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Name: ___________________ Date: ____________________
Class: VI

1. Describe water cycle.

Ans: The continuous movement of water from Earth to sky and from sky to Earth back
again is called Water cycle. This is also called as Hydrological cycle.
The four main stages of water cycle are:
1. Evaporation
2. Condensation
3. Precipitation
4. Absorption or Runoff
Stage 1. Evaporation:
Due to the heat of the sun, the water from the oceans, lakes, forest and mountains
evaporates into the sky.
Stage 2. Condensation:
The evaporated water vapour is warm and lighter, so they rise high up in the sky.
When they reach high in the sky, the warm watervapour comes in contact with the cool
air and dust particles and begins to cool down into tiny water droplets forming clouds.

Stage 3. Precipitation:
Tiny water droplets combine together to form bigger drops. This becomes heavier for
the clouds to hold water causing the water to fall down as rain, sleet, snow or hail.
Stage 4. Absorption or Run off:
1. Most of the water flows down the hills and collects in rivers, lakes and oceans and
this is called run off.
2. It may fall on the high mountain peak and form glacier or snow.
3. Rain water can also be absorbed into the ground and become groundwater. This
is called as percolation.

2. What are the problems caused by excess rain?

Ans: The problems caused by excess rain are:
(1) Heavy rains in city areas lead to waterlogged roads and streets. This disrupts the
traffic on roads and causes inconvenience to the people.
(2) Heavy rains (or excessive rains) may cause floods. Heavy rains lead to too much
rise in the level of water in rivers. The river water starts overflowing from its banks and
spreads over a large area of land causing floods. The flood water may submerge cities,
villages, crop fields, and forests causing damage to property (houses, etc.), human life,
domestic animals, standing crops, and wild animals of the forests.
(3) The animals living in water are carried away by the fast-flowing flood waters.
(4) Heavy rains also kill the animals living in soil because such animals do not get air to
breathe when all the soil gets covered with flood water.

3. What happens if does not rain for a long period?

Ans: If it does not rain for a long period it causes drought. Drought is a long period
without rains leading to severe shortage of water in the region. The soil in the fields is
normally moist because it has water in it. The soil continues to lose water by
evaporation and transpiration. The water lost by soil is usually made up by rains. If it
doesn't rain at all (or the rainfall is very low) for a long period, the loss of water from the
soil is not made up and hence the soil becomes dry. Due to lack of rains, the water
level in the lakes and ponds also goes down and some of them may even dry up
completely. In the absence of rains, no water seeps into the ground and hence the
level of groundwater in wells, etc., falls drastically. Due to this the groundwater also
becomes scarce. The lack of rains for long periods may cause drought.

Some of the problems faced by the people because of drought in an area are as

(1) The soil does not have sufficient moisture (or water) to grow crops well. Since the
crop plants do not grow well, drought leads to severe shortage of food for the people in
that region.

(2) The vegetation such as grass and other fodder does not grow well and leads to
shortage of fodder for the domestic animals (like cows and buffaloes).

(3) Due to shortage of food and fodder, many people living in drought affected areas
even migrate to other places along with their domestic animals in search of food and
fodder. Some people and domestic animals may even die of starvation.

4. What is meant by conservation of water? Suggest three methods to conserve

Ans: Careful and economical use of water and avoiding its wastage is called
conservation of water.
Suggestions for conserving water:

1. Use only the required quantity of water.

2. Trees and forests help in causing rainfall. So, to conserve water, we should
plant more and more trees.
3. By collecting rainwater in tanks, ponds or by constructing check dams.

5. What is rainwater harvesting? Describe the method of rainwater harvesting.

Ans: Rainwater harvesting is the collection of rainwater and storing for future use. In
this system rainwater in collected from the rooftops by means of pipes into storage
tank for later use.
Methods of Rainwater Harvesting:

1. Rooftop rainwater harvesting – is a method of rainwater harvesting in which the

rainwater is collected from the rooftop to a storage tank, through pipes. This water may
contain soil from the roof and need filtering before it is used.
2. Instead of collecting rainwater in the tank, the pipes can go directly into a pit in the
ground. This then seeps into the soil to recharge or refill the groundwater. In this
method a big pit is dug near house for collecting rainwater. This pit is filled with
different layers of bricks, coarse gravels and sand or granite pieces.

6. Suppose you want to dry your school uniform quickly. Would spreading it near
an anghiti or heater help you? If yes, how?
Ans: Yes, to dry the school uniform quickly, the uniform is spread near a heater
because evaporation is rapid at higher temperature. Higher the temperature faster is
the rate of evaporation. So, the uniform is dried up quickly.

7. Take out a cooled bottle of water from refrigerator and keep it on a table. After
sometime you notice a puddle of water around it. Why?
Ans: The cooled water bottle has very cold exposed surface. Due to cool surface,
there is condensation of water-vapour from air on the surface of water bottle because
water vapour is present in atmosphere. The condensed water molecules spread
around the bottle. So, a puddle of water is noticed after sometime.

8. To clean their spectacles, people often breathe out on glasses to make them wet.
Explain why the glasses become wet?
Ans: The air that we breath out contain water-vapour. The warm water-vapour comes
in contact with the surface of spectacles cools down and becomes water. So glass
becomes wet and with the help of small amount of water, it is easy to clean the

9. How are clouds formed?

Ans: The water present on the earth evaporates due to heating by the sun. The water
vapour in the air rises up in the sky. When they reach a certain height they start to cool
down and condenses to form tiny droplets of water at high altitude, which appears as
clouds. These tiny droplets combine with each other to form bigger droplets to form
rain clouds. Thus, clouds are formed by the condensation of water vapours present in
air at high altitude.

10. Mention two main functions of water for living organisms.

Ans: Two main functions of water for living organisms are:
1. Water is essential for the germination of seeds, growth of plants and in photosynthesis.
2. Water is used for the transportation of people and goods.

11. Why is ocean water not suitable for domestic use?

Ans: Sea and ocean water contains large amounts of various salts. It is due to these
salts the ocean water is salty and cannot be used for drinking, washing and for
irrigation purposes.

12. How does the failure of rainfall affect people on the earth?
Ans: The failure of rainfall can cause the following:
1. The soil becomes dry.
2. Water level in rivers, lakes, dams, etc. may fall. Ponds and canals may even dry
3. The ground water level falls.
13. During winters why do we see more fog in close areas where there are lots of
Ans: Due to lots of trees, air at that place contains much more water vapour
during winters. These vapours condense on dust or smoke particles forming thick fog.

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