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Chapter 501 The lack of a higher grade student

"It's you?" Sun Shuangzhao saw the people who came out from behind her, and
his expression suddenly became dignified.

Not only did she recognize this dress, she also recognized this person.

Fan Ge. One of the first class students of Yuan Fei, one of the five island masters
of Miss Yue College.

This student's status in the Que Yue College is equivalent to the second lap of
the Beidou College's Seven Stars list after the seven academicians. The doormen
of the second circle of Beidou were headed by the first apprentice of the Seven
Peaks. Most of the heirs of the god soldiers had already opened the door to
apprenticeship, and they were mentor-level characters. Their apparel may be
different because of their attribution, but the coat of arms embroidered on the
clothes with the logo of the Big Dipper is all bright six stars, and they are
qualified for the talents of the second circle, and so on. There is only one star on
the emblem.

Qiyue College has no rules for the inheritance of Shenbing, but the status of
Yipin disciples and the second circle of Beidou College is about the same. And
their identification is much more direct. On the left arm of Fang Ge's water-
playing suit, a sea blue "one" is embroidered, which is his symbol of his life.

And this Fang Ge is not just as simple as a Yipin student, he is the most
important student of Yuan Fei. There is no such name as an apprentice, but Fang
Ge's status is probably similar to that of an apprentice, so Sun sent recruits to
recognize him.

Such a person, his actions clearly represent the will of the lack of academy. The
four colleges have always been competitive, but for many years they haven't
drawn such swords. Fang Ge's immediate attack is straight from the ~ F long ~
Feng ~ Fwen ~ Fengxue study sent by Sun, ww → ↓ ¢ t. It also said
that during the trial of Beidou College Qixing, the personnel were concentrated
in Qixing Valley, and other places are problems of prevention.
Well, all of the present is likely to come from the other party's calculations. If
not use Sun Yingsheng. How could you reveal such a big flaw? But what is the
purpose of the lack of academy after all? Assassination of an apprentice is not
always their main purpose. After that, there must be a deeper conspiracy.

"Xueyue and Beidou have always been good friends. Fang Ge. Are you betraying
the Qiyue Academy?" Sun Shengzhao Shen Sheng said.

"Hahaha." Fang Ge laughed. "You can understand that, of course it's best. But
you want to chat for a long time, it's too naive."

"Sister, let me go!" Sun Yingsheng shouted. He had regained consciousness,

watching Sun Songzhao being attacked from behind, and the knife tip emerging
from his chest was still bleeding. The previous grudges against Sun Suanzhao
never remembered for a while, just anxious about her safety.

"Let you go?" Fang Ge looked calm but not busy. Squinting his eyes at Sun
Yingsheng, "Let go of you and let you die faster? You kid, you really don't know
your weight."

He just said in a hurry, and suddenly his expression changed, but he received a
message from Cha Mengliang, a second-grade student who was here to act with

"Failed to intercept? It's really useless!" He sighed with emotion, then looked at
the younger brother of the Sun family with regret.

"Unfortunately, I originally wanted you to live longer and talk a little bit more,
but now I have to start quicker and blame it. Just blame the one named Lu
Ping." Fang Ge said.

Lu Ping?

Sun Yingsheng was startled. Sun Sendzhao over there was struggling to support,
and suddenly he heard that the other party would start immediately. The heart
panicked, and the control of the sound turning suddenly became incomplete.
Sun Yingsheng noticed this tremor, he couldn't care too much, a roar, and the
force that was suppressed and controlled broke out in one fell swoop, breaking
away from the control of Yin Zhuan's turn.


Just before the consciousness was engulfed, Sun Yingsheng locked Fang Ge as his
goal. With the left hand sheath in front and the right hand sword in the back,
the dark clouds and dense rain immediately launched the crazy attack again.

"Don't!" Sun Song shouted anxiously, but it was too late. Sun Yingsheng, who
was engulfed in consciousness, could not hear any shouts, and she had no
energy to control such a crazy force. She could only watch Sun Yingsheng's
attack rush toward Fang Ge.

"Ignorance." Fang Ge sneered, and the man jumped backward, his wrist turned,
a steel thorn pierced out of his sleeve, and slid into his palm.

After holding this steel thorn, Fang Ge no longer backed away, striding forward,
the steel thorn spurted out, and the clouded rain formed by Sun Yingsheng's
combination of a sheath and a sword immediately split toward both sides,
revealing the whole An unobstructed piece of empty space made Fang Ge's

"go with!"

Fang Ge drank, and the steel thorn flew out of his hand, flew in from this empty
space, and emerged from behind Sun Yingsheng, and the dark rain had stopped.
Sun Yingsheng, who had just entered the madness, had regained his
consciousness in an instant. He felt a tingling in his chest and looked down, and
he saw that the blood was bursting out, with his energy flowing away.

"Stupid, if Sun sent a move without giving in, do you think you can stop her
blow by going crazy?" Fang Ge said disdainfully. He also succeeded in sneak
attacking on Sun's move, which shows that there is no certainty to be overcome.

"So you can use him to pester me?" Sun sent Zhao said.
"Because this is your biggest loophole." Fang Ge looked at the already crumbling
Sun Songzhao and said with regret.

"It's my fault." Sun Song looked at Sun Yingsheng to fall, but his face did not
show much sorrow. "As the first apprentice, I should focus on the college."

"You now understand that it is too late." Fang Ge said.

"Perhaps." Sun Song Zhao said, suddenly his hands were handed out, and a
fingerprint was formed in an instant.

"Turn!" She shouted sternly.

"What else do you want to do?" Fang Ge smiled. "Your current voice turns and
you want to control me?"

"Control you, would you think too much?" Sun Song Zhao said, originally
because of a serious chest injury already appeared a bit rickety body, suddenly
stood upright. The blood at the wounds of the front heart and back heart was
still pouring outward, but this did not seem to affect her movement at all. Her
pupils shrank suddenly. When Fang Ge realized that it was not good, her figure
had flown to Fang Ge In front of you.

There was a muffled sound, and the powerful force of courage spread madly

Fang Ge's steel thorn came in front of him in a moment of urgency, and finally
Sun Yat-Shou's attack was dropped. This blow almost killed Fang Ge's life,
because Sun Sendai was no longer empty-handed, and a brush appeared in her
right hand. The messy murderousness made the tip of the brush stand upright
and sharp like a needle. The steel needle in Fang Ge's hand could easily separate
Sun Yingsheng's night and Kui from the free steel needle. In front of Sun
Sendzhao's writing brush, it seemed that he had lost sharpness.

Fang Ge, who was shocked under his heart, didn't dare to go straight to his
front. After the attack, Fang Ge hurriedly retreated, while looking at Sun
Songzhao to see how she suddenly got back to death. It was no doubt that his
own hit was hit. The short knife was still stuck in Sun Sendzhao's chest at this
time. Is this not an illusion of his own?

"Go in!"

Suddenly he listened to Sun Yuanzhao and drank again, and his figure suddenly
speeded up, rushing towards him.

Fang Ge instantly understood.

This Sun sent a move, actually turned his back on himself, and used his power to
force himself to control his severely inconvenient body.

Chapter 502: Seeing A Thousand Miles in One Hundred Miles

Fang Ge has never underestimated the strength of Sun's move, otherwise, in his
identity as a lack of quality, why would he take the opportunity to sneak
attacks? But he still underestimated Sun's will, and he didn't expect that Sun's
will be under serious injury, and he would use this method to force his own

This move will only worsen her injury. This is a desperate play that has been
determined to give up her life.

With just a short brush, it seemed as if he had great power in Sun Shou's
beckoning hands. With a stroke, Fang Ge only felt that the surrounding air was
being contracted by the sharpness of this blow.

In this blow, the force of the soul shot directly at the tip of the pen. Fang Ge no
longer dared to parry as before, and quickly flashed to avoid.

He saw clearly and flashed accurately. He had already figured it out clearly, and
he would never go to death with desperate Sun Shengzhao. As long as he did
some more delay, he believed Sun Sunzhao could not continue to support him.
Therefore, he didn't mean to counterattack at all, just stared at Sun to send
moves, ready to meet her next attack.

Who thought he thought the attack that had been avoided, even chased up with
his dodge, this time Sun Ge could no longer dodge. The force of the soul sent by
Sun Shuangzhao was like a steel needle, straight into his chest.

Fang Ge flew out.

Too late to dodge, he can only use this way to reduce the damage of this blow as
much as possible. His heart was blank, unable to understand how he would hit
him. This could not be a random control, because he did not perceive that the
strength of Sun's sentiment was adjusted to any extent at that time. Can Sun
Chengzhao be considered his dodge, and the enemy plane first attacked his

Is this too accurate?

Fang Ge, who seemed to be blown away, landed in horror when he landed,
covering his chest and staring at Sun Songzhao. It was still a little bit wrong to
get the bottom of this hit, plus Ge desperately resolved, still failed to stab Fang
Ge's heart.

But the next blow has already come again.

Where should I go this time?

Fang Ge already had a trance in his heart. He was afraid that he would be sent
by Sun once again, and he was afraid that this time his luck would not be as
good as last time. Almost at the last moment when he was about to be hit, Fang
Ge suddenly turned to the right.

call out……

The feeling that the force of the soul penetrated into the body was so clear that
Fang Ge felt like he heard the sound.
how come?

Although this time Fang Ge was lucky to not be hit again, he was terrified before
victory. This time, it was an urgent moment. He didn't even think about it, and
he evaded subconsciously. At this level, can Sun Yuanzhao calculate?

Not allowing him to think about it, Sun sent the writing brush to point out again.
When I draw a stroke, I write not ink, but the force of a scary soul.

This time ...

Fang Ge gritted his teeth and decided to gamble.

He was motionless, motionless. He just stared at Sun Yuanzhao. He didn't

believe his decision to bet on his life.

Fang Ge didn't move with the force of courage.

Closer, still not moving.

Closer ...

Fang Ge panicked. The Sun Sendzhao he saw in his eyes looked so calm, so

Perhaps it should be evaded, the thought flashed from my mind.

No, because of this, it cannot flash!

Fang Ge, unmoved, was not as stable as Mount Tai. In just a moment, he had
already turned around many unknown thoughts, but finally, he survived, he
didn't move, he was still betting on his life, and this time.


There was a trace of surprise in Sun Songzhao's eyes, which did not escape Fang
Ge's attention, which made him feel calm.

He heard Sun Songzhao say.

Then, the power of the soul enters the body.

Hit. Still hit!

Sun Songzhao surprised and praised, but did not affect the final result. This
strike still accurately hit Fang Ge. This moment. Fang Ge felt that he was being
played on the palm of his hand.

He was staggering and could not stand a bit. Three consecutive hits, although
they did not hit the point in the end, but the trauma caused by the other Ge has
not been small, especially the psychological pressure. Fang Ge has despaired of
evading Sun's attack. How to deal with the next blow. He had no idea at all.

As a result, the next blow was delayed.

Sun Shuangzhao stood there, his body staggered, and he seemed to be unable to
stand. But it seemed to be necessary to raise the pen, but the brush in his hand
seemed to be very different, so I couldn't mention it.

A thought suddenly flashed in Fang Ge's heart.


I've always thought it was wrong.

Sun sent recruits is already in such a state, it is absolutely necessary to pursue

the enemy. She can judge Fang Ge's evasion to such a degree, why can't she hit
the point with three attacks? Especially just this third time, Fang Ge didn't move,
and if Sun Songzhao had expected this, it would be impossible for him to miss
the point.

Isn't this attack influenced by Sun's consciousness? So, what determines the
location of this attack?

At this point of thought, Fang Ge's perception immediately went to the three
wounds on his body.



still none……

Three wounds, he found nothing wrong.

No, three wounds? There are three places?

Fang Ge was a little stunned, but Sun Sendao finally raised the brush again.

The force of the soul, shot the pen again!

"Drink!" Fang Ge still did not evade this time, but he used all the power of the
soul to shake from the inside out.

The power of the spirit exploded in all directions, but Fang Ge still didn't feel any
strangeness on his body. Facing the force of the soul from the shooting, he was
really desperate this time. Whoever wanted the force of the soul to be shot was
rushed aside by the force of the soul that he exploded.


Fang Ge was stunned. He didn't think he could restrain Sun's attack by such a
move to release his strength. Was it because Sun's strength was weak?

No, it is not.

Fang Ge looked into the air, and the force of the shot shot passed through, still
as fierce as he was, and did not weaken at all. And in the path that it shot and
rushed through, a piece was floating, but it was not destroyed by this blow.
Fang Ge's eyes fell back to Sun's hand, looking at her brush.

He finally understood.

"I see Qiuhao in a hundred miles. It turned out to mean that." He said.

Seeing Qiuhao within a hundred miles is the name of Sun Shenzhao's magic
weapon. Fang Ge finally understood what was going on in the attack just sent by

The details that floated in the air fell from the pen of Sun Shenzhao's magic
weapon. It was when Sun Sendzhao rushed up to launch his first blow to him
and fell off him.

No matter if you observe carefully or perceive, you can't find every detail in this

However, after this attack by the militia, they will naturally chase this root.

Seeing everything in a hundred miles, so famous!

Chapter 503 Chaos

"You're in luck." Sun Songzhao said.

Fan Ge couldn't refute this.

Seeing what happened in a hundred miles, the attack was decided by that one,
but the master could not control it, and there was considerable uncertainty.
However, the three attacks did not cause decisive damage to Fang Ge, Fang Ge's
luck is really good.

Sun Sendzhao finally reached the limit. Yin turned around and forced to control
the damage caused by the body also began to attack, she bent down painfully.
"It's over here." Fang Ge said with a lingering fear.

Sun Songzhao smiled: "Look behind you."

"Such a naive trick?" Fang Ge smiled even though he couldn't help it. He didn't
look back. The cultivators mostly rely on perception to judge, what is behind
them, and where can they look back?

Who would have heard the sound immediately behind him.

"What's the situation?" Someone said, not just, followed by a hand and patted
him on the shoulder.

This beat was not hard, but it made Fang Ge creepy. If it is not a light beat, but a
knife or something, can I still be alive now?

Unable to think, Fang Ge twisted his body and turned to attack, and the steel
needle in his hand slipped quietly from his sleeve and stabbed.

The movement of the person behind him was also extremely fast, and
immediately jumped back, Fang Ge's thorn fell through.

Fang Ge didn't dare to chase forward because it made him creepy, but he looked
at the person very carefully and recognized Lu Ping.

Lu Ping saw Fang Ge directly, and immediately felt his clothes were familiar. He
did n’t know that this was the famous Yue Yue play suit, so he felt the same as
the guy who blocked him before. Fang Ge was a first-grade student. There are
some other subtle differences between "" and "Two".

"You are that associate?" Lu Ping asked.

Fang Ge was stunned. Lu Ping had to ask the obvious thing, which made him a
little bit unconscious.

Lu Ping has already seen Sun Yingsheng falling to the ground, is it a question of
whether he is an associate. He didn't care much at all, and quickly stepped

Fang Ge has been sternly prepared to meet the enemy, so he is simply ignored
by Lu Ping. The lack of higher quality students has not suffered such treatment.

However, Fang Ge is not a particularly self-respecting person in this regard. He

didn't mind the contempt of others for him at all, as that would only give him
more opportunities.

For example right now.

Seeing Lu Ping passing by without looking at him, Fang Ge did not hesitate.
Three wounds wounded by Sun Sendai affected his movements, but it was
enough to deal with such a little devil, right?

Fang Ge thought so, he did not despise Lu Ping. But after all, Lu Ping will not be
placed at the same height as Sun Jiuzhao's Tianji Feng's first disciple.

As a result, Lu Ping turned around and waved his fist. His movements were
extremely fast and accurate. Fang Ge wanted to hide, but his wounded body was
still a bit sluggish in the end. He was actually hit by Lu Ping's punch and turned

This punch hit a muffled sound. Fang Ge flew out and hung on the mountain

"You will wait." Lu Ping frowned. Then I went to check on Sun Yingsheng's
situation again.

What's the situation?

Fang Ge was somewhat at a loss as he slid slowly down the mountain. It seems
that I was sent off when someone raised my hand? Even with some injuries, but
this kid. It's so strong?

Lu Ping had already lifted Sun Yingsheng at this time, and saw that his chest
clothes had been soaked with blood, and he sniffed his nose, breathing weakly.
"What should I do?" Lu Ping asked, he didn't do anything about it.

"Help him come." Sun Songzhao said, she could not support herself and sat
down on the ground.

Lu Ping quickly helped Sun Yingsheng to Sun Songzhao, who extended his right
hand and reached Sun Yingsheng's wound.

"You go to kill the enemy." She said Luping.

"Huh." Lu Ping nodded, his attention. Finally, Fang Ge is more concentrated.

Fang Ge covered a wound on his body. Previously, a long battle was not good for
Sun's move, now it is his turn. But he couldn't get back easily. Their plan this
time. All pay attention to one hit. If he has already exposed his identity, it must
be completed. The situation here is leaking out. Their overall plan will be

However, at this stage, Fang Ge had to make the worst plan.

The missing assassination, not only sent him to sneak attack, and then saw Lu
Ping also followed, and added a second grade student Cha Mengliang to
intercept such a simple and hasty.

Cha Mengliang was originally a member of the reserve team. Their assassination
was carried out by Fang Ge, but there were also other bureaucratic formations.
It is said that during the Seven Star Examination, a large number of Beidou
College staff are concentrated in Seven Star Valley, but who dares to guarantee
100% that no one will pass by on this mountain road?

These possible accidents are in their response.

So Lu Ping entered the chaos, and they quickly dispatched people to intercept.
Unexpectedly, Cha Mengliang's dream was broken through by Lu Ping so quickly,
and Sun's toughness exceeded Fang Ge's expectations. The attack on the sneak
attack had already hit the point, but Sun Songzhao turned to control himself
with the sound, and he supported it until now, and the Luping guy appeared.

The lack of Vietnam did not want the situation to be so chaotic at all, it was best
to be able to get rid of this apprentice without knowing it. But now that Fang Ge
has been injured, he has to deal with Lu Ping, who is alive and well, and Sun
Yuanzhao who always refuses to fall.

In desperation, Fang Ge can only use the preparatory plan they least want to

He sounded the flying fish whistle unique to the Que Yue College.

The four figures immediately emerged from this mountain and fell towards it.

"Four Nets!" Fang Ge drank.

The more people involved in the battle, the greater the fluctuation of the power
of the courage, and the easier it is for the Beidou Academy to detect this
anomaly. This is why Fang Ge did not want to use too many people to
participate in the battle. But the matter has come to this point, I really can't care
about this much.

The four figures flying out heard the Fang Ge's order, and the air began to form
their forces. But Lu Ping's punches were faster than any of them. He even
punched before Fang Ge issued the "Four Nets" command.

Naruto, hit the sky!

After Fang Ge ordered it, he answered with a scream.

Lu Ping's fist has hit one of them. Si Luo net array, just started, has been broken.
The other three in the air were also in a panic at this time.

Lu Ping shot without stopping, after a punch, the second punch.

For anyone with actual combat experience, Lu Ping's fist has movements, but
there is no sign of the power of the spirit. When he can perceive the fluctuation
of the power of the spirit, it is already his spirit. When the power is completely

Second punch, hit again!

Then the four fell to the ground and separated from the four corners around

Only two of them were standing, while the other two were lying directly on the

Chapter 504 Rolling

This is the manpower arranged by Sunyue College to deal with Sun's

recruitment. ↑,

This is the situation that the lack of Vietnam College arranged to deal with Sun
sent recruits.

Although the four people are only missing the second grade students, but there
is a long-matched Si Luo network array, the first grade students Fang Ge sits, the
second grade students Cha Mengliang's dream mirror interference. This was the
lineup where the lack of vigor of the college positively attacked and confidently
sent Sun to be arrested and killed, and it was the layout that they believed to be

But now, it is not to deal with Sun's move, but Lu Ping, an inexplicable
newcomer. The Si Luo Wang array has not been formed yet, and the two missing
second-rank students have been hit by Lu Ping and fell to the ground, and they
can't get up.

Unable to complete the Si Luo net array, the remaining two missing Yuepinsheng
suddenly a bit at a loss. The four of them have always been advancing and
retreating together, with one glory and one glory, and both losses, and now both
are broken, leaving them insecure. The two who had Luping in the middle
subconsciously leaned towards Fang Ge. And Fang Ge took a step back


Fang Ge was already complaining. He knows well that these four second-grade
students are very different from the four auxiliary nets. Now that the two have
been abolished, the four-stranded nets will certainly not be able to be
completed. It is not only the reduction in the fighting power of these four that is
half the number.

The means used to guarantee the bottom was broken in a blink of an eye, and
relying solely on the remaining two personal strengths, Fang Ge felt no
confidence at all. In this way, he must not seriously consider how to face failure.

It's just that the failure of simple actions is not terrible. What really matters is
the identity and bad intentions they have already exposed during the operation.
These are exposed at this time, and will inevitably affect the overall situation,
and may even lose all.

So Fang Ge discovered. So far their actions have no retreat.

The assassination is not completed here. It may result in full losses.

But the adversary in front of him. I am afraid it is really difficult to do it with the
power of the moment!

Fang Ge has already decided that he is not afraid of life and death, what he is
worried about is the success or failure of the whole plan.

He stepped forward, greeted Lu Ping, and secretly sent a message to the two
second-grade students leaning towards him.

"Go first and ask for help."

He confided to the two quietly and concisely.

Both were shocked.

They have been lurking around here and they know the whole process very well.
Fang Ge was injured in three places by Sun Yuanzhao, and Lu Ping, who was
suddenly rushed to the enemy. They were forced to call them out, but now they
have to fight alone. This is already determined to die.

He will use his life to delay the time, let the two send messages, reorganize his
strength, and complete the killing of the Sun family's younger brother.

"Brother Fang ..." The two hesitated, and at the same time also a little
unbelieving. With the two of them, Brother Fang together. Really can't deal with
the young man in front of you?

"Go!" Fang Ge shouted sharply, but the man rushed forward. The steel needle
sticks out in the hand.

His steel needle is also a piece of magical soldier, named shuitang.

The so-called avoiding water is just an analogy. The real avoidance is not water,
but the power of courage. This is supplemented by Fang Ge's power "Expulsion",
which can form a vacuum area that no force can enter. Before Sun Yingsheng
held the crazy offensive launched by the two great soldiers, under Fang Ge's
"expulsion" to avoid the spunlace, he could only obediently separate a piece of
empty space.

Under his eyes, Ge couldn't see the depth of Lu Ping, and he came up with no
reservations. His shot was his special skill, and he only hated that the two
second-grade students were still not walking fast, and still dragging mud and

"Brother Fang ..." One of the two was still unwilling to move forward, but the
other felt the pain of Fang Ge and reached out to hold him back.

"Hurry up." The two Pinsheng students will leave when they hold their

"Stop both of them!" Although Sun Sendai had been seriously injured, the
situation was clear. Seeing Fang Ge intending to cover these two escapes, he
subconsciously called out. But after he shouted, he regretted that Lu Ping still
had Fang Ge's attack to deal with, and he also wanted him to block the two,
which was too difficult for the strong.

Who knew Luping had heard this, he didn't even hesitate at all, and his fist was
swung directly to the two missing second grade students who were still pulling.

The fist wind rushed out with the spirit of Ming, and the two faces instantly
turned white. They still cherish the determination of Brother Fang, who thought
that there was one who ignored their own safety. The fist came too
unexpectedly and suddenly. The two turned white and opened their mouths,
and the pulling motion also froze. It seemed that they were waiting to die.

"Don't kill yourself!" Sun Shuangzhao saw that Lu Ping really listened to her,
ignoring Fang Ge's attack and attacking the two first, is this not to hurt Fang Ge's
hand? She was so guilty under her heart that she couldn't help shouting again.

Unexpectedly, Fang Ge actually gave up the attack at this time, avoiding the
water spurs into stabs, and quickly cut a note in front of the two second-grade
students. The roaring spirit of Lu Ping rushed here, and suddenly seemed to be
stuck, circling in the space cut out by the water thorn. The two of them woke up
like dreams, and dodged sideways in a panic. Naruto Soul finally passed through
the layer of swamp-like space, but in the end fell empty.

The two second-grade students who are in a stalemate can no longer be pulled,
and they will run away in a panic. Fang Ge was terrified.

He intended to delay the time, so the attack launched against Lu Ping seemed
unreserved, but eight of them all took the defensive position. As a result, Lu
Ping looked through, completely ignoring his attack. Fang Ge's change from
offense to defense is so smooth, but it is also because he is fully prepared for
the change.

As a result, the defensive force did not stop Lu Ping's attack. This ability, which
can bounce off all the power of the soul, and the Divine Soldier, met Luping's
attack, but actually let it slow down.
Although the two second-rank students were saved, Fang Ge could imagine the
despair in his heart at this time.

It was Lu Ping. After the fist was missed, he turned around slowly, looked at Sun
Zhao, and asked, "What the hell is going on?"

"Just do whatever you want." Sun Shuangzhao's severely wounded pale face
actually lifted a bit of blush. It was her who let Lu Ping stop the two, and Lu Ping
went to blame Lu Ping for her death, and it was her who came and went.

"Come on, don't worry." Lu Ping's tone seemed to comfort Sun Sendai, and he
heard him crying and laughing. Is it appropriate to use these words to comfort
these things?

But Lu Ping really came slowly, staring at Fang Ge and questioning seriously:
"What the hell are you?"

This question terrified Sun's move. Co-authored with Lu Ping, can't even
recognize the play clothes of this lack of academy? If he didn't hold on to death,
Lu Ping would survive and fear that he wouldn't be able to explain it. Is this the
lack of education at the College?

When I thought of this, Sun sent recruits to answer quickly: "It is the lack of

"Xueyue College? The Big Four?" Lu Ping wondered.

"Which one can there be." Sun Songzhao said.

"So what is this for?" Lu Ping continued to wonder. "The four colleges are not
good friends?"

"Childish!" Said Sun Songzhao. If it wasn't the right time, she really wanted to
teach this ignorant teenager, and tell him how complicated and sinister the
relationship between the world, the continent, and the academy.
"In that case, I can't let those two run away." Lu Ping said, having quickly taken
out the blower and put it on, and then punched.

The lack of second grade students, the strength is really not bad. Placed at
Beidou College, some Qifengmen people who haven't been introduced for a
long time are far from their opponents. On the Big Dipper list, they can enter the
third lap.

At present, although they are fleeing in a hurry, they are in a subtle way. The
effort of these few words has already gone far, and the eyes will disappear.

Lu Ping didn't punch again until this time.

Fang Ge has no expectations of his own strength, but he still wants to ensure
that the plan is not exposed, and wants to rely on the two to send the news and
make up for it.

So Lu Ping and Sun sent a few words, he would not bother. Lu Ping suddenly
shot, he had to intercept anyway.

His "expulsion" and the protection from the water spear bombs can't break
Luping's attack, but it can slow down so slowly that the two are enough to

But this time, Lu Ping also used the magic soldier.

Fifth-grade top grade, blowing the corner of the camp, no less than Fang Ge's
water-repellent thorn.

So this time, Fang Ge saw Lu Ping's roaring soul pass straight through. His
expulsion and stab avoidance, which can bounce off all forces, seems to have
never existed ...

No, it still existed.

On the trajectory that Naruto passed through, Fang Ge could perceive that the
power of the soul remaining in his power had become debris.
He stopped.

Only his interception was crushed into powder in an instant.

In the end, he is also a realm of four spirits, using a five-level magic soldier, and
playing a five-level ability.

How could the gap be so big? how come?

Fang Ge was very puzzled and puzzled.

Just as puzzled and astonished as he was, and Sun sent a stroke.

For a moment, the eyes of the two met, and there was a sympathetic resonance.

At this time, the two second-grade students who had run out were already hit
by Lu Ping, and they fell down without any sound. Their screams were crushed
by the sound of Luping's blow.

Chapter 505 Send To Your Door

Lu Ping turned back and looked at Fang Ge. Fengyun

"How to deal with him?" He asked Sun to send the move.

"Ah?" Sun Shuang Zhao froze for a moment, but did not recover.

Lu Ping, who can say the "big four are all good friends," such a nonsense, shows
how shallow his knowledge of the world is. But when Sun Songzhao told him
that this kind of thinking was wrong, he immediately quickly realized that the
two lack of quality students could not let go, and his thinking turned fast, but he
was not as stupid as his cognition. .

This is actually a clever kid who does not know anything about the world!
This was the final conclusion Sun Sunzhao made, and then her thoughts came
back to her.

She glanced at Fang Ge. Although he was in despair, Fang Ge's face did not show
any weakness. This lack of quality students who are willing to give their lives to
complete their mission is extremely loyal to the college.

He stared at Lu Ping and Sun Songzhao, and did not flinch. But the brain is still
running at a high speed. At this point, he still hasn't forgotten his mission.

The four second-rank students in the Busiluo Net Array have been abolished, but
there is one more person under his command — Cha Mengliang who was sent to
intercept Luping. Although Luping broke through, he also sent him a message.
Only now, he can't contact Cha Mengliang.

Because there is a grandson sent.

Sun Sun, who has seen through what he wants to do, pays attention to
intercepting the message. The cultivators used abilities to spread the news over
long distances, mostly using the spirit of Ming Ming. Sun Shengzhao happened
to be a master of Ming spirit. These methods failed to hide her. Although the
serious injury is dying at the moment, it is still easy for Sun to send such a thing.
Fang Ge's attainment in this respect is not high, at this time it is impossible to
send a message in front of Sun sent Zhao. So I wanted to send away the two
second-rank students of the Si Luo Net. Now, all he can expect is Cha Mengliang.
He looked at the mountain crossing nervously, hoping that Cha Mengliang would
never appear there.

Sun Songzhao noticed Fang Ge's eyes and immediately thought of Lu Ping's
arrival, he asked Fang Ge a sentence: Which partner are you?

"What about the person you met before?" Sun Songzhao asked Lu Ping quickly.

Lu Ping has some regrets: "I shouldn't let him go if I knew it."

"How are you doing him?" Sun sent to ask.

"It's fine. I feel there is a situation here. After I got out of him, I quickly came
over and ignored him." Lu Ping said.

Sun Songzhao frowned slightly. Fang Ge was ecstatic when he heard it. Cha
Mengliang is fine, that ’s great, then he ... then he ...

Fang Ge thought about it and suddenly realized that it was wrong.

If there is something wrong with Cha Mengliang. Presumably, he would

evacuate because of the injury and contact his family; but he was okay, would
n’t he follow up with him?

Just thinking of this, Lu Ping's keen perception had already reacted.

"Huh. Just talking about him, he's here." Lu Ping said, looking towards the
mountain pass. Cha Mengliang was really rushing there, seeing the two knocked
down second grade students on the ground, his look changed, apparently
already aware of the bad, and looking up again, he heard Fang Gezheng anxious
He shouted at him: "Come and help !!"

Cha Mengliang did not dare to be negligent, and rushed forward. The faster the
result, the more anxious Fang Ge was. He kept urging him. Cha Meng's
conscience was terrified, and he did not know to what extent the situation was
in crisis. It seemed to him that the people there were separated from each
other, they were not fighting, and did not want to be in a life-and-death

For a moment, Cha Mengliang finally rushed to the front, seeing Fang Ge's
desperate anger on the face, very puzzled. He stared at Lu Ping and Sun Sending,
leaning carefully towards Fang Ge, but unexpectedly Fang Ge stepped up.
Shaking his hand was a slap in the face, and he yelled angrily: "Why not listen to
the order!"

Cha Mengliang was stunned by this slap, and even more frightened by Fang Ge's
appearance, he didn't know what to say for a while. I saw Fang Ge continued to
shout hysterically: "I want you to go quickly. Why don't you listen!"
"Aren't you asking me to come and help?" Cha Mengliang stunned and said

"Release, when will I ..." Fang Ge was halfway through, suddenly stunned, and
suddenly turned his head to stare at Sun Songzhao. Sun Songzhao sat down on
the ground and whispered to him, "Sculptures. I laughed."

Fang Ge was awakened, crying without tears. It turned out to be Sun Xiaozhao's
small means of showing off his spirit. He modified the voice he shouted. What
he shouted here was "Don't come here, go fast". What can be heard from Cha
Mengliang, but It's a message like "Come and help" urging him to come.
Modifying the sound in this way is indeed a trick for the sentiment of the soul-
traveling expert Sun Songzhao. Naruto's soul is as sharp as Luping, and you can
easily find the traces of Naruto's modification in the sound. But Fang Ge and Cha
Mengliang, in anxiety, did not notice that they were easily confused by such a
small method.

At this point, the last hope in Fang Ge's heart was shattered. At this time,
besides desperately, he had nothing to count on.

Thinking of this, he calmed down, patted Cha Mengliang, turned his head and
pointed at Lu Ping.

"You and I will take this guy too hard," Fang Ge said.

"Yes." Cha Mengliang nodded, but looking at the four brothers of the second
rank who had fallen down, and Brother Fang's state at this time, they couldn't
afford much confidence, and his voice was a little timid.

Fang Ge saw that Cha Meng's conscience was cowardly, and was about to say
two more words of encouragement, but the boxing style had enveloped him,
and the soul of Ming Ming came to his face, even before he had finished


Fang Ge and Cha Mengliang collided against the mountain wall and made a
muffled noise. It's just that compared to the pain of the impact, the roaming
moment when the naming spirit just invaded their bodies, but they have
instantly cut off their vitality.

"You ... sneak attack." Fang Ge pointed to Lu Ping, full of resentment and

"Huh." Sun Songzhao chuckled lightly. Fang Ge, who was dying, also blushed.
Indeed, where does his position blame Lu Ping?

Lu Ping, however, was not ashamed, watching the two men dying beside the
mountain road slide down from the mountain wall and said, "Are you too

"I ..." Fang Ge was speechless, because Lu Ping was right. The strong enemy is
ahead, but he and Cha Mengliang are still engaged in psychological construction
there. Change ordinary people or give them a chance to say a few words, but Lu
Ping is so simple and straightforward, seeing that he wants to fight, he shoots,
can he say anything?

"Good ... good ..." Seeing that Cha Mengliang had fainted, Fang Ge's heart was
ashamed, and there was only a dead mind at the moment to show that he had
done his best. Anyone who wanted Sun to send a favor and refused to die, said
to Luping: "Catch him."

"Good." Lu Ping didn't ask much and nodded forward.

"Sun sent a move !!" Fang Ge was furious and almost stunned. As a first class
student, he knows a lot about the planning of this operation. Although he has
the strength to withstand death, he has many means for the cultivator, and he is
worthy of learning. He does not doubt that the other party has the means to dig
out his memory directly. Furthermore, it would be unbearable for him to
embarrass and humiliate him as a living witness.

But Sun Songzhao just looked at him calmly, his expression firm and unmoved.
But another voice suddenly sounded at this time.
"Brother Fang, is it too embarrassing to do this?"

Chapter 506 Martial arts master


As soon as he heard the sound, Lu Ping's keen sense of hearing had already
noticed the coming person, and he looked accurately in the direction of
exuberant power.


The moment he sensed the power of the soul, this man had already reached his
side. His speed seemed to be as fast as his voice. When the voice came, he had
arrived. He came with him, and his fist. When Lu Ping turned his head, the fist
had suddenly enlarged in his sight.

"Beware!" Sun Songzhao shouted, but everything was too late. With a loud
bang, the force of the soul lifted the dust upright on the ground, and Lu Ping had
already flew out-he was directly blown out of the mountain road by this punch.

The comer is not tall, casually dressed, or can be said to be a little ragged, and a
pair of muddy, broken grass shoes are stepped on the shoes. But he was wearing
a brand new black belt around his waist. Under the awe of this punch, the tail
fluttered lightly.

Looking at the belt, Sun sent a more serious look.

She didn't know the man, but she always recognized the belt.

It is like the seven-star academy emblem of the Seven-Star Academy, the digital
armband of the Miss Yue Academy, and the seven-color belt.

Among them, the white is the lightest, and the symbolic identity is the most
¤↘dǐng¤↘diǎn¤↘ 小 ¤↘ said that .2︽ 3. The darkest color represents the
highest identity after Xuanwu Qisu. As for Qisu, the only seven colorful belts
worn are rumored to be the magic soldiers passed down from generation to
generation of Xuanwu Academy.

The person in front of him, with a black belt, was the Xuanwu dǐng sharp-doored
person second only to Qisu. In the absence of Yue this is Yipinsheng. At Beidou
College, he was a second-rounder.

so. Does Xuanwu Academy participate?

Sun sent a heavy face. It is precisely because of the thought of this diǎn. Acting
secretly and chaotically, not only lack the Yue College, but also the Xuanwu
College? Thinking about it like this, maybe there is Nantian College? The three
colleges join forces to target Beidou?

This is undoubtedly a big crisis.

The history of the four colleges is not without battles, even in the early days of
the struggle to survive. But with the stability of the situation on the mainland,
the four colleges have entered a long period of harmony. Since the birth of the
Continental Academy list, the four colleges have become the four supreme
beings that surpassed the list. As an example of world colleges, even small
frictions have been rare since then, and competition between them seems to be

But this situation is quietly changing.

The outsiders may not know it, but as the first apprentice of Seven Peaks, the
core gatekeeper of Beidou College, Sun Songzhao is very aware of this diǎn.

But the three colleges suddenly joined hands and took advantage of this seven-
star attempt to use this tough method against Beidou College, but it was
unexpected. She believed that no one from the top and bottom of the college
would expect this diǎn.

There is an urgent need to send the information out. No longer Fang Ge, but her.

But under serious injury. The body is already difficult to support. It ’s okay to use
this small method to sing the vibes of Naruto. If you want to send the message
from a long distance, Rao is the master of the Sun, and the masters of Naruto
cannot do it right now. Lu Ping, who could have relied on it, was blown away
again, and his life and death were unknown. The situation can be said to have
turned sharply in an instant, and Sun sent a little flustered.

The coming person was not panicking, looking at Sun's appearance, showing a
faint smile, and turned to look at Fang Ge: "Brother Fang, it was so embarrassing
to be so confused by a newcomer, it shouldn't be!"

"Lou Tong, you have less nonsense." Although Fang Ge whispered poorly, his
tone was obviously a lot easier. Obviously, after seeing the reinforcement, his
heart was always happy, even if he was seen by others. Disgraceful scene.

"You are Loutong." Sun Shuangzhao didn't know who was coming, but no
matter whether he was from the Beidou Second Circle, or the lack of Yipinsheng
and Xuanwu black belt disciples, to this extent, as long as he didn't deliberately
avoid the world, he always had a reputation on the mainland. Lou Tong, as a
disciple of Xuanwu Weisu, did not know Sun Sendzhao, but had heard of it. This
black belt disciple inherited the glorious tradition of Xuanwu Academy and
mastered martial arts. And the master of martial arts in terms of strength and
spirit is beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators. Just as Lou Tong had just
followed the speed, Sun Sendzhao did not perceive any power at work, it was
just the full use of the spirit of power under the perception mirror level. The
punch that followed was also a complex change without force of the soul, but
combining the martial arts released the destructive force of the force of the soul
to the extreme.

This is the master of martial arts, the king of actual combat among the
cultivators, and it is not impossible for them to kill the enemy across the realm.
What's more, the black belt disciples of Xuanwu College are all in a state of four
spirits. For such an opponent, Sun Sendzhao feels more difficult than Fang Ge
without being injured.

"Yes. I am." Lou Tong made a diǎn head to Sun Send.

"Then let me take the first level of Senior Sister Sun. Brother Fang, do you
mind?" Lou Tong said, looking at Fang Ge again.

"Fast action, less nonsense." Fang Ge said, gazing involuntarily towards Luping
flying out of the mountain road. Lu Ping, who easily packed all six of them
missing, was solved by Lou Tong with a punch? This made Fang Ge really diner.

"Okay. Then Senior Sister Sun, I'm offended." Lou Tong said, turning to Sun
Shouzhao, raising his right hand, and he was about to swing it when he saw it
with his knife. The Naiming Soul, several of them who were not very familiar
with it, suddenly rushed from the mountain road.

"Good boy!" Lou Tong's pupils shrank and quickly stepped back, a ripple in the
air flew past him.

"It recovers quickly." Lou Tong looked at Lu Ping and praised.

"Why should I recover?" Lu Ping was at a loss, followed by another punch.

Lou Tong avoided sideways and moved very quickly. Unlike ordinary cultivators
who rely on abilities to drive their bodies, every muscle and bone above and
below his body is devoted to the spirit of strength. Any tiny movement is
extremely coordinated and efficient, full of power and speed.

Flashing Luping's punch is also a step toward Luping. Lu Ping went out again, he
took another step, and then approached. As the distance drew closer, the threat
increased, and the pace of his steps also changed. He kept adjusting his pace
according to Luping's punches, and there was no trace of waste and waste from
beginning to end.

"Your lack of diǎn, but I am very clear." Lou Tong smiled. After flashing Luping six
punches in succession, the distance between him and Luping has been
shortened to only one-third, but his face is only relaxed.

"Aren't you going to use your magic soldier? There is no way to knock me down
with such a fist." Lou Tong continued.

"I'm not in a hurry." Lu Ping answered very honestly.

He does not understand martial arts, that is because he has no time and no
opportunity to learn, which does not mean that he will only blindly punch.

He knew Lou Tong was not easy, and he already knew the punch he took from
the top.

That punch, he heard the perception quite clearly, he thought he could flash.

But in the end he didn't. Because the opponent has a change with his dodge
action, when he wants to change with it, it is too late.

Lost fist.

Lou Tong's boxing is famous and has rules. This is a set of boxing techniques that
he is proficient in, but it is not a fist that Lu Ping can flex.

Lu Ping didn't know so much, he just clearly sensed the changes.

Last time, I did not dodge, because I don't know that there will be this change.

What if it comes again?

Lu Ping, who flew out of the mountain road, hurried back to the subject while
thinking about and practiced for a while. This was the only way to go upstairs.

"Three steps!" Lou Tong raised three fingers in his left hand and pointed at
Luping with his right hand.

"Within three steps, if you can't hit me, I will take your first rank." Lou Tong said.

Chapter 507 Lu Ping's martial arts changes

"Oh." Facing Lou Tong's arrogant declaration, Lu Ping's response was very simple
and plain.
Sun Songzhao and Fang Ge have different positions. They are very anxious about
the situation at hand, but they can only watch. However, they can't help
laughing when they see Luping's reaction.

Lou Tong was also laughing, sneering.

He is a warrior and has challenged many opponents. He has experienced much

more fighting battles than many cultivators.

He defeated many people and killed many people, but this did not make him
ignore his opponents and life.

He always respects his opponent very much. It is a way of respect for him to
spare no effort to defeat his opponent. He will not be appeased because of the
gap in identity or strength between his opponent and himself. If he is an
opponent, he will put it on an equal footing with himself.

He values his opponents, respects them, and naturally hopes that he will be
treated like this.

But Lu Ping seemed a bit ridiculous to him.

He said that three steps to take Luping the first level, never exaggerated, he can
not disdain the psychological warfare in those words.

He would say this because he was willing to give Lu Ping some reminders. Let
Luping seize the opportunity and focus. This young master who does not
understand martial arts but is very powerful, Lou Tong does not want to be very
scribbled down, wants to give the other side a little decent.

But Lu Ping did not appreciate it. With a simple "Oh", the reminder to Lou Tong
seemed very disappointed.

So Lou Tong didn't want to say anything. The arrogant boy, the two hands he
had taught were innumerable. Many of them had given their lives for this, but
there was only one more.
Then he no longer hesitated, and no longer waited for Lu Ping to punch his fist,
and struck straight.

Three steps means that when Lu Ping attacks one after another, he is confident
that he can rush to the road level in three steps.

But if there are no obstacles, this distance. For Lou Tong, it is only one step

One step, take Luping first level!

Lou Tong's hand knife was already on, and he watched Lu Ping's movements
closely. No matter how Luping punches, he can confidently flash. Confidence
does not affect your moves.

But Lu Ping did not punch, Lu Ping strode forward.

Seeing that the distance was shrinking, it was becoming more and more
unfavorable to him. He actually stepped forward and stepped forward, and he
took the initiative to welcome Lou Tong.

What do you want to do?

Although Luping felt a little arrogant, Lou Tong still did not despise Luping. He
stared closely at Lu Ping's movements. Waving his hand knife.

Luping punches.

That's it?

Lou Tong laughed dumbly.

Get closer, and then punch, then it's easier to hit?

This young man's thoughts are really a little bit martial, naive and ridiculous.
For a martial arts master, close combat is the best. Close-up to avoid attacks,
there are more methods and moves than long-range avoidance.

Poor teenager.

A touch of sympathy flashed in Lou Tong's eyes. He gently and skillfully avoided
his fist, and his hand knife chopped towards Luping's neck without hesitation.

"First-level me ..." Lou Tong sipped sharply. As a result, only three words were
drunk, and I was busy swallowing back the words.

He found that Lu Ping's punch did not break out, but changed. A change that he
is very familiar with, a change that belongs to the Zongquan boxing.

Compared to his display, this change is very stiff and very unskilled.

But it is fast, really fast, far faster than Loutong can do. And their martial arts
masters should master the use of this kind of detail to the peak, and Lu Ping
should be a teenager who does not understand martial arts.

As a result, he just exhibited a faster change than Loutong.

How can it be!

Lou Tong was surprised, but his hand knife could not be cut off. Luping's punch
will hit him faster than his hand knife.

However, Lou Tong was just surprised that Lu Ping was able to exhibit this
change, and he was very familiar with this change. He has at least seven
countermeasures. One side was shocked at the moment, but the operation was
not sluggish. With a slight side of the body, the hand knife will be cut into sultry,
and the change in one go will be seen on sight, but Lu Ping has changed again.

The change is a change, but it is still the same change. Lou Tong is very familiar
with it. The change that was applied to Lu Ping as soon as he came up was once
again exhibited by Lu Ping. It was still blunt and stagnant, but soon, it was
almost in front of the changes that Lou Tong was about to implement. His one-
stop change was stuck and could not be continued.

Did this guy see through my changes?

Lou Tong was shocked again.

Obviously a young man who does not understand martial arts, how could he see
through the subtle changes in his boxing skills. If it is said that it has not been
seen through, it is clear that it has been restrained by the opponent's first-come-
first-served basis.

Lou Tongxin's thoughts turned fast and his movements were fast. The last
change was restrained by Lupin, and he changed again.

As a result, the change was just a hand raise, Lu Ping changed again, jerky, but
changed faster, and once again blocked the changes in Loutong when he started.

"How is it possible!" Lou Tong was crazy. Even though he had thousands of
coping methods in his chest, it was too late. With three blunt changes, Lu Ping's
fist broke through Lou Tong's response and hit his chest. The unbelievable power
of the soul burst out instantly. Mainly based on the strength of the power, the
other seven, seven, and eight powers are also mixed. This is clearly a
manifestation of the lack of control of the power of the power. The pressure
contained in the power is so huge that it is only seen in Lou Tong's life.

In the crazy roar, Lou Tong spouted blood madly and flew out. Like Fang Ge and
Cha Mengliang, who had been blasted by Lu Ping before, he hung on the
mountain wall, but this punch was obvious from the pure force road.
Unprecedentedly, Lou Tong collided with the mountain wall and the rocks were
flying, the whole person was embedded in the mountain wall.

A punch is still just a punch.

Up to now, no matter what opponent, no matter what the origin, here in Luping,
is just a punch.

Lou Tong was mad, Fang Ge was stunned, and Sun Sendai was also unbelievable.
For a martial arts master like Lou Tong, if someone can beat him, Sun sends a
letter, but if he wants to say a punch, he will be defeated, unless it has the
power of a crushing class. Five souls through to four souls through this kind of
crushing level, this Luping will not have such exaggerated strength, right?

A mountain stone popped out of the mountain wall embedded in Loutong, and
the bone rolled down the mountain wall. Everyone's eyes turned from Luping to
the mountain wall.

Lou Tong walked out of the mountain wall, the mad look on his face had been
erased, and he was condescending, but he looked at Lu Ping seriously.

His clothes were intact, and there was no obvious injury on his body, but the
black belt of the Xuanwu Academy identity that was originally attached to his
waist was missing. It was in Lou Tong's right palm, with a short piece of black
cloth, which he carefully put into his pocket.

Seeing the disappeared black belt, Sun Songzhao remembered a legend.

The colorful belts worn by the Seventh Sovereign of Xuanwu Academy are the
magic soldiers passed down from generation to generation.

The belts worn by other disciples are also extraordinary.

It is a life-saving magical soldier with the effect of absorbing the power of the
soul, the color goes from light to dark, and the effect is getting stronger and

Lou Tong took Lu Ping's punch, it seems that the problem is not there, but the
belt is gone ... (

Chapter 508 The Strongest Punch

"Beware. ↗ Search for" rotten book handles "and see new chapters of
drunkenness," said Sun Shengzhao Shen Sheng. Although she is in a bad
situation, her basic perception skills are still there. It can be clearly noticed that
Lou Tong's power is different from before, and the pressure suddenly becomes
more powerful and aggressive.

"The role of the belt is not only to absorb the damage of the power of the soul,
but also to absorb and suppress the power of the soul." Sun sent Zhao realized

"Good." Lou Tong standing in the mountain wall said in a cold voice, stepped
out, it seemed to step into the sky, but the person did not fall straight down
with this foot, but stepped out dozens in one step Mi, when he stepped on the
ground, he had reached the road level.

Lou Tong punched, as if slamming a whip, there was such a loud bang when he
punched. With this sound, the force of courage erupted instantaneously, and a
vacuum was squeezed out by the air. Lu Ping had no response and was already
flying in this roar. Instead of being blasted out of the mountain road, it was also
blasted towards the mountain wall and rammed towards the hole that Lou Tong
had just stepped out of. In the loud noise, the man was deeply trapped in it, and
he couldn't even see the slightest figure.

Fist for teeth, but Lou Tong's punch is even more fierce and fierce. Sun's guess is
not wrong. The belt of Xuanwu Academy is capable of absorbing the power of
soul. And this absorption is not only a defense against damage, but also a
suppression of the wearer's power. The doormen of Xuanwu Academy practiced
under this kind of repression. When the belt was released and the repression
was liberated, the fully released force was equivalent to being strengthened.

It's just that Lou Tong's belt was not taken off by himself, but was destroyed by
Lu Ping. The belt saved his life, so it's not an exaggeration. And he can destroy
the black belt in a single blow, and Lou Tong dares to underestimate Lu Ping.
This shot was the limit for his courage to be fully released. This is the full
strength he has never released since he entered the Xuanwu Academy and wore
a seven belt. It is the strongest punch he has ever played.

Lou Tong was confident of this punch, but he still stared at the mountain wall
where Lu Ping was bombarded for a while.

There is no movement. Lou Tong turned around and moved to Sun Send again.
When his hand knife was about to be swung again, suddenly there was a
powerful force behind him.

The power of courage is only instantaneous. Lou Tong hastened to turn around
and saw that a few cracks had emerged by the hole on the mountain wall. The
hole seemed to be slightly larger than before.

Then he saw Lu Ping walked to the edge of the hole, his clothes were hung
badly. There was blood on his body, his expression was embarrassed, and his
tone was awkward.

"It was stuck." Lu Ping said.


Unleash your full strength, the strongest punch to date, the result is just stuck?

Lou Tong looked at Lu Ping in disbelief. Lu Ping had jumped from the mountain
wall and landed firmly on the ground.

That punch is very powerful. The moment Lu Ping was hit was injured, but when
the lock was quickly opened, the power was immediately blocked. Xuanwu
Academy's seven belts suppress the power of soul. After all, it can't be
compared with the absolute imprisonment of the lock soul to the force of the
soul. The power of this punch can not be compared with the strength of the six
souls. When locked in by the lock, and mixed with the power of the body in Lu
Ping, it immediately looked small and unbearable.

Where can Lou Tong think so much? Seeing that his strongest punch was hit
accurately, he was even digested by Lu Ping, and he couldn't think of any
explanation other than crushing.

The martial arts master has never been able to defeat the strong, but this
crushing is really terrible. He punched himself with all his strength, and it
seemed like a little bruise. What good would it be if he had a clever martial art?
The strength of his own courage is simply not enough to cause effective damage
to the other party.

In Lou Tong's eyes. For the first time there was fear.

This is an opponent he can't beat at all. Lu Ping's strength is beyond his


"What the hell are you," Lou Tong said, starting to push back uncontrollably. The
afterglow in the corner of the eye looked left and right.

Sun sent strokes? Sun Yingsheng? Hostage taking?

Lou Tong was thinking, not how to fight, but how to get away.

"My name is Lu Ping." Lu Ping said.

At the moment of opening, Lou Tong's figure had already flew back and went
back. He did not hijack Sun to send strokes, nor did he go to catch Sun
Yingsheng. He had the power to hijack the hostage and Lu Ping. It is better to
use it to escape. This was his decision after thinking. For Lu Ping, he had no
courage to contend.

Just like the arrow from the string, Lou Tong's figure flew out of the mountain
road in an instant, and fell down. From beginning to end, he watched Lu Ping
very nervously, but Lu Ping just drove a few steps forward. After all, he failed to
catch up with the movement of Lou Tong. When he reached the side of the
mountain road, he saw that Lou Tong had already fallen to the mountain At the
end, escape at high speed.

Lu Ping glanced back and looked back.

"Why don't you stop him?" Sun Songzhao asked.

"I didn't know how to deal with him." Lu Ping said.

"Ah?" Sun Songzhao was surprised by this answer.

"His boxing skills are very clever." Lu Ping said.

"But he doesn't seem to be able to hurt you." Sun Shuangzhao looked at Lu Ping
and confirmed that there was really no serious injury to him.

"I didn't figure out how to restrain him." Lu Ping said.

"What are you ... who is it?" Sun sent out the same doubts as Lou Tong. Lu Ping
seems to have super strength and is incredibly strong. But there is such a strong,
and it can not be controlled, is it funny?

In this way, he is not yet able to use the power he has?

In this case ...

"The day wakes up?" Sun sent the move blurted out.

The awakening is a legend, but this kind of inherent existence that penetrates
the realm can explain the phenomenon that has power but will not be used.

"It seems so." Lu Ping said.

Sun Songzhao took a deep breath, and the legendary Sky Awakener actually

On the other hand, Fang Ge is still not dead yet, and it is stunned to hear the
identity of Lu Pingtian who is awake. Although it is difficult to believe, but such a
teenager has such strength, the awake person is indeed an excellent
explanation. Otherwise, even the awakened cannot grow so fast.

I have to send this information to myself!

Fang Ge's thoughts were extremely fast, and it was just that Sun Sendzhao was
dazed and lost his mind. Fang Ge was mediocre in this respect, but at the
moment he was fighting for his life, ignited a force of courage, and was very
hard to break the blockade.

As soon as this mighty force gathered, Sun sent a move to immediately notice
that she had to hurry, but she was limited by the serious injury and she was a
little stunned. Suddenly, Fang Ge's message wrapped in the force of courage
finally rushed out.

"Will it stop?" Sun Send asked Lu Ping. She saw that Lu Ping obviously also
noticed the message sent.

"Try it." Lu Ping said, punching.

It is his usual method, Ming Zhi's fist, which he named "Chuan Po".

Naim's spirit chased the force of the spirit sent by the upper Ge, and instantly
transmitted it. In the sense of Fang Ge's staring eyes, his strength of the spirit
was destroyed and shattered.

"Is it possible?" Lu Ping sent to Sun to confirm.

"Yes ..." Sun Sendzhao deserved a little reluctantly. This is not a means in her
cognition, but she finally achieved her goal.

"Then use your brutal method to send a message to the Qixing Tower over
there," said Sun Songzhao.

"What news?" Lu Ping asked.

"What news would you pass, punching a punch in there with all their strength,
they will realize that there is a situation here."

"That's easy." Lu Ping nodded and wanted to punch.

As a result, someone appeared again.

First, Miss Yue College, then Xuanwu College, this time?

Sun sent a glance.

There is really no suspense. Are the people of Nantian College going to shoot?

This time, the three colleges really joined forces.

"Quick shot." Sun sent a move to urge, Lu Ping wanted to throw a fist, but a very
fast figure came to him in a flash, blocking his punch.

Lu Ping felt familiar with this light figure.

Xuanjun Qin family, streamers flying.

I can only go home tomorrow. The various patterns of the crushed laptop display
really challenge my obsessive-compulsive disorder!

Chapter 509 Meteor Shower

Chapter 509 Meteor Shower

"It's you." Lu Ping recognized the coming person.

Qin Yue. The sons and daughters of the Xuanjun Empire Qin and the proud
students of Donglinmen of Nantian College. Every part of Qin Yue's identity is
quite remarkable. But Lu Ping didn't know so much. He just saw it in Yao
Guangfeng and heard Qin Sang calling him his elder brother. He didn't even
know the name "Qin Yue".

"Qin Yue." Sun Shengzhao called out the name of the person accurately.

"Sister Sun Xiaoming. Long time no see." Qin Yue smiled and sent an invitation
to Sun. Both the Qin family and the Sun family were well-known ancestors on
this continent. Although they did not belong to the same empire, there were
always a few simple contacts. Qin Yue used Sun Yat-sen's familial designation,
because they had been seen in family relations since they were very young. But
it is impossible to talk about friendship.
"What should I call you?" Sun Songzhao asked Qin Yue. Addressing is not just a
matter of identity, but sometimes a position. Nantian College? Or the Xuanjun
Empire? Or that these two positions are actually the same?

Qin Yue didn't answer this question, just smiled. Lu Ping didn't talk so much, and
then shot, punching. Only the light and shadow flashed again, and this punch
was once again blocked by Qin Yue.

"It's really dangerous." Qin Yue sighed.

"If it weren't for seeing your sword that day, I would definitely underestimate
your strength like these people." Qin Yue said, looking at the few people who
had fallen all over the ground and Fang Ge who had lost his fighting spirit.
Suddenly shook his head again: "You can't blame them either, because your
strength is not logical at all."

"However, this is the end."

Even if it is old with Sun Yuanzhao, the purpose of Qin Yue's appearance here is
no different from that of Fang Ge and Lou Tong. After saying this, his whole body
of energy immediately flowed at high speed. He doesn't have a sword in his
hand, but his whole person is like a sword, and he will stab sharply at the sight.

Luping punches.

Ignore who the other party is.

Ignore what the other party said.

Ignored the opponent's fist twice.

Lu Ping is still just punching, which has been seen by experts, there is no martial
arts moves, simple straight punches. Then with the action of punching, Naruto's
force roared into the empty space where the Ecstasy was thrown out.

"Come back!" Qin Yue shouted, the figure like Jianguang flashed, Lu Ping's fist
was swung elsewhere, and the gathered courage was also disordered by the
impact, and finally failed to drill into the air . Qin Yue didn't just open Luping's
fist this time, but waved his hand and put it on Luping's chest. It looks like a
palm, and the force of the shot is as sharp as a knife. With a clear and clear air,
Lu Ping's people only flew out afterwards and hit the mountain wall.

No whole person hit a cave like a punch in Lou Tong, but Lu Ping suffered more
trauma than that punch. A sip of blood was already spurting when he hit the
mountain wall.

too fast!

The streamer flew, allowing the Qin family to stand for thousands of years
without blood. Speed is the only pursuit of this power.

Although Lu Ping's speed is also extremely fast, it is so fast that it can throw
away the ecstasy, but it is still too difficult to accurately capture the rhythm of
the streamer. So Qin Yue ’s palm, although he tried to use the Ecstasy Lock Soul
to imprison, but the power of the Streamer Flying Soul was too fast. The timing
of the opening of the gap of the Ecstasy Locking Soul was not completely
accurate. Lu Ping completed the injury.

Even so, it has surprised Qin Daida. But he was already inaccurate and talkative.
He didn't wait for Lu Ping to fall completely and waved his hand freely.

A ray of light flew straight toward Lu Ping. On Lu Ping's side, a soul of Ming, but
also through the air, rushed towards Qin Yue.

As early as when he hit the mountain wall, Lu Ping was already punching again.

After being restrained by Qin Yue one after another, he was not discouraged at
all. He spit blood and punched at the same time, straight and simple.

This time, the power of the soul was not interrupted, and the soul of Ming
rushed out, hitting the light that Qin Yue waved.

The extremely fast forces of the two sides collided, but there was no sound, and
there was no pause. The light that Qin Yue hacked freely still rushed forward,
but for a moment it was like a crescent moon in the lake was hit by a stone, and
it suddenly shattered. But through the air, the ripples rushing towards Qin Yue
are still there.

Qin Yue hurriedly dodged, swept away like a light. The ripples hit the ground, a
crack spread apart, and the ground was shaking.

Qin Yue escaped and did not stand firm, a new punch came again. Lu Ping seems
to be easy to get free, very cherishable, completely disregarding that he just
vomited blood or was falling from the air, but just punched one after another.
There are several ripples, and there is almost no succession. From the falling
Luping to Qin Yue, it seems like a meteor shower.

Now Qin Yue couldn't calm down.

At present, Lu Ping, but wearing the fifth-level magic soldier of the Horn Blowing
Battalion. Who can withstand the madness of such a rhythm under the
strengthening of the fifth-level god soldier? In this way, the force of the soul will
be hollowed out instantly, and the wound will be hurt by the anti-bite of the
Divine Soldier. It is the truth that those with low realm can't control the high-
level magic soldiers. The power of your soul is simply not large enough for the
high-level magic soldiers to strengthen!

In this way, Lu Ping wouldn't have to take a shot at all, and Lu Ping would not be
able to support the serious injury and fall down.

Qin Yue thinks so, of course, he has no chance to shoot. The soul of the meteor
shower falling generally, it was too late for him to concentrate on dodge.

So I saw a figure like light, shuttled through the falling ripples of Naruto. The
ripples continued to hit the ground, the earth continued to tremble, cracked and
cracked again and again, suddenly a loud noise, the whole land sank down, this
corner of the mountain road was finally punched by Luping Stomped.

Qin Yue was finally dumbfounded.

Not because of the power of Lu Ping's fist, but because, at this point, Lu Ping's
fist still continues. On the basis of what he thought would have caused Lu Ping
to be seriously wounded by the Divine Soldiers, Ming Soul still fell like a meteor
shower. From the time Lu Ping was hit on the mountain wall to the time he fell
back to the ground, his fists never stopped. How many punches he made was

Rumble ...

The corner of the mountain road collapsed and slumped down. However, Ming
Zhiling still fell on this piece like a meteor shower, making it fall apart even
more, making Qin Yue more and more embarrassed, and finally, along with the
corner of this mountain road, the Meiling Meteor Shower was thrown down the
mountain road together.


Lu Ping also fell to the ground at this time, and he was tired in his expression.
Qin Yue thought that the magic soldier's counterattack was justified. He just
didn't know that Lu Ping's realm had reached six spirits. Controlling level 5
magic soldiers is like playing. But even so, this continuous drive also made him
exhausted. After all, Lu Ping's daring power was not like the ordinary people
who slammed Fang Qi.

"Hurry up," Sun sent Zhao Zhaoping yelling. Although Qin Yue was blasted down
the mountain, but seeing his body style and avoiding the attack of Ming Soul is
not a big problem, it is estimated that he will kill it back without a meeting. Lu
Ping's current situation is afraid of being unable to fight again.

As a result, Lu Ping shook his head, climbed up from the ground, and rushed
over. He first picked up Sun Yingsheng, and then came over to raise Sun's move.

Dangtang Tianjifeng, the first apprentice, just like someone carrying cabbage in
his hand?

Sun sent a little embarrassment under his heart, but he knew that he didn't care
so much now. Lu Ping's attitude was firm, and she didn't persuade much.
"Up the mountain," she said.

There may be another supporter under the Yamashita, and Sun Sendzhao dared
not take the risk. Walking up the mountain is the only option.

Chapter 510 Who is not afraid?

Lu Ping held Sun Yingsheng in one hand, Sun Sun in one hand, and ran toward
the top of Tianji along the mountain road.

Sun sent a serious injury, but he was always conscious, but Sun Yingsheng, after
being knocked down by Fang Ge, had been unconscious. This made Lu Ping a
little worried.

"How is he?" Lu Ping asked while running.

"The injury is not a big deal. I care more about what he had eaten before." Sun
Songzhao, who was embarrassed by Lu Ping in his hand, heard Lu Ping ask Sun
Yingsheng, and his face was worried.

"What to eat?" Lu Ping was stunned. "Brother Yan Ge seems to have given him a
small medicine bottle."

"Yan Ge?" Sun Shengzhao frowned. Yan Ge is quite popular in Beidou College,
but as an exiled second prince, is his heart really as indifferent as he behaved?
Although there are no clues, Sun sent a trick to easily suspect.

Three colleges, plus the second prince of Qingfeng? How much power does this
want to disadvantage Beidou Academy?

I hope that Lu Ping's violent bombardment like a meteor shower will fluctuate
more quickly to arouse the vigilance of the college. On his own side, I need to
find a way to send more accurate news.

Sun's thoughts quickly returned to the crisis facing Beidou University. From the
moment she became the first apprentice of Tianji Peak at Beidou College, she
has been trying to tell herself that from now on, the college is more important
to her. Even the family and blood relatives can no longer occupy a more
important position in her heart. She must devote her wholehearted devotion to
the college, so that she will not lose the responsibilities of the college and the
teacher's cultivation of her and the appointment of the first apprentice.

"As soon as possible." Sun sent Zhao said.

At the foot of Tianji Peak.

The rock that collapsed after being hit by Luping has been rolling to this point,
accumulating at the foot of the mountain, and the dust is continuously rolling
upwards from here, and the valley is still echoing with a rumbling sound.

A ray of light suddenly bloomed from the pile of rocks. Several rocks shattered
into fans in the light, and the light gathered into a figure and stood on the pile of
stones. Looking up.

The shock in Qin Yue's heart has not been erased until this time. Thinking back
to the meteor shower that Fang Cai's soaring soul dripped down. He was

Lu Ping just couldn't use martial arts, so he didn't see any rules for such a dense
and powerful offensive. If you control such a wave of attacks by yourself, let
alone one Qin Yue, there are three Qin Yues, and I am afraid to be buried under
the rock.

Underestimating Lu Ping, it turns out that Fang Ge and Loutong are not the only
ones. And myself. The distinguished gatekeepers of the three colleges were all
killed by the newcomer of Beidou College.

But that guy should be the end of the crossbow?

Qin Yue thought this way, but this time, he couldn't be more sure. According to
his logic, Lu Ping should have been seriously wounded by the Divine Soldiers
long ago, but it is clear that Lu Ping jumped out of their logical existence.
Moreover, these moments of movement, I am afraid that the Beidou University
will be alerted, next. I am afraid that there will be some variables, right?

Qin Yue, standing on the rock pile at the foot of the mountain, hesitated in his
heart until a voice suddenly sounded.

"What are you dazed about. Are you still chasing?"

"Who is it?" Qin Dajie was shocked. He heard a woman's voice, which was so
close to him, but he didn't even notice the existence of the other party. He
hurriedly turned his head to follow the sound, but what he saw was only a gray
cloak, which would be completely covered in the future, including the eyebrows,
and there was no point.

Qin Yue was alert, and the power of the soul had secretly concentrated to the
right. The streamer flew, right in his hand.

"Not your enemy. At least not now." The girl hiding under the cloak answered

It is just such a sentence, it is obviously impossible to dispel Qin Yue's doubts.

He was still guarding carefully.

"I have erased the movements here. If you want to chase it, hurry up." The girl
said again, and suddenly she shook her head, and the cloak covered her again,
and her entire person disappeared out of thin air.

"This is ..." Qin Yue was startled.

With a big family background, he is also a gatekeeper of Nantian University. Qin

Yue's knowledge is far higher than many people's. Seeing that the girl
disappeared in front of her eyes under the cloak, she immediately thought of a

"Yun Shen doesn't know where?" Qin Yue said a poem, and this poem is a
naming of a magical soldier.
Yun Shen doesn't know where it is. You can put the cultivator's form and soul
into the secret magic soldier. Is the gray cloak that looks inconspicuous, is this
magic soldier?

Qin Yue stared blankly at the place where the other party disappeared,
exhausted what he could do, and found no trace.

At this point, he was relieved. The other party has such a means that if he wants
to do harm to him, he can approach him without knowing it. No matter how fast
the streamer is flying, it will be unprepared for such an attack. However, the
other party did not, at least it means that the other party is not malicious at
least, at least on the surface.

What's more, people have straightforwardly said that the enemy is not.

It does n’t mean now. Will it probably be in the future? If the other party knows
his identity, he will probably be the enemy in the future. Who will it be?

Qin Yue jumped back to the mountain road while guessing the other party's
origin from the traces of the other party's words. As for Yun Shen's ignorance,
this legendary soldier has long been known, but he never knows where to go,
and can't be the basis of identity.

Qin Yue quickly returned to the mountain road, flew up along the road, and
soon met Fang Ge on the roadside.

"What about them?" Qin Yue asked.

Fang Ge pointed at the top of the mountain road.

"How are you?" Qin Yue frowned.

"No problem." Fang Ge shook his head. His body is fine, but the shock in his
heart is too great. He was here to watch Lu Ping show his strength from
beginning to end. Although there is a great lack of skills, but the invincible
strength has left a huge shadow area to his heart.
And he has always been here, even hearing Lu Ping's conversation with Sun

That guy is a wake-up caller! The legendary sky-wake.

Fang Ge is not ready to share this information with Qin Yue. Although the
purpose is the same, they all belong to each other.

"If you can move, find a way to ask for help." Qin Yue said.

"Oh, you also know that you are afraid?" Fang Ge seemed to smile. When Qin
Yue arrived, how excited was he that everyone underestimated Lu Ping, and he
looked like Zhizhu was holding it, the result? Have you been beaten up?

Qin Yue heard him say this, his feet also paused, looking at the winding
mountain road and breathing a sigh of relief.

"Who wouldn't be afraid?" After he said that, he didn't look back and chased up
the mountain road.

Fang Ge looked at Qin Yue's back, stunned.

He was also afraid, but he did not flinch, but what about himself?

Thinking of this, Fang Ge was a bit ashamed, and his mind quickly became firm.
It is here that they are the most people who lack the Vietnam College, he quickly
checked their status one by one.

The other of the three colleges, Lou Tong, who was beaten by Lu Ping, had
already ran back to the Seven Stars venue. (

Chapter 511 Stomping Iron Shoes

Chapter 511 Stomping Iron Shoes

"Brother Lou Tong."

Seeing Lou Tong returning, the door of the Xuanwu Academy was greeted
immediately on the seat. The look was as usual, but his eyes quickly fell on Lou
Tong's empty waist.

"Well." Lou Tong nodded, his expression as calm, but his eyes flickered. When he
sat back, he was immediately surrounded by crowds. After the customization of
a small enchantment, he dared to speak to Lou Tong in a low voice.

"What's going on?" Asked the person around Loutong. Lou Tong's belt was
missing and his eyes flickered, and the results seemed not optimistic.

"I ... lost." Lou Tong's expression dimmed at this moment.

"How is it possible." Everyone was shocked. No one in the Xuanwu Academy ’s

gatekeepers lifted their belts knew what they meant. They were surprised to be
able to force Lou Tong to this point, but Lou Tong, who had completely released
the force of the soul, was defeated. This is too unreasonable. Isn't the opponent
he's going to face completely incompetent?

"That kid, it's incredible." Lou Tong briefly recounted his experience with Lu

"Wouldn't it be bad now." Everyone was startled, and their eyes and
perceptions had begun to circulate. If this action fails, will Beidou Academy not
immediately fight back against them? Although it is the cooperation of the three
colleges, after all, it is just under the guise of watching the seven-star test. The
manpower of each of the three schools is extremely limited.

"No." Lou Tong shook his head. "When I left, I noticed that someone had rushed
away. In terms of time, there hasn't been any change until now. It may be that
the other party is holding back."

"This ... Since there is another helper, why doesn't Brother stay and help." Some
people asked in a puzzled way.
"I ... I thought that I would never be the kid's opponent, so I hurried back to
deliver the letter." Lou Tong's face was ashamed. No matter what the
explanation, he ca n’t change the fact that he found that he fled after losing to
Luping. At that moment, he really lost his fighting spirit in an instant, thinking
only about how to get out of his party after the plan failed.

"The situation is quicker to let the teacher know better." A Xuanwu door person
got up and said.

"Wu Kai ... you go." Lou Tong hesitated and said to the man. The group from
Xuanwu College, except for the dangerous places, belongs to Loutong. But after
having such an embarrassing defeat, everyone looked at him a little differently.
Lou Tong also felt ashamed and gave orders to the doormen, so he was not so

"Yes." Shi Liying, who was called Wu Kai's doorman, turned around and went
down to watch Xi Chaoqixing Tower. Like the Treasure Pavilion, which acts
insidiously, in this Beidou Academy, it is too afraid to be intercepted by using the
power of the courage to communicate, so no one can dare to use it easily. On
the contrary, the most common verbal communication is more reliable.

Downstairs of Qixing, the innermost circle of Qixing will gather many strong men
besides the seven academicians of Beidou College. If ordinary people come to
this circle, only the courage of these powerful people will make them feel
invisible pressure.

Wu Kai came to the staircase under the Qixing Tower, explained to the guarding
Beidoumen people, and waited for the Beidoumen people to pass the news to
the roof. Although the top of Qixing Building is not a secret place, but at this
time there are many big figures from all parties. The necessary protection is
always needed, and no one else can go up and down casually.

Waiting patiently, another person came downstairs, in a play suit, a first-rate

student of the lack of Yue College. After explaining to the Beidoumen people, he
also waited.
Wu Kai didn't know the person coming. After his eyes touched, he nodded his
head and turned his eyes elsewhere.

Not at the meeting, the two received a response together and signaled the two
to go upstairs.

The two went up to the top of the building, so they naturally reported to their
respective mentors. The words they used sounded irrelevant to the current
situation, but they were all secret words that had been agreed before they
came. In the process of communication between the two sides, the eyes
touched intentionally or unintentionally. After a few moments after the speech,
the two doormen went downstairs to leave and returned to the viewing seat.

"Wu Kai." Wu Kai of Xuanwu Academy introduced himself first.

"Mu Hong." Yipin students of the Queyue College also reported their names.

"Happy cooperation."

"Happy and happy."

The two nodded, and the exchange was over. Soon after returning to the
viewing table, a few people from the two colleges left naturally. They seem to
have different things they want to do in different places, but soon they gather at
the foot of Tianji Peak. It was Wu Kai and Mu Hong who led the way.

"Move faster." Wu Kai said.

"Many people, it's better not to take the mountain road." Mu Hong said.

"Agree." Wu Kai said.

The two teams together, a total of twelve people, dived into Tianji Peak, not
taking the mountain road, but still heading towards the top of Tianji Peak. As a
result, a corpse was found in the mountain shortly after walking out, and Tianji
Peak was dressed.
"Shortly after death," Mu Hong said after stepping forward.

"The killer is very fast, killing him in one blow." Wu Kai touched the blood on the
neck of the dead.

"This position ..." Mu Hong had noticed several other injuries on the deceased's
body. His eyes moved upward from the hillside, searching for traces all the way,
and his hand quickly pointed upward. "It was thrown from there."

"The hunter met the people of Tianji Peak during the hunt, killing and throwing
corpses." Wu Kai made an inference.

"In this way, the other party did not escape along the mountain road." Mu Hong

"Otherwise, they ran ahead, they should first meet the Tianjimen people
walking on the road." Wu Kai said.

"So where did they flee ..." Mu Hong thought.

"Ji Yan." Wu Kai called.

"Yes." A purple belted Xuanwumen responded. The gatekeepers who are

specially assigned to complete this task naturally choose their own strengths.
The Xuanwumen, known as Ji Yan, had a short piece of black cloth on his palm,
and it was the dingy belt left by Lou Tong's destruction.

At this time, Ji Yan was dragged into his palm, gradually radiating a little light,
and then floated in the air. After seeming to distinguish the direction, he flew
out decisively.

"Treading iron shoes? Is there a way to use this early?" Mu Hong gestured to
keep up and said.

"It won't last long." Wu Kai said and glanced at Ji Yan.

At this time, Ji Yan closed his eyes tightly, did not see or listen, did not move,
closed his senses to the utmost, concentrated his spirit on that short waistband,
and closed his brows, it seemed not easy. .

"Hurry up to keep up." Wu Kai shouted.

"It's fast!" Mu Hong, who moved a step earlier, was surprised to see the speed
at which a short piece of cloth was flying.

"Roughly it will simulate the speed that the other party exerts with the power of
the soul." Wu Kai said, looking back at Ji Yan, who was stuck in the same place.
His expression was not uncomfortable.

"Ji Yan is struggling. I don't know how long it can last, fast." Wu Kai said.

"Speed!" Mu Hong urged again. A group of twelve people, leaving Ji Yan with
one person to point out their direction here, and the remaining eleven people
followed the cloth strip and ran upward.

Chapter 512 Lu Cuntang

Seven Star Valley does not mean that no one else is empty. The risk of exposure
after such a gathering of hunting operations is too great.

Can't wait any longer. Yan Ge thought, his mind was settled.

The viewing seats of the Seven Stars Examination, the gatekeepers of the two
colleges of Miss Yue and Xuanwu have left one after another. All are invited
visitors, and Beidou College will not have many restrictions on guests. It was dull
to see on the viewing table, and it was common to go down and walk around

However, in the eyes of the cherished treasures and others, the movements of
the two colleges are worth a little fun. Forty people who entered Beidou College
in the name of Treasure Reading continued to watch the game quietly, but
noticed that there were only a lot of unusual people in the two colleges.
They glanced at each other secretly. Because they are only employed by people,
they know very little about the entire plan of action. It is now found that the
two four colleges have changed, and I can't help but associate. Does their
employer have anything to do with these two actions?

If you think about it, no one will rush into anything. Soon they also got
instructions: action is about to begin!

This is much earlier than the advance notice!

Morin paid attention to the four times, except for the changes of those two
colleges, found nothing else. But the action has been advanced so long, there
must be something unexpected, this should not be a good situation, right?

Thinking about it, Morin stood up. There have been deployment operations
before going up the mountain. Although some advances were made, they must
be carried out step by step. Now, just wait for the last order.

Tianji Peak.

Qin Yue stood on a tall tree beside the mountain road and looked around.

When he met the Tianji Peakmen on the mountain road, Qin Yue knew he was
chasing the wrong direction. Otherwise, this person should meet Lu Ping and
Sun Songzhao first. They should have known that something happened. How
could they meet him so arrogantly?

The appearance of Qin Yue in the mountains of Tianji Peak immediately aroused
the alertness of the other party. Seven Stars will try to watch the visitors, and
it's okay to walk around freely, but it's a bit unusual to walk inside Qifeng
Mountain. Within the Seven Peaks, each has its own important place, that is,
the Beidoumen themselves are not so easy to enter and leave, and those who
have entered the country must have a proper reason.

Qin Yue had no reason, and did not want to lie to leave trouble. He acted
decisively, first of all, he directly struck and killed the people of this day,
abandoned the dead body half a mountain, and then hurriedly continued to
search for the whereabouts of Qi Luping and his party.

Ascending the hills and looking far away, what I saw was nothing but strange
rocks in the mountains and no traces of people.

Lu Ping and his entourage apparently expected that his speed was unusual, and
walking along the road was not much different from sitting still. As for what
other ways to follow, where does Qin Yue know that his terrain of Tianji Peak is
naturally more familiar than Tianji's first apprentice.

No trouble ...

Qin Yue was also anxious under his heart, so that Lu Ping and Sun Shenzhao
recruited them to see what Tianjimen they met, or what news they sent, and
their actions would be fully exposed, which was far from what they expected.

You need to find them soon.

Qin Yue turned around on the tree, no longer following the mountain road, but
ran towards the side of the forest. Continue to look around while trying to

The whereabouts of a group of people quickly entered Qin Yue's perception.

There are many people, and the action is quite fast.

Already discovered?

Qin Yueyin hides his power and hides in the tree. If it has been exposed, then it
is naturally another way of doing things.

This was just concealed, and I saw something that I didn't know, with a strong
force of courage, hurriedly passed under the tree, like a hidden weapon, shot
straight past.

What is it?
Qin Yue couldn't tell the difference, and he felt that the group of people he had
previously sensed were approaching quickly. Before he could tell, the other
party's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Silently, but a force of force attacked his hiding place with extreme precision.

Qin Yue couldn't hide anymore, flew to avoid the attack, and was about to cast a
streamer to escape, but the other party's attack came one after another, quietly,
but fiercely abnormal. But Qin Yue has recognized people in this moment.

"Nantian Qin Yue." He whispered four words, and the opponent's offensive
stopped immediately. Ten people came out from the forest one after another,
and looked at Qin Yue.

There was no extra greetings, and after Qin Yue slightly nodded, the eyes of ten
people had already looked at the thing that had flown before, and quickly
caught up.

"Brother Qin Yue, you are fast and tired." Wu Kai of Xuanwu Academy knew
about Qin Yue's origin and leaned over to him.

"That is?"

"Treading iron shoes." Wu Kai said.

Qin Yue immediately understood that he was refreshed immediately.

"I'm going first." He said that the people had already flew out like a light, and
the other ten people were chasing some obsolete cloth tapes, which didn't seem
to be too hard for him.

Wu Kai and others had Qin Yue's speed to help, and the worries of catching up
all the way finally let go a little. What needs to be worried about now is just
when Ji Yan, who exhibits this stoic iron shoe, can persist.

"Looking at this, where do you think they are going?" Mu Hong, led by the
Queyue Academy, came to Wu Kai and said.

Where to go?

Wu Kai was stunned, but he hadn't thought about it yet. Lu Ping and their group
escaped, it seems that there should be a place.

On Tianji Peak, in this direction?

Wu Kai looked up, the hillside up, roughly in the direction ...

"Lu Cuntang!" Wu Kai reacted suddenly. He didn't see how familiar the terrain of
Tianji Peak was. He just thought about it according to his previous thoughts, and
immediately thought of the key point of Tianji Peak at Beidou University.

Tianjifeng's career is the most grounded among the seven peaks. This day Jifeng
is in charge of money. The various expenditures of the entire college all belong
to Tianji Peak for overall planning.

To manage money, there is naturally a record of saving money and various


The soldiers of Beidou University are in the Seven-killing Hall of Tianshu Peak,
various cheats are stored in Tianshu Building, and the panacea is in
Tianquanfeng Medicinal Food Square. , As well as all kinds of land deeds,
certificates of deposit, various business accounts, all in Tianji Peak Lu Cuntang.

What Tianjifeng is in charge of is such a common but important thing. Lu

Cuntang at Tianji Peak is also an important place for organs that cannot be easily
entered by idlers. In other words, on Tianji Peak, the precautions are the most
stringent. Even if there are enough people in charge of defense during the Seven
Stars Examination, it is Lu Cuntang.

Chapter 513 Cut Off

Lu Cuntang ...
After the name was mentioned, the eyes of a group of ten people became
deeper. But the cloth tracked by the tramp iron shoes is not waiting for people.
They have to catch up quickly while worrying.

"It's better to stop them before they go to Lu Cuntang!" Mu Hong said.

The answer to him was a silence, and everyone just looked at the cloth belt and
Qin Yue's figure that was gradually pulling away from them.

If it were n’t for Qin Yue, maybe they would n’t be able to chase down the iron
shoes after a while.

"That kid still has two people, how could it be so fast!" Someone complained.

Suddenly all the restlessness was discovered because of the possibility of Lu

Cuntang's whereabouts.

The three colleges visited Beidou College this time, and they were mischievous.
The people they picked were all carefully selected. Regardless of the first grade,
second grade, or black belt, purple belt, the strength is unique. An ability like
trampling iron shoes can't be used by just grabbing a cultivator.

But Lu Cuntang at Beidou College, is it enough for these ten people?

This was not the original plan.

How to do?

People at Xuanwu College looked at Ji Yan, and people at Xuewu College looked
at Mu Hong. The two of them looked at each other. Right now they have to
make a decision and there is no more time to ask for instructions.

"Lu Cuntang? Dare to break in?" Wu Kai suddenly smiled, looking at Mu Hong's
eyes provocatively.

Although the two sides are joining forces, competition among the four colleges
is always the main theme.

Wu Hong's provocative gaze made Mu Hong unbearable. Right now, there is a

person at Xuanwu College who is behind the iron shoes, but it is one less than
the lack of Yue. If they are not afraid, how can they withdraw from the lack of
Vietnam College.

"Worry about yourself first." Mu Hong rolled his eyes.

"In this case, we have to take a good look." Wu Kai put away the provocation,
and his expression became very solemn.

Breaking into Lu Cuntang at Beidou College is by no means a stage where they

can compete, but requires them to put down all their stereotypes and cooperate

Mu Hong obviously understood this, and he nodded immediately.

"For us, the biggest and probably the only advantage is that the opponent is
bright and we are dark." Wu Kai said.

"Raid it." Mu Hong said.

"What can you do?" Wu Kai looked at the six people at the Que Yue College.

"What about you?" Mu Hong asked back.

When it was not time for Tibet to be private, the two sides immediately began
to exchange their cards, and while continuing to chase, they began to plan the
raid. The other gatekeepers followed the team and just listened quietly. At first,
they were a bit worried, but gradually they got excited again. They knew that
this was a major event, enough to alarm the entire continent.

These eleven of them are going to attack Lu Cuntang at Beidou College!

"Where are we going?" Lu Ping asked with his left and right hands carrying his
sister's younger brother. He followed Sun's instructions all the way, and left the
mountain road in a short time. He walked through the mountains, only to feel
gradually higher, but he didn't know where to go.

"Lu Cuntang." Sun Shuangzhao replied without thinking. Obviously, he had

already planned.

"Where is that?" Lu Ping asked.

"..." Sun Songzhao never knew where to start.

Lu Ping frowned slightly at this moment.

"Something suddenly chased us," he said.

"Oh?" Sun Shengzhao was so weak at this time that he couldn't even activate his
basic perception ability. Otherwise, this gap of escape can send out a signal for
help, but at this moment she can't exert her little strength.

"I don't know what it is." Lu Ping looked behind him.

"What do you perceive?" Sun Send asked.

"The voice of courage." Lu Ping said.

"The power of the soul ... the voice?" Sun sent a surprise. She is a master of the
soul of Naruto, and she has heard the voice of the power of the courage. Using
props of special materials to display the power to listen to the courage, you can
use the information of the power to perceive the power of the courage in the
form of sound. .

But like Lu Ping, she had never heard of the voice of the power of the soul
without contacting the target and using the necessary props.

This is what makes the Sky Awake extraordinary?

Naruto Soul is born through, can it have such a powerful perception?

There is also the destructive power of his soul, which Sun has never seen before.
The first apprentice of Tangtang Beidou Tianji Peak, who is also a top character
in Mingzhi, only feels like a frog in the bottom of the well when facing Lu Ping's
performance on Mingzhi.

But now is not the time to tap these puzzles on Lu Ping.

"How far is it?" Sun Song Zhao asked.

"About two hundred meters." Lu Ping judged. He has some experience in this
regard. Nine months after fleeing from Xiafeng Mountain to Beidou University,
he was not in vain.

"You can hear the voice of the force of two hundred meters away!" Although he
knew that it was not the time, Sun sent the move still had to be surprised. Other
people must contact and use the props to achieve the listening effect that Lu
Ping can display, even up to two hundred meters.

"Normally, but this powerful voice is relatively loud." Lu Ping said.

"That's a relatively strong ability to track. The movements are so big that they
are not afraid of exposure?" Sun Shuangzhao judged subconsciously, but I didn't
know she was wrong in this section.

No matter Xuanwu, Miss Yue or Nantian people, they are very afraid of
exposure, and they desperately hope that they can solve Lu Ping quietly. Conflict
with Lu Cuntang, if they can, they will not choose at this time.

So the power here is more powerful, just because they can't control it.

Because the skill of trampling iron shoes traces the power of Lu Ping's remaining
on Loutong's belt, so as to capture the master's movement.

It is strong, just because the power remaining on the belt fragments is too
strong. This is the strength that destroys the black belt of Xuanwu with a single
blow, the strength of the six souls through the soul.
At this time, Ji Yan, a basalt disciple who was walking on the parallel tracks of
the road, was using his iron shoes to control the residual spirit.

This is not at all a force he can control, and his strength is beyond his

But he has no way, this is the only way they can track Lu Ping, so he can only

In this state, the tramp iron shoes will inevitably be too dynamic. Ji Yan just
struggles to maintain his powers. Where can he take care of others?

But this is also Luping's extraordinary sense of hearing and breaking, and other
cultivators can't catch it so easily.

But two hundred meters, for the practitioners, this is no longer a safe distance.
Especially Sun Songzhao knows that those who chase after them also have a
speed ability, otherwise why would she give up the mountain road and drill into
the mountain? Just to get rid of the opponent by relying on the familiarity with
the terrain.

But now the opponent has the ability to lock their position, and it is only a little
later to catch up with them.

"Are you able to cut off their perception of your strength?" Sun sent Zhao

Lu Ping froze for a moment, then nodded: "Very."

"Huh?" This somewhat weird answer puzzled Sun.

"Do I need to do this?" Lu Ping asked.

"Do it." Sun sent a nod.

So Lu Ping stopped and put down Sun Yingsheng and Sun Sending. If you don't
use the power of courage, carrying two people at will is not something ordinary
people can do.

Then Lu Ping nodded to Sun Send: "Okay."

"What's the matter?"

"They no longer feel the power of my soul." Lu Ping said.

"What did you use?" Sun Send stunned.

"Don't tell you." Lu Ping said, and he still doesn't have a strong trust in Sun

A few miles away, Ji Yan, who was showing his iron shoes, suddenly spurted
blood. The iron shoes he was working hard on, like a hammer, suddenly hit him

The shape of the force he was struggling to track was suddenly so broken, so
broken, so clean, leaving him no trace of precaution.

After spurting blood from the mouth, two nosebleeds flowed out, and Ji Yan sat
down depressively.

At a distance of less than two hundred meters from Luping's three people, the
original rags, which seemed like living creatures, suddenly lost their lives, fell
from the sky, and finally hung on a dead branch.

Qin Yue, who was chasing at full speed, hurriedly landed. The alert eyes glanced
around, and his perception was fully spread.

nobody. There was no one at all within a few tens of meters.

Qin Yue glanced at the piece of cloth hanging on the dead branch blankly. Is
this ... Has the person who played the power become unsustainable?

But Lu Ping, they should always be in this direction?

Qin Yue thought, his figure was like light, and rushed out in the direction of the
flight before the cloth hanged.

Chapter 514

The distance of two hundred meters is just an instant for the practitioner. For
Qin Yue, it even rushed out hundreds of meters in a moment.

His sensations were fully spread out, searching around, but after hundreds of
meters chased down, nothing was found. He didn't stop, his figure had
disappeared in the forest in the direction he locked.

Lu Ping's head came out of a bush beside the hillside, looking at Qin Yue's
disappearing direction, a little surprised.

Just now, Qin Yue almost passed by them. He thought he was going to be
discovered. If he was not stopped by Sun Yuanzhao's eyes, his fist had burst.

As a result, Qin Yue didn't even notice the three people in close proximity, so he
chased the past.

Even if Lu Ping's power was cut off by the lock, but Sun Shengzhao and Sun
Yingsheng were two, one seriously injured and one comatose. Qin Yue, who had
just dashed a few meters from them, stunned that they didn't find their

what happened?

Lu Ping was very puzzled. He looked forward to sending Sun Zhao. Obviously
Sun Sun Zhao expected this to happen, which was so calm and confident.

Sun Send smiled and pointed to the bushes they were hiding in. Piles of low-
growing plants with rich colors but a strange smell.

"It's called Phoenix Grass." Sun Songzhao said, "They can cover the pressure of
the power of the soul, and ordinary means of perception can't identify their

"So he didn't find us here." Lu Ping suddenly. The Sun Tianzhao's Tianji first
apprentice was very familiar with the grass and trees of Tianji Peak. In designing
the escape route, the growth of Pteridium sibiricum has been considered. At this
point she was fortunate that Luping could sense the tracked ability and cut it off.
Otherwise, the cover of Phoenix grass can only deceive those abilities with
higher perception accuracy.

"Now let's go this way." Sun Songzhao signaled, of course, that the direction was
completely inconsistent with the direction Qin Yue chased.

"Then I can use my strength now?" Lu Ping asked.

"What do you mean?" Sun sent puzzled.

"I can't take the two of you without using the power of courage." Lu Ping said.

"You mean, as long as you use the power of the soul, you can't hide it?" Sun
sent a frown.

"That's it." Luping nodded.

"What the hell is this?" Sun Sendai couldn't help it. The ability to hide the power
of soul. Isn't it just to cover the power of the soul? You can't be concealed once
you use the power of the soul. This power is just as boring as an oil lamp that
can only be lit when there is light.

"No way." Lu Ping expressed helplessness.

"Let's go first, to see if they can immediately establish a track of you." Sun sent
recruits had to decide so. Fortunately, Lu Ping can perceive the other party's
tracking. After all, not too passive.

"Okay." Lu Ping nodded and picked up the two again. He rushed in the direction
of Sun Xinzhao's new finger, and on the one hand, he started to "listen", and he
perceived all around.
"There was no power just now," Lu Ping said.

Sun Banzhao was relieved.

"But people are almost catching up." Lu Ping said again. Hearing the perception,
he heard the voice of several people and was approaching here.

"That's not going fast yet," Sun Songzhao said.

"It didn't stop." Lu Ping said.

"It is clear, there is no ability to lock us, right?" Sun sent Zhao said.

"At least as far as I can hear, no." Lu Ping said.

"That's all right." Sun Songzhao was at ease with Luping's judgment. One can
hear the sound of the power of the soul at a distance of 200 meters. Sun sent
the move quite confidently.

Soon after the three men adjusted their directions and left, eleven people from
Wu Kai and Mu Hong arrived here. Wu Kai also had the rag in his hand.

When they chased there, Qin Yue had disappeared completely. They also
pursued this paragraph in the same direction as Qin Yue, following the direction
of the cloth strip flight, and naturally found nothing.

But after arriving here, some people in the team shined.

"Brother Mu Hong, look at this." A doorman with a second-grade armband hung

from the Yueyue College, pointing at the Phoenix Grass and shouting at Mu
Hong, while looking at the hillside where Phoenix Grass grows.

"What happened to Fu Lin?" Mu Hong asked over.

"This is Phoenix grass." Fu Lin said as he came to the edge of the bush. He
reached for a few thin leaves and chewed them into his mouth.
"Yes, they have been hiding here before." Fu Lin's eyes flashed. Piles of piles of
Phoenix grass on the hillside were very eye-catching in his eyes.

"Pteris can cover the power of the soul, they used this to hide here." Fu Lin
explained his judgment.

"Hidden ... Is it to escape Qin Yue's pursuit?" Wu Kai said. Except for Qin
Yuequan, the chaser is here, and who is hiding is clear.

"It must be." Fu Lin said.

"There are no traces of fighting, it seems to have successfully escaped." Mu

Hong looked around and said.

"Find a footprint." Wu Kai turned around and said.

"Yes." A doorman of Xuanwu Academy stood up and quickly fell to the ground,
searching with the sight almost flush with the ground.

This method is undoubtedly a bit slow, but now they have no good choices. Can
kill Lu Ping and his party to avoid conflicts with Lu Cuntang. They will still do
their best.

Everyone stared at this man who was observing on the ground, and some
people used their own methods to search for clues.

Fortunately, it didn't take much time. The man on the ground didn't get up, so
he ran out on the ground.

"Here!" He found it. Although in the eyes of ordinary people, there is no trace of
passing here. But he looks extremely confident.

"Here, here, here ..." He found three places in succession.

The three locations are not completely connected, but they are generally
established. More importantly, the three footprints are enough to point out the

Eleven people no longer talked, and immediately chased in the direction of the
new discovery.

"how about it?"

Sun Runzhao, who was running away, knew that Lu Ping was still feeling behind
him, so he would ask in a moment.

"Throw away." Lu Ping said. There is no more powerful voice in his listening
range. This is not because the other party has made a hide, but the distance is
pulled to the limit of what he can hear.

Carrying one person in one hand does not have much impact on Lu Ping. It was
his courageous power of high-speed control. When he appeared to be moving,
the speed he showed quickly threw away these eleven people.

"Okay, let's go back to the mountain road." Hearing that everyone had been
thrown away, Sun Songzhao felt relieved. Qin Yue has been led in the wrong
direction, and there is a gap in the speed of the other pursuers behind him, so
there is no need to play hide and seek in the mountains. Back on the mountain
road, if you can meet the same door, you can send the news quickly.

"Towards this side." Sun sent a finger.

Without saying anything, Lu Ping flew towards this side. After a while, he had
drilled out of the forest and returned to the winding mountain road of Tianji

Luck finally took care of the two, and as soon as he left the mountain, Lu Ping
saw a Beidoumen from Tianji Peak on the mountain road approaching from the
mountain road. The coming person naturally saw them at a glance, but Lu Ping's
posture shocked him.

However, he quickly recognized that the two of the guys carrying the hand were
actually the first apprentice of their Tianji Peak, and the master and sister Sun
sent the move.

"Who's that!" The man came and shouted, and he had already made a grabbing

"Fang Tianji arrow." Sun sent Zhao was not embarrassed at this time, quickly
shouted. (

Chapter 515 How Strong Is It?

Tianji Arrow has the same name as Tianji Peak. The command of this arrow is
not only inside Tianji Peak, but as a warning to the entire Beidou University.
When I heard that I was about to let go of the jiji arrow, the jimeni got nervous
after the start. That must have been a very serious situation, so I needed to ask
the whole hospital for help!

This person didn't care about asking many questions, his hands rubbed and
pulled, a force of cohesion was formed, and Jin Cancan's small arrow was pulled
out between his palms, and his hands were pushed upward again, and the small
arrow would Flying straight up.

As a result, this person had not bowed his head, and a figure rushed out of the
roadside forest. Although it was not as splendid as the Tianji small arrow, its
speed was even better.


In the cry of the Tianjimen, the cold light that swallowed the arrows of Tianji
turned in the air, like a sword, like a sword, slashing toward him.

"Beware!" Sun sent beckoned.

This figure like light can only be Qin Yue. The matter has been revealed so far, he
will never be merciful, and after killing the Tianji arrow, it is time to kill.
Those who can enter the Qifeng Gate are the leaders of Beidou University.
Although the level is high or low, they all have great potential. Qin Yue's blow,
this day, the gatemen only knew at a glance that they were no rivals, and
immediately retreated backward. It was still a little slower, the light swept down
and cut straight down with a strong wind. Tianjimen raised his forehead looking
up, but was swept down by the wind, and broke a blood.

The light and shadow under the direct sweep also belong to one person at this
time, it is Qin Yue, standing upright in the middle of the road. Intercepted Tianji
Arrow, also intercepted Lu Ping's way.

This Tianjimen did not recognize Qin Yue, but he always recognized Nan Tian
Academy's costume, and was also surprised. There is competition among the
four colleges, but such unrelenting martial arts confront each other, but it has
not happened for hundreds of years.

"Sister Master ..." The man didn't dare to decide himself, and asked to send a
stroke to the grandchildren behind him. Qin Yue's movements didn't stop at all,
and as soon as he swept the ground, he rushed straight forward again.

He is here to kill, not to chat.

What's more, now that you are deep in the hinterland of Tianji Peak, where can
you afford to delay the second half?

Before chasing nothing in the forest, Qin Yue knew that he must be chasing the
wrong direction, otherwise he would never fly at the speed of his streamer.

The three Luping who got rid of the chase naturally need to find a way to ask for
help. This is not a wild country ridge. This is the boundary of the Beidou
Academy, their own home court.

So Qin Yue lurked high in the mountains and forests, just waiting for Luping to
send them a signal for help.

He bet correctly.
The three Luping who met the people of Tianjimen uttered Tianji arrows as soon
as possible. With his first-rate speed, Qin Yue intercepted the Tianji arrow
without saying, and finally caught the position of the three people.

Without half a drag, an arrow, an attack, a miss, a second hit.

Poor that day, the Jimen people wanted to clear the situation a little more, and
Hanguang had passed by him.

This time, he wanted to hide, and he couldn't hide, and a blood arrow suddenly
burst out of his neck. Qin Yue shot quickly, accurately, and fiercely.

"Run!" Sun sent a heartache, but he couldn't care less about his colleagues.

Lu Ping also responded quickly, carrying the two of them into the mountain
forest again.

But this time, too close, Qin Yue's speed was fast, killing the individual, and did
not delay him much time. Running into the mountains? To be honest, this was
exactly what he wanted. He was chasing and killing on the mountain road, and
he was really worried about passing by again, even if it was such a thing that
could make him crush and kill, there are many risks in the end.

Right now, it's pretty good.

Qin Yue waved his hand, another light and shadow flew out of his sleeve, the
Tianjimen who had not yet fallen completely, and even the blood spewing from
his neck was caught by this light and shadow, and was then thrown to the other
end of the mountain road. Down the slope. Qin Yue had already turned around
and chased towards Luping and others.

"Use his sheath!" Just when he entered the mountain forest, Sun Sendai
hurriedly said to Lu Ping.

She had already judged Qin Yue's speed. She knew that it would be difficult to
escape in this situation, and she must use some means. Like Lu Ping's
bombardment of Qin Yue down the mountain before, she robbed him of such
emptiness. And what he ordered Lu Ping to use was Sun Yingsheng's sword
sheath, the black rumo, the sword sheath named Ye, which itself was a fifth-
grade top-grade god soldier, which of course would not be discarded at will, and
was brought with him when he fled. At this time, he was wrapped around Sun
Yingsheng's waist.

"How to use?" Lu Ping said.

"Just use it casually." Sun sent it too late to elaborate. Qin Yue had followed the
forest and was close at hand. For now, she is only worried about how much Lu
Ping's strength can be exerted, and whether she can achieve the effect she

"I dare not guarantee the effect." Lu Ping seemed to be worried about this as
well, while taking the sword sheath named Ye from Sun Yingsheng's waist, he
prepared Sun to send the psychological preparation.

"Dead horse should be a living horse doctor." Sun sent a sigh, the matter is now,
she has no other move.

So Lu Ping wielded this scabbard named Ye, and he knew how to use it. In short,
he poured the power of soul into it. Qin Yue fisted before, consuming his Naruto
Soul enough, but it was only the Horn Blowing Company strengthened by
Naruto Soul. After that, he was silent with his Naruto Soul. But this sword
named Ye Ye, Lu Ping did not know what strength it strengthened, anyway,
except for the spirit of Ming, he can be satisfied, immediately urged in full,
driven by the hero.

The scabbard swings out, the gap of the Ecstasy lock opens, and the power of
the spirit surges like a tide. Because the spirit of Lu Pingming can be controlled
purely, the Blowing Horn Lianying is used more rigorously and more powerfully.
And the feeling of the wield of the scabbard was somewhat similar to that of the
Kuiyin Yingbao sword that was used by Qin Sang at the time.

The difference, however, is that the Shenbing drives the soul.

The force of the soul pushed by the night strengthened like a net. When it
spewed out from the mouth of the sheath, it seemed to be swallowing
everything, and it poured into the sky. The trees with thick wrists were bent
down by the force of the soul, and they all bent down, and then they broke off.
A mountain forest is like this. Was pushed out.

Everything happens only in an instant.

Lu Ping has stopped his hand here, and it won't stop, and Ecstasy will not allow

But an instant eruption was enough. A small piece of forest was pushed down.
Lu Ping was surprised to see the effect. This scabbard is really a bit powerful.

"How?" He asked Sun to send strokes.

Sun Shuangzhao's surprised expression is even more exaggerated.

This is not the effect she was expecting, this is a more excessive effect than she

"It's okay ..." When Sun Shengzhao said this, he was a little bit conscientious.

"Let's go." Lu Ping put away the scabbard, picked up the two and ran. Qin Yue
was frightened by the forest that protruded him.

He thought about forcing a breakthrough, but after feeling the surging power
contained in the forest, he dismissed the idea.

He is not without magicians. He can always exhibit such a powerful speed, he

also uses the power of the magic soldier.

But compared to what this mountain forest contains, Qin Yue felt that he could
only retreat from Sanshe.

He kept retreating, and he had just rushed into the mountain forest, and was
forced back to the mountain road in a blink of an eye. The toppled trees rolled
and collided, some of them were broken in half, some were uprooted, and
finally all fell onto the mountain road, blocking the entire mountain road.

This ... simple is something that can't be exposed.

But Qin Yue couldn't clean up so much. He seized the time and then entered the
forest, but there was no figure of Lu Ping in front of him, and he couldn't catch
his sense.

The three-man group that escaped again and again walked through the forest
under the guidance of Sun Shuangzhao.

After being silent for a long time, Sun Songzhao finally couldn't help but ask,
"What the hell are you?"

In her opinion, Lu Ping, who was already at the end of the crossbow, was always
able to carry her sister and brother at such a speed, and she was so courageous
when she used the magic weapon.

"Probably through the six souls." Lu Ping said.

So there was silence in the mountains and forests, and only Luping stepped on
the litter with a slight sound.

After a long time, Sun sent Zhao to speak.

"Then tell me, why should we run away?"

Chapter 516 Unexpected Situation

"It really shouldn't be. But there is no way to beat it," Lu Ping said.

"Do you mean that your fighting skills are too poor?" Sun Songzhao said. She
quickly accepted Luping's possibility of having six souls to penetrate the realm.
After all, the incredible power displayed by Lu Ping is the most reasonable
"It's not just that," Lu Ping said. "My strength is not very handy."

The most restrictive of his strength is of course ecstasy, martial arts or other
combat skills are all second.

However, Sun Song recruited the words, but it was misunderstood.

"It must be very difficult to control such a powerful force." She thought so

"In a word, get out first, and then say, where now?" Lu Ping asked.

"From here, wear it straight, there is no road. Turning over this hillside will soon
reach Lu Cuntang, there will be someone to answer." Sun sent Zhao said.

"Is the person there strong enough?" Lu Ping asked.

"In your concept ... how is it strong?" Sun Sendzhao asked more carefully. In the
cognition of the Six Souls through the realm, she is really not clear about how
strong she is.

"At least it can't be killed by that guy, right?" Lu Ping said. "Then you can rest
assured." Sun sent a sigh of relief, and the cognition of Liu Pei seems not very

Lu Ping carried the two of them and continued to run in the direction pointed by
Sun Songzhao. Although Sun Suanzhao has always been very calm, he has
already noticed that Sun Sengzhao's spirit is getting worse. Her pierced chest
never actually stopped the blood, but was just blocked. That's the method of
fearing the exposure of blood, not the treatment of injuries. As for the extent to
which the internal organs have been injured, Lu Ping has no way of knowing.

Now it is not just about getting away, both of them also need to be treated
sooner. Lu Ping thought, not much talk, just trying to speed up the pace, while
not forgetting to feel around. His soaring soul, which is almost in short supply, is
not barrier-free to play.
For Lu Ping, this power of perceiving efficiency in the eyes of ordinary cultivators
is obviously only a very low-cost method. Ecstasy locks the soul and drills the
loophole. He is now as skillful as he pleases. Lightly exuding a bit of courage to
look like an ordinary person, this is the normal way he practiced in the months
of escape. Because he found that there is no courage, but it is actually different.
That is not the state of ordinary people, but the state of dead people.

It is very easy for Lu Ping to mobilize the power of courage to accelerate her
unrestrainedness. In those months. He is in this state most of the time.

"It's almost here," Lu Ping said with joy, as the hillside that Sun Songzhao said
was about to be turned over.

"Well." It was only Sun Shengzhao's helplessness that answered him. Lu Ping
looked down, and saw that Sun Yuanzhao's eyes were only one slit, which was a
semi-coma state that was barely supported.

"Hold on again." Lu Ping said. I turned over the hillside station and saw the
house in front of the mountain in front of my sight. It is not like the Qiku of the
Medicinal Food Place is hidden in the mountainous abdomen, nor is it isolated
in the middle of an open space like Qishatang. Lu Cuntang in Tianji Peak, which
can be said to maintain the daily basic operation of Beidou College, seems to be
just a mansion with several entrances and exits, which is not like a heavily
guarded place.

"Is it there?" Lu Ping shook his head and asked Sun Song.

"Well." Sun Shuangzhao nodded reluctantly. "It's almost there."

Lu Ping made his way down the mountain. The two of them ran as fast as he
could. He was already a little tired, but he just tried his best to insist.

It's almost there.

He told Sun to send strokes, but also to himself.

Seven Star Valley.

What happened to Tianji Peak. Still not reached here, Qixing will try to continue.
Higher levels of duel, greater consumption, and more serious injuries are
constantly occurring in this valley.

This is why Yan Ge will choose to execute his plan on this day.

Because Qixing will test, Beidou College will gather visitors from all directions,
and the people of Beidou College will also gather in Qixing Valley to the
maximum extent. Saying yes, but in Yan Ge's eyes, this is like an infighting. No
effort is required. Only Beidou College itself, on this day, many people will try
their best and even be injured.

So he was originally not in a hurry, he had to wait until Qixing would try to
proceed to the last moment. At that moment, it was the weakest moment of the
entire Beidou Academy.

It is a pity that things cannot always be exactly what he thought. There will be
good things beyond his expectations.

For example, this time the Seven Stars will try to elect a new academician Yao
Guang, and it will use the way to win the competition. This is really good news
for Yan Ge, which will undoubtedly make the Seven Stars test more intense,
especially for the inner circle masters. For the identity and status of Academician
Yaoguang, he will do his best. But after that, there were very bad things. For
example, at the moment, the plan for sending the recruits to the first apprentice
Sun has become extremely unsuccessful, and there is even a risk of total

Good and bad are all related to Lu Ping.

This is not a member of Yan Ge's plan, but now has a decisive influence on his

Yan Ge is false if he says that he does not regret it at all.

Although the dispute between Academician Yaoguang was created by Lu Ping;
Qi Xing will try his eye-catching performance, and the hatred of Tianxuan Peak
was also drawn by Yan Gele.

But right now, he is stumbling into plans that affect Sun's assassination.
Compared with the situation created by Lu Ping, Yan Ge would rather work
harder, and would rather not have those situations that seemed to him to be
beneficial. He prefers to do everything step by step as he originally planned.

In this way, he felt more at ease and grasped more.

And Lu Ping, he is constructive and destructive, but he has nothing to do with

the whole plan, so Yan Ge can not expect what will happen to this guy next.

So Lu Ping became his biggest worry at this stage.

He waited for the news on Tianjifeng's side, and the situation there determined
whether he would revise his overall plan.

At this moment, there was an exclamation from the innermost circle.

There are the most elite gatekeepers at Beidou College. Most of them are
mentor-level figures who open doors and teach. What surprised them so much?

Yan Ge, who stayed in the third lap, couldn't help but go to the second lap. He
vaguely felt that there seemed to be a situation that was not what he expected
to happen. Is it good or bad?

Seven stars downstairs, the second lap of the practice field.

Tian Xuanfeng was a disciple, with four souls running through it, and the
inheritor of the fifth-grade inferior soldier Jin Gangji, who had opened the door
and taught for ten years.

No one is undefeated.

Even the Beidou elite on the second lap of the Seven Stars list will not have such

However, if you lose, it depends on who you lose to.

Who is this man in front of?

No one recognized two, three or even seven stars upstairs.

He has ordinary clothes, no Qifeng and no logos of famous schools, but he has
the strength to beat the second lap.

Such strength is actually unknown in the college?

At the top of Qixing Building, the academicians looked at each other, and Dean
Xu Mai had signaled to ask the origin of the doorman.

Downstairs in Qixing, the guy who just beat Sheng Yiming is also a very young

He looked at Sheng Yiming who fell down and defeated such an opponent.
Instead of being very excited, he looked a little disappointed.

"Isn't this Beidou College's strong? Is this the standard?" He said, looking up,
looking at the Beidou academicians on the top of Qixing Tower, showing the
yearning look.

Chapter 517 Challenger

There, it is the top strongman in this realm. If you defeat him, then you can only
find the five players who are connected to challenge. △ ¢,

Xu Weifeng looked at the academicians on the top of the building, thinking in his
heart, excited and distressed.

He is very happy to be able to challenge the more powerful powerhouses; but

such a powerhouse beats one less, and he will be challenged to the top. This is
all to be defeated. Who should he fight for later? At the thought of this, Xu
Weifeng was distressed.

But now, if you want to challenge the seven academicians, it seems that you
have to get enough tokens first.

Thinking of Xu Weifeng, he turned his head back, and he didn't hate the rule
that the Seven Stars would try. He likes to give the stage where he can fight.

Who will you find next?

Xu Weifeng looked around, and those dumbfounded guys made him somewhat
uninterested to challenge.

Huh, does this guy look good?

Xu Weifeng saw a man, although he was looking at him, but his expression was
calm. After seeing Xu Weifeng looking over, he smiled slightly at him.

Xu Weifeng smiled immediately, and he was happy to find a satisfactory


"I decided, it's you." He reached out to the one who smiled at him.

"Challenge me?" The man made no fuss and smiled warmly, but this expression
appeared on his sloppy face, which always made people feel unfit.

"Yes, it's you, and it's great at a glance." Xu Weifeng said.

"It turns out that you don't know me." Xu Lixue's smile is still so faint, but he
said this thing is very surprising. The first apprentice of Tianshufeng and the first
apprentice of seven peaks, even in a low profile, only he does not recognize
others, but everyone recognizes his share.

In front of this one. Even if he doesn't recognize him, they are usually very new
and very new. But a rookie can rush into the second lap and defeat a well-
known second lap master?

Uh ... think of Lu Ping in front, Xu Lixue found this inference seems to be


"Which yard are you from?" Xu Lixue asked casually. Sounds like a very daily

"Southern Courtyard." Xu Weifeng replied. Nanyuan is the abbreviation of

Nanshan Hengyuan.

"Oh? Do you want to repair it?" Xu Lixue asked. Nanshan Hengyuan has the
largest number of people living in Beidoumen, strong and weak, mixed with fish
and dragons, but generally speaking, apart from a top strong Lu Shenfeng,
Nanshan Hengyuan does not have particularly many first-class strongmen. On
the second lap of the Seven Stars Ranking, there are only two Beidoumen
people living in Nanshan Hengyuan. Nanshan Hengyuan has more scattered
repairs, but loose repairs are not about playing personality. If there is no tutor
willing to enter the door. Not many people are willing to do a loose repair.
Although Lu Shenfeng is a very positive example, young people who have been
impulsive for several years with him as an example will soon know the pain of
loose repair.

Individual repair is not easy.

It is not easy to reach the strength of the second lap in this way.

The Nanshan Hengyuan even hides such an unpaid salary, but it is nothing but a

Xu Lixue looked at Xu Weifeng, but Xu Weifeng only made an ambiguous

answer: "It should be considered."

Should it be considered?

That means that although it hasn't been received by anyone. But actually got
some advice?
The Nanshan Hengyuan is capable of pointing others ...

Xu Lixue turned his gaze. I soon saw the two from the Nanshan Hengyuan, and
they were all surprised at this time. After noticing Xu Lixue's questioning eyes,
they all shook their heads immediately, and they did not recognize the person at
all. Nanshan Hengyuan has the most people, and it is impossible to recognize
the Beidoumen people from Nanshan Hengyuan.

Apart from these two, then who is the only one?

Xu Lixue's eyes turned again.

Lu Shenfeng.

It is very rare on weekdays. This top-ranking strongman who will not come to
participate in the seven-star test will come here for a long time, only to see Lu
Ping's test, and then return to the appearance of being indifferent to everything.
Although he didn't leave, he just found a clean corner and stayed. Everyone
knows his temperament. Naturally no one went up to disturb. Everyone was
surprised by Xu Weifeng this time, but Lu Shenfeng was still sitting on the
ground in his corner only. It also ran into the second lap from the seventh lap,
but Lu Shenfeng didn't seem to have much interest in this one.

Or maybe, interested, but not much curious?

Xu Lixue thought a lot, but he did not reject Xu Weifeng's challenge. Seven Stars
will try to be equal to everyone. The first apprentice or academician is no

"Then I will teach you." After Xu Weifeng initiated the challenge to trigger the
customization of the trial field, Xu Lixue smiled and took a two-ring seven-star
order from his arms, holding it in his palm and taking it away from the trial field.

"Then I'm welcome." Xu Weifeng threw out the two-ring seven-star order he
just won. He didn't care about the number of seven-star tokens he bet.
This matchup that challenged the head of the apprentice immediately attracted
countless attention. Far and near, all looked over here.

Yan Ge stood here on the edge of the second lap and looked here. The strong
man who appeared abruptly also felt inexplicable. When he was looking for
someone to check, Lin Tianbiao came to him.

"This is the person." Rather than watching Yan Ge, he stared at the duel that
was about to begin, Lin Tianbiao said.

Yan Ge didn't ask much, he immediately knew what Lin Tianbiao was referring
to. In recent times, it was only the man and the box that left them puzzled.

This incident, which was suspected to be related to the Dark Academy,

ultimately failed to detect a result. They are not there, neither is Yaoguangfeng
Yumen Yard.

But at this time, this person appeared in the Seven Stars Examination, and his
face did not change. Lin Tianbiao recognized it at a glance.

This guy turned out to be a member of Beidou College? And the strength is still
so strong?

Lin Tianbiao did not doubt that Xu Weifeng's identity was different. At this time
he was even more surprised by Xu Weifeng's strength.

Facing the head of the first apprentice of Seven Peaks, Xu Weifeng was very
active. He was actively attacking and Xu Lixue was defending.

"You said that he is related to the Dark Academy?" Yan Ge said.

"The clues displayed at the time were related." Lin Tianbiao said.

"Where is that guy?" Yan Ge asked again.

That guy means Ying Xiao. Although there is no evidence to prove it, Lin
Tianbiao is quite suspicious of him. Because the box was clearly problematic
under his temptation, but the result was empty.

That must be the means. Lin Tianbiao thought so, thinking he also noticed Ying
Xiao's move, but found nothing.

"It's getting more and more interesting," Yan Ge murmured.

Lin Tianbiao was silent. What happened next, he just waited for Yan Ge to

"On the Tianquan Peak, maybe I should go and confirm it myself." Yan Ge said,
after thinking about it, he made a decision.

"You stare here to see what the hell this kid wants to do, the people he contacts,
and the relationship you have suspected with Ying Xiao." Yan Ge ordered.

Chapter 518 Helpless Swagger

Tianquan Peak.

Because everyone has to participate in the Seven Stars Examination, the summit
is a bit deserted. However, there are always guards in heavy places like Yaofan.
Moreover, during the seven-star test, someone will inevitably be injured. At this
time of year, the medicinal food workshop will be quite busy. Not only to
provide medicine, but also to provide medical treatment. Most of the doctors at
Beidou College are students of Tianquan Peak.

Yan Ge is not a student of Tian Quanfeng, but his doctor level is very convincing
even many of Tian Quan ’s students in the pharmacy.

He is a regular customer here, and easily passed the strict guards-after the
stolen incident of Qiku, the alert of the medicine restaurant has improved a lot.

"Brother Yan Ge."

Someone greeted Yan Ge, and there are also many acquaintances here.

Yan Ge responded unhurriedly to everyone, then went to the pharmacy and

found some medicine. After discussing with several Tianquan students who are
discussing the medical plan, after giving some opinions and views, they left.

No one questioned him. As a doctor, it is normal for him to come to Yaofang to

seek medicine during the Seven Star Examination. In this way, Yan Ge left the
Yaofanfang without paying attention, but did not go down the mountain. The
mountain road turned around the fork, and Yan Ge walked up the mountain
road. After stepping on this upward mountain road, he suddenly became as alert
and sharp as a new person, and he moved much faster. It didn't take long to
reach the peak of Tianquan.

The Beidou Observatory is located here. Although it is also guarded, the

Observatory is never a strict place in the strict sense. But as soon as Yan Ge
stepped into this area, he felt the power of courage, followed by the murderous
intention that was ready to go, but immediately, the murderous courage had
disappeared, and the stargazing was hidden The Taiwan guards greeted them,
without much talk, but just saluted Yan Ge. Yan Ge didn't say anything, nodded,
and then stepped in. The guard watched Yan Ge behind him with caution, and
then disappeared again.

There was no one on the stargazing platform, nor did Yan Ge go there.

The observatory is just a building that expresses a sense of ritual, and there is no
very specific place in itself. You can watch the life map of the Big Dipper here
because it is the center within the radius of the Big Dipper Mountain. Here, the
star life chart formed by the life star associated with each Beidoumen person is
condensed and revealed, which is the most labor-saving. Therefore, although
Tianquan Peak is the shortest of the seven peaks, it has been selected as the
stargazing place.

Yan Ge did not go to the observatory, but turned into a forest on the west side of
the observatory. After a short walk, he saw five people sitting around a stump.
They didn't pay much attention to Yan Ge's arrival. Everyone's attention was
very focused. Just about two meters above the stump, there was a small starry
sky. The strange thing is that there are only two life stars in this starry sky, and it
is very dim and crumbling.

Yan Ge's eyes fell on these two life stars first.

"Has it succeeded?" Yan Ge said with some joy.

"It's a pity, it's not." None of the five people moved or answered, but another
person came out from the side, and the person in Tianquanfeng's suit answered
Yan Ge.

Yan Ge's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled. If it wasn't the planned kill, it would be
an extra burden.

"Do you know who it is?" He asked.

"It should be the people of Tianji Peak." Tian Quanfeng's servant answered.

"Everything is too early." Yan Ge murmured.

"Yes, we can't control it for too long, especially, there may be more cases in the
follow-up." The Tianquanfeng suit looked at the two life stars with sadness.

"If it is unacceptable, lead it to Tianji Peak." Yan Ge said.

"Yes." Tian Quanfeng's servant nodded.

Yan Ge's eyes looked out through the forest. Tianquan Peak is low. From here,
he can only see the tip of Tianshu Peak and Tianji Peak.

There are some deviations from the plan and expectations, but the situation is
still under control. This psychological preparation has already been strict. He
wouldn't have expected such a complex and huge plan to be exactly as he
expected. Speaking of this, this plan launch was even an unexpected
opportunity. It can be said that from the beginning, it did not fully meet the
many scripts he conceived.
It's just that every time I leave the script, for better or worse, it seems to be
related to Lu Ping.

Is that kid still alive this time?

Thinking of Lu Ping, Yan Ge exuded a little complicated emotion.

Tianji Peak.

"What sound?" There was a loud noise above the forest, which caused Wu Kai
and Mu Hong to be alert. They subconsciously hid among the forest, and then
they felt the surging power and rolled along the slope Next, there was a bit of
earthy smell in it.

After calming down, Wu Kai and Mu Hong and others walked out cautiously one
after another, moving quickly in the direction of the movement.

Within a few steps, a corpse of Tianjifengmen under the horizontal Chen tree
appeared in front of them. A fatal wound in the neck of the corpse was
obviously injured by the extremely fast attack.

Qin Yue.

No need to guess, everyone already thought of this answer.

"This guy, is it too much?" Mu Hong was a little dissatisfied, and he hasn't
reached the point where he can be so arrogant now.

"It may be impossible to force it," Wu Kai said. "If he chases this mountain road
and happens to hit the people of Tianji Peak, there is no way to do it."

"It's already two." Mu Hong said, looking up subconsciously at the sky.

"Although Xingluo is under control, it can't be long-lasting." Wu Kai seemed to

guess that Mu Hong was worried about the sky.
Beidou College's marvelous star life map will happen after people die, and
Beidou College will naturally be alert.

However, this is a well-known thing. Before carrying out such a plan, of course,
you will have some control over the starfall of the star chart.

It seems that this control has succeeded, but no one knows how long such
control can last.

Everything still has to be fast.

The group proceeded cautiously, but the more terrible scene soon appeared
before them. The loud noises and the fluctuation of the force before them found
the answer.

There were no dead people, but a pile of trees, seven or eight in height, some
were even uprooted, and eventually pushed down to the ground, blocking the
mountain road of Tianji Peak to death.

This scene is too exaggerated. Compared with the corpse hidden in the forest, it
will be exposed at a glance, and it will be alert in minutes. The star fall can be
temporarily suppressed, but this was pushed down a mountain forest, and now
no one has the ability to cover up this restoration.

"What the hell!" Mu Hong got angry again.

"This should not be Qin Yue's shot." Wu Kai noticed that the trees were broken.
It was not caused by Qin Yue's rapid and sharp attack. This was the use of great
force to break these trees. And there are so many at once, this courage is really

"Someone is here." The one with the sharpest sense in the group suddenly

The group of people quickly concealed their respective figures, and the one who
was responsible for the cover also quickly exerted their abilities, covering the
strength of the group of people.
Several figures, all from Tianji Peak Gate, came from the top of the mountain
road at a very fast speed, and soon came to this pushed down forest.

They were also surprised by the scene, and one of the leaders immediately
waved his hand and said, "Look around."

"Yes." The rest of Tianji's students were ordered to look in the mountains

Mu Hong and Wu Kai, eleven people in a row, quickly exchanged glances.

They have no time to retreat, and exposure under such search is also an
immediate matter.

Then, there is only one choice.

After eleven people exchanged glances, their idea was decided.

They immediately understood the frustration that Qin Yue shot and killed the

Like them, Qin Yue had no choice.

Chapter 591 No need to hide


At the peak of Tianquan, sitting in the woods on the west side of the star-gazing
platform, the five people who had been silent and extremely focused, suddenly

"Yes!" The other four immediately corrected themselves when they heard the
sound, and their expression became more serious.
"One, two, three ... Attention, there are many!" The voice of the previous
speech, counting the number of life stars perceived, suddenly changed from
calm to panic. Because this time, the life star that is about to happen is one after
another, reaching as many as four in a flash.

"And there!" Shouted another person. The number of stars did not stop there,
followed by five or six ...

In the starry sky directly above the stump, six life stars flashed one after
another, suddenly bright and dark. And the expressions of the five people are
constantly changing with the light and darkness of this life star, and they
suddenly become unbearable and suddenly relax.

"If there are two more at the same stage, we can't control it." The one who
spoke before, finally looked at Yan Ge and gritted his teeth.

Yan Ge nodded, but said nothing.

The six life stars flickered together with the two previously controlled. But
gradually, eight life stars settled one by one. They remained bleak, steady on the
starry sky, and the five people sitting around were only slightly relieved, but
they did not dare to relax. The moment when the star falls, it is the most
difficult to control the life star. But after this hardship, it is not once and for all.
They need to continue to exert their abilities and consume their power to
control the life star.

Eight stars, of course, the burden has increased a lot compared to two stars. But
the newly added six life stars haven't had their original goal. After these six
stars, how many more will there be? The reversal of the star life custom made
by the five of them cannot be completely controlled after all

Tianjifeng's doormen had no chance to let them send any messages. So they did
their best as soon as they shot. Eleven of them were not behind. They launched
a surprise attack on the six Tianjifengmen who came to the investigation with
thunder. They immediately won the six people at the cost of two minor injuries.

This result is enough for them to be satisfied; but this scene has also reached a
point where it is completely out of control. Six fallen bodies were thrown into
the forest on the side of the mountain.

what's next?

All looked at each other.

"Qin Yue presumably chased over there." Mu Hong pointed to the direction
where the forest was pushed down.

"No matter how fast we are, we can never compare with him." Wu Kai said.

"So just hand over to him over there." Mu Hong said.

"Then we ..." Wu Kai said, looking at the mountain road in front of him.

From the mountain to the mountain, it is not necessarily the nearest, but it is
always the best to go. For the cultivator, a little better way can also catch up

Further confirmation of the direction of the target's escape allowed them to

confirm that Lu Ping was going to Lu Cuntang. The chase in the mountain forest
was handed over to Qin Yue, so they might as well make a rush along the
mountain road. Exposure is a foregone conclusion, and they are not particularly
concerned about concealing their whereabouts.

"That's it." Mu Hong nodded.

The two sides agreed on a consensus. Eleven people and a group immediately
advanced along the mountain road in the direction of Lu Cuntang.

Lu Cuntang, located in

Between the mountainsides of the half-mountainside of Tianji Peak, it is not as

distinct and unique as Tianshulou and Qishatang, etc. It looks like a mansion
with several entrances and exits.
After all, compared to the Seven Killing Hall where only seven gatemen are
eligible to enter a year, Lu Cuntang is in charge of the most basic and daily camp
students at Beidou College. Every day, people from various peaks and hospitals
are in constant contact. It can be said that it is one of the busiest departments in

In such a busy and trivial institution, the establishment of particularly complex

access control will undoubtedly affect the efficiency, so Lu Cuntang has always
been outside and inside tight, its prevention, starting from the courtyard door,
gradually strengthened towards the depths of the courtyard, to the storage
Treasury with large amounts of money, that is, idlers and other people are not
allowed to enter or leave.

The Seven Stars will be tested, and the people in the whole school will
concentrate on this matter, which makes Lu Cuntang a rare leisure. In addition to
the necessary guards, other students who maintain the daily operation are also
attending the Seven Stars.

The old tile head sat at the entrance of Lu Cuntang's courtyard, so dazed.

Can stay here, of course

Tian Jifeng, who had also competed with his peers in the Seven Stars Test, also
walked on the mainland in the name of the Beidou Academy and was respected.

But that was the past, the past long, long ago.

Now he is old.

The scenery that he has long gone. The bó name he wanted to break out on the
mainland was forgotten for a long time, and the same brothers who lived and
died with him and died together.

So now, he is just an old tile head.

Every day at sunrise, open the door of Lu Cuntang, and rest in the little porter
beside the door at night. Seven Stars will try? He had stopped attending many
years ago. His life as a cultivator is already over in his opinion. He has
experienced big winds and waves, and nothing will surprise him anymore. That
day, waiting for his life star to fall among the Beidou Mountain.

He hasn't cared about anything else. Including a sound from the Yamashita
before, six

Chapter 520 Outside Lu Cuntang

Chapter 520 Outside Lu Cuntang

"Huh, is this?" The old tile head sitting at the gate of Lu Cuntang stood up. He is
old and his eyes are not yet spent. After chasing the light behind Lu Ping, he
could not only see that it was a figure, but also the clothing he was wearing, and
he could recognize this figure as light.

After a hundred years of cultivating career, Lao Tau Tau has indeed seen
everything, but the people of Nantian College chased and killed the people of
Beidou College on Tianji Peak.

"Old tile head, call people!"

Being put in the hands by Lu Ping, the semi-unconscious Sun sent the move, and
finally stuck to this moment, rejuvenating his spirit and shouting hard. At this
time, she couldn't even exert a little courage, and her voice only came out with
her voice.

"It turned out to be the first apprentice sister." The old tile head supported her
waist with one hand and moved forward two steps tremblingly. Qin Yue's light
and shadow turned into Lu Ping's back in an instant.

Just a few steps away!

Although Sun Songzhao had no power, she also felt the severe pressure behind
her, and her wounds even bleed. She was a bit desperate. This old tile head was
really too slow. Great idea! The main entrance of Lu Cuntang should not be so
Whoever wanted the old shivering figure shook his head again, and then

A sound of metal clashes came from behind Lu Ping, followed by the hoarse
voice of the old tile head: "Shout people first, afraid that it is too late?"

"Lao Watou?" Sun Songzhao was surprised. As the first apprentice of Tianji Peak,
she never knew Laowato had such a skill. Since she entered Beidou College and
entered the gate of Tianji Peak, Laowatou was already the doorman of Lu
Cuntang, and all the people in the various peaks and courtyards entered and left
at will. He looked so old and weak. Although Sun Sendzhao was not rude, he
never thought that this old tile head would still maintain such fighting power.
The fact that he could stop Qin Yue's blow already shocked Sun Shengzhao.

However, it was only a blow.

After the brittle sound of metal clashes, a loud noise rang, and the power of the
spirit spread convulsively. The old tile head blocked the attack, but then it was
broken by the powerful force of the attack and rolled towards Aside.

Qin Yue took a step forward, chased and attacked Luping with heart, and the
matter was so far, he had no worries.

"Sha Dun!" The old tile head that had fallen to the ground clapped on the
ground with one hand, and a light sigh. Suddenly a yellow sand rolled up from
the ground between Lu Ping and Qin Yue. Cold light.

"Cough, Lao Watou's body is useless, but his vision is still there." Laowato said
while coughing.

After two successive obstacles, the distance between Lu Ping and Qin Yue
suddenly opened up again. In this effort, Sun Songzhao also shouted "Come

It is useless to use Naruto to send out the sound accurately, but the keenness of
the cultivator is so loud that such a shouting outside the courtyard gate is
enough for them.

The two tianjimen rushed out of Lu Cuntang's gate in a blink of an eye. When
they saw this situation, they rushed forward without asking.

"The doll backed away." Laowato quickly stopped, but the two young doormen
who were full of enthusiasm, where would they put Laowato's words in their
hearts? The two did not wantonally release their courageous force, but Qin Yue
has rushed to them more actively.


The two who underestimated Qin Yue's speed completely, only to have two
shocked faces, had been passed by Qin Yue and fell down.

"Alas." The old tile sighed. He saw a lot of life and death, the two lives will not
let him move. It was just that this death could have been avoided, and the vain
sacrifice made him sigh.

Immediately afterwards, someone rushed out of the courtyard again, saw the
two who had fallen down, and saw Qin Yue who chased and killed sharply, and
rushed forward without asking.

"Come back?" The old tile head was helpless. Nan Tianmen students, the blood
of the Qin family, opponents of this level, but not everyone can deal with it.
Although Lu Cuntang is a heavy place, Tianjifeng Jingyanying sits in town. But
Jing Yanying's main protection is the inner treasury. Even if he hears the call
from the first apprentice Sun, he will not leave his post easily. Those who came
quickly did not belong to the top students. They lined up to Qin Yue and they
could only die.

The students who just rushed out did not listen to the words of the old tile head,
but this time Sun Songzhao, who was held in the hands by Lu Ping, finally spoke.

"Listen to the old tile head." Sun sent a call.

"Master Sister?" The two of them who had just rushed to Qin Yue heard the
sound, and the old tile head coughed and said, "Sister Nuo protector went in."

Go in? Who will stop this person?

Both were inexplicable in their hearts, and they were fixed on the spot for a
while. Qin Yue saw and wanted to catch up. The old tile head who had just
spoken finally used new methods.

"Sha Xuan!" The old tile head pressed the ground with two palms this time,
followed by the left and right palms. Qin Yue, who came after him, felt that he
had just stepped on this step as if he had stepped on an empty space. There was
already yellow sand all around, and he was about to be swallowed up.

The two men suddenly looked dumbfounded. Up and down Tianji Peak, no one
has ever taken the old tile head seriously, where would he think he would have
such a means.

The old tile head did not look at them, waving his palms while controlling the
power of courage, while saying, "It's not good to go quickly."

"Ah? Yes ..." The two doormen reacted, and Lu Ping walked into the door of Lu
Cuntang early. The followers of Tianjimen who rushed to the door were also
rushing to the door, seeing Lu Ping, who was carrying one person in one hand,
was frightened. Fortunately, Sun Songzhao quickly explained.

"Fang Tianji arrow. Listen to the old tile head."

After two sentences, Sun Shengzhao finally reached the limit and passed out
completely. Although the two instructions left behind are unknown, they are
always well executed.

The light gathered by a courageous power has been sent to the sky in a blink of
an eye. Two Tianjimen came up and took over Sun Songzhao and Sun Yingsheng
from Luping.

"Send them into the inner court." After the confession from what appeared to
be a leader among the crowd, he led the crowd out of the courtyard. They had
already felt the violent force outside the courtyard.

As soon as I left the hospital, I saw a sand pupa surrounded by yellow sand. I
hadn't waited to figure out what this was. Several cold lights had burst out of
the sand. When did the powder of the sand pupae cut, Qin Yue jumped out The
figure flashed away from this side. He glanced three times at the exact stop of
his old tile head, and then glanced at the sky arrow that flew to the sky. This
time, he could no longer stop it. Seeing that Sun Songzhao was also escorted
into Lu Cuntang, the people of Tianji Peak also gathered.

"No way." Qin Yue shook his head and took a step back, as if to retreat. Tian
Jifeng's disciple would let him go so easily, he would have to move forward, but
the old tile head gestured with his hand: "Don't move."

"Why?" Everyone was stunned, but remembered Sun's confession, and

immediately stopped, just looking at Laowatou's eyes full of wonder.

Qin Yue reached out his back and took something from behind that had been
behind him. It lit up in front of him and shook brightly, reflecting the light. Qin
Yue pulled out a mirror at this time.

The old tile head who had seen the big wind and big waves, the look could not
help changing at this moment.

"Tian Luo Jing!" Lao tile shouted.

Qin Yue couldn't help but carefully looked at the old tile, and sincerely said:

"Don't dare, as you get older, you will inevitably see a little more." Lao Watou

Although other Tianjifeng disciples could not recognize this mirror at the first
glance like Lao Watou, they could not help changing their colors after hearing
the name called by Laowato.

They didn't recognize it, but they all heard the name.
One of the four great soldiers of Nantian Academy-Tian Luo Jing.

Chapter 521 Tian Luo Jing

Above the sky of Tianji Peak, the light condensed by the power of the soul
blooms everywhere, and it can be easily seen from any corner of the Beidou
Mountain Range.

"It's Tianji Arrow?" Chen Jiu, an academician of Tianquan, looked at the light
and said with some surprise. Tianji Arrow is the whole hospital. Tianji Arrow
issued such a command arrow, and the incidents encountered are definitely not
small. After all, with the strength of one of the seven peaks of Beidou College,
they will definitely feel difficult things.

"I'll check it out," Wang Xin said. Tianji's arrows were all released. He, the
academician Tianji, was dismissed a little, and he didn't care about it. It might
not even be enough.

"I am with you." Academician Yu Heng said.

"Good." Wang Xin did not refuse, and then looked at Dean Xu Mai.

After Xu Mai nodded, the two academicians immediately strode away

meteorically. Xu Mai looked at the light of Tianji Arrow that had not completely
dispersed over Tianji Peak, and the two academicians Chen Jiu and Song Yuan
stood beside him.

Tianji arrow communication, such trouble, is not only the burden of Tianji Peak,
but will certainly be the burden to the Beidou College as a whole. For each of
them, Tian Jifeng's warning could not be careless. That's what the academicians
are, so is everyone at Beidou College. The Seven Stars in the Seven Stars Valley
trial, but at the same time entered a suspension period, many of the students in
the duel stopped their hands, looked at the Seven Star Tower, waiting for the
academician's instructions.
Xu Mai spoke and was talking about what he wanted. Song Yuan seemed to
guess his thoughts and spoke before him.

"Can't stop." Song Yuan said.

Xu Mai looked at him.

"The seven-star trial will not stop." Song Yuandao said, "The significance of the
trial is here."

Xu Mai understood what Song Yuan meant.

The Seven Stars Examination, on the one hand, is the examination of the
Beidoumen, on the other hand, it is to show the strength of the Beidou
Academy in front of all forces.

In case of some troubles, the seven-star trial was interrupted, which is not a
manifestation of strength. If you finally find that the trouble is not big, it is a
trivial matter, and you will be laughed at.

"What trouble do you need us to deal with?" Xu Mai said with some arrogance.
This is not a pride. There are really not many things in this continent that require
the efforts of the Beidou College.

"Is it still impossible for Cultivation World to fight?" Song Yuan smiled.

The so-called Cultivation War is a full-blown battle between cultivators since the
advent of vigorous cultivation. So far, only two and a half times have been
recognized, and can be regarded as a war in the repair world.

For the first time, as early as thousands of years ago, after that war, four
cultivation organizations won the final victory, and then they opened the door
to the courtyard, widely enrolled disciples, named after Beidou, Nantian,
Xuanwu, Qiyue It is the four major colleges today.

The Second World War was a thousand years ago. The rise of the dark
academies, and the four academies led by the practitioners in a chamber of
resistance. Eventually, the Second Cultivation War broke out, and the four
colleges joined hands to lead the world's largest and small colleges to defeat the
Dark Academy. After this war, the forces of the Dark Academy withdrew to the
bitter cold north to recuperate. For thousands of years, they even showed their
teeth and were extinguished instantly.

As for the half-time after two times, it refers to the battle between the three
empire of Qingfeng, Xuanjun and Changfeng. This war has a wider and deeper
reach, but no participation in the practice world is limited. The role played by at
least the four major colleges is not obvious. As the cultivators who take the
family as a unit participate a lot, the blood-fighting ability is to shine in this half

What Song Yuan meant is that if it is a war of the same scale, the Beidou
Academy might have to go all out. Besides, what other troubles do they need to
spread their wings?

"No star falls." Chen Jiu said abruptly. But the meaning is understood
immediately. Without the stars, there would be no dead people, no dead
people, and the situation would not be too bad.

This is really reassuring. Dean Xu Mai nodded and expressed his approval. So
Song Yuan turned around and greeted the big figures on the top of Qixing
Tower: "Don't mind you. The Tianji Peaks and the Tianji Arrows are warning, and
the two academicians went to see them in person. I believe there will be results

"The two academicians went out in person, and naturally all problems were
solved." The people said one after another. Song Yuan smiled, but he wouldn't
take this seriously. If it is impossible to say that he is not worried at all, Tianji
arrow warning is not a child's play, but if Wang Xin goes alone, he certainly will
not agree. However, the two academicians, in any case, can be attacked and
retreated, it will not hinder major events.

So, look at it first.

Song Yuan thought, and also had eye contact with Xu Mai and Chen Jiu. He is not
entrusted, but just wants to control things well, not to lose the style of Beidou
College. The people of the three major empires and three major academies are
watching. There are various forces, and all the small academies are watching.

The Beidou Academy can't be overkill, but it can't overturn the boat in the

"Zhan Ren, ready to support Tianji Peak at any time." Song Yuan sent a message
to Tian Xuanfeng's first apprentice Zhan Ren.

"Yes." After receiving the confirmation reply from Zhan Ren, Song Yuan was
really relieved and nodded toward Xu Mai and Chen Jiuwei.

The quiet discussion of the three academicians of Beidou was still heard by
some people. At the top of Qixing Building, there are many people who are very
concerned about how Beidou will respond next. As soon as Tianji Arrow flew up
to the high altitude warning, academicians of the three colleges of Nantian,
Xuanwu, and Miss Yue had already started inadvertently making eye contact.

Beidou College needs to make a decision, they need it more. Here is Beidou
College, they are alone.

Fortunately, they are still in the dark, and Qixinglou does not understand the
real situation of Tianji Peak.

However, the arrow of Tianji has come out, and both academicians have already
gone, and they may be poked at any time.

But before that, it was still that they took the lead and mastered the initiative.
This was their opportunity.

After the three of them glanced at each other, the heart of the students of
Donglinmen Cheng Nanzhu of Nantian College suddenly flashed a spirit of

This is a custom made by Nantian College on Tianluo mirror. After all, it is the
treasure of Nanyuan College and one of the four great soldiers. This kind of
customization ensures that no matter where it is, Nantian College can find it; as
long as it is activated, Nantian College will also receive messages from the

At this time Cheng Zhudeng received such a signal.

Her body turned in the direction of Tianji Peak, and the force of the spirit moved
a little, and she established a more direct connection with the customization on
the Tian Luo mirror.

Tian Luo Jing is the eye!

The scene where the Tian Luo Jing shined immediately appeared in Cheng
Luozhu's mind.

Tianji Peak, outside Lu Cuntang's courtyard. The stunned faces of the doormen
of Tianji Peak were reflected in the mirror.

"Rewind !!" shouted an old man who looked like a dying year.

But everything is too late.

Tian Luo Jing's Tian Luo is Tian Luo's Tian Luo's Tian Luo. Wherever the mirror
light shines, everyone's strength and spirit are banned.

Everyone can only open their mouths and stand there.

They didn't seem to have awakened from the confusion that saw Tian Luo Jing.

If it is just a person wearing the robe of Nantian College, they can still suspect
that it is counterfeit, or that there is a traitor from Nantian College.

However, Tian Luo Jing, the treasure of the Nanyuan College, has made it out.
There is no room for half-turn. This person represents Nantian College.

This is Nantian College. It is declaring war on Beidou College!

Their thoughts stayed at this moment. Tian Luo Jing, from the killing spirit to the
full seal of the six spirits, when the spirit of the spirit is blocked, the human
thought will stop.

At this time, it is easy to take down the first level of this pedestrian, but Qin Yue
did not do so.

He also considered the star fall. Although it is said that there is some control
over the star fall, but if too many Beidoumen people lose their lives, I am afraid
that there is not much power to control the Beidou star's life map, right?

The release of Tianji Arrow will cause Beidou University to be vigilant. But no
starfall has happened yet, and it will be a heart-pill for them. Beidou College
underestimates the seriousness of the situation, and the more beneficial it is to

Tian Luo Jing's control can last for a certain period of time, these people are
estimated and blocked like this.

Qin Yue thought, but his eyes stayed where Lao Watou was originally.

There was no one there. The old tile head had nowhere to go. All it left was a
slightly raised, loose ground.

Can you escape from Tian Luojing's blockade?

Qin Yue was a little surprised.

He had long realized that the strength of this old man was actually not strong,
and his courage had declined to a very weak point because of his old age.

But his experience, his insights, and his control of the power of the soul have all
reached the point of reaching their peak. He was inferior to Qin Yue's powerful
courage and continuously blocked Qin Yue's attack. This time, even Tian
Luojing's attack escaped.

This old man is really a bit powerful.

Qin Yue thought, flying.

He did not go to the courtyard door, but flew straight up and jumped over the
wall of Lu Cuntang.

Standing in the air, he immediately saw the old tile head, with one arm and one
leg, dragging the whole body to move forward desperately.

He still couldn't escape Tian Luojing's blockade completely. His left half was
completely unable to move.

Qin Yue did not know the identity of the old tile head, but his experience just
told him that it would be better for this old man to be removed or removed first.

Hanguang swept straight down from the air, and struck the old tile head
desperately on the ground. He was only half a body, and he couldn't avoid Qin
Yue's attack of meteor.

But when the cold light dissipated, only a pool of yellow sand was left


Even Qin Yue didn't see through the prosthesis technique.

This old man, who is not experienced and knowledgeable, has a lot of abilities.

Qin Yue's eyes looked deep into the courtyard, and he could hear the panicked
footsteps and the force of courage that kept gathering deep.

It seemed that Laowato's warning had been given, and no one came out to stop

Tian Luo Jing. This is not a magic soldier they can deal with. Compared with
those who only strengthen the strength of the cultivator's soul and improve
certain aspects of the attribute, the strength of Tianluo Jing has exceeded this

In itself, it can use the power of the soul to display abilities, and it is an
extraordinary powerful ability.

This type of magical soldier can no longer be rated by the usual rank of three or
six, and the abilities it controls are often beyond the six major levels.

This class of soldiers is hailed as a super product, meaning to transcend all


Only this kind of magic soldier will become the treasure of the Nanyuan
Academy and one of the four magic soldiers.

Holding it, Qin Yue alone went to Tianji Lucuntang alone.

Chapter 522 Lu Cuntang's Treasury

"Hey, I'm fine, you don't need to control me!"

Lu Ping's argument did not get anyone's attention. Seeing him fleeing here with
Sun Shuangzhao and his brother, and seeing that the younger sister of the Sun
family was seriously injured, he just escorted him together with the younger
brother of the Sun family to the inner courtyard. Along the way, Tianjimen
people nervously communicated the current situation, and no one ignored Lu
Ping's voice. Indiscriminately, he was sent to the deepest treasury in the hospital
with his younger brother and sister.

"Take good care of the elder sister." The Tianjimen hurriedly confessed, not even
saying this to Lu Ping, and the one who stayed with the three of them also had a
Tianjifeng female student.

After the vault door was closed again, the Tianjimen rushed to the front yard to
defend the enemy.

Without a sense of presence, Lu Ping stunned the door of the library twice,
echoing heavily. I tried to perceive with the power of soul, and found that the
walls of the vault were all sounds of various customized abilities. This is
obviously not a place where people can easily be broken into. It is naturally the
safest place on Tianji Peak. The three Luping who had fled here hurriedly were
quickly protected.

"Hey ... I'm fine ..." Lu Ping said helplessly, but the only one who could hear him
now was the Tianji female student. However, this one also ignored him and
threw himself at Sun Songzhao. After quickly inspecting Sun Yuanzhao's injury,
he frowned, and searched in the vault. It is not common to find drugs, topical,
internal use, take good care of Sun sent strokes.

As for Sun Yingsheng, she was just thrown aside, and the female student did not
look at it. Lu Ping leaned in, but didn't know what to do. He lifted Sun Yingsheng
and said twice, "Hey". This simple method obviously didn't play any role. Sun
Yingsheng continued to be comatose.

The female student of Tianji squinted at this side, his eyes retracted, but his
mouth said: "Your left hand medicine cabinet, the fourth floor of the seventh
grid, find Dingxin Pill and give him three pills."

"Oh." Lu Ping hurriedly counted the left-hand medicine pavilion, the seventh
floor of the fourth floor, and it was written as Xinxin Pill. When I opened it, I saw
several small medicine bottles tightly arranged in the grid. Lu Ping took one
bottle, poured out three pills, and came back into Sun Yingsheng's mouth. Then
he didn't know what to do.

That day, the female students did not speak anymore, but just took care of Sun
Zhao. Her hands and feet were quite brisk, and she quickly treated Sun
Sendzhao's wounds, and then laid her quietly on the ground, and then she
looked towards Luping's side.

"Is it okay for him to do this?" Lu Ping finally saw that the female student was
idle and quickly asked Sun Yingsheng.

The female disciple walked over and didn't care much about Sun Sendzhao.
After looking at Sun Yingsheng, he nodded.
"How should I get out?" Lu Ping asked again.

"Only the library door can be opened from the outside." The female student
said lightly.

"Ah ... I'm fine again, what do you do to lock me in." Lu Ping complained.

"Who are you?" The female student looked at Lu Ping and asked. She didn't
know exactly what happened, and she just started to understand it.

"My name is Lu Ping." Lu Ping said.

"Oh? You are Lu Ping?" The female student could not help but glance at Lu Ping
more. The name is now popular in Beidou University.

"How about you?" Lu Ping asked.

"I don't call Li Yi," the female student replied.

"Oh." Lu Ping nodded. He certainly didn't know the name, even if it was the
most favored student under the tutelage of Tianji's first apprentice Sun.

"Who hurt you?" Li Yi didn't care about Luping's flat response, but asked this
question without concealing her anger. Sun Shuangzhao's injuries apparently
went to death. Who is this? Dare to kill Tianji's first apprentice at Beidou

"It's from three colleges." Lu Ping said.

"Three colleges?" Li Yi was shocked. The answer was really unexpected. What
does it mean that the people from the three colleges even recruited such a bad
hand to Sun Song?

"The people from the three colleges were chased outside?" Li Yi asked again.

"At present, only one person is chased, Nantian College, Qin family." Lu Ping
said. He knew a little bit about Qin Yue's identity, but he didn't know his name.

"Qin Yue ..." Qin Yue's fame is not small, but Li Yi immediately thought of it, and
then asked: "What are they trying to do?"

Lu Ping shook his head, he only knew that the other party wanted to kill Sun to
send the move, but he knew nothing about the attempt to do so.

"Are you alone in Lu Cuntang?" Li Yi said with a solemn expression. She did not
think that such an act was a self-defeating way of death. Instead, she was
convinced that this proud student of Nanlin College East Linmen and the
outstanding son of the Qin family's bloodline were by no means a nerd. He
dared to go to Lu Cuntang alone, so he must rely on it.

But no matter what, Tianji arrows are always released. Thinking of this, Li Yi felt
a little relieved.

"You said the three colleges, what about the others?" Li Yi then asked.

"There is also a chase, and I don't know where I am now." Lu Ping said. Except
for Qin Yue, the other chasers only felt, but never met.

"This situation has to be explained to the outside world." Li Yi said, sitting on the
floor immediately, closing her eyes and controlling her power with
concentration. She is a proud student of Sun Songzhao, who has been learning
the ability of "Sound Turning" by Sun Zhaozhao. Although she hasn't fully
mastered it yet, she can do it directly by establishing the connection with the
consciousness of others by running the power of this power. Communicating the
news in this way is much more accurate and direct than using "transmission" or
the like.

Soon, the soul of Naruto controlled by Li Yi has emerged from the vault and
quickly found the person she wanted to contact.

"Lu Ze ..."

Only when the name was just called, and even the title didn't come out, Li Yi felt
that the consciousness that he had established a connection with suddenly
became blank. Her naming spirit suddenly fell into the dark abyss, drifting
helplessly. Before she was too surprised, a golden light suddenly bloomed in the
dark, staring at her with a whispering soul, and then came over.

what is this?

Li Yi was shocked, and he had to withdraw the soul of Ming Ming in a hurry, but
the light came faster, and immediately swept through Li Ming's spirit, and then
it disappeared.

what's the situation?

Li Yi suddenly awakened from entering the state of other people's

consciousness, his face pale and sweaty. She didn't take the initiative to regain
control, but her soul was wiped out by that light. She could feel it. Fortunately, it
was only her aura of soul that stayed there. If it were her, the fear of
disappearing was herself.

Teacher Lu Ze ... Is that how it disappeared?

Thinking of this, Li Yi felt more terrible. She will be commensurate with her
teacher, and naturally is the peer of Sun Peihao's peer, academician Wang Xin of
Tianji Academician. This strength is already superior on Tianji Peak, and it is the
leader among the Tianjimen who are guarding Lu Cuntang at this time.

So quickly even Lu Ze was killed, what about the others?

Li Yi was no longer as calm as when she first entered the vault. She realized that
the problem was serious and she was very anxious. But being locked in this
vault, what she can do is limited. Sending news, she can only be sent to this Lu
Cuntang courtyard. The custom set by the Treasury did not go through casually.

"I don't know what happened outside?" Lu Ping whispered at this moment, he
turned sideways, looking like he was listening to something. The same is true in
fact. Lu Ping played "Listen to Break" and wanted to perceive the situation
outside the vault. Because the protection on the vault is too custom-made, it is
all interference for Lu Ping's keen perception. It is extremely difficult to listen to
the desired information in such a mixed voice.

"The situation is not too good." Li Yi is also a person who doesn't worry about
anything, worry hanging on his face.

"Did you say anything when you hurried over?" Li Yi suddenly asked what he
thought of.

"Teacher?" Lu Ping froze for a moment, but then responded by referring to Sun's

"Nothing." Lu Ping shook his head.

"In this way, the teacher is not clear about their attempts." Li Yi said.

Lu Ping was silent. Sun Songzhao coughed lightly at this time, and the two
turned their heads to see, just seeing Sun Songzhao struggling to open their

"Teacher!" Li Yi rushed up very quickly.

"Li Yi." Sun sent recruits to see who was coming, and then looked around again.
"Is this Curry?"

"Yes." Li Yi said as he lifted Sun Sendai up.

Sun Songzhao turned his gaze again, and saw the younger brother on the
ground, and Luping. He didn't care about Sun Yingsheng first. Instead, he asked
Luping: "Is Luping all right?"

"I'm fine, but they shut me in." Lu Ping said.

"How's it going outside?" Sun Song Zhao asked.

"The perception is not clear. Too much customization of this vault is too messy."
Lu Ping said.
"The situation may not be very good." Li Yi did not hide, and described the
situation encountered by the half-toned tone just turned to Sun Songzhao.

"Do not stop after chasing here, really Lu Cuntang is their goal?" Sun sent Zhao

"Oh? Do you grab money?" Lu Ping asked. In his intuitive understanding, Lu

Cuntang is in charge of saving money.

"Lu Cuntang has a lot of money, but their purpose is probably more than that.
Such a big move, Lu Cuntang is afraid that they want it more." Sun sent Zhao

"What is that?" Lu Ping asked.

"Do you think that this kind of person from the three colleges can give a big
blow to Beidou College?" Sun sent Zhao said.

"You are almost dead." Lu Ping reminded Sun to send strokes.

"Hey!" Li Yi was angry.

"Yes. If it wasn't for you to arrive suddenly, I was indeed dead." Sun Shuangzhao
stopped Li Yi and nodded.

"Then I'm dead, what can they get?" Sun Sendao said, obviously, she had been
thinking about this question.

"It's transmission customization." Sun Sendzhao said.

"What is that?" Lu Ping was at a loss.

"Tianji Peak is responsible for all expenditures of Beidou College. It is inevitable

that it will face a lot of purchases, which will be more burdensome and frequent
than the peaks and colleges. If you rely on ordinary transportation methods, the
mountainous landscape of Beidou Mountain It is impossible to complete the
supply of this scale at present. Therefore, in Lu Cuntang of Tianji Peak, a
powerful transmission customization has been established, which can be
connected to any place within five hundred miles of Beidou Mountain for direct
transmission. "Li Yi Explained the transmission customization.

"The seven-element solution to the Ecuadorian custom was also opened a

channel. However, considering the hidden dangers that this channel may bring,
this transmission customization was refused to be transmitted by living people
from the beginning of its establishment." The three colleges may have found a
way to circumvent this rule. Their doormen may have assembled within five
hundred miles of Beidou Mountain, waiting for the signal on the mountain. "

Chapter 523 Unexpected Power

The strength of the four colleges lies between each other. If it is just a head-on
conflict, it is difficult to fight with four hands, let alone one with three. Even if
Beidou College has a top-notch five-strong master, it is difficult to pose a threat
to the three colleges, but it will only cost them more.

But if you are in your own site, it is another matter. The four colleges have been
able to stand for thousands of years, and each college has its own means of
nursing. Beidou College has started layout research and planning from the
beginning of its establishment. After several generations of efforts, it finally
established the prototype of the seven-element solution to the Ecuadorian
Customs 2,400 years ago. And perfection is an indestructible symbol in the eyes
of the world. In 2,400 years, Beidou College has been attacked, harassed, and
even civil unrest, but the seven-element solution to Ecuador was never broken

Without breaking through the seven-element solution to Ecuador's great

customization, I would like to cause fundamental damage to Beidou University.
This has become a law and iron law in people's minds.

Therefore, the three major colleges started this time, breaking through the
seven yuan to solve the Ecuadorian customization became the key. In the end,
they found a breakthrough in Tianjifeng's teleport customization. If you can
overcome the problem that Tianjifeng's teleportation customization can't
transfer living people, this channel will undoubtedly be a big loophole in the
seven-element solution.

This is Sun Guzhao's guess. Otherwise, she really can't figure out why the three
colleges are so attached to her.

Even if she was the first priest of Tianji, her life would not be so decisive. What is
important must be something that only the first Apostle of Heaven has
mastered. For example, opening the vault, such as opening the transmission
customization, this is not everyone can do on Tianji Peak. Only a small number
of people will take turns in charge of one of these two powers, and at the same
time and always have these two powers, there are only two people, the
academician of Tianji and the first apprentice of Tianji.

Compared with the academician Tianji, the apprentice is obviously better.

Although it is unclear how they should get this authority after taking their own
lives, but the other party has already made such a plan, there must be their way.
Just like Sun Songzhao's inference at this time, it is completely unclear how the
other party solved the rule of sending customized orders to refuse living people.

"The college will see Tianji Arrow coming soon ..." Li Yi prayed after listening to
Sun's analysis.

"Seeing that Tianji arrows did not retreat, the support after the warning is
probably also in their calculations." Sun Sendao shook his head and said.

"What should I do?" Li Yi was anxious.

"The other party's preparations for this operation are very thorough. I am afraid
that all the responses we can do are in their calculations." Sun Sendzhao said,
but his eyes turned to Luping. "Unless there are some unexpected forces."

"Teacher, what do you mean?" Li Yi noticed Sun Yuanzhao's gaze, and was a little
surprised. The young man named Lu Ping in front of him was the bargaining chip
the teacher was expecting?
"Say me?" Lu Ping saw Sun Yuanzhao's eyes.

"Can I trust you?" Sun Songzhao asked solemnly.

"Someone asked me this question before." Lu Ping said.

"Oh? Who is it?" Sun Send asked.

"Brother Jin Qi." Lu Ping said.

"Then how can you answer him?" Sun Send asked.

"Yes." Lu Ping said no.

"That's good." Sun sent a nod.

"Teacher ..." Li Yi was surprised. At present, it is related to the survival and

safety of Beidou College. No matter how powerful Lu Ping is, he is only a
newcomer after admission. Who can guarantee that he is not a chess piece
inserted by the three colleges? As a result, Sun Shengzhao easily believed by the
other party's position?

"I didn't think about this possibility." Sun sent the move very frankly, "Killing me
may not get what they want, maybe they are sending individuals to win my trust
at this time, and then Deceive what they need. "

"Although I think you are very, very different." Sun sent Zhao said. Lu Ping's
behavior is very strange. He doesn't know the world, but he responds quickly
and thinks very alertly. When he was down the mountain, after revising the
naive idea of "Four Big Friends", Lu Ping's response was very thorough

If it is undercover camouflage, there is no logic to pretend to be such a strange

person, right?

"Even if it looks like, I am not." Lu Ping said.

"Whether you are or not, I won't say a word about the vault or sending
customized information." Sun sent a message.

Li Yi was relieved a little, and the teacher thought about it carefully. It's just that
Lu Ping heard such a statement. If there is really a problem, I'm afraid it will
expose the fox's tail?

As a result, Lu Ping did not, but just nodded his head. He didn't seem to care
about Sun's position.

"Then next, I have to help you improve your strength." Sun sent Zhao said.

"Brother Sun?" Lu Ping asked suddenly. Sun Yingsheng had been lying on the
side, but Sun Wanzhao woke up, just caring about the dangerous situation at
Beidou College, and ignored her brother.

"Beidou College can't pass this level, he will only die here, so do you still need to
pay special attention to him?" Sun sent Zhao said lightly.

"Why not give him the opportunity to prove himself?" Lu Ping asked.

"Because he didn't need to prove himself in front of me, I never doubted his
talents and potential." Sun sent Zhao said.

"Why don't you want him to stay at Beidou College to practice?" Lu Ping asked

"Because from the day I became Tianji's first apprentice, I will only dedicate my
body and mind to the college. But the Sun family still needs someone to
continue and support. This person must be him. Hurry down the mountain. "Sun
sent strokes.

"Then why didn't you support the family and let him practice in the college?"

"Because he is better than me." Sun Sendzhao said.

Leave the better ones to the family.

The college and the family can see Sun's favoritism and longing from here. It's
just that the college's training and emphasis made her unable to obey her own
selfishness completely. She became an apprentice, determined to put
everything into the college. And her younger brother, Sun Yingsheng, who is
better than her in her opinion, hopes that he will shoulder the responsibility
that he has no spare power to take on and take on the whole family.

"Now can we get back to business?" Sun sent a wave.


"Tell me about your soul, what's your control over it?" Sun Songzhao asked. She
is an expert in the spirit of soul, and her attainments of this spirit of strength can
be said to be one of the few on the mainland, but the spirit of spirit displayed by
Lu Ping has never been seen before.

Lu Ping said so, Sun sent a surprise.

"Isn't this just Yinyin Tuning?" Sun sent Zhao said. Lu Ping described to her the
rhythm of controlling Ming Ming's soul, and Sun sent a stroke to judge. It's not
really a difficult ability for her to drive sound, but under Lu Ping's display, it has
such an effect?

"It seems to be the name." Lu Ping said.

"How can the rhythm of driving sounds be such an effect? What did you do to
it?" Sun sent a stroke very puzzled.

"Nothing, just faster." Lu Ping said.

hapter 524: Mirage in the City

About three hundred and eighty miles from Beidou Mountain, a small town that
has been abandoned for some time.

The archway in Zhenkou has long been destroyed, leaving only three pillars less
than half a person tall. At this time, it was wiped brightly, revealing the scarlet
paint that had been obscured by the dust for some time, revealing a strange.

The small town behind the three pillars was still so peaceful. When the wind
blew, the loess on the ground rolled and hit the broken wall.

Everything seems nothing special, except for the three scarlet pillars that are
very inconsistent with the surroundings.

A bird flew across the sky, looking a little tired, and it stared at the branch of the
dead tree in town.

The bird swooped down, but at a distance of 100 meters from the dead branch,
it suddenly disappeared from the sky, leaving no bird hair left.

The wind was still blowing like that, as if nothing had happened, only one of the
three scarlet pillars flashed a wave at the moment the bird disappeared.

Then there was a man who walked out of the three stumps out of thin air and
looked around with caution. What he wore was a unique play suit for Miss Yue
College, and the "One" logo embroidered on his shoulder revealed his identity.
This person turned out to be a student who lacked Yue.

"Just a bird?" A voice, accompanied by a figure, appeared from behind the three
stumps. This time, this man was not wearing a splash suit, but the most
common warrior dress on the mainland, but his waist, a black belt, tied flat and
smooth, with a tail hanging quietly around his waist It does not sway with the

Anyone who knows the goods will immediately be able to guess that this one is
a gatekeeper of Xuanwu College, one of the four major colleges, and a disciple
of the Black Belt.

"Yes," said the missing Yipinsheng first, nodding.

"That's good. The news has come from Nantian College. Tianluojing has been
launched and may respond to us at any time." The black belt disciple of Xuanwu
College said.

"Go ahead and prepare." Qiuyue Yipinsheng said.

"Well." Xuanwu black belt disciples responded, and the two then noticed the
surroundings again, and then backed away. When they passed the three stumps,
they disappeared again.

The deserted town continues its deserted appearance. There are no other
people within a few tens of kilometers, so no one has found that this small town
today, no matter if the birds, beasts, and insects, will disappear out of thin air as
soon as they reach a certain range. No one will find that this whole town is
shrouded in a big power and a big customization.

Beidou College, Tianji Peak.

Academicians Wang Xin and Li Yaotian personally went out of their horses and
brought a few disciples at will, and rushed towards Tianji Peak. Not long after
reaching the foot of the mountain, Li Yaotian stopped and carefully perceived
the surroundings.

"Here ..." Wang Xin also noticed the difference. This area seems to have been
invaded by the force of the soul and has been customized. However, the ability
of the custom department Li Yaotian is an expert. Wang Xin naturally trusts Li
Yaotian's judgment, and he looks to Li Yaotian.

"It seems like a dream," Li Yaotian said after frowning.

"The dream of Miss Yue College?" Wang Xin said.

"It's not just the people who lack the Yue College that can perform like dreams
on the mainland." Li Yaotian said.

No Wang Xin said anything, he hoped that as Li Yaotian said. If there are really
people who lacked the Vietnam Academy who had set up dreams here, the
problem would be much more complicated.

The group of people did not stay, went on, and soon reached the gazebo.

It was full of traces of fighting, including the corner of the mountain road that
was collapsed by Lu Ping. The missing Yue students who had fallen here have
long disappeared.

Li Yaotian looked at the traces of fighting here and glanced at Wang Xin.

"This is not a move." Wang Xin shook his head. Sun Sunzhao's means of showing
no matter whether he turned around with his special ability sound, or when the
magician saw it all, emphasized control and precision. Such rude destruction is
by no means the means of Sun's move.

What kind of fighting happened here? Based on these traces alone, the two
academicians and their disciples could not find much.

They didn't have time to delay more here. After leaving a student to study, the
others continued to move up the mountain quickly.

The scenery on the roadside was quickly thrown behind them. No one was more
familiar with the mountain road of Tianji Peak than Wang Xin and his students.
Not too far away, they all felt wrong.

"Don't act rashly," Li Yaotian said with a deep voice.

He also noticed something was wrong. They seem to have been exposed to
some kind of illusion, as to when the trick was taken, even Li Yaotian didn't
notice it.

"Yuan Island Lord, are you?" Li Yaotian said aloud.

One of the five island masters of the Queyue College, Yuan Fei, who represents
the Qiyue College to watch the seven-star test, is the master of this type of
phantom power.
Really lack of Vietnam College?

Wang confidence was shocked.

Yuan Fei's voice, however, came out with extreme enthusiasm: "Brother Yao
Tian guessed it was me, out of confidence in his own strength?"

Academician Li Hengtian of Yu Heng at Beidou University, a master of

customization, is at the end of the disappearance of the abilities that he is good
at, but it is also this kind of customization ability that makes people feel illusory.
It can make Li Yaotian fall into a similar custom ability. If he does not have the
same level of strength as him, it is really difficult to convince.

And those with such strength have few people looking at the whole continent.
Right now at Beidou College, apart from Yuan Fei, Li Yaotian cannot think of the
second one.

Therefore, Li Yaotian has this question.

Therefore, there is an answer from Yuan Fei.

When he answered, Li Yaotian looked at Wang Xin.

Wang Xin shook his head, "Sound is also an illusion."

Wang Xin, the soul of Naruto, is a master, but now he wants to judge the
location of Yuan Fei from the sound to fail. The misty sound, scattered all over
the way, is disguised with illusions, and it is impossible to distinguish the origin.

"Brother Yao Tian, may break my mirage?" The misty voice came again.

"What is your purpose?" Li Yaotian said.

"Break through this mirage first."

"Drink!" At the same time as the misty voice came again, Wang Xin suddenly
burst out loud. The soul of Naruto expanded towards the surroundings, and the
surrounding scenes seemed to be shaking. But Yuan Fei's ethereal voice seemed
to be sorted out in this rant, and became clear and accurate. Wang Xin followed
a wave of his finger, and the spreading spirit of Ming immediately gathered and
took the void.

Boom Boom Boom ...

It seems that the layers of the power grid were broken through, and the
surrounding scenes were violently shaking again. Wang Xin's blow seemed to
have been engulfed by the void, but his expression seemed extremely confident.

"So much talk, do you really think I will never find you?" Wang Xin said, turning
halfway, looking directly into a certain direction. The force of the soul he shot
seemed to turn a corner, making a series of explosions in the direction of his

"A good sound hits the sky, and it is indeed an academician of Tianji."

No more ethereal voice came from Wang Xin's direction. The surrounding
scenery shook, disguised. It was not only Yuan Fei who was in front of them, but
also Cheng Cheng, the host of Donglin Gate of Nantian University.

"You ..." Wang Xin froze, causing trouble, not only lacking Yue College, but also
Nantian College. But shouldn't these people originally be in Qixing Building?
Wang Xin believes that their movements can be so much faster than that of him
and Li Yaotian and his team.

In this way, it may only be that they have been here early in the morning.

So who is Yuan Dao and Donglinmen on the top of Qixing Building?

Many doubts flashed through the brain like flashes of electricity and flint, but a
surging force of courage had fallen from the sky, full of dangerous aggression.

Dangerous star!
The shot is a killing move, an unnoticed offensive, and this dangerous force has
been attacking. The seven-colored belt was thrown straight in the air, like a

Not only the two top figures from Yue College and Nantian College, but also one
of the seven places in Xuanwu College, Weiju.

Yesterday was earlier, today is a bit late, the two phases are on average, it seems
that it is still not 7:30 ...

Chapter 525 Mirror Flowers and Water Moons

It seemed like a meteor, pushing away layers of air, leaving a circle of ripples in
the air, dangerously throwing a punch and falling to the ground.

The two academicians Wang Xin and Li Yaotian, who bear the brunt, flashed left
and right to the sides. The fist of Wei Su slammed into the ground, and the
earthquake shook. There were instant cracks that had spread out and crawled
out. Dust flew into the air, and after another loud noise, the mountain road with
a radius of several meters was sinking down by the boxing of Dangerous Su.
Centering on where he stood, it was like a cracked vortex.

The people of Beidoumen standing on this vortex are all upside down. They are
the students of the two academicians. No matter how bad they are, they are all
through the above realm. However, no one can completely resist the threat of a
punch. Even academicians Wang Xin and Li Yaotian, although jumping away and
evading the attack, also appeared to be in a panic.

This kind of hard fight is not what these two academicians are good at. And
opponents, but not only one. Donglinmen's main Cheng Luozhu followed the
danger and shot, supplementing the attack. With both hands together, the
gravel dust that was blown into the air by Wei Su's punch immediately became
an obedient hidden weapon. Cheng Luozhu's hands flicked with his fingers, as if
he were playing music, and the sharp wind of these gravel dust became the
music she played.
Ten Finger Palace Merchants!

The signature ability of the Master of the South Heavenly East Gate is also well-
known on the mainland. Where the ten fingers control, the attack is intensive
like a piece of music. For those who are attacked, this is like the first soul song.

Four well-connected students could not resist first. Although only some gravel or
even fine sand was attacked by them, under the control of Cheng Luozhu's ten-
fingered palace merchants, these gravel and fine sand were all infused with
powerful courage and power, and became a powerful weapon. The four well-
connected disciples collapsed almost instantly.


Wang Xin shouted loudly, and again struck the sky with sound. The sound wave
was like a lightning, and he slashed towards Cheng Luozhu.

But Cheng Luozhu was not in a hurry, his fingers were gathered together, and
when he bounced again, he actually controlled the sound of Wang Xin who hit
the sky.

The sound of the sky is dominated by the soul of Ming. Cheng Luozhu's ten-
finger palace merchant is also a control system ability centered on the soul of
Ming. Using the ten-finger palace merchant to control Wang Xin's sound and
striking the sky seems to have been expected by Cheng Luozhu. With a smile.
Cheng Luozhu instantly controlled Wang Xin's sound hit the sky, and when his
fingers popped out, the sound hit the sky reversed and rushed towards Wang
Xin himself.


At the same time, Wang Xin's echo that drunk in the mountains only came back.
It seems to be counterattacking Cheng Chengzhu's control.

But Yuan Fei beside Cheng Luozhu changed his face quickly.
"Beware!" It was too late to say this. That echo was by no means cheering for
Cheng Luozhu, it was also a part of Wang Xinyin striking the sky!

Drink, drink, drink ...

There was more than one echo, and Wang Xin deliberately did it, and the sound
of resounding echoed in this high mountain, one after another, the sound wave
attack. With this continuous "drinking", he rushed to Cheng Chengzhu and Yuan

Both of them seemed to have been unable to avoid it, and were instantly torn
apart by this series of sonic attacks. But Wang Xin's expression also changed.
When Sonic hit, he already felt that the two people hit by the sound striking the
sky were not entities, but were only phantoms.

Where are people?

Wang Xin hurriedly searched around, but for this time, the dangerous place just
before them had already made another move. Although Li Yaotian and Wang
Xin's disciples joined forces to block it, they were all in a state of four spirits. But
in front of Xuanwu Weisu, it was not enough. A frantic force swept madly
around with a blow from Crisis, and the wind was as hard as the wall of Foshan.
At that time, three students were bounced away, and others could not stand.

There is no such student in the eyes of Weisu, and his eyes are staring at Wang
Xin, and an arrow step is coming.

Wang Xin retreated back anxiously, but then found that Wang Xin was coming
fiercely, but with this arrow step, the position of the foot moved was not too

This is ... the end of disappearance.

I don't know when. Li Yaotian has already made a custom order, and Wei Su has
already fallen into the end of this disappearance.

Li Yaotian's disciples were more familiar with the teacher's ability. Seeing this,
he was overjoyed. Immediately rushed to the offensive, all kinds of ability
martial arts, greeted the past to Wei Su.

Weisu saw it really, and quickly made an evasion. But at the end of this
disappearance, why is it so simple to make the road under your feet long? This
customization is to make people have a variety of confusion in the judgment of
distance. The road underfoot is the same. The same goes for movements
between hands. The dangerous action that Kikusu thought he had completely
flashed was almost unmoved in the eyes of those who failed, and they didn't
need to make any attack adjustments at all.

The force of the soul from four directions has instantly engulfed the danger. But
without waiting for their expression of joy, Wang Xin and Li Yaotian had already
changed their colors at the same time.

This dangerous place is actually an illusion!

Could it be a illusion to create such a substantial destruction?

Unable to believe them, the dangerous body has shattered into a light and
shadow at this time, leaving only the disciples with a stunned expression.

Where is the enemy?

Wang Xin desperately launched awareness, but could not perceive anything.

Li Yaotian's brows were locked deeper. He is also an expert in making such

customizations, knowing how terrible the illusion they are in at this time. Even
he didn't realize it at all. The strength of this illusion was not Yuan Fei's unarmed
display. He must have used the magic soldiers, and they were not ordinary
magic soldiers.

Is it ...

A thought flashed in Li Yaotian's mind, thinking of a possibility.

Mirror flower water moon? Is it the mirror flower month?

The super hero of the lack of academy-Jinghuashuiyue. The great customization
of the Magic Sea used by the Miss Yue Academy to protect the island was built
around the magical soldier Jinghuashuiyue. And now, the people who lacked the
Yue College even directly invited this magical soldier, and took Beidou College to
fight them?

If it ’s a mirror flower moon, not only the three opponents just now are illusions,
everything around them may be illusions. This mountain, this tree, this road, the
students around, Wang Xin, may all be unreal. It is possible that they are not

Jinghuashuiyue is so terrible, it is not just a puzzle, or it makes people make

confusion in some aspects. It can modify people's perceptions in all directions.
What you see, hear, and feel will be controlled and controlled by the other party
in the middle of the mirror.

Li Yaotian was finally aware at this time, but other people, including Wang Xin,
were still searching for the whereabouts of their opponents. They were unaware
of such illusions in their bodies.

Li Yaotian was about to speak, but he immediately refrained.

Regardless of whether these are true or false, the opponent is always watching
them. At this time, it is better not to reveal your own judgment. The only thing
that Jinghuashuiyue can't influence and influence is people's thoughts. At this
time, let the other party see that he has been aware of it, and he is bound to
make corresponding adjustments. It is better to pretend to be ignorant and see
if there is a chance to break this mirror.

Li Yaotian thought this way, and he remained silent, as other people perceive
and search for opponents.

"How?" Cheng Luozhu stood beside Yuan Fei on the top of Qixing Building and

"This kind of showdown is the first opportunity. Whoever starts first will be
stronger, not to mention that this magical soldier is so powerful." Yuan Fei

The two academicians appear to be discussing a showdown in the Seven Stars

Examination. But to express the meaning in reality, they knew very clearly.

It is Yuan Fei who starts first.

The powerful magic soldier is, of course, Jinghuashuiyue.

But outsiders only know that Jinghuashuiyue is powerful, and they are super-
grade magic soldiers, but no one knows the true appearance of Jinghuashuiyue,
even if Cheng Luozhu and Dangerous Sustained this time together.

Jinghuashuiyue is a seed.

Where it is planted, it is the mirror flower month.

"Li Yaotian, you are Jinghuashuiyue at this time ..." Yuan Fei smiled at Cheng
Luozhu, and he would not tell anyone about the secrets of Jinghuashuiyue. (

Chapter 526: Sorry for Death

Tianji Peak, Lu Cuntang.

When Wu Kai and Mu Hong arrived with people, they saw several Tianji
students standing outside the courtyard. Their breathing didn't stop, their body
temperature was still there, but they just didn't move, and they didn't respond
to the enemies approaching them. They just settled here very strangely.

Wu Kai and Mu Hong glanced at each other, and then felt the surroundings for a
while, the silence was a bit scary.

Qin Yue will catch up here sooner than them, and they are not surprised.
However, in the present situation, it seems that Qin Yue has single-handedly
rushed in, and single-handedly controlled Lu Cuntang?
Wu Kai and Mu Hong looked at each other again, but a Xuanwu doorman had
stepped forward, reaching out and trying to push towards a stupid doorman.

"Don't move!" Mu Hong suddenly shouted as if thinking of something suddenly.

The man was frightened and looked back at Mu Hong, everyone looked at Mu

Mu Hong spoke and only said three words: "Tian Luo Jing."

Everyone froze, and then suddenly.

Tian Luo Jing, although they haven't seen them before, they have long been
famous. I have heard about the effects of the show. The gatekeepers of the
Tianji Peak in front of them look like they were blocked by Tian Luo Jing in

"So don't touch it well." Mu Hong said.

Everyone nodded. They only know so much about Tianluojing. Who knows if
they touch it in a hurry, will they solve the ban on Tianluojing. As for why these
people were only blocked but not killed, they really paid attention. Although the
arrow of the sky has been released right now, but the star falls are not seen. For
Beidou College, it will eventually play a paralyzing role, making them unaware of
the grim situation.

"Let's go." Wu Kai said. Has already stepped into the door of Lu Cuntang. Go in.
Then I saw the immobile Tianjimen. They have different shapes and different
expressions. Some seem to have made evasive actions, but they still haven't
escaped Tian Luo Jing's blockade.

"Tian Luo Jing, it's really scary." Wu Kai looked at this courtyard like a wax-like
living person with heartfelt emotion.

With that said, the group rushed towards the depths of the courtyard. Now that
they have arrived here, their purpose is naturally the same as that of Qin Yue.
In the depths of the courtyard, Qin Yue held Tianluo Jing in one hand and
supported a rockery in the courtyard with one hand. Bending slightly, his face
pale. Around him, there were still less than ten Tianjimen who were
surrounded, but in the end no one dared to go up easily.

Qin Yue took a deep breath.

Tianluo Jing, a super-grade magic soldier, will use his power to exert his own
abilities, and he will not have a great burden on the user. This is also one of the
reasons why the super-grade magic soldier is more valuable. So Qin Yue is very
confident, with Tian Luo Jing, he can go to Lu Cuntang alone. After all, Lu
Cuntang's power to stay at this time is also very limited.

But now, he is unsustainable.

Everything is because of this person. He met this man when he first arrived at Lu

Old tile head.

Lu Cuntang ’s gatekeeper, an old man who had already passed the peak period,
in the eyes of all people, just hanging a leisure job and enjoying his old age,
became the biggest obstacle for Qin Yue to break into Lu Cuntang. From the
outside of the courtyard, it became Qin Yue's biggest problem.

His strength is by no means the strongest. Lu Cuntang ’s left-behind students,

especially those in the inner court vault, are far more sturdy than Laotou. But
these tough students, the fiercest and fiercest students, have been blocked by
Tian Luo Jing. Where is the old tile head? When he was outside the courtyard,
Tian Luojing had blocked one arm and one leg, but with his remaining half of the
body, he was fighting with Qin Yue to the present. Qin Yue had already killed
him, but Lao Wa escaped from time to time.

His experience, his insights, his calmness, his calmness, at this time, powerful
abilities are much more valuable than any deep realm.
But he is still very uncomfortable with Qin Yue now. His people have already
collapsed. In this time, people seem to be more than ten years old.

But he was still standing there, standing in front of the vault door with one leg,
some muddy eyes, still staring at Qin Yue's movements all the time.

Seeing Qin Yue shaking his hand holding Tianluo Jing slightly, and seeing Qin
Yue's pale face, he was unmoved.

He gestured to other Tianjimen. These young disciples, who initially disagreed

with the old tile head, have now deeply convinced.

The old tile head gestured, they carried out without a break. Because Tian Luo
Jing is so terrible, they are so terrified that even the most outstanding Lu Ze
among them becomes a living wax figure in just one face.

Only the old tile head is always calm, and there is a very good way. Under his
Zhang Luo scheduling, Qin Yue finally dragged to this step. But as long as he had
Tian Luo Jing in hand, no one would dare to care. Seven Tianjimen people
formed a circle and stared at Qin Yue closely.

"It's good, don't step forward." Lao Tau said. His voice was tired, but still very

"It is the blood of the Qin family," Lao Watou continued. "Even if the Master of
the Four Doors of Nantian is in person, it may not be possible to use the Tianluo
Mirror to this extent."

Qin Yue's expression changed slightly. The knowledge of this old tile head is
really amazing. In terms of strength, he can't compare with the four main gate
masters of Nantian Academy. However, he really is better than any one of the
four main gate masters. Because their bloodline of the Qin family has developed
such blood-fighting abilities as streamer flying, this is the spirit of hedging and
the extremely high level of experience and application of light. The Tianluo
mirror is also based on the core of rushing soul and light as the carrier. This
super-quality Shenbing has a very high degree of fit with the blood of the Qin
family. The power of the blood of the Qin family can make the Tianluo mirror
run more smoothly.

"But it is a pity that since you are the Qin family, this magical soldier cannot
really be controlled by you. If you use it, you are still rusty."

Qin Yue sighed slightly. The old tile head was right again. He is the Qin family,
with blood-successful abilities, the famous Qin family. Therefore, even if he
devoted himself to Nantian College, it would not be possible to renounce his
family. He would eventually dominate Qin's family. So how can Nantian College
completely entrust their Zhenyuan Shenbing to such a person who is not
completely loyal to the college? Only this operation was difficult, and it was
necessary to borrow Qin Yue to give full play to the power of Tianluo Jing, and
then the Shenyuan soldiers were given to him. Of course, Qin Yue is very clear.
When Tian Luojing handed him to him, he didn't know how much customization
he had made. It would be easy for Nantian Academy to take it back.

He understood the college ’s arrangements and did not mind it. He just regrets
that because of this, his use of Tian Luo Jing has left a flaw.

"Admire." Qin Yue said heartily.

Because this can't be said to be a flaw, it's just that it didn't fully fit in with the
Tian Luo Jing, and it was a bit stagnant. For the mighty super hero, this
stagnation should not be a problem, and only such experienced and
knowledgeable old people can grasp this nuance and make a fuss.

Qin Yue was convinced when he lost to the old tile head, but his mission would
not end there.

"Have you heard?" His smile was a bit difficult. Somehow, he would dare to be
sad for the old tile head. The old tile head has done his best, maybe after this
battle, he will run out of lights, if he can stop them, he can die without regret.
It's just a pity ...

"Someone is here, but it's not ours!" Some Tianji students have noticed that Wu
Kai and Mu Hong broke into the inner courtyard. Originally I thought it was
Tianji ’s own support after the arrow was released, but after seeing the coming
person, he shouted in despair.

Chapter 257: Sweeping

The head flew into the air, and Lu Cuntang's land was finally stained with blood.

Wu Kai and Mu Hong rushed into the inner courtyard, seeing the situation
without asking too much. Qin Yue, who can break into the inner yard all the way
and kill all the people of Tianjimen on the way with Tianluo Jing, would he
stalemate with the students of Tianjifeng here if he had not reached the limit?

Without hesitation, they immediately proceeded. The Tianjimen who made a

warning was quickly attacked by the first-class gatekeepers from the four
missing Viet Nam and Xuanwu colleges. Almost just after shouting that
sentence, his head had flown towards Out of the air.

The shots of the two colleges are fast, accurate and ruthless. When they brought
out a blood of light, they had already rushed to the next target.

Poor Tianjimen, who was terrified by Tian Luo Jing, finally found a little self-
confidence under the organization of the old tile head. In the face of this
thunderous massacre, he instantly collapsed.

The seven Tianjimen were the last to be beaten by Qin Yuerui ’s unstoppable
rush, and they were also the best among them, but in this wave of rush, they
looked so weak and incompetent, and they were dead in an instant. Across the

Qin Yue let out a breath.

He didn't blame Wu Kai and Mu Hong for their ruthlessness. On the contrary, he
admired the two of them for making such an accurate decision without asking a

He is no longer able to use Tian Luo Jing, Wu Kai and Mu Hong, they are only a
dozen people, want to control the seven Tian Ji Feng's Jing Yanying without any
harm to the other's life. If it is easy to do this, then when they meet the team of
Tianji students on the mountain road, they do n’t have to kill.

What's more, there are not only seven people in the other party, but also an old
tile head that may be more difficult than the seven people combined. This old
man hardly needs to shoot, just move his mouth, it will pose a great threat.

So Wu Kai and Mu Hong's decision was really timely and decisive, and the
threats and hidden dangers were completely cut off in an instant. Compared
with this, starfall exposure will occur, so let's expose it. After passing this level,
the reinforcements of the three colleges can rush through the seven yuan
solution to the Beidou College, and then there will be a head-on conflict.

Right now, only the old tile head is left.

Qin Yue's eyes fell on the old tile head. The old man, who was already panting,
saw that the seven fresh Beidou lives were disintegrated in an instant, but he
didn't even frown.

He just looked up and looked up at the sky, over the sky.

There is a place where the Big Dipper's life map condenses and reveals. No
matter where the Big Dipper is, the starting point will be wherever the falling
star falls.

But at this time, the sky was blue, and few white clouds drifted slowly through
the sky.

"Autumn is refreshing, it's really a good weather to kill people." Lao Wato
muttered, and then his eyes fell on Mu Hong and Wu Kai.

"So, the few kids who went out before have already died in your hands."
Laowatou said.

Wu Kai and Mu Hong had no words, and they could not understand the depth of
the old tile head. Judging from the perception, this old man does not seem to
have any surprises, but Qin Yue's eyes looked at him quite differently. What
appeared was a respect.

This old man must have caused a lot of trouble for Qin Yue and gave Qin Yue
carrying Tian Luo Jing.

Thinking so, how dare Wu Wujia and Mu Hong and others go against Laowa's

They looked at Qin Yue and wanted Qin Yue to give them a judgment sooner.

Qin Yue propped up his unsupported body and stood up straight, giving a
respect to the old tile head respectfully.

"Senior walks well," he said.

"Huh." Lao tile head chuckled softly.

A streamer followed and wiped away from the old tile head. For this very
respectable opponent, Qin Yue finally tried his best to exert his blood following
ability, although he knew it was a little redundant.

No blood spewed out, the blood of the old tile head was already weak and
weak. The blood just came out quietly from his neck. He sat down on the ground
weakly, but his head was still high, looking at the sky.

A look of disappointment finally appeared on his face.

"I want to see my star fall." After mumbling like a child, the old tile leaned on
the side of the paint pillar and stopped breathing. Locked his eyes firmly on that

Wu Kai and Mu Hong stared blankly.

They didn't expect it to look like this. The old man, who thought it would be
hard to get rid of, was solved so gently and skillfully in the end? They looked at
the old tile head, and then looked at Qin Yue, but for a time they did not move.
After performing this streamer dance, Qin Yue also appeared more languid,
letting it aside and leaning on a paint column, then gestured at the vault door
between the two paint columns with his eyes.

"Inside?" Mu Hong asked.

Qin Yue nodded and sat down on the ground. He was already tired of talking.

Mu Hong and Wu Kai and their entourage had already swarmed in front of the
vault door.

"There is customization," one said after perception.

"Nonsense. Open as soon as possible." Mu Hong said.

"Yes." Someone on the team immediately came forward. They have already
prepared masters in this area, ready to forcibly break the protection
customization on the Lu Cuntang vault.

"It will take a little time." The man soon realized the complexities of the vault's
customization, even if he was prepared, he could crack it with him in minutes.

"Just as soon as possible." Mu Hong said, no one would underestimate the

methods of Beidou College. The vault will not be broken into them so easily, as
early as they expected. If they plan well, they would not need to go to this point
to overcome this difficulty.

"Yes." The missing Yuemen immediately sat cross-legged in front of the vault
door, his hands pressed against the vault door.

"Someone is destroying the customization of the vault." In the vault, Lu Ping,

who insists on controlling the soul of the naming, is always playing the "listening
break", and immediately noticed that there were other forces invading in the
messy customization around the vault.

"Do not care, practice you hard." Sun sent Zhao Shensheng said.
The vault has no other channels and exits, so they have no retreat, Lu Ping, is
their ultimate hope now. And for this final hole card, Sun's expectations are still
quite high. If the awakening spirits of the six souls are awakened, do they care
how many invaders come from outside?

It was just that this completely awakened, and Sun had no way to do it. After
she officially started to help Lu Ping improve her strength, she naturally learned
that Lu Ping's power was actually imprisoned by Ecstasy. Huo Yanying, the
former apprentice of Lian Yuhengfeng and the expert of the custom department,
is helpless to this ecstasy. What can Sun send?

But without lifting the ecstasy, Lu Ping can control the power of the soul, and
among them, Ming Zhi has achieved complete control, which just hit Sun's

More importantly, Lu Ping's traits of controlling the spirit. His unbelievable

speed, which can penetrate the ecstasy, will cause any power he casts to have
effects other than normal knowledge.

For example, listening to breaking, such as Lu Ping's so-called pass breaking.

In Sun Songzhao's view, this is just listening to the soul and passing on the

Two ca n’t be simpler, the basic ca n’t be more basic.

But after Lu Ping exhibited at his speed, these two basic abilities reached a
terrible point. The traits of Naruto seemed to reach the extreme under Lu Ping's

In this way, what other abilities can be explosively improved in Lu Ping's hands?

Sun Songzhao is sorting out and teaching Lu Ping, that's all.

She looks forward to it.

Chapter 528 Star Falls

Tianquan Peak, stargazing platform.

A ray of light suddenly burst into the woods on the west side, and an unusual
force of power ran through the forest with great chaos.

The five people around the stump in the forest were all crooked. The starry sky
above the stump actually showed cracks. The life star in the starry sky was
shaking and shaking, as if it would jump out of the starry sky at any time.

"Drink!" Seeing that I would not support it, one of the five suddenly gave a stern
drink. The sound of Ming Ming was like an air current, rushing towards the
starry sky, and the broken starry sky was swept by this wave of Mingming Soul ,
Immediately slowed down the broken footsteps, it looked a bit frozen. The other
four people seized this opportunity and hurriedly settled their bodies. Their
faces were like white paper, and the corners of their mouths were still holding
bloodshot eyes. Nothing can be repaired.

one two three four five six seven……

Between the stars, seven life stars suddenly appeared. It was because of the
sudden and quick attack that made the control of the five of them almost

Fortunately, they survived after all, but this paid a great price. The one who gave
a strong drink to stabilize the starry sky at this time, could not even open his
eyes at this time, relying on a strong will to support.

Is the limit.

Everyone has a count. Originally, they felt that they could not be controlled by
two more, but + ∈,... Now, they are suffering from the impact of a seven-life star
drop. By drastically drinking the hard work, they still carried it down. . But this
time it is really the limit, and they will be unable to stop it once again.
Everyone's heart is ready.
They just didn't expect that the next star would come so fast.

They almost heard the sound of the starry sky shattering above their heads, but
they were shattered by the next star fall, the star fall of the old tile head.

The one who had drunk before shivered violently. The force that followed him
was cut off. He couldn't hold on anymore.

That's it.

The other four also began to take over, and their mission ended so much earlier
than they expected, but they were already helpless.

The starry sky is breaking, the life star is beating. What they can do in the end.
But control the direction of this star.

Yan Ge's previous confession was to direct the star to Tianji Peak. However, the
situation is different now. Tianji Peak has released the Tianji Arrow, which has
aroused the attention and vigilance of Beidou University. Under this
circumstance, it is better to use Xingluo to add fuel to the fire, it is better to lead
Xingluo elsewhere, and mislead Beidou College to judge the situation. This is
also their original plan, and now it seems that it will be more effective to
continue to use this script.

So the last trace of strength of the five people was used here.

Pappa ...

Continuous sounds. The starry sky above the stump has been completely
broken, but the life star that jumped out of the starry sky did not fly away. Those
broken stars are all transformed into a powerful force, rushing higher. The sky of
the Star Observatory on the Quanquan Peak, the Big Dipper's fate began to
flash. After the force of this soul rushed up, the starry sky oscillated, and then
the meteor shower composed of stars fell suddenly.

one two three four five six……

A total of sixteen life stars made a trajectory in this blue and clear sky. The
people in Beidoumen watched dumbfounded, falling straight down. Their
landing. Awesome is Tianquan Peak.

Sixteen life stars fall, which means the passing of the sixteen Beidoumen people
at the same time.

Everyone stayed.

This generation of Beidoumen people have not experienced such a huge and
tragic conflict. Their sacrifice and heroism have never reached such a scale. Not
to mention that in the realm of the Beidou Academy, there are 16 Beidoumen
people who died together.

Dean Xu Mai's expression has changed, and academician Song Yuan of

Academician Tian Xuan is all shocked. The two of them looked at Chen Jiu of

Tianquanfeng had just stolen Qiku this month.

Tian Qifeng's Jin Qi was just rescued.

What does all this have to do with the death of eighteen Beidoumen people?

Chen Jiu didn't know. What was written in his eyes was also stunned.

Song Yuan ignored him and passed the news.

"Zhan Ren, Tianquan Peak!"


Zhan Ren led the order, and the Tianxuan Feng Fengji team, which had originally
ordered to support it at any time, rushed towards Tian Quanfeng.

The entire Seven Stars will try, and this time has also come to a standstill. If
Tianji Peak is just a signal, then the falling of sixteen stars is already a very
serious state of affairs. It has become a serious state of affairs.

Under such a serious state of affairs, what other Seven Stars will try?

All Beidou have already stopped. After listening to the command of the teacher,
there is only the innermost circle, seven stars downstairs, but a showdown
continues, only because one of them, against the star of the sixteen life stars,
Actually ignored.

Xu Weifeng.

He was completely immersed in this duel. The opponent in front of him is so

strong, he has used at least seven or eight kinds of attack methods, but they are
all resolved by the other party, and the other party seems to have not tried their
best, has been trying to explore the depth of Xu Weifeng, before he finished
reading Xu Weifeng Before all the means of pressing the bottom of the box, it
seems that it is not ready to fight back.

Until this moment, the moment the star fell, Xu Lixue was shocked, and his
attention also shifted. Few Beidoumen people were still focused on the duel at
this moment.

But Xu Lixue's opponent did not.

Xu Weifeng didn't care about what happened in the sky. His attention was only
in the battle in front of him. In his eyes, all he saw was the flaws revealed by Xu
Lixue's distraction.

He attacked the flaw without hesitation. When Xu Lixue recovered, the attack
had reached him.

"Do not stop!" He shouted. The person in front of him at this time was only
concerned about the victory or defeat of the duel. Such an insignificant style
made Xu Lixue, who was always gentle, also angry.

Xu Weifeng ignored it, seeing that Xu Lixue was prepared, and the offensive was
Xu Lixue stepped back slightly, his sleeve robe pulled, and an ancient clock rolled
out. The pattern of the ancient seal engraved on the clock's body was full of
light, and Xu Weifeng's attack was instantly swallowed by the clock.

"What is this?" Xu Weifeng looked at the big clock with a huge mouth towards
him, stunned. The big clock had already pulled forward, and after engulfing Xu
Weifeng's attack, he had also engulfed his people, and directly buckled under
the clock. Xu Lixue waved a hand to the clock, and with a muffled noise, it
spread from the body of the clock to the inside and outside.

Xu Lixue flipped his hand, Zhong had retracted and shrunk, and Xu Weifeng, who
had been detained in the moment, had fainted.

"Take him aside first." Xu Lixue ordered casually. Within two laps, his disciple
had already come, and turned the faint Xu Weifeng to the side.

Most people are concerned about Xing Luo, but there are also a very small
number of people who see Xu Lixue's strength in this moment.

On the top of Qixing Building, the three academician figures of the three
colleges glanced at each other.

Outside the Qixing Building, about three laps away, Lin Linbiao watched the
showdown and paid more attention to this scene.

He looked at Xu Weifeng and was taken away by Xu Lixue's disciples, and then
he saw Ying Xiao among the crowd.

At this time, people are not paying attention to the stars, and people who are
looking away from other places are always a little conspicuous.

The new computer was a little bit naughty, but I was eventually surrendered.
Updates are late. (
Chapter 529 Dissemination

Xu Weifeng, Ying Xiao.

Because of the box, Lin Tianbiao had long wondered what the relationship was
between them. At this time, he finally clearly saw the performance of the two
people-at this time, some people may notice that Xu Weifeng was taken down
by Xu Lixue, but he continued to care about Xu Weifeng's end, and there was no
second person except Ying Xiao. Sixteen life stars fell in the direction of
Tianquan Peak, could it be more serious than Xu Weifeng's defeat?

The doormen of the Tianxuanfeng Fengji Group, after receiving the instructions
from Academician Tianxuan, immediately rushed towards Tianquanfeng under
the leadership of the apprentice Zhan Ren. Kaiyang Peak's dark night traveler
did not need any order to encounter such a thing, and he went to investigate on
his own. Dean Xu Mai's voice also spread in Qixinggu.

"Seven Stars will try, temporarily suspended."

No one was surprised by the sound. Even Tian Yuanxuan, academician Song
Yuan who cares so much about Beidou College's face, has no objection to this
decision. Sixteen life stars fell together. What's more, before this, there was an
early warning of Tianji arrows. In such a situation, protecting the face is no
longer the point.

"Dear guests, please take a rest on the sixth floor first." Dean Xu Mai then said
to the stunned guests on the top of Qixing Building.

"It's easy to talk, easy to talk about." Visitors were polite, all cooperated, and
retreated from the top of Qixing Tower following Xu Mai's arrangement. The
sixth floor of the building is the place where Beidou College arranged for them
to rest. Academicians Xu Mai, Song Yuan and Chen Jiu personally accompanied
the guests to this floor and greeted the doormen with tea.

"The three academicians will be busy, don't worry about me waiting. If you have
anything to help, please do so." Yan Ming, the great prince of Qingfeng Empire,
expressed his sincere concern.
"Huh, I don't know what the thieves are doing, do you not know that Master
Ben is here? Really owed to cut." Yan Xize shouted.

For this Yan family dude, everyone has learned to ignore inertia. But Xu Mai, as
the host to invite people, is always not good to ignore the presence of guests.
Immediately facing Yan Ming and Yan Xize together: "There is Emperor Lao and
Master Yan who are worried, we will cook as soon as possible, please forgive me
for the rudeness." Xu Maichu responded to the two, but said the second half of
the sentence , And toward everyone in the lounge. Many of the guests who had
just sat down quickly got up and said "where and where".

Xu Mai no longer stayed after giving a few salutes to everyone. Song Yuan and
Chen Jiu followed. The three academicians just came out of the Qixing Tower,
and there was a circle of people waiting for them. These are all the top disciples
in the innermost circle outside the Qixing Tower and the inheritors of the blue
soldiers. They have their own disciples, and they do n’t just represent

"Lixue, you should take care of this place so that your customers are not
disturbed." Xu Mai began to command that the important mission was first
assigned to the most trusted and respected first apprentice.

"Yes." Xu Lixue nodded, led his disciples, and arranged the defense against
Qixing Tower.

"Wen Jun, Hushan Gate," Xu Mai said again.

"Yes." Deng Wenjun, the first apprentice of Yaoguangfeng who was acting as the
academician of Yaoguang, nodded his orders and led his disciples to the
mountain gate of Yaoguangfeng quickly.

"Cao Yu and Hong Feng lead Dongshanju under the gate."

"Fang Quan, Zi Zi Zhou, West Mountain."

"Kuang Festival, Jiayun Valley."

"Seven kills protect the guard, return to Seven Kills Hall; Tianshu Houseman,
return to Tianshu Tower."

"The rest, wait for each other and help each other."

While walking, Xu Mai issued orders one after another. After listening to the
order, these disciples took their disciples to execute. The Beidoumen people
gathered in the Seven Star Valley spread out from the center of Xu Mai in this
way. It's just that there are still many people who can't participate in the action
because they will try to consume too much, or even get injured. Xu Mai saw it in
her eyes, realizing something in her heart, and felt more and more disturbed.

"Chen Chu." He shouted.

"Yes." Yu Hengfeng's first apprentice Chen Chu has a high status, but he is a
lonely one, an alternative with no door to teach.

"Check the seven yuan solution to Ecuador's customization." Xu Mai said.

Chen Chu froze, but then nodded and said yes. Others who heard Xu Mai's
instructions also looked at each other. The dean even worried about the seven-
element solution that had never been broken since its inception. The worries
about the situation seemed extraordinary.

Xu Mai's eyes turned around, but he saw another person downstairs in Qixing
Building, and immediately walked up to him. The man sat on the floor, his eyes
closed, and the confusion at the moment did not attract him the slightest

"Here, there is Mr. Lau who can take care of one or two." Xu Mai, who came up,
said after giving a salute to the one who had not moved.

In the whole Beidou College, Dean Xu Mai can be treated so politely, and there
is only the powerful Wu Lufeng. It's just that he never asked foreign affairs, and
the situation is sudden, and he doesn't seem to care. Xu Mai volunteered, but Lu
Shenfeng closed his eyes and said nothing. Xu Mai couldn't say much, and led
everyone to the direction of Tianquan Peak. The place where the fall of the 16
life stars just happened is in any case the immediate focus.

Beside the Qixing Tower, it became empty in a blink of an eye. Xu Lixue led his
disciples to arrange the defense here, and then came to Lu Shenfeng.

"Do you want to rest in the building?" Xu Lixue asked.

Lv Shenfeng still looks like that, as if it has been completely petrified, and
ignores it. Xu Lixue was helpless. After smiling, he stopped talking and turned

At this time a student rushed to Xu Lixue.

"Teacher, do you want to wake up the kid?" The student asked, naturally
speaking of Xu Weifeng.

"Ignore him for the first time," Xu Lixue said, and the words fell, and another
student came in a hurry. With only one look, Xu Lixue quickly greeted him.

Welcome to look at it, it turns out that many of the original visitors in the
viewing seat gathered under the Qixing Tower. The situation of the Beidou
University has even been out, and even the seven-star test has been suspended.
These people naturally have to worry about the safety of their teachers and
masters. But when they reached the downstairs of Qixing, they were stopped by
Xu Lixue's disciples.

As time is running short, Dean Xu Mai cannot give instructions on everything.

The guards of Qixing Building were handed over to Xu Lixue, and any problems
over there would naturally be handled by him.

"Everyone, please take care not to be impatient." Xu Lixue, who hurried back,
persuaded himself, but a familiar tone was introduced into everyone's ears
during the tumultuous disputes. some.

"Under Xu Lixue." Xu Lixue was very humble and gave gifts to all the people who
The head of the Seven Peaks apprentice, this name alone has already made
many people afraid. Hearing this is the legendary low-key Tianshufeng first
apprentice, the gathered crowd suddenly became more at ease.

"The VIPs are all resting on the sixth floor upstairs. It's really impossible for us to
rush into it. What's wrong with you? I wonder if it can be communicated by us?
Or everyone slow down and come in to see you in turn?" Xu Lixue said.

At this point, I didn't reject anyone's intention, I just wanted to make everyone's
actions more polite. It's so picky, but it seems a little unreasonable. All the
guests present were invited by Beidou College. Why did you deliberately choose
yourselves and become enemies?

The crowd suddenly became quieter. Standing at the forefront of the crowd, a
young man wearing soft armor stood up and gave Xu Lixue a fist shot: "The
Qingfeng Empire is open, and I would like to ask the eldest prince to show me
that it is bothering Brother Xu."

"Zimmer, take General Wen upstairs." Xu Lixue said.

"Yes." A student behind Xu Lixue stepped forward and greeted Wenkai.


"Thank you." Wen Kai clenched his fist again, and followed Zimmer into the
Qixing Tower. As a result, everyone outside the building can no longer make
trouble, and can only wait quietly.

Xu Lixue smiled to everyone, not much to say, but his eyes gathered the waves
of people gathered into his mind one by one.

This chapter has really changed and changed ... to the present.

Chapter 530 Customization

Among the crowd, the identity is two of the treasure hall. Their position is not at
the front, but their voice was quite loud during the conflict. However, after Xu
Lixue came to calm down the situation, they immediately calmed down, and no
one noticed that there were two ulterior motives hiding in the crowd. These two
are really good at this kind of hiding.

But Xu Lixue's gaze, as he swept through the crowd, stayed abreast of the two.

The two panicked under their hearts, but it was not easy to pretend that Xu
Lixue hadn't seen him. At this time, almost everyone's eyes gathered on Xu
Lixue, and it would be abnormal if he didn't look at him.

The two can't avoid it, but can only face Xu Lixue's gaze. Then, he saw Xu Lixue
smiled slightly and seemed to nod slightly to the two, and his eyes continued to
move towards the others.

What do you mean?

The two looked at each other, and their hearts suddenly became more uneasy,
but they could only continue to wait at the bottom of the building.

The Qingfeng Empire Young General who claimed to be Wenkai, who had
previously gone upstairs, soon came downstairs and first thanked Xu Lixue to
express his gratitude. After hesitating for a while, some stiff and honestly said:
"The big prince has orders, ordering me to wait for him to be dispatched by Xu
Xu, please also ask Xu to show."

The crown prince Yan Ming was followed by all the personal guards responsible
for protecting him, and his realm of strength was extraordinary, but at this time,
he simply handed over the command of his guards to Beidou College.

"Thank you the great prince." Xu Lixue quickly replied, "But you dare to be a
guest, how dare you bother? Please take a rest, we will sort out the matter as
soon as possible and give you an explanation."

Wen Kai was very reluctant to the decision of the great prince Yan Ming. He had
secretly decided that if Xu Lixue had any assignments for them, he must stay
here anyway and protect him near the prince. After hearing Xu Lixue's
resignation, he was so determined that Xu Lixue would be pleasing to the eye.
He is not polite. He smiled and said, "Then let's take a break here, if Brother Xu
needs anything, despite his orders."

"It's so good." Xu Lixue nodded with a smile. The two also reached a tacit
agreement unspokenly-Xu Lixue would not really point fingers at them, but
Wenkai them? Stay here. It can also be considered as an additional protection
for the guards of Qixing Tower.

He and Xu Lixue greeted Wen Kai, who stepped back to the side, and greeted his
men to rest on the spot. They are dressed in casual clothes, but they can see
that they are all wearing soft armor. In the name of rest, it is actually a vigilant
post, and all sit upright. Staring at everyone who tried to approach Qixing Tower.

On Xu Lixue's side, after the opening of the text, other people from other forces
came out with the same intention. Naturally, Xu Lixue wouldn't have to pay for
each other, and put them one by one at a time. When I went upstairs, I was
given instructions to listen to the Beidou Academy, but like the great prince Yan
Ming, I had to give the command of the subordinates to the Beidou Academy.

Qixinggu people have left a lot. However, those who are injured and have
limited mobility are still staying here for temporary treatment. As a physician,
Yan Ge naturally stayed here to take care of the wounded. Seeing that the storm
downstairs in Qixing ended without ill. But he is not moving. Continue to take
good care of the injured person in front of him, but when he got up and looked
up, his eyes pointed. Someone in the distance was facing Yan Ge's gaze. After
the two eyes met, the man nodded slightly and left. Soon, a command was
quickly passed to many people.

The action begins!

Several monstrous flames were lifted from the Beidou College at a total of
thirty-two places at the same time as the order spread, and once again gathered
everyone's attention.

Ordinary flames can never have such momentum and height. Thirty-two fire
pillars, like thirty-two fire dragons. They exude the power of courage, reflecting
each other, and the pressure of the courage has spread all over the Beidou
mountain range in an instant.

this is?

No one immediately counted 32 fire columns, but it seemed to exude the

scorching temperature. But many people quickly started to associate. Xu Mai
and his entourage who were heading for Tianquan Peak felt the pressure and
firepower, and the three academicians first changed color.

Liaoyuan big custom?

The three academicians glanced at each other, and the name flashed across
their heads.

The so-called big customization, although it belongs to the customization

department, is not comparable to the ordinary customization ability. To be
precise. Mass customization is formed by interlocking multiple customized
loops, forming an array together.

It is smaller in scale, does not need to be maintained all the time, and can be
completed by reliable manpower. However, if it is large enough to be strong
enough, the formation cannot be controlled by only a few people. The core of
such a large customization is often a super magic soldier. Only the tireless super
hero can control the power of the soul all the time, and then maintain the
operation of the entire customization. This magical soldier is the center of such
great customization, also known as the battlefield.

The magical sea customization of the island guarding the lack of the Yue
Academy, with Jinghuashuiyue as the core, this super god soldier is the vision of
this magical sea customization. The Beiyuan Academy's seven-element solution
to the Ecuadorian Customization also has a super magical soldier as an array.
This super magical soldier is on the Yuheng Peak.

Breaking your eyes is the most effective way to disintegrate large

But if it is so easy to find, it is easy to be cracked, and the big customization is
too fragile. What's more, the design of the large custom has also taken this into
consideration, and the array is often the most protective or the most incredible.
It's easy to speak straight, but it's not easy to break the big customization.

In Liaoyuan's big customization, the three academicians can think of this name
and naturally understand this big customization. Straight ahead? From the
beginning, the three had no illusions that it would be as simple as this.

"Contact Yaotian." Dean Xu Mai's first decision was this.

Straight from the eye to break the big customization? Xu Mai does not make this
fantasy, he thinks of a more powerful way-using big customization, breaking big

I do n’t know who secretly set up and planned anything, but no matter what, it
could never be more perfect than the seven-element solution that took root in
Beidou College for two thousand four hundred years. After two thousand four
hundred years of adjustment, the seven-element solution to Ecuador has been
perfectly matched with the terrain and mountainous terrain of the entire Beidou
Mountain Range. Here, it occupies the weather, geographical conditions, people
and peace; here, there is nothing to rival it.

Just to launch the seven-element solution to solve the Liaoyuan customization,

someone needs to preside over the formation. The tradition of the Beidou
Academy, the seven-yuan solution to the Ecuadorian custom, has always been
controlled by Yu Hengfeng.

At this moment, Xu Mai had already made up his mind to use Qiyuan to solve
the problem, but the contact he sent with Li Yaotian was very heavy.

Xu Mai's expression changed, and then he could not find Wang Xin, the
academician of Tianji who went to Tianji Peak with Li Yaotian.

"Chen Chu, open seven yuan to solve the big problem." Xu Mai did not panic,
calmly sorted out the situation. If Academician Yuheng is not there, then he can
only find the apprentice. Chen Chu ’s strength and experience are not as good as
Li Yaotian ’s, but Yuheng ’s first apprentice is the only one who can preside over
the big formation except academician Yuheng.

"Yes." Chen Chu responded to the dean's instructions, but a flash of sarcasm
flashed across his face.

It should have been a step back to Yu Hengfeng to check Chen Chu of the seven-
element solution, but he hadn't arrived at Yuhengfeng yet. He didn't even rush
to Yuhengfeng.

He was still in the Seven Stars Valley, and it suddenly appeared in the Beishan
New Courtyard where no one would care about paying attention.

But he is also leaving. Behind him is the door of the fifth courtyard of the
Beishan New Courtyard.

"Hey, tell you the bad news, he's not here." Chen Chu connected with people in
some way.

Yan Ge, who was treating the injured, suddenly shook his hand, and the force of
the spirit was deviated, causing the wounded to scream.

"Sorry." Yan Ge said quickly. He had always been gentle. This sorry was a bit

The wounded were suffering and didn't take care of this much, just nodded.

Yan Ge continued the treatment while sending a message back.

"You must find him."

"I know."

Chen Chu quietly left the Beishan New Courtyard and went straight to Yu
You can host the seven-element solution to the Ecuadorian custom, or the
academician Yuheng or the first apprentice of Yuhengfeng.

There are three people at Beidou College who can do this.

Academician Li Hengtian of Yuheng and Chen Chu, the first apprentice of

Yuhengfeng. There is also the former apprentice-Huo Ying.

Shenma, is it half past eight now? Is n’t it half past seven? The wind is so strong.

Chapter 531 Togetherness

The whole Beidou Academy was lost in confusion and panic. Many of these
happened in a short time, but no one knew exactly what was going on. But the
thirty-two pillars of fire finally gave a clear direction to the gatekeepers
scattered around the college, and everyone rushed to the location of the pillar
of fire to check the situation.

In the Qixing Building, after thirty-two pillars of fire rose, many people could not
sit still.

The three top figures from the three colleges of Xuanwu, Que Yue and Nantian
walked down the Qixing Tower together.

"Lixue." Among the three, Xuanwu Academy Weisu called Xu Lixue's name
directly. In their identity, they are undoubtedly qualified.

Xu Lixue did not dare to neglect, and quickly greeted him, and he was also
commensurate with the "teacher" of the three people.

"What is going on?" Wei Su asked.

Thirty-two fire pillars were also seen on the Qixing Tower, and Xu Lixue's door
was in an uproar. But Xu Lixue didn't move, but just told the students to double
vigilance and keep Qixing Tower. He couldn't really answer the question about
dangerous places.

Wei Su immediately waved his hand and glared: "What kind of hospitality is
there at this time? Do we need you to take care of us?"

The words are straight, but true.

These noble guests in Qixing Building are afraid that they are much stronger
than Xu Lixue and his disciples. As for protection, it is just the hospitality of
Beidou University, and it is their duty to your guests. At this time, Wei Su broke
his words, and the implication is to make Beidou College stop sticking to these

"The four major colleges are connected together, and now that we have met, we
should also contribute." Yuan Fei of the Que Yue College said.

These words are so beautiful that Xu Xu Xue's disciples all liked the Yuan Feidao
lord. At this time, if Beidou College is still stubborn, it seems that it is no good at

Therefore, Xu Lixue can't say anything else about these three big figures' help.
Even if he is very clear in his heart, "the four colleges are in the same air" is just
a pretty gibberish sound.

"Tian Quanfeng looked at the excitement, and I went over there to see it."
Xuanwu College Wei Su said.

"Tian Jifeng went to two academicians. I don't know if I still need to take care of
it. Let me take a walk." Yuan Fei from the Que Yue College said.

"Thirty-two pillars of fire are at the same time. I'm afraid it's Liaoyuan's big
customization. I'll take a look at this array." Cheng Luozhudao of Nantian

"Thank the three teachers for helping." Xu Lixue jumped to the ground.
Three or smile. Or they waved their hands, or nodded, so free, heroic, and
uninhibited, they went in three directions, and their eyes disappeared from
everyone's eyes.

A young student listened to Fang Cai's conversation. He seemed moved, and

walked to Xu Lixue with great blood, shouting, "Teacher, what about us?"

The people of the three colleges are mainly anti-guests and have contributed to
the Beidou College. These VIPs in Qixing Building really do not need them to
protect them. Young people are not willing to be lonely, they always want to do
something important at this important moment.

Xu Lixue just glanced at him, and then said lightly: "Take care of Qixing Tower."

"But ..." The young student wanted to say something, but someone had already
pulled him aside.

Xu Lixue's disciples have such impulsive young people, as well as calm and
attentive people who are good at hearing the key words.

Xu Lixue did not say anything about protection. What he said is, keep Qixing
Tower well.

So, what matters is the people in Qixing Building, or this building?

The disciple who figured out the taste of this layer would not say much, and
followed Xu Lixue guard very seriously next to the seven-star building.

As a result, after the three top figures, other guests in the Qixing Tower came
down one after another. Various cares and attitudes, like the three, must help.

Xu Lixue responded personally and treated each other with courtesy. No one is
slow because of their status. The nine mainland colleges invited to come here
are totally incomparable with the four colleges. Their dean-level figures are even
more embarrassed in terms of realm strength than Xu Lixue's small group of
students. But in the face of them, Xu Lixue was like the three big men in the
three colleges. Also worthy of "teacher".
The nine deans named by Xu Lixue were frightened and moved. Although they
lacked knowledge, they all resolutely expressed their desire to solve problems
for Beidou University. When they came to them, it was not "the four great
academies joined together," but "the world academy is a family."

Xu Lixue couldn't bear to return their kindness to their persistence. They had no
choice but to go. In addition, some other mainland forces will not sell their lives
for Beidou College at this time, but just express the necessary care and let
Beidou College arrange it. Among the three empires except Qingming, the prince
Yan Ming, had made a clear statement, Qin Qi of the Xuanjun Empire and the
head of the Changfeng Zhu family were only able to do so.

Walk away, stay stay.

Xu Lixue's calmness and patience in this process were also shocking.

Thirty-two pillars of fire, but the half of the sky of Beidou Mountain is red. The
doormen who went to the detective did not return any good news, but Xu Lixue
didn't seem to worry at all. Except for the Seven Star Tower that Dean Xu Mai
confessed to him, he seemed to have no intentions. Even if the posture is about
to be burned out by the Beidou Academy, it seems that he must take the
responsibility of sticking to the Qixing Tower.


I have been paying attention to Yan Ge on the Qixing Tower, but I am not
surprised by Xu Lixue's perplexing insistence. After he had prepared another
injured person, he looked up at the sky. The few clouds in the sky seem to be
fiery red. The Beidoumen people who were waiting for his treatment were all
anxious. They could not wait to get back to the state immediately and figure out
what happened to the college.

None of the thirty-two pillars of fire fell in the Valley of Seven Stars. Judging
from the distance, almost all of them fell into the remote places of Beidou
Mountain. The column rising from the location of the Jiayun Valley is vaguely
the closest to it. At the Kwong Festival gate of Dongshanju's self-supporting
portal, after the Tianquan Peak star was behind, Dean Xu Mai was assigned to
Jiayun Valley. At this time, Kwong Festival and a total of 21 people under his
door had just arrived at the mouth of the valley of Jiayun Valley. When the
valley was on fire, he rushed in without hesitation.

The cloud that does not disperse throughout the year in the Jiayun Valley seems
to be agitated at this time, and it can't help transmitting heat.

"Here." There are students who are extremely sensitive to temperature under
the Kuangjie Gate. At this time, they walk in the front, judging from the heat
from time to time to determine the specific position of the fire column.

The Jiayun Valley is quite deep, and the heat of the pillar of fire can be felt just
after entering the valley. The strength of this pillar of fire is not unusual. Kuang
Jie looked solemnly and waved his hand. The disciples quickly formed a position
to meet the enemy and continued to probe into the valley.

Finally, I finally wrote a chapter in the gap between my hometown, and I finally
had the opportunity to say to everyone: Happy New Year! ! ! ! This Spring
Festival was far away from the Internet, and I did n’t even grab a few red
envelopes. I felt that I had lost hundreds of millions of ............ I wish everyone a
lot of red envelopes. (

Chapter 532 The Kowloon Fire Seal

In the tranquil Jiayun Valley, the cloud and mist rolled along with the heat wave,
as if it was boiling. Kuang Jie and his door continued to advance towards the
depths, and soon he was sweating and his lips began to dry.

Kuang Jie has been carefully perceiving the changes in his body. He finds that
except for the extreme heat brought by the high temperature, it seems that he
does not have the power to attack.

"Leng Yun." Kuang Jie called out.

"Yes." A student responded, and then stretched his arms, using a power. A thin
mist of water spread out with his stretched arms and filled the entire team, and
everyone felt cool. The scorching heat brought by the fire column in the Jiayun
Valley cleared away, and everyone felt more energetic.

"Continue." Kuang Jie reminded the disciples not to relax because of this
comfort, the team continued to move forward. The cold mist applied by the
disciple Leng Yunshi effectively reduced the high temperature, so it seems that
this fire column is not terrible. "Cold fog" is just a second-order ability to reduce
the temperature of the air, which is not a powerful method at all.

Kuang Jie was meditating all the way, but in the mist in front of him, there was
already a fiery red rushing straight into the sky. The students looked at each
other and became more careful and continued to move forward.

"No way." At this time Leng Yun said, but his cold fog finally could not resist the
high temperature brought by the pillar of fire. It was far closer to the pillar of

"Lianlizhi, aquatic flowers, and discrimination." Kuang Jie issued instructions

one after another, but they were the names of three abilities. Immediately, the
three disciples responded while demonstrating their respective abilities.
Lianzhizhi is a defensive means, and the aquatic flower replaces the cold mist to
counteract the high temperature of the flame. To discern, you must start to
study what is famous about this pillar of fire.

And Kuang Jie himself has never exerted a sense of perseverance, at this time he
redoubled his efforts and became more acute. However, there is still no trace of
humans perceivable.

One step, two steps, three steps ...

Twenty-one people moved forward more carefully, and finally, the front
suddenly became brighter. The fire column circling upwards pushed the mist
around the tens of meters around it. In the Jiayun Valley, a clear area where the
sight is not blocked by the fog is rare, and the pillar of fire is finally completely
and clearly presented in front of everyone.
"How?" Kuang Jie asked Xiang Shizhan's disciples.

"It's customized." The student observed the flow of force in the pillar of fire and
made a preliminary judgment. He only glanced at the fire column above, and his
eyes began to move downward. Soon it fell to the foundation where the pillar of
fire was connected to the ground. It's just that the powers of the six souls are
alternately mixed, but it's not that he can distinguish clearly with one or two

So his hands reached the temples with his thumbs, pressed hard, and brewed
for a long time. A layer of light that had been blinded in his eyes became very
dazzling at this instant, as if two lights were coming straight from his eyes and
swept toward the bottom of the pillar of fire.

The pillar of fire seemed to feel peeped and suddenly twisted. An originally thick
pillar of fire twisted into nine strands in an instant, like a viper, and rushed
toward the line of twenty-one people without hesitation.

this is!

Kwong Kyue thought, and then looked at the ground under his feet. The winding
veins of flame spread behind them all at once.

"It's the Kowloon Fire Seal! Retreat!" Kuang Guang finally recognized this
custom-made ability, shouted the name and quickly signaled the students to
retreat quickly.

His disciples have also heard the name of this power, and suddenly knew it was
bad, but they were too late when they had to retreat. Fire dragons drilled out
one after another, in groups of nine. Mutual reflection.

"Communication!" Kuang Jie didn't care much and said too much.

The pillar of fire turned out to be a Kowloon fire seal, rather than the original
Liaoyuan custom made at first, which makes the difference. If the fire in
Kowloon is sealed, there is no doubt that the siege is mainly delayed. Thirty-two
fire pillars are located. All will besiege the Beidoumen who came to investigate.
This power has no active killing, all it has is an impenetrable flame barrier. This
is obviously to differentiate and delay the strength of Beidou University.

At the moment, Twenty-one people, such as Kuang Jie, seem to be trapped in a

fire cage and cannot escape. If they can send out what they have discovered,
then the college will naturally respond.

It's just the message that contains power. But in the moment of passing through
the air, he was caught up by the nine fire dragons, and instantly evaporated.
Countless fire dragons have quickly joined in the air, and Kuang Guang and other
21 people who are scattered around trying to retreat. After all, none of them can
escape the siege of the fire dragon in time.

"Drama!" A young student was unwilling, waving his sword and slashing
towards the fire dragon in front of him. The power of the spirit surrounded the
sword, and he struck him with all his strength. .

"Stop it!" Kuang Jie hurried to stop it but it was too late. The student's sharp
sword just chopped up the fire dragon, and the power of the soul surrounding
the sword was evaporated at once. Nine fire dragons quickly snaked along the
sword body.

"Abandon the sword!" Kuang Jie screamed as he rushed, but the student was
already ignorant. He heard the teacher yell again, and then he recovered. When
he hurriedly dropped the sword, half of the sword had evaporated in the air ,
Nine Daolong has already meandered on his arm.

"Ah!" The young disciple screamed in pain, but a cold light fell at this moment,
and his arm was separated from his body instantly. The man was pulled away,
and his arm was swallowed up before the arm fell.

"Don't step forward." Kuang Jie Shen said after pulling the young student's
broken arm in time. "The Kowloon Fire Seal is not something we can break."

Several disciples were originally prepared to use their tactics, but they were only
a bit slower than the young flesh and blood disciples. Seeing his horrible ending
at this time, his face was white. Leaning on the fire dragon's footsteps hurriedly
stopped, one after another backed away.

"The Kowloon Fire Seal will not treat us without touching it." Kuang Jie said,
which made all the students' emotions slightly stable.

"It's just that if you can't get out, no matter what happens in the college, we can
only watch from the wall." Kuang Jie's eyes stayed in the air-where the sent
message was blocked by the fire in Kowloon.

"How long will this Kowloon fire seal last?" A student asked.

"I don't know." Kuang Jie shook his head. "It depends on the ability and means
of the person under the customization."

"Now we can only wait." Kuang Jie said, sitting on the ground.

He still seemed calm, and the emotions of the students settled down because of
him. But his heart was far less calm than he showed.

Wait, this may be what the enemy wants them to do. Just when they wait, what
will happen to Beidou College?

If something terrible happened to the academy during this time, is there any egg
under the nest? Even if they get out of their traps in the Kowloon Fire Seal, they
are afraid they can do nothing. This is probably what the enemy planned.

At the moment, I just hope that the college will be more aware of the traps
hidden by these thirty-two fire dragons.

However, judging from the process of being trapped by a team of people, this
Kowloon fire seal is really cleverly disguised. When you see it, you have
triggered it. Who can escape in the triggered situation? Kuang Jie thought about
it and could not be optimistic. What worries him even more is that if the thirty-
two team goes to the team to explore the pillar of fire, if they are trapped and
lost contact, the college will inevitably send people to investigate again.
Don't change it like this ... Kuang Guang thought anxiously, only hating his
thoughts at this time, there is no way to send them out.

Tianji Peak.

When thirty-two pillars of fire rose, it was naturally visible here. The elites of the
three major colleges in action are also aware of what this means.

The seven-star trial is a self-consumption of strength by Beidou University.

The thirty-two pillars of fire further differentiated and weakened their strength.

At this point, the action should be fully launched.

"How is it?" Mu Hong asked, his voice indistinctly anxious.

Beidou College is now caught off guard by them, some headless flies. However,
without the supportive force introduced by them in this step, regardless of
whether it is the consumption of the Seven Stars, or the differentiation and
weakening of the thirty-two pillars of fire, it is not enough to make Beidou
College deadly. When they come back to God, it is not difficult to destroy them
as destroyers.

Success or failure, but right now, can the door of this Lu Cuntang vault be

"Very smooth." The busy Yue Yue students posted on the vault door finally gave
Mu Hong an exciting piece of good news.

It was only the next second that the look of the missing Yue suddenly changed.

"What's going on? What's this? Where are these daring forces?"

Chapter 533 One Sign

Yu Zhen has been in the College for more than 20 years, and is now a realm of
four souls, specializing in the abilities of the custom department. It's just that
most people prefer to set up enhanced customization, and Yu Zhen prefers to
weaken the cracking customization.

So he had a place to use this plan. Beidou Academy is bound to have all kinds of
customizations, big and small. The seven-dollar solution is not a personal
strength, but these customizations of Lu Cuntang's vault are like a game for Yu

These customizations are intertwined into mistakes, and some of them are really
familiar with them, and some of them are unfamiliar or even unfamiliar. But in
any case, the custom-made abilities are ever-changing, but the basic rules are
still understood by Yu Zhen.

His progress is very smooth.

Lu Cuntang Treasury, a total of 28 sizes and customizations, Yu Zhen

distinguished and cracked, step by step, seeing that 22 have been cracked, and
the remaining six customizations are also well-established, but at this time, the
vault constitutes customization Suddenly, there is a new force of soul invading.

"There is still a patch function?" Yu Zhen was a little caught off guard. He is now
very tired. Twenty-eight sizes are customized, and the cracks are clearly
distinguished. The cost and spirit are not a little bit. He didn't even have
confidence to break all 28 customizations. But in the end, there are two or three
customizations left, which should not be able to stop others from forcibly
opening the vault.

But now, it will be patched?

Yu Zhen was in a hurry, and other people were shocked to hear him exclaim.

"How?" Mu Hong asked quickly. Thirty-two pillars of fire have been launched,
and the time left for them will not be sufficient.

"Be prepared to break open!" Yu Zhen said hurriedly. The force of the invading
spirit moves along the vein of Yu's customized spirit, what is it not a repair?
There are still six unbroken customizations. Forcible breaking is not impossible,
but there will definitely be great movements, enough to make the entire Beidou
College feel that the Lu Cuntang vault is being destroyed. But the eyes can't even
take care of this much.

"Okay." Mu Hong agreed with difficulty. While looking back, Wu Kai glanced at
reads () ;. Wu Kai nodded, and several members of Xuanwu Academy
immediately began to gather. In terms of destructive power, the Xuanwu
Academy, the master of martial arts, is the best at fighting.

Several people moved forward. Standing in front of the vault, he secretly

adjusted his strength. Yu Zhen's expression changed suddenly and waved,

"Why?" Mu Hong asked quickly.

"This ... this ..." Yu Zhen was stunned. There were repairs that caught him off
guard, but it was still logical. But what happened to the eyes made him
completely incomprehensible. The force of the invading spirit did not strengthen
and repair the customization, it was also destroying. No matter what kind of
courage it formed, it was immediately smashed, and the six customizations left
on the vault were being disintegrated at an extremely fast rate. It is much faster
than Yu Zhen cracking.

"Customization is being destroyed." Yu Zhen stared at Kumen, who was right in

front of him, stunned.

"What?" The others were puzzled and puzzled. As a result, I heard a muffled
sound, the thick vault of the vault trembles, everyone consciously retreated
backward, and then saw that the vault slowly cracked a slit, and someone
actually pulled the vault from the inside. opened.

Everyone froze and looked at each other.

They are clear in the vault. Qin Yue showed off his celestial mirror, and rushed to
the ground like a broken bamboo, and finally saw Lu Pingsun send his sister.
Another Tianji female student was escorted into the vault together. Their main
goal is to send the Sun. If there is no such confirmation, how dare they spend all
their time and energy on this vault?

The four who escaped into the library. In their minds, it was already a turtle in
the urn. They only thought about how to break the vault, and never thought of
any threats within the vault.

As a result, the vault was not opened yet, but the vault door was opened by the
people inside.

Is this a dying struggle, or is there any backer?

Qin Yuemu and Hong Wukai glanced at each other, and no one was overjoyed
because the Kumen opened. They act in the Beidou Academy with a small force,
and the subconscious is more cautious and worried.

"Form!" Wu Kai took the lead. The four Xuanwu College students who originally
came up to prepare to forcibly open the vault, together with Wu Kai, quickly ran
out of the station outside the gate. Maintained a distance of three meters from
Kumen. Yu Zhen, who was originally posted next to the library door to crack the
customization, has also quickly retreated. Due to the situation of the Kueiyue
College, his eyes were fixed on Kumen, who was slowly being opened. Qin Yue.
With one hand pressed into his arms, he grabbed Tian Luo Jing. He used the Tian
Luo Jing's vigorous force to recover not so quickly, but if there was any danger,
he would have to launch his desperate efforts.

"Gaga ..." The thick Kumen rubbed against the ground, and the small slit finally
opened to a person's width. Although the light in Curry is a little dark, but the
presence of these people is in front of them, what is the problem of dark light?
They saw it immediately, and it was Lu Ping who opened the door.

Can't this be a big move?

What I saw was a teenager who was chased by them all the way. His eyes
glanced inward again and found that there was no other person behind Lu Ping,
and everyone felt more at ease.

Someone spoke, but just after two words, he heard a bang, and the man was
already flying in the air. Lu Ping's people were still inside the dimly lit door, but
one arm was reaching out. The index finger of his right hand is slightly bent,
pointing in the direction of the figure's falling.

"Is that so?" Lu Ping said, but instead of facing the people outside the door, he
turned to look at Menricune.

"I didn't see reads ();" The voice from Curry was sent by Sun.

"I opened the door wider." Lu Ping said, withdrawing his arm, Kumen rattled
again, and Lu Ping continued to push towards both sides. Everyone outside the
door was stunned. Looking back, the Xuanwu disciple who only spoke two
words finally landed at this time, but there was no movement.


Everyone felt and found that the breath was still there, but the power of the
spirit was disturbed, and the blow had obviously injured him.

Is this ... Lu Ping's shot?

No one can believe it.

Lu Ping is a little weird and has some strength. This information has long been
expressed, but how can it be so strong? Waving a finger to hit a martial arts
master of Xuanwu Academy?

With such strength, what is going on this way, don't you just wipe them out with
your fingers?

You can't hide in the vault so hard, you will have a leap in strength, what new
means have you practiced?
Everyone can't figure it out, how can they know that what they think is
impossible is the truth. Lu Pingzhen was so kung fu in the vault, and at Sun's
instructions, he mastered a power that was very suitable for his current

No one acted rashly, watching Kumen pushed completely away. Sun Songzhao
appeared in the door, behind Lu Ping. Her body collapsed and her spirit was
poor, but her eyes were full of confidence. And Li Yi, who supported her disciple
beside her, looked much more complicated. What was impossible in the hearts
of everyone outside the door had just happened to her in front of her.

How long?

Li Yi has forgotten to calculate, in short, it will not exceed half an hour at most.

In half an hour, Lu Ping had mastered the ability that it took her three years to
count the first glance.

One sign, another notorious.

There are many such abilities that rely on sound to target and attack.

One sign is undoubtedly the strongest of these.

Its keenness, its accuracy, and its damage have given it the inaudible alias.
Meaning: no sound will be heard.

Because when there is a voice, it will die.

It took Li Yi three years to master this ability.

This ability, even in the hands of Li Yi's teacher Sun Song, is only a semi-finished
product and has not yet been completed.

But Lu Ping, in half an hour, had fully mastered it.

In the blow just now, Sun Songzhao, who was sitting on the ground of Curry, was
blocked by Kumen, but he saw Li Yi, who was standing not far behind him from
Lu Ping.

As soon as the other party spoke, Lu Ping shot, and then the other party was
knocked down.

One sign, no sound.

These two weathers are erratic, everyone be careful, others do n’t know, I ’m
coughing anyway. (

Chapter 534

She glanced in the courtyard, the students of Tianji Peak who fell to the ground,
some of them had their heads in different places, and their blood was still dry.
The old tile head of the janitor leaned against a lacquer pillar closest to Kumen,
his head drooped, and the last drop of blood had drained.

They used their lives to fight to the last moment. When thinking of this, Sun sent
strokes of blood and tears.

She looked up and looked into the courtyard.

Qin Yue, Wu Kai, and Mu Hong, from the three colleges, counted 12 people who
were knocked down by Lu Ping's fingers.

"How to say?" Lu Ping asked beside.

"Blood debt and blood compensation." Sun sent strokes of teeth. So far, what is
the purpose? The blood of the Beidoumen must not be in vain.

"Oh, I didn't ask this, I said I just hit this one." Lu Pingdao.

Originally very concentrated, staring at these people in Lu Ping's courtyard, I

couldn't help but look at each other.
The corpse and blood of the full house didn't bring any impact to this little devil.
What he cares about is the blow he just shot?

What kind of indifference is this? Thinking of this, everyone could not help but
squeeze a sweat.

But Sun Songzhao's answer to Lu Ping's lack of understanding of her emotions

was not surprising, but after a moment of stunned he said lightly, "Let's take a
look again."

"Okay." Lu Ping promised extremely happily, but how could everyone in the
courtyard sit still? As soon as Lu Ping answered, he would act. Regardless of
defense or offensive, there is always an opportunity to grab. Xuanwumen who
are proficient in martial arts are particularly keen in this regard. The four of
them all had movements, the one in the middle was the most courageous, Lu
Ping's voice fell, he had his hands up, and he wiped the light in his palm, as if
hiding a sword. Without seeing how he moved, the cold light flashed towards


A loud drink came from his mouth, but it was him who flew out with the loud
drink. If it is not clear, everyone almost thinks that Lu Ping shouted. This is more
in line with what is happening.

With the help of his attack, the other three Xuanwumen who gave support to
make up the knife stopped their movements stiffly, watching the one flying over
their heads in front of their heads, the blood sprayed all the way up, and finally
planted Corner.

Look back at Lu Ping again. This time, his arm just raised his forearm. The only
constant is the slightly bent right index finger.

"How is it?" Lu Ping turned his head and asked Sun to send.

The three of Xuanwu Academy's halt stiffly took a step back subconsciously.
What is this attack?

So fast, so powerful, but with no signs or symptoms. Lu Ping, who had just
launched his attack. At this time, the fingertips did not even have the power of
the soul. This attack is simply nowhere to be found!

Thinking of this, the three Xuanwu have stepped back from the second step.

"Good." Sun Songzhao praised Lu Ping's performance.

Lu Ping smiled and nodded, "That's good."

Then, his smile was put away, and he glanced at the courtyard. He looked at the
sacrificed Tianjifeng students, and his expression did not change, but then, the
murderousness was even worse.

"All killed?" He asked.

"It's up to you." Sun Sendao said.

third step.

The only three remaining in Xuanwu Academy have already retreated from the
third step. Hear the conversation between Lu Ping and Sun Yuanzhao.
Inexplicably began to accelerate the heartbeat.

They are nervous.

When they came to Beidou College to carry out such a plan, they would have left
life and death a long time ago. They anticipate all kinds of difficult crises they
may encounter and are fully psychologically prepared. So their performance was
calm from beginning to end. Including the face of Lu Ping's first shot, they were
surprised, but did not panic.

But for the second time, they were fully prepared and their eyes were staring at
Lu Ping. As a result, Lu Ping said that he would fight, even more casually than
the first time. He just raised his forearm and flew them one by one.
Others are unclear. How do they not know how powerful this one is?

The blow just now was his ability to "snatch" the ability and cooperate with the
use of martial arts "palm edge". This distance has never missed. As a result, this
time, the opponent did not dodge. Directly counterattack, not to mention the
latter, but also abruptly defeated his ability with martial arts attack.

Considering the power of cutting and palming, the three of Xuanwu Academy
must not be uneasy. In this way, the ravages and the attack of the blade are cut
off hard, and their mentors may not be able to do it.

"it is good."

They took three steps back, but Lu Ping had already responded to Sun's move.
Then, take a step forward.

Seeing that the Xuanwu College was a little timid, Mu Hong of the Queyue
College was preparing to say something. Qin Yue, who had been standing as far
as he could not speak, suddenly shouted, "Don't talk!"

Before the words fell, everyone felt a wave of turbulence engulfing them, and
the pressure contained in them was enough to surprise anyone.

Qin Yue, who stood farthest, slid out straight back until he reached a large tree
in the courtyard. The violent impact caused the big tree to shake, and the dead
leaves on the branches could not help floating into the air.

Lu Ping, once again slightly bent his right index finger. In front of Qin Yue, Tian
Luo Jing floated in the air, trembling and buzzing.

Qin Yue, whose back was against the tree, was horrified.

He judged the means of Lu Ping's attack, so he used Tian Luo Jing in advance to
make preparations. As expected, Lu Ping's attack followed his voice. But in any
case, he did not expect that Luping's blow could exert such power even in the
presence of super-grade Divine Guards, which caused him to retreat with Tian
Luojing. Even if his condition is not good at this time, Tian Luo Jing's play is not
complete, but it is enough to shock.

"It is indeed Qin's parents and sons, who still have some insights," said Sun
Songzhao. Looking at Qin Yue's defense, he knew that he had seen Po Luping's
attack. Looking at the Tianluo mirror suspended in front of him, Sun sent the
trick secretly. When she was escorted into Lu Cuntang, Qin Yue hadn't cast Tian
Luo Jing yet. She has been wondering under her heart. The other party still has
this manpower, how is it that she is in Lu Cuntang.

At this moment, she knew the answer.

Super quality soldiers.

Nantian Academy actually took out Tian Luo Jing, one of the three soldiers in the
three town schools, which shows their determination to plan this time.

Sun sent a plan to compare the deaths and injuries of Tianjimen, but her focus is
not limited to this. Looking out from the courtyard, you can see the five pillars of
fire between the sky and the sky. She had looked at them for a long time, but
she hadn't moved.

In addition, Tianji arrow came out, the college should send someone to
investigate. But all the deaths and injuries seen in front of him were left behind
by Lu Cuntang. Didn't the college vacate people, or did the people they sent
were also blocked by ambush?

At the thought of this, Sun Sendzhao couldn't just look at the sadness in front of
him. Beidou Academy is obviously facing a more terrible disaster than before.

Nantian College brought Tianluo Jing. Do the other two colleges also carry
super-grade magic soldiers of the same magnitude?

"No nonsense." Thinking of this, Sun sent Zhao suddenly no mood to speak.

"Come on, be careful of his mirror." Sun Songzhao said to Lu Ping.

The super-grade Shenbing Tianluo Jing is terrible, but Qin Yue's state she sees is
the end of a strong crossbow. At present, Nantian College is only one of him.
Tian Luojing, Qin Yue will never give it to the people of the other two colleges.
Sun sent recruits firmly believes this.

While uploading this chapter, my daughter rushed into the study and told me
that she would take me to set off fireworks ... (

Chapter 535: No Sound

You can also go directly to the boutique area → update summary

It turns out so.

The people of Xuanwu and Queyue are very keen. Qin Yue's reminder that
Luping's response to the attack made them immediately realize that Luping's
attack method was locked in voice. Mu Hong, who was preparing to speak,
closed his mouth quickly.

After everyone understood this, they were not so panicked. After all, the ability
to lock sound attacks is not new. The low order is like slashing, and the high
order has a vocal sign. They have the same principle, but the difference is the
sharpness and accuracy of sound locking, and the power of attack.

Lu Ping's method can defeat the "grabbing" plus the "palm blade", allowing Qin
Yue, who is defended by the Tianluo mirror, to repel his ability, which is
undoubtedly quite advanced. Perhaps it is a sign called inaudible.

But since it is this kind of ability, no matter whether it is low-level or high-level,

it has a rather fatal flaw.


Such abilities, which satisfy the conditions for launching an attack, are not
completely controlled by the attacker, which is too passive.
To put it simply, if you want to lock the sound, then I don't make a sound, is it?

The courtyard suddenly became quieter, and everyone's mouths were tightly

Then you have no choice? All stared at Lu Ping, looking at his right hand, and
found that Lu Ping was not working, and his heart suddenly widened. At the
end, he glanced at Qin Yue gratefully, and if he had risked a warning, it was
really troublesome.

Sun Songzhao looked at the relaxed faces of these guys in front of him, but
couldn't help but laughed.

"Naive." She shook her head and sighed.

Want to lead us to talk? Everyone thought, his mouth closed tighter.

"Let them see it," said Sun Songzhao.

"Okay." Luping nodded. Everyone is like an enemy. Breathless gaze. There was
no breathing.

The result was that Lu Ping looked around. Then lowered her body. While
everyone was alert to his every move, he just picked a small stone from the

Is this necessary?

Everyone was still wondering, but the small stone was thrown out by Lu Ping. It
was not serious, as if the children were throwing around playfully, toward the
one standing in the courtyard-Lu Ping didn't know it, but just thrown away a
randomly selected target.

Use stones to make a sound?

The response of the masters was still very quick, and immediately guessed Lu
Ping's purpose. But such a small stone, so throwing it weakly can make a sound?
Everyone doubted it. But dare not ignore it. The one who was thrown by the
stone still flashed after all. He stepped forward, walked away, and walked in a

Then he fell down, and a scream came out of his mouth without thinking. When
everyone's heart broke, he had already flew out, wiped the ground, lifted the
soil, and slid all the way to the wall foundation.

Everyone's eyes are chasing after, everyone sees clearly. His foot, the right foot
that had just walked out of the court. It's bloody.


Everyone immediately realized that he couldn't calm down anymore.

The sound of footsteps becomes the target, which is not surprising. Some lower-
level abilities can do this. It's just that the footsteps must be heavy, and the
difference between high-level and low-level abilities is this. The so-called
keenness of higher-order abilities is the ability to capture tiny sounds as targets
of attack.

Everyone in the courtyard had already noticed this, and the atmosphere did not
dare to come out. A small stone touched the body and was scrupulously
avoided. How could the sound of footsteps be ignored? Just moved that step,
the man paid careful attention to this. In the ears of everyone in the courtyard,
they didn't think it would be a problem. The injured right foot was bloody telling
everyone: just that footsteps, they thought there was no sound, but when
listening to Luping, yes!

How keen is this?

What kind of power is this?

Even if it is a sign that is said to be inaudible, is it not exaggerated to such a

"Hehe." Looking at the stunned expression of everyone in the courtyard, Sun
Songzhao laughed. "You are all the best of the four colleges. You must not forget
that abilities are also people-oriented?"

people oriented?

What this means is that because Lu Ping is playing, does this power possess such

The key to this is whether everyone realizes now, but it has no effect at all. After
Sun Songzhao said this, he didn't wait for any response from everyone, and he
called out, "Li Yi."

"Yes." Li Yi, who was supporting Sun Songzhao with a cry, immediately stepped
forward, but after a few words, he waved, and a cold mangling flew out of her
sleeve, carrying her anger towards everyone before him, and shot Out.

She attacked, but it wasn't the stone that Luping had thrown at random before,
and she could think about whether to avoid it.

But as soon as he dodge, the movement will immediately lead to Lu Ping's


Since everything is dead, what else can you hesitate at this time?


At this moment, everyone agreed. Whether Li Yi's attack is avoided or not is not
the key. Their goal is only Lu Ping.

There is no need for any communication and a consistent mindset, allowing

everyone to make a consistent decision. Everyone showed off their means, using
weapons, freehand; rushing spirit, spiriting spirit. There are eight people
standing in Xuanwu and Queyue College, and there are eight people at this
moment. The eight forces of courage, from eight different directions, bloomed
their full strength, all pointing to the same goal. If there was no sound, the eight
people ignored it. Even if one or two people were knocked down by Lu Ping, the
remaining people would take the opportunity to complete their attack.

The loud noise echoed in the courtyard. The surging force swept across all sides.

Mu Hong flew out. The force of the courage coming from the sound is like a
heavy hammer, smashing his attack instantly. He never felt so weak. The force of
the sledgehammer is so powerful, as if a huge shadow has enveloped him in full.
He has no place to escape, nowhere to escape. .

He flew out, hitting the wall like several people who had been hit by Lu Ping
before. The pain was all over his body, and his daring power was crushed and
shattered by this blow, and he wandered uncontrollably in his body, as if feeling
the crisis fleeing in a hurry.

Mu Hong lost completely and lost completely, and he had no doubts about it.
However, it should not be over yet?

Although his consciousness was blurred, Mu Hong struggled and looked

forward. He was attacked by Lu Ping, but what about the others? Has anyone
else succeeded?

He looked forward, and the door of Lu Cuntang's vault was wide open, and Sun
Zhao, who had been chasing them all the way, stood in the door. But in front of
her, she blocked a road level, stood straight outside the door, stretched her
arms, and the waves of the powerful force hit his hair and clothes, and he had
no expression. Li Yi beside him still maintained the posture of the previous shot,
but there was a helpless look on his face.

What about our people?

Mu Hong didn't find any of them within his sight. It wasn't until he turned his
gaze and looked to the left and right that he saw that they had shot eight people
together. At this time, eight people also hit the courtyard wall together.

The attacks of eight people were smashed by him in one blow?

This was Mu Hong's last thought before losing consciousness.

With a bang, the courtyard wall collapsed.

(To be continued)

Chapter 536 Means of Escape

There are eleven people in the two colleges of Xuanwu and Xueyue, and without
exception, they were all shot down under the wall.

At this time, the wall collapsed and the limestone and stone fell, but none of the
eleven people under the wall responded. Some people are still conscious, but
after eating Lu Ping's blow, their bodies can no longer move. They watched as
they were smashed by the falling bricks. In the dust that was raised, it was
completely quiet.

Li Yi looked complicated.

Lu Ping shot and defeated these intruders, which should have been a delight.
But seeing Lu Ping so relaxed, and thinking about the sacrificed fellow students,
Li Yi really wanted to roar Lu Ping: Why did you go?

But she didn't ask this question after all, because she knew that Luping's
method was also just learned from the teacher Sun Sendai in the vault. Listening
to the discussion between the two, Li Yi also knew a lot.

The awakening of the six souls, the imprisonment of the ecstasy ... one by one is
so incredible. So now, the people who were chased by the mountain half an
hour ago were completely defeated by these chasers.

I am afraid that these people will not end this way anyway?

Looking at the hateful guys buried under the wall, Li Yi felt a little sympathy.
Sympathy they will be against such a monster that can't be taken for granted.

Uh, opponent?
Thinking of this, Li Yi couldn't help but stop at the one who was still standing in
the courtyard.

Qin Yue.

Just when Xuanwu and Qiyue eight people let go, he didn't.

So when eight people were all blown away by Lu Ping, he was safe.

It's not that Lu Ping didn't try to attack him, but when Qin Yue was here, he
didn't even make a sound.

He was leaning against the big tree, which seemed very weak, but he controlled
his state very well. Seeing that the eight people were hit by Lu Ping, he did not
show much surprise. It seemed that he expected such a result.

Because he is the only one who is still awake after receiving Luping's blow.

Although he could only rely on Tian Luojing to block the blow, it did not affect
his ability to judge Lu Ping's blow.

keen? accurate? speed?

Yes, these are terrible places in Lu Ping's sign. However, the strength of this
blow, the destructive power of this blow, other people have no chance to
describe after the blow.

But in the mind of Qin Yue, this is the most terrifying of Lu Ping's vocal sign. The
power of the spirit contained in this hit left Qin Yue with only one feeling:

How long have I not felt this way?

Even at Nantian College, in the face of the four masters of Supreme Master, Qin
Yue would not feel such a big sense of oppression. After all, he is also a realm of
four souls, even if the cultivation is far from the four masters, but in the end
everyone is standing in the same field and has the same room for development.

The sense of crushing, this feeling, let Qin Yue trance recalled his childhood. At
that time he had not yet enrolled in Nantian College, and he still studied at
home. With his family history, he made rapid progress from the first glance, and
quickly reached a state where both souls penetrated. This made him inevitably
proud and somewhat complacent. So his father, Qin Chuan, the head of the Qin
family, let him know what real power is and what is the real streamer.

Since then, Qin Yue dare not be pretentious.

And that time, when I first arrived in the realm of two souls, I met the complete
explosion of the four souls, and the feeling of staying in his heart was crushing.

After a lapse of many years, Qin Yue couldn't think of it anymore. He, who is
now in the realm of today, will still be recalled from his childhood memories,
and he can again feel this feeling of being crushed.

Who is this Luping? Is he really a teenager?

Qin Yue could not believe it if he was not human. Now, he can only concentrate.
After taking Luping's blow, Qin Yue had already forgotten the goal in front of him
and the mission of his trip. From that moment on, there was only one goal in his
heart: to live.

His mind was turning uncontrollably, and he had thought about seven or eight
methods in an instant. When Xuanwu and Qiyue eight let go, he did n’t expect
to take the opportunity to run, but the moment he wanted to move, he Seeing
Lu Ping shot, he immediately dispelled this thought. Because he believes that
Luping, who can destroy eight people in one blow, gives him another voice to
defeat nine people, which is not a problem. Because of his toughness, he can
crush the level.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Yue lost even his allies. He was the only one left in the

"You're so suffocated." Sun Shuang looked at him and said.

Qin Yue smiled and did not speak.

"So I can't see, do you still have any future moves." Sun Sendzhao said.

"Yes." Qin Yue replied suddenly.

He even spoke. Although there was only one word and one sound, it was
enough for Lu Ping. He didn't even listen to what Qin Yue said. What he had
been carefully perceiving and waiting for was such a signal, a signal that would
allow him to launch an attack.

A sign!

Flick out and then come out.

The power of the soul was like light and electricity, like substance, and rushed
straight from Qin Yue to Qin Yue.

But Qin Yue just said "yes".

How could he be so suffocating, how could he suddenly make a noise at this

time and give Lu Ping an opportunity?

Sun Songzhao realized that it was not good. Qin Yue's "yes" may be his back
stroke, his means. But it was too late to say anything. Lu Ping's attack on Qin Yue
rushed towards Qin Yue, and Qin Yue's chest glowed brightly, but Tian Luo Jing
appeared again.


Tianluo Jing is the treasure of Nanyuan College. Outsiders only know that there
is such a powerful super-grade magic soldier, and know a little about its power.
But who dares to say that they really know what the magical power of this
super-quality soldier is?

Sun Songzhao thought of this point, and Qin Yue once again cast Tian Luo Jing to
block Lu Ping's attack.

Lu Ping also looked awkward at this time.

His shot was faster than his consciousness. So after the sound was issued, he
realized that Qin Yue's voice had just answered the word "yes". What this
means is that he, like Sun Songzhao, immediately realized.

So after a sign, he immediately added another punch.

Instead of using a single sign, he has always relied on the one-hand punch of
pure, broken, and soulful.

The ripples drawn by Naruto's soul followed the flick of a sign and went away.
The power of Soul Symptom had already hit Tian Luo Jing at this time. The
dazzling light exploded at this instant, and the Tianluo mirror seemed to be a
sun at this instant.

"Retreat!" Sun sent beckoned.

Is this light attacking?

Does this light have any power?

She doesn't know, so she can only avoid her front.

Lu Ping and Li Yi left and right, and helped Sun Send Zhaoji back. But the burst of
light had just begun to converge.

"How are you guys?" Sun Song Zhao asked busy.

Lu Ping shook his head, and Li Yi shook his head.

They are all fine. The light radiated by the Tianluo Mirror seems to be pure light,
bright and dazzling. As for the power of the soul, it really does not contain
"He ran away!" Looking at Li Yi in the courtyard, he found out that Qin Yue was
gone. Lu Ping also jumped out quickly, listening to the feeling of quickly chasing
out, but there was no trace of Qin Yue at all.

"It's fast." Lu Ping surprised. The light of Tianluo Jing bloomed, in fact, it was
instantaneous, but Qin Yue disappeared so thoroughly in such a moment, the
speed was really terrible.

"Is it the legendary eunuch?" Sun Songzhao frowned.

"What is that?" Li Yi asked.

"The legendary Qin family's flying technique of streamers. With the help of light
escape, the place where the light can reach, the body will dance with it." Sun
Songzhao said.

"Doesn't that equal the speed of light?" Li Yi stunned.

"Perhaps." Sun Songzhao said, outsiders would not know too much about the
blood-success ability of this family.

"He left that thing." Lu Ping pointed to the courtyard, Tian Luo Jing, at this time
it was lying under the tree.

"It seems that the light from Tian Luo Jing's instantaneous release by the force
of your blow is a necessary condition for him to exert his light. Only such a
strong light can make him use the light to initiate light escape," Sun sent Zhao

"Compared to his life, I think it's better to leave the Super Pinnacle Soldier to
us!" Li Yi said, rushing out quickly, picked up the Tian Luo Jing under the tree,
took it in his hands and looked carefully . I don't know if I can't see a second,
Tian Luo Jing suddenly starts to tremble. Li Yi was so shocked that she wanted to
throw it but she didn't want to. However, before she hesitated to decide, Tian
Luo Jing suddenly broke free from her hand and flew straight into the sky,
disappearing in a blink of an eye.
"This ..." Li Yi dumbfounded, looked at the sky, and looked back at the teacher.

"Nantian Academy's treasure of the town's academy, can it be so casually

chosen?" Sun sent Zhao said.

"Then how to choose?" Yi bypass asked.

"Nonsense, how do I know." Sun sent a stroke without a good air. The treasure
of the town's courtyard, how much customization has to be made? How can she
know, how can she crack? This road was flat, just after the prestige, and began
to lack common sense.

Chapter 537 Can We Do It

Tranquility was restored in the courtyard, but the force remaining in the intense
collision just now remained in the air.

Looking at everyone who fell in the courtyard, there were eleven people from
the two schools of Xiewu and Xuanwu buried under the wall, as well as Tianji
students who fell in the blood pool. The big threat that puts them in such a crisis
is solved in just a few moments.

The six souls go through ...

It is all these two keywords that Sun Songzhao echoes in his heart, but Lu Ping
beside her is like no one else, and she seems to care nothing about what she has
just done.

How terrible would it be if it were not imprisoned by Ecstasy?

Like everyone who knows that the road is flat and thin, Sun Sendai began to
wonder about this assumption.

At this time, Li Yi had confirmed the fallen Tianji students in the hospital one by
one, and finally shook his head sadly towards Sun Sendai.
Sun Songzhao took a deep breath. It's far from ready to relax. The threat can
only be described as a temporary solution, and no one can confirm what will
happen next. Looking at the fire dragon winding at the far end, Sun Send
weighed under his heart and looked out of the courtyard.

The courtyard wall has fallen, and the scene in the adjacent courtyard is
unobstructed. Several Tianjimen stood blankly, their expressions were different,
but they knew nothing about life or death. Li Yi stepped forward and called
several people one after another, but none of them responded, but the signs of
their lives were still there.

"Teacher?" Li Yi looked back at Sun and sent the move.

"This is Tian Luo Jing." Sun sent a sigh. This effect of Tianluojing is no secret.
However, after being blocked by Tian Luojing in this way, I don't know how to lift
Sun's move.

"Take them all to the vault first." Sun sent Zhao said.

"Yes." Li Yi nodded and said yes, but all these people seemed to be dead and
could not do anything at all. Li Yi sent them one by one to the vault, Lu Ping
looked at it, and stepped forward to help. A few of the neighbors in the
courtyard were sent out, and then out, there are. Qin Yue alone went to Lu
Cuntang alone, relying on Tian Luo Jing, and all the Tianji students who blocked
him all the way were blocked by Tian Luo Jing.

Lu Ping and Li Yi were busy, and Sun Sendzhao slowly walked down the stone
steps outside the vault door. As he stepped down to the last level, he shook
slightly and almost didn't stop.

Sun Shuangzhao stopped and stabilized for a while.

The injury from the back piercing to the front heart has been in pain. For
ordinary people, this is an instant fatal injury. Sun Sendzhao has been
supporting, because she knows that she can't fall. I could n’t before, and I ca n’t
now. Although Lu Ping is strong, he is naive and terrible. I'm afraid he can't sort
out the complicated situation right now. What's more, this kid doesn't have
much kind attitude. To the enemy, to Beidou College, Lu Ping seemed to be the
same calm and cold. Will help a lot at this moment, maybe it is all thanks to his

Thinking of Sun Yingsheng, Sun Songzhao couldn't help but looked back.

The vault was dark, and at this time, Sun Shuangzhao couldn't control the force
of his soul, and his eyesight could not see things in this dim. But she
remembered where Sun Yingsheng was lying. After glancing silently there, Sun
Shuangzhao turned back and continued to walk forward.

She went to the collapsed courtyard wall, and eleven people from the Kuei and
Xuanwu Colleges were buried here. Some have already lost consciousness. Of
course, they were not hit by bricks and stones, but by Lu Ping's attack. Of course,
there are still several consciousnesses, one of them, the eyes are drilled through
the gap between the stone bricks. Seeing Sun Yingsheng coming, staring at her

Sun Yuanzhao looked at it, and several other conscious people were semi-
conscious. Only this spirit is commendable. Sun Songzhao lowered his head and
looked down at half of the face hidden in the brick seam. The other person's
eyes did not flinch.

"It seems that it is impossible for me to ask your plan and purpose from you."
Sun Send said with a look in his eyes.

The man didn't speak, and half of his face showed a cruel smile.

"Fortunately, I haven't expected it like this." Sun Songzhao said, he didn't care
anymore, watching Lu Ping and Li Yi finally moved everyone into the vault. .

"Teacher." The two then came to Sun Songzhao and Li Yi called out.

"How many people?" Sun Song asked.

"Thirty-one." Li Yi said.
Those who can enter Tianjifeng Lucuntang will not be weak. But these thirty-one
people could not withstand the light of Tian Luo Jing, and this did not include
the figures who died in the end. The superwealth is really terrible.

"You stay to take care of everyone." Sun Sendzhao said to Li Yi.

"How about you, teacher?" Li Yi asked quietly.

"I still have a lot of things to do." Sun Shuangzhao said.

"Then let me follow you." Li Yi anxiously said.

"Everyone needs someone to take care of him ... can't you let him come?" Sun
Sendao said, looking at Lu Ping and finished talking.

This conclusion is almost indisputable, and Li Yi also very much agrees that Lu
Ping is by no means a suitable person to take care of everyone.

"The teacher, you have to be careful." Li Yi said, her voice a little choked, but
immediately cheered up and stared at Lu Ping said: "You have to take care of the

Lu Ping glanced at Sun Songzhao, shook his head and said, "I can't heal the

"Who told you this." Li Yi aired.

"Others are OK." Lu Ping nodded.

Sun Song smiled and shook his head helplessly. Raised his hand and touched Li
Yi's head, and once again asked: "Take care of everyone."

"Teacher rest assured." Li Yi focused on his head.

"Let's go." Sun Songzhao said to Lu Ping.

Lu Ping nodded and came to support Sun Songzhao and walked out of the
courtyard. Li Yi looked at the back of the two, but there was a sudden sound at
his feet. Li Yi looked down and immediately remembered something, and
quickly shouted, "Teacher, what about these people?" She asked, pointing to be
buried in the wall. Eleven people under the lack of Yue, Xuanwu.

"Killed." Sun sent the head without replying, and said lightly.

After she finished talking, she looked at Lu Ping, and as expected, the kid was
still expressionless, as if nothing would move him.

"You listen," Sun sent Zhao suddenly said.

"Huh?" Lu Ping looked at her.

"If the situation is critical and the situation can't be controlled, you will break
me up." Sun Sendzhao said.

"Break?" Lu Ping puzzled.

"Yes, smashed, don't leave a little bit left, the more broken, the better." Sun
Sendzhao said.

"Oh, you are afraid that they will get the way to open the transmission channel
from you." Lu Ping understood.

"Yes." Sun sent a nod. In view of the fact that when the other party attacked her
as a killer, she can basically deduce that the other party may not need her live
mouth to borrow her to open the channel. Therefore, the most reliable is the
broken bones.

"Understood." Lu Ping nodded.

"Can it be done?" Sun sent Zhao said.

"Should be ... terrible ..." Lu Ping said after looking at Sun's move up and down a
little uncertainly.
But letting his eyes make Sun Sendai cold for a while. Because she saw that Lu
Ping was not measuring whether he could kill the killer with cruelty, but
whether she could smash her as Sun Sunzhao asked.

It is not difficult to be powerful with Lu Ping's strength. At this point, Sun

Songzhao was more confident than Lu Ping. She was only worried that Lu Ping
could not ruthlessly kill the killer. Now, it seems that she is more worried.

"You talk when you need it," Lu Ping said.

"..." This made Sun Songzhao how awkward to listen to, and her request Lu Ping
agreed. But now, she was a little worried that in the end, she wouldn't be upset.

The cannons have been roaring for almost an hour! Happy Lantern Festival,

'Chapter 538 Ambiguous Perception

For Lu Ping, who perceives ability, this is effortless. Instead, it is the second part
of the guided attack. In order for Naruto to have such a guidance function, it has
to sacrifice the precision and keenness that some Luping's Naruto should have.

No way, it is time to restrain Lu Ping from fully exerting himself.

Even if his speed of control of the power of the soul has reached its peak.
However, the control that can be achieved in this tiny space from the Ecstasy is
still limited. And at this point, those who were crushed by Lu Ping's fingernails
and others would not think of it until they died-Lu Ping's sign, because the
imprisonment of the ecstasy is still some water.

After completing the perception, locking, and guidance, the general practitioner
must also consider how to mobilize his own power to maximize the attack
power. And Lu Ping can save trouble at this point. The strength of the six spirits,
how to control and mobilize it, and let it be released in this empty gap as much
as possible. For those four spirits who are inferior to him by two grades, it is
already destroyed. The power of the earth.

It can also be seen from this that a sign is indeed the most suitable ability to
master Lu Ping's current situation. Sun Songzhao also made an appropriate
choice for him after understanding the situation of Lu Ping. This ability finally
turned Lu Ping's current advantages into a force. Through this power, Lu Ping's
strength has finally been fully and effectively exerted.

With the elimination of the missing Yue and the Xuanwu eleven in just a few
minutes, Lu Ping's performance is more exaggerated than Sun Sendzhao
expected. She has to admit that Liu Pei's penetration of this field is completely
beyond her cognition. She inevitably improved her expectations and hopes for
Lu Ping, but now she just needs to understand the situation quickly and clarify
the situation.

"How to go?" Lu Ping asked after hearing the perception to confirm the
surrounding situation.

"Go down the mountain first." Sun Songzhao had a clear idea long ago. The
Tianji arrow was released, but no one came to investigate. There must have
been something under Tianji Peak, which blocked the support to the mountain.
And this power must not be trivial. The warning of Tianji Arrow is not something
that the Academy will wait for.

"The sooner, the better? Can you still run?" Lu Ping looked at Sun Songzhao.

"You take me." Sun Sendao said.

"Okay." Lu Ping nodded and didn't go to Sun Shengzhao with a lot of serious
injuries. After hearing this, he immediately picked her up again, as if he had
taken her all the way to Lu Cuntang. That way, go down the mountain.

There was no hindrance along the way, the two walked very fast until Luping
escaped Qin Yue's pursuit and destroyed the woods before they arrived. The
two saw the bodies of some Tianjifengmen.
"Are you here to support?" Lu Ping asked.

"No." Sun Song shook his head, most of the Tianjimen recognized her, these are
the people who stayed in Lu Cuntang.

"It should be the movement here that shocked the people on the mountain and
sent to detectives," Sun sent Zhao said.

Lu Ping said nothing, but sighed slightly. The sacrifices of these people seem so
easy and fragile, and several lives are simply over.

"Let's go." The appearance of Sun Songzhao, who was still carried by Lu Ping, is
undoubtedly embarrassing and weird, but she seems to have become
accustomed to this look, hanging in mid-air and saying lightly.

"Oh." Lu Ping echoed and continued down the mountain road.

At the mountain junction, the pavilion, and the slope of the sliding body that
was attacked by Lu Ping finally appeared in front of the eyes of the two.

The two looked at each other.

This is already going to the mountain pass, it is about to leave Tianji Peak, but
there is no one here?

Unreasonable and should not be.

Lu Ping gently lowered Sun Songzhao and looked around him more and more

He heard that he hadn't stopped, it seemed to be powerful around him, but he

couldn't perceive. He had a similar feeling in this sense. When he first sensed
that the streamers of the Qin family were flying, the sound was fragmented. The
dean once said to him that it was not his

There is a problem with the perception ability, but the constant interruption of
Ecstasy has caused him to lack of information capture. This lack makes his
perception ultimately inaccurate.

The streamer of the Qin family flew because it was too fast, and this
phenomenon occurred.

Guo Youdao steals the sky to change the day, because the changes are too
complicated, and so did it.

This is the feeling right now.

what is this? Lu Ping did not dare to neglect, and redoubled his efforts to
perceive with the breaking of hearing.

"What did you find?" Sun Sendao noticed Lu Ping's very solemn look.

Lu Ping shook his head.

"I don't know, and I can't tell." He told the truth, "but there must be a problem

Trying hard to use it, it seems that some information appears, but it is very
confusing. Lu Ping felt as if he saw something, and he seemed to hear
something. And at a very fast speed, there will be a while, but not for a while,
making him unable to judge at all, making him feel dizzy.

"What's wrong with you?" Sun Songzhao noticed that Lu Ping's expression was

Lu Ping did not answer. He continued to work hard. Although it was difficult, he
was never lacking in perseverance and perseverance. His ability to endure
suffering was even more refined.

"Beware!" Just at this moment, Sun Sendao suddenly shouted.


Lu Ping was stunned, beware, what beware?

He turned his head, and Sun Sendzhao, who was beside him, was no longer
visible. A group of vague, indistinct figures, was rushing towards him.

Lu Ping couldn't think about it, but just let it go subconsciously.

what is this?

He wanted to see, but he couldn't see clearly. What he saw was a blur. If the
other things in the background were not so clear, Lu Ping simply felt that his
vision was a problem.

"Sister Sun?" He yelled. Sun Sendao, who was clearly beside him, suddenly
disappeared, and suddenly such a strange thing appeared.

As a result, he asked not only strange things, but also strange sounds, vaguely,
floating into his ears indistinctly. Lu Ping was so serious, but he still couldn't tell
what the voice was.

Whatever it is!

Lu Ping shot.

A sign!

Ambiguous and unclear, but is that also the voice?

The power of courage popped from his fingertips.

Chapter 539 The Bad Illusion

A sign!

The power of courage popped from Lu Ping's fingertips.

What is the fuzzy figure? What is the fuzzy voice? Lu Ping is not clear, but he has
already made an attack.

Perhaps it would be Sun's move, Lu Ping did not think of this. But this did not
shake his determination at all, but made him more determined. Because Sun
Songzhao had already confessed: if there is an uncontrollable scene, then break
her up.

Therefore, even if it was really the Sun Zhaozhao, Lu Ping would be sad and
painful. But he will not regret it, and he will still do it again.

With a roar, the power of the popped spirit quickly exploded into the air. The
surrounding scene became rippling with the explosion of the power of the soul.
In a trance, something seemed to flash. But too fast, Lu Ping was too late to see
clearly. What you can't see at all is what kind of picture or what scene, just some
fragmented, unclear vague meaning, it seems to float on all the surrounding
scenes, constantly impacting Luping.

It was painful and uncomfortable. This kind of feeling, Lu Ping had never
experienced the torture of various experiments in the organization. He felt like
his brain was constantly being torn.

He didn't know exactly what the last sign hit. Everything around seemed to be
intact, but the vague figure was still there, but it became very peaceful, but it
was floating beside Lu Ping, and there seemed to be no hostility.

Luping's head hurt even more.

The more he wanted to know what it was, the less he could do it.

He shook his head, trying to calm himself.

He looked around again.

Yamaguchi was right in front of me. Everything around him seemed so clear, but
the vague, uncaptured meaning was still there, just not as obvious as when he
hit the target with one blow.
Is this ... an illusion?

Lu Ping thought, he could not help but looked at the blurry figure again.

"Is this illusion a bit bad?" Lu Ping muttered. What kind of illusion might this
vague figure want to weave? As a result, the guy who controlled the power was
not capable enough, making the illusion a mess?

Lu Ping thought so and thought his judgment was very reasonable.

In the illusion ...

Thinking, Lu Ping suddenly threw a punch and hit the ground.

The pure Naruto has spread since this punch. When he was trapped like a
dream, it was such a punch that directly smashed the dream. Because the other
party doesn't even know what kind of damage this punch will cause, and how
can it present a dream?

But this time, with a punch, the trance, the confusing headache, and the
consciousness of Lu Ping again, trembling his nerves. Luping couldn't help but
frowned slightly.

After suffering, the surroundings remained unchanged, but Lu Ping ’s feet, where
the punch had just been punched, had become a chaos, like the vague figure.

Lu Ping took a deep breath.

He confirmed that this was an illusion, and although the illusion was very failed,
it was very strong and could not be broken by the way he smashed it like a

In this case……

Luping stood still, seemingly lost in thought. But outside the illusion, some
people have been stunned for a long time.
"How can this be?"

Yuan Feidao, the master of Xianyue College, led his students in this area. But he
is the only one who can really see the illusion. Because Jinghuashuiyue was
planted by him, only he could understand what is happening in Jinghuashuiyue's
illusion through his involvement with Jinghuashuiyue.

As far as other students are concerned, this is just the foot of a quiet mountain,
as Lu Ping and Sun Song had seen when they came in. It's just that they have
Yuan Fei's reminder that they will never step into the illusion of Jinghuashuiyue
and only wait for a while. But Lu Ping and Sun Songzhao stepped into the realm
of Jinghuashuiyue without knowing it, and then in the eyes of the students, the
two disappeared out of thin air.

Two more guys died.

All the disciples were thinking in this way.

However, that woman seems to be a gift from Sun?

She was not caught? What happened to Mu Hong's people?

The disciples thought of this after recognizing Sun's offer, but they soon heard
their teacher's surprise. Everyone looked around, and suddenly saw a shocked
expression on Yuan Fei's face that they had never seen so far.

"Teacher." A student asked.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Yuan Fei just shook his head.

"What happened?" All the students asked together.

"That kid, the kid named Lu Ping, didn't completely fall into the illusion of
Jinghuashuiyue." Yuan Fei looked at his students with a confused look, and
seemed to want to find answers from them. But how can his disciples compare
with Yuan Fei in terms of realm and knowledge of Jinghuashuiyue?
"What should I do?" They can only rely on Yuan Fei to judge and instruct.

Yuan Fei frowned. This kind of situation he never dreamed of, and he had no
experience of coping, but it is really not a time to hesitate.

"I'll check it out." Yuan Fei decided to go out in person, and he could only go out
in person. Those who can be unaffected in the territory of Jinghuashuiyue are
the only ones who are involved with Jinghuashuiyue.

This is the only option, and other disciples cannot object. Yuan Fei jumped down
the mountain and quickly walked into the illusion of Jinghuashuiyue, just like
anyone who walked into this area, disappeared from the eyes of all disciples out
of thin air.

The disciples waited anxiously, suddenly a sudden force swooped in the

direction they were in.

"Someone is coming." A keen disciples noticed it first and reminded everyone.

In the blink of an eye, a figure had appeared not far in front of them. All the
disciples who were just waiting for it were a little relieved to see the coming

"Teacher Cheng." Seeing that the person came to the front, the students came
forward to ask the ceremony, commensurate with the teacher.

The student came from Donglin, Nantian College, Cheng Luozhu.

"What about Yuan Fei?" Cheng Luozhu asked, but he didn't care about greeting

"Teacher ... just went down," replied a student.

"Go down? Where?" Cheng Luozhu asked.

"Into the mirror flower month," the student replied.

Cheng Luozhu looked down at the mountain. Even her realm of strength could
not be seen at all. The quiet foot of the mountain was actually controlled by

This is the super hero.

Cheng Luozhu didn't doubt the power of Chaopin Shenbing at all, because at this
time she had something in her arms.

Tian Luo Jing.

There are customizations on the Tianluo mirror, so that Cheng Luozhu can
establish contact with it and let her take Tianluojing as an eye. The scene where
Tian Luo Jing shines, will appear in her mind.

Therefore, she knew what happened to Lu Cuntang. Qin Yue showed his luck in
the sky. Although he encountered a difficult old man and was unable to catch up
at the last moment, the two teams of Yue Yue and Xuanwu finally arrived in

The overall situation is set.

Cheng Luozhu was so full of thought that he no longer focused on Lu Cuntang.

Until half an hour later, she suddenly received a strong shock from Tian Luojing's
custom, she quickly re-established contact, so she saw Lu Ping extinguished the
lack of Yue, all members of Xuanwu Academy. Qin Yue was finally forced to drop
Tianluo Jing and borrowed light to escape.

Cheng Luozheng did not worry about the loss of the Tianluo mirror. The
customization on the mirror allowed her to withdraw the Tianluo mirror at any
time. But the act of chasing and killing Sun sent a move failed, which was
terrible. There is no external reinforcement, just these people, it is hardly a big
deal after all.

So she hurried to Tianji Peak, but she was one step late. Yuan Fei had entered
the mirror.
"Can you reach him?" Cheng Luozhu asked.

"Unless the teacher takes the initiative to contact us, otherwise we can't help
it," the student said. Yuan Fei was the only one who was not affected by

"What's the situation in Jinghuashuiyue now?" Cheng Luozhu asked


When I was two hours late, everyone was treating me as a traffic jam. This is not
uncommon in Beijing!

Chapter 540 In Fantasy

Chapter 540 In Fantasy

What happened in Jinghuashuiyue?

This is something that only Yuan Fei knows completely. He obviously has no
obligation to introduce to his disciples, but he reveals a little from time to time
with his mood.

Before Lu Ping and Sun Songzhao came down from the mountain, everything
seemed smooth. Even if Li Yaotian made the teacher a little unhappy, it sounded
like a matter of time. As for the others, it seems not to be bothering at all.

Until Lu Ping and Sun Shuang recruited Jinghuashuiyue, the teacher's expression
quickly changed, and even exclaimed "how is it possible", which was somewhat
abnormal. In the end, I even went into the mirror flower month in person. Of
course, this is Luping.

"Lu Ping ..." Cheng Luozhu's expression suddenly changed when he heard all the
disciples mention the name.

Seeing Tian Luo Jing as an eye, Lu Ping killed and killed the eight people at the
Xuanwu Academy at the fingertips. At this time, it was still clearly in her mind.

This road will be a trouble, Cheng Luozhu hopes Yuan Fei has realized this.

Mirror flower month.

People outside the scope can't see the truth inside, and people inside the scope
are completely exposed to the illusion of truth. Only Yuan Fei can not be
affected by the illusion of Jinghuashuiyue, and his stepping into it has become
the only truth in this illusion.

He walked forward step by step, and what he saw was not a real scene, but a
piece of light and shadow intertwined with a force of courage, an illusion that
everyone was in.

Too many lights and shadows are very calm at this time. Yuan Fei knows that the
people in the illusion have lost consciousness. They may live or die, in short,
they can't stand up at this moment.

There is only one light and shadow still in operation, and this light and shadow
seem to be much larger than others. Even when Yuan Fei stepped in, the light
and shadow seemed to perceive something and wriggled a few more quickly.

Worthy of it is Li Yaotian.

Yuan Fei secretly sighed inwardly.

He is the only one who has been supporting until now in the midst of
Jinghuashuiyue. Judging from the performance observed by Yuan Fei, Li Yaotian
clearly knew that he was in illusion and had been trying to find a way out.

Fortunately. Yuan Fei somewhat admired his wise decision. Fortunately, he

buried the seeds of Jinghuashuiyue on Li Yaotian, otherwise Li Yaotian ’s
attainments in this kind of power might really break the customization of

Just now, when Yuan Fei walked into Jinghuashuiyue, Li Yaotian obviously
noticed that there was a bit of reality in the illusion, so the illusion light and
shadow he was in would have such a change.

It doesn't matter. Yuan Fei didn't take it for granted. He already had enough
observations on Li Yaotian's situation and was convinced that he would never be
able to break away from the mirror, even if his stepping in would make him feel
a little real. But how can the drowning man really escape from the water with a

Li Yaotian is not the focus of attention.

Yuan Fei's eyes also quickly moved away from the light and shadow surrounding
Li Yaotian and fell on the last light and shadow.

That light and shadow is the illusion where Lu Ping is, and this light and shadow
is very different from the others. It is flashing at a very fast speed, so it is
interrupted so much, how can it be possible to construct a perfect illusion?

What's wrong?

Yuan Fei did not understand that he had never seen this phenomenon. Jing
Huashuiyue's illusion of Lu Ping looks very reluctant, but it is very untenable.

He stepped forward and wanted to observe and perceive more closely.

Suddenly, in the flash of light and shadow, a powerful force rushed out.


Yuan Fei was shocked by his heart. The force of the courage was unbiased. It was
he who was rushing towards him, sharply like a beam of light, pointing directly
at his feet.

What a joke.

Yuan Fei hurriedly opened his hands, and the power of the courage quickly
gathered into a group of light and shadow, quickly greeted the power of the
courage that rushed in, wrapped around, but quickly resolved it.
Mirror Huashuiyue is listened to by Yuan Fei. There is nothing in this mirrored
space that can cause him harm.

However, just being able to issue this attack already shocked Yuan Fei. Li
Yaotian's strength is only aware of his truthfulness, trying to seize it as a life-
saving straw, this Lu Ping, can even directly attack his presence?

It's really a bit different.

Yuan Fei thought about it, and wanted to figure out what Lu Ping was famous
for. He continued to walk forward, only one step, and the force of courage
rushed out of the flashing light and shadow again.

Come again?

Has your own existence been completely mastered?

Yuan Fei once again responded, still successfully resolved the attack, but the
shock in his heart inevitably upgraded a grade.

Would you like to go in and see?

Yuan Fei began to hesitate.

He is here without being influenced by Jinghuashuiyue, but those forces that

build the illusion are not accessible to him. Once in contact, even he will enter
the illusion of mirror flowers and water moon like those people. Although he
still has the means to break away, it will cause flaws in the illusion. At that time,
he was not as real as a straw. Into the illusion, he will become real enough to
save lives. For example, Li Yaotian and Yuan Fei are sure that if he enters his
illusion, he will be able to break through the opportunity.

Let ’s look at it first ...

Yuan Fei hesitated for a while and finally did not make a decision so quickly. He
decided to observe the situation first. So he went forward again, only one step,
and the attack came again.

Can't move yet?

Yuan Fei stunned. Attacking step by step, the other party can capture his
location as soon as he moves?

But even so, what can it do? It seems that you can't get rid of this illusion.

Yuan Fei thought so, but let go of some fear. As long as he can't get out of
trouble, he has nothing to worry about in the mirror.

He continued as before, and the other party's attacks came as he moved. Yuan
Fei gathered all the forces of courage and formed a layer of protection, which
resolved the successive attacks, and effortlessly finally reached the power of
courage surrounding Luping.

The power of the spirit is still flashing, in an extremely unstable state. Yuan Fei
perceives it carefully, and finds that the power of the mirror flower is often in a
state of loss of contact, that is, the state of not finding the target.

This road level can completely hide the power of the soul?

But even if this is the case, it should not be so!

The strength of Jinghuashuiyue is because it does not simply use the force of
force to create some illusions to deceive the eyes or ears of others. It is to
directly establish contact with the power of the other party and directly implant
illusion into the other party's consciousness. Therefore, as in the dream order,
because the change of the illusion exceeds the insight of the person who cast
the ability, and it is impossible to make the change eventually collapse, it is
impossible to happen to Jinghuashuiyue, because the illusion of Jinghuashuiyue
is all derived from the recruiter ’s own. awareness.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to prevent and to crack.

Even if the means of concealing the spirit is very clever, but as long as there are
a few flaws, the mirror flowers and water moon will take advantage of the void.
In this way, the opponent has already made a move, and then it will not be
useful to hide it again.

But Lu Ping, even let Jinghuashuiyue go back and forth again and again, it seems
that it has not been fully effective, just like playing with Jinghuashuiyue.

How can this be?

Chapter 541 The Shovel Moves to the Mountain

Yuan Fei is completely unclear what is going on. As one of the five island masters
of the Miss Viet College, there are not many facts that make him feel so dazed.

He really wanted to rush directly to find Lu Ping and ask him exactly, but where
did he know that even Lu Ping, the client, was completely unclear about the
illusion he was in.

In Lu Ping's view, this illusion was a bit bad, and the illusion was a mess. Where
does he know that this illusion seems so bad to him but it is because it is too
advanced and too powerful. It is different from other similar abilities and only
creates illusions. It directly connects with the power of the cultivator and
deceives the cultivator together.

However, it is the most impossible thing in the world to want to establish

contact with Lu Ping's courage.

Because Ecstasy locks the soul.

In fact, if Lu Ping does not exert the power of the soul at this time, and allows
Ecstasy to lock the soul, then Jinghuashuiyue will not have any effect on him.
But where did he think of this? Before the enemy arrives, of course it is
necessary to control the force of the soul more seriously. So under his constant
control, the ecstasy opened and closed, making Jinghuashuiyue useful and
useless for a while, and it was so high-speed and dense, and finally became
what it looks like now.

Lu Ping couldn't see the formed illusion. Because of this-before the illusion came
into being, his power would be imprisoned.

He always feels that there are some unclear meanings around him, and it is also
because of this-although Jinghuashuiyue cannot fully take effect, it has never
given up its efforts, and has come and gone, leaving such a vague feeling. In
Yuan Fei's eyes, it was a mysterious flash of power that made him unable to
understand. When he thought that this was Jinghuashuiyue, he had been
working hard and never gave up.

But then again, Lu Ping is the one who really holds the initiative. Jing
Huashuiyue's shocks again and again, although he failed to form a real illusion,
eventually trapped him in such a false space. But Lu Ping didn't know that his
method of cracking the illusion was actually very simple.

He has been working hard, carefully controlling the strength of his courage.

At this time too.

In the process of not relaxing, he suddenly caught a little sound, so he attacked

without hesitation.

Then two or three times ...

The attack didn't seem to work, but he was not discouraged either. He continued
to wait patiently for the opportunity, waiting for the voice to come again.

Yuan Fei outside the illusion is still dazed, hesitant, thinking.

The advantage of the super hero is that it does not require the cultivator to
control it. It only needs to provide the power of the soul, and the magic soldier
can complete the ability on its own. Therefore, there is no way to increase the
power of power through control. The only thing that can really affect the power
is the strength that provides the power.
And Yuan Fei, who was born in the mirror, was directly planted to Li Yaotian.
Where does he have any reservations against the first-class figures of
Academician Beidouqi? Mirror Huashuiyue is now the greatest power within
Yuan Fei's ability, and there is no room for improvement.

This seemingly uncontrollable Lu Ping, Yuan Fei really has no way, can be
achieved by the mirror.

So, only walk in and deal with him personally?

Yuan Fei found that this seemed to be the only option. He did not dare to let this
unstable factor that he could not see through continue to toss in

No matter how puzzling it is, it's just a teenager.

Yuan Fei thought so, but at the end he felt stunned. I really need to have such
thoughts to make myself feel at ease. Is it true that this little devil is afraid of it?

But should n’t it be the six people who are the top characters in the four major
colleges, and that they will make them fearful?

It seems that this action made his nerves too nervous.

Yuan Fei thought of this and took a deep breath.

He finally no longer hesitated.

After being a teenager, and repeating the idea again, Yuan Fei stepped forward.
The gleaming power in front of him seemed to recognize him and immediately
separated a gap the size of his body.

A sign!

Hearing this footsteps, Lu Ping had already shot without hesitation. Yuan Fei,
who had just stepped into Lu Ping's illusion, hadn't even come to see Lu Ping's
face. He saw that a force of courage had been pointed out from Lu Ping.
Can you really detect every movement of me?

Yuan Fei thought about it, but he didn't panic. He had already prepared for
Luping's blow. After all, he had to face Luping's attack before every step.

His hands were already stretched when he entered the illusion. When the force
of courage popped up from Lu Ping's fingertips, Yuan Fei immediately stretched
his defense of the force of courage.

But tightly, Yuan Fei's pupil contracted suddenly.

He sensed the oncoming force of courage, which was so powerful that it was
different from every time he faced before.

Could it be that the power of his spirit has been weakened when he penetrated
the illusion? And this time is the real power of his courage?

The thought flashed through Yuan Fei's mind like a flint, but the force of Lu
Ping's popping had already rushed to him. His power of the soul has been built
to complete the defense. In this mirror of water and moon, any attack will be
deceived, dispersed, and eventually disintegrated by his power of the soul.

But this time, Yuan Feidun didn't know well when he first met Lu Ping's daring

His power of courage was still used in the work of Jinghuashuiyue, deceiving Lu
Ping's attack, dispersing his power of courage, trying to disintegrate this blow.
But this blow is indeed too strong. His dispersal and his disintegration were not
enough. This is not a technical issue, it is simply a comparison of power. The
force of the spirit attacked by Lu Ping is like a mountain, and the scattered
disintegration he made with Jinghuashuiyue is like waving a shovel ...

Use a shovel to move away a mountain?

In a flash, Yuan Fei knew how naive and ridiculous he was, and in a flash he
knew he was going to be bad.
His shovel quickly shoveled a few pits of soil, but in the end, he couldn't resist
him being pushed down by the mountain.

Hit with a cry.

The powerful force swallowed the part where Yuan Fei made a sound-his right

Such a crushing injury made Yuan Fei screaming without thinking.

So Lu Ping had another chance to attack again, and stretched out his fingers.

Come again?

Yuan Fei was already full of fear. Teen imp? Yuan Fei believes that there must be
something wrong. The courage shown by the teenage boy is beyond his
imagination. This is probably the strength of the five souls?

Is this kid actually a cold talk?

The five souls are connected, and the strong man in the custom department, if it
is this one, resists the influence of Jinghuashuiyue. Isn't such a powerful force a
reasonable explanation?

The trance attack has arrived, and Yuan Fei's subconscious defense has not
played any role. This attack was no longer directed at his foot, but at the front of
him, directly hitting the throat.

The force of the soul hit and burst away. Cheng Luozhu and Yuan Feimen,
standing at the top of the mountain, both heard this roar, saw the ripples of the
powerful force in the next circle of the mountain, and the looming scene.

Followed by, a figure hit the ripples and flew straight out, rolling bones after

"Teacher !!" Cheng Luozhu's students recognized at a glance that they had
jumped off the hill. Cheng Luozhu's operation was faster, flashing to Yuan Fei in
an instant, stopping his rolling posture.

Yuan Fei raised his head hard, and blood continued to ooze from the corner of
his mouth.

"Cold talk!" Looking at Cheng Luozhu, he spit out blood while squeezing out
three words.

Chapter 542 Breakthrough

Cold talk? !

Not only Cheng Luozhu, but Yuan Fei's students who fell a step behind her, also
heard the teacher's difficult name, and everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

It can make the four colleges fearful, and there are really only six strong men in
these six realms and all people at different levels.

"In the illusion?" Cheng Luozhu quickly asked.

Although he was afraid of the top six, he didn't get to the point where he would
turn around when he heard the name. Otherwise, they dare not play the idea of
Beidou College, but Beidou College also has one of the six strong men sitting in

"Lu Ping." Yuan Fei said.

"You mean, Lu Ping is a cold talk?" Cheng Luozhu was even more surprised, and
the other students looked at each other. Although they hadn't seen them
before, they were rumored to be a violent and arrogant character. I have never
heard that this person is such an unsightly teenager.

"It shouldn't be wrong." Yuan Fei said. He felt that the evidence he had was
sufficient. The power of courage alone can crush him completely. In the world,
only those six should be possible. In addition, it can not be completely confused
by the super god soldier mirror Huashuiyue, then naturally it is the strongest
person in the custom department.

After talking, Yuan Fei coughed again, and choked out some blood. A student
came over to help him a long time ago. Others scrambled for drugs, and soon
delivered a pill to Yuan Fei's mouth.

Yuan Fei's consciousness seemed to be a little blurred, and his eyes were dull,
but after looking down at the pill delivered to his mouth, he turned his head

"Teacher?" The disciples were puzzled.

"I can't fall down, otherwise this mirror blooms ..." Yuan Fei didn't finish, but it
was enough for everyone to understand what he meant. Even though Jing
Huashuiyue was planted on Li Yaotian, Yuan Fei was still the controller of this
super magical soldier. Super Divine Soldiers can perform abilities on their own,
but this does not mean that Super Divine Soldiers have an autonomous
consciousness like a person. After all, the super hero soldier without a controller
will eventually fall into an unsustainable situation. Jinghuashuiyue because it
controls a customized ability, naturally has a certain continuity, but this does not
mean that it can continue to maintain the ability after being out of Yuan Fei's

Therefore, Yuan Fei cannot fall down. If he stops the control of Jinghuashuiyue,
this illusion will naturally be lifted at a certain time. At this time, the medicine
the disciple gave him was called Jiuxutong Pill. The medicine is a good medicine.
After taking it, you can get through the body, but people can't do anything at
this time, including controlling the magic soldier.

"I can stand still," Yuan Fei said, running a little force of his own and revitalizing
his spirit. In the end, it is a strong man who is at the top of the four souls. After
eating Luping's two blows, he did not immediately collapse like Lu Xuntang's
lack of Yue and Xuanwu students.

"Master Cheng Men." Yuan Fei said, looking at Cheng Luozhu. At this point, he
was already a half disabled, and the overall situation had to be managed by
Cheng Luozhu.

Cheng Luozhu's mind was playing back the scene of Lu Cuntang's vault door, Lu
Ping defeated the missing Yue, and the eight members of Xuanwu Academy. To
say that the fierceness of the shot is indeed somewhat similar to the rumored
cold break talk; the domineering strength is logical if it is a strong man with five
abilities. It's just that Lu Ping's methods at that time did not seem to be a
custom-made ability? Cheng Luozhu was pondering, and heard Yuan Fei calling
him, and quickly recovered.

"If it's a cold break, then only those of us here can't help but be afraid of him.
The top priority is to find a way to attract the response as soon as possible,"
Cheng Luozhu said. She wasn't going to delve into the question of whether to
take a cold break. In short, someone who can beat Yuan Fei to half death is
definitely extremely difficult to deal with. It's not the best strategy here, it's up
to them to decide whether their entire plan will succeed or not.

"It makes sense." Yuan Fei nodded, then closed his eyes and sat up. Slowly, the
scene that everyone seemed to be real had changed, and all the scenes began to
distort. In the false illusion, a real truth is gradually split ...

In the mysterious realm.

Lu Ping can be sure that the two previous attacks have hit accurately.

Unlike the first time, it is also different from the previous consecutive times.
These two times, Lu Ping could perceive that he hit a target firmly.

But then there was no more.

The surrounding scene shook with the hit of his attack and the explosion of his
strength, but in the end it was still not as broken as Lu Ping expected, and in the
end everything was as it was. He was still trapped in this illusion that looked
terrible, but he couldn't penetrate it.

So Lu Ping concentrated on again, and tried to capture the sound again.

He remained patient and calm, and soon, received!

A sign!

Lu Ping shot without hesitation, the force of courage rushed out.

However, this time, it was different from every time before. This time, the force
of the spirit he attacked rushed out in the scene that Lu Ping saw, until Lu Ping
could not perceive it, it did not reach the end.


Lu Ping stunned slightly, this feeling, a little strange familiar?

Then the surrounding scene suddenly began to tremble. This time the tremor
has not stopped and continued. The surrounding scenes that look really real
suddenly have cracks. The cracks begin to grow more and more dense, followed
by a clatter. Loudly, all around, all around, the sky, the earth, all of a sudden
shattered. A boundless darkness swept into the air, but immediately following
these fragments, they suddenly reunited, blocking the darkness, the sky, the
earth, all the scenes came back, surrounded by all around, but this time, all are
true Really, there were people in the empty mountains.

Of the few people who fell across the ground, only one sat on the floor. His look
also looked terrible, but his eyes were staring at Luping scorchingly.

Li Yaotian?

Lu Ping recognized it. Li Yaotian of Yu Hengfeng, the one who presided over the
overall situation during the trial. Just after my own attack, the power of courage
never reached the end. Isn't it like the "end of disappearance" that day?

what happened?

Lu Ping couldn't figure it out, but he immediately saw Sun Zhao, who was beside
him and fell to the ground, unconscious.
"Sister Sun." Lu Ping quickly lowered his arm to lift Sun Shengzhao, called out,
and shook it twice. Sun Shengzhao woke up quite quickly.

"It's an illusion." Sun Penghao, who had just woken up, shouted at the sight of
Lu Ping. But it soon became apparent that the situation had changed. After
looking at the left and right, he suddenly froze.

"It's a mirror of flowers and water moon." Li Yaotian over there spoke.

"Academician Li." Sun Yuanzhao shouted when he saw it was Li Yaotian.

"He was trapped here for a long time." Li Yaotian shook his head and smiled
bitterly. "How is it on the mountain?"

Sun Shengzhao suddenly understood that the Academy had sent Academician
Yuheng to personally support Tian Jijian after seeing Tianji Arrow, but the other
party had trapped it under the illusion of a mirror of flowers and water in this
mountain. Mirror flower water moon? Wasn't that the super-skilled soldier of
the lack of Yue College? After the Tian Luo Jing of Nantian College, the lack of
Yue College also put a big move!

Sun Songzhao thought about the situation on the mountain and her analysis. Li
Yaotian's expression suddenly changed after listening to it, his eyes quickly
swept around and yelled: "Not good."

"Why?" Sun Song Zhao asked busy.

"Academician Tianji was taken away by them." Li Yaotian said.

Chapter 543 Delivery

Chapter 543 Delivery

"Is the teacher originally here?" Sun Songzhao panicked suddenly.

Mastering the important transmission channel on Tianji Peak, except for her, it is
the letter of Academician Wang Wang. The three colleges will pick Sun to send
them out, just because it is easier for the first apprentice to deal with than the

But under the circumstances of controlling Wang Xin, Sun sent recruits suddenly
became indifferent. Controlling Wang Xin, they can continue their plan.

"Go and chase." Sun Sendzhao hurried to Luping Road.

"Where?" Lu Ping asked.

"From Lu Cuntang to the north, there is a small hidden valley with a stone forest
in the valley. If they want to open the transmission channel, they must go
there," said Sun Songzhao.

"Okay." Lu Ping nodded and turned away.

"Wait." Sun sent a sudden shout again.

"With your words, after all, it will be slower ..." Lu Ping said.

"Hold this." Sun Songzhao said, she didn't want Lu Ping to take her again. One of
the previous important reasons is that she needs protection, after all, it is the
key necessary to open the transmission channel to the other party. But now,
since the teacher Wang Xin was taken away by them, then Sun sent the move to
lose that important value, and she will not cherish herself so much.

"Is this?" Lu Ping watched Sun Send send him a brush.

"My Divine Soldier, seeing Qiuhao in a hundred miles, will be useful to you. The
force of the soul will urge, and the place where the brush falls, will become the
goal of the absolute hit of Qiuli in the Baili."

"Oh." Lu Ping took it immediately, without any politeness. Sun Songzhao's

knowledge of him is quite accurate. The strength of the six souls, as long as they
are displayed, is invincible. So for Lu Ping, there is only one important thing: hit
the opponent.

Jiaoping Luping's sign was to solve this problem.

It was also to solve this problem that he had given Bailijianqiu to him.

Despite the rules of the Beidou College, the soldiers obtained by the Seven
Killing Halls are prohibited from such private giving. But there is an urgent
matter at the moment, and it is even more related to the safety of his teacher.
However, the meticulous academician Li Hengtian of Yuheng, after watching Sun
Sendzhao hand over the Shenbing to Lu Ping, had something to say.

"Wait a second." Seeing Lu Ping taking a hundred miles and seeing Qiuhao, he
turned and headed towards the mountain, Li Yaotian called out.

Sun Songzhao thought that Li Yaotian wanted to stop his actions to break the
rules of the hospital, and he quickly said: "Academician ... the situation is urgent

"No." Li Yaotian waved his hand and said that he did not have any opinion on
Sun sent recruits to deal with the militia.

"If you encounter such an illusion again, don't try with any force." Li Yaotian said
to Lu Ping.

"Oh? Oh!" Lu Ping was a little stunned, but no one knew more clearly about his
own strength, and he was a little bit surprised immediately after a moment.

Seeing Lu Ping's response so fast, Li Yaotian was also very satisfied and nodded,

Lu Ping ran to the mountain again, and disappeared on the mountain road in an

Sun Songzhao felt his body and found that he had not been hurt in this illusion. I
recalled it carefully. I just remembered that when I saw someone rushing to
Luping to attack, she quickly shouted "Beware". But she was also attacked by
herself, and she was unable to exert her courage to resist, so that blow knocked
her down and lost consciousness.

It now appears that everything that happened is a fantasy, she didn't really
attack and hurt, but the fantasy caused her to think so. Now out of illusion, she
fell without any loss.

Standing up from the ground, Sun Songzhao found that Li Yaotian was still sitting
in his original position so far.

"Academy, you ..." Sun Yuanzhao estimated that Li Yaotian was seriously injured
and hurried towards him.

"It's okay." Li Yaotian said, shaking his head, just to make Sun send a stroke of
relief. Right now, I can't stand even if I don't stand, and there is no danger
except for my life.

"Jinghuashuiyue, really sure ..." Li Yaotian looked down at his chest and

In the illusion, he noticed the truth that Yuan Fei stepped into when he entered
the illusion, but as Yuan Fei expected, this still cannot be a clue to his
breakthrough of the illusion. But after this, Lu Ping's attack on Yuan Fei time and
time again brought an impact on the entire Jinghuashuiyue. Especially in the
end, Yuan Fei broke into Lu Ping's illusion, and was finally blown twice by Lu
Ping's two vocal signs. The powerful force released finally let Li Yaotian fully
grasp the available clues.

Afterwards, it was he who kept making sounds, and it turned out that Lu Ping's
attack was a sign. Leveraging this external force, and then guided by the end of
his disappearance, Li Yaotian wants to see the truth in the illusion.
Unexpectedly, Lu Ping's blow almost blasted away his illusion.

This effect exceeded Li Yaotian's expectations. How could Li Yaotian so missed

the opportunity. Jinghuashuiyue was cracked at the end, but Li Yaotian's
consumption here was huge. Others have long been exhausted in the illusion,
including academician Wang Xin of Tianji. But he can support this moment, and
even cracked the mirror. But at this point, Li Yaotian finally had no strength to
stand up.

But he didn't stop thinking. Jing Huashuiyue's critical hit was only successfully
cracked this time, but will he meet again next time?

After all, this is a super god soldier. As long as there are cultivators who meet
the needs of their courage, the mirror can be used again and again, and it will
always be a great threat. Li Yaotian must sum up all the experiences he just
experienced in the Jinghuashuiyue, as well as the many details when he finally
successfully cracked the illusion, and find out how to deal with this super
magical soldier, otherwise Beidou Academy will inevitably suffer from this.

As for the transmission channel on Tianji Peak, there seems to be nothing more
to expect than Luping.

On the road of Tianji Peaks, Yuan Fei, who had not left long before, was
implicated in Jinghuashuiyue, and immediately found that Jinghuashuiyue had
been cracked, and his expression could not help but change.

"What's wrong with the teacher?" The student who supported him found out
that Yuan Fei looked wrong and immediately asked. The foremost Cheng Luozhu
also turned back immediately.

"Broken, Jinghuashuiyue has been broken." Yuan Fei said.

"So fast? Didn't you say it's solid, can you persist?" Cheng Luozhu frowned.

"How do I know, the other party is cold talk!" Yuan Fei did not have a good air.

Talking about this person coldly is notoriously impossible to use common sense.

"If he wants to help Beidou University, he will definitely be catching up at this

time." Cheng Luozhu said, glancing at the letter from the academician Wang
Wang who was taken away by them. The trapped mirror has lost consciousness
in the middle of the month, and is now imprisoned by adding customized
abilities. For a seven academician, they dare not take it lightly.
But compared to having one of the six strong men catching up after getting up,
this is not a problem at all.

The strength of the six strong men is too strong, the level of the crushing level,
no matter who is left to block, I am afraid it is no different from leaving a piece
of paper.

"Go this way." Cheng Luozhu decided to change the route.

"Erase the trace." Yuan Fei also quickly commanded the disciples. They are not
completely clear about the means of cold talks to tell the truth. They are taking
a step by step.

"Yes." The commanding disciples responded immediately and began to act, but
they also seemed extremely nervous. The extremely skillful ability failed to cast
for the first time.

"Fool, hurry up and concentrate!" Yuan Fei gasped. The lives of their pedestrians
fell on this power.

"Yes ..." The student responded in a hurry, and once again used his abilities
carefully, and finally failed.

The green field disappears, and the ability to wipe out all traces left by the
power of the spirit in the range is launched around the crowd. The pedestrian
who changed course continued to advance towards the mountain.

Chapter 544 Planning

The thirty-two pillars of fire still shining brightly on Beidou University. The
Beidoumen students who rested in the Qixing Valley became more and more
disturbed in their hearts.

Fear comes from the unknown.

After a long time, no matter whether it is the Tianji Peak of Tianji Peak, the star
fall of Tianquan Peak, or the enduring thirty-two soaring fire pillars, there is no
slight explanation. Even the most dull person realizes at this time: something
has happened, something has happened.

"Teacher ..." Xu Lixue, who was guarding the Qixing Tower, was unable to bear
at this time. As the first gate of the Seven Peaks apprentices, they are also one
of the few elite portals in Beidou College. Right now, I can only watch Qixing
Tower sitting on the wall, and I am really troubled.

"I know." Xu Lixue nodded before he could say anything.

Time has passed for a long time, and there should be a lot of news to give back,
but now, there is no information to give back at all. This should not be the case,
and it cannot help but cause people to worry.

Can every team sent by the team encounter an accident? The opponent's
strength is too terrifying, right?

"Teacher, let's go to see Jiayun Valley?" Several students joined together, and
finally said what they wanted to say. The pillar of fire in the direction of Jiayun
Valley is the closest to it.

"Who went to Jiayun Valley?" Xu Lixue asked.

"It's Mr. Kwong Festival." A student replied.

"Kuang Festival ..." Xu Lixue secretly remembered the name, and after thinking
about the realm and abilities of Kuang Festival and his twenty students, he
already had a plan in mind.

"Zhu Ling, Luo Conghan, Dainan, Le Fengshan, Li Ya, Qinghuai, Lou Jing." Xu
Lixue named seven people in succession.


With a loud response, seven Tianshu doormen, Xu Lixue students came to Xu


"Seven of you, led by Zhu Ling, go to Jiayun Valley to investigate." Xu Lixue said.

"Yes." Seven people led the order.

"Understanding the situation and sending the news back is the first priority." Xu
Lixue said again.

"Understood." Zhu Ling of the team leader responded, and after seeing Xu Lixue
had nothing to say, he immediately led the other six fellows.

"Others continue to guard carefully." Xu Lixue said afterwards.

"Yes." Everyone answered. The few who had come close to Xu Lixue and asked
him to take the initiative had not become Xu Lixue's finalists, but their faces
were not unhappy.

Because they all know their teachers.

Make the best use of everything, this is probably the biggest feature of Xu Lixue.

As the proud student of Dean Beidou, what kind of militia he will pick when he
enters the Seven Killing Halls was once an issue that everyone was concerned
about. Many of the top magical soldiers that have not been selected for a long
time are the subject of heated discussion. But the final result was quite eye-
popping. Xu Lixue's final selection of soldiers was not well known, and even the
fifth-grade soldiers were not.

The fourth-grade Zhongpin magical soldier, chanting the bell.

what is this? This question became a question that everyone was asking when
Xu Lixue had selected the Shenbing to show the heritage.
But now, no one will not know the bell. Xu Lixue made everyone understand the
truth that "fit is the best". Song Bell is not a Level 5 Divine Soldier, but its
promotion of Xu Lixue, the power it displays in Xu Lixue's hands, and the
knowledgeable people, can't think of any Divine Soldier that can replace Song

This is true for the magic soldiers, and they do their best. And for people, he can
do his best. The quality of his disciples is extremely high, and this is not because
each of the disciples he picked is very talented, but because he is too talented to
teach, and each disciple can help them find their own characteristics and

Detecting Jia Yungu, Xu Lixue carefully selected seven students, not that the
strength of these seven students combined, it can match Kuang Jie and his 20
students. Rather, after combing the realm and abilities of Kuang Jie and his
students, he selected seven people who had a style different from that of Kuang
Jie's door and could cope with the situation they could not cope with.

Even if it doesn't solve the problem, there is always no problem sending back a

Xu Lixue looked at the backs of the seven people leaving, and what he had in his
heart was just such an expectation.

Yu Hengfeng.

In terms of altitude, he is the head of the Seven Peaks of Beidou. The Beiyuan
Academy's seven-element Xie'e Formation, which protects itself, therefore uses
this peak as the core and covers the entire Beidou Mountain Range.

The seven-element Xie E formation is guarded all year round, and the seven-star
trial period is no exception. However, the ordinary level of protection only
prevents outsiders from sneaking into Beidou College. If you want to completely
launch the seven-element solution to the Ecuadorian Revolution and turn
passive into active, you must have Academician Yuheng or one of the first
apprentices of Yuhengfeng come to sit.
At present, the college has changed its life, especially thirty-two pillars of fire
spread all over the mountain. The disciples on Yu Hengfeng had already waited
for a long time, just waiting for the academician or the first apprentice to come
and preside over the great enemies.

Chen Chu returned to the mountain to revive everyone's spirit.

"Brother Chen Chu."

Chen Chu just smiled slightly.

"Have anyone been here?" He asked.

"Who?" Everyone stunned, then shook their heads, "There is no one."

"Really?" Chen Chu's eyes contained light, sweeping through the faces of
everyone, looking at their expressions.

"Are you looking for someone?" Someone asked.

"Tian Quanfeng's Jin Qi was robbed by others. All parties should pay attention to
search, and you should pay more attention." Chen Chu said.

"Yes." Everyone nodded, but then looked a little puzzled. The appearance of
Chen Chu doesn't seem to be about to launch a seven-element solution to the

Finally, someone couldn't help but ask, "Brother, what happened to the

"I'm still investigating. Before you figure it out, you must not leave your post
without permission." Chen Chu said.

"Yes." Everyone nodded and looked at Chen Chu, and they just left.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally they could only return to their posts.
Is the seven yuan solution to the big battle?

Chen Chu, who left, looked at the sky, and the sky above Yu Hengfeng. The spirit
of the seven-element solution was the most powerful. Some people with keen
perception would perceive the extraordinary here.

"It's a pity!" Chen Chu shook his head and sighed suddenly.

He was not sorry for Beidou Academy's inability to launch a seven-element relief
team at this time, but it was a pity that this large team was ultimately
unavailable to them.

They once had such ambitions: to replace Huo Yanying as the first apprentice of
Yuhengfeng, to cultivate his own manpower, and then to fully control the seven-
element solution, then everything will be extremely simple.

However, after specific research, this plan could not be carried out. Because
Academician Yu Heng and Chen Chu's teacher Li Yaotian are really serious
people. Every day, he will personally check the seven-element relief team,
personally arrange the rotation of the guards, and want to cultivate his cronies
and replace these guards. It is simply impossible under the background of Li
Yaotian presiding over Yu Hengfeng. thing.

So they can only retreat to the second place, so that the seven-element solution
to the Ecuadorian Great Array cannot be launched.

To do this, there are only two ways: take the center of the seven-element
solution to the Ecuadorian formation-the Super Divine Soldier Seven Star Sword;
or the two big figures who control Yu Hengfeng-Academician Yuheng and the
first apprentice of Yuheng.

The first method is impossible. The customization made by the Seven Star Sword
cannot even be taken away by academician Yu Heng, so there is only the second

So Huo Yingying, the first apprentice of Yu Hengfeng, unknowingly got an

incurable disease. As the body deteriorated, people were desperate and
depressed. Eventually, he left Yu Hengfeng and went to the fifth hospital to die.
Hengfeng first apprentice.

He did not accept the disciples. Everyone thought he was lazy and longing for
freedom. In fact, he didn't want to have anyone close to him.

They have always been very careful. Huo Yanying is a hidden danger, but they
did not chase down the poisoned hand, just waiting for him to pass his life with
the illness. Desperate and depressed Huo Yanying, in their view, is no longer a

It was only recently that Yan Ge noticed that Huo Yanying seemed to have some
changes. This made Chen Chu go to the fifth courtyard after the plan began.

The more worried the result was, the more it would happen. Huo Yanying was
not in the fifth courtyard and disappeared.

Now, Yu Hengfeng didn't even have it. He didn't come and rushed to launch the
seven-element solution to the Ecuadorian Array, but it made Chen Chu slightly

But in this case, where did Huo Yanying go?

Chen Chu pondered.

Chapter 545 The Mobile Labyrinth

At the foot of Tianji Peak.

Some time after Lu Ping left, Li Yaotian finally stood up from the ground. Sun
sent a move forward to help, but failed to contribute much. Li Yaotian glanced at
the blood stained completely on the back of Sun Sendzhao's chest, and smiled

One is Academician Yu Heng, the other is the first apprentice of Tianji, both of
them are top figures in Beidou College, and even the entire training world.

Li Yaotian, who was standing by the help of Sun Song Zhaowei Moli, stood and
glanced at the doormen who were still falling down on the ground. These were
the students of him and Wang Xin.

"How are they?" Li Yaotian asked. He was unable to move before, and it was Sun
Songzhao who came forward to check each one.

"Everyone is still alive." Sun Sendzhao replied.

Li Yaotian was relieved and alive, after all, was more important than anything.
But at the moment, although they knew that it was a little dangerous to put
them on such a mountain road, neither of them could do much to take care of it.
They need to quickly inform the college about the situation here.

The two went down the mountain and reached the pass. Seeing a figure in front,
I was very happy. Meeting a Beidoumen person at any time is a great help for
the two. But when you walk forward a little bit, you can see the suit color of this
person, and their hearts suddenly sink at the same time.

Nantian College ...

The two looked at each other with sadness in their hearts. They are so weak
that anyone who is a cultivator can easily knock them down. At this time, in the
realm of Beidou College, they happened to be the students of Nandou College,
but not the doormen of Beidou College.

The man accelerated under his feet, and he reached the two in a blink of an eye.
Maintaining a little distance, after carefully examining the two of them, he

Li Yaotian and Sun sent helpless. I know that no matter how strong I am, I can't
lie to each other. The two are too weak, this can not deceive the master's
perception. At this time, the three colleges entered Beidou College, and there
was no weak one.
"Academician Li, Senior Sister Sun." The newcomer did not panic, but gave a gift
to each of them.

The two did not answer. At this point, it was unnecessary to say anything. The
other party would never speak across the window paper. Sure enough, after Shi
Li straightened up, the person immediately smiled and said: "It is a great honor
to be able to send two of you on the road."

He was very happy and excited. Academician Yu Heng and the first apprentice of
Tianji, who can kill these two big figures will undoubtedly earn a lot of credit
and a great reputation. He felt that he was really lucky, but there is some regret
that this honor may not be enjoyed exclusively.

He turned around, and as expected, behind the mountain pass, he quickly

turned out a few people, all dressed in Nantian College. They originally followed
the teacher Cheng Luozheng, but later because of the change of the Tianluo
mirror, Cheng Luozhu first rushed here. The figures who arrived later arrived at
this time, but they happened to have robbed Li Yaotian and Sun Yuanzhao here.

Li Yaotian and Sun, who did not hold any hope for a long time, were very calm.
What is the difference between being killed by one person and being killed by a
group of people?

Just hope that the college can survive this crisis?

The two killed by the neck did not make any movements, and everyone at the
Nantian Academy moved forward, but after a few steps, they suddenly realized
that they were not right.

Li Yaotian and Sun Songzhao were only a few meters away from them, but after
a few steps, the distance between the two sides did not shorten by a little bit?

This is ... the end of disappearance?

Dingding's famous custom abilities instantly jumped into everyone's minds. Isn't
what happening now resembles the legendary description of this ability? Is this
Li Yaotian pretending?
The appearance of the Nantianmen who appeared first to test the depth has
changed. He is very confident in his perception, but what is happening now is
also true. The end of disappearance is preventing everyone from approaching
the goal.

This change made Li Yaotian and Sun send strokes stunned. Sun sent a look to Li
Yaotian, but he also saw a surprised face, but soon, Li Yaotian seemed to have
remembered something, and his eyes began to look left and right.

The Nantianmen people who were a few steps apart were not prepared to stop
there, and the two of them suddenly shot. The force of the surging soul crossed
a few steps and rushed towards Li Yaotian and Sun Send. But just before rushing
to the two, the two forces turned round and round, one to the left, the other to
the right, rushed to both sides, and finally blew into the empty space.

"What the hell?" One shouted sharply and rushed out.

Since the power of courage can cross this distance, there is no reason why
people can't go through it.

Two big steps out, this is only three steps away from Li Yaotian and Sun
Yuanzhao, but after his third step, Li Yaotian and Sun Yuanzhao disappeared
suddenly in front of him.

what's the situation?

The man twisted hurriedly, looking to the left and right, and at a glance saw Li
Yaotian and Sun send strokes, as well as his fellow men, at this time they all ran
a few meters to his right. He just took a step forward, but the result was that
people moved a few meters to the left.

"This ... what's going on?" He was stunned, and everyone else was surprised.
After seeing this scene, Sun Songzhao suddenly remembered something.

"This is not the end of disappearance!" Cried the gatekeeper of Nantian

Yes, this is not. Sun sent Zhao thought to himself, and like Li Yaotian before,
began to look around. The two of them can't use the power of the soul to
perceive now. They can only find it with the naked eye like ordinary people.

"Who is it?" The doormen of Nantian College did not respond slowly. Realize
that this is not the means of Li Yao angels, but that someone else is playing
aside. With this idea, everyone felt the spread, and quickly found out where the
enemy was. In the dense forest beside the mountain pass, a figure walked out of
the tree, his footsteps were vain, his face pale, and he looked weaker than Li
Yaotian and Sun Yuanzhao.

"Sure enough, Brother Huo." Sun sent. Although a little late, but after seeing the
scene just now, she had already guessed who was coming. Because of this
ability, it is also the only one at Beidou College. Former Yu Hengfeng's first
apprentice, born out of the ability created by teacher Li Yaotian's "End of
Disappearance": Mobile Labyrinth.

Everyone at Nantian College heard the title of Sun Shuangzhao, and then looked
at Huo Yanying's sick appearance, and immediately guessed Huo Yanying's
identity. The Seven Peaks Apostle, that is famous throughout the continent.

"It turned out to be Brother Huo Yingying." Someone laughed, and after
knowing the identity of the coming person, everyone's heart suddenly widened.
Although the first apprentice of Qifeng was powerful, Huo Yanying heard that he
was ill and would no longer be the first apprentice. At this time, to see him weak
to this point, I am afraid it was very reluctant to play such a customized ability, it
should not be very difficult to crack. And he himself seemed to fall down
without them.

"Brother Huo Yingying, you are all like this, why do you bother?" A person said
in a sympathetic and concerned tone, trying to kill Huo Yanying's will.

"Shut up, no strength to talk to you." Huo Yanying said, holding the tree,
Chapter 546 says one more sentence

Chapter 546 says one more sentence

Seeing that Huo Xianying had to gasp for words, all of Nantian College laughed

They are already crowded, just such an opponent, what terrible? Using words to
dispel Huo Xianying's war intentions, it is just to save something. Since Huo
Xianying insisted, it didn't seem very disturbing to send him to death or wait for
him to die.

Thinking of this, He En, who had just been shut down by Huo Xiongying, had the
mood to raise a thumbs up to Huo Xiingying, showing an admiring expression.
Then he turned around and looked at his fellow.

"Come on, let's see how strong Brother Huo Xianying's mobile maze is." He En
said coldly.

"Good." The crowd responded loudly, with a warm atmosphere.

Customized abilities, unless the realm is very different, there are very few that
can be broken by brute force. This type of power usually constitutes precision
and complex operation, and the higher the order, the more so. Once the
deployment is successful, the rules are established, and there is no expert who
is proficient in custom abilities. It is really difficult to crack.

However, the people of Nantian Academy don't seem to understand this truth at
the moment. One by one, they want to use brute force to open up the
customization of the mobile maze, which naturally bullies Huo Xiuying's poor
physical condition.

Although the customized ability will automatically run after it is successfully

deployed, it is still manpower after all. The state and control of the cultivator
when it is deployed greatly affects the final effect of the custom department
ability. The Nantian people looked at Huo Xianying's state at this time, and it is
expected that although his power was successfully performed, it would not be

"One, two, three, let's go!" A group of people shouted horns, and they did not
take Huo Xianying's methods into their eyes. The hippy smiley faces each
dispatched the courageous force, and they exploded randomly. On the
seemingly empty mountain foot and ground, the ripples caused by the collision
flashed from time to time. Huo Xianying's powerful forces enveloped this area,
and the rules of this mobile maze were constructed. At this time, they were
being impacted by the opposing forces. As a matter of fact, under the rules of
the mobile labyrinth, these forces will go lost and eventually disappear.
However, at this time, one force after another, they continue to conflict and
friction, so that the rules continue to crack .


The people of Nantian Academy are quite excited, everything is as they

expected, Huo Xianying's mobile maze is simply unbearable. Looking at Huo
Xianying, still standing under the tree, with a miserable look, and wanted to do
something, but looked helpless, it was really popular.

"Let's come again." He En admired Huo Xianying's incompetence and shouted.

The sound of the collision of the force of the soul and the mobile maze is getting
louder and louder, which is why the contact of the force of the soul is getting
stronger and stronger. This should have been a clever thing to avoid in the rules
of the mobile maze, but because the power is not perfect, the rules will soon

"Come again." He En yelled, his eyes locked on Huo Xianying.

about there.

He had judged under his heart that the current shock should be enough to
completely destroy the mobile maze.

The biggest loud noise so far, the air waves unscrewed from the bottom of
everyone's feet, and countless ripples flashed around. It was the power of the
soul that established the mobile maze was dying. The rules were finally blown
away by brute force.

Everyone swarmed up and Qi flew to Li Yaotian and Sun, but He En, at this time,
directed at Huo Xianying beside the tree, the palm was lifted, and the power of
the spirit was poured into it.

However, before their attack hits the three people of Beidou Academy, the
power of the mobile maze cracked and withered has already reached these
three people. They turned out to be like the power of the spirit that diffused in
this area. Everyone actually missed.

this is!

He En turned her head hurriedly, and behind them all saw the three of them
walking away a few steps without even turning their heads back.

"Fuck!" He En was anxious, and he was about to chase his teeth. As a result, he
stepped out and stepped into the crowd.


He Enwang left and right, the Nantianmen who were moving one after another
wanted to chase, but the steps they took were never in the position they should
step on, and they were all in a mess.

The mobile labyrinth ... still envelopes us, what was that crushed before? He En
stunned, watching the three of Beidou College leave. The footsteps they took
were also not where they should be, but their direction was not chaotic. Each
step moved more than ten steps away from them.

Moving the maze not only blocks them, but also creates a quick escape path for
the other party.

It's just them who will get lost in the mobile maze. But Beidousan had a shortcut
designed by Huo Xianying to get rid of them early in the morning.
From the beginning, Huo Xianying didn't want to carry them hard; from the
beginning, Huo Xianying's means just wanted to help Li Yaotian and Sun Send
recruit get away.

As for what they just broke, or what kind of blinding method, or a small
labyrinth in the big maze, this is not important. The three of them are now
walking away from under their eyelids, and ultimately they are helpless, but
they are helpless.

"Boom! Everyone concentrated on blasting me to a position together!" He En


He was not reconciled.

The other party walked so easily that they didn't look back at them even after
they found out that they were cheating. Huo Xianying, who said that she had no
strength to speak to them, really never spoke a word with them again.

He kept looking at each other coldly, but it was just an illusion left there.

When he thought of these, He En was furious.

"Boom!" He shouted, and a group of sixteen people from Nantian College, Qiqi,
made every effort to make their attack in the direction he ordered.

The power of the sixteen people is intertwined.

They are from the same door, know each other and know how to cooperate. The
strength of the sixteen forces has no conflict at all. Instead, they took advantage
of each other to expand their power.

But in the end it was like a rock sinking into the sea. The power of the sixteen
souls that burst out did not know where it fell.

This is the custom ability.

The strength of the sixteen people gathered together, and only caused
quantitative changes, not qualitative changes, so it is still within the scope of the
customizable ability rules.

But He En was not discouraged.

The strength of the sixteen forces does not know where to go, but after all,
there is a place to go, right?

"Come again!" He pinpointed the location of the previous attack and yelled
again, leading.

The strength of the sixteen forces blasted out again and disappeared without

"Come again!" He En looked unchanged.

Although Huo Xianying played a trick, it was true that Huo Xianying was in poor
health. This mobile labyrinth is not as fragile as he imagined, but it must not be
as strong as Huo Xianying's perfect condition.

On the third time, the strength of the sixteen spirits exploded in unison, just
when some people had already wondered whether it was useful to do so. This
time, they felt the vibration of their surrounding spirits after the silent

Loose! This is useful!

"It turned out!" He En roared. The fourth time, sixteen people attacked, and this
time their strength no longer disappeared so quietly, it was hitting and
destroying, everyone felt this The impact created by one blow.

The sound from the loud noise is a bit far, and this real mobile labyrinth looks

Someone tried to take a step, and finally sent to a strange position without
being taken by this step. This step just made him take a step forward.
broken! Everyone was refreshed, but He En had gone out three steps.

"Long here for a long time, I just want to chase those three, just go chase the
teacher soon." He En said.

Cheng Luozhu walked more hurriedly and told them to follow up afterwards. It
seemed that the situation was a bit urgent. Right now at the foot of the
mountain has been delayed for a while, chasing the three people together, and
if something happens to be delayed for a while, maybe the event of Cheng
Luozhu will be missed.

With this in mind, although I am a bit sorry to be unable to participate in the

killing of the three big figures of Beidou College, everyone knows that the
overall situation should be the priority, and He En ’s proposal is very

"Then we will be more careful, and you will follow." Someone nodded, and the
fifteen people hurried to Tianji Peak. They did not worry about He En. They have
already seen the three states. If Huo Xianying was a little bit troublesome at
first, after setting up such a big position, it was just the end of the crossbow, no
need to worry about it.

"I'll be back soon." He En was confident and chased in the direction of the three
of Beidou College leaving.

Now that the mobile labyrinth has been eliminated, the trio may have another
quick shortcut of ten steps, and it will not take much time to catch up with

Sure enough, He En saw the three people staggering not far ahead after rushing
out of the mountain pass.

He En glanced around, and there was no one else. The opportunity should not
be lost, he quickly caught up without hesitation. The three heard the footsteps
behind them, looked back, saw He En, saw his speed, and stopped. It seemed to
be known that with their speed, trying to escape this way was just a needless

He Enfei quickly approached the three people. Looking at Huo Xianying, she
once again raised her thumb: "Brother Huo Xingying, good means."

"Overwhelming." Huo Xianying replied.

"Why, do you have the strength to talk to me now?" He En sneered. Having

learned from the past, he did not dare to underestimate Huo Xianying, keeping
his distance and carefully examining Huo Xianying's state.

"If you are going to die, just say a few words." Huo Xianying said.

"But this time, I have no mood to chat with Brother Huo Xianying." He En said.
After the examination, Huo Xiongying at this time is no different from Li Yaotian
and Sun Songzhao. He is not going to waste any more time.

"It's a pity." Huo Xianying sighed.

"Brother Huo Xianying should have said something earlier." He En palms infused
with the power of the soul, and the hand knife was formed.

"I will say one more sentence." Huo Xianying said.

"Please speak." The knife lifted up.

"Do you know where you have gone before?" Huo Xianying said.

Where did all the energies exploded before go? He En was stunned. I didn't
know it before. It was only the last time. The loud noise came a little distance.

The pupil of He En shrank suddenly, and the loud noise of the power of the soul
had been heard. This time it was not far away, this time was by his side. The
attack of the sixteen people together, the sixteen shares borrowed from each
other to enhance the power of the soul, instantly swallowed He En. He hadn't
come and said anything, nor thought or thought, but he was crushed by the
power of these sixteen souls, and one of them even came out of his own.
"Cough ..." Huo Xianying coughed twice without saying a word.

Say one more sentence, then that is just one sentence. Say more, He En can't

Too much writing, too late.

Chapter 547 I'm Good

"Brother Huo is a good way." Sun sent a heartfelt admiration when He He was so

"Fortunately." Huo Yanying smiled.

lucky? Of course Sun Zhaozhao will not take Huo Yanying's modesty seriously.
From the start, Huo Yanying has already done everything. The control of his own
abilities and the judgment of his opponent's actions are very accurate, which
can help Li Yaotian and Sun Yuanzhao get out of the sixteen people's siege.

"It's a pity that I came alone." Sun Sendzhao said regretfully. The power of the
courage just transmitted from the mobile maze is huge. Not to mention He En
alone, that is, three or five people, I am afraid that I ca n’t escape the fate of
being killed. Only one is dead, it's very cheap.

"Come on now, I can't eat one more," Huo Yanying said with a smile. As his
situation judged, after using this continuous means, he had become the end of
the crossbow. His body can no longer support his enduring battle like a normal

"Brother Huo, are you okay?" Sun Songzhao asked quickly.

"It's not been a day or two since I had something." Huo Yanying said.

Li Yaotian, who hadn't talked much, looked at Huo Yanying, but he didn't worry
about his poor condition. Instead, there was a flash of relief in his eyes. This
gratifying expression Huo Yanying also saw it, he didn't say anything, just smiled
and nodded to his teacher.

He knew why the teacher was pleased.

Because before he knew that there was no hope of survival, he was desperate,
depressed, and left everything behind to hide and wait for death.

And now he has the same weak body, but has a different appearance, sweeping
the previous decadence.

Huo Yanying knows his changes. Since the kid named Lu Ping lived in the Fifth
Courtyard and witnessed all the things he encountered, Huo Yanying has
changed little by little.

He came out of the shadow of despair, he began to long for life, even if he had
long confirmed that there was no hope, but thinking of Lu Ping, he had the

"You are fine." Li Yaotian finally spoke to his most respected former apprentice.

"Yes, I'm fine." Huo Yanying nodded.

This is an exchange in which their masters and apprentices can only understand
it, and Sun Song is inexplicably heard. But before she asked, the pair of
apprentices stepped forward. Li Yaotian is in the front, Huo Yanying is in the
back. Two very weak bodies, two backs that seem to fall down at any time, but
they look very tall and firm. After looking away for a while, Sun Songzhao
hurriedly caught up.

The three turned out of the mountain pass and left the area of Tianji Peak.
Without any obstruction, they quickly stepped into the Qixinggu realm and were
immediately seen by the people who stayed in Qixinggu.

"Teacher, is Academician Yuheng and Sister Sun! And ... Brother Huo?" Here at
Qixing Building, the students of Xu Lixue saw the figures of three people,
recognized them quickly, and said excitedly to Xu Lixue, only to see that it was
Huo Xiying. Hesitated for a while and confirmed that he was not mistaken.

"Go and answer." Xu Lixue said, not only did he recognize the three, but he also
saw the three in poor condition.

But in any case, these three people can always bring back some news. At
present, there are so many incidents in the college, the team sent out has lost all
contact. Unknown, so that Beidou College has no way to respond effectively.
This is why Xu Lixue knew the danger, but still sent seven students to go to
Jiayun Valley to find out why.

Several Xu Lixue's disciples quickly greeted them, and after a closer look, they
realized that the conditions of Li Yaotian and the three were far worse than they
thought. An academician and two apprentice-level figures, not to mention waste
at this time, are not much different.

Protecting the three people to the downstairs of Qixing, Xu Lixue had already
greeted him. Seeing the situation of the three people, I already had a very bad
hunch about the seriousness of the situation. Even so, he was not in a hurry to
ask what was happening. He turned back and called the name of a student, but
he was a physician who was good at treatment under his door and was called to
diagnose the injuries of the three.

"It's the three colleges that are playing tricks." Li Yaotian said while receiving a

"Three colleges?" Listening to this news, the first expression on everyone's face
was an incredibly shocked expression.

"And the use of super god soldiers, currently known as Tian Luo Jing of Nantian
College, and Jing Huashuiyue of Que Yue College." Sun Songzhao continued.

Everyone took a breath.

The use of super magic soldiers already means determination, and the lack of
academy even spared no effort to use mirror flowers and water, and even
seemed desperate.

What is Mirror Flower Water Moon? That was the center of the custom-made
fantasy sea of the Yueyue College.

Taking Jinghuashuiyue away from the academy is like removing the Seven Star
Sword from Yuhengfeng. This is a move to completely remove the large-scale
customization of the Guardian Academy. Under the protection of customization.

Such super hero soldiers do not hesitate to use, then the two other legendary
super hero soldiers in the Yueyue Academy-Haitian Yishi and the lack of frontal
swords, are they willing to use them?

In this way, I tried my best, and the three colleges joined forces, and it has
already seized people first to cause confusion in the college. It is really not easy
to deal with.

"What is their purpose?" Xu Lixue asked quickly.

"They captured the academician Tianji, and they will use this to open the
teleportation channel of Tianji Peak. I guess they should have the means to send
a large number of people directly into the college through the teleportation
channel ..." Sun sent a wave.

"Are there any precautions on Tianji Peak?" Xu Lixue hurriedly asked again. As
for the ultimate goal of the other party, it is no longer necessary to guess. Really
let the other party go directly through the seven yuan to solve the Ecuadorian
custom, and send all the gatemen of the three colleges into the Beidou
Mountain, which is enough to destroy the Beidou College. No matter what the
purpose is then, it can be easily achieved.

"There are only two people." Sun sent a reply bitterly. The Tianji Arrow was
released long ago. The Tianji Arrow was already manned, and the whole army
was destroyed in the battle of Lu Cuntang. The two academicians who came to
support were again blocked at the foot of the mountain. At this time, there was
really only one Lu Ping on Tianji Peak, and Li Yi, who looked after the people in
the Lu Cuntang vault.
"Passing the Seven Star Order, all the standbys, support Tianji Peak." Xu Lixue
did not hesitate and made a decisive decision. The so-called seven-star order is
the highest authority warrant that can be ordered by the entire court, including
the guards of the Seven Kills Hall, the guards of Tianshu, and the secret
exercisers. Those who are truly qualified to issue seven-star orders are usually
only Xu Mai, the dean of Beidou College. But just in case, the dean will also
entrust an extra person to issue a seven-star order during the emergency.

And this person is Xu Lixue, the first apprentice of Tianshufeng. Immediately

after the order, several disciples were lined up in a circle around him, protecting
him. Sending a seven-star order must be an important event, and of course it is
necessary to protect the sender from interference.

Xu Lixue sacrificed his celebratory bell to the sky. The strength of the hands
gathered together, the palms of the hands fell, the blink of an eye was seven
times, and the seven sounds were connected in a line, as if there was only one
sound. The force of courage rushed out from Zhongkou early. In the sky, seven
stars have been lit up at once, forming a big dipper shape. The handle of the
bucket pointed directly at the direction of Tianji Peak.

"The Seven Stars are ordered, don't dare to obey." Yan Ge looked at the Beidou
Seven Stars pointing directly at Tianji Peak and read the phrase describing the
Seven Stars Order, which was quite pleasant.

"What about us?" Lin Tianbiao asked beside him.

"Wait and wait, before we need it." Yan Ge looked at Qixing Tower in Qixing
Valley and said lightly.

Chapter 448: What Did Not Come

The seven-star order in the direction of Tianji Peak, Li Yi was agitated.

at last!
She gave a fist hard. She knew that it must be that the teacher had successfully
brought the news down the mountain, so the college knew that it was very
important here, so she did not hesitate to issue a seven-star order to support
the whole school.

The anxiety and uneasiness dissipated in this instant. Looking at the Seven Star
Order, Li Yi was very attentive. The original vault protection customization that
was being urgently repaired was temporarily put aside by her. She hurried out of
Lu Cuntang, wanting to meet the same comrades who came, they should not
fully understand what happened here, they need to know some more specific

As a result, before rushing out of the hospital, Li Yi saw a hurried group of

people rushing through the door of the courtyard, and she rushed to the outside
of the courtyard, and stopped at that moment.

The person who came did not come from Beidou Academy, but the enemy who
arrived first!

Li Yi hurriedly fled to hide, his heart beating wildly.

She glanced away after only a quick glance, but at this glance, she had already
seen something terrible.

She believes that she read right, after all, that suit, in them

Academician Tianji solved it. In terms of their needs, the two are equivalent.

This is done!

Li Yi hurried toward the back of the courtyard, rushing to the hill to the north of
Lu Cuntang. At this time, she will never think about what she can do. She only
knows that if you let the other party open the transmission channel and let the
people of the three colleges directly enter the hinterland of Beidou College
through the Qiyuan Jie E formation, then for Beidou College In other words, it
will only be a disaster.
Success or failure!

Yuan Fei and Cheng Luozhu looked at the front and were thinking so.

Qixing made them all see that there is such a clear point, which means that
Beidou Academy is no longer as muddled as before, which means they already
know the key and who the enemy is.

There was only one word left before them.

But where is this way?

At a glance, there is no valley entrance in the mountains. However, the group

did not panic. After a little identification, I quickly found the entrance to the
valley described by the intelligence, which was covered by the vines spreading
over the mountain.

A student of Yuan Fei quickly stepped forward, felt it, and turned and shook his
head towards Yuan Fei. As the intelligence said, there is no customization in the
valley, because there is no need for it. only

Academician Wang Xin of Academician Tian stepped forward. He was defeated

by the illusion in Jinghuashuiyue, which was already a cold body at this time,
and was thrown into the stone forest.

The six students under Yuan Fei's door stood separately. What they should do
next is that they apparently have long been asserted. The power of each person
began to enter the stone forest and gathered on the body of Wang Xin.

"It takes a little time." Yuan Fei said after glancing at it. He was seriously injured
by Lu Ping, and what he could do was limited, so he couldn't help with what he
wanted to do right now.

"As soon as possible." Cheng Luozhu turned around, facing the short passage
into the valley. The entrance was customized by Yuan Feixia, but she was
carrying the super god soldier Tian Luo Jing, but her heart was still uneasy.
Is it really a cold break?

This name, which symbolizes cruelty and surrogacy, thinks that there is a chill in
my heart. Cheng Luozhu's heart trembled a little, and looked back at the stone
forest, praying that it would be faster here.

Thinking this way, Yuan Fei's expression changed, and suddenly turned to look at
the entrance.

"Come?" Cheng Luozhu's hand has grabbed Tian Luo Jing. As one of the four
masters of Nantian College, she also has to admit that she has never been so
nervous in her career as a monk.

"Come." Yuan Fei nodded, but followed, suddenly showing a strange expression.

"Why?" Cheng Chengzhu, who was just waiting for it, didn't dare to leave the
entrance, only glanced at Yuan Fei's expression.

"It seems ... not him." Yuan Fei said.

The customization he made at the door is naturally in touch with him, and the
purpose of his customization is to remind him that when Lu Ping comes in,
everyone can make a preparation. He had no illusion that Lu Ping, who could not
be completely controlled by the mirror, would be stumped by the little
customization he had to exert after he was seriously injured.

As a result, this customization really stumped people. The person trying to break
in at the entrance was stopped by this customization.

"Who is that?" Cheng Luozhu asked.

"I don't know, it was stopped by customization." Yuan Fei's tone was already
disapproving, and he could be stopped by his customization, he really wouldn't
put it in his eyes.

Cheng Luozhu also let out a sigh of relief at this time, and such a small character
obviously cannot destroy their plans.

But immediately followed, Lu Ping appeared in front of them, walked into the
valley from that short passage, and stopped after seeing them.

"Look where you are going." Lu Ping said after looking at the structure of the

Chapter 549 Who Dare to Step Forward

Chapter 549 Who Dare to Step Forward

See where you are still running.

This is a person's words to many people. There is not much threat in his tone,
but it is very serious. Many people heard this, but they felt stunned.

If it is not happening, Cheng Luozhu will definitely think this is a ridiculous thing.

She is the master of Donglin Gate of Nantian University.

On the side, Yuan Fei, the owner of Qiushui Island, lacked Yue College.

The two of them joined hands and looked at the world. Except for the six, they
can be said to be unstoppable. But now, is it really one of those six who is
standing in front of them?

Cheng Luozhu looked at Lu Ping, and she still didn't feel like it. She couldn't
connect the inconspicuous teenager with the cold break.

But this young man is always terrible. It is always the fact that he walked in so
quietly. What kind of waste customization did Yuan Fei do?

Cheng Luozhu glared at Yuan Fei beside him angrily, Yuan Fei did not see it, he
was at a loss now!
It's not surprising that the customization he set can't stop Lu Ping. He just
wanted this customization to remind them. As a result, there was a customized
movement, but it was clearly a signal to block people, and then Lu Ping
appeared in front of them so safely.

What about customization?

Yuan Fei doesn't know if he doesn't perceive it.

The customization is still intact, that is to say, this customization is like air to Lu
Ping. He walked through the customization, and the customization was

"Cold talk ..." Yuan Feinian muttered. Contrary to Cheng Luozhu, he believed
that this must be a cold talk. It is really his customized abilities, including the
Super God Soldier Mirror Huashuiyue, who are too weak in front of him.

Yuan Fei's believing tone made Cheng Luozhu couldn't help but heartbeat again.
She stared at Lu Ping, her hands and feet did not move, but the strength of
courage and Tian Luojing in her arms were already involved.

"Your Mightiness……"

The power of the soul exploded in front of the two, and the Tianluo mirror stood
in the air, shaking without shaking. It really made people wonder if it would
break in the next second, and Cheng Luozhu felt distressed for a while.

Yuan Fei was pale. Because he firmly believed that the other party was a cold
break, he even used the honorary title of "Hello", but he just said two words,
and the other party immediately called. If Cheng Luozheng blocked it with a Tian
Luo mirror, where could Yuan Fei, who was seriously injured, block the blow?
Seeing this power, I'm afraid I'll be crushed.

Sure enough, there is no way to communicate normally with cold breaks, right?

Yuan Fei was trembling under his heart, and he dared not say a word. On the
side, Cheng Luozhu felt the impact of Tian Luo Jing, and he intuitively
understood how strong Lu Ping's spirit was. Then he listened to Lu Ping across
from him.

"How did it come to you?" Lu Ping said what he had thought of.

Cheng Luozhu kept silent.

She had already seen the way Luping attacked, with a sign.

Fortunately, there are mirrors.

Cheng Luozhu secretly rejoiced, she didn't know if she could not block Lu Ping's
attack without Tian Luo Jing.

However, to deal with a sign, the most useful way is not to make a sound, or else
... start with the first!

Cheng Luozhu didn't move, but Tian Luo Jing, who was still shaking, suddenly
stopped shaking, turned around in the air, and a beam of light shot out of the
mirror immediately, pointing straight at Lu Ping.

When Lu Ping entered the valley before, he felt that there was a customization
at the entrance, which was quite similar to what he had encountered before,
and he immediately did not control the power of the soul according to Li
Yaotian's instructions. So he was imprisoned by the spirit of Ecstasy, and he
became a non-existent object under Yuan Fei's customization. There was no
consciousness of entering or passing through the customization. Li Yi, who was
blocked by the power at the entrance, was stunned. She was holding a mortal
consciousness, and she rushed in to stop it, even if it could be stopped for a
second. As a result, she couldn't even pass through the customization of the
entrance, but Lu Ping, who came afterwards, walked in as if nothing had

Such abilities are more advanced and more sensitive. All kinds of creatures in
the world, with or without cultivation, naturally possess the power of courage.
Directly let the power and the power of the soul take effect, and the customized
effect produced is the strongest. As a result, he encountered Lu Ping and was
naturally useless.

However, after passing through the customization, Lu Ping still has to use his
strength to exert his strength. The moment Tian Luojing turned, he had already
heard the sound of the power flowing together. Lu Ping hurriedly sideways, and
the mirror light glanced past him, shining on the mountain wall behind, but it
was silent. There was only one light spot on the mountain wall, which looked as
if a common copper mirror reflected the light.

Lu Ping did not dare to carelessly. This seemingly ordinary light, the power of
the spirit contained in it, had been clearly felt by hearing through it. It was
definitely not as simple as blinking.

But the key now is not in this mirror.

The seriously wounded Yuan Fei had backed away at this time, and several of his
disciples came up to protect the teacher. Behind them, the six Yuan Fei Liusheng
stood apart, each exerting their courage. Lu Ping entered the valley, but the six
of them didn't even look back. Obviously, the matter was going to be so
important that they couldn't be distracted.

That's it!

Although Lu Ping didn't understand it very well, he saw at a glance that the six
people were doing something that should open the transmission channel. There
was a corpse in the place where the strength of the six of them gathered.
According to Li Yi, who met outside the valley just now, it was Academician
Wang Xin of Tianji.

Lu Ping had never dealt with this academician, and he didn't really touch his
death heart. I only remember that the purpose of his trip was to prevent these
people from opening the channel. It is a pity that the six of them opened the
channel with all their strength, and without giving up a bit of prestige, Lu Ping
could not exert a sign. While flashing Tian Luo Jing's attack, Lu Ping threw a
punch, but it was just the "pass-break" punch he used to gather the soul of
Ming. But for the purpose, this boxing Luping also tried his best. When the
Blowing Horn Company entered the valley, he had already put it on his hand.

Naruto rushed out and rubbed with the air to make an indescribable strange
sound. The ripple flashed, and he rushed towards the stone forest in the blink of
an eye. As a result, the moment of rushing in, a piece of light suddenly blocked
the moment.

Tian Luo Jing!

Tian Luo Jing, who just made an attack, appeared in the defensive position
again. In the shining light, the power of the soul contained makes people feel
dark and deep.

Lu Ping's roaring soul rushed up, shining brightly. Located in some dark valleys in
the mountains, all colors were lost in an instant, and only a pale white was left
by this strong light. The roaring spirit of Lu Ping burst into light in all directions
with this light, and this blow was digested by Tian Luo Jing.

But Cheng Luozhu, who successfully prevented the blow, couldn't laugh. Her
face was particularly pale in this light.

The power of this blow exceeded her imagination. When was Tian Luojing's last
defense against the attack to release such power, when she could not remember
it, or in other words, it had never happened before?

She could feel that Tianluo Jing, after blocking the blow, was weakening rapidly,
as if she had consumed too much energy. Tian Luo Jing seemed to consume too
much function in order to digest the blow.

Is this too strong?

Cheng Luozhu was afraid. Because of Tian Luo Jing, she still has some confidence
in her heart. She feels that even if she is really a master with five talents, she
can still work hard. As long as you get some time, open the channel, and the
reinforcements flow in, then you do n’t have to worry about anything.

But now, after receiving this blow, even the Super Soldier looks to rest, what
else can he use to stop this guy?

The dazzling light gradually dissipated.

Tian Luo Jing still hangs in the air, but it is obviously gone. The dumbfounded
people subconsciously wanted to retreat, but then realized where there was a

Yuan Fei looked at Cheng Luozhu and saw her gray expression, knowing that her
means had been exhausted after receiving the blow.

Everyone is the same.

Yuan Fei smiled miserably. He and Jinghuashuiyue lost even more embarrassed
in front of this guy! If I knew that I would encounter such a monster, they should
get together. It's a pity that I'm half waste now, and I can't help much at all.

The disciple who was protecting Yuan Fei felt the teacher's thoughts. One of
them silently rushed towards Luping.

Yuan Fei was shocked and opened his mouth to shout, but held back at the last
moment. Lu Ping screamed for the ability, Cheng Luozhu saw it, how could he
not think of it. Just when Cheng Luozhu helped him to stop the blow, he
suddenly realized what he would be beaten in the mirror. It was his voice that
allowed Lu Ping to lock him frequently.

That's just some footsteps ...

Thinking about the attack at the time, Yuan Fei was more aware than Cheng
Luozhu of how sharp Luping's sign was.

He couldn't make a sound, he could only watch his pupils rush up like this.

Then he saw Lu Ping punching again, just like before.

Even Chaopin Shenbing Tianluo Jing had to rest and restore his function because
he had digested such a punch, but Lu Ping seemed to be more powerful than
Chaopin Shenbing, and he could make another punch in such a fast time.

The soul of Ming rushed out and broke through the sky.

The only thing Yuan Feimen students did was he jumped very high, he attacked
Lu Ping from top to bottom. In this way, the fist Luping throws at him can only
be directed into the air, at least it will not sweep Yuan Fei or the people on the
ground in the stone forest.

Then he fell, the blood flower bloomed in the air, and the splash suit broke into
pieces, flying into the air.

The first-grade students of Qiushui Island, the lack of academy, can only do it in
front of the road plane, and they can only use their own bodies to guide the
direction of Luping's attack, and nothing more.

Without grief, there is no time for fear. The second student next to Yuan Fei was
already close behind. When the man fell from the air, he jumped high into the
air. Several others were also inspired. If they continue to attack in this way,
maybe they can catch the gap that Lu Ping can't continuously punch?

The third person, the fourth person ... Keeping the rhythm, they rushed out one
after another. They are from the same door, they communicate with each other
and cooperate well. Yuan Fei reacted and realized that they were the last one
beside him when he reached out and stopped.

Cheng Luozhu on the side can no longer bear to look at it.

A scene in Lu Cuntang, she had already seen through Tian Luo Jing ...

I'm so anxious. I can't finish writing before 7:30, what should I do? ?

Chapter 550 When Illusion is Invalid

Chapter 550 When Illusion is Invalid

In the small valley, the dazzling light had just faded away, and the waves of
courage were resurgent.

Taking Luping as the starting point, several powerful forces shot out one after
another. The number of people who lined up with a tacit understanding towards
Luping was not spared, and flew out one after another, leaving only the
explosive force in the air.

This is almost the same as what Cheng Luozhu saw in Tian Luo Jing. The only
difference is that what she saw in Tian Luo Jing was that everyone was flying at
the same time, and this time, because Yuan Feimen students cooperated with
rhythm and order, Luping's attack also had a level. They rushed to Luping
rhythmically, and as a result, they just flew away rhythmically.

These are all elite first-class students who lacked the Vietnam Academy. Their
abilities and their magical soldiers had no chance to exert their skills. Just with a
little action, they ended like this.

What a terrible sign.

Cheng Luozhu looked aside. It is one thing to know the opponent's method, but
it is another thing to stop the opponent. At least in the eyes of Cheng Luozhu at
present, she wants to restrain Lu Ping's symptom. She can do nothing but make
no sound. She just saw Yuan Fei's disciples being knocked down in full, but she
didn't find a chance to shoot.

Those who stayed in front of the road level, in a blink of an eye, there were only
three people left.

Cheng Luozhu, seriously injured Yuan Fei, and the disciples who were spared by
Yuan Fei.

There was silence in the valley, no one dared to speak, no one dared to move. Lu
Ping was also very silent, except that after saying that sentence when he first
entered the valley, he just played. Yuan Fei tried to communicate with Lu Ping,
and the voice he made became an opportunity for Lu Ping to launch a sign.
Cheng Luozhu couldn't help but already had some letters, this guy might be a
cold talk. Brutal and cruel, do not play cards according to common sense ...

As a result, at this moment, an abnormal feeling suddenly struck, not from the
direction of Lu Ping, but from his own side, more precisely, from Yuan Fei, the
only remaining student.

What can this man do?

After all, they are elite students, and Cheng Luozhu still has some expectations.
Just thinking about it, she knew it was wrong. Because she saw the student
turning her head and looking at his teacher Yuan Fei, her face was full of
surprise and anger.

Yuan Fei was unmoved.

Lu Ping could not resist. But before. Although Jinghuashuiyue failed to take full
effect, he still trapped Lu Ping for some time. All they need now is time, so Yuan
Fei did not hesitate to use the disciples around him as a medium to plant the
mirror flowers and water months.

As a close student next to Yuan Fei, I still know a little about Jinghuashuiyue.
Immediately realized that it was wrong. In order to complete the plan, they no
longer counted their lives and death, and did not hesitate to use their bodies to
lead the attack of Luping. But taking the initiative to do it from the heart is
completely different from being used as a tool. He can be sacrificed, but by the
teacher's relentless and decisive use as a medium of mirrors and flowers, he did
not expect it. Jinghuashuiyue is indifferent to the enemy except Yuan Fei. As a
medium, he will be swallowed up by the illusion first.

He was surprised, disappointed, and angry, and then was swallowed by the light
and shadow intertwined by the power of the mirror flowers and the moon.

Yuan Fei didn't even look at him. He just stared at Lu Ping. The gates used as
seeds live and die. Or whether Cheng Luozhu on the side will be affected by this
mirror of flowers and water moon, is completely out of his consideration. All he
wanted to protect was the six students who were opening the passage behind

After the seed disciple, the intertwined spirit power has engulfed Cheng Luozhu
and Lu Ping one after another, and each has become an illusion. However, as
before, the power of the spirit surrounding Lu Ping, flashing and shaking, is
extremely unusual.

But this time Yuan Fei won't be curious any more, and won't take a closer look.
He was silent and did not make a sound.

Even if you can't be completely trapped. Should it be enough? Yuan Fei thought,
glanced behind him, and when he looked back, the light and shadow were no
longer there. Luping stood there.

"Come again?" Lu Ping said.

Yuan Fei Petrochemical.

This time, didn't it work at all?

Worthy of a cold break, I have thoroughly seen Jing Huashuiyue.

Yuan Fei was desperate and was not prepared to do any more struggling, nor
was he afraid that his speech would be targeted by Lu Ping. At this point, life and
death have long been controlled by others.

Yuan Fei licked her dry lips. Preparing to speak, the light and shadow of whoever
knew the power suddenly rose at this moment, and immediately surrounded Lu
Ping again.


Yuan Fei was dazed.

He only paid attention to it for a while, only to find that the illusion of his
students and Cheng Luozhu was still complete, which means that
Jinghuashuiyue was not broken, the other party only used some means to make
Jinghuashuiyue not work for him . But this method didn't seem to last long, so
after lifting Jinghuashuiyue moment, he was trapped by Jinghuashuiyue again.

Wasn't he the same when he entered the valley before? The customization at
the entrance didn't play any role, should it be such a method?

It's just that the entrance is customized, just a vertical net, just a moment is
enough to pass. Mirror Huashuiyue, but a mask that is always shrouded in it, can
be eliminated in just a moment, and cannot play a decisive role!

Thinking of this, Yuan Fei let out a deep breath in his heart, which was finally a
bit firm. It turned out that it had not been two seconds since the light and
shadow of the spirit disappeared again, and Lu Ping appeared in front of him

Yuan Fei's heart suddenly picked up. Was it completely resolved this time? In a
second, the light and shadow came back.

Yuan Fei's heart could not be put down. The other party is obviously adapting,
and maybe the next mirror will never work again.

Yuan Fei was worried and worried, but Lu Ping, trapped in the illusion, was a
little helpless at this time.

The method that Li Yaotian said is very effective. As long as he does not control
the power of the soul, he will let the ecstasy lock the soul and the illusion will
disappear immediately. Lu Ping also immediately understood why the dilemma
he encountered before was so weird. That was not because his illusion was
unsuccessful, but because his daring power was still in an intermittent state
even under his full maintenance. Ordinary cultivators in this state may not be
able to perceive it, but this illusion is extremely keen, and it will be intermittent
along with Lu Ping's power. Only then are those terrible illusions and fuzzy
chaos. These are all semi-finished products, they haven't had time to form a
perfect illusion.

But the problem facing Lu Ping right now is that when he wants to dispel the
illusion, he cannot use the power of the spirit, and without the power of the
spirit, he cannot attack. Both times, his daring power has just emerged, and the
illusion has surrounded him, and he has no way to attack outside the illusion.

It seems that you have to get out of the illusion first. Lu Ping thought.

But this is undoubtedly very dangerous. When there is no illusion, Lu Ping has
no courage, which is equivalent to an ordinary person. The masters in front of
him can raise his finger to kill him. (

Chapter 552 Transmission Channel

Yuan Fei was anxiously watching the illusion that trapped Lu Ping, praying and
expecting in his heart.

The result was only one second, Lu Ping relieved the illusion again, and this time
not just standing still, he stepped on the scope of Jing Hua Shui Yue's ability and
took a step forward.

It is dangerous to be in a state without courage, but for now ...

Lu Ping noticed that half of them were knocked down by him. Six of them were
too busy to open the channel to care for him. Two of them were also trapped by
the illusion.

Then there is only one threat.

Lu Ping's eyes fell on Yuan Fei, and when he saw his panic-stricken appearance,
he suddenly felt confident.

The situation without strength is dangerous, but the opponent is completely

unaware of his current state.

Just go on like this!

Lu Ping rushed towards Yuan Fei with this ordinary body with no power.

Wow, light and shadow come back again, and the illusion surrounds Lu Ping.

Yuan Fei was dumbfounded. He looked at Lu Ping's face calmly and calmly, only
thinking that the other party had completely overcome the influence of
Jinghuashuiyue. Was the result just such a little effort?

In the end, it is the super-skilled soldier of the lack of academy! Yuan Fei
couldn't help but feel a little proud, but when he was proud, Lu Ping came out of
the illusion again.

It's ... a little troublesome!

Lu Ping was a bit distressed.

It stands to reason that it is a very natural state for him to have no power of the
soul, but in these years, controlling the power of the soul is a matter of
practicing and maintaining it all the time, especially when exerting force,
mobilizing the spirit Strength to match the instinct that has become his body has
reached the point where he can do it without thinking.

Now it is easy for him to keep him locked up completely. However, when Lu Ping
just started to force himself, the force of the involuntary spirit came out again,
and the illusion was called again.

It's really not easy to overcome the consciousness and habits that we have
worked hard to develop over the years. Lu Ping shook his head slightly, with
some emotion. Then, walk out of the illusion.

Yuan Fei is bad for the whole person.

Lu Ping was not always trapped by Jinghuashuiyue, nor did he completely resist
it. This one will get trapped, get rid of it for a while, and let his heart go up and
down, and then rejoice and worry, which is really tormenting. The owner of
Qiushui Island, who was lacking in Yue College, was once tossed like this.
It might as well be a happy one!

Yuan Fei was a little bit angry, and got angry.

As a result, Lu Ping was really happy this time. Instead of entering the illusion,
he walked towards Yuan Fei step by step. He did not panic and leisurely pace,
although a little slow, but Yuan Fei was not happy at all.

He hoped that Jinghuashuiyue would take effect soon, but this time
Jinghuashuiyue finally let him down.

Lu Ping came to him, and if there was no one beside him, he obviously needed
to solve the students who opened the channel quickly, but Lu Ping seemed to be

Yuan Fei was not surprised at this, because in his heart, the person standing in
front of him was called Lengxiu Tan.

That's not someone who can figure it out with normal logic.

And now, this man came to himself.

Yuan Fei wouldn't be helpless, he backed away slightly, and a desperate move
has been brewed in secret.

Lu Ping raised his hand.

"Fight!" Yuan Fei shouted, and the disorganized force under the serious injury
was mobilized to the greatest extent by him, and he made this fatal blow.

However, light and shadow protruded at this time, and the illusion again
besieged Lu Ping. Yuan Fei's desperate blow was hitting this light and shadow.

The attack was easily resolved. If the illusion of Jinghuashuiyue could be

destroyed by brute force in this way, it would be too good to crack. Although
Yuan Fei has some tactics to dispel the illusion, he certainly did not use these
tactics for the blow he just let go.
He could only stare dumbfounded at his blow being digested by Jinghuashuiyue.
Then the light and shadow disappeared, and Lu Ping reappeared in front of him.

"Failure." Lu Ping shook his head and sighed.

He raised his hand and waved his fist.

Just now he was an involuntary one, and the force of his spirit surged when he
waved his attack.

This time, he controlled well and finally punched a normal punch, using the
punch from his ordinary body at this time.

Yuan Fei was slightly beaten by this punch.

Although Yuan Fei was seriously injured, although he had just exhausted the
remaining controllable power, this ordinary punch still could not cause him any

This punch brought him endless humiliation, but his psychology has completely

After a cold break, the five powerful players are really terrible and too

He was simply fooled on the palm of his hand, the other side was right, he
failed, and failed completely. His spirit and will were completely destroyed by
the opponent's painless punch.

"You won." Yuan Fei said.

Lu Ping's hand waved again, Yuan Fei did not shy away.

It is not wrong to be able to die in the hands of a cold break.

As a result, this hand didn't make any attacks, but just pulled him aside.
"You ... want to pass from here, at least step on my body." Yuan Fei said angrily.

"Wait." Lu Ping said.

He had to wait for a while, he hadn't walked out of the mirror, and he couldn't
use his strength.

Yuan Fei listened to the phrase "waiting for a meeting", but was cold all over.
Rather than being ignored, this "wait" will make him instantly make up for all
kinds of cruel torture, this is to leave him at the end to play wildly! Yuan Fei's
knees were soft, and he almost knelt down. But the six people in the stone
forest who had been busy all turned around at this time.

"Teacher." They called.

Yuan Fei was shocked.

It is very difficult to open the passage. The six people must concentrate all their
energy and cannot tolerate anything. Now the six people turned around and
talked to him. Was this a success ... or a failure?

Lu Ping was even sharper than him, realizing that there was a change here, and
he couldn't confirm whether he had already appeared in the mirror and swung
out with a punch.

Punch out!

Without light and shadow, Lu Ping was outside the scope of Jinghuashuiyue.
This punch did not hit any one of the six people, but directly hit Wang Xin in the
middle of the six people.

Lu Ping didn't know how to stop this passage, he only heard Sun Songzhao talk
about emergency handling.

Break me up.
Sun sent recruits to explain this way.

At this time, of course, it is to break Wang Xin.

The Seven Academician is still somebody, so there is no difference in Lu Ping's


Yuan Fei and his disciples were stunned. Of course they thought Luping would
hinder them, but they didn't expect it to be such a brutal method. For the letter
of Tianji Star, one of the seven academicians, did the Beidoumen have no
respect? Even if this is just a corpse, it should never be so.


Yuan Fei awakened.

What Beidoumen students, this is a cold talk! How could he have any respect for
the seven academicians, what is he thinking about?

"Block it!" Yuan Fei shouted. From the look of his disciples, he had already seen
that they were successful and the passage was about to open. How could Lu
Ping interrupt when this was a big hit? Yuan Fei, who was about to fall on his
knees, rekindled his desperate faith at this moment.

One of the six had already rushed out and waved a punch to Luping. But as soon
as he came into contact, he was completely engulfed by the force of the

What Lu Ping wants is to "break" Wang Xin. This punch is of course not the
"passing and breaking" of Ming's soul, but the strength of all the spirits he can

Under the full exertion of Lu Ping's power, can the destructive power be carried
by the body of blood r? The engulfed disciples instantly turned into a haze of
blood, and Luping's attack was more completely destroyed than smashed.

This scene scared everyone, Rao was holding a mortal determination, but this
terrifying scene also made everyone's movements have a short pause. During
the pause, Lu Ping's another punch was already out. The destructive power that
can blow people with one punch, this time no one catches up with the block,
and it is banging on Wang Xin floating in the air.

As the disciple came to an end, one of the academicians of the Big Dipper, Tianji
Star Wangxin, completely disappeared.

Finished ...

Yuan Fei and his disciples were all in a general look. They looked at the blood
mist and thought that it might be their end.

But Lu Ping did not put down his guard on this, his perception was more acute,
Wang Xin had been shattered, but the surge of power in the stone forest was
different from the beginning. The position where Wang Xin originally stayed was
gathering power . When Lu Ping just noticed, the piece of void suddenly looked
like a page of paper, and a corner was lifted, revealing a chaotic darkness.

"It's done !!" Yuan Fei exclaimed, exclaiming.

Lu Ping didn't know what to do, he could only throw another punch, hoping to
destroy the void that had been opened.

The power of the soul is right above it, and the entire valley space seems to be
oscillating. But the corner that was lifted became bigger, as if it were a door that
was pushed open.

Yuan Fei smiled.

This channel is so strong, of course, not without reason. This channel, which
could not convey life, was lifted this prohibition right now, because the three
colleges have controlled the channel.

Real martial arts!

This super martial arts soldier of the Xuanwu Academy has become the key that
the three colleges can use in this way. The mark of the true martial arts seals off
the passage's repulsion of life, and at the same time it also becomes a very
strong guardian.

"Who's fooling around." An unpleasant voice came out of the dark sky, followed
by a figure leaping out of the dark, a tall, majestic old man stood in the stone
forest, his eyes like electricity, down Glance around.

The lack of students, who fell across the corner, the power of Jinghuashuiyue,
and Yuan Fei who looked embarrassed, the old man frowned, and his eyes
finally fell on Lu Ping.

"Teacher beware, it's a cold break." Yuan Fei hurriedly shouted, and one of the
five island masters of the lack of Yue College was also worthy of the "teacher"
for the old man.

"Cold talk?" The old man was stunned, a stunned expression flashed across his

"What nonsense are you talking about," the old man said, waving his hand

Two meters away from him, Lu Ping, who was standing upright, flew out
suddenly, and fell straight on the mountain wall, but then did not fall, as if
something pressed him there.

"A little devil, you said it was a cold break?" The old man stared at Yuan Fei and

Yuan Fei Leng. He didn't know about cold breaks, but it was all based on
inferences, and confidence would never be wrong. But the old man in front of
him said no, he said no, then it really is not. Because this one in front of him
really knows five of the top six, except for the mysterious thief.

"Even if it's really a cold break, if there is a God of War printed on it, what are
you afraid of?"
Chapter 552 Transmission Channel

Yuan Fei was anxiously watching the illusion that trapped Lu Ping, praying and
expecting in his heart.

The result was only one second, Lu Ping relieved the illusion again, and this time
not just standing still, he stepped on the scope of Jing Hua Shui Yue's ability and
took a step forward.

It is dangerous to be in a state without courage, but for now ...

Lu Ping noticed that half of them were knocked down by him. Six of them were
too busy to open the channel to care for him. Two of them were also trapped by
the illusion.

Then there is only one threat.

Lu Ping's eyes fell on Yuan Fei, and when he saw his panic-stricken appearance,
he suddenly felt confident.

The situation without strength is dangerous, but the opponent is completely

unaware of his current state.

Just go on like this!

Lu Ping rushed towards Yuan Fei with this ordinary body with no power.

Wow, light and shadow come back again, and the illusion surrounds Lu Ping.

Yuan Fei was dumbfounded. He looked at Lu Ping's face calmly and calmly, only
thinking that the other party had completely overcome the influence of
Jinghuashuiyue. Was the result just such a little effort?

In the end, it is the super-skilled soldier of the lack of academy! Yuan Fei
couldn't help but feel a little proud, but when he was proud, Lu Ping came out of
the illusion again.

It's ... a little troublesome!

Lu Ping was a bit distressed.

It stands to reason that it is a very natural state for him to have no power of the
soul, but in these years, controlling the power of the soul is a matter of
practicing and maintaining it all the time, especially when exerting force,
mobilizing the spirit Strength to match the instinct that has become his body has
reached the point where he can do it without thinking.

Now it is easy for him to keep him locked up completely. However, when Lu Ping
just started to force himself, the force of the involuntary spirit came out again,
and the illusion was called again.

It's really not easy to overcome the consciousness and habits that we have
worked hard to develop over the years. Lu Ping shook his head slightly, with
some emotion. Then, walk out of the illusion.

Yuan Fei is bad for the whole person.

Lu Ping was not always trapped by Jinghuashuiyue, nor did he completely resist
it. This one will get trapped, get rid of it for a while, and let his heart go up and
down, and then rejoice and worry, which is really tormenting. The owner of
Qiushui Island, who was lacking in Yue College, was once tossed like this.

It might as well be a happy one!

Yuan Fei was a little bit angry, and got angry.

As a result, Lu Ping was really happy this time. Instead of entering the illusion,
he walked towards Yuan Fei step by step. He did not panic and leisurely pace,
although a little slow, but Yuan Fei was not happy at all.

He hoped that Jinghuashuiyue would take effect soon, but this time
Jinghuashuiyue finally let him down.
Lu Ping came to him, and if there was no one beside him, he obviously needed
to solve the students who opened the channel quickly, but Lu Ping seemed to be

Yuan Fei was not surprised at this, because in his heart, the person standing in
front of him was called Lengxiu Tan.

That's not someone who can figure it out with normal logic.

And now, this man came to himself.

Yuan Fei wouldn't be helpless, he backed away slightly, and a desperate move
has been brewed in secret.

Lu Ping raised his hand.

"Fight!" Yuan Fei shouted, and the disorganized force under the serious injury
was mobilized to the greatest extent by him, and he made this fatal blow.

However, light and shadow protruded at this time, and the illusion again
besieged Lu Ping. Yuan Fei's desperate blow was hitting this light and shadow.

The attack was easily resolved. If the illusion of Jinghuashuiyue could be

destroyed by brute force in this way, it would be too good to crack. Although
Yuan Fei has some tactics to dispel the illusion, he certainly did not use these
tactics for the blow he just let go.

He could only stare dumbfounded at his blow being digested by Jinghuashuiyue.

Then the light and shadow disappeared, and Lu Ping reappeared in front of him.

"Failure." Lu Ping shook his head and sighed.

He raised his hand and waved his fist.

Just now he was an involuntary one, and the force of his spirit surged when he
waved his attack.
This time, he controlled well and finally punched a normal punch, using the
punch from his ordinary body at this time.

Yuan Fei was slightly beaten by this punch.

Although Yuan Fei was seriously injured, although he had just exhausted the
remaining controllable power, this ordinary punch still could not cause him any

This punch brought him endless humiliation, but his psychology has completely

After a cold break, the five powerful players are really terrible and too

He was simply fooled on the palm of his hand, the other side was right, he
failed, and failed completely. His spirit and will were completely destroyed by
the opponent's painless punch.

"You won." Yuan Fei said.

Lu Ping's hand waved again, Yuan Fei did not shy away.

It is not wrong to be able to die in the hands of a cold break.

As a result, this hand didn't make any attacks, but just pulled him aside.

"You ... want to pass from here, at least step on my body." Yuan Fei said angrily.

"Wait." Lu Ping said.

He had to wait for a while, he hadn't walked out of the mirror, and he couldn't
use his strength.

Yuan Fei listened to the phrase "waiting for a meeting", but was cold all over.
Rather than being ignored, this "wait" will make him instantly make up for all
kinds of cruel torture, this is to leave him at the end to play wildly! Yuan Fei's
knees were soft, and he almost knelt down. But the six people in the stone
forest who had been busy all turned around at this time.

"Teacher." They called.

Yuan Fei was shocked.

It is very difficult to open the passage. The six people must concentrate all their
energy and cannot tolerate anything. Now the six people turned around and
talked to him. Was this a success ... or a failure?

Lu Ping was even sharper than him, realizing that there was a change here, and
he couldn't confirm whether he had already appeared in the mirror and swung
out with a punch.

Punch out!

Without light and shadow, Lu Ping was outside the scope of Jinghuashuiyue.
This punch did not hit any one of the six people, but directly hit Wang Xin in the
middle of the six people.

Lu Ping didn't know how to stop this passage, he only heard Sun Songzhao talk
about emergency handling.

Break me up.

Sun sent recruits to explain this way.

At this time, of course, it is to break Wang Xin.

The Seven Academician is still somebody, so there is no difference in Lu Ping's


Yuan Fei and his disciples were stunned. Of course they thought Luping would
hinder them, but they didn't expect it to be such a brutal method. For the letter
of Tianji Star, one of the seven academicians, did the Beidoumen have no
respect? Even if this is just a corpse, it should never be so.


Yuan Fei awakened.

What Beidoumen students, this is a cold talk! How could he have any respect for
the seven academicians, what is he thinking about?

"Block it!" Yuan Fei shouted. From the look of his disciples, he had already seen
that they were successful and the passage was about to open. How could Lu
Ping interrupt when this was a big hit? Yuan Fei, who was about to fall on his
knees, rekindled his desperate faith at this moment.

One of the six had already rushed out and waved a punch to Luping. But as soon
as he came into contact, he was completely engulfed by the force of the

What Lu Ping wants is to "break" Wang Xin. This punch is of course not the
"passing and breaking" of Ming's soul, but the strength of all the spirits he can

Under the full exertion of Lu Ping's power, can the destructive power be carried
by the body of blood r? The engulfed disciples instantly turned into a haze of
blood, and Luping's attack was more completely destroyed than smashed.

This scene scared everyone, Rao was holding a mortal determination, but this
terrifying scene also made everyone's movements have a short pause. During
the pause, Lu Ping's another punch was already out. The destructive power that
can blow people with one punch, this time no one catches up with the block,
and it is banging on Wang Xin floating in the air.

As the disciple came to an end, one of the academicians of the Big Dipper, Tianji
Star Wangxin, completely disappeared.

Finished ...
Yuan Fei and his disciples were all in a general look. They looked at the blood
mist and thought that it might be their end.

But Lu Ping did not put down his guard on this, his perception was more acute,
Wang Xin had been shattered, but the surge of power in the stone forest was
different from the beginning. The position where Wang Xin originally stayed was
gathering power . When Lu Ping just noticed, the piece of void suddenly looked
like a page of paper, and a corner was lifted, revealing a chaotic darkness.

"It's done !!" Yuan Fei exclaimed, exclaiming.

Lu Ping didn't know what to do, he could only throw another punch, hoping to
destroy the void that had been opened.

The power of the soul is right above it, and the entire valley space seems to be
oscillating. But the corner that was lifted became bigger, as if it were a door that
was pushed open.

Yuan Fei smiled.

This channel is so strong, of course, not without reason. This channel, which
could not convey life, was lifted this prohibition right now, because the three
colleges have controlled the channel.

Real martial arts!

This super martial arts soldier of the Xuanwu Academy has become the key that
the three colleges can use in this way. The mark of the true martial arts seals off
the passage's repulsion of life, and at the same time it also becomes a very
strong guardian.

"Who's fooling around." An unpleasant voice came out of the dark sky, followed
by a figure leaping out of the dark, a tall, majestic old man stood in the stone
forest, his eyes like electricity, down Glance around.

The lack of students, who fell across the corner, the power of Jinghuashuiyue,
and Yuan Fei who looked embarrassed, the old man frowned, and his eyes
finally fell on Lu Ping.

"Teacher beware, it's a cold break." Yuan Fei hurriedly shouted, and one of the
five island masters of the lack of Yue College was also worthy of the "teacher"
for the old man.

"Cold talk?" The old man was stunned, a stunned expression flashed across his

"What nonsense are you talking about," the old man said, waving his hand

Two meters away from him, Lu Ping, who was standing upright, flew out
suddenly, and fell straight on the mountain wall, but then did not fall, as if
something pressed him there.

"A little devil, you said it was a cold break?" The old man stared at Yuan Fei and

Yuan Fei Leng. He didn't know about cold breaks, but it was all based on
inferences, and confidence would never be wrong. But the old man in front of
him said no, he said no, then it really is not. Because this one in front of him
really knows five of the top six, except for the mysterious thief.

"Even if it's really a cold break, if there is a God of War printed on it, what are
you afraid of?"

Chapter 553 Xuanwu Wall Residence

Xuanwu Qisu is a top figure in the cultivation circle who is the same as
academician Beidou Qi and the lack of the five island masters. On behalf of
Xuanwu Academy, we watched the dangers of this seven-star test and
intersected with Yuan Fei's peers. But the one in front of him, although one of
the seven basalts of Xuanwu, Yuan Fei dared not go up and call him a brother.
He was very kind and said a few words, and he could only talk to him and laugh.
Bisu, one of the seven basalts of Xuanwu and one of the five island masters of
the lacking Yue College, are all worthy of his "teacher".

Because the seniority of the wall is really high. Even if this thing is not valued
very much in the practice world, it is a walled place that cannot be ignored.
Because his presence in this generation is too strong. The compilation of "A Brief
History of the Soul" one hundred years ago was dominated by Zhou Tong of
Nantian College. At that time, he had already participated in Xuanwu Qisu. Of all
the participants who have lived to the present, this is the only one.

Academician Guo Wushu, who is over 100 years old at Kaiyang Peak of Beidou
University, is the oldest and the longest senior among the seven academicians.
But it can only be regarded as growing up watching "A Brief History of the Soul",
who dare to ignore the length of the seniority? Because of the centuries-old
cultivator who has laid the foundation and practiced in "A Brief History of the
Soul", who dare not call Bi Su "teacher"?

Xuanwu Biju is now almost 180 years old, and it should be an age that has
passed away for ordinary people, even if cultivators can live to this age.
However, at this age, Bian Su still has the strong physique of a young man,
making people wonder whether he has cultivated any ability to rejuvenate.

At this moment, as soon as the transmission channel of the three colleges aimed
at Beidou College was opened, he was the first to walk in, and even Luping put
the wall on the wall.

Even if he is the master of the Xuanwu Academy's super martial arts miraculous
seal, but Yuan Fei holding the mirror of the Yueyue Academy and Cheng Luozhu
holding the Tianluo mirror of the Nantian Academy, is he still at a loss for Lu

The gap ...

Yuan Fei had to be convinced and could only stand aside respectfully. When I
saw Bi Su's gaze fell on the illusion of Jing Hua Shui Yue, I only remembered that
these two were still trapped. He hurriedly released the mirror Hua Shui Yue, and
at the same time he also admired Bi Su more and more. To take care of the
illusion of the mirror flower and water moon, no one except him can perceive it,
but it seems that he can see it.

The illusion is lifted.

The disciples who used Yuan Fei as a medium to plant the mirrored flowers and
water moons had long gone, and collapsed to the ground immediately after the
disillusionment dissipated. Cheng Luozhu is worthy of being the master of the
East Forest Gate of Nantian College. As soon as the illusion was lifted, Yuan Fei
was seen in front of him, raising his palm and waving it. Yuan Fei's display of
flowers and flowers completely ignores their life and death, which makes Cheng
Luozhu very annoyed.

"Enough! What does it look like?" As a result, before she swung her palm, she
heard a scream next to her. The tone was like Cheng Luozhu scolding her
students. I haven't heard it in a long time. When the anger turned around, this
palm also wanted to change place by the way, but turned his head to see the
scolding this person, and suddenly dropped his hands in a daunting manner.

"Teacher of Bisu ..." Like Yuan Fei, she is also a teacher of Bisu.

"No, don't waste time." Bi Su said. He didn't fully understand what was
happening, but with his experience, he already guessed that eight or nine are
inseparable. But now is the time to solve this problem? That is to say, the two in
front of each are also the head figures of the missing Yue and Nantian,
otherwise Bi Suzao slapped them both on the wall.

"Hurry up," he said, and people walked out of the open channel behind him.
Wearing a sea-blue robe, wearing a Nantianyuan robe, and a large Western
character on the back, each of them was driven by the big figures of Nantian
College and Queyue College.

Lack of the Xia Jindao Island owner, business order; Nantian west line door
students, served as a school.

As soon as the two entered the valley, their eyes fell on their families.
There is only one Nantian College, Cheng Luozhu. However, the lack of academy
was lively, and Jing Yanying, who was falling over the ground, did not say that
Yuan Fei, one of the five island masters, knew at a glance that the situation was
extremely poor.

Sweep the lack of academy into this way, there should be some opponents in
front of it? But after watching a circle in the valley, there was only a boy on the
side of the mountain. Both Shang Ling and Ren Xuexing did not stay at Lu Ping at
all. Who would have thought of playing so embarrassingly to those who were
present at the Kuei Yue College, it was just the ghost on the wall!

"What's going on?" The embarrassed family member, Shang Ling naturally
wanted to be more attentive. As soon as he swept to the side of Yuan Fei, he

Yuan Fei smiled bitterly, but didn't know where to start. This time he suffered a
serious injury under his door, and Jing Yanying suffered heavy casualties, but the
initiator was all that boy. He considers him a cold break, except that this is
indeed the most reasonable explanation, and also because he secretly hopes so.
Because of the cold talk, his embarrassment will not become a joke, but now ...

Yuan Fei looked at Lu Ping on the mountain wall with a complex expression, and
Shang Ling glanced along his eyes, but he didn't care too much. People with
normal thinking logic will never think about this young man. It wasn't until Yuan
Fei watched this that he was silent, and Shang Ling's eyes gradually became
stunned. Then he solemnly looked at Lu Ping who was hanging. On the other
side, Cheng Luozhu was calm at this time. Except that the life and death of Qin
Yue who escaped from Tianluo Jingguang escape is unknown, there is no
damage to what Cheng Luozhu knows. But Lu Ping's strange and powerful, she
inevitably had to talk to the same door, which caused Ren Xuexing to be

After the two of them entered the passage, it was the students of the three
people, Bi Su, Shang Ling, and Ren Xuexing, and they were also the elites of the
three courts. Among them, I have to talk about wall accommodation again,
because I have lived long enough, and I am tall and tall, and he has grown to a
very large scale under his door. Only two of the current Beidou Qisu are his
disciples; the other is his disciples. At the moment, the Xuanwu Academy is still
the fifth generation. According to incomplete statistics, half of the teachers and
students of Xuanwu College can be regarded as inherited from Bisu. Nowadays,
it is very rare for students to accept disciples, but the subordinates are already
in a mess. Fortunately, practitioners do not care much about this. Otherwise, it
is really not easy to sort out the seniority relationship among all people.

With so many years of accumulation, it can be said that there are many masters
gathered under the door of the wall, but it can not be transmitted in minutes.

"First come, first move, the Big Dipper is out, what are you waiting for?" Bi Su

"That teacher, let's take a step first." The big figures of the two colleges said one
after another, and the disciples walked outside the valley.

"Xu Chuan, you also take the people to go first." Bi Su ordered a student and
asked him to lead the Xuanwu door and start the action.

The wall students who were called Xu Chuan knew that the teacher still needed
to stay and watch the transmission channel. After all, Shenwuyin was very
important to this channel. When he nodded, he nodded some students and
stayed at the wall, and led the person away.

"Teacher, what about the kid?" The student who stayed beside Bi Su asked Bi Su
how to deal with Lu Ping on the mountain wall.

"Not yet dead?" Bisu seems to have forgotten Lu Ping. Such a small role is really
difficult for him to hang on.

"Die immediately." After hearing the words, the disciple asked no more, turned
around and cut out with a palm of silver light, straight to Luping's head.

Chapter 554 Inside and Outside the Fire Prison

Yin Guang swept the Lupin's neck with the strong wind, without the chill of
ordinary iron, but sharper than the sword. There was a sound of rubbing, and
the gravel of the mountain was flying, and a deep cut was burned on the
mountain wall. The broken place was Lu Ping's neck, and the red blood seemed
to fly out soon.

"Thank you."

The blood did not fly out, but Lu Ping's words came.

Several people at the Xuanwu Academy who had not looked at it suddenly
turned around, including Bisu. Then everyone's eyes fell on Chen Jian.

Chen Jian was a little dazed, he even looked at his right hand. The cuts on the
mountain walls are so clear, I have no problem with this blow!

Lu Ping's arm has been earned from the mountain wall, and has brought a lot of

"It's really embarrassing to be stuck." Lu Ping said, his earned arms waved
backwards, his palms clapped on the mountain wall, there was no loud noise,
but the mountain stone obviously loosened a lot, he embedded in the body ,
And finally pulled out. Then he fell with the rubble, clapped his hands, and
shook his clothes.

Several members of Xuanwu Academy watched blankly. The students of the

three colleges who had just entered the valley from the transmission channel
felt the strangeness of the atmosphere in the valley and stopped at the same

Now not only Chen Jian but even Bi Su are all surprised.

It was Chen Jian ’s ability that failed to cut off Luping ’s first level; but it was his
means to fix Luping on the mountain wall.

Bi Su confirmed that Lu Ping was not a cold break, and he did not take Lu Ping
quite seriously, but if someone thought that he really did not put Lu Ping in his
eyes, he would be wrong.

A person who does not understand how dangerous it is can never live so long.

Those who thought that the arrogant arrogant people were only confused by his

The first time I saw Lu Ping, Bisu was very alert to this young man.

Because he would never think that the Qiushui Island master of the Miss Yue
College and the East Forest Gate Master of the Nantian College were two
different faces. What's more, the two men also brought the Academy's super
heroes this time. In such a situation, the two people can still be so embarrassed.
It is not a cold talk, but you can also look at them together. No matter how
young the opponent in front of him looks, no matter how ordinary and
inconspicuous he looks, Bi Su does not underestimate Lu Ping.

His seemingly dismissive shot was not so random. It is better to say that it is a
sneak attack.

He started first to be strong.

After discovering that Lu Ping was definitely not easy to deal with, he had
already launched an extremely violent blow between his voice, and in that blow,
he even used the power of Divine Seal. If it's an opponent he doesn't care
about, why should this be?

It is for this reason that Crisis at this time is even more surprised.

He didn't carelessly, he didn't release water. He used Shenwuyin to make a blow,

and surprised him a little without crushing Lu Ping to death. Even if it is not
fixed, Lu Ping actually got rid of the immortal seal of Shenwu Seal?

What I said is stuck. It seems that the embedding smashed into the mountain
wall is even more troublesome than Shenwuyin?
Bi Su thought of sweeping the mountain wall again, and soon felt that Lu Ping
was probably not a bluff. The beheading shot by Chen Jian cut across Luping's
neck, and the growing part cut to the mountain wall, which was just above
Luping's arms. Under all this, the mountain wall was broken. Just let Lu Ping's
arms be free. "Thank you" came out because of this.

This little devil is really tricky. Wall hanging face exposed surprised. The
prudence in my heart increased a bit.

Jiayun Valley.

Jiulonghuofeng firmly blocked Kuang Jie and his twenty students. In addition to
being unable to pass through the fire cell, the Kowloon Fire Seal does not hinder
any of their actions.

So they watched the Seven Stars order out, knowing that something must have
happened to the Academy, but they still had to worry about themselves in the

The disciples discussed a few plans, but they were all denied by Kwong. Some
students secretly refused to accept. Secretly went to try, so now in the Kowloon
Fire Seal, Kuang Jie and his 19 disciples, and a pile of ashes.

Without trying to break out, the Kowloon Fire Seal looks docile and abnormal.
No matter what power they play in the fire cell, the fire dragon and the fire seal
have no movement. But as soon as there was a little attempt to break through
the fire seal, it would immediately be met with a ruthless counterattack by the
Kowloon Fire Seal.

Last time it was an arm, and then a life. Now, no one dares to act lightly. Seeing
the Seven Stars ordered, everyone looked at Kwong Festival, hoping that the
teacher would have an idea.

Kwong Festival can only show the expression of helplessness and pain. Seeing
that the academy encountered a big crisis but was trapped here can do nothing.
For a loyal Beidou student, there is nothing more painful than this.
What can be done?

Kuang Jie actually never stopped thinking, but he still couldn't think of any way
to crack it. The Jiulonghuofeng in his cognition, no matter from the inside or the
outside, is unsolvable.

So he even let the disciples dispel the expectation of the people to save,
because in his view, someone came to save, the higher the chance is to let more
Beidoumen people trapped in the Kowloon fire seal.

Even if you can give these colleagues a little reminder! Kuang Jie thought. But
even this, he couldn't think of a way. The Kowloon Fire Seal completely shielded
their spirits, and they could not send any signal. With the inner eye alone,
nothing can be seen from the outside. This Nine Dragons Fire Seal has a very
good disguise, otherwise they will not be trapped.

As a result, after all, nothing can be done.

This feeling of powerlessness tortured Kuang Jie deeply, causing him to lift his
head unconsciously. As a result, a student suddenly shouted, "Someone is here."

Someone is coming? Friend or foe?

Kuang Jie heard the students talk and quickly looked up, and at this moment he
was looking forward to even giving them a broken enemy, instead of another
group of students who would be trapped in the fire of Kowloon.

But things went against the wish. Outside the fire, the dense fog of the Jiayun
Valley was pushed away by the heat wave. Appearing in their sight were seven
doormen of Beidou College, dressed in Tianshufeng costumes.

"It's Tianshufeng." Some students were excited. The doorman at the head of the
Seven Peaks made them dare to count on something.

Who is Tianshufeng? He didn't expect to be his own Kwong Festival. He was

coming from Tianshufeng, and there was some hope in his heart. He looked
carefully at the coming person.
Zhu Ling, Luo Conghan, Dainan, Lefeng Mountain, Li Ya, Qinghuai, Lou Jing.

The seven people who came here knew each Kwong Festival. Under Xu Lixue,
the first apprentice of Tianshufeng, no one is not excellent. But there is one
thing that everyone knows: Xu Lixuemen's next best, but in fact there are only
three Xu Lixuemen students. For the rest, they all wanted to vote under Xu
Lixue's door. Xu Lixue refused to accept them, but did not refuse to instruct
them occasionally. So many people have followed Xu Lixue so vaguely, and
become his strange but unknown door.

Even if it were only so, these people have become very good, it is because Xu
Lixue can teach people too. And his three real disciples are naturally better, and
some even say that the strength of those three is no longer under the seven

Of these seven, there is no real student of Xu Lixue. But Kuang Guang, who
recognized these seven people, realized the composition of the team from his
own understanding of the seven people.

This is a team that specializes in filling a shortage of his Kwong Festival. The
people who sent this team carefully considered the situation that Kwong Festival
might not be able to solve.

However, this situation is a fire in Kowloon!

They can't deal with Kwong Festival, but these seven people can make up for
their shortcomings, but this is not enough to cope with the Kowloon Fire Seal!

Don't come up together, never.

Kuang Jie screamed in his heart. They could see the situation outside the fire
cell, but the people outside the fire cell at this time saw only the stout fire
column hovering in the sky.

"Stop!" Outside the Kowloon fire seal, after seeing the pillar of fire, Zhu Ling
immediately waved to stop everyone's pace.
His gaze moved to the left and right, the mist around the pillar of fire was
dispelled by the heat wave, the scene was clear, but Kuang Guang and his door
were not traced around.

"They just arrived here and disappeared." Luo Conghan squatted down and
looked at the ground around him carefully. They came all the way, and there
were traces of Kuang Jie and his students passing by, but outside of this, there
was no more.

"It's weird." Luo Cong got up and looked at the pillar of fire.

"What trap killed them instantly?" Dai Nan said.

"Nine Dragon Fire Seal," someone said.

Kowloon fire seal? ! When Zhu Ling heard the name, his expression was slightly
sluggish, and he quickly looked at the pillar of fire again, but he dared not act

But Luo Conghan beside him jumped up.

"Who are you?" He yelled, and the force of the soul burst out of him with his
teeth. Zhu Ling quickly turned around, and the others, with a general burst of
courage, immediately encircled one of them.

They were seven people when they came, but now there are eight people. One
of them, no one knew, did not know when to come to them, until everyone just
spoke a word, everyone did not notice.

"Don't panic, yourself." The man who was surrounded by his eyes and was
about to be smashed by the power of several people looked like he panicked
first and hurriedly raised his hands to calm everyone down.

Everyone looked at it, this person was really wearing the clothes of Beidou
College, but this time, what can the clothes represent? All of them looked at
each other and only confirmed one thing: no one knew.
"Relying on the bottom, it is a famous loose repair of Nanshan Hengyuan." The
surrounded man quickly introduced himself.

"Fang Yizhu?" Luo Conghan listened to the name and seemed to remember
something. Everyone heard his tone and looked at him.

"Is it the one at Qixing who will try to bet against Qixing Ling?" Luo Conghan

"Eh, I said it was a bet, why did you say it was a cheat?" Fang Yizhu said.

"Why are you here?" Although Fang Yizhu's identity was recognized, his reality
was strange, and everyone still did not take it lightly.

"Isn't this the same as you guys?" Fang Yizhu said.

"It's so coincidentally here too?" Luo Conghan said.

"Isn't this because it's close?" Fang Yi was straight and strong.

Chapter 555 is really Brother

After Zhu Ling finished his speech, at first glance, the remaining six people
immediately understood. This was the opposite of Fang Yizhu's previous idea.
The seven of them did not try and threw this guy to try. If what he said is true, it
is nothing more than a number of loose repairs trapped in the Kowloon Fire
Seal, which is not a big loss for Beidou University.

"You guys will really make a difference." Fang Yizhu is still calming himself, and
Luo Conghan and Dainan who have stood behind him have flashed forward.
Both of them were careful with twelve points. As a result, they realized that
Fang Yizhu, who operated by the two, was evasive but superficial. The two
backhands prepared by the two each have three changes, one of which is
useless, but just reached forward and put the hand together, and then already
caught Fang Yi.

"Go! You have worked hard." The two smiled. After all, it is not entirely certain
that Fang Yizhu has a problem, so dare to do so just in case. Considering that it
may be wronged, Fang Yizhu, so everyone is a half-joking frame, so Fang Yizhu
was thrown out.

"Hate enough." Fang Yi in mid-air was filled with helpless face, pointing

Zhu Ling saw the interlaced fire dragon snare into the pillar of fire. Dainan had
to go to rescue quickly, but Luo Conghan was caught. Le Fengshan wanted to
play Fang Yizhu with his fist, but was dissuaded by Luo Conghan.

"Do you use transposition?" Luo Conghan said, looking at Fang Yizhu.

"Exactly." Fang Yizhu smiled modestly. But this humble look is abhorrent in the
eyes of six people. However, the transposition ... Although this ability does not
have any lethality, but it is extremely useful, it is a very difficult five-level ability.
Fang Yizhu is a loose repair. Although loose repair also has the right to go to the
Tianshu Tower to check the collection of cheats, but if you can master the fifth-
level abilities only by reading like this, what is the meaning of the existence of
the college and the teaching of the tutor?

The more difficult the ability is, the less changes there are in the book. What's
more, each person's strength is different, and the situations encountered when
practicing the same power are different. This is subtle, and there is no way to
find it in the books. It must be pointed out by an experienced instructor. It is
certainly not impossible to fumble and study by yourself, but it is hundreds of
times and thousands of times more difficult. In front of him, the person who
claimed to be a free repairer could master this fifth-level ability transposition.
This alone has done what these people do not dare to think about.

"Let's go." Luo Conghan said suddenly.

"Go?" The other five froze.

"The Kowloon Fire Seal is not something we can crack. Since it has been proven,
it is not helpful to stay too much. Send the news back sooner and let the college
make other arrangements. We can also support the Seven Star Order." Luo
Conghan said.

"Surely I should leave someone to stare here?" Le Fengshan, who had previously
fisted to fight Fang Yizhu, was not completely relieved by the other party, and he
doubted whether there was any conspiracy.

Seven people should follow Xu Lixue's arrangement

Headed by Zhu Ling, Zhu Ling now enters the Kowloon Fire Seal, and only six of
them can discuss everything. Luo Conghan's argument is reasonable, but Le
Fengshan's worry is not unreasonable. The six men discussed the soldiers in two
ways, leaning on the side but drifting coldly: "This is probably what the enemy

The six were stunned. If you think about it carefully, the effect of the Nine
Dragon Fire Seal is the limitation of the fire cell space. If this is the case
everywhere, then the intention to disperse the power of Beidou Academy is
obvious. They are now separated and stay on the side of the pillar of fire.
Although they are not trapped in the Kowloon Fire Seal, they have fully realized
the expectations of the enemy.

"Okay, you will go with us." Luo Conghan said. They are suspicious of each
other's leaning, so it shouldn't be a problem to bring Fang Yizhu around.

"I have something else." Fang Yizhu refused very simply.

"I'm afraid you can't do it anymore. Go and see the teacher with us first." Le
Fengshan said.

"Don't be suspicious of each other at this time. If I want to be against you, don't
show up just now. What other teachers do you see? Go to hell!" Fang Yizhu
rolled his eyes and scolded.

"You ..." Le Fengshan was angry again, and was pulled by Luo Conghan again.
"Let's go." Luo Conghan greeted everyone.

"Do you believe him?" Le Fengshan exclaimed.

"I sent a message to the teacher for instructions, which is what the teacher
meant." Luo Conghan said.

"Oh ..." It means Xu Lixue, Le Fengshan said no more, and the others no longer
have any opinions. Luo Conghan nodded to Fang Yizhu and hurriedly left with
others. Fang Yizhu just stood aside with a thorn, and ignored it. It wasn't until I
saw that all six had disappeared, Fang Yizhu's eyes rolled around dizzily, and
then his eyes turned aside: "Come out."

The grass hidden in the mist rustled, and it was not easy to walk out of the
person, with a straw hat on his head, looking at Fang Yizhu and smiling with a
smile: "This brother is really shameless, and I used my words again?"

"Do you really think your words are so useful? I ask you, do you know Mosen?"
Fang Yi said.

"Ah?" Morin froze, "Do you know my uncle?"

Fang Yizhu nodded: "He used to be my teacher."

"You came out of Fengfeng College?" Morin was shocked again.

"Good." Fang Yizhu nodded. The average person has not heard of the Fengfeng
College, but this person is the nephew of Mr. Mosen, knowing that his uncle's
college is naturally not surprising.

"I'm going, really brother!" Morin took off his straw hat and looked at the man
very seriously. (

Chapter 556 Because I Know Lu Ping

Mo Lin had been paying attention to Lu Ping's situation in the viewing seat, and
it was during this process that he recognized Fang Yizhu. But he only looked at
him from afar, and I don't know what the two said, but they just saw that they
are friends and enemies. So when Fang Yi saw Jiayun Valley going to check the
pillar of fire, he ambushed him decisively and reminded him. In order for Fang
Yizhu to believe in himself, Fang Yizhu's remarks to Luo Conghan and his group
"do not show up if they are malicious".

As a result, these words were instantly copied and used by Fang Yizhu. He also
saw Mo Lin's Mo Jiatian residual bloodline early in the morning, and he was also
from the Fengfeng Academy, which Mo Lin had never thought of at all. Re-
examine Fang Yizhu very seriously.

Fang Yizhu was quite calm. After listening to Mo Lin's exclamation, he just
responded casually: "Oh? You have also mixed in the Fengfeng College?"

"That's right." Morin said. After all, he joined the Fengfeng College more than a
month later, and he had ulterior motives. To say that he had no feelings for the
Fengfeng College. It was only during the rest of the month that he had some
very special experiences, which made him have a special thought about the
Fengfeng College and some of the people he met there. This thought made him
intimately close to the Fengfeng College.

However, Fang Yizhu, a graduate of the authentic Fengfeng Academy, didn't

seem to care much about it. He didn't wait until Mo Lin continued.

"It's not the point," he said. "The point I solemnly declare now is: don't you
think you helped me."

"What?" Mo Lin jumped up at the moment, and pointed to the step that Fang
Yizhu was about to take. "If it wasn't for me to remind you, you are trapped by
the Kowloon Fire!"

"Wrong, I have a plan. When I find something wrong, I will immediately use the
transposition to exchange with you, let you end like the guy just now." Fang
Yizhu said.
"Don't tell you that you knew I was hiding aside." Morin said.

"Of course I already knew."

"You know a fart!"

"I do know."

"How could you know?"

"I knew it before I entered Jiayun Valley."

"Fart, even Luping can't feel this far." Morin exclaimed.

The name that suddenly appeared in the conversation suddenly caused the two
to stop the dispute.

"Do you know Lu Ping?" Fang Yizhu said.

"Of course, otherwise why do you think I will help you? Haven't you seen you
and him seem to know a little bit? Really think you are a great brother?" Mo Lin
sneered angrily.

"Just because of this? Can you do it any more?" Fang Yi said.

"This reason is enough for me." Morin said.

"Is it?" Fang Yizhu's expression suddenly became a little serious, and looked at
Mo Lin very carefully, as if this was just the sight of him. But soon his eyes
turned away, looking at the pillar of fire.

The Nine Dragons Fire Seal also has custom-made camouflage. This ability
cannot be easily lifted. Cracking one by one will definitely require a lot of human
and time. The opponent has obviously considered that this is the home field of
Beidou Academy, so set up such a round to disperse and digest the power of
Beidou Academy.
"What do you know?" Fang Yizhu asked Mo Lin.

Morin shrugged.

He knew nothing. This is a big conspiracy against the Beidou Academy. How
much trust can they afford as an assassin and killer? They are almost all puppets,
and they only complete their tasks according to the signs and signals agreed in
advance, and they know nothing about it. They were the Beidou Academy who
had been pretending to be the Treasure Pavilion, but whether the whole thing
had anything to do with the Treasure Pavilion, Mo Lin found no clear clues.

Because he does not care about these. The last forty people left are the most
professional and courageous in their profession. They won't ask any reason, take
orders, do things, pay a penny, divide a force, nothing more.

After fleeing from Xiafeng City, Morin continued to work his old business.

Wanted by the Xuanjun Empire, which would be troublesome for anyone,

became a guarantee of quality for Moline's business. Tu Zhiling City Academy
Supervisory Board, killing the lord of Xiafeng City, the guy wanted to make the
Xuanjun Empire nationwide, the courage and strength, hardly anyone will

If this were not the case, it would be impossible to receive an invitation for this
mission based on Moline ’s previous name in the industry.

Go to the Beidou Academy at the top of the practice world to do things. Which
of the ordinary people dare to take up this task? Employers wo n’t ask for fun,
and it ’s impossible to spread heroic posts all over the world. From the
beginning, it was targeted, and then layer by layer. As for what was screened out
during the process, Morin also did not care or care.

He is not only famous now. After understanding the concise advantages that the
bloodline of the remnant of the sky will have in practice, he has made
breakthroughs again in the past nine months. Chongtian, the next step is to seek
breakthroughs in the four souls.
All of this took less than a year. This experience of Fengfeng Academy did allow
Moline to open a new door. At this time, he would never be arrogant, and he
would never be hurt by his bloodless power. He knew very well that his practice
could advance so rapidly, precisely because of his lack of a heavenly blood.

And this time he came to Beidou College for a mission, and he saw Lu Ping again.

He didn't care about the survival of Beidou College, but Lu Ping was a friend he
valued, including people who appeared to be Lu Ping's friends. Other than that,
he would ignore it. The origin of Fang Yizhufengfeng College is just a little more
intimate than the average stranger. Compared with Lu Ping, Xi Fan, Su Tang, Chu
Min, etc., it is still very distant.

Fang Yizhu didn't ask anything from Mo Lin. After a few simple sentences, he
didn't ask much.

Generally speaking, after entering the four colleges, the origins of the colleges in
the past will not be cherished much. Mo Lin thought Fang Yizhu was like this,
which is nothing to be surprised about.

But gradually, he felt that Fang Yizhu was a little strange.

He seems very contradictory.

He responded dull to the Fengfeng Academy, but seemed to care about Lu Ping;
he came to investigate the fire column in front of him, but he didn't seem to be
very concerned about the safety of Beidou College. When he was arguing with
himself, he was very timid and shameless; but at this time, it looked very deep
and looked like a big work.

"What do you want to know?" Morin couldn't help but asked Fang Yizhu.

"Do you want to gamble with me?" Fang Yizhu said.

"What bet?" Morin asked.

"Just bet on Luping we all know." Fang Yizhu said.

"Lu Ping?" Morin puzzled.

"Lu Ping went to Tianji Peak, just after the college released the Seven Star Order,
it also pointed to Tianji Peak." Fang Yizhu said.


"Let's bet, how many opponents Luping can knock down." Fang Yizhu said.

"Ha ha ha." Mo Lin smiled, he said confidently: "As many as he will beat down. I
bet you do not know how strong Lu Ping is."

This chapter stuck me for two days.

Chapter 557 The long-lost unknown

How strong is Lu Ping?

Many people have been surprised, shocked, and experienced, but in the end
they still cannot make an accurate judgment.

Xuanwu Biju is not limited to Xuanwu Academy, but it is the practice world that
focuses on the entire continent. Like him, he has worked with Zhou Tong. The
high-level cultivators who have been famous more than a hundred years ago
have not lived until now .

No one can show his qualifications and experience in front of Bi Su, and no one
dares to shake his mind in front of Bi Su. He really lived too long and knew too
much. Many people, many things, he can see through at a glance.

The power that Lu Ping uses is a sign, and with a single blow, he has already
seen it. After this blow, one of his students fell.

The wall is quiet. He saw Lu Ping's power, but he hadn't seen Lu Ping's depth.
This was originally a matter of perception for him. He can judge the information
that others cannot judge, because his experience is too rich.

But from Lu Ping, the power information he perceived was incomplete and

In his 180-year cultivator career, he has never encountered such a situation.

When he had this "unknown" experience last time, he couldn't remember it.

He forgot to remind for a while, but his disciples shot out in anger of witnessing
the knockdown of the same disciples.

Lu Ping's vocal sign followed, and at the same time, the force of courage rushed
to the three men, who attacked him.

He was late, but did not come first. His attack shattered the attack of the three,
and then hit the three.

The three flew out together, and all fell together, and there was no sound.

Bi Su continued to be surprised.

In the previous blow, it can be said that the student was caught by surprise. But
this time, the three disciples took the lead and the offensive took the lead. As a
result, Lu Ping, one enemy and three, crushed three people in front.

A sign, when did it become so scary?

The wall board became more and more incomprehensible.

He who can live for so long will not act rashly before making him feel
inexplicable. He remained silent, but the people in the valley became more after
his four students were knocked down.

There have been people entering the valley in the transmission channel, there
are Xuanwu College, there are Nantian and Queyue two colleges. It's just that
when I came in, I couldn't figure out the situation and no one gave them
instructions, so no further action was taken.

No action, but a voice.

Moving footsteps, asking the situation ...

With sound, Lu Ping can attack with one sign. I used to care only a few of the
people around Bisu, but I didn't care about it. At this time, his hands and feet
were freed, and after just hitting the three of them, the sign kept coming, and
the power of the soul rolled towards the stone forest.

As many sounds as there are attacks.

These three courtyard people who did not understand the situation were
suddenly devastated. After a wave of force, only two were standing. At that
moment, the two who happened to be silent and did not make any sound, were
not attacked by Lu Ping precisely.

In the case of ordinary people, I am afraid that they will be suspicious.

Otherwise, why was everyone knocked down, leaving them both?

Fortunately, the main thing is Bi Su, who sees through Luping's ability, and he is
not surprised that Lu Ping passed these two people.

This is not letting go, just that they do not meet the attack conditions of one

But they immediately met.

"Why ..." The two shouted in unison, without thinking, and Luping's attack
arrived without any politeness.

"What's going on ..." When the two fell together, they finished the remaining
two words with a weak tone.

Subi's hands shook slightly.

He not only realized the unknown, but also realized the unknown fear.

He once said that he wouldn't be afraid even if he talked coldly.

This is not a big deal.

Although he is not a realm of five souls, he is also infinitely close. In the end, he
still failed to complete this breakthrough. There are two reasons. One is that he
is too old. It is very difficult to maintain this spirit and physique. It is indeed
impossible to seek a breakthrough in this realm; another, but also a more critical
reason: the foundation of Subi is not well laid.

The book "A Brief History of the Soul" is of great significance to the
practitioners. After its birth, the cultivation of the soul has developed rapidly,
and the new realm through which the five souls are connected has also been
opened by these six strong men in the world.

But Bi Su did not have this great work yet when he embarked on a journey of
cultivation. He was later involved in the compilation of this great book, which
was lucky, but also sad. Many people found out that they had misunderstood
their understanding after the publication of "A Brief History of the Soul" and
couldn't repent. But Bisu was watching the road he once walked again and again
in the process of participating in the compilation, which was astray. At this time,
he has been famous for a long time, and his state is stable. It is harder and more
dangerous to correct your past misguided.

Finally, for 180 years of cultivation, Bisu failed to knock the door of the five souls
through the realm. However, based on his attainment of the four spirits, and the
super-skilled warrior of the Xuanwu Academy under his command, he is not
afraid of the six strong men. This is not a big word.

Unlike Yuan Fei and Cheng Luozhu, he had never seen a cold break and could
only infer the strength of the other party based on his own guesses. In addition
to the mysterious thieves, the six strong men have all seen and understood their

He is not afraid of the top six.

But right now, Lu Ping, such a young boy, made him feel terrified.

The power of the opponent's soul destroys the destructive power, so that the
students of the three major colleges and universities are as if they are paper-
shattered under his one sign. Is this all connected? Or is it all connected? He
could not judge that his 180 years of cultivation experience was completely
useless. He would not infer the strength of a person like Yuan Fei, that is not
how he lives to the present.

I must have missed something important.

Thinking about the wall.

Although Lu Ping has knocked down many people, but he has not done much.
With one sign, he only launched four times and swept everyone in the valley.

In addition to a sign, do you have any other means?

Bi Su stared at Lu Ping.

He will never make a noise, so Lu Ping certainly cannot attack himself with this
power, so what will this kid do?

The wall board is a little nervous, but there are also some expectations. This
kind of unknownness that hasn't been seen in a long time makes him tremble
and makes him excited. He did not lose confidence, he waited for the moment
to open Luping's strength.

Lu Ping raised his hand.

come yet!

Persevere and perceive.

What power is this time? What attack this time?

Sensation swept across, stupefied.

Is this ... still a sign?

The force of the soul rushed out, ignoring him, still rushing to the stone forest.

"Ah!" Screamed in the stone forest.

Bi Su looked back and saw a person who had just walked into the valley from
the transmission channel and was killed by Lu Ping at the moment of stepping
on the ground.

This kid ... wouldn't he want to stay in this valley all the time?

Chapter 558 Stands at the Node of History

This kid ... Is he trying to stay in the valley and kill as much as he wants?

Seeing Lu Ping's attack on the wall students who knocked him down, Wall Wall
had this idea. At that time, those who stopped him were retreated, and Bi Su
couldn't help it. If Lu Ping wants to escape from the valley, the chance is better.
He didn't, but after knocking down a few wall students, he attacked the stone
forest again.

And this is by no means to make up the knife when he is running away. After all
the people in the stone forest were knocked down, Lu Ping stopped. In the case
that Bi Su still did not move, waiting for another one to come in the
transmission channel, as he stepped into the valley, the sound of the footsteps
was taken down with one blow.

This intention cannot be more obvious. No matter how incredible it is, Lu Ping
showed that he was to stay in the valley.

"Boy ..." Bi Su suddenly said, as he expected, the voice just came out, and it
seemed that Lu Ping, who didn't hold him very much, immediately raised his
hand and screamed, the force of courage rushed towards him.

Of course, Bian Su, who knows the means of Luping, will not be hit with such
carelessness. He will speak and he is fully prepared. The force of the screaming
force rushed to the wall for more than a meter, and suddenly burst out. A seal
pattern appeared in the air. After the impact of this blow, the pattern seemed to
spread like scattered ink, but soon it gathered again and assembled a complete
pattern-two strange patterns, but they are ancient. " "Shenwu".

Lu Ping didn't know a few serious characters, not to mention this ancient seal.
Just to see that this attack is completely blocked, I naturally have to pay more
attention to this power. With his finger in front of him, he also waited for
another attack.

Bi Su did not go on.

I originally used the Shenwu Seal to protect and wanted to calmly say a word.
After the two words, Lu Ping's bombardment immediately made him uneasy.
The two palms were united in front of each other, and I did not know where the
Shenwuyin was drilled from. He tumbled up from behind him, and after two laps
above his head, the imprint faced forward, slightly. The ink that has just been
restored to the complete seal pattern flashes, and then it fades and eventually
seems to disappear. In fact, it was added by the wall to the Divine Martial Mark,
and it became stronger.

After doing this, Bi Su felt at ease in his heart.

Seeing Lu Ping killing several people, he didn't see any way out, and Bi Su
decided to give it a try. As a result, looking at the ink marks scattered by Lu Ping
in the air, Bi Su panicked at that time.

Experience it for yourself, how strong Lu Ping's courage is, how many times
better than seeing it.

This is by no means the destructive power of the four cohesive forces. No matter
which combination of four souls has been trained, it is impossible.
So no matter how impossible it is, there is only one answer.

Five Souls Connected!

The unbelievable young man in front of him is already a realm of five souls!

So Bi Su hurriedly stamped the mark of Shenwu. He is not afraid of the top six,
but this does not mean that he can calmly deal with the top six. Against the five
through the five souls, he only has the ability to fight by virtue of the super god
soldier. Seeing that Lu Ping was actually in this state, Bi Sufei quickly lowered his
figure and took a defensive posture.

As for the transmission channel ...

Bi Su looked back, and half of his body protruded from the black void. As long as
this foot falls on the ground, the sound will make Lu Ping start a sign. A sign that
the five souls penetrated the realm, is it true that these disciples have any realm
or ability at the touch of a touch, and they have been crushed by pure power
before they have time to show their skills and have the opportunity to recognize
their opponents' strength .

There is no way to remind them.

This is not because the threat of one sign can not let him speak, but because the
transmission channel and the place it is connected to are different spaces, no
matter whether it is ordinary speech or transmission-type abilities, there is no
way for them to hear.

The gatekeepers of the three colleges who entered the valley so unpreparedly,
there was really no chance in the face of Lu Ping's sign. Whoever is.

But this kid, if he really hits one, he should fall first, should he?

Even if it is a strong man with five souls, the power of the soul should have a
limit. But now Bisu just tried out the strength of Lu Ping's spirit, but he still
didn't know its depth. He could not judge how many times Luping could launch
a sign.
Do you allow the three colleges to fill their lives?

This was not the plan at the beginning! Multi-dimensional layout, inside and
outside, take advantage of the opportunity of the Beidou College Seven Stars to
test self-consumption, gather three colleges, and sneak into the Beidou College
from the transmission channel.

Layers of conditions have accumulated, and this should have been a struggle
with low casualties among the three colleges. If this is not the case, you have to
fight so badly that you have to destroy Beidou College? The determination of
the three colleges has not been so firm.

But now, the situation is changing in this direction.

It's all because of one person.

Not Lu Shenfeng, not the seven academicians, not the seven apostles, not any
well-known Jingmen of Beidou College, but a person who was not on the list of
the three colleges at all.

How to do it?

After living for more than 180 years, I have seen the walls of the wind and waves
that I do n’t know how much. At this moment, he is also somewhat uncertain,
because he knows that his next decision is likely to affect the fate of the four
colleges and affect the entire mainland The repair pattern.

But Lu Ping, who created this situation, had no self-knowledge. He didn't know
that he was standing at a node that could influence history.

Compared to Bisu, Luping seems to be the other extreme.

Bisu is a living master like a living fossil. He doesn't know it. He just thinks this
old man is very calm and very spicy.

What the three colleges are doing, he does not understand what kind of power
struggle is involved, just because he is caught on the side of Beidou College, and
the people he cares about are on the side of Beidou, so he stands alone here,
toward the three The University is endlessly attacking and throwing punches.

He didn't know any magic soldiers either. The famous super-grade magic soldier
Shen Wuyin just wandered around in front of his eyes. He only knew that this
magic soldier was a bit powerful, and he couldn't say where he came from.

His thoughts will not be so much, so complicated, so far-reaching.

He just looked at him.

There is a wall in front of him, an opponent he has not knocked down.

Bi Su just said two words, which made him use a sign.

As a result, this blow failed to hit, and Bi Su didn't make any sound immediately
after saying the two words, and he couldn't cast another sign.

So, of course, there is only another way of attacking yourself. Isn't this choice
very simple?

So just when Bisu thinks about the fate of the three colleges and thinks that his
own judgment will determine the direction of the cultivation world. Luping
threw a punch at him.

One sign can't be used, so naturally it will only be broken.

Pure Naruto.

There is a naval spirit strengthened by the militia blow horn company.

Another point is that Bi Su thought it was wrong.

This is not the five spirits through, this is the spirit of the six spirits through the
Live in the wall long enough, and have enough experience. But he still didn't
know how big the world was.

Chapter 559 Newcomers

Punch out.


The sound of piercing the air pierced through the valley echoed. I just stepped
into the valley from the transmission channel, and I heard this sound in my

Qu Fang is a member of Nantian Academy, and has three spirits. This identity
and strength can be respected anywhere on the mainland. However, in this
operation, such as Qu Fang is the most inconspicuous. In this operation, the
three major colleges have done their best. The top powerhouses in Nantian
Simen who lacked the five islands and the five islands of Xuanwu and Qisu all
came in most of them. Of course, the premise is to successfully open the
transmission channel that can pass through the seven yuan solution.

At this time, the channel has been opened.

The gatekeepers of the three colleges are continuing to go directly into the
hinterland of Beidou College through the transmission channel. This action has
been successful for most of the time, and everyone thinks so.

The same is true of Qu Fang. His strength is insignificant for the entire operation,
and his participation is a great recognition for him. With excitement and
enthusiasm, he crossed the transmission channel and stepped into the valley,
but in his ears, it was such a broken sound that he had never heard, echoing in
the valley.

Qu Fang quickly looked around, the puncher was an unknown teenager, and
there were no obvious signs of the four colleges in his clothes. This situation, no
matter which of the four colleges, only means one thing: a newcomer. Only
newcomers are temporarily unqualified to wear clothing symbolizing the four

When I heard the sound of breaking the air, I was a little nervous, and I laughed.

See newcomers here so soon? Has Beidou College been so embarrassed?

Poor newcomer, will he die miserably?

Qu Fang hesitated to shoot. Wanting to send a newcomer is just a piece of cake,

and you should n’t need to add a lot to yourself, it will seem a little bit of your

Thinking, Qu Fang's eyes had already glanced at this side-his partner, Lu Ping's

"Wan ... Teacher Bi Su?" Qu Fang shouted in silence.

A fresh and unripe newcomer, the opponent who is throwing his fists, turned
out to be Bisu Teacher?

This made Qu Fang a little unbearable. He decided not to look down on Bi Su,
but rather a newcomer who had no qualifications and no reason to let Bi Su
teachers do it.

But at this moment, the roaring spirit of Lu Ping bumped into the Divine Martial
Seal that was guarding the wall.

The ink showed that the two ancient characters of "Shenwu" condensed in the
sky, towering and upright, like a peak that could not be exceeded.

Lu Ping's Soul of Pity couldn't be easily overtaken. It began to climb. Following

the trajectory under the two-character pen, Ming Ping's flow was running,
running wildly.

"Bold!" Qu Fang shouted, preparing to shoot. The look on the wall here has

In the previous sign, the attack was very strong and the destructive power was
amazing, but there was no rule, just a bunch of courage, and then it came over.

From Bisu's point of view, this is because the opponent's state is higher, and
bullying the small, naturally does not require much effort, only to throw it over
with courage, can you stop it? Unstoppable.

But this time, there is only one kind of soul, the spirit of soul. But this time,
there are rules and skills in the power of the soul. The soul of Ming Ming spread
on the Divine Mark. The solidity of the Divine Mark can't resist its invasion.
From outside to inside, and from inside to outside, it destroys the structure of
abilities and shatters the power of abilities in abilities.

What is this trick?

He has compiled "A Brief History of the Soul", and has the richest cultivation
experience and experience of the entire continent. I never knew that with the
help of the soul of the area, such damage can be caused.

In the blink of an eye, the soul of Ming Ming has walked through all the strokes
of the word "Shenwu", and in a blink of an eye, the ink of the two words began
to loosen.

The Immortal Mark can't support it?

The Seal of Divine Martial Art was to be destroyed by this blow?

The horrible fact was that Suju had recovered, and he hurriedly folded his hands
together again. Shenwuyin, floating above his head, adjusted his position and
covered it with another chapter. The ink that was about to collapse was
immediately stabilized and repaired, and it clearly stood in the air again.

There is not much left to pass through the soul of Naruto. After another sign of
Divine Martial Immortality was cast in Bisu, this dead soul of Naruto was eaten
by the seal of Shenwu.
Bi Su stopped the blow. But screaming loudly, he was preparing to send the ant's
music to the teacher of Bisu, the arm raised, the strength of the gathered spirit,
but it finally failed.

He is not a fool, he can see the situation just now.

The defense in front of Teacher Bi Su should be the famous immortal mark. Even
the four masters of their Nantian Academy could not be easily destroyed.

But just now, the newcomer's fist made the mark of Divine Martial Arts look like
a candle in the wind. Teacher Bi Su hurriedly added another note, so it seems
that if it were not made up again, would this immortal mark be broken by this

How can this be?

Qu Fang didn't believe it, but he didn't dare to shoot again.

If it is a single blow that can break the strength of the Divine Mark, hitting him
should be just a piece of cake!

Moreover, the teacher of Bisu is also very solemn. This kid should not be as
simple as a newcomer?

Qu Fang didn't pay attention to the three college gatemen around him until this
time. Previously, I only thought that there was a fierce battle for the opening of
the transmission channel. At this moment, it seemed that Qu Fang found out
that all the people who fell on the ground were from the three colleges, but
Beidou College didn't even have one.

Is it possible that all the people who were knocked down around were done by
him alone?

At this moment, Qu Fang had the urge to escape back to the transmission
channel. But he knew he couldn't do this, and there were still the gatekeepers of
the three colleges entering the transmission channel. Like Qu Fang, with a good
mood, looking forward to completion.

"Hey." The person who came smiled at the sun and saw silly standing next to the
transmission channel, first greeted him with a smile. Then he glanced at the
valley, and the three courtyard gatemen who were all over the ground, let him
look a little sad. Then he saw Bisu, then Luping, and then Luping threw his fist at

Passing a blow didn't destroy the Divine Mark, but Lu Ping could only see it, if it
wasn't for Bi Su, he added another one.

So he punched again.

When the right fist was swung out, the left fist was ready to go, and he was
going to use a continuous pass to completely destroy the immortal mark of Bisu.

However, his intentions could not escape the eyes of the wall. In the eyes of Bi
Su, Lu Ping's punch was almost vulgar.

But Bi Su is more clear than Lu Ping and he are not boxing skills.

This kid, want to use speed to break the mark of Shenwu?

This idea is really naive to Bisu. The immortal mark, which is not an ability
played by Bisu in essence, is played by the super magical soldier immortal mark.

This kid, actually want to compare the speed of supernatural magic soldiers to
display abilities?

Very good, then come!

Acting cautiously for more than 180 years, he suddenly ignited a bear heart at
this moment.

The greatest value of the super-grade Divine Soldier lies in the ability to control
the soul without failing, and exerting abilities.
Are people better than this?

Bi Su felt that he had already won.

Chapter 560 Guidance after death

"What is this ... what?"

Zhou Zhe, who walked into the valley from the transmission channel with a
smile of sunshine, was dumbfounded and asked the side of the song.

"You ask me, who do I ask?" Qu Fang said.

"This is ... the soul of Ming?" Zhou Zhe said with uncertainty. He is in a state
where the four souls are connected, and making this judgment is obviously
stronger than the three souls, but now he wants to be confirmed here.

"Probably ..." Qu Fang was originally still not sure about his own judgment. He
wanted to ask Zhou Zhe for advice. As a result, when he heard Zhou Zhe's
unsure judgment, wasn't it exactly the same as himself?

Naruto Soul, of course, Naruto Soul, indeed, except for Naruto Soul, can't
perceive any other power of Naruto.

But it is just the soul of the soul, dare to challenge the teacher Bi Su, almost
broke the mark of Divine Martial Arts?

Zhou Zhe came a little late and did n’t see Lu Ping ’s previous punch. He was
originally surprised that such a little devil who knew nothing about heaven and
earth was thick. The ink marks of Shenwu's imprint were blown away.

"Who is this kid!" Zhou Zhe screamed in surprise.

"Don't ask me any more!" Qu Fang just thought Zhou Zhe was annoying.
At this time, the new one has also walked out of the tunnel. His expression
changes almost exactly the same as Qu Fang and Zhou Zhe, from joy to surprise
to daze.

"What's going on?" He asked.

Of course Qu Fang and Zhou Zhe can only be silent, they stare at Lu Ping.

Punch, punch, punch.

Lu Ping speeded up the frequency of the attack. The sound of the right fist was
still unabated, and the left fist was immediately followed.

Naruto's power is in his body, to be precise, it is spinning fast, smoothly and

rhythmically within the imprisonment of ecstasy. That's the rhythm of passing,
and the soul of Ming, still in imprisonment, has started to operate in the form of
this power.

This is something that Luping could never do in the past. In the past, he could
control the power of the soul to form an ability. 'S authenticity is limited. But
now, he can actually control the power of the soul to complete the change in the
Ecstasy Lock Soul, and then just speed up and find the space to release as many
abilities as possible at this time.

This all benefited from the strength of Guo Youdao who stayed in his body. The
formation of the sky-swapping power, once let Luping not control his own
strength. In his efforts to overcome this, trying to grasp this change, this force
exerted the courage to steal the sky and change the sun, but he was exhausted
over time. Lu Ping discovered at this time that he had unconsciously made such
a change in the way he controlled the spirit.

This change should not have happened. It is common sense that ecstasy is not a
barrier. The cultivator who was imprisoned by the ecstasy was not able to feel
the power of his soul, but was blocked and unable to take it out. They are
completely unaware of the power of the soul and the existence of Ecstasy.

But Lu Ping, he did not consistently maintain a state of complete imprisonment.

During the organization, the experiments he experienced were all about
releasing the power of his body. During this time and again, his body gradually
remembered the power of the soul, and gradually felt the existence of Ecstasy.
Ecstasy lock soul gradually became a barrier for him, a barrier between him and
the power of the soul.

At Fengfeng College, Lu Ping drilled the barrier, but it was extremely limited. The
self-reliance he gained was just the free time that allowed him to control his
soul freely. At other times, through the high wall of ecstasy, he spent three years
to make the ecstasy do something to move, move more and more quickly, so
fast that the ecstasy can not keep up, so With free time.

In the process of digesting Guo Youdao's stealing days, he made a powerful leap.
Even before this, he actually had some accumulation in this area, but it was
unconscious after all. But in the process of digesting Guo Youdao for stealing the
sky and changing the day, he tried his best to concentrate on grasping the power
of the soul inside the imprisoned spirit.

The complexities of stealing the sky and changing the day, and constantly
changing the copying changes made by Lu Ping's soul, become the best textbook
of Lu Ping.

Guo Youdao brought Lu Ping to the Fengfeng College for three years. He did not
give special care to Lu Ping. This is not that he does not want to guide Lu Ping,
but that he has been looking for ways to help Lu Ping during these three years.

And he finally did it. After he died, what he left behind completed a crucial
instruction for Lu Ping.

Lu Ping achieved a breakthrough. He knew this very well himself, and one sign
was actually a good proof. With his previous state, it is impossible to fully
master such high-level abilities. He can only master part of the rhythm and
changes of the power. Therefore, he did not practice Quyin Tun, but he
controlled the dying Soul by the part of the rhythm controlled by the dying Soul.
, Speed These two almost basic changes achieve the effect. Of course, the speed
of Lu Ping's soul is far beyond the cultivator's cognition, which is the most
fundamental reason why his soul can produce such changes.
Now, he can master more complex changes.

At the same time, it also means that his control of the power of the soul is more
satisfactory, and he can already let him gallop in the restraint of the ecstasy.

The rest of the work is just to throw out the abilities that have been cast from
the gap.

Whether it is efficiency, power, or continuity, it has greatly improved. The spirit

of consumption is reduced.

Just control the rhythm!

Punch, punch, punch again!

Luping alternated left and right punches, and Ming Zhiling punched out with one
punch. The sound of breaking the air is endless, and it echoes in the valley. The
previous one is connected to the last one, layer by layer, and it stretches

Shen Wuyin, who was above the wall shrinking head, also started to run faster,
spinning and printing, silent, but closely following Lu Ping's rhythm of punching.
The Divine Mark, blocked between the two, is constantly being hit. "Shenwu" no
longer has the opportunity to restore the complete glyph, like a spate of ink
dragons, claws and teeth.

The three people standing beside the teleportation were dumbfounded.

Afterwards, the fourth, fifth, and sixth people who walked into the valley were

No one does not know Bi Su, does not know Shenwuyin; no one can see that Lu
Ping punched out, only the soul of Ming, single soul.

In this way, the two actually evenly matched each other?

No, it should not be said.

On the scene, it was obviously that the kid was attacking and the teacher Bi Su
was guarding. This young man has the upper hand and suppresses the teacher
of the wall?

"What are you stupidly standing for? Help !!!!" Suddenly someone came back
and yelled. More than a dozen people have reunited in the valley from the
transmission channel, and they were all stunned and just watching. Until this
moment, no one woke up like a dream.

No matter how strong this boy is, no matter how surprising it is, is he an enemy
right now? Is it an enemy, should it be overthrown?

Chapter 651 The Focus Is Not You

The fourteen elites from the three colleges finally recovered and finally realized
that they did not travel to Beidou College.

Although there is only one opponent in front of him, he still looks like a young
boy. But they are not here to participate in some point meeting, they are here to
destroy. This is a killing without fairness, only strong and weak.

To bully less? Bullying? This is best!


I don't know who shouted. The fourteen people who had recovered from God all
shot together, some of them had to be posted to attack, and some had a means
in the distance. The power of the soul in the stone forest bloomed and surging.
It was just before the power of the soul flooded, but it was all kinds of sounds:
shouting, footsteps, friction sounds giving way to each other ...

No one cares about these sounds, everyone is focusing on their abilities. But in
Lu Ping's ears, the sound is a signal that allows him to cast a premise. At the first
time he noticed the changes here, he played a sign. These messy various sounds
were quickly locked into one goal after another.

Lu Ping, who was punching at Bisu, said that he would stop, and suddenly
turned around and flew his fingers towards Shilin.

There are even more difficult walls to deal with. Lu Ping has no time and energy
to spend too much on this side. He skipped the steps of screening and
distinguishing sounds and directly locked. There are as many attacks as there are
sound sources at once.

Dense rain-like force popped from his fingertips, rushed into the stone forest,
hitting people, hitting rocks, hitting dry grass, hitting the ground ...

Almost all sound-emitting directions were covered by Lu Ping's one-sound

attack. The gravel in the stone forest spattered and the grass flew up, screaming
and screaming one after another.

Lu Ping ignored this side, turned back, and Ming Zhifu punched out again.

Is this guy still human? ! !

I just thought that I could take a breath, and just took a deep breath, just
inhaled, and I just got stuck in my throat.

He knows the characteristics of Yisheng.

Use sound to target, and make an automatic tracking attack. This sentence is
easier said than done. First of all, the super high Naruto perception, otherwise
why target in many voices? Battles are not always silent, but they can produce
sounds for you to lock. Secondly, launch a precise attack on the lock sound,
which requires extremely fast speed. The sound is fleeting. Identify, lock, and
attack. All this must be done in an instant. With such a high demand, it is
already amazing to be able to make an attack. It was terrifying that Luping could
knock down three or five people in one wave.

But now, Lu Ping's attack was not only directed at those fourteen people, but
clearly all the sounds in the stone forest were locked and targeted. The specific
number is too large to tell. Is this still a sign? When did the sign become such a
coverable attack?

And so much of the power of speed and destructive power broke out in an
instant, the power of this guy's power is simply bottomless!

Thinking of this, Bi Su couldn't help but looked up at the spinning Wuwu Yin.

Lu Ping's fist is fast, and Ming's spirits alternately blasted out, leaving Shenwu's
imprint completely unshaped, but these attacks were eventually blocked. The
speed of Lu Ping's spreading and breaking, Mu Shenyin completely kept up. Two
to two power, do not know why tired of the super-grade magic soldier will
eventually win.

Because of this, Bisu has considerable self-confidence.

But now, after discovering that the strength of Lu Ping's soul is far beyond his
imagination, Bisu realizes a problem.

This contest is not just Lu Ping and Shen Wu Yin. There is still one of him in this

Lu Ping's power is not bottomed out, and Lu Ping's ability is as fast as a super
hero. Shen Wuyin can keep up with the speed of Luping's ability, so what about
him? Is the strength of his soul so deep?

Bi Su is worthy of Bi Su, a problem that everyone may ignore, and he realized it

in detail.

The super soldiers will exert their own power, and the way to control the power
is also perfect. Therefore, the consumption of superpowers will not be
exacerbated by reinforcement like ordinary soldiers, but will be more precise
and perfect control, and it will save much more than the repairers themselves
control. It can only support the power of the soul consumed in the five-minute
battle. After using the super god soldier, you can fight for seven minutes, eight
minutes or more.
Therefore, all cultivators will only consider whether a super-powered magical
soldier fits their own power, and no one will ever worry about whether their
power is sufficient when using super-powered magical power.

As long as the Super Soldier fits the owner, it is not a burden, but a
comprehensive gain. In the war of attrition, the advantages of using super-grade
magic soldiers are particularly exaggerated. It is effortless and effortless, and it is
already invincible in any way. If Bi Su fights with the six strong men, he will
definitely find a way to drag the battle into this situation and use the Divine Seal
to bring down his opponent.

Lu Ping has been regarded as a five-pass series by him, and what he thinks of
dealing with Lu Ping is this idea. As a result, Lu Ping made him worry-free.
Without his layout and guidance, he sent himself to the door to fight with him.
One can imagine the mood at the wall at that moment. He was more than
confident, he was just stealing music.

But now, he is not happy.

He was very worried that his courage would be exhausted before Lu Ping. In this
matchup, Lu Ping didn't lose, and Shen Wuyin didn't lose. In the end, it was his
basalt Qisu, who had cultivating and accumulating for 180 years. When using the
super-grade Divine Soldier, he lost to his opponent?

This is impossible!

Subconsciously jumped out of this answer in the wall. His 180 years of
knowledge and experience made him come to this answer without thinking. But
then again, he was going to painfully correct this thought of taking it for
granted. He was really very likely to consume the energy before Luping.

Naruto's broken air continued.

After a devastating attack on Shi Lin, Lu Ping continued to focus his fist on Bisu,
and continued to pursue the fist to break the mark of Shenwu. The ink traces
continued to twitch with open teeth and claws. The Shenwuyin continued to
rotate and seal quickly. Some people walked in the transmission channel and
continued to be dazed by what they saw in shock.

Only this time no one was in a daze for a long time, and soon someone got a
move, because Bisu gave his eyes and gave a clear signal: he can't always
support this way, he needs help.

"Teacher Bi Su!" Cried the doorman who came up for help, and then flew out.
The aftermath of the force of power dispersed in the stone forest.

One sign, one sign, one way to come and go. The technique is not so clever, the
shot is not concealed. But it's so fast that no one can stop it; besides, it's
ruthless, so ruthless.

In a blink of an eye, three more people came in from the transmission channel.
More and more people are dead in the stone forest, and there is even a new
height because of the base beside the transmission channel.

The walls are still in place, and he is now riding a tiger. When Lu Ping's attacks
continued, he could only block them, using the Divine Mark to block them. He
didn't dare to make a little noise, because Lu Ping had the spare time to initiate
a sign. What would happen if I added another sign at the moment when Ming
Zhi's soul blasted his miraculous mark? Wall Suddenly dare not try.

Can't go on like this.

Bi Su thought, he needs his brain, which has accumulated 180 years of

experience, to come up with a way, but I do n’t know Lu Ping, who has not much

Can't go on like this.

Lu Ping is also thinking.

His daring power is unfathomable and inestimable. This is from the conjecture
of Bi Su, because of the existence of Ecstasy, he cannot accurately perceive the
inference made by Lu Ping's power.
But Lu Ping always knows how long it takes for his energy to consume energy.

Although the strength of the six souls is deep, there is still an ecstasy. Just want
to drill the soul of Ecstasy, Lu Ping's power needs to retain more than half. More
than half of the consumption, even with the power of the soul, will be firmly
shut down by the Ecstasy.

Now he has been using Naruto, which is now the lifeblood of Luping's strength.
Listening to breaking is the soul of Ming, passing breaking is the soul of Ming,
and the core of the launch of the sound sign is also Ming.

So he doesn't want to consume too much in the wall accommodation. His goal is
not just to knock down the old man in front of him. His goal is as huge as Bi Su
guessed: he wants to stop here, kill as many people as he enters the valley. The
wall is only one of these people, where he has exhausted combat power, how
can it be?

Quickly defeat him.

Lu Ping has always been holding this kind of thinking. The pass break was not
enough, the pass break was not enough, Lu Ping immediately made changes.

He walked forward.

There is a distance of a few meters between him and the wall, and the two have
been fighting cattle in the air. He took a step forward, one step closer to the
wall, and his screaming soul rushed one less step. Shortening the distance
shortens the time. The fist is still continually coming out, and suddenly the blast
of Ming Zhi's soul suddenly took a step closer, and the rotation and imprint of
the god Wuyin above Bisu's head also followed a step faster.

One step change, Shenwuyin can keep up. But Lu Ping's footsteps didn't stop.
After taking one step after another, he made a fist while approaching the wall
very quickly. Shenwuyin's rotation and imprinting have become a ghost image.

The rhythm improvement brought by the count, Shenwuyin still can keep up.
But Bisu couldn't keep up.

This change not only fights for consumption, but also fights for speed. Lu
Pingkuai and Shenwuyin are fast, but Bisu is stepping up in succession in Luping,
and in the rhythm of rapid attack, he can't keep up with the speed of controlling
the power of the soul to support Shenwuyin.

The Shenwu printing is still the imprint of the word "Shenwu". But this seal, the
supply of the power of courage was so slight that it was too late to replenish the
wall. It seemed that some faint ink seals had been disintegrated in an instant,
and it seemed to sink into the water in the air.

Divine Mark, breakthrough!

At this time, the wall board is too late to do anything. Only the instinct of the
body is acting, he has to retreat.

With this retreat, there was a voice.

Call out!

Too late, too late. Losing the rhythm of the wall, the move is slow. Although I
thought of a sign attack during the retreat, it was still too late to cast the
immortal mark as a defense. Lu Ping is still moving, and his rhythm is still further
improved. Bi Su could not chase back, and could not chase it back at all.

In one sign, he was hitting the right foot of Bisu's retreat.

With this blow, Bi Su's right foot was completely gone, but Bi Su gritted his teeth
and said nothing. He didn't lose his balance, his body was still stable. He was
born in Xuanwu, and the martial arts practice of 180 years made his
undercarriage solid and terrible. One foot and one foot are far more stable and
stable than many people.

Lu Ping did not pay attention to these details at all, or he was not paying
attention to the wall.
Because Bisu is not a threat, the more annoying is the magic mark above his
head, which is the opponent who makes Lu Ping feel dreaded and threatened.

The right hand slammed Bi Su's right foot, and Lu Ping's left hand grabbed Shen
Wuyin still floating on Bi Su's head.

Losing his right foot, the wall of the hard bone was shocked again by Lu Ping's

Just grab the super heroes?

What is a super hero?

When you are already dead?

Bi Su held his anger, he wanted to roar, but the threat of a sign made him have
to endure it, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

Fortunately, the roar did not affect his behavior. He watched Lu Ping grab the
Divine Seal on his left hand, and the customized abilities from Bao Bao had been
released on the Divine Seal.

A group of crimson force, as if the flame jumped on the Divine Seal.

Lotus brand!

Bi Su stared at Lu Ping's left hand coldly, waiting for it to disappear like his own
right foot.

No results!

At the same time that the lotus brand burned up, Lu Ping had already exerted
his means, as if he had long known that there would be such a trick on the
Shenwu seal.

His left hand caught the Shenwuyin, and the power of the scarlet soul
penetrated into his palm. His hand is still there, and the lotus imprint does not
seem to be attacking Luping, but it seems to be absorbed by Luping's left palm.


Bian Su was dumbfounded, but fortunately he didn't want to be as distracted as

the guy coming in through the tunnel. The Shen Wuyin, held by Lu Ping,
suddenly flickered lightly.

The word "Shenwu" flew out slightly and fell on the power of the scarlet soul,
which immediately seemed to be a sharp blade in full bloom, and immediately
punctured Luping's left palm.

Blood spilled.

Disappear! Bi Su continued to look at Lu Ping's left hand.

Not even yet! Lu Ping's left hand continued to hold Shenwuyin forcefully, and
the black chain suddenly flew out of that palm at this time, entangled the lotus
brand, and strangled Shenwuyin.

this is?

Bi Su was shocked.

In the short period of time in the valley, he had been surprised how many times,
but no one could match this time.

At a glance he could see the ecstasy of the black chain.

This little devil, with such customization?

This means that the power he has shown so far is under the restraint of Ecstasy?

Five souls connected?

This kid has six souls connected! If it's not the limit, it's just six souls. If there are
seven souls and eight spirits, the wall is willing to believe.


The stunned guys who came to the tunnel through the wall looked to tell them
out loud.

But suddenly his head was knocked by a hard object, making his eyes dark. In a
dizziness, I felt a sweet swell in my nose.

He glanced dimly at the last glance, and he saw that Lu Ping was holding the
Shenwu Seal, his hand was being raised, and blood seemed to drip on the
Shenwu Seal.

You ... was overturned by Shen Wuyin?

You ... when this is brick?

Dachangzhang, the keyboard has no electricity!

Chapter 652: Yaoguang Guarding the Mountain Gate

Chapter 652: Yaoguang Guarding the Mountain Gate

The wall board fell.

Lu Ping was slightly relieved, although the role of Shen Wuyin made him feel
more difficult. But the Divine Soldier still needs people to play a role. After the
wall was overthrown, although the lotus mark on the Shenwu Seal continued to
burn, the Shenwu Seal was slowly digested and could no longer be replenished.

The black iron chain of the Ecstasy Lock Soul also disappeared. The burning of
the Lotus Brand is not strengthened by the immortal imprint, and it is not so
much strengthened for the Ecstasy Lock Soul. When Lu Ping just opened his
emptiness, Ecstasy was enough to block the power of the soul it released. The
power of the red, burning like a flame, did little harm to Lu Ping. But in the eyes
of others, the lotus brand is always burning, in Luping's hands. But he grabbed it
with bare hands like nothing else. In the power of the burning spirit, the blood
drops fell from the corner of Shenwuyin.

This scene can only be described as fierce in the eyes of the tribesmen!

The magnificent super-skilled soldiers and martial arts, even hitting people's
heads directly as bricks, is not a non-human beast, how can it be so barbaric?

So when Lu Ping looked at them, everyone couldn't help but tremble in their

Everyone who enters the valley will first be attracted by the contest between Lu
Ping and Bi Su. Immediately after recognizing the wall, you will be shocked.
Looking at the surrounding corpses, not the three colleges, only Luping will be
close to the terrible truth.

And now, even Bi Su has been knocked down.

He was taken away by the Shenwuyin, which was under his control, and the
blood was knocked down.

Who will not pay attention to Lu Ping?

Who dares to look down on Lu Ping?

No one will.

But it's useless. Lu Ping never cared about other people's attitude towards him.
To despise, or pay attention to, as long as he needs to knock down the
opponent, then his action will only raise his fist, very few words.

At this time he threw a fist.

After knocking down the wall, without complacentness, without threats and
intimidation, he just beat.

Without sound, he broke through. Passing can't stop, blocking is dead. If you
hide, there will be a sound. If there is a sound, it is a sign. If you ca n’t hide a
sign, you can block it, but it ’s useless. It can be blocked only by super-grade god
soldiers such as Tian Luo Jing and Shen Wu Yin. Bi Su still hasn't had time to tell
the people of the three colleges. The opponent in front of him is not the three,
four, and five spirits, but the unprecedented and unheard of six spirits.

In front of the Six Souls, the power of these three Souls and the Four Souls are
all paper, and the paper that is torn once poke, is torn by the Six Souls, and
becomes waste paper.

The people of the three colleges kept falling down like this, pile by pile. What's
more sad is that the situation here can't always be transmitted into the
transmission channel. The large three-door people fell down, and the endless
three-door people walked in happily ...

It's a bit tiring to keep going like this. However, Lu Ping did not know how many
people would come from the three colleges. I do n’t know if after knocking
down this one, there would be no more people coming out of the transmission

So, go ahead! Hold on! Fight until you can't move! At that time, it was no
problem to run again.

Behind Lu Ping is the entrance to the valley. The path of the three colleges he
was blocking was also his own retreat. He didn't plan to die here. When he
couldn't help it, he ran first, and Lu Ping wouldn't hesitate about it.

Such a fight in the valley is aside from the wall, it is hardly a battle. The
gatekeepers of all three colleges have no resistance. Most of them were knocked
down by Lu Ping before they could understand the situation.

The power of the soul and the corpses of all directions filled the whole valley.

Outside the valley, Tianshu Peak.

Yuan Fei, Cheng Luozhu, Shang Ling, Ren Xuexing, the four top characters of the
three colleges, plus a student under the roof Xu Chuan, who led the three
colleges and universities, after leaving the valley, take the Tianxuan Peak. To
make any stay, he went straight to Tianshu Peak.

This is the established route in their plan, which was carefully selected. In the
case of the scattered personnel of Beidou College, no effective resistance was
encountered along the way. Occasional encounters were wiped out silently
under the influence of several masters and many elites.

Beidou College is anxious to close the gap on Tianji Peak, but the three fast-
moving colleges have slipped into such a team of people before the Beidou

Tianshu Peak, the head of the Seven Peaks, was also negligent at this time. The
Tianshumen who were stationed at the foot of the mountain were killed before
any warning was issued. A team of people quickly rushed up, five-sevenths, the
gas of persecution was pervasive, the Seventh Kill Hall of the Beidou Academy's
treasure house was here, but the elite of the three academies did not stay
alone, and the most was only towards the gray The misty, Qisongtang, which
was far in isolation between heaven and earth, glanced.

Qishentang is not their goal.

They went straight to Tianshu Peak with only one goal-Tianshu Tower.

On this day, the first floor and the first hall on the summit are all important
places of Beidou University. The guardians of Tianshu and the guards of the
Seven Kills who guarded the two places existed outside the general system of
the college. They are strong, but they only take care of the two places and do
not listen to any orders other than the Seven Star Order. Even if it is the Seven
Star Order, if the landlord of the Tianshu or the host of the Seven Kills believes
that it is necessary to stay behind, there is the right to not listen.

In this building, Tianshu Building is named after Tianshu.

Tianshu is also the head of Beidou Qifeng. The pivot has a central and key
meaning. Compared with the Seven Kills Hall, Tianshu Tower is the top priority.

This principle is understood by Beidou College, as are the other three colleges.

Because Tianshulou is hidden in the classics of cultivation.

The magic soldier can make a cultivator strong, but it is something outside of
him. However, practicing classics can fundamentally change a person.

This is the real heritage of Beidou University. As long as there is this building,
Beidou Academy will not be destroyed even if it is destroyed for a while. Sooner
or later, there will be a new generation of strong men, like those prestigious
predecessors in the history of Beidou Academy, who will develop into a
powerful force in the Tianshu Tower, learn powerful abilities, and lead Beidou
Academy back to the peak.

Therefore, to destroy Beidou College, Tianshu Building must be destroyed.

As long as there is Tianshu Tower, Beidou College is an endless wild grass.

There are thousands of magical soldiers in the Seven Kills Hall. An ordinary
person is thrown in and still comes out as an ordinary person; Tianshu Tower can
breed strong generations after generations.

Therefore, this place must be captured.

Therefore, this place, Beidou Academy will never give up its defense completely.
Especially at this special moment when the college is in chaos, even if there is a
seven-star order, the Tianshu Building will not open the door wide and let
anyone invade.

So the three colleges gathered elites as soon as they came up.

The four academician-level masters, although Yuan Fei was unable to play with
injuries, but it was enough to break into Tianshu Tower, right?
They thought so, but there was still a trace of anxiety in their hearts. After all, no
one had played against Tianshu Master. Like the Seven Guards, they will not
leave Beidou College to walk on the mainland, so no one knows their strength.

What kind of opponents will you meet here?

Tianshu Tower was already in front of me, and there were several steps.
Everyone stepped up quickly, but a figure had already appeared at the top of the

Everyone stopped suddenly and looked up, but the figure standing on the steps
was not as strange as they thought.

The figure standing at the top is looking at them.

There are many people, and there are faces she knows and even knows. But she
was not surprised, nor did she show retreat and fear, but said a word lightly.

"Try one step further."

For thousands of years, there is only one sentence that Beidou College has been
circulating and has not changed.

Yaoguang guarded the mountain gate. (

Chapter 563 Coincidence and Coincidence

Academician Ruan Qingzhu of Yaoguang has already removed her robe of

academician Yaoguang who lit Yaoguang star extremely brightly, just a simple
cloth, but this persevering and strong expression, but with her guarding the
Beidou Mountain Gate It is generally the same in these ten years.

Dozens of elders from the four academicians of the three colleges stood at the
bottom of the stone steps, facing Ruan Qingzhu alone, and suddenly felt that
they encountered great resistance. This is the power of Ruan Qingzhu's soul.
This is a strong temperament that has been trained for more than ten years to
protect the Beidou Mountain Gate.

Ruan Qingzhu's expression was indifferent. After he said that, his eyes swept
over the faces of dozens of people under the stone steps.

Anyone who is familiar with Ruan Qingzhu knows that she has always had her
righteousness. When she was really angry and terrible, she was always

Cheng Luozhu's expression was a bit sad.

She and Ruan Qingzhu have been friends for decades, and even today, she will
not deny this. Although the four colleges are fighting openly and secretly, in
frequent exchanges, there are only a lot of people who form friendships like
them. But now, they and the Beidou Academy completely broke their skins and
met each other.

Ruan Qingzhu is the Beidou College

Although the identity of Academician Yaoguang is no longer there. But this

famous hero was not awarded to Ruan Qingzhu because of her status as Ruan
Shi, but she was recognized by the magic soldier with her strength.

"Be careful!" Cheng Luozhu looked awkward.

Academician-level characters are top experts, and there are few opportunities
for them to do their best. So their figures of this level, although the magic
weapon is famous. But to what extent is it strong, there are very few people
who can come up. Cheng Luozhu also knows her strength and magical soldiers
through decades of friendship with Ruan Qingzhu.

The green flag stops, around the bamboo.

Ruan Qingzhu's miraculous soldiers and abilities coincided with the green and
bamboo in her name. Is this a coincidence or a coincidence? The power of the
soul is so mysterious that no one can say a word. In short, very strong. Even if
Cheng Luozhu holds the Tianluo mirror, he cannot ignore it.

Cheng Luozhu looked carefully, but Ren Xuexing beside him seemed to hear a

"Sister sister and academician Ruan have a good relationship, let me take the
lead!" Ren Xuexing said. Their four generations of Nantian masters share the
same door, so they are commensurate with each other. Ren Xuexing had just
played against Ruan Qingzhu. Although they didn't pose any threat to each
other in the end, he only lost half of the money. His control of the power of the
soul was cut off by Ruan Qingzhu in the middle and calmly resolved. There are
masters on the scene, there is nothing to understand.

Ren Xuexing felt uncomfortable in his heart, and listened to Cheng Luozhen's call
to be careful, even more impatient. He knew that Cheng Luozhu had a great
relationship with Ruan Qingzhu. Just now, he really understood the difficulty of
Cheng Luozhu and didn't want her to do it. It's just that the mood is wrong, the
tone is bad, and it just happens to be in conflict with Cheng Luozhu's opinion. It
sounds like the secret of Cheng Luozhu's personal love.

Cheng Luozhu was angry, but he still focused on the overall situation. Seeing
that Ren Xuexing wanted to rush upward, he still stepped forward and
persuaded: "Brother, don't be impulsive."

"Master Cheng, there are so many of us, there is no reason to be stopped by

Ruan Qingzhu alone, I think you are too worried. Let's not let the master be
alone, everyone together." Xia Jindao Island Master's Order of the Miss Yue
College , Then spoke. It was just talking together, but there was no movement at
all. After so much ado, Ren Xuexing has already shot again.

After Ren Xuexing's previous shot, there was already a roll of bamboo slips in his
hand. At this time, he waved his hands into a circle, and then the bamboo slips
were thrown away, and a circle was formed in front of him. With a swipe of the
finger, one of the bamboo slips suddenly flew out of the bamboo slips, turned
into golden light, and flew towards Ruan Qingzhu.

Ren Xuexing studied in Nantian College in his early years, and he was also a
small family of practice. After learning one's skills at Nantian University, Ren
Xuexing practiced his own blood following abilities. Originally on the infamous
abilities 6 of Big Six, after he was repeatedly transformed, he finally gained great
popularity. And this god soldier Yu Shanjian is also his family's legendary soldier,
and the ability to match the Jane is the best complement.


Ruan Qingzhu's miraculous ability is exactly the same as his name, and he is not
unclear. But to talk about the fit, what can be compared with the blood-sentient
family psychic soldiers?

If the similarity between the name and the magical ability is considered an
advantage, then Ren Xuexing will only think that he is stronger.

"Ill!" He drank in his mouth, three fingers flicked out, and three pieces of
bamboo slips, flew together after the previous piece. Only under the cover of
the previous piece of gold, the three bamboo slips that flew out suddenly

Chapter 564 Afterwards

Ruan Qingzhu, a former academician of Beidou University, and a director of the

west gate of Nantian University.

In addition to the six strong players who are connected through five souls, they
are the cultivators who represent the highest level of cultivation on this
continent. It is the person closest to all five souls in the eyes of everyone.

At this time, the two played against each other and there was no temptation.
Each shot is an ability that he is good at, a magician at the bottom of the box.
For Beidou College, this is their autumn.

For the three major colleges, the face has been torn, and the success or failure is
in one fell swoop.

Both sides have no retreat, why do we need to make reservations at this time?

The bamboo slips were flying, Ren Xuexing was like an electric figure, and he
had rushed through several stone steps in the blink of an eye, but Ruan Qingzhu,
who was standing at the top, still had no movement.

Ren Xuexing was not surprised. He is just a starting hand now, if this can force
the academician Yaoguang academician to be in a hurry, then he will be a little

Yes, in Ren Xuexing's heart, the opponent is the academician Yao Guang. What
he cares about is the strength that has been recognized for a long time, at least
the score, it does not matter.

Seven floors!

Ren Xuexing didn't see it, but he already counted the stone steps under his
heart, and there are seven layers under his eyes. For them, such powerful
people, this is just a half step away. But there is a Ruan Qingzhu standing above,
trying to cross the seven stone steps, but it is not so easy. The offensive and
defensive actions of both sides will unfold all within the distance of these seven

So, why not start with a strong one?

Ren Xuexing, who locked his eyes firmly on Ruan Qingzhu's movements, saw her
fingers move slightly and immediately waved her hands to Yushan Jian.

The bamboo slips in his hand suddenly grew suddenly, as if the peacock was
opening in full bloom, and countless pieces of bamboo flew up into the air,
turning into golden streamers and falling straight down. The seven-story stone
steps, and even Ruan Qingzhu, and the seven steps on her left and right behind
her, are all covered by the golden stream of rain.

This is the real killing trick issued by Ren Xuexing's Jane-for Jane to Fan.

Covered by such killing tricks, Ruan Qingzhu finally got a move. The green flag
stopped with one hand suddenly pulled up, and the green flag stretched against
the wind, but it was lifted into the sky and covered the sky. At the same time,
the line drawn by the spear pointed up a sharp cold light, cutting straight down
the seven-story stone steps.

The rest of the three colleges who were still behind Ren Xuexing saw that this
stern blow had already rushed to evade, but Ren Xuexing only stood still.

If he wants to move forward, he will never step back!


The Yushan Jane snapped in his hand, and the Gengen Bamboo Jane opened in
the front row, like a suspension bridge. The shot provoked by Ruan Qingzhu's
spearpoint was from bottom to top, and Yushan Jane made a buckle, which
immediately pressed the shot down. The bamboo slips were rooted and beaten
by this blow, but none of them were damaged. Ren Xuexing had already jumped
up and landed on Jane. The seven-story stone steps have been paved by this
Yushan Jian, a swaying, unstable, but unbreakable passage.

Ren Xuexing stepped on the bamboo slip bridge, and rushed towards Ruan
Qingzhu with those bamboo simplified works.

The turbulent blue waves that the green flag stopped waving had taken away
many golden lights falling over it, but it seemed that there was no power to
obstruct the Ren Xuexing that was forced into the middle.

The distance of the stone steps of the seven layers, half a step away, without
obstruction, Ren Xuexing has slipped along the bamboo slip to Ruan Qingzhu's
body in the blink of an eye. Only a few changes have taken place. Yushan
simplified the golden light and changed the suspension bridge. He was already
empty in his hand, and his virtual hands were waving forward like this. It does
not look like a threat.

Ruan Qingzhu also looked as usual, not at all in danger. Ren Xuexing opened his
mouth slightly, as if to say something, who wanted a sudden golden light in his
mouth, and a bamboo slip was suddenly bitten by him in his mouth. The left and
right hands in the virtual grip are also bamboo slips, with golden light, following
the action of Ren Xuexing, attacking Ruan Qingzhu's key from three directions.

Ruan Qingzhu's expression finally changed at this moment.

She has been resisting the three bamboo slips that disappeared under the cover
of the golden light. But I never imagined that the attack that started with the
hand was not a temptation, nor a temptation, but a backstroke and a killing trick
that was hidden until the end!

The whole set of changes was done in one go, and the final three pieces of
bamboo slips, the lethality of this blow suddenly increased by many times.
Unarmed attacks, and attacks carried by possessing magic soldiers, can never be
on an order.

The three bamboo slips and three orientations were fully exposed at the last
moment. The moment the three bamboo slips were revealed, Ruan Qingzhu
discovered that his movements had been locked. The effect of this last blow is
not just the assassination towards the key point. This last blow seals her
movements and seals her soul. Even if these three bamboo slips are not in the
middle, the golden color of the bamboo slips is also Enough to kill her in all her
blocked situations.

"It turns out that this is the legendary three simple words." Ruan Qingzhu said.

She has also heard of the means of the westward gatekeeper of the Nantang

Three simple words is a must-have skill in its legend. To pronounce "three

silences", the word is to replace the "缄" with the "Jane" in the jade of Yubing,
which is used by Ren Xuexing.
This blow is enough for the average opponent to complete the kill. But for Ruan
Qingzhu and other powerful opponents, more meaning is being blocked. The
orientation of the three bamboo slips, in addition to pointing the point, formed
a customized, blocked customization.

So here, everything is over. If it were n’t for biting a bamboo slip, Ren Xuexing
was already smiling, but behind him came a shout, Cheng Luozhu ’s voice.

"Beware!" Cheng Luozhu shouted.

Ren Xuexing sighed a little under his heart. He understood Cheng Luozhu's mood
and didn't blame her for worrying about opponents at this time. When I was at
Beidou University, why didn't I make thick friends?

But he can't stop, everything is for Nantian.


He was silent in his heart, but he didn't want to shout "beware" with Cheng
Luozhu's voice, even more than her voice. Among the countless sounds that
followed, there were clearly his disciples, but they had no reason to worry about
Ruan Qingzhu. Are they worrying about themselves?

Everything is only in a flash.

Three bamboo slips appeared, and the sound of Cheng Luozhu sounded at the
same time. Other people's voices were only slightly slower, and only those with
such strengths as Ren Xuexing could hear that they could have the opportunity
to do such well-defined psychological activities.

Beware ... is to make him watchful.

He understood in a flash.

But Ruan Qingzhu was in front of him and his eyes, no movement, or no
movement, she had been sealed by her three Jane's mouth.
So the attack was before this, it had been launched before, but at this time it
became a means of change, or a post-stroke.


When Ren Xuexing flashed the thought, his back was slightly cool.

Everyone behind him could see clearly.

Ruan Qingzhu's attack before Qingqi stopped was turned down by Ren Xuexing's
Yu Qingjian into a suspension bridge. But the energy of this blow, even after
cutting through the suspension bridge, turned upward and chased the back of
Ren Xuexing.

The distance of seven stone steps is half a step away.

Ren Xuexing is fast, but Ruan Qingzhu's attack is not slow at all.

Three pieces of bamboo appeared, and the suspension bridge pressed down to
attack and chase around.

At the same time as the three Jane's mouth started, Ruan Qingzhu's methods
also broke out.

It's a detour, but it's faster and more direct than Sanjianqikou.

The green flag stopped, around the bamboo, and hesitated under Yaoguang

I did n’t change it yesterday. It ’s not this card. I ’ve already thought about this
part. It was really last week that I went out and went out and I was tired and
vomited ...

Chapter 655: Try One Step Forward

The sharp gun blue flag stopped. Weapons of more than two meters in length, in
such a close-knit situation, did not show any stagnation at all.

However, this blow was early in Ren Xuexing's expectation, and he only wanted
to save his life. Twelve points of energy have been put on defense. The Yushan
Jane and the force of the spirit gathered by him intercepted his back and
attacked, but he did not forget to protect him.

The blow from the front was not like the cold light and the poison behind him.
The release of the turbulent force was a fatal blow, but Ren Xuexing was already

Pappa ...

The successive crunchy sounds were like popping beans. Pieces of bamboo slips
exploded in front of Ren Xuexing. Ren Xuexing stepped back and wanted to
unload the blow. But Ruan Qingzhu has already made changes. The green flag
stopped hitting, but it was just adjusting the direction. The next shot was the
direct attack, which released the green flag's stopping power to the greatest


Ren Xuexing only felt that his eyes were full of blue light.

Where is the gun? He couldn't see it.

His defense collapsed just after the smash, and this sting went straight to the
middle house. Qingqi stopped more than two meters in length, and finally
showed it most vividly in this hit. No matter how quickly Ren Xuexing retreated,
he could not escape the blow of this blow.

As a result, at this moment, a piece of light suddenly spread out and protected
before Ren Xuexing. Without any color, it is like a spot cast by a mirror reflecting
sunlight into a dark place.

The blue light hit the light spot, but did not explode the sound generated by the
previous force. This flare is like a prison cage, not fighting against Ruan
Qingzhu's soul, but restraining it.

"Tian Luo Jing ..." Ruan Qingzhu knew at a glance. And she knows what the
advantages of Chaopin Shenbing are. She fights the power with Chaopin
Shenbing. No one will do such a thing except Lu Ping.

Ruan Qingzhu immediately closed his hands. Most of the power of this blow was
intercepted and resolved by Tian Luo Jing, but there were also a small part. Tian
Luo Jing didn't have time to intercept and hit Ren Xuexing.

Ren Xuexing, who had already retreated, flew faster. The layers of stone steps he
rushed up in a blink of an eye and flew back in a blink of an eye.

Try one step further.

Ruan Qingzhu said this way, she always said what she did.

So the westbound gatekeeper of Nantian College rushed forward as many steps

as it did backward.

"Teacher!" Ren Xuexing fell to the crowd, and some students had already caught
and stabilized.

Ren Xuexing's face is like gold paper, and his power is disordered. His back has
been stained with blood, and the blood stains continue to expand. A student
hurriedly took the medicine, and Ren Xuexing opened his mouth to take it, but
the result was that a mouthful of blood was sprayed out first. The two disciples
who supported him left and right suddenly felt that Ren Xuexing's body was
much heavier and he could not support it.

This is the unreserved duel of the top powers.

Their attack, his means, can be sentenced to life and death within a minute. If
Ren Xuexing had Cheng Chengzhu to help in time, he was already a dead person
at this time, and no one would doubt this. But this does not mean that there is a
big gap between the two. The difference of a few centimetres is not an
insurmountable gap. Once again, another person may fall down, be hit hard, or
even die.

Because of this, although the three colleges came up with a top character and
hurt some morale, it was also limited.

By comparison, Ren Xuexing's disciples were stricken with revenge because their
teacher was hit hard. They rushed together in a hurry. This time it was Yuan
Feidao, who lacked Yue College, and waved to stop everyone.

"Don't be impulsive, the more this time, the less we can carelessly." Yuan Fei
said. His injury was no less than that of Ren Xuexing, but his consciousness was
completely sober. As one of the leaders of the three major academies who first
entered the Beidou College, he began to plan and deploy step by step from the
moment he entered the Beidou College. Even so, he was seriously injured by an
accidental Lu Ping, almost ruining their plans.

Such an accident, Yuan Fei did not want to meet again for the second time. Lu
Ping must have been cooked in the valley at this time, but what about here?

This is the Tianshu Tower, a first-class place for Beidou University. The legendary
Tianshu Fellow is also a first-rate master of Beidou College. But now, only Ruan
Qingzhu is in front of them?

Even if she had just hit Ren Xuexing, Yuan Fei didn't think Ruan Qingzhu had a
good chance of facing so many of them.

It is impossible for Beidou University to hand over the Tianshu Tower to Ruan
Qingzhu. What are they planning? Is there any trap here?

After all, the Beidou Academy is not in the dark before, and the Seven Star
Order has been released. They must have realized how serious the situation is.
The situation of the Tianshu Tower now makes people feel abnormal.

"Here is the Tianshu Building." Yuan Fei only used this sentence to make
everyone immediately understand what he wanted to express.
"So don't be impulsive, don't be messy. Focus our strongest strength and move
forward step by step." Yuan Fei said.

"That's right." Xu Chuan, the leader of Xuanwu College, nodded, and those who
lacked Yue College naturally supported the judgment of Yuan Feidao. At Nantian
College, Ren Xuexing was seriously injured. What he could make up his mind
was Cheng Luozhu, who had a close relationship with Ruan Qingzhu.

Her expression seemed to have some melancholy, but she actually had the same
idea as Yuan Fei.

Qingzhu, what is your idea? She looked at Ruan Qingzhu above the stone steps.

Ruan Qingzhu didn't look at her. Her indifferent and firm expression never
appeared in the process of the two people's dealings.

"Let's go together." Cheng Luozhu finally expressed his position.

Without impatience, one stone step at a time. The three colleges gathered all
the people and started to go up and forward to test the weight of Ruan
Qingzhu's sentence.

Chapter 566: Round Cong Bamboo

Even if the time is tight, even if Ren Xianxing of Nantian College was seriously
injured. After all, the people of the three colleges still sighed. All of them took a
steady pace together and walked up the stone steps to approach Ruan Qingzhu
step by step.

Ruan Qingzhu looked the same, but he still sighed slightly.

This is the worst situation. The other party controlled his emotions very well.
The number of people is their obvious advantage, so now they have to take
advantage of it, step by step.
Ruan Qingzhu gripped Qingqi's hand tightly.

She didn't think about the odds. Since she is standing here, there is only one
way the other party wants to pass from here.

bring it on!

She thought to herself, but instead of looking at her opponent, she drifted into
the distance.

There is the direction of Yaoguang Peak. Yaoguang Peak is the farthest away
from Tianshu Peak. From this position, the master with the strongest vision can
see nothing.

Ruan Qingzhu has been looking over there. She didn't have to really see that the
grass and trees of Yao Guangfeng were as clear as they were carved in her mind.

For seventeen years, she guarded Yao Guangfeng and guarded the gateway of
the entire Beidou College.

At this time, she was guarding the Tianshu Tower and the foundation of the
entire Beidou College.

all the same.

The mountain gate of Shou Yaoguang Peak is no different from the Shoutianshu
Tower. As long as she is still standing, it will not let people take a half step.

Ruan Qingzhu withdrew his gaze and looked at the three colleges who were
approaching step by step. This time, she gave Cheng Luozhu an extra glance.

Cheng Luozhu heart sank.

This is Ruan Qingzhu's usual refreshment. Even if the two friends were hostile in
life and death this time, she didn't drag her a little bit, and she didn't have a bit
of hypocrisy.
Cheng Luozhu originally had a hint of fantasy. Hope Ruan Qingzhu can be
persuaded. But this one. Said nothing. But everything has been said.

This is a decisive decision and a farewell.

Ruan Qingzhu will fight!

Others seemed to feel something strange, and after Ruan Qingzhu's glance, they
all looked towards Cheng Luozhu.

Cheng Luozhu took a deep breath.

She was supposed to be more prepared than Ruan Qingzhu, but at this point,
she found that she was still not as happy as Ruan Qingzhu.

It is useless to think too much.

She looked up and looked directly at Ruan Qingzhu.

Ruan Qingzhu's eyes can be removed. Because she has many opponents. But
Cheng Luozhu, her eyes should only be locked on Ruan Qingzhu, because her
opponent, now only this one.

"Go on," she said softly.

The tone is not heavy, more like saying to yourself, this is her determination.

Others listened to her, but as a command. At this time, they were just seven
steps away from Ruan Qingzhu. It was the distance that Fang Cairen tried to
break through, but was hit by Ruan Qingzhu.

"Go on," someone shouted.

It seems to be a cry to encourage morale, but in fact this sound "goes up". It is
already a savage ability.

Sound up!
Naruto's attack is like a hood. With this sudden sound, he buckled towards Ruan
Qingzhu from above.

The attack begins.

There was only one voice, but there were far more than one.

The three members of Xuanwu Academy, each exhibiting martial arts, left, right,
and up, hit Ruan Qingzhu from three directions.

The three of the lack of academy attacked one with "sound-up". This power
enveloped the road. The other two, ability shots, each took a left and right arc
attack, but it was a retreat to intercept Ruan Qingzhu.

Nantian College also took the lead. In the shape of an inverted triangle, each of
them exploded with a powerful force, limiting Ruan Qingzhu's lateral movement

Nine shots at a time, nine attacks.

This is not over. After nine people, there are still nine people ready to make up
for the knife; after making nine people, there are nine more people, so

Above the stone steps, the people of the three colleges stood tightly, but at the
start, they found that there was enough space between everyone, and no one
had hindered anyone from exerting their means.

They did settle down completely. Above this stone step, the layout of the attack
could no longer be better than them.

All of Ruan Qingzhu's activity spaces have been blocked by attacks, at least in
their eyes.

In Ruan Qingzhu's eyes, at least for now.

The three colleges are not the same. But the coordination of their attacks is
almost seamless. Powerful people of this level seem to no longer need to
communicate too much, and they can achieve complementary cooperation
based on mutual perception of strength.

They stared at Ruan Qingzhu closely, and they would not miss any action of
Ruan Qingzhu.

As a result, Ruan Qingzhu's movements were generous and she didn't hide her
tuck at all. She turned her wrists, and the sharp flag green flag stopped, and the
green flag fluttered in the wind.

Everyone's sight, either first or second, was momentarily blocked by the green
flag, and there was a moment when Ruan Qingzhu disappeared from their sight.

Everyone is a master. This moment aroused everyone's alertness. Everyone

quickly adjusted at that moment, or looked for a perspective, or strengthened
perception, in order to continue to capture Ruan Qingzhu's movements.

Ruan Qingzhu's movements are still not hidden, and it is easy to be stared at.
She seems to be just waving a gun and dancing flags.

But the nine people who launched the first wave of attacks have been stunned.

Their attack has been chaotic.

The nine attacks that originally worked perfectly to limit Ruan Qingzhu's
movements suddenly became messy after the green flag fluttered, making them
embarrassed by the mess. The original first-class cooperation suddenly seemed
to be uncooperative.


Everyone was a master, and for a moment, he immediately realized the reason.

The waving and covering of the green flag are not arbitrary. Their adjustments
after being blocked were all guided by Ruan Qingzhu, and their cooperation was
chaotic by the dancing of the green flag.

Nine people are busy adjusting, and the latter nine are busy keeping up.

The green flag is still dancing, but its secrets have been seen through. This time
the gatekeepers of the three colleges are firmly implementing their established

The rightmost Xuanwu disciple, his sight was blocked again for the moment. Last
time he fine-tuned his figure, but the result was that the bull's head was not
right and the horse's mouth was wrong. This time he didn't move, and he kept

"Beware." He heard someone shouting.

The voice was clear, and the courageous soul pointed to it, just to him.


Suddenly, Qing Qi had passed, and Qing Qi's gun tail had swept to his chest.
Immediately after the piece of blue light passed by, it was accompanied by the
sound of "beware".

There are thousands of coping methods in his heart, but at this moment he was
too late.

Qingqi stopped his gun and pointed at him. The force of courage was like a
heavy punch, which directly smashed his chest. He fell, or flew out? Ruan
Qingzhu ignored it.

The green flag continued to fly, among the crowd of the three colleges. The
place where Qingguang passed through was like a piece of bamboo forest.

Around Congzhu, hence the name. (

Chapter 567 Breaking the Game

Chapter 567 Breaking the Game

This is the real strength of Ruan Qingzhu.

This is the true usage of the bamboo.

The kind of change in the fight with Ren Xuexing is only Ruan Qingzhu's
experienced judgment and control, but it is not the real magical use of Congzhu.

Obviously, Congzhu is a perfect ability for one enemy. This ability requires no
helpers at all. Because the helper will also be wrapped around the clump
bamboo, the clump bamboo will also be unable to be fully displayed because it
has to take care of its own people.

No wonder Ruan Qingzhu will be the academician of Yaoguang who guards the
mountain gate. No wonder Ruan Qingzhu will stand alone here.

Everyone feels that they have mastered the truth, but how to break it?

In an instant, Ruan Qingzhu had already hit three people. Such an unreserved
blow from a strong man, who was not killed on the spot, immediately lost his
fighting power. Ruan Qingzhu alone actually stopped all the people from the
three colleges. The green flags fluttered and the green bamboos were
overgrown. These people seemed to be nothing but embellishments in the
bamboo forest, which seemed to have no effect on Ruan Qingzhu.

"Master Chengmen, haven't you shot yet?" A cold whizzing voice drifted into
Cheng Luozhu's ear. The Shang of the Virtue College made the island owner look
at her coldly.

Cheng Luozhu's strength and Shang Ling and other top personalities are also
between Bo Zhong, but at this time she is carrying the super-grade Shenbing
Tian Luo Jing, and will naturally be expected to have more high hopes. Right
now, he hasn't made a shot, and it is uncomfortable to attract people's
daydreams. The relationship between Cheng Luozhu and Ruan Qingzhu is no

But Cheng Luozhu didn't move after hearing this.

She had already made up her mind not to shoot, just because she didn't find a
suitable opportunity. Shang Ling's implied urgency made her very
uncomfortable, and she was in a terrible mood.

She glanced at Shang Ling, and the coldness in her eyes caused Shang Ling to
close her mouth immediately, and her eyes turned back.

"Everyone breaks up first!" The merchant ordered the battle.

Cheng Luozhu sneered.

If you want to go, you want to go, if you want to go away, what do you think of
Ruan Qingzhu's bamboo?

Sure enough, the people who wanted to disperse at this time could not be as
happy as if they were lost in the dense bamboo forest. In the previous efforts to
siege, there was still a situation, but after listening to Shang Ling ’s instructions,
he wanted to disperse, but it was a mess.

Shang Ling only felt that his head was scorched. He was also a one-man method,
but he didn't know how to use it at the moment. He looked at Cheng Luozhu
again. This time, his eyes were more sincere. That was his sincere expectation
that Cheng Luozhu could change the situation. At present, only he and Cheng
Luozhu are the top players in the town.

Cheng Luozhu finally did not look at him coldly this time, and finally shot.

Not Tian Luo Jing, but an Guqin, suspended in midair, lying in front of Cheng

Although the super hero is strong, it is necessary to choose the right time to use.
Cheng Luozhu did not use Tian Luo Jing at this time, but this Guqin was also
famous, and she was her magical soldier, Pingsha. Cheng Luozhu waved his
hand, pointing at the strings and stroking across the mountains.

Everyone listened, his heart was palpitated. The gleaming blue and bamboo
shadows seemed to tremble in a single sound.

"Retreat!" Cheng Luozhu said aside, his fingers flicked again, but the sound was
extremely clear. Everyone who was dizzy by the bamboo forest in the green flag
seemed to see a quiet path in the bamboo forest extending towards a bright

Everyone hurriedly set foot on this path, the sound of the piano continued all
the way, the bamboo forest was shaking, and the cold murderousness contained
yet another harmony.

Suddenly, the path has come to an end.

The mountain is still that mountain, and the stone steps are still that stone

Everyone woke up like a dream, looking back, above the stone steps, Ruan
Qingzhu and Cheng Luozhu separated left and right, facing each other.

Neither Congzhu Bamboo nor Ten-Finger Palace Merchants are illusions, but in
the process of these two abilities playing and confronting, everyone actually
sank into a state of illusion.

Many people in the three colleges felt deeply at the same time that they were
all in the same state, but there was still a big gap between them and the two
characters standing at the top.

"Teacher ..." Shang Ling's disciple leaned beside him.

The same is the big man who runs through the top of the four souls. When the
merchant was facing Ruan Qingzhu's circling bamboo, he was a little
embarrassed. Finally Cheng Chengzhu solved the game, and he did not use the
super quality soldier.
Shang Ling nodded slightly, looking at the look, did not seem to be
uncomfortable because he was compared with Cheng Luozhu.

"Don't intervene," he ordered.

It is common sense that many people are powerful. But when they just faced
Ruan Qingzhu, they were crowded, but they became a constraint.

Congzhuzhu ...

Shang Ling recalled the ability of Ruan Qingzhu, who had just learned it. He had
no friendship with Ruan Qingzhu, and he only heard about the method of the
former academician Yao Guang.

He was silent, staring at the confronting Ruan Qingzhu and Cheng Luozhu. The
cold light hidden in the sleeves of his play suit flickered flickering.

Tianquan Peak.

After the large-scale star landing pointed here, Xu Mai, the dean of Beidou
University, and three academician-level big figures, academician Song Yuan and
Tian Quan, academician Tian Xuan, rushed here.

Chen Jiu is the most anxious. The stars falling on the Tianquan Peak, are not
many people who died or injured his Tianquan Peak's door?

Just looking at the stars, even the academicians cannot tell who the life star is.
Usually this requires the Tianquan Peak Observatory to confirm and notify the
whole hospital. Only this time, the star-gazing station had no news.

Tian Quanfeng must have happened, everyone is thinking this way. Especially
when the Qiku was stolen not long ago, in addition to house thieves, there is no
second possibility. Tian Quanfeng's internal problems have been exposed to the
surface, but after Jin Qi's crime, he temporarily digested this wind of suspicion
of mutual distrust.

However, several academicians were clear after all. Jin Qi was sacrificed. The
force lurking in Tianquan Peak is still there today, and no clues have been found

Now, are these guys doing business?

Are the thirty-two pillars of fire deployed by these people?

The group of people who rushed to Tianquanfeng had many doubts along the

"Who are you on the peak now?" Xu Mai asked Chen Jiu.

"Uh ..." Chen Jiu couldn't answer.

Among the academicians, he really can't talk about diligence. Tian Quanfeng's
many trivial matters, Jin Qi takes care of more. The person who can call out all
the names of Tian Quanfeng's doormen is Jin Qi, never him.

In this regard, Xu Mai seems to be surprised. Seeing that Chen Jiu could not
speak, he immediately stopped asking, but Song Yuan snorted in dissatisfaction.

The three led some of their doormen and quickly reached Tianquan Peak.

No one is standing at the foot of the mountain. Because of the Seven Stars test,
the Dingben people of the peaks are thinner, and the star falls of this scale have
occurred. The doormen on the Tianquan Peak naturally need to find out first.
Only now, there is no return?

"Go to the observatory." Xu Mai said, and the group hurried towards the

Some things have happened recently. The update to number six may be
unstable. (

Chapter 568: Ming's Blood Stain

A few doormen were left to guard the mountain pass, and Chen Jiu sent a few
doormen to visit and check the news of Tianquanfeng, and then the three
academicians went to the star-gazing observatory together.

Tianquan Peak is not high, a group of people quickly reached the summit, and
someone greeted it early. Seeing the three academicians, she quickly gave gifts.

"President, two academicians ..." Bai Yang, the first apprentice of Kaiyang Peak,
also greeted him quickly. His face was heavy, and the greetings from the three
academicians could save the province. He asked the ceremony briefly.

"What's going on?" Dean Xu Mai asked.

In order to trace Jin Qi who was rescued earlier, Bai Li came to Tianquanfeng,
and there were many members of the Tianxuanfeng Fengji team. But soon
afterwards there were Tianji arrows warning, massive star fall, and thirty-two
pillars of fire. These people who trace Jin Qi cannot always remain indifferent.
They who were on the Tianquan Peak naturally started to investigate the star
fall first, and even at first they thought it was related to the rescue of Jin Qi. It
was this team that broke out with people on Tianquan Peak.

But in the end, they found a strange scene near the observatory on the top of
the peak.

"The dean, please look here." Bai Li said, and quickly led the three academicians
into the woods on the west side of the observatory.

Many people have gathered here, forming a circle. Seeing that three
academicians arrived, they quickly gave way. Among them, the disciples of the
Tianxuanfeng Fengji group gathered behind Song Yuan, and the disciples of
Tianquanfeng went to Chen Jiu's side and soon became orderly. Surrounded by
the crowd, the scene was finally exposed to the eyes of the three academicians.

"This is ..." Xu Mai's expression changed, glancing at Chen Jiu and Song Yuan.

In front of them, it seems to be a formation. With five round blood cells as the
apex, the bright red blood lines are connected into a five-star pattern. The
pentagon pattern in the center of the five stars was covered with a layer of
blood curtain, which was thrown upward. Reflected in a small starry sky.

That's the star life map of Beidou, but at this time, the starry sky painted by the
star life map is no longer vast and bright. It looks as though it has been tainted.
Every star of life seemed dim.

"What the hell is this?" Chen Jiu felt detective. The five blood cells and the
bloody horns outlined by them all flowed with courage. This force of courage
does not seem so powerful, it just makes people feel very uncomfortable.

He didn't know what it was, so he could only look at Xu Mai and Song Yuan.

Xu Mai was looking at Song Yuan. The two of them seemed to know a little clue.

"Five blood cells are five lives." Song Yuan said.

"How much can it recover?" Xu Mai asked.

"It's impossible." Song Yuan shook his head. "Bone and meat have been
completely eliminated. Only pure blood is left, which contains the original
strength of the repairer."

Song Yuan ’s abilities are out of nothing, and can restore things that have been
destroyed, crushed, or even disappeared to the naked eye, so with this ability,
almost any material composition can be detected.

The five blood cells in front of them are the blood of the five people and the
power of their soul?

Everyone heard this face changed, what a terrible and strange situation it was, it
made people shudder to think about it.

Although it is not as good as what this composition is in front of us, but such a
vicious and cruel means, everyone has no contact with Beidou College, the top
college in mainland China. The Tianshu Building, which claims to have hidden all
the cultivation classics in the world, does not seem to have seen such a power.

In everyone's mind, a name has suddenly emerged.

Diablo Academy.

This must be the means of the Dark Academy.

Their abilities. This is so vicious and cruel.

Their abilities are not recorded in the Tianshu Building of Beidou University.

All the doormen didn't know, and even Tian Jiu, the academician of Tianquan,
was puzzled. Only Xu Mai and Song Yuan, the two older academicians, seem to
know something better.

"Ming's blood stains." Xu Mai said.

"What?" Everyone was still at a loss, but Xu Mai said something, but still didn't
know the meaning.

"Mingsong is an old saying, it means ringing arrows." Xu Mai said.

"Arrow?" Everyone heard this and looked at the five-star blood. Reflecting the
star chart above, it seemed to me that it seemed to be a bow to shoot.
Threatening the meaning of the star chart above.

"What's the use?" Chen Jiu asked.

"If you show it to people, it will make people confused. Now it is such a
situation. This seems to be disturbing the star life chart." Xu Mai said.

"No wonder on the stargazing platform no one can find out who the life star is!"
Chen Jiu exclaimed behind him. The gatekeepers of Tianquan Peak will come to
the observatory to confirm the life star after the star falls, so as to issue an
obituary. But today, somehow, the star life chart is actually a cloud, and no one
can find the life star where the star falls.
Afterwards, everyone found this situation in the woods. They knew something
different, but they dared not act rashly because of the unknown situation.
Teams of Tianquanfeng, Tianxuanfeng Fengji, and Kaiyangfeng ’s secret
exercisers came to study, but they could n’t figure out why.

Fortunately, the academician is here, and finally figured out what this is.

"This and Dark Academy ..."

"This is the means of the Dark Academy." Xu Mai said.

Sure enough it is the Dark Academy!

The people of the Dark Academy can infiltrate into the Beidou College and set
up such a position beside the star-gazing platform of Tianquan Peak?

"Break it first." Xu Mai said.

Song Yuan nodded.

There is nothing out there that can restore and destroy more. Song Yuan has
already studied the situation of the bloodstaining in front of him, and it is
necessary to break it at this time.

One sleeve, one wave.

The five blood cells, the connected blood lines, and the blood curtain in them
became thinner and thinner, and finally disappeared cleanly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, which seemed to be solved quite easily.

"Go to the star chart." Chen Jiu immediately ordered. After Song Yuan's blood
stains were wiped away by Song Yuan, the little starry sky above it disappeared
with it.

"Yes." Some people took orders, and all the other people also dispersed from
here, and headed to the observatory together.

The star chart was unfolded over the observatory, and everyone looked up, and
his heart sank.

Mingsong's blood stains have been eliminated, but the influence on the star
chart is still there. And from this star chart, you can see more clearly how the
star chart is contaminated. It seems to be covered with a layer of blood, and
each life star is stained with a layer of blood, which looks very strange.

"This is a situation that will accumulate effects over time," Song Yuan said.

Many people who listened to these words were annoyed. They quickly
discovered the blood stains of Mingsong in the woods beside the stargazing
platform. Just because I didn't recognize this power, I didn't dare to act rashly.
Otherwise, even if it is not as easy as Song Yuan, it will not be difficult to
eliminate it? It turned out that because of their excessive caution, they watched
this power for so long.

"How long?" Xu Mai asked Song Yuan.

"Not easy to say ..." Song Yuan shook his head. After all, it is the means of the
Dark Academy. Among so many people, only Xu Mai and Song Yuan can
recognize them, but to say how deep they understand, neither of them can talk.
At least two of them did not know that the use of the blood stain of Ming's
blood was such a way that they could disturb the star life chart of Beidou. Song
Yuan doesn't know how long this effect can be completely resolved.

"Fortunately, although this thing has some influence on Xing Ming Tu, it has not
affected our strength." Someone said suddenly.

When everyone heard it, they nodded suddenly. Their bravery has not been
affected in any way. So this thing doesn't seem so deadly?

Is n’t it fatal?

This is true for individuals.

But for the entire Beidou College, this is very serious.

In this situation, Star Life is about controlling the overall situation and the
scheduling of details.

It is like a sand table during a march, but it is far more immediate and accurate
than a sand table.

Just like Xu Mai and his team, they saw the star fall happening on Tianquan Peak
and inferred that something was wrong here. Only three academicians came

But now, it is very likely that this is the wrong message, and they can no longer
make accurate judgments through the star chart.

It has no effect on individual strength.

But for the academicians of Beidou who need to command the overall situation,
they have been cut off from the eyes and ears that they have always been
important and depend on.

The purpose of the enemy is still unknown.

But the influence created by this means is generous. (

Chapter 599 The Ruthless Fengji Group


Beside Chen Jiu, a Tian Quanfeng student came up and called out very carefully.

Chen Jiu turned his head, and his gaze on the stargazing platform also turned to
this side.
"Bian Bo, Zuo Xian, Zheng Xiu, Pan Liezi, Gao Dayan are gone," said the student.

At this time, the Beidou Academy is in a state of frequent occurrence. Some

people are out of touch with the situation. It is no longer a matter of surprise.
However, the student's deliberate report was very cautious, and Chen Jiu took a
deep breath after hearing it.

He turned back and looked at Dean Xu Mai and Song Yuan.

"These five people are all people on the stargazing platform." Chen Jiu said.

The people in the stargazing station, who are usually responsible for paying
attention to the star charts and keeping abreast of the changes in the star chart,
are undoubtedly the most familiar with the star charts.

The five people who disappeared were all people in the stargazing platform, five

The blood stain of Ming's blood is precisely composed of the blood of five

Everyone's look suddenly looked a bit uglier.

The opponent not only uses such a vicious power, but also uses his life as a
gatekeeper of their Beidou Academy.

"Bai Li!" Song Yuan suddenly turned around and snarled.

Kai Yangfeng Baili was behind him, and before he responded, Song Yuan greeted
him with his face covered.

"On the star-gazing platform, killing our students, and setting up such a
situation, you have no idea? What the hell do your secret actors do?"

Bai Li was silent.

The secret exerciser walks in secret and supervises the various peaks and
hospitals, claiming to be the most pervasive and omniscient. However, from the
theft of Tianquanfeng Qiku, and now the Seven Stars will be mixed in a mess,
the dark exerciser is like a headless fly, which has long made him deeply
ashamed. Song Yuan didn't have to scold him at all, he had already reviewed it
countless times. But this is the end. Now what's the use of saying this?

"Guo Wushu? It's this time, is he still drinking the northwest wind on Kaiyang
Peak?" Song Yuan expressed his dissatisfaction with Guo Wushu after the fierce

Bai Li still can only be silent.

What the teacher is thinking. Why didn't the teacher close the door and leave
everything to him? To be honest, he also wanted to know. But the teacher said
nothing. He can't always ask the teacher to give him a statement. He can only do
a better job of what the teacher has entrusted to him, and he always feels that
he has done quite well. But recently, all circumstances are outside his control.
He thought that everything was under his eyelids at Beidou College, and
suddenly there were many dark sides that he could not observe.

All the time, others are in the light, and the dark players are in the dark, but this
time. Everything is different.

"Have you found Jin Qi?" Xu Mai suddenly asked about this, which was the
problem Bai Li appeared in Tianquanfeng to solve.

Bai Li shook his head: "Not yet. There was no damage at the scene, nor traces of
fighting. It was preliminarily concluded that he should be let go."

Song Yuan immediately stared at Chen Jiu: "What do you have to say?"

"I can only say that I am not surprised." Chen Jiu said, "Jin Qi's popularity is so
good, he knows each of the 461 students on the Tianquan Peak, so any one
should be let go inside. He, I'm not surprised. "

"That's how you discipline Tianquan Peak?" Song Yuan shouted.

Chen Jiu nodded: "It is indeed disciplined like this."


"Okay." Xu Mai waved his hand and stopped the dispute between the two.

"What about Jin Qi's accomplice?" Xu Mai asked.

This so-called accomplice is just a newcomer. And it is the worst among the
newcomers included in Beidou College, but now it is personally questioned by
the dean of Beidou College.

"It's gone," Bai Li replied.

"Let's put it in advance." Xu Mai said.

"No." Who would like Song Yuan to jump out and stop immediately.

Xu Mai frowned and looked at Song Yuan. He said let go first. Naturally, because
there are too many things at the moment and things are prioritized, Jin Qi
naturally can't take care of it first, which is not always a good result. So Song
Yuan jumped out and clearly opposed it?

"Whoever wants to be outside, we must first settle down. Who dares to

guarantee that this is not a stinger, and gives us a fatal blow at a critical time?"
Song Yuan said.

"I dare!" Chen Jiu, who had always been a little yin-yang, was really angry. At
this point in Song Yuan's words, it is clear that he does not believe in Jin Qi.

"Of course you dare." Song Yuan sneered coldly, "but you have no evidence."

Yes. No evidence.

In other words, the evidence pointed to Jin Qi completely and unmistakably.

Therefore, the belief in Jin Qi only exists in reason, not reason.

Chen Jiu believed his disciples. Believe it anyway. But Song Yuan didn't believe
it. Even though Jin Qi did not hesitate to choose to sacrifice himself, even though
Jin Qi was always thinking about how to make Beidou College avoid this vortex,
Song Yuan still didn't believe it.

Because there is no evidence.

Academician Tian Xuan, who is in charge of Tianxuan Peak and leads the Fengji
Group, only accepts reason and does not show mercy.

This is his attitude, cruel, but it is understandable. Even Dean Xu Mai can't
blame anything; Chen Jiu, who is dedicated to safeguarding Jin Qi, is speechless
for a while.

"Feng Ji Group! Continue to track Jin Qi and his accomplice." Song Yuan shouted.

"Yes!" Behind Song Yuan, the students of the Fengji group who had previously
traced Jin Qi took orders, and immediately turned to walk under the stargazing

"I think who dares to go!" Chen Jiu shouted.

No one cares. The students of the Fengji group still walked at the same speed as
before, and their faces were as ruthless and cold as Song Yuan. They are the law
enforcers of Beidou College. From the first day of joining the Fengji Group, they
have learned the rules. In front of their rules, no one will become a hindrance.

Chen Jiu was angry, really angry.

In the eyes of Tian Quanfeng's disciples, he seemed to be a different person.

The academician Tian Quan, who was always basking in the sun lazily and was
listless without sunlight, was unprecedentedly angry.
Following him, he took out a bun.

It seemed a little funny, but no one laughed, no one thought that the
academician was very angry. On the contrary, when Chen Jiu took out his buns,
everyone's look changed, and there was fear in his eyes.

Who is the doorman of Beidou University, who wouldn't know that Academician
Tianquan is a strong person in the digestive system?

This series of practitioners, through the use of their own strength, let
themselves or others gain various abilities. Therefore, the buns Chen Jiu took
out at this time were certainly not ordinary buns to fill his stomach, this was a
weapon he would use to fight!

"Teacher!" Tian Quan, a student who knew a little about Chen Jiu's strength,
stunned after seeing Chen Jiu take out his steamed bun.

It seems that Song Yuan didn't expect Chen Jiu to actually do it. His face was
green, and he had already tried to stop it.

Chen Jiu has lost the man of Fengji Group who walked down the stargazing

Everyone exclaimed.

But suddenly I felt something was wrong.

In the digestive system, this steamed bun must be eaten. Shouldn't it be a prop
thrown out to produce an effect?

But after all, this is the shot of the academician Tianquan, and the students of
the Fengji group did not want to wait for death.

Song Yuan's out of nothing has now been cast on the steamed buns, and the
steamed buns disappeared instantly.

Song Yuan's complexion turned bluer.

He showed that the steamed bun was destroyed by nothing, and naturally the
structure of the steamed bun was very clear.

This is really just a steamed bun. It is so ordinary that people fill up their
stomachs and steamed buns.

"I'll fix the star chart." Chen Jiu suddenly turned around and walked towards the
small platform on the star-gazing platform.

"Okay." Xu Mai nodded.

He was the only one who was very calm from beginning to end.

Because only he knew from the beginning that Chen Jiu took out just a normal

On perception, the dean of Beidou College is the well-deserved Beidou first.

Keep everyone waiting. (

Chapter 570 There is no other way

Although he was teased by Chen Jiu's steamed bun, but after understanding that
it was really just a steamed bun instead of Chen Jiu's shot, the students of the
Fengji group were more thankful than embarrassed. After being nodded by Song
Yuan, he continued to leave.

Xu Mai was preparing to make some other arrangements. Suddenly he seemed

to notice something, and he jumped up lightly, and then he first stepped on the
small platform of the stargazing platform.

"Uh?" Chen Jiu, who was rushed to the front, walked onto the small platform,
and he was about to step forward and asked with doubt. The far end, Qixinggu's
direction, as if a series of seven sounds had been heard.
"This is ..." Chen Jiu was stunned, his eyes looking in the direction of the sound.
Tianquan Peak is low, and even if it is on a small platform on the stargazing
platform, it has not improved much. But just behind the view of the Chongshan
Mountain, in the sky, seven stars lit up, forming a star of the Big Dipper.

"Seven Star Order?" Chen Jiu blurted out.

This is not even a Tianquan academician who is qualified to use it, and can order
the seven-star order up and down the Beidou Quanyuan. Released the Seven
Star Order, it must be at the juncture of life and death, and then look at the
direction of the Seven Star Order, and it is the direction of Tianji Peak.

Is there a big situation over there?

The biggest worry in Xu Mai's mind happened.

Just as the thirty-two pillars of fire rose, he already wanted to launch a seven-
element solution to the Ecuadorian Customs. As a result, the two academicians
Li Yaotian and Wang Xin who went to Tianji Peak lost contact at that time, and
Tianji Peak undoubtedly happened Problems that are difficult to solve.

Afterwards, Xu Mai immediately arranged Chen Chu to launch a seven-element

solution to the Ecuadorian custom. Time came to say that it has not yet been
launched, and the movement seems to be a bit slow?

Xu Mai tried to contact Chen Chu, his expression changed again.

Did Chen Chu lose contact?

Li Yaotian and Chen Chu. If the academicians and apprentices of Yu Hengfeng

were controlled by others. This means that the seven-element solution will be
unmanned. Unable to launch completely. This is a much more serious problem
than the contamination of the star chart.

At this moment, Xu Lixue, who had just released the seven-star order,
immediately served Xu Mai with his knowledge and status.
Three colleges? ?

Xu Mai's expression changed again. After being on the stargazing platform, his
expression has flickered and changed many times, one time worse than the

"President ..." Chen Jiu looked at him.

"The opponent is not just the Dark Academy, but also three other colleges." Xu
Mai said.

So Chen Jiu's expression immediately changed, becoming as bad and ugly as Xu


"They seem to have mastered some means to enter Beidou College from the
transmission channel of Tianji Peak." Xu Mai said.

"I'm going!" Chen Jiu shouted. "Why didn't Qiyuan Jie'e start yet?"

The seven-element solution to Ecuador, which is usually maintained, is a form of

protection. It protects Beidou University from being arbitrarily intruded, and the
intruder is immediately noticed by the gatekeeper who will guard the custom of
Yu Hengfeng, thus launching a large-scale attack. The so-called launching was
changed from a defensive form to an attacking form. At this time, someone must
preside over the central government. This person has been an academician or
his first apprentice of Yuheng throughout the ages.

"Chen Chu could not be reached." Xu Mai said.

"I'm going!" Chen Jiu exclaimed again.

"But Yao Tian finally got in touch." Xu Mai said again.

"Fortunately, okay." Chen Jiu sighed slightly.

"But he was seriously injured." Xu Mai said.


"It was Huo Ying who saved him."

"Don't say sentence by sentence, you can say that the seven-element solution
can be launched now!" Chen Jiu said.

"Li Yaotian and Huo Ying have rushed away." Xu Mai said.

"The two of them. Can you?" Chen Jiu was worried.

One is seriously injured and the other is seriously ill. Hosting a seven-element
solution to Ecuador is not an easy task. Although it is based on the super quality
magic soldier, such a situation that can cover the entire mountain range is
obviously not as simple as using the super quality magic soldier to cast a power.
This is a matter of multiple abilities, multiple magical soldiers, and multiple
defenders on Yuhengfeng who can work together to complete it. It is far more
complicated and difficult than the sixth-level ability.

Xu Mai's answer is very simple.

"There is no other way." He said.

There is no other way.

It is precisely because of this that Li Yaotian knew that after he could not contact
Chen Chu, he could only drag his seriously injured body to Yuhengfeng. Huo Ying
said nothing, but kept quietly to keep up. The battle under Tianji Peak obviously
cost him a lot. Both the teacher and the student had the same difficult steps,
and they seemed to fall at any time.

But no one stopped.

Because there is no other way.

The Beidou College needs a seven-element solution to the Ecuadorian custom,

and only these two can initiate it.

"Lin Yao, Chu Zhuang and Yu Jichen sent the two to Yuhengfeng."

Xu Lixue didn't stop after knowing the two's decisions, just commanded in this
way, and ordered the two to escort the two under the door.

This is a matter of deciding whether to launch the seven-yuan solution to the

Ecuadorian customization. Xu Lixue only ordered three people as guards. It is
even better to check the number of teams in the Fire Pillar. A surprised look.

Three people, the number is small, but the quality of these three people is very

Under Xu Lixue's door, it was really his disciples, and there were only three who
should really call his teacher. Everyone said that the strength is no longer under
the seven apostles, and at this time, the three people, one person supported Li
Yaotian, one person supported Huo Ying, and the other person, saluted Xu Lixue:
"Teacher is at ease."

Lin Yao, Chu Zhuang and Yu Jichen are the real students of Xu Lixue. The three
people who claim to be inferior in strength to the seven apostles have been sent
by Xu Lixue to protect Li Yaotian and Huo Ying. Who dares to say that Xu Lixue is
miscalculated? It was almost the same as saying he attached too much

Yan Ge, who had planned to come over, stopped immediately after seeing Xu
Lixue pointing out the three men.

He is a physician and wanted to approach and follow in this capacity. But now,
Xu Lixue sent these three, and Yu Jichen among them is also an extremely
outstanding physician. He approached in this capacity again, which was

As a master or apprentice, or any other reason to follow?

Yan Ge thought about it, and gave up such thoughts.

This was not careful enough, and the three people were there, and I was afraid
there was no chance to take advantage of it.

However, in his plan, it is extremely necessary to prevent the launch of the

seven-element solution. Now, he only hopes that Chen Chu will not forget this.

The three gate students sent Li Yaotian and Huo Ying to Yuhengfeng, and Sun
Songzhao stayed under Qixing Tower. The strength she had been supporting
desperately, finally at this moment, because she was slightly relaxed, she could
no longer mention it.

She lay on the ground, let Xu Lixue's doorman deal with the injury, looked at the
calm sky, and showed a smile. The doorman who helped her treat her injuries is
strange. It seems that it is too early to be happy at this time?

Sun Songzhao noticed the incomprehensible expression of this person and

continued to smile: "There has never been a star fall, right?"

"Yes." The man nodded.

"That's good." Sun Songzhao continued to smile.

Without the star falling, no doorman has died. In any case, the teacher is now
free of worry.

However, Xu Lixue also received a message from Xu Mai from Tianquanfeng.

"The star chart is contaminated, we can't grasp the information through the star
chart now." Xu Lixue said.

"What?" Sun sent a surprise, his smile stiffened in his face.

"Our opponents are not only the three colleges, but also the dark college." Xu
Lixue continued.

All the people who heard this looked at each other, then looked subconsciously
behind them, as if something was staring at them coldly in the dark.

Chapter 571 The Rhythm of the Enemy

The enemy also has the Dark Academy?

This is actually not new. The Dark College and the Continental College headed by
the four colleges have been in opposition for thousands of years. During the
Second World Cultivation War, the Dark Academy was completely defeated, and
the remaining forces walked far away to the north and bitter cold. But everyone
knows that the Dark Academy has not been completely eradicated in the past
thousand years, but they rarely set foot in the middle ground.

There are not many new generations of practitioners who have dealt with the
Dark Academy, but from the narration that has been passed down through the
mouth, there is a mysterious and terrible impression of the Dark Academy. Now,
this force has even penetrated into Beidou College, and it is in trouble with the
other three colleges.

The three Xu Lixue students who escorted Li Yaotian and Huo Ying did not arrive
and heard the news. Xu Lixue quickly delivered the message to the three

"Dark School?" It was Xu Lixue's first student Lin Yao who received the message,
reading the message chased by the teacher, slightly stunned, and turned back
subconsciously to the direction of Qixing Tower. Xu Lixue nodded at him.

"Why?" Yu Jichen put his left and right hands on the backs of Li Yaotian and Huo
Ying, and helped them adjust their bodies while walking. He was already
devoted to three purposes, and at this time he could still split his mind and ask
Lin Yao a question.

"The teacher spread the word that there is a dark school on the Tianquanfeng's
side," Lin Yao said.
"Dark Academy?" It was Li Yaotian who was surprised this time.

"Yes." Lin Yao responded quickly.

Li Yaotian frowned.

Diablo Academy and the three colleges are struggling together. Is it a layout or a

"The academician doesn't have to worry too much, as long as he launches a

seven-yuan solution to the Ecuadorian custom, whatever he does. He won it
together." Chu Zhuang, who supported Huo Ying, was very optimistic. Said with

Li Yaotian smiled slightly. Nodded. He sat in Yu Hengfeng and presided over the
seven-element solution to be customized for more than forty years. No one
knows the seven-element solution to him better than him, and no one is more
confident than him. It is his first apprentice that makes him miss some things
right now. The one around him was burning the last glory of his life; the other,
but his whereabouts were unknown, and he was disconnected from everyone.

Hope it's okay.

As strong as Li Yaotian, this moment can only pray and wish silently in my heart.

A group of five people left Qixing Valley. Going towards Yu Hengfeng. When
approaching Tianquan Peak, he was encountering a delegation led by Dean Xu
Mai who came down from Tianquan Peak.

"Yao Tian." Xu Mai had reached the pedestrian in a few steps. His perception is
keen, and he can judge Li Yaotian's condition by himself, and worry is on his

"How about Tianquan Peak?" Li Yaotian was still thinking about the situation

"The star life map is tangled by people. If those star falls really match it, I am
afraid it is the Tianji Peak." Xu Mai said.

"Yes." Li Yaotian nodded. "Lixue has placed the Seven Star Order to support
Tianji Peak."

"I have heard about it. We will rush here and hope to catch up." Xu Mai nodded,
and Xu Lixue naturally reported all these things to him.

"If Lu Ping can stop it in time, it's fine." Li Yaotian said. His tone was plain.
However, the name Lu Ping appeared in this dialogue, still letting the people on
both sides show a somewhat uncomfortable look. This is not the strongman and
celebrity of Beidou Academy they are familiar with. This is just a newcomer, but
now the most critical step in the life and death of Beidou University is on his

"I hope he can do it." At this moment, everyone had to have some expectations
for Lu Ping.

Huo Ying on the side listened, smiling slightly.

Is the road parallel?

To be honest, he is not sure, after all, there is the power of Ecstasy to restrain Lu
Ping. If there is no such restriction, Huo Ying really hopes that the transmission
channel can be opened, and then the people of the three colleges swarm in, and
then face a strong person beyond the cognition of this world, what kind of scene
should be?

Thinking so, the smile on Huo Ying's face grew stranger, and was noticed by Xu

"Huo Ying, what do you think?" Xu Mai asked.

"Lu Ping is very strong." Huo Ying answered with a smile.

"Well." Xu Mai just responded, saying nothing more. Seeing the three people
who escorted Li Yaotian and Huo Ying was also very relieved that the two groups
of people were separated here. The five members of Li Yaotian and his party
continued to go to Yuhengfeng, and Xu Mai and his party continued to rush to
Qixinggu quickly.

After receiving the message from Xu Lixue, they hurried back, leaving Chen Jiu at
the stargazing station to continue to repair the star chart. Whether the teleport
of Tianji Peak will be occupied by the three colleges will determine the difficulty
they will face next. A group of people does not care about the whole, as quickly
as possible, and slowly followed. The two academicians Xu Mai and Song Yuan
rushed to the forefront, followed not only by Bai Li and some of the protege
students of the two academicians. Everyone was speechless all the way, just
hurry up. After saying goodbye to Li Yaotian and his party, he quickly reached
the downstairs of Qixing and Xu Lixue immediately greeted him.

"Is there any news from Tianji Peak?" Xu Mai asked.

"Not yet." Xu Lixue replied.

There was no news from Tianji Peak, but there was another news sent back at
this time.

"Nine Dragon Fire Seal?"

The news came from Jiayun Valley and was sent back by a group of people who
were sent to investigate the pillar of fire. The Pillar of Fire is not a custom-made
Liaoyuan at first glance, but a Kowloon Fire Seal. Kwong Kyung and his
entourage who first came to investigate should be trapped in the Jiulong fire
seal. Similarly, we can see that other people who went to investigate the fire
pillar were also trapped. Some of them were ordered to leave, and some acted
on their own. Nowadays, anyone who has lost contact may be trapped in the
pillar of fire.

"It seems to further divide our strength." Xu Lixue said.

"Yeah." Xu Mai sighed. The enemy ’s intentions were clear at a glance, but they
could not be resolved. The Kowloon Fire Seal is difficult to crack, and the other
party has deliberately spent the customization under the cloth. Who knows how
many agencies are there?

Going to break the Nine Dragons Seal, it is very possible to further divide the
limited forces that have been weakened a lot, but if you do n’t go, you can only
watch so many elite doormen being put into the cabinet.

Thirty-two pillars of fire meant that at least thirty-two Lumen were trapped by
the Kowloon fire.

During the Seven Stars test, a large number of disciples were already consumed
because of the large amount of competition, and now they are being
differentiated in this way. The strength of Beidou University has reached a rather
low stage.

"In any case, let's support Tianji Peak first." Song Yuan said.

"It can only be so." Xu Mai said.

It can only be so, and it can only be so.

Previously, I didn't know the opponent's purpose or the opponent's layout, and
it was like a mess of headless flies.

Now that I know the other party's means and the other party's plans, they still
have no choice.

Wouldn't it be true that your opponent is contemplating such an act?

Isn't this rhythm just what the enemy wants?

Everyone knows this truth, anyone can think of it.

There is no way.

Is there really no way?

Yan Ge watched Xu Mai and his party rush back, and watched them rush to
Tianji Peak.

He didn't move, he remained in Seven Star Valley.

Xu Lixue, who was guarding the Seven Star Tower, did not move. Xu Mai and his
party, who supported Tianji Peak, did not take anyone away from Xu Lixue.

It has been a long time, and I have to look at the previous article frequently ...
Now with this brain, it seems that it is time to make "writing notes" ... (

Chapter 572 The Seven Yuan Center

"Finally, it's here." Lin Yao breathed out of the towering Yu Hengfeng. Cautious
along the way, but in the end it was shocked and unharmed. Without any
obstruction, Li Yaotian and Huo Ying were sent to Yuheng Peak.



There were not many people on the peak, but when I saw it, it was Li Yaotian
who gathered together in a hurry. Then he saw Huo Ying beside Li Yaotian.

"Huo ... Brother?" Huo Ying was only a few years away from Yu Hengfeng. Most
of Yu Hengfeng's students still recognized him. Finally, he was still "Brother".

"Long time no see." Huo Ying smiled.

Familiar peaks, familiar faces, but he never thought he would come back one
day. Since he left Yu Hengfeng and moved to the Fifth Yard and died, he never
returned to here.

But now, he returned to Yu Hengfeng once again. Although his body was weak,
the pride in his chest was even stronger. He wanted to thank Lu Ping. Although
Lu Ping didn't do anything to him, but just looking at the teenager, Huo Ying
finally waved away the haze in his heart.

"No need to help." He said to Chuzhuang who had helped him all the way.

"How do you feel?" Yu Jichen asked. He didn't stop the treatment of the two
along the way. Although it is impossible to recover so quickly, especially Huo
Ying is a terminally ill disease, but it will always have some effect.

"Very good." Huo Ying smiled, and after Chuzhuang let go, he still stood very

"Communication, ready to launch a seven-element solution to the Ecuadorian

custom." Li Yaotian said to the greeted students.

"Yes!" All the disciples listened to the summons quickly. The seven yuan solution
on Yuheng Peak is customized. There are more than twenty-one disciples on
guard at all times. The students on duty will not leave their duties at any time.
At this time, hearing the order from Academician Yu Heng, he immediately
began to prepare. Several organs on the peak were customized, the flow of the
force of the courage began to be different, and the power of the courage that
was always flowing over the Yuheng Peak gradually had different fluctuations.
It's just that the operation of each place is different, and it has not been
connected into a whole.

Everyone's eyes fell on Li Yaotian. The launch of the seven-element solution for
Ecuador. It's just the center. Can Li Yaotian look at this situation now, can it be
done? Everyone can't help but worry.

"The two of us are together." Li Yaotian said to Huo Ying.

"Yes." Huo Ying nodded, and the mentor and the apprentice went to the
restricted area on Yuheng Peak: except for the seven academicians and the first
apprentice, no one was qualified to enter the center of the seven-element
solution to the custom-made center— -The peak of Yuheng Peak.

This peak is 100 meters higher than where everyone stands. It is four isolated
peaks, smooth on all sides, and there are no stone steps for climbing. Both Li
Yaotian and Huo Ying are familiar with this peak. Did not jump or climb. Just
came to the foot of Gufeng. A bespoke force of light shined on the mountain
wall, and the two figures disappeared into the mountain.

Those present were some of the gatekeepers who had been at Beidou College
for some years. Seeing that Li Yaotian and Huo Ying had been customized, the
three Lin Lin began to say goodbye to Yu Hengfeng's other people, and they
were anxious to support teacher Xu Lixue. Since Li Yaotian and Huo Ying have
entered the central customization, there will be no more safety problems. This is
the center of the strongest custom protection for the seven yuan solution. Next,
let's see whether the two people's bodies can support them to host the seven-
element solution. And this is no longer something others can help.

"Academician Li! Teacher Huo Ying! Come on !!!" Before leaving, Chuzhuang,
who had always been optimistic, suddenly turned around and shouted at the
lonely peak. Yu Jichen around him didn't look back. But his eyes clearly had
tears. He is treating the two people all the way. He knows the physical condition
of the two people better than anyone. Along the way, he was fighting with
heaven and man, trying to stop the two several times, but he still failed to open
the mouth.

Because the pace of these two people is so firm no matter how hard they are. As
they finally walked towards the solitary peak, they staggered, but they did not

No one can stop them.

Yu Jichen cannot, neither can their own physical condition.

They have such perseverance, so Yu Jichen does not doubt that they can launch
a seven-element solution to solve the problem, but it is their life that I need to
pay for it.

And one person is not enough. Two people are required.

So Li Yaotian called Huo Ying, and Huo Ying didn't even hesitate to keep up.
This is to protect Beidou College and protect everyone here. I have such a

"We can't fall behind," Lin Yao said.

"Yes." Yu Jichen waved his hand and wiped his eyes.

"Whether the three major or dark, are ready to die!" Chu Zhuang shouted again.
When the three big disciples came, they had to help the two injured, and they
didn't go fast. When he returned, he went quickly. The highest and steepest
Yuheng Peak among the Seven Peaks. The three did not follow the road, took
the shortest straight line from the mountain, and the figure was quickly thrown
into the rock.

Come on!

The people of Yuhengfeng who stayed on the mountain secretly clenched their
fists, looked up at the peak of Gufeng, and waited for the launch of the seven-
element solution.

Within the Gufeng.

An ancient sword was suspended in the middle. On both sides of the sword
body, no more, no less, there were seven rust marks, as if seven scars.

The sword name Qixing is a super hero of the town of Beidou College, and a
customized hub for the seven yuan solution. The seven-element solution to such
large customizations, if there is no super-quality Shenbing as the central control,
there is no manpower to support the overall situation.

Both Li Yaotian and Huo Ying were standing under the sword at this time.

The mountain is not a cave, this is the enchantment opened by the force of the
soul. People who do not meet the custom identity will never get here, so there
is no need to worry about enemies breaking into it.

Huo Ying looked up at the Seven Star Sword. There are seven rust marks on this
super-class soldier, which has no glory, and its appearance can be described as
ugly. But this ugly sword is the biggest security barrier of Beidou University.

No matter how the god soldiers are, people are even more disfigured. Like Lu
Ping, where do you want this to be an unprecedented strong man? Like yourself,
who would have thought that the disciples of Yuhengfeng would be so fragile
before life and death?

It's really no good!

Thinking about himself in the past few years, Huo Ying shook his head
involuntarily and smiled self-deprecatingly.

"How long have you not been here?" Li Yaotian asked suddenly.

"More than four years?" Huo Ying couldn't remember clearly. When was the last
time he came in to check this customization?

"Over four years, don't you forget it?" Li Yaotian said.

"Not at all." Huo Ying said.

"That's good." Li Yaotian nodded.

He has always been the most serious and rigorous. He no longer made any
confirmation to Huo Ying, and soon began to launch customization. Huo Ying
didn't look surprised either. He immediately understood what he was and stood
where he should be.

Under normal circumstances, the seven-element solution for Ecuador does not
require two people to preside over it. Of course, two people preside over it. Of
course, the method is different from one person.

The two used this uncommon method, but there was no half-sentence
communication, but there was no slight mistake.

The two displayed their courageous forces in an orderly manner, and even the
occasional flashing expression of pain seemed to complement each other.

The Qixing sword suspended in the air suddenly began to tremble, and the
outside had already launched a good force of courage, and began to inject it one
by one. The rust marks on both sides of the sword body began to have light, one
and two places, like stars lit up at night, flashing one by one.

The Seven Star Sword suddenly became different. It was no longer so old and
ugly, but became bright and radiant.

Li Yaotian and Huo Ying were unmoved and continued their work.

After lighting up two places, it is the third place, the fourth place ...

The force of the injecting spirit stopped suddenly at this moment, and the two
faces showed a surprised look together.

The fifth spot is rust, no light, the fifth star is not bright.

Li Yaotian looked at Huo Ying, and Huo Ying looked at Li Yaotian. Their
judgments were the same.

The Seven Star Sword is the center of the seven-element solution, but the center
of the big customization is not just the seven-star sword super hero.

Because of this super-quality warrior alone, it is not enough to prop up the

seven-element solution to the big problem. Therefore, it has an assistant, a fifth-
level magical soldier, for the wings of the Seven Star Sword, which is assisted by
the Seven Star Sword, named Yu Weixing.

The coexistence of two thousand years has caused Qixingjian to resonate with
this satellite gradually.

But now, Qixingjian hangs in the middle, but Yu Weiwei suddenly disappears.

Yes, suddenly.
Seriously like Li Yaotian, how could he not make such a confirmation before
launching, Yu Weixing was still there at first.

How could this happen?

The two who were forced to interrupt can only watch the starlight shining on
the Qixing sword and fade away little by little.

Empty empty.

In the darkness of the custom enchantment, three sounds suddenly came. A

touch of verdure flashed three times in the darkness, and the beating sound
came from these three times.

"Two, are you looking for this?" The voice came from there.

The sound is very familiar, and the figure walking out of the darkness is also very

Chen Chu, holding a square stone with holes in six sides in his left hand, and
holding his magical soldier in his right hand.

empty empty

Chapter 573 Betrayal

Three Colleges of Mirror Flowers, Water Moon and Dark Academy

No matter what kind of strong enemy, no matter what kind of danger, Li

Yaotian's mind has not been shaken at all. But at this time, a few soft sounds
and a question that sounded alienated made Li Yaotian confused. He looked at
Chen Chu, who came out of the darkness, mouth open, but a mouthful of blood
spouted out first.

Bright blood beads were scattered in this enchantment, some strangely floating.
Huo Ying didn't say anything, didn't ask anything, just grabbed Li Yaotian's side
with an arrow step, helped to nearly fall down the teacher.

His expression looks much calmer than Li Yaotian. It was not that he was not
surprised by Chen Chu's appearance, but that it was not easy for him, a man
who once fell into extreme despair but regained his energy, to make him deeply

He looked at Chen Chu and watched him walk out of the darkness. The six-sided
square stone with holes in the left palm is the feather satellite.

"Why" Huo Ying asked. He did n’t want to say anything more than that. He was
just curious. The first and foremost apprentice Yu Hengfeng was deeply trusted
and valued by the academy and his mentor. With this identity and status, what
else could induce him to betray the academy and the teachers?

"Are you asking why I chose to betray" Chen Chu said.


"That's your misunderstanding." Chen Chu said lightly, "I don't choose this way,
that is betrayal."

Chen Chu's answer revealed such information.

"What the hell are you," Huo Ying asked.

Chen Chu didn't answer, smiled and shook his head: "Don't want to make small
moves, you should know that no one can play tricks in front of me."

Among the dark borders, the light flowing in Chen Chu's eyes was brighter.

To Ming, this powerful sensory ability that can see everything is Chen Chu's best.
Under this power, any subtle movement, expression, and even emotional
fluctuations will not escape Chen Chu's eyes. He will use this to make rich
judgments. Huo Ying talked to him on the side. While trying to secretly display
customized abilities, Chen Chu was easily seen through.
"So what," Huo Ying said, the power of the running spirit kept on coming.

"It's one thing to see through me, but how to limit it. It's another thing. What
Dong Ming can grasp is just a step ahead. Are you thinking this way?" Chen Chu
said, his expression was very Is easy.

"You can tell, why bother to ask." Huo Ying said.

"No, I can see that you have another plan." Chen Chu said this. The figure
suddenly shifted to the side, and the right-handed magician led straight behind
him. A group of shadows that seemed to be living creatures was being knocked
by this green bamboo, and then Chen Chu waved his hand. The group of
shadows was stretched like a sword and flew towards Huo Ying. Just flew
halfway, suddenly disappeared.

"Mobile Labyrinth" Chen Chu smiled, "Master's tricks are quick, but what use
does this power have for me"

The light over his eyes has completely covered Chen Chu's eyes, and he moves
forward. To the left, then to the left, three consecutive steps. Huo Ying's
expression changed early, and he flashed hurriedly, but his voice had come from
behind him.

"Look, you are helping me."

Chen Chu, who is showing a clear eye, completely sees the structure of Huo
Ying's mobile maze. Once he will not find a direction in this customization, he
will get behind Huo Ying in three steps because of the disorder in this
customization .

"Really?" Huo Ying's tone did not sound panic.

"It's what you think in the middle of your heart." Chen Chu was still smiling. He,
who had been bullying behind Huo Ying, not only did not attack, but made an
evasive action.
A dark shadow fell, just the blow that disappeared before. Suddenly appeared in
this position, but Chen Chu's dodge avoided the blow perfectly.

"Master Brother is still so ambitious." Chen Chu smiled.

"Now I feel like I'm going to lose to you a little bit." Huo Ying said, his methods
have been seen through one after another, but his tone is still light. Chen Chu
was stunned at this moment, he flashed the shadow of the ambush, but at this
time his sole. A blue flame lighted up sometime. This bright flame has a bright
flame, not only does not illuminate the surrounding, there is it, the surrounding
seems to be a lot dimmed.

Ten directions

How could Chen Chu not recognize Li Yaotian's magic soldier. He looked towards
Li Yaotian, and he met Li Yaotian, who was miserable and swaying in shape,
staring at him without any hesitation in his eyes.

"Dongming doesn't even count our number, is it too far?" Huo Ying said, the
flame at Chen Chu's feet suddenly jumped up, with a blue-edged blade, splitting
toward Chen Chu from bottom to bottom .

"Drink" Chen Chu gave a stern drink, no longer as calm as before. The green light
that flew away did not hide, but waved the green bamboo in his hand to
welcome him.

He didn't notice Li Yaotian's means, because Li Yaotian had already shown the
end of disappearance when he didn't know. In this infinitely extended journey,
his insights need a very long time to give back the information he perceives, and
during this time, Li Yaotian and Huo Ying have already completed the layout

The blue light was jumping, and the green bamboo was lit immediately, and the
blue flame crawled along Chen Chu's hands to his right hand.

"Go" Chen Chu had another drink at this time, and the green bamboo actually
shot, and the magic soldier led with a blue flame, and flew out towards the
Qixing sword suspended in the air.

The cyan flame was not simple, but it was also ignited together with the Seven
Star Sword. It's just that Qixingjian is calm about this. After the seven rust marks
on the sword flashed, the last one remained, and began to absorb the blue

Chen Chu seemed quite sure about this, without even raising his head. He
squinted and looked at Huo Ying, who was not far from him, but didn't shoot.

He sneered.

At the end of the disappearance, he had already felt it. This power is really a
means for him to perceive but extremely difficult to crack. But that is the end of
the disappearance of Li Yaotian's show under normal circumstances, as for this

Chen Chu shot, not toward Huo Ying, but to Li Yaotian. With a punch, it seemed
to have pierced countless voids, and the space created by the continuous force
along the way was shattering.

After all, Li Yaotian was seriously injured, and the end of the disappearance was
not perfect. Among the small flaws, no one escaped Chen Chu's insight. This
punch penetrated all these flaws. This punch directly penetrated the end of the

Chen Chu didn't keep his hand, pierced his fist at the end, and hit Li Yaotian's

Li Yaotian had no strength to resist, and Huo Ying could not help. This punch
immediately knocked Li Yaotian to the ground, and blood spewed out of his
mouth again, floating strangely in this enchantment.

"In the end," Chen Chu said coldly, chasing Li Yaotian with merciless killing.

Li Yaotian was in a coma, Huo Yingyaguan bit out of blood, desperate to protect.
Unexpectedly, Chen Chu, who was halfway through, suddenly turned his back,
blinking extremely alertly, his eyes covered with white light looking at the
boundless darkness.

"Who is it?" He hurriedly raised his right hand while drinking. With the power of
the Seven-Star Sword, the magical soldier that Qingyan had resolved was turned
into green light, and he hurriedly fell into his hand.

Chapter 574 The Fourth Person in the Enchantment

Chapter 574 The Fourth Person in the Enchantment


Huo Ying was stunned. He didn't feel there was anyone. His subconscious
reaction was that Chen Chu was bluffing. But at this point, what else does Chen
Chu need to bluff? They need the bluff.

So there are really people.

who is it?

This is not very difficult to guess, because it is possible to enter the seven-
element solution center at will. The entire Beidou College, or the entire
continent, has only 14 people-seven academicians and seven apprentices.

Huo Ying may be the fifteenth in an exception, so he was a little surprised when
he walked into the customization easily, and was more moved. This shows that
the mark he left in this custom when he was the first apprentice of Yu Hengfeng
has never been erased.

This is not in compliance with the regulations. How difficult is it for Li Yaotian,
who has always been serious in self-denial, to do this? He did it after all. When
Huo Ying gave up, he did not give up. He hoped that Huo Ying would come back
one day.
He never said that. But when Huo Ying easily walked into customization, he
immediately realized it.

He is ready, and he will help the teacher to launch a seven-element solution to

make a big bet without sacrificing everything.

As a result, Chen Chu destroyed all this, and mercilessly killed Li Yao. Although
the hearts of the two wounded were grieved and angry, they were also
powerless. After trying their best to complete such a layout, they still failed, and
there was no way to do it.

At this time, the fourth person appeared in the customization!

Looking at Chen Chu's cautiously surprised performance, this is obviously not his
arrangement. So no matter who this person is, they should be helpers, right?

Chen Chu looked at the dark place, and Huo Ying was looking at it.

Up to this point, he still could not feel the slightest point from there until a sigh
came from there.

"Awesome insight." After the sigh, he said the words, "I was just anxious, and I
was immediately noticed by you."

"It's you!" Chen Chu's expression continued to change, and he had heard who
he was.

Huo Ying has been in the fifth hospital for a long time. Although he feels that the
voice should have been heard, he cannot match those who can enter this
custom for a while.

He was still curious. In the dark, a figure had gradually come out.

"Jin Qi?" Huo Ying was very surprised. Jin Qi can still walk in here, so the mark of
the first apprentice he left here has not disappeared. It's just that he shouldn't
be imprisoned at Tianquan Peak. Will Seven Stars carry Qiku's stolen black pot
after the trial? How can it appear here? Huo Ying and others did not
communicate this information, and Jin Qi was rescued early. He did not know

"Brother Huo Ying." Jin Qi, who came out of the darkness, saluted Huo Ying,
then looked at Li Yaotian, who fainted, and finally stared at Chen Chu.

Chen Chu seemed calm, but the appearance of Jin Qi was clearly outside his
plan. He returned to Yu Hengfeng before and did not find Huo Ying. After
pretending to leave, he actually went back and forth, avoiding everyone ’s eyes
and ears, and returned to the seven-element solution center, where he stood by
and waited.

Because his scruples about Huo Ying are not in Huo Ying's own strength, but in
that Huo Ying is able to launch a seven-yuan solution to Ecuador. This is what
they are very worried about, so instead of looking for Huo Ying everywhere, it is
better to wait here to prevent him from launching a seven-element solution. If
Huo Ying is just doing something else, then Chen Chu does n’t have to deal with

This hand is unchanged, and it is indeed clever. After seeing this situation in
Beidou University, it is necessary to find a way to launch a seven-element
solution. He is lurking here, which is tantamount to prevention.

After that, as he expected, the patience lurking really waited until someone
came to launch the seven-element solution. But he didn't expect that two came
at once, Li Yaotian and Huo Ying came to the Qiyuan Center together.

Chen Chu has absolute confidence in Huo Ying who is in poor health. But for Li
Yaotian, even if there was a chance of a sneak attack, he dared not act lightly.

But soon, he realized that Li Yaotian's condition was no better than Huo Ying, he
didn't even need to avoid it. As a result, he grabbed Yuyu Satellite and
interrupted the seven-yuan Xiehe large-scale customization. He appeared in
front of the two in such a state of grandeur.

There is no need to hide.

It doesn't matter what role you need to play in Beidou College in the future.
Because the two in front of you will soon be dead. He didn't worry about
anything going on here.

Everything went as smoothly as he thought. Even if Li Yaotian and Huo Ying

joined forces to cause him a little trouble, but their poor state is ultimately their
death point. Huo Ying ’s mobile labyrinth could not be constructed more
complicatedly, and was completely seen by Chen Chu in a few eyes; the end of Li
Yaotian ’s disappearance was also a loophole. Although the information
feedback of Chen Chu Dongming was delayed, after finally receiving the
perceived information, everything It is not a problem.

After that, it was the killing of the two, which for Chen Chu was just a piece of

As a result, another person appeared, and this person was Jin Qi, one of the
seven apprentices.

Didn't find it? Did n’t he perceive another person in the enchantment?

The pretending calm expression failed to completely conceal Chen Chu's panic
and consternation. His wishful thinking had been completely disrupted at this

"It's strange how I didn't find out if I am?" Jin Qi smiled, as if Chen Chu was so
relaxed when he first faced Li Yaotian and Huo Ying, his face full of victory tickets
and the joy of holding.

He didn't wait for Chen Chu to answer, he gave the answer himself, his left hand
flicked slightly.


Chen Chu's Dongming felt quickly, confirming that the coming thing was not
killing. But he still carefully waved the magical soldier in his hand and used the
pull to catch the thing that Jin Qi bounced and delivered it to his own eyes.
It was just a pill sticking to the bamboo tip, and it was very unremarkable.

"Fu Niwan." Chen Chu recognized it.

Tianquanfeng's medicine room uses various exotic herbs to refine various kinds
of medicine. The medicines used to cure diseases and wounds are only some of
them, and there are many pill foods with other functions.

Fu Ni Wan is one of them, which can help the practitioners hide their power and

However, this kind of pill props will not take effect when they are taken, and it
also requires the cultivator to run the matching force to achieve the desired

And this method of running the power is a system of digestive system abilities.
Tianquan Peak is rich in this series of strong. Chen Jiu, an academician of
Tianquan, is also his first apprentice Jin Qi.

Because of the need for human power to control the soul, Jin Qi, who had been
waiting for the best time, saw that Li Yaotian was in danger, and the anxiety and
worries revealed could make his spirit power lose its stability, and was suddenly
discovered by Chen Chu Too.

Because of this, Li Yaotian was rescued, but Jin Qi failed to wait until he could
get a chance to take xia Chen Chu.

Chapter 575 Soul Food Pills

The same is the first apprentice of Seven Peaks, who is stronger?

This is a proposition that many people talk about, especially those who are low-
level practitioners, and the general public, especially like to discuss this kind of
weak topic. But no matter how they discuss it, they do not have a positive
answer. The seven first apprentices are all responsible for supporting the
academician to expand the Beidou College. Where can they do such a boring
thing that is meaningless to them? Even if there will be some competition
between the seven peaks, in the end, everyone is the same Beidou, the ultimate
goal is the same.

But when they stand on opposite sides, this strength becomes particularly

Jin Qi used Fu An Pill to hide himself in a dark place, but he did not make a shot.
Obviously, he did not fully grasp Chen Chu. He wanted to wait for a sufficiently
strong opportunity. It's a pity that Chen Chu couldn't wait any longer because he
was a murderer against Li Yaotian.

As for Chen Chu, he was not completely sure of the last innocent and sick. And
at this time, the outcome is not his first concern, but he is more concerned
about: How can Jin Qi appear here? What did Jin Qi know? Even if I can kill Jin Qi
now, can I solve the problem?

For him, the victory or defeat with Jin Qi is at least meaningful after
understanding these issues.

Chen Chu took a deep breath without moving. Because he possesses such
abilities as Dongming, most of him is late in the battle.

Jin Qi didn't shoot immediately. He took a few steps forward and included Li
Yaotian and Huo Ying into his protection scope before starting to look for

Huo Ying stood obliquely behind Jin Qi, and the heavy cries were very eye-
catching in this quiet confrontation. He couldn't even breathe out, he had
reached the limit, but he did not step back. Instead, he took a step forward,
walked out of Jin Qi's protection, and reached a position where he could fight
alongside him.

Chen Chu's eyes jumped.

The older brother is already unsustainable. He will not be wrong. Is this move
selling flaws?

Without firm judgment, Chen Chu remained still. Huo Ying reached out to Jin Qi
at this time.

"Give me one." He said to Jin Qi.

"What?" Jin Qi was startled.

"Baoliangwan." Huo Ying said.

Soul grain pills!

Huo Ying didn't even ask if Jin Qi had it, because there was no need for it.
Tianquanfeng's digestive system is strong. Who wouldn't have Soul Pills at all
times? This pill can greatly improve the strength of the user and gain a very
strong combat power in a short time. It's just that the strength is extremely
declining. After the time for the efficacy of the Poor Food Pill to pass, the user
will enter a period of weakness. Therefore, if you do not defeat your opponent
within the potency period, it will undoubtedly be very dangerous. Therefore,
even Tianquanfeng ’s students will not easily use Soul Food Pills.

But for those who do n’t understand the powers of the corresponding digestive
system, Po Liang Wan is poison or not. It will not play its due role at all, not to
mention, it will completely disrupt the power of the practitioners.

"I refuse." Jin Qi refused without thinking.

"Relax. I can cope with the food grain pills." Huo Ying laughed. Digestive powers
are indeed not his strengths, but when he reaches the power of his level, the
state is sufficient, and the powers of various categories are not known at all.
How to make him, Baoliang Pills, but he said that he would still be able to do it
after taking it for a while.

"I'm not worried about this, but your body can't use Soul Food Pills." Jin Qi said
"What will happen to it?" Huo Ying asked.

"It will die." Jin Qi replied without hesitation. Huo Ying's body is too bad, even if
it successfully urged the medicinal effects of Soy Pills, Sheng Ji's weakness after
anti-aging. That is death.

"Scared at me, I thought what would happen." Huo Ying still smiled, all
indifferent after life and death. dead. For him, it has become the most
disapproving thing, and he will die soon!

"No, Brother." Jin Qi's expression became more solemn, "If I guess right,
Brother, you are not sick, but poisoned by people. The purpose is for this round
of today, for the relief of seven yuan. There is no way to start the mass
customization. So your body may not be really saved. Maybe we were deceived
from the beginning and we all managed the wrong direction. "

"Oh?" Huo Ying froze slightly. As the first apprentice of Tianquan Peak. Jin Qi is
extremely authoritative in terms of treatment and pharmacology. Speaking at
this moment, there was no perfunctory look on the face.

"That's it." Huo Ying nodded. However, the hand extended to Jin Qi to ask for
Pangliangwan still did not retract.

"But what should be done in front of him, still have to be done." He said,
looking at Li Yaotian who was not awake, his eyes still fixed on Chen Chu tightly.

"As you said, I can't let this guy go." Huo Ying said. To Chen Chu, he has been
commensurate with the "guy", no longer has the same friendship. Because Jin
Qi's words inspired him, a lot of information before and after his illness was
concatenated, and suddenly there was a new and logical explanation.

"Yan Ge, is it?" Huo Ying stared at Chen Chu and said.

Yan Ge, the second prince of Qingfeng Empire, is rumored to be Yan Ge who was
exiled to Beidou College.
He finally entered Yu Hengfeng and became a member of Academician Li Yaotian
of Yuheng, but under the guidance of this ability academician who was
proficient in the custom department, he eventually became a physician.

Intentionally planting flowers will not bloom, carelessly inserting willows into
shade. This situation is not new in the practice world. The academician is Yu
Hengfeng, an expert in the customization department, and no one is a master of
customization; the academician is Tian Quanfeng, who is a strong person in the
digestive system.

Yan Ge seems to be such a special person, at least at that time, it is like this.

But now?

Now I want to come, Yan Geben is suitable for the digestive system, right? Did
you choose Yuhengfeng to have ulterior motives right from the start?

Although Beidou is Yaoguang guarding the mountain gate, he always stands on

the front line of the guard. But if you can't defeat the highest Yufeng Peak in the
Seven Peaks, you can't defeat the Beidou College. Yu Hengfeng's seven-element
solution to Ecuador is the core of Beidou Academy's defense. Yan Ge was here
from the beginning.

As for Chen Chu, he had nothing in common with Yan Ge before, but now it
seems so conspicuous-Chen Chu, the first apprentice of academician Yu Heng,
the most proficient ability is not the custom department, but The perception
system is another inadvertently.

In fact, what is unintentional. From the beginning, the two men came to Yu
Hengfeng. Li Yaotian is not important, nor is the customization ability. Where
the seven-element solution is customized, they will choose to penetrate from

This penetration is fourteen years.

Others may forget, but Huo Ying will not. At that time, he was the first
apprentice of Yu Hengfeng. Both Yan Ge and Chen Chu were the people who
impressed him. He was glad that Yu Hengfeng had such a talented newcomer. At
that time, he would never think of the intentions of these two newcomers. They
came for the seven-element solution to the Ecuadorian order, and came to the
only academician and apprentice who could launch the seven-element solution
to the Ecuadorian order.

They lurked and practiced patiently, and they grew up together with Yu
Hengfeng, and then when the time was ripe, the stinger secretly appeared.

No one noticed, no one noticed, and even Chen Chu jumped back, but when Jin
Qi didn't say anything about this, Huo Ying couldn't think of the plan as far-

But after breaking through, he recalled the various before and after he fell ill,
Chen Chu and Yan Ge, these two people who had been busy before and after
continued to play various roles, and how much greasiness was hidden in the act
that moved Huo Ying very much?

I didn't even notice it.

He just left Yu Hengfeng and walked away.

When he said that he was relieved to be the first apprentice of Chen Chu, and he
was ready to die freely, He had thought that the destiny of Yu Hengfeng, and
even the entire Beidou Academy, was pushed to the wolf ambition guy at that

So, I can't let this guy go.

Huo Ying said this, not just to avenge Li Yaotian, not just to Yu Hengfeng, but to
eliminate harm for Beidou University.

He was remorseful, and he really didn't expect that.

His cowardice made the opponent's calculations. His departure surprised many
people, but for those two, this is the result of their calculation?
Fooled? Deceived? Believe in others?

Huo Ying did not want to find any reason and argument for himself.

He only knew that if it was Lu Ping, even in that situation, he would not be
desperate, and he would never leave wayward.

"Baoliangwan." He was firm in tone and said to Jin Qi again. (

Chapter 576 Gap

Huo Ying insisted, and insisted on asking Qi Qi for Jinliang Pills. This time Jin Qi
said nothing more. Huo Ying's mood, he has just been in the Tianquan Peak
vortex, he can fully understand. For a Seven Peaks disciple, life and death are
important, but responsibility is higher than life and death.

Jin Qi raised his hand and put a dark purple pill on Huo Ying's palm.

Huo Ying was slightly stunned, and could not help turning her head to look at Jin

Without taking the action, Piaoliangwan raised his hand and put it into Huo
Ying's palm. This shows what? This shows that Jin Qi has already taken Piaoliang
pills in his hands. This is certainly not for Huo Ying, this is for himself. Facing
Chen Chu, who is also a student of the Seven Peaks, confronting Jin Qi directly is
not sure. Therefore, he has already prepared to use baoliang pill, even if this pill
will bring a lot of burden and risk.

For the sake of college, sacrifice individuals.

Jin Qi will do this kind of thing, and Huo Ying will do this kind of thing.

So they don't need too many words. The two laughed at each other and died,
which was not terrible for the two at this time.
Raising his hand, Po Liang Wan was thrown into the mouth by Huo Ying, and it
instantly turned into a warm current, deep into the internal organs. Then it
burned like a fire, and the force of the soul began to boil like boiling water on
the fire.

A trace of pain flashed on Huo Ying's face. He is not an expert in digestive

abilities, but he does manage to control Po Liang Wan. However, as Jin Qi said,
his body has to work hard to bear the improvement brought by Soul Food Pills.

But at this moment, Jin Qi on his side suddenly shot, pointing like a gust of wind,
even touching the six acupoints behind Shining, Lingtai, Center, Xuanshu,
Mingmen, Soul Gate behind Huo Ying. With each finger, there is an invigorating
force that makes people feel very cool. Each finger calms Huo Ying's already
boiling force.

"Thank you." Huo Yingwei nodded his head, and his control of the power of the
spirit was much smoother because of Jin Qi's help.

Chen Chu, who didn't want to be stared at him all the time, actually smiled at
this moment.

"Goodbye!" He said suddenly, his body flicked back, and after a confrontation
for a while, his action was to escape?

"Want to go?" With the help of Po Liang Wan and Jin Qi. Huo Ying has now
recovered. `He took a step forward, where the light flashed at the foot, the
power of the soul spread like a cobweb. This is the strength that the former
apprentice of Hengfeng Heng should have, to display customization. There is no
need for a lengthy coordinated arrangement at all, it is just a foothold, and the
ability to "tangle the ground" has been deployed. Among the powerful forces
spreading around, some of them were the brightest and went straight to Chen
Chu. It's much faster than Chen Chu's retreat.

However, Chen Chu smiled slightly, pulling the left and right in his hands, the
green light was beating, chasing him for a few courageous forces, suddenly
deflecting the direction, separating left and right, and stunned Chen Chu .
Huo Ying's expression changed slightly, and he quickly folded his palms together.
The power of the courage gleamed, and the powers of the courage that Chen
Chu was surrounded by suddenly rose from the ground and gathered towards
Chen Chu.

Net Health!

Huo Ying raised his hand and changed the custom rules. The entangled net
jumped into a new ability without any change. Even with Yu Hengfeng, it is
difficult for several people to do this kind of technique. Jin Qi looked aside and
admired him. He is poised and ready to shoot.

But this wonderful change, but did not bother Chen Chu at all. He twisted his
wrist slightly, led it lightly, and loosened the net to loosen it again, passing by.

Huo Ying's expression became more dignified, while Chen Chu was still relaxed,
and the two seemed to have a huge gap. Chen Chu's fingers lightly picked him
up, turning around twice at his fingertips. The green bamboo shadow swayed.

Jin Qi was stunned.



right here!

In Chen Chu's hands, there is a famous fifth-grade top grade-Shenbing.

But how about Huo Ying? Hands empty.

Of course he also has a magical soldier, and it is no worse than the pull. But
when he left Yu Hengfeng and decided to go to the Fifth Palace to wait for his
death in silence, he had returned his lineage soldiers to Qishentang. Now he.
Without Shenbing, the gap between him and Chen Chu lies here. Chen Chu was
clearly aware of this, so both times he fully wielded the role of the militia.
Chen Chu, who is proficient in abilities, is best at finding loopholes and grasping
the differences. There is a huge gap between the presence and absence of the
Divine Soldier, and encountering an opponent like Chen Chu will only enlarge it.

Chen Chu was right about this. So don't panic. He wanted to run away, and he
had even more chances earlier, but he had to wait until now, until Huo Ying had
eaten the Pills. He just wanted to take this opportunity to remove Huo Ying by
the way. Without his shots, as long as Huo Ying ate Soul Pills, the ending would
be doomed.

What a vicious calculation ...

Jin Qi now knows that he and Chen Chu have been in contact for many years,
and it is only today that he has really seen the means of this person.

His insight allows him to see through many people, many things, but no one has
really seen through him.

Including now, known to be the enemy, they still wrote Chen Chu's calculations.

Huo Ying was obviously aware of this problem. He didn't say a word, but the
force of the surging surged even more crazily, spreading through the
enchantment only momentarily.

"Brother Master is really tenacious." Chen Chu said while retreating, he

responded to Huo Ying, but never forgot to pay attention to Jin Qi's move. Jin Qi
has just moved, he has already adjusted.

"Don't play with you!" He slammed, pulling in his hand suddenly to the ground,
and suddenly the blue light rose in this enchantment, Huo Ying's crazy surge, to
form a custom in the enchantment The power of the spirit suddenly became

Huo Ying gritted his teeth and took another step forward. This foot stomped
heavily, and the power of the disordered spirit was stabilized again, but there
was blood bleeding from the corners of his mouth.
Move the maze!

Huo Ying's best ability is to learn the unique skills from the end of the teacher's
disappearance while learning from Li Yaotian. In the enchantment, the power of
courage is everywhere, as if a building is quickly built, and the custom rules are
quickly condensed. Huo Ying has put his full strength into it. The explosion
caused by Soul Pills was actually exhausted by him in just a few rounds.
Weakness formed as the mobile maze was customized and quickly struck him.

Chen Chu, however, smiled again, with cruelty and satisfaction. His left hand
suddenly touched the pull of the ground, and something began to spin on it.

Feather satellite!

Pulling the upper end spinning, it is awesome that the seven-star sword is
supporting the seven-dimensional solution to the custom-made Shenbingyu
satellite. It is not a quality magical soldier, and it does not exert any abilities. Its
function is just like an ordinary magical soldier. Can strengthen the power of the
soul. What is particularly magical about it is that the strength of the soul it
strengthens can be changed between the six spirits at will. This can be an
adjustment and abandonment, but it can also be destruction.

Although the role of Yu Weixing, Jin Qi does not control the seven-element
solution. But I also know. This is really not a good opportunity for him to shoot,
but he has no other choice but to rush forward desperately.

"Don't move!" Who knows that Huo Ying snorted at this moment.

Jin Qi was stunned and stopped just about to step forward.

Do not move?

What other means does Huo Ying have?

Without the magic soldier, he wanted to deal with Chen Chu alone. Coupled
with the two great soldiers of Heyu Satellite?
How can this be?

Jin Qi was puzzled, but Huo Ying's tone was so firm that he couldn't ignore it.

At the top of the pull, the rotating feather satellite has begun to wield its role.
The force of the soul of the four times was continuously drawn by him, going in
and out of the six circular holes. Each hole represents the attribute of a powerful
force. When a certain hole is lit, the feather satellite at this time is the enhanced
attribute of the powerful force.

With such inconsistencies and changes, the Seven Star Sword as a Pinshen
Soldier can fully cope with it. But for the cultivator of flesh and blood. It is
equivalent to increasing the control of the force of the soul to many difficulties.
Huo Ying, who had already begun to fail, could not hold it for a moment, and a
sip of blood was already spurting out. The mobile maze, which was laid out with
all his strength, had collapsed for several moments.

"Farewell." Chen Chu, who still had a relaxed expression, put away the two
Divine Soldiers and left. For him, one flaw is enough, not to mention that the
mobile maze has collapsed in several places at this time.

Chen Chu turned and was about to leave, and suddenly, at this moment, he felt
a surging force looming over him. He suddenly raised his head, and saw that the
Seven Star Sword even hung over his head.

Chen Chu was shocked and turned his head to look around for four times, only
to realize that the layout of this mobile maze was not to trap him at all. Instead,
he used the power of the Seven Star Sword to kill him directly. Fok Ying's mobile
maze. Actually completed such a spatial interlace for Qixingjian.

There are seven spots on the sword body, and one spot lights up at this time.
This is not the full strength of the Seven Star Sword, but it is enough to kill one

Just like the Milky Way, the old and ugly seven-star sword was cut straight.
There are no emotional signs. The operation of the power of courage is also
extremely fast, and Chen Chu ’s insight has no value at all in front of Pin
Shenbing. He noticed that when the Seven Star Sword was suspended above his
head, the body of the sword had moved. When he remembered what was going
on, the sword had fallen.

At this moment, there is no thinking, no analysis, everything is instinctive.

Chen Chu raised his hand and raised the Divine Soldier to draw, and Qingguang
greeted Qixing Jianguang together.

When the two lights collided, there was no confrontation at all, and the blue
light was broken.

The green bamboo was cut in two pieces, followed by a burst of blood, and Chen
Chu's right arm had been cut off shoulder to shoulder.

Although the draw failed to block the Seven Star Sword at all, the only moment
of confrontation was still a bit of a role. This was a straight sword of Chen Chu,
and finally a little deflection.

Chen Chu's movements did not even stop at all because of his broken arm.
When he led the parry of the Seven Star Sword, he continued to flee. His broken
right arm has not yet landed, but his figure has completely escaped from the

"It's a pity!" Jin Qi shouted with regret, the changes were all in an instant, and
he was too late to think about it. Huo Ying's confrontation with Chen Chu after
taking Pangliang Pills was only a few seconds in total. But as a result, Chen Chu
Shenbing was destroyed and his arm was broken, but Huo Ying also exhausted
his full strength.

"I'm going to chase him." Jin Qi quickly rushed out of the barrier.

"Wait." Huo Ying shouted quickly.

"How?" Jin Qi froze back. Immediately Chen Chu has run away, but Huo Ying is
still trying to maintain the mobile maze.
"You can't get out like this," Huo Ying said.

"Why?" Jin Qi puzzled.

"It's all Yuhengfeng people outside." Huo Ying said.

Are all the people outside Yu Hengfeng? This was a bit inexplicable, but Jin Qi
thought a little, and some understood.

"Enter the maze, I will send you out." Huo Ying said.

Someone asked me at half past seven, I haven't given up, I'm after half past
seven! (

Chapter 577: The Men of Yuheng

Chapter 577: The Men of Yuheng


"Brother Chen Chu!"

"Teacher Chen Chu !!"

"How are you here?"

On the summit of Yuheng Peak, Chen Chu rushed out of the seven-element Jieer
custom-made central enchantment and immediately fell on the open ground.
The right shoulder wound that was cut off the right arm instantly spilled blood
from the ground. The people of Yuhengmen who saw Chen Chu suddenly
appeared stunned when they saw Chen Chu suddenly appear, and then saw him
so seriously injured. Among them are Chen Chu's peers, as well as the students
of these peers. Chen Chu is commensurate with his teacher, but Chen Chu
himself has no students.
"It's Jin Qi, ready to attack." Chen Chu gritted his teeth to endure the pain,
turned his head to look behind him, and said in a hurry.

Everyone was a little stunned, but they were all prepared to attack
subconsciously. But no one came out of the open space in front of the peak, only
Chen Chu's blood was spilled.

After a while, everyone will have a taste. Jin Qi, the first apprentice of
Tianquanfeng, the mastermind of the stolen Qiku, was supposed to be disposed
of after the Seven Stars Trial. As a result, there was news before that some
people took advantage of the Seven Stars Trial to save Jin Qi. Unexpectedly, this
guy did not take the opportunity to escape, and even sneaked into the central
enchantment of Qiyuan's customized solution? This is to destroy the big
customization! At the thought of this, everyone was sweating. Being sneaked
into the central enchantment of the big custom, they didn't even know anything
about it, which was really negligent. Before Qiyuan Jiee started halfway but
failed, it turned out that this guy was destroying.

And this is all because of their negligence, and it also caused Brother Chen Chu
to be injured like this ... Seeing Chen Chu's right arm broken, everyone was more
grieved. But Jin Qi never appeared, and everyone looked at Chen Chu

Chen Chu saw Jin Qi did not chase out, and his heart sank. The murder was done
when he was planning to escape. Who knows that Jin Qi didn't make it, and did
not chase it out immediately. This will delay again, if Li Yaotian wakes up, he
can't confuse black and white. He can take advantage of Jin Qi's guilty body, and
even smear Huo Ying, but Li Yaotian is not something he can shake.

"Start the trapped beast." Chen Chu said immediately. This trapped beast is an
integral part of this central enchantment. Although this is the most rigorous core
part of the seven-element solution, the Beidou College has not ignored the
possibility of the center being invaded. So within the customized content of this
central junction. There was the power of trapped beast.

"Sleepy beast? Academician and Brother Huo Ying are also inside!" Someone
Chen Chu's face was already full of grief at this time, very sadly said: "I ... did not
protect them."

"Academy is dead?"

"The teacher is dead?"

"Brother Huo Ying ..."

Many people are local.

Watching Li Yaotian and Huo Ying walking into the central enchantment with
their weak bodies, many people already had a bad hunch in their hearts. But
now, because of such external factors. Let their teachers and academicians and
their former apprentices and brothers die.

"Prepare for the trapped beast!" A roar came from a proselytist of Li Yaotian.
Everyone's eyes were split, and they quickly returned to their posts.

"Jin Qi ... Want him to have no bones !!" In the angry roar, the power of the
central enchantment rolled over. A sound like a tiger's roar came out muffled
from that peak.

Sleepy beast launched!

Everyone revealed a sad look, they looked at the highest peak of this Yuheng
Peak. This is their revenge for the teacher and the academician, but also to see
them off. After the trapped beasts, the smoke in the central enchantment
disappeared, and Jin Qi would have no bones, but the bodies of Li Yaotian and
Huo Ying would definitely disappear.

"We must inherit the teacher's legacy and protect this Yuhengfeng." Chen Chu's
right shoulder bleeds more than once, but he is still standing. Looking at the
solitary peak, he introduced his voice into the ears of every doorman.

"Yes." Everyone replied in awe.

"Everyone is doing their job, and the big customization needs to rely on you. We
can't, any mistakes happen." Chen Chu said.

"Yes." The response was full of sorrow. Yes, it was their negligence that allowed
Jin Qi to dive into the customization hub, which led to the tragedy at this time.
This is the lesson of blood, and such negligence they must never commit again.

Within the central junction.

Huo Ying prevented Jin Qi from chasing him out, and after a moment of stunned
Jin Qi, he immediately understood the reason. Of course, they already knew
Chen Chu's wolf ambitions. But to the people of Yu Hengfeng, Chen Chu is also
their great brother, and the second person on Yu Hengfeng after Li Yaotian. He
chased out in such a hurry, as he is now being pursued by the whole hospital. It
must be the enemy and the non-friend. If there is an opportunity to say nothing,
even if there is an opportunity, no one will believe it.

He can't, Huo Yingjiu is away from Yu Hengfeng, and the weight is probably not
enough. Really can control the situation. Only Li Yaotian.

"I'm going to see the academician." Jin Qi is going to Li Yaotian in a hurry.

"It's too late. You will soon bring the teacher, and I will send you away." Huo
Ying hurriedly.

A muffled sound sounded in the mountain at this time, the power of the spirit
turned, Jin Qi suddenly changed color.

Sleepy beast!

Of course, he knew the customization of the Qiyuan Jiee Center to kill the
invaders. I didn't expect Chen Chu to start so fast. Seeing that he didn't chase
out, he would immediately launch the trapped beast to kill his mouth.

Fok Ying said it was too late, so he expected it to be like this? After the mobile
maze was transferred to the Seven Star Sword and he still failed to kill Chen Chu,
he strongly supported the mobile maze. He just wanted to use this
customization to move other people out of the hub directly. But supporting the
customization of the mobile labyrinth that can penetrate the central
enchantment, Huo Ying himself can't move at all, so from the beginning he has
been ready to abandon himself to protect others.

"Come on! If the sleepy beast starts, it's over!" Huo Ying shouted. The trapped
beast not only launches a sweeping attack on the central enchantment, but also
closes the enchantment so that no one in it can escape. He used the mobile
maze to penetrate the enchantment of this different space. It was already very
reluctant. If there was another blockade of the trapped beast, it would be
completely out of play.

This is not the time to hesitate!

Jin Qi had his eyes in his eyes, and finally quickly lifted Li Yaotian into the mobile

"Brother Huo Ying ... take care." He said finally, although he knew that this was
meaningless, he still had a little thought after all.

"Take good care of the teacher." Huo Ying smiled and died, he waited so long,
finally came. He was very glad that he didn't die in the fifth courtyard without
hesitation; he was very glad that he was no longer desperate in the last few days
of his life; he was also very glad that his death could help the teacher and Jin Qi
escape this dilemma. Although compared to the successful beheading of Chen
Chu. This result is a bit embarrassing, but after all, it is not so ineffective.

The rest will be given to you.

Thinking. The power of the moving labyrinths around was shining brightly, and
Huo Ying ignited his ultimate energy, interlacing the time and space in the
moving labyrinths, and sending Li Yaotian and Jin Qi directly to a safe place
outside the border. but……

Almost ... almost!

The power of courage was weakening, and Huo Ying began to feel sleepy. He
wanted to lie down and go to sleep on this, but, almost, almost, he needed to be
faster, he needed to grab before the trapped beast. But this is his limit, and his
current bottleneck. If you have just taken the pill food pills, if there is a magic
soldier, even if it is a second-level magic soldier, this is not a problem. But if he
didn't, he would be a little ...

"Jin Qi?"

The teleportation shuttle in the mobile labyrinth makes the unconscious Li

Yaotian wake up. For this custom rule collision, the top class strong man in the
custom department has a natural acumen.

"Academician Li." Jin Qi found Li Yaotian waking up and was surprised.

"This is ..." Li Yaotian didn't ask about Jin Qi's reason, but he only felt the
interlacing of the power around him, the custom rules of various abilities, and
he immediately understood what was happening.


Only this moment, Li Yaotian had a clear and accurate judgment.

The mobile maze wants to send the trapped beasts before they block the
enchantment. It's almost there. Moreover, the trend of trapped beasts is rising,
but the mobile maze is getting weaker. It is zooming in.

"Baoliangwan." Li Yaotian said.

These two teachers and students are exactly the same!

At this juncture, Jin Qi did not forget to flash a whisper in his heart. However, he
knew that this was not a time to make any argument or question, he quickly
took out a pill grain pill, Li Yaotian took it, and immediately put it in the mouth.

Power of courage!
Suddenly burst from the academician. It was so powerful that Jin Qi bounced

"You go first." Li Yaotian said.

"I ..." What Jin Qi wanted to say, he saw Li Yaotian stepping forward, and his
figure was gone. In the moving maze, one step at a time, and changing at any
time, Jin Qi knows the power of this power, he does not understand, where to
chase, can only helplessly follow the instructions of Li Yaotian.


It's still almost!

In the end, I still couldn't do anything. Tianji Peak rescued the teacher and Sun
to send the move, but this time, can it only stop here?

Sad in his heart, but he couldn't make Huo Ying excited any more energy, he has
really reached the point where the lamp is dry.

"Teacher, Jin Qi ... I'm sorry ..." he murmured, and the mobile maze was already
disintegrating. As a result, a new force was suddenly generated in the
enchantment, and the already decadent mobile maze was suddenly repaired.
Perfect and accurate patching.

This is an exclusive signboard ability developed by Huo Ying himself. This kind of
supplement can only be done by the teacher Li Yaotian who took him out with
only one hand.

Yes, it is a teacher!

Familiar force. Although he hasn't been in touch for a long time, he can still feel
it immediately.

Has the teacher recovered?

Huo Ying was happy, but then he saw Li Yaotian appeared before him.
"Teacher?" Huo Ying was dumbfounded. Why did the teacher come back? The
trapped beast started immediately, how can he get out then? The trapped
beast's closure to the enchantment cannot be broken even as strong as Li

"Teacher go!" Huo Ying hurriedly cried.

"Yu Hengfeng's disciples are responsible for protecting the entire college." Li
Yaotian said.

"You are doing very well and deserve to be the first apprentice of Yu Hengfeng."

"And I am Academician Yuheng."

The speech fell, the trapped beast ability was fully activated, and the mobile
labyrinth that the space was staggered into the enchantment was cut off.
Fortunately, Jin Qi was successfully sent.

Immediately following, the power of the soul began to roll around, like a dense
cloud before the shower.

Li Yaotian raised his hand, and the Shenbing flew to death, hanging over Huo
Ying's head.

Suddenly it became quiet all around, and the power of the dark clouds rolling
suddenly became distant.

"Stay alive." Li Yaotian said.

Shi Fang died out, and the end of the disappearance firmly protected Huo Ying.

The power of the soul is like a secret arrow.

The trapped beast sweeping attack begins. (

Chapter 578 Shura Field

Once the trapped beast is launched, there is no command to stop it. This is the
ultimate means of dealing with the invasion of even the seven-element solution
to the Ecuadorian Center. It will never leave any room and will never give the
enemy a chance to stop it. The sweeping attack of the power will last for 14

Such an attack can bring destruction even for a second, and now it is 14 minutes,
840 seconds.

Like the shower, the force like a dense arrow leans down.

There was a blood mist in front of Huo Ying's eyes. That was the blood of his
teacher, academician Li Hengtian.

"Teacher !!!" Huo Ying fell to his knees. The cyan flame jumped above his head,
and the disappearing end wrapped around him. Within the enchantment,
among the trapped beasts, this is the only piece of small pure land, but the
teacher showed it to him.

Obviously, even if he survived, his body might not last long.

If the teacher survives, it will be more helpful to the college.

But the teacher didn't think about it so much, and didn't weigh the pros and

Because the teacher is academician Yu Heng.

Because the people of Yuhengmen want to protect the college as their duty.

And he happens to be by the teacher and needs protection.

So the teacher made a decision that seemed rather short-sighted.

Because his teacher will never give up the students in front of him.

Because his teacher is such a serious and stubborn person!

"Teacher ..." Huo Ying couldn't raise his head. He couldn't watch the teacher just
die in the trapped beast. There were tears in his eyes, the nails of his hands
were already tightly embedded in the flesh, and blood was flowing from the

It is sad and painful.

All kinds of sadness, sadness, annoyance, and resentment finally condensed into
a name.

Chen Chu!

Whether this is a real name or a pseudonym, Huo Ying remembers this person

Whether he will run to the horizon or the cape, he will definitely catch him.

"Chen Chu !!!" shouted. Among the trapped beasts, the sound was instantly
broken. In Huo Ying's mind, this name, this person. It was also crushed hard.

Out of the central junction.

"Brother Master." A Li Yao Tiansheng student came to Chen Chu.

The blood on Chen Chu's right shoulder has stopped, and he seems to be closing
his eyes and raising his mind. In fact, he is also thinking about the situation at
hand. Hearing this, he opened his eyes. Look at the coming person.

"The trapped beast has already started." The student said.

Chen Chu nodded and looked at the solitary peak. No one can survive the
escape of the trapped beast and escape. This is a foolproof one.

He stood up and saw the worried look of his fellow doormen. Squeezed a
reluctant smile: "I'm fine."

"The seven-element solution to Ecuador can only be presided over by the senior
brother." That fellow said.

Unexpectedly, Chen Chu heard this, his smile became more miserable.

"The seven-element solution to Ecuador has been destroyed ..." he said.

"What?" The same door was suddenly shocked, and the seven-element solution
was destroyed, what does it mean?

"Don't say anything." Chen Chu's eyes flashed a bit of sternness, severely
stopping the exclaimation of this fellow.

"Is it ... Jin Qi?" Tongmen also realized how much disturbance this would cause
and quickly lowered the volume.

"It's him, I hate that I arrived a little late, and now I have to go to the
academicians to see if there is any possibility of major repairs." Chen Chu said.
Raising his left arm and patting the shoulder of the same door: "I will hand it
over to you here. Although the big custom can't be launched for the time being,
we must protect it anyway."

"I understand." The same door nodded.

"wait me back."


Chen Chu left.

For him, it is meaningless to continue to stay in Yuhengfeng. Both Li Yaotian and

Huo Ying were slaughtered. No one can initiate a seven-element solution to the
Ecuadorian Era. Their 14-year dormancy at Yuhengfeng is completely natural. It's
just a pity his own arm.

Jin Qi ...

Although Li Yaotian and Huo Ying have been wiped out among the trapped
beasts at the moment, his appearance still casts a shadow on Chen Chu's heart.

Jin Qi was rescued. There was no escape, but he ran to the central enchantment
of Qi Yuan Jie E, and this move could really explain the problem-he foresaw that
something would go wrong here. Although he is now dead, his doubts. Did this

probably not.

At least, the person who rescued Jin Qi from Tianquanfeng should have this
suspicion, or even the suspicion that this person had beforehand, and then Jin
Qi was saved.

So who is this person?

Chen Chu couldn't think about it, which was completely clueless.

He has to go to Yan Ge now and discuss the next steps. Although it is already
suspicious. But the situation is not too bad. At least the seven yuan solution to
the Ecuadorian University is completely destroyed. The intrusion of the three
colleges over Tianji Peak, Beidou College should be unstoppable. At this point in
the situation, the layout of their dormant years has been completed. It is
possible to act cheaply without revealing your identity, but exposure is not a
fatal effect, as long as you are not caught and lose your life.

Chen Chu thought, looking towards the direction of Tianji Peak, the next key is
to see the progress of the three colleges.

Three hundred and eighty miles away from Beidou Mountain, a deserted town.

The three elite colleges gathered by the elite gathered here, and sent the
manpower to the Beidou College little by little through the transmission

The channel can only send two people at a time, the efficiency is a bit low, and
the people in the third courtyard waiting in the town can't help but feel anxious.

Too far away, they could not get in direct contact with the people who had
entered Beidou College. This kind of spatial transformation of the transmission
channel can not send messages to people and objects. They can only enter the
people as soon as possible, and quickly expand their strength to invade the
Beidou College. With the passage of time, the doormen poured in one after
another, and the hearts of those who had not yet entered the transmission
channel finally became more reliable.

"If you count them down, now people are enough for Beidou." Nan Xiaohe, the
master of Nanlinmen who is still in the deserted town, said. His name is
childlike, but for practitioners, this name is not a joke material. Nanlinmen, that
is also the top master after the top six.

But the Xuanwumen who stood beside him in a military uniform with a seven-
color belt did not have much respect for Nan Xiaohe. He snorted coldly and said,
"Teacher Bi Su passed early in the morning. Is there anything to worry about?"

The seven-color belt is a symbol of Xuanwu Qisu. As a character who sits on the
same level as the four masters of Nantian Academy, Xuanwu Musu naturally
does not need much respect for Nan Xiaohe. And Nan Xiaohe has been worried.
In his view, he first entered the channel when he opened it, his teacher Xuanwu
Bisu's insult.

"It's certainly safe to have a teacher sitting on the wall," Canghai, the master of
Cangmu Island, who lacked Yue College, played a round field, and then looked at
the entrance of the transmission channel. The gatekeepers of the three colleges
who entered the passage in sequence stopped their steps at the same time.

"Two?" Cang Hai indicated that it was time for the three of them to appear.

"I'll do it first." Xuanwu Room Suddenly glanced at Nan Xiaohe and stepped into
the teleport entrance.

"Master Nanmen." Canghai continued to signal that he was not as rude to Nan
Xiaohe as he was.

Nan Xiaohe smiled politely. Without humility, he lined up in front of Canghai.

The four colleges are said to be elites, but the colleges can't leave an empty
shell. Nantian Simen, Wuyue Wudao, Xuanwu Qisu, 16 top masters with the
same name as Beidou Qi academician, this time Nantian three, lack of Yue four,
five Xuanwu, a total of twelve.

At the beginning, because of the seven-star viewing ceremony for the ceremony,
there are already three people who are entering the Beidou College. When the
transmission channel was just opened, they entered the third. This strength is
enough to compete with the Beidou masters. And now. With the three of them
leading the doormen to enter, the three colleges will form a coalition and will
form a crush on the Beidou College. As long as Beidou College can't launch the
seven-yuan solution, there is nothing to worry about. The seven-element
solution has already been solved within a long time, and they no longer need to
worry about it.

Well, the outcome is fixed.

Nan Xiaohe lowered his head and looked at this step even if he entered the
transmission channel.

This is a small step for him, but it is a big step for the practitioners.

The four academies have been established since the First World Cultivation War
thousands of years ago. After this step, it will be completely changed.

This step is very meaningful!

Nan Xiaohe was not in a hurry, and he felt the feeling of creating history very
carefully. Only then did this historic step.
Send. The spaces are interlaced, and the ample power is shuttled through the
body, and the customized abilities that can traverse the three hundred and
eighty miles of space are not waiting for leisure. This is also the ability of the
Beidou Academy, but now, it has become a sharp edge for the three colleges to
defeat them.

Things are impermanent!

Nan Xiaohe was full of emotion. Dawn has lit up in front, is the exit of the
transmission channel.

Turns out ... it's two steps!

Nan Xiaohe thought, stepping towards the light, stepping out, and then ...


A cry of tears broke into his ears, and this was ... the sound of a basalt room that
had always been very annoying to him.

what happened?

Nan Xiaohe throbbed in his heart, and there was a sudden look in front of him.
He had walked out of the dark teleportation enchantment.

He took a deep breath subconsciously, but the pungent blood that had
penetrated his nostrils immediately caused him to sneeze, followed by an
unstoppable cough. This bloody gas, even his throat began to feel

what happened?

Nan Xiaohe looked around, and the whole person froze.

According to the information, the transmission channel of Tianji Peak is a

hidden, quiet valley behind Lu Cuntang. But what appeared in front of him at
this time was that the corpses ran wild and the blood was flowing into the river.
hidden? Quiet?

He couldn't feel it.

What he saw was clearly an asura field. Falling to the ground, it was the
gatekeepers of their three colleges, some of them had already died, some were
in a coma, and very few were conscious, but they did not dare to groan. The fear
of going deep into the bone marrow made them dare to be silent.

trap? trap?

This was Nan Xiaohe's first reaction. He quickly searched for a living mouth that
could obtain some information, but he immediately saw Xuanwu Room.

He picked up an old man from the corpse, covered with blood.

Is this ... Teacher Bi Su?

Nan Xiaohe dare not recognize each other. The eldest and most qualified senior
in the cultivation world, so collapsed into the heap of corpses?

"What's the matter?" Nan Xiaohe whispered, after all, the room stay came in
earlier than him.

Murata did not answer, he hugged the teacher, his red eyes, just staring in one

Nan Xiaohe followed his gaze and saw a corpse, the top one, covered in blood,
but still refused to fall, and would rather stand still when he died.

As a result, he hadn't waited for Nan Xiaohe to return to God. The dead body
suddenly moved.

Live? ?

Nan Xiaohe was shocked and quickly re-sensed, focusing on the corpse.
Without courage, there is no courage.

However, it is alive, indeed alive.

"What the hell?" Nan Xiaohe whispered again. (

Chapter 597: One More Step

The corpse traversed the valley of the wild, except for the cry of Murata, it was
always quiet. This kind of repression soaked in blood is completely built up by
death, and it is blocked from breathing. A few conscious survivors, even
breathing carefully.

And now, in the silence of death accumulation, someone suddenly moved. There
was no sound, but there was a movement slowly. Above that corpse mountain,
a blood-stained hand seemed to be struggling and waving towards the two.

Is this asking for help?

If it weren't for seeing Murakami's angry eyes, Nan Xiaohe would think so. But
with the eyes of hatred in the room, he always judged that the one who
suddenly moved was a friend of the enemy.

One or two clicks, the right hand waved reluctantly.

Murosu had put Bisu Station straight down, but Nan Xiaohe couldn't understand
it at all.

What does it mean? He looked at the right hand that was struggling out of thin

Suddenly, the right hand stopped, freezing in the air.

Murata will move forward.

"Beware." Nan Xiaohe reminded quickly. The surrounding conditions, he must

have swept away. He originally thought that Beidou College had carried out a
deadly resistance in the valley, so he had such a large-scale tragic sacrifice. But
when he glanced down his eyes, he was stunned by the fact that the body that
fell in the valley, or the life and death were temporarily unknown, all of them
were the costumes of the three colleges, the Beidou College. Actually there was
none, not even the injured.

How can this be?

Nan Xiaohe couldn't believe it. He doesn't have to look at who actually fell here.
The three college gatekeepers who will participate in this operation are all the
best elite masters of the three colleges. But at the moment, only looking at the
casualties in this valley, it is roughly estimated that the strength of the three
colleges will be enough to retreat for ten years. Even more terrifying is that the
three colleges have sacrificed their strength for ten years, but it seems that they
have not brought any casualties to Beidou College. There are a few traces of the
doormen of Beidou College in front of me, and some are just the guy who
moved in the corpse and waved at them strangely and then froze again.

Is it possible that he did it alone?

After all, the idea of turning against the sky still penetrated into Nan Xiaohe's
mind, because the situation in front of him couldn't make him think of any other

So he quickly reminded Murakami to be careful. If there are casualties in this

valley. It was just this person who did it, regardless of whether he was the
Nandangmen master or his roommate, I was afraid that it would not be far
enough to see in front of people.

They can easily suppress their masters in this series across the entire continent. I
am afraid that there are only six of them. Is this one ...

"Don't you find that, the guy has reached the limit, the strength of the spirit has
been exhausted." Muro said gritted his teeth.

So, after all, this guy can do it alone! But this guy is so thin. The boy looks like no
one among those six. Who is this person?

Nan Xiaohe was still wondering, but the room was already striding meteorically.
There was a cry from behind them. Nan Xiaohe looked back. It was the Cangdao
master who lacked the Yue Academy finally came in after him After the valley, it
will not calm down in an instant.

Nan Xiaohe couldn't help but explain that the room and board had already
stepped in front of the man in a few steps. The man's right hand, which had
been swiped twice before, had already drooped weakly.

Nan Xiaohe glanced at the wall hanging down by Murobu and was sure that he
had died. This is the only surviving predecessor in the cultivation field. It was so
dead in this valley, to do such a thing, is it really the boy in front of him who he
could not even recognize?

"Who is it?" As a result, Muro's roar echoed in the valley again.

Although Nan Xiaohe's idea against the sky, Muro thought it, but would never
accept it.

That's his teacher. Although he is old, he is always strong and strong, and he has
the magical power on his body. Teachers are not without the ability to fight. The
strange boy in front of him is the murderer who killed the teacher? He didn't
believe it, and he wouldn't believe it anyway.

"who is it!"

He growled and asked, his voice filled with spirit. It seemed as if the blade
echoed in the valley. A blood flower suddenly appeared on Luping's face close to
him, and his face had been injured by this sound wave.

who is it?
He vaguely heard what seemed to be this voice, as if it was a question, but he
really had no power to answer, and he even had no power to think.

So tired.

From the body to the power of the soul. Every inch of himself, but anyone who
is still part of his body, is very tired.

He opened his eyes, but he was tired to see what was in front of him.

He heard the sound, but he was so tired that he could not clearly understand
what was said.

He raised his hand to hear the sound and wanted to scream, but his movements
were almost gone, and the force of the bravery could no longer be used.

He has indeed reached the limit. After knocking down the gatekeepers of the
three colleges full of valleys, he exhausted all his energy. This feeling of
exhaustion, the last time I felt, was when I escaped from the organization. He
killed the chasing soldiers and walked in the snowfield with Su Tang behind him.
The lock was gradually restored to imprisonment by the gap that was
temporarily opened by the experiment. Without courage, he was just a teenager
who was thinner than ordinary children. He carried Su Tang on his back and
walked on like that. He didn't know the direction or where he was going, but
just moved forward. He walked for a long time, falling and climbing. When he
couldn't walk at all, he remembered that he still didn't fall down like he did
today. After all, he felt that he could continue to move forward.

At that time, he finally took another step forward.

So now you should be able to make another move?

"Who is it?" Murata's third roar, and the third roar. He was a little bit irrational,
but he still could see that the one in front of him, afraid that even his mind had
been blurred, from here he could n’t ask anything. This third roar was already an
attack. Lu Ping's head rushed away.
Lu Ping's head lifted up just at this moment, and his already godless eyes
suddenly turned on again. What appeared in his mind was a large, dazzling
white snow with no borders and no end, and he just looked ahead.

One more step.

In his mind, there was only such a thought.

Then he happened to hear a roar. What he shouted, he didn't hear clearly, and
he didn't intend to hear clearly. Hearing the sound, he subconsciously moved.

One more step.

He was waving his hand while thinking.

Fast and accurate.

A sign!

The power of courage popped up from Lu Ping's fingertips, and he was already
unconscious. There is only one thought left in his chest-carrying Su Tang, and
continue to walk.

The power of courage was formed.

Chong, Ming, Qi, pivot, strength, precision, everything. If the sound wave of
Muratsu is like a hammer, then Lu Ping's finger popped out. It is also a heavy
hammer, and it is also a sharp sword, but it is only a heavy hammer with ten
million handles and ten thousand swords.

A man who looked dying suddenly made such a blow. The room close to us was
completely unresponsive. His attack was broken, and his men were bombarded
by those ten thousand hammers and ten thousand swords and flew straight out.

Sudden changes made Nan Xiaohe and Canghai caught off guard. As soon as the
idea of giving a helping hand began, the room and board had already flew by
their side with a cry. All they can do is turn their heads to look at it, and that's
why they can't catch up.

Murata, who flew straight out, hit the mountain wall straight, making a "pop"
sound. Both Nan Xiaohe and Canghai heard this sound before catching their
sight. But they couldn't find a room anymore.

On the mountain wall, the broken rock was flying, leaving only a blood stain on
the mountain wall.


The wall of one of Xuanwu's seven places was shattered by the bombardment
on the mountain wall. There was no flesh and blood left, no traces of daring
power, so broken, only a piece of blood left on the wall.

What power is this?

Nan Xiaohe and Canghai opened their mouths together, eyes slightly touched.
They all saw a word in the other party's eyes: escape.

It is beyond anyone's imagination to let the two top strong men of the big four
want to escape so simply. But even more terrifying is that neither of them

It's not that you can't let go of your body, or that you are still holding on to your
beliefs. The two did not move, just because they did not dare.

In front of him, this is the strong man who raised his hand and beat the room
with his reputation into a bloodstain. They are afraid of escaping to die faster.

They turned back slightly, shifting their eyes carefully. Then he saw the man in
the corpse and moved forward with great difficulty.

Lu Ping no longer has an opponent in his eyes, and can take a step. It was his
persistent thought at this time.

"It's back to the light!" This step allowed Nan Xiaohe and Canghai to fully
understand Lu Ping. The blow just now was terrible, but it was Lu Ping's last

How can such a terrible enemy give him a chance to regain his breath? At this
moment, Nan Xiaohe and Canghai have the same mind. I was terrified before,
but Lu Ping's strength was too crushed. Now seeing the opportunity, neither of
them is a person who has no courage to take risks. Qi was rushing towards
Luping in shape.

Looking at the two figures, Lu Ping no longer had the strength to move his
fingers. As if the snowflakes falling in the snowfield last time, after squeezing
the last bit of energy out of that step, they could only watch them bury

Last time, he finally met the dean and brought him and Su Tang back to
Fengfeng College.

This time?

There will be no dean again this time, but fortunately, there is no Su Tang this

Thinking of this, Lu Ping couldn't help smiling. Amidst a pile of corpses, covered
in blood and sharply, he laughed incomparably.


Seeing this smiling Nan Xiaohe and Canghai's heart suddenly tightened, but they
had already rushed to this point and they had no retreat.

The figures are staggered, and the two figures draw a perfect cross, passing from
where Luping stands.

It's done?

The two immediately felt it, and a force of courage came and went extremely
fast at an unimaginable speed.
In the position where the two were staggered, the young man who was still
smiling was gone, and there was only the tail left by the streamer. In the
moment when the two killed, the Lu Ping was taken away from here by force.


Perceiving the remaining power of the soul, the two looked upward, and the
streamer's tail flew straight out of the valley.

They didn't know where this person came from. I saw that he came and said
that he walked away. The distance and distance seemed to be completely

Nan Xiaohe and Canghai glanced at each other.

"The horizon is within reach."

"Kaiyang Guo Wushu."

Yesterday there was a mistake in writing. The newly-named Xiaohe Gatekeeper

who is new to Nantian Academy is Nandang Gate Gatekeeper. Donglin has
written more and used to write Nanlin, which has been revised. (

Chapter 580 has arrangements

The world is within reach, because the final effect of this power is ultra-high-
speed movement, and many people mistakenly think that this is an enhanced
speed-based power. But in fact, it's an out-of-the-box control system ability.
What it controls looks very wonderful-distance.

This kind of far from real existence is just how the conceptual things are
controlled, and it is unknown to outsiders. This is where the power of this power
lies. No one in the whole Beidou College except Guo Wushu has mastered this
ability. Even his high-footed first apprentice Bai Li has never shown any means to
stick to the edge of the world. In recent years, Guo Wushu couldn't close the
door on Kaiyang Peak, and even the Beidoumen people have seen very little.
However, for the two academicians who have worked with Guo Wushu for many
years, Xu Mai and Song Yuan can always be Recognized.

The two of them rushed to Tianji Peak Lu Cuntang quickly, throwing the rest of
the Beidoumen away. At this time, the two were not far from Lu Cuntang, and
suddenly felt the fluctuation of this force of courage, and looked up while
looking up at each other.

"The horizon is within reach." Song Yuan said.

"Yes." Xu Mai nodded.

The two perceived the distance of Tianya, and realized that the power came and

what happened?

Xu Mai tried to send a message to Guo Wushu. As a result, Guo Wushu, who was
just a few miles away, was out of the scope of communication.

"This old Guo ..." Song Yuan seems to have done the same thing, and was
somewhat unhappy after the failure.

Xu Mai didn't say much, and looked away. His perceptiveness was not only that
Guo Wushu was coming and going, but also that Guo Wushu's coming and going
was the back hill of Tianji Lucuntang.

What happened, no need to ask, they will know soon.

The two continued to move forward quickly, and before passing Lu Cuntang,
they didn't go in to check, and Xu Mai's expression was awkward.
"Who!" He turned his gaze, and the power of the soul gathered in his eyes.
Seeing this kind of power is undoubtedly a trivial matter for Dean Beidou. He is
still awkward, and even when Song Yuan is unaware, he has noticed that there is
someone in the courtyard, and he is acting sneaky.

Song Yuan heard the sound as if there was an ambush. Following Xu Mai's line
of sight, he locked his direction and pushed away with a palm. The courtyard
wall disappeared neatly for a while, revealing a panicked face behind the wall.
But when the courtyard wall disappeared and saw two people outside the
courtyard, the panic was immediately replaced by surprise.

"President!" The man yelled and flew out of the courtyard immediately. After
landing, he quickly asked Song Yuan, "Academician Song."

"Li Yi? What's the matter?" Xu Mai quickly asked.

Li Yiyi's position is not high. But as the most proud disciple of Tianji's first
apprentice, he still caught the eyes of the academician. Therefore, both Xu Mai
and Song Yuan recognized the young female student in front of her and could be
called the name.

As a result of Xu Mai's question, Li Yi's eyes immediately began to whirl, but he

only stubbornly did not cry, and shivered: "The academician is dead ... and Lu
Ping ... they rushed in."

"Don't panic, speak slowly." Xu Mai comforted. Although the situation is

terrible, they have been psychologically prepared for it.

"The people from the three colleges caught the academician and headed
towards the transmission channel. I wanted to catch up to stop it, but the
entrance was customized, and I couldn't get in. Later, Lu Ping came and chased
in, but it didn't take long The people at the university rushed out of it. I ... I ... I
hid here, I did n’t dare to go out. They were too many people. "At the end, Li Yi
finally cried out.

"It doesn't matter, you did nothing wrong." Xu Mai comforted Li Yi.
"I'm not as good as Lu Ping." Li Yi still cried.

Xu Mai was silent.

Lu Ping, a newcomer who has been admitted for more than a month, has been
treated unfairly in the college. But at this time, he rushed up and sacrificed
without turning back, which really made people speechless.

"Academician Guo just came over, did you see it?" Xu Mai asked after a moment
of silence.

"Academician Guo? No." Li Yi shook his head blankly.

"How many people rushed out? Where did they go?" Song Yuan then asked.

"It's over there. I don't see how many people see it." Li Yi stretched her fingers.
She was panicking and only recognized the direction, but she couldn't calm
down to analyze what it meant. As for the number of people, she was afraid
that she would be found, and she was afraid to even perceive it. Just listen to
the chaotic footsteps, there should be a lot of people.

Tianshu Building.

Xu Mai and Song Yuan glanced at each other, and they already had an answer in
their hearts. Of course, they know the foundation of Beidou College best. If they
want to completely destroy Beidou College, they need to destroy it most.

"We are still one step late." Song Yuan sighed, "What should I do now, support
Tianshu Tower?"

"No need, it's too late to fear now." Xu Mai said.

"I knew it was better, it would be better to set up a defense in Tianshu Tower to
wait for work." Song Yuandao said.

"It will aim at Tianshu Tower, which is not difficult to guess." Xu Mai said.
Song Yuan froze: "So?"

"Already arranged." Xu Mai said.

Song Yuan thought for a moment, suddenly. Although not a dean, the status of
the seven academicians is already the highest in Beidou University. The
Academy has no secrets that the seven academicians do not know. It is nothing
more than the protection and division of authority. For example, the
transmission channel of Tianji Peak can only be initiated by Academician
Tianjifeng and the apprentice; Yu Hengfeng ’s seven-element solution can be
customized, and it must be hosted by Academician Yuheng or the apprentice.

So I heard Xu Mai said that the Tianshu Tower had already made arrangements.
Although this kind of arrangement could not be done by Song Yuan, he knew
what it would be. Xu Mai asked Li Yi about the casualties in Lu Cuntang.

"The casualties are very serious." Li Yi had already wiped her tears at this time.
After seeing Xu Mai and Song Yuan, her emotions had gradually calmed down,
not as panic-stricken as before. "Many of them were taken by Tian Luo Jing.

"That's not a short time to recover, you can continue to take care of everyone."
Xu Mai said.

"Yes." Li Yi nodded.

"Let's go and see in the valley." Xu Mai said to Song Yuan. Judging from Li Yi's
description, the transmission channel has been opened, and the people from
the three colleges have flowed in and taken straight to the Tianshu Building. If
this is the case, then here is no longer the battlefield. But just now, Guo Wushu
walked around the world, and there should still be some circumstances in the

The two bypassed Lu Cuntang and were heading towards the entrance of
Houshan Valley. Xu Mai felt keenly and suddenly felt different. As soon as he
pulled Song Yuan away, the two immediately found a hiding place to hide their
"There are people?" Song Yuan asked in surprise.

Xu Mai nodded dignifiedly. (

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