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GENERIC NAME : Josilvite

BRAND NAME : Calcium Lactate

Mechanism of action: The action of the drug on the human body is called Pharmacodynamics
in Medical terminology. To produce its effect and to change the pathological process that is
happening the body and to reduce the symptom or cure the disease, the medicine has to function
in a specific way. The changes it does to the body at cellular level gives the desired result of
treating a disease. Drugs act by stimulating or inhibiting a receptor or an enzyme or a protein
most of the times. Medications are produced in such a way that the ingredients target the specific
site and bring about chemical changes in the body that can stop or reverse the chemical reaction
which is causing the disease.
Physiologic Classification: Salt
Pharmacologic Classification: Salt that consists of two lactate anions for each calcium cation
Contraindications: Patients with hypercalcemia
Indications: Josilvite + Calcium (Calcium Lactate) acetate is a phosphate binder indicated to
reduce serum phosphorus in patients with end stage renal disease.
Desired Effect: Calcium is necessary for many normal functions of your body, especially bone
formation and maintenance. Calcium can also bind to other minerals (such as phosphate) and aid
in their removal from the body. Calcium lactate is used to prevent and to
treat calcium deficiencies.
Side Effects: nausea or vomiting, decreased appetite, constipation, dry mouth or increased
thirst, increased urination.
Adverse Effects : GI: Constipation or laxative effect, acid rebound, nausea,
eructation, flatulence, vomiting, fecal concretions. Metabolic: Hypercalcemia with alkalosis,
metastatic calcinosis, hypercalciuria, hypomagnesemia, hypophosphatemia (when phosphate
intake is low). CNS: Mood and mental changes, Urogenital: Polyuria, renal calculi.

Nursing Responsibilities
 Monitor increases in serum calcium in digitalized patients as this increases risk of
digitalis toxicity.
 Monitor for hypercalcemia
 Check serum calcium levels periodically. Hypercalcemia can occur during prolonged
administration particularly if patient is also taking vitamin D.

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