NAME OF STUDENT: Muhammad Faraz ID No: 1141-2020

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NAME OF STUDENT: Muhammad Faraz ID No: 1141-2020


Spring 2021

Q1. Write a compare and contrast paragraph on any two products of your choice.


The two types of cameras commonly seen on the market are the DSLR and digital camera and
each has its own features and uses. DSLR is 10 times heavier and expensive than digital camera
which give clear edge to digital camera and if talk about image quality in low light then DSLR is
ahead of digital camera because DSLR capture clear image even in darkest area, whereas, digital
camera lags in low light and can't capture clear image without flash. Digital camera is manageable
in most of the situation, on the other hand, DSLR can't manage in most of the situation because of
its heavy structure. Coming to the picture quality of both cameras, DSLR has high mega pixels
(resolution of image) than digital camera because digital camera don't support high iso level. you
will be surprised to know that digital camera's focus is more accurate than DSLR because DSLR
is highly depend on its lens focus system and surprisingly both, DSLR and digital camera have
auto and manual features, most of the people didn’t aware of that digital camera has manual feature
too, nonetheless, its highly depend on people's need that what kind of camera do they need and
they purchase according to their needs and uses, some loves DSLR and some digital camera, so,
there is no good or bad it’s all depends on choices.

Q2. What did you learn from the practice of free writing? Share your thoughts in form of

Free writing has improved my English a lot, I have always been weak in English whether its for
speaking or writing but since I start free writing, I can see visible changes and improvement in my
English skills, now I can write bit fluently with clear mind. It has gained my confidence in writing
long paragraphs without much confusion and I think this was expected because whenever you keep
on doing something then it definitely makes you better and same goes for free writing, because in
that, all you need to do is write. I have made my mind that I won’t stop free writing until unless I
am fully improved.

Q3. Write an email to, in the email discuss how social media freedom is
Destroying peace these days and what should be done to prevent/control it.

Subject: Disadvantages of social media freedom, possibilities to control it.


I hope you are doing well. Yesterday, I saw a post on Facebook in that someone saying they can
say whatever they want and post whatever they want and no one can do anything to them. I was
utterly shocked after seeing these kind of things on social media, people are just misusing these
social apps and I think someone has to step up to look into this because it’s not a small thing, there
should be some kind of cyber restrictions on these keyboard warriors otherwise they will keen to
destroying things like as they’re doing right now.
I hope to get a positive response from you, regarding this issue, and let me know that are real
possibilities to prevent it.

Best regards,
Muhammad Faraz.

Q4. Answer the following using STAR:

1. Describe a situation in which you knew you were right about something but had to follow
instructions from your boss.

I was working for a studio as a graphic designer at Talha Ghouri School. One day, my boss
assigned me with a task of checking designs, I had to pick 5 better designs out of 10. When I start
checking designs I noticed that all the designs which sir given are in bad shapes and it was too
difficult for me to pick 5 better designs out of those then somehow I had managed to picked 5
designs and while approving I had asked the boss that these designs are not appropriate, not even
in better shape but my boss was satisfied with those designs. In the end, I had approved those 5
designs I was pretty sure that those designs are just not good enough for our studio but I had to
approve because my boss was satisfied with that.
2. Talk about a time when you proved your presentation skills

I was in my 2nd semester and my course was oral communication. One day All of a sudden, my
teacher assigned me a task of delivering presentation on ancient history of Pakistan and I had to
deliver on the same day. So, I just had 1 hour to prepare my presentation, when I reached my
computer lab for researching I learned from students that internet is not working since couple of
hours then I start panicking cause I had to research on Pakistan history for my presentation. But
then I saw my friend and I asked him to share internet, I researched and got all the major points
for my presentation. Just before presenting I was so confident that I can do this, and while
presenting my body language was appropriate and I was engaging with audience everything went
well. In the end miss praised me and audience were also satisfied, so, I proved my presentation
skills that day.

3. Describe a situation when you proved your designing skills to someone.

I was working as a designer at star sports production. One day my boss assigned me a task of 5
logo designs in just one hour. The task wasn’t that hard but the problem was, my software was not
working well that day, I was bit tensed for a moment, I asked my colleague for his laptop then I
borrowed his laptop for making those 5 logo designs, I start working on it and it took me just 25
minutes to prepared all 5 logo designs. I rushed to boss room and asked him to check the designs
which I prepared, after checking he was impressed with my work and he was wondering that how
I made all these in just 25 minutes, he praised me all day for my work which I did for him, so, that
was the great moment for me as I proved my skills to my boss.

4. Talk about a time when you managed a difficult task in a short time period.

I was working as a photographer at XYZ studio. One day, my manager called me and said, you
have to manage photography at marriage ceremony and you have just 1 hour to do all this. I had
just one hour to reach there and arrange photography, it took me 20 minutes to reach there, and I
was running out of time, I had just 40 minutes to cover all the event but I didn’t give up there. In
the end, I managed photography well and everything was done on time, I had done everything in
just 40 minutes with positive approach and client were satisfied too, and event was successful.
5. Talk about a time when you had to work with difficulty in teamwork.

I was in university and my class was about to end. But in class conclusion my teacher had assigned
a project and it was a group based project with a deadline of one week. My team contributed their
part in first two days after that all my team members disappearing one by one and I had left alone
to complete my entire project, I was frustrated and gutted by seeing my team member’s behavior.
I had made my mind that I will complete my entire project at any cost, I had face quite difficulties
while making my project, every day I had to visit market for project materials but in the end I
completed my entire project and submitted to my university, the project was appropriate but my
team members wasn’t. Nevertheless the project work was successful.

Q5. Answer the following interview questions:

I am Faraz and I desire to be a film director and a youtuber. Currently, I am working on creating
my own Youtube channel. Side by side along my studies I work as a freelance Graphic Designer
at and to pay my bills own self.
My only weakness that I am left with is Public speaking. Over the years, I have had many
weaknesses but through some mentors and self-learning I was able to overcome them. Coming
back to the topic, I have one more weakness which is usually good as well as bad. And it is that I
be easily emotional at times. Being emotional is not always good when it comes to career because
an emotional person can't take rational decisions.
The biggest strength that I feel I have been given naturally is being optimistic at all time no matter
what the situation is. This is not something I am proud of because it is a natural gift given by god,
we can only be proud of things that we have earned ourselves. As far as this strength is concerned,
I believe we can achieve anything when we have the skill of being optimistic even in the rainy
I have 3 years of experience working as a Social Media Marketer at Pepsi Co. Moreover, I have
some management skills too. Additionally, I have done Bachelors in Media Science from one of
the finest institute of Karachi with flying colors. More significantly, the job requirement posted by
you in Daily Dawn News completely aligns with my expertise and skillset. This makes me one of
the favorite candidate for this job.
The thing that makes me different from rest of candidates is my hunger to work for your company
and to contribute in achieving company's long-term and short-term goals.
6. Imagine that you have to open your own designing outlet or studio (BMS) write:
1) Name and reason of the name
The name of my studio will be Faraz Khatri Production because I want everyone to know my
studio by my name, so, no brainer in that.
2) Description about the outlet/studio
We have all the facility and we have three different department, one department is for
cinematography, where we shoot all kind of videography like, advertisement, short films, fictions
shots and ultra-slow motion shots. And second department is for photography, where we shots
different kind of photoshoots like, fashion photography, monochromic photography and product
photography. Third department is for music & sound, where we script song’s lyrics and music
rhythms. We have genuine and uprated equipment’s in our production house and we uses latest
technology in our production house

3) Description about CEO (yourself)

I am Faraz Khatri, I have done my cinematography studies from the University of Sydney. The
purpose of this diploma was mainly for my desire to launch my own production house and which
I already launched by the grace of god, and I have had worked with warner bros production for 3
year. I have pretty experience in multimedia field as I worked with some big names like, marvel
studios and warner bros production both are renown at international level in film industry. The
major reason of this production house is to get Pakistani film industry on right track and I really
want to see Pakistani industry emerge at international level.

4) Services (what services you will provide)

We will provide you all the multimedia service, like in photography, we provide product
photography, fashion photography, marriage photography and solo portraits as well. Coming to
the cinematography (videography), we will provide advertisement arrangement and its script, short
films, fictional graphic shots and ultra-slow motion shot. And in music category we provide, sound
rhythm, music rhythm, song’s lyrics, dubbing of films and song writing.

5) Reasons we should visit your outlet/studio.

You should visit our outlet because our studio treats the clients as their family and you would never
think in a bad interest for your family in the same way we would never think and do something
which will harm your work at the same time we will try our best to satisfy you with our services
and work.
Q7. Write a blog on “money”

Money can't buy happiness, but it may buy you and your loved ones security and safety. Human
beings require money to pay for all of the necessities of existence, such as housing, food, medical
costs, and a good education. To pay for these items, you don't have to be Bill Gates or have a lot
of money, but you will need some money till the day you die. Because money is required to buy
the goods and services that you require to survive, you must have a basic understanding of personal
One of the reasons why so many people claim to be unconcerned about money is since it
has been called "the root of all evil." True, materialistic people might be driven to perform evil
things for financial gain by their concern with money. Money, on the other hand, is merely a
medium of transaction. Now i will discuss few benefits and downsides of money.

There are many major benefits of money including the following:


You can live anywhere you choose, take care of your necessities, and pursue your education when
you have enough money. You'll have even more freedom since you'll be able to do whatever you
want with your time if you can become financially independent and have the financial resources
to live on without working.
Money allows you to establish a business, purchase a dream home, pay for the costs of raising a
family, and achieve other goals that you believe would help you live a better life.

Of course, there are some definite downsides of money too, including:


Striving to get money at any cost, or always trying to get as much money as possible, can lead to
unethical or even criminal actions, such as theft or deception. If you place too much emphasis on
money or material possessions at the expense of other people and things in your life, it may cause
problems for you and your family. You're unlikely to be happy if all you have is money but no one
to spend your life with and nothing to enjoy.


When you and your partner or family members differ about how money should be spent, it can
produce a lot of problem in your life. Money is, in fact, one of the major causes of divorce in

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