When It Comes To Security, There's Only One To Trust

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Siemens Integrated Command Control Center Solutions Siemens Integrated Command Control Center Solutions

When it comes to security,

there’s only one to trust.
Siemens Integrated
Command Control Center Solutions.

© Siemens AG 2005
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Siemens Integrated Command Control Center Solutions

Security is the result of proper preparations.

Never has security been a more discussed topic as today. Never has there The circle of thorough security management.
Athens 2004 Olympic Games been a greater need for sophisticated safety standards at public places.
And never has there been a more comprehensive approach in the field of
security management as Siemens Integrated Command Control Center

In today’s world, security is a major In Siemens you have a partner who

issue for most organizations – both excels in all steps of the security proc-
governmental and private. From ess: From providing state-of-the-art
protecting sensitive industrial sites to surveillance systems to setting up
supplying safety for entire communi- command control centers of any size
ties or even countries – never has to establishing thorough communica-
precise security management been as tion networks – we are the only brand
City of Nanning CERC crucial as nowadays. And the task is
crucial. More security today means
on the market that offers complete
end-to-end solutions.
collecting, streamlining and interpret- Siemens has a proven track record of
ing massive amounts of data – or in implementing security solutions for
short: communicating the informa- every sort of project. Our clients are
tion that helps save lives or prevent governmental agencies, organizers of
catastrophes. Communicating effec- large events, private companies and
tively is key to providing seamless and even entire cities and nations. And yet
thorough security solutions. they all have one thing in common:
Information from surveillance cam- They want to trust in their security
eras, license plate readers, communi- systems. They want to feel protected
cation networks and all sorts of other when going about their daily business.
Finland Emergency sophisticated monitoring systems has
to be managed. Once the data is col-
Or they want to provide the best
emergency response service possible.
Response Centers lected and important information Some of them are looking for thorough
generated, it has to be decided which security systems for events of all
appropriate response needs to be in- shapes and sizes. Luckily, they have
itiated as well as how resources can all found the right partner.
be dispatched and how information We invite you to gain an insight into
can be directed accordingly. And all our comprehensive security portfolio
that has to happen as quickly as pos- by reading the following case studies
sible. An Integrated Security Solution of past successful security solutions
comprises specifying, designing and implemented by Siemens.
implementing three levels of opera-
Bahrain F1 Circuit tional response: Situational aware-
ness, decision making, and command
& control. All three levels aim at pro-
viding a secure, effective and quick
way of information gathering, disse-
minating, analyzing, processing and
mod-eling in order to achieve the best
strategic and tactical outcome possi-
ble for handling crises.
Siemens Integrated Command Control Center Solutions

The whole world was watching.

”With these [C4I] world class systems citizens The 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece,
were anticipated as the largest and most
A cohesive architecture was laid out to fa-
cilitate a smooth workflow of all security
In this direction, our team of experts
worked closely with security specialists from
and visitors to Greece will see new levels of observed of all times-which was exactly forces involved in the project. The result was all over the world and implemented a fully
what turned out to be. Two million visitors the largest and most sophisticated system operational C4I within a 12-month period.
Security cooperation, coordination and from all over the world came to the an- for public safety and security today. A total
operations and ultimately a safe and friendly cient city of Athens and 22,000 athletes
competed in this mass gathering. And all
of 5,000 kilometers of cables were laid out
to connect over 1,500 surveillance cameras
The C4I concept had never been imple-
mented to serve non-military operations
Athens 2004 Olympic Games.” that in a time of global instability. and physical security systems for over 120 before the Athens Olympics event. The
Ioannis Spanudakis, Managing Director Olympic venues and nine cities and ports Siemens Team, working closely with the
Athens 2004 Olympic Organizing Committee Siemens was contracted by the Hellenic throughout Greece equipped with nine li- responsible Hellenic Public Safety and
Government to adapt the known C4I cense plate recognition systems, 30 ac- Military agencies in Athens, had to com-
(Command, Control, Communication, cess controlled port gates, 120 different bine and integrate the vast range of solutions,
Computer Intelligence) military concept in local and regional command centers, al- products and experience offered by an
order to help support, deploy and enforce most 3,000 pieces of Information Tech- established worldwide network of own
public safety and security operations for nology office, network and server equip- and partners’ competencies, into a com-
this major event through offering and im- ment, an extensive Digital Trunk Commu- prehensive and efficient methodology
plementing the most efficient technical nication System (TETRA) of a 30,000-user based on operational expertise of a core
solution possible. capacity and an Automatic Vehicle Locating team for public safety operations. The de-
System of approximately 6,000 police, fire livered systems were officially tested and
brigade, coast guard, ambulance, army advertised on a global scale during six in-
and government sea, land and air vehicles tense weeks of Games with millions of
designed to make the city of Athens the users watching and thousands of athletes
safest place on the planet. competing under this state-of-the-art se-
curity umbrella.

All security forces were managed by this command control center.

Siemens Integrated Command Control Center Solutions

A million people. If you want to play it safe – State-of-the-art

Thousands of emergencies. we are your ideal teammate. technology in the desert.
One solution.

The Nanning City

Emergency Control Center ”Siemens solution is not ”Siemens’ solution is one that ”Working with
just helped us to win so helps us keep pace with the Siemens meant having
much honor and awards, but latest developments. When it a highly professional team of
even keeps “no-bug” operation comes to helping people, this experts on site, who were all
status till now.” model is unrivalled.” very helpful.”
All rescue services of
the city are controlled Wen Biao, Network Center Director Jukka Aaltonen, Head of Development at the Emergency Khalid Abdulrahim,
from this control room. Nanning CERC Response Center Administration Main Contractor Bahrain International Circuit

Managing an emergency response system for a city If you live in Finland, the cold weather should be your No other sporting event on earth compares to
with a population of one million people has to be only concern. Thanks to Siemens, all other security Formula One racing in terms of sophistication and
coordinated very carefully. The city of Nanning, China, issues are very well handled. All major communities in technology standards. In a sport where great
trusted Siemens with the implementation of their Finland have been equipped with our Emergency emphasis is put on details and where everything is
entire City Emergency Control Center (CERC). The Response Centers. That way, first response management high-tech (from the cars to the communications sy-
Fast deployment of result is a modular system, which combines a central- can be executed seamlessly and quickly. Every piece of stems), there is also a need for highly advanced se-
response units as the
ized emergency service center, distributed emergency information concerning a certain task is immediately curity management. And that is where Siemens ca-
result of efficient
service offerings and branch service points. In addition filtered and directed accordingly. With the help of this me into play ...
to that, a Geographic Information System (GIS) has sophisticated security communication architecture, help
been set up to provide an interactive digital map and is very near in Finland. When asked to complete the design and installation
event tracking among other features. The city of of all technological equipment for the new Bahrain
Nanning can now rely on fast and efficient decision- International Circuit in a record ten-month period,
making in emergency situations. And its residents can Siemens gladly accepted the challenge. The result is
The nationwide 112 rely on one of the most sophisticated emergency perhaps the most sophisticated electronics installa-
rescue network was
response services on earth. tion at any sports venue. 36 remote controlled pole-
streamlined with
Siemens technology. mounted video cameras were set up for track sur-
veillance. GPS synchronization for the timing and
security system was installed. And last but not least
– a cabling network of 550 km transmitting video,
audio and data signals between the circuit and the
control center was implemented.
The entire security
infrastructure at the
Bahrain International
Circuit comes from

All surveillance output is

controlled and managed
from one desk.

The heart of the circuit’s

security system: an
integrated command
control center build to
master all security tasks.

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