Lower Limb, Abdomen & Pelvis Questions I Mbbs

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Vydehi Institute of Medical Science & Research Centre, Bangalore

Department of Anatomy
Abdomen & pelvis Questions (Topics) Must know
Learn all topics with diagrams.

Long essays:

1. Rectus sheath – formation, contents and applied aspects

2. Inguinal canal – extent, formation, contents & applied aspects
3. Gross anatomy of testis in detail and its development
4. Vas deferens in detail
5. Ischiorectal fossa – boundaries, contents & applied anatomy

Short essays:

1. Umbilicus
2. Cutaneous innervation of anterior abdominal wall
3. Rectus abdominis muscle
4. External oblique muscle
5. Inguinal ligament / poupart’s ligament
6. Hessalbachs triangle
7. Coverings of indirect hernia
8. Coverings of direct hernia
9. Mechanism of inguinal canal
10.Spermatic cord
11.Cremaster muscle
12.Coverings of scrotum
13.Perineal membrane
14.Superficial & deep perineal pouch
15.Ischiorectal fossa
16.Alcock’s /pudendal canal
Short answers:

1. Quadrants of anterior abdominal wall

2. Allantoic diverticulum
3. Caput medusa
4. Trans pyloric plane
5. Trans tubercular plane
6. Watershed line
7. Linea alba
8. Linea semilunaris
9. Subcostal nerve
10.Pyramidalis muscle
11.Arcuate line
12.Conjoint tendon
13.Superior epigastric artery
14.Inferior epigastric artery
15.Superficial inguinal ring
16.Deep inguinal ring
17. Coverings of testis
18.Dartus muscle
20.Superficial perineal pouch
21.Deep perineal pouch
22.Perineal body
23.Urogenital diaphragm
Vydehi Institute of Medical Science & Research Centre, Bangalore
Department of Anatomy
Abdomen & pelvis Questions (Topics) Must know
Learn all topics with diagrams.

1. Lesser sac / omental bursa
2. Epiploic foramen / foramen of winslow
3. Mesentery
4. Greater omentum
5. Sub diaphragmatic recesses
6. Lesser omentum

1. Ventral mesogastrium
2. Dorsal mesogastrium
3. Pouch of douglas
4. Hepatorenal pouch / pouch of Morrison
5. Transverse mesocolon
6. Sigmoid mesocolon
7. Paracolic gutter
8. Duodenal recesses
9. Median umbilical fold
11.Rectovesical pouch
12.Falciform ligament
13.Lienorenal ligament
14. Caecal recesses

1. Stomach in detail
2. 2nd part of duodenum
3. Appendix in detail
4. Extrahepatic biliary apparatus
5. Head of pancreas
6. Body of pancreas
7. Portal vein – formation, tributaries, sites of portocaval anastomosis &
applied anatomy

1. Visceral surface of spleen
2. Ligaments of spleen
3. Histology of spleen
4. Splenic artery
5. Stomach bed
6. Blood supply of stomach
7. Lymphatic drainage of stomach
8. Development of stomach
9. Histology of stomach
10.Coeliac trunk
11.3rd part of duodenum
12.Development of duodenum
13.Histology of duodenum
14.Differences between small intestine and large intestine
15.Superior mesenteric artery
16.Development of midgut
17.Marginal artery of drummond
19.Bare area of liver
20.Falciform ligament
21.Gall bladder
22.Inferior surface of liver
23.Development of liver
24.Blood supply of pancreas
25.Blood supply of extrahepatic biliary apparatus


1. Diaphragmatic surface of spleen

2. Lienorenal ligament
3. Development of spleen
4. Lesser curvature
5. Ligaments attached to greater curvature
6. Bare area of stomach
7. Traubes space
8. Gastric canal / canal of magentrasae
9. Parts of stomach
10.Prepyloric vein of mayo
11.Gastroduodenal artery
12.Pyloric sphincter
13.Gastric triangle
14.Duodenal papillae
15.1st part of duodenum
16.Ligament of treitz
17.Blood supply of duodenum
18.Taenia coli
19.Critical point of sudek
20.Arc of riolon
21.Blood supply of caecum
22.Macburneys point
23.Caecal orifice
24.Positions of appendix
25.Development of caecum
26.Types of caecum
27.Appendicular artery
28.Ligaments of liver
29.Porta hepatis
30.Ligamentum venosum
31.Caudate lobe of liver
32.Quadrate lobe of liver
33.Right lateral surface of liver
34.Segments of liver
35.Anatomical / surgical lobes of liver
36.Sphincter of oddi
37.Development of pancreas
38.Neck of pancreas
39.Tail of pancreas
40.Duct system of pancreas
41.Blood supply of head of pancreas
42.Nut cracker syndrome
43.Annular pancreas
Vydehi Institute of Medical Science & Research Centre, Bangalore
Department of Anatomy
PELVIS Questions (Topics) Must know
Learn all topics with diagrams.

1. Urinary bladder – Location, General features, supports, relations &blood

2. Uterus- position, parts, peritoneal relations, supports, blood supply &
3. Prostate – external features, coverings, lobes, contents blood supply &
applied anatomy
4. Rectum - parts, peritoneal relations, supports, blood supply & applied
5. Anal canal- parts, interior features, supports, blood supply & applied
6. Pevic diaphragm

Short Essays:
1. Ovary – ovarian fossa, development, gubernaculum of ovary
2. Fallopian tube its parts & blood supply
3. Vagina – development & blood supply
4. Male urethra
5. Vas deferens
6. Trigone of urinary bladder
7. Internal iliac artery

Short answers:

1. Pectinate line & whiteline of Hilton

2. Derivatives of hind gut
3. Endodermal cloaca
4. Watershed line
5. External anal sphincter
6. pudendal canal
7. Mesonephric duct
8. Paramesonephric duct
9. Pyramidalis muscle
10.Ganglion impar
11. Anterior relations of sacrum
12. Ala of sacrum
13. Ovarian bursa
14. Broad ligament of uterus
15. Pelvic part of ureter
16. Fascia of denonvilliers
17. Differences between male & female pelvis
18. Histology of ovary
19. Histology of uterus
20.Histology of fallopian tube
21.Histology of prostate
22. Histology of urinary bladder
23. Prostatic urethra
Vydehi Institute of Medical Science & Research Centre, Bangalore
Department of Anatomy
Lower limb Questions (Topics) must know
Learn all topics with diagrams.

Long essays: 10 Marks

1) Describe the boundaries & contents & applied anatomy of femoral triangle.
2) Femoral artery – relations, branches & applied aspects.
3) Gluteus maximus – origin, insertion, nerve supply & action and structures under cover of it.
4) Sciatic nerve
5) Popliteal fossa
6) Hamstring muscles
7) Hip joint
8) Knee joint
9) Ankle joint
10) Arches of foot
11) Inversion & eversion of foot

Short essays: 5 Marks

1) Femoral sheath
2) Femoral ring
3) Femoral canal
4) Saphenous opening
5) Great saphenous vein
6) Adductor canal
7) Femoral nerve
8) Femoral artery
9) Profunda femoris artery
10) Quadriceps femoris
11) Rectus femoris
12) Obturator nerve
13) Adductor magnus
14) Gracilis
15) Obturator externus
16) Adductor longus
17) Abductors of hip joint
18) Gluteus medius & gluteus minimus
19) Pyriformis
20) Tensor fascia lata
21) Superior gluteal artery
22) Menisci of knee joint
23) Popliteus muscle
24) Anastomosis around knee joint
25) Patella
26) Popliteal artery
27) Contents and its relations of popliteal fossa
28) Perforating arteries
29) Tibialis anterior
30) Retinacula around ankle joint
31) Anterior compartmental syndrome
32) Anterior tibial nerve
33) Dorsalis Pedis artery
34) Arcuate artery
35) Short saphenous vein
36) Cutaneous innervation of foot
37) Sural nerve
38) Tendo calcaneus
39) Medial & lateral head of gastrocnemius
40) Peroneus longus & peroneus brevis
41) Soleus
42) Tibialis posterior
43) Triceps sure
44) Plantar arch
45) Lateral plantar nerve
46) Plantar aponeurosis
47) Lymphatic drainage of lower limb
48) Inguinal lymph nodes
49) Medial longitudinal arch
50) Lateral longitudinal arch
51) Posterior tibial artery

Short answers: 3 Marks

1) Deep inguinal lymph nodes

2) Branches of femoral artery
3) Sub sartorial plexus
4) Lateral circumflex femoral artery
5) Medial circumflex femoral artery
6) Spinous anastomosis
7) Trochanteric anastomosis
8) Cruciate anastomosis
9) Ligamentum patellae
10) Cutaneous innervation of front of thigh
11) Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh
12) Ilio-inguinal nerve
13) Nerve to pectineus
14) Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve
15) Iliotibial tract
16) Sartorius
17) Saphenous nerve
18) Structures passing above the pyriformis muscle
19) Structures passing below the pyriformis muscle
20) Structures passing through the lesser sciatic notch/ PIN structures
21) Ischial tuberosity
22) Greater sciatic notch
23) Sacrotuberous ligament
24) Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
25) Cutaneous innervation of gluteal region
26) Prepatellar plexus
27) Articularis genu
28) Trendelenberg test
29) House maids knee
30) Superior gluteal nerve
31) Inferior gluteal artery
32) Inferior gluteal nerve
33) Paresthetica meralgia
34) Branches of common peroneal nerve
35) Branches of tibial nerve
36) Lateral rotators of hip joint
37) Ilio-psoas muscle
38) Iliofemoral ligament
39) Ligament of head of femur
40) Blood supply of hip joint
41) Medial collateral ligament
42) Lateral collateral ligament
43) Bursae around knee joint
44) Anserine bursa
45) Cruciate ligaments of knee joint
46) Anterior drawer sign
47) Oblique popliteal ligament
48) Bakers cyst
49) Peroneal artery
50) Lateral malleolar plexus
51) Medial malleolar plexus
52) Medial plantar nerve
53) Turner’s slip
54) Spring ligament
55) Deltoid ligament
56) Name the muscles of 1st layer of sole
57) Name the muscles of 2nd layer of sole
58) Name the muscles of 3rd layer of sole
59) Name the muscles of 4th layer of sole
60) Lumbricals of foot
61) Name the evertors of foot
62) Name the invertors of foot
63) Phantoms limb
64) Upper end of tibia
65) Medicolegal aspect of lower end of femur
66) Linea aspera
67) Os trigonum
68) Name the intra articular structures of knee joint

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