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How to make Millions Men's Sexual Health Supplements Using Whatsapp Marketing.

Its no news that selling men's sexual health supplements is a lucrative business, it is also very
competitive, here is how you can sell to this niche and make a lot of money

Now before you can sell you need to have certain things in place

1 A good product, you must have a product that actually works, if you don't have a product that
works the business will fail
Please do your proper research and get a good product.
Probably one with tongkat ali or one with Maca and a combination of horny goat weed.

2 A Separate phone: You should get a dedicated phone, specially dedicated to this business, trust me
you want to make sure that you separate this business from your other ones. Get a special Phone.

3 A clear conscience: Now if you want to do this business make sure you have nothing against selling
these products, it is perfectly legal and you are not harming anyone. You must be perfectly ok with
If you are not please stay away from this business, there are others.

A website: You will need a website to properly sell the products, you will need a sales page and that
will be on your website. You can do it without a site but I highly recommend that you get a website
because it makes the work easier.

When you have all these you can now begin.

There are two ways of marketing these products, and I will explain the two ways for you.

The first way is to sell directly to people.

What you do is you come up with a good headline and out as an image ad which you will then send...

To be advertised on a whatsapp tv, along with the link to your landing page which is a sales page.

E.g Your Image ad copy may say

New Study Reveals: How a secret Discovery in Malaysia can flood you with Testosterone and Trigger
rapid muscle mass.. Even in the Hardest Gainers

Or It can say

Amazing New Russian Sex Pill Makes You Big and Hard Where You Need it The Most.

Man I just gave you to killer headlines for free. You're welcome.

Then you send a link to the sales page with a killer copy and you will make sales.
There are whatsapp TVs that specialize in adult content and you can use those for higher

There is another way you can do this and it is by building a community, nurturing them and then
selling to them

This is the way I recommend, you will make more if you follow it

First thing you need to do is create a persona.

call yourself something, maybe Mr X or Mr okafor.

Doesn't matter just call yourself something.

Then instead of running ads to a sales copy for the product, run ads to a free book, that way you can
collect numbers and emails too.

For example

Hot New Book reveals...The Astounding sex secrets of the Most Satisfied...Most Knowledgeable...and
Most Respected Lovers in the World... Learn How to Have the Best sex of your life and at Any Age...
With the Amazing Secrets and Discoveries released "for men only"book

That is drastically changing Men's and (Women's) Lives Literally Overnight

Or You can say

Get My little Black Book of the Best Sex Secrets.

Then link it to the sales page for the book and you tell them to drop emails to get the book and join
your whatsapp community for Men.

Once they come into your whatsapp, save their numbers and have them save yours.

Then on your whatsapp status post the most engaging content, no porn, please. Talk about sex
positions the right food to eat, the use of toys, how to last longer naturally, etc.

They will trust...

You and now you can now sell them your products with the previous headlines stated and they will
rush it, month after month.

Believe me it is this easy.

All the information you need to keep them engaged is available for free online

To connect with him:

Twitter: @etomikash

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