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PHYS-102 SAMPLE FINAL EXAM Time allowed: 2 hrs.

Name (Please PRINT) _________________________________

Recitation Sec. # ___________


Notes: 1.There are five problems in this Exam.

2. For Prob.1 please circle the answer of your choice for each part.
For problems 2 - 5 your solutions must have adequate details and the answers must
contain appropriate units to get full credit.
         
F=B qv × B ; FE = qE ; F=
B IL × B ; ε = Blv ; ∫ B.dl = µ0 I enc

kQ1Q2  µ Idl × r
F= ; dB = 0
; 1/4πε0 = k = 9 x109 Nm 2C −2 ; ε = −∆φ / ∆t
r2 4π r 2

kQ kQ Q
V= ; U = 1 2 ; C = Q/V ; 1 = 1 + 1 + ... ; C = C1 + C2 + ....
r r Cser C1 C2
  qenc
∆U = −∆W field = ∆Wext . ; V = IR ; P=I 2R =
∆w / ∆t ; ∫ E .d s = εo
U = QV/2 ; Ex = - dV/dx ; µ0 = 4π*10 T.m/A

Rseries = R1 + R2 + R3+ … ; 1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2 +1/ R3+ …

1G =10-4T ; me = 9x10-31kg ; qe = - 1.6x10-19C ; ac = v2/r


r r
1a.Three charges are placed in a line as shown. The total
potential energy of these charges is: +Q +Q -Q

[a] – 0.5kQ2/r [b] – 1.5kQ2/r [c] zero [d] + 1.5kQ2/r

1b. When the charge on the plates of a capacitor is doubled, the magnitude of the electric
potential difference across the capacitor :

[a] is doubled [b] is halved [c] remains the same [d] quadrupled

1c.A flat coil of wire consisting of 40 turns, each with an area of 50.0cm2, is positioned
perpendicularly to a uniform magnetic field that increases its magnitude at a constant rate from
2.0 T to 5.0 T in 2.0 s. What is the magnitude of the induced emf in the coil?

[a] 0.3V [b] 0.60 V [c] 30.0V [d] 0.80V

1d. If a charge is moving with uniform velocity, V under the combined influence of an
electric field, E and a magnetic field, B, then:

[a] V is parallel to the B-field

[b] V must be perpendicular to the B-field.
[c] V must be perpendicular to the E-field.
[d.] the E- and B- fields are anti-parallel to each other.
1e. A charged particle is moving perpendicular to a magnetic field in a circle of radius r.
When the magnitude of the magnetic field is doubled, the particle moves in a circular
orbit of radius R. The ratio of the two radii, r/R is:

[a] 2.0 [b] 0.5 [c] 1.0 [d] none of the above.

1f. Two capacitors are connected in series as shown with C1 = 2C2. Let U1 and U2 represent,
respectively, the potential energy stored in C1 and C2. Which of the following statements is true?

[a] U1 = 2U2 [b] 2U1 = U2 [c] U1 = U2 [c] 4U1 = U2

C1 C2

1g. Two resistors are connected in parallel as shown with R1 = 5R2. If R1
P1 and P2 are, respectively the power dissipated in R1 and R2, which of
the following statements is true?
[a] P1 = 5P2 [b] 5P1 = P2 [c] P1 = P2 [c] P1 = 25P2

2. (20 pts) Two long parallel wires are oriented along the normal to the plane of the page
carrying currents I1 = I2 = 15.0 A (Note that I1 is going into the page while I2 is coming
out of the page.)

[a] Show the direction of B1, and B2 on

the diagram . Here B1, and B2 are the y P
magnetic fields produced at P by wires
B2 900 B1
carrying I1 and I2, respectively.

[b] Using Ampere’s law, determine

the magnitudes of B1 and B2. Express d d
B1 and B2 and the net B-field at point P
in the usual unit vector notation, given
d = 2.0 cm.
I1 I2

The magnitudes of B1 and B2 are equal.

B1 = B2 = µoI1/2πd = 2*10-7*15.0/2.0*10-2 = 1.5*10-4 T

B1 = 1.5*10-4 ( cos 45o i – sin45o j) T

B2 = - 1.5*10-4 (cos 45o i + sin45o j) T

B = B1 + B2 = - 3.0*10-4 sin45o j T = - 2.12*10-4 j T

[b] If an electron passes through P with a velocity 2.5x103m/s parallel to the two wires
and directed into the page, determine the magnitude and direction of the force on the

V = - 2.5*103 k m/s

F = q VxB = - 1.6*10-19 (- 2.5*103 k x [- 2.12*10-4 j T]) = 8.48*10-20 i N

3.( 20pts.) A pair of conducting, parallel rails are separated by 1.20 m and are connected
at one end by a resistance R = 6.0Ω as shown. A conducting bar ab is pulled along the
frictionless rails by a force F, as shown below, with a constant velocity of magnitude 2.0-
m/s in the presence of a uniform magnetic field B normal to the plane containing the rails
and pointing into the page and of magnitude B = 2.50T.

R L=1.20m

[a] the direction ( a to b or b to a) of the induced current in the conducting bar.

From Lenz’s law (or a direct application of Find = q VxB to a charge in the rod) the
direction of the induced current is from b to a.

[b] the magnitude of the applied force F.

BLv = iR or i = BLv/R

The net force on the rod is zero. Fnet = F + Find = 0

Therefore the magnitude of the applied force equals the induced force

F =Find = iLB = B2L2v/R = (2.5)2(1.2)2*2.0/6.0 = 3.0N

[c] the electrical energy dissipated as heat at R in a 15.0 sec. interval.

∆W=P∆t = i2R∆t = B2L2v2∆t /R = [2.5*1.2*2.0]215.0/6.0 = 90.0J


P ∆t = F.v ∆t = Fv∆t = 3.0*2.0 *15.0= 90.0 J

4a.(12pts.) Consider the circuit shown in the diagram.
[i] Use Kirchhoff’s junction rule at junction b to express I1 in terms of c d
I2 and I3.

I1 = I2+I3 12.0Ω 36.0Ω

I2 6.0 Ω
[ii] Write down the Kirchhoff’s loop equation for the loop abefa. b e
I1 I3

- 8I1 - 6 I3 - 24I1+24 = 0 or
8.0Ω 24.0Ω

- 32I1 - 6 I3 +24 = 0
a f
24.0 V

[ii] Write down the Kirchhoff’s loop equation for the loop bcdeb.

- 12I2 - 12 - 36 I2 + 6I3 = 0 , which can be simplified to:

- 8I2 - 2 + I3 = 0

4b. (8 pts.) A proton of mass M and charge Q = 1.6x10 -19C is traveling with uniform
velocity V = 2x105 k m/s under the combined influence of a uniform magnetic field
B = 0.6i + 0.5j T and a uniform E-field. Determine the direction and magnitude of E.

F = Q(E + VxB) =0 or

E = - VxB = BxV = (0.6i +0.5j)x2*105k = (- 1.2j +1.0i)105N/C

Ε = [(1.2)2+ 1.0]1/2∗105 = 1.56∗105 Ν/C

θ = - tan-1(1.2) = - 50.2o

5. (20 pts) Two identical cork balls each of mass, m are hung from a common point by
two insulating threads of negligible mass, each of length L = 50 cm. Each ball has a
charge Q = - 0.2µC distributed uniformly over its volume. The balls repel each other and
assume an equilibrium position as shown.

[a] Draw a free-body force diagram for one of the two masses.
g = 10m/s2

300 300
T cos30

Τ 30

T sin30

m m

[b] Write down ∑Fx = max and ∑Fy = may for the mass m.

From the free-body diagram above, in the x-direction,

Tsin300 = kQ2/L2 ---------[1]

(Note that the separation between the charges is 2Lsin300 = L)

In the y-direction,

Tcos300 = mg = 10m …….[2]

[c] Solve the equations in part [b] to determine the tension, T in the threads, and the mass m.

From eq.[1], T = [9*109* 4*10-14]/0.5[0.5]2 = 2.9*10-3N

And from eq.[2],

m = Tcos300/10 = 2.5*10-4 kg

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