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46  Acute Rhinosinusitis:

Pathogenesis, Treatment,
and Complications
Michael S. Benninger  |  Janalee K. Stokken

Key Points
■ Understanding the pathogenesis of rhinosinusitis depends on defining the specific types of
■ Acute bacterial rhinosinusitis (ABRS), chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), and acute exacerbation of

chronic rhinosinusitis (AECRS) are three distinct entities.
■ A number of environmental and host factors predispose to the development of rhinosinusitis; these
include allergy, infection, and environmental exposures.
■ Acute rhinosinusitis is usually the result of a viral infection, whereas ABRS occurs primarily with

Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, and Staphylococcus aureus.
■ The treatment of acute rhinosinusitis has changed with the emergence of resistance to the
common pathogens and the routine use of S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae immunizations.
■ After thorough reviews of the literature, multiple guidelines have been proposed that now suggest

amoxicillin with clavulanic acid as a first-line treatment; this is due to the growing emergence of
β-lactamase–producing organisms, particularly H. influenzae. High-dose amoxicillin-clavulanate is
recommended in individuals or environments where levels of S. pneumoniae resistance are high.
■ AECRS is a sudden worsening of symptoms in a patient with CRS. It is often associated with an
increase in the bacteria prominent in the exacerbation. Although an increase is seen in the
organisms typically associated with ABRS—S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis, and
Staphylococcus aureus—a high percentage of anaerobic organisms are also identified.

DEFINITIONS OF ACUTE AND various minor symptoms.1 When a patient describes two major
criteria or one major and two minor criteria, rhinosinusitis can
CHRONIC RHINOSINUSITIS be diagnosed (Table 46-1). The classification of rhinosinusitis
In order to understand the pathogenesis and pathophysiology types was based primarily on time frames from the onset of
of rhinosinusitis, it is important to realize that different types symptoms. More recently, a stricter division for chronic rhino-
of rhinosinusitis have been defined, and the inciting mecha- sinusitis (CRS) has been described based on endoscopic find-
nism may vary dramatically among the different subtypes. ings. These include CRS with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) and
Although sinusitis is the term commonly used for any inflam- without nasal polyps (CRSsNP). The 2012 European position
mation or infection of sinuses, this term has largely been paper on rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps (EPOS 2012)4 further
replaced by rhinosinusitis, because the nose is almost always defines the disease process for both the adult and pediatric
involved with the infection or inflammation at the same time populations (Box 46-1).
as the sinuses.1 Because many potential factors can contribute An inflammatory response is an expected sequela of an
to rhinosinusitis, some debate has ensued concerning the exact infectious process. Sinonasal inflammation can result from a
definition. In general terms, rhinosinusitis is defined as “a group variety of elements that result in sinus ostia obstruction and
of disorders characterized by inflammation of the mucosa of predispose patients to infection. Many factors have been
the paranasal sinuses.”2 In 1997, the Rhinosinusitis Task Force described that play a role in the development of acute bacterial
of the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck rhinosinusitis (ABRS).1,4-6 These include factors related to the
Surgery3 developed a now well-accepted classification of rhino- host: genetic factors such as immotile cilia syndrome or cystic
sinusitis, and this was reported by Lanza and Kennedy.1 This fibrosis; certain systemic diseases or medical treatments that
classification relies on the identification of symptoms to make predispose individuals to infections; neoplasms; and allergic or
a diagnosis. The symptoms are broken into major symptoms— immune disorders. Although anatomic abnormalities such as
purulent nasal drainage, nasal congestion, facial pressure or large septal spurs and large paradoxic turbinates have been
pain, decreased smell, and posterior purulent drainage—and suggested to be associated with rhinosinusitis, it is not currently


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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

response from a viral infection. The inflammation then leads

TABLE 46-1.  Rhinosinusitis Symptoms
to edema and obstruction of the sinus ostium, the normal 
Major Minor ventilation and drainage of the sinus is then impaired, and a
Facial pain/pressure Headache secondary bacterial infection ensues (Fig. 46-1).
Facial congestion/fullness Fever (nonacute) Viruses account for the majority of cases of ARS and include
Nasal obstruction/blockage Halitosis rhinovirus, coronavirus, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus
Nasal discharge/purulence, Fatigue (RSV), and parainfluenza. Attempts have been made at estimat-
discolored posterior drainage Dental pain ing the prevalence of ARS. It is estimated that children have
Hyposmia/anosmia Cough between six and eight upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs)
Purulence on nasal exam Ear pain, pressure,
Fever (acute rhinosinusitis only) and/or fullness
per year, whereas adults average two to three.9 If an assumption
is made that 90% of patients with colds have sinusitis (bacterial
Diagnosis of rhinosinusitis requires two major or one major and two or viral), it can be estimated that in the United States, more
minor symptoms.
than 1 billion cases of viral and bacterial rhinosinusitis occur
annually (4 episodes per person × 260 million people).10
Acute bacterial rhinosinusitis (ABRS) has been defined as
sudden in onset and with duration of less than 4 weeks.1 Because
clear whether a relation exists. Rhinosinusitis may also develop most cases of rhinosinusitis are from a self-limited viral infec-
in relationship to environmental factors that include bacterial, tion, and bacterial infections usually occur following a viral
viral, or fungal infections or inflammation that occurs second- URTI, ABRS is diagnosed after at least 7 to 10 days of symptoms
ary to fungal or bacterial colonization2,7; trauma; primary or or in patients whose symptoms worsen after 5 to 7 days.1,4,10 ARS
secondary tobacco smoke exposure8; chronic or acute irritants becomes a bacterial infection in only about 0.5% to 2% of cases,
or noxious chemicals; or iatrogenic factors such as surgery, a distinction endorsed in most of the guideline development
medications, nasal packing, or nasogastric tube placement.9 for the treatment of ABRS.5 The diagnosis may be more diffi-
Evidence shows that individuals with allergic rhinitis have a cult in children, because they often have difficulty describing
higher incidence of developing both acute and chronic rhino- their symptoms.
sinusitis, and an association of ABRS with asthma has also been In ABRS, Streptococcus pneumoniae (20% to 45%), Haemophilus
suggested, although this may also relate to the presence of influenzae (20% to 43%), and Moraxella catarrhalis (14% to
allergic rhinitis.6-8 28%) are the predominant organism.4,11,12 Although previously
The distinctions between acute rhinosinusitis (ARS), recur- thought to be a contaminant, Staphylococcus aureus is now being
rent acute rhinosinusitis (RARS), subacute rhinosinusitis considered a real pathogen in ABRS and accounts for 8% to
(SARS), and CRS and acute exacerbation of CRS (AECRS) are 11% of cases.13 Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA).14,15
based on the temporal differences in the presentation and in Because M. catarrhalis is largely a self-limited pathogen, and
some cases on the clinical presentation. Each of these subcat- because MRSA is becoming a bigger health care issue, S. aureus
egories may be associated with different pathophysiologic pro- may be more important to treat, and it is also well recognized
cesses, and the predisposition to their development may vary in both CRS and in AECRS.10,11,16
from patient to patient. Given these differing etiologies, the ABRS is a self-limited disease in many cases. Evaluation of
pathogenesis will be described based on this classification. placebo-controlled antibiotic trials has shown a high self-
resolution rate.4,10,17  M. catarrhalis is most likely to resolve without
antibiotic treatment and, to a lesser extent, so is H. influenzae;
ACUTE RHINOSINUSITIS Streptococcus pneumoniae is least likely to resolve without treat-
Acute rhinosinusitis (ARS) is a very common disorder that at ment, therefore, it can be important to identify which patients
one time or another impacts most people. From a temporal
standpoint, acute rhinosinusitis lasts for up to 4 weeks1 and
results from interactions between a predisposing condition—
such as allergic rhinitis, immune deficiency, or inflammatory


Inflammation of the nose and the paranasal sinuses characterized by
two or more symptoms:
• Either nasal blockage/obstruction/congestion or anterior/posterior
nasal discharge:
• ± Facial pain/pressure
• ± Reduction or loss of smell (± cough in children)
And either:
• Endoscopic signs of:
• Nasal polyps, and/or
• Mucopurulent discharge primarily from middle meatus and/or
• Edema/mucosal obstruction primarily in the middle meatus
• CT changes that include:
• Mucosal changes within the ostiomeatal complex and/or the
FIGURE 46-1.  Sagittal computed tomography scan from a patient with
From Fokkens W, Lund V, Meullo J, et al: The European Position Paper on acute bacterial rhinosinusitis and forehead swelling reveals dehiscence of the
rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps. Rhinology 2012;23:1-299. anterior table of the frontal sinus and opacification of the frontal, ethmoid,
CT, computed tomography. and sphenoid sinuses.

Descargado para Maria Manuela Chemas ( en PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD JAVERIANA de por Elsevier en agosto 24, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

have which organism. The most reliable way is to obtain sinusitis often occurs. These changes in the nasal sinus environment
cultures, and a maxillary sinus tap is the traditional method of lead to reduced clearance, stasis of the mucus, and bacterial
obtaining these; however, the invasiveness of this test and the colonization. If the sinuses remain obstructed, or the mucocili-
advancement of endoscopically guided selective middle meatal ary transport system does not return to normal, a bacterial
cultures have resulted in a shift to this latter method in clinical infection can ensue. The ability of the body to respond to the
practice.16,18 An evidence-based review has revealed that endo- viral challenge and reduce the inflammation may, in part,
scopic middle meatal cultures are as sensitive and specific as determine whether a secondary bacterial infection occurs.
those obtained by maxillary sinus taps.18 In clinical practice, The role of allergies in the development of rhinosinusitis
however, cultures are often only obtained when treatment has has been strongly suggested but not proven.6-8 Antigen-antibody
failed. The severity of the symptoms and radiographic findings reactions result in an immunoglobulin E (IgE)–mediated
may help to identify different pathogens, in that patients hypersensitivity that results in mast cell degranulation and the
infected with S. pneumoniae have been found to have more release of histamine and other mediators of inflammation.
significant symptoms and worse radiographic findings than These mediators cause changes in vascular permeability, desta-
those infected with H. influenzae.11 bilization of lysosomal membranes, and other reactions that
With the widespread utilization of pneumococcal 7-valent produce inflammation, mucosal swelling, and ostia obstruc-
conjugate vaccination, an apparent shift has occurred in the tion.6 Although infectious agents can be the primary cause of
overall distribution of pathogens in ABRS. In a recent study sinus inflammation, they may also represent a secondary infec-
that assessed ABRS pathogenesis, the proportions of the recov- tion. The type and magnitude of the reaction may be related
ery of pathogens obtained by endoscopic-directed cultures in to the host response and how it relates to the disease process
adults with acute maxillary sinusitis were compared between and progression. Limited studies have been done on the effects
the 4 years prior to and the 5 years after introduction of the of topical nasal steroids, allergen avoidance, or immunotherapy
pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV). H. influenzae increased in preventing recurrent ABRS.
from 36% to become the most common pathogen at 43%. At Recurrent acute rhinosinusitis (RARS) is defined by four or
the same time, S. pneumoniae was found to decrease, from being more episodes per year, with each lasting longer than 7 to 10
the most common pathogen at 46% of isolates to 35% after the days, and an absence of intervening signs or symptoms that
use of the vaccine; but an increase was also seen in the cases would suggest an ongoing or chronic rhinosinusitis.1 Although
caused by M. catarrhalis and Staphylococcus aureus.14 In a similar recurrent viral respiratory tract infections are common, in
study, nasopharyngeal cultures were obtained in children with general, it is rare for someone to develop true recurrent episodes
acute maxillary sinusitis before and after widespread use of of ABRS that meet the criteria for a diagnosis of recurrent ABRS.
PCV. Streptococcus pneumoniae decreased from 43% of isolates to When they do, it is expected that the bacteriology and patho-
25%, and H. influenzae increased from 35% to 41%; M. catarrha- physiology would be similar to individual episodes of ABRS.
lis remained stable at 13% to 14%. Streptoccoccus pyogenes Although ABRS is a common disorder, the criteria used to
increased from 7% to 12%, and Staphylococcus aureus increased make the diagnosis are fairly well established, and the treat-
from 4% to 8%.12 ment is relatively straightforward, the definitions and subse-
Following widespread pneumococcal vaccination, an appar- quent treatment for CRS have been particularly difficult to
ent change was observed in the serotypes of Streptococcus pneu- establish as a result of the wide variety of potential contribut-
moniae responsible, not only for ABRS but also for acute otitis ing factors that have been associated with CRS. Although the
media (AOM), with an increase in serotypes not found in the role of bacteria and antibiotic therapy is well established in
vaccine.15,19,20 However, some speculate that this serotype ABRS, the role of bacteria in CRS is not well supported; 
replacement may reduce the long-term efficacy of the pneumo- therefore the use of symptoms to try to define CRS is not as
coccal 7-valent conjugate vaccine.20 Multiple studies have shown effective as in ABRS.2,28
a reduction in both the nonsusceptible and high-level resistant
strains of S. pneumoniae cultured in AOM and, to a lesser extent,
in ABRS.21-25 Whitney and colleagues22 showed a reduction of
35% in strains not susceptible to penicillin. High-level resis- The diagnosis of ABRS is based upon a set of clinical criteria
tance of S. pneumoniae to penicillin also appears to have dropped that are often difficult to distinguish from those of a viral URTI
and was reported to have decreased from 15% to 5%.24 An or viral rhinosinusitis. Available diagnostic testing methods are
associated increase has been reported in the β-lactamase– cumbersome and are rarely used in clinical practice. The diag-
producing strains of H. influenzae.25 Although the data related nosis of ABRS is usually based on clinical presentation, such as
to the shift in pathogens are less well supported in ABRS than symptoms of a viral URTI that persist for more than 10 days or
in AOM, a clear shift has occurred in the pathogens associated that have worsened after 5 to 7 days.29 Common signs and
with both diseases, and this shift is parallel between the two symptoms of ABRS include nasal and/or postnasal drainage,
groups. This is not unexpected, because the pathogenic organ- nasal congestion, facial pressure/pain, hyposmia or anosmia,
isms are similar for ABRS and AOM, and the shift in the micro- fever, cough, fatigue, maxillary dental pain, and ear pressure
biology of ABRS has been suggested to have occurred because and/or fullness. The most recent guidelines from the Infec-
of the involvement of the same pathogens in AOM and ABRS.26 tious Disease Society of America (IDSA) acknowledge that diag-
The mechanism by which the inflammation of a viral URTI nosis can be made on clinical grounds and physical examination.
can lead to ABRS has been suggested in a number of reports.5,27 Diagnostic tests, such as radiographs, computed tomography
As mentioned above, ARS typically develops in conjunction (CT) scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provide
with an acute viral URTI. The propensity to develop a viral little if any additional information over that provided by the
URTI may occur more commonly in predisposed individuals. clinical presentation, and therefore they do not advocate their
The viral infection can result in swelling of the mucosa of the routine use in the diagnosis of ABRS, except when complica-
nose or sinuses, and the resultant swelling and engorgement tions are suspected.30 These observations and recommenda-
can result in occlusion or obstruction of the sinus ostia. A tions are identical to those of the American Academy of
reduction in oxygen tension occurs, which can reduce muco- Pediatrics (AAP),31 which published guidelines for the manage-
ciliary transport and transudation of fluid into the sinuses.6 The ment of pediatric rhinosinusitis in 2001.
inflammation also results in changes in the mucus, such that it Sinus aspirate and culture, considered the gold standard in
becomes more viscous, and alterations in cilia beat frequency diagnosing ABRS, is an invasive, potentially painful procedure

Descargado para Maria Manuela Chemas ( en PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD JAVERIANA de por Elsevier en agosto 24, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

that is time consuming and requires the expertise of an otolar- although newer recommendations have suggested that this tra-
yngologist. Consequently, it is not used in the primary care ditional approach should be modified.
setting, where a significant proportion of patients with ABRS The recent IDSA recommendations now state that
receive care. It is more appropriately used in diagnosing amoxicillin-clavulanate, rather than amoxicillin alone, is rec-
patients whose symptoms of ABRS persist despite appropriate ommended as empiric antimicrobial therapy for ABRS in both
antibiotic therapy—a population more likely to seek treatment adults and children and that “high-dose” amoxicillin-clavulanate
from a specialist.29,31 Recent data strongly support the use of is recommended for children and adults with ABRS who 1) are
selective endoscopic middle meatal cultures as an alternative to from geographic regions with high endemic rates of penicillin-
maxillary sinus taps in those patients in whom culture is indi- nonsusceptible Streptococcus pneumoniae, 2) have severe infec-
cated. This would reduce the morbidity to the patient and tion, 3) were recently hospitalized or used antibiotics within the
would allow for screening and surveillance where necessary.18 past month, or 4) are immunocompromised.30 Macrolides
(clarithromycin and azithromycin) are not recommended
for empiric therapy because of high rates of resistance with 
TREATMENT S. pneumoniae (~30%), and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is
Because most cases of ARS are caused by viruses and are there- not recommended for empiric therapy because of high rates of
fore self-limited, treatment is not needed, other than symp- resistance among both S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae (~30%
tomatic management. In addition, even in the case of ABRS, to 40%). A good alternative regimen to amoxicillin-clavulanate
most cases will be self-limited and will resolve even without for initial empiric antimicrobial therapy of ABRS is doxycy-
treatment. This, along with the recognition that URTIs will cline in adults (not recommended in children) because it
typically not be bacterial until 7 to 14 days after onset, has led remains highly active against respiratory pathogens and has
to growing conservatism in antibiotic treatment. The recent excellent pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties.30
IDSA guidelines recommend a diagnosis and antibiotic treat- Because rates of resistance with S. pneumoniae vary, second- and
ment if there is “onset with ‘persistent’ symptoms or signs third-generation oral cephalosporins are not currently recom-
compatible with acute rhinosinusitis lasting for 10 days or mended for empiric monotherapy of ABRS; however, for
longer without any evidence of clinical improvement; onset patients from geographic regions with high endemic rates of
with ‘severe’ symptoms or signs of high fever 39°C or higher penicillin-nonsusceptible S. pneumoniae, combination therapy
and purulent nasal discharge or facial pain lasting for at least that includes clindamycin and a third-generation cephalospo-
3 to 4 days at the beginning of illness; or onset with ‘worsen- rin (cefixime or cefpodoxime) is recommended.30
ing’ symptoms or signs such as new onset of fever, headache, In cases of type I hypersensitivity allergy to penicillin or
or increase in nasal discharge following typical viral [upper suspected allergy, doxycycline or a respiratory fluoroquinolone
respiratory infection] symptoms that lasted 5 to 6 days and (levofloxacin or moxifloxacin) may be recommended as alter-
were improving (i.e., ‘double sickening’).”30 The IDSA also native agents for empiric initial antimicrobial therapy in adults.
suggests that antibiotics should be begun once these criteria In children, levofloxacin is recommended when there is a
are met.30 history of type I hypersensitivity to penicillin. Growing evidence
The shift in pathology, both in causative bacteria and in suggests that no cross allergenicity exists between penicillin and
antibiotic resistance patterns related to overuse of antibiotics, the third-generation cephalosporins,32 so a combination of a
along with the introduction of PCV into routine clinical use  third-generation cephalosporin (cefixime or cefpodoxime)
in 2000 have altered the traditional antibiotic treatment of  and clindamycin can be used in children with ABRS who have
ABRS. Several additional factors that have a significant impact a history of non–type I hypersensitivity to penicillin.30 Although
on the pathology of ABRS and selection of an appropriate Staphylococcus aureus—including MRSA—is a potential patho-
antibiotic are essential in formulating a comprehensive treat- gen in ABRS, based on current data, routine antimicrobial
ment plan. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are used coverage for S. aureus or MRSA during initial empiric therapy
to assess the appropriateness of an antibiotic for the treatment of ABRS is not recommended.30 This may be initiated with
of respiratory tract infections and the mechanisms used to failure of initial treatment or with culture-directed manage-
overcome antibiotic resistance among common respiratory ment. Treatment should be for 5 to 7 days in adults and for 10
tract pathogens. to 14 days in children based on current literature.30
The selection of an appropriate antibiotic for the treatment A number of other treatment options may be considered for
of ABRS is based on a number of considerations that include ABRS. Probably the most significant is the recognition that the
severity of disease, most likely pathogen, likelihood that the use of intranasal steroid (INS) sprays may reduce both the
infecting pathogen is resistant to one or more antibiotics, and length of time the patient is symptomatic and the intensity of
recent antibiotic use. These considerations combined with the the symptoms.18 Based on this information, it is not unreason-
diagnostic uncertainty of ABRS present a very real challenge to able to begin an INS with ABRS, particularly in patients with
clinicians who treat patients with ABRS. The goals of treatment more significant symptoms.30,33 Saline irrigations or nasal
are to 1) eradicate any causative pathogens from the paranasal decongestants may help to improve symptoms, although they
sinuses, 2) decrease the duration of symptoms, 3) prevent com- probably play a minor role in the treatment of the infection.
plications and progression to CRS, and 4) bring the sinuses Oral decongestants are not recommended given their poor
back to normal health.29 It is important to achieve these goals evidence of efficacy and side-effect profile.30 Although antihis-
using appropriate antibiotics, in appropriate patients, for an tamines may be beneficial in allergic patients, they have little
appropriate duration of time, the combination of which is to no efficacy in the nonallergic patient with ABRS. The drying
expected to preserve the clinical utility of available antibiotics effects of the sedating antihistamines may even be counterpro-
and to prevent the continuing spread of antibiotic resistance. ductive in disease management.
A number of treatment guidelines for the management of rhi- If symptoms worsen after 72 hours of initial empiric antimi-
nosinusitis, and an even greater number of reviews of these crobial therapy, or they fail to improve despite 3 to 5 days of
guidelines, have been published to assist clinicians in the selec- initial empiric antimicrobial therapy, it is reasonable to con-
tion of an appropriate antibiotic. Over time, this antibiotic sider a change in medications. If the patient is already on high-
resistance has led to changes in the appropriate recommenda- dose amoxicillin-clavulanate or a fluoroquinolone, and no
tions for antibiotics. Amoxicillin, cephalosporins, and macro- improvement has been seen after 72 hours, it is reasonable to
lides have traditionally been the first-line treatment for ABRS, consider that the symptoms are not secondary to ABRS, and

Descargado para Maria Manuela Chemas ( en PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD JAVERIANA de por Elsevier en agosto 24, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

the physician must consider other etiologies such as allergy, a discrete abscess. Group III patients have a subperiosteal
CRS, or facial pain disorder. If symptoms worsen, an evaluation abscess adjacent to the lamina papyracea and under the peri-
by an otolaryngologist is indicated. osteum of the medial orbit. Group IV patients have an orbital
abscess or a discrete collection within the orbital tissue. Lastly,
a group V complication is when a patient has a cavernous sinus
Most episodes of ABRS respond to appropriate medical treat- Intracranial complications do not have a classification system
ment. However, ARS can become complicated by extension to but include any infection involving the central nervous system,
an adjacent structure. These infections can have devastating particularly the anterior cranial fossa. This includes epidural or
outcomes, including blindness, neurologic morbidity, and subdural abscess or empyema, meningitis, intracerebral abscess,
death. These complications are rare and are estimated to occur and cavernous and/or sagittal sinus thrombosis.42-45
once in every 95,000 pediatric hospital admissions.34 The loca- Potts’s puffy tumor is an osteomyelitis of the frontal bone with
tion and timing of complications directly relate to the develop- an adjacent subperiosteal collection on the patient’s forehead.
ment of the paranasal sinuses and their proximity to the  This can be a complication of both acute and chronic rhinosi-
orbit and brain and are categorized as orbital, intracranial, and nusitis or trauma to the anterior table of the frontal sinus. It is
those involving the bone of the sinus wall. Recognizing the often associated with other intracranial complications.
signs and symptoms early and initiating medical and/or surgi- Patients with complications of ABRS are not likely to have a
cal treatment is important to achieve good outcomes. However, history of nasal steroid use or seasonal allergies, and they often
even with appropriate treatment death is a potential risk of do not have a predictable history of repeated infection. Inci-
severe infections, particularly in the setting of cavernous sinus dence is higher in males than in females, and the disease
thrombosis.35 process is more commonly seen in the pediatric population.46
The anatomy and development of the paranasal sinuses is Patients present with a history of symptoms similar to an upper
important in understanding the pathogenesis of this disease respiratory infection. Common symptoms include cough, nasal
process. Complications of ABRS primarily involve the orbit  congestion, rhinorrhea, facial pressure, sore throat, postnasal
and anterior cranial fossa because of their close proximity to drainage, anosmia, fever, otalgia, and fatigue. The diagnosis of
the ethmoid and frontal sinuses.36-39 They occur by one of two ABRS may have been made, and some patients present after
mechanisms: either loss of an anatomic barrier or hematologic initiation of oral antibiotics. Patients with intraorbital complica-
spread. The lamina papyracea is the lateral border of the maxil- tions present with periorbital edema or erythema, pain, and
lary, ethmoid, and frontal recess at the orbit. A dehiscence in possibly visual changes. Patients with intracranial complications
the lamina can be congenital or may result from osteitic bone typically present with a history of upper respiratory infection,
destruction, which can often be visualized radiologically. Hema- fever, and headache. Altered mental status, seizures, meningis-
tologic spread occurs through the valveless ophthalmic venous mus, and focal neurologic deficits are more concerning signs
system that connects the facial veins to the cavernous sinuses. of intracranial complications. The symptoms and physical exam
Spread can also occur through thrombophlebitis of the vessels findings are detailed in Table 46-2.
that transverse the bony boundaries. The most frequent organisms in ABS predominantly include
The timing of the development of the paranasal sinuses is S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, and M. catarrhalis.14,47-49 Compli-
also a factor in ABRS complications. Patients with orbital com- cated sinusitis isolates can include these three organisms but
plications tend to be younger than 7 years, whereas intracranial commonly present with Streptococcus anginosis (formerly S. milleri).
complications are more frequently observed in adolescent  Many complicated ABS infections are polymicrobial.36,50,51
and teenage patients.40 The development of the ethmoid and Goytia and colleagues52 reported a 75% rate of polymicrobial
maxillary sinuses starts in utero. The maxillary sinuses have a cultures. Olwoch51 reviewed the cultures of 163 patients with
rapid phase of growth until age 4 years and continue to expand complicated sinusitis and found that the most frequently iso-
into the teenage years. The ethmoid sinuses are the most devel- lated organisms included S. anginosis (18.5%), S. aureus (12.4%),
oped sinuses at the time of birth, which contributes to the β-hemolytic streptococci (10.3%), coagulase-negative staphylo-
propensity of orbital complications in younger children. The cocci (8.6%) and H. influenzae (8.6%).51 MRSA is also a poten-
ethmoid sinuses also gradually increase in volume into the tial pathogen. Liao and colleagues53 found a rate of 5.9% in
teenage years. The frontal sinuses first become visible radio- orbital complications. The most common anaerobes are Pepto-
graphically around age 5 years and increase in size through streptococcus (6.4%) and Prevotella (4.7%).51
puberty—hence the higher rate of intracranial complications A good clinical examination is crucial to obtain an appropri-
in adolescents. The sphenoid sinuses are the last to develop at ate diagnosis and direct subsequent testing. Every patient
around age 6 years, but are rarely involved in any complications should have an examination with anterior rhinoscopy or nasal
of acute rhinosinusitis. endoscopy to evaluate for purulent drainage in the middle
The orbital septum is an important anatomic structure to meatus. An ophthalmologic examination assesses for visual
understand in the pathogenesis of orbital complications of rhi- acuity, extraocular movements, and proptosis. When postseptal
nosinusitis. It is an extension of periosteum that is the anterior involvement is suspected, an ophthalmology consultation
border of the orbit. It extends from the orbital rim into the should be obtained immediately to help with surgical planning.
upper and lower eyelids at the levator aponeurosis superiorly Symptoms that may indicate increased intracranial pressure
and the tarsal plate inferiorly. When the eyes are closed, the include frontal or retro-orbital headache, nausea and vomiting,
orbital septum and tarsal plates cover the entire orbital opening. altered mental status, nuchal rigidity, and papilledema.
The orbital septum distinguishes a boundary between preseptal Laboratory testing should involve basic hematology to evalu-
and postseptal infections. ate for leukocytosis. Blood cultures should be drawn in patients
Orbital complications of rhinosinusitis were first classified with intracranial complications and more severe orbital com-
in the 1970s by Chandler and colleagues.41 This classification plications. A lumbar puncture should be considered when
remains the standard for describing orbital complications symptoms suggest intracranial involvement. Imaging should be
today. Group I complications include patients with preseptal completed before lumbar puncture in the setting of focal neu-
cellulitis or inflammatory edema superficial to the tarsal plates rologic deficits to prevent herniation and neurologic compro-
and orbital septum. Group II patients have orbital or postseptal mise. Contrast-enhanced CT is indicated when postseptal
cellulitis in which there is edema of the orbital contents without involvement is suspected or with an intracranial complication.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

TABLE 46-2.  Signs and Symptoms of the Complications of Acute Rhinosinusitis

Complication Clinical Findings
Preseptal cellulitis Eyelid edema, erythema, and tenderness
Unrestricted extraocular movement
Normal visual acuity
Subperiosteal abscess Proptosis and impaired extraocular muscle movement
Orbital cellulitis Eyelid edema and erythema, proptosis, and chemosis
No limited impairment of extraocular movements
Normal visual acuity
Orbital abscess Significant exophthalmos, chemosis, ophthalmoplegia, and visual impairment
Cavernous sinus thrombosis Bilateral orbital pain, chemosis, proptosis, and ophthalmoplegia
Meningitis Headache, neck stiffness, and high fever
Epidural abscess Headache, fever, altered mental status, and local tenderness
Unenhanced CT reveals a hypodense or isodense crescent-shaped collection in the epidural space
Subdural abscess Headache, fever, meningismus, focal neurologic deficits, and lethargy with rapid deterioration
CT reveals a hypodense collection along a hemisphere or along the falx
MRI demonstrates low signal on T1 and high signal on T2 images with peripheral contrast enhancement
Intracerebral abscess Fever, headache, vomiting, lethargy, seizures, and focal neurologic deficits
Frontal deficits can include changes in mood and behavior
MRI demonstrates a cystic lesion with a distinct hypointense, strongly enhancing capsule on T2 images
Frontal bone osteomyelitis Fluctuant forehead swelling
(Pott’s puffy tumor)
CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.

CT should also be considered when preseptal inflammation pathogens has altered the therapeutic approach. Complica-
progresses in 24 to 48 hours despite antibiotic treatment. When tions of ABRS are rare, and suspicion of a potential or impend-
intracranial complications are suspected based on physical ing complication should warrant a thorough workup.
examination or CT findings, contrast-enhanced MRI is per-
formed and a neurosurgical consultation should be obtained. For a complete list of references, see 
Complications of pediatric ABRS are rare and can result
from delay in diagnosis. These patients often require multiple
surgical procedures and prolonged hospitalizations. Initiating Benninger MS, Brook I, Farrell DJ: Disease severity in acute bacterial
rhinosinusitis is greater in patients infected with Streptococcus pneu-
treatment promptly can potentially reduce morbidity. Medical
moniae than in those infected with Haemophilus influenzae. Otolaryngol
treatment should be started empirically based on the antimi- Head Neck Surg 135:523–528, 2006.
crobial resistance patterns of the treating hospital. Orbital com- Benninger MS, Payne SC, Ferguson BJ, et al: Endoscopically directed
plications are managed according to severity at the time of middle meatal cultures versus maxillary sinus taps in acute bacterial
presentation. Chandler group I infections may be successfully maxillary rhinosinusitis: a meta-analysis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
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admission for all patients in Chandler groups II through V. deren and adults. Vaccine S2, 2006.
Black S, Shinefield H, Baxter R, et al: Postlicensure surveillance for
Antimicrobial treatment can then be modified based on subse-
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quent microbiology results. cal conjugate vaccine in northern California Kaiser Permanente.
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agulants is controversial in the setting of venous thrombosis. gens causing acute maxillary sinusitis in adults before and after
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teal abscess can be treated medically for 48 hours if the patient acute otitis media in 1995-2003. Pedatr Infect Dis 23:824–828, 2004.
presents with normal vision.54 In the treatment of cavernous Chow AW, Benninger MS, Brook I, et al: IDSA clinical practice guide-
sinus thrombosis all the involved sinuses must be drained, line for acute bacterial rhinosinusitis in children and adults. Clin
including the sphenoid sinus. Infect Dis 54:e72–e112, 2012.
DePestel DD, Benninger MS, Danziger L, et al: Cephalosporin use in
treatment of patients with penicillin allergies. J Am Pharm Assoc 48:
SUMMARY 530–540, 2003.
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The pathogenesis of rhinosinusitis is dependent on its classifica-
nosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2012. Rhinology (Suppl 23):1–298, 2012.
tion. Certain environmental factors—such as allergy, smoke, or Hanage WP, Auranen K, Syrjanen R, et al: Ability of pneumococcal
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growing resistance and some shift in the distribution of 81, 2004.

Descargado para Maria Manuela Chemas ( en PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD JAVERIANA de por Elsevier en agosto 24, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

Meltzer EO, Bachert C, Staudinger H: Treating acute rhinosinusitis: Pichichero ME: Pathogen shifts and changing cure rates for otitis
comparing efficacy and safety of mometasone furoate nasal spray, media and tonsillopharyngitis. Clin Pediatr 45:493–502, 2006.
amoxicillin, and placebo. J Allergy Clin Immunol 116:1285–1295, 2005. Pichichero ME, Brixner DI: A review of recommended antibiotic
Meltzer EO, Hamilos DL, Hadley JA, et al: Rhinosinusitis: establishing therpay with impact on outcomes in acute otitis media and acute
definitions for clinical research and patient care. Otolaryngol Head bacterial sinusitis. Am J Managed Care 12:S292–S302, 2006.
Neck Surg 131:S1–S62, 2004. Sinus and Allergy Health Partnership: Antimicrobial treatment guide-
Payne SC, Benninger MS: Staphylococcus aureus is a major pathogen in lines for acute bacterial rhinosinusitis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
acute bacterial rhinosinusitis: a meta-analysis. Clin Infect Dis 45:e121– 130(1 Suppl):1–45, 2004.
e127, 2007.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

24. Black S, Shinefield H, Baxter R, et al: Postlicensure surveillance for

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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