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Index Number Class Marks: Paper 1 / 40

Anglo-Chinese School
(Barker Road)



Additional Materials:
Writing papers (4 sheets)


Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so.

Write your class and candidate number on the cover sheet.

Hand up Paper 1 and Paper 2 separately.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions.

If working is needed for any question it must be shown with the answer.
Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks.
Calculators should be used where appropriate.
If the degree of accuracy is not specified in the question, and if the answer is not exact, give
the answer to three significant figures. Give answers in degrees to one decimal place.
For π , use either the calculator value or 3.142, unless the question requires the answer in
terms of π .
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
The total marks for Paper One and Two is 90.
3 s.f. Simplify fraction
1 d.p. Truncation error

This paper consists of 10 printed pages inclusive of this page.

Mathematical Formulae

Compound Interest
Total amount
=P 1+
100 ( )
Curved Surface area of cone =π rl
Surface area of a sphere =4 πr

= πr 2 h
Volume of a cone 3

= πr 3
Volume of a sphere 3

= ab sin C
Area of a triangle 2

Arc length =rθ , where θ is in radians

= r2 θ
Sector area 2 , where θ is in radians

a b c
= =
sin A sin B sin C
2 2 2
a =b +c −2 bc cos A


 fx
Mean f

 fx   fx 

 
f   f 
Standard deviation  

Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road)

PAPER ONE [40 marks]

Candidates answer on the Question paper.
Answer all questions.

1. (a) Arrange the following in ascending order.

1 4 2
0. 3̇ 2̇, , 0.3 , , √
√9 13 4

(b) From the five numbers listed above, write down in the space provided all the
irrational numbers.

Answe (a) [1]


(b) [1]

2. Express the following numbers correct to the degree of accuracy indicated within the
(a) 45.896 (2 decimal places)
(b) 945500 (3 significant figures)
(c) 0.020531 (2 significant figures)

Answer (a) [1]

(b) [1]

(c) [1]

3. A group of children plan to donate 105 packs of instant noodles, 147 bottles of mineral
water and 231 packets of biscuits to an old folks home. Suppose that the maximum number
of packs of instant noodles, bottles of mineral water and packets of biscuits are to be
packed equally into gift bags before the donation.
(a) How many gift bags are needed?
(b) How many packs of instant noodles were there in each gift bag?.

Answer (a) No. of Gift Bags : [2]

Mid-Year Examination 2013 3 Secondary 1 Express

Mathematics Paper
Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road)

(b) No of packs of instant noodles: [1]

4. On a particular day, the temperature ranged between 8 oC and −12 ℃.

(a) Find the difference between the highest and lowest temperature.
(b) The temperature at 1pm was 8  C and the temperature at 9pm was −12 ℃ . Given
that the temperature dropped at a constant rate, find the time when the temperature
was −4.5℃.

Answe (a)

C [1]

(b) pm [2]

5. (a) Express 1h and 15 min as a percentage of 25 min.

(b) Ryan copied a question as 479 × 3.456 instead of 47.9 × 345.6 in a test. How many
times of the actual answer is his answer if he did what he copied correctly?

Answer (a) % [2]

Mid-Year Examination 2013 4 Secondary 1 Express

Mathematics Paper
Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road)

(b) [2]

6. (a) Express 45 km/h in m/s.

(b) The average number of heartbeats of an adult at rest is about 100 800 beats per day.
Convert this rate into number of beats per minute.

Answe (a) m/s [2]


(b) beats/min [2]

7. The scale of a map is 1:40000.

(a) If a road is represented in 2.5 cm on the map, find the actual length of the road, in
(b) If the actual area of a plot of land is 0.5 km2, find its area on the map, in cm2.

Mid-Year Examination 2013 5 Secondary 1 Express

Mathematics Paper
Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road)

Answe (a) km [2]


(b) cm2 [2]

8. (a) Express the ratio 56 cm : 320 mm : 0.8 m in its simplest form.

(b) A sum of money was divided between A, B and C in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4.
If instead, this sum of money had been divided equally among them, A would have
received an extra $30.
What was the total sum of money?

Answe (a) [2]


(b) $ [2]

9. A car travels at an average speed of 80 km/h for half an hour on an expressway. It then
travels at an average speed of 60 km/h for 10 minutes on a road before arriving at its
(a) Calculate the total distance travelled in km.
(b) Calculate the average speed of the car for the whole journey in km/h.

Mid-Year Examination 2013 6 Secondary 1 Express

Mathematics Paper
Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road)

Answe (a) km [2]


(b) km/h [2]

10. The diagram shows a parallelogram KLMN .


3y cm

(a) Find the value of x.

(b) Find the value of y.

Answe (a) x= ° [2]


(b) y= cm [2]

Written as the product of its prime factors 700=22 ×5 2 ×7
(a) Express 168 as the product of its prime factors
(b) Hence write down
(i) the LCM of 700 and 168, giving your answer as the product of its prime factors,
(ii) the greatest integer that will divide both 700 and 168 exactly.


Mid-Year Examination 2013 7 Secondary 1 Express

Mathematics Paper
Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road)

Answe (a) 168 = [2]


(b)(i) LCM = [1]

(b)(ii) Greatest Integer = [2]

Mid-Year Examination 2013 8 Secondary 1 Express

Mathematics Paper
Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road)

PAPER TWO [50 marks]

Write your answers and working on the writing papers provided.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work in Paper Two securely together.
Attach the cover page on top of your answer script.
Answer all questions.

1. (a) The number 899 899 when corrected to m significant figures is 900 000. State the [1]
largest possible value of m.
(b Tom got 8 out of 10 marks in Test A and 49 out of a total of 56 marks in Test B. In [2]
) which test did Tom do better? Show your working clearly.

2. In 2003, Real Madrid bought David Beckham from Manchester United for
EUR€ 35 million. It was reported that Beckham’s Real Madrid career is primarily
responsible for the team’s huge increase in merchandise sale, a total of US$ 600 million.

(a) Given that EUR€ 1 = US$ 1.28, find the percentage increase in profit for Real [2]
(b In January 2007, Los Angeles Galaxy paid US$ 32.5 million to Real Madrid for [2]
) David Beckham.
Given that EUR€ 1 = S$ 1.59 and US $1 = S$ 1.24, calculate the difference between
what Real Madrid and Los Angeles Galaxy have paid for Beckham in S$.

3. The marked price, inclusive of 7% GST, of a smart television set is $9 095 before the
Great Singapore Sale (GSS). During the GSS, the television set is offered at a 5%
discount. The first 50 customers are also entitled to an additional discount of 5% on the
discounted price.

(a) How much is the television set excluding GST before the GSS? [2]
(b Find the amount paid by the
(i) 51st customer [1]
(ii) 20th customer [1]

4. Mr Lim deposited $30 000 with a bank that charges simple interest at the rate of 2.5% per

(a) Find the total interest that Mr Lim will get at the end of 10 years. [1]
(b The bank then lends the $30 000 to Mr Fong at a compounded interest rate of 5% [2]
) per annum. Find the amount of interest that Mr Fong pays to the bank at the end of
10 years.
(c) Find the overall profit made by the bank from these transactions. [1]

Mid-Year Examination 2013 9 Secondary 1 Express

Mathematics Paper
Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road)

5. (a) Two unknown angles are complementary. If the first angle is twice the second angle, [2]
find the smaller angle.
(b) Find the value of x and y in the diagram. [2]


6. In 2012, a shop’s profit was $252 000. This was a decrease of 30% from the profit
earned in 2011. The profit earned in 2011 was an increase of 20% from the profit earned
in 2010.

(a) Find the profit earned in 2011. [2]

(b) Find the profit earned in 2010. [2]
(c) Find the percentage increase or decrease in profit earned in 2012 as compared to [2]


The diagram shows part of a regular polygon ABCDEF …, which has 18 sides. BCX and
EDX are straight lines.

Showing your working, find

(a) angle XCD, [2]
(b) angle CXD, [1]
(c) the sum of all the interior angles, [2]
(d) angle BEF. [2]

Mid-Year Examination 2013 10 Secondary 1

Express Mathematics Paper
Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road)

8. Mr Seow wishes to buy a new car which costs $164 000 (inclusive of Certificate of
Entitlement). There are 2 different car loan plans he can opt for.

In Plan A, he has to pay a downpayment of $50 000, a monthly instalment of $1 096 for 83
months and a final payment of $47 000 at the end of the 7th year.

In Plan B, he has to pay a downpayment that is 55% of the price of the car and take up a car
loan for the remaining 45%, payable by monthly instalments over a period of 5 years at a
simple interest rate of 4% per year.

(a) Calculate the total amount Mr Seow will have to pay for the car under Plan A. [2]
(b) Calculate the monthly instalment Mr Seow has to pay under Plan B. [4]
(c) Express the difference between the 2 plans as a percentage of Plan B. [3]

Current Month Charges Usage Rate($) Amount ($) Total ($)
Electricity Services 557 kWh 0.2628 A A
Gas Services B kWh 0.2126 4.04 4.04
Water Services
Water 15.8 CuM C 18.49
Waterborne Fee 15.8 CuM 0.2803 4.43
Sanitary Appliance Fee 2 Fittings 2.8037 5.61 28.53
Refuse Removal 1 Qty 4.38 4.38 4.38
Water Conservation Tax $18.49 D% 5.55 5.55
Total Charges 188.88 188.88
Goods and Services Tax $188.88 7% E E
Total Charges inclusive of GST F

The table above shows Mr Lim’s utilities bill for last month.

(a) Find A, the total cost of 557 kWh of electricity services. [1]
(b) Find B, the amount of gas services used correct to the nearest kWh. [1]
(c) Find C, the rate of each CuM of water correct to 4 decimal places. [1]
(d) Find D, the percentage of water conservation tax correct to the nearest %. [1]
(e) Find E, the amount of GST charged. [1]
(f) Find F, the total charges for the month. [1]
(g) If Mr Lim had wanted to keep his bill to a maximum of $200, what was the maximum [3]
electricity services (to the nearest kWh) that he could have consumed, assuming
charges incurred by all other services remain unchanged?


Mid-Year Examination 2013 11 Secondary 1

Express Mathematics Paper

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