes were invisible.

Su Tan: "..."

He raised his hand to recruit the waiter, "I'm ordering for you?"

Never thought, this proposal was rejected by the big cousin. Hayden's
tone was exceptionally gentle, and he looked at him petulantly and
said, "It doesn't matter, I'll just eat your plate."

Su Tan: "........."

He looked down at the beef ribs that he had unloaded eight pieces on
the plate, and it was almost cut into pieces. Even if there were some
leftovers, he left all of them.

Big cousin--

Su Tan gave a sudden cough, and there was heat on his cheek, and he
said flatly, "I'll still order another plate for you."

However, Hayden still blocked him, with a gentle smile and staring at
him with staring eyes.
"No," he began with a low magnetic voice. "The rest, just feed me."

As he said, he raised his lips and opened his mouth wide.


Su Tan: "..." Do you know that you are really childish like this, it
makes people want to hit someone.

He had a terrible headache, lifted a piece of steak, and stuffed it into

the mouth of his big cousin, fulfilling his wish.


While Hayden chewed slightly cold meat, rich and delicious sauces
and full gravy filled the mouth. Don't have a unique taste and
enjoyment, which makes people happy.

What makes him even more happy is that while enjoying the food, he
casually swept over a table not far away with his spare light,
contentedly demonstrating his sovereignty.

By the way, I posted a Weibo with pictures.

"Haiden Longman: delicious / delicious / dominate his food."

In a short time, his Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the Big V, has
attracted the attention of numerous netizens. Netizens who follow
Weibo's "Brushed braised meat every day" have a comparison and
naturally found the same.


"Big fish: Dog abuse! Kick over Kick over Kick over!"

"Ivory Tower Ukiyo-e: Your Royal Highness, are you really chasing
the princess? Amazing, I finally saw the realistic version of" Dear the
Sweet Little Wife "."

"Kolabao: Father Dad, you have time to eat a lot of food, but also time
to teach the author big. After finishing the new book overnight, I was

"Silent sorrow: How many people have read the high blog of His
Royal Highness and Braised Meat before they broke their heart for
love. Why can't I touch [crying]?"

The reviews were enthusiastic and fast, and instantly became popular
on Weibo, allowing more netizens to see.

Hayden was in a good mood, thinking that if the "book fan" not far
away was also on Weibo, he would definitely understand who he

The official boyfriend is online.

He was thinking about it in a comfortable mood. When he took Su
Tan to get up and left the restaurant, he suddenly had a light brain
tremor and received a new private message.

"Gu Qin: All night, stay up all night, starve three times-how can you
take Atan overeating? What he needs most is white porridge."

After a while, the big cousin's cheerful mood was a little stuck. After
thinking about it, he really didn't notice this, so that Su Tan himself
ate a table full of meals.

Immediately, he felt a little regretful.


"Haiden: ... I was wrong [kneeling]."

Gu Qin was helpless and anxious, seeing his reply and bluntly
admitting his mistake, he was helpless. After much thought, he asked
a few more words before leaving.

Su Tan was unaware that his big cousin had been taught by his big
brother, and returned to the room with a stomach full of food.

"Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" is officially over. He is all light and

finally has the opportunity to appreciate the scenery in the long
interstellar journey.
Outside the cabin window, although the distant starry sky is
magnificent and beautiful, how can it not compare with his heart that
wants to fly home.

When I think of Dad, I miss and look forward to it.

Su Tan boarded his communicator, found the communication account

of the robot Abba, uploaded the photo of the starry sky he just took,
and sent it with a smile.

"Su Tan: Dad, guess where I am--"

The large starry sky outside the window is extremely beautiful, but it
is not as good as the young boy's bright and smiling smile in the
middle of the photo.

Su Tan raised his lips, thinking that when Suning saw it, he could
guess he was on his way home. I wonder if it is finished with Dr.
Shu's honeymoon? Back to the planet Rose, can you see it as soon as
you enter the door?

He guessed in a row, but couldn't hide his good mood, and stood at
the window with the communicator for a long time.

However, when this message was issued, it fell into the sea and did
not respond for a long time.

Su Tan looked at the communicator in his hand, and only the photos
and messages he had just stayed alone in the chat screen, could not
help but be a little silent and lost.
He reached out his finger, tapped on the chat record, and looked back
at the chat record between himself and his father.

I saw, I do n't know when it started, Abba 's words were extremely
rare, mostly because he shared passionately the fun and interesting
things in the imperial capital and travels, and the news that Abba
appeared and responded was less and less.

Su Tan originally thought that it was inconvenient for Abba to travel.

After all, many undeveloped and wild travel starfields had poor
communication conditions. Occasionally a loss of contact is also


When Abba left Rose for her honeymoon trip, she also explained this
to him. Su Tan undoubtedly has him.

But at this time, it has been more than two months since the robot
Suning left, and for so long, Abba 's behavior of not showing up has
not been unusual.

Right now, Su Tan's heart sank, and he stared at the last message that
his father sent to himself three weeks ago-"I'm fine, don't miss it."

Suddenly he took a deep breath and never hesitated anymore, dialing

a telephone directly.

With the extension of the communication bell, Su Tan's heart couldn't

help but clenched tightly, standing in front of the starship porthole
with a heavy heart.

Just when he was finally disappointed, all of a sudden, the other end
of the communication was connected.

The robot Suning suddenly appeared in the camera, and his unique
and energetic voice sounded.

"Shit!" Su Ning was in high spirits, apparently in a good mood, which

finally made Su Tan's heart that had fallen to the bottom of the valley
finally found out, and found that behind him did not know when a
cold sweat was seeping.

Su Tan smiled and looked at his face and surrounding environment

with a smile, and found that there were too white and clean sheets
and walls in the corner of the lens, which was similar to the scene in
the hospital.

And Su Ning's body was unexpectedly wearing a white loose gown

patient suit. From the perspective of communication video, it was still
lying in bed talking to himself.

Suddenly, Su Tan's brows couldn't help wrinkling tightly, and he said

anxiously and worriedly, "Aba, you are in the hospital."

This sentence is obviously not a question, but an affirmative sentence.

Immediately, the robot Suning was asked to get stuck. Seeing Su Tan's
increasingly anxious look, and the misty eyes floating in black paint,
Suning couldn't help anxiously, trying to explain without knowing
how to speak.

It has just finished the robot whole body reconstruction surgery, and
finally replaced all the old and aging parts throughout the body,
replaced the brand new heart driver and wiring, and healed again.

But just after the operation was completed, Dr. Shu insisted that it be
adjusted and recuperated in the ward for a period of time, thoroughly
familiarized, and then discharged.

Therefore, when the robot Suning answered the phone, he was

completely occupied by the joy of watching his son, and couldn't wait
to tell him the good news. He completely forgot that his son didn't
know about the operation.

At present, worried about Su Tan's increasingly anxious look and full

of anxiety, Su Ning was under a heavy burden, and he turned his
head to look at Dr. Shu, at a loss, not knowing how to explain it.

Unexpectedly, Shu Heng was very calm. He directly took the

communicator and shot Suning Zheng's abdomen while lying flat for
examination. Wen Sheng said to Su Tan: "A small inspection, don't

Dr. Shu's calm and unusual tone greatly relieved Su Tan's anxiety.
Somehow, he trusted Dr. Shu's professional words and diagnosis and
listened to the other person's methodical introduction.
"The abdomen is slightly swollen and requires a detailed examination.
It is very simple. You don't need to worry about it. I will take care of
your father."

Su Tan's eyes were reddish, he nodded strongly, and he gave it to the


Until the communicator returned to Suning's hands again, Su Tan

slowly woke up from Dr. Shu's description just now, looking at the
rhyme that seemed to be a lot younger, and then re-associated.

Because it slightly swelled in the abdomen, an incredible idea couldn't

help coming up from the bottom of my heart.

"Abba," Su Tan asked carefully, slowly, "do you have it?"

Robot Suning: "..."

Su Ning was puzzled, and Shu Heng, who was standing beside him,
was helping him to comb through the abdominal wires. "Can I get

Dr. Shu held his hand. "... Yes!"

Must be able to.


The interstellar journey of a few days was about to end. Su Tan was
packing his luggage and preparing to go home, while casually turning
on the communicator, and glancing at it from time to time. Messages
swiped in the chat group.

With a smile, he saw in the "People of the Ancient Earth" chat group,
and the "boys of dry racks" uttered the "braised pork" with great pains
and ended the tragedy of "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" overnight.

"The boy of the dry rack: / (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~ Who can tell me where is the
author? I'll come and send the blade!"

As soon as his words came out, many brothers and sisters in the
group joked.

"Flame loli laser cannon: bet you ten courage, dare not."

"A Liangliang Liangliang Liangliang: When the ancient earth cultural

exchange meeting that day, why didn't you rush up to shake hands
with the big one?"

"Dry boy: I rushed and didn't squeeze in ..."

All of a sudden, everyone laughed. One person wanted to come up,

"Yes, I remember that Chang'an has a great relationship with braised
pork, maybe he doesn't know."

Just happened to see Ji Changan saying this: "..."

He looked at the "meat meat meat meat" who has been quietly diving
in the group member list, shaking his head in his heart and laughing,
not knowing that if this group of ridiculous teachers and brothers
knew that "me meat meat meat meat" was the author they wanted to
find, What it will be like.

Ji Changan raised a smile on his lips, passing a narrow craze in his

eyes, and directly clicked the offline.

Su Tan, packing his luggage aside, saw this scene and smiled. He did
not show up and was disturbed, and continued to organize his
luggage in an orderly manner.

Unexpectedly, a few minutes later, the chat group was screened by a

series of shocking and shocking news.

"Boyboy: Misty grass !! I just heard about a big drama in another

group, and the two little gods were torn apart in public! It is said that
the new stalk of the" Shenkeng Xiaodian "was copied!"

Looking at the familiar name, Su Tan couldn't help but be surprised.

I saw that the "dry boy" had extremely fast hands, and crackled a long
list of messages three or two times to make the matter clear.

Another group he added was well-informed. It is rumored that the

core core of the new essay of "Shenkeng Xiaoxian" was copied by
another old author "Hidden Crane", and the first post was published
to thoroughly and thoroughly According to own.
Seeing these words, Su Tan's brows frowned. He clearly remembered
that the new stalk of the "Shen Pit" was brainstormed by everyone in
the author group to help him come up with it. He also readily
contributed a special veteran design.

How can this be copied?

Su Tan's heart sank, and she immediately switched to the "great writer
group". Sure enough, she saw that the "shen pit" in the group was
confronting the anger of "Hidden Crane".

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian: Hidden Crane, what do you mean ?! Interstellar,

veteran, team, conquer teammates, set foot on the battlefield, kill the
Quartet ... So many similarities, you still have to say that you
accidentally hit the stalk? "

Following Tan 's author 's column, Su Tan quickly found his new
book, took a serious look at it, and found that both the copywriting
and the hot elements and content of the chapters are similar to the
core plot discussed by everyone in that group, just before and after
The plot sequence is extremely cleverly adapted.

In addition, "Hidden Crane" is an old author with a stable pen tip,

stable and stable update, and extremely fast hand speed. However, in
just three or four days, this new article has been firmly issued with
50,000 words, completely laying down a new stalk. The tone.

The response under the article was also extremely popular.

The special person of "Veteran" is unique, and it is very dazzling in
the interstellar theme works of the entire starry novel website.
Coupled with the old and spicy words of "Hidden Crane", the whole
story is interesting and steadily attracts a large number of readers.

"The east wind overwhelms the west wind: it looks good. The big idea
is really novel. Such a powerful old man is too attractive."

"Yechi: I want to know how Heda's brain came up. It is definitely a

clear stream to set people in the whole station. Hahahahaha, old man,

"Spicy chicken and shrimp: inexplicable! Encircled powder! Great idea

is great, the stalk is particularly interesting, and definitely recommend
raising your hands to chase more."


In the book review area, countless reviews enthusiastically praised

"Hidden Crane" 's new article for fun, the stem is very novel and fun,
and the person is unique. Such praise was copied from the "Shen
Peng", and it is no wonder that the "Shen Peng" found him
uncomfortably confronting him.

Su Tan sighed in his heart and returned to the "Great God Author
Group". Seeing the "God Pit" said helplessly and said countless words,
he finally waited for the other party's long silence, and couldn't help
feeling distressed.
After a while, even the "Small Pit Master" was silent, and the whole
person felt a sense of weakness.


"Shenkeng Xiaoxian: For so long in the group, I really treat each of

you as a friend you can rest assured and trust. I didn't expect to
encounter such a thing, really ... [苦笑]"

The writers in other groups also couldn't see it, and came forward one
after another.

"Qianqianqian: Laohe, you are an old author. You shouldn't make

such mistakes. I want to say something to Shenkeng before using it.
What's the matter with this? Brothers have been instigated by

"Shuishui Ruge: Hey, this time I stand in the pit."

"Invitation to the moon: Brother He, hurry up and apologize, don't let
the gods tremble."

The authors of many great gods and small pinks stood on the side of
the "small pit little masters", but they did not expect that the attitude
of public criticism was somewhat offended.

"Hidden Crane: I have n't been to the author group for 800 years. How
do you know what [angry] you are chatting in the group every day!
But you just happened to hit a stalk, so you are so savagely against
me? I am a villain, are you happy? "
This anti-bite attitude made the group of people more silently cold.

Yin He continued to say forcefully: "I didn't copy it, and I didn't
accept any touch."

In this case, everyone can not help but chill.

Su Tan directly said frankly: "Well, post the chat records in the group,
who is who can unnaturally prove innocence."

As soon as this word came out, there was a moment's pause on the
side of "Hidden Crane", and the clear and powerful declaration did
not go on.

Su Tan actually typed a line easily, @ "神 坑 小 手 手" said: "Shenkeng,

you go to post. I believe that the eyes of the forum people are clear,
and will not be wronged against a good person."

"Shenkeng" took a deep breath, and at the same time was anxious and
angry, he finally made up his mind and slammed his hand, "Okay."

He and "Hidden Crane" were both a wave of authors who had joined
Fanxing's novel network early, and they had opened an author
account for posting in the same period. However, he was then caught
in an infinite loop of digging and not filling. His hands were slow and
his brain was too much, so he could only grind to edit and fill the pit.
The "Hidden Crane" is a group that has been steadily playing for a
long time, a little older, well-written and experienced. Although there
is no novelty in the stalk of each novel, it has won a lot of readers'
reputations through continuous and more stable updates.

Therefore, the two have always been diametrically opposed authors.

One who wins with their brains makes readers fall in love and hate,
while another author who is more stable and diligent and
hardworking makes readers assured that there should be no conflicts.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

When I was in the author group a few years ago, "Shenkeng" and
"Hidden Crane" sometimes talked about a few lists and novels with
great interest, and the relationship was very harmonious.

But it is impossible to think of it, and it will come to the day when the
sword is opposite.

The mood of the "Shenkeng" is inexplicably complex and difficult.

Under the attitude that the "Hidden Crane" refused to admit
plagiarism, he could no longer hesitate with his previous feelings.

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian: OK, I'll post it."

He was so determined that he had just thought of opening a post on

the author website of the star novel website, and never wanted a
private chat to come quietly.

"Shenkeng" was directly ridiculed by all kinds of remarks in private
chats. He pulled the account of "Hidden Crane" to black and laughed
angrily in the author group.

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian: You don't need to send me a private letter, you

can openly say anything in the group! What is the relationship
between so many years, I don't care at all? I have tweeted it for me
before, and now plagiarizing you is a white-eyed wolf I, I just give
you face too much, just tolerate you to talk about feelings! Help me be
a brother, copy me is justified? Besides, this stalk of the return of the
veteran star was originally thought out by everyone, how do you have
His face is said to be his unique gift ?! "

These words of anger made everyone in the group extremely


The next second, I saw the system sounded the prompt "Hidden
Crane exiting the group".


Everyone: "..."

"Money Money Money: (# ‵ ′) convex"

"Yueyue: Shenkeng, don't be angry, no one expected that this would

happen. Hurry up and open a post, I support you."
"Clear water is like a song: Yes, open quickly. I guess the editor didn't
know about it yet. You should post it now and file a report with the
editor after you open it. Don't let Yin He cut off."

"Brushed braised meat every day: Come on."

Looking at these many words of support and encouragement, the

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian" couldn't help but be moved and couldn't return
anything, so he had to take a screenshot and post it with red eyes and
upload the evidence to the Star Forum.

Unsurprisingly, he was a veteran writer and immediately attracted a

lot of attention.

"@ 隐 鹤 — — You copied my stalk and pre-opened a new article.

Sorry, I can't stand it. The real hammer hangs people!"

A shocking title, time is like a nuclear | bomb dropped into the deep
water, which drew the eyes of countless people in the Star Forum.

And the topic of "plagiarism" is the most sensitive in such author

forums, and it is no less than everyone shouting.

An old author copied? Or was it publicly hung by another well-

known author? As soon as these shocking elements were
superimposed, the entire forum was immediately shocked.

"1L: Stunned ... Is this the legendary hand-tear?"

"2L: Plagiarism? This crime is too serious to believe. In my impression,
I still have a good impression on the author of Yinhe. , I really do not
believe that such hard-working authors will also copy. "

"3L: I can't believe it either. But looking at the evidence building and
stickers in the main building, I can't say enough."

"4L: I think it's a misunderstanding? Both are veteran authors who

have written for many years. They should not make such low-level

"5L: Oh, some authors are really big-faced. Some people haven't
published a new article at all recently, and when they see Heda's new
article fire, they want to come to the heat."

"6L: There are tens of thousands of stalks in the world, what are not
the routines? After reading the screenshot of the so-called group chat
in the main building, I don't think the hammer is hard. Just hit
someone to set it, and then came to buckle the other's hat and say
plagiarism. Is n't it overbearing? If you have the ability, let's talk about
it. "

"7L: Does anyone appraise? Are the maps in the main building faked
by pS?"

"8L: One is open, the other is not open, I said that the open copy was
not open, I am not convinced by this wave of porcelain!"

"9L: After looking at the evidence in the main building, I found that
the plot of the main line is a little different. The so-called veteran's
main line in Shenkeng is to bring his teammates to the battlefield, but
the text of Laohe is that the veteran king Jiejia returned to the field to
lead a soldier at a military school, and then took The team participates
in a realistic simulated Star Wars. Is it far worse? "

"10L: I don't know what to say to the landlord? Wouldn't it be good to

write with the thoughts of this person? How many pits have you dug?
Why do you have a face to hang a diligent and motivated author like
Yinhe? Really is ... glass heart red eye. "

"11L: Hey, are all the fans of Hidden Crane upstairs? To be honest,
this evidence is already very iron, and it makes the eyesight people
feel very subtle."

"12L: Who is the sight-seeing person ?? You? Thank you, don't

represent others casually. At least I didn't see the subtlety, but I saw
your acidity."


Unexpectedly, after the posting of a real-name hangman post, there

were very few calls to support his rights. Numerous anonymous
accounts and fans were clearly on the side of the "Hidden Crane",
right He publicly ridicules endless ridicule.

Many anonymous diving accounts, even frankly holding the idea of

"how hot is the world, why can't you think of it in my home?"
Ridiculed him, accusing him of coming out without writing.

What's more, there is a new novel with "Hidden Crane" ahead, and
"Shenkeng" is just a group of screenshots discussing the new terrier.
Seeing that "The Pit" was unable to lift his head by an unknown
anonymous account, and even followed the coded screenshot to attack
the people who came up with the "Veteran" stalk in the "Great God
Author Group", and the "Pit" couldn't help being angry. Already.


"Shenkeng Xiaoxian: You guys laugh at me, but what do my friends

do? They tricked you into messing with you?"

"214L: Yiqiu Zhi. When you think of a veteran keyword, you are self-
sufficient. I thought no one in the world would be better than you,
right? Who would think of the veteran's settings later? Right? Well, I
don't know what kind of 'big god' your friend is. "

"215L: Upstairs. To be honest, it's a waste of writing the veteran's

stalk. You might as well learn Heda's writing and character

"216L: Posting a post, just want to create a rumor and plagiarism? If

you have the ability, just go to the website to report and see if the
website is unwilling to judge.

These words made the "God Pit" almost tremble with anger.

He deliberately coded the screenshots of the chat in the author group,

that is, the big gods and small **** writers who didn't want the group
to help him think hard, but it was unintended. Even so, the post still
coded these The authors laughed at it.
By this time, he regretted that he was too lazy before, digging pits and
filling up a lot of black powder, which is not as loyal as the fans of the
"Hidden Crane" which has been accumulated year by year. A copy of
the plagiarism was useless. "When I came out, I couldn't tear myself
apart, and even the other authors in the group were sprayed.

After a while, he clenched his palms tightly, his heart anxious and
angry. He knows that he has not published a text, it is just a
discussion of the new stem in the author group, and it is impossible
for the rules of the website to judge the plagiarism.

The "Hidden Crane" also grasped this point, so he rushed to write the
article before him, and finely adjusted some details to make this article
look similar to his stalk, but from some angles. It's not like that.

From an outsider's perspective, it's extremely subtle.

With only two parties, the inside story is extremely clear.

"Shenkeng" took a deep breath, and desperately planned to burn the

jade and stone, thinking that even if it was the author's reputation that
he had managed to succumb to, he would have to pay the price of
plagiarism such as "Hidden Crane".

Unexpectedly, at the moment when this crowd laughed at him and he
was extremely difficult, a person suddenly appeared in the post.

"Braised pork every day: I first mentioned the stalk of the veteran. At
that time, it was exclusively licensed to Shenkeng. I testify to this."

The appearance of Su Tan, who was in full swing, immediately caused

a lot of consternation in the post. No one expected that this person
was first born of him.

Immediately, many readers and writers heard the news, swarmed into
the starry forum, and opened this post to follow the floor.

I saw that Su Tan's tone was calm, not humble, and he responded

"Braised pork every day: You said that you happened to think of the
veteran's stalk, I believe. But you happened to think of the veteran
Star Wars retired king tune | Teach the newcomer to return to the
battlefield, I don't believe it."

This sentence is obviously a face-to-face reader who spoke for the

"Hidden Crane" on countless floors.

Su Tan continued to comment: "The clever copying and clever

reformation are not equivalent to not having plagiarism and not being
able to laugh at Shenkeng here. Even if he doesn't write for a lifetime,
it belongs to him and should not be labeled by others. The mark is
yours. "

"That's all for this, and take away the pit. We are here to show
character, not to ask for your opinion."

"Believe it or not, you."

"Say or not, in us."

"Hanging out of breath, we happily wrote, leaving the others to attack

and beat us. We didn't make an appointment."

"Good-bye, rivers and lakes tomorrow."

These cheerful words spoke the countless authors' voices, and when I
looked at them, I felt the blood boiling. The chic and free-spirited,
unrestrained and unrestrained made people feel refreshed.

Many authors who dived in the forum couldn't help but think of their
own experience of being copied, criticized by other fans in the book
review area, and being experienced by the same frequency author
without asking for a plot of borrowing and borrowing. Qi Qiyu.

Who was plagiarized and angry? Not annoying?

But like "boiled pork every day", regardless of the results, ignore the
torture, happily anger the other side to expose the behavior, and
continue to insist on his writing freely, such an attitude makes
countless people envious Admire endlessly.

At the moment, after the reply from Su Tan, the followers downstairs
popped up like mushrooms.

"342L: The words of Rouda are so handsome! The sky is high, the
rivers and lakes are good bye."

"343L: I said anonymously in the vest, I was standing in the pit with
the pit, and copying the stems was also a coincidence. Several key
stems were so coincident that they were still in the same group. I have
to say that they are ambiguous. Even if the relationship is good
Friends in the group, when seeing such similar new stalks and
outlines discussed in the group, they avoided it when they wrote the
article, or made it clear in the group. This quietly rushed to time to
write the article, what are you afraid of? ? "

"344L: Same. The degree of this plagiarism is almost a real hammer in

the eyes of the author. Although your fans don't admit it, the website
can't judge it. However, the character is disgusting (focus)."
Fans of "Hidden Crane" were furious, and in response to these
methodical and analytical replies, they subconsciously wanted to
refute, and even went to the readers of Xiawen and "Hidden Crane" to
call him to prove innocence.

Seeing that he could no longer dodge, "Hidden Crane" finally

appeared slowly, just as he crawled through the post from start to
finish in shock, his heart shook.

He never expected that the braised pork would take the initiative to
speak out for the **** pit. After all, authors with a certain fame love
their feathers very much, and they would never easily mix in these
unrelated things, and make themselves provoked.

Su Tan, however, was completely fearless. He stood out generously,

and won the favor of many passers-by and diving authors with an
unobtrusive and free-spirited word. He took a moment to ridicule the
situation of the pit in the posts. Turned around.

This is simply a block to him!

"Hidden Crane" was a little angry, and quietly tightened the mouse,
turning his head quickly, thinking about countermeasures and coping
methods, how to wash himself and build momentum for himself.

After thinking about it, I can only use the hard-working and
inspirational accumulation of many years of accumulation of his own
authors to set up an image and fight.

Thinking of the unprecedented fiery data and good situation of his

new article, "Hidden Crane" ironed in his heart, feeling that after so
many years of hard work, he finally saw a ray of light, and he refused
to give up this stalk.

Not to mention--

Get the content of public discussion in the group, used by others, who
can complain?

Even the tuition paid on the "God Pit" growing up.

"Hidden Crane" took a deep breath, and the menstrual period and the
year-round code word became slightly deformed and tired. The
fingers were put on the keyboard, and they were ready to write a
touching reply to build their momentum.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the post suddenly refreshed with a

new floor.

"Brush roast every day: By the way, I just decided on the next new
article-Star War Veteran. @ 隐 鹤, I don't know who we write well? See
you in the gold list."
Looking at this sentence, the breath of "Hidden Crane" suffocated, and
then his heart jumped in anger.

"Interstellar? War? Veteran?"

This completely collided with the subject of his new book.

He even frankly asked him to meet his gold list, which definitely
meant to drive him to a dead end.

If "Yinhe" remembered it correctly, although "Braised Pork" was just

the new author who wrote two new books, both books were on the
gold list. One of them was finished within one day of listing, creating
countless topics and enthusiasm, and it still hangs high on the
homepage gold list today.

How can he compare? How can he compare?

Immediately, "Hidden Crane" was desperate in his heart, as if he had

fallen deeply into an ice cellar, his body shivering with cold.

He closed his eyes forcefully. Just now, with confidence and ambition,
he wanted to write a response in response to his face and reply, and
all of a sudden disappeared, leaving only coldness and trembling.

He clenched his teeth hard and clenched his roots until he felt numb,
before he stretched out his trembling fingers and wrote in the reply.

"Hidden Crane: fair and comfortable. For so many years, I have

always insisted on being a low-key person and diligently writing
articles. I write it to show readers, not to compete with anyone. The
meat is big, your level is far above me. If you can, please feel free to
write a book in my own world. Thank you. "

His last few words were almost humble, making people feel
extremely sad.

Especially in the eyes of his readers and fans, his diligence has been
forced to this share for many years. How can it not make people

Immediately, readers and fans exploded.

"678L: Great God is great! You can be so aggressive, bullying too

"679L: He Da, I really feel bad for me. No matter what, I believe in
you. I believe you wrote novels for us. No one can match this

"680L: It can be said that it is a passerby who has been watching

Yinhe's low-key growth for so many years. There are too few authors
who can be so diligent, low-key codewords, not speculative, not
hacky, and so on. It 's so different? Obviously the two authors are
mostly my favorite, and it 's a bit disappointing to use the new text to
compete. "

"681L: It 's not the first time a certain meat has used a new text pK
gimmick to get rid of a competitor author. Who remembers the last
son Fusu?"

"682L: Thank you Lou for uploading rumors. Fu Suming Ming went
to a brokerage company and hired a sailor to brush the data. The
speculation failed. Why did he put the pot on the braised pork?"

"683L: I agree to compare it. Isn't your fan himself saying that the
veteran himself has let others write, is it a pity that no one is as good
as the new one? He braised pork simply satisfies your wish. "Veteran's
Terrier" came up with a new article, positive pK, and see if it is really
worse than yours. "

There are many opinions in the post. Su Tan looked at the subsequent
reply floor, but calmly pressed his lips.

He is not worried about questioning, but--


Su Tan's gaze fell on the "Hidden Crane" tone with a bitter smile and a
helpless and humble reply, and found that the other party was
completely different from the competitors he had encountered before.

Have experience, have a mind, have a fan base, and are good at using
their strengths to win people's hearts.

It is a pity that such an author should take the road of plagiarism.

Su Tan lowered his eyes, but his heart only sighed, without the
slightest pity.

For the author, the best proof of strength is naturally the work. He just
wanted to prove publicly and generously--

No matter how good the plagiarism is, it is no better than a fiction

created with care.
His heart was clear and firm, and the suitcase in time clothes was
simply packed up three or two times. He sat in front of the computer
and opened the blank document seriously, and began to conceive the
main outline of the new text.

Interstellar, war, veteran.

The original way of writing has been preempted by the "Hidden

Crane", with a low-key early period, mid-term power, and an
unparalleled veteran in the later period, which evokes the reader's
attention and curiosity little by little.

If you want to create another idea that is more interesting than this
stem, it is obviously more difficult.

His communicator chat group kept flashing, and "Shenkeng Xiaoxian"

was very worried for Su Tan when he was grateful for his righteous

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian: Meat Treasure, thank you for coming forward. I

remember that you are from the ancient earth and ancient style, do
not force yourself to write interstellar. In a moment, I will help you to
explain in the post."

Everyone in the "Great God Author Group" also euphemised him.

Because the more they get, the deeper they realize that each author
has his own subject matter and direction. Some have unique styles in
writing Xiao Meng, some are good at large-architectural strategies,
and some have a preference for cold subjects, but they have easily
changed fields. This advantage cannot be added, and readers may not
accept it.

Therefore, they persuaded Su Tan not to be impulsive and challenge

the Star Wars essay he had never written before, which is no less than
crossing the philosophy department to the mathematics department
with a difficulty hundreds of times.

"Money Money Money: Don't be impulsive!"

"Yueyue: Little cute, the editor already knows this. You can wait for
the editor to step in and don't put yourself on board."

"Shuishui is like a song: Interstellar seems to be a hot topic hot

channel, but the novel is too overwhelming, and it is very difficult to
write a Cai Yi. The result is flesh, I am not saying that you are not
capable, you must think carefully."


All kinds of warm and soothing words made Su Tan's heart slightly
He bent his lips, but he was not aimless. On the contrary, he had a
plan in his heart.

"Brushed braised meat every day: rest assured :-D."

In the eyes of everyone's suspicion, he calmly calmed down, quickly

cleared the main line and outline of the new text, and began to write
the first chapter of the new text.

"Hidden Crane" started writing three days earlier, and he was not
prepared to delay, leaving the other side with a gap to accumulate

Only one night, Su Tan quickly wrote the first three chapters of the
new text, and immediately wrote the new text to confirm the release.

New book, three chapters, presented together.

Immediately, it attracted readers' great attention. Many "Jianghu

Entertainment Weekly" did not know about plagiarism in high-rise
buildings in the forum. After all, the title did not directly show Su
Tan, but he suddenly appeared in the middle floors.

Therefore, when the readers and fans suddenly brushed the braised
pork and opened a new pit, they were almost all happy and crazy.
"Soft cute dolphin: check in first."

"Kolabao: Sign in."

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: come here to report. Well, the
new text is a Star Wars theme? Has this popular theme been written

"Fishing on the Milky Way: I finally waited for my favorite subject!

Happy !!! Support thunder!"

"Dark Rose: Read the text [Deepwater Torpedo]."

Unexpectedly, looking at three chapters in one breath, this interstellar

novel by the hand of braised meat is beyond their imagination.

In the "Era of Domination of the Earth [Quick Wear]", the style of

braised meat is novel and clever. The imagination of the ancient earth
is wild, real, and amazing.

In the just-completed "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly", hilarious and

funny humorous writings and relaxed Jianghu styles have the magic
charm of a hearty smile, which is unforgettable.

However, the style of braised meat in this latest article, "Interstellar is

Emperor", has completely changed, and the breakthrough is amazing.
"Fishing on the Milky Way: Cool and refreshing! Fighting bursts the
table, slaps his face, fights against the superior, and re-enters the
emperor! I like this explosive style of death!"

"Soft cute dolphin: Are you serious upstairs? Why do I look stunned?"

"Kolabao: Miss upstairs, burn! Explosive! It's okay!"

"Right in the dark night: the expected routine, the unexpected flames.
There is no trace of muddy water, starting directly from the rebirth,
starting the fast pace of counterattack and beating, unexpectedly like
this style."

"Soft cute dolphin: ... only I can't feel QAQ in the whole world."


Su Tan's new book is half praised. Readers who like the fast-paced
face-upgrade stream, are more and more fond of this book, and feel
refreshed and refreshing. There is no way to add it. The **** abuse face
is not soft, and after reading the three chapters, I just feel happy.

Readers who still like the soothing style of the ancient style, have no
sense of this routine type of face-lifting essay, and don't realize where
the good places are.
Even when I suddenly heard Su Tan's new article "Hidden Crane", I
heard the news quickly rushed over, quietly opened the first three
chapters of his novel, read it from beginning to end, and finally felt

Such face-to-face counterattack upgrade routines are not uncommon

in interstellar. Su Tan chose such a writing idea, which is undoubtedly
quite satisfactory.

"Hidden Crane" breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and just wanted to

relax, and unexpectedly saw "Brushed braised meat every day" and
suddenly uploaded another chapter.

His heart suddenly jumped. Although he had heard that the other
party 's hand speed was amazing, and the daily code update was
extremely huge, the first time he saw it, it was very shocking.

Suddenly, "Hidden Crane" was faintly anxious in his heart, and it was
newer than the speed of his hand.

He was attentive, struggling to calm down his panic mood, and

opened the chapter of the latest update with a strange mood.

But did not expect--

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Two male protagonists? A rebirth

counterattack and a face upgrade, a rebirth to the former grandfather,
this setting laughed. What did the author think of it? Please take my
"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: Huh? Huh ?! It was such a flip! Surprise!"

"Dark Night Rose: Take back the routine, the braised pork in this
article still does not follow the usual routine. The matching file
between grandpa and grandson is okay! [深水 雷雷] * 99."

"Kolabao: I was stunned! But what if it feels more flaming? Watching

the second man blush and cheekily listen to the first man calling his
grandpa, inexplicable. Praise to the big hands!"


Seeing the end of the new chapter almost floating, the whole of
"Hidden Crane" was shocked by the unusual setting in the braised
pork novel, and he could not return to God for a long time.

Double actor? Starcraft's hottest routines counterattack upgrades and

beat faces, and regenerate grandfather stalks with novel and unique
teenagers, which is to wipe out readers who like fast-paced and new

This ... too cruel!

"Hidden Crane" clenched her back molars, only to feel that her fingers
were suddenly extremely heavy, and her eyes were dark.

He watched the braised pork novel once it was issued, and it gained
huge attention and attraction. The collection volume and time
continued to increase rapidly, almost doubling at a speed of almost
every second.
His heart was cold.

At this time, Su Tan was continuing to post Weibo with joy, preparing
to promote a new wave on his Weibo.

"Braised pork every day: A new book has been opened, you can't
imagine the interstellar daily life, come to the pit together :-D?"

Soon after the new Weibo was issued, the amount of likes and
retweets broke through the table.

This new Weibo has attracted Hayden's attention. He saw the starry
sky outside and quiet, and the time on the brain was late at night, he
could not help but shake his head and sent a private channel to Su

"Haiden: There are three thousand meats in Rigeng, ten thousand Ri ...

Su Tan gave a cough, but couldn't think that his big cousin didn't
sleep, and he was caught again.

At the moment, he bent his lips, thought for a while, and chuckled
with a smile: "Can't you sleep, come to the bed?"

Hayden: "... Come!"

"Open the door."


"It's honey today."

A cold liquid | the body fell on Su Tan's back, making him tremble,
his face could not help the heat, and buried his head deeply in the

Hayden lifted his lips as he watched the black hair slightly curled
from the back of his head.

The slender fingers, with just one point of strength, slowly pressed
against Su Tan's back.

Every time, the temperature is so hot, like a hot stove touching the
skin, it is extremely comfortable and can not help but tighten the toes.

At the blazing temperature, the cold essential oil just dumped on my

body almost melted into a scorching warm stream.

Under Hayden's calm and gentle movements, Su Tan only felt more
tortured, like ... his whole heart was slowly and slowly teased by his
mouth, but he refused to enter.

Sutan: QAQ

Suddenly he turned up and got up from the bed, his sleeves raised his
eyebrows at the big cousin: "I'm here, you're lying."
Hayden stared at him deeply, and the faintness in his eyes almost
made it hard to see the undercurrents flowing inside.

Suddenly he lay down, fell on a spacious and soft bed, stretched his
legs, arched his legs slightly, and laughed at the corners of the lips of
the teenager, "OK."

After waiting two days early, the spacecraft arrived at Rose, Su Tan
awkwardly got up from the bed, looking at the familiar scenery
outside the porthole, and she felt a kind of kindness in her heart.

"finally came back."

He said to Hayden with a smile, the big cousin picked up the luggage
of the two, and stepped off the spaceship with him and drove to Su's

As soon as he entered the gate, the small and interesting garden

immediately caught Sutan's sight. Flowers that have not been taken
care of for a long time are now blooming.

When the unexpected winter came, the fallen leaves piled up in the
garden and looked a little messy.

Seeing this scene, Su Tan couldn't help crying to the big cousin behind
him. "Work?"

Hayden took a deep breath and focused.

As a result, the two people who had just arrived home had no time to
drop their luggage and savor the long-lost familiarity and thoughts,
and hurriedly plunged into countless cleanings.

The leaves accumulated in the yard should be cleaned up, the horribly
thick bushes should be trimmed, and the thick layer of dust in the
room should be wiped dry and cleaned, and even the ovens and
stoves that have not been used for a long time must be cleared up. .

It's been busy until it's dark, and it's almost cleared up and back to the

After finally having dinner, the two returned to the room to rest, and
Su Tan finally had time to log in to the star novel website to check the
situation of his new article.

In the novel of the new essay, the setting of the two male actor is quite
novel, and the identities of the two men are even more novel and

A young man with a strong ability to resurrect his counterattack and

upgrade his face, but a young man with a hilarious and funny face is a
grandfather who regenerates the former, with huge identity gaps and
misplaced roles. The whole novel is immediately interesting and

In the latest update, Su Tan added this novel and interesting

advantage, and described the interaction between the grandson and
grandson of the two people more deeply.
"On the battlefield of the Imperial Military Academy, a strong-
looking, erect and powerful man stood upright. In front of him, a
shameful challenger lay down on the ground and was punched by the
opponent. Boomed out on stage.

When was an old waste suddenly transformed so much?

The face of the man who had collapsed on the ground was pale,
shame and jealousy barely concealed, staring straight at Baiji.

The other side was motionless, and even his eyes did not even give
him the loser.

Only on the high table, the marshal Bai Yinghua, who was always a
low-key and over-aged empire, suddenly applauded enthusiastically,
and proudly admired the imperial generals and cabinet ministers who
were present next to him: grandson! '

Everyone: ... "

With the emergence of the first man, the second man dressed as a
grandfather also officially entered the front of the reader, a refreshing
and invigorating dripping, a cute puppet cute and lovely,
complement each other.

In a short time, it caused a lot of heated discussion and comments

from readers.
"Soft cute dolphin: my grandson!-Ha ha ha ha ha was such a proud
grandfather, was circled."

"Kolabao: Keke, this grandpa's personality reminds me of my

grandpa, who is also a funny old man who always plays with
treasures. He always proudly tells his neighbors that my grandson is
the best, reading stick [blush]."

"Little Begonia of the Roubao Family: I like Grandpa too. I don't know
when the guy will know that his grandpa has been dropped? Looking

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Only the section where I feel that seeing
the force of Bai Zhi erupting and hitting his face to counterattack, did
it explode? Cool!"

"Dark Rose: It looks good."


A variety of comments are endless. Some are attracted by the fast-

paced face-to-face counterattack cool novel plot, and some are dressed
as grandpa's proud young boy circle fan. In a Star Wars novel, the first
magically Formed a harmony.


Readers who like Shuangwen and Mengwen find their favorite points
in the article, and frequently talk about it in different directions.
The new text of "Interstellar is Emperor", unexpectedly, has become
popular again.

Not only are the comments hot, the data of the just-published article
has risen faster than Su Tan's previous novel collection, and it has
shocked to 5 million overnight.

This is because he wrote a hot subject.

The appeal of a popular interstellar theme website with the most

popular novel website, the largest readership, and the highest traffic
has finally appeared in front of Su Tan.

not to mention--

"Smoke scar: Push for life."

"Invincible Meow: His Royal Highness hits cALL in person!"

"Kolabao: Dad smokes in battle, the old father pays attention to his
body, I, I, I help you to help your waist :)."

"Adolescents with a dry rack: I and the Crown Prince have the same
vision and push my whole life on braised pork novels."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: You can brag to the outside world in the
future, #I and the crown prince greatly squat through the pit #."
Hayden's push pushed a huge amount of attention for a while, and it
was driving the explosion of "Star for the King" data.

This caused the other side to brush the "Hidden Crane" of the "Star for
the Emperor" data for a whole day, and was extremely angry.

For more than ten years, he has been diligent, hardworking, and even
neglected even his family. Whether his son was born, his family was
ill, or the wind and rain, he never refused to take another day easily.
Spoil your word of mouth.

Therefore, he dares to say that looking at the entire Star Fiction

Network, there is no more dedicated author than him.

But even after ten years of hard work and dedication, he successfully
circled a large number of loyal old readers, and gradually promoted
to the rank of the so-called little god, but—

Many people sighed to him: "You're always a miss."


What's wrong with him?

"Hidden Crane" felt so depressed, and found that although each book
had stable data, it was not tepid. Each time, he could only wipe the
edge of the gold list and did not have the strength to climb up.
During the same period, the other great gods, the pink gods, sold film
and television publications early, but the copyright of his novels has
always been unheeded.

Even the newcomer who just signed up to write a text can climb up to
his head with a fire.

And the most terrible thing is that "Hidden Crane" was powerless to
find that his novel's inspiration gradually dried up.

With the increase of age and the tedious codeword career year after
year, he has gradually turned into a mechanical codeword machine.
The more aura he writes, the more aura, many old readers have
already complained about his Every new essay is outdated and out of
fashion, nothing special or new.

This is the most painful accusation for him who regards writing as his
lifelong career.

Writing can be practiced, words and sentences can be consciously

polished, and only inspiration and brain holes can be found. How can
I find it again?

When aware of this, his inexpressible feeling of mentality surged


So, when I saw someone in the author group suddenly talking about
the new stalk, the "Hidden Crane" was suddenly attracted. I couldn't
help but quietly dived and watched it, but I didn't expect a brand
new, unprecedented special stalk in him Before.
Take it or not?

"Hidden Crane" hesitated for a moment, and finally watched his tepid
and unimproved novel achievement, and couldn't hold back anymore.

He can only plug his reputation and fight it back.

Sure enough, the results of the new book are unprecedentedly hot. In
just a few days of writing, the comments under his article are
unusually enthusiastic, and many new and old readers are curious
about the novelty and setting of novel people.

This made "Hidden Crane" feel a little deep in his heart, even if he was
later plagiarized in the forum, he did not feel regretful.

However, it never occurred to him that the "braised pork" suddenly

appeared, and then a book "The Star is King" was born, plundering all
the eyes and eyes, overshadowing all his previous joy.


"Hidden Crane" remorse, but it was embarrassing beyond words.

He stared at Su Tan's novel page tightly, and couldn't help but

clenched his fingers. Although I know that the other party's
momentum is normal, each of the data is extraordinary, but I really
did not expect how the author's data that he has accumulated for
many years is not worth mentioning in front of the other party.
In just one day, he far surpassed him.

At the moment, the "Hidden Crane" could not help but be sad and

He took a deep breath and took a deep breath, sitting quietly in the
dark for a while before finally adjusting his mentality.

What about the hot new book of braised pork?

According to the current good situation of his new book, he also has
the confidence to compete for the strength of the gold list. As long as
he writes down, updates diligently, people will not collapse, and he
wants to come to the gold list sooner or later.

By that time, it 's the same gold list article, and the same is the same as
the gold list, how can it be considered a shame to lose their

"Hidden Crane" consciously figured out his thoughts, and his heart
suddenly settled down, trying to get out of the two-chapter update,
and released it, and the time has already reached the middle of the

The family was completely silent, his fingers were stiff, and he
couldn't calm down for a long time. He simply didn't rush to shut
down the computer. Instead, he glanced at the book review area
under his article before trying to go to sleep.
Unexpectedly, his book review area was unexpectedly chaotic.

"Feng Molie: I heard this is a plagiarism dog?"

"Water God 27: Onlookers in the front row! It is also an old author
who has been for many years. Why don't you take care of your
feathers and not guarantee the late festival?"

"Ali Mengying: I came from Weibo. I heard that the authors praised
the anti-plagiarizing Weibo together. I just want to say that they did a
great job! The plagiarists exploded in place!"

"77: Agree to everyone upstairs. Later, the author changed his name
to' copy cranes '!"



Looking at these ridiculous comments, like a tide, the stiff fingers of

"Hidden Crane" couldn't help shaking, and his body was very cold.

"How can ... how can this happen?" His heartbeat accelerated, his
voice dried up, and he couldn't believe the noise against plagiarism
came so fast.

Obviously, in the forum post yesterday, there were many fans who
spoke for him. Why now—
Overwhelming voices against ridicule!

"Smudge", "plagiarism", "don't dare to admit it", "suggest and yell" ...
various words were added to his body, making "Hidden Crane"
furious and frightened.

He grabbed the word Weibo in the comments and trembled his stiff
fingers to log in to Weibo quickly, but he saw a well-known novel
tweet Weibo, and blatantly posted a long Weibo.

The big headline is-"Declaring war on plagiarism."

"Hidden Crane" was frightened in her heart, her body trembled

violently, and she opened this Weibo for declaration of war. I saw that
there was no emotion left in her, and she directly hung out her author
number. And copy stems beginning and end.

"Tweet group: Last night, the blogger witnessed a war of plagiarism in

the Star Forum with his own eyes, so the blood was surging. So, the
whole thing is sorted out today and made public. Plagiarism is an
unforgivable sin, even if it is The author of this plagiarism is the one I
have been so impressed with, and I can't forgive it, and officially took
off. The tweet group announced that in the future, all works of the
author 'Hidden Crane' will never be recommended! Use this as a
proof, and everyone will know it. "

These words were so loud that they uploaded the screenshots of the
real hammers in the post, which immediately caused many fans to
The "tweet group" is quite famous in the online literary world. There
are as many as 300,000 Weibo fans alone. Most of them like the "tweet
group" tweet style and taste.

At this moment, after the decision to plagiarize the "Hidden Crane"

and never tweet, the Weibo account immediately entered the eyes of
many people.

"Uncle Xiao: Boneless!"


"The galaxy belongs to my family: I was given the circle by the

blogger's righteousness. You don't know how fiercely the fans copied
the crane in the forum post last night, it was crazy. The blogger dare
to stand up Tell the truth, good job. "

"I really want to eat oranges: I have been following the tweet group
for three years. I saw the blogger so handsome for the first time. Did
my sister come to make an appointment?"

The positive response from Weibo netizens has greatly increased the
popularity of the "Tweet Trumpet" and a wave of fanfare. And other
well-connected tweet numbers, after the "tweet trumpet", have some
intentions, one after another hung up the author to resist plagiarism.

In a moment, the wind on the Internet suddenly changed.

Such a situation naturally attracted the attention of many star fiction
network signing authors. In particular, "Qianqianqian", "Yueyue",
"Qingshuiruge" in the "Great God Author Group" have directly
praised the plagiarized Weibo, which has led to an increasing number
of people Netizens and readers have gone backwards, forming a
downside trend.

On Weibo, the "Hidden Crane" copying a stalk has almost become a

firm matter.

Involved in the star novel website, countless netizens came to the

crowd to hear the news, frequently in the "Hidden Crane" new book,
the text was frequently negative.

"The wind in my heart: It was copied to write so well, disappointed."

"Bei Beifeng: Did the author apologize?"

"The farmhouse orchard specializes in melons, fruits, vegetables and

tomatoes: borrowing a word of big meat, rivers and lakes are never
seen again, I hope the author will not come out and dirty the reader's

"He Da Bang Bang: No copy, no copy, no copy! How many years have
it been explained by Heda, his brain has been hit, no! Yes! Copy! You
can see clearly, don't follow the wind."

Even though his fans tried to refute it, compared to the sudden influx
of netizens and tourist groups from Weibo and the Internet, this tiny
rebuttal sounded no less than shouting at the tree.
Almost every second, three thousand negative comments kept
refreshing, and they continued to grow with the brewing of anti-


"Hidden Crane" was desperate and cold, approaching collapse. After

writing this article for so many years, he was the first time to see his
novel review area full of negative points, which is simply-he is about
to face his doomsday.

Thinking of the consequences of a lifetime of infamousness on his

back, "Hidden Crane" turned black, his fingers clenched tightly, and
his back molars became sore and numb.

He has no retreat to this day.

Only, cruelly go down.

money! As long as he makes money to the gold list, he doesn't care

about anything! Even without the cover of the author's reputation, he
must firmly hold the gold list in his hands.

"Hidden Crane" looked coldly, and determined hard.

At the same time, Su Tan brushed off today 's codeword mission, and
he was selling cute chats in the "Great God Author Group" to give an
idea to "Little Pit Master".
"Every day I brush braised pork: Shenkeng, when will your new text
start? Would you like to write an interstellar theme?"

"Shen Peng" smiled bitterly, with a little regret, "The stalk has been
stolen, but unfortunately you gave me a good stalk."

Unexpectedly, Su Tan was still smiling with a good mood, soothing

him: "It doesn't matter, it's better to write the stalk of the star veteran
than your new article."

Hearing this, the "Sacred Pit" was a little strange immediately. He

knew that braised pork would never be targeted. Then he wrote the
veteran stalk of the star. How can I write the flower?

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian: How to say?"

"Yueyue: Same curiosity."

"Qianqianqian: Compared with writing style and idea, Shenkeng is

not necessarily worse than Yinhe. But if it is faster than updating ..."

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian: Don't expose the scar / (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~"

Looking at the lively and entertaining atmosphere in the group, Su

Tan bent his lip corners, and could not help but Jun.

He had long thought about it, and now it is natural to be methodical

and firm.
"Braised pork every day: the same stalk but a different way of writing.
Yin He's veterans are a low-key, silent but actually powerful type in
the early days, but there can be other ways of writing."

He typed a line briskly, for example: "For example, the veteran can
also be replaced with a cute and funny old grandfather, playing pigs
and eating tigers in the early stage, making a lot of jokes, but at the
critical moment, it was beyond everyone's expectations. Come
forward and show your strength. "

Seeing this line of words, "Shenkeng Xiaoxian" 's eyes brightened.

A low-key, a pig-eating tiger, and even the latter is more dramatic

than the former, and it is easier to shape the reader's favor and catch
the eye.

But it was unthinkable. Sutan's suggestion didn't stop there.

"Braised meat is burned every day: For example, Yin He's veterans are
instructors who have been retired to a military school, and we can
write them as the army's cooking squad leader, humble mech
repairman, logistics housework, and so on. It's ever-changing, and
each has different highlights. "

Undoubtedly, this proposal has inspired a lot of people in the group,

and the "God Pit" faintly felt that a new idea was taking shape in his
He raised his eyebrows, stretched his eyebrows and replied calmly in
the group: "Don't just be a plagiarist, we can only be forced to let this

"He wrote, we just refused to let it go. Just be generous, not humble,
and write whatever you want, and see who is the winner in the end."

The plagiarism and stealing of the veteran Star Terrier is not a

"Hidden Crane" at all, and there is no reason for him to monopolize
the Territory alone.

He simply let go of the ownership of this stalk, encouraged everyone

to write, and divided the reader share of this special stalk, leaving
"Hidden Crane" unable to become a big one.

This statement shocked many people in the "Great God Author

Group". Afterwards, the blood in the hearts of the people could not
help but stir up.

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian: I write !!!"

He woke up and simply straightforwardly said: "Even if I plagiarize

my stalk, I can't just watch him hold it again and earn a lot of money
to be on the gold list!"

His words made other authors in the group ridicule and actively
supported solidarity.

"Qianqianqian: Take me one. It just happens that this book has a bad
income, so just write a book!"
"Qingshui Ru Ge: Silently rank 1."

"Yueyue: I'm here too, ha ha ha ha ha."


The next day, the "Hidden Crane" stayed awake all night, his eyes
boiled red and bloodshot, and his mouth was stunned by the heat of
the fire.

He uploaded several chapters in a hurry overnight to upload to the

background of the novel website author and set up regular release.

Just preparing to go offline to make up for it, but unexpectedly, the

corner of his eye suddenly glanced at a message he posted on Weibo,
and opened it.

"Tweet group: Ran Ran Ran! Many great gods and small gods write
new articles at the same time, and the subject matter is surprisingly
consistent-veteran star!"

On the spot, "Hidden Crane" had a buzz in his head, almost black
before his eyes, and his whole heart was trembling unbelievably.

Just because

"Brushed braised meat every day: old friends are ready to do

something big together, happy 咩 :)? @ 隐 鹤"
"Haiden Longman: Handsome and explosive! Call crazy!"


"Interstellar King Crab: Awesome! A new book with a lot of money

and money, seven veterans strengthen the platoon and ride the wild
horse battlefield!"

"Great Aries: The new book that invites the moon is also very
interesting. The retired soldier alone carries a cannon to penetrate the
enemy star to save the world."

"Orange-flavored soda: It 's a big blast for clear water like a song! The
warm and powerful grandpa took the little boy across the line of fire
to take him home, and I burst into tears when I saw it."

"Lazy orange: Shenkeng's new book is also very interesting. Different

old urchins, playing pigs and eating tigers, pit people are not soft, and
they laugh to liver pain."


For a time, many great gods and small pinks wrote new articles, and
unexpectedly chose a theme-veteran star. The style and setting of each
article are ever-changing and very different, which has brought great
surprise to readers of the star novel website.

"Great Aries: Good-looking, great!"

"Dirty cat: I have made a difficult choice ... I want to read the books of
most people, but I can't follow them [laughing and crying]."

"Warm wool blanket: Agree upstairs 1. The welfare of Wen Huang, ha

ha ha ha ha, I have received it all, and keep watching slowly."

"Lazy cancer of the counterattack: Only I noticed, is this a great

counterattack of the plagiarism by the great gods? Good job!"

As soon as the new text was published, the subject of "Star Veteran"
was heated up for a while, but at the same time, a lot of excellent
works with many flowers in front of the audience were placed in front
of the readers, and the readers' attention was suddenly taken away.

The original "Hidden Crane" unique star veteran novel has suddenly
shrank its attention and enthusiasm, and has become a popular work.

This made the "Hidden Crane" reluctantly bear anger and trembled.
He never thought that all the authors would join forces to block him,
and deliberately selected the theme of "Star Veteran" to write a new

This is simply driving him to a dead end!

"Hidden Crane" was angry and frightened, staring closely at the eager
evaluation on the computer, and abruptly reducing the number of
comments by two-thirds under his article, and couldn't stop the anger
and anger.
There is only one wavelet loyal reader who is as angry as him.

"Spicy Chicken Shrimp: The veteran stalk was first written by Heda.
Now that so many great gods are embracing and writing the Star
Veteran's article, it is obvious that they are plagiarized and robbed
while they are being fired.

"Yiye: Hehe, have you offended people?"

"Dongfeng overwhelms Westwind: The big stalk has been copied and
can't stand it. So many gods are shameless? I have collected evidence
and am going to report to the website report center."

"Leaf: Support report 1. What are you afraid of? Heda's own stalk!"

"Spicy Chicken Shrimp: Same as 1, let's report together and let the
website see."

Seeing the readers in the book review area eager to help him report
the plagiarism of other authors, "Hidden Crane" was anxious and
angry, his mood was extremely complicated, and his words were
difficult to swallow in his throat.

For this group of readers who have steadfastly supported him from
beginning to end, how can he say that he actually copied this stalk?

At this point, it is absolutely impossible for readers to report

plagiarism, otherwise,-
In the end, if he was judged, he would be ruined.

Faintly thinking of this consequence, "Hidden Crane" was anxious,

and now he was restless, some could not sit still.

Seeing that more and more readers proactively proposed in the

comment area under the article how to make color palettes and how
to report, he could not hold back anymore and appeared directly to

"Hidden Crane: Thank you for your kindness and holding your fists.
This incident is right and wrong. Laohe's fans are clear in their own
minds. I am led by everyone's kindness. Laohe has always been
diligent, writes books silently, and doesn't want I was upset by
meaningless disputes, and I hope everyone understands. We write
books and work hard. "

As soon as this sentence came out, he almost expressed his position

and did not want readers to report for him.

This low-key and sincere attitude has suddenly won the favor of
many people.

Many loyal readers were touched by his attitude, and they felt very

"The east wind is overwhelming the west wind: Heda is so low-key,

but he is riding on his head."
"Yeye: This world ... children who really cry can only have milk.
Shenkeng and braised pork have joined forces to speculate, and
accused them of plagiarism, but now they have become the
beneficiaries of this new terrier, together with other authors To
squeeze the subject. "

"Spicy Chicken Shrimp: The truth is upstairs. In retrospect, the other

party's plagiarism is fake, and it's true that you want to grab a cup of
cricket? That's how the old crane was trapped step by step. I really
want to scold my mother!"


The readers were still angry, and the more they talked, the more
angry they became. How could they calm down and watch the great
gods issue a jump ticket on the same day and each wrote an
interstellar veteran article to capture the traffic of this subject. In the
past, the book review area under the article is booming.


Under the "Hidden Crane" book that has attracted much attention
because of this special fresh stalk, it is as cold as a courtroom. For a
time, many of the "Hidden Crane" book fans were chilling, and even
looked at it in anger. Ran to Su Tan Xinwen under the accusation.

"Spicy Chicken Shrimp: Does the new stalk stolen from Heda work?"
"Leaf: Braised pork, you are the same author. You do not respect the
old diligent seniors like Heda, but you want to bring many great
writers together to squeeze people out, and your mind is really

"East wind overwhelms west wind: I hope other friends can see here!
The oldest person who published the article was Yin Heda. The
articles you read now are copied from Hehe's new one. Don't be
crowded out by this group Author is misleading! "

Several readers and fans smashed into a group, and immediately the
entire Star Fiction Network Star Channel was in chaos. Each author's
article was upset by the book fans of "Hidden Crane". The reason is to
preach justice. Exposing darkness.

In a short time, almost all the book review areas were affected. Sutan,
Shenkeng, Qianqianqian, etc. opened the author's book review area of
the new article about the Star Veteran one after another.

Quarrels, taunts, abuses, group taunts, accusations ... Numerous tit-

for-tat words are intermingled, giving everyone a headache.

Seeing this trend of hostile abuse, Sutan became more and more fierce
every day, and Su Tan stood up directly and made a name on Weibo.

"Braised meat every day: The ancient earth has a poisonous blood-
seeking throat called Crane Top Red. Poisonous, @ 隐 鹤."

As soon as his Weibo was issued, readers who had torn up the
"Hidden Crane" book fans countless times were overjoyed.
"Soft adorable deep dolphin: Great image said."

"Kolabao: He Honghongs are really obsessed with regrets. How to

explain it is that Hidden Crane copied a big stalk and just didn't listen,
and took screenshots of them and didn't believe it. It was extremely


"Dark Rose: Scared of him!"

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: You can rest assured, meat
treasure, we are not afraid of the front line of fire. Who can tear me

As soon as the book review area was cleared, the comments from
countless "Hidden Crane" book fans who came over to provoke wars
were emptied.

"Hidden Crane" was furious, but unexpectedly, the editor Hoshino

suddenly came to his door and dialed his communication directly.

Immediately, the heart of "Hidden Crane" jumped fiercely, his

eyebrows sinking.

He knew that he had no plagiarism, and he could be straightforward

in front of book fans outside, but he couldn't hold his feet in the
editor, so he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and expected
Hoshino to find him would not be a good thing.

Thinking of this, the hand of "Hidden Crane" pressing the ON key


But it may be good, the other party sent a warning directly.

"Urgently! Don't pick me up and deal with it!"

"Hidden Crane" was shocked. Without thinking about it, he

subconsciously guessed what the "handling" of the editor meant. He
couldn't shrink back at the moment. He could only press the
connection button with his own head.

Sure enough, as soon as the communication video lighted up, he saw

the editor Hoshino opposite with a serious face.

When she struck a black dress with red lips, she was gorgeous and
domineering. To the author who has been signed for many years,
there is nothing tactful, and he directly says, "You transfer."

In a word, the "Hidden Crane" shuddered and was shocked to the


"Editor, what do you mean?" The two have been working together for
years and have been tacit and happy, never having any conflicts.
"Hidden Crane" even consciously made a low-key effort to make the
editor extremely relieved that he should not be half-critical.
But he didn't want to. As soon as Hoshino spoke, he let him go
without mercy.

Confronted with the "Hidden Crane", she could not help but be full of
anger, staring angrily at her eyes, but the editor Hoshino did not even
frown, and said frankly, "You brought me into the author group with
one hand, The impact of plagiarizing the new authors of the same
group is extremely bad, and I can't keep you again. "


She spoke calmly and said decisively and quickly. "I have already
communicated with other editors. You can sublet it."

After all, he left a back road for him, but this remark seemed to be a
slap on his face, making "Hidden Crane" extremely shameless.

"You think I copied it, too," he asked, looking hazy.

Seeing that his mouth was still hard and impassive, Hoshino merely
raised his eyebrows, and asked extremely calmly and coldly, "Dare
you say you didn't copy?"

"Hidden Crane" was speechless for a moment, his face suddenly


The other party cut the phone.

Hoshino's actions were quick and neat. Immediately after the
communication, he completed the handover of the editor.

For the copying stalks of the level of "Hidden Crane", the website is
extremely difficult to determine. After all, there was no essay at the
original pit, but the related content of the new stalk was discussed in a
public place like the author's chat group. "Crane" cleverly changed
some of the subtle plots, so that his new text and the stalk of "Shen
Peng" only overlapped parts, resembling the gods.

However, even if it is impossible to make a judgment, these days, the

turmoil of the forum and interstellar theme book review area has also
attracted the attention of many editors of the star novel website, and
each has his own thoughts and judgments.

By this time, when he took over the "Hidden Crane", he was naturally
afraid of getting into a fishy body. However, the contract signed by
"Hidden Crane" and Fanxing's fiction website did not expire, nor
could it be ignored. In the end, the team leader of the Interstellar
Group was temporarily responsible.

After being changed by the editor and collected by the team leader,
"Hidden Crane" was endlessly sorrowful, but mixed with throbbing
and uneasy, he couldn't settle down for a whole day.

Fortunately, the new leader who took over his speech was taciturn
and didn't say anything. He didn't even mention the plagiarism. The
quiet and calm attitude finally let go of the "Hidden Crane" who was
nervous all day. Tone.

He did not dare to disturb the new editor, quietly walked away, and
returned to the article.

The star novel network is still lively, and numerous serial novels are
updated one after another, which is the time when the most lively
readers are most active.

"Hidden Crane" couldn't help but take a look under the braised pork,
and widened his eyes in astonishment, seeing that he had burst three
more chapters in a row, without taking into account the number of
words in the new book.

The quick and crisp explosion made the book review area a sea of

"Adolescents fighting: Fighting !!! Braised pork has written fighting

articles for the first time, and my blood is boiling!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: It's so exciting! I didn't expect to be able to

write interesting ancient writings, but also the plot of pure crushing
and fierce fighting is so vivid and happy."

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: I ... I was actually fascinated by a face-

lifting essay. Greatly, you have taken me awry and you are

The article "Interstellar is Emperor" turned out to be all praise.

"Hidden Crane" glanced over the book review area, glanced from top
to bottom in a hurry, and none of them turned to negative comments
in surprise, and his eyebrows tightened immediately.

Not a bad review?

Is this novel so good?

He couldn't believe it. Even though he watched the first three chapters
of the new article of "Star for the Emperor" yesterday, but was not
convinced at that time, I felt that the setting of the grandson and
grandson of this book was a little novel and did not think about other

But at this time--

"Hidden Crane" took a deep breath and clicked the mouse to open the
latest updated chapter of "Interstellar King" and looked up.

"'Don't you say that Bai Ye is a waste? How could he be so powerful?'

Under the imperial court of the Imperial Military Academy, several

students with shocked faces stood together, staring at the powerful
men on the stage, looking embarrassed and unbelievable.


A crowd of young people stood up and embarked on the contest.

Bai Yan stood upright, looked up at him, and said quietly, 'Bai Hong? '

As soon as the words came out, Bai Hong's eyes changed

immediately, and new hatred and old hatred arose. The same Bai
family, one trampled and trampled into the mud, and one held to the
cloud, how could Bai Hong never imagine that the waste cousin who
has mocked and scorned countless times in the past would have
changed so suddenly?

At the moment, he was so angry that he suddenly rushed towards


ten minutes later--

The white-haired Bai Yinghua on the college viewing table applauded

again and again with great enthusiasm, and couldn't help but proudly
and proudly praised, 'kill another person, my grandson is awesome! '

All other generals, marshals, and cabinet ministers in the audience

were silent. Someone couldn't help but whispered: 'General Bai, the
other person kicked off Biwutai is also your grandson. '
Bai Yinghua: ... "

A fast-paced **** abuse routine is not uncommon in the interstellar

text, but like braised meat, the first five chapters have been slamming
the face and brutalizing the rhythm of two people, but it has never
been faster.

In comparison, the "Hidden Crane" almost mistaken for its so-called

"cool text", in the face of braised pork, it is just a tickling slow tone.
However, I have to say that the most straightforward and rude style
of this fast-paced face-scratching style has deeply evoked a large
number of readers' sense of substitution and enjoyed it.

Compared with the fast-forward and fast-forward face-breaking

routine, what makes this novel more eye-catching is naturally the
existence of a male second man dressed as an elderly white marshal.

"Soft cute dolphin: Xiong hugs some poor grandpa. Hahahahaha was
spit in the face by generals and marshals."

"Kolabao: Keke, when can Grandpa be more serious? [Cross out, I like
this unruly and funny style]"

"Di Meixing Juvenile: Looking at the big novel, I suddenly wanted to

dress as a Marshal of the Empire and take control of military power.

Two male protagonists, one is calm and revenge cool, the other is
funny than selling cute, the two match each other and release
thousands of times the effect, firmly attracting countless readers of
different tastes.


After reading the latest three chapters in one breath, "Hidden Crane"
couldn't help falling into the ice cellar, and suddenly felt a sense of
Does he write well?

--meeting. Fast-paced and exploded to write so cool, but he never did


The boy was dressed as a stalk of a white-haired Cang Cang Empire

general. Did he think about it?

-Never. Not only wasn't it before, it's not now, and even after that, he
still couldn't figure it out with inspiration.

Realizing this, "Hidden Crane" couldn't help but clenched his fist,
almost pinching the knuckles that had been twisted and deformed for
many years to pale.

He worked hard for so long, but he still couldn't compare to the other
guy's new talent ... talent.

"Hidden Crane" can't help feeling a deep despair. Without the stalk of
the interstellar veteran, what will happen to his next novel?

pale and weak? Boring? Annoying readers? Data left out? As before,
he only wrote the routine of many years ago, and there is no new idea
and freshness. He wants to know what difficulties he will fall into.

But now, he can only helplessly, foreseeing his future.

In the silent darkness, the throat of "Hidden Crane" suddenly made a

dry, hoarse voice, full of unwillingness.
"Interstellar is Emperor" is the most straightforward and
straightforward essay. Compared to the previous two ancient earth
and ancient style novels that require a lot of time to conceive, this
interstellar text is the easiest and simplest to code.

Su Tan wrote his update early every day, and began to go shopping
with the big cousin to buy, buy a lot of vegetables, meat and winter
food, and enrich his refrigerator.

The cold winter is approaching, and Sutan and Hayden each carried a
few full shopping bags and walked out of the convenience store.

Unexpectedly, on the magazine sales stand in front of the door, I saw

the long-lost "Kelia Children's Story".

At that moment, he stopped and smiled as the magazine rack was full
of people and the buyers were full.


The shop was full of sweat, and did not care about the convenience of
the work in the store. He ran out to control the field himself, squeezed
tightly on a small high table in front of the magazine rack, and
shouted with a loud voice: "The latest "Asian Children's Story", just
arrived, want to buy as soon as possible! "

"Hey, don't grab it, line up one by one!"

The crowd was so crowded that he almost drowned him.

Among them, the parents who lead the children are not a few. One
father just put his son on the neck and directed his son to grab the
Starcoin to grab the magazine.

The scene was so hot that Su Tan could not help but bear it.

Since he left Rose and headed for the Capital City, he suspended the
writing of the children's story "Unlucky Amy". Fortunately, before
leaving, he left the children's magazine with a generous copy of the

However, I did not expect that I hadn't paid attention to it for a few
months. The "Children" magazine turned out to be so hot that it was
simply hot and the scenery was endless.

He and Hayden were in no hurry, and they simply sat on a bench by

the street and walked forward briskly when the crowd had dispersed.

"Boss, buy a copy of Children."

Su Tan smiled brightly, the clear and clear voice made the shop
sweaty, busy busy lowering the tally, and looked up subconsciously.

I saw a Qingjun's slender figure tightly wrapped in a heavy coat, and

the man's black eyes surrounded by a thick scarf were bright and
Immediately, the shopkeeper looked at him as if he was wrapped in a
ball, and couldn't help laughing. He backhandedly pulled a copy of
the "Grisia Children's Story" from the magazine rack and stuffed it
into the other hand.

"Hey, get it!"

Su Tan raised a brow, but asked curiously again: "Is there"

Entertainment Express "?"

As soon as his voice came out, the owner of the convenience store was
really happy this time.

He laughed and praised: "I know it! Only old fans know that"
Children "and" Entertainment "look the best."

Hearing that, Su Tan couldn't help bending his lips, paying with a
smile, and turning around with his big cousin on the way home with
a few shopping bags, he laughed with laughter: "The magazine Big
boss, when are you going to work? "

Hayden chuckled, and answered with a low voice, "Tomorrow."

The two walked easily along the street and chatted for a while, but
they felt very comfortable in the cold wind.

Unexpectedly, just after walking around a corner, a soft and shouting

cry suddenly sounded.
"Da da, da da, da da--!"

Su Tan froze, stopped, turned around and unexpectedly saw a young

boy full of vitality and flushed by the cold wind running towards
himself, a round face was full of joy happy.

Seeing his appearance, he seemed happy and surprised, and stopped


"What?" The little boy couldn't help but look behind him.

Su Tan softened, lowered his body, and saw the children and mothers
chasing after him, smiling and apologizing, explaining: "He likes a
robot living nearby and always treats it as the one in" Unlucky Amy "
The little robot is dad. I haven't seen that robot recently. It's very sad.
So you might be mistaken for someone. "

Hearing this, Su Tan couldn't help sighing, his attitude towards the
little boy was even softer, and he whispered in his ear and said with a
smile, "Da da gave birth to a baby."

Standing time——

Little boy: "Ah !?" Almost his eyebrows flew up in surprise and joy.

Su Tan smiled at him tacitly, blinked, and said goodbye to him in the
happy and pleasant eyes of the other side.

On the way back, Hayden asked, "What did you tell him just now?"
Su Tan smiled: "Secret."

Unexpectedly, as soon as I got home, I opened the door—

"Abba !!!"


In the warm and bright living room of the Su family, the robot Suning
walked in his suitcase and walked around, turning around,
disappointed to find that his son was not at home.

However, it can see at a glance an old pair of golden tiger decorations

on the old coffee table in the living room, a neat row of brand-new
gold tableware on the dining table, and several earthen pots that were
almost broken by the vulture on the windowsill. A fine porcelain
flower pot over white.

Right now, it's just a stay.

Then, suddenly remembering the huge red envelope received from

his son in the communicator, Suning couldn't help but mention it in
his throat.

My son got rich overnight? !!

Will it be a rich dad in the future [laughing]?

I was thinking, suddenly the door was pushed open, and several large
shopping bags were stuffed in, and then--


Su Tan was shocked and happy. He put down the shopping bag in his
hand, and almost tripped over. He flew quickly and hugged Suning

With a great deal of force, I almost knocked it over.

The robot daddy felt the warm and embracing embrace, like a small
stove in his heart, extremely ironing, tears in his eyes, long
suppressed depressions and anxiety poured out from the bottom of
his heart.

With a slam, it hugged back fiercely and hugged his son firmly.


I almost thought I would never see my son again.

The robot Suning's chest is hot and slightly hot, but he has never felt
the beating in the chest so powerful and stable. Under Dr. Shu's
operation, his old and degraded body was completely replaced and
never felt again. Feeling suffocated by heartbeat and loss of strength.
And all these efforts quietly made by his son, finally live up to
expectations, successfully completed.

When I saw Abba stunned, Su Tan's surprise was inexhaustible, and

he could hardly speak, but his eyes were unconsciously red.

Looking at the father who was also moved, he raised his lips, tried to
adjust the atmosphere, and smiled with a smile: "Aba, how did you
spend a honeymoon trip, you have become much younger?"

He lifted his eyes and smiled and looked at Suning's face carefully,
and found that it was energetic and radiant. He was countless times
younger than before leaving home. Obviously, he was in a very good
mood, not because he had mistakenly thought he was hospitalized.

In the moment, Su Tan's heart couldn't help but take a big sigh of
relief, and it was even more relaxed and ridiculous. He quickly
glanced at the robot's abdomen with a smile, and smiled and asked,
"Where is the baby?" ? "

Hearing this, Suning couldn't stop the cheeks from getting hot, as if
the temperature of his fingers was boiling hot.

Suddenly a little shy, he looked back at Dr. Shu at the side of the
living room, "Da da, come out to see my brother."

Sutan :? ? ?

He held his breath unconsciously, and saw that Dr. Shu slowly
protruded a small head behind him, and confounded and shyly
plucked Shu Heng's trouser legs. He was a little shy, and shouted
loudly with a small milk, and followed Suning. :"brother?"

In an instant, a warm and pleasant heat hit the heart of Sutan.

Then, he couldn't help bending his lips, his eyes stretched and gentle,
and stepped over, and saw the little robot shrink back shyly when he
saw a stranger step back to Shu Heng, and Dr. Shu hugged him.

"This is your brother, da da."

The name is taken from the children's story "Unlucky Amy" written
by Su Tan. The image of the little robot Da Da is so popular and
fascinating that it has become a well-known character from top to
bottom and is countless. The most wanted childhood friend in the
minds of children.

Suning moved Sutan to use it as a prototype to create such a cute

robot character, so after consulting with Dr. Shu, he decided to name
the younger son da da as a memorial.

At this time, the little robot in the arms of Dr. Shu Da and Su Tan
looked at each other close to each other, and saw that Da da was

Su Tan couldn't help laughing, gently holding his fingers with warm
rubber plastic shells with his long fingers, and asked brightly, "Want
to play a game?"
Seeing that the little robot's eyes brightened, shy and unable to
conceal its curiosity, he nodded subconsciously.

At the moment, Su Tan smoothly led his new brother to play together.

In the evening, the robot Suning's sleeves were full of enthusiasm, and
he made a rich table of dishes, which made Sutan's appetite open, and
he was happy and satisfied.

Regardless of how good the five-star cuisine at the Royal Plaza Hotel
is, it is more delicious than a table prepared by Abba.

Su Tan had a good meal, so he stood da da obediently at the table,

watching his cozy expression, and couldn't help but stomp his feet
and looked up at the table.

The cute and cute action immediately made Su Tan laugh.

He chuckled and asked, "Do you want to eat?"

"Uh-huh!" Da Da nodded hard, for fear that he could not see, but he
was not afraid of his brother at this time, just looked at him

Immediately, Su Tan couldn't help but smile and filled a small bowl
with a small bowl of fragrant and delicious pork rib soup, handed it to
him, and let it smell the taste and relieve it.

Da Da was full of joy, and opened his mouth subconsciously.


Suddenly, he was picked up from behind and left the ribs close at

The little robot suddenly burst into tears, reluctantly.

Suning comforted: "You can't eat this, let's go to dinner. Today Dad
rewarded you with double the power bank, are you happy?"

However, Da Da still couldn't bear to leave, staring straight at Su Tan

and the pork rib soup in his hand, suddenly red eyes, shouting softly:

Su Tan's heart trembled, and she was poked in the heart by this soft
attachment voice. "Abba, give it to me, I'll take care of my brother."

Then, he dropped the bowl and took over the little robot in Suning's
arms. Then, in Ab's astonished eyes, he steadily placed the little robot
on his leg, and held the bowl of fragrant hot ribs in front of Da Da.

He dazed his brother's hand happily, then tried to get close to the ribs
soup and smelled delicious, with a satisfied face.

Robot Dad: "..."

With such a pet brother, how will he discipline his younger son
[laughing and crying]?
There is a little baby in the house, which is different. Da Da is a small
growing robot, implanted with the memory code of two fathers, and
was born close to Suning and Shu Heng.

But when he arrived at the Su family, his closest friend was his older
brother Su Tan. No matter where I go, I like to pull Su Tan's clothes
behind me, dabble a small step, and try to keep up with my brother.

When the "Kelia Children's Story" magazine came to the door, what
he saw was that Su Tan was accompanied by a small robot sitting on a
wide and comfortable long-haired carpet and playing.

They both wore warm turtleneck sweaters, big and small, with wide
smiles and extremely pleasant conversations and laughter.

The intimate and warm scene reminded the editor-in-chief of the

magazine, David, his younger grandson, who was also full of vitality,
laughter, laughter, and stickiness.

In particular, after "Unlucky Amy" was published in "Children"

magazine, the little grandson's favorite game every day was to listen
to his grandfather reading a story book to him, even if he listened to it
a hundred times and a thousand times, it would not be too tired.


Thinking of this, David smiled. Middle-aged David wore a peaked

cap on his head, pinching slightly curly hair and vicissitudes of eyes.
As the earliest editor of the submission of the outstanding children's
literary work "Ami", he has been promoted to the position of editor of
the editorial department of "Children" Magazine. It is of great
significance to come to Su Tan together.

Su Tan brought hot tea for the two, and took his brother Da Da to sit
opposite, and found that the shy little robot quietly clenched his
fingers behind his back.

He couldn't help smiling, and shook back.

Chairman Fergus smiled at the two with a kind smile, and briefly
introduced: "Su Tan, your novel has been very enthusiastic, and it is
now loved by residents everywhere."

Hearing that, Su Tan nodded, and saw the scene at the enthusiastic
convenience store magazine sales point yesterday, and he knew it.

However, David spoke, saying that the hot magazine sales were still
beyond his expectations.

"Last month, the sales of" Roselia Children's Story "exceeded 10

million copies."

As soon as the words fell, Su Tan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

The population of the entire planet Rosewood is only 30 million, and
the monthly sales of 10 million magazines are almost one for each
family. The "Awful Amy" has really spread to all people.

Not only children and parents, but also a large number of Rose
students, office workers and seniors, has become a household
storybook for children.

This result is far beyond the expectations of Sutan.

Come to think of it, the support of the Rosa Literary Committee

behind Chairman Fergus.

He thanked the two and was curious about their visit today. This
time, Fergus and David looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

David, the editor-in-chief of Children's magazine, said with a smile,

"The unlucky Amy is so popular that readers are very enthusiastic
about asking for cartoons. Therefore, we are here today to discuss the
adaptation of the animation with you. "

This proposal greatly exceeded the expectations of Su Tan.

"Animated adaptation?" He was surprised. Even the younger brother,

Da Da, who was hiding behind him, couldn't help tilting his head out
of the way.

David couldn't help laughing at the big and small scenes. He

introduced stubbornly: "Yes. Now that there is word of mouth,
popularity, and more readers' love, Rose's largest animation
production company also found our magazine and wanted to
cooperate with you. I think, this The proposal is very good. "

Although "Unlucky Amy" is published in "Roselia Children's Story",

the copyright still belongs to the creator of Sutan.

Whether it is animation development or adaptation, it must be

approved by himself in order to proceed.

Fergus and David came together because they wanted to make this
happen as soon as possible. He hoped that the animation could be
released on the New Year's Eve in Rosewood, bringing a lot of joy and
joy to countless adults, children and families.

Su Tan thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed.

"I don't think I have any reason to refuse," he replied, smiling with a
sharply curved lips.

He chose to publish "Unlucky Amy" in order to let more people see

this lively and interesting humorous children's work. Unexpectedly,
this work was even loved by the residents of Rosewood.

Therefore, if he has the opportunity to change the animation, he

naturally agrees, even if it is to satisfy the reader's wishes, he also feels
worth it.

Hearing his answer, Fergus and David both smiled in unison. David
smiled and said, "Before the animation, I am afraid that there are
many magazines who want to rush to publish this children's story.
You have to be busy recently."

Publishing, animation, and changing into film and television works

have always been a one-stop thing. Countless details and signing
matters need to be handled with care, and it is best to have
professionals check them.

Looking at the big one and the small one in front of me, the big one
still couldn't escape the fresh and clean temperament of the teenager,
and it was most likely to be deceived by insiders.

Fergus Wen reminded: "Su Tan, you should find a broker."

He was sent off by Chairman Fergus and editor David, and Su Tan
accompanied his brother to play for another whole afternoon. I do n't
know when the window began to fall silently with snow.

When Su Tan noticed, the outside was covered with silver, and the
bushes in the small garden were covered with a thin layer of snow.

The robot dad took a basket of gifts from the neighbors, hurriedly
entered the door, and patted the falling snow on his coat, smiling at
the two sons vigorously: "I just went to the neighbor's house and gave
him a gift. I've saved the good tea leaves, soak them up and try them.

A pot of hot tea is well brewed, the aroma is fragrant, refreshing,

accompanied by the berry patties that Suning has made out of the
oven, while enjoying the snow scene by the window, it feels extremely
comfortable and comfortable.
Su Tan opened his communicator and logged in his long-lost "Sutan"
real-name Weibo account, and found that the private messages inside
were extremely lively. Several publishing houses and film and
television companies have sent private letters in order to obtain
authorization for "Unlucky Amy".

Among them, there are many big companies that are quite famous in

One of the private messages was quite eye-catching.

"Hello, I'm Lance Calder, a professional brokerage agent. Do you need

a broker?"

The words were concise and powerful, and Sutan's curiosity ignited in
a short time.

He clicked into Lance Calder's Weibo, and found that the style inside
was as simple as the counterpart's concise style. The entire Weibo
page was neat and rigorous, and inadvertently revealed a solemn
style, but it was not a fancy, strong outsider.

In the past Weibo, some book information about the signing agent
was published, clearly listing the other party's qualifications and
achievements. Su Tan browsed one by one, and couldn't help but
He found that Lance Calder's is not an exaggeration. He has been
involved in the publishing and entertainment industry for many years
and is indeed a senior capable agent.

But how did he notice himself?

The fire of "Unlucky Amy" just made him a little known in the ugly
third-tier agricultural country star of the empire. However, many
netizens outside of quillia heard it in a hurry. After his name, only a
small part of the electronic issue of the newly published "Gloria
Children's Story" can not be put down.

Even the author's name "Sutan" is not as loud and hot as "every time I
cook braised meat".

It is said that such a small achievement and popularity should not be

regarded by Didu's well-known and extremely low-key senior brokers
and agents, but he never expected that the other party would actively
contact himself.

Su Tan was surprised, but suddenly developed an interest, replying in

a private message: "Can we meet and talk in detail?"

Two hours later, Su Tan arrived at a small, warm street cafe. They met
here to meet.

When he had just ordered two cups of hot coffee, he suddenly saw the
door of the cafeteria pushed open, a middle-aged man walking in
with a frosty wind and snow blowing outside the door, and his heart
suddenly laughed.
Until the other person sat down in front of him, the smile on the
corner of his lips was still a bit overwhelming, and he bent his lips
and teased, "I didn't expect that we were so destined."

The person seated opposite was a man who had met him at the
Starship restaurant the previous week.

Lance Calder bowed his head calmly, the long coat of the neat and
delicate was wet by the snow, but the whole man didn't seem to be at
all embarrassed. He seemed to be over forty years old, his tight jaw
was slightly harsh and solemn, but his body was filled with a
meticulous, serious and focused temperament, which made people

This is a gentleman, or a gentleman who is extremely strict with


Su Tan suddenly felt a bit in her heart, and pushed the hot cup of
coffee he just ordered to the other side, and asked with a smile: "I
remember, you said to the waiter on the starship that you are my

"Yeah," Lance Calder admitted quietly.

Upon hearing the other's calm response, Su Tan laughed lightly, and
suddenly developed a little curiosity. "Which one do you like best
about my work?"

Seeing Lance Calder thinking a little bit, the answer came to mind.

Su Tan was surprised by this answer, and he could not help but smile
and raised his eyebrows slightly.

After the advent of "Unlucky Amy", many readers scrambled to be

attracted by this marvelous work full of rich rural style of Guilia. With
the lively, interesting and interesting little protagonist and the robot
mate laughing and making fun together in daily life, he became more
and more loved by the unfortunate Amy, a children's literature work.

On the contrary, Su Tan's short story "Little Elf", who first won the
title at the Rosewood Literary Contest, was gradually forgotten by
readers, and was covered by "Unlucky Amy".

At this moment, when I heard Lance Calder's favorite work is "The

Elf", Su Tan couldn't help bending her lips, and her black eyes were
bright, happy and shining.

It was never thought that the other party's words were more than that.
Lance Calder said quietly another work name-

"Also," Jianghu Entertainment Weekly. "

Sutan :! !! !!

He was astounded and caught off guard. The author's name "Sutan"
and "every day I cook braised pork" are clearly distinguished, one
specializes in online novels, and one low-key publishes physical
works in Rose. There are few other than family and cousin People
know the connection.

Both Weibo and pseudonym are managed separately, and even the
readers have little overlap.

How did Lance Calder discover his identity?

Su Tan was surprised, if thoughtful, Qinglang's eyes suddenly


At the sight of his slightly alert posture, Lance Calder pursed his lips
and laughed helplessly. He took a sip of hot coffee, and the bitter
aroma immediately spread into his mouth, making it most
comfortable for ironing in such a cold winter day.

Lance calmly explained in a calm tone: "It is also a coincidence. When

combing the author of the latest novel this year, I paid attention to
your two pen names at the same time, and discovered the clues from
the fine details."

He raised his lip corner, showing the first gentle smile since entering
the door, soothing: "Whether we can reach an agreement or not, I will
keep a secret for you, and you don't need to worry."

His expression was calm, but his tone was low, but he had
unexpectedly firm strength. His calm professional temperament
relieved Su Tan a little sigh of relief.

Let 's talk about it in detail and find that the other party really has a
profound understanding of novels and literary works. A few simple
and clear words can accurately find the advantages of their novels,
and clearly and transparently follow up the copyright treatment. .

Not only is his professionalism convincing, but Su Tan's admiration

for this little keen judgment alone.

Unconsciously, he was attracted by the educated and low-pitched

conversation of the other party, and then he was determined to hire
Lance as his agent.

"I hope we can cooperate happily in the future." Under the warm and
dim yellow cafe lamp, Su Tan stood up, shook hands with the other
party, and reached an agreement.

I saw that Lance Calder's tight jaw finally relaxed slightly, and a smile
appeared on his face, "Happy cooperation."

Lance's rich qualifications and experience conquered Su Tan, but this

made him even more curious. Before he went out, he wondered and
asked, "Where's your previous signing author? Why did you find

Professional work agents such as Lance Calder and the author are
basically signed one-to-one, and are responsible for the publishing,
novel, copyright, publicity and other matters of the contracted author.
If the agent and the author want to cooperate with each other and
form a tacit understanding, it often takes a very long time, and a
successful author also needs a lot of effort and effort of the agent to

Therefore, it is usually not easy to change the dismissal between the

two parties. A good good agent can even be responsible for an author
from the beginning to the end for decades, until his death.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Su Tan asked this question, but I

did not expect Lance to hear this question. For the first time, there was
a sorrow in his calm and firm face, and then his eyes slowly became
helpless and bitter.

It can be seen that the inside story is complicated and tortuous, and it
is not humane.

Su Tan quietly closed his mouth and said goodbye to leave.

It's late at night, and the dim and warm little cafes are like a quiet rest
harbor in the snowy night of raging storms, and people's unconscious
tension slowly relaxes.

Watching Su Tan go out in the snow and wind, he was wrapped in a

thick warm coat firmly by a tall, long man waiting on the other side of
the cafe, and boarded the car and left.

The car stepped out of his sight on the heavy snow. Lance Calder
returned to his seat again. The warm coffee cup in front of him was a
bit cool. He sat in silence for a long time, staring at the snowy scene
outside the window at late night, and suddenly burst into a bitter
laughter, his heart rising Bitter.

Su Tan's words reminded Lance of the muddy days.

He is a veteran agent with many years of experience. He has extensive

connections in the publishing and film and television industries. He
was lucky enough to sign an author with great potential, and
cultivated the other party into the most popular red writer.

With the tacit understanding of the day and night, the relationship
between the two people gradually heated up. Joan was a little
younger, loved to talk, laughed and played with a temper, and lived
deliberately and unrestrainedly. Lansto spoiled him and carefully
took care of his food, clothing and accommodation.

Unexpectedly, his long-term relationship could not meet the fame and
fortune. He carefully sang his passport for many years and suddenly
turned into the embrace of others, marrying into a wealthy man. For
Lance, who finally learned the news, it was like a fiery chest suddenly
being deeply Insert a knife into the ground, heartache.

Instead of this, Qiao An's martyrs were very disgusted with his past
rich and affectionate emotional history. He was a ruthless player,
making it difficult to suppress Lance in various aspects and forcing
him to stay away from the capital.

Lance was depressed and uneasy, but he couldn't tolerate his own
cowardlyness, and he lingered on under the power of the opponent.
He packed his luggage neatly and set foot on the most recent Star
Trek flight.

Lance closed her bitter eyes slightly, and when she opened it again,
she was completely clear. He reached for his coat, put it on, and
walked out of the cafe against the snow.

The cold wind was lingering, and the swift snowflakes were mixed
with the strong wind and slammed on the face, as if the ice blade was
passing, which was extremely stinging.

Lance's footsteps were steady and firm, walking on the snow.

The past is over, and he wants to start a new future.

Imperial City——

In the early morning of Gu's old house, Gu Qin got up early to review
the documents in his study. When the housekeeper came respectfully
to ask him to have breakfast, Gu Qin finally stopped his nib.

At this moment, the communicator suddenly sounded, and the

familiar ringtone made Gu Qin's frowning heart can't help unfolding
and pressing the connect button.


As soon as he spoke, he suddenly heard a pleasant smile coming from

the communicator, "Brother, wait a minute."
Gu Qin was puzzled, looking at the screen, and suddenly saw a cute
and soft little robot being held in front of the camera, his fleshy arm
was raised and beckoned, and Su Tan's bright and smiling voice was
behind him: "Call brother."

Da da was cute and dazed, and shouted shyly, "Brother."

For a while, Gu Qin on the communicator couldn't help but smile at

the corner of his lips. He coughed softly, his quiet black eyes stared
softly at the camera, making the shy and curious little robot da dat
look at him more.

Su Tan held his brother in his arms and introduced with a smile: "This
is Abba's son, my new brother." Qi Rudian's eyes rose slightly, and his
eyebrows were relaxed and happy, letting Gu Qin A little envy came
under my heart.

Tens of thousands of light-years away, why didn't he want to get

along with Su Tan, like the brothers in the camera?

But he never thought that Su Tan chuckled, his voice was clear and
clean, and he asked with a smile: "Brother, Dad asked if you have time
to come and spend the New Year with us?"

Hearing the words, Gu Qin froze. Suddenly, the smile on her lips rose,
and she nodded quietly, "OK."

In my heart, it suddenly warmed up.

After hanging up the communication, Gu Qin thought about it for a
while, and his slender fingers tapped on the tabletop, making a sound.

The Gu family steward stood side by side respectfully, his eyes calmly
and quietly lowered to the ground.

Suddenly, listening to Gu Qin's eyes calm and firm, he slowly said:

"Book a ticket to Goriya for the New Year, I want to go there for the
New Year."

Housekeeper: "OK!"

He promised to be fast, full of interest, and seemed to be happier than

Gu Qin, and said with a high voice of excitement: "Do you want to
bring the chef, gardener, and servant at home to see the young
master? When I came to Little Master, everyone in the Gu family
missed it a lot. Many of them thought that they could n't take good
care of the little Master who went out, and they all distressed and
could n't eat.

Gu Qin's eyes lighted.

... you all graduated from the Imperial Academy of Film and


The snow was cold in winter, and the branches and branches of Su's
small garden were covered with thick snow. Looking out the window,
it was plain and peaceful.

The little robot Da Da was wrapped into a round and fat ball,
followed by a small step behind Su Tan, and stepped out of the door
of the Su family.

Snow squeaked under the little boots and made a novel sound, which
made Da Da curiously and surprisingly stop her footsteps, and
couldn't help squatting down to look round.

The suspicious look made the Su family couldn't help smiling.

Dr. Shu, who happened to be resting on this day, followed his eyes
gently, watching his squat squatting on the ground without moving,
so he reached out and hugged people.

There was a squeak of "Ya", and he flung his two feet in midair,
almost kicking his boots off.

Seeing this scene, the crowd laughed together, walking leisurely and
comfortably toward a large shopping mall at the end of the street,
ready to go home for the big purchase of New Year's supplies.

As the New Year approaches, the festive atmosphere on the streets is

getting stronger and stronger. Many families, such as the Su family,
take a look at the family with a baby. Although the convenient
interstellar express and shopping website has achieved the goal of
shopping without going out.
But in front of the festival, many Roses still enthusiastically rushed
out of the house, expressing their enthusiasm for the festival by going
shopping and grabbing things.

Today's mall door is very different.

Before they even arrived, the Sutans saw the crowds in the streets and
crowds, and they lined up together, as if the entire town had gathered

"The new book" Unlucky Amy "is on sale! The best holiday gift, the
children's fantasy fairy tale! Sutan, the author of" The Elf ", is the best
masterpiece of children's literature! The favorite fairy tale of the Rose
people! On sale—— "

A large electronic banner flashed with colorful lights, full of

attractiveness, hung high above the gate of the mall, and the
enthusiastic crowd crowded to the end of the street.

Looking at this hot scene, the robot Suning immediately got excited,
grabbed Shu Heng's arm around him, tried to suppress the voice, and
couldn't hide the excitement, proudly said, "My son!"

Seeing Suning's excited and happy expression, Shu Heng couldn't

help bending his lips.

Su Ningzhuo's gaze looked towards Su Tan, and the silent pride was
revealed in his silent eyes, which made Su Tan unable to help but
Even he did not expect that the new book would be published so fast.
Lance Calder, acting agent, is neat and calm and low-key.

Since the two signed the contract, they have taken over all the
miscellaneous matters of Sutan except for writing. Whether it is
contacting the publisher or selecting a film and animation company to
prepare cartoons, they have done it beautifully and quickly. defect.

Even Hayden praised his ability.

In this way, the hot scene of the new book sale is even more
unexpected than Su Tan's expectations.

The lively crowd crowded tightly together, rubbing their shoulders

tightly together, and was not cold in the cold winter, but the hot
breath made each other smile Yan Yan.

Seeing a lot of fathers, all straddling the children on their shoulders,

they lived in the long queue of purchases.

Immediately, the robot Suning could see his eyes glowing. He

couldn't help feeling agitated, dragging Dr. Shu and Da Da into it, and
handed all the purchase orders to Su Tan and Hayden.

Su Tan shook his head and laughed, watching his father look full of
energy and enthusiasm. He took off his thick long scarf, and wrapped
it tightly around his younger brother's face, turned around and
entered the mall with his big cousin. .
The new book sales team waiting for the three of Suning is in a long
line. About ten minutes later, the front team was a little turbulent, and
it was finally discovered that "Unlucky Amy", which was released
from the printing house of the publishing house, finally arrived, and
the leading position in the front row was already on sale.

Hearing this news, the countless crowds in the queue at the back were
all envious, sighing unanimously and enviously.

In order to ensure that the number of new books on the site is

sufficient, the bookstore on the first floor of the mall has adopted a
policy of restricting purchases, while many people in the front
complained and complained, and many people in the queue could not
help but gave birth to the wing, and they applauded for this. Policy

Coward is one of them.

He is an old fan of Rosewood Children's Story, and grew up watching

this fairy tale from a young age. After adulthood, work is getting
more and more busy, and the quality of "Children" magazines is
getting worse and worse, so the number of readings is getting less and

It wasn't until one time he accidentally bought a book called "The

Story of a Child of Roses" and read the bedtime story for his eight-
year-old son Buddy, and Buddy fell in love with it.
The father-son relationship, which is rarely contacted and the
relationship is slightly tense, has become more intimate and gentle as
ever because of the precious daily bedtime story time.


Since then, Coward has loved the unfortunate Amy, a children's story.

Today, he deliberately took a leave from the unit, and took his son
Buddy to the line at the mall door early, ready to buy a freshly-edited
fine-tuned version of "Unlucky Amy". The two waited in line for five
hours before finally coming to them.

Coward hurriedly paid for two books and stuffed the new book,
which still smelled of ink and paper, into the arms of his expectant
son, and immediately saw Buddy's expression of ecstasy, and his
eyebrows were flowing. Come out of joy.

At that moment, looking at his son's happy and smiling face, he said
that waiting for five hours, even if he waited in line for ten hours, it
was worth it!

Coward was in a good mood, touching the top of his son with one
hand, and walking outside in the envy of the crowd behind him.

And his son Buddy was completely immersed in the joy of the new
book. He couldn't wait for more than a second. He couldn't wait to
open the beautifully-covered cover and opened the pages with the
aroma of ink.
At first sight, I read the beginning of the book a thousand times, and I
couldn't get more familiar with it. Like a picture scroll, he marched in
front of him and slowly opened it.

"There is a small town of Woka in the southwestern countryside of

Guilia. The town of Woka is simple and friendly, and the
neighborhood is friendly. There is only one unlucky guy who makes
headaches and likes mischief-"

Without looking at the next name, Buddy's face showed a big sly
smile, blurted out and shouted: "Amy!"


"... Amy, who is a headache-loving mischievous egg, is well

known ...."

Although this story, Buddy has long been familiar with it, begging his
father Coward to read it ten times and hundreds of times, but at this
time it seems that it is still very familiar and close, like seeing a tacit
old friend, one hundred Don't look tired.

not to mention--

"There are illustrations!" Buddy turned a page of a book, and

accidentally found a beautiful color illustration. The image of the
funny little protagonist and bright and vivid colors are intertwined,
making people interesting and suddenly caught. look.
Buddy was surprised again and again, hurriedly and quickly turned
to the back, unexpectedly and excitedly found that there were more
than one illustration in the entire book. Each one happens to be the
most exciting plot in Amy's Unlucky.

On the last page of the entire book, there is a whole puzzle, colorful
colors and a lively image of Amy, which immediately made Buddy
shout excitedly, causing a lot of children in the queue Attention.

A classmate immediately exclaimed, "Buddy, what's wrong? What did

you find? Show me!"

Buddy laughed and held the book tightly in his arms, and replied
with a loud and proud voice: "No!"

Talking, he pulled his father, Coward, and ran away, leaving behind
the countless indignation, laughter and scolding caused by his actions.

Crowds of people waiting in line have not seen what the new book
looks like, but rumors have spread here like a tornado.

When the robots Suning and Shu Heng stood, they heard the family in
front of them eager to discuss the situation.

"My favorite character is Amy." A polite father raised a helpless and

spoiled smile, teasing teasingly at his son, "Amy is like you when you
are naughty and mischievous, really a mischief. ghost."

As soon as the words came down, a little boy standing next to him
retorted indignantly, "That's because you don't understand me!"
He hummed his little nose, waved his fist at his father, and said
indefinitely: "Only the little friend Da Da understands Amy the best,
and accompanies him to drill the warehouse, climb the valley, run to
the river to touch the fish . "

His tone was extremely favourable, but his immature voice was
extremely firm, and he proclaimed loudly: "My favorite is Da Da!"

This magnificent confession made the little robot lying on Shu Heng's
shoulder immediately move his ears, raised his neck and looked up,
his face was full of curiosity and surprise.

His face was so tightly wrapped in a scarf that no trace of snow could
fly in, leaving only a pair of big eyes outside. At this time, it was the
one who did not delay him in horror and looked forward to the
enthusiastic confession.

"Da da?"

The little robot in Shu Heng's arms muttered the words of the person
just now, wondering and wondering, is that little brother calling his

The people around them were also curious, and laughed loudly.
Afterwards, the conversation of the people became more and more
aroused, and they simply opened the conversation box, and people
who knew each other before and after the conversation were full of
lively discussion.
Unlike adults who love naughty tricks like their own boy "Amy", the
children are fond of "Amy" 's closest friend, the small robot "Da Da",
and talk enthusiastically.

"I also like da da! I really want a little friend like da da!"

"Hey, there is a robot Mr. near our house, so gentle and kind, give me
candy every time."

"I love the da da! I told my mom that want to be like a brother, like da
da, the result was my mother to beat ......"

"Da da is the best!"

"No one doesn't love him ~"

Listening to these words, the little robot hugged in the arms of Shu
Heng, his face flushed and turned into an apple, and even the tip of
his ears became a little hot.

He squeezed his finger shyly, facing overwhelming love and

confession, at a loss, ashamed, as if there were countless flowers in his

Ashamed and not talking, he couldn't help attracting the attention of a

little boy next to him. He immediately ran over and asked curiously,
"Brother, who do you like?"
Da Da flushed her face, tried to raise her voice, and shyly and eagerly
responded to many expressions and love.

"I like you guys!"

A word of soft adorable and ironing, immediately shocked the little

boy who was questioning, and could not help but flushed.

...... My brother knows QAQ.

So cute, how can it be broken?

Su Tan and Hayden came out of the mall carrying big bags and small
bags. The crowd inside was full and the crowd was no less than the
outside. It took him a long time to make it difficult to buy everything
on the shopping list of Abba Deng squeezed out the gate of the mall.

It was an accidental discovery, beside the Su family who had just

bought the "Unlucky Amy" in line, it was extremely popular, with
children as the most popular.

Many big and small children smiled around his brother with a smile,
rushing to talk to him. Even if you have already bought the book, you
are not willing to leave early, but gathered together.

This popular scene of enthusiasm made Su Tan forbearance. With Da

Da, farewell to many reluctant children, the family finally returned
That night, under Da Da's strong request, Dr. Shu sat on the bedside,
turned over "Unlucky Amy", and began to tell the story softly.

Da Da opened her eyes with great surprise, followed by the soft and
soothing voice of Shu Heng, and gradually fell in love with the story.

At the same time, countless Rosewood families are like this. On this
night, they read the latest finely edited version of "Unlucky Amy"

The story is still the story that made the children feel excited, and the
illustrations and three-dimensional scenes that appear from time to
time in the book make many children happily scream and be

But the family who did not buy "Unlucky Amy" was turned upside
down by crying.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was bright, and the
dense fog had not yet dissipated. Many new book sales offices in each
of Rosewood's major bookstores appeared in a hurry.

Some didn't even wear their clothes, and hurriedly grabbed a coat and
wrapped it out.

Some cheeks are red, and their eyes are bloodshot. I don't know how
long I have been waiting in the car on the roadside.
There was a look of eagerness, regretting that he didn't have time to
buy a new book yesterday, so that the family was so disappointed that
the child who could not wait anxiously and waited anxiously.

After all, they flew to the sales outlets in Rosewood for the first time,
and asked anxiously, "Is there" Unlucky Amy "?"

The bookstore clerks are not strange. The printing factory of

Quanguilia is non-stop, printing continuously, and printing five
million copies of "Unlucky Amy" in a hurry. It was sent to all parts of
the planet in the early morning snow. Bookstore agent point of sale.

At this time, the clerk took a new book out of the box neatly and
shoved it into the other's hand, reminding him: "The online
reservation sales system is open today, you don't have to come so

However, the parents smiled bitterly, simply paid off the book money,
and trembled to prepare to go home. "Can't wait, the weather is bad,
I'm afraid it will take another day for courier delivery."

The implication is that he can't wait for this day.

Hearing this, the store staff uttered a deep sigh, but never thought of
such a scenario, staged at the sales points all over Rosewood.

"Unlucky Amy", which could only be sold through the point of sale on
the first day, triggered a long line of people.
Many families who are friends and family members, who would
rather give up buying new year's goods, also have to queue up to buy
this household-famous children's story, which caused a huge peak in
sales of new books.

Many insiders and clerks of the publishing industry thought that the
sales would drop normally the next day, but it was unexpected. The
next morning, it caused a wave of unprecedented sales.

This rapid sales speed, in a short time, shocked the entire literary
world of Rose.
"Heavy News Express: Eight Million!" Unlucky Amy "broke the
historical record on the first day of sales and successfully topped
Rose's best-selling book!"

"Early Morning Express: The newest and hottest New Year's List
must-have item-" Unlucky Amy "! Did you buy it?"

"Today's headline: Last night, how many families accompanied their

children to sleep while watching" Unlucky Amy "?"

"Ruilia Daily News:" Unlucky Amy "sets the highest sales boom in


The news that "Unlucky Amy" was sold at an instant was spread all
over the world. All the media rushed to report the hot sales of
"Unlucky Amy" and praised this book as the most worthy purchase
this year. new Year's gift.
In the new year, the "Most Popular Bestseller" has been released.

Sales are blown out, the entire line is out of stock, frequently printed,
online shopping is hot ... A week later, "Unlucky Amy" has reached a
terrible 30 million sales, almost a copy of the entire population of
Rosewood residents.


After a media investigation, it was found that many families not only
bought "Unlucky Amy" for their children, but also ordered a lot of
books from the Internet and gave them to relatives, friends, and
nephews as gifts for the New Year.

This book quietly became one of the most popular new business cards
for Rose.

With such huge sales volume, Qiqi made a splash for all Roses. Even
other star domains have attracted attention.

An anonymous post in Xingji Network Forum quietly became


"The Rose Fairy Tale sells 30 million a week? Do you believe it?"

Under the post, almost all of the netizens in the major star domains
did not believe this statistic, and ridiculed one after another.
"Hand-Disabled Youth: Don't you make a joke? Guilia? That literary

"Black Memorial: Hey, the landlord's fake news is too unreliable!

Don't talk about the weakness of Rose's literature, just talk about fairy
tale works, you, the landlord, come out and say, Which fairy tale has
generated such amazing sales? "

"Green Orange Lemon Tea: I think it's a bit possible ... My aunt who
lives in Guilia sent me a copy of it with interest, and I'll send it
[courier] soon."

"Black Memorial: So, this shows that the sales of the Roses themselves
were made by themselves? Great."


The forum was full of opinions, and most of them scoffed at each
other. How could they be reluctant to believe that such a popular
children's literature would appear on the planet, which has always
been a "literary desert".

Many people ridiculed that most of them were hype themselves and
wanted to put Phnom Penh on the name of "literary desert".

Just then, "Orange Lemon Tea" suddenly popped up again, and

replied: "The delivery was delivered! I have the fairy tale of Guilia!
Now I will watch the novel live and share my feelings!"
She took pictures directly and enthusiastically, put the cover photo of
the fairy tale on the forum, and typed a line.

"Green Orange Lemon Tea: Some can't wait to try something new.
Let's read a chapter first and share the evaluation later."


Her people disappeared, and the large fairy tale cover photo left in the
Star Forum post caused a new wave of group ridicule.

"Hand-Disabled Youth:" Unlucky Amy "? True Fairy ..."

"Black Memorial: It's weird to hear the title of the book, strange! Sky is
rolling! Who is Amy? Who knows?"

"For the explosion of interstellar currency: others said that this is a

children's story, don't laugh at it. Wait for the master to read the
report and be smart."

Five minutes later, "Orange Lemon Tea" reappeared and commented


"Green Orange Lemon Tea: After reading the first two pages, the
writing is lively, all of which describe Amy's rural life. Feeling OK ...?"

The ambiguous evaluation immediately made many netizens in the

post laugh and joke.
"Hand-Disabled Youth: You can't tell the truth from the master, you
don't need to use whitewash."

"Black Memorial: Sure enough. Can Rose produce children's

literature? Too naive."

"For StarCoin to explode the lights: It sounds so ordinary, do you

continue reading?"

"Green Orange Lemon Tea: Look, wait a few minutes for me."

She went into hiding again, picked up this hardcover edition of

"Unlucky Amy," and watched. It was unexpectedly found that the
direction of the story was not ups and downs, but unexpectedly warm
and interesting.

I secretly poured the milk I did n't like to drink into the sink, and
when I forgot to go home in the rice paddy field, I went out on my
own big rooster and dared to go out. ...

All kinds of funny things were not only because she wanted to do it
when she was a child but did not have the courage, or some silly

Right now, "Orange Lemon Tea" was holding the book and couldn't
read it.

I do n't know when the night came quietly, the room was dim, and the
words on the book were illegible, and the "Orange Lemon Tea" finally
stopped, surprised to find that I had watched it for more than three
hours. In the middle, no time has passed, and it is even more intent to
ignore foreign objects.

"Green Orange Lemon Tea" put down the book in his hand, turned on
the lamp, and found in the mirror on the table that the smile on his
face did not know when to rise, and now his muscles were smiling
stiffly, but the smile that was greatly comfortable was I can't get away.


She froze and then laughed.

Opening the Star Forum in a hurry, seeing that the post has been sunk
to the bottom, the last hundreds of replies were all called to her to
share their feelings.

"Black Memorial: Half an hour has passed, and the master hasn't
appeared yet. I don't think it will appear."

"Hand-Disabled Youth: I think the truth is that this fairy tale novel is
too hot-eyed, and the master can't stand it anymore, so he gave up."

"For StarCash Explosion Lights: Layer Master! Come out soon! Say
good trial review! @ 青 橙 柠檬 茶"

Seeing countless squatting netizens waiting for a long time in the post,
and did not wait for her appearance, immediately the heart of the
"green orange lemon tea" could not help but a surge of guilt.
She hurriedly typed the reply, saying the feeling of reading a book

"Green Orange Lemon Tea: I'm back! Sorry, netizens upstairs, I

wanted to see a little bit and share some feelings with you. But I didn't
expect it-it's so good! I can't stop it!"

"I didn't stay until I saw the last page. Ah? Just like that? Not enough!"

As soon as she replied, the post was posted on the forum homepage.
Netizens who had previously seen this post could not help clicking
again, but was surprised to find that the evaluation of "Orange"
suddenly flipped.

"Green Orange Lemon Tea: When I turned to the first two pages, what
did I think? How could an aunt hold it so high? But it is a more
interesting country fairy tale? You can only give up to five points, not
more. . "

This remark is quite in line with the impressions of many netizens on

Rose literature.

However, in comparison, the previous "Green Orange" enthusiastic

comment of "Too good! Can't stop!" Is even more unusual.

Sure enough, the bland, uncharacteristic beginning of the appraisal,

the words of "Orange" immediately became excited and enthusiastic.

"Green Orange Lemon Tea: However, when I turned it down, it was

this bland! The writing was lively! The leisurely tune! The country's
cozy little story completely attracted me. At first glance, I saw the dark


Her words surprised the netizens in the Star Forum.

"Black Commemorative: ... is the owner of the navy hired by Rose?"

"Hand disabled youth: I think so."

"For the interstellar burst: silently 1."

Seeing her comments, no one believed that "Green Orange Lemon

Tea" immediately jumped to his feet with "Unlucky Amy".

"Lime Orange Lemon Tea: Don't believe it, just forget it, it's not me
who missed a good book. I'll do it a second time!"

She waved affectionately and disappeared.

All the netizens in the remaining posts are silent.

"Black Memorial: ... who can give me a link to" Unlucky Amy "? I'll
test it myself."

After three days--

Posts in the Star Forum are lively.

"Hand-Disabled Youth: I watched" Unlucky Amy "and said with a

good conscience, it looks good."

"Black Memorial: My mail has arrived at home, and the result ... now
my son grabs a book with me."

"For the Starcoin explosion: I saw nothing resonating, but my mom

and dad accidentally caught a glimpse and loved this novel. They said
that this book evoked a small farming planet in the countryside when
he was young The memories of life have been recommended by
Amway to the old folks who went to the countryside the same year ...

"Qingshui Lantian: Only I was attracted to the country's delicious food

in the book? In other words, what season is the best time to travel to
Guilia? I want to book a Star Fleet ticket!"

The heated discussions in the forum are gradually fermenting.

Focusing on the interstellar forums that are gathered by various star
domain netizens, praise, doubt, disbelief, and many other emotions
are mixed together, but they have contributed to the huge amount of
attention and caused more and more The more people watch the
children's novel "Unlucky Amy".

Immediately, the online click sales of "Unlucky Amy" skyrocketed and

broke new highs.
This increasingly popular trend has set off a wave of reading across
the Internet.

At this time, Rose's footsteps of the New Year are quietly

approaching. Following the good news of the new book "Unlucky
Amy" being released, a blockbuster once again detonates all of Rose.

"The exclusive release of Guilia TV: the most anticipated cartoon! The
hottest fairy tale work of the year! The latest masterpiece of the genius
author Su Tan-" Unlucky Amy "was officially released three days

As soon as this news was broadcast in the Rose Media News

Broadcasting, it immediately caused a national revelry.

The trailers broadcast on TV for three full days, the billboards lit up in
front of the street bookstore, and the enthusiastic gossip and talk of
many Roselle residents have all contributed to the release of this long-
awaited cartoon.

By the night of the official broadcast at 6:30 in the evening, the entire
quiet street of Gulia was unexpectedly quiet, almost without a
pedestrian, and it really was a word-ten thousand people.

The quiet and peaceful streets were only covered by snow. When a
few cars passed quietly, a whirlpool of snow quietly started.

Every family, everybody is accompanied by the young and old,

guarding the TV, waiting for the first episode of "Unlucky Amy" to be
At the same time, a few thousand meters above the sky, a low-key and
stable starship is passing through heavy air layers, and is heading
towards the quiet and quiet planet of Gulia.

On the starship, Gu's housekeeper was eager to see the planet where
the young master lived. As long as they entered the docking port of
Rose, they could go to the young master's house with the owner.

Immediately, his mood was beyond words, and a message was sent to
the old couple.

"Guess where I am:)?"

He took a picture of Rose with ostentatious and sent it out to the other
side. He was thinking with jealousy of the guard housekeeper Olesen
who took the royal honorary title, and he must be envious of himself.

Little Master! His Royal Highness the Crown Prince! The people who
accompany them around the New Year are mine! !!

Thinking that the other party could only dry out tens of thousands of
light years away, the Gu housekeeper was happy to bloom.

Unexpectedly, Olesen directly gave him an expression-"Then you are


The housekeeper hummed, raised his chin proudly, and quickly

instructed the Gu family to drive the spacecraft into the docking port.
The luggage was neatly packed, and the spacecraft was transferred to
a sports car and headed for Su's.

There were few pedestrians in the evening, and the quiet was
amazing. On the roadside, the lights from the windows are bright and
warm, and people can't help but yearn for the quiet and snowy night.

The car quickly arrived outside the courtyard of the Su family.

The Gu family steward took the lead to get out of the car, and
respectfully served the owner Gu Qin to get out of the car and walked
into the Su family, which was half-covered.

The soles crunched on the snow, and before reaching the front porch,
the housekeeper heard the laughter and laughter in the distance.

He praised Gu Qin with a smile on his face and said, "Little Master
will surely be crazy to see you."

Gu Qinjunlang's lip corner narrowed slightly and he pressed the


The doorbell rang three times crisply. Immediately, the sound of

steady footsteps rang from the door, and the door of Su's house was
pulled open smoothly from the inside.


Gu Housekeeper: "How are you here? !!!"



Standing at the door of Su's house, not only was Gu's housekeeper
astonished, even Gu Qin raised his eyebrows slightly. "Why are you

Olesen smiled respectfully and let the door open, and asked Gu Qin to
enter, calmly and stably answering: "Your Majesty is here on

Upon hearing this answer, Gu Qin raised his eyebrows slightly,

looking a little surprised, and he walked towards the room.

Gu Housekeeper: "..." Your Majesty, Your Majesty? ? !!

Suddenly, there was a shock of shock flying across his entire face,
staring at Oleson in a complicated look, as if he never thought that the
other party would accompany Her Majesty Bernard to the Su family,
even more than himself. Arrived early.

At this time, he thought of those "Guess where I am :)" in the

communicator, "I don't know if the young master's home is beautiful",
"I heard that Rose is now winter", "How do you spend your new
year?" Cleaning? Tableware? Oh, I will accompany His Royal
Highness to watch the fireworks "...

Gu's housekeeper's face was hot and hot.

Seeing that the owner had walked into Su's house, he couldn't help
but glanced at Oleson quickly with a flush, and coughed heavily, "Did
you see the communication?"

Unexpectedly, Olesen's face was as calm and sober as usual, only the
corner of his mouth raised gently, and he answered calmly, "No, I'm
very busy."

In this sentence, all the words of the housekeeper were blocked in my

heart in a short time.

As a veritable steward of the Gu family with a long history and

profound heritage, is he very busy?

The steward poked at Olesen, who had finished his remarks. His
footwork was steady and extremely skillful. He closed the door of the
Su family and led him into it.

The living room is already a sea of passion.

Su Tan was surprised and delighted to see Gu Qin's sudden arrival.

Gu Qin was also surprised. Bernard Longman and his wife Martha
were both in light casual clothes. They were holding hot tea cups and
chatting with the Su family.

Seeing his arrival, Her Majesty Bernard smiled and shook hands with
Gu Qin, joking tacitly: "It seems we all want to go together."
For the Su family, a small family with a warm and enthusiastic
atmosphere, the two superiors have exactly the same feeling of
comfort and closeness.

In a hurry, on the cold winter night, the little warm place of the Su
family became the warmest harbor in winter.

With the arrival of Her Majesty Longman and Gu Qin, the Su family
has become more lively than ever this year.

The robot Suning was caught off guard and turned around every day,
lest he could entertain guests.

Fortunately, in order not to disturb their lives, Bernard Longman and

the Gu family did not live in the Su family. Instead, they chose to live
in a house not far from the Su family and live in a low-key manner.

No one from Rosewood knows about their New Year holiday.

Only the distant Emperor Capital, tens of thousands of light years

away, with the approaching of the new year, all kinds of dances,
dinners and parties in the high circle have increased. Banquets hosted
by major families to talk and laugh and exchange feelings.

Such a banquet has always been the glory of the major families. How
many invitations can be received and invited to the banquet is even
more proud.

The New Year party is also the most important social occasion for
major families.
However, it was not expected that after a few banquets, someone
slowly found out that Gu Qin, the owner of Gu Qin, was missing. In
such a major social occasion, Gu Qin could not be seen once, and
immediately aroused doubts in everyone's hearts.

In the past, although Gu Qin had not inherited the Gu family and had
an insignificant reputation, he also followed Gu Hongxuan in a low-
key manner every year and appeared at major banquets.

But this year is the first year that he took over the Gu family. When he
took over the family, he took good measures and acted decisively. He
packed his father and many elders together and sent them to the
elderly. They suppressed the entire family.

Many big men and young people in the high circle have already
developed a great curiosity about his sharp and decisive wrist, just
waiting to meet and meet at this month-long New Year party.

But don't want to, the other party actually left Diduxing at this time?
Amazingly, never mind the most important social season.

At the moment, many people feel calm and shake their heads at his
unusual style of work.

Numerous whispers of rumors circulated in his vacant upper society

banquet, and became the topic of ridicule and satire of many powerful

"Today, is the Gu family owner here?"

"Not yet? Well, I'm afraid most of us despise these hypocritical

"Listening to the family members, it's time to travel, this is really ..."

In the luxurious and noble large banquet hall, a group of intricately

dressed and well-dressed guests tacitly spoke out, but each other's
faces were slightly mocking complex expressions, apparently
disapproving of Gu Qin's behavior.

General Cyrus in the crowd narrowed his eyes silently and drank a
cold drink with a sip of his lips. The slightly astringent taste, with the
right brewing aroma, makes people have a long aftertaste.

Simply, the focus of the banquet was not originally on Gu Qin, but the
Feng family's banquet was full of weight, and Bernard Longman was
invited every year to attend the scene, presumably this year.

Everyone was talking eagerly and looking forward to it. Watching the
official opening of the banquet, the Feng family owner walked to the
microphone and immediately stopped the chat, and moved closer

Following the steps of previous years, His Royal Highness Bernard

Longman should bring his wife to the grand introduction of the Feng
family owner.

In the spotlight, only the low, old voice of Feng's homeowner sounded
behind the microphone, clearly reaching everyone's ears.
"Unfortunately, due to His Majesty's low-key tour holiday, this year
will not be able to come to the Feng family dinner."

As soon as this sentence came out, the whole audience was upset.

"Where did I go on vacation? Why didn't I hear the wind?"

"This trip is too low-key, and it was the first time I heard that it has
never been before."

"I am afraid that the Royal Guard has blocked the whereabouts and
news, and does not want to be disturbed. However, it is incredible!"

Although the annual New Year's Eve, Bernard Longman, who is in

charge, is also on vacation and does not need to appear in public.
However, His Majesty attends several important social banquets
every year, and it has always been a custom passed down long ago.

How could it be surprising if she was absent this year? Many people
are thinking about the motivation and deep meaning behind this.

Seeing the surging atmosphere in the banquet, Bernard's trip was

misinterpreted as an unusual political event, and the old face of the
Feng family owner could not help showing a helplessness.

He coughed and explained, "Your Majesty left a message, and I want

to spend more time with my family in the new year."
He closed his mouth succinctly, and saw that many guests of the
grand family under the stage quickly thought of many.


The only member of the Longman family who is not in the Capital
City is Hayden Longman. He was living on the alien planet with Gu's
youngest son, Gu Qin's younger brother.

Recalling the absence of the Gu family owner throughout the New

Year's banquet season, everyone was silent in astonishment.

The newly-incorporated Gu family owner clearly spent the New Year

holiday with the Langman family!

Immediately, everyone remembered the words of ridicule and ridicule

to Gu Qin in the staggering rumors. At the moment, everyone is silent
and shameless.

The person who first mentioned the Gu family topic at the beginning
of the banquet was embarrassingly standing in place.

Although the eyes of the crowd didn't fall on his face, he still felt that
his face was hot, as if he had been taught harshly in person, and made
his own flamboyant and ridiculous behavior extremely stupid.

He held a wine glass, but felt that his throat was so dry at this
moment. He laughed, "Why did Gu Qin leave without saying hello? I
knew I would call my brothers on vacation!"
Everyone around: "..."

Among the crowd, the youngest Empire general, Cyrus, narrowed his
eyes and drank the wine with a slightly sour taste in the glass.

The atmosphere of Rosea's New Year is strong. With the animated

cartoon of "Unlucky Amy", this enthusiastic and enthusiastic
atmosphere has gradually entered the craze. There are countless
Rosewood families watching this cartoon every day, and the families
with children are the most.

This cartoon was not only broadcast on the local TV station of

Rosewood. The film and animation production company responsible
for the film also cooperated with major interstellar video websites in a
forward-looking manner and released a paid version on the Internet.

But it was not expected that compared to the popular broadcast of the
planet Rose, the number of broadcasts on the Internet is very small,
almost nothing.

Even the major websites that cooperate with the shelves themselves
can't help but have some doubts about whether the cartoons' move to
the shelves is right.

After all, in addition to the local video website of Rosewood, the

netizens of the majority of Star Network video sites have no
impression of this unprecedented and unknown cartoon. Naturally,
there is no huge appeal and word of mouth to attract netizens Come
and watch.

"Manager," Unlucky Amy "still has 1,000 clicks."

Within the Xingkong Video website company, listening to the

subordinates' daily reports on the number of clicks on the animation
channel data, the manager of the animation department of Xingkong
Video could not help but frowned.

"Less than 1,000?"

This data can be said to be completely cold at home. Unexpectedly,

this time he strongly advocated the introduction of the "Unlucky
Amy" judgment, and there was a deviation.

This is almost equivalent to a great mistake on the Starry Sky Video

website where Manyou has a good reputation. It is self-evident that
this manager, who is willing to introduce him, has to bear great

At the moment, the face of the manager of the animation department

became serious. He did n't have much time to give this up-and-
coming animation opportunity to speak directly to his subordinates.
Removed. "

As the largest star sky video website in the world, there is no shortage
of good works. And the website pays more attention to the audience's
love and word of mouth than the copyright fees of the works listed on
each step.
He must not allow a poorly performing, horrible cartoon to appear in
the audience's field of vision for a long time, which has ruined
Xingkong Video Network's good reputation accumulated over the
years with high-quality shelves.

The subordinate should be, turn around and leave.

However, in the interstellar forum where all star domain netizens

gathered together, the novel "Unlucky Amy" quietly became popular.

"Unlucky Amy" is super magical! You can't stop watching it! Who can
tell me why the book is not over yet? Where is the end?

This post immediately resonated with many netizens.

"Black Memorial: 1. I also want to know why ..."

"As low-key as the wind: I want to send an e-mail to the publishing

house. My son is chasing after every day to ask what the plot is
behind. He can't wait for a day."

"Miss: Magical novels, magical stories, I'm a kid and a mother, and I
can't stop watching a children's story [laughing and crying]."

"Wu Ran: Like the baby, my baby is completely obsessed with little

Many positive comments were gradually fermented in the forum,
when a post suddenly broke the news: "The unlucky Amy" is
animated! The local explosion of Guilia is very hot, and the starry sky
video can be viewed online. "

When a post was issued, it immediately ignited a curious look, and I

don't know how many web-friendly friends flocked into the starry
video website.

In the early morning of the next day, the manager of the animation
department of Xingkong Video hurriedly walked into the office. On
this day, his work schedule was tight. While rummaging through the
documents on the desk, he asked the assistant who was next closely.

"How was it on the shelves yesterday? Didn't anyone click on"

Unlucky Amy "? Just chop it up and make room for the new movie."

Unexpectedly, after he finished this sentence, the assistant was

eloquent and said inexplicably: "Manager, the data of" Unlucky Amy
"has become popular."

The manager flipped his hands over the documents, looked up

inconceivably, "What?"

I saw that the expression on the assistant's face was not like a joke, but
handed the light-brain data directly in his hand, and immediately, a
large display screen was displayed in front of him.
Yesterday, the total number of clicks was less than 1,000. In just 24
hours, it has soared to 10 million, and the total clicks are still
increasing. The comments under the video are even more fiery.

"Pomegranate Tree: Star Forum users came to watch."

"Green Orange Lemon Tea: It's so good to read the novel, I'm here to
paint cartoons!"

"Make money to raise a cat: Second brush!"

"Shui Shui: Three Brushes! (Who Can Compare Me: -D)"

"Olives: Stupid girl upstairs, I've been watching it for the fifth time
without sleep, and when I close my eyes, it's full of cute figures of
naughty Amy and the little robot."

"Stand up little snail: Only I think the texture of this cartoon is

touching? But it just doesn't look too greasy, it's too magical."


Watching these unexpected comments and praises, the manager of the

animation department of Xingkong Video couldn't help but startled
slightly. This sudden reversal was simply beyond his expectation.

The assistant asked cautiously, "Manager, are you still off the shelf?"

Manager: "... No."

Such a hot trend, not only cannot be taken off the shelf, but also-the
manager immediately snapped up and said, "Prepare a special
recommended advertising space and hang it today."

This is obviously to push it while the heat is strong. Hearing this

arrangement, the assistant responded in a hurry and went to arrange.

During the New Year, "Unlucky Amy" became unexpectedly hot

online for a while.

Stick figure-like figures, colorful and bright background colors, simple

and even some moving picture quality, are completely different from
the exquisite and realistic holographic cartoon works nowadays.

But this is a kind of humble and naive work in the hearts of the
people, but the data has unexpectedly soared, and has won the love of
countless netizens, which completely shakes the relevant practitioners
in the animation industry throughout the Empire.

For a while, the place of origin of the first "Unlucky Amy" created by
"Ria" became the most curious object in everyone's mind.

"The unlucky Amy" is so hot that it came from the "literary desert"
Rose. "

"The story of conquering children of all ages-" Unlucky Amy ", the
author is only a middle school student!"
"The planet Rose has finally emerged a rare literary genius for a
century! On those days, Rose has a lack of literature and art ..."

Many media and public accounts have adopted "Unlucky Amy" as the
most amazing New Year's literary work, pushing this book and
cartoons into the eyes of audiences throughout the empire, directly
bringing this children's story And animated sales.

Not only the publisher of "Unlucky Amy" and the film and animation
company have made a lot of money, even the travel orders that have
been booked in advance to Rose are incessant.

This fiery development trend is extremely shocking.

The festive atmosphere of the New Year has not passed yet, and the
port of Paris, which is full of large and small spaceships and
interstellar passenger flights, is particularly lively.

Numerous Roses returning home to celebrate New Year's Day,

carrying big bags and small bags ready to leave this familiar home
planet, so the lively and sad parting scenes were staged in major ports
of call.

I saw a steward who straightened the waist, straightened the clothes,

and the button between the generals respectfully attached to the top
housekeeper. At this moment, his face was anxious, and he whispered
to the Gu family reasonably. Gu Qin, the homeowner, fought,
"Homeowner, I want to leave with you—"

He was the great steward of the Gu family. He went up to deal with

the interpersonal communication and invitation invitations between
the big families of the family and went down to control the plants and
trees in the Gu family garden. There were countless things to worry

How could the owner be assured to leave him, staying here in the
small and remote rural small agricultural planet?

Gu's housekeeper burst into tears.

However, Gu Qin was holding a little robot Da Da and his younger

brother Su Tan as a final farewell. The eyes, as deep as the sea, were
always calm, but at this moment there was a little more tenderness.

Gu Qin said calmly, "I have given you the most important family."

His dark, trusting eyes glanced at him for a moment. "do not let me

housekeeper:! !! !! !!

Immediately, countless blood rushed to the heart of the housekeeper.

He dared to punch, and **** promised: "I promise to complete the

Gu Qin nodded admirably.

At the moment, Gu's housekeeper's chest is taller.

ten minutes later--

Several large-scale long-distance starships set sail from the port of
Roses in a low-key manner and flew away from the planet.

The light brain communicator on Gu 's housekeeper 's wrist slightly

trembled, and the latest message arrived. He clicked and checked.

"Oleson: See you in thirty years?"


Gu's housekeeper became a new member of the Sutan family.

He tried his best to show off his skills at the Su family, turning down
the axis every day, so busy.

Early in the morning, he rushed into the kitchen and prepared a rich
and delicious meal before everyone got up.

When the robot Suning was carrying a shovel and was about to enter
the small garden, he was surprised to find that the small garden in the
vestibule was neatly cleaned, and the snow on the ground was neatly
arranged aside. .

Not only that, all meals, cleaning, and finishing work were taken care
of in an orderly manner by Gu's housekeeper, and even Gu Qin
reported to Su Qin's daily routine.
"Homeowner, young master has two bowls of rice today!"

"Good news!-The total sales of" Unlucky Amy "exceeded 100 million
copies! Best-selling overseas! Little Master therefore received the Rose
New Year's Special Medal of Honor, which particularly rewarded him
for his outstanding contribution in the cultural field!"

"Little Master also grows up one centimeter in height, I will show you
pictures. [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]"

In the picture, the little robot dabbed hard under the arms of Su Tan
and lifted his toes tall. How could he not hide the shy, bright and
warm smile on his face, Gu Qin looked down carefully, and he
couldn't help narrowing his lips. My heart seemed to be shone by the
bright sun.

He calmly replied to Gu's housekeeper, "It's hard."

All of a sudden, the steward's heart became fiery, and this sentence
suddenly inspired infinite enthusiasm and strength.

He developed endless energy all over him, and wanted to sweep the
snow twice in the winter snow.

His enthusiasm made the Su family feel light. Just after the new year,
"Unlucky Amy" has been selling well and hitting momentum,
especially among children, it has become almost the hottest fairy tale.

Countless parents are pleased to see that the frequency of their

children holding mobile phone games in the past has suddenly
decreased. Instead, they have gathered together with their friends to
discuss the "Unlucky Amy" more and more frequently. If anyone
misses an episode of an anime, they will cry and stay up all night!

Such a high enthusiasm for transformation has naturally made many

parents rejoicing, and numerous emails of praise and thanks have
received the e-mail of the magazine.

The sales volume of the periodical magazine "Roselia Children's

Story" has been rising again and again. Not only has the local sales
volume continued to increase in Rosewood, but it has also been
exported to other galaxies. The best-selling magazine of all time.

Even the publisher responsible for publishing "Unlucky Amy" was so

busy that the repeated editions could not meet the needs of readers
everywhere, so they had to join hands with other publishing houses of
Rose, and dozens of printing houses stayed up all night. Started non-
stop overnight, shipping one after another exquisite storybooks

Publishing, animation, film and television, tourism ... Because of

"Unlucky Amy", a potential and valuable children's literary work, the
countless depressed and slump industries of Rosewood suddenly
burst out of great vitality and strength, completely let this one The
small planet of agricultural countryside brought into view the whole

The creator of all this, Su Tan, has quietly caught the curious eyes of
countless people.
"What do you like most about Litchi: The Unlucky Amy? The author
is said to be a middle school student? Is it credible? [Curious]"

"Quicksand: Upstairs, it's true. Previously, the local media of

Rosewood reported that the author was indeed a middle school
student and won the first prize of the Rosewood Local Literature

"Little Fat Chicken: Stunned! Now the middle school students are so
amazing? It feels so low-key, it is hardly updated on Weibo, does not
participate in program interviews, and writes at home obediently. So,
suddenly I feel so cute and give big Than Xinxin. "

"The mighty domineering ratio: whether it is a middle school student

or a college student, writing so well is enough to slam me for ten
graduate students in literature!"

"Lazy oranges: ha ha ha ha ha, one of my doctoral students was also

successfully crushed [laughing and crying]."


Under the prestige, many program invitations, interview invitations,

journalists 'interviews, TV radio broadcast network media, major film,
television, publishing, cultural and entertainment companies' business
letters rushed in, completely filling the personal mailbox of Sutan's
agent, Reims, every day. There are no non-stop communication calls.

If it is placed on the average newcomer writer, I am afraid it has

already drifted, or ambitious to take this opportunity to enter the
literary world or entertainment circle.
Unexpectedly, Su Tan was very low-key. After talking with his agent
Lance, he declined all the media interviews and accepted only one.

Entertainment News Express.

On Saturday morning, Entertainment News Express was

extraordinarily busy and vibrant. Although today is not the day they
publish, it is even more important for the whole magazine than for the
same publication day as the war.


Because, the most popular writer at the moment, "Unlucky Amy"

Sutan will be here for an interview.

The newly recruited editorial assistant Anton is a true book fan. As

early as the Rosewood Literary Contest, he was conquered by Su
Tan's short story "Little Elf" and spontaneously became the tap water
of this novel, warmly welcoming relatives and friends.

Sure enough, the touching annual tear-bombing short story "Little Elf"
won the championship of the literary competition with expectations.

Later, a book called "Unlucky Amy" was published, and became a

fairy tale that swept the entire Rose, and Anton has since become a
loyal fan of Su Tan.
Therefore, after graduating from college, Anton did not hesitate to
enter the magazine publishing industry. What was surprising was
that he did not choose to apply for the most popular "Kilia Children's
Story" magazine. Instead, it was called Sutan Fandi Came to
"Entertainment News Express" for the moment.

"Sutan is here!"

A shout of surprise, saw Anton sprinting quickly, firmly occupying

the first position of the elevator entrance.

"Ding--" The elevator door opened.

One tall and one short, the two walked in together.

An Dong, standing beside the elevator, quickly realized that the tall,
long man was obviously a big boss that was rarely seen on weekdays.

He has just joined the newcomer for two weeks and has only met the
big boss once in a magazine.

But this tall, handsome and calm low-key boss left a deep impression
on him. According to rumors, it was this man who bought the entire
magazine with a lot of money, and resolutely changed the style of the
magazine into the now-loved Entertainment News Express.

Immediately, Anton felt a touch of admiration in his heart, and

immediately said humbly, "Boss."
Hayden bowed his greetings and walked into the magazine with the
teenagers who were close to him.

Anton took a curious look at their back, quietly guessing that this was
the boss's younger brother? Still a lover?

Although he was curious about the relationship between the two, he

still couldn't resist the excitement of seeing his favorite author. Less
than two seconds of distraction, he immediately turned to the elevator
door and waited for the author to appear.


However, this wait is ten minutes.

Every time the elevator "ding", the floor number on the display slowly
rises, Anton can't help but get nervous.

Then, as the elevator jumped over the floor where the magazine was
located and continued to rise, his heart fell again instantly.

In such undulating expectations, Anton looked forward nervously

and eagerly for a long time, but did not wait for Su Tan's figure.

After waiting ten minutes, when a colleague accidentally passed the

elevator, he found that he was standing anxiously waiting at the
elevator entrance. After a while, my colleagues stopped and asked,
"Who are you waiting for?"
Anton suddenly showed a little shame on his face, and replied a little
with regret: "Sutan is big."

What surprised him was that the colleague who heard this remark
turned out a little surprised, and answered with certainty, "Su Tan has
just arrived."

Now, Anton :! !! !!

He stumbled endlessly, standing here for ten minutes, it is impossible

to miss anyone. When was the author he was looking forward to

Anton couldn't believe it. "Where, where?"

I heard my colleague say, "The one who just walked in with the big
boss just now."

Anton: "..."

Thinking of the young figure who had been hurriedly glanced and left
behind, he suddenly got a little stuck, and his heart was incredible.

Thinking of the thoughts he had just guessed, Anton couldn't help

holding his breath and asked carefully: "He's the boss--"

Anton: ........................ Suddenly wanted to pK the boss. His favorite
author is big, how can he be the boss's fiancee QAQ?

In the reception room, Anton took the job of sending a recording pen
and slipped in quietly.

A special visit is ongoing.

Different from the general serious and serious access mode, the
editors of "Entertainment News" magazine specially selected 30
interesting questions from the letters from netizen readers to ask

There are many kinds of questions, many kinds, interesting and fresh.
When asked from the calm and calm voice of the editor-in-chief Arlo,
it was particularly interesting.

"The first question, what music do you listen to when writing?"

Hearing this unexpected problem, Su Tan's mind couldn't help

thinking of the cheerful country key, which was always played on the
old radio of Robot Abba, with a cheerful tone and full of vitality.

After a while, he couldn't help but bend his lips and laughed frankly,
"My dad's humming song."

This answer obviously surprised the editor-in-chief Arlo, took notes,

and continued to ask: "The reader's second question, stew and
vegetables, which one do you prefer?"
Su Tan did not hesitate to think, and Li Li answered, "Crayfish."

The third question finally returned to the subject, asking what was his
original intention in writing "Unlucky Amy".

Su Tan just took a sigh of relief and finished the answer easily. I didn't
expect that the next fourth question would be to urge him to update
and update.

This made him laugh unconsciously.

The reader's questions are interesting and rich, not only asking about
his work, but also curious about Sutan's family, experience, daily life
trivia and hobbies.

Answering them one by one, Anton couldn't help but quietly press his
emotions tightly, and was full of satisfaction and satisfaction. Nothing
is more satisfying than seeing the author in front of you.

However, the next question was completely shocked to him.

"In your last interview, you once said that your favorite person at that
time was your big cousin." Editor-in-chief Arlo asked in a deep voice,
still remembering that issue.

That was the beginning of the new boss's appointment. He

unexpectedly invited rookie writer Su Tan to the magazine for an
interview. The new boss personally provided the results of the
interview. The magazine in that issue was sold out of popularity.
Courier saved it.

Therefore, many readers also have a deep memory of Q & A about

that magazine interview.

However, Su Tan heard this question and couldn't help laughing at

the calm man beside him.

At that time, the questionnaire published in the magazine was made

by the big cousin. It was simply--

Want to hit someone.

Seeing Su Tan's face was happy, without the slightest shame, the
editor-in-chief Arlo pursued after the situation, and then calmly
asked: "Who is your favorite person now, or that big cousin?"

Su Tan thought for a while, raised a smile, and replied, "No, my

favorite is Da Da."

After hearing this answer, everyone in the audience was surprised

and realized that he was talking about the little robot in "Unlucky

Arlo held his finger for a moment, but glanced at the silent big boss
beside him.
Alas, Su Tan's two favorite people are not the real fiance of the big
boss. I don't know how many vinegar jars I have to knock over.

Even An Dong, who stood aside, clenched his hands quietly in

excitement and excitement, feeling that he had done a great job, as he

Only Hayden--

He chuckled softly, and his deep eyes fell on Su Tan.

"Family education" is still necessary.

Not as good as tonight.

The visit ended in a harmonious atmosphere. The editor-in-chief Arlo

put away the record book and outline of the problem, shook hands
with Su Tan with a smile, and personally sent him downstairs of the

Anton was so excited and excited that he got the signature of his
beloved author. His joy on his face couldn't be covered, and he
followed the editor to leave Su Tan with enthusiasm and excitement.

Upon arriving in the car, Su Tan's relaxed and pleasant smile still
appeared. He received countless readers' sincere love messages from
the magazine, and his heart was moved and happy.
However, on the way back, the big cousin unexpectedly did not
return along the original road. Instead, after leaving the magazine, he
turned to another intersection and set foot on another street along the
beautiful snow and scenery.

Su Tan was slightly surprised, asking Hayden: "Where are we going?"

Hayden responded calmly: "Dating."

After half an hour--

Stepping on the snow and the scenery along the way, the two cars
quietly drove to the door of a five-star hotel.

Su Tan looked at Hayden questioningly: "... Dating here?"

I saw the big cousin calmly parked the car in front of the hotel, Jun
Lang's face evoked a calm and usual smile.


Su Tan raised an eyebrow, and couldn't help laughing at it.

——If you were so active, our children would be as big as Da Da,

anyway :-D?

That night, I learned that the Gu's housekeeper, who was not back
tonight, secretly sent a message to the owner.
"Homeowner, Little Master and His Royal Highness do not return all
night !!!"

Three seconds later, a call from Gu Gu's elder brother Gu Qin called


As soon as the housekeeper picked up the phone, the voice of the

owner on the side of the communicator calmly scared him.

"What did you just say?" Gu Qin rubbed his forehead in a calm tone
and asked Shen.

But the steward wanted to put all the communications just sent back
into his mouth.

He was so frightened that he was angry with the owner, and suddenly
he was persuaded.

The housekeeper thought for a while, changed the saying, and

carefully reported the report. "Little Master, it seems that he is
hanging out with His Royal Highness."

Gu Qin did not get confused by the words of the housekeeper, but
frowned slightly. "Do not return all night?"

Housekeeper: "..." Little Master, but it's none of my business.

Within 30 seconds, he honestly reported the whole story. "Today, I
deliberately made the king's favorite king lobster, which was freshly
transported from Emperor Star today. I did not expect that he did not
appear at dinner. According to the master Su family, the young
master and His Royal Highness Tonight Have no plans to return. "

After hearing this answer, there was a long silence on the other end of
the communicator, and the atmosphere of the house made Gu Gu's
housekeeper couldn't help drumming.

Seeing that time was passing by every minute and it was late at night,
the housekeeper quietly raised his ears, but how could he not hear the
slightest sound on the other end of the communicator, not even the
sound of breathing. Immediately, his heart lifted sharply.

Gu Qin frowned slightly and asked, "Where have you been?"

The housekeeper shook his head in a panic.

How did he know?

Just listen, the owner's somewhat helpless voice sounded at the

communicator, "Go check."

After hanging up the communication, on the snowy night of the cold
winter and the late night, the housekeeper Gu was fully dressed and
fully armed, and was forced to stand at the door of Su's house.

Outside the door, there is a warm harbour that is as warm as spring

and makes people rush to sleepiness. Outside the one-step door was a
cold night roaring in the cold wind.

The housekeeper's footsteps were sticking to the door, unwilling to

move a step, and even the warm, lazy heat in his clothes urged him to
go back upstairs and throw himself to bed and fall asleep.

Why did he dig such a big pit for himself?

At this moment, the steward's heart burst into tears.

As he gathered courage and prepared to change his shoes and step

out the door, unexpectedly, a sound of soft footsteps suddenly
sounded, and then a small, short figure appeared in his sight.

"Da da?"

The housekeeper looked at the little robot in amazement, and found

that the other person was wearing furry pajamas, but his face was
sleepless, and he did not know when he slipped out of bed.

Da Da, a pair of round eyes wide open, holding the bear in his arms,
looked up at the housekeeper with a cute look, as if wondering where
he was going.
Right now, the steward is a little dumb.

"Go back to sleep." He waved his arms inexperiencedly, driving away.

Seeing that the other party was still standing still, looking up at his
head, he didn't move at all, but the housekeeper had to take out his
own killer.

"Never go back to sleep again," the steward threatened in a puzzled

voice. "The wolf will come to arrest someone--"

As soon as his voice fell, he saw a "click," and the bear in his arms
suddenly fell on the floor in shock, and then the sound of "clicks"
quickly ran away.

Seeing the other person's small figure disappeared at the corner, the
steward couldn't help but feel a strong sense of guilt.

He bowed his head silently, picked up the bear who had fallen lonely
on the floor, put it on the table beside him, and then quietly put on his
shoes before stepping out of the door.

Unexpectedly, a more hurried and somewhat messy running sound

returned quickly.

The housekeeper Gu, who was holding the doorknob, heard the
sound and turned back, and saw the little robot running da all the
way, panting, two hands dragging the rolling pin pulled out of Abba
Suning's kitchen.
He stared brightly at Gu's housekeeper.

Housekeeper: "..." Are you threatening me?

Three minutes later, wearing a warm hand holding a bear in his left
hand and a rolling pin in his right hand, his face was adorable and
happy, and he got into the housekeeper's car as he wished.

"We are leaving." Gu's housekeeper muttered a vaguely, watching the

lights slowly turn on, lighting a road, the wheels made a slight
squeaking sound against the snow, and quietly opened in the dark
snowy night.

Whatever he thought, he became more and more attached to the

warm and bright home he had just left.


"Now!" The little robot responded cheerfully, his cheeky voice

couldn't be masked in his tender and bright voice, his arms raised
high, like a child sneaking out of the house late at night to play.

At the moment, the steward frowned bitterly, but couldn't help

laughing out the next second.

A car playing the humorous village of Minneapolis embarked on the

road looking for people late at night.

On the other side, the hot temperature is quietly rising in the splendid
five-star hotel suite.

In the hot air, there was a sweet berry scent that smelled like ripe
fruits, which made people salivate.


Hayden's low, magnetic voice was particularly clear in the large silent

Su Tan arched his body slightly, couldn't help but straighten his toes.
He couldn't see his big cousin's half-draped eyes narrowed, smelling
the rich berry smell from his body, his eyes narrowed dangerously.

At this time, Su Tan didn't even have the strength to raise his hand,
only raised a pair of misty black eyes and looked at him, and replied
smartly and frankly: "Yes, who didn't let the editor ask my favorite
Who is man? "

Hayden: "..."

He knew that his answer was confusing, but when he heard the big
cousin's ear, it was a little sweet, which made people feel unhappy.

Immediately, Hayden couldn't help but twitch his lips and laughed
softly, hoping to hear the answer he wanted from his mouth.
"who is it?"

Su Tan couldn't help but get stuck, watching the man suddenly
laughed and teased: "Of course it is my wife ~"

Suddenly, Hayden shook his head and laughed. He felt that the other
party was a small expert, even if he didn't forget to hang himself.


Hayden lifted the corners of his lips, and his hot fingers gently
brushed the teenager's back.

The growth of more than half a year has made the teenager's figure
draw extremely fast. In the past, the thin and thin back was also
carefully cultivated, and gradually became plump, and it
complemented the porcelain white skin, making people feel that they
could not move their eyes.

But when he was taken aback, the young man's sensitive and delicate
spine almost shook uncontrollably.

"do not--"

Su Tan suddenly whimpered lowly, and her clean and clear voice was
smeared with low dumbness, as if a little beast huddled tightly
around her body, and refused more and more impatiently.
Unexpectedly, Hayden not only did not stop, but also took advantage
of this opportunity to carry out a rare "family education".

The handsome man's breath was hot, and he passed Sutan's slender
throat. His deep eyes seemed to be covered with starlight, which
made Sutan couldn't help but a heartbeat, and felt that he was
completely seduced by the other party.

"Know what's your first priority as a wife?"

Su Tan: ... I don't want to know. This is obviously not my

responsibility :-D.

He joked, thinking that his cousin's teachings came one after another.

"Say someone you like outside is someone else?"

Big cousin's tone was as calm as ever, without any emotion, but there
was a secret danger hidden in the low-dumb magnetic voice.

A scorching palm slid down the back of Su Tan, and the low-
magnetism that was unspeakable in the sound was steady, but the
palm was re-photographed with extreme calmness and punishment.

Su Tan was shocked, and never expected that he would be severely

stung by the big cousin, and it took two seconds to react.

Just listen, Hayden continued his education and said, "Will you
change it next time?"
Su Tan: "..."

He made up his mind to work with each other's performances.


He was sure that if the big cousin was a teacher, he would drag the
students to the sky and be angry.

Hearing his crisp and crisp response, Hayden raised his lips slightly,
and raised a smile between his eyebrows.

Hayden said, "Okay, then we can move on to the next question."

Sutan :? ? ? anymore question?

He was dumbfounded and thought it was incredible--

Big cousin, if you drag on, it's dawn, then we can really wash and go
to work.

But Hayden did not know what he thought, and happily continued to
open the "home education" mode.

However, it was unexpected that at this time, a car was driving down
the snow from far below the hotel.
On a snowy night in the cold winter, Gu housekeeper simply gave up
and brought a small robot to Daquan's best five-star hotel and went
straight to check-in.

When he walked to the front desk of the hotel, he thought the little
robot Da Da could not open his eyes, and found a comfortable posture
in his arms.

The housekeeper Gu unceremoniously booked the best suite. But

before he went upstairs, he asked casually, "Have a pair of tall and
thin guests come today?"

Immediately, he saw the hotel staff looking up at themselves.

For a moment, the Gu family steward suddenly felt an inexplicable

feeling in his heart.

The young master's communicator was closed and could not be

connected. He and Da Da searched for a lot of places outside and had
to give up, but they did not expect to find them both by chance.

right now--

The steward couldn't help but hesitate in a complicated mood. Does

he have to go upstairs and knock on the door late in the middle of the
night to find someone?

His Royal Highness and His Royal Highness would have fried
him! !! !! !!
Housekeeper: I think I want to live another 500 years of QAQ.


Standing at the crossroads of the two suites of the hotel, the Gu

housekeeper was entangled, and it was very tricky.

On one side was the room he had opened, and the little robot, Da Da,
was already sleeping on the large, soft bed hugging the bear.

On the other side is the suite where the young master and His Royal
Highness resided. The closed door was closed tightly. The good
sound insulation in the hotel made him not hear a sound inside.

And the doorbell was right in front of him.

He had mixed feelings, and his heart was complicated. How could he
never have thought that at this moment when he was struggling in his
heart, the light-brain communicator he carried suddenly "ding" and a
message came quickly.

"Gu Qin: Did you find it?"

Steward: ... want to pretend to be dead.

However, the owner 's message did not have the courage to turn a
blind eye and could only brace his head and replied in horror: "No,
I'm trying."

After a communication was sent, the communicator's end was silent

for a long time, almost choking the housekeeper, and finally

"Gu Qin: No need to find it, it's hard."

At this moment, the butler's heart that was held tightly suddenly
relaxed, took a big breath, put away the communicator, and went into
the house to accompany Da Daji and rest in shock for a while.

Before the dawn of the morning, he put his sleepy squinting dad on
his clothes, hugged the car, and sneaked back to Su's house, secretly
placing people in his crib.

"Hurry up." The steward put the bear into Dad's arms, watching the
cute little robot bend his eyes with a smile, and he couldn't help but
suddenly feel soft and confused.

In the morning light of dawn, he closed the door for the other party
and walked down the stairs. He searched exhausted all night, but he
had no sense of sleepiness. At this moment, he pulled up his cuffs and
went downstairs to make breakfast for the whole family.

The night that sneaked out with the little robot quietly, like the snow
in the early morning, was silently invisible.
The robot Suning slept very sweetly last night. He rose up in the
morning and was in a good mood. After having breakfast, he dived
into the kitchen, preparing to make fragrant and freshly baked beef
pie for the cold winter, but he never thought of--

"Where's my rolling pin? !!!!"

A surprised exclaim came from the kitchen. The housekeeper who

was carefully pruning the winter flower branches gave a slight cough,
and quietly turned his body silently, as if he did not hear the sentence.

Sutan, who returned home after a night out, just sat down and turned
on the communicator, and saw countless blocked telephones and

He raised his eyebrows and checked them one by one.

Among them, the agent Lance sent me asking him about his next
work arrangements, and signing, publishing and other activities. Even
Lance left a message, and a Rosewood school asked him to give a
lecture in the past, which made Su Tan shook his head and laughed.

He knew that although he had written a best-selling work, he was far

from being able to teach the lecture, so he simply asked Lance to
decline these activities.

On the other hand, there are a lot of newsletters from Crazy

Children's Story from Crazy Children's Story magazine.
The unsuccessful sale of "Unlucky Amy" directly made countless
interstellars eager for this children's story, and they were anxious to
see the development of the subsequent story.

The author Su Tan, apart from his personal Weibo, has never
disclosed any contact information, only through the latest chapters of
each issue of the "Maria Children's Story".

Therefore, "Children" magazine has become the hardest hit area for
countless interstellar netizens and readers.

For a while, the pressure on Children magazine surged. Not only the
strong voices of readers, which made them happy and excited, but
some of the official departments of Rosewood also greeted the
magazine through layers of relationships and asked them to speed up
the serialization. The children were disappointed.

Under heavy pressure, "Children" magazine had to cry and begged

Sutan for more manuscripts, hoping to completely turn the monthly
magazine into a weekly magazine and a daily magazine.

Looking at the editor's helpless and guilty look in the newsletter, he

dealt with the reader's massive letters with desperation, and
reluctantly put pressure on him.

Su Tan did not have much pressure, and easily sent the saved copy to
David, the editor, and asked the other person to publish it for him.

After handling these matters, Su Tan finally saw the latest text
message from Brother Gu's brother.
"Gu Qin: Thinking about which university you want to go to? I
collected some university information for your reference."

With this sentence, it is a huge and detailed file compression package.

Su Tan opened it for a look, and was surprised to find that all the
universities recommended by his elder brother were in Didu Xing,
and immediately couldn't help but smile.

And looking at the sending time again, it was 3:40 last night, and his
heart shuddered.


Gu Qin couldn't help but sit in the study room late at night and stare
carefully to sort out the college admissions information for himself,
and was impressed.

He took a deep breath and thought for a while. His slender and ten-
pointed fingers sincerely wrote a line in the communication box.

"Su Tan: Thank you, Brother [holding]."

Unexpectedly, Gu Qin over there responded quickly and dialed the

communication phone directly back, as fast as if he was always
standing next to the communicator.
As soon as Su Tan picked up, Gu Qinjunlang calm face appeared in
the communicator lens.

His dark eyes were as deep as ink, calm and secure. When he looked
at Su Tan, he looked at him carefully, seeing his spirit, smile on his
face, and Gu Qin's tightly closed lip angle slightly relaxed. .

Gu Qin asked gently, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Su Tan: "..." This is a good question [laughing].

He coughed under his heart, and he couldn't help feeling a little shy in
front of his brother. He tried hard to be cheeky and replied, "It's not

After listening to this answer, Gu Qin said nothing, just smiled and
pursed his lips, reminded with a smile: "That's good. The college
application season has begun, there are many and complicated things
to prepare. It is estimated that the next It will greatly affect your time
and energy. Pay more attention to rest. "

His voice was calm and gentle, and his fist and care for his younger
brother were obvious, which made Su Tan deeply moved.

Immediately, Su Tan nodded obediently.

"Especially at night," Gu Qin said quietly, his dark eyes deepened, and
said gently, "Don't be too tired, take a good rest."
Sutan :! !! !!

Why did you suddenly feel that something was wrong? ? ?

Thinking of the madness of last night, Su Tan could not help but feel a
little guilty, and nodded calmly, and promised, "Okay!"

That night, I was finally able to go to bed and rest comfortably,

warmly and comfortably, but the Gu housekeeper who was lying in
his quilt finally got rid of his exhaustion. He was about to relax
completely and take a good night's sleep to make up for the
exhaustion of going out in the middle of the night and looking for a
night out in the snow.


When drowsiness was slowly coming, I never thought that my door

would be knocked softly.

The housekeeper was awake, woke up, and got up in surprise to get
out of bed and open the door. He saw a little robot holding a bear and
neatly dressed clothes. When he saw him, his round eyes suddenly
lighted up.

"Now!" He looked up with bright eyes.

Housekeeper: ... still want to hang out? What if this is addictive?

Compared with the tangle and sorrow of the housekeeper, Hayden is
also in an extremely difficult situation.

Su Tan sat calmly at the desk, and intently looked at the college
application materials sent by his eldest brother. He was very serious
and dedicated, and completely hung the big cousin behind him.

Even if he sent a bewildering message saying that he was going to

come over and tell the story, Su Tan refused without a word, seriously
and seriously.

"I have to study hard and refuse to idle."

Hayden: "..."

This compelling reason just made him laugh. However, Su Tan's

attitude was extremely serious, and she put all her mind on applying
to the university.

As a graduate of Rosewood Middle School, his classmates applied for

the university early last year and entered the ideal university campus
to study.

Only Su Tan, because of the revenge treatment of the former principal,

was forced to repeat it for a year, so he had a lot of time to write a
novel at home without worry.

However, the new university admission season has begun. Whether it

is the expectations of the family or Sutan's own curiosity, they all
want to experience college life in the interstellar era.
Applying for a university is a complicated and tedious process. You
need to prepare countless application materials, your own grades and
honours. At the same time, it is best to have a letter of
recommendation from a celebrity. University offers admission.

This process is protracted. Many students often start preparing for

high school, carefully create perfect transcripts, and participate in
many activities to prove themselves in order to enter the ideal


For Su Tan, it was clear to rush. The college admissions season has
officially started, and his daily high school results are bland, not
dazzling, and extremely uncompetitive.

Only this level of identity as the author of the best-selling literary

work "Unlucky Amy" seems to have great value and attractiveness,
which can attract the attention of universities.

Therefore, it is imminent for him to highlight his own strengths and

advantages and apply for a college and favorite major of his choice.

On that day, when the news that he was thinking about which
university to apply for was sent out, his communication phone was
almost burst.

Mr. Kerry of Rosewood Middle School combed and analyzed all the
good schools in Starcraft for him through the newsletter, and
analyzed the differences and advantages and disadvantages of some
schools, which gave him an overall idea of the school to apply for.

The chairman of the Roselle Literature Committee personally called

him, and Wen Sheng suggested that he could consider Roselle
University a lot.

This is the best school on the planet Rose. Due to the nature of the
planet of agriculture, the University of Rose is excellent in agriculture,
forestry, planting and machinery manufacturing, and it is slightly
weaker in literature.

However, the chairman of the Literary Committee also represents the

official attitude of Rosewood, and he eagerly hopes that he can choose
a local university and become a native business card of Rosewood.

However, the elder brother Gu Qin and the Su family hoped that he
would go outside of Guilia to see more and strive for the best school
in the empire.

Facing many suggestions and choices, Su Tan quietly read the

information package sent by his elder brother page by page to
understand the application conditions of each university in detail.

Numerous choices made it difficult for him to make a decision.

And under the author's Weibo, "Sutan" obviously bears the

expectations of too many Guillaume readers, publishing houses,
magazines, literature committees, etc., making him not want to let his
choice of university be affected and affected.

Su Tan simply landed on another Weibo of his own, sent a new topic,
and solicited opinions from all readers and netizens.

"Braised pork every day: ask, which university is the best?"

As soon as this Weibo was issued, it immediately caused hot


"Soft cute dolphin: !!!!!! I haven't gone to college yet?"

"Kolabao: I wish I had discovered something incredible ..."

"The little girl of the Roubao family: stunned! Roubao's young voice is
really a young voice."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: ... What was surprised upstairs. Isn't it
that the identity of the young master who disappeared for eighteen
years has been revealed long ago? Focus on it, ten! Eight!"

"Dark Rose: Second Aunt's Heart."


Looking at these comments, which do not know where to go, Su Tan

could not help but smile.
After the reader's surprised comments, a wave of relevant and
objective evaluations sprang up in a short time.

"Soft cute dolphin: I want to recommend my school to be big [shy]!"

"Kolabao: It's decided! No matter where the author goes, I will be

admitted to a university next year! Make a fist!"

"Begonia of the Roubao Family: To be honest, the best universities in

the empire are all in Diduxing. Roubao can consider to the Didu.
Moreover, there are many book fairs and cultural exchange
exhibitions every year, so I can go to see it! Happy circles. "

"Adolescents who are doing nothing: big big big big big big-look at
me look at me! Department of Paleo-Earth Culture at Didu University,
push !!!!"


Seeing the last comment, Su Tan could not help bending her lips, her
eyes stretched, and her smile raised.

Turning on the communicator, it turned out that the chat group of

"Ancient Earth Boy" was hot.

"The boy of the dry rack: Rou Da is going to apply for a university !!!
Let him come to Paleo Earth and become my little master!"
"Flame loli laser cannon: oh, for you to be a teacher? Maybe braised
pork will be hired as the teacher by Mr. Zhou."

"The boy who fights" struggles, "... No, won't he?"

"A cool cool cool cool: I also look forward to 1."

Even the "silent gold", which has always been low-key in the group,
also appeared silently.

Immediately, the "dry boy" froze in his heart, hurriedly fart and
hurriedly rushed to the ground @zhongren Ji Changan, the oldest
middle-aged brother, eager to prove the truth.

Unexpectedly, Ji Changan, who appeared suddenly, cheered him up

and made a joke.

"Chang'an: Well, it's likely."

Immediately, I saw the "dry boy" silent, and shocked and dignified
with no words.

He was still reconciled, and went on to the youngest and last person
in the group, struggling to ask, "Little brother, what do you say? @ 肉
肉 肉肉 肉"

Su Tan smiled and responded with a joke.

"Meat meat meat meat: praise! Warm welcome with both hands!"
"Dry boy: ..............."

Because of his blatant and expressive attitude, the group laughed

loudly, and the laughter became a group. Many teachers and brothers
ridiculed the "dry boy" together.

Ji Chang'an watched the crowd in the sky and turned on the group
mocking mode. He shook his head with a smile and sent a message to
Su Tan asking: "Will you consider it?"

Earlier, he issued an invitation to Sutan to study the ancient earth

culture major. At that time, Sutan's response would be carefully

I do n't know how he is thinking today?

Su Tan answered with a smile: "Ji Ji, I'm looking at the college
admissions brochure."

Each university's admission conditions are different. Even if Ji

Changan conveyed the wishes of many teachers and professors of the
Ancient Earth Cultural Exchange Association to recruit him as a
student, that is no exception.

Su Tan's performance is not dazzling. To apply for the excellent school

of Diduxing, he must have a particularly outstanding performance in
literary attainment, attract the favor of colleges and universities, and
open a special admission channel for him.
Regardless of whether it is Ji Changan or Weibo, it is this issue that
has been hotly debated.

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: How about a big high school grade? The
full A transcript has great application advantages."

Su Tan recalled his dull high school graduation transcript, and

answered with a frank smile: "Not good."

Seeing his response, the readers' angels of all kinds of strategies were
more positive.

"Robe's Dressing Mirror: Robe's look here, be sure to apply for a

literature major! You don't learn, it's a waste!"

"Di Meixing Juvenile: The author took these explosive Internet works"
Domination "," Jianghu "and" Interstellar is Emperor ", which can be
regarded as extra points."

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: Just admitted to the university, although it

can, but it depends on the opinions of the admissions review
committee. Some judges ... well ... may not like online works."

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: gas! We like it enough!"

"Kolabao: Agree 10000000. With the strength of Rouda in writing,

there is no problem in applying to any university!"
Weibo commentary was lively and arguing. Unexpectedly, these
words somehow suddenly annoyed some netizens, and some people
immediately criticized it.

"Thousands of sails: pure passersby. I really can't see the past, I have
to come out and say something. I really think that writing a few big
online novels is a big deal? Examiners and reviewers have to look at
your face? You are talking about what online novels are. What literary
value is worthy of the teachers of the professional admissions jury?
I'm afraid I haven't even written a serious and serious literary
analysis? Well, take a good look at the vest of the Internet gods.
Annoying. "

The sharp and harsh criticism suddenly became like a deep-water

bomb |

Readers who are enthusiastically discussing can't help but blast, and
respond to the criticism.

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: I'm also a college student, I can't write a big
style and novel of braised pork. What's wrong? Can you write it?"

"Kolabao: Having said so much, what exactly do online novels owe

you? Is it worth mentioning in your mouth?"

"Little Begonia in the Meat Po Family: chills, distressed Meat Po ..."

"Dark Rose: Don't look for presence, give it back to yourself."

Many readers responded violently. Su Tan thanked the readers for
their support, but he did not evade, and stood up sharply,

"Burned pork every day: Thank you for your comments. I think
everyone who applies for a university is qualified, and the examiners
can judge me as appropriate, not you."

His attitude of inferiority and humility, although not embarrassing,

but also made this "one thousand sails" netizen can not help but
annoyed, directly taunted.

"Thousands of sails: wrote two novels, and thought you had strength?
Then your strength is really cheap. If you say such a big word, you are
not afraid to laugh at the examiners' teeth."

Su Tan frowned slightly, clicked into the other party's Weibo, and
suddenly found that the other party was also a middle school student
preparing to apply for college.

Weibo is full of reading notes and experience analysis. The books

listed are all big and professional, and even some difficult and obscure
professional literature books, obviously a lot of work.

Relative to the lazy state of eating and drinking code words updated
on their Weibo, it is obvious that they can find the source of hostility
towards the other party.

He looked calm and methodically typed a line.

"Braised pork every day: what do you think is powerful?"

There has always been no first for Wen and no second for Wu. Su Tan
really wanted to know, what does it mean that the other person has
strength? How many professional books have you read? How many
celebrity anecdotes and famous sayings have been recited? How
beautiful and unique can you write?

I saw, "Qian Fan Ju" responded quickly and ruthlessly. "Apart from
online novels, what else can you do?"

Su Tan calmly looked at the other party's reply.

"Thousands of sails: Even if you can come up with a children's story

work like" Unlucky Amy "!

Su Tan: "..."

Seeing Su Tan's silence, the other party was proud.

"Thousands of sails: You! Can you ?!"

Su Tan: ... It's very embarrassing.

-What should he say, "Unlucky Amy" was written by himself.


"Qianfanjin" has an aggressive tone in Weibo.

"Thousands of sails: Although" Unlucky Amy "is just a children's

literature story, it has been a best-selling interstellar after its
publication. It can be regarded as a work by the author Su Tan, full of
sincerity. And you? Is there such a work? Brush braised meat every
day "

Su Tan: "..."

He couldn't help but smile, wondering what the other party's

evaluation criteria were. If "Thousands of Fans" knew that he was the
real author of "Unlucky Amy", would he be dumbfounded?

By this time, Su Tan did not have the slightest annoyance, his heart
was playful and happy, and he calmly responded.

"Burned pork every day: Excuse me, do you have it? Every student
applying for literature must have a bestseller published?"

Obviously, this condition is too harsh and cannot be realized at all.

And in any of the university admissions brochures that Su Tan just
read, "publishing works" has never been listed as a compulsory
condition for applying to universities.

It can be seen that this rigorous requirement put forward by "Qian

Fan Ju" is just a special case against what he said.
Sure enough, as soon as he asked this, the other party was suddenly a
little rude, and the slamming and reply slammed stagnation, so that
the readers and fans of braised pork returned to their hearts.

"Soft cute dolphin: I almost got you crooked! Which admission rules
specify this condition, you find out and let us see?"

"Bao Baojia's vanity mirror: every student who applies for an

application must have a best-selling publication like" Unlucky Amy "?
Alas, not to mention the candidates, even the examiners of the major
admissions review committees Nothing can be done. "

"Adolescents with a dry shelf: We highly recommend our Department

of Ancient Earth Culture !!! Young people apply well! Come and cover


"Thousands of sails" is a bit of a flame, but at this time, it is absolutely

impossible to come up with a certificate. He is also a candidate for
university application this year. In order to apply to the Department
of Literature of Imperial University, he prepared carefully from high
school and did countless homework assignments. During this period,
how much entertainment and leisure time was abandoned, it is
absolutely impossible for ordinary people to imagine.

At the beginning of the new year's college admissions season, he

couldn't wait to send out applications to universities and colleges, and
finally inquired through various channels and channels to understand
the preferences of the examiners of this admissions review committee,
and eagerly polished one article. The work, and all of his materials
were mailed to the past, waiting for further assessment notice.

Unexpectedly, he waited for three weeks and all the applications were

At the moment, "every thousand sails are exhausted", the bitterness

that cannot be said in his heart, his fingers are clenched, and he feels
unwilling to pay so much.

Therefore, when he accidentally brushed up this popular Weibo and

found that under the Weibo of an online novel author, there were
many netizens and readers who said bluntly that their large braised
pork was enough to overpower the famous universities by their
writing skills. In the Department of Literature, the balance in his heart
suddenly became completely unbalanced.

Why can a network writer be touted by thousands of people and

easily appreciated by the examiners?

While he was so hard and arduously reading literature major books,

remembering to recite countless difficult and obscure works, but did
he still not get the slightest attention of the examiners?

Immediately, "Qianfan Dou" burst into a grumpy unwillingness and


Seeing that he was holding an example of publishing literary works,

the network novels of braised meat did not have literary value. They
were ridiculed by netizens, and "Qianfan exhausted" angrily rushed
angrily and couldn't help refuting them.
"Thousands of sails: Yes, you guys are the most powerful! You are
holding so high here, I wonder if it will be so powerful before the
admissions review committee?"

He was raging in anger, and was suddenly rushed into his head by
anger, ignoring any reason, blurting out the hard-working inquiries |
the inside news broke out.

"Thousands of sails: Each year the review committee has special

admissions for individual talents, and this year's literature major will
also open special admissions channels. Are you not capable? Are you
qualified to pass?"

In one word, public opinion was uproar.

The special university entrance examination has always been a

preferential treatment for outstanding talents in certain areas.

Especially with the development of the interstellar era, many

institutions of higher learning and famous schools have opened this
special examination channel in order not to miss those who have poor
overall results but have special expertise in a certain field.

Regardless of the results, regardless of the past, as long as you have

the strength, you can apply for special admission channels to go
directly to top institutions.

But this method of recruiting and evaluating is obviously more severe.

For the literature major, it is even more difficult to form a unified

evaluation standard, so it is even more difficult to find out all the
evaluations and reach the unanimous satisfaction and consensus of
many evaluations.

For the average student, they will not choose such harsh and difficult
admission channels.

Even the ultimate reward is an extremely tempting direct access to top


The words "Thousands of sails" made Weibo's comments instantly

split into two very different factions.

"Soft cute dolphin: Misty grass! This kind of admission is a hell-hard

mode! It also wastes time and energy, and wastes time and
opportunities to apply for other universities. Please don't take the
author of our home!

"Boyboys: Passionate! Passionate! It sounds great, it's big and

supports you to challenge!"

"The galaxy is fishing: the special channel is one in a million. As an

old senior who has tried it, it is really difficult."
"Dark Night Rose: The fastest shortcut to a famous school, you can

"Qian Fanjing: Do you dare?"


Looking at this sentence, Su Tan bowed his head and chuckled. This
idea coincides with his choice.

In the materials given by his elder brother Gu Qin, in addition to

introducing the enrollment conditions and analysis and evaluation of
various universities, it is a separate chapter detailing the special
admission channels.

For the literature major, it is a large-scale professional literary

competition exam, regardless of whether the previous transcript is
bad or excellent.

As long as you perform well in this recruitment competition and get

the appraisal from the examiner, you will be directly promoted to the
top universities and colleges, and you can choose your favorite major
in literature.

Therefore, this is not only an excellent competitor's game, but also the
last challenge for students with poor grades.

It was perfect for Sutan.

Looking at the extremely provocative "Do you dare?" "Thousands of
sails", Su Tan laughed softly, his heart was extremely calm and firm.


As soon as he wanted to reply, he saw a new reply on the screen.

"Haiden Longman: The crown prince's heart has been stolen. What
else does he dare not do :)?"

Immediately, Su Tan's fingers were stunned, and he had a terrible

headache against his big cousin.

Sure enough, his Weibo comment immediately and thoroughly

exploded the pot.

"Kolabao: 666666666666666"

"Soft cute dolphin: ha ha ha ha ha ha, very domineering! I just want to

say-well done!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: abuse, and dog food ..."

"Dark Rose: Goosebumps all over."

Even more quickly, Gu Qin's elder brother Gu Qin suddenly

"Gu Qin: Come to my study to talk. @ 天天 都 刷 烧 烧肉"

Su Tan: QAQ What did I do wrong?

He obediently dialed the phone number for his elder brother, and saw
that Gu Qin's slightly tired face appeared on the communicator
screen. Su Tan was even more distressed, and he did not dare to
refute a word.

Gu Qin asked softly: "Want to take a special admissions test? The Gu

family has good relations with professors in several universities. I'll
get in touch with you."

The giant Gu family has been rooted for hundreds of years. Although
it has not been involved in military affairs, it has a wide range of
communication and rich connections in both literature and business.

Although this is a change of homeownership, the heritage of

hundreds of years is still preserved, so Gu Qin's statement is
extremely bland.

I was afraid that Su Tan would not be admitted to the university, and
the Gu family could also use power and money to open the doors of
top universities.

However, Su Tan could not help but feel a little stunned, and smiled
and refused: "Thank you, brother, I want to try it for myself."
Shortcuts are fast, but good is good, and bad is bad. Instead, he
wanted to experience the college entrance examination of the
interstellar era squarely, without wanting to miss any details from it.

After hearing what he said, Gu Qin nodded slightly, without

compulsion, a little more appreciation in the calm and dark eyes.

He whispered, "Okay, elder brother will always support you."


Su Tan smiled brightly and nodded with trust.

After finishing the communication with Gu Qin, and then back to

Weibo, due to Hayden's domineering ridicule, the figure of
"Thousands of Fans" has disappeared.

But apparently, he was unwilling to update the latest one in his


"Extreme sails: Prepare for battle!"

In the picture, it is a hardcover edition of "Unlucky Amy", which

made Su Tan look at it and couldn't help but smile and didn't respond
After three weeks of examinations, you need to go to Diduxing to take
the test. After Su Tan's application was completed, she started her
coding life with peace of mind and prepared for going out.

"Unlucky Amy" has been serialized continuously, and each issue of

"Gelia Children's Story" has been sold very well. Not only has it
become a popular magazine in Rose, it also has a large proportion of
sales abroad and online.

The publishing house and animation film company are all looking
forward to it, anxiously waiting for the second book of "Unlucky
Amy" to be published.

The pressure of urging manuscripts is considerable.

However, Sutan not only has the identity of this author, but he is also
the online writer of "Interstellar is Emperor" on the Internet.

Although not yet on the shelves, the interesting settings of the twin
heroes and grandchildren of "Interstellar as Emperor", coupled with
the hot interstellar theme and the refreshing and refreshing routine,
have attracted a lot of readers.

Every day, more and more comments are urged, and endless, almost
swipe the screen under his article.

In addition, from the swarm of online readers, Starcraft is more

popular than Unlucky Amy.

This made Su Tan's pressure to renew suddenly suddenly increased.

A relaxed, fun and playful children's story in a country's leisurely and
minor style, one is a fast-paced and explosive Shuangwen face novel,
two completely different novel styles and huge pressure to save a
manuscript, making Sutan cry and laugh hard, carrying it Come

"Interstellar is Emperor" is getting better and better, the plot has

reached the rebirth of the male Yi Baiji from the waste of the human
population, counterattack to become the strongest in the college, with
all the supporting actors conquered with powerful strength.


The fast and neat upgrade mode, the fun face-playing plot, the step-
by-step rhythm of rising emotional advancement, pushed the whole
novel to a climax.

Bai Ye quietly found that his grandfather, the two white imperial
marshals Bai Yinghua, had changed their temperament, from the
original meticulous and stern and solemn image, suddenly turned
into an affectionate, joking and funny old puck.

Then, through countless details and keen observations, he gradually

found the young boy hidden in the old body.

The two men formally confronted each other, and they started
With the upcoming episodes coming up, the readers of the article
"Interstellar is Emperor" are all excited and excited.

"Soft cute dolphin: Off! Horse! Armor!"

"Kolabao: How would Bai Ye hang grandpa? Will he hang him up?"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: It feels like the male lead will be
blackened, and the prisoners will be held tightly | the boy will not be
allowed to escape if he is under his control."

"Dark Rose: Wait for the follow-up."


This new interstellar theme book, with its unique pair of male lead
and wonderful ideas, has attracted the attention of countless star
novel website readers. The data of the novel has skyrocketed at an
incredible speed, which is beyond everyone's surprise.

early morning.

Daybreak dawned, and the fog was dim outside, and the old author of
the star novel novel "Hidden Crane" had no drowsiness and got up
and went downstairs.

The whole family was quietly up and down, sleeping in the morning's
sleep, "Hidden Crane" tried to lighten their pace and entered their
study. This is a little world that belongs to him alone.
"Hidden Crane" sat skillfully at the table, turned on the computer, and
used an old computer with a young head to buzz slowly and slowly,
like a tired old machine, slowly wandering for more than a minute
before finally turning on.

Just as his table is full of vicissitudes of drinking glasses, ashtrays that

have been damaged for a long time, etc., they are all old objects that
were used more than ten years ago.


The fog outside the window was thin, the morning light was slightly
bright, and the desktop lit up on the computer screen was a bit dull.

"Hidden Crane" is accustomed to it. According to the convention,

directly open the star novel website, log in to the author's
background, and view the data.

This is something he must do every day. At this point, he couldn't

afford to take a look, even if he was lying in bed, his heart was
somehow uneasy.

In the early morning, it was the quietest moment of the day for the
star novel website. The speed of opening the webpage was fast, and
"Hidden Crane" carefully checked the data in the author's

When he saw that the collection of the chapter he had just updated
yesterday had increased by more than 500 overnight, the chapter
comments reached more than 300, and the vicissitudes of his tired face
showed an uncontrollable smile, his heart violently I was finally

The comments under the article are absolutely positive.

"Crazy: This chapter is written well by Heda, support one!"

"Do not be insulted: Old Crane come on, we will always stand by your

"Black Laird: The novel is getting better and better. Heda's writing is
as stable and sophisticated as before, updated and diligent. He is
really a conscience author."

"Cream of Heaven and Earth: The wallet is ready. When will the
author be available? Ready to win the first order!"

Looking at these comments, Hidden Crane was relieved a little.

Although the question of "borrowing" and "plagiarism" has always

been lingering on his head, which has greatly damaged his
popularity, it is undeniable that this star veteran novel is indeed his
best data. A copy of it.

Update diligently and diligently, the book review is enthusiastic and

fast. As long as he can persist in writing, he will not fall into disarray,
and "Hidden Crane" has a ten percent certainty. It is a matter of time
before he will be on the gold list.
Thinking of the regret that I have only touched the edge of the gold
list many times over the past few years, and the pressure of calling the
"gold list" with "Boiled braised meat every day" with the pressure of a
while ago, the mood of the "Hidden Crane" can not help but
complicate and breathe quickly and unwillingly give up.


After so many years of accumulation and such a great situation, how

can he not compare with the "braised pork" just written a year ago?

After carefully reading the message in the book review area again,
"Hidden Crane" suddenly drew endless power from it and was
convinced of his novel.

He hesitated for a moment, but he couldn't endure the sharp curiosity,

and searched for the new article "Interstellar is Emperor", which was
"Brushed braised meat every day".


Collected 120 million, commented 99.6 million, ranked first on the list.

The dazzling data stabbed his eyes almost instantaneously, causing

"Hidden Crane" 's throat to choke suddenly and arduously, and a
suffocated gas stuck in his throat, so he couldn't swallow.

"how is this possible?!"

He couldn't believe it, and frowned tightly, staring at the data in the
article "Interstellar is Emperor", seeing that the commentary of the
other party's latest chapter was hundreds of times his own. At that
time, the previous point was for his own data. The joy was dissipated
and cleaned.

Holding his palms tightly, "Hidden Crane" almost anxious red eyes,
weak and hopeless, and finally realized that his own data was not
worth mentioning in front of the other party.

He was extremely jealous, tried to take a deep breath, and took the
early morning air into his lungs, and slowly spit it out. The thick
unwillingness and resentment finally passed away.

"Hidden Crane" finally glanced at the braised pork novel coldly,

turned it off, and landed on his own Weibo.

However, as soon as his Weibo opened, the rushing comments almost

pierced his heart with a knife.

"The Poison of the Po Family: Plagiarism! Stealing! Thief!"

"Xiao Begonia from the meat treasure family: copying cranes, I call
you, do you dare to respond?"

"Kolabao: Popularize it again to friends and relatives. This author has

plagiarism and plagiarism! There is a history of plagiarism and can't
be tolerated!"
"Fishing on the Milky Way: Now I scold Yin He, who else likes me?"

"Kolabao: Praise."

"Soft cute dolphin: Like! Okay, everyone keeps restraint and yells at
Weibo, and troubles Pobao before the article."

"Little Begonia of the Meat Po Family: Miss, receive."

"The meat treasure family's peony: But I'm exhausted, first ran to the"
Qianfandu "Weibo to watch a pass, then cheer up the meat treasure,
and then went to copy the crane here to step on Stomp-I'm tired of
running, I cross my waist for a while. "


Watching these big waves hanging over the comments of

"plagiarism", "Hidden Crane" was so cold and trembling that he
couldn't help pulling it out, as if a whole heart had fallen into the ice

He opened his mouth and wanted to explain, but found that his dry
voice was almost hoarse and unable to speak, his heart filled with cold

And the author, who had stolen his stem and firmly nailed him to the
plagiarism rack of plagiarism--
"Hidden Crane" entered the other party's Weibo in a numb place, and
vicissitudes looked coldly at the top of the other party, asking "Which
university is the best", and a large number of enthusiastic comments
suggesting and actively helping him analyze below. The old eyes
could not help shaking for a moment.

Go to college, take the admissions test, 18 years old ...

The other person's life has just begun, and his--

"Plagiarism" is the name of my life.

"Hidden Crane" is full of despair, while the graduates of the other side
who are not ignorant of braised pork network writers' college
entrance exams, "Qianfandu", are desperate.

He watched "Daily roasted braised meat every day" refreshed daily

and refreshed, the speed and word count of the update were never
interrupted, and it was expected that this would involve a lot of
energy from the other party.

At the beginning of the time, the heart of "Qianfan exhausted" gave

birth to an indescribable sense of pride, as if it was to see classmates
playing and wasting time. I secretly used this time to learn a lot of
content, and suddenly my heart was ecstatic and proud. No more to

Even, he couldn't help but think, write and write, write your novel,
and ensure that he will turn his head around the examination room
and be completely defeated.
With a good mood and carefully prepared for three years, "Thousands
of sails" have a good idea. When the special admissions test is
notified, they will immediately hold a box of tutorials and notes and
board the spacecraft to the Imperial Capital.

This time, he had no choice but to put all the treasures on the
admissions test.

He is convinced that after reading for so many years and reading

countless professional books, he will definitely become famous and
win a college pass.

And that "braised pork", I am afraid I can only write boring oral
hydrology on the Internet enviously.

The admission exam is coming, and Su Tan is preparing for his

journey to Diduxing. This time the exam involves his academic affairs,
and the whole family is concerned.

The robot Suning hurriedly read a lot of information, and heard from
the neighbors' mouths the experience and experience of many parents
to accompany the test. Especially, he specifically asked the teacher in
the school to ask Kerry, and took the Sutan exam as a major event.
Prepare with all your heart.

Almost, he followed the advice of his neighbors and made a decision

to accompany the family. Fortunately, Dr. Shu Wen Yan calmed it.
"Don't put too much pressure on Atan, we will wait for him at home."
The robot daddy was in a moody and inexplicable sourness. Looking
at the upright and handsome teenager in front of him, he couldn't
help recalling the scene where he first picked up the small baby in the
journey of a strange planet.

At that time, the novice dad couldn't find his family in a hurry, so he
could only take care of the little him in a flustered and unfamiliar

Unexpectedly, this pass was spent eighteen years in a hurry.

The robot Su Ning's eyes were red, and he made a large basket of
berry patties and sweets that his son liked most, and sent Su Tan to
the spaceship.

Set sail again to Didu Xing, this time, the big cousin was still by his
side. He smiled and waved vigorously from the porthole to Abba, Dr.
Shu and his brother, saying goodbye to leaving.

It wasn't until the spacecraft slowly lifted off the air, away from the
Rosewood galaxy, that no family members could be seen anymore,
and Su Tan finally looked back and looked at Hayden beside him.

Without waiting for the other party to speak, the accommodation and
life arranged on the spaceship, the first sentence of Su Tan is-

"I want to study."

Hayden: "..." He couldn't help but raise his lips, and laughed abruptly.
Surprisingly, the big cousin actually calmly agreed to this request,
without any discount or rebuttal. The extremely smooth attitude made
Su Tan raise his eyebrows with doubt.

Before I could think about it, I heard a surprise shout on the ship.

"Sutan ?!"

He turned back and saw his classmate Eddie dragging his suitcase,
standing in the corridor of the spaceship, with a look of excitement
and excitement. He hurried to his trunk and hurriedly asked, "Where
are you going?"

Su Tan replied with a smile, and did not hide: "Emperor Capital, take
the admissions test."

As soon as his words fell, he saw Eddie, who was burly, and his eyes
brightened suddenly, "Me too!"

Su Tan: "..."

He stared at Eddie in surprise, seeing the other person's face blush

immediately, and said a little bit ashamedly and proudly. "I went to
take the Literary Examination, do you remember? I have also
participated in the Rose of Stars Literary Contest, and I think I am
quite talented. Not to mention--"
Eddie grabbed Su Tan's arm with enthusiasm and excitement, and
said, "Braised pork also has to take the Literary Enrollment
Examination! Our favorite braised pork is huge! I want to take a test
with my beloved meat, study together, and go to school together ! "

This blunt confession stunned Sutan in no time, and he couldn't help

recalling the hot confession written by Eddie at the Rosewood Literary
Contest specifically for "brushing pork every day". Letter, can not help
but chuckle the corners of his lips.

Su Tan smiled and responded with a happy voice: "I must be very

Eddie nodded hard and couldn't help it.

Hayden aside: "..."

Exam together? Reading together? Go to school together?

——He is going to apply for college entrance examination now, is it

too late?


With Eddie's journey, it is particularly lively.

He enthusiastically shared with Su Tan the test materials he collected

and sorted out, and the exercise library of previous years. The
generous and enthusiastic look was completely different from the
awkward and imaginative image that Su Tan first knew.

It's all because--

"I want to see the teriyaki meat greatly!" Sitting in the Starship
Restaurant, Eddie was excited and excited about Sutan while eating a
table full of food.

Su Tan simply didn't know what to answer. He bent his lips with a
smile and echoed, "Yes."

Obviously, Eddie's excitement doesn't stop there. He couldn't help but

be excited, and excitedly posted a live broadcast post on the Stars
Novels website forum. The title of the post is simple and rude,

"I'm going to talk to Da Nian !!!"

But it was this simple and straightforward post title that caught the
attention of countless people in an instant.

"Landlord: Ruotian. I'm on my way to meet DaDa, I'm excited. If I'm

lucky, I can be a classmate with DaDa in four years [proud]."

Although the content of the post is ambiguous, the netizens of the

superb forums still figure out the parties with very little information.
"1L: Wouldn't it be the author I thought so much? If so, I'm also a fan
of him!"

"2L: Brother, come and come, for a secret code, h?"

"3L: Can't understand, please decode."

"4L: Hahahahahaha, a reminder from the recent Weibo that there is a

great need to take the admissions exam."

"5L: misty grass! I'm also a big fan! Excited! I want to go and watch!"

"6L: Wait for the landlord to follow up the live broadcast. Say,
landlord, can you recognize the meat treasure?"

"Lord: Don't worry! I can find a big one 10 meters away with smell!
Absolutely no problem!"


Eddie patted his chest with confidence.

The number of applicants for the literary admissions test was large.
Due to the challenges of "brushing braised pork every day" and "every
thousand sails" on Weibo, time has brought countless topics, and it is
no less fierce than ordinary small draft games.

Literary examinations, admission shortcuts, direct access to

prestigious schools ...
The rewards and temptations of various examinations have also
firmly attracted the attention of many current university students.
And there is no threshold setting for literary examinations, which
makes countless people eager to try.

Maybe ... I'm hiding my talent for writing talents?

Suddenly, the literature competition was extremely popular.

When Sutan, Hayden and Eddy arrived at the Imperial Capital, the
spacecraft saw bustling passengers, dragging large suitcases, and
coming from many different star fields.

Among the various travelers, there were many students who looked
at the tens of millions of student parties in the past, with full
confidence, accompanied by family or classmates, flexing their
muscles and preparing for the toughest college application season in
March every year.

Tall and sturdy Eddie carried the huge suitcase effortlessly, killing a
**** path among the crowd.

He shuttled back and forth to the exit of the Star Connection Port, put
down his luggage, and asked Su Tan with a carefree attitude: "Which
hotel do you order? I've settled at the nearest hotel in the test room,
will we go together?"

Sutan was excited: "Walk!"

The big cousin aside, holding the teenager's back collar rather
helplessly, dragged him back.

"Exam tomorrow. At this time the rooms must have been booked out.
I have already discussed with my brother and will take you home

After hearing this, Su Tan wanted to follow the crowd of test takers
vigorously, and was forced to stop him.

"Okay." He stood next to Hayden nicely, waving his hands with regret
and said goodbye to Eddie.

But Eddie, who was a big head, walked two or three steps and
suddenly felt the taste. "Hey, no, where's your brother?"

In Guilia, the small town is not big, and the two know the truth. Eddie
is no longer familiar with the Su family. The original Su family was
two robots, Suning and Suntan. Where did a big brother emerge?

Suddenly, Eddie dragged his suitcase back quickly, only to find that
the two tall and short figures had disappeared in the crowded crowd.

Eddie's gaze was exhausted to find a pass among the countless

people, and eventually he had to give up, dragging his suitcase and
hurried to the imperial bus that just happened to be, and squeezed
into the one towards the hotel.
The exam for the next day is about to begin.

Literary admissions examinations are located in a separate annex

building of the Board of Education building.

Get up in Sutan in the morning, and run out of breakfast with the
elder brother Gu Qin. The fresh Kingdu special lobster is full of
delicious, accompanied by soft and delicious egg rolls, refreshing and
fresh chicken salad, slap big crispy and delicious berry small Pie, a
large pot of freshly squeezed fruit juice with flesh particles, makes
Sutan eat very pleasantly and feel good.

Full, naturally energetic.

In order to send him to the examination room, Gu Qin deliberately

pushed off all the work at hand, took off the pale green military
uniform, replaced it with low-key casual clothes, and personally took
him to the Board of Education building.

The driver who drove the car was silent and refined. Unlike the
ordinary Gu family, he obviously replaced his guard.

Before leaving, Hayden hurried to get in. He squeezed into Gu's car,
sat next to Su Tan, raised his eyes and hung a necklace around Su
Tan's neck.

Su Tan looked down puzzledly, and saw a necklace around his neck.
The pendant was a silver-gray metal plate embossed with intricate
patterns. I didn't know what material it was made of. The tentacles
were warm and not cold. The complicated patterns above are
intertwined, looking low-key and beautiful.
"What is this?" He asked curiously.

Seeing Hayden's eyebrows raised slightly, Shu Lang laughed jokingly:

"Dog tags."

Su Tan: ... want to hit someone.

Gu Qin, on the other hand, heard Yan Yan's careful look, and met
Hayden with a deep understanding.

Su Tan looked at the silver-grey black dog tag and endured it for a
while. He finally did not remove it from his neck. He arrived at the
entrance of the examination room with this inconvenient necklace and
got out of the car.

He stopped the elder brother and Hayden from sending themselves

in, stood downstairs of the Board of Education Examination Building,
smiled and waved with the two, and watched the car leave calmly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I turned around, I saw Eddie not far away.

Eddie's gaze stuck tightly to the streamlined low-key luxurious sports

car, watching the car silently resemble a cheetah into the traffic, and
then drove away.

Right now, he was frightened, his expression was full of

astonishment, and he looked at Sutan inconceivably. "Limited luxury
The companion who lived on the small planet in the country changed
his appearance and took a limited-edition sports car to take the exam,
which shocked Eddie's mind to a blank space, as if there were
scattered pictures flashing quickly, but he couldn't catch his thoughts
and idea.

Eddie was startled, only to feel that his heart was full of surprise, as if
the other side that Su Tan had never shown before him slowly
showed a corner.

As he tightened his eyebrows and clutched the flashing thoughts, he

saw Su Tan walking around his neck with ease. "Come, prepare for
the exam!"

Eddie was stomped by the opponent, and silently remembered the

authorship of Su Tan's best-selling story "Unlucky Amy" and
immediately found a reasonable explanation for himself.

However, Su Tan's trip is particularly low-key. Except for the

knowledge of the Su family, Quanguilia did not know that he came to
Diduxing to take a literary admissions test, so he was relaxed, free of
burden, and did not cause too much. Attention.

He stood in line to enter the building, checked his identity

information from the entrance of the examination room, and collected
the seat number of the examination.

Eddie hurriedly rushed over to take a look, and found that the two
happened to be next to each other, so they were relieved.
Turning his head, Eddie shook his head all over the field, struggling
to find the beloved figure, but the crowd of candidates was more than
he expected, and he couldn't find anything for a while.

"I don't know where it is?" Eddie was sad.

Su Tan answered silently in his heart-raising his hand, here.

"Should I stand up and roar so that I can see my presence?" Eddie

suddenly stood up, suddenly dragged by those around him.

Su Tan: ... stop your stupid behavior [laughing and crying]!

Eddie gritted his teeth again and said, "That arrogant and provocative'
Qianfandu 'on Weibo, do n't know where it is?"

Hearing this sentence, Su Tan lightly sunned, and looked up

curiously, looking around.

Presumably, the other party will not miss this rare exam opportunity,
and will definitely try it. I just do n't know who is here?

While the time before the test starts, some of the lively candidates
around are familiar with each other and chatting together, and there
are others who are dedicated to reading through the notes and trying
to memorize each other.
Sutan sat in his seat leisurely and waited for the test, but Eddie was
hurrying to hold the light brain and quickly continued to broadcast in
the Star Forum post.

"1438L: This is the landlord who is in the examination room. There are
too many people, at least a thousand, and no great QAQ was found."

"1439L: Whoops, who said,' I can find a big place when I smell ten
meters away? '"

Eddie suddenly felt the pain in his face.

He held his head down and tried to rejuvenate his emotions. He

usually helped out of the field: "1440L: Has anyone seen a large
amount of braised pork? Ask for tips."

For a while, there were many opinions in the post.

"Every day I brush braised meat" Weibo has never posted a picture of
myself, so netizens on the forum can only guess and analyze from

"1441L: Rouda is the young master of Gu's family. Although no

photos have been made public, it is estimated that like Gu's family,
they inherit black hair and black eyes."

Seeing this message, Eddie quickly looked up at the countless

candidates at the scene. Although the black hair was scarce, three or
five people could still be seen in the crowd.
And the most recent one--

Eddie's eyes fell on Su Tan.

He glanced suspiciously at Su Tan, seeing the other party calmly

preparing for the exam, it took a long time to turn his eyes, and
quickly glanced at a dark young man who was laughing arrogantly
with his friends.

"1442L: By the way, the meat is eighteen years old! I have heard his
live broadcast and it is a clean and clear young voice!"

Eddie couldn't help raising his ears and trying to get closer, like
hearing the man's voice from the noisy test room scene.

Sure enough, with effort, only a few words were faintly introduced
into his ears, with the words "starry" and "examination" faintly mixed,
which made Eddie's heart hold up tightly.

Looking at the post again, the rest of the message is scattered and
there is not much valuable news.

"1443L: A secret reminder, Gu Han, the mysterious young master Gu

Han who had recovered and disappeared in the past, once reported
that there were photos in it. Didn't both say that the two were twins?
They should look very similar. The landlord can go and search for Gu
Han. "

"1444L: Upstairs, I searched, those news and photos have long been
blocked and deleted."

"1445L: At this time, you can only help @ 烟 泪."

Instead, Eddie quietly raised his ears, paying careful attention to the
smiling and cheerful black-haired teenager there, but he did not find
that he was passing by a large bag of professional books and
information materials, and his face was tightly arrogant and thin.
young people.

There was a traffic jam on the "Qianfanjin" road, and I was almost late,
and my mood was already very bad.

Unexpectedly, at the entrance of the Board of Education building, he

nearly ran into a candidate who rushed in, almost bumping into his
figure, and his mood was suddenly extremely extreme.

Until he successfully entered the examination room, the loud and

noisy examination room atmosphere suddenly struck him, and the
noise of the noise made him have a headache. Many young and
adolescent faces were full of excited and ambitious confidence, like
this. Examinations are just like gadgets for practicing hands, so easy.

Where is he like? Sacrifice countless days and nights to prepare for the
whole three years, but many universities apply to the sea, this exam is
already his last chance.
"Thousands of sails" passed by an examinee's desk, and he happened
to see a young man with dark hair and black eyes raised his eyes and
looked at himself, his eyes were calm and calm, completely different
from the pride of the students around him.

Suddenly, he tightened his eyebrows, sitting on the seat a few steps

away, holding a large stack of information.

There are still a few minutes before you leave the exam. If you hurry
up, you can read one more article, but at this time, "Qian Fan Ju" is
holding the open book, and the clear words are in sight, but you can
read all Don't go in.

His eyes were always involuntarily floating on the dark-haired boy

next to him.

Looking at the other person's head, holding the light brain and not
knowing what to do, the smile on the white cheek was particularly

At the beginning of the time, "Thousands of Fans" could not help but
subconsciously picked up the light brain, logged in to their own
Weibo, I saw-

"Brushed braised meat every day: Come on!"

Suddenly, his face changed suddenly, even more uncomfortable than

being severely stabbed in person, and his mood was extremely
complicated and embarrassing at the moment.
It was not until the test bell rang, that he suddenly returned to the
world in a hurry, handed in the information books on the reminder of
the examiner, and turned on the computer dedicated to the exam in
his seat.

Each candidate will answer directly on the computer in front of him

and submit the examination paper separately. This is not only easy to
modify, but also eliminates the possibility that examiners can
recognize candidates who are familiar with the font, and guarantees
fairness and justice.

Time starts minute by minute.

"Qianfan exhausted" took a deep breath, no time wasted, quickly

opened the examination paper, and saw a simple proposition
appearing directly in front of himself.

"Title: Love."

The genre is not limited, the number of words is unlimited, and the
format is not limited.

Almost at the moment when they saw the test questions, the
candidates in the test room took a sip of air-conditioner, and made a
soft cry.

No one had expected before the exam that this time the admissions
test would directly use "love" as the theme, which was obviously
beyond everyone's expectations.
Even Su Tan couldn't help but whispered in his heart, and then
suddenly laughed at this broad proposition, and acutely realized that
the subject was bad.

This topic is too broad and too ambitious. Whether it is writing

family, friendship, or love, it is very difficult for all candidates to
control. If you don't write well, it can easily become a primary school
student composition such as "my favorite person" or "my dear

And from the previous examination materials, Su Tan clearly

understood that the admissions examination is by no means just
measuring the writing of an examinee, but also wants to see the
examinee's ideology and depth through the examination article.

In short, if there is only a beautiful writing with a lot of rhetoric, I am

afraid it will not impress the examiners.

Thinking of this, Su Tan looked at the concise and concise "love" word
on the screen and fell into deep thought.

Suddenly, there was a slightly heavy object between his neck and he
couldn't help lowering his head to see the slightly heavy nameplate
that had just been hung in the morning.

The silver-gray tag was engraved with complicated and beautiful

patterns, which seemed to contain ancient history, which caused Su
Tan to bend the corners of his lips. In a moment, he remembered the
appearance of his big cousin hanging on his neck.
The light of the eyes is deep and gentle, the eyebrows are stretched,
and the corners of the lips are slightly raised, but the handsome face
has a ridiculous smile, which makes people want to pounce on them.

If you are not in a hurry to take the exam, Su Tan must ask the big
cousin, what does "dog tag" mean, is there anyone who looks down
on this?

Su Tan lowered her lip corner, couldn't help raising it slightly, her
eyes staring at the test questions sinked slightly, and suddenly an idea
came up.

It is ideological, profound, and connotative, and at the same time it

can attract the attention of the reviewing examiner, which is exactly
what he has in mind.

Su Tan was calm and calm. After thinking for a moment, he calmly
opened the answer sheet of the examination paper and began to write

The fingertips hit the computer keyboard lightly, and they gave out a
nice, pleasant, and rhythmic soft sound, which slightly aroused the
contemplation of several people around them, and they gave Sutan a
startled look in surprise, never expecting that he was so fast You have
the idea.

And "Qianfandu", who was sitting not far from the back row,
suddenly awakened, looked up, and stared straight at the straight
figure of the dark-haired young boy, his fingers curled up
He doesn't know how the other party thinks so fast, but at the
moment, he has no ideas at all, a large number of difficult and
profound professional books, countless complicated and cluttered
ideas, and the best article routines that are not prepared for the
slightest use. The ground blocked his mind.

At this time, he realized that his thoughts were extremely barren.

Except for those taught in the books, he could never think of any new


For this exam, he has sacrificed his favorite pastimes and hobbies.
Where can he still have the energy and time to consider these?

"Qianfanjin" was cold, his fingers were clenched, and the sounds of
typing on the keyboard all around began to begin, and he could no
longer sit still for a minute and a second.

He had to bite his head and reluctantly began to answer the question.
When I put my finger on the keyboard, my mind seemed to be blank,
like a test paper.

"Qianfandu" struggled hard, and tried to fill in the professional

materials that he had read and memorized into an article template
that had been prepared in advance. Regardless of sorting, he tried his
best to remember what he could. Everything is stuffed inside.

I do n't know how long after that, a bell rang, the test page on the
computer suddenly jumped, and was forced to enter the system
submission page. The heart of "Qianfandu" suddenly trembled, and
the tightly curled fingers did not know when it was shaking. stand up.

His heart was as cold as the bottom of the valley, and it was like a
drowning fish was salvaged by someone, and he found that his back
was completely wet with cold sweat.

It wasn't until he was sitting upright in the seat for several minutes
that he finally recovered his ears and mind, and the noisy and hot
noises around him slowly entered his ears.

"Crying, this test is really hard to write!"

"So did I. I never thought that this year's exam would be so abnormal,
such a broad and grand proposition. There was no way but to pull out
my grandfather who had been dead for more than ten years and walk
around for a while. Sun Qingshen's touching notes. "

"Great. The poem I wrote, it feels like it's over."

"Don't be discouraged. This is the preliminary round. The general

judges are more forgiving. There are rematches and finals later, that is
the real Shura field."

"I've heard that braised pork is also coming today. I don't know

"Maybe it's that! Walk around, ask him to sign it!"

Listening to these loud and noisy laughter, "Qianfandu" hung his
head down, his face sinking like water.

The pressure of the exam, the unsatisfactory composition, and his

arrogant ambition to provoke "broiled meat" on the Internet, and
countless complex and embarrassing emotions intertwined, almost
destroying his reason.

He got up with a sullen expression on his face, took back his stack of
thick books and test materials, and walked outward.

At this time, Eddie hurriedly chased after a dark-haired young man.

Unexpectedly, when he turned to the front, he realized that his eyes
were blue.

It cannot be big.

Upon recognizing this, Eddie couldn't help but feel a little

embarrassed, watching the other person being blocked by himself,
hurriedly letting go, ready to apologize.

Unexpectedly, the other party was also very magnanimous, crying

with laughter: "It's okay, buddy, you are the 35th person who
misidentified me today. I am not braised pork."

He patted Eddie on the shoulder of a big man, and his temper was
very refreshing. He glanced at Su Tan, who followed him, and raised
his eyebrows and teased: "Look, the person behind you is more like
braised pork.
Eddie glanced back and immediately subconsciously refuted,

Seeing the crowd around the crowd, Eddie gave a cough, he was
afraid of the crowd, and tried to lower the voice, proudly and proudly
introduced: "That's my classmate. It's bigger than meat."

——Light of Rose.


"Greater than beef?"

After hearing this proud introduction, black hair and blue eyes came
from Tao Yiwei of the Tum galaxy, and immediately he became
enthusiastic about Su Tan, who was walking calmly.

He hugged Eddie's shoulder boldly, and asked brightly and bluntly,

"Introduce who this big brother is?"

The immensely proud praise almost blurted out, but I was swallowed
again by Eddie, coughed heavily, and refused solemnly: "Sorry, this is
our national treasure."

other side:"......"

The candidates left after the preliminary round. There have been
follow-up updates to the live broadcast of the Stars Fiction website.
"Lord: I didn't find it much ... t_t"

In the starry forum, Eddie's appearance on live broadcast immediately

aroused the onlookers of many netizens.

"2174L: Hug the landlord."

"2175L: It's okay, there are retests, don't be discouraged."

Many netizens comforted Eddie, making his depressed heart finally


However, another person suddenly appeared in the post and quietly


"2176L: I was also in the test room and I saw a little brother with dark
hair and dark eyes and a handsome temperament. It felt like a big
flesh. Unfortunately, he was followed by a **** man who was tall and
strong, a little scared. I, I did n't Dare to ask. "

Big black? Tall and strong? feel a little scared?

In a moment, Eddie's heart was almost poked into a sieve.

"The landlord: ... the person you said may be me. The one next to me
is my classmate, a particularly powerful author, who is no different
from meat."
As soon as this sentence was spoken, it immediately aroused
everyone's curiosity.

"2190L: As powerful as meat? Is it another hidden god?"

"2191L: Who is who and who is he?"

"I'm 2176L: Really! The younger brother's face is particularly high!

He's handsome, his eyebrows are quiet and gentle!"

"Landlord: ??? Don't you think I'm more handsome?"

"I'm 2176L: ... the landlord, who gives you confidence in the end?"

Seeing this poking response, Eddie even felt that his heart was poked
into a bottomless pit. His tall and burly figure has always been proud
of him, and it is a model of praise among neighbors and friends.

Unexpectedly, when she came out of Rose, a healthy figure like him
was not as attractive as Qing Jun's shapely Sutan.

Eddie was full of sorrow, but felt that the friends outside didn't know
the goods. But on the other hand, the results of the examination
caught his heart tightly.

At this time, in the assessment room, the examiners of the literary

admissions examination were racing against the clock and non-stop to
review the examination papers.
There were so many candidates taking the test this time, so as soon as
the test papers were collected, many examiners went directly to the
closed evaluation room and reviewed the selection with full attention.

All the examiners of the Examination Board have rich experience, and
they are all elite professors selected from various universities.
Whether they are teaching resumes, or recruitment and selection
experience, they are very rich. Almost all the articles can be seen at a
glance to know the level of the candidates.

At the moment, everyone is judging and cannot help commenting.

"Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle, Uncle ... All relatives in the
family have been written over and over again, just like the primary
school life essay composition."

"Nothing new, but the same old writing template." Examiners quickly
sighed as they reviewed the papers quickly, without expecting to start
the next one.

"It's a good idea. I wrote the prose directly as a celebrity anecdote and

One examiner smiled bitterly, hit a score, and passed it to the next
examiner for review.

The university's literary admissions test is very rigorous. Each article

must be scored by three examiners, and the final score can be obtained
by unanimously taking the score. This ensures that the score of the
article does not differ according to the personal taste of the examiner.

Therefore, the pressure of the examiners is very high. In addition to

reviewing the papers, they hope that they can really find the real good
seedlings and bring in the bright works.

Examiner Norbert Baxter did just that.

His eyes are sharp, and years of experience as an examiner have

enabled him to form his own unique method of judging and judging.
At a glance, he can accurately see the merits of the article.

He read several articles in succession, novels, prose, poetry ... all kinds
of genres flickered in front of him, but few could really catch the eye.

One morning passed quickly, and when the judges got up and went to
rest for lunch, he was still holding on to the last time and reviewing
an article.

I saw, turning to the next article, is still an article praising family


"Grandpa Under the Vines?"

He sighed and browsed from beginning to end, and unexpectedly

found that this work is a work that illustrates the feelings of ancestors
and grandchildren. The only thing worthy of eye-catching is the use of
the "grape vine frame" as a support, sincerely, Plain and simple.
Although the structure of this article is simple, it is still a good work
from the review of the whole morning.

It 's only a pity that the style of the whole article adopts a plain and
documentary style, but too much pursuit of deliberately shaping the
calm and indifferent image of Grandpa, and writing in an old-
fashioned style, instead, the entire article has lost the vitality and
vitality of the young students. It means a bit of "sorrow for the new

It doesn't look like the work of a teenager who just graduated from
high school. It looks like it is from the hands of middle-aged people
who have gone through the years.

This made Burt Bucks think a little bit and scored, but he was a little
disappointed in his heart.

He had expected ... more brilliant works, but apparently this morning
he regretted nothing.

Examiners in the entire evaluation room have left almost. Burt Bucks
sighed, and even got up to prepare for lunch, and clicked the mouse
to save his review progress.

Unexpectedly, there was a little omission in the operation, and the

next examination paper was opened unexpectedly.
Burt Bucks gave a quick glance. Suddenly, the random glance was
firmly grasped by the title of the article, his mind moved slightly, and
he sat down subconsciously in the review seat.

"My textbook speaks."

A topic that has nothing to do with the subject of the test paper,
"love", caught Burt in an instant. Buck's mind, interesting and novel
topics made him unable to bear a strong interest and curiosity.

Can textbooks speak?

This is obviously completely counterintuitive, but how does the

author want to be round?

With this curiosity, Burt Bucks continued to review, and found that
the beginning of the article was concise and concise, and the mystery
was uncovered neatly, without a trace of muddling.

"... Suddenly my textbook has become refined! Those ancient poetry

that is profound and obscure suddenly turned into a world one by
one, taking me through it.

The novel worlds slowly unfolded before me. "

In the first person, setting novelty, imagination, and imagination.

The examiner Bert Bacchus immediately grasped the key points of the
article from a few lines of articles, and his heart became more and
more excited.

Unlike ordinary candidates' essays, poems, or argumentative papers,

does this article actually write a novel?

The examination time is short and tense. Within a few hours,

conceiving a well-thought-out novel can be said to be more difficult.

Not to mention crossing the novel.

Bert Bucks reminded himself very clearly and rationally that, so far,
all of the content is still the examination theme "love" without any

He murmured in the bottom of his heart that this was just a novel
novel with a gimmicky eyeball, completely ignoring and deviating
from the subject.

He continued to watch, and the subsequent content even surprised


Compared to other candidates' "love" for describing a single object,

this article in his hand is a rare group portrait.

Rather than saying who the author loves, it is better to say that the
author is the whole era.
With a crossing as a novel entry point, people's attention was directly
attracted to the article.

Later, through the author's perspective, he completely showed the

time that passed away and magnificent, and talked with the poets and
celebrities in the ancient earth era that had been completely
annihilated in the dust of history.

Inside, there are graceful and sorrowful "sorrows that can't be

eliminated, then the brows are lowered, but the heart is upset", and
there are also "loosely chatted youngsters, left yellow, right Qing
Cang", even more careless, and more There is the "Iron Horse Glacier"
that Jin Ge Iron Horse can't stop the war spreading.

Leading away from the poetry, in the general scenery and depiction of
the ancient Qingshan ink paintings, the author and the poet and
celebrity each deep friendship meeting, the description is so smooth
that Burt Bucks couldn't help fascinating.

Later, with the decline of history, the flames of war, and the helpless
struggle of tens of thousands of people and literati poets, the mood of
the article gradually changed from Shu Langhong to low and sadness,
making him deeply feel the face Feeling powerless to the torrent of

And this, the mood of the full text is increasingly sublimated.

Bert Bacchus saw the last sentence at the end of the text carefully, and
after a long taste, his heart was so excited that he couldn't speak for a
This answer sheet, from the beginning to the end, to the whimsical
thoughts in the middle, is truly a work of imagination.

Those strange and distant ancient poets in the old books are brought
to life in the author's pen for a moment. They are sad, generous,
enthusiastic, sparse, graceful, and clear ... all come out of the scroll
slowly. Generally, it is close and interesting.

Burt Bucks's tightly pursed lips finally smiled.

He gave the article a high score without hesitation.

Three days later, the preliminary results of the literary admissions

examination were officially released, and all candidates were looking
forward to it, and the Internet was quietly sweeping a wave of

"Qianfanjin" is one of them.

Three minutes before the results were released, he was already

sweating in the palm of his hand, his body was trembling cold, his
mind was blocked and numb, and he couldn't think of anything.

The closer he got to the public announcement, the more nervous and
desperate he was, his tight head could not help recalling his mistakes
in the exam room that day.

Nervously, he can only log in to his Weibo for a while, waiting for the
test results to be released.

His Weibo commented unexpectedly.

"Qianfan Dou" opened his latest Weibo in a horrified place, and I saw
the following are filled with @ 自己 's messages.

"Daily sleepiness: blogger, it's time to come out and get your test

"For Rabbit Base: Same as 1. With courage and braised meat, the pK is
greatly realistic, well done! I don't know which blogger and meat are
big enough to do well :)?"

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: Upstairs, I almost didn't see
your final expression, and treated you as an enemy. Hahahahaha."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Don't be a man if you are a man, and you
should directly transcribe the report card at a critical moment!"


Looking at these comments that encouraged the movement, in a short

time, the cold sweat of the palms of "Qianfanjien" became colder and
bitter, like across Weibo, and saw countless netizens on the Internet
waiting for their results in a hurry. His eyes were red.

Tight, short breaths couldn't hold it anymore.

"Qian Fan Ju" face was low, holding his mouse tightly, anger rushing,
thinking about it directly or not, and gave it back under his Weibo

"Thousands of sails: Why is the whole universe the most powerful

place in your family? Others can't pass the exam? Don't look down on
people too much! Who is going to look back and scream? I don't know

He banged his keyboard hard, posted the comment, and let out a bad

When the full of angry and turbid sullen breath came near, he glanced
at the computer time quickly and found that it was twelve noon, and
the score inquiry channel was officially opened.

Immediately, the heart of "Qianfan exhausted" suddenly referred to

his throat, looking forward, nervous, and even sweating his palms,
almost couldn't hold the mouse.

He took a few breaths in a hurry and tried to suppress the

nervousness of the thumping, then tightened his fingers, put out some
trembling and tense fingertips to enter the website, enter the test
number, query-

"Sorry, you failed the first test."

Suddenly, "Qianfan Duan" stunned, and his mind was blank.

He stared at this line of red typeface, his eyes were red with blood,
and he stared at the computer screen for several minutes. He couldn't
say a word, and his numb heart was like a mess.

how is this possible? !!

He couldn't believe it, holding his finger to think that he had boarded
the wrong exam number, immediately quit, and once again entered
the account with a trembling heart, and logged in.

I saw that the screen in front of him was still that line of dazzling red
font, like a big slap and fell on his face severely, making him suddenly
unable to bear, his face became gray, extremely embarrassing.

"I don't believe it ..." Facing this result, "Qian Fan Ju" had a hard
throat, opened his mouth, and couldn't believe this result with his lips


His slumped head turned hard, thinking that his performance in the
exam room that day was a slight mistake, but it should never be the

His grim eyes slowly moved to the pile of tutorials and study
materials on the table, and he couldn't help thinking of the days and
nights that he studied hard all night long, and even sacrificed all his
hobbies, in exchange for such a result?
At the moment, "Qian Fan Duan" is ridiculous, sorrowful and

The opened Weibo page has not been closed yet, and the call from the
air above made him enthusiastically scoring his transcript, and the
Weibo, which was sharply ridiculed, hung high at the top.

At a glance now, I just felt full of irony.

"Thousands of sails" almost looked away in haste. He was not

reconciled, and he was unwilling to let his hope of finally entering the
university be completely dashed. He took a deep breath and took a
sigh of relief, and opened the official website of the assessment

There, there are public transcripts of the initial test for 10,000 people.
Right now, it has become the focus of everyone's attention.

"Thousands of sails" looked at the dense transcripts, ranking from

high to low, and disclosed the name, test number and score of each
candidate separately.

The list of candidates is so dazzling that you can't see it. He held back
his heart and frowned, staring at his transcript carefully, but he
couldn't guess how many of the candidates were "brushing braised
meat every day."

However, when "Qianfanjin" browsed the transcript, a familiar name

suddenly caught his eyes.
"Sutan ?!" He was extremely shocked, his eyes must be certain, and he
hurriedly confirmed several times before finally convinced that he had
read correctly.

The name of a candidate headed by the results list is called "Su Tan",
which is exactly the same as the author of a child story he recently

At the moment, "Qian Fan Duan" is full of suspicion, and some are

Like him, after the admission transcript was released, countless

Weibo, forums, and posts exploded, and endless discussion hot posts
suddenly covered high-rise buildings, all of which were guessing
whether the candidate "Sutan" was Is the author of the hot bestseller
"Unlucky Amy".


"Shocking news !!! This year's literary admissions exam is suspected to

be attended by the author of" Unlucky Amy "! Won the first place in
the preliminary test!"

As soon as such posts were posted, they became instantly popular and
attracted the attention of countless people.

"1L: Really? I can't believe it!"

"2L: Already @ 苏 谭 大 微微 博, but no response has been received for
the time being. Is there a statement from Rose's friend?"

"3L: Shocked so speechless ... If it's Su Da, then his life is really off the
hook, a hit of Niu! Are all the writing skills of Gu Guilia added to
him? "

"4L: Su Da 's work, I want to see it very much! I am so envious of the

judges who can preview the examination papers of Kuai Su. When
can you release the outstanding works to us?"


Suddenly, online public opinion is bursting, and all kinds of

discussions have swept all the hot spots and websites.

# 苏 谭 校园 招生 考 #, # 他 的 写 开 了 挂 #, #The most mysterious

author of "Unlucky Amy" finally appeared #, # 我 在 考场 和 大 神 擦
肩 过 过 # ... various topics, many After springing up, Qi Qi emerged.

Adjacent to Eddie's live broadcast post on the Star Forum, another

tree hole post weeping and regretfully posted quietly.

"I also went to the exam room and missed two big men at the same
time, so sad that I wanted to cry--"

In the post, the landlord wrote tearfully.

"I recently took the literary admissions test of the fire. I was too busy
and nervous at the test room. I regret that I didn't find Rou Da at the
scene. I didn't expect that Su Tan went too! I also missed it !! I am a
loyal fan of "Unlucky Amy" and feel like I missed the whole universe /
(ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~ [大 泪] "

The authors and readers in the Starry Forum have come forward to
comfort the landlord, and some even held the landlord next door to
laugh at the active atmosphere.

"35L: Landlord, you can face the owner of the building next door
when you retest. It's tall, dark and strong. The building owner next
door must be well recognized in the crowd :)."

"36L: ... wait, the package upstairs reminds me. The owner next door
seems to say that the little partner who took the exam next to him is
particularly powerful? Is it comparable to meat?"

"37L: I also remember [shocked!] At that time, everyone was joking

about his little friend being a great god. Isn't there so many great gods
in this and this college admissions exam?"

"38L: I feel that the truth has been faintly touched by us.-The next-
door landlord is coming out soon !!! Is your classmate Sutan greatly?"


As this speculation intensified, the entire star-studded forum

exploded, and the news spread from the forum to the outside of the
website. Within a few minutes, it was like a whirlwind that swept
through the entire network.
The topic surrounding "Sutan" was immediately hot, and even the
planet Gulia was affected. Many newspapers, media, literature
committees, and many other people rushed to Sutan's agents, family
members, and magazines to verify.

All of a sudden, Su's and agent Lance's phone number was almost
exploded. Even more than the previous "brushed braised meat every
day" attention, the topic of the other party to take the exam to the heat
of the crush easily.

Seeing this, "Qian Fan Ju" suddenly felt extremely happy in his heart,
as if he had been spit out with his bad temper that depressed the

What if "Braised Pork" wins with itself? Isn't it worth mentioning in

front of the real children's literature **** that he really admires?

Even all the hot searches on Weibo were completely dominated by the
name "Sutan". With such a powerful and fiery appeal, can a small
internet writer like Braised Pork be compared?

Upon seeing this, the mood of "Qian Fan Ju" being blocked by the
"braised pork" finally found an outlet for venting.

He watched his Weibo comment and was ridiculed by many netizens

and braised pork fans and fans. He couldn't help but take a deep
breath and sneered directly.
"Thousands of sails: What did you pass through the preliminary
trials? Is there a great Soviet Union? The Great God of Sutan is the
first place! Hey, I do n't know when the network codeword migrant
workers such as braised pork can cultivate to one thousandth of the
Soviet Union. One?"

As soon as this Weibo was sent out, the phenomena of "dumb

artillery" and "self-defeating foulness" that he originally expected did
not appear, but the comments from netizens were more enthusiastic.

"Small Begonia of the Meat Po Family: Sorry, although our Meat Po is

not great, but it is OK to hang you properly."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: After waiting so long, bloggers have time
to post Weibo, but don't have time to take screenshots of their own
first pass? Alas, it will not be Sunshan Ming, and deliberately pulled
out of Suzhou University to divert attention?"

"Every day we are sleepy: I love both of them, take them away, and
don't listen to bloggers to challenge me."

Looking at these sharp comments, "Qianfan exhausted" stared angrily,

and the anger in his heart was mixed with anger, and for a moment he
couldn't hold back.

He jumped on the blood and rushed directly to the braised pork

Weibo, watching the other party's latest post a calmly announced
Weibo pass.

"Brushed braised meat every day: I passed, great: -D?"

"Soft adorable deep dolphin: great! Great kisses!"

"Kolabao: What's the matter ~ It's awesome [happy sprinkle flowers]."

"The meat mirror's vanity mirror: cheerful, not surprised by this


"Dark Night Rose: Well, keep cheering and win the finals."

"Haiden Longman: What reward do you want?"


Numerous words of praise for Yimei emerged from the enthusiastic

comments of readers and netizens, making him instantly red with

A little network writer, I do n't know the last luck of the last line, and
barely passed the initial test of the admissions test, so proud and

I really don't know how thick the sky is!

"Thousands of sails are all over" Angrily surging, Thunder's anger

mixed with the despair of failing the exam, swept the whole body,
even the fingertips were cold.
He directly angrily commented on the Weibo of Braised Meat directly
under the anger.

"Thousands of sails: have the ability, but let's see how many places
you have passed the exam? Well, be a low-key person, don't think that
you are the first in the world. When you have time, learn more from
the first place, Su Tan. Su Da has always been extremely low-key.
What did he say when he stood up? "

The tone of the proud lesson is simply pouring cold water on the
enthusiasm and encouragement of everyone.

Su Tan watched, and couldn't help laughing.

What can he do about this insulting man, holding another author

account, and teaching his netizens angrily?

Can only eat melon silently: -D

--as long as you are happy.

Su Tan raised his eyebrows and suddenly made a joke of thought. He

could not help landing on another of his destiny and posted a new

"Su Tan: Thank you for your concern. I heard that Youyuan and a
powerful, talented, and well-known writer have greatly shared the
examination room, and are very proud. Make a friend? @ 天天 都 刷
As soon as this Weibo came out, it immediately dropped to the top of
the hot search.

The author of "Unlucky Amy" has always been low-key and

mysterious, and has not updated a Weibo for several months in a row.
Under the blessing of the best-selling books, it has long been a hidden
**** in the minds of countless book fans.

And this time, he updated Weibo, just for one person.

"Brushed braised meat every day?"

Staring at the fame that appeared in the weibo of his beloved author,
"Qianfandu" was blocked by the overwhelming anger and heart
jamming, and his face was red and painful.

At the critical moment, how could Su Tan betray him greatly? / ( ㄒ o

ㄒ) / ~~


In the shocked eyes of all netizens, I saw the entity best-selling author
Su Tan who has never had an intersection, and the net text **** "Brush
the braised meat every day." Began friendly and intimate contact.

"Sutan: Make a friend? @ 天天 都 刷 烧 烧肉"

"Brushed braised meat every day: Thank you Su Da for your
appreciation and excitement! Big, I'm your book fan [shy]."

"Sutan: Hug, don't be excited, in fact ... I'm also your fan. I have seen"
Earth Domination Earth [Quick Wear] "and" Jianghu Entertainment
Weekly ", especially the recently updated" Interstellar for "The
Emperor", the grand style of the grandson and grandson, and the
explosive style of Shuangwen are very refreshing, sweet, sweet and
good-looking. They are regularly updated every day (good.jpg). "

"Brushed braised meat every day: big, your" Unlucky Amy "also looks
good, and the leisurely and lively country life is attractive, especially
the description of the food inside! It is really good for poisoning late at
night! Before going to bed, aside Read while drooling. "

"Su Tan: Thank you for your love."

The intimate and fiery activities of the two people instantly brought
the two people who were not related to each other together and
brought them together under the eyes of the public.

The countless netizens who witnessed this scene were dumbfounded

for a while, and couldn't return to God in shock.

"Soft cute dolphin: Taking a group photo, I have witnessed a history,

my two favorite gods have gone a thousand miles!"

"Kolabao: Mom, restrain yourself! Playing so hot with new friends,

my crown prince will be jealous."
"Little girl of the meat treasure family: Even Su Dashen has read the
book of meat treasure, proud!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Take a test together? The same test room?
Intuitively predict that Rouda and Sutan will become college

"Dark Night Rose: This wave of business holds 666666 each other"


The public opinion was uproar and stayed high, and the "braised
pork" that was recognized by the author of the best-selling book
"Unlucky Amy" "Su Tan" was natural.

Even if the results of the braised pork in the admissions test were not
made public, everyone is already looking forward to his and "Su Tan"

This sudden turn made the ridiculous "Qianfanjin" on the "stewed

pork" on the table before using Sutan's fury to be extremely
embarrassing and ironic.

He felt like a joke.

Originally, I wanted to use the name of the first best-selling book god,
to suppress the simmered pork that he couldn't look at, but when he
didn't think about it, as soon as he turned his head, the two of them
shouted intimately on Weibo. Became friends.
This scene is almost like a sarcastic slap hit his face fiercely.

not to mention--

After braised pork and Su Tan became friends with each other, he left
the ridiculous ridiculous comment on the side aside without any

Even the braised Weibo readers and fans quietly skipped his
comments, and jokingly joked in the neighboring comments Weibo,
but he just missed him.

This indifferent attitude makes "Qianfanjin" extremely uncomfortable,

more embarrassing than being thrown out in person, just like he is a
clown jumping beam, ignored by everyone and ignored.

Although no ridicule and criticism were seen, "Qian Fan Jue" had a
swollen blush on the overcast face, and stopped shamelessly on the
Weibo page of "Everyday I burned braised meat" and quit with
shame. Weibo.

His quiet departure left no waves.

Su Tan and the braised mutton siblings became friends and caused an
upsurge of discussion on the Internet.

Although "Everyday I cook braised pork" is a popular author on the

star novel website, but after all, he is just an online writer. In both the
physical literature circle and the hearts of many netizens, he is less
than the best-selling book "Unlucky Amy" The author "Sutan" is

And this time, the two people made good friends on Weibo, which
surprised even more people.

The Weibo styles of the two people are quite different. One is cold and
low-key with few appearances, and the other is cute and funny, more
lively and interesting. Two completely different styles collided
together, immediately making many netizens yelled cp, and the two
people were thoroughly powdered by interesting interaction.

The big wave of attention directly smashed the next day's Weibo,
forums, and Internet hot headlines. It even attracted the attention of
all media and netizens to the re-examination of the literary admissions
competition this year.

When Eddie finally calmed down from the ecstasy of passing the
initial test, and landed on his Star Fiction Forum account, he was
shocked to find that the live broadcast post he had previously opened
was popular and appeared high on the forum's homepage.

The number of post replies skyrocketed to 10,000 overnight.

Eddie panicked, held his breath in amazement, wondering what was

going on.

He hurriedly clicked into his live broadcast post. After seeing

hundreds of floors from the beginning of the live broadcast and the
big test room, @His frequency doubled directly, all asking him


"2375L: The landlord !!! Is your companion who is taking the exam big

"3615L: It 's going to be crazy! Ah! Soda is my favorite. The" Elf "and"
Unlucky Amy "are almost rotted by me. [Crazy envy] "

"6739L: The landlord, do you still have a leg pendant that you need to
help with your schoolbag, write your homework and take the exam?"

"10237L: My loved ones online, where is the time and place for the re-
examination of the admissions test? I'm going to the squad for help!"

Numerous enthusiastic comments, packed with time in front of

Eddie's eyes, almost dazzled him.

He was inexplicably surprised, and hurriedly went back to one of the

posts in the post building, until he saw someone guessing that his
classmate was Sutan based on the clues in his words--

Eddie: "..."

Bad thing!
He hesitated for a moment, then regretted his face, and hurriedly and
regretfully called Su Tan, but at the moment when the other party's
communication was connected, he was suddenly ashamed, half
embarrassed and unable to speak. .

"Adam," Eddie froze for a long time, a rough and burly face rose red,
full of shame, and resolutely apologized, "Sorry, I'm sorry, I seem to
expose your identity."

With that said, he handed in the post link in the Star Forum and sent it
to Su Tan.

Eddie was ashamed, his face flushed and he didn't dare to say a word,
waiting for Su Tan to scold himself. Although his purpose of posting a
live broadcast was to record his experience of meeting with braised
pork, he never expected that Dadi was not seen, and instead exposed
his buddies.

Thinking of Su Tan's low-key style in Rosea, who always did not want
to be disrupted by any media and other people, Eddie was so
ashamed that he wanted to set aside time and return to before

He simply ate the keyboard and got QAQ!

Unexpectedly, when Su Tan opened the live broadcast and saw many
forum netizens enthusiastically guessed that he was a classmate
beside Eddie, he didn't have much annoyance, and instead bent his
lips and raised his eyebrows.

"Squat call?"
He whispered the reply message in the post, unaware that Eddie on
the other side of the communicator had lowered his head in shame.

"Stop at the entrance of the exam room and cheer for me?"

Eddie's head dropped almost to his chest, so low he couldn't see the
guilty expression on his face.

"Give me a hundred careful ones?"

Eddy: ... I'm sorry, my companion. Is it too late to ask the moderator
to delete the post? / (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~

However, what surprised him the next second was that he suddenly
heard a teasing smile from Su Tan over the communicator.

In the clean and clear laughter, I could not detect any annoyance or
blame at all, but was full of a bit of can not help but smirk.

After a while, Eddie lifted his furry head incredulously. He: "Aren't
you angry?"

Su Tan smiled sharply and teased, "Angry."

Eddie: "..." His head dropped again.

But listening to Su Tan continued, "Live live and Da Nianji are so
important, how can you not take me and your big cousin?"

At the beginning, the three of them were a team of **** braised pork

Hearing this, Eddie almost looked up in surprise, his face full of Greek
wings, thinking distressedly to explain the words: "Your fame is too
great, and I'm afraid I will be greatly burdened."

Su Tan: "........."

This time, it was replaced by his silence. This excuse is so sweet.

He shook his head and laughed, and coughed slightly, covering his
full smile, not wanting to deceive Eddie from the beginning to the
end. So he gave a hint from the side: "Don't you think I look a bit like

The black hair and black eyes, as well as the authors who participated
in the admissions examinations, were also excellent writers. The
countless similarities overlapped, making people feel too coincidental.

But Eddie has always known him for a long time, and has known each
other for a long time. Instead, he has neglected the coincidence
around him, without too much association in this regard.

At this time, Su Tan specially gave a hint, just did not want to hide
Unexpectedly, Eddie thought about it for a while, and suddenly
hesitated and said with envy: "It's a bit like it. But the meat is in my
male god, you and you don't need to be jealous."

Su Tan: Laugh and cry.

He nodded with a smile and promised, instructed the other party to

review the re-examination, and then hung up.

Compared with the 10% pass rate of the first test of the admissions
examination, the retest is more stringent. From the more than 100
candidates who passed the first test, the vast majority must be
screened at once, leaving only 20 places to enter the final.

Then, the twenty qualified candidates with the highest qualifications

were able to choose their favorite schools and majors from high to low
according to the final results.

Compared with the normal way of applying for universities, this

special student recruitment channel is undoubtedly more difficult and
strict, no less than a thousand bridges across the wooden bridge.

Countless candidates, while lamenting their failure, are paying more

attention to the re-examination link. because--

Most of the authors, Su Tan and Braised Pork, are here!

Three days later, when Su Tan was driven downstairs by the elder
brothers Gu Qin and Hayden to the Board of Education building, he
saw a lot of people outside the examination room when the area was
surrounded by several people. .

Even if he had already thanked everyone on Weibo a few days ago for
the kindness, please do not rush to the scene to support the netizens
and fans, there is still no group to block the hot scene of many
netizens and the media.

Suddenly, he was helpless, and smiled and turned to his big cousin
and Gu Qin: "Oh, the fans are too enthusiastic, I can't stop them."

Hearing this, Hayden clasped his hat to his head, speechlessly, and
the tightly pressed peaked cap completely covered his black hair, and
the warm palms touched over his head.

Su Tan looked up, moved his head a bit uncomfortably, and frowned,
laughing and joking: "Does it look good?"

I saw that his elder brother Gu Qin immediately responded without

hesitation. "Good-looking." Calm and gentle tone, without a trace of
muddy water, as it should be.

Such an attitude of being spoiled so that Su Tan could not help but
stretch his eyes, his black eyes were bright and chuckled and said,
"Good-looking? That's finished, I'm so good-looking, I must not mix in
the crowd. "

In such a pleasant and pleasant manner, Gu Qin's lips were slightly

frowned immediately, and he could not help raising a light smile.
However, he had already figured out how to deal with it.

Gu Qin carefully helped Su Tan to tidy up a strand of hair crooked by

the cap, and said warmly, "I get out of the car first, and then you go

Sutan :? ? ?

He looked at his elder brother in perplexity, and saw Gu Qinjunlang's

face with a gentle smile, his sword frowning, his temperament quiet,
his eyebrows picturesque, and he could not see that he was young
and already in a high position.

Before he asked for an exit, Gu Qin got up and got out of the car. He
stood upright and walked step by step toward the entrance of the
examination room calmly. The calm and calm back took time to let Su
Tan's thoughts pass, he understood his thoughts, and completely Too
late to stop.

Sure enough, as soon as Gu Qin approached the downstairs of the

examination room, he suddenly caused surprises and screams from
the waiting crowd.

"Great! Sutan is big ?!"

His black hair, dark eyes, and quiet and rational appearance perfectly
matched the design of the net bestseller "Sutan" in the minds of many
netizens and readers. The crowd surged immediately, with three
layers inside and three outside. Go, surrounded Gu Qin's figure
group, like a small stone thrown into the sea, and instantly saw his

Sutan was startled, and immediately anxious.

Several capable guards accompanying the Gu family quickly guarded

the past and helped to clear the siege.

Seeing that the elder brother firmly attracted the crowd's attention,
under the protection of the guard, the excited and enthusiastic crowd
was taken aside, and the entrance of the examination room was empty
in a large area.

Hayden patted Su Tan's head while rushing, urging: "Come in."

Su Tan agreed quickly, not disappointing the elder brother's will,

immediately took his own test supplies, and watched Gu Qin's
drowning figure moved: "Big brother is great, it's hard for me to take
the exam."


The next sentence was a mockery of the big cousin: "Well, what are
you doing here? Be a mascot?"

Hayden was dumb, and he laughed rhetorically. His deep eyes looked
at the young man who was laughing at him deliberately, his voice was
low and magnetic, and he calmly said, "When you finish the test, you
know what I do."
Upon hearing this ridiculous word, Su Tan was actually ashamed, and
his fair complexion was stained with scarlet.

He stroked for a second, chuckled, got out of the car with his test
equipment, and walked quickly to the entrance of the examination

I happened to meet Eddie who had just had a hard time getting out of
the crowded crowd. His big and burly figure was very conspicuous.
As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the examination room, he was
recognized by the sharp-eyed star forum friends and surrounded with
enthusiasm. He asked him where Sutan was big, and asked him

Fortunately, Gu Qin's arrival also relieved him.

Eddie sweated so hard that he was let off by the enthusiastic netizens,
watching the crowd of people excitedly hurriedly hurried to the other
side, and gave a long, upright, calm and handsome black man to
Surrounded, Eddie was shocked.

He carefully looked at it several times before finally convinced that it

was not Sutan.

But he thought for a moment--

Su Tan came down, lowered his peaked cap, raised his eyes and
smiled, and was about to call him into the examination room, but did
not want Eddie to be suddenly energized and excited.
Then, when he had time to open his mouth in the future, he saw that
Eddie was suddenly very excited, as if he had discovered the secret of
the sky, and couldn't bear the ecstasy, holding him and shouting
passionately: "They all recognize the wrong person, I was mistaken
for that person, but in fact he was teriyaki! Ken! Definitely! No!
Wrong! "

Su Tan: "..." This misunderstanding is big.

For a moment, he felt full of crying and laughing. Just when he

wanted to clarify the truth directly to Eddie and explain it clearly, he
suddenly saw Eddie like a turret, suddenly rushed out, and squeezed
into the crowd violently. All netizens and fans present were more


"Big meat! Sign me!"

A stout, sturdy arm lifted high from the crowd.

Seeing this scene, Su Tan couldn't help laughing, walked into the
examination room, and sent a message to the elder brother. After
watching the elder brother a few minutes later, he dropped out of the
body and left by car. Eddie burst into tears with excitement and
lingering from the door. He walked into the examination room and
finally let go.
Before the exam officially started, he sent a message to Eddie, then
shut down, and handed the light brain and communicator to the

After three hours.

The bell rings and the exam is over. The computer test papers in front
of more than a hundred candidates were just closed and submitted.
Immediately there was a chattering discussion in the test room.

Almost everyone lamented and couldn't help facing the little friends
who knew and didn't know, and complained repeatedly that it was
too difficult to retake the test.

A poor tramp, a pistol, a bank.

The subject of this re-examination is to use these three keywords to

weave articles of any subject style.

However, these three words that couldn't hit the poles collided
together, which made many candidates who had prepared countless
famous epigrams and article templates immediately stunned, sitting
blank in the examination room.

The three-hour test time was almost half of the time devoted to the
idea. The remaining one hour rushed to write, and scrambled to
answer the questions on the answering computer.

So, once the exam is over, almost everyone will feel the same-
"Not enough time! I haven't finished writing!" Someone grieved,
crying with sorrow.

"I finished writing, but I don't know what ghost I wrote. I haven't seen
it myself."

"This time the test questions are very difficult. I don't follow the
routine to issue cards at all. It feels like I'm hanging and I will
probably be brushed down."

"Me too. I have prepared so many templates and materials for

nothing. It is useless. Are the judges trying to test our wit?"

"I don't know how Su Tanda wrote it? How did braised pork come to

"This question is more conducive to bigger meat, is it more difficult to

test stems and ideas?"


The buzzing discussions and complaints in the test room, even Eddie,
were extremely distressed, with a look of disappointment, but
determined that their favorite author, braised pork, would certainly
perform well.
After all, "every day I cook braised meat", I have written so many
popular and cleverly conceived novels, killing a clear stream in a
routine novel.

Eddie was full of trust in the strength of braised pork. He took back
his light brain from the examiner, opened it, and saw a message
received. It is a screenshot of the author's background.

On it, the author's name marked in the background is clearly "Brushed

braised meat every day."

Suddenly, Eddie held his arm around, couldn't help but feel tense,
and hurried back to check the latest newsletter from Sutan.

"Su Tan: Hush, secret: -D."

Eddie: .........! !! !!

His heart was full of trembling. At the moment, his heart was
dumbfounded, and he felt like he was being dragged on a roller
coaster, and his tremors completely lost his ability to speak.

At this moment, the brother sitting in the front row examination room
turned his head to ask his opinion enthusiastically. "Hey, which one of
Su Da and Rouda is more powerful?"

I was surprised to see, "How did you cry?"

Eddie: "I'm so happy / (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~"


"I see Sutan is huge! The handsome and quiet little brother with a
good temperament is first-rate and happy!"

"Su Tan is as calm and gentle as I imagined. The scene has always
reminded everyone to be careful to heal."

"I was smashed 1,000,000 by Sutan."


After the retest, the news and comments about Su Tan's appearance
on the Internet increased sharply. Countless friends waiting at the
entrance of the test room went on the Internet to discuss, and happily
saw the beloved author greatly.

Only Eddie was sitting in front of the computer, and there was
nothing in the heart. Especially to the little friends who rejoiced on the
Internet, they cried silently and distressed silently.

Loved ones, we are all deceived! !!

Seeing the hot discussions from netizens and fans, from seeing Su Tan
to complaining that the retest questions are too difficult, guessing that
Su Tan and Braised Pork Congress will not play abnormally, choose
which college to go to.
Eddie could not help but comment on the vicissitudes of the
vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of the truth and couldn't help
commenting on the heated discussions of netizens: "I think it is
important to go to the Imperial Academy of Film and Television."

In his mind, he thought silently that this acting skill was really too
wasteful to enter the entertainment industry.

But I didn't want to. After this comment was issued, some netizens
seriously considered it: "Really, it's a pity that Su Da's face is not
worth acting."

Eddie: "..."

Seeing the new round of hot topics again hot, the elder brother Gu
Qin was secretly photographed on the Internet, and immediately
because of his tall and tall body, handsome and calm side, calm and
calm temperament, caused The hot pursuit of all netizens.

After hearing the news, Su Tan landed on his Weibo account and
explained with a smile.

"Sutan: Girl taking pictures! Don't go! Send me a copy of the picture,
anyway, good :-D?"

As soon as his Weibo came out, countless netizens and readers were
bent over with amused smiles. How can you sell your photos like this
and collect them yourself?
Countless people have helped @ister who uploaded the sneak photo
first, laughing and joking. But it was unexpected, Su Tan's next Weibo
came immediately.

"Su Tan: Let me introduce you formally. This handsome and cute little
brother is my dear brother @ 顾 钦. [Shinny than heart]

Immediately, everyone was stunned.

Then, the whole network was uproar!

"For Starcoin: Great !? Are you @wrong person? Gu, Gu's owner is
your elder brother?"

"Mi Heng: Wait ... who will help me to understand this relationship?
Why do I look at it completely [laughing and crying]."

"Black Memorial: The oldest brother of Sutan is the head of the Gu

family. Gu Qin's family has a younger brother who has just
disappeared for 18 years. He has just retrieved his broiled meat every
day. The teriyaki meat is about the same age as Sutan. The test venue
is ... Sutan = braised pork? "

"Mango bitch: Ah ah ah ah ah going crazy--"

Realizing this amazing coincidence and faint truth, Weibo instantly

boiled like boiling water.
Even the media and public accounts that had not previously
disappeared quietly, seeing the Gu family's tacit recognition and no
blocking, finally dared to go online quietly, and finally exposed the
amazing facts they had just dug out.

"Gossip entertainment wind direction station: quietly basking in the

value of President Gu. [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]"

Several side shots, front shots, and snap shots of Gu Qin's appearance
in the media and public places were highlighted in the past,
juxtaposed with the photos that were mistaken for Su Tan outside the
admissions examination room this time. The true identity of the man
in the photo.

"Emperor Gossip Concentration Camp: Stamp verification! It has been

verified by insiders. The person in the photo is indeed Gu Gu, the
owner of the family. It is reported that Gu Qin loves his younger
brother and transferred many family industries to his younger
brother. Soft hands. "

"My Star Burstboard: Just a little friend from Rosewood privately

poked at me and broke the news that I had seen Sutan himself, a very
soft and adorable young man, without any calmness on the photos.
Well, the little friend who broke the news I agree, I will put the chat
history here. "


Numerous breaking news and news came one after another, sending
this amazing news directly to the headlines.
Not only the countless fans of Su Tan, the author of the best-selling
book "Unlucky Amy", blasted the pot, and the readers and fans of
"Brushing Braised Meat Every Day" burst into a wave and were
shocked to return.

"Soft Cute Deep Dolphin: 666666666666666"

"Kolabao: Wait, my heartbeat is a little fast now, I didn't hear you

clearly. Great, what are you talking about? Again! Say it! One time!"

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: Amazing. The two of my fans
are so big that they are the same person?"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Great, please take my knees."

"Dark Rose: Lightman, microphone is ready-big, come here and tell

your story."



Suddenly, the popularity of the entire Weibo and Internet has

skyrocketed. # 苏 潭 和 肉 大 是 同人 #, # 苏 谭 的 大哥 是 顾家 家 主顾
秦 #, # 我 的 逆 逆天 了 #, #霸 屏 # and other topics doubled.

In everyone's consternation and speculation, another topic owner

appeared calmly.
"Gu Qin: Good."

The straightforward words almost revealed the identity of Su Tan and

braised pork, and settled all the previous speculation.

Everyone finally confirmed at the moment that Su Tan is the writer of

online novel braised pork.

"Mi Hu: Great! It turned out that Su Da would not only write warm
children's fairy tales, but also write a variety of fast-paced novelties
and interesting brain novels."

"Daily spring sleepiness: Great !!! You have the ability to explode ten
chapters and twenty chapters online every day. Why can't you
explode so much and serialize" Unlucky Amy "? You can't wait to cry
while waiting for books.

"Black Memorial: Same as 1."

"Mango little sister-in-law: After 1000000 000, I have one more

reminder place, I have to go to the novel every day to wait for a party.
Yes, look at this big, hold a small blade and stare at you!"

"Soft cute dolphin: Hahahahahahaha, it feels like the big dimension

wall is broken [laughing silly]."

"Kolabao: I feel so distressed for a second, but what do I do, I want to

laugh! Hahaha!"
Watching many netizens and book fans who climbed over the two
author accounts to remind them, Su Tan immediately shook his head
and laughed, unable to help raising his lips.

He coughed, and switched to another author's account as usual,

laughing and teasing on Weibo.

"Brushed braised meat every day: stunned ???? Have you

misunderstood something? This is my elder brother, elder brother @
顾 钦, two brother @ 苏 itan."

The other account is immediately interactive.

"Su Tan: Yes, the twin brother @ 天天 都 烧 烧肉, please take care of

"Brushed braised meat every day: hug the second brother. It turned
out that Gu Da said that I have a twin brother, I still don't believe it, I
didn't expect-it's good to have fate [eyes red and red]."


"Su Tan: Distressed, hold on."

A series of interactive dramas dazzled everyone, and countless people

had just assumed by default that the two were the same person who
eat melons, and then began to quietly shake their own judgment.

Is it a person? Not alone? Is it a person? Not alone? ...

Countless passers-by have been completely halo.

On the contrary, the readers on both sides of Sutan and braised pork
suddenly saw the truth and saw the truth.

"Soft cute dolphin: Big, don't switch accounts anymore. It looks so

hard. I help you sweat silently."

"Kolabao: Apparently the two did not know yesterday. Now looking
at the two people who are very difficult to cos, they are trying to lift
up the dimension wall. Hahahahaha, sorry I should n't laugh. .jpg "

"Mango little sister-in-law: Fine, big, I also have a lot of twin brothers,
believe it or not?"

"Mango dumplings: Brother!"

"Mango Madoka: Brother !!"

"Mango Scallop: Brother !!!"

Looking at all kinds of comments, Su Tan could not help but for a
moment, couldn't help but bend his lips.

He joked a few replies with ease, and after many netizens and readers
held the razor chopper and laser cannon to remind them, he hurried
off the line and started to catch up with his update today.
Most of this day was taken up by the re-examination. The more
difficult questions put tremendous pressure on the candidates who
participated in the re-examination. Qiqi nervously looked forward to
the results of the exam.

Since there are only over 100 candidates taking part in the re-
examination, the Admissions Examination Evaluation Committee will
announce in advance that the examination results will be published
that night.

At the moment, in this night where there is a lot of traffic and traffic is
soaring, many candidates are brushing Weibo while keeping a tight
heart on the announcement of results at any time.

However, among these anxious waiting crowd, "Qianfandu" is a

special case.

He was brushed down early in the initial test, but his unwillingness
and resentment made him unconsciously keep a close eye on the re-
examination of the admissions test.


Especially when the online writer "Brushing Braised Meat Everyday"

who complained with him updated every Weibo, he couldn't help
asking for it.

Although no one mentioned his name on the Weibo of Braised Meat,

and few ran into his comments to ridicule his dark history, but in the
heart of "a thousand sails", this hurdle is still unable to move forward.
In the past, it was like a nightmare, making him fall to pieces and
unable to escape.

"Qianfan exhausted" took a deep breath, the professional books and

counseling materials piled up beside the computer. He cherished
these materials very much before, and wished that he could read a
little more time every day, and read the book all night, but now he has
been left behind in the high shelf, and the book cover is covered with
a thin layer of dust.

He didn't have a single thought, just like his many university

applications, the cold and cruel reality completely broke his college

Right now, "Qian Fan Ju" is full of decadence, and there is a trace of
sarcasm on Weibo at that time. Ming Zhaozhao's other arrogant
arrogance, his face was dull and tired, and his eyes were dark and

For him, the initial grief and remorse had changed over time, and the
beginning of the retest had completely turned into jealousy and

He is not reconciled.

I was unwilling to be brushed down by the first test like this. A writer
like a braised pork who can only write silly white sweet routines on
the Internet, what exactly did he write in the exam and pass the exam
so easily?
He was full of indignation, and he couldn't believe that "every time I
brush braised pork" would continue to pass the re-examination with
good luck.

So, at the beginning of the re-examination, he was nailed to the seat in

front of the computer, and the machine was like a maggot over and
over again, refreshing the Weibo page of braised meat and the results
of the admissions examination committee repeatedly. Announce page.

Until that night, until he saw the public blog of Su Tan and braised
pork, the hand holding the mouse tightly with "Qian Fan Ju" stiffened,
and his heart was full of shock.


"Impossible!" He muttered, struggling to grasp the cold and trembling

mouse, refreshing Weibo in a panic.

Repeated two or three times, but still saw that the webpage was still
the "brother and brother" that clearly showed his identity. Nowadays,
the dull and tired face of "Qianfandu" was sinking fiercely, his eyes
filled It's full of incredible faults.

Braised pork is his favorite entity author Su Tan?

At last I was convinced that the truth was "a thousand sails away", my
head was blank, and my throat was hard to say a word.

He turned his neck numbly and stiffly, and looked at a pile of dusty
professional tutoring materials that were left aside and dusty, which
contained a hardcover version of a children's story that he had loved
and cared for carefully Book-"Unlucky Amy".

On the exquisite spine, a large name was impressed.


The moment I stared at the name, the heart of "Qian Fan Ju" suddenly
burst into an unspeakable disgusting feeling.

how is this possible?

His breathing was gradually quickening, and the hard breathing was
agitated vigorously in his unwilling chest, his eyes slowly jealous.

The author who has never left his book and is highly recommended, is
he the hateful Internet codeword braised pork?

This made him even more uncomfortable than eating flies.

The palms of "Thousands of Fans" were sticky, and their bodies were
cold and stiff, as if they were stunned and beaten by their heads, their
dim eyes were regarded as the treasure of "Unlucky Amy", and they
suddenly sneered.

Suddenly, he got up and grabbed the valuable hardcover children's

storybook, which cost a lot of pocket money, and pulled it straight out
of a high stack of books.
He ignored the pile of books and materials piled up by his rude
behavior and suddenly collapsed. Numerous precious professional
books and information books fell suddenly, and they fell from the air
to the ground.


With a loud noise, "Thousands of Sailings" seemed to go unheard of,

and his dark face rose angrily, grabbing Su Tan's book "Unlucky
Amy" and throwing it into a tin trash bin in.

Then he hurried out of the door, found a lighter, and suddenly lit the
entire book.


The hot, dazzling fire, mixed with the unpleasant burning scent and
ashes, came at this moment, but "Qianfan exhausted" felt extremely
happy, like the anger and resentment in his heart finally found his

But this is not enough.

He picked up the light brain, took countless photos one after another
with a cold face at the book cover that was curled up in the flames,
and watched a whole book that once regarded as a confidant favorite
burned in the fire and turned into A dark ash.

This allowed him to breathe a sigh of relief, releasing the suffocated

"Qianfanjin" coldly landed on Weibo, registered a trumpet, and
posted the photos of the book just now.

"Sutan's life is dark: I was greatly deceived by someone, completely

disgusted, and then turned black throughout my life! The book was
burned, leaving nausea. [Picture]"

Immediately after the release of this new Weibo, it was like a small
stone fell into the sea, and there was no water splash in an instant.

But the deliberate revenge of "Thousands of Fans" does not stop there.
While logging on to major news media website forums and
registering accounts to post the same content, he also used his Weibo
trumpet to comment on many hot topics of Sutan and braised pork to
show his determination.

After taking turns, he quietly gathered a group of small wave black


"Quietly silent: Someone finally spoke my voice. Why did an author

have a face, openly open two author accounts, and sell on both sides?
Really treat netizens as fools?"

"Crazy: Turn black 1. This feeling of being deceived is really bad! Life
is black and no explanation."

"Make money: I admire the blogger, I also burn books, I am too sad."

Seeing that there are more and more people who support themselves,
the blood-thirsty "Qianfan exhaustion" gradually gives rise to
unlimited confidence, and the hatred of Sutan is even more justified.

As if, at this moment, he has stood on the highest point of justice, and
there are countless strange network accounts that support him silently
behind him, making him extremely excited and firm.


At the moment, "Qian Fan Ju" has tweeted several Weibo in

succession, urging more people to resist Sutan and braised pork. The
slightly trembling and excited fingers smashed the keyboard into a
crackling sound.

"Sutan is black for life: such a poor author should not be eligible to
continue writing books, # 苏 谭 滚出 写 圈 #."

"Sutan's life is black: I have two accounts and earn two unscrupulous
money at the same time, which is disgusting. The money I spent on
books was eaten by such people, and I really can't stand it. Is there no
law and public opinion to manage it? Does it matter? He is a young
master who can do whatever he wants? "

"Sutan's life is dark: I implore publishers and bookstores to widen

their eyes, look at the author's character, and return the book money
of our innocent deceived readers! Don't appease more people to be

Several Weibos, one after another, were attacked and issued like a
renju cannon. The tone of harsh and demanding questions became
sharper and more embarrassing, and soon they attracted more and
more attention.

In addition to a wavelet to support him, the reaction of more netizens

made him even more unhappy.

"The galaxy is fishing: ... I came across the black powder that offered
me a play!"

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: Agree, the blogger properly played on the
upper body. Burn the book? Can you add some more? [Crying or

"Black Memorial: Su Da is willing to separate the identity of the entity

and the network author, what should you do? Eat your rice?"

"Begonia from the meat treasure house: Distressedly took away meat
treasure. Every time I see such muddy water touching the fish and
taking advantage of the black people, I am a little dissatisfied. You
bought the book because the author forced the knife holder on your
neck to buy it? Why now? I have a face and I burned it and asked for a
refund? It's not like touching porcelain. "

"Kolabao: Sister upstairs, this blogger is obviously enthusiastically,

deliberately stepping on it with great fame."
"Dark night rose: identified, red eye."

Looking at countless negative news, "Qianfan exhausted" was full of

anger, his eyes were almost red, and his fingers were almost unable to
hold the mouse.

He sneered angrily, watching ridiculously many netizens and

passersby defending Sutan, and did not mind the fact that he exists as
another online writer, but struggled diligently for Sutan.

This makes "Qian Fan Ju" more angry.

However, under the solidarity of many netizens, the momentum of

Hei Sutan on his own side was faintly overwhelming. Several Weibo
accounts with He Sutan that appeared sporadically appeared to be
quietly tightened. Never appeared again.

In a hurry, only one thousand sails left, one person angered tens of
thousands, and fought alone.

"Sutan's life is dark: Have you all been brainwashed by Sutan? Have
you been played one by one and still stupidly defended him? I have
seen fans with brain disabilities, never seen such a low-level brain

In a word, the fire | drug | bag was immediately ignited and the
public opinion was completely blown up.
But what "Qian Fan Jin" did not expect was that the direction of public
opinion rebuttal went in an incredible direction.

"Soft cute dolphin: low-level brain residue? Cough, come out quickly!
What about your brain residue, wash the other person!"

"Black Memorial: Before you say that others are low-level, you first let
us see how advanced you are."

"Kolabao: It turned out I was brainwashed a lot [terrible]:-D."

"Dark Night Rose: Washed up willingly, dissatisfied, you bit me?"

Looking at these comments, "Qianfanjin" was somber and full of

anger, but even more unexpectedly, a group of more surging and
incredible people stood up to support the Sutan station team.

"Gu Qin: Atan is cute and he likes to be muttered daily."

"Gu's housekeeper: Does our young master need brainwashing ????

With a clean and warm smile, he can let us care for the whole family
and do everything!"

"The gardener of the Gu family: Ah, the young master is awesome. He

has always conquered us all by his personality charm."

"The chef of the Gu family: Little Master never picky eaters, people are
gentle and polite, and they eat very well. I like listening to him.-By the
way, you are called 'brainwashing.'"
"Gu's driver: No, I have to stand up and say something fair. The
young master obviously wins by his value."

Gu Qin: "..."

Seeing these Gu family scrambling to confess the remarks on the

platform, he couldn't help but suddenly laughed a bit and got a

Who is it?

The Gu family went up and down, apparently extremely solemn and

solemn in front of themselves, how the style of painting on the
Internet became so soft.

After a while, he was a little bit crying.

I didn't expect that at this time, the Gu family steward was

enthusiastically encouraging everyone in the "Gu family" chat group.

"Housekeeper: Everyone is doing a good job! Keep up the hard work,

don't be proud! Let the owner and the young master see our heart!"

"Gardener: Yes."

"Chef: Commented, please like it."

"Driver: Thank you Steward for the big red envelope. I will now
mobilize my wife to comment. Everyone cheer [fist] [fist] together!"


Hayden, who had just gotten out of the busy affairs and was late to go
online, took a deep breath and realized that a big play had already

He took a quick glance at Weibo, and knew the cause and effect. He
chuckled at the moment, and posted Weibo with indifference.

"Haiden Longman: Your little cutie suddenly appears :)."

Everyone: "..."

——Okay, Your Royal Highness perfectly interprets what is



"Your little cute suddenly appeared."

Seeing the latest Weibo post by his big cousin, Su Tan couldn't help
but hesitated, then shook his head and laughed.

Who gives him confidence?

Obviously it is old bacon, okay :-D?

He chuckled and typed a line on the keyboard, manually @party, and

jokingly replied: "Little cute, come on."

In a short time, I saw the big cousin regardless of the image, and
replied in seconds.

"Hayden Longman: What, what, what, what?"

Immediately, the comment was completely reduced to a fiery sea.

"Soft cute dolphin: I don't eat this bowl of dog food! Tap, kick!"

"Kolabao: Crown Prince Dad, we have to think about a good image!

Pay attention to your worth!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Your Highness has been stolen, right ????
Strongly doubt!"

"Dark Rose: Upstairs, this is a sub-question ..."

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: I feel like I'm going to reverse
cp [laughs and cry]."

Netizens are full of enthusiasm, and they are even more enthusiastic
about the topic of # 红烧肉 力量 势 脑 洗 王 皇皇 皇 #, no doubt.

This makes the "Qianfan exhaustion" of "readers and fans being

brainwashed by Sutan" suddenly embarrassed and embarrassed. He
looks like a clumsy jumping clown, and his words are beaten by
countless people.

"Thousands of sails are full of anger" can not be uncovered, he wanted

to lie down and pierce the true face of Su Tan, but no one believed
what he said.

He furiously tweeted again.

"Thousands of sails: In order to protect their own people, the imperial

crown prince has no lower limit! This time, I have completely lost
confidence in the entire empire. How can our country be confidently
handed over to such people in the future?"

His words were simply the beginning of preparing for the war and
setting off the flames of war.

After sending out a Weibo, "Qian Fan Jin" was satisfied, and he was so
enthusiastic that he spit out a sigh of sullen gloom suddenly, and the
whole person was suddenly proud.

According to his expectations, after all, his words caused a lot of

people to approve, especially the Internet angry youth who
complained and complained about this country, will be a natural
resonance of his words.

The abacus "Thousands of sails" was played very well, and even a
little bit excited and agitated all over his body, he couldn't help
pinching his trembling fingers, preparing for the coming storm and
Sutan fans with high morale. Cyber violence.

He will never bow his head to admit defeat, even if the negative
comments explode.

As soon as I thought about it, "Thousands of Fans" immediately shook

his spirits, and entered the state of preparing for the war. He put his
hands tightly on the keyboard, and his dark and gloomy eyes stared
at the computer screen, waiting intently. The blog page was refreshed,
and countless opposing armies fought.

But I didn't expect--

One minute, two minutes ... ten minutes ...

Fifteen minutes later, he had just posted the Weibo page of the
declaration of war, and he was still clean, without a reply or scolding.

This made him almost think that his clock was broken, and time
simply stopped.

"Qianfan End" raised his eyebrows, his face confused, and after trying
to look at the time at the bottom right of the computer several times,
he confirmed that his computer was not broken, and time was indeed
flowing every minute and second.

but why?

He was at a loss, wondering what was going on, and why his
malicious, arrogant comment made no one appear, even the Sutan
readers who first started to refute the debate with himself. Also
disappeared clean.

Immediately, "Qianfan exhausted" heart was horrified, and he could

not bear his patience any longer, and his clenched fingers suddenly
left his Weibo page, and clicked into Sutan's Weibo.

I saw--

"Sutan: The retest has passed √."

In an instant, he was on the spot, and staring at these few words, he

couldn't believe it.

However, the number of huge comments, likes, and reposts that

suddenly broke out under Sutan Weibo reminded him all the time.
Weibo was not empty, and the time timer was not broken. It was just
a sudden announcement of good news. His attention was taken from
his neglected Weibo.

Right now, the Weibo of "Sutan" has been completely replaced and
has become the hottest headline.
"Qianfan exhausted" a throat, a hard and embarrassing mood is
suppressed in the bottom of his heart, but how can not conceal the
deep jealousy in his eyes.

He was clearly disgusted with Su Tan, but at this time, his fingers
trembling slightly, but involuntarily opened Su Tan's Weibo

In the eyes, the eyes were filled with warm congratulations.

"Soft cute dolphin: great! Great!

"Little Begonia of the Roubao Family: I knew that Roubao would

definitely not let us down [incomparably proud]."

"Black Commemorative: Congratulations, the jury has just released

the top 20 entries for the re-examination, and I will read them."

"Dark Rose: Take a pit! Go to the text first and comment later."


"Every day we are sleepy: Same with the same 100,000, everyone goes
hand in hand to read the text [happy circle]."

All of a sudden, "Thousands of Fans" stared at these enthusiastic
remarks, and their eyes became jealous.

His chest was violently undulating. Numerous sour and jealous sullen
feelings were like a deep backlog in the chest cavity. He didn't vomit
or unpleasantly, he could completely crush him.

The fingers of "Qianfanjin" could not even hold the mouse and
keyboard, and the complex haze in the bottom of my heart was almost
out of control. Finally, I painfully understood where the countless
people who should have appeared in their comments had gone.

It turned out that I went to the review committee's re-examination

results announcement website together to see the re-examination
article of Kuo Sutan for the first time. I had no time to take into
account what Weibo he had just posted and what he had said, and
completely forgot him.

Such a clear contrast between heat and heat immediately made his
negative emotions somewhat unbearable, and almost exploded.

How can he be willing?

"Qianfan exhausted" breathing panting, eyes gloomy, almost faint

madness, no matter how professional books and counseling materials
are everywhere.

The exams he had worked for day and night have been completely
ignored and forgotten by him.
At this time, he had only one goal--

Defeat Sutan.

The trembling fingers curled and bent a few times, and then he was
put on the keyboard again, while he was racking his brains and
thinking, while smashing the keyboard with his whole body's
strength. Just as all his anger was vented, a series of violently
stigmatized Weibo was issued.

"A thousand sails: retest results? Alas, has no one ever wondered how
an author's retest results came out? There were former giants Gu Jia
who stood up and His Royal Highness escorted the escort. How much
credibility is this score? You all know, right? "

His tone of contempt and negation, when the results of all the
preliminary tests, re-tests, and even the best-selling popular books of
Sutan were about to come, was attributed to the support of the Gu
family and the Longman family.

"Thousands of sails" contempt in his heart, but he is very jealous and

determined that the other party must have done something in various
ways. Otherwise, how can a newly graduated middle school student
and a teenager of his own age achieve such remarkable results?

He didn't believe it, but even more angry and dissatisfied.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for his Weibo to be sent out. The
netizens and readers who had just browsed the re-testing works of
Sutan just slowly recovered and noticed his existence.
At the moment, several comments appeared quietly on the neglected

"Daily spring sleepiness: blogger, don't do this. Anyway, first go to

the top 20 retests, and then say this."

"Orange-flavored soda: Same, I'm distressed by the blogger's IQ.

Every time I say something, I will face myself."

"Make money to see the male god: who can't stigmatize people with
empty mouth and white teeth? Blogger, you can show evidence if you
have the ability! Poor dirty water in the air, what kind of man is this?"

"I want to kill five super-gods: Say it with conscience, but if you have
read the top 20 answers, you will not doubt the strength of Su Tan.
The writing is sincere, well-conceived, refined, and the peaks and
turns, especially the ending is simply Write the characters to life! I do
n't know what the blogger is thinking, and he wants to be a black and
talented author, and give you a big middle finger! "

Seeing these abruptly brushed out replies, "Qianfan exhausted" for a

moment, and then the resentment and dissatisfaction in his heart
suddenly surged up.

See Sutan's answer?

He felt disgusted at the thought of a word and would never read it.
"Thousands of sails are full of anger", seeing that many readers and
netizens finally read the re-test work, and heard the news.

Seeing, the unanimous appraisal and opposition to himself, formed a

huge wave of waves, almost overwhelming him. In particular, a
comment that "only a blogger is fighting alone to kill a black man in a
lone army" instantly exploded his anger.

He glanced up at his Weibo followers, which has doubled the number

of lonely single-digit followers previously, reaching tens of thousands.


With a cold sigh of "every thousand sails", he countered directly: "Go

and see the number of my fans first, then talk."

"Soft cute dolphin: ........."

"Kolabao: Blogger, I really don't want to break through the truth, but I
pay attention to you to better scold you at any time."

"Robe's vanity mirror: 1."

"Daily Spring Sleepiness: 1000000000"

Looking at these comments, the heart of "Thousands of Fans" fell into

the bottom of the valley instantly, his lips were tightly clenched, and
some were unbelievable.
He trembled suddenly, staring suspiciously at the countless Weibos
who came out and watched, and watched his Weibo followers drop
sharply. In the end, almost only two or two zombie fans remained.

Immediately, the fear in his heart was swallowed up by the

tremendous pressure, and he could no longer struggle to appear in
front of everyone.

In the darkened room, there was only a scorched piece of paper ashes
with an embarrassing smell, reminding him of his crazy behavior
these days.

He himself has a notorious reputation on the Internet.

Nowadays, what counts netizens and readers to pay more attention to

is naturally the examination papers of Sutan in the re-examination.

Whether he is the author of children's literature bestselling book

"Unlucky Amy", a hot newcomer web writer, or any other identity,
the most fundamental reason to attract countless people to love him is
nothing more than works Two words.

Only good works can allow everyone to cross the boundaries of

authorship and truly attract attention and like.

And without good works, authors who can be re-intelligent are just
bloggers 'eyes in the eyes of netizens.

Sutan certainly understands this.

When the re-examination results of the admissions examination were
officially announced that evening, it was not surprising that all the
attention of the Internet and the media focused on the public results,
and it was amazing to find that the names hanging high on the list of
transcripts were once again the most familiar two personal.

And this time, the Admissions Examination Review Committee Tai

Ran publicized the works of all the top 20 candidates after the re-
examination to the finals, generously showed to everyone, and
withstood the criticism and inspection of all parties.

Under such a situation of public comparison, the quality of the works

is naturally more obvious.

The same side by side, who is right and who is not obvious, but
anyone with the most basic judgment can easily find the best one out
of twenty articles.

"Youth and the Gun?"

Hayden Longman just got out of a busy banquet business, and still
wears formal banquet formal dresses. The dark three-piece suit is
calm and calm, with every detail highlighting the exquisiteness and

At this time, sitting in the car on the way back, he was raising his
hand to loosen the neckline of the shirt slightly, unbuttoning the
cufflinks, and casually throw two cufflinks embroidered with the
Langman Family Medal on one side of the leather seat. Pick up the
light brain and look up.
On the Internet, boiling.

Due to his confession of "Little Cute Suddenly Appears", countless

netizens ridiculed enthusiastically, making Hayden's slightly thin
thoughts feel comfortable and happy.

It coincided with the announcement of the results of the re-

examination. Of course, Hayden directly opened the results public
page and found Su Tan in many of the displayed articles at a glance.
Then he silently read the title of "The Youth and the Gun", and
couldn't help but be ticked by time. Be curious.

Who is a teenager? Who is the gun? :)

Hayden slowly raised his lips and continued reading in a hurry.

This retest exam consists of three keywords. A poor tramp, a pistol, a


These three words are quite interesting. There are countless novel and
clever ways to combine them, but in just three hours, you must write
an eye-catching and logically meticulous work without BUg. For most
young people, it is more difficult than propositional composition.

As a result, many candidates who took the re-examination felt

distressed and complained and sighed after the exam.
With a little thought and a quick turn of thought, most of them used
the theme of the novel, combining time, characters, and places to
conceive a story of a homeless man robbing a bank with a pistol.

Even more thoughtful, it directly added a layer of complicated and

strange life to the absolute protagonist in the story, or a frustrated ex-
cop, or a terminally ill father who went astray and was forced to die,
or was forced to helplessly , The bottom little guy of common crime.

His various sour life backgrounds cast a strong emotional atmosphere

on the characters, which has to be said to be quite dazzling.

However, the same setting, the same subject matter, and the same
expression were put together in an examination. No matter how
complicated and strange life is mixed with a bunch of articles, it can't
help but feel tired.

Among them, a strange work suddenly broke through, and entered

the horizons of countless readers with a unique and novel attitude.

That's the "Youth and the Gun" that Hayden is watching.

Compared to other styles that go all out to go tall, complex and

compassionate atmosphere, Su Tan's "Youth and Gun" is a work that
cannot be simpler.

At the beginning, he introduced the background of the story rudely

and concisely. When a tramp robbed a bank late at night, ran away
with a gun and a pocket of money, he hurriedly killed a middle-aged
man passing by and robbed the other. The car escaped.
In a few 300 words, I introduced the three keywords contained in the
entire topic without any suspense, which made people wonder how
he would develop next.

And the story that followed was unbelievable. The first shot in the
silence that cut through the night stopped.

In the next paragraph, the scene was immediately changed, and a

successful and successful man appeared. According to the author's
description, almost all readers immediately realized that this man was
a tramp who had escaped legal sanctions and got rich.

With the passage of time, the heinous crimes previously committed by

him were completely buried by the evidence of time and oblivion.
Instead, he became a celebrity with a lot of money from robbery and
plunder. .

The night that was stunned by the fierce gunfire had been completely
forgotten in the back of his mind. Not to mention the middle-aged
man who once lay down in a pool of blood, he had long vaguely
forgotten what the man looked like.


Today, Harold. Dodgson is already a celebrity living in a high-end

villa complex. He has a huge luxury villa, a beautiful fixed female
companion, and a group of lively and adorable dogs.

There are no more relaxing moments in his life than now.

The only thing that is not good is that his girlfriend who loves travel
and shopping once again embarked on a trip abroad with his
girlfriends, leaving a group of dogs to him. Harold. Dodgson didn't
have the patience to take care of him, and asked someone to help him
walk the dog.

Therefore, this young, low-key and humble boy, in this way, entered
the vision of all readers.

Until now, almost everyone has not seen the connection between
juveniles and exam topics. Only the tramp turned into a wealthy
identity change, which suddenly made many people shine, and gave
birth to some unique and different interests.

Most of the other nineteen works displayed publicly are written on

the heart of a homeless barn ran away, forced into despair, or arrested
and punished for robbing a bank. The bad guys who robbed the bank
turned into a bright and upscale society rich.

This bad guy's expression of living the rich and extravagant life boldly
shocked everyone.

How could anyone be so arrogant and proud?

At the moment, everyone has a deep aversion to this fleeing rich man
who lives freely outside the scope of legal punishment.

While sitting in the car, Hayden focused his attention on the young
man who suddenly entered the wealthy life.
This young man was low-key, humble, friendly, and polite, so that
Harold Dodgson could not pick out a mistake, and as the two people
made in-depth contact, they learned that the other party also lost his
father and suffered hardship in his early years Later, a little trust and
love was born in the young man's heart, and he gradually evacuated
his heart defense.

Harold Dodgson's daily schedules, work arrangements, and even

company and private affairs, there is no slight precaution or
concealment for juveniles who have never been bothered to walk dogs


Even if his girlfriend is not there, Harold Dodgson still feels that with
the help of the teenager, his life has not become a mess, everything is
moving in the best direction.

until one day--

There was a huge problem with his company's investment project, the
partners suddenly withdrew, and the products were sued by many
consumers for compensation. The completely disrupted company
affairs caused him to burn out and rush to fill the holes.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered the truth that his girlfriend

was holding his own money, cheating on a young and strong
handsome bodyguard, and going out for an intimate trip together.
Harold Dodgson completely guarded against the collapse, and fell
into a frenzied madness. .
And all this is not over yet, one after another, unfortunately
unfortunate incidents followed, which suddenly disrupted his pace of
life, and plunged his lavish and extravagant life into a muddy mess.

Harold Dodgson had a dark face, and fell from the high clouds into
the mud pit fiercely. He could no longer stand up and climb up.

With all the pain and sorrow of smashing his face, Harold Dodgson
was caught off guard and unable to cope.

Until the night before his last proudest mansion will also be auctioned
by the owner, he embarrassedly held a bottle of spirits, stumbled back
into the house, and collapsed on the carpet in front of the sofa like a
pile of mud, Holding the spirits, he took a big sip and looked red.

Who could have thought that he would be down to this point again in
these years?

Harold Dodgson was unwilling, and drunk the strongest spirits

drastically, and almost paralyzed himself with alcohol, forcing himself
to be drunk and unwilling to face this embarrassing and cruel reality.

When he was so drunk that his focal length could not find the point,
the door of the mansion suddenly made a soft noise, and a low-key
humble boy walked in slowly.

"Why are you here?" Harold Dodgson remembered asking himself

Unexpectedly, this is also the last sentence he said.

——Juvenile: "I'll take revenge."

Seeing this, Hayden's eyes moved slightly, and he suddenly had a few
unexpected and unexpected emotions. From the detailed description
in the article, he has already acutely discovered the quietness,
rationality, meticulousness, and strength of the teenagers who are
different from his peers.

That has almost all the characteristics of an adult, but it appears

against a young man with a low-key and humble background without
any background, leaving a faint mist in his heart.

It was not until the end of this sentence that the huge mystery of the
full text was really revealed.

At this point, go back and look back, remembering every sentence,

every action, every occurrence of the previous teenager, it is actually a
deep meaning, almost every sentence is a pun.

His revenge was already carefully planned from the moment he

entered the door of Harold Dodgson's house, and he planned
everything for the camp step by step. Seeing that Harold Dodgson,
who has become a top man in the giants, now Stepping into his trap
step by step, unable to struggle to escape, eventually annihilated in a
drunken fire.
The crimes that the law should punish, but not punish, finally
answered in his own way.

Such careful and meticulous revenge, the lively rhythm of the plot, the
ending of the peaks and turns, and the moment when the truth was
finally revealed, the emotions of countless people who saw this novel
suddenly rose to the highest point, and then burst out empathically .

Hayden narrowed his eyes and looked at Guangnao. The smile on the
corner of his lips could not help but post on Weibo.

"Haiden Longman: Afraid of being so well-designed to frame

retaliation step by step for the upper ranks of the camp [goodness]."

Under Weibo, likers suddenly burst out.

"Soft cute dolphin: [goodly]."

"Kolabao: [Coincidentally] Mom, you say east, I will never go west."

"The little girl of the meat treasure family: [Goodness]. Was scared to
cry in such an elaborate, meticulous plot of revenge within three
hours, and step by step made the other party disillusioned, infamous,
buried in flames, frustrated Why can the soft and cute meat treasures
be so cruel? "

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Nature and Nature Exposed? [Goodby

top lid escape"]
"Dark Night Rose: I like to die! I feel so good !!!"


"Gu's housekeeper: Little and little masters, there is true love in the
world, there is true love in the world, everyone in the family and the
whole family will serve you wholeheartedly. Tonight, would you like
to have a deep sea emperor lobster or supreme grilled beef steak in
the supper?

Su Tan couldn't help making fun of him, whipping a cough, and

responding with a chuckle, "All."


"Gu's housekeeper: Hey !!! Come now!"


As soon as the retest results came out, the traffic on Weibo and the
Internet broke out at night. Numerous people stayed up all night
waiting for the transcript and retest articles to be published. In
particular, the achievements of Su Tan are the focus of many people's
attention. The popularity of public opinion has been fermented.

"Soft cute dolphin: good-looking text, call for the meat crazy!"

"The little girl of the meat treasure family: Suddenly I want to see the
good writing of the revenge series written by the meat treasure, and I
feel that this kind of dark brain-burning fighting wisdom is very

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Agree!"

"Every day in spring: I would recommend works in the same series,

which is strongly documentary."

The evaluation on the Internet was enthusiastic, and the candidates

who participated in the retest competition also admired him. In just
three hours, I conceived and created a logical and fast-paced revenge
novel under the three conditions limited by the examination.

However, Sutan wrote it in hand, and many people convinced him

that he was elected first.

Late at night, when Sutan was enjoying the deep-sea emperor's big
lobster and sizzling grilled beef steak from the housekeeper, he could
not help but enjoy it.

Even the dining table is carefully decorated with dew-covered

flowers. The aroma is fragrant and full-bodied, which makes people
feel refreshed. It took a lot of thought to make these surprises in the
middle of the night.

Suddenly, the steward of the Gu family came respectfully and

whispered: "Little Master, His Royal Highness is here."

Upon hearing this, Su Tan couldn't help but be a little surprised. It's
late at night, and the night is dark. Why did the big cousin find this?
Su Tan could not help turning on his light brain, glanced at the time,
and found that time had already passed quietly past 12 in the
morning, and the latest message received on the communicator was a
short message from Hayden.

"Haiden: I just watched" Youth and the Gun ", and I have a few
thoughts that I want to communicate with you."

Sutan :! !! !!

Exchange experience?

He dumbfounded the corners of his lips and couldn't help raising his
eyebrows and smiling. how is this possible?

Almost instantly, he knew what his big cousin wanted to do. Su Tan
gave a small cough, and the knife and fork in his hand paused
leisurely above the delicately roasted beef ribs. But to the
housekeeper, he said with a smile, "I said I was asleep, please let him
go back."

But never thought, after listening to his words, the housekeeper was
apparently stunned for a moment, and suddenly stuttered. "Your
Highness, Your Highness has come in."

Su Tan: "..."
Before thinking too much, I saw a tall and straight man stepping into
the carved door of the restaurant, and the steward immediately
hurriedly lowered his head, slipping down the door, leaving him and
Hayden alone.

Su Tan's hand holding the knife and fork stopped abruptly, shaking
his head and laughing.

——This is obviously to lead the wolf into the room ...

He looked at the man who was leaning against the door, still wearing
a fine Seiko gown, and only slightly ripped his neckline to reveal a
little uncomfortableness, not knowing which dinner party he was
attending. At the moment, he asked with a smile: "Come to supper

"it is good."

Hayden's voice was low, with a little low-dumb magnetism, and it fell
into the ears of people, which sounded very nice, as if gently

He walked in, but Su Tan keenly noticed that his cousin Junlang's face
was calm and normal, but a pair of deep and calm eyes now appeared
with a slight wavy gloss of water, and a little faint red wine followed
His breath came quietly.

At the moment, Su Tan couldn't help raising his eyes to take a serious
look at Hayden. Zai carefully looked at each other's expression and
state, and asked, "Did you drink?"
Hayden nodded his head calmly, sat down beside him, accidentally
approached Sutan, took the knife and fork in his hand naturally, and
cut a piece of rich and fragrant beef steak into the mouth. With
sparkling eyes, he narrowed his eyes slightly and enjoyed the
delicious taste.

He didn't notice that he was using a knife and fork from Sutan.

Su Tan couldn't help but hesitated. He didn't open his mouth to

remind him. Then he saw a small beef steak with rich sauce and
stuffed it, and fed him a big mouthful.

Immediately, the scorching aroma of the beef sirloin completely

plundered his mind and made Sutan indulge in the food

Then, a mouthful of lobster meat with delicious flavours and firm

fleshy teeth, another mouthful of black pepper sauce and an
appetizing beef steak, from time to time, was fed a mouthful of rich
sauce that soaked the inside and had a dense texture. potato.

One sip after another drew Su Tan's attention to the food, he was busy
and happy, and he did not notice that he was controlled by the other

Until the stomach was full and round, Hayden stopped and
unknowingly drank a glass of table wine comfortably in Sutan. The
whole man licked his lips.

Sutan was startled, hurriedly rushed to press his wine glass, and
simply persuaded: "How much did you drink tonight?"

Hayden didn't seem to hear this sentence, and after thinking for a
while, he murmured and answered, "Not enough."

Su Tan: "..."

Definitely drink too much!

He hurriedly turned his head and looked out the door, but he saw
that the big Gu Jiaye was very quiet at night, quietly without a figure.
Even the steward who served him respectfully before, did not know
where to slip there, and the whole restaurant was cleaned inside and

But Hayden beside him seemed to be drowsy as he had just said. His
burning and heavy head leaned against Su Tan's shoulders. A pair of
slightly drowsy water eyes narrowed slightly, and made a
comfortable sound. The pet sighed like complaining.


Su Tan's shoulder was weighed down by the heavy weight, and

immediately fell down a lot.
He pushed his big cousin's head and reminded: "Don't sleep here, go
upstairs to rest."

The other side was motionless, squinting his eyes as if he had fallen

Even if Sutan's head Hayden had messed up his big cousin's hair, the
big cousin still fell asleep.

The heavy force suddenly made Su Tan Jianma hear the

overwhelming squeal of his small lumbar board. He silently cried
without tears, and found himself unable to wake up a drunk man.

In the moment, I had to drag people upstairs to the floor with a half
drag and a half sweat.

Seeing that there was no one in the corridor, and the bedroom in the
guest room was still far away, he could not tell the layout of the Gu
family's old house. Su Tan could only drag Hayden into his bedroom
for the time being.

颀 Long and upright body, he was heavily moved into the large soft
bed, immediately smashing down and sinking a few minutes.

Su Tan was so tired that he saw his big cousin lying down on the bed
with his body stretched down, Seiko's dress was straight and fitted,
and smooth and concise lines appeared on his back.

Down the road, it was a firm and powerful waist and long, strong
Standing beside the bed, while adjusting his panting breath, while
admiring for a while, Su Tan's heart narrowed suddenly.


Watching Hayden look like he was sleeping, he raised his lip corner,
stepped forward with a chuckle, suddenly reached out, and
"slammed" his big cousin's fart | the fart was slammed twice.

For a moment, he felt relieved and extremely happy, and the sweat
from his previous upstairs was also worth it.

Unexpectedly, when he was ready to turn around to take a shower, he

was suddenly pulled back by a force behind him, and then turned
round and round, and when he found the consciousness, the whole
man was dumped on the soft, sunken bed .

Su Tan was shocked, thinking that his big cousin was awakened by
his actions, and he would be punished severely |

However, he did not expect that the other side was still squinting his
eyes, his eyes were narrow and deep, and the whole person was not
awake yet, and whispered, "Not comfortable."

The low, mute voice, magnetic and nice, slightly complained that the
coquettish tone was completely different from the calmness of the big
cousin when he was awake, but it made Su Tan's heart suddenly
develop a wonderful feeling, like a kitten fluffy and fluffy. Hu's little
claws gave him a handful.
Is this really drunk?

Su Tan had never seen Hayden coquettishly in front of himself. He felt

novel and interesting. He couldn't help teasing him, pinching the
other's nose, and jokingly asked, "Why not?"

Just listen, the big cousin immediately heard the words and
obediently answered, "Hot."

As he said, he couldn't help but hesitated, breaking his neckline

slightly loose to make a bigger arc, like a kitten desperate for furry.

Su Tan was very fresh for a moment, with a smile on his face, and in
accordance with his mind, reached out to help him unbutton the
neckline, and the hot breath immediately leaked out along the wide
open neckline.

Even when his fingers suddenly touched Hayden's skin, he felt a little
hot. Su Tan touched it and noticed that the other person's temperature
was high.

"Are they still hot?"

The other side didn't answer, only the heavy furry head was pressed
tightly against his shoulder socket, against the side of his face, and the
hot air rushed towards him.

Seeing this situation, Su Tan reluctantly, touched the thick and pretty
dress on the big cousin, although it looks good, but the fabric of Seiko
is quite heavy, how can it not be hot?

So, he stretched out his hand and took off his big cousin's coat, and
took the effort to turn the person to the side. He got up and got out of
bed and hurriedly went into the bathroom to get a wet towel soaked
in water.

Unexpectedly, in just a few minutes, when he came out of the

bathroom, he saw the last shirt on his big cousin, and he did not know
when he was taken off. Only a strong undulating back was exposed in
front of his eyes.

The loose quilt below the waist and abdomen is in stark contrast to
the naked back.

Holding a cold wet towel in his hand, Su Tan coughed, walked over
as usual, and wiped people down to cool down, but slowly found that
his fingertips couldn't help getting hot.

He hurriedly closed the rest of the action, and "Papa" smacked his big
cousin's fart twice, with a bright smile, light fingers, and a faint
addictive feeling.

When he was holding a wet towel that was already warm and ready
to leave, he never thought that the person lying on the bed suddenly
muttered and got up from the bed, and Junlang's face still seemed
At this sight, Su Tan raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile,
"What's wrong?"

Hayden sat on the bed, like a person who had broken a drink, sitting
silently and dullly for a long time, before his low voice began to ask,
"Where is this?"

Obviously, the memory of the previous paragraph when he came to

Gu's house was completely gone.

Su Tan was entertaining and approached him with great interest. He

laughed in a tone and said, "My bedroom."

As soon as his voice fell, he saw Hayden stunned, his half-drunk and
half-drunken eyes lifted, and he looked subconsciously at the
surrounding environment. Unfamiliar room, soft carpets, messy beds,

Hayden saw his naked upper body and was silent for a moment.

"My clothes--" He said in a faint tone and hesitated, as if trying to

remember what happened, "Did you take it off?"


Su Tan mumbled, bending his lips, but refused to carry the pot.

"No," he replied firmly.

However, this said, Hayden's deep eyes glanced at him inadvertently.

Suddenly, the alarm bell in Sutan's heart was a masterpiece.

The next second, I saw the other person grabbed his arm and pulled
him to bed. Sutan suddenly hit a wide and strong embrace, and the
hot temperature rushed in from all directions. Let his hair explode.

"You--" Su Tan's heart trembled slightly, her fingertips were numb,

and she yelled.

Just listening to Hayden's low magnetic voice, sighing lovingly in his

ears: "It turns out you can't hold it so much."

Su Tan's breathing was stagnation, and she was dumbfounded by the

words and laughed, and justified, "I am not--"

However, this sentence was somehow misunderstood by the other


The big cousin coddled and said softly: "Okay, it's all my fault. I
shouldn't ignore your needs for the exam these days."

Su Tan's face was slightly hot, and she quipped, "Who needs it?"

What he said reminded Hayden slowly of his intention tonight. "I

watched" The Boy and the Gun ", and I have some experience to want
to discuss with you."
During the conversation, the boy was firmly hugged in the hot
embrace, his clothes falling down, like a very light feather.

The scorching and ironing scent almost covered Sutan completely,

and his consciousness gradually dispersed.

Just remember a little--

... Small meow?

The next day I got up, there was still a lot of public opinion on the
Internet, and there were a lot of topics around the admissions re-
examination and the author.

Several film and television entertainment companies even took

advantage of the opportunity to publicly speak on the media and on
the Internet, bidding for the copyright of Sutan's re-test article "Youth
and the Gun" and adapting it for release.

Su Tan heard the words, and smiled cozily, without thinking about it
for a while.

I conceived for three hours. How can a small essay of less than 6,000
words have such great development and adaptation value?

Revenge Shuangwen, who is brisk, ingenious, intertwined, and IQ

bursting, is not without it. There is also no shortage of screenwriters
in the huge entertainment circle. Su Tan's works have never been
adapted by sky-high prices.


These entertainment companies are nothing more than hype and

hype, or they have posted good thoughts with the giants Gu family
and Longman family.

Su Tan's heart is clear, so he always waits, very calm and rational. He

gritted his teeth and rubbed his sour waist while preparing for the
finals of the admissions examination.

Due to the popularity of "Juveniles and Guns", many netizens and

readers look forward to his final performance. Similarly, the
conjectures and doubts that come with it have also increased.

"Thousands of sails" is one of them who is not reconciled to others.

But this time, he had just saved a lot of courage to log on the Internet
and sent out a Hu Wei Weibo. When he was about to post the next
article, he suddenly saw the computer webpage in front of him.

The next minute, the webpage suddenly jumped to the page "Your
account is blocked."

Immediately, after the "Qianfan exhausted", he was shocked in

disbelief in front of the computer.
His account is blocked?

I ca n't believe it. I grabbed the mouse and keyboard and logged in
several times. The "Title" page in front of me jumped out over and
over again and again, ten times before he finally stared, his eyes were
gloomy, and his heart was furious. .

On what grounds? Why seal his account?

Almost instantaneously, the heart of "Qianfanju" suddenly burned a

rage, as if whizzing by, and the fierce rage was somewhat
uncontrollable, and the whole person gasped violently.

He clenched his fists with both hands, and Qing Jin straightly exhaled
and took a short breath, clenched his teeth, and he was so angry that
he blocked my Weibo, could I be able to keep my mouth shut? I still
want to have black su It's the end! "

I rushed into another Star Network forum with the most traffic,
"Qianfanxian" didn't want to, and suddenly registered an account
with the fastest speed, and then wrote a text post to anger and
sprayed the beginning and end of his hatred of power.

The post has just been posted for a second and has been blocked

Not only was the post he just published was deleted in an instant, but
even the login account just created with a personal information
number was completely closed until "Unblocked in 50 million years."
Immediately, "Qianfan exhausted" his throat was hot, and he shouted
a few hoarsely, and his unwillingness and indignant melancholy
almost angered his chest.

He watched as he was blocked on the Internet, no matter where he

wanted to post, he was blocked by the other party in advance.

After fighting for a whole day and night, "Qianfan exhausted" was
exhausted and exhausted, his eyes were flushed, and the raging anger
almost broke through the sullen lungs and blasted straight towards
the top of his head.

The other side made him miserable.

For such a long time, he kept his eyes on him from beginning to end,
no matter which website he was on, he was sniped everywhere, and
even the post was not posted, the account was blocked first.

Such amazing concentration and persistent fighting power are simply

abnormal! !!

"Thousands of sails" burst into thunderous heart, no more patience

and the unknown person who stared at him on the Internet. He
tightened his fingers stiffly, suddenly raised his hand, lost his anger,
and pulled the iron trash can on the ground Smashed the computer

At the other end of the computer, the robot Suning was sitting in a
critical condition, waiting for a long time in front of the computer in a
combat posture, but unexpectedly did not find the trace of "a
thousand sails" on the other side of the network.

The other party seemed to disappear suddenly and never appeared

again, but it made Suning somewhat uncomfortable.

It shook its head, obediently leaned against the little robot sitting next
to it, and immediately lifted its head, looked at it at the computer
desk, opened its eyes wide, and looked at the incomprehensible data
stream on the screen. "Bad guy?"

Suning crossed his fingers and crackled the activist's metal knuckles.
He didn't see a little fatigue on his face. He easily and vigorously
stuffed a large-capacity storage battery to his son and himself, and
comfortably drew full energy.


"The bad guys were beaten away!"

As soon as the sound fell, I immediately saw Da Da, happily squinting

his eyes, holding his hands with the charging Bao contented.

At the beginning of the time, the robot Suning was in a good mood.
He looked down at the short, soft and adorable Dada, and couldn't
help but ask, "Want to learn the network black technology passed
down by his father?"
At that moment, the little robot's gaze suddenly lighted, and he
nodded forcefully.

I don't know what Sutan, a super-black technology, has been taught to

his younger brother, and he is fully preparing for the upcoming
admissions examination finals.

Gu Qin and Hayden deliberately set aside time and sent him to the
examination room together again. After seeing Su Tan entering the
examination room in the lively atmosphere of the scene, the two men
relaxed a lot.

As soon as he turned around, Hayden and Brother Gu's eyes stared at

each other quietly. He calmly invited and said, "Find a place to wait?"

Gu Qin nodded.

The noise outside the test room broke through the sky, and the fan
squad formed by Tall Eddie was the most prominent. His tall and
burly figure was particularly prominent among the excited and
enthusiastic netizens and book fans. High popularity led a crowd of
book fans.

Su Tan stepped on the steps into the examination room, and saw
Eddie carrying a fan squad holding up a banner vigorously and
enthusiastically throwing flowers.

After a while, he couldn't help laughing.

Su Tan glanced at the banners on both sides, and suddenly found a
little difference. On the banner in Eddie's hand, he said, "Sutan, come
on! Amy and da da are waiting for you to become a school bully!"

On the other hand, a group of book fans from afar came with the
banner of his online writer "Brushing braised meat every day". "The
interstellar is the emperor! The meat treasure becomes a god!"

The very different banners on both sides are clear and distinct, clearly
distinguishing the identity of his physical author and online writer.
Fans and readers alike, but they are very harmonious and

There is even a middle-aged student who is young and somewhat

immature, holding an electronic card full of vitality, which reads,
"Mama, cheer up! I will call you crazy for the crown prince!"

Looking at this scene, Su Tan could not help but bear it.

He raised his eyebrow and chuckled, Qing Qing looked at everyone

sincerely and gratefully said, "Thank you all."

Hearing his response, the long-awaited book fans were excited, and
waved the signs in their hands with more enthusiasm and excitement.

Su Tan's eyes were bright, and he was in a happy mood, and he didn't
say nothing. He directly fisted and promised: "Everyone go back to
rest, be careful on the road, and give everyone more after the test."
In a word, the scream of surprise was immediately triggered outside
the test room. Under the arrangement of the examination room staff,
everyone watched Su Tan walk into the examination room, and they
reluctantly dispersed.

However, as soon as the crowd left, they suddenly saw a middle-aged

man wearing a quite old-fashioned and solemn dress, and brought a
group of villains to distribute the cool and cold drinks one by one.

The steward Gu said with a proud voice: "The owner asked us to send
cold drinks to the young masters."

Gu Qin's attitude of favoring his brother immediately won the

enthusiasm of many people and thanked them.

Seeing the enthusiastic response from everyone, the steward raised

his head proudly, feeling very proud.

He never thought that before he left, he suddenly heard the sound of a

uniform and firm step, and immediately attracted everyone's

Gu's housekeeper turned back in suspicion, and saw a team of Royal

Guards coming under the leadership of Olesen.

With a consistent pace, a low-key and determined temperament, and

a tall and erect figure, the Royal Guard completely suppressed the Gu
family led by him no matter from the momentum or appearance.
The handsome little brother with a high-looking long legs and a tough
and sturdy military uniform immediately made countless book fans
and fans screaming in excitement and excitement, as if he saw an idol
star, and was suddenly caught by the power circle.

Alaisen calmly and calmly led the public to deliver the freshly baked,
delicious, royal-made dessert boxes with the Longman Family
Emblems and hand them to the fans.

Suddenly, the dessert with the unique ornamentation of the Longman

family became the new favorite of all book fans and fans, and they
held it in their hands, being flattered and delighted.

In front of a group of excited and happy little book fans, Olesen's deep
and powerful voice was not stubborn, and he said firmly and firmly:
"His Highness Longman wishes you a happy day."

Immediately, book fans and fans were so excited about this sentence
that they completely seized everyone's attention.

Olesen smiled warmly, and became more warm and friendly. He

looked at the Gu housekeeper with a calm and steady attitude, and
noticed keenly that his opponent was clenching his fists tightly. Now
he could not help but evoke the corners of his lips.

Seeing his immense popularity, Gu's housekeeper refused to be

outdone, and exclaimed with pride and pride: "After running out of
cold drinks, our Gu family also specially prepared a special meal for
the Imperial Capital."
As soon as the words came down, there was a moment of cheering
and sensation.

Olesen calmly asked the young fans around him with a gentle smile
and said, "You are from an alien galaxy? Would you like to visit the
Imperial City? Your Royal Highness ordered us to take good care of
your schedule."

At the moment, thunderous applause and cheers.

The Gu family steward was short of breath, and hurriedly added:

"The Gu family gave away 'Happy Day Trip to the Imperial City'!"

Anyway, it was opened by my own family without any money.

The steward is bound to win with a smile--

On the same day, Su Tan had not come out of the examination room,
and the hot topic on the Internet Weibo exploded again. Numerous
days came to the scene to watch his netizens and book fans go up and
post Weibo, and announced it cheerfully.

"Kolabao: My crown prince is very kind. He specially sent a

handsome little brother to **** us on a luxury cruise ship to explore
the Imperial Capital. It is indeed the most prodigious reader of
Fanxing Novel."
"Every day's sleepy spring: call Mad for Sutan! Today, I saw my
favorite Da, and I ate the most delicious and top-quality food under
the arrangement of Brother Gu. I played crazy all day at the
playground! A dreamy day! The most A wonderful trip to Noodles! "

"The little girl of the meat treasure family: Being a meat treasure fan is
the most worthy decision in this life. Meat treasure and family are like
pets of strength. After a full day, they are accompanied by food, food,
travel, and safety. Send home, considerate and thoughtful for my
family! "


Numerous happy travel photos, group photos with five-star gourmet

meals, crazy photos of the playground, and even the box badges of
the delicate and sweet desserts of the Langman family have become
hot topics on the entire Internet Weibo.

Numerous envy and regretful comments appeared on the Internet. A

topic quietly became popular, hitting the resonance and aspirations of
countless people.

"Pink fanatic demon! I'm inhuman! It's such a big deal for me !!"

As soon as Su Tan came out of the examination room, he still had the
questions and answers just now, and he saw two pillars standing at
the entrance of the examination room.

One left and one right, very symmetrical.

The housekeeper Gu said respectfully, "The owner is waiting for you
to go home."

On the other side, Olisen, the guard of the Royal Guard, calmly and
quietly invited, "His Royal Highness has prepared a celebration
dinner to celebrate the end of the exam for you."

Behind the two, they were two low-key, opposite-looking cars, each
facing in two directions.

Su Tan: That's awesome. Are you trying to win the favor: -D?


In front of the feast, Su Tan deservedly chose a rich feast. He smiled

and invited Gu Qin and his big cousin to go, and selected Egypt. A
restaurant featured by Rose.

Datongduo soup with rich stew, pie baked in the hot oven, full of
country-style casual cuisine, Sutan could not help but feel a little
nostalgic, and recommended it to Gu Qin and Hayden with
satisfaction. .

"eat more."

A large piece of stew per person and a large shrimp per person are
extremely fair.
This scene made Gu Qin and Hayden, who were sitting at the dining
table, laughed. But Sutan's actions were serious and focused. When
looking up at the two, a pair of clear eyes with smiles made people
like it.

Gu Qinqing coughed and looked at the pointer between his eyes and
wrists. Wen Yan said with a smile: "I still have a meeting, let's go

With that said, the gentle palm touched Sutan's head and stepped
away. Instead, he gave up space to him and Hayden.

Sutan's thoughtful approach moved Sutan's heart.

Dear brother!

Compared with the big cousin sitting opposite him, Su Tan looked up
with a smile and smiled. Before he even made a joke, he heard
Hayden burst into tears.

"Still I lost."

Upon hearing this sudden sentence, Su Tan was inexplicable and

looked at him in confusion.

I saw, Hayden smiled convincingly and shook his head, frankly and
panned out a bet with Gu Qin. "During your exam, Big Brother and I
made a bet."
He just opened a head, and Su Tan immediately knew the bets of the
two. Before and after thinking about the scene where the two of them
sent a butler to let them choose the car to go to the entrance of the test
room, he immediately figured out the front and back, and laughed
dumbly and asked jokingly. : "Bet which car will I get in?"

Hayden nodded.

He said frankly: "Brother bet you will take care of the feelings of the
two of us fairly."

This statement coincides with Su Tan's choice.

Immediately, his interest grew, and he couldn't help wondering:

"What about you? Bet me go with you?"

Su Tan smiled Shulang, her brows raised slightly, her entire face was
lively and lively, and her temperament was clear and handsome.

Thinking of his cousin saying that he had lost, he was in a happy

mood, and it was rare to see Hayden in such a downfall and willing to
admit defeat.

Unexpectedly, Hayden raised his eyes, his deep eyes gave him a deep
look, and his low magnetic voice slowly said, "I bet you will go home
with your brother."

This answer surprised Su Tan a lot of time, and then she became
Thinking again, his heart couldn't help a little sweetness, like the faint
sweetness of the clear spring water, refreshing, and extremely

He smiled brightly and responded with a smile to his big cousin. "Will

Hayden held his breath and looked at him silently, waiting for his
next confession.

Unexpectedly, Su Tan actually laughed and laughed: "Such a big

meal, why do I have to bring my elder brother to eat back!"

Hayden: "..."

He laughed helplessly and indulgedly. "Okay, eat hard."

——It 's so fat that I just go home :).

Su Tan was satisfied with a big meal. After returning to Gu's house, he
was suddenly busy. At the end of the admissions examination final,
before his test results came out, he took the lead in receiving olive
branches from several colleges.

"The Department of Literature at Imperial University is willing to

open special admissions channels for you!"

"The Imperial College is looking forward to your arrival!"

"Tuition is free! Scholarships are excellent! The best faculty, the most
relaxed admission conditions, the most valuable foundation of the
department-want to come to Star University of Science and

All night, Sutan's communicators kept ringing. Some schools even

couldn't hold back and contacted him more than ten times in anxiety.
From the school's admissions teacher to the professor in the
department, to the highly respected mentors, they took turns, and
took turns to fight for him.

This enthusiastic grand occasion makes Su Tan can't help laughing.

He declined the last admission request, thanked the other party for his
kindness, and hung up the phone.

Then I discovered that I just received a new message in my chat


"Chang'an: Little Master, come soon! [Picture]"

Under the text message, it is a picture full of enthusiasm and

overcrowding. The background is a desolate dark pit, the soil is pitted
with potholes and everywhere. Several young people with sweaty
faces and sweaty faces are smiling brightly, holding various shovel
and tools in their hands. , Doing some kind of large-scale excavation
But even though many young people in the photos are tired, how can
they not hide their bright eyes and Yiyi 's spirited state, laughing at
each other and making funny faces at the camera, they seem very
emotional, A fresh and youthful atmosphere suddenly emerged from
the photos.

Su Tan raised his eyebrows, watching "Chang'an" 's incomparable

message, and itching in his heart for a while, he was inexplicably
aroused a little interest.


He bent his lips with a smile and replied concisely to "Chang'an", and
saw that the "Earth Earth Boys" chat group was lively.

"Boyboy: Hey! Can you woman, don't poke with a laser cannon and
almost blasted this pit!"

"Flame loli laser cannons: Alas, it took me half an hour to dig a inch of
soil. Do you dare to order it again?"

"Students: Who do you say?"

"Boyboy: I'm cautious! Be careful! It's a respect for the interstellar


"Students: Test your work with such patience and patience. Why on
earth does the professor bring you a rude woman! Crazy--"
"A Liang Liang Liang Liang Liang Liang: Sister Shi fired again!"

"Dry boy: ... tt"

The chat group was extremely lively. Obviously, this group of

students from the ancient earth majors were excavating the ruins
together at a certain interstellar site. Various kinds of gags and
funniest words jumped around, adding numerous jokes and fun to
the group.

Even through the communicator, Su Tan can feel the warm and close
feelings in it, which makes people can't help but yearn for it.

Su Tan asked quickly, sending a message.

"Meat flesh flesh flesh: Where are you?"

The "dry boy" who was beaten to death by his companions

immediately came to the spirit, and answered excitedly: "Little
brother, the Bermuda Galaxy! Dig baby! Are you coming?"

Upon hearing this answer, Su Tan was immediately excited.


On previous Earth, Bermuda is a mysterious area well-known from

far and near. When planes and ships approach, they will be drawn
into the mysterious undersea vortex and turbulent magnetic fields, so
there are frequent cases of bizarre accidents.
Unexpectedly, there is also a star field with the same name as
Bermuda in this interstellar space.

Suddenly, Su Tan's heart was full of interest.

"Flesh flesh flesh flesh: here's a coordinate."

Seeing the little master listening to his words, when he really wanted
to come to the meeting, the "dry boy" was immediately excited, and he
was so enthusiastic that he was so excited that he thought about it,
and a coordinate positioning suddenly flung over.


"The boy of the dry rack: Little master !! Don't forget to bring pork
belly! After eating the nutrient solution for three weeks, I will soon
become a vegetative! Be sure to bring pork belly ah ah ah ah-"

Su Tan smiled comfortably and agreed quickly.

"Chang'an: Welcome, waiting for you."

The simple and powerful words warmed his heart and made him
choose without regret.

Seeing the rare group owner "Chang'an" appeared, many diving

members in the group also bubbling.

"Flame loli laser cannon: same as knocking on a bowl."

"A cool cool cool cool: 1!"

"Silent is gold: 2 ..."

"Meng Meng Er Niang: My little brother, can you help me to get Sutan
's latest" Unlucky Amy "serialized? The network here is always good
and bad, and I ca n't keep up with the update every time [distressed].

"Youth boy: Yes, and there are big new articles. I haven't seen QAQ
for a long time."

Su Tan responded with a smile, cheering in the crowd for a while,

everyone was satisfied.

The communication signal of Bermuda Starfield is good and bad. The

"dry boy" took advantage of this signal to quickly go to Weibo to
browse the hot news and see the top one at a glance.

"The final results of the admissions examination finals are officially


This exhilarating news immediately made him feel refreshed,

hurriedly forwarded to the chat group, and cheerfully @everyone
declared: "The final result of the meat big admissions exam!"

Many people in the group are book fans who "brush braised meat
every day." At the previous ancient earth cultural exchange meeting,
some of them had a relationship with the "braised pork". At that time,
he was convinced by his cleverly conceived "Era of Domination of the
Earth [Quick Wear]".

Since then, the "Ancient Fengjiang Novel Collection Awards"

sponsored by the Ancient Earth Cultural Exchange Conference has
made "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly" stand out, and has won the
enthusiasm of most people with novel and interesting styles and
unique and clever settings. Favorite has become the favorite author of
many people in the group.

Although I have only seen one side, the relationship between them is
very close.


Many people in the group spontaneously greeted relatives and friends

with Amway's "braised meat" spontaneously. After learning that the
true identity of "braised meat" was Su Tan, the author of the best-
selling children's story, they were even more honored.

Therefore, the news of teriyaki meat is very concerned.

"A Liangliang Liangliang Liangliang: The results are out? Is that big
meat first?"

The "dry boy" glanced at the top of the list and was extremely proud,
and responded directly and boldly: "Where can I ask?"

At the beginning of the time, there was enthusiasm in the group.

"Meng Meng Er Niang: Great great! Spread the flowers ~"

"A Liang Liang Liang Liang Liang Liang: Zan Zan Zan, you must go
and cast a thunder."

"Flame loli laser cannon: It has been cast, but unfortunately braised
meat cannot be our little brother."

As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately caused infinite

booing in the group.

Although they are also high-ranking students in the universities of the

Imperial Capital, they have attracted the attention of famous
universities, but in fact, the ancient earth culture specialty has become
a completely unpopular subject in this era.

Withered talents, incomplete research materials, ancient earth relics

and a large number of collectibles are privately collected by major
families, and even the media and interstellar ordinary people have
gradually lost their attention to this lost culture ... Professors and
students in this discipline of ancient earth culture are struggling.

Before the "Everyday Brushing Braised Pork" regained the attention of

netizens readers with two ancient earth times and ancient novels in
succession, the entire Didu ancient earth culture major has not
received a freshman for a long time.

To be more specific, there have been no students who have applied for
this remote specialty for several years.
At this point, everyone in the group has long lost hope. At this time, I
heard that their favorite author, "Hongyaorou" won the first place in
the admissions examination. When the literature major can be selected
arbitrarily, everyone in the "Earth Globe Youth" chat group can only
congratulate and sigh a few times.

Not only do they think so, but even netizens.

"Soft cute dolphin: I will definitely go to Imperial University, an old

famous school, I used to dream of it!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Maybe it's the Department of Modern

Literature at Imperial College? I feel that this major is also good, and
the network of resources is very wide. Over the years, countless
alumni have mixed well in the field of physical literature and won a
lot of prizes. After going to this major, I will surely embark on the
road of winning prizes in literature. "

"Black Memorial: Considering the future of the University of Suzhou,

I voted for the Imperial University. Modern literature major is good,
but also screenwriting and creative majors can go directly to the line
of screenwriters, film and television enter the entertainment circle,
which will greatly not only be able to write at the same time, but also
in the future I saw his signed work on the screen. "

"Kolabao: It's very good. If I ... I don't choose anything, I'll go to any
university, it's a famous school that I won't be able to enter in my next
life [laughs]."

Netizens' speculations are many and varied, and many of them have
put forward detailed analysis stickers, and they have planned the best
choice for Sutan.

The major universities, on Weibo, have unabashedly expressed their

love for him, vying to show the best side of his school, and vying for
him to enter his own school.

Majors in modern literature, majors in screenwriting, and majors in

the study of contemporary literature history ... Various literary majors
have been mentioned by netizens, fans, and school gates. Only the
ancient earth culture major is as if it has been forgotten. No one
mentioned it. .

Su Tan smiled slightly.

Seeing all kinds of rumors on the Internet, some rumors that he would
definitely become a student of a certain literary master, some broke
the news that he already had his own heart, and even he accepted a 10
million scholarship from a college Such rumors have become a hot
topic of gossip, making Su Tan forbearance, and suddenly gave birth
to a bit of teasing thoughts.

He joked on Weibo and replied: "Just guess, I guess I lose ~"

In a word, the netizens' interest was bursting, and various unreliable

speculations arose.

"Soft cute dolphin: Hey? It feels like a big game."

"Kolabao: Wouldn't you go to college? [Frightened by this idea of

"Little Begonia of the Roubao Family: Upstairs, don't be afraid! Do

you want Roubao not to go to school, don't you have more time for

"Daily spring sleepiness: When will it be said that the good plus will
arrive? Smile reminds, the exam is over."


The format speculations have been repeated, and this topic has
become a hot topic for a while, attracting the attention and speculation
of countless people in the interstellar space. Until ten minutes later,
the official Weibo of Emperor University officially sent a message that
shocked everyone.

"Emperor University: Congratulations to Sutan for becoming a 3858

freshman in ancient earth culture at Imperial University! I look
forward to your joining!"

In the next second, the ancient author Changan, an ancient author of

the star-stories novel website, which has always been hard to find,
also appeared quietly.

"Chang'an: Congratulations, little master."

Seeing this, public opinion exploded completely.

Hot discussions on the Internet burst out, and even the "Ancient Earth
Boys" chat group was shocked and frightened.

"Dry boy: Braised pork has greatly entered our profession! Ah ah ah


"A Liang Liang Liang Liang Liang Liang: full of surprises, I did not
expect the meat conference to choose such an unpopular specialty,
obviously a good one."

"Meng Meng Er Niang: Never felt so proud."

"Silent is gold: 1"

"Youth boy: No! I have to hold my teeth open and can't laugh. In the
future, I must maintain the image of a straight brother in front of the
big meat."

"Flame Loli Laser Cannon: Hey ~"


Su Tan watched, raising his eyebrows and laughing. He was suddenly

looking forward to the meeting at the Bermuda Starfield.

Upright sunshine?
——Super like: -D.


"Today's headline: Talented writer Su Tan chooses to study the

ancient earth culture of Imperial University!"

"Gossip Entertainment Channel: Ancient Earth Culture Major-

Unexpected Choice. Newcomer author Su Tan has a special liking for
ancient Earth culture!"

"Didu University Newsletter: Su Tan, the creator of a number of

works such as" Unlucky Amy "," Era of Domination of the Earth
[Quick Wear] "," Jianghu Entertainment Weekly "," Interstellar is
Emperor ", officially announced that he is studying at Imperial
University. "

At the time when countless media rushed to report a wave of public

opinion, Su Tan set foot on a low-profile starship to the Bermuda

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!-!! The spacecraft is about to take

off! ''

Standing at the hatch of the interstellar spaceship, Su Tan hurriedly

ran past a large group of people dragging their suitcases. They looked
young, full of energy, and full of energy.
The luggage was dragged to the ground, the wheels rattled across the
ground, but the crowd was sweating, and they couldn't care less
about it.

Seeing this scene, Su Tan smiled and leaned over his body, giving way
to the other side so that they could pass quickly.

After all had passed, he walked towards the spaceship hatch with
both hands in hand, where he unexpectedly saw a familiar figure who
had not yet left.

"Why haven't you gone? Can't bear me?" Su Tan walked over with a
smile, and stretched his hand across half of the body distance of the
upper and lower ladders, just reaching the top of the big cousin's head
from a height, smiling now Without hesitation, he reached out and
shuffled the other's hair.

Even so, Hayden's face was not damaged by the messy hair.

Slightly messy hair, coupled with his handsome and deep face, and
gentle eyes, suddenly added a bit of affectionate temperament, like a
man who has been waiting for his lover to return for a long time, so
that passing pedestrians can't help but Take a look.

In order to leave Su Tan today, the two deliberately bid farewell to the
family early, and the steward did not bring any of them. Hayden, like
an ordinary family, came to personally send him to board the distant

This will take at least three months.

Before Su Tan left, he missed and regretted a bit.

Hayden sent Sutan to the spaceship, seeing that the departure time
was imminent. After saying goodbye, he got off the spaceship and
stood under the ladder and lit a cigarette. The faint smell of tobacco
was at his fingertips, but his mood was also Then he repented.

Unexpectedly, Su Tan went and returned, taking advantage of the last

few minutes to chase out of the hatch.

While experiencing the slender and lively fingers above his head, he
shuffled his hair like a joke, Hayden's heart seemed to be suddenly hit
by some kind of soft little animal, and it suddenly touched his heart.
That inch is soft.

"Reluctant." His voice was low, with a faint smell of tobacco, but it
was not boring. The low-dumb magnetic voice contained full of
emotions, and controlled with no intention to pour out.

Suddenly, Su Tan looked at his eyes with deep tenderness, and could
not help but a little bit of sweetness.

"Reluctant, then follow me!" He replied lightly.

Hearing this sentence, Hayden's deep eyes immediately raised a bit of

bitter smile helplessly, extinguished the smoke at his fingertips, shook
his head and laughed: "My brother and I bet we lost, promised him to
let you go to college, Don't disturb your daily studies. "
This was a gambling appointment outside the admissions
examination finals. The result was just as Gu Qin had expected. Su
Tan chose both of them at the same time.

This made Hayden convinced.

Of course, the bet on betting must naturally be fulfilled as promised.

Hayden lifted his eyes and took a deep breath, staring at Sutan with
his long and deep eyes, as if to remember his long eyes, and his low
voice slowly said: "Take care of yourself."

The starship screamed for the first urging sound, and Su Tan
suddenly got some fever in his eyes when he left.

Looking back on the two journeys from leaving Rosewood to the

Imperial Capital, each time I was accompanied by a big cousin, who
accompanied him through a long interplanetary journey.

And this time, it was a journey that finally belonged to him alone.

Only then did Sutan find out how much he relied on the man who has
always been with him.

He pressed down his ironing eyes, and raised a bright and pleasant
smile in the notice of the ship's departure, and suddenly said to
Hayden, "Take care of me, I want to say something to you."
Heard that Hayden stepped forward, and the half-height ladder just
brought the two people closer, allowing them to hang up and down.

Hayden was waiting for Su Tan to open his mouth, but suddenly he
saw the other person slumped, and an unwilling kiss fell down,
clasping his lips tightly.

The teenager seemed to be using up all his thoughts and his share of
the next few months in this few seconds, and suddenly he
strengthened his strength and kissed him fiercely.

The hot and hot atmosphere suddenly filled the middle of the two,
Hayden realized his emotions effortlessly.

He suddenly chuckled, raised his lip corner, put his hand on Su Tan's
neck, and calmly responded to his kiss.

Although the action is gentle and gentle, the faint smell of tobacco is
just like his breath, quietly occupying the opponent's territory from all
sides, leaving his own breath and imprint deeply.

Sutan was almost immersed in it.

Listening to the reminder of the starship's departure, the ears sounded

like a long bell, and finally pulled his consciousness from the
indulgent and tender kiss of his big cousin.

Su Tan reluctantly separated his lips from Hayden, his eyes were red,
and finally he ran a handful of the other's handsome jaw. He smiled
sharply and said, "I'm gone."
Hayden nodded and looked up at him.

Su Tan took a deep breath, waved goodbye, and strode firmly to the
hatch, but never thought that when he got there, he saw a large crowd
of curious people visiting the spaceship's hatch.

The crew of the Starship Company waved with a narrow smile and
waved, "It's okay, don't worry." He glanced at the light brain and
reminded him, "You still have-thirty seconds."

The eyes full of narrowness and jestiness apparently saw more scenes
of this young little lover reluctantly leaving, and his smile was
supportive for another wave.

Such an enthusiastic attitude of encouragement made Su Tan can't

help but immediately. Without any hesitation, he turned around and
rushed back, enthusiastically encouraged by the crew, violently
grabbing the big cousin standing under the ladder.

He pressed his body tightly to the handrail of the ladder, and grabbed
Hayden's shoulder to force him to lean towards him, the next second

A scorching hot kiss bite on Hayden's side neck fiercely. The brute
force was not like a kiss, but rather a bite. He took a big bite.

Until he felt the tight muscles and blood vessels of the other party
beating vigorously under his own lips and teeth, and a little taste of
rusty blood in his mouth, Su Tan was relieved with satisfaction.
He smiled wryly, his eyebrows fluttering, and he yelled cozily at the
man who glanced deep down the ladder: "Leave, don't miss me too


After speaking, Su Tan gave a contented glance at the big cousin's side
neck, and strode to the cabin.

There, there is still a sea of cheering explosions.

The group of people who had been dragging the suitcase from him in
a hurry to catch up with the Starship, gathered together at the hatch of
the spacecraft. At this time, they applauded with admiration, almost
clapping their hands, and almost unrestrained him Say goodbye to

With so much applause and encouragement, Su Tan couldn't help but

blushing, and a little scarred on his cheeks.

The crew of the spaceship standing side by side blew a whistle boldly,
folded the door and the ladder with a watch, and patted Su Tan's
shoulder with a strong smile. "Good job!-We are officially off! "

As his voice came to an end, the spacecraft engines heading for the
Bermuda Galaxy buzzed and slowly lifted off.
In the enthusiastic anticipation of the young people beside him, Su
Tan looked out of the porthole. The familiar and long figure was
getting farther and farther from himself, and eventually turned into an
invisible black spot. Then he disappeared from sight.

A person's interstellar journey officially begins.

On the other side, Hayden, standing at the interstellar dock, cried and
grinned at the bite marks on his neck and looked up at the spacecraft

The blowing wind caused a little tear at the neck of a little broken
skin, but he didn't care, and walked towards the port.

Royal Guard Butler Oleson was quietly waiting outside Star Harbor,
and the Longman family's car parked quietly on the side of the road.

Seeing His Royal Highness step up, Olesen immediately stood

upright, with his back straight and thoughtfully opened the door for
the other party.

On one side, he was surprised to see the bite marks between Hayden's

Suddenly, Olesen was silent and stopped talking to Hayden.

Unexpectedly, Hayden looked at him calmly and chuckled, "Don't be

Olison: "..."

Hayden stretched his legs long, sat in the car calmly, and said to him
mockily: "No way, my wife is so intimate, just so casual and easy.
Olesen, when should you consider a family."

Oleson: .........-Suddenly he was jabbed twice.

He coughed and bowed respectfully and low-keyly: "Your Highness,

you need not worry."

He has always been calm and calm, so full, without having to worry
too much about Hayden. Hayden raised his lips and nodded,
returning home.

A few minutes later, a new hit appeared on Weibo.

His Royal Highness, the long silent Crown Prince, suddenly posted a
photo. In the photo, blurry filters and dark light obscured most of the
background, and a smooth and powerful neck line became more
prominent, with an intimate bite.

As soon as this photo was issued, it caused a stir. Who dares to hurt
His Royal Highness in this way?

Such intimate bite marks are even more imaginative, making

countless people envious and jealous. After seeing the photos on
Weibo, he was matched with a few words—
"Hayden Longman: Little wolfdog."

Weibo comments have been enthusiastically commented. In response

to Hayden, a rare and beautiful show, love Weibo, and the response
has been enthusiastic.

"Soft cute dolphin: Another stuffed dog food [crying] ..."

"Begonia of the meat treasure family: This, this is the meat treasure of
our family? I can only say-well done!"

"Kolabao: The dog said I don't carry this pot."

"Sutan: Wang!:-D"


"Soft cute dolphin: I'm most likely out of IQ [laughing]."

"Kolabao: Dare to scatter on the crown of my crown prince-big, you

will be served even if you don't like the wall!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Dog ... haha ha ha ha ha ha, you guys all
have such a strong boy in private."

Due to a photo uploaded by Weiden on Weibo, Su Tan added an

additional "Little Wolf Dog" to his head, and countless people were
jealous of Xiu En.
But no one knows. At this time, Hayden and Sutan could only see
each other across the distant Xinghe.

Most of the half-month journey to the Bermuda galaxy has been

enriched by Sutan, which is used to concentrate on code writing.

According to the information, after entering the Bermuda galaxy, the

signal was disordered and unstable. I am afraid that it will be difficult
for him to go online and update on time every day. Only now he is
working hard to save the manuscript.

According to the original agreement with readers and fans, Su Tan

exploded once more, and exploded more than ten chapters every day
for half a month. The lively plot and the rhythm of beating his face
made the popularity of "Star is King" bursting into popularity.

Grandson and granddaughter, double male lead, a cool and cute

combination, and time, it has become a new standard on the star
novel website, and is popular with countless readers.

However, after half a month, readers and fans suddenly found that
their favorite author, "Sweet braised pork every day," suddenly
disappeared, leaving only the deposit box, which released the latest
updates daily, diligently and regularly, but Su Tan himself It has
never appeared in any public places such as book review areas,
Weibo, forums.

This sudden change made many readers worry and wonder, and did
not know where he went, so they went to his Weibo to leave a
message @ 他 for inquiries.
Until another five days later, Su Tan suddenly appeared on Weibo
and left a message with a smile.

"Sutan: You have arrived in Bermuda."

Seeing this sudden message, all the netizens exploded.

"Soft cute dolphin: Bermuda? !!! Great, you're coming back soon, it's
too dangerous, don't go!"

"Kolabao: Sister upstairs, is the surrounding sightseeing spot okay?

Isn't Bermuda Nebula a famous tourist destination?"

"Soft cute dolphin: I have n't heard for a long time. It 's definitely not
going to the outside of the galaxy! Bermuda 's real horror is the inside
of the galaxy, the magnetic field is disordered! There are black holes
and turbulent rocks all over the world! A professor in the interstellar
geography class just now has science, Bermuda Definitely the burial
ground for countless starships! "

"Dark Rose: Agree. 1. Occasionally a scientific research or Nuggets

team will venture into the Bermuda galaxy, and generally tourists are
not recommended to go."

With the scientific popularization of several informed netizens, many

netizens who were unfamiliar with Bermuda gradually became
nervous and worried and worried about the safety and security of Su
Countless people couldn't help but rushed to Sutan's Weibo,
anxiously @ him, and wanted to further confirm the safety of Sutan.

But he saw a optimistic response with a smile.

"Sutan: Don't worry. I came to participate in an archeological project

of the school in advance. I will pay attention to my safety and be

He just smiled and comforted the netizens, and sent a text message to
his family and friends to report his safety.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Su Tan recovered, the cabin of the starship

spacecraft trembled violently, and tilted sharply to the right. He
almost brought his body to a sway, and hurriedly supported the wall
beside him to barely stabilize his body.

After a while, he was startled.

From the porthole next to it, I saw a sparkling, fast-moving meteorite

strip, brushing the side of the ship.

The splendid scenery is quite shocking, and my heart is involuntarily

tightly mentioned.

Seeing a huge incomparable meteorite suddenly like an unobtrusive

pebble, he quickly broke away from the meteorite belt and hurriedly
crashed into the porthole where he stood. Su Tan's heart could not
help but suddenly mentioned to his throat.

I still have to remind myself in the future, and I saw that the starship
suddenly moved horizontally, the buzzing engine vibrated violently,
suddenly accelerated, and it suddenly accelerated at an overload
speed, so that the meteorite that came directly hit it, holding it The
starship's tail swept past.

The thrilling, passing-by scene made the tourists sitting in the

interstellar space ship exclaimed and shouted.

"Oh! Excitement!"

"Captain Xie did not kill him. He almost lost QAQ just now."

"Every moment I felt like I was going to hang up, and the next
moment I watched the captain take us out of the ghost gate. So lucky!"


In the starship cabin, in addition to the many tourists who

disembarked in the Bermuda tourist resort a few days ago, the
remaining main group is the young people who dragged their
suitcases with Sutan on the day they set off to catch the spaceship

At this time, a large group of lively young people crowded into a
group lying on the porthole, ridiculing enthusiastically about their
own escape from the tiger's mouth and the rest of their lives.

On their respective faces, they were either surprised or afraid, or they

were holding tightly to the arms of the people around them, and they
screamed excitedly and hugged their friends, and then joked and
joked heartily at the helm of the Starship crew.

The lively appearance is full of vitality of young people.

Sutan was also stunned for a moment, watching the thrilling and
beautiful meteorite belt quietly away, getting farther and farther away
from his starship, his heart was shocked and astonished.

He shook his head and grinned, curling his lips, looking closer to
Bermuda's final destination. He lowered his head and just wanted to
take a picture of the beautiful meteorite outside the window, and
posted it on Weibo, but was surprised to find that the communication
signal was completely disconnected.

The "Wow, Wow," the interstellar cabin broadcast, just when it was
turned on at this time, a full and rough voice came out through the
current wave.

"Tell everyone good news!" The captain was full of teasing, his voice
was ridiculous, and rudely announced, "We formally entered the core
magnetic field turbulence area of Bermuda, and the navigation star
map was completely invalid. Next—"
The other side announced with a broad smile, "Let's wish this voyage
good luck!"

In all the screams of roaring cheerleaders, the interstellar spacecraft

suddenly turned a large arc, and drove towards the star core of
Bermuda, which is surrounded by countless bright meteorite belts.

Su Tan: Good luck [laughs].

Three days later, the starship finally arrived at its predetermined

destination. As soon as the hatch was opened, all the young people
scrambled to pull the box and escaped from the starship.

The pair opened the gates and looked like the rest of the horror, which
made all the people waiting in the temporary mooring of the starship
port laugh and slap in applause.

The highly acclaimed starship captain and crew finally stepped out of
the starship cabin and calmly accepted the praise and encouragement
of everyone in the port.

Su Tan raised his lip corner, and while walking through the hatch,
smiled at the scene and thanked the captain and the crew sincerely.
From this half-moon journey, he learned how difficult it is to cross this
meteorite belt, black hole, and magnetic field disordered Bermuda.

In the last three days, almost completely relying on the rich

interplanetary experience of the captain and the crew, he was
frightened to survive from the port where several times confronted
Therefore, Su Tan's thanks is extremely sincere and sincere.

The captain in a casual and unrestrained coat with a casual

personality heard a few laughs and patted him on the shoulder.
"You're welcome! Come back to me when you go back, and make sure
that you are completely and completely Bring it back to your
sweetheart. "

The other's joking gaze made Su Tan's cheeks slightly hot and his face

He coughed and nodded with a smile.

Out of the starship's cabin, the small and humble temporary port of
call was overcrowded. At a glance, there were a lot of young people
who came to pick up the starship. The hustle and bustle of the scene
made one's lips fluttering and it was interesting.

Su Tan was carrying his suitcase. Within a few minutes of standing

alone at the hatch, he saw another group of lively and enthusiastic
people flying over.

The head is "Chang'an" with a steady and calm pace.

Seeing Ji Changan, Su Tan suddenly smiled, and Yan Qing's face

smiled Yan Yan, showing a little fresh, clean, clear temperament,
people can not help but feel good.
"Ji Ji!" He lowered the suitcase and welcomed him in a good mood.

Ji Changan smiled and nodded, hugging him for a moment. Although

they haven't seen each other for a long time since the ancient earth
cultural exchange meeting, their relationship has not been half
indistinguishable. They are like old friends who haven't seen each
other for a long time. They are comfortable and happy.

And behind Ji Changan, the gray-faced, shameless, and imageless

brothers were simply stupid on the spot.

One of the lively young men was sternly fiercely in place, looking at
Sutan coming down from the spaceship and away in disbelief, he
couldn't say a word dumbly.

"Su Da ?!" He looked at Su Tan for a few minutes with a full heart,
before he finally reacted.

The next second, his face suddenly turned red, and he jumped up.

"You, why are you here?" An Mingliang stared at the image of his
wolf howling with a gray face and a shaved face just out of the pit,
clothes stained with mud, splashed with countless dusty messy hair,
and he was about to collapse.

Why did Sutan suddenly come to the Bermuda Star Domain?

It just made him a little bit of defense, exposing the worst side to the
male god.
After a while, An Mingliang burst into tears.

I never thought that Su Tan was very relaxed and calm, and shook
hands with each enthusiast warmly and comfortably, especially to An
Mingliang, who was ashamed and wanted to hide himself at the end
of the crowd, greeted with a smile and looked at the other party. A
shy big red face.

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the crowd was relaxed and happy.

Ji Changan took the lead in helping Su Tan carry his luggage and took
him out, while introducing the situation in Bermuda with a smile.

Instead, An Mingliang, who was at the end, suddenly thought of his

own reasons, and stretched his head to look at the spacecraft mouth
and asked anxiously, "Hey, what about the young master?"

Hearing what he said, a beautiful girl beside him couldn't help but
give a scornful glance, "Stupid death."

An Mingliang didn't respond, staring blankly at everyone, "... ah ????"

That silly look made everyone laugh.

Su Tan gave a cough, a smile, and a clean voice exclaimed: "Sorry.

Formally, my chat group name-'Meat Meat Meat Meat'."

An Mingliang: "........."
His eyes widened in amazement, and his face was utterly ruthless,
and he realized the truth from the clear eyes of the people around
him. He dries his throat and speaks harshly, "Little brother?"

Su Tan smiled and nodded.

An Mingliang remembered those words he had made in the group,

being stupid, and enthusiastically speaking to braised meat, and now
he wanted to dig a hole and bury it.


His image in front of the male god--

Want to cry / (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~

Along the way, Ji Chang'an took Su Tan out of the temporary

interstellar docking port, and after walking along the puddle of
primitive roads for a short time, he arrived at a concentrated camping

The conditions here are rather rude, and when you look at it, you can
see that it is a deserted and undeveloped style.

The camp was lively and crowded.

Various strange tents and temporary houses stand among them. The
staff of countless other colleges and departments and foreign
development adventure companies are crowded, holding various
tools, and hurriedly hurriedly. Back and forth in the camp.

Ji Changan led Sutan to one of the tents, and put his luggage down
temporarily. Wen Xie introduced him with a smile: "The latest
excavated ancient spaceship ruins are said to be the last batch of
spaceships that left the earth in the ancient earth era , The legend is
full of countless treasures and rare collectibles. So, it attracted a lot of
attention. "

"The major families, the development companies that want to

nuggets, the professional adventure technology team ... Now, most
people are concentrated in this camp. The teachers also learned the
news and rushed to us early The Bermuda Starfield wants to protect
the ancient earth cultural heritage in time. "Ji Changan's explanation
was concise and clear, and the situation in front of him was made
clear in a few words.

The interstellar ruins in Bermuda's star domain have always been

ownerless, and whoever detects them belongs to whom. So, despite
the dangers and dangers on their way into Bermuda, countless people
still follow.

The ancient earth majors and other archeological majors of the

Imperial Colleges and universities naturally did not want to give up
this rare opportunity, and they were led by Thai mentor instructors
and brought many students to study and explore.

Even Ji Chang'an and his brothers were also busy, slipping out of the
exploration site, and had no time to change their clothes, and
hurriedly stepped to the temporary docking port of Starship to pick
up people.
Although the tent-built room is simple, Sutan is very novel and

He lays down his suitcase neatly and asks Ji Changan with a smile:
"What about others?"

Ji Chang'an watched him look full of energy and enthusiasm, shook

his head and laughed, got up and walked out with him, and replied:
"They are all at the exploration site. After digging for more than two
months, today we finally made a breakthrough Sexual progress. The
teachers couldn't sit still, and ran to the scene to sit and watch, which
let us pick you up as representatives. "

He spoke warmly and explained why the teachers were not present.

However, Su Tan didn't care about it, and smiled unconsciously. In

some hot and scorching winds, he keenly noticed that a shocking
surprise scream came from not far away, and he could not help
speeding up his pace, full of expectations in his heart.

Ji Changan led the way, through the heavy tents, and they walked
along a path between the camps to the back of the camp. They came to
a wide area.

When you came in, it was a giant tiankeng deep in the valley.

An old, damaged and huge ship fell into it, and the bow was heavily
buried in the soil. The damaged hull can be expected to have crashed
from the distant starry sky.
Then, after hundreds of thousands of years of erosion, it was difficult
to preserve the wreckage in this desolate starfield.

Until, it was discovered again.

Sutan was shocked, and walked quickly, only to see the crowd at the
bottom of the pit now. An Mingliang's jumping figure appeared from
time to time.

Numerous people are now facing the entrance door of the spacecraft
that was finally dug out after more than two months. They are
invigorated, can't help but hug each other, and finally laugh happily.

The wreckage of the star ship was excavated, and finally the first step
was taken.

Su Tan looked at it cheerfully for a while, and asked Xiang Changan

with a smile: "Can't you enter today?"

Ji Changan shook his head. Although his expression was exhilarating

and encouraging, he still did not forget a sense of reason at this time,
and firmly determined: "It is too late today, you must wait at least
until tomorrow to enter the interior of the starship."

Looking at a few waves of strangers standing beside the tiankeng

from a distance, Ji Chang'an knew to himself that after that, he entered
the spacecraft to explore the ancient earth collections. I am afraid they
ca n't help the college.
Facing the power of the top giants and the strength of professional
equipment, the school is still in a weak position. Not to mention the
less popular ancient earth culture majors like them, they are a small
force of defense.

As soon as he thought about it, Ji Changan sighed quietly, but he

didn't say these words to the interested young master, instead he
smiled and encouraged Su Tan to take a look.

Sure enough, Su Tan nodded immediately.

Out of the tiankeng, accompanied by the frowning brothers, they

carefully observed the wreckage of the fallen spacecraft, and walked
around the entire vast spacecraft, especially the vague remnants of the
spacecraft. Zai studied it in detail and listened to the enthusiastic
discussion of the understanding and opinions of the brothers. Su Tan
felt very interesting.

Until it was dark and night fell, all the people reluctantly left, set up
the security protection device of the spacecraft ruins, arranged special
guards to patrol and guard at night, and set off to return to the camp

As soon as they entered the tent door, everyone immediately seemed

to fight, rushed to the flushed shower room, and took a quick shower
to wash away all the fatigue and dirt.

When An Mingliang came back again with a towel, she eagerly saw
that the younger brother was opening the suitcase, smiling brightly
one by one to promise the items that had been promised to be carried
in the "Ancient Earth Youth" chat group, and transferred them to

The latest serial "Roselia Children's Story", the fine-edited version of

"Unlucky Amy", downloaded the latest online novel reader full of
trillions, and filled with all the chapters recently updated by Sutan ...

Take everything out and send it to a few people, making An

Mingliang enviable.

not to mention--

Sutan took out the vacuum to preserve the fresh and intact slices of
pork belly, the specialties of the Imperial City, the fresh and delicious
big lobster, the crab paste full of delicious meat king crab, and
countless gourmets ...

He raised an eyebrow and smiled: "Yes, who brought me here?"

Immediately, An Mingliang's eyes brightened, and he couldn't care

about the water drops on his body, and rushed to the past. "I, I, I, I, I,
I, I!"

He was ecstatic and rushed, making everyone immediately overjoyed.

That night, An Mingliang took the lead, and simply held a lively and
extraordinary gourmet feast.
The Bermuda Starfield is a scarce resource. It is a deserted and
undeveloped primitive planet. Except for the heavy thick soil layers
and large boulders on the bare ground, there is nothing else, not even

This desolate environment, coupled with the difficult journey to the

Bermuda star area, is destined to make the living conditions of all
prospectors very simple.

Almost all resources and energy are concentrated, and priority is

given to the case of excavation and exploration of spacecraft sites.
And fresh vegetable cuisine is a rare and rare food for everyone who
has stayed here for more than two months.

That night, An Mingliang ate the roasted pork belly contentedly and
comfortably, and he couldn't help but take a long breath, exclaiming
with tears in his eyes: "Finally, I don't need to eat nutrition liquid one

The insipid nutrient solution has successfully become his nightmare.

After hearing this, everyone smiled with empathy. A hearty roasted

pork belly, a fresh seafood feast, accompanied by a variety of
delicious food and wind were swept into the stomach by everyone,
feeling good, sitting in a tent safely Enjoy a quiet night outside.

The night breeze was hot and peaceful.

For a while, the food was full, and the stomach was full. Everyone
who was busy for a day was lazy, and the drowsiness quietly came
Just as he fell into his sleep, Su Tan quietly heard An Mingliang sigh
with nostalgia: "After eating this meal, I don't know when it will be so
rich next time?"

Hearing that Su Tan remembered the elaborate prepared space

necklace filled with eldest brothers Gu Qin, Gu's housekeeper,
Hayden, and Olesen before starting from the imperial capital, and he
couldn't help bending his lips.

He chuckled and whispered, "Soon."

An Mingliang looked up at him in amazement, and saw a silver chain

flashing at the collar of Su Tan's neck, suddenly a stun, stunned for a
long time.

Immediately, he finally woke up from the silvery chain, thinking

about the meaning implied in his words.

An Mingliang was speechless, and it took a long time to say

something silently: "... Earth! Howe!"

However, he loves it!

——Is it too late to hold the little master's thigh?

The boring night was unbearable. Everyone ate the perfect food and
went away. They shared the latest book and novel update chapters
brought by Su Tan in twos and threes.
Su Tan experimented with the communication signals, and was as
turbulent as before. He could not communicate with the outside
world, even if the family members reported safety.

He shook his head helplessly, put away his light brain, and fell asleep
in the hot night.

Unexpectedly, after a long sleep, the wind raged, and the hot summer
night suddenly ushered in a sudden storm, and the violent wind
howling mixed with the violent rain and crackled down.

The heavy raindrops of Dou hit the top of the tent and made a huge
sound, and the wind that swept through the wind shook the entire

This time, everyone who fell asleep woke up in a hurry, hurriedly

reinforced the tent in the busy night, and converged the outdoor

Simple and valuable tools are kept in temporary houses, and the very
old and respected mentors have also been housed in the houses.

Only these young students lived in the tent and suffered a little.

In the rainy night, no one slept peacefully that night. What's more
unexpected is that the next day, the wind and rain still remain, and
the torrential wind is so strong that people can't even get a step out of
the tent door.
In such a harsh environment, all excavation and exploration work on
all ancient spacecraft sites has temporarily come to a halt.

Su Tan and his fellow Changan snails lived in the tent all day. He
tried another communication and found that his communication
signal was still quiet and there was no possibility of connection, so he
let down the light brain in his hands.


The "Lolite Laser Cannon" who came next door was playing cards
with An Mingliang, and said to him without looking up, "You go to
the teachers to try, they have exclusive and enhanced communication

Hearing this sentence, Sutan was surprised and surprised, thanking

the other with a chuckle.

Instead, An Mingliang opened his eyes in shock and stared at the little
sister unbelievably. "Is there a signal from the teachers? Why don't I
know? I always thought the communication was down!"

He groaned with regret.

I saw, "Flame Loli Laser Cannon" threw out a king of bombs, and
looked at him with a smile on his pretty face. "Without a signal, how
do you think we know that the young master is Su Tanda? Sutan has
already announced on Weibo that he is coming to Bermuda. Once
again, we think of the unique group name of the young master, we
thought then Passed his identity. "

Listening to this, An Mingliang was even more surprised. He was

stunned by one of the other kings and lost all the old men, babbling
out loudly: "So, why don't you tell me?"

The little sister laughed a little and thought about it, but she simply
answered, "Fun."

An Mingliang: "..." Hugging his silly self, a little distressed.

He was forced to raise his head in tears, crouched beside the bed and
let the little sister draw a big mark on his face with a pen, and then at
the urging of the other side, reluctantly shuffled his face willingly.

Su Tan watched the scene with a smile, and took a break from the rain
to get out of the tent with an umbrella.

Along the way, the road was muddy, covered with trousers and soles.
Yesterday's extremely lively tent area was quiet like night, and few
people went out at this time.

Su Tan watched his feet carefully, took an umbrella to cover the rain,
and walked to the house where the teachers lived. As soon as he
stowed the umbrella under the eaves and shook off the rain from the
umbrella, he suddenly saw a team of well-dressed, professionally
dressed men approaching him.

The two parties quietly gave way to each other. Su Tan watched those
people leave, and the figure did not know which company it came

He chuckled, turned around and knocked on the door.

"Ms. Mei."

Upon hearing this, Professor Mei Wangshu hurriedly opened the

door. Nearly middle-aged, she was elegant and light-hearted. She
already praised Su Tan's novels and wrote recommendations for him
personally when she selected the ancient earth culture feature novels
for the star novel website.

Later, at the ancient earth cultural exchange meeting, Professor Mei

Wangshu's harmonious and elegant temperament made Su Tan like a
spring breeze.

This time, the project of exploring the ruins of the ancient spacecraft
was also prominently listed by Professor Mei.

When she saw Su Tan, she stretched her eyes and asked him to enter
with a smile. Not busy talking about things, took the lead to pour him
a cup of hot tea. The fragrant hot tea is more and more refreshing and
refreshing at this time.

Su Tan took it with a smile.

He said warmly, "The senior said that the communication signal here
is still available. Can I borrow it to report home safety?"

Su Tan's sincere tone and sincere attitude made Mei Wangshu refuse
to resist, but now the communication signal is out of control.

Even her side couldn't communicate with the outside world.

Mei Wangshu said with regret: "It was okay yesterday. After the
heavy rain last night, the signal suddenly broke. It may be disturbed
by the magnetic field of the rainstorm, which temporarily caused my
signal to be unconnected."

Hearing her words, Su Tan was full of anticipation and lost heart.

Seeing this, Professor Mei Wangshu gently relieved: "You can rest
assured, as soon as the signal is communicated, I will let you and your
family immediately."

Although her communication signal here is a special communication

port that specifically considers the turbulent magnetic field in
Bermuda, it has never conflicted with Sutan and her family.

Professor Mei Wangshu is also very considerate of such a person.

At this moment, Su Tan had no choice but to agree with him. After
thanking Professor Mei, she said goodbye to her and returned to her

However, when the rainstorm came and the magnetic field was
disordered, the unlucky things that followed were non-stop, one after

Towards the evening of the day, the heavy rain would weaken the
rain, and then saw the area where the tent camp was located suddenly
moved and suddenly shaken.

This sudden movement caught everyone off guard and was totally

Fortunately, the ground motion was not fierce, leaving everyone in a

state of consternation and no injuries.

However, the entrance passage of the ancient spacecraft's hatch that

was previously difficult to dig was previously covered by loose soil
after being suddenly hit by heavy rain.

Suddenly heard the news, all the people in the camp for a moment,
then suddenly disappointed and furious, rushing to the other side,
rushed to the pit to check.

I saw that the thick and broken soil layer was densely covered on the
ancient spaceship, burying all the entrances, so that everyone in the
scene couldn't help but despair.
An Mingliang murmured to himself: "The work of more than two
months has been done in vain ... this planet seems to not want us to
discover this ancient spaceship."

As soon as he spoke, the people around him were silent and


In the face of all the natural changes that came hurriedly, everyone felt
awed and helpless.

Instead, seeing the team of professional detection and development

teams that Su Tan had encountered before, he still gave up, silently
laid out the large equipment he brought, and began to dig again.

By this time, the strength of human power has been minimal. The
direction of the door of the ancient spacecraft has been clearly
detected. There is no need for teachers and students of Ji Chang'an,
who specialize in ancient earth culture, to enter the battlefield again.
As long as they have professional equipment to excavate carefully and
persistently, the door will reappear day and night again.

But this time and again, the effort is still terrible.

After heavy rains and ground movements, disorderly communication

signals were always unavailable. An Mingliang and his fellow
teachers and brothers did nothing for the rest of the day. They saw the
world walk to the pit of the ancient spaceship and walked for two
steps. Probe to check the progress of the professional excavation

After that, I didn't know what to do.

At this time, An Mingliang had fully assumed the responsibility of a
chef and treated the three space necklace gourmet ingredients brought
by Su Tan with enthusiasm. He delved into the kitchen all day long,
pondering how to make gourmet food. In a few weeks, the cooking
skills rose.

And Su Tan was urged to seize the opportunity to code, and the
brothers could not wait and waited for his latest update.

Facing their enthusiastic expectations, Su Tan could not help but bear
it. While concentrating on the manuscript "Interstellar is Emperor", he
quietly thought of another new stalk.

In his spare time, he seriously considered the outline and overall

framework of the new text, and tentatively wrote.

By the time the magnetic field stabilized and the communication

signal was finally connected outside the Bermuda constellation, he
was already full of deposits.

"There is a signal !!!"

An Mingliang was so excited and rushed into the tent that he yelled
loudly, and anxiously picked up his brain to call his family.

Su Tan also took the opportunity to send a message to Dad, Big

Brother and Big Cousin, and quickly saved his saved manuscripts
these days in the background of the star novel website, and set the
time for release. Then, he landed on Weibo again.
He thought for a moment, raised his lips, chuckled and typed a line
on the keyboard with a smile, and wrote and posted on Weibo.

"Sutan: My loved ones, I finally have a chance to go online!"

He sent a tearful expression, and then whispered in his long Weibo

the dangers encountered in Bermuda these days.

The breathtaking, beautiful meteorite belt passing by the starship is as

deep as the ruins of the valley. The ancient spacecraft, which has
undergone countless years of change, has experienced sudden storms
and ground movements, which has continuously disturbed the
magnetic field signal for a month ... ...

In his writing, the experience of these days is thrilling and turbulent,

so that all readers who see long Weibo always hold a heart, can't help
but be brought into his situation, with the ups and downs of his
surprise encounter.

"... heavy rain, ground motion, and magnetic fields, countless

problems have finally been solved, and the excavation of our ancient
spaceship site has finally made new progress. The spacecraft door
reopens to the sky and appears in front of us."

"Tomorrow, as soon as the latest Starship carrying professional

equipment and equipment arrives, we will officially enter the ancient
spaceship ruins. Please wish us good luck: -D."
The end of the long Weibo was like a nuclear | bomb suddenly
detonated, and a stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves.

"Soft cute dolphin: big, good luck, pay attention to safety."

"Kolabao: Why do I seem to be a bit ominous? The braised pork is big.

Come back soon, don't enter!"

"Sister of the Po Baojia: Upstairs, I don't feel very good either 1. Isn't it
all written like this in the novel? Leave a letter to explore, and then
this letter becomes the final letter ... I really don't dare think about
what meat treasures will encounter. The dangerous and abnormal
encounters on Weibo have made me very scared, and I feel that the
planet Bermuda has frequently given all prospectors warnings. "

"Fishing on the Milky Way: I'm scared to say that I'm upstairs! Don't
be like this, obviously there is a school, and Suzhou University is not

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: Is that even more terrible,
okay? An accident is a group, and I dare not think about it."

"Kolabao: My crown prince, come and stop Ma Ma QAQ!"


Due to Sutang, a documentary long Weibo, there have been heated

discussions on the Internet, and all netizens and media have paid
unprecedented attention to the field of ancient earth's site surveys.
The previous work in this remote and small area was unveiled for the
first time in public, causing countless people all over the planet to be
curious about this field.

Desolate and dangerous unmanned galaxies, mysterious and ancient

sites of ancient Earth, shaking and strange warnings of nature, several
enthusiastic teams ...

Su Tan's trip to Bermuda gathered almost all the mysterious and

curious concerns.

This Weibo suddenly became the hottest Weibo first.

The huge enthusiasm caused more and more discussions, and Su Tan
smiled and responded frankly on Weibo.

"Su Tan: A semi-documentary new novel, I hope you enjoy it."

This public response has just made many book fans and fans assured
a lot, and suddenly saw Sutan with a picture posted a new Weibo.

The picture is truly a picture taken in Bermuda. Under the dark night,
the ruins of the old and mysterious ancient spaceship are vast and
vicissitudes. In the dark night that landed, it is not clear what the
ruins look like, but only a vaguely dark back view.

But even this is enough to make all the netizens who see this photo
"Soft cute dolphin: !!! Great, this is definitely not a new novel-this
mysterious and dangerous area is definitely not a joke."

"Black Memorial: I almost believed that the long Weibo just now was a
novel. Until I read it.

Photos—instantaneous pores creep, some dangerous unknown areas

are not something we humans can challenge. "

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Agree 1,000,000."

"Dark Rose: Quick return."


Su Tan's new adventure novel has caused huge retweets and attention
on Weibo, even if he explained that this is a novel, but many people
still refuse to believe it, and think that the danger and mystery far
exceed the power of nature .

He smiled and shook his head, entrusting his broker agent Lance to
continue to take over the work.

When he looked up again, he folded up the light brain, and stood

with the Changan Brothers at the temporarily docked starship port,
waiting for the new flight arriving far away to be parked.
The professional equipment and detection tools applied by the
professors to the school will also arrive with this flight.

Watching the starship land into the port, Su Tan waited patiently, but
quietly sketched the next plot of this adventure novel.

The complex and dangerous environment, the dangerous dangers, the

mysterious and ancient ruins of the ancient spaceships ... The
gimmicks have been revealed, which completely hooked up all the
netizens' full curiosity.

Next, according to common sense, it is time to collect teammates and

gather the team to play boss.

Su Tan shook his head and laughed. He stretched his eyebrows and
raised a smile on his lips. After seeing the spacecraft stably open the
hatch, Langbu stepped forward.

However, he never thought that he suddenly saw a familiar and long

and tall figure stepping out of the door of the interstellar spaceship,
and the steps came straight down.

颀 The tall body, coupled with the grim face, the low eyes, and the
silent temperament, made Su Tan's footsteps pause and stopped

Suddenly, he couldn't help laughing, surprised and happy, hurriedly

greeted, just ready to speak--

"team leader!"
The other side passed by by himself, stepping sharply and stepping
on the doorway ladder, with his hands in his pockets and not
squinting towards the professionally-equipped group of people
behind Sutan.

Su Tan turned around and found that the group of people was clearly
the professional detection team they had encountered at the ancient
spaceship site exploration camp.

The man who just got off the ship was even more familiar with each
other. The respect and respect of the group obviously saw men as the

"team leader?"

Su Tan silently read the title and frowned.

Did he recognize the wrong person? ? ?

That man looks exactly like his big cousin!


The professional expedition team came and went hurriedly, walked
vigorously, and the man who whispered down the starship briefly
said something, and the group quickly left.

In such a wild and dangerous Bermuda starfield, the other party even
released a keen and fierce field exploration vehicle from the portable
space, showing that it is strong, well-equipped and prepared.

Su Tan looked up at the group of people, watching the man who had
just stepped down from the interstellar ship and was similar to his big
cousin Hayden's foreign trade, and stepped into the car.

The field exploration vehicle was then launched and turned to leave.
The wide window reveals the man's grim profile.

The jaw was slightly taut, showing a good-looking arc, cold

temperament, and low-key silence.

Just looking at the temperament of the other person is completely

different from the big cousin who has always been calm and carefree.
But Su Tan stared at him, but in his heart he felt that the man looked
exactly like Hayden.

Could it be that there are two people in this world who look so

Su Tan frowned slightly and looked straight at him.

Perhaps his gaze was too direct, and when the car was leaving, it
caught the other's attention.
When the car suddenly turned away, the man finally raised his eyes
and glanced out from the window.

The dark eyes were calm and undisturbed. When he looked at him, he
looked like a stranger at all, without any slight wave.


The car bent and left quickly, disappearing into the vision of Su Tan.

He stared at the shadow of the departing car, and his brother Ji

Changan asked, "Know?"

After hearing this, Su Tan shook his head and smiled. In the
deliberately low-key of the Longman family, Hayden's video
materials have never been made public on the Internet. So few people
can recognize him except those who know him well.

Ji Changan has never seen it before.

At this time, Sutan's surprise and doubt were nowhere to be told to


He shook his head with a smile and stepped forward to help Changan
unload the exploration and research equipment that came with the
Compared to the most common starship transport, portable storage
space products are rare and rare. At first, when Su Tan was in Rose,
he never saw such a special item. It was an eye-opener until he saw
the space necklace of the big cousin carrying the starship.

The unpopular Department of Ancient Earth Culture is only equipped

with one such high-end storage carrier. The storage space inside it is
countless times less than the one that Hayden presented to Sutan at
first, and can only be put in a little. Information on some of the most
expensive and rare equipment.

The rest of the much-needed items could only arrive slowly following
the subsequent interstellar transports.

Relative to the embarrassment of the college, the major professional

teams and companies that acted in a low-key manner in the early
stage finally came to the fore, showing their excellent equipment one
by one, gathered their manpower, and ambitiously prepared to
venture into the ancient spaceship site .

At this point, the most ostentatious and cruel side has finally
appeared in front of people.

In the early morning of the next day, many people stood quietly
outside the ancient spaceship site, each preparing to enter the ancient
spaceship site, which was noisy, busy and orderly.

Seeing that the time for exploration was approaching, Su Tan used the
brain to call his cousin again, but the other party's communication
was always offline.
This made him faint at heart, looking at the long, standing man not far
away, and was calmly arranging to direct various tasks through the

Obviously the staff around him was busy and hastily, but under his
command and dispatch it was orderly.

Su Tan's eyes fell on the man's fingertips looking down at the light
brain, his eyes stopped slightly.

He also opened Light Brain and updated the latest Weibo status.

"Su Tan: I ... met someone."

A short, puzzling remark has caused a huge response among many

netizens and book fans, and the number of Weibo comments has

In a nutshell, his skeptical and semi-hesitant attitude was fully

revealed, coupled with the mysterious and dangerous background of
the Bermuda star domain, immediately made countless people think.

"Begonia from the meat treasure house: Who ????"

"Kolabao: Keke, at this time you have to manually @ 我 王 首 爸爸 .

Dad see it here! There are signs on your head that you want to turn
into a grassland."
"Soft cute dolphin: Why do I feel like I am very confused? I am not
sure if the other party is an enemy or a friend?"

However, after Su Tan said this sentence, he never went online again,
as if suddenly disconnected, just half of the words stopped abruptly.

This unexpected disappearance once again made countless netizens

and fans on his Weibo hold a heart and sink into worry again.

What followed along with it was Sutan 's expedition to the Bermuda
star domain, which attracted great attention and attention on the

Countless netizens who didn't read novels also became obsessed with
the mysterious and personal experience of adventure in the realm of
the starry Bermuda that is full of countless legends and undulating

What will happen in a dangerous and ancient world that is

completely different from the modern and convenient life of
interstellar high technology?

Suddenly, it aroused the curiosity of many people.

Not to mention, his first-hand experience was a well-known and

popular young writer.

With the superposition of several elements, almost no media has

contributed to the flames, and eye-catching practices have pushed
every Weibo on Sutan to the hot topic of Weibo.
Analytical posts, breaking news posts, adventure experience posts,
many well-known experts and scholars scorching the danger and
mystery of popular science in Bermuda, as well as scattered scattered
adventure experiences that have also experienced dangerous
adventures, returned fortunately, and the rest of the adventurers who
came after the disaster appeared Posts have cast a heavy mystery on
this trip to Bermuda in Sutan.

The unknown and dangerous star field brings infinite awe and fear to
all, but it also causes great curiosity and desire to explore.

Su Tanyu became a self exploring the mysterious star field in the

hearts of countless netizens, paying close attention to his journey and
what he saw and heard all the time.

However, there are few opportunities for Su Tan to show up.

Often in the early hours of the middle of the night, they will quietly
log in to Weibo, report everyone a safe, and piecemeally write down
their own experiences.

"Sutan: The exploration of the ancient spacecraft site has finally made
new progress. The spacecraft entrance collapsed by heavy rain and
ground motion the other day was excavated again. Several teams took
professional equipment and entered the ancient spacecraft carefully
and cautiously. Entrance. The professor also led us to release a small
detection machine, let it enter the doorway of the ancient spacecraft,
and record the live broadcast. "
"But I didn't expect that the detection machine had just entered the
ancient spacecraft not long before it encountered another turbulent
magnetic field disturbance. The detection machine was disconnected
from us outside, and no picture was transmitted."


Su Tan's writing is rather regrettable. "But fortunately, the detection

machine has a function of automatically recording the path. In such a
special case where there is no instruction in the interruption, the
return function will be automatically started, and the door will be
returned to the door entrance according to the original way. For now,
nearly ten hours have passed, and the turbulent magnetic field has
finally recovered, but the detection machine has never returned why. "

He carefully explained the professional knowledge to many netizen

readers, so that the netizens who happened to stay up all night and
had no rest were excited.

The traffic on Weibo has increased dramatically. His sudden

appearance brought a large number of netizens and readers who were
concerned about anxiety and enthusiastically issued comments.

"Orange-flavored soda: Mistweed-big! This is obviously a red flag! An

unknown mysterious force exists in the ancient spaceship!"

"Black Memorial: Be careful! Be safe."

"The clouds are light and the wind is light: Su Daming once said that
this is a novel, do you still take it so seriously?"
"Kolabao: I, I think it's true."

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: After watching Weibo, the hairs are
standing up!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Same as 10000000. My man shivered in

the bed most of the night, couldn't help jumping out of bed and
turning on all the headlights."

"Sister of the Po Baojia: I'm also scared. I showed it to my roommate,

and then-she screamed even harder than me [laughs and cry]!"


Numerous comments raged, and some people naturally remembered

the man who Su Tan had mentioned briefly in Weibo in the last time,
and immediately caught him and asked curiously about his identity.

"Soft cute dolphin: Great, what was the person you met last time?
What was it like?"

The man who had appeared hastily left a clear impression on

countless people. At that time, there was no clear description on
Weibo, but it made many netizens readers imagine.

Seeing this problem, Su Tan's eyes deepened, and the corners of his
lips were raised slightly, and he couldn't help smiling.
His finger was light, he typed a long paragraph in the light brain, and
clicked to post.

"Su Tan: How do you say that? They are familiar and unfamiliar. They
clearly look like my closest people, but when they appear in front of
me, they have a completely different attitude. They are as cold as a
knife, low-key Silence, strong self-confidence, is the core of a well-
deserved team. I want to know more about each other. :-D "

Appropriate and sincere evaluations suddenly surprised countless

netizens who had previously guessed.

From Sutan's reply, it is not difficult to see the praise and praise for
that "man". Such an attitude of admiration has caused many people to
have fun in time and laughed at each other.

"Kolabao: Urgently call the Crown Prince's father, come and stop the
Soviet Union!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Hahahahahahaha, I feel that the Crown

Prince has a green grassland on my head."

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: Sure enough, wild flowers are
still fragrant ~"

"Dark Night Rose: @ 海登朗曼, what do you think :)?"

Netizens were full of enthusiasm, and it was not a big deal to see the
excitement. The tense atmosphere of previous exploration finally
dilutes for a moment.

On the other hand, quite different from netizens, the publishing

industry was stunned by Sutan's distinctive new book promotion
method at this time.

Compared with the interesting and lively children's stories previously

written by Su Tan, this time's adventure novels broke everyone's

No matter from the update rhythm or the expression method, it is

totally different from his previous works, and has caused a new
uproar in the majority of netizens.

Dangerous, ancient and mysterious adventure themes, first-person

diary-style documentary writing styles, have brought countless
feelings to the readers of netizens.

However, after a long time, he logged in to Weibo from time to time,

bubbling to update the long, short, and thrilling status.

In particular, many people in the publishing industry just thought

that a popular newcomer like Su Tan would be silent for a while.
However, he couldn't think of anything, and he led another wave of
new subject types.

Mysterious and dangerous starfield adventure novels, first-person

oral writing, and new and novel perspectives have aroused the
resonance and enthusiasm of countless readers.
Even the most popular best-selling author recently has not attracted
such attention.

Su Tan's novel, which does not even have a title, has not been
serialized, and has won the warm cooperation invitation of several
publishing houses.

The speed, quantity, and sincerity are beyond the expectations of the
agent Lance.

Previously, how he was forced to leave the imperial publishing

industry circle and was forced to leave by the mighty giants. Now he
is low-key and solemnly announces his return.


He has one of the most powerful authors under his hands!

And behind this young writer, there is not only the powerful family
Gu Gu, but also the Langman family and the imperial crown prince.
How can such a huge energy make people underestimate?

As his agent, Lance, the trend also rose.

He received an invitation from the publishing industry leader Leon,

and went to talk about cooperation. And Leon Company is an
important company that he cooperated with when he was the former
Joan Broker.
Looking at the familiar building, Lance's mood fluctuated for a
moment, and she couldn't help sighing. But in the next second, he
converged and sighed, and returned to a professional and calm
professional attitude.

Entering the door and exiting, Leon's general manager Klaus Leon
was already waiting downstairs.


When he saw him as a calm gentleman, in a moment, Klaus Leon's

eyes brightened, he walked towards Lance with a big laugh, and gave
him a hug warmly.

The two have cooperated for many years, and have already given a
little tacit understanding. At this time, they can't help feeling a little
bitter when they see each other again.

Klaus Leon is a bit chunky, and his bulging belly is obviously rich, but
his enthusiastic personality hides this small deficiency and makes him
feel amiable.


He didn't say much nonsense, while talking about each other's recent
situation enthusiastically, while guiding Lance, he entered the
elevator and went upstairs.
"I didn't expect such a result."

Klaus Leon sighed with emotion, his voice filled with feelings that he
couldn't believe.

After all, when he cooperated with Reims, Reims already had a

reputation in the circle of the imperial publishing industry. He
brought out the most promising red celebrity author Qiao Oh, and
polished the other party from a completely new person without any
fame, to become a piece of jade, exuding a dazzling dazzling light in
the vision of magnesium lamps and countless fans Light.

However, the subsequent development experience can be said to have

fallen fiercely from the cloud, and was forced to leave the imperial
publishing circle embarrassingly.

Who would have thought that now, he would return again.

Lance was calm, "In the future, please take care of Sutan."

At this moment, Su Tan in Bermuda Starfield smiled and shook his

head, and in the dark and quiet night, he smiled and put away the
light brain.

The climate of Bermuda is very different from that of the Imperial

Capital and Rosewood. Even after a heavy rain, the wind at night is
still hot and hot, and even the breath is dry without a trace of water
In the tent, Su Tan was lying quietly on the bed. The unfamiliar
environment, the hot climate, and the many mysteries accumulated at
the bottom of his heart made him toss and turn to sleep.

Stepping on the night, Su Tan rose quietly, walked out of the tent, and
took a breath of fresh air.

Outside the tent, the quiet night was completely shrouded. On the hot
summer night, it gave birth to a sense of tranquility.

Su Tan took a deep breath, and the temperature was still high and hot,
but the slight night breeze passed, but it was not as stuffy as the inside
of the house.

He stood still for a few minutes, and suddenly noticed that there was
a scarlet fire flickering from not far away, apparently someone was
standing there.


Taking advantage of the dim and dim lighting of the campsite, Su Tan
carefully identified the long, upright silhouette and recognized his
identity from the other's familiar posture.

He stepped over, and the brisk footsteps were almost silent on the
dirt, but before reaching, the man keenly raised his head and looked
at him, concentrating and accurately detecting his arrival.

But it was just a calm look, indifferent, and extinguished the smoke in
his hand.
Closer, Sutan smelled the faint smell of tobacco. Although it was light,
it was familiar and nostalgic.

He smiled and walked over and said, "What's your name?"

The man was very tall, leaning against an off-road exploration vehicle,
glanced at him, and said in a low voice, "Andre Yang."

As soon as his words fell, he suddenly heard a clean and surprised



The man raised his eyes and looked at the teenager standing in front
of him.

I saw the other pair of black eyes sparkling and bright in the peaceful

Su Tan said with a smile: "Coincidentally, I also know a person, no

matter the name or appearance, it is very similar to you."

Andrei Yang looked at him calmly, without a slight wave in his eyes,
apparently very determined and not disturbed by his words.

Su Tan bent her lip briskly and smiled, "Don't know if you know
Nicholas Chen?"
other side:"......"

For a moment, Andrei silently spoke with a low voice, "Sorry."

Obviously, he had no impression of the person that Su Tan

Hearing this sentence, Su Tan was not so disappointed. He replied

with a chuckle: "If you have a chance, you will know each other."

The two talked at night, and the tacit understanding went away, and
they went back to bed to sleep.

In the next few days, the excavation of the ancient spacecraft site
progressed rapidly, and numerous professional and precise high-tech
equipment was quickly put into the interior of the ancient spacecraft,
carefully exploring and searching every corner and area.

Although there are some twists and turns in the middle, the strange
and changing climate of Bermuda's star field and the sudden and
heavy rain from time to time have made them suffer, and the
turbulent magnetic waves have made it extremely difficult for all
personnel exploring the planet to communicate with the outside
world, but Fortunately, the hard work has finally yielded.


During an exploration of the central cockpit of an ancient spaceship,

he discovered the sailing diary and notes, and finally confirmed the
identity of the spaceship—
It is a voyage ship from the ancient earth era.

It was almost before the ancient earth finally annihilated. The last
spacecraft carrying his countless valuable historical materials and
gorgeous heritage left the ancient earth galaxy and explored new
residences and survival homes in the vast and vast interstellar space.

However, according to the surviving navigation notes, this ancient

spaceship full of hope has no good luck without the blessings of the
Earth people, and unfortunately entered the dangerous and ferocious
Bermuda star area, and was suddenly attacked by the dangerous
meteor belt. Damaged and fell on this strange planet.

After thousands of years of change, this ancient spacecraft that had

been buried on a desolate planet was discovered again.

At this point, all the truth and mysteries about this ancient spacecraft
have finally been discovered. While everyone was lamenting, they
were also very happy about this major breakthrough. Finally, the tight
exploration progress was slowed down, and they decided to celebrate
one night in the camp.

Numerous people in the camp responded eagerly and emotionally.

Not as much as the setting sun in the evening, the brilliant afterglow
was sprinkled on everyone's enthusiastic smiles, and they gathered
together in groups of three and five, holding their food in a lively
In the middle of the camp, a wide area was deliberately vacated,
setting up a bonfire.

The crackling flames, the enthusiastic fiery atmosphere, the many

cheers and laughter, and the sudden relaxation of the crowd to relax
and relax, all made the party extremely successful.

Countless people who are familiar with each other and have never
seen each other have come from all directions to join this grand event.


Therefore, Su Tan met the young students who came from the
imperial capital in the same class of interstellar spaceships, and they
were still as active as the spaceships, and the atmosphere was very

Seeing a man standing upright and standing upright by the bonfire,

many young students suddenly stood in front of their eyes, and they
were even more excited when they saw Sutan beside them.

"You, you you you-isn't that your man?"

Before the starship flight set off in the imperial capital, Su Tan and
Hayden were in a fiery scene, leaving these young students deeply

Later, they swipe Weibo to discover the identity of Su Tan, and

logically guessed the identity of the other person who embraced Su
Tan that day at the starship cabin door.
As a result, the memory of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is
growing deeper. At this time, seeing Hayden again with his own eyes,
he couldn't help but get excited, and couldn't help but feel excited and
screaming to cheer.

Faced with the excitement of these young students being happy and
wanting to rush up to sign and hug their thighs, Su Tan raised his lips
and smiled slightly, explaining: "Sorry, he's called Andre Yang."

Upon hearing this unexpected answer, the young students were

immediately puzzled, and their heads quickly turned to realize.

The hippies nodded their heads with smiles on their faces, expressing
their narrowness and humor. They laughed and said, "We
understand, Her Royal Highness is going to travel in micro-service!"

This statement must be said to be very sympathetic to Su Tan.

He couldn't help remembering the scene when he first picked up

Sutan in the starship that crashed from Gulia, at that time he used a
soldier to hide his true identity.

Want to come-

Su Tan Qing Long's eyes fell on the man on the other side of the
bonfire, and suddenly his lips were raised with a smile.

How did he forget?

Big cousin always has a hobby of cosplay :-D.

Even though the young students learned that the man who was very
similar to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, now called Andre
Yang, and appeared as the captain of the professional detection team,
this still could not stop their passionate curiosity.


All night, near the lively campfire, I saw these young people who
were enthusiastic and lively, walking back and forth in the presence
of Andre Yang, and even under the enthusiasm of wine and ears,
several people dared to run The parties laughed in front of them.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, we all understand, we won't say anything!"

"Not far from here to Bermuda to chase a male ticket, good guy,
please take my knee."

"Oh, can you sign me? [Laughs]"

Andre Young: "..."

He was long, leaning on a place near the bonfire, his hands in his
pockets, his expression was low, and he looked a bit cold and
Throughout the bonfire dinner, he and his team have always kept a
low profile, without clamoring for publicity, but quietly occupying a
corner by the bonfire, quietly drinking lightly, and relaxing the tense
state slightly.

However, it never occurred to me that the low-key all night was

suddenly interrupted by a group of lively young people.

Many people successively came over to drink and talked to him with
a last word, then ran away with a deep understanding.

The inexplicable words made all the members around Andre Yang
confused, and the brain that had always been precise and fast running
was also a little bit stuck in this relaxed and comfortable night, and
didn't understand what so many people who came suddenly came.

"team leader?"

A big man in the team took the lead to open his mouth, staring in
amazement at the calm and stern man, his face full of wooden
cymbals against the light of the campfire.

Andrei Yang calmly and calmly, did not even change the look on his
brows, and was very calm to the strange scene.

He straightened, nodded briefly and calmly, and whispered, "I'll go


After speaking, he got up and left the campfire, his body disappeared
into the night.
He walked outwards, in a quiet night away from the bonfire and the
lively crowd, and was almost silent. Some dark nights did not
interfere with him in the slightest. He could barely look at his feet,
and could clearly determine the path and direction in the dark.

Until walking to a familiar house, Andre Young turned around and

returned to his tent.

The secluded dark tent turned on a small bedside energy lamp, and
the warm yellow light immediately illuminated a small area of vision.

Andrei Yang opened the light brain, took a quick look at the mailbox,
handled some work matters, turned around, and opened a Weibo
page unexpectedly.

At this time on Weibo, it was the busiest day of the day.

Numerous celebrity entertainment news, breaking news, and bizarre

events have soared in succession, making headlines in turn, attracting
the attention of countless netizens.

And one of the latest hot Weibo is a photo of a lively party.

The owner is worthy of being Su Tan, the most popular and popular

Andrei Yang's eyes stopped slightly and landed on that glorious

Although the photo, the host, and the companion did not appear in
the picture, they were blocked by the blazing bonfire, but the lively
and intimate gesture, the indulgent smirk and the wine glass that
collided with each other clearly showed the joy and harmony of each
other Hearty.

The text on Weibo with pictures is even more straightforward.

"Sutan: Happy!"

Looking at the other side's undisguised emotional expression, Andrei

Yang slightly evoked a little arc of the corner of the lips, saying
nothing, but seeing Weibo's comments heatedly.

"Soft cute dolphin: Great, who are these?"

"Kolabao: Hahahahaha may be my new dads! The younger brothers

are so good in shape, their youthful vitality is bursting."

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: no face, bad review! Strongly
request the full picture of meat treasure!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: I don't know which one is the 'man'
mentioned by Su Da a few days ago?"

"Dark Rose: Press a cucumber, there is no inside :)."

Hot comments have continued one after another, and the pictures of
the happy campfire party have also made countless netizens and book
fans worried about Sutan's safety a little bit of a snack, and eagerly
look forward to his safe return.

Looking at these comments, Andrei Yang Lengjun's face flickered a

little smile, turned off the light brain, and got up and walked out.


On the side of the tent, a temporary toilet was set up at will. In the
wild countryside, the conditions are naturally simple.

Andrei Yang walked calmly and walked calmly. As he dealt with his
personal problems, a small footsteps suddenly heard outside the door,
almost inaudible.

A few seconds later, a clean, clear voice sounded. "Sorry."

Although it was an apology, there was no apology in the other's

smiling voice.

Seeing this scene, Andre Young raised his eyebrows slightly,

Breathing smoothly, not dying, and continuing her movements

calmly, she turned to look at the young boy with dark eyes.

"What's up?"
Su Tan smiled and said, "Yes."

He smiled ruefully, passing the place where Andre Yang had just
passed, and his clean and clear voice was full of jokes and ridicule.

"But I didn't expect that you not only look like the person I know, but
also very similar there."

Such frankly eloquent words made Andre Yang's calm and calm
expression immediately move, but in the end it just calmed down.

He walked out of time, and noticed the light wine taste on the other
side as he approached the boy, like a seductive aging, with a good
smell, not disgusting.

Andrei Yang raised his eyebrow slightly and asked with a low voice,
"Did you drink?"

In some dim nights, he found that Su Tan's eyes were bright and
shiny, covered with a layer of watery luster than usual, like a clear,
sparkling lake, All other people's sights are drawn in.

Andrei Yang looked at him earnestly, and sure enough he saw the
teenager's cheeks glow slightly, and his breath was a little hot.

After hearing his question, Su Tan thought for a while, and smiled
frankly. "Drink a little."
He raised the distance between his fingers slightly, more than just a
little? It's just like a fist.

After a while, Andre Young was silent.

Unexpectedly, drunk kittens are daringly bold. Not only did he talk to
him, but he leaned forward, dragged Andre Yang's collar, and forced
his head down a little, approaching him.

Andre Yang was still, waiting impassively for his next move.
But I saw the young man's eyes staring brightly at his profile, his
slender fingers slowly pressed on his neck, pulled down the collar of
the negligent marching combat uniform that held him between his
neck, and a large slender neck. Immediately exposed to Su Tan.

The lines on the neck are smooth and powerful, there are countless
forces under the tight muscles, and the beautiful lines almost make
people look magical.

Su Tan tried to keep his eyes wide open, and the slightly cold
fingertips brushed over that piece of skin, rubbing in one place to find
traces, but he couldn't find them everywhere.

Andre Young asked with a low voice, "What are you looking for?"

Just listen, the other person murmured without thinking. "brand."

After hearing this answer, Andrei Yang slightly pursed his lips and
whispered, "You recognize the wrong person."
His gaze was calm, and there was no slight wave when looking at Su
Tan's eyes.

But never thought, Su Tan suddenly raised a smile.

"It's okay." His clean, moist voice filled with a smile, and suddenly
pulled the other's neck severely, biting a new bite on the smooth neck

The slightly heavier strength, the overbearing attitude, and the

juvenile scorching slam on the face almost made the man re-branded
almost unguarded.

It wasn't until Su Tan's breathing was disordered and he left the neck.
Andrei Yang narrowed his deep eyes, a helpless smile appeared
between his eyebrows, and reminded again.

"I heard you have a fiance."

I saw, Su Tan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and
responded with a smile. "Yes!"

Carrying a big cousin and another little brother--

Think about it: -D.


The lively bonfire party didn't end until the early hours of the
morning, everyone relaxed and relaxed, returned to their tents
reluctantly, and the noisy night was finally over Be quiet.

Standing on the back of the tent, Andrei Young heard the excitement
and laughter coming from all around, and he dragged heavy, sloppy,
obviously drunk footsteps, apparently the bonfire party had

In the dark, his thumb lightly brushed Su Tan's cheeks slightly hot
from alcohol, and said with a deep voice, "I'll take you back."

Su Tan's eyes were dazzling, covered with a layer of water mist and
drowsiness. A wild cat in the wild was struck down by drunkenness.
At this time, his eyelids were about to slap in the next second.

Hearing a low voice, he blinked hard and nodded subconsciously, but

the other hand clung to the man's collar tightly and did not let go.

Seeing this scene, Andrei Yang slightly raised a little radian of the
corner of his lips, half-holding him, and taking him out.

The tents in the camp are different in height and are patchy. Andrei
Yang took Su Tan along the path between the tents, and walked
towards the school where he was stationed. He noticed carefully that
the young man's footsteps were floating, and he stumbled in the dark.
He nearly ran into it several times. Ground nails for the tent.
Immediately, he slightly increased the strength of his arm and leaned
the boy half asleep, half awake, and drunken body against him,
almost holding the other side in his arms in an intimate posture, and
led him forward calmly and forcefully go with.

Not long after, at the next fork, I met a crowd of people laughing and
supporting each other.

"Su Da !!!"

Several young people were full of enthusiasm, and the excitement was
completely ignited in a drunk and carnival all night.

Even if the bonfire party was gone and returned to their respective
tents, I felt a little bit uninterested, and the enthusiasm and emotions
were nowhere to be scattered.

At this moment, seeing their favorite author, Da Su, came forward,

and immediately flashed up, excitedly rushed over, stopped the
crooked footsteps, and laughed enthusiastically: "Su Da , Walk
around, go together! Don't get drunk tonight! "

A warm invitation immediately resonated with many people, and the

loud and loud laughter immediately sounded.

"Ha ha ha ha, agree! Have fun all night tonight! Take Su Da to

experience the daily life of college dogs in advance."
Some people also objected jokingly: "No, you are simply violent
creatures! You should put Su Daguan in front of the computer for an
entire night to send benefits to the majority of netizens."

As soon as the voice fell, cheering and jumping for a moment.

Andrei Yang reluctantly assisted Su Tan, apparently unable to turn

the person into the other's hand. He had a calm voice and responded
concisely: "Sorry, he's drunk. I'll send him back first."

Seeing his firm attitude and not being moved by their words, it was
absolutely impossible to achieve the goal of abducting Suzhou
University. The young people were extremely regretful. They laughed
and teased two sentences, let them go, laughed and continued.
Walked towards the tent where they were stationed.

Su Tan was lost, and woke up.

The dark light almost obscured all his sights, so he could not reach his
fingers in front of his eyes, but could only blur the scorching embrace
that he leaned on, supporting his arm firmly and firmly.

"Where is it?" Su Tan's clean voice was a little dry, and asked in a low,
dumb voice, puzzled.

However, he saw Andre Yang's steady and robust pace. Even with his
own drag, he was still stable and calm, and led him through countless
tents and night trails.

"Sent you back."

Su Tan silently for a second, and slowly responded. "......what?"

——He didn't expect Hayden to like this new role so much? He was a
gentleman who did not eat the meat delivered to his mouth.

He: ... Yes, this is not a big cousin QAQ.

On the other side, Andrei Yang slightly raised his lips and said
nothing. He silently and powerfully helped him through the tent area,
and finally came to the corner where the Emperor School was
stationed. He happened to come back from the campfire party. An

He was holding a wine bottle high, his eyes were astonishingly bright,
his emotions were soaring because of the drunkenness, and he was on
the head of the excitement and drunk madness, while humming the
cheerful song, he strode forward, not at all Note the presence of the

When Andrei Yang spoke, he suddenly noticed that the young master
was being drunk in the arms of a strange man with a long, stern, tall
figure, and was sent back.

An Mingliang's wine bottle crooked and drunk red eyes widened.

He looked at the stern man and said, "He's drunk. Will someone give
it to you?"
Suddenly he heard this casual and natural questioning, An Mingliang
got stuck for a moment.

In the next second, blood flew up again. In the sight of the other side's
calm inspection, An Mingliang burst into a spirit of anger, patted his
chest under the stimulation of alcohol, and resolutely replied: "Act,
act, give me! Rest assured, tonight The little brother was sleeping in
my bed, and he would be sure that he would not be out of trouble at
all. "


Sleeping in his bed?

After hearing this, Andre Young: "..."

He was silent for a moment, even more reassured.

Unexpectedly, An Mingliang was aroused by his words in a hurry,

and said eloquently: "Walk around, little master, tonight I will take
out all the details of the housekeeper, and teach you how to do well in
college daily life. Cheats alone. "

Hearing this, Andrei found that Su Tan in his arms was struggling
with excitement and walked anxiously toward An Mingliang.

"Okay, brother!"
The tone was very obedient and obedient. Seeing that he was going to
be abducted, I didn't know which bed he would sleep on tonight.

Andrei Yang suddenly stretched his arms, clutching Su Tan's collar

and dragging the little boy running towards An Mingliang with

His expression was calm, and An Mingliang was calmly reminded,

"Your wine is all over."

In the next moment, I only heard An Mingliang's sudden "squeaked"

voice, rushing to save himself from the tilted wine bottle, but the more
hesitant and panic caused the bottle to fall to the ground, a dull bang,
the wine bottle broke and broke It became several halves, and the
liquor was spilled.

Immediately, An Mingliang's heart seemed to be severely pierced by a

few big holes, and it was extremely painful.

In this wild and scarce Bermuda galaxy, even such a rough wine is
rare to see, and it has been a coveted fine wine for many months for

Tonight, taking advantage of the bonfire party, only someone loosely

took out the treasured liquor and shared it with everyone. Only then
did An Mingliang get a rare share, and drunk easily and comfortably.
He didn't forget when he left. I brought my last half bottle of wine.

How could it be expected that this reluctant wine did not end up in its
own mouth, it even spilled such a large piece and wasted on the mud.
At the moment, An Mingliang was in deep pain and regretted it.

He was crying, regretful and distressed, and staring blankly at the

spilled liquor, poured into the soil and couldn't save it, and his heart
burst into tears.

Fortunately, a calm voice reminded him: "There is still a box of wine

in the southeast corner of the bonfire party. Our team put it there, you
can pick it up at will."

Suddenly, An Mingliang jumped up in ecstasy, thanked incessantly,

and walked back to the place where the bonfire party was crooked.

After a few seconds, no one was seen, and he completely forgot about
the matter of Su Tan, a young master.

Su Tan, who was forgotten to stay in place, looked at him in the dust
and disappeared for a moment, and then hesitated for a moment.


Right now, there was no one around, and there was a dark night, and
even the sound of footsteps and talk just now became quiet, and the
whole camp seemed to fall into a peaceful and quiet sleep.

He tried to keep his eyes wide open, and he couldn't figure out the
direction clearly in the dark. It was even harder to find his own one
among a series of similar tents.
Suddenly, his waist was again supported by a firm and strong arm,
and the man's deep voice sounded, "I'll take you back."

After a large circle, I was taken back to the place where the two were

Su Tan was placed on an unfamiliar bed, and a familiar and peaceful

atmosphere came on his face, like a sleepy drowsiness struck above
his head, and he let his head fall asleep within minutes.

Just half asleep and half awake, I felt a hot and powerful embrace
suddenly approached me, the familiar and quiet breath could not help
but want to be close.

He spontaneously walked over and fell into a sleep peacefully.

In the early morning of the next day, charcoal embers were burning in
the middle of the tent camp, and various people dragged the
hangover's body to get up.

Sidi's professional and technical team, which belongs to a small

exploration team under the Royal Exploration Company, has always
been an elite member of the group, small-scale operations, rapid
professionalism, outstanding skills and unparalleled professionalism,
and has always been well-known in the industry.

Among them, Andre Young, their captain.

Clear and decisive skills, precise and accurate judgment, and a low-
profile and calm attitude have all won the trust and favor of the

Unfortunately, he has always been fascinated. Since the development

of Sidi's professional detection team, there have been few things that
can make him come forward. Many newcomers in the team have only
rarely seen him one or two times.

However, it was not expected that the exploration of the ancient

spacecraft site in Bermuda unexpectedly attracted the attention of
Andre Young.

Two months after Citi's professional detection team arrived in

Bermuda, Andrei Yang suddenly appeared and joined the detection
project, which surprised all members.

In front of this mythic man who is as powerful as admirable, Sidi's

professional detection team worked hard.

Since the early hours of the morning, every member of the group has
gotten up to get up, packed up and packed up their equipment,
prepared for various departures in advance, and looked forward to
waiting for the captain to wake up, seeing their efforts at first glance.

However, no one had thought that as soon as the luggage and

equipment were packed, they unexpectedly saw Captain Andre Yang
from the outside walking back in the early morning light.

"Captain, did you wake up so early?"

One of the big guys in the team asked with shame, ashamed, and
never thought they knew they were getting up early enough, or they
were left behind.

Sure enough, the captain is indeed the captain.

Andrei Yang nodded concisely without explaining where he went.

He was tall and straight, walking toward his tent neatly, but suddenly
he was found abnormal by the big man.

The other man was frightened, pointed at his neck, and stuttered
stupidly: "Captain, your neck--"

This shouting shout attracted all the members' eyes together.

In the eyes, I saw Andre Yang's sturdy and strong neck, and there was
a bite mark. The intimate and ambiguous trace was particularly
inconsistent with Andre Yang's low-key temperament, but everyone
couldn't help wondering about the time Imagination.

There was an awkward silence in the professional detection team of


The Biao-shaped man was even more reticent and could not restrain
his curiosity and wanted to ask, but in the calm sight of Andre Yang,
he suddenly suppressed his curiosity and listened to the other side.

"Well." In a word, Andre Yang actually admitted the matter frankly,

and for the first time a slight faint smile appeared on his cold and
stern face, and flashed.

He calmly said, "Ready to go."

On this day, everyone in the tent camp was still asleep, and several
professional detection teams and companies re-entered the internal
exploration of the ancient spaceship site.

This ancient spaceship has been found sailing notes, certified as the
last interstellar spaceship full of hope in the ancient earth era, and
there are countless collections in it.

For everyone who has been stuck in the wild Bermuda Starfield for
more than three months, it is no less than a dose of stimulant, exciting
and exciting.

For the professional detection team and the companies belonging to

the big family giants, the time of one minute and one second is even
more urgent, and even every minute of searching time in the ancient
spacecraft is crucial.

Who knows which team will discover the huge wealth of the ancient
spacecraft in the next second, so it will become rich overnight and win
huge benefits and wealth of the enemy country?
Andy Young 's professional detection team is nothing less than that,
and they have launched a layer-by-layer search in the ancient

However, the rest of the crowd after a lively night bonfire party did
not wake up from doze and hangover until noon.

Su Tan was sleeping peacefully. When he woke up with his eyes open,
he saw Xue Changan brightly squatting beside his bed, staring at him
with a burning gaze.

The burning gaze made him stuck for a second.

It wasn't until he blinked that he finally dispelled his drowsiness and

recovered his voice.

He got up from the bed, and Xia Liang, who was thin and light, was
covered with his body intact. Looking at the familiar tent room and
An Mingliang's abnormal behavior, Su Tan was scratching his head.
"what happened?"

I only listened to An Mingming's touch, and thought carefully and

thought and said, "I was awakened from the ground of the bonfire
party at six o'clock this morning. When I returned to the tent, I knew
you were not in bed-"

He thought for a long moment, and the sound suddenly surprised in

the next second. "Why do you suddenly appear in the tent when you
wake up at nine?"
He was struggling to understand why, and was surprised at the
unexpected appearance and disappearance of Su Tan.

After waking up, he saw the Sutan closed by the corner, sleeping
peacefully on another bed next to him, and he almost stood up with
sweat, and the brain of the slicing fragment couldn't figure out why.

But when he saw it, Su Tan chuckled and responded lightly: "Senior,
did you remember me wrong?"

His eyes were smiling, sincere.

An Mingliang felt that this answer was faintly wrong, but for a while,
he couldn't figure out the reason before and after, so he gave up
He held a painful long groan with his head hanged from the
hangover, and hugged the ground again and fell to his bed, and said
straightly, "Forget it, don't want to, help me take a break from Brother
Chang'an. Today I will sleep well Sleep."

Su Tan smiled and nodded in agreement.

He changed his clothes and pushed out the tent door. After having
lunch with his brothers, he opened the light brain and continued to
serialize what he saw and heard in Bermuda.

The photo of the bonfire party last night caused a lot of enthusiasm in
time and was pushed to the popular Weibo homepage.
In today 's Weibo update, it continued to take on the cheerful
atmosphere of last night, recording the interesting daily life in the
camp with eclectic language.

Each of the brothers and sisters made great efforts to cook each meal,
and the friends from different star fields in the camp made interesting
notes. The hard life and the hard life of daily excavation were all
described in a relaxed and pleasant tone, full of youth People are full
of vitality.

This description seems to be a small adjustment in the tense

adventure life, so that the emotions of all the readers of the netizen are
relaxed, and with Su Tan's writings, they yearn for such an interesting
life adventure experience.

"Soft cute dolphin: I want to lie to me again to dig the soil [laughing
and crying]?"

"Kolabao: It's so fun everyday! I decided that next year's college

entrance examination will also apply to the major of archeology and
earth culture, and to be a master brother."

"Sister of the Po Baojia: Please recommend for a trip to Bermuda! Can

you recommend a good travel agency? Seeing Po Bao's Weibo, I seem
to play it once."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Same as 1."

"Dark Rose: Can we charter a plane to [touch chin]?"


There is a lot of enthusiasm on the Internet. The majority of netizens

and readers have unexpectedly bought this interesting daily life

Even the largest travel agency in the world has caught up with the
trend and responded with enthusiasm and teasing.

"Interstellar Travel Agency: Bermuda Tour is officially launched!

Remind all friends, Bermuda must be considered carefully before re-

But this broke through the danger of breaking the table. Instead of
stopping the high enthusiasm of many netizens, it attracted countless
netizens' enquiries and registrations.

The huge enthusiasm almost brought the travel agency on fire, and
quickly landed on the hot search headlines.

Such a huge and amazing purchasing power, and the skyrocketing

demand for travel, have made all travel agencies across the planet

The Bermuda travel route, which has always been indifferent and just
a niche enthusiast, has become an unparalleled popular route in no
At this moment, not only the travel industry was shaken, but the
publishing industry was also shocked by the strength of Sutan
because of the power of one person.

Such a powerful strength, in the eyes of the entire interstellar is

second to none.

At the time, countless publishing industry leaders rushed to contact

Sutan's agent, Lance, and almost broke his communication phone.
One after another, enthusiastic cooperation invitations and publishing
applications were endless.

At this time, Lance had a contract in front of him.

This is a cooperation proposal put forward by his long-standing

partner Leon.

Lance's calm and victorious eyes narrowed, and she carefully browsed
the partner's elaborate cooperation plan from beginning to end, and
could not see any expression on her face.

Until he saw the last word of the cooperation plan, he put down the
plan in his hand, quietly bowed his head for a few seconds, and
immediately raised the cooperation plan on the table when he looked

The slender and strong fingers rested firmly on the paper sheet of the
plan on the desktop and tapped lightly.

"very sorry."
Lance raised her eyes quietly, with a calm and unquestionable
calmness in her eyes, "I think there is still room for improvement in
this plan."

In short, he was not entirely satisfied with the current plan.

Hearing that, Klaus Leon stunned for a second, and laughed

enthusiastically the next second, agreeing boldly: "Of course! How do
you change it?"

Although he believes that the cooperation is full of sincerity, and

made every effort to come up with the best terms for a newcomer,
Sutan's strength obviously cannot be measured by a newcomer's
standard alone.

Lance groaned and looked up and asked, "I don't know what you
think of Sutan?"

After so many years of cooperation, there is no need to say a lot of

words. Lance's slight smile on the corner of her lips let Klaus Leon
know what he was thinking.

Fairy tales, online novels, adventure novels.

There are three types and fields of works that Sutan has been involved
in. But the most commendable thing is that these kinds of works have
very different fields, and there is no similarity at all.
Obviously, this completely shows his great potential.

"Sutan has great potential." Klaus Leon said without a doubt.

"Whether it's a fairy tale, a fast-paced online novel, or an adventure

novel with a new theme, each has its own characteristics and strength,
which has caused a wave."

The call made Lance and other senior Leon company employees
nodded in agreement, without objection.

"What's more, even for online novels, Su Tan also tried to challenge
different themes and genres and achieved success."

Hearing this, everyone could not help recalling that Su Tan's original
"Domination of the Earth [Quick Wear]" on the stardom novel website
was the subject and field of the most up-to-date Internet literature, but
he was fascinated by novelty The concept and steady style of writing
have brought the novel of this theme to life.

The ancient theme of Jianghu Entertainment Weekly subsequently

attracted a great deal of attention and attention, and made all netizens
readers unprecedentedly attracted and curious about the ancient
theme of Jianghu, sweeping across the entire planet. A fiery storm of
public opinion.

In this way, it is almost impossible to say that among the young

writers of the same age, it is very rare to master the skill that can
easily move between different subjects.

Even the elderly in the publishing industry have rarely seen such bad

Therefore, Klaus Leon is willing to pay a special contract clause for

this, and show his full sincerity in front of Su Tan.

The new cooperation plan was quickly produced, and Lance sent it to
Su Tan for the final decision.

At the same time, he also organized the preliminary intentions and

plans of several other companies and sent them to Sutan for reference.

As an agent broker, all he can do is to provide his agent author with

the best many choices, and the other party will choose a final decision
from them.

Lance calmly and regularly browsed the hot discussions on the

Internet and Weibo about the trip to Sutan Bermuda.

The first-person documentary writing style is completely different

from the popular third-person perspective, which has brought
countless readers with an immersive sense of immersion, as if they
entered the dangerous and exciting world with Su Tan .

Even though Su Tan has already stated that this is his new book, there
are still many people who do not believe his claims, and believe that
his Weibo accounts in Bermuda are true.
Obviously, this completely shows his great potential.

"Sutan has great potential." Klaus Leon said without a doubt.

"Whether it's a fairy tale, a fast-paced online novel, or an adventure

novel with a new theme, each has its own characteristics and strength,
which has caused a wave."

The call made Lance and other senior Leon company employees
nodded in agreement, without objection.

"What's more, even for online novels, Su Tan also tried to challenge
different themes and genres and achieved success."

Hearing this, everyone could not help recalling that Su Tan's original
"Domination of the Earth [Quick Wear]" on the stardom novel website
was the subject and field of the most up-to-date Internet literature, but
he was fascinated by novelty The concept and steady style of writing
have brought the novel of this theme to life.

The ancient theme of Jianghu Entertainment Weekly subsequently

attracted a great deal of attention and attention, and made all netizens
readers unprecedentedly attracted and curious about the ancient
theme of Jianghu, sweeping across the entire planet. A fiery storm of
public opinion.

In this way, it is almost impossible to say that among the young

writers of the same age, it is very rare to master the skill that can
easily move between different subjects.

Even the elderly in the publishing industry have rarely seen such bad

Therefore, Klaus Leon is willing to pay a special contract clause for

this, and show his full sincerity in front of Su Tan.

The new cooperation plan was quickly produced, and Lance sent it to
Su Tan for the final decision.

At the same time, he also organized the preliminary intentions and

plans of several other companies and sent them to Sutan for reference.

As an agent broker, all he can do is to provide his agent author with

the best many choices, and the other party will choose a final decision
from them.

Lance calmly and regularly browsed the hot discussions on the

Internet and Weibo about the trip to Sutan Bermuda.

The first-person documentary writing style is completely different

from the popular third-person perspective, which has brought
countless readers with an immersive sense of immersion, as if they
entered the dangerous and exciting world with Su Tan .
Even though Su Tan has already stated that this is his new book, there
are still many people who do not believe his claims, and believe that
his Weibo accounts in Bermuda are true.

And just after Sutan 's warm, interesting and lively record of daily life,
a sudden change of Weibo suddenly updated. In a short time, it
stopped the pleasant and relaxed atmosphere and shocked all

This Weibo has only three short words, but it has aroused everyone's
worry and tension for a while.

"Sutan: It's changed."

In the Bermuda tent camp, the lively and hustle and bustle of the
bonfire party is still on the side, and the bonfire ash left over by the
night has not yet been cleaned up. Suddenly, the emergent incidents
from the ancient spacecraft site have made the whole atmosphere
cheerful and relaxed The smoke disappeared.

"Another one!"

After a sharp shout, the people guarding the ancient spacecraft ruins
moved around, one after the other looking at the entrance of the
ancient spaceship's hatch with a heart-warming look.

I saw a blood-stained, limping man who was helped by his

companion and wolverine backed out of the ancient spacecraft hatch.
The embarrassing and embarrassing posture around them made
everyone in the tent camp not enter the ruins of the ancient spaceship.

Even when it was announced early in the morning that she was going
to sleep in the bed dimly and make up for a full day of sleep, she was
also awakened by a sudden accident, her face was still swollen with
hangovers, her eyes were shocked and bewildered, murmured "This is
the eighth person who has been helped ..."

No one knows what happened inside the ancient spaceship.

But apparently, where they didn't know it, many teams and
companies who came for rare collections and property had already
torn their faces and had a fierce fight.

Successive eight people were helped out with blood, and even one of
them was unconscious and unconscious. He was gnawed by his
fellow with a messy face and a swollen nose.

At this moment, the ambitions and fame that have finally been
revealed have never been so clear before everyone.

In retrospect, last night's joyful indulgence and arrogance, everyone

bonfire party regardless of each other, carnival together, at this time, it
looks like a foreshadowing before a storm, so many students of the
ancient earth major Depressed heavily.

They finally understood that the successful excavation of the ancient

spacecraft was far from the end of the matter, and the fierce and fierce
battle in front of them was the real beginning.
Ji Changan patted the younger students' shoulders comfortably and
reminded in a low voice: "Go back, there is a teacher here."

He is a bit older, and it is not the first time that he has participated in
the excavation of historic sites with teachers and professors.
Naturally, he sees more of these things than they do. Therefore, it
became clearer that these cruel things shocked the young masters who
came to archeology for the first time.

Academics have not always been a pyramid, but teachers and

professors have always made clear their position on such occasions,
and they have reached a tacit understanding with all professional
detection teams and companies belonging to major families.

They do not participate, and the other party also guarantees their
safety, and it will not be dangerous to those teachers and students
who only come to explore archeology.

Ji Chang'an was clear in his heart, so the hands on the shoulders of the
students were extraordinarily stable and powerful, like a centering
agent, so that the students and brothers who were still in the state of
shock were able to find their reason.

Increasing numbers of wounded helpers from the ancient spacecraft

ruins gradually grew, and everyone knew that the rest remained,
almost all of them the most powerful opponents.

What remains is the really fierce chalking contest and slaughter.

More and more injured people escaped from the ancient spacecraft
and came out. The injuries left behind were also more serious.

One of them was almost a **** man, and he was rescued by his
teammates with blood, and his companions beside him were not
much better. Almost everyone had a place on his body. A severe
wound that was fatal, and looked quite frightened.

Su Tan stared at all this, without any expression on his face, nor as
shocked and frightened as An Mingliang beside him. He just stared
quietly at the hatch of the ancient spacecraft, noting that none of the
big cousin's team had come out yet.

This may mean that they are strong, or it may be ...

Thinking of that heart-wrenching answer, Su Tan took a deep breath

quickly, struggling to suppress the worry at the bottom of his heart,
and kept quietly not far from the ancient spaceship site.

It wasn't until the sky was getting dark, and the time gradually shifted
from the afternoon to the setting sun, and the quiet hatch of the
ancient spacecraft ruins did not move again.

A group of powerful and powerful men walked out of the hatch.

Although they were not much blood, they were much better than
those who had sporadic blood, but their eyes were filled with fear and
fear. He closed his lips tightly in silence, without a word, and quickly

Such an unusual situation made the crowd waiting not far from the
ancient spaceship ruins confused.
An Mingliang quietly introduced to Su Tan: "This is a company
behind the wealthy Feng family."

Hearing this, Su Tan was at ease. Feng Jia has deep foundations and
strong financial resources, and has been involved in countless
industries. The owner is also very interested in the ancient earth
cultural collections. It is no accident to set up a special exploration


He settled his eyes, staring closely at the door of the ancient

spaceship, looking forward to waiting again for another man to

Until the sky was completely dark and night fell, many people
squatting near the ancient spacecraft could no longer carry it, and
dispersed. Only when the hot night wind was quietly blowing in the
vicinity, Su Tan finally waited for the person he wanted to see.

At the entrance of the ancient spacecraft's cabin, there was a sound of

steady steps. Several neat players emerged from the inside of the
ancient spacecraft.

They were calm and low-key, wearing the same neat combat
uniforms, and there was not much blood on their bodies. Only one of
his teammates suffered a serious leg injury and had been treated
urgently. Except for his face being slightly paler, he didn't see much
Su Tan's gaze was fixed on a long, upright man headed by him, and
he carefully glanced at the other side several times with his eyesight.
After confirming that the other side was not injured, the heart that
was held tightly in his heart finally quietly Taking a breath, he
suddenly relaxed.

At this time, he noticed that the hot night was full of sweat in his

Su Tan smiled bitterly, wiped away the sweat silently, and Enron
watched as the professional detection team of Sidi approached. In the
hot night breeze, the thick **** smell remaining on the dark combat
uniform was blown over.

In his heart, the moment was tight, and he watched this imposing
team passing by himself.

It wasn't until the last member of the group walked away, his hands
in his pockets, and the figure of the man walking calmly and quietly
finally appeared.

In the darkness, Su Tan opened his eyes wide and just wanted to
speak. Suddenly, he felt that the man's arm was lifted up at will, and
he pulled something out of his pocket and tossed it. A dark shadow
passed by his eyes.

The next second, a heavy object was put in front of him. Andrei
Yang's footsteps kept on, and he continued to sit down with his
teammates steadily and powerfully, only to see his back disappear in
the night.
Su Tan was extremely surprised, looking down.

He found a large, heavy gemstone necklace falling suddenly on his

chest, and the light of the quiet flowing gemstone was shining in the

Su Tan bent her lip corners for a moment.

-Who likes such tacky things: -D!


The ancient spaceship ruins in Bermuda have suddenly changed.

The enthusiastic and happy atmosphere of the previous night

vanished. All the people tightened their nerves and kept their guards
vigilantly in their tents. There was no communication at all.

In the camp, there was an unusually quiet moment.

Everyone knew that this was the peace before the storm.

Su Tan stepped back into the room in the darkened night, and quietly
hid the large gem necklace pendant around his neck. This night, I
don't know how many people have trouble sleeping.
He lay on the bed for a while, rising lightly, ready to open the tent

Unexpectedly, a question sounded suddenly in the room, "Where are

you going?"

It turned out that An Mingliang was still awake and not asleep, and
there was no drowsiness in his dull voice, and he "groaned" and sat
up with his movements.

Seeing this scene, Su Tan raised his lips, he answered with a smile:
"I'm going for a walk, you can rest."

After hearing this answer, An Mingliang was very puzzled, and he

couldn't figure out what the little master wanted to do in the middle
of the night. Especially in such a tense situation, going out late at this
time is even more unreasonable.

He was suspicious of clouds, and he could not see the movement of

Su Tan in the dark darkness, but only heard a clear and clear voice.
"Gone, don't worry."

Immediately, the curtain of the tent was picked, and a neat figure
stepped out of the door, leaving a sentence with a smile.

"I'll go and solve personal problems."

Suddenly listening to this sentence, An Mingliang lying on the bed

suddenly laughed suddenly, flipped a position, and fell asleep
holding his quilt.
And who can't fall asleep late tonight, not only received the fiercely
shocking An Mingliang one.

Andrei Yang placed his hands in front of him, lying upright on the
bed, and silently thinking about the next arrangement in his heart.

Suddenly, a small footstep came from a distance, and then the door of
the tent where he lived alone was carefully opened. A few minutes
later, a small figure with the coolness of the night climbed onto his

Andre Young: "... what are you doing?"

He had a headache and frowned slightly. But listening to the other

person's voice was clean and moist, with a thin smile, and spoke
sharply: "I thought about it, I can't take your necklace for nothing."

Hearing that, Andre Yang raised his eyebrows in the darkness, and a
pair of narrow eyes noticed a scorching breath approaching to

Su Tan bent her lips and continued with a smile: "I can't accept your
gift, so I will return it to you."

Andre Young: "..."

——Most of the night went to his bed to return?

He couldn't help but feel helpless, but the corner of his lips was
passing a smile very quickly, watching the juvenile deftly find a
comfortable angle in his arms to lie down.

By the way, he dragged his arm in front of him securely, holding it in

his arms as a large pillow.

Seeing his unrestrained look, Andrei Yang slightly pursed his lips, but
did not refuse to let him act with a little interest.

However, this night, he did not sleep well.

In the middle of the night, there were hurried footsteps outside the
tent. The members of Sidi's professional and technical team banged
the captain's door gently, lowered his voice and said, "Captain,
someone has smeared into the ancient spaceship at night."

In the darkness, Andrea Yang's eyes opened suddenly, and there was
no clear sleepiness in it.

He looked down at the dormant boy in his arms, arched his fingers,
and tapped the other's forehead softly, seeing that the other opened
his eyes stupidly, and then closed again in a sleepy second.

It wasn't until the large, cold jewel affixed to his hot face that Su Tan
was finally awake and his sleeping consciousness returned.

I saw the long man he hugged tightly and whispered calmly, "Go
The other side picked him up sharply from his own body, while
getting out of bed and going out, he did not forget to cover his jacket
on Su Tan's head.

Then, without waiting for Su Tan to sort it out, a firm and strong arm
rested on his shoulder and led him outward.

Outside the tent, a group of well-dressed and ready-to-go players are

standing outside the door, quietly waiting for the captain.

Unexpectedly, it wasn't just the captain who came out of the tent.

The crowd looked stunned and watched Captain Andre struggling

with a thin man in one hand, throwing down a simple sentence.

"You go first."

Talking, it was actually leading people far away in the eyes of

everyone, and the figure disappeared into the tent.

Everyone present was shocked. "... Who is that person?"

Su Tan was returned to the house by Andre, and the other party
hurriedly left.

In the early morning of the next day, the people in the camp gathered
outside the ancient spaceship as usual, but the atmosphere of the
ancient spacecraft cabin door was tense early this morning, as if the
arrow was on the string, it was triggered immediately.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely dull. No one spoke. Many
people sensitively noticed that several people who were seriously
injured and whose blood was dragged from the ancient spacecraft
yesterday could no longer be seen today.


The rest of the injury was aggravated, and the wound looked terrible.

An Mingliang was a little bit worried, and whispered in amazement:

"How do they feel their injuries are worse?"

There was silence all around when he said this.

Anyone can see that the injuries on these people are by no means just
the wounds made in the ancient spacecraft during the day yesterday.
Rather, they are like accidents that have increased a few more.

Some people can't even open their eyes with a swollen face, and their
faces are covered with bruises, which shows that they have been
treated mercilessly.

Not to mention An Mingliang's heart was stunned, and the other

onlookers who had no intention of mixing in it were even more
The group of people looked indifferent, all waiting silently outside the
hatch of the ancient spaceship ruins, but no one rushed in.

Such a strange scene made people look startled.

"It happened again last night."

Almost everyone expected the answer, but didn't know how serious
the situation was last night.

It wasn't until Sidi's professional and technical team showed up that

the crowd waiting at the gate of the ancient spacecraft site was silent.

The blue tendons on the arms of a few embarrassed big men were
immediately tense, and their fists were clenched fiercely, and their
angry eyes stared straight at the man in the head.

At the sight of this strange state, the companions next to them

immediately worried that they would rush into the blood and cause
more troubles.

So, as soon as Andre Yang Gang appeared, he gave his companions a

warning glance, and it was the depression in their hearts.

The big-eyed, swollen-faced man snorted angrily and turned his head
fiercely, apparently out of sight.

But I didn't expect this cold hum was heard by Andrei Yang in his
ears, and his cold eyes lifted up, and he looked at Dahan's face
distantly. There was no trace of temperature in the calm sight, and it
was so cold. tremble.

The companion's face changed color, and he gave him a glance,

reminding him glaringly.

The huge pressure of silence at the scene caused the cold-sweated

sweat on the forehead with a swollen nose and a blue face.
Eventually, he could not bear the pressure of several parties, and
bowed his head in the distant eyes of Andre Yang Lengjun.

"Captain Yang."

Holding back his sullen anger, he muffled his voice and spoke hello,
saying he had found a step for himself.

Such a gesture of concealing defeat completely made his face dull and

Andrei Yang Mouguang Gujing has no waves, stepping past this


Such a calm and indifferent posture immediately made the down-

handed man's face unable to bear the angry fury, almost wanting to

Simply, he was anxiously pulled by his companion and stopped, but

the obvious anger and patience on his opponent's face could no longer
be suppressed.
The ancient spaceship site was opened again. Under the leadership of
Sidi's professional team, everyone started a new day of exploration.

Many people swallowed their voices and suppressed their anger,

leaving all those who remained outside the site stunned and

An Mingliang looked at the door of the empty ruins complexly and

blankly, and could not help murmuring subconsciously: "It really

Su Tan agreed.

This time the excavation of the ancient spacecraft site, the teachers and
students of the ancient earth culture major are only involved in the
scientific research archeology. During the excavation, protect while
digging, and strive to sort out and save more ancient earth cultural
heritage, leaving a lot of valuable materials for research.

At the moment, this work is forced to come to an end because of the

sudden turn of the situation and the competition between the major

During the day, the students who were suddenly idle were busy with
their own affairs, and Su Tan also recorded his own Weibo.

The trip to Bermuda has become a hot topic on Weibo.

In Su Tan's narrative, the ups and downs of adventures, each reversal
of the panting plot, and the development of exciting stories, make
readers hold a heart like riding a roller coaster.

The unstable update time of Piansheng Sutan has exacerbated the

reality of this reality, so that everyone can not predict the next plot
development at the same time.

The follow-up to the "change of heaven" on this day has made

countless people tremble.

"Sutan: ... In the ancient spaceship ruins, dozens of wounded people

were rescued from back and forth. At present wealth, all the illusions
of peace and friendship have been torn. I don't know what will
happen tonight , More injuries? Bloody conflict? Or uproar? Only
know today-shipped. "

The short Weibo on the eve of the day has changed people's appetite.

As soon as Sutan was updated today, it immediately attracted the

attention of countless people. And what he said

"Black Memorial: Money is moving."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Shipping ???? Misty grass! Really found a
baby ?!"

As soon as the "shipping" was mentioned, the time of Weibo's launch

was sensational. If the strife of the **** conflict just made a string of
tension in the heart, the appearance of the subsequent collection of the
ancient earth has completely ignited a fire for this thrilling adventure.

Not to mention the wealth of money, how many people can bear it in
front of the huge and rare treasures available at hand?

Even the netizens who followed them from start to finish, they were
all surprised to know how valuable the treasures were dug out of the
ancient spaceship ruins.

"Di Meixing Juvenile: The treasure inherited from the ancient earth
era, developed!"

"Soft cute dolphin: conservative estimate ... one hundred million?"

"Di Meixing Boy: Upstairs, are you kidding me? Too underestimated
the heritage value of the ancient earth era, just a single piece is more
than that number."

"Kolabao: Crown Prince Dad, come and grab money! @ 海登 · 兰曼"

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: You must protect yourself

The enthusiasm of ancient earth collections on Weibo is endless, and

many people even found out some internal auction materials, which
proves that the prices of ancient earth collections are extraordinary,
and they have added a layer of mystery to the entire story of Sutan
Under Weibo, many people who came out of the ancient spacecraft
site for exploration on this day were exhausted and exhausted.
Almost everyone hurriedly walked out of it.

Even though his expression was a bit embarrassing and exhausted, Su

Tan carefully noticed the expression on the face of the big man who
almost had a fight with Andrei Yang in the morning.

When the other party got out of the cabin door, he wiped the sweat on
his forehead fiercely, pretending to be calm and normal, but couldn't
hide the excitement and joy at the corner of his eyebrows.

Obviously, he has learned a lot in it today.

These people worked hard and stayed in this ghost place where the
birds didn't **** for three full months. What they did was today.

What they have gained today has made these three months of hard
work worth it!

For a time, as expected on Weibo, the huge wealth firmly captured the
minds of the other team, thoroughly making them like vigilant
hedgehogs, and vigilantly raising all hostility.

According to Professor Mei's instructions, Su Tan and An Mingliang,

who had collected soil samples outside the ancient spacecraft site,
became the hostile object of this group of people.
The Biao-shaped man warned fiercely and fiercely, glanced at the two
of them, and departed scornfully from the two, leaving An Mingliang,
who was holding a brush to collect soil samples, and looked ashamed
and sorrowful.

"You look at them!"

Looking at the back of the other person leaving hurriedly, An

Mingliang muttered angrily in anger, full of indignation.

"What matter to us?"

Their group of teachers and students from the imperial capital have
minimized their sense of existence and circled the activities around
the camp and the ancient spaceship site.

The task alone is only the most common collection of soil and rock
samples, and the appearance and surface data of ancient spacecraft.
Such low-key research can be said to completely show their attitude to
everyone and make obvious concessions.

Even Professor Mei, who is the most rigorous and upright, reminded
Ji Changan warmly and instructed the students to stay away from the
front and protect their own safety.

Professional scholars and faculties like them are still like this, and
other weak forces staying in Bermuda are even more worried. They
walked carefully in the small tent camps.
Even in such a low-key manner, instead of exchanging the respect of
the other party, the powerful companies and detection teams are
increasingly not paying attention to them.

Su Tan warmly said, "Brother, don't care about them."

Hearing this warm and warm appeasement, An Mingliang grumbled

and complained a few words, and finally suppressed the uneasy
emotion, and continued to collect samples with him at hand.

However, I did not expect that as more and more explorers came out
of the ancient spacecraft's hatch, their positions became more and
more conspicuous.

Countless teams of explorers hiding their moods and joys looked at

them with vigilance and precautions, closed their mouths silently,
refused to say anything, and walked away silently.

Some people had a strong **** smell, and even deliberately

approached them in front of them, using a stimulating **** smell to
vaguely warn them not to talk randomly in the camp.

This precautionary and threatening attitude not only annoys An

Mingliang, but also makes the look of Su Tan cold.

He glanced quietly at the group of explorers who had deliberately

protested, and said angrily, An Liang, who was impatient and
indignant beside him, said, "Brother, let's change places."
The two quickly packed up their things, and changed to the back of
the ancient spacecraft to collect soil samples.

The climate here in Bermuda is very strange. During the day, the sun
is high, the heat is very hot, and the hot and turbulent waves are
rolling. It almost burns on the human face.

And at night, sometimes it is surprising that the temperature

suddenly drops suddenly in the middle of the night, and the shirtless
person will tremble with cold.

In the dry land, there is no trace of water, just like the most boring
loose sand, which makes Professor Mei think about collecting and

Therefore, Su Tan and An Mingliang acted in earnest, carefully took

the soil of different depths on the ground, packed them into separate
collection bottles, and took them back for further research and

The back of the ancient spaceship site was just far away from the
entrance door of the ancient spaceship, which completely solved their
previous situation of being warned by hostility. The atmosphere of
immersion and safety made both people feel much more relaxed.

"Collect another bottle." An Mingliang counted the collection bottles,

and finally a slack smile appeared on his face.

Su Tan smiled and nodded, obeying his instructions.

However, it was never thought that when two people concentrated on
collecting the last soil sample, the ancient spaceship on their back
suddenly made a dull and rustling sound, as if the old door of
disrepair had finally been pushed hard to open.

The bottom of the belly of the ancient spaceship closed by Yan Silk
unexpectedly revealed a little gap, and then a hidden hidden door
opened from the inside.

Su Tan and An Mingliang, who were mining the soil, were stunned,
their breath suddenly tightened, and even the half of the shovel on
their hands could not be taken care of, and they opened their eyes
wide and watched warily.

I saw a man with a slender figure walking out.

Unexpectedly, he hit two people on the back of the ancient spaceship,

and the man raised his eyebrows with a little surprise. His vigorous
and sharp steps kept on, walking calmly towards the outside.

Only when passing by the two of them, a bright and glittering thing
was suddenly taken out by the person, and his long and powerful
fingers moved slightly, and he was thrown into Su Tan's arms at will.

With heavy weight, Su Tan sank in his arms for a while, and An
Mingliang bowed his head subconsciously and looked down.

I saw that it was a dazzling crown full of precious stones.

Although it is dusty because of time and time, the luster of the
gemstone is slightly dim, but the various colored gemstones and
heavy gold bases that are as big as knuckles clearly show the value of
this ancient earth era collection.

Now, An Mingliang couldn't help holding his breath.

His mind set off a raging horror, and he looked up with horror, but he
did not see the back of the man who had been long and neat, only the
heavy crown held in his arms in Sutan's arms reminded him of his

An Mingliang could not help swallowing a spit, full of shock and

doubt. "He, what did he give us such an expensive crown?"

Such a rare heritage of the ancient earth era has already broken the
head race in other explorer teams, and the man turned out so easily to
two people.

For a moment, he couldn't figure out why, he was puzzled.

Just listen, Su Tan next to his lips slightly bent, suddenly laughed and
teased: "Maybe you want to seal?"

Immediately, when An Mingliang was shaken, there was an

incomparable appreciation in his heart.

——It's so big, powder!

I really like it! !! !!


Because of the rich harvest in the ancient spacecraft on this day, the
atmosphere between the tent camps became more tense at night.

All the explorers were fully guarded, as if a shield had been erected
for a moment, drawing a clear line between each other.

Other expeditionary teams and companies that have been exhausted

for a whole day are faint and uncontrollable signs of anxiety, making
the entire camp feel like a tight scene before the storm, and the mood
to suppress the restlessness is about to erupt.

Teachers and students of the ancient earth culture majors are on duty
to guard against security. In more unknown places and corners,
fighting incidents have gradually increased, and they have been
repeatedly banned. More and more wounded and sick people fell, and
the scary wounds on their bodies were shocking and frightening.

For a time, everyone was afraid to walk alone.

The fierce struggle and the seizure of open guns made it difficult for
countless small teams to survive. The ancient spacecraft collection had
just spent a night without being overwhelmed, and was robbed of it
by other tyrannical teams and companies.
In no time, this storm of treasures swept all the teams and companies
in Bermuda's camp. The giant Feng's company has therefore become
the most powerful predator in the entire camp, unscrupulously
crushing the results of the investigation and exploitation of the small
team, relying on its absolute strength, do whatever it likes throughout
the camp.

This made many small teams of explorers forced to trade their

collections at a low price, angry and dare not speak.

The attitude of Voldemort made Feng's company jealous. After ten

days, he became the boss of the camp, plundering all the other teams
almost. Only the last one, they were deeply jealous. Not dare to
provoke easily.

That's Andre Young.

The vast ancient spaceship site was finally cleared after half a month.
In this half month, not only the atmosphere of the tent camp has
dropped to freezing point, but even the majority of netizens have held
their hearts tightly with Su Tan's exciting new book.

The thrilling exploration of the ancient spaceship ruins, all kinds of

unexpected and mysterious climates, countless valuable heritages,
coupled with the ups and downs and intriguing **** conflicts, have
attracted the attention of countless people.

There are countless readers anxiously waiting for updates every day.

And the special man that Su Tan met in Bermuda has become the
object of countless guesses.
"Soft cute dolphin: This cold and low-key captain has appeared on
Weibo several times and seems to like him very much."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: ... upstairs, you found out the truth."

"Kolabao: wax the crown prince."

"Dark Night Rose: To live, you must have a little green on your
head :)."

"Orange Flavored Soda: Greatly 66666666"


Such speculation and ridicule made Su Tan see, and could not help
but bear it. What's even more unexpected is that even some small
media gossip marketing accounts secretly forwarded these non-wind
and waveless comments.

At the time of the establishment, # 王 皇后 and fiancee are suspected

to be in emotional crisis #, #The best love is not worth the distant love
of tens of thousands of light years #, #Walk with me through
dangerous people are not you #, #Do you still believe in love?
#Waiting for the topic has triggered a wave of heated discussions,
letting this argument go viral and intensify.

Su Tan raised his eyebrows, calmly smiling @ 了 大 Cousin.

"Su Tan: What do you think? @ 海登朗曼"

He put away his light brain, chuckled, thinking cheerfully that he

would surely force his big cousin out this time.

As for mules and horses-

Su Tan stretched his eyes, raised his eyebrows and looked at Andre
Yang, the leader of Sidi's professional detection team who walked
forward with a healthy pace, and found that the other side was calm
and relaxed, obviously he was in a good mood.

The exploration of the ancient spacecraft site is nearing completion.

The interior of the site has been cleaned up by three layers inside and
outside, and all valuable collections have been collected by various
explorer teams.

It was not until after several days of repeated confirmation that the
heritage treasures of the ancient spacecraft were finally evacuated,
and these explorer teams or companies idled away, preparing their
vigilant departures from Bermuda.

The latest interstellar flight spacecraft is already on the way and will
arrive in only three days. The powerful companies and teams have
already contacted their exclusive starships and will arrive in the
Bermuda Galaxy to pick them up.

In the small tent camp, everyone can't wait to leave this place where
the birds don't **** and be desolate, and return to the bustling galaxies
like the Imperial Capital to take a good rest and spend a good deal.
This time, they have achieved a lot.

The company belonging to the giant Feng family robbed and robbed
many of the weak teams, but in the end, they did not do everything.
Instead, they left some small, inconspicuous things to the teams.

Even so, their harvest this time was unexpectedly generous, making
all Feng's staff happy, while secretly guarding against the sudden
release of the professional detection team of Sidi, while holding back
their luggage.

What they didn't expect was that the professional detection team of
Sidi always maintained a low-key style from the beginning. Although
it was powerful, it focused on its own affairs from the beginning to the
end. The problems that occurred in other camps were actually It is
surprisingly well water does not violate river water.

Such a low-key and arrogant attitude surprised and delighted the

Feng family. The tight-hearted heart was finally able to relax a little
bit, but it was a secretly sent stone to pay attention to the movement of
Captain Andre Yang.

After several days of supervision, they unexpectedly discovered


"Boss, that man went to help the imperial students to explore the
interior of the ancient spaceship."
A subordinate came hurriedly, attached to the ear of Feng's detection
team, Grover, and lowered his voice hurriedly.

Glover's eyes flickered, and he asked seriously, "Is there anything we

haven't found inside the site?"

I saw that the subordinates thought for a few seconds, slowly shook
their heads, and responded with a certain affirmation: "It is
impossible. We have searched several times and it is absolutely
impossible to omit anything."

But because of this, they made them more confused about Andre
Young's actions.

Now that all the valuable collections at the site have been wiped out,
why should the other party spend more energy doing these
unpleasant things.

Helping the teachers and students of the ancient earth culture major
to collect and sort out the data for the exploration of the ruins seems
to be a very significant thing, but for these explorers who live between
the edges, it is the most meaningless existence, and it is not worth the
expense A touch of strength.

Immediately, Grover's brows fell deeply. He wondered what Andre

Yang's original intention was, and he was inexplicably born with a
faint anxiety, as if being tightly oppressed by a huge pressure, about
to be covered by the tense danger in all directions.

His face was unpleasant, and his subordinates naturally shuddered

and did not dare to say more.
Until he heard Groffer asked in a deep voice, "What did they do in the
ancient spaceship?"

Then the subordinates hurriedly answered, telling the results of their

observations these days. "It's general scientific research—"

His tone paused, and he quickly recalled the discoveries of these days,
and he was also inconceivable. Nowadays, I couldn't help but make a
sound, and then continued quickly: "——Record data with the
detector, collect samples of the site, take pictures and write notes."

As he spoke, his subordinates carefully watched Grover's look and

tried to articulate his words, but he was annoyed and found nothing
clear, and the results of these observations and monitoring were

Sure enough, the next second, he saw Grover frown tightly, and asked
with a heavy look on his face: "Nothing unusual?"

This word of coercion immediately made the subordinates unable to

bear the sweat, as if it was suppressed by a heavy mountain. With his
scalp on his back, he tried to think of it for a moment, and suddenly
he thought of something, and raised his voice for a moment,
exclaiming, "Yes, there is one thing!"

Grover's eyes fell tightly on his face.

The subordinates were under tremendous pressure and bowed their
heads in cold sweat. "I think ... that Andre Young is very close to His
Royal Highness Crown Prince Su Tan."

As soon as the words were finished, the atmosphere at the scene froze.

Grover pondered many things, especially the rumors about Su Tan

during his exploration and exploration in Bermuda. He had heard
about it. However, due to his identity in this expedition, it is not easy
for him to come forward.

But Grover was well-informed and almost knew Su Tan's behavior in

the camp.

Even in the other adventure narrative novel that the other party
opened on Weibo, he glanced in his spare time when his signal in
Bermuda was good, but he didn't pay much attention to his heart.

Grover knew very well that maybe the majority of netizens thought
that Su Tan had completely recorded the true experience of the
Bermuda expedition. Every exciting event and sudden danger in it
were immersed. It must be It happened.

But those who really explored the site of the ancient spaceship in
Bermuda know how ridiculous this statement is.

Su Tan is interspersed with some unexpected emergencies of this trip,

and very few characters, other storylines are not completely consistent
with this exploration.
In particular, conflicts and major forces have done clever handling
and adaptation in his writing, and there is no trace of reality at all.

Therefore, Grover heard that in the past few days, the captain of Andy
Yang's professional detection team, Andre Yang, had been close to Su
Tan in private, and a little puzzled appeared in his heart.

What exactly is this man planning?

Grover's fog was heavy, and he rubbed his eyebrows with a headache,
and asked his subordinates with a deep voice. "How close to Faer?"

However, he did not expect that his subordinates made unexpected

claims and gave him some inspiration.

"I feel Andre is very kind to Sutan-Captain, do you say that Andre
Yang is in the presence of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince,
deliberately please Sutan?"

Astonished in Grover's mind, following this new idea, he quickly

associated with the Royal Technology Company, a company of Sidi's
professional detection team, and was inextricably linked with the
Longman family.

Andrei Yang is not impossible to try to please his superiors during

these days.

Thinking about this, Grover took a sigh of relief, pressed the last bit of
discomfort, and took a long, deep breath, and said coldly to his
subordinates: "Notify everyone, check the equipment and luggage,
and we are ready to leave . "


On the other side that Grove did not expect, Su Tan was standing in
the ancient spaceship site, and was concentrating on using a recorder
to collect all kinds of parameters and data of the ancient spaceship as
instructed by Professor Mei.

He shuttled in the cabins of various ancient spaceships, walked up

and down, and carefully recorded all the data.

An Mingliang and other divisional brothers also had their own

divisions of labor. They took the time to be in the Bermuda galaxy for
a short time, and quickly recorded and collected information and
original data about the ancient spacecraft ruins. For a while, many
were scattered and went busy.

Only Sutan was able to walk through the cabin of the ancient
spacecraft in an orderly manner to carry out his own work.

As early as the beginning of the spaceship, the professors inspected

the ancient site from beginning to end, and found that it had been
cleaned up, but not even a little danger was cleared, and even all the
The worth of heritage and collections are raided.

Anyway, there was not much damage inside the ancient spaceship. At
this time, it was not dangerous for the students to guard the door of
the spacecraft and let other students come in to detect it.
Therefore, after the professors assigned everyone the work tasks, they
hurried to some of the core areas of the ancient spacecraft to collect
and organize detailed information.

Su Tan, however, accidentally shuttled in the cabin and found some

unexpected harvests.

An inconspicuous opal ring, a small pocket watch studded with

brilliant diamonds, some book boxes scattered and decayed but of
great research value to the ancient earth culture major ...

The scattered things scattered around the ancient spaceship are just
like a huge hidden treasure hide and seek game, letting him find huge
surprises from time to time.

While holding the recorder, Su Tan walked briskly and joyfully in

each cabin, while rejoicing and smiling, looking for the baby in the
inconspicuous corners of the cabin.

After a while, she gathered her arms heavily.

He was in a happy mood, his body was relaxed, and his joy was
almost unbearable, and there was a smile between his eyes and brows.

As he continued to search the next room happily, the hatch of the

cramped room suddenly closed, and the room was suddenly plunged
into a heart-warming darkness.
Su Tan's heart was sternly mentioned, her fingers clenched alertly,
watching the darkness around her, her ears keenly noticed a sound of
almost silent footsteps approaching herself.

Suddenly, his heart fluttered and he lifted it tightly.

Just listen, a deep voice sounded suddenly in the dark, and asked in a
calm voice.

"Not touched?"

Su Tan: ... Boss, I don't dare to move, do you all submit to QAQ?


Hey, what about my little master?"

Outside the cabin door of the ancient spaceship, there was a mess of
footsteps, followed by a question.

An Mingliang looked puzzledly in the spaceship corridor for a while,

but no figure of Su Tan was found before, after, or from the left or
right. Only a narrow, closed door on the aisle wall looked like a
storage compartment.

He clearly remembered that the younger teacher Su Tan had collected

ancient spacecraft data near here, but now he was completely
An Mingliang's gaze fell in front of the closed hatch for a second, then
he shook his head and walked away quickly.

The sound of "Treading" footsteps passed quickly, but Su Tan, who

was in the closed compartment door of the storage compartment, was
relieved. The cramped dark room, the gradually rising temperature,
almost made him sweating.

All the senses were quietly lost in the darkness, only a hot and
powerful embrace in front of him, familiar and warm like a small
stove in the dark, let him grab the other side involuntarily, let the
body draw Warm.

The scorching breath, the warming embrace, and the kiss of nostalgia,
let Su Tan's mind indulge in time, until it was unknown how long the
time had passed, and finally woke up from this sudden unexpected

Outside the tightly closed hatch, footsteps came and went, and
intermittent laughter sounded, making him unable to lift his heart,
emotional tension, and quietly gave birth to a sense of greed.

not to mention--

Su Tan raised her lips and whispered with a smile: "Oh, do you know
who my fiance is?"
The man in front of him was silent, but the scorching and powerful
palms tightened his waist a bit, as if he was silently showing his

Perceived his subtle movements, Su Tan smiled brighter and brighter,

a pair of black lacquered eyes struggling to depict the face of the other
person in the dark, but on the other side continued to playfully tease:
"Don't know?"

He deliberately grabbed the man's collar in one hand and pulled the
other's head closer to himself.

The teenager's fresh and clean breath, with a little hot temperature,
was almost ironed to Andre Young's face.

And his next sentence, surprisingly surprised Andrei Yang.

Su Tan bent her lips slightly, and her clean voice was a little
dumbfounded. "It doesn't matter, whether you know it or not-I also
like this kind of morality."

Cuckolding your big cousin is so exciting! :-D

For a time, Su Tan smiled cheerfully, his expression was bright, and
he couldn't express his mood.

It was Andre Yang in the dark, who suddenly squeezed a lot of Su

Tan's fart in silence, wondering whether it was punishment or
One day, the ancient spacecraft exploration science came down, and it
was not until the evening came that Sutan hurried out of the
spacecraft cabin door of the ancient spacecraft ruins.

When An Mingliang saw him, he hurried over. "Little brother, where

have you been? Why haven't I seen you all day?"

Facing the high light at the door of the ancient spaceship, An

Mingliang looked at Sutan and wondered that the other person had to
be full tail, except that his cheeks were a little redder, and his lips
unexpectedly had some slight swelling.

In a moment, he frowned in confusion.

"your mouth--"

Upon hearing this sentence, Su Tan gave a clear cough, and the
crimson color on his face seemed to deepen a few moments in an
instant. He tried to press the heat on his face and responded smoothly:
"It's okay.

An Mingliang: "?????"

When he didn't understand how he bit himself, An Mingliang shook

his head, finally worrying about Su Tan. "Okay, today's mission is
In the next sentence, An Mingliang's excitement rose hard to restrain.
"We are finally coming to an end in this day ha ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing that, Su Tan couldn't help bending his lips, silently counting
down the time schedule.

Only three days before they left Bermuda.

Three days later, the interplanetary spaceship from Imperial Capital

to the Bermuda Galaxy is about to arrive within an hour. This
interplanetary flight will pick up most of the people involved in the
exploration of the Bermuda galaxy. After passing through countless
dangerous meteor belts and black holes in Bermuda, jumping over the
space station several times, they will eventually return to the Empire.

This can be said to be the most anticipated day for all the explorers
who have been trapped at the site of the ancient spacecraft for more
than three months.

In the early morning of this day, everyone got up tacitly, packed up

their luggage, put away the tents that had been exposed to wind and
rain, and experienced baking and baking, organized them in their
suitcases, and looked forward to the Starship spaceship 's arrival

As soon as Su Tan closed the tent, he looked up and saw An

Mingliang's enthusiasm and excitement. He could almost jump up
while walking, and his happy smile couldn't be hidden.

"Let's go! Little Master, I'll invite you to barbecue when you return to
the Imperial City!" An Mingliang patted his chest with great pride,
and promised with all his heart.

Hearing his words, Suta shook her head and laughed, and agreed to
the other's warm invitation.

Not only are these teachers and students excited, but also full of joy,
even many explorers in the camp are looking very good today.

Even after resting their luggage, the explorers still had the heat to talk
to other explorers next to them on a hot day, chatting in the bright
sunshine, and the tense atmosphere in the camp a while ago was
completely different.

Eventually, the ancient spaceship ruins were successfully discovered,

and their return journeys were carried out safely with their own gains,
which finally made many people's tense emotions quietly relax.

Right now, fifty minutes before the arrival of the interstellar

spaceship, many people crowded the temporarily docked spacecraft
port inside and outside. At a glance, there were all kinds of suitcases,
and countless tall people.

Su Tan couldn't help but make a noise, then raised the portable light
brain, and recorded the moment with the lens.

On the other hand, An Mingliang enthusiastically pulled the brothers

and sisters, and was very happy to finally take the time to take a
picture with this deserted planet. It is very likely that they will never
come again in their lifetime.
The atmosphere at the scene was lively, and various conversations
and laughter were mixed together, bustling and extremely noisy, but
full of vitality and strength.

Just as everyone was chatting and passing time, one person suddenly
looked up and noticed the slowly appearing shadow of the spaceship
in the sky above him, and suddenly raised his throat and shouted in

"The spaceship is here!"

Time flies, the sentiment is sensational.

Everyone unconsciously interrupted all the gossip and conversation.

Qi Qi looked up and watched the behemoth that was falling and
approaching. The joy and excitement were ignited for a while, like
boiling water, and the excitement was abnormal.

"Walk around and finally get out of this place where the birds don't

"This mission has exhausted me, and I must take a long vacation after
I return to Gleet."

"Well, today's flight is ahead of time? Even half an hour before the
scheduled time!"

"Hurry up with your luggage. Whose big box is it?"


Temporarily calling at the port, there was a lively hustle and bustle,
all the waiters were looking forward with anticipation, and they were
vigorously preparing to jump on the interstellar flight spacecraft,
leaving this uninhabited, scarce and scarce planet.

However, I did not expect that when the spaceship was flying lower
and lower and was about to land, someone noticed that there was
nothing in the space of the spaceship, neither the flight number nor
any spaceship belonging to the Star Airlines logo.

The entire surface of the spaceship, on the contrary, was simply

painted with a gray low-key outer layer without leaving any symbols.

Such an anomalous spacecraft immediately made many laughter and

enthusiastic explorers sink into their hearts and suddenly became

Sure enough, as soon as the spacecraft docked on the platform, the

hatch with the gray soil layer slowly opened, revealing a quiet and
deep landing channel, without any warm greeting from the crew of
the interstellar flight.

Everyone at the scene smiled, a look of solemnity and vigilance

appeared on their faces.
In full view, the Feng family detection company's team stepped out
from behind the crowd, carrying suitcases, and stepped firmly into
the exclusive spacecraft one by one.

For a time, the entire temporary port of call could only hear their
heavy footsteps, and everyone was watching them silently.

Captain Grover walked to the end, looking somber and tough,

standing at the entrance of a one-man cabin and turning back to look
at everyone.

He spoke calmly and released a terrifying message.

"The interstellar spacecraft will not come."

As soon as he spoke, there was an uproar at the scene, staring at him

in shock.

Grover continued in a very straightforward way: "Soon after entering

the Bermuda galaxy, this flight hit a meteorite stream, the engine was
severely damaged, and it was towed back by the connecting port
patrol ship from the previous station. It will definitely not be possible
again in the near future. Set sail. "

This news shocked everyone present.

Because of the special circumstances surrounding the Bermuda galaxy

with meteorite belts and black holes, the flight to the deserted planet
deep in the core of the Bermuda galaxy was not normally opened.
In order to make it easier for many explorers to come here this time,
Star Airlines specially arranged an experienced captain of Bermuda to
fly the spacecraft.

Other than that, there is no second flight available.

So, as soon as the news that Grover announced that the only flight
they were returning to was severely damaged, countless explorers
present were embarrassed.

Not to mention that their mission on this desolate planet in Bermuda

has ended, let them continue to wait for two or three months in this
deserted place to drive people crazy.

Three days and five days, one month and two months, where can they
afford so much time?

All of a sudden, the faces of everyone present were ugly.

Even An Mingliang was beside Sutan and couldn't help but

incredulously mumbled: "No ...?"

Staying for another three months, this is going to die!

Su Tan silently agreed.

However, Grover said the news, not just to shake people's hearts. He
stood on the huge and elite Feng family professional voyage ship,
glanced down at all the people who were frustrated and whispered,
and suddenly said with a low voice.

"I can take you away."

The talking crowd was silent for a moment, and looked up at him

Sure enough, this way of piggybacking is not free.

Grover said solemnly, "But I'm sorry, you need to buy a 'ferry ticket'
to be eligible to board."

As soon as his voice fell, the crowd was silent for a while, and the eyes
of each other questioning silently asked his companions, and before
long the crowd was agitated again.

There is no lack of heartbeat, but--

"How much does a ferry ticket cost?"

In the crowd, suddenly someone shouted loudly and shouted openly.

Glover was indifferent, standing on the behemoth of the giant ship,

full of vigor, and said calmly, "Your loot here."

Definitely, the crowds crowding the entire temporary port call were

Grover's huge ambitions and appetite are obvious!

The crowd was turbulent and messy, and it was not worth leaving for
such a great price. Everyone was in a deep inner struggle, hurriedly
discussing the countermeasures with their companions.

An Mingliang, who was standing next to Su Tan, also crooked his

nose due to Grover's appetite and ambition. He simply gave up and
said, "I won't go."

Su Tan glanced at him.

I saw An Mingliang's pride and righteous response: "It would be nice

to spend this semester here, so there is no need to take the final exam!"

Suddenly, Su Tan could not help but laughed suddenly.

There is not much time for many explorers to hesitate. The huge low-
profile spacecraft docked on the temporary platform, like a huge and
tempting cake, attracting everyone.

Grover always stood at the entrance of the spacecraft's hatch, looking

at all the people solemnly, without doubting the result of their choice.
Either wait another three months, or pay a "ferry ticket" to get on
board now, and when he wants to come, everyone who has a little
brain will choose the latter one.

However, he never thought that he waited for an entire hour, and

eventually there were only three or five people who were forced to
hand in the tickets.

And most of the rest--

Grover's face sank.

"Last three minutes of consideration."

His voice was cold, and a deep, quiet voice made his final ultimatum.
However, many people crowded inside and outside the temporary
port of call, except for silently staring at him, no one moved.

Suddenly, Grover's expression grew colder.

As soon as three minutes elapsed, the scene was silent and silent,
Grover's face calmed, and finally he glanced at everyone, then turned
into the spacecraft cabin and closed the door entrance passage.

One minute later, the large transport ship exclusively owned by

Feng's family slowly launched into the mid-air of this desolate planet,
and flew up into the sky in an instant, gradually disappearing.
All the explorers still stranded here glanced at each other helplessly
and sullenly, sighing desperately, grabbing their suitcases, and
preparing to return to the camp with their feet.

"That made it ..."

Some people shook their heads and smiled bitterly, while others
whispered firmly.

"Anyway, I must be improper for this injustice. The Feng family has
searched and plundered how much heritage they have stolen, leaving
us with only a little left between our fingers. This time, I still want to
search for it. It is really ambitious!"

"Yes, whoever wants to go, whoever walks, even if I save it for

another three months, I don't want to hand in the hard-earned things
to them easily. Isn't it just three months, I can afford to wait ! "
Many explorers talked fiercely and made clear the indignation in their
hearts. It was as if their attitude was stronger than Grover's.

When all the people present were looking for their luggage, they were
ready to pull out the temporary docking port, and return to the camp
again. Unexpectedly, a small black spot appeared again above the
distant port at this time.

"They're back again ?!"

Someone shouted sharply, immediately leading everyone to stop and

scrambled to look up.
I saw that the shape of the spaceship this time was very different from
the previous Feng's.

Everyone was suddenly surprised.

"Don't say that the interplanetary flight is broken? Did Grover

deliberately deceive?" Someone raised his doubts in suspicion, and
was immediately beaten by his companions next to him.

"No! You are not from the Feng family's ship! It seems like ... the Star

As soon as this sentence was spoken, the tone of hesitant guessing

immediately triggered a response. The appearance of the gray coating
is completely different from that of the Feng family. This new
spaceship is lighter and more sophisticated. The black cabin exudes a
low-key color. It can perfectly integrate with the starry sky during the
interstellar voyage and cover up. Your own trace.

The simple and neat silver icon on the cabin body clearly shows the
identity of the other party.

"Star patrol !!!"

For a moment, the whole scene was uproar.

Star Patrol's spacecraft docked at the platform steadily. As soon as the

hatch opened, a calm and solemn face stepped out wearing a military
uniform. The familiar face made Su Tan startled, then chuckled.
Raised a smile.

Royal Guards housekeeper Oleson solemnly and calmly said: "Star

Patrol 1537, was ordered to take you back to your country."

With a humorous utterance, all the people in the audience suddenly

felt hot.

In a desperate and desperate situation, they were finally rescued by

the empire's huge escort, which made the most stubborn and resolute
explorers, and at this time, they couldn't help but have hot eyes and
red eyes.

Under the arrangement of Olesen, everyone boarded the Patrol cabin

in order, taking all the stranded people and luggage away completely,
until the Patrol took off into the Bermuda galaxy and saw the familiar
The vast starry sky that can no longer be familiar with, everyone's
heart finally fell like riding a roller coaster, and Enron put it back in
his stomach.

Interplanetary Starship deftly shuttled between the crisis-laden

meteorites and black holes in Bermuda. With rich sailing experience
and powerful strength, it easily jumped through one dangerous
vortex after another.

Until three days later, in the vicinity of a lurking dark black hole
vortex, the crew on the Patrol saw a familiar gray behemoth
spaceship, which was actually the previous spacecraft that Grover
took to leave earlier.
At this time, the gray spaceship was completely damaged, and the
damaged outer shell and the severely damaged and incomplete
engine side were obviously just experiencing a huge crisis of escape.

This made all the explorers' minds involuntarily go deep.

Grover's gray ship was docked next to a patrol ship with a similarly
dark shell, agile and light, and the patrol ship where they were
located naturally issued an inquiry signal, which connected the signal
of the opposing patrol ship.

"What happened?" Olesen asked in a calm voice.

All the explorers near the cockpit couldn't help raising their ears and
quietly listening to the answer from the opposing patrol ship.

Sure enough, a lamenting grunt came from the other side's patrol
ship. "An unlucky man ... thought that his driving skills were upset,
and he dared to challenge the Bermuda galaxy, eventually
overturning the boat and folding himself in. It was all right, the ship
was over, and after we had made on-site records, we dragged it back
to the nearest port for repair. "

Oleson continued to ask, "No punishment?"

The voice of the other patrol ship immediately rose up. "How is that
possible? The tickets have been issued! For a large accident, he will be
punished for ruining his family!"
The other laughed: "I heard that they found a lot of collections at the
Bermuda site? Alas, it's all national now!"

This answer unexpectedly made many explorers on the scene

extremely relieved and happy, and let out a sigh of anger with all
their heart.

Pay a ticket?

Su Tan lightly raised the corners of her lips, her eyes stretched.

In the subsequent trips, with the **** of the Star Patrol Ship, everyone
was relaxed and relaxed. With the arrival of the Empire Capital, the
crowds dispersed. After Su Tan returned to Gu's house, his adventure
travel notes also ushered in the finale.

However, this novel with a special creative technique sold a secret at

the last minute, and did not completely decrypt the many foresights
and mysteries buried in Sutan 's Weibo narrative, leaving behind
numerous mysteries that enchanted all book readers.

"Su Tan: After returning from Bermuda, my life returned to peace,

and I started preparing everything for freshmen to enter the school. I
had a glimpse of the lively college life. Until one day, I suddenly
received a mysterious mailing package. Wrapped with a special gift,
mailing address-Bermuda. "

At this point, all his narratives about the journey to Bermuda have
come to an end, but the suspense and countless unsolved mysteries
and foggy details at the end have made many netizens readers

"Soft cute dolphin: Seeing the end late at night, hiding in the duvet
and frightening the whole body, I didn't dare to think about it-where
is the star mail service in Bermuda?"

"Kolabao: Mysterious Parcel? Greatly you didn't make it clear how it


"Fishing on the Milky Way: Holding my heart tightly, the ups and
downs of the author's travel and adventure experience have been
undulating to the present. Originally thought that the trip to Bermuda
had ended, this trip finally had good results, but I did not expect the
author to leave A bigger pit! Tears! "

"Black Memorial: Seeing the end all the time, I feel the countless
details and foreshadowings that have not been explained clearly, from
the beginning to the end in a subtle and half-bright state. Su Da, this is
to create a suspenseful atmosphere, deliberately That 's right? But I 'm
still too naive. Seeing the biggest pit at the end, I really felt the author
's big prank. "

"Dark Rose: There must be a second one, look forward."


The mysterious and ancient ruins of ancient spaceships, the

dangerous and dense Bermuda star field, the ups and downs of the
storyline and the pressing and tense atmosphere, cover the whole
novel with dangerous and seductive appeal.
After Sutan announced the end of his travel narrative, many fan fans
and fans on various interstellar websites, Weibo and forums have set
up analytical posts and secret posts to actively explore these scattered
and mysterious Weibo records Clues and dark lines hidden deep.

"A detailed analysis and speculation of Bermuda's entire process-

professional orientation, evidence-based version! How many
foreshadowings did Suzhou University leave in Bermuda?"

"Another way to open Bermuda! I'm irresponsible to guess the

direction of Lenovo's brain, and everyone is welcome to open it ~"

"Under the August 18th suspense, the real life of those Bermuda
archaeologists (according to the timeline of the Soviet Union's
Bermuda trip, please omit any additions)."

Numerous analysis and testimonials, such as the bamboo shoots that

have sprung up, have postponed the popularity of this travel record,
and have quickly occupied the hot headlines of many websites and

Sutan's expeditionary experience was unparalleled in popularity for a

while, and it became hot.

For the publishing industry, it has also attracted huge attention, which
has shocked countless industry insiders and swarmed.

Just then, a shocking news was released suddenly.

Empire Crown Prince Hayden Longman, who has not appeared in a
long time, finally appeared on Weibo again for a long time, and
responded with a crisp ending, which made countless people wonder
what he thought.

"Haiden Longman: The game is over."

Su Tan, on the other side, suddenly received a special gift package.

Brilliant gem jewelry, sharp ancient daggers studded with gems,

ancient books, ancient murals, ancient porcelain full of historical
traces and beauty ...

Su Tan looked at the rich gift box that he had received by accident and
couldn't say anything with surprise.

This is-is there a tip for playing games?

He chuckled his fingers and quickly typed a line into the


"Thank you for the main reward! -D"


The unexpected gift package made Sutan happy. With the end of this
trip to Bermuda, his adventure notes on Weibo also came to an end,
leaving a huge mystery and heated discussion, and then disappeared

When everyone was unexpected, he quietly got on the flight to Rose


On the days when the spring was blooming and the heat wave hit,
Sutan set foot on the land of Rose again after more than four months.

As for the interstellar flight spaceship, the heat wave was greeted with
familiar Guelia dialects, and the eyes were filled with strong, strong
and burly figures. This extremely familiar Guelia's typical shape
actually made him miss a little Feelings.

Su Tan smiled, and found that for him now, he really regarded Rose
as his hometown.

Carrying a suitcase and boarding the shuttle bus, Su Tan was drowsy
by the hot sunshine of Guilia by the window before finally arriving at
the small town where Su's family lived.

When he stood at the door of the house, an almost excited scream

broke through the roof.

The robot Suning rushed over enthusiastically--


Su Tan was crushed, and she couldn't help but smile.

He finally went home.

The peaceful life returned after a long absence. The robotic dad took
out the housekeeping skills and made three meals a day to change the
style of cooking, trying to make his son fat.

Su Tan's Bermuda journey narrated on Weibo made it thrilling and

worried every day about his safety.

On the contrary, it is a small robot, because of this ups and downs,

thrilling adventure adventure experience, has become Su Tan's
number one fan, running every day and chasing behind his short legs.

"Brother, are you writing new?"

Da Da bent his eyes, looking up at Su Tan, his eyes were full of

expectations, making Su Tan can't help but endure Jun.

He filmed the scene and showed it to his big cousin.

"Sutan: Little fan of chasing more ~"

Hayden shook his head when he saw this communication. Countless

documents piled up in front of him, almost piled into a mountain, and
the place was covered with a large and thick desk, and several
statements were crumbling on top.
These documents, which had been accumulated for several months,
completely trapped him here, and only sent Su Tan to embark on his
journey back to Guilia. not to mention--

Coincidentally through the half-covered study door, Hayden heard a

low voice that couldn't hide his pride.

"The soup is delivered, and the young master specially instructed me

to watch His Royal Highness finish drinking with my own eyes."

This is already the Gu housekeeper regularly appeared in front of


Upon hearing these words, Hayden, who had drank the tonic soup for
ten days, couldn't help but slap his lips and laughed.

Olesen's response was even sharper. He took the soup from the
housekeeper of Gu's house, and replied calmly, "Hello, good-bye."

Hayden shook his head and smiled, replying a message to Su Tan. "...
want to hit someone."

Sutan over there returned quickly.

"Quack: -D!"

In Da Da's expectation of pursuing more every day, Su Tan gradually

completed the follow-up creation of adventure notes in Rose's
comfortably days, and gave them to the agent Lance.
When all the netizens were still enthusiastically discussing numerous
unsolved mysteries in his adventures, a blockbuster news was

"Sutan's new mysterious Bermuda adventure-" Expedition Notes "hit

the market!"

The official Weibo of the imperial publishing industry giant Leon

officially released this shocking news, and then the official operating
channels led to the comprehensive promotion of many media and
marketing accounts, and the news of Sutan's new book was
overwhelmingly promoted overnight.

For Leon, this day is a new battle like never before.

They unexpectedly fought an ambush. This time, from getting the

new manuscript of Sutan, to revising the typography, to printing and
shipping to the sales points of various Leon company bookstores, they
always kept confidential from beginning to end.

Almost, without leaking a trace of wind, Leon deliberately omitted all

the pre-warming and pre-heating, and shocked the news that Sutan's
new book was listed.

This is an unprecedented brand new sale in Leon's sales history, and it

has undeniably taken great risks and difficulties.

Correspondingly, everyone above and below Leon is excitedly

looking forward to unparalleled thermal effects.
Claus Leon paced anxiously in the office, unable to sit quietly.

For a publishing industry leader such as Leon, although it has a large

family, a deep foundation and a long history, it has a unique industry
heritage and connections, but the surge of the tide that has surged in
recent years has already made them such old traditional publishing
companies. The advantages of the company are gradually shrinking,
and it is impossible to stand out in front of countless emerging and
popular newcomers.

The original manly author Joanne led by Reims also officially

launched a powerful attempt for newcomers in marketing. The results
were obvious and great success.


However, as the relationship between Lance and Joan collapsed,

Lance was forced to leave the imperial publishing circle, and the
cooperation between Joan and Leon also came to an end.

This time, Joan's complete departure left the entire Leon company
with heavy losses and fell into a downturn completely.

They tried their best to support several newcomer authors, but in the
end they lost the huge powder sucking ability of Joan, and watched
each other as the most marketing agent in the publishing circle of
God, in a new studio. Continue to burst red.
Therefore, this time re-cooperating with Su Tan, Klaus Leon holds
great expectations.

They carefully drafted a marketing case, and found that the discussion
on the travel history of Bermuda in Sutan has been heated on the

Simply, Klaus Leon clinched the decision to adopt a fast ambush,

promote the listing overnight, all-round publicity, and hit the
popularity of the new book.

Sure enough, as soon as this official Weibo of Leon was released, it

immediately caused a huge amount of enthusiasm, and Weibo
swelled to the headlines.

and then--

"Lyon: The mystery of Bermuda! The ups and downs of adventure!

The author Su Tan himself puzzled in the book!"

Countless book enthusiasts rushed into the bookstore, enthusiastically

purchased the latest novels, but were surprised to find that the books
were sold out.

"Soft cute dolphin: I didn't grab it! / (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~"

"Kolabao: I, I, I, I, I, I grabbed it! Happy circles! Go and see first!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: I can't buy Su Da's new book anywhere. Is
the publisher intentional [want to send a blade]?"

"Dark Night Rose: Changshu breathed a sigh of relief, after reading it,
it was really ... beyond my imagination."

"Black Memorial: You can't buy it, you can't buy it! Are there any
book friends who want to change hands after watching it? Heavy


Compared to the huge online discussions, Leon has also fallen into an
ocean of unparalleled joy.

"Manager, the sales volume of the new books has been released for 24
hours! A total of 5 million copies have been sold!"


"Out of stock! The number of new books booked has reached a

horrible 20 million."

"This book from Suzhou University has already won the best-selling
book list this week!"

Countless good news came one after another, all of Leon's phones and
communications were full, and countless bookstore sellers and other
planet sellers hurriedly called for more new books. For a while, every
employee of the company was busy.

Klaus Leon, sitting in the office, couldn't help but have a big smile on
his face, and couldn't wait to share the good news with Sutan's agent,

Putting down the phone, he took a deep breath, feeling the turbulent
joy flowing inside his body, making him extremely content and

Klaus Leon worked hard to sink the **** enthusiasm, made a calm and
sophisticated decision, and said to his subordinates, "Don't rush,
follow your plan."

The subordinates led away.

In the following week, all fan readers and fans saw the daily volume
of the major Leon bookstores steadily unchanged, and did not burst
into the shelves because of the enthusiasm of fans.

On the contrary, the daily sales volume of 500 sales points at each
bookstore allows Sutan's new books to be sold early.

By this time, almost everyone was aware of Leon's hungry sales

policy. But everyone loves and hates it.

"Soft cute dolphin: ha ha ha ha ha ha, go to the line at five in the

morning and finally bought it!"
"Kolabao: It has been brushed three times. Looking at it three times, I
feel that my IQ is still not enough [laughs and cry]. How big is the big
head? How big is the brain hole! Great!"

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: The young ladies and sisters
upstairs, crying for a look at the transfer. You have all seen it, but I
have not seen it, it is sad."

"Black Memorial: Spit a bit of old blood, so am I ... a hundred claws to

scratch my heart!"

Such a hungry sales policy has unparalleledly brought huge debate.

Readers who bought the new book first, enjoyed it firsthand, in the

Even this hot sales situation has shocked all the companies and
publishers in the interstellar publishing circle.

They had known that this novel would become a hit, and they were
disappointed when they competed with Leon for the copyright of
Sutan's new book. But I never imagined that this kind of heat
unexpectedly exceeded all their expectations.

The new books and the eye-catching hunger marketing policy have
firmly and firmly seized the attention of all new books in the same
period, and in a dark horse manner, completely removed all the books
on the new book sales list during the same period and plundered all
readers Our eyes.
Until then, they were extremely sorry.

In the expectations of all publishing companies, the book "Exploratory

Notes" will be hot in a short time, but it is difficult to be popular.

After all, most of the contents of this book are publicly narrated by Su
Tan on the Internet microblog in the early stage, so passers-by and
netizens who want to read this book can understand it by looking at
his Weibo. fast.

Only loyal fans of this book and Sutan will be able to purchase
expensive hardcover books again for collection.

But they never thought that, for such a situation, Leon unexpectedly
adopted a hunger marketing policy.

A small number of new books are regularly added to the shelves

every day, consciously controlling the rhythm and quantity of the
shelves, so that a small number of readers can buy them in surprise,
while another group of readers can only feel itchy.

In this way, to stimulate readers' desire to buy.

Such an approach is obviously extremely effective. The numerous

lamentations on the Internet and even more vigorous vows to queue
up to buy books are the best proof.
Right now, all the publishing companies can't help commenting on
Claus Leon: "Chicken thief!"

Such a listing method will bluntly add new adventure and thrilling
books that would only be hot for a short period of time, which has
prolonged countless hot sales periods, giving the "Expedition Notes"
the potential for long-term and long-term sales.

In the next few weeks, the weekly best-selling new book list was
unquestionably firmly occupied by Su Tan's "Exploratory Notes", and
even other popular authors were stepped underneath.


On the subway, on the interstellar flight, in the classroom ...

Everywhere, you can see the figure turning with this "Exploratory
Notes", which has aroused a lot of envy of passersby and bystanders.

All of a sudden, "Taking" Exploratory Notes "to _______" became a

hot topic on Weibo. Countless netizens who were lucky enough to
buy this book have shown the pictures of Sutan's hottest red new
book to go to school / travel / go to the library, or even go to the pit,
the humorous and interesting spit and the picture, but caused The
fierce envy of other netizens who did not buy books.

For a while, it became a fashion to have a copy of Adventure Notes.

Seeing that the hot selling situation of "Adventure Notes" is hitting

hotly, all the publishing houses and book companies are now thinking
about avoiding the edge, quietly waiting to pass the peak of this
period of Sutan fever, and then when the momentum drops slightly
Arrange for your new book to exit.

Suddenly, countless new books that have already made several

rounds of propaganda notices can only be postponed again and again

The enthusiasm for the proposal of the Sutan Signing Fair is even
more enthusiastic and full of enthusiasm.

However, Su Tan declined this approach. With the beginning of the

freshman season in the university, he low-key carried a small suitcase
and entered the Imperial Capital University.

The life of his freshman in college started quietly.

# 人生 报到 日 # has long been a lively topic on Weibo.

"Xiao Nanzhu: I entered the same university [Shy] as Suda."

"Sailor Moon: Yeah! Shake hands and shake hands! I'm your sister!"

"Adolescents with a dry stand: Keke, sorry, Su Tan is my little master

who is a professional—you all lost upstairs :)"

"Kolabao: I'm so mad! Bullying we haven't gone to college QAQ!"

Various topics are hotly debated. As the most famous freshman of the
year, Sutan has become very popular before entering school, causing a
high degree of topical discussion among many students. Almost
everyone wants to see his real person in person.

Su Tan was also assigned a four-bedroom dormitory. Fortunately, An

Mingliang was assigned to a dormitory. The other side excitedly
called that their dormitory was finally filled. They temporarily
hurriedly filled a bed full of debris Pack it up and use it as an official
bed for Sutan.

At this point, he finally took root in the university.

Several new housemates are also very interesting.

An Mingliang is a lively person who is crazy. He is enthusiastic every

day and is willing to smoke and beat in the group of "Ancient Earth

After he became Sutan's roommate, he naturally took on the

responsibility of supervising the author's great diligence and renewed
it. Even as soon as Sutan renewed as usual, he stared at Sutan with a
burning look, making him unbearable.
Norbert, another roommate who has lived with An Mingliang for
many years, has a strong body and is very enthusiastic about outdoor

There is also Deming, who is a freshman entering Sudu University

with Sutan for one year. Unlike Su Tan's calm and low-key, An
Mingliang's lively enthusiasm, and Norbert's generous and open-
minded, this new admission into the director department of the
Imperial University is exceptionally beautiful, a pair of peach eyes
eye-catching, looks beautiful And bright, people could hardly help
staring at him.

Even if the four people in the bedroom walked out together, they fully
caught the sight and gaze of all passersby.

What is unexpected is that Deming looks good, but his personality is

unusually frank and bold. On the first day I settled in the dormitory, I
gave my three newly edited short clips to the three, expressing my
love for the director professionally.

Even his bedroom cabinet was full of professional camera equipment

and editing tools. Every day he was devoted to shooting and editing
all kinds of materials. The attitude of professional addiction admired
the other three.

The four of them ate a meal and became thoroughly familiar.

Life at the university is deliberate and relaxed. The roommates get

along very well. The courses in the ancient earth culture major are
more casual and lighter than he imagined. Most of the teachers are
immersed in the research of precious scientific materials just brought
back from Bermuda and give them to students. Most of the
assignments they arranged were their thoughts and views on the
ancient earth culture.

The assignment title for this day is "the wonderful adventure

experience of the ancient spaceship in Bermuda".
Su Tan smiled and sent the assignment to his big cousin.

"Wonderful adventure? You have the most say on this topic: -D."

Hayden: "..."

He shook his head and laughed, after a while, calmly said: "Great!"

——The temptation in the back room.


Looking at the pile of documents in front of me, and thinking of the

teenager who was ignorant on the campus of the Imperial University,
Hayden could n't help but had a headache and shook his head

After entering the university's Sutan, he immediately became like a

fish. Novel college life, lively and interesting roommates, gentle and
generous teachers and professors, make his life in the new semester of
the university extremely lively.

Occasionally on weekends, I have time to leave school to review my


Such a rhythm of life naturally made the big cousin sigh and cherish
the rare opportunity to meet two people more and more.
With the popularity of "Adventure Notes", countless adventure novels
have followed the trend, setting off a wave of enthusiasm, completely
covering up other subjects of the same period.

Major media book reviewers have made extremely high evaluations.

"Time's Newspaper: Adventure novels are all the rage! Adventure

Notes" scored 9.2 on this month's new book list! "

"New Book Media Weekly: The best-rated adventure novel, worth a


"Today's headline: Alec. 600 million copies!" Adventure Notes "is

selling well, the sales volume is the fastest selling new book in

Even Leon's general manager, Klaus Leon, couldn't help pouring a

cup of hot tea for Lance who came to his office.

He groaned, incomprehensible complexity and emotion. To Lance, an

old friend of the past, and now a hot-selling best-selling author's
agent, Klaus Leon smiled bitterly: "At the time Joan was born, he won
a large number of fans with his exquisite and pleasant people
Flocking, completely stepped down a series of old authors, at that
time I thought that Joan was already a rare genius author for a
century. But now-- "

With a bitter laugh, Lance knew what he was thinking in silence.

Lance's eyes were low, and he fell silent in the hot coffee cup.
For a long time, Lance sighed and chuckled: "Have you ever thought
of another Sutan?"

Upon hearing that, Leon nodded unexpectedly.

Not only them, but also those in the industry who have been working
hard for many years in the publishing circle of the Imperial Capital,
have been shocked by the publication and sales of "Expedition Notes".

Even if they have many years of experience in the publishing

industry, they rarely see a powerful newcomer like Su Tan. Even Joan,
who has become popular in recent years, is still under the limelight of

Klaus Leon lowered his voice and muttered, "I heard that Joan's new
book has been put on hold."

Lance was silent and did not respond.

The explosion of "Exploratory Notes" was unexpected by many

insiders who published it, and Su Tan's personal strength surprised
many insiders.

Children's literature stories, up-and-coming adventure novels ...

Every time, Su Tan's challenged works are niche themes that are too
cold to be in the up-and-coming niche, but relying on strong skills,
they are well-deserved to create a well-deserved niche theme. Popular
In such a hot situation, "Exploratory Notes" has formed a huge word-
of-mouth effect. After reading the novel, countless readers and book
fans felt that they were still overwhelmed. Especially the express
parcel hook left at the end of the novel is silently signifying the next

Countless readers are eagerly looking forward to the second novel.

With such enthusiasm, a more shocking news was released.

"Expedition Note is on the big screen!"

As soon as this rumor came out, countless readers responded

enthusiastically and got heated discussions. And many insiders of the
entertainment industry are also in great turmoil, how could they have
never thought that the film and television copyright of this best-
selling book would be sold out so quickly.

In a hurry, industry insiders made a sensation, and they inquired

which company started first.

This inquiry was actually discovered by Gu's film.

Gu's film industry has a huge appeal in the entertainment industry,

and it can be described as the leader of the entertainment industry,
occupying a huge share. What's more, it has a great relationship with
Su Tan, the young master of the Gu family, so it is not an exaggeration
to transfer the right of adaptation of "Exploratory Notes" to Gu's Film.
Everyone in the entertainment industry was astonished, and even
more impressed by the adaptation of this large-scale production.

Compared to the huge success of "Adventure Notes" in the publishing

field, countless people in the industry speculate that this novel will be
swept up in the film and television industry.

Mysterious and dangerous taboo starfields, thrilling and exciting

adventures, overwhelming fog, and ancient spaceships, treasures,
friendship, love, all kinds of elements intersect, almost every hot spot
can meet the hearts and curiosities of fans .

Such a blockbuster movie has an unparalleled deep fan base. Before

the film was shot, countless people in the industry speculated that this
film will explode the visual feast in an all-round way.

When Gu's film was adapting this film, he also took out 120 minutes
of spirit and waited. The new president of the film industry
personally invited the director of Gu 's most successful action
commercial film director to join in. He drafted a series of long-term
stars, and even the roles were not arranged. Many popular traffic
flowers can only make soy sauce in the movie.

But as it always is, countless celebrities continued to show their olive

branches and expressed their willingness to appear in the film,
regardless of their role.

This fiery situation makes every day's media news shocking.

"" Expedition Note "strongly invites the power film to join the heavy
film? The Golden Jue award film said: Very happy, I am a fan of"
Expedition. "

"Huge money to build an entire deserted planet!-" Expedition Note

"once again invested heavily to prepare a complete restoration and re-
enactment of luxurious Bermuda scenes, to provide an unprecedented
visual feast for fans of" Expedition! "

"Funds are burning! The production cost of" Expedition "has already
reached one billion interstellar coins! The hottest movie in history has
been released!"

"Senior film critics in the film and television industry predict that the
ambition of this movie is too great, and I am not very optimistic."


Numerous praises and speculations abound, and the first scene of

Gu's filming in the lease of the uninhabited planet has been on the
agenda. For the entire crew, the most difficult and laborious thing is
undoubtedly the restoration and construction of the vast ancient

For this reason, Gu's Pictures made special use of the relationship.
From the old super-large transport starships retired by the airlines,
they selected a ship that was very close to the ancient spacecraft ruins
and transported it to the leased planet crew station.

The restoration of this time-consuming and time-consuming ancient

spacecraft site requires more than three months for the entire crew to
be arranged up and down. In contrast, the difficulty of finalizing
actors, adapting screenplays, and forming crews is undoubtedly much

The new movie script, which was created by the most professional
and elite screenwriter team in the industry, was put on Sutan's desk
for the first time, soliciting his opinions.

With expectation, Su Tan opened the first act of "Exploratory Notes".

The overall screenplay of the film continues the time structure of his
novel. Starting from the perspective of a freshman university student
who is about to enter the school, he introduces the beginning of the
film from a gentle height with cheerful strokes and fresh and
interesting and dynamic student interaction.

Such an opening is obviously acceptable to all audiences, easy to bring

in, and close to daily life.

Immediately, with the beginning of the adventure, the rhythm of the

entire movie script quickly accelerated, the plot was compact, the ups
and downs were exciting. Several small eddies involved in danger
lifted everyone's heart, always following the rhythm of the story
tightly, tightening a string in the heart.

And just the right people and jokes make this movie script relax and

After reading it carefully, Su Tan couldn't help but marvel at the

admiration in his heart, and found that there was a huge difference
between the novel creation and the movie script.
Regarding the role allocation table reported by the crew, even if Su
Tan doesn't know much about the entertainment industry, he can see
many well-known actors and actresses from the full list.

Looking at the hearty script and many powerful actors, Su Tan also
felt itchy and couldn't help it.

In particular, it depicts a man with a mysterious, low-key and incisive

color, which is the highlight and top priority in the movie.

This role was clearly created in Sutan based on the image of a man.

At present, Su Tan smiled and sent a message to his big cousin, took
the script picture of "Expedition Note" and sent it to the past, laughing
and teasing: "You should act in your own character!"

Unexpectedly, after a while, the other party answered.

"Director, I want to talk to you about the script late at night :)."

Looking at the other party's response, Su Tan couldn't help laughing,

his black eyes smiled beautifully, with a beautiful luster.

He was in the bedroom at the moment. Behind the aisle next door was
Dai Ming's intensive editing of the material and the production of
video. An Mingliang was holding a bright light brain and couldn't
help it. .
The tall and sturdy Norbert had just taken a sweat, just came out of
the training room, walked into the dormitory, and sweated all over.
He rushed into the dormitory, and poured a large bottle of water with
his head up.

Looking at their busy roommates, Su Tan raised his eyebrows and

briskly agreed to the communicator: "Come here!"

One-on-one late night chat script?

Big cousin thought too simple, it must be a late-night tea party :-D.

Su Tan wanted to come, Hayden would not appear here.



"Someone knocked at the door!" Norbert, who was changing clothes,

sighed with a sullen voice. It happened that he was at the door,
thinking that most of them were next-door classmates, and half-
dragging his clothes, he opened it.

I saw a tall, tall man standing outside the door.

The long and upright figure covered up Norbert's burly and sturdy
body for a while, and Norbert couldn't help but hesitated.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

Hayden drew a smile from his lips and smiled warmly, "Hello, I'm
Sutan's fiance."

The other face looks adorable.


"Well !!!!!!"


Sutan's fiance?"

As soon as the words came down, Norbert, standing at the door of the
dormitory, responded suddenly, and immediately scrambled with
half-knotted clothes, and his entire face was flushed, but his heart was

"Your Highness, Your Highness ?!"

All the while, Norbert had the urge to bow down.

The strangeness at the door clearly aroused the bright curiosity of

Shangpu An. He held the light-brained brush novel in one hand, and
glanced down at the head of the bed, suddenly widening his eyes
when he saw Hayden.
"Captain Andre Young?"

An Ming almost fell out of bed.

Half an hour later, when the five of them sat together in a well-
decorated restaurant near the Imperial University, several people in
An Mingliang could not return to God.

He stared blankly at the tall, long man at the table, half-opening his
mouth, and babblingly asked: "How can that happen? Captain Andre
is his Royal Highness?"

An Mingliang was full of suspicion and couldn't believe it.

He suddenly looked back at Sutan again, only to see that the other
party was calmly looking at the menu and ordered a large meal to the
waiter in the restaurant. From the little pigeon roasted by the chef, to
the assortment of desserts.

Su Tan has been gazing at this exquisite and delicious restaurant at

the entrance of the school for a long time, and today, finally, he can
get what he wants.

Suddenly, Su Tan was in a good mood, handed the menu to her

roommates, and signaled that they should order it-anyway, it was the
big cousin who paid the bill today: -D.
Unexpectedly, as soon as the menu was handed out, his arm was
suddenly pulled tightly. An Mingliang's breathing was disordered,
she lowered her voice as much as possible, and moved her lips with
almost whispering whispers, asking, "Don't you want to explain

Having stayed together on the planet of Bermuda for more than three
months, he knew nothing about this strange man who occasionally
wandered around the younger brother, and did not discover the
identity of the other party's crown prince, which caused him some

Three months!

Wasted for three months! If it had been known--the moment His

Highness Hayden's spacecraft arrived in Bermuda, he would treat
him with a smile.


An Mingliang looked at Sutan with a burning gaze, almost crying.

Seeing this scene, Su Tan couldn't help smiling. He raised his

eyebrows, and asked indifferently, "What do you want to explain?"

"I was deceived too." The teenager's smile was refreshing, but his
raised eyebrows couldn't help leaking a little cramp and fun.

Su Tan nodded vigorously, decisively making a decision: "I am here to

eat a big family!"
This straightforward sentence immediately blocked An Mingliang
from all the words that slipped to his mouth. After making him dumb,
he could not help but burst out of his heart.

Sure enough, this sentence completely pierced An Ming's heart.

He breathed a sigh of relief, took the menu and ordered a lot of meals
with interest.

Hayden smiled unexpectedly with a kind temperament, and allowed

them to order a table full of food.

Then, when the wine was hot and the food was happy, An Mingliang
took the lead in raising the wine glass and congratulated Hayden and
Sutan, "Congratulations!"

Hayden's eyes were so deep that he smiled and cried.

As the first person in the 401 bedroom, Su Tan naturally received the
warm jealousy of An Mingliang and Norbert, and Qi Qi envied his
good luck.

But on the other hand, it was not strange for His Royal Highness, who
occasionally appeared on campus, and sometimes helped cover up in
front of other students.

When a student asked curiously, "Who is Su Tan walking ahead of?"

An Mingliang waved his light brain, took a look, and opened his
mouth casually. "That's his big cousin! My cousin from home!"

As soon as this answer came out, the students immediately lost

interest in questioning. Who hasn't had a few relatives, friends,
cousins and cousins come to visit relatives?

That is--

Students at the same level couldn't help but admire: "Their cousins are
really good. This is the third time this week, right?"

An Mingliang: "..."

After passing through the peaceful freshman stage, various college

societies have sprung up like bamboo shoots, and enthusiastically
opened the door to new students.

Dedicated to filming, Deming entered the director's office without a

doubt and passed the director's freshman exam with a video he cut

However, An Mingliang and Norbert of the old You Tiaozi have a

lack of interest in these youthful and vibrant societies. They pick and
choose, and without hesitation, they have cut off many societies they
have participated in before, leaving only one or two Credits for the
last easy-to-mix community.

They also taught a lot of experience to Sutan. Unexpectedly, Su Tan

hadn't finished the detailed introduction of the hundreds of clubs in
the Imperial University, and was suddenly approached by many
literary societies such as the Literature Research Society and the Short
Story Society.

For a time, he became a sought-after product, and many communities

enthusiastically sought to introduce his own strengths in a eloquent
manner. The scenes of swarming saw An Mingliang and Norbert
extremely lively.

Even inside and outside the classroom, there are all kinds of people
who are not familiar with each other, and have been mobilized by
various people to do his work.

Su Tan shook his head and laughed, thinking about it, and sincerely
thanked all the societies for their warm invitations. In the end,
considering only his energy in class and writing, he chose only two

One is a literature research agency, while the other is a screenwriter.

When this choice came out, countless people regretted it, but
ultimately forced it, and only regretfully respected his choice.

On a Friday afternoon, Su Tan was notified of the first community

event and left after the class to go to the community activity room
where the Literature Research Society was located.

Exactly on the ground floor of a teaching building, it occupies a large

area, with bright windows and excellent daylighting. By the time he
arrived, a lot of people had come in the classroom.
Su Tan entered the door in a low-key manner, raised his eyes and
glanced around, but did not find an acquaintance, but saw a classmate
in the same dormitory building.

Apparently, the other party also found him and was enthusiastically
begging to let him pass. Su Tan didn't hesitate, walked lightly with a
slight smile.

Before he could stand before Colin, he heard the other person say with
excitement: "I knew you would definitely come!"

Colin and a few classmates stood in a small corner, only a line away
from the window, but in the middle of the classroom, it was occupied
by several people who were unconsciously showing off their noble
spirits between clothes and shoes.

Su Tan gave a distant glance, but did not open his mouth, but asked
with a smile: "What do community activities generally do?"

Before joining the community, Colin had already explored the news.
At this time, he was so full of confidence that the news broke out one
by one.

"This is the first group activity in the new semester. Several

community leaders have come, mainly to let everyone introduce each
other and identify people."

Colin lowered his voice and briefly introduced the identity of some
people at the scene in his ear.
"The threshold for new members of the Literary Research Society is
very high. Almost all who can come in are the writers and nephews of
the prestigious writers now. Look at the red-haired man over there,
and his uncle is the evergreen tree of the literary world. His uncle, the
mountain, is highly valued in the Literature Research Society. "

"The man who was laughing at nine o'clock in the front was the son of
Jesse Kidd, who was very much loved at home and knew a lot of
uncles and uncles in literary circles. He had played well with Lindsay
since he was a child. So the relationship is not bad. They have always
been close in the literature society. "

Colin introduced the identities of several people in the middle of the

classroom in a piecemeal manner, and then silenced his voice. The rest
is naturally self-evident.

Seeing that there were so many famous churches in a small Emperor

Literary Society, Su Tan could not help but raised his eyebrows.

At the time, he became extremely curious about the president of the

literary research society, who was able to settle down.

Su Tan's lips twitched slightly, and he asked with a slight smile,

"What about the president?"

Just as the two were talking, they happened to lean outside the
window on the first floor, and there was a sound of quietly stopping
the engine.
Colin and Sutan looked up together, and saw a low-key luxury
suspension car parked in front of the building, with the giant family
logo engraved on the body.

Subsequently, a young man of Qingjun stepped out of the car.

His hair was soft on his forehead, his eyes were drooping, his face was
clear, and an air of books came on his face. But when I lifted my eyes,
there was a certain resoluteness and sharpness in the low eyes.

The man happened to hit the sight of Su Tan, and the eyes of his
inspection circled on his face before he closed it back and walked into
the building calmly.

On the side, Colin had already said carefully, holding a violent

beating heart, and suddenly lowered his voice, "This is the president
Yan Sihan."

The name made a few laps in Sutan's ears, and he suddenly smiled
and highly praised: "Little brother is handsome!"

Colin: "..."


"President is here!"

The literary research society classroom was crowded and lively.

Yan Sihan quietly pushed in the door and walked step by step to the
center. The boiling crowd gradually seemed to be taken in by the
voice. The crowd quietly gave way to him and made a passage for

Countless people looked up to him in admiration, and apparently he

had a high status in the eyes of everyone.

Su Tan looked curiously at Yan Sihan, and at the moment when he

saw the true face of the other side, he couldn't help but sigh. Sure
enough, the handsome and graceful style is even more stunning than
the glance at the window just now.

Yan Sihan is slender, tall and upright, although there is no great

momentum, but the temperament of the elegant books is still quite
unpretentious, with a bit of extraordinary elegance.

He opened his mouth, and his voice was clear and generous.

"The first group event in the new semester, everyone is welcome."

Everyone in the community clapped the venue and clapped their

hands in a lively response. The next moment, everyone in the
audience took their seats, Yan Sihan raised his hand, and kindly
invited every new student who joined the group this year to take the
stage to introduce himself.

Obviously, many freshmen have already prepared for this, and some
even took a draft of the speech to the stage, took a deep breath, and
calmly spoke to many senior students in the stage. The focus is
undoubtedly on their beautiful resumes. on.

"I'm Joseph Green, and my father is Hector Green."

As soon as the laurel of this famous contemporary novel epic writer

came out, he immediately won the interest of many old seniors in the
audience and looked up at the young man on the stage.

Hector Green is known as the king of contemporary epic biographies.

He is very good at writing magnificent epic biographies, and has a
high reputation in the entire northern region and even the empire.

Therefore, as his son, Joseph Green deservedly became the focus of

attention. As soon as he finished his speech, he was accepted into the
front row by the brightly-groomed and proudly-looking senior in the
front row, and the other new students who saw it were extremely

It is possible to do something like Joseph Green, after all, only a few.

Most of them are ignorant, and the new students who entered the
literary research club by mistake and entered the literary research club
have no preparation at all. They simply reported to the literary
research club based on their interest and passion.

I said that there had never been any famous figures in the literary
world with a history of staying in the youth, even their own
elementary school composition.

Right now, if I want to come up with a beautiful self-introduction, I

Immediately, several freshmen were so anxious and sweaty that they
almost couldn't even walk away, and they were pushed by their peers
to get on the stage.

This rash appearance made many members of the old club members
who were vicious in the audience have no interest at first glance. They
looked down or watched the time, or whispered and laughed quietly
with the people next door.

The freshman who was suddenly pushed to the stage, his face became
tense and his brain was blank for a while. Encouraged by Yan Sihan,
the freshman finally found his own ideas.

"... The first literary work I came into contact with was Su Tan's" Era of
Domination of the Earth [Quick Wear] ". The world was so fast and
full of sights that I could see through it ..."

Speaking of his first novel, the freshman suddenly reduced his infinite
tension and became more and more fluent in tone. In the end, it was
so intense that it was difficult to control himself, and he spoke loudly.

Such a smooth performance apparently brightens the eyes of many

equally nervous young people on the stage, all playing in this

"... My favorite novel is Su Da's" Unlucky Amy ", which was snatched
from my little nephew. Obviously this is a fake children's literature
story. I originally thought it was five years old The following children
saw it, but did not expect that they could not stop it at a glance. The
country life full of cheerful tones, picturesque large fields of wheat
and rich food, and interesting strokes made me thoroughly interested
in literature. "

Changing the next freshman is also a consistent excitement.

"I actually wanted to apply for the archaeological earth culture major
after reading the" Exploratory Notes "of the University of Suzhou. I
did not expect that the enrollment of the ancient earth culture major
this year was full, and I could only adjust to the QAQ of the literature

The former person regretted the underground platform very much,

and another one came on stage, announcing happily, "I came to
participate in the Literary Research Society because of the Soviet


Listening to the enthusiastic speeches of the new students, the seniors

who didn't care about it and chatted casually at the beginning of the
summer vacation, slowly stopped the chat, and silently watched one
after another on the stage. newborn.


Although they did not speak, they were cold and did not respond to
the enthusiastic freshmen on the stage, but looked at and raised the
eyes with a bit of impolite sneer.

In the hearts of many members of the old community who are
prominent in the audience, such as the young literary youngsters who
have become popular overnight, they really did not take him

Especially in their daily social circles, they are contemporary literary

literary and literary world leaders, uncles and uncles who are familiar
with them, why would you look into the flamboyant newcomers and
authors like Su Tan who are born on the Internet?

Therefore, compared with the enthusiastic introduction on the stage,

many members of the old society under the stage glanced at each
other with special meanings, each evoking the corners of their lips,
revealing a meaningful playful smile.

When it was Sutan's turn to take office, I just passed the first row
where the members of the old community sat, and heard a whispering
laughter, "... Sutan? There really are no tigers in the mountains, and
the monkey is king."

As soon as Su Tan's eyes narrowed, the corners of her lips were

smiling, and she walked lightly and calmly onto the stage.

As soon as he turned around, his heroic posture was clear, his

temperament was clear, and he opened his mouth with a smile, his
voice was firm, and he was particularly nice.

"Hello everyone, this is Sutan."

In a word, many people in the audience were shocked, and then the
incredible earthquake suddenly looked up.

Even though there have been rumors for a long time, Su Tan, the
currently hottest best-selling author, chose to enter the literary
research society, but just when Su Tan entered the door, he stood low-
key in a corner and did not attract much attention. There was more
than one dark-haired man in the field, and he was greatly distracted.

Therefore, Su Tan suddenly came to power, declared his identity

frankly, and immediately made the sitting many new students and
veterans a little turbulent.

Not to mention how excited the countless freshmen just expressed,

even the members of the old community sitting in the first row of
Enron, at this time did not see the slightest looseness, the eyes of
inspection quickly looked up and down him, but their The back is
involuntarily straightened, and the whole body has entered a state of
cautious alertness.


Seeing the scene of the change in the audience, Su Tan was relaxed
and happy, with a smile on his face and a clear voice, with a bit of
ridicule: "Sorry, I just recalled it seriously. There is no literary talent or
reputation in my family. Far-reaching ancestors. "

This sentence is obviously a strong response to those proud stories

about his family's history, which made the members of the old society
in the front row of the audience cool down and looked at him.
Although they didn't see their anger, but deep under their eyes, there
was a little annoyed emotion.

A man sitting in the front row stared at him with a sharp look on his
face, sneering: "What do you have?"

Su Tan smiled, calm and usual, but full of determination.

"I have a large box of books that I write myself, and every bookstore,
every row of shelves full of works. If you are ashamed--"

He snorted and smiled, teasing and joking, "Isn't there a good father
like you?"

As soon as the voice fell, a loud laugh came from the seat in the back
of the classroom. Numerous freshmen were stunned for an entire
afternoon with anxiety, and they could no longer bear the lively
laughter and clap enthusiastically, whistling eagerly to Su Tan.

Such a frank counterattack is simply very popular!

If he was nearly rebellious, he immediately made the members of the

old community under the stage look ugly and burned with anger,
feeling that his face was greatly swept to the ground.

They glanced at Sutan coldly. Even if they were not embarrassed by

the public because of the activities of the community, their senses of
Sutan fell apart and fell to the lowest point.
Seeing Su Tan stepping down with a smile, many members of the old
society looked so calmly that they secretly decided that when he
officially entered the society, they would grasp the way to fix him ...

In the warm applause of a freshman, Su Tan leisurely returned to his

seat in the corner.


Colin, a roommate in the same bedroom, was worried and anxious as

he squeezed his sleeves and kept his voice down. "I'm afraid what you
said just now will offend people. This is the ethos of the Literature
Research Society. It's a gang, embracing the solidarity circle, and
admiring and respecting the literary giants. You openly beat them,
and I'm worried that ... in the literature research society in the future
You trip. "

Colin was worried, but saw Su Tan glanced at him with a smile, his
voice relaxed and said: "Under the stumbling block?"

Colin nodded hurriedly.

Although the Literary Research Society is a student community

organization at the Imperial University, it is no different from a small
society that leads directly to the core circle of contemporary literature.
Even many literary majors flocked to sign up for this popular society,
aiming at the huge network of literary research clubs.

The son of Hector Green, the king of contemporary epic biographies,

the favorite nephew of Absolen Lindsay, the evergreen tree in the
literary world, the younger son of Jesse Kidd, a philosophical expert
who is quite old ... and interstellar Yan Sihan, the son of the chairman
of the Literary Committee, is noble person and nephew who is
valuable in the field of literature.

As long as you can make friends with these celebrities in this small
university literature research society, you will have great advantages
and convenience after entering the literature-related field after
graduation, and you can stand firm in the fiercely competitive literary

Many people want to understand, so in the face of high, the old

community members who show off their prominent identity and
family all the time, can only endure to swallow their voices and let
them be fussy and scornful.

The only person who can clearly tear open this layer of network like
Su Tan is him.

Facing the deeply worried Colin, Su Tan raised his lips slightly,
chuckled, and responded: "No matter who trips, I don't consider
entering this community."

This choice was greatly beyond Colin's expectations.

There are very few people who can be invited by the Literary
Research Society. Either a celebrity or a genius who is indeed talented
in literary writing.

Fortunately, entering this community is something countless people
have dreamed of, which is equivalent to paving a bright avenue for
oneself and half-footed into the gate of the literary world.

Who would give up such an opportunity?

Moreover, today at the Imperial University, a high-end literary forum

was organized by the school. Many of the students 'fathers, uncles,
and uncles and uncles who have a place in the literary scene were
invited to attend the meeting, which further contributed to these
families. Valuable student spirit.

For a while, with his eyes on the top, he would definitely be

accustomed to Sutan's ridicule.

Colin stopped talking and tried to persuade him. After the first
meeting of the society, he saw that Su Tan walked easily and walked
in front of Yan Sihan, smiling humblely and expressing his attitude:
"I'm sorry, I usually spend a lot of time in writing and writing. Time
to join this community. "

As soon as these words came out, Yan Sihan knew that this was an
excuse. Even for the reason why Su Tan did not want to join the
group, he could guess seven | eight.


Several members of the old society passing by were angry, as if

offended and unacceptable to him.
Only their literary research society has always refused others. Who
would openly refuse them?

The members of the old society were suddenly outraged, and they
stopped and stared at Sutan coldly.

However, Yan Sihan, who was surrounded in the middle, did not see
the slightest anger, and said gently: "Well, we have the opportunity to
cooperate first."

Many of the noble and proud old community members can't bear this
bow and show weakness, stubbornly stiff neck, it is difficult to hide
the anger on their faces.

Su Tan raised her eyebrows with a smile, as if smiling. He thought

that these young people were very angry and temperamental.
Fortunately, if they met him, if they met their big cousin ...

Su Tan shook his head and chuckled.

As soon as he pushed out the door, followed by a host of ugly young

masters, he saw Hayden standing upright and standing upright. The
same large group of people stood not far from the corridor, and
clearly he was in the classroom just now. I heard something in my ear.

And those people--

Several people blurted out behind him, "Dad, how are you here? The
forum is over?"


Standing in the crowd of literary giants, Hayden raised his lips and
calmly said, "Adam, come, let me introduce you."

Sutan ::-D


"This is Mr. Hector Green, who has made great achievements in the
field of epic biography."

"This is the literary evergreen Absolen Lindsay."

"This is Jesse Kidd, an expert in the history of philosophy, and his son
happens to be studying at Imperial University."


Hayden finished the introduction without hesitation, and many

white-haired and highly respected scholars in front of him opened
their mouths, admiring, and Wen Yue's friendly eyes looked towards
Su Tan, who stood beside Hayden.
"Before the Highness introduced today, I had a long history with this
little friend. I have had the pleasure to read his book. I have to say that
the hero is a boy!"

"Yeah, I just read the" Adventure Handbook "just published

overnight, and it is undeniably an ingenious and shocking adventure
novel, which is now a well-deserved leader in adventure novels."

"Lao Linsai, don't you know, the old folks of the ancient earth cultural
exchange meeting have long praised me for his outstanding talents,
which makes me sigh."

With so many praises, Su Tan stood in the crowd with a generous

smile and a cheerful smile.

Looking far away, there is a clear distinction between the circle and
the society, and it seems that an invisible boundary is drawn in the

Obviously only a few steps away, but the high-profile, ridiculous, top-
notch communication circle over there stopped all those who stood at
the entrance of the Literature Research Society and did not dare to
rush forward.

In a short time, many members of the old community who came from
well-known families and scholarly families sighed in relief and said
uneasily, "How can it be for Su Tan to take the lead in front of his
predecessors if it is not recommended by His Royal Highness?

This sentence quietly expressed the aspirations of many people.

I did not expect that Yan Sihan, the president of the Literary Research
Society, looked calm and glanced at the man, "Your father is also over
there. If you are brave, you can pass by."

The man who spoke was momentarily stunned, and then there was a
rush of heat on his face, and the sullen anger was almost unbearable.

Having said that, his father was indeed a member of the literature
competition and came to participate in the Imperial College Literature
Forum, but just now I do n't know how much the scene in the
classroom was seen by the big guys, and what is his impression on
them. How dare you go? Is n't it enough to be ugly and shameful in
front of his father?

For a moment, his face sank like water, sulking, looking at the cordial
and welcoming scene from afar, watching Su Tan get boxing love and
friendly acquaintance among many uncles and elders, he turned
suddenly , With a large number of people Shenbu left.

If Yan Sihan hadn't heard it, he calmly and steadily stepped over and
got closer. He heard his father, Chairman of the Interstellar Literary
Committee, Yan Zhengnan said with a smile: "If you have time,
Xiaosu can come and sit with our Literary Committee."

Yan Sihan didn't stop, and kept walking to his father in a low-key
manner. He waited for the enthusiasm of the crowd to come to an
end, and then whispered quietly in a timely manner, "Father."
At this time, the chat in this circle said that the laughter was full of
fun, and the laughter sounded from time to time. Yan Zhengnan just
glanced at him, his expression was light, and he nodded slightly.

At the invitation of the Dean of the Department of Literature of the

Imperial University, the people stopped chatting and chatting, walked
across the university campus with a magnificent scenery, and walked
towards another reception room.

Of course, the two juniors did not follow.

Downstairs, Su Tan said goodbye to Yan Sihan with a smile, and said
loudly, "Brother, goodbye!"

Yan Sihan looked at his brisk steps upstairs, smiled suddenly, and
turned to leave.

The appearance of a big cousin with a group of big brothers greatly

gave Su Tan a sense of existence. In front of many second-generation
children in the literary world who had high eyes and arrogance, they
made a vigorous and vigorous counterattack.

However, he did not see the subsequent grand occasion. Because at

this time he has quietly quit the literary research club and turned into
another small society, the screenwriters' club.

Nowadays, in the hot interstellar entertainment industry, the

screenwriter industry is definitely a hot industry. A hot film and
television work will allow the writer to gain unremarkable fame,
money, and status, and even the writer's worth can easily double.
Good word-of-mouth, high output, excellent mini screenwriters, and
strong gold screenwriters have become popular targets for many
directors, film crews and film companies in the entertainment

For the industry, a good screenwriter team is even more important

than a good actor.

However, compared with the popularity of the screenwriter industry

in the entertainment industry, this small screenwriter community on
the campus of the Royal Capital University is still unpopular.

When Su Tan knocked on the door and entered, he was surprised to

see that only three or five people were sitting idle, each holding a
manuscript and blushing.


Su Tan couldn't help but be surprised by the narrow and dim

stairwells, the small number of organizations, and the community
gathering scenes in the deserted gates. This is in stark contrast to the
crowded events of the previous Literary Research Society.

Su Tan crisply said, "Excuse me, is this a screenwriters association?"

Immediately, the loud and noisy controversy inside the door was
silent, and several of them turned around and chattered for a while.
The next second, he greeted him eagerly.
"Are you a new member?"

One person dropped the manuscript in his hand, his face was full of
smiles, and he hurried out of the way from the chairs piled up
randomly and blocking the doorway, inviting Su Tan to come in.

Another hurriedly helped him move the chair.

"Welcome Welcome! We are the Screenwriters Association here, and

you are welcome to join!"

It was because the person inside looked at Su Tan for a while, and
then screamed in surprise, "Su Da? Are you Su Da?"

After hearing this unexpected word, the man in front of Su Tan almost
dropped the chair in his hand and dropped it on his shoes. Su Tan's
hand was quick and clear, and he helped a hand, so dumbfounded He
could not help but smile and admitted bluntly, "Yes."

In a word, the room was instantly sensational, full of enthusiasm, and

the eager and noisy welcome sound was even louder than the sound
of moving the chair. With a few surprises and inspiring expressions
on their faces, they looked back and forth to find a book and find a
pen for him to sign. The excitement looked like his fans and fans.

Su Tan smiled and smiled.

The heated quarreling room suddenly transformed into a warm
welcome party, and the lively voice finally awakened a person lying
on the bedside, making a weak grunt.

Sutan then realized the existence of another person in the room.

He looked up, only to see the warm sunshine by the window, and he
was lazily lying on a thin and slender figure, and had been napping in
the bright and warm sunshine.

It wasn't until the enthusiastic talk on their side was too loud that they
finally woke up the man.

Su Tan watched the man rubbing his back, half-opened his eyes and
got up from the table, lazily propped up the table, walked through the
layers of the table and debris, and walked in front of him.

Yan Xiao squinted his eyes, his light-colored eyes seemed to be awake,
and Enron looked at him for a while, then stretched out his hand,
popped out two words concisely, "Welcome."

Su Tan could not help but reach out and shake his hands, be regarded
as a formal acquaintance.

And Julian, Luke and others were already helpless, waiting for a hole
to drill in.

Luke couldn't help but whispered, "President, how about you wipe
the drool on your face!"
Yan smiled: "... oh."

A look of indifference.Jpg

Although the screenwriter is small, several members have different

personalities, and the contrast is extremely interesting. Luke packed
up a seat for Su Tan and briefly introduced the focus of the argument
just now. Su Tan found that they were preparing for the start of the
new semester.

The annual opening performance is undoubtedly the best platform for

various associations to flex their muscles and show their association

Royal University also advocates encouraging students and societies to

actively participate and make a wonderful and extraordinary
performance by organizing and performing many programs.

What's more, the performance of this year's opening school happened

to coincide with the 300-year anniversary of the establishment of the
Imperial University, which is of great significance.

In order to get on this stage, it will take a lot of effort and win
everyone's approval with strong strength.

Although the screenwriter's club is also one of the clubs of Didu

University, it has become the laughingstock of countless teachers and
students due to the internal scandals of the clubs. With the graduation
of generations of students, although the members of the original
screenwriters have already graduated, the screenwriters have been
slumped. Over the years, many new students have avoided the
scorpion, and few people have taken the initiative to join.

It wasn't until Yan Xiao entered the school that he accidentally

reopened the door of the screenwriter's club, only to let the club see
him again.

"Your manuscript cannot be used at all!" Luke insisted, vetoing Julian


Julian's face turned red, waving his manuscript and rushing under
Luke's nose, he responded unconvinced: "Then you can use it? The
history of the giants' intrigue and fighting, you simply put the life on
the stage Come on! "

"My youth campus Xiaotianwen is as bad as it is, but it's close to the
real life of my classmates!" Julien hurriedly jetted his nose.

Luke was almost frustrated. "What do you know? This is a carefully

adapted work from a masterpiece! It's not an ordinary palace play!"

The two buzzed with blush and thick necks, but anxious and
embarrassed, Ivan couldn't stop talking.

And Yan Xiao watched it for a while with a lively look, and then he
snatched the manuscript from the two and gave it to Su Tan for a
quick review.

After reading the two manuscripts, Su Tan already had an opinion.

As soon as he looked up, he couldn't think of it, but saw two faces that
were not convinced and squatting in front of himself, and Luke and
Julien Qiqi looked forward to his evaluation.

The look of the forward-looking, faithful dog made Su Tan smile for

"Want to hear the truth?" He said with a smile and raised an eyebrow.

I saw the two heads in front of each other nodding together, the
rhythm was in harmony.

Su Tan could not help but think about it and said with a chuckle, "I
have a bold idea.

——Let's do something big together :-D? "


The screenwriters gathered together. Luke and Julien's eyes flashed

suddenly, curious about Su Tan's novelty proposal, and itching for a

"what idea?"

"How to do big things?"

"Is it a blockbuster at the start of the show?"

The eyes of the two men were burning, and they gathered around Su
Tan, asking again and again. Su Tan put down the two manuscripts in
his hand, and couldn't help answering with a smile: "Yes, we are
going to show our strength this time!"

In a word, the eyes of the two people who spoke suddenly were

Even Yan, the head of the screenwriter who was lazily standing by the
side, laughed and waited for his good way to make the screenwriter
come out again in front of the school.

Only he knew how difficult this idea was.

The whole school's performance, the 300th anniversary, hundreds of

clubs competing for the first 20 stage performance opportunities, and
countless students waiting to see, such a rare opportunity to appear is
bound to be fierce competition among many clubs.

At present, the screenwriters, three or two members, there is no one

behind the scenes, and even can not come up with a good script. In
such a situation, how easy is it to get a chance for a stage

Yan Xiao smiled suddenly, and did not hit Su Tan at all, Lang Ran
looked forward to him continuing to speak.
Just listen, Su Tan's tone was calm, and he smiled with a smile and
asked: "How many groups are preparing to perform on stage this
time, do you have any ideas?"

After a while, Luke and Julien's faces groaned infinitely. This is not
only clear to them, but it can be said that it can no longer be clear.
They can be like several treasures, and have learned the foundations
of various societies early through various channels.

At this point, rushing to speak, naturally with a bit of sadness.

"The Drama Club is going to rehearse a school celebration and re-

create the drama from the first school celebration. Congratulations to
the 300th anniversary."

"There is also the music department! I heard that two months early, a
colorful musical began to be rehearsed during the summer vacation,
and the babies at the bottom of the music department of the Imperial
College were invited out to form a magnificent Orchestra. "

Luke said that he was so envious that he sent hundreds of people to

prepare a show in front of the other party. It was extremely envious. I
wished to arm this small screenwriter where he was so proud of it.

Even the most coveted Ivan responded in a low voice: "There are
acting departments and directors. I heard that they have jointly
prepared special short-screen movies to celebrate the school's
After a few people talked in a rush, they found that they did not really
have the advantage.

No matter in terms of manpower, material resources or financial

resources, it does not prevail. Even if the scripts they wrote are
available, they can't find so many actors to interpret the scripts.

Immediately, Luke and Julien were extremely frustrated and sighed.

However, Su Tan still had a bright smile, and he slowly and clearly
said: "Since there are those who are responsible for carrying the big
show, there are big scenes responsible for grand and sensational
memories, then we might as well change the entry point and win with
humor and humor. "

This remark made a few people in the screenwriter horrified.

"Humorous and witty?"

Luke snapped, then quickly responded, "You mean comedy?"

Looking at the interstellar film and television entertainment circle,

there are few comedic elements today, and this ancient drama is
almost annihilated in modern times. In front of the magnificent and
exciting large-screen and holographic movies, the large-scale
production of violently bursting star war mech action movies has
almost become the mainstream of viewing movies, firmly occupying
half of the film market.
Extremely thrilling and realistic visual stimuli, hearty sensory effects,
and the vast battlefield of interstellar battlefields have deeply attracted
the attention of all movie fans. Instead, the niche movie type of
comedy has gradually lost its market, only in the Star Wars
blockbusters occasionally play a soy sauce to make a joke and adjust
the atmosphere.

Other than that, there was no spark.

Therefore, when Su Tan came up with a humorous comedy, not to

mention that Luke was stunned, even the director of the screenwriter
Yan Xiao stood upright, suddenly a little incredible appeared in his
eyes, and his back straightened up involuntarily.

Luke responded almost barbarically: "But comedy is so upset!"

Does comedy have the ability to make such a solemn and solemn

Julian, who was on the side, raised the realistic question sharply.
"Even if it is a comedy, we don't have enough good actors."

Another major reason for the demise of interstellar comedy is the lack
of good comedy scripts and actors.

For general routine commercial genre star wars movie blockbusters, a

good comedy script and comedian is even more difficult to come by,
and it can even be said to be rare in a century.
In the world of interstellar entertainment, there isn't any professional
actor with outstanding comedy yet on the list of top stars.

So, even if they write a comedy with great effort, who will do it? How
many people have played? Where can I find so many suitable actors?

Unexpectedly, as soon as Julien's question came out, Su Tan did not

avoid anti-smiling, her clean dark eyes raised with a smile, and a
beautiful light appeared.

He glanced narrowly at everyone in the screenwriter's office, and

teased calmly: "I think you can do it."

Suddenly, Luke and Julien were silent.


Su Tan smiled, nodded, and exclaimed, "Yes, one adorable, one dull,
and one loved by everyone, wouldn't it just be suitable for comedy?"

Luke: "..."

Julien: "..."

Yan laughed as "everyone loves": "..."

Luke stuttered, and finally found his voice from the shock, struggling
to think of the wording of the refutation, and reasonably replied: "So,
that number is not enough, right?"
The stage dramas of other societies are all group dramas with
hundreds of people. The screenwriters are full and it 's like three
melons and two jujubes. All of them are only five people. One slap
over, and the situation is down. .

However, Su Tan is not worried about this.

Whether it's a sitcom or a comedy show with comical jokes and

laughter, in a variety of comedy shows on the planet, it's not always
winning by numbers.

I still remember that the old-fashioned actor who will appear every
year on the Spring Festival Gala is to take two or three people to the
stage each time, using humorous language, funny and lively
movements and expressions, including endless humorous plots, and
presenting it to audiences all over China One performance after
another smirking.

Such works test the potential of the script and the actors themselves.

Su Tan laughed and laughed: "A few of us are enough. If there are too
many people, we will grab the show?"

This is interesting.

Luke's eyes brightened and he immediately felt interesting. Rush?

Before he came on stage, he seemed to be really on the stage and felt
the feeling of a big star and group performance grabbing.
In time, the value has doubled!

Luke coughed and smiled, leaning next to Su Tan and asking, "Su Da,
do you have a script?"

Su Tan was in full color, and this brought the focus of the audience
back to the creation of the script. He raised his eyes and looked at Yan
with a smile.

Yan Xiao, leaning lazily on the table, looked at him with a smile, took
his affection, finally put away the look of laziness, got up and walked
closer, groaning and declaring: "Since this year's school starts The
performance is centered around the 300th anniversary of the school,
and the theme of "school celebration" cannot be avoided. Therefore,
the theme of our comedy is best related. "

During the day, the Royal Metropolitan University will invite many
previous graduates and the leading Thai students who are now
shining in various fields to return to the campus to watch the
performance, so this time it is best to prepare works for the young and
old There are laughter, tears, and memories of sensational points,
which can resonate with the teachers and students of different ages.

As long as you can do this, Yan Xiaobaozhun, this screenwriter's

program will definitely dominate and will not be won!

He took a deep breath, devoted his whole attention to the comedy

script, and actively discussed with Su Tan and Luke.
After half a month.

The first group performance selection competition for the school

performance was held in the Great Hall of the Imperial University.
This time, countless societies have come up with their own gatekeeper
skills and carefully prepared wonderful programs.

Walking along the tree-lined avenue, Luke and Julien saw countless
young ladies and sisters in exquisite makeup and long dresses
running happily with a smile, and then blinked, and the other side
took Orchestras with musical instruments and a large team, in
comparison, these three or two kittens in their own society are just

Luke's eyes were stunned, his bones slipped, but he raised his chin in

"Ivan, do you think we can win this show?"

With a shameful face next to Ivan, his face flushed, and he replied,
"Yes, can you?"

Immediately, Luke was discouraged by this hesitant remark, and his

head was quickened, and he entered the backstage of the auditorium.

The dark aisle's backstage aisle was already full of people, and the
noisy chat said that laughter made Luke froze, and when he glanced
at it, his heart became even cooler.
Glancing at the glance, all are handsome men and women, with
eyebrows and picturesque faces, and the words, laughs and laughs
are all amazing charm everywhere.

Looking at yourself here--

Luke turned to look at Imo, who was shy, with his head down, and
didn't know where to put his eyes, and looked at Julian, who was
excited and eager to try next to him, and felt that he had no chance.

How many of them are just like the dirt **** who entered the city, is
that like an actor about to step on the stage?

Immediately, Luke's heart fell and he was half cold.

Coincidentally, Su Tan arrived at this time with Yan Xiao and joined

Yan Xiao took the pumped up number and showed it to several

people. "Number 46."

It's been a long time since I took the stage. Several people made a few
laps in the background and couldn't find a place to stay. They just
walked to the background and waited.

I never thought that I would meet a lot of people from the Literature
Research Society.
"Sutan?" Yan Sihan, the president of the Literary Research Society,
took the lead to say hello, looking at him and Yan Xiao, frowned
slightly. His tone remained calm, and he asked, "Are you coming to
the program selection?"

The selection was led by the teachers of the school's celebration liaison
office, and invited many professors from the acting, stage, and
literature departments to serve as judges. Of course, they were
extremely strict. Only twenty from the hundreds of communities were
eventually selected. .

Presumably, Yan Sihan came with the Literary Research Society for
one of these twenty seats.

Seeing the few people who died in the screenwriter's office, all the
members of the Literature Research Society were relieved and their
eyes stared at each other.

One of the crowd held his jaw and commented politely: "You guys-too

There was a lingering laughter.

In the eyes of everyone in the Literary Research Society, several

members of the screenwriter were wearing outdated and outdated
large-scale clothing at this time, such as clothes that were outdated
decades ago, wide-fitting clothes, and bright colors. A little rustic feel.

The literary research society, however, all carefully changed into a

uniform uniform, it came out regardless of the face value, but the
momentum is long, compared with the screenwriter, leisurely like the
handsome long-legged model group.

No wonder they laughed so much at the screenwriter's outfit.

However, in the eyes of many ridiculous ridicules, Su Tan was at ease.

He bent his lips and smiled sincerely, "Does our costume look good?"

Literary Research Society: "..."

Who gives you confidence? ? ? ?


Russia's rustic fashion makes the screenwriter a few people become

the focus of everyone outside the auditorium, and the people of the
Literature Research Society are ridiculous.

Su Tan was calm and looked at the crowd with a smile, "I think it's
good, this clothes is not easy to find online. President Yan, looking
forward to your show."

This sentence completely stopped the laughter.

After all, today 's school day program selection is watching the
program. In the end, the program 's effect is good or not, it directly
determines whether their respective communities can be on the school
day stage.

Yan Sihan looked down, and nodded, "Thank you, and look forward
to your performance."

After waiting for a long time outside the entrance of the auditorium,
Su Tan saw countless societies in front of him in high spirits, but came
down from the stage with a faint look. Some are mistakes in the
performance, some are not satisfactory, and they have not been well
received by the judges and teachers, and others have been
discouraged by seeing wonderful programs carefully prepared by
other societies.

All kinds of expressions are indifferent.

This made Luke and Julien, who had no stage performance

experience, more and more uneasy. With the passage of time, they
gradually became anxious, stood up and turned around at any time,
or rushed into the background to quietly observe the programs on the

When the staff came to call with the program number list, "Forty-
sixth! Is the screenwriter?"

Luke's face turned white for a while, and he saw no blood at all, and
stood up swiftly.

Su Tan pressed his shoulder, got up with a smile, and responded to

the staff: "Here!"
As he said, a group of people quickly walked behind the staff and
walked backstage to the stage to prepare for the next show. Su Tan
whispered and said to Luke, "Remember what we originally said?
What are people? "

Luke answered subconsciously and blurted out: "Chinese cabbage!"

Su Tan nodded with a smile, his eyes were jeering, with a little bit of
starry smile, but in Luke's eyes there was a great soothing power, for a
moment to suppress the anxiety and anxiety in his heart.

He opened his mouth dumbly, nodded, and nodded heavily.

In the auditorium, a row of professional appraisal teachers from each

department of Imperial College are sitting off the stage, taking
advantage of the free time between the two programs, each raises a
tea cup, and relieves the tired and tired nerves with thick hot tea .

Alvin, a 50-year-old acting professor, shook his head and sighed,

"Hey, I'm too old. I've been sitting here for a long time and I can't help

Jennifer, the shrewd organizer of the celebration, immediately

expressed her concern. "It's hard for you, Professor Irwin. You're tired
of this 300th anniversary."

Wen Yan, Irwin smiled bitterly, waved his hands again and again, and
said straightly: "The impact is still second, but unfortunately, there are
no really good programs selected."
These remarks aroused the resonance of the teachers in the first row of
judges around you.

"Not at all! I have watched more than 40 programs, nearly half of all
the programs. Among them, there are many high-profile programs,
but the real highlights and connotations are rare."

"I think the collective poem recitation program of the Literature

Research Society just now is pretty good!"

"What's new? If it wasn't for the temperament of those children just

now, I would have interrupted them already!"

The judges silently acknowledged this statement. A professor laughed

loudly, inspiring everyone's mind: "Maybe good programs are all

"I see--difficult!"

The old professor Irwin shook his head. He has been teaching at
Imperial College for more than half a century. He doesn't know how
many times he attended the school celebrations and the start of the
school performance. Every program is like a treasure. But very few of
them can really impress these old professors and seniors who invited
them back to school.

Every year, it is a new bottle of old wine year after year.

Not to mention that these old professors are tired of it, even the older
senior graduates who are invited to return to the university campus
for the celebration each time have no expectation for each

How could this not keep Irvin from shaking his head?

At the right time, the staff came out to report, "Forty-sixth, the
screenwriter's program."

From the background, hurriedly walked up to a few tall, thin, and

thin people, and all the review teachers' attention was attracted by the
time. They stopped chatting and looked at the stage rather

The writers who came to power did not say much, and Qi Qi bowed.
When looking up again, Yan Xiaolang, the director of the
screenwriter, said, "Hello teachers, the program we are performing
today is" I want to tell you. "

The subject was fairly normal, but looking at a few people who were
out of date, wide and outdated clothes, Jennifer under the stage
frowned slightly.

"Did you design this dress on purpose?"

Her tone was flat, but several people on the stage's screenwriter
noticed that she was not very satisfied in her words.
As the organizer of the school celebrations, Jennifer is responsible for
the entire school celebration stage, and of course, she hopes to make
every effort to show the style and grandeur of today's Imperial

Therefore, in the selection of this program, although there is no

requirement for the costumes of the performing society, it is still
hoped that the other party will at least dress neatly and elegantly. The
first 45 clubs that came to power, it is better to have a uniform new
dress from head to toe, highlighting the youthful and beautiful spirit
of the entire young people.

But Jennifer didn't think of it, but unexpectedly saw a unique style in
the screenwriter.

Fashion over thirty years ago? Exaggerated shape? Dazzling color

combinations? Everything is impacting the bottom line in her heart.

Is it really possible to put such a look on a grand celebration like

school celebration?

Jennifer immediately shook her head and rejected it.

But even so, considering that the young people on the stage also took
the time to rehearse for more than half a month, she hesitated for a
second, and she was ready to give each other a chance to perform on

This is also their last stage.

Jennifer said quietly, "Come on."

Yan smiled and nodded, staring at Su Tan and Luke, shaking hands
tightly to each other, full of courage for the friends around him. When
it was released again, Luke turned around and, following the pre-
rehearsal position, Shen Bu walked towards his position.

Unexpectedly, Su Tan patted his shoulders to appease, and made a

mouthful silently-big! White! dish!

Lu Keli almost couldn't help smiling at the time, his tightness

suddenly relaxed, and the tension in his heart was completely relaxed.

Su Tan blinked at him with a narrow smile and stood in his place.

Jennifer saw that as soon as they had settled in position, she hurriedly
said, "The teachers are also tired, don't waste time, let's start!"

As soon as this sentence came out, other reviewing professors and

staff members naturally knew her thoughts and did not like the
program from the beginning. Hundreds of programs are tightly
scheduled for one day of review, and the review time of up to ten
hours is indeed quite tense. For some programs with big flaws and
bruises, the judges knowingly hurriedly watched for a few minutes,
and pointed out the problem directly, and kindly invited the other
party to come again next time, without wasting time on it.

At this time, everyone heard the tone of Jennifer's decisiveness,

everyone knew it, and the staff quickly looked down at the program
ranking table, ready to go out to find the next show performance
society waiting area.
At this moment, Julien on the stage suddenly spoke. One mouth was
the voice of old age, with an old-fashioned accent in some small
places, bringing an elderly old person to life, which surprised many of
the judges on the stage. Out of head, something unexpected.

"The 300th anniversary of the Imperial University, why can't you be

late today, do you mean it, old folks?"

The stage should rush.

Then, a variety of different galaxy accents, with slang in the

countryside, popped up.

"I've participated in the 68th school celebration. What's the difference

between being a little early and late?"

"That's not okay. Today is a special day. All the old classmates came
back together to get together, thinking that when we first entered the
school ... hey, old man old man!"

"No, how many jokes happened when I first entered the school. If
time can come again, I have to say a few words of faith to myself at
that time!"


With the performance on the stage so far, the judges on the stage
knew it instantly and grasped the subject keenly.
"Loyalty"-"I want to tell you."

I'm afraid that was just the point!

Jennifer frowned and looked on the stage, hesitating in her heart.

From the performance up to now, only a few people performed the
appearance of the elderly. The distinctive accents, with different
priorities, sounded quite lively.

And the return of the old seniors to Didu University to participate in

the school festival is exactly the main purpose of the 300th
anniversary of Didu University in reality, which is a bit smart and
very clever.


This is not enough.

Taking a deep breath, Jennifer just hesitated to stop and suddenly saw
the performance on the stage suddenly speed up.

"Where is the old Yangtou? Why haven't you come? Call the old
Yangtou and ask him where he is?"

As soon as the phone aired, the call was quickly connected, and
several people on the stage were head to head, squeezing their old
heads together, with some comic effects.
"Hey, old Yang, where are you?"

I haven't finished the question yet, just listening to the end of the
phone, there is a bad signal.

"Guess where I am?" Luke, who stood alone at the corner of the stage,
widened his eyes, trembling and couldn't believe it, even the fingers
holding the phone trembled involuntarily.

In the eyes of the judges on the stage, it was exactly in line with the
needs of the plot, showing his shockingly.

"I was on the college campus 68 years ago!"

Every word was shocked.

The judges even looked up in surprise, and fixed their eyes on the
people on the stage.

Almost everyone is aware of the difference of this show-travel

through time and space.

The old senior re-traveled back to his college days after 68 years. Such
cross-stalks are not uncommon in movies or novels, but it is the first
time he has moved to the stage.

A few unexpected interests suddenly appeared in the eyes of the

judges, and the tired spirit was suddenly inspiring.
Sure enough, depending on the theme of the show, several "old
seniors" on the stage naturally excitedly rushed to ask for "old
Yangtou", asking him to bring a few words of loyalty to his youth.

Some have asked me not to like the girl at the window of a law class,
because she will become her old lady, and after many years she still
lingers and talks in her ears.

There are still readings, don't be linked! Don't hang out! Don't hang
out! It even nearly memorized the test points from decades ago, and I
want the old Yang to pass it on.

There are even dictates, do whatever you want, boldly choose your
favorite major, don't leave regrets in life!

These kinds of things are fun and funny, with tears and laughter and
memories of emotions. "Old Yang Tou" went to tell his friends back in
the year, but he was almost beaten as a scammer by rivers and lakes,
and he couldn't help making all the judges in the audience laugh out

This cheerful and interesting atmosphere continued until the end of

the show. At the end, all the examiners recovered from the long

When Jennifer watched the time, the show lasted 3 minutes and 20
seconds, and the laughter was as long as two and a half minutes.

For a moment, she looked up in amazement and asked, "You wrote

the script for this show?"
Such a sophisticated, short, clever script full of laughter should never
be written by a student, not to mention a sparsely written and worst-
known screenwriter.

Yan Xiao exhaled deeply, and Shen answered, "Yes."

He said these words, so that all the members of the stage could not
help but sigh with emotion, Luke and Julien could not help but red

The infamous screenwriters, the excellent scripts they created

independently, and the public performance stage are things that they
could never have imagined. But today, all these long-term hard work
is finally no longer unknown, and they can also proudly say that this
is the script they created together.

Luke clenched his companion's hand tightly, trying hard to bear red

After hearing this answer, the judges in the audience were shocked
and couldn't speak, and renewed their cognition of the screenwriter
who was carrying a great stigma and had no sense of existence.

The judging teachers are all dumb, if they follow the judging process
and now the show is finished, they should give a unified opinion and
give a response to the performing society on the spot.

But now--
Although this work is good, the risks are also great.

"Comedy? Can everyone accept it?" A teacher lowered her voice and
discussed with the reviewer beside her without worry.

"I think the effect is good, with new ideas, bright spots, and even more
difficult is the idea, which exactly fits the theme of the 300th

"I have never had this form of work before. It 's too much of an issue
to publicly tease many sensitive topics such as hanging subjects,
girlfriends, and majors in school celebrations."

The old professor Erwin was quite enlightened, and said, "I think it's
good. This kind of grounded topic only resonates with the old
graduates and the students. Otherwise, just singing and dancing,
praising virtue, which one of those shows just laughed. Anymore? "

His appraisal was immediate, and all the teachers kept silent, shaking
their heads and smiling hard.

The first 45 shows just now, not only laughed, but the more I watched,
the more tired I was!

Listening to the whispering comments of many reviewing teachers,

the pen tip of the school's celebration organizer, Jennifer, clicked on
the grading paper for a while, and then finally fell down and circled.
She looked up calmly and opened her mouth, the expression on her
face could not see the slightest emotion and clue. "Thank you for your
performance. Go back and wait for the news. Please come to the next
For a moment, the hearts of several people on the stage's screenwriters
were raised tightly, Qi Qi bowed to the teachers and ended.

When walking down the stage, Luke was tense and didn't notice
when he stepped on his feet. He almost tripped over the wires on the
edge of the stage. The thrilling movements and exclamations
immediately attracted the attention of many teachers on the stage,
making Luke's face red and red. Almost want to find a hole to drill

Su Tan beside him hurriedly gave him a hand, and smiled wistfully
round the field and said, "Old, old, old Yang, hurry up, I help you!"

In a hurry, the performance just now was taken from the stage to the
stage, and this awkward ugly incident was skillfully brought to an
end. The judges couldn't help laughing and admiring them.

Off the stage, Luke was completely scared of cold sweat, and
hurriedly thanked Su Tan. Numerous groups in the background have
just watched their programs. At this time, the crows and birds are
silent, especially the people of the Literary Research Society with
complex expressions and don't know what to say.

With the strength of the show just on the stage, they simply made
them ridiculed!

Regardless of whether they are new ideas or interesting and lively

expressions, they can't keep up with the screenwriter's programs. If
this kind of program can't be selected, it is absolutely irrational!

Everyone in the Literary Research Society felt sour, but had to admit

Sure enough, at night--

"Our show was selected!"

Yan Xiao excitedly sent an exciting message to everyone in the chat

group, and the group of time screenwriters was a sea of cheers.

Su Tan smiled and twisted her lips, unexpectedly cooperating with

the flowers and hugs together, and happy with the friends of the

Coincidentally, Big Cousin Hayden came to see him in the bedroom

and saw him staring at the corner of the communicator's raised lips
and feeling in a good mood.
"Who's chatting with? So happy?"

Hayden calmly put down a few large packing bags in his hand, and
rushed to Su Tan to ask.

Su Tan put away the communicator and gave him a glance at him
with a smile. "I won't tell you."

Hayden: "..."

He had a headache and reluctantly rubbed Su Tan's head, and found

that the other party had grown up a lot since he went to college. The
first thing that happened was that I finally learned to say "no" to

This habit ...

Hayden lowered his eyes, coddled and helpless. His thoughts

fluttered and he smiled and said, "I just met a handsome and familiar
person on campus."

Sure enough, I suddenly saw Su Tan rising straight from the bed,
fiercely like a little beast that cared for food, with a gaze on his face
and asking, "Who ?!"
Hayden smiled.

-Hooked :).


"Who? Who did you meet today?"

Hayden came all the way from the campus of Imperial University,
followed by a small tail all the way, and chased him straight to ask
him which handsome and cute little brother he encountered today.

Hayden couldn't help but lip and smiled. He didn't answer until he
got to the school gate, and then suddenly pulled the little tail behind
him into the car and successfully took the car out of the school gate.

After a hearty dinner, this question remained unanswered, and

Hayden continued to lure people home.

In the early morning of the next day, after Sutan finally realized that
he was fooled by his big cousin, he took a hard sip on Hayden and
returned to school with satisfaction.

As soon as I entered the gate of the club, I saw Luke, Julien and others
gathered together in the screenwriter's office excitedly and excitedly,
but now there was a dark blue, apparently it was difficult to sleep last

"Come on, I just received a notification from the school that the school
gala will officially perform in two weeks!"

"You are awesome. The script we wrote this time really put us on the
stage of the school's performance !!!"

For a moment, not only did Luke get excited, even the languid and
sleepy face on the side smiled.

Su Tan said with a smile on his face, and said humbly, "We continue
to rehearse!"

Suddenly, the tight and pressing writer's office became excited and
enthusiastic. The news that the screenwriter's club will be on the stage
of the 300th anniversary of Goddu University spreads out, not to
mention the trembling of many societies, even the teachers and
students of the Imperial University.

"A show from a screenwriter? Is there a backstage? Is there a dark


"I heard that it is a comedy miniseries. The judges who laughed at the
selection were very happy."

"Impossible! Comedy ... how is this possible?"

All kinds of rumors have added a confusing color to the screenwriter's
program. Numerous people are looking forward to it and worrying.

Su Tan calmly, step by step and other members devoted themselves to

the rehearsal of the program, and after the rehearsal of the live
rehearsal, finally finally ushered in the intense rhythm of the school
festival officially started.

On this day, the interior and exterior of the Imperial University were
renovated, and many old graduates from previous years returned to
the university campus at the invitation of the school. In the evening,
the campus has become a sea of joy, crowds of people, laughter, and
countless old seniors who haven't seen each other for a long time.

And the backstage of the performance site, has been busy becoming a
pot of porridge.

"Microphone! Is there a spare microphone? Why is this microphone

broken ?!"

"Lighter! Come here, a lamp on the stage suddenly went out!"

"Hey, what about my shoes? My shoes were put here just now. Who
took them!"


All of a sudden, the whole background was noisy. Everyone was

shouting hurriedly, grabbing a person beside them and yelling at the
other side anxiously.
Under such turbulence, a few people in the screenwriters crowded
into the corner were particularly embarrassed, and there was almost
no place to go.

This time, their outfits are still retro and simple, but everyone on the
scene has no energy to look at their clothes.

Yan smiled at the program sequence, coughed, and said to a few

people, "It's another hour for us."

Luke immediately became tense, his hands could not help but twisted
fiercely, and the whole person was like a rigid stone.

He staggered his steps, took a look behind the stage curtain, and
glanced down at the stage. When he came back, he almost couldn't
walk with his legs, and almost tripped himself.

It was Sutan's hand that helped him quickly, and then he stabilized
his body without falling to the ground.

Immediately, Luke was shocked, pale with a pale face and no blood
on his face, and said stubbornly, "The number of people sitting under
the stage and under the stage cannot be counted!"

Upon hearing this, Julien and the most cowardly Ivan at the side
immediately tightened unconsciously and held their breath.
If a few people stay in this state, they have to make a joke on the stage

Su Tan raised her brows lightly and smiled and said to them, "Many
people? What are you afraid of? Do you know anyone?"

Suddenly he heard what he said, Luke snapped involuntarily for a

moment. Immediately, Luke couldn't help but follow Su Tan's words
and think carefully, only to find out that it was really the mighty,
humming head of the audience. In addition to his fellow professors
and classmates, he knew the palm of his hand. Count over.

So what is he afraid of?

Seeing that the fear and tension in Luke's eyes had faded a little, Su
Tan persisted, chuckling and deliberately teasing and joking: "Finally,
who can we recognize as we are?"

He said that Luke was dumb and speechless for a while.

It really is!

Different from the simplicity during the rehearsal, this time they put
on a full set of makeup for the official performance, countless
foundations and colors were layered on the face from left to right. If
the teachers and students sitting under the stage can recognize him,
That's weird.

Luke was so determined that he finally no longer held his hands

tightly, and stood still stiffly.
For this short three-and-a-half-minute performance, several of them
have no idea how many rehearsals and rehearsals have been made.
The script and lines have been revised and revised again, refined and
refined, and all unnecessary ones have been deleted. Only the most
essential and interesting parts are left.

Right now, everything is ready, and as soon as the time comes to the
stage, a few people will officially enter the stage performance.

Yan smiled at the time, determined to find a place to take a few people
to sit down and rest for a while.

But this is obviously not easy in the crowded backstage. Several

people searched for a long time, but did not find an empty seat, but
had to sit on the steps on one side for a few minutes and simply rest.

However, I did not expect that their steps were not yet hot, and
suddenly they saw the staff in charge of on-site command and
dispatch. They ran over anxiously and sweated like a rush, and
rushed to them, too late to speak, panting Roughness will drag a few
people away.

"What's wrong?" Yan smiled for a moment.

The staff member was anxious and roared hoarsely. "Hurry up! You
are ready for the next stage, time is too late, follow me first!"

Hearing this sudden news, Yan smiled for a moment, then quickly
glanced down at the program schedule in his hand. According to the
arrangements of the program group of the school's celebration party,
their screenwriters should obviously be on stage in the middle and
rear stages, and this is also the case during rehearsals and rehearsals.
Why is the order suddenly changed now?

The staff was so anxious that they couldn't explain in detail, and
hurriedly dragged a few people to the stage, shouting hurriedly:
"There is something wrong with the next show, an actor's foot has just
been sprained, and now he can't get on stage! Temporary change, now
you have it! "

Pushed to the stage mouth in a panic, listening to the last show just
before the end of the show, the actors were bowing and ending, and
there was a warm applause from the audience, Luke couldn't help but
be dumbfounded.

Why ... why is this coming to power?

He's not ready yet!

The live director on the side watched the actors on a stage on the stage
step down, shoved a few people in time, and yelled, "Go!"

At the moment, Luke was suddenly pushed vigorously behind him

and staggered onto the stage.

Immediately, he was dazzled by the bright white lights on the stage

outside the stage, and his brain was blank. For a time, he completely
forgot what he was doing here, even thinking of the lines that he had
memorized before. Can't get up.
His throat trembled nervously as he watched the crowd at the end of
the stage.

There was a silence on and off the stage, and many old alumni
watching the show and the teachers and students of the Imperial
College looked at him in astonishment.

What does this person do?

Seeing Luke's stupid appearance on the stage, the live director on the
side was almost anxious, anxious to rush up and drag people down,
and he performed for him.

"Speak! Speak! Don't let your hair go!"

The on-site director dropped the schedule in his hands, almost

anxious to go crazy. It's definitely a disaster to just stand on the stage
like this! The program group of their school celebration party was
busy for countless days and nights. Hundreds of people went from
morning to night and worked hard for several months together. If
Luke 's bun caused a performance accident, then the program group
ate him. All hearts!

Immediately, even the noisy and busy backstage, took a breath in

shock and watched the moment on the stage.

Su Tan quickly glanced at Yan Yan around him, quickly changed the
first part of their show, and responded to the emergency.
He took a deep breath, and an old and full smile quickly rose on his
face. His steps followed Luke's, tremblingly came to the stage, and in
countless attention, he looked at the audience with surprise and open
arms. Yang Yang said, "Oh, so many people are here today! Old Mike,
what are you doing here stupidly? Did you see the warden again?"

When he mentioned the name of "Prison Warrior", the audience

immediately laughed. Head of the Department of Educational Affairs
of Teto University is well-known among the students of previous
generations. He has always been known for its strict rules. If he does
not meet the rules of the school, he will talk to the students and
become the facts known to everyone at Tedo University.

Behind the students, privately called the head of the department,

Herter, as the "prison director", which naturally meant that Herter
was strict like a prison officer in law enforcement, with strict
requirements and no sand in his eyes.

Such a name is not only shouted among the students, but also heard
among the school teachers. Later, as the director of the Hert
Department became more and more famous, this title almost became
an open title. Numerous students smiled and called him face to face,
but admired Hert in their hearts.

Because of this, the title of "Prison Warrior" has become an interesting

thing in the history of Imperial University.

At this time, everyone sitting under the table never thought that this
interesting name would be shouted on the solemn and serious school
celebration stage. Everyone felt fresh for a while, and many alumni
clapped their hands and cheered. Laugh, applaud again and again.

The thunderous applause from the audience finally cleverly resolved

the embarrassing scene of Lu Keshi's staying on the stage, and the
tone of tension held by countless staff in the background finally let go.

Luke, who stupidly stumbled for a long time, finally picked up the
string, retrieved his place in the emergency rescue field of Sutan, and
proceeded in an orderly manner according to the steps during the
rehearsal of the program.

Unexpectedly, the performance of this emergency swap show was not

perfect, but the applause from the audience never stopped!

"Hey, old Yang, say something to me in college-the answer to the final

high-level exam question is ******"

"Tell me that I am drunk and drunk, where the end of the world is
free of grass, and the two legs are full of objects!"

"Wait a minute, I'll check the winning number of the interstellar

lottery first! Kekeke, old Yang, you must carry it back and bring it
back to the past' I '!"


Fresh and interesting through the college era plot, accompanied by

various highlights full of campus era memories and countless funny
scandals, many old alumni in the audience were impressed for a
while, immersed in this sketch, and laughed, followed by Clap.

At the end of the show, when the old and old "Old Yang" came from
time and space, and the young and youthful college roommates were
standing side by side on the stage, countless old alumni could not
help but burst into tears, as if in an instant His countless youthful
pictures flashed in front of his eyes, and it really touched the deepest
part of the soul.

Several people in Sutan stood side by side on the stage and bowed

I saw the audience silent for a few seconds. Then--

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"


The applause raged like a tide, and many old alumni still had big
smiles on their faces, but they unconsciously flushed their eyes and
firmly held the hands of the old classmates next to them, applauding

Su Tan's heart was finally relieved, and the tightness covered by his
body was finally able to be quietly removed. Then he realized that his
back didn't know when it was soaked with cold sweat.

The cool wind blows at night, and the time is a bit cold.
However, several people on the stage screenwriter couldn't help but
raised their smiles, bowed and bowed deeply, and then stepped down
with warm applause.

Until they stepped down the backstage of the stage, the applause
behind them remained thunderous, clear and audible, and continued
until they stepped down.

Su Tan, Yan Xiao, and Luke hugged tightly and felt each other's
excitement and excitement deeply. The staff on the side smiled and
whispered: "Tonight, your program has the longest applause. "

He quietly gave them a thumbs up.

The corner of Luke's mouth could not help but grin wide, and smiled.
Julian and Ivan hugged each other happily, hoping to go out for a few
laps now.

In a warm atmosphere, the staff quietly reminded Su Tan: "Yes, your

family is here too, over there."

Su Tan was startled, and followed the other's finger in surprise, only
to see the dark stage partition, where several tall and erect figures
stood there.

Big cousin, big brother Gu, and even--

"A dad !!!"

Sutan was full of surprises and rushed over.



In the backstage of the stage, the robots Suning and Shu Heng stood
up, even the little robot Da Da appeared in Su Tan's field of vision,
making him even more pleased.

He rushed over and hugged his family enthusiastically and tightly,

making the night extremely beautiful.

On the way out of the school, the campus was full of enthusiasm, and
the tree shadow was stunned. Su Tan smiled and looked at Da Da
excitedly and took the hand of Dad, and in front of him curiously trot
along the way, his elder brother and Dr. Shu followed closely.

He walked at the end, with a happy smile on his face. He couldn't

hold it down. He suddenly heard a low magnetic voice in his ear and
said, "I think, tonight when you took the stage for the first time, your
family Should not be absent. "

Hearing this sentence, Su Tan chuckled with kindness and sincere

thanks: "Thank you!"
Hayden raised his lips, but he did not expect the next moment,
followed by a teasing voice.

"So-who was the person you met on campus that day?"

After a while, Hayden laughed suddenly.

"Want to know?" His tone was low and confused.

Su Tan nodded for granted.

Hayden grinned, his deep eyes looked like starlight in the night.
"Then come to my house tonight to talk about the script, director?"

Su Tan: "..."

Do not! can! can! [Laughing and crying]

With the fierce performance of the screenwriter's school's celebration

program, the screenwriter's fame in the Imperial University became
famous for a while, and the popularity was high. The scenes of their
performances were even recorded by students as clips and placed on
the Internet, which unexpectedly received wide acclaim from
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, tears of laughter, this show is so magical!"

"At first I saw such rustic clothes, shaking the camera, I still refused,
and patiently opened the video, I did not expect-the tears in my eyes
were full of tears."

"I have been graduating for many years. I have been wandering in
Didu Xing. I have never met the brothers who were bunk beds in
college. After watching this video, I suddenly had the courage to call
my roommates and made an appointment next month Get together
and see each other! "


This funny video with laughter and tears recalled and killed
immediately impressed countless graduates with thousands of
emotions. It was widely spread on the Internet and the popularity was

When many netizens learned that the performance came from the
writer's agency of the Imperial Capital University of Sutan, public
opinion suddenly exploded.

"Soft cute dolphin: Soda !!! Soda is on the camera too, which one?"
"Fishing on the Milky Way: This little fool upstairs, Su Da must be the
one with dark hair and black eyes."

"Kolabao: I went to the scene to see hahahahahaha, don't envy me."

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: jealous!"

Su Tan's stage performance video has caused countless hot reviews,

making it a popular headline on Weibo. Just when all the media was
in astonishment to chase and interview his party, another blockbuster
news was released suddenly, which really triggered a national

"The filming of" Adventure Notes "is coming to an end. The starring
commented that this is the best collaboration and it is expected to be
released at the end of the year!"

For loyal fans and enthusiasts of Adventure Notes, this is no less than
the best news, which makes all people look forward to it.

"Adventure Notes", this year's best-selling interstellar book, a dark

horse that was suddenly killed in the cold theme of adventure, has
caused countless readers to celebrate the best-selling book of the year,
and it will be released soon!
For a time, even without any publicity, just releasing this news was
like a deep-water blast | the bomb immediately hit the entire network
and Weibo.

Even many entertainment media have also reportedly followed the

wind, causing a huge wave of anticipation for the entire network.

"Adolescents in a dry rack: lying down !!! So fast !!! Happy running!"

"Orange-flavored soda: Su Da's novel is finally released, look forward

to it!"

"Soft adorable dolphin: Little friends get together and go to Sanshou?"

"Kolabao: Not enough! Ten brushes!"

"Black Memorial: ... Would you like to be so fierce? I thought I had

waited for many days to buy the novel. Was there a queue for movie
tickets again this time?"

"Dark Night Rose: Private Booking!"

The topic of "Expedition Note" movie is about to be lively for many

days, and the sales volume of the novel has risen sharply again,
making the publishing house earn a lot of money.
In the publishing market, other types of physical books have
gradually begun to rejuvenate, and various publishers have worked
hard to promote the popularity of books that have been out of the
limelight in the past few months and deferred listing. For a time,
many books New books are full of flowers, competing for listing first.

Among them, the most popular young writer Joan is the most.

He used to be the contracted author of Lance. After the two broke up,
he naturally broke the cooperation relationship and signed another
well-known studio. The manager who is best at marketing and
creating star authors in the circle personally supported him. .

The image of "warm male writer", "high value and high talent", and
"best-selling young writer" that he established under Lance in a short
time became more and more high-profile.

As Christmas approaches, Joan's new book trailer is released on time.

This time, his new book directly hit the sign of "Boyfriend Style", and
attracted the attention of many fans with exquisite and warm photos,
which poked out the hearts of the fans.

"Joan is with you for Christmas Eve", "This winter is no longer cold
with Joan", "Do you have a boyfriend? Joan has become the best
boyfriend image in the eyes of thousands of girls".
With the official announcement of the new book, countless hot topics
have arisen.

At the time of establishment, under the deliberate operation of

Qiao'an's new company, a strong appeal and popularity were formed
in the entire network, all Weibo and forums, and this marketing
method made Joan's former agent Lance also amazed.

"It is indeed a master of marketing."

This marketing match with Joan's people is just right.

But this admiration, in the end, was just a single admiration, but
Lance never mentioned a word to Joan.

At this moment, the night was approaching, and the lights on the
bustling Diduxing street were on the stage, and the traffic was
flooding. Lance drove his classic car, and the gentleman calmly drove
slowly out of the crowded traffic, and drove to an inconspicuous
single-family house in the center of Imperial City.

He smoothly parked the car by the side of the road, walked to a dark
gate with a carved history, and pressed the code to lock the door.

Immediately, entered smoothly.

Suddenly he entered the room, and the warm atmosphere greeted
him, making him very comfortable. Lance changed her shoes, hung
her coat on a hanger on the side of the door, and walked inward

Sure enough, in the narrow and warm study room, I saw a figure who
was struggling with a pen.

Su Tan was sitting cross-legged, sitting casually in front of the

computer with some data notes beside him, and still covering his legs
warmly with a blanket, but his fingers swiftly hit the keyboard.

At this point, he was finishing his new book.

The "Adventure Notes" movie is about to release. This new book takes
on the ending of the first part of "Expedition Notes". It belongs to the
same series of novels, but it ups and downs describes another
adventure experience of the protagonist. Layers of advancement, and
finally at the end of the book calmly and unveiled one by one the
foreshadowing and the fog, the whole eruption formed a hearty
climax. As a result, it also left deeper suspense for the next novel.

Su Tan conceived for a long time, made countless outlines, and

overturned several manuscripts. Finally, under the urging and
expectation of the agent and publishing company, he completely
conceived the last chapter of the new book.
At the moment he was concentrating on the end, and a small table
beside him had neatly printed the first half of the novel. Lance
couldn't help but sit up and sit down on a soft cloth comfortable
armrest sofa, taking a quick look carefully.

The second part of "Adventure Notes", this is also the first time he saw
it with his own eyes.

At the moment, when he opened the first page of the novel, he was
expecting, and even holding a heart, his fingers stroking the edge of
the book calmly, he sank, and stared down.

"In March, the spring breeze is like a shear.

I just rubbed my waist, and translated a box of ancient books from the
ancient spaceship site in Bermuda overnight and sent them to my
tutor. Early the next morning, an urgent call was received from the

'... the twelfth book, page 134, the fifth line ... records a crown inlaid
with precious stones, do you still remember? In the era of the ancient
earth dynasty, it was a very important symbolic object with extremely
special significance. '

My heart flickered, and I suddenly remembered the strange courier

package I received a few months ago.
Inside, there is a crown of precious stones ... "

Lance looked intently, and immediately after seeing an opening, she

was immediately drawn into it.

When Su Tan typed the last word of the full text, and quietly relaxed
his tight fingers, he turned around and saw the author's Lance was
watching the author carefully by the sofa, without even realizing his

He bent his lip slightly, took a break downstairs, poured a cup of hot
tea for the other party, and made a slight collision when he placed it
on the table, before suddenly awakening Lance from his

As Lance looked up, his face was shocked.

Staring at Su Tan, he opened his mouth for a while, but couldn't say a

Until Lance finally cleared his thoughts and pulled his mind out of the
novel, the first sentence in his mouth asked subconsciously: "Where's
the next novel?"

Su Tan couldn't help laughing.

He typed out the later novel, shoved it into Lance's hand, and smiled
cheerfully, "Here!"

-Greatly fulfill your wish: -D.


The agent Lance had a sneak peek and saw Su Tan's new novel in one

If "Expedition Notes" is the corner of a journey that unveiled the

mysterious and unpredictable Bermuda galaxy, then the second part
is a more ups and downs, a shocking journey, high and low tide,
crises, immersive fear and Suspense allowed Lance to hold a heart
from beginning to end, and he couldn't stop his breath from blocking
his chest.

It was not until he turned to the last page that he suddenly became
silent, his thoughts immersed in the aftertaste of the whole novel for a
long time, and the whole person was shocked beyond words.

It took a long time for him to speak, and a comment came slowly in
his dry voice.

"it is good!"

"it is good!!"
"it is good!!!"

Three consecutive "OK" sounds, Lance's eyes glowed again and again,
only feeling a rush of excitement in the chest.

He has been engaged in the publishing industry for so many years. He

has been fighting for hundreds of years and has rich experience. He
has cultivated a pair of old eyes in this industry early. Is there any
potential for a new book or work listed on the market? With

Even the contracted authors of the new books have some

shortcomings. After polishing and careful packaging, they can still
have a place in the book market.

However, such a powerful and amazing author like Su Tan has never
seen Lance. It can even be said that any packaging method used on
him is superfluous.

Holding the fiery new manuscript, Lance's heart was burning with
time, and his thoughts quickly flew, with almost no effort. His mind
flashed countless ideas for creating a new book in an instant, and the
time was impatient. Want to start.

Lance is looking forward to the hot sales of the second adventure

He smiled warmly, took the new manuscript just released, and said
goodbye to Su Tan. He took the coat and left in a hurry. In the middle
of the night, he drove a vintage car towards the publishing house.

At this time, Su Tan dragged his tired steps out of the study, dragged
his slippers to the bed in the bedroom, rolled into the warm and soft
quilt, and blinked like a tide, making him faint. Lethargy.

In order to get rid of the end of the second part of "Expedition Notes"
and to publish the social manuscript as soon as possible, he has been
boiled for several nights. At this moment, there is no place in his body
that is not sore and tired. Days and nights.

Sutan almost fell asleep as soon as she touched the pillow.

When he slept into the darkness and didn't know how long he had
slept, he heard the ringing of a communication phone in faint.

He stretched out his hand from the warm quilt, groped for a long time
on the bedside, and finally touched the light brain and dragged it to
his ear.

It's the agent's phone.

Su Tan reached out and only listened. Lance's calm voice sounded at
the communicator, and he was clearly in a good mood with a smile.
"The first sample book has been printed. I'll send it to you now.
Would you like to see the cover and layout?"
The publishing company made several alternatives. Naturally, based
on the author's wishes, he actively sought the opinions of Su Tan.

Right now, many staff members at Leon are gearing up and ready to
go. Countless printing presses are already ready for commissioning
and are available around the clock. As soon as Sutan finally finalizes
the new book template, many printing machines will be started on the
whole line, and printing will be in full swing.

Upon hearing this, Su Tan's drowsy sleepiness finally disappeared

from his mind. After struggling for a long time in the soft and warm
quilt, he finally got up with a bite of teeth.

"You do it!"

Lance Wen responded, smiling and said he would bring him


After Su Tan got up and washed, Lance came with the new novel
sample book just printed. The new book that had just come off the
printing press still took a little temperature and the aroma of ink. Su
Tan opened it and found that the title page of the novel was left blank
for him.

Lance reminded with a smile: "Is there anyone you want to thank or
say? You can write on this page."

These words made Su Tan startled.

Want to thank someone?

Dad, big brother, big cousin, Dr. Shu, da da ...

From the count, there were many, and along the way from Rose to
Emperor Star, many people accompanied him. However, Su Tan has
not always been a sensationalist. He asked his family and friends to
list them one by one in the new book that was published and sold,
and he was suddenly ashamed.

Su Tan took a deep breath and calmly wrote down a short line on the
blank title page. He nodded in agreement with the sample of the new
book and returned it to his agent, Lance.

Lance took it and laughed: "The new book has been scheduled for sale
recently. You can rest for a while and leave the rest to us."

Hearing this, Su Tan couldn't help laughing, but he was so relieved

that the smile promised.

His vacation officially started, and he can finally breathe a sigh of

relief from the intense preparation for the new book and return to his
peaceful campus life. As the New Year approaches, the final exams
follow, and the entire Imperial University has become an ocean of
hard study and deep study, and all students have ignited their
passion for learning like never before.

In the publishing and entertainment circles, one after another

blockbuster news came one after another, shocking the release.
"The most exciting, thrilling, and fun film version of" Adventure
Notes "will be released on New Year's Day!"

"'Warm Boyfriend', Joan's new book is finally here! After more than a
year, Joan's new book is long overdue and officially released! Work
hard, warm your heart!"

"Three minutes of screening for" Exploratory Notes "were swept

away, setting a record in history."

"Jinjue Awards has joined forces in" Adventure Notes ", and she is
proud that this is her most satisfied work, and she has become a loyal
fan of Sutan."

"Lyon Publishing Company has officially announced that the second

novel of" Exploratory Notes "will be launched simultaneously with
the movie!"

One after another shocking news, so that all netizens dazzled, even
before it was too late to surprise one, they suddenly saw the next
more exciting message.

"Adventure Notes" movie, the second new book, the tacit cooperation
between the two immediately produced an amazing appeal, countless
book fans readers look forward to the film's release.

"One of the most anticipated films for the new year?"

In the collection of popular topics on Weibo, "Adventure Notes" won
the first place in "New Year's Movies Most Expected by Netizens"
with an overwhelmingly high number of votes.

By 01:00 on the first day of the new year, countless fan readers flocked
to major cinemas, and couldn't wait to buy movie tickets. The superb
performance of the powerful acting school, the hearty and fast-paced
plot, neat and simple without wasting a second of editing, coupled
with the vast and magnificent movie special effects, almost 2 hours,
120 minutes, no audience was willing to leave halfway Toilets on the

It wasn't until the ending song sounded that the first audience to
watch the movie premiere shook their hearts and quietly walked out
of the cinema screening room, but their faces were surprisingly
excited and excited.

Faced with many media cameras waiting at the entrance of the

screening hall, many viewers were excited by words.

"It looks great! It looks great! It's worth the fare!"

"Hahahaha, before I went to the cinema, I was still worried about

ruining one of my favorite novels, but now I am completely relieved. I
can responsibly say to all the original parties in front of the camera,
come and see, promise not to Will disappoint you. "

"Don't stop me, I'm going for a second brush!"

"The author is too big to dig. What about the back? It will solve all the
mysteries! The suspense left at the end of the movie is even greater! I
want to send the blade!"

I heard the enthusiasm and praise of many film fans who first brushed
up "Adventure Notes", and the media waiting outside the screening
room were silent and couldn't help pointing the audience at the last

There was a huge banner hanging there, setting up a special counter.

"Su Da's new book-The Second Part of" Exploratory Notes "is on the

Leon even cooperated with the cinema to launch a strong cooperation

model for the dual release of new movies. Immediately, countless
media watched the sales counter of the new book "Adventure Notes"
overwhelmed by enthusiastic fans.

In the early morning of the next day, when the box office and new
book sales came out, all the entertainment and publishing circles went

And Su Tan's handwritten words on the title page of the new book
have become the hot headlines on the Internet.

"The book is dedicated to--

I love you the most. "


"Sutan's new book is dedicated to 'Favorite You'!"

"The Adventure Notes book is so popular that new books are out of
stock again. How amazing is the power of adventure novels?"

"The Tomato Movie website scored 9.2! Many audiences have

received rave reviews!"

After the release of "Adventure Notes", the full movie theaters and the
full cinema box office in the movie theater made this adventure novel
a huge success, attracting the attention of many media and industry
insiders, and even more fans and netizens They caused an
unprecedented hot debate.

Countless movie fans went to the cinema and watched it again, but it
was still not fun. They continued to brush with two, three, and even
the scene of bringing the whole family to brush the movie, which gave
this movie a huge popularity. Countless people were caught by this
movie. Be convinced.

"The running chick: The acting burst! It was full of surprises, and it
was never expected that many talented actors would contribute acting
no less than winning prizes in such an adventure action film. ! "

"Orange-flavored soda: Ten brush achievements have been achieved

[laughing and crying]. After reading so many times, I still feel that the
author's big brain is incomparable. How can I bury so many foresights
in a deep and detailed way, and analyze it carefully from beginning to
end? After ten times, I still feel that I haven't sorted it out. "

"Sailor Moon: Just after watching the movie, my heart is full of

suspense left by the digging of the Soviet Union. I was so anxious to
scratch my heart. I did not expect to see the sales counter of the
second book of" Exploratory Notes "as soon as I left the gate of the
screening room. ... what else can I do? Of course, buy it! "


The word-of-mouth of the movie has become more and more popular,
which has promoted the popularity of the second part of "Exploratory
Notes". This time, Leon Publishing Company did not adopt the
previous hungry marketing policy. Instead, it piled up the bookcases
specially erected by each movie theater, completely opening up sales
and letting readers and fans enjoy it.

Sure enough, the huge sales volume doubled every day like a
snowball, so that the publishing company made a lot of money. Klaus
Leon laughed every day and almost lay in the money pile. Pregnant.

During the same period, Joan 's new photo book, even if it sells well,
can be regarded as a leader among newcomer authors during the
same period. But compared with Su Tan, that impressive achievement
was worthless to mention.

However, Su Tan didn't pay attention to this. After working **** the
new writing, he greatly relaxed and entered the busy final exam
preparation stage.
In the past two weeks, the school's professors have been out of class.
After marking the exam focus and scope for the students, let the
students review by themselves.

For a while, libraries and study rooms in the school were

overcrowded like never before. Every morning, early in the morning,
the sky was bright, and some people rushed to stand in line to occupy
a better self-study seat early.

Seeing this scene, Su Tan simply moved all his books and notes to the
small apartment outside the school. He reassured himself in the warm
and comfortable small apartment to review in the cold winter day.

Comfortable long-haired blankets lay on his knees, and the warm

floor warmth allowed him to step on the floor with bare feet
effortlessly. The thick hot tea and warm yellowish desk lamps at his
hands made him feel as if he were at ease. The rest was normal, and
Enron flipped through the textbooks to study.

All progress is in order, only one--

Suddenly there was a strong scent of fragrant incense, like a broth that
has been stewed for a long time, and every drop of scent diffused into
the air condenses the delicious essence of the broth. Can not help but

Su Tan thoughtfully reviewed his homework, his nose swayed a few

times, and he couldn't bear it anymore. Finally, he could not resist the
temptation of the delicious flavor, seized the textbook, opened the
blanket, and turned downstairs.
"Uh, uh, uh."

His brisk footsteps just reached the last step of the stairs, and
suddenly he heard a mechanized mechatronic prompt from the
kitchen, "Your Highness, you should turn off the fire, and you can add
fresh green basil leaves for embellishment. "

Hearing that, Su Tan could not help raising his smile narrowly, and
accelerated his pace into the kitchen.

Sure enough, I saw Hayden standing upright in front of the stove at

this time, and according to the help of the hottest "cooking assistant"
system, he seriously looked at the fresh green basil leaves leaf by leaf
into the heat Billy broth.

Serious gestures and actions seem to sign the most important


Su Tan leaned against the door, smiled, and laughed loudly: "Want to
feed me again?"

Hayden turned back and took off the hot broth from the stove. He
chuckled with a low voice and replied, "I'll be fat with you."

Upon hearing this, Su Tanji only felt happy and hateful at the time.

Since he entered the busy examination review stage, his big cousin has
no idea how many times he has to accompany the exam, and has
made countless foods for him. He wants to make him fat, and makes
Su Tan angry and funny.
Every time he learned half of the study, he was unexpectedly seduced
by the aroma of the food in the room, and eventually could not hold
the tempting taste of the food. He ran downstairs and succumbed to


The next day a backache crawled up.

Su Tan shook his head and laughed, could not help thinking that his
big cousin had failed ...

This time, Hayden deliberately learned the secret recipe of lamb chop
meatball soup from the Royal Guards housekeeper Olesen, and
carefully crafted each step. At this time, he served the table and
naturally did not worry about Sutan.

Sure enough, as soon as the soup pot was uncovered, Sutan, who was
sitting across the table, looked bright, full of surprise and expectation,
and drooling over the rich amber-colored soup.

Hayden looked down, chuckling in his heart, but his slender fingers
smoothed out the soup from the pot and brought it to Su Tan.

In a short time, the aroma pours into the nose, and it bursts into the
face hundreds of times explosively.
Su Tan's index finger was moving, and he took the spoon with
expectation and tasted it. The slightly hot broth entered, the aroma of
mellow tomatoes and meatballs burst into the mouth, and the
delicious taste immediately entered the tip of the tongue.

The thick soup stews almost all the delicious flavors in it, forming a
complex and deep mellow flavor, which makes people linger and
forget, one bite after another, can't bear to stop.

Just as Su Tan squinted and squinted with ease, a round, fragrant

meatball appeared in his sight.

Then, a low magnetic voice said almost puzzled: "Want to eat?"

Su Tan thought about it for a while, and finally couldn't resist the
deliciousness. The aroma was fragrant, and he choked a chopstick that
stretched out across the mouth, chewing the meatballs into his mouth.

At that moment, the delicious and rich mutton aroma exploded in the
mouth. After carefully roasting the meatballs, the gravy is perfectly
enclosed and bite down. The tight texture on the surface and the
delicious tenderness on the inside fit together perfectly, making
people extremely satisfied for a while.

Su Tan carefully noted that the meatballs were not only delicious, but
also mixed with a slightly crispy texture. When chewing, interesting
and crunchy things bounced in the mouth, full of extreme fun.

He recalled it carefully and found that it turned out to be cartilage. No

wonder it's so crispy and refreshing!
At the time, Su Tan was completely convinced by the cooking of his
big cousin. Recalling the cooking that was unfamiliar and hard-
working at the time of his big cousin, and how he was not fat enough
by his father, there is no problem in front of Hayden who is full of
cooking skills.

Su Tan, while eating comfortably, was pinching his little belly and

This sweet and burdensome temptation [laughs and cry]!

After a full pot of broth was eaten, Su Tan was full and full, and the
whole person was sleepy. The whole person was relaxed, and the lazy
sleepiness scattered on his mind. Textbooks were spread out in front
of me, and I couldn't see them anyway.

He shook his head and frowned, and climbed up with pain,

determined not to continue to fall under the corruption of the food,
wrapped in layers of thick coat, ready to go out for a walk to digest

Hayden looked at him, smiled, raised his lips, reached for a scarf and
hat, and wrapped him tightly, which led people to walk out.

At this time, after dinner, the Emperor's Star has already fallen, and
the lights of the stars emit a warm and comfortable light in the houses
on both sides of the road. And the crowded streets are still ushered in
the peak period of traffic jams. Countless cars line up to grow
dragons. In the winter evening, all kinds of lights are turned on and
they move slowly forward.
Su Tan was so tightly covered with a scarf and hat that he didn't feel a
bit of cold air, but was warmed by the palm of the tall man next to

The two walked easily to the two intersections, and unexpectedly

turned to a supermarket. The electronic signboards with big discounts
were extremely shiny in the dark evening. Hayden stepped back and
looked at him with a smile.

"Go shopping?"

Did you buy it again?

Su Tan was eager to refuse, but in the end, he could not beat the
bright and bright big price reduction signboard, and subconsciously
excitedly blurted out: "Go!"

After talking, Su Tan said: "..."

Hayden laughed in a low voice, and said with a smile, "Observe." As

he said, he took the silent and penitent teenager in his hand and
walked towards the supermarket.

Su Tan: Why can't I control my mouth QAQ

He, he obviously wants to go out to lose weight!

Three big challenges to lose weight, supermarkets, barbecues and a
wallet that can't help walking.

Su Tan and his big cousin came out of the supermarket with their
shopping bags full of small bags. As soon as they passed the
intersection, they encountered a light-filled and fragrant barbecue

The hot charcoal fire splashed with sparks in the night and stunned at
the door of the shop, attracting the pedestrian's sight firmly. And on
the oven, a large group of savory meat skewers were grilled, and the
pungent scent came across the intersection, making people tempted.

Su Tan paused, staring at the lively barbecue grill, but he refused to

take another step there, afraid that he could not suppress the urge to

Unexpectedly, Hayden dragged him easily and calmly, and bought a

large number of hot, cumin-flavored kebabs from the owner.

Su Tan sucked and sucked her nose behind the scarf, determined to
lose weight.

Seeing his appearance, Hayden's deep eyes glanced at him with a

deep smile and calmly smiled, "I want to eat."

Before the words fell, a skewer of hot temperature and aroma reached
under his nose. Hayden voiced with a smile, and asked puzzledly,
"Do you want to taste it?"
Hayden was not in a hurry, standing on the side of the road calmly
eating barbecue meat, the cumin aroma and hot and pungent meat
aroma suddenly burst into the air, catching the maggots in his

Su Tan: ... struggling t-t.


"Good time!"

Big cousin smiles.

The two strolled around the road several times. When they finally
returned home, instead of eating, Su Tan found that his stomach was
even more bulging, and he was carrying a lot of food in his hands.

As soon as the door of the apartment opened, the warmth of warmth

greeted him immediately, letting him spend a lot of time on the streets
in the winter, letting him down and falling asleep.

Su Tan changed the furry warm slippers that Abba himself had
woven, and sat on his back on the sofa. He was so warm and warm all
the time, sleepy and warm, and he was too lazy to take off his coat
with his fingers.

Food is really the best hypnotic agent.

Sitting on a comfortable and soft cloth sofa, Su Tan smiled in his heart,
quietly resting for a rare moment, thinking about joking about writing
a gourmet article in his next novel, and bringing his readers and fans
together to gain weight ...

He was thinking of the picture with joy, and suddenly felt that
someone was raising his arm and helping him to take off his coat.

Su Tan opened his eyes and watched Hayden standing on himself.

His slender fingers methodically helped him to untie the scarf, hat,
and coat, and even took off the thick wool socks knitted by Abba. It
was comfortable. The ground exposed his toes in the air.

Then he was picked up by one and steadily left the sofa.

Su Tan was struggling to fall asleep, drowsy, struggling to grab the

other's shoulder, and asked, "Where?"

Hayden's voice was calm and low magnetic, and he calmly replied,

Su Tan: "..." == Am I so deceived?

It wasn't until he was hugged into the bedroom that his body sank
onto a soft, soft bed that Su Tan rolled up the quilt, the darkness
covering his eyes ...

In the early morning of the next day, just when Su Tan woke up from
his doze, he heard the buzzing vibration of his optical brain
communicator. He opened his eyes for a moment, took the
communicator to check the message, but unexpectedly found that
countless relatives and friends comforted him with concern.

Su Tan could not help but be inexplicable, until he saw a roommate's

hot burning fart

I saw--

"The new popular bestseller writer Su Tan Mi meets the mysterious

man, eats food intimately on the street, and chats late at night to
return to the love nest."

Looking at the breaking news that topped the top list of Weibo, Su
Tan could not help but bear in mind that the first idea was that he was
so strict that the other party could recognize that this professional skill
was admirable.

In the next second, a smile was raised, and it was not expected that
the person who broke the news recognized himself and did not
recognize his big cousin.

For a while, I don't know if Hayden's secrecy work is too good or if

the other party's eyes are rusty.

He got up with a smile, flipped his fingers and looked at many

communication messages, most of which were classmates and friends
who were concerned about their text messages, and some people
reminded him that the media had grasped his address, and he was
waiting anxiously outside to interview him.
Upon seeing this news, Su Tan immediately took a meal, next time
cleared the light brain, got up and went downstairs.

Walking down the stairs, he unexpectedly found that Hayden was

wearing a casual high-necked light-colored sweater at this time,
stretching his legs, leisurely holding a hot tea cup on the front of the
sofa, and watching the TV news program with a relaxed expression.

On the side table, there was already a prepared breakfast, and there
was no sign of panic and nervousness.

Su Tan walked quickly and snatched a hot tea from the other's hot tea
cup. The hot tea immediately ironed his spleen and stomach,
refreshing him.

He went to the window, raised a corner slightly, and looked out.

Several crowded cars and people appeared on the crowded streets of

the Imperial Capital.

An example is a car parked illegally on the side of the road across the
street. Although the dark window paper makes it difficult to see the
situation inside the compartment, Su Tan can clearly see a red spot
with a cigarette butt, obviously there is someone inside.

In a cafe not far away, there is another middle-aged man with a big
camera bag sitting in the window next to the street, holding a
newspaper in his hand, but absently and not looking up, but always
alert. Keep an eye on your movements.
And several men in twos and threes were standing not far from their
apartment, talking in a low voice, shaking their heads occasionally,
and glancing at themselves.

Even some media smelling the wind are urgently hearing from all
directions, and countless media reporters are constantly on their way.

Su Tan carefully observed for a while, and calmly said behind him,
"There are reporters outside."

Although he was low-key and did not take the initiative to accept any
interviews or program invitations, he was not afraid of media

At this point, the only concern was Hayden.

As the prince of the empire, Hayden has always kept his identity
secret. He has rarely appeared in public, and he has not announced
his image to the public.

This time, Su Tan never thought of it, because a reporter went out last
night to walk around, and the media reporters blocked the big cousin
in his apartment.

If only the media is okay, Su Tan has just searched the Internet for a
while and found that many self-media and public accounts that are
connected with the media industry are also eager to come to a lively
Many bloggers broke the news that for the attention of bloggers, they
deliberately spoke to fans on Weibo and wanted to broadcast live
outside his apartment. I am afraid that as soon as Hayden walked out
of his home, he would be surrounded by people and shot Refined.

Even the headlines of Weibo live broadcast have stimulated the

popularity on the ground.

"The best-selling author Su Tan's mysterious man hasn't left yet. The
blogger will live broadcast for you!"

"The two have been in love nest for 10 hours. Who is Su Huan's new

"When does the mysterious man show up? I wait with you."

Numerous headline thrillers, which have attracted a lot of attention

for a while, have become a popular event for the whole people.
Looking at this situation, Su Tan took a deep breath and couldn't help
feeling a dilemma.

He covered the curtains and turned around, but unexpectedly saw

Hayden still calm, standing upright and relaxed, bringing the hot
breakfast back to the table one by one, and even pouring a hot cup for
him. The warm hot tea is hardworking like a Tianluo girl.

Seeing his leisurely look, Su Tan raised his eyebrows, which was
He thought for a while, coughed, and suggested, "Otherwise I'll go
out and explain it?"

Come to think of it, the big cousin was blocked in his apartment, why
shouldn't he shrink back and let the big cousin be hacked to the end.

Unexpectedly, Hayden was not in a hurry. He stretched his eyebrows

calmly and looked at him, chuckling: "First come for breakfast."

Sutan was stuck for a moment, and now worried about the situation
of his big cousin, he sat obediently at the dining table and took
Hayden's hot white porridge, clear yellow egg rolls and many foods,
which he obediently ate. He had to be clean and didn't want to
disobey him to make him more worried.

Seeing his obedient look as he tried hard to swallow the diced

vegetables and chopped barbecued egg rolls, Hayden quietly bent his
lips, his face looking extremely pleasant.

It was not until he had run out of breakfast that he coughed anxiously
and worriedly in Su Tan's eyes, and said leisurely: "No need to

Su Tan was shocked. As soon as he wanted to ask anything, he

listened to the big cousin and said, "Our relationship doesn't need to
be explained. We will be public when we are filmed."

A warm big palm touched the top of his head, soothing softly.
Looking at the faint smile and calmness in Hayden's eyes opposite
him, Su Tan's heart flickered, and then innumerable warm currents
spewed from his heart, as if being hit by a heat wave.

He shook his head and laughed, and time was free. After breakfast, I
boarded Guangnao and browsed some media photos, and found that
in the blurry black paint photo last night, I was taken in a round ball.

Even though there are many reasons for wearing winter clothes, Su
Tan looked at his figure, which was particularly widened under
Hayden's contrast, and couldn't help crying and laughing in his heart.

The comments from netizens are even more enthusiastic.

"Soft cute dolphin: The meat is so fat Hahahahahaha."

"Kolabao: Where is my crown prince father? Is the tall and handsome

little brother next to me the crown prince father!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: The meat is so big-I have a stomachache

when I laugh! I finally understand why his author's name is" Brushed
braised meat every day ". Look at the meat and look at the little eyes
of barbecue, who can bear it?"

"Begonia from the meat treasure family: Take away our meat treasure
and continue to raise it for nothing."

On the Internet, there are various analyses of the "mysterious man"
who has entered and exited with Su Tan. Some speculate that it is a
shared roommate, and some speculate that it is a classmate or friend.
Some people have suggested that it may be His Royal Highness, but
this statement is too surprising On the contrary, everyone was unsure.

After all, who can believe that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince,
who is high above him, is just like a civilian, carrying a heavy
shopping bag in one hand, holding a kebab in one hand, and holding
Su Tan in the street?

Such a move is totally inconsistent with the image of the Crown

Prince in the eyes of all netizens.

Therefore, no one can believe that person is Hayden Longman.

Nowadays, among the media reporters, marketing public numbers,

and Weibo bloggers who are staying outside the apartment, many
people have different ideas, and guess their views before the live

"Maybe it's a shared friend? Su Tan is my favorite author, the male

**** of the circle, and I didn't expect to be taken away so soon."

"His Royal Highness? I can't say, maybe, or someone else."

"This apartment is very ordinary in Diduxing. You can see that the
several apartments next to each other are ordinary residential
apartments. Most of the Soviet Union stayed here for low-key. But His
Royal Highness lives here? I am a little unbelievable, open A joke, this
apartment is probably only as big as a bathroom in the Longman
family home! "

Numerous ridicules and jokes appeared in front of the live broadcast

camera. Many Internet bloggers were full of enthusiasm and full of
energy. Right now, they are not afraid of the severe winter cold, and
they are standing directly on the street, facing the location of the
apartment where Sutan is located.

Netizens are also hotly debated to make live broadcast bloggers more
active. Seeing that they have been waiting at the street for a long time,
they want to tease the identity relationship between Su Tan and the
mysterious man from the beginning to the end. Suddenly, they saw an
overwhelming and uniform Royal Guard official vehicle suddenly
appearing on the street. Exit towards this place quickly and neatly,
and stop at the side of the road.

In a hurry, all media and live bloggers are choked!

Even the netizens who watched the live broadcast were


This ... the mysterious man in this apartment is obviously--

"Kolabao: The crown prince [happy] !!!!!!"


A solemn array of royal guards lined up outside the Imperial Capital
apartment in Sutan.

Olesen stepped out of the car calmly, walked steadily to the many
media and reporters waiting at the door of the apartment, and
humbled and asked in a low-key manner: "Sorry, His Royal Highness
is temporarily not being interviewed."

Everyone in front of the camera was astonished.

"His Royal Highness?"

"The mysterious man inside is really His Royal Highness?"


Countless exclamations sounded, and there was a shock inside and

outside the camera. Almost all media reporters and netizens couldn't
believe the answer.

Because in the photo that was leaked yesterday, the tall 颀 long and
casually strolled hand in hand with the teenager on the street,
carrying two big heavy shopping bags, and comfortably and
intimately bought the hot steamed kebabs on the street to eat together,
with all In the eyes of the people, the image of the imperial crown
prince, who is heavily guarded and high, is far away, so no one can
believe that such a person is really Hayden himself.

How and how is this possible?

Numerous media reporters holding live cameras and cameras
standing in front of Sutan's house, silently watching Oleson lead the
Royal Guard to defend the streetside residence, and Chen Zhen could
not speak.

The majority of netizens behind the camera are hotly debated.

"Kolabao: Crazy for my crown daddy !!!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Let's go, let's go, this is actually a show of
a fit show loving dog food, it's a boyfriend's [laughing and crying]."

"Little Begonia of the Meat Po Family: I know it! The truth must be!"

"Dark Night Rose: Mother Palace is online :)."


At the entrance of Sutan's house, countless reporters and media were

at a loss, and looked at them in unison. Some Internet media looked at
the guarded situation, felt puzzled, and were unwilling to leave. They
braced themselves and refused to take the camera. The camera is
turned off, and I can't help but ask people nearby: "What now?"

Experienced veteran journalists grabbed a few shots of the last houses

and houses, then cleaned up their equipment and prepared to leave.
At this time, the old reporters didn't look up when they heard the
questions from their peers, and they were anxious to leave.

"Is the photo ready? Go back and write a manuscript! Be sure to send
it out first!"

The reporters and media smashed away. Within three or two minutes,
only the marketing anchors who were eye-catching on the live
broadcast private anchors reluctantly wandered around Sutan's house
for two laps, and finally took some pictures. Then he reluctantly left.

The street suddenly cleared and calm was restored.

Su Tan, looking out through the curtains, looked back at Hayden, who
was sitting in a comfortable, thick armchair, flipping through a book,
with a hot tea cup in front of him, and said with tears of laughter: "It
seems that we are moving again."

Hayden lifted his eyes calmly, his deep eyes were quiet and secure,
and bowed his head with a smile, letting Su Tan decide.

Su Tan Changshu took a sigh of relief, slumped his sleeves, and began
to retrieve the scattered books, and set about packing.

Sure enough, all the interstellar media websites blasted the headlines
blasting on the same day. Various and varied headlines revolved
around Sutan and Hayden. The photo and address of this residence
were exposed at once. The latest tourist destination for countless book
fans, fans and netizens who came to hear about it.
Many netizens came to the night enthusiastically and wanted to see
the true look of His Royal Highness Crown Prince.

Full of enthusiasm, the site near the apartment almost doubled.

However, they were eager to come, but it was a late step. The hot nest,
the imperial crown prince, and the best-selling author Su Tan, who
lived together, had long since gone, leaving countless people home.

Su Tan logged into her account and sent a warm Weibo in a warm

"Su Tan: Thank you for your concern."

The picture is a tall and long back with a heroic posture. Carrying the
appearance of a large luggage, he could not conceal the neat and neat
image of the other party.

As soon as the picture came out, it quickly became the hot headline on

"Kolabao: Hey !!!!!!"

"Black Memorial: Lying down, finally seeing the real Highness Crown
Prince, although it is just a back ..."

"Soft cute dolphin: So handsome [covering face]."

"You Di Meixing: Excuse me, does your family lack a pendant that can
carry luggage?"

"Orange-flavored soda: sweet! Backslaughter! Sweet to cry! When can

I have a boyfriend?"


Su Tan smiled and put down the light-brained Weibo, and looked
back at the big cousin who was busy arranging luggage in a large,
low-key luxury house, and suddenly shook his head and laughed.

This mansion with mountains and rivers and beautiful scenery is

obviously Hayden already prepared. At this time, put your luggage
and calmly.

Sutan looked at Hayden one by one and put his luggage in place, and
then walked towards himself in a clear manner.

He smiled brightly, raised his eyebrows suddenly, and asked jokingly:

"When are you ready for this house? Isn't it waiting for this day?"

Hayden raised his corners of his lips, his eyes stretched, and he was in
a good mood. Going around, he finally brought the young man back
to his den.

The large house is spacious and comfortable. Although it is very large,

but for the sweet life of two people, there is no maid.
At this point, standing in the brightly lit living room, Hayden had
only one idea.

He chuckled, suddenly turning his arm hard, turning Su Tan in one

direction, pushing Su Tan's back and walking up the stairs.

Su Tan was caught off guard, took a step under his feet, but was
helped by the soft and undeniable force behind him, pushing
vigorously toward the upper floor. For a moment, he could not return
to God. "where to?"

Just listening, a low magnetic voice behind him smiled, and the
burning breath almost touched his neck, making his fingertips numb.

"Well, it's time to sleep :)."

Su Tan was speechless, thinking silently, then you can do whatever

you want?

Facts taught him--

Really can.

After moving, their lives suddenly became lively. With the end of the
exam week, Sutan officially ushered in the school's winter vacation,
spending more time at home and having a lot of free time to spend a
long vacation.
Coincidentally, during this time, the "Adventure Notes" movie was
popular. Both the movie and the actor have been hot for a while. It has
become a hotly debated topic among countless people, and it has also
made countless box office producers.

Under such a fiery situation, the acting agent Lance appeared in front
of Su Tan with an invitation.

Surprisingly, this is not an invitation to collaborate with any of his

works, but rather an invitation to invite him to join a newly prepared
film writer.

Su Tan carefully looked at the invitation, raised his eyebrows in

confusion, and looked at the agent Lance. "Why did they invite me?"

The film production team that is preparing is outstanding. The

director of the film is a big director with both fame and strength. The
film has produced and sold countless hits and has already established
an unshakable position in the film industry.

Therefore, this time the cooperation of the screenwriter team is also

top-notch, almost gathered a few gold medal screenwriters in the
entertainment industry, presumably the work produced must also be
of extraordinary quality.

In this case, why should the other party invite him to join the
screenwriter team?

Su Tan was a little confused. He knew that although he had achieved

some success in fiction, he was interlaced like a mountain. When he
first saw the screenplay of "Adventure Notes", he once admired the
ingenuity and extraordinaryness of the film writer, which is
completely different from the novel writing.

Therefore, he is almost a newcomer to the screenwriter circle.

Why does the other party have a well-produced and top-performing

crew? Why invite him to join?

Hearing his question, the agent Lance, who was sitting across the sofa,
had a calm attitude, and answered calmly with a smile: "Perhaps the
other person sees your strength."

Sutan raised an eyebrow.

Lance was calm and slumped, quietly flipping through the end of the
information and showing him. "The director of this movie, Jude Goff,
is by far the most successful commercial film director. If you want to
do this, you will learn a lot with him."

"The point is--" Lance looked up at him, asking gently, "Do you want
to do this? What do you want to do in the future?"

This problem suddenly made Su Tan stunned.

His freshman semester has already passed half. He said fast and fast,
slow and slow. In a blink of an eye, the peaceful university time
slipped away like water between his fingers.
Although he studied in the ancient earth culture major, this major is
also the closest to and most interesting to him, but as the semester
passed, Su Tan realized that he was only interested in it, and he
would definitely not be a professor in the future They usually sit in
the office for academic research day after year.

What does he want to do in the future? Fiction writer? screenwriter?

Or another profession?

Lance's question got Su Tan into thinking.

Lance waited for his answer quietly, and said with a gentle smile,
"You don't have to decide your future direction now, why not try it

A movie screenwriter invited Sutan to see him. He took a deep breath

and nodded in agreement.

The next day, under the snow, Su Tan came to a screenwriter's studio
on the outskirts of the city. The new movie "Interstellar Tracking" is
obviously a commercial film mainly based on action plots. It
integrates the hottest keywords of action, suspense, revenge, love, etc.,
and even includes the latest adventure part of Sutan's lively release.
Ambitious to prepare to create a hot commercial blockbuster again.

This time the team of screenwriters only has five people. Sutan has the
lowest qualifications, and compared to other experienced
screenwriters, he joined the team late.
When he arrived at the studio to report, the director of the film Jude
Guff quickly stepped forward and embraced Su Tan with a warm
hug. Su Tan was flattered by his enthusiastic attitude.

"Sue, you're finally here!" Jude Gavron laughed.

As the most successful commercial film director, he is young and

strong, smart and capable, full of passion and vitality, even his body
shape is maintained very well, unlike ordinary behind-the-scenes
personnel who don't trim the edges.

At this time, Director Gough introduced the new movie and

introduced him to the main crew members.

When he finally saw the preliminary outline and related materials, it

was already two hours later. Su Tan flipped through the materials and
unexpectedly found that most of the entire script had been completed.

Director Goff explained enthusiastically: "We have carefully prepared

this film for two full years, integrating many popular elements now,
in order to bring the most shocking movie viewing experience to
moviegoers. I watch your works. Yeah, it's interesting, we need your
participation. "

Su Tan's hand was tightly held and placed in trust.

However, Su Tan is still a little unfamiliar with the work of

screenwriter. Besides, the screenwriter is a team creation, different
from writing a novel by himself, he is a little confused about what he
is about to do.
He stared straight at Director Guff, staring directly at the other
person, asking directly: "What do I need?"

Jude Goff laughed and patted his shoulder hard. "Need your

The other party handed over a contract, and the remuneration on it

made Su Tan, who always looked at money like dung, couldn't help it.

Su Tan could not help but bend her lips and laughed.

My creativity is great, great value!


"Your creativity is essential to our movie!"

The film crew of the new movie "Interstellar Tracking" has a lot of
trust in Sutan, and the pay of the screenwriter is also generous. Sutan
calm down and think about the script he has on hand.

However, after looking closely at the script, he slowly discovered

something a little bit surprised. Now that he has polished most of the
entire script on hand, the details are detailed and the scenes are
orderly. No matter from the story itself or logically, it is a well-written
perfect story. The highlights are varied and clever There are no major
flaws and problems, and the entire script creation has only the final

Obviously, the crew did not expect any breakthrough in the writing of
the script, but instead enthusiastically invited him to provide more
ideas and highlights.

This approach makes Sutan somewhat puzzled. From a creative point

of view, although a good script needs constant polishing, the main
line and frame of the script that is close to completion are almost
determined. Any slight change will affect the whole body, not to
mention ideas and ideas. Such a vital thing. A little movement is
almost overthrown.

Why should the other party be so active and let him provide creative
ideas at the point when the script is ready to start shooting?

Su Tan was puzzled and simply set aside all the mysteries, focused on
polishing the script, and seriously submitted the revised script to the

The director Gao Fu was full of enthusiasm, praising the new script,
and patted his shoulder with a smile. "Okay! The idea is clever!"

The other side was full of smiles, and finally lived up to expectations.
Su Tan was relieved and responded with a smile and shaking his

The revised script was completely handed over to the crew, and Su
Tan had come to an end in this contact with the screenwriter, but still
made him feel a little bit overwhelmed.
Su Tan couldn't tell the sigh, she felt that the work was much simpler
than he expected, and it was incredibly smooth and relaxed. Even,
compared to the generous remuneration he received, he could not
help but have some ideas that were too good. What he did was far
from worth such a good price.

Could it be a star entertainment circle, really a lot of money


After much deliberation, Su Tan couldn't think of anything, but it

came down to the other party's not bad money. Unexpectedly, two
weeks later, the crew of "Interstellar Tracking" is about to start
shooting. All the main creative members will be interviewed by a
media together on the eve of the shooting, and the first publicity will
be launched exclusively.

The crew unexpectedly invited Su Tan to participate.

He was disrespectful, and was invited to go there, and the address

happened to be in the screenwriter studio he visited last time. A small
living room on the second floor was set up as a temporary interview
room, and many lights, boards, and cameras surrounded the room.
Seeing that Director Gao Fu was doing a personal interview, and the
room was overcrowded, Su Tan greeted the assistant director neatly
and went to the next screenwriter studio.

Although he has worked with the crew for a short time, he is also very
concerned about this script that he has worked hard and creatively.
At this point, when he entered the screenwriter's studio door, he
looked up at a slightly younger one in the screenwriter team, and was
busy calling.

Su Tan couldn't help but greet him with a smile, and looked sideways
at a pile of scripts that had been randomly placed on the tabletop,
ready to be distributed to the actors, and suddenly curious. He smiled
Shulang and asked in a loud voice: "Can I see?"

The young screenwriter was in a hurry to deal with an urgent task.

Right now, he couldn't get too busy and could not lift his head. He
hurriedly agreed, "What? Oh, OK."

Su Tan stopped disturbing each other, and opened the final version of
the script with confidence, looking forward with anticipation.

The positioning of this film is obviously an action commercial

blockbuster. When the task of screenwriter was taken over, the outline
and frame of the entire film were already set up. Su Tan thought
about it without changing the overall large frame. Every effort has
been made to add a few bursting jokes and reverse interesting plots to
the movie script, and strive to package the commercial type movies of
this routine mode with anti-routine effects.

For this reason, during that time, Su Tan spent several nights in a row,
pondered deeply, and carefully conceived. On the basis of
overturning numerous unreasonable and incoherent ideas, he finally
came up with the most innovative point of the script itself.

The difficulty of adapting and perfecting the script is even harder than
asking him to re-imagine writing a new novel.
Su Tan spent countless energies. At this time, he really got the final
script to be filmed, and he couldn't help feeling a little irritable.

He extremely wanted to see his creativity displayed in the script, and

was eventually brought to the screen by the actors and directors,
shining brightly.

This completely different experience made Su Tan full of anticipation

like never before, carefully and quickly browsing the entire script
from beginning to end.



Su Tan froze slightly, paused for a second, holding the script, a little
dumbfounded. He frowned, and patiently and carefully read the
script from beginning to end for the second time. He still didn't find
any ideas and modification suggestions he had put forward carefully.
The script was still the version he originally saw, leaving no
suggestions at all. trace.

Just in the corners of a scene, he added a line of funny lines full of

jokes, which added an entertaining comedic effect to the boring
transitional plot.

Besides that--
Su Tan's heart sank slightly, her eyes closed slightly, and the script in
her hand closed.

-His role is almost zero.

When he opened his eyes again, Su Tan's face did not look annoyed,
but Yun Danfeng raised a smile lightly.

Watching the young screenwriter finish the phone call and looking
back, his clean voice sounded in the screenwriter room. "This is the
final script?"

The young screenwriter turned his head stiffly, and glanced calmly at
Shang Sutan. After a while, he realized that he had known the inside
story of the script, and now he could not help but stumble, and didn't
know how to explain it.

"Yes, yes." The young screenwriter nodded hurriedly, ducking his

head to avoid his eyes, and hurriedly pulled the script away from
him. The whole stack of beautifully scripted scripts was moved to the
cabinet next to it, and shelved.

Watching his movement, Su Tan suddenly chuckled and asked, "Is

this script already settled?"

None of his suggestions were adopted. Obviously, the crew had long
had their own ideas. They took hold of the script's large frame and
details, and would not allow a random creative change in the overall
So why invite him to join the screenwriter team?

Hearing his **** questions, the young screenwriter was silent. He was
so anxious and sweaty that he never thought he would be careless, so
that the script was seen by Su Tan in advance, for fear of annoying the
other party.

Right now, he can only do his best to explain Baba's efforts: "No, the
director has his own ideas and thoughts ..." At the end, he closed his
mouth and couldn't say any more.

Coincidentally, a staff member came in and called Su Tan for an

interview in the past and called people away. Only then did the
young screenwriter breathe a sigh of relief, only to realize that he was
full of cold sweat and he was afraid.

"Sutan, come!" The director of the film, Gao Fu, is full of spring breeze.
Although the stretched face is not as handsome as the film actor, the
enthusiasm and vitality on his face adds a radiant charm to the front
and back of the camera. Countless people are close.

Gao Fu had heard of Su Tan's low-key and had never appeared in

front of the camera. At this time, he had thought about it. After
discussing with the interview media, he asked the other party to turn
off the camera lens, leaving only one interview reporter to take it. Sit
in front of the two with notebooks, and prepare to write down the
conversation with a pen.

Such thoughtfulness, if placed on a new screenwriter who has just

entered the entertainment industry, will certainly be deeply
However, Su Tan only smiled humblely, thanked him, and sat down
beside the director after sending a low-key message.

Gao Fu laughed and embraced Su Tan's shoulder with enthusiasm,

and praised the reporter for his praise: "I don't need to introduce this.
Su Tan, the best-selling best-selling author at the moment, has talent
and strength among his peers. They are all outstanding. This time we
were fortunate to have invited us to the main team of Star Tracker. We
are also very honored. "

The enthusiastic attitude, close embrace and high praise immediately

caught the attention of reporters. Although Su Tan is a newcomer in
the film industry, his enthusiasm has always been high, and he has
repeatedly made hot headlines.

Without a period earlier, the popular movie "Adventure Notes"

released by his novel is based on the recent low-key coexistence with
His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, which has caused a huge
amount of topical discussion, which has attracted countless media.

Right now, I have the opportunity to interview this rare author in

person, and the reporters present were eager and full of surprise,
ready to show their talents, and seize this rare opportunity to ask a
happy moment.

"Will writer Su, do you know that Her Royal Highness Crown Prince
is involved in the filming of" Interstellar "this time? He supports--"
However, he never imagined that, as soon as his question was
mentioned at the beginning, he was gently and vigorously rejected by
Su Tan.

"Sorry." Su Tan smiled brightly and said with a sincere gaze, "Today's
protagonist is a new film directed by Gao Fu, I will not take the lead
and answer personal questions."

This is a slamming sentence, immediately all the reporter's stomach

full of eager to ask all the questions are tightly closed, can no longer
follow up.

The meeting room was quiet for a while, and no one expected that Su
Tan's response was so firm, not humble.

At the moment, all the media and reporters present were

dumbfounded, and for a moment, they accidentally looked at Su Tan
accidentally and looked at the director Guff next to him.

Su Tan said with a light smile and took the initiative to take over the
initiative. Qing Jun raised his voice in a clean voice, "Now let's talk
about the new movie script."

The reporter was a little bit flustered, and prepared a problem for the
sister-in-law. The book suddenly lost its effect at this time, and it was
of no use. He was still thinking about the private routine that he
wanted to take the opportunity to listen to Sutan and his Crown
Prince. Did not turn around.

When the Ming and Ming troupes docked with them in advance, the
default focus of publicity on Su Tan was his huge popularity and his
unique identity as a crown prince. Why does the wind suddenly

Considering the interview mission this time, and the first round of
pre-heating and promotion of the new movie "Interstellar Tracking", a
considerable part of the proportion is to heat the heat of Su Tan while
it is hot, causing a lot of fans and Attention of netizens.

If there is no shocking news in the interview today, the publicity effect

of all their work will be greatly reduced.

Realizing this, the reporter suddenly became clear. He took a deep

breath, and quickly glanced at Director Gao Fu, seeing that the other
person's face was calm, without any intention of blocking or opening
up. The reporter simply took the courage, prepared to fight, and
wanted to pry open the mouth of Su Tan , Come up with really
significant privacy news.

However, as soon as he had the courage, Shen Sheng was about to ask
a question, and suddenly his eyes met Su Tan's calm, unsmiling look,
and his heart fluttered suddenly.

Even though Sutan 's smile was clear and clean, without any lethality
and resentment, but the reporter had a profound smile on Shangsutan
for a while, and his head shook immediately, and suddenly felt a huge
pressure from it, as if it was Mount Tai. It usually struck him, causing
him to sweat coldly.

Suddenly, the brain above my head suddenly figured out a crucial

Su Tan is indeed a newcomer in the entertainment industry and the
film industry. He has huge topics and hot spots on his body. As long
as he can dig deeper, he can dig out the material that will shake all the
online media in the empire, making their website magazine a well-
deserved hot center.


How did he forget who the man standing next to Su Tan was?

That's Hayden Longman!

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who can block media
propaganda and reports in no time at all by raising his hand, even if
the film crew of "Interstellar" has already reached a tacit agreement
with their magazine agency, he is tacitly preparing to take the topic of
Su Tan, How easy is a chess move?

Suddenly, the journalist sitting opposite Sutan holding a notebook

and preparing to visit had a chill on his back, and his internal organs
were captured by a huge chill.

In the eyes of Su Tan, he couldn't write the pen that fell on the paper.
The outline of the problem originally prepared at this time also
became a piece of waste paper, and every question on the inside was
shocking. He was not prepared to ask any more questions.

The reporter wiped the cold sweat of his palm, smiled hard, and
responded to Su Tan: "Okay, pay attention to the movie."
An interview was straightforward, and the reporter suddenly became
abnormally cautious, carefully avoiding all sensitive areas, but just
following the conventions to raise a few painless and small questions
about the script creation.

Su Tan answered them one by one with a smile, but responded to

them in a very cooperative manner. Although his ideas and
suggestions for modification were not adopted by the crew, he just
watched the entire script of the movie, and knew the highlights of it.
Very auspicious, right now, it naturally compliments the good looks
and intentions of the script.

Everyone who was present at the scene praised this kind of greeting.
But he looked at the huge treasure-house of the subject on the other
side, but he couldn't dig, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious
and disappointed.

This scene was seen in the eyes of Su Tan. He turned a blind smile and
finished the interview with a smile. He shook hands with the reporter
and director Gaofu modestly and stood up to leave.

Director Gao Fu was still full of enthusiasm, and his enthusiastic smile
greeted enthusiastically: "Don't hurry, we will have a small party to
celebrate the start-up, you can't be absent!"

With his warm tone, in a short time, the somewhat too calm indoor
atmosphere was heated up again.

Many film crews and magazines laughed in cooperation: "Yes, yes,

yes! It's not easy to meet with the author of Soviet University in
person. Today, we must have a good drink."
"Writer Su, you are also part of the screenwriter team. This movie
script that is about to sell has your credit too!"

"In the preparatory stage, we were all busy and didn't have time to get
to know each other. Today is the best opportunity to exchange


The atmosphere was lively, and many people responded to him. The
movie is about to start. Every powerful and famous actor,
screenwriter, lead creator, and director is no different from a weight
that adds weight to this movie. Naturally, it must be tied tightly to
ensure that the movie is sold well.

And Su Tan is a huge gimmick carefully selected by the film

investment producer. It doesn't matter what work he did in the
preparation of the film. It doesn't matter if he has made any
achievements. As long as he can firmly tie his hot popularity and topic
to the promotion of the film, it will attract eye-catching and attract
fans. His value is enough to justify high pay.

Director Guff embraced his shoulder affectionately, encouraging:

"Don't rush away today, get together with the big guys, get to know
each other, and you will be an acquaintance in the circle."

For the newcomer, this has to be said to be exciting.

Introduced by a well-known and talented director, he officially
entered the film industry. These specifications can be said to be the
dream of every newcomer to the entertainment industry.

But when Su Tan heard this, he shook his head slightly and smiled
with regret: "Sorry, someone has come to meet me downstairs."

He sent a message to the captain of the Royal Guard Oleson in

advance, entrusting the other party to pick himself up, just in case this
situation, the crew continued to bundle his popularity and romance,
causing trouble for Hayden.

Therefore, Su Tan can only ask Toolesen to pick himself up and leave,
hoping that this level of identity and appearance can make the crew
and the interviewing media vigilantly stop, it is only enough.

"Someone is here to pick you up?" After hearing Su Tan's words,

Director Gaofu disregarded it at first, and then proceeded smoothly.
"Let him go back first. After a banquet, I personally send you home
safely and safely." Rest assured! "

His voice had just fallen, and his bold tone was still in his ears, and he
was suddenly reminded in a low voice by a rushing staff member.

"The downstairs is a Longman family car ... the Royal Guard comes to
meet ..."

The staff reminded them of the difficult exit. Although they tried their
best to keep their voices down, several people nearby could clearly
hear them. The expression on the face of the reporter who stood next
to the interview magazine changed suddenly, and some vigilance
immediately became low-key.

After hearing this, Director Gao Fu's eyes narrowed for a second, then
quickly returned to normal, his face smiled unchanged, and the
enthusiasm for inviting Su Tan to the banquet finally relaxed.

"Since you still have something, that can only be changed." Gao Fu
said with regret and patted Su Tan's shoulder, and never mentioned
anything else, but took the lead to insist on sending him to the door

Su Tan could not refuse with a smile, and was directed by the director
Gao Fu to lead the crew to the next of the mighty people, personally
sent downstairs, and walked to the front door of this studio.

In front of the door, a low-key and elegant car is parked. The dark
tones and streamlined sports car shape complement each other. The
exterior of the body is noticeably printed with the Longman family
emblem, which makes everyone's eyes unbearable. Gathered on the
complex and beautiful badge pattern.

Olesenlang stood upright aside, the calm temperament made

everyone in the audience dare not underestimate.

The Longman family's car, the Royal Guard's personal pick-up, such a
large posture and pomp, let everyone see this scene can't help but feel
a sigh of anger in the heart.

Even though the initial impression of Su Tan in the eyes of many

people is just a talented newcomer, he was unexpectedly favored by
His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, but it is still a blank piece of
paper that knows nothing about the film industry, and many of them
are behind the scenes. The experience is incomparable, many people
can not help but develop a feeling of alienation and pride.

But at this time when they saw the sky-high sports cars and royal staff
waiting outside the work room, they really felt that Sutan was
different from their sky, and the feeling of soreness and astringency in
time was hard to say.

For director Gao Fu and the magazine agency interviewed today, such
a pick-up is like a silent hint and warning.

Gao Fu stopped in time, and smiled to Su Tan with a smile on his face:
"Go back now, you are working hard these days, take a good rest. If
possible, we will meet again."

He has worked hard in the entertainment industry for many years. He

has already polished the kung fu of the circle to the ground, and the
water is not leaking. At this time, the words are very natural, without
any obscurity and inappropriateness.

Su Tan responded with a smile, and Yangbu was about to walk

towards the Longman's car.

Unexpectedly, Olesen, who stood waiting outside the car, respectfully

stepped forward to greet him, and said in a respectful and calm
manner in front of the crowd, "His Royal Highness is here too, and he
will come to pick you up in person."
Hearing this unexpected news, Su Tan stepped forward and looked
up in surprise at the car.

I saw that the windows there slowly dropped, and a handsome,

upright side face appeared in everyone's sight.

Hayden lifted his eyes, his deep eyes narrowed sharply, and raised his
brows with a slight smile. "the job is done?"

The crowd at the scene looked at this scene in dismay, their eyes were
shocked, and they were silent.

Although they haven't seen the true crown prince's own eyes, the
photoshoot of Su Tan and Hayden on the Internet has been violently
exposed recently, attracting great attention.

Olesen's words just now, and the distinguished car with the Longman
family ornamentation, have already revealed the identity of the man
in the car.

Even the always enthusiastic and directing director Gorph was

instantly stunned, staring at Hayden in disbelief, "Your Highness,
Your Highness?"

Hayden bowed his head, sharp eyes glanced over Gough's face, and
immediately made him feel a tremendous pressure.

If he had previously thought of some bundling of Su Tan, he is now

forced to dissipate cleanly under Hayden's sight.
In this way, he dare to invite Su Tan to his film screenwriting team,
relying on his many years of experience and important position in the
entertainment industry, the countless hot-selling movies that he has
accumulated have already made him in the entertainment industry.
Be invincible.

This kind of means of using fame to enthusiastically create a topic is

naturally familiar with the road, and it is a common practice in the
circle to see him and the marketing methods of movies and TV shows.

Gao Fu had a high level of self-reliance and secret reliance, thinking

that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince would not take the lead on
behalf of Su Tan. After all, he paid a lot of money for the screenwriters
of Sutan, and Wen Yan took the other party to enter the gate of the
movie circle, which is good for Sutan's future development.

Therefore, he is very confident.

But I was really caught off guard when he saw Hayden appearing in
front of him. For the first time, the director of the film, Gao Fu, had a
chill in his heart. The pressure of the whole body came under the calm
sight of the other side, almost hitting him. Drowning.

He couldn't hold it a little trembling, so he lowered his posture for the

first time, and said with a low trembling voice: "The crew's work is
over, you can rest assured."

This last sentence was almost uttered by him in a low-dumb voice,

with a profound meaning pun on each other's heart, fully announcing
his concealment of those small actions.
Hayden said without a word, twitching his lips and saying succinctly,
"It's hard."

Gough's back was cold, and his chill hit his whole body. In such a
simple discourse, he almost couldn't resist it. For a moment, he
thought of many royal families' secret and cold methods to deal with
the enemy, and his psychological defense line was completely

He was overwhelmed by the huge pressure, and was anxious to

explain something, but suddenly found that a comfortable hand
suddenly patted himself on the shoulder twice, and Su Tan with a
clean voice with a smile on his side.

"I said goodbye and I'll see you later."

Suddenly, Su Tan was mainly anti-visitors and completely occupied

the current situation. He smiled and beckoned to the husband and the
crew and left.

Until the car disappeared into the public's field of vision, many people
present were still unable to return to God, and stood in the complex

"His Royal Highness?" Gao Fu sighed and laughed at himself, "It is of

great value to be able to see His Highness himself."

Having said that, the rest of the people looked at each other and
looked at each other in silence.
What if you see it, who dares to expose it? After His Royal Highness
appeared in person, he also took Su Tan and himself to hype, it was
absolutely fatal! Who dares to do this?

The crew was cold for a while.

The calm and speeding Langman family car was silent. Although Su
Tan bent his lips and asked the big cousin next to him how he came in
person, but too quiet black eyes did not let Hayden see his depressed
mood at a glance.

Even the white, long fingers fell unconsciously on the black, cold
leather seat, curled up slightly.

Hayden sighed softly, suddenly extended his arm, wrapped Su Tan in

his arms, and sat on his lap. The juvenile soft black hair was tightly
clasped in his warm and generous palm, and his low face was deeply
buried. Into his chest.

Across his shirt and Seiko suit jacket, Su Tan was clinging to Hayden's
hot and powerful chest, and a steady heartbeat sounded like a sea
wave in his ear, letting him feel a sense of security involuntarily. And
peace of mind.

Listening to the powerful throbbing heartbeat, feeling the warm and

familiar but inseparable embrace, Su Tan couldn't help but clung to
the big cousin's chest, it took a long time to apologize with a deep
voice. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you."
In his preconceived plan, Toolesen was invited to come to the crew to
take a trip, and warned the director and the crew to stop speculating
on his and Hayden's private affairs as a movie publicity stunt.

He didn't expect that Hayden would waste time and energy coming in
person, and the end of the day would be the busiest time.

"I should have guessed this answer."

Su Tan angrily and regretfully arched his head into the arms of his big
cousin. He was extremely sorry to reach out and hug the opponent's
handsome and straight body under the suit.

In Hayden's sight, Su Tan was hugging him tightly like a koala at this
moment. For the first time, the steadfast and calm teenager showed a
confused beast-like expression for the first time. Corner of the lips.

Suddenly, the warm and wide palms raised their hands, rubbing the
juvenile soft black hair into a mess, Hayden asked with a low smile,
"Do not want to trouble me, who do you want to trouble?"

"I don't agree with anyone."

His relaxed, playful tone gave Sutan's low mood a great deal of
comfort, and his head buried in his chest finally couldn't help looking

Unexpectedly, a warm and soothing kiss bowed down and ushered in

his lips, comforting his mood silently, and let Su Tan indulge in it.
Unconsciously, he didn't even realize that he didn't know when to
grab Hayden's shirt tightly, and pulled the other person closer to him,
so that the tender kiss was closer to each other.

Until the exhaustion of his breath was exhausted, Su Tan felt the end
of the kiss, which made him suddenly reluctant, but the low mood full
of emotions left unconsciously, leaving only the enthusiasm and
heartbeat of the whole heart.

Suddenly, Su Tan suddenly stretched his hand closer to Hayden's

shirt, forcing the other person to lower his head and take the initiative
to kiss his big cousin's lips fiercely.

With bright eyes, he regained his vitality and vitality, and raised his
eyebrows and asked, "How about I write a commercial action film for
the next movie script?"


"Commercial Action?"

Looking at Su Tan's cheerful and bright eyes, Hayden only thought

for a moment, and immediately realized his purpose.

"Are you going to play with Star Trek?"

Su Tan smiled and nodded.

Since the crew of "Interstellar Tracking" abandoned one of his ideas
and ideas and did not adopt it, he also wanted to use him to attract
the attention of the majority of fans by means of hype. Su Tan actually
produced the same type of film, and " Interstellar Tracking's idea of
playing on the same stage.

Su Tan raised a smile and looked towards Hayden. "Want to gamble?

Who and director Goff and I won?"

In terms of fame and status in the movie industry alone, Director Guff
has basically achieved a 99% success rate. He has been involved in the
big screen field for many years, and is now regarded as the most
successful model of commercial film directors by many netizens and
industry insiders. The movies that have been hit by blockbusters are
even more popular and countless. Even if it is regrettable that he has
not won the director award in the international awards, but his
achievements are well-received and obvious to all.

And Sutan?

A best-selling newcomer, with fame and strength, is blank for movies.

Although writing books and screenwriting have similarities, but the
interlaced is like a mountain, and tens of millions or even hundreds of
millions of movie investment are dare not be easily spilled on a new

Even if they talk about it, countless people will choose Gao Fu, an
interstellar star with a guaranteed work strength, instead of standing
on the side of Su Tan.
There is no need to answer this question.

However, upon hearing Su Tan's question, Hayden responded calmly

without hesitation.


Conciseness without even an extra word highlights the firmness and

unbelievable trust in his deep voice.

His words were not comfort, but from the beginning he believed that
Su Tan would inevitably succeed. Sure enough, the next second after
Hayden's voice fell, he saw the teenager in his arms suddenly bend
his eyes, and the black eyes blinked, bringing a thin layer of smile.

Just listening, Su Tan nodded with a smile and said affirmatively: "I
think so."

Then, his slender knuckles were pulled again, pulling the man's neck
down, and a warm and affirmative kiss was imprinted.

The next day, various media reports were overwhelming.

"Jude Guff 's new movie, Star Trek, is hot!"

As soon as the propaganda report came out, this shocking blockbuster

immediately won the attention of numerous fans.
For many people, the name Jude Goff is a guarantee of the quality of
thrilling and cool action blockbusters. He has directed and
contributed to numerous popular blockbuster movies and has left a
deep impression on fans who like action blockbusters. impression.

At this time, Gao Fu's new movie trailer has been released, even
though it has not yet started shooting, but with the director's fame
and huge cast, he has attracted a large number of onlookers.

"Perfectism Syndrome: Looking forward to a new film directed by

Guff, the wallet is ready!"

"Wastewood abuse: I am a **** director directed by Gough, the last

action film directed by Gough has been brushed four or five times
from beginning to end, how can not see enough. Now, finally waiting
for the director's new film!"

"Film enthusiasts: To be honest, Director Gough hasn't made much

breakthrough in the past few years. The same heroes save the world
from Daguai League action commercial blockbuster types. If you
watch more, it is also a style. I hope this director can take us A
different movie. "

"I'm going to marry a daughter-in-law: Gossip! The writer team of the

new movie has invited Su Tan to join it! It's so awesome. Su Da's
novels have always been my favorite top three. This film turned out to
be I was able to invite Soviet University to join, and the script is
definitely not ordinary. "

"A head of green: Really ???? !!! So amazing!"


The news of Su Tan joining the "Star Tracking" screenwriting team

spread widely. Although it was deliberately low-key propaganda by
the crew, all kinds of gossip on the Internet quickly spread, and
netizens spontaneously discussed related topics with unknowns. The
other media here also paid close attention to this explosive news.

Numerous reporters and media have scrambled to verify the

authenticity of the news of the "Interstellar Track" crew, and some
even called director Guff directly, saying that Su Tan's weight in film
creation and script, hurt the crew's creative team for a while
Thoughts, riding a tiger is difficult.

The film propaganda staff hurriedly took the interview invitations of

many media, hurriedly walked into the director Jude Goff's room, and
asked the director anxiously and worriedly: "27 media have issued
notices to us and Requests for interviews, and 86 more are waiting for
our formal response to the matters of the screenwriter team. Director,
what do we do now? "

If it is in accordance with the normal film publicity work, the more

such publicity reports are naturally the better, which can create
momentum for the movie release and attract the attention of many
fans and netizens in advance.

This was what the crew expected from the beginning.

but now--
The staff was worried, burdened, and looked at Jude Guff with
anxious expressions, waiting for him to finally come up with an idea.

Even if he didn't say a word, he understood the situation at hand. His

Royal Highness the Crown Prince's personal appearance in the
working room that day has silently revealed the other party's attitude
and position, allowing them to prepare for the trend, followed by the
idea of Sutan's super high popularity and topic speculation, and
completely declared the end.

Therefore, in the subsequent start-up publicity work, the crew of

"Interstellar Tracking" also adhered to the low-key principle and
communicated well with the media magazines previously exclusive
interviews, focusing all the publicity focus on the directors and actors,
and striving to Su Tan's involvement in screenwriting was low-key
and low-key.

However, it was unexpected that the news leaked out like this and
caused an uproar on the Internet.

At the moment, they should not be, should not be, or they are not
afraid to offend other parties and let the new movie fall into a

After hearing the staff's anxiety and anxiety, the director Jude Guff
exhaled deeply, staring at the script suddenly, and made a decision:
"No response for the time being, see what happened to Su Tan
Respond. "

All in all, it is a drag trick, hit Tai Chi to pass this thing over.
At his command, the staff nodded and walked out of the studio room

It was unexpected, but ten minutes later, he suddenly held a light-

brain display screen, and rushed in quickly and quickly. "director--"

He was shocked and anxious, pointing to a nervous brain display in

his hand, which was a newly posted Weibo.

"Su Tan: Thanks to Director Gao for his appreciation and gave me a
chance to learn. Please pay more attention to the director's new

If this sentence is still normal, and the various rumors and disputes on
the Internet are skillfully responded to, the next sentence suddenly
puts Jude Goff in his place.

"Su Tan: My new movie is also being prepared. The blood is

exploding to action movies. It is sultry, cool and cool. I hope everyone
likes it: -D."

This shocking news immediately spread across the entire interstellar

network and became the hottest topic headline of the day.

Looking at this simple and vocal statement, Jude Goffin was in the
work room and could not return to his mind for a long time.

The staff on the side had already swiftly reminiscent of the epicenter
for a long time, and asked anxiously with anxiety and uncertainty:
"Hot blood explodes into action movies? Isn't Sutan-coming to our
new movie?"

His words were not unreasonable. At this time, they were not only
worried, but also unexpectedly irritable.

If Su Tan is really aiming for "Interstellar Tracking" and plans to start

the same type of action film, then the box office and attention of their
new movie will inevitably be affected.

Not to mention that Su Tan's last movie, "Adventure Notes", has just
been released, and has become so popular that it continues to this day.
On the appeal of his fans and fans alone, one should not belittle it.

If it really was the release of "Interstellar Tracking" at the same time,

wouldn't that be Ming Zhaozhao to grab the box office?

Thinking of this, immediately, the staff sank in their hearts, as if

pressed a large rock, full of burdens.

He knew that the actions of Qianfan's former fancier had messed up

Sutan's side, inviting Sutan into the group with a high price, and
using the guise of revising the script to trick the other party into
adding weight to his movie fame and soliciting attention.

The countless suggestions and ideas prepared by Su Tan were put on

the shelf by them, and they just wanted to take advantage of the hot
popularity of Su Tan to build momentum for the film. How could you
think that this move was eventually spotted by Sutan?
Nowadays, even if Su Tan really made a movie that was released in
the same genre and the same theme as "Interstellar Tracking", they did
not have a position to say more.

What's more, what movie and when is the freedom of the other party,
how can they intervene?

The staff was extremely anxious, and the expression on Jude Goff's
face secretly looked unpredictable, knowing that the director was also
struggling and shocked at this time.

The trick of Su Tan is that it is too sudden and shocking, so that all of
them have no trace of defense!

It's no wonder that Director Gao Fu was difficult to decide for a while.

Jude Goff's face turned abrupt, and he took a deep breath for a few
breaths before finally recovering his reason from the sudden news, his
eyes slowly sank.

"Let him shoot."

He smiled helplessly and sighed, with a bit of irony in the corner of

his eyebrows, "Young people now, I have been making movies for so
many years, are you still afraid of this threat?"

Taking root in the movie industry for decades, he has already seen the
ups and downs of the movie industry. He said that such small things
as rivals' releases in the same period. He even encountered the
problem of investors suddenly running away. The struggling margins
saved their new movie with their strong strength and perseverance.

This time, it is still just another challenge.

Jude Goff smiled and shook his head, his voice suddenly lowered.
"Not to mention newcomers like Sutan ... the most indispensable in
the entertainment industry are newcomers who speak loudly."

His eyes were arrogant and full of confidence, he turned off the Weibo
that Su Tan announced on the light-brain screen that he was going to
make a movie, and confidently returned it to the hands of the staff. He
asked in a deep voice.

"Speak externally—"

There was no usual warm smile on his face, but there was a hint of
cold arrogance in his brows. "I wish his new movie a big sale."

As soon as the news of "Sutan is going to make a movie" came out, in

a short time, countless netizens were shocked, and the topic of this
news kept up.

"Ye Luo Wu Gen: The movie? Is this news a fake? Is it so easy to make
a movie? Can you challenge yourself across the line?"

"Autumn Crab Essence: Burning Explosion to Action Movies-I'm

looking forward to hearing this introduction! I'm really looking
forward to seeing the live-action movie version of" The Star is King "!"
"Non-mainstream movie fans: upstairs, shake hands, so do I. I like this
cool text by the author, and I look forward to seeing the novel on the
big screen!"

"It's not a big deal to see the excitement: Is Su Da going to hit the stage
with Director Gao Fu?"

For a while, the topic became hot and lively, and positive news had
not yet come out. Many netizens and book readers were started to
discuss and speculate enthusiastically. Posts and microblogs of
various discussions were not endless. It immediately made a hit on

Moreover, it caused shocks in the entertainment and movie circles.

Media reporters scrambled to interview film-related people, especially

director Goff.

"What do you think about the best-selling author Su Tan about to

write a script and make a movie?"

This news is too shocking and surprising. Even though Su Tan has
achieved outstanding results in the publishing and web literary
circles, he is a hot newcomer author of publishing bestsellers, but
making movies across boundaries is completely different from
writing. No one knows what will happen.

Even if Su Tan's previous halo above his head rushed into the movie
world, he would most likely be hit hard by reality.
Therefore, there are mixed reactions in the film industry, with mixed

However, for the attention of reporters and media, the unified

response from the crew of "Interstellar Tracking" and Jude Goff's
external party was-"I wish Sutan's new movie to sell well."

Although these words encourage warmth, they are interpreted in the

current hustle and bustle.

This is the first time that Su Tan and director Gao Fu have cooperated,
but if the two respect each other as guests, it is like a completely
official idiom.

How can we not make people think?

Sure enough, a variety of analysis posts appeared immediately on the

Internet. Among them, a hot analysis posted by the landlord as the

"Landlord: Recently, the well-known director Jude Goff and Su Tan's

Weibo shouting have you seen it? I sensitively smelled a hint of
gunpowder. Today, I will take everyone to peel off cocoons, analyze
them little by little Subtext in human speech. "

When this post came out, it immediately attracted a lot of onlookers.

"1L: Sofa! Sit in rows and wait for the follow-up."

"2L: The bench is mine. The landlord continues, so do I! I feel that the
words of the two are too unusual, as if they were intentionally told to
the other side."

"3L: The entertainment industry is full of human spirits, and there are
a hundred bends around a word."

"4L: From the beginning, Su Tan was suddenly burst out and joined
the" Interstellar Tracking "screenwriting team. I felt something wrong.
I didn't expose a trace of wind before. Why did this sudden news
burst out, and the crew did not? A little response? This is obviously
too abnormal. "

Netizens responded enthusiastically and immediately made this post

more and more popular. The insider post of gossip analysis has
always been a favorite of netizens. At this time, Qi Qi squatted in the
post, waiting to see the follow-up analysis.

Sure enough, three minutes later, the landlord reorganized the lines
and analysis logic, and lived up to expectations in the post, attracting
a large number of people to browse and watch.

"The landlord: Someone may have noticed that the previous"

Interstellar Tracking "and Su Tan were completely disjointed, and the
film crew never publicly invited him to join the screenwriter team,
which shows two things."

"Either Su Tan himself asked for a deliberately low-key, or the crew

was preparing to make a big move. On a well-designed key occasion,
the news was exposed to the greatest extent to cause a storm of public

The post was well-founded, the language was concise, and the key
points were straightforward. For a while, many netizens convinced
him of the statement, and followed it with certainty.

"Then why did the crew not mention this on the official propaganda
report, but was exposed by the media in the trail?"

"This is obviously the two-party talks collapse!"

The shocking speculation immediately caused an uproar.

"276L: Impossible, right? Because the script crashed?"

"277L: The landlord said a bit of truth. I think the news that Su Da
suddenly said he was going to make a movie is too abrupt, and it
happens to be the action commercial that Director Jude Goff is best at.
This is a bit coincidental?

"278L: Seek more insider! Is it because of money or the right to sign

the script?"

Posts were heatedly debated in the building. Countless speculations

and associations arose one after another. Many netizens couldn't bear
to feel anxious to know the truth.
Simply, the landlord didn't succumb too much to the appetite, but
instead simply posted all of his guesses at once.

"I analyzed the possibilities and found that the cause of the collapse is
likely to be with the crew. Who is Sutan? An author who has never
appeared in front of the camera in a low-key manner! He
unexpectedly announced that he was going to shoot The film was
obviously forced to the extreme. However, the film producer of
"Interstellar Tracking" made a declaration to him. He didn't even dare
to put a fart, but officially wished his new movie a big sale. What does
this mean?- Explain that the crew is in awe! Don't dare to refute! "

With these remarks, Su Tan and the crew of "Interstellar Tracking"

were embarrassedly involved in the storm of public opinion, which
was endorsed by many netizens.

Even if the film crew of "Interstellar Tracking" had an official response

in the past, it could not stop the crowd and discussed and discussed in
private. They could only watch the public opinion grow stronger.

From being sued into the crew by Sutan, to a very different concept of
cooperation, they eventually parted ways and broke up completely.
All kinds of possibilities have been speculatively and meticulously
detailed by the vast number of netizens, who are inseparable from the
final truth.

In a hurry, the crew of "Interstellar Tracking", who wanted to stay still

and wait for the discussion to dissipate over time, can no longer
ignore it and not respond.
Jude Goff personally took the lead and launched the high-profile film
actor of "Interstellar". It is a newcomer with little fame. He has rarely
participated in previous works, and he has never seen him on the big
screen. His face shows very little seniority.

Such a person, who has become a well-known director, a large-scale

production of action movies, and a big movie man with an investment
of over 100 million yuan, is absolutely shocking news.

Who is this person?

How to become the leading actor in Jude Guff's new film?

Countless questions and curiosities have flowed like tides, and all
netizens and public opinion have attracted the attention of the past.

On the Internet, the headline "The youngest actor vs. newcomer with
the least resume, who wins and who loses?" Made the headline Su
Tan suddenly pushed to the cusp.

Surprisingly, Su Tan's response was simple and clear. He posted four

words directly on Weibo, responding to all questions and comments.

"Sutan: Stay tuned."

The party's words were cut out and immediately blocked the mouth,
leaving everyone with nothing to say.
However, there is a lot of discussion on the Internet and insiders
about the starring actress of "Interstellar" and Su Tan, who is new to
the film industry.

As is known to all, commercial blockbusters with action-packed

explosions have always been the art of burning money. Whether it is
from film preparation or large-scale special effects production, almost
every frame of every scene is a star-studded interstellar The
investment required for the entire movie is huge.

And Su Tan is a newcomer in the film industry. He has no experience

and no word of mouth. What is more important is that there are no
masterpieces. What investor dare to invest a lot of money into his new
film for his new film. Are you willing to take huge risks?

The difficulty of pulling investment is enough to defeat the new

director in the entertainment industry.

Sutan 's communicator also received countless messages of interest.

"Gu Qin: account, pay."

"Gu's housekeeper: Little Master, we will always support you! Gu's

Pictures has already contacted you, and the door is open for you at
any time. Also: Can you give me a good QAQ at the end of this year?"

"Robot Dad: Son, are you going to make a movie? Happy ~ How
much is it? Dad will give it to you!"

"Chang'an: Need help?"

"Dry boy: Misty grass !!! I just saw the news on Weibo and was so
excited! Little Master, I rushed back from my hometown on the most
recent flight and stood by you! Do n't kill him! ! "

Looking at these full message messages, Su Tan couldn't express the

warmth and emotion in his heart, holding the communicator, couldn't
help chuckling warmly in his heart, and bent his lips.

He took a deep breath, raised a smile, and returned the caring and
warm news one by one, thanking everyone for his kindness, and
finally calmed down to think about the script carefully.

He has already seen the script of "Interstellar Tracking", which is a

typical large-scale commercial action movie. The gimmick sold is a
huge and cool big scene. The large-scale special effects are used to
highlight the heroic image of the actor with numerous special effects
and fighting drama .

The investment in this movie also reached a budget of over 100

million yuan in advance.

In contrast, Su Tan has a handful of cards. Nowadays, he has no

investment, no actors, no crew, everything necessary to make a movie,
not even the script.

In this situation, Mo said that wanting to release the box office at the
same time as "Interstellar Tracking", I am afraid that it is difficult to
complete the production on time.
The dangers and difficulties involved in this are already clear in the
eyes of the industry.

Which film crew did not prepare for two or three years in advance to
really find the right crew, choose the location of the shooting center,
carefully select and match the most suitable actors, and vacate the
same period for the filming, then dare to make an official appearance.
Power on?

How could there be such an idea as Su Tan just released it hastily.

No wonder, in the eyes of Jude Goff, such a move is as childish and

ridiculous as a child playing house.

Su Tan is very aware of the difficulties and problems in front of him.

From the beginning, he did not intend to follow the rules and behave
like Jude Goff, filming the other party's best commercial movie.

That way of shooting is neither suitable for him, nor can it be

compared with the director's mode of polishing and shaping for

All he has to do is to make a difference.

Three days later, the crew of "Interstellar Tracking" has officially

started, and many media reporters have followed the group, taking
advantage of the popularity of the movie to start the interview and
promote the latest male starring Judov Gupchine who has become a
starring star.
Zhang Wei.

Su Tan took a new script and put it in front of the agent Lance.

Lance took a deep breath, shook her head and smiled, "Are you
determined to make a movie?"

Su Tan nodded with a clear smile.

This open and open attitude made Lance's time impossible to

persuade. Since Su Tan publicly announced that he was preparing for
a new movie, he has thought about it and considered the possibility of
making a movie several times.

But he thought over and over again and again, but still only felt the
headache, and countless problems came.

Lance took a deep look at Su Tan, but didn't say anything to hit the
other side, but asked calmly and calmly: "How much is the movie

Su Tan calmly, had long thought about everything. "thirty million."

The low cost compared to the current production of commercial

action movies made Lance unexpectedly look up at him and found
that the clear eyes of the teenager sitting in front of him were full of
serious attention.

However, thirty million?

Even though Lance doesn't know much about the movie industry, but
also knows that this investment price is not enough for film special
effects, scene construction, and actor's pay.

He frowned. "Is it too little?"

After hearing his question, Su Tan laughed slightly and pushed the
new script in front of him. "A lot, enough."

His tone was firm and strong, and he was so confident that Lance
glanced at him, suddenly curious about the script he had pushed in
front of him.

"What about the actor? The director? The crew?" Lance raised his
hand and opened the script, asking questions one after another.

This issue is not only a matter of concern to him alone, but also an
important issue for many netizens online. Many enthusiastic netizens
have helped him count the famous and powerful actors in the
entertainment circle one after another, and found that almost all
powerful and popular actors are now full of schedules, even the next
year's work. Booked well in advance, it is impossible to free up to
shoot Sutan's new movie suddenly.

Where does his actor come from?

What's more, even if Su Tan can do screenwriting and director work

in one hand, it is impossible for the entire film crew to rely on one
person to support hundreds of people from top to bottom.
Drama, lighting engineer, on-site director, makeup artist, camera ...
countless positions are in urgent need of finding the right person to
fill in the blanks. How can it be so easy?

After such a calculation, not to mention how Su Tan considered,

enthusiastic netizens were anxious for him.

Therefore, Lance also raised such a question.

Su Tan raised her lip, smiled forcefully, and answered sharply. "I'm
not going to invite too many staff to make a big movie."

Hearing his answer, Lance was not surprised, but his gaze was
horrified at the script that was opened in his hands, and he was
amazed at the special content and expression.

Suddenly, his throat was blocked for a moment, and he looked up at

Sutan inconceivably.

I saw Su Tan smiling brightly and confidently.

"This time, I'm going to be small and big."

Two weeks later, the shooting of "Interstellar Tracking" progressed in

an orderly manner, and the film crew consciously controlled the
rhythmic release of stills, tidbits, and shooting scene photos, which
brought a lot of attention to this movie, and hung the fans very
modestly Their appetite made many people look forward to the
release of this movie.

On the other side, countless people are curious about Sutan's new film
without news.

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: I don't know how the film is prepared for
Su Da's movie?"

"Orange-flavored soda: Su Da has always been relatively low-key ..."

"Old Yogurt: I haven't heard anything recently, maybe it's not going

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Be more patient, and I'm sure it won't
disappoint us much."

"Dark Rose: Wait."


Netizens and fans are worried, and even the media and marketing
accounts are singing badly, and they are not optimistic about Sutan's
new works.

On the contrary, as the new year approaches, various new year new
movies are released one after another, and the works produced by the
directors of big productions and big cards are endless. It has attracted
a lot of attention and attracted a lot of attention. Immediately grabbed
his attention.

Su Tan is not slow.

In the past two weeks, after writing the script, he entrusted his brother
Gu Qin to pay attention to whether there was a suitable director.

For movies, a good script provides a good story line. But this is not
enough. The director is really the soul of the movie.

Therefore, Su Tan was looking for a director who passed the level of
strength, and at the same time tacitly cooperated with his own script
creation concept, he could really show what he expressed in the script.

This is not easy.

For the temporary search, it is even more difficult.

Gu Qin combed through the directors of many of Gu's film

companies' cooperation contracts, and found that the current directors
are almost empty. The New Year is approaching, and many directors
are busy promoting their new films in various galaxies, leaving time
for new films to be released for publicity, the fastest is two months

And other directors are either in the process of filming their own
movies intensively, or are not strong enough, and no one is the best
candidate for cooperation.
For a while, choosing a suitable director became a huge problem.

Su Tan thanked his elder brother for help and was thinking whether
to postpone the filming for two months. Just then, he suddenly
received a call.

Deming, who has always liked editing directors in the same bedroom,
unexpectedly sent him a newsletter. He opened the door and asked
directly: "Have you found a director for your new movie?"

Su Tan was slightly surprised, somewhat surprised by the unexpected

phone call, but still frankly said, "No."

Just listening, Dai Ming on the communicator was silent for a while.
Su Tan would have thought the communicator had been hung up if
he could not hear the slight tight breathing.

He frowned somewhat strangely, teasing with a smile: "What's

wrong? Would you like to be a director for me?"

In the dormitory, Deming was a proper movie enthusiast. Not only

was he studying at the director department of the Imperial University,
but he was also addicted to all kinds of materials and editing

Su Tan still remembers that at the beginning, Deming took a small clip
of his own production and distributed it to everyone in the bedroom
to make him remember.
Therefore, even if Dai Ming actively recommends himself at the
moment, saying that he will actively compete for the position of
director, he will not be surprised.

However, Su Tan did not expect that when he heard his ridiculous
ridicule, Deming on the communicator breathed a few sighs, as if he
had suddenly made a big decision and made an unprecedented

Deming's voice suddenly firmed, and he said frankly, "I want to

recommend someone."

Upon hearing this, Su Tan frowned. He did not expect that Deming,
who had always been obsessed with the director's filming, did not
recommend himself, but recommended another person.

Suddenly, Su Tan was curious. "Who?"

Just listening, Dai Ming took a deep breath and said in a deep voice,
"My dad."

The communicator suddenly became silent.

Deming listening to Su Tan's silence, he couldn't help but sink in his

heart, his tone suddenly anxious to explain: "He is a good director,
really! The best director! It shouldn't be because of ... messy things,
Has been buried. "
Speaking of this, Deming's voice was suddenly moist, containing the
crying and sadness that Su Tan had never seen before, struggling to
think about the wording, and argued reasonably.

"You believe me, my dad is really a good director, and I will not lie to
you. All my hobbies and editing skills are taught by my dad, he ... he
is really the best."

The sincere tone of tears made Su Tan listen to it. He had never seen
Deming like this.

In his impression, Deming was totally obsessed with the world of

editing and materials in his bedroom. Although he had a beautiful
face, except for class time, it was rare that he had time to go out and
play, almost all the time. All energy is left to the hobby of cinema.

This full-hearted and focused attitude made Su Tan and other

roommates in the bedroom admire him early.

Ever thought that Deming, who was so absorbed in the movie world,
would have such a side in private?

Su Tan took a deep breath, and the complex emotions of mixed

feelings surged in his heart. Come to think of it, he doesn't have a
suitable director for the new movie now, so it's better to give
Deming's father a chance.

He thought for a moment, calmed his voice, and chuckled and

responded to the end of the communicator, "Well, I hope to meet your
father soon."
Just listen, that Daiming suddenly stopped his voice, and for a long
time did not speak. It was a long time before he burst into tears and
thanked him with a choked voice: "Thank you, I will pass it on to my
father, and I will rush to meet you soon."

Su Tan smiled and shook his head.

Twenty days after the start of Star Trek, the new year is approaching,
and the movie market is bustling. Numerous blockbuster new movies
are released while they are hot. Qi Qi wants to occupy the box office
of the New Year stall.

The newcomer actor Zhang Wei, who was named by the director Jude
Goff as the No. 1 actor, was finally dug out by the media as a young
actor with an ordinary family and just leaving school.

In addition to playing several minor supporting roles in several youth

idol dramas during college, this is his first serious role.

In addition, he used the most successful commercial film director Jude

Goff to direct the show for him. Such an experience is like a sparrow
flying up a branch and turning into a phoenix.

The eye-catching, the star burst into red overnight, the magical casting
experience, the step-by-step blockbuster and high-profile starting
point, almost everything about Zhang Wei has become a hot headline
in the media.
The trailer photos previously revealed by the film crew of "Interstellar
Tracking" are Zhang Wei's single-headed make-up photos, which
directly announces the status of the other party's absolute protagonist,
and even the second and third seniors in other supporting series in
the crew None of the talented actors have been so honored.

How can such top treatment not let the media and netizens be curious
and shocked?

Zhang Wei overnight, the entire network.

At the same time, in a quiet and serene cafe, Su Tan smiled and shook
hands with the two people sitting opposite him.

Although the two were different in age and different in age, the
moment they saw the two in Sutan, they were particularly surprised.

He thought that Deming's beautiful face and looks were no longer


A director, but it wasn't until he saw Deming's father that he didn't

have what he called an excellent temperament.

Although he was sitting next to his son, Dai Ruohan's temperament

was not covered in the slightest, but because of his calm and
handsome temperament, he had a few years of precipitated taste,
which made people feel uncomfortable.

And from the appearance alone, ordinary people can never see that
Dai Ruohan is already the age of Deming's father.
Su Tan said with a smile: "Hello uncle Dai, compared to the film
director, I think you should be an actor."

After hearing this, Dai Ruohan chuckled his lips with a smile, bitter,
and swept past.

He is quiet, but his personality is indirect and direct like Deming. He

pushed his resume to Su Tan, and even thoughtfully prepared several
clips of the works he directed and copied them in Light Brain. Video
player for Sutan's inspection.

This intention is enough to make Sutan solemnly wait.

He picked up Dai Ruohan's resume and found that although the other
party was not famous in the movie industry and had never been a
front-line director, Dai Ruohan's experience when he first started his
career in the film industry was very remarkable.

Best Newcomer Director Award, the Most Anticipated Works Award

of College Student Film Festival, the Most Applauded Works Award
of the audience ...

In the period when he first came into contact with movies, Dai
Ruohan can be said to be a promising young man and a winner in life.
He almost filled all the awards that the new director can get.

Sutan's eyes fell on a year.


——Ten years ago.

Dai Ruohan suddenly disappeared in the film industry. Whether it

was his directed work or the bright and brilliant director's road that
should have a promising future, straight to the clouds, all came to an
abrupt halt, leaving only a few humble low-level clips to live for Raw,
difficult to live on.

Looking at the resume that was suddenly interrupted, Su Tan knew it.

Before he came, he had found someone who knew about Dai Ruohan
and knew that the other person suddenly killed the director's career,
not because he had made a mistake, but because of his outstanding
looks and being tragically struck by investors. Blocked, intimidating
him into submission.

In the end, Dai Ruohan not only did not give in, but for the past ten
years, he still insisted on making his favorite short film and refused to
give up the industry.

This pride and perseverance alone made Su Tan admirable.

Su Tan's expression dropped the resume as usual, and the smile on his
face was clear, without any change.
As soon as he looked up, he faced Deming's nervous gaze and noticed
that the other party's hands were tightly twisted together, as if in
extreme tension, fearing to see him categorically reject.

Seeing this scene, Su Tan couldn't help but chuckled and asked
curiously to Dai Ruohan, "Did you bring the editing video?"

Dai Ruohan bowed his head, opened the light brain on the side, and
handed it to him.

All of a sudden, the cool, fast-paced fast-paced action movie appeared

in the eyes of Su Tan, coupled with the powerful music of the node,
immediately played a blast to the explosion effect, making people
extremely heated.

The rhythm of the music's clear rhythm coincides with the editing
footage, and with the tacit understanding, it is tightly locked for every
minute and every second.

The slightly swaying lens just rightly decoupled the nodes of the
music, making people feel extremely shocked, and they were almost
stimulated by thrilling lens transitions and grand editing scenes that
lit the goose bumps.

In just one minute of video, it is undeniable that Su Tan's scalp was

numb, and there was a burst of blood in his heart.

Obviously, both the editing and sound production skills of the other
party are very powerful.
Su Tan calmed for several seconds before finally returning from the
deflagration video. His eyes brightly asked the two people opposite,
"Who made the music? Did you write it yourself?"

What surprised him was the hand raised by Deming.

Su Tan couldn't help laughing, and continued to ask, "What about the
original material clipped in the video? Did you shoot it yourself?"

Dai Ruohan answered quietly, "It's my previous work, I ... all stay."

He raised his lip corner frankly, a little astringent. Instead of causing

any damage to his aura of temperament, he even added a light
temperament to him.

Deming aside, he quietly held his hand under the table.

Su Tan's eyes cleared, and he stretched out his hand to the two with a
smile. "Joyful cooperation, I think the new movie can be officially

Hearing this, Deming was still a little stunned.

I saw Su Tan with a smile and a relaxed and orderly introduction. "I
think with you, the problems of the director and sound engineer can
be solved, and the rest of the head is the actor."
Listening to these words, Deming finally returned to his
consciousness and suddenly responded. "My dad ... did you promise
to make my dad a director?"

Su Tan nodded, looking at the outstanding and handsome

temperament and looks of the father and son, and said with a smile:
"It's not just the director. I just said that you are good actors."

He smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Want to create a work that is

completely your own?"

That night, Zhang Weiyin, the star of "Interstellar Tracking", lacked

experience and accidentally fell from coercion during the filming and
was rushed to the doctor. The president of Fang Xingzhou
Entertainment, a film investor, hurried to the hospital for a visit. The
squatting media took a photo, which was exposed on the Internet,
which immediately caused an uproar.

At this time, Su Tan was walking out of the bathroom with water
vapor, wiping his hair with a towel, and just happened to see Hayden
walk in.

His lacquered eyes were smiling, shining brightly, and he told the big
cousin the good news.

"I found the director, and there are two male lead actors, editors, and
sound effects." Su Tan's voice is clear, with a smile, while wiping his
hair with a towel, while walking towards Hayden.
He thought about it, and suddenly his black eyes were bright and
bright, as if star-filled, and he slyly smiled and teased, "Perhaps the
makeup artist was saved."

Hayden Lang walked calmly to him, took the towel in his hand, and
gently wiped the drops of water on his hair as he moved.

"So fast?"

Su Tan's eyes were covered by a towel over his head, and only
Hayden's low magnetic voice came from behind him, with a little
smile. "What other positions can you give me?"

Hearing this, Su Tan thought seriously, but didn't realize how he was
thinking under the towel, letting his hand gently wiping the towel
stopped gradually.

Su Tan thought for a moment, and suddenly laughed and quipped, "I
still lack a housekeeper."

Under the towel, his curved lips smiled brightly, letting Hayden
breathe for a moment, and lowered his lips involuntarily.


The hot breath was imprinted on Su Tan's lips, and the remaining
murmured words disappeared into the blended breath.

"My account, you can spend it:).


The filming of "Interstellar Tracking" started for a month. The film

crew announced that the male lead had been injured due to coercion
and had to pause the filming. He had to be wounded for a week
before returning to filming. on site.

This news, time frightened the hearts of countless netizens and media.

Even though the injured newcomer starring Zhang Wei did not have a
good reputation and senior qualifications, but after he was injured
and admitted to the hospital, the photos of the film investor's big boss
visiting late at night were taken secretly by entertainment reporters
and released to the Internet as soon as possible, causing The shocking
public opinion was boiling.

"Bringing funds into the group", "Special relationships", "Background

background is different", "Rookie actors are favored by investors" ...
Numerous hot topics have been derived from this, and they have
quickly occupied the major headlines, and even made them right
Director Jude Guff's new movie is upsetting fans.

Immediately, the crew of "Interstellar Tracking" fell into a whirlpool

of public opinion.

At the same time, the new movie prepared by Su Tan quietly started.
After avoiding the ease of attention of all the media, he hired the new
director Dai Ruohan to quickly and low-keyly find familiar crew
members and friends for many years. The film started.
Su Tan couldn't help but look at the huge bills that went out quickly
like water.

The total investment of the film is 30 million, which is fully borne by

him alone, which almost weighs all the manuscripts and the proceeds
of the "Expedition Notes", plus the signature paintings sold the
copyright of the remaining novels in the "Expedition" series It was
finally collected enough of this large amount of money, all pressed to
the crew.

Such an all-out effort made his agent Lance wonder.

"Are you really ready to overwhelm your net worth?" Lance went to
the studio to see the class, and saw the small studio full of clutter and
overcrowding. Many crew members hurriedly walked around, busy
setting the scene, debugging equipment, rack Good camera track,
everything just waits for the first shot of the first act of the movie to
start shooting.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but feel excited and looked
forward nervously.

For the opening of a new movie, the first act represents a good omen
for the entire movie, and people in the industry all look forward to a
smooth and smooth start from the beginning.

Therefore, although the entire set is small, it is full of enthusiasm and

full of energy.
Hearing the rushing steps behind him, Lance hurriedly stepped aside
to allow the crowded passageway, watching several staff members lift
up a heavy set, walked towards the middle of the set, and placed in
the field of vision of the camera. .

Looking at the small but well-ordered set, Lance Wen turned his
attention to the Sutan beside him, but his eyes couldn't help falling on
a tall and upright man in the middle of the set.

A neat black jacket, black combat boots, black trousers, high-tech

high-end equipment attached to the ear, and a black mask that
partially covers the face. The man is very handsome and handsome,
with only dark eyes With his eyes exposed, he unconsciously attracted
everyone's attention.

The super tall and tall body, long slender legs, and smooth body lines
cast an attractive low-key bewilderment on this person.

Lance raised his eyebrows at Dai Ruohan, and asked Su Tan beside
him with a smile. "Is this your new actor?"

Unexpectedly, when Su Tan heard this question, he couldn't help

bending his lips, and smiled and answered, "Not only, he is also the
director of our movie."

As soon as his words fell, as expected, he was surprised to see Lance,

who had always been calm.

Sutan could not help but bear it.

"Director Dai!" He shouted, and saw Dai Ruohan looking up from the
storyboard script in his hand.

In the middle of the busy hundreds of people on the set, the glance at
that glance was particularly shocking. The deep and powerful eyes
came through countless people, but it had a charming charm.

At that moment, Lance realized like never before that this film was
released, and the male starring star would be popular all night, and
the fire would be all over the star.

He took a deep breath and couldn't help but laughed at Su Tan with a
low voice: "No wonder you want to overwhelm your net worth ... this
person will definitely be hot."

Hearing Lance's words, Su Tan couldn't help but raise her lips, smiled
forward, and waited for the start of the first act of the movie.

Dai Ruohan checked the screenplay script again to ensure that every
machine and every setting in the set were completely consistent with
the screenplay, and the points were not bad.

He focused his head and said to Su Tan, "It's ready, you can start
when the main lens is adjusted."

It seems that the mask is a little inconvenient. During the

conversation, Dai Ruohan took off the mask with one hand and
slender fingers resting on the edge of the black mask. It had a magical
charm that made people couldn't help looking at it.
With this random movement, taking off the mask, Lance even realized
how outstanding the man was. The facial features are eye-catching,
from the straight and slender nose to the line of the lower jaw of the
side face.

What's more difficult is that the low-key magic that precipitates the
Enron and has lasted forever, as if precipitated by the long years, it
has another temperament different from the young and fresh meat,
which makes people feel more and more See the more resistant to see.

Lance's look on Dai Ruohan's face clearly caught the other's attention.

Dai Ruohan has always seen this kind of sight, and he is indifferent.
Because of this, he prefers the behind-the-scenes profession of

He looked back at Lance calmly, his eyebrows raised slightly, but

unexpectedly he heard the other person suddenly speak, and smiled

"Do you have any journals that specifically record the highlights and
scene photos?"

Listening to this, Su Tan was inexplicably puzzled and wondered

what he meant. He glanced at the crew member list. This temporarily
assembled crew was naturally concise and concise, omitting countless
types of work, and almost every staff member in the crew played
multiple roles.
Even Su Tan, although giving the film director the full power to Dai
Ruohan, did not get involved in any specific shooting work, but he
also had to work hard every day to help the work.

As for the recording of the tidbits?

How could there be!

Su Tan's fingers swept to the end of the crew member list, shaking his
head frankly: "No."

Unexpectedly, as soon as his words fell, he saw his agent Lance

suddenly raise his lips, smile warmly, and bluntly said, "Exactly, I'll
take over."

Sutan :? ? ?

Seeing Su Tan's astonishment and confusion, Lance said with a smile:

"As your agent, I will also support your film career."

Su Tan: "..."

Lance smiled mildly, picked up an idle camera, and officially began to

record the tidbits in the crew. He has a gentle temper, a gentleman,
and often helps the active drama crew to do some chores, and in a
short time, the crew is up and down, everyone is close.

For such a kind person, although Dai Ruohan didn't understand why
the other party took the initiative to apply for such a hard and
irrelevant job, the goodwill released by the other party prevented him
from returning with cold water. In the end, he could only accept
Lance Joined the crew and became a member of the crew.

After finishing a little, the first act of the film was officially filmed in
the tense mood of countless crew members.

After sitting on the monitor, Su Tan couldn't help but agitate slightly,
waiting for the first picture to enter the mirror.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1-start shooting!"

To everyone's surprise, instead of Dai Ruohan, the director, sitting

behind the director of the movie, was a young and adolescent boy.

The beautiful appearance is in line with Dai Ruohan, but his eyes have
the opposite focus and strength.

At this time, Dai Ming held the director's microphone tightly, staring
at the studio lens with perfect eyes, paying careful attention to Dai
Ruohan's state and the surrounding environment, waiting for
everything to be ready, he held the microphone firmly and forcefully.
Shouted and started shooting.

All of a sudden the lights on the set dimmed.

In the empty background of the green screen, only a gleam of light

was reflected in Dai Ruohan's eyes, like an invisible and fast cheetah,
dormant in the grass.
The silent studio scene is silent, and only a slight airflow can be heard
in the radio microphone. All sounds are silent at this moment.

Suddenly he moved.

The sharp and swift rollover, jumping, galloping, running, turning,

vacating, all started at this instant, pouring out like peers flowing

If it was said to be the ultimate silence, then the sudden reversal of the
rapid movement now takes time to make all the crew members at the
scene have a thrilling feeling.

It's just like--

Lance pressed the camera button quickly and silently, shocked, but
could not help but suddenly raise his lips.

He was certain that Dai Ruohan was definitely a born actor.

After a two-minute shot, Dai Ming shook the time and rhythm, and
shouted "card" with jealousy.

All the people who were in the shooting studio seemed to be finally
detached from the pictures they were attracted to, and they couldn't
extricate themselves after being immersed in the scene just now.
Countless people looked in shock and admiration at the chief director
who stood on his arms and turned up from the ground. The surprise
in his heart was unparalleled.

Earlier, when they were recruited into this crew, they suddenly
drummed at the strange combination of the novice screenwriter of Su
Tan and Dai Ruohan. When they knew that Dai Ruohan was about to
star in the film's actor, this kind of uncertainty was even more It has
risen to the peak and cannot be added.

Although they have known Dai Daihan for many years, they are more
or less intimate, but act?

Countless people silently disapprove of this approach in their hearts.

Although the director has a deeper understanding of the role and the
inner heart of the character than the actor, it is yet another completely
different field through expressions and body language.

Not to mention that in this action blockbuster, the test is not only the
acting skills of the actor, but also the skill and skill of the action.

Can Dai Ruohan do well?

Holding the questions in my heart, many crew members waited for

the opening of the first act.

Until this moment--

They looked at Dai Ruohan in shock and shock. They had never been
so aware of each other's powerful skills and thrilling performances.
Countless people couldn't speak.

Su Tan, however, couldn't help bending his lips and smiling, raising
his hands and slowly clapping. The applause in the studio grew from
small to large, gradually spread, and spread loudly throughout the

Sitting at the director's position, Dai Ming finally exhaled deeply after
seeing this scene, and his clenched palm gradually relaxed.

He couldn't help laughing, and at last his grim face showed a little
youthful vigor and shyness.

"Interstellar Tracking" had bad fortunes, and the actor stopped

working to heal his injuries, casting a shadow over the entire crew.

At this moment, Sutan 's quiet Weibo for several days suddenly sent a
new message with only four simple words on it, but it quickly
attracted the attention of countless netizens at the fastest speed. Made
a hot headline.

"Sutan: New film starts shooting [picture]."

The picture is a pair of sharp and deep eyes hidden in the dark. The
determined eyes occupy the entire center of the screen. Against the
background of the black background, it has an unexpectedly stunning
charm, as if this one can Firmly attract all eyes.
For this photo with only a pair of eyes, all netizens' response and
evaluation were unusually good.

"Miao Mi: This is still a new movie still from Suzhou University? It
looks good!"

"Firefighting Night: Hurry! Who knows which star of this star, so I can
see it burst! Such a close-up lens can withstand the test of the camera,
you must give a big praise."

"September: I can't see it, but I bet this actor is absolutely shameless."

"Thousands of miles and bright moon still: I can look at this look for a
year. Which actor is it?"


There are many heated discussions on the Internet, and countless

people have been circled by this still appearing stills. They are also
curious about the director of these eyes, and have compared the stars
in the entertainment circle now one by one. The popularity of movies
has become popular.

Even the entertainment media who were idle due to the filming of
"Interstellar Tracking" has ignited curiosity and tracked down who
the main character of Sutan's new movie is.

According to them, most of them are film actor who has been in battle
for hundreds of years and has a good reputation.
The media couldn't find it all. Sutan's crew was tight-lipped from top
to bottom. Hanging this question seemed to make people's hearts
tickle. It just didn't reveal the secrets. It made many media eager to
verify the answer angry and funny.

For a while, Su Tan's new film crew was in the limelight.

Even after a week later, the crew of "Interstellar Tracking" finally

reluctantly made a remake, and the seriously injured actor Zhang Wei
returned to the crew with injuries. This powerful topic did not attract
much attention and only flew in the wave of hot discussion on the
Internet. A little splash.

Because at this time-


This time, his Weibo is still only one sentence short.

"Sutan: I want to find you! [Picture]"

In the stills, there is still a large block of strong black background,

only a slender and powerful hand is stretched out from the darkness,
holding the gun tightly, and looking at the camera.

In the interweaving of the dark shadows, only the slender and upright
hands can be clearly seen, which look good and strong bone joints.
The white fingers are inexplicably attractive and bewitching. Against
the background of the icy gun, they form an extremely sharp contrast
with the large dark background, as if a tall figure disappeared behind
the darkness.

The combination of this slender and powerful finger and the cold gun
| once again set off a heated discussion storm.

"Every night: Is this the last actor? Your hands are great."

"I'm going to kill the five killers: I'm smashed by the hands! Big, which
actor is it? I want to know!"

"Soft cute dolphin: want to know 1."

"Girl Phoenix: Last time it was the eyes, this time it was the hands. Do
you dare to release a full photo?"

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: Sorry, big, I'm going to change
the powder [laughing and crying], this little brother looks great all


The starring actress of Zhang Wei, starring Zhang Wei with a heavy
injury, worked hard to return to the crew 's start to hang the picture,
and was completely taken away by this photo with only slender
fingers and a gun. The crew couldn't help being discouraged and

The director Jude Goff has paid close attention to this abnormal
reversal, but he is in a good position.

He patted Zhang Ding's shoulders again and again, and smiled

enthusiastically, encouraging: "Very good, don't take the view of the
unexpected side, take another shot. The movie is not just a box office
with good fingers and good eyes. It 's hard work, especially action
movies. "

Zhang Wei's eyes were tired and red, and she clenched her hands
firmly and nodded.

Looking at his humility, Jude Goff relaxed a bit, but couldn't help but
regret it. Thinking of the ambitious waves from Su Tan's side to
release stills, he is not sullen and let people step on their heads to get a
good temper and grab the heat.

After thinking about it, Jude Goff whispered to his assistant, "Is the
first round of special effects done?"

In order to catch up with the movie, the special effects and shooting
work started at the same time. When the previous day's shot was
taken, he and the editor worked together to select the necessary shots
overnight, so that the special effects team immediately produced
special effects.

Jude Goff has been directing for many years and has formed a tacit
understanding with his familiar commercial action film special effects
team. Before the film starts, after the split screenplay is determined, he
will communicate with the other party to seek the effects and scenes
to maximize the savings of post-production. time.

So, he asked the assistant what the first batch of scenes were sent to
make special effects.

The assistant nodded. "It's done, the special effects company is trying
to bring it to you today."

After hearing this answer, Jude Goff nodded slightly, looking at the
leading actor Zhang Wei who was lifted high in the middle of the set,
but his eyes were a little more certain to gain and control.

He calmly instructed: "Let the one-minute clip be over there."

The assistant nodded.

Three days later, the official Weibo post of "Interstellar Tracking"

appeared again and the latest Weibo was published.

This time, "Interstellar Tracking" suddenly issued a blockbuster,

directly arrogantly bringing the edited special effects blockbuster clips
onto the Internet and publicly releasing them, which is almost
equivalent to releasing a small movie notice in advance.

Numerous Jude Goff loyal fans were immediately excited and rushed
to the movie Weibo, anxious to preview the new film directed by
The one-minute extended version of the special effects has made
everyone extremely satisfied.

"Perfect Visionary: High export, still familiar with the blockbuster


"Fairy board: Hahahahaha, after watching the movie, I feel the funds
are burning. It is said that the investment in" Star Tracker "has
exceeded 100 million yuan. I feel it will definitely not be enough. The
director always has a special effect.

"Unknown late at night: familiar special effects, familiar scenes,

familiar formulas. Hmm ... a little disappointed, it seems that there is
no breakthrough compared to the previous works directed by Jude
Goff. No matter how good the special effects blockbuster, I have seen
too much, and A little tired. "

"Yijiang Reedu: Approved upstairs, I feel that this movie is another

work with special effects, without any emotional depth and sincerity."

"Tricky thorns: Alas, there aren't too many directors in the movie
industry who can play special effects and commercial action
blockbusters so smoothly. Let's give the director and crew more
patience and understanding."

Online reviews are mixed, and some audience fans who like to fight
with blockbusters will naturally be ecstatic about Director Goff 's
special effects blockbuster style, but other fans are hard to hide the
disappointment without breakthrough and innovation. The
"Interstellar Track" movie is another pure popcorn old-fashioned
movie, which is not worth expecting too much.

But no matter what the evaluation is, all in all, the attention of the
Internet and the media has been firmly attracted to the movie
"Interstellar Tracking" for a while, and a lot of controversial topics and
reviews have risen fiercely, making the film crew up and down again.

Jude Goff walked confidently on the set, unsurprisingly, the result of

the public opinion storm that caused special effects to be released in
advance. This, with his many years of experience, has long been

However, just as he calmly guided the actors to prepare for the next
scene, the assistant suddenly walked up and put a light-brained
screen in front of him, whispering anxiously and complexly: "Sutan ,
Also released new films. "

Hearing this unexpected news, Jude Goff was suddenly hesitant to set
aside the light brain for a moment, directing the actors to finish a
major scene.

It was not until late at night that the work was finally over. He had
time to remember the latest film released by Su Tan and open the
brain to watch.

Jude Gaofu opened Sutan 's Weibo, and before he clicked on the
video, he saw the amount of comments reposted under Sutan 's
100 million reposts and 50 million comments.

Suddenly, Jude Goff was shocked and shocked. Even though he has
never cared about the amount of virtual data retransmissions on the
Internet, he feels that his movie is worth watching in a movie theater,
but such a huge retransmission volume still shocks him.

not to mention--

This movie seems to have just been released ... 8 hours?

At the beginning of the time, Jude Guff suddenly felt a little

incredible. He hurriedly checked back the retransmission volume of
the Star Trek special effects production film and found that the
retransmission volume of his new movie was just similar to that of Su
Tan, but published More than a day has passed.

Jude Guff's face suddenly seemed hard to look at the moment.

He took a deep breath, calmed down, and opened the film video of
Sutan's new movie, and unexpectedly found that the other person's
film took only half of his own time.

The duration of 30 seconds is definitely not long. What is even more

surprising is that the beginning of the film was a large block of black,
and a thick and deep atmosphere came on, like a thick ink that
couldn't be fixed, and it was firmly blocked in front of everyone.

Jude Goff looked at this opening sternly, but he didn't care much
about the black picture pretending to be such a gimmick.
However, just under the heavy black background, all the feelings of
people are involuntarily concentrated on other senses.

If there is a night wind that seems to be empty and slightly blows

across the grassy tip, the distant light spots that are brightly lit in the
dark, are always tight and the tension is about to strike ...

Countless other feelings, like a small river current, are subtly gathered
together and gathered by all audience netizens in the dark
atmosphere background.

The moment everyone stared at the darkness, wondering what would

happen in the future, all of a sudden, the camera suddenly moved.

Fast and swift, like a cheetah suddenly chasing its prey, with the
perspective of the protagonist, silently landed in the air, ran, and

Thousands of thrilling actions brought everyone's heart firmly to their

hearts, thinking that they would fall off the cliff, or jumped from the
high **** without weight, and almost crashed. But in the next second,
he landed lightly and calmly, escaped from the edge of life and death.

The immersive special perspective, the heavy black night, and the
sudden passing of the night breeze all aggravated this tense and
thrilling atmosphere, making countless viewers and netizens
watching this video unable to bear to mention their throat in.
In a short period of thirty seconds, it was like making a few turns at
the moment of life and death, and it thrilled a heart.

The violent action also made the person in the camera's perspective
give out a slight breath and gasp, becoming the only sound in a long
period of darkness and silence, which firmly attracted the attention of
many netizens. He quietly raised his ears, followed the owner of the
voice, widened his eyes, and tried to find the figure from the large
black in the video.

Until a long run finally stopped, jumping over a long slope, the
camera suddenly opened up, and the first light appeared in the heavy
black night.

It turned out to be an extremely gorgeous city with bright lights and

bright night fires.

It is in sharp contrast to the deep black here, like two extreme

contrasting poles, very different.

The viewers who saw this scene were stunned and have not yet
reacted to why such a scene appeared.

Suddenly, there was a gunshot in the camera.


Return to darkness.
Staring at the completely silent screen, Jude Goff held the edge of the
light brain, his eyebrows frowned involuntarily, and he fell into

The film released by Su Tan is completely different from his expected

special action blockbuster. Not only is there no cool action, but also
there is no huge and magnificent blockbuster scene. There is no real
actor in the shot, but only through visual and auditory capture Lived
in the hearts of the audience, creating a suspenseful atmosphere.

Such clips far exceeded his expectations for commercial blockbusters.

Jude Guff frowned and thought deeply. He is known as the most

successful commercial film director of his time, and has always been
most confident of his directing style and knowledge of commercial
action films.

He knew what the audience wanted, what he wanted to see, and he

hoped to see those extreme special effects in action movies, so he
finally achieved great success in the market.

However, Su Tan's new movie's film is completely unexpected, even

overturning his definition of action film.

This kind of film is undoubtedly also a kind of action movie, but it is

obviously not the best and most mainstream category now. Will the
audience buy it? Does the movie sell?

Jude Guff frowned, looking at the comments under the film.

"Every night, every night: Yan Yan Yan!"

"Fairy Banban: I actually held a heart from beginning to end, almost

scared by the thrilling action in the middle. What happened to the last
gunshot? Who, who?"

"Kolabao: It's so good-looking!"

"Yijiang Reedu: It doesn't feel the same as the special effect

blockbuster I expected, but ... it's inexplicable to watch. This is a
special way of shooting. If the director can keep from beginning to
end, I will definitely go to the cinema to contribute to the box office . "

"Orange Flavored Soda: Agree 100000000"


Looking at these various comments, Jude Goff's mood was

inexplicably complex for a while, but the careless look at the
beginning was unknowingly raised.

He is still confident that his best special effects production of large-

scale commercial action movies will definitely be the guarantee of the
box office, but this unique new film of Su Tan will not get the box
office's favorite, but he is hesitant to be in doubt.

It's like a large segment of black that appeared in the flower just now,
blocking all the way and direction, making people suspenseful about
the future development.
Jude Guff exhaled deeply, his expression slowly and solemnly

That night, Su Tan's latest film fragment was officially exploded.

Originally it was just his book fans and fans who paid attention to the
release of the new film flower and discussed it enthusiastically.

Afterwards, sometime, more and more netizens and passers-by

gathered on his Weibo to talk about this unusual new action film.

Almost everyone feels new to this kind of non-large-scale production

of large-scale special effects action movies, like a completely new
world opened in front of them.

Countless people were excited to discuss it, and were curious about
the characters, stories, shots, and even the sudden gunshot.

"Perfect Fantasy: This is an action movie ????"

"I want five kills: I brushed it carefully again and found that the
tumbling and jumping movements of the camera were completely
done by the actor himself, without any auxiliary and special effects, so
great! I agree with you. [9824 Likes]"

"Beauty Girl Hero: Tired of the same special effects of bombing

airplanes, buildings, and cars, and then looking at this piece of
flowers, it looks unexpectedly beautiful, and the atmosphere of
suspense and tension is also great. Especially the last breath, which
burst out Greatly to unravel the mystery, who is this little brother? "
"Two hundred years of struggle: begging for help! Seeking for help!
Good-looking hands, good-looking eyes, and good-looking
movements, such a little brother can't see enough for me!"

"Laughing spring breeze: Inexplicably caught on by a breathing breath

and blushing."


Compared with male audiences who like blockbuster action movies,

female netizens' reactions are also extremely hot. For example, Jude
Guff's commercial hero action blockbusters have always aimed at the
enthusiastic male market and are not favored by women.

However, several of the stills released by Su Tan in the early stage,

looming part of the starring role, have played an unusually good
effect and tightly grabbed the attention of many female audiences.

This situation is completely beyond everyone's conjecture.

Even the Sutan crew was overjoyed, and the whole crew was very
active. After the shooting of the green-screen action scene, the actor
was no longer confined to Dai Ruohan alone, but continued to shoot
the literary scene.

At this point, it was the end of the winter vacation, after the start of
the Imperial University.
Su Tan went to school to apply for leave, and devoted himself to the
rest of the filming process.

According to the progress disclosed in "Interstellar Tracking", the

entire film is being filmed in an orderly and intensive manner under
the direction of Director Jude Gough. At the same time, the film
special effects are produced together, and the first few major acts are
required. To build it out.

The other party's purpose is obviously aimed at the summer season,

ready to release the summer time.

Fortunately, Su Tan 's side is special in the script and the character
relationships are simple. The focus of all movies has been on several
starring actors. There is no such thing as director Jude Goff who is
pursuing the mighty hundreds. The vast scenes and group shows save
them a lot of trouble in film casting.

But in contrast, it also tests the actor's skills.

In this regard, Su Tan is confident.

Three months after the filming started, the crew of "Interstellar Track"
officially announced the end, the rest of the post-production work is
intensified, the film's turn to promote the pre-heating release
simultaneously, the latest movie posters will be released almost every
week, one after another A big-name participating actor appeared one
by one. In a short time, he won a lot of layout and attention, and
firmly occupied the center of the topic.
"The nebula award-winning film star Linda Dodd came out in"
Interstellar Tracking "! The release of a shocking poster will create a
complex intertwined relationship with the actor!"

"Ian Aiden, the best actor at the Meteorite Film Festival, has recently
announced his participation in Star Track. He himself said: I am

"Amanda Jennings said in a recent interview that Jude Guff is one of

her favorite directors and would like to have the opportunity to work
with Guff directors, and look forward to director Goff's new film


For a while, hot topics were frequently screened by "Interstellar

Tracking". Many well-known actors and stars in the entertainment
industry have expressed their expectations for the new film, which
depends entirely on the popularity of the director Jude Goff, and
years of accumulation Popularity.

The numerous publicity campaigns have made Star Trek unbelievably

hot before it was released.

On the other hand, there are very few heavy actors who can speak in

Even Jude Guff, who was a little wary of Su Tan's new film, could not
help but take off his defense at this time, taking a sigh of relief,
watching the other party's farther and farther from himself in the
topic of the movie.
In short it is--

Newcomer who can't help.

Jude Goff gave a light sigh, feeling that his previous vigilance and
worry were too unnecessary, at this time naturally he gave up his
whole heart and focused all his energy on the post-production of
"Interstellar Tracking".

This summer's fierce fight was fierce, Jude Goff himself was confident
that he could win most of the box office with the powerful new movie,
and got a good result.

He preheated the release date early, and propagated for several

rounds. He even ran several screen galaxies with the lead actors, and
won a lot of favor from the movie blockbusters.

One week before the official release of Interstellar Tracking,

everything is ready and ready.

Jude Guff was finally able to take a sigh of relief, all the work that can
be done is over, only to see it after the release.

As he unloaded his exhaustion and was finally ready to relax, the

assistant's emergency call rang, and Jude Goff frowned to connect.

"Director, Su Tan has a new Weibo."

Listening to this unexpected sentence, Jude Goff frowned. He knew
that if it was not a major event, the assistant would never bother
himself at this time. "what did you send?"

Just listening, the assistant on the communicator's breathing suddenly

swelled, and couldn't hide the shock.

"He sent ten new trailers!"

Jude Guff: "..."

He dropped the phone in silence.


"Ten new trailers?"

When Sutan's Weibo was updated, almost everyone was shocked and

Jude Guff is even more incredible.

"He's crazy!" Jude Goff frowned, his face ugly. "Is the trailer a Chinese
cabbage? Just come out!"

This unreasonable approach obviously broke his understanding.

According to the usual steps of movie release, new movie trailers have
always selected the most exciting editing parts to release
announcements, which fully aroused the desire of movie fans.

Trailers have only been refined in history, not much. The general film
crew releases one to two, and no more than three. A large number of
trailers will inevitably cause confusion in the audience's viewing
experience, and will even expose too much of the main plot line,
allowing the movie to spoil in advance.

This approach is obviously not adopted by the general crew.

But Jude Goff didn't think of it. Su Tan turned out to be unreasonable
and released ten notices in a straightforward way. This is simply Hu

Jude Goff's face was serious, his face was sinking like water, and after
waiting for the assistant to finish speaking, he hung up the
communication phone, opened the light brain to log on Weibo, and
unexpectedly found Sutan's Weibo on the hot topic. The heated
discussion easily pushed Sutan's new film to the craze of public

In a short time, Jude Goff's face wrinkled tightly. He took a deep

breath and was quite stable, and really opened Sutan's Weibo.

I saw ten trailers lined up neatly from top to bottom, occupying most
of the screen. Regardless of what the trailer looks like, this swift and
bold posture immediately makes people feel very spectacular.
And Jude Goff noticed that the ten trailers were also released next to
each other without a slight space. Instead, they were all released in
tens of seconds. The purpose of the other party was obviously to be a
micro-movie. Point directly at the audience.

Jude Guff couldn't help taking a deep breath, and suddenly he felt a
bit heavy, as if an invisible pressure came through the screen.

He paused for a few seconds before finally opening the first video

At first glance, it is still a large black background, which fits well with
the previous film video. Throughout the fast-changing and neat lens,
it was still a thrilling leap, rushing through the grass with the leaves
growing over the head and running straight in one direction.


The camera turned abruptly and plunged into the valley, and a line
appeared at the end of the trailer.

"I want to find you."

The second, the third ... the tenth trailer, the inconsistency is that this
is a long-distance running picture, and the scene is transformed into a
bustling city in the middle of the night. Abandoned countryside ...

The background also changed from a dark night like a thick ink, to a
dawn with a faint mist, a dusk with a glorious glow, a fresh and cold
rain, and so on. The background picture of each frame is beautiful and
picturesque, and the colors are used just right, which makes people
irresistibly intoxicated.

And from the beginning to the end of each trailer, there was no actor,
and there was no talk. Only the sound of quiet flowing water, the
sound of wind whizzing past, and the sound of the man's increasingly
tired breathing from the lens perspective all indicate that this is a
lonely search.

not to mention--

"I want to find you."

"I want to find you."

"I want to find you."

The end of the recurring trailers made this lonely search seem to bring
a little desperate concentration, as if silently narrating the character's
heart monologue, giving the best explanation for this distant long
run .

Until the end of the last tenth trailer, the camera suddenly appeared
on the top of a dark, lonely, hundreds-story building, below the bright
and prosperous street, and a slender background stood calmly. Roof

Finally, the audience who saw the protagonist still had time to raise
their hearts. When the protagonist was carefully observed, the screen
shot suddenly turned. Everyone saw the man standing on the edge of
the rooftop, and took a step forward easily. The figure jumped briskly
from the top of hundreds of floors, and the arms stretched out like
wings, letting the wind flow freely between your fingers.

The attitude of falling calmly shocked everyone.

Even when the camera was zoomed in, the man was squinting, letting
himself fall quickly into the high-rise building.

The fast passing wind and countless different windows with bright
lights inside aggravated the audience's tightness, and they intensified
involuntarily, holding a heart tight for the safety of the other party.

Until approaching the ground, an accident would be impossible to

avoid in an accident. In the lens, the man who was dressed in black
and covered with a black mask covered most of his face suddenly
opened his eyes.

The dark eyes are not shocked, but they seem to have accumulated
countless pasts and feelings. They are completely buried in the
emotions at the bottom of the eyes. The deep and focused eyes make
people feel shocked, and they can't help but be locked in their eyes

Even if his side is already in danger, the whole person's body is only
an inch away from the ground, and all netizens can't look away from
his eyes.

At this moment, there is no need for other words and actions, and
everyone has felt the shockingly complex and deep emotions in that
In the trailer, there were exactly ten voices that spoke for the first time
since the trailer. It was a low-magnetic calm voice, and it was bound
to speak with unprecedented momentum.

"I want to find you."

The camera stopped on the man's deep and determined eyes for the
last second, and ended sharply, the picture was completely dark, but
the shock to many people's hearts was a speechless table, immersed in
it for a long time, unable to express in words.

Jude Guff after watching these ten full trailers is even clearer that a
good actor only needs to use his eyes to perform.

However, the man in the Sutan trailer is not just a good actor. He can
hold the audience 's attention firmly with only his eyes and the tone of
his speech, and he is completely attracted to him. Many actors in the
entertainment industry are out of reach.

Even if it is Zhang Wei, the male lead starring in his own "Interstellar

Jude Goff's face was so tight that he couldn't help shaking his head.
He knew clearly that although Zhang Wei worked hard, he had too
little experience, and the roles and acting experience he encountered
were far from enough. Simple facialized hero characters can handle it.

However, under the contrast of the powerful actors in Sutan's new

trailer, the actor is far from enough.
If it is released in the same period, I'm afraid Zhang Wei can hardly
match each other in terms of characters.

Recognizing this, Jude Goff's face was naturally bad. He shook in his
heart, suddenly heavy for a few moments, only to feel that he was
suddenly carrying a great deal of pressure on his shoulders, pressing
himself like a boulder.

His eyes stayed for a long time on the deep eyes where the light brain
video was paused, staring at each other for a long time.

He has an inexplicable familiarity with these eyes, and I'm sure he has
definitely seen them.

However, letting him search for the memories in his mind, he is the
owner who can't find these eyes, and he can't be linked to the actor
with good performance in the current entertainment circle.

Who is the owner of these eyes? Who is it?

Jude Guff stared into those eyes, sinking into deep thought.

Not only him, the question of "Who is this actor?" All netizens and the
vast number of entertainment media are paying close attention and
want to find the answer to this question.

Some even deliberately took out a screenshot of Dai Ruohan's front

camera in the trailer, zoomed in on those eyes, and compared the
many well-known star actors in the entertainment circle. They still
couldn't find who this person was.

The huge suspense did not unexpectedly arouse the extreme curiosity
of netizens, making the new movie even more fertile.

At the same time, the popularity of the previously revealed trailer of

"Interstellar Tracking" was completely covered overnight. The
popularity of popular keywords such as "Who is this actor" and "I
want to find you" has skyrocketed. Sutan's new movie has brought
huge traffic and attention.

The unusual performance of commercial blockbuster shooting

techniques has also attracted the attention of many people in the

Commercial action blockbusters have always been pursuing grand

scenes, extremely cool special effects, lively battles, and life-and-death
battles against each other. Individual heroism, justice and evil, villains
and protagonists, countless similarly defined definitions are filled
with it.

Such action blockbuster shooting methods have already formed a

routine and production model in the industry. Like Director Jude
Guff, production and special effects funds often cost hundreds of
millions of investment budgets.

Su Tan's new film, however, completely violates this common sense

and conventional production methods.
The way he released ten trailers in one breath was unusual from the
start. Each of the trailers is surprisingly only the scenes of the scenery
and the clips flowing smoothly, there is no other starring, and there is
no picture of even a large-scale fighting **** battle.

The picture is concise like an art film, or the most lonely one.

Although there are not too many lines in the entire ten trailers, it is a
lonely attack on a long journey, constantly approaching a certain
target, the wind passing by the fingertips, the slight breathing sound,
and the neat jumping posture ...

The countless details of the imagery have cast a concise atmosphere in

the entire film, making people involuntarily focus on the owner of the
lens perspective, and even the glimpse of the final jump from the
high-rise building only let People are particularly memorable.

Looking at these ten unexpectedly simple and smooth trailers, Jude

Goff frowned rarely, looking at the information of the main creative
team released by the film publicity, and was surprised to find that the
entire film did not invite a media from production to publicity. The
reporter did publicity reports, and did not publicly release any
information about the film's creators, directors and actors. All the
publicity was disclosed through Su Tan's personal Weibo to the
outside to maximize the mystery of the film.

Even the directors, screenwriters, and actor names are absent. This
kind of secrecy is simply home.

Noting this, Jude Guff couldn't help but fall into deep thought, and
was a little puzzled by Su Tan's unusual behavior, and he was quite
sure that he had definitely seen the eyes of the movie actor in the

When exactly?

On the other side, "I want to find you" ten buzzing propaganda and
preheating trailers have completely caused a stir on the Internet.
While countless viewers and netizens are excited, they are also joking
about Sutan's approach.

"Begonia of the meat treasure family: This is the style of my meat

treasure properly! Yes! More than ten breaths, nothing to worry

"Soft cute dolphin: Big, do you remember" Starcraft is Emperor "on

the star novel website? When can you come back and update the ten
chapters happily?"

"Dark Rose: Cool!"


Looking at these supportive comments, Su Tan smiled and turned his

lips, and updated the ten trailers in one breath the week before the
release. As long as he and Dai Ruohan carefully grasped them, they
really mobilized to the greatest extent possible The expectations and
enthusiasm of netizens.

The next step is the real box office fight.

Su Tan took a deep breath and watched a violent box office battle
approaching, but he was calmer than ever.

Even if there is no one behind him, even if his qualifications and

connections in the movie world are not as deep as Jude Goff, but at
this moment, he is extremely confident that his new film has a fight
with Jude Goff.

Because the other party has operated a film model for many years. It
has clearly taken the commercial action blockbuster route of special
effects and large-scale productions, but no one can guess his new

Su Tan smiled lightly, turned off the light brain, looked up and saw
Hayden wearing casual home clothes, wearing a pair of goggles on his
nose, and staring intently at the notebook on his lap.

Sutan's full-bodied look made Su Tan raise his lips.

He pushed away the light brain and asked curiously, "What are you

Hayden calmly grabbed his eyes, slender and powerful fingers

operated the mouse, and calmly dropped on the computer webpage
one by one.

He calmly replied, "Like you."

Upon hearing this, Su Tan couldn't help laughing, raising her smiling
eyes and glancing over, and sure enough, he saw that his big cousin
was concentrating on his Weibo ten trailers one by one, even even He
also liked the enthusiastic comments of netizens under Weibo.

So focused and solemn, Su Tan could not help laughing.

He clings to Hayden's shoulders and says cheerfully, "Remember we

made a bet before the movie started?"

Hearding this sentence, Hayden stared at him side by side, his dark
eyes seemed to be flowing with dark currents.

Su Tan couldn't help bending her lips, holding the big cousin's
shoulders aggressively and aggressively promising: "If the box office
counterattacks this time, I will vacate the whole summer vacation and
go with you on vacation!"

His bright, smiling eyes raised Hayden's eyebrows.

"it is good."

The summer season is approaching, and various movie blockbusters

are being screened in turn to grab the box office. Numerous freshly
released hot videos have occupied the headlines of all websites for a

Star Wars films, small fresh literary films, heavy historical films, and
even the adventure thrillers that hit the fire last year due to
"Adventure Notes" continued to release several movies, occupying the
film market, making countless Various types of flowers bloom.

Many fans and audiences are most looking forward to the upcoming
"Interstellar Tracking".

This is the most successful commercial action film director Jude Goff
re-released in three years, bringing together many big-name actors,
top special effects teams, powerful sound effects and post-editing
staff. It is Jude Goff The most word-of-mouth guarantee.

Judging from the trailer released earlier, this movie also

unquestionably continues Jude Goff 's usual style and characteristics,
and it is a magical use of large-scale special effects and hero theme
types, attracting a large number of Judd Goff Diehard fans and loyal
old movie fans.

Therefore, "Star Tracker" has not yet been released, it has become the
most anticipated summer movie this year.

Such a situation naturally made the crew of "Interstellar Tracking"

overwhelming. However, I did not expect that following the
"Interstellar Tracking", the second summer movie voted by netizens
turned out to be Sutan's new film-"I want to find you".

The title of this movie, which has been deeply rooted in Sutan's ten-
time repeat trailer, has become a hot topic for a week.

This unexpected expectation has surprised many movies released in

the same period.
Jude Goff was especially complacent, sitting firmly at the forefront of
the theater, and seeing with satisfaction the first day of the release of
"Interstellar Tracking", many loyal fans rushed into the screening
room with great enthusiasm, feeling relieved Tone, finally relaxed.

Surprisingly, he did not walk into the screening room of Star Tracker,
but chose another movie instead.

Jude Guff enters the venue with a low profile and sits in the front row
of the "I'm going to find you" screening room. He noticed that this
time the audience was less than half of Star Trek.

He sat down comfortably, and compared to the reasons why other

audiences watched movies, his purpose today is more pure, only one.

Who is the man whose face was covered in that trailer?

The projection room lights went out, and the surroundings darkened.
"I want to find you" officially opened in his doubts, and cut in from
the perspective of the silence.

Seeing this scene, Jude Goff raised his spirit like never before and
waited. Even though he had already seen the trailer, he already had a
vague understanding of Sutan's new film, which is not an unusual
commercial genre, but the movie suddenly shocked him.

The dark atmosphere, as the character 's body slightly shakes and
flips, the silent and tense atmosphere. From the first scene of the
movie, the special perspective and shooting methods can not help but
hang up the hearts of many audiences, bringing them closer to the
characters themselves.

Jude Guff was shocked. When he saw the camera suddenly flip on the
big screen, he almost passed the danger. Many audiences watching
the movie behind him could not help exclaiming, and they were rising
and falling in the large auditorium.

At this moment, he had fully understood Su Tan's approach. The

other party used the slightly swaying long lens and unique main
perspective to clearly capture the audience's minds in just a few
minutes, bringing many audience fans in the audience into the movie,
as if the swaying and shaking The uneasy shots are the eyes of the
audience, ignorant and afraid in the dark and tense atmosphere,
grasping the suspense of the movie and the sense of substitution of
the audience extremely accurately.

This concise and quick approach to capture the audience 's mind
made Jude Goff sighed and became more curious about the film's
director and actors.

As the movie progressed, this unique sense of substitution not only

did not diminish, but when the audience could not help exclaiming, as
the protagonist jumped over several dangerous, life-and-death
dangers, it became deeper and reached its peak.

At this point, it was ten minutes before the movie opened, and the
first line appeared in the entire movie.

A low magnetic, slightly sharp metal sound sounded, the protagonist

did not appear in the lens, but for the first time in a morning of dew
and mist, a pair of pale and powerful hands appeared, this is the
protagonist. A monologue inside.

For this extremely special form of expression, Jude Goff couldn't help
raising his eyebrows, and continued to look at his brows.

What surprised him was that the entire film was not obscure as he had
previously thought. Instead, he displayed the beautiful picture of the
father and son together in a beautiful way through clever flashback

Warm tones, laughter, tears, and happy memories, contrasting with

the large dark nights, icy nights, and the outskirts of abandoned ruins,
making everyone's hearts irresistible. A feeling of pity was born.

At this point, all audiences really understand the theme of the film,
which is the story of his father's trek to the mountains and rescue his

However, it is surprising that at this time, the front face of the

protagonist has not appeared on the screen of the movie, but rather
the fingers with sharp bones, tall and slender legs, deep and sharp
eyes, showing little by little In the film footage of the movie, as if to
unravel the mystery, step by step calmly, the director skillfully
controlled the rhythm, attracting the audience's curiosity to the peak.

This skillful way of setting up foreshadowing and suspense makes

Jude Goff feel familiar for a long time, as if he has seen it in his works.

He has one more layer of perception than ordinary viewers. He has

seen countless dormant veins and clues buried in the dormant lines
and clues from the layout in which the memories of previous films are
intertwined with reality.

Years of directing experience and intuition tell him that the hidden
facts behind the film are definitely not as simple as they seem.

Sure enough, after a smooth ride through the climax of the second act
of the whole movie, the rhythm of the movie is obviously accelerated,
and numerous clues and foreshadowings are thrown out one by one,
exposing the extraordinary truths one by one in a subtle and orderly
manner. Makes the depth of the entire movie even deeper.

This tense and exciting rhythm, and the step-by-step advancement to

the top of the secret, almost like a thrilling magic, slowly unveiled in
front of all audiences, showing shocking charm.

For a while, all the audiences sitting on the stage put all their minds
together on the movie. None of them got up to go to the bathroom or
eat and chat at random. Such a scene was even shown in a blockbuster
such as "Star Track" The scene was hard to see.

Jude Guff's heart also slowly stunned, the whole movie magically and
orderly advancing techniques, like a god-like magician made a unique
performance on the big screen, so shocking The performance
technique suddenly awakened the sleeping memories in his mind.

He slowly remembered someone who couldn't appear.

Jude Guff's hands couldn't help but clenched. For the first time, his
face didn't have a relaxed look, and he stared at the big screen
It wasn't until the next episode of the high tide that the movie starring
finally showed all the figures, and for the first time exposed all the
faces in the movie, which caused countless surprise calls and joys in
the entire screening hall. Jude · Guff's heart suddenly seemed to be
held tightly at this moment, his breath suddenly tightened.

He finally recognized--

Dai Ruohan.

The premiere of "Interstellar Tracking" is over, and there are many

heated discussions on the Internet. Numerous movie websites and
film critics and premiere audiences are rushing to post their views.
Recording the evaluation of this movie has brought countless traffic
and popularity to Interstellar Tracking. , So that the box office on the
first day was not unexpectedly won by this blockbuster.

In contrast, the film box office performance of "I Want to Find You"
was mediocre. After all, the audience who watched Sutan and the
trailer for movie theaters was still in the minority. Many netizens and
viewers still chose to contribute time and movie tickets. Give
"Interstellar Tracking".

This result is not unexpected, as long as many people in the film

industry expected. However, Sutan's new movie "I want to find you"
still brought unprecedented shock to the entire entertainment
industry, and countless public opinion gradually fermented into a
All the old people who had known or had been in the industry for ten
years quietly asked their colleagues the same question.

"That's Dai Ruohan?"

"Isn't he blocked? How could it reappear, did I recognize the wrong


"Not only did he direct Sutan's new film, but he also appeared in the
film's actor, which is simply incredible!"

"No wonder" I want to find you "hasn't been exposed in advance to

reveal who the director and starring are. This is the reason. Has he or
he not been completely blocked?"

The past is lifted, and while countless people are shocked, it is

undeniable to find that Dai Ruohan's director skills are better than
before he was banned. Even his role in the role is very suitable for
people, bringing a lot of surprises to many fans.

Two days later, although "Interstellar Tracking" firmly occupied the

top spot of the daily box office, "I Want to Find You" suddenly broke
out overnight, and public opinion fermented.

Relative to the industry's familiarity in the film and television

industry, some movie fans have gradually recognized the identity of
the other party from the extremely familiar name "Dai Ruohan".

In a moment, the whole network was sensational and heated.

"Perfect Visionary: Misty Grass !!!!!! Life! Tears! I have loved Dai Dao
since high school. When Dai Dao first entered the industry, his work
was very amazing, but it suddenly disappeared, and then I haven't
seen him. I didn't expect that until now, I finally waited for him! "

"Sinking the Interstellar Edge: Crazy Call for Dai Dao! Su Tan has dug
up my favorite director once, and must support it with great support."

"Every night: I just searched for the starring act from the Internet. I
didn't expect it to be so legendary and bumpy. No wonder the actor's
eyes always have a sea of stars. Whenever I look at the camera, the
deep emotions precipitate to me."

"Yijiang Reedu: This year's most surprising actor, most surprising

movie, most surprising director! I heard that the script of" I want to
find you "was written by Su Da himself, um, give you a barely ninety-
nine points , A little more afraid of your pride. "

"Sailor Moon: After watching Dai's acting skills, I can't bear to look
directly after watching Star Trek. A director's acting skills are better
than actors. I don't know how the director Jude Guff chose this role?
An inexperienced rookie actor can't stand up to the role of a male
starring hero, and was even crushed by the many talents in the movie
who sent the old drama bones to the ground. Isn't this Zhang Wei
bringing funds into the group? "

Online discussions have continued, and word of mouth for "I Want to
Find You" and "Interstellar Tracking" is gradually turning over. The
appearance of Dai Ruohan even shocked many people.

The blocked password was still there, but it was too old. The party
who made the incident had just learned of the news and suddenly
saw another Weibo posted by Su Tan.

"Su Tan: Let me introduce you formally, Director Dai Ruohan, the
director who has great acting and editing skills. Please take care of it:

His Weibo is concise and straightforward, but it is a powerful

expression of his position and intention of protection between
intentional and unintentional, which has caused many people in the
industry to stop thinking.

Since then, his family and friends have clearly stated their positions,
making people dare not to act arbitrarily on Dai Ruohan.

"Gu Qin: Brother new movie. @" I want to find you ""

"Haiden Longman: Repair the water pipes and start cooking, cooking
porridge and doing housework ... I can do it all well :)."

"Gu's Pictures: Su Tan, who once worked with Gu's Pictures to create"
Expedition Notes ", has released a new movie! Support!"

Many voices of solidarity immediately silenced those who had a

different kind of suppressing thoughts on Dai Ruohan.
In the past, no one mentioned it anymore, and even the media kept a
tacit silence. Instead, the news of the poor starring performance of the
starring actor in "Interstellar Tracking" was instantly spit out from the
bottom up by netizens. , Sweeping the entire current network

However, one week after it was released, "Star Tracker" 's daily box
office top position was flipped over by "I Want to Find You" and the
total box office was about to be surpassed again.

The situation was critical, and within the crew of "Interstellar", it was
also rare to bring the film's creative team together again for a private
emergency research meeting.

There was a silence in the studio, and everyone was shocked to speak
at the box office figures.

Shocked for the first middle-aged man, his voice was silent, and he
seemed to be emotional and smiled bitterly: "I watched the movie" I
want to find you ", what is so good about it?"

He is the biggest investor behind the film, paying huge price for the
film, and naturally cannot accept the fact that the box office of Star
Tracker is about to be attacked by a newcomer and a new film.

Sitting here today is also an emergency meeting for countermeasures.

Every effort is made to figure out how to prevent the scene of "I want
to find you" from coming back.
However, the question he asked was a stumbling block for everyone.

The first time "I Want to Find You" was released and the box office
gradually rose, many of the creators of the "Interstellar Track" crew
were undeniably shocked by the box office quickly swept up by this
movie, and also went to the cinema for the first time. Up this movie.

However, after watching them, they seemed to be full of self-

confidence in "Interstellar Tracking", which made them sneer at the "I
want to find you", an alternative action film full of mystery and step-
by-step secrets. .

In their opinion, the film "I want to find you" does not have the
necessary elements of a commercial action genre fire.

Dazzling large-scale special effects, powerful scenes of hundreds of

crowd scenes, high-profile random appearances bring countless
surprises and fan popularity of big-name guest actors ...

None of the above conditions exist in the film "I want to find you".
Even the key battles between the righteous and evil villains, which are
indispensable in commercial action blockbusters, have disappeared,
which can be said to be an alternative to action movies.

But it is just such a movie that doesn't follow the usual path. It won a
huge and incredible box office in the smashing summer season, and
beautifully created a box office myth.

Such achievements made the crew of "Interstellar Track" envious and

jealous, almost hating home.
A young screenwriter heard his questioning and hesitated to
conclude: "Maybe the audience is tired of popcorn heroes and loves
this unusual style of film."

The editor said: "The editing is remarkable, the whole picture is

concise and clear, and the scenes of some scenes can be comparable to
large landscapes, and the use of color is extremely accurate."

Special Effects Specialist: "Although there are no splendid large-scale

special effects scenes, but the protagonist's hands-on performance is
more lethal for many enthusiastic male audiences."

The casting director talked about the most critical issues. "The starring
role was so good, no one expected ... it would be Dai Ruohan who
disappeared for so many years and re-acted."

As soon as this word was spoken, the entire studio room was silent
for a moment.

All of you here are insiders who have been in the entertainment
industry for many years. Dai Ruohan, who won many new director
awards at the beginning of his directing, was naturally impressed.

He also heard and witnessed his subsequent disappearance and ban.

Many people once felt that Dai Ruohan was a pity when he heard the
news. Some regrets that such a talented new director has not been
embarked on the director's road to show his fist, he was blocked in the
But such things are common in the entertainment industry. While
many insiders sighed, they could only mourn a few words, leaving
this person behind.

It never occurred to me that after many years, Dai Ruohan would

cooperate with Su Tan, film and star in "I Want to Find You", and
announced his return thoroughly.
This is simply a comeback!

The crew in the crew of "Interstellar Tracking" was silent, but their
hearts flickered through the particularly shocking emotions all of a
sudden, and they suddenly turned into complex bitter smiles.

And even if they are reluctant to admit it, the hot screening of "I want
to find you" has become an unstoppable violent trend, which has
swept an unparalleled storm in the entire movie market.

Everyone in the crew can almost imagine that the rest of the summer
season is being dominated by "I want to find you".

Jude Guff exhaled deeply and looked up at the crowd. "How about
filming now?"

Right now, in terms of word-of-mouth and freshness, Interstellar

Tracking is no longer able to match the popularity of "I Want to Find
You". It can only be used in theaters to make use of Jude Guff's many
years of connections and huge entertainment circles. The network,
winning as many theater films as possible, thus squeezing the
screening of "I Want to Find You".

This is their last line of defense.

If even this line of defense would be lost, then their movie box office
declared a complete failure.

The crew of "Interstellar Track" is seriously serious, and everyone is

waiting. The producers have already contacted the major theater lines,
and nodded vigorously and replied, "Relax, we are definitely number

Jude Goff nodded, his face solemn.

"Okay, then wait for the box office tonight."

For all the fans and film industry people this night, it was a difficult
night to sleep peacefully.

"Interstellar Tracking" and "I Want to Find You" were released at the
same time. In the early stage, with the strong appeal of director Jude
Guff and the joining guest appearances of many well-known stars, a
powerful movie viewing storm was brewed on the Internet, attracting
countlessly Audiences who like Jude Guff's unique commercial genre
action movies walk into the cinema and pay for the movie.

And relying on this background, "Interstellar Tracking" has a strong

momentum as soon as it is released, no doubt

Suspectedly won the first day box office championship.

In the eyes of everyone, this is another rising blockbuster movie
directed by Jude Goff in history. It is destined to give Jude Guff a
glorious director history.

But no one expected that, at the same time as "Star Trek" box office hit,
a "I want to find you" hit the siege as a dark horse.

Word of mouth, box office, number of moviegoers, influence ... slowly

fermented, until tonight it has completely become the box office
decisive battle of two movies.

The daily box office rankings will publicize the latest box office data of
the day in real time. According to the big data of the professional
cinema line website, the box office of Star Tracker and I Want to Find
You the day before has already fallen by 20 million.

This data is not much, not much. It completely pulls the box office
distance of the two movies close at hand, and even puts the status of
the box office hegemony of Star Track.

Just tonight, can the total box office of "I Want to Find You" surpass
"Interstellar Tracking" in one fell swoop, and it has become a huge
suspense for everyone on the Internet and in the film industry.

Countless people have difficulty falling asleep, waiting anxiously for

the zero-point box office data.

Jude Guff was tense.

Many people in the movie industry are paying attention to this fierce
box office counterattack.

Hundreds of entertainment media reporters' websites are ready to go.

Two very different shocking titles have already been drawn up, and
they are excitedly waiting for the results to be released.

Numerous movie fans, viewers, and netizens are even more excited
and look forward to waiting for a beautiful counterattack.

At one time, countless hot news came one after another.

"According to industry insiders," Interstellar Tracking "has a filming

rate of up to 60%, and we will do our best to curb the rise of" I Want to
Find You. "

"I want to find you" has a very high attendance rate, and many fans
and netizens have heard the news and are eager to witness this
counterattack! "

"The biggest dark horse in history is about to be released? Take a look

at the top ten films that have reversed the box office this summer,
and" I want to find you "is the undisputed best!"


Even if Jude Gough made every effort to mobilize the maximum

connections and resources in the circle, and fully increased the star
rating of "Interstellar" from 40% to 60%, occupying the largest number
of movie shows in all theaters, but netizens The enthusiasm for
watching movies is hard to stop.

For many movie fans, the rise of the box office counterattack of "I
want to find you" is not only a major event for the film crew, but also
a great event for countless netizens and fans to participate in.

Every box office, every movie ticket, and every contribution of the
post-viewing comments, has made countless netizens and movie fans
witness the realization of the film's step-by-step counterattack, which
will eventually shake the well-known director Jude Goff The book
"Interstellar Tracking".

This kind of personal testimony has made countless film fans have a
sense of immersive participation, and increasingly has unparalleled
support and enthusiasm for the new film of Sutan, which is near the
main box office of Star Tracker.

"Little Fairy: Three Brushes Achieved! Tonight, I stand for the

University of Soudai! Full support to the end!"

"Lonely Star Trek: Watching" I'm going to find you "from the box
office in the beginning, to the counterattack later, to the current big
explosion, I believe many people are as complicated and excited as I
am. This In the summer, we have created a movie event that
remembers history! "

"Orange-flavored soda: Only one step away. Tonight, I will take my

family and young children to the cinema to brush it again. I am
looking forward to seeing with my own eyes the old director
commercial blockbuster movie being attacked by small-cost action
movies [happy]."

"Yijiang Reedu: Come here, bring me a movie! Let's make an


"Every night: I'm Su Da and Dai Dao's tap water, I have to call for
both of them!"


In all the Internet, forums, and post buildings, as long as you look
around, you can see many netizens and movie fans spontaneously
promote the movie "I want to find you".

The enthusiastic response to the call of the Qiben Cinema to help the
box office, so many netizens and movie fans went into the cinema to
contribute to the box office for "I want to find you."

At this moment, the box office battle is no longer a film's sake, but a
commercial hero action film leader completely encounters Waterloo,
defeated by new-minded new-minded movies with a fresh idea and
new shooting methods. The box office battle of the Jedi counterattack
just fits the psychology that many netizens love, making "I want to
find you" become the incarnation of many netizens challenging the
routine commercial blockbusters.

As the zero point approaches, the self-enthusiastic support of such

netizens has become increasingly fierce, and Jude Guff, who noticed
this, slowly developed a bad feeling in his heart.
He waited restlessly in the working room. Downstairs was a
celebration banquet prepared by the staff. After the zero-hour box
office results were released, a warm celebration would be held.

At this moment, Jude Goff was wearing a banquet dress, but it was
difficult for him to sit downstairs and talk with the crew.

Even though he has already contacted the leader of the multi-party

cinema line, he has firmly seized the filming rate and completely
blocked the way out of "I want to find you", but his heart still feels a
little uneasy, and a little bad instinct is always depressed. The shroud
that surrounds him makes it difficult for him to relax.

For so many years, this is the first time in the memory of his movie

Jude Guff took a deep breath, clenched the wine glass in his hand, and
shook the crystal rose wine shake in the transparent glass, exuding a
beautiful luster, but he glanced without any thought.

His gaze was fixed on the daily box office release website, and he
calmly watched the time spent a minute and a second, moving closer
to zero.

Until only a few tens of seconds from the zero point-

Suddenly, the ringtone of his communication ringing in the silent

studio room suddenly sounded abruptly, which seemed to signal
some bad feelings.
Jude Guff took a deep breath and took the call.

Just listen. On the other side of the communication is his friend who
has been in the cinema box office statistics website for many years. At
this time, he was anxious and shouted anxiously: "The box office
results are out, I will inform you in advance-"

Hearing this sentence, Jude Goff suddenly felt a shock, involuntarily

gripped the edge of the table, his fingers clenched tightly.


There was a rare tremor in his voice, and even if he tried to suppress
his emotions, he could not avoid the slightest fluctuation.

The old friend was also anxious, his voice annoyed and regretted, and
he hurriedly said in a low voice: "The result is not good, you should
prepare early."

Before his words fell, Jude Goff suddenly saw that the computer time
in front of him passed 00:00, the daily box office webpage suddenly
refreshed, and the latest box office data yesterday came out fresh.


With a total box office of 12.9 billion, "I Want to Find You"
leapfrogged "Star Tracker" and firmly occupied the top spot of the
total box office of the day.
At this moment, Jude Guff's breathing was stagnant and his eyes were

At the same time, Su Tan also received an update.

"Haiden: Bet on success, vacation together?"

Sutan couldn't help laughing.

"it is good."

——It is said that resorts are generally on the sunny seashore. Should
he prepare a swimsuit :-D?


"I Will Find You" won the total box office championship of the same
period, a strong counterattack! "

"Dark horses in the summer are coming out! Jude Guff's action
blockbuster loses to Sutan's new movie and is turned over by a small-
cost movie!"

"The popularity of movies has risen sharply, and Sutan's worth has

Numerous hot news headlines followed, swarming up, making "I

want to find you" all over the movie market.

As the biggest investor in this movie, Su Tan also made a lot of

money, and his value has soared several times. He has become the
biggest beneficiary of the movie box office, even Jude Goff also looks

As soon as the new box office championship was released, the entire
network and entertainment circle was greatly shaken.

Newcomers, new films and box office counterattacks of well-known

well-known directors, in the industry's view, not only the reason for
the box office difference, but also caused a lively discussion.

——What does the audience like to watch?

In a short time, all the analysis hot posts came out one after another,
focusing on the reasons for the success of "I want to find you",
especially the comprehensive and summary of Dai Ruohan's smooth
and unique directing editing method and the setting of novel and
innovative scripts.

The more analysis, the more it feels amazing. It is as if it is

inadvertently bringing together the talented director of Dai Ruohan
and the unusual writer of Su Tan, which has led us to create such a
team. A completely new movie style that is completely different from
the current commercial routines of the fire.

As a result, countless moviegoers responded enthusiastically and

strongly supported Su Tan and Dai Ruohan to cooperate again in a
new film.

Movie fans' voices were very high. On the other side, Su Tan and Dai
Ruohan had reached a tacit understanding before the movie was
released. They jointly established a new movie studio, and reached a
cooperation agreement simply and easily.

"I want to find you" is the first work produced by their studio.
Because of this work, their movie studios also became a hit and made
a name in the circle.

Su Tan, who received a large box office account, issued a large red
envelope to all crew members, and then allocated a special fund to
anonymously donate to the Imperial College and the screenwriter.

In order to make a new movie, he spent very little time in school this
whole semester, and apologized to the teachers and professors, so he
anonymously donated a grant.

He did nothing about it, except for his agent, Lance, who knew
nothing about it.

However, Su Tan's soaring price due to the movie box office hot, was
ridiculed by many others. Sutan, who became the owner of the big
gold, was the first to book a luxury seaside vacation and travel with
his big cousin.
This rare long vacation made Hayden look forward to it. He had
finished his work early, and vacated the entire vacation. With Sutan,
he set off on a flight to the most prestigious seaside resort of Starcraft.

He deliberately sent a message to Royal Guards housekeeper Oleson

in advance, asking the other party not to disturb his two-person world
during this time.

Two people world.

Hayden is in a happy mood and has a high degree of interest. He

planned the vacation schedule early, and even the hotel where he
stayed greeted him in advance, asking the other party not to disturb
their "morning break" for the reason of honeymoon of the newcomers.

The hotel is of course very good.

Everything is well prepared. A week later, Hayden took the suitcase

and stepped out of the interplanetary flight with Sutan, arrived at the
hotel, and settled into a sweet double king-size luxury suite with

This luxurious suite is not only spacious and bright, but also has great
views. It also has a top-level plunge pool on its own. The dazzling
water waves glowed in the sun with a beautiful and charming luster,
so Hayden couldn't help feeling good, and dragged Sutan into the
water first.
Taking advantage of Sutan's effort to wash, Hayden threw the suitcase
into the closet, and then changed his swimming trunks.

Hayden raised his lips and smiled, ready to open sparkling

champagne and two wine glasses, waiting for Su Tan to come out of
the bathroom, throwing people into the pool to play.

Unexpectedly, just before Sutan came out of the bathroom, the

doorbell of the room suddenly rang.

Listening to the crisp and bright doorbell, Hayden raised his

eyebrows, a little surprised. He had long told that the hotel should not
be disturbed, and he had put on the door of Do Not Disturb. What
was going on?

He stepped forward and opened the door.

Never thought--

"Brother Hayden!"

Outside the door, there stood the Suning family of robots. Dr. Shu and
the robotic dad were all dressed for a relaxing vacation, and Shu Heng
was holding a small robot in his arms, smiling and beckoning at him.

Hayden stood at the door.

He was still awkwardly wearing swimming trunks, showing the

smooth and strong muscles of his upper body and half body. He was
embraced by the robot Suning enthusiastically and then squeezed into
the door of the double sweet luxury suite from him.

"What's the matter ?!" Suning rushed into the room warmly, "son!"

Hayden: "..."

With the help of my family, Sutan's vacation is extremely pleasant.

Not only did the Dad's family come to the beach for vacation, the little
robot Da Da became Su Tan's little tail, holding his hand obediently,
no matter where he went.

Su Tan smiled and touched his brother's head, so that Abba and Dr.
Shu could easily go on vacation together, and simply took Da Da to
hang out on the beach.

This made Hayden, who had already carefully planned the world of
the two, but was upset by the rhythm, and shook his head and

He can only kiss Sutan secretly when he has fallen asleep, making
Sutan funny.

When the little tail finally got tired of visiting the seaside scenery, he
turned around and leaned next to Suning and Shu Heng, Hayden
breathed a big sigh of relief, and ambitiously prepared to continue the
vacation for two people.

Unexpectedly, Gu Qin's elder brother Gu Qin came again.

Hayden: "..."

The sweet sandy beach and seaside vacation of the two of them in the
world turned into a lively family gathering in a short time. The sticky
dad, enthusiastic father, and caring brother Gu Qin, almost left
Hayden alone with Su Tan. .

It wasn't until the end of the holiday that Hayden took the
opportunity and took Sutan to quickly set off on a speedboat for a day
trip to the next island.

This time, there were only two people.

With a smile, Su Tan watched the big cousin take over the speedboat
from the staff, and took the responsibility of taking the helm by
himself, taking him to ride the wind and waves on the sea.

The warm and brilliant sun, the beautiful blue waves, and the slightly
salty and humid sea breeze all make people feel very beautiful.

Hayden's arms were half-naked, and the smooth muscle lines glowed
brilliantly in the sun, making people almost unable to look away.

At this moment, he was sitting behind the rudder and focused on

controlling the speedboat. His confident and powerful appearance
made him even more impressed.

Su Tan couldn't help laughing, completely relaxed.

Unexpectedly, the speedboat approached the beautiful uninhabited
island and stopped suddenly. The engine stopped suddenly a few
meters away from the shore.

Seeing this scene, Su Tan looked up in surprise and asked, "What's


Hayden glanced down at the dial and engine equipment, tapped and
fiddled twice, and said with regret: "The engine has failed, and we
may be here tonight."

Sutan :? ? ?

Looking at his big cousin's calm brow, he suddenly couldn't help

laughing. "tonight?"

Hayden calmly responded, "Tonight."

Su Tan smiled even more, teasing with a smile: "I remember ...
someone even repaired the spacecraft engine and said that he was a

The words didn't fall, and suddenly he was carried sideways and
hugged the spaceship in the warm waves and sunlight.

Su Tan's holiday was extremely pleasant. On the other side, Dai

Ruohan, who was busy with the rest of the release of the movie "I'm
going to find you", was also busy.
The box office of "I Want to Find You" has become an unexpected
miracle for everyone. This movie not only surpassed the commercial
movie blockbuster director Jude Guff's new film "Interstellar Track" at
the box office, but Deservedly won the summer box office

Even if several powerful and popular movie works were subsequently

screened, it did not exceed the box office record set by "I Want to Find
You" this summer.

This result has greatly exceeded everyone's expectations. Even many

insiders and media in the movie industry's entertainment industry did
not expect this grand occasion, and it made many netizens and fans
who like this movie excited and excited, and the whole nation

At present, besides the title of best-selling author, Su Tan has the title
of "most anticipated newcomer screenwriter".

Dai Ruohan, who was in charge of directing and starring in the movie
"I Want to Find You", became famous for a while, and was evaluated
by countless netizens as "an outstanding director who is late in his
career", "exceeded the strength of actors", "the most affectionate
attraction The role of people "and so on, made Dai Ruohan's name
completely popular in the movie industry.

At the appointed time, invitations to invite him to various interviews,

events or banquets came.
The old cat studio that Su Tan and Dai Ruohan established separately
is even more famous.

Dai Ruohan knew that Su Tan was still a student, and it was not easy
for him to run up and down in the crew for more than half a year. At
this time, he took the initiative to take on many of the work of the film
studio, and took most of the work in the studio to himself. On the

The positioning of their studio is very accurate, aiming at the film

market, and strive to come up with more good works, occupy a place
in the film market.

And Dai Ruohan is best at his own directorship. He has disappeared

from the entertainment industry for a full ten years, but he has never
let go of the director 's passion for his love, and used this entire ten
years to concentrate on polishing his director skills.

Until now, it can be said that his director's kung fu has been honed in

Therefore, after the hot sale of "I want to find you", Dai Ruohan did
not rush to accept new films of the same type at will, and continued to
use the popularity of "I want to find you" to make money, but more
carefully selected the script of the new movie.

He knew very well that for a director, the work was not so much.
Without a good script, he would rather not shoot.

"I want to find you" dominated the entire summer season, created the
history of the most incredible box office counterattack in history, and
made Dai Ruohan and Su Tan jointly established the "Old Cat" movie

At the same time, many newcomers and old screenwriters from the
movie circle who have no nationality in the film industry have rushed
to invest in scripts for this hottest movie studio. I hope that the "Old
Cat" studio will be wise and fancy. Their script.

Every day, only the script outlines received by the "Old Cat" studio
mailbox are innumerable.

Dai Ruohan carefully browsed down one by one and found that there
are still few who can have filming value. The largest number is still
the usual routine script in the current movie market, which pleases
the audience, but there is nothing new and bright.

This made Dai Ruohan disappointed, and he was more careful in the
selection of the screenplay.

At this time, an unknown new script was quietly delivered to the

mailbox of the old cat studio.

one day later.

Su Tan, who is on a sunny beach vacation, suddenly received a

message from Dai Ruohan, with only a simple sentence in the

"Old Dai: I found a good script!"

Su Tan looked at the end of the exclamation mark and raised his
eyebrows in an interesting way. When he and Dai Ruohan came into
contact, he found that the direction is calm and unswerving, which
can make Dai Ruohan's script so exciting.

He curiously opened the script sent by Dai Ruohan, and found that
the screenwriter's name was a completely unknown newcomer, and
he had never participated in the writing of any film or film and
television work before.

This made Sutan more curious.

He raised his eyebrows and looked down the first line of the script,
and unexpectedly found that the newcomer's pen is very experienced.
There is no nonsense from the first word, and he frankly cuts directly
into the background and plot of the story. It is quite good.

The setting of the story is even more distinctive.


Imperial Capital Xingchang Street 165.

I stood in front of the door of the apartment for the 32nd time and
watched an accident about to happen three minutes later.

But I was continuously involved in this time and space, over and over,
endless ... "
Looking at this unusual beginning, Su Tan suddenly straightened
from a lazy and relaxing beach chair, and suddenly realized why Dai
Ruohan was so excited to send a message to himself.

This script is indeed a fresh type of script that is different from the
usual routine film mode.

The outline of the entire script is very simple, but 30,000 words, it took
less than half an hour to read it. But until he saw the last line of the
script, his thoughts were still immersed in the plot, and he couldn't
extricate himself for a long time.

From the beginning, this script is typically a time-traveling genre, or

the protagonist repeatedly appears at the same time node, modifying
the past through various actions and methods, thereby avoiding the
upcoming danger.

But as you read on, Su Tan connected the entire storyline from
beginning to end, only to discover that the story was not as simple as
she first imagined.

Any subtle behavior of the protagonist in each crossing causes a

change in time and space like a "winged butterfly", thus changing the
future direction little by little.

Such subtle changes are even hardly noticeable, and the

foreshadowing is deep and numerous. Many story details seem to be
inadvertent, but they can always cause a wonderful chemical reaction
at the most appropriate time, so that people who see the script
suddenly have a sudden realization. a feeling of.
The logic, complexity, and speculativeness produced a subtle and
incomparable beauty. After reading it, people can only breathe a sigh
of relief and admire the script writer.

Su Tan closed the last page of the script, pondered for a long time, and
smiled and responded to Dai Ruohan.

"Good script, sign!"

Such a script is a rare good script for the current film industry, and Su
Tan is curious about the author of this script.

He asked Dai Ruohan: "This is really written by an unknown

newcomer? The logic is meticulous, the pen is sophisticated, the
structure is clever, and it is exactly like an old screenwriter's work."

He reads throughout the article, both in terms of words and in the

logic of the story. He is very skilled and proficient. It is not like a
newcomer who has just started and has no experience or works.
Instead, he is carefully polished like an old screenwriter. Good work.

Hearing his question, I saw Dai Ruohan on the communicator smiling.

"After seeing you, I won't be surprised by the talented screenwriter.
Tomorrow I will meet with him at an appointment and hope to sign
this talented new screenwriter to our studio."

Su Tan nodded in agreement and gave him all power.

A few days later, Dai Ruohan came the news. He regretted that he did
not sign the new writer who insisted on independent creation, but
reached a script cooperation agreement with the other party and
formally bought the ownership of the script.

For the first new script purchased by Lao Mao Studio, Dai Ruohan
took it seriously, specially promoted it on the official Weibo of the
studio, and officially announced the launch of a new movie project,
which aroused the enthusiasm of fans of "I want to find you"

Many netizens and movie fans are looking forward to Dai Dao and Su
Tan being able to work together to create an excellent work again, and
provide a visual feast for the movie fans.

After repeated discussions and revisions, the new script finally took
shape. Su Tan also enthusiastically propagated a wave on his personal

"Sutan: New script / It's very interesting, very fresh and creative, I saw
it before you guys: -D."

Such a beating attitude almost made his book fans and fans tickle and
hate and commented enthusiastically.

"Soft cute dolphin: Big, come here, watch me not kill you!"

"Kolabao: Prince Prince, the stupid child who controls your family!"
"Fishing on the galaxy: !!! Very good, Su Da, you successfully caught
my attention, let's say, when will the movie be released? I will prepare
my wallet in advance."

"Dark Night Rose: Hey ~"


With enthusiastic comments, in a short time, the news that Su Tan is

about to start a new movie has become a hot topic, and it has also
attracted the attention of many journalists in the entertainment

What was the theme of the new movie script for a while? What's new
and interesting settings? What a new story would it be?

The many curiosities and concerns raised by the new script

successfully made this new movie famous, and made it before it was

Su Tan, who finally ended his vacation mode, officially embarked on

his return journey.

On the other side, Dai Ruohan, who was busy determining the new
screenplay, also began to rush to the Star Film Association to set up a
project to prepare for many issues of the new film.

Everything is moving forward in an orderly manner with the

enthusiastic expectations of fans and netizens.
Until the entertainment media suddenly broke the alarm-

"Old Cat Studio's new movie script is copied!"

The news immediately caused a stir in the entire network and

entertainment circles.

"Every night: plagiarism?"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Impossible!"

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: Su Da and Dai Dao cannot do
such a thing, absolutely not, is it wrong?"

For film and television circles, "plagiarism" is almost the most severe
crime. Whenever this label is applied, no matter how well-known a
well-known director or screenwriter, it will be completely infamous
and fall.

Therefore, when the plagiarized news of Su Tan and Dai Ruohan

broke out, netizens were upset and did not believe it, but the news
broke out by the media was wave after wave, and the evidence was
directly exposed.

"Daily Entertainment News: Su Tan and Dai Ruohan's new film

project was rejected because it is extremely similar to another new
"Emperor Entertainment Vane: The script similarity is 99%, is it
plagiarism or coincidence?"

"Headline of the day: There is a difference of three days between the

project establishment and the project establishment. In terms of time,
the new Dai Dao film that applied for project establishment is indeed
suspected of plagiarism."


The media who smelled the rush of hot news even released two very
similar movie project plans, from the storyline and the main line, it is
indeed very close.

What is even more surprising is that the story of this new script is
different from the general genre-type movies full of streets in the
market. It is a completely new and unique new story. It is impossible
to justify the term of collision and routine.

The film crew who set up a project three days earlier than Lao Mao
Studio, but the script signature is a well-known veteran screenwriter
in the film and television circle, and the director is also a solid director
in the film and television circle, who has been playing for many years.

For their new film, they also applied for a low-key project, and there
was not much publicity.

No matter from word of mouth or from the motivation of speculation,

there is no need to frame the old cat studio.
From the time before and after applying for the project, the old cat
studio is not dominant for a while. If you don't give strong evidence,
you can't get rid of the suspicion of plagiarism.

Countless corroborative and script-based analysis of the script's main

line of analysis of the application was posted publicly. The original
netizens who had doubts also reversed immediately. Su Tan and Dai
Ruohan were caught in a crisis of crisis of public opinion.

As soon as Su Tan returned to the imperial capital and reached the

door of the old cat studio, he saw countless media squatting outside
the door. He walked around and entered the door from the back door.

There were only Dai Ruohan and Dai Ming and his sons in the studio,
but their telephones kept ringing one after another. The office
telephones on the desk were ringing loudly, the sounds were sharp
and harsh, and the interview phone calls were kept ringing. Come in.

Su Tan stepped forward and unplugged the telephone line. Dai

Ruohan and Deming also turned off the communicator completely at
the appropriate time, allowing the room to calm down temporarily.

He took a deep breath, leaning against a table, and asked directly:

"How is the situation now?"

Unsurprisingly, the current situation of the old cat studio is not only
bad, it can be said that it has encountered the worst situation.

Dai Ruohan's face was ugly, and Shen Sheng replied: "The new
screenwriter who sold the script was not found, and the surveillance
video of the cafe he met with was also deleted early."
"My trustee checked the Star Film Association and it was indeed
earlier than us for the other crew to apply for a new film."

"The other film crew is ready to sue us for plagiarism."

"I think ..." Dai Ruohan exhaled heavily, his voice sternly, "We
encountered a fairy jump."

Regardless of the almost completely similar scripts, or the new

screenwriters who are suddenly silent and disappear, they are most
likely to be maliciously framed by people with intentions.

Now, like dumb eating Huanglian, he watched as he fell into a

dangerous trap, but could not find a way to escape.

Dai Ruohan narrowed his eyes, and his expression was bitter and

The old cat studio was born, occupying the movie box office of most
of the summer, and has moved the cheese of countless people in the
industry. The power to look at their studio is not small.

And he has the hard enemy who has been forced to kill for ten years,
but he doesn't know who is the one who framed them now?

"It's my fault," Dai Ruohan admitted voluntarily. "I shouldn't be so

Hearing the current crisis situation of the old cat studio, Su Tan was
extremely calm, nodding quietly, without much surprise on his face.

He patted Dai Ruohan's shoulder, and said in a rare tone, easily

relieved, "Don't blame yourself too much. I also watched the script
and didn't notice any problems at the time."

Because of this, the enemies in the dark have seized their mentality of
looking for a good script, and set up such a meticulous and huge trap,
even involving the veteran director and screenwriter of the other

Such a method is simply a careful calculation of everything in

advance, and it may even take up to several months.

Su Tan laughed and laughed and said, "It was a beautiful trap. I think
this story is even more novel and interesting than our script."

Hearing this, Dai Ruohan couldn't help laughing.

Indeed, reality is even more incredible than the plot woven by the

He exhaled deeply and looked towards Sutan. The bad news one after
another over the past few days has caused him to stay up all night
long, unable to close his eyes, and huge regrets and guilt swept the
whole body like a tide.

At the moment, even if it is a glorious show in the summer movie, Dai

Ruohan, who is called by many fans as the most affectionate and
charming man, can hardly hide the fatigue and burnt on his face at
this time.

A sudden trap left him struggling.

"I think so." Dai Ruohan grinned with a bitter lip, raised his neckline
and tore away, looking at the messy phone, newspaper, pen and
paper on the studio table, his eyes stared.

"Now there is too much unfavorable evidence, we have too little

information, and it takes time to verify, and time ... the last thing the
public opinion media will wait for us is time."

He has experienced ups and downs in the film industry for so many
years. He has seen countless actors, directors, and behind-the-scenes
personnel. He was forced to withdraw because of an unconfirmed
rumor that slandered his reputation overnight, and even had no
chance to defend. Things in the entertainment industry.

Unexpectedly, such difficulties are now facing them.

Dai Ruohan remembers that since he was valued by Su Tan again and
returned to the film industry, he has created a hot summer box office
champion film from his hands. This amazing experience is like a

And now--
"Although there was no surveillance video when we met to sign the
contract, the contract has been signed and there are handwritings on
it, but the person cannot be found most of the time."

While sorting out his thoughts, Dai Ruohan combed and found out
the information and information he had found in these days. "If
strong evidence is not available now, I'm afraid it will not be easy for
public opinion to come back."

"Evidence." Dai Ruohan sighed deeply. "The most important thing for
us now is how to get evidence to convince the majority of netizens."

"Now the call for us to come forward to explain is very strong, there is
no time for us to wait."

After the script plagiarism took place, but one day, online public
opinion has fermented vigorously, completely forming a fire and
water situation.

All netizens are anxiously waiting for the response from the old cat
studio, and there is no time to continue the delay.

But now with a signed contract and a vanished liar writer, it is

difficult to convince the public anyway. Because of this, Dai Ruohan
did not allow the studio to respond.

Come forward, you will be questioned; if you do n't come forward,

you will still be framed for plagiarism.

Right now, the old cat studio has fallen into a dilemma, riding a tiger.
Dai Ruohan's concerns are obvious, and Su Tan is also very aware of
this. He did not hesitate and thought for a moment, and said frankly:
"Our response is not as generous as it is to be realistic.

Since there is no good way, instead of trying to figure out words to

find ways to relieve their responsibilities, they should simply lay out
everything they encountered in front of netizens.

Su Tan smiled brightly and said to Dai Ruohan: "It's true in the end,
we are also victims. Why do we have to find a way to make up the

Dai Ruohan was immediately shocked by this remark, but there was
no better way to think about it.

He took a deep breath and answered with a deep voice. "Okay, I'll
write an announcement."

"Those who are tampering behind-" Dai Ruohan looked at him with
heavy eyes. Anyone who takes care of these bad things, first of all
wants to find the black hands behind the scenes, and hold them
accountable for framed slander.

Especially now, the other party has set a huge trap for them by using
script copying as a means to simply put them to death.

Dai Ruohan was unwilling to let go of him easily. As soon as his

words were asked, Su Tan smiled suddenly.
"No matter who is behind us, the goal is to get us out of this business."
Su Tan said clearly and clearly.

Although he doesn't know who the person who set up this dangerous
trap was, or who he came to, but from the current situation, the other
party definitely wants to gather the majority of netizens and the
media to plagiarize them. The stigma, and thus its reputation, was
forced to withdraw from the film industry.

But the more this happened, the more Su Tan didn't want to make the
other person happy.

He smiled Shulang with firm eyes, as if he hadn't been disturbed by

the incident and disturbed his pace. He calmly said, "The more so, the
more I want to go against them. It doesn't matter if a script is gone,
We still have countless good scripts to film. Why waste time on these
small things that are deliberately discredited? "

Listening to his calm and calm tone, Dai Ruohan suddenly hesitated
to find that he had been brought into traps and traps by his opponent,
and he couldn't help himself.

The original intention of their studio was to shoot more good works,
not to deal with these framed slanders, and they should not be
stymied by these things.

Dai Ruohan took a deep breath, his eyes firmed. He looked up at Su

Tan, only to see Su Tan smiled at him, his face was not shocked, no
Su Tan resolutely said, "As long as we produce good, more and better
movies, we can naturally prove our strength with works, so that these
rumors of plagiarism can not be broken."

As soon as his voice fell, Dai Ruohan immediately understood his

thoughts, and could not help but stir up a stir in his heart.

Indeed, if someone who can easily write a best-selling novel, why

copy a primary school birthday and sell it out? Waste your talent and
stink your reputation? There is no need to do this at all!

Even if netizens and the media do not believe that they have been
framed, as long as they can get better and better movie works, all the
doubts will disappear.

"it is good!"

Dai Ruohan nodded vigorously, shaking his head with a bitter smile:
"When I met and signed the contract, I kept a heart and recorded the
meeting. This may be the last evidence in our hands."

Upon hearing this, Su Tan's eyes popped up, and she couldn't help
thinking of other ideas.

The overcast atmosphere in the studio was finally swept away.

Later, the tone of the studio's work has been set. Even Dai Ruohan,
who is so busy these days working to find evidence, can't help but
breathe a sigh of relief, feeling finally calm down.

He quickly wrote the studio announcement, discussed it with Su Tan,

and then made all the things in front of him public, and then posted it
on Weibo.

Regardless of how netizens would react, Dai Ruohan finally breathed

a sigh of relief, and finally relieved himself from the state of

Until this time, Su Tan did not have the opportunity to deal with this
matter previously pitted by the script. He looked at the calendar and
silently estimated the period from the signing of the script contract
two weeks ago to the plagiarism nowadays.

Suddenly, his fingers fell on today's date.

Without looking back, he suddenly said with a smile: "I thought of a

new movie idea."

This sentence was a sudden one, and surprised Dai Ruohan. "New

Su Tan turned back with a slight smile, his eyes staring at him
brightly. "Our new movie is better to make this crisis, to investigate
and decipher the case and to chase the murderer, and turn this storm
of public opinion completely into the home of the new film!"
Dai Ruohan was shocked, and he felt an incredible feeling in his heart.

Seeing Su Tan's eyes were extremely serious.

"Since they want to play a big one, we might as well accompany them
to the end. See who can persevere in the eyes of the eyes and the
enthusiasm of the netizens for participating in the investigation?"

At this point, listening to this incredible idea, Dai Ruohan has

imagined from his words that countless netizens were attracted by the
new movie, and the whole nation set off a enthusiasm for
investigating the case. All of a sudden, he couldn't help but stir in his

"it is good!"

"Let's make this for our new movie!"


"Trap ?!"

After the release of the old Weibo of the old cat studio on the script
plagiarism, it immediately shocked countless water splashes, and
shocked the entire network and the entertainment industry.

In the impression of many people, grabbing the upper stage of the

show, competing for resources, and behind the scenes are all common
things in the entertainment industry, but it is rare for the studio to be
trapped in a script trap.

What's more, in this summer's hot season, Su Tan and Dai Ruohan
jointly established the Old Cat Studio, which is even more

"Sailor Moon: Standing Su Dahe and Dai Dao."

"Orange-flavored soda: It turns out that I have long felt that Su Da

and Dai Dao could not copy the script. Obviously, a hot script like" I
want to find you "was created by Su Tan himself. Does he need to
copy other people?"

"Little Begonia of the Meat Po Family: Same as 1, from the beginning

to the end, I did not believe that Meat Po will be plagiarized. Would
anyone do something so stupid and so easy to be seen?"

"Big Snowman: Don't wash upstairs. The studio only issued a notice
to convince you. Then your trust is really easy. What is the key
evidence? The hard evidence? If you have the ability to take it out

"Endeavoring 10,000 light years: keep watching. To be honest, at

present the old cat studio's statement is just one word, and another
crew first applied for the project but it is a real thing, I hope this is not
an excuse for Su Da."

Suddenly, various opinions diverged. Those who believe, but also
have doubts, make the public opinion on the Internet lively.

Su Tan could not avoid or hide, and came out to speak.

"Su Tan: This incident is indeed our fault. We apologize to the crew of
Time and Space. But we are also the victims. We have already called
the police and have filed a lawsuit. Please be assured that we will give
an account."

His frank confession of wrongdoing made many people feel good.

This practice in the entertainment industry is even more rare.

Since then, many celebrities who have fallen into public opinion in the
entertainment industry have tried their best to phrase their crimes,
especially in such important public announcements, and they cried
with tears or regrets. Want to arouse the pity of the majority of

Have you ever seen someone like Su Tan who confessed his mistakes

For a while, such an unexpected response attitude also made many

lively onlookers who could not help feeling good.

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: Praise Su Da's courage to take

"Every night: No matter what the truth is, this attitude of humility and
frank recognition is far beyond other people. If the truth is true as Su
Da said, then their studio will be a big loser! "

"Black Memorial: Don't blow, don't hack, don't need to apologize,

show proof to us."

"Dark Night Rose: Public information about that liar!"


Previously, the public opinion that condemned the old cat studio
finally turned over.

Dai Ruohan sorted out all the information at hand and uploaded it to
the Internet one by one according to the timeline, explaining in detail
each link and the details of the pit. This was a time-consuming uproar.

Although there are only simple recordings and contract signing

materials, and there are no photos of the parties who cheated to sell
the script, this is enough to shock many netizens who eat melon and
suddenly raise their spirits.

Countless people were ignited by the raging anger, and they

quarreled with the innocent victims of Su Tan and Dai Ruohan.

For a while, hot topics such as "script fraud", "newcomer scammer"

and "fraud scam" made direct headlines on entertainment news. Even
the entire entertainment industry was deeply shaken, and countless
media reporters were shocked.
At the same time, as the details are exposed, more and more in-depth
analysis and doubts follow.

The parties involved in the script setting have disappeared, and the
evidence at the old cat studio can be faked. Is there a "liar newcomer
screenwriter" who has made this acting explosive, or is it a scapegoat
carefully crafted by the old cat studio? What is the truth?

A series of questions surrounds Su Tan and Dai Ruohan tightly,

making countless netizens feel confused and confused, not knowing
how much to believe.

The crew of "Time and Space Flipping" did not move, did not
acknowledge, deny, or express their opinions, and only asked the
lawyer hired by the crew to explain "everything waits for the police."

Such a complicated situation is simply pushing the old cat studio to

the forefront. How famous were Su Tan and Dai Ruohan a while ago,
and now there are many negative controversies.

Even if the truth of the incident is finally found out, the reputation of
the two people will inevitably be tainted with stains, and the new
movie currently being prepared for the project is even more lost.

In this situation, many eye-catching industry insiders in the

entertainment industry could not help but sigh and expressed regret.
In whose opinion, such a crisis of public opinion is enough to push the
newly established Lao Mao Studio, Su Tan, and Dai Ruohan to the
brink of life and death. For a long time, it is doomed to die.

The charges are still difficult to wash off. Other screenwriters and
people in the industry are even afraid to cooperate with them for a
short period of time. No new productions have been released. It has
completely made this blockbuster studio completely disappear from
the entertainment circle.

Even if the truth emerges in the future, the memories of netizens and
the media have already been turned over, and the heat and traffic are
fleeting. Who will pay attention to an outdated studio?

This picture has been expected by many media in the entertainment


However, no one thought that, at this moment, Su Tan suddenly came

forward and spoke loudly and directly.

"Su Tan: Do n't dare to lie, do n't run away! Do n't think that our old
cat studio is so easy to be bullied! It 's better that we take a gamble, the
new movie will use you as the subject matter, reasoning to solve the
case and find the truth. find you."

This sharp and direct statement immediately boiled out countless

questioning public opinion.

Although Su Tan didn't identify the target of speech, no one knew

that he was a blatant declaration of war against a liar writer.
Such a straightforward attitude instantly ignited the blood of many
readers and fans, and inspired them.

"Soft cute dolphin: Burning and burning! Stand up to the end!"

"Kolabao: It's so hot, I like such a rough and direct man."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: The blood is boiling! This time the
incident was too embarrassing. Su Da and Dai Dao were forced to
carry a stigma and dirty water by a villain for no reason. It was too
wrong. Everyone acted together to help find It's really fierce. "

"Interstellar Rangers: Agree upstairs, don't let the real murderer

escape. Relatives and friends of all galaxies unite to block the killer
and bring it to justice!"


Many fans and fans of Sutan responded enthusiastically, trying to

help him solve the case together, arresting the murderer, and causing
a wave of public opinion on the Internet.

But this is obviously not enough.

Sutan burned a second fire.

"Sutan: One thousand interstellar coins will be rewarded for

providing on-site witness evidence. Ten thousand interstellar coins
will be awarded for providing effective related information. One
hundred million interstellar coins will be awarded for directly finding
the killer's positioning!"

The huge number of sky-high prices immediately set off an

unprecedented storm on the Internet.

100 million interstellar coins, for the majority of netizens, is a sky-high

price that will never be touched in a lifetime. If they could get this
billion StarCoins, they could lie in the pile of money and sleep every
day in the second half of their lives.

Time spent, sky-high rewards, and huge rewards instantly ignited the
enthusiasm of many netizens to participate. Even netizens who did
not pay attention to this script plagiarism event, not even Sutan movie
fans and book fans, also took the time to attract attention, facing the
rich The reward is exciting.

There are also many people who have questioned.

"Flow of Hype", "Shifting Sight", "Intentionally marrying a non-

existent person", "Everyone is gone, this money will not be spent at
all, the truth is that the killer simply does not exist", , Resolving crises,
"and other suspicions popped up like mushrooms overnight.

The huge amount of remuneration naturally attracted countless

people, and at the same time made some people just a trap.

In response, Su Tan's response was straightforward.

"Sutan: It's fair."

He said nothing, and directly showed his notarization, official

documents with red stamps and black letters on his Weibo, which
immediately made all the statements about the drama unbreakable.

Moreover, Dai Ruohan organized the entire time, place, event history
and various kinds of evidence from the beginning to the end of the
contact with the newcomer's screenwriter.

They even hired a portraitist at a high price, took a portrait based on

Dai Ruohan's memories and dictation, outlined the image of the
suspect, and posted it online.

The first wave of information disclosed has caused countless netizens

to have a enthusiasm for quizzes and quizzes. It has also caused
netizens who like reasoning to be enthusiastic. It instantly ignited
curiosity and the desire to conquer. Ready to solve the case and get a
hundred million reward.

Such a lively situation immediately engulfed a heat wave of public

participation on the entire interstellar network.

Various online analysis, reasoning, and in-depth investigations of

behavioral motivational stickers have emerged one after another in an
endless stream, letting people on the entire network turn around.

Just as countless people made in-depth analysis, a key piece of

evidence suddenly appeared.
The other party is a humble private Weibo.

"Shell lobster hairy crabs: Weakly raised a hand. At the cafe that day, I
seemed to see the scene where Dai Dao and the liar met. At that time,
I happened to be drinking with my classmates, and the girl heartily
noticed walking into the cafe. The tall, upright and handsome Dai Dao
didn't expect the person sitting opposite him to be a liar. I knew that I
would stop on the spot! "

Under Weibo, I attached a photo of Dai Ruohan's side face that was
sneaked. Although it is not clear who it was to meet with Dai Ruohan,
Dai Ruohan's meeting with people in the cafe was finally confirmed.

After sending this Weibo, the Weibo was quickly lost in the massive
information of Weibo at first, and it was not eye-catching.

The other party also seems to be just holding the idea of trying it out.
@ 了 苏 谭 和 老猫 工作室 's official Weibo, did not expect to be truly
seen and rewarded.

However, I never thought that, after a few hours, when this Weibo
blogger randomly went online to open Weibo, he was shocked by
more than thousands of @Reminder numbers.

"Kolabao: Lightman !!! Microphone! Tell your story-"

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: Girl will be online soon, and I will send
you a red envelope!"
"Every night: Really ?! Do you remember what the scammer looked
like, did you take a positive picture of him?"


Countless private messages, reposts, and @reminders made this

blogger unsuspecting. When she posted the photo, she did not expect
that this Weibo would be noticed by so many netizens. It was
originally that there was one thing that was better than the other. She
did not know the true situation, and did not say what she saw in the
cafe that day. Go out.

After all, she was just a glimpse of Dai Ruohan, she did not overhear
the conversation between the two, and she was not sure whether the
people who met Dai Ruohan were fraudulent scripts in rumors, or a
new screenwriter who framed the old cat studio.

So she never stood up to speak.

It wasn't until Sutan's shockingly rewarding reward was released that

she finally couldn't bear the mood and was a little emotional.

Unexpectedly, the response came so fast and so violently that she was
completely caught by surprise.

One by one, trembling and looking at countless @ 自 己 , asking

questions, and commenting on myself, this "shell lobster hairy crab"
blogger couldn't help but feel a little bit frightened, how could he
never imagine his Weibo within a few hours A large number of
onlookers passed by, almost crowded her Weibo comment area.
Looking at the full number of comments, "Shell Lobster Hairy Crab"
was startling.

She hurriedly logged in to Weibo and responded to several

comments. She explained the events of that day clearly, but at that
time, she only paid attention to them, and could not give any more
information, which made countless netizens extremely frightened.

But even so, a thousand red StarCoin rewards red envelopes were
sent to her Weibo as promised, making "Shell Lobster Hairy Crab"

She really got a reward!

One thousand interstellar coins!

The rewards in hand made her full of surprises. I didn't expect Sutan's
Weibo to collect relevant information at a high price was not a fake.
Immediately, "Shell Lobster Hairy Crab" couldn't help but surprise the
red envelope on Weibo, which stirred up a wave of more netizens to

More and more people are joining the team looking for murderers,
solving puzzles, and enthusiastically want to win the 100 million yuan

This motivated the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the participation of

the situation, so that many media were also shocked, completely
unexpected, completely reverse the previous slump of Su Tan and Lao
Mao Studio.

The plight of the old cat studio finally ushered in a turn for the better.

But more than that, the new movie of the old cat studio was
announced. The film project this time has no script, no outline, and no
pre-set ending and storyline. Instead, the actual story is woven and
assembled step by step.

Su Tan generously disclosed all the materials, the information at hand,

and the various private messages submitted by netizens to everyone,
coupled with a clear and rational reasoning process, attracted
countless people to participate.

Those clues and considerations, like a big net tightly woven tightly in
a moment, cover up the opponent with no oversight, leaving no
escape gap.

"Su Tan: Question 1: After framing the Kengmeng Power Studio, the
culprit will choose-? 1. Escape from overseas, 2. Lurking in Emperor

His first question came out. Countless netizens and book fans
immediately realized that this was a torture of Su Tan himself, and at
the same time he gave them a reasoning multiple choice question. The
response was enthusiastic over time, and countless people rushed to
express their views.

"Kolabao: 11111111!"
"Soft cute dolphin: Same as 1, no explanation."

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Generally, the recidivist will choose 1. The
first time to escape overseas to avoid the sound of wind, but it is also
forbidden that there is a strong and powerful ground snake to choose

Netizens have different opinions, and I saw Su Tan's problems


"Sutan: The suspect chose to flee overseas. On the same day, there
were 264 flights departing from Diduxing and 3 small maintenance
transport ships passing by. Question two: would you choose to
disguise yourself on a regular flight with your identity information, or
Would you choose to sneak in and leave with a small maintenance
carrier without any recorded information? "

As soon as this issue came out, the controversy among netizens

became more intense. Under the problem, Su Tan put on the
information of the flight records of Emperor Star during the same
period. It is clearly seen that several normal interstellar passenger
flights take off in the next few days, respectively, flying to different
galaxies in the bustling or long distance.

Obviously, he skillfully combined the real information with the

reasoning of the suspect's trajectory.

This process of real investigative cases has made countless enthusiasts

who love reasoning adventures go crazy with excitement. The real
case-solving experience is more interesting and stimulating than
simply reading novels, and has attracted the eager eyes of countless
reason-solving lovers.

Some even turned over the flight information within two weeks after
Dai Ruohan and the new screenwriter signed the contract, and
professionally put forward their views from the behavior model.

"Capital Susu Susu: Choose a small maintenance transport boat to

leave and erase all traces of yourself without leaving any leaks and

"Endless drunk: Right upstairs, the second type of hidden danger is

the smallest and the completion is the highest."

"Snow in July: I feel that someone who dares to design a trap to cheat
on the head of the old cat studio is definitely not an ordinary little hair
thief. It is very likely that he will choose the first method boldly and
deliberately. The cover of the crowd on the flight made it impossible
for us to trace it. "

Various opinions were divergent, and it happened that the police also
checked the flight crew information at the same time. By comparison,
they did not find a person similar to that described by Dai Ruohan.

The line tracking the small maintenance transport boat was

interrupted. A small maintenance transport boat that took off that day
shortly left Diduxing, and it suddenly broke down and exploded in
the interstellar. No one on the ship survived and completely wiped
out all traces.
Such a sudden failure is so coincidental that one cannot help but

Su Tan is not slow, but continues this reasoning game.

"Sutan: The suspect left in a small maintenance transport boat, and the
midway transport boat exploded. The suspect would—? 1. die, 2.

At this point in the reasoning, all the netizens have reached an

unanimous consensus and shouted that they chose "2".

No one believes that anyone who frantically weaves this scam trap
will be killed in a flight accident.

In more people's hearts, they are looking forward more strongly to

this liar being brought to justice, in order to meet the justice and
ending defined by everyone.

This choice made the netizens of the entire network stand on the same
position surprisingly and unanimously, becoming the best teammates
of the old cat studio.

"Every night: It is impossible to die, it must be a well-designed escape

and death!"

"Orange-flavored soda: I don't think it's possible to die so easily

without leaving a trace, which is too suspicious in itself."
"Dimi Star: Where did he go? Where did he hide?"


As a result, the trail was interrupted. For a while, it seemed that it had
entered the middle of heavy fog and swamps.

Even if a lot of people enthusiastically reported seeing a liar

somewhere or somewhere, after the final verification, they just got
nothing, and some netizens who provided information simply came
out to pay for the sky-high reward.

This has to be discouraged.

Reasoning enthusiasts have unprecedentedly hit the wall in front of


However, I did not expect that Sutan's Weibo was separated for a few
days and continued to be updated.

"Sutan: The suspect was hiding in haste, cautiously afraid to go out

during the day, and had to go to a small convenience store a few
kilometers away to buy water and food late at night. His personal
information card was completely frozen, and his new identity was
also Do not dare to take it out at random, for fear of being caught by
the police because of the leakage of the horse. Only with a small
amount of cash to make ends meet and live in a hurry. Until one day
he went out late at night, problems: 1. he was recognized by
passersby, 2. he met Arrived at the police? "
This problem is obviously not a reliable realistic picture, but just a
scene preset by Su Tan.

However, this scene is full of endless possibilities, and netizens who

reasoned against the wall instantly renewed their curiosity.

Inferred, this scene is also most likely to meet the current situation of
the liar newcomer screenwriter.

I was at a loss, evading everywhere, day and night, like a ghost that
couldn't come out, hiding in a corner of this world, carefully living a
very depressed and hurried life.

Even if he didn't use Su Tan to slap people out, now he is going to live
in a muddled life and hide in Tibet under the overwhelming
popularity of the people.

Netizens enthusiastically commented, and Qi Qi hoped that the liar

writer would be arrested and brought to justice soon.

"Every night: jacking up the second option, it should have been found
by the police."

"Orange-flavored soda: Like crazy for 1! I hope this person will be

found by the superb netizens and get a hundred million reward!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: It could also be 3, embarrassed and

"Kolabao: Hahahahaha, the little brother upstairs is so naive."


"Sutan: He walked in the convenience store and found that many

customers were surprised at the convenience store late at night. When
he saw him wearing a hat and walking alone, several people
whispered and talked. Some people quietly picked up. The phone was
pointed at him, and he was going to take a picture of his face. He
seemed to hear some low-pitched voices, 'Is he?' It's him! 'Hurry up to
the police.' Suddenly, he felt nervous and sweating on his forehead.
Want to run away. Now? 1. Run away, 2. Run away, 3. Run away! "


A lifelike scene unfolded in front of countless people, as if seeing the

scene where the liar screenwriter was discovered, as if appearing in
front of himself.

The scene where the man was found and nowhere was a lot of
netizens rushing to the convenience store this night, blocking a French
network in various places, forming a huge pressure and noise.

At the same time, on a remote little planet, a young man who saw this
post was pale and frightened, and clenched his fist involuntarily.

He was hiding short in a temporary attic, and for a few days he had
been out of control and had already caught the attention of the
landlord and upstairs and downstairs.
At this moment, when he heard the chaotic footsteps outside the door,
he even mentioned his heart in a moment in fear.

Who is coming

"Bang, bang!"

There was a slamming noise at the door, and he couldn't help but
clenched a knife beside him, breathing sharply at the door.


The next day, a small news about a lonely little planet who stabbed a
neighbor without cause and the murderer fled without causing a
splash in the media.

On the contrary, the families of the victims were indignant. On Weibo,

they accused the bad luck of the incident, especially the abnormal
dodgement of the murderer who escaped after being stabbed.

Contrary to the ordinary and ordinary media, the netizens who are
attentive to it have smelled different things. They hurriedly verify the
appearance and identity of the killer from the victim's family, and will
set off countless waves and controversy of the plagiarism script. The
portrait of the culprit is shown to the other party for comparison.

Sure enough, within a short time, a shocking response came from the
victim's family.
"It seems to be him! The appearance and accent are very similar!"

Immediately, there was an uproar on the Internet.

The protagonist of the long-awaited copycat script scam, finally


When the police intervened, netizens were energized and swiftly

blocked. The situation of Tianluodinet was formed for a while, and
the criminal suspects were bound to be brought to justice. The old cat
studio was framed by its reputation for dirty water and was
completely washed away.

Seeing that the culprit was about to be brought to justice, Su Tan's

Weibo also ushered in the last question.

"Sutan: This moment is finally here! I will be caught, and I will no

longer be in danger of hiding in Tibet and living like a sinner. In the
future, I will face decades of jail. But- A big alarm bell outside the
door, and the sound of rushing upstairs-"Is it really just me who
should bear all the charges?" "

This last question and publication was immediately brewing a new

storm of public opinion on the Internet. Reasoning, analysis,
brainstorming, and sorrowful thinking for more than a month have
long let many netizens and old cat studios fight together to catch the

To a certain extent, they have already become a campaign of honor

and disgrace, working side by side in tacit understanding and actions.
In the end, seeing the murderer found and about to be arrested, it
even made this wonderful emotion rise to the apex time, and formed
an inseparable close relationship with the old cat studio.

At this moment, seeing the last question raised by Su Tan, everyone

suddenly felt shocked, and time couldn't help but generate countless

A subtle script scam enough to impress the studio, a guilty crazy scam
and frame, a dead man who can carefully plan a small transport boat
to escape and let the transport boat explode outside the interstellar
evidence ...

Can such an elaborate and powerful approach be prepared by an

ordinary young man?

How exactly was the script of "Time and Space Flip" stolen? How did
this person own a transport boat and easily let it explode and
damage? How can these crazy practices at no cost be worth the price
of the script that the old cat studio signed with?

Many foggy questions rushed towards the face, leaving all netizens in
deep thought and doubt.

At the same time, they were all thinking unexpectedly about a


Who are the people behind this script scam?

This problem has not only become a source of confusion for netizens,
it has also caused huge controversy in the media circle.

The first time the suspect was arrested, the silent media from the
beginning to the end finally burst.

Gu 's media, which has been tacitly cooperating with the rhythm of
Sutan, took the lead in asking questions and directed the microphone
of the interview to the crew of "Time and Space Flip". The first
question asked was how did the script leak out?

The plagiarism of the script of the two crews is still in their ears, as if
yesterday. Now that the old cat studio frankly acknowledged the
oversight when purchasing the script, how exactly did the script
created by the crew of "Time and Space Flip" leak out and get it by the

This deadly issue has caused huge controversy. Numerous media

have scrambled to interview, making the crew of "Time and Space
Flip" a lot of pressure.

The hidden feelings and inside story make the media dare not delve

In the end, did the crew of "Time and Space Flip" know beforehand, or
was it another victim? This problem has stumped countless people
now, even when Dai Ruohan was sighing and chatting with Su Tan,
he had talked about this topic.
I never thought that Su Tan smiled easily and asked indifferently,
"Does it make sense to continue to investigate?"

In his opinion, if you continue to delve deeper, this scenario of fraud

and plagiarism is likely to evolve into a Rashomon. Everyone may be
an accomplice in collaboratively leaking the script, and it is most
likely a silent mass incident. Why do we need to go deeper?

Sutan will most likely fail to find out the result, and it will also
become a tug-of-war. In turn, it is very likely that the old cat studio
will be wrapped up again, and they will expend a lot of their energy.

He patted Dai Ruohan's shoulder with a smile, and said with a firm
voice: "We will not intervene in the future, let the police, it is time to
prepare our new movie."

Upon hearing this, Dai Ruohan mentions the spirit and ignites
unlimited enthusiasm for the new film.

Previously, under the negotiation of the two, it has been announced

that a new movie will be shot around the crisis trap of the old cat
studio. However, the culprit has not been arrested, and the experience
of solving the case has been tortuous. The various issues of the new
movie have also been delayed.

At this moment, he suddenly heard Su Tan's proposal to prepare a

new movie, Dai Ruohan's tired look could not help but swept away,
and his spirit was suddenly excited.

"Now the popularity of this script scam is at its peak. If we shoot it out
quickly, it is estimated that we can catch up with the Nebula Film
Festival in October." Dai Ruohan had already planned the shooting
and screening time, and said with confidence.

Su Tan smiled and answered, "Time is enough."

The filming cycle of the reasoning detective film does not need to be
too long, and the post-production does not need too many special
effects, which naturally saves a lot of time on the production cycle.

On the contrary, this type of film has stricter requirements on script

and actors.

Take the crisis encountered by this old cat studio as an obvious selling
point. There are not a few films adapted from famous cases in the
history of movies, and many of them have enduring charm. The
sensational cases in the real world have led to the enthusiasm of

The script fraud plagiarism cases encountered in their studio exactly

fit this feature, and can be said to be a well-deserved hot focus case
this year.

As long as it is successfully adapted and released, most of them can

firmly attract the enthusiasm of some audiences.

But at the same time, Su Tan and Dai Ruohan, who were the core
parties to the whole incident, smiled bitterly at each other and
understood each other's huge mistakes.
Compared with the horrifying and **** murder cases in the past, this
script fraud case has a lot less violence and burning value. The
adaptation into a movie can even be described as a "literature play",
which is not eye-catching and exciting. The action scene will definitely
be less attractive than before.

What is even more deadly is that this script fraud case was cracked
under the eyes of the entire public. Every detail from beginning to
end, every key clue, and even every method of solving the case are all
in the audience. It was revealed before.

It can be said that countless netizens who love reasoning to solve the
case have a deeper understanding and deeper analysis of the case, and
they are even deeper than them.

Under such circumstances, how can they once again attract the
audience to re-enter the cinema and revisit the movie plot that has
been known in detail and has nothing to do with clarity?

This is a huge problem for the old cat studio.

Dai Ruohan has been in the film industry for many years, and he
deeply understands the needs of movie fans. He groaned and said:
"For the audience, the most important and most hopeful thing to see
in the movie is to exceed their expected value. We must come up with
something different to meet this expectation of the audience. Well,
leave a good word of mouth for the movie. "

Otherwise, making another movie that records the whole story of the
script fraud and plagiarism case is nothing new, and in the eyes of the
audience, it is tantamount to making money again. Even if the movie
box office soared in the beginning due to the popularity of the case,
the subsequent word of mouth will certainly be more and more

Hearing Dai Ruohan's analysis, Su Tan nodded in agreement. He

pondered for a moment and suddenly raised another question.

"What do you think of the reasoning detective film?" Su Tan said

quietly, looking towards Dai Ruohan.

Directed by Dai Ruohan for many years, he has conducted detailed

analysis and research on all types of genres and movies in the
entertainment industry. At this time, it is natural to speak with

He explained with a low voice and calmly: "The reasoning detective

film is not really a popular theme such as Star Wars or action
blockbusters. It is often sought after by professional reasoning
enthusiasts. Because of this, the audience who walked into the cinema
He is more critical of the film's logic and actors. "

"Simple reasoning, wonderful reversal of the plot, unexpected final

mysteries and impeccable acting skills of the actors are all the keys to
reasoning detective films."

Speaking of this, Dai Ruohan couldn't help but think of the

evaluations of some of the most famous reasoning detective film
actors and netizens in the history of the film, and said with a chuckle:
"In a word, the actor can be handsome, but the plot You must burn
your brain online. "
Su Tan nodded in agreement.

For fans of fans who like this type, compared to the beauty of the
actors, they are pursuing more exciting stories and high-IQ brain-
burning plots. In the storyline carefully arranged by the director, they
experience time and time again The double shock of mind and brain.

Because of this, they have already exposed the full range of script
fraud cases in front of all netizens, and they must change their
creative ideas.

Su Tan thought slowly while saying, "Netizens are very

knowledgeable about this script fraud case and are too familiar with
the two of us involved in the incident center. What do you think of the
protagonist of the new movie as an inference expert? kind?"

He opened his mouth as he thought, and spoke very fast. He instantly

outlined the basic ideas and images.

"A person who loves to reason and solve cases has a very high IQ,
keen observation, and first-rate action. He always appears at the scene
of many incredible cases, and is enthusiastically obsessed with bizarre
and difficult cases. There is only one carry-on baggage. With his
wallet and credentials, he can hop on an interstellar flight at any time
to the place where the bizarre case occurred. When he heard about the
script fraud and learned that the reward was as high as 100 million
yuan, he immediately embarked on a case investigation journey ... "

Su Tan's words weren't finished, Dai Ruohan's eyes were already on,
and a vivid and plump figure suddenly jumped out of his eyes.
He understood Su Tan's idea in an instant--one of the numerous
netizens who created enthusiastic reasoning investigations

The mysterious image will inevitably bring a new perspective and a

sense of immersive substitution for the majority of netizens to this
new movie.

Looking back some time ago, how many enthusiastic netizens

participated in the investigation enthusiastically, and it is obvious that
they want to win a grand prize of 100 million yuan.

Such a protagonist image is simply a microcosm of the countless

netizens who easily solved the case and took away the bonus, which
will surely evoke the deepest resonance of countless netizens.

However, Su Tan brought more surprises to Dai Ruohan. His

thoughts continued one by one, and he elaborated smoothly one by

"You said just now that the audience does n't value the value of the
male lead in the reasoning detective film? I do n't think so. This time
we simply set a face value explosion, strong IQ, logical logic,
outstanding appearance, and Some small details have a unique
contrast and charming actor, let him appear in front of the audience. "

Such a setting is simply unexpected.

However, Dai Ruohan's mood is volatile, and he is extremely certain

that such a high-IQ and high-looking actor will surely make countless
movie fans crazy.
He couldn't help narrowing his lips and laughing. "Write the script, I
can't wait."

Su Tan raised his eyebrows, smiled brightly, and jokingly invited him:
"Dai Dao, are you interested in playing such a powerful and
interesting character again?"

Hearing this sentence, Dai Ruohan immediately trembled, and his

breathing almost stopped. His first appearance in "I Want to Find
You" was beyond his plan. It was forced by the situation and no one
could choose. He could not refuse the olive branch in the depths of
Sutan and took on the role.

However, for Dai Ruohan, his most loved and most professional
career is still the director. After "I want to find you", he rejected the
invitation of all actors, devoted himself to planning old cat studio
affairs and new movies, ready to be dedicated The energy is focused
on the director's post.

The actor has become his past tense.

However, it was not expected that the subsequent script accident and
the studio fell into crisis, completely disrupting this plan.

Until now--

A movie character he had experienced in person, and no one had

more profound and complicated feelings than him, appeared in front
of him.
Would he accept it?

Dai Ruohan struggled in his heart, and after a moment narrowed his
eyes, agreed resolutely.

"I accept."

Su Tan was in a good mood and hugged him to celebrate their re-

Coincidentally, at this time his agent Lance pushed in and saw the
two men hug each other with a pleasant look, slightly curious. "what

Su Tan laughed and said, "The prototype of the new movie is set."

He looked up at Lance, and found that the other party is still an

elegant gentleman and a courteous old-fashioned dress worn on
Lance's body, but he is extremely fit and elegant, like an old man full
of gentleman's gift The gentleman came out of the door.

Looking at Lance, Su Tan suddenly moved his heart and laughed

loudly: "Yes, there is still a key character in the new movie."

In a word, Lance and Dai Ruohan's curiosity was immediately

aroused, and both looked back at him together.
I saw that Su Tan smiled brightly and said calmly: "Mr. Morton's
closest companion, the polite and gentleman novelist Benjamin."

He was surprised by what he said, but Lance gradually understood

his thoughts from Su Tan's smiling eyes.

"You mean ... I'll do it?"

Sutan smiled and nodded in agreement.

For a moment, Lance couldn't help but be ridiculous, and laughed

with a smile: "My value is very expensive."

By the way, he also expressed his intention. "How will you pay the
100 million Starcoin bonus promised online? Now all netizens and
media are waiting for you to show up."

Hearing this, Su Tan couldn't help chuckling and looked at Dai

Ruohan with a raised eyebrow. "Dai Dao, haven't you told him the
box office revenue from our previous movie?"

Dai Ruohan also held back his smile for a while, shook his head again
and again, and waved to separate the studio and finance on both
sides, without mutual communication. Lance naturally did not know
the income of the old cat studio in Sutan, nor did he know the
publishing income of Sutan.

Seeing this, Su Tan smiled and pressed firmly on the shoulder of his
publishing agent, and Yang Xiao joked openly to Lance: "In the new
movie, you and Dai Dao cooperate to pick the big beam, how much
the performance fee, you can open it!"

Hearing that, Lance raised the eyebrows for the first time, calm
gentleman's face, showing a hint of free and easy meaning.

"OK." He nodded in agreement.

The next day, the old cat studio script fraud case ended with the arrest
of the culprit, but several explosive shocking news broke out at the
same time.

"Family of the injured: We received a hundred million award, thank

you Su Tanda and Dai Dao, and the detective who helped us through
the difficult period."

"Old Cat Studio: Special thanks to Mr. Moreton and his companions."

"Daily Entertainment News Weekly: Shocking Insider! It is rumored

that the biggest behind-the-scenes actor who cracked the script fraud
case is Mr. Morton, who is mysterious and invisible!"

"Su Tan: The most talented and perfect man in my mind. The new
movie will be released three months later and pay tribute to Mr.


Internet opinion is boiling.

Seeing the news Hayden: "... the most talented and perfect man?"

--well. :)

He made a public appearance.

"Haiden Longman: I admire the talented Mr. Morton. We invite you to

a banquet and wait for the good news."

Su Tan: ... Are you misunderstanding something? [Laughing and



"Most mysterious Mr. Morton!"

"Uncover the heroes behind the shocking script scam and let Su Tan
and Dai Dao willingly thank him for making the movie."

"Master of reasoning, detective expert, mysterious low-key-who is Mr.



Moreton was born, countless media reporters and netizens scrambled

to attract the attention of this mysterious and powerful man.
Who is this man? What role did it play in solving the case? Thanks to
the victim's family, Su Tan and Dai Ruohan? Or even let Sutan pay
tribute to a film?

Such a legendary experience is enough to entice many netizens and

the media to be curious about this man who has made great
contributions hidden behind the script fraud. It is too time-consuming
for the obscurity and retreat of each other Sigh and admiration.

After the appearance of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Hayden

Longman, no one doubted the authenticity of Mr. Morton.

For a while, everyone was looking for the famous Mr. Morton. The
situation that Su Tan and Dai Ruohan worried about before did not
appear at all.

Su Tan found Hayden for the first time and explained to his big
cousin that this is only a virtual character created in his new movie,
not a real person.

After hearing this, Hayden burst into laughter.

Mr. Morton is so famous that he has become the first and most
mysterious person in countless hearts. And all his messages are like a
mystery to everyone, but the more so, many netizens and media are
more curious about this mysterious detective.

When Hayden walked into the Old Cat Studio, I saw Su Tan busy
writing a new movie script. A lot of materials were scattered around,
various news clippings, books and magazines, and previous months.
Case information on script fraud.

Even at the end of the room, there is a large and professional writing
board, which contains a lot of detailed information and records the
details of the script fraud from beginning to end.

Hayden glanced at it and knew how much work Sutan had to do. He
simply re-inferred the case numerous times, taking up a lot of time
and energy.

The exquisite and intertwined storyline, the meticulous and

progressive puzzle-solving and reasoning process, the ups and
downs, and the horrific plot trend form the key elements of a
reasoning detective film.

On top of this, Su Tan wants to create a more outstanding and

attractive protagonist, which is obviously more challenging and

Su Tan repeatedly considered numerous times before he would come

up with a slightly satisfactory first draft.

At this time, Hayden unexpectedly saw that instead of burying his

pen in front of the computer, Su Tan curled up in a blanket on the
lower sofa, wrapped himself tightly, and fell asleep very tired. Only a
handful of hair was showing outside.

He walked over quietly, curling up Sutan's body into a ball,

straightening his heart, dialing the soft black hair exposed by the
other side, smiling and printing a kiss on Sutan's side face.
I slept until the sky was dark, I do n't know when, Su Tan finally
woke up, and the room was mostly dark.

He opened his eyes drowsyly, and suddenly felt that his entire body
was tired. In the past few days, he spent several nights for the script,
and finally combed through the outline of the script. After
scrutinizing it several times without logical flaws and details, I wrote
the script all night long.

When the dawn was dawning, he couldn't support it, and sent the
script to Dai Ruohan, then fell asleep. Unexpectedly, this sleep turned
out to be a whole day.

Looking at the dark night, the interior was almost dimly blurred, and
Su Tan rolled up the blanket and wanted to continue to sleep
comfortably. Even his limbs were tired and unable to lift his strength.

Until a tender kiss fell on his forehead.

As soon as Su Tan stayed, he recognized the other party.

"Big cousin?"

Just listening, a low, soft laugh came from the fuzzy darkness, and Su
Tan realized that he was resting on Hayden's leg, and a steady stream
of heat came from the other side, making him extremely comfortable
and comfortable.
Hayden did not answer, rubbed his hair, and continued to drop a kiss.

Forehead, side face, eyes, bridge of nose, and finally—

Grimly kissed his lips.

Su Tan seemed to be immersed in dreamlike dreams. The strength in

his body could not be lifted loosely, but his heartbeat became more
and more obvious, as if ringing in his ears.

He smiled and kissed back, seeing that the room was completely dark,
and he whispered and reminded: "Since the script fraud occurred, the
camera was pressed in the studio room."

After hearing this, Hayden didn't care.

Suddenly a hotter kiss fell.

After two months.

"Mr. Morton is finally released!"

Compared with Su Tan's new film, another crew, "Time and Space
Flip," was shot earlier and has already been released in one step,
which has caused a warm response among many film fans.

Due to the well-known script fraud of Lao Mao Studio, this "Time and
Space" script has been raging a few months ago, causing a stir.
Therefore, as soon as it was released, it attracted countless people into
the cinema.

As originally expected, the script that Su Tan and Dai Ruohan

unanimously bought through the clapper board is indeed very good.

In this movie, the protagonist has the special ability to travel through
time and space, which is obviously different from ordinary ordinary
reasoning cases, bringing a novelty to many audiences.

In the movie, the protagonist repeatedly changes time and time to

reveal the secrets of a thrilling murder, no matter from the logical
meticulousness or the novelty of the story, it has brought a lot of
audiences to the movie. Feel.

Therefore, as soon as it leaves the cinema, the movie's popularity is

high, and the majority of audiences and fans are paying more
attention to Sutan's new films.

Some media even shouted the slogan of two movie box office pKs,
making the release of "Mr. Morton" even more concerned.

At the premiere of "Mr. Moreton", countless newspaper and media

film critics competed to take the lead in previewing this much-
anticipated film.

"Mr. Kendall, you are also here." Benny, an entertainment reporter for
"New Movie Express," just arrived, and was pleasantly surprised to
see an old acquaintance seated on him.
Frank Kendall, who is a special film critic of the "Film Weekly", is
well-known in the industry and is famous for his spicy and sharp
style of film reviews. He has won the favor of many fans.

Seeing Frank Kendall sitting next to him, Benny stopped his nib with
a smile on his face. His notebook had been recorded with a number of
news keywords in advance. At this time, he just waited for the
premiere of the movie. Send it out as soon as possible to **** the front
line of propaganda reports.

Frank Kendall glanced curiously, and it was obvious that the

keywords above were loosely similar to "the most mysterious and
great reasoning expert", "gimmick or dog blood?", "There is no novelty
in the story, the case Everyone knows "and so on.

For a moment, he was silent and did not veto.

Compared to the many fans who rushed into the cinema to watch the
mysterious Mr. Morton's story, these battle-hardened media can
clearly see through Sutan and Old Cat Studio at a glance. Marketing
methods. For this script fraud case that happened under the eyes of all
netizens, I know that the other party can show very few parts in the

Due to the consequences of the entire case, it has already been

carefully analyzed on the Internet, and is it clear that the move to the
big screen is to review the beginning and end of the case?
With this in mind, Frank Kendall and journalist Benny looked at each
other with unspoken expressions in their eyes, each preparing to start
watching the movie recording experience.

Sure enough, the opening ceremony at the beginning of the premiere

was short and clever, directly introducing the theme to the screening
of the new movie. Immediately, everyone in the screening room
couldn't help but raise their spirits and looked excitedly at the big

On the screen, the old cat's head is jumping from the middle of the
screen, showing it completely.

Frank Kendall crossed his hands and settled securely in front of him.
On the side table beside him, the paper and pen were neatly laid out,
and it was clean. At this time, he had no desire to write |

Just like this familiar movie adaptation of the case, all the plots and
story trends are already in his mind, and he can repeat them clearly
without even recording them.

Not only that, but all the audience here.

In this case, how can Sutan adapt the story to be novel and interesting,
and catch the attention of the audience?

Frank Kendall's heart was calm and he had already made it. He
sighed quietly in his heart, thinking that this "Mr. Morton" in Old Cat
Studio would be more difficult to surpass "Time and Space" in the
script and storyline.
The beginning of the movie made Frank Kendall unexpected that the
movie did not follow the chronological line, starting from the script
fraud cases encountered by the old cat studio, and did not start from
the biggest conflict and the old cat studio was in crisis. When the
public opinion storm began, it chose the most surprising entry point.

"New case!"

On the big screen, there appeared a man who couldn't hide his joy
and rushed into the apartment room.

Small, messy, various newspapers and newspapers are piled on old

carved solid wood tables that are quite old and crumbling. The whole
room was filled with novelty gadgets that didn't know its purpose, a
whole set of split human joint models, and ticking clocks hanging on a

These cluttered and strange furnishings were unusually grounded,

which caused the audience to ignite a curiosity and have a deep
curiosity about the owner of this apartment room.

Not to mention he is--

"Mr. Morton!" The man rushed in with a smile on his face, a paper bag
under his armpit, and long baguettes and fresh fruit almost fell out of
the paper bag, and he was replayed the next moment. On the table full
of various materials.
His words kept flowing, like a crackling cannon, crackling out in a
flurry of light and fast. "The script scam case! It has stunned the entire
Internet and the film industry! The famous movie studios have been
completely locked up and fallen into the abyss! Don't you like the
novel case the most? This new case is fully qualified!

His voice dropped, and a head slowly rose up behind the shabby old
carved wood table materials.

However, this look is amazing.

"Dai Ruohan!"

In the screening room, there are already **** fans who shouted the
actor's name in surprise and couldn't hide the excitement and joy.

On hearing that, Frank Kendall froze the corners of his lips slightly,
and the piece of paper on his hand was still blank with no thought of

He looked at the big screen with great admiration, and saw that Dai
Ruohan was dressed in straight white shirts and suit pants, both in
color and workmanship. He was paired with a pair of slightly
lowered gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and an
abstinence. The temperament of the professional elite of the
department has emerged.

Dai Ruohan still wore a slightly ripped tie at the neckline, but it added
a bit of unruly temperament, which matched his handsome and calm
This shape is obviously his completely different image in the previous
film "I'm going to find you", but the charm is still unabated.

Frank Kendall was already able to hear the surprises of many fans in
the screening room behind him. He couldn't help but smile, and
finally knew why someone said that a man in a formal dress is the
most charming.

Dai Ruohan's outfit in front of her eyes is completely irresistible to


The image on the screen of the detective expert was completely

unexpected by Frank Kendall.

According to the general reasoning detective genre movie model, the

image of such an inference expert or hero is generally simplified. It
does not pay attention to appearance and appearance, and serves the
ups and downs of the story.

Therefore, meticulous, serious, solemn, and not surprising, it has

become the label of the protagonist of consistent reasoning type.

Frank Kendall has never seen a detective male with a good

appearance like Dai Ruohan. On the contrary, this attractive and
handsome image often appears in youth love movies.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, wondering whether this was

intentionally set by Su Tan in the script, or whether Dai Ruohan's
charm was too great to cover the role.
He decided to keep watching.

The subsequent storyline was even beyond his expectations.

Mr. Morton, with his good-natured temperament, did not intend to

take over this scenario of scam with no bizarre death or **** stimulus.
This small case obviously did not attract his interest.

However, his refusal lasted only a second.

The next second, when the assistant mentioned that the Old Cat
Studio offered a hundred million interstellar coin for the purpose of
solving the crime, Mr. Morton turned his voice and took it without

Such a sudden change made the audience unable to bear it.

It was also the first time that Frank Kendall realized that this
reasoning expert is different from the image formed in previous
reasoning detectives-both in appearance and in his style of action.

As the movie continues, more and more surprises are brought to him.

Under the leadership of Mr. Morton, the script fraud case that
everyone is familiar with has been re-architected to interpret a
completely new perspective of the story.
A 100-million-dollar reward traveled through the key places and
galaxies in which various cases occurred. With the majority of
netizens who were equally enthusiastic about winning the sky-high
reward, they uncovered a clue and inside story behind it.

The plot is just right and meticulously combined with the actual case
details that are familiar to the audience, and at the same time, behind
the cover of the case, the powerful, ups and downs, and thrilling
crises are re-exposed, which makes Mr. Morton experience the crisis
several times and end up beautiful solve.

During this period, his powerful and meticulous thinking, anti-sky

insight and detailed capture, and his ingenious but almost genius
intuition were all shown in the ups and downs of the plot.

And Mr. Morton and his fellow writer Benjamin, an unrestrained and
elegant gentleman, have completely different personalities at the
beginning, slowly understand and recognize each other, and finally
work together to solve the case, which can be called the whole story.
The biggest highlight of the movie has firmly attracted the attention of
many audiences.

Until the end, the script fraud case was resolved. The culprit was
captured by Mr. Morton and his companions personally. The world
was heatedly debated, but the two were silently low-key invisible,
disappeared in the field of public opinion, and painted a content for
the entire case The finale.

At this moment, Frank Kendall suddenly realized that he had

watched the entire movie without knowing it, and the paper on hand
was still blank and clean, without writing a word.
He took a deep breath and suddenly found that he didn't know when
he was completely immersed in the film.

After a while, Frank Kendall couldn't help shaking his head and
laughing. It has been a long time since he took over as a guest film
critic of Film Weekly.

No analysis, no review or evaluation, just a movie.

It was difficult for him, and he had never seen it for a long time.

Today, it was realized in this "Mr. Morton", which he had previously


At the moment, even Frank Kendall himself could not help but grin
and sigh.

However, the movie was not over yet. When the picture on the big
screen flipped again and the familiar and messy small apartment at
the beginning of the movie appeared, Frank Kendall couldn't help but
look up.

I saw a low-magnetic, steady sound coming from outside the lens.

"Morton, new case!"

It is still familiar lines and familiar scenes, even the handsome men
sitting behind the old carved solid wood table full of all kinds of
information newspapers and magazines are exactly the same.

But the speaker changed.

The camera turns to one side, and the face of fellow writer Benjamin
who experienced the crisis of life and death with Morton in the script
suddenly appears in the picture.

His gentleman was gentle and gentle, and Wen Run smiled at the
camera: "New case, can't you take it?"

The big screen suddenly turned black, the camera cut cleanly, and the
ending song sounded in a timely manner. A list of the starring and
crew members slowly appeared on the screen.

Looking at this unexpected end, Frank Kendall, who has seen

countless movies and published thousands of film reviews,
understood the director's intentions almost instantly.

"Is this a sequel ?!"

The lights in the screening room slowly turned on one by one, and
journalist Benny beside Frank Kendall shouted in shock and said the

Even Frank Kendall was particularly shocked.

In his thoughts, Su Tan and Dai Ruohan first shot this film in order to
elute the predicament of the original script fraud. Through film
techniques, he and his studio were widely known.

At the same time, relying on the popularity of public opinion, it also

released new films of the same theme at the appropriate time to earn a
fortune at the box office.

Such a view has reached a consensus among the many media present

But they never imagined that the ambitions of Su Tan and Lao Mao
Studio were much more than that. The hook and foreshadowing left at
the end of the movie are paving the way for the second movie.

Frank Kendall and reporter Benny looked at each other and saw the
shock and incredibleness in each other's eyes.

They never expected that this film was not just an explanation and
end to the old cat studio script fraud, but a new beginning.

Reporter Benny sighed, "No wonder the movie is called" Mr. Moreton.

With this remark, Frank Kendall nodded silently. One of the most
prestigious and well-known cases, without directly using the name of
the case that the audience is most familiar with to stimulate
attendance as the title of the movie, nor using the image of any well-
known best-selling author Su Tan or director Dai Ruohan, but chose
Named one of the most mysterious inference experts as the film's
name, it initially surprised countless movies and film critics.
But at this point, all doubts have been completely resolved.

Because Su Tan is going to make not just this movie, but the second,
third, fourth ... movies, Frank Kendall can already imagine that the
story of each of the following movies will certainly be meticulous and
powerful. Mr. Moreton partnered with gentleman writer Benjamin to
solve the case together.

Therefore, the name "Mr. Moreton" was originally named for the
whole reasoning detective series.

Even this movie, released today, is just an introduction to the entire

series, which officially introduces the protagonists of Mr. Morton and
his companion Benjamin.

At the moment, all industry insiders and media people who come to
watch the premiere can imagine the second, third, and even the entire
series of "Mr. Morton" in the future. How many thrills will Morton
and Benjamin work together to crack? The exciting bizarre cases have
attracted the attention and attention of many fans.

The extraordinarily unrestrained, handsome, extraordinary, and

temperamental reasoning expert, coupled with the gentleman and
elegant writer Benjamin, will produce much contrast and wonderful
charm, attracting the love of generations of audiences.

As long as the character image does not collapse and the plot is not
scattered, the effect of such a series of movies is almost beyond
imagination, and it will certainly become a classic in the minds of
generations of audiences and netizens.
In the screening room, countless fans in the back row who watched
the film's premiere kept enthusiastic and responded enthusiastically.
Instead, many media reporters and film critics sitting in the front row
were silent. The series of film-making techniques shocked the speech.

They thought this was just a money-making work, but they did not
expect that the other side would give them a big surprise, no matter
from the plot or the setting, or the subsequent series of the movie.

It's just-reverse!

Frank Kendall grinned a bitter lip, and tacitly saw on the notebook
beside reporter Benny next to him, the original records of "Scratch or
Dog Blood?", "Nothing new in the story, everyone knows the case"
and so on. Has been hurriedly blacked out, leaving only one--

"The most mysterious and great reasoning expert."

Seeing this evaluation, Frank Kendall knew it.

He looked up at the list of actors and behind-the-scenes staff who

scrolled on the big screen until the movie finally jumped out of the old
cat studio's logo again. In time, Frank Kendall agreed.

He is extremely convinced that this "most mysterious and great

reasoning expert" is destined to shine throughout the film history.
The premiere of "Mr. Morton" was over, and many netizens who
didn't watch the movie live on the Internet waited anxiously and
waited anxiously and waited for the professional film critic of this

Unexpectedly, before the media, the fans who watched the premiere
thought came out first.

"Meow Meow: There is only one word, it looks good !!! I don't explain

"Orange-flavored soda: Hahahahaha didn't disappoint me in the early

morning to grab a ticket to watch the premiere on the official website,
the movie is great value! Dai Dao unimaginably played the most
handsome reasoning expert in history. It's so hot and exciting that I
almost took a screenshot of the brain in the movie theater. Dai Dao,
you should change your career as an actor [bad laugh]! "

"Film enthusiasts: I originally went to the movie theaters that had

been misunderstood and stigmatized by Su Tanda and Dai Dao. I did
n't have much expectation for the movie itself, because the entire case
has already been published on the Internet. I also followed the trend
to analyze and reason. I did n't expect that the plot of the entire movie
was unexpected. The plot was interpreted from another completely
new perspective. The plot was unexpectedly online during the whole
process. call! "

"Interstellar Rovers: Upstairs, how does this movie compare to Time

and Space?"
"Film enthusiasts: completely different rhythms, no direct
comparison. I recommend that every reasoning enthusiast go to the
cinema to see it for himself. I'm sure it's not the same as the reasoning
genre-solving movies you think. In addition, there are surprises at the
end, you can look forward to . "


The online discussions were in full swing, and the entertainment

media were silent for a while, followed by their voices.

"Invited film critic Frank Kendall of Film Weekly: The most different
reasoning film brings unexpected surprises-' Mr. Morton is destined
to become a classic '."

"New Movie Express": How attractive is Mr. Morton in the white shirt
dressing elite reasoning expert, the man with meticulous logic and
strong IQ? "

"The latest movie broadcast": "Mr. Morton" is released, and it is

expected to be the first series of inferential movies in history! "

Countless media comments have come out one after another, which
has caused a lot of heated discussions in the entire movie market and
the Internet.

The praise of the premiere attracted numerous fans and audiences to

rush into the cinema to watch this new movie.
The number of people watching the film on the first day exceeded 50

Three days later, the movie box office has already won the title.

One week later, the overall box office of "Mr. Morton" defeated the
summer box office champion of the first half of the summer, "I want to
find you", and won the box office championship of the year.

Although it's not until October, and two months until the end of the
year, everyone is absolutely sure that this film will definitely win the
box office championship this year.

The exquisite plot, the stunning and charismatic personage, and the
friendship with the companions, have become the hottest talks for this

Countless viewers and fans are looking forward to the next movie
when Mr. Moreton and Benjamin writer meet at the end of the movie.

Such a huge call far exceeded the enthusiasm of all movies in the same
period, making the two role players Dai Ruohan and Lance really

For a time, the Old Cat Studio completely got rid of the bad turmoil
brought by the script fraud and became the hottest movie studio in
the entertainment industry.

Although this newly-established studio has so far produced only two

films, one of them dominated the summer box office and the other
won the hottest topics and word of mouth in this year's movie market.
Such outstanding and beautiful results are completely complete.
Proven strength with works.

Even the old cat studio was hit by the swindle of script fraud. The
upsurge of script delivery has once again surged, and many new
screenwriters with dreams and hopes have delivered the script with

All of a sudden, various script delivery and event invitations flew like

At this time, Su Tan, who had completed his work, disappeared again,
throwing the studio to Dai Ruohan. He returned to school and started
making up lessons.

At the same time, the debt he owed began to strike back.

"Editing Hoshino: Open a new post! Open a new post !!! How long
have you not started a new post! Would you like me to remind you?"

Su Tan looked at the information from the editor of Fanxing's novel

website and couldn't help but admit it.

Because of the chaos in the studio, he shifted his focus for more than
half of the year to movies and screenwriters. Instead, he made his
original online novel writer to clean up the wasteland, even a fast-
paced interstellar text. "Interstellar is Emperor" is also a hasty ending.
Since then, there have been several months without new writing.
Thinking of this, Su Tan immediately returned the information to the

"Sutan: I have time recently, and I will drive right away."

The editor on the other side of the communicator returned quickly.

"Okay, I'm staring at you personally."

Sutan: QAQ

Nowadays, he and the former author "Shenkeng Xiaoxiao" finally

reduced to a treatment, and the editor stared at the reminder.

Su Tan smiled and agreed.

And he owes more than that.

"Lance: The publisher asks, when is your next new book due?"

"David, the editor of" Kelia Children's Story ": After the end of"
Unlucky Amy ", many children are reluctant to cry and don't want to
be apart from Amy. ?"

"Haiden: There's finally time for the movie. Is it time to go on vacation

together :)?"

Sutan couldn't laugh or cry.

He can't go anywhere now, rushing to sell himself to pay off his debts!


"Mr. Morton won the box office for four weeks in a row and beat all
new films in the same period!"

"Haomen Pictures, Xinghai Distribution, Sirius Pictures ... have all

postponed the release of new movies scheduled for October."

"The well-known director Lloyd Lose's masterpiece" Interstellar

"joined the October box office fight, and unfortunately lost the second
week at the box office."


Throughout October, countless fans and audiences went crazy for a

"Mr. Morton" which was born.

A powerful, meticulous and charming heroine, with a complex and

unexpected storyline, coupled with hearty editing and film rhythms,
thoroughly allowed this niche reasoning film to sweep the entire film
market and take it Next week's box office champion.

The old cat studio finally raised its eyebrows and exhaled, and
released a new work plan and notice while it was hot.
"The second part of" Mr. Morton "is in preparation and is expected to
be released next summer."

"Dai Ruohan confirmed to continue to appear in" Mr. Moreton "and

directed the same series of films."

"The second filming of Gu's" Expedition Notes "is about to be

completed and is expected to be released at the end of this year to
continue the thrilling journey of the Bermuda Galaxy!"

The new news is endless and has been exposed, making many fans
and audiences happy. However, after careful observation, many
people found that there was no Sutan in it.

Neither the new movie release plan of Lao Mao Studio nor the
adventure series adapted from Su Tan's best-selling novels have
included Su Tan's involvement.

For a while, Su Tan seemed to disappear from the entire

entertainment industry. There has been much discussion on the
Internet, and all kinds of conjectures are flying around.

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: Did I only notice it? Whether it is"
Expedition Note "or the new movie project of Old Cat Studio, there is
no Suda involved."

"Kolabao: I also noticed! Su Tan is preparing to start a new article?

Shoot a new film?"
"Fishing on the Milky Way: Hahahahaha, isn't the most likely answer
to going back to school to make up for lessons?"

Many netizens speculated and were lively.

In the first week, everyone only thought that Su Tan was celebrating
the great success of the movie, and Xiaodi temporarily took a holiday.

Because in terms of quantity and quality, Su Tan is a model worker in

the eyes of everyone.

Each book is seamlessly connected, and one after the other is writing,
while studying, writing web articles while taking into account the
manuscripts of the magazine.

For readers, of course, they are satisfied. The happiness of reading and
reading has never been softened, but it was not until Su Tan
disappeared temporarily that they found that they were not used to it.

I do n't get a big update every night, it 's always empty, and I feel like
I 'm doing something less.

One week is okay, two weeks is wrong.

I want to find other novels to pass the time, and I feel inadequate.
Either the update is not crisp, or the plot is not appetizing.

In short, their taste has been raised by Sutan.

Now that Sutan is gone, all readers are aggressive.

No one could think of it. As soon as Sutan disappeared, he

disappeared for three months, and the whole network rumored that
Sutan was going to seal off.

After all, in the past two years, he has brought all the good works to
all the readers, from the original freshness full of all kinds of
imagination, "The Age of Domination of the Earth [Quick Wear]", to
Full of rustic flavor and childhood memories, "Unlucky Amy", then
his semi-documentary series of adventure novels "Expedition Notes"
serialized on Weibo, and the film script "Mr. Morton" involved in
cross-border participation ... ...

With countless excellent works, many people have forgotten that he is

just a fledgling newcomer.

Everyone's expectation of him is no longer writing a good work, but--

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: I really want to lock it up and
write text every day!"

A message on Weibo spoke out the voice of everyone.

Also, countless people miss him.

— "Asshole, where did you go ?!"

The storm of online public opinion is whistling. At the same time, no
one noticed that a social news was published in a small corner of a

"Today's Times: At 5:28 this morning, a small interstellar starship

trapped in the black hole star field for several months finally made a
difficult return, and all passengers on board were safe.

A few days later, Sutan's Weibo finally moved.

"@ 天天 都 烧烧 烧肉: I am back."

A simple sentence is like a stone that stirs up thousands of waves.

Countless fans and fans were bubbling, and shocked and excited.

"Kolabao: I !!!!!! Greatly finally scammed!"

"Soft adorable dolphin: The missing population is finally back ... the
series of a lifetime."

"Begonia of the Roubao Family: Upstairs, me too. I thought I would

wait for the grandson to tell me sixty years later!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Big ???? Do you know how long we have
waited! Big how can you bear!"


One stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves.

The news that Su Tan appeared on Weibo quickly spread with the
spread of all netizens and fans. Even the small marketing account also
followed the enthusiasm, with the theme of "Su Tan finally appeared!"

In a short time, almost all networks knew the news of Su Tan's


At this time, Su Tan, brushing Weibo, leaned beside the white bed,
and shook his head helplessly.

He never thought that this "missing" trip caused such a big storm on
the Internet.

Had it not been for an accident during Star Trek, he would have been
on his way home two months ago.


The door of the ward was pushed slightly open, and a tall, upright
doctor walked in with the case steadily, and said gently, "Ready for a
medical examination."

The doctor looked up and saw Su Tan still holding the light brain in
his hands, brushing Weibo, and did not follow the doctor's advice to
take a good rest, then shook his head helplessly. Although there was
no blame, there was a clear disapproval in his eyes.
That caring and silent gaze made Su Tanli put down Weibo in his time
with a smile, and smiled again and again: "Okay, I won't brush it
anymore. Dr. Shu, all listen to you."

The obedient look made people's heart indescribable.

Shu Heng shook her head and laughed, Wen Shengxiang advised:
"You have just escaped from the black hole star domain, and your
body function is imbalanced in nutrition. You have not recovered yet.
Pay more attention to rest. When you are fully recovered, I will never
hesitate. "

Su Tan nodded, followed Shu Heng's instructions, and went to the

examination center to start various physical examinations.

There are also many passengers of the same starship.

I met at the inspection center at this time. All the people who had been
trapped in the black hole for three months could not help but have a
little emotion and joy for the rest of their lives.

Su Tan greeted the survivors with a smile, and couldn't help sighing.

-He finally came back alive.

Three months ago, Su Tan, who had just successfully released "Mr.
Morton", handed over everything from the old cat movie studio to his
companion Dai Ruohan, and took the opportunity to take a small
vacation and set foot with his big cousin, Hayden. Star Trek.
On this trip, they were extremely low-key. From a variety of travel
magazines and promotional leaflets, they fancy a beautiful nebula
travel galaxy, so they quickly ordered a starship ticket, and quickly
and simply packed a small The suitcase embarked on the journey the
next day.

This trip is not very far. It took only half a month to make a
reservation to return safely. Sutan and Hayden did not make much

Along the way, I was attracted by the beautiful and gorgeous nebula,
watching the scenery dizzyingly and immersed in it.

Su Tan was inspired by his travels, and suddenly flashed a fun new
subject and idea, and recorded it.

But this time, he didn't rush to write.

Can I go home in half a month? After waiting half a month for the trip
to end, it was not too late for him to go all out to write a new article.

Su Tan planned with a smile in his heart. For the time being, he put all
the time in front of him to watch the rare and beautiful nebula.
However, he never imagined that there were twists and turns on his
way home, and all his plans were completely changed.

Just as the little starship was about to leave the traveling galaxy, the
nebula suddenly rioted, trapping the starship firmly next to the crisis-
ridden black hole storm, completely severing the starship's connection
with the outside world.

At this moment, all travelers on the ship are at the edge of life and

Dangerous black hole storms close by, meteorite belt hitting a failed
engine, unable to start starships stagnating in the dark star field, wild
star field magnetic storms, breaking communication links, food
becoming scarce and day by day Elapsed time ...

All these things gradually made all the travelers on the starship into

Rather than lamenting the hopelessness of the dark starry sky every
day, Su Tan simply picked up his pen and began to sink his heart,
writing the new text brewing in his mind word by word.

In this desperate situation, a concept of a new article gradually took


Three months later, with the help of his cousin Hayden, the starship
crew finally repaired the communication connector damaged by the
black hole magnetic storm, restarted the connection, made the
positioning, and sent a distress signal to the outside world.

The empire's search and rescue force was long overdue.

The tourists on the finally saved starship learned that under the yoke
of black holes and magnetic storms, they had already deviated from
the original journey to watch the nebula small galaxy for hundreds of
millions of light years.

If Hayden and the crew had not repaired the connector, I am afraid
the endless dark starry sky is waiting for them.

At that moment, everyone was worried, and gave birth to a feeling of

escape from birth.

The small star ship, escorted by the Empire's search and rescue forces,
arrived quietly and safely. As soon as the Starship was taken, all
tourists were taken to the Royal Capital Central Hospital.

Although it came back safely in the end, no one was killed or injured,
but the three months of loneliness wandering in the dark star field, so
that all the tourists on the starship, whether physically or mentally,
suffered a deep blow. You can only wait for time and careful care of
the medical staff to slowly ease the repair.

Su Tan obeyed Dr. Shu's instructions and completed a physical

examination one by one. Fortunately, his body is not bad, except for
the symptoms of malnutrition, leaving no big hidden dangers and

There are already several tourists on the starship, and they have been
found claustrophobic. I am afraid that in this life they do not want to
set foot on the starship again.

"Still pay more attention to rest. Don't be overly tired during this
time." Dr. Shu told the examination results, raised his wrists and
looked at the time, Wen smiled, "Well, today's inspection is over, you
will be a while Dad should be here too. "

Hearing this, Su Tan could not help raising his lips, his face showing a
half helpless and half happy expression.


After learning from his father that he has finally escaped from the
black hole galaxy and is currently suffering from malnutrition, he is
completely anxious and worried! Waving his sleeves, he was so busy
that he couldn't feed 180 meals a day and fed him again.

Su Tan returned to the ward with a smile. Sure enough, he just sat
down for a short time, and saw the robot dad rushing in with a large
insulated bucket.

"Fresh chicken soup! Freshly stewed, hot, come and drink!"

The heavy "bang" of the large insulation barrel was put on the table,
and the lid was opened, and the fresh and rich aroma immediately
came on.

The deliciousness of the chicken soup, which escapes into the air, can't
help but feel refreshed.

Su Tan looked at the bucket of chicken soup in front of him with a

smirk and laughter. It was as large as a small pot and the size of the
pot was so solid that it was like a soup pot.
How did dad hug him all the way?

The robot Suning has been neat and tidy. Since entering the ward, he
has been busy. After learning that his son had returned safely, he was
finally relieved that the heart he was carrying was too late to hush,
and heard Dr. Shu say that Atan was malnourished.

Immediately, Suning rolled up his sleeves and began to take care of

his fat son in full swing.

Therefore, it brings the body's soups and soups to Sutan every day,
which has tripled.

Right now, the robot Suning puts the lid of the insulated bucket aside,
and first puts out a large bowl of hot chicken soup and puts it into
Sutan's hand, letting him drink.

It then opened the heating stove of the insulated barrel, and the heat
of the chicken broth immediately rose, and the simmering heat slowly
emerged, making the fragrant and delicious flavor in the ward even
more intense.

The robot Suning is preparing to serve the second bowl, and asks Su
Tan, "What about Hayden?"

Obviously it is a double ward, but the bed beside Su Tan is invisible.

Hearing this, Su Tan couldn't help chuckling, and laughed jokingly,
"He was earlier than me, and it was okay to go through the
examination, so he was anxious to go back first."

After disappearing for three months, not only did netizens eagerly
talk about him in search of his tracks.

As the imperial crown prince, Hayden even touched the hearts of

countless upper class empires.

The disappearance of these three months made many secretly

dormant forces wanting to move, and extended the ambition of
circling for a long time, and made countless shocks in the upper

Hayden hurried back to cut off the chaos and clean up the mess.

Hearing this answer, the robot Suning served the hot soup well and
set it aside, telling Sutan positively. "Don't forget to give him a drink
at night."

Su Tan nodded with a smile, held the hot soup bowl in his hand and
drank most of it. The warm and warm chicken soup was delicious, the
soup was bright and clear, and it was delicious. Drinking it in one sip,
the hot chicken broth ironed most of the whole person's lungs, which
was extremely comfortable.

But look at the vat of chicken soup left in the insulation bucket, Su Tan
can't help worrying.
How could he finish drinking alone [laughing and crying]?

While sipping chicken soup with a small sip, he laughed and thought
that if the big cousin was here at this time, it would be able to help
him share more than half.

But he didn't expect that after a bowl of chicken soup was drunk, the
robot Suning was not in a hurry to serve him a second bowl.

On the contrary, when watching the heating stove slowly boiling the
chicken soup in the insulated bucket, and when the boiling hot
bubbles came out, Suning took out various boxes from the bag behind
him and piled them next to the insulated bucket. There was a hill
piled up.

Su Tan looked at it in surprise, only to find that the pile of hill-shaped

boxes was filled with all kinds of washed vegetables.

Open the box, the tender green vegetables are extremely crisp, and the
water is green with the drops of water, which is gratifying.

Seeing this, Su Tan could not help but shine. In the past few days,
with the full effort of his father, he has been drinking enough water.
Seeing green vegetables at this time is very kind.

The robot dad apparently saw the joy in his eyes, smiled and bent
down, took out the remaining washed vegetables, and poured it into a
boiling large thermal insulation barrel, and immediately the large
thermal insulation barrel became a small shabu-shabu. .
In the delicious chicken soup, tender green cabbage, rapeseed,
mushrooms, enoki mushrooms ... boiled and boiled in the boiling
chicken soup, the delicious taste was immersed in the greens little by
little, and the fresh air was instantly added to the air.

I put it in the bowl, and Su Tan couldn't wait to taste it. Immediately I
was caught by the fresh and delicious taste, and I couldn't stop the

In the end, all the vegetables and delicious chicken soup were eaten
cleanly and nothing was left!

He touched his full belly and couldn't laugh or cry.

The robot Suning on the side was very satisfied. He smiled and
thought about what kind of food to cook tomorrow. He must feed his
son back to his original shape.

While thinking about it, he slammed Su Tan back to the bed and lay
down to rest. He cleaned up his hands and feet, repacked the bag, and
prepared to go home with Dr. Shu.

Before going out, don't forget to wave your fist: "Have a good rest,
don't play with light brain!"

That tone is exactly the same as the stare at the younger son, Da Da,
don't indulge in the game.

Immediately, Su Tan smiled, and repeatedly promised to wave his

hand and stood at the door to send Abba out. It wasn't until he saw
him meet Dr. Shu, the two accompanying figures went away
intimately, stepped on the car to go home, he smiled and retracted his
eyes and returned to the bed.


Hurry back to Light Brain and brush into Weibo.

Su Tan thought with a smile, brushing twice more to digestion.

In Weibo, the news of his proper appearance has already made crazy
headlines. Under that "I'm back" Weibo, the number of comments
reposted rose steadily, almost exploding.

Countless netizens were blasted out and rushed to his Weibo. When
his readers and fans heard the wind and rushed to rush to his Weibo,
it was discovered that Sutan 's Weibo comment area had been

At this moment, innumerable people were in a state of excitement,

and they eagerly asked him what he had been missing a while ago.

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Great, what have you done in the past few
months? Don't tell me that the baby is gone !!!"

"Dimi Star: Maybe ... was taken away by an alien?"

"Soft cute dolphin: upstairs dear, don't be so serious about telling lies,
I almost believe you!"
"Little Begonia of the Po Baojia: Can it not be trusted if it is greatly
banned by His Royal Highness?


There are many different kinds of speculations.

What surprised all netizens even more was that after guessing so
many reasons, they were surprised to find that during the whole three
months, all netizens and media had never captured the figures of
Sutan and Hayden.

I never had a chance encounter.

In the interstellar world developed in the Internet age, it is simply


For a while, everyone was even more curious about Sutan's

whereabouts in the past three months. Qi Qi squatted and kept his
knife under Hutan's Weibo to let him give an answer. Su Tan's swear-
in attitude to break the casserole asks Su Tan to endure.

He thought for a moment, and sent the novels written in these three
months in the dark star domain to the agent agent Lance and the
editor of "Fengxing Novel Network" Hoshino, and by the way sent a
new children's story to Maori. Asia Children's Magazine only wrote a
paragraph on his Weibo post.
"On October 6, I took the 'Little Rose' starship to travel to the e36
nebula. This journey was quiet and beautiful, and the beautiful and
gorgeous nebula swept out of the porthole, which impressed all the
tourists on the starship. October 13 On the day, we passed the end of
the nebula and were ready to embark on the return journey.
Unexpectedly, on this day, the nebula riots, the engine crashed,
countless meteorite belts wrapped in a black hole magnetic storm hit
the 'Little Rose', and everyone on the starship was deep Deep into the
crisis of life and death ... "

Weibo issued.

Almost every second, just like water into the oil pan, caused a great

"Soft cute dolphin: Big, is this true? Isn't this a novel ?!"

"Orange-flavored soda: I just searched. On October 6, there was

indeed a travel starship distressed and lost contact, and just returned
a few days ago safely. The pores were scared! It turned out that Su Da
was missing for this reason!"

"Kolabao: Suddenly I felt scared ... We almost never saw Su Da again."

"Old tofu driver: Do you really believe it ???? It's too simple, is it a
novel by Su Daxinwen? Is it normal practice to serialize the novel on
Weibo by using the first-person semi-entity entity?"

"Kolabao: I, I, I, I, I, I ... I am speechless."


Su Tan smiled and shook his head without explaining. It is believed

that as soon as this news comes out, countless media will immediately
rush to verify whether it is true or false.

Originally with the safe return of the "Little Rose", all the tourists on
the starship will meet with family and friends, and this news cannot
be concealed.

Right now, he simply answered it calmly, reassuring all the netizens

and book fans who were concerned about him.

Not long after the Weibo was posted, phone calls from editors and
publishers of numerous friends, classmates, and agents scrambled
over to ask him about his safety.

Su Tan responded patiently, calmed everyone with a smile, and

discussed several issues about the new book, and then hung up the

I never thought the phone would ring again as soon as the phone was
put down.

This time, Su Tan turned on without hesitation, and a powerful voice

suddenly came over. "Son, you promised me to take a good rest !!!!!!"

With a full breath, he nearly shouted and broke the communicator

handset. Su Tan rubbed his ears, only to feel that the current around
them was a small magnetic current.
He immediately apologized with a smile. "Rest, rest, I'll rest!"

The robot daddy was a little angry, and he uttered a few more words
before hanging up the phone reluctantly.

Su Tan rubbed her ears with a smile, and her black eyes were full of
smiles. After hanging up the phone, she really obediently put away
her brain and was ready to go to bed to rest.

Unexpectedly, he had just halfway through, the door of the ward was
quietly pushed open, and a tall, long man came in. The man was still
answering the phone at the moment and responded occasionally in a
low voice, apparently very busy.

But when he came to the bed, he bowed his body very gently, and put
a kiss on Sutan's forehead.

Gentle and gentle, with hot temperatures, reassuring.

Su Tan bent her lip corners, a pair of black lacquered eyes were bright
and bright, with a smile of smile, always looking at Hayden.

Hayden stood beside the bed and looked down for a while, but he
couldn't help it. He reached out to cover the black eyes, whispered the
last few instructions to the communicator, and hung up sharply.

Quiet time in the quiet ward.

Su Tan wiped off the palms covering her eyes, and lay down on the
bed honestly, seeing that his big cousin was loosening the neckline
with one hand, unbuttoning the cufflinks, and throwing them on the
table aside.

The cufflinks detail the Longman family's ornamentation, which is

low-key and elegant.

At this point, the owner was left aside at will, but Hayden reached out
and touched his forehead, feeling the temperature was the same, and
then continued to change his coat with confidence.

"There is soup in the incubator--"

Before speaking, Hayden nodded, and took away the light brain from
Su Tan's pillow, and put it on the shelf aside safely. He calmly said:
"Aba called me."

Obviously, it was the robot Suning who watched the Emperor Gao far
away, and in the middle of the night Sutan was still obediently
brushing Weibo, and then he called Hayden for him to come back and
take care of him.

Sutan certainly understood.

He lay down in the quilt. He was as good as his younger brother, and
the quilt was well in front of him.

Su Tan jokingly asked, "Well, do you want to take a picture of your

dad to rest assured?"
With this ridiculous joke, Hayden nodded in agreement. "Take one."

With that said, he picked up the communicator on his wrist, took one
of them and sent it to the robot Suning.

Su Tan: "..."

Do you want to be so serious [laughing and crying].

Simply, after lying down, he simply stopped moving, and nestled

warmly in the quilt. After thinking about it for a while, he was really

The experience of being trapped in the dark and dangerous star field
for three months, although he did not leave him with any serious
physical trauma, he was not as good as before.

At that moment, he was tense and nervous, worrying that the endless
dark starry sky outside his window was their future cemetery. The
tremendous pressure was like a shadow that followed the shadow,
covering his heart for a long time.

This made Su Tan slacken down after finally returning safely. The
tired and tense spirit was like a tense bowstring, and it took a long
time to recover.

When Hayden came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, he

saw Su Tan lying on his bed squinting and falling asleep.
He wiped the water droplets on his hair at will, walked lightly, and
lay gently beside Sutan. The mattress was slightly dented for a
moment, and the teenager around him rolled into his arms.

Hayden hugged people and fell a kiss.

The danger is over, and the dormant crisis is far from over.

Taking advantage of this few days after returning, he quickly set out
to cut off all the forces hidden in the dark and wiped it out.

This danger will never happen again.

Hayden hugged Sutan tightly and squinted to sleep.

On the Internet, netizens and book fans who were excited about the
return of Sutan couldn't sleep for a long time, and discussed Sutan's
Weibo enthusiastically.

On this night, there were also several large families in the upper layer
of the Imperial Capital that could not sleep peacefully, and they fell
into an unparalleled anger and panic almost at night.

The Kane family.

At the head of the Empire's top ten generals, the old General Kane,
who was very successful and powerful, stood in the study at this
moment, very angry. He shakes his hand, and the personal stick he
most cherishes on the usual day is hit **** the luxurious low-key

"How dare he?" Chester Kane was furious. "Dare to betray us?"

The patriarchs of the big families on the side were a little bit uneasy at
the moment, their faces were anxious and furious, and there was a
little regret.

The three months before the disappearance of the imperial crown

prince Hayden Longman was the best shot for the Longman family.

The imperial throne Langman family has been sitting for too long, and
it is time to replace them.

Previously, several of their families secretly contacted and planned

the fall of Hayden's private spacecraft, which successfully forced
Hayden's spaceship to fall into a small and remote small star field.

Fortunately, under their plan, Hayden should have died unexpectedly

from the starship crash.

Unexpectedly, Hayden had survived the earth that time. Fortunately,

he fell on an unfamiliar small planet and encountered Sutan. This
made all their plans missed and failed.

In order to avoid suspicion, General Kane intentionally forbeared, and

again dormant for a few years. He never shot again, and Hayden
couldn't catch them.
Finally, wait for the second chance!

This time, from the beginning, they went to great lengths and
carefully laid out to make this interstellar trip as normal as possible.
With the idea of burying all the tourists on the starship, they finally
watched Hayden and Su Tan embark on " "Little Rose", sailed out of
the Imperial Capital.

Then, a well-planned nebula riot finally succeeded in sinking Hayden

into it, and almost everyone in the Kane family believed that Hayden
would die.

In order to confirm this result, they waited carefully for two months,
carefully calculating that by this time, all supplies in the starship had
been depleted, the "Little Rose" still showed no sign of return, and all
the secretly inspected The warship could not find the trace of "Little

Only Kane and several big families finally showed up.

Hayden Longman is dead!

Their carefully planned layout can finally go all out!

This time, several big families will show their dormant power, and no
more convergence. In particular, using the prestige and background of
General Kane in the military, he almost countered the remaining
imperial generals and set a plan for joint overthrow.
Tonight, it was supposed to be the day of closing the net.

A few days ago, Hayden Longman's unexpected return was an


But at this time, the arrow was already on the string and could not be
backed down. All the layouts have been completed. The imperial
conspiracy army is ready to go, and several families have joined forces
to prestige the confidence! There is no better time than before, never
before, and never again.

Veteran Kane closed his door and pondered for a night, and finally
decided to keep the plan unchanged and go against the sky!

Seeing that success is in front of him, how could he let go?

But never expected--

"Cellers! How dare he betray us?" Chester Kane's eyes were red, and
his solemn forehead was screaming like a lion, staring angrily at the
wall behind the desk. Full map of the Empire Star Fields.

Everything about him, everything he devoted to planning for a

lifetime, was ruined that night!

The youngest general, Cyrus, who joined the Kane family camp
earlier, turned against the water at the last moment. Together with Gu
Gu, the new patriarch of the clan, he pulled away most of the forces in
response to the planned army and returned to the side of the
Longman family.

Chester Kane can already imagine that when the original conspiracy
was scheduled tonight, only the private guards of the Kane family
rushed to the Longman family lonely and were eventually crushed by
crazy blood.

And he, presumably, will be taken to a military court tomorrow.



With a dull gunshot, Chester Kane slowly fell down with his white
and aged body. The pistol most cherished for many years in his hand
finally pointed at his temple and ended his life.

The others in the study were shocked. After a few seconds of silence,
they watched Yin Hong's blood slowly infiltrate into the luxurious
carpets depicting the Kane family pattern, and a large shadow
appeared, and they finally panicked.

"Ah! General Kane committed suicide!"

"what should we do?!"

"Escape! Escape! There is no other way out!"


Without the power and reliance of the Kane family in the army, the
remaining major families have only political or wealth power, how
can they withstand the Langman family that has control of all the
imperial army?

Their end--

The heads of several families cried in confusion, avoiding the splatter

of blood on the carpet, where there was a bit of majestic calmness.
Before he could come up with an idea, he fled and fled to the door of
the Kane family.

But I couldn't think of anything. Outside the door, I had been waiting
for the Royal Guard butler Oleson.

"Several patriarchs, please get in the car."

Almost instantly, the faces of the patriarchs of the major families

changed, making it hard to see a little blood.

Ollaisson calmly pulled the door of the car with respect, and there
were countless soldiers on the side of the guard who couldn't see the
end. There was silence and coercion at this moment.

The bodies of the patriarchs of several major families suddenly

Olesen stood aside and looked respectfully at the guards, who helped
the patriarchs who were like dogs at the moment to get on the car.

Subsequently, this large and silent convoy continually headed

towards the Empire prison—

Place of life imprisonment.

Gu family.

Silently mobilizing the army, suppressing a rebellious guard inside

and outside the Gu family.

Gu Qin, the current owner of Gu Qin's green military uniform,

hurriedly walked to the basement of his home before taking off.

My brother Su Tan must not know that in addition to a huge treasure

house in this basement, there is also a family imprisonment prison

At this time, a middle-aged man with a frantic expression was held in

the severe prison.

"Gu Qin! Are you still my son? You're crazy and you are holding your
biological father here!"

Gu Hongxian's face was cracked, and his eyes were cracked. Seeing
Gu Qin, who was walking into the prison wearing a uniform, stepped
into his jail, he was so angry that he rushed forward and ripped off
some flesh.

But he was framed by heavy shackles on the walls and he couldn't


Gu Qin looked at him expressionlessly, his dark eyes were as deep as


He stood in front of Gu Hongzhang, looking at his old and majestic

face stained and frowning. Obviously he has been sent to the travel
galaxy to support the sky, but he did not die. He secretly returned to
the Imperial Capital to participate in this rebellious incident and
wanted to drag the entire Gu family into the water.

If it wasn't for his early shot and he intercepted Gu Hongyu, I am

afraid that Father Gu should have been sent to the imprisonment with
the other major patriarchs in the Kane family estate tonight.

In this end, he will not relent.


Gu Qin said coldly, "Do you know why you are here?"

Gu Hongzhang was imprisoned in a small forbidden room. When he

heard this, a fury of hatred erupted between his eyebrows. He didn't
know what was going on outside, only thinking that Gu Qin, the
eldest son he had brought up, blocked his wealth and grand future.
Tonight, he was supposed to be standing in the patriarch's study of
the Kane family, holding wine glasses of celebration, and chatting
with each other, sharing the joy of victory.

At that time, he should.

Appreciation and reuse by the new empire master, granting supreme

glory and power.

But now, Gu Qin destroyed everything.

When thinking of this, Gu Hong's eyes fluttered and he wanted to eat.

His whole body of anger rushed to the top of his head for a moment,
ignoring the iron chains tied on his body, and drew "bang" straight to
want to pounce on Gu Qin.

"You-you wicked! Do you think that if you deliberately stop me, you
can always rest on my head? I tell you, even if I am not tonight, the
family of the Kane family will turn!

Once the Kane family regains empire authority, he, as the original
responder, will surely be reused again.

At that time, he will let Gu Qin lie at his feet and confess to him!

Gu Hongyan was so angry that Gu Qin, who heard these words, was
extremely cold. The man standing in front of him didn't even have a
wave of expression on his face, his deep eyes were as deep as a pond,
and the waves were not shocked.

Suddenly, Gu Hongxuan was surprised for a moment, and looked at

him with a gloomy glance, trying to see a hint in his face.

Do not! impossible!

The Kane family joined forces with several major families, and there
are military forces behind to rely on it. It is impossible to fail tonight.

But Gu Qin's attitude caused a crack in his confidence.

Suddenly, Gu Hongyin asked in a yin voice, "What did you learn?"

Gu Qin must have learned something he didn't know before he was so

determined in front of him.

In the end what happened?

Only let him be so calm and calm, not even anxious to rescue the
Longman family? Instead, buckle yourself here and stand in front of

Gu Hongxuan's brows were locked tightly, and his dirty face

tightened unconsciously, with a fierce anxiety, irritability and anxiety
flashed through his eyes.
He quickly calculated all the details, and finally fixed his eyes
suddenly when he met Gu Qin's pair of military boots standing in
front of himself.

The spotless black military boots were somewhat indistinct in the

dimly-lit warehouse, and they could only blur the black paint. But
there was a faint layer of deep water on it, which made Gu Hong's
eyes widen suddenly and his breathing almost stopped.

That is--


Deep layers of invisible blood stained on the military boots,

completely covered by the black of the military boots.

In this dark night, like the blood of silent killing, it was covered in

Gu Hongxi fluttered quickly, his mind was blank for a moment, and
the space seemed to be unbelievable. I couldn't figure out how this
could happen.

"The Kane family--"

Gu Qin stepped forward, stepped forward, and approached him.

Looking at his blank and gloomy face, his voice was cold, and he said,
"Do you know why I locked you here?"
"Atan must not have a father who was imprisoned for impeachment."

Gu Hongxuan's heart shook, and a huge shock came on his face,

deeply impacting the bottom of his self-confidence and ambitious

The Empire's Treason ...

Suddenly, his throat was awkward, as if his throat had been blocked
by a mass of gas, and he wanted to question it sharply, but in Gu
Qin's cold eyes, he couldn't even say a word.

Treason, jail.

A basin of cold water from his head and feet, the cold bone of his
bones quickly captured his whole body along the soles of his feet.

The Kane family must have failed!

Gu Hongxu's hands and feet were cold, his scalp was numb, and his
body was cold as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Gu Qin didn't give him time to react, took back his icy footsteps, and
turned around and walked outside the forbidden room door.

He only left one last word.

"You will not be tried publicly for your crime of empire treason."
Suddenly hearing this sentence, Gu Hongxi quietly gave out a little
hope in his heart, struggling with his energy to tie the iron chain tied
to his body, looking eagerly to Gu Qin.

Is it because of Gu 's fame and his brother Su Tan 's consideration that
Gu Qin will protect him from imprisonment?

Gu Hongxuan looked eagerly at Gu Qin.

As the patriarch of the Gu clan, he could not understand how ruthless,

**** and cruel the empire was in suppressing the rebels.

More than ten years ago, several large families had secretly planned
for rebellion. A small family became a tentative stone for their
exploration, setting off a small political storm.

In the end, the little family failed and was thoroughly cleansed.

The external forces of several major families have also been deeply
damaged. Even his youngest son, who was set to be the fiancee of the
imperial crown from an early age, was also in a storm, and was forced
to abandon.

Unexpectedly, after more than ten years, they carefully planned

another treason and suffered another complete failure.

Gu Hongzhang can already predict how cruel he will be when he is

thrown into prison.
If Gu Qin could keep him at this time, he would be saved from prison!

Thinking of this, Gu Hongxi could not help shaking the shackles tied
to his body, and a pair of eager Greek wings stared anxiously at Gu
Qin, waiting for him to arrange a perfect escape plan for himself.

However, Gu Qin's next sentence drove him to **** completely.

"You'll go straight to the imprisonment, and the patriarchs of the

major families are waiting for you there."

"Your accusation is unforgivable."

His black military boots stepped on the icy ground and stepped out of
the dark basement step by step. Behind him was Gu Hongji's mad and
angry voice.

As he walked step by step into the Gu family's old house, he was

finally cut off by heavy walls and cells, and he could no longer hear.

It was still dark at night.

Gu Qin sighed inwardly, the dark green palate tightened slightly, but
the deep eyes under the brim gradually became firm.

Everyone has their own debt to pay.

Gu Hongzhang's mistakes can only be repaid in the prison behind
bars in the second half of his life.

The weather-stricken old house of the Gu family finally fell on his


Gu Qin stepped steadily toward the study, and as soon as he opened

the door, he heard it with a light chuckle.

In the study, Cyrus, the youngest general in the handsome military

uniform, was leaning at his desk, waiting a long time for him.

"You are finally back."

Cyrus fell into his shoulders with a smile on his chest.

Gu Qin moved slightly.

-His debt, here it comes.

On the second day, there was a lot of enthusiasm on the Internet for
Sutan after three months, and finally appeared. No one knows how
the empire's upper power class experienced a severe shock and
renewal overnight. Shuffle.

Several major media kept silent in silence, and the antennae keenly
saw the clue early from the atmosphere of strangled killing in the
upper empire. It was inferred that they had realized that Su Tan and
Hayden had encountered a nebula riot during their trip. It
disappeared for three months, and the incident was weird. As a result,
many media outlets closed their mouths sensitively and kept their
mouths closed to discuss the changes.

Ordinary interstellar residents have no way of knowing the blood and


Only in a small newsletter broadcast on TV, I learned that several of

the empire's long-established families have been imprisoned for
corruption, and many politicians and army generals have been
affected. , Severely punished together.

This caused a wave of public opinion fluctuations on the Internet,

expressing their opinions on the issue of empire corruption and
discussing it for a few days.

But before the netizens had time to discuss the results in depth,
another huge surprise news was born and took everyone's attention.

"Sutan has a great new article !!!!!!"

Su Tan's fans were almost mad by this huge surprise, and rushed to
the source of the news-"Fengxing Novel Network". Sure enough, in
the author's column of Sutan, he squatted to a new pit.

"Star Trek"!

Fans of books were immediately captured by a sense of happiness. If

they got the treasure, they couldn't wait to start a new article by Su
Tan, and found that in this new article, it was a new world setting that
was completely different from the past.

"The 'Little Rose' was damaged by the impact of the black hole storm,
and all the tourists on the travel starship had to enter the escape
capsule one by one and sail to the unknown starry sky in the
exploding starship ...

He Yuan who embarked on this relaxing trip never thought that when
he woke up with his eyes open, he came to another magical world.

Here, there is an ancient and mysterious nomadic people, tall and

burly, **** and martial, and bold and hearty.

Their tribe is called barbarian.

... "

With the crossing brought by the explosion of a starship, the hero in

Sutan's new text completely came to a strange and magical world. His
first encounter with another world, he knew the barbarians and hated
the late friendship, the barbarians and the enemy's life Revenge,
brutal and **** killing wars, and the arduous migration of long
journeys ... A large new world slowly emerged in Su Tan's pen.

All readers and fans are happy to find that this novel is different from
Su Tan's previous novels.
The background setting of this novel is more huge and complicated,
and has a unique appeal. Su Tan is obviously going to construct a
large-length work.

Seeing this, many readers and book fans were very happy, looking
forward to the next update.


"Soft adorable dolphin: a big new book! No! Enough!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: It's wonderful! It's a grand opening and a
far-reaching layout. Finally, we'll wait for an appetizing novel, and
wait for the Soviet Union to update."

"Kolabao: Mistweed! After reading the big new pit, the inexplicably
nomadic man of noble nationality had a look of blood, bold and
magnificent and lovely! Where can such a man find me, it will give me
a dozen."

"Little Begonia of the Roubao Family: The same quilt powder! Roubao
is going to write a long story? No more afraid, wait and wait."

"Dark Night Rose: Good-looking. [Deep Sea Torpedo * 666]"

Sutan is going to write a long story. The readers are completely not
afraid of it, happily brushing new pits, and they wish to change one
hundred and eighty chapters a day to enjoy it.

Almost overnight, "Star Trek" hit the top of the monthly list.

Fans of Fiction Net are happy, and many Weibo enthusiasts have
discovered that the response of Sutan Weibo 's first-person semi-
principal entity has been updated.

The accident of the "Little Rose" starship has caused many interested
netizens to find reports in previous news, and it has also increased the
credibility of Sutan's Weibo.

However, the follow-up of Sutan 's Weibo update is increasingly

touching and exciting.

"During the severe shock, the" Little Rose "received a severe impact,
and all the tourists in the starship fell into chaos. With a bang, all the
lights in the starship went out instantly. In the darkness, the porthole
passed quickly. The meteorite belt glows brilliantly, the fire can be
seen faintly behind the engine, and we are close to death. What's
worse, in the next impact, I lost my consciousness in a coma ... when I
woke up, I came Arrived at a strange and ancient dynasty ancient
capital. Looking at the man sitting high on the golden throne, I
suddenly froze.-I know him. "

"When he stood in front of me, he said he was Andre Young."

As soon as the latest Weibo was updated, Sutan's Weibo comment

was immediately sensational.
The name "Andre Young" has appeared in his travel novels many
times, and is closely linked to the mystery of a whole series of travel
adventure novels from beginning to end.

Almost as soon as the name appeared, all readers who knew him--

The third part of Adventure Notes is finally here!

The second wave of surprises came, and two new books were opened
at the same time, so that all book readers could not help but fall into a
warm carnival. Before the New Year, Sutan gave them the best gifts.

At the same time, in a bookstore in the capital of Rosewood, between

the piles of books and the shelves are filled with New Year's
decorative wreaths and green branches wrapped with gold and red
ribbons, the festive atmosphere is very strong. The melodious festive
music floats happily above the bookstore.

When everyone walked into the bookstore, they were all smiling and
cheerful. Many people take advantage of the last holiday of New
Year's Eve, shopping with children and old people to buy New Year

Edmund, a manager of a Rosewood securities company, finally

managed to pull away from his busy work, hurriedly walked between
the bookshelves, and scanned the rows of newly listed children's story
books with his eyes.
Many of them have bright and colorful covers, and some of them have
launched similar storybooks in the name of the unlucky Amy

Edmund opened two books with anticipation, hurriedly browsed the

catalog and the author's name, but was extremely disappointed.

Another copywriter's work!

He put down the book in sorrow and sighed.

As the original birthplace of "Unlucky Amy" and the hometown of

Sutan, this series of novels are deeply loved by residents of all ages
from old to young in Rosewood, and have become the most popular
New Year for children in recent years gift.

In the two years of the new year, Edmund successively sent the latest
release of "Unlucky Amy" to his son Fred, succeeding in harmonizing
the father-son relationship. This year, without Sutan's new book, he
didn't even know what gift to give his son.

Edmund quickly flipped through one after another of the fresh

children's storybooks, but often didn't wait for ten seconds before
letting down, disappointed, and quickly changed to another.

Until a whole row of new books was turned over, he suddenly

couldn't find the children's story books he wanted.

Is it to disappoint his son Fred?

Edmund could not accept it.

He raised his wrist and glanced at his watch, and found that the
pointer had been pointed at six o'clock in the evening. His wife and
son Fred had already prepared a hearty dinner at home, waiting for
him to return.

There was no extra time for him to hesitate again.

He bowed his head with a sigh of annoyance, got up and quickly

walked out of the bookshelf, preparing to leave the bookstore and go
to the game franchise store next door. I can't buy Sutan's new book as
a New Year's gift, and only the latest game helmet can comfort Little

Edmond could not help but compromise.

As he was about to get out of the bookstore door, he hurried past a

book shelf near the door. Many books on the bookshelf were
temporarily withdrawn and piled up on the ground, blocking his

Several staff members were holding the huge cardboard boxes in full
swing, and dismantled and opened them.

Edmund glanced, trying to walk around and walk out of the

bookstore. He glanced over the mouth of the box, and there was a
vaguely printed cover on it.
Suddenly, he paused, turned back with a sharp brake, hurried back to
the bookstore, and ran straight to the shelf where the staff was placing
new books.

"Who is this?" His voice trembled, with unbelievable expectations and


The staff smiled at him, took the new book that was just hot from the
printing house, took it out of the carton, and shoved it into Edmond's

"Su Tan's new book-" Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng "!"


"New book?"

Edmund was incredible, and a moment of surprise came to his mind.

He never thought that his luck would be so good, he finally waited for
Sutan's new book at the last moment before leaving the bookstore.

Moreover, it is not yet available, he is the first purchaser!

Edmond was almost crazy!

He didn't have much time to think, so he rushed out of his wallet and
bought it. "Give me one, no-ten!"
With the help of the bookstore staff, ten freshly released Sutan new
books were quickly packed. Edmund couldn't hide the smile on his
face, and quickly carried the heavy book in his hands. The steps under
his feet could not wait to get home and gave the gift to his son Fred.

Before turning and leaving, he smiled goodbye to the staff and said,
"This is the best New Year gift."


On this day, not only Edmund thought so, countless book fans who
were cheerfully preparing for the New Year, were surprised to find
that in the third part of "Star Trek" and "Adventure Notes", many
offline book physical stores, All quietly appeared in his new works.

"" Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng "!-After" Unlucky Amy "and" Little

Elf ", Su Tan greatly gave another new year's gift to the children!"

As soon as the news came out, it was like a bombshell, and it was
smashed among countless book readers and fans, which made people

Moreover, the long-lost questioning on the Internet forum again


"Circle: Impossible, right? Sutan has already published two new

articles. Do you want to open three at the same time?"
"Lemons are a bit yellow: upstairs. It won't be another copy written by
a counterfeiter? Right now there are a lot of counterfeit goods on the
market under the banner of Su Da, Su Tan, Su Shi, Su Tan, Su Tan ... I
want to go for great rights. "

"I don't know the spring sleep: hahahahahaha I have bought a new
book! It is really produced by Su Da, no doubt! This year, you don't
have to worry about sending any new year gifts to your little

"Well-beautiful lady, hey: waiting in line outside the bookstore ... why
would the army waiting in line to buy so quickly [cry]."


Geothermal discussions were taking place at the forum, and the

microblog of Sutan's agent Lance officially confirmed the news.

"Lance: Su Tan's new book" Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng ", a new

year gift for children, I hope everyone likes it."

The real hammer fell and the news confirmed.

Almost instantly, the entire network fell into carnival again, and
countless netizens and book fans were unable to sleep with
excitement, making Sutan's Weibo completely become an ocean of joy.

Not only is the popularity of "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" bursting

into popularity, but in the blink of an eye, the huge popularity and
search volume made Weibo hot search headlines, even # 苏 大 接连 三
开 #, # 最 的 新年 的 电影 #, # 与 儿童 一起 读 儿童 故事 # and so on, all
firmly occupy the hot topics of Weibo.

The major entertainment media and Weibo marketing account have

followed the trend one after another, and unwillingly rushed to
publish a press release, announcing this heavy news, which attracted
a lot of online attention.

For a while, the quietly released "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" was

quickly swept away. There are already long queues outside Starcraft's
major bookstores, and countless enthusiastic book fans are waiting to
buy this new book. Don't be afraid even in the cold.

Many Internet bloggers and celebrities also responded at this time,

each showing their abilities, and obtained the new book of Sutan
through various channels. They were the first to publish the cover of
the new book on Weibo cheerfully, and won a lot of netizens. Envy.

"Jenny Martino after the Golden Jubilee Awards: The six-year-old son
loves this children 's story, and I do n't see the end tonight, why do n't
I sleep?

"Supermodel Ali Mayn: When I went to a bookstore with a friend

today, I accidentally saw this new book. I just flipped through a few
pages and became fascinated. I can swear now that Sutan is definitely
my best No author of love! "

"Wandering writer Wild Fox: a pot of good tea, ready to kill a new

A freshly released children's story novel suddenly became popular

There is no previous publicity, no big-scale marketing and

overwhelming advertising, and even the author himself has not even
done a new book notice, and just rely on Sutan's reputation and word
of mouth to directly make this children's story book "Little Squirrel
Gu Changsheng" Fire spreads across the interstellar.

At this time, countless publishing houses and book publishers were

both envious and hateful. Looking at Weibo 's popular and hot search,
they felt countless feelings and almost regretted their intestines. Why
did n't they grab Sutan so powerful at first? What about the author?

Now, they can only look forward to sighing at the storybook that has
been shot out of sight and dominated the entire New Year's book

Nowadays, many publishers can only silently wing this Sutan's new
book without a picture name and a misrepresentation, so that readers
are really disappointed after reading it, in order to give these
publishing companies a chance to rise and recapture later. .

Under such great expectations and competition, the momentum of the

night-long search continued unabated. Until the early morning of the
next day, the first batch of readers came out first.

Edmond is one of them.

Last night, I took Su Tan's new books home with me, and brought
them to my son, Fred. Not surprisingly, Fred was crazy. I even forgot
about the gamepad that doesn't leave my hand on weekdays. I didn't
want to eat dinner, so I plunged into "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng"
and eagerly read it without raising my head.

Seeing this scene, Edmund couldn't help laughing, knowing that he

had finally bought the New Year gift, and just let Little Fred indulge
once during the New Year's holiday, let him see it happy.

After having dinner with his wife, Edmund walked into the living
room and saw little Fred holding the book against the cushion by the
fire, staring intently at the storybook in his hand, with a look of
surprise and happiness on his face from time to time. It turned out
that he had been sitting for three hours and refused to move a little
bit, unlike his usual naughty appearance.

This unexpected focus made Edmonds curious.

He simply bought several new books, and simply sat down on the
sofa near the soft stove and took a new book in his hand.

What is so attractive about this new book? Let the youngest son be
completely attracted?

With a curiosity, Edmund solemnly opened the first page of "Little

Squirrel Gu Changsheng".

The beginning of the storybook was extremely fierce, and a traveling
starship traveling in the meteorite belt was facing the fatal danger of
crashing and disintegrating.

"The 'Little Rose' is about to explode!"

"Longevity, hold on to Grandpa's hand, don't let go!"

"Don't be afraid, we will be safe."

... "Bang!" With the splendid explosion of fire, the travelling starship
was finally blown up, and numerous escape capsules were ejected
with a rapid stream of meteorite.

One of the five or six-year-old children lay in one of the escape bays.

On the way out with his grandpa, he encountered the starship crisis.
At this time, waiting for him was endless dark space ...

Seeing this, Edmund took a deep breath and suddenly realized that he
was unknowingly attracted by the tense rhythm of the beginning of
this children's fairy tale, completely immersed in it.

He can think that this little boy who drifted into space with the escape
capsule is the hero of this children's story.

Can he survive the danger? Will you meet again with Grandpa? How
is it related to the little squirrel in the title of the story?
For a moment, countless doubts hovered in his mind, almost for a
moment to urge him to continue reading.

Edmund shook his head with a smile and finally knew why his
younger son Fred was so fascinated.

He raised his wrist and glanced at his watch. It was still early, and
today he simply gave himself a vacation and enjoyed a good book.

This is also a rare parent-child time.

Edmund adjusted his sitting position, leaned himself more fully on

the soft cloth sofa, and once again set his eyes on the pages of Sutan's
new book, immersed in it.

The dangerous experience of escaping from the explosion starship

escape capsule has always touched Edmond's heart. Fortunately, Xiao
Changsheng landed safely and landed in a strange forest.

When he woke up, he found it was a completely strange world.

Solitary around him was only one of his escape capsules. Neither his
grandpa nor anyone else on the starship had been by his side.

To make matters worse, he became a little squirrel.

Furry with big tail and fluffy hair-little squirrel.

After a while, Gu Changsheng was stunned.

Seeing this unexpected plot, Edmond couldn't help but laugh quickly
and wanted to applaud! This unique setting and interesting story
completely evoked his curiosity.

He couldn't wait to know what kind of encounters and interesting

experiences this little squirrel would have in this magical forest and
continent. Finally, under what circumstances will it become human

This clear suspense and novel setting completely attracted him. It's no
wonder that the younger son, Fred, will be so enamored that he won't
blink his glasses.

Edmund moved his gaze with a smile, and quickly read the plot
afterwards, ten lines at a time, and was completely attracted by the
charm of this children's story.

He sat on the couch almost all night, moving intently, following the
story of the squirrel's magical experience in the land of the alien
world, watching his ebb and flow as the neighbors and the
industrious marmot became neighbors He became friends with the
happy and happy little magpie, and under the care of the old bear and
blind grandpa, he gradually learned to pick pine nuts and hazelnuts,
and set himself up for a winter full of food.

Such a peaceful and happy day, although simple, hit the deepest
softness and beauty in the bottom of his heart.

The many small animals living in the forest are vivid and vividly
depicted in the author's pen, each with its own unique personality
and charm, which can't help attracting people to smile with their lips

Such a lively and lively and interesting tone can not help but let an
adult reader like him be able to temporarily escape from the complex
and busy and stressful real world, bringing a rare spiritual relaxation
and a cheerful smile.

Edmund was looking through the pages of the book, and he felt that
such a light and beautiful storybook was a good gift for the New Year.

He continued to read it, only to find that with the harmonious and
happy days in the forest, a huge crisis gradually enveloped everyone.

First, in the life of the little squirrel, many animals that were strangely
migrating from the distant forest suddenly appeared, and then the big
cheetah brother who was out of the forest to hear the news was
accidentally badly injured, and even barbarians and human races
broke into it ... All of this symbolizes bad news.

Life here is no longer peaceful.

More and more wars and struggles spread into the forest, completely
breaking the quiet and peaceful life of the past. The battle between the
barbarians and the enemy nations has become fierce, and the power
struggle between the human royal family has become more and more
anxious, and blood has gradually spread to the entire continent, even
in the forest.

Spirit pets and demons first became the resources and objects they
were fighting for.
The forest was hunted, the nest was rummaged, and all the animals
rushed around to escape.

The little squirrel managed to live comfortably in life and lost again.
He escaped again, was captured, and was almost in danger of losing
his life.

Until rescued by a homeless swordsman--

His furry ball was held in his hands, and the carefree man raised his

"Follow me later."

The little squirrel clenched his hand tightly: ah?

Edmund took a sigh of relief, wondering whether he was finally out of

danger for Xiao Changsheng's safety, or laughed for him to find
someone to protect and take care of him. He just wanted to continue
to look at the plot behind, but he did not expect it. The next page
turned out to be the end of the book.

That's all for now!

At the beginning of the time, Edmond lamented in his heart, until he

turned the remaining pages of paper over and over, and finally saw
the cover on the underside. He finally felt a little bit uninterested and
What exactly is going on?

Is this man who adopted a small longevity good or bad?

Throughout the continent where the war has spread, can they stand
alone and guarantee peace? Or will we encounter more dangerous
and magical experiences?

But at least, Edmund was certain that with the onset of this crisis,
Little Squirrel Changsheng finally got out of the forest and went to see
the outside world with his master.

What kind of continent is this?

For a time, countless mysteries filled Edmond's heart, conspiring him

to constantly wonder about the development and answers of the
subsequent stories.

But it 's just here, the story is paused!

Edmund groaned infinitely, and a long time ago, he felt a feeling of

falling into a new story pit, and finally realized the feeling that the
former son, Fred, was waiting every day for the new book of
"Unlucky Amy" to be released.

He couldn't help but laugh a bitterly, stood up from the sofa, and
found his waist and legs sorely awkward. Raising his wrist again and
glancing at the time, he was already unaware of the early morning.
Immediately, Edmund could not help smiling, rubbing his waist, and
seeing the younger son Fred beside the fire still immersed in the book,
fascinated and unable to extricate himself.

Immediately, he walked over quickly, picking up his son and carrying

him towards the bedroom. "It's time to sleep, Little Fred."

Little Fred was watching Xing's head. He was interrupted by his dad
uncontrollably. The book he was holding almost fell to the ground.
Fortunately, he hurriedly grabbed it.

"No, no, no, no, no-I haven't finished watching it, dad, can I see the

Although the time to go to bed had already passed, at this time Fred
had little sleepiness, and his eyes were looking forward to Edmund,
coquettishly begging him to agree.

Edmund: "The ending? I'm done, I can tell you--"

Upon hearing this, Fred's youngest son struggled desperately,

expressing his rejection with a whole-body protest. "No-don't tell me
the ending, I'll see for myself!"
Before he knew what to say, Edmond teased out what he least wanted
to hear. "The ending is that the little squirrel grows up and finds the
right owner, and goes together to conquer the world."

Little Fred: "!!!-I hate you !!!"

Edmond soothed the frosted little Fred for a long time before finally
going to bed. The time he got up and returned to the master bedroom
was two o'clock in the morning. Although he was exhausted, he was
relaxed and happy.

With such harmonious and interesting parent-child time, he hopes

that the more, the better.

Sleeping with New Year's wishes, Edmond slept all night. After
waking up early the next day, I thought of online feedback book
reviews and feedback.

He brewed a cup of strong hot coffee for himself, took a sip of ironing
his stomach, and then finished his idea. He posted a new post in the
largest interstellar forum.

"Last night I watched" Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng ", my son and I

were completely attracted. It looks good! It is worth pushing!"

The title of the post is very long, and the main building inside is more
detailed. Edmond focused on recording his feelings in detail.

From the tense suspense of the starship explosion to the escape crisis,
to the fun and novelty of the little boy's life as a squirrel, to the variety
of bright and cheerful little animal neighbors in the forest. At the end
of life, it was written that a new danger struck, and Xiao Changsheng
went from dodging and running to being arrested and rescued. The
tide of every tide was exciting and full of unique charm.
In the end, the man who rescued Xiao Changsheng laid a big
foreshadowing, laying a foundation for the two to travel together on
the continent in the future, and people couldn't help looking at it.

This kind of children's story book is not only the love of the younger
son Fred, but also an adult like him immersed in the whole story
unknowingly and gained a good book.

Edmond's post-viewing feeling is detailed and rich. Obviously it is the

true feelings written down by heart. It was posted in the interstellar
forum. After a while, it changed a lot of attention and was posted on
the homepage by a high top.

In the building, it has received the support and praise of many


"Chicks don't have eggs: the landlord has worked hard, and the first-
hand book review from staying up late, praise!"

"The glutinous rice dumplings: After reading the landlord's book

review, I ate Amway properly. I feel that this new story of Suzhou
University is very interesting."

"Butterfly Meng: turned into a furry little squirrel? Together with the
owner to break into the continent? Suddenly the pair of cps described
by the landlord were full of blood. Thank you, landlord! I will line up
to the bookstore today to grab a book!"

"Tomato Escape Plan: It's finished. It feels the same as the landlord. It
looks good and looks good. Why can't I see enough? I don't know
when Su Da will issue a second copy? I feel like I'm going to fall out
again [laughing and crying."

"The boy who loves to eat melon: Only I think Su Tan is planning a
big game of chess?" Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng "," Star Trek ","
Adventure Notes ", all three novels come from the same setting ——
The passenger of the "Little Rose" starship wrecked on a different
continent. In the three novels, the barbarians, wars, and human royal
families are all the same. Maybe this is simply a world, which is
greatly divided into three different Written by the protagonist's
perspective and the protagonist. Then if you look at it as a whole, it's a
good idea to write a long series! "

"Tomato Escape Plan: Hahahahaha, I like honest people upstairs ~"


Edmund looked at the many comments in the post and quickly

replied, and couldn't help but laugh and stamp the like in the analysis

He also feels that the three novels and the three lines develop in
parallel, have their origins and intersections, and show the whole
picture of this different continent from different sides.

The protagonists of the three novels are all people who came across
from the same starship and were forced to land on this alien
continent. There is a wonderful fate and implication in the
What kind of hardships they will encounter, and what attitudes and
positions they will eventually meet, will deeply concern the reader's

Edmond dared to conclude that this new book by Su Tan will become
a rare and magnificent book.

This is not his idea. "Star Trek" is updated daily on the stardom
novels. The third part of "Adventure Notes" is serialized in the style of
the first-person semi-entity entity on the microblog of Sutan. Only
"Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" uses a physical book. Sold in the
bookstore, both the word count and plot are far ahead of the other
two books.

Even in the book, there are many foreshadowings and hidden

messages, which introduce the side of this alien continent and the race
of the other two protagonists from the side.

This makes readers who like the other two novels even more curious
about this children's story. Many adult book readers have entered the
bookstore and queued to buy "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng". The
readership of the story has expanded to all ages.

Some media even made such a publicity slogan-"Little Squirrel Gu

Changsheng", this is not the best New Year gift for children, this is the
best New Year gift for all of us! "

This exaggerated evaluation, instead of making people disgusted, got

countless netizens in line to like it on the Internet.
"Butterfly Meng: I've finished watching it, and I've been successfully
circled into a pit."

"Show off the sky: grab it from the hands of the little nephew and
finish it, just one sentence, good-looking! The clothes written by the
author! My mother, my uncle, my uncle, my second cousin, and my
cousin were all successfully entrusted."

"Shaking Mountain King: A book that I like, especially like, has been
transformed by the hearts of the little animals. Look at the exquisite
style of the first-person real narration of the same series of"
Exploration Notes ", and the rhythm is refreshing and refreshing. The
star-studded horror of "Star Trek" is totally three different styles, three
completely different sensory enjoyment, and it is a complete powder
for Suzhou University. "

"The glutinous rice dumplings: it 's too loud, and it's amazing. It
disappeared for three months, and came back to write three articles in
succession. I felt happy and bursting! Chasing better every day."

"Perfect dreamer: same content." Star Trek "keeps chasing every day,
and wants to see the **** and bold nomadic man drinking and eating
meat in large chunks ... Well, the third part of" Expedition Notes "can
not be put down, the protagonist and Ender Lie Yang, the mysterious
old partner, is finally about to reveal his identity. He wants to see the
dog blood burst into the royal family's love, hatred, and hatred.
Forbidden | Black | The cute little squirrel has sprouted and hopes to
write a second one soon! "

"Xiu Xiu: Hugging upstairs, my appetite will soon be raised by Su Da

[laughing and crying]."
"Fruit: Walk around, go to Weibo to urge more."


Online reviews are booming. Instead of the word-of-mouth decline

expected by many publishers, the sales of new books have once again

The high praise and praise brought a lot of attention and enthusiasm
to "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng". By the way, fans of the other two
novels "Star Trek" and "Adventure Notes" also attracted this book. The
same background novel.

For a while, the major bookstore sales point "Little Squirrel Gu

Changsheng" was out of stock again, and sales reached the last wave
of peaks before the new year.

Many star residents have added this must-have item to their New
Year gift list.

After undergoing a comprehensive physical examination and a week

of intensive care, Su Tan, who was recuperating in the hospital, finally
got the permission of Dr. Shu and was able to leave the hospital

His physical imbalance and malnutrition caused by the trapped

starship for three months have greatly improved. He has basically
returned to normal, but Shu Heng still urges him not to be overly
tired recently and reduce the time for work and writing.
Just as the New Year was approaching, Su Tan went to school to ask
for leave, and officially entered the New Year holiday. He will make
up for the vacant three-month school course during the New Year
holiday by self-study. After the holiday, he will return to school to
take the final exam absent.

After hearing about his accident, the teachers and professors were
quite concerned. They deliberately relaxed the examination
requirements. In several courses, they even turned in papers instead
of closed-book examinations. During the vacation, professors will also
give him distance learning. guide.

Sutan was full of gratitude, and specially gave the teachers a prepared
New Year gift—his new book and a small box of desserts. It was
delicious and slightly sweet, and it was very delicious whether it was
served with tea or a single meal.

Although the gifts were light, the teachers received them with smiles,
and they accepted them with great satisfaction. Su Tan smiled and
said goodbye to several people, and started his new year holiday.

For interstellar residents, New Year is a traditional festival. This

holiday is busy and lively, and it is the most important reunion day
for the whole family.

On the first day of the holiday, Sutan began the daily code update.

The most exciting thing for readers is his ability to update three
novels at the same time, which has caused countless topics on the
With the deepening of the plot, three novels with different styles and
cross-linked novels have harvested the hearts of countless readers and
fans in a short period of time.

"Big President: Every day I see that Su Dajing is divided into three
authors, hahahahaha, do you want to grab all the authors' jobs?"

"The broken leg is cute: How is Su Da's brain circuit structured? At the
same time, it is open three times, three main lines, and three
perspectives, but the story line is completely undisturbed, and it
cannot pick up any logical problems and flaws."

"I like you: I can open a few books at most at the same time? Or we
collectively raise funds and put the big lock in the small black room
and try to code?"

With the enthusiasm and dissemination of the discussion, this series

of novels by Su Tan deservedly became a hot topic.

A majestic world structure, a wide story background, the **** killing

of the Jinge Iron Horse, a peaceful and beautiful forest life, many
charismatic characters and touching brotherhood, friendship, love and
revenge ...

"The Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" has never been more popular

than anyone else in the publishing industry, and the popularity of
"Star Trek" and "Adventure Notes" has pushed the whole series to the
highest level.
Many people in the industry have already seen the huge potential and
future of this series.

Even in the Internet forum, an anonymous analysis post quietly

appeared, which deeply analyzed the three novel ideas of Su Tan.

"Obviously, Suda has been preparing to create a super big IP from the
beginning. Judging from my thirty years of experience as a veteran
fan, these three novels are definitely little appetizers, and the real feast
and feast must be still there. Behind! What Su Da wants to write is not
three, but maybe ten! Thirty! "

"From the content of the exhibition of these current novels, the world
view is huge and complicated, carefully laid out, digging, burying
stubble and suspenseful suspense, making the drama conflict and
tension of the entire series of stories. Each novel and The figures,
taken out alone, are an independent main line and the protagonist,
but they are put together in the context of this big world, and each has
its own charm and development in separate items, and it is obviously
a huge group portrait. "

"Su Da is really too ambitious. As a book fan, what he is most afraid of

is his poor writing skills in the later period. He can't control such a
large world and many main lines, which leads to fragmentation and

"If you can overcome this, I can guarantee that this series of novels
will definitely become a super popular IP with a long span of decades
and unlimited influence."

"We'll wait and see."

This anonymous analysis post with in-depth analysis coupled with
the extremely high popularity of "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng",
"Star Trek" and "Adventure Notes", soon became popular after

The concept of "Super Popular Big Ip" not only shocked all the fans
and readers who are happy to read novels and read novels, but also to
cast a heavy nuclear bomb in the fiction, publishing and film and
television industries.

As an unprecedentedly developed interstellar era in the cultural and

entertainment industry, it has become a common method to adapt the
favorite online novels supported by many readers into film and
television works.

However, the level of online novels is high or low, and the films and
dramas based on film and television can only be used as Internet
dramas. After a short period of time, they are overwhelmed. There are
few who can really support a story with rich and beautiful works by
virtue of the original strength of the original work.

Whether it 's audience fans, or industry insiders in the film and

television entertainment industry, it 's really hard to find a good work
with quality and core, let alone one that can really fight and fight
against others. Interstellar Fire is a "Super Popular Big Ip" of all ages.

"Super Popular Big Ip" has disappeared in the film and television
circle right now.
Countless people in the industry have tried many efforts and paid
countless efforts and costs, but still failed to support a "super popular
big IP".

It can be seen how rare "Super Popular Big Ip" is.

Not only does it need the charm and strength of a super-high reader's
book, but also a bit of unclear luck.

Just like the last "Super Popular Big Ip" successfully created by the
Internet novel, it has been swept for a full 30 years. With the growth
of a generation of young people, it has successfully created countless
film and television works and derivative products. Timeless classics in
the minds of movie fans.

Is it possible that Sutan's new text series will become the next "Super
Popular Big Ip"?

Many people in the industry are still analyzing and watching, and
some people have already given the answer.

Su Tan was focusing on the code word, and suddenly the agent agent
Lance called over.

As soon as he was connected, he heard the man who had been calm
and elegant in front of the communicator, couldn't hide the joy and
excitement in his voice, and said to him with a smile: "Now there are
twelve film companies intending to purchase your new book. Right of
adaptation! "
Sutan was surprised for a moment.

He is very determined about the strength of his works, and as early as

when he started writing new articles, he was convinced that this series
of novels would be favored by film and television companies.

But the olive branch came so fast, but it was far beyond his

After all, as of now, his new series of novels from a different continent
is still in its infancy. There is only one complete single-line
story-"Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng", and it is still a work of
children's stories.

The other two books, "Star Trek" and "Expedition Handbook" written
by other heavy inks, are still in the beginning stage, and the part of the
update is only the tip of the iceberg.
Only with these small-scale updates, the twelve film and television
companies have the intention to adapt and cooperate, and it must be
said that they have greatly exceeded his expectations.

On the side of the communicator, Lance smiled warmly and raised his
voice slightly. "The conditions for these twelve film and television
companies are good, but I think you can wait a bit. The value of this
series is much more than that. Or do you have other ideas? "

Su Tan meditated for a while, the thoughts in her mind had taken
shape long before the new book was opened.

He responded directly: "Not for sale."

Since the beginning of this series, he did not intend to sell the adapted
film and television rights. This work is the most thoughtful and
energy-intensive work since he wrote the article. He does not want to
easily sell the copyright and let an unknown film company adapt it to
a dog. The blood and celebrity film and television works.

He wants to take charge of this series himself.

Su Tan's answer did not surprise Lance. He still remembers another

identity of Su Tan-the owner of the old cat studio.

The studio that successfully launched the popular movie "Mr.

Morton" in the second half of this year has already proven its strength
with box office and word of mouth.

Sutan, as the old owner of Lao Mao Studio, naturally has the ability to
use his own studio to launch the hot-selling IP of the New World

Lance smiled, and he nodded slightly, saying that he understood Su

Tan's thoughts. "You have this strength, and wish the new series sell

But it 's almost impossible for this big Ip studio to eat. Not to mention
how many special effects and big scenes are needed for such a big
new world background, just take out a huge **** battle between the
barbarians and the enemy in the wasteland, Requires the deployment
and support of countless human, financial, material and actor staff.
Such a large-scale epic scene is not an area that Lao Mao Studio has
always been good at.

Therefore, this IP is dominated by the old cat studio, and also needs to
cooperate with other film and television companies to develop the
entire series perfectly.

Su Tan clearly thought about this requirement and told Lance. "The
copyright of this series will not be sold, but several partners will be
invited to cooperate in the development of this IP. Let's have a
preliminary contact and see which film and television companies are
willing to negotiate?"

Lance nodded in agreement. "Okay, I'll get in touch."

The topic of co-development of the New World Series IP, like the
storm, swept the entire film and television entertainment circle. Many
insiders who are always concerned about this series are inspiring, and
many film and television company executives can't sit still and
personally contact Reims and Lao Mao Studio for specific cooperation

Although there is no way to swallow it alone, even if you can share a

cup of glutinous rice, everyone can see that the potential of this series
is extraordinary.

If it can be tied to this super IP aircraft carrier, it may well usher in a

glorious prosperity of film and television development.
This time for the film and television adaptation opportunities for the
fierce competition, Su Tan handed over everything to Lance and the
old cat studio agent, and concentrated on focusing on his new book.

In the three months he was trapped on the Travel Starship, he began

to write this series of novels in a large amount of free time, saving a
lot of three novels.


Nowadays, a sufficient amount of daily updates are released without

any effort, which is still more than enough. With regard to the plot
and development of the story, there is also a gulf in mind, which
clearly outlines the large frame of the entire continent in the bottom of
my heart.

Now all we have to do is fill the content into this big framework.

In the study upstairs, Su Tan was working on his big IP code plan in
an orderly manner, while in the other study downstairs, strangers
came in and out every day and met with Hayden from time to time.
See, deal with one thing after another.

Occasionally, when Su Tan went downstairs to make a cup of hot tea

for himself, he could see different strange generals or big men going
to the study.

He drank hot ironed tea, rubbed his forehead, and found that more
and more people came to see Hayden in his house during these days.
What does this mean?

While thinking, he went upstairs with a hot tea cup.

Before going to bed at night, Su Tan looked at the home where he

finally came down and calmly, and Hayden calmly and calmly looked
for a while, then suddenly asked: "Are you ... preparing to do
something recently? "

Hayden was suddenly taking off his coat.

Hayden: "..."

He chuckled, and the whole person was depressed. "Well, carry

forward the solid route, would you like to try it?"

Su Tan: "... I'm wrong-I'm wrong-I'm wrong ... QAQ"


All night, Su Tan experienced the workaholic state of his big cousin.

This caused him to schedule a daily timed codeword the next

morning, and was forced to postpone for two hours, failing to get up
on time.
Su Tan rubbed his waist to get up, crying and laughing, thinking that
his big cousin was full of energy and patience. It would be better if he
could pay attention to his body at work.

He observed for a few days and found that the study downstairs was
still crowded with people. There are military generals with uniforms
and epaulets, as well as politicians and family patriarchs with high
weight who only occasionally appear at high-level banquets.

Although I don't know the reason why these people appeared here,
but thinking of the shock of the blood shuffling and shuffling of the
upper empire of the past few days, thinking of Hayden's ability to
calmly control the overall situation, he trusted with all his heart.

Can't you toss the empire into ruin?

Even if he goes bankrupt, he still supports his family!

Su Tan has a relaxed mentality, devotes all his energy to his best
areas, and devotes himself entirely to the update of the New World

With the development of the plot, several characters with completely

different story lines gradually appeared and met. When the little
squirrel Gu Changsheng, who was selling hot in the bookstore,
appeared in Star Trek for the first time, Su Tan's novel commentary
area was almost enthusiastic.

"Soft cute dolphin: grow up! Can't help but call for the brother of long
"Xiao Begonia from the meat treasure family: finally wait for the
longevity little squirrel to show up, surprise in surprise, is this a big
New Year benefit?"

"Orange-flavored soda: What does the squirrel longevity appear in"

Star Trek "? Is this a preview of the three main lines starting to cross
each other? The climax is coming? Wait for a big update."


Hot online reviews.

The listing sale of "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" has accumulated a

lot of popularity for this little dull and protagonist, and countless
readers and fans are anxiously waiting for the second part to be

At this time, in the "Star Trek", unexpectedly saw the figure of

longevity, for countless readers, it is like accidentally soaring into the
sky and dropping a sugar, so that they have been full of surprises and

With Xiao Changsheng's appearance, the main lines of three separate

novel stories gradually intersect and coalesce into one, and the depth
of charm of the entire series of stories is revealed.

Little squirrel Changsheng followed the host he just claimed, and was
involved in the thrilling war between the barbarians and the enemy.
Dangerous, tense, fierce, and conflicts ignited instantly, making the
protagonist's fate even more thrilling.

The whole story was done in one go and invigoratingly.

And suspense and crisis one after another, constantly produced in Su

Tan's writings, enthusiastic, always pulling the hearts of all readers
can not relax.

The little bit of foreshadowing previously buried in the details and

silence, finally gradually revealed that amazing powers erupted layer
by layer, making people overwhelmingly addicted, and can't help but
be attracted by the emerging crisis and suspense. Keeping up with it, I
can't stop it.

Such an excellent narrative technique, and a sophisticated and

sophisticated style, greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

Even before this, some people suspected that Su Tan could not control
and control such a big world background and subject matter, but at
this moment, after reading the latest updated content of Su Tan, this
kind of statement was completely self-defeating for a while.

Su Tan's book review area gave the best answer.

"Make money and make money: magnificent! Exciting! Good-looking!

The **** man of the barbarians is too appetite for me, and the
friendship between the protagonist is also regrettable and enviable. I
just saw the little squirrel growing up in Star Trek The figure thought
that it would be the author's intention to smash the heat of another
book to circle the fan. I did not expect it to appear in this novel
without being obscure at all. It was perfectly embedded in it and
became an indispensable link. Good-looking! "

"Five kills every day: big, I don't see enough! The series must be
written for thirty years, isn't it? Looking forward to it."

"The dreaming little shark: The details are well received! The big
writing is really amazing. There are no bugs in such a large essay, and
it seamlessly connects with the other two articles. I am looking
forward to when Andre Yang can appear, waiting for Shura field."


In addition to the praises of readers and netizens, countless people in

the publishing, film, entertainment and entertainment industry have
deeply seen the excellence of this novel.

The complete and meticulous worldview architecture and the new

world setting, the rich story lines and branches cross each other to
produce countless dramatic conflicts, multiple charming characters
shine each other, and novel and interesting little squirrels and game
hunting people interspersed among them ...

The novels in this series, as the storyline unfolds, show more and
more amazing charm and great potential.

This is definitely a good work worthy of investment and competition,

and it will also become a blockbuster movie next year.
For a while, all the film and television entertainment companies were
eager to contact Sutan's agents and studios enthusiastically and
actively. They were determined to cooperate with this new world

In the end, one day before the new year, a blockbuster slammed on
the Internet, which immediately caused explosive heat and surprise.

After repeated discussions and contacts, Lance and Su Tan selected

the two strongest film and television giants as their partners to
participate in the development of the New World Series IP with the
old cat studio.

"Lao Mao Studio, Gu's Pictures and China Entertainment jointly

develop Sutan's new work-the first film is expected to be released next

Once the news came out, it immediately caused a stir in the entire
entertainment industry.

The newly established and powerful Old Cat Studio, which owns
blockbuster movies such as "Mr. Morton", is a leading film and
television crocodile and entertainment company with a strong
heritage in the film and television industry, and has participated in
the development of the adaptation of the New World series.

This is simply a strong alliance that swept all the film and television
circles at once!
Countless book readers are excited and excited, and glad that their
favorite novels have such powerful film and television adaptations.
Many media have even called this time the "Super IP Big Mac" plan.

Will this be a strong victory for the launch of the super-popular big IP,
or will it be a complete failure of Waterloo?

Just wait for the summer vacation next year, and the results will come

As the new year approaches, Sutan burst into tens of thousands of

words in succession, giving all readers a new year's welfare, and
adding a little squirrel growing up in a small theater on Weibo,
making the comment area enthusiastic.

With all this arranged, in the blink of an eye the New Year came to an
end, and everyone entered a holiday state.

In the small study downstairs, fewer and fewer guests came and went.
Royal Guards housekeeper Olesen also began busy commanding
many servants, cleaning and dusting, placing cheerful flowers and
New Year's decorations, adding a lot of festive atmosphere to the

Su Tan just finished writing the updates for the New Year. She got up
from the desk and loosened her waist, and then she suddenly smelled
the rich sweet aroma of sweet incense downstairs, and filled the
whole room through the corridor on the second floor.

He couldn't help getting up and down the stairs, down the corridor.
Into the kitchen, as expected, several cooks and chefs are taking out a
new plate of small desserts from the oven.

The bright red frosting covered the whole apple, and it was knocked
open with a silver spoon. It turned out to be a layer of crystal clear
icing, and the filling was filled with honey-filled jam. The delicate
appearance and bright and bright color make the Man's forefinger

The black rich black forest cake, the white frosting lightly sprinkled on
the black chipped chocolate chip surface, and the sweet and glutinous
red cherry embellishes it. Together, he lingered on the tip of his nose
for a long time and stayed with him.

The cute and lovely Shu Fulei was fluffy and elegant when it was just
released. The top slightly swelled out of the cup, showing the rich
aroma of custard in front of Su Tan. This deliciousness is fleeting.
Only a few minutes after being released can be used to decorate the
dishes and serve on the table, otherwise they will encounter a crisis of

Seeing Su Tan enter the kitchen, the busy kitchen lady in front of the
oven, laughed and put Shu Fulei into the plate, one turned around
and tasted in front of Su Tan.

Sutan didn't pick a place. He simply sat down in the sunny corner of
the kitchen near the large transparent floor-to-ceiling window and
drank an afternoon tea with sweet and delicious cakes.
At the entrance of the soft and fluffy Shu Fulei, the light taste
immediately conquered his taste buds. With the thick pulp flowing
inside, tightly wrap the baked crispy crust, put it in the mouth and
melt it little by little, as much as the best enjoyment.

Su Tan savored contentedly, and narrowed her eyes with a smile. She
couldn't help but took the light brain and took a few photos of the
food and posted it on her Weibo.

"@ 天天 都 刷 烧 烧肉: Happy New Year: -D."

As soon as this Weibo was issued, the comments from netizens were
extremely enthusiastic.

"Kolabao: Great, are you specifically to pull hatred? Bullying we can't

see it!"

"Soft adorable deep dolphin: I'll also have a sunburn! [Potato and red
wine stewed oxtail] Do you want to eat it? Come to me!"

"Di Meixing Juvenile: [Grilled Lamb Chops, Grilled Beef Ribs, Grilled
Prawns, Grilled Scallops, Grilled Mackerel] Is it big, is it hungry?
Well, I can't help it ~"

"The small bench of the meat treasure family: [Spicy crayfish,

freshwater crayfish, hairy crabs, king crab] such delicious seafood that
can't be eaten every day at home! So distressed, right, big?"

Numerous mouth-watering food pictures have eagerly sunk under his
Weibo and topped the first few comments.

Seeing these comments, Su Tan could not help but bear it.

He brushed his comments, smiled with a smile on his lips, and

responded with ridicule.

The New Year is the season with many delicious foods. The New
Year's foods of various galaxies are posted, and there are many
varieties, and they are dazzling. He laughed, joked with his netizens,
shared the food in his hometown, and waited for the afternoon tea,
and found that the whole person was relaxed and happy.

As soon as she looked up, the cook's another oven of freshly baked
berry patties came out, which has always been the skill of the robot's
father. Seeing now, I can't help but evoke Sutan's nostalgia.

Immediately, he couldn't help but carry a plate of hot berry patties

with sweet aroma and steam, then thanked the kitchen ladies with a
smile and turned and walked out of the kitchen.

Unexpectedly, before reaching the spiral staircase upstairs, he

encountered an unexpected figure in the corridor.

"Acrylic ... Kane?" He thought back slowly, remembering the long-lost

Acrylic Kane, once the young master of the Kane family and a
promising family, is also a lover of a fake brother Gu Han posing as
his return to the Gu family.

At this point, they met again, and the situation of the two people had
changed dramatically.

Su Tan was a little surprised at the bottom of her heart, but she wasn't
half exposed. The Kane family has been annihilated for treason, and
the family's backing, the old General Kane, committed suicide, and
this once-firm family of meritorious deeds has been dying.

Although I have not deliberately asked about the end of the younger
generation of the Kane family, I don't think it will be as easy and
graceful as before. In particular, those directly involved in the coup
d'état were bloodied and cleansed by the empire and executed in
military courts.

So, when I met Alec Kane here, Su Tan was especially surprised.

Why did he come to see Hayden today?

Acrylic Kane's face no longer saw his former determination and spirit,
and his lonely eyebrows could not hide the loneliness and frustration.
There was no such thing as a noble family.

He saw Sutan standing opposite, and hesitated for a while, nodding

his head towards Sutan.

"Master Gu Xiao."
For a while, Su Tan had nothing to say, and didn't know what to say.
The two were just a couple of faces. At the beginning, he revealed Gu
Han's true identity and blocked the marriage between the Kane family
and the Gu family, so the relationship between the two was definitely
not pleasant.

But right now, the Kane family has been retaliated against for their
huge ambitions. What can be said between the two?

Su Tan looked back and gave a half-step, and asked Acrylic Kane to
pass first.

Alec took a deep breath and lowered his head to conceal the bitterness
of the corners of the lips.

Looking up again, Acrylic Kane's face was calm and calm. He was
expressionless and whispered coldly: "Gu Han has been exiled to the
star on the edge of the empire. You can rest assured that you will
never see him again in this life."

Suddenly heard this message, Su Tan's heart vibrated. He looked up

suddenly, but could not see a trace of emotion from the cold face of
the other side, his cold tone seemed to be talking about an irrelevant

The waste star on the edge of the empire, the environment is harsh,
Liao is uninhabited, and even the most basic clean water and food
cannot be found. It can only live on the yellow sand and the
occasional supply of supplies. An island is in prison all year round.
Acrylic Kane sent Gu Han there, apparently determined to have a
clear relationship with the other party.

Su Tan sighed inwardly, and said nothing, Acrylic Cain left.

Looking at the cold and lonely figure of the other person leaving, Su
Tan was so full of heart that he turned in a direction without going
upstairs, but instead knocked on the door of Hayden's study.

As the new year approaches, the crowded guests in the study are
already clean and neat. Hayden's large and thick desk still contains
countless documents and notes, and he proceeds quickly and

Seeing Su Tan coming in, Hayden raised his eyebrows slightly and
smiled on his face.

"Meet Acrylic Kane?" He asked resolutely.

Su Tan nodded, and placed the plate of hot, freshly baked berry
patties on his desk, and finally couldn't help asking the doubts in his
heart. "What is he doing here?"

Several major families collapsed, and power and prestige vanished

overnight. Even if the descendants of several major families were
innocent and innocently saved from prison, there was deep hatred
between that and the Longman family.
Acrylic Kane was able to appear here safely and met Hayden,
apparently greatly surpassing Su Tan's expectations, making the
mystery in his heart even bigger.

Seeing Su Tan's face confused and frowning, his big cousin Hayden
couldn't help raising his lips and laughed lightly.

He squeezed a face on Su Tan's wrinkled face, and smiled with a

smile, Yun Qingfeng said lightly: "Although the Kane family is
destroyed, the remaining Kane people will still live."

He didn't say everything, but Sutan understood what he meant.

Acrylic Kane came to live in peace for the rest of the people.


"What will happen to him?" Su Tan asked, his tangle and speculation
in his heart reacted undisguisedly to his face.

Hayden couldn't help laughing and tightening his hands, pinching his
soft cheeks. "He has applied to be transferred to the frontier of the
interstellar border garrison. Although he has not found any evidence
of direct involvement in treason, it is best for him to leave this vortex

"He will live very peacefully, if he is smart enough."

Such a conclusion made Su Tan's pores startle for a moment, and an
indescribable feeling appeared in his heart. As if cold authority and
struggle, for the first time exposed so clearly in front of him, people

Hayden circled his body and hugged him into his large, warm arms,
his voice warm and whispering, "Afraid?"

After all, he relaxed a few hands behind him, totally treating him as a

Sutan was full of black lines.

He coughed, and retorted, "What are you afraid of?"

He grabbed Hayden's neckline with one hand. The breath of the two
was close at hand, almost the tip of the nose to the tip of the nose, and
he could clearly see the reflection in the other's eyes.

Su Tan smiled decisively and said, "If you make a mistake, I will also
trap you tightly in a lone cell, and only I can enter."

——Small whip every day, it will definitely make the big cousin
happy every day in the future.

His words were crisp and clear, and he made a sound.

Holding on to Su Tan's waist tightly, Hayden's eyes were as deep as

the sea for a moment, and a smile appeared.
"it is good."

He responded resolutely.

On the New Year's Eve, the Sutan family ate meals in the Longman
family. Robots Suning and Dr. Shu paid great attention to the
preparation of door-to-door gifts. Even his younger brother Da Da
was put on a small suit and bow tie. Doll-like joy.

His elder brother Gu Qin was also invited. In order to avoid being
alone, he brought along a good friend, Cyrus.

In contrast to the Su family, Hayden's parents relaxed a lot, dressed in

casual attire, hugged them one by one in a relaxed and affectionate
manner, and warmly welcomed the Su family into the door.

This kind of attitude makes the robot Suning's heart greatly relieved.

This is the first New Year that the two have spent together in the

Both families are very valued. The entire table was prepared by
Hayden's mother Martha. The bottle of old wine on the table was a
multi-year collection of the emperor Bernard Longman. The beautiful
flowers at the table were cut out in the small garden by the
housekeeper Oleson in the early morning.
Even a set of children's tableware was kindly placed on the dining
table, which was thoughtfully used by the little robot.

All night dinner was wonderful, pleasant conversation accompanied

by delicious food, no better New Year's Eve than this.

After dinner, the men and women separated, and Dr. Shu, along with
Bernard Longman, Hayden, Gu Qin, and others, took a walk to the
fireplace in the living room, where there were comfortable armchairs
and a small Bookcases, and some collectibles, are just right for men to
start a conversation.

The robot Suning took a little robot and sat down with Hayden's
mother Martha at the other end of the living room. The comfortable
sofa made people relax their tight shoulders, and the steaming hot tea
was full of fragrance. I feel happy in my hand.

Even more intimate, there is a long train track on the soft carpet,
which is most suitable for da da games.

Across the living room, the atmosphere of conversation on both sides

was very pleasant.

Su Tan stood at the door, thought about it, and prepared to take a step
towards Dr. Shu. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped out half a step,
he suddenly heard the cry of "Abba, come here, what are you waiting
for!" "

Suddenly, Su Tan's footsteps were a meal, some could not laugh or

Across the living room, he could notice the big cousin's gaze on his
face, making him unable to bear the heat on his cheeks, pretending to
be normal, and walking towards his father.

Next to the sofa, the little train ran on the track humblely, playing
with bright eyes, and the robot Suning was looking at Hayden 's
album with Martha when he was a child, facing a photo of Hayden 's
when he was a kid. Talked about the three generations of knitted knit
vests inherited from the Longman family.

This topic instantly narrowed the distance between two people. The
robot Suning opened the box and warmly discussed with Martha
about the knitting style and weaving.

It is a well-known sweater expert on Weibo!

Su Tan joined the topic of not being able to enter, smiling and flipping
through the albums set aside, which recorded Hayden's children and
adolescents from childhood to childhood, which captured countless
interesting moments and ugly photos, making Sutan happy. .

It wasn't until Dad touched him that he finally looked up from the
album with a smile that couldn't be masked.

Martha glanced forward at the album and smiled. "This is a photo of

Hayden falling into the Baltic Sea, when our family was traveling
Looking back, Martha laughed with emotion: "It happened a long
time ago."

As the core of the empire's rights, in recent years their outings have
become less and less convenient than ordinary people.

Martha's hand didn't know when to bring a ball of wool. She just
learned a new weave with Suning. She just practiced two laps. At this
time, in the warm and warm atmosphere of the floor lamp at night,
she talked with an ordinary Mother is exactly the same.

She smiled and said to Su Tan: "When will we put everything into the
hands of you and Hayden, and Bernard and I will be able to continue
our unfinished interstellar journey when we were young."

After hearing this, Su Tan: "!!!?!"

He was very surprised, but found that Martha's smile was kind and
warm. He stroked his forehead and lowered his head to continue
talking with Suning to knit a sweater.

This leisurely and calm attitude made Sutan's surprise deeper and

If an empire and queen want to embark on an easy and long

interplanetary journey, there is only one possibility, completely resign
and relax, otherwise such a valuable identity cannot easily leave the
capital for a long time.
Realizing this, Su Tan's gaze was almost subconsciously looking over
the stove. Hayden was chatting and joking with his father and Dr.
Shu. The relaxed, calm and firm posture had already acquired
Bernard's style, It cannot be ignored.

Perhaps he should have realized this fact long ago.

A perfect New Year's Eve made both of them happy, and Martha said
goodbye to Suning with a smile, and agreed to find a time to have a
good afternoon tea and exchange their knitting skills. Then the two
separated reluctantly.

After New Year's Eve, various banquets and invitations came like
snowflakes. The steward Alaisen took a whole stack of invitations and
sent them to Su Tan.

Su Tan waved his hand, "To Hayden."

Olesen bowed slightly, with a faint smile in his voice. "These are

Su Tan: "..."

... can he refuse?

In the end, Su Tan let go of his hands and looked at them one by one
with patience. He had never seen the family on the post. But these
families are so famous that he has heard of them both in TV
newspapers and in the Gu family.
At this time, the other person's hand-written invitations were warm
and friendly.

Su Tan had a headache, but eventually turned it over to Hayden and

asked him to help him get his idea.

Hayden's small study was busy again, and countless official

documents were passed on one by one. He relaxed himself, found two
secretaries, and added a desk next to the study to handle most of the
trivial work for him.

At this point, the large and thick desk was fresh and refreshing, and
only a few important tasks that the subordinates could not resolve
had just been submitted.

Sitting behind his desk, Hayden looked at Su Tan holding a large

stack of invitations so tangled and couldn't help smiling.

The answer he gave was beyond Sutan's expectations. "Just join if you
want to, don't go if you don't want to, just play."

Su Tan: "... so simple?"

He was unbelievable. Don't you care about being close and distant,
don't need to figure out your mind, and don't show your love for
In his mind, the upper-level banquet, which is equivalent to the
extremely complicated and tangled politics, is so understated in
Hayden's mouth.

Seeing his look of surprise, Hayden couldn't help laughing, reached

out and rubbed Sutan's face, feeling the softer feeling in his hands
than when he had just returned from the dangerous trapped starfield,
he was in a good mood.

Finally, with the efforts of the whole family, he was fattened back.

Hayden rubbed comfortably and replied easily: "It was originally that
simple. Now they want to please you, not you to please them."

Su Tan: "..."

mad! Fried! day!

He finally experienced what it feels like to be a crown prince's man. It

turned out that the big cousin used to make him play QAQ.

He thought about it and asked, "Don't I have to take any


Hayden couldn't help but raise his lips and smiled and asked, "What
duties? Mascot?"

Su Tan: "..."
/ (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~ He was underestimated. Mascots are hard to mix, okay!

With Hayden's approval, Su Tan gave up attending any family dinner.

It wasn't him that was valued by the other party. If Hayden was not
present, what would it mean for him to go alone?

In the end, Su Tan devoted all his energy to his field of expertise.

On January 16, just after the new year, the third part of "Expedition
Notes" serialized on Weibo for one month was successfully

This first-person semi-substantial novel has an unparalleled charm to


The success of the first two novels and movies has made this
expedition series a large number of fans and fans, and they are
extremely familiar and loved by the protagonist and Andre Young.

Because of this, many book readers are full of enthusiasm and

expectations for the encounter between the actor and old partner
Andrei Yang in this third "Adventure Notes" on the other continent.

The disclosure of another identity of Andrei Yang has greatly solved

the big problem that has puzzled readers of the book for a long time,
making them extremely excited and excited.

The emperor on the throne, the captain of the mysterious and grim
expedition, has two distinct identities, just like the two sides of a
person, firmly attracting the reader's attention.
With the enthusiasm of Sutan's new series of new continents, this
"Adventure Handbook" was first updated on Weibo and became
highly popular in the front row.

On the end of the day, it hit the top of the hot search.

Countless readers are excited to sprinkle flowers, and they are also
very much looking forward to the release of this novel. Many of the
remaining readers and fans have finished the ending and deliberately
plunged into Star Trek. The word of mouth of Star Trek on the novel's
website suddenly burst.

Soon after, the annual author's annual meeting of the "Famous Novels
Website" is about to be held. The website sent an invitation letter to
Sutan. In order to be able to invite him to attend, Sutan's editor
Hoshino called him specifically.

On the other side of the communicator, the editor of Yujie Fan is still
beautiful, the red dress and the **** roll rice are exquisite and

Hoshino carefully looked at the Sutan on the side of the screen. When
he opened his mouth, he opened the door to see the mountain and
invited him directly.

"Come to the author's annual meeting."

Su Tan: "..."
He wanted to refuse. The course that was vacant for three months
before the winter vacation has not been completed. After the winter
vacation, he will be faced with an exam. Coupled with the update of
"Star Trek" and the new movie plan, he can not get away in a short

What's more, the big cousin was busy, and he was so busy with
business every day. How could he leave him alone to participate in
the event?

Therefore, I can only regret the absence of the author's annual


But Hoshino didn't accept his explanations, but instead smoothly

spoke out a long list of annual meetings to invite guests to seduce

"This year's annual meeting was not only attended by popular authors
of the website. You can meet friends from the group, such as" Inviting
the Moon "," Shenkeng Xiaoxian ", etc., and also invited the ancient
gods to attend.

"For example, you like Chang'an greatly--"

Su Tan's heart couldn't help mentioning it. I did not expect that the
senior would participate. He wrote a lot of classic works under the
pseudonym "Chang'an" in the early years, and then gradually closed
the pen. He has not made public appearances in recent years.
Even on his private Weibo, he rarely showed up, only to the great
gods admired by countless readers.

The only occasion to show up in recent years was for him to call on
the platform and give his full support.

This relationship made Su Tan deeply remember. Therefore, when he

learned that Ji Chang'an would also attend the author's annual
meeting, his heart could not help but be moved.

If you think about it, after the Adventure Notes, he only needs to
update the novel Star Trek. The update pressure is much less. He can
handle it ...

He was silently searching for a reason in his heart.

The editor Hoshino seemed to see his intentions, and smiled loudly
and bluntly added chips, saying: "Not only the author, we also invited
a group of well-known readers, such as-"

She paused, glanced around his face leisurely, and said with
confidence: "Reward the first place on the toss list-smoke scars ..."

Su Tan: "!!!"
"Smoke scar ?!" He was so horrified that he almost wanted to rush
downstairs and verify Hayden himself.

The smoke scar is obviously the clone of the big cousin. After Hayden
publicly revealed his identity, the most famous and most expensive
and most expensive earthen reader number of this star novel network
immediately smashed the entire website and forum.

The readership of "smoke scar" has since become not only a reader but
also a symbol of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!

With Hayden's affairs getting busier, his chances of appearing on the

site are becoming less and less, almost becoming a presence that
countless netizen readers and former fans of "Smoke Scars" look up to.

In the thoughts of many readers, the "smoke scar" can be said to be

another "great god" that is no less than the authors.

Su Tan never expected that this time the author's annual meeting, the
big cousin would promise to attend.

He never mentioned it to himself!

Su Tan was shocked and delighted, and his interest in the author's
annual meeting climbed to the top. Even if you ca n't go by yourself, it
's good to see Hayden, a native reader reader god, appear in it.

As a mass-eating crowd, he looked forward to seeing the day when

his big cousin was crowded and sought after.

At the moment, he never hesitated anymore, and readily agreed:

"Okay, I'll participate."
The editor Hoshino finally successfully completed the task, glanced
across his face with a smile, and ordered straightforwardly: "Beauty
look good then!"

Su Tan: "..."

He couldn't laugh or cry, he wasn't a little girl, and he was dressed up.

After shutting down the newsletter, he enthusiastically started his

plan to save the manuscript, and determined to drive out the
manuscript of Star Trek before the annual meeting.

Before going to bed at night, they were sitting in front of the computer
for a long time and refused to climb into bed to sleep, ten fingers
quickly typing a large section after another. It wasn't until the big
cousin came over to stab people that he reluctantly left the computer.

Hayden placed the person securely on the bed, took a good quilt, and
asked him with a smile: "As happy as that?"

Su Tan smiled, raised his eyes and asked: "Why did you agree to
attend the author's annual meeting?"

Hayden said in a light tone, rubbing his face and answering, "Take the
mascot out for a walk."

Su Tan: "..." He is not a mascot!

Besides, it sounded like QAQ like walking a dog.

"By the way," Hayden reached out and took a sign from his neck
inscribed with the Longman family, smiling softly. "I carry it with me
every day."

Su Tan: ... brought him a dog tag! !! !! !!


The annual meeting of the authors of Fanxing Novel Network is an

annual event. As early as one month before the annual meeting, the
website was preheated on a large scale, and announcements and
publicity posts were posted in the Star Forum, which caused a lot of
crowds of readers and fans.

"The lemon is a bit yellow: I envy the friends who can participate on
the spot, and I want to go too."

"Explosive sugar: call for the big ones! I don't know if Suzhou
University can go this year? I'll book a ticket when I go! [Happy and

"Lan Lanlan: Shenkeng will definitely not be invited? If he is also

invited by the website, I will chase the scene with a 40-meter long

The discussion in the forum was enthusiastic. Several posts
enthusiastically discussed the theme of the author's annual meeting.
The posts quickly covered thousands of floors.

The annual meeting of authors is not only a hobby of readers, but also
a top event for the authors of star novel websites. Countless invited or
uninvited authors have posted anonymously in the forum and made
great wishes.

For a while, the various post titles in the forum were swept by the
author's annual meeting.

"Ha ha ha ha ha diligently and diligently for five years, and finally

received the invitation to the annual meeting! Happy burst!"

"Are there any friends to set up an ambition and meet together next

"I want to go to the scene to see what I like, but I'm a little
transparent / (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~"

"Happy !!! Friends who have been chatting for three years, finally
want to meet me at the author conference, and then I will broadcast
live to everyone ~"


Numerous posts thoroughly heated the atmosphere of the author's

annual meeting. Just then, the official administrator account posted
another shocking message-
"Fanxing Novel Network: This year's author's annual meeting not
only invited every day to cook braised meat, demon gods, moon
invitations, money, money, etc ... and other popular gold list authors,
but also invited Changan, Huainan, and Angel Xingyao. Wait for a
group of ancient early gods to arrive! February 15th, stay tuned! "

As soon as the news came out, it immediately fell like a blockbuster,

and the entire site was shocked.

Many readers and fans are ecstatic and happy, and never expected
that this year's annual conference of authors could invite so many
great **** authors to the scene.

Regardless of the demon gods, invitations to the moon, money,

money, etc., are the hot and popular gold list gods right now, only Su
Tan, who has never attended the author 's annual meeting, will have
the news, which is enough for all readers Can't help but look forward
to it.

What's more, there are Changan, Huainan, and Angel Xingyao ... a
large number of ancient and early gods immediately ignited the
memories of countless veteran readers.

Many readers who did not want to participate in the annual meeting
also sought tickets for support on the scene, making the annual
meeting of the author completely hot, and the participants were
extremely enthusiastic.
This situation is, of course, a favorite of the star novel website. The
website was on time. After 24 hours, the discussion in the forum
dropped slightly, and the third announcement broke out late at night.

"" Smoke Scars "is coming !!! This time the highly
anticipated annual conference of authors," Smoke Scars "will be
present on behalf of the readers to participate! Let us look forward to

The author's forum at 2 am was blown up again!

"Gogo: Did I read that right ???? Smoke scars? Really the main soil
scar of the landlord who casts mines?"

"Kolabao: The crown prince's father is finally here !!! Happy and
crazy! Call crazy! Don't stop anyone from going to the scene to admit
my relative!"

"Su Fei Cat: Stunned. The website has really invited His Royal
Highness? Such a masterpiece is really ... good job!"

"Ping'an Dou Pudding: Ask for tickets. Who has tickets for the annual
meeting? I double."

"Flying Jumping Fish: Seeking 100000000"

The group was excited in the forum, but within 10 minutes, some
friends found that the news came to Weibo from inside the forum. It
was like a rocket launcher, and it quickly became popular on Weibo.
Under the topic of # 王 储 殿 下 校 园 大 师 年 会 #, there have been
countless enthusiasm and retweets, which have shaken the entire

Even a hot headline exposed by an interstellar superstar scandal was


This is because Hayden's weight is much heavier than an

entertainment star.

Prior to that, as the Crown Prince of the Empire, no photos or video

materials of him even appeared in the media, all information was kept
to perfection. This caused Su Tan to have no idea of his true identity
when he first met him on the small planet Rose.

Later, as the relationship between the two was exposed, Hayden

gradually surfaced and appeared in front of everyone. But even so, his
front-facing photos and public messages were still poor.

Attendances to outside parties are basically closed to the public, and

their whereabouts and status are strictly confidential. Only
occasionally when I was with Su Tan, I was photographed secretly,
but it was only a private trip, and it was generally not publicly

This makes netizens and media who have been curious about him
more and more curious.
Therefore, His Royal Highness agreed to attend the author's annual
meeting of the Stars Novel website, which greatly exceeded
everyone's expectations, and caused an instant fierce attention.

In the middle of the night at two in the morning, I awakened

countless netizens from my sleep, sparking a storm of public opinion,
and almost paralyzed the entire Weibo network.

"His Royal Highness Attends the Annual Meeting" has become a well-
deserved explosive headline.

In early February, the spring breeze seemed like a shear.

The annual meeting of the authors of was

extremely popular. Half a month before the start, major media
reporters actively contacted the novel website early and offered to
take the initiative to grab the exclusive coverage of this annual

The enthusiastic attention made the tickets for this annual conference
completely difficult to obtain.

The Star Fiction website has raised the level of security again and
again, carefully selected several major news media platforms, and as
the special interviewer of this annual meeting, carefully arranged the
location of this annual meeting in a high-standard venue. Finally rest

Afterwards, the beautifully printed invitations were quickly sent to

the participants like water.
"Shenkeng Xiaoxian" is one of them.

After receiving the invitation, he couldn't wait to take the picture

enthusiastically, and exposed it in the exchange group of great ****

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian: the first one to get it, check in! [Heart blooms]"

His blueprints immediately blasted numerous diving gods, purple

and red from the group.

"Qianqianqian: Well, I got it long ago. [Picture]"

"Invitation to the moon: [invitation letter] screenshot to face."

"Qingshui Ruge: Invitations from last year, the previous year, the
previous year, the previous year ... If it wasn't for something at home,
I would definitely be there this year."

By the way, Su Tan also bubbled up and punched a card to tease him.

"Brushed braised meat every day: [invitation] :)."

Suddenly, the "Small Pit Master" was abused to cry.

Although he has been writing for many years, he has poor quality
products. Every year, he only watched the friends of other great gods
and small gods eat and drink and reunite together at the annual
meeting, and his envy could not be added.

This year, he worked hard for several months, coincided with the
great achievements of Xinwen, and finally received the invitation of
the author's annual meeting. Immediately, he wanted to run
downstairs and rush for ten laps. The letter was uploaded to the
author group, but it was unexpectedly abused by a group of diving
author friends.

His heart twitched with time, and he almost burst into tears.

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian: Don't bring such bullying / (ㄒ o 欺) / ~~"

Seeing that the "Shenkeng" was favored by the group, the group was
extremely happy, and even the authors who did not usually bubble
appeared, enthusiastically discussing the issue of the author

Among them, meeting with friends became the most anticipated


"Shenkeng Xiaoxian" hurriedly packed his luggage, rushed into the

interstellar flight company to buy the latest flight ticket, and set out on
the way to Diduxing to participate in the author's annual meeting.

He was full of excitement, sitting on the flight for a long time and
couldn't calm down from excitement, just as the two girls next door
were discussing the author's conference, and unknowingly rushed
into his ears.
"I like Su Da very much, and finally I can go to Mianji!" One of the
girls was happy, holding a novel in her hand.

On the childlike vivid cover, a lively and clever little squirrel is

painted. The fluffy fluffy big tail is hugged in front of the little
squirrel. Several pine nuts fall randomly on the ground, making
people feel extremely cute.

"Shenkeng" glanced and knew that this was Su Tan's newly released
"Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng". There was exactly one in his suitcase.

At the moment, he felt that the two girls who met each other were
inexplicably kind.

Star Book Fan Family!

"Shenkeng" was full of emotions and couldn't help the smile on his
face. When he was about to get up with Sutan's fans to recognize him,
all of a sudden, he heard the two young ladies open their mouths.

"Su Da is awesome. The New World series is opened three times at the
same time. It is divided into three main story lines. It is cute and cool
and beautiful. Such a hard-working and hard-working author will
give me a dozen more!" He added sharply, "If I met the" God Pit "at
the author's annual meeting-"

For a moment, the heart of the "Small Pit Master" was raised tightly.
Actually ... was named!

With tears in his heart, he quietly stung the body and moved back
again, pulled up the hood of the pullover, covered his face, and did
not even dare to speak out. In the clothes, the tip of the ears quietly
stood up.

I just listened to Miss Sister saying, "My Free Fighting Class finally
comes in handy!"

Accompanied by the "clicking" of two crisp fingers, "Shenkeng"

deeply slipped his body down to his seat, and he regretted it. This
way to the author's annual meeting, can his life be good?

However, I did not expect that after a while the two girls had
discussed the novel and the beloved author, and turned around to see
a refreshing and clean teenager in the neighbourhood, his eyes flashed

The figure looks a little thin, but the fingers are long and beautiful, the
knuckles are clear, and the pullover sweatpants are matched, a
refreshing temperament emerges. Although the face was covered by
the hood, it was not clear how she looked, but it was because of this
temperament that the two young ladies and sisters were put on in a

The two couldn't help but secretly took a profile photo and posted it
to the authors' forum of Fanxing Novel.

"On the way with Jiyou to participate in the annual meeting, I met a
little brother with temperament"
As soon as the title of this post was typed, it immediately attracted a
large number of onlookers, and many netizen readers warmly

"1L: I can't see my face.

"2L: Full temperament, the landlord is lucky."

"3L: What are you hesitating? Hurry up and ask for a phone
number !!!"

"4L: Maybe the other party also participated in the author's annual
meeting. The landlord can ask."

"5L: I hope the author I like greatly."


When the flight landed, the two girls packed up their belongings, and
before staring down at the starship, they looked at the teenager next
to him and slept soundly. Eventually, they could not help but reach
out and awakened him.

"Wake up soon, it's time for the capital."

"Shenkeng" moved and suddenly woke up.

The hood on his head had no idea when it would fall off, and his
consciousness was still unconscious and his face was blank.

The two girls looked at each other and smiled. In the end, they could
not resist the curiosity in their hearts. According to the suggestions of
the book friends in the forum, they asked the teenager in front of
them: "Excuse me, you are here to attend the annual meeting of the
author of Fanxing Novel. Is it? "

"God pit":"......"

Facing the expectant gazes of the two girls on the opposite side, he
suddenly sobered up from the state of uncle, "No!"

After apologizing, he dragged the suitcase and hurried off the

starship. Taking a deep breath in the air of the imperial capital.

He buys a return starship ticket now. Is it too late for QAQ?

On February 15, the crowd of enthusiastic crowds crowded in front of

the annual meeting of the author's star-studded star novel net authors.
There are readers, fans and book fans, and countless media reporters
set up their cameras early, aimed at the red carpet at the entrance of
the venue, ready to welcome the opening ceremony of this huge
annual meeting.

Su Tan went early and arrived early two hours before the scheduled
time on the invitation. Take advantage of the early crowds and
walked across the red carpet.
The readers and fans who were waiting at the door early from the
long distance were very surprised. I did not expect that the first
author who waited was Su Tan. The shouts of joy and excitement
almost rang through the scene.

"Su Da!"

"Su Da, why did you come early? If we hadn't arrived early, I almost
missed you coming in."

"Great, autographed! This book is all yours!"

"Can you take a big picture? I want to admire my little friend who
hasn't arrived ~"

The readers were very enthusiastic. Su Tan smiled and met their
requirements. The modest attitude surprised many fans.

At the scene, the media reporters who had not had time to set up the
photographic equipment also took the time to capture a few of his

"How about His Highness?" The media asked inquisitively, but they
did not see the second person behind Sutan.

Su Tan shook his head with a smile, and Ren Jun could not help
answering: "He has already entered the audience through the reader
It stands to reason that the annual meeting of the authors of
Fanxingxinwang is mainly an annual event for authors. This red
carpet laid in front of the venue is also specially prepared for the
And readers who are lucky enough to get tickets for the annual
meeting, naturally cannot enter from this red carpet, but enter the
venue through the reader channel entrance.

This arrangement has always been the case.

However, Hayden's identity is different after all. The media thought

that today would have the opportunity to really take the image of His
Royal Highness Crown Prince on the red carpet, and he was fully
prepared for this.

In particular, some media who did not get admission tickets put their
highlights on the red carpet, and wanted to get enough heavy
materials at this stage.

However, everyone did not expect that Hayden quietly and quietly
entered from the reader channel.

At the beginning of the time, countless media reporters who were

eagerly awaited at the scene suddenly lost all hope.

This is simply letting go of a big news!

Numerous media were disappointed. Su Tan simply took a picture

with the readers and fans. Seeing that more and more authors were
walking on the red carpet behind him, he smiled and waved with the
book fans, and then entered the scene neatly, without giving to
reporters. More opportunities to ask questions.

At this annual meeting, he and Hayden both chose a low profile. After
all, the writers at their annual meeting were so overwhelming that
they should be given more opportunities to show.

Hayden arrived shortly after the seat at the venue. The two brushed
their brains together in tandem, while chatting and waiting for the
opening of the annual meeting.

Outside the venue, from time to time, surprises and screams from
readers came, and one after another the names of the great gods were

With the red carpet, spotlights, and official live broadcasts, the host of
the red carpet has thoroughly heated up the atmosphere of the scene,
laughingly shouting the names of the authors who set foot on the red
carpet one after another, arousing readers' book fans They shouted
one after another.

Su Tan listened attentively, spending half a year on the new movie of

Lao Mao Studio, and did not notice the change of authors on the list of
Fanxing Novel. At this time, listening to a long list of author names, I
found that Half of them are new great gods.

And among these countless cheering and jumping, I was very happy
to hear a name I knew and knew occasionally.

"Now, the author demon **** is on the red carpet!"

"Invite Yueyue here, let's welcome!"

"Money, money!"


Sutan couldn't help but smile, and chatted with Hayden in a good
mood: "It's all our writers."

Hayden heard that, while brushing his light brain with one hand, he
stretched out the other hand and touched his head. "happy?"

Su Tan Waner teased teasingly: "I would be happier if the smoke scar
can greatly reveal the identity among readers."

The team's friends were gathered together, and the organizers

thoughtfully set their seats to be adjacent to each other, so it was very
convenient to talk.

Although I have chatted countless times in the group, this is the first
time I have met offline. Many of my friends in the group are in high
spirits and recognize their relatives one after another.

In particular, seeing Hayden on the side, he was surprised and

delighted by this native reader who had given them countless times
and fed more than half of the novel net.
Until counting people, "Invitation to the Moon" proposed-"Where is
the pit? Didn't he also receive the invitation letter?"

Everyone at the scene looked at each other, shaking their heads, and
never seen the figure of "Small Pitman". Could it be that his flight was

Everyone was quietly guessing, just then, another small high tide
suddenly set off outside the venue, and the countless screams and
cheers suddenly rose several times, almost rushing into the venue.

Such a particularly warm welcome made Sutan can't help wondering

which great **** came.

He turned his head toward the entrance of the venue, and

unexpectedly saw a teenager wearing a big plush headgear, rushing
all the way and running in.

Outside the venue, the host of the red carpet also seemed to be
shocked for a few seconds, before introducing the identity of the other
party. "This one is a great little pitman."

As soon as the words fell, all the enthusiastic cheers outside the venue
suddenly turned into screams and excitement. Numerous fans and
fans waiting on the red carpet burst into bursts | moved, I wanted to
catch up with that swift run. The juvenile plush doll almost shook the

"Fill the pit, big !!"

"Dare to show up, don't you dare to show up? In the end, you are still
not a good guy!"

"Mistweed! It turned out to be a **** pit. This big pit **** has left
countless pits and ruined my youth! Greatly, come here, I will break
your leg!"

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian" took down the hood, and he looked

overwhelmed by the crowd in the venue.

Su Tan hurriedly beckoned. "Shenkeng Xiaoxian" stood at the

entrance of the venue and looked around, looking for familiar figures
in the crowd. After seeing this group of people, he was obviously
relieved and walked away. come.

"Are you happy to attend the author's annual meeting for the first
time?" Joked the friends in the author group.

I saw "God Pit" shaking his head quickly, his face full of misery.

Before filling in the pit, he didn't want to participate in the second

author's annual meeting in his life ... It was simply using his life to
attend the meeting.

Sutan could not help but bear it.

After another half an hour, Ji Changan, a group of ancient early gods,

also arrived, completely pushing the atmosphere of the author's
annual meeting to the highest peak.
The entire annual conference of Stars Novels officially opened.

The annual conference was very colorful, and different themes of the
website were awarded different awards. The authors of the audience
came to the stage to receive awards and express their opinions.

Su Tan was also fortunate to receive the "People of Ancient Earth

Theme" award for readers for the "Earth of Earth" theme novel essay.

Then he just stepped down and was named again.

"Excellent Award for Ancient Novels-" Jianghu Entertainment

Weekly! "

"The most anticipated award from readers-" Star Trek! "

He came to power again and again, and with the awarding guests, he
even won the full trophy.

This made the "Shenkeng Xiaoxian" look very envious. When can he
win a trophy?

Just thinking, Leng Wufang suddenly called his name on the stage.

"The best king of pit kings based on readers' votes-the little pit
"God Pit": "..." I didn't want to admit I was there.

He remained in a state of unknown silence until instigated by a huge

cheer and applause, and the host accurately found his seat under the
warm reminder of the audience, and finally unavoidably ran to the

In the applause of countless enthusiastic applause, the blush brought

the trophy back, and quickly ran off the stage.

Can this still communicate well?

After the trophy was sent out, in addition to the "Small Pit Master",
the atmosphere was full of joy and the atmosphere reached its peak.

Not only did the authors get their prizes and joys, but the subsequent
interaction between the authors and readers was full of fun and made
people laugh. The authors present were welcomed by the readers one
by one to answer various interesting questions and answers.

Su Tan was also asked several questions.

"How long will the new text be?"

In his plan, the New World Series is a huge project. At present, "Little
Squirrel Gu Changsheng", "Interstellar Safari" and "Adventure Notes"
have only unveiled the tip of the iceberg, and the main storyline of
countless colorful stories has not yet started.
It will take ten or twenty years to complete this series.

He replied with a smile, "It might take a lifetime."

Hearing this far-reaching answer, readers are not surprised and

satisfied. As long as they write well, they are the least afraid to read
the big and long texts, and they are looking forward to writing down
their favorite texts forever.

The second question, aside from his novel, asked Hayden. "What
about Dad? Why did he come to this author's annual meeting?"

When this problem came out, it immediately aroused the curiosity of

many people present. Hayden, the "golden master of the soil readers,"
has never seen a dragon. Since his Crown Prince's identity was
revealed, it has rarely appeared before people. This time, why did you
make a special exception to attend this small annual meeting of

Hearing this question, Su Tan glanced down the stage with a smile,
and thought of the answer early.

"Well, he's a mascot, to overpower the field: -D."

This interesting answer was beyond everyone's expectations.

mascot? Many people in the audience suddenly felt inexplicable. The

imperial crown prince, looks good and cannot eat, isn't it just a
Hayden: "..." He smiled helplessly and spoiled, and his deep eyes
looked at Sutan deeply, and he let Sutan put himself on the big hat of
"mascot" leisurely.

Obviously, this is a counterattack against joking that he was a

"mascot" the other day.

But-he likes it.

A wave of dog food stuffed the readers with great happiness, and
excitedly took advantage of this question to hurriedly follow up, and
released the ultimate trick. "When are you getting married?"

Suddenly, Su Tan could not help being asked.

He thought about it, his black and white eyes smiled and asked,

The disappointment and regret of the audience exploded


Under the arrangement of the host, Su Tan stepped down with a

smile, keeping the answer to the answer at the last minute.

Obviously, because of this answer-he didn't know it either.

He returned to his seat with a smile, sat down next to his big cousin,
and chuckled with a soft laugh: "This is what readers asked. I 'm one,
one, no, no, urgent.

After he had finished speaking, the hand on his side was suddenly
held by a large, warm palm.

Although he didn't look sideways, the familiar feeling of warmth had

already let him know who the master of the palm was.

Su Tan raised a smile, and continued the author's visit in the stands.
In the sight, I saw the front row "Shenkeng Xiaoxiao" look back at
himself, and his eyes were full of-"Don't lie."

Su Tan couldn't help but smiled and narrowed his eyes.


The annual meeting of the author was very hot, not only the
atmosphere of the scene was enthusiastic. In the live broadcast room
of Star Novel, countless netizens and readers were also enthusiastic
about this annual meeting .

In particular, the camera took the author who sat under the stage from
time to time, which caused a lot of enthusiastic cheers in the live
broadcast room.

"Pear Blossom Peach: Big Moon Invitation! My Goddess!"

"Soft cute dolphin: big meat? The one that was carried by the lens just
now, is it big? [Surprise]"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Then the man next to him is ..."

"Kolabao: The Crown Prince Dad !!!"


The enthusiastic reviews have thoroughly heated up the annual

meeting of the star novel novel authors. After the annual meeting,
there was a small exchange meeting where many authors gathered to
exchange enthusiastic experiences and experience of writing.

Many people said the true feelings, and some were full of fun, and
there were more speeches that made Sutan extremely surprised and

"I'm a new author, and I've just written a full year. I'm very honored
to be able to attend this author's annual meeting and meet many

A young girl with a large ponytail stood up, looking green and shy,
apparently a newcomer. However, her next sentence was completely
off course.

"I watched Su Tan's big novel enter the pit, and have embarked on the
road of writing Internet novels since then."
Su Tan: ... Suddenly a little shy.

Moreover, more than one person said this, and then many authors
stood up and spoke.

"I also like Su Da's article very much. Every time Su Da's new article is
published, I will squat and benefit a lot from Su Da's article."

"Last year, I always felt that my writing had entered a bottleneck

period, and I wrote many novels with ancient subjects, but the
subjects were cold and there were few readers. Many times they were
entertaining themselves. More and more readers did not pay attention
to this subject. It has left me confused for a while, and I do n't know if
I should continue to do it. Until one day I saw an article on the same
subject-Su Da's "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly". This novel
completely re-heated the popularity of ancient novels. Coming back to
the public's horizons, we finally have a bright future for our little
writers. Thank you Sutan greatly! "

"Now, the interstellar routines are basically overflowing, and it is

difficult to write new ideas. Su Da's" Interstellar is Emperor "is a
different interstellar narrative, which makes everyone shine and
opens up new interstellar novels. Types of."

At the forum, Su Tan became the focus of everyone. This made him a
little surprised, and he didn't know what to say.

Even the last "Small Pit Master" stood up, "I also grew up watching Su

For a moment, he cried and laughed and wanted to educate the baby.
This year's annual conference of authors is extremely lively. The
joking atmosphere of the symposium has shortened the distance
between all the authors, making many authors who have only seen on
the leaderboards and have never been masked become closer.

In particular, Su Tan has issued three new books in succession, which

is not only well-known on the website, but also a well-deserved **** in
the field of physical publishing. Many authors have spontaneously
become his book fans. "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" and
"Adventure Notes" and other works are loved.

In addition to exchanging topics about serious writing experience, he

embraced him with enthusiasm after the symposium and asked him
to sign a question to ask about the ending of Xinkeng. This
unexpected enthusiasm made Su Tan somewhat ashamed and
responded one by one. Everyone.

After communicating through this time, when the symposium ended,

he finally left the venue and walked out the door, only to find that the
crowd was crowded. Countless enthusiastic readers flocked to
Hayden in the hall of the annual meeting, looking far into the sea of

One of the young students was extremely excited and waved his
hands vigorously, and shouted across the crowd, "The Prince of
Princes !!!"

Su Tan almost burst out with a smile.

Sure enough, it was right to attend the annual meeting with his big
cousin. Until night, the smile on the corner of his lips did not fall, the
new text was written in a brilliant code.

The first part of "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" is already on the

market, and the sales volume is soaring that it has crowded the New
Year's book sales list. The third part of "Expedition Notes" was
serialized on Weibo. The first-person tone, mysterious identity, and
ups and down stories all made this book crowd a large number of
readers, laying a solid foundation for the New World series.

At present, the only serialization left in his hands is the "Star Trek" on
the starry novel website.

Naturally, Su Tan shifted all the focus to this book.

"Star Trek" is also part of the New World series, but in the eyes of
many senior readers, this book is slightly ordinary. The protagonist is
not as soft and funny as the little squirrel Gu Changsheng, full of
cuteness, nor as the "I" in the exploration notes, with a clear
impression and deep psychological depiction.

On the contrary, in "Star Trek", there are more characters in the story,
the background of the story is more ambitious, and the main line is
richer. Readers feel that this novel is slightly less interesting than the
other two.

This is not just a person's opinion. After the end of "Exploration

Notes", the countless reviews and book reviews that have emerged on
the Internet have more or less expressed this.
Because of this, a hot debate between several novels in the New
World series is brewing on the Internet.

Which of the three novels is the best?

A popular vote, derived from it, swept the entire network as quickly
as the storm, and attracted the participation of countless netizens,
readers, fans and fans.

"Ah ... 啾:" Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng "is the best-looking! It has
captured the hearts of everyone in our family, from 80 to 8 years old."

"Little rabbit eats grass: I like" Exploratory Notes "and firmly support
the cp between the captain and the protagonist.

"Erhu Peach: Actually three books ... I like them all, they are great, and
each one looks good."

"I don't know upstairs: man! I especially like" Star Trek "! Are there a
group of girls upstairs, do you know what it means to worship the
handle together, drink alcohol, eat meat with a big mouth, and kill the
enemy quickly Friendship? I like "Star Trek", which is exploding in
blood, and is not willing to fight! "


The discussions on the Internet are hot, and everyone's preferences

are different. Between the three books, there has been a enthusiastic
When Su Tan saw a lively discussion under his Weibo and in the book
review area, he couldn't help smiling. He never expected that the
three novels he serialized at the same time would give netizens a

For him, although the pen and ink cost of each novel is different, the
favorite degree must be the same, which is what he wants to express.

But thinking of the controversy on the Internet, Su Tan pondered for a

while, thinking that the problem lies in the length of Star Trek.

Unlike "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" and "Adventure Notes" which

are published short stories, Star Trek itself is positioned as an online

In the interstellar era, the length of web articles has greatly extended.
It is not uncommon for a novel to have a total length of more than
three million words. The popular Gold List Red Paper has more than
5 million or 10 million, which is convenient for readers to finish
reading and pass the time during the long interstellar journey.

Therefore, the length of the Internet article for Su Tan is destined to be

longer than the other two novels, the story frame is larger, the
characters and events appear more full.

It is for this reason that "Squirrel Gu Changsheng" and "Adventure

Notes" have been serialized and published. "Star Trek" just opened a
head, showing the tip of the iceberg of the story.
Different schedules, different rhythms, and different plot densities.
The multi-linear structure of the story and the group portraits of the
characters, etc., all make readers feel completely different when
reading these novels.

Su Tan thought for a while, shook his head with a smile, reorganized
his outline, prepared to speed up the progress, and firmly attracted
the readers' eyes with a truly shocking plot.

Good stories never lack readers. All he has to do is present the best
side of the whole story to the readers.

So between the annual meeting, Su Tan did not completely relax. He

opened the code page of Fanxing Novel. After sorting out his
thoughts a little, he quickly put himself in the code of Star Trek.

With his full attention, he almost forgot the passing of time.

That same night, the "Small Pit Master" finally got out of the
encirclement of many follow-up readers in the venue and ran into the
room. The whole person was too tired to jump into the hotel room
with soft mattresses. The bed rolled twice and was tired when lying

This year's annual meeting of authors of the star novel network, the
accommodation and accommodation conditions are really good. The
hotel room that was encased by the authors was large and spacious.
Upon entering the door, there was a soft thick carpet. The soles of the
shoes stepped on it, and the sound of walking was almost inaudible.
The large and soft bed is warmly placed on both sides, and across the
far side is a large floor-to-ceiling window, and the night is full of
Emperor Star's bustling night scene.

"Shenkeng" was wrapped in a quilt, which was extremely comfortable

and satisfying. It was a pity that there were too many pits that had not
been filled in the past few years. How many missed free travel
opportunities like this ...

When his gaze fell on the other single bed next door, he wondered
who would be the author living in the same room as himself, and
suddenly the bathroom door opened—

A slender young man with hot steam, wiped the water on his hair
with a white towel and walked out.

"Shenkeng Little Expert": ...

He froze, hurriedly rolled out of the quilt, and Li Zheng greeted, "I'm
a small pit expert."

The other side looked at him, and put down the towel that wiped his
hair at random, and then Shenkeng found that the eyes under his hair
were particularly romantic and uninhibited.

"I know," said the man, "I'm money, money."

"Shen Pit": ... money money money? ? !! !!

"Qianqianqian" is not a middle-aged man, when was he so young?

Obviously a good-looking young man, why should he get such a

vulgar name QAQ?

"The Pit" was stunned.

"Qianqianqian" bent her lip corner, tossed the towel aside, and
casually turned on the wall-mounted TV, and said to the "Shenkeng
master", "Aren't you going to take a shower?"

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian" stayed for two seconds, then hurriedly "oh",

rushed into the bathroom with his luggage.

When he lingered in the bathroom for a long time, when he finally

came out, he saw "Qianqianqian" sitting in front of his laptop and
brushing the pages of the star novel website.

It seemed that something on the web page attracted him, let him stare
at the screen intently, and quickly type text line by line.

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian" couldn't help but be curious, tired all day, he

really didn't want to open a computer to open the star website on the
webpage, but lay down on the bed for a while, and couldn't sleep over
and over, just holding his light brain quietly The communicator is
turned on.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I boarded the communicator, 999 messages

jumped out of the light brain port, crowding the communicator page.
"Shenkeng Xiaoxian" was so surprised that he quickly opened the
message record and found that his chat group had all exploded.

"Qingshui Ruge: ... Did you all go to the annual meeting? Am I

wrong? Rou Da is now in the code? @ 天天 都 刷 红烧肉"

Immediately, "Qingshui Ru Ge" uploaded a screenshot of the author's

code page of Fanxing Novel. On the screenshot, it is clear that Su Tan
is writing diligently, and he is far ahead of all the authors in a
ridiculous posture.

As soon as this picture came out, all the group friends who
immediately attended and did not attend the author's annual meeting
all exploded from the diving.

"Yueyue: I'm eating out, eating, playing, eating, eating, eating, dining,
visiting the capital ... I'm sorry, I have fallen into QAQ."

"Qianqianqian: Are you too diligent? I just came to write a while after
taking a shower."

"Shuishui Ruge: I ... I don't dare to lie back on the bed, and quickly get
up and turn on the computer."

Not only was there a lot of talk in this chat group, the authors in the
group were inspired by Sutan's enthusiasm and diligence. Many small
and large groups joined by the "Shenkeng Xiaoshou" were blown up.

Looking around, it was all excited speeches from groups of all sizes.

Who doesn't know that today is the annual annual meeting of authors
of Fanxing Novel Network?

Especially for the authors, this annual meeting is the best way to
prove their strength and business value, but also a journey of

Many writers have reserved the manuscripts early. When the annual
meeting is over, they ca n't wait to call friends and friends to hang out
together, or take a good stroll around the rare Imperial Capital to take
off all the pressure of writing. Fun pass.

So, tonight, few of the authors who came to the author's annual
meeting went online. Few people like Su Tan are still working hard to
write articles.

Therefore, when many online authors of Fanxing looked at

Sutan's online codeword, countless people were surprised and
inexplicably inspired by it. Countless authors who were not online or
turned on their computers could not help hearing the news. Go online
and participate.

When "Shenkeng Xiaodian" rushed to the author's code page of, the entire page could not be crowded. In the
10,000-person code building with few silhouettes, he had a list of four
or five hundred pages, let him Can't help but stand up in shock.

Along the ten thousand-yard building, the "Shenkeng Little Master"

saw that the person at the top of the list was Sutan's pen name
"Brushed Braised Meat Every Day."

The total number of codes he has today has far surpassed everyone,
but the speed has not slowed down.

Under the watchful eyes of "Shenkeng Xiaoxian", I saw that the total
number of words behind the "brushed braised meat every day" has
been continuously and steadily increasing, and almost in a blink of an
eye, the total number of words is constantly refreshing.

21968 ... 22145 ... 22537 ... 22698 ...

Shenkeng Little Expert: "..."

He didn't even dare to blow his eyes. He always felt that there was an
illusion in front of him? Is this really a human hand?

If Su Tan's efforts and hand speed can give him one-tenth, then he will
certainly not leave so many pits hunted by readers every day ...

While he was extremely envious, a voice came from the room: "Pour
me a glass of water."
"Shenkeng Xiaoxian" hurriedly looked up and found that the owner of
the voice came from the desk on the other side. At this time,
"Qianqianqian" always kept his eyes on the screen and did not move
away, apparently there was no time to concentrate on other things.
That sentence must have been said to him.

Shenkeng hesitated for a little while, then obediently poured a cup of

hot water and sent it over.

Qian Qian Qian: "Thank you."

He paused by pressing his fingers on the keyboard, exhaled, and took

the cup from the hand of "Shenkeng Xiaoxian".

"Shenkeng" stood next to him, couldn't help but glanced at him on the
screen, and immediately stared in amazement, unbelievable.

Upstairs of the screen with thousands of people, "Qianqianqian" has

already broken into the top ten position, leaving countless authors

"When did you start coding?"

Looking at the picture on this screen, the surprise in the "Shenkeng

Xiaoxian" heart couldn't be added, and he couldn't help asking.

Qian Qianqian drank the water and gave him a smile, his eyes were
incredible. "Just after taking a shower."
Shenkeng Little Expert: "..."

What is special is demon!

Why is there so much QAQ for the codeword machine around him?

The speed of the hand was so slow that he was ridiculous, and the
courage to compete with these codeword machines became more and
more. He wanted to slowly move back to bed and lie down to sleep.

Unexpectedly, he was intercepted as soon as he moved a step.

"Aren't you coding?"

"Qianqianqian" asked casually, but his eyes fell on his face as if it were
the essence, making "Shenkeng Xiaoxian" cheeks hot and unable to
say a "no".

In the end, I was forced to sit down on the other side of the desk,
turned on the computer, and put my hands on the keyboard.
However, twenty minutes later, the number of codeword records in
front of him remained at "2".

"Money, money":"......"

He raised his eyebrows, looked at "Shenkeng Xiaoxiao", and watched

the other person bow his head in shame in front of him.
"God's pit" was full of tears in his heart, thinking that if it weren't his
speed was too dregs, how could he save so many unfilled pits?

The air was quiet for a few minutes.

"Qianqianqian" thought for a while and asked, "Maybe you like voice

Nowadays, with the development of interstellar science and

technology, codewords have been used for more than just typing by
keyboard. Voice codewords are also the codeword method most
authors love.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this problem came out, "Shenkeng Xiaoxian"

blushed even more and lowered his head deeply.

... he didn't even know what type of novel he was writing-deep

sadistic love, dog blood love, full of color, intertwined love ... How
could such a novel be read shamefully?

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian" shook his head quickly.

However, after listening to "Qianqianqian" chuckled, he laughed and

suggested: "Try it, how do you know how it works if you don't try it?"

Shenkeng Little Expert: "..."

He was stuffed with light brain in his hands ...

On the starry novel website, the enthusiasm of the author caused by
Su Tan is more than this. Under his leadership, the enthusiasm of
countless authors was inspired. Even many old authors who have not
been updated have appeared one after another, filling in the pits,
preparing new articles in preparation for new articles, and driving the
entire starry novel website. A sensation.

In this regard, Su Tan, who is immersed in the code of concentration,

is completely unaware.

He thoroughly clarified the main line of "Star Trek", carefully

designed every cool point, and the ups and downs of the story
rhythm. Although there are many characters in this long article, they
are not messy. In the middle of the advancing storyline, they appear
to be buried in the story line.

Seems like one east and one west, there is no connection between
them, and no great use is seen, but tonight, with his full writing, all
the bright lines, dark lines, foreshadowing and metaphors are
unveiled one by one and brought together. Form a complete story
line, for the first time to show the grand and full picture of the story.

Countless people who have been ambushing in the storyline are

finally connected together by fate and place. Numerous obscure, one-
time details and foreshadowings have finally come into play. Su Tan
is confident to update and release, and it will surely shock all readers.
Eliminate previous doubts.

It was not until twelve o'clock in the night that he finally wrote this
whole upsurge. Su Tan stopped tapping her fingers on the keyboard,
smiled and shook her head to find that her shoulders were stiff
because they were too hard.
He relaxed a little for a few minutes, and then posted all the archives
and the parts written tonight, and uploaded them to the star novel

Then, turn off the computer and sleep.

He didn't know that at this time readers of the entire star novel
website were bombed.

"Star Trek" updated a whole 100,000 words, 30 chapters in one breath!

All readers, writers, and fans are crazy asking each other-

"Isn't Su Da's deposit box stolen?!"


"Stolen box is stolen?"

Not only the fans and fans of Fanxingxinwang think so, even
countless writers who are familiar with Su Tan also asked Aite
through Weibo private messages and asked anxiously.

After all, one hundred thousand words and thirty chapters of fiction
are updated at once, such a bold update is like astronomical figures.
Even though Su Tan has made similar explosions, but it is a period of
unknown name after all, since the physical books and series of novels
have been sold, he has no need to explode the update amount to hit
the list.

So, suddenly, Sutan burst more than 100,000 words, which shocked
the entire website.

Not to mention that the authors inside and outside the site were
frightened by his horrible updates, just to say that Sutan's readers
were surprised and happy, bubbling and cheerfully throwing flowers,
refreshing the text together.

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: Get a card first, hug Suda, and see the
update right away."

"Begonia's Little Begonia: Happy! Welfare! The huge deposit box is

going bankrupt hahaha haha."

"Orange-flavored soda: much more than 10,000 likes to the author!

Such an update, please come again!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: I had already prepared to turn off the
lights to sleep, but now ... I don't sleep anymore! I have to watch the
update after getting up all night!"

"Late Night Rose: [Deepwater Torpedo] * 666"

The readers were full of joy, watching the updated chapters in the
article under "Star Trek" can't help but excitedly expressing

At twelve o'clock in the evening, the novel website that had been
quieted down once again became lively and bustling.

Countless devoted readers of Star Trek, stay up all night and read the
text all night, can't wait to open the updated chapter one. Then ...
couldn't help but immerse himself.

"The hard-working turtle" is one of them.

She is a loyal fan of Sutan. Since she received a "Little Squirrel Gu

Changsheng" as a New Year gift during the New Year, she has fallen
in love with this children's story novel.

A soft and funny little squirrel, fluffy and lively, living with a group
of peaceful and friendly animals in the forest of the New World. This
relaxed and pleasant tone is the best gift she received during the New
Year, which completely cured her. mood.

Then, the forest mutated, and the war spread here. When the
harmonious and friendly life was gone, her whole heart was hung up
until she saw the little squirrel grew up and met the owner again.
Finally she was safe and traveled together After the continent, they
suddenly relaxed.
This humorous and ups and downs novel made her reminiscent and
contracted her throughout the New Year holiday.

Since the beginning of this novel, she has fallen in love with Su Tan,
the author, and found all his previously published works from the
Internet and bookstores, and read them all with joy.

From "Unlucky Amy" written for children of Rosewood, to the

exciting series of "Adventure Notes" novels and movies, to Su Tan's
series of "Domination of the Earth [Quick Wear]" published on the
stardom novel website , "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly", "Interstellar
is Emperor" ... Each completely different novel has created a unique
and magical world, which made her immersed in it and lingered.

The ancient times of the ancient earth, the children's novels full of
country style and the fun of wheat farms, the adventure series of
tight-paced and exciting, entertaining gossip and interesting life of
ancient rivers and lakes ... all can not help but marvel at her.

And "Star Safari" this Sutan novel is being serialized and updated,
naturally also entered her field of vision.

Only in this one, the "industrious little tortoise" cannot express his

The novel is grand and wonderfully conceived. It relies on the

background of a new world in a different world, and is in the same
vein as the third part of her favorite "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng"
and "Adventure Notes".
However, from the point of view of character settings, it is not as soft
and cute as the little squirrel, and it is not as attractive as "Andre
Yang" and the protagonist's cp in "Expedition Notes".

But for Sutan 's loyal fanatic "hard-working little turtle", in this novel,
there are also blood-savvy guys, sincere friendships between life and
death, **** and brutal wars, and fierce struggles to resist the invasion
of enemy races, like Like all previous books by Su Tan, she can poke
her heart deeply.

She firmly believes that this is a good book.

However, most people on the Internet do not think so.

Not long ago, there were a lot of rumors and rumors that "Star Trek is
worse than" Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng "and" Exploratory Notes ",
making" the hard-working little turtle "anxious to refute.

Obviously all are a series of works written by the same author, why
do we have to distinguish between high and low?

Moreover, she believes that Su Da will definitely shape a huge and

distinctive world again in Star Trek. Just give it a little more time and
wait for the plot in the book to advance a little bit.

Her heart is extremely firm, but the hot analysis on the Internet is
more and more fermented, and the voices criticizing "Star Trek" are
more and more, which makes her a little anxious.
At that moment, even her boyfriend who likes to read novels also
questioned: "If Star Trek is better than two novels, why did Su Tan not
publish Star Trek? I only chose to publish "Little Squirrel Gu
Changsheng" and "Adventure Notes"? It can be seen that even the
author himself feels that "Star Trek" is slightly inferior. "

In the face of hesitant doubts, the "industrious little turtle" was so

anxious that he couldn't say anything to refute.

Obviously not like this!

When the doubts on the Internet were overwhelming, when she

gradually could not refute, Sutan's update suddenly changed.

One hundred thousand words! Chapter 30 Update!

Seeing the updated list swiped in her own mind, the "industrious little
tortoise" was excited and unable to speak, and she couldn't help
clenching her fists, knowing that her favorite author had finally

Use the greatly-advanced storyline and outbreak updates to

powerfully fight back those online doubts.

She never doubted that Su Tan had this ability.

The "industrious little turtle" took a deep breath, and a warm current
surged in his heart, and he slowly opened the updated chapter with
An hour later, the first batch of book reviews that had just finished
updating Sutan's new updates online came out.

"Old Black: After watching the latest update of Star Trek tonight, I
want to apologize to the author Su Tan seriously!"

A shocking title, posted on the forum with the largest interstellar

traffic, immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Many people have noticed that the post "Old Ghost" is one of the
backbones that criticized "Star Trek" not as well as other novels in the
New World series.

Didn't expect him to openly post an apology?

how come? !!

For a time, countless intriguing netizens flooded into the post, all
wondering what was going on.

"1L: Isn't the landlord stolen? Did I post yesterday that Star Trek can
only be considered a good-looking online novel, not the pinnacle of
Su Tan, why did you face yourself today?"

"2L: Same doubt."

"3L: I'm also watching the 30 chapters of" Star Trek "burst tonight, and
I just saw half of them, landlord !!! You don't want to spoil them !!!
[Send Blade]"

"4L: Are you kidding upstairs? Isn't Su Da going to the annual

meeting of authors of Fanxing Novel Network today, how could it be
possible to update thirty chapters?"

"5L: Doubt. Today you will concentrate on playing games. Don't lie to
me to write on the stairs."

"6L: Where is the host? The host should not be the title party. After
posting the post, there will be no one. We eat the melons. We have set
up a small bench to grab the snack peanuts and seeds, and we are
waiting for the follow-up."


In the blink of an eye, the replies under this post swept hundreds of
floors, and countless people squatted and waited in the post waiting
to see the reply from the landlord.

Twenty minutes later, "Lao Hei" finally appeared, throwing a long

text up.

"Lao Hei: Let me breathe a sigh of relief, after reading the latest
chapter updates, I was so excited that I couldn't stop. I thought that"
Star Trek "could only be regarded as a qualified web article, which
wasted Sutan's great talent and Conception, I did not expect that after
finishing the latest update tonight, my face was completely swollen!
Su Da is indeed Su Da! "
"Lao Hei: The latest detailed storyline development, I will not spoil
with you. Just to say one thing, the thing that shocked me tonight is
the ability of Su Tan to ambush, I am in any other novel Power never
seen before. Every small detail that was overlooked in the early
period, every little person who seems to pass by accidentally, and
those ordinary words that can no longer be ordinary ... Under the
long-term foundation, finally one by one The whole picture was
uncovered point by point, like a small piece of chess piece lifted from
under the covered soil layer, and the stars formed a huge network of
unparalleled and tightness.

"I only knew that every little dot that I used to think of as mundane
was originally short-sighted and didn't understand the real voice of
the author at all! Until now, I can still feel the whole body of hair.
How can someone design it precisely? To such an extent, ambushes
and suspense? No one can think of it! "

The enthusiasm of "Old Black" is beyond words, and he quickly wrote

a large section after another of book reviews. The attitude of such
enthusiastic comments was in sharp contrast to the sneerous attitude
he used to criticize "Star Trek". Many netizens are amazed.

"231L: Although I don't know what the landlord is talking about, but
after reading it, somehow I want to read this novel."

"232L: This book updated by Soda is really good. It is obviously a long

story. The director has been a little bit early and the story
development in the later period is really wonderful."
"233L: The attitude of the landlord suddenly changed so much. It
almost made me think that it was the public relations of the Soviet
Union, ha ha ha ha ha ha."

"234L: Just after watching the update, the landlord told me what I
wanted to say. The skills of Su Da's ambush pen shop are really first-
class. I have to brush it again. I don't think I can see through the

Netizens are hotly debated, and the previous criticism of "Star Trek"
has created a huge wave of hot discussions on the Star Forum and the
Internet, with countless fan readers participating.

Therefore, this post almost came out and immediately attracted

countless attention in the forum.

And more and more readers who have just watched the update of
Sutan show up and reply, which makes this controversy extremely
lively, and has aroused the curiosity of countless people.

The landlord "Old Black" also finally appeared, and apologized

publicly: "If I have any questions about this new book by Soviet
University before, then after watching the update tonight, all the
doubts disappeared, and the rest All of them are full of admiration. In
support of Suzhou University, after the novel was published, I will
definitely buy ten collections. Such good books are rare and worthy of
our patience. Thanks to Suzhou University for its hard work and hard
work. "

"Old Black" 's apology made everyone extremely surprised and

The harshest critics were eventually overwhelmed by Su Tan's new
book. This undoubtedly made the previous wave of doubts sharpen,
adding a bit of mystery and magic.

Countless netizens who watched eating melon were surprised, and

they even ignited the curiosity of this "Star Trek".

What kind of precise foreshadowing and ideas can make critics like
"Lao Hei" completely change their tone and become a loyal crowd of
Su Tan's new book?

Countless people with curiosity couldn't help but search for the new
book "Star Trek" by Sutan, sinking into the grand storyline that was
pushed forward layer by layer.

When the "diligent little turtle" watched Sutan's update, the pointer
that had not noticed the time before it had already pointed to the
middle of the night, it was almost three o'clock in the morning.

However, at this time, she didn't feel tired at all. On the contrary, she
was extremely enthusiastic and excited. She was deeply attracted by
the surging emotions and fierce plots in the book, and she couldn't
help herself.

Breathing out, she felt so excited.

If the first half of "Interstellar Safari" is just a normal everyday life that
crosses a different world, the atmosphere in the latter half is suddenly
annihilated. All blood is intertwined with countless conspiracies.
Blood sacrifice turns into battle with the reversal of humanity The
countless invisible story line gradually revealed the sharp side,
mercilessly cut the countless characters in the text, and also kept her
heart tightly tangled all night, from beginning to end, and could not
let go One second.

How about next second?

She didn't even dare to miss a single plot.

Until the end of the last chapter update, she still felt a whole heart
tight, and with the ups and downs of the plot and unpredictable, she
could not relax.

In the dark night like black ink splashes, she hugged the novel and
could not escape from the emotion of the story for a long time.

She is extremely certain that if such a novel is not good enough, then
there is nothing better than the novel she has read recently.

Looking back at the reviews of "Star Trek", it is true that the book
review area has completely exploded at this time.

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: Ran Ran Ran! So excited, I'm
going to brush!"

"Dimei Xing Juvenile: Aggressive ... Suddenly I feel that my IQ is not

enough, and I haven't seen so much foreshadowing and detail in
"Four Girls: QAQ is not enough with IQ."

"Orange-flavored soda: I'm kneeling! Really, I never thought that the

suspense and burial of stubble would reach this point, and it was a
weaving of a large net. How big the brain circuit is, how amazing it is!

"Little Fairy: After reading the blood and surging, the richness and
complexity of the story surpassed many novels, and now it can really
be regarded as the body of the text. It turned out that the original
period was mostly warming up for us!"

"The industrious little turtle: I never suspected that Su Da's novel is

not good-looking, but this novel is more wonderful than all my
imagination. Zan Zan Zan! You must support!"

"Late Night Rose: Smash the pot and sell iron to like it. [ 深水 鱼雷] *

Su Tan's book review area turned upside down, and countless new
hot review reviews were issued. Discussions about his explosions and
content continued until the dawn.

It was not until the early morning of the next day that Su Tan woke up
to eat breakfast and reverted to the meeting place of the author's
annual meeting, only to find that many authors present had dark
circles and enthusiastically discussed the topic.

He was more tired than last night, and looked tired.

Su Tan couldn't help but say hello, while seeing the thick black circles
hanging under the eyes of "Shenkeng Xiaoxian", he asked with a
smile: "What did you do last night, didn't you rest?"

However, after hearing his question, "Shenkeng Xiaoxian" glanced at

him sadly. "I blame you ..."

Sutan :? ? ?

What does it have to do with him?

He couldn't figure it out, looked inquisitively, and only listened to the

"Shenkeng" answer: "I saw your novel last night and I couldn't sleep
with excitement."

Then, a friend in the same room, "Qian Qian Qian", personally

watched him code all night.

Thinking of an unbearable experience of looking back all night,

"Shenkeng Xiaoxian" just wanted to cry. He felt like he had run out of
code components for this month ...

After listening to this answer, Su Tan couldn't help but smile.

However, the author who stayed up late to watch his novel like
"Shenkeng Xiaoxian" was not the only one. Many people in the
audience cried and laughed and couldn't jokingly talk about this
interesting thing.
Originally, Su Tan's diligent code words inspired many writers to
participate in the collective code word enthusiasm, and together they
vigorously and collectively spelled together.

Later, although Sutan was offline, the sudden 100,000-word and

thirty-chapter update broke the entire website again, attracting a large
number of readers and authors to watch.

This onlooking, watching the latest update of "Star Trek", is out of


Countless people can't help but be drawn into the meticulous and
complicated storyline, the refreshing rhythm, the thrill of layer-by-
layer decryption, the countless layers of interweaving and
interweaving foreshadowing, one huge global picture of the story in
all Opening up in front of people makes people involuntarily get
involved and appreciate it carefully.

Therefore, the number of online authors and readers this night is far
more than ever.

Knowing this fact, Su Tan could not help but raise a smile, he was a
little sorry, could not help laughing and shook his head again and

Fortunately, this morning's annual meeting did not have any agenda,
mainly because the website's management came to the stage to speak,
looking forward to the future development direction, so that many of
the writers on the stage relaxed all morning and looked for
opportunities to sleep.
Su Tan had time to log in to her author number and Weibo, and found
that the private letter and book review area had already been
exploded, and countless news popped out of the page.

After looking back one by one, he realized that the craze of writing
reviews last night was far more than confined to the star novel

Star forums, Weibo hotspots, novel tweets, entertainment news

tweets, etc. are all hot. Many book fans and readers scrambled to post
and issue book reviews, completely reversing the recent criticism and
criticism situation.

As the netizen "Laohei" who once criticized him most severely in the
Star Forum said, "After watching last night's update, no one will
doubt that this" Star Trek "is not enough for publication. This novel, It
is definitely not inferior to the other two books of the New World
Series. Even I started to think that the author conceived this grand and
complicated and spent so much time and pen because I wanted to put
the main part of the entire story series in this "Star Trek."

Seeing this evaluation, Su Tan couldn't help laughing.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the other person guessed his
own idea. Although the New World series released three books at the
same time, designed three story lines, and "Squirrel Gu Changsheng"
and the forthcoming "Expedition Note" are the first to be published,
but the true story line of his entire series is determined in this book.
Inconspicuous, in "Star Trek" published online.
The other two books are interesting and good-looking. It is precisely
because they are branch lines that they are particularly interesting and
lively. They have attractive special people and cps.

As the main tone of the entire New World series, "Star Trek" must be
stable and solid, to be able to hold the foundation and development
direction of the entire series.

Therefore, he wrote longer, spent longer, and spent more time. This
novel is destined to be accumulated and developed progressively.

"Old Black", while questioning the change in trust, accidentally

discovered the truth, making Su Tan more determined. What could be
more enjoyable than your black powder Congliang?

As soon as he had responded to some of the readers' private messages

and comments, agent agent Lance sent a message.

"Lance: When is Star Trek ready to be published?"

Although Lance and Su Tan have not talked about this issue, the tacit
understanding between the two has already reached a consensus.

Whether "Star Trek" can be published is definitely not a problem.

With the popularity of Su Tan and the hot sales of "Little Squirrel Gu
Changsheng" sweeping the book sales list during the New Year's
holiday not long ago, his new book has always been out of stock, no
When it doesn't sell.

Numerous publishers and bookstores are eager for his new work.
The crux of the problem lies not in the novel "Star Trek" but in the
New World series-how should the "Super Ip" they jointly create be

A message from Lance came again.

"The first film of the New World series, which is a collaboration

between the old cat studio and the two major film and television
giants, can finally be launched."

Su Tan smiled and nodded.

After the author's annual meeting, happy events followed, good news
one after another.

"Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" is about to be filmed and is set to be

released next summer. It has won the cheers and love of countless
book fans.

The old cat studio, Gu's film industry, and China Entertainment
Company finally chose this novel as the first adaptation of the New
World series. It is undoubtedly the fancy popularity of the novel and
the age groups such as elderly children. Super good pass in.

Adapting "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" is relatively easier to

succeed in the movie market. After the news was released, the heated
discussion and support on the Internet clearly proved that their choice
was correct.
There has been significant progress in the news of the series of
movies, and Su Tan 's novel "Star Trek" serialized on the Internet has
also welcomed shocking news.

Sutan's acting agent, Lance, announced that when the novel was
serialized online and was about to end, it would be published in All-
Star, the ending of the novel would eventually appear in the physical
book, and the ending of the Internet would be postponed for three

As soon as this news came out, the fans of the New World series of
fans were even more ambitious.

Such sales methods are commonplace in the publishing industry, but

for countless readers who love this novel, who can tolerate that they
cannot see the end of the entire story in time?

Even if it only takes three days longer than others!

Almost as soon as the news came out, Lance's Weibo was

overwhelmed by numerous comments.

"Flying motor: I buy it, is it still impossible to buy / (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~?"

"Pure little waves: Hahahahaha, suddenly I have an evil idea-I want to

buy out all the physical books published the previous three days, so
that no one can see the ending, only I can see it."
"Kolabao: Upstairs, you go away! Be careful, All Star will unite and
kill you with a blade ..."

"The hard-working turtle: When the big new book is published, I want
to be the first one in line."

Looking at the fierce posture of netizens, Sutan's publishing

cooperative company is just going to be happy, and the sales of the
new book will definitely explode again.

It will be late June when Su Tan will handle the new movies, new
books and make-up exams back to school.

He is busy every day, coding while attending classes, and Hayden's

business has increased sharply. The study room on the first floor of
the house is overcrowded. Every day, there are many people waiting
to meet Hayden.

Su Tan watched for a long time, preparing to hang a model cousin to

his big cousin, Hayden, and seeing so many people every day is really
more tired than himself.

Fortunately, at the end of June, Hayden finally relaxed for a week. He

didn't have to deal with documents every day, but there were still a
lot of people in the family.

Make a first-class royal tailor, come to the living room to record the
data for him, and prepare to customize new clothes.
The horticultural master brought countless flowers and greenery, lush
and beautiful bonsai, and renovated the small garden outside, full of
the breath of summer.

All kinds of desserts and western chefs are busy in the kitchen. Every
day, they bring out countless delicious dishes to try other dishes. Su
Tan felt his fat belly a few days later.

There is also a professional team of design and decorators, who re-

designed the decoration of the furnishings from upstairs to
downstairs in the villa, and wiped out the age-old statues on the wall
to bring them to life. .

Big cousin really did a great job!

What is he going to do?


The whole house is renovated.

Su Tan, holding the freshly baked hot dessert cakes, stood on the
stairs and watched the maid going back and forth in the living room

He thought about it, and eventually went upstairs with a berry cookie.
There is not much work left in the study. The first trilogy of the New
World Series was finally written, allowing him to take a long vacation
and relax for a while.

However, Su Tan is very clear that the New World Series has just
unearthed the tip of the iceberg and unveiled a small map. It is still a
huge task to complete the series.

But fortunately, it's a long time!

He has twenty or thirty years to polish and write the whole series.

The sky is bright and airy, and the climate of the m27 galaxy is very

"Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" is being filmed on this beautiful and

blue sky.

This film, jointly launched by Lao Mao Studio, Gu's Film Industry,
and the three entertainment industry leaders, once released the
shooting plan, aroused warm cheers and huge attention among
countless interstellar people.

This popular novel that swept the entire interstellar world has an
unparalleled crowd popularity among the old people from the 80s to
the 80s, and countless children, and it has caused a huge topical
discussion before it is released.
Because of this, the three film and television giants paid special
attention to the first film of this New World series, and carefully
selected the shooting location in the scenic m27 galaxy.

Far from the hustle and bustle of the imperial capital, the scenery is
beautiful, the large green forests and the long golden coastline reflect
each other, and they are intoxicated in the lens, which coincides with
the leisurely forest life in the first half of The Little Squirrel , So it's
better to choose the shooting location here.

As the original author of "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" and the

owner of Lao Mao Studio, of course, Su Tan also came to the m27
galaxy to personally supervise the shooting of this new movie.

Hayden, who was busy adding new decorations to his home, strongly
supported his plan of action and personally sent Sutan to the starship
to the m27 galaxy.

Su Tan: ... always feels a bit wrong.

Coming to the m27 galaxy, the clear blue sky, the vast mountain
forest, the fresh air, all the good scenery completely occupied his

The preliminary scene work of "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" has

ended. All the crew and actors of the crew are officially in place. The
lighting engineer, cameraman, radio, makeup artist, etc. are ready to
go. All of them are excited and excited. , Qi Qi waiting for the first
scene to start shooting.
Dai Ruohan, as the director of the film, is working hard to
communicate with the shooting team on the final camera and camera.
"Okay, prepare, action!"

In the high-definition lens, the first scene of the entire movie was
recorded. Su Tan watched the beautiful scenery in the lens beside him
with great satisfaction.

In fact, the rental costs of the entire m27 small planet are expensive,
and the investment budget for each day is almost sky-high.

As his partner, although Dai Ruohan successfully directed a series of

successful box office movies such as "Mr. Morton" and other old cat
studios, he was in danger of directing "Squirrel Gu Changsheng", a
work with great attention and total investment. , Still under great

Su Tan came to visit the class and help him share the pressure. After
all, there is no one who knows the entire movie more deeply than his

After the first scene was shot, Dai Ruohan was carefully reviewing the
playback, not letting go of the frame by frame.

This scene just happens to take a panoramic view of the entire forest.
It is a bird's eye view of the forest from far and near, and then slowly
pulls down to overlook the ground. This is the first complete
appearance of the entire New World, which is important. Sex is self-
It is of great significance to lay the foundation for the entire movie and
even the entire New World series.

Dai Ruohan had a serious expression, repeatedly viewed the playback

from multiple angles, and whispered Su Tan's opinion. Su Tan
nodded and smiled, "I think it's OK, magnificent, vast and vast, just
like the new world I think."

After hearing his evaluation, Dai Ruohan was relieved. Taking

advantage of the good weather, he rigorously asked the staff to re-
view the scene, and retake it a few times before he was satisfied with
the job.

As the weather continued to clear, the shooting process of "Little

Squirrel Gu Changsheng" proceeded in an orderly manner.

Sutan stayed on this small planet with a beautiful scenery and climate,
and lived a holiday life. Every day, the slightly salty sea breeze
outside the window wetly blows in along the window. The rustling
sound of the waves and the golden sunny beach are close at hand. In
the distance is a large green mountain forest. He is in a good mood.

The filming location of this film is infinitely close to the pictures that
he imagined for the entire series of novels, which inspired his
countless creative inspirations.

Having used breakfast almost every day, he started his daily code
writing plan. In front of the blue beautiful sea, his inspirations poured
in, which made him immersed in it and unable to extricate himself.
In less than a month, the new novel accumulated in the computer left
a thick document.

"Hey," just when Su Tan just stopped his smooth typing fingers, a
window suddenly popped up. It was the assistant Mosen who usually
took care of him in the crew. "We are going to shoot the motion
capture scene today, you see see?"

Upon hearing the news, Su Tan immediately put down her work and
stood up with a smile without thinking.

He was very curious about the motion capture technology of this era.
He had asked Mosen to help himself to pay attention to which
shooting, and today he finally waited.

Su Tan smiled and nodded, "Leave, have you started filming?"

Mosen jumped out of the window, walked to the main entrance, led
the way in front, and took him quickly towards the set. Hearing Su
Tan's question, he grinned and whispered, "Not yet, waiting for you."

Quickly rushed to the set, but it has not yet started filming, many
actors have been wearing formal motion capture equipment.

Although the technology of the interstellar age is sufficiently

developed, it is entirely possible to use the animation simulation
technology to synthesize the action images of humans and animals in
the computer, but for the precision and realism of the movie, Dai
Ruohan still prefers actors with better body language and personal
charm Do the job.
At this time, Su Tan rushed to the set and just happened to see the
actors carrying portable motion capture equipment and doing various
strange, funny and interesting moves in different places. There were
no actual performances.

He was curious, and looked intently, looking at the director 's display
screen, which had been temporarily processed by the data engineer to
synthesize the images and pictures of animals. The old bears, field
mice, leopards, etc. described in his novels Forest animals appeared
before him.

Suddenly, Su Tan couldn't help but be amazed, this was simply


Dai Ruohan walked through the set and was communicating with the
actors and acting, adjusting each person's movement one by one.
When he returned, he saw Su Tan's gaze and interest, and couldn't
help laughing: "Want to try?"

Su Tan knew that he might be a good writer, but he was definitely not
a good actor. He repeatedly shook his head and refused.

Seeing his actions, Dai Ruohan couldn't help laughing.

Unexpectedly, just at this moment, the on-site director hurriedly ran

over with sweat and sweat, and did not wait for him to report with
anxiety, "It's bad, the actor who plays the little squirrel has eaten his
stomach, and he can't come today. It's up! "
As soon as the bad news came out, Su Tan couldn't help worrying
about the entire crew.

Dai Ruohan didn't want to, and immediately cut off: "Substitution!"

The on-site director was sweating profusely, and at this time his face
was sulking, and anxiously asked, "Who's changing?"

Gu Changsheng, the little squirrel, is the biggest protagonist in the

whole movie. The actors have already been arranged, and even took
more than two months of performance experience courses under the
arrangement of the crew. They eat closely with real animals like the
little squirrel. Having lived together for two months, everything was
about shaping the role.

Now the temporary substitutions, who better than the professionally

trained actor to understand the habits and movements of the animal
like a little squirrel?

The director on the spot was a little anxious, and for a while, he
couldn't figure out who could replace this role on the set.

If it ca n't be done, today they 're wasting the entire crew 's time and
energy all day. All subsequent shooting plans will be disrupted and
forced to make adjustments. The subsequent chain reaction will be
more than a star.

With this in mind, it was difficult for the on-site director to cover up
the anxiety on his face. However, he suddenly saw the director Dai
Ruohan at such an urgent moment and a smile appeared on his face.
Dai Ruohan glanced at Su Tan and smiled, "Just right, try it."

Su Tan: "..."

Director, do you believe me like this / (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~

Suddenly, Su Tan was forced to catch the ducks on the shelves, taking
on this heavy task.

When he changed his professional clothing to wear a motion capture

device, many staff members and actors on the set stopped the
movements in their hands and watched with enthusiasm and
curiosity, which caused a lot of onlookers.

Su Tan felt more and more stressed.

After spending several months in the m27 galaxy, many people in the
crew knew the original author of the novel. It's a pity that Su Tan has
always stayed simple and abbreviated, thoroughly implemented his
vacation plan, devoted all his time and energy to writing, and only
occasionally went to the studio to walk a few times, so many people in
the crew did not have much contact with him.

Seeing that the original starring was sick, when Su Tan was going to
play today instead of the original starring to play the role of Little
Squirrel Gu Changsheng himself, everyone on the set became even
more curious.
What about Sutan 's acting skills?

With the help of the staff, Su Tan wore the motion capture equipment,
and a special high-speed camera lens aimed at him. Dai Ruohan stood
next to the camera with a smile on his face, encouraging him very
gently: "Moving his legs."

Su Tan: "..."

Dai Ruohan's smile continued, and there were countless crew

members on the side and behind him, watching him curiously.

"Go ahead and do a little squirrel rubbing his hair and holding his
tail." Dai Ruohan commanded with a smile.

Sutan moved, and in the eyes of everyone, the whole person was
extremely shy, and his cheeks became red.

However, the director's orders came one after another, making him
even more embarrassed.

"Pine pine cones--"

"Get out of here--"

"Okay, then hold a trunk and sell a cute--"

Su Tan: ... he is already a salted fish.

In the end, he simply put aside his self-esteem completely, and
listened to the instructions of Dai Ruohan and the staff to make
various shameful moves, sell cute, roll, beg, and hold the fruit to climb
the tree ... After all the actions were done, he I feel like I've completely
become a little squirrel.

"OK! Cut!"

I did n't know that I ran, jumped, rolled, and sold for several hours.
Dai Ruohan finally shouted to stop, Su Tan collapsed to the ground,
and found that he did n't know when to start sweating all over his
body. When it's gone, even the exhaled breath is hot.

Dai Ruohan looked at the picture in the monitor, and was very
satisfied. He laughed and pulled up Su Tan, and joked: "It's a good
performance, very talented, you can consider developing in this area."

Su Tan: ... QAQ, he or he should write a novel. It is much easier than

this, and I don't want to come again.

When Su Tan finally closed his work from the studio, and returned to
bed at night, Hayden called his daily communication phone, watching
him look tired on the bed early, and asked, "What have you done

Su Tan: "... did nothing!"

Hayden chuckled when he heard it.

Sutan burst into tears, thinking that she must cover up this black
history well, and must not let the big cousin know.

——What is like a little squirrel that rolls, sells, and holds the trunk
and hugs its legs, don't be too shameful! Be sure to hide!

The shooting of "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" is progressing

smoothly. After the shooting of the forest part of the m27 galaxy, the
shooting of the other parts will soon be completed.

With the crew, Su Tan also packed up his luggage for several months.
He picked up a lot of white and beautiful large shells on the golden
sandy beach, and was going to take them back as gifts for Hayden and

The golden glittering fine sand, he also purposely filled a bottle with a
small glass bottle as a commemoration of this special trip.

On this pleasant little planet, he had a comfortable and satisfying life,

and he unexpectedly relaxed every day without any pressure. Under
such circumstances, his writing speed has been improved by a notch,
and the quality is somewhat amazing.

This place brought him countless inspirations and directions, so that

his new text was close to taking shape, and only after going back for
the final modification and improvement, it could be officially released.

For this achievement, Su Tan is extremely satisfied.

The only regret is that in the past few months, I can only communicate
with my family and Hayden through video communication, and I
have missed it.

Until the day he left, he couldn't wait to get back on his journey.

"Wait a minute, writer Su, you are on this starship." Su Tan carrying
his suitcase, waiting for the crew to leave on the large tarmac.

In order to move all the shooting props and equipment back this time,
the crew of "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" hired more than ten large
transport ships, and moved numerous instruments under the
command of the staff.

Su Tan listened to the dispatch of the on-site staff and walked to the
small starship next to him. There were no passengers in the starship's
cabin. Su Tan took a seat and sat down.

He looked around. Obviously, the condition of this starship was

slightly better than that of the transport ship. He wanted to use it for
the actors and crew.

As he looked around, he saw several staff members carrying many

boxes up and stacking the aisles. The leading Mo Sen repeatedly
apologized: "Writer Su, we can't put our instruments on, we can only
put them on your starship. Please forgive me."
Listening to the other party's sincere apologies, Su Tan smiled and
didn't mind these, and waved his hands again and again, smiling: "It's
okay, can you help me?"

Mosen was relieved, urging the staff to hurried back, preventing him
from getting off the starship. "No need, we just come."

Through the porthole, Su Tan saw the crew outside the orderly and
extremely fast, and all the luggage and props were loaded on the
starship within a short while, and all the personnel also boarded
several other transport ships and starships On the contrary, no one
else boarded the ship he was on.

Under the unified dispatch of the tarmac, all the starships and
transport ships slowly lifted off in order to formally set sail.

Su Tan looked around. There was only one solitary passenger in the
starship cabin, and many large and small suitcases in the aisle.

He couldn't help but smile and shook his head, thinking he was
taking a special plane.

The starship was drawn into the dark and dark space. Soon, the crews
of the crew, large and small, jumped into the space, and the hull
disappeared in the dark space.

The only boat left by Sutan was at the end.

Unexpectedly, in this short space jump period, the starship suddenly

changed. When coming out of the space jump, all the starships and
transport ships of the "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" crew were
completely gone in front.

Su Tan was startled, and stood up against the dark space outside the

I saw that the cockpit door suddenly opened, and a long, straight man
came out, leaning on the door, and calmly smiled and said to him,
"Heist, do you want an interstellar elopement?"

Su Tan: "..."

He laughed and thought to himself: If he had abducted the Crown

Prince, he would be wanted by the entire interstellar? ?


"Where are we going?"

In the dark space, a small and keen starship quickly shuttled by. Sutan
drank juice in the cockpit of the starship and asked Hayden beside
him leisurely.

This long and leisurely trip has washed away almost all the
responsibilities and exhaustion from them, leaving only a group of
calm and leisure.

Hayden smiled and turned to look back at him: "Where you want to
go, let's go."
Imperial Capital Star.

Early in the morning, the robot Suning went downstairs early. The
weather today is really pleasant, the air is fresh and refreshing, and it
is very comfortable to blow on the face with a cool breeze.

While Suning was busy making breakfast in and out of the kitchen, he
turned on the TV and tuned the channel to the morning news of
Diduxing. Then—

"Hurry up! Dad! Get up quickly!"

The new day kicked off in the crisp news of the morning news and its
enthusiastic frying.

After having breakfast in a hurry, Suning watched her husband drive

his younger son to kindergarten, and he took the time to prepare to go

Since the family moved from Rose to Emperor Star, it has gradually
adapted to life here. With her strengths and hobbies, she found a new
job at Diduxing and successfully became a teacher in a sweater
knitting training school.

Complicated weaving, sweaters, blankets, and small handbags with

various patterns and patterns ... It came to hand, taught students to
interact enthusiastically, and won praise from teachers and students at
the training school.
The robot Suning is very fond of this job. After sending his husband
and young son out of the house every morning, he can't wait to rush
to school to prepare for a new day's lesson.

Coincidentally, as it reached the end of the street of the training school

today, a small bookstore was passing by the roadside, and a number
of newly listed newspapers and magazines were displayed on the
newspaper rack at the door.

Su Ning looked around, stopped, quickly crossed the road, and

waved enthusiastically to the bookstore owner: "Hey, old York, is
there a new issue of" Milaria Children's Story "?"

Old York was wearing gloves to put the new magazines on the shelf
one by one. Hearing this familiar question, he couldn't help laughing
and responding, "I just arrived this morning, I'll leave it for you long
ago!" "

Upon hearing this, Suning's eyes brightened, and he excitedly swiped

his account to buy a new magazine. By the way, I saw a new issue of
"Entertainment Weekly", "News Express", "Today's Headline" ... and
bought it all together.

It was too late to read through the newsstand door, looked at the
watch that was about to arrive, and hurried to a training school with a
large number of newspapers and magazines.

Rushing to the classroom, as expected, most of the students in the

class they brought have already arrived. They are sitting in their seats
at this time, enthusiastically communicating the homework left last
time, looking at each other in different speeds. Half sweater.

Suning stood in front of the podium, clapped his hands, and hurried
to the bell point of the class to start his day's lesson.

Most of the students who came to sign up for this class were
housewives with leisure time nearby. They took advantage of learning
to knit sweaters to pass the time.

The sweater pattern taught this time was a bit complicated. Many
students who enrolled in this class woven the wrong stitches. The
robot Suning helped to correct them one by one and poured steaming
tea on all the students present.

I took a sip of the fragrant tea, comfortably ironed my stomach, and

let the housewives sitting around talking and laughing while making
sweaters, opened the box, and chatted together about interesting

The atmosphere in the classroom was very relaxed and pleasant.

By this time, Suning was finally able to take a break. He warmly

poured himself a cup of hot tea, opened the newspaper he had just
bought in the morning, and the person next to him smiled and asked,
"Mr. Su, do you like to watch entertainment news?"

Suning nodded and responded warmly.

Opening the newspaper, the variety of entertainment news and
explosive news suddenly caught sight. Every day, new hot news came
to the headlines of newspapers.

The robot daddy looked carefully before finally finding what he

wanted to see in the breaking news on the back of the newspaper.

"Sutan's new work" Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng "is being closely

filmed and has been filmed for several scenes ..."

Suddenly, Su Ning laughed, and Zai carefully read this short report
twice, contented.

It packed the newspaper neatly. When it was ready to go home, cut it

out and carefully paste it in its own newspaper folder.

This is its long-standing hobby, and no one can take it away!

Watching the robot Suning carefully closed the newspaper, holding a

hot tea cup and smiling happily, the housewives who were knitting
sweaters chatting beside them couldn't help laughing.

They have been familiar with Suning's daily habit many times before,
and are familiar and curious.

A chubby housewife stopped her movements and happened to talk

about her son and daughter with her companions. She smiled and
asked the robot Suning with a smile: "Mr. Su, where does your child
Su Ning smiled with a good temper and waved his hand proudly and
replied, "My son is a writer without work!"

As soon as the answer came out, a surprised response rang out

throughout the classroom.

Speaking of writers, the housewives naturally talked to Su Tan, the

most famous writer at the moment, especially the countless children's
literature works created by Su Tan, "Little Elf", "Unlucky Amy", "Little
Squirrel Gu Changsheng" 》 Wait, almost every one of them has been
warmly loved by their children.

The fat housewife who had previously questioned could not help
nodding her head at Suning, "This is a good job!"

"Yeah, this year's New Year's gift is to buy a" Little Squirrel Gu
Changsheng "for that little son in my family, it's almost going to make
him crazy! Holding books every day is so fascinating that I can't eat
any food!"

"Not so, so are our children. He is now Sutan's number one fan." A
housewife shook her head, and the smile on her face was helpless and

After all, in the hearts of many housewives, being able to attract

children to read is better than letting children be obsessed with
playing games.
The robot Suning listened with a smile and listened to everything.
From time to time, warm cups of tea were added to everyone's cups.
Listening to the praise of the word, although it said nothing, the
happy and proud smile on his face was difficult to hide.

It's awesome!

It wasn't until the hot tea was added three times that the sweaters in
the hands of the crowd hit a little more, and the bell of the class rang
slowly. Today's class is over.

Housewives put their hands together and laughed at each other to see
each other's sweater progress, put things in handbags, bid farewell to
Suning in twos and threes, and left after class.

Before leaving, many people smiled and persuaded the robot Suning:
"Mr. Su, let your son write more children's stories like the big writer
Su Tan."

The robot Suning nodded with a smile and enthusiastically answered,

"Okay, no problem!"

Life passed quickly, Hayden did live up to his promise and took Su
Tan to all the empires of the empire.

There are hot desert hot galaxies, there are beautiful little tropical
planets with beautiful scenery and little known, and there are even
remote and simple countryside and bustling technological cities ...
They walked around, looked at countless landscapes, met countless
people, and many different nations and places.

For the first time, Su Tan knew that the entire empire was so vast and
that there were so many star fields with different customs and
cultures, which made him extremely intoxicated, and he was very
happy with Hayden's travel.

Every so often, he will take the latest photos of Starfield travel and
send it to the robot dad and his family to share his travels.

Suning carefully saved the photos one by one, and distressedly

counted how many days his son traveled with his finger every day.

It was full of feelings, it was a long wait ...

The next day, he went to the training school to attend a class. As

usual, the housewives drank tea and knitted sweaters to chat

After talking about the child's topic, it was like opening a

conversation box in class, and every time in class, I kept talking about
this topic.

"Our child reads a book at home every day, so that he won't go out to
play, oh, it's sad that I and the child's father, don't you make friends?"

"You haven't seen my son and have been eating, you can't stop it
[laughing and crying]."
"You are pretty good. My son brought us two small water bottles from
the last trip. As a souvenir, do you say he is a bit silly?"


Housewives, in sweaters, talked about their own bad things, and

couldn't stop them.

The robot Suning, who had been listening to him, couldn't help but
say, "Our cubs have gone out to travel, and haven't returned home for
two months ..."

As soon as the word went out, it immediately received countless

comforting eyes.

"Mr. Su, don't be sad. Your child will come home someday."

"That is, maybe I will bring you a girlfriend next time."

"When your son is older, you always go out. Your child is not a writer.
This profession is to go out and collect more styles."

"Yes, yes!"

Listening to these enthusiastic words of consolation, the robot Suning

nodded, and his heart became more missed.
At this moment, the fat housewife who was checking the light-brain
communication side by side, suddenly watched a piece of news and
laughed, and explained to everyone with a smile: "You see, there are
passers-by on the Internet breaking news, but also see the great writer
Su Tan going out Traveled. "

Before the robot Suning's touch had time to close, his ears quietly
erected immediately.

The fat housewife read out the contents exposed online, "Many
netizens have encountered Su Tan and Hayden in various places in
the interstellar, and they are guessing on the Internet that they are
traveling, and a lot of fun happened when they met with passers-by."

Hearing the news of the familiar writer Su Tan, the housewives

present had heated discussions and wondered whether a new book
would come out of his trip.

For a while, the atmosphere was lively. The robot Suning waited for a
few minutes and finally couldn't help but found his own light brain
and immediately found this popular post on Weibo Hot Search.

Sure enough, passers-by met Su Tan's Weibo.

"Little Orange smashed: Super excited, and went out to surprise Su Da

la la la la la la! He immediately grabbed his signature. The man is very
nice, and the crown prince is also good-natured. Don't be too
seductive and fit!"

Originally, this blogger's Weibo was not very popular. There were
only a few classmates and friends of fans, but when this Weibo came
out, the popularity immediately increased several times, and the
popularity of fans increased steadily, and it quickly broke through
tens of thousands.

The comments under Weibo are even more enthusiastic.

"Nanpen friends: Really ?! Landlord, ask for coordinates!"

"Xiao Zhua: Envy ... I also want to meet Su Tan, and His Royal
Highness the Crown Prince !! The landlord, have you been so lucky to
save the entire galaxy?"

"Stained Demon King: Then? The landlord, you just let Su Da run
away? You should lock him in the small black room and let him write
for 24 hours!"


Netizens talked enthusiastically. I didn't expect that there was no

coincidence, and other people's encounters gradually appeared on

"Curly little lion: I also met a few days ago! I thought I had read it
wrong. Landlord, shall we coordinate?"

"Struggling Daliang: Raising your hand quietly, I met one month ago
in the J9 galaxy, and two people seem to be traveling. People are
really great. I never thought that Her Royal Highness Crown Prince
would be a good character, and bought it for me. Ice cream! Don't
envy me hahahahaha— "
"Ling Lingling class bell: ... I thought I was the only one who had
enjoyed this kind of treatment, but I didn't expect everyone to have
encountered [laughing and crying]. Seeing two people, Su Da and His
Royal Highness, helped the grandfather selling by the street After
dropping all the goods and sending the grandfather home, the move
exploded. Since then, I have firmly become the mother-in-law of the
two. "

"Little hamster: Right, right! I used to think that the upper levels of
these empires were high above them, and nobody was in the eyes. I
didn't expect His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to be kind and
loving, hey, when I saw him helping Su Da buy cotton candy laces, on
the spot The face of Meng's blood is empty, and the blood tank is
empty. Don't be too spoiled! Now I am looking forward to the
husband's early marriage, when will I have a cute baby: -D. "

"Drunk Baby Devil: Shake hands, can't agree anymore!"


Although the trips of Su Tan and Hayden were not made public, they
were not kept secret. They appeared like a pair of ordinary travelers in
various places across the planet.

Unexpectedly, this low-key trip was unexpectedly attracted a lot of

fans on the Internet.

Newspapers and magazines that have been connected for a few days
have also reported on the two people's low-key trips under the
headline of "Kind and Low-key Travel".
The robot Suning still buys several newspapers and magazines every
day, looks at the latest news, and is a little bit shocked.

Actually ... are all good reviews? ?

It couldn't help Lao Huai's consolation, and lamented silently in his

heart: The child finally got better ...

This trip by Sutan and Hayden was free and casual, walking along the
way, seeing different landscapes and people in different star domains,
filled with heart and soul by countless moving scenery and people,
their hearts were full and full.

Su Tan also inspired countless inspirations along the way,

accumulated countless novel materials, and couldn't wait to prepare
to enrich his new texts after the journey.

Their travels have no place to stay, no direction, no freedom. Until

more and more netizens met, and slowly could not hide their
identities and deeds, was finally ready to end this long and full

The small, lightweight starship blasted into the air and headed
towards the end of the journey.

When Su Tan opened his eyes and woke up, the top part of the upper
part of the starship had been opened, and the rustling sound of the
waves leaped into his ears, which was extremely safe in the quiet late
Overhead, there is a bright starry sky full of stars.

Sutan couldn't help but sigh, shocked by the beautiful starry sky. He
raised his body and sat up, and found that the starship was stopping
on a long and narrow sandy beach at this time, accompanied by the
undulating sound of the sea waves, making people extremely

He was in a good mood, turned over from the cockpit seat, and
looked around. Su Tan unexpectedly found a house by the beach from
a distance, and further away was the starry lights near the harbor
terminal, and the bustling city in the distance. night.

He carefully recognized for a while, and gradually developed a sense

of incomparable familiarity.

m27 galaxy?

That small planet with a pleasant climate?

No wonder the beaches and waves are so quiet and relaxing. It turned
out that this was the place where their trip started.

At the moment, Su Tan was greatly sighed and raised his lips. This
small planet with a pleasant scenery and climate once impressed him
when the crew filmed here.

Unexpectedly, when this trip was about to end, they came back here.
Su Tan bent her eyes with a smile, and when she stood up, she
suddenly heard a calm footsteps coming from behind.

"Do you like it?"

A low magnetic voice opening, Su Tan can easily recognize each other
without looking over.

He nodded with a smile and smiled calmly: "Like."

Looking back, Su Tan unexpectedly found out that the big cousin did
not know when to change into a formal dress, and the long and
slender figure was perfectly wrapped in the fitted dress, looking
plump and tall.

He raised his eyebrows, and suddenly couldn't help but smiled and
raised his eyebrows, seeing that Hayden, who had always been calm
at this moment, had a slightly tight jaw line.

The big cousin was so serious, he deliberately spared a few months

from his busy business to travel with him, and at the end of the trip,
he took him to his favorite planet, and changed into a formal dress ...
One reason.

Su Tan smiled, remembering the scene of a new home decoration

before going out, reaching out and clenching Hayden's fingers. The
hot fingers touched, getting hot and close.
"I have something to tell you."

Before Hayden spoke, Su Tan took the lead with a smile.

Hearding this, Hayden looked helpless and spoiled.

Su Tan clenched his hand, held the warm and wide palm tightly in his
palm, and raised his eyebrow with a smile: "I know that there is a
marriage notary office that is accepted 24 hours a day, you Would you
like to go with me now? "

Hayden smiled.

"When did you know there was a notary office here?"

Su Tan narrowed her eyes with a smile, whistled warily, shook

Hayden's hand, and ran on the road leading to the notary office.

Just listening, he laughed and responded—

"Maybe ... the first day here."

The next day, explosive headlines swept the entire planet.

"Su Tan and His Highness are officially married!"

As soon as the headline title burst, the entire network exploded. The
news was reprinted everywhere, just like a snowball, and
immediately caused a huge fiery discussion throughout the

After all, the news that the two were traveling together just broke out,
causing countless heated discussions and likes on the Internet, and the
popularity of the comments has not yet dissipated. No one expected
that at this time the two would marry directly!

The popular star writer Su Tan is married to His Royal Highness

Crown Prince Hayden Longman! !! !!

Almost everyone who heard the news was caught in infinite shock
and huge carnival surprises.

"Little hamster: I am so happy that I am so happy!"

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: Surprise! Really married Marry Dad ?! This
is the new year, the best news I have ever received!"

"Little Begonia of the Roubao Family: I actually want to cry a bit, I

have the feeling of watching my raised baby finally getting married
and marrying ..."

"Kolabao: Really? Really? Has the news been confirmed? Will I change
my mouth later ... Is it called the crown prince's mother? [Laughs and

"Orange-flavored soda: It 's too fast, it 's too unexpected. I always

thought that two people would still have a hobby for a long time.
After all, marry a wealthy man, there must be good things, I will be
ready to support Su Da in the future. I did not expect His Royal
Highness 's efficiency is so high that he has the courage to make
perfect decisions! "

"Dark Rose: Congratulations!"


This explosive and shocking news is tantamount to dropping a giant

nuclear bomb on the entire interstellar space. Not only are netizens
commenting on the enthusiasm, the media are also extremely excited.

The marriage of Su Tan and Hayden is not just a combination of two

people. For the identity and background of the two, this marriage has
a huge impact, and it will have a profound shock and impact on the
entire empire.

For a while, the media's attention was frantically devoted to the views
of the giants Gu family, Longman family, the Royal Office, and many
families of the upper empire family, etc., anxiously and persistently
inquiring everyone's opinions, can't help it A different perspective
was heard in the mouths of the people concerned.

However, I did not expect that many giants and families in the upper
part of the empire were unusually low-key this time, and they did not
accept the crazy interviews of the media.

The Longman family's response was unexpectedly quick and decisive.

For the first time, Imperial Emperor Bernard Longman responded
positively in a public event media interview. "Congratulations, we
have been looking forward to this day for a long time, and bless this

When this interview was broadcast on television, it immediately

pushed the entire storm of public opinion to the top like a tornado.

Numerous entertainment media interpreted this short response in

depth, digging out numerous connotations from it.

"'We have all been looking forward to this day for a long time'-Her
Majesty Bernard acknowledged his satisfaction with the marriage and
wished them a blessing!"

"Bear many expectations-His Highness and Sutan are expected to be

the next imperial couple."

"Writer, screenwriter, movie studio owner ... Su Tan's next new

identity is coming!"

Apart from the hot comments from the media, no one had expected
that the next shocking news would come again unexpectedly, coming
from the sky.

"Bernard Longman: After their marriage, I think Martha and I can

finally be free and start our journey."

This unintentional word with a smile that fell into everyone's ears was
nothing short of explosive.
"News Express", "Today's Headlines", "Imperial News",
"Entertainment Weekly ..." The front cover headlines of countless
media newspapers and magazines are all occupied by a huge
blackened headline.

"His Majesty Bernard intends to abdicate, and His Royal Highness

crowns Sutan to crown the throne together!"


The night before, Su Tan held Hayden's hand and ran to the marriage
notary office to register together late at night, accompanied by the
rustling sound of the tide of the sea. Laughed and killed a whole
bottle of Hayden's prepared bottle, and then spent the first wedding
night perfectly in the starship by the sea.

He didn't wake up from the madness of the previous night until the
next afternoon.

He had a splitting headache, and Jiu Jin'er was still playing a

continuous role, but the light brain that was thrown aside was
buzzing constantly, and countless communication messages followed.

Sitting on the big bed in the starship's bedroom, Su Tan dragged his
head and saw that it was over two o'clock in the afternoon. The sun
was shining brightly outside the porthole on the sea. The weather was
so pleasant.
Su Tan shook his head with a smile, thinking of the crazy marriage
process last night and couldn't help but want to laugh.

He propped himself up on the bedside and turned up, but

unexpectedly saw that his finger was taken with a clean and simple
ring, and the size was just right, and it looked very nice on his fingers.

Su Tan took a serious look for a while, but the smile at the corner of
her eyebrow could not be concealed.

In the future, he will also have a family.

After taking a quick bath and taking care of myself, Su Tan changed
into easy and clean clothes, stepped out of the bedroom in the bright
afternoon sun, and reached the starship cockpit.

This moored port is a popular spot for m27 galaxy tourism. This small
planet with a beautiful scenery and climate is very popular among
nearby residents. When the filming of "Little Squirrel Gu
Changsheng" was taken last time, the crew specially enveloped the
entire planet to facilitate confidential shooting. Protected from the

When I came here again this time, I was back to the open state of the
past, and many tourists took a leisurely ride on the starship to take a

Many family starships docked on the deck near Sutan.

The sun outside was bright and the air was fresh and pleasant. Su Tan
couldn't help stepping out of the starship, breathing a lot of fresh air,
and was in a good mood.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stretched a lazy waist, he heard a warm

voice from the starship moored next door. "Hey, Sutan!
Congratulations on your marriage!"

Su Tan just stretched his lazy waist and hadn't let go. He suddenly
heard this unexpected greeting and the whole man couldn't help
crying. Looking aside, I saw the head of the starship next to the one on
which their starship was docked, and a head emerged from behind
the open cockpit to say hello.

The other person raised the wrench in his hand, and waved at him
with a smile.

Su Tan answered with a smile: "Thank you!"

He couldn't help but ask, "How do you know the news?"

"Looking online, it has all been exposed online." The other side
enthusiastically waved his wrench, "I support you!"

Hearing this enthusiastic remark, Su Tan smiled and thanked again

and again.

Today, he not only encountered this congratulatory neighbor. Su Tan

walked this short way on the pier, and encountered countless
enthusiastic passers-by who came to tell him congratulations, which
made him moved and can't help but be impressed.

When he returned to his starship after taking a walk, Hayden who

had gone out had already returned. At this time, the missed brunch
was being put out, and there was a large table full of which Sutan

Su Tan laughed and dine with him. He checked the news and news on
the Internet and found that the news of the marriage of the two has
already made headlines. Numerous media outlets are crazy reprinting
this explosive news.

If they were at the Imperial Capital at this time, instead of this laid-
back vacation little planet, I am afraid that journalists would already
flock on them.

Thinking of that picture, Su Tan couldn't help laughing and shaking

his head.

And now--

In the news report, Su Tan glanced at the Langman family members

who were enthusiastically pursued by the media, and Gu Jia and Shu
Heng who were interviewed and interviewed everywhere. He
couldn't help but have no doubt that the robot's face would be
Followed by reporters appeared on the headlines of newspapers.

It's time to go back.

"Today's Headline": Her Majesty Longman is about to abdicate. Can
young imperial newlyweds take on the heavy responsibility? "

"Empire Newsweek: A new successor-or will the Empire face an

unprecedented challenge?"

"Interstellar Express": The popular praise is as high as 93.6%, and the

most popular Empire couple in history is about to be released! "

While countless media reported enthusiastically, the popularity of

Sutan and Longman's attention from the interstellar people was
unexpectedly high.

Countless passers-by expressed their congratulations and excitement

to the new couple in random interviews on the street, and did not
conceal their love for the Empire CP in front of the camera.

In particular, Su Tan 's well-known authorship of best-selling books

has made his fan readers all over the world, and has won the love of
countless residents of all ages.

With Sutan, Hayden's interactive interaction on Weibo has made the

interactive intimacy between the Langman family and the majority of
netizens unprecedented.

During the interstellar travel, the two people traveled through various
galaxies, and the countless passers-by and interstellar residents they
met have given them a good impression.
At this time, the Longman family suddenly released the news that His
Majesty Bernard Longman would abdicate. Many netizens responded
not only without the fierce opposition as expected by the media, but
also the popular support for Hayden and Sutan. The climb climbed to
the top.

Popular praise is as high as 93.6%!

It is truly unprecedented.

By the time Su Tan and Hayden returned from their trip on a starship,
they had already harvested the blessings of countless passersby along
the way.

The day before, the robot Suning had already learned the news that
the two were about to return. Although the next day they would still
go to work as usual, but with smiles on their faces, they could not
conceal their sunny mood.

It sandwiched a stack of newspapers and magazines, and hurriedly

walked quickly into the door of the training classroom. The students
who were already seated in the classroom saw it in a cheerful mood
and could not help but ask: What a good thing? "

With a grin, Sun Ning couldn't hide his smile. He waved his fist, and
laid down a pile of newspapers and magazines in the lecture room,
and then could not help but announce with a smile: "My son is back!"

As soon as this was said, the room was full of surprises and
"Congratulations, your son has finally returned from the trip, so you
don't have to worry about it every day."

The robot Suning beamed with joy and nodded, "Yeah, yeah."

Stinky, finally back ...

Another housewife quipped: "Well, isn't your son a writer? Teacher

Su? Maybe this trip can inspire writing and inspire your children to
create a new book."

The robot Suning remembered the new book writing plan that Atan
had talked to himself, and could not help but nodded again.

More than one book, Atan said that inspiration broke out, I am afraid
to write ten books and eight books ...

"Yes, Teacher Su." The classroom was full of people, someone shouted
loudly, "Maybe I can bring you back a little boyfriend this time--"

Speaking of this topic, the robot Suning replied slowly with a smile:
"No, no, just bring a husband back."

"Wow ~"

Immediately, countless praises rang out in the classroom, and Suning

was extremely comfortable.
Around the table, the housewives of the sweater class were wearing
sweaters and chatting with hot tea. Speaking of the return of Suning's
son, he naturally talked about the pair of empires that were
normalizing among the major media recently. , Immediately aroused
the interest of chatting, and discussed with enthusiasm.

"I don't know which child Sutan is, whoops, parents can enjoy the
blessings and become the in-laws with the imperial family!"

"Not at all, glory door!"

"The news says, when will their wedding ceremony be held? Will they
be able to see it on live TV?"

The atmosphere of the live discussion was warm. The robot Suning
listened with a smile on his face, spreading out the newspapers
bought this morning one by one, his face full of pride.

It silently thought about time, and in his mind, there were still 3 hours
and 20 minutes, and his son would finally be home!

Back to Emperor Xingxing, the issue of newly-married one after

another, too busy. After Su Tan returned home, his cousin brought a
plate full of freshly baked hot refreshments, and even people brought
the refreshments into the small study upstairs, not letting him worry
about other things.
Su Tan couldn't help crying. Seeing Hayden's enthusiasm and all-out
effort to do his wedding, he had to let him do it, and devoted all his
energy to the creation of the new book.

"Star Trek" ended on the online series of the star novel, but the final
chapter ending was not first published on the Internet, but became
popular with the official release of the physical book.

Although the ending of the physical book is only three days earlier
than the online ending, as long as three days after the release of the
new physical book, all netizens will be able to unlock the novel to see
the ending of the novel online, but this is the difference between the
three days For countless book fans and readers, it is the most deadly
scratching poison | drug.

As a loyal reader, who can tolerate others seeing the ending of a

favorite novel three days before himself?

Of course not!

As a result, the sales of physical books in Star Trek were unpredictable

and once again swept the entire Starcraft like a storm.

This novel is rich in content and grand in setting, and it is the most
abundant and profound novel in Sutan's New World Trilogy.
Although most of the novel's content has been made public in the
serialization of the Star Fiction website, countless readers and fans
who bought the physical book in person took the new book and were
pleasantly surprised to see the value for money.
In the physical book, not only the novels serialized on the Internet, but
also surprisingly supplemented many unpublished sequels and
sequels, linking the entire novel with two other "Little Squirrel Gu
Changsheng" and "Adventure Notes" Tighter and more complete
New World system.

Moreover, the numerous novel novel bookmarks, character models,

continent maps, chronicles unlocked along with the new book, and
the smaller version of the "Little Rose" starship that initially took all
interstellar tourists to the new continent, let many purchase Fans of
physical books are ecstatic.

There are so many souvenirs to explode!

Even if the author who has read the serialization of this novel online,
after purchasing the physical book collection of Star Trek again, will
not feel that it is a waste of money. Instead, they have praised the
table and praised it. burst.

"Orange-flavored soda: novels of conscience! Am I stunned when I see

so many surroundings, I feel that I have saved the entire interstellar!"

"Soft cute dolphin: finally lined up to grab the new book, then ... just
hate myself for not buying a few more for Mao !!! Definitely worth

"Xiao Begonia of the Po Baojia: Praise, say nothing, print [picture]

[picture] [picture]."
"Fishing on the Milky Way: I revisited the novel and found that many
places were not unlocked against the map. I feel that there will be
many big pits buried behind ... look forward to the new book!"

In front of such enthusiastic sales, Star Trek unsurprisingly refreshed

the sales volume of Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng that was sold in the
New Year, and steadily took the throne of this year's new book sales.

The fierce and crazy sales volume has surprised almost everyone in
the publishing industry. I am afraid that no new books will surpass it
this year.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this industry-recognized result was made,

the old cat studio suddenly released news--

"Sutan has officially started writing the fourth novel in the New
World Series!"

This shocking news suddenly ignited countless fierce public opinion



"All shooting work for" Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng "is over and it's
in the post-production stage!"

The colossal masterpiece of the three major film and television giants
collaborated to advance in an orderly and rapid manner. All movie
fans and book fans have been eagerly waiting for the movie to be
released soon.
Then, a month later, with the golden leaves and colorful scenery in the
autumn, the whole empire finally ushered in the grandest wedding.

"His Royal Highness and Sutan officially held a wedding ceremony


The headlines of countless media newspapers have been occupied by

this headline. On this day, all the Internet, TV, radio and various
public opinion resources are all swept by this heavy shocking
wedding screen.

The Yinxing Knitted Sweater Training School did not stop on this day.
Many students came to the classroom to prepare for classes as usual,
but still could n't help but be attracted by this grand wedding today.
During hot tea and chat, the housewives unanimously opened With
the TV projection, we gathered to watch this rare wedding in a

"Emperor TV will report for you live, and there is 1 hour and 07
minutes, the biggest Emperor's wedding of this century will be held

Countless media gathered outside the Royal Hall, rushing to connect

to the scene to report the event to the entire interstellar.

Although the wedding was not made public, the guest entrance
outside the auditorium left enough material for the media to report.
As a result, the guest list has been repeatedly changed and almost
revealed in the speculation and interviews of many media.

The housewives of the Yinxing Knitted Sweater Training School,

while knitting sweaters, got together and chatted enthusiastically.

"Why isn't Teacher Su here today? It's about to ring the bell." Someone

The housewife who has arrived early has already learned the inside
story from the mouth of the training front desk. "I heard that it was
leave today, and there are happy events in the family. Let us learn
ourselves today."

As soon as the reason was mentioned, the classroom was lively.

"A happy event? Isn't it the child who brought her husband back?"

"Mr. Su didn't tell us anything. If this is a happy event, everyone will

be happy together!"

"Yes, Mr. Su chose the right day for this day. It was definitely a good
day to marry the Crown Prince, the same day. You can't go wrong!"

Watching the wedding guests on TV gradually appeared and entered

the venue in turn.
The housewives drinking hot tea and sweaters in the classroom even
had a good conversation. Looking at the well-dressed and beautifully
dressed guests on the live TV, everyone stopped all the movements in
their hands and couldn't help but evoke the idea of taking a good

For the housewives, what is more attractive than seeing these

beautiful and decent people in formal dresses, which are rarely seen
on weekdays?

Not only the students in the classroom think so, in front of the TV and
the Internet, countless interstellar residents are watching this scene
with enthusiasm and passion, hoping to wing this royal wedding

"The reporter from the live TV of Emperor TV will introduce to you,

and now it is the Earl Heidemann couple who walked into the red
carpet into the auditorium—"

In the classroom, the housewives complimented and quipped, "Look

at the top hats of other people, which are fashionable and good-
looking. Is it popular in high society now? Should we hand-knit one
with a sweater?"

The old count couple walked along with their salute sticks, and a pair
of young and upright figures appeared in the field of vision of the
camera again. The handsome figure of Fengshen immediately
attracted great attention and favor from the housewives.

"Guests are now attending, Gu Family, and-the youngest general of

the Empire, General Cyrus!"
As soon as the sound of introduction in the live TV came down, the
classroom suddenly seemed to explode, and the enthusiastic
discussion could not stop.

"Look at this pair of young people, this looks too good, right?
Standing together is so good!"

"Don't mention that stupid boy in our family, he can't even stand
upright, and his temperament can't catch up with one ten thousandth
of others."

"No, hey, I want to take a screenshot of this picture and send it to my

younger son to see if he blushes."

The housewives had heated discussions. It was not until the TV

station introduced the important guests of the wedding ceremony
again that they rarely removed the enthusiasm for discussion from the
Gu family and refocused all their attention on the live TV projection.

"It was Sutan's family who finally came to the auditorium."

As soon as the introduction of the scene fell, the live TV footage

slowly moved to the other side of the red carpet, where the family of
three was exposed to the entire interstellar media lens and
broadcasted to the entire interstellar broadcast.

Immediately, the entire classroom of Yinxing Knitted Sweater

Training School fell into a silent silence.
For a long time, it wasn't until the smiling family of three on the live
TV waved their hands towards the camera with full affection, and in
the last stage, they disappeared into the auditorium, and then
someone gradually recovered from the huge shock in the classroom.

"That is ... Mr. Su !!!!!!?"

The robot Suning couldn't stop the bright and good mood today,
waved his hands to the outside of the auditorium sunnyly, holding
Dr. Shu's arm in one hand, dragging his younger son dad in one hand,
and strode toward the hall.

Today is its most anticipated wedding, and it cannot be absent


The robot Suning smiled, and strode forward in front of the


In front of the auditorium, Su Tan and Hayden wore the most

matching gowns and stood hand in hand in front of the auditorium.

"I'm a little nervous."

Su Tan suddenly whispered to Hayden.

Hayden held his hand tightly, and calmly calmed his voice, "What are
you nervous about?"
Su Tan whispered in tears and asked, "Will such a big scene of
marriage, in the future divorce, will the people across the world break
my leg?"

Hayden: "..."

"If you want to know the answer--" Hayden's lips were close to
Sutan's ears, and he whispered in a cheering applause from the
countless guests, "I'll tell you tonight."

Sutan :? ? ?

Touching Haideng's deep-eyed eyes, Sutan couldn't help laughing.



Please take care of it in the future. "



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