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hune get SterRehuman BPE «Nor cebining Rio living)» diversity (nete : Characterisation: note the choveders + 1004-Sinmclone Groat) Ttentitiodion: wnat it (52 Guvlus tinnaeus Classification : categories? a —— Nomerelatue ! Gos +[spedea)-end santa tpl fn ia cl i a iS a pate tens movpro, cell str.,dev., ecological rel- Axabolism Ubreakdown) = Depining Udmyatinesis) ATPT -exather. ATP) endothermic “Orns ED Sik pepong ‘pature: Defining 5 ees peyote dry, press preene (system) aaa enter exci ams. uel "Sane! |e la —— y I+ Select Clea) +f] + Self consciousness: nanelepining Spee hater yin ergs Dereject — Deoiet oo. ow {taene) «abeoria aya] gop i Flora: area -cktibution * “Type as 5 ip mgt oouarne'voriable S"(SpsTa} ovens» Far? onder. ies nee "Standardiontion, ys (EqGEB €— Priv ace SAPT™ sale 9 + ita ely) $0BW- een fo Bl yas hay gue KAN: Int cade op 2air Nom alphabetical + 5-94 (Camnen ent) 6 vice-versa Plants Algae, Fungi , 864 Backele € ant Gri = Protozoa » uni multicealar ~chlamydomes. 6pimgyra Ve, shat Tres (Bai are Pen a oe “celal! = Auto. heterstrople = Plant, Fungus ae mine [fs Higdon: eee) ceiaallrraterial wansialsordly (Plants) bingo : Mi lure ( rel bood ont « apa Ns ingen : Merera Commiamat) 7, al sew sly ener pt) ‘Apa Aristotle Carl wroese, Body organization (Mp-uriat}) ® Charset) Re-Whitlaker Fungi-tisite: Plant-orgaritrimal ‘ont Ciaea) Nudritions - Domainzringion \* Reproctuction Eat oe ane Chylogpnetic relationship Stel true ~ rigid all wall Jephidog ycan); ret flagella If motile) ets A Gaderiaare exe membe r+ SOStTOpGUa 5 + I ike Pigments prefosyn- extremophile 5 parasite @ endo ‘endespore ecto S xsnpess O A tuagelle KExttemephile 2 Pender L ? 9 CTReawwiey -ocdopnile nied colony , Fresn, marine, terrestrial 5 ent, NS Fix heterocyst - Anabaena: Neste N.P.Fe.s- recycle devomposer + org > inorgan ard antibto ti 5 1, - Fx —lNegaemes, CTcT —_titrus canker cironoet | Loge ™ terse } pathogenic topplants \S animals epithece oe esa) mi * aFlagelia > Vaeneron Saeed t— ret suitt Couubosie: plate syntneHic Red dinof!: -> Ganyailla® - ReoTIDE + SPP Tonin~ Saxitonin- harmful Boundaries areritcear ni, igs, leaves + Primrity aquatic Faveard™ 9, Ungar cna eee) Ovon-\ink - bridge fr igerent Fraling True IQEra stinarodd — Psnediuon yh sifting ore mote - ca Flgella 1» Reproduction : Asexual Cell Division Qerninete. % Primitive relative animal sesual=> Dally Fusion cellwalOnt s Helerotrophie > predator; parasite, fae aw fkecerntlie pn ay eee int eof” Pcadopeain % animal gett = Fretumarine- rer nee Moistscil) 6 Taybanosorm™ xequllet yr Weg On Fo pant iat poet) alae siltosnelignt ‘Aysunlint Ont: Predate ey ‘seeping CPanein= Reaibrity)

ee ee at) Fission, Fragmentabion, wae Asexual’ Conidia, sporangloszore , Zoospore>(y witie 9 Col —cet| oat ‘Senual: hachen basidio , aad re * Spore formed in a Aaaatcg eis stages: |. Prasmogarny: compatible apmetes— retile ,non- matile oy, dee wood 2: aryogarmy: Nucle fuse 28 Ersn-dlkaryon~ asso, basiaiol™ eas Pent pamsite a an—>@spore . rhushreom ,puft Ball braeket ovot, $eil, rust ,amat + Asesual spores nt > -. Eragmentatiery * Sequal organs@nt > 2 compatible hy pinte - Fuse $a0-Fungi 5 Saccharomyecs Sepropnytic sdec; parasite > Coprephilous Renrduction v> Pczual-condie cue) mm J t Sidi we septucton forma They Bema] endeyprosy dee. ~ Bierce erm eb bastioany 7 Ustiege emit (Ceonernob) ew hyp 7 “ eg: at sad aa a Geual}- f30,aniso, npr nog esteromyeta) ea \ paceinia (rust) (Zrosree)" gece Fruitbody + desompaition 3 Sexual Yop-Ont —impartPeh, toy 6: RAME: Rrigepu Abup, NUS, pscasere Ce (atoyy ote ERNE tf eeremeo ex ape rtnterme Prprmyc: 6: NACA Morel €trupte ~ Neunepora,, Acperyilis .Cleviceys Wi Gilefotrionarn race /2an+ Fungi + Food making —_Heteratseoprie Rok Find poicasatin. Prycoblont ont * NSP partir owide het ca * Pollution indioctor 5 Soa Surround nuctaicocid ever bots Coxpsid — uniropcapsia is Proteinaceous injectious particle tpinste rost- views Rif BROMEE > weeny. its machinery Pap i i i misleading * star tie ee r | ahead + Virus minus protein coat i Creme vinusscapsid accurate im btmine (ER) + ony RNA ~ Ions mol wot + similar t viral sige + WeaTiompianer -A/suovery —* Seases, in animals + Mad cov aliseate PSTD: Petato spindle tuber disease (9s) + Soraller then vind BB oagfaleee sconnecting Link bho Living X6 non-living ol ws ‘£yndremes humors Genetic material variable: Bacteriophage: dsDNA mm mlLing . curling .stunted graoth, mosaic be Plant viruses Ae el iad ‘animal vise 9p cont x>isease: in animals ( Herpes,AiDS . influenzs, mumps rma prx measles ,pole ) , Plant (mosaic) simple, *alieia , autotrophic 5 ety aquatic Cfresh, marine’, Ascodations withe-tungl —naistseil, dempsurface stotkibear UP LEME colony cled aero + Algae: diverse structure —> colonial - Valtex 5 Filament - Spirepyrs ‘Massive kelp (SomMEqRE © Reproduction: Vegetative : Fragmentation Algae. bry, ee 4 -astfiill system: cactiests palegizal characters Wabit leafsrape, leap ne, colors \egeedive + reproductive’ Gomnsaal) character|fold equal impor tances nedcerd eel : et em: Panto | Cee Asexual: Mosty-zpospore”- § Ep new Aga one ANATOMY yok han 1a Ate Foto ~ fbogamnate Flagellated- Dotti 1: Phuogenetic system ; erolakionary rel (accept) (sump Ansqamous- udorina ncjegte ae + Members of Same Tara commen ancestor cS baa ONS ENE ES LE aval aie) TP Fossit EVIDENCES ARE TABSENTD «= ML™FlHon omens osf Garo se =a i= 4. Numerical systern: OBE CoRe given to charmcter >”! umeattas ingnc >” oral =compulers Use 5 00’ choracter sequel imporboree, %¢ Guragin "red QO Qhevaoy sine, Crew, Flam 5 cgfokewoorry: NNER coe rete oehowior (elshem tsps tte \ cece mara ; ie fare bean, 6 -chemotaxomy:: speae chemicals in, Plank. Qrodleria rgameass — CFmnedeat sine stom inadfest- et] Chlorphycae Greens On Starch Omnth) coltiloselinne) 9 ‘Aiea Fresh radi, eae) ES EES ee acne se rent, me Fucrantare Lewnern age so aygy HOM EO™ atc ps ee pe Rrodopnycore Red 5 Chi-a.d; — Floredean ule fie, nag Forhisors) te prephyersip> ‘T-phywerythrn storey = Paysulpester Smal - “ish SurtmA) Geliaven,grall [BRERTIORT)- tank of stream 5 Marshland ; meist deep in wnod “ Thallus fs Atdiventral & closely appresced fo Cubstyaium- + lent like appendoges Gt 5 renege eons Eee” ‘temimee [Repredution|: Fragrrentation or "LL tnigoid (@at on receptacle called Gemmacep) . ielulrfasexua) > germinate —? Thalins ‘Sexual: sporephy te - Poet ,seta , capsule (spore form"): ‘*Amphibions of Plant kingdoen « Moist nutty, damp, Shady + Bare rock Succession: ‘dense erat +0 (prevent erosion protate or erect s Cuil, muttcallalar) 5 garnet pagHe Ay - @) aerial snr ce) (BESET among my Poem cam . a, Opentoryte Me an ee 2 RN dais a Senta conta ae es Bale opera ea ce een (ERS ascent PRs; " m -Pael 5 Shipmert- aha Hepcte| itlites mor ephaprur 4 + Food foranimals, Fishes 5 sphagnum. * Horsetails 8 Ferns @nt + ornamental, wnedicinal, go binder 5 2st te have vosauer Testes: Qe gmk (7) 6 fe, thalold) » moist, damp, shady - sometimes in sandy soit condition [ELASSES] Chains) Cyan ad depo pact) + SRO 5 Tras at tole Sst ane Pag d ents 4 conning ppeangia— sublet by leafy Ue pore er aie anes 2 rare +14 eporophjibebme wmpact~ GHUbILi| Cone is formedl: 8: SHreneprda« fo . de> Pherts, eneleite saopenaeoyasetirn. + Perms ati Dryspters, Adlanin F-—pn Sheabs 5 Long Trees - sexuiplariganticn - giant red wound tree satel apwagtetrog) mlcrosporangia = Stem :unbaanehed : cycas, some, ie + Leaf: Simple o compound “cscs: 6) (Gere ace] ee eee at Conifers, rasmiaityt) Creadie Ukelealy -sunkansiomata , thick ust cular yer) Lp Hap conservation + porapiytigi2n) garelopagte fs retued, + Afler fertilisation zypte embryo ovule- seed 5 Living fossil- ginkgo sqymmo- nated; Sperma- seed 5 ovute is not enclosed by ovary wall / Netemapory -Mepespore 5 Ml-ospore \ + LFC13M Species -» >1-2M- only animals 5 We need some Fundamental characters for theirclassifiation: sAllarimale are RiaHicaula® Co Restt cp catyhlnie —Ausyetrid iw) ete Bilateral oe LPlatyhele~) Ct leno) cosas) frac! Larrea (most sponges foncs Bera ee ded camaitscetetts) | mda pre Dipublasic a nate ome nt Bho oath chonoprore bay is externally WF interrnly Cécto: meso ereladerm) divided inte amy ents. gerial repetition of at spahdemiat oe vest Geen) least come or gana sp hay a ln =F — CB fF) YD re- Menery derivd ter Grol > 3- Ca88% Anbrocdudlar — “Eetrocellulr or 7 om orig eee develapment- Acoelomate : coelement rest) ts Ont - rom-ehoadat, Predatoyate: moder (estas ee ot i sseattered 5 Asenelmint Tes co ca, =, rer = coh Coelomate : True coelom ae as, ick = set Annedayrestt | enim ——Payhe) - Annelies ee lstle cxtcHbag core «Tek ¢ Gernel (E — doa Chenaenor § a iy BAM- iannelide, Mollusc Poi CHomecthermic), + LFC13M Species -» >1-2M- only animals 5 We need some Fundamental characters for theirclassifiation: sAllarimale are RiaHicaula® Co Restt cp catyhlnie —Ausyetrid iw) ete Bilateral oe LPlatyhele~) Ct leno) cosas) frac! Larrea (most sponges foncs Bera ee ded camaitscetetts) | mda pre Dipublasic a nate ome nt Bho oath chonoprore bay is externally WF interrnly Cécto: meso ereladerm) divided inte amy ents. gerial repetition of at spahdemiat oe vest Geen) least come or gana sp hay a ln =F — CB fF) YD re- Menery derivd ter Grol > 3- Ca88% Anbrocdudlar — “Eetrocellulr or 7 om orig eee develapment- Acoelomate : coelement rest) ts Ont - rom-ehoadat, Predatoyate: moder (estas ee ot i sseattered 5 Asenelmint Tes co ca, =, rer = coh Coelomate : True coelom ae as, ick = set Annedayrestt | enim ——Payhe) - Annelies ee lstle cxtcHbag core «Tek ¢ Gernel (E — doa Chenaenor § a iy BAM- iannelide, Mollusc Poi CHomecthermic), + Sen onlin pam jetties a oe (nodes, sucn) B-rws. + Mubrition absorb pedly sur simran ooreten etme tx ocr Largest phylum ; GAiiiie octets head, thors, abdomen + Respitabory Drgin-gilt ls, book wings + Trauhen. 5 Sensory Organ antennae, eye (simple % + Skeletal spicules /spongin- fibre + Reproduction = Asexel- Geran Sexual- gametes ‘Aschelminth /round-soom Medilsne umbrella, Free ivr ‘free end, musaljar geet, visceral ‘Aurelia, jelly fis hump 5 over the viewer hump, -pongy Stinlayer forms ~ MANTLE. Mantle cavity (Gpatsvie mentic € wane) Contoing QUIS Yaip texe- Mouth has radia Cfile Like). OR A ome LAR = cal oa Mataméric steqmentation, + Langitclin!, Seuvlar masde. Welp> in» lowometion- ;parapeclia- laterally ~ + gare longer than d° } trey hain swivntming in Nereis “en gills for iat rrr \emeiratew A alee i fi eat water” qenasenenton ble vente rap. nerve cord 99 eS Shem Ont + LFC13M Species -» >1-2M- only animals 5 We need some Fundamental characters for theirclassifiation: sAllarimale are RiaHicaula® Co Restt cp catyhlnie —Ausyetrid iw) ete Bilateral oe LPlatyhele~) Ct leno) cosas) frac! Larrea (most sponges foncs Bera ee ded camaitscetetts) | mda pre Dipublasic a nate ome nt Bho oath chonoprore bay is externally WF interrnly Cécto: meso ereladerm) divided inte amy ents. gerial repetition of at spahdemiat oe vest Geen) least come or gana sp hay a ln =F — CB fF) YD re- Menery derivd ter Grol > 3- Ca88% Anbrocdudlar — “Eetrocellulr or 7 om orig eee develapment- Acoelomate : coelement rest) ts Ont - rom-ehoadat, Predatoyate: moder (estas ee ot i sseattered 5 Asenelmint Tes co ca, =, rer = coh Coelomate : True coelom ae as, ick = set Annedayrestt | enim ——Payhe) - Annelies ee lstle cxtcHbag core «Tek ¢ Gernel (E — doa Chenaenor § a iy BAM- iannelide, Mollusc Poi CHomecthermic),

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