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Journal of Clinical Densitometry, vol. 3, no.

4, 383–389, Winter 2000

© Copyright 2000 by Humana Press Inc.
All rights of any nature whatsoever reserved.

Original Article

Change in Bone Mass After Colles’ Fracture

A Case Report on Unique Data Collection and Long-Term Implications

Jasminka Z. Ilich, PHD,RD,1 Michael Zito, MS,PT,1 Rhonda A. Brownbill, RD,1

and Michael E. Joyce, MD2
1School of Allied Health, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT; and 2University of Connecticut Health Center,
Farmington and Connecticut Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Center, Storrs, CT

The purpose of this case report was to describe changes in bone mass in different skeletal sites triggered
by Colles’ fracture. The case is unique regarding the existence of baseline measurements taken just a few days
before the fracture on all measurable skeletal sites, including the fractured radius. The patient was a healthy,
premenopausal woman, who fractured her non-dominant wrist after a fall. The arm was immobilized to the
elbow for 5 weeks. Bone mass was measured at baseline, 5, 10, 13, 21, and 52 weeks post-injury. Upon plas-
ter removal, there was a notable increase in bone mass in all sites of ulna and radius of the injured forearm
(10%–73%), followed by the apparent decline to or below the baseline at all follow-up measurements. Other
skeletal sites were measured at 10 weeks when substantial decrease in spine and hip bone mass was noticed,
most notably in L3–L4, Ward’s, and femoral neck (2%–8%), and remained such after 1 year. Although this
patient had no previous osteopenia, the trauma caused long-standing bone loss in fracture-prone areas. The
changes in bone mass after wrist fracture should be monitored carefully and more elaborate treatment might
be needed to prevent any potential risk for later fractures.

Key Words: Colles’ fracture; bone mineral density; immobilization; dual X-ray absorptiometry.

Introduction other parts of the fractured bone as well as in the

adjacent bones. Such changes were first demon-
It is generally accepted that cast immobilization strated in rats (2) and men after tibial fractures (3).
of a fractured limb results in a reduction in bone The net result of these changes shortly after immo-
mass, which usually rebounds several months to a bilization is usually a loss of bone mass, and it is
year after recovery (1). The loss of bone is typically questionable whether the initial bone mass is
attributed to a combination of disuse of the affected restored and what the long-term consequences for
limb and increased rate of bone turnover in response other skeletal sites are, especially when a middle age
to fracture. However, it seems that skeleton responds or older patient is involved.
to fracture with an increased rate of bone turnover in Several studies have reported lower overall bone
mass in patients with Colles’ or other wrist fractures
Received 05/06/00; Revised 08/07/00; Accepted 08/11/00. (4–8) and tibial fractures (9,10) compared to their
Address correspondence to Jasminka Ilich, University of
own contralateral limb or controls. However, the
Connecticut, School of Allied Health, 358 Mansfield Road U-
101, Storrs, CT 06269. E-mail: bone mass measurements in injured or noninjured

384 Ilich et al.

skeletal sites are usually performed after the injury. usual dietary Ca intake of about 900 mg/d. Activity
Therefore, it is not always clear whether the patients level (sedentary) did not change during the entire
with fractures had lower bone mass to begin with, or period and was not different from that several
whether the trauma of fracture caused some bone months before the fracture. Note that the patient was
loss when presented at 4–6 wk after injury; the time gradually gaining weight, resulting in 11.3 kg gain
measurements are typically taken. In view of this, after 1 yr. Her menstrual cycle remained regular and
the changes in bone status after a fracture and possi- unchanged throughout.
ble long-term or even permanent loss of bone mass Approximately 6 wk after injury the subject was
in the affected or unaffected skeletal sites need to be referred to physical therapy services. However,
elucidated. owing to an ongoing inflammatory response of soft
The purpose of this study was to prospectively tissues and their hypertrophic scarring, pain man-
describe changes in bone mass in different skeletal agement, rather than therapeutic progression of the
sites triggered by the fracture of the distal radius. subject’s motion impairments, was the goal over
The case is unique regarding the existence of base- the course of therapy. The full benefits attributable
line measurements taken just a few days before the to a progressive physical activity regimen were
fracture in all measurable skeletal sites, including the therefore not obtainable, and physical therapy was
fractured bone. Therefore, it was also possible to discontinued.
determine whether the injury caused long-term bone Bone mass measurements were performed with a
loss in the affected and unaffected skeletal sites. Lunar densitometer (DPX-MD, version 4.6e; Lunar,
Madison, WI) with specialized software for hand,
forearm, hip, spine, and total body. The instrument
Materials and Methods was calibrated daily. Long-term stability was deter-
We present a case of a healthy, Caucasian, pre- mined by measuring an aluminum spine phantom on
menopausal woman, in her late forties, who frac- a weekly basis, with resulting coefficient of variation
tured the distal radius of her left, nondominant arm (CV) of 0.49%. The %CV of bone mineral density
(Colles’ fracture) after a low-energy impact fall on (BMD) for different skeletal sites in vivo was calcu-
ice from a standing height (classified as low trauma). lated from the repeated measurements (10 times
The fracture was confirmed by X-ray and clinical each) on three normal individuals. The %CV for the
symptoms as minimally comminuted and nondis- BMD of different sections of the forearm (radius and
placed. The patient had no previous disease, injury, ulna pooled together) was as follows: ultradistal, 1.2;
or medications that might have affected her skeletal 5-mm separation distance, 2.7; 10% distance from
status. This case is unique because just a few days styloid process, 2.5; 33% distance from styloid
before the fracture incident, complete bone mass process, 0.7. The %CV for other skeletal sites was
measurements were performed and all measurable comparable with the manufacturer’s published val-
skeletal sites were evaluated, providing for the accu- ues for precision, as well as with our previous mea-
rate and timely baseline data. The subject was then surements (12,13) and other published data (14),
followed for an entire year. Informed consent was indicating acceptable precision of our instrument.
obtained. The %CV for BMD of selected sites was as follows:
On onset of fracture, the arm and the metacarpals hand, 0.7; lumbar spine (L2–L4), 1.0; femoral neck,
were immobilized to the elbow for 5 wk. The patient 1.5; Ward’s triangle, 1.5; femoral shaft, 0.7;
took calcium (Ca) with vitamin D supplements (630 trochanter, 0.9; and total hip, 0.6.
mg/d of Ca and 400 IU/d of vitamin D) (Citracal®; The baseline measurements were taken a few
Mission Pharmacal, San Antonio, TX) from the time days before injury in both forearms (radius and
of injury. Her total Ca intake, including dietary ulna at ultradistal, 5-mm separation distance, 10
(assessed by the food frequency questionnaire for and 33% of the distance from styloid process), non-
calcium [11]) and supplemental, was ~1500 mg/d. dominant hand, femur (Ward’s triangle, trochanter,
However, the patient stopped the Ca supplements neck, shaft, and total), anteroposterior lumbar
several weeks after the fracture and remained on her spine, and whole body. The subsequent measure-

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Change in Bone Mass After Forearm Fracture 385

Fig. 1. Change in BMD of the fractured radius, presented as a percentage difference from baseline (calculated by
subtracting the baseline value from each subsequent measurement and dividing the difference by the baseline value and
multiplying by 100). RUD, radius ultradistal; R5mm, radius 5-mm separation distance; R10, radius 10% distance from
styloid process; R33, radius 33% distance from styloid process.

ments of the left forearm and hand were taken skeletal sites revealed a substantial decrease. Figure
immediately on removal of the plaster, 5 wk after 1–4 present some of the most apparent changes. The
the injury, and then at 10, 13, 21, and 52 wk. Other BMD of the radius at ultradistal and 5-mm sites
skeletal sites were measured at baseline and 10 and increased from 0.361 to 0.554 g/cm2 and from 0.356
52 wk postinjury. The analysis of each subsequent to 0.579 g/cm2 (53.5 and 62.6%), respectively, prob-
scan for spine and hip was performed by superim- ably owing to the callus formation. Moreover, the
posing it to the corresponding one from baseline increase for the same sites at the ulna was from
measurement, providing for the minimal analysis 0.238 to 0.397 g/cm2 and from 0.194 to 0.335 g/cm2
error. The data are presented as a percentage differ- (66.8 and 72.7%), respectively, although the ulna
ence from baseline (calculated by subtracting the was not fractured. Likewise, the BMD of the radius
baseline value from each subsequent measurement and ulna at 33% distance increased from 0.677 to
and dividing the difference by the baseline value 0.778 g/cm2 and from 0.767 to 0.839 g/cm2 (14.9
and multiplying by 100). and 9.4%), respectively (Figs. 1 and 2). At the time
of further follow-up (10, 13, and 21 wk), there was
an apparent drop in BMD and BMC in the injured
Results forearm to or below the baseline values. For exam-
Normal BMD values at baseline for all skeletal ple, at 21 wk BMD of the 10% distance and total
sites (including the subsequently injured arm) were radius remained 14.2 and 5.0%, respectively, below
detected, indicating very little or no osteopenic the baseline values. The same locations for ulna
changes. At the 5-wk measurement (on removal of showed a similar tendency although not of such a
plaster), there was a notable increase in BMD and magnitude. The BMD of the left hand was between
bone mineral content (BMC) in all sites of the 2 and 3% below the baseline at each measurement
injured forearm, whereas at 10 wk most of the other and remained such after 1 yr. The right forearm,

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386 Ilich et al.

Fig. 2. Change in BMD of the ulna (not fractured), presented as a percentage difference from baseline (calculated by
subtracting the baseline value from each subsequent measurement and dividing the difference by the baseline value and
multiplying by 100). UUD, ulna ultradistal; U5mm, ulna 5-mm separation distance; U10, ulna 10% distance from styloid
process; U33, ulna 33% distance from styloid process.

however, showed some increase in BMC and BMD, surements (not presented) had less variations or
compared to baseline (e.g., from 5 to 10% [BMD] in remained the same.
some regions of radius [except in 33% distance],
while the ulna remained the same or slightly Discussion
decreased at 10 wk. The same trends remained evi-
dent at 52 wk (Fig. 3). We report a unique case regarding the existence of
Other skeletal sites were measured at the 10-wk accurate and timely baseline data enabling the com-
interval, at which time the BMD and BMC in some parison of all measured skeletal sites after the fracture
of the hip regions and lumbar spine were substan- to the same ones before the fracture. Most of the stud-
tially below the baseline and remained such ies evaluating the effect of fractures are retrospective,
throughout (Fig. 4). Because spine and hip were not and the bone density before the injury in affected or
measured at 5 wk, we have no way of knowing if nonaffected skeletal sites is not known. Usually, the
the drop in BMD and BMC in these regions was at conclusions about the changes in bone mass in affected
its bottom at 10 wk or had already begun ascend- limb or other skeletal sites are based on comparison
ing. The biggest loss occurred in L3–L4 BMD and with the nonaffected limb or with an age-matched ref-
remained after 1 yr (5.8%). In the hip region, BMD erence population (15). Therefore, it is uncertain
decreased the most in the Ward’s triangle and neck whether the difference in bone mass before and after
and the resulting deficit remained evident after 1 yr, the fracture already existed or was created subse-
whereas the shaft and total hip recovered after the quently from the atrophy of the affected limb or the
initial drop and increased slightly above the base- hypertrophy of the other limb or both. Furthermore, it
line (Fig. 4). Other regions and whole-body mea- is not possible to know about the changes in bone mass

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Change in Bone Mass After Forearm Fracture 387

Fig. 3. Change in BMD of the nonfractured radius, presented as a percentage difference from baseline (calculated by
subtracting the baseline value from each subsequent measurement and dividing the difference by the baseline value and
multiplying by 100). RUD, radius ultradistal; R5mm, radius 5-mm separation distance; R10, radius 10% distance from
styloid process; R33, radius 33% distance from styloid process.

Fig. 4. Change in BMD of the different regions of hip and lumbar spine (L2–L4), presented as a percentage differ-
ence from baseline (calculated by subtracting the baseline value from each subsequent measurement and dividing the dif-
ference by the baseline value and multiplying by 100).

in other, noninjured skeletal regions and whether they site of the fracture (distal radius, with T-score at
were affected by the trauma of fracture. about –0.5). Nonetheless, the fracture occurred
Studies have shown that the incidence of Colles’ even with what is defined as minimal trauma. This
fracture is higher among women with lower bone supports the notion that other factors besides BMD,
mass (8,16) and that the fracture per se is accom- such as bone quality, including microarchitectural
panied by increased risk for future hip fractures structure, have an important role in fracture risk.
(17). Interestingly, in our case, the patient’s base- In our study, we clearly demonstrated a very high
line values in the affected arm or in any other skele- transitional increase in BMD and BMC in the
tal site could not be defined as osteoporotic and not injured radius and adjacent ulna, varying from 10 to
even osteopenic (per World Health Organization 73% in different regions. This increase was noticed
definition) (18), and that is particularly true for the 5 wk after the injury or immediately on removal of

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388 Ilich et al.

plaster and then followed by a rapid decline. documenting (although indirectly by comparison
Furthermore, it was not localized only in the callus with reference population) that early response to
region of the radius but was present in the whole trauma leads to an increased bone turnover and loss
forearm including both the radius and ulna. of bone mass not only at the site of fracture but at
At all subsequent measurements (10, 13, 21, and other adjacent skeletal sites (23–25). A recent
52 wk), there was an apparent decline in BMD and analysis of the literature on the association between
BMC to or below the baseline level in the injured prior and subsequent fractures showed that patients
arm, as well as in some other skeletal sites, except in with a history of any fracture have a higher risk for
the contralateral arm. Most notable was the decline developing new fractures (26). In addition, the
in the regions of the hip (Ward’s triangle and neck) recent National Institutes of Health Consensus
and spine, reflecting mostly trabecular bone (Fig. 4), Development Conference on Osteoporosis recom-
presumably owing to the healing process in the frac- mends that any fracture in adults be evaluated for
tured site. The remodeling activity in trabecular bone assessment of possible osteoporosis in order to pre-
is higher than in cortical bone and this loss of bone vent future risks and complications (27).
mineral in trabecular bone could have been a The changes in bone after injury and posttrau-
response to injury. It would not have been possible to matic osteoporosis should be monitored and inter-
notice this decrease in bone mass (from 2 to 10%) preted carefully, particularly when dealing with
without the existence of the baseline measurements. middle age or older patients, because the conse-
Other studies suggest similar but more extreme quences of fracture could lead to the permanent loss
patterns. Westlin (19) could not demonstrate any of bone mass. In our case, although the patient had a
restoration of the bone mineral lost from the radius normal bone mineral status and no osteopenia
and ulna 1 yr after the fracture, except as a very slow detected before fracture, the trauma of fracture
process in the ensuing years. Comparison with the caused long-standing bone loss, particularly in frac-
contralateral arm showed 18% loss in BMD. Nilsson ture-prone areas—hip and spine. Because about 70%
and Westlin (20) noted (also based on the side-to- of the variability in bone strength is explained by its
side comparison) the maximum bone loss of 20% in mineral density (28), this patient might be at
the radius of peri- and postmenopausal women who increased risk for fracture later in life. Therefore,
sustained a Colles’ fracture. Mallmin et al. (21) Colles’ fractures should be treated more aggressively
examined 74 patients with Colles’ fracture 2 mo after with respect to the patient’s follow-up, evaluation of
injury and found an average decrease of 11% in bone other skeletal sites, recommended exercises, and
density of the injured arm compared with matched prevention of future fractures.
controls. Restoration of bone mass was not noticed
in any of these studies. Acknowledgments
Another factor that needs to be considered in eval-
uating bone loss after fracture is the extent of immo- This study was funded in part by the Donaghue
bilization and timing of the full use of a limb after Medical Research Foundation (DF98-056) and the
immobilization. A study by Houda et al. (22) sug- University of Connecticut Office for Sponsored
gests that immobilization-induced bone loss contin- Programs.
ues for weeks after the cessation of immobilization;
therefore, it may cause an impairment in the bone References
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Journal of Clinical Densitometry Volume 3, 2000

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