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Continuing Education Level 16asext

Write a ten-line paragraph here.
1. Do you like fantasy novels? 2. Why do people read them? 3.Have you read 100 Years of
Solitude? 4. If you haven't read it, would you like to read it? Giving your opinion about it.
Full name: *
Lina Maria Meneses Miranda

ID number: *

Write a ten-line paragraph here. giving your opinion about the the questions
above. *

1. Yes, I do. Not my favorite literary genre, but sometimes I read them and like them. 2.

Because is magical and is awesome how we can imagine all the things that the writter can

show us in this reading, and also the people can imagine that they are transporting to other

world. Some books with this genre have a great drama in his stories and make people

fascinated and more interested in reading. 3. No, unfortunately I haven't read the book

yet.But I like to read it one day. 4. Yes, I would like yo read it, because I have been read

reviews and crtitics about the book and it sounds interesting to me, also I thought that is a

novel recognized in the world and has inspired a lot of people to do novels too and to
entered to the lecture world. Gabriel Garcia Marquez is an iconic novelist and is for sure that

he made awesome novels

Enviado: 12/6/21 12:46

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