Condition Monitoring - Always A Painful Experience?

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Condition Monitoring

Condition Monitoring –
always a painful experience?
Patented VIBCODE® offers unmatched simplicity & total trending reliability

It is a pretty fair bet that of the 10,000 or so engineers who read this edition of ed will inevitably be invalid. At best
measurements need to be retaken, at
the plant engineer, 50% or more have at some time considered the merits of worst major machine problems will be
condition monitoring of their process plant. Many of these will have taken the missed, or plant unnecessarily shut down
because of false alarms.
plunge and invested in the technology, and sadly a fair percentage of these
But how in the ever changing world of
investors will be disappointed with the results they have had from their invest- work can you guarantee continuity of
ment. It has become an industry joke that many expensive vibration analysis labour and therefore reliability of data
collection, short of hard wiring all ma-
systems, purchased with high hopes have become very expensive door stops. chines back to a central processor? Even if

This need not be so however, system used or the

vibration analysis, data col- person collecting
lection and machine condi- the data can per-
tion monitoring are sound form key measure-
engineering strategies for preventing pre- ment tasks that en-
mature machine failure and plant shut- sures the data col-
down. The systems themselves invariably lected is valid and
do the job for which they were designed, repeatable from
it is what comes between the system and one measurement
the process machinery that has all too round to another.
often cast doubt on the validity of using Common sense per-
condition monitoring. haps but this is the
Many factors contribute to the evolution rock upon which so
of systems from active to ‘door stop’. many CM systems
• Changes in personnel, frequent chang- have floundered in
es in designated data collectors leads the past. Simple de-
to errors and mistrust of the data col- tails such as;-
lected. • Is the correct
• Inadequate investment in training, measurement
companies are often reluctant to com- being taken at
mit to ongoing training of staff each the correct ma-
time a person leaves. chine?
• Wrong data being collected from the • Is the measure-
wrong location, simple errors caused ment location
by untrained or uninterested personnel correct as speci-
can lead to plant shut down or worse. fied?
• Over complex systems purchased for • Is the contact
simple monitoring tasks, over selling between measurement transducer and
machine the same as previous mea- you can overcome the vagaries of ma-
and over enthusiastic purchase of sys-
surements? chine location etc. the variations in con-
tems not suited to plant personnel or
tact pressure of transducer to measure-
process plant. • Is the correct transducer being used?
ment location between different person-
There is one common link to most of the • Are the correct measurements specifi- nel makes data collected in this way very
above problems; the user interface be- cations set up in the data collector difficult to replicate and therefore to rely
tween systems and the machines on being used? upon.
plant. Common sense tells you that if any of the Plant critical decisions can often turn on
You only get above are incorrect then the data collect- such invalid machine data.
what you collect Proper training of personnel is of course
It is a simple problem but so common it is very important, but from time to time
most often overlooked. The data collect-
ed is only as good as the person collecting
it, the saying ‘garbage in - garbage out’ is
never more apt for data collected by
unqualified personnel. This doesn’t neces-
The picture above shows data collec-
sarily mean that routine data collection tion using the VIBCODE® encoded
should be carried out by vibration ex- stud system.
perts, but it does mean that either the The picture left shows the VIBCODE®
encoded stud and code ring.
people leave, they go on vacation, they fixed to virtually any machine in any
are away sick. These are the times when environment.
the CM regime is most vulnerable and as When data has been securely collected
a consequence error prone. the process of archiving and trending the
Manufacturers of CM systems have un- machine condition can be undertaken
derstood these problems, they have vari- with confidence. It is the latter function
ously used bar code readers, machine ‘trending’ that will provide the most reli-
measurement studs and even electronic able condition overview of the operating
tags to help identify machines. All the condition of the plant. Snapshot readings
solutions work to some degree. The bar taken in isolation can assist in establish-
code and electronic systems eliminates ing if a machine is operating within rea-
machine and measurement location error, sonable vibration parameters, for exam-
but does not address the problem of ple using ISO standard 10816-3 to com-

Typical trend data collected

on a rolling element bearing.
Upper trend line shows lu-
brication condition, lower
trend line shows overall con-

consistent measurement contact pressure. pare the machine condition against ideal.
Studs on the other hand address this But a snapshot is exactly what it says, it
problem but do not solve machine loca- takes no account of long term operating
tion error. Only one system currently condition, does not include for unusual
available addresses all of the potential plant operating conditions and does not
data collection errors. take machine age into account.
VIBCODE® developed and patented by Trend data provides
PRUFTECHNIK uses an encoded stud early warning of problems
which is either glued or screwed to a
A trend graph illustrates very clearly the
machine measurement location. The spe-
machine condition, if it is deteriorating
cial encoded ring in the stud corresponds
over time the trend will show an upward
to machine data which is down loaded
tendency, giving engineering time to
from the data collector PC software for
schedule machine shut down, order
each data collection route. When the
spares and minimise plant shut down
measurement transducer is locked on to
disruption. When increasing trends have
the stud all machine measurement data is
been identified it is recommended that
recognised including
the frequency of measurements are in-
• Machine asset number creased, this will minimise the unexpect-
• Measurement location ed machine failure rate and provide a
• Measurement type and parameters more reliable run to failure estimate of
the life of the machine.
• Time and date of measurement
If basic rules and common sense is ap-
• Previous measurement readings
plied to condition monitoring practice,
• Preset alarm parameters the operation of an effective CM regime
Data collection is rendered fool proof, it is will be an enjoyable and profitable expe-
impossible to collect incorrect data. Addi- rience for everyone.
tionally when measurement alarm pa- For information on the VIBCODE® system
rameters are exceeded the data collector and other CM products contact
is triggered to collect vibration spectra
automatically for later analysis by the
Burton Road.
plant expert.
By encoding the measurement stud the Lichfield WS13 8LN
location is effectively finger printed with
a unique location code, the stud being tel 01543 417722
purely a mechanical component can be eMail

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